EPIC Minecraft Spawn Project on Deep End SMP!

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Yes guys yes I see all of you I’m just gonna stop instantly I’m not even gonna not even gonna make you guys away what’s up everyone how are you doing we’re gonna get straight into the deep and today I don’t want to keep you guys waiting cuz it is very late I’ve been

Meaning to actually stream but I wanted to wait for Stacey to finish if any of you are here and I’ve just finished watching Stacey stream I hope you had a lot of fun I tuned in a little bit so she got some turtles which is really really cool yeah for today’s stream if

You can’t tell from the title we are gonna be doing some spawn work now grazer is actually hired me to do this so this is kind of a project for grazer I did talk a little bit in my episode about getting a bunch of sand I didn’t do this

This was old grazer but if you do keep in tune with my episodes we finally have a depth Strider boot so you’ll see how I got those in the next video but now we’re just gonna kick back relax I hope you guys having a fantastic night and I

Yeah let’s just stop building I’m like I keep forgetting with my cameras I know as it is every stream but like I keep switching the angle I have it right here right now oh you know what we should do let’s make the background blue that’s

One thing I forgot to do I want to have like no you’re not supposed to be in here you’re supposed to be getting killed by the conduit I’m gonna sit in the conduit so that you cannot kill me watch this I tried to show this off in

My video like and there’s only gets close that’s it dude you’re done though stay back look at the animations and the particles that’s really cool right let’s turn the background blue real quick there well you should be sleeping right now alright it’s gets 1:34 but I like

I’m prepping videos Ashley that is the wrong thing I did not mean to change both lights oh my lovely like a ghost cancel that send it back to normal okay lights bedroom light let’s turn this back 1 2 blue behind me there we go cool cool cool we got that we got that

Sorted now I’m just reading some chat please add some call roll yes we are gonna add some coral but yes today we’re gonna be working at spawn I have an idea we’re actually prepping right now we’re prepping for the map now I have all of

This quotes as well I want to go get rid of this I did a ton of mining to get these boots absolute nightmare I have to be honest it was a nightmare do I have any room here that I can put it look at this look how many books I

Did I and it’s not even funny I enchanted too many books what is this this squeeze is fun oh I get it it all runs into the hopper out and getting sidetracked way too easily happens all the time let’s put the prop book in here

Let’s just also junk in here for now we don’t really need it then sandstone and sand right so in my plan I don’t really have one like I do have one but at the same time it’s kind of just I’m kind of just gonna be winging whatever we’re

Doing here by the way guys if anything goes wrong with my mic or like anything on the stream be sure to let me know in the chat and I will I will fix it as soon as possible I always like I always say this I’d be streaming for like yes

Now I guess but I’m still very new to it at the pathways we’re not gonna be adding pathways just yeah that’s probably gonna come after this right now we’re building what is gonna be the centerpiece of spawn I would like to say I need to turn this down a little bit

I’m gonna call it the centerpiece of spawn simply for the fact that this right here this is gonna remain but it’s not really gonna be of much significance it’s really just gonna serve the purpose of being where we all started and then we’re gonna build around this we’re

Gonna build the world around it look at all of this I love our stuff just floats up I’m blurry that better you’re really blurry you camera oh maybe it’s to this camera is like it’s weird it puts itself into autofocus mode sometimes yeah get out of here look at this X is that

Fixed guys let me know in the chat let me turn the white balance up a little bit so don’t look so ghostly cool this this just really likes to reset its settings every time I try and stream but we should be good I’m looking at low but

Orange now I’m just got to leave it I don’t want to mess around the settings too much let’s get build in I need to flatten out an area right now we need to build it I think the initial map place is going to be 12 by 12

Stope is still pretty blurry I look fine fix good that’s good that’s good all right now that that’s fixed and that’s fine how are you guys doing today yeah have you had a good day what did you get up to you I know it’s pretty late in the UK right now it’s

Still kind of like I guess early evening in the US I know most of you are from the US but let me know what you get up to you today just while I build this there’s gonna be more of like a chilled stream last year we were like oh we were

Getting into the thick of it we got like I don’t know we just got a lot done we’re a lot of adventure and done we got all the nether exploration done we took over a temple how was it like that was an intense stream this is gonna be like

A completely different speed this time play tennis went to school high school almost done for you guys I always used to love it like when summer was coming to an end I would be so happy when someone was coming to an end no I didn’t say that when school was coming to an

End for summer I was not happy when someone was coming to an end I never am actually I am like it’s weird people in the UK weird I don’t know if it’s the same in the u.s. it probably is but like the climate here in winter like it’s

Cold it gets cold and then when it comes to summer everyone’s like oh finally we’ve got some Sun and then literally one week of Sun everyone’s like it’s too hot it’s too hot take me back to winter it’s too hot hey what did you want the

Sun for we’re just trying to get a tan and that’s all you want it like I don’t I don’t get it I live in the heat that I love it apart from when I get like flustered and then frustrates me same in the USA I’m from New Zealand yo what’s up New

Zealand I love that I love having viewers from all over tuning in to this stream I guess this um the stream time is kind of it’s not really EU friendly maybe on a weekend it would be friendly for everyone but yeah it’s not eat you friendly at the moment I don’t know how

You know I’m on that let’s clear this out right now I’m just making like a base platform for what I’m building I want to just have a nice square area to start off on gonna clear this out as well thank you so much great for getting

This and for me I don’t want to have to go back and forth on the sand journey in the streams I think if we do run out I’m gonna have to get grazer on and send him on a mission for me I live in Illinois

Nebraska yo I did so many of you are from the US I was gonna say from the UK take my money okay I should really change that donation sound it’s like telling me to shut up but I feel like it’s kind of productive as I that’s the

Whole point of streaming thank you for the donations there oh wow we already got three and I totally miss these first ones Gretta donated $2 say how’s it going up you’re doing well I’m doing fantastic I’m a little bit tired so the stream might get a little bit weird if I

Get you and tireder I get really weird when I’m tired like super super weird it’s that same random stuff talking to myself I mean I guess it’s kind of my job to say random stuff and talk to myself so I guess it’s not really much weird about it Texas Tennessee Colorado

I love Colorado I went to been to Fort Collins call a cop what Collins was really really cool the mountains very very nice is I’m in the chat I am I don’t embarrass me in the chat please don’t tell them all my secrets you know everything I just just

Imagine everyone in the chat now just ask him for my secrets Alabama Georgia UK yes got some UK represented in there I don’t want to keep you guys up for too long oh this is so beautiful look at this like being over the bill that spawned and just have dolphins hanging around us

Whoa deaf straighter and dolphins I just got dolphin power with deaf strated that was so fast this is normal depth Strider let’s get some dolphin power that just got us to our base oh we need a dolphin farm a round spawn we definitely need like this is messed up

But we need like dolphins in like cages that are gonna give us dolphin power and we are gonna move so fast around spawn like transportation what would that work it no no you can’t put water in the nether I was gonna say like I’m a I mean

If we make a transportation system we definitely could use dolphins will sleeps with my blanket at the minute that’s true I did I have been stealing your blanket I speak giving me some good nights of sleep yeah if we’re making a transportation system on this server

We need to use dolphins in depth strata that was the fastest I think I’ve ever moved in my granny ok need to fix that let me move that down a little bit your name popping off the screen and stuff it might look a little bit weird but at

Least it’s not gonna be popping off the screen now next right let me go over that donation very sorry for the delay the serial cult donated $1.99 for Emily’s cornettos yes yes you guys are keeping it real so on Twitter I like there’s a whole thing on Emily’s Twitter

About how I ate her ice creams I hate the last one today actually and she said she said to the people that voted yes that I could eat it that they had to pay for and you could shout out the serial code for buying a box of cornettos

Tiffany donated five Canadian dollars I will from Canada that’s why grayza lives I’m so sorry you have to share a continent continent country with it the continent of Canada my favorite continent yeah thank you for the thank you for the donation I’ve been watching you for a while I love watching your

Vids to de-stress from uni lectures I hope your needs going well for you and I’m glad that I can help you de-stress everyone needs to de-stress in some way yeah thank you so much for that donation H through here through here I it’s like Spanish I class so basically like my pronunciation

Is just the best and I’m basically Spanish now I got an e in Spanish in Spanish it was bad no let’s start building this there thank you for that that you just donated $1 with $1 with no message so thank you for the donation I

Wish I could read what you had to say that Nicole donated $5 hi well today I had to read my class officer speech wait what I had to read my class officer speech in front of my entire school because I’m running for class vice president wow you

Look on that I hope it went well whereas I sent a point we want to put it like right yeah let’s just make it cobble for now we’re gonna have to do 12 by 12 says one and then either side we should go a one booth that’s not you

Miss a sign 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 it’s 13 by 13 we’re not doing it we’re not doing even numbers it’s not happening grades

I’m sorry that I teen by 13 it is I hope that doesn’t upset you but it has to be done I’m not working in even numbers that’s like one of my biggest things in Minecraft is like if you make me build uh we’re not doing even numbers that’s

Like one of the rules of building guys if you need to have a center point for a build you not leave a gap of two so say you want to build a bridge like a nice archway and you want to leave a gap of two like look at this how are you meant

To build in the center how are you meant to build like a nice archway right here where as if it’s three wide like this and you have this little bit on the top there you go all of a sudden you’ve got a nice odd tray three wide there’s a

Trick for you a nice little built-in trick yeah thank you for that donation Nicole five dollars I I do hope that you get class vice president just like put it put it like a good word with the teacher be like look will told me that I’m gonna get it

So I should get it I see Perry donated $2 I saw what you said on m’s Instagram thank you for the donation maggie donated $3 without a message thank you so much guys I am gonna continue building and read the chat as I do so this is like my hardest task yeah I

Don’t think I’ve done like a fluid build while talking livestream ever so we got 13 this way we got one two three four five six and one two three four five six I hope you guys actually take my building tip seriously I did want to do

A build tip series in the past I just felt a bit like obnoxious it does it feels really obnoxious to be giving tips on stuff that I’m not the best that I don’t know that’s been one of my like pet peeves like if I’m not the best it’s

Something why should I be the one to teach I don’t know my logic is probably super flawed but as what it is oh my lord I’m just noticing that we’re gonna run out of sand super fast naturally I don’t think I am don’t think I am you guys

Grab some more sandstone to finish off the base of this so grayza can put the map on it we have five dollars coming in from dem ashes while it’s just gonna be a donation reading stream at this point thank you so much guys hey well in August I was depressed because I lost

All of my friends but you helped me during those hard times through your videos and personality thank you so much I hope things have gotten a lot better for you that’s a long time ago this is almost a year now I hope things have gotten a lot better for you in that time

Thank you for your donation I’m glad I could help you thank you Brittany Brittany donated $5 hey well hope you have had a great day serious goals to meet you one day I am thank you so much for that um I have had a great

Day and it is cause to meet me I need to start going to conventions again like I got a little bit not burnt out I won’t say burnt out but it’s like it’s super us and effective it’s super expensive for me to try and get to America to try

And go to these conventions so like it’s tough it’s tough like I would love to meet as many people as I can but it’s just super expensive yet so yeah hopefully I can meet you someday my choking of my eyes my mouth is dry already I’m like boiling I’m sweating we

Have a donation coming in from Gretta again two dollars everyone’s live currently and I’m torn staying here there yeah can I get that water off her mustache everyone’s life whose life I don’t see anyone that’s live on the deep end from myself so you know you know that

You should be staying here what what’s that going to do oh yeah we’re going to the Mesa right now I need to go grab some red sand from the Mesa why does he not read the chat I like when people are donating I can’t really focus the chat

Over donating because these people have paid money to like get my attention so sky like it’s rude of me to ignore them but I’m definitely like reading the chat now as you can see whenever I’m doing my whole donation spiel it’s like I’ve defocus from the chat and we’re not

Flying I’m in a boat I’m in a boat what am i building our building a map for spawn well I’m not building the map Grace has built the map but I’ve been hired to build like a place that it goes so I’m gonna build like a nice spawn area it’s gonna have I

Don’t know like I’ve envisioned it in my head I’ve got to leave for a few minutes all right up um it’s gonna how am I supposed to explain this so it’s gonna be like a flat map that I’m gonna do like staircases up to it and then in

Each corner there’s gonna be a little Tower just feel like a static Peppa says nothing too big nothing too small it’s just gonna be very nice and yeah hopefully you guys like it h-his live on Twitch is Stacey was live yeah Stacey was like Stacey killed it she had a very

Good stream today it looks like it’s really hard to read and pay attention to the game at the same time he made glance at the chat sometimes but it’s impossible to read everything while he sakes shout out to you for understanding like that’s one of my like biggest

Struggles like I said at the start of the stream is like I’m not a professional streamer but you guys you guys see this in the chat if you can guess what that is you win I don’t know what you would but yeah like going back

To what I was saying being able to focus on the chat play at the same time is like very much a struggle because you’re either talking to your community or your and not playing the game or you’re like playing the game and not talking to your community there’s some people that are

Excellent at it and can just like do everything at once of which I’ve never understood but yeah I’m sure we’ll get the hang of it someday is that a dog or toy it’s not a dog or toy Atos there’s not a toaster microphone arm thing that’s right here I’m talking about down

Here this right there that thing is it a stuffed animal or a pillow no he reached chat when he has a chance yes all right let’s get as much sand as we can oh look at this shovel look at the shovel very very nice good shovel you should come to Texas

Yeah I actually love Texas I think if I ever go to Texas again I want to go to Austin this time because I’ve done Dallas I’d like to see what’s up in uh what’s up in Austin I’ve been watching a lot of dreamhack streams I don’t know if any of you are familiar

With Dreamhack or specifically care about it but the Dreamhack streams they’ve been good I need to not ruin Stacie’s Mesa right now let’s tidy this up M’s makeup bag is not M’s makeup bag umbrella holder I didn’t even know umbrella holder existed what is an umbrella holder

The guess excuse me sir is that your umbrella holder in the background is it a koala van no it’s not a koala bear you guess in there you guess it I’ve not seen anyone say yet Nintendo switches town Nintendo’s switch I scatter all of this and a mug knows

Nothing bug did you get your depth strata boots I did we have depth strata I’m trying to put protection for on them but protection for it the minute they combine it costs twenty nine levels and obviously I only have seven levels completely like descending this area I feel bad and I

Don’t know where anymore red Sanders obviously I walk more into the Meister I’ll find some but yes everything looks nice with just Terra Cotta right now right cool cool cool it’s a trash can it’s not a trash can a camera or M that’s on my windowsill it’s not moved I

Don’t think it’s a human so it’s definitely not M so watch it excuse me I was burp on I hiccups there’s a new computer it is it is a new computer you got it right guys my new computer it was it was a Krusty Krab it’s the Krusty Krab have all the things

Krusty Krab be so mad if I was a beer right now and I was like guessing all these things and all along is just a Krusty Krab yeah I guess it’s ocean-themed oh so it makes sense it’s a fishing ornament it’s not a fishing owner but like a fish tank ornament it’s

Supposed to be in a fish tank no this is Patrick precisely why would we guess that well exactly that’s how I wanted you guys to guess just to see if someone said it okay while I’m boating let me go through his donations real quick the serial cult donated $2 another donation

For more cornettos for will and m thank you so much you’re keeping us fed or rather keeping me fed because I’m gonna be the one eat in the mall and then dem ash has donated $2 yup I’m just so grateful for you and your beds thank you

So much and yes thank you to you to you for that donation I’m glad that my videos helped people we would have not got that at all build a Krusty Krab that is one of my ideas I want to know what to put in it though

Maybe we could sell like huh who is it that sells everything in that show is like alliteration right so you have like Krabby Patties and then they have everything not is it alliteration no it’s not alliteration but every every single like food item has the name of

The ingredient in it so there’s like the Krabby Patties they have crab in them right I don’t even know what other things there are in spongebob what am I trying to say like who said I feel like there’s like kelp milkshakes in something help yeah that’s what I’m

Saying like we should sell kelp Krabby Patties but how would we make Krabby Patties I Franny I it’s funny cos like the Phantom has a face like it has eyes on the top of his head watch when it like dives at me but you see the green

Eyes right there but then watch when she turns around look right that that’s definitely a face I’m trying to like go back a bit please I’ll show them your face we’re back do you have some cobble let me go in there I want to show you guys

Look you see that face right there right there that is a face tell me that’s not a face like why does it have eyes if it has a face right there I don’t get it it looks so much cuter with its face like that don’t even don’t

Even try Frannie we’re lagging out am i lagging out I hope no I think that’s just on your end I don’t see anything on my end unfortunately you should put in fish just out we should okay we could just sell like fish related stuff I guess it’s it’s kind of

Messed up that Krabby Patties have crab in them and it’s owned by mr. Krabs when you think about it right and I messed up that’s a face see that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying it is definitely a face right so for this I wanted to do

A little bit of a design just for grazer so that he can see what’s going on we’re gonna put red sand as the center point and then around the whole edge I need to get out of the habit of sprinting I got that straighter for this reason okay but

This is where the map is going to go I don’t even want to be swimming right now this is a lot more difficult than I’d hoped I might have to like unbind sprint guess I can’t they accidentally DoubleTap W just then and it’s making me do this it’s my first stream I’ve actually

Attended what’s up thank you for being there drop down some of this this way the map goes or at least where the map could expand to and we’re gonna build the staircase down let’s work on the staircase after this all right now we got to actually hit this up let’s go

Like let’s get the stairs oh I think you made no I didn’t make a mistake there we go is get a stack of these not quite a sack but close enough so sponge oh we could sell sponges they don’t have crab in them throughthe it proved that a

Krabby patty doesn’t have crab in it maybe it doesn’t but like I feel like the name of everything as ingredients in it at least Twitter told me it did and Twitter never lies one two well this is difficult place and stairs underwater I’m having a struggle

Right now let’s get one of these and one of these not one of these all right there’s the start of a staircase we need like a really pretty design going down this like okay we can work off of this like that and then we’re gonna go oh did I mess up

No I didn’t okay we’re gonna get three and then we’re gonna go with the slab and then we’re gonna go wait yeah that should just be the end all right no yes no like this I this is like oh my god this is where things are gonna

Get weird I’m so bad at building like anything that takes focus when it comes to building it on camera I don’t do it it literally cannot do it see I’m already mess it up I just want to get like a nice design down for the stairs and then I’ll be able to interact

With you guys in the chat again let’s get this going some sandstone behind here nope nope okay we need sandstone behind these we need another line of Sanson right here probably alright cool you can’t even walk up that will we can’t walk up that Joseph Smarr damn

When people claim that I’m a good builder just tell them no just tell them he’s not he’s a floor he’s not a good builder he’s not a good builder at all anyone who’s ever said that is a liar I said that I’m actually good builder sorry ever they’re liars okay how do we

Maybe it’s just gonna have to be a staircase alright here we go I’m gonna build an actual staircase just a normal one just like so build a normal spec is let me build a staircase game okay there we go let’s get these down these down now can I do anything to make

This look nice yes I can we’re gonna go like this this and this you go like that and then we’re gonna right here push these back instead perfect get stressed we’re getting stressed minecraft you stressing me out I can’t build properly I here we go there we go alright is that look at

Least a little bit decent me it doesn’t look bad I need to use some other color blocks there that’s gonna be my main struggle here I think is a lack of different color blocks that we can work with maybe I need some wood yeah I think I think incorporating wood into this is

Gonna be a move if anything unless no they don’t mesh well together with different colors stand stones they don’t you should look I send total super-shot no I should look at my donations though before I get sidetracked let me scroll down says a lot coming in you guys are the best

Seabury donated $2 I got it right I said it was something wait Oh what right I’m lost I saw you said my name’s Instagram I’m Seabury I’m sorry I’m confused a unicorn gaming a donated $1 through super chat thank you so much for that with no message Shadowside donated $2 I

Wish you come too you should come to Colorado soon I don’t know what I’m next gonna be in the US I do like the staircase though now I look at it again I am actually a fan of that let me stop placing down some more sand wait this

Peas filling up I swear I took sand from that chest grace they’ve been filling that up while I’ve not been looking it was like there’s just been like a phantom chest filler on this ever I’m pulling out my chest as I build will I love you I love you thank you so much

You guys are too kind to me sometimes you know that right perfect place all of this down I need to build the corner things before anything or not before anything actually yeah probably before anything so I feel like they’re gonna tie the rest of the build together nicely go to its funnies ice

Cream shop you’re they have an ice cream shop it’s born what is this what is this llama Land amusement park is here Odette’s was we also have a skeleton spawner oh that’s good I believe this is funnies place honey in the crews place right think so like that so like she’s like

I’m just building a big target the thing I got right was the krusty krab thing I said that it was something and it was something that foot oh you guys Chloe donated $2 please say hi to licks be out and clover what’s up Lex Luthor my money

Well you guys are coming in fast with the donations I’m struggling to keep up with this and name a tree doctor talks too much I might I might just do that love you em and your veg thank you so much Ruby donated $20 but when I missed that

Ruby you’ve been so supportive recently thank you so much I appreciate that okay just heads me when I would go to read them like donation message and there’s not one man it makes it a struggle for me I felt like I should I feel like I’m like obliged to read something for you

Okay here we go got us and soon we’re gonna make a little circle one two three three maybe this is gonna be the best no the corner points should be very thing actually maybe that no that’s gonna be way too big it’s gonna be the most difficult part is actually planning out

The little circle of the corner okay so one mmm maybe I should move it in 1 1 2 3 well but no how do I do this I’m like fully stuck right now maybe I should bring it from the outside in so like 1 2 3 1 2 3

Ok yeah I get it I’ve figured it out perfect I got myself very confused just then get rid of these it’s this and it’s so hard to differentiate between sand and sandstone one of my biggest struggles in Minecraft ever it looks fine hopefully it’s gonna

Look sign up yet I’m fine at the end I aggressive donate a $2.00 proud of you for saving my name right Liam says grita you know Liam that’s something I’d expect crazy to do H if you’re watching this or you seeing like a clip of this

Greta not greet it that’s way too big actually know that my touch I might work out perfectly and we could like bring it up a level like this okay yeah this could actually this could be perfect I think I’m onto something hold on having a brainwave I’m having a major brainwave

Right now yeah yep yep yep yep it’s exactly what I had in my head exactly what I had in my head I’m just the best builder in Minecraft right this is kind of like the idea that I wanted to go for us build like four corner pieces I need

To obviously detail this I’m not just gonna leave it like that but yeah it’ll be my money for corner pieces then just have the big map on the bottom and then a staircase up from every place and this would be like pretty much the center of spawn if that makes sense so people

Would be able to stand here there’d be stuff out this way the top this way and then this would be the world map that would be constantly updating the issue with the world map though is that I don’t think it shows underwater though my money you guys are stressing me out

Like it in a good way not in a bad way so every time I get alone with something I got like 20 donations my days a little better keep up the great work I’m all like caught and flustered can you see me thank you guys I’ve got to go

Through these before I get completely like backtracked up on them like backed up all they donated $2 this series got me back into watching your bits thank you so much I owe obviously like I know people are gonna dip out when I don’t have an entertainment series going this series

Is just like it’s blowing me away and I’m so glad I’m like having a bunch of old viewers revisit me as well thank you so much for coming back and thank you for the donation Aaron donated $2 hi I love you police built a krusty krab at spawn definitely

We’ll be doing that show toasts are donated $5 hi I really love your vids you should build an underwater volcano and sell something in it I was actually gonna build a volcano of my Island oh I’m getting distracted I really want to be like able to go over to my Island

Right now and show you guys the plan that I have for that but I’ll save that for another day see Perry donated $5 to say thing I got right was a Krusty Krab thing we went over that one but yes you were you are right technically you were

Technically right thank you for the donation Sam donated $1 without a message thank you for that Mariah or Maria I’m gonna say Mariah donated $2 yo just got here what are you building we are building a spawn map war grazers built the map instead of having it in here we want to

Put it flat on the ground so this is where it’s gonna go it’s gonna go in this area right here I’m building the outside and then in greys this video you guys are gonna be able to see it with the whole map on it grazer paid me 10

Diamonds studio to do this so and diamonds like that in real life money is like I don’t know like $800 so he’s pretty much just pay me $800 to do this build which is incredible of him Thank You grayza can we get some hash tag thanks crazes in the chat invisible ruby

Donated $5 to say the voice thing scares me that is true when it’s on text-to-speech it like lets out your message on the screen and like reads it I think it’s anything over 10 but yes thank you for the donation I now understand why you don’t put a message

Thanks graces in the chat well can you please do a country accent I can I calm I’m you’re gonna offend people if I do that I can’t miss my semi 1990 donated $5 my ass what YouTube video helped you make your afk fish farm and chicken farm

Maybe put links in a description I’m trying to find someone that works um I think I don’t know how he says his name I think it’s Asuma the spell its X is um a and then it’s void assume avoid I think it says I’m very very good

Youtuber very very good I recommend that if anything if ever you need like a tutorial for anything just just go there honestly you’ll find everything that you need all right this should be good in terms of like the corner piece what do you guys think of that not sure what to

Put on the top I kind of want to go for some like Atlantis themed kind of thing okay so we’ve got to go next to the staircase up like this and we have this okay we’re on to it I’m gonna absolutely fly through this build now I don’t know if

I’m gonna be able to finish it in today’s stream I’m aiming to but who knows how things are gonna go honestly I got very very sidetracked turn it into a sand castle that’s a perfect idea it’s like that’s kind of what I’m going for I don’t want to over complicate it and

Like ruin my own creative flow with it if that makes sense like I I feel like that’s what I normally do get into building something and then I’d be like okay it’s it looks good but like it could be better let’s do this instead and I don’t build something else and

Then I’ll end up building somewhere else and then I just get all kinds of messed up and before I know it it’s like three months down the line and I’ve not even finished my a ship yet you guys know what I’m talking about that shout out to

You a ship what a joke okay let me go over these donations so that $25 donation is just sitting there begging to be read so let’s get to it hey your tailor donated $5 well now you have to build a Krusty Krab on the deep

End by the way I love you and I love you too um thank you I am gonna build a see crab and don’t become with my girl like that I don’t know I don’t know if I can allow that yeah I just played you guys obviously know that I’m playing

When I say that stuff I just don’t want anyone to take that out of context let’s see yes here we go the $25 donation from Nick love your vids you always make my days a little better keep up the great work thank you so much for that your

Donation made my day a little better so I’m glad we’re both on the same page thank you so much for that that’s honestly no I’ve just been being blessed recently on streams like you guys have been almost overly supportive and it’s hard to say thank you in more ways than

Just saying thank you I guess just know like if I’m constantly saying thank you and like I mean it from the bottom of my heart it’s just I don’t know I don’t know what to say other than that kasa – chilly I need to look that up in English with me guys I

Have to tab out for one second Chilean peso the USD let me see I think yes oh that’s like that’s really smart are you guys from like other countries could totally bait it up I think and get your like text-to-speech on that’s very very cool thank you for that donation

Let me have a look at this so yeah I’d costume Ida donated $2 that’s why you make it even grayza told me just honestly grazie I want to see Gracie do a build tips video what you guys think about that grayza tend build tips I would actually

I would watch that that would be are we good are we back are we back sorry about that guys I think my internet went down that will happen from time to time the internet where I live is not very strong at all so yeah my apologies if that went down I

Don’t know like what the last thing I said was you guys are gonna have to tell me what was the last thing that I said it was so I can like keep up with where I was at I think the last thing I remembered that probably you guys had

Was about grazer and his build tutorial videos is that where we were up to let’s finish this yeah grace of grace of bill tips okay that’s what I thought grayza I don’t know if you heard me but I said you should make a build tape series you should raise attend build tips

She turned build tips I know that’s like it’s not even a funny joke but at the same time of it is a funny joke I just like that vid went like minecraft viral and people will like coming to it too much bill be like find out how to build

I always think there’s something funny about that I think it’s not a bad builder all right maybe a little it’s all jokes guys but people didn’t ear and hear like you I don’t think like it’s gonna take a while for some people to process minor grazes friendship with

Like I’m sure in time you guys will learn to understand I’m making some good progress on this build I’m proud of myself the weld map I guess it could be like a sand castle I need to go and get myself some wood does so so I’m gonna do yeah

He is bad but better than me all right guys don’t put yourself down like that raise do you have any wood that I can steal like oak wood if you do I’m stealing it don’t tell him guys don’t tell them don’t tell him don’t tell him don’t tell him

Oh just steal some wood just to see it what this is gonna look like you can do a pyramid I don’t know if I’m gonna do a pyramid a good idea but I don’t think I have enough sandstone I’m honest let’s see what that looks like then we want to

Put some fences right here oh I need my water bucket back yeah that’s how that’s gonna be two three and like this let’s just use slabs for now can I build past this that’s so weird I can like I can build on this one but

Can i that is odd okay yeah I could build on that one but I can’t build on the other one perfect right cool you should use magma blocks in the pillars good idea actually I want to use salts and I want the bubbles to be going up

That’s gonna be a good idea how are we gonna link this up there hmm just trying to process how we could potentially do that like I wanna I almost want to make like a an archway maybe we could I’ll build the tops of the pillars for us and

Then we’ll work on an archway and see how that looks build domes across each one yeah we’re gonna put a top on these these are not even finished this is just like the base model I might have to run back to my island Oh to grab some supplies so let’s

Dip out over there which way this way okay AM L Sarah donated the Chilean pesos greetings from Chile is it chilly or yeah it is as chilly isn’t it like I being British I wanted to say chilly been down to Chile I’ve been to Chile [Laughter]

I can’t I can’t I was gonna seem like a British impersonation of someone who’s just got back from Chile yeah I just can’t even think of what they would say like I’ve just come back from Chile with my bag of chilies hey I’m pretty I’m pretty sure they go it’s chilly it’s

Really not funny dog slapping myself mariah davis donated $2 for super chat without a message thank you so much for the support our tablet tablet shoutout to our tablet team Westerners will know who our tablet is donated $2 I’m doing work and washing need help need my help

Building I think I’m good for now I think I might have to hire you if things don’t go well I think I think I’ve got it covered right now Oh granite I should have kept granite maybe diary I could look cool I feel inclined to take all of these kinds of

Blocks yes we have more granite we have more diorite there like every chest is gonna have granite and diorite in it yes blaze was here donated $2 love your voice thank you for the support I appreciate the donation I appreciate the kind words as well Ellie and a mate’s

Donated $5 say well I’m a new fan could you name a tree hamster dog in honor of my guinea pig hamster dog you have a guinea pig could house the dog perhaps the dog it’s super chilly down in Chile so I need a bag of hot chilies to warm

My body and honestly like you guys are funny Ellie ah yes the $5 donation I appreciate that kid I named a tree hamster dog hamster dog I think just because it’s such a bizarre name I might actually name a tree hamster dog thank you for that donation and Christa Eckland donated $5

To say I always look forward to seeing your videos and we should be thanking you know guys you’re like really like I have to thank you guys is everything because you guys are the viewers you make it possible for me to do this please please please understand

That when I say that you guys make this possible so it’s like me thanking you guys it’s always sincere yes thank you for that donation I have to go but I’ll be back need my Vegemite toast yeah you are Australian that is some Australian thing to say

I need my Vegemite toast and make me throw up they give him the donation they Ruby what Vegemite you scared me Franny these Turtles all right answer this guy’s these turtles are definitely breathable right for me I don’t think they take seagrass don’t they but I have one here in it just like

Every time you put it back in the water it comes back to the island and there’s another one that usually hangs out around here as well should be like this should be it’s like spawn Island cuz I’ve I’ve heard that they only lay eggs on their initial Island or like the

Island that they belong to I don’t know does that make sense when I say that or any more jungle slabs and like jungle wood in general I think jungle wood is the move actually probably is do have lapis lapis the piece yes and we do have lapis all right it’s time diamonds

1 2 3 look at these boots right here section 4 just waiting to be combined I think those are real phantoms outside now I have the hiccups efficiency one what a waste of three levels why did I do that he just got it with one level I phantoms way you had

You coming for Franny you back for Franny you’re not taking that she’s mine that’s right that’s right yep time for them to dip catch me up please so basically in this stream I’ve just been chillin at school and hanging out talking to you guys yes that it’s a lot more of this chill

Stream than the last one but we’re just we’re working on the map for spawn at Grace’s high at me pay me ten diamonds which is 800 dollars in real us money he’s yeah he’s paying me ten diamonds to build him like like a nice Plateau kind

Of thing to put the map on top of I don’t know if that makes sense but yeah I like catch up when I go back over there I say sahih RIA Surya say hurry yeah donated $2 just wanted to say I love you and your bids thank you so much I love

You too oh no oh no God my money one of the donations that close me out for saying your name wrong no look Lara Lara Maria Maria I’m gonna call you Loretta Raya Loretta maybe that’s it Loretta is that right Loretta what did I say ‘la Raya

Larae uh I’m gonna say Loretta tell me that’s right if it’s not I’m gonna be upset at myself for getting it wrong twice in a row use some prismarine in the bill okay I use all of my prison marine on the conduits so I don’t know

If we’re gonna be able to do that also guys if you want to learn how to mine these jungle trees like efficiently go down in a spiral these bits I just chop them down as you go go down in a spiral then on your way back up you can like

Chop it perfectly well you’re supposed to really go from the bottom up let me show you oh no I can’t wait wait yeah I can’t I can’t do it on this one but if you go from the bottom up and on the way down you can just like chop one

Block at a time it’s perfect let’s see I didn’t even notice the nd a donation Raya the Raya I forgot how I’m saying you me Shirley chose a pronunciation now I’m saying it wrong you said but here’s money for Emily’s cornettos yo M you’re gonna get

A lot of color letters in the stream I think which is good because that means I get to eat them all again I messed up I messed up I was trying to show everyone what to do you tree oh I guess it’s still work but yeah that’s what I mean

You stand in the middle right here then you’re going a circle like this look at this look how efficient this is you get back down to the bottom one at a time there we go now you’ve cut down an entire jungle Street I was very very

Cool nice tutorial for you guys I hope you appreciate it that’s gonna be 20 bucks thank you for buying the King Kong tutorial tape that’s gonna read the end of this tutorial reasons have $5 to restart the camera we’ll try growing a tree underwater I

Don’t know if you can do that I’ve got two donated $2 I love how much you love your fans thank you I love you I like to thank you you’ve been like super super super like mega supportive recently you’re not funny okay I’m hey when you get called out by your girlfriend for

Not being funny like it just it hurts hey it really does like yeah you if I got like face to none right now oh my God look at my skin look oh look at this highlight my money Wow what do you guys think about this this isn’t blurry this is like pristine

I look good you have any like I think I have okay I do I have McDonald’s napkins it’s not blurry guys it’s an enhancement to make me look better okay you fix that oh yeah well that’s like super HD now cool oh cool Larry cam tract night warp donated $2

You make me laugh every day I hope to meet you I hope you do get the chance to meet me someday that’s like as oh my lord I remember being I always tell stories what I like when I was a fan of youtubers but when I was a fan and like

When I was fighting my burning my I was about to say furthering my meat ever you tubers meeting my first ever youtubers I was like nervous so whenever you guys come up to me at meetups and like in the past people have come up to me at meetups I’ve been like shaking and

Nervous like I get it like it is it is nerve-wracking but just know I’ve been in your position so if ever you come up to me and you’re nervous just try not to be just relax just relax like I don’t I don’t know not that scary and

To be honest I’m probably more nervous to meet you then you have to meet me iris and Vinnie and I did $2.00 well you make a shout out wall can I be on it I talked a little bit about this in the last year about there being a shout out

Wall and how its kind of like it could go wrong I don’t know like I feel like it’s gonna be upsetting to people that like might not be able to get on it for whatever reason I just feel bad doing stuff like that but I definitely I could

Look into it like I’d have to figure out a fair way to do it that’s gonna be the only thing making it fair am I gonna do this I should change these I’m changing these fences yeah that’s gonna look so much better get rid of this trash look at this trash

Absolute trash that looks a lot better already please put jingle-jingle jungle buttons on the pillows buttons yes yes okay I don’t really work with buttons that often in my builds that’s a good idea I need to do that more I’m actually gonna put them like I feel like

Throughout this series I’m gonna find out that there’s so many different reasons that you can’t build a certain space under water that’s like fully upset me the fact that I can’t do that like that’s really really really disappointed me uh let me see some are done donated a $2.00 will you’re awesome

Your building is great thank you very much it’s not overly great yet needs to be worked on a little bit but hopefully it will be great soon my back is hurting already yeah let’s let’s get a move on with the build since I took a little bit bit of a

Break right there when I headed over to my house I want this to turn out great it’s probably gonna like one way when okay when I finished this room is definitely gonna look like something that I built on stream but then by the next episode probably gonna have worked

On it a lot a lot that’s usually how I do things like I’ll be like okay this is cool but have you seen it when I do this and then it’s just gonna look even cooler you’re like okay wind yes okay I have an idea I need sand

I need sand urgently give me sand I need to start detailing these I need to detail one of them and get you guys as approval on it and then hopefully we can put that same design on all of the other ones as well how long is this being that

We’ve been live so far 450 58 minutes your time flies when you build I was supposed to be asleep right now but I already had stairs I already had stairs and slabs I’m like I’m like tired I’m guessing I’m tired that’s probably what it is okay there we go it’s gonna

Look nice nice that’s already looking better I just want to get at least one post detailed during this stream um having another idea it’s might work this might not so yep yep I like it I like it what do you guys think if ever I do something and you guys like don’t like

It be sure to tell me cuz I got a very picky about my bills like if people don’t like what I do and something like I definitely want to hear because it’s only gonna make me a better builder in the long run right well I’m diggin it I’m diggin it right

Now that looks so cool thank you let’s see C Perry MC tone $85 I restarted the camera thank you so stupid for just playing into that joke that’s my favorite thing is like if I make a stupid joke of people play into it that’s my favorite thing please spend

Five dollars to restart the camera I’m an idiot I know just I’m just an idiot especially a livestream act a fool let’s see would you guys say that I’m like different in my streams than to my my videos I feel like I definitely am I feel like I’m somewhat

The same as in my videos but I’m destroying these I’m over this design right here like I feel like I’m somewhat the same but at the same time I’m like completely not what’s going on maybe we need more fences let’s do a test right here I think that might be

The move to have bees like supporting the sides you’re very different yeah you’re less energetic you’re more open in streams that’s cool not a whole lot different but you’re more relaxed on stream than in videos I feel like everyone is like somewhat more relaxed on streaming videos I like to like keep

The videos energetic because I feel like people that are watching videos like if a video slows down and gets boring personally from me watching videos on youtube a lot I always used to find that like if something got slow like a bit stale I would I would just like stop

Watching and move to the next video it was like that’s not something that I want to happen I want people to be enjoying my content like through and through where are streams I feel like it’s a lot more relaxed I’m able to actually talk to you guys so it’s

Engaging you even if I’m like relaxed I’m a lot more comfortable I guess I have an idea for right here brain waves okay and then this okay this could go one of two ways I need to get some prismarine I want prismarine in that whole like sea lanterns I won’t see

Lanterns in that hole feel like I’m not digging this no give me my fence back okay where’s my fence gone okay yeah I like that a lot more keep in the bottoms all sandstone is gonna be a lot better for us as they use coral in the hole oh we could Oh No

Yeah yeah yeah what is that I think I see me mob I think that’s a new mob is that a new mob it is it’s so ugly why did why did they implement this into the game and it spits see Latins at you yeah that’s disgusting I’ll take them

Though that is just gross well I lost that one but it works one two three four sea lanterns do they do they look good oh that looks kind of cool actually what do you guys think about that carrot of it grayza it’s so disgusting oh yeah I

Wonder if that meme is get a return crazy used to be memed as like the ugly robot but I guess that like that meme itself kind of died down a little bit so that we’re like bringing it back the ugly robot returns why does that sound

Like a Star Wars movie no it doesn’t sound like a sowell spinoff I like it’s so ambient just listen to this they’ve done they’ve done such a good job I’m minecraft in this update like this is I’m gonna say the word I’m gonna say the p-word perfect it is it’s perfect I

Can’t false it I haven’t found a fault with it yet I’ve been thoroughly enjoying it it’s perfect look how much this is coming along so far this is looking neat compared to that like if you guys really thought I was gonna leave it like that you obviously are very new around there

I’m not gonna slack on any of these builds at spawn now you’re gonna look a beautiful beautiful I can’t wait to see what other people do around spawn as well it’s gonna be the best part let’s see don’t want to miss out on the donations just in case there so I meant

To say that I don’t want to upset people by missing donations it’s hard to read and talk at the same time I was feel like I’m gonna say what I’m reading okay here we go chaotic lab cat donated $2 is it just me or is it surreal talking to

You live that’s like what I really want to go for I want to make you guys feel connected and that’s the whole point of a livestream in my opinion is audience engagement as much as like the content that’s going on being engaged with the audience it’s like super super important

I think we’ve got the first Tower pretty much done grace if you have any more lanterns they know you’re watching could you come and supply your Lance right here I just need you to go inside and essentially fill up that little zone just so we have light on all sides I

Know that down here night vision is a thing but from the surface when you lose your night vision oh it’s nighttime right now that’s perfect oh look when you lose your night vision from up top it lights it up and it’s gonna look really cool

You’ve only got six more I mean I only need four so if you want to put four right there and that should be good we’ve just got to finish this tower right here more than anything ugly mob is here exactly the ugly robots are helping us build now – nope nice

That up Wow okay sorted sauteed like mushrooms wait that’s not supposed to be like that backtrack on that design do we have another stand no we don’t this is like you guys can really probably see my concentration face when it comes to building it’s like one of the things

That I focus on the most let’s go one of those one of those one of those and that’s it super simple design that’s what we’re going for Oh what is happening oh yeah dude that dance do that – oh it’s gonna get really into that just then it’s a point in very

Disappointing what’s happening though is so weird I need a water bucket grace can you bring me a water bucket see pickles would be pretty cool at the entrance I don’t think I’ve even seen a sea pickle what does the sea pickle look like I need a water bucket there like fix this

That’s my favorite thing okay my favorite feature about the oceans is if you click this with a water bucket this whole like water texture goes away so this is gonna look just beautiful in my opinion Mady Pradhan Mady Pradhan donated $5 your laugh makes me laugh I

Always enjoy your vids and the effort you put into them thank you okay let’s show you guys this look at this if I just right-click it beautiful minecraft you’ve done a good thing you have finally it’s been a couple years but you’ve done a good thing

I’m proud of you guys for real think of this all these blue bits right yeah I think if I just like right nope proved it broke it why can I not fix that fix I mean I guess it’s on the underneath so does it really matter estelle should be fixed go find Cara

Will they look like pickles okay I’ll go I’ll go on a hunt for coral now let’s just put some stuff in here so I have a bit more space in my inventory I’ll return the sounds down to you I got like way too absorbed into the sounds William

Can you please come to Vegas in August Vegas in August I feel like you’re like bad I got I burn up if I go there it’s your birthday in August oh happy birthday for August oh that’s a move I love doing always I think the funniest thing about streaming is like when we

Say stuff to each other via the chat other members that are on they like probably don’t know there was streaming they’re just like what do you what are you talking about what do they I feel like it’s very confusing from an outside point of view this is the move look at

This okay this is definitely a lot better than when we initially started I think grayza it’s gonna be proud of putting the map right here I definitely think he’s gonna be proud yeah guys just said I just realized how confusing let’s be sorry grace you confuse a lot of us all the time

We’re used to it by now the sea pickles is my money it’s look so cool thank you absolutely saying that there’s probably a lot of you that are like new to my videos and don’t know that I’m a builder like if if I was known for one thing in

Minecraft actually I feel like a lot of my audience would say parkour so that’s another thing that I’ve always been into here in Minecraft is like parkour but initially I started off as building my first ever minecraft videos on this channel building they were building videos actually no they were parkour

Videos no they were building videos yeah they were build videos parkour build a yes exactly okay let’s see I met Stacey a book on this is from Emma germinated two dollars I met Stacey a book on I only cried twice in light oh my god glad

You got to meet it I bet that was like awesome for you make up your mind I can’t make up my mind I’m gonna have to go for Elder I would say that I’m a builder before anything it was like I feel like being known as a builder is a

Lot cooler than being known as epochal arrest now being being known as the parkour is this like pretty cool but still not as cool as being a builder and I get all the sides on that one yeah I did let’s make a ton of fences I’m probably like I’m gonna build these to

Connect it up over the top it’s gonna be like sort of a sand castle kind of thing and then I’ll probably bring the stream to a close because I’m just it’s just gonna be me building the other side’s and like I need to go to bed it’s pretty

Soon is tomorrow I have to prep some videos if you guys didn’t know I don’t think I even explained it yet but at the end of this week I’m gonna be out of town so there might be a delay on the daily deep-end episodes but I’m gonna

Try and prep some content for while I’m gone so that you guys aren’t without videos I need to like like ideally I would try and keep my daily defense coming but there’s gonna be so much like just going on in the next couple of days

I don’t think I’m gonna be gone for like or five days I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get like five episodes but I’m gonna shoot for like at least one each day one each day no that’s not what I’m saying don’t okay you guys didn’t hear

Anything one every other day is what I’m gonna aim for let’s go fence and fence fence fence fence fence and fence fence why are you doing this stop it and stop it and then below that we had Oh sandstone slabs from you need more sense and slabs King some can you please build

A spongebob house yeah we could like I think Grayson wants to build a pineapple which would be pretty cool I don’t know if he’s going to they’ll probably be like no but dude I’m not a good builder so Lee you have to build it for me instead here’s four diamonds that sounds

Like something grace would say well listen to em we’ll say hi to Jacob yeah what’s up Jacob uh again cold out I don’t like being cold out gray says exactly exactly like for diamonds that sounds about right to build a whole spongebob house this okay minecraft this

Is like a message directly to Minecraft you did a good thing ocean update perfect Eldin look I want to be able to mine this I want to be able to mine this right here I’m aiming right here why am i minding at the side not a fan not a fan change your back

Back hey give me that slab back I’m back got it oh wow getting very backtracked on the donation see you guys have been over the top with the support today I’m even gonna make the donation box bigger so that I can read them all here we got this figure out where your awesome

Building is great we got that one IRA said the camera got that I got that one got that one got that one got that one Brittany donated $5 hey well-loved Abids please please keep up the great content by the way what’s a Cornetto what does a Cornetto ah something that you need to

Learn it is a very very good ice cream I think in the u.s. they’re called drumsticks I need to I need to look this up I think in the US you guys call what we call the cornet so I think you call it a drumstick lolly let’s say drumstick

No no cuz in the UK drumstick is something completely different drumstick icecream let’s see okay yeah you guys call it a drumstick it’s kind of is yeah it’s kind of like a drumstick that’s what I’ll say it’s kind of like a drumstick if you didn’t know can we get

Some hi Jacobs in the chat M you have so much control over the chat you see what you did just let can we get some hi Jacobs in the chat okay that’s what you need to do I was wondering what this looked a little bit off its cuz we

Didn’t put these in place one two three four we need more stairs let’s just make a ton of stairs right now what’s that forty you ever got 40 says waiting many but gonna be good two three four no no no no no don’t even don’t do that cool

Fixed put the sand back in place let’s see on a place donated $2 I love your vids keep up the great work Amanda a new n donated $2 to knee and labor hope but hope you and chat are doing well I’m doing pretty well chat you guys did well

Rats have donated $2 I love the streams cuz they’re nice and like a hangout exactly what I’m going for thank you for saying that that is like my main thing when it comes to streams I want it to feel like you guys are like hanging out

Ideally shut up and take my money hi have you ever been thought about going to Canada specifically Toronto GTA Ottawa is boring sorry grazer specifically Toronto / GTA all I could think of was like yeah if you ever wanted to go to GTA I’m just

Like yeah I wanted to go to Grand Theft Auto Los Santos take me oh yeah I’ve wanted to go to Canada I’ve just never been my simple as I’ve just never been it’s like I explained earlier in the stream it’s just super expensive to get

From the UK to like the u.s. side of the world like the Americas too expensive yeah thank you for that donation that was mega mega thank you for that and mera Meowth donated $3 my cat was watching the stream with me shoutout to her her name is Aurora Borealis you

Named after that Wow okay that’s a big ol name for a cat like that I’ve always wanted to see the Aurora that’s supposed to be there feel like I’ve done something wrong no no it looks right is it yeah that looks right correct correct correct yes alright

Let’s get these bits done just gonna stand here and tear these down I need like an efficiency for pickaxe that’s gonna be mega under the water water under the water not the water need to stop there water oh and one two and three and four nice grades if you have any more of

These things hashtags take it oh yeah you guys could never know who Jakob is let’s see clover donated $2 I won’t use the P word until you can ride turtles and dolphins okay PS I think lava and the pillars would look cool um it would it would look very cool

I don’t know how water works now though with lava because like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and I and I I can I can swim through it oh my go do it again oh that’s sick I need to do something with this I need to make like

An underwater minigame oh it’s sick yeah we need some we need to make like an underwater minigame at spawn grace if you have any more lanterns I’m in need of eight lanterns for spawn and if possible we’re in need of eight now we’re gonna put a little roof on this

Right should we go with the sand castle roof okay so we could go with something like this yeah cuz don’t call me out like that okay literally do not call me out like that so everything I do guys everything new that I figure out I’m like I need to

Make a mini game and then I never make the mini game so basically I’m just being cold out oh look we can go with something like this I get a throw castle roof oh we could have like one that like almost spikes up like so like just

Imagine it’s like a pointed one what do you guys preferred you do you prefer if it were to be like pointed at the top of like flat like a sand castle let me see a slab you missed a slab where where where where where where

Don’t do this to me why did I miss a slab yes thank you guys that one did I get it I guess we need one there and there as well let’s go fix it on this side forgot to do this do it that – yeah

I did okay one to me a crafting table there’s gonna be like crafting bench is all over spawn and the crafting bench bandar I just leave them everywhere that I go you see a crafting bench around the place it was probably me my back is killing me

You guys like the left one the flat one the Sandcastle one okay yeah I could get behind it I kind of like the Sandcastle one – I’m gonna make it a lot cooler there obviously like we don’t want these we want stairs and we’re gonna put slabs a

Slat dude you guys see that I just got trolled by the swimming mechanics again it’s the hardest thing to build while swimming I figured out hey from the top of spawn looking down we need light in the middle Oh grace grace grace grace grace I’m gonna need you on towards the

End of the stream I’m gonna need you in the chat oh not in the chat we need you in teamspeak because I have another theory to test and hopefully I’m correct in thinking it because if so it’s gonna make the map a good night Nick don’t wait before you go let me thank

You for that thank you gotta get going love the build so far have a good night thank you so much for that I hope you have a great night yourself thank you for tuning into the stream and just think just thank you for this book and

We get some love for Nick in the chat guys before Nick has to go sandstone okay now we have opportunities I got trolled again stop yeah now I can make this look a bit better I don’t like how it was before I used these normally

For the edge of a castle okay how does that look oh that looks way better what do you guys think about that what do you guys think I think that actually turned out really really nice I need to put the staircase in every single side and I

Honestly think like we have to do to this side too but I think this is like really really great you forgot jungle slab where did I forget a jungle slab anywhere that’s the most annoying thing about these kind of builds so where did I forget a jungle

Slab not there right here this one the reason they didn’t do it under here is because no one’s gonna see it once this is like got staircases going up all around this under here is gonna be enclosed so they won’t see it at all like look right here you can’t see under there

There’s nothing to be seen so that’s why I’ve not really been doing anything under there use magma blocks I will I’m gonna open this up okay I need to go back to my island I want to show you guys the idea you guys well you guys are

The creators of this idea from honest but what I want to do is grab a boat and go back there excellent grayza turn exposed all of wills builds have faults where you can’t see that’s true literally like all of my bills are very lazy on the inside I’m very much

Detailed outside and wait going back I never even answered that donation wait did I did I answer the one about Canada at guys can you tell me in the chat like I’ve got very sidetracked you know if I answered the donation about potentially going to Canada from

Amanda a skill ever donated $2 sea pickles are in coral reefs and Alex donated 25 Filipino pesos I believe that’s right thank you so much when we sleep sure I’ll sleep I don’t want phantoms to come and get me well in building I did

Okay get I I never want to like miss any donation you kind of did something about it being expensive yes they you’re late you’re super expensive so like I won’t be going but if I was to go I want to go to British Columbia just to expand on a

Little bit I want to go to British Columbia if anywhere okay what what am i I know I’m at my Island for a reason here we go soul sand this is like its opposite of what you guys was saying I think it would be cool to have set of

Bubbles coming down I want bubbles going up from inside Greater Toronto Area GTA that’s what that means okay not Grand Theft Auto then you just joined that’s drac her yeah see pickle get see pick will get see pickle I’d I don’t know where to find what yeah I do know how to

Find it it’s in coral reefs the deep end will he just joined and it was it was tracker flat with glass sphere at the top well it’s gonna be flat with glass I’m confused okay bubbles going up oh yeah look at that that’s actually turn out to be a really

Sick idea and if you stand in it get straight up to the surface I didn’t know that they did it that fast that’s sick it makes you jump out of the water oh yeah know that I’m a big fan of that’s really really cool that’s really

Sick I feel like we just need a bunch of these like a round spawn like just wherever we are we just need like soul sound just chilling it’s like bubble columns going up everywhere I’m I love it I love it that’s a really really cool mechanic thanks again minecraft you’ve done good

Let’s see are we all good on this front yes I believe we just need to build the top which would require one more block up around the middle right we’re on to it this is it guys we’re doing it we’re doing it live grace did you manage to

Get those other blocks there’s other light blocks whatever they’re called sea lanterns let’s go one two three four five six seven eight on two I only have two more did you did you go to the see temple cuz I think if you get prisoner II and I have a bunch

Of crystals see right here I have three prismarine crystals I’m not sure how to craft it there is I’m with you she’s not counting with will I do that whenever I’m building literally just count that’s my like thing like here I’ll go like oh one two it kind of reminds me that I’ve

Placed every block I don’t know it’s just like a weird habit that I’ve developed I do it a lot while I’m recording as well you guys probably notice it in my videos like right now go 1 2 3 4 5 6 that nodes that just lets me

Know that I’ve done like three sides of it yo look if you look outside of the patterns right here there’s a hashtag hashtag I’m stupid as Cedric donated 279 will I love your vids and put sealant in under maps that was why I was getting Gray’s are on and I’d needed to actually

Test that I think you’ve just confirmed that it’s gonna work yeah I wanted to see if it would like completely light up the map because in that case we could put like sea lantern here she went in here sea lantern here and one here and that should light up the entire map like

Perfectly Emily donated $2 hi my name is Emily and I live in Florida it hot I actually like just got back from Florida I don’t know if you like a new view I it’s it’s weird like I can I’m never gonna be able to tell who’s like new and

News not so wait absolutely test right now test right now press one in the chat if you’re new press 2 in the chap you’ve been subbed for more than let’s say six months I value everyone the same so don’t think is like better to put number

Two and act like you’ve been here for a long time so just I want to know like who’s new and who’s not a lot of a lot of old people a lot of number two’s a lot of ones in that tier I like that I like the people who have

Like just come to the community I already watching the streams it’s really really cool let’s pop down a soul san just for now considering we don’t have the things and then that is how the final product is going to look I dig it I dig it eva’s new Emma’s actually wait

Emma Unni you’re not new since cube season 3 a little only six a little over six months wow that’s really cool I’m glad there’s a lot of you around Gray’s hello oh yes hooking it up it’s – oK you’ve only got two right I need you sub mutant – yes right now

Actually wanna look at the live dashboard we have 1700 people watching right now 1700 people watching me build live that is like and then that’s a new red code for me in times of like actually just chillin and building something so thank you all for being here that’s really really cool if you

All a bubble’s donated $2 to say maps on see lanten’s work right graze on me – yes I’m a mutant – yes hello testing testing is the ugly robot here yo it up dude this is so sick have you gone on the thing what the Silla same yeah so

Fast yo so I wanted to test this with you under maps yeah yeah did you want to move a portion of the map – like right here just to check it just like a couple blocks I want to go up to the surface and look at it because right now we

Obviously have night vision oh yeah yeah I can do that yeah so while you do that I’m gonna put this other lantern in here oh I can’t even I need to swim through this to build it that oh I think I’m stuck I think I’m stuck am I stuck stuck

Uh-oh someone help someone help I’m gonna help send help okay we’re not stuck well you should set up a reunion for as many people as you can from the cube I don’t know about that oh my oh my gamma so I can’t see okay I’m gonna go

Up to the surface and just check can you put a couple of maps there or you just put in the one piece oh yeah it does light through it is it it does that’s pretty cool there’s an issue with my sealants an idea though the light doesn’t transverse through the stairs

Very well I don’t know if that’s even the right way I guess I think I’m gonna have to make these blocks right here these corner blocks I think you’re gonna make those into seal Anton’s yeah what do you think more than I thought you’re gonna do this is exactly what I wanted

To go for from this side if you come over here and look this is exactly the build it’s gonna look the same on all four sides are you happy with it cuz it’s for your man oh yeah very happy you like that you got the bubble colors go

The world map it’s a community map everyone’s map everyone’s met well I mean you put like four hours into so expand it now though too because I did I you made it sure that it thank you one two six 10 11 its 11 by 11 so 1 2 3

4 5 so I can expand it by two rows completely that should be enough to include funny and yeah in this little areas where I included that’s a that is 11 by 11 but if you wanted to put it like on the stairs as well like you need

To expand it a little bit you can use these gaps here then technically in some areas you get 12 blocks from side to side I get oh cool yeah yeah this Lantern actually now leave it there and that’s it I think I’m gonna be saying hi

This is like the first stream ever that I like thoroughly like watch the whole thing yeah and I enjoy because I just like seeing you the thing that I mean that is kind of true you just like sit there and watch me do you got like a point of view for

It yep first-ever time yo that column to get up as well as sick I think we just need these all around spawn I like the fact that you could swim through the window can you keep I guess you’re not keeping that a because you’re putting the lights yeah see

Honest cuz it’s so cool that you can do that like I wish you could keep that somewhere I think I might move the sea lanterns down into the corner since that doesn’t work anyway and then put Carl in place if that you have a silk touch with you right now

No that’s on my island at your Island can we go get it yeah okay I’ll come with you living in your boat but I’m already gone dude no dolfyn I need you moved with the dolphins yo there’s dolphins right here this dolphin oh no that’s not I need to find dolphins I

Want to find them and the research to pick up the lanterns oh that’s right I need dolphins I need to race you in the boat wait which way did you go I feel like I’ve been finding Nemo and the boat to Stroeve off and I can’t find any

More bubbles up and down yeah that’s what I was gonna say like we do need like columns going up to get people up and then like columns going down to suck people down to the map I keep thinking grazer is a drowned cuz his helmet right I’m coming jungle strap dose that would

Be cool okay oh I’ve got my silk touch and I literally cannot die because I’m planning to enchant a tool so please all see through it that I do not get killed yeah whatever I’m going in right now this guy wants to drop a trident full oh

Yeah what if he drops it to end your so you get a trident let’s get a tried it for the stream oh honey man Hitman’s did you get it I got it oh no you didn’t get it what is it it’s a really rare drop I

Got it before but I disappointed it all for an advancement over an advanced bro oh whoa winning killed by a puff fish let’s see I gotta go over some donations again mirror Meowth donated $2 I’ve been here since you joined cube season 1 yeah that’s a long time I think it’s coming

Up on four years that’s a long time they give us up in there and gratzel donated $2 crazy I forgot how do you say my name race how do you say this without using my pronunciation how would you normally say that oh no is this a trick question that was it

I’m gonna say it the way I would not say it greeter is that how you would like say if you read as a donation reader Durr cuz that’s how H says it’s great I know I woulda said Greta but I didn’t think it was Greta I thought it was

Because I was checking you yeah yeah no okay good cuz that’s how I would have said it what’s that soaked touch it oh I’m not giving it to you what do you mean why’s my hat like just my face right just don’t lose it all

Right oh I won’t if you dude just tossed it okay right in here I’m gonna put I’m gonna put coral sand dude I’m gonna do that before the end of the stream oh oh oh was dying where was I the inside the towers we need to pick a color of Carla

I personally would like to be red you think we could do red yeah ah yeah right it’s fine yeah yeah and it’s get out of here why did you you do that just to make life difficult or what there you go thank you eight where did you get the

Others from who knows brother dude you made me trash my build you may be trash me I have no idea it’s over that’s it thank you all for watching alright we need to go get some coral can you guide me to a coral reef can you be like my uber boat

I don’t know where if there’s a closer one with this one like all the way back at my eye let me have to go home fun ease base I think there’s one over by CC that’s even farther away is it yeah okay yeah come with me

Where are you where are you I’m putting my things into my build like I said wow I like came out wrong I didn’t mean it that way no you did sorry man it’s the truth we’re just not friends anymore exactly I’ll try to explain a humor earlier on

Stream oh I didn’t catch that bit I guess I didn’t watch it all thoroughly Wow big friend I did watch most of it though hey is that actually doing something for the light I guess you can’t check for me so I’m gonna have to go to the surface and take a look and

It’s still night time I feel like it’s an hour by the way okay yeah it works it works like night vision changes when you go above the surface you don’t get it anymore it’s only underwater night vision I love the sound of the bubbles – you like going up they sound sick but

This here yeah I’ve been streaming for quite a while this might be my longest dream on yesterday few hours buttes come back thank you but offence and then last one at a fence alright that’s perfect now let’s go get the coral well guys what guys do you

Think what color do you guys in the chat think we should put the coral I’m thinking red personally well I think in terms of spawn like blue might look better it kind of goes in theme with everything red you need to build off between you and Jason and half miles

Husband I don’t know maybe set that up a build-off I feel like if we if we get in a build-off girl oh we need to get like everyone above like I know Joel likes his building do we get Joel involved no can you hop in the boat and take me hold

On this is so fun do we need to go get the Carl okay oh my god oh my god is the control yellow okay a lot of people saying yellow like stuck to my chair purple blue I’m thinking blue what do you think Ray’s is that like light blue

It’s that ring yeah yeah there is that’s all you had to say on it yeah whatever yeah I want like a detailed explanation as to why there is blue all right so here’s all your crew actually I think there’s really dark blue oh this is beautiful of it yeah so already under

One of those yeah no I don’t want to like down here yeah okay we’re only gonna take one color so what should we take oh the pink looks pretty nice I don’t see any light blue I just see normal like darkly oh yeah no I don’t

Think there’s a blue I said okay yellow oh that’s beautiful yellow red blue pink or I think this purple yeah purple yellow or like magenta what do you guys think red yellow red red blue yellow okay I’m gonna take some yellow and taste some blue I said let’s just take a

Bit of everything I don’t think pink so let’s take red five six seven eight we need eight for each just do one red pillar and then let’s do one yellow and then one blue four five six sea pickles see you pickles I think that’s the sea

Pickle as a sea pickle it is it ah ah a mouth is huge I’m being like bombarded by moths I should not have left my window open I’m being like bombarded fully that was a big mark as well how much did we get we need two more yellow

We’ve got to yellow we have eight total eight and then okay I like as much I want to keep these I have to get rid of them because I don’t up space let’s get some blue and then let’s head back one two three four five six seven eight two three four okay

Eight Oh take me back Gray’s you better yet it Boober boat well did you in grazier announce the winner of the wipeout course yes we did if you want to catch that stream it is live on the channel well I also joined the let’s play yeah grade remember that video where I

Had a moth on my microphone and I am I made it do like an intro I think boys did yes I did it was a very very unique voiceover very unique I don’t remember which video that was a C’s no I’m not I’m not collecting their faces I’m

Collecting it grazes what do you mean we’re vandalizing all of Stacey’s crew need for colors maybe we could do one of each that’s true I kind of wanted to each one to be the same just for the sake of the design but we could definitely do like one of each

Color if you guys think that’s cooler color but school ahead okay one two three four five so let’s go my money I’ve been told to shut up and take the money which I do it yep okay take my money yes concealed his mouth to acquire

Your funds okay I’m gonna do one side of this one blue out oh oh my god this is so fun the mini-game do this the mini-game okay let’s see okay so this side guys here we have all that looks sick the yellow is like gold so we have

Yellow on this side is the color that I was voting for oh we have yellow blue and then over here is red what do you guys think I probably change the in the video but I’ll let you guys decide if we were to do one color in

Each one what would you guys think like one color for the whole thing yellow red blue what do you think there’s rainbow color that is super rare there’s a rainbow color oh let me look it up yeah what does sea pickles do you by the way see pickles oh yes they’re pretty dizzy

Pickles wait did they light up the area no no such thing as rainbow I don’t think I need to check this doesn’t have it on me red oh I’m seeing so much I think we’re gonna do one of each see pickles do light up the area Oh see

Pickles see see see pickles I wish I got more of you back it goes look at look at that one foot in see pickles on it if we can I see pickles on every staircase personally I think yellow looks the best I agree I have to agree I voted for blue

Initially I’m red is my favorite color yellow looks the best in my opinion so I think if we do the same color for everyone I’m gonna do yellow but for the next video I’ll let you guys vote I’m gonna put every single different like yeah that’s what I think for fellas yeah

Like red blue Bremen yellow yeah yeah I feel like we should but no like pink is too similar to the red yeah I think that’s good though what do you think about the bill grace and honesty know much better than I ever thought it was gonna be yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna be

Proud to be like yo we’ll built this for me guys literally that table this is what guys I wanted that is know I’m gonna bring the last returned and let me carry less of these donations let’s get this in the background you look at this oh whoa look weird I look weird

Wow we have an enchantress Lynch interests yes guys let me go over these donations real quick Elena $35 to say my son and I love watching you together that’s all so I’m glad you guys go wash together that is a really really cool shout-out to you and your

Son um I see Cedric donated say subscribe you two years ago gratitude donated $2 grazier I forget how do you say my name Greta Jasmin donated $5 being here since third thousand subs also maybe could you put an arch between the columns and add coral on it that is something I could

Potentially work on like a nice dude I think I will do that but I don’t want to do it on livestream cuz I like whenever I do like an arch or something curved in Minecraft I always like build it tear it down to build it and then tear down

Built and the terra de i don’t want to do that on livestream it’s just gonna stress me out and then that it’s probably gonna boy you guys as well amanda donated $5 to say how does grayza feel about me saying ottawa’s boring i did not appreciate that comment

But then realized it was very true it’s true didn’t you say it’s just a bunch of like government buildings government city okay and then Leo donated $2 um pride in this horrid week of finals shout-out to Emily for doing that thank you yeah thank you for that donation as

Well finals I hope your finals are almost over I hope they went well as well Lu Raya Leiria the rayon coil Araya donated three dollars built off with everyone on the seven high grazer said donated $5 49 will love to play with you but don’t have enough dollars what yeah I have

Been charging people really liked usually for like a session of like 10 minutes I’ll charge like 400 bucks so like oh your time actually that’s gonna be 400 bucks grace oh no but I spent like 30 visits are you dang it I was just thinking of the 1200

Beans that I just got from grayza right now because that’s gonna be the end of this stream will stack the sea pickles on one block you can stack sea pickles don’t tell me that D pickles oh that is awesome yo yeah I’m gonna put multiple sea pickles thank you for that that’s really

Okay okay let’s see yeah that is going to be the end stack the pickles hashtag stack the pickles thank you guys so much for watching thank you for all the support during the slide stream think you’d be just hanging out while I just built this was really really cool I’ll

Do this a lot more for you guys if you do want to help me get the big builds out of the way on the server well chat into you guys and having some fun but yeah thank you for being here if you are new be sure to subscribe to

Notifications on you won’t miss a single stream I’ve gotta go and finish this now so grayza can record its clip it’s gonna be the end I have nothing else today I will be dipping right now if I I scream I want to make my myself face tuned

Again I don’t think I can ever do that again nope alright guys bye I am thank you for being great in the chat today hi

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Deep End SMP! – Working At Spawn!’, was uploaded by Kiingtong on 2018-06-05 03:15:27. It has garnered 50457 views and 2264 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:50 or 6650 seconds.

Welcome to The Deep End (SMP) Live! In this Live VOD we set foot into spawn & work on the first ever community spawn build! This is a super long video, so sot back, relax & enjoy!

Graser’s Channel: – https://www.youtube.com/Graser10

Connect With Me! – Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kiingtong – Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Kiingtong/ – Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kiingtong

**Official server members:** [see episode 1 description for up-to-date list]

Shooting for Daily Deep End Episodes (DDEE’s for short) so be sure to Subscribe & Join my #NotificationSquad so you never miss an episode, livestream and most importantly, to be cool.. you sea pickle.

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    Flight of Fear: Minecraft CreepypastaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Flight of Fear #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 19:00:28. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!

    ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘демонстрация спидов на funtime бесплатные бесконечные спиды funtime bypasse’, was uploaded by kyst client the best cheat on 2024-06-22 19:27:21. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug… Read More

  • DrunkenHyena’s CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!

    DrunkenHyena's CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRUNK STREAM IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by TheDrunkenHyena on 2024-01-13 14:31:12. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:16 or 3076 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

    Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘My epic clutch in bedfight! #bedwars #minecraft #montage #fyp’, was uploaded by Tacpac on 2024-05-28 07:16:31. It has garnered 417 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dumbtacpac Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/nerdtacpac Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do make texture packs for minecraft pvp that packs fps boost… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

    Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 1 #minecraft #rajuartgaming’, was uploaded by Raju art gaming on 2024-02-18 08:18:00. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:20 or 560 seconds. playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 2 #minecraft #minecraftpe #rajuartgaming server name- Cubecraft ip-play.cubecraft.net port-19132 hashtag #clonearmies #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • MineCity.pl The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

    Minecraft Memes - Diamond Sword"Well, at least we know what’s really important in the Minecraft world – meme scores! Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): https://texture-packs.com/resourcepack/ms-painted/ -Texture pack that I recommend: https://minecraft.fr/faithful-32×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyAkQ-C3xpHWICvUUIPBuXe My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More