EPIC Minecraft Tekkit 2 Server Reveal! 😱

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Stream is started did you did you finish making the Cove stuff and everything um it was like what diamond and d one diamond and one coal yeah I can finish it up right now okay still I still got to get string and stuff all right yeah but U yeah all the

Cillan stuff should be good to go okay I I’ll just drop it off at your place go sleep first I mean okay I agree I hate I hate stressing out before a [ __ ] stream yeah no dude honestly like I I I genuinely don’t know what was uh

What was going on I have no clue oh one of these days I’m going to die as soon as I finish sleeping that’s nice and it goes with my kind of outfit I guess so what do I need for this I need paper now as

Well so let me put that back any string as well I’ll need that yeah no for sure absolutely let me go find some Reed luckily we’re right by river hey uh Dy I’m just going to leave um all the CED food in that one chest that has been used yes all righty

It’s like a whole bunch of wet lands over here didn’t you miss Minecraft John isn’t it good to be back it is good to be back in a whole new world A Whole New World I forget how nice berries are they really are really nice the only Annoying part is that you can’t really I don’t know they they don’t feed that much but you really don’t need that much yeah cuz they kind of give you so [ __ ] so much crap yes sugar can

Not exactly what I want one two three perfect the exact amount I need there’s a crab over here is it yeah did you want to focus on railcraft at all um that’s like all the automation stuff and whatnot yeah it’s the uh Minecart one

Ah I mean I’ll take I’ll take a a look at it there’s just a lot of crap in it and that’s how we get steel and all that M how did how how are you guys today huh uh not too bad I’m tired as [ __ ] you didn’t get sleep or I got

Some oh yeah cuz you posted that thing on your story yeah we saw that coming back from Ikea MH red got some meaty balls yeah I gave him my me balls actually ah yeah actually it was technically all of his oh that’s a [ __ ] Ravine holy [ __ ]

It’s just that John has a lot to share you know 40 balls to one man what can I say I’m a giver uh so nine or well one one out of 10 what do you think those meatballs the Swedish meatballs considering um how much they

Were cuz they were what 16 for 40 balls right mhm uh you know what yeah no I’ll give him like a a solid like 8.59 yeah right oh did you bring the coal stest yeah or no I still have it on me my bad I I meant to but then I got totally

Distracted so many hemp seeds and [ __ ] in here dude okay I if there was one mod I could disable out of all of this is the um the ones with the H seene in it there we go cuz you can’t do anything with them EMC for EMC you can’t like you

Can make the beer but then it’s like you don’t really even know how to make the beer so it’s like I mean you tried to I tried my best and let me tell you the results were suboptimal at best okay everybody come over here boys and

Girls I’ll be there in a minut that is that’s the trapo H yes there you go pick it up pick it up over here over here over here big come back I literally dropped it right in front of you I’m not the brightest over here um a little tampon for

You thanks you’re welcome how did you know is it that time of the month already swear when it’s Asia’s time of the month I’m trying to be a vampire you know what I’m saying oh my God no going to suck the clots out like it’s chicken

Noodle soup oh dude don’t even I don’t even know okay dude that’s actually gross you need you need to be put down like genuinely harsh words I know but yours feel harsher to my ears n uh y babies all of you John am I am I going to start saying

Stuff like that whenever you know mean closer I mean if you want is there no Escape I’m just saying is it like is it a like a like a like a definite thing that’s going to happen or maybe not in public but you will definitely get that comfortable with each other okay red

Yes chest oh you’re doing the swim thing [Laughter] again uh this is really nice so romantic oh my gosh for the energy condenser I made red candles a how long did it take you to make red candles not that long okay but still like kind of sounds like it took a long

Time no no it didn’t I appreciate the thought it’s it’s really sweet I just wish we weren’t live right now they’re gonna get a show all right hey yo on my Christian Minecraft server yeah yeah John you ever heard of Christian Mingle Christians need love too

That’s like the worst app ever do you know where most whites actually meet each other and date like there’s a there’s a dating site that is pretty much all whites you said what I feel like people people just try to hook up in Waffle Houses oh waffle

You said Waffle House who doesn’t want to pick up a a classy girl in a waffle house all I’m saying is um if I met Dy at a waffle house I would be too afraid to talk to her I’m not that scary no women AR no no cuz um cuz you know cuz

Women cuz women cuz female mhm cuz they cuz she’s going to be giving me butterflies and [ __ ] like that I’m but red I’m a s foot tall black command oh now I can’t now I can’t refuse I now I like at that point I know the method yeah she knows my

Weakness tall black men God damn right 99 black men for a for two lb your silence worries me what mine yeah oh uh penis I bet you weren’t expecting that one what penis p p pus we oh yeah absolutely I can swing my oh we’re on the outside okay oh cuz 911 what huh what huh what huh huh did I just oh I do have to make a murator Mr berer I said I have to make one not become one oh I am Acy the one who [ __ ] um um um

Um um what H you said um you said um first I did say I’m first you’re absolutely right this is now a Christian Minecraft server I love Christian Minecraft is it great mhm so many blocks but only one true God mhm and that’s Allah I was about to say you know maybe creepers

Are creepers are the Muslims of of Minecraft oh dear I will say though John I don’t think I’m ever going to um do like a like an hour drive down just for some meatballs well no we were trying to get um yeah I know I know stuff but um

Stuff I mean that’s the only reason why I kind of came you came damn I came yeah do not come I’m going to come oh like the way that looks yo what up let’s play how’s it going dude um I need need more copper but I guess if I’m making

Bronze I don’t even know what this is M aluminum aluminum oh there’s 10 right there perfect perfect perfect this will just always be slightly [ __ ] oh well what’s going to be slightly [ __ ] Shack that I’ve made you made Shack I made a shack yes you made Shack I’m excited to see what Shack

O’Neal well you just said you made Shack I made a shack like a like a a shitty hole a mini Shaquille O’Neal no that’s not at all what a shack is that’s literally what a shack is though I’m guessing it’s big and brown kind of sounds like Shack small

And it is brown I mean is it bigger than you I mean yeah then check how you all doing we’re doing pretty good how about you let’s play just relaxing playing some modded Minecraft yeah trying to not get used to lethal company uh controls oh that’s just spread

[ __ ] I guess I’ll just go up here I’m good doesn’t sound very reassuring there buddy oh God damn it I’m back by the way hi back I’m John oh hi not too shabby this is cute yeah I mean it doesn’t have to be much and plus the the

Tunnels uh secured and all that so if I ever just want to go directly home I could just do that that sounds amazing Could be better I feel that it can always get better but can it it can always get worse an Optimus John thanks man I think the best way to make somebody feel better is make them understand that they don’t feel like [ __ ] completely how do I make a

Mercator Stone Mercator I need three Flint piston which it’s one iron Cobblestone wood okay that’s not hard I’m hard oh ah okay okay that’s not ah I got to start fishing soon got to get me the the god Rod back oh I forgot you can’t use stone tools to what to use as

Fuel hey do you want a um take some do you want a um iron pickaxe here red stone here I okay I already made one better I guess that’s all right it’s all right five sticks don’t good idea thanks man um I guess I could put this extra one in here

One wooden pickaxe perfectly Cooks a chicken by the way in case any of you guys were wondering okay thanks for the heads up I love cooking chicken honestly I love chicken I IRL or yeah IRL okay I’m you say not a big fan of chicken okay um just because a lot of

People don’t know how to prepare it correctly I love chicken hey let’s go I love I love [ __ ] M yes So what’s what’s the the plan today John huh just get the EMC converter and all that yeah condenser and all that jazz okay well while you do that I’m going to mhm get myself a fishing Po and start just you know fishing away mhm they definitely prefer chicken over

Pork pigs are just dirty animals this tree is taking so long to grow I was about to say like did you um do we have any bone how’s it going my man yo how are you I think we’re doing good no almost Wasn’t cuz it was basically a headache just to set the stream up those thoughts were coming back you yawn in real life to add to the effect very nice you cuz you you’re sleeping now I’m also just tired Oh I thought you I thought you were red yeah no well red is tired

[Laughter] look but uh I I mean I took like a quick nap earlier before on oops ignore that I took a little nappy I say little but it was like a it was like a 4our nap ah I had uh quite a bit to drink

Earlier I was about to say how was the reservation very nice very nice we went to well uh it’s a place that allows dogs oh that one yeah it’s pretty decent I usually get the same thing they have actually really good vegetarian dishes so I usually get

Tofu MH um I don’t care what anybody says I love tofu it’s good yeah it’s really good miso though oh yeah true me and Asia are trying to find a good miso brand it’s actually really hard to find one around here yeah like jump through like loops and stuff

Yeah I was about to say um there’s this one time because there’s like different types of tofu too I like the you know like the traditional more like um Square kind of like almost not marshmallowy but like you know the ones I’m talking about soft or firm

Uh I want to say middle in the middle like Firm MH I mean I I don’t know that’s what it’s called cuz I know there’s like there a couple of them mhm no the difference is literally just squish value you know extra firm I’ll only do if I’m making that deep fried tofu thing I do mhm yeah so Nice and then uh there was this one time though like is she made like like a really like good soup uh but she added like these like these tofu these tofu cubes that oh they’re tofu Spong yeah they’re like little yeah the sponge thing I don’t

Know what those are called I I I wasn’t a huge fan of that I’m going to be completely honest it reminded me like eating soggy bread it was not it was not enjoyable but she really liked it yeah I know she really likes feeling that anything to do with

Minecraft let’s end the dragon or go to the warden I don’t think the warden’s in this version the dragon is yeah yeah the Ender Dragon I mean we can go to space in this actually oh yeah yeah SP bosses oh yeah I dude I I remember and then we hated it

Because I it did yeah takes so [ __ ] long no I mean like you were basically Invincible at that point already so yeah literally it just tedious to deal with it cuz then I actually had to craft did I put my coal up there no I didn’t oh it’s all in the machine oh

Okay I got some cooked mutton and some cooked chicken done that sounds SC ious uh said cooked chicken right cooked mutton I mean mutton’s slam right mhm yeah know yeah that’s really good there’s a lot of people that don’t like lamb I don’t I don’t I don’t get

It like L I’ve never had it so well because people say it tastes really gy and stuff same with goat yeah but like I think it tastes pretty [ __ ] good Man yeah I mean I I don’t really have it often if at all like your rose usually is beef and lamb mhm so taste much yum getting so many blueberries right now hey good for you I actually really don’t like blueberries there a lot of stuff I don’t

Like actually I think that surprises you guys I don’t like blueberries in real life um dude my uncle had a blueberry farm and I would like go and pick for him cuz he sold him and I just got scarred because like the amount ount of like worms and stuff you have to [ __ ]

Filter out yeah like you have to throw those ones away just I can’t even eat a blueberry now damn but think of all that protein no shut the hell up no uh so bad yeah my mom loves blueberries those uh like she like she’s obsessed with like the

Antioxidant Factor behind it so does wine drinking a glass of red wine mhm I just pop my [ __ ] jaw I was about say I think I heard that actually did you do did you just like just push it to the side I have really loose ligaments so [ __ ] just likes to pop

Okay where the [ __ ] am I I oh home is this way Jesus Christ hello Hannah hey how’s it going samant he she’s talking a Pall why is there um can I ask why is there’s a trunk of [ __ ] by my house what oh the the lime wood thing is that what that

Is I found that in my uh my chest I assume you put it there I did not no no no oh here Dy here’s some eggs for you oh that’s a [ __ ] stick that’s a stick oh there here’s some eggs there’s a stick thank you I just realized they gave me a stick

And two eggs thank you John the only reason I’m here is cuz I’m bored and want to play with someone Minecraft I the beef Dam it oh dude you know what that triggered like in my head just now I triggered you like a memory there’s

Um there’s this like I I think it was a Vine and it’s just this girl that just goes I smell like beef oh yeah I smell like beef you smell like beef I smell like beef oh yeah in Minecraft well we’re playing with the teet mods um I mean if you have those

That’s impressive ouch ouch oh I still got to make the Mercator so I need iron chiseled Stone I think which is probably easier just going over and using the Chisel mhwi um I think it was Middle top left yeah there we go I got a whole bunch of meat there mhm

Um I need more Stone uh you even have the little farm going on okay so I have that I need oh I don’t need chiseled Stone oh I’m an idiot one two three no do you have Flint at all well I I I’ve got some Flint yeah you have

Three uh yeah perfectly three yeah I’ll hand it over what you got a little dandelion must be the last one this season oh you have room for one more iy red sleeping with me it’s the weekend I’m alone again all right I I do need spiders to

Spawn though I need some Mo oh wait no I have W what’s this sticky stuff on my face no no that that was it’s probably just sweat I had nothing to do he’s gaslighting me wifey Okay Stone Mercator awesome mhm I put this down here all right God damn it no where is he oh this [ __ ] you go D St oh look at this cocoon you it’ll be a butterfly or moth yo what up sad man how you doing it’s been a [Laughter]

Minute close enough I’ll take what I can get uh wo yeah stream no oh wait no you got to iron coil draw plate block of diamond panel what block of diamond panel yeah or are you making you make a chisel the yeah the thingy you can wait you could put a

Block of wo into a midor and it will give you three string and a stone Mador uh I think it was just a regular murator let me just I mean it shouldn’t matter but one wouldn’t plant no one one block of wool oh put that into aerator yeah oh okay down here

Red how close are you to that um massat I hope you brought coal oh um I’ve got fragmented carbon I don’t think that works it does wow it does why do you have fragmented carbon I um I was trying to make charcoal and I [ __ ] up how did you [ __ ] that

Up I I didn’t know the recipe for um oh you did planks wait did yeah did you no I I I think uh yeah I think I did planks or it was something dumb anyway I’m not proud of you turned four coal into oh I see what you did you crafted

It into that I see what you did yeah or you burned planks it you did something I don’t yeah I think I I think I burnt planks not the actual it does work by the way Fred there’s string for you I already got some oh you don’t need it

Turn in string nah I mean maybe you want to get more string because it is a bit of a finite resource at the moment okay oh h this makes it seem like a [ __ ] Mario Kart or Mario yo it’s sad man how’s it going dude I feel like we haven’t seen

Him in like yeah I just said that yeah dude it’s been a while yeah how you been guys I’m renovating my house now yeah go for it I was about to say um if you ever need a more Diamond John we’ve got like nine Left What are you laughing about what are you two doing I’m doing it I’m fishing I’m doing my own thing that’s code isn’t it I’m getting like sardine Vibes as all oh yeah no I I know exactly what you’re talking about yeah it’s true Minecraft kind of sucks now though

Cuz you can’t you can’t really play with random people anymore like that no unless like you um you have to pay for a server a public server yeah which sucks it’s like but it’s not like actual Minecraft it’s like people that make mini games and whatnot oh yeah you’re right yeah like

The uh the winter world or whatever the [ __ ] it’s called like I remember I think it was called Mineplex like with bedwars and whatnot mine Mineplex struggle with that word a lot I don’t know why not sure it’s something I need to work on sure one day you’ll learn John

No you you ain’t got to pay for servers on mobile oh well I mean mobile US Cellular and stuff you got me Pocket Edition like completely different from bedstone and Java is this the one yeah I like that it is okay I mean it’s come a long way

Since what I remember when it was uh Minecraft uh Pocket Edition light mhm that [ __ ] was awful I mean considering what it was it was pretty cool cuz that was when the iPhone 4 was around ah oh [ __ ] that’s like old old yeah that’s when the Chargers were still

Like the really wide ones remember y do you remember the old YouTube logo it was like just an old time TV yep wild right yeah technology has come a long way somewh argue the opposite well I mean the advancements uh part you know it’s been you know we’ve been reaching a plateau

Yeah we can only innovate so much oh man I can’t use it on the [ __ ] stairs damn it that’s nice I like that bad I was given $500 uh a $500 pair of Chanel sunglasses what should I do with it well do you do you look good in

Them I mean if you look good in the sunglasses you know just rocket I guess is that a good answer I don’t know not quite sure that being said who when I died I freaking lost that thing that you gave me John no you’re lucky I made an extra one Talisman the

Tampon Talisman tampon that’s what I’m saying dude I don’t know tampon yeah see sure yeah let’s go with that oh [ __ ] oh oh you’re right there I’m sorry there you are I was GNA see how long it took you to realize I was right behind You forgot how goofy your face looks John I forgot how goofy your face looks IRL my only good feature my god oh wait no my second my second best feature you don’t wear sunglasses well then sell them I don’t know what you want me to say yeah you could sell

Them I mean they’re $500 worth I mean if they’re in mint condition you could give them to a blind person if you wanted if you think it’d be funny um more ironic than anything right but they’re $500 like sunglasses though like if a blind man can like wear that

Like pull it off and whatnot like like imagine like [ __ ] like obviously like they wear it just to uh like like let people know like oh yeah no I’m blind but if you just wear like a pair of $500 glass like sunglasses when you’re blind that’s like the biggest Flex

It’s like I I I don’t need these the [ __ ] is going to buy $500 sunglasses there’s a lot of white people whoever the person that gave you the $500 pair of sunglasses are yeah true I mean I used to find um at my first job a lot of people left

Stuff cuz they would drink so then um we used to get like Ray bands and [ __ ] so it was nice or if you have like a friend you could give them to a friend if you have friends mhm also true cuz Christmas is right around the corner

Yeah like I mean if you really wanted to you could just [ __ ] in your hand and smear all over the lenses if you really wanted to I mean if you’re just if you just want ideas I can give you ideas but nobody really likes my ideas they stole

Them oh they stole the point is is there are people that will buy $500 sunglasses just because but you don’t have to sell them for the full price that’s not how you like sell stuff like that when it’s like second you just go over you sell it like for 3

400 yeah I mean you’re still making a good bit of money selling them because you got them for free yeah so even if you sell them for $20 you’re making profit yeah red what does that say what does what say I that is that is Russian my

Guy that’s a whole different alphab red what does it say um Let me let me I’m pretty sure like you’re the one who’s more qualified to read that than I am that’s Serbian dude wait let me get out let me get out my notebook here okay okay Flex that knowledge

John in one of these notebooks okay one of them is just labeled my diary no I actually did write down I don’t know English very well um no I do actually know like uh I think there’s saying hello yeah for some reason I wrote down borar is how you say Burger

Mhm and then for some reason I’m wrot down a bunch of random words interesting but is there a way you can actually like use that notebook to help you translate I mean if you give me an hour it’s all the it’s all the pronunciations and then I’d have to put

It all together then write them all together well I mean they they’re keeping each other company yeah is very nice maybe he’s trying to sell the $500 pair of sunglass would you like would you like some Chanel $500 sunglasses I see so I see both sides like Chanel here heard that song

Forever head to the nether yeah we got to get some uh some more diamond we just started buddy yeah yeah I wish doy here I am in the ground oh she’s dead I’m trying to see Mom for Christmas if you know what I’m saying no I don’t think I went low

Enough um well I’ll just put this in one of your chests I got a chisel here oh so that way you can uh do chisel stuff with it I don’t I don’t know where I should put this uh probably put in the chest right by the door the chest by the door is

Filled I’m going to put it in your ore chest okay okay A little butplug chisel I mean there’s a Twilight Force Mod when did y’all start we started yesterday actually but we didn’t I you know we didn’t stream that yeah um literally just the basics sticks

Ow like eight 18 string in there now um hey nice you guys want a bronze armor it’s pretty cheap that’s a treat that’s a treat the English accent I don’t understand the English accent um understandable actually me either speak language don’t even speak English it’s we we speak American America America

Going to just leave that for like a minute um checking the mini map here oh I get to do a treat app American chees American cheeseburger hell yeah Dude this guy knows he knows the [ __ ] method cheeseburger cheeseburger cheeseburger cheeseburger oh you want to know what I think is more American than a cheeseburger a corn dog and I’m not I’m not a fan I I feel like that’s way more American than a I

Think hot dog is more American but corn dog is is more well I guess it would be CU cornbread and it’s just processed to its entirety then deep fried and then deep fried well depends where you go but yeah yeah usually they’re fried like if you go to carnivals and stuff mhm that’s

Way Culver’s Culver’s does theirs you know Culver is like the only place that really has corn dogs around here yeah I know other than like buying them Frozen stores and whatnot to be fair though like who really is in the mood for a corn dog me

I’m always in the mood for a COR do all the time all right I standing corrected I feel like my sister could literally just eat those for the rest of her life and be fine I survived off of mac and cheese but bro Ma and cheese is so good you

Can’t go wrong with it why is there a saddle in here who’s putting [ __ ] in my chest I’m not I gave you the saddle Jesus yeah Merry [ __ ] Christmas to you too the [ __ ] ungrateful I keep thinking it’s red gaslighting or something he keeps putting his [ __ ] over in

Here listen just because I encased your house with stone one time doesn’t mean I’m always just leaving [ __ ] in there feel like he is uh I feel like I was just cursed by who and in the name of the great God Manara in your face dear viewers also a Hara means shut

Shot in your face dear viewers oh it’ be like oh jeez I’ve never oh oh it was too late dude how do I get this [ __ ] Arrow how do I get the arrow out of me you got to have red suck them out of you oh jeez oh I

Mean I don’t know how to do that Minecraft the mod it has that you got to get your your face really close to the mic and just ah SLP away I feel sorry to me you don’t have any arrows I have like four for

Me nah that’s still I look like a like a Nar oh fish build a huge Tower something like vinia best a pork chop take it or leave are you looking at viamin now no voman no what are you doing my friend huh don’t worry about it I’m I’m worried you know I’m a

Warrior a warrior oh I’m red I said worrier I worry a lot someone has to to worry yeah between the two of us I mean you are very you know go with flow I got to worry about you it doesn’t mean I don’t worry but means I’d rather worry about you know [ __ ]

That is worth worrying about in my opinion uh okay okay [ __ ] sticky keys oh you know what that means you know what that means Dy you know he’s been doing on his computer you you’ve been you’ve been calling him so much that he’s he’s all backed

Up that’s gross no we’re not ending it no we’re not ending it I not not the end no what what did you what did you said I said I said thanks for watching sorry you cannot understand us too much uh watch I’m going to catch yeah I’m going to catch a [ __ ] shark

Okay oh look at that that was a giant shark next I’m going for a whale it was like five in shark Russians don’t stream me as actively as Americans um that’s understandable I mean there’s not a lot of like I mean Americans have a lot of not well downtime to stream I guess

Is that the right work for it it’s like downtime uh maybe just free time free time I don’t know maybe and also I think it’s just way more accessible to like be able to stream and do stuff like this in here yeah without pu Putin watching usep red you can have

This what is what is what you can have this or you can give wifey yeah oh okay oh and you you can have this too I don’t I don’t need this what what what did you send BR this is a tree that’s true would you what you give

Me oh are you asking me yeah I’m asking Ste steel boots ah okay did you not like them no no they’re they’re fashionable sounds like you don’t like them yeah I just I didn’t even know that I picked them up that’s that’s all you hate him I know

As a person who plays Java on my phone I can say that my phone can’t handle a lot of mods gift understandable actually uh most phones can’t keep your Noggin safe wow look like I’m wearing overalls easy did you get um 100% did I get what energy

Condense all right so for that oh God damn it CLI off a so for that we need to make an alchemical chest that’s chiseled stone diamond iron and a regular chest okay that’s not too bad I’ll I’ll work on that okay you go get him John red did you

Want a chest plate of bronze a bronze chest plate I mean if you don’t need it I’ll take it off your hands and you’re playing alone yeah no that that really does suck when you have to play alone and stuff I mean depends if you’re playing for a while yeah it kind of

Sucks but like every now and again not bad drop that what else do I need uh High calance where are cow more oh my tree grew yipp hey oh two wow that is a interesting tree I was about to say is it is it a nice tree she just tried up

Said that tree [ __ ] Ugly I’m confused by it yeah John sex I mean it looks like it’s like it’s wood has already been stripped yeah what do you mean wait come out here oh oh I kind of like that I mean it’s very tall yeah it is kind of nice here DWI

You know what you have the chest plate red doesn’t need it I really y okay okay why protect yourself from the from the the elements why don’t you need it you don’t you only have boots on oh but like he’s a growing boy he won’t yeah I

Should be able to get my own armor n red can have it then okay I’m making more bronze it’s not I’m just building it’s not like I need any I’m just looking for a [ __ ] cow right now jingle bells jingle bells um they have names right oh what okay because that’s the

Only way I can get their milk oh ah that you know what perfect sense I’m trying to get Asia’s milk we know John I wish I didn’t but I do so don’t kill chickens I’m gonna kill every [ __ ] chicken I see now I need a diamond how many just one

Oh there’s an chest and now I need four diamond and four obsidian all right well I need to make found a cow milk that cow she’s gonna I got three buckets of its milk heck imagine four buckets heck imagine four Jesus um what was I doing making that I need a

Bucket red where’s the lava or the um underground oh I’ve never got obsidian do you need me to oh I think I know where I obsidian uh if you go down to like my little M shaft and My Little M shaft My Little M shaft um do you have a diamond pickaxe at

All no but I do have a paradot one I don’t know if that works do that you spell dandelion got look it up now no it’s an e it has the mining restrictions of an iron pickaxe so that but has twice the durability and Mining speed of the diamond

Pickaxe Industrial too yes there is industrial craft yes we’d have one Diamond left over if I do this red that’s fine we can always find more okay I have to make an diamond pick okie dokie are a chokey why’ you laugh like that I don’t know why do I do anything for Content

Yep oh look at this dude Minecraft Germany simulator I haven’t even made the oven yet oh oh I heard that oops oh it’s like pling catch I mean this is fixable what is why are there four creepers over here these three are like surrounding a tree um I do not know Russian please

Translate I don’t we don’t know either I mean I could probably read it out loud but I’m going to need a minute and that doesn’t mean I know what it means although once you translate it to the into like you know Roman text you can kind of guess and figure out what they

Mean like after you convert it it’s not it’s pretty similar red I made you a c it’s not the cake that I want oh I don’t think I can fit up here that’s too fat this is music oh this is the music do you want to bite of you for sure of

This yeah um one or two or three or four or seven or oh might not even I don’t even think I’m hungry oh okay maybe another time um nine I definitely know how to count how [ __ ] long what do you mean is Red’s [ __ ] oh well these are the

Questions that scientists want to know the answer to for scientific purposes red how long you know funny enough the doctors actually looked for hours they couldn’t confirm until like maybe you know I’m just saying it’s they actually found yours eventually yeah I haven’t found mine somewhere I think they’re just Lo

Looking in the wrong places tall black man they found mine oh that was the first thing first thing that they saw like Jesus whose horse is that how much does it weigh the J horse 69b damn waste half of your [ __ ] weight good Lord poor B I’m just saying

She’s going to make my whole week if you know what I mean oh I meant the food and Festival what did you think I men you weirdo I do not know R oh m aronis m too busy talking about too busy trying to figure out how long Red’s [ __ ] is for research purposes

Obviously yeah well good luck cuz I still haven’t figured that out send a picture I I I think I might be aware I was about to say the microscope doesn’t it doesn’t make it easier in 1945 Gas Prices rose this is the information we need to

Hear I mean this is what I’m here for makes sense to me I’m happy for I just r a huge Tower prison BL Su BL just means [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s literally what it means oh God so do they play csgo Rush B only use AK-47 oh God yes yes they

Do World of Tanks I used to play World of Tanks what are they saying who knows I need an energy collector do they wear track suits in Moscow hey bees well oh God you know quite a bit of our viewers are actually Russian though are they

Actually I thought it was a Indian and Australian well there’s Indian well lately it hasn’t been but um yeah Russian is like what I think it’s the third most ah okay okay for some reason the American stats don’t come up so it’s almost like whenever we’re live America

Majority no like America’s not even on the list which doesn’t make sense because I mean we still have like me and you are in America byy yeah he’s black so we also have Bri I’m pretty sure he’s American yeah he is yeah yeah so that I am not kidding

Do you love Russian vodka is pretty good but polish vodka my friend Bel he knows what’s up Beer’s track suits it’s so bad she 4 every Russian wife is a grizzly bear I was about to say I think every Russian wife could fight off a grizzly bear M it’s funny Russian

Wives usually dress like uh if they’re fancy they dress like hookers otherwise they dress like a like a [ __ ] 19 40s like Great Depression um person ah okay what he’s just trying to fit In a nuclear explosion uh it was a controlled leak that’s all it was nobody reads the Russian papers anymore all right I need like nine more diamonds glass and Redstone okay ooh you know what I’m just going to make another portal all right okay this is going to be the big one I

Can feel it oh puffer fish it’s three high right uh four across five high yeah so you could build like two then add two random blocks in the corners and then under the blossom trees how scandalous with the butterflies truly all right kid Paradise

I don’t want to hear it you say that you would what did you say yesterday don’t don’t even mention it that you would suck that yeah I would suck the [ __ ] out of Asia’s bu yeah shut the hell up just because I yeah but apparently apparently you

Guys wouldn’t do that so how can you call it love if you’re not trying to I don’t think love is the word for that that’s just just straight up OBS say Human Condition was not meant for that amount of obsession it says you loser whoa sleeping together already you’re not even mared you

Haven’t even we were just holding hands yeah in Minecraft John do you want to see the room the room yeah our bedroom oh that’s nice oh let me let me here let me get some berries here real quick oh it’s that a spider yeah I’d love to see a room

Sper I love it when hairy men are deceived by oil that is definitely talking about what we watch on porn or what is happening he’s talking about America invading other oh my Lord I like how red is red isn’t it cute yeah it’s a fire [Laughter] hazard lordy Lordy ah yes there go build a Time prison he doesn’t have the stand of the worlds my friend time is a prison I was thinking more Jos but that one to well I mean jordos doesn’t really stop time but oh well but the the whole golden experience reum I need more

Gravel or Like Flint I just need one Flint I have one Flint I need to make a flint and steel oh God I keep forgetting to download it I woke up too late to download it I’ll download it don’t you worry is that what tomorrow’s stream is

Going to be then I I don’t know are you getting it for PC are you getting it for PC it’s like four bucks Yi really actually yeah oh [ __ ] I mean it was it for PC go buy it real Qui quick make sure it’s sh I you want to play some PvZ

That’s literally just Plants versus Zombies OverWatch Garden Warfare yeah it’s Garden Warfare OverWatch it’s OverWatch CL uh let me look at it all right Nether Nether baby I need me some glowy Stone ah glow stone like it [ __ ] oh the pl vers zombies gotten Warfare 2 deluxe edition only not even four

Bucks yeah sure why not yippee real real gang [ __ ] Team Fortress 2 Outlet first OverWatch oh ow ow I guess so okay PornHub outlived the first OverWatch actually I mean oh you [ __ ] you’re not wrong oh [ __ ] oh wow I had a little boo Boo it’ll be all right it’ll be all right I’m going to terraform this Pond turn into terraform your butthole that’s on God you’re going to have to fight DWI over there for that privilege n she joining in we’re running a train mhm you hear that silence I don’t know how I feel about

Sharon sorry all right I’ll take every other weekend you can have them the rest of the time I don’t know how I feel about this you don’t have to feel anything you just have to lay there okay hello princess hello kitchen oh that’s not Diamond come want diamond give me

Diamond I’ll take this gold mining away I don’t know what I don’t know what I’m to mine all M it anyways today is my day to find some diamonds mine diamonds mine diamonds mine die oh [ __ ] oh God damn it than key don’t press it oh Okay stop touching me never heard John say that one before these [ __ ] Pigmen I think they can just grab my booty hole and eat away this is Asia’s ass um am I not reading chat I’m just a little preoccupied that’s all um needs the EA app so I can add him

But it’s late for me so I won’t be playing now we’ll probably be playing tomorrow the EA app it’s in the game that is that is that one yeah what that’s the one okay I don’t is that a App Store am I supposed to go to Microsoft store yes EA Sports

Um should one day should I buy blon’s Tower Defense six and then just play that because I have I have the mobile version I’m pretty sure if you really wanted a partner you the what the mobile version the mob mobile version for that game oh Plants versus Zombies for Balloon Tower Defense six

Oh no you can play it on your computer it’s free oh wait the sixth one really I’m pretty sure if not I’ll buy it for you I don’t or or we can do balloons battles or whatever it’s called oh yeah it something like that yeah download the EA app

I’m working on it aronas I’m working on it uh your games your friends Your Heroes I don’t know about that one but never played an EA game on sale in my life EA only has like the shitty [ __ ] games literally just yeah it’s on Steam yeah Bloon star defense is on Steam team

We’ll play it oh okay okay I think it downloaded it no oh all right I’ll make an account afterwards and I’ll I’ll aronis join the join the um Discord that way you can DM me and stuff and then that way be able to add you and stuff okay

Me if I merate this I believe yes that’s the one I need yeah I need to mate stuff I don’t have a mic I’ll send you all the NSFW oh hell yes for research purposes obviously research research purposes yeah just be like I got to end the stream

Now I forgot I can get rid of the rotten flesh I have as well no do you want blaze powder red uh I know you like the Alchemy stuff I do du comrade we eat potato yeah potato potato tomato potato gelato gelato gelato is just overpriced ice cream honestly oh

[ __ ] you left the game what happened it’s like now you can’t log in now I I um I [ __ ] well I mean that worked out in your favor I got sticky keys which automatically puts my [ __ ] to um the exit menu right you know the pause menu

Uhuh and then I I clicked uh disconnect on accident oh it’s z z is the button I should be pressing there we go is the Grass Grows yeah perfect so did you want the blaze powder red yes yes please okay I’ll keep it in my big chest there’s a spider and a

Blaze powder for you okay okay and then um did you ever find a Nether wart I know I never really asked I just got to the nether so okay yeah no that’s fine haven’t really gotten to much of anything really just just mining a couple things cuz I’m trying to get

Diamond blocks so I can get the energy collector and then we can start automating this condenser you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying yeah yeah you know what I’m saying yeah you know I see what you’re laying down I can tell when trying to lay some pipe on

You in Soviet Russia potato eat you you remember those [ __ ] me brail those are like old 2014 Memes and you know what I missed them you miss them miss them a lot I don’t I don’t miss them I yearn for them sadly YouTube chat I wish had a thing to copy the text so I could actually translate it yeah cuz it’s pretty irritating that you have to just

Like look at it like oh I I don’t know what he’s saying anymore it’s okay he’s here to spread Christmas cheer a jolly old fell mhm like adol maybe not that guy why not but um what’s wrong with him uh something about genocide and whatnot I don’t know I didn’t really

Know much about the guy I didn’t know him personally so how can you judge someone that you never met personally something about like war crimes atrocities who hasn’t Comm terrible facial hair America commits war crimes that’s true I never chose a spawn point Soldier your butt high risk High

Reward wash your wash your butt even if you’re lazy okay it’s cuz we’re stinky Americans apparently apparently that’s a fact oh yeah I mean sorry yeah oh I was supposed to make a bucket Yep this is a bucket oh dude H oh dude oh yes I saw dude I got

Diamonds hey nice oh I I ate off gas gas gas I DM I don’t mind maybe I don’t I don’t know oh oh you’re you’re not supposed to be here get the [ __ ] out of here a [ __ ] hellhound came through the portal oh that’s fun isn’t it all right I

Got get some gold dust oh yeah oh yes and one block of diamond there it is all right now I just need a [ __ ] of close sorry aronas I’m I’m mining away yep oh yeah see we like a Vernon likes a Vernon stinks of poopy uh that’s a weird thing to read out

John see now I’m either going to get insulted the short way oh wait red red suck we we the short way yeah red why would you suck we we the short way ever seen Fooda Luna oh Lord things are getting hot and heavy in the chat I can say sadly I have

Not all right I’m moving the [ __ ] Mercator up here it’s kind of annoying run all the way up the stairs then run all the way back Down what are your thoughts on Fooda red um yo what up Anthony I was about to say um not into it no no well you’re going to hate my Christmas present oh I found every Fooda game on on Steam and I I purchased them all for you all of them every single

One damn this might there might be only just one I’d play oh actually no make that two FNAF one or the OverWatch one anything else can [ __ ] off no League of Legends Fooda for you I don’t even understand League of Legends risk of rain no risk of rain Fooda no

Artif um yeah I’m I’m good on the artificer my right now order a Luna body pillow um do they have those I mean they have to but they have body pillows of of well it’s not safe at work I’m assuming and depends on whether you’re not getting like the ones that like have

The nude side or if it’s just you know oh they have NSFW ones yeah why is this so cheap cuz it’s just a case it’s not a doll it’s just a pillowcase now if you’re trying to get a doll or a suit that’s going to cost real

Money the fact that you’re like debating whether or not to get it or not no I’m not getting it it’s just oh my very interesting um roxand wolf body pillow oh right no way I’m going to be able to sleep on my bed anymore how am I supposed to

Sleep how’s it going how’s it Going I’m just going to call you 2 Pro yeah I’m just G to call him Pro but how’s it going dude or gal I don’t rockand wolf is steamy AF that I have SE well I have you C on John no Oh well we never claimed to be a familyfriendly stre quick put up NSFW images no this isn’t twitch there’s no no no no twitch immediately like put that like [ __ ] there’s no fictional titties on the screen here goodbye everybody thank you for coming in man um I don’t know how to read your

Name but thank you got to call him Pine oh uh what Pine is this Bedrock Edition no this is uh Java because we’re uh PC and then uh we are also playing Tekken 2 mods yeah t it take it take it two oh did I say

Tekken you said Tekken yeah I mean I like Tekken but he meant to say Tech it yeah yeah sadly I couldn’t figure out how to put the sex mods on here so you guys will just I asked you one simple thing and you’re telling me you couldn’t figure it out I couldn’t figure

It out no I think I got distracted oh too much yeah it was too much first try let’s go what was first try you best friends oh doggy yeah little doggo I miss BBA out of BBA out meta oh yeah Ender Dragon is a thing look it up right

I oh okay well the the The Meta was um I don’t want this on my computer man streamers uh do you care do you want me to share yes share share please so apparently like there’s like once they added that you know that rule that you know under

Artistic artistic I’m artistic you could um you know like show nudity or whatever right and so Dragon I think the main like goal was like to have artists just have like more free reign with what they draw why is the first thing that come up the first

Website when I type in food to Ender Dragon is thatpervert.com I mean sounds right to me but basically yeah know um IR IRL streamers or just chatting streamers would um literally wear nothing but it would have the camera cropped just above you know their cleavage and um twitch

Immediately revoked that [ __ ] in like in less than two days aronis the fact that you know of this or maybe you just search this now why is there a Minecraft gardav war [ __ ] when I scroll down what you know you have to search it yourself Fred know

What I’m I’m good buddy I I’ll leave that for you they still allow twerking oh thank thank God nobody nobody wants to sleep oh I’m sorry I mean I can go to bed right now thanks man I’ll do it for you I mean I could clear my browser search but

Um I’d rather just not go through the hassle Incognito tabs right there thanks man took forever it’s pretty much daylight but we did it yeah Anthony sent me a snaply on his TV right now I got a bow I Got a Boner oh and three arrows show me your search history

Um Let me let me just go in here real quick how do you go to your searches oh here honestly a lot of it’s going to be pretty tamed to be honest yeah I mean who who actually looks up you know the naughty stuff on their just regular browser instead of

You know through an incognito tab I mean that to be the question uh have no fear yeah pretty much just do you have that uh the the converter yet no no yes is it yes or no maybe I’m just asking yeah it’s my it’s in my room

Oh there’s a [ __ ] ton of diamonds also I like what you did with your place it looks like a temple now yeah I was going for like a a a a mosque kind of thing oh what it’s best you don’t understand well how’s everybody else’s day going huh searching up all the fun

Photos did you see what Hamas Hamas like with an age Hamas I said mosque oh like a obviously I’m I’m deaf well you’re either deaf or stupid can you build a cow Farm um well then I’d have def fence in your mom nerd better apologize to that guy right

[ __ ] now and to my mom that you’ve been sleeping with No oh wait I missed your rose uh why do you have the uh the mustache of a Mexican villain who owns a used car dealership on the side cuz I do I am that that bro just ignores me I don’t mean to ignore you I’m just not used to a very active

Chat that is that is true we are still pretty small honestly you know what I’m even smaller in the bedroom um it shrinks I was going to say oh can I can I show my thoughts now I was just trying to say you know I’m going to just be quiet speak your mind

It is an open space child I was just trying to say like have like some [ __ ] like program that can read out chat but uh I feel like that’d be kind of a headache even try to what to have like a bot yeah I mean I can get like Ramer and

Stuff but I don’t know how to set that [ __ ] up yeah know plus like for each and every single chat no feel like did I get it oh I’m so [ __ ] dead well I got the pig the pig gang bang a chicken farm party a mandingo

Party I will build farms yes he doesn’t know culture it’s facts can you make a mob trap please there’s a lot of requests to build yeah mob trap a parrot Farm I don’t think this mod pack has parrots or maybe it does I I forget I’ve never seen

One you’ve never been to the Jungle um no I don’t well yes I have but I don’t think there were any thingies probably not I want to say probably no I don’t think there are honestly one night um you got to like enil creative and just like build whatever the [ __ ] they

Want if that’s even like an option um one for one of the JFK car actually that you can make a stone cutter and actually like like have like tiny little like you could you could in detail probably make a one for one the JFK car and of his

Head uh I believe his was was was black right huh the car he was in see uh yeah yeah it was like um I can do that I believe in each other but one one for one is is going to be a bit um interesting I think three three would be

Perfect it was a convertible cuz JFK wanted to feel the breeze on his head hey John yeah I’m just letting you know I’m pretty sure dwi’s asleep oh actually yeah genuinely okay is this server public um it is not no um right and then what should I use for the

Wheels uh I have no idea um got to give my dog some um some raw flesh one two three four um I’m going to do these but just pretend these are these are tires okay H Slow should I do you want me to come over and see what you’ve done I think I built it too low just give me like two to five hours um is this um telling me you can’t make a onetoone recreation of the I built it with obsidian too

So that’s going to be fun probably not um you couldn’t just dye some wool black you know that would require what I’ve got plenty um I could have done coal blocks I could have oh yeah I could have done it with a lot of things there are there were many

Options that you just completely it’s a low rider it’s okay bumpers are just going to be scraping just know I we’re just going to ignore this thing right we’re GNA beep all right there there we go there we go that’s enough all right okay I’m going to build it right over right over

Here there we go that that that that’ll seem better yeah right I’m uh it was a longer car his wife he actually fall asleep I’m like 90% sure at at the desk I I guess so yeah she sent me a snap saying that she was so sleepy but that was like

Basically almost half an hour ago as long as she’s can’t sleep I guess I need seats um yeah could you could you take a nap this a small one a quick one just until the day break downs oh you’re asking me yeah oh thank you no thank you man um it’s Jes Key’s

Car and then I need some wood look it’ll be just like I’m sitting in a car with JFK oh [ __ ] me oh God damn it there we go wait did I get more I need more obsidian too did I use all of it of course I did it be like that

Sometimes don’t touch me God damn it you [ __ ] just hitting them with all right thing is huge just like the good old days it is couldn’t be me dude it is still making [ __ ] glass um let’s put one in there all right that’s that’s the um uh thought this through

All right boom all right MH boom boom all right okay what you’re doing all right and then uh there’s only only one thing to make it complete though and that is the man himself shittiest [ __ ] car you’ve ever seen look at Red you want to you want to see my beautiful creation

Yeah yeah just give me a second one why are you taking so long I’m uh I’m trying to be sweet like sugar you’re trying to be sweet like sugar yeah I’d get shot on that thing Jesus Christ God um I guess I guess technically I need a couple more seats right

Mhm boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop there we go just going to come on yeah there we go scooch it over here oh oh [ __ ] there we go there we go that looks pretty damn good right mhm now you don’t even know what I’m talking

About I’m look I’m looking at the stream I’m a little behind but I like what you’re doing oh no it’s done that’s uh that’s it that’s uh there’s JFK’s car I’m not building the theater that Lincoln got shot in though that that’s too much that it’s too close to home what way

What um it’s just too much to bear he really was just a natural National Treasure it’s got to be an easier way to get from you know my SL our M house York house we should have uh a mine system oh no last time I made a 911 reference

Uh I do remember that that was pretty fun remember that also where are you John the nether you’re back in the nether already room for one more um no no in in the car yeah just yeah just don’t don’t make a mess you already you already made one all

Right JFK getting his head blown off in the in the back seat is a reason why you can’t eat in the car anymore reason why it’s why your parents are so worried they’re like you’re going to make a mess cuz of JFK and then getting blown

In the back of the car I don’t understand what oral has to do with anything trying to get you blown the back seat of your car oh you like it do you like that car it’s uh it’s something it looks like a duck that was in an oil so

Bad is this your mind no wait I’m supposed to go like this that’s right I can use my brain it’s a treat surprisingly well that’s why we can’t have the light on uh it all makes sense now it all it’s all coming together what dad things will happen

When you turn the light on in the back seat all right I need a furnace uhhuh one of them German things and then that’s why we get oh yeah uh I’ll be right back I’m just going to grab a phone charger my phone’s about to die okay

Key he’s actually going to watch porn that’s what he’s that’s what he’s doing right now he’s just too too ashamed to say it out loud but I I know the truth who doesn’t like a little porn right okay and then I believe it’s another furnace this basically the same thing but with Obsidian and I’m back what is it called um Mama’s house a relay that’s what it is your mom’s house how about that stupid hoe relay you’re going to go and do an UNO reverse really mhm damn yep my mom sleeps in the house man it’s not right no I

Well she wasn’t getting a lot of sleep last night say that much oh you’re too busy playing and you were too busy trying to figure out how to do the Minecraft server yeah stupid [ __ ] thing I even make glowstone I guess okay we’re going to put dirt put dirt

This thing needs some sun yeah there we go there we go that’s more like it oh you have a little uh oh he has a saber go oh you dropped some uh some stuff for me if you ever need help with server stuff you can hit me up I run a lot of

Servers off my pc oh for sure I got this one from bisect hosing but FIA I even got a Discord too it’s in the description it’s pretty tight lots of memes oh yeah one day I’m going to get in trouble for all of the things I have on my phone one

Day the memes that really aren’t memes love waking up in the wall taking damage for real even if you put your bed far away from it you still take damage it’s actually dumb as [ __ ] dum dum I want C418 to make Clash Royale music I feel like that’s what the world’s been missing

You know what maybe it all went downhill since harambe died see it’s never been quite the same filthy Frank hasn’t been the same but now with Plum court records the world is healing that JFK C is going to stay there all that free obsidian just BL I mean it costs like what

64 it’s not like it’s whoa you know what kind of porn do you watch Red um that’s maybe not talk about that why not I don’t know I feel like that’s something that you should keep to yourself you know is it man up to the person I guess well how

About you just say warmer all right when I get close all right mils um all right that’s yes all right okay uh uh four yeah colder all right so that’s a yes um uh uh um um cream pies yeah no pretty warm hey all right okay okay um uh step

Sister no okay so that’s colder yeah h i I genuinely have no idea why people are obsessed with that sub genre I don’t know why it’s all over I think it’s pretty funny cuz it’s like it’s always shitty it’s always like a shitty [ __ ] story stop leave me alone

Step oh no Pigman I’m Stuck inflation oh yeah you like like conflation very very very cold like frigid I am I I have frostbite because of how cold that [ __ ] is honestly disgusts me not going to lie okay that doesn’t leave you licking your lips all right um cat girls yeah it’s mesh uh low

Py you might as well just put me in the oven all right chat Let’s uh let’s watch the replay shall we let’s watch that in slow motion Okay hasn’t happened yet on stream hold on oh is it is it going to be here oh yep damn that is just unfortunate and that’s unrecoverable that’s all gone well at least I have another repair Talisman saved that’s great what happened to all like did you have a diamond pick on you

Like of course I did of course I did it’s it’s okay you know that’s fine that’s fine so back to porn yeah yeah yeah so so back on that topic uh Minecraft porn you know yes do you like Minecraft porn what about animated porn what do you mean by

Animated like like are we talking about haai or like what do you mean like 3D models or like like uh like OverWatch when it’s not fut sure yeah I’m not like I hate that you spens the Stars aligned for that death for real I tried to even move out the

Way for it but no there’s no escaping no uh hen time um occasion yeah sure respect and by I’m not like these are not like in my search Key Bar like what literally I like I whatever you say buddy whatever you say whatever you say we all go places all right you

Don’t have to you know you don’t have to defend yourself here [ __ ] I I casted a little too early or no reeled I reeled too early what about you John yes just anything just all of it all of it just yes even um this as long

As it’s not as long as it’s not [ __ ] children so decapitation yeah I’m hard already you sir are down bad you should be hit with the with the the [ __ ] horny jail stick Bonk you don’t watch it or read it understandable no he said I don’t watch

It I read it ah learn to read it’s hard I’m hard I hard I’m red you’re red like the color I’m ready to to I’m ready to um just not be here in Minecraft said on alive in Minecraft this thing’s going it’s it’s a ways away all

Right slowly I mean wait we still have like one extra Diamond left no just use the EMC we don’t we don’t we only have uh 31 diamonds yeah oh well that’s good all right I got to make more bronze dust bronze dust and then some

Coal okay I’m going to be heading to bed thanks for tuning in Anthony means a lot yeah thanks man see run some more for more shenanigans thank you for the gfk anytime if I won’t do it who will it’s night time you know what that means fortnite ah yes my boy is

Sleeping I’ve hurt you are you sleeping oh good prove it what you wanted me to do wait I got I think your ceiling’s too low or something it’s really not I haven’t taken I haven’t taken any damage recently from must be [ __ ] nice must be [ __ ] nice no yawning Release Me release me

No got to think about how heavy this [ __ ] must be is there even chain mail anymore there is right um I don’t know if you can craft it yourself but I think yeah it’s still in this game five six seven eight nine and I had all the glass on me too

So now I have to recook That don’t you just love it yeah the Dy just forget to log out of her computer I think she just genuinely like probably just lean back or forward closed her eyes and now she’s just knocked out snapping it’d be like that sometimes though no yeah I feel her oh you feel her

Oh oh honestly I wish I wish I could but um that’s why you lick your phone screen God oh I haven’t received any photos recently so um oh actually no that’s a that’s a lie see take think she she uploads all the time yeah I completely forgot about the

I was in a public place come to my head and Ikea oh you couldn’t do it public I didn’t know the method I’m still working on that the formula dude did I have all the glowstone on me you might have well words cannot describe the anguish that I feel Release

Me release me all right I’ll just use glass I don’t give a [ __ ] you just glance to get up to the glowstone and boom boom boom right boom bip boom bip bow see there’s some oh look at you anything you’re excited for for like anything coming up that you’re just like

Man I can’t wait um uh not particularly okay like not even Christmas um well considering my parents are getting divorced not really we already opened up our Christmas presents and such So all right I feel guess making cookies tomorrow I guess hey that’s something looking like that’s something to look for he going to cook those for Asia while she’s at work hey look at you probably make pesto oh yeah been a minute since I’ve made that stuff so you do make a mean

Past mean mean p okay I need to put this in the oh [ __ ] I had all the a damn forgot my food was also in my hands how could I how could I forget that Um turn I got steaks I guess I need six six what glow stone thingies there’s five five I’m going to leave one in here mhm so I don’t do what I did last time ah okay okay and then you got to go back no I’ll just wait for the EMC to go up

And then cuz it’s I I got to makeing glowstone right now so stop yawning I’m sorry bro and Minecraft is relaxing honestly if there was a video out there that played nothing but M Ence of people people building for like hours they literally build a whole thing and

They leave all the sounds in there I’m just saying that [ __ ] would probably knock me out in less than 30 minutes no melon tone and gummy required I sleep like [ __ ] whenever I’m in my bed but then whenever I’m with Asia I sleep so [ __ ] nicely see I wish I could do

That now with Asia of course I mean with you know obviously obviously that goes well without saying yeah yeah yeah yeah Do you like my sword sword sword my diamond sword sword you cannot afford afford my diamond sword sword sword sword welcome back I did not mean to fall asleep that is a okay that’s okay it be like that sometimes you at least have a good little nap yeah that’s all that

Matters honestly you didn’t miss much I was just trying to figure out Red’s favorite type of porn which did you get an answer I got a couple so you might want to watch the stream you know I suggest using a notepad I haven’t had the balls to ask him that yet John

Oh well see I I would for real for real he likes cream pies and oh my God OverWatch porn obvious I do not no all right well that’s not what you said a couple minutes ago so know you asked me if I liked like animated [ __ ] I

Was like I mean like what you well I asked like what did you mean like that yeah but then you OverWatch is fine League of Legends wasn’t you said I said yeah I said it was fine it’s not like what I’m actively looking for whatever you say

Buddy whatever you say I got to find out what he’s actively looking for trust me it’s it’s nothing crazy he has a breeding Kink I’m pretty sure why do have a puffer fish oh because uh uh I think you accidentally snatched it from me when we uh oh here you go yeah

Yeah it’s it’s okay but did you see what I did with the pond oh thank you I I I changed the signs oh yeah did you like the signs so cute yeah and then I Chang heart yeah okay Red’s kind of crafty I’m just saying my love for fishing is

Unmatched it’s all you spent doing the last [ __ ] time my man was working on Alchemy just to further his [ __ ] gains as a [ __ ] fisherman sometimes do I did you need armor this isweet I got more bronze cooking I like 18 bronze ingots in my chest oh yeah mhm sleepy

Time did it it do be time to sleep it do I have work in the morning oh what the [ __ ] are you doing up then I slept that ases I’ll be fine sure but like come on oh I didn’t see this one oh see I I had contingencies

Depending on which ones you were going to go to I uh I died in lava earlier and I lost everything yeah it was tragic you lost a diamond pickaxe and everything it happens to the best of us dude there was if you watch the stream like that was actually like

Yeah no gen the shitty way to talk oh and then he also had a like a mini side quest to build a um a onetoone model oh yeah you’ll want to come by my base and check it out here wait I I want to actually see your

Reaction I think I did a pretty damn good job wait what am I looking at come over to my my [ __ ] Shack and then go right right behind it I I’ll wait for you here it’s I I think I did a pretty good job what is it it looks awful it’s JFK’s

Car and if you look in the it looks like Perry the Platypus damn okay well you know what Everyone’s a Critic is handsome sorry yeah you see okay right and there’s that’s that’s Kennedy seat although the the boats are kind of face backwards but um how do I get out uh shift

Yeah uhoh I lost a boat I’m just trying to rearrange the boats yeah put them in the r there we go pretty damn good right oh oh come here often all right not in my back seat not on top of jnf Kennedy’s blood I was about to say yeah know it’s

Basically the scene from Titanic Oh so believe me blood gets sticky so Stop shooting at me dude I [ __ ] hate these gas shits they it doesn’t work trying to deflect it doesn’t work oh there’s two [ __ ] gests go [ __ ] yourself [ __ ] You I’m going to fight this dude bro I no what the [ __ ] I [ __ ] you’re not having good luck tonight oh my God it’s it keeps going over and like just dropping me it explodes and then you drop John can I just say the the stream quality my guy it’s [ __ ]

CL is it or is that a joke no no I’m being serious like it’s like it looks really [ __ ] smooth kind of I’m actually like highkey jealous it’s even smoother when I’m not streaming hey it’s pretty nice all that Ram baby and I bet you half that [ __ ] went in the [ __ ]

Lava I didn’t even do anything what did I do to you I did nothing you existed stop you oh my god dude what the [ __ ] I literally dropped down and then they started beating my ass you started eating your ass lost all my [ __ ] again apparently I didn’t even get to say the

N word oh oh well good thing that they didn’t give you the chance oh man now I got to build everything again and I got to cut more more I have to cut more trees down I had sticks everything it’s so [ __ ] dumb I literally didn’t even do anything

And like all of them went aggro for no reason they just sayte brown people I guess don’t be brown be black Oh livep by I’ll remember that next time I know I’m something of a genius I’m I’m some scientist myself what else do I need I need no I’m literally just trying to go there to get EMC and I keep [ __ ] dying need uh I need sheep you see there’s chickens there’s a wolf ah sheep I see it over there on the mini map got I should probably kill all these chickens actually

All right then if I mate the wool I get string mhm easy do uh oh there was string it was down here all right now I got the tampon back yay tampon by the way did you um do we need silicone ever or not well if you want to

Go to space and such then but you don’t really if you don’t want to then prob the end stream here oh yeah get a tight two hours in the sleeper of streaming huh of what are you referring to the tight two hours of of of IRL

Sleep okay because I work in the morning yeah yeah I was just M confirming yeah pretty sure there’s a creeper like right outside my house your doors are closed though yeah yep and no worries well the moment I leave my house I’m going to be greeted by a Hamas

Soldier where the hell did you read that unless that was just all you that was just all me oh that’s your to someone else no no no no I I thought someone wrote wrote that in chat I was like what the [ __ ] no just out of nowhere you know that’s just

Telling don’t worry John I’ll be asleep soon how long were you asleep wifey I have no idea okay because there was a while where you just 40 minutes or something that sounds r that sounds rare oh you found my M shaft so she found your shaft oh she’s mining mining away I

Don’t know what what to Mine I’ll M this anyway anyway today the day I’m going to find diamonds I did find you some diamonds there red what if somebody could sleep that’ be very much appr I’m I’m trying in the ground yeah don’t worry John I got this just

Want to be it to be daytime so I can do an outro okay did you want to see the I’m calling it lovers Pond your lovers Pond yeah you can actually see it pretty clearly on the map love love puddles um yeah yeah let’s call it that

Okay oh there’s a butterfly in the house I’ll see your little love puddle wow oh wow are you impressed the [ __ ] you [ __ ] little [ __ ] leave me alone you little [ __ ] [ __ ] there’s too much grass this is the closest thing we can do so sad oh well luckily everything’s okay I was keeping

That oh I can put it back don’t worry Stupid Creeper yeah he creeping up on us we had our moment he was there’s so [ __ ] many of them holy [ __ ] all right your little love crevice or whatever you just said is this your love pudle no no no no oh my

God it’s uh over here oh [ __ ] stamina oh that’s nice this’s a bit of string here too very nice very nice uh well thank you guys guys for watching um okay all right well I’m going to go over here now thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed this uh

Leave a like subscribe join our Discord um yeah have a good night have a good night byebye Sean’s just like let me go this way yep going to my room God got to convince Asia to join us

This video, titled ‘A Whole New Server!!! ◆ Minecraft: Tekkit 2’, was uploaded by Avernon on 2023-12-23 01:13:14. It has garnered 113 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:44 or 10304 seconds.

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    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos ■Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 ■instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More