EPIC Minecraft Stream: Lil Witchy & Slimes 😱

Video Information

Okay if you’re watching this are we streaming yes we’re streaming if you’re watching this on youtube um like and subscribe before we even begin that would be super helpful um i just gotta grab some water i’ll be right back y’all know i keep that [ __ ] thang on me got the water

Got the kush got the vibes um yeah before we begin shouts out to our sponsors over at sad monster apparel the greatest um clothing company in the world um also [ __ ] sorry my desk messy um also my clothing company so maybe that’s why it’s the greatest

In the world i don’t know i think even if it wasn’t mine it would still be the greatest in the world because it’s it’s just it’s a [ __ ] amazing clothing brand like look at the [ __ ] that we got here duality duality 2.0 we got the bags

We got the fanny packs we got the masks we got all that we got the witchy merch you know for the fans of my music new project before crisis heartless sites go listen if you haven’t already we’ve got the logo hoodies and then matching colors for each one of them

Go over here we got the twenty dollar tees we got it all anything that you need we got it so with that being said um anyone who is here already thank you for joining um i gotta do my low um my little advertising um on my story let me just pop

This up here um yeah i gotta you know what i gotta do um oh i almost clicked go live again don’t want to do that i’m just trying to say swipe up to join what’s up what’s up what’s up you know what it is it’s that time in

The beginning of the live where i’m not exactly here for y’all because i gotta do my story posts and my tick tock so what’s up um how’s your guys’s day been sorry that i’m so [ __ ] distracted with this um oh yeah i got a horse

I’m going to show you guys you guys can kind of see it in the background i found a dead horse and i took him into my home and he is now my family because if you guys seen the last um if you guys seen the last stream obviously uh

I could use a family um shout out to anyone on the last stream i was it was a very emotional day for me and i really appreciate everybody who was there um your guys support it it really helped me a lot um even though i started crying but

That was just because i had like some flashback type [ __ ] um swipe up live on twitch you play minecraft um it’s all good okay that’s insta now let me just go over to tiktok and yo emilu what’s up what’s up what’s up what am i watching sometime

Did edward have a little baby with the imposter what the [ __ ] am i watching um yeah milo are you going to join i think you’re the person that joined last time when we were building the ice hotel there’s my tick tock let me just get the sound for it we’re about to begin Um tv slash which you must die what’s up emilio how’s your night been Wait me 15 minutes i’m eating chicken okay no problem um this little tik-tok i am confused um minecraft is quite the game it is quite the game especially when i’m not even playing it especially when i just [ __ ] i open it and then i’m like yeah we’re gonna play minecraft and then i

Don’t play it it’s such a game then we’re about to play it i needed some water i was just doing some other [ __ ] and then i just came right on here so honestly i’m a little scatter brained right now i did not prepare for this

Like in any way other than what i was doing earlier but like normally before i start streaming i take a moment to be like okay prepare i did not really do that this time so we’re just kind of winging it but that’s okay because we got a [ __ ] demon horse

From those [ __ ] electric skeletons and also the paintings nail work for some reason they weren’t working last time now they work so that’s pretty cool let me take this one and i and i kind of like reinvented the ice hotel a little bit i don’t think that last time i had this

Little fireplace i want this to cover the whole [ __ ] thing does that cover it yes okay good um yeah we got a little fireplace in this [ __ ] now came the fire yo pick it up pick up the [ __ ] this is where we go when we’re on fire just take a little dip

Invite okay how do i do that again i forget oh wait let me get inside let me get inside and just sleep real quick so it [ __ ] it’s not nighttime i got water on my nose [ __ ] um emilu yo if anyone else watching wants to join um

Add me as a friend or whatever and then you can join i wonder where emilu is gonna spawn if they’re gonna spawn like halfway across the world or if they’re gonna spawn like right here i’m glad the [ __ ] pictures finally worked though yo well what the [ __ ] why can’t i pick up this

One why it’s stuck there like that are we just forever gonna have a [ __ ] picture in the fire pit i think i want to do more mining today um and probably building more towers how many arrows do i have okay maybe i should start making some arrows

And start mastering my bow skills and i was also thinking i don’t know like maybe We should make the ice hotel like we could make multiple or like i don’t know like is this really a good place for it as opposed to right like in the middle of the ice somewhere but then again we already started here and i kind of like am attached to this

Place already so i kind of like don’t want to leave it so i think maybe we should just not leave it also i’m not sure what happened here like this is some weird [ __ ] like why are these ice blocks so thick yo what up emilu joined our game so lucy

Okay awesome they popped up in the home in the ice hotel yo minecraft billy eilish back at it again do you like our horse oh wait don’t push it into the fire it’ll probably [ __ ] kill itself how’d it get up here can we ride it yeah we can it’s lit hold up

One sec i just gotta i just gotta open up my window real quick it’s like super [ __ ] hot in here also one sec i’m just gonna grab something from my other room and back i went and i got a paper because i’m probably going to smoke weed

At some point during this because i’m already pretty [ __ ] high so it’s like if i don’t smoke more weed i’m probably gonna get like super [ __ ] sleepy and [ __ ] so it’s like yeah i went and i got some [ __ ] papers you know what i’m saying

What did lucy do oh are they oh they found out they found the bathroom this is ah this is our bathroom so lucy the only way out is to go down is to go down that’s the only way out i can show you you gotta follow me the only way out is down

This is the only way out it’s our bathroom it’s where we take our shits it’s kind of necessary but there i fell in it the first time and i was like oh my god i’m trapped in here so i had to make a little i had to make a little escape underneath

The hotel but yeah so we can take shits isn’t that awesome we couldn’t ship before but now we can did you just go through that wall look there’s more polar bears let’s try not to kill them this time yo you know what though i want to get that polar bear

Tell it to come over here uh we need a polar bear in our [ __ ] house oh that one has babies don’t don’t go close to it they’ll kill you gonna kill it we gotta find one without a baby if they have babies they attack i think you can train them with trouts

And um there you go this is horrible this is a horrible sin working in we’re sorry little one we’re gonna take you with us we’re sorry we had to kill your parents this isn’t really what i had in mind i kind of wanted to like get one of the grown ones but

This this works too i’m not gonna lie this is what we had in the first episode we had two baby polar bears because i accidentally killed its parents so we’re back to the basics we got one well hopefully we got one it’s going to be kind of hard

Because we got this little pit right here and it might fall in and if it falls in we’re done so no don’t fall in the pit don’t fall in the pit you gotta come live with us what are you doing whoa whoa whoa whoa what happened how did it what

You gonna put it on a boat take it in take it in that take it in the take it in the uh in the hotel take it in the hotel you can’t can you what the [ __ ] there we go yeah we got a baby polar bear this is the third one we’ve captured

Where you have to try to not let this one die we’ve got to be very careful with it so we got to keep we got to keep the toilet lid on and we have to keep the bathroom door closed that’s the only way that it will survive

I’m going to make a little i want to make a wooden sign that says like bathroom how i make a song though i don’t got enough [ __ ] for signs really oh [ __ ] you can put the [ __ ] you can put anything in a [ __ ] boat i had no idea

This is pretty crazy i hope this polar bear isn’t sad i’m sorry polar bear i didn’t mean to kill your parents i mean i i did mean to but i didn’t want to it was like the last option it’s so sad it’s parents are dead

It is cute but it’s sad think about how sad it would be if it was had a connection with its parents this whole time and then we just come along and we [ __ ] we murder it it probably doesn’t feel too good but hey we’ll be its parents now yeah get down there

It don’t it doesn’t like to be down here for some reason what do these switches do it’d be cool if we had a door or something can you feed it all right what what’s on what’s on the list here i need to get new iron where is all my

I don’t have any more iron i kind of want to go mining we got sticks yeah i keep 63 sticks on me um where’s my crafting table we’re gonna need to make some some pickaxes a couple normal axes oh some of these wooden shovels i got 17 torches um

We have like redstone we got a bunch of stuff but i’m thinking that we’re gonna we should go mining we should go into one of the mines and just like try to clear it out just see what we can get so i right now i’m just looking to see if i have any

Torches because i don’t see any but i have a bunch of coal so i’m just gonna make some torches and then we can go down yeah so today i had a pretty um pretty weird [ __ ] happen to me basically somebody um if you guys weren’t in my instagram live uh

Someone like tried to run up on me in my apartment and um like they just ran up to my door and they they just started turning it and tried to like open it to just like get in and then presumably do whatever they were gonna do to me um

But luckily i always have my doors locked so [ __ ] they just ran up and then they tried to like get in and like quickly just turn it and just open the door but i had the doors locked so they couldn’t so they just like ran

And it was like scary as [ __ ] because i was like like like who [ __ ] knows what would have happened if my door wouldn’t have been unlocked like literally they would have either came in here and done whatever they were gonna do or um i would have killed them

And i’m in canada so that’s not legal um i wouldn’t have tried to kill them but i just i don’t know what else i would have done like if someone comes in my apartment and tries to harm me it’s like you know then it’s demon time go close the door yes

What the [ __ ] um but yeah it’s kind of got me a little bit on edge i’m not gonna lie because it’s like i’ve kind of been having a feeling that was gonna happen for a while and um let me try to vote um yeah it actually happened today and

Luckily i have my door locked and um but i kind of imagined i’ll probably be back whoa so it’s like now they’re aware that it’s gonna be locked so i imagine the next time they come back they’re probably gonna try and kick my door down and um

Honestly i didn’t really feel even safe staying here tonight um but i didn’t want to cancel the stream and honestly it’s like if they if they come back if it’s on stream at least it’s all recorded right like because i mean i don’t know it’s pretty [ __ ] up to be

Honest but like i said i’ve kind of been expecting it because i get a lot of threats from people if you’ve seen my last live you probably um you probably know what i’m saying um but yeah is this where the mine was this was where the mine was there was one in here

But i actually found one in the desert somewhere i was thinking we could go to it was like [ __ ] it was like over by this mountain and it’s like this huge [ __ ] pit also that looks pretty cool too who’s over there oh it’s a zombie

But yeah that’s a little [ __ ] up to be honest but like i said i’ve been expecting it for a while um i just like imagine if they came in here and shot at me like even if they don’t should like hit me like guns are [ __ ] loud like guns in doors like bro

I already have really bad nerves like if someone comes in and starts like [ __ ] shooting me like even if they don’t hit me like i’m gonna like mine my nerves are really bad should we get a bed nah [ __ ] a bed um i think we were kind of here before oh we lost

We lost to lucy yeah this is where i want to go i’m thinking [ __ ] we explore this place this looks like massive and somehow oh they’re there we passed by it a bunch of times so i’m thinking [ __ ] it do we go up or down i say up first

I’m not so scared with zulusi here i’m more scared on my own like i’m not getting like paranoid of of spiders or whatever it’s because i cuz i got my homies the lucy with me did we already explore this place i didn’t i don’t think we did

But maybe we did i don’t know maybe it’s not that big i guess it isn’t what’s over here though do we explore this oh okay look we got oh wait no oh zaluci’s just digging okay that’s what’s up that’s a good idea it’s just [ __ ] expand this [ __ ]

Oh it’s so hot in here like i am wearing a hoodie i’m on demon time bruh i was i went on instagram live and i was going live at random people and [ __ ] this kid came in and he was advertising his his demon time life

But he said he was 13 and i asked him i’m like how old are these [ __ ] and your [ __ ] demon tom and he’s like oh they’re grown and it’s like how are you telling me like what how are you gonna do that on instagram like does that not sound illegal as [ __ ]

Like and like what type of [ __ ] are willing to do that for like a little kid on instagram live like i’m like it was just so weird but like i mean honestly when i was [ __ ] younger i was [ __ ] grown [ __ ] so it’s like

I mean i guess i can’t judge but like at the same time that seems pretty [ __ ] valid to me like for the for the [ __ ] that are doing that like the girls that are willing to shake their ass on that live those girls got some problems

Like i’m gonna i’m just gonna say like um but yeah he was like trying to advertise it on my live and he was telling people to join and i was like wait what and then i got the details and then my mind was like blown on live

Just trying to like process the whole situation and then i just like had to kick him because it was just i was just starting to feel like i don’t know this is kind of getting a bad feeling from this i don’t want to be involved with this [ __ ] um

But hey i don’t know like listen i’m not judging i’m just i’m just i’m judging the [ __ ] i’m not judging the kid it’s like whatever you do it do whatever you want with your life but like um the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with those [ __ ] um

Yo what is this is this oh [ __ ] i thought this is dirt um i know demon time i’m on demon time [ __ ] i’m not my body i don’t lost my mind what if i went on instagram live while on twitch and it was this whole [ __ ] big ass like

Huge over stimulation on my mind that’s literally impossible for me to keep up with and there’s people yelling and arguing and alive yo i feel like a young gucci mane i’m not i’m not gonna lie oh look gold i feel like a young gucci mane does anyone else feel like that like

They’re like a young gucci mane like i always like people will be like how are you feeling and all i can ever how do i make a [ __ ] how do i make a [ __ ] uh god damn it i need to make a crafting table amelia

Do you have any wood i got no [ __ ] wood in this [ __ ] bread i need some wood oh is that all you got i don’t need torches i need uh i just need wood to make a crafting table or if you have a crafting table if you could just put it down

Oh thank you yeah you got a crafting table by any chance oh you got the wood thank you all right crafting table i’ve got the furnace wait why do i want the fern oh yeah smell daughter um it’s not much iron but it’s some iron

It’s some are it’s enough iron to make a [ __ ] pickaxe so that’s all that counts um i’m on demon time i’m on demon time [ __ ] i’m out my body i don’t lost my mind demon time is such a thing lately i’ve been on demon time ever since i found that that uh filter

That instagram filter i don’t even remember what it’s called it’s literally the best filter in the [ __ ] world like there’s no competition it makes you have two different color eyes and you have horns it’s amazing and your nose is bleeding it’s like the best [ __ ] Gross best [ __ ] ever Keep 900 sticks on me keep seven million thousand sticks on me keep seven hundred million thousand cadrillion quadruple million sticks on me oh redstone dope keep a hundred million cadrillian sticks on me for when i go to florida or no for when i go to cali because that kid’s gonna

Slap the [ __ ] out of me the kid who advertises demon time said he was gonna slap the [ __ ] out of me when he sees me so i mean i know he’s only 13 but guys i might have some competition here i’m on demon time i’m on demon time

[ __ ] i’m not my body i don’t lost my mind emilu seems to know what they’re doing a lot more than i do i do because they’re like yeah we’re going here here boom digging finding [ __ ] they know what they’re doing i don’t really know what i’m doing so

Much i’m more so just like randomly talking into the mic and running around and tapping on blocks once in a while but they seem to know what they’re doing so shouts out them they’re really carrying the live emilu you’re a star just like me where are they going though

I do not know i assume they’re going to go back up to get more supplies so while they do that i’m just going to keep digging on minecraft’s billy eilish i bet they ran they must have ran out of [ __ ] like tools well yeah it’s been a pretty crazy day

So far lots of lots of uh lots of um wait why does this glow why the redstone light up though and is tonight yeah i don’t know how long i’m gonna be on tonight hopefully i’ll uh i wanted i want to try and get my sleeping on on track so

What time is it it’s 10 50 right now um how long i’ve been on i’ve been on 35 minutes it’s 10 50. i’ll try stay on to like one or two but i really don’t want to [ __ ] stay up till like 6 am playing but i don’t know that might be what ends

Up happening because usually whenever i try and quit then for some reason a bunch of people join and then i’m like i don’t want to like leave so then it’s like i keep going on on stream for like hours like the binding of isaac was only supposed to be two hours

And i stayed on it for like five [ __ ] hours and it’s like breath but at the same time it’s not bad i guess it’s more content right that’s that’s my existence is to create content so it’s like is it really that bad i guess not i just wish my sleeping schedule was a

Little bit better but oh well [ __ ] it you can’t have everything you know oh we got the bedrock so now we can just start expanding let’s just make this one huge [ __ ] long open room underneath everything because honestly we’ve hit the point of like this is basically as far down as it goes

So i hope well i mean if they if they run up on me while i’m playing minecraft this isn’t gonna happen but i hope that if they do come back and run up on me and it has to go down like in a bad way like i hope that i’m

Listening to bjork when it happens and then like once i kill them it’s like i killed them to bjork like i think that would be pretty badass or even if they just run up in here and just like take a couple shots of me and then just [ __ ] off if i’m listening to

Bjork when that’s happening that would be pretty gangster if like if i survive and i don’t get my brains blown onto the wall but like if i survive i think that would be pretty like gangster because i’m listening to bjork and then these dudes run up in here and try and shoot me

That’d be gangster like sorry it would be um bjork bruh exactly she’s a [ __ ] goat and she’ll slap the [ __ ] out of you if you disrespect her that’s all i’m saying it’s like normally you’re expecting someone to run up on you you’re sitting in your you know your

Place listening like gucci mane or something like nah not me i’m listening to bjork and then as soon as you come in that door to me you’re the paparazzi i’m gonna slap the [ __ ] out of you no i’m gonna do i’m gonna do more than slap you um

Slap you with a [ __ ] frying pan to the head i shouldn’t be saying these things online on life because honest it’s like i don’t i don’t know where this situation well i guess it’s not that bad i’m just letting it be known if someone tries to [ __ ] like because canada’s

Self-defense laws are really weird that’s why it’s like i don’t like in certain states you can just be like listen if you come up and you run up on me i’m going to kill you like you can say that but like in canada there’s such like stupid laws about like

Uttering threats and stuff like that and they’re so specific that it’s like it’s very easy for me to get in trouble for saying i’ll do things to people so it’s like i don’t want to just say i’m gonna [ __ ] you know bust someone’s head open if they come in my

In my apartment but at the same time it’s like when people are threatening me every single day and [ __ ] people are literally trying to run up on me in the place that i live i think it’s kind of appropriate for me to like go online and let it be known like

Listen i’m not joking around if somebody [ __ ] comes in my apartment i’m going like there’s going someone’s gonna be really hurt like really [ __ ] badly you know what i’m saying and it’s like i’m just letting that be known like i’m not trying to like utter threats to people

Because i don’t even know who the [ __ ] these people are like i can guess and you know i’m probably right but like i’m not threatening anyone in specific it’s just like if it comes down to what it’s seemingly coming down to like i’m i got to do what i got to do and

So if you come in here then just be prepared that your life is never going to be the same after this like um and neither will mine but that’s okay because i didn’t [ __ ] choose this you did um but yeah it is what it is got some iron

So i got that nerf gun y’all i was getting paranoid like sitting in my sitting in a trap all day no nerf gun on me i had to get a nerf gun and come on now who who do you guys think would win in a fight bjork or gucci mane

I think i think bjork might win she might have she might have more well i don’t know what was that girl’s name mac breezy or something she was on stage i’m not going to say it because no disrespecting fuchsia anyone who knows what i’m talking about knows what i’m talking about um

Nah but i don’t know i love bjork she’s amazing okay i got that iron keep that iron on me where’d i put that [ __ ] furnace oh i can just make one there’s a crafting table gotta eat my pork chops um we got all the iron

Yo i want to see what it moves up to amelia was always like on [ __ ] they know what they’re doing like that’s what’s up they’re smarter than i when it comes to minecraft they are professional when i play games like this honestly i’ll [ __ ] wander around forever before i do anything

And then it’s like i’ll play with other people and they got all these like professional like skills and stuff that they do in the game and things that like as soon as they start they do this thing and then they go do this thing and then when they build a

Mind they build it this way and that like it’s like i don’t know [ __ ] [ __ ] about this game i’m just like any time that i played this growing up was just like just go and explore it was never like try and build the coolest thing like sometimes i would

Like i would always just like make little hideouts and then make a mine and then like move on and then never go back to it basically like that was my whole [ __ ] we gotta find some dungeons how do you make tnt what if we just got a bunch of [ __ ] tnt and blew

This [ __ ] up like how’s the iron that’s on i’m glad that people know who bjork is i didn’t know who bjork was honestly i was at this girl’s house and like we were sleeping or whatever and then but like she fell asleep on her like computer basically it’s like it’s hard to explain

Her laptop was at the end of her bed and she fell asleep but when she fell asleep she like rolled over onto the laptop and then like both of her feet were like on the laptop and like she was like moving and as she would move like this the computer was like

The mouse was going everywhere and then it just started playing like a bunch of bjork songs and i was like i couldn’t sleep because it was like the tv was really loud and so it was like i was just listening to these bjork songs and it’s like i

Couldn’t turn off the laptop because this girl’s feet were like on the laptop so i couldn’t like i didn’t want to like go like just start like moving her feet because then she would have woken up she would have been like why are you touching my pizza i was like

Um i just like let it play or whatever and like it was bjork and it was loud as [ __ ] and i couldn’t sleep but it was like every song was like just amazing and i was like bruh like i just i just stopped trying to sleep and i was just like

This is this there’s a reason i am here right now and it was to hear this bjork song because this [ __ ] is [ __ ] amazing and um and i’ve just been like obsessed with bjork like ever since like she’s just so dope like and she’s so unique

And we have we have one thing in common is her songs it’s like this her same voice but it’s over so many different instrumentals and i know it’s it might be kind of hard for you to see the comparison i’m making between us but honestly all my songs is just my voice

And then it’s just different instrumentals and some of the instrumentals go far with my voice and then some of them it just doesn’t really hit like it’s kind of similar with bjork like some she’ll have like super crazy instrumentals like loud and exciting and stuff but then at the same time it’s the

Exact same voice and stuff but over like sad beats well not beats but like whatever the [ __ ] you call them instrumentals and then it’s like um yeah oh [ __ ] they said my phone is dying but i’m in the game no ass leg oh [ __ ] charge your phone and then rejoin um [ __ ]

We lost the lucy i got all this [ __ ] i’m going to make a chest down here because i got to put all the cobblestone in it um but do i even have [ __ ] wood no is there another chest you can make smithing table blast furnace minecart bucket all right let me just

Let me just try and i gotta get some wood bruh so lucy i hope that you make it back i hope you’re i hope you can charge your phone i want to make this world a completely like public world but i don’t know how to even do that like i’m such a [ __ ]

Dumbass in minecraft i don’t know how to even make my world like anyone can join but that’s what i want to do i want it so like literally anyone can join but then i guess people might come in and [ __ ] with stuff but still i want anyone to be able to join

God damn it i’m so confused by these stairs okay okay okay where are we at where are we at i need i just need a little bit of wood just a little bit of wood yeah i’m really proud of myself um that i’ve been streaming when i’m depressed because honestly that

Ruins like i i’m always bringing up this [ __ ] runescape stream like it’s this horrible stream like that so many things went wrong it’s really not that serious but like it turned itself into something more serious than it was and i’m just like oh man i can never let

Myself get on stream if i’m that depressed again and it’s like as a lucy it’s it doesn’t say that you’re online at the moment but as soon as you pop up i’ll uh i’ll invite you um but yeah in my brain it’s like just this hor like oh man i can’t i

Can’t go on stream like that but then i’ve done like multiple streams since then that i’ve been arguably more depressed and honestly i think that those streams are good streams like i don’t think like even though when i was making them i was not feeling good at all um

I think that it was still good content that i was making any like i don’t think it was bad so i think i just need to get over it when i’m like sad and stuff and just like stream anyway because like um yeah so i’m just gonna i’m gonna be

Doing monday wednesdays and fridays and um mondays minecraft wednesdays danganronpa and fridays fridays i’m not sure like what i don’t know if i’m gonna keep doing binding of isaac or if i’m going to um do gentian impact again or if i’m just gonna do a different game

I don’t know but i think i think i’m gonna keep fridays like open for whatever for the time being and then mondays minecraft and then wednesdays danganronpa um did i get some wood i just need a bit of wood to make a little chest that’s it but yeah i’m getting more excited about

Streaming you know it’s fun it’s a good way for me to come on and get my thoughts out also instagram lives even though instagram is the wild [ __ ] west but that’s okay because i’m smart i’m not a dumbass like most people that’s the thing about instagram live if you’re like decent with people

You they can be pretty interesting and a lot of times i feel like oh man i can’t like i don’t have it in me to go on instagram live with a bunch of random people but it’s like i know that i have it in me because it’s like i’m not really that dumb

Like that’s a thing people can come and they try and like start [ __ ] with me and stuff like that but i’m really not that dumb like and i’m not really that like egotistical that it’s like if you tell me i’m broke i’m like no here’s all my money like i i don’t

Give a [ __ ] like you can call me like broke and [ __ ] like gay and tell me i look like like i don’t give a [ __ ] what you say about me like i’ve been dealing with that like my whole life like it literally doesn’t even matter a

Lot of the time if people tell me i look like a girl or whatever i’ll just start laughing like it’s literally almost it’s like funny you know what i mean and loki it’s a little bit flattering i’m not gonna lie it’s like damn this dude must think i’m pretty you know

It’s like hey okay and it’s like if it was just one person it probably wouldn’t be that flattering but when it’s like every time you’re talking to people that’s one of the first thing they tell tell you is like you look like a girl it’s like i don’t

Really think that that’s like much of an insult it’s like well i’m just clearly very pretty like thank you you know look at this slime though he’s [ __ ] he’s saying slat what up slat what up my slime ow my slime my guy my slime why would you do that my slime

My slime ow my slime i cannot believe you would do this to me my slime all right slat come here come here come here come here capture this line that’s my slat what up slime what you gonna do nothing i trapped you we got pet slime zalewski we have a pet salon

You will be happy to know in the mines now i’m going to build a chest i’ve got to get a [ __ ] joint rolled i’m starting to get a little tired i need to get i need to turn on my my inner bipolar gucci mane with the back chain i

Need that is the me that needs to come out i need to start looking at the screen and laughing and then saying nothing that’s what we need and con and call myself young gucci mane catch another charge and i’m going to the chain gang wait the what the [ __ ] is going on

All right um my chain my chain don’t you like my chain main young gucci mane and i’m popping off the chain gang and my jacob is a fruity call walking to the club just to flash my chain main young humane and i’m popping up the chain gang um okay listen

Within me i have a gucci mane okay i believe there’s a gucci mane in all of us oh my [ __ ] um yeah truly believe there’s a gucci mane in all of us And um popping up the chain main yes lucy i got us a nice little chest here so you can put all your [ __ ] in it if you need oh my [ __ ] how do you just send the [ __ ] over i don’t remember what’s the button is there no button i thought you could

Press like a certain button and it just sends everything over why the [ __ ] can i do that oh you hold it okay okay i’m so confused um yeah we got a pet slime he’s our slat let me make a [ __ ] what are they called a [ __ ] sign bruh oh i don’t got no

Wood [ __ ] it whatever he’s our slat our slime our guy all that oh yeah was there iron in here i think there was um young gucci mane and i’m popping up the chain gang um do you guys wish that like you were a young gucci mane

Because i [ __ ] do every day i wake up and i wish i was younger no i’m just kidding being a young gucci mane wouldn’t be easy young gucci mane is dealing with a lot of bipolar episode type [ __ ] a lot of lean drinking he got a big old gut

Young gucci mane was going through it so i don’t know if i want to be a young gucci mane but oftentimes oh [ __ ] oftentimes i do feel like a young lucha me i suppose that’s the main thing like i feel like a young gucci be careful it wants to kill us

Luckily it’s not a young gucci mane like us and we’ll kill it first if it tries to catch our body we’ll catch its body listen lava if you try to catch our body we’ll catch your body i’ll be smoking on lava block don’t play with me oh [ __ ] there’s lava everywhere everywhere

You just killed the lava bro smoke that lava pack i gotta smoke that lava pack so lucy don’t die lucy i’m gonna roll up a joint real quick i i’m trusting i’m trusting um head operations of the mind to um to to you are we gonna smoke the sativa are we

Gonna smoke indica i think we’re gonna smoke a combination of both of them shouts well shouts out um what are we smoking on today i like to always show them we got the chocolate fondue from dna dna genetics and then we got the kosher kush from dna genetics

You know i heard the first thing that [ __ ] look at is your teeth and your nails and my nails are a little [ __ ] so all right to me um where the [ __ ] did i put the the weed did i knock it on the [ __ ]

Floor i swear i just had some that i put down but i didn’t know um yo chico vestia thank you for [ __ ] joining by the way i meant to say hello but i got um i got distracted because i’m always you know how i am i’m always going on my tangents about [ __ ]

But thank you for always joining i appreciate you always coming in here it means a lot to me these streams are still small i don’t have a lot of the people that listen to my music don’t come over here and watch the streams but that’s okay because

Even if i have like a small little group that watches the streams it’s still fun it was on it honestly it’s not even that bad if nobody watches because like i don’t know if i said this before um i don’t know if i want yeah whatever i’ll say it but

It’s not like something bad but it’s just like i feel like if i say people are gonna go looking for the [ __ ] but like when i was a kid i used to do like like people used to play through games but they used to call them like um

They used to call them like let’s plays and so when i was like how old was i like 13 or 14 or some [ __ ] like i would try to make like um these let’s plays of my own and they would be terrible because it’s like my mic would be like

The shittiest quality mic my voice was like prepubescent so that was the first thing anyone always said to me was like bro you sound like a little kid like and it’s so funny now because it’s like clearly i never have that problem anymore but it was like there was a huge

Gap between me making content it was like when i was a little ass kid to where people were literally telling me like bro you gotta stop for a couple years and just wait like you just can’t you can’t you can your voice you sound like a little kid and um

But anyway there’s this huge gap and then now i’m like in my 20s making content it’s like it’s funny that the last time i was making content before this was like the biggest problem i was having was that my voice was prepubescent so i just think it’s funny um

But yeah anyway i used to make these like things they were called like let’s plays and so basically a let’s play there’s no you didn’t do it on like twitch you would just record yourself and there wouldn’t even be like the screen like it was like

I would just be it would be like the game but like you wouldn’t see my face and you would just hear me commentating on it and it wouldn’t be so much me talking about like my real life and stuff like that as much it was more so focused on the game and a

Lot of the time people would like they’d like make these like little stories that they would like follow throughout each episode and they would do them in episodes and they’d be like 15 minutes long so basically what i’m trying to say with all this is i have a bit of experience with playing

Games with no audience is what i’m saying so even if there i don’t have a big audience on twitch like i’m still just gonna keep rambling and talking about whatever the [ __ ] because it’s like that’s just what you do like back then it was just like talk about [ __ ] you

Know what i mean like try and find something to play uh talk about like but these days you go on twitch and it’s like there’s people talking to you so it’s not really as hard as it was back then but then also it wasn’t live back then so i guess there’s that

Because it is hard to go live i’m not gonna lie like you look at people go live and you think oh whatever i could go live i’ll just chill it’s nothing like it actually does take a lot out of you to be like talking for extended periods of time and having

To think about things to like try and be like semi interesting like it actually does take like quite a bit of energy and like your body’s resources and stuff which is probably why my lips are always so [ __ ] dry on these streams um and which is also why i’m gonna drink water

But yeah these aren’t as easy as they look specifically with the game like you’d think that playing a game would be super easy but like right now i feel like there’s like something in me like irking me because i know that i’m just like i’m rolling up a joint so that’s why i’m

Taking this little break right now but like just knowing that i’m not stimulating making this you know it’s not that stimulating it’s just like kind of bothering me you know what i mean so it’s not like you can just go on stream and just like completely chill i mean i guess you can

But like i’m trying to be like interesting so i don’t want to i don’t want people to join and let me just be like sitting there not saying anything because that’s like the worst and i know that i’m not that boring you know where’s that paper why do i always lose this [ __ ]

Oh there it is papier i wonder how zolowski’s doing or emilu or whichever they would prefer me to call him i have all these [ __ ] little things with phone numbers on them so i’ve been writing phone numbers on [ __ ] on these little shatter things bruh so never mind i’m not going

To tell that story it’s a [ __ ] up story someone was basically telling me on the live that i was doing the instagram live that some dude was like smoking a [ __ ] jewel out of his [ __ ] and i’m just like what thanks for that information um so yeah don’t smoke jewels over your [ __ ]

But honestly it’s kind of got me curious i’m not gonna lie that’s like the it’s it’s got me a little curious it’s like is that possible i don’t know but i know one thing sometimes you have to try things in the name of science i’m not saying i’m gonna try it but what

I’m trying to say is it’s it makes me wonder is this possible can you really smoke a jewel out your ass hypothetically if you had i yeah maybe i guess i don’t know like you gotta have some some type of control over that area but if you did i mean i guess hypothetically

It could be possible um yeah i got this whole [ __ ] group mad at me on facebook i should honestly [ __ ] read that [ __ ] to you guys because it’s so [ __ ] funny i’m in this group on facebook like i was talking about it the last stream but i’m

In this group on facebook and it’s like a local group and the admin um it’s like like 40 000 people in it and the admin lost their facebook password so they can’t and they never added mods so the group is literally just this free for all and you can post literally

Anything like if someone went and post a picture of well you can’t post a dick pic on facebook but if you could and you went and posted it in that group there’s nobody that could remove that post for you so i go into this group and every

Time i make an instagram post or like make a new song or whatever i always go advertise it to the [ __ ] that facebook group and they just like get so worked up and like angry and they like threaten me and tell me they’re gonna kill me and shoot me and like

All this [ __ ] and it’s just like so over the top but it’s like funny as [ __ ] because it’s like the city i live in and it’s like these old white dudes like losing their [ __ ] because of how literally just like how i look and they’re like i can’t tell what

He is or i can’t tell it’s not a boy or a girl and [ __ ] dude then the other people are like why do you care why do you care or why do you care about them and it’s like shouts out them i respect that but i just think it’s funny because

Like i just post a picture i don’t even say anything and then these people just [ __ ] just start arguing and going to war and talking about like like all this deep stuff like and some of them will say that i’m like a satanist and i’m pushing this like

Agenda on like their children like type [ __ ] like just like craziness like literal like conspiracy [ __ ] like there’s some people like old white dudes that seem to think that like gay people are pushing this agenda or something on them and it’s like this like this work this control of the world

Thing like that it’s just so stupid i don’t even want to say it out loud because it just sounds so like insensitive that anyone even has these opinions but it’s just like it’s ridiculous and people in my um my city clearly they have these beliefs um like the song secrets that i made

Like over the artwork they’re all saying all this [ __ ] about the artwork it’s like relax like relax like it’s not that [ __ ] deep like the reason that i chose that artwork for secrets is because the song is called secrets and in my opinion one of the biggest secrets is like you know

The whole garden of eden story like what is all that the origins of man it’s a secret like nobody knows the actual [ __ ] origins of man nobody knows what that the the apple is like nobody knows what these things actually are like there’s like guesses and stuff like nobody knows

Adam and eve who they are if they’re real people nobody knows this [ __ ] it’s all secrets you know what i’m saying so that’s all that’s all i was saying with that artwork is just like secrets like what’s the biggest secret the origins of man so that’s why i chose that but

They were all like thinking it was some type of like satan [ __ ] and it’s like bro like relax like but you know maybe they were just a little triggered by a little noss accent they were thinking that i was like one of his like cronies or something i’m wearing very

I’m wearing very tight pants and i have to [ __ ] adjust myself um yeah shouts out this barbecue lighter we smoking that lava block he’s smoking on lava block pack and i miss you dinner yo i wonder if that kid’s [ __ ] demon time is is happening right now

If any of you have went to it the fbi will be at your home soon or chris chris hanson he’s coming um a mat isn’t it funny chris hanson got arrested one time like imagine you’re like a cop or whatever it but als also who would ever be a cop

Like you but like imagine you are and then you gotta like you get a call or whatever the [ __ ] they get and then you’re going to like deal with it and it’s literally chris hansen like what would you say like he’s a hero he’s a national hero how could you possibly arrest chris

Hanson like it’d be so funny be like chris i’m sorry i gotta i gotta take you in i’m sorry like and then you like process chris but you know what chris probably would be good in there even though he’s caught him technically a snitch oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ]

He’s kind of technically a snitch but i feel like if you’re like catching [ __ ] pedophiles i don’t really think that i don’t think the the streets hate that you know what i’m saying i think you’re good um you maybe people aren’t going to really hang out with you considering

Your line of work but and how the people you may be interacting with like the police but like i don’t think anyone would hold that against chris like chris may have been talking to those police helping them get those child predators man we ain’t cool with that like i can’t really imagine that

And i miss you is zolowski’s still in here they are where’d they go did they die in the lava or something or did they go down like how did they disappear i swear they never walked back by us did they come up here did they oh [ __ ]

I think they got a whole [ __ ] what’s happening what’s up here oh my god is this the secret of zlos zelowski where’d they go i’m so intrigued bruh where’d they go whoa yo zolowski they did this is like some weird like this is some weird like hard to find [ __ ] celoski you’re a

[ __ ] you’re built different bruh you know what you’re doing in this game i don’t bruh why is there like birds out right now i feel like birds don’t come out late at night why the [ __ ] are their birds tripping i guess they’re crows but i thought that

No birds came out late at night bro this is crazy zolowski just went off and just created a whole labyrinth for the [ __ ] [ __ ] i am impressed i’m not gonna lie what is this is this nether netherrack no there’s water above us this is is this obsidian oh i can hear [ __ ]

I hope zolowski’s okay and i miss you then who do you smoke guys who do you smoke this is what they’ve been doing they’ve just been waiting this is funny they’ve just been hidden this whole time they’ve just been back here while i’ve been while i’ve been

Rolling up this joint while i’ve been doing doing that they’ve been hiding we’re doing [ __ ] though but honestly like i’m intrigued by there’s something over here like there is there has to be because i can hear monsters so i feel like we should like we should see what the [ __ ] is up

Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] zolowski watch out be careful where’s these monsters i can hear [ __ ] monsters bruh like that’s what i’m saying we gotta find this dungeon because i can hear them growling i want to get some interesting dungeon content oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there’s lava everywhere around here

Where these growls coming from there’s more lava how we find so much [ __ ] lava maybe it’s over here when i see you on my push-up [ __ ] back boy [ __ ] i love that song so much um oh [ __ ] like that song’s so hard where’s these monsters

I can hear them growling but they cap in unless they’re under us if i could just see what do you guys think bjork’s doing right now probably throwing bottles and chiropracts off of the edge of a mountain oh [ __ ] one day i’m gonna be like york york

Lives on that island like it’s like this like island and it’s like i don’t even know how to describe it it’s like looks like a bowl and i just oh [ __ ] imagine how cool living there must be like okay i can hear these [ __ ] they’re down here they are in here

We’re almost there i can hear these [ __ ] monsters but i need a i need a pickaxe i need a pickaxe i could just see Whoa lucy got all the [ __ ] secrets up here look at this this is crazy secrets secret bowling secret it’s always on defense i just want to reference what is this is secret’s an underrated song of mine i’m not sure i don’t think it’s a bad song but for

Some reason i don’t feel like it’s like the greatest song and i kind of just forget about it like i don’t know it just doesn’t seem like i don’t know i just released it randomly and was like [ __ ] it it’s gonna be on um harlow’s heights for sure the show for show

What up slime slat slat slat i wonder where zalewski went i don’t even know if i’m saying their name right any of the times that i’ve said them but i’m guessing maybe i could just see you okay i need wood don’t i oh man i’m always out of [ __ ] wood

Why am i always out of wood i didn’t really smoke much of this joint look at it that’s the thing like sometimes when it comes to talking i’ll take one puff of the joint then just it’ll inspire me to talk for a half an hour it’s funny i’m like mike tyson

You know me and mike tyson that kind of have some similarities i used to really look up to mike tyson as a kid i still look up to mike tyson i love mike tyson um big inspiration of mine i’m aware he’s done a lot of really [ __ ] up things but like um

He’s an inspiring person because he’s clearly done better like yes he’s done a lot of things but like mike is not the same person as he once was clearly and also not to blame anyone or anything like that but when you’re being brain like literally you listen to hypnosis tapes that are

Meant to turn you into like a fighter like slash like war machine it’s like obviously you’re gonna be a pretty [ __ ] up person outside of the ring like i understand all that super beneficial in the ring and it’s like there’s like millions of dollars whatever the [ __ ] it’s like

But what’s gonna happen outside of the ring obviously there’s gonna be like a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] that’s gonna happen with that person that you’re hypnotizing and for those of you who don’t know what i’m talking about mike tyson um used to listen to like like his trainer used to

Get him to listen to like hypnosis tapes when he was like a little kid like he would go to sleep just with like these words in his head like you’re a killer you’re like nothing will stop you you’re more powerful than anything like he listen to like subliminal messaging basically

Like if you if you watch my video the universe according to the cia that whole four hour video like by the end of it it was like basically the whole thing is like there’s these hypnosis tapes you can listen to when they make certain things happen in your body and then astral

Projection and then all the other [ __ ] i was talking about but like you can use those tapes for other things they don’t just have to be used for like astral projection like you can use subliminal messaging to do anything like you can you can like listen to like subliminal

Messaging for like wealth and then it’s going to tell you you i am rich i am wealthy i have opportunity like it tells you all these things and when you’re asleep and listening to them you wake up and it’s just all put in your subconscious so even if you’re not rich

You still have a little voice in you that’s like telling you that there’s abundance like there’s like you know what i mean and you can do that with anything so they used to do that for mike with like violence so it’s like i don’t know you can like it’s no excuse

But you can kind of see why like he might not be such a stable person you know buddy and audit but the whole thing well i remember when i was a little kid and i first learned about him it was like i instantly knew he wasn’t

What people were making him out to be because the first thing i seen was i it was like some documentary or something about him raising pigeons and i just remember always hearing all this like violent [ __ ] not like but it was like this documentary was that i watched myself

Was not showing any of those things but it was just showing this dude raising pigeons and he really loved these pigeons and it was like uh what the [ __ ] it was like i guess that was one of my first lessons in like just because people say someone is like

A piece of [ __ ] or whatever doesn’t always mean it’s true because it was like even though mike was a violent person i clearly had seen that he really loved those pigeons so it’s like you can’t tell me that he’s like doesn’t have compassion or things like that like i’ve

Seen it myself with this documentary like you know what i mean so i always kind of had like a soft spot for like mike tyson like he’s always been an inspiration and then he made mike tyson mysteries or whatever the [ __ ] it’s called that’s just funny as [ __ ] sorry i killed your mom

Yo we got another one i got some wood i need more wood though that’s the problem i keep [ __ ] coming up here getting a little bit of wood i need more wood soloski went missing where’s zolowski i don’t know ski it’s so amazing to me that some people don’t like understand slang

Like some people actually don’t know what like slat means like that literally in my mind is like impossible it’s like how have they not just like been on like tick tock or something and just like figured it out especially when these people are like 40 or some [ __ ]

It’s like it’s really that hard to comprehend slang i don’t think so or like how come some people when they listen to [ __ ] like rap music they can’t hear what the people are saying like they don’t know what they’re saying like they’ll say they’ll be literally saying they shot somebody or whatever

The [ __ ] and then like like you’ll play it in front of like an old person and you’ll be kind of thinking that they’re gonna like be like oh my god but they don’t do that because you realize that they actually don’t know what is even being said in the song like

Not even slightly and i find it so weird like how can they not hear it like is it like my like are my ears adjusted differently is it something to do with the mix like how do they not understand like i’m saying this i’m i’m saying this because i’m thinking about that lawyer

That was reacting to the who i smoke um video and it’s like he’s clearly listening to them name-dropping people and saying i’m gonna shoot you here and shoot there whatever the [ __ ] and he’s like he’s like reacting to it as if he’s he’s like yeah this sounds pretty cool

These look like nice guys it’s like did you even hear what they just said like i don’t think that old people even know what people are saying in their songs sometimes like they’re just like oh whatever so i think that’s why people can just get away with straight up being like yo

I killed this dude and i’m smoking them and i killed him here like and you’re like how do they get away with that i think that’s how because some people are just so dumb but then at the same time they’ll take like slang and they’ll in court and they’ll be like

Oh that means this and then they’ll be like okay yeah bail denied based off just that and it’s like bro this dude doesn’t know what any of these terms mean never did he has to go do all this studying and then you’re just gonna take his word that it means

This it’s like so dumb to me slang is such a thing i seen zalewski what up oh [ __ ] diamonds diamonds are forever thank you that’s amazing i just came up here to get some wood because i needed wood i don’t even remember why i needed it at this time

But i kind of want to go back but there’s another one we can go into there’s two [ __ ] dungeons here or caves or whatever diamonds are forever there’s one like over here or some [ __ ] it looks kind of cool no kissy cap where’d it go i seen it it was right over here

Where the [ __ ] is it i swear it was like this big ass deep hole that was like a stairwell we could just walk down is it this i don’t think so but whatever let’s go down into this one the other one we weren’t really getting very far with it

Oh [ __ ] this one this one ain’t [ __ ] this one ain’t [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah anyone who hasn’t listened to diamonds from sierra leone by kanye west you’re [ __ ] dumb go listen to that song because it’s [ __ ] amazing oh i think i found it i think i found it it’s over here i think

Probably not yeah no i didn’t find it whatever let’s just go back into the one we were in we were getting somewhere and then i got distracted and went and got wood i started talking about various things like mike tyson and all that stuff i love mike he’s an inspiration to me

Mike would be why i would take shrooms on this on this uh not podcast this twitch screen guys one day i don’t know if i said this before but one day i’m gonna be a old person and i’ll instead of making music and doing twitch streams i’ll be writing books and

Having a podcast isn’t that crazy where’d our slime go he’s not slime anymore [ __ ] he’s not gang diamonds are rare diamonds are forever that’s what i’m trying to say if you listen to diamonds are forever or wait no what’s it called diamonds from sierra leone by kanye west

He’ll tell you that diamonds are forever and they won’t leave in the night and i have no fear that they might because diamonds are forever so um diamonds are forever i don’t know if they’re rare but they’re forever just like me except well not just like me because i actually am rare

I’m actually one in a million well it’s pro honestly the odds are probably more than one in a million it’s probably more like one in a quadrillion billion hundred thousand million trillion trillion trot infinity yeah so that’s how rare i am but i don’t know if diamonds are rare

They’re not super rare but they’re kind of rare did you never play minecraft i’m not trying to insult you but like i feel like that’s like obvious yeah demon time yes this is uh the true demon time oh i don’t have a bed i didn’t bring a bed down here

I don’t bring beds into the mines because [ __ ] um day and night doesn’t really matter if you have wool or something you can make a bed but i don’t go to bed diamonds are forever you got a bed wait i don’t have any [ __ ] why do i never have a [ __ ] pickaxe

In this [ __ ] game it’s all good zlowski i just didn’t bring one because normally it’s just i don’t know i don’t really see a point in sleeping in the mines because like the day and night is like irrelevant but i do i guess if you want to set like

Spawn points or whatever it’s good okay what did i get that wood for i got i went up and i got [ __ ] wood and i don’t even remember why because i just started talking about mike tyson diamonds uh forever um i can’t believe our slime left us what the [ __ ] bruh

What the [ __ ] bruh why are slime um oh i need sticks keep a hundred million thousand sticks on me keep a hundred thousand sticks i always be sneezing not usually but every time i’m on camera i always [ __ ] have a nice sneeze like always wait iron leggings why are they leggings

How are they leggings how do you make leggings of iron what sense does that mean look at my [ __ ] bbq lighter that i’m lighting this joint with i don’t have a lighter my [ __ ] city’s on lockdown and my [ __ ] groceries got [ __ ] up and [ __ ] all i got this is this [ __ ] bbq

Lighter struggling geometry phlegm fats i’m allergic to all these blocks all these bricks busting a bricks busted so many bricks i became allergic that’s how you know i’m a true trap star selling selling well shirts that’s it solusky is always just like figuring [ __ ] out like

I look away for five seconds to light the joint and then zalewski has built an entire like tunnel system halfway across the map i [ __ ] with it that’s what i like i like when people i add people to my content and they just do [ __ ] because then it’s like

It’s easier for me to just sit here and just talk oh [ __ ] more diamonds that’s what’s up thank you you know you can save some and build yourself like some iron or some iron some armor or some [ __ ] you know probably wouldn’t be so bad of a idea

I just want to find some enemies to kill though honestly last time we were how i was finding giant [ __ ] spiders and [ __ ] everything and this time it’s like oh [ __ ] this time we can’t find [ __ ] i just killed the lava brick though oh it’s back though it’s back though [ __ ] it

Slime slat slat slat what if i was playing minecraft and i sneezed and then like snot came out of my nose and it was like squares or like cubes i mean oh yeah trap him he’s our slime he’s our slat he’s he’s he’s our slime he’s our slime um diamonds are forever Zalewski do you want to go in the other dungeon that we that i was in previously and see if we can expand it or some [ __ ] or do you want to like explore we gotta get we need to do some [ __ ] i feel like this mine that we’ve created

It’s not really going anywhere we just keep running into [ __ ] lava it’s not it’s not so good this is interesting though you’re building an entire thing it’s gonna despawn though unfortunately that’s the worst i part that the polar bear and the and the and the um

What the [ __ ] the dead horse thing is still there yo what happened how you do that these are remotes how you do the remotes i’m intrigued zolowski’s [ __ ] carrying this scream scream this scream they’re carrying the screen guys they’re carrying this stream no kizzy cap look how interesting they are

I’m just sitting here smoking on this [ __ ] weed talking about mike tyson and gucci mane and bjork and they’re just over here building entire tunnels underneath underneath the world finding slimes this is our slat slat yo speaking of slat slimes free go yo listen hold up hold up free the [ __ ] goat

The boom god yay [ __ ] yizzle um yeah my bad story i was looking at what the haters were saying on facebook um speaking of the boom god himself here’s an update he updated a picture from behind bars you know he’s looking like he’s keeping his spirits high

And [ __ ] free the boom god like free this [ __ ] man he’s got glasses i didn’t know he wore glasses but i’m assuming if he got glasses that probably means he’s reading a lot there’s something in here so like shout so [ __ ] go yo the boom god if

It wasn’t for this man there would be no [ __ ] lil witchy and he is currently locked up on some gun charges oh now we got a bunch of slime slat those are his slimes but yeah uh he’s currently locked up on gun charges it’s very unfortunate and [ __ ]

Free this free this man he’s the [ __ ] boom god good fame go yell go follow this man if you don’t follow this man already go follow this man the boom god go yayo he co-signed me back when i was literally nobody and i was just a [ __ ] random white

Kid from canada like what reason did he have to help me out none but he did so i’m always gonna appreciate that so it really sucks that he’s locked up right now and joe biden if you’re watching this i’m not voting for you next time if you

Don’t free him and also i didn’t vote because i’m canadian but you know what i’m saying i got my fans to vote for you joe biden i think you owe me one go free go yo it just became a fed case free the goat the boom god

Gross spoke a little by bad figure band-aids are so [ __ ] up i wish i had hello kitty ones um why i always say um like redstone redstone i wish our slimes would stay with us forever but they will not why they so angry though are you so angry slimes

They’re slapping around in there they’re being slats do you want to go in the other cave i feel like there’s more promise in the other cave there’s at least adventure in the other cave you got so much redstone and diamonds let me make some diamond armor or something some type of diamond

Potatoes or beef i would rather beef personally what should i make diamond sword or diamond i think diamond pickaxe diamond sword um can i make them an armor oh thank you should i make the armor i guess yeah [ __ ] it minecraft billy eilish wait maybe he was calling the geometry phlegm these

Now i’m kind of thinking because these look like geometry flames there our slimes are slats or guys slat yeah i think we should go to the other uh other mine let’s get it let’s get it they were just slapping around you know yo hold up i gotta go blow my nose

I’m taking my drawing with me so taking chances for events when the rants do do big business you guys know that song that sounds far guys okay i’m gonna get this thought out of my head because i had it the other day and now i’m having it again on camera

I feel like whenever we get guns to a point where they’re no longer like you’re shooting bullets but you’re shooting some type of energy like it has a battery pack or something like that i low-key kind of think why wouldn’t they make them look like

This just like a bbq lighter and you can just simply take it out and point it at whatever and just press a button on top and it just chew chew you know what i’m saying the laser whatever the [ __ ] it shoots from its battery operated thing like you know what i’m saying

It just makes sense like why would they keep having all the extra part for where you would load the bullet wouldn’t they just make it a more compact wand like thing that makes sense to me Big business this thing sucks maybe they shouldn’t make guns like this in the future because it sucks you gotta [ __ ] push up on this [ __ ] and like it’s so [ __ ] dumb why the hell are bbq lighters so hard to light and also why is it you use a barbecue

Lighter you look like you’re in poverty you know it’s like you can’t really just pull off the barbecue lighter i’m kind of ashamed that i have one but it’s just all i have available right now because my city’s back on lockdown i just got some groceries but that’s all

That they had that’s all they could get me there’s no other [ __ ] lighters so they had to get me the bbq one i don’t want to go to a store and get new ones i probably will eventually once this thing’s well i don’t know i’m kind of getting used to it

This piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] barbecue later i want to go check on on the ice hotel real quick but then i want to [ __ ] i do want to go back into the oh [ __ ] the um the other dungeon or like explore find a new dungeon or something

I feel like we definitely gotta find more dungeons what’s on the side of my screen oh okay yeah there’s something covering the side of my screen so i can’t really see it yeah hopefully i feel like loki any polar bear that sees us now is going to try and kill us because

We have a baby polar bear in our possession so it’s gonna be pretty hectic dealing with all these [ __ ] polar bears but hey relax ice hotel don’t come close don’t come close you don’t even know me yo where’d he go we lost our polar bear again don’t tell

Me he died in the fire oh guys we lost our baby polar bear i think he died in a fire i hope not i feel bad if he did is this him no this is snow i’m an idiot okay um [ __ ] we lost our baby polar bear guys where did he go

He died in the fire that’s like the saddest [ __ ] ever we killed his parents we tried to make it better by letting him live in the ice hotel and then he died in a fire can you imagine life through his eyes i bet if you can you will be a lot more

Grateful for yours so i’m not gonna say it was good he died but it was almost like a sacrifice it was a sacrifice so we can appreciate our lives i smoked a joint no filter earlier and i’m kind of thinking maybe that’s the [ __ ] way filters are kind of [ __ ] annoying

And it’s like a canadian thing from what i’ve gathered it just seems kind of crazy to me that people would smoke [ __ ] joints like without a filter it’s like my whole life we’ve always had filters in our joints but apparently it’s it makes more sense

To just roll it up and then just use the paper that kind of makes sense to me because i did it earlier because i was on live and i was trying to roll a joint and this kid was trying to roast me and [ __ ] and i’m trying to [ __ ] put the

Filter in and i’m like breath i can’t be doing this i can’t be wasting my time with this little filter [ __ ] so i said [ __ ] that let’s make a bathroom son i said [ __ ] that [ __ ] and now i’m saying i’m never gonna use one again um bathroom big business

What do you guys think of chaplain pat i think he’s pretty far i don’t know the first time i heard the song i didn’t like it and then it was like okay whatever this is okay but nothing crazy and then just like i listened to it again but i was really

Focusing on the lyrics first like i was just like well what is he saying like is this really like is he like a g like what like what is he really saying i didn’t even listen and then i listened and i was like oh okay yeah this is actually [ __ ] this is far

Now i’m a uh trap land pap fan big business okay you better run [ __ ] you see that he was [ __ ] scared it’s like this [ __ ] why they run in they turn in they don’t know if they want to fight me or not these hoes don’t like me they wanna

Fight me they wanna fight me they wanna fight me but [ __ ] i got hands see that [ __ ] like a man i whoop a [ __ ] ass skeleton where it stands [ __ ] or it’ll just shoot me in the face 500 times and i won’t do [ __ ] one one of those two things will happen [ __ ]

Stop this is just annoying oh my god oh my god like oh my god there we go that was that was too much look why they attack oh look soloski we’re late we’re ganged up again i’m gonna kill this [ __ ] you shoot me yeah [ __ ] their arrows are so annoying on ice

Because they push you back they wouldn’t push you back if it wasn’t ice died big business yeah i’m trying not to play [ __ ] music on streams anymore because i just keep getting my [ __ ] [ __ ] copyright striked and it’s like look at that spoiler you killing the spider too what the [ __ ]

Bro you can’t even [ __ ] have any loyalty to your own [ __ ] kind what the [ __ ] bro he is not he’s for nobody that dude has no loyalty [ __ ] that dude that dude would snitch on you if you committed a crime with him he would snitch on you

He got no loyalty you don’t give a [ __ ] big business i’m so [ __ ] high oh my god oh my god like oh my god i’m so [ __ ] high it feels like i’m not even real it’s like that’s great it’s good though as long as i just don’t stop talking completely and go into

Like a d realization mode where i’m like overthinking it like in runescape that horrible runescape segment um but literally r.i.p polar yes facts 100 facts it died i knew it was gonna happen you know why i think it died i’m pretty sure it died in the fire we gotta change this pink poster

I’m gonna make it with something else big business boom nice and we’ll take down this one no no no no no for some reason i’m craving gummy worms too bad i can’t go get any because my city’s on lockdown and coronavirus is going crazy in my city so

Yeah i don’t know honestly everybody in my city is too [ __ ] dumb to [ __ ] deal like honestly i don’t know it’s i understand like okay for the rest of the world i know that canada right now looks like [ __ ] like they’re just like stripping us of our

Rights and stuff like that and i i see that perspective but at the same time i if they weren’t doing that like people would be like just dropping like people here are so dumb like i don’t want to just say they’re so dumb but like people they just don’t get it

Sometimes like you know what i mean like like and like people that [ __ ] about like wearing a mask and like having to wear a mask it’s like if you didn’t have to [ __ ] wear a mask then nobody would be wearing one it went in my city because they just

Wouldn’t have the mental capacity to like understand that their actions could affect someone more than them and that other people’s um feelings matter not just feelings but other people’s lives and stuff like that like people are just dumb as [ __ ] like i don’t know my si like my city i’m not gonna just

Say my city’s like all dumb asses but it’s like there’s a lot of people you know not they’re not the most intelligent people you know what i’m saying and it’s like if [ __ ] wasn’t like all mandatory like mandatory lockdowns and capacity rules and stuff like that people would just

Completely ignore it like they just would and so it’s like to me those people are dumb like it just seems dumb to me like i know like like i’m saying it’s like yeah you can see it as like they’re taking away rights and they’re locking us down and

All that [ __ ] but it’s like in my opinion only someone who doesn’t understand the full scale of the situation would think that they’re doing that to like try and control you in some like illuminati way like it’s obviously just for the [ __ ] bars right like i i like

And i just feel like people that don’t realize that are a little bit like them you know what i mean like i i’m kind of into conspiracy stuff too and stuff like that like don’t get me wrong but i just feel like this situation is so obviously for our own good like

It just is like i don’t know how else to put it like i don’t like you know like things being super strict and stuff like that and like the government wanting to know all this [ __ ] like i don’t like that either but like it’s obviously [ __ ] for our own good

In this one situation and maybe after the situation’s over then it’ll be some [ __ ] illuminati [ __ ] i don’t [ __ ] know but like all i know is if they weren’t doing this [ __ ] then you’d go into a grocery store in my city and it’d just be a bunch of [ __ ] crackheads with no masks

Coming up to me like and i and the last segment i was talking about how people are always coming up to me and starting [ __ ] problems with me when i’m [ __ ] shopping it’s like with with the all the like [ __ ] that they have in place it’s like a lot

Harder for people to just start [ __ ] so maybe i’m a little biased because it just kind of makes it easier for me to not get [ __ ] harassed by people constantly and have people coming up in my personal space and all that [ __ ] like but yeah i don’t know i don’t think it’s so

Bad the ice hotel is [ __ ] fire like we got a whole [ __ ] setup we have a literal zombie horse um but my only question is what the [ __ ] does the redstones do or like these levers like what is this i’m a little confused what what does it do

It’s cool but what does it do i don’t get it um but yeah i don’t know like i kind of like it kind of sucks to say this like i feel like people we should be able to [ __ ] um just you know figure it out amongst ourselves amongst

The community like how are we going to tackle this problem but and maybe it’s like that for most places that people can figure something out but i like in my city that just simply would not work like people just don’t give a [ __ ] like about other

People in my city like they just don’t like it’s always arguments about stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] i’ve gotten in our so many arguments with people about trump in my city and it’s like bruh what you’re canadian like why are you so invested in this man why is he your identity like

How are you a canadian trump supporter like this is the people i’m talking about they’re like we have them in canada like don’t get it twisted we have them out here too and then like they exist in numbers and they’re and they’re they’re just your typical old racist white dudes and

A lot of them are just crackheads as well or drunks you know what i’m saying i don’t know i don’t want to just be making it like my city’s just a bunch of [ __ ] drunks but a lot of time when i go out the majority of people that i’m running into

Are just drunks so there’s that um do i have iron you asked me that i’m pretty sure um i i do have some yeah i got 29. just for you um oh you needed the iron to do some type of thing with this maybe i am confused um oh i’m hungry i’m hungry

Yeah yeah i might say someone in my city is gonna [ __ ] kill me i mean i’m pretty sure they already tried today but um that’s okay if i could go outside and not run into a million [ __ ] drunk [ __ ] racist white dudes that need to know my gender

Or whatever the [ __ ] like maybe i wouldn’t complain about my city so much but every time i go outside i’m just overran with stupidity just spewing out people’s mouths it’s almost like i’m crawling over these like just like i don’t even know i don’t want to just sound like cruel

But like it’s like i’m crawling over these like dumb [ __ ] and they’re just spewing just [ __ ] out of their mouths and i’m like bruh like this is where i live i mean it’s probably like that all over the world i’m not gonna lie like but

And i i mean i know i say a lot of dumb [ __ ] too but i don’t know well you all see that i just jumped right over them that was cray cray hey do you want to go exploring let’s go exploring and back in these mountains

We know where the ice hotel is do i have everything i need some food let me just get some food real quick and then we’ll go exploring don’t come close let’s go that [ __ ] got some bop in it the ice hotel is fire and you know why

Because it got some bop in it the baby is far there’s there’s a video i watched it was called um it was called um french the baby and it was like the baby and then it was like dude and then it just like [ __ ] it just like and the song starts playing

And it’s like some french dude and he’s just like it’s like the baby’s face on the screen dressed as like a french person i guess and he’s like he’s singing the song in like french it’s just so funny because it’s like and then he comes

And like he got that hat on and he got like the little like twirly mustache or whatever and it’s just so funny and then there’s like dutch the baby and then it’s like dubai or whatever it is and then it’s just like him dressed as like a dutch dude

And it’s just like so [ __ ] funny oh [ __ ] i didn’t bring a bed but you know what there’s a village there’s a village we can sleep in the village so let’s go i wish i knew enough french to rap the the baby song in french but i don’t know

Enough french to do that but [ __ ] that video is funny like it’s so funny to me i don’t know why oh sheep we can make a bed but yeah it’s fire like dude what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that bruh run what is that oh my god bruh

What the [ __ ] were those what were those [ __ ] stingrays that fly bruh that was [ __ ] scary that scared the [ __ ] out of me i was like what the [ __ ] are those oh my god they’re back i’m running i’m running oh i’m scared i am scared officially am

Scared i am scared where’s the beds give me the beds find the beds of lucy those things are scary what are those i never seen those what are those what is that noise bro those things are [ __ ] creepy whatever the [ __ ] those were why would they add those to the game

What the [ __ ] were those things those things scared the [ __ ] out of me they were like i like how it’s like monsters in the llama and they’re just all chilling coinciding oh no it’s a lucy [ __ ] guys and we’re gonna have to smoke so lucy i’m just kidding i would never smoke you

As lucy there’s another sand kingdom out there i think we should go explore that sand kingdom or we should go explore that mountain the insides of it either inside the mountain or the sand kingdom i need the chat to vote what do you guys want us to do

Do you guys want us to go explore this uh mountain with caves in it you can see a little entrance or should we go to the sand place you’re lost did you not set did you not just sleep in a bed where do you oh you must have destroyed your bed

And then it put you at your spawn thing again wait if i set one sec try to die again and then like because i just clicked on a bed and it said respawn set maybe if you die again you’ll start at that bed i’m not sure if it’s only a respawn for

Me i should go oh i can’t get your items i don’t have any [ __ ] space uh sand okay yeah i think there’s some type of dungeon over there like a temple or something because i can see it so i think there’s lots of promise there

But the first thing we need to do is find lucy lucy is always getting a cent halfway across the map every time they die which i think is pretty dumb i don’t know why the game does that like if you destroy your bed like why can’t it just put the spawn point like

Somewhere at least within that like map area you know what i mean like that’s what it should do but um so lucy what should we do should i meet like try and find you do you have any idea where you’re at or are you like totally lost

That is like a gaping ass cave bruh i want to [ __ ] go in there look at that gate spots phone original um okay um well we’ve done this before it doesn’t seem to be too complicated it seems to me that from the ice hotel

If the if the back of the ice hotel is like let’s say that’s north then from the ice hotel i always go east and then i meet you so one sec i’m gonna go back there and i’m gonna get the map but it shouldn’t be too complicated to

Find you because usually once i by the time i get back and find the map and stuff usually you’re like halfway back so i don’t think that we’re even really too too far from like the spawn point do baby bro i love you wanna [ __ ] just play that [ __ ] video

Loki after we get to lucy i’m gonna [ __ ] play that video you guys gotta see the baby french the baby like also i just got a random flashback to like this old eminem song and it’s like it’s like there’s like a police radio and they’re looking for someone with green hair

And i think eminem is rapping and he’s like the police and looking for the guy with green hair i think or something i don’t know if i’m tripping i’m pretty sure this is a real song i don’t know if it’s it’s what i’m describing though if that’s what it’s about

But for some reason i just got like a flashback to that song all right so lucy i’m back at the spot i’m gonna get the maps and then unknown maps [ __ ] where is the maps [ __ ] they’re all unknown maps what happened to the maps treasure maps

Let me look at these maps there’s got to be one of them that’s going to help us here this is um bruh you should be able to have a bigger [ __ ] inventory in this [ __ ] french to baby or american to baby i don’t know that’s a hard decision to be honest

I mean american to baby is fire french to baby is one of the funniest things i don’t know why it’s so funny to me honestly you guys are gonna think i’m a [ __ ] idiot when i show you this video you’re gonna be like what it’s so funny though okay we’re not there

Not there we’re there okay but where is there no i don’t think we’re here either where is this map even to do babe well it would appear as in as in were in a similar area so low see are you having any luck like possibly finding your way back i’m gonna try

I i’ll try and build like a tower again or something multiple towers on the way back to the spawn hold up do baby who makes those videos they’re a genius they’re just making everything better in life um all right i got all this [ __ ] on me like

All this extra [ __ ] like oh my god this game bro the inventory i have a thing in real life where i’m like a hoarder i’m not a hoarder anymore but like i tend to hold on to things and think that i’m going to like need things when i’m never going to need them

And so i don’t want to like put them away like i have a bit of a problem with that like these oak doors i know i’m not going to need these in the foreseeable future but it’s like no i might need those or outdoors i might need this half broken bow like um

You made me happy the rest of the night when you say babe you you are welcome i will probably say it’s 700 000 more times okay look celosi they found their way back so lucy how did it happen is it was it super hard to um was it hard you’re back

I think honestly you’ve died and went to the spawn point so many times that eventually you’re just gonna know how to get back that’s what i think kind of what i feel like um i gotta i gotta show this [ __ ] the baby video hold up let me [ __ ] i’m trying to like not

Reveal the things on my second screen just because i don’t know if i have any thought like i don’t know and also sometimes my youtube recommends me some weird [ __ ] and i’m like right if i was on stream right now and someone seemed that that was recommended to me i would feel weird

And it’s like why is youtube recommending me this [ __ ] but it’s because i’m always watching like weird like philosophical [ __ ] and stuff so i’ll just get these really weird videos recommended okay baby okay here it is hold up if it will even sometimes my computer [ __ ] glitches out on my second monitor

This is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on here why is this so difficult is my computer okay hold up duh baby is like there’s endless of these da baby He says baby i don’t speak spanish so i don’t know what he’s saying but um how did baby kill the guy in walmart legally that’s pretty cool okay anyway we’re getting ahead of ourselves we were in the middle of something um but yeah that’s french to baby i don’t

Know why it cracks me up so much [ __ ] wee wee all right emmy lou oh lucy where’d you go did i kick you because i accidentally closed it well i didn’t accidentally but we i feel like i’m french so it’s like it’s not like offensive for me to laugh at french to baby

But um oh yeah the game probably kicked you because um we this is the funniest because we means yes oh where’d they go they left again why the game keep kicking lucy maybe their phone died we got to go to that sand kingdom that baby me frosty he has the mustache

That’s the funniest part dudes with those mustaches are pretty funny i’m not gonna lie lots of people have those little swirly mustaches and they’re pretty [ __ ] hilarious why i keep starving where did did i put away all my chicken why do that i always need food

Oh i put away everything because i was gonna build a tower and then jump off the top of it so i was like well even though i have my diamond [ __ ] [ __ ] with me that baby let’s get this [ __ ] cooking these raw pork chops i’m still thinking about that [ __ ] that

Happened on my instagram live earlier with the demon time [ __ ] the kid that was like yo man enjoy my demon time i’m like bro how old are you 13 bro how old are these [ __ ] they’re grown bro i don’t think i’m gonna be joining that demon time why am i double up but

Always forgetting to speed myself in real life and in the game i’m e malo in the instagram live i’m gonna be honest in the instagram live it’s kind of hard to keep up with all the names and stuff like popping up i usually just try and focus on the

Questions like when when people first join the live i’m usually like on top of it but then after a while something will like distract me and then a bunch of comments and [ __ ] will go by and i can’t it’s kind of hard to keep up with so at that

Point i just i go and i open up the questions and then i just start trying to like answer those but then i also see people commenting so it’s like i try to keep up with it but it’s kind of hard and then if someone joins it’s just like too oh

There’s just too much going on wee wee and that baby i need more [ __ ] i need more food bro my lips are dry that baby i like that i can just find one word and then just say it for the rest of the stream anytime i feel like

Can i cook this [ __ ] this beetroot whatever the [ __ ] anytime i feel like oh [ __ ] i’m not saying anything i can just say or baby i’m a loner or like some other dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] like that or i can talk about selling percocets like i did in the sonic oh zelosi’s back baby

Yeah and the sonic when i first uh started streaming i was playing sonic games and um i was like saying that they’re never gonna stop me from selling percocets and um that wasn’t actually a joke though like they they’re never gonna stop me from selling percocets i don’t care what happens they’re listen

They are never going to stop me from selling percocets ever i don’t give a [ __ ] i don’t care i’m gonna sell percocets till i’m [ __ ] dead okay just wanted to make that clear um yeah zelosi i think it’s about time we head to the to the sand kingdom

But you know what one thing i’m gonna take a bed let’s both take some beds and then we we won’t die i’m really picking on my lips bb i’m a loner i like how disorganized i always am i’m like so all over the place but that’s okay because i i’m

I’m letting the world know i think this stream is is more about my thoughts than wait where the [ __ ] is all the wool that i’ve had zelosi do you have a bed because if you have a bed then we can just take this extra one oh you got one okay good

But wait is that your is that your one from in here oh no it isn’t okay okay okay good dope i just don’t want you to lose your like spawn point baby i’m a loner i smoke gas i eat ass yo the polar bears in the sand this is like literal global

Warming [ __ ] this is so sad baby i’m alone i smoke gas i eat ass i need to cook the iron okay while you cook the iron i’m gonna [ __ ] get started on rolling up my [ __ ] next pack smoking on that [ __ ] zombie pack smoking on that creeper pack i’m smoking dead creepers

Baby i’m a loner oh i got a bed i smoke gas and i eat ass baby i’m a loner yeah we’re going to the sand [ __ ] kingdom trapping in minecraft facts we’re [ __ ] breaking bricks we’re moving them shits we’re moving packs we’re doing all that big business in minecraft

Taking chances for advancement when the rest do do to okay shouts out to our dead zombie horse skeleton horse he’s the one thing that we have that doesn’t [ __ ] despawn everything else despawns but this [ __ ] random skeleton zombie horse thing that came out of [ __ ] nowhere it like

It just won’t despawn so shouts out it for being a dope ass pet that we can ride around the ice hotel i was about to say heist hotel or heist hotel nice what if okay am i good at speaking backwards like like does doesn’t that like kind of

Sound like i’m like speaking backwards like you know like when you like play something backwards it’s like huh like i don’t know does that sound like i’m speaking backwards or do i just sound like [ __ ] crazy huh speak yeah like you know like it had because it has

That weird like warp to it i don’t know i also don’t know how well that gets like picked up on the mic so you guys might not even really be able to hear full extent of it last time i got up when i had to get a paper or to blow my

Nose or whatever i felt embarrassed because then i realized that i had a pair of underwear hanging off the couch behind me but then i realized that my camera is actually facing slightly up so you guys never got to see those underwear and so if i

Didn’t bring this up right now you guys would have no idea that they were even there so why did i bring this up i don’t know but i gotta go get another paper so i will be right back oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what happened oh no no

No oh my god bro what happened what did you do how was he on fire you gonna kill our [ __ ] skeleton how what happened i walked away five seconds and then [ __ ] that [ __ ] happened what happened you lit him on fire oh you do that big business

So let’s see what are you doing he almost died must protect the skeleton horse paper yes very nice the skeleton horse has quite a bit of personality to it the d yo did anyone ever see a show called freaks and geeks like i it was like this show about like

A high school or something well that’s what it was about and it was like the sister and her brother and the brother was like a nerd and she was like uh like a bad kid or whatever the [ __ ] and like it was like in the 80s i think i don’t

Know if that’s when they recorded it but that’s when it was like taking place and it’s like it had like seth rogen in it it was like one of his first like roles that show was dope i would watch that show again i wonder if i can if it’s like on anything

I remember one time i had one of the cast members added on facebook and i came across a lighter with his face on it and i tagged him in it and i said look they got you on a lighter and then for some reason the post went like viral and it was like

It was just like because it was like a funny coincidence i happened to have that guy and then i happened to see a lighter with his face and i made the connection because it was like such an obscure show it didn’t go like super viral like to

Wear my life change it’s just like when i say viral it just means it did like tremendously well compared to like most of my posts at the time like at that time i didn’t i wasn’t even focusing on like growing my social media presence or anything so it was like

For it to be like hundreds of people liking it or whatever it was like to me that was like viral because that’s technically all that viral means viral doesn’t necessarily mean like low noise x or whatever or like overnight sensation oh yeah no filter that’s what we’re doing this time do baby

I don’t need no molly to be savage i really feel that personally because i’ve met a lot of people that did like time in prison and stuff like that and they’re really like though they will literally [ __ ] you up and like i’m not saying that they couldn’t do the things that

They do without their molly but i’ve also noticed that a lot of times these people will always be on molly and so it’s like personally i just like that i can you know be myself without having to be on mali all the time because it’s like i

Don’t know what came first the molly or these dudes being ready to kill you i’m not really sure and also there’s like prison mixed in there and then like whatever childhood [ __ ] so it’s like i don’t know but i like that i don’t need molly to be a

Savage you know what i’m saying i can be a savage without molly and actually when i take molly i don’t want to be violent i typically bro the last time i took molly i think i literally like i don’t know i think i literally changed my life because some people say that

People with ptsd and depression and [ __ ] i think so lucy’s trying to tell me to hurry the [ __ ] up but um we gotta sleep before we go because it’s night but um yeah they say that it can like unblock things in your brain or whatever and

Stuff like that so it’s like i don’t know if that’s what the [ __ ] was but the last time i took molly my like it was the night that x got released from jail actually like that original time after look at me blew up he came out of jail and he went on

Instagram live that night i did molly and like dirt once it was wearing off he came out of jail and i joined the live and literally it was just so inspiring that literally my life literally changed like i’ve told i’ve told this story a few times like it was just like

At that point i would not allow myself to be lazy any longer it was like i knew what i wanted to do i knew i wanted to do music i didn’t know how i could do it because i was like i look at me you know what i mean like

Look at me like i don’t look like a typical like rapper or anything but like once that night it just it just all so many things clicked in my head like in that moment of like i just have to [ __ ] do this like and i don’t know if it was the

Molly because people say that like people with like ptsd and depression it like opens up pathways in your brain and stuff like that and it’s like right at that moment that i was doing that [ __ ] something really positive in my perception happened and then my life changed but was clearly affected by that

Moment in a way that like i’ve been doing music ever since and so it’s like when you look at it from like a psychological standpoint it’s like like that kind of makes sense like i don’t know like did taking that molly like changed something in my brain potentially for the better because since

I’ve taken it my life has just been about me trying to make music and just trying to oh [ __ ] we can ride llamas i don’t know and just trying to make things better and and just being so inspired by x just in that moment just seeing him because i knew because i knew

I just came home from jail myself and i knew that that shit’s not fun so it was like to see him come out not be affected by it at all and just be ready to just take on the world it was just so inspiring to me and it

Was like there’s no excuses like you have to [ __ ] do something with your life and it just all clicked that night in that moment and it was like i don’t know if it was because of the molly or if it was because just the moment like what it was but ever since then

I like i mean i have goals like i didn’t have the ability to like set goals before like i know that sounds stupid but like it’s like i do think there was legitimately something wrong with me i’m not saying that it was completely [ __ ] molly that [ __ ] changed my life

But i do think that it did help me because it just i don’t know i don’t know it just seems to me like that shit’s too much of a coincidence where’s the lucy they’re there they’re keeping up we’re gonna go to the to the sand kingdom i’m gonna tell you guys way more

Stories that maybe make sense or don’t make sense or i don’t know but i’m just gonna tell them because yeah that’s what i do and also i’m gonna spark up this joint because it inspires these stories but yeah that night was [ __ ] crazy and that was literally the last time

I’ve done molly and it’s like i don’t have i don’t i’m not like i don’t have urges to do it or anything like i i think i literally took it like medicinally and like i know that sounds ridiculous but there’s something about this like if you look up like mdma depression like

There’s like studies on this [ __ ] so it’s like i don’t know if that’s what happened that night but ever since that night my night my life’s been different and i’m actually like happy not completely happy but i’m able to get like make goals and just i don’t know i don’t even know how

To [ __ ] explain it i say i’m [ __ ] ridiculous summer depression i usually get winter depression honestly but i kind of like it because for some reason the winter to me i feel like it should be sad like i don’t know why i’m weird like that um but i feel honestly summer depression i

Could see how that would be a thing if people are on like summer vacation or some [ __ ] and then they’re like they don’t have friends but honestly i didn’t have friends when i on my summer vacations and i loved them because it was like two months where i

Would just be able to just completely be myself and i would just be in my room and i wouldn’t be hanging out with people i would just be like in my room so it’d be like i would develop myself in my little cocoon but then i would realize once i

Would go back to school that like people would be like have hung out over the summer and then like the friends and and then i would start to feel like kind of left out and stuff and so i didn’t like that but probably made me smarter and have better taste in things because

I had to like really find my interests and stuff like that all right we’re gonna see what the [ __ ] this place is is it a temple is it a village what is it oh we were here before one time i remember it was yes there’s these spider webs

Everywhere and we couldn’t tell if it was a dead village or what is there no people in here i don’t think there is yeah that night was so [ __ ] crazy though like definitely something happened with the dopamine in my brain like without a [ __ ] doubt like something happened

Because i’ve i’ve described to you guys my calm downs before and now i have literal suicidal thoughts that just like start coming into my head once i come down off like pills or like amphetamines or stuff like that like i just wasn’t having that and i don’t know like i think it’s

Literally was the two events one after the or at the same time like i think it if i would have just taken the molly there wouldn’t have been any profound [ __ ] and then maybe if that happened like x was free and i watched it without taking

The molly maybe it wouldn’t have been as profound of a moment like i don’t know but those two things it seems like they changed my life this dude’s stuck oh my god i got the iron or the diamond the diamond [ __ ] thing on me now keep that [ __ ] diamond on me

Yeah so what this village must have got entirely overran by zombies or some [ __ ] got emeralds xxx sonic just uh but yeah that’s one of the many reasons that x is one of my biggest inspirations in life because that night my life changed and that night was whatever night he was

Released from jail that first time it wasn’t the it was the first time after look at me blew up like look at me blew up while he was in jail and then he came out of jail and went on instagram live and it was that instagram live this village is anti-climactic but i’m

Saying we’re gonna keep going in this direction because i think this is the way to go we eating chicken well i am i don’t know what is this is this a dungeon let’s go here let’s see what this is real quick honestly i feel bad like even saying

Like because i know like those people like that are killers that take molly it’s like honestly the ones that i’ve met it’s like quite obviously uh like it’s kind of hard for most people to sympathize with like killers and stuff but it’s like i don’t know i kind of feel like well i

Do feel bad when people get that far gone like i i’m always gonna do what i have to do but i feel like i’m not it hasn’t completely taken me to where i’m just a [ __ ] menace to society essentially like i’m still able to you know although maybe that’s up for debate i

Don’t know well i don’t think so i would never like i’m not i’m not the type of dude that would like just [ __ ] just kill somebody in front of p like on some like pride [ __ ] like i wouldn’t just kill some like if i see somebody that i have a problem

With i would deal with it but i wouldn’t just if i see them in the supermarket i wouldn’t just like [ __ ] just like shoot them in the supermarket or something like you know what i’m saying i’m not like one of those dudes like it’d be more i’d be more like

Well i’m not even gonna keep talking about this actually this is [ __ ] this is incriminating i’m creating evidence as as i speak so i’m gonna stop um we got a village we can sleep here be careful zulusi do not die um Oh zombie zombie smoking that zombie pack did i even kill him i don’t even remember i wasn’t i was literally paying so little attention because i was thinking about the fact that i was once again talking about violence on stream which i should stop doing because it’s not gonna help anybody

Specifically be it’s talking i’ll be if one day i have to do what i gotta do and then there’s a bunch of videos of me like talking about violent [ __ ] it’s like i mean i know i make music where i talk about shooting people and killing people and cracking their skulls

Open and stuff but like that’s a song you know i feel like if i just go on stream and i’m like oh yeah if i see someone i’m gonna [ __ ] bust their head open i feel like that’s a little more like hard to be like oh it’s hard you know what i mean

So what the [ __ ] with all these creepers bruh smoking on that creeper pack i’d be lighting this every five [ __ ] seconds with this [ __ ] barbecue later this is lucy up there fighting a zombie am i tripping i know i see a zombie obviously but i thought i seen its name oh they’re

Over there they’re breaking up to hey whoa what just happened there i don’t even understand what just happened that was confusing guys do you remember those things that came from the sky not that long ago that [ __ ] was [ __ ] terrifying what is this with this game and sending these random like

Enemies at you that are like terrifying out of nowhere and they come from the sky like the skeletons they came from a thunderbolt and then all of a sudden there’s these manta rays coming from the sky bruh i be like so high all the time is it even

Fit is this right that i’m this high all the time at least i’m not on molly i’ve just spoken legal weed yo i kind of want to go down here i think i’ve told it the story multiple times on here but like the um how i got like the medical card from the

Doctor by paying them snitching no um no it’s like not snitching because it’s like leads completely legal in canada now but there was a point like right before it got legalized and it was still illegal you could like pay doctors and they would just give you a card

And i [ __ ] did that and i just like i was on probation and like i couldn’t smoke well i don’t know that i couldn’t smoke but i was selling weed that was the main thing like at that point it wasn’t my conditions that i wasn’t allowed to smoke i don’t think because

They couldn’t give me that condition because when i got arrested i wasn’t uh i wasn’t on i actually don’t even [ __ ] remember what the original charge is now that i’m thinking about it though so actually i don’t remember if it’s what i’m thinking of what the [ __ ] was it

Why did i go to jail oh yeah it was wait no i don’t know i’m [ __ ] confused um yo we got that bread he knows to keep me fed um anyway i was i was on probation and i wanted to [ __ ] sell weed so it was

Like i had to have some way to be able to legally have it on me and so i just bought the card and like um they would send me like a bottle and um every month my prescription would be like in the [ __ ] bottle and [ __ ] and so

I would just empty it out and then i would fill it with the wheat i was selling like grammed up and it was like they weren’t legally allowed to open up the container because it was technically like a medication container and so the police aren’t allowed to just open that

So as soon as they would see that it was um medical that that’s all they like it’s like oh okay hands off like they can pick it up and look at it or whatever but they can’t [ __ ] they can’t open it so it’s like it’s like i had this plot and it was

Like just take all my weed and put it in that and it actually ended up working out really good because two things happened i was required on my probation to take on medication that was prescribed to me and since the weed was prescribed to me i was then like

Required to be smoking the weed like it was technically if i didn’t smoke that weed that i was sorry prescribed every day that was illegal like literally that was illegal for me to not be high because because of this little loophole but like um it was really helpful because

I used to put my weed in there like i said and one time i met this [ __ ] dude and i was meeting him and i was he pulled up to the spot and he comes up to me he’s like bro i don’t cut the money you gotta [ __ ] spot it

To me and i told him no i’m not doing that and then he’s like please blah blah and i’m like no i’m not doing that if unless you have the money i’m not giving it to you and then he’s like all right fine i’ll get the money but you have to

Come back with me to get it like to his place or whatever the [ __ ] it was like the dumbest [ __ ] ever for me to even have been like oh yeah okay sure but like i went with him and he was like yeah the [ __ ] cops are at the [ __ ] uh

At the convenience store and i’m like so solution keep all the bread and i’m like [ __ ] um i’m sorry zulusi i get so [ __ ] distracted with my [ __ ] stories and [ __ ] um and i’m telling them i’m like okay bro they’re gonna pull us over because i cuz

I kind of had a feeling like at this point in time i was doing this like for a minute where i was trapping i was really paranoid i i i just kind of had a feeling if they seen me in a car it was gonna get pulled over type [ __ ] because they

Would pull over every car that i was in so it was like yeah if they see me they’re probably gonna pull me over so it was like i tried to tell him this and he’s like no no no are we like locked in here oh sorry sorry sorry

We’re trapped and we can’t get out like drew max um but yeah anyway he’s like no no it’ll be good it’ll be good and then [ __ ] so we go i get in this car like a [ __ ] idiot and we’re going back as soon as we [ __ ] uh um drive by the convenience store

They turn their lights on like i knew they would and then so what does he do he like and i’m just like going along i’m just in the [ __ ] car right i’m literally just here to sell this guy [ __ ] weed and that’s it and this dude literally

He just speeds up he puts he starts speeding up and i’m literally like no no bro please no no no no no no like i was on probation i could not get i can’t go in a police chase like you know what i’m saying i’m literally i’m like bro

What are you doing and he will not slow down and he just keeps [ __ ] going and going and going and i’m like bro please stop the [ __ ] guy and he’s like he just won’t talk he won’t say anything he’s literally just keeps [ __ ] driving and then like the police they

Just like pull in front of his car and then just like go to like the side or whatever like on their side to like block him off and then he just stops and then we’re just sitting there and then they come up to the [ __ ] window and

I’m like bro i’m i’m just like so mad at this dude like and he’s just like [ __ ] which is it’s like i understand like you got to get away from your [ __ ] or whatever but you’re literally just [ __ ] getting me involved in this [ __ ] and it’s like [ __ ]

Um they come up to the window and they’re immediately like you gotta be kidding me and then they’re like [ __ ] you’re both under arrest immediately they’re like you’re both under arrest i smell marijuana you’re both under arrest and so he then he starts talking to him he’s

Like we just pulled you over the other day and what did we tell you and he’s and it turns out that what ended up happening was this [ __ ] idiot like got he got pulled over and then they [ __ ] he didn’t have his license so they were [ __ ] like trying to like um

They gave him like a warning or whatever the [ __ ] and then literally like the day after he was driving to come meet me and he seen them there he knew they were gonna [ __ ] pull him over and he just didn’t mention any of this to me and and

Then he he tried to [ __ ] speed off like like he’s literally lucky like it didn’t turn into like some crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] and so anyway they try to arrest us both and then um i i just tell them that i have a license for marijuana and then they just ask me to um

To see my to see my thing like my license so i give them my license and then i showed them the prescription bottle and then they were just like oh okay that seems valid and then they they just started talking to that dude again and i was just like

Am i free to go and then they’re like uh yeah you’re free to go so then i just like got out of this car and then i just left and then um the weed was in his car like i gave him the weed and it was in his little holder

Or whatever the [ __ ] and um so as far as i was concerned he still owed me 20 bucks so after this happened every time i seen this dude i would like literally yell at him like where’s my 20 bucks where’s my 20 bucks where’s your [ __ ] idiot

You almost got me arrested where the [ __ ] my 20 bucks and uh and then eventually one day he got sick of it and paid me the 20 bucks and he tried to give me all these stupid ass sob stories about like oh man and i was like bro i don’t give a [ __ ]

Like you’re a [ __ ] idiot and uh and that was that story it was it was pretty funny because i got to get into a little police chase and then i didn’t get cherished because but i mean they were pretty [ __ ] lenient with it they just kind of like

They didn’t even they just let me go as soon as they seemed that i had the weed license they let me go so it’s like that’s kind of surprising that they didn’t like um like i don’t know they must have just known that it was like he’s an idiot like

Because they were like i said they were really concerned with [ __ ] like they already knew that this dude didn’t have a license like they gave him like a warning or whatever so it was [ __ ] the history is crazy lol yeah i got quite a [ __ ] history i’m not gonna lie

Like i could literally write a book and i will write a book like i will probably write several books but like yeah see that’s why i like this that’s why i like having the twitch because i can i can just like tell these stories like i like to tell these stories to people

But it’s like if you just tell someone a story it’s cool and they might tell other people and your legend lives on and whatnot but it’s like here it’s like solidified forever like you know what i mean i’m really putting it out there like i’m telling my story and people can

Listen to this over and over and over and it it’s it’s never going to change like you know what i mean it’s like it’s cool like and then i yeah it’s like it kind of makes like those types of things like worth it because i going through them it was terrible but

Then it’s like i always knew like these are gonna be really interesting stories so it’s like it’s cool that i have a platform that i can put them out on because i can kind of tell them in my music but like like in my music like um

It wouldn’t be like as descriptive it would just be like a little reference probably with some embellishments on it you know what i mean to make it more like cool so it’s like um on here it’s just straight up exactly the story like but that was one of my many trapping stories

But that’s what that’s why that license came in so [ __ ] handy because i had it full of [ __ ] weed all [ __ ] um like grammed up and stuff ready to go but like they would never know because it was [ __ ] um it was in a prescription bottle and as far as they were concerned

That’s just my prescription so it’s like they can’t arrest me for it or anything and if i would have got caught if i would have had the weed on me that was like right around the end of my probation like i would have [ __ ] i would have been right back on probation like

So because i remember at the end the first time i was on probation in my life once i got off of it i was off probation for about a month and by the end of the month i was back on probation and i remember it was literally years

Of me just being like bro when this is over like they’re never gonna catch me again i’m never gonna do like and then literally within a month i was [ __ ] in a [ __ ] store like [ __ ] like just so um and the craziest part about it i’m gonna [ __ ] i’m gonna try and work

This as carefully as possible right after i got off probation the night i got off i went to a [ __ ] party and then i got like it’s i i don’t even want to talk about what happened at the party but i was just like emotional mess basically and um oh a little cave

And what i got dropped off somewhere at some point and i did so i [ __ ] did some [ __ ] like not to anyone but like i [ __ ] i i did i damaged some property like i just did some like little petty [ __ ] like but i [ __ ] so i was breaking [ __ ] like essentially

Because i was pissed about something so it was like basically what i did i just like smashed someone’s [ __ ] window or some [ __ ] like it wasn’t like anything intense but i just don’t want to say like specifically uh where it was or anything but i i was pissed so i smashed someone’s [ __ ]

Window and um and then it was on camera that i did it and i don’t know how i never got [ __ ] nobody ever said anything to me because this is the part where i’m trying to award a good it was basically a business that was like having this grand

Reopening and i just [ __ ] i just the day before it’s been reopening it caught me at the wrong time and i just [ __ ] trash that [ __ ] and somehow they just nobody ever i just never got arrested like for it but i remember the next day being like

Sobering up and being like aware like what i did and like realizing i did it on camera and [ __ ] and then i was like bruh [ __ ] i’m back on probation it’s been not it’s been a day and i’m about to go back on probation and i just remember being like

Like not like pleading to god but like being like bruh if i get out of this i’m not i swear i’m never gonna [ __ ] do some dumb [ __ ] like this again and it was just like i got away with it somehow i got away with it but by the end of that [ __ ]

Month it wouldn’t matter that i got away with that because i was back breaking in more [ __ ] places and it was just i could not stop and um and so what happened i ended up getting [ __ ] arrested again and then i ended up on probation for [ __ ] like three more [ __ ] years

And it was just like oh it was so bad like because it was like i was off of it for a month and then i’m back on it for three more [ __ ] years like i really had to learn the hard way with that [ __ ] like but now

It’s funny to say because it’s like how was i that dumb like i mean i didn’t have a choice so it’s not really so much that i was dumb because it really was like i was just in a shitty situation like that’s all it was once i my situation changed

It took a little bit for me to change my situation and it took some dedication and stuff but once my situation changed like obviously i’m not doing that [ __ ] anymore or if i am i’m a lot better at it because i haven’t been arrested in years so

Um yo i gotta jump into that water do i want to though no we can’t do it we’re gonna die if we do it we’re not doing this too dangerous um see using my brain um but yeah it was it was it was wild back then

So that’s why i have all these stories i’m like [ __ ] what’s his name uh mike from from impulsive i just have all these like scumbag stories from that back when i was just being a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] but like i’m saying it was like i didn’t

Have money and i was in this super small town and and once i got out of the mental hospital it was like everybody thought i was crazy and i couldn’t get a job and it was like nobody liked my family and it was very much a situation in that town where

If nobody knew your family you weren’t getting a job because it was that small of a town like it was literally like a village like basically like um so it was just impossible like i couldn’t get money so all i could do was sell weed and break into places like

That was it like and i’d been breaking into [ __ ] for [ __ ] years and honestly the first like hundred [ __ ] times i broke into things it just never nobody ever did [ __ ] but then it came to a point where it’s like every time i break into something it’s like i’m really [ __ ] up

You know but actually that’s not true because in the middle of that like the ones that i got caught for there was like 10 more that i didn’t um but that’s okay because it’s all over now case closed um this is a pretty cool place this is like all gravel

I like just mining the gravel i already got diamonds i did get a bit of diamonds redeemed a highlight i love you thank you heart just for you shout out to everybody in the chat i’m sorry if i wasn’t paying attention to the chat i was just going off on one of

My [ __ ] on one of my rants i like telling those stories oh [ __ ] look at the flowers i love flowers i’m thinking about getting a bunch of plants and just putting them in my apartment and just surrounding myself with plants because i [ __ ] love flowers and trees and things like that oh [ __ ]

We’re gonna have to sleep in in this in the flowers sleep amongst the flowers um sleep amongst the flowers i’m like only lighting this every time i go to the bed i’ve been smoking this [ __ ] this creeper pack for like half hour oh my god oh my god like oh my god

Who do you smoke oh do you not have a bed i thought you had a bed there you go you gave it to me i forgot now our respawn points are not set that’s the worst thing about beds like in this game they [ __ ] with the respawn so much

They make you be spawned halfway across the map because you destroyed them i’m gonna get sheep and we’re we should keep making more beds and then we can event like place i don’t know place a bed and then not destroy it eventually or something oh my god oh my god

Oh [ __ ] i don’t have any bones we finally found a dog i’m so sad is there anything else you can train them with other than bones [ __ ] now i wish i had all my bone oh there’s a skeleton right up there stay with the dog i’m gonna kill this skeleton get some bones

Could i get the bones skeleton what the [ __ ] where are your bones at goddammit oh well oh my god bees oh my god bro why am i so amazed by this i don’t know but there’s bees and it made a little thing bro i love this area

We got flowers we got bees we got [ __ ] dogs bruh this is a beautiful area i feel like i’m on shrooms can i give him bread no [ __ ] i’m sad i don’t have any [ __ ] bones maybe this is the area i loki do we have any materials no

I look he would like to build a house here some type of settlement i want to build a tower in this area to the sky i gotta get dirt i don’t want to destroy this area though [ __ ] i love this area so much like look at this what’s going on over here

This is a cool ass place bro where did we come from though i think we came from over there because i’m pretty sure i’ve been following these super high up trees the whole time do i want to get a bunch of dirt and [ __ ] build up here i kind of do

Just so i can come back here flower hotel that’s what i’m saying this is like the perfect place like this is the best place the ice hotel is iconic because that song but this is like this is utter beauty i’m gonna start by building a tower and then we’ll always know where this

Area is so i just need a bunch of [ __ ] gravel and then i’m just gonna build a tower put the bed at the end of it set my spawn point and then jump off and die and then we’re gonna have a tower here just like at the ice hotel and on that mountain

We’re gonna build many hotels oh [ __ ] do i not have any [ __ ] inventory space oh dumb ass i’m out here [ __ ] no no yo shouts out all the viewers we’ve been going up viewers lately i think it’s because i’ve been playing minecraft i think people like minecraft it is a pretty dope game

I’ve been having a lot of fun with danganronpa i was hating on it at first but i’m starting to come around to it i’m starting to appreciate the value of it as a content creator because i’ve realized i’m complaining about this game that literally all i have to do is just sit there

And it literally is giving me what to react to it’s literally like here’s the story they’re going through this they’re saying this just all i have to do is literally just react to that like i don’t have to think of anything to say it’s literally just like it’s all right there

But then every time i play the game i’m like man this game’s [ __ ] [ __ ] these controls [ __ ] this [ __ ] how you fight [ __ ] the [ __ ] these options like [ __ ] the gameplay like but it’s pretty it’s a good game and it’s like once you spend enough time with

Something you’re bound to start to like it and it’s like i feel like i’ve i’m reaching the point where it’s almost like a familiar thing for me now to play dengue and rompa so it’s like i’m i start to like kind of look forward to it type [ __ ] and uh yeah There’s gonna be a gravel tower in the middle of the [ __ ] the flower hotel i think i love areas with flowers in them because like i just remember in like pokemon diamond and pearl there’s this event where you can get like a shaman and it’s this like flower pokemon and it’s like

The place that you go to get it is this like big flower field thing and i just like i don’t know why but that area is just like always in my mind like it’s like almost like a happy place for me type [ __ ] like i just wish i could go back there you

Know i want to play a pokemon game on stream i think that’d be pretty dope throw these [ __ ] flowers bruh the thing about a pokemon game is it will work it will work best in the beginning of my streaming career while i have a few people in the chat because

Then i can name the team after the people in the chat to where if i start playing pokemon when it’s like later on in my career it’ll be like there’ll be too many people in the chat for it to be like a little like thing like you know what i mean it just

Won’t be like as special type [ __ ] like for the viewers i feel like oh he’s got this [ __ ] rotten flesh [ __ ] oh my god that’s the most annoying [ __ ] item in the game why it even exists one more shovel okay after this shovel’s busted then i’m just gonna [ __ ] start building the tower

Pretty sure you can only build it like 207 blocks high anyway probably have that but i’m just making sure and instead of just opening my menu and counting i would rather just break the shovel um folks up yeah i was so sad the other day because i was like feeling like a little

Hurt emotionally because i kind of had feelings for this person or was starting to feel attached to them and then we stopped communicating um for you know it just wasn’t working out between us so i was pretty sad but i’m feeling a lot better now i always have to like remind myself that

Like time literally does heal like all wounds like literally it’s a matter like you can only like honestly like even with stuff like that like you can’t it’s not gonna hurt the same every single day when you wake up and if it was like this like for me this was a person

We were talking for a while and i was i was starting to get pretty attached to them but like it wasn’t like anything you know it wasn’t anything super serious so it was just like it wasn’t that big of a deal you know what i mean it kind of hurt me

Still kind of sad i think i don’t know i like i liked her i thought she was a cool girl um she wasn’t feeling me like you know what i’m saying wait where’d my bed go lucy i’m sorry i [ __ ] lost my [ __ ] bed somehow we keep losing our beds

Let me just build one real quick um oh you have one oh [ __ ] [ __ ] skeletons [ __ ] all right let’s get to sleeping wait where’d the [ __ ] bed go is this the one you just threw me do you have one too how do i keep losing these [ __ ] beds

No okay okay we good we good time to light the joint up again but yeah like i’m saying it’s kind of unfortunate but it is what it is i know i’m not a person for everybody like i know that i’m a hard person to deal with so it’s not like i’m mad

Or anything like that but i did like this girl i thought she was really nice and she had a lot of characteristics that i really enjoyed and so for a moment it was like okay i [ __ ] with this person but yeah um yeah we gotta i gotta [ __ ] build up this this tower

Where is it gonna go exactly though trying to look for like the highest point i think right here or right here but at the same time we got all this flower it’s kind of starting to all look the same but if we go over here we got this little lake so i’m thinking

Flower hotel by the water does it still buy all the flowers and it’s got some water i think this is the perfect spot so we got little rabbits we’ve got to smoke the pack again once we get to the top i’m gonna re-light the pack oh [ __ ] wait no no well

Do i want to take this risk i’m sorry i know this is [ __ ] annoying but i got i didn’t put the bed i didn’t [ __ ] put down the bed and i i would risk just jumping into the [ __ ] water but oh [ __ ] yeah this water doesn’t look like it was deep enough so

Let me just let me just place my bed me why i’m so dumb this is gonna be the best hotel ever i like how we’re just like it’s about hotels like that’s what it’s become about i don’t know if gravel is the best thing to build this with because at the base

If we ever take away the bottom like it’ll fall but oh well whatever do baby what am i looking for i’m not looking for anything i’m building a tower so that we like can find this place again because we’re not really having much luck with maps

So i’m just like every time we find a cool place that i want to build something at i’m just building a big ass tower so that like we can find it basically or maybe i’m looking for heaven that’s why i came up here i’m looking for the sky gods

You can die i know i’m going to die that’s why i put the bed at the uh at the bottom i will come back see we’re up here that’s where we came from i think i can’t even tell from up here just let me smoke my pack real quick

I’m gonna smoke a me pack in a second because i’m gonna be [ __ ] dead unless i land in the water and it i survive either way i gotta i gotta smoke something take that job while i enjoy the beautiful view the [ __ ] is it down here dude frances oh [ __ ] we survived

You see that i survived i’m not gonna die [ __ ] i forgot to put the [ __ ] torches at the top get money in the clouds yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes facts backspace sex access that’s that oh i did that thing my computer whenever i click shift a

Bunch of times my computer this like help menu thing pops up for some reason yeah let’s build a [ __ ] flower hotel here that’s the plan how much wood do we got we got cobblestone that’ll be a start but no you know what i can’t well

I kind of want it to be made of wood but then at the same time i don’t want to go tear down all the trees but [ __ ] it first off we gotta make like a chest or something because honestly what kind of oh we’re over encumbered in this [ __ ]

Yeah shouts out you for saying get money in the clouds though i remember making that album i love that album it’s a love hate album i feel like there’s four song well there’s three songs on it that are just okay to me but then all the other songs i love

And it seems like people like that album so i’m happy that they do all right what’s so [ __ ] this raw salmon [ __ ] i’m a dumb ass why playset it’s gonna be harder to do yeah shouts out anyone that listens to my music and shouts out anyone that listens to bjork

Because as far as i’m concerned me and bjork are the greatest artists in the world and uh that’s it there’s no debate there’s no time there’s no it’s not like i’m asking anyone’s opinion that’s what it is type [ __ ] um yeah i was listening to a new bjork song it was called

I think what was it called big time sensually or something sensuality maybe something like that it was a very happy song i loved it so far okay all right now we just need to get some wood and then we’re good um where the wood at

Um i think we should get the wood from over here because it kind of seems like if we go up just a little bit it’s a completely different biome so we won’t like there’s another doggie we won’t like ruin the the um the flower place because i feel like that’s a naturally

Beautiful area so we shouldn’t really [ __ ] with it that much but um this place is like just all [ __ ] trees so we can just cut them down first we go go sleep i’m out here [ __ ] taking risks like my life ain’t worth anything oh [ __ ] i don’t got no [ __ ] torches [ __ ]

The [ __ ] out of here do i have torches how i got no torches i’m just like not paying attention or some [ __ ] probably because i’m high as [ __ ] and i’ve just been talking about the most random [ __ ] i’m so [ __ ] high don’t aspire to be this high like it’s not even like

I don’t even know why i get this high like you know well i do know because it’s like if today was my last day i’d want to [ __ ] be you know smoking some weed and [ __ ] you know so i’m always getting high like because it’s like i enjoy it i genuinely like

Enjoy it it’s just relaxing fud type [ __ ] oh [ __ ] except for when i get burned like that and skeletons start shooting at me and then i got fire in my hand and i’m trying to do all these things at once but that’s okay um but yeah sometimes i think like what if

I never smoked weed where like because i know i also have probably brain damage from overdosing and stuff like that but like not on weed obviously on the pills on pills but like um like i don’t know where would my brain be if i didn’t smoke weed would it be that

Much better i don’t know because i think i’m a pretty smart dude like to be honest with everything that happened to me like i think that i’m still a pretty smart person so it’s like i don’t know if it’s even bad that i smoke weed because i don’t even really

Feel like it slows me down but then i like kind of think like what if it does and like i’d be like a super genius and it’s like i just like don’t even know because i’m just like always smoking weed and i do it every day you know what i mean

And it’s like on times that i’m like you know what i’m not gonna smoke weed today it’s so hard for me to be like go through with it because i just get like at a certain point like i just get kind of like bored and then i just like

I’m like [ __ ] it i’m just gonna smoke whatever you know and then i just feel like yeah i should have done this earlier and i also have another thing where if i don’t smoke weed i have a hard time focusing on tasks so i’ll often and i’ll say like wild [ __ ] sometimes like

Would i wake up in the morning for some reason i’m just like the things i say are just like i’ll just say anything and if i don’t smoke i could like i don’t know like i’ve kind of made it a bit of a habit where i i’ll make

Videos in the morning and like story posts and stuff and then i won’t post them i’ll just save them and i’ll be like if you still feel like that in like an hour or two post it but i never do and i’ve started to realize that when i wake up before i smoke

I have i’m just like different like i just like say [ __ ] like that i wouldn’t really think to say if i was high like i feel like what i spoke up just for like thinking and when i’m not smoking i’m just on go you know what i mean and that’s like debatably good

For certain things but i think for me it’s better when i’m a little bit like taking a step back you know what i mean because if i’m always on go it’s like that’s when you get in trouble and [ __ ] because you’re just acting and you’re not thinking

Drink water please okay i’ll drink some water because you’re reminding me i probably do sound pretty dry and [ __ ] i appreciate that very much i always keep that [ __ ] thing on me but i forget to drink it like with the joint i’m always like putting it out and like

Relighting it we got a pet spoiler so far he doesn’t want to kill us we can’t ride him yo zelossi where did you go are you getting trees that’s currently the the goal also you should drink some water too you know and everybody in the chat and watching

And everybody watching this on youtube in the past present and future after i upload this um you should drink some water in the mountain you’re on a journey i’m gonna get some wood and then start building up this place it will be a beautiful chateau in the woods

I don’t know what a chateau is i’m not gonna lie but that’s what it’s gonna be um why the [ __ ] do i always have this [ __ ] rotten flesh get the [ __ ] out of here Go i hate that [ __ ] so annoying Oh [ __ ] the hell [ __ ] menu [ __ ] off sir yo there’s this movie about the french revolution and it’s so [ __ ] good it’s like called lay miserable or something and it’s like so [ __ ] good i love that movie so much it’s like a musical it’s like i don’t know what it is i just

Seen it one time and i was like drunk and i was like bro this movie is [ __ ] amazing like it is it has nothing to do with me being drunk but it was just like it was just me having a moment with it you know i was just drunk and it was like

All that there’s to do is this this movie it’s such a good movie and i’m just bringing it up because i’m thinking about the french revolution because i’m thinking of french the baby And then dutch the baby i don’t remember what dutch debate uses it’s just like they have one for every single like country and then they have american to baby and it’s just the baby and it’s funny as [ __ ] do babe then there’s owl baby mexican to baby there’s like every the baby

And the baby turned into a comfortable bruh all right how much wood we got here 64 25 i think we’re coming along pretty okay with the wood i’m gonna get a bit more um bro i’m going to say that 700 million [ __ ] times that’s like my whole thing just smoke weed

And then be like [ __ ] [ __ ] weird as [ __ ] and then be like repeat one phrase over and over and over and over babe i got the french people swinging their fists in the air right now but listen i’m i don’t know what percent but french i’m quite french you know what i’m saying

Oh look we got a doggy oh i got two bones oh my god look at anymore go i love you doggie i very much want a doggy i’m trying to think i’m gonna go stand up here so that i can see this place from a little bit higher up

And then i’m going to visualize kind of what i’m trying to get here this is how true masters of the universe do it we use our visualization yeah so i’m i’m yeah so that definitely wasn’t centered i kind of knew it wasn’t but i was just

Trying to see where like the center is i’m gonna build it like here the tower is what it is it’s just gonna be there forever but should i make it i’m always forgetting about night in this game that’s like me in real life like i just like forget about reality

And feeding myself and [ __ ] uh and sleeping oh [ __ ] it’s 2 am [ __ ] um i’m gonna stay on a bit longer but i i’m gonna i gotta get to sleep by 3am i’ve gotta um [ __ ] we got like is this soap okay yeah why we got so many different logs okay

Okay what we’re doing it’s gonna be made of oak so yeah i’m out here you know getting this wood making these these hotels living life eating bread getting bread you know all that all that okay okay okay so now it’s time to start building this ship

Maybe it should be built up here though slightly ah no no no sorry flowers i love the flowers but but sorry not even all the flowers in minecraft compare to your beauty well thank you but i’m gonna have to disagree i’m gonna have to say these minecraft flowers

They’re pretty flawless like come on now look at them there’s so many of them they’re everywhere how big should we make this i love flowers like flowers are so amazing honestly um that’s why i mean that’s on garden because i like um i really like gardens and flowers and stuff

And that song’s like all about like like i’m in the trenches but i’m in my garden like within my mind it’s because like that’s kind of like i was saying earlier with like that shaman field thing it’s like just like an area in my head that i find myself going to was like

Gardens like okay i’m thinking we just knock all this [ __ ] down and then keep the tower i gotta get a shovel or some [ __ ] what am i doing i thought okay that’s cool i wonder what zelos is saying oh [ __ ] why do that [ __ ] look chain reaction um okay smooth

I’m terrible at this i ain’t built a minecraft house in a minute i ain’t gonna lie it’s been a fat minute bruh i’m really zoning out into this [ __ ] i hope it’s like therapeutic or whatever the [ __ ] for y’all this dog he’s just gonna watch us build

The house i think he’s he’s starting to become our friend i gave him two bones and now he’s watching us build the house guys this is like honestly i’m wearing these horns right now as if i’m on demon time but i feel like what i’m doing at this

Moment is the exact opposite of demon time i’m uh i yeah this is doesn’t feel like demon time to me just you know chilling Minecraft flower field happy i don’t know how good my architectural abilities are but i don’t know we’re starting the ice hotel was built out of a previously built formation so now we’re we’re taking it into our own hands starting from the ground up building a little cottage i know there’s

A way to build roofs or some [ __ ] i should just make rooms but for now it’s what we’re doing what if it was like had a bunch of like torches over like the top and um like we did like an open ceiling but we put torches all around the top so that [ __ ]

[ __ ] wouldn’t spawn up here and then we don’t make anything high enough that it can all those spiders would always be able to crawl over so lucy what happened did you died did you died no you know what we’re gonna do we’re gonna put glass we’re gonna put glass up top that’s what

We’re gonna do oh god we’re gonna put glass okay we’re getting somewhere yes lucy what happened you said bro i’m here for you bro what happened did you died this is a [ __ ] cool little place not gonna lie it’s starting to come along pretty nicely makes me not care that these hoes don’t

Like me and that they want to fight me know makes me it makes me not care about those things so lucy where are you at what happened to you did you died so lucy man answer me man where you at man i’m actually not sure what their gender is but

So lucy where are you at get these torches come to see where are you well first we got to sleep that’s what we should do first because if we don’t sleep we’re gonna die we are gonna die if we do not sleep yeah where you at though this is lucy where you at

I need you These dudes are gonna die and i’m gonna smoke on zombie pack what’s up what is the thing do baby oh [ __ ] you were building a place too bro yours looks even cooler that’s dope we’ve got we got multiple setups going here this is what’s up

We got we gotta find glass that’s what i want i want to put [ __ ] glass on the roof of mine you can put some glass on yours too that’s crazy we went by so much sand and now i feel like we’re so far away from sand but that’s what we need

We need sand because that’s how you make glass so i gotta find some [ __ ] sand so down here i got a shovel do baby ah i kind of speak french what if i was like pretending to talk to them at the moment i’m asking if the baby needs to go to the bathroom

He’s a baby after all two two two two two a little bit i think the sand got some buff in it i don’t know if you guys haven’t realized but i think the sand got some bop in it these fishes they’re [ __ ] with me get out of here fish

I feel like they were pushing me i feel like somehow they have that ability dude hola foreign my mom’s drowning why i always gotta breathe why these fish always coming at me well i’m out of space to carry [ __ ] i was raining do babe die baby bruh this will endlessly [ __ ] entertain me

I wonder what the baby thinks about all these baby drugs i mean they’re definitely beneficial to him so that’s probably like he’s probably happy about it but it’s just they’re so [ __ ] comfortable the baby’s music really is like a drug though like you know it’s like you get the same

You get your fix every song it’s like yes this is exactly what i wanted he’s a good artist okay we got a lot of sand i need a stove [ __ ] i don’t have any cobblestone is there any in the [ __ ] chest b um yeah the stove got some bop in it for sure

If i’ve ever seen a stove with some bop in it it’s pretty much this like million percent has some vodka can confirm all right that’s just cooking cooking like cooking like that crack i got on my stove i’m just kidding um i don’t cook crab the first time i ever seen crack cook

Though i bit a man’s entire head off with my teeth yes that’s what happened don’t question it don’t question it don’t question it don’t don’t all right let’s get a door that bb We’re gonna make a nice beautiful ass open open sky thing and we gonna be yeah in this beautiful beautiful area okay what do we need we need sticks luckily i keep 600 million thousand on me at all times that bb 7 million 000 sticks on me at once

I think that’s more sticks than nba young boy has so i wouldn’t play with me that stove we can see zelosi building that house off in the distance kind of want to line it with glass and make it go around with glass like this big glass dome thing

So i’m trying to go for it’s not really shaped like a dome but like i don’t know oh no oh [ __ ] we could get the floor out of here there’s no reason for this this is ridiculous all this floor it’s going to be a wooden floor um i’m trying to think

Should we make it like normal wood like oh [ __ ] like not the processed wood or planks or whatever the [ __ ] they’re called like that might give it like a cooler feel go sleep though these [ __ ] skeletons come for me where’s the pack where’s the skelly pack smoking on skelly’s smoking on dead skelly’s

I’ll cover every time i [ __ ] like this [ __ ] joint [ __ ] zombies skeletons every time [ __ ] off find your business um this [ __ ] got no filter it’s kind of hard to smoke i don’t know i’m thinking i might start [ __ ] with the no filter i ain’t gonna lie this is pretty [ __ ] this is

Arguably better it’s a little bit sloppier and i gotta like really get my lips on that [ __ ] but like i don’t know it’s easier like you just roll it up and then it’s just like boom no filter because that [ __ ] takes forever and you always gotta

Look around like for something to rip up to making the filter and it’s like i don’t know the thing i don’t like though is when it goes in your mouth so it’s like the filter kind of stops that how’s that glass going we need to get a [ __ ]

I’m controlling the game with my pinky we need to get um a shield i know you could make shields bruh that’s [ __ ] dope okay i need a sh i need a shovel why a golden shovel what does that do why would i get that can i plant money with it um

Oh we got a chicken our first pet no [ __ ] off ha ha we stay capturing [ __ ] yo i hope that our horse thing is still spawned there it might not be trying to [ __ ] smoke the last of this [ __ ] thing it’s pretty much nothing it’s what i’m surviving off of now

Though because it’s like [ __ ] 2 35 i am pretty tired i’m gonna get off soon but i do kind of want to work on this a little bit yeah so i’m thinking what if we did like this we put that as the floor or we could put this no we’ll put this

Because you don’t want a stone floor that’s just like the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look at that [ __ ] why the [ __ ] did it get placed like that some [ __ ] i need that bread sometimes i’d be overthinking my cops when i’m on stream it never happens to me in real life but like

I’ll just be about to cough and then i get like super aware of it and start thinking about how it’s going to sound and then it like prevents me from coughing which is what just happened um yeah we need more of these logs chicken get the [ __ ] out of here

You are my bb i don’t want to be up here so much oh there must be experience that came out of this because it’s cooked um those are called spruce i think is this the spruce trees kind of looks like it spruce bro i got like a weird s on me i think

It’s because my like two front teeth are like kind of like a little bit crooked so i think that’s why like there’s a weird like s thing with me like sometimes it sounds like i need a [ __ ] de-esser which is like a plug-in on my like real-life voice like right there

When i said voice it was like like you know what i’m saying i don’t know if y’all notice that [ __ ] but i do um we got the spruces keep a couple spruce trees on me like spruce spruce spruce like you know what i’m saying there’s a bit of a whistle

And i think it’s from my two front teeth i don’t know why i’m pointing this out i probably shouldn’t i’m just really [ __ ] hot i’m not gonna lie when i’m really high i’d be saying that dumb [ __ ] you know what it is all right we got 33 let’s go see

What that can mean for you and me break leg bruh what is my life sometimes i’ll be thinking that [ __ ] all the time it’s so like it’d be weird weird me out oh it’s a fox guys is it gonna attack are they fighting do they fight are they friends what’s going on oh

They’re fighting he attacked he attacked look at it it was pretty cute one time my cat when i was a kid it went outside and like it wouldn’t come back in and there were foxes around and so i was scared for my cat and i seen a fox outside

And i like ran outside and i was gonna try and scare it away and then out of nowhere as i was running up to the fox um something came jumping at it and attacked it and um just started like wrestling with it and [ __ ] and it was my cat

My cat came to my rescue it seemed that i was about to confront the fox and my cat it was missing and it just came and it just attacked the fox and then it was like all puffed up like my cat was all puffed up and like big

And then it was like frozen in place and i went and picked it up and it was like it was all puffed up and its tail was like like huge and but it tried to save me like shouts out that got me in her name was macy or well

I called her bear mace that’s what her name was really but it was also macy every time i have a pet it has multiple names but yeah her name was bear mace really and um i miss her she was someone that i very much loved and i’ll never see her again

What did i just hear was it the fox but shouts at her for trying to save me from a fox she was a good kitty i hope sometimes she thinks of me when she dreams i think about her sometimes no i’m saying all right bedtime before some crazy ass eels come flying

Out of [ __ ] out of nowhere hopefully lucy’s good up there um yeah i’m so productive with getting trees like i get one then come back they’re just annoying for me i don’t know like i like to mine in this game cutting the trees is so such a bore

Because you always got to be like building up and it’s like you can’t just flow into it and just you know it’s always some [ __ ] these [ __ ] trees man there we go you can hear some zombies i guess like how could they make it easier but like

I don’t know maybe if there’s some type of physic where you could make the trees kind of fall or something that wouldn’t be so bad wait no i don’t want this tree i don’t want these ones i like it it’s a good color look it’s a skelly [ __ ] fish um

Like the canopies of the tree should fall like i don’t know like i don’t know how they do it but that should be that’s what i think got that bread minecraft was such a [ __ ] trip when it first came out chicken i think that’s chicken [ __ ] these seeds

Probably should i don’t know [ __ ] the seeds actually we got the spruce there goes my [ __ ] pretty sure that’s like my one axe unless i made multiple but i’m doubting that i did should have all right we’re almost there we got multiple [ __ ] knew it i [ __ ] knew it already

Also i want my shield yeah oh that’s cool that’s cool i like that um they’re doubting myself wait is there even any room for [ __ ] spruce no i don’t know why i thought it worked like animal crossing for a second there brother this is a whole new game now

You know it’s like skyrim mine skyrim skyrim craft see [ __ ] spruces they’re not enough spruces but trees in general hate them yeah when i like i talked about that’s old skype server i used to be on when i had like a bunch of online friends we had like a minecraft server and like

The dude that ran it was like always pissed if you left your canopies and i understand why like that’s the thing about the trees you can’t just go leaving the tops like it’s like disrespectful you know what i’m saying but at the same time it’s so inconvenient i don’t think that’s screws

This is screws but i guess starting from the top is really the thing to do isn’t it you can’t always do that because trees are so high up you’re gonna have to build up anyway but i don’t know solutions what up i got a shield

I’m just trying to get a bit more spruce build my floor and then probably gonna go to sleep irl but i at least gotta put in this floor after this i’m probably gonna eat some [ __ ] reese’s puffs reese’s puffs reese’s puffs eat them up eat them up beat them up

Reese’s puffs reese’s puffs peanut butter chocolate flavor in the aem it’s the flavor ice saver how the [ __ ] do i only have 28 logs see that’s what i’m saying like god damn trees are so annoying getting wood so annoying i mean i know i can convert these into planks but still still

Oh [ __ ] there we go coming along nicely now i just got to get the glass let me [ __ ] put some [ __ ] in this chest all this [ __ ] dirt and [ __ ] class wait i just realized if i make my character can i [ __ ] the same size is going to sound so dumb

If i make it like blonde dutch blonde whatever the [ __ ] i don’t know now it’s kind of like my hair and it’s no longer billy eilish it’s now me well my hair is half and half but like if i had to choose one color to represent often i’ll choose blonde um

But yeah now i’m mean you know i’m not billion but now i don’t know if i like the look of this is there a better blonde maybe it kind of looks too blonde i feel like my blonde pops a little more i’m billy billy2021 oh yeah true [ __ ] she’s blonde like that

Now never mind i am [ __ ] i’m still billy god damn there’s like some blood swinging his fists in the air right now because i keep saying i’m billy um but yeah um [ __ ] i can’t escape it i guess the space buttons they’re really owned by billy [ __ ] so lucy’s running back

[ __ ] sake i need like i don’t even know not many more i don’t know maybe i’m gonna eat waffles i don’t want to cook anything because it’s i want to just fall asleep but i want to eat something because i didn’t even [ __ ] eat before i started doing this

I was just like [ __ ] i was like [ __ ] i should have [ __ ] elevated those god damn it can’t get them back they’ll break me yeah let’s just do pink here we go and we’re a oc our original character oh see how you posted on your story like um zelusi you were like

Playing with minecraft billy eilish or whatever i meant to post it on my story but i just i forgot i was like that’s actually a dope little screenshot what the [ __ ] going on here what is what this man is his his llamas what would you like

Why he just got the llama oh the llamas carry his his his wares he is a traveling trader he is smart you are smart we need some sand oh my god your [ __ ] [ __ ] is way better than mine this is ridiculous i’m getting [ __ ] just showing up

My shit’s [ __ ] trash look at it here’s this like this [ __ ] beautiful piece of artwork mine’s a [ __ ] box with [ __ ] glass on it yeah it’s fire of course i like it it’s dope all right i’m just gonna get a bit more glass finish this [ __ ] this roof get the sand

Yeah i’m getting a [ __ ] ring light so hopefully my lighting’s gonna get better i know my lighting doesn’t look the best [ __ ] be telling me i look sick and [ __ ] i don’t think it’s like well actually maybe they’re just trying to compliment me because they’re like oh you look sick

But i take it as like they think i look literally sick but i don’t know but yeah my lighting is gonna get better soon um i just gotta order one i just haven’t gone around to it i’ve been like looking into them seeing what’s a good one i was thinking about

Getting this uh what the [ __ ] it called razer keo it’s like a webcam it has like a little ring light built in but also i’m thinking i could just use my iphone and just get a normal ring light and just like do that because apparently you can just use apps and

Use your iphone as a webcam so i feel like that’d be better quality than [ __ ] any webcam i’m gonna get so i think it would probably be kind of worth it to be honest i only got one shovel [ __ ] oh damn well you know what i don’t need that much glass anyway

But i i lowkey was considering just completely redoing it i like that these same fish are always here what a day it’s been [ __ ] trying to run up on me [ __ ] trying to use me to promote their illegal demon demon time lives [ __ ] trying to test my minecraft abilities

You know it’s been a day many things have transpired today but you know what i’ve got many things done and a lot of people have listened to my songs and watched my [ __ ] so it’s been an accomplished day and i hope they will continue to listen to my songs i think they will

Because my new song should be on [ __ ] spotify like any day it’s already on apple music still not on there but it should be on there soon and yeah i got another song on its way it’s another sad one so that’s good um because i know [ __ ] love the

Sad ones i’m gonna get back to making rap songs i mean i guess they’re all kind of rap songs but like um like you know standard trap [ __ ] you know i’ll get back to that like soon but i really gotta get this project heart the this project

Heartless heights it i gotta get it to you guys like it’s so fire and it’s all sad it’s all sad [ __ ] the whole thing and you guys are gonna see the true scope of my musical abilities because i mean you know i’ve made some songs they’re fun to listen to

But i kind of got something to prove i got kind of got a show with the type of songs i’m making it can kind of be it can kind of be easy to take me as like a joke i guess so i always gotta balance it out with some really sad [ __ ] basically

Because some of my songs are funny and fun and like a good time like the song i just released it’s just all like you know it’s nothing too serious but if i just release songs like that then it’s like everyone’s just gonna take me as like a joke basically god damn it

Um so yeah i always got to be doing that sad [ __ ] but i don’t have a full body of sad [ __ ] out yet like i have a thousand bullets for my broken heart and then i have before crisis heartless heights but both of those are just like

Eps like neither of them is like an actual full-length project so it’s like i need to get like a full-length project that’s all sad [ __ ] and then after that i don’t know where we’re gonna go from there but i will most likely continue up like along the way dropping little

Songs like the one i just draw because those songs are fun and i think even within super sad [ __ ] you gotta sometimes have some moments of fun you know what i’m saying so like yeah we’re gonna do that i’m gonna get paralysed out to the world and then um

I will ascend into a true vampire lord true vampire lord i already am actually but to realize it fully i must release harlow sites um so keep an eye if you’re not following me on spotify or youtube or soundcloud or apple or wherever you listen to music

I would recommend you do that because i’m going to be on the billboards and if i’m not then i’ll be dead so um i’ll be on the billboards um so yeah follow me on those platforms you know what i’m saying and check out my music it’s litty

I got people in my city going to war over my music they’re all angry about it because they can’t tell if i’m a guy or a girl or something i don’t know i don’t really even understand um we got 21 glass let’s let’s see what we can do before nightfall fully hits

Those were my demon noises i’m not doing it any justice because my throat is a little dry from talking so long you know what i’m saying i gotta have more ig live adventures hopefully they don’t end up all messed up you know we’re almost at five hours i said i

Wasn’t gonna do [ __ ] five hours but here we are it’s like good but it’s bad because it’s like is it too much content is anyone really gonna watch five hours of me playing a game in one sitting really like you know what i’m saying it seems kind of unbelievable too

And people are saying two hours is what you want to do for youtube for long form content the best is like two hours so it’s like maybe though i could split these streams up into like multiple parts i guess i could do that but you know what if i do that i’m gonna

Honestly i’m gonna get backed up and i’m just gonna have all these like no that would be dumb it’d be like days behind like you would see like me stream live on twitch you’d get it all and then like if you tried to for the next like week it’d be that one

Twitch stream i’d be uploading so [ __ ] that but like i don’t know two hours is i think i’m gonna start trying to aim for two hours unless i don’t know maybe like five hours isn’t so bad i don’t know i’m so conflicted if people will actually watch five hour videos like

I’ll make them but it’s just kind of like i don’t think people actually want to watch that [ __ ] i don’t even know what i’m doing here i’m just [ __ ] trying to make it look cool i guess i guess even if people don’t watch them i’ll still make them because that’s kind

Of what’s that well people are watching them but like you know i’ll always just i don’t know five hours it’s lit one time i played zelda and then mario odyssey and that stream was seven hours like i understand some people do those streams for that long but at the same time it’s like

It’s a lot and for me to do it three times a week like i don’t doubt that i can do it but it kind of makes me feel like bruh are you okay that you’re able to [ __ ] make five hour videos three times a week where you have to talk the whole time

Like are you okay if you’re able to do that i’m not sure because that’s a lot you know what i mean but to me it’s just like i don’t know when i play video games like like i tend to really get into things so when i play

Video games i tend to play them for really long periods of time so it’s like it doesn’t seem like unreasonable to just record that whole session but like it’s just like i don’t know imagining it before just doing it it’s like how could i possibly be that entertaining for that long like

It just doesn’t like how what am i gonna talk about but i don’t know i’ve been doing it so far so maybe like maybe i just gotta keep talking about the baby and stuff that they did you know like that baby that bb that baby i love the baby

Especially the baby you’ll laugh so lucy this is coming along nicely even got the wood oh my god again let’s go look at my [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] that i have built over here can’t even compare am i even human or my sub human half of a human what the [ __ ] went wrong

How am i the artist here how like you know what i’m saying i’m the content creator this dude builds the whole house i’ll build this how did i end up where i am i’m sure the lucy will become a great content creator someday if that is their wish

They have good attention to detail so they will make quality content unlike me who doesn’t have good attention to detail and is kind of lazy so i [ __ ] rush my [ __ ] but somehow people still [ __ ] with it so it’s like i get by but at the same time if i was super particular

It’d probably be beneficial to me it’s a skill that i must work on it is my lack of it comes from a survivalist mindset and not being able to take the time to truly appreciate things it requires me to just move on you know what i’m saying but i’m

Working on being more like no work on this make it beautiful type [ __ ] you know what i’m saying with everything i do um yeah at this point i’m kind of [ __ ] kind of about ready to call it quits i would say it’s 4 58 so yeah

It’s not 458 that’s how long i’ve been recording [ __ ] i’m an idiot this is what i’m saying i gotta go to sleep i’m obviously very tired so it’s been real thank you everybody that watched um uh if you’re watching this on youtube hit the like button hit the subscribe

Button leave a comment it’s i means a lot it really helps thank you so much it means a lot if you watched up to this point um whether it was on the twitch stream or it was on youtube if you’re making it to the end you’re awesome like you’re the best um

But yeah go check out my new song chit chat or it’s real demon hours got two names um well really it’s called it’s real demon hours but it’s like the chorus is like it’s like chit chat is like i don’t know it’s like a better name for it you know what i’m saying

Um or like what my most people would think it would probably be called based off the lyrics um but yeah go listen that song if you haven’t already thank you for watching thank you for supporting lucy you’re awesome thank you for doing everything you do being entertaining all that [ __ ] um but yeah

Peace out thank you

This video, titled ‘Chilling Wit My Slimes 😳 (Minecraft Part 3) – Twitch Stream Archive #20’, was uploaded by Lil Witchy on 2021-04-28 17:00:32. It has garnered 50 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:05 or 18005 seconds.

Follow me on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Twitch: @witchymustdie Discord: https://discord.gg/eEWAmPt

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    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Twitch Capes! Are you a fan of exclusive Minecraft capes? Do you want to stand out in the game with a unique look that shows off your dedication and style? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! While watching videos on how to get Twitch capes in Minecraft, you may have realized that some capes are only available to players who attended special events like Minecon or were active on platforms like Twitch and TikTok. But fear not, because Minewind offers a vibrant community where you can connect with fellow players and unlock exclusive rewards. Join Minewind today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and… Read More

  • Minecraft Exposes Science as Evil

    Minecraft Exposes Science as Evil Minecraft: A Reflection on Religion and Science Have you ever delved into the world of Minecraft and found yourself pondering the ethical implications of your actions within the game? From turning into a slave master to questioning the role of religion and science, Minecraft offers a unique perspective on societal themes. The Role of Religion in Minecraft In Minecraft, players often find themselves interacting with villagers, a group of non-player characters who inhabit the game world. These villagers can be traded with, protected, or even exploited for resources. This dynamic raises questions about the ethical treatment of virtual beings… Read More

  • πŸ•πŸ INSANE Pizza Delivery to Skeleton HQ in Minecraft!

    πŸ•πŸ INSANE Pizza Delivery to Skeleton HQ in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skeleton HQ β€’ Minecraft β€’ SPELLBOUND CAVES’, was uploaded by Pizza n’ Goat on 2024-05-18 16:00:21. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:19 or 1399 seconds. We are Pizza n’ Goat. πŸ•πŸ CRAZY WHITE NOISE sometimes sorry. Goat made me play a really old Vex Super Hostile map… enjoy! Pizza’s POV will be back in the next Spellbound Caves video… Map: Vex Super Hostile Map 10 SPELLBOUND CAVES Music Used in Video: Old RuneScape Soundtracks: Scape Main Dead Can Dance Magic Dance Dogfight Writer: Ian Taylor Company:… Read More

  • Minecraft From The Fog: Craziest Episode Yet!

    Minecraft From The Fog: Craziest Episode Yet!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Craziest episode yet… | Minecraft From The Fog S2:E9’, was uploaded by ParanormalPanic on 2024-04-09 11:00:26. It has garnered 774 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:16 or 1816 seconds. SO MUCH HAPPENED THIS EPISODE WTFFFFFFFFFF If yall like this longer style of video LET ME KNOWWW πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ IM MORE THAN HAPPY TO MAKE THEM LONGER. The only thing is that it’ll take more time in between uploads but its WORTH IT πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈ Join tha discord to know when we uploads: https://discord.gg/xsjYbcXd Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Trolling Viewer in Minecraft SMP!!!” #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Trolling Viewer in Minecraft SMP!!!" #minecraftsmp #minecraftserverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled One Of My Viewers!!! #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by BLUBERIES on 2024-01-17 04:30:04. It has garnered 10508 views and 341 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. SUB4MORE INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS! I Trolled One Of My Viewers!!! Kind of like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. This… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Live 24/7 – Join Us and Steal Lives! [Pe+Java]

    Insane Minecraft SMP Live 24/7 - Join Us and Steal Lives! [Pe+Java]Video Information This video, titled ‘Guys Lifesteal Minecraft Smp Live 24/7 Anyone Can Join [Pe+Java]’, was uploaded by RG Playz 7 on 2024-05-14 21:21:57. It has garnered 21 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:06 or 4266 seconds. Minecraft SMP Live is a multiplayer survival server where a group of content creators, including popular YouTubers and Twitch streamers, come together to play Minecraft together in real-time. The players are constantly interacting with each other, building, exploring, and collaborating on various projects. Viewers can watch their favorite creators in action and witness the chaos and fun that… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Hack Revealed!! πŸ”₯ #TrendingCrazyTricks

    Unbelievable Minecraft Hack Revealed!! πŸ”₯ #TrendingCrazyTricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hack🀯5#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu’, was uploaded by Yanu Ji on 2024-04-07 07:48:14. It has garnered 442 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft hack🀯2#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu I G N O R E T H I S T H I N G minecraft minecraft 1.20 minecraft pocket edition curseforge minecraft 1.19 optifine lego minecraft minecraft bedrock minecraft legends minecraft games minecraft dungeons minecraft free pixelmon https aka ms remoteconnect minecraft survival minecraft server minecraft classic minecraft story mode aternos server minecraft java edition minecraft java steve minecraft minecraft 1.18 enderman… Read More

  • Crazy Challenge: Beat Minecraft Without Laughing!

    Crazy Challenge: Beat Minecraft Without Laughing!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can I Beat Minecraft Without Laughing?’, was uploaded by CragDyna on 2024-04-06 14:06:25. It has garnered 38398 views and 999 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:43 or 1783 seconds. I tried to beat Minecraft, but my 3 most comedic friends @Knarfy @CringyGull , and @GarrettTheCarrot tried to make me laugh 5 times. If they succeed I will explode with laughter, but If I win, then my comedic friends will be known as the most unfunny and cheesy comedians. Mods used in this video https://modrinth.com/mod/pehkui https://essential.gg/en https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simplehats https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/identity https://modrinth.com/plugin/simple-voice-chat/versions Join the community Discord! πŸ‘Ύ:… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – Sevencantdrive’s Hilarious Attempt!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - Sevencantdrive's Hilarious Attempt!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aimed a little high there #minecraft #minecraftshorts #twitch #twitchclips #smallstreamer #streamer’, was uploaded by Sevencantdrive clips on 2024-01-15 22:08:15. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft build battles!! ft. DJRGVideos

    Insane Minecraft build battles!! ft. DJRGVideosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build battles with @DJRGVideos’, was uploaded by Liam Newitt on 2024-04-14 09:26:53. It has garnered 70 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:01 or 2341 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Music Animation – Lost Assassin at Dark Studios

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Music Animation - Lost Assassin at Dark StudiosVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Drop in the Ocean” – Minecraft music Animation (Lost Assassin)’, was uploaded by Dark Animation Studios on 2024-02-16 14:00:08. It has garnered 6121 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:58 or 178 seconds. English: A group of adventurers enters an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the mightiest creatures of the land. Suddenly, they are surprised by a black, unknown hand, and one of them is separated from the group. English: A group of adventurers enter an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the most… Read More

  • OrbitMC – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelisted, Java, New

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! We have an active staff team working to ensure the best experience for players. Join our fun and positive community today! If you are interested in joining our community, check out our Linktree that provides ways to get involved and join the server. Once you join, whitelist yourself to start playing on the Minecraft Server! – OrbitMC Staff Team Read More

  • SoulSyphonMC

    Soul Syphon MCis an economy based survival crystal pvp server hosted in sydney (oceanic)we offer a high quality crystal pvp experience with other fun quirks to enjoy througout. Read More