Welcome back everyone of the hardore spech spee foreign speech forch ] foree spech speeech [ for speech ] for speech watch It oh nice good night good morning for spech Speech okay for speech forch Spe oh iron nice lch forch for speech spech speech foree ] forign speech ] for speech [ for Mining speech ] for spech speech nice IR armor yes full set of iron armor let’s go okay so jump very Mining spech spee fore speech ] foreign speech speech For speech speech Okay okaye spee foree 1 hour later speech spee for speech Okay so are you guys ready 3 2 one oh touch touch spech forign spech foreign speech ] okay speech [ fore speech foree for echch ] foreign speech IGN speech ] for speech IGN okay speech ] fore speech ] [ fore ] foreign speech ] [ speech foreign spee speech speech [ speech ] speech ] okay good morning okay oh yes finally [ speech IGN speech ] foreign for speech ] foreign speech IGN speech ] fore speech IGN speech Video Information
This video, titled ‘First Starter House in My Minecraft Hardcore Ep-2 | Nepali |’, was uploaded by XUniQX on 2024-01-07 07:55:39. It has garnered 454 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:26 or 566 seconds.
In todays video of hardcore Ep-2, I will be making my first starter house to stay and live which is a pretty basic house i will upgrade it later on episode. I m planning to build a beautiful town and city Inspired by many Hardcore youtubers like @fWhip @MythicalSausage @aCookieGod . So come and see all my journey together !! ————————————————————————————————————————— Animations & Designs By arialfx: https://youtube.com/arialfx https://arialfx.com ————————————————————————————————————————— Song🎵= lofi ————————————————————————————————————————— #minecraft #minecraftnepali #nepali #survival #hardcore #minecrafthardcore #builds #support #minecraftjava #trending #fwhip #mythicalsausage #acookiegod —————————————————————————————————————————