EPIC Minecraft Transformation! Must See!!

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All right we’re live can you hear me oh my God that was such a delay Let’s see let’s I’m going to share This guess it’s time to play some Minecraft hello everybody wherever you are ah slipping a hot chocolate oh man that’s so good I don’t know what we’re going to do today all right back in the game we should go to spawn oh forgot to do this no I do have

Flight why is it like acting really weird ah okay hold on I’m going to go to my stage started a stage as I don’t know how long gaming luminary was going to be don’t oh it’s good going to be a quiet yes we are live and I still don’t know what I’m

Doing oh we’re going to spawn derps oh hi yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on let me um there we go oh yeah that happened y’all creeper came next to me and blew me up okay that’s okay I’m pretty good just oh I greed let me see hold on I need to

Check something so uh so say something oh wait hold on so many all right say something now oh it’s still not working why is it not working yeah Mhm don’t know why yeah try that right say something now no still not working hold on let me see let me check oh no hold on that’s why h on ah all right say something now something now okay it’s working yay woohoo I’m a little spiky so let me just put it down

I need to leave the other one I’m sorry guys okay I think it’s all good good oh now we are at spawn yeah I didn’t know how much longer uh gaming luminary was going to stream so I didn’t want to go into his stage it’s okay I’m just grateful to see you

Streaming again I know I am so happy to did you see the project that I was working on I did briefly okay you are welcome to contribute anything you would like to that if you so choose where exactly oh hi do it just disgu disguise hello how you doing um it is

Due west of Spawn so just from the center of Spawn fly up then fly West uh how do I know what’s West West is towards um sagi’s cave thing basically if jart Tower is on your left you’re heading west here we go but you are welcome to contribute

Anything on ground that what you contribute what you first must be a build hello Carlos yes must be a build must be a build and it must have impacted you and your experience on spinal crap this is a tribute to spinal 10 so it’s like what did spinal crap do

For you that made you want to build something I want to see what that inspiration is it could be anything uh am I going in the right direction yep how far is it in fact you can Sprint while you fly too you’re I have a controller right so you don’t

Necessarily have Sprint um just keep flying West you don’t turn at all okay and you will eventually run into it well how is everybody doing in the live chat I know we’re back I also to drastically changed my avatar or my YouTuber as long as it don’t get click bity I’m fine

Um you gone too far I went too far or maybe because I’m seeing builds that aren’t mine okay what are you just teleport me there it’s the easiest thing s to light gazer whoa okay here we go ah oh this is interesting so this is your

Build what uh little by little piece by piece one small project at a time the center is a reminiscent of the old spawn and if you look in the direction I am looking at just stand uh I’m on the center top roof thing yes and see the other that’s cool

Um the first spawn that we had was called Rayquaza roundabout so when I thought about it I’m like let make a Rayquaza what HSE so I made Rayquaza that’s super cool about six six and a half hours to build used a lot of my um um it it’s stressed my talents to make

This but really nice I did it okay um so the next one is Pioneer Splats and when I think of pioneers I’m thinking of dirt trails like Co dirt and stuff and um wagons and stuff so I was going to make a Long Trail with wagons and stuff

I was also going to do a tribute for each spawn as well as each uh player town and each person that I thought that I can remember had a meaningful impact so everyone is welcome to do something that says I remember something about SP this is what I remember this is my

Tribute and you just build it that’s it that’s that’s all you have to do and you don’t have have to if you don’t want to I just want to see what other people build if anyone else don’t go down there that’s death yeah that is that is very

Death yeah because this will spawn Pig uh Zombie Pigmen and I’m just like okay um okay zombie pigman you could just die and that’s what the turtle eggs will go after they’ll go after it oh my voice is choppy I wonder why my voice hold on whose voice ABC is it me me

Me audio shouldn’t be shouldn’t be choppy everything’s working fine oh it was oh oh hi Dragonite it was uh light gazer Voice Plus like testing one two one two plus light gazer has a soft voice I need to turn you up oh he went out coming

Back let’s see I I had to leave so I could test audio and stuff yeah hello hyper Boot and Happy New Years to you too oh it’s better now that’s good um let’s see what was I doing Happy New Year’s to you Dragonite hello awesome King welcome right now I’m on spincraft if

You play Minecraft all the information on how to join is down below there’s even a link to a video on how to do it through your Nintendo switch but other than that don’t ask me looking so here you looking forward the monster M coming back

Uh coming back where did he go he moved oh a legitimate move you ate barbecue real barbecue you know the real BBQ smoked for hours on end so what was the whole gist about the the uh e the present hunting thing that I don’t know cuz I found 93 but that’s

About it I found 97 I’m I’m proud of that I’m sad I couldn’t find the other three yeah I’m happy with 93 that was more cuz at one point I was at 83 and then I found 10 more so me happy and I I really came late to the game

So well you see staff chat it’s real quiet oh yeah it is quiet right now I’m I’m of the mind they are all on vacation MH yeah when they were all doing it I wasn’t interested in doing it like I have till the 31st so I think I did a

Couple days before the the end of the year so we had a lot of fun in one of the volcano events we got to mount or oh so Jen didn’t realize that the sitting plugin allowed you to sit on other people and so we ran

Around um as a one person would run to the top and then defend so you had the person on top and the person on the bottom the person on top would um sit there and just sit on the person’s head he was not allowed to move until he

Reached the top the person on the bottom ran and they were effectively teamed onto themselves so it was very clearly they were teamed the person on the bottom was not really allowed to get points he got to the top he got the person to the top and then helped defend

That person against the other teams that would also do the same thing and it behooved the top person to sit there and be an Archer clown it was like you had a mobile tank bottom and an Archer toping that that was just so much fun like yeah I know

The teaming was like bad or whatever but that that was that sounds like a lot of fun fun and then we had some other things for the spinal 10 but I missed a lot of SP what happened with that Christmas Bill thing I buildt something but that was about it I don’t know

It stopped I think they ended it because of lack of Interest or something I don’t know like we had the one volcano that had 30 people in it and then everything else had less than 10 so it was just like I think like the volcano thing it’d

Be better if you had like streamer teams against other streamer teams that could work except um then you have someone like EXC could well we could like do it in rounds of like six like e each team can only consist of one streamer and five of their

Players oh so we so we also have it where their skin changes to their team color that’s probably something maybe cuz then you will know who’s uh who’s on what team and ooh and only have one weapon but you still can steal from other people like now as far as my tributes go

I know what I was going to do for you actually because you’re a person who did have and continues to have a rather interesting impact on spinal craft I try yeah I go the I go through these like up and down funks but that’s what I’m going to try not to do this

Year I have plenty of things that keep me occupied this year so so I’ll be a little more consistent right now it’s going to be sporadic until school starts for me but definitely I’m going to try to always stream something on the weekends that’s and stream

Longer so maybe I don’t do just a little bit of focus and a little bit of support that’s what you need nothing really definitely I want to do like we just talked about like an event with like like have streamers and have teams of six all trying to get to the top

And well we might be able to do something like that but we need a bit uh Y I was not expecting that it just popped into my head I think it’s a good idea oh you got a ra oh my God it look how many people are watching you holy moly cow oh what just happened my friend D Deb die just raided you bringing your viewer count from two

People to almost 50 good lordy ah hold on I got to do the the Raider screen where’ it go where’ it go where’d it go where it go okay oh they problem they’re not going to hear it oh I got to pick something to

So I got to do this I got to go to here I got to go and do that and that and that and then now I can do this it Work oh lord it’s got to be way up here here we Go to my I love that okay all right let’s see I update this to see like who’s here welcome D duct di Raiders a lot of the people who come in from D die are pure lurkers okay so right now you have Lex and Dev of course because uh he redirected you

Oh what is WR i s oh my God I’m out here at night see if I can help you well hello lurkers lurkers why don’t you tell them what project you’re going to work on today okay so let me introduce myself I’m C Gamer mom and yes I’m a mom and I’m a

Vtuber and I haven’t been on spinal craft in a bit but yeah I’m back so I do Minecraft Splatoon Mario Wonder bunch of other random things too and sometimes I make YouTube shorts about how to make the best hot coco if you didn’t check it out it’s

Awesome um so this is is final craft if you didn’t know and uh all the information on how to join is down below I know dev has a place here Dev does have a place yeah which I’m almost to the point of letting people build in my area here’s dev’s

Place let’s go take a lookie whoo so his little place it’s kind of quiet got a little stuff over here oh also is it die Dev die die Dev die yes thank you so very much for raiding my channel much appreciate and also too I think it was his birthday

Today wasn’t it it was it is his birthday and it is your birth and happy birthday you got you got a lot yeah within the first 30 minutes a guy named moon beam a moon beam decided to give him 200 bucks oo that’s nice yeah my job kind of dropped and hit

The floor I wanted to match it but I know better than that I know what my bank account can and cannot do so this is my sushi restaurant that I build I have other bills that I Bild they’re all over the place I could show you the one that’s

Like the one that I love the most oh we’ll go to the front of it because it’s huge for those of you from dev’s raid um for those of you on d raid wondering who I am my I am the blue name that you

Saw in his chat my name is like AER it’s a pleasure to meet you all all right so here’s my castle that I built that it took several months to build and I was on spal Craft almost every single day yes I this is not creative people nope Rosary this is 100%

Survival everything in here and let’s say I messed up quite a few times so some things aren’t properly lined align hello op and down here is my villager uh procurement of things we won’t use that they can’t go anywhere so these are my little workers they work for

Me but they can’t they can’t leave but they seem to not mine so long as like give them yeah they don’t mine now you should have seen them when they were first um um um let’s just say procured yeah they were kicking they were screaming they said we don’t

And S said you will love me you get the Whip and this is like my favorite thing of the castle Yeah a gate that goes up and down yeah that one is not creative that is um General is doing as a very special thank you yes that’s very very special

Um let’s see I built this it’s supposed to be the enchantment house this is the Builder house which most of them I built but there’s nothing in them and then this is the Sheep house the be try to make it look like a honeycomb Hive kind of thing oh that’s wishing’s

Castle way over there yeah I gota be doing a honeycom thing too here’s my farm I really really love the way this Farm turned out it’s so pretty it took forever but I want to duplicate some moon like this where I’m at now cuz because of all the updates we had to

Move to New locations to be able to enjoy new stuff y but I decided not to like the castle has moved three times and I thought it was enough moving around so that’s where that is hello space hello space Oh yeah and spinal craft is Java and

Bedrock hello ugly squid welcome to you hello ugly squid happy New Year’s to you oh where am I oops been procuring dirt now oh there’s my slip totally forgot my slip see ugly squid you need to be on the uh spinal Craft Server it’s free okay let’s see

N ah and here is my underground base I’m doing good um originally this was a sorting system only this side is sorts the material the other side is just there just downstair oh here’s my potion automated potion Brewers some work some don’t here is where my frogs

Are woohoo oh and if you go down here if I can go down ah why is I always have a hard time and then we go swimming and you can see all my oxel that are down here look at them there’s so many oh and yes I have the special one the blue

One right there hello hello give me a sec I need to join the other VC no problem whoa there’s so many I keep them hidden down here we go swimming together oh and this thing is the only reason why I’m able to breathe underwater but it’s totally

Amazing ah the sounds of the Minecraft world so relaxing underwater is my favorite place to hide out cuz it sounds like you’re in the ocean and then you also hear some creepers trying to creep on it all right let’s give that a close we’re back up here storage

Area it’s huge it took forever to dig all of this out oh yeah let’s go outside probably it’s that night time but here we go ah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I can never find the hole o it’s night time let’s go to sleep La oops no not

Yet well let’s just look at the sunset cuz it’s so lovely the break 10 seconds that it’s there I don’t know if you guys have a Starbucks you got to pick up the the new uh Valentine’s Day Tumblr it is gorgeous the straw has a little heart top topper for your straw it’s

Cute it’s a very cute and they go fast too cuz there were only three you can buy it from Target so you get that 5% if you have a Target card not sponsor did you see the project that I worked on or not not in Minecraft uh my Christmas project the the singing

Thing yeah this is the storage House these are a bunch of little houses that I started but and will’ll eventually finish and eventually this is the closest one to being finished because of some creeper decided to go a little boom boom and this is the first house that I build in this area is I like it it’s

Cool so right now I have shaders on and I’m using a uh specific uh resource pack so that’s why it looks totally different I love the bridge the bridge was the coolest Bridges ah I got stuck there lovely view lovely flowers oh and this is the build

I did for the Build contest that light gazer had very proud of this build it looks so beautiful we have a nether dragon head there mhm lovely oh did this did the server get an update or something like that maybe there’s a lot of updates it’s it seems like it goes

Faster we get updates as Mo gives now that Lego fortnite is out and doing things you can expect Microsoft to uh stop tracking their feed on updates well that’s good oh this is the sniffer Farm lot of sniffers I don’t know even though I voted for the sniffer I’m still a little ler

Of whether that was a good idea or not well kind of the flowers are pretty like this one right here is one of the flowers new flower so ugly squid um I’m I am not s i I can’t I mean i’ love to promote spinal craft or anything thing but it’s it’s

Not my thing I am a content creator officer so I my job is to make sure things run smoothly so here’s what I can tell you because it’s a Java server we have a few plugins mainly anti-g griefing so uh people can’t like steal your stuff and if someone wants to TNT

Your base or something we can find out very quickly who did it when they did it Thanos snap it back to the way it was without ruining everyone else’s progress I know I love that that’s my favorite thing that is the only thing I can say over other things that and we’re celebrating

Our 10year anniversary so everything else that’s s I’m I’m I’m not like a massive spokesperson I just to hey uh Minecraft realms suck we got this and it well it’s free but if you can make a small donation to help out yay but no uh pressures or anything like that so we

Actually had discussions about that and um see we we as like people of spal CRA we could donate and stuff and be supportive what we need is for the audiences and we need the same thing that the um or we need the same thing that content creators need we need the

Audience to be inspired to want to do it that’s what we need if if we like give on top of that great that’s what’s what sustains everything uh yeah so my beehive I went a little crazy and made way too many bees and let’s say I was slowing everything down close to a

Th000 so Jen came here and annihilated some of them he did so I had to hide oh yeah let me show you the uh collect ction system it took a while to get it set up and especially since the bees kept coming in and messing things

Around so we go ooh that’s a lot of honeycomb I probably should take wow oh boy they’ve been busy busy busy so like each layer has a collection thing going uh-huh whoa Whoa this is all honeycomb and if you come over here these are all who wait honeycomb honeycomb oh that’s right I forgot this one honey bottle lots of Honey bottles W h looking kind of Lifey what are you doing what are you doing better a light be than a dark be no yeah so the wax mostly used to for the copper you’re going to be happy preliminary in about 10 seconds okay um well he didn’t raid you he raed your

Your your py ah cool I know James is playing uh playing uh tears of the Kingdom right now whoa I I I I told bird the other day when he was was looking for a raid Target I said hey you want to get on s’s good

Side raid uh raid uh super L but I was like no no no no no you’re not you are raiding super L but what because you want to be on s’s good side right yeah you want to be on s’s good side for like the um end of the year or your last

Stream for the year or yeah your last stream for the year you want to make it special right yeah make that special super live gaming oh but because STI will be very happy with you if you make your end of the year I want to rate special we’re rating super live she will

Be grateful and that’s why you know what I need to do I haven’t set up my shop yeah shops are bug I’m actually well I’m a fan of to shops but at the same time I’m not it’s like yay we have shops no one buys anything anymore no really not

Really like everything gets oversaturated ooh o uh how about we make a dragon which kind Oriental or um or Oriental or european Orient like what so so go come come to spawn come to spawn I’ll show you okay I’ll show you a little inspiration Mama I’m

Here all right make a golf course I don’t know follow me I’m coming that’s what she said that’s what he said yeah actually that is what he said way too often she says that way less than he [Laughter] does we’re at so believe it or not midlife crisis we’re actually working on

That a golf course oh that’s right uh I think wait yeah I I heard about it uh when I was participating in the king of the volcano thing mhm Mhm oh so something like this Sagi did this now I’m not saying like do this I’m just saying inspiration cuz this is very much an oriental style Dragon that’s true but I kind of like the Rayquaza you made could I do a Rayquaza and make it red

You Rass is either green or black though but I’m Sadie and I want to make it red okay it will be s’s Rayquaza that she splashed red paint all over and it’s it’s it’s it’s questioning life but it has to take it because it’s a Pokemon that’s true oh I’m also going to

Try to get back to Pokemon because I have not finished anything whoa now if you’re seeing spawn right now be cautious I’m about to fall down Target in sight and here we go I died not H so are they going to now I know what I’m going to say is probably highly unlikely

But the next theme should be Valentine’s Day theme for what for this Center of Spawn oh no yes you want like AER to flipping Rage Quit no like or make little [Laughter] Cupids like poor little CID poor little Cupids shooting arrows at the center of a heart okay let’s try not to get

Distracted so we’re probably going to need a lot of red wool right for Valentines no for the dragon Red Bull Red concrete or red wool red concrete mushroom blocks um red concrete powder um Nether wart block the red the red kind do do you have the number amount well

How I don’t know how big you want it I couldn’t possibly have a number amount I can only tell you a recipe how big you want it is up to you like that build that I showed you was all creative I I I was just like you

Know what I want to see the difference between a creative build and a survival build I’ll be honest I kind of like survival builds I kind of like Clifford hello Clifford right Clifford joined spinal craft too you did oh well welcome I bet I mean how many people join while I’ve been

Gone um a couple um Clipper’s become a rather uh clippard has become a why are my words failing me but clippard’s more of a regular than most of the most anyone else on ay side that’s good I know sometimes people only come when a on the server which is

Okay that’s the nature of a streamer yes that is the nature of a streamer they want to and around the be around the streamer as much as they can whereas the next time as he goes live on spal CRA will be the only one uh have anything to show

Her or I could also use strip men grow too oh H wait a minute why do all this work I’ll go shopping you are cliffer I appreciate you being on the server even when no one else is on I’m I’m delighted for that I’ll also let you know Clipper there is

One thing that this server does have that others don’t um we have Builds on the server that were built 10 years ago I should know I built some of them 10 years ago oh wait a minute are the skill games working again think so well I don’t know

What the games are I know skill-based gaming is still a thing and I’m getting tokens I just don’t know if the games themselves are working oh okay see how much do I get for being on the server for 49 minutes oh 159 tokens daily roll hey do um you get to

See any of the Creator applications azy a why do I keep calling I don’t know I’m I’m not even like one of those people who are like super obsessed with with her either I’m I’m I’m like she’s my friend that that’s about it why always that same bubbly personality

That’s what it is okay we’re doing Tic Tac Toe let’s see I’m going to go there so my question do you see the uh Creator apps s not azy s do you see the creator app on what stapchat I do but I would have to get out of this window see a ping I’m now used to saying a ping I guess that’s oh steal my money actually tokens see should we play blackj oh it’s still broken uh it is no no no is it giving you tokens oh I haven’t this

Uh do I hit okay um done oh sorry you can’t place oh what do I hit first I hit that you hit the button and then oh I hit the button sorry are you on normal leny okay no oh you’re on low that’s why okay so what do I do

Next um hit the green button again you have to hit the green button it’s not even going to give you the option to stay not until oh here we go so not wait you’re at oh right you’re a couple seconds behind you keep hitting until you either BST or have the option to

Stay okay and then so I have the option to stay do you want to hit more or do you want to stay on 16 I’ll stay then hit the stay and see what the dealer does the dealer lost the dealer TR uh tied so um you get five tickets not tokens

Okay if you had one you’d get eight if you got a black jack you’d get 15 I busted oh bad if you lose if the dealer wins or you bust you get zero all right wait what does midlife prices think I have 13 and Drew has

Eight no no no you drew meaning you were at five you drew an eight think of this as a deck of cards you had five on the table you drew an eight so now you have 13 right I’d hit on 13 if I were you

Okay now I I have 14 and the hit okay a I bust that usually does not happen your uh it’s called playing the odds at 14 you could draw a 1 through a seven and still be okay if you drew an eight a nine or a 10 you would BS so and

It’s random which one you’d get ah dealer bus yay I wono now on this one the dealer will draw until they reach 16 and then they will stay on 16 or higher scoundrel I’m out of here you stayed at 12 there I was just playing around now you can also use the

Because you need tickets for prizes oh okay all righty oh okay red oh wait am I supposed to get the question red wolch am I doing this correctly or has this changed um I’m to see there you go I found it ooh that’s cheap oh yeah okay uh

Um no because there There’s No gambling on spinal craft it’s all skill based gaming hello United Kingdom hello united king I’m just going to do this instead of procuring wool and it’s so freaking cheap that looks like J Mar’s price yeah 5 cents going to BU

So much wool I’m going to buy so much wo I don’t even know how many stacks am I going to need but it’s all for good cause wait we’re also going to need black wool right yes so I get a I’ll get a stack of black Um I still feel like we’re going to need more good thing I have money I have money money money money money money money okay is this going to be enough possibly I don’t know the world I’m going to just work with this for now well so midlife it’s because of

Mojang’s uh policy on gambling or not Mojang’s Microsoft’s policy on gambling and micro exchanges and all that kind of stuff they don’t like it so when they made that change we changed what we call this real fast mhm it’s never been about real money we’ll accept donations and that’s about the only

Thing we ever want real money for is to help pay for Server that’s it okay now where I think the I think like right here would be good like how do do we start off do we start off with a table do we start off

With the head yada y y lot lot lot lot oh I’ll use this to start with I swear everything is not funing right now I’m sorry it’s okay right actually midli that’s what the um in my own stream that’s what the guy was saying to me was usually youd

Start with the head and work your way down whereas I started with the tail because I found the tail to be the hardest part yay those angles messed with me so bad but but but but it’s nice to know that the advice the guy was giving me is

Advice someone else is giving Which kind of means this is you know credible I was wondering yes is there any way to get a copy of your dragon so I have a model to look at while I’m doing this yeah I’m on it real quick um see a midlife or what I’ve always

Done is I’ve always started whether it’s food or anything unless I have a practical reason to do something else I’ve always started with the hardest part first and then work my way into it like with food I start with the most horrible thing I could think of and then I work

My way to the thing I’m going to enjoy because that thing I’m going to enjoy is going to wash everything away hence why I eat cake glass or that those little um strips of honey ham and why I eat those are the last thing on my plate because I want to

Enjoy those things if those things are the first things gone it’s because I couldn’t stand them because I like honey ham and if it’s the first thing gone then it’s good but if it’s suddenly the first thing gone on my PL um you tell me why it’s the first thing I digress

All been like that so I put a spot so know you have a place as to where cuz this is going to help a lot now keep in mind um mine is not like one to one absolute accurate I know but if I have it next to

Me I can figure things out I’m very good oh hot chocolate is so good with a shot of coffee so do you think you might want to be a part of my singing collab next Year I don’t know it depends if if I record something and I think that I like it then yeah but if I record something and come to realization that I can’t sing worth a lick even when it’s modified oh that’s the thing um PP light see who’s on just me

You and here like uh have the dragon on this side and then I will be on this side okay Pce minus a where are you okay so you started off with the tail that’s just me because I started with what I find hard and angles for me are hard but what turned out to be the hardest part was twisting that uh snake shape upwards that was the hardest part

So he did say start with the head and that is very Sound Advice because the head is probably going to be the hardest part because it has a jawline and then it also has the neck that s takes a very sharp dive downwards remember this is a snake It’s

Supposed to be side windery so um having it just one straight long tube is not going to do the thing Justice yeah for me I looked at um what was it called a couple of pngs and that’s all I had was a couple of pngs to work with I even realized

That my yellow stripes were for this so I had to change them yay then I realized at the last minute that there’s two yellow stripes four five one right right oh that’s another thing so the neck of the head is about the same as everything else on the body with

The sole exception of the tip of the tail and the chest like where the arms are that’s a bit thicker than everything else and I you mean everything else um but everything is about the same thickness as the neck is whereas the tail is thinner and the

Chest is a little thicker there is a lot of body though Bo all right d it you got that I got it I’m going at figuring why am I thinking of a queen song right now Queen’s a good to I don’t get into controversy I like n M oh right that’s something else I learned so apparently for Content creators who are monetized for those who are not monetized there’s no problem this at all for those who are monetized we have this thing called cover songs so as far as copyright claims go you’re familiar with claim partial block full

Block and strike correct okay um for Content creators who are monetized we have two other things we have um claims but licensed claims which means um we have a license to use it whether it’s globally given for free or we paid for it we have a license so it

Still gets claimed and the claim is n if that makes sense so you still get full ad revenue from it and there’s nothing they just make a note saying oh yeah this is my song but you have a license okay no problem at all but this is our

Song we’re letting you know this is our song you just had a license for it so thumbs up um that’s the first thing the second thing is there’s a thing on the YouTube creative um studio called rev share and what that is is it’s the same thing as a claim

Except you can choose to not monetize your uh video or stream and you still have that choice to just not monetize it at all if you choose to monetize it they get ad Revenue but they don’t take all of it they split it with you so for projects like the project I

Did this December that’s pretty huge because that means I make content that other people can use that they can earn money from even if it’s less than what they thought it’s still money and I’m just like yeah oh yeah that’s what’s up all right this is turning out really

Well okay so then it’s one two now is this going to be for your base or you wanting to put this somewhere else 11 yeah ID like that caught me off guard too like he had fins coming down from his neck at Angles and then at the top

The the same fins or ears whatever they were longer that caught me off guard they were almost twice as long I was just like wait What oh okay right hold on Okay so is this staying at your base or are you wanting to put this somewhere else no it’s staying at my base okay then you’re base your rules whatever I was just going to say if you’re putting in this at spa you might want to be able

To see it on without any texture pack at all because that’s how other people are going to see it but your base uh that doesn’t apply like at all M three Gap g this is Fun so oh right I was explaining that collab thing so I don’t edit the um word or the what you give me as far as little tiger hello little tiger it’s okay it’s real late for you mhm thank you for being here okay okay that is like it’s supposed to

Be what is like gazers sound like a god I don’t know so one two three four five oh Echo should be hearing any Echo okay I’ll give me a time in one two yeah I do have an echo no one two one two three oh I guess it’s the

Holidays yeah I apologize for the echo I don’t know what’s causing that uh s might be capturing me twice oh hold on let me see if I can fix it sometimes that happens um oh wait there we go I think I fixed it now maybe possibly possibly maybe

Okay I can see why the the tail is so very annoying yeah it it has that angled Fin and then a point coming from it it was just like okay and I’m very happy I 3D ified it as painful as that was to do I’m very happy I did

Do that really did it justice I know I should have some music or something maybe I’ll just turn the game music back on that wait it doesn’t sound too boring options music oh wait can’t hear the music all right that didn’t work Either right I I was explaining two more in front of that so I was explaining the uh the music thing so um it’s not I don’t edit them nearly as much as you think I only shorten or lengthen them it so that they align with everyone else’s and that’s the thing you

Don’t have to sound amazing at all because you’re singing in tandem with everyone else so it sounds like a choir so it’s like you don’t want amazing if that makes sense you want something that is like 60% or between 50 and 70% somewhere around there that’s what you want because if you’re amazing

You’re going to overshadow everyone else if you’re bad you’re just going to redo it anyway so so it’s just like you don’t have to worry about any of that but you only have to record three songs and two of them you get to pick yourself the one that you picked or like

The song that you picked that you wanted like if you wanted to rote off the rednose reindeer that’d be the song You Picked and then the other song that you pick is the song Someone Else picked so if someone you just look through the other songs that other people picked and

Be like o someone’s saying the 12 Days of Christmas I want to do that oh Yep pretty much and then on top of that you have the collab song Whatever song I pick for the collab song which is the song everyone is going to be singing those three songs and the collab song is going to be a song that when you get it

I want you to sing a specific piece So like um if you’re if I pick the 12 Days of Christmas for example two you’d only sing like day nine or day seven or something that’s it okay so you’d be singing seven swans of swimming someone else and Iceberg Mike would say

Six SK Lang azy would sing five golden rings and then everyone would sing and a partridge in a pear tree does that make sense mhm hello General X how you doing General X welcome to you happy New Year have you guys come back from vacation at least I hope you guys are on

Vacation we haven’t seen you in forever it’s getting lonely God this tail is so difficult okay three then two okay vacation he says huh um I posted a few things in the Snapchat and we got a an application and stuff but I got no word from anyone I was just

Like are they all on vacation question mark hold on here we go I was getting low but that’s just my own insecurities o I need to kill them okay all righty one two eight light is being silly oh okay oh wait let me just say uh yep Wa okay well I saw you play um what’s his face a strer sinking the ship no that’s why they call vacation because you know it’s the holidays I figured you know this is about the time you’d be spending time with the family and stuff so I’m just

Like okay one vacation spend time with the family everyone’s spending time with the family what that sounds like a good idea let’s see doesn’t it s it does take times off spinal craft spend it with the family it’s holiday and New Year’s it just sounds like such a good idea

Three and then one sounds good cool oh go lordy lordy nope oh I think once I mastered this tale it will won’t be so oh okay so would you like to know how I built that three no I want to figure it out on my own no no it’s it’s it’s just

A tip not a um build build whatever yeah yeah yeah I built it in 2D first so I can get various Dimensions correct and then once I got the 2D correct to the point where I liked it then I expanded the 2D into 3D well I should be able to do it with

The model next to me yep oh yeah I’m getting it uh I I digress like being silly it is good to see you Jen that is what I will say I hope you had a good holiday One five now something else I’m going to tell you about the singing thing this year is I decided to one up it not just with people but um give it more time so instead of like half a month or whatever I decided to give it two months and

Um on top of that yay I did it and on top of that make it for charity my first ever charity stream streamers for um uh streamers caroling for some charity Caroline for charity how does that sound we all get together seeing carols and do it for

Charity I’m I’m just like that just sounds such a good idea a mega collab where all proceeds go to charity we’re not even playing game we’re singing and I do I say singing in quotation marks because it’s all recorded ahead of time okay okay okay because okay can you

Imagine 30 people in VC all speaking at the same time even if they’re all saying the same words well so about that midlife um I did I have this hey nice job I have this friend named aelia aelia is extremely picky about what charities to donate to or what not

To donate to she does a lot of research on that so my mind said you know what let’s just let her take care of what charity to donate to she’d pick a good one and do a lot of research on it so just leave it to her oh there’s the music the Minecraft

Music maybe just buil a shell okay How’s this looking um one two three one two three so that One so it’s one two three and it’s one two three s oh what was that one over one two three I think it’s like that oops thank goodness I have a whole bunch of flight time okay all righty right 1 two three 1 two three well we’re making a Rayquaza but I’m

Making it red who’s making it s’s way one two three then three okay okay here we go again okay So little tiger oh okay so this over here is like gazer Rayquaza he has it somewhere else it’s just here for me to have a model to look at yep when she’s done with it I can make it vanish yep she wanted a blueprint or she wanted a blueprint so I can provide

A Blueprint probably should have started to hear one two three four five six seven eight with one sticking out okay two three four five six seven eight oh same thing here it probably would have been better if I if if I wasn’t all doing it one color good times good times good times

Very good times think yes no Maybe okay it was eight there this is going to be interesting I know we’re not completely what little tiger just pointed something out your vtuber is Frozen no it’s a frozen hold on let me fix it I swear I put it somewhere else oh wait hold on dev thank you so

Much great yes thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you stie was truly truly hurting for watch hours and the raid you gave her massively helps thank you so much why isn’t it hold up because you still

Have 35 people in your stream sad I know why isn’t this working ah sometimes the software be acting funny so have you ever had this Japanese treat called Mochi before oh yeah I had Costco do you like it I like Mochi okay I’m finding it’s a different taste than I

Expected um it’s not the worst thing but I think I made it slightly wrong because I think I used too much cornstarch and the dough was too thick oh yeah cornstarch the ratio has to be exact no no no no no no no there is no ratio for

The quartz start at all I’m going to have to disconnect from Minecraft for a bit oh no you’ll still hear my voice in order to fix this that’s just the way it is so there is no ratio for the corn search here’s why the corn starch is not an ingredient it’s a um

Preventative you see when um Mochi is two things you have a core which uh some people would use like ice cream or fruit or something you have a core which is the center part and then you have the outer shell which is the Mochi which is a um uh something called glutenous rice

Flour which is very very sticky um and that’s a mixture of water sugar the rice flour and may or may not have matcha now the thing is is it’s really really sticky I I’ve dealt with glue that’s less sticky Than This was oh why now guess what it doesn’t stick to wet

Hands no it sticks to wet hands it sticks to oily hands too it sticks to oily hands too yes as I found out the hard way it sticks to oily hands but it does not stick to corn starch or rather it does it’ll pick up the cornstarch but

Cornstarch itself is not sticky so it’s like oh hey uh problem solved question mark um so porn starch is not like an ingredient but it is necessary in a way but too much of it and it kind of altered things a little bit and yet that white

Powder you see on almost all mo Mochi anywhere that’s corn starch so so it’s just like what do you do what do you do all right I think I got the V2 fixed there we go now now ring up is um the bean I love Bean

Case uh wishing is in the VC do you want me to bring him in um yes please now the um the bean paste hear me out on this stev to make beans or almost any kind of beans anywhere in the world you follow these steps first um unless you’re doing it a very

Special way um even in Japanese culture you still follow these steps take beans working put them in a pot a large pot cover pot in water give uh not cover but fill pot with water a lot more than what the beans need and then some of the beans

Will float to the top gim the beans that are floating the top out and throw them away and let them soak in the water for 12 hours or so like8 to 12 hours that was funny I was floating in air when I left and then I came back in and I fell

To the ground by the way hi wishing now you let them soak they’ll absorb a lot of the water oh not a lot of water they’ll absorb a lot of water on their own then after 12 hours you drain them you put them in a strainer let them

Drain put them back in the pots then you fill pot with water and boil them on a low boil for like 30 minutes stirring occasionally until they get real soft from there and then you drain them again from that point that those are beans like almost every single recipe in the world that

Calls for beans will have you do exactly that and is no different you go to the Asian market and buy a can of red beans which are already done and then you just have to smoosh them yeah that’s expensive that is super expensive um how much do you pay for a

Can it goes like a dollar something how big is the can normal size can no no I mean how like how many ounces I don’t know like three if it’s only 3 o that’s not too bad well no that is that’s about the max

Pay is 3 oz four or 4 o no if it’s a dollar for 4 o I’d pay that I would pay that because that turns into $4 for a pound and those would be the correct beans yeah but then the other thing too is you say the amount of time that you’re putting

In that’s the thing uh the 12 hours that I said that’s actually not nearly as bad as you you would think because it’s just a soak you just fill the part with water and then um go to sleep or you fill the pot with water before you go to work in the

Morning and then you go to work when you get done or when you get home M they’ve been soaked there’s your 12 hours oh you literally have to do nothing but let them sit all right like I am not even kidding I swear if I had to do this from

Scratch I go crazy about no you mean like what I did yeah yeah now he made it quaza yeah now for Mochi or for the red beans for Mochi from that point from boiling them until they’re soft and you strain them again um you you

Measure how much beans you have in a cup so if you have like four cups or whatever measuring cups like four cups of whatever if you have four cups note that number then you take that those beans throw them in a food processor blend them into puree and you get something about the

Consistency of ref beans at that point then you take that out throw that back into the pot if you had four cups of beans you add three cups of sugar and let that simmer stirring occasionally until it’s thick and then you just put that in the then that’s it it’s really

Not that hard what and after I tried it and I got the taste of the bad Mochi out of my mouth cuz I’m pretty sure it was bad mji um after I got that taste out of my mouth and let sit for a few days in the freezer I tried

Some I am a fan of that red of that bean paast oh it takes uh they uh Korean pancakes have red bean paste well you can put whatever you want them but they’re so good now I did experiment with different kinds because I couldn’t find the red

Bean that um the Asian markets call for they call for a specific Bean called aduki beans oh and guess what’s not anywhere near me I had Zuki beans yep so I experimented with five kinds um uh light red kidney beans normal red beans black beans Navy beans and blackeyed

Peas while I’m over here playing with blue glass and I found light red kidney beans are really close to what those um um adzuki beans are like really really close and once you stuff them in a f food processor and puree them it’s all the same texture anyway like what texture it’s been

Pureed like texture becomes a thing if you’re mashing them like potatoes one behind for that oh my God I’m a fan of the bean paste now I’m adoring what are you making she’s making a Rayquaza Raza my version of aaza oh s what s pay attention to the

Next thing I’m about to say uh Dev I hope the rest of your birthday it goes wonderful yeah happy birthday happy birthday to you or in then Korea wait a wait okay two two okay two out from the eight well say doesn’t know what I want what I’m making right now what are you making I’m trying to finish a project I never finished oh I think I did something wrong I’m thinking I probably should have started with the head

Well wait why would you want to oh are cowp these beans because beans are real easy to get and they’re real cheap too you’re welcome I only use those because that was what was readily available in the store oh it’s like pulling hair people like pulling hair the nature of

Experimentation is you experiment find what works seven then I like Black beans and I like red kidneys black beans are sweet red kidneys are about the correct taste almost black beans are real sweet I like those taste so I’m just trying to think of what else I can use them for and I’m

Thinking make cinnamon rolls oo yeah except instead of cinnamon it’s the red bean paste my aunt just looked at me funny and said ew it’s good yeah the stuff is good it’s it’s not what you expect because usually we’re in America we’re used to Hershey’s chocolate this ain’t Hershey’s Chocolate by any Means let’s see so that’s right under the eight and then I did three and then in the middle one two three Okay I think once start doing this it’ll be three I have a Feeling two three and then little cracker sandwiches too because here’s the thing while I it’s not hard to make at all the bean paste is not hard to make and it’s real cheap too what do you use it for like you could spread it on toast what justifies a 12 hour soak

Time like it when you think of prepare a day in advance what justifies preparing a day in advance uh toast no uh crackers cracker sandwiches maybe cinnamon rolls sounds good though um but I’m trying to think of other things that I could use a semi filling

For oh they also put it on top of ice cream on top of ice cream green um so I got to be care real careful with chili because this is a red bean paste think of it as peanut butter all right um if I were to use it in something

Sweet like that for chili that’d be real sweet chili like real sweet and it’s real thick too so I’m I’m I’m like beans yeah beans sure totally 100% good for chili like chili without beans sounds bad um but sweet need some more hot chocolate Made potato pancakes what I just got kicked out I did too uh oh Oopsies okay what is going on oh everybody got kicked out I’m try getting back oh I’m back in welcome back I didn’t get kicked out I got kicked out I don’t know why I didn’t get kicked out oh you’re special oo o yeah 12 hours yes yes you’re right

Midlife a 12-hour soak for beans would be a a chili would be a fantastic thing because chili itself want good chili do work for it and chili itself a good chili oh that is totally worth a 12-hour soak for Beans somewhere My Mind is Playing Tricks on Me freakish tail yeah a good chili 12 hour soak suddenly now I want chili okay oo red bean Donuts that sounds good too you’re talking the kind that have like custard filling or something but instead of custard it’s the red bean paste that could

Work it’s real thick though those could not be frozen yeah I could do that because the red bean paste itself can be Frozen and Frozen for months so making that ahead of time is really really easy sweet buns I think that’s I think you and I have the same idea except I

Was thinking cinnamon rolls mhm so it’s more or less the same thing but the problem with that is you’d have to make the dough would 100% have to make the dough and I’m lacking of an oven right now H okay every time I say okay it’s not okay okay okay from here then something like that H can you come look and see if I’m doing this right somewhere I feel I’ve Gotten kind of have the shape but it doesn’t look right better now wait no no better now yeah it looks better now there you go oh wait it’s not even red bean popsic you know I would actually try to do that because um I’ve been I may have been

Eating this spread Bean based right out of the um bowl and it almost broke my spoon doing [Laughter] it like I bought these I I bought these um uh Sil I finally cracked down and bought the silverware for the um so I wouldn’t uh have to be wasting all

These so I wouldn’t have to keep buying this plastic silverware over and over and over again and remembering hey I’m almost out let’s buy more well well I almost broke my spoon doing it but did I tell you what else I made I made a really nice treat for the

Holidays so you remember those I’ve been experimenting with potatoes uhuh did I tell you about the balls that I made the potato balls oh you’re G to drool at this okay so I made some mashed potatoes I um uh 5 lbs of russets skinned for the

First time in a long time I skinned the potatoes and then I cubed them boil till soft then mashed okay so it turned into about 4 lb I took those four lbs split them into two lbs and then for each of the two lounds I added A4 cup of sour

Cream 1/8 cup of butter m and two cup and two cups of shredded sharp cheddar cheddar so I made cheesy matched potatoes okay oh wait wait wait until you hear me out on this one because it gets better how do you beat cheesy mashed potatoes how do you beat cheesy mashed potatoes

Um I rolled them into balls mhm then I took a small small chunk of various cheeses not Swiss I found very quickly Swiss doesn’t work with this um but various cheeses that also wasn’t sharp cheddar um or cheddar at all they cannot be cheddar because well cheddar well

They could be cheddar I I should have tried cheddar whatever doesn’t matter just not Swiss not Swiss Swiss is a different taste not what you want anyways I took a small sliber of cheese and I stucked it into the ball then I took the ball and I coated it in flour because it

Was kind of sticky it picked the flour right up then I dunked it in milk and then I had another flour mixture but this one was uh an actual mixture like a little flour a little cornstarch some other things that I’m not going to tell

You um um and I rolled it around in that I would have used an egg an egg wash but uh I was really low on eggs and I had a lot of milk so I used milk instead um I rolled it around in that for a

Breading then I dunked it in milk again and rebred it in that mixture again so two breadings of that mixture then I deep fried them so the end result was cheesy or deep fried cheesy mashed potato balls with chunks of cheese inside almost like a mozzarella stick except it’s um Mash cheesy mashed

Potatoes when I served it to the family mhm they ate it up my aunt who’s normally kind of meh on the foods I make wanted more and wanted lots more she wanted when uh after Christmas she wanted the leftover bin she was just like hey light give me please give me I

Was just like okay bacon I thought about adding bacon I really did I said no only because it was just like I’m going for cheese I’m not really going for bacon I’m like I want it to be a Cheesy comfort food that’s a finger food now and it worked there was a problem

Though one problem what was the problem this took eight hours to make oh because each ball needed to be rolled by hand and um the balls kind of smeared in your hands despite oil they’d smear in your hands and it was just like man this sucks and then each one

Needed to be breaded one by one by one and you can only deep fry them so many at a time so was just like it was so time consuming thankfully four pounds of potatoes made over 160 balls and they freeze so very well well that’s

Good it is good and I’ll tell you you why it’s good because going through going through all that work just to make a quick snack or something ain’t worth it just make cheesy mashed potatoes like you’re already spending what close to 30 minutes to an hour making the cheesy mashed potatoes anyway

And you’re going through another two three four hours worth work to turn them into balls just for a snack no no like 30 snacks or a party sure that sounds okay freezing them and meal prepping that sounds good too but your family for dinner five

Hours for just a side dish it better be Christmas one two three and stick out anys what do you think wishing and how was your Christmas how’s your New Year’s my New Year’s was pretty good my Christmas was good what am I doing wrong it’s like I

Keep looking at things and then I keep I’m getting it it’s working uh okay one above it okay one two three okay then comes out like so I know that’s my problem I overthink things don’t worry I’m overthinking this Too well yeah yep yep yep uh one down okay that is that what I did I think that’s what okay then it’s one two three down I know once I’m done it’s going to look really cool I know it doesn’t have to be ah aha figured it out you did yes Dispenser 1 two three one two three okay make the teeth white we’ll see when we get to that point all right one two three this way I know when I like at least get it halfway done and it should it should start going much easier one two

Three three then one two three four five oh no okay two in hey light yes can I have the dragon move to like on this side so it’s like side by side if possible then that way I don’t have to go back and forth as much this will make it

Easier and I won’t I’ll stop making myself go crazy uh maybe they like oh I made Korean potato bacon pancakes a really good keep in mind this is probably going to start interfering with what you need I know it’s Fine right here where I’m at I Know make the teeth white all right oh I meant on the other side yay thank You time for good Costco chicken Caesar salad with Kinder avocado time lime seasoning that sounds pretty good mhm it does Oh yeah don’t do that Way that way tier little tiger oh you’re going to bed okay good night little Tiger two and two and one two and two then One One come on S why don’t you tell me to grab all my materials before leave the bab oh well not my fault man not my fault I’m um let’s see two one two three and one oh can somebody sleep it’s too dark okay one two let me go up one two

Three mess this one up already oh let’s go to sleep I’m going to my bed I’m falling down and I can’t get up who boink that was cool I bounced really high M potato pancakes are so good okay two two one two two one two three two three No you don’t go there okay I think I got this i got this i got this right yep three four Five how is the quality uh for the 10year build uh they’ve improved sorry was very distracted I needed to share a story with a friend this time I’m just doing it bit by bit so I don’t get confused all right um Can someone tell you it’s an older

Build compared to the newer build all right so the server is 10 years old no questions asked um there are things on the server that I built 10 years ago um we have one of our resident Builders named Lucid he or it’s Luen um he does not stream spinal craft he streams csgo

Analytics um he um has improved like a lot so as far as the quality the quality improved as building techniques improved so things like the one .8 update that added a lot of blocks to our repertoire but we still got by in 1.7 I had just started Ming or playing

Minecraft so my builds were in 1.7 but they slowly improved definitely going to need more red wool thank goodness it’s cheap you know you got a w thing at your old base you don’t have to buy it what I’m too lazy hey I was you Saying Do one one down another one down voila now what is the newer build is usually going to incorporate a lot of the newer blocks like like um um what is it called like the builds here in Sakura Valley Valley are going to have a lot of

Cherrywood um and I do mean a lot of Cherrywood whereas the ones in 1.7 s have no blocks at all like we had smooth Stone how some of them got to be water loged I will never know probably automatic updates I don’t know but um like it tells a story you can see

Like some of the oldtimers you could see the progression of those oldtimers as they progress through just through the years their builds were would improve heck just my build in 1.7 compared to the my pagota in 1.8 is night and day my pagota in 1.8 to the pagoto I have here a substantial

Difference and yet I can’t hold a candle to Lucid I know lucid’s builds are insane that’s why he has the Builder Rank and the Builder title he loves doing it I just wish there was someone else who could you know help and because when we get big projects he’s doing a

Majority of the build yeah if not all of It he did what down It’s two two two then one down then another one down um to top it’s looking like it yay woohoo like once I figure things out and then they go faster I also got both STI or STI I also got both lightning and azy to do a very

Special thing in Mario Kart because they were both someone came on to both of them and said they suck at the game so I gave them both something that they could fight back with and it’s the same thing would you look um would you like to know what it

Was that I gave them what was it I told them so Mario Kart you played Mario Kart and all the getting Mario karted whatever oh yeah what if I told you there was a thing in Mario Kart that you could do to make it go from RNG oh my God I

Got Mario karted why are you guys being mean to me to 100% pure racing skill o how do you do that Mario Kart has time Trials and every every track has a time trial and a course ghost you get it counts you down three two one go you could get the Boost from that and it gives you three mushrooms on top of that for the entire race no items no nothing three mushrooms that is it

Um and there are no obstacles well there are no other Racers other than the ghost that you can just go right through if you so choose or there’s no items to no blue shells no red shells no no random lightning bolts no nothing just a pure straightforward race and it records your time

So I’m like I hear pillagers so I’m like you know what the pillagers are on top of the your closet oh my God that’s so funny come look so I’m standing that is that is really awesome so I said to them you know what just do the do a couple of time

Trials azy you don’t have to record them lightning you do that Pillager just committed Pillager sepu sepu whatever that’s so funny they’re literally on the Rayquaza now with with azy she only needs the time do you knock one off just give it a little L tap oh it hit me you evil [Laughter]

Thing come closer to the well you’re at the edge now miss me ow with Zia she only needed the time because she doesn’t really have time and I told them both the same thing just keep going until you feel comfortable with your time with

Um what is it what is this I think I got all of them yep oh let’s see what they left St blink who did a glowstone um with um aelia she only needed time um and I said look you keep going until you feel comfortable with your time with your

Results if you can do better and you know you can do better then do better if you’re comfortable with what you did that’s fine too but if there is a course ghost you must beat the co course ghost right because if you can’t beat the course

Ghost then you suck the whole point of this was to prove you don’t suck so you can at least beat the course ghost yeah problem for azy this gives her ammunition because those people who are constantly hounding her saying um you suck at the game you’re

Reading chat too much I could do way better than you like you know one of those people were just complaining and this stuff you’ve seen so I said uh I said with this you’ll be armed with times they don’t need to see the proof if you don’t want

It but you have the time itself and you could say all right you think suck okay I got this time trial I was told to do a time trial this is my time for that time trial go beat it see if you can well what race it doesn’t matter that’s my

Time that’s what I was told to do that’s my time go beat it uh don’t uh don’t say I suck until you can beat it if you can beat it good for you but that’s my time and it beats the course goh so shut it for lightning she does have to record it

Because uh she’s not as busy as aie and she likes doing this and she has no problem doing something like hey I got this thing I’m PR I have the time to record this I’m proud to show this off in front of everyone or I’m proud to show this in

Front of everyone and not only will I show you how good I am I’ll show you how I did it can you be it only you can decide that but here’s my time here’s my race combination here’s everything you see me clearly beating the course ghost on every single

Lap beat me that’s all I ask going crazy and I was just like that just sounds like such a good idea you say that she wins because of RNG or some race combo whatever you you got the time trial beat it however way you want to if you can

Beat it you got bragon rights then you can say you’re better than lightning but if you can’t in a test of 100% pure skill you got no ground to stand on none so shut up goodbye trollies that that’s that’s what I’m saying that’s why I like a test of pure skill because

It’s trolls could just go away try hards sure go ahead beat it oh I can beat lightning that’s good that’s the step in the right direction now prove it well I beat her in the I beat her time trial that’s a time trial that’s

Only one step can you beat her in a race though I mean if you could beat her time trial you stand a fair shot at beating her in a race four five uh right not like getting Mario karted is a thing that happens to literally everyone

So oh which reminds me if you um ever feel like beating or beating Lightning’s time trials they’re posted you’re welcome to or you’re welcome to uh give it a goie I don’t think so she’s just too good at the game she is that’s part of the reason

Why I had the time trials because it’s a test of skill not necessarily to put oh yes to put trolls in their place or to discourage anyone else but just be like hey this is how it’s done you can do it Too boy a speaking of your besty so peachy it’s super loud hello wait I gotta get my R screen up Again let’s go to here and let’s do this Again All right welcome Raiders from Super live gaming we have so PG network uh Mason the adventure Scout the man himself super live gaming United Kingdom and that was it oh aslo sorry aslo hi aslo hello I know you guys were doing uh tears of the Kingdom hopefully that was

Fun uh right now we’re trying to make a Raza uh like AER made one oh wait let me go to sleep so at least it’s daytime you guys can see oh thank you like so he made this it took you what 6 hours seven hours six seven hours now he didn’t have a model to go he just had some Pictures and yeah he did all of this like it turned out really good yep look at that h so lovely you guys missed it we had pillagers on the r quaza well so super live the reason why it’s that specific one is um we’re doing a thing called spinal 10 which is the

10th year anniversary or 10y year anniversary for spinal craft so cool um and I’m doing my own tribute because I feel I missed a lot of SP final 10 so I decided to make the spawn one of the old spawns or a tribute to the old

Spawn and then one for each of the spawns as well as each one of the streamer towns as well as uh something that I can remember for each person that I feel had an impact on spinal craft that I can remember the very first spawn was called Rayquaza roundabout and the

Without even giving any description beyond that what do you think I’m going to do for as a tribute to Rayas around about there you go and I’m trying to replicate it but I’m making mine’s red let’s just see some things are going smoothly and other things aren’t going as smooth as I

Hoped spinal 10 yes so the server actually is 10 years old now and uh here’s the thing as an Oldtimer on the server I know that if I don’t do something for spinal 10 it is going to haunt me for the rest of my life like

This place was my home when I literally had no home I do mean that when I was homeless this was my home so uh uh yeah 10 years doing something in tribute for it would would truly haunt me considering my memories from the stuff that I made 10

Years ago are still there like I could go back and see my stuff iceberg Mike at the Thunder Palace can go back to one of the old spawns where he had the very first streamer town he could do that if he wanted to and that was what four years ago he could do

That so and I’ve opened this up for everyone else who has connections to spinal crap that says you know what I remember this server doing something nice for me or This Server had an impact an impact on me so I’m going to build something as a tribute to that

Memory so anyone who has a connection that says anything along those lines more than welcome like in your case I would expect you know this is s’s home and I respect that that’s going to be my tribute I’m going to build something in honor of sad

S i i i can’t even begin to think of what you would think of I don’t know either one two three hello super cool kids seven hello super cool kids oh God I swear sometimes the Minecraft music is just way too loud even though I turned it down um ah there we

Go so the thing I’ve learned in my old age is um hardships even being homeless even having people hate you it helps you grow you either get angry with it or you understand and you know grow like the Mochi I was making the other day it frustrated me I wanted to scream

So instead of screaming I actually started to scream and I said hey wishing left I said hi wishing light getting angry is not going to help you think about what to do and see if you can’t find a better way I did and next time I’m using a rolling

Pin cover in corn starch instead of my hands when I want to roll it out in a Patty that’s what I’m doing this thing is gonna drive me crazy he’s gonna go cray cray cray cray cray cray cray cray cray cray wait a minute is it like no mhm one two three four

Five it’s an attitude you have to adopt because contrary to what things like the news or politics or anyone wants you to think getting angry is not good for your not at all um so instead of getting angry you think of a proactive approach and then you just move

Forward um all right super live you have a good one good night James thank you one two three four two four one two two rows of three two R of two everyone is welcome to join uh super cool kids yes everybody um although I don’t know how

Long sti’s going to be and I’m going to be falling asleep here very soon yeah just wanted to get at least something going it’s fine what time is it super live it is good to oh super live super live super live super live before you leave

Make sure you check out that video I made um it’s not so much self-promo so much as I’m doing it again this year and I want a lot of people to be involved once you listen to it or once you watch it and you see it you understand what I

Did come back and say you want to be a part of it okay because NE this coming or this coming holiday season it’s going to be big I’m I’m going to make sure of it I’m not pulling back my punches on this one like every time I’m think I’m right

I do some I doubt myself oh no this is not here exactly midlife like what what what good is blaming something else going to do I did it it it doesn’t like you could blame everything all day every day it ain’t going to help anything we just fix it ourselves and move forward

We can’t expect someone else to fix it and we’re not going to be happy until it is can we get angry sure is it going to help us oh no I mean s you have the one job getting angry does not work at all nope being a parent getting angry and

Being a parent they don’t miss it’s looking pretty cool hey there you go as much as you’d want to sometimes they don’t mix nope I think this is probably where I’m going to stop Oh wrong button all righty well thanks like gazer for hanging out with me in Discord I will

See you next time I will see you next time bye bye uh did I end it there we go now it’s ended okay oh wait oh cat all righty guys that is pretty much it for the stream I hope you guys enjoyed it we’re probably going to be working on this

Tomorrow maybe a little earlier than before so uh make sure to subscribe turn on that Bell notification and uh yeah we’re going to do some definitely going to this is our project right now making a red Raza yep yep yep yep yep yep all righty

Okay I will see you guys tomorrow be on the lookout okay um let’s see bye-bye and

This video, titled ‘What if Minecraft was Epic’, was uploaded by SadieGamerMom on 2024-01-04 04:30:22. It has garnered 188 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:52 or 9352 seconds.

#Minecraft #vtuber #sadiegamermom

Minecraft on the Spinalcraft. We are on a new spawn area for 1.20.4 come and join me while we turn my base in to little Japan Town.

SUBSCRIBE ► @SadieGamerMom 👋 I’m SadieGamerMom! Subscribe if you have not! 👍 Thanks for every Like, Share, & Comment! 🔔 Ring the Bell to join the Notification Squad! _____________________________________________________________________________ How to join: Spinalcraft

Featuring Spinalcraft, supporting Minecraft 1.10 – 1.19.2 Java and Bedrock Editions! IP: mc.spinalcraft.com Open 24/7, 365! This Java #Minecraft community has been around for nearly 9 years, and features 2 permanent survival worlds! Legacy is a map started 9 years ago, and Ascension (where we are hanging out) started in the beginning of 2022! Spinalcraft prides’ itself on being a safe, family friendly server for all to enjoy!

How to join on Java 1) Spinalcraft supports versions 1.10 thru 1.19.2. For best experience, use the latest version (1.18.2) 2) Click Play, and then multiplayer. 3) Click add server 4) Enter a name of your choice, “Spinalcraft” will do just fine! 5) Enter in the IP address: mc.spinalcraft.com 6) Click Done. Spinalcraft is now saved to your server list! Simply select and click “Join Server!”

To join on Bedrock watch the video https://youtu.be/oF4SbgtQdp4?si=uOBneNfz6H9M17iA ______________________________________________________

Inspiration builds Classy Kiwi Minecraft https://youtu.be/I8aOrJo18DE AdieCraft https://youtu.be/KZkbiDend20 Music by Minecraft LoFi https://youtu.be/jAS-GKmQ_5o?si=bya2VzjYXqHeFqwL ______________________________________ #livestream #Minecraft @SadieGamerMom #VTuber#Minecraft #sadiegamermom #Spinalcraft

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  • Gaupa

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  • TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!

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  • Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!

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  • EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #Shorts

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  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯

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  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

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  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

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  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More