EPIC Minecraft Stream 2! INSANE Cozy Vibes!

Video Information

Good evening everyone you’re watching another casual cozy minecraft stream um first of all as usual uh please let me know in the live chat that i am live just because you know in the past we’ve had some problems with the hotkey so in the live chat right now do me a big

Favor let me know that i am indeed live but as i said this is another casual cozy minecraft stream and uh yeah today we’re gonna be playing some survival last time we played some hardcore difficulty and we died in an hour and hardcore you can’t respawn

Um good yes people can see that’s great so yeah we’re gonna be playing some uh just regular survival mode so i can respawn um special thanks to priest on discord for making the thumbnail for this live stream so thank you to him as usual if

You want toad to say something uh send a super chat of five dollars or above and total say whatever you want within reason of course and uh so without any further ado uh let’s get into it so let’s just create a new world all let’s name this toad survival survival we’ll have normal

Difficulty uh let’s see i’m gonna do for the seed we’re going to do we’re gonna put toad as the seed uh yeah i think i think that’ll be i think that’ll be good yeah i played around with the settings of minecraft i think it’s good i lowered

The render distance to 12 chunks and i think that got us to just about 60 fps for the most part uh as for crispiness i think i i think this is as good a quality as it’s gonna get on this computer like this computer is good it’s it’s really good

Like 16 gigs of ram intel i9 it’s a macbook pro um so it’s really good but just not insane okay so we’ve spawned in a little forest area is that a river or the ocean looks like the ocean okay this is lovely look at this some pigs a little bee there that’s nice

Let’s get to punching some wood yeah it does say modded because i’m using optifine and optifine is technically a mod but it’s an optimization mod it helps minecraft run faster and it also lets me zoom in like i’m pressing a hotkey that lets me zoom in like that

So that’s just what i have to find is that’s why it says modded um yes letters in a seed will not do anything oh i saw i thought they sometimes do i thought like like if you put seed zero it won’t put like act the seed won’t actually be

Zero but i heard if you put like a certain word in it’ll be zero so i don’t know whatever it’s whatever and our fps seems to be doing pretty good we got some copper over there no iron our inventory is still pretty slow if you remember last time this is my skin

By the way one one person was asking my skin let me just go into f5 mode yeah there’s the back with my minecon 2016 cape and this is the front and someone in the latch i was asking about that okay uh i don’t wanna get this be angry at me

Let’s see let’s get a i’ll just okay it’s a oh is this a lake is this the ocean or is this just a really big lake this is very nice look at this we got the salmon swimming around we got okay so this isn’t the ocean this is a very big lake

I like this i like this it’s very quaint very cozy we got the squids frolicking about this is nice i love you bass oh i love you too i love all y’all toad take all my money then send me big super chats man send me super chats if they’re five dollars

Or above i will read it in the toad voice yet it is a pc this is actually a mac yes i game on a mac sue me i’m gonna go for oak wood here i’m gonna save the berks wood for building and like designing and stuff so

Yeah sorry once again you can hear my fan i know um you know it’s just yeah that’s the price i have to pay to have a fast computer let’s uh let’s make a wood pickaxe here and then there was some stone back there we can mine

So yeah you know i like this this is a better world than last time like last time we were i’ll kill that pig later last time we were like on an island sort of um where where was that stone it was like there was some stone where was it

Oh man i’m lost already hold on wasn’t it back here here it is yeah last time since we were playing in hardcore difficulty i was like constantly scared of dying but of course i still am in this difficulty but it’s definitely not as bad as before because you know

Now i know that not all is lost if i die so we’ll be doing this uh as a series on the channel where i just live stream on this world occasionally i might do multiplayer on various servers with you guys and yeah we’re just here to have a fun time you know

Nice you know break from the world you know we all need a break sometimes i’m on the lookout for iron i really don’t need that much um cobble let me just make a furnace here there’s also no coal which i’m gonna need eventually all right let’s go explore a little bit um

Let me just make some more sticks let me make stone sword here let me just do oh look at this oh i thought yeah look at this little cross like crater in the hole that or in the ground rather that’s interesting one of those pigs i’m ready to kill you now

I hear chickens oh hello you’re dead oh look at that one hit kill all right this is a quaint little place uh here’s a pig i probably shouldn’t be sprinting as much as i am um more chickens oh you laid an egg thank you all right i’ll take those there’s some

Cows over there and there’s fish let me just okay so this is clearly the ocean this over here is clearly the ocean i can’t see extremely far because for the sake of fps i set um my uh render distance to 12 chunks dang it man get back here hey

Oh he didn’t drop anything oh well ooh turtles yeah last time i thought i should kill him wow we got one piece of leather out of that out of all those cows only one piece of leather i like this area it’s very nice all right um we got some sand here so we

Are kind of on the ocean there’s like a little bit of lake and ocean here who is this hold on what is this is this like a tiny island in the lake axes are superior uh axes do more damage with swords have more speed yeah i know that

I remember the 1.9 update yes yes okay so this is like a little peninsula uh we should start to think about building a house like a temporary survival structure why don’t we build it here let’s just oh we don’t have an axe and we need coal well let’s punch some wood

And we can make charcoal for now let’s just do that get rid of this tree yeah we gotta cook some we need charcoal so we can cook food okay yeah we gotta start building a house okay we got a just make something real simple here something real simple uh

It’s getting to be night shoot okay we need to craft a door this is just our first night survival home we need to make charcoal here okay all right yeah once again as last time we’re going to spend the first night in this little hut

Uh have you seen the mars show i’ve said i thought i said last stream i don’t know what that is okay see this i got school of morning movie streams all right well i’ll see you later okay let’s make some torches just put that there for

Now i guess we can put one there too yeah i think i’ll just use the rest of these logs to make charcoal and then we’ll use the charcoal to cook our food here i would love to see this turned into a nice developed world me too me too

Uh what other games you play and what types are your favorite um mainly nintendo games mario zelda you know um yeah zelda breath of the wild zelda twilight princess super mario galaxy or some of my favorite nintendo games um also you know i do love minecraft i

Do love fortnite um there’s another game called axis and allies which is originally a board game but there’s a video game version on two it’s on steam and i play that sometimes it’s like a 2d game it’s like a strategy game uh but then yeah non-nintendo games like uh

Other than the ones um also skyrim i like skyrim and then fallout 4 and fallout new vegas that’s pretty much it for like non-nintendo games all right let’s get rid of that let’s start cooking these there’s a creeper all the way out there yep look at them out there

All right but this is a nice little lake area i think we’ll build our house kind of near here or version we’re playing at 1.18.1 the newest version i have school off tomorrow and on monday oh look lucky you look at that see you all tomorrow all right well i’ll see you

Here let’s just eat let’s eat a little bit we haven’t found any sheep i don’t think we’ve seen sheep around here so we can’t make a bed quite yet all right hurry up and be done night we’ll just cook this last raw pork chop and then we’ll just wait out the night

Australia’s still in school break yeah i’m on you know my break as well let me just eat this there we go all right we got a little bit of food we got a bit of charcoal furnace crafting table this is nice this is nice what is that oh look at that

The salmon’s swimming on the surface of the water i didn’t know they did that if you like background music when you play games what kind of genre do you like well oh yeah speaking of let me know in the chat i have music like the regular minecraft music turned off

But if you guys want me to turn that on i certainly can do that for you guys just let me know in the live chat uh but i like mostly um like adventure games like you know zelda games i like because it’s adventure breath of the wild is amazing skyrim is amazing

Fallout 4 fall new vegas are amazing um yeah those are the ones i really like um yeah you know mario kart we played that a couple nights ago but uh yeah so we’re just gonna win at the night uh turn it on please i like minecraft music okay i’ll turn on all right

That should have done it i hope 100 is not too loud well we can we can always turn that down if need be you know i i almost never play with minecraft music on is it just supposed to start right away bro do you like dench and impact i’ve never played it

What version is this ah it’s 1.18.1 the latest version okay how is the night almost over it was a zombie villager over there and he has seen me uh yeah i also have old fortnite yup the engine impact is literally like spinoff zelda i’ve i’ve seen it i’ve

Seen ads for it i know what it looks like yeah and it does look very similar to breath of the wild let me tell you and how do you have the old gravel texture then oh um yeah there’s a yeah i have i use a resource pack for that

Um with the older textures i think um i’m not sure if i at one point when they changed the textures it was a default and you could choose between the two so i i have that i’m not sure if it’s optimized for the current versions of

Minecraft but i still use it so that’s why i i prefer the old textures of things in general you know i i’m i don’t really like change in general i have a game recommendation the game is called paladins on pcs basically free version of overwatch if you’ve heard of

That would be cool to see a stream on it i don’t know maybe it would have to be available for mac i use a mac i don’t have a pc and i don’t have windows installed on my mac so any game you want to see me streamed has to be either for

Mac or ios because i have an ios phone and i actually can stream from my phone but i cannot stream from my consoles like video game consoles because i don’t have a capture card but phone and com and phone and mac yes okay sun’s coming up soon

Uh after that we’re gonna see if we can find a cave or something once we get suited up with like iron armor and stuff then we’ll get to work building a nice house i’ve never been good at building houses um if you’ve seen my older minecraft series like hacking survival minecraft

I just used the most common was like the acacia what i don’t know if i’m saying there i think the orange wood i used that and like i built like a big house like nestled in a mountain but it was just like a giant rectangular polygon thing it was just really awful

It was like it was big and on the inside it looked decent but like on the outside it was just an ugly orange box huge box so i’ve never really been good at designing things but um that doesn’t remind me that was on my hacking and survival minecraft world i have played that

Um off camera like a lot a lot i have built skyscrapers in survival minecraft um like i gathered the materials in survival but i did use a hacked client because it was on my hacking survival minecraft series so i could fly so i was in survival but i could fly and that was

Helpful so i could i could maybe sometimes show you that world like i’m pretty impressed with it like i’m pretty proud of that world rather can you mine the grass block below you why why there are you happy all right let’s head out it’s morning okay

Is this an island here i kind of want to build our house on like an island hello my birthday was on the 11th can i get a late happy birthday oh happy birthday zoom boom yeah happy birthday and it’s raining it was set it was gonna be a lovely day

But now it’s raining you know what oh there’s a creeper there i think this would be a perfect place for our house it’s nice little island you know it’s got a beach you know on this side it has like the rivers and the lakes and on this side has the ocean

I like this i like this there’s a creeper here i’m gonna kill you on principal oh shoot oh sorry turtle i didn’t mean to fall in the water then oh well okay cool yeah this is where we’re going to build a more permanent house but um now is not the time for that

Just yet we’re going to be living in this little hut beach house well not really a beach house it has like a small little beach is a little bit of sand let’s get rid of this other tree here for starters oh yeah i should let me craft an axe let me just craft

Stone axe and chop this down so the leaves decay i’ll chop this one down too yeah there’s a lot of birch trees around there i think we’ll build our house mainly out of birchwood but we’ll collect that later is this a underwater cave oh coal we’ll need that later

Oh look underwater caves yeah i don’t know if you remember our last um hardcore world uh oh there is spruce wood here okay we have a good variety what we have oak birch spruce now oh she i need your wool give me thank you good we have enough for at least one bed

Good good good i don’t want to get lost so i don’t want to water too far off i’m kind of on the lookout for a cave here more than anything because i want to get iron is our our lame excuse of a house there hmm although i think this area this lake or

Giant river whatever is definitely more scenic are you kidding me you’re floating down come here give me that salmon meat thing is is because it’s cloudy and raining it’s kind of hard to tell okay yeah i turned the music on why is the music not on we’ll mess with that later I don’t know why the music’s not on i i turn it on but okay is there anything any surface iron oh there’s some coal there we might take that in a second a little waterfall here hmm Oops didn’t mean to do that useless copper over here what happened to the toad voice ah send a five dollar super chat you’ll find out okay hmm yeah in our last world the hardcore we found a big chasm and uh yeah we kind of died so

But man yeah that that finding that huge chasm up right on the get-go was pretty a nice oh look is there iron in here um i’ll actually take this coal while one coal one ah that’s underwater okay i don’t want to get lost but there is

Coal and we kind of do need coal hey there’s some minecraft music there we go oh that’s okay uh a creeper snuck up on us last time so okay he doesn’t see us oh now he sees us well there’s water around here so it shouldn’t be too bad if he does blow

And he did and i lost half my health that’s nice uh let’s just close that off man this old minecraft music is giving me the nostalgia it’s awfully grassy in here for a cave okay there better be iron in here oh yo look at this just what we need

Last time when we were mining iron like this we died a creeper snuck up on us exploded we survived but then a freaking baby zombie two baby zombies came and then a zombie with an iron sword came and we died oh there’s some iron over there there’s also lava

Only two pieces of iron is there any i don’t want to get set on fire here oh he dropped a potato actually no i’ll save that i’m not going to eat that in case i want to plant potatoes wow you know with all the changes that have

Come to mind craft you know there are some things that just don’t change let’s make some more torches actually uh did we already explore this yeah we did nothing there how much iron do we have eight did we explore everything in this cave did we go through here

I don’t think we explored the part where there was the lava like let’s just see if there’s anything past here let’s block that lava see if there’s anything i don’t think there is but we’ll just see what is this it lights up can someone tell me what that is

Oh cave does kind of go on well not really okay that’s enough oh let’s get out of here it’s probably night time we explored their cats copper did we go this way hope we don’t okay there is a torch there and it’s night time oh boy where’d our where’s our house where’s the

Water okay this is the ocean where’s isn’t our house this way i think it’s this way there’s our house we can actually sleep through this night and set our respawn point which will be nice question how do you do the toad voice i

Just do i can use my i use my voice to do it that’s how okay let’s just craft a bed all right and let’s sleep sweet dreams okay You know stereotypical morning music oh look a dog we can get a dog okay when i kill some skeletons i’ll give you some bones okay i think we ah eat crap and die oh you i hate you so much yeah eat crap and die some more sheep over there but they’ll really need

Well you know let’s just kill them for their meat well now we may we may want to have a sheep farm for their wool so we’ll actually let those guys live what’s over this way oh maybe there’ll be some surface iron ooh emeralds oh but i bet i need a iron

Pickaxe for that don’t i well you know what uh screw let’s just make another crafting table and another furnace so we can make an iron pickaxe right now i should have done that before i left the house uh let’s just do that let’s see while we wait for that to smelt let’s

See if there’s any surface iron there’s coal more coal i have some iron way up there but i don’t want to go all the way up there i can’t believe there’s just emeralds out in the open i wonder what the chances of that are if we find some villagers we’ll be able

To trade with them actually it’s just we’ll keep both of them equipped look at that okay so we’ll have five ingots one two three four okay we’ll have enough for a helmet yeah we’ll have enough for an iron helmet well we’ll just save save our iron for now well

Yeah we’ll save our iron now and we’ll make some iron armor and then we’ll make an iron sword i think amplified iron well the world is not amplifying this is not an amplified world do we have any other cooked food besides this chicken no we don’t we have well let’s just get this

Any surface iron to be found we found surface emeralds any surface iron in these parts other than way the heck up there oh look at this more emeralds see i sometimes get confused when i see copper i think it’s iron for a split second and look at this more emeralds wow are emeralds

Not as rare as they used to be because i haven’t played single player survival mode in a while i don’t wanna uh well just swamp biome over There uh fine fine we’ll climb up here as best we can to get at the iron there’s more emeralds and stuff there too let me just i’ll build across here and then climb up oh look at all this iron well there wasn’t that much there’s some iron way up there but

Uh hold up wasn’t there emeralds wasn’t there emerald where’d it go what is this there’s a cave in here oh iron hello mr iron uh not that big of a cave okay yeah we better start thinking about heading back oh boy i hope we didn’t lose our way i think

This is this way is the way our house is we got our spare furnace and stuff right okay yes we did oh look service iron oh boy i hope we didn’t wander too far okay I don’t think this is a place um No wait no this is it yep there it is okay some turtles nice beaches here i gotta say i’m gonna get rid of this smaller island here just so that island stands out by itself more but we’ll dig all this up later we’ll use this sand here to make windows

When the time comes how much more iron did we get we got nine okay we’ll see how much that lets us make it’s hard to swim fast but keep your head up above water so you don’t like uh drown wait hold on let’s figure out what we can make so we have five

Plus okay six plus eight fourteen so then one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen dang it we need more more what time of day is it it’s getting kind of late in the day uh well we have four emeralds here we’ll

Have to see if we can find a village man i haven’t played minecraft in a while and i haven’t played survival in an even longer while so what is does a compass point into the like the north direction like you would expect or does it point in the direction of

Like the bed you last left in like your spawn point because i want to definitely go out and explore but i don’t want to get lost why aren’t you saving the cords of your house um honestly i’ve never figured out how minecraft coordinates worked i never figured it out it was just whatever

Okay let’s just make what we can with this and we can’t we can make boots we can make a hat we’ll save this and we’ll make leggings next but it’s gonna be night soon I would have liked our house to be in the island like right there instead of here but it’ll do We’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out that was his dew point north east west not towards the spawn so how do i figure out where my house is when i travel a long distance i know these are like noob questions but i just never played much survival minecraft before

Like i know the basics really but i haven’t played in years so okay let’s go okay that was just ocean i just journal versions this newest version 1.18.1 there’s a little doggy here that we will tame once we get skeletons save your house coordinates i’ll save them

Later we won’t go too far for now we’ll just we’ll go this way we’ll know that our house is roughly directly behind us if we just keep going this direction i just never figured out how the coordinates worked i’m not good at reading maps in real life and in minecraft oh what’s this

Uh wait no okay yeah no well i should have cooked a bit more food before i left but that’s fine and that’s where we were earlier okay i’m having more fun in this world than the hardcore one i have to say like it just looks better

Let’s go up here and see if there’s any iron uh oh look at this yo okay that lake looks cool look at that crater there that looks dope honestly let’s climb up here i’m just gonna just wanna This is impressive world generation gotta say our house is back that way i know oh there’s the emerald oh we can bridge over there and get that iron let’s see if we can we’ll just go in this direction oh look at that iron directly beneath our feet covered by the snow

How fortunate was that we may run out of cobble how close are we let’s just turn this away okay what do we have dirt will work just fine uh let’s just screw it okay there’s iron like kind of below here there it is oh that would have been a nasty fall okay

Um let’s explore this way all right i’m liking this definitely liking this this is very nice world generation india how much more leather or iron do we get five not too much more let’s see if there’s oh here’s some okay that’s eight this is all there’s those emeralds you know i’m gonna go

I’m gonna go get this emerald on our way down oh we dropped some iron look at that good thing we caught that every little bit counts every little bit counts our house is this way i think okay how long have you been streaming for almost an hour okay

We’ll probably stream for about two hours a little over another hour we’ll probably go on for so don’t worry guys up hurt ourselves hold on uh it points towards spawn i think you need load stone what is load stone uh do you have a goal for this world um

I don’t know i guess like you know defeat ender enderdragon wither ah there’s that minecraft music this is just a world i’m just gonna we’ll see where this takes us you know i’ve only ever like beaten the game in minecraft like once you know like beating the ender dragon

And with her and i did it for my hacking and survival minecraft series uh first let’s actually cook let’s cook some food here first and then yeah okay what time is it well we still got a little bit of time left okay we’re we’re running low on charcoal but we have regular coal

A lodestone is a new item but you can only get another only from bastions or craft it with another right huh so what we’re just gonna have to go to another aren’t we okay we’ve explored like that direction pretty well and that direction is just ocean and that directions will respond okay i

Think we’ve explored like this yeah i think we’re going to go that away when we explore next all right is this enough yeah this is enough for pants wave five so we’ll have a one two three four five six seven eight oh we’re gonna be one short for full iron but that’s okay

People were telling me to craft a shield last time you should make a blast furnace or smoker yeah i haven’t played survival minecraft in a few versions how do you make a blast furnace what is their purpose smoker what is that to cook food i’m kind of a scrub

Craft a blast furnace how for your videos how is your voice so deep like well there’s a recipe book here home let me just make a helmet there we go how do i hold up okay yeah yeah they added this in uh shield how do you okay okay we might make that uh

What else let’s see what else is where is that’s a smoker smithing table where’s blast furnace what would it be under or does it just not show up that yeah smoker i don’t know tell me what i need for a blast furnace because i have the faintest kind of

Craft oh we can make one now there we go we now have a shield okay there we go let’s just turn these into planks oh it’s getting to be night let’s just go to sleep last year you see five iron one furnace and smooth stone yeah i know how to get

Smooth stone you smelt cobblestone or use silk touch but yeah okay um but first let’s go on is there anything there let’s just go explore let’s go this way a little bit swim in this direction toad speed run i’m not really speedrunning this i’m just taking my

Time you know it’s uh it is what is i have to say our frame rate’s been pretty dang good this whole time we’ve been getting you know just about 60 fps this whole time knock on wood oh come on let me on shore some cows there yeah this is just ocean

I don’t want to turn my render distance up i have it on 12 chunks any more than that we start to get lag i have 10 gigabytes of ram allocated to minecraft too so i’m not messing around die all right oh pigs oh look at that little island over there i like

There’s some pumpkins there we might take those let’s go get these pumpkins alrighty any surface iron okay it’s definitely a bit more hilly is that a cave that’s a small one we didn’t find uh we haven’t found a huge chasm like we did last time if you remember last

Time we were playing hardcore difficulty we found an enormous gorgeous looking chasm and i pretty much died straight away and that was that so hold on all right there’s a bit of a hardly counts as a cave okay we should start now that we’ve got an iron pick

We should start thinking about like seriously delving deep looking for diamonds but actually i’ve decided that oh wait is this a chasm yo here’s a chasm look at this look at that oh glowing excuses yo oh what is that what is that yo oh but i don’t wanna get lost i don’t

Wanna get lost oh shoot didn’t mean to do that yo whoa where are my torches do i not have torches i’m going to need torches here i’ll just make shoot shoot shoo choo choo not again not like this not like this not like this there’s an enderman down there

There’s a bone we can feed to the dog what is that do i mind that or what look at this like underground lake with these lakes and everything oh iron i’ll take that but i want to be real careful it’s like this is how

I died last time but last time i was on hard difficulty i don’t want to look at that enderman because he’ll lose his mind if we do all there’s there’s zombies yo oh that’s insane i don’t know what this does but it looks precious so we’re mining it up

We are mining this up oh look there’s uh lapis lazuli here let’s actually take that for when we enchant stuff let’s just place this inside whoa and what is smooth basil calcite okay i don’t know what is this okay um guys i’m gonna pause can you tell me what that does

The shiny block and the underwater ravine actually saves you from drowning that’s a geode the purple stuff is amethyst amethyst geo what do you do go deeper in the cave to find diamonds what does this do should i like mine this all like what what does this do tell me

Oh that was cracked i want to go deeper in this cave but i’m a little scared too because this is how we died last time there’s some iron there um who’s iron here oh there’s gold over there our inventory is getting pretty full let’s get this gold oh oh shoot

We’re getting rid of that that bath salt where’s the zombie where’s a zombie i heard a zombie oh here they are die oh this would be a nasty fall look at that are rubies in minecraft now or is that the new redstone textures more gold i guess we could swim up those waterfalls

Ah but this is oh this is so dangerous but we must explore we need light am very much afraid what is this i hear zombies dang it diamonds yo okay but we don’t have a water bucket or anything to go down how are we gonna get down there

And i hear there must be a zombie spawner somewhere i hear a million zombies there’s water kind of down there but we don’t have a bucket or anything okay we got a more light okay i think we need to head more this way and then we can kind of like dig down

And get to the bottom okay we’re gonna kind of just do this and to get back up we are gonna swim up those waterfalls redstone people say that was redstone i saw earlier okay okay uh this is awfully steep i should i should probably be using my stone pickaxe i should save

The iron one for okay uh it’s still two i should save my iron pickaxe for diamonds and stuff oh man i am this is intense you should make a bucket with water yeah duly noted duly noted um oh man oh man that would have been another nasty fall horn

There’s a block beneath this there are so many mobs down there you should hold a torch in your right hand while i have a shield on my i am using optifine but i have a shield or my left hand i mean i think you mean left all we would that’s too no

We’re not gonna we’re just gonna slowly dig our way down to those diamonds and hope those creepers don’t blow us up uh still not quite there yeah i have a shield in my left hand so i can’t wait okay i’m gonna jump down in a second before i do um i’m gonna

Get rid of some useless stuff i want to make more torches real quick okay diamonds are there there’s a bajillion creepers screw this screw this shoo shoo shoo shoo hit each other uh my phone’s buzzing i can’t answer that now hit each other hit him hit him

Yes he hit him but they’re not he hit him shouldn’t they be fighting okay i think that i think that’s that’s it for him there’s enderman where’s those diamonds here okay there’s another creeper over there look at these diamonds yo hey no no no no get out of here anymore diamonds anything else

Some iron here i hear a zombie i’m just going to light up the bottom of this so that no more mobs can spawn i’m not going to go for that redstone just yet because i don’t really need it okay there’s things here i think i’m kind of running low on cooked food geez

Do i have any more cooked food i don’t i’ll have to just eat raw food what hit me you a little bit hurt well i’ll take that redstone just because it’s here but i don’t have too many open inventory spaces let me just just because it’s here we’ll take this

And then not only do we have to get out of here we have to go all the way back to my house oh there’s a skellington oh oh no no no no no no our sword is almost broken okay we’re getting out of here okay we’re gonna get out of here

We’re getting out of here right now we’ll take that we’ll swim up this thing i hope we don’t get shot as we try to swim this swim off of this oh my gosh oh good lord good lord i almost died no stop there’s more skeletons no no no no

I’m so dead i’m gonna die i need more food in my inventory we need a regen we need to get out of here we’re getting out of here right now right now raw chicken don’t care don’t care i hear skellington’s shoot we’ll swim up this waterfall here there’s a creeper our sword broke

Our sword broke that’s it no we’re getting out we’re getting out we’re getting out right now we’re getting out we’re getting out oh shoot i need to build up i need more food salmon why did it have to be night is it night or almost day i can’t tell no no

No no no oh oh my gosh i knew i shouldn’t have dug straight up i knew i shouldn’t have dug straight up i knew i should not have dug straight up okay phone buzzing i don’t care we made it we made it but i don’t want

To count my chickens i want to get home i want to get home i want to get home i want to get home i want to get home i know i’m eating raw food but oh man i think our home is this way oh my gosh well we got seven diamonds

We made it out alive but barely yes i know number one rule of minecraft never dig straight up or straight down i’m well aware i know i technically broke that just then but i felt like it was an emergency i took a chance and lost but okay our house isn’t it this way

Oh man that was so close i can’t believe we didn’t die but we gotta find our house okay way i think it’s over that way there it is there it is i survived yup yup oh man was that ever close home sweet home um let’s just cook that let’s make a diamond sword

Oh diamond sword there we go look at that let’s eat this good gracious we have some potatoes we could start a farm soon okay i think that’s we got 13 iron we’ll be able to get full iron then i think we can begin working on our permanent residence on that island i think

Toad must be scared hearing you scream nah he doesn’t really care that much oh let’s make boots there we go we are now at full iron armor that was too close for comfort we are done mining for a while we have actually let’s make we need a diamond pick

And our other pickaxes are getting close to being broken we have three bones is that going to be enough to tame a dog we’ll try taming a dog once we get a few more bones well this video is already way more successful than our last time we played minecraft we’ll just

Ah i need to hear that calm music okay uh yeah we gotta get rid of some stuff ooh glitched out a little we gotta get rid of that why is my mouse kind of glitchy get rid of that i don’t know what any of these things do

We are gonna build our house out of birchwood i have decided so we’re gonna chop down some birch trees what’s your opinion on creepers they suck i almost got killed by one back there yeah we aren’t going back down there for a long time we are going to build our house and then

I think the next objective is well we might have to go back down there because there was a lot of lava and water for obsidian we may need to and we can make iron buckets i suppose yeah we’re gonna try to get a end portal or not end portal nether portal oh

That was so stressful okay how much okay that gives us quite a few birchwood planks cool okay that’ll be good i should make a shovel i need more wood or sticks rather can you make deep slate stuff oh it’s just a regular stone thing does deep slate do anything else

Yeah we are going to remove this little island here uh to make our main home island look bigger we’re just gonna get rid of all this dirt here this may take a minute or three oh clay if we need concrete we could we’ll use that can you make another portal with a lava

Pool and make that water bucket oh i’m gonna just make some obsidian we’ll see if i can find a lava pool look there’s a doggie do you guys know how many bones it takes to tame a dog in minecraft our shovel is gonna break soon well oh look at this

Little underwater cave here okay i don’t wanna drown okay oh boy look at all this dirt i wanna oh pillagers i never fought those guys before are they going away i know what they are but i’ve never fought them uh we’re just gonna hope they don’t notice

Us as we go into our home and it’s about to be nighttime too let’s make another i’ll make another stone shovel and now our inventory is full we should consider building a chest let’s just go to sleep first taming a dog doesn’t have a certain number of bones you have to use well

Like but i need to have an idea is three enough okay i need to make a chest chest we’ll put that right there i guess uh stuff we don’t need immediately actually i think we should keep some of this stuff on us but just in case we get lost or something That’ll be good for now hope those pillagers are gone like i know there’s raids on villages like with the village and pillage update but like how dangerous are those guys and is there like a benefit to finding them like should i have fought them or was i right and just

Noping out of there okay we’re gonna just connect we’re gonna connect these two bodies of water like so and then they’ll fan out hopefully i do want this sand though because eventually we are going to need to make glass for the windows of our new house so i do actually want this sand

Hey i also think i may have found a way for you to play all the new fortnite updates and stuff on mac how i know you can install windows on a mac but i don’t want to do that because you’d have to i have to allocate a part

Of my hard drive to be windows only and a particular mac only and i just don’t like that wait why isn’t this flowing why is this not flowing past here someone explain that to me okay now it’s starting to flow our shuffle is going to break again soon

If you say egg i can rest easy tonight egg in my normal voice or again like the toad voice i need well let’s just uh we’ll craft a shovel here there’s a website that epic has been working with for apple devices made by geforce called geforce out with a ton of

Games like fortnite that i’ve recent updates so website has epic that epic has been working with for apple okay hard to swim but you could probably look into it geforce no oh i just knocked my headphones off okay i’ll look into that i’ll see what that is see if that

Is an option to play chapter three fortnite on my mac yeah that little that that island right there is going to be our home it’s 4 30 in the morning in my country geez go to bed hopefully we can finish breaking this part before my shovel breaks i think we will oh

And there it goes another stone shovel i don’t want to make an iron shovel because i don’t foresee myself using shovels too much after this at least for a while oh progress since i last checked in yeah in case you didn’t see we found a huge

Chasm just like last time and i almost died but i lived and we are now at full iron and we have diamond tools which is nice so we’re just clearing this small island to make our that island stand out a little bit more when we build our house

I do kind of want to save this clay though in case i need concrete so i’m gonna i want this clay I hope this isn’t getting boring for you guys but we’re almost done here once we’re done here then we’ll there we go how’s that look better all that dirt will despawn in a bit um screw it i’m gonna try to tame this dog with three bones i know dogs heal using like meats

I don’t know if you can tame them with meat sets let’s just give him some bones doggy oh yo i have a dog i have a dog let’s go doggy i will protect you with my life okay doggie um we’re gonna have to build your doghouse we’re gonna take him to

This island and then have him sit down doggy keep up keep up doggy let’s do the dirt in the chests free blocks i guess so but we have enough dirt like look at our inventory we have several stacks up so we’ll just set our doggie down on here

Uh once he’s he teleports here and then hey doggie hold on i want i want you here i actually want you right here just where i can see you oh okay you stay there i like this i like this but i want it flatter this will be a good spot for our house

Nice island here nice beach but i want okay i have an idea we’ll have two sides of the house we’ll have a nice big view of the ocean right here the beach little deck where you can go on the beach okay we’ll flatten that out a little bit

And then on the back side there’ll be a back door it is getting kind of late though i’ll just start removing stuff from here until my shovel breaks and then we’ll head back to our little hut go to sleep and continue and this will be useful because we’re gonna need this sand

Making windows up all right we’ll go we’ll go back home now the tranquil minecraft music is so soothing name in big egg no i might name him snowy if you know where there’s a that’s a reference to something i’m not going to tell you if you know the reference you’re a legend

But a dog named snowy the name snowy for a dog is a reference to something i hope you know let me know in the live chat if you get that reference um we need just put we’ll keep well yeah we’ll put that in there uh we need i might make an iron shovel

We don’t have too much food either well we’ll make a farm on this island i’m not really a dog person i have to say but minecraft dogs look much cuter than real life dogs in my opinion i am a cat person to the core oh i don’t like that we’re gonna

We’re gonna fill that in we’re gonna fill this into hmm i’m gonna just fill this in i want it all to be the same height okay i want it to be a relatively flat beach like this is okay but i just want it to be a bit smoother

Okay if i play sand there it’s just gonna drop so we’re gonna have to do this hello turtles how are you oops didn’t mean to do that we are gonna just do this don’t mind me don’t mind me okay just evening uh that’s just gonna fall oh well it’s fine let’s just uh

We need to fix this up a little bit there we go look at that we might replace that sandstone later but that is good the adventures of tintin yes tintin i hope you didn’t just google that but yes that is from the adventures of tintin

As a kid i loved those comic books the tint in the comic books like or graphic novels i’m not sure what you’d call them but we might also get rid of this too but i don’t want to waste all my sand because we will need it to make glass we

Won’t worry about that later um you guys can stick around here for now we may have to get rid of some of this let’s just get let’s start well we’ll get rid of this top layer of grass for starters and then we’ll like work on the foundations because i want the house

To be like purged higher up and then we’ll go down like a few steps to get to the deck and then from the deck you can walk right to the beach that’s kind of what i want i’ve never really been a good builder as i said but i

Actually want to make somewhat of an effort in here instead of just living in a little hunt but i don’t want to waste iron on shovels just so i can remove blocks that’s better we’ll just get rid of this bit here too okay it’s gonna be one block higher because of the floor

Um but i don’t wanna ah it’ll be fine it’ll be fine okay so we gotta time is it oh we got time we gotta start measuring the dimensions of uh the house like we need to figure out how big it’s gonna be should i suggest playing minecraft

Dungeons i don’t know what that is can’t believe that dogs would be pretty awesome so maybe that’s why yeah i’m not sure if i said this in an earlier stream but yeah i think i did i actually was attacked by a dog as a toddler not too bad the dog just like scratched

My face but like ever since i’ve kind of been afraid of dogs it was a black lab my aunt’s dog did that to me okay we gotta figure out how big this place is gonna be we can have it multiple stories let’s have it here uh we gotta measure this right

It’s at the right height uh we need one more i think yeah Okay and then we’ll have it be is that the right height because we have to get this level let’s just connect this a lot a nice little island beach home okay there we go and then we’ll just make that across here let’s just get rid of some of these tall grasses

I’m not really measuring this is just how it’s going to be and then it’ll come across no yeah perfect so then we’ll have a little balcony be here and then the balcony will lead to this beach perfect the rest of this will be my house it’ll probably be well we’ll start with

One story and then see we just got to connect these two sides it’s getting a little bit late in the day there we go look at that it’s getting kind of late let’s just place some more blocks along here once we run out of this stack then we’ll head back

Okay there we go okay okay i’m liking it so far all right uh you should play ganshin on a later stream i’ve never played i don’t know if it’s even available for mac um how’s life oh my he has diamonds yep uh you should play high pixel with youtube

Rank i don’t think i’m qualified to get the youtube rank just because i’m not really a gaming channel um and like most of those servers have requirements on like you have to play or make a certain number of videos on uh you know what i’m actually gonna start smelting some glass

We’ll come back later because we’re gonna make put a lot of windows in this house a dock will make a complete yeah we could maybe on a dock you have enough elevation to make a basement yeah i suppose so i don’t know if i’ll need a basement though that’s a thing

Like a lot of times you know like i design these huge you know like houses and buildings and stuff and then i just can’t think of what to put in them and so they just stay empty but this house will probably end up at at least two stories

But we’ll start off with one who knows me we may not even need two series but i’m not sure how tall the first store is even gonna be how long we’ve been going for a while almost two hours i’m having fun though you might go on for a little longer than that

But we gotta get more birchwood trees i think this is going to be good there’s our dog snowy there uh where well we’ll just head this way and line some birchwood trees over here you only need 100k subs for youtube rank if you have irregular minecraft content

Yeah but i’ve never once made a video on their chan on their thing well maybe some other stream i’ll play multiplayer and i’ll go on high pixel but i never really played high pixel much i would much rather get the youtube rank on cubecraft or mineplex

If they have ranks i know mineplex says i’m not sure about cubecraft but we’ll see we’ll see because i remember i i remember once i think from mineplex or for one of those servers when i was making toad videos i submitted an application for the youtube rank once like a a while ago

Like maybe over a year ago when i had a lot of subscribers and they basically just said yeah your channel is big enough but like you don’t make minecraft content so and now i guess i kind of am but like only for like streams my main content would still be toad stuff but

I don’t know i’m just doing this for fun like streams like this it’s fun to do for a change you should join my minecraft server uh thanks but no thanks i think at one point i had my own well like i say i loosely it was run by

Like some people on dis on from my discord server i built uh survival games map and i played it with a few people it was fun but it was you know i might do like a tour sometime of some worlds that i uh i’ve built over the years let’s just uh

Okay there we go let’s head back over to our to the construction site of our new house and place down these planks i’m not too worried about replanting because there’s a lot of birch trees and these forests are too thick anyways they need to be thinned out what time is

It oh we got time hey also which i think could be easier to get content out would be the videos where you play video games but commentating the toad voice i’ve done that but it hurts it hurts my voice to do the toad voice

For too long it’s one thing to do it for a few minutes and it’s another thing to do it for like 20 to 30 minutes oh yeah we broke our axe sorry i’m getting a little quiet but you know it’s just placing these blocks and we’re on our last stack of

We’re on our last stack of birchwood planks oops dang it okay we are now out of birchwood but i think yeah we’ll be able to finish this up soon where’s our here it is excuse me we’ll just make another stone axe let’s just get rid of that and that

Oh yeah we kind of do need food I don’t want to eat those potatoes i want to save those for making a farm we may have to those turtles won’t give us any meat you may have to find some fish here’s one your time has come and so is yours salmon get back here although fish doesn’t really um

Make our saturation last very long dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun oh i’mma oh i almost started to drown there jeez oh yeah i wonder how is that glass coming we put some gotta go thanks for the calming stream oh you’re welcome buddy

Oh we’re almost done uh is there anything we can put in here we can put that in there i guess you can put that in there we can put that in there that okay oh no i’m not fighting those guys in the water yeah can someone tell me do those things

Spawn randomly or like how does those work like those are pillagers and i know they can be dangerous but well it’s gonna be nice so hopefully they’ll be gone by the morning glass roof at the top for natural lighting i don’t know maybe we’ll have some skylights but i don’t think

We’ll make the entire roof glass for this house we’re almost done those guys are over there well we’ll just we’re gonna need more coal too that’s gonna be a problem soon okay those guys are over there we’re gonna have to go the other way i’m just gonna wait for these to be done

Cooking then we’ll take those and we’ll go and try to cut down some more trees yeah they spawn randomly when i say the last roof i was referring to my base oh okay yeah i’m just reading the comments here while i wait for the fish to cook

But yeah you guys keep asking for toad commentary maybe i don’t know maybe but yeah once again reminder as you can see on your screen for five dollars total say anything you want him to within reason all right that’ll tie this over for a little bit um actually

I’ll just pop those in there i hear some birch trees i think those pillagers moved over there so i think we should be good i really should make a highlights video of this because this stream is going to be like we’re already at two hours and i want to keep going

But i don’t want to have to go through two hours two plus hours of game play to like make a highlight reel you know i wonder maybe i’ll do a community poll because you know i’m doing these streams here but i wonder if it would be better if i i’ve never

Streamed on twitch before i’ve never really been on twitch like i i go there occasionally to to watch some youtubers stream there but i might do a community poll guys and then live chat right now would you prefer it if i created a twitch channel where i did live streams and then possibly

Uploaded like highlights of the streams on my youtube channel is that something you’d like to see i have no idea how twitch works in terms of like monetization stuff like that i have no idea how twitch works so i would need to learn all that but is that something you guys

Like right away know that you would like to see how much what is that well cut down a few more of these all right we’ll head back i’ll i’ll cut down this tree i prefer youtube do it yeah okay we’re getting some mixed responses well we’ll see we’ll see what happens

One thing i do know is i think twitch for 1080p 60fps wants slightly lower bit rates for streaming which means my the picture quality won’t be as crisp like bacon as i demand it to be so that might be a problem i don’t know we’ll we’ll see what happens let’s just

Fill this side in dang it man people are saying yeah thoughts on joji filthy frank i used to love filthy frank papa franco where have you gone well i know where he went he decided to go for a more respectable career in music i don’t listen to his music

But i’ve seen that he’s gotten fairly successful and what hurts the most is that most of his fans are like women who you know screech like when they he’s like a pop star and i have a feeling like i get the vibe that most of his audiences is women

Who have no idea who he used to be filthy frank was some of the best humor i’ve ever seen and he will sorely surely be missed i get it i get that like his content is prob probably was not monetizable because he quit youtube around the time

Youtube like started to crack down on content like that and these days his content would probably get his channel deleted if he made it today but filthy frank was so so freaking funny i think i’ve seen dang near every single video he made too i think he quit youtube like around 2017

What a different time like he he peaked in like 2015 2016. what a different time that was like it wasn’t that long ago but it already feels different ah sorry for rambling there but let’s see play the ultimate showdown song i don’t know what that is how come you don’t stream more mario

Games i can’t stream my console just because i don’t have a capture card and for wii games um since i’m using my computer to play the wii games i don’t have a sensor bar so i can only stream computer games for mac which is pretty much limited to minecraft and fortnite

And wii games that don’t require a censor bar which is essentially a mario kart wii and actually wii sports not wii sports resort though because that requires its bar but actually we sports does not okay anyway we’ve got the floor done here okay i have an idea

Of what we can do well i gotta i wanna find uh something’s gonna go down i wanna find the center i want to find the center point of this house is there a center point or is it uneven let’s see how many blocks one one two three four five six seven eight

Nine ten eleven twelve thirteen how many blocks one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen okay so this is the middle good we’ll just leave that there and we gotta head back so what i’m gonna probably do is one block of birch woods around the whole house

Then on top of that we’ll have two glass panes and then we can build like a roof i think yeah why don’t we do that okay we’ll take that eat this go to sleep okay let’s head back here how much okay we got some wood left

I’m just not sure what i’m gonna put it on the inside of this house once the outside is done that i should do i have torches not on me i was going to say that mobs are probably gonna spawn right under here okay so what i’m thinking is we

Put one block of wood how would this work one block of wood two blocks high of glass or should we just put glass here what would look better hmm you know what i’m changed my mind we’re gonna put glass around the circumference here but we might have the corners be wood

I think that’s what we’ll do we’ll do that and then this is we’ll figure this out in a bit we’ll figure this out in a in a little bit okay we’ll all think we’ll figure this out we’ll figure this out all right and then here we’ll put a deck and then

The deck will have steps leading down to the beach okay okay we need we need to make glass panes we gotta get rid of some of these flowers and we gotta make glass panes because we want to have like all natural lighting and actually i’m gonna remove this block here because this is

Where the entrances will be like the doors okay we got a where’d our crafting table go oh here it is uh let’s see it’s shame because i think minecraft live streams are too slow paced watch for less than 30 minutes which is how long they’ll usually watch

A game when i stream for okay yeah i might we’ll see because i don’t know it feels like it would be a pain to just make a highlight stream you know feels like that would be a pain or like a highlight reel you know then i would just have to

Just sift through hours of gaming footage finding the best moments trim it down it’ll be a little boring we may have to smelt more glass that’s one block i want it to be at least two blocks i want to be real careful when i place these down because

I don’t have silk touch so i can’t once i if i misplace this i have to break it let me actually just place one here here okay oh shoot i forgot uh because there’s gonna be a door there so we’ll just leave that empty okay will this glass be enough to get us

Back no i don’t think it will be but we’ll see and phone is buzzing forgot to put it on do not disturb mode oh we might dang it okay i have i might have to turn my phone off in a second it keeps buzzing no we’re we’ll have enough we’ll have enough

Okay hold on i’m just gonna i’m gonna quick silence my phone here it’s buzzing too much it’s buzzing way too much i think that should have done it sorry about that all right it’s a basket job man the letter k three times in the mirror um i i mean okay get it okay

Okay that was awful okay so there we go uh do i okay let’s uh i’m gonna make it one i’m gonna dig some more sand we’re gonna need some more iron too at some point i want this to be a one more block height of glass and then we’ll work on the roof

The roof i kind of want to make somewhat flat just in case i decide to make or add a second floor to this place which considering how big this is i don’t think i’ll need to i’m not gonna break any more of this sand maybe some some of this sand over here

That’s the time oh we got a bit of time you cannot escape me okay look at that that’s looking nice i think now that is kind of looking nice i’m liking the look of that it’ll be nice and finished and then okay i’m i’m i like this you know who really has

Good building skills in survival minecraft pooh fresher have you seen the youtuber professor he does a lot of wii games and he rages and it’s amusing he’s one of my favorite youtubers pooh fresher how many is that well we’re gonna need more yeah his videos are so funny but he does minecraft streams

Occasionally too and his building skills are much much better than mine and i am very impressed i don’t know how he does it like he has had some of the best house builds in survival minecraft that i have seen our shovel our iron shovel broke we’ll make a stone one later but

It’s actually getting kind of late so we’re gonna have to swim back to our house we’re also going to need to build a dog house for snowy somewhere on the island i was just thinking this could work as a dog house but what hit me was i like drowning or something i must

Have been drowning but yeah this is too far away uh how much okay we’ll start off with that 22 glass panes left uh we’ll make uh another stone shovel we also kind of need more coal yeah people do look at real life architecture copy the design that is true

Uh you know what we are gonna we’re gonna go this way we are gonna mine some more coal we’re gonna go back to those like hills where all the emeralds where we’re gonna mine some coal because we need to smelt glass and we’re almost out of coal

And while we do this the glass that is in the furnace melting will have all the time in the world to do its stuff is there call around here yes there is we’ll actually use our stone pickaxe because i don’t want to waste the others like the iron and diamond one and well

19 where we’ll just have to use our iron one we’ll just mine all of this up yo how did i miss this earlier how on earth did i miss this earlier when i was hunting for my iron there’s only four pieces but hey that’s four pieces of iron

How did i mistake see that’s where we were earlier up there we we scared that all that huge mountain looking for iron once there was some right on the surface there four pieces enough for some boots there’s our house tomorrow soon to be house we should make

Those pillars in the corner of different material i have to see yeah i think i should make some docks and some boats just so i’m not constantly swimming back and forth well i mean i’m not gonna really go back to this house once i finish that one

I ran out of coal look at that let’s just make some pains while we’re here we’re also gonna have to put that iron in the smelter what time of day is it uh we got time we got time how do you makes excuse me i have pickups or something

How do you make stone bricks i’ve seen them you know like how do you make them i wonder yo how much pancake makes does it take to build a canoe i don’t know robert baxter um that’s an interesting message why like okay what made you feel the need to send that in my

Minecraft stream i don’t think that this stream is the place for that sort of thing ah you have to cook cobblestone that makes into stone then use four stone okay do you feel tired i do my sleep schedule is all out of whack man you have no idea

I’m gonna try to fix it tonight though i’m probably gonna stream for another half hour i’d say i’m gonna stream for another half hour hopefully i want to at least finish the exterior of this house hopefully by the end of the stream then we have to build the deck build a deck

That leads to our lovely lovely beach look at this waterfront property schools of fish happily swimming in the ocean waiting to taste my blade turtles here waiting to make baby turtles when i find seagrass okay we need more glass let’s see how let’s head back to our little hut

And see how much more glass there is now okay put that in there alrighty that’ll take a minute to cook but we only have 32 more glass panes that’s not quite enough i don’t think or maybe it will be we’ll see uh how do i get up here

We gotta fix this too i mean like look at this we gotta make a grander entrance maybe some stairs some stone stairs around here we got yeah because this is just inadequate but we’ll do that later oh yeah this isn’t yeah this is not going to be enough

You know what we have oh we don’t have doors in our inventory they’re in the chest at home we could put those in there but i don’t like the design of oak doors we’ll put we’ll put different kinds of doors there almost but not quite sun is going to go down soon

But i like this ah unfortunately the sun sets that away not this way it would be so perfect if the sun set down this way while we’re facing the ocean oh well dang it grass says what is oatmeal i’m not sure once again guys if you want to support

The channel please do consider sending a super chat once again all super chats five dollars or above will result in the super chat being read by toad himself so be sure to send super chats it helps out the channel a lot uh i think we can take these out actually

You can put those in there as well okay i meant to grab the door as well uh we’ll figure something out okay well the sun does rise on this side i suppose so we’ll see sun rises from facing the sea so i guess that’s okay oh we should probably do that

Yeah this is i like this how are we gonna design the roof how much you don’t have too much cobblestone we may have to go mine for some because i want we’ll make the ceiling primarily out of wood but what kind of wood the wood we have is oak birch

And some spruce over that way hello snowy i don’t have a name tag for you but i will name you snowy once i get one i’m liking the look of this so far i think i might replace those with stone bricks and then i might have stone stairs like

Yeah i might have stone stairs lined the outside of the roof okay i think what we’ll do now though is we’ll have we’ll add a layer of birch wood along the edge and then we’ll have then we’ll actually start on the roof we may need more birchwood how does this look Yeah we will not have it go the ceiling goes straight across we’ll have the ceiling be at least one block higher okay almost almost had enough birchwood to do that what version of minecraft is 1.18.1 i got jump scared so hard by game now i’m afraid mood oh this is so whole

Thing wholesome thank goodness good good i have a crap sleep schedule me too man me too uh time of days we got a bit of time i might go over there to get uh some birch wood to just finish push this off i’ll get rid of this block i don’t need that there

Voice motion goes a little deep what do pillagers do like i’ve seen them now twice i haven’t fought them do they like destroy blocks or stuff or do they just like like bands of evil villagers that attack you sing a song for us uh i don’t know

Do you know anything about your history what do you mean my history like heritage listen to this music i forgot how train cool it was so is this house inadvertently a perfect square i don’t think so i think it’s a little bit longer on this side that’s just

Oh let’s see luckily they don’t grief although killing the one with the banner will mark you as a target enter a villager with the bad omen effect and you will find yourself in a raid huh does doing the toad voice heart it hurts

If i do it for too long oops i did not mean to do that there we go okay sun is going to set in a little bit but i like this we might i think we lost our axe i think what we’ll do is we’ll make our deck next we’ll make

Our deck out of spruce wood which is way over there we’ll get some over there and it’ll look nice i think we’ll use spruce doors as well here and here just like the american revolutionary war for history oh yeah i’m a huge history nerd i love history

Is among us approved or not i still haven’t played it i gotta do that sometime i’ll take those uh what can we put in here i suppose we can put those in there it’s not night yet our house is coming nice we’ll replace those pillars with stone bricks once we man i remember

The first time i played minecraft the first time i played minecraft was i think it was my birthday several years ago i played the xbox one version of minecraft because i got an xbox one for christmas and then later that year my birthday i got minecraft and i didn’t know the difference between

Survival creative i just knew all my friends were on there and i just got no idea what i was doing i was building like dirt houses and stuff thinking it was amazing man and then creative mode like i just built uh a giant i need i need to make a axe

I built a giant in creative mode a giant brick skyscraper that went all the way up to the build limit that i named tower oh infinity now is on the xbox one version i wonder if i still have my copy of minecraft xbox one edition i might have sold it on ebay

But yeah um but then i got it on the computer because back at the back in the day you know when i um there was no multiplayer on console like you may remember you know when 4j studios was still porting the uh the minecraft games to consoles i remember that

Like they had like um you know hunger games games and then they had like tumble mini games and stuff they had games like that not so in the beginning i never got to play those and just like playing multiplayer on the computer and for i just generally prefer to keyboard and mouse

That is something i am noticing for like most games i do prefer keyboard and mouse and it’s raining look at that lava waterfall this mountain is very nice i could have built a house my house up there oh wow man back in the day and i remember i used to

I used to be deathly afraid of herobrine that’s why i that’s one of the reasons i never really played survival minecraft too much i was just so deathly afraid of herobrine i was obsessed with watching like herobrine like let’s play videos and like sightings like you remember how

Long came josh’s herobrine like series those were like some of the most well done herobrine sightings other than like the originals you know to this day like i have a younger cousin who i think to this day still swears up and down that he saw herobrine once unlike xbox one version of minecraft

Wow good times how much what is that you may need some more do you ever feel sad that no matter what you make it won’t do as well as toad stuff honestly yes yes and even the toad stuff isn’t doing that well anymore it’s kind of sad like my

Channel is definitely peaked some even say it’s dying i don’t know man but i do want to expand and honestly i am kind of running out of ideas for toad songs yeah i know cotton and joe but you know i wish i could do more

That’s why i’m kind of doing this i know it’s not doing as well but it’s just something else to do oh yeah guys this is how you spawn herobrine i remember i tried to like summon him by making those weird contraptions out of netherrack gold blocks and redstone torches remember those wow

That’s taking me back and i don’t worry much about saplings okay i think that should be good for our deck oops whoa what is this i don’t remember seeing this before did i even go the right way yo look at that it was iron there but i’m not gonna go get enough

Okay not now i cannot get distracted we’ll explore that later but i can’t get distracted from my house i want to build it i go on the right way oh oh oh i should have been there by now wait what’s this oh shoot i think i went the wrong way

Is it this way was it this way or what ah there we go can you build a house i’m building a house look there it is there’s actually a really cool mod that does hereby so if you have a herobrine mod i played around with mods a lot more than anything like

Multiplayer games and mods is what i is the dog supposed to be this gray is that a new thing because it’s raining and he’s wet is that what i was supposed to be i don’t know but um oh yeah let’s get to work on building our deck we’ll have it be

One block lower how far will we have it extend um well we have it extend all the way i don’t think so it’s a little too long and we won’t have it extend too far out either how many blocks is that one one two three four five six seven so now we have

One two three four five six seven i think that’s as far along as we’ll make it how many blocks uh maybe i think this should be good there we go now we just gotta fill this in we’ll probably fence it into yeah this is nice this is nice actually

I might make this extend one more block this way whoa what the oh shoot i forgot i lost track of time shoot they’re going to be mobs spawning in here press q in front of lava with diamond pick to enchant it hot okay i’m not that big of a scrub

We’re kind of out of food too we gotta build a farm at some point wheat and potatoes we got some potatoes from those zombies we’ll make some fields somewhere is this even yeah it is right yeah i think so we go okay let’s make some doors we need doors now

Oh but i don’t like this we may have to replace that with glass blocks but we shall see we shall see we shall see we shall see okay All right uh let’s time is it okay all in the stream and a little bit i want to make some is this a fencer gate that’s fencing okay now let’s swap and make a gate okay where’s our gate i want to put it right here there we go oh we’re gonna need way

More fencing question is will we have enough spruce wood even okay let’s see if that’s enough i think it will be right there we go perfect perfect you don’t have much spruce wood left but look at this this is i’m i’m liking this house i’m liking it already we’ll replace this with stairs

Eventually but for now i am thoroughly enjoying the view and enjoying this house all right so what time is it we’ve been we’ve been going for oh my gosh about three hours now okay i’m probably gonna end this stream about here um unless you guys want to send some last-minute super chats uh

Let’s see i have eye bags i have black circles okay i’m sorry i’m kind of living for this late night stream yeah it’s cozy casual stream that’s the the mood we’re going here so in three hours what did we get we got full iron armor diamond sword diamond peck axe we got uh

We got ourselves a dog uh i have to figure out how to get back inside here dang it this is so hard there we go we fig we got full iron diamond sword diamond pickaxe a dog we’re building a luxurious house with a deck and a gorgeous view of the ocean um

Yeah and that was all in less than three hours we almost died a couple times in that big chasm but i think you know it was a good run uh i think in the next episode of me streaming minecraft we’re either gonna be continuing on this world

Uh building the roof of this house and the uh interior of this house or we could potentially go on some servers and i can play with some of you guys um uh yeah so we’ll we’ll see what happens so i don’t think i’ll really play too much

Off camera in this world i think i’ll just leave it be and just only play only one i stream on here so other than that unless you guys have any last minute super chats you want to send i don’t think we’ve gotten any super chats tonight which is a little bit of a

Bummer sorry i’m i’m sorry that was terrible but um you know i don’t do this for money really um i need food in in the game i mean so um yeah let’s see uh is there anything else well i think that’s gonna do it for me tonight

Um if you did enjoy the stream make sure you like and subscribe uh thank you to all you guys for tuning in um yeah it’s just been another cozy casual minecraft stream i think our next stream is gonna be it might be more mario kart we’ll see

I think i kind of like in like alternating between you know like minecraft fortnite mario kart but maybe i’ll do that maybe i won’t we’ll see what the future brings um and we’ll see maybe i’ll do a stream tomorrow once again can’t guarantee but other than that um

I think that’ll do it for me so yeah uh please like and subscribe uh that’s gonna do it for me today um have a great rest of your evenings goodbye you

This video, titled ‘Casual Cozy Minecraft Stream 2’, was uploaded by Issa_Bass on 2022-01-14 05:41:40. It has garnered 3058 views and 167 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:15 or 10995 seconds.

Felt like streaming so here’s more Minecraft

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  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

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    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More