EPIC Minecraft tour with Kyo on EN server!!!

Video Information

Oh So Hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello everyone hello look at look yo hi how are we today how are we doing today hey boss hey luca hi hello kill’s huge i know i know currently he’s talking his chat so again i hope you’re doing well guys i’m

Going to be a tour guide today isn’t that crazy the last time we were a tour guide for today i started out last time we were tour guide it was uh for me a senpai me a bestie me a bestie so i think he’s gonna i think he’s

Actually gonna join and he’s gonna be right in here guys me tour guide me me me me listen i i won’t i won’t fail you guys okay listen you know we’re gonna first what we’re gonna do first okay it’s oh god stop we’re gonna try and

We’re gonna try and show him like this side first then disney last okay isn’t he already out of there i believe the last time he actually left was right on this block right on that block chat yeah how are we today i hope you’re doing well um i’m actually

I’m doing all right you know i i wake up quite late today actually so wow i fell asleep so wait how tall wait hold on how tall is the kill again is that accurate did i sleep well yeah i did i think i think i think it did wait here’s 160. wait really

So guys you know i’m not i’m not high changing okay i’m just i’m just surprised you go to store but you know what when i was in a call with uh hugo yugo was asking literally every luna member i’m like oh what’s your height what’s your eye are

You shorter than me are you taller than me we finally figured out that kyo was 160 he was so happy wait where is he fog you oh whoops let me put it up there there we go oh yeah let’s make him a little more tinier there we go i think that’s i think

That’s a good height i’m gonna lie i think that’s perfect shall we what’s high i think hugo is 168. so he’s really happy when he found out that you killed smaller than him where is he where is he hello hi hello where are you man where are you

Hello hello welcome to en server hello hello hello hello hello i don’t don’t act like i didn’t see you making me all big what do you mean are you checking my stream apple you were talking to your chat mmm yeah you made me short you made me

[ __ ] short no no you should check again oh okay what wait wow what the hell oh i’m like miniature i am i am not even alive i’m so short bro i got you i got you don’t die i can’t have you dying last night i’m tabbed out right now please don’t kill me

Oh don’t worry don’t worry i got you oh you just need to sleep well give me a second so you haven’t really explored yet right no i joined to say to tell ryan he was jacking up with um you know a demon and then i kind of did okay all righty

I’m ready for my actually we’re gonna make you a little bigger my my luca kaneshiro the evil mafia boss of luxium’s fourth wave oh wait fourth wave lexium i’m ready miss good sir you’re ready wait how tall are you again i don’t want to talk about it

No you don’t have to stop i don’t i don’t want to talk about it no i’ll make you bigger than you actually i don’t don’t worry about it i’m 160 centimeters yeah perfect perfect height just like this yeah oh no [Laughter] oh no all right let’s go find a bed okay

And i’m going to show you listen the world oh over here there’ll be a kill have you played minecraft before yeah yeah i’ve played minecraft before you made it sound like i’ve never played i played minecraft okay like my twitter tweet my tweet was like minecraft noob yeah yeah

Thanks for that everybody replies like oh my god minecraft noob la mao like bro okay whoops i’ve never played minecraft teach me yes what is this block right here can you tell me i’m the exact uh number block it is and how many pixels by pixels it is that’s your success plug

Oh i’ll stand right here you’re not now no no no no i’m not i’m not it actually shows you it shows you you’re gonna be looking glass you’re gonna break the yeah i [ __ ] you were gonna do that and i still [ __ ] stood on him bro that is so dumb

Hold on we need to cover this up hold on i’ll grab i’ll grab glass later on okay all right sorry about it why am i still on fire oh you’re still on fire why on my screen i’m still on fight you look fine to me i’m still on fire

All right okay you know you know what before we when we get started you know i’m gonna give you honestly just kill me again just do it with the sword i need this fire [ __ ] to go away it’s so annoying put me out of my misery all right jump back in no

I’m going to be on fire again slam me like a noble knight oh hitting one trick shots oh okay okay again one more time one more time no scope i’m still on fire wait yes rejoin rejoin oh yeah annoying so you have played minecraft then yeah yeah okay you know

Let me know what do you know about minecraft well like what do you want to know that i know what do you know that i don’t know nothing you know more than me for sure well did you know that if you actually did you know if you

Put a block on top of your head and you jump on ice you run faster no okay all right i feel like you’re basically a noob then okay uh it’s fine kyo i used to do listen i’ll have you know okay three years ago i used to be a

Master with those command blocks i used to do some crazy stuff you know what perfect but then they updated the game a lot and i forgot everything well i think well they they’ve had they’ve had the ice block thing for a while okay okay okay you know what there you go

You got 21 free chicken thanks for the chicken bro all right well do you want to get started then yeah hold on i just gotta i just gotta enjoy what’s in front of me ah the hell was that like ah don’t let me [ __ ] eat it because you’re not hungry

Oh you literally can’t eat it if your hp isn’t full yeah your food is your food is full yeah there’s no shot that’s how it works yes it’s real i’m actually dumb i i know nothing about minecraft i think everything i said back i think everything like i don’t know how to play

This game okay that’s good that’s good you know what it’s fine okay i’m not i’m not set around any of those blocks you know it’s okay you actually you know you ask the perfect person to actually take you around mm-hmm i expect my death count to be uh in the

Double digits by the end of this then mine’s a triple i checked you checked where’d you go like minecraftstats.com oh no no if you if you press escape statistics it’s actually the number of deaths two hundred and i do that on chamois leak i don’t know i’m not going to

Minecraft it’ll be fine statistics animals bred zero deaths hold up hold up that’s about to change today go that’s about to change today deaths will be at 10 yes honestly i could look through this but i just don’t feel like scrolling so i’m just going to assume it’s at two let’s get it

Okay first of all let’s begin this is pumiversal you know pomus um i guess theme park let’s just say it’s her place of like building stuff uh-huh this is basically it right over here is a parkour you know are you familiar with minecraft parkour okay yes i’m not that much on minecraft

Now am i good at minecraft parkour hell no but do i know what it is yeah okay well you gonna you’re gonna try this okay so basically as soon as you step on this pressure plate uh-huh the iron nuggets inside this barrel will start going down and going into this barrel here meaning

Every nugget is a second so you have to do it as fast as you can okay what happens if i fall well you suck [Laughter] let me just let me just yo how do you run in this game again i thought you were a minecraft pro kill i uh

Listen when i say i was a pro i was just good at building stuff okay everything else i knew nothing about okay creative mode i go hard you know okay i understand uh double w or control w there you go oh okay i don’t know about the control w

Well i got to the first blog this time there’s there’s some improvement not bad not bad at all not bad at all hold on hold on let me restart this okay i go okay i’m determined i will i will i will be the the minecraft pro [Laughter] all right you know what

There was some improvement yeah i mean you almost made it to the second block yeah i lost it yeah you want to see how real pro does it yeah i was about to say i want to see you do this because if you’re talking all this smacking you fall i’m going to

Make fun of you watch this wait why is it so fast oh oh my god oh my god oh my god crazy oh ooh ellen oh i made no way oh oh i’m real pro oh yeah i lagged i lagged i lagged you uh-huh well how many i was lagged

How many lists of excuses you’re gonna give me next time huh well you know what i don’t i don’t have to make an excuse look it’s right there look at score 33 seconds [Laughter] all right well there you go the the parkour cause pomo made yes

Yes i have another reason to have beef opponent after that but you have beef with tomah what happened no no we just killed each other in the forest a couple times nothing nothing nothing slight we’re good mutual deaths good job good job good job she blew up your house i mean

What was that i said she blew up your boathouse i mean you know oh yeah well that happens all the time i’m used to that yeah yeah so it’s all good it’s all good but over here we have the chicken sons i don’t know why they call it this

But these are scary looking yeah it’s the newest mob added to a minecraft 1.19 actually oh my god i don’t know 1.19 yes um did you update your shader packs yet oh it took quite a while quite a while quite a while but i i do

I finally figure i know how to install my shaders it’s like i don’t know how are you actually using it right now no i i tried to i tried to like i was trying to install comments or shaders i got it to work for 1.18 and then they updated minecraft

They have 1.19 though what are you talking about okay you got to send me a link to that because i cannot find it i cannot find it right i’ll give you that like later on okay so over here oh i almost forgot this was the the notorious tree farm that actually

Let me tell you the story okay back in the olden days of the en server back during the stone age the stone age had iron no one had diamonds uh-huh a goddess among goddesses came by called salaam tatsuki and made this contraption called the infinite wood maker okay but

But i don’t know what happened i don’t know what happened it’s broken oh no who broke it chad who did break it you know who did it so someone had to break it i remember i was watching finance try to use it and she was like screaming because stuff was blowing up wait

Oh pumbaa broke what the [ __ ] but yeah there it is this is the because this is broken you know we actually have to cut wood and it kind of sucks wow kind of sucks now so you’re gonna have to do that we don’t have free wood for you so if you’re

Gonna build your house you’re gonna have to cut it yourself not chopping wood yeah sorry but that’s how it works i thought i was gonna get hard carry that’s crazy no yo no no carry no no carry right over here is the slime farm the elira brogue i don’t know if they fixed

It yet are you okay listen that’s my push push the mute button and i honestly should have picked a different [ __ ] key why don’t you just use your my uh your mouse you know i have like mouse buttons i do i guess that’s smart yeah that’s better yeah

Yeah so over here is actually the slime uh farm i don’t know if it’s oh sh um yeah yeah if you need like slimes and stuff a leash yeah just use this foam you know you’ll be good you’ll be good okay all righty all right let’s go back up you are a noob

The chat’s calling you a noob yo i mean yeah they’re not wrong all right come on come on come on listen i was trying to front and act like i knew what i was doing okay but she you immediately out of me come on wait what is that covered there’s a beacon now

Oh yeah i think i saw pomo posted on twitter that you may notice oh i didn’t even see that what the hell yeah oh it gives a speed okay that’s cool it’s cool it’s cool hogmu oh that’s why we have the speed mode i was wondering yeah it’s because of this alrighty

So over here we have uh celen’s food machines so if you ever go hungry you just go here there’s this chicken there over here there’s beef no so we’ll never we’ll never be hungry okay that’s not that she she saved us she saved us yeah celine salam must be

Like a god in minecraft yeah she spent all her time literally making farms all the time yeah all right so these are my pets you guys actually get them you got some creepy looking pets what do you mean they’re cute look you can ride them ah yeah they’re they’re so cute

You can ride them yeah how do you ride them i’m gonna die oh oh my god yeah hey just just uh just right click this guy controls inverted you know i don’t get off [Laughter] you stuck that kill and all right tell me how to get offer i kill your pet

Tell me how to get off our camera just uh just press shift [Laughter] i deserved that one i’m not gonna lie bro i didn’t like [ __ ] again i didn’t lie to you you need to stop killing me you need to stop killing me lava what do you think of the the server sofa

Huh um very you guys are some cracked minecraft gamers oh what makes you say that well celine’s a crack minecraft gamer what about me i’m pretty yeah i saw your elevator straight but that’s broken now though why does everything break i don’t know alvin broke it again over here is another farm okay

Is this where the villagers are yeah so this is where the villages are you know if you ever need to enchant your stuff you can’t roll the right rolls in the enchanted table just go to these guys they’ll they’ll have the books for you yes only for 30 emeralds real

Oh my gosh 30 emeralds how many installments of 30 emeralds plus shipping and handling no no no plus a book now let’s book yeah that’s only okay okay so i gotta pay the shipping and handling i’m sorry i mean yeah you know if like like for example over here oops

You know if you want to buy this looting three book right there you have to give me uh 10 emeralds i see you see it yes so that’s uh that’s that’s the tax because they call me uh they call me them i’m the mayor of the town

Oh you are yeah so i need i need my taxes i need my my diamonds hmm you know what i mean well i regret to inform you i’m not actually you know legally a citizen here so you have no jurisdiction to tax me at the moment but

You know maybe when i actually settle down you know you can start enforcing the property tax and then you know what you know what take that okay i know now place it but i don’t want to be taxed i don’t i don’t want to be taxed you know i’m

Trying to oh but i’m showing you what it’s like though i’m showing you what the the block looks like oh there you go now you are legally a citizen of the en server because why you you place a vlogger your personal block your property killer [Laughter] listen listen listen listen listen i’m

Terminating my my citizenship in uh en and i’m i’m transferring to world thank you sorry uh you have to come to the court for that oh no not the court we’re gonna okay over here if you wanna have some easy levels you just kill these guys they come in every single time

Yeah okay all right now take i see some of these all right let’s go back up oh over here is the another hog yeah but we’ll check that out later on let’s go back up you canceled membership moira you canceled membership what do you mean of being i um

I thought you said i had to go through the course for that so now you’re saying i canceled it well you’re trying to so you have to go to court okay okay so over here if you’re ever trying to make a wool house for some reason a house made of wool

Rio pandora has made a uh a wool farm of actually every single block there is in minecraft oh my gosh whoa that’s crazy so again if you if you want to if you want to use the wall again ten emeralds one diamond you gotta give it to me okay

I will make sure to leave it in your um your your your chest all right good good good wait my chest yeah what chest are you talking about i mean it’s pretty big i probably stick it in between there you know oh oh my chest yeah the chest

Are you saying my chest is big yeah you have a lot of stuff in it okay kyo what do you mean what do you mean i have a lot of stuff huh i mean you know you got a lot of uh a lot of assets in your chest at your disposal

Well yeah look i have a necklace i tattoos i mean you’re kind of right yeah um i don’t i don’t know what you’re talking about i was talking about like you know you have like like items in there like you know diamonds and stuff i don’t i don’t know

I don’t know what this perverted stuff you’re trying to pull on me is luca i don’t appreciate that [Laughter] i don’t know so funny like you you were talking about you talking about booba i was talking about you know like the wooden chest you know you put stuff

In between you know the the two planks of wood hey look at this chest eyes are pink yo what the hell there’s a chest right there all righty okay let’s see not everyone can get this up and close with uh the the luca kind of sharing i

Just i had to you know use it to use it to my advantage when i still had it you know but i thought you were talking about the wooden chest i was but you you talked about the other one so i’m just letting you know you know i appreciate both yeah hentai um

Um now i’m gonna drown now really i appreciate it really appreciate the uh the effort um i already got to deal with astr’s girl voice and i gotta deal with yours you know i’m just press shift to go up oh do i not lose press shift to

Go oh i know how to grow up i was actually trying to die but it was taking too long so you’re going to be stuck with me for a long time don’t worry again i’ll kill you later on don’t worry about it okay yeah thank you so consider it

So this goes up to pumu’s house homer’s left get killed that’s so cool that’s so cool you think so oh [ __ ] i wasn’t muted um um yes yes wait actually helen stay with no i actually no i don’t want to kill you not yet not yet not yet not yet okay

I’m gonna make you suffer for a bit all right over here is again her tree house all right what does she have so she gets a tree house but she broke the treehouse generator that is so that is so messed up you’re actually right i wanted some wood too

She takes it off herself and then breaks it that’s crazy the thing is i don’t even think celine’s gonna fix it anymore because it takes so long have you seen that what’s happening what all right so this is her tree house you know you ever want to pull pranks on her you

Come up here how do you how do you clean up climb up this space oh i knew that i play minecraft all the time right nice nice okay oh you see that thing then [Laughter] jump in the water i let no i’m i’m still in the tree house yeah jump down

We’re going to be the akuma castle oh i barely lived akuma castle do you see this masterpiece um right now i’m looking at a wall but yeah very very popular up here get up here i’m working on it luke i’m a minecraft i’m minecraft come on listen not only is

This a tour guide this is also how to be a minecraft pro in only 10 minutes oh my gosh 10 minutes guys don’t forget to like subscribe and comment you know if you became a minecraft pro 2. oh no what you’re going to do is you got to you’re going to press f5

Twice okay do you see yourself yes now you’re going to do it hey what’s up guys okay the minecraft you know a tour with uh the luca connoisseur and me you know the noob kyo today we’re going to teach you how to be a minecraft pro in under 10 minutes all

You have to do is subscribe join my giveaway make sure you also join my discord follow my twitter and after all of that if you watch the entire video from start to end you can become a minecraft pro oh i hear i need a special called i had a special

Code in the video so make sure you like subscribe and comment down the video so i can choose you and you can win a free iphone 5. i’m invited you want to special code yeah good good good exactly see you understand me kill understand me yes

You understand me i’m i’m the next i’m the next minecraft youtuber yes you’re gonna be the next dream yes remember remember me when you’re famous yes i will remember you as the one who showed me how to be a minecraft pro in under 10 minutes after like subscribing

Following you on twitter turning on post notifications and joining the giveaway and one day one day something someone’s going to ask you oh what made you want to become a minecraft pro you’re going to be like oh yeah uh i saw this guy named luca he told me all about it yeah exactly

All right so this is akuma castle oh my gosh it’s so big yeah he spent he spent like a month like months months working on this it’s really really well what the hell it is big what the hell yeah it’s massive well it’s big for the sake of being big holy yeah

This is huge ah i thought you were a minecraft pro looking but yeah you’re dying that’s crazy turn around and press w no i’m not that dumb oh we’re on the roof yeah yeah so this is the tower you know very good view you have a good view of palmer’s house over

There if you’re random render distance is all the way up if you can see it uh shoot what’s your underdog what awesome i render this is to oh mine’s all the way up and i still can’t see it oh yours is at 32 yeah yeah oh i can see

It it mines out like 25. oh well i can kind of see it okay i’m not doing this right now no no no no i’ve lived for too long i started to enjoy life a little bit you cannot take it away from me now you said you wanted to die

Yeah i take it back oh sorry okay all right let’s check out the rest of the castle okay okay all right what is this oh this is uh vox’s dungeon oh oh so this is where he records those those that’s very very sacred whisper videos yeah his his lovely asmr he actually yeah

His ass yeah he has he’s actually used his room before wow i’m in the room with the vox aqua as the whispering happen that’s crazy i know everyone’s jealous of me right now oh what the hell there’s not a door here what the hell i was gonna lock you in

See i would lock you in but i know you have a sword to open it so it was missing no actually don’t move i didn’t have a pickaxe yeah so this is where he records his stuff you know like his lovely whisper videos like he said very very very nice um over here

Is the uh yeah the torture chamber oh oh all you gotta do is just press press shift yeah there you go perfect perfect torture me mr kaneshiro please oh man i could have that hurt no ow thank you i really appreciated you see this block here

Yes don’t ever stand on it and break it okay okay why is there lava there no no uh there’s actually a room underneath i can’t tell you about the room because it’s supposed to be something okay but uh if you’re trying to bait me into standing on it by saying it’s

Secret i’m not gonna do it it’s a secret i mean i would do it but like just just make sure fox doesn’t find out i think i’m playing a story mode game where i have to watch i’m not i’m not going to tell him i’m not going to tell

Him if you alright guys guys if i break this um i go on record i was peer pressured you [ __ ] [Laughter] i had so much anxiety and it was nothing you fell for it i feel lied to you right now yeah have you ever heard of felfor um i’m indifferent to the next sentence that’s going to come out of your mouth what do you mean exactly what i said what you’re indifferent

Wait what the hell is wrong is that it that’s the whole thing oh wait there’s a whole other side right oh here it is here it is oh oh oh oh belfor yeah so this is uh i think the throne room i’m gonna lie it looks pretty cool

Wait where is it does he have a throwing room chat i do know he has like a like a dining table over here all right welcome welcome to the dining table so what do you think luga this room is very big um i think the dining table is nice

Yup what do you think of the whole thing i think our kuma castle is a great addition to the en server however comma where the furniture at you know he’s still trying to gather some you know he he’s he’s not does he sleep on the does he sleep on the uh

He doesn’t have money yet you know but he’s a demon can he just like possess people and take it uh i mean the thing is he’s friends with you right aren’t you like a big bad boss you know you have all the jewels and drip and bling bling what do you mean i

I don’t know i don’t what are you talking about i don’t even have a house yo oh dream of a house but you have a whole amusement park you’re not you’re not making money off your amusement park no one’s coming because i i don’t know how i made that i dug dirt

And i made it into reality oh my gosh did you know i found a penny yesterday and i turned that penny into a whole dollar wait you penny trade why [Laughter] when you’re talking about penny stocks like what would we join in a business class now penny trading penny trading

What about penny trading i don’t know if i like where this is going i don’t i don’t know if i like where this is going there you go there’s a penny i’m trading [Laughter] all right there you go feels about that one is it a decent nuts joke huh

You can you can figure that out chad don’t worry what’s under there exactly dude you say that but you don’t even know what the hell look like like literally like you say that but you don’t even know what i don’t know if you don’t move this you’re right i don’t do you actually

Do i actually not know what that means or do i actually know what it means i forgot what it’s called it’s the ah it’s man it’s it’s it’s the it’s the escalators that don’t move oh [ __ ] i know the answer but i just don’t want to say it

All right i like them all right stairs now do your worst say what [Laughter] stare what hey yo hey yo you’re lagging behind us yeah sorry i’m a minecraft noob you know mm-hmm all right kyo so this is the target practice oh my gosh

Okay that is so cool so what you got to do you got to grab a bow grab the errors and hit the target huh uh would you mind um would you mind standing up there so i can you know yeah let’s let’s see if you can hit me oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [Laughter] oh yes i’m lagging you come here mr mafia man oh yes oh would you go kill huh um sorry you know i’m unlike you you know i haven’t gone to the nether yet you know and i haven’t gone to the end

I don’t really have this uh these wing things you know you call uh an elytra and i don’t have you know the red the big red rockets the big red rockets the fireworks yes what’s happening hold on let me let me rejoin real quick okay all right i cheated

Okay all right i’m back all right kyo are you ready to finally see the rest of the server yes i’m ready to see the rest of the server brother why am i lagging what’s happening okay something’s happening to me yo i’m gonna [ __ ] you there i’m gonna be there mud

Why are you getting [ __ ] i think we’re fine okay uh we just have to move away i don’t know what’s happening okay oh no all right let’s go this way okay maybe it’s all the entities i don’t know uh i have no idea what’s happening yeah right now i’m getting like low frames

It’s okay though i think it’s okay it’s good we’re fine yeah everything’s fine everything’s fine yeah it’s fine and only okay right yeah oh it’s good okay all right so this is where the rest of ian is okay i just see dirt right yes yeah you see that now but

You’re gonna see when we turn the dirt yeah the thing is you have to give me the diamond you know remember diamond yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but that’s one time you know i’m gonna have so many diamonds i’m not even gonna worry about your little tacks

I got you and look my first diamond okay okay look behind you bro i got the biggest diamond imaginable oh oh yeah now all you need to do is working and singing okay encryption keys can you see yeah oh i’m back did that feel refreshing did you like it yeah it said

It’s dead all right let’s go let’s go flankable link about the diamond oh good you know i need to plank your song next please don’t why not just just please don’t why um because i actually that’s actually my my intellectual property and i’m gonna need attacks are we gonna do that um i’m

Gonna need a diamond 10 emerald one diamond dude why am i lagging what’s happening hold on i’m sorry for the technical difficulties real quick yo sorry about that you’re good can i can i just like restart my game real quick is that okay yeah right right thank you thank you

Thank you thank you yeah so what do you think so far you know it looks pretty lively right yeah yes yeah i really like you know i like the environment there’s just this one problem i have what it’s a really big problem so there’s this guy right um and

He kind of reminds me of like what what what are we saying what are you saying no no i i’m asking you to repeat yourself oh like he scams people oh yeah yeah but who is this guy yeah this guy right this is a guy okay there’s a

Guy and a lot of people like to compare him to like um a certain animal um it’s type of dog actually um um it’s called a uh a golden retriever right oh you know he likes he likes the front like he’s just really mean you know like like like he’s in charge

You know and he like kills people and you know he has like tattoos and he’s all you know hard in reality that guy sounds so cool what the hell yeah oh he does yeah but here’s the thing listen then he’s a big softy right you know it’s super wholesome but then there’s

This one problem okay he is a scam artiste okay sounds like fun incarnate you will scalp every little bit of money you have if you breathe on him and you don’t pay your debts i don’t actually think he does anything but he will keep asking you about it yes wait the debts

Oh yeah my my game crashed again okay yeah who could that be though um you know sometimes i find it hard to think about you know who it is um and i’ve decided there’s this guy right you know we have like sort of similar last names but like they’re not exactly

The same you know mine’s kind of cool this is kind of shiro but you know he tends to do this thing you know where he like you know takes your money i i think i’ve heard of him i think you’ve heard of him before yeah yeah i don’t i don’t know you have

To you have to refresh my mind dude what is it and i’ve also um he said he didn’t have a house but i’m actually standing in front of it right now wait which what which one unless you gave this to rosemary oh the oh my first house yeah well yeah

Wait oh so it is you that i’m talking about okay thanks for confirming it you know i didn’t really want to have to say anything but let me ask you something okay all right let me ask you something yes do you really have a house what the hell is this my game

Kill my game what happened to your game i’m getting [ __ ] mud not the [ __ ] ma the scoffs i’m sorry hold on that’s okay i said it was gonna be a scuff tour so you’re good i covered it i didn’t mean this i didn’t mean this pre-emptive damage control i should be

Your your your manager i’m so good at that you know i got you i’ll never disappoint people if i set the expectations and the bar so low that like it can’t even be like you know that’s impossible to even have a pillow all right i guess you’re right

One i i’m just uh don’t worry i got it though yes goddamn game what the hell man i’m sorry about that but yeah what are you going to make though you know oh After the thing today what are you going to make i don’t i don’t know actually i was i was kind of i i don’t even know what i’m allowed to build see i don’t want to pull up and just be like this is my property start

Building this oh yeah i mean you can you can yeah but you know i want people to like me you know well i’m not you i can’t just steal from people and they still like me you know they don’t all happen but that super power oh you really think people like me

Even though i steal things yeah why do you think they kill me i mean they tolerate you why do you think they murdered me in every game i mean I mean you did kind of blow up everyone first i’m just i’m just waiting to blow up blowing up where what i mean you did you did step on their toes first so you saying it’s justified um yeah okay you know what i can teach you how to be

I can teach you how to steal things yes i want to be a part of the the scalping i want i want to profit off of everyone else teach me the thing is okay you steal things but i want to be a part of the loot you give

It back oh wait what yeah you feel it but you give it back that’s just borrowing stuff no what are you talking about yeah you just so you so you want to be you so you want to be the big bad boss right by stealing but you know you’re

Not actually that you know that big bad because you return it you’re not returning it i i’m giving it back um i have a question yeah is english your first language no no but listen though i take it no no i answer my question no no no no no no but

Listen listen looks like i take it right huh i lose it and then i give it back so is that really returning it if it’s not the same exact thing i i still want my question to be answered because english english is my first language yeah oh so you know what a

Synonym is right synonym yes yes i love synonyms oh you know giving back and returning they’re synonyms right well you’re doing the same thing you see i see the thing is i’m not borrowing it though um i’m taking help so i’m taking it and i’m giving it back um

As much as i would like to keep this conversation going i i don’t know if i can you know take the additional um the additional like like my last two brain cells already fighting for their life right now and i i don’t want to lose them you know i i you know [Laughter]

Owl that was that was that do you see the arrows in your head and your head hurts you know that’s how i felt after i tried to have that conversation with you my head hurts okay give me this a drop drop damn firework i just gave you okay

Oh nice i have 59 fireworks in my inventory now let’s uh let’s mix it around and i give this back to you now is that the same one no it’s not i so am i giving it back to you yes yeah exactly i said you’re giving it back yes

Exactly well to be fair it wasn’t mine to begin with so i actually borrowed it from you and then returned it to you so you didn’t give me back anything i actually just borrowed it a second time you’re ever being really technical here no but let’s say i give you that okay

That’s yours now it’s your par it’s your property right and you give it okay but but i don’t consider it my property so so i’m still borrowing it do you have anything in your all right what about the bow drop the ball okay all right if i go over here

I lose this bow right uh-huh i grab i grab a bow from the chest uh-huh and then give it to you huh now what is that you gave me the same item back so you replaced it is that the word you’re looking for no no what what

What is it then mr mr mr mr pagman what is it so i i stole it from you and i ripped it back i gave it back but i i willingly gave it to you you didn’t steal it from me you said can you

Give me the ball and i gave it to you yeah but i stole it though you didn’t steal it i gave it to you that was actually a donation i’m a charitable king i’m doing community service right now the same way you don’t claim it as your property i

Claim that it’s me stealing it but that’s not how it works if i don’t care you know stealing is always feeling if the other person wants the item well do you want it do you do you want the bow back well i mean if we’re being let really technical

Let me let me push my glass up real quick and let me study this this this phenomenon that we’re having here i actually got the bow from the bow and air range so i stole it first then donated it to you and then you gave it back so if anyone’s

The the the the theft or the thief here it’s me i know you want to be a thief you know but oh really not the life for everyone oh really you’re calling yourself a thief now yes can you really can you steal things from something free yes

Because there was not a sign that said it was free i mean technically it is but also technically if i go to your house where your chest and i can easily access and take it it’s also free no but i think would that be considered because in minecraft there’s no locks

Combinations you know you can’t be like you know my stuff don’t take so and we’re getting i mean this is technically free you see it’s out inside my house you could you can take the stuff i thought you didn’t have a house i mean that used to be my

House but it’s still that’s not the point though it’s it’s not it’s not inside the house you can you can take it shall i show you in the head wait oh yeah you did yeah so you know your head might be hurting right now so i just want to you know on

Behalf of both of our viewers and me um this is how they’re all feeling right now well like this oh man Hmm [Laughter] hi oh god okay i forgot you gave me three dirt blocks didn’t you where did you even get out did you break it break what i thought i put a block in there no i i built up before you could do that too slow but i i saw it

Get good i didn’t appreciate this kill you’re the minecraft noob listen i don’t appreciate this you’re taking advantage of my ping my my my fault i’m not taking advantage of your ping dude i’m not saying you’re paying at all yeah yeah you look you you have a pretty

Good connection i mean i’m just i’m just saying i mean yeah yours is better of course mine is better because you know i’m the minecraft master i need the best ping i mean i mean hey it says four bars but technically it’s like two it’s lying to me oh well

I don’t know if i don’t know if technology can lie i think it just it just it receives the input signal and you know we can go down that rabbit hole again if you if you really want if you really want to technically have a technical conversation about the technicalities of

The situation we can do that i mean we can i can i can show you right now but we have we have more oh okay yes tell me the story okay right you ready yes kill yes look at this field look at this grass look at this grass

Every time it makes me laugh but you see this though yes okay there’s a law behind this field oh what is that what is the lore you know back then in the early stages of the world you know there was a drought there was a lack of food

And then one person came in who did it Oh i’m so slow who was that was that you threw it out you you yeah yeah i saw me too all right anyways anyways god damn show yourself okay where are you but anyways what was i saying you know there was a drought there was a drought we were hungry yeah

Everyone was hungry until one person came along who came along he had blonde hair you know he had purple eyes oh he had this really really big coat oh and and from day one he started making this really big field oh he looked at this grass every day didn’t he

Yeah he looked at it every single day it was just a tiny grass at the beginning oh you know and because he made this the whole server was saved no one was hungry anymore until the goddess of among goddesses celine made the whole food contraptions and wooden stuff they didn’t need this anymore

Yup joe yeah i’m so sad i’m sorry for your loss you know everyone wants to feel wanted you know and you know now i understand why you steal from people because you know you gave so much to them and you got nothing back they didn’t even appreciate what you did

I mean i mean they they did use it you know they didn’t harvest the the wheat and made bread from it but but it’s all news he needed to find a new purpose a new way so so here’s the thing though here’s what i’m trying to say

Okay yes i used to be the farmer of the server yes and now i want you to be the farmer well that sounds like a lot of work so i’m gonna go over here and i’m gonna just you know look at this okay look at this look it’s

Fun you just do this you know it takes you like 30 whole minutes to do the entire thing and you plant everything back isn’t that crazy ah that’s crazy yes and i think you’re crazy for doing that um i know right so there you go you know you can sell with 15 wheat

Yeah and some of those this is your new job now oh my gosh i quit [Laughter] i’m retired i’m sorry actually i think i broke my hip i can’t i can’t work anymore you know it can’t work it’s too hard for me oh yeah it’s too hard for me i’m sorry

I know what you can do what you can just breed the animals oh so we met so i get to make the animals do the woohoo i mean yeah if you want to that’s crazy you mean the the the sex yes luca i mean the s-e-x sex yeah you can do that adjective

Wait sex verb and noun oh okay uh i actually made this let’s take that and read this welcome give offering inside well proper way to show respect crouch walk to blue and throw gold iron diamond or bronze then who broke this crouch walk to blue what what do i do

I threw it you said you’re supposed to go inside who broke this chat do i just die now do i just die now is this it is this that okay i’m such a good senpai i’m helping you out i don’t know where you are go oh

You mean like i crouch go under this oh okay yeah my bad wait where are you going yo yes are you good um i don’t i don’t feel so good i don’t i don’t feel so good look up look up there you go oh wait

There you go look at that look you made it oh oh yeah see so what this thing is actually supposed to be okay it’s my trap it’s my trap card oh okay someone broke it probably because you trapped a minute no no no i don’t think so i i this used

To be way way way deeper oh really your your trap [ __ ] was like deep wait what you’re trapped [ __ ] my trap [ __ ] no no no trap let’s see i don’t know why you’re adding this this very vulgar word into the mix what is that even i don’t know why you’re doing that

I don’t i don’t know how you’re doing it oh looks oh you fixed it that’s what it’s supposed to do what is it supposed to do like you’re standing and then you just die hold on hold on someone’s here someone’s here yo it’s wait right there i see you get him get him

Get him i hear you this is scary my spidey senses are tingling i don’t feel so good i don’t feel so good man i’m just still here to kill us right okay shall we move on yes i want to get out of here i’m scared okay all righty

So over here we have the uh obviously the the bond the [ __ ] wait you’re still here hold on i have a bone i’m not afraid to use it i see him he’s right there he’s right there i hit him ah i see you ki i see you wait he’s over

Here i see you okay where are you oh over there you see that okay you stood in the way i was trying to hit him you know no hard feelings oh my god okay all right sorry my my nose is a little blocked it’s a little hot you know to talk sometimes okay

So what else can we do all right okay we can check out ookie’s place all right we should loot it while he’s gone you know since he’s not there you know since he doesn’t want to be seen you know clearly he’s offering his stuff for free i mean she doesn’t want to be

Seen wait he’s attacking me right okay okay all right so this is some sonny’s uh jail oh the prison i thought you’d be scared of this place considering you know all the crimes you’re coming no i’m not i’m not really scared because look fix that do you have a pickaxe

Um i don’t have anything i don’t have a pickaxe hold on give me a second okay just start i’mma smoke now mookie hits you again bro that’s crazy yeah you see this look i’m okay because there’s a secret spot here my gosh you see that yeah come on almost there almost there

All right we’re gonna go inside that later on okay let’s check out the whole place so this place okay i’ve actually rigged the entire thing oh my gosh somehow if i ever become if they ever imprisoned me yeah i have an escape route right here and then this block right here

Oh my gosh let’s have to break it you’re cracked exactly again they don’t call me the mafia boss for a reason but this one i don’t i don’t really have anything here but hey i mean you could live here though since you don’t have a house yet um

I don’t know i’ve heard bad i i’ve heard that you know the the the you know the the officer that tends these these parts tends to be pretty scary you know wait sonny yeah oh you’ll be fine you know you’ll be okay ah will i yeah listen all you have to do

All you have to do is not get caught huh like me can you teach me the art of not getting caught you ask you’re asking the right person buddy don’t worry i got you okay i got you hold on my chat broke bro don’t worry what is wrong with my game

You’re just too pogged for the game it can handle i can’t handle you yeah i don’t know i mean i do like 30 30 chunks it’s the same thing okay so over here we have the interrogation room yes not bad you know again just just uh don’t commit any crimes okay

Okay i told you i’ve never been caught so i’ve never been here until now you got it i i understand aye aye captain okay good all right now let’s check out ookie’s place um where’d you go where’d you go i’m scared i’m back upstairs lagging what the hell is this okay

Oh that’s okay all right so over here this used to be sunny’s first house you know one of the uh one of the ian treasures basically um it’s been here ever since from the very beginning see i’m sorry don’t ever break it okay alrighty yeah oh wait i forgot to show you what

No chad we can’t show him the vent i don’t know we can’t show him because he’s not a part of the alliance i’m that thing sassy do you know what i’m talking about you know maybe maybe i’ll show you next time okay yeah i’ll show you later on okay

Right over here we have uki’s place this is nina’s place okay so basically all this is it’s just an underground house nothing too much it just goes down to a mine you know it’s it’s nothing special wow yeah yeah so it’s not bad it’s not bad

If you want an under underground house i mean you could make one too but this is uki’s very very very very first house all right let’s go in actually there was a time there was a time where i was wanted um you see kyo i have built many uh tunnels

Everywhere around here around the whole town you know you have yeah and i have a you remember that time yeah see look he remembers oh my gosh oh he remembers the time yeah so basically i have like little tunnels my tunnel basically let up all the way here wow right

So if you ever make a house i’m gonna make a tunnel to it okay so watch out for the wait oh what the hell all right there you go oh you know let’s check out this place did you return the book yeah i did hey you got any more food i’m dying over

Here all right there you go there you go there you go thank you for the question i have more i appreciate it okay let me take that real quick so uh this is uki’s tree you know uki loves loves loves making potions so you know if you ever need

Like an invisibility potion for some reason yeah just go up to him ask him for some oh you know he could teach you as well he could teach you as well oh okay you’re trying to show me how to i need to i need to go invisible

Because there’s this dude this dude he’s like he’s like not a demon but he’s like pretty close and his name is um his name is uh it’s a renzo toe yeah i need any invisibility potion since he’s being ready for the nicest guy what he told me about

Oh listen you don’t know you don’t know you don’t know the ren the ren zotto lore all right tell me you think you’re big and bad he was conquering planets after planet after planet and now he tries to act all nice this whole deer in headlights act

Not gonna work very long with me bro i’m already on to him i need the invisibility potion so you’re scared no i just need revenge what what did he do so bad to you why do you need revenge ppp’d he pee peed yeah he pico parked i heard about it

Yeah so i’m gonna need some potions just so i can go invisible because he doesn’t even understand minecraft if i go invisible he will be like oh my god what’s happening am i getting attacked and i can i can i can trick him well you know what you’re in the right

Place kyo because this is uki’s place you know you can you can ask ookie for some invisibility potions you can make use of yes yes this is why we’re doing a tour so you can yes i will i will hit up uki for business and queries in uh one to

Five business days yeah exactly so that’s the potion house yes good yes oh cute axolotl love her towel wait what oh you you trying to love her telling me luca that’s crazy i’m not complaining i mean i didn’t really invite you but we can check it

Out wait how do you get this i have no idea render from the back oh okay oh okay wait i thought it i thought it was a hurdle a whole hotel but where are you come this way uh i can’t find the back to enter a little confused

Oh don’t come through the uh oh i thought it was like the tail that’s pretty cute that’s cool oh there’s a whole hotel like like different floors and everything that’s cool it’s very cool it’s a one-room hotel it’s an exclusive suite i paid extra for it oh yeah uki you know

You can make like uh like multiple access and connect them to each other you know under the water yeah under the water too easy clap yes i’m your new business manager okay i will take five percent of every transaction from your hotel um thus far um you’ve already signed the contract

It’s a verbal contract and you’ve already agreed by calling me the word genius thank you so much appreciate it yeah wait i’m not lagging anymore yo what is this no more magma i’m not getting [ __ ] mud anymore nice okay so this is uki’s bakery oh cafe cafe cafe oh cafe yeah come in

You know if you’re ever hungry like there’s there’s a lot of cakes here that you can just eat put in your mouth fill you up yeah but a journey okay all right yeah good good good good good but over here is actually my my unfinished house there’s outdoor seating that you can oh

Yeah yeah over here oh my gosh wait how do i send this oh my gosh i’m on a dinner date with d luka kaneshiro where’s the food hey where’s the food where’s the food uh i got a truck i got checked out i gotta try i gotta check out you there you go

Friday there you go mate you’re welcome where’s your food um it’s in my hand you not see it no i don’t what it’s in my it’s in my hand i’m holding it where is it oh i’m holding it good good good all right good okay [Laughter] oh my god ookie

Do you see that place over there yes i can’t i can’t wait til uki actually finishes that it looks crazy but yeah this is my this is my kind of home i wouldn’t say it’s my home anymore i made it but i don’t know why is it not your home anymore well it

It’s too much resources and i hated it i hated i didn’t like gathering them you know ah i understand there was a time in the en server where everyone used quartz i don’t know why everyone use quartz yeah everyone and you need a stack of quartz to make a stack of blocks

So it’s a lot of quality wow yeah that sounds like like a pain i’m gonna stick to you know i’m gonna go my mind so good my my dirt thrown your throne oh yeah yeah over here we have my my friend my friend grump you know very [Laughter]

You could kill kill where’d you go where’d you go kill wait to jump off i wouldn’t call it jumping why’d you jump off man what happened i was tired of being around this dusty dude bruh okay he kept saying fox and it was you know i couldn’t take it anymore

But i could not take it i had to get out of there oh yeah there you are okay all right kyo listen this is a good thing anyway okay all right because we need food all right i’m coming back to you right here take this all right let’s go back okay that’s gas

There’s still a lot more to go through yeah so again you know i don’t think you ever answered do you know what you’re going to build yet no no i’m going to build you can build a house i mean you can build one right there you know like there’s land everywhere

I’m gonna build the best house in all of um yeah honestly i might just settle by like a you know a you know a house that’s big enough to where i can stand sleepy you know maybe take my occasional and then uh okay that’s good and then i will expand

And make the biggest house pick the biggest house you know we really appreciate that yes you know i’m actually i’m currently i’m currently making this halloween thing you know like halloween’s so far away but i kind of want to get started you gotta start working now you know yeah exactly

All right so make like a halloween themed maze oh yeah definitely i mean i have a maze in in disney oh alright so over here is um one of elira’s towers again one of uh i think day three of the en server she built this wow it’s like prehistoric then

It took us a while to actually just dig this down to dig down like dig all of this out can i find fossils in here i mean you can try go ahead go ahead kill all right all right i’m gonna look i’m an archaeologist prehistoric just don’t call a leader up

Here prehistoric you know i already did and she uh she killed me but you know it it isn’t sadly nina is it online the only person who appreciated the only lazy granny who appreciated you know me calling them grandma was bina pomu killed me a couple of times wait wait um

I don’t know she was like oh my god thank you but she likes being called a grandma i mean yeah by me i’m her grandchild after all oh my god dude how do you have the ball listen she makes me cookies it’s really nice i appreciate her banana yeah she makes me cookies

She’s never made us cookies well you’re not her grandchild so i was like you know i get special treatment i guess so i guess so i guess so all right who can who do you think this house is petrus it’s not pedro’s i’m sorry no no um i don’t know

Wait isn’t patches where the where the penguin is yeah that was petra’s but she also has a house like behind us okay so this is shu’s house then wait how do you know that oh you just read it oh okay okay listen i was like okay i was like i

Was like alex like there’s a chicken petra penguin boom five head petra’s house and then i realized you know like 15 minutes ago i saw a penguin and i was like oh the reason why he built the the chicken mug is because he actually has one in real life

So he built it that’s kind of that’s kind of cool yeah i mean i i want one but he has get it at minecon but you can get in minecraft.net products oh have you have you purchased something from there no i got firsthand experience

I mean i kind of want one but you know he already has the chicken mug ike has the enderman and the only one i could get the zombie but the zombie kind of sucks though ellen wants to be the zombie i mean i’ll bite into people’s necks normally

You know no questions asked i got you all either you’re a vampire um you know the term zombie is just like it’s just a lower rank of a vampire you know they just they don’t know how to control their urges so they just eat everything whereas you know the more advanced

Vampires they just draw blood it takes some training wait but wait you’re right yeah i know wait zombies are like level one vampires i would say they’re more like level 0.5 but yes dude that’s that’s crazy what the hell that actually makes sense that makes sense i learned that luna you know it

Was one of our first lessons it was like listen zombies are not bad they’re not all bad you know because they’re just vampires you know we have some students that are also vampires so they’re like trying to you know learn to teach us about the other the other other species

But here’s the thing though did you know that coffee and milk is not kilk what what what is it just a latte yeah isn’t that crazy wow that’s so crazy dude i found out about i love lattes i found out about that like a few days ago

It’s still wow it still breaks my mind it’s a latte yeah dude wait what about a cappuccino isn’t that milk milk too yeah what’s the difference i don’t know if a cappuccino is a thing is it yeah dude i don’t know i don’t drink coffee well i don’t do but i know uh

I just i just have i just have pummel leaf homolife yeah hog movie very nutritious it gives you like um it gives you nutrients um yeah yeah okay all righty yeah cappuccino has more form but less milk than latte there we go see it’s so it’s still a cappuccino

Latte same thing you know i see thank you thank you thank you thank you see okay you need to make a coffee shop chino okay all right look kyo we actually made it to uh my home you can make a via lettucino valley let us you know

This is not your home this is my house yeah there’s no way this is your house oh yeah all right and look at this special delivery we want no more famine see this is uh back back when everyone was hungry no one had food i’m pretty sure

This is my house i’m pretty i’m i’m pretty sure this is a lira’s house i’m i’m just well how do you know that because i remember i remember you know back in the olden days when i was you know still you know uh as i go i heard you know

Through the through the walls you know through the through the the areas that um you know she actually watched a tutorial to build this house there’s someone complimented it she’s like i just watched it yeah yeah but i’m pretty sure that’s what i’m saying yeah she built it but i live here

Because i i have no place to stay so i kind of just like freeload oh sorry so you’re so you’re her roommate that doesn’t pay rent well i wouldn’t say roommate i just barge in oh okay yeah i just uh i just barged in that’s it i’m a freeloader yeah wow

You even steal people’s you know entire houses yeah yeah and the thing is they’re not they’re not complaining let me stay anyway ask you should teach me this power you know kyo i think it’s too powerful you know i don’t know if you can learn it really yeah maybe maybe

Oh wait wait what this is the dragon head i first got in the server rosami’s had it the entire time oh my gosh it’s so it’s so pog it’s so uh mr why is there a sign there that says mr mister why is there a side hand that says oh okay so

Tell what did happen did mister just like i thought you knew everything about the minecraft server after a pro you’re gonna take me ten minutes not about that about things like this i feel gaslit oh yeah yeah luca and oopie this is a po bagel

Oh man let me let me let me tell you the uh the story all right about paul bagel yeah so back then back in the olden days okay where i only had a boat and i was still a freeloader in elira’s house disney wasn’t even a thing homophobia

Wasn’t even a thing okay i went on a journey to find a panda wow panda uh huh [Laughter] um you’re looking down too when you throw that [ __ ] bruh don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that [Laughter] oh wait whoops sorry i dropped it thank you

I got you i’m just i will now i will now walk like this all right sorry for interrupting myself i see everything oh my god oh i can’t believe you looked down [Laughter] what the hell is this no i’ma just look down no shame in it i’m gonna walk like this now

If i’m always looking down you can’t say you made me look down mr kaneshiro look at me look at me i’m i’m meta gaming this i’m choosing the dominant strategy got nothing on me holy [ __ ] well you win you win okay you win right what was i saying again

Oh yeah po bagel okay yeah i i went on a journey to find a panda and i found one but it was still a little baby you know the thing is whenever i got close to the panda the the mama pandas always try to kill me so i had to uh

I had to load the the appearance away huh and i and i stole it it’s a little kid whoa i sold a baby panda and that’s what that’s po bagel you just said yoink my kid now yeah basically you really are evil yeah i mean i’m not lying when i tell

You i’m evil oh you never believed me the entire time um yeah yeah you know i was believing yeah yeah i have full faith in you dude what the hell happened to alvin’s house uh i i think like sunny blew it up or him and saw me blew it up i don’t

Remember this used to look so good what happened but yeah this is his house okay all right there you go what’s he building all right so over here we have hugo’s um nightclub yeah So this is where this is where people be shifting to diamond c lights at yeah uh-huh all they need all he needs now is a beacon you know like that goes around and and it’s like that’s awesome i activated sticky keys by spamming [ __ ] yes yes yes yes yeah why don’t you turn

It off i don’t know how i don’t know how you do that yeah uh don’t worry it took me like like five years to turn mine off no you’re gonna need a i’m gonna google a a tutorial after this after the stream yeah it took me five years to just like

I know you can turn it off you can you can i just i don’t even know what it’s for i have no idea ease of access and selling oh there you go look he’s helping you thank you uki all right this is uh alvin’s konbini store oh my gosh

Right now there’s nothing really in it yeah about to say it looks like you know i don’t know man did you did you rob the place i mean i know you steal a lot uh i don’t know business just never really thrived for this place so i think he just closed it down

Um yeah i i believe you fully yes i have full faith why don’t why what why don’t you so i mean let me get this straight we can pull up we can let me pull up the technicalities chart again like we technically have a technical conversation about the technicalities of

The previous technical technicalities technical conversation okay technically yeah what is it in your mouth um so here’s the thing right you were trying to convince me that you were super big bad you know you stole from people you didn’t borrow and now you’re telling me that you know you didn’t steal from this

Place and it closed down so i i just i just need to know what what what is it because if you keep changing your story you know i’m not gonna believe anything well you know what you know what you know what yes what that’s the thing about the mafia

You never know what’s the truth exactly exactly kyo spooky why are you helping this man bro like you could have just you could have just like not typed anything i had him cornered is that item corner what was the interrogation 100 alvin spent so much money building

The whole place he forgot to buy the products um that’s the reason yeah ready understand that good sure you know i understand i don’t i steal and i give away Yes do you believe that um i’m pressing x at the moment you’re pressing x oh oh actually you know what let me show you the very first house ever built okay this house until this day i am still mad i’m still molding why are you mad okay

During the first hour of the en server i built a whole like square house well not house just like a whole square to say my property and vlogs comes in and just builds over it that’s why that’s why i’ve been homeless ever since killed well

He has a whole castle now you can just you just break the sign and say it’s yours yeah but i didn’t build it though it’s not mine i thought you know i thought the mafia just just took damn box didn’t have any furniture in his old house and his new house he

Really does like sleeping on the floor like there’s nothing there we go so how do you even live in here right [Laughter] all right okay all right what else chad why haven’t we showed him yet hmm i need the full disneyland tour oh yeah of course um actually we haven’t

We haven’t been here yet oh what is here isn’t this oogie’s house time we’ve been here i don’t know the ookie’s a little mansion oh yeah you see this place is there furniture in it too please uh i mean it’s it’s like half done oh well if it’s not completed i mean

There’s no need for furniture yet but i mean i just want to make sure y’all you know you know how to like at least live a little you know i can’t join a society of people who just sleep on the floor boards i just you know you can do this

You can be the change yeah if without me you guys would all be perpendicular in a couple years from all the back issues you would be creating yeah why don’t you actually build us beds huh i got you i just need to you know um i

Need to get some some woods and some i’m doing this [Laughter] yeah look at this place listen if it’s not completed you’re good okay isn’t this pack man yeah this honestly looks like if i had tried to build this i would like give up four blocks in oh wait watch out

Oh wait there he is What’s he gonna show us i don’t know okay i have a bucket wait what the hell just happened oh sorry whoops what it was an empty bucket just now what’s happened hon okay uh let me just okay take the water from that cauldron whoa whoa oh my gosh

Whoa is this where the psychics meet up for their psychic meetings can i learn how to teleport stuff too yeah show us show us okay show us show me the way oh my gosh okay pac-man hey all right all right what if he’s leading us that there’s something in here

Are you gonna press it okay go og that’s so cool you have like an aquarium wait there will be things in here soon dude look at that welcome to the third eye oh my gosh did we join a cult that’s sick how do i get initiated how do i get

Initiated tell me tell me tell me something i want to be a third eye wait did that hurt oh three hearts what the hell holy looks cool this is crazy i i kill you that yeah sorry i had um um had to deal with the uh buying my child my bad

I’m here sorry i was um temporarily you know my moon my moon is like high powers were wearing off temporarily you know i was i had to restore them sometimes i just gotta close my eyes and you know use calm minds free free boys and girls in your area free

Boys and girls in your area listen we can’t all just steal pandas from uh a advertisement in a live stream chat okay we’re not all that lucky luka oh nice nice that’s crazy yeah that’s so cool i’m gonna take you to do that yeah how long hey hey he’s typing a while

Well you know i would show you my my really cool elevator but like someone someone broke it who broke it alvin did i have no idea how i don’t get it thank you all right let’s go we go right okay i’m gonna show you disney now okay okay mystery Wait where would you go where did you go oh uh i’m on the i’m on the bridge right here okay i’m swimming i prefer you know i prefer to you know getting my my reps in you know my laps your reps in mr torgot i have a question real quick

Is there is there is there anywhere i could use the bathroom on the way to uh on the way to disney i mean you know i mean you can’t you you can there is where i mean i look around you you can you can just i’ll go into the tree over there there’s

Nature i’ll go up to the tree don’t tell it don’t touchy give me like give me like give me like a uh like a minute and a half okay perfect time for me perfect perfect okay i don’t have enough blocks what the [ __ ] one two three four five six seven [Laughter] All right let’s let’s see how let’s see do you have obsidian oh no i wish i did i wish i did i wish i did wait okay i’m gonna i’m gonna put a block right there lava right [Laughter] listen chad he doesn’t have it listen i don’t think he has anything you know

It’s fine i’ll be fine it’ll be fine it’ll be okay ain’t not right kyo ain’t that right huh ain’t that right kyo huh yes to ride the tree i’ve been here the whole time yeah you’re not you’re not slick um ratio plus l plus i saw your plans plus um

Yeah so you never pissed well um i pissed in the hole that you you know put me in oh really i heard something about obsidian lava you know always chatting he doesn’t have anything yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just kill me it’s fine [Laughter] listen luca you’re not a mastermind if i

You’re not a mastermind if i saw through your plan from the start you saw through my plan no you didn’t upset you did it you have obsidian i’m gonna place it yeah i got you that was like before you left what do you mean yeah see there you are look

And there’s a reason why i did that okay why right you tell it’s because you know like it’s hey you know we’re about to go to disney and then you know i made it we you know how you like cleanse your palate with ginger it’s kind of like that

You kill yourself with lava who the [ __ ] cleanses their palate with ginger people do that yeah doesn’t that like doesn’t that like hurt what ginger when you eat sushi i don’t eat sushi my bad oh maybe i’m thinking about cinnamon we’ll try it out okay

If we meet up we’re going to try sushi oh no last time i had sushi i almost threw up oh you don’t like seafood i cannot stand seafood like it’s something about it i don’t know honestly seafood’s one of those things like i wish i liked it because everyone else

Around me likes it so when they eat it i’m like sitting there like dang i’m about to eat chicken tenders and look like a dumbass or at a sushi place i’ll get like the steak and then everyone’s looking at me funny like who who is this who is this kid and i’m like

Oh i just like i just like steak i just think you know you get like better you get like a wagyu sushi yeah yeah i really like the marbled you know fat meat texture my wagyu sushi yes i mean what is it just like disgusting what is it

I don’t know anything that like tastes like something i have this thing where like if i don’t like a food right like like like a visceral gut reaction where i just start to almost vomit okay it’s not with all foods i don’t like some it’s like i just would rather not eat it

But if it’s something i really don’t like i just go like and it just you know it just starts happening so any seafood or things something that tastes like seafood whatever flavor you know all the food from the sea has it just it triggers like some sort of gag reflex i

Can’t eat it i mean salmon’s okay i’m sure you’ll find with salmon right yeah fine i love salmon yes you love it yeah it’s so great it’s super no like absolutely no seafood like not even fish no nothing okay i see well i don’t like maybe it maybe maybe if it was like

Yeah no actually no no i can’t even eat like yeah no i can’t eat fish and chips fish either no it’s just it just it just doesn’t even like battered ones it’s like deep-fried i can like tolerate bad ones but i just don’t like it like

It won’t cause me like feel like i’m gonna vomit but they just it it’s when it comes to like batted fish like fish i just eat the uh the skin you know i just eat them that’s what i used to do when i was little for onion rings my

First order on your rings i’m like either they’re like why not isn’t onion rings like squid no no it’s literally just onions that are fried in batter well what are those like ring things then anything about calamari oh yeah calamaris yeah yeah yeah that one yeah i

Don’t i don’t i i just eat the skin of those two yeah but sometimes that’s sometimes i can taste i can taste like the the remnants of the squid on the batter and then i don’t like a song you do i don’t taste it at all i i just like ate the skin

And the in the batter on it yeah hey i i i’m in the same boat as you i don’t like seafood certain ones i do you know like salmon that’s okay but wait why does shoes mug have a butt i just look as i’m talking about stupid

I just see this this mug crack over there wait it’s like a funny mode and slack hold on hold on that that that that mug is more caked up than me that’s messed up more cake than vox too that’s messed up have you seen many more in slack

Hold on give me a second okay slack load please stop sounds probably going to be like what the hell are you doing look i’m just like spam it putting this in out of the blue there you go it’s it’s in the it’s in the chat

And now i need to open up you know what you know i’m gonna check it later okay yeah this is millie millie added the crack what was that her millie said she added it for a view yes no no no no just just my chat told me

That millie added it for a view see i see i see i gotcha okay all right here it is all right we can check disney now oh my gosh you see it have you seen these before um a little bit literally from you know from this this this streamer called um um shiro

That’s me pog you yes and you all right let me sorry i’m just putting my shade it’s back on all right there we go yeah can you show me how to install those after this but i don’t know yeah of course i stole them just now all right so

You know before we go inside the the disney place disney you have to play this oh my gosh is it going to be a song play me do i just hit it how’s it work [Laughter] you’re a little sassy my man [Laughter] what’d you think honestly i’m impressed that’s pretty good that’s pretty good yeah plus 8 8 yeah it took me a while yeah i can imagine i don’t even know how the music blocks in this game work you just got to feel it you’re gonna

Feel it you’re gonna time it right too i’m feeling a little tone-deaf at the moment i don’t know how much feeling i can do but i will try yeah well you know i would have shown you this but again someone broke it i i don’t know

How to fix it dude i have what is this oh is this the elevator it’s an elevator it looks so cool yeah i know it looks like uh i can like it looks like the tower the cyber life tower in detroit become human i had to i had to turn off something

Real quick because i can’t really see it okay oh yeah alvin did alvin broke it it’s almond he didn’t mean to obviously but like you know i think oh my gosh there’s like arrows and rings in the sky what are those oh yeah so if you have so this is

Actually the flight school oh yeah so what’s supposed to do is take you all the way up uh through this elevator right here you go all the way up and and we start like going through the the rings hmm yeah we start flying around it’s pretty cool can we hey once you get

An elytra i can i can teach you how to fly yay again it’s gonna it’s gonna cost you like 20 emeralds though okay okay i’ll make sure to steal the emeralds from your bank account and get them back to you and say i borrowed them i got you i’ve learned i’ve learned a

Lot from you okay that’s the first thing i learned those things do damage to you yeah what is the who built this what are these hold on hold on why do they hurt me a sec yeah see ah this is pomod i can tell it’s pop oh wow oh

Well i don’t have a weapon so i’m gonna just watch you but you know you’re you know good stuff yeah damn it dude silverfit [ __ ] y’all run there’s so many over my [ __ ] you can never trust someone that’s six centimeters tall chat it never works out my god

No wait please don’t fall don’t fall in there dude i can tell i i can tell homer did this already it’s so obvious dude i’m gonna just enjoy this view okay good work luca keep going you got this okay okay all right almost there what’s that yep

Why is there more what is that oh wait you’re right chad yeah luca go yeah yeah we’re doing so good we’re doing so good yeah listen bring him in here and kill all the cattle wait they avoid lot ah hold on hold on dude they avoid them to me what the [ __ ]

All right i got this okay disney versus pump pumbo versus who will who will be the winner dude she wanted to she wanted to link them together why is she doing this why did she do this i guess she realized you know people would only visit the

Disneyland and she she you know she got a little jealous i can help her out make him make it look better though that’s what she wanted you to think yeah you have to start off with deception yeah just uh help me help me break these blocks what i

Can’t spare me a sword or something first um oh no it’s fine i don’t have a pickaxe that’s all so just like help me out [Laughter] i’ve accepted my fate was good knowing you don’t die don’t like yo don’t oh there you go all right i got him off my

Tail oh nice i’m so nice okay mission mission mission’s successful all right let’s check this place out okay let me let me just finish this off okay yes keep going keep going dude you’re doing so good just finish that off oh oh ow ow Oh my god there’s something oddly peaceful about watching this it’s five black there’s five left okay hey what the hell is that oh you really think this is peaceful huh yeah it’s peaceful for me i’ll i’ll show you how peaceful disney can be just die holy [ __ ]

Oh my god i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i got some popcorn oh god oh thank god oh all right i’m all good okay kyo here we go no just a little detour not nothing nothing crazy all right it’s a lever right here you hear that yes yes oh my gosh she’s here

Of course she is she knows she knows we passed her trap goddammit [Laughter] i heard you [ __ ] have been talking so mad [ __ ] about me I will hand by hand take every block of your home apart each time you build it i will never let you build anything you enjoy wait what did you do disrespectful reversal one more time [Laughter] Wait you’ll never have to be alone i got you mad plus ratio plus l plus i didn’t disrespect you luca did plus disney is better but you haven’t even gone through disney [Laughter] all right okay yes i mean that’s fine hey pomu you know it’s it’s going to be disney versatile anyway soon

You know soon yeah no nothing to be mad at me for yeah yeah it’ll be disney personal soon yeah all right so let me show you around okay what what sorry let me show you around okay yes yes i got to make sure mrs grandma granny rain puff doesn’t try to

Kill me you know i didn’t eat her cookies last night so she’s a little upset with me um because she made cookies she made oatmeal raisin cookies and she knows i like chocolate chip but she was you know trying to see how ungrateful i was as a grandson and she made oatmeal raisin

And i told her to her face like you know the you know chocolate cookies they’re just they’re just not hitting the same and she was like well they’re oh my god you you you ungrateful little grandchildren and then you know she started yelling at me and then i you know

Yeah i left her house and now she’s mad mm-hmm what can i eat her cookies i didn’t eat her cookies she’s upset wait when i went to visit when i went to visit her last Oh when ren was here cookies can i have some um well you see i kind of threw them out and like lied and said i ate them and she found them in the trash actually you know what you know what you know what this cookies are disney oh my gosh there are

Yeah so i’m gonna i’m gonna force it in your mouth okay you’re gonna tell me if you like it or not okay i will rate your cookies one through ten edible there is yes chad there is inside that the house there oh really okay oh we should have made you we should

Have made you do this the scavenger hunt yeah the salmon hunt who needs the scavenger hunt when i got the when i got the wuka kind of weirdo tour the tour no it’s kind of pog though it’s pretty pog i checked it out all right at your sights and aim just right your

Next item lies where the arrows take flight aka the cooler best theme park damn palmer really trying to she’s really she’s really trying to push that you know pummel versus better i understand i understand you know we can all be this place right here okay

So i still have to make it okay so this will connect it oh oh one of pommel’s minions guys ah okay all right all right you see this yes there we go this this will lead you straight to reversal oh my gosh really i have a feeling i’m going to walk to

The edge it’s going to be a cliff and i’m going to die but who am i kidding i don’t have trust in you where do you go running i thought she wanted to get me to go to palmer verso we’re not going down but we’ve been there though okay yeah yeah you’re right

Yeah racial plus l plus dz is better i understand i understand yes we’ve been there i showed you every single spot there there only like one thing oh i mean there was multiple things they had they had the the ice boats bumper cars i didn’t see the ice boats

Don’t you show me that wait don’t i you just showed me the the the the the the the wipeout course and then made fun of me for failing i felt very i felt very um confident in my minecraft skills after that and then you you we like subscribed you

Know did the giveaway and i learned how to be a minecraft pro in 10 minutes oh and then we went to aquaman console yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re right okay so maybe me saying these needs better maybe pummel versa you know maybe maybe it’s all right you just didn’t even give

Me a proper tour you know you’re you’re trying to get home when you’re just like me this is kind of messed up i don’t even know this is your plan yeah you look around wait do we have a boat might have to press the button for

The boat oh hold on give me a second again i’ll be right back i’ll be right back just gonna grab some wood real quick because we need boats for today oh my gosh ready i’m ready okay give me a second just give me a second kill i’m almost done yes

Go i’m almost there dude almost there oh my god okay okay i’m sorry i’m sorry for being patient i’m sorry i’m sorry kill i am right here luca where are you bro like like you’re i thought you were almost here my mother are we there yet are we there yet under there nuts

Under there okay wait that was four boats what the hell okay all right here you go kyo yeah try it out go on hey how do i do this give me give me the do i just press w so you look at the sign okay it’s pointing down yeah right

Remember press w all the way okay press the button and then go and ride it press w all the way i pre i pressed it all the way keep going keep going just keep going okay how the hell did you go over it oh [Laughter] oh cool yeah yeah did you like that

Yeah yeah how did how did you fly all the way up i don’t know bro i pressed w the whole time i’m stuck do i need to press w like part of the time i mean it’s it’s listen i tried it so many times okay to the point that you will always

Will always land here should i try it again i mean you already have you already experienced it i mean you can if you want to i feel disappointed by my experience i need the full experience he’s supposed to be balancing oh my god i love bouncing

All right here we go here we go all right try it yes yes yes it says okay i will i will i will third person pov this [ __ ] wait this is playing minecraft third person kind of hard hold on um oh no luca i think i think the i think

We need to hire some better engineers yeah get get bad internet next time okay stop flexing stop flexing i’m sorry stop flexing you should hire an engineer that has good paying you know maybe maybe it’ll line up properly okay all right from here do you want to go left or right

Let’s go left alright let’s go left so i i actually don’t have a name for this but yeah so the the objective of this uh ride here is you you try and like try and jump on these purple things uh-huh but don’t take any fall damage

So you’re trying to kill me yeah try it out try to make it like a fun event yeah basically oh my gosh this is so loud i need to make changes with people rem’s here you’re already lost okay okay okay listen listen listen listen i beat the game how many cities that

I thought i would land on the things i thought you have to press shift when you jump on theirs hello ren okay wait okay um luka how do i get back to disney i had to i had to punch this guy in the face you know and she was you know he he

Said he called me ugly yeah Okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so someone gave rank crack gave run cracked weapons this is unfair yes this is why this is why you should have done pomu’s uh you know like scavenger hunt you know because at the end of at the end of the

Scavenger hunt you actually get like lots of pog stuff i miss rain puff herself [Laughter] all right come on come on it’s this way i found pog stuff [Laughter] you want to come with us ren wait how’d you find that what the hell free equipment this is not a trap wait

I can actually have a i can have a sword now yes you for three installments and by entering the giveaway can have a sword wait i thought those were wrong i actually have one very good right kill yes right these knees this way okay but you know

You need to set your spawn point because we’re gonna die a lot here okay um can you can you explain to me how to set spawn point i’m i don’t know how that works i’m gonna actually put this away because i don’t want to lose though wait you uh you are a minecraft

Noob well i mean is there a bed that i can sleep in in disney yeah okay i thought you were trying to have me do like the whole admin op commander i do like slash spawn point set okay don’t try to no don’t call me a noob

That’s not how you were talking about don’t do that listen this is not yeah this is an en server but it’s not a minecraft like those typical ones okay [Laughter] all right let’s go i see you did play a lot of minecraft then back then at least yeah yeah

What what service did you play on i played on high five i mean my friend had our own public server oh really wait yeah you had your own yeah we like have like minecraft you’re like a god then yeah something like that um dude there was a time where i actually

I used to apply for like minecraft uh server moderator like server admin and i would always abuse it if i get it it was kind of crazy though like you had to you have to go through like an application process yeah fill up forms and stuff

Have like a skype call with them now one of my one of my friends got like uh i think it was like server admin on like a pixelmon server or something on a pixel monster yeah like a really big one it was pretty easy he’s like i

Just i just played a lot and they gave it to me i was like yo wait that’s crazy yeah The hell and then they oh man all right okay all right sleep right here okay use that bed did i do it i did it yeah you did all right now we can we can continue so we’ve tried this right out okay this one yes it doesn’t work it’s it’s just uh this

Ferris wheel right here it’s just for sure you know i think it looks good it looks pretty yeah it looks pretty good it looks pretty pog you’ve tried this one out chad do we have a name for this huh oh here it is all right take this a penny trader

Oh yeah that’s right oh no okay so this one you’re gonna like this okay stay there right right here yeah yeah say that because it’s actually pretty pog okay yeah i want you to try this out all right give me a second yes i’m waiting

All right i counted to one in my head um yeah i’m back though i’m back i’m right behind you oh my god oh my god really oh god damn elytra why is this so hard to move i’m here i see you okay all right good i think

Yeah go on go on try it so this is like a this is like a two two ride okay so you go this way you go this way okay you’re gonna have to go through the whole thing twice what wait why oh because i i made it like that okay

Yeah good good good kill good oh no i’m scared ah you’re fine don’t worry don’t worry you’re fine okay okay engineering yeah yeah see goodbye [Laughter] dc me from the damn server it just deceived me [Laughter] connection lost flying is not enabled on this server you broke you broke minecraft

Oh my god dude that’s sorry are you still on the server yeah get come back here come back here hey why don’t you let me join yeah come back you just have to rejoin right you should be back you should be back i thought i was hacking bro

I don’t know what you did but you made you made you made them think i was hacking [Laughter] he actually broke my my minecraft i don’t even know how it that wasn’t intentional at all it just happens i don’t know why ow ow okay all right there’s more rides

There’s more rides already yes there’s more rides kill so we’ve done that part there okay yes so this is the whole of pog champs that’s like the wall of pug champs so homoversal is better is the pog statement on your wall yeah i mean i i just kept it there oh okay

Yeah just uh just be careful of you know like this one why just just be careful of it [Laughter] your manipulation tactics will not work on me i’m not clicking the lever what do you mean ah you know you’re packing my dude wait i’m packing really yeah you’re you’re packing yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah thank you for sure the surface sure you know gotta support the homies it’s a homie yeah you gotta kiss the the homies good night see you understand listen i was just yes i was trying to explain this in my chat nope i kissed the kyomi’s good night

Every day bro hey guys we gotta better kiss the homies you gotta tuck them in as well yes give them a head pad make sure they’re warm yeah all right there’s ren all right wren i’m gonna wait did you do you want to try it out now or do you

Want to stream it okay what the hell does that mean yes no run run running you know you can type right i’m not i know you’re not from the planet your weight low i mean you know it doesn’t mean you don’t it doesn’t mean you can’t try them right

I mean you can always try them for the second time well are you telling him to fake his reaction luca that’s very un that’s very important holy holy crap holy crap oh my god i can’t believe that i can’t believe we got that that was that was crazy i uh um guys

Guys guys if you want to see what happens in the next 15 seconds make sure you like subscribe and comment wait oh my god i just died i didn’t expect that i can’t believe i just died after entering the lava that’s crazy the minecraft just add this new mechanic

But hey you don’t have to okay you don’t have to if you want to go ahead you know you don’t have to all right okay kyo i was gonna show you this but i think someone killed all my horsies it must have been palmu what no i don’t think she would do that

Someone killed my horsies this is kind of a cool fish tank though i thought you removed the horses on purpose no i didn’t you know how long it took me to actually get them in the in the minecart years took me years and years how old are you you know a lot of

I’m pretty young but like people call me people say i’m like like 78 you know and you’re a whole grandpa like 77 i don’t know why they call me that though uh realistically i’m not you know it’s but they but they do they say i’m that age why is it so surprising why

It’s not um yeah 669 oh pog how old are you um i don’t age well you just i stopped aging you just got issac hyden you just stopped yep so you must be like like three thousand years old you know no i got isa kai pretty recently

So i just stopped aging like you know a little bit ago i see i see i see you know i don’t know maybe the same thing is happening to me i haven’t seen any wrinkles on me possibly i mean i don’t know did you receive a blood the

Moon’s blood is my skin so smooth right like i don’t think i don’t think i age either wow we have some the kanye bros have something in common maybe that’s why our last names are similar it gives us power i’m not coping okay i’m not coping are you on that opium

Listen you can even ask mister he’s what the hell you guys when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie you stop aging yes wait what does that even mean i don’t know i just agreed to it and it might mean something but yeah a little weird

I was going to show you that but then you know again the horses are gone but that’s a merry-go-round okay it actually works it works oh there’s a button right here right yeah wait no it doesn’t something’s wrong with it kill your horses and now your america right are both broken

We have we have hooters i’m sorry neuters neuters neuters it’s not finished yet i stopped building it for some reason i don’t know why uh over here oh yeah yeah over here we have the uh mario kart rainbow road oh my gosh yeah okay so we go up wow right nice

You know why don’t you uh come on stay there okay why don’t you try it out give me a second oh no this all right okay this looks like i might be able to die i’m just yeah but the thing is i i built it though eat what do you think

You really think i would build something and and get you killed of course Okay [Laughter] i think my systems are malfunctioning oh oh just press w i i am this is really sensitive you know you have to uh-huh all right you know what i’ll i’ll uh you can ride my boat i’m gonna be here all right let’s go i don’t know okay oh

No see it’s not that bad it’s not that bad oh no it’s not bad yet yeah look look all right here we go wait hold on i i lagged i lagged irl i lagged irl i liked that all right get off the boat [Laughter] did i lag the irl

Oh we can try that again okay okay okay all right all right kyo let’s do this go go [ __ ] what’s wrong with it what’s happening good job okay last one last one last one okay yes oh oh my god oh my god okay we did it we

Did it we did it we did it good very good we got not bad okay good good okay nice okay okay yeah flowing steady yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay nice [Laughter] wait is randy’s going no okay we can try that next time how did we not die

Oh cuz uh you like it you’re invincible in the boat oh really yeah look but red’s up here though where’s ren yeah come up we’re gonna see him we’re gonna see him look he’s right there oh what the hell wait why is he is he oh he went up the staircase

What did you call you know you know there’s you know there’s an elevator run right i know you’re i know you’re not from earth like this there’s a there’s an elevator bro listen we’re not it’s just because your your race is very technical technologically advanced doesn’t mean we don’t have elevators you know

He was walking up the stairs you serious yeah yeah just uh you could have you could have taken this yeah you could have taken that okay around let’s try that one more time wait did he just die he was done with it all right let’s try that one more time kill

Okay okay that’s what i’m ready here we go here we go here we go here we go okay here we go [ __ ] okay uh this doesn’t work this was something we got a free trip to neuters worth you know something i’ve been kind of like wondering recently

Yes do you think aliens like being cold aliens um i don’t know but you know in ren’s case i don’t really care what he want likes because you know he he’s just done so much to me for no reason and it’s like i was just trying to simply exist breathe

You know inhale exhale and he didn’t want me to do that uh-huh yeah like no hard feelings or anything but you know like like what if what if um what if some other species like you just come and like invade us one day and be like oh you’re an alien you’re like oh

No no i mean alien is species is it’s kind of it’s kind of relative right like you really think about it you know we’re aliens to aliens and aliens yeah like they can call us that yeah like what if but think about it though what if they actually have like a

Galactic term for aliens but we just don’t know it maybe we should ask mr mr mr mr uh risotto over there rosado yeah like i don’t know i’m just wondering you know and i have some uh can i have some um some for you it’s a chicken yeah hey hey

Not all the chicken kyo not all of it you i i’m my fault you gave me it’s not my fault you gave me too much i eat some too all right wait uh uh ren do you know how to get back here oh you can try this out well i look for him

Okay which way do i go oh there’s only go on kill go on go on you got this i’m ready i’m ready Where are you Oh no we’re going up a big one we’re going up a bit i’m scared and we’re just okay okay okay okay i think we’re doing good good good all right come on you got this you got this you got this whoa you got this it’s kind of cool actually yeah

Isn’t it like a underwater ride wow yeah is it a plug and i didn’t i didn’t die even better yeah see this might be the first disney ride where you don’t die at the end you didn’t die that you did you didn’t tell him the rainbow road

Oh i mean yeah you know sorry the first disney ride that isn’t broken or won’t kill you sorry i updated my statement i mean that one isn’t broken okay listen right everything was made to to combat my ping but for some reason you have a higher

Ping than me so you go a lot further than i do i’m sorry sorry my internet is good i know celine bullied me about it i’ll contact my isp and be like yo can you slow me down a little bit just like slow you down i would hate

Yeah you know can you throw can you throttle me a little bit you know i have a friend did you see that post i made on this one i’m so happy because like usually my download five like 5.9 like megabytes per second yeah i was downloading like this game

And it was at 12. that is amazing oh that that that is that is crazy that’s insane that’s wild that’s insane you have the best internet i’ve ever seen in my life yeah 12 12. it took me 30 minutes to download a game that’s 20 gigabytes big

That’s crazy yeah yeah i’m so i’m so happy for you this is like a little router that could you don’t have to praise me it’s okay you know i’m very i’m very i’m very proud of your your router you know i was working so hard mr risotto hey you got my sword

No as a matter of fact yes oh you picked it up yes i do wait so do i get free stuff if i did poems pour properly wow she said every time i place a black she’s going to get rid of it you know i

Don’t even know if i want to do her i don’t even know if i want to do her thor you know she seems like she doesn’t like me you know you have it yeah ren there’s this button is called you press e wait maybe he doesn’t know what the

Letter e is he’s not from here ryan you gotta you know can i has can i has hey hey hey don’t worry no problem all right so now now is the hardest part of disney okay oh no i call this uh my cave sorry not my cave my maze my maze

Nina and mika made this the exit entrance because they win and they could never get out okay all right you gonna try it out i i did it well you see they didn’t make this okay it’s the exit yeah but i didn’t make that the exit though yo

Oh you did okay nice pog okay it’s good okay okay is it cheating is it is it cheating if i do this does it break it oh confused mama had your last confused you got this come on you got it it’s pretty easy wait but no is is pressing f5 cheating

I mean if if you wanna i don’t think it makes it easier yeah we’re gonna make it easier either you got this you got this kill you got this man i think i’m gonna die of hunger before i get out of this you got this oh [ __ ] about the vomit okay oh

You got this hey i’m already out here you made it okay it’s not fair well you know listen right just tell me if you need help i i will come to you and i will i have memorized every single like spot of this place um yeah i’m just confused you lost

You know i was feeling lost and confused you know you know you got it wren don’t worry you got this you got this you got this hey you’re close to key uh you look you’re close to kill though you know if you keep going that way am i going the wrong way

You’re about to meet ren i think he’s yeah so that means i’m going the wrong way because ren just got in right yeah is there a right way i mean i mean you you beat the maze so is there a right way oh oh oh okay okay kyo okay

You’re giving me false help i’m not no literally like you you are very you you’re on the right track oh so that that the right track was finding right not finding magazines you guys are literally on the right track just not here though what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean

Technically everyone’s on the right track anywhere in this thing okay oh wait wait oh okay no okay ren’s going the right track i feel like he’s lying to us no no no i’m being serious you guys i feel like he’s still he’s still going the right way

I feel like i feel like i’ve already been here okay oh hell no [Laughter] trying to you’re trying to give me the step-by-step tutorial nice try give me the step by step you made it yeah this there’s one place that he went to you didn’t go to

Yeah i’m trying to figure out where the [ __ ] that is okay thank you am i just am i going backwards i feel like i’m going backwards i mean you’re not you’re doing well if you’re going backwards can you shut the hell and don’t do that just come here

Yeah you’re doing well if you’re going backwards yeah you are yes you are yes you are does that mean i’m going the correct way but in reverse i mean i’m not trying to say that but i am kinda but at the same time no not that i know where it is you should

Just go backwards and also go forward but now i’ve been here like four times bro [Laughter] i’m literally just going backwards if you go right backwards you can also go left forwards i hate you [Laughter] with a wannabe golden retriever and an alien that abuses me can i get some help

Please listen there’s a rule there’s a rule when it comes to mazes okay if you go left left left left you’ve gone in a circle [Laughter] [Laughter] oh oh wait oh wait hold on oh didn’t see that coming huh almost there i’m going to kill this man you you close

Kill you are very close i don’t like when i’m presented with three options like this is [ __ ] up okay again there’s a rule there’s a rule if there’s three options okay if there’s a left and a right and a middle you’ll always go right at the same time you could go left but

The middle could also work you know i’ve literally already been here i’ve already been here [Laughter] oh you’re back where you are let’s kill the three the three this is the three pathways you were so close though you were literally right here where was i you were where was it you

Were right here okay fine ow wait let me put a light if you give me a chicken shot that’s going the wrong [ __ ] way i’m gonna get like stop you went the wrong way again this is not like it’s the right way either no it’s not [Laughter] it was right behind you

I need somewhere to end my suffering oh my god oh my god okay yeah so what’d you think of the maze you finally did it i think i need i think i think i’m gonna send you an invoice for my therapy session next week okay that’s what i think

Okay just just send her over easy clap easy clap easy clap i might also sue for emotional damages but that’s pending depending if the therapy works Yeah there you go that’s the en server right there kyo did you have fun i’m starting to think that promo versus better i don’t know like you know after that experience i don’t know maybe maybe maybe homer was onto something really really really well you know i’m trying to negotiate

With her so she won’t break my house okay act surprised yeah i think pummel versus better yeah mm-hmm yeah oh holy crap holy crap i’m so i’m so sorry uh i’m so sorry you know i just i just think pumbaa versus you know it’s just a better place

Okay you know what i know i know a way where pomo can the best way to get pomus like so that so that she won’t break your house dude okay okay where’s the start what do you have the book do you still have the book do you put it back in the

The chess that yeah i put it back okay right well it starts channel where does it start ask friend guys my tour guide’s incompetent i’m looking for a new one um i’ll pay you um i’ll pay you 10 emeralds an hour 10 emeralds yes okay yeah come to spawn on this one

So were you giving the words the chicken trail the correct way or the wrong way like why did i hear that in his voice he was like i was helping you these little little fake energetic voice chicken shirt was real ren i don’t know man it was real

You just didn’t follow it you know even looked at me the thing was right behind you i i am kind of a dumbass of that one to be honest okay so do you want an easy way to get back to swan um i can’t kill myself because i already

Made this bond here but yeah i mean we can do it again look all right all right here we go what wait hold on oh wait hold on give me a second oh wait i’m lagging i’m lagging kill hold on hold on

Oh oh okay one oh no oh no oh no oh no you’re gonna hear this song you’re gonna hit [Laughter] that’s good though that’s good imagine you die and that’s the last thing you hear in your head that’d be tragic actually chad i do want to show you something i’m going to come to you soon a scavenger hunt are you going to do it now yeah we’re not doing it now

What the hell are we doing what what the you have something else planned mr tour guide no i’m just what the hell oh it’s a drowned [ __ ] sorry i just saw something oh yeah i think pomo built that the other day yeah okay so this will be where the the halloween stuff is

Chat so where will be i’m gonna build on this land right here right here right here i’m doing the scavenger hunt all right we can we can we can help you out a symbol of the one who is toxic and cute and really likes to shoot has

Something on its snoot but beware not to get turned to suit what do you think i don’t know what what do you think that is we go to do we go to the do we go to do we go to petra’s house oh i’m dead i am

Dead i am dead i’m dead i’m lagging i’m dead i’m like i’m dead and i’m lagging okay oh yeah yeah oh yeah suit foot and newt i mean you know have you ever heard of neuters oh we go to neuters the thing is there’s branches though you’re not going to the

Distance oh so you have a franchise yeah yeah um i paid one gold for it yeah just just look for a place that kind of looks like hooters welcome back momma oh so ren gets a high but i get a [ __ ] you kill okay pomu okay paul mu oh i don’t know man

Yeah just look for a place you know that’s like that’s bricked up and and ren isn’t a little [ __ ] okay so i go to i go to i go to the dragon right the dragon because petra’s house is just built right i don’t know for a place that rhymes rhymes with suit

But that but it’s also newt guys guys my brain shuts off at 10 pm and that’s when we started the stream okay dude i’m not trolling Sorry was that okay she she didn’t seem to like the idea how can i benefit from that um hmm ah you see you see you see what is your skill set i’m really good wait wait wait remember what i told you okay farmer a bed maker no all that stuff today yes

Yes yes i will be the server’s new and improved farmer i will wear a hat and i will put furniture in everyone’s houses especially akuma castle because that [ __ ] is literally some stones okay that is just stones and floorboards what the hell what the hell is happening to you there’s no furniture yeah

Yeah i will be the the the furniture you’re gonna keep selling yourself what else can you do um she’s literally assessing you right now i can also lie really well and i can tell everyone that you are you are the the best streamer in all of ian and you are my oshie

You know when i told the truth and said that you thought i was lying and tie me out anyways in your chat so i might as well just you know continue lying if you think it’s a lie you know i got you oh [ __ ] It’s fine you’re right there you’re gonna be your background guys i don’t think i’m good i i don’t think i should go into sales i don’t know like i i don’t really practice this listen pomu like i wasn’t lying though you just said i was lying so i’m acting

Like you said i was lying you know [ __ ] you got this hey you got you got to keep selling yourself you can’t just be okay okay okay promo okay okay i’m also really really good at like making casual conversations so if you ever need someone to talk to you know i

Know you i know you don’t like to talk to you know like you know you know zoomer tick tock kids but you know if you ever need a zoomer tick tock kid’s help you know a zoomer skill set i got you covered okay have you seen this

Hold on my headphones are tangled i mean i’m plugging them real quick then i want to answer your question yo how the [ __ ] are these so tango oh okay i got him yes what have i seen what i have a tick tock that i sent yesterday did you want to see

Didn’t you say rem was sending you unfunny thick talks the other day is it one of these what do you mean ren no ren wasn’t sending me anything um no no yeah check this one out i’m just saying i i keep getting like a lot of australian tick tocks and not

They’re very unfunny okay yes oh yeah check that one out i’m gonna add you two no am i gonna have to mute my desktop audio to look at this yeah you might have okay god the silence is so loud god i feel it i feel the silence chet i feel it

You don’t feel that he’s dying he’s dying are you good um i’m funny is like an understatement bro like that hurt i mean i’m in like i’m mentally destroyed [Laughter] like that bothered my soul that gave me the heebie jeebies oh god like i if that’s ironic humor like i

Don’t want to know what irony is you should watch this guy he has more stuff okay no no dude i know right you have so many good ones dude if you don’t know what it is okay what i’m just doing that i don’t even know how to explain

Um okay guys i got you i got you i will explain it to the people watching okay imagine imagine david kuhn okay but like with minus the the the wannabe weeaboo lingo okay right and he’s talking to you dead serious okay and he’s like he’s like talking to um

The viewers the audience and he’s explaining um why you know you know why he wants a girlfriend doesn’t have one and then you know is very painfully distraught while talking to his imaginary friend about the non-existent girlfriend that he doesn’t have and then he starts crying while like seeming kind of looking a

Little constipated almost in the facial expression a little bit um [Laughter] okay he says oh god i’m so lonely [Laughter] drop the link oh okay oh yeah we can just like link you sorry chat [Laughter] now run feeling bad you watch that chat check it out okay

Um where do i go next in the scavenger hunt i actually am kind of confused this this i just know that [ __ ] listen to me i wasn’t here for the beginning of it uh almost online move listen mrs rainpuff my oshi can you explain to me where to go next

And what i need to do with these things be respect for me i’m being respectful i’m trying dude okay i know i need to go just i know i need to go to celyn’s dragon i don’t know where it is yeah i’m at the beginning i’m right here is this the beginning

Chad did you like it dude if you watch that guy’s like some people in my chat are saying they’re mentally just try after seeing it too oh okay this is sponge dragon up there if you watch some of these videos it is unbelievable thank you mr rainpuff

I appreciate your noble services of you helping me it is so painful no that’s a big slug i don’t know how he does the act so well i didn’t know um where’s the nearest cliff and um and uh in pummelversal like i i’d really appreciate you can lead me to it

Yes i do play games for a living yo i do play games for a living as a matter of fact yes you do are you trying to bother my soul too by the way you’re talking luka not you not you too so it’s it’s it’s very nice to meet me

Sorry you as a matter of fact i’ve already met myself guys guys why bummer guys i’m scared [Laughter] i’m i’m hurt come on we can do the uh the scavenger hunt you got this can we yeah we’re here to disappoint you okay support me this is how you support me

This is this is your form of support why what did i do what happened come on get over here okay okay okay i will i will respect the time your time and the fact that you’re awake this is where i go next the dragon yes

Did you read it did you read the clue where’s the clue okay i’ll read it to you there’s another one right wait whoa oh was the one at the shooting range the clue i thought this was just the shooting range guys listen after all the mental gymnastics i did with luca earlier today

My brain is at half function you went out of order there’s another clue mate what is that what does that even mean you went out of order hey what oh oh okay back it’s spawn you have to read it all right i’ll read it to you okay yeah

It says something about newts and snoots and shoots i gotcha okay alrighty listen kill a symbol a symbol of one who is toxic and cute and really likes to shoot has something on its snoot but beware not to get turned to suit nudes oh i climb up i climb up the dragon

And go oh okay cool yeah there you go well i was there and then you said did you read the clue i asked if this was it and you’re like no dumb ass i don’t know okay i’ll be honest though i’ll be honest um when i was playing minecraft back in

There we didn’t have this this item here what item don’t be honest oh you want me to lie scaffolding i know exactly what i’m doing pog yeah do you know who this dragon is though it doesn’t know i told you i don’t know how to use these

Come on you can figure that you can figure it out sorry yo you got me [ __ ] up come on you got this okay hey oh he actually got it nice just uh just make sure to put the books back okay so we don’t have to go find them

What what did we say about me in chat minecraft is a zoomer game com come on and you’re zuma i mean i mean like but i don’t even watch tick tock i mean i don’t i don’t i just uh i just got sent clips how’s minecraft for zoomer game hasn’t

He’s been around for like ever let me know for a while i mean like it’s like how old is minecraft like 10 years at least 10 years old it’s not that old i mean yeah i guess the bear of the armpit mole has built near nearby the sand and shoal a tower

Whose bright guiding light deters ships from a sandy bite okay okay what the hell does that mean oh no barely passed english class but i’ma look for a tower that is a tower yeah i’m homeless i was giving up on me he said just follow me is it palmu’s tower

Is this is is it miss rainpuff’s place of residence uh i can’t quite go to like a lighthouse who has an armpit mole [Laughter] the scaffoldings or whatever these are called yeah who do you think it is armpit mole very iconic just saying alira yeah yeah yeah

She has an armpit yeah i can’t believe you haven’t seen it no no i’ve not seen it i don’t know where the moles are in all y’all’s bodies but i forget the one that like for that scarlet has like dang [Laughter] that’s a lot of work wait do you have one

Do you have a mold no i don’t i don’t think i do remember it uh does anyone have any food i don’t have a mole when you know a person’s mole you know how they died what oh you mean like a birthmark yeah i never died

Uh-huh i don’t age i was about to share some like information that i held myself back from where you’re gonna be like i got a mole like on my ass crackers are you about to say luca huh i’m mr kaneshiro no okay okay yours is on your neck bro

Uh ryan you trying to give me some chicken no guys i i can’t say it guys i’m not that bad okay it’s just i armpit more that’s a little obscure like i hope you have them on your ass tomorrow you have a mole no listen i have a birthmark on my ass

You do what cheek left cheek right cheek uh it’s not even on the cheek it’s it’s like it’s like where the tailbone is you know you have a mole like in between like above where your ass crack is like right above it it’s like where it is i mean it’s it’s

Not like it’s not like it’s not like huge or anything it’s just like it’s where tailbone is no but is that is that the correct location uh i mean it kind of is on the ass literally it’s i mean do you not do do you know where

Your tailbone is feel it right now it’s right above where your ass crack starts bro literally right there okay yeah that’s hot shut up huh you did not need to add on to the fire twinsies okay wait where’s the next clue is it down here am i missing something

Oh what’s in this chest okay normally normally there’s a sign normally there’s a side bubble okay to a venue below where the next note lies a local to persuade and to make some quick buys it’s a den of debauchery where more than just items are sold fine or one-eyed

Snake or the prize does he hold an eye snake other people know if they have a mock that dude i don’t know you gotta look in a mirror you looked in a mirror luca yeah i mean i guess i checked him when i was you know like i guess i checked it out

Back then checked out my bum why you’re so silent huh i’m just processing i’m just i’m just processing the information you’re willing to share with me right now you know i’m just like debating like would i share such information yeah you would well maybe if i in that location no

What the hell is the brothel it’s where the villagers are i think right oh oh chad you’re right you know what you’re right i don’t know how i even like checked it out i guess you could you just kind of get curious i guess yeah i got curious when that bent over

You know i just you know i looked in the mirror yeah you you get curious of your body and you check it out yeah it’s chaos i call it self-exploration yeah you don’t know what yeah do you know what your house looks like i do i do

It’s not like i’m like one of those people that’s just blind okay um so we go down yeah you’ve been here you’ve been here but i showed you what chest is it though welcome to the brothel we have many lovely oh we have many maidens we have many maidens very lovely maidens yes

Oh crap ow in an inferior theme park that has a high death count 100 count than your revenue your next clue is up on the avenue some say it’s pog some say it’s poo but that’s where you’ll find the next really that was a good dish that was a good dish a plus

I approve no no i’m sorry luca but you know some say it’s poo some say it’s poo not now that wasn’t the death i was talking about i was thinking about the higher death count come on eh [Laughter] okay now the real question is

I don’t know how that how do i get back to dc i’m gonna just follow mrs mrs mrs hufflepuff rain puff actually you know what pomo if you you know if you were uh if you’re in a harry potter house like uh-huh you know like what would you be

You’d be a hufflepuff father you’d be a slytherin yeah um sometimes it’s fun to you know [ __ ] [ __ ] and um be a little toxic but you didn’t hear that from me though what do you think i’d be um hufflepuff why i don’t know hufflepuff’s like like

Really nice but then like you know oh luca you’re gold you’re yellow yeah i mean i was just i just wait is that why i’m gonna say wrong repeater but i just i just i mean you do have a hufflepuff on top of your ass technically you know talking

About the birthmark i’m gonna hufflepuff your your that sounds so bad complete the sentence i’m gonna hufflepuff your gryffindor that’s how that’s how uh that’s how the house is flirted in harry potter i’m gonna slither in it onto your hufflepuff that’s actually a good one awful is better yeah remember that

Yeah yeah i mean i just remember we almost died to those little you know those little monsters you know those little demons that pumboose are losing here set your sights and aim just right your next item lies where arrows take flight aka the better cooler theme park all right

Homo you know what there we go i was talking crap about palm reversal but here’s the thing okay this little this this this this golden retriever labradoodle with me he didn’t really show me pumbleversal he showed me the one i just did and that was it what do

You mean okay you didn’t even show me the go-kart area i didn’t show you yeah i did why am i going so slow you don’t have an elytra oh thanks for the meat you’re probably hungry you’re probably hungry you’re not you when you’re hungry eat the snickers

Oh shop one more close shot oh oh you thought you thought you thought you thought red puff listen palmer i don’t want to get in front of you i’ma stand behind you oh petra it’s so cute it’s a pantomo that’s lord pantomo to you looking like it is

Oh okay luca please yes make her make her dislike you more than she dislikes me so we can you know we can we just should get so turned so red for you she’ll forget she dislikes me [Laughter] meta strategy oh my god so why are we this is the area with the

Boat thingies yeah yeah look at him show me that i showed you this i showed you how you know yeah i did it no you didn’t you didn’t say what it was for well you could have written my patreon you could read it your patrons are pretty scary promo they scare me

They’re on a date please don’t disturb them all right my bad my bad maybe that’s why they’re mad you know i’m kind of making out you know my bad blue cow i’m the number you okay okay this is the last clue there are eight targets and one secret target

No but it’s not much after this wait is something inside huh through the shooting range probably okay okay i i didn’t know if this is what it was i don’t close the door there we go my bad come on you got it okay listen you you’ve been practicing how to shoot me

The entire time wow why [Laughter] i was just trying to do the scavenger apologized to me for the first time that’s crazy i’m gonna remember this okay oh my god oh my god oh oh oh okay i’m walking by please please don’t shoot me i’m just trying to be a good kawhi and

Do your avengers okay ah my elytra i feel so weak i feel so weak i can’t fly i can’t fly yo i can’t fly i can’t fly i can’t fly i’m a land dweller like you now like you and ren like you and ren wow you got something against land

Dwellers huh is that what you’re trying to say right now you’re really you you’re trying to you’re trying to you’re trying to talk [ __ ] to your only ally right now dwell what do you mean ally a pulmoversal backstabber what do you mean never said was better okay i just said

Oh i’m a land dweller i’m actually i’m actually on the ground wait why am i doing this i kind of [ __ ] up the the thingy thing my bad oh my god is there not a target here oh my god oh there it is this is honestly kind of cool did you

Build this bummer oh my god she did oh that’s nice karma balls karma balls am i missing one of them caramel balls don’t pick it up without the elijah luca ages 50 years that’s dope okay okay okay sorry don’t got my bow your bow i’ll give it

Back to your man hold on hold on where stargazers unite to enjoy all of their masters delight eat some all right this is oogie’s cafe my boots are gone youtube user who very graciously thought about ookie’s feed wait what god damn it okay youtube user who thought about ookie’s

Feet oh it’s totally down here hog do i put this book back or do i just keep it well you have it ooky’s feet i pummel rain puff the original oh my gosh ookie i got your feet bro i’m gonna take pictures of these and sell them okay

All right thank you thank you thank you thank you i just put the money with me okay that’s fine that’s mine that’s fine i was almost a land dweller wait okay where do i where where is uh where’s uki’s cafe this isn’t mine what do you mean that’s yours cafe

Yeah i don’t remember where it is i’ll be honest with you do i put the book back in in here go back to uh go back to uki’s place oh it’s not mine what do you mean oh there bummer alright we’ll take you to uki’s place okay okay ready hi gag come on

Who’s golden horse i’m no longer a land dweller oh i can fly oh my god oh my god i can fly where are you going i thought i thought luca was showing me how to get there and then you know i can fly i can luca sometimes i wish you couldn’t fly

Because you’re trying to rub it in my face and you called me a land dweller like that isn’t messed up like that’s that is so upsetting i’m hurt honestly let’s just fly full head of course walk forehand yeah why walk when you can fly i wish i had an answer for that but

You’re you’re right you win did you know did you know if you actually if humans could fly people would be lazy and wouldn’t fly did you know that what if people could fly you would yeah people wouldn’t it’s like exercising yeah you’re probably right yeah it’d be like there’d be flight in the

Olympics so people say they want to fly but like i’m like you know do you really yes your final stop is somewhere unseen in the water where you can breathe under where the potions brew there’s no sub there’s a surprise waiting for you hmm Do we go to the axolotl love hotel it’s over there i’m not i’m i’m not i’m not asking the question i’m not i’m not i’m not i’m not cool it’s literally but it’s under there underwear oh [Laughter] do that little laughing robot is that garfield book and quill congratulations you found them all

Welcome ninja sanji welcome to your downfall welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome yeah i can tell you know my my you know my my mental stamina has decreased in stat points by about 30 since um i started this minecraft tour with mr mr luca and we said we’re talking about you know the

Technicalities of technicalities within the technicalities of the technicality you know yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes did you know that the trapper’s trap can trap the trapper go get the stuff oh delinquents club masters sword marisma scarlets chankla yotano kyotana that’s smart wait

Who’s the delinquent sword for the olympics club oh sorry that’s mine oh this can be elias instead i like the kyotana that’s that’s that’s smart thank you i as a delinquent what since when i also get a green and a gold block oh okay yeah now you can pay me you can pay

Me now yeah um yes the the the town tax yeah i remember i remember taking a loan up so i actually have like 30 days to pay you um what yeah wait what’d you say i i didn’t hear it i said i um i actually took a loan so i have um

I have 30 days to pay you so i don’t need to pay immediately no no it has to be instant payments i signed the dotted line and it said the payment must be made in um 30 days and it’s been um it has to be insane hasn’t been a full day yet

I never i never signed the document with the instant payment you might have given me the wrong one listen okay you want to build something you got to pay me 10 emeralds you got that yes yes but 10 emeralds in 30 days in 30 days

Yes in 30 days so i will have time to gather more resources and you know i won’t go broke immediately that’s that’s how loans work nah my i don’t know what you’re [ __ ] talking about my nah nah nah wait hold on hold on kyo what’s happening kill my boat your boat

What about your boat i can’t oh there we go hey can we not go up does it just not work okay don’t worry about that there we go all right there you go yeah so what did you think what did you think of the scavenger hunt um i quite appreciated

The scavenger hunt um it was a little bit less mentally taxing than the you know the uh the maze you know i think i think uh i’m still gonna send you the invoice for my therapist luca um so i would like you to pay that when you

Know it comes in um i’ll send it to your business email yeah i’m glad you enjoyed it wrong with the maze i don’t know pogba you haven’t tried it yet has pomona not tried it yet no she hasn’t i want to watch pumbaa try that when i

Can hear her voice and just under so she understands the mental anguish i had to go through from the maze i don’t think she’s tried it yeah hey you know what i’m glad you had fun i’m glad you had fun kill yeah glad you did

It was it was pog besides the maze yes it was great you still did it though faster than vox oh sorry faster than sunny and sunny i like the maze ryan you like everything okay sometimes you need to you know dislike stuff what is there to like if everything is is likable

Ren i dislike disliking stuff huh interesting Balls oh oh give me a second wiggle my walls i didn’t have two i did not have two dislike screens on debut you guys are lying that was not me it was a mistake what of out what how do you do that that’s cool dude i think i think i think my dad

Knows i’m a vt but wait why they don’t know i’m a be tuber he he just came in it was i don’t know he just came in and was like hey what you up to uh-huh oh no wait did we burn the trees down i don’t

I don’t know bro i just i just got here yeah i think i think my dad hurts how does he know what did you say that makes you think he knows i don’t know he was like uh he’s like what are you up to luca and i’m

I’m like you know i’m streaming right now i’m live he’s like uh you know so do you just like do you just like show yourself as like blah blah blah and i’m like uh no and he just left and he just i think he knows i think he knows

He saw he saw your uh he found out yeah i think um i think i had like a like something come in the mail yeah and i think that’s how oh yeah that’s he saw the yeah he saw that yeah i think so oh he just left he didn’t say anything like

Any further wait i left it my parents don’t figure out who they want them oh yeah have you never you haven’t told you haven’t told them ah i don’t they don’t really unders i told them but they’re like what’s that yeah they kind of get it i told them i stream

They kind of get it you know he just wasn’t used to it because you know he he’s like oh my god you’re the anime character he’s a delinquent like i am you know my friends called your father a delinquent that’s crazy i hope your dad doesn’t see this my father

Hey father are you watching hi lucas dad um hopefully you think i’m cool and uh you you know i can become your oshie yes thank you don’t forget to subscribe like turn on post notifications enter my giveaway um follow me on twitter would you would you like to already

Would you like to join my free roblox gift card giveaway make sure you like subscribe and hit that bell notification below and turn on post notifications yes and comment down in the description below and what you like about the video thanks guys good and i’ll see you later

Have you seen that guy like loud loud loud dubs have interstates playing with tech shaking have you seen that guy the among us potion video no i haven’t what how have you not seen that no i can’t believe it what i’m sorry bro you have to check this out like later on okay

Okay send me a link i forgot his name i forgot his name oh how do you expect me to see a video that that you don’t even remember the name of goodnight pomo hi paumu sleep well oh yeah here it is yes yes this is going to be your favorite

Video in the world will it be wait is it the humongous potion at 3am dude yeah i just told you that what what do you mean nah because now i know who you’re talking about yeah i called among us drank sauce potion you haven’t seen it check it out check it out ren

I gotta tell you about that later remind me remind me when we’re streaming to tell you about this that’s all i’m gonna say okay okay i’m really i’m really curious and what it’s about a month okay wait hold on it’s not it’s not it’s not good though

It’s not good i’ll tell you that much i’ll tell you that much but i will tell you yeah meet me and mister me and mr always referenced it i know who you’re playing minecraft wait i didn’t do this okay what the hell are you talking about oh is it cursed law kill

Or it’s long nah yeah sure yes yes sure i will tell like i said i will tell you later okay just remind me all right i gotta remind you remind you i got you so what are you gonna do now uh i don’t know you’re gonna you’re gonna get a house

I guess this is it i’ve come so far i’ve learned so much lamel you just not lamao the middle of my [ __ ] speech bro that’s that’s disrespectful right there hold on let me come down there let me just no it’s not from the llama before uki what are you talking about

Didn’t pong break all the trees i i didn’t do that what no palmer literally said what happened to your trees and then they were on fire and we looked at them earlier and they were fine so that wasn’t me guys what are you talking about

I i got rid of the the yeah i got rid of the lava i took it out it wasn’t palmu wait okay i took it out it was probably luca danuki i don’t know it ain’t may it ain’t may it ain’t honey babies honey babies who can be your letter believe in yourself

I’ll be knox please be mine be that six honey you’re beautiful just be yourself i’m i’m very happy to see you be lira pandora be nuts yeah that wasn’t me he’s chad beast that was minted oh there’s a bee behind you wait what was here though that that got broken it’s the trees

I don’t know i have no idea no we literally walked past them earlier and they were fine though yeah i know i know i didn’t do anything i remember i was walking but when you died we definitely walked past them oh pull this back listen palmer i accuse you but i took it

Back okay it might not have been you listen listen pomu i took it back i took it back someone chat said it might have been a thunderstorm oh okay there you go okay it was the weather it’s fine we can just we can just add like [Laughter] we can just add we can

[Laughter] don’t worry uki we love you okay yes it’s fine [Laughter] i see you chat fire arrows don’t cause damage seeing homo it wasn’t me it was a chat that was telling me i was ill-informed okay i now understand your innocence oh god the fire aspect doesn’t really oh oops

Sorry i think i hit you nice i’m correct i’m crazy cracked gaming i’m insane no scope minecraft 1v1 how are you how are you crouching so fast how do you move so fast she has she has like the pokemon running shoes what the hell how do you get that i’m a gamer

There’s an enchantment on her boobs she has the pokemon running shoes she’s holding b guys is that an actual feet enchantment that’s pretty park what is this it’s uh i think milly made this it’s a very wholesome figure you know it’s uh yeah it’s the ice sculpture [Laughter]

But what’s with the glow stone why is it a glow well you know you need something to represent you know the end you know you got to be anatomically accurate that’s honestly better [Laughter] spiderwebs work better wait why what oh we’ll add that at the end of that we

Need both you need both you need both spider webs yeah luca think about what spider webs in this game look like i’m imagining it oh oh oh yes oh i see wait mister made this okay she’s gonna put it on there we go no but chad the one mr made was over here

How it got on me yeah i’m lagging so bad dude i don’t know why minecraft’s been killing my game i have no idea i power move i have no idea my game’s dying i’m doing what i’m doing i don’t feel so good i’m doing i’m gonna do it

Yeah chad i think maybe next week wait is that is there a minecart here yeah maybe next week we can start working on this whoops i need to figure out where to build my house yeah go find it you say go find it yeah go find it no

I’m gonna find my house or find a spot to build my house yeah find us i mean hey again there’s a lot of land here kill there’s a lot of land here i mean hey ren’s already building above my my crop fields what yeah that’s kind of disrespectful

You know i i kind of gave it to him he’s gonna make like a like a ufo right over here oh that’s kind of smart over here will be the halloween trick-or-treating event hopefully i don’t know i don’t know i’m just speaking yeah my land now technically since i’m the

Farmer like i didn’t approve of this i mean you can you can own the crop fields but you don’t own them above it i own everything above my crop field you don’t you don’t own the the sky do you i own the sky oh okay i need food

Where are you guys i’ll come back i’ll go back i’m by the icy dick landing landing landing landing landing landing landing i’ll put that there and put this there i’ll put this there there you go okay i’m back hi you said you need food oh wait no one i don’t have any

Oh wait i do hold on there there you go ah yo i just just just take like take this stick that you have 64 now okay all right listen kill now that i’ve shown you the server yes it’s your turn to build okay you gotta you gotta add more stuff to it you

Know we’re gonna we’re gonna force you to do it okay force you to do it you love minecraft right yeah i love minecraft yes yeah exactly okay good good yeah you can build your house anyway okay but i’m probably gonna i’m probably gonna call it though i’m tired yeah that’s okay that’s okay

But thank you for sh thank you for showing check your inventory i have a honey bottle honey bottle ah okay are you calling me your honey thank you [Laughter] okay but now i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna call tonight because i’m getting tired thanks for showing me around thank you

Wait no problem yeah thank you thank you thank you for having me at least thanks so much yeah you have a lovely night okay Oh he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone chad he’s disappeared why do i have two digmas dig my oh it is supposed to be point five oh no but can i like ookie left this is you and i wait kyo still here yeah can i just like put them together and make an efficiency

Five is that possible yeah chad hey uh i hope uh i hope you enjoyed today’s clam you know i i definitely did i enjoyed it i had fun i parked out i very much parked out thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for the stream luca thank you

No thank you thank you thank you thank you i’m glad you enjoyed but yeah probably next week we can start working on this i don’t know i kind of want to like before i start working on this i kind of want to like at least at least frame the whole thing out

Before starting it i didn’t know pogba made this here yeah i think it’s big enough i think it’s big enough i think so we can probably like put a like a big house here i don’t know i i need to think it through more because again like i do want to

You just build some stop building something for uh for halloween so we can have like a big ian event at least maybe even like uh like an international event as well who knows maybe it’ll be fun it’s it’s gonna take a while though i’m gonna grab some some some wood and everything

Gotta grab some wood surprisingly enough like this spot here barely had any it only had like three trees at least no i ran out what the hell i’m glad you enjoyed though oh that was that was actually really fun thanks so much i’m glad you enjoyed chad that was pog

A permanent farm has free tridents really how do i get up guys how do i get up there anyways yoona thank you for the fifty dollars thanks so much jihan thank you kitty thank you sorry i didn’t get to uh read some super chats today usually when i’m collabing with someone

I’m actually i i try to put my focus on them you know let’s get a file yeah thank you yoona for the 50 thanks so much uh nito welcome to the mafia gal welcome uh not nadi rikki real real yuji misty shuzao spaghetti with meatballs thank you guys

For the uh for the membership thanks so much i appreciate that a lot thank you thank you thank you thank you morbius thank you mj cool oh my god thank you for the 50 as well you’re insane you guys are crazy you’re right there is trident oh wait

The ride there’s free tridents what the hell okay well i’m gonna grab like i’m gonna grab this contrabass thank you stiglitz thank you memory thank you so thank you juliana thank you in seven months you guys okay i’m gonna probably go back to dc for now

Look at these nuts thank you for seven months guys i appreciate it i appreciate it a lot thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you youtube pog to pug zoe thank you i must now go to bed but i will be around at another stream

It’s almost 2 am yeah tomorrow we actually have a pokemon so it might be the finale tomorrow so make sure you tune in okay ready nice pokemon tomorrow the pokemon league the pokemon league pokemon league all right there we go good fun today thank you guys thank you

I’m glad you did i’m glad you did i had fun too thank you so much for checking in checking me out in kyo as well why why thank you for the super chat suki thank you knick knacks thank you thank you needy thank you noodle thank

You eve thank you gen y thank you alex here welcome to mafia thank you thanks so much like a big brother kyo and it was adorable i enjoyed every bit of it thanks for the stream yes thank you so much thanks so much apple thank you i’m

Glad news i’m glad you enjoyed dialogues thank you mal thank you rumi thank you shout out to rocky with a format sage thanks so much reika thank you for super chat meru thank you thank you guys i think my chat died hold on you know thank you anything but

What the i just saw this chat what the hell why is there another one thousand dollars god holy [ __ ] god damn what listen i don’t know how some of you guys have so much to give all of you you know again i always say this okay you know watching is enough

Well i do appreciate it you know the donations and everything and memberships and all that stuff i appreciate a lot you know thank you bottom of my heart but again you know watching me is enough chat that’s that’s all i ask for and makes me happy

Yeah yoona thank you as well what the wooka’s pinky badge thank yous the off stream donation and yummy thank you thank you thank you thank you as well thanks thank you as well day you’ll send a super again you know you don’t have to worry about that chat because again

Watching me it’s okay you know i i appreciate it thank you so rach thank you thank you i’m a year older today sad happy birthday what why sad why sad you should be talking thank you for an entertaining stream it was really fun to watch no

Thank you for the big super chat what the hell happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday uh please have a lovely day you should be spending your money on me i’m sorry i’m not out of me on yourself on yourself on yourself on yourself guys

I didn’t mean that guys guys i i got confused okay because i was talking about it earlier Okay on yourself on yourself on yourself okay love uh ninja sanji ian a boss i have someone like i like can you give me advice he’s mean an evil mafia boss but he always shows everyone how cute he is what should i do okay love hey love

You talking about me huh you talking about me you guys wanna you guys wanna win my heart listen all you have to do listen all you have to do then all you have to do all right a cosplayer shrek that’s pretty pog but really guys i

I bully a lot of people okay i bully a lot of people i’m building a lot of people the thing is the hard thing is it’s a little hard to bully me back you know it’s a little hard to bully me back so there you go what do you mean it’s not what

Are you kidding me guys no one can bully me are you serious what no no that’s it’s impossible yunnar thank you no please oh god have so much fun today always chaos with your friends i hope these new things can be fixed soon one day ninja sunday livers can play them without anger

It’s not that bad it’s it’s not that deadly come on it’s not that deadly waiting for kyo to bully me well yeah he had the chance today but he couldn’t okay he had a chance today but he couldn’t literally he had the chance today but he couldn’t even do that

What did i say huh what the what the hell did i say last night wait till i learn more about you luca just wait what the hell did i say last night i was right kyo i was right my chat wait let me run they trying to prove that [Laughter]

They said you were gonna bully me the entire time today oh no i can only bully people if i know them all you know you i just kind of met you so i’m gonna wait and you know engage it but listen once i get to know you i can start

Coming up with the savage comebacks i just gotta you know i gotta engage you i wasn’t trying to stop on any toes initially okay but retriever boy okay little light your little labrador act that’s not gonna work on me forever you know what eventually i will i will crack i will

Refuse to give you a little doggie treats and you can stop barking about stuff okay just wait just you wait just you wait better luca just pork just wait poor okay just wait luca pork have a good night next time next time we collab you’ll see pork [Laughter] good night

What did i say huh [Laughter] guys listen i have mastered the way i have mastered the act of unbulliness a little challenge a little cherry plum thank you so look out back to a previous stream with that one talk did you ever learn what a condom was

Love you any i know what it is i know what it is i just i’ve never seen one that’s all i know what it is guys why is that surprising huh i’ve just never seen one people said listen okay people said oh look i just you can just buy one but wherever

There’s no way they just sell it like in convenience stores there’s no way i don’t believe that because i’ve never seen it they do i’ve never seen it huh hey listen chad i touch grass okay i touch grass too i’m a resident grass toucher delbo thank you thank you thank you thank you

Yeah i’ve grassed i’ve eaten grass it’s at the council okay you know how many okay okay okay okay okay chat i have been i have been to the counter many times to pay for pay for my things okay i’ve been to the counter like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and

Hundreds and hundreds of times just to pay for my stuff but all i see is gum that’s it oh uh five gum what else is there that’s all i see tic tacs just ask next time why what do i need it for i don’t need to buy one

I mean i could buy it to make balloons but that’s about it maidenless maidenless they do call me mr maidenless so uh sorry i i’m uh wait what did i call myself again in pokemon guys they call me the maiden master oh yeah the maiden king yeah that’s me that’s me

I’m the maiden king right time thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thanks so much it was such a joy to watch you show kyo around the end survey was hilarious thank you for watching stream lukaine let’s get down to my record yesterday too you did great i’m

Sorry if this is a duplicate internet being on pog again thank you i was really um i was really nervous last night honestly i mean i did understand him a little bit like i don’t know i get so shy because i just don’t know what to say did i enjoy yeah i did

I enjoyed it it’s not that bad you know like it’s not that bad but you know i think i was most nervous when it came to me introducing myself hmm but after that it was okay you know like it was fine i wasn’t really like nervous at all i was just um

I just didn’t know what to say that’s all are you still sick no no i’m not no i’m not vera thank you jim thank you right on the yoyo welcome to the mafia hello lololololollo hello hello hello sarong hey girl that’s i i’ve noticed i’ve seen a lot of

Uh i’m seeing a lot of korean fans recently is it because i is it because i’m saying it’s not okay girl is that why what can i say what the hell is this one what can i say in like uh what about in spanish what can you say in spanish

They just like you very much oh that’s cute thank you thank you mucho l plus ratio uh plus your 77 all which big booba maidenless old grandpa love your boss you’re a good tour guide 10 out of 10 would hire thank you you know what again

I don’t just provide a tour chat i provide lore and everything okay resident sleeper i just saw your ring fit oh is that why okay and i see you i see you a little cherry pump thank you so much for the super chat blah blah thank you look at baby

Oh i felt spanish i can’t understand anything anna thank you but you see i appreciate the uh super chat as well i am yudar you know nihongo shia What was that no i’m not i’m not nihongo jozu you know my not joseph it was a fun stream thank you jg thank you karen we all love you and even when you don’t say it’s wrong hey girl i don’t know like the reason i started saying that was because i was looking

For him ah doris thank you uh i was looking for uh like those blingy stuff the picnic stuff on discord and i saw it yeah i saw it thank you doris thank you kayla thank you jg thanks so much look i put a blanket with your face on it oh how

It’s fine that means i can just like warm you up when you’re asleep isn’t that great i watched 10 minutes of the stream and now i’m a super ultra mega uh minecraft megapro so how about i become you uh the expert tour guide real quick and guide these balls down your throat

Thanks for the stream boss and away guide ma guide ma guide ma [Laughter] thank you thank you ricky how do you always have something hiding these guys i’m like playing sorry if i’m moving a lot that’s because i’m i am playing with my necklace right now uh so basically okay

Let me let me explain what i’m trying to do right now so i i put my so i have this necklace i put my ring on it and i closed it up right now i’m just kind of spinning it around on my wrist you hear it helen i can hear it

Hey hold on give me a second ah yes yes yes Um Get to wait can i uh no no no kyota ah that’s what it is okay trying to trick me again huh get him thank you how cute moon thank you for the three months thanks so much of the county bros today i didn’t know i needed it but thanks

Hey i’m glad you enjoyed i’m glad you enjoyed misty thanks so much thank you [ __ ] i think about two months thanks so much thank you Super fine you’re such a good senpai and i always enjoy your energy ps bullying you probably isn’t that hard for real for real hey what do you mean i it’s listen okay no no no one can bully me you know yeah guys i don’t know what you’re talking about hey

I have no idea chan did i just die what yeah i think i think the chad died so he didn’t know how to address me ah i see i say see i see i gotcha gg thank you why isn’t chad on stream today either okay well i’ve been thinking recently um

I’ve been thinking recently like should i keep chat on the screen since i mean there’s already a chat box right there’s already a chat box like right here look right here i’m leaning on you right now right now right now i’m leaning on you so i’ve been thinking to myself like do

I really need to chat on screen maybe maybe not i probably don’t all right sorry someone came in someone came in my room i think it does help for mobile viewers yeah yeah that’s that’s i’ve been thinking about it too i don’t know i’m experimenting at the moment so don’t uh

It’s not final yet okay i i literally like one of my friends they were like oh man having having chat on screen is a little distracting i’m like oh is it actually just don’t look at it forehead and then like ah yeah it’s a little bit you know

I tend to read it i’m like just don’t i’m like oh okay well you know what uh so i’m just uh i’m experimenting right now it’s not final oh yeah actually you know what i’m keeping chat then uh leona thank you lucas speaking spanish sounds so nice

Would love to hear again thank you for an enjoyable stream boss it was a lot of fun seeing you shall kill around uh i’d give you a five-star review for being a good tour guide tequila mucho tambien boss thank you the oldest leonis thank you i’m glad i’m glad you enjoyed

I’m glad you enjoyed it thank you so much for the pink super chat peep that thank you yeah sorry hold on give me a second okay you want to find the tool guide stream you did great today look forward to your minecraft building project in the future

It’ll be pumped for sure uh please tell us tell us more ian server lord yes i will listen all they have to do is uh they don’t they they just have to they just have to hit me up hit me up and i’ll i’ll give them a tour

Thank you nope fan thank you thank you thank you ying thank you spend a little thank you apple blossom thank you thank you i am karlin thanks so much thank you and waiting thank you yeah i think i’ll keep the chat on screen because sometimes uh

I may have to like delete a section on the mod and when i do that it does get rid of the chat so i’m probably gonna keep it on that’s what i’m gonna do i didn’t think about that oops so i have food with me i’m hungry chad i’m hungry i’m hungry

Let’s kill kyo’s gone kill balls thanks for the fun chaotic stream mafia tour guide fun incarnate extraordinaire now kyo for sure thanks your mean and evil golden retriever mafia boss i don’t know where you got the the golden retriever from and i’m a i’m a pretty i’m a pretty a pretty scary lion

Chad what are you talking about Oh so good i’m eating uh chicken teriyaki with rice but hey coping for shrek we’re not gonna watch it this week because this i wanna watch it with uh i wanna watch it with some people but there are i think we might watch shrek next week i might do it next week

Zoe thank you he’s his sin welcome uh thank you for six months mocha thank you wendy thank you watch along hey sorry yeah it is um i actually have to do something soon i think i have a meeting soon but hey you know uh at least i got to

Talk to you for a little bit again thank you so thank you chad sophia lynn thank you for seven months thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so yeah i’m i’m probably gonna uh probably gonna stop now uh again thank you so much uh for coming by

I appreciate it thank you so i think for the super chats donations and memberships i appreciate that a lot thanks so much debbie thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah and most importantly thank you for watching me i appreciate it a lot really i always tell you this every stream

Thank you thank you thank you thank you for checking me out today uh i hope you enjoyed because i did i had fun whatever thank you for the five months thank you thank you okay well that being said that being said chad probably gonna go now

I’ll see you tomorrow uh we have pokemon tomorrow i think it’s the last maybe the last i don’t know what the end game content for uh pokemon diamond pearl is so we’re doing the elite four tomorrow we’re doing it soon pokemon league pokemon league tomorrow yeah yeah so i’ll see you tomorrow again

Please have a lovely day have a lovely night and yeah have a lovely afternoon as well if you haven’t gone to sleep yet go to sleep now and if you haven’t waking up wake up wake up wake up my wake up mate wake up yeah oh oopsies wake up

Wake up if you haven’t done If you’re not how can you find my the way to my heart i don’t have to i already have it i don’t have to i don’t have to find it no i’ve already stolen it i’m really taking it it’s mine now mine now mine now [Laughter] mine now it’s mine

You’re not taking it away from me um hmm drop some on me You know what this might be my might make this my my ending ending music After after after seven months we finally found the right one after seven months yeah how do a few months ago hey what do you mean since when huh since when hey sheba thank you just thank you boss today it’s pretty hard for me but i’m glad you’re here thanks for the

Stream today hey i hope things go well okay hope things get better um please take care of yourself i’m glad i can at least make you smile today I make you smile really i just remembered you’re trying to get a girlfriend oh god i’m so lonely it’s the it’s the tick tock that i was talking about earlier that’s so funny dude i don’t i don’t know It’s so funny hold on this guy has like he makes like really awkward videos i can’t find one okay hold on this was the one i was playing helen oh oh okay okay ready only gonna play the first seven seconds of it that’s tough almost as tough as me trying to get a

Girlfriend oh god i’m so lonely hey gotta make fun of yourself sometimes right that that is that is painful that’s why it’s kind of hard to get a girlfriend oh god i’m sorry skye thank you very thank you tantam miracle thank you okay thank you it’s funny but you relate right

No i genuinely i knew someone that acted like that so yes yes it is very relatable because i have experienced that straight up psycho thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for the akka super thank you so much what the hell i appreciate a lot

Vera thank you that’s a miracle thank you caleb thank you mizuki thank you kian thank you i think and yuna what another 50 bucks why you need someone it’s not me yeah but i never i don’t say things like that though what do you mean What are you talking about maybe it’s me if you check that guy’s like tick tock account holy [ __ ] all of his videos there’s more yes there’s more yes there’s more yes there is i don’t understand how he does it so well that martin kid yeah how did i find it um i

Miko mika was talking about it oh sorry mika me mika sent me a video i was like what the hell did i just watch my thank you this is my first super chat plug ah thank you so much hello thank you my ava thank you for a super chat i’m right here tower

Yeah it is we don’t link to it boss it’s just without one it’s just that martin kid that martin kid that’s like talk it’s so funny it is so painful but it’s so i don’t know it makes me laugh Watching mommy carver and your stream is such a wild experience hey what are you talking about huh ichi you really just said did you really just say that to me huh why are you implying that i’m not mean and evil as i am in that video huh is that what you’re saying hey

Is hey what you’re trying to say because i am i am i’m i’m the most evilest most angriest most meanest meanest streamer you’ll ever watch in your life huh eating food match eating oh usually food makes me feel better but not me i’m madge um not me because i’m a mean and evil

That’s pretty good though what the hell thank you for the 50 why my god thanks so much i was making my thank you sheepy i’m glad you joined okay well i am going to edit that hope you had a lovely day hope you had a lovely night and i will see you tomorrow

Morrow tomorrow bye bye everyone bye bye bye bye bye bye bye i’m excited thank you for the big super chat bye Hi guys i don’t know what you’re trying to expect at all no i’m not going to try and

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】SHOWING KYO AROUND THE EN SERVER【NIJISANJI EN | Luca Kaneshiro】’, was uploaded by Luca Kaneshiro【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-08-06 08:13:49. It has garnered 258221 views and 16839 likes. The duration of the video is 04:48:11 or 17291 seconds.


Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/afeifei4 THANKS~!

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I am a Mafia boss that came from the past. Now I am apart of NIJISANJI EN’s Luxiem! I am Luka Kaneshiro from NIJISANJI EN! I am a Mafia boss that came from the past! #NIJISANJI_EN #NIJISANJI[RULES]1. Do not be WEIRDCHAMPION that is super UNPOG. 2. Be respectful to one another we only POG and not WEIRDGE. 3. Please avoid ONE-MAN spamming okay! 4. Do not BACKSEAT unless I say so, and YES! that includes spoilers. 5. Please stay on topic during the stream, do not mention other streamers unless I am talking about them. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Luxiem Members Luca Kaneshiro (Luca Kaneshiro) Twitter: https://twitter.com/luca_kaneshiro Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Gb7Uawe20QyFibhLl1lzA

Shu Yamino https://twitter.com/shu_yamino https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG0rzBZV_QMP4MtWg6IjhEA

Ike Eveland https://twitter.com/ike_eveland https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4yNIKGvy-YUrwYupVdLDXA

Vox Akuma https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCckdfYDGrjojJM28n5SHYrA

Mysta Rias https://twitter.com/Mysta_Rias https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIM92Ok_spNKLVB5TsgwseQ

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

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  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

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  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

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  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

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  • Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

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  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

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  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More

  • Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!

    Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!Video Information on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings to they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up for me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time… Read More

  • Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!

    Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!Video Information you’re now listening to FAA FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kieran FAA and get ready to jam out go [Music] 1 2 3 go there spot with a flow we Hol promise I’m famous heo I am a big shot look on TV gaming Idol here in that’s me bucket we ball never punish never greedy no I’d win Unstoppable C dance back back back it up let that’s what I call sweet [Music] swe rain of [Music] s [Music] ladies P hello hello p is my music loud it’s only on three… Read More

  • Saitani Gamer – GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥

    Saitani Gamer - GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘😇or😈 #roblox #minecraft #memes #robloxedit #minecraftbuilding #tutorial #bedwars #funny #gaming’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-07 15:39:04. It has garnered 420 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender Dragon Minecraft… Read More