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All right we are live yo King Vibe like the new name bro a king among men setting up thumbnail real quick guys be sure to check out the new channel art on the Channel created by weepy himself and a little bit of yours truly thumbnail is done a big part of by

Flips thank you very much to him as well editor of the year Wyatt serpents thank you thank you man appreciate it glad you like the new art bro Hi how are you serpents hope you’re having an awesome night Vibe I don’t think we ever made

You a member of the SMP just yet we have a bit of a system when it comes to this game I believe our current newest member would be Connor and then we would need to check the wait list for who’s next on the timing thing but awesome for

Stopping in bro I appreciate you and the more you stick around the more likely you are to join in you’ve already gotten yourself in the Discord and all that so keep sticking around and being as cool as you have always been and you’ll be in in no

Time in the meantime it doesn’t look like any of our members are on yet just us walking around the beautiful world what’s uh last life I feel like I keep seeing that hashtag everywhere can you explain the concept to me astral I got you Wyatt well I’m thinking we should work

On our train station today and I mean really get that baby going so let’s roll was about to say I can’t hear the rails where’s all my sound effects strange I got you w good [ __ ] Vibe proud of you [ __ ] that dude guys we at 419 subs tonight I cannot thank you guys

Enough for that kind of support absolutely nuts so 10 people have either 6 5 4 32 lives depending on what dice it runs on person gets the number of lives that’s how many they have boogy supposed to kill one person okay I see it’s a pretty interesting concept

Guys starting soon though we are going to be doing a Sky Block series I haven’t decided on who’s going to be a big part of it just yet but it is going to be coming up very soon like I said Wyatt I haven’t fully decided I have a couple of people in

Mind so don’t you worry but Sky Block will be coming in the near future so I’m thinking we should have a doorway on this side as well I sure up our boy serpent gets on with us everybody Welcome to the late night schnaz we are here on the schnaz

Smpp why what the [ __ ] what did I tell you about drinking you little animal I’ve got you Astro um I mean I can’t think of anything in particular serpent if you want to help um out with the train station I’d appreciate some professional input but that’s up to you

Bud you think you’ll be joining us for fortnite ah I got you man that’s totally understandable please don’t feel pressed to do so Give Me Your Money Wyatt has resorted to Crime de feed his drug habit how the mighty of Fallen I think this is going to look pretty

Good I’m liking this design all of a sudden I was so stumped on what I wanted to do with this jamama butt my bad you’re totally right the Enderman are what throws me off [ __ ] that scared the [ __ ] out of me I’m not even G to lie thank you Wyatt

You’re a homie I actually don’t see jamama but on the online if I were you I would check your connection real quick possibly start oh let me uh send out to the Discord real quick guys all good take your time Astro but yeah I don’t see your thing anywhere man

Why it’s just rapid firing King Vibe have a great night man I really hope you feel better soon have some sweet dreams dude guys the shorts have both hit 1.9k so they are both on the cusp of getting the 2,000 views thank you guys so much for that

Oh God there’s just a whole hole beneath here what the [ __ ] throw that dirt on Wyatt G what’s going on bro you’re never that late guys thank you so much for six likes helping to get stream out there you know I love and appreciate you all for the

Support we’re going to get some of those some of these beautiful beautiful we need more glass and we need doors too and we need more Oak block let me plant these so serpents doesn’t have a heart attack that poor little man my baby boy oh of course gir I

Apologize oh there’s J mama butt invite sent gir I don’t see you online homie count my days boy Eman I said we’re doing two streams tonight fortnite is coming up next so don’t you worry I’m getting my time with you I need my EMA time all good gir take your time bro

Invite both one second [ __ ] no don’t invite KRON Jesus fortnite 2 ooh ooh ah ooh the homie is here might have to lose this Cobblestone Al together yeah I think we look better without the Cobble there but we’ll keep this Center piece here Cobble and I think we should probably

Center it more so maybe we’ll have it come to like back here Ethan I do not suck in fact you suck for implying such a [ __ ] up thing it’s very rude and mean to say if I do say so myself I would apologize profusely if I were you

I think that’ll be a good window I took too long to stream oh I’m so sorry Ethan from now on I will drop everything I’m doing to stream the second you were prepared didn’t answer your questions in the server what there was a lot of things written in the server bro I’m

Sorry keep your forked tongue behind your teeth that’s a new one I’ve never heard anyone say that to Ethan what does it mean oh yeah Oak time baby baby who’s on the windmill who’s on the windmill who’s they let’s put the crafting table back on top

Here is that weepy that just walked into the room smells like drugs oh my God what are you doing I don’t know man what am I doing you’re under arrest [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] indeed double [ __ ] I’m out of wood that sucks you know what’s worse than

That which random did I get the number one fan roll why does this not look like that oh wait dang it appears that I [ __ ] up the design son of a [ __ ] it comes out by three oh that’s so [ __ ] cringe oh I’m making an

Axe at least we didn’t do the glass yet that would have been a real pain your chat’s full of mods dude holy [ __ ] I only have three mods too which is funny no you have four I do you me first oh that’s right you first e the gang is all here

I got you girf let’s see it girf I still don’t see you I’m afraid hang on let me find like your offline profile what in the hell wow I had to scroll over G holy [ __ ] man it’s nuts now I got you gir it’s all good what the [ __ ]

You’re not going to believe this serpent we you just poked me in the back of the head not a problem brother vote Wyatt to keep you safe okay that looks right put a third one here okay um probably not dead by daylight today but we will be doing it tomorrow

Hi after this everyone in Discord voted for fortnite do you have a Discord High because the best way to get a good input on what we’re doing for stream tonight is to be in the Discord so if you have a profile I’ll gladly invite you email how could you say that you do

Have a Discord awesome I will drop the link for you bro and guys I know I said it the other day but we will be getting uh nightbot very soon all right guys dropping a link to the Discord server now schnaz sanctum w there we

Are Ean I didn’t even see you say it I’m sorry where you at e dang eeman I actually don’t even see you to be honest there you are let’s hope it works offline page okay if I would have saw you in online you would have already been invited ho on God you’re

Shot Wyatt rip the bullet out with your bare hands it’s what a man would do he wouldn’t even shed a tear Ethan if I could to scroll up to answer this question question so help me God yeah you do have the roles now if you say your question right now

Ethan I will answer it you got to get a mic though to answer it you gotta to tell it I got a what now he’s got to speak into a microphone to tell ask the question oh join a does smoke being under there make them all leave it or something

No gases them up you know gases them up you know you know the bees are like this shit’s [ __ ] fire I wonder who uh came up with gassing somebody’s got really high one day was like bet those bees would like this [ __ ] oh you didn’t get oh no I don’t get

It maybe off stream maybe off stre what is wrong with you you sick [ __ ] did you get it I think the XP farm only works at night and no I don’t get it I I’ll show you a picture of what I’m trying to do okay playing [ __ ]

Charades now how bad is this uh it’s pretty bad here is it a is it a World War II thing my is that what I’m missing here what a piece of [ __ ] that was like what other context could I oh boy we’re going to put some extra wood

Here as well what are you building this is the train station or it’s going to be okay just got to fix this up here so far so good I got to say I’m liking the design I got I didn’t expect to actually enjoy it [ __ ] there we go put that

There oh it happens it does um all right let’s do this now put this here beautiful um you may want you to read his DMS yes the weeper is in my room why do you ask Ender read whose DMS uh ean’s ean’s DMS on Discord oh he did DM

Me what the [ __ ] eeman what the hell do you mean another invite oh Jesus you couldn’t just read his comment about the invite well he messaged me he messaged me to tell you I just e man I’m gonna send you like 50 invites there might be a Minecraft

Stream tomorrow why would you be able to join Conor Eman is here with what like a Glock he said thanks Pooky no problem Pooky I love you okay Me Whip one of these up real quick good enough for me there burn that [ __ ] up what the [ __ ]

Louie what the hell are you doing out of the bar hi eeman I missed you quote of the day quote of the day now someone put the quot of the day in chat oh what you mean no offense Ethan that’s [ __ ] you don’t got anything bro I’ll pass Wyatt but I appreciate it

And vodka is definitely supposed to be clear so that is a bottle of piss bro Wyatt drinking a bottle of piss in the train station I feel like I can call the police for that he said I hope weepy gets Bann on YouTube what the [ __ ] I

Hope trippy ran 69ine never make a song again I thought you were going to say die oh that’s I think it’s a little too hard I was going to say it’s a little [ __ ] upan would uh start screaming I hope the next time you try to go to a

Concert gets cancelled again oh no take it like a big boy man I need some coal anybody got some [ __ ] coal I do all this Burning Wood shit’s getting old [ __ ] you you’re not here to hand it to me football team loses every game they play you don’t even know my favorite

Team bro I feel like he could probably guess you have iron I appreciate that bro we do need some more rails if you feel like providing for that okay okay I like this I like this you all right yeah I’m trying to think of how to do this glass here

Like that I think that looks all right looks good is there a way you can color glass there is but I don’t know what color I’d make it to be honest fair enough going for a pretty simplistic look here I need more Cobblestone that’s what

I [ __ ] need you know what I mean weey yeah I mean yeah Ethan my PlayStation’s going through enough I don’t think it’s going to blow up you know I’m sure if you were to asked someone for some Cobblestone they would G [ __ ] it I might as well see what

Else is down here what if I run into coal I don’t think you’re going to find coal how do you know that I don’t think coal spawns that deep I think it spawns mainly on top top like layers bro does the sand even end Noe

Bro [ __ ] that you Tred to replace you it was fine I use [ __ ] gravel [ __ ] it’s even worse and you’re out there looks [ __ ] great [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] what do you do damn [ __ ] you e-man think about what you [ __ ] did he’s still standing there a [ __ ] thank you Wy you’re a

Saint # keep him locked up #f free emain yeah not anytime soon Chief we’re doing that Shaw Shank Redemption [ __ ] he called me a chief guys yay they caught me with Coke wait a minute wait a goddamn minute I didn’t even know about that who’s selling it where the

Hell did you get this coke I’m curious it’s not in my store not in my house yet so far so good with the train station I’m like so [ __ ] happy with it I cannot explain guys thank you so much for 11 likes we’re getting stream out there so

Early already we’re only going a half an hour so far this guys got me stoked for fortnite we might have some new homies join in I can’t wait and we H 419 subs today can you guys believe it we are way past we were we were literally talking about hitting

350 less than a month ago bro the banner looks so so [ __ ] good does it looks it does look [ __ ] good dude guys that Banner if it was not for weepy that Banner would not exist right now he literally worked on it while I was in the shower that’s how fast he was

Able to put together that whole concept so mad props to him and mad props to are one and only oh my God thank you I don’t know what the [ __ ] flips for making this awesome Minecraft thumbnail we got going as well we have never had a thumbnail like

This I’ve wanted to do the diagonal design for like ever and could never figure out how to do it with my editor so homie really came through for that should we do it on the inner Woods or the Outer Woods I think Outer Woods then we’ll fix this dirt over here oh yeah

Baby I now the path is kind of what’s making it look uneven even still I think it looks pretty good Wyatt I make Coke guys I own the liquor business the coke business the weapon business I’m the most dangerous [ __ ] man on the planet he’s also the youngest [ __ ] in

The plan I’m also 12 like what the [ __ ] start young bro like bro if we get it you’re successful yes I am a mob boss thank you thank you James gandalin is rolling over in his grave where’s the Gaba yeah I’ll take some coke quiet cocacola cocacola

[ __ ] I should have grabbed a soda at the store earlier dumb for that so that coke you bought earlier is that like one of the Mexican Cokes with the real sugar or no it’s just a glass bottle just glass bottle okay man that’s apparently there’s like a huge taste

Difference really apparently so but Ean you’re you free you’re out of timeout I’m sorry I forgot all about you Eman has worked Eman breathe breathe Ean breathe it’s been like 4 hours this is my shop now I’m the one that needs to be arrested going back he’s been behind bars for too long

He can’t exist in our world no no no this is this is whoa whoa Ender what are you doing no oh ex [ __ ] excuse me D I’m trying to help o what do you sell want to buy coke this looks like the kind of place I’d come to buy coke let’s be honest

Yep Wyatt dude I’ve I’ve explained so many times this situation with VC when your balls drop you can get on VC with me we’ll leave it at that you got a couple of years on your belt my little brother can’t even use

VC oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh happy happy joy joy smoochie time what you never seen that Zelda mem no oh my God uh maybe is it the one where they voice it over with beas yes yeah oh boy smooching

Time man I miss [ __ ] like run and Stimpy the kind of cartoons that would keep me up at night that’s what kids are missing fear I was afraid to go to sleep at night because of what they told me to watch I guarantee you one person in the chat

It’s like what the hell is he talking what the hell is a renin Stimpy wouldn’t you like to know boys and girls Wyatt do you know what red and Stimpy is girf just killed like 80 mobs holy [ __ ] I wish icy was here too but not for that

Reason I feel like I really pissed icy off earlier in fortnite but that was my bad I didn’t even realize homie revived me yeah drugs drugs oh yeah oui timey mid as hell Ren and Stimpy mid as hell Ethan what the [ __ ] Ethan are you okay at home is there

A problem we should talk about oh I was going to say something far no yeah I know I shouldn’t about it would have been funny but probably we have to leave you want one of these zebra donuts I really do not but I appreciate the offer and

Thoughty one and then see if I wasted three bucks you definitely did in my opinion I feel like they’re going to be like dry trash well I told you I will be they actually look really [ __ ] cool really yeah oh wow [ __ ] Rugrats is totally good I like

Rugrats a lot Hey Arnold is all right I really couldn’t get into Hey Arnold a lot but if I would have watched it more as a kid probably would have just fell in love with it if I had more memories of the show that’s what I should say CU

I know Hey Arnold’s a great show repar was always the best of Rugrats I always thought like I don’t know I liked all the episodes where it was Tommy and Chucky on their best friend [ __ ] which is probably like 90% of the [ __ ] show okay I I didn’t waste my money are

They good you like them they taste you know those the chocolate donuts donut I feel like I’m coming out too much with this I think I know what you mean yeah they taste like those okay but but zebra cake I mean there’s a zebra pattern okay like look here if you want

Does it taste like a zebra um okay it’s all right does it taste like a zebra um I don’t know what zra taste like but probably chicken maybe all right Rugrats Go to Paris or Rugrats the other movie h well for one you just shot some spit on my thumb

Sorry I got to speak loud Rugrats what is the name of the other Rugrats movie I’m blanking when Tommy dill and Chucky and them go into the forest the forest it sounds like the harnold movie remember they take the raw repar that their dad made I do know what

You’re talking about I remember us watching that as kids holy [ __ ] um that movie Ethan what movie is that but definitely that one when they when the kids get lost [ __ ] the Paris one [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] Paris compared to that the Paris I mean there’s nothing wrong with it I guess you know

But I don’t know I’d rather see them kids getting into some real problems in Paris The Rugrats Movie Rugrats in Paris Rugrats Go Wild was the Rugrats Go Wild Rugrats Go Wild is that right Rug Rats oh I mean it kind of makes sense Rugrats

Go Wild like like they go into the wild and get lost to [ __ ] cuz they’re children Rugrats Go Wild when they uh meet the Thornberries okay I was going to say there was definitely a Thornberries crossover in there so rett’s movie is just it’s yeah dude I know they’re getting into all this

Multiverse stuff recently but early Nickelodeon and Disney was like the king of crossovers oh [ __ ] yeah I remember uh when Jimmy Neutron and the fair oh dude that’s Peak I forgot all about that that’s Peak that’s Peak crossover material I’d love to see Ethan try to argue with that Jimmy Neutron mid Jimmy

Neutron was so mid Planet Sheen was better I loved Planet Sheen Planet Sheen was such a great show they should have gave it more he just said [ __ ] you when you no Jimmy oh my God this is pissing me off more than anything can’t even make it out of stone son of a

[ __ ] it’s like2 seconds faster sodium chloride what that’s what I said okay young Sheldon no that’s what you’ve never seen the Jimmy neut TR me video It’s the episode where he’s working in the restaurant and he spills salt and and the guy’s like dude you spilled the

Salt he’s like no sodium chloride I I punched the [ __ ] [ __ ] at his ass and it’s the video meme is just the dude the the normal dude just his Blank Stare for like 10 like five minutes and it’s just Jimmy saying sodium chloride sodium chloride that’s what I said peak me right there

Okay how the [ __ ] am I supposed to make this work why is this not working out oh Ethan doesn’t like Timmy Turner he don’t like Timmy Turner well Fairly Odd Parents why do you have me calling it that oh Odd Parents is such a great show they ruined it but it was they

Really did [ __ ] it all up but it was so great while it was Peak yeah easily a top a top five cartoon I kind of really blame Butch Hartman in a lot of ways oh yeah me he is the writer so like I blame him for everything like I feel like he would

Have had a pretty big say in having that [ __ ] end very they should have ended when [ __ ] what was it Cosmo had the kid or some [ __ ] poof poof yeah yeah poof was a wonderful I mean there was some really good episodes with poop yeah but then

Po did uh I think they made him talk they did I thought that was really dumb I thought that was really really stupid my favorite episode of fair out parents would have to be the movie The yeah the movie where uh turbo Thunder what’s his

Name that is also my favorite I used to literally wait for those to rerun for like years at a time and they would show up once in a blue [ __ ] Moon we got to get it on DVD and just sit down and watch them all that’d be so much fun

Cartoon Network over Nickelodeon I do agree with that statement I 100% agree with that Ethan that’s the first thing you said that’s actually right today congratulations Peak opinion Peak opinion everyone give a round of applause for Ethan’s Peak opinion of guys he did it he [ __ ] did it did he

Said something right and he’s going to ruin it with some other opinion he’s about to say something to [ __ ] it all up he’s going to be like but Adventure Time and Regular Show and Gumball are all mid Stephen Universe is top tier I actually have the entire series the

Steven uh Universe future show and the movie all on one big box setp I I only saw the what was on Cartoon Network Eman you had Regular Show Adventure Time Adventures of Flapjack um chowder chowder Chowder’s classic um Billy Mandy F Imaginary Friends the first the first season of

Uncle Grandpa was pretty cool Uncle Grandpa and yeah Samurai Jack was Peak uh season five was on Adult Swim though um what do you call them um there was what do you call it no no that was Nickelodeon benen benen huge huge benen um got to love benen throw

H you know a lower cobblestone like right here might actually work out pretty well visually I kind of like that contrast yeah we’ll do Cobblestone here which means we got to do Cobblestone here as well Teen Titans Teen Titans Powerpuff Girls hugs there we go I love the Powerpuff Girls with

Such a passion bro they were my favorite not going to lie baby Tunes was actually quite nice yeah yeah yeah Looney Tunes kids was pretty good I like that um that was more of a boomerang show in my memory cuz I never saw the original run [ __ ] [ __ ] oh what are we doing

What are we doing other shows Johnny Bravo dude we’re going deep now lab Cur the Cal dog you see I in my brain those are all boomerang shows for me because I never saw the original Runnings Ed and Ed nety that’s that’s classic Cartoon Network code name Kid Next Door Cow and

Chicken who remembers Johnny Quest oh [ __ ] the Looney Tune show had moments the Looney Tune show had oh like the the recent Looney Tune show they made oh that dude there were actually so many parts of that show that made me laugh my ass off but there’s this one where

Lola’s driving on the road and she’s like hey there’s this guy on the street that looks just like you I’m about to hit him like what the F oh my gym partner is a monkey bro that was classic that was one of my favorite shows of all time I remember getting on

Cartoon network.com to play the my jym partners a monkey uh flash games icy pop how are you brother Two Stupid Dogs Two Stupid Dogs was good I never remember that bro if you look up a picture you’ll know what it is you don’t remember that dude that was classic I don’t remember

They were both just too stupid ass dogs total spies Totally Spies Total Drama Island Totally Spies was great I used to love Totally Spies um Over the Garden Wall I mean Dexter was PE one season I got you icy Over the Garden Wall was hype and it didn’t only

Have one season it was a one season and done show it wrapped up the whole plot in 12 episodes I Am Weasel I Am Weasel was great love I Am Weasel but no Over the Garden Wall was like a real ethereal experience for me cuz as a kid like I never watched the

Original run but I watched all of the episodes in one go in the dark at like 3:00 a.m. when I was 12 and what an experience let me tell you oh my God I remember it so well I got to sit down and do it one day just all over

Again Dexter lab is not mid as [ __ ] what I do know where it is said that but I already know who said you know exactly you said it I only I think he’s only saying that cuz he never really watched it which is fair I can’t really argue with that I

Mean I could to a extent like if you never seen it I don’t think you get an opinion on I don’t think you deserve to have an opinion oh [ __ ] ean’s looking different the only reason Cartoon Network was better than Nickelodeon was because Nickelodeon only had that one

Only had one Premier good show cartoon for years and what was that spong oh I kind of knew the answer as I said Cartoon Network you know ’90s had it shows 2000s had the shows 2010s had the shows Nickelodeon SpongeBob had shows but they would end so

Fast there’s one in the main spawn house Ender should be one in the bottom floor and top floor we Wyatt I’m going to go and read your last comment but remember I said to start just copy and pasting please it saves a lot of time trying to scroll

Through everybody when Daffy makes a pizza place and shoots a pizza out a tank I don’t remember that but it sounds about right I got you Eman I mean uh icy pop sorry reading multiple names at once what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you get hit by a bus hey

Man what the [ __ ] bro have be the the uh fro am I supp to saying a drug deal right now Happ be the training the training inductor or whatever look over you just woke up em W wab by oh he’s holding the coke oh [ __ ] no oh they’re giving you

Method I don’t like where this is going this neighborhood’s getting worse by the day oh holy [ __ ] this neighborhood’s getting worse by the day oh God don’t look down oh God he’s not wearing shoes well look about sums up my day there a home oh oh my God this been

Some up my day okay use your sword there we go that sucked he’s got too oh hell yeah there Cobblestone got to go there how do I want to keep doing this want to get high man not with you buddy well why I need you to come take

Care of these drug loiterers in the train station if you’re going to be the police the neighborhood’s going to [ __ ] and the police are nowhere to be found come here Walt you should really have someone be the police server I mean everyone just kind of does it as they go it seems we

Should have a policeman a drug dealer yeah good idea let’s create crime and then get somebody to stop it I mean it’ be funny what’s up Louie the [ __ ] is going is that Christmas decoration this was my birthday party oh forgot we never took the stuff down damn I missed both uh Bartholomew’s

Funeral you missed my best friend’s funeral and my birthday party to be fair if I would have been at the the funeral i’ would have been laughing my ass off the entire time hey and if you would have had me go up there and ask say a few words bro I

Would this was Connor this was Conor cuz he was in the comment section but not the game what the [ __ ] oh God Yoda’s here maybe if we don’t look you won’t see us turn around maybe if I just keep my head down hey man hey man s the bar bro loitering

Everywhere Connor was hella there Walter put your drip away I ain’t having sips with you put your dick away Walter go back in the Minecraft I’m not having sex with you right now wal the you disrespecting the dwarf Community run oh [ __ ] I I said no such things run oh [ __ ] it’s the

Dwarf Community get in the store there’s no defense here he can’t reach over the counter bro he’s too short thank God it’s over it’s over oh thank God I could have swore I did invite you dude you’re not showing up in the online here I’ll invite icy pop down here then I’ll

Invite where’ the other one go Jones right here there I’m inviting both of you there we go icy it’s an ocean to them to them I need more wood but I do not feel like chopping trees we’ll do it anyway Regular Show was ass on God who

Said that who do you think said that uh he might he must be [ __ ] there’s no way someone can say that like I’ll admit there was a point in time where regular shows started to drag on but it didn’t it’s not like it dropped in quality like

There were just parts of the show we couldn’t appreciate as kids like morai going through his relationship trouble I I [ __ ] feel that [ __ ] as an adult R be struggling with his high high school high school diploma school was a [ __ ] man false expectations like you felt

Like a failure if you didn’t get that [ __ ] right I got you uh icy one more time it says you’re offline for me I don’t know if you know that oh now it says you’re online now I think it’ll work Buddy it says you’re online

Now thank you guys so much for 12 likes appreciate the support oh yeah you just reminded me of something I reminded you of something yeah what who the hell do you think you are um I don’t know I don’t know the wizard turns RI into a house and

[ __ ] decapitates morai that was a great show episode yeah and then musclean gets freaking skinned alive why it’s already here I’m afraid I See oh no sorry about that Guys you know we got to get a dentist on the server there something I don’t I think I’m good man I appreciate the offer I’m I’m good Chief I’m all good Chief why you got un I didn’t realize you got tooken out good boss I appreciate

You I can do other things man oh god oh what the [ __ ] is e man doing broy I know how to earn my money oh God my man I’m afraid I’m going to have to take a pass oh how should we do this how do I do it over

Here oh just like that okay no yeah I’m right [ __ ] oh come on now hell yeah baby oops I need way more wood de God and I ate all that food from earlier well Ethan says he wants some drugs so we’re inviting him germ what’s up baby really right in front of the

Sheriff what they have sex in front of your salad guys we at 49 Subs anybody just getting in that is a huge freaking milestone thank you all so so much for the support now let’s keep this train rolling now how the [ __ ] thank you so much Connor I will do

My best to have a great [ __ ] stream oh we’re getting there baby we are so close Okie do Okie do something’s missing something’s missing but what I got an idea I got an idea but I don’t know how to make it work just right but we’re going to need way more

Wood oh gee I that’s a good [ __ ] point I see why I think of that screw it I’ll invest what kind of slabs you thinking girf oh snap this wood is freaking cancer never ending oh yeah you’re welcome just making it rain for everybody you know I’m thinking maybe this what the

[ __ ] police brutality a b shot what the [ __ ] I don’t know I don’t know how I’m feeling about this just Oak Wes are upside downstairs I feel like it’s too much Oak right now I think that’s what I’m getting way too much Oak right now I mean yeah you got

Yeah maybe if I add in some how should I do it you think uh Cobblestone uh roof tiles would look bad that might actually be what to fix it but at the same time that’s a lot of cobblestone stairs to make that if they

Look bad it won’t work out also I’d e if I were you yeah I’ve been having do that there’s an apple right there thanks Apple problem fill you up he’s made it into a whole what the selling meth by the pound oh my God what the [ __ ] the police

Have meth was this confiscated or is your well the popo what God’s [ __ ] name I know they’re called pigs but like holy [ __ ] it’s a disease I think you guys should all be like that all the same character model can you only stack prismarine up to 45 that’s so

Weird dude you should make a village that has nothing but dwars I mean lowkey it’s be really funny idea gets drunk on the job oh you [ __ ] so help me God one day one day you [ __ ] serious guys we’ll be right back hey everyone it’s the weeper coming at

You live from SCH naaz’s bedroom I figure since he is doing something currently I will talk to you guys for a few moments he needs to eat he’s going to die if he doesn’t eat something real quick of course this [ __ ] does not have any food on

Him it’s the one thing he never carries luckily I’ve him prepared no no enough give us more facts sweepy I got you guys don’t worry I just got to pull up them all Google up in me my brain what’s that hope it’s it’s a dwarf

No no no what he’s throwing you oh more drugs it’s more drugs uh fun fact snakes can predict earthquakes fun fact fun fact uh Lego mini figures are the largest population on Earth fun fact you got food can I get food I need food food eeman food please hey man can I get

Food uh fun fact astronauts grow taller in space fun fact oh thank you thank you all right we feasting the day boys fun fact fact we spend a year on the toilet in our lifetime so we spent 365 days on of our life on the toilet fun fact most have you s there

Forever you got a point there uh three random fun fact a cloud weighs more than a million tongues fun fact so anytime you guys see those white puffy things in the clouds note that they’re not just air they weigh tons myself fun fact drafts are 30 times

More likely to get hit by lightning Than People fun fact another fun fact identical twins don’t have the same fingerprints fun fact so if you are a twin or identical twin you do not have the same fingerprints as your ideal other fun fact ah he’s coming back everyone I

We’re going to try to I’ll remove him from uh the stream don’t worry sorry [ __ ] recital fun fact Earth rotation is changing every year fun fact guys be sure to drop a like we’re at 16 oh fun fact a chicken once lived without a head for 18 months fun fact getting a

Lot getting a lot cut I do that depends what time I’m supposed to meet around 2:30 3:00 yeah is like an hour and a half away no that was the last one fun fact comments comments smell like rotten eggs fun fact fun fact NASA genuinely fak part of

The moon landing fun fact fun fact Weepies [ __ ] 10 in wide fun fact fun fact snails have teeth fun fact fun fact weep [ __ ] is teeth fun fact fun fact a horse normally has more than one horse power fun fact what the [ __ ] does that even mean how do we even

Measure horsepower than if some horses are more powerful fun fact one in 18 people have third a third nipple fun fact what so if you count 18 people one of them’s going to have a third nipple see I think that’s false that’s like the equivalent of horsepower uh fun fact bananas are

Radioactive fun fact full [ __ ] [ __ ] due to being rich in potassium every banana is actually slightly radioactive fun fact if you eat a banana you get a third nipple guys thank you so much for 19 likes fun fact there’s no such thing as a straight line what zoom in close

Enough and anything that you’ll spot in regulates in regulates fun fact death people are known to use sign language in their sleep fun fact is there a path for netherite mining nothing in particular we just kind of go around and look my brother was the one that found the most after

Mining for like freaking hours so he didn’t do anything specific really that I remember fun fact hippos can’t swim fun fact is that dead ass yeah hippos really do have a big bone so they big in defense in fact that they rarely buyant at all they don’t swim and instead

Perform a slow motion Gallop on the riverbed they’re rarely buoyant at all yeah sure I guess cuz the bone is so heavy yeah I’m this fun fact uh you can be heavily pregnant and not realize fun fact fun fact never mind one in 500 women do not recognize their pregnant at least until

One and at least halfway through so you can gain a gut and won’t even realize that you got someone inside yeah fun fact most men don’t get women pregnant fun fact most ginger cats are male fun fact fun fact most gingers don’t get women pregnant fun fact fun fact there’s there’s a planet

Mostly made of diamond fun fact oh actually I do know about that if we brought even like a chunk of that planet back to Earth diamonds would become useless to us because it flood the market flips says have a good stream and ghosty says that’s just spooky pass flips thank you so

Much fun fact animals can be allergic to humans fun fact I was like what are you talking about fun fact platypus is is sweat milk fun fact fun fact my platter [ __ ] is full of milk that’s a fun fact right there fun fact a rainbow on Venus is called a glory glory

Hole fun fact I’ve seen a rainbow in a glory hole too fun fact there may be stay right there there might be a cure for evil what fun fact yeah the Christians seem to know all about though fun fact some animals display autistic like traits fun fact wey guitar

9s at the top of the list or you say it’s fun fact my left nut is bigger than the [Laughter] right fun fact right there fun fact you remember more dreams when you sleep badly that makes sense actually that makes a lot of sense flip says check Discord flips I will check Discord

Bro fun fact the longest anyone has held their breath underwat is 24 and a half minutes water [ __ ] fun fact if the Earth doubled in size trees would immediately fall over for for horge first of all I don’t know who you think you are yeah you Jesus

Christ foror I don’t know who you think you are other than a beautiful man you mean an RF no I am Jorge with the bigger left nut than the right oh he can say big left nut but I can’t Say my cousin oh that’s cutey oh that’s right you don’t see the big ass Dominic head in that thing fair enough schn is kind of lame not going to lie yeah he won’t let me say [Laughter] that rambunctious radical ratou rat’s generation can you invite me back real

Quick astral I can invite you back anytime you want starting right now damn get special priv I do not see you there you are I don’t see your other one so let’s hope inviting Jama buts enough for you okay this should be enough we put

Way too much oak on the train station we got to redo it who the [ __ ] were these stairs always like this yes okay looks good to me I went to the bar the other night they carded me twice are you serious called that recard why did it take you so long of all

People I had to say it again my like what this I got you buddy do you know why it’s not working Astro like does it just not show up on your screen or what my game crashed I turned it back on call that restarting I didn’t you could actually do that do

What place blocks underneath yeah I found that out once and like never stopped doing it so handy have you seen the village recently Joe no dude we have so much new [ __ ] here let me show off for you and all the viewers so this is the it’s a bridge to

The little archipelago a little dock area where are you even at right now this is the village across from Spawn so over there is the potion Tower way over there but serpent made this he also made I’m working on this obviously that’s going to be a train station but up here

We got the barn serpent made this whole thing himself with some input from me Serpent made this whole thing himself I just dug the hole that goes all the way to Diamond level this is Wyatt’s house I don’t know why he hasn’t touched it this entire

Stream but it’s a work in progress it looks pretty decent right from what it was yeah it doesn’t look half bad considering what the [ __ ] bro was like yeah it doesn’t look too bad this is just a little spare house we have for anybody that wants it this is the fountain serpent

Made over here’s another house I refurbished this is my village house we got all my sheep you are kind of a Shel well excuse me who the [ __ ] took one of my beds who I didn’t agree to this but was having a crisis because the bed is missing I’m having a midlife

Crisis what the [ __ ] I’ll show you that in a second but this is a little basement area I’m working on it’s also a tunnel that goes all the way to the tavern that I made this is also Louis’s bedroom the barkeeper so we go up here and now we’re

Behind the bar this is Lou still needs a name tag but somebody broke this table actually no I did that there was a cake there for my birthday but we got the whole Tavern area here this was a villager house so we just expanded the [ __ ] out of it oh there’s this

Too over here is going to be weepy store whenever he gets to that floating chest the floating chest you know weepy deals that’s what you should call it the store weepy deals say you 64 diamonds for one foot pick yeah they should say for a face reveal I

Didn’t put that there I don’t want to risk someone giveing me 64 diamonds he does have a big foot so it’s a lot of foot to you know can make that [ __ ] last for a while look at different parts of it I show One Piece of my foot at time

One toe at time one piece shut the [ __ ] up but we got that whole little area this is the windmill girf made this it doesn’t spin it just doesn’t he didn’t get the circuitry down you don’t got the create Mo up in here no this is his pissing hole oh who

Changed the sign it used to say if this door is closed gir is taking a piss I should say I fart it once and then I fart it again call that re farted so forced this is ean’s crystal meth store okay I love there yeah he’s he’s just working he’s

Getting his hours in big man I don’t like that buy like that he blinks wanna buy man just I like he’s typing [ __ ] bro uh oh he gave you more wait what the [ __ ] I didn’t even realize this was named who did this Crystal you got

More I feel like that’d be how he’d spell it too Crystal meage I swear this is isn’t mine have a taste man you got to eat I can’t even do anything with it oh he’s he tried so hard there yeah let’s what’s that sign say on the side let’s leave it at

That sign on the word on the side where he’s by where he’s at on the left the left I sell Coke Edibles and Crystal man like scoo even a roof doesn’t even have a roof this is raing in there he’s just wet all the time what the [ __ ] what is this

Place bro I got to donate you some shoes and then there was I feel like there was something else in the village we were at least talking about making something else it might just be it will has said something on the oh boy no no no oh

Stream thought I might not be fat germ online what do you mean first y Ryan I’ll will be able to use my Xbox oh dude seriously what PlayStation games can you play uh I mean Wyatt it’s bringing in Revenue I can’t I haven’t heard any complaints about the crystal meth yet so

I mean if we if we get anybody not enjoying it then we might have to shut it down but so so far so a good officer keep the peace why it’s the cop now apparently I IE the one making the [ __ ] I mean M dude made a gun and started [ __ ] shooting

It I don’t know man why would gun here we’ll put this crystal meth and serpent stuff hey Wyatt I smell something a little fishy over here might want to come and search this area I don’t know man you got someone named Jack mine asking for IP Jack mine we do not have

An IP homie this is a bedrock smpp with a dangerous [ __ ] hole in the floor but welcome welcome to shaz’s Fields be sure to drop a like if you’re a fan of Minecraft and how you doing tonight I found drugs in the tavern I’m taking Lou in the custody you want me to

Show Joe your new Banner oh yeah yeah yeah new channel Banner trash you’re playing Java I wish I could play Java dog appreciate that right so so I mean I was going to say I want to commission you to actually like draw something really [Applause]

Cool like I just can’t really think of a theme oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what your second shorts has 1.9k yeah have you seen the shorts recently they’re both basically at 2K not that unless you made two new ones though okay but you told me about another Thanksgiving is it different ones I

Think they’re the ones from Thanksgiving Ryan please invite me back both if both your usernames are both up then that’ll be good yeah now that I can see them both I wonder why we need to click both of your names for it to send correctly that’s really

Strange I’m not complaining I just find it really odd console just be crazy yeah that’s not surprising it’s only it’s and it only started when we put it the invite only cuz Logan got [ __ ] hacked again he literally looked up to click on the porn like things right like there

Things that say hi big Hansel man I love you from India we didn’t get hacked it was a Vier that’s right it was a piece of [ __ ] we figure it out trolling me and [ __ ] with other people well they definitely had to have had some kind of

Exploit in order to do that without aling you well they just were being quiet but it didn’t say they joined the World but it didn’t say so and so is joined the world it didn’t say that anyway no when A’s people joined no they never joined he did it all he set up the laa pits put this because when he was doing it you know when we were just taking

Down the lava and stuff he was putting the signs around and once he left they stopped I guess so but I’ll admit I’m more impressed with him than ever know but no you literally looked up and you see four pillars of lava going onto his house from the sky you’re just like

What the [ __ ] is happening you okay over there Chief you got that new Chinese pneumonia or whatever the [ __ ] oh God my voice sounds like a blender oh [ __ ] yes chat Oh e I didn’t notice my [ __ ] mic did that dumb [ __ ] how we sounding Now ladies and gentlemen sorry about

That how we sounding now much better that Jack SM dude a m thank you Jack SM for letting me know I really appreciate you all right jamama butt I’m only doing this one more time buddy I don’t know why it’s not working out but I’m gonna give myself [ __ ]

Arthritis doing that over and over be aess hey I have a coworker that has arthritis I can say the word all do you have a black coworker too yeah hell yeah it works thanks man oh yeah and lightning hit this dude’s house so it got like all [ __ ] up

That’s that’s it was Swifty’s house yeah he put four lightning rods on top thinking it would only hit the lightning rod and keep it all away so it just drew in all the [ __ ] lightning at once and it destroyed his whole house there there was a horse here too I don’t know what

Happened I thought that was the point of lightning rod apparently you’re supposed to put it like somewhere like next to it so like the Lightning goes to that and not onto the build itself but yeah yes I took the one off of your house cuz

Lightning hit the [ __ ] out of it made me put one on top of my roof lightning hit the [ __ ] out of your house it did I got to fix it at some point I forgot about that screw up jumped on the ho I mean it

Was a nice house it looks good I don’t want to jump down the hole serpent said he was going to finish the battle arena bro water bucket bro what you can’t MLG water bucket I can totally MLG water bucket for one where’s your water bucket

I don’t keep a water bucket on me like that CU you can’t MLG water no it’s cuz I don’t need the MLG water bucket okay oh yeah girf here’s that hidden sheep farm get the hell out of my sheep farm well he needs wool get the

Hell out of my sheep farm it’s hidden for a reason [ __ ] damn this man just going up giving my secrets bro he needed some wool he’s building [ __ ] well he better be using shears and not killing my herd he’s not going to kill the herd that’s my

Babies n no no he’s got some shears I’m sure probably if if I get one that I’m blood in there blood then I know who I’m going for he knows exactly how many sheeps there are next we going to give up my um diamonds and netherite uh is that

Meth damn minute something doesn’t smell right here he’s just a trail meth now wait just a goddamn minute what the hell are we looking at here son of a [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] meth wait a minute was the trail going this way now wait just a goddamn minute all right no meth cook in

There all right [ __ ] God I hear him okay man okay man where’ I leave my trail of meth didn’t want to get lost I feel like there’s more drills somewhere no I bet this is I think he just drown he’s just [ __ ] dead somewhere and right nearby

That drowned in a glass of water he just face plants on the ground bro damn that’s my baby man wait what I get the helmet but what’s with the water wings explain yourself I know you know what that is you look a little jittery put out a weapon yeah I was

Going to say you better calm down there boss what’s up what the [ __ ] why I need back up this man is on blue meth we need the dwarf police in I need two dwarf police on me ASAP oh I got I got dude you they gave me an idea it’s treason then

What Civil War is brewing in the fields not a civil war but a intercol ender being chased by authorities oh God we got a [ __ ] Runner he is the Senate oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh God they’re on meth I’m sorry that skin and then him joining the Run [ __ ] oh

No we want to tickle your man actually I’m on your side I don’t know how I feel about this get get in The Boat Boat on the other side other side other side there’s a boat right there oh God I had to turn it around God [ __ ] yall oh God he’s he’s

Using his meth backstroke suicide bomb bro thank God they didn’t like the meth either that D all good Chief I know these fields like the back of my hand theat was there eat my ass all right I didn’t put that boat there he said I saved you yeah and I

Don’t what you throw some crack and low them away I don’t get it why why what why why all the zigzags it’s faster than going in a straight line no it’s not I’m pretty sure it is no it has to be a full circle ah it doesn’t

Ow dick thought you were on my side that’s not that’s not a person watch how slow you go I don’t know man W some of your ice cubes are over here it might go a little faster but the the Strat you’re thinking about is making them in circles

Mhm I think I know exactly what you’re talking about now crazy fast oh home sweet home I need some wool for netherite mining I got you I mean I have a bunch of uh green and red wool if you want that I mean I got a bunch of nether

Right I you got a secet stash that there missing all your armor what do you mean were you killed what the [ __ ] wait a minute he was in your house the entire time is my TV still here I see where he [ __ ] got in could have just used the door my

Guy Ryan you were all clear oh I’m all clear gee I wonder why you don’t [ __ ] see him the suspect’s in my house I mean [Laughter] technically I don’t like it one bit he’s just looking out the window oh no oh that was terrible got to know what he’s doing in

There hi dude he’s not wait you’re a witch Ain good oh [ __ ] that was Nor you got a a telescope I should I do what do he say for a want to tickle man so creepy oh God wait like I can make I can fill the Gap in his tooth oh f

[ __ ] hey man hey man these animals are high too man okay you’re GNA hop off girf all right man hope you have a wonderful rest of your night dude how much longer till the court day it’s a great [ __ ] question it’s a good [ __ ] question man pretty sure any evidence for that

Court case is gone at this point I’d like to say it’ll happen somewhat soon but there’s a lot going on right now you’ll understand when you’re older Ender must have your armor did you die and you might have picked it up or Ender said back in the chest I check

There get to imple down Wyatt I’ll go to imple down as soon as you take those copper blocks off the front he killed you I got you yeah Ender make sure that Wyatt that Ethan gets his armor back what was that I [ __ ] up a word but you like over exaggerated the

The BL and you like you like got mad I had to expel it I’m only half your age Ryan yeah thank you so much for reminding me of that fact while yet I appreciate that knowing I’m going to die one day yeah thank you for that reminder what it’s 12

Yeah the [ __ ] bro get older dude do you even age Wy did you want to play Minecraft with him no I’m good you sure yeah you definitely can I have my laptop I’m good yeah I can set up the PS4 too bro good it’s [ __ ] excuse me [ __ ] I’m sorry

[ __ ] are you sure I can set up my PlayStation one the [ __ ] we have two PlayStation ones you sure I can 64 you ever play N64 Minecraft I don’t know if that’ll grow there or not to be honest maybe we move it back more it’s kind of got enough space back

Here that might grow should we don’t want to play Minecraft my ET sketch saw Ryan getting chased by three crack addicts funny story there for the answer may surprise you okay I got to incorporate some more cobblestone on this there is way too much Oak here Oly great googly moogly that looks [ __ ]

Weird I just feel like the roof is going to be too much that I’ll have to redo the whole [ __ ] roof like I just don’t want to waste more [ __ ] time here why don’t you use uh logs try log like where at like what you just do logs here yeah

So see cuz you already have kind of have it right there in the front I just replace that with all maybe like put them right here or like break down these blocks break down the blocks I see what you’re saying cuz that way it gives it Dimension too you know cuz it’s

Already smart even using Su side maybe put like so like see this middle piece maybe like maybe like Cobblestone there or something okay I think that’s what’s making it look weird there’s no separation yeah maybe you’re right that might just help it a lot [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] who put a dick

There that’s a chimney bro bro it’s a chimney bro it’s architecture got skills and then give me them oh those are his you can blame him for that you didn’t got skills oh I have a bunch of [ __ ] oak wood right here shut the freak up you Freer damn it well that one’s

Right oh unless she want facing up cuz there was your sideways I don’t know I think I’m okay with this well one side is one way the other side is the other yeah I don’t know what’s up with this one yeah I don’t know what’s going on there I’m I’m a little

Confused okay works for me I guess oh what if I do this and now they’re both like that bro what I don’t know anymore do I play any LIF steal smpp JX what is the LIF steal smpp can you explain that to me a bit astral did earlier but I kind of

Forget all right well we’ll have to talk at some point soon what the [ __ ] [ __ ] where is the train man wait wait wait should we do oak down here too you think or Copple I think he said I like the Oak Bottom like three layers of different thing that’s

Fair you know it doesn’t look too bad does it but at the same time I feel like it makes the roof look weird what do you mean what part like that might even be what this is doing to be honest what what do you think makes the

Roof look weird I don’t know like it just it just looks the logs that you just placed no not those but like I feel like the Oak and Oak like the oak Plank’s there and the oak plank St okay so do the opposite what if you put

Cobblestone on the bottom and then where the Cobblestone is put the plank say that one more time so where the co so the Oak in the bottom right yeah put Cobblestone there and then put the oak plank there yeah okay let’s see so life steal is people have a certain amount of

Hearts you kill someone you gain Hearts if you run out of Hearts you were kicked SL banned from the server no [ __ ] that sounds pretty tight to be honest but very infuriating yeah you would die so fast no yeah like I I have no doubt to be

Honest leave it like that yeah good idea I don’t think that looks too bad but if you try get rid of the uh logs the logs yeah see if Cobblestone works there bless I like that do you all right I’m can to work with that what if what

If um that middle Cobblestone where the corner meets that what you just did like that area yeah so the the pointed the middle like the part that points out yeah right there but if you put logs right there on top and bottom I do kind of like that kind of gives it

Some Dimension little little bit of pizzazz like that I like that quite a bit wait what h H it’s like confusing myself for a second why do I feel like that looks Weir well the One log is off too do that stupid thing there we go isn’t it like Wyatt Warren or

Something I feel like I saw it on the PSN thing it’s some point this blanking or blanky Blinky Blinky well leave that no oh [ __ ] okay don’t have to do that thing on this side too bu what did you say do that thing on this side too no what what did someone

Say in chat I want to know what kind of Ender I need to be for you for all of us want to buy a kind of blank man ow oh God I guess drugs want to buy p man he’s he’s doing this uh drug dealer gig really well a little too well SS

Like he knows what he’s doing he got now I don’t even want to know he’s got that Chinese Seeker right there take one puff of that fish bro he’s got to stay there now please bro he is he is the thing bro you better eat for one one thing before you

Die to his next punch I gu one piece of steak delicious I guess you got to eat that puffer fish you should have this as your next thumbnail want to buy puss man I think I’m good bud but I appreciate the offer we should buy that puffer fish from and

Eat it that P fish yeah you do need some food why is he a TNT do you want to [ __ ] know uh I wouldn’t be surprised if my house was fill with TNT when I got back on the server ean’s got a bomb huh it look like some train [ __ ]

Train [ __ ] I don’t know that that whole little thing literally looked thank you remind thank you reminded me of like a train I was it supposed to be stairs yeah that’s all it really was I don’t know it just looked like some train [ __ ] it just felt right weird I mean I

Kind of I always I kind of [ __ ] with it I just didn’t know if it looked right you making a second story H are you making a second story um no not really yeah put them put them on like the top look stupid on the bottom they wer on the bottom well

Excuse the [ __ ] out of me [ __ ] yeah move like move them up to like um on the on the like that the last tip of that block where those two are kind of move one Higher on one side no no no no I don’t know what you’re asking so the one you’re looking

At chop it down Choy okay now like put it one block or a half a block higher yeah just like right there yeah and then like go to like this side and put it on one the back side no no no no you could have

Left that where that is and like put one like here and then go to like the other side and like I don’t know put it randomly somewhere like around that vicinity yeah that looks cool where or something like that you could like add another one or something like at the

Lower part or something just like the randomness kind of look cool before then [ __ ] with them yeah yeah yeah yeah put that lower yeah I [ __ ] with him yeah well there we go bro add the GIC plugin in your server to make yours I’ve never even heard of that we

Have to look into that at some point J what a geyser MC plugin what that says it makes your server Java and bedrock yeah my uncle also is a millionaire in uh Africa he just needs you to send him $5,000 and then he’ll send you 10,000 Ender always great having you

Buddy have an awesome night no I haven’t actually why it’s never really been a thing I was interested in start in a movie once and I start in the same movie called that restart it’s been like 30 minutes bro what time is it bro it’s 2 12 there’s the restart AC right

There oh he’s got shoes on now wait a minute good for him good for him he’s got bunny slippers I think they’re Axel Axel Axel that’s actually just a real ex lle he finally he’s on a meth rage and he shoved his feet into the back of the

Ex lles Mr budy man’s welcome to the stream homie be sure to drop a like And subscribe if you’re liking what you’re seeing I turn my back with him bro tell youself something you [ __ ] can tell me nothing I’d rather die than to listen to

You thank you so much dude man asked you if you wanted to have a sleep all right turn around look where oh yeah I’d love to Eman oh he’s in pajamas oh oh [ __ ] oh God I wish that would have just fall damaged you I’m not killing you Jeb I like

How damn you’re killing all them all the other ones you need you need two to be pop don’t worry he’ll be fine jerk off for a couple days Jeb you know you know what the sad part is he just want buy a whole farm with

Fully grown wheat you know I did do that didn’t I [ __ ] happens fortif faction what’s up homie are we at 420 Subs I want to know who named that she CH and failed I did yeah that’s what I thought to be honest I was told about it randomly and the person telling me

Didn’t know it had to be all lower case I didn’t know anything about it what do you mean you didn’t know we used to do that [ __ ] all the time I didn’t remember that I didn’t remember that at all you’re at 419 still I was going to no it

Says 420 on my screen the the color Ching sheep you’re not even refreshing it it won’t refresh then exit off it and go back on it dumbass what are you talking about no YouTube’s been really glitchy too what the [ __ ] it has been the the views have been weird too like if you

Click on one person’s video and then you go to like any other video in that same session like it’ll be saying like it’s the same numbers yeah cuz the other day I was watching something went on your stream and I was like yo hold on what

This has 2,000 likes and then like I was like like there’s no way no [ __ ] got 2,000 likes so I refes didn’t call me dud I had a feeling but um yes for me it says 420 Let me refresh again and then to say 419 well I just

Unsubed oh someone did just unsub what the [ __ ] well we were at 420 for a couple of seconds guys huh I still can’t believe you’re going to sit here and say you didn’t know about Jeb I’m I really did not the oldest trick in the Minecraft history

That me and you used to do all the time the color changing sheep I don’t know man dinner bone I do remember dinner bone but you don’t remember Jeb I don’t I really don’t flip it flips them upside down it’s a reference to how you made creepers what yeah cuz then it’s with

Pigs isn’t it no dinner bone is one of the developers that yeah he was it was the whole creeper debacle but yeah dinner bone is his name just like Jeb is the dude’s name well [ __ ] sorry excuse the [ __ ] out of me yeah we got a couple

Of them bro who’s got his skeleton horse in his shop I mean I he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to remember to feed it so dick on top all good fortif faction oh what homie that would be incredible I appreciate that dog but Jorge the plan is to do a little

Bit of fortnite after this but it’s not going to be a very long stream but I did promise we’ do it so I will keep my word we need more torches out here for real Ethan you’re still here [ __ ] [ __ ] kill him in my honor please on right now that little

Boy oh there sheep in pain oh [ __ ] well we already hit the 2hour mark we’ve been doing pretty good with viewers I’d say we’re going to go with this For at least another 15 to 20 minutes at the least CU I don’t want to do Minecraft for too too much longer despite this being a very good stream I’m really enjoying myself you guys it’s fortif faction how are you doing tonight homie haven’t seen you in

A little while Ethan you got some big balls tonight you’re lucky this isn’t a [ __ ] sniper rifle my dad was in the Navy with 17 confirmed kills you don’t even know your dad my dad could have been in the Navy with 17 confirmed kills you a [ __ ]

[ __ ] all of my insecurities are getting pushed today now where should we start going next I forgot gir’s house was there I was like what the [ __ ] is that I would I wish Eman was just in that window hey man we got to get some stuff over

There that’s going to look great and we can start getting that wood more it’s the No No Zone the No No Zone hey man oh god oh [ __ ] did you mention me man fight me coward wait come to think of it isn’t there another like smaller shittier Village nearby

Here wow you’re just going to [ __ ] on the poor like that I mean what can I say the poor or the poor wait what somebody’s got to be the rich so that they can be the poor otherwise we’d all just be the same oh I think I see yeah yeah yeah

There it is it’s like how me and you are like I’m smart your checked blonde hair and blue eyes huh Nazi you see Kyle down there I want you to jump and ax crit on right now oh [ __ ] he has The High Ground [ __ ] you should you should

Have technically you had The High Ground I had it he was higher but that’s not technically The High Ground you know e Ethan please no what the oh I love that thank you Barry what the [ __ ] it’s going to close that man it is so convenient I’m assuming serpents knew that was over

There still there you know what let’s go over there and take a look around I don’t think I’ve ever really shown that on stream serpents if you’re still here this is what we need you to build next we need you to make the next part of

Your bridge and just make it all the way to there this will be the next expansion there is we’ve been over here a bit it seems I bet there’s no villager loot in this place anywhere he made I’m sure he did see look there you go stay in there

I’ll [ __ ] cut your head off she’s ready to [ __ ] you up I’m ready to [ __ ] her up I put her back in drug lord Village coming soon what the [ __ ] toilet scab what’s going on dog don’t ever say that again toilet scabetti hey toilet scabi thanks for letting me

Eat you officially hit 420 congratulations hell yes thank you guys so so much you officially went down to 100 Subs oh there a villager here no [ __ ] I’m want to spread I want to make it a new YouTube account and spread false rumors about about you say you’re the word this place is

Actually fully intact let’s destroy it all right boys ruin it I’ll admit I’m impressed why do the villagers look shorter than usual do they to me they just look shorter than I don’t think so I think you’re tripping balls dude I might be I don’t know string for Emerald

Okay oh I love this Center area we can fix this up really good I love it let’s do yeah let’s run it I’m getting rid of the grass maybe they liked the nature well we can always put more nature after we’re done destroying it you know what

You know what this sounds like fascism I thought you going to say gentrification same thing why you going why you going to Ru there m floor right put in the bag E bro why would you do that what do you mean make it solid ugly [ __ ] bro it’s

Literally all overgrown and shitty bro no mossy cobblestone is the better Cobblestone is it though yes especially when you just do all Cobblestone solid why is it like someone trying to spell something with those Cobblestone blocks over there what do you mean about that

It’s like an a Ean what the [ __ ] hey man I just turn around he’s there you found my Village man these are my people man they’re my favorite customers man are my meth man’s been living here the entire time bro bro’s been here that’s why he hasn’t

Been at the Village this is where he found out the map that’s my family man I own that Village man so what else do we got around here man this whole place is just untouched well no wood is [ __ ] up no crazy holes Eman I’ll admit this spite being a

Crackhead in a meth seller seller it’s a weird way to [ __ ] say that get a water glitch over there oh [ __ ] y’all know what this means hey he could be a j he could be a Jessie here we go yeah I float out of it and no I’ll just go down here what

The [ __ ] air pocket it’s so dark the [ __ ] put a torch do you have a torch uh no I don’t but what the [ __ ] bro bro you found it why do I keep finding these Minecraft is really broken isn’t it all right hey man he’s just down there hey man I’m being touched

Man maybe one of these days why I’m a little busy at the moment good sir yeah there’s plenty of area we is ripe for the freaking picking what there’s another one to your right oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] Minecraft bro just walk over here what the

[ __ ] hella clay it’s free emeralds bro it’s free real estate I don’t know despite this being like a pretty looted area no one’s done [ __ ] over here like I don’t see Jack thank you guys so much for 22 likes I appreciate you all no to your left to your why are you

Going in such crazy angles right there is from oh God it’s literally just everywhere imagine that was like real life and you could just walk into Moses has been [ __ ] busy bro what the [ __ ] like come on man if you put one block down oh my

God dude every turn what’s wrong with my oh my god oh there’s another pocket oh my god dude what the actual [ __ ] very claustrophobic oh there’s an well not claustrophobic anymore oh there’s lava down there oh [ __ ] forgot you got to hold it in I did not know

That good God you’re going to die bro hell of [ __ ] down here [ __ ] that was cool what’s that H sugar can W I got to admit this telescope is the best birthday present I got in Minecraft also the only one I think he gave me one too yeah I got one

Too I’m nothing special ghosty what’s going on homie see you guys see you good night dog nut on lips passionately what the [ __ ] you can unplug my laptop it’s fully charged bro somebody died over here what the hell oh might have been a mobs um maybe this where somebody killed a

Bunch of mobs who said they killed 80 plus mobs that’s right it was um it might have been astral bro collect those bones for bone good point bro good [ __ ] you don’t got a lot inventory oh [ __ ] no problem thank you Logan the [ __ ] hairy treasure what the [ __ ] run go God holy

[ __ ] okay now it’s time to run we some terrorist bro [ __ ] there’s [ __ ] buried treasure right there and I got to run help me dolphins please Dolphins help Dolphins help they’re going they really despawn no they were right behind me oh thank you dolphin are you Dolphins you oh

No it’s good I got my exact coordinates we’re fine yeah unfortunately scabi welcome back that happen freaking drowning Plus getting attacked by a phantom Dolphins didn’t help the Dolphins didn’t I thought the Dolphins were killing me for a second I was like what the [ __ ] [ __ ] the

Dolphins if only you could like build boats and stuff like like uh what that guy has is a house and they can move they would be really cool to be honest oh dude I’d build so many bro I’d have like a whole dock with ships I’d build a Titanic just to

Recreate I think that would be a pretty good video I remember those mods where you can make like the um like the moving airplanes and [ __ ] back in the day those were so cool I used to literally like dream about having Minecraft to make those yes if I can be awake then unless

You mean later ler no we’re going to be playing pretty pretty soon oh you were talking to Ethan it’s my fault and we’re going to be starting fortnite within the next couple of minutes oh [ __ ] I’m so sorry you’re good hope your stream’s GNA go down okay so negative 875

You’re going the wrong way there we go [ __ ] I just got to get it to where only the left coordinates going down here we go no wait I got to make that go up to 875 we were over here okay you just ignored the boat [ __ ] the boat well you know

What might as well take the boat smart isn’t it yes uh scabi we play a little bit of clod um we play Call of Duty Black Ops 3 mostly you got to win with with your sister earlier that’s tough dude hey can you give her some food Logan she wants one of my

Do where’s there’s my stuff there’s shazi stuff but we do a lot of gun game a little bit of zombies we like to do multiplayer with the viewers whenever we can yeah you’re fine if she overeats will she die what she overeats I mean I’m sure if she were

To overeat to that extent all right I think she’s smart enough when you fill up herow a little she’ll still yeah like she’ll she’ll stop when she’s full all right yeah I actually have two sisters technically I have none only dicks in my house a dud over here except for

These oh where was that buried treasure at come on bury treasure there yeah that little piece that way on the very end where that zombie is you were right mhm two pairs of chain boots b D take these ingots what’s the potion it’s a exp oppa [ __ ] damn blueprint in my face

My life is just full of tragedies I’m sorry Ethan that’s sad can I hit the ball it zombie villag and I can’t even [ __ ] cure them right now [ __ ] straight bend them over what the [ __ ] give him that zombie flash I don’t know how I feel about that Chief why do whoa

[ __ ] say you [ __ ] him bro all this water is just wacky as [ __ ] not the meth I don’t need it [ __ ] well dudes let’s head on home fun fact Tony Soprano is based off of Ethan’s life with all due respect you got [ __ ] no idea what it’s like to be number [ __ ]

One you want to join the Discord homie all you got to do is ask I’ll drop a link for you right now there you go that is a link to shazza sanctum where we talk all about what dream is next games that are coming out movies we like in just regular

Conversation Pieces dude and where Ethan gives his [ __ ] opinions where Ethan loves to give his shitty opinions you should let me get this waterfall that Pepsi sh yeah that’ll be $70,000 don’t you have a cup or something cup no yeah cup no I’d appreciate that J thank you so much for joining the

Discord bro looking forward to seeing more from you do you play Bedrock by any chance at all I think we’re going to finish this baby up soon tomorrow sometimes I got you oh we got to fix this still too I forgot all about this ah there it is looking prettier by the day

A Jeb yeah well dudes I think we’re going to get ready to end things off here as always it’s always been a pleasure thank you all so so much for liking and subscribing it is because of your likes and your views that have gotten us to 420 Subs I cannot thank you guys

Enough fortnite’s going to be coming up next for a little bit with the homies so everybody go ahead and get on the game get ready if you want to play and we’ll be catching you all very soon and yes ghosty Jeb is still here alive and well anyway y’all have an awesome night

See you soon peacee goodbye

This video, titled ‘New Builds In The Village!! | Minecraft SMP |Live|’, was uploaded by Schnozz on 2023-11-26 07:50:05. It has garnered 116 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:50 or 9530 seconds.

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  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome, gamers! Have you ever wanted to experience a unique Minecraft challenge that will test your skills and creativity? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the video “How to Play ONE CHUNK in Minecraft PE || ONE CHUNK,” where players are challenged to survive and thrive in a limited space, Minewind Server provides a similar concept. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of adventure and… Read More