Video Information

For Hello hello hello everyone it is I fantas up and and I am not dead I do exist that much is true how is everybody doing it has been far far too long also we have K here hi kid hello I exist too allegedly k k can’t escape the

Allegations that he does in fact real yeah please do not take your medicine or else isn’t dead suddenly disappear kiss is but a figment of our imagination I’m going to advance the that’s what I’m saying all right let’s go ahead open Beta craft beta craft wander open all right I don’t really remember

What we were last doing I’m going to be completely and perfectly honest was the m Farm I want to say yeah it was we were goofing with it and something something happened I forget if it ever worked or not no the game crashed oh that’s what happened the game

Crashed because I turned on rain and that made me lose a lot of process and I was sad where are we at this point uhoh this could bead Okay so there was allegedly process done towards the mob farm but now we can see that last stream basically didn’t happen

Isn’t that well isn’t that lovely I love it when that happens I’m sorry that all right so technically you’ve been gone for longer than you thought he were yeah no like practically speaking practically speaking I’ve been gone I have not existed okay well considering that that just happened uh

We’re not working on the mob farm today we can goof around with that on some other day but today we got to do something special right we got to we got to come up with something fun celebrate the fact that we’re back I sound perfectly fine right chat don’t sound Jank don’t sound

Goofy everything seems all right Steve black Steve I missed you guys I haven’t seen you guys in ages hey can can you tell me where’s Beast Boy at I want to see him where what’s he doing where’s my man Beast Boy where where’s he chilling got to find

Him where’s the man of the Beast every day I wish it was possible to smuggle Beast Boy into into modern day Minecraft I can’t believe they removed the human mob yeah it was late though like they removed it later than I thought they would so like well yeah but also didn’t

They have multiple times for like it would just delete it from the Save yeah yeah so I don’t think it’s possible to get the human mob at least like into its latest version is it unless like somehow you do a glitch where you get off maybe like I don’t

Even know how you’d spawn it like after a certain point I guess it would just be like trying to bring it that distance but then let me read up the wiki remove human I miss this place we have our work in progress storage Towers the good old Amazon warehouses of the wander

Series oh we have the Nam for Steve black Steve and Beast Boy are not official no yeah the track makes makes makes sense well like one of them looks like Steve one of them is just a color swap Steve and the other is this is Beast Boy you can’t say it’s not

Yeah we just get to hear them dying in the background this is a skill issue quite frankly all right patch up this little bit of land so they were removed in a late version of indev but then they were reintroduced in INF the mobs themselves were removed but

Like humans like did they become humans or are they just cut I mean it says the wiki says that they were completely removed in a version of indev and then they were available again in a version of infv okay uh but it says there’s no no way to spawn them

Legitimately that’s so odd like is it saying humans were made available in INF Dev again or is it these creatures it says mobs are available again although they are still no way to spawn them legitimately and they have no AI so we got to find a way to get them

In somehow yeah that’d be goofy then when did they get fully removed once more all right uh here but yeah how is chat doing today I hope you’re all feeling pretty well I need to start lighting these like random shrubs on fire I also have to that my key binds don’t exist

Anymore all right deal with all these start clearing out the land of all these plants we’ll finally be free so we got to think what do we want to do today what’s the what’s the Strat because frankly right I’m I’m not too certain I am back I need to get back

Into the flow of streaming you know like a almost a month long of a vacation it’ll you take you it’ll take you out of the swing of things right doesn’t help that I’m ever so slightly congested it’s not fun but we rolling okay I say we start cleaning up the area

In front of the house that would be like a good that’ be a good thing for the day can go ahead and start setting up like a gravel Stone path start bringing it over there deal some of this water like we can get some stuff

Done but it all has to start with a forest fire because frankly these trees are starting to get in the way I say starting to get in the way really it’s just I’m sorry what they’re just annoying these don’t need to be here I am back

Welcome back so I think what we’re going to be doing kids we’re going to be going ahead let me know if I need to like change the audio balance at all by the way chat we’re going to start fixing up the front of the house again we’re going

To continue work on like making our home area not look like dog [ __ ] what what do you mean I love all the sponges randomly everywhere just like all the all the water on this like you can see I started my efforts but I got distracted by the towers like

Mhm Jesus Christ okay what a Miss just the Steves on the roof when are doors getting added I need to I need to be ready for that get at it in Alpha if I found no mistake in Alpha I thought they were really late what the heck doors were added in

Alpha yeah yeah I was right that’s absurd Alpha 1.0.1 so what did people do they just have to like Elevate their entrances like block it with a parkour like what was the strp um in my case when I had my Alpha world I just dug a hole that’s so that

Was my engine just have a trench I remember when I tried to dig a trench didn’t that go wonderfully yeah bloody hell remember when the creepers blew everything around I hate everything and then flooded the entire place we are still cleaning up the messes of survival test which that’s

Fair we’re only in inev we’re right after survival test and a single version of classic past that but my point stands like look at this mess this this is absurd you can just see the entire Forest burning down over in the background that’s beautiful even if survival test didn’t have like a

Physical lasting impact on your world which it does it would still leave a lasting like psychological effect on you yeah no it has left a lasting psychological effect I don’t know if I’m ever going to be able to look at water in Minecraft the same way and like this

Fish hunt on Europe has been actually excruciating I think in part because like I am lit I feel like I’m literally just experiencing PTSD the freaking water like spending all this time searching the oceans after having already dealt with all of this mess in the

Past it it hurts it hurts you can never escape the water I’ll Will Never Fully live it down anytime like something blows up in my face and just like a little bit of water leaks out of a PO P I’m going to have Vietnam flashbacks go Oh no you’re going to

Start hearing the [ __ ] explosion sound effect everywhere like in your head it’s not even happening can have nightmares about this I already have had nightmares about okay you know how I mentioned the fish hunt yeah I quite literally had a dream about the fish hunt on your own oh no like at

At least at some point in my Dreaming by the end of it it managed to get in right I was chilling hunting down the fish in my dreams and you know what I finally [ __ ] found something I found a fish I found the I found the named

Fish and you want to know what the instructions were on the fish the name find another fish no like I woke up really after I woke up really soon after after realized what was happening and like almost lost it was Hy that’s the sign that you’ve been doing that for way too

Long genuinely like actually torches give no light in this version I hope you enjoy two blocks of light like it how are you supposed to react to that even in a dream like what are you supposed to do I think if you find a fish that says

Find another fish you just done you retired yeah like I’m going to leave this with somebody else and you want to know the funniest thing no after that dream I did learn from the person who like created the fish that there are fish at least named not this one so my

Dream was like a prophetic warning my dream was a prophetic warning that’s what’s going to happen I’m going to find the not this one fish that’s terrible that’s awful that’s so mean like apparently they are close by the actual fish so it’s more so like a sign that you’re closed but still learning

That after that dream also can’t just like fish die randomly in the ocean there’s thing there’s nothing really to kill them if they pop like if they’re nearby pieces of land they can jump on the land and die I’ve seen fish do that I don’t think we’re close to land feels so dumb

People do so much cool stuff at the game I’m like I like Farming Farming is cool though farming is nice you can Farm a lot of things and that’s the beauty finding like Jank Wass to farm things or even just making the most like obscene number-wise Wheat Farm

Yeah yeah yeah uh that’s like the entire point of Minecraft doing like whatever the hell you want right recently I Revisited a server that I didn’t play in for like 2 years and my base in that server was literally sugar cane as far as the eye can see like it took

Over the to the base is hidden behind sugar cane it’s hard to find the entrance Jesus but yeah like it’s absolutely ridiculous like farming in Minecraft it can be really really fun no yeah making like Sky height Bedrock height sugarcane farms and then automat like automating set

Farms yeah I can’t see like anything down here this is absurd turn on your gamma there’s a gamma setting uh in your monitor probably not in the game think oh in the monitor I there in MO for a moment I was like huh who calls a launcher a

Modder we don’t need gamma we can live remember clam’s wheat farm on cozy Jesus Christ back when clam had too much time on their hands now they just don’t have any let’s see Here there’s I need more sponges I need to go ahead and just like gear this one’s in a good spot I can can steal it and be fine all right we’re going to go ahead and underst stack the sponge and just start popping off hell

Yeah just got to find like piece of land I don’t even know where I am anymore you can see like feathers falling all over the place from the dying beast boys I think it’s Beast Boy that drops feathers yeah yeah the mob Farm’s working wonders for

Real yeah that’s a great design for mob farm just make them drown yeah like it’s absurd the fact that their hit boxes in their feet and so they just drown by standing in water is never going to not be hysterical to me like what are what are they supposed to

Do but what answer can these poor creatures give I mean I think it’s their bad Anatomy to be honest like why would you put your lungs in your feet no yeah like who benefits not them genuinely oh okay hold on I’m need okay I don’t need all these planks I can go

Ahead and underst stack them later we’ll keep a little bit on me just in case but and sorry if I sound like a bit congested there’s nothing I can really do about that and be perfectly honest I don’t know if I have like allergies or what the heck’s going on I don’t know

How this tree is still intact fix that fix this one as well but yeah fluffy are you going to make clams wheat farm on Europe is that your is that your end game building it underground though because something something gold fire okay here’s what I’m going to do we’re going to place that

There yeah that’s going to eat that back that’s fine okay oh wait I can’t I can’t click like that I can’t just shift click it’s so weird I forgot about that I forgot that’s not a thing I can’t you you don’t ignite TNT with flint and steel but I

Didn’t for a moment register the fact that like oh okay you can ignite it with flint and steel good to know good to know okay I when it didn’t work I got so confused realized that wasn’t the case and then realized it was that was I feel like I

Went through a lot of the stages right there right the stage is a grief I’ve just experienced them all firsthand so if I try to place this under oh this one is just just chilling that’s just an infinite block right there that’s great like sometimes it kind of happens

That just kind of happens whenever you go ahead and save and reload the world because mcraft inventory jenness okay we can have a lake okay as much as I hate water we can have a pond we just need to limit it we need to like have some damage control

Right so if I come over here I have dirt and stone under St like I can live with like this being a pot I just have to go ahead and like clean it up so let’s go ahead and start work on that suppose we’re going to start cleaning up just

The front of the house right getting rid of all this dirt cuz while this is a nice little place the view here is actually atro atrocious right now this is this just doesn’t look good let’s go ahead grab some of our sponges clean up inside this little

Pit you can see that someone drowned there poor innocent creature this Pond I think at this point we can keep it actually you know I I like this area we’ll we’ll let this SL well that go ahead fill the area in it’s going to start evaporating

Actually I need to go grab a water source block let’s go ahead and do that like look at this look at this mess Jesus what are you supposed to do here all right go ahead break this you can see some like fairly pretty areas over there right like I I like the

I like the pumpkin thing going on like to make this into like an Overlook right so let’s think about this like have this Pond just go out all the way around here and have like a little a little Stone overhang I accidentally bumped my microphone with my hand I apologize significantly

Okay let me check something real quick okay there we go um let’s go ahead and go to the top first so that we can then go ahead and like fill in that upper upper terrain part I just need to like know what I’m working with CU I like the idea of an overhang

Just surrounded by water we got to make it look good there’s so many parts of this world that just they’ve been butchered by the terrain especially the merging of the terrain between indev and classet because otherwise things weren’t going to work properly okay come on over here so I like it going

Over do I want it to go over to this little floating bit uh actually I’d like to keep this but I’d like to keep it out separate right I think having like a little floating island Above This Pond would be pretty I have like a little waterfall

Going out of it when flowing water becomes the thing that I can do practically speaking let me see here and let’s go ahead jump up this way probably should have done it from here like that okay I like that well floating island up above and we can extend this Pond out a good

Bit so then I think right we make this a bit rounder just all the way all the way around make it round and then work from the bottom do like a bit of a wall thing I think this area could do to get shaved down a bit let’s

See we’re going to make a a nice little Paradise for ourselves right like right now things are just too broken for our liking okay Do That all right actually that worked out fine maybe go ahead and yes I’m make that there we go so that makes the transition into here a little bit nicer come over this way um we’ll bring this out one more just for that tree to be on Solid Ground over

Here and then we’re going to want to go ahead and grab ourselves more dirt there yeah something like sometimes it feels like the block should place and you just don’t and I don’t know exactly why I’m sure there’s some jenness going on or maybe I

Just I don’t know it could be some very slight difference that I’m just not actually picking up on but is there like I don’t know no clue uh let’s go ahead don’t burn down the but there we go all right we’re chilling so now that we figured this

Area out my minus that and this little out crop is good then we’ll go ahead and like add the stone on the bottom I’m excited about that welcome back welcome back we’re working on just trying to pretty things up this is going to be a long process but also this is going to

Be a long stream so we’re chilling yeah at some point I’ll have to like go get food right like I’ll just have to I’ll probably make myself a sandwich and then just like mute while I’m doing that but I am going until I sleep today this is y

That that’s the goal we’re so back music to my ears all the mobs just drowning in their toes I’m pretty sure before you were absolutely like despising that constant sound of suffering see now it’s like it’s nostalgic right I’ve been I’ve been away from it for a month oh I’m so glad

I can hear the screams that the screams of the damn that the screams of the Damned is now music to my ears oh my God I’m nostalgic I’m unironically I’m like getting dopamine upon hearing their pain and I don’t know if this is sadistic or if it’s perfectly

Natural but like this makes me happy you are dead maybe I shouldn’t have said that killing okay anyway uh regardless okay listen here I’m just going to continue what I’m doing making this little outcrop look beautiful it’s going to be lovely it’s going to be quite uh go ahead break that block right

There I feel like the range is shorter or maybe it’s just that like I think I know what it is it’s the fo that’s messing with me ah yeah like I’m used to a higher fov so this is like throwing me yeah I would usually play on Quake Pro I usually use like

95 I used to use 90 when I had the laptop but once I got my computer my screen is absolutely ginormous so I need like anything pass like behind Quick bro feels off yeah to zoomed in we’ll have to like repair the leaves on some of these trees

Eventually all right I like what’s going on here in fact I could even like have a little Cove area just like in between this place but first I’m going to go ahead and just bring this down all right that for now and like different areas will have different amounts of just blocks sh

Them and then like this entire thing is going to be surrounded by water right so mhm that’ll be pretty what do you think conceptually like the idea right just having like this like Stony Outlook over the over like I it looks really good cuz there’s

A similar thing in the turtle SMP and it looks really good we’re going to go ahead and actually bring this back a little bit I think like my mind is saying I want this to be I want it to pull in more than it go ahead and break that I

Think oh yeah okay that that’s good like having it go I like that three blocks back okay coming along no yeah like I’m it’s good to be back it’s good to just build like on Europe I’m dealing with the stress of the freaking fish hunt fish it’s good to

Be good to be just chilling once more I’ve missed it all right go ahead do that and then yeah like I’ll have like a little Cove in here so you’ll be able to we can do like one of those Pirate Cove things where like there’s the the bar

Inside the little cave water on each side that’ be I’d like hell yeah and I think I honestly do like this little Stony bit around it and then I’ll have the water oh this will look good I like this I like this already this is coming along

Nice that is that is a gif and a half hello curb Theon it is good to be back glad to be here we we are we are chilling we are vibing living our best life everything is swell all hunky dory and the like any word you can think of to describe it we

Are back we are relaxed and I’m happy to be here all right uh go ahead bring this out a Couple uh I’m having to like constantly break and place things to see exactly how it looks I’ve never really messed with terraforming like a wall like this right trying to make it look natural but I don’t think I’m doing a bad job like actually I think I’m doing really good

I’m quite I’m quite proud of myself right now yeah doing great ter Terr for me think looks nice we’ll have to go ahead and grab a water source block soon let’s all right I don’t know I don’t think I like that one there but I do want to

Bring how not having pick block also hurts there’s so many like ever so slight mild inconveniences so yeah Cur what we’re doing right is we’re making we’re making my home area look substantially better that’s the goal here cuz right now it is still it still looks like a war zone from

Over over when I was doing survival test right and so we’re we’re here to fix that all right survival test really is like an explosive introduction to survival mode no yeah like that that probably that is the first experience some like the ogs had to survival Minecraft that is where they

Start this probably like the hardest survival mode has ever been and ever will be hardest that will ever get cuz like what are you what are you supposed to do like unironically you are just like I’m amazed there wasn’t as much backlash to survival mode uh like as that did because

Like I struggle so hard with surv sural test and I like to say that I’ve gotten better at video games but survival test is just like a masochist sweat dream like what are you supposed to do if I played survival test as a child I think I would have like just quit

Minecraft I don’t think I would have play that game anymore just a Dark Souls of sand it is the Dark Souls of Minecraft Survival survival test is the dark hell yeah it’s not a test of survival it’s testing your survival ability exactly not knew what he was doing with that one genuinely

Yeah I don’t know who he thinks he’s benefiting but it’s certainly not me okay uh let’s go ahead and po up this way okay [Applause] that’s I’m just going to stand over here and look at that like that is that is coming along nicely hold up I like that like that a lot

Yeah that looks great no I think I might need some dirt variation like uh to mimic how regular Minecraft serine looks but other than that it looks great no yeah I see what you mean I’ll worry about that once I have like the base layout yeah yeah yeah do do that there we

[Applause] go I have to like fine tune that part up there a good amount all right I’m happy with that I’m really happy with that it was I was in actual MC war zone I’m not living the Stony Shore again last server everyone nuk the Stony gloves rip okay underground dirt Pockets didn’t

Even exist until INF Dev rip that’s True Didn’t mean to place that one all right I think I’m good on this side to go ahead and like make the cave entrance uh got to think this is going to be the hardest part to well no I guess I can like go back yeah I can I can cross the edge of

The world I can get like a good view I think what I need to do is I need to like make this area a bit better first okay go ahead give ourselves some more dirt under stacking blocks is so beautiful I’m going to be sad to see it

Go why are you people talking about cheese in my DMs I don’t understand fluffy fluffy what are you doing all right all right go ahead place that there not there yeah have this little cave segment which frankly I don’t care too much about I hope you remember to overstack fishing rods in Alpha

1.1.1 what that’s a thing yes yes that is so what what’s the Practical reason that I’m being reminded of that in particular you might forget okay that’s fair fair enough we’ll take it okay illegal no yeah and I can’t really have the the terrain like loop around bry right because of

The because of the Border but we can make it look relatively nice Dar border all right and then honestly I think I just get rid of this dirt I think this dirt right here can go and we’ll go ahead and like continue our little Stony outr yeah okay

I need to get a water source block like this water is all going to start disappearing at this point cheese to meat you not string that was done you’ll be able to obtain the blah chest method you use for it isn’t too hard oh okay go ahead get a little bit more

Stone you’re not going to worry too much about the inner part of this like Cove right not yet just the fact that it exists is really what I was going for I like that maybe okay you people are going to start drowning soon you might want to might want to get out of

The water I tried to tell you okay says I’m not going to worry about the inside of the Cove immediately starts worrying about the inside of the Cove okay that’s all I’m doing there all all I’m changing with that part I think that the entrance to it

It’s like a bit too it’s a rectangle we’re going to we’re going to make it a bit more rounded O o o o okay that’s Better break that we’ll go ahead and do that I think all right okay I like that all right I’m happy with that side of it that looks good now and then if we run on around to the other part of this given for your on Hiatus challenge

World okay okay let’s roll around to this side fall into the water because what else are we supposed to do I am streaming I can’t play balers Gate 3 right now the one time I actually have the game that’s awesome [Laughter] I can’t believe this you obtain green ferns through

It yeah like the water the water is just evaporated over here Jesus Christ okay go ahead and grab ourselves I I want to do I think I wanted to like start coming out this way right oh this is just going to fill in this entire area

Okay well there goes a lot of my hard work hold up what the hell no oh God I hate water oh no I just filled in so much it wasn’t supposed to go that far oh shoot that’s God damn it awful I I hate water you have you been reminded of the

Horrors that is water in this version no yeah constantly reminded frankly all right there is no rest for the weary okay forever doomed that’s what I’m saying uh let’s bring this out good few block start turning it there we go so I’ll have like this water just kind of go all the way

Around you people are spamming my DMs with cheese just through the group chat like I just keep seeing there’s more Discord things and it’s terrifying this is beautiful okay put a couple torches in here and then for this bit over here try we’re going to need some more

Stone I said I wasn’t going to worry about the inside of the Cove but I kind of feel I need to if I want to know what I’m doing on the rest of the outside right this just gives me a better idea of how I want to handle

This we’re going to have to like do some replacing of the dirt on the inside with stone good amount of replacing frankly okay Death from Above and I can see if it’s a grass block for the most part I would say sorry but I’d be lying I can’t say I’m surprised but I

Can’t say I’m mad and that’s what I hate you people know you can get away with it that’s why you keep doing it and that’s what’s funny about it okay what the hell there’s just it’s just glowing now it’s not what the Minecraft’s lighting engine is certainly something it’s never been fully stable

Has it like you go this far back you just have randomly glowing blocks and chunks they like no light whatsoever you are just a vampire now do that okay H wish it was like easier to just see all the top we can toss these torches up here No vampires are cool that’s true they are pretty nifty me and judge had a long conversation about vampires the other day by the other day I mean this morning because it was late oh okay and what’s the conclusion uh the conclusion is he finds it obsurd that people keep calling di

Hot by his body count oh like one of those moments where you lose a little bit of fate in humanity that does have to be there okay what Dio from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure I think I’ve perplexed chat the character yeah he he’s Disturbed of the amount of I can fixing peoples that exist

Because no you can’t fix Theo he he’s you look at a person he say I can fix him or her you’re probably not a good person to be around with yeah delete the level. that y Auto I’ll worry about those kinds of like fancy things when I get there going be perfectly

Honest I right now I’m content just chilling in in of with all the black thieves on top of my roof need to call Pest Control go ahead and get some dirt variation going over here make it look a little bit more natural all right this is going to be like one of

The big parts of the stream for today I think just getting this whole area done and then put Stone on this one first thought was from one of Puff’s friends and I was so confused oh no not not not do not not not do from fractured

Not doox mock I want to say what they username is no Dio is in the vampire this is in the context of vampires fluffy okay you have context clues they are there okay this is starting me off I don’t like this here let’s go ahead and get a few more

Up at the very top okay figure out quickly but it was weird for a moment fair enough I suppose if I was talking about an actual person and then also going on about their body count on stream but it’s a friend of the content yeah I I see you

Being use but that that’s not what’s Happening Here Jesus Christ no context is very important context is always very important remember that chat all right let’s see how that looks now that they added like some variation to the dirt see how it transitions into it I like that that is good that is

Good what what do you think of this kid it looks really good like real I wouldn’t bety if you said that was naturally generated I mean seeing the rest of the natural generation I beg to differ but yeah I see yeah like if I completely ignore this R wardens are terrifying was terrified

Yesterday in an overtime event for a server Clos three wardens two Withers TNT rain PVP battle happening All Above while I am in a pitch black tunnel Jesus who benefits from that I have to ask all right let’s go ahead and like transition this dirt into here a little bit better

Okay like that I think I think that’s good want to do something like that go ahead and start cleaning up this segment a little bit [Applause] CR like your life depended on it the thing was chaos but I’m happy to have been third place okay you survived as long as you could

Hide all right let’s go ahead break this a bit okay I like the transition just up onto this hill Oh this is going to be pretty this is like this is like a Park area type thing right like this feels like something you’d see in a park I love like

That like a little Outlook all right go ahead and give ourselves some more dirt to work with and some more Stone under stacking is so nice it’s like such a simple dupe and just being able to have that mode with restrictions no yeah which like when the only thing

You have to do is build right I think that’s fine yeah I don’t feel guilty about it no yeah definitely like once you start getting the ability to uh you know collect items that are um renewable then yeah then it gets a little iffy if you start duping them but until

Then until everything is like readly available I don’t have an issue some stuff never will no yeah and then the dupes will get patched and I’ll be stuck with whatever I have apples are never renewable in beta like pre beta like I’m only going to

Have the apples that I get more or less Here and Now now I mean you’re going to have the the TNT duping method still and then there’s going to be another method which is the nether portal under stacking one okay so you’re good on duplication methods for later

Okay but like get this transition to the side a portal under stack all right oh this apple just isn’t disappear I’m going to eat it good the enough this apple can go below zero that’s goofy like it it was a stack of apples so I got that that’s confus

That’s weird I don’t think it’s supposed to happen all right do that get ourselves more Stone no yeah I’m going to be doing like anything of significance that I can like think of for versions like if there’s an unobtainable item that I can just have I want I want it to be

Mine can’t really get away with like going backwards and that yeah I really have pull forward Okay break these okay and come up here a little bit that so all right now we really just have to like get this entrance to the Cove again which is always the goofy part like so and then up there all right so the entrance there is

Like a bit wider than what we have over here see if we can’t make this somewhat similar get some blocks over there I hope more versions of been the good F no yeah like gone it’s so sad and it’s so tragic because it’s like this is where the game

Actually starts getting some of its distinct features like we I mentioned this on another stream we just don’t have the original update that added Redstone yeah that’s so sad yeah go ahead we straight up don’t have the first version of inev Jesus which is 0.31 2009 1223 D1 you have Dash

Two but it’s not the pre- Reupload all right I think think that is like that thing done that’s like that Outlook done I like that and I think having like this little floating island is going to be neat but if I want to do that then I’m going to have to go ahead and like expand the

Water let’s go ahead just bring that out it just starts evaporating Jesus Christ I don’t know why it’s not like filling in over there that’s what confusing to me like water mechanics in this are so weird yeah okay damn even the first version of in the in survival mode we don’t have

Yeah I can never truly say that this survival world was on every version of the game was survival yeah I can only say that it was on all the ones that we have which I don’t think will ever be all of them and even then once like once I’m

Out of inev we get new inev versions what am I supposed to do yeah I can cover them in like a video or something I can stream them goof around but back for the world to it no because that’s where you like really messed up your

File yeah I mean if you get a backup or something maybe it you maybe I mean I’ve been keeping like a lot of backups that’s great like there are some streams that like we don’t have the the world after that stream ended right but for a lot of them we do which

Is I’d like to keep that going up until the fact of like I just can’t afford space for it right I mean you’ll have some time until you actually get storage issues I I think you’ll start getting storage issues when you do the farlands oh yeah cuz World files are really small

Compared to nowaday like right now yeah I’m feeling they’re going to start getting at least some size once we start getting to indev or infd cuz another thing is right like in inev we’re stuck in this area there’s only so big you can have your world file get mhm so

Like we’re mostly good in that apartment oh no what what happened I think the version that add fire is also missing bro why are they all gone like how did nobody play in live I guess it’s like people just didn’t think to start backing them up at that time I

Mean they did release that at an unfortunate time which is the holiday time mhm like they released in early January and late December yeah so people would probably you know be spending time with their family on the holidays instead of archiving Minecraft version unfortunate can’t believe people have

Families hate it when that happened how dare they how dare you we could have had the first functional relationship with other human beings we could have had fire uh yeah we could have had fire the Cav and now the now we’ll never have fire in Minecraft again we we’re just never

Going to get to see it again it’s going to be so sad like I can’t believe we let this flip to crack all right let’s go ahead grab this oh it’s really sad because we have some we have some isometric screenshots of versions we don’t have access to BR that’s really

Sad would be goofy wouldn’t it all right we got some grass under water because apparently that’s the thing living it best life so there’s one version that has both survival and a creative version to it neither of which were backed up was it in classic I’m guessing no it in N

Oh yeah there’s an N version that had both survival and creative but the creative one was a little bit buggy because the code did not match well I guess I think well like were’t they like phasing out creative at least for the time being yeah yeah

Yeah it’s like there was a bug in the creative like just so you know how much they were working on survival like the creative mode blocks would run out Jesus Christ it’s like you have to manually go get more blocks in Creative creative versus here in survival I don’t have to do that

Yeah got him on my phone new fanas upst stream let’s go we live we’re alive we did die we are in fact still kicking 2024 going strong real I think I am going to bring this out this way bit more I need more dirt when secret Friday one mine carts

Do not place them down they will break what in the world there we go what if I want to place down a lot of Minecarts though like what if that’s just what I feel in my heart right oh no you set on fire though you’ll get an eternal flame what Mojang moment

Mo specific Okay yeah there’s so many goddamn versions that are missing in this it’s so sad yeah when’s the last time we got a new one it wasn’t too long ago was it a new inev version just a or a new version in general but yeah new inev when was that

That would have been a while change lungs in the oh and light it for the diamonds for free diamonds oh that’s a good idea editor I like that uh here let me go let me do that real quick I say that I don’t want to like blow up

The terrain over here that I’m working on cleaning I would do it for the bit but the bit is not worth the time I’ve spent here right me see this go ahead grab some more Stone oh cool so the latest version of inev found it was found in 2021

And it’s a version from December 31st 2009 oh okay it’s a Prett significant one it Al it added leather armor uh CH iron armor chain armor studded armor quiver Apple shovel sword oh the quiver my beloved yeah the mine cart broke after the update huh okay here

We and then let’s come down this way so the first items in the game were introduced in this version no is interesting drop my stone thing swim swim swim okay oh it didn’t it just went up to the top of my inventory oh what am I making

So last stream we were making a mob farm and then the game crashed because I turned on rain speaking of games crashing let’s go ahead and save I haven’t done that in a while okay we’re going to save the game so what I’m currently doing is I’m going

To just go until I’m going to bed today right this is going to be a long long ass stream and we’re just going to go ahead and fix up the terrain around spawn a good bit right we want things to look actually pretty because let’s be real here they

Have not looked good like spawn I say spawn I keep saying it this whole place is more or L spawn small my house area just does not look good because of survival test and it was not helped by like the merging of an inev and a classic

World to like get this in here properly right and so because of that things look weird and I’m taking this first stream back to go ahead and just fix everything right make everything look nice and pretty everything will look beautiful beautiful beautiful all right so right now like

We’re working on just this little Outlook next to spawn we’re going to have like a little Lake next to it with the Cove inside beautiful I’m quite happy all right go ahead and fill all this in and for the bottom of this Lake I think I uh here let’s continue just like this

Little split we have between dirt and not dirt dirt and stone break that [Applause] okay break all these okay yeah we’re not making any like one thing in particular right now really this is more so just a terraforming stream right like now that we’re back from winter break back in the

Dorm done with the vacation we’re just going to go ahead and make this world look its best for the new year right and I think that’s a good little thing to do I think that’s a fun fun activity New Year’s cleaning on the world exactly we’re getting our spring

Cleaning done early so we don’t have to clean jack [ __ ] during the Spring why do today what you can put off till tomorrow yet what is today but yesterday is tomorrow that’s a SpongeBob quote Oh okay New Year spring cleaning exactly oh you have access to Golden tools now I

Believe so yeah I can craft them are they any good I don’t know if there’s differences between them I’ve not checked maybe like the speed I don’t know if the speed is still different in these versions right let me look at the wiki see if it says anything

Cuz like if the speed is different then there would be a good thing to it cuz durability isn’t real right so objectively gold tools are better here than they ever will be that’s my humble opinion I say objectively humble opinion like I think that just not having to worry about durability oh all

Tools are at their best here if you don’t have arrows don’t use a bow cuz it just disappears The Bow just vanishes that’s goofy yo Blake how you doing I haven’t seen you for a while how’s your break going I am back back in the dorm I don’t

Know about you but I am here how have you been doing good brother how about you I’m chilling I’m finally back home from break so we are we liveing I have some Ramen and some sandwich material like get me through the rest of the time you went back early

Yeah can’t be helped I’m going to be perfectly honest though I am reving in the fact that I am alone now not having to deal with other people or at least deal with the household on a daily basis it it’s refreshing definitely helped me get

Through a break but I I I needed to come back here drop by later going to get some decent food to survive fair enough man you enjoy your food but yeah right now I’m just going ahead and like fixing up the terrain cool cool yeah yep yep all right

Uh I don’t know what like is going to look the best here I still have to like deal with this mess cuz yeah this just went right back over here to fill in all of my hard work oh okay yeah tools are going to start taking damage like the very next version

A so use them while you can yeah I need to like I need to delay going on to other versions then again like under stacked tools right yeah like that’s going to be goofy I am curious to see if gold tools are faster or not up cuz the wiki

Doesn’t provide any information you want me to test it yes okay let’s see if we can’t go ahead and just find like some spare gold ore lying around okay also I need to like fill in more of this water I am mildly upset that some

Of the work that I got like done just got filled in yeah can’t be helped though this version is Jank there’s nothing I can really do about that Okay you just filling in all of this terrain with sponges gold is useless always has been always will be well think right now if gold I think gold is more useful now than ever before if gold is faster and it doesn’t have the issue of just like having ne4 durability at all

Moments then like objectively gold will be better than iron in this version is this a straight upgrade yeah I do Wonder did the durability of gold tools always were like really low or did they change that I’m not sure okay I am just hearing the screams of the Damned these poor creatures they

Are trying their best their best just is not even half decent they should have thought about that before they put their lungs in their toes bro gets an ingrown toenail and just suffocates on the spot poor guys okay went ahead cleaned up a good bit of that

I think we’re going to continue to just drain the pond in front of the house right we’re getting her to that creeper oh I’m sorry it ju it it just doesn’t look good they can’t sleep without an answer well first you have to find out our gold

Tools use I found it gold tools have 33 durability in the next updates they always were really bad Jesus Christ it’s they’ve been like this since the beginning they have the same durability as Wood Tools not what were you smoking this what I want to know though

It doesn’t say if it’s faster or not I need to find just some exposed gold or there is some over in this area I want to say I’m correct for real well no you say that gold tools still exist in the this version right so if they exist here and

If they just don’t have durability but do have the speed buff then like yeah this this is to prove editor wrong let’s see all right this Pond has been all but dealt with there we go not having my key binds for my hot bar hurts

Okay I don’t know where the gold was but it was somewhere like around this place like there is some gold ore beneath one of these blocks but I’m not seeing it and I don’t really want to tear apart my entire Pond looking for it so we’re

Just going to go grab some from a chest question is do I have any in a chest just chilling or am I going to have to like do an underst stack CU frankly I don’t want to I don’t want to mess up whatever is in I want to say this chest over

Here all right I have like one that’s just sat next to the snow golem clear out the land a bit okay that line just in the middle of chests will always feel so weird to me so we have a little bit of gold

Or or I say we have a little bit we have a 99 stack in there but I don’t want to goof with it right right looking for gold for 3 hours rip this is done I love the Bedrock for the eyes and mouth on the pumpkin yeah

They look also I think the Lava was also clever cuz like we don’t have an orange block that I can just place down right without it eventually crashing the world yeah at some point so just making the pumpkin into a freaking lava lamp I’m I’m proud of that one I’m happy with it

That one’s really creative it looks so cool as well like just from a distance but one Creeper explosion will have me just wanting to cry myself asleep which is a little bit of an issue with that uh a little bit of a hazard no yeah one could call it an OSHA violation all

Right gold go ahead and put a bunch of the wood in here I’m going to go ahead and under stack that right mhm and so before I do it oh wait no no that’s already under stacked what am I what am I waffling about okay hold up I forgot the

Ones in the chest like by by default are underst stack it’s not until like I use them and then save the world depending on how much I used it that they break or like become some obscene like unshown integer all right they didn’t solo make a mod so you could see the under

Stacks I feel like they did I’ve not messed with it yet I need to at some point God my bones there’s so many things that like I’ve just missed out on like so many things I’ve just not gotten to do since I’ve been gone yeah so I’m looking forward to that

Changing but yeah can make our nine gold I need a little bit more planks oh there’s a crafting table over there never mind and the Habit begins placing crafting tables all all over the world all right so you want to test this with just like a pickaxe I think that’s the simple answer

Yeah world’s first golden pickaxe and yeah golden pickaxe people let’s go okay yay looks place down it’s like the coloring doesn’t feel shiny it feels like really dull okay they spit in their gold so I’m just going to place two things here so first iron pickaxe quick exact same speed that that that

Was the same speed no there’s there there’s no debating about that that was the same damn so yeah no gold has just always been objectively [ __ ] rip it really can’t catch a break can it yeah I think gold like the only useful thing gold can do in early versions is

Make Notch apples but you can’t even do that until release something what yeah not apples you can oh wait okay for some reason because I’m bloody tired okay I was thinking when you said gold I was still holding that pickaxe for some reason I thought you were like talking

About turning golden pickaxes into God apples and I got really [ __ ] confused I got okay I I I did not know like how to react to that I was like what do you mean oh man not chaples getting introduc 13.1 we’re going to have so many golden apples it’s going to be

Beautiful all right that we can come over this way start working on this part this is just like one massive terraforming stream and I’m here for it cuz it’s relaxing right this is cing actually had something like relatively unhappy happened within the last couple days so I’m I’m Happy Just

Vibe good to just have some more all right this is looking like it’s going to have to be a similar like outcrop to over there just minus like the Cove part let’s go ahead flear some of that out it’s right like this is there’s an entire Hill over

Here we’re going to go ahead and burn down that stump break all this and we can go ahead take some dirt and like circle around this little these couple gaps just fill them in make some like hilly Terrain I don’t need those sponges and I think

It’ll be funny if I somehow like dig in or have a creeper blow up there at some point in the future and just fall into a hole full of Sponges cuz I can underst stack these things it doesn’t matter if they exist in the world you need is one exactly draining oceans is going to be so easy I wish there was an overlap between sponges not having a wet variant and being functional and pistons

Existing can of asking a lot for out of Santa I don’t know he’s going to be able to meet all the the mans real so in 2010 not planed to do an April Fool’s update uhhuh but since he was moving homes he wasn’t able to do it and he called it Minecraft

4D what do you think the update would have been Minecraft 4D I I don’t even know what like you can’t comprehend 4 d that’s not something you can just be like what would this have been like what what am I there’s a game mcra clone called yeah exactly 40 Miner I sub to the patreon so I could

Get like the up toate demo yo that’s just like goof with it I haven’t played aam uh I haven’t played it yet but I’ve seen all the videos the GU making it it’s like really it looks stre exactly yeah it looks very very interesting I

Don’t know like how fun it would be to play just cuz like the comprehension issues but I suppose I’ll find that out soon enough once I start actually trying it full on yeah right mhm that be goofy all right let’s go ahead fill in these Pond what do you

Say like um I’m just wondering what would what would have been like in 2011 we got the fake uh lock chest and that’s seems pretty tame compared to Minecraft 4D no yeah like what it maybe it would be like that one update that he ended up or I don’t

Know if it I don’t know if Notch was still at Mojang when it happened right what was like the one that like added all the electrical appliances like what wasn’t there like a literal like house Orest brace that’s one of the items in it it was the trendy update it was in 2016

I almost imagine it would be something vaguely similar to that right and just like add a bunch of sci-fi like items but keep in mind like this is in April of 2010 so it’s in the infdev stage I believe no yeah so like the game would have been a lot different

From from beta and that’s why I think it would just be adding like a bunch of random [ __ ] right like nothing imag scale can I imagine could be a 2.0 situation where it just adds a bunch of stuff into the game and some of which made it to the actual releas that’s

Still so fun 2.0 introduced tinted glass it introduced coal blocks um what else did it add Minecraft but it knows where you live oh Jesus that that’s just the that’s just modern day Minecraft stalking Telemetry is mean oh yeah of horses which is retextured cows could you even ride the horses I don’t

Know let me see um I will forever be salty that they didn’t add like the Pegasus and what’s it called Pegasus and unicorn when they added the horses in the M yeah Minecraft but had the Zombie horse but they didn’t do anything with it yeah no he still don’t have anything with the

Zombie horse aside from like a spawn egg yeah skeleton horse at least got the Trap but I wonder if they’re ever going to do something with the zombie then again how long did it take for them to add the Trap horse a little bit I know that remember when

End crystals were exclusive to skeleton horse drops what you don’t know that no the end Crystal the end Crystal item was at one point exclusive to killing skeleton horses what you couldn’t craft it you had to kill skeleton horses to get end crystals was it intended to be obtained

In the first place was it intended to be crafted but they made it a mob drop by a what what do you mean exclusive to skeletones hold on and I’m holding my horses are being held explain the glue factory they go we need those crystals real okay so in 15w

44A and crystals can now be obtained as an item and crystals now drop from Skeleton Trap horses and can be placed only on obsidian or Bedrock so when they were introduced as an item they were dropped from SK was that intentional or is it just like supposed to be a

Placeholder it wasn’t I think it was intentional I’m guessing it was intentional for them to do it but as a placeholder yeah they did add crafting recipe right after okay and made it not dropped by the horses unfortunate you know we’re just going to cover up this entire mess more or

Less just just that’s really funny to me hell of just sponges and like floating bits of water Jesus Christ I thought that was more widely known that skeleton horses had a drop point I didn’t know that like is it possible to make a trap horse farm I’m now

Wondering yeah there’s there’s a person who did it I think R Works did it you can make one like spawn a bunch of skeleton horses I think he did it to like Farm those rare mobs from Halloween mhm that tracks I’m guessing like a trap horse like diamond armor skelet pumin yeah yeah

Yeah exactly I want to go for those kinds of things I mean you’re already going to the nether farlands what’s what’s a diamond what’s a diamond hor armor skeleton what’s a Skeleton Trap with a with a diamond armor and a jackal on its head with the left

Hand with the left that’s a thing yeah left-handed skeletons are are r Wait no yeah but don’t they also just like isn’t it not visible well they’re holding bows right yeah but isn’t it like that they still actually hold the bow in the a other hand I thought no oh

Okay I don’t know I vely remember thing about like the left hand being a thing mobs could have but it didn’t actually do anything no I exist okay don’t know where I heard that then I’m always too paranoid to cover over big holes like that cuz in my

Minecraft and Creeper will spawn I will fall into a cavern hundred of mobs these are the only things I have to worry about right now I’m not too concerned fluffy like when your only threat to your survival is a bunch of like one to be mermaids with gills for toes like what

What are you supposed to fear right these people are trying to join the atlantans and they’re doing a bad job yeah okay so left-handed skeletons have an 11% chance of spawning that is literally just like you’re you’re going for it’s your Minecraft equivalent of a shiny hunt at that point yeah I think

It’s rarer than a shine no yeah probably certainly I think like if you make a full flush Farm though you can probably Farm it at a faster rate right yeah yeah I remember seeing the videos crazy it was like lightning every every single second Jesus Christ I don’t know how they sorted it

Though I have no idea I feel like you just like spawn a bunch of them and you’re just like looking for all of a sudden there to be blue and then you just like release The Horde and deal with each of them individually or something M you hit him with a shovel all

Right all right I think down here yeah this is where the trench proper started to exist I want to say we’re trying to like ReDiscover the trench real quick cuz I know this was a thing that existed ReDiscover the trench you’re doing archaeology in your world real like it

Got buried it got buried whenever I like merged it with a inev world right yeah yeah because there wasn’t anything in said trench aside from water for a lot of it and so so funny yeah just got like I have to dig it out again God damn it more water in

My trench I I hate my life like we have this little pocket over here come out this way okay this just brings me over to I don’t like that my trench just has this massive like you can enter the hole in front of my base from the trench that hurts

M like we’re going to fix this up because we’re going to need it like mobs are going to exist again and I need to be ready for it but also Jesus Christ this thing has been through a lot I feel bad for it I feel bad for me for trying to make

This and hoping that it wouldn’t just implode but your world has been waterboarded so many times real this is how I felt whenever pix told me he would bring a bunch of buckets to my dorm that I’ll have to start drinking out of on stream oh oh

My okay you are in my way sir why is there multiple of you why are you multiplying toes my toes I hate my toes all these thieves okay I think this inner Tren should no long longer exists right yeah this I’m in the okay this is on the

Inside of my house I can literally just cover that up okay go ahead and break these over this way yeah you know I hope you take your time with this stuff so that when you get to like some INF Dev versions maybe somebody smart enough Will Made will make like saving mods for

Them yeah so we’d get like the brick pyramid no like we already have a saving mod for a version with the brick pyramid I want one with the obsidian wall that’s one of the ones we don’t have hold on let me check the she if I had the money

I would commission the person who made like the already existing one in a heartbeat like make the make the saving mod how expensive would it be I don’t know I’d have to ask I’m totally down to commission them to do it if it’s within

My budget hold up let me see I want to say it’s Mr Sith Lord or something all right I think they’ve changed version Tre let me see all right I have tracked them down oh wow okay so so so so so you want do you want me to ask

Them like what it would cost to commission save mods for all the INF Dev ones that don’t have saving because they’ve already done it on the brick pyramid one this this is the guy so have they done only on N or have they done more than that I well they

Like they’ve done stuff with like they do modding stuff for like old Minecraft right right there like there’s there’s one that I would really like to have which is uh 0.24 St so it’s the F survival test we have but it it doesn’t save okay I mean so they’re they’re

Responsible for some mod called boxal in time I don’t know if you’ve heard of that but that that’s this person like they they they do stuff with the old stuff I ask about infdev first just cuz like I know that they’ve already done stuff yeah there is like an issue that

They were running into if you’re using like an Nvidia graphics card then yeah that’s what I’m using yeah like there’s there there can be some issues I think like graphically right in which it doesn’t show the chunks that you’re in oh no and like a

Few around it it’s weird like when I mod my integrated Graphics cart that save mod works fine they said they could they just couldn’t figure out what was going wrong but having saving in there in the first place is still you can then try and find someone even smarter than them

To fix that bug or not smarter than them but like someone who like is more familiar with the issues the better way of it I’m allowed to say SM myself but they ultimately we would have a saving mod for every version that doesn’t already support it yeah like that’s if

We at least start with that then like I’m sure someone would be willing to like try figuring out the bug right yes and I want to say they also took glitches as long as they don’t impact game play yeah uh like they don’t like change the values of like actual it did

Change one gameplay thing in the save mod but that’s literally just to make it [ __ ] playable because in that version it’s one of the versions where like there’s like flowers constantly trying to spread to everything and then breaking off and just like lagging it into being unplayable so they just took out flower

Generation that that was third that was their answer yeah that’s fair all right let me let me see here uh I I’ll ask them right here and now all hey uh a friend of mine wants to know if you were willing to how much would it be to commission mods porting saving over

Into all right DM sent we’ll see if they ever end up responding to that maybe on stream maybe not we’ll find out but that would be really cool it’s too late for the first version of survival test for me right yes but we we can yeah yeah you you’re going to be

Able to are you going to try doing something like this yes I’ve already started like uh I I recorded myself playing 255 St would you like go back to the first survival test if someone put saving in it yes I would re-record the video if um if uh I got access to 24sd

Would see yeah CU I am writing a script on it too uh and I want to put a whole video together but like I want to do it right so if somebody comes up with a mod that lets me save on 24sd then I I want use that instead no

Yeah so did the whole like wander series did that kind of like inspire you to start doing your own thing for it oh yeah for sure like I uh I already did do a video on SD but it was it it was more mostly to test some editing software I

Was using yeah uh but I feel I feel like survival test is extremely interesting and seeing the wanders here really made me like truly appreciate how like insanely unique it is right uh and how hard it is as well like the the difficulty literally [ __ ] Dark Souls literally Dark Souls

Myen finally working finally keeping mobs down there let’s go uh like the way I did it was I spotted in in my playr of SD was I I was wanding around trying to collect some resources and what I spotted was a zombie in the wall and I was like huh is

There a cave in there maybe I can use that as a shelter of some sort and then I dug into the wall and it was a pretty nice room so I just uh I just made a hole in the wall and I started Living in it and it actually worked out really

Well because like that area I did not know that at the time but that area was protected by trees at the top so creepers couldn’t directly get on top of it and then explode because they were blocked by the trees okay so I kind of chose the perfect hole in the wall to

Live in it was pretty good nice the only issue is when like you go out on like a desperate hunt to get some mushrooms from pigs yeah and then like come back home and there’s just like a rave in your house I was actually really lucky like

The by the end of the recording session uh I went back home because I wanted to end the video in my home and a bunch of pigs spawned in there yo I had I had a happy I got my food delivery let’s go hell yeah hell yeah but yeah the my

Objective for that was to collect every every block in the game and also kill every mob and get a specific amount of score what score I forget fair enough man fair enough I I recorded a little a little bit go but I I did get a specific Square I’ll have to

Check the footage things are coming along quite nicely over here I’ll say yeah yeah I’m looking this is this is going good it’s so nice to finally have my house just like the front lawn okay it’s the front lawn’s not good yet but like we’re starting to be at a point

Where you can stand and have nothing really look wrong mhm like there there is a view of the house that you can have that looks normal which is an it looks acceptable as a living place like one day I’ll go ahead and like add trees and plants and bushes

Like I did over at the good old funeral home for my friend’s dead phone but yeah that that’s one of my favorite bits on here like I my friend’s phone died on stream so I just went ahead and built an entire ass funeral home it was beautiful

Oh by the way I forgot I I forgot if I already asked this but are you going to update to the PC Gamer gamer demo when it comes time to it I’m going to use every version available to me man like cool that includes PC Gamer demo that includes frecking edu cuz I

Think you’re going to have to hack PC Gamer demo to accept your world in there I think it’s funnier that way right yeah like I really want you to see like the PC Gamer cow in the world I think that’d be hilarious Jesus one day we’ll have multiplayer on

Here and that’s going to be goofy like obviously I’m not going to I made and ate mac and cheese because of this it made me want cheese you say okay I’m sorry I read the DM of you making mac and cheese out loud my bad I I got

To remember that those are DMS and you didn’t want everyone on stream to know that you ate mac and cheese that’s my bad I I’ll stop calling out the fact that you ate mac and cheese on my stream I apologize you know people should be allowed to eat mac and cheese in

Peace okay I have like Little Mac and chees cup and also I need water this is my obligatory grap God damn it this is my break to go get some water and start up getting some food oh no oh no PC Gamer demo how could you wait what does the PC Gamer demo

Do so well there’s a message in the game uhuh like the little popup that says for further hints and spoilers and then gives like uh a link to the Minecraft Wiki no and it’s and it’s the old one it’s fandom so it redirects the fandom

No all right we need to mod this we need to mod this version to include the correct link true that the the most essential mod ever I’m going to be right back cuz if you can keep chat relatively entertained that’ll be very much appreciated be right back no worries all

Right hi Chad how we doing yeah I’m gonna be the streamer now I’m taking over this is my this is my domain now so it’s really F I’m looking at the the wiki for the PC Gamer demo and I just noticed in one of the one of the

Messages that pops up it uh it redirects you to the old Minecraft work which is on phandom which is absolutely disgusting hello I am doing good how about you how are you this fine Sunday H what is my favorite Minecraft that’s a really good question my favorite

Minecraft uh damn this is a really hard question uh let me see it might be one of the April fools versions to be honest because they’re so fun and Goofy it might be 23 uh 23 23 W13 A or B it was the most recent April fools

Version and it’s the one I played the most when it came out cuz I I updated the my server I have a snapshot server and I updated to this April Fool’s version and it was a ton of it was absolutely chaotic seeing everybody try to play on on it cuz people just vote

For like weird gravity for Giants all the time for Midas which turns everything to Gold it was absolutely insane uh it was a really really fun version uh but however if we’re now talking about um April Fool’s versions I would say like the infdev period of the game is probably my

Favorite uh and beta 1.73 being closely behind because if death to me it just has such a weird but also nostalgic feeling even though I did not play it uh like I didn’t originally play it like I started playing near the end of beta I started playing like at the end

Of summer 2010 that’s when I first played the game and I only started really playing like a year later so it was like the the full release I believe uh so even though I didn’t not play infdev it is probably one of the my favorite versions because I did play it

A lot a while back like two or three years ago and I had a world on it it it was super super fun uh because I it was super super fun to discover the old terrain generation how things used to work all the weird quirks old Minecraft

Has and I think the infinite terrain let me enjoy it a lot because I could just keep exploring and exploring and finding new new new and exciting things including like all the all the weird generation features like the monolith finding monoliths was a really really cool

Achievement uh I wish I had to explore them more to be honest but uh I just I exported at a surface level uh what are your thoughts on dolphins dolphins are nice I like dolphins to be honest like the speed boost that they give you once they’re nearby that’s really

Cool did you know that dolphin’s Grace is actually exclusive to Java Edition well technically exclusive like it does the same effect does have happen on bedrock Edition once you’re near a dolphin but the effect itself does not exist on Bedrock Edition like the effect called Dolphins Grace only exists on

Java yeah it’s Java ex exclusive technically you get the same benefits but it doesn’t show up as an active effect if you look at it but the other way around also there’s an there’s also a def that’s exclusive to bedrock Edition which is called lethal poison uh lethal poison is applied to

Parrots once you feed them a cookie uh and I I believe lethal poison is literally just poison but it can kill you uh the same effect also happens on Java but it’s not an effect there like you can feed parrots a cookie and they will die but they do not get affected

With any type of status effect in like Bedrock Edition so yeah each vers each version of the game has a unique status effect which I find interesting let me see dolphins let me look at into Dolphins is there anything interesting about them mhm let me see oh yeah I told forgot

About this Dolphins used to have the ability to wear armor so I don’t know if you know this but you can like equip players and villagers and certain Mobs with armor by putting dispensers next to them and activating it and that functionality also applied to dolphins

So you could have a dolphin in a one by one box and then if you put the dispenser down and you put armor in it you could activate the dispenser and it would actually apply the armor to the dolphin you can actually see the armor similar to villagers you can actually

See the armor that you apply uh however it is working like you can you can especially see if it’s working if you put thorns on the armor and you try to attack the dolphin if you take damage that means that the armor is working uh which is a really cool thing

Like obviously I understand why they took it out but uh it is a contined feature like if you put if you put armor on a dolphin in the snapshot that it is available and then you update it you can keep a dolphin with armor on even though they can’t wear it

Anymore so yeah if you’re ever going to make a discontinued world I do recommend you get some dolphins with armor it’s a really cool thing me see anything else interesting H uh oh yeah uh we would have had we could have had another dolphin in the game at

Some point it’s called the Bey dolphin which is a type of Chinese dolphin I think it was a pink pink dolphin if I’m not mistaken and honestly I think I would have loved to see that you love an army of dolphins yeah I mean you can make an armor like

Army of um axotal can’t make one of dolphins though unfortunately unless like you collect a bunch and then you lead them all you a lead sh would you rather run three times your current run speed or fly at 75% your current walk speed uh let me see let me think about

This should run at Three Times your current run speed or fly at 75% of your current walk speed I mean I would say probably fly right cuz yeah yeah okay you can run fast but flight enables you a whole entire dimension of places you can’t get to with running right even though you’re

Kind of slow with it it be very really useful even if like just to get to high places I wouldn’t mind like being slow at flying at all yeah you fly slow I know but like does that really matter cuz like if you’re flying that enables you to reach places that you

Wouldn’t be able to get to while running like I know running probably has more Ben of like more useless for every day like you could if you’re like running at three times your current runs speed that’d be pretty freaking fast I’m not going to lie but like you’d probably be like the fastest

Man alive but you could with flying you could do something that a running man can’t do like you could get to the top of a building just by walking up it I mean the cool thing about flying for me zooming around in the sky yeah yeah that’s fair hi fans I’m back hello

Hello yeah I have a sandwich an apple two baby dill pickles and a cup of microwave mac and cheese I am [ __ ] set where is my where did I put my water bottle I kind of need that one one moment here it is I’m back hello this time

Things are going to stay on the starting soon screen right until I finish my food so what were what were you all talking about now I’m I’m interested uh we were talking about how Dolphins could wear armor one point Dolphins could wear H yeah you don’t know that

Either so you know how villagers have the ability to wear armor mhm so the dolphin had the same functionality what the like you could like put use a dispenser and put it onto it yes like it wouldn’t visually show it on the dolphin but they they would be wearing

Armor uh it was removed in some snapshot after but yes they did have that I’m guessing it was like for some reason they reused some amount of code from villagers yeah or players mhm well no yeah I guess you can use the dispenser to put it onto a players huh

Yes I don’t know I they had that for dolphins but they Did so are armored Dolphins a discontinued feature then yes like still keep their armor internally at least that’s beautiful you going get your own Army of dolphins with armor mhm I mean There’s no practical use for it at least that I know of but it’s still cool yeah give him an

Elytra wait yeah well I mean like you can I know zombies can glide with it they can glide yeah I know zombies zombies can glide wither yeah hold on zombie with life don’t tell me it’s Bedrock exclusive uhoh bro come on I thought this was in Java

Too hold on I thought it was in ja I can’t believe this I call nonsense are you guys are you guys like talking about like Powers would you rather run at Three Times your current run speed or fly it’s fly yeah that’s what I said fly in a heartbeat yeah

It’s just like it’s more movement options yeah it’s slow like it’s slower but what let’s see fly at 75% of your current walking speed so already walking is like at a steady is Pace right and flying will be a bit slow but that’s still just more movement

Options and it’s not saying you can only fly right so if you need to step down the ground to walk you can right or run it’s chilling but with flying you now just have an entirely like you’re now playing life in 3D right is the way that I I can

Word that like now you can go up and down at will you you’ve just unlocked a new game plus plus it’s like insane party trick you could work at a circus get a lot of money cuz like people would pay to see that [ __ ] the amazing flying man like no actually this

Time you’d be the ultimate circus clown oh hold on electric can be equipped onto some mobs using commands this has no effect unless the mob has the full flying tag set to one B mobs Glide forward unable to control the movement before landing at which time they regain their

AI H so they do work and job okay mob’s capable of flying such as parrots or vexes can steer in the air though they cannot travel up or down Dolphins also have this ability can you put hold on I need to test this hold on the the Dolphins the Dolphins

Glide I’m testing it right now I’m launching in the game oh I’ll be so happy if Dolphins can glide it would been many races if you got speed that can give lots of money yeah but you still don’t have like that third dimension right you can jump jumping ain’t comparing to Flying

Like can also win a lot of uh money for being able to fly doing like talent shows or whatever traveling the world showing your skills being sat down by the government you never have to worry about the fact that towns don’t have sidewalks like you’ll never have to step

In you never have to step in dog [ __ ] again you never have to worry about wait yeah you’re right just jaywalk anywhere real uh let me see doin what’s the version where they can wear Armor it is 18 w20c you doing some live testing yes an army of flying Dolphins what a sight to behold let see definitely put an aely show on the dolphin if they can glide like that’s just really cool you make like a dolphin flying elytra course where you like put like four of

Them in there and just have them race each time and like let chat bet on what dolphin they think is going to win the race that would be a great thing for channel points a I hate that TW and I hate that YouTube doesn’t have that it it is a good feature Channel

Point M why is it crash a is it Java is it complaining about Java again told you don’t this instance is not compatible version with Java 17 duck duck gray duck I am skipping Java compatibility stuff if it breaks it breaks I don’t care are there any bugs you can get if

You somehow like bypass the compatibility issues for Java versions no idea is that even a thing you can do like I thought you had to like if it wasn’t compatible with the version at all then you had to pick a different is that literally a you skip I just skipped

It I this exactly what I did and the game is working yeah huh all right creative mode dolphin all right will Dolphins fly I mean it said it had to have a certain tag set though yeah but I think maybe I don’t know we’ll see duck duck gray duck I can’t imagine

Anyone unironically does that fluffy I forgot one 13 is like the version with the least like optimizations it’s so sad that that’s like what Legacy console got left on like it it hurts at times dolphin dispenser elytra St torch tweets say a lot of things fluffy fluffy

Fluffy is there’s something I need to know fluffy is there something you’re not telling me it is what the heck oh God Auto jump is on all right I got my test subject that just feels inconvenient like goose is it rolls off the tongue okay it is equipped with a

Lier so now I justess like teleport it like 10 block or like like 30 blocks up teleport entity like this oh my whole game is lagging where’s my dolphin oh it somehow it end up in the water again gray duck has two syllables Goose has one duck duck goose duck duck gray

Duck that the first one is just better I have no idea where my dolphin is it took the disguise it’s gone apples are wonderful yes okay this dolphin is D jumped out of his cage before getting the takes the same amount of time all right fluff when we meet up we

Are playing duck duck gray duck and then we’re playing duck duck goose and we’re going to determine which one’s better yeah I don’t think Dolphins can fly damn it would have been funny but the world is cruel in then just MH yeah you can play it with two people kind

Of I mean really it just becomes a glorified game of tag tag with extra steps all right there we go Headphones are off I’m going to go toss my plate all that was pretty tasty now I just have my cup of macaroni so funny to see the people tagging their friends to ask if it’s real me me check all right kids you’ve been added to the gang role which is roles

For people that just don’t have a nation yet on Europe okay so that means you’re able to access all the different things if you want to move the streaming VC in there we can if you’re fine with other people joining if you want it to just

Stay us for now then that’s fine I’m down to have more people joining if you okay cuz like I’m going to be going for the entire [ __ ] night right what we’re 2 hours in I’m probably going to stay up until at least midnight for this

So we got like 6 a half hours yeah like at least yep I’m probably not going to stay up for that long cuz 6 600 in the morning uh I still work to do no I I know you you don’t have to but that’s why I’m also wanting

To switch over to there just like now sure yeah all right streaming vc2 because no one likes vc1 we all hate streaming vc1 let see all my homies hate streaming vc1 real let’s see going to say something in the general to let people know that they are allowed to

Join there it goes you’re plan to be here the whole time I am so sorry fluffy okay put it in the chitty chat chitty chatty Channel I’m going to finish off the little bits of mac and cheese I have left and then we’ll finally be back to full steam ahead terraform and

Shite this has been a good stream so far I’m quite happy like yeah not being able to stream on one hand like kind of a break right like one could argue that like I I need a break doing a lot of streaming that kind of thing but also I missed

It I don’t know if I wanted to take the break I missed it fair like whenever I I was going to the last stream I did to copy the details from it over right just for the version number before registering the fact that the version number I somehow messed up

On that last one so it’s just like the the last stream before this one has an incorrect title and I want to say I fixed the title on this one but there’s no way of truly knowing yeah but like where was I going with this there was a comment on it from

Editor like it’s been however many weeks since a zap stream we we we’re fixing that we we fixed that here and now we just got to go through this bit of an intermission for me to eat dinner cuz that is important yes this mac and cheese thing not

Horrible I don’t know what led to this but now I’m looking at uh a YouTube video of the guy that has an exclusive cape for translating Minecraft into Japanese [Laughter] what so I’m watching what I’m watching a video from the guy has an exclusive cape for translating Minecraft into

Japanese you said Cape I thought you said cave oh no and I got incredibly confused if you couldn’t tell I was I was like what do you mean all right headphones off there way going to go take a quick restroom break K keep chat entertained and then

Once I’m back we’re back all right be right all right Chad it’s back to me you can never get rid of me I’m always there stream one will one day be mine all right so what what are we discussing now so now I’m looking at um Minecraft capes for some reason

And let me see okay so here’s an interesting one uh there was a cape that was once added to the game by notch it was added to the person who contributed um the idea of the Pigman but uh because everybody was toxic about it everyone kind of

Like uh wanted a personal Cape as well so not removed unfortunately removed the bacon cape um which is unfortunate because it actually looks pretty cool yeah it’s sad you say duck duck Greg duck or duck duck goose I’m going to be honest I don’t know what that

Is what is duck duck gr duck or duck duck goose I search this up should I search it up I might I might being got by searching this up yeah I’ve never heard of it what is it it’s a children’s game okay how how do you play it

You can look it up all right let me see what it Is a variation of a game played in most of parts of Minnesota and some parts of wi Wisconsin instead of yelling goo to Signal which player must be chase the Picker the Picker yells gray duck oh I know this game oh yeah we play this I know this game um we play this

Game in Portugal but we don’t um I don’t think we did it with Geese I don’t I don’t think we did it with G geese is it Ducks I can’t remember now like I’m trying to remember when I did play the game as a kid what do we used to

Say I think I think we say Goose I I forget the name of the game that’s the thing like I I forget what it’s called in Portuguese but let me look it up maybe I can find it in Portuguese ah there it is yeah okay so we call it uming which means

Um uh game of the little ribbon uh let me see let me actually read up on this cuz I don’t remember the game very well it was I played it many many years ago yeah okay there it is yeah okay so we we do use use we don’t use we don’t use gray

Duck but I think there’s variations of it that don’t include ducks or geese at all at least here Portugal and it’s been so long okay so we had we had one where oh was it’s really hard to remember this it’s like we had one where we had like like a little tissue and what we did is like we were holding this tissue and we were bring

Around in the circle and we were singing a little song and then what we did is we would drop our our tissue on someone and then just start running and then stop singing and what we had to do is the person who noticed that they had the

Tissue uh they would get up and try to catch the other person um before they sat down and if they did catch them they would have the tissue again and they would do the whole song and dance again but if they did sit down then the person

Who did not catch the person that put the tissue on them would become the new person that does the new song and thence I hope I made myself clear with that but like that’s how we used to do it like we did it with the tissue and we

Called it like uh the game of the tissue I am back and if anyone saw what I was doing fidd with the stream uh chat is now actually visible I’ve been meaning to make it big enough to see but there it is now you can actually see chat took long enough nice well

Welcome back yep yep all right let’s see all right uh I think I’m going to be right back get something to eat Fair get some cookies or something I’m can I have some I like cookies sure yo let’s go I have a bag of Doritos that is

What’s going to keep me keep me alive got to get some battery acid you can really see my delay that’s fair I mean it’s it’s not abhorent right does it feel like there’s a really big delay or like it’s a good few seconds no I say that no it’s it’s it’s

A few seconds like a solid maybe less than 10 that’s not horrible latency is chilling no yeah like I I keep it at low latency not ultra low just for the sake of like that can really start to take a take a Hammer to the to the stream quality right so

Having it out low is like a good middle ground okay well now that I am back let me switch this back over to Minecraft where I’m being so rudely interrupted by a beast boy thank you who is Yo f tur American now hell yeah okay regardless what was I even doing in

Here before I got distracted I was putting some stuff in the chest I think just to clear up yeah we were still working outside they’re all just invading my home honestly I feel I feel like my rights are being violated okay so let’s think about this then this is

Is going to catch most mobs it’s just right here when do pistons get at it let me let me pull up the wiki uh here minecraft. Wiki I hate that I can put minecraft. Wiki and it still just doesn’t show it and I have to like Doom scroll in the search browser

One day it’s going to be the one that’s like fully fully used at all times but let’s see here piston when did Pistons get added history so in classic edition he already had interest in adding his all right so it was in beta so doors do

Get added before Pistons I got to I got to figure out then how do I want to go about like keeping things out of my house that’s going to be a difficult thing okay there’s only so much we can actually do for now right like we can’t Approach what’s the answer we have like this whole we can always make like a secondary I want to say trench trench isn’t accurate to what I want we’re going to extend this right cuz from what kid said just seeing that doors do not get added for quite some time

Right I need to be ready for when monsters get put back in the game I can’t just keep them out of my house like normal I can’t just put a door down and expect everything to be okay no you made me throw away my sponges why is all the water draining

It’s gone into here no Jesus it all just drained out into my trench what gives who benefits from that that was just mean that was just uncalled for okay break this there we go we have cleaned up the place now where even was I I’m going to

Have to go ahead and drain more water out of there hate this I reserve full full right to hydrophobia go away go away go away leave out gone okay is that all the water that might be all the water no why did it stop there water physics are so weird

Okay so now I have like this little way down here right so we’re going to go ahead I’m back and welcome back kids we’re extending the trench ever so slightly to account for the fact that doors don’t exists so I’m going to require a jump do the one exist for a little

Bit yeah no like we’re going to be having monsters back in the game we’re taking advantage of this time that we do have to like fix everything leave me alone man yeah I swear these people also I just had the thought all right if you underst stack uh golden

Tools you also have the infinite durability technically but with the faster speed so like until enchantments get added you’re not really hitting like the cap on speed for breaking blocks right yeah like with with enchantment there’s no there’s not even a reason to use gold for the speed right mhm because like you

Can just basic you can match it with he’s it called just efficiency right and so I’m not sure on that like I I know I know a diamond pickaxe that’s fully Enchanted is faster than a gold pickaxe but I don’t know the exact valys or anything no

Yeah all right I’m going to go ahead and uncover some of the stuff cuz I do actually need an exit and entrance to the trench I can’t just have it covered up mainly for the fact of I need a way out if push comes to shove if I fall in

There I don’t want to be stuck in there with whatever else’s made that mistake okay now we can do and here we go trench is just about finished once more why am I getting pings okay this is just okay yeah it’s just more farky okay any

More sponges I think I got all them that time and look now all these little guys they have a way to leave if they want right no one can say that I’m a horrible person trapping all these creatures in the dungeons below my house no you can

Say that but it won’t be accurate they can leave whenever they okay if they’re staying in that tunnel it’s either by choice or their own ineptitude okay okay but yeah now you got to jump you got to you got to press the space bar if you don’t know how to press the space

Bar you ain’t getting to my house I think this is a a net positive you know that’s all foolproof spiders know how to jump yeah and spiders as well wait a mob can jump a one block Gap they can’t in modern versions like mobs randomly jump about I guess like in these versions

Yes H oh and they leap like if they know that you’re there they’re going to LEAP it you H they have a leap attack at least in survival test they did someone reminded me when we were when we were it we sometimes say different types of ducks and mix things

Up different colors and emotions duck duck Mard h I can expand the trench if I want to like make it Encompass spiders and like be harder for something to just jump out like jump over all right question is do I want to I’ll do it I’ll do it if it feels

Like it becomes like a absolute necessity right when do spiders even get to climb that’s like B right time to check the wiki again I want to say it’s beta I learned so much in these W stream no like cuz we just ask random questions cuz we don’t know

When we get something knowledge is gained every time real all right it’s a net positive in that regard yes it is beta one two okay so I guess until then I could have have the trench actually be functional for dealing with spiders mhm I might do that once I finish up

Then like just finishing terraforming for the day right yeah depending on when I feel like I’m done terraforming which going to be a while and be perfectly honest take your time this is the perfect way to spend a Sunday I’m going be honest just relaxing playing block game

For hours hours straight not having to deal with a bunch of screaming beautiful okay oh God what what happened um I just came across I I totally forgot about this but spiders in Bedrock Edition not Bedrock Edition Pocket Edition on specifically Android devices when they got introduced they were missing their

Abdomen like do they still have their legs just not the abdomen and head just not the abdomen like here let me send you a DM what it looks like Lego no like I can picture that in my head and it sounds abhorent who cuts my spider in half

That poor guy it’s like a tick okay to be fair that is now like actually a little bit more accurate to what a spider would be mhm is this Roblox whoo this is Minecraft we are playing block game the version of block game is in the description and in the title in the

Title I meant I’m so tired you going do six more hours of this yeah it’s really early Minecraft just like what we’re playing we’re doing a series where I’m going to go through like every version of survival that we have and so yeah that’s just what we’re up to

Right now I’m going ahead and just terraforming the land around my house a bit because right now this looks bad this does not look good this area should br it’s fine just shrug it off we love the aesthetic of sponges everywhere sponges and creators all right there we

Go let’s go ahead and like extend this part out finally I’m not slandering you in the Chad P GC excuse me Dom so the worst response when you try to laugh at a joke what are you waffling about domond get in VC and fight me I

Don’t care if it’s like 2 2 in the morning for you we’re getting beef I’m going to commit a violence the violence is being committed real I’m in bed and it’s a school night you should have thought about that punk oh I’m telling your mother that you’re

Still awake what you going to do about it you’re going to be grounded oh domin’s going to be grounded [Applause] oh hi do why are you drowning like which one of you chuckle [ __ ] which one of you chuckle [ __ ] decided yeah we’re going to put our

Lungs in our feet who thought this was a good idea at what evolution has failed and this is a proof evolution has failed God is dead and these guys are proof that the only thing left in the world now is suffering it’s depressive zap learn from Lego also go Lego hi Jesus Christ I’m going to commit a violence domen domen you want to know why I’m like suffering as much as I am from this whole like situation I’ll leave this Pond this spawn is fine water the the fish search on Europe is actually hurting me and it’s because of this

World this world has genuinely like made me feel some amount of just pain anytime I look at water in Minecraft at any point and so now imagine hunting for hours scanning every ounce of water for like multiple days straight I need a break I need to Rest like in survival test you would have creepers being ignited by by skeletons blowing holes in the ground and causing water to spread I killed a lot of named fish is the place is the shap oh wait I know Hi Sam I’m now registering you are not a

Stranger I didn’t are you dog are you doxing yourself are you you your your [ __ ] YouTube name okay what’s your social security number by the way give us give us your credit card number Sam real quick it’s for it’s for school for educational purposes Sam uh okay can’t believe this

What’s the correct way to laugh I don’t think there is a correct way I think domond is just giving me [ __ ] for the sake of giving me [ __ ] because it’s domond we’re talking about what do you expect all right break all this this message is held for review and it’s

A massive string of numbers oh God all right thank you social security number no that’s his credit card number oh thank you Sam I I very much appreciate it uh I I don’t I’m not going to make any purchases on it I just I just need to know for educational

Purposes man unless the guy that wants to make um the the mod for saving and and the shows up no yeah we might need commission we might need to take now we might need to take Sam’s credit card to pay for getting saving in all the in INF

Dev version it’s for a good cause for a good cause gosh dang it okay well this water is about to actually go ape [ __ ] treat yourself yo we got permission let’s go quick waste it all on a Chinese identi identity I’m going to buy I’m going to buy Minecraft China

Edition true let’s buy M let’s play Minecraft China Edition hell yeah fair trade for your IP address real who jokes on you I have a VPN not a VPN with nordvpn Sam you should join the VC we’re in Europe suddenly the stream is sponsored it’s not sponsored guys it’s not

Sponsored please put code fantas app at your next purchase Jesus Christ would you take the nordvpn sponsorship KZ hell yeah I like money for real this is how we pay to get saving an INF Dev this brings us to today’s nordvpn than Hi Sam there we go I I won’t stay too long I’m trying to give up coffee so no

Caffeine uh so I’ve drinking like five coffees a day uh To None cold turkey oh you my skin off bugsa croin um oh no holy [ __ ] I’m tired hey that’s fair I’ll I’ll let you know this I was an absolute chocolate addict I ate every single piece of chocolate I came across

And it was a real problem so I decided to outright quit never eat chocolate again it was really really hard the first few months were really really hard I did fail a few times but I did eventually not do it and now I’m over a

Year clean of it so you can do it I’ve done it I can’t imagine lead up to a really good joke yeah no I’m sorry I’m not that funny both my eyebrows were raised guy he was waiting for the P I got I had a I did a barista Course

Once uh in college and people kept on giving me like free coffee that they didn’t want um little did they know they realize everybody was giving me free coffee uh and I think I had eight coffees and I got heart palpitations oh I felt like uh like bri from like

Futur armor you know where he has like 100 coffees in one day time actually froze a little bit you just became the FL speed for us yeah scary just like that just like that Jesus Christ that’s not supposed to happen probably or I suppose it is supposed to

Happen when you drink that much well yeah like scientifically it’s going to happen yeah but he don’t want it to happen but biologically you don’t want it to like something went really wrong you start feeling heart palpitation look I just I force Evolution all right that’s why I’m me and your

You you know what I can’t argue with it it sounds logic honestly let’s see here uh do I want this to like be an out look over the water or just actually yeah I think I do I want to be like a little Cliff Bas not quite the same as that one but

Here but yeah Sam I am going to be going for like five more hours I have not streamed in a month this is how I make up for it we getting about the time that I would have all right every donation uh he must play for another uh two hours chat that’s

Subathon I’m just saying like with stream elements I could do that kind of thing I’m just not going to do it today feel like I want to feel half decent for like the time leading up to school right very fair is that walking around yeah yes you are not mistaken it’s one

Of the recognizable characters from Minecraft you know Beast Boy came fast be spoil Minecraft why not both question not when you swap to the next version do you keep the map yeah like I’m bringing this world all the way like from the earliest survival version that has

Saving I’m taking it to every other one that has saving in it right and so let’s uh I’m gonna go ahead and like make this area a bit more Rocky um lethal company stream one eventually yo that’d be fun actually I I’d stream that all right you set up stream I’ll watch the

Uh like if you set up streamlabs for a lethal company stream I’ll stream with you if you if you make this your excuse to go ahead and like get that finally set up cuz I know you said earlier like you just couldn’t be asked to

Then then I’ll go ahead and do it with you we need uh we need 10 people to use VPN promo code and I’ll I’ll set it up oh no I’ll set it up I’ll set it up he’ll do it you got to believe him 24hour lethal company stream High School

Record real subscribe please subscri you’ll missed it my taxes are coming taxes are coming subscribe quick um yeah I I’ll do the 10hour YouTube video that you have to watch to set it all up all right lethal company it’s worth it but also I could just help you set up

Normal OBS like it’s not that difficult I just uh it no it won’t be super difficult I just have to see like um how to convert bit rate to my download or upload for streaming you know what I’m talking about no yeah I I Don’t I’ve almost made my super continent on uh I hope you are proud of yourself for like Tasmania the ab abolute Terror like the there is a hunt around your like general area for actual hours because of what you said I did that for touris people come to

Australia cuz like I thought you were trolling fish by the way like then zombie said oh well there’s less fish than I remember there being you probably like that dog person probably did kill one and that like prompted a because what if he was telling the truth he probably

Was yeah like he he was lying probably or about the particular fish I don’t know but there’s no way of anyone knowing and you were like at work or something did you tell him uh the answer I gave you uh about what no you didn’t kill the fish um what hello oh

Internet are you are oh there he goes he’s gone oh rip Sam is gone rip all right H it down for no I would do a sabon that’s the thing I just don’t want to do one like on the spot right now we we’re are not turning this

Stream into a subathon if I did a Aon I don’t know like it would be a how do you go about that it’s not like YouTube where you can just like gift memberships and things right no all it’s not like twitch you can gift them I guess it would just be like

Donations really yeah donations probably subscriber goals no yeah myby hello welcome back yeah I didn’t tell zombie that you didn’t kill the fish if that’s what you were asking or what were you want to okay yeah said I told PX that you didn’t so we could call off our hunt of the area

But I mean look what’s the point in the hunt if the fish is dead what are you g to find like a fish in a crate I get it Jesus um put some torches under you’ll find a distinct T of fish I hate you um when zombie DMD me he private

Messaged me through the server when I was on I almost wanted to follow through with the lie a little bit longer um but yeah know I felt I felt a man hunt coming along so I thought it okay didn’t kill it and bad publicity is good publicity

BR all right well I found a new mod fluffy congratulations Lego let’s see here here we go we need 10 VPN Subs to fix Sams the [ __ ] I joining people’s streams and reading that chat wait I didn’t see that message it’s like it’s like never mind

If like one of your friends like has a baby and like you know it’s it’s great you get to see the baby it’s cute but you know you get to leave like it’s not your responsibility I I compare that to joining other people’s streams you know you get all the positives without the

Uh the having to manage it exactly kiss gets to experience what it’s like to be a streamer without having to experience what it’s like to be a streamer yeah if you do do a sabon uh I’ll be a mod so that when it gets really late I can tag out with an

American mhm cuz I’ll just be it’ll be morning for me no yeah I’ll do that oh keep that in mind sketch that in sketch that in so what are your opinions on the current state of my survival world Sam what do you what do you think of all the beautiful life

Forms and ev Everything you just get to see in front of you here let me tune back in uh cuz I stopped watching thinking maybe that was slowing down my internet a little bit I don’t know what my roommate is currently downloading um can’t be good can’t be

Good say that much I I like the coast I like what you’re doing here you like I love your work um do you like black Steve and Beast Boy what’s your opinion on them on Beast Boy this is Black Steve this is Black Steve he is swimming off

Into the sunset he is he is crossed the a little behind and he is heading off and now he’s drowning because his lungs are in his feet and there’s nothing he can really do about that natural selection evolutionary purpose that that holds like perhaps you can do handstands underw to to get Abalone

Perhaps um Jesus that’s why their head’s so big it’s like a weight their head just sinks to the bottom like a concrete block I just see like 10 people drop from the sky Jesus like you see like those those like biology of like a creeper like t-shirt things right like biology of a

Mcraft yeah I’m just why isn’t there one of those but like for these [ __ ] biology of me after she broke up with me and my heart’s broken and xxx’s uh replace my hot RPX on God or eel I’m good for real F that’s what I’m saying let’s go ahead and just get like

Three stacks of dirt to work with for a little bit but yeah this place is a war zone Sam this it’s it’s absurd I I see that I see that I haven’t heard of this border conflict before is this new so in survival test the mobs could see you

Through walls okay and since the beginning skeletons could could anger other mobs by shooting like you know how you get to like shoot a zombie in the modern world that’s existed since skeletons were ated so when they see you through a wall and they shoot a creeper

And aggro the creeper it will go ahead and blow up and there goes your wall and then there goes your floors and there because the way water spread Works in these versions like this is being held back by like a force field of sponges right like this is being like they are

Using the force just like trying magically to push this water back it’s all of those things combined just turned this place like in front of my little house into just a desolate Wast land basically and so I’m only now finally getting everything cleaned up it’s absurd you’re doing a s Service

Um I appreciate it also Auto saving doesn’t Exist oh yeah the creeper so confused I was like those aren’t real what do you mean creeper where all right stream keeping oh wait now it’s back is it pausing for anyone else in chat or is just you looks good for I think it’s just like my internet’s

Just somebody’s using up like three Quarters on my internet right now I did a speed test just all gone oh no somebody like opened a window or something think it’s all just spilling out leaking n neighbors are scooping it up in buckets Love is in the air gas leak love

It let me maybe there’s a gas leak let me get a light out check the corners of the house that’s Terrible whips out matches with investigative intent yeah you’re only death going out with a fash what do you think of my pumpkin isn’t it a beautiful pumpkin just off in the distance pumpkin sure me oh I see it yeah that’s cool got the Snowman yeah Iced Out what’s next to the

Pumpkin like uh so over there in the distance I’m building like a bunch of towers and each of those are going to be like a storage chamber for an individual item so it’s going to be like the Amazon it’s going to be the Amazon warehouses

Of the server or I save the server of the world why don’t you just build an Amazon warehouse and then you fill it with Beast Boys oh no because the beast boys are temporary unfortunately have you seen how big those ware houses go uh not really

No seen like a like an abandoned one just goes for like kilometers sorry uh miles uh and like fog rolls in what the [ __ ] is a kilom it’s like a blood kangar so it’s like 20 by 20 hops wide I see I see all right also word of warning Pig said that

Once you built the entire continent at some point he is going to go over there and he is going to start building emus that’s a reminder okay like is he going to tell me first like I’ll probably just say yes no to say no you I’m going to say no I think in

His mind it’s like going to feel he probably thinks you as a people just have a intrinsic fear of emus after the incident right the in it’s it’s like all nature scary but you respect it you know except the Stingrays and what they did to Steve

Win Steve I think he would respect the thing watch what you say here yeah he would he he’s a better man than all of us he is he is and his son’s still continuing his work that’s that’s good that is good the yeah WIS I don’t know

If I want to keep this Pond right here I think I do I want to keep that pond this one in front of the house can die in a pit they just manifest these creatures just show up all over the place they start marching around like they own my world I have unfortunate

News I think it is time for me to go to sleep mhm because it is already 1:20 a.m. and I got to wake up early tomorrow so no yeah go get some rest it was fun though I’m excited to have Wonder back finally real I am so

Sorry I wasn’t able to like stream for a month not too much I could do in that regard no it’s so good yeah I’m happy to be back all right well I’ll see you later bye-bye byebye all right the uh the fragility of the small streamers uh they get busy

They get busy no yeah it wasn’t even that I was busy like I wanted to stream but I just like there just was not any way I could do so with any amount of quality over there because there would be so much background noise and there’d be so many

Times of me just getting interrupted that like I suppose like you could go like on a walk well I’ve seen streamers do that I just have that fun put on like a stick or something switches over to a walking I mean I did the hot tub stream that one

Time were you there for the hot tub stream on Twitch okay I’m a fake fan this is one of my favorite stories right so I had been going with my grandfather I want to say to like I think it it was some big city within our state right

Right and so we were at a hotel and because it had a hot tub on a whim I went ahead and did a hot tub stream which was literally just me [ __ ] around in a hot tub and then the pool next to it right for all of like 10 minutes and

Instead 10 minutes I got like this was on Twitch so I got like two subscrib I got like a Max of like 16 viewers and it was just me in a [ __ ] hotel hot tub it was so like have you seen hot tub content that people love

Have you seen like the it was so short H okay regardless like like you’ve seen the image of me just under the water with like the shark behind me right yeah actually that that’s from that stre that’s from that stream that’s where that came from I thought that was just like edit

Or something like you pinched your nose and just edit water no that’s actually you underwater good down yeah okay yeah like I was holding my phone above the water and that was just like I guess a frame of the stream and that will forever be one of my favorite accomplishments and I’m so

Sad that I forgot to like back it up I I don’t even think I forgot I don’t know if you can like C I don’t think you can make a VOD right stay on Twitch from phone and I didn’t have access to my laptop so like it it was has to be way

My stream has to be a way I don’t think you can um I would love to film IRL content but that’s that’s a difficult one um especially if I want to do like camping where there’s like no internet at all oh yeah you just have to make like a video

Of it and then also I mean I live in Australia where uh Vlog is walking around isn’t very common thing I absolutely will have like a Cardon of milk pegged at me I was just walking around talking to myself 200% chance I get mogged it’s a risk you’re willing to

Take not for Content yeah no if I get hit then that’s like a th000 views right though no exactly now now you can like do an apology video for walking outside I’m sorry for using a public space it won’t happen again my bad check please check Please all right here we go okay go ahead and get some of this kind of wrapped around all right slowly but surely spawn is actually I keep saying spawn like my house area my real estate that’s what I can go with my real estate value is starting to go up this is

Beautiful Amazon consumed the v file it was too powerful $5 to $8 yeah how much land are you working with how many chunks is this uh I don’t have a way to view chunks I don’t know what size this world is I I forgot it’s like 200 something by 200 something

Maybe maybe 500 something by 500 something it’s not massive I can say that much the size my Australia will be real you could probably fit your Australia this map if you tried hard enough yeah can you like expand it beyond the The Ice wall like over

Here so yeah to the no this is I can’t place blocks there I can walk in that location right I could keep going and I don’t know how far I can go before something manages to break Somehow but you’re Brian real like he is I’ve SE him no same I have to he’s pretty spooky have you ever um built the Ulta out of golden netherite uh a few times when I was younger it’s been too long that means he’ll Haunt You Forever by the way that

Trap that’s probably why I’ve been dealing so much water here this has just been like his first opportunity catching me outside my comfort zone Herobrine just wants a friend BR I’d be his friend I can fix him trademark Jesus no have you watched the uh movie that came out recently dream

Synopsis uh I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that now it’s got Nicholas Cage in it he it’s uh it’s kind of like a Mr Bean kind of movie where it’s just a lot of pain like goofy pain slap comedy yeah every so this this professor that Nicholas Cage plays as uh suddenly

Everybody just starts dreaming about him yeah so everybody just just he’s just in everybody’s dreams doing stuff chilling everybody sees him at the same time how long does it take for people to register that that’s happening sorry how long does it take for people to register that this one guy

Has just invaded every person’s dream it takes a little bit uh can’t remember the exact point I think some no somebody wrote like an article about him and every was like holy [ __ ] I’m seeing this guy as well and then he becomes a bit of celebrity uh and then his character

Instead of HE usually he’s doing absolutely nothing like uh house is burning down uh please save me Nicholas Cage and the Nicholas Cage is just there like lovely weather this morning um Eiffel Tower falling down he’s like I love Paris drinking some wine or something doing some M uh and then slowly he

Starts actually doing stuff uh and then he starts like actually like killing people in their dreams they don’t actually die but like he just yeah I think it’s a it’s a movie about cancel culture and people I hate this guy oh for existing in my

Dream that that okay that’s a l i it was about cancel culture after I well not that it was about cancel culture after I finished watching it and before I was just screaming because there was Nicholas Cage on a screen actually I didn’t know that Nicholas Cage was going

To be in the movie when I went to go see it um my friend invited me to a lot of Christmas events and I just never went 20 and then he invited me to go to the movies I was like I can’t keep I can’t keep canceling plans like this other was

I’ll never be invited to anything again you know yeah this is your character development so it was just completely blind going in there and Nicholas Cage in like the first frame of the movie I just starts screaming um and somebody told me to be quiet rip I don’t think I

Overreacted no it’s a fair reaction it’s it’s Nicholas Cage that was the same reaction I had when uh yeah when I saw like Toby Maguire Spiderman again see here almost finished dealing with this little pond all right I’m going to have to go grab a water source block to like fix up some

Of these though some of them just have the water evaporation feeding their asses water physics in this version are just insanely broken I don’t understand them like one thing that I do have access to though is a water source block that I place down and it just starts speed

Doing water out from all sides and so it’s pretty goofy cuz then that water just goes into like fill up every block next to it or it all just starts evaporating because Minecraft look at your game look at this [ __ ] this doesn’t this this isn’t right feels

Wrong and all three of those people are at risk of drowning like all three of those guys are going to start drowning in like a minute it’s great okay one of them actually went and stepped a fourth one another one is in the pond okay I’m I’m going to leave

These guys to their own devices they Mr President a fourth one has fallen into the pond Mr President a second black Steve has hit the pond Jesus Christ Minecraft Ste is falling into the river in Lego City a man has fallen for a man in Lego City just like me for real for Real I don’t know why this is here I don’t know why anything’s here anymore it’s all blurring together what like what even is this is this a rock I think this is a rock oh I built a coup yeah no I built a couple pointy rocks to look cool those are the

Thoughts of our ancestors right though real I got to like undig it I have to like unbury it a little bit actually I’m fine with this one like being partially in a hill I think I think that’s a cool effect actually pretty cool me like rock for

Real slowly but surely this world is starting to look less and less shitty burn down the trees I hate trees trees go bye-by it’s like watching um like one of those restoration videos they like take the rug and they just like hit it with like 50 different types of chemical yeah com

It under the sink I like the I like like you find like a rusty like World War One bandet or something it fix it up it’s just like a bunch of different chemicals hitting it and then there’s like a cut and suddenly it’s like oh look it looks brand new wait when did

That tag get there I love the bomiz in my brain to just like that kind of content just somebody doing literally anything uh I switch my brain off some I’ve been watching like primitive Technologies yeah and uh just well it’s exactly what it sounds like man just

Using primitive technology um he does do some strange things like he made Iron Out of bacteria and then he made a knife out of it and uh there was a portion where he was just sharpening the blade and he was like every single jump cut I do is 1

Hour of sharpening and he does 10 jump Cuts Jesus Shar surely probably not all in the same day so over the course of like 10 days 1 hour he just sharpen it he doesn’t even get it all sharpened he gets like maybe like the tip so he can like use it to

Poke holes and things yeah on a stick insane amount of work and then po though hey yeah I tried first one failed uh it just broke I didn’t uh heat out all the all the water out of it as you may know water expands yeah that would be an

Issue wasn’t dry enough to be chucked in a kill yeah have you made other attemps drying out in the sun I I got another one drying in the sun uh but then I got busy doing things um just going to sitting up on my shelf for like a

Week it’s probably dry enough by now then uh I think you meant to like warm it next to a fire maybe I don’t know I’ve been working on my garden it’s ADHD is a bit of a kicker uh one month I’m I’m really hyper fixated

On something and then the next I I just dro it it’s like a timer I have no choice it’s like I’m bored it’s like what’s that like uh uh when the kid drops like Woody it’s like I don’t want to play with you anymore it’s kind of like that you know

I threw my Pottery up on my shelf and I was like maybe I’ll be back one day but that day is not tomorrow the only thing I’ve consistently followed through with is my garden but I think that’s just because of the vast amount of money I’ve spent

On it no yeah um that it would be uh unreasonable to stop plus eventually I get yummy fruits you’re too far in keep me alive yeah I’m too deep he’s in too deep if if ADHD people had an infinite source of money um the world would be someone would have built a nuclear

Bomb in their mother’s like DIY di DIY like fusion bomb I’ve been seeing a few videos online I think maybe I could do it the tutorial for this is a little bit out of date so I’m making this video guide documenting my process I’m sure that there’s something

Under here and I don’t know what it is so I’m leaving that there and I’m going to mark it and one day we’re going to just Dig Down and see what’s here I have no damn clue I don’t know what’s down there just there’s like a cob like a sry

Egg maybe maybe couple eggs got a time capsule have you uh have you have you heard of century eggs not really I’m guessing it’s something like a time capsule now it’s like a Chinese delicacy uh and they I think they they cover an egg with

Clay then wrap it up and then they put it in the ground and years a century yeah they wait a century J sometimes they’ll wait less like sometimes it’ll be like 10 years or something but you got to let it ferment no yeah can we just have like one for a

Millennia every Millennia egg Millennial eggs real damn millennial egg please a thousand years into the future someone’s going to have the best [ __ ] omelet of their life it’s like jelly when it comes out I’m sure it is I don’t feel like you’d want to eat

That like it it just feels that I can’t imagine it tasting good I think you’d have like put so many seasonings on it it’s not that bad not that bad it’s it’s creamy um and because it’s it’s well sealed uh bacteria doesn’t get to it so it’s not actually like off

Fa an egg kind of kind like egg but creamy uh a kind of strong taste and not super overwhelming um I thought it was interesting I had like a little sample when I was off in Sydney yeah for work they have like uh you yeah you go and

Meet like people and they like selling different kinds of products yeah and cuz the line I work do but for for the sake of the viewers I do I do sales I sell food items related yeah so every now and again I’ll go to these like this giant Warehouse

With a bunch of people with stores I tried a Sentry egg there and uh you know pretty good pretty good didn’t buy it wasn’t going to resell it uh Ain’t No Way um sometimes I feel a little bit guilty when I do that like sometime I’m

Just hungry so I go to a store that’s just like selling like ice cream uh and I’ll pretend like I want to buy their ice cream and I’m like can I have a sample they give me a cup and I’m like wow this is this is really good but

Not quite when I’m looking for on I walk off bro Rob the [ __ ] out of that that is mean I mean I feel like at some point they would recognize you though so you have to like at least buy it occasionally no you don’t actually like you’re not buying stuff there like well

Technically you you get in contact with the person M um and then you would buy that product but they give you free samples they give Everybody free samples so it’s less evil than you think okay uh I think it’s I don’t think it actually even matters is I think I could just go

Up to them and be like hey can I just can I have some ice cream they’ll be like sure uh and and I make it a big deal in my head oh yeah and I come up with an elaborate character elaborate like the the glasses like with the nose and the

Mustache yeah let me try your ice cream you know it’s not quite what I was looking for but thank you for the T anyway I suppose would go crazy on my estate if maybe I have a taste Jesus [ __ ] Christ what is this just not what I

Wanted he tried to he treding to poison me he’s trying to PO me I fake my death like fall over Jesus I have like a blood tablet in my mouth it’s glass in this ice cream is this ice cream dairy free doesn’t taste dairy free doesn’t

Taste dairy free did I tell you I’m allergic to dairy by the way do you have any count [Laughter] Alternatives some that was selling um it was honey and then one of one of the ones that they were selling was they had cockroach protein in it not CER sorry cricet Cricket protein

Um which sounds absurd but also they’re very abundant in Australia and people have eaten crickets before actually quite good for you like they’re they’re bugs but like you can cook almost anything and make it taste good right if anything I imagine it probably tasting like crustacean right crickets are no

They actually taste like nutmeg uh crickets nutmeg yeah like nutmeg um I know if I’ve had nutmeg oh it’s like a plant right great question let’s find out is me notm is a nut [ __ ] of course it [ __ ] is yeah it’s nothing B A PL might

Be uh extra ter rest rule maybe falling and they can’t get up Set Me Free yeah they put they put it in honey and it tasted pretty good okay um and asked them about and they’re like yeah most of our stuff actually comes from this other person like

Two two Fu what are they called stores down um and they’re just like completely uh cricket based and honest I kind of wanted to get they had like I’m actually forgetting maybe like some kind of chip or something that you could put in a grocery store maybe just

Like crickets in a [ __ ] bag they had like the insects as well like you like [ __ ] scorpions in bag munch on that I almost I was tempted but I didn’t know how I was going going to sell it you know like you didn’t know how to like advertise that sort of thing right

Yeah I just don’t think people are ready for it forbidden fruit kind of like that forbidden nut Meg Cricket all we know is that it’s forbidden we’re still not sure what it is yet scientist saw it have an answer in a few years that’s that’s been a big debate

Cuz it’s well cows and sheep are just not native to Australia they they damage uh like anything that they touch almost destroy Fields uh but kangaroos wallabies masup uh and crickets and then other native plants which are actually good for PL Australia there’s a debate going on a

Silent one but a debate nevertheless that we should be using those alternative how does kangaroo taste um like aren’t K dry gy dry and gy okay I mean that’s that tracks are like a very slim they’re slim muscular animals right yeah very tast though very very

Tasty uh I make kangaroo patties out of them usually I would love to try kangaroo one day and then there’s also WABE which is a very similar meat but it’s sweeter mhm I think it’s a little bit more expensive okay I always feel bad about do they just

Never mind do they straight up like sell it at like stores yeah go anywhere um that makes me think very widely accepted no cuz it’s like it’s not that it’s more so like I would think of it comparing to something like game right like just uh you or do they like make

Are there kangaroo Farms like for that intent right yeah I think uh the most common method uh they they use uh more native Aboriginal tactics in which I think it’s they they run them kind of around a hill and then they’ll have like some other people around the other side I think like

Kangaroo naturally stick to Hills I think that’s it like they always like on their left so you chase it around like the right the other right side and then they’ll go around to the other and then you have some Hunters waiting so like they are like like hunted so that’s like

What I was thinking right like here in America like obviously there are other animals that if you’re going to eat them then they’re mostly hunted right like you don’t just you you can’t just Farm them right it doesn’t work for every animal can’t domesticate so I think no you can

Definitely domesticate kangaroos I’ve been to a wildlife sanctuary and they are high absolutely they’re just chilling laying down they don’t give a [ __ ] if you there there’s teame like at a sanctuary and then there’s domesticated and those while they look similar at times are two very different

Things like you can tame them on a small scale but like you can’t get away with like the conditions that people Farm like cows and chickens and with like an undomesticated animal the reason they’re so chill is because they treated as well as they are but like in America then that means

You just can’t go to like your local Walmart and buy a bunch of venison right yeah I sounds like over there you can just get like kangaroo I cuz it’s just so [ __ ] many kangaroos Okay and like I I’ll go outside like right now and I guarantee

At least 80% of the time there’ll be a wall will be chilling in my backyard can you get me a picture of one just like right now right now we’ll go check all right let’s go I’ll pull it up on stream if it’s there better to pull up with a kangaroo this

Is going to be glorious wonderful day why just bro dropped done right the terraforming is going quite well that immediately jumped over to those trees go ahead and do that I found a baby you found a baby k / WABE I’d say like baby adolescent enough

To like well it’s out of the pouch so it can run around but hello as baby as you can get can I pull it up on stream no can the good people see the okay see how it is I see how it let me save let me save before I do anything

Touching OBS because it likes the crap crash Minecraft sometimes mainly when it’s in full screen but frankly I never fully trust it at this point okay look at this little guy it’s a [ __ ] black screen what are you doing it’s like it’s a window thing I have streamer mode enabled

Well that shouldn’t affect it because streamer mode is there so that you can pull up [ __ ] okay we’re doing this the complicated way save image okay save and downloads an OBS add add image uh kangaroo that’s not how you spell it okay uh we’re going to do this

Okay you got some you got some plants look at the little guy look at him look at the little dude isn’t they’re a beautiful creature look at i’ would say um usually that might be like a third po actually I think I’ve seen I’m double that size and

That’s a little small fella little arms I love their little arms when they grab things they’ll just be hold in it grab a stick and how chill are they like if you’re walking on the like if you’re walking on the sidewalk and there’s like one next to you like it’s

Not going to book it if you’re just like minding your own business walking right depends where you are some can be skittish uh you might be able to get 10 ft near one and then it’ll start going away uh there’s one there’s this track this like mountain called wine

Glass Bay a gorgeous Beach but you have to like drive a while to get there so it’s it’s away from most people and there’s just a a wall be uh who likes to sit like at the entrance and greet tourists um and you get pretty close to

That one I mean it probably just gets fed a lot from that right um oh yeah probably usually like Wes will just like they when they see you they’ll stand perfectly still and then just look at you uh see what you’re up to and like perceive if you’re like a

Threat or not and if you’re just like if your body language is just not facing them usually they won’t run away yeah but it’s not like they’re going to let you get close one of my favorite things about campus here like here at College the Lego man Australian huh s is Lego man

Australian they are a pest here hold up is this a is this an a rare Australian interaction two Australian natural habit there’s like there’s like four Australians in the world ah kiwi okay uh we invented the path by the way that’s they’re not so rare path debate there’s a um

Uh there’s a desert and nobody well I know I know who made it and there’s an argument that New Zealand thinks that they originally made it but they don’t listen to don’t listen to them don’t listen to them don’t listen to them Australians made it I see

S I love that debate so much it’s such a [ __ ] stupid it’s like a um like a debate that has no real answer like uh like who would win like a crocodile or a shark a shark all at the mouth of a river I’m not sure man you want to get into this

Okay it depends it depends what shark are we talking are we talking a great white or are we talking just like a lemon rolled up the only real place that you would you would meet a croal is at the mouth of a river right okay you know

Where where the uh where the sea meets the river uh low visibility usually you’ll find bull sharks around these areas so I’m thinking bull shark and even if it was a great white great white sweep a great white wouldn’t be to it wouldn’t be able to sense it because coces don’t have

Heartbeats when they’re underwater they turn off all of their senses or like how they could be perceived like all their or shut down temporarily like they can in the Water right is that not a thing that can do but they’re not moving the crocodile is perfectly still so if anything it would

St mate like neither of them actually bothers seeing the other it’ll come it’ll come next to the crocodile and the crocodile will like bite off its Fin and it’s gone I think it’s aw because I think the shark is powerful enough that it would be able to just

Like one bite from that great white shark in the crocodile’s dead right I know they’re pretty they’re pretty tough maybe maybe a great white could could take it out a great bull might need a few bites you know the top Hive no yeah um like a great white they’re basically

The Pitbull of sea right they’re the Pitbull Nam princess I suppose I guess yeah you could say that definitely yeah they they got the draw Force more than enough of it Jesus have you you can just hear them all dying in the background it’s beautiful have

You I forgot have you been to to New Zealand or Australia I want to one day but like money money expensive how much is a flight to Australia time to look that up ah here goes my phone all right so the first thing I’m seeing cheat flights from Australia okay that’s

From Australia to Missouri is it safe to assume that the okay from Missouri to Australia 743 is the first thing that I see pop up on one of the things it’s like yeah then another they’re all like in the 700 to like 1,500 range which state Missouri no is in which Australian State

Oh I mean most of these are just defaulting to Sydney um what kind of experience would you want from Australia would you want to see like a city like Sydney um which a copy paste of America I don’t know I’d like to see both right

Like I’d like to see the I’d like to see Sydney but I’d also like to just see like I want to see the beaches like the water and I want to see go to go to Queen’s land okay Melbourne’s also nice uh depends who you ask though but

Yeah go gold Co but that would be expensive yeah like if I’m going to Australia I want to at least see some of the things that like people say this can and will kill you just for the fact of like the people in Australia have been alive long enough

So I’m sure it’s possible to see it and tell the tale right not as many near death encounters as you might actually think um like I’m sure you don’t get jumped by a box jellyfish the moment you step onto the beach right oh that yeah every Square kiler is one box

Jellyish okay that was a bad example no I was I was joking um think I think SE like a box jellyfish on um you know what now I think about it uh there’s like I forget what it’s called but it’s like this thing in a

Shell and if you step on it there’s like a stinger that comes out and it just it just maybe a se s it just like straight up paralyzes you no it’s not cuttlefish it straight up paralyzes you um I think it could kill you in an

Hour I think it is if you’re in the water and it just rounds you it’s it’s one of the types of sea snails you know what you’re on about I just don’t remember what it’s called if you don’t pick up the blue ranged octopus you’ll probably be fine

Just don’t touch [ __ ] bright colors we established this when did we forget it I think it would like the the Sydney zo and uh the food in Sydney is also pretty good I will say um every time I go there I would go to like the Korean and Japanese

Barbecues yeah oh my God so [ __ ] good um if you want to like a a real get into like nature experience Tasmania is really real nice real chill okay like I feel like that’s kind of why you’d want to go to Australia I mean

Sure you can say yeah I want to go to Sydney just go to New York at that point yeah or like La would you okay would you say Sydney is closer to LA or New York in terms of just like functional I have not been to either I’ve only been to Sydney so

Um everywhere homeless people La um yeah la la as expensive as you might think for cuz La is like you go to La and you you spend like $25 in the coffee um I don’t think the price is really change too much when it comes to like food uh for accommodation it would

Be a little bit pricey I reckon yeah um I don’t remember it blowing my wallet up I can’t remember how much I paid for a stay it’s like $300 for the ticket then those yeah know um thinking about Sydney now really good Transportation actually amazing Transportation uh I’m sure it’s not hard

To beat America’s public transit yeah when you hanging through we’re not okay here’s the thing right public transit wonderful thing we have built all our cities centered around the fact that that’s just not a thing and so like if it if there was a bigger push or

Like public transit [ __ ] we really just wouldn’t be able to implement it in a lot of cities without inevitably like we wouldn’t be able to do it fast enough for some people not to get pissed off right just like make underground subway stations put them under the road when

You have cities like New York sinking under their own weight and yeah they do have like they do have subway tunnels but like at this point you have to like find places that are stable to do it right you can’t well then do it with new

Cities then new cities I think there no excuse right like are they building subway stations and all that like that kind of Transportation with new cities then I don’t even know like when I don’t know how often new cities are made right like that’s not exactly something that is too Common

Place we’ve we’ve more or less got like McDonald’s per every 50 square miles in the country like at that point do you need more cities you’re right silly question um there’s a lot of McDonald’s in Australia as well how are the McDonald’s in Australia are they like [ __ ] okay yeah

R standed I don’t know what like a I mean how good is American McDonald’s okay it’s abhorent for you but it does taste pretty good okay I mean like chicken nuggets from McDonald’s or like their fries they they go hard they are they are a comfort food

I wouldn’t say McDonald’s is the worst food I mean in Australia I like the MCB you still have the MCB we no it’s gone now but we had it for a little bit no like we get it every so often I it’s like every like two years

Or some [ __ ] it’s so dumb once when Jesus is born um every every time I I God gets why are you on my roof thank you Jesus Christ I’m happy with like some of the improvements that have been going on you can just see the fires in the

Background just the forest fires because I can’t be asked to deal with like these husks of trees now I have to fill up this massive crater or do something the only trees that truly deserved we B burn down uh the jungle trees oh um that stuff gross do not like

Rip oh no I no I guess like if you’re in a jungle I that is one of my favorite things just like when it’s not raining just taking the flint and steel toasting the entire jungle and then just trying to find your way out of it while it’s burning down just

Fun this is fun yes this is fine real that’s genuinely like what it is I had like a Minecraft server with my friends and uh we’re okay we’re not going to go 1,000 billion blocks away from each other um we’re actually going to stay and we’re going to build a community mhm uh

But the spawn was just like jungle and so we so everyone went in their own direction to get out no we did actually stick to it but one of my friends like he loved jungle wood uh and everybody else [ __ ] wanted to crucify him for it um I went out and I found

Like a blossom tree I brought that sapling back and I just replaced the entire jungle with the blossom trees um it was actually so [ __ ] cool and then he started to replace the blossoms with jungle trees so I nuked his house that escalated quickly it’s just I just like era chunked

Them the natural Order of Things No your play know your place place real yeah no so if anybody asks the Australians made the um the Pavo okay it’s the moral of the story I’m getting it yeah we finally got there um Jes so I was called back into work a

Few days ago I come into work today and uh and I asked Mr Boss Man uh think there’ll be any orders to make up tomorrow and he said no actually we might not have anything this week uh and I was like what does that really mean for me I like yeah you can

Uh have like an extra week of holiday and you’ll get another another week of holiday pay I’m like hell yeah I was like okay so yeah no more no more work then for a bit and he said well I wouldn’t be too sure so I’m I’m on holiday and I’m not on

Holiday which is an amazing feeling to have cuz if I made a plan and get called into work what do I do I guess you just like cry I disagree with the moral of the story Lego I I disagree with your disagreement I think it was a really good moral of the

Story it’s too late I paid him off I I I used code VPN zap [ __ ] you un fantas your up all right I’m probably going to bring back the use a name Dr dogberry I think it’s too good not to use it’s so good like jerf cheese is pretty good

It’s really good but you had like you struck gold with Dr dogberry right I struggled question mark you struck gold I’ll struck gold yeah no I locked out no yeah I’ve had people online say like you’ve just inspired like a D and D character for me that is it’s pretty

Cool all right d andd stream one I would do DND D if I had people to play it and people who knew how to like do a DM thing because I sure as hell don’t I think uh I I have a super amount of experience but I understand how to DM um

Like I just know that convenient option no yeah I think like what you want from like a DND stream right is just like the interaction between the people and just like this the sense of humor that comes with the people doing it and then you realize wait you’re just

Talking about a podcast with extra steps right podcast but they’re not actually podcast in a fantasy world podcast by pretend to be somebody else in a fantasy wall yeah yeah um can I pretend to be Joe ran go for it make like a schizophrenic character conly on a podcast did you see the

[ __ ] wait that’s funny actually like they’re just constantly like turning to face like none of the other party members and then just every time they get a chance to like sit down they just start like they put like some head gear on like just clas their hands together and like

So so so he starts saying something they don’t like it’s like hey Jamie can we mute this guy the enemy the enemy Warlock the enemy warlock just shows up and it’s like saying their evil plan it’s like yeah can we get this guy on mute can we ban this guy from chat

That that would be pretty actually what if um what if it’s it’s a fantasy world okay and we get a bunch of streamers and the whole idea is it’s just a bunch of streamers that were teleported into the fantasy world yeah so you are should you play yourself

Or maybe you should just make up a streamer you just I think making up a streamer would be funnier yeah I’m a b tub stream I’m a hot tub streamer hot tub stream wait no I you’re supposed to make things up you can’t play as yourself Z I know that you’re hot tub

Stream be a little bit more creative than that come on the thing is I could do a hot tub stream again like on campus there are hot tubs that I have access to my any hotb heyo yeah what if we what if we did a FaceTime uh face I’m in

The one of us is just pitch black one of us is just Sunny yeah I I think that’s an actual beautiful idea I would do that in a heartbeat you have no idea I choose iono from Pokemon oh god oh no terrifying Sam that would be such a

Stupid hilarious idea I want to do do that at some point we are doing that you’ve dug your own grave I get that set up I’m got to talk to her again and see how that’s going no that I don’t talk to my mom regularly about that specific

Topic I love my mom love my mom hot Emoji but you don’t talk to her about hot tubs all the time can’t believe it no um strangely enough doesn’t come up very often you Jesus Christ you going moove that floating island is that just going to no so once water physics start

Physic holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that was a lot of them once water physics start watering I’m going to add like a little waterfall to the side of that just into the whole thing little like River I have next to that Code I’m very proud see 20 people just power drop down like I started the stream basically with building that little like outd Drop right with the cove and I’m very proud of it it looks nice all all the people seem to spawn in that spot cuz they Fallen multiple times

In that spot you should like build something to contain them in there build a Bo maybe like a market place I don’t know H like an airport build an Amazon Factory yeah yeah put them to work lazy Slackers need to startop paying some Rent all right that I think block over here yeah I like that and I can’t believe they based uh they made an entire Island dedicated to um token’s work and Lord of the Rings the named it New Zealand it’s quite interesting one of the Rings was filled in New Zealand oh

I’ve not watched the movies I don’t think like I read the books and I loved them but I don’t think I ever actually got around to watching the movies you probably W like New Zealand then that’s the only thing to do the only thing to do there a very beautiful

Place only thing to do is to Vis the best part about it is leaving [Laughter] bro Lego in chat fuming just like an absolute shambles right now how could you do this my bad please I thought that Beast Boy was the Joker for a second I’m the Joker baby that’s what he says

Yeah please Beast Boy 3 in the morning without coffee what time is it for you it’s 1:15 oh you poor soul wait yeah I hours to get through p.m okay okay I about to say you’re Australia I got up at 4 4 a.m. oh that

Would I would do it get to work soon after and I’m I’m off the caffeine uh day one day one no caffeine um when I went to go get lunch uh I struggled not to order a takeway like coffee I I got like decaf I said up for

That like there are other sources of caffeine as well it’s just a matter of like coffee has so much of it um chocolate and tea chocolate tea soda like soda I don’t drink soda though we’re chilling on that front yeah soda is like one of those it I drink it on special

Occasions otherwise I normally prefer water I’m a I’m a Kucha fella like water or lemonade for me Lemonade is an eser drink whoever came up with that beautiful beautiful person your lonate your Lemonade’s different to ours though yours is just lemon and sugar we carbonate ours

Oh um I don’t know why you guys never thought about carbona in it I mean I guess Sprite would be I guess your Sprite is like a lemon lime thing but yeah like if you’re just saying carbonated lemonade I don’t think I’ve ever had that just like straight up

Lemonade but you add carbonation to the step it feels like an American thing that feels like something we would do yeah it’s like like you know you probably [ __ ] deep fry it too combination can’t be too far off I think it’s probably one of those things like you don’t [ __ ] with lemonade right

It’s like one of the one of the classic American American drinks you know no the class am thing is to to capitalize on it and uh to find something to sell if you could sell carbonated water you would do it that’s fair people do drink Sparkling water come get your deep fried lemonade

Exactly things do I I can seeed that things do just taste better when they fried the deep fried I had um I went to to a pub feed and they had like deep fried broccoli um and that was [ __ ] amazing it’s actually so good they have some dips as well for

It never this is going to sound like one of the most American things you’ve ever heard of uh fried [Laughter] Oreos that’s not not a thing it’s not it’s not it’s not it is you’re [ __ ] with me you you find it okay it’s most often found at like at like sports game

Concession stands but yes they are they are delicious but it’s also like how bad can one food be for you like that as an American I eat that I’m like this is the food of my people oh no this is the food of my people right like it’s bloody terrifying you guys

Don’t eat your national animal do you uh try like a like a bald eagle I want to say they’re like a protect species here he’s not lying I need to look it up they’re tasty though they just are so bad for you I’m sure just like it’s an oreo but

It’s an oreo for Pride who benefits from this I mean I do I don’t think I can [ __ ] on this too much cuz I think there are there are similar things cuz I’ve seen like a similar thing just filled with like Nutella and that’s still not good for you but you know

It’s no yeah people just e friy sweet things that is a thing if it works it works a lot of Japanese um desserts a deep Pride as well one day I want to try a deep fried Burger because that just sounds so abhorent and so American and I like um the one from

Regular yeah like I want to see someone take a burger and put it into like a frying vat pull it out on like a kebab stick and just give it to me just let me have it let me add it let me add them cheese there’s something that uh Bento cells

Which is a sushi um um Sushi is wonderful uh but there’s only this one specifically that has this one product it’s just deep fried like fried chicken sushi that sounds that [ __ ] is incredible that’s like my cheat day food I’ll get some of that that sounds

Wonderful I want that yeah they get like a Woll of like fried chicken Sushi chop it up deep fry it and give you like a I think it’s like a mayonnaise is slash like soy kind of Base dip whatever it is it’s it’s actually like cocaine to

Me see one day in the future I want to go to Australia you just got to like show me all the all the delicious Fried Chicken douchi of your Homeland all right Tred some more you can get home now watch out for the box jellyfish on your way out

Jesus it’s um it’s only when like uh I meet like uni students from abroad uh that I truly start to admire Australia’s Beauty again it’s like I was showing some someone’s some fellas I met taking them around to like see like the SES SE Clips uh go hiking and uh they

Were just in a and everything but for me it’s just kind of An Occurrence I kind of I want to go to America and I want to go like uh uh like kayak what’s the camping I think don’t you guys have like these like long stretches of river no

Yeah uh that you can just go down like a kayak every day like one of those places actually he like he helps get like people onto the rafts right and like just sends them down the river and so do they like do camping as well ask him bring like bed rolls I mean

Out like the place where he is it’s out in the middle of nowhere more or less right like just picture your generic like relatively Southern location in America like that’s the kind of place he’s in so there’s probably camping options for it I would think I’d have to ask him

But yeah see but here’s here’s the kick and this is where like like you guys are afraid of our I’ll you know spiders and all uh the wildlife in in the sea uh but like if I went hiking I’ll be looking over my shoulder constantly looking for like wild cats and [ __ ]

Bears and mooses like Pumas and bears like you see one and you’re so [ __ ] you know unless you have like a like a shot gun like a like a Goss rifle this laser rifle um nuclear bomb maybe all the things Americans carry casually so here’s the ruling with bears right here

Here’s the here’s the advice if it’s black fight back if it’s brown laid down if it’s somehow [ __ ] white you’re you’re you’re already dead there there there’s no rhyme you’re just you’re just dead white ain’t tied real waiting T I mean you guys don’t have like polar

Bears except for I think like North inas like Alaska area um yeah I could fight a black bear yeah I think that’s what you’re supposed to do right like you you stand your ground they’ll [ __ ] off black bears you just played and ground Bears you played dead and you hope that they believe

You see it’s just that like hope like you just have to hope that they don’t you know like we come across a snake just walk away well in theory the optimal Strat is walk away right if it starts coming towards you like if you see a brown bear you leave if it starts

Coming towards you then you’re dead like just play dead tell yourself that you are dead convince yourself that you are dead and maybe you won’t be so would you rather uh come across like a like a red back or like a like a like a scary spider in

Australia or a grizly barar a spider any [ __ ] day it’s a it’s a it’s a spider they can they can walk fast how about a tiger snake how about a tiger snake how faster tiger snake called Bell like how fast on let’s have a look cuz like if I can outrun the snake

Than the snake they at their fastest Pace on flat ground is about the same as a fast human walk walk okay so you can run from the snake without any issue yeah you can book it you can you can bolt I would say that’s the same with every single other

Australian animal until you get into the ocean um until you get into the ocean you’re just not built for it right I mean but the thing is it’s as long as you have like somebody with you like never snor alone I went snor actually yesterday uh how was it you were saying

Like it was going to be all cloudy so yeah actually visibility was pretty good um most of the cloud uh was in my mask though which is a bit annoying but I just kept washing it over and over okay um uh saw lots lots of sea urchins oh

Some pretty big shells didn’t touch with them don’t [ __ ] with things uh I was looking for crays but I couldn’t find like all the Rocks were taken up by sea archin so there was no space for any Cays Abalone a cray crayfish it’s kind of like a lobster but not a

Lobster I want to eat crayfish so badly like I’ve heard that they’re just really tasty oh very actually upset like good so [ __ ] good um you can pick him up relatively cheap it’s like supposed to be like a poor man’s Lobster from what people say but it really just tastes like the

Normal thing and then you get reminded that Lobster used to be Poor People’s Lobster until the rich happened um what else I was trying to get some Abalone but I couldn’t find any mhm then I saw uh two puffer fish oh pretty do cute little fellas yeah little

Fellas don’t touch them though that’s just the rule like you’ll find as long as you just don’t touch things and you’re with people yeah cuz shars just won’t [ __ ] with you if you’re in a group just don’t poke things that don’t deserve to be poked like what did it

Do yeah even if it deserves to be poked you probably don’t want to poke it you probably just want to [ __ ] off leave that this is coming along very nicely the terrain is starting to actually like come together as looking like terrain I like how you didn’t have

Orange blocks you use lava yeah funny actually I have orange blocks that’s the thing the issue is said blocks will get removed and then cause the world to crash in a later version if they’re placed so I’m not placing those can I see what they look like it’s just like a

So it’s a wool type thing right like wool exists but it’s it’s cloth right or like people generally call it cloth in this and there’s like more colors than there actually are in the modern game like it’s a different there’s more colors but at some point all of them get removed just leaving

White and then later on col get added no yeah I’m guessing like it’s in favor of the current die system which is more simple but like I don’t know toss that down there for a these characters walking around was that what the player was meant to look like so for

A little bit when you opened your inventory you would see like a model like that although it’s currently been removed and it was also the thing running around the most right it was something called like it’s r right that’s the that’s the creature it’s a little frog girl

Looking creature it’s not what these guys were meant to look like none of these things were meant to stay in the game this is one of the Developers for Minecraft Notch was basically letting like [ __ ] around and like figuring out implementing models of this format into it as like some testing and

So thus this happened like before this the first entity in the game was Steve like as in the player skin Steve right and I want to say that’s what was in the inventory for a little bit I don’t know actually I don’t think so okay he’s stuck down there he’s been buried

Alive but like yeah these guys were never meant to stay it’s just surreal seeing them and I hate that I’m getting used to it I’m hate that I’m becoming null to this buried that guy terrifying he’s gone gone you be seing these guys in your

Dream real it’s going to attack me in my sleep like Nicholas [Laughter] kid Jesus great P think like real that’s what I’m saying scoob I got to take a moment stand up and stretch my bones it’s a good idea when are you going to be sleep when are you going to be sleep

Wait no it’s I keep thinking it’s 1:00 a.m. now that you said 1 so TI I I kind of I’m tired as [ __ ] but I got to power through so I don’t mess up my sleep schedule about P out maybe I mean it depends on how tired you

Are right you think you’re tired enough that you try to take a power nap and your body just makes it a full nap or like I just put on the but I’m I’m pretty bad at waking up actually like I hit the the snooze button at least three

Times before I wake up no yeah that’s fair for me I have like Vietnam flashbacks of naps now because I actually missed my math final for like my first College semester right I missed my final cuz I took a nap and like it was going to be like a 2hour nap it I

Had time for it so I took a nap around like a reasonable time for that and I set like five alarms and I kept the lights on so I wouldn’t like be able to this way already you went wrong yeah cuz uh naps AR meant to be 2 hours otherwise you

Actually enter the dream state you want it to be 20 to 30 minutes because then you’re not entering it but you’re also gaining some energy yeah cuz like I woke up like hours hours after the alarm right and so somehow I managed to miss the the final and I still passed the

Class like I was able to keep it like a high grade so it’s not like I [ __ ] myself and have to redo that class right but [ __ ] hell was I terrified until I saw how it affected the grade right like me having to retake that class would have

Sucked like that would have put me behind schedule on a lot of things and like in America college is expensive you really just if you’re not rich you can’t afford to be behind schedule right I would have gone for like a career as a homeless man if I like had to redo like

A year yeah I’m taking down this creeper just for the positioning of it right this thing does not of my originally I was going to have it like be facing like or be just poking out of the water right this Majestic creature now that I’m actually cleaning up all said water and like

Making the house look good he really just doesn’t have a place here oh my God that’s going to take years hold up that’s going to take so long can I blow up Iron Will the game let me do that let goad going to blow up is that

What you’re saying yeah we’re going to we’re going to blow up the creeper that’s the intent here or it just like blocks all of it in and fails miserably let’s beta CRA I have to like manually save it every time if I die there’s no respawning right that’s not

Been added to the game yet when I die I have to load my save file so I have to manually save the game every so often how do you die wait I didn’t even notice if you had a hot any Hots down there I mean like I could drown fall into lava

Normally there would be monsters but right now monsters don’t exist it’s just these FS like we’re we’re chilling I do thoughts yeah and like I have food the food directly heals it for some reason I think I broke this apple cuz it just doesn’t go away when I eat it like is it

Like infinite food yeah infinite health got Apple real okay water I need to go get some more TNT so we’re going to do that we’re going to stack what we have on us and just build up real Qui what’s your opinion on the Snowman what do you think of this Derpy little

Dude give us give us a a cheeky look let’s go over there I like I like I like his smile but ain’t [ __ ] to smile about a nothing to smile about real um we Mr arm day need more meat and those sticks uh he dropped his head guy he dropped his head

And then in here we have this um was that a 99 stack of arrows where in the CH torch floating how would do that how a torch floating there’s a lot of 99 Stacks you can see the different wool colors in there as well so yeah one of the things that is Goofy

In here you can see the blocks that look like water and lava so that’s the water source and lava source block and like out of the sides of them they’ll spawn water or lava depending on the Block so is a like a finite amount of these

Blocks can you get more or is that it right there it’s this is like working as a F you can see like gunpowder in the bottom of the they’re spawning inside of like the pumpkin and you can just see their Corps like you can see their eyes horrifying

They some so each of them drop a different thing one drops feathers One Drops string and one drops gunpowder and so those items they came from the inev house I’ll show you over here right the inev house like in the earliest version of inev and at least

Like maybe for a few versions after it just contains a whole bunch of like a whole bunch of [ __ ] right including a chest full of This Much TNT which we have not touched and I’m never going to touch this chest phase but this like generated with the world this had items

In it this had items in it I’ve since taken them and moved them TNT chest days that’s where I got all the stuff so I have access to bedrock spes like a lot of things that otherwise wouldn’t be available for a long time or in some things cases like Bedrock just never be

Available right when does sponge get like uh un added uned sponge the thing well like okay it’s it’s never made obtainable up until like Ocean Monuments got added right and so oh that’s right I this is how I have the sponge and while I can’t normally get more of

Those items right this is uh this is Notch made this game the notch giveth and the notch giveth more than he intended so if I come over here we’re going to go ahead and just dump a bunch of this dirt in here you can also see some hundred Stacks in there because

Goofy like inventory sizes have changed already so like when chests like I could put things up to 100 I think in the version before this but now it’s finally at like that 64 that limit no I think in the last version I could have 50 of a item stack in my like

Inventory and then I could have a 100 in the chest just how that was working all right what was I even doing I was gonna under stack something I was grabbing they’re going to fill the we have TNT I already got it I didn’t need to come over here but yeah the

Water Source Block in particular that’s one that I really want to have a whole bunch of because it gets removed from the game right at some point like how long have you been playing Minecraft uh maybe maybe 13 years okay 13 years damn so like you’re there from like

2011 yeah somewhere around now 2010 2010 probably are you an OG you just chilling from like my oldest memory was of Minecraft um I was trying to convince my friend to to get it and play with me and I was showing like he was watching me

Play I was like look at this dude and I like I got a diamond I made a shovel I I got a [ __ ] diamond shovel and uh he said that that was the moment that like some whatever reason he was like that’s badass as [ __ ] and he got my crap

Because of his diamond shovel um I don’t remember what version it was though cloudy that’s fair have you cinched like changed computers like you wouldn’t have any versions from back then yeah no I wouldn’t have the same computer probably on like a like an oldfashioned like big old office

Desktop M that my parents use real boxy all right let’s see here so we’re going to go ahead and underst stack this TNT so for a lot of items there’s not really any way to get it I’m going to make sure I’m safe distance from said

TNT but you can dup it really easy if you put an item in a chest and then blow up the chest while you’re in the inventory you stay in the chest inventory and you can take out that item but because you blew up the chest and

The item fell out there’s no item so you have a stack of zero right and because of the way Notch coded it the game only removes the stack from your inventory when you’re going from one to zero and not anything below it so you can then just like right click to

Like place down like you just get an infinite item basically so if I that’s what you’ve been doing with the do right yeah yeah all right and so now can get as much TNT as I Want also good to see that this does go in go ahead and blow up iron that’s going to be very convenient and like I’ve done it with the apples I’ve done it with this mushroom stew like you you can do some goofy things I how that’s going to get

Converted if it just becomes a normal Apple again maybe no it’s more so that like you just can’t see the value that it actually is right there is a number of apples here that just is not being displayed by the game probably because it’s a negative and it’s not programmed to display negatives

Right and so it’s goofy like you can do some fun stuff with that and it will carry over right which is wonderful I think I think I got to tap out you got to take a nap yeah I’m going to take a nap that’s fair man and maybe get some

Food get some sleep and get some num Noms depending on how long you’re out I’ll probably still be streaming I’m going for another like let’s see it’s almost nine how long have been going I’m going over three hours from now it’s oh because it’s oh

You go in like a full 8 hours holy [ __ ] yeah no I’m going until I go to sleep this is me apologizing for not being able to stream for a month no no if if you really meant it uh you would go to 24 hours isn’t that right

Chat I swear no we don’t forgive you we don’t forgive you on this is a 24 hour stream 24 hour stream right now then lethal company straight off though no we are not doing that hell no um all right well good luck uh you go get some sleep maybe see you later

Depending on what you decide to do yes sir yes sir time to absolutely pack this thing with TNT this is going to be absurd all right I need more bombs I need more this creeper is about to go away 24 hours of wander Jesus at that point I just do a

Subathon right at that point I just like bite the bullet and say this stream is a subathon we’re not doing that we’re going to midnight that’s that’s our goal this has been my day this has been my day today it’s been like nothing but wander more or less estd fary is Real Jesus

Christ welcome to America fary how you feeling welcome to the land of the free I forgot I made you a mod I don’t know when that happened I’ll be honest let’s see here been traveling for nearly 24 hours but I’m finally here all right fary bust

Out the mic hop on up and call No Rest sleep take unap go up B how’s the jet lag feeling or is there any have you just already like acclimated to ESP as is going to sleep I’ve got to be up at 6:00 tomorrow rest yeah you can tell us all about your

American your American Journeys some other time tomorrow or something you not bad jet like that’s good that is always good Parky in your absence bosy has joined Russia how could you do this how could you let this happen what kind kind of treaty were you people signing when I was coming over to

My dorm this is the end of times this is what happens when you blow up a Greg right it’s fine I’m canonically dead Now bro never coming back to Europe This is a sad day you’re saying you won’t be back in Europe in like two years once you’re finally done with everything can’t believe this because the server will still somehow be running at that point oh [ __ ] okay well this thing’s going to go up get

Down oh mnp fary will return I was horrified it somehow didn’t manage to like blow up the outside of that this thing is going to go nuclear and I’m going to have to fix everything I spent all this time making things pretty I probably should have blown up the massive creeper before I

Spent all the time making everything pretty because I don’t know if this is going to somehow just like go absolutely apeshit and like tear apart all the terraforming I’ve done over the past however the [ __ ] many hours it’s been I’m sorry I need to not swear as much however the gosh didly darn

Freaking minutes so so many of them okay okay this thing looks suitably suitably pack right you can go ahead and like stuff some up feet sure appreciate that let’s go ahead give ourselves some more of the TNT all right I’m going to drown at this not have that okay get more TNT

Okay and pack the feet come around this way ah we got to build a Gregs on wander that’s a that’s a priority now oh [ __ ] well holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God is it over holy [ __ ] that was aggressive the Creeper’s gone that was also like really

Self-contained I’m going to be perfectly honest like that look terrifying the particles were everywhere and somehow like that really didn’t cause much damage wait the creeper blew up it really did I mean I say didn’t cause much damage it blew up the water this water’s gone there’s all the [ __ ] just down here

Okay so that was Bloody terrifying let’s go ahead and pack this one up as well cuz we accidentally ignited it a little bit early so I guess like the TNT just really doesn’t like when it blows up other TNT it just blows up on the spot I

Guess just say that that’s like the effect going on here I I just punch that get out oh God ah I don’t like that what the hell so just not blowing it up CU it’s in water there we go okay I guess most of it just fell it doesn’t really send it flying

Right oh my God this this has just gotten so much worse this watery [Applause] monstrosity I don’t know how to feel about this this got some of my sponges which is unfortunate okay now that the creeper is gone we can go ahead and start cleaning this area up without having to worry

About that being in the way that’s good this whole mess is horrifying okay go ahead more sponges I can’t wait for mine carts to be added it’s going to be a wonderful day okay falling and I can’t get up how deep does this go like this just

Did we just like blow a hole in the Overworld is that what’s going on here can we blow up Bedrock I think in some versions it’s a thing you can pull off okay that’s done yeah like we’re starting to just get down to an incredibly deep level okay

I see some lava or something down there you can see the void let’s start heading back in the direction of the surface I think frankly it’s kind of hard to tell at this point but all right I am brush out of torches I can probably make some right I can make

Torches one at a time because Minecraft rules yay it’s like drag it out individually each time there’s no shift clicking you can’t grab a whole stack one at a time this is like the first time where I’ve properly just crafted a bunch of something that I needed like properly

Using crafting in this game now we’re finally reaching that point how we as a society have fallen to have to craft what we use and use what we craft or something along those lines okay get that over here it is so dark are you supposed to be able to see

Like is that is that something like theoretically you were intended to do like use your eyes or H not too certain be honest I’m be honest okay and hop over here get stuck okay ah this place is a death trap this entire world is a death trap Jesus

Christ little bit of water up here I say a little bit but it never really is is it it’s never just a little bit of water okay so we’re at like that bottom of the world lava now there isn’t really any Rock to break I

Guess and I want to say like there not being Bedrock there does carry over like now there is just lavva there and once there stops being lava there then well there’s not going to be Bedrock can say that much uh here some iron down there these like caves beneath the like beneath my

House they’re so broken they’re so Deformed what’s down here more water that’s right I don’t know if I’ll ever have all this water cleared out but I’m not going to be asked to like get all these sponges away so like honestly one day I’m just going to come down here see all these sponges and be like I remember

That those were the good old days all right that get that all right head up this way they’re all just jumping in here it’s like a pool it’s like a swimming pool it’s not it’s not a pool it’s not fun in here you’re all drowning what do you have to

Game you can just hear them you can hear their suffering their cries all these poor little creatures all drowning because they put their gosh darn lungs in their feet they need their lungs they can’t go there are you going to swim they yearn for the waters forbidden fruit they must never

Have it what the heck just happened what the what what what why did it all just start flowing what I I don’t appreciate whatever that was okay I do not appreciate what is going on here I don’t like how it’s somehow like breaking Breaking Free it shackles this will not do

All right we need to like hold up the we need to hold up the water need to get rid of it block it out no more the time has come to fight back against all the ocean all the lake all of the Seas and the rivers claim the water for our

Own okay got that area good head back over here put an end to this Tom Foolery frankly Tom Foolery nothing short of it ah all right got all this we’re getting close to having dealt with all of our water issues I think or at least dealt with it

Enough right like it doesn’t necessarily have to all be gone in like the depths of the caves I’d like to have this near surface stuff gone got to love the sponge mines sponge everywhere so much of it okay got to get a little bit over here hopefully it’s a little

Bit no we got a bit of a tunnel don’t we or do you lead to okay that’s it that’s good then over this way like we’re going to just cover up this all with dirt right we’re going to just we’re going to make things look nice at the surface but that’s all they

Can really be nice right o all right get a little bit more sponges my eyes are starting to get a little bit tired I’ll say that much I don’t know if going to midnight is the smartest of options I know I said I would and I’d like to hold myself to

That but I’m not sure all right that one’s gone we’ll see maybe you need a snack or something I’m not certain what I’m going to do but I need to get myself through the rest of the stream but I would like to go this full eight hours right I’d like

To go the entire length just for the fact of I’ve not streamed in a month I want to make that up as best I can right there’s only so much I can do I think this is going to be more than enough in my eyes someone says it’s not

Well that’s a them problem frankly but this is this is what I’m doing this is how I make amends in that regard okay all right oh God no he opened Skyrim again oh no we’re losing pcks we’re losing them he’s returned to scrim okay we’ve done it we cleared out all that

Water we did it my bones okay fcking hell yeah finally like we’re going to have to do a lot of repairs over here right that that area just doesn’t work but once we’ve done it I think I’ll probably actually just call it there I’m not sure hold up

Okay let’s go ahead toss some stuff into the chest start cleaning our inventory out a good bit so we can then begin realistically to just place a mass amount of mass amount of dirt that’s the main thing we have left to do if you want to have this whole area look good

Again don’t need that on me don’t need the sand hole I want to say Flint but it’s not Flint even though it looks like Flint sure okay there we go what are you doing in my house I don’t get it I don’t understand we’re going to save the

Game I might need to take like five I’m very much thinking I might need to take five not sure cuz if I still want to go for another like 3 hours I need need a short little break so I think I’m going to do that I’m going to take a moment stretch my

Legs use the restroom maybe find a snack we’ll see see what we want to do but what hold up is he is he live no he’s just playing RuneScape okay I will be right back going to take a couple minutes just to not want to die so I will be back

And I am am back hello hello hello hello I needed that I I needed to just stand up for a moment Jesus Christ okay I had to like use the restroom and just walk around the dorm hall for a bit we have been going for 5 hours and 14 closer to 15 minutes

Now like Christ on a stick let me see if there’s anyone I can’t convince to hop in a call so I could I could use it right I could use the company let’s see let’s see welcome back hello what is zombie up to hold up I think like the interactions between

Me and any other human being is what’s going to give me the energy to continue for another 3 hours right if I can’t get someone that’s in Europe you probably check with like either Clockwork or some of the people from fractured or crypted or in fractured from crypted

Guess those are some of the people that I’ve been meaning to try talking to more see if can’t get away with that that might be the Strat I’m just going to hop into go to vc2 over and fractured hold up go to midnight you could use the voices for some ner

Okay let’s see if anybody on here is willing to do it I see that Val is online wait hold up let me DM them actually okay well I’m about to be murdered in My Sleep In Cold Blood okay looks like they might get on we shall wait for that before I

Continue anything I just need a moment to stretch ah Gods my bones like Jesus Christ 5 hours streaming I think the longest I’ve gone is around this point I don’t think I’ve gone longer than this before hello pal how are you doing oh God my Bon I have been streaming my survival

World for 5 hours straight now I’m going to midnight bones bones bones let me see your bones I know the feeling am I going to get copyright claimed for your beautiful singing no okay that’s always good how are you doing it’s been a while don’t see

That it has been moment I am not scary you’re not scary can you prove it bones bones bones now we’re all alone and I want to know if the feeling follows Home bones bones bones now we’re all alone sitting in a chair for like 5 hours straight just terrible forming on the World alone I are you like listening to that on repeat or is that just stuck in your head at this point yeah hello hello can you not hear me hold up good can you hear me can you hear me hello I hear you now your user volume

Was 1% for some reason that would explain it I’ve been talking this whole time and it’s like I I didn’t know if you were doing one of your bits I didn’t know if you just like why would I make a bit where I ignore you that’s lazy

Content well I thought the bit was more so just saying bones bones bones over and over when I said that my bones were dying no I just want to eat I want to know if the feeling follows okay how are you doing Val how have you been

Hello it is been a bit I’m doing bones I’m doing bones I don’t know about you I am CH doing a severe lack of Bones quite frankly hello MC Lego Lego be chilling I have been live for 5 hours and I’m going until midnight so I have a solid like 2 hours 40

Minutes left for me because I haven’t streamed for a solid like about a month because I was at my it’s more so like I’m making up for the fact that like I have not streamed for that much time by doing a long ass stream because I was at my parents

House right oh I see and a lot of the days I was just kind of bored out of my my mind I wanted to stream I could not there’s too much background noise too much of a chance of getting interrupted I was sharing a room with another person

My little brother so like I could not do it with any amount of quality assurance so I was not going to do and we all know that on the fantas vandom we can always guarantee that we will receive the highest quality over quantity viewing experience so next now now now now I’ve

Decided I’m going until midnight tonight and I decided this fairly early on and I’ve been going strong but I’ve also had people to keep me sayane throughout this entire time so you think I’m going to help your sanity no I think you’re going to keep me awake okay so I’m like your

Inbuilt entertainment system like you are here to help keep me have energy still and you can tell that I’m losing it because that sentence didn’t make any sense at all how is the chat doing chat speak speak to me chat chat speak chat open open when when

The mouse when when you say things and when hi when The what in the world real life base boosting oh god there used to be a creeper here now there’s just a bunch of sponges sounds about right yeah so I’m going through the effort right on this stream I’ve just been cleaning up the terrain in front of my house and like

Around the sides of it because frankly this area has looked like [ __ ] since the start since like you’ve been in calls while I’ve been doing the series right yeah like you remember the amount of Agony that I feel every time I see water right yippe I

Yippe so like I also feel Agony when I see water I hate water so much same I quickly became I have rabes you have rabies I don’t have rabies not yet one of these days maybe but not not currently I what hi um also MC like will you will

You will you do the thing for the thing that I need you to do for IT me when the thing when you have to do the thing for the thing I need to remind PX about the freak the Sky Block thing I got I forgot about that because I’ve

Been like chilling over at the house I meant the are you still doing that yeah I’m still doing everything I said I do it’s just I I have a life so outside outside of um things that make me feel feisty so I I’m not really feeling feisty

Lately all something happen or is it just like you’re you’re in like a chill chill Vibe time I’m coming off of a break like everything in life no yeah and the energy is there I just don’t know how to get it out properly sometimes you got to take a break right

It’ll just take you a bit to like transition out of it for me I kind of had to just skip that transition because frankly I’ve gone way too [ __ ] long without streaming and I got here the day before a Sunday where the moral obligation to do this one kind

Of takes place so so you’re your entire career was in Shambo exactly I was I was following apart now I’m now I’m home and I’ve missed streaming I can say that much missed not being able to like do it for that month I I’m very happy to be back

I’m pretty convinced that chat hates you and doesn’t want anything to do with you at all and they were very happy that you were gone okay you say this unironically whenever I was getting ready for stream today right and this like this actually kind of made me like really

Happy so when I was getting ready for stream I went to the to the VOD of the last one to like copy some details for it for the title basically mainly for the version number and I saw it and there was a comment that I hadn’t actually

Registered was there which was from one of the people that pops up in my chat from six days ago and I I never saw this like it’s been like 3 weeks without I think it was either like three or four weeks I don’t remember what the comment

Said without a fan f up stream I guess I set up for this that made me sad too I I also wanted to fantas up stream but instead we got to f up stream yeah so upon seeing that I just immediately replied let’s fix that and went live

That sounds like something you would to we’re back we’re back baby that’s that’s the that’s the motif of everything recently I’m also back as well nice there are so many sponges down here these are just the sponge bins do you know what I’m back in specifically though what are you back in specifically

So I’m back in business baby yo okay you bust out that voice hasbin is coming out soon I’m so excited everyone’s going to start calling me a rip off and identifying me for what I am God damn it rip the entire Majesty V character is just rip off aliser from has been hotel

And always has been and also the voice lines are from uh Funtime foxy I don’t know what that one is seems like you show the show to you you don’t know I went ahead and got no I’m guessing it’s a FNAF character you said foxy you don’t know who fun foxy

Is I’m not what you in the business would call culture why would you do this to me I’m so sorry was an accident I swear well I’m not going to accept your apology if you don’t make it P the ukulele Oh wait [ __ ] let me god damn it

I dropped a Dorito I’m no longer sorry I’m [Laughter] enraged see B we’re all alone feeling follows home my bones your bon baby let me see your bon my bone Did you hello and welcome back and uh Val yeah did you get the pre-order thing for husin what’s that so like they had a thing right like you’re the first two episodes are basically like you were able to pre-order them right yeah that you would get them like a little bit earlier than

When they release on Amazon and so I went and did that and so I want to find people who would be interested in watching it and just like have a watch party oh yeah I’m so down to watch the first two episodes early because um I I

Want I like I like has been hun yeah and also I just like wanted to dodge spoilers yes that that was it’s going to happen I don’t know why they’re thinking about this moneymaking scheme with like it’s pretty stupid honestly to be honest what happened this money making idea is

Stupid are you saying like with the pre-order yeah it’s pretty [ __ ] stupid like like on one hand I like the idea of being able to see them a bit earlier especially for like how long allegedly they’ve been like ready to do they were just searching for like a publishing thing right until they

Finally like got Amazon to do it so I understand like them wanting to get some of that stuff out there even a bit earlier than it’s intended but also it was going inevitably to get spoiled when you do that it’s just it’s an inevitability not necessarily their

Fault it it doesn’t mean like they shouldn’t be able to do something like that and I don’t think it’s a moneymaking scheme but it’s also something that like with the community that that like that’s that active online because it started on the internet mhm it’s it’s going be more

Likely to be spoiled than if it wasn’t started on the internet yeah yeah and so I went ahead and grabbed that as like a safety measure okay I would love to do it when is that pre-ordered uh from what I heard it’s like a week before whenever the

Serious as a whole launches which I want to say is the 19th so this should be ready like at some point on the 12th I want to say okay certain we’re a couple like we’re looks like you could to make it to my show so I brought the show to

You why are you laughing at me because I think it’s a really performance was demanded of me and I have delivered please I’m not I think it’s wonderful that you can do that voice just like on the spot like that is wonderful thank you it’s called um bad genetics and bad parenting

Oh on my part I parented myself poly I should have told him no don’t remove my tons Souls when I was 10 years old yeah you do kind of need those usually what do you need those for normally tonsils actually that’s the thing that normally gets removed isn’t it yeah it

Is and they removed my tonsils when I was town and now that’s why I have this cursed disgusting voice h hold up I need to check like I’m I think there’s some purpose that they do serve it’s just not essential enough to you like functioning as a member of

Society and as a walking meat bag I’m not a walking meat bag no I’m saying like people in general that’s why they’re able to remove it I know walking we back yeah because they removed it I I’m sorry I apologize looks like you couldn’t make it to my show so I brought

The show to you it’s like it’s like a tick I mean it’s an entertaining one oh God I said the word you’re G to get tired of it soon not really I like I’ve been going for five hours straight I just need to like not have my face plant on my laptop and

Frankly you are one of the best people possible to do that feel awake no yeah like you are wonderful at just exuding the that’s a word how do you pronounce that exudation ex exuding the maximum amount of Just Energy even when you’re like not energetic like right now I’m I’m

Actually very exhausted I have like a [ __ ] 40 hour shower singing competition with myself and I won by the way I just want you to know I want to for the record nice like even when you are like in a somewhat mellow Vibe you’re still energetic and I love it Mellow Yellow is

That a reference to Chris Chan I sure as well I hope not I hope it’s not a reference to Chris Chan I don’t know what that even stands like I don’t get the reference if there is one I hope I didn’t hey I’m SEO man how the [ __ ] do you even tolerate

Me hey I’m C man will you program me organs can you like invest in like some new tonsils no I don’t want new tonsils I’m talking to Lego oh yeah Lego man can you buy me new tons Souls please smells bag [ __ ] just in from the latest at news. news. news headquarters. newws

How is this possible the latest Intel tells us that fantasa smells like rotten cheese and Fish Sticks no I got enough of that from my parents for years straight wait do you do you smell bad do you smell bad I don’t think I do not as bad as I’m told

Like I shower every day and put on deodorant and I’m told that I can be smelled from 5 miles away by just a few people in particular it’s your aura my aura is stinky I need to buy a new one stinky poop stinky I’m in thisf Ro server Fanta

Dumpster diver colog scent guns for frogs I don’t know who you are but welcome that is an entrance and I thought I thought it was just getting like called smelly unprompted by Val would be perfectly honest like I don’t know where this came Majesty Fury came back it was like you

Spelled that and that’s like like that was like they were like sleeping for like seven years seven years waiting for this moment waiting for the moment to say that I do not smell good I feel like 2024 is the Return of the of life because like we have JD coming back we

Have mesty VY coming back we have MC Lego man having to watch his back like there’s a bunch of exciting things going around in the community real freaking Europe S&P just being like Europe SMP or Terra SMP to Europe however however you wish to call it hold up are you

Europe hold up I’m telling you invite I’m sending you an invite Here and Now why are you inviting me to Europe SMP I won’t be in Europe for another like 6 months well that’s a cur issue if I’ve ever heard one a quill issue you should Crill yourself oh my

God freaking like this has served right as the what’s it called like this has been the in between this has been like the in between fractured seasons for a lot of us I feel like this is the excuse we needed get together again what the [ __ ] hold up you’re you’re getting

Invited to this wait is it I can actually physically go to like a server there you go wait I can join the I can join the Minecraft server I mean snow has let me invite people every single time I’ve asked and like they’re like yeah I’m fine with

More people wait but snow is like someone I bullied they might not like me I mean you’ll find out I guess I don’t think they dislike let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see I’m going to start Happ in chat looks like you couldn’t wait I’m going to say I’m going

To do like the whole effect of my phone looks like you couldn’t make it to my show so I brought the show to [Laughter] you looks like you couldn’t make it to my show to you you it’s all it’s all play playing it’s all over the place okay okay corn

Moment corn is Steen far too much they’re too tired for this [ __ ] snow I have no DMS with snow I mean then they’re probably F they they opened it up with high they opened it up with high you didn’t just get kicked if they know who

You are so like I think you’re fine I think you’re fine to play why is Majesty _ V me when exist why is why doesn’t Majesty underscore V exists as like a person in Minecraft is there any real is there any true way of knowing that’s what I’m

Saying let me check let me check feather clamp looks like you’re going to make it to my show so I brought the show to you you should join pix’s Nation because he needs people okay why is Majesty ver not working is that account like broken or

Something what do you mean or are you using the launcher are you using like the base launcher or is it a special one it’s the feather launcher and uh they can’t Whit less Majesty ver which is my [ __ ] name That’s My Name What’s me wait they can’t whitelist it they can’t whitelist hold

Up what is wrong here name I’m cord cner D Denny you can say you if you can’t join you can say you’ve been banned from Europe I’ve been banned from Europe oh my God I’ve been banned from Europe Cornelius Cornelius Denny yeah know it’s it’s Majesty VY that’s the right

Name okay let me see is there anything else good St console hello good St console hello like it’s I’m sorry for nonexisting I’ll try to fix my myself wait w you’re you came in to save the day if you can’t join then you then you can say

You’ve been banned from Europe it says VAR VAR Majesty FY wants to speak to you but to summon them you need to say something that you want them to say out loud with full energy to summon them you need to give them the funny digits on the back of theit card yeah exactly

6925 go ahead and get this in we’ve almost finished filling in this massive ass crater finally finally I’m going to have a nice view from the front of my freaking house I need to cut back on the swear word I can’t be Christ on a stick real get him on that

Kebab GCC makes a wonderful Kebab looks like you couldn’t make it to my sh so made where’s gun Fox I miss gun all right attacking into the main frame to the foxes the sunglasses looks just keep glancing back at the Europe chat and like things get progressively more chaotic and it’s

Wonderful also I’m just not registering welcome back fluffy welcome back oh this up do you know I got engaged h I got engaged to my girlfriend oh nice she’s GTH hey y I had Doros in my mouth when you said guess what guess what what what happened chicken but

Who I I was not expecting that one and be honest like looks like you could make it to my show so I I have to bring the show to you [ __ ] did it again what is going on figment I’m a phantom a mystery can you Whit list a uu ID I

Wonder that leaves me nothing a what id a uu ID what is a uu ID so like every player has a uu ID attached that oh uu ID of course I What U ID yeah it’s just it’s it’s an identification number and letter tag thing for each

Player and so part of me wonders if like maybe they could try to whitelist that Whit list add Majesty veryy looks like you couldn’t make it to my show so I’m about to show you yeah okay Lego immediately then says you can’t whitel list it with the Command you can add the man ually to the whist Json we are getting you into here all right we just got to wait for all this grass to grow and then honestly like we’ve done it we finally finally finished cleaning things up I’m going to go ahead and get rid of

These logs that are living their best life I hate trees e Forest too much it’s mainly for the sake of being able to see all the terrain that I have to fix one day I’m going to add all the trees back I’m going to plant new ones

But that day is not until done I may be a hacker but at least I’m not European but at least I’m not European but at least I’m not OP but at least they don’t have smokers long God damn all right hey that’s what I secure about oh I’m sorry really I’m not really

I’m just like my voice no actually I I’ll elaborate on that I’m not actually insecure about that uh but having my tunil removed made me sound like a [ __ ] 90-year-old smoker when I was 10 years old that’s why I have a deep voice my toils were removed and then a bit of

Testosterone was injected in my veins like really after when inject Remnant into an animatronic and then from there I’m not [ __ ] kidding you in this case from there literally me being sexualized made my body make my voice deeper as a defense mechanism so growing up 11 12 13 people

Like oh my God your voice is so deep are you like 21 or something uh it would always make me like age like year older because my body would recognize um would recognize that I’m in danger and then it would make the problem worse because my

Body is Bor than suicidal so wait wrong version the [ __ ] so yeah that’s that’s why I sound like a smoker thank you also thank you MC like man for solving the problem from oh it’s literally okay snog has apparently added it I’m looking at that

So are you let me know if you’re able to get on then I’m getting on so I can I need something to do is there anything else I can do I mean I recommend joining PX pix’s faction but I think we’ve lost them to Skyrim for the day I saw the

Steam notification pop up right well honestly I might just switch over to Europe for the rest of the stream well I’m talking about in general like is is there something else I can do to get myself back into here I’ve not made content in a long

Time so wait what do you mean what are you saying can I join something to to to destroy it and let’s see here I’m checking things right don’t really have authority there you’re already in you’re already in the one for ether’s light which me and PX

Are going to start working on again now that I’m at the dorm okay good um swag I will create swag and I’ll play swag honestly aside from like one project which they’ve explicitly like said they’re only adding a few people to I got a one of the rare invites and it’s all of

Like 11 people in there and I think that’s all they’re having outside of that you’re in like all the things that I am right now what I can tell off first glance and realistically the only thing that I’m actively doing right now is Europe because ether’s light is a work

In progress fractured is a work in progress on a large time scale and I actually don’t think I’m in anything past that aside from the one I mentioned well I’m stupid so I want to do things that’s fair I like doing things too that’s a general rule of thumb magx is here zombie

To I’m so happy no like you see what I said when I was like this is basically our in between fractured at this point Bary is here good old FY canonically dead how have I not been like I don’t know how you slip through the cracks on that one I’m going to be

Perfectly honest no not that no one gave it no one giv a [ __ ] about meid like judge um and you uh but like how am I not like Infamous in this community how has this community stayed consistent in my life like it feels like I’ve been in this for too

Long people should Hate Me by now like I’m feels like a sanctuary generally speaking like the the community surounding it good point I’m here coming out of like Coy craft which just fell apart after EG fell apart because it had a pedophile for an owner stressing out some of the most

Important members of cozy and causing them to like stop streaming altoe just everything fell apart from there I go into fractured and it’s like wonderful and I hear that crypted has been going through some rough times like judge has been taking in people from there like mans has made a sanctuary

Yeah judg is the goat this is one thing I’m really proud of from earlier I just like terraform this ugly little thing to like a full on like little outcrop with like a Cove inside of it surrounded by water and once water physics start physicing I’m going to have like a waterfall coming

Down from there it’s going to be great okay I want to make like this th area Like a Pirate Cove looking thing right like you know like the I need to cover that up hold up this is is I forgot my so I should show you what

Happened you it looks like show you can attend you know so I B it to you oh I didn’t realize what you were saying looks like you show come show show show me on the show okay you people are in my way Jesus Christ this is getting absurd

Okay this is cool I actually have something for once that I I can do and that makes me want to do like a pure Majesty VY approached to those hey Majesty VY takes up build Rosen kind of thing you know I I want to make a statement like I always do

Looks like I could show my wife join can my wife join can my wife join can my wife join can my wife join can my wife join can my wife join come I wife join can my wife join come I wife join I wife ask SAR ask ask SAR they’re the one

In charge you are my friend now I have invited people that I know right yeah I I don’t if I know this person I don’t remember no offense but you know how bad my memory is in that department wife you I never introduced you to my wife I said

If I do right yeah if you have silly goer you’re a silly goober the first thing I spotted by the way the first thing I spot I looked at left and I see a poppy and I pick it up and there’s the the only poppy here like recently farky has stepped

Down as leader of the tradire which is the most power powerful Nation I’m going to be running for president of the tradire so that’s going to be fun and by step down as leader I mean uh he committed a murder suicide by blowing up a Gregs sounds like the most Sparky ass

Thing to do yeah no that’s a that’s a takeway reference and a half isn’t it Greg always wins yeah okay so Prussia the blue quarky chapy is in like Denmark Chernobyl oh he’s a little [ __ ] up actually by okay so Chad is actually like in the very south of the place it’s

Just we own Denmark right like we’ve colonized oh I see I see yeah okay where is where does Judge live oh judge is a member of the Chad fire as well no wonder lamb like joined it makes sense oh yeah Wonder lamb like joined it lamb like joined it but lamb like very

Much seems to have their own plans in terms of at some point they are going to say No More Mr Nice Guy and just Slaughter the entire population sounds like like at some point we are all going to have to fear for our lives and frankly I’ve been preparing for it

And maybe at some point me and judge will discuss and see if we can show you that area frankly it’s actually kind of sick yeah do that what is wrong with you people thank you I think you drowned I think that’s why you finally stopped going your okay so I’m going to I’m

Going to befriend the owner and then invite my wife later um when whenever LM like decides to do their Killing Spree I would love to see how uh what what are you aing [Laughter] About okay now the inside of this little Cove area is done I’m very proud of this like this area just like looks really pretty this whole segment right here I could do with like adding like some palm trees on the side or like attempting to create palm trees make it like a Beach

Area with sand okay these people have their hit box in their feet and that’s their entire hit box when they are walking in the water they will drown and it’s so goofy cuz like you’re constantly hearing them in pain cuz they’re they always just drowning and there’s not Jack they can do about

It holy [ __ ] okay the demons have entered and exited my body I Hope they’ve exited that felt like they exited holy [ __ ] I no I was trying not to swear as much but Christ on a stick that that was painful that hurt holy [ __ ] okay in Minecraft lungs are canonically

In the feet exactly this is established Canon like what are you going to do about it right let me see Here oh oh Val’s going gone now realizing rip thought they were being quiet okay now what do we want to do here right we’ve gone ahead cleaned up the front of the house now I can like stand at the entryway and just look out into the distance and it just looks like

Minecraft right everything’s pretty we’ll probably want to go ahead and like build some trees I’m feeling a bug in an old mod I made oh what was that what Happened things are coming along those Towers they’ve been just kind of sitting there like marinating not too much they can do about that I’m satisfied with the terraforming work so I got to think what do I want to do for the rest of the day what is what is my

Intent I’m happy with like the terraforming work that I’ve done things over there look pretty enough and like at some point I can go ahead and like improve everything else I’ll do some of that like while I’m standing around here hold up yeah just like hitting the different

Areas as I go making everything a bit more a bit more smooth a bit less just completely chaotic cuz like while the generation does have a little bit of a charm to it like I do I don’t hate it it’s just ugly it just doesn’t look good it look bad look

Jank kind of sus on card hello who goes there it’sa it took me a moment to like register the voice I’m sorry I’m I’m running okay I’ve been streaming for six hours oh holy [ __ ] dude I’m losing it I’m gone understandable that a spoon in me

Mouth oh yeah I’m doing a stream until midnight which is two more hours for oh two more oh because I’m Missourian because I’ve not streamed in like a month right like ah fair fair yeah cuz I was like on the break I could have sworn there was an

Entire tree here when I started like ter forming this bit so I’m Justus get rid of that you’re delusional I’m streaming on my survival world which is quite quite fun quite happy nice ni face I’ve been doing mainly just terraforming today making the world not look like [ __ ]

Because when you take Minecraft plastic terrain and merge it with Minecraft inev terrain because that was the way you had to transfer the world forward for any of the new stuff to appear then you get some really wacky yeah you things look suspicious things look Jank and so I’ve been terraforming

Making things look pretty and I’ve just been spending this entire stream doing that all on my survival world I’ve considered switching over to Europe at some point oh I’m not sure what brings you here how is we you can’t un stream because we’re you know well no see at that point I just

Like make sure I’m hiding the screen and make sure I’m not doing what I’m doing right yeah um to leave early huh work was okay I had to leave early had to or got to had to I wasn’t feeling well that’s fair yeah I had a little bit of the

Asthma going on so they like oh home well that would do it plus they had way too many people scheduled for a Sunday night no yeah Sunday night at an Olive Garden mhm yeah well I mean like they do have a night church crowd but like it’s

Nowhere compared to this morning I made like 100 bucks in four hours nice that’s not bad no not at all that’s 25 an hour yeah [ __ ] yeah good for you so what are you up to right now I’m actually was about to hop on Europe okay I think I’ll finish off these bits

Of terraforming that I’m just doing randomly and then I think I’m going to switch over to Europe because as much as I love getting progress done on here like cuz I own every okay right this world I have pledged to only ever play it while I’m streaming right ah

Because I’m doing a lot of Jank things that basically as proof if some person ever comes along and says I can’t believe you’re hacking I mean how else could you get all that Bedrock every second of my stream mhm like every second of this world has been stream so

Yeah no no one can say that I’ve hacked the argument could be made with like when I transferred the world up to indev that that’s about it that external tools there’s the only argument to be had there but other than that like any other transfers of Worlds

That I have to do I’m not inventory editing I’m using glitches and I like glitching so I have no complaint I like when [ __ ] breaks let’s see where’s St uh I think judge is playing RuneScape I dm’ him a little bit earlier actually OMG Jester is hacking

Slj I don’t know what okay I saw the slash J I didn’t need to do that that was uncalled for I’m sorry that was mean no that was perfect nope it was perfect that beautiful I have a wonderful Bo noise zap you do have a very nice voice

Thank you thank you thank you okay welcome it’s like soothing in like that talk show radio host kind of way you know fair enough yeah a track that’d be a fun thing to do wouldn’t it let’s see I have been doing this for years I have been at the grind for like

4 years and I stagnated on Twitch but I’m here now I’m back on YouTube I started on YouTube oh did you okay yeah I started on YouTube moved over to Twitch CU like all my friends from EG were on there it’s like puff Connor those people

And I had of falling out with most of them by falling out just slow drift apart right yeah so like I’m not attached to the platform too much anymore and while a lot of people from fractured are on there I also really did not like the new things that twitch were

Like trying to push right yeah they’re a little iffy at best of times I jumped ship like a week before they added a fee to cancel affiliate what mhm unless they’ve walked that back then no that’s the thing there’s a Jesus like I canceled affiliate as well

So that was a good call like in case they changed something in there that was like no technically you’re actually required to stream on Twitch not YouTube like I I’m not having any of that H right yeah and I know that legally as well they can’t actually do that right

Or they can’t enforce it if you don’t agree to it right mhm so if they update something like that’s why you have to like read the updated terms and go through the whole agree thing because legally they have to do that right now they force you to do it because

Otherwise you just can’t use the thing until you agree to it but case in point if I’m not actively using the thing then it really doesn’t affect me right let’s see here judge had done similar a bit earlier so we’re both chilling on the same platform unable to raate each other because

YouTube doesn’t really have that for people past or no you have to be like I think at a thousand Subs to like do a redirect on YouTube or was some Jank requirement like that I don’t know if they’ve made it more available you also can’t do it via command like you can on

Twitch oh oh yeah so like it’s it yeah YouTube I don’t like as much in some regards I’m going be perfectly honest but generally I’ve been growing at like a better rate and like it’s not actively pushing as many stupid decisions as twitch at least in regards to my own

Devices let’s put the link in chat it only brings active viewers but yeah it’s nice being able to just toss them grind this out crying I hate the stone thing oh yeah no fair I mean you can always just go mine Stone and bring it

There do you so I’m not going to get lost on my way back or way too no you’re in there’s it’s pinned cords are pinned I don’t know how to follow cords Z blink blink don’t you blink blink me that Mak I Su at following cords rip

Like I have to remember that like just because I’m good with modding and with cords and with the more technical Parts at times what everybody is I’m horrible at it like legally just got off Planet rip yeah uh that here and they like that little Cliff

Face over there so I’m not messing with it all right I don’t know if I want to go till midnight I’m going to be honest like I I said that early on we are a was in right mhm yeah we are 6 hours in that’s a come back

Stream huh that’s a good size of all like coming back stream yeah I think that’s I think that’s fair enough I think that’s fair enough are you ending it there I think I’m going to I think I’m do for viewers plans Mah midnight was a fun goal but I’ve gotten

The stuff I wanted to done and and frankly like I’ve been keeping myself to a schedule with this world as well like I I do it every Sunday oh okay for the sake of like preventing any potential burnout and it’s wored wonders right I’m sure like yeah only touching this once a

Week makes it like something I actually look forward to I accidentally hit network instead of the proper thing please let me hit PC please let me save my game okay that just closed out of that forcibly that’s good now I can save my game the okay I have to manually save

The world because Autos saving hasn’t been added yet like this world is currently on if I check the version number uh IND of Oh’s all that 0130 what’s all what stuff is that Beast Boy oh yeah these guys uh this is Steve black Steve and Beast Boy oh

Why uh Notch was letting one of the developers like mess around with like adding this format of models into the game I think oh like these were never intended to be permanent but currently no actual things spawn aside from these guys H but yeah we’re going to go ahead come

Into the house which is being invaded by Steves all over the place head upstairs oh this is my house we have a piece of bedrock in my House because I can get away with that all right we’re saving in here actually cuz I want to start here next time all right MC launchers beta craft beta craft wander MC level save okay thank you all so much for watching my bones want to evaporate you ever just have bones and

Then you think to yourself what if I didn’t have bones mhm and then you didn’t have bones that’s how I’m feeling right now anyways thank you all for watching I will be seeing you guys next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wander Ep. 22 – in20100130 – Vacation’t’, was uploaded by Phantazap on 2024-01-08 04:36:27. It has garnered 37 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 06:14:15 or 22455 seconds.

I am return to the land of the living, greetings civilians.

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    Windshear NetworkDo you love Minecraft? Come and play on the Windshear Network! There is so much to do! Economy, Lands Protection, McMMO, Slimefun and much more! We are looking for ways to make our network better. We are run by Player’s for Player’s. Play on Bedrock? Sure! You can join with the same IP but use port 9392 Not sure if it’s for you? Come give us a chance, get to know what we offer and have a little play. If you don’t like it, no hard feelings, although we would appreciate some feedback if it’s not for you. play.windshear.network Read More

  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java – 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

    Welcome to Foggy Willows Foggy Willows offers a simple, vanilla Minecraft experience unlike most servers. We prioritize simplicity with no plugins or datapacks. Our server runs on the latest stable vanilla jar and is hosted on high-spec fiber optic servers. There is no world border, plugins, tp/sethome, and we play in hard mode. Players are encouraged to sort out their own social issues and play how they want. Join our small community of normal players and help us expand. Key Features: Latest stable vanilla jar Dedicated high spec host on fiber optic No world border No plugins No tp/sethome Hard… Read More

  • Distant Horizons

    Distant HorizonsDistant Horizons: A classic Towny Community with frequent events and minigames!Check out our Discord for more! discord.com/invite/GpGyDeHb8j Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Okay grandma, I’ll build my own damn village”

    It’s like grandma is trying to understand Minecraft, but she’s stuck in a different dimension where memes have scores! Read More

  • Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure!

    Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Save Eggman, the challenge is set, In a world of blocks, where fun is met. Join the adventure, with humor and glee, As Cube Xuan crafts a world for you and me. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In a world of Eggman, joy is found. Subscribe to the channel, for daily delight, With MC animations that shine so bright. Cube Xuan’s world, a place to be, Where happiness flows, for you and me. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, In Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 🔥

    Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 🔥 “Saving laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 is like being the superhero of slow internet connections. I am the hero they never knew they needed!” Read More

  • Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo

    Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo The Mysterious World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where two friends find themselves in a dangerous predicament after accepting an illegal job to cover their expenses. As they navigate through a forest teeming with monsters, their survival skills are put to the ultimate test. A World of Endless Possibilities Step into the blocky realm of Minecraft, a sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a procedurally generated world. With no specific goals to accomplish, the game offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. Surviving the Unknown As… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you tired of dealing with technical issues while trying to download or install Minecraft Launcher from the Microsoft Store? Look no further! We have a solution for you. While watching the video on “How to Fix Minecraft Launcher Not Downloading or Installing Microsoft Store,” you might have realized the frustration that comes with encountering such problems. But fear not, we have a welcoming and thriving community waiting for you at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience a seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience without any technical hurdles. Our server IP is… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks!

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks! Minecraft Bedroom Build Hacks & Design Ideas Are you looking to spruce up your Minecraft bedroom with some creative build hacks and design ideas? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore five unique bedroom build hacks that will take your virtual living space to the next level. Let’s dive in! Japanese Bed One of the featured build hacks is the Japanese bed. This elegant and minimalist design adds a touch of sophistication to any bedroom. With its clean lines and calming aesthetic, the Japanese bed is a perfect choice for those looking to create a serene atmosphere in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!

    Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rebuilding A PERFECT FNAF Pizzeria In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jollie on 2024-05-13 21:43:16. It has garnered 1387 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Read More

  • Exploring my first abandoned mine in Minecraft

    Exploring my first abandoned mine in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine’, was uploaded by Morpheus ASMR Gaming on 2024-04-21 15:11:27. It has garnered 21752 views and 823 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:06 or 7206 seconds. ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine You can help support this channel by subscribing. Thank you Donate via Paypal https://paypal.me/MorpheusASMR Amazon USA https://amzn.to/3V8EUmh Amazon Canada https://amzn.to/2Nbnu3m Amazon UK https://amzn.to/2EgKOtS Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle – Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchy

    🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle - Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchyVideo Information This video, titled ‘FireBallFight на RuHypixel 😱 #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #anarchy #анархия #сервер’, was uploaded by Чиз on 2024-03-23 18:27:13. It has garnered 882 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. ̶М̶О̶Й̶ ̶С̶Е̶Р̶В̶Е̶Р̶ 🌞IP: mc.sunnybeach.fun 🪅Version: 1.16.4-1.19.4 —————————— ———— VK: https://vk.com/savchikvyacheslav DONATE: donationalerts.com/r/cheesechill —————————————– – 📫Advertising and cooperation – [email protected] Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TADC Addon by @TELUR-Man’, was uploaded by Skyrider on 2024-05-13 11:05:15. It has garnered 2481 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Please Like, share these video & subscribe my channel…! ————————————————————————————————- Minecraft, minecraft game, play Minecraft, minecraft tutorial, minecraft tips, minecraft mod, minecraft server, minecraft seed, minecraft skin, minecraft map, minecraft meme, minecraft animation, minecraft machinima, minecraft youtuber, how to play Minecraft, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft mod tutorial, minecraft server, tutorial, minecraft survival, hardcore Minecraft, minecraft let’s play, minecraft adventure, minecraft creative, minecraft builds, minecraft… Read More

  • PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥

    PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Smooth Part 2 🗿🤯🔥 #minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit #sick’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-17 11:16:05. It has garnered 182 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!

    Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[GIVEAWAY] Minecraft Marketplace Pass!’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2024-04-05 14:08:03. It has garnered 176 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:30 or 6630 seconds. You can have an entire month FREE! I am giving away a code for a subscription to @minecraft Marketplace Pass. 🎉 General Instructions on How to Enter: 1. You need to have Minecraft Bedrock. 2. Be in the chatbox for the bot to see you when the givaway starts 3. Have a twitter or discord account so I can send you the code 4. Play… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralart

    Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Profile Pixel Art 😍 (My Fan Comment) #shorts #ytshorts #viral #shortsviral #viralshorts #art’, was uploaded by Itz Warden YT on 2024-01-08 17:24:28. It has garnered 2369 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Epic Profile Pixel Art of my fan 😍 Sub to my 2nd channel @ItzWardenYT_2.O #shorts #minecraft #video #pixelart #newvideo #epic #viral #gaming #gameplay #fan #fancomment #logo #logoart #viralvideo #art #trending #trendingshorts #subscribe #sub #like #likes #share #hypixel #itzWardenYT #ytshorts #shortsviral #viralshorts #viralvideo Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱

    Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 8 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-11 14:00:16. It has garnered 5766 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!

    INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed’, was uploaded by NATION_GAMING on 2024-03-16 14:23:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed. Read More

  • Frank_INC

    smp server survival greek and english friendly server with shop and trades frank-inc o ο καινουργιος κοσμος που εχει οπως και δηποτε την ευκερια να δοκιμασεις και να ενωθεις μαζι μας για νεες περιπετειες frank_inc.apexmc.co:25594 Read More

  • VanillaPlus – Vanilla Whitelist Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.4 – Bedrock Support Welcome to VanillaPlus, a whitelisted vanilla SMP community focused on pure vanilla gameplay. Join us on the latest version of Minecraft (1.20.4) for an enhanced experience with texture packs, data packs, and crafting tweaks. To join, first connect with us on Discord at https://discord.gg/uuTfJydwTs. Then, join with play.vanillaplus.uk to receive a code to DM our Discord bot. All players are welcome to join us in building, farming, and trading at spawn. We’ve recently added support for bedrock and account linking. Come join the fun on VanillaPlus! Check us out on Planet Minecraft:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Nowhere Safe

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes Nowhere SafeLooks like we’ll have to start a new social media platform just for Minecraft memes! Maybe we’ll call it MineBook or CreeperGram. Read More

  • Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live!

    Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live! In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, Bedrock Edition on PC, shining bright. Activate Xbox Live, with all your might, Let the gaming adventures ignite. Download the trial, start the quest, Solve errors, be the best. Unlock the game, pass the test, Activate Xbox Live, join the rest. Testing Minecraft, see it unfold, End of the journey, stories told. For more gaming content, be bold, Subscribe, share, let the tales be retold. Read More

  • POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS)

    POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS) POV: Me trying to save the laggy dog in Minecraft but ending up accidentally punching it instead #fail #minecraftstruggles Read More