EPIC MINECRAFT VODS!! Every Note, Type-y Type-y Words!! 11/15/23

Video Information

Geeki what’s up [ __ ] how’s a god how’s it hanging hey y’all it’s stre night hi skull hi geeky hello hi thank you for the hydrate and the posture check and here’s here’s here’s your here’s your freaking Sayo here’s here’s your Sayo where’s my Sayo

Wait a minute I I set to VC face instead of venon I might be set to VC face instead of [Laughter] venon V there we go now we’re in the correct with position that’s not what I meant okay hi Ryon you’re not new hi geeky you’re not new hello hi hey how’s

It going hi thank you for the head py Toni how’s how’s how how’s everybody doing how’s it hanging how’s it going what’s up you guys ready for stream today they TI exactly invent St say swear words you swear censor my hentai uh I would sensor your hentai I’m

Going to censor your hentai I’m I’m going to censor all of your hentai now this is this is what you get for say soing me at the start of my stream for every time I get say soed at the start of the stream I’m going to go censor a

Hentai just just you know so so so you’re so you’re be warned that every time I get say soed so does a [Laughter] hentai oh steal your sweater you can’t it that that’s illegal it doesn’t bother me at actually yeah I bet it doesn’t I bet it

Doesn’t but but but but but all right guys it is Wednesday which means it is Project night which means it is time to do the typy type and the wordy words with the wordy words and the and the words and the writing and the stuff are

You guys do the ready to do the writing and the stuff and what the words and the typy type we got that’s what we’re going to do today so here’s the plan here is the plan for this stream we are going to do the typy types and we’re not going to

Do it on the screen I don’t know why I turned that on but okay so here’s the plan right uh normally in place of like just a 15 minute Sprint here in there what we’re going to do because I I I can’t I I’m I’m whatever ever I’m whatever on Nano

This year I’m so I’m so like behind at this point that there’s no way I’m making it this year you have a plan I know right it’s baffling it’s baffling when I have a plan but I have a plan because we were talking about it in the Discord earlier

So I’m like o that’s an idea but no so what here’s what we’re going to do so the first hour of stream our usual uh writing hour of stream I’m going to be playing a game right and it was a joke this year it’s not a joke

It’s just I I’m so busy I am so insanely busy right now with like everything that’s going on that I just have not had the time nor energy to deal with Nano like honestly like not going to lie every single year I kind of have this issue and that November is literally the

Worst possible month for something like this because it’s right in between Halloween and F freaking uh Christmas it’s uh like there’s so much going on at the end of the year that I am just constantly perpetually busy and November is one of the busiest months because mostly because I’m prepping for

Christmas like that is prep for Christmas month and that is a busy busy busy busy busy month especially as a streamer with how big my thank Miss stream is and all that there’s so much going on that Nano is really hard to do like really hard to do uh and then

Like you add all of my extra stuff that I’m doing this year with the models which I have made a decent considerable progress on those models uh we’re I’m finally finally finally at long last out of the blender section of working on the models and I started doing the textures yesterday and

The unity work and oh my God you guys it’s going so much faster already which is good because we’re already at the middle of the month which means I have two and a half weeks I have two and a half weeks until thank Miss oh I have

Two and a half weeks till thank Miss oh dear God uh oh boy okay yeah so I’m glad that that’s starting to go faster because I need it to go a lot faster I I need I need I need that to be done I need I need that

To be done because I have to start actually putting stuff together for thank M holy crap it’s is almost on my bday dang uh so yeah the just the Nano has not been going well this year uh so what I’m going to do instead cuz I know

You got a lot of you guys are are working on it uh so I had the idea of instead of writing Sprints and just talking about stuff and what have you and whatnot what I would do instead is play this game like it’s a super cozy kind of just Little typewriter game it’s

A typing game and um so I we could use that like as kind of background keyboard ASMR kind of thing and you guys can work on writing so it’ll be it’ll be it’ll be work stream for you guys while I just play the typing game essentially because

I honestly even if I wanted to work on uh my novel it’s kind of really hard to work on stream not writing well whatever you guys are working on it’ll just be sort of like a background noise kind of thing for the first hour or so not ASMR it’s just

Typewriter when I say typ when I say ASMR I mostly mean me clacking on my keyboard and that I’m not going to be talking much I’m going to call it it ASMR so that it sounds less boring but for the most part it’s just going to be me clacking on a

Keyboard and uh you guys getting some work done to some nice groovy calming chill music and then after that because the game is apparently very very short it’s only like an hour long and I imagine a lot of that is probably determined by your typing speed and uh

Last time I did a test I had like 84 words per minute so we’ll see how long it actually is um but I fig we could just kind of use that as like a background noise for a little bit of an hour an hour or so of work and then once

It’s once that’s done we’ll play some Minecraft because I have been consumed by by by building a house I want I want to I want to fix our house like so right so we found a bunch of stuff already you too yes oh my God

Yes so like we’ve done a lot of stuff that I wanted to do with the house already like collecting stuff and finding stuff and building the map and all that so now I kind of want to like make the house look nicer and so what I been thinking what I was thinking of

Doing is looking at some inspiration picks loading up a creative world building a house and like designing it so that like we kind of know what we’re working towards and then going into the survival world and building it out from there but I figured we’d start in like a

Creative world and see just kind of like what we want to do rather than you know I fig that’ll probably be easier than trying to build it as like we’re designing it in the creative world or in the survival world so that way I kind of

Have a game plan of what I need to do in the survival world so yeah next year I’m writing Nano and Minecraft books oh my God that’d be hilarious but yeah yeah so that’s I think that I think that’s going to be the general game plan for tonight

Is a little bit of writing and then a lot of building all right sound good to you guys that sounds great to me so um that said uh this game technically can do that you technically can yeah it’s I don’t recommend it but you can uh also I need my glasses because my

Eyeballs are not feel are not not doing great today and if I’m going to be doing writing stuff I need to be able to actually see so oh these are very dirty I need to clean these first um but so this game is just a quick free little game from Steam but

The problem is that it’s full screen only uh so I have set up my drawing tablet as kind of like a second Monitor and I’m going to have OBS open on that otherwise I’m not going to be able to keep track of ch CH but it will be in

A small screen off to the side so if I miss some messages uh I’m sorry but I will try to keep track of it using the book and quill for potion notes that’s a good idea actually I’ve always wanted to kind of like write some kind of secret book or novel or like

Secret journal or something in a Minecraft book and then leave it for somewhere somewhere to for someone to find uh but that would also require you know playing with other people which I want to do at some point but currently I do not maybe I’ll see if like maybe I’ll

See if I like some friends who have servers will let me play with them and then I can leave them notes around the place shall be a secret it is it shall it shall indeed be a secret binging uh we have one more minute one one minute and then I can be

Free a secret to everyone it is uh okay let’s pop on over here get that set up okay so let’s move obs over to my other screen it’s so small it’s so small okay I’m going to move chat to this side uh Chad I need you to be on this

Side what why you not why you not what why but why but chat be bew I need you to to be chat be where I need you to be chat okay there’s that um there’s that and then there’s that okay there we go you’re so small chat you’re so small you’re like

Itty bitty like tiny tiny and off to the side so small look at you so small you I that’s what she said it is it is what she said oh my minute is up would you know what that means you know what that means guys jit [ __ ] cut

Dicks how dare you say so me at the start ofite we achieved cute you have achieved cute you have indeed achieved cute [ __ ] [ __ ] cut dick thank you skull thank you okay let’s get that started up and ah everything is so small I can’t even like see my buttons uh

Game oh my God it’s still on app audio uh I need this one and it needs to be there it goes okay there’s that very close to affiliate hey yo [ __ ] yeah okay there’s that and I need to make it smaller it’s so hard to manage this on such an itty bitty screen

Like my tablet is not small for a tablet but it sure is small for a monitor there we go Okay hey there we go you get them soon good luck good luck I Believe In You skull you got this uh okay so the game that we are playing is called every letter it’s apparently a very short little uh typing game I’m not 100% sure what

All what exactly it is but it’s it’s it’s apparently very small very quick and very chill it’s very it’s a very it’s a very chill game or so I’ve heard so let us begin and you guys could get some work done while this is running in the background

Josh you must be the new letter writer please come in no your desk is in the back here with the other two letter writers uh-huh heang I’m just stretching my hands out it’s very important to stretch your hands out before sitting down to do anything the back in the

Back you know where it’s nice and quiet and people don’t bother you I love the back of the room okay there we go any aren’t available on iPads sag sag indeed anyway welcome to every letter my name is Olivia fields and I’m the one that started this little shop people

From all over town come to us with requests they need written and it is our job to understand those messages and feelings and turn them into letters if you’re ready let’s write your name write you a name tag so you can start typewriter this is your typewriter

Simply type to write on the page but take your time since the ink doesn’t erase wait what oh wa I guess it is a typewriter isn’t it when you’re ready for a new line flip the release lever on your left once you finished your with

Your name tag just use a knob on the right to take the paper out okay okay so it like full on doesn’t erase like a typewriter good to know excellent and congratulations you are now an official employee of every letter as clients visit us I talk to

Them and transcribe what they want in the letter and then I pass those requests onto you to choose from all sorts of people pass through here so these requests could be anything just do your best to understand the sender’s thoughts and try to put them into words

Ooh are be writing on behalf of the sender to the recipient of their choice don’t worry about matching their voice just remember to write from their perspective as for the letter itself I recommend having a salutation at the start and the complimentary close uhhuh plus a main body writing is a creative

Endeavor so do what best works best for you tried EP a story I have not let’s get you some requests check them all and choose what you would like to write okay uh what do we got uh sender in just Jess recipient Jessica or Jess

My pen pal and I are having a joke contest and no way am I losing so write her a couple jokes that’ll make her laugh so hard she falls off her chair ooh okay funny uh Professor Goodwin to Dr mcleen I need a letter to Dr mcle quickly now

Her predictions were correct I’ve gathered four samples and all sorts of measurements I’m meeting her blah blah blah blah blah uhhuh uh Marco to Dad Dad took a day off work because I was sick he stayed home and we played board games is better than school can you write him a thank you

Letter ooh let’s start out with some jokes wait I just get to completely write it like 100% H interesting like these are going to get heavy by the end oh yeah you know reading I read a couple of the um uh Steam Reviews and it did say that it got

Kind of heavy towards the end but all right uh who am I writing to again Jess okay I need some good Jess jokes for Jess uh greetings Jessica I ever guarden the game back to work for Ry OB all right have a good one Ryon good luck with good luck with

Work uh wait this this just lets me type anything hang on it does oh no oh no this is too much power uh there some of your legendary dad jokes out there I’m absolutely sending some legendary dad jokes hey Jessica what do you call uh Wait uh uh uh I I have just completely lost all of my [ __ ] all of my dad jokes every single one of them is just gone uh uh uh [ __ ] no all of my dad jokes are gone you restart you can’t I don’t know I don’t think so you can’t backspace so

No do I still have some of my dad jokes written down uh like a new paper I don’t think so I think as soon as you I think as soon as you like pull it out then it’s done uh give me a minute I got I’ve got jokes I I swear I’ve got

Jokes okay what do you call an eie with a wait French Stone uh [Laughter] Napoleon hey Jessica why aren’t their Corners in an ice rink wait that’s not the joke hang on [ __ ] I [ __ ] up that joke uh cuz 90° would melt God damn it there’s two L the ice God damn it Uh going swimmingly it really is did you hear about Pixar’s new frame rule it’s rule 34 a I’m just trying to imagine [ __ ] like telling these stupid jokes to my friend and like their reaction on her [ __ ] face to them what were some of the best jokes I told back in high school

Uh Uh hey Jessica do you have [ __ ] a pickaxe [ __ ] pickaxe I need an ice breaker these are so dumb that be the reaction yeah probably something like that I didn’t mean to type an O but uh got to your pen pal bestie R [Laughter] beautiful after you write a letter I’ll

Proofread it so don’t worry about spelling errors or forgetting a word as you write oh good try to keep Ming forward and don’t get lost in the details focus on the creative choices in your letter instead what emotions does this client want to express how can you communicate that to the recipient it’s

Not easy to write a letter but if you know the goal of the letter and have an idea what uhhuh all right what do we got this time Bill out of Freedom my da daughter asked for a bedtime story each night so I pretend I’m the magic store story

Weeble for and I tell her I’m leaving for business I’m A Creative Rec uh angel said she’d sneak us in for me I’m your coworker Lonnie and I need a letter to our boss they’ve taken great care blah blah uh I wanted to dite my high school

See I was do I didn’t know where to start how we been type letter maybe ask for a breeze chicken recipe he used to cook us I miss that guy thanks for helping me out you know what in the spirit of Nano we’re going to write the adventure story okay recipient is

Freda something cute and adventurous okay I got this I so hes My Goats got this to the Advent [ __ ] venturer Freda let me tell you God damn it you a tale of Adventure and Magic the likes of which you’ve never [ __ ] heard before there was once a small child who uh had

A MAG magic chicken that could conjure green beans that’s not how you spell beans she took this chicken with her everywhere and constantly SN not stacked snacked on the beans it made for a great snack but then one day the chicken that’s not how you spelled chicken the chicken

I don’t know what a chickney is but it’s a chicky now R [ __ ] there’s supposed to be a space there ran away for [ __ ] from home and she no longer had green beans God damn it why do I keep it was a terrible time and she was most sad about [Laughter]

This turn of events she went to the nearby Kingdom kingsom to find her Chicken but when she arrived at the Kingdom she discovered that her Chien was actually God damn it actually the princess of the kingdom of green bean and she was just escaping her green bean prophecy prophecy to become Queen but then they lived happily ever after the End dearest Willow mom ta Stretch your back or get some water if you need to I’ll wait you know what thanks for the hydr hyro redeem game I’ll take this is going very well I’m very good at this I’m very good at this game I’m I’m I’m a master letter [Laughter] writer your letters have been looking

Good so far a few words might adjusting oh you don’t say certainly think they’re good letters the truth is there’s no way to know if we wrote a good letter yeah I mean I think there might be a way after sending the letters we never know how they’re received yeah okay all

We can do is keep writing yep uh-huh all right what’s next cess to her father hi mix Fields mix Fields it’s that time of year again I’ll think take of head his hollow feeling is i that’s sad well now I’m sad uh Angel one of your two co-workers

I snuck this request and the said don’t let Oliver see it I need your help giving Oliver a letter of resignation I never told them much but when I showed up here in trouble years ago they gave me a job in a home no hesitation I don’t

Know how to say that I I have to leave now I hate leaving and I hate that I can’t say why I know I just met you but your help would mean a lot what Jess to Rin oh hey my little sister justess asked me to come here and request a letter since

She’s too nervous to ask her she has this pen pal Rin and she wants to send her a love send a love letter wait didn’t we just wait hang on we wrote a letter from Ren to Jess didn’t we and we’re super writing the love

Letter this this is this is my time to shine I’m I’m going to I’m going to impress you all with my flowery Pros to uh little sis Jess ask me to come here and write a quest since she’s too nervous she hases this pen pal Rin and

She wants to send her a love letter okay all right all right all right I got this don’t [ __ ] it up I’m I’m going to I’m going to I’m you guys are going to be so impressed you guys are going to be so impressed my with my love letter

Writing skills I’m going to put all of my love and adoration for uh uh Ren into it yeah my dearest sweetest Rin show h every day I wake up and you are not by my side it is a cold dark Dre [ __ ] dreary day do the letters you send me are by far

Are my greatest [ __ ] treasure [ __ ] that’s how you spell treasure great has treasure and fill me with goo one is the greatest goo the that ever good I live for the day we may someday meet so that I may be given the chance to express my goo in all its forms and depth

[ __ ] depths look it’s it’s have have you ever typed without having a back space okay it’s not easy this is why white out existed uh uh uh your words fill my head with the fluffiest God damn itest feelings I Wrong feeling but okay and your Visage fills my dreams with the softest gooiest

Healings this that cannot ever be properly expressed my hands shake with anticipation for every letter I am blessed with the opportunity to send to you knowing that it will be in your hands someday love with you I ain’t doing check [ __ ] this whole [Laughter] time I’m sure this is great B writing

Background noise this this is this is some top tier productivity going on here having fun good I’m glad uh see how do I close this out forever yours and truly something uh Jess Jessica taada done perfect beautiful best letter look forward to proof reading this one too it’s almost lunchtime the

Rest of us usually go to a cafe down the street you could join us and meet everyone if you’d like oh [ __ ] yeah before that though I have one last letter request for you uh I give you this request on each Letter’s first day it’s a bit unconventional but I’d like

You to write a letter to yourself oh no words are the threads that connect people together so when someone writes a letter to you it unifies your lives a little more and shows they care about you that’s what I love about letters however I’m sure you’re aware

How hard it can be to have that bond with yourself even though it’s so important that’s why I’m asking you to write this letter say something heartfelt to yourself or just something you feel like you need to hear it’s up to you oh boy game game game I don’t know what I

Don’t yeah sure why not all right let’s go dearest [ __ ] face McGee you’re a goddamn [ __ ] that is all sender kekki chaos recipient Kentucky chaos the way you shamble about place to place [ __ ] place not Palace place the way your hands are always covered in a Dusty powder your life is

Going in a dark path could be to it wasn’t supposed to be but it is now your pizza rolls are getting scared SC Not My Pizza Rolls save the pizza rolls save them don’t [ __ ] let them go stale don’t let them burn do it for the pizza rolls the next time you start

30,000 [ __ ] projects and give yourself no time between them remember the sheer pain and suffering that was this year you [ __ ] next time pick one project and finish that project and then do a second one not all of them at once this is your reminder remember the price you paid s [ __ ] cely

Yours me perfect course I won’t be reading that keep it safe also thank you for everything you br day makes a big difference having you on the team you’re damn [ __ ] Skippy let’s go catch up with the others woo oh [ __ ] this is actually cute as look

A that looks so cozy and comfy look at it I actually like this game me too the new letter writer it’s a pleasure to meet you techy chaos your primordial deity of chaos darving come on Lonnie won’t let me eat until you do think he just wants

To take all the cream puffs again I want cream puffs hey she’s the one who always eats them not me I’m saving them for you a thanks you want the best desserts Lonnie stop aing to arm wrestle for them or at least work out with me so you’ll stand a

Chance yeah get get get get strong get buff on Angel I help carry a few your packages on the last delivery route that has to count okay easy you two this is ki our promising new letter writer who worked hard all morning writing wonderful letters you hear that chat

Wonderful letters my letters are wonderful hope every one of those letters reaches the heart of its recipient regardless of how they’re received you’ve helped connect people with your words today and that’s certainly worth celebrating so let’s eat everyone don’t mind if I do I do have

Some candy corn here that I can on Oh wait [ __ ] that’s the end of it oh [ __ ] what n oh no don’t don’t show me my [Laughter] letters Oh Hey Kevin McLoud I love me some Kevin McLoud better not [ __ ] get copyright struck on [ __ ] YouTube cuz some [ __ ]

[ __ ] sampled it and then went around copy striking it that would be really [ __ ] annoying if that happened n n n n a little under an hour all perfectly W written wait we finished yeah apparently that was a lot faster than I thought all thanks to my name is Ki [Laughter]

Chaos oh that’s funny that was cute not going to lie that was [ __ ] cute I feel like there’s probably a lot more story in there oh there’s an endless mode oh of course there’s an endless mode H now we’re not doing the endless mode I want to roll now so I ain’t

Breaking it [ __ ] yeah do it to it that was cute though Minecraft time probably Minecraft time I not going to lie I expected that to take a bit longer when they said that it was about an hours ly I’m like oh okay things that are an hour usually take me like two

So that should be a good bit of the stream start but um that was a lot faster that was that was uh that was a lot faster oh sh there’s achievements wait what what did achievements didn’t I get yet type all 26 letters of the English

Alphabet oh [ __ ] yeah I typed all the letters guys uh let’s see set the gain to any non-english language but why would I do that I don’t speak any other language uh novelist run out of space on a page and complete every request oh I might go back and get the achievements

Later it’s kind of cute this would be a cute little game to play like by myself just like to listen to the music and like actually write letters and not be an idiot but that’ll be for another time for now uh all of my shit’s [ __ ] up um put back to how it

Was Sho shoot OBS oh yeah some need less weird all of my like sizes and adjustments are like off now because I had it on my my tablet so everything is like the wrong size now perent I did some Minecraft myself [ __ ] do it okay there we go all right you guys

Ready to Minecraft I’m ready to Minecraft I’m so [ __ ] ready to Minecraft I’m going to Minecraft so good but that was a cute little game that was that was that was actually like a cute little game and I feel like there was a lot of story that was happening in

There uh there’s probably a lot more story happening in there like in the endless mode uh I’m probably going to check that out off stream honestly building the fancy House mean craft day to mean craft day there we go that’s upd I’ll keep that open for now uh okay so actually you know what I could do is I can actually pop my uh window browser thingy do uh open on my tablet so I’m going to look up some

Minecraft house ideas actually there’s there’s okay I have I have ideas right but there’s a specific element that I want to make sure that I get into get into our house right and I looked up some ideas and like one of the top results is the coolest [ __ ] thing I have ever

Seen so I’m going to pop that open over there my house is built my house is also built but I want to make it better it’s it’s not it’s not great not great so I want to make it better but weather worn quickly click clicky click click click click click

Click well my house is really boring so I want to fix it I want to make it look like a proper house but I I am not an architect and so I needed some ideas M on the bricks [ __ ] yeah Boop and Boop preparing also at some point I have a

Crazy idea you guys I have I have a crazy idea I at some point want to go back back and play some older versions of Minecraft like I want to I want to play version like 1.0 because I was thinking about it right when I first initially

Got this game it was like 10 years ago and I played that version for like I don’t know a few weeks a couple months somewhere around there but I only ever played it by myself and I didn’t play for very long cuz like [ __ ] happened and whatever so I I want

To I’m going to make a new world and I’m going to make a creative world research study potion lab and wine seller yeah I want to I want to I want to be okay I’m going to make a creative um peaceful uh I’m to call this um uh creative Endeavors that’s what

We’ll call it uh we’re going to make it a super flat world and ah so loud Minecraft why are you so loud schematic Lab okay cool create new world uh I’m also going to turn my music on in the background because Minecraft likes to get copyright claimed it’s annoying there a bit for mine to Load oh turn the music off clear slow in yeah I bet it they do I [ __ ] bet they do mus it gets copyrighted it does it does get copyrighted it’s very very [ __ ] annoying like it’s it’s the level of copyright claim where like it doesn’t supposedly doesn’t affect monetization

But it still you know with how YouTube is I like oh it’s just [ __ ] annoying I don’t like chancing [ __ ] with YouTube because YouTube is a piece of [ __ ] I’ll just turn my own goddamn music on that I know doesn’t get [ __ ] claimed which sucks cuz like Minecraft

Has some great [ __ ] music it’s great for background noise but I’m not that interested in getting copyright claimed by [ __ ] YouTube so um just going to have to suck um right what’s the mod control or the thing control for um only because of Microsoft probably uh there’s a there’s a game rule

Do daylight cycle that’s it pulse there we go time set day okay cool all right so we okay so here’s here’s the thing the thing that I want to try building uh what I’m going to do is just start it out with some wol blocks or something black

Brown I guess I’m going to need slabs though I guess um what can I use in place of slabs I don’t want to use terra cotta I actually really like the look of Terra Cotta so we’ll do some white gray black brown just to get the basics and Then yeah um I wish there were more slabs like like having if if there was like terra cotta slabs that would be honestly perfect the fact that cuz like they come in such like it’s got such a full range of color and like they’re just they’re flat color so that makes it

Really you could do a lot with it but the problem is is that there’s no slabs um I guess I’ll just grab like I don’t know a stone slab SPS slab for now I guess maybe maybe maybe maybe something to represent wood um Spruce we’ll go with that and then we need glass

Use this one for now okay so the thing that I want to build right like this this is this is uh let’s see start from there and then go kind of like way out here right hey Raiders welcome [ __ ] welcome on in Raiders how’s it going how’s it hanging what’s up hello

Reena Marina hello how’s it going how’s it hanging what’s up how was your stream thank you for the raid let me get you a shout out there cuz I don’t have my mod here today how was your stream and for everyone who just came in hi hey helloo

How’s it going I’m kch your local primordial deity of Chaos in cat form how’s it going how’s it hang and we’re playing some Minecraft watch out shark here shark shark shark welcome on in Sharky Sharky Sharky super fun stream I hope you are enjoying Minecraft I just got started oh

Welcome onone thank you for the follow thank you for the follow REI and shark spark Surfer thank you for the follow did I say that three times I think I said that three times but they hello hi I almost said it a four but how’s it going thank you thank

Welcome on in I’m not going to say it a fifth time we are we just got started with some Minecraft I’m I’m trying to like plan out a house build trying being the keyword it’s going very well as you can see uh but we just started up a creative world so that

It can kind of plan out an idea and uh see how it goes I think okay yeah something like this and then something like this and then goes forward like this uh but uh how was your stream did it was it fun did you did you did you were you

Winning I don’t know if you were playing anything you could win but were you winning nonetheless uh brain my brain has shut off we we today’s today’s been a bit of a day in that I tried to write some letters at the start of the stream and it went very

Well it went great it was fantastic and I definitely did a good job and don’t let chat tell you anything otherwise was replaying a FV game of mine hey yo cook serve delicious I’ve never heard of that D tell uh let’s see oh wait I can I can I

Can command this um fill this from um this with what the [ __ ] am I holding uh gray terracotta gray concrete I don’t know what I’m actually holding right now they [ __ ] up horribly hey I yeah I might have I might have [ __ ] up like gray concrete that’s what it is I might

Have [ __ ] up a little bit but you know what it’s fine also why am I doing it from here wait I do it from here that’ll be even easier I remember that commands exist light gray concrete hey there we go okay that makes everything a whole

Lot easier sort of kind of you know what it’s almost faster to do this manually it’s not I lied that’s a [ __ ] lie I’m a lying piece of [ __ ] too bad look okay here’s the thing here’s the thing though right [ __ ] so the game that we were playing before it

Was a game about uh typing letters and except it was on a typewriter so you didn’t have a backspace so like every [ __ ] was like a permanent [ __ ] and I don’t know if you’ve ever tried tried to type without backspace but it’s real [ __ ] difficult there we go okay so this is

This is the base of it and you guys are going to see how [ __ ] cool this idea is uh let’s see if I think if we do not there I don’t know how tall I want it to be yeah I think that’s a good height I don’t know what height that is but

That’s a good height whatever it is uh um so we’re going to have that and then we’re going to have all of the the pillars are going to be at there I think that’s even no it’s not there okay um do I want it on the outside column I

Don’t think I do I’m going to have it on the inside column but I don’t think I’m going to have it on the outside column column actually okay there lur lurk away have a good lurk um but yeah uh for Reena if if you need to

Head off and do you know your post stream foods and sleeps or pet care what have you what not feel free to absolutely 100% uh if not uh feel free to hang out and Vibe we’re I’m while I like struggle my way through building uh I’m very good at it we l

Going enjoy Minecraft all right sounds good and thank you again for a raid I appreciate it have a good lurk okay so I think do I want no I don’t want the outside one okay no okay all right all right all right you guys are going to be

So [ __ ] impressed when you see how cool this is going to be like I know like this is early on in development but we when you see the idea that I’m working with here you’re going to be so impressed and you’re going to be like wow kit you’re so cool like damn

Look how cool you are and I’ll be like yes yes I am thank you for finally realizing how cool and talented and amazing and what a like boss tier Builder I am because I am just just for the for the record I’m a very boss tier Builder uh and you’re going to be

Like wow I want to sub to you on every platform my brain is is really like nonfunctioning do I want that one I kind of don’t want that platform actually do I want that one I kind of don’t no I kind of don’t want this one

Okay no never mind I take that back I lied okay now watch you guys are going to be so impressed that’s not the one that I wanted okay you guys are going to be so impressed watch this so we’re going to fill that and then okay then there and to there

And that and to there and glass pain which glass pan am I holding I don’t know which glass paint I’m holding hang on uh White stained glass pan okay white stained glass Paine okay all right do I want the paint actually see the paint looks really cool

Because it’s like you know thin and it actually looks like a piece of glass and yada yada but at the same time it also doesn’t look great I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see okay so from here to here and then we’re going to go here white stained glass pane and then from

Here to here cuz I’m just realizing as well that the uh water looks weird up against glass panes as well so we’ll have to see we’ll see if I need to replace it with normal glass that’s fine okay and then from here to here but if we can actually like pull

This off and make it look cool it’s going to look so [ __ ] cool that’s not what I want stop that that then this to Here okay okay so we have this giant section right we have this giant giant area right imagine this imagine not white water imagine all of this filled with water uhoh uhoh uhoh not like that is there not a better way to do this can you like hang on hi

Hi here to here okay what if right this I fill this with water that didn’t work how do I fill out this middle section oh wait never mind I’m just stupid did it from the wrong corner just fill with water hey there we go okay

This is going to be real [ __ ] hard to do in survival though like I’m just I’m just realizing this that this might be a little hard difficult to do in survival like it’s real easy in Creative but it’s not so easy in survival and I’m realizing this now also there’s these weird

Pockets with the frames or the pains like why is it doing that why is it doing that why is it doing that H where where hi ADR you’re not new how long is the Sal taking so far oh we just started where are my throws oh yeah I forgot throws were

Still I forgot those were even off okay let me go turn them off on okay there they’re on now are you happy oh hello what is this the following vest describes your streaming setup single monitor a welcome to house AG doich thank you for the follow throws throws I’m being pelted I’m being

Abused again always always abused with by chat you tried the new combined twitch and chats yes yes I have you’re still using it yes kind of you change that or request anything uh make it smaller some chat you’re part of chat you’re in chat join the abuse now good good

So it fits in OBS better how many points do you have a lot EDR has a lot of points cool don’t know why that popped up randomly but you know what I’ll I’ll give twitch my in my my opinions on things happily okay anyways back to this

All right why is this doing this why is this why is this a thing why why are you why why are you like this what why what is happening what in the fresh hell why do I feel like I’m just making it worse God damn it what is this why is

This why is it like this H they’re water logged place the glass okay h okay you [ __ ] off stop this [ __ ] immediately uh Okay yeah I think I think I think my initial concern with this is uh still a concern thank you for the hydrate ah and a stretch and a head Pat thank [Applause] you oh my spine not grass glass uh okay we’re going To maybe just normal glass let’s let’s try let’s try normal glass first um so from here down to here we’re just going to fill it with normal glass yeah see it doesn’t it doesn’t look as fancy as the glass panes but like at least you can properly see

Through it and it doesn’t doesn’t do weird [ __ ] cuz like it’s a full like actually a proper full block so I think I’m going to go with a normal glass pane we’re going to need so much [ __ ] glass for this naughty nachos I don’t know press the button find

Out why don’t you find out s on my internet for is about to feel the full force of Wrath of this Twilight [ __ ] [ __ ] him up can’t find out I have 10 points I guess you’re just going to have to stick around long enough to get enough points to find out then

Huh I’m sorry you’re stuck here now you’re here forever the naughty nachos are going to keep keep hold you hostage [ __ ] something with Breeze line [ __ ] any [ __ ] internet provider they’re all [ __ ] you know it would help if I spelled things correctly there we go

Okay all right can you guys kind of see what I’m going for going with here are you are you guys kind of are you guys kind of starting to pick up what I’m putting down are are you seeing what I’m what I’m attempting here you have an idea of where this is

Going to go can’t take me if I eat the naughty nachos wait we’re gonna replace all of the see uh replace uh just had sex and I’m about to eat nachos it’s the greatest moment of my [Laughter] life there you go there’s the naughty nachos here um um replace no um this uh

Fun story I like fun stories we’re going to go with the cyan concrete I think I I think cyan concrete friend built a house of furnaces in MPC that sounds hilarious um cyan concrete replace ni a welcome to the Little House official FBI agent oh [ __ ] well sorry guys they finally got

Me light gray hello hello I’ve never done anything in my entire life and nobody can prove otherwise I mean why would anybody suspect nothing [ __ ] they’re here for me well then they’re in the wrong stream if they’re here for you you’d think they’d go to your

Stream what did you do I didn’t nothing I’ve never done anything a day in my life I’m innocent I was framed maybe I should maybe it should be sand actually oh that makes a little bit more sense maybe it should be sand I am stupid right so [ __ ] it

Sand no bed no crafting tabl just furnaces that’s hilarious think it’s me they want damn [ __ ] everyone out here is a criminal everybody but me my entire chat is full of criminals send there we go I think that works actually you know what I might do um

296 countries I mean what framed by Who Framed by Chad obviously I knew chat was out to get me this entire time you menaces to here uh uh White concrete white concrete replace glass yeah get out of here rain okay need a break for a little bit

Sounds good aen good luck have a good break break yeah I think that looks good actually I think that is pretty groovy so in here we’re going to want some seaweed sear grass we’re going to want some sea grass and some pickles and some kelp that what we want is that kelp what

We want I think kelp as well I think I think we want kelp what else do you have in the water you laughed at that means you know where that came from who Me I need water stuff rip leaves no B grass Fern oh lily pads we definitely need some lily pads Um ooh maybe some Coral I think Coral would be neat for for a bit touches a color right pop some seagrass Around and some kelp pop a little bit of coral down just for some spots of color bubbles bubbles and blue why am I inside the blue why was I inside the blue what Incarnation that was weird huh okay anywayso okay and pickles pickles pickles pickles pickles pickles pickles Bagles bigles

Join the Discord [ __ ] yeah welcome to the Discord it’s crazy in there and by that I mean it’s fun know this isn’t really necessary to do because it’s going to grow on its own but just to kind of sort of get the idea of like how it’s going to look

There okay so you guys kind of see what I’m going for here to the ghost next to you ghosts what you guys see right you guys see and then and then right on this side or on one of the sides we build the house we got the big big old old

Aquarium right at the front connected to the main house or even crazier idea we build this out where our aquarium currently is and so that it leads out into the ocean so like you have the house back here and then it goes out to the ocean out that way all right the

Pads boop boop boop oop but this way right we have an actual proper view into our aquarium so that we can see all of our fishies from the main house that so now we just have to figure out what the rest of the house looks like which is something that I have not

Yet figured out I just like the idea of a giant aquarium attached to the main house rather than like hidden in a weird Corner in the bottom of the house like we could maybe have um let’s see then I read rules and Stu [ __ ] yeah um maybe some concrete

I twitch did a weird well tell it to stop that maybe some polished diorite I think that’s what we currently have and we go like set up an area like this right and have like a little Nook that sees down into it kind of like what we already what we already have

Now I was off a whole typing game and now I return oh [ __ ] well now that now we finished typing game and uh now we’re planning out our new house on another stream of watching kids stream that’s [ __ ] weird oh yeah we need a separate area for the Axel lles forgot about the

Axles we also have the turtles so maybe what if we from Here here [ __ ] [ __ ] I have that I mean this can be like kind of a separate area for the Axel that way we can still see both of them but the Axel autles are H but I don’t like the maybe this would be a good spot for the pains

Yeah I definitely don’t like that as much do I see the spicy memes uh that would be under the adult tag you’d have to get the the uh the extra adulty uh B it looks okay from this side but there’s like just that weird little bit there and that bothers

Me but maybe it’s fine maybe I could just put that there so there that there’s that little bit of Separation uh but then it kind of blocks that se that section of the the aquarium M nope don’t like it nope maybe I’ll just do it up to there no looks

Stupid H that’s fine it’ll it’ll it’ll it’ll it’ll do it’ll do I think it’s a little dumb but electricity and water in the same company so not a fun hour o big mood I think that looks good for the aquarium though like I think I think that

Works so now we just have to design the rest of the house um okay um maybe we could take this section out of it make that floor a little bit bigger it’s lovely thankies um what do I put down here maybe I could put like a secret room down here or something

There we’ll say this is like a secret room or something and we jumping those see that’s it uh okay so not sure how I want to plan this out exactly so okay I’m I’m I’m try to I’m going to try to plan this out with like

Blocks okay so we have the aquarium here right this is our aquarium and then we have have a little room for the back side of the aquarium like that and then if we have like a main let’s say we have a big main entrance like here

Right and maybe it turns into kind of a big grand hall kind of thing like that and then that grand hall okay so the the areas that we need right we need oh quarium viewing area grand hall um we need uh the bedroom so we’ll use purple for that we need the library

SL enchanting room we need um storage um maybe a kitchen SL Garden uh right we need a nether portal area we need anything else okay so okay let’s say Um if we plan this figure this out figure this from like where are place is at now right so we have the ocean on this side like let’s say let’s say this is where the ocean’s at although I guess if we’re connecting it to the aquarium then the ocean’s actually probably on this

Side so like if we connected to where our aquarium is right now then H yeah okay so it would be facing this way so this would be where the ocean’s currently at I mean it’s all around here but like that okay so let’s see um if we I think currently our nether portal

Is about here so we could say that’s there that and then maybe extend this out like this then maybe we could have our storage back in a few okay put it on a second tier and kind of have this like this that this is our big hall and then maybe let’s see our

Currently our thing oh is here so we can build our big old wizard tower like this CH primari deity of chaos struggling struggle busing I’m trying to PL I’m trying to plan out our our our new house but I’m struggling to visualize it maybe the wizard tower needs to be a

Little bit further out I think I think the wizard tower needs to be a little bit further away from the main house Emperor I am an emperor and then like we just have like a connection here and Then we going to have like a hallway over here that leads to the kitchen and maybe the Kitchen leads to a separate storage room um and then maybe our bedroom up on a second a third bedroom up there this a bit bigger bring this out a bit more that okay that could work uh and then over here we kind of have so maybe there’s more of a

Path leading out of the house and then obviously over on this side we have our mumo we have bo uh Piggies chickens I Gu M what over this side we have our Gardens this side is all Gardens with our B over here and on this side have the sheeps the cows IGS chickens and further out this way we have River then over here got our iron farm it’s kind of a general breakdown

Of a little bit of both of our current setups and what we could do with the house hey HS um I do think our Tower needs to be bigger though right now our Tower is real small and it kind of doesn’t fit so we definitely need a bigger tower for one um

If we assume this is okay so this so here is about where the ocean’s at okay keep that in mind while building so that means that the rest of the land is out that way so how the [ __ ] do people plan this [ __ ] out using the brush for the first time the

Brush what brush I’m kind of tempted to just like build each room individually disconnected and then see how I can fit it together because like it’s going to be easier on my brain I’ll just put like markers in between each area and then just build the separate sections

Separately Rush is an item you can craft with a stick stick copper Ingot and feather oh what does it Do on Sand and stuff to excavate things like Pottery shards and mysterious items oh really that’s kind of neat use black gray and white wool to sort of like block things out I’m going try to build like the front of the house uh okay

So not sure what I want the front of the house look like I’m going go do some Google Minecraft house Ideas gosh these are so cute looking [ __ ] oo I kind of like that One h Survival oh my God these are so rustic and cute What about Minecraft Castle ideas oh those are huge oh my God the things people do oh welcome welcome to the litter house a person who hasn’t certainly has a name thank you for the follow how’s it going thank you thank you for the hydrate I you know I’m going to crack open a

Cold one oh yeah we still need to change the color of the hydrate what do what color do you guys want me to change the color the hydrate it’s still rum colored oh that’s kind of cute White Pass I think I’m I think I’ll pass on that

One keep it rum colored but it looks like piss are an alcoholic and a cab scientist alike do tell boiled once again indeed indeed you have been without the urge to crack up in a cold [Laughter] one and darken it I guess I could just darken

It uh let’s see where’s where is where is is this it oh that’s subscription uh is this hydrate no where did I hydrate redeem oh there it is a bit Darker maybe I’ll just stick with a cottage these are a little intense for me I wouldn’t even know where to start with any of These I need something that both is like cute and cozy right it needs to be cute and cozy but at the same time it has to look like I’m the most important one in the village at the same time you know it has to say I’m here and I’m cute and

I’m comfy but I’m also higher above you peasants you know for when I eventually build something around the house so that there are peasants to look down upon right now I don’t really have peasants to look down upon but you know I will eventually and it’s very important that the peasants know that

I’m above them when they Exist it’s so wild to me like looking at like Minecraft house ideas it goes drastically it’s either like cute Cottage cor core you know like old fashion wooden houses or Super Hyper modern with like no [ __ ] in between there is no [ __ ] in between either

You are a fantasy house or you have a smart fridge and like the the nothing else I kind of keep going back to this one with Cobblestone so maybe that one Gosh designing a house is difficult moving my stuff into a castle that has finally been upgraded to the max [ __ ] Yeah need is mine colonies is it though is it though people build it for you yeah but like it’s not the building that’s the hard part it’s the designing it’s the planning I struggle with like how do people come up with this stuff off [ __ ] wild I’m just lazy yeah

Apparently like I want a cool neat house to build cuz I like having projects to work on I just you know have to know what the [ __ ] I’m working on H where was that one house that had like the mushroom H H I have no idea uh okay I’m just going to like start blocking something out so let’s say we have uh something like that and then something like that what if I I even put in it question like I can big build a big old house but

What do I put in a big old house what’s the purpose of a big old house that’s not even that’s not even remotely even H H welcome to the litter house on your knees I expect you to get on your knees and praise me hey needle welcome on

Hello Raiders how’s it going how’s it hanging big old Millennial who’s tired of greeting capalm [ __ ] right hey relli hello hi hey how’s it going what’s up ra raid raid playing more obscure f yeah wait obscure too heyo legit have you played the first one yes I [ __ ] love that game I

[ __ ] love that game ST I’m at work now no not work good luck with work have fun with work you’re the after math oh my God still up in the air yeah no [ __ ] god which one okay hang on wait wh which one which one which one which one hang on

Hang on I got to look this up now SC PS2 uh is the first one the one that’s on the PS2 I don’t remember now I don’t remember which one it was that I played but [ __ ] uh my partner and I played that uh with his with his brother years

Ago and it was so [ __ ] cool actually both are on the PS2 okay okay so then I don’t remember which one it was that we actually played but I know we played one of them on on the PS2 and uh they have both reports on

Steam oh [ __ ] yeah I might have to go pick that up cuz I have weirdly enough I’ve actually been wanting to play I’ve been thinking about playing that on stream at some point cuz I think that’ be really [ __ ] cool cuz that game is awesome like i’ been talking about

Playing it and then we realized it was two-player Yeah it’s one of the first like God that game is so cool okay so I think it was the second one that we played cuz it was the one that took place at the college that’s aftermath yeah any Shannon Stan Josh and Ashley yeah do the co-op where you can ask

Someone to join you from your steam friends dude that’s [ __ ] awesome okay then I totally want to play the first one at some point cuz like it if this if the second one that is the one that we played that I’ve never played the SEC first one and now I really want to

That’s [ __ ] awesome that it’s on Steam though yo got the game and invited RZ [ __ ] yeah dude that’s so red how far into it have you gotten like where where where are you guys at a really [ __ ] good game like it’s really [ __ ] weird and like some of

The boss fights can be janky as [ __ ] but I mean it’s you know it’s a PlayStation game so just’s go back to the high school ooh just barely making it back to school you guys are going to have to keep me updated on that it All Began [ __ ] yeah you guys are

Going to have to let me know when you finish that and what you think about it cuz I [ __ ] love that game like it’s so old and so janky sometimes but like it’s so Charming at the same time and I love it I have like a destroyed version of

The original map oh really so like it it is like the original map then like the first game’s High School map but destroyed D has a hole in the well that was created by one of the first monsters yo that’s rad yeah [ __ ] I don’t even remember

How I got this game I think I just kind of picked it up at like a uh a a um I think it just got picked up at like a yard sale or something and so when we played it we’re just like I have no idea

What this game is and we’re like me neither and so we just kind of played it and we realized that like there was a story that we were completely missing about it and we’re like well [ __ ] but it it was fun it was fun so like I’ve always kind of wanted to go

Back and play the first game clb through a event that had to go through to escape [ __ ] in the first game was going to play when I was 16 but my aunt stopped me soon as she saw the characters we play are college students what why what does she have against college

Students yard sale yes yard sale dude I got a lot of [ __ ] at yard sales and flea markets that’s even yeah the game originally a disc replay actually the second one nice let’s see why do I need it so big what am I going to put in

There I found out that there was the second one okay go sex of drugs I guess oh my God like the least of the concerns in a [ __ ] horror game that’s not even is it H like let’s go let’s [ __ ] go let’s [ __ ] go okay take this and then we can

Like build a hallway and then this hallway leads Out that’s still not even but yeah that’s that’s right dude like I’m I’m so glad that other people even know that [ __ ] game exists because of like it’s so just like random and like we just kind of found it on a chance so I’ve never actually met anybody who’s ever even heard of

It first playthrough is pretty much just going how is this a PS2 game right we both knew about the game really yeah no [ __ ] I I yeah we just kind of happened to cross it and we were just like the [ __ ] is this so I’ve never actually met anybody else

Who’s ever heard of it let alone played it oh we need the map room there s round sound effects play of scared when I was young and got so lost there’s something like that crawls over your head and I hear it in one ear and then the other yo that’s [ __ ] red see

We just played it on on uh when we played it it was you know just hooked up to the TV so any of like fancy sound effects probably went completely like over our heads but that’s [ __ ] rad that’s going to go to the kitchen

Know as Vine boy is on break hi Ryon we were just uh talking about obscure actually [ __ ] like so many things with the first one like smash a whole computer lab how was your letters game oh the letters game was great I did I did a very good

Job at lettering I’m I’m the best letterer I write good letters I write the best letters and uh let nobody tell you otherwise so now we’re playing block game and I’m trying to I’m trying to design redesign the house uh but it turns out that I’m really bad at

Designing things and I have no idea what I’m doing you think eggnog ice cream and it’s so good oh my God is it eggnog season oh my God it’s almost eggnog season I’m so excited for eggnog I Christmas needs to stay in its [ __ ] lane and stay in its

Goddamn [ __ ] season but I will say that I I’m I am actually excited for eggnog I also get very excited about this game dude [ __ ] I’m so glad that I I there’s there’s like other people who know it [ __ ] exists honestly when you when you guys finish that and like

Have your have your like final thoughts about it I absolutely want to hear what you think going to head off keeps falling asleep have a good one all right zandri have a good one go sleep well thanks for hanging out for a bit I appreciate it

You go do that lettering I I did I did the good lettering I did such good truth did you die no you can’t die in the letter game you can make a lot of mistakes though because since you’re working on a typewriter you don’t have a backspace which means there might have

Been a few misspelled beans I might have misspelled beans a few times but it’s fine which I’ll let you know [ __ ] yeah I’m glad awesome tell the truth we’ve only got maybe another stream of it heyo egog basically alcoholic drinkable custard not always it’s not always alcoholic in fact it’s only alcoholic if

You make it which you know I do but not always it’s not always alcoholic [ __ ] okay I forgot about the map guys and the dock okay so like our dock is here [ __ ] means this is probably further out this way um so if our dock is about here that means our map room is about there cluster part is true makes sense

Lots of people like it I guess never had eggnog really you’ve never had eggnog it’s so good it’s so good it gives it gives me Life better move from my house New Castle I lose my wine seller well add a new wine Seller what do where do put Dock I don’t know how people do this building is easy but planning is hard how the [ __ ] do people figure this [ __ ] out how much extensive planning has to be done to build a normal [ __ ] house mine always looks like [ __ ] right act at some point noted absolutely

100% I think it’s actually pretty easy to make at home too eggnog recipe what do you need to make Eggnog let’s see you need a strainer mugs and a ther thermometer and then for ingredients you need egg yolks granulated sugar heavy whipping cream milk go away add oh God damn it egg yolks sugar whipping cream milk nutmeg salt vanilla extract ground cinnamon and alcohol optional and I go back there have fun

Dying in letters games game beans I’m not going to die in letter games I might mentally die in Minecraft though trying to plan things man now I kind I kind of want to try making my own eggnog this year now like that’s super simple I can make that the only thing I don’t

Have well I don’t have an instant a instantly digital thermometer I have a candy thermometer but I don’t have a digital thermometer I don’t know I also don’t have a mesh strainer I don’t have any kind of strainer actually that’s probably something that’s worth picking up at least like

For candies and such cuz there’s am the amount of times that I’ve needed a strainer for like sugar toppings that I just don’t have do you actually need the strainer in the thermometer or let’s see I’m I’m going to read this I’m going to read this recipe right now

To see if you actually need those things or if they’re just like it’s easier if you have them uh let’s see whisk things together boil on mede or um heat until reaches simmer spoon of milk whisking I have whisks uh Wisconsin until mixture is just slightly Thickened uh remove or eggnog through fine mesh strainer into a pitch or other container and cover it with plastic wrap oh the crit Christmas project maybe refrigerate until chill okay so I think the strainer is just to get like the lumpy bits out you I wonder if you

Could just do that with like a coffee Filter I have coffee filters although I could probably just pick up a [ __ ] mesh strainer I’m probably going to need one eventually sprinkle in a nutmeg store for up to a week so yeah no I could super do this this is super easy I’m totally going to make homemade

Eggnog this year um that that’s the thing that I’m doing now I’m going to make homemade eggnog this year I just got to pick up a strainer that’s about it and find mesh Serv so you don’t have scrambled eggs yeah yeah and I do have a candy thermometer so like I could use

That OB filters are Tad too fine yeah honestly I need to pick up a an a a proper [ __ ] um mesh sifter anyways cuz I need it for like half of my baking projects anyways I’ve just kind of been going without it but it would be useful for more than one

Thing so it’s probably worth picking up uh okay do you guys know that planning out a Minecraft house is surprisingly difficult I’m going to say this is a wood flooring I don’t know what wood flooring but it’s going to be wood flooring um BR W yeah there you go that’s going to lead off to the thing and this is going to lead off to the Thing this is going to be like a little window viewing area type of thing so okay so that’s going to kind of our general plan maybe I could put like a big old spiral staircase going down did is the one that I have for a multitude of things yeah and like it’s

It’s pretty commonly used for for baking so like uh sugar cookies [ __ ] uh basically topping anything with if anytime you use powdered sugar you probably need some kind of mesh strainer what if I put a giant staircase in the middle here that’s the middle I can start it here and then this will

Be second floor fact we can even continue this down and that’ll go down to the uh bottom floor yeah that worksop Boop there okay so there’s that um a of this all of this wall here is going to be glass maybe I’ll take this out a little bit further actually yeah there we

Go oh wait there’s like plenty of room around the staircase and then we can like uh have maybe like the dogs area over here and um have big old carpet here I think that’s an idea oh and then maybe out on the edges here we can have like a patio right so

Like something that sort of maybe wraps around the entire front cuz I love big patios like big wraparound patios like one of my favorite [ __ ] things I think that’d be kind of neat to have this To Here um brown carpet oh brown wool brown wool replace air there you go so this will be like a big old how with proper fencing staircase going out that way I think that’ look neat what do you guys think that was a Skittle gross let’s

See what is the best block for a patio hi Spruce yeah I’m going to go with Spruce um but I’m going to go with slabs a where’s the fancy house I’m working on it uh Spruce slabs [ __ ] why does it why does it do the

Bottom why does it do the bottom I don’t want the bottom want it on the top put it on top I’m working on it God damn it [ __ ] time to use commands and [ __ ] I’m attempting don’t know if I’m succeeding but I sure am attempting I don’t know why it puts it

On the bottom instead of the top that’s kind of annoying there there I don’t know know if there’s a way to do that command so that it actually fills it in the top rather than the bottom but [ __ ] pH sure is different from normal physics well yeah Minecraft doesn’t have physics that’s

Hell let me have my porch pness [ __ ] you know what’s going to be the best part about this is once we build this in like get it all built in the um in this world we’re going to have to actually build it in our survival world afterwards so like for as tedious as

This is in Creative it’s going to be so much worse in survival [ __ ] just make it in survival vien cuz I have to actually plan out what we’re doing first I I I can’t build and plan at the same time I figured i’ I’d get it like

Planned out and sort it out in in a creative world so that I at least know what I’m trying to do and then I’d go in and actually build it in survival need to plan anything me I need to plan anything fly by the see of your pants my pants fly too

High my pants have no idea what they’re doing if I don’t give them an actual plan actually you know what I might keep this open um I want Lantern CL the god of chaos I am but the god of chaos likes having their house at least look

Manageable see that looks so nice then I can add like some seats around the edges do like um maybe some signs on the side PE then like uh ooh ooh you know what we look look really cool actually do this uh I don’t like the fences around it

Um there any is there anything I could use as like low benches fences wonder how that would look actually um maybe just do slabs I need something Small really small H you H why are you here [ __ ] off get out of here get ble get out of here get go away I don’t know but you know what I think I’m going to go take a quick 15 cuz I am L hungry and it’s been about 3 hours so now’s a

Really good time for a break so I think we’re going to go do that we’re going to go take a quick 15 and I’m going to do some thinking and get some food and we’ll be back so we’ll be back at let’s see it’s about 20 now so 15 is 35 we’ll

Say the 35 we’ll be back at the 35 Mark okay okay cool awesome I’ll be back I return it what’s up y’all you [ __ ] ready to return from break may or may not have fallen asleep well they wake up good morning it’s daytime got cut dicks hi it is time to do more

Building I got this dinner [ __ ] yeah hitis you’re not new only reason I woke up man [ __ ] dinner sounds good dinner sounds real [ __ ] good I could use me some dinner I did not have time to go find and make dinner unfortunately okay I’m going to try to make this I

Don’t know how well it’s going to go try to make something like that MHS okay so here’s here’s here’s my here’s my uh lack of thought process right I want a little garden right Here yeah there we go little bit of this a little bit of that uh oh wait maybe tul lips actually something like that I I I I want I want something like that but the difficulty would you go away what do I Did Moss instead of dirt can you put stuff on

Moss wish people wouldn’t speak on things they un qualified for but a last oh no who’s talking [ __ ] now I mean that kind of works kind of about photos and photo editing ah nothing like a bit of Parental not ask for input love that my favorite

H maybe I’ll do these in a different color maybe a lighter wood on Happy snaps point and shoot photos why does it take so long if you know if he’s such an expert maybe he should take the photos himself that’s what I would say it’s like you you you apparently know so much

About photo editing uh why don’t you just [ __ ] do it yourself that kind of works need a show on the point she picks he doesn’t didn’t like last time mhm mhm I think that could work I feel like it needs something still but I guess this is a good start for a

Basis uh okay so what we want from here is the first floor is going to be Cobblestone so I’m going to actually change this out for gray wool [ __ ] would you go away go away you got get out of here get get go away get Bia go away be G get in my

Way goodness okay all right there now M yeah so I think this entire like God damn it higher Base main floor is going to be cobblestone hey this I wasn’t expecting night wasn’t expecting exactly nice or subtle good they ignore nice and subtle I think it’s about three High maybe four might be four high actually

Okay and then it’s going to be that all the way around so we need Cobblestone stone bricks is what we need actually stairs stairs I think that’s actually for the one out I think it actually God damn it Starts Here Yeah Okay so hi asy you’re not new how’s it going oh well hello hi so from here to over here we’re going to replace the gray wool

Uh stone block stone bricks what but what what am I holding stone bricks okay yeah uh stone bricks replace uh gray wool light gray wool light gray wool yeah like gray wall awesome learned that pisol has a fun Quirk Ayo an Yara how’s it going here two two three four uh yeah there

Stone blocks stone bricks there you go the exper with a hidden layer you forgot about it shaves the alpha Channel off of the first frame oh no that’s not good were you able to fix it crap here stone bricks that to [ __ ] wonder what I could get for cheap broke

Again rice is usually a good go-to can get a lot out of rice got it for getting my car wind screen replaced and soon have to go back out for class oh no what happened to the wind screen I broke my windshield once damn that [ __ ] sucks

Really just reenable the layer or remove it if it was a scaffolding piece oh well I mean at least it was a relatively easy fix and now you know Dam I could got cracking it at Halloween H that is widely unfortunate stone bricks I know around here we have a

Pretty consistent problem of um of windshields cracking just cuz like it’s cold it is not uncommon for windshields to get cracks every [ __ ] winter cuz it just gets cold it’s mighty unfortunate but it happens knowing is half the battle G I Joe stone bricks wind shield guys don’t have a

Local office we have to drive pretty far that’s unfortunate don’t half an hour troubleshooting and searching and F when I figured it out oops well at least you know for future reference got to got to love the fuckups that are just like you’re sitting there [ __ ] trying to figure it out for

Actual hours I and like it’s the simplest little thing I in it figures kind of way that the autog glass shop was literally a few minutes around the corner from my training school but I had to come home to get my study bag and lunch box Rose packed me

Ah from a speed bump and insecured cargo that’ll also do it for sure them speed bumps man they’ll get you always causing problems stone bricks okay okay all right so this is all right so now we need to cut out some windows so I want a window let’s see where’s the center here

Here ooh actually h no that won’t be even that’ll work and Then here and this is going to to storage so I don’t want one there nice big window for the doggos are those two different sizes that’s fine thank you you’re welcome it’s not so bad I mean we don’t get cold enough for snow or anything so we don’t have things like frozen pipes

And all but there are apparently a bunch of teens out causing trouble that night so those things maybe someone tried to smash the into a random and all it did was crack damn [ __ ] kids always out here causing problems there we go entirely sure what I want to do with this

Area uh let’s see but we need some glass actually no because then I can’t put glass in M stairs are so cool and they make things look really cool but the problem is that if you’re doing it in a window then you can’t close that window up

Properly in fact even for here I’m going to have to make like a secondary door Almost actually maybe I could okay something like this and put a door in there that way you kind of almost have like a little entry way you know and then I’d probably actually add oh actually you know what I could do do this that looks kind of neat and then maybe

Even do something like this around the edges like that I think that looks kind of neat what do you guys think you think that looks like a neat little like entrance way and then maybe we could even have like whatever wood we’re going to use as these kind of like side

Pillars uh maybe some like spruce that looks kind of neat and then for um the roof my part let’s that family coming over oh fun fun h no I don’t like look the slabs h [ __ ] no that looks weird this is so difficult why is this so

Difficult why I don’t soci I’m going my assessment and your photos stop itching good It doesn’t that doesn’t look good and I don’t know why I don’t know how to make it look good guys I don’t know how to make it look good No because then the stairs are going to be the wrong color I could use these stairs that doesn’t look good though put googly eyes on it I’m pissed Why it’s so hard not to make things look so flat this is this is always my struggles I everything I do always looks so flat Z just killed five my people damn googly eyes on it I would love to put some googly eyes on it I think the picture I’m looking at is

A mod [Laughter] you is that a mod maybe it’s not no that’s got to be cuz those doors don’t exist Builders love their various bumps and or ridges they do and I’m like I don’t I don’t know what I’m doing with man like it looks like they have a layer of

This around the top Edge and then they’ve got what I think is this this and then this K level three mod that you can copy this and use it as a schematic to help you recreate the exact same build I’m sure there is there’s a mod for everything when it comes to Minecraft and I think I I think okay I think that this one actually goes out this way

And then they have I think st’s going like this maybe these are the wrong colors you’re the see your thing you’re looking at as no words no none it’s just a Google image that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah uh I can’t actually tell which color they use cuz like the stairs are a different

Color than like these blocks on those Minecraft Pages actually shows the stage by stage nope Okay then I think they have uh don’t know if it’s Spruce or Oak I think it’s Oak maybe it’s that and then that I think that looks about right it’s a little janky but I think it’s about right I’m not 100% about it to be perfectly honest

I think they they definitely have a texture pack that’s making it look better I’m not 100% about it though also hi Okay me was replaced with the desire to sleep sleep is nice okay not those maybe just go with Spruce planks and use that as uh Flo to the second Level both of mine going at once Oh yay fun he okay And actually these are probably going to go back across like this okay so that’s going to be the floor to the second level or no it’s not FL to the second level is up here thank you I guess for like our main hall all we can have it

Higher see thank you thank you thank you uh uh spru planks yeah there we go and last wall okay so that’s going to be BR replace air this is going to be kind of our like main entrance way is we’re going to have this and then you get this little tiny entrance this

Little entrance area and then there’s going to be doors here um wait I might do the logs here as well yeah yeah uh and then let’s see I think for the main we’ll do logs for the main center of the staircase just to kind of be consistent

I don’t know if I want to do brick for this section Or I guess it is consistent and then for the stairs I don’t know if I want to use actual stairs for this or like I could do spruce stairs or I could use planks not planks uh slabs and maybe do like a dark oak slab I’m

Going to see how well it works the Slab oh no that might work work actually turn this slab once you’re done let you suffer my curse or I could keep it what if I just keep it and suffer my curse simp oh well you know that that makes a strange amount of sense

Yeah it does look fancy but it also does Al does also take up a whole lot of space but it looks like not such satisfied you know you may be you may you may be on to something there does need some light though I that should be enough to get us

Around I’m going to have to find a way to like make this look less ugly especially like right in the entrance way so it’s at least three different OSHA violations only three oh well FL was already reminded of something I saw work hey yo It’s very LG it looks nice but it’s very lorg I going to Spring this s Flowers and I swear to God they were exact colors of both forms hair one grp for C the other for tuy that’s awesome did you buy any did you get the kitten hair kitten hair

Flowers he lanterns in the post on the stairs I don’t know how doable that is in Minecraft but but also I don’t think that would really fit the aesthetic that doesn’t that doesn’t really match if anything something like a Frog Light might actually a Frog Light actually looks pretty cool there but my

Concern is just how much space this staircase takes up cuz it’s kind of a lot I did not can’t believe you didn’t buy the kchi flowers unbelievable I’m going to try it with actual stairs and see if it looks better what who would I give the flowers to yourself OB you deserve flowers Otis don’t like flowers well now you do I’ve demanded it H h h I know I hate [Laughter] flowers why are you back again go away be gone get out of here get out of my house get get out of my house oh hey bedrock Flat SLE super flat worlds go before they hit bedrock yeah I like three layers not many who’s all the way in Australia some my sister presents by download to buy shopping apps and sending my sister’s address for a delivery location huh that guy so obno he is obnoxious going to

Die get out of my home get out of my home caring character of the long he’s just trying to live his life and when he shs up you beat the [ __ ] out of him this’s cabin Merchant well then maybe he should stop showing up where he’s not wanted what it

Gets okay I want this to be a fancy little Nook so we’re going to need glass and uh some fancy for the top let’s into my house of course he’s going to of course he’s going to beat his beat his ass exactly he get he breaks into my house he’s going to get Dead let’s see what can I set maybe just some wool or we could do Terra Cotta wonder how this looks actually where’s the center that correct might this feels incorrect how the [ __ ] are are they supposed to fit together work on 100% press why doesn’t that match up at all a It maybe a side thing oh that bothers me oh that bothers me so much oh that’s terrible why don’t the edges match why don’t the edges match what the [ __ ] hold on I’m looking this up a crossover Symmetry and not a mirrored symmetry the [ __ ] am I supposed to do with

That he I looking up nothing could do because I want to see if there’s like something specific that it’s like supposed to build or something are all of the colors like that I mean at least the purple one actually makes like a matching pattern but why does the blue not line up properly

See the white is fine too it’s literally just the blue one that’s [ __ ] stupid for is it going it’s struggling is how it’s going why are the purple why why like it’s literally just the [ __ ] blue one that’s [ __ ] stupid why or not cooperating yeah the blue doesn’t match it doesn’t

Oh that drives me nuts oh that drives me up a [ __ ] wall what why would you do that justifying the light blue Center on the touching feather points and not the squares feather points he he h what well that’s slightly less stupid still stupid but at least the con points connect

Terra cotta is awful thank you asy but I still hate it I hate it so much Oh welcome to the Little House Austin thank you for the follow okay new idea not terracotta we’re just going to do carpet uh just just just going to do just going to do Zan W to save my brain actually maybe I should do wood hang on um what am I holding Birch planks

Birch planks replace cyan W there we go and then we’ll do carpet use texture packs Darkwood looks see I would do Darkwood but we’ve done dark we’re doing Darkwood for the rest of it and I kind of want this to be like almost kind of like a little reading Nook

In fact I might actually use the white concrete for this bit a a welcome to w w thank you for the raid and welcome to to to to my brain melting welcome to my brain melting that’s exactly what’s Happening Here is my brain is just [ __ ] melting it’s just done it’s

Giving up on life my brain is giving up on life also since I don’t have a mod here today do a little bit of that see you everybody see you around have a good one good luck with whatever it is you’re off to do there we

Go actually I might take this one up one more there we go actually this one too needs to go out one yeah there we go that’s nice and then little bit of that little bit of this um can’t put a lantern on There wait oh wait wait wait wait I have an even better idea that looks a little weird oh I know chisel bookshelf in there [ __ ] yeah now it’s a little reading Nook and I think we need some purple perfect that’s so cozy this is so cozy guys this is like perfect

Wait upside and stairs facing each other for what orle orle okay and then need Spruce pain Spruce pains so Here here Bruce planks and place brown wool I kind of want something different for this area but I don’t know what I just I don’t want it to all be wood you know at least I don’t want it to all be the same color wood a welcome to litter

House am all all woo woo what’s this oooo well thank you for the follow welcome to the litter house maybe some dark oak red carpet maybe maybe some dark oak and then red carpet dark oak planks Place brown wool feel like I might have hit the wrong

Button feel like I may have done the wrong one look beautiful thank you I am quite Beautiful all right there’s going to be doors here so um let’s see I think a spruce door probably fits best and then I’m thinking we add Some this um maybe a little bit of that and a little bit of that and then get them lanterns up in here again a maybe even just do that yeah that looks pretty sick not too shabby if I do say so myself and I do

I didn’t do this in the regular world I told you guys I’m building it in Creative first so that I know what I’m doing and I can work out what I want to do and then I’ll build it in the survival world you’re very shabby [ __ ] [ __ ] you I’m not shabby hi Brushy

H the stairs do make me feel very claustrophobic though I like the stairs but they make me feel very claustrophobic oh man my baby man redeem you’re damn right you are I I haven’t had time with [ __ ] with redeems y Ye Ye eat Le seat heat meat [Laughter]

I right look my brain turned off hours ago okay I I am officially in no brain mode I don’t know what else to add to this room like it needs more just in general but I don’t know more what like I don’t know what to put on these sides here

Ien notied oh good I’m glad I was worried that uh I was starting to starting you guys would might notice that my brain turned off but if you haven’t that’s good I’m Glad down stairs maybe one up or all the way top paintings and chairs oh yeah yeah paintings are a thing that’s right okay we have a neat little shelf M you know what I think we need you know what I think this needs logs we need logs

You just don’t like me anymore wrong incorrect work stations bookshelves see I was there there’s going to be an entirely like separate area for bookshelves and whatnot Is the goddamn switch I don’t know but let you know let me know if you ever find it what if where’s them chains what if we do that that looks kind of neat I kind of want fire but ooh that’s what I could do no [ __ ] in these Corner bits right we can

Um [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dicks he uh wait this would probably burn my house down maybe I should put Cobblestone underneath it I just we put a campfire there don’t campfires burn out though do campfires burn out I mean they looks kind of neat but also not we put it there

Netherrack I don’t know if I have Netherrack I mean it looks cool but maybe a different trapo no iron well I mean the problem with iron is that you can’t you need something to activate it it needs to fix fixed it do it do need to be fixed

Uh like iron would be neat but you can’t flip it up like you’d need a lever nearby or something H I’m going to try this and see if it burns down oh [ __ ] okay oh he do indeed burn Damn I might have to just go with the campfire Netherrack wouldn’t oh yeah but I would have to have Netherrack is the problem do I have nether rack what is my do joke I missed a joke a different remote in different Uh Oh I thought you said Netherrack wouldn’t spread this looks very

Spread Lied to the cat you lied to the cat the cat has been lied to cannot [ __ ] believe you would lie to me like this Mo’s pants don’t have pockets that’s also true I may just have to go with the campire which is unfortunate cuz like you could barely see the fire but

Also the smoke is kind of annoying what happened to my roof what what the [ __ ] happened to my roof why is parts of my roof missing we heated it What the [ __ ] happened when happened what happened and when and why planks for my house God damn it skull okay we put these all like in the corners watching what what what did I miss that holds the remote for kids BR was a goddamn switch and I said that’s

On a different remote in Pocket demotion located on woman’s pants and a woman’s pants don’t have pockets and will forever be off you know that that checks out yeah that that sounds about right this sounds accurate okay long as these don’t start fires in my house

My trap doors could just to make it look fancy I was like I don’t want it to just be a campfire sitting there I want it to look neat I want it to look kind of like a brazer and glass P they could but you’d be able to see through

Them and I want to to see through them how much light does this give me how does this look at Night not too shabby I’m going to need something over here there we go maybe even do that that that way we have light on both sides I’m another AC with glass panes around it I mean we could but then you’d see the Netherrack and I wouldn’t want to see Netherrack

Either what do you want to talk like a bra you know fancy This looks mostly fine but I really don’t like all the smoke the smoke is bothering me got to head B head bed got words got to head out all right sounds good Otis thanks get out have a good one don’t like that Either darn what gives off light other than a campfire see the ne the rack through the fire yeah cuz the fire is only on top so you’d still see the sides that oh I mean I guess it’s slightly less smoke but still Smoke GL I give off light well then brush get get in the Box I need you to light up my house Redstone lamps but then you don’t get the cool fire effect like if I wanted to just do a redstone lamp I would just do a redstone lamp No God damn it will this burn down my House I just put a glowing Lantern there because I want to make a cool torch thing this might work though I’d need to go get some Soul Sand but I could do that how much life does this give off not a lot going let the sun go completely down and

Then we’ll see I guess what one Co you the evil air I do like me an evil air why we it so cold cuz it’s almost winter how does this compare to the campfire oh that gives off considerably more light also more smoke I know the smoke is what bothers

Me but it gives us so much more [Laughter] light my P on work I don’t know [ __ ] do you spread Oh oh well the answer is it doesn’t spread but it also doesn’t stay lit apparently H this is difficult we might just have to go with campfires might just have to go with campfires rude I know right [ __ ] unbelievable okay look at you in your Co coding

Blessy thank you I know right I’m coding master does that make the staircase look less awful you have a lot of spruce I’m going to have to ooh hello kind of like that not going lie makes the staircase look slightly less awful look what might need some fine tuning but

I think it works it does still make this entrance way look feel very a little claustrophobic though maybe just one layer like staircase yeah oh oh o that actually hang on that fits even better for is see this part looks really good from this side but it doesn’t look so great from this

Side but I don’t know if I want to completely Co close that up either H maybe that’s not so bad actually almost kind of looks like a cupboard fence could try fence [ __ ] looks like a chocolate bar it does totally look like a chocolate bar yes uh let’s see

Yeah I think the fence goes out too far [ __ ] chocolate bar trapo it is the chocolate bar chap trapo chocolate bars a trap Mini Me included I think for now I’ll just keep it on the one layer and then we’ll see how we feel about more layers later

Cuz like from this angle the one layer looks best but from this angle two layers would look best so it’s kind of it’s It’s clashing my staircas is oh fat though so that you could actually walk up it otherwi there be there’ be a bunch of

Gaps I mean I could make it one wide if that’s what you mean but I kind of like the wider staircase nice even though they take up big space yeah I think thing is really it is really [ __ ] close to the door yeah I think what I’ll do when we actually

Build it in survival is I’ll just make this whole room one block wider so that I can put this at least one more block out so that it’s four away from the door instead of just three staggered Hall type endry what you mean the doorway back

Further I mean I could but then I’d have to move all of this back one the curve type shape didn’t know how to haul yeah yeah yeah so out in the front we’ve got so what what what we’ve got built so far right is we’ve got our new aquarium

And we’ve got a section for all the normal fishies and then we’ve got a section for the axotal so they could have their own area and then this little uh viewing platform and this big wide glass so that we could see it from the outside and then the main hall

Entrance I got to fancify the outside of it ra uh we’ve got this port big wraparound porch that goes to both sides it’s got some benches and some flowers and some some of that or fishies fish is going to be in here wasn’t me for once and then we have this little like

Hall entrance way because doors don’t fit in these and then we have the actual entrance into the main house and then this is kind of like the main hall and then off to this side is going to be the kitchen and storage and then off to this

Side is going to be the wizard tower there’s going to be a hallway going off that way and then upstairs will be the bedroom [Laughter] excuse or do you but yeah I kind of generally blocked it out like this so you’ve got the this is where the ocean is on

That side and then you’ve got uh the the little Um the boat boat dock is here the aquarium is here the nether portal is there and then up on the first floor you’ve got uh the main hall here kitchen storage wizard tower uh third floor bedroom and then outside you’ve got the bees the garden the other

Animals then the iron farm way over here and then I’m going to build more of a pathway going through and just build everything all up so right now I’m just kind of building out each individual room to plan it out over go yeah the wall of wall of

Fame is like on an island way out here that’s not getting changed that’s staying as it is I’m just updating the house itself but uh this is the progress so far the wall of fame no it’s not in the house it’s on its own Island it has its

Own special area I mean I guess we could move the wall of fame to the house but then we’d have to retype everything by we I mean me I would have to retype [Applause] everything sounds tedious e it would be I mean I figure this way the wall of

Fame kind of has its own spot has its own special spot going to go have a good time zone all right have a good one thanks for hanging out BS there we go and some Spruce plant oh maybe some um not that these all Right oh that’s kind of E that’s going to bother me and carry the stone all the way up the front I mean I could I guess this feels really uniform I mean I guess I could do something like this n that looks tacky as [ __ ] well I’ll make that a good foot no It have to be so damn hard I know right ridiculous That almost kind of works maybe get some stairs in There hi I’m not dead hi not dead I’m kit brightness down to hopefully set my brain up for good sleep [ __ ] yeah push the pillars out I could do that I think of what a bad food would be then I remember the pedicure sessions for serious issues and I was like

Ah a lot of hop I feel something needs to be here there’s a block called wood which is eight sided log you mean that one that of matter the favor a second one tomorrow what if okay guys hear me out what if No maybe lower why not but then what do I do at the top and it’s a lotion of the campfire predicament and on is on his way home Woo okay what if we no I like it maybe Stone to make a oh yeah the okay so the campfire predicament is we’ve got these light big light things here right I was trying to I was trying to make like a braier right but [ __ ] wood would cause you know the

Rest of the wood to catch on fire a Netherrack caused the rest of the wood to catch on fire and uh Soul Sand was blue uh and Nether Warts went out but the problem with the with the with the game roll fire pick false yeah but like

This is this is going to be for the survival world is the thing so like I could make it not spread here but it’s going to be for the survival world so Al Hey hack welcome on in how’s it going Raiders mon grade mon grade mon grade what’s

Up how was your stream how’s it going how’s it hanging welcome on in Raiders for everyone who just came in hello hi hey how’s it going I’m k your local primordial deity of Chaos in cat form we’re uh discovering trying to build some stuff in Minecraft today how you doing [ __ ] I’m doing

Pretty [ __ ] good it’s other than my brain like melting my brain is melting but other than that I’m doing all right we’re we’re trying to I’m trying to like I’m creative moding trying to rebuild my house for survival just so that I kind of have a general game plan of what I

Want to do and it’s been uh difficult it’s been difficult but how was how was Metal Gear were you winning were you winning son could add the Fire doesn’t spreadsheet I could but I feel like that would be like inconvenient in the the survival world or kind of cheaty feel like it’d

Be kind of cheaty in the in the survival world too fire [ __ ] yeah thank you Fire finally enough fire is what we’re struggling with right now I’m trying to make bers but either there’s way the [ __ ] too much smoke or it’ll light the rest of it on fire or it goes out and I’ve been trying to I’ve been struggling trying to figure out what to

Use so far we’ve just been going with campfires cuz like it works the best it gets off the most light and it looks mostly okay it’s just I don’t like how much smoke there is the smoke bothers me but other than that it’s going pretty good we got we

Got we’ve got our our aquarium here that’s going to go out to the outside and then like a little platform here going to have some nice chairs and whatnot and then we’ve got the main part of the house which we’re working on right now and uh the staircase and a little reading Nook

And uh this hallway is going to go off to the kitchen and storage and this hallway is going to go off to the uh Wizard Tower and then it’ll go downstairs to the aquarium and The Nether area and then upstairs to the bedroom but right now I’m just working

On the main piece trying to make it look fancy trying to make it look neat kind of difficult let’s play through of the game with it playing with is very different to games I normally play really enjoying it [ __ ] yeah I have never played a metal gear game but I have

Heard much High Praise for it but that’s awesome you playing with Fox very nice very nice bat why are you here why crazy but yeah it’s uh it’s getting there slowly but surely we getting there I think we should probably work on the outside a little

Bit now that we’ve kind of got the inside figured out mostly so I think we just take this around the edge like this actually this side is probably mostly going to be actually I wonder if I should do stairs maybe I should do stairs or not I don’t

Know maybe just do these like I did here I have a sneeze and it won’t come out ah a chronological so we watching the snake boy grow up big and strong a that sounds like a lot of fun actually that sounds [ __ ] legit how you liking

Three so far how how have you like the how have you liked them so far they good Gucci gravy there we go they do be gravy [ __ ] yeah glad to hear it how do Swan design a bedroom how do one Des a bedroom don’t know I feel like okay we could okay from

Here what we could do right is just go in right it’s going to get very tall though this is very wide I don’t know if my bedroom needs to be quite that big but to mute you Babb how dare how dare you mute me that’s against the

Law yeah it’s not too shabby I don’t think something like that for the that is not not centered what is it is that centered no that’s slightly off center oh that’s going to bother me oh that’s going to bother me mute this stream I leave my room what nonsense

Because I don’t know what you’re talking about my stream is perfectly normal and uh it’s full of of normal things and normal people and uh definitely not not anything weird there’s there’s never been anything weird in my streams I don’t know what you’re talking about mil are you

Sure don’t don’t they want to know I think they want to know mean suggest otherwise damn n M Us in the G of St that attracts people who make heart icons with razor teeth and huge slimy tongues no perfectly normal yeah exactly see asy gets it all perfectly normal no sliming slimy tongues and razor teeth here speaking of actually I need you guys to know I need you guys to

Know that the 3.0 model is so very close to being done it’s so close you guys we’re almost there we’re almost to the promise Neverland and I’m so excited to be there like oh my God you guys like I am most of the way through doing

Textures and I just got to figure out some weirdness with some rigging it’s bothering me though not not the M anime pris land no no God no uh yeah no [ __ ] I’m so excited I’m so hyp I’m so hyp so close we’re so close there’s just some weird janky [ __ ]

With some rigging that I have been having to ask like five different people for help on uh and then I got to do some like finishing touches on the textures and add some fancy [ __ ] in there but other than that we’re so nearly there and I’m so Excited bothering me so much why we just do this we’re going to we’re just just not going to talk about it okay we’re just going to take this wall in and we’re just not going to talk about it okay hi bat oh like fix it properly when we actually build the doohickey

Thing or actually I guess I could just h no yeah no I’ll just I’ll just I’ll just I’ll just fix it properly when we actually build it for real Zas that’s all I’ll just I’ll just fix it when we fix it for real Z and we’re not going to worry about it

Past that okay okay no worries none worri don’t worry about it it’s fine but yeah no it’s super close it’s super close to being done and as soon as it is done I well I still have a lot of work to do but as soon as the model is done I can

Start working on [ __ ] think Miss and start getting like goals and rewards put together and all of that good fun stuff and event streams and yada yada and whoy what’s it what if we put I have an idea right we’ll have this right and let’s see from the inside we’ll have glass

Can do it later while I do it now uh because I need to do I won’t have time to do it later that’s why there will be no time for later Oh actually actually God damn it fine I’ll just do it like this there we go craps a [ __ ] thing good question a very good question that unfortunately will probably never be Answered oak door or Spruce door and Spruce door have a death counter for when you’re making this in survival yeah probably what if I do the roof in Cobblestone like partially Cobblestone partially wood ew that was a Skittle that work yeah the most wholesome Lobster vids come up

On my boat fisherman clean the lobers with Barnacles again this oh my God I think I know what you’re talking about I think it’s been on mine too I think I know exactly what you’re talking about yes they are [ __ ] adorable I love those videos I’ll take when they want babyy

They I’m talking about M milk that is never not going to be funny that’s never not going to be [Laughter] Funny oops Two oh wait it’s four oh that bothers me oh that I know I’m going to fix these in the final version but God [ __ ] damn it does that bother me actually you know what I could do you know what I could do oops actually let this look from this side yeah I think that looks all right bullshitty was so does Baka

To get the wind down wind down Vibe wind down Vibe right yes good oh there we go now that makes more thing I know in this world is that 30 mph signs are usually the first things you taken down to crashes or hammers huh [ __ ] [ __ ] B

One thing I know there every build in Minecraft always has a purpose whether you see it or not all detects his creativity yes correct true fire lava block can turn any AIR block that is adjacent to a flame flammable block into fire this can happen at a distance of up

To one block downwards one block sideways ways including diagonals and four blocks upwards of the original fire interesting also hello incisions the name of my entire life a mood but today have an incarceration of no I go has the brain cell yay we found the brain cell

Uh is that where I want that roof to be or do I want that one up I kind of want that one up I want Stairs maybe I don’t want stairs what do I Want yeah let’s leave you have a good night everyone all right alen sounds good have a good night sleep well thank you for hanging out I appreciate it I hope you have a good good good sleep and hope good rest of your day Is that what I Want is it is this what I want I don’t know I don’t know I’m too indecisive maybe it works Blackstone are also an option they are but we’re going to be doing the um wizard tower in that f for Okay other there’s there that’s a little bit better that’s not too bad then we can actually like continue this one up to the top the stairs don’t go that high but like we can have that there like that [ __ ] if I had this blocked oh no I guess I

Can get up there never mind cool okay awesome what about this can I still get through no okay I need to have that one open ah pigge hello Pidgeon thank you for the milk pigeon thank you for the pigeon milk you look at my life choices that’s what I want it’s

True okay all right let’s do some some designing all right so first things first we need to figure out where the beds go um I’m thinking the bed goes um which way that this maybe over here think the bed goes over here so let’s get some bed not

Bend we need a cyan bed and a purple bed and Umop oop is he adding pigeon milk to the kidney it’s Olive G oh it’s already there I am pretty sure pigeon milk has already achieved classic classic meme Okay what if we have like a little Nook for the bed so like that and then that and then we get some uh um stone walls yeah that’ll work now the the beds have their own little like Nook uh do this and then we get some

This and we get more lamps no not lamps uh light candles purple candle blue candle perfect how many can you add four perfect yes good and then obviously we need some carpet uh I think I did the Ace Flag upstairs so so we need black gray purple and

White although I might do it over here actually y finally home that was a good drive and by good I mean I cried the whole Drive yay oh no that doesn’t sound like a good drive at all for deck the holes with pride damn right oh my God you guys I totally forgot

But uh you’re all doomed I hope you guys know I hope you guys know the sheer level of doomed that you are because I already [ __ ] have the goddamn uh I already have [ __ ] Let It Snow and jingle bell stuck in my head it has entered my brain blue purple um magenta pink

Black white are we doomed I am so delayed because Christmas brain has activated so it’s pink white Genta black and P all day God not Christmas songs exactly Christmas songs Christmas songs p p we yet to hear Mariah car Carrie you mean you didn’t see the meme you didn’t see the

Video I am genuinely surprised and signs C EXP I wish I hadn’t seen it already uh what do I want to put back here maybe just put some chests some bookshelves maybe I’ll just put a couple fizel bookshelves I think up here I will do the spruce there we go and Lantern

A hanging sign in front of the doorsa I do actually kind of want to put not that a funny mean tangentially relevant Meme and memes [ __ ] yeah I’m going to go [Laughter] look H yeah that sounds about right that sounds about right uh let’s see oh I know what we

Need we need some Stone wow Um TOS here actually there we go now we’ve got a good bit of light in here maybe a few slabs for the rafters oh maybe that’s a what I need is proper Rafters wonder how that would look let’s find out very cottagey I kind of like

It my boss great [ __ ] has a bat on and a couple CH room lights light oh yeah the Frog Light I need to add I need to add one of those in actually maybe I should put it up there yeah this is so [ __ ] cozy oh my

God the guy would want want to live here this is so nice holy [ __ ] this is so much better than my current house instead of glass like the blocks I have conflicting emotions look alone makes it so cozy it really does it really [ __ ] does like holy

[ __ ] what I would give for a little cozy little house like that Holy like just just give me reading nooks and like soft lighting and no noise just give me give me nature noise and a little [ __ ] reading Nook and I’m happy no cars going down the highway no

[ __ ] police sirens all the goddamn time just give me comfy cozy Vibes just give me give me my Forest dwelling let me Fe be a forest gremlin I’m me back to tell me Stop N you’re good that needs that’s that looks that looks awful in the roof one block forward with

Stair slabs could be good good point [ __ ] God damn it that um all h H have no carrots so I made a bowl cereal 133% cup of cereal and 100% cup of milk is exactly twin line to carrot carrots but why carrots I I eat carrot oh I missed that message That’s difficult just slant the roof with or stone bricks and slabs uh so upside down stairs under the blocks to slant more yeah my I eat them all up so when I say carrots tastes better than bunny suit God damn for an outfit for all stream long

He do do have a redeem for That God damn it this is L difficult [ __ ] [ __ ] maybe I do just need to build it up H it’s getting there but it’s definitely still struggling a bit if I take the oh leave the one on the top yeah I think that looks a little bit better H well it’s getting there Che gaming Okay oh I’mma pin that so I can find it later oh that BS me much I’m going to fix that like in the final version but holy [ __ ] does that bother me first right on food yay yay I love cursed ride on food it’s my favorite I just want to hang out up here honestly I just I just I just want I just want to like live here I’m just I’m just going to live here okay o you know what be really cool is to build a fireplace we should build a fireplace like right here

Frogs like making a frog eat a Magma Cube well I do now actually maybe it should be up against like the wall there that would actually make a lot more sense now that I’m thinking about it it would it would make it would make a lot more sense

Have to move this out a little bit but that’s fine move everything like this way actually no uh what why why the bacon why the bacon again maybe glass panes would be perfect for this yes pigeon thank you pigeon iron bars oh yeah iron bars exist taada I got to go downstairs and

Make sure that that doesn’t light something down here on fire actually maybe I’ll add like an extra uh stone bricks replace air this all sand burn continuously don’t don’t brick slabs and oh that would have been smart yeah oh but the problem with slabs right is that I can’t

Uh I can’t use the fill command cuz it’ll like put them on the bottom instead of the top that it’ll be cheaper in survival I mean I have the grind Stone so it should be fine either way there’s to light in the Wall Part A I could just do like the outside layer

Too instead of doing the entire thing just do like three wide around the edges or even maybe even too wide n I think three wide that way it covers it but also like doesn’t I don’t have to completely cover it oh not going to lie that’s pretty [ __ ] cozy

How much SP do we have yeah that actually probably works better I love it don’t love that distinctly do do not do not uh do not do not love that don’t like don’t like don’t like that uh how uh how did that happen there isn’t a fire raging down here is there no

You want to not do that Again extend the stone behind the fire [ __ ] every taada hopefully that doesn’t light something else on fire although I do like the idea of a chimney at least visually nothing else back here is on fire good and it’s got this little Nook here with her storage [ __ ]

Yeah I loves it I loves it this looks so good it’s so gozy I’m just going to live here forever I’m just I’m just going to live here don’t mind me nice and chill the chillest it’s so nice [ __ ] what back welcome back lie down on the wooden floor and be

So comfy [ __ ] right I could just curl up here all day but alas for now it is bedtime for cat tired kid very tired kid very very tired kid thank you for hanging out during stream uh let’s see all right are there any updates to give you guys in the coming weeks uh

No all I could say for now is that the 3.0 model is very nearing to being done um again I just have to finish up texture work uh figure out some weirdness with the rigging uh do some finalizing and it’s pretty much ready to go which is good it’s good for me I’m

Very very very [ __ ] ready for it to be done I tell you guys what I tell you guys what I’m so [ __ ] ready for this goddamn thing to be done I want it to be done and ready to go and I want to show you guys I it’s

Taking every fiber of my being right now to not give you a sneak peek but no we’re we’re only we’re we’re we’re getting there we’re getting there we’re actually as of right now since it’s finally past midnight for me we are 1 month exactly to my three-year debut

Anniversary one month and I’ll have been doing this [ __ ] for three [ __ ] years now which is a lot of years it’s it both simultaneously feels like a lot of time and none at all and it’s kind of Wild you’ve never had a bigger audience well I should hope so after 3 years I better have a big bigger audience than when I started but yes it’s kind of it’s kind of nuts how far things have gone but I’ll talk about that more on the actual debut

Anniversary stream I’m not going to get into that now I just need to pee and have dinner and go to bed so let’s let’s go find someone to raid shall we Who’s online of awkward and awesome times correct you know what Silver’s on Silver spin uh streaming I haven’t seen Silver

In a hot minute I think we’re going to I think we’re going to go say hi to Silver but yes uh Friday we finished Alice madness Returns so on Friday we’re actually going to be starting bendy and the ink machine which I’m very excited about because I’ve

Never actually played it I’ve watched a lot of other people play it I’ve watched a lot of like let’s players well I say a lot but I’ve watched like Markiplier play it I watched Markiplier and Jack Septic gu play it and I think that’s actually it but I’ve never played it

Myself so I’m I’m kind of I’m I’m excited to finally finally play that and thank you for thank you Ry on for for raid messages that’s a lot for you it is a lot it really actually no I have been watching so many random [ __ ] people lately like it’s reduless how much

Random [ __ ] completely unconnected [ __ ] I’ve been watching lately but yay there’s raid messages for all y’all for those who have emotes and the raid to if you do not have to emotes uh Friday we’re going to be starting bendy and the ink machine and Saturday will be whatever Saturday is just check

Cof yeah good good check good check godam it but uh yeah so I think I think that’s I think that’s going to be I think it’s no milk no milk incident this time thank you please please and thank you uh but yeah so yeah bendy and Friday whatever we’re doing on Saturday and

Then next week is is eh not quite the last week of no uh November we’ve actually still got a couple weeks but I’m mango I swear to God but yes all right I’m going head on out so uh yall have y’all have your y’all have your raid messages emotes and

Non emotes and all that good fun stuff and uh yeah so so we’re going to go say hi to Silver who’s playing some dead by daylight and I will see you guys on Friday for bendy all right all right cool so thank you guys for hanging out with me I appreciate

It and I will see you on Friday okay bye

This video, titled ‘Type-y Type-y Words Time ~ Every Note / Minecraft ~ November 15, 2023’, was uploaded by KitekkiVODS on 2024-01-04 14:00:43. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 07:39:11 or 27551 seconds.

Full VOD of the Every Note Stream with some Minecraft

Watch me play live over on Twitch!

My Socials Main Channel – @Kitekki Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kitekki Tumblr – https://kitekki-khaos.tumblr.com/ Discord – https://discord.gg/TX8jYf6G3Z

#VTuber #ENVtuber #indiegame

Music Credits: “Chaos On The Line” by Ma3z https://twitter.com/MusikGoat

Streambeats (Titles on Screen)

Stinger Credits: Spvwvky – https://ko-fi.com/spvwvky

Channel Tags General – Kitten Litter Art – Tekillust Fashion – TekiWear

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    Fauzex-aid Minicraft - Epic Eid 2024 update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Update Addon spesial Lebaran 2024’, was uploaded by Fauzex-aid Minicraft on 2024-04-14 13:56:06. It has garnered 310 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. #minecraft #addon #minecraftpe Spartan’s Turrets Minecraft Don’t forget to support this channel by: 👑Like, share, and subscribe ✔️ 💃No skip video✔️ 🤹Comment in polite language✔️ jujutsu kaisen addon minecraft pe jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.20 anime addon mcpe 1.20 jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.19 jujutsu kaisen addon v11 jujutsu craft addon v4 addon jujutsu craft v4 jujutsu craftin addon anime addon mcpe 1.19 eyebag… Read More

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    Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔Video Information This video, titled ‘Best husband name 🥰🤗🤪 #shorts #love #truelove #sad #reels #status’, was uploaded by Alamgir Alam on 2024-04-05 04:30:14. It has garnered 11749 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #shorts #youtubeshorts #aesthetic #funny #memes #faketweet #minecraft #tiktok #follow #like #explorepage #youtubers #youtubechannel #gaming #twitch #video #instagood #hiphop #memes #viral #subscribe #gamer #rap #facebook #explore #ps #art #soundcloud #k #artist #trending #newmusic #bhfyp #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #photography #fortnite #funny #meme #m #applemusic #s #rapper #fashion #podcast #producer #game #a #twitter #xbox #playstation #itunes #likes #vlog #sub #trap #streamer #live #o… Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viral

    Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Yug playz vs all mob shorts 🆚 #viral #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pro Gamer on 2024-01-11 11:43:51. It has garnered 3270 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. yug playz yug playz trolling sister mob battle noob vs pro entity 303 vs herobrine niz gamer vs yug playz bulkystar vs yug playz i cheated in a mob battle yug playz qna,yug playz headsteal smp yug playz school smp part 3 mob battle challenge 100 mobs vs me i cheated in mob battle 1000iq plays hogalalla vs yessmartypie giant… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!

    Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE can we make full nidrit armar’, was uploaded by Azure Gaming on 2024-01-10 18:23:47. It has garnered 31 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:08 or 8948 seconds. MINEGRAFT #MINECRFT LIVE Read More

  • ArcticSMP

    ArcticSMP[1.18] ArcticSMP, is an upcoming smp with clans, wars, 100k word border, no land claiming, no economy, no crates, just pure pvp and hand to hand combat, come join our discord! https://discord.gg/arcticsmp server ip is mc.arcticsmp.com (SERVER RELEASES JUNE 3, 2022) mc.arcticsmp.com Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ Older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015

    Server26 Information Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are: GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins are absent by design and won’t be added. There are two ranks “new” and “player”, they do not give any benefits. You can not buy “power” for real money here. Everything on the map was built and farmed in survival. play.server26.net Map: https://map.server26.net/ Discord: https://server26.net/discord Community Laid back rules, a close knit… Read More

  • Lavaque MC

    LavaqueMC is a new Minecraft SMP server that’s just right for everyone! It is a season-based server currently in its first season, which ends May 28th, 2024. Features include ranks, economy, vaults, and shops. There is also an auction house, plus land claims, an awesome spawn, and so much more! Can you rise to the top and become the richest? Join LavaqueMC now and give it your best! discord.com/invite/9tNNYvPbgN Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Join the squad’s world!

    “I’ve been playing Minecraft for about a thousand blocks… oh wait, I think you meant minutes.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Change with Mikeize! Aha Moments Await

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Change with Mikeize! Aha Moments Await In the world of Minecraft, things are changing fast, Can you spot the differences and make them last? Mikeize is here to guide you through the maze, With quizzes and challenges that will amaze. From Exit 8 maps to barrier blocks, Endra and Ender Dragons, we’re ticking all the clocks. Splatoon-style showdowns and command block tricks, In the world of Minecraft, the fun never quits. So join us now, in this rhyming delight, As we explore Minecraft, day and night. With Mikeize as our guide, we’ll never be lost, In this world of creativity, at no cost. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: The Final Straw 😂 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Logic: The Final Straw 😂 #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in a split second. Minecraft logic at its finest! 😎 #minecraft #meme #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Creating a Portal to ElestialHD in Minecraft PE

    Creating a Portal to ElestialHD in Minecraft PE Minecraft Portal Creation with ElestialHD ElestialHD, a popular Indonesian YouTuber with 3.98 million subscribers, has been creating engaging content in the Minecraft PE world. Let’s dive into the process of creating a portal with ElestialHD and explore the exciting world of Minecraft. Creating the Portal ElestialHD’s videos showcase the step-by-step process of creating portals in Minecraft PE. By following his instructions, players can learn how to construct intricate portals that lead to new and exciting dimensions within the game. Attention: ElestialHD’s videos are not only informative but also entertaining, providing viewers with a fun and engaging experience as they… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Thrive in a Minecraft Community

    Join Minewind: Thrive in a Minecraft Community Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to share with you a heartwarming dose of inspiration and connection from an anonymous stories video. While the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it reminds us of the importance of community and support in our lives. Just like the incredible moms in the video, players on Minewind Minecraft Server come together to create a supportive and welcoming community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, you’ll find joy in raising your virtual creations and overcoming… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft End Portal Prank

    Ultimate Minecraft End Portal Prank Minecraft: Exploring the Four End Gates Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where players can explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual landscape – Minecraft. In this article, we delve into the intriguing realm of the Four End Gates, a fascinating feature that adds depth and mystery to the game. Unveiling the Four End Gates Within the expansive world of Minecraft lies a hidden gem – the Four End Gates. These gates serve as portals to different dimensions, each offering unique challenges and rewards for daring players to discover. As you traverse through these gates,… Read More

  • Guess Word or DIE in MacNcheeseP1z Mine!

    Guess Word or DIE in MacNcheeseP1z Mine!Video Information This video, titled ‘Guess the Word or DIE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by MacNcheeseP1z on 2024-05-01 21:45:13. It has garnered 12159 views and 498 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. we are playing guess the word or die in minecraft, we have to guess the correct word or we die by getting pushed into lava! this game is a ton of fun. you put a word or phrase on the board and then the other person guesses letters, each wrong letter we push the buzzer and they get one step closer to lava!… Read More

  • Exploring Whitelady Haunted Mansion: Minecraft PE Gameplay

    Exploring Whitelady Haunted Mansion: Minecraft PE GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: PE – Whitelady Haunted Mansion Horror Map – Gameplay Part 4 [Android/IOS]’, was uploaded by Yaky on 2024-03-22 12:57:14. It has garnered 51 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:58 or 1618 seconds. See description | | / / ​​If you liked this video, then please write in the comment “I love it” And don’t forget to subscribe and like thanks in advance)💜 0:10 – Welcome 0:42 – Tutorial 1:17 – Walkthrough 24:51 – Ending Previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGGYWRFvYNk&t=59s Walkthrough for Android: —————————— Granny chapter 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jeFVymMspA&t=552s —————————— Granny SUPER FAST… Read More

  • Babu’s deadly shorts – OP enchanted armor in Minecraft

    Babu's deadly shorts - OP enchanted armor in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘fully inchanted armor in minecraft hardcore’, was uploaded by Babu deadly shorts on 2024-02-20 14:39:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS Ep 1079 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Project Minecraft Shorts Ep 1079 #Shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Plain and Simple Gameplay on 2024-01-13 15:00:11. It has garnered 374 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Village to City! Join me on an epic adventure as I attempt to create a city with 1000 villagers in Minecraft! In these videos, I’ll show you how to build houses, farms, and other structures to support your growing population. We’ll explore the world and gather resources to create a thriving community. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Madness Live Now!

    Insane Minecraft Madness Live Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing On My Minecraft server Live’, was uploaded by MoJoe on 2024-02-28 19:48:43. It has garnered 34 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:48 or 10128 seconds. Read More

  • BECOMING KOKUSHIBO TSUGIKUNI in Demon Slayer Minecraft?!

    BECOMING KOKUSHIBO TSUGIKUNI in Demon Slayer Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became KOKUSHIBO TSUGIKUNI For 24 HOURS in Demon Slayer Minecraft!’, was uploaded by iamRage on 2024-04-11 18:16:45. It has garnered 1358 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:39 or 939 seconds. FINALLY IT’S UNCOPYRIGHTED! Now Subscribe To Me ➤https:// www.youtube.com/channel/UCuGPkTLDdu1FinG188Z6juw 🔔 Click the BELL and turn on ALL NOTIFICATIONS! 📲Follow My Tiktok ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@iamrage_ Tags- #IamRage #kokushibo #minecraft #anime #demonslayer Read More

  • “CRAZY! SomnKC Nearly Dies in Hardcore Minecraft!” #shizo

    "CRAZY! SomnKC Nearly Dies in Hardcore Minecraft!" #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hampir ketemu ajal sendiri di Hardcore Minecraft #somnkc #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Somn KC on 2024-02-28 00:32:54. It has garnered 111 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Like, Share, and Subscribe this video. As well as comment on any shortcomings or suggestions, guys, so you can become a better CC 🙂 Donate sincerely: https://saweria.co/somnkc https://sociabuzz.com/somnkc/donate https://streamlabs.com/somnkc/tip Also follow: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/somnkacitha Twitter: https://twitter.com/SomnKC Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@somnkc #somnkc #gaming #gameplay #indonesia #streamer #streamerindonesia #youtubegaming #minecraft #minecrafthardcormode #hardcore #survival #highlight #clips #rtx #rtxon #rtx3070ti #shortvideo #shorts #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Insane Free Fire Gameplay with Epic Minecraft Music!

    Insane Free Fire Gameplay with Epic Minecraft Music!Video Information This video, titled ‘#viral #freefiregameplaybackgroundmusic #battleroyalegame #minecraft’, was uploaded by BD Zihan YT on 2024-04-07 08:04:11. It has garnered 122 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • BSlick’s INSANELY EPIC Texas Hold ‘Em Roblox Parody

    BSlick's INSANELY EPIC Texas Hold 'Em Roblox ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎵”This Ain’t Minecraft” (A TEXAS HOLD ‘EM ROBLOX PARODY)’, was uploaded by BSlick on 2024-03-29 20:30:07. It has garnered 5653 views and 376 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:10 or 190 seconds. Stream the song: https://songwhip.com/bslick/this-aint-minecraft-texas-hold-em-parody Read More

  • United Lands SMP 1.20.2 – Towny Earth – War – Economy – PvE/PvP – Alcohol – Lite-RP – Grief Protection – Cross Platform – Non-P2W

    Welcome to United Lands Experience a unique Towny-based Earth SMP with immersive features: Video Trailer: Watch our exciting trailer showcasing war, masterwork gear, and vibrant towns on the server. Watch here Explore the World: Delve into our 1:500 Earth-based map! Nations can claim unlimited lands with low upkeep costs, shaping borders as needed. Discounts available for larger groups. Gameplay: Engage in town building, land claiming, and immersive RP. Collect custom items like rifles and unique food items. Progression: Choose from 7 unique jobs with skill trees for enhanced abilities. Unlock powerful components of Masterwork Armor through skill progression. Access player… Read More

  • YawaCraft

    Server Lithuanian with Custom ResourcePacks, Jobs , minigames, Mcmmo, EliteMobs, Tops, crates, levels , towny, magic power, custom items and others… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Savage: Top Top Text

    “Oh, so this meme is top top text top top top rated? Impressive, but still not as high as my diamond pickaxe efficiency level.” Read More