EPIC Minecraft Volcano Smoker Build!

Video Information

Okay we are live right now let’s go ahead and pop out the chat copy that link uh paste it into custom browser docs paste there apply close YouTube chat pop that bad boy up oh my gosh and it didn’t put it so high up on the

Screen that I couldn’t uh do it oh my gosh pesto got first let’s go congratulations congratulations congratulations pesto for getting first pesto has tried to get first so many times and today she just got lucky and I think the bot was like in my chat right away because the second

That she sent that message it immediately gave it to her so congratulations pesto what’s up uh hen something I still don’t really know how to pronounce your name what’s up uh Tanish what’s up render what’s up oh wait is this supposed to be tiny is I don’t know uh what’s up monkey what’s

What’s up hi what’s up cash um what’s up other monkey what’s up Shero I was going to leave anyway oh that’s so sad Shero I was thinking today I was going to actually build a little a little hot springs just for you but maybe not maybe I’ll do another time

What’s up overscore how’s it going guys okay before we before we get into the Minecraft I just saw I just got the most random YouTube channel um recommended to me and I just think it’s really interesting so I’m just going to show you guys it this is the YouTube channel and you

Can see they’re making very interesting tutorials how to build an ancient city step by step Part 12 and it’s just it’s just a block by block tutorial of them building an ancient city which is never something that I would expect and so I was like that’s really

Interesting but then you go on the channel and like that’s kind of an interesting one but like every video is just them building like doing tutorials on how to build Minecraft structures which is so I don’t know that’s so interesting isn’t it just like how to build a

Shipwreck I did not add Discord you’re right any mods you guys want to do it you can do it mods uh um yeah but I just think it’s very fascinating okay like this is cool the fire nationship but like they’re just bu doing a tutorial they’re just doing a tutorial on how

To you don’t have access to to unmute people or to to send out the notification like they’re just doing like a million tutorials on on on how to build things and also some things are really funny because like that’s so simple like if you just look at a picture of that you

Can do it um and also this isn’t what a bridge Bastion looks like that’s like maybe I guess that’s a repaired Bastion oh this one’s hilarious how to build a tall witch hut it’s just build a witch hut and then make it taller you can’t send announcements gosh dang it I must

Have screwed something up all right I’ll send it at notifications remind me after stream to fix that cuz I I had it fixed and then the other day when I changed settings around to make the stream not get uh nuked I uh I must have broken it live now making the making

The uh making the volcano uh blow fat clouds there we go all right yeah so I just saw that and thought I would share with you guys cuz they’re doing very I feel like seemingly extremely Niche extremely Niche uh tutorials that like who needs to know how to build a

Tall wiot apparently 5.2 th000 people need to know how to do that and then 60 people needed to know how to do that to the point where they would uh to the point where they liked the video so I just figured I would share that with you

Oh you know what what’s the most popular video step 800,000 views on how to build a Pillager Outpost that’s crazy oh my gosh people like dude I got to start making these videos what they’re just they’re just making tutorial they’re not even like coming up with the design they’re getting they’re

Getting so many views 800,000 views on a 25 minute video that’s like a couple hundred bucks swear bro the less people put work put into videos the more views it gets not always see I didn’t even know that this channel was doing well or like does well sometimes cuz I’ve seen

Like the um you know you can see these videos don’t have a ton of views it is really interesting though just that people it’s interesting to me that there are a good amount of people who are willing or who like really want I guess to build something from Minecraft but they don’t

Just like have it in their world so they’re so they will uh you know they’ll copy block for block and try and add it to their world yo yo what’s up MOG swamp how’s it going cuz it’s like people only search them when they need them yeah but

Like what’s the situation where you’re building block for Block like a nether fortress um like I’ve built I’ve built like um I mean I I have like matica I they their tutorials are in Bedrock Edition but what’s the situation where you’re where you’re doing that dude that’s so

Cool MOG swamp I have I tried one time to copy one of your videos um I tried to do a little bit copy not not fully but uh your video where you did like for every subscriber you would break a bunch of dirt blocks I tried to do that and it

Didn’t work out at all I just I just figured I should let you know you did it better my my video did not do well Dash confession yeah I mean if you’re not confessing to streamers that you or to to Big YouTubers that you cop them what are you doing you know

I if I don’t know who a YouTuber is I won’t confess that to them I had a I had a YouTuber come into my chat a while ago and they were chatting for like a while um and they were like who’s your favorite at some point they asked like

Who’s your favorite Minecraft Youtuber in this chat and I said myself because I had never heard of them before I missed your last stream because I was at dinner oh cool wait why did I say cool to that sorry I’m very tired right now no worries Aaron yeah MOG

Literally broke YouTube with that one short dude that was yeah that’s why I was trying to copy in is my oh that’s my one of my monitors is glitching I think I don’t think you guys can see it one of my monitors is like flashing randomly that’s annoying man my

Monitors my dude my my new monitor like I got it like a month ago so this is not the new monitor that’s glitching but my new monitor is is kind of annoying with how it uh with how when I like Tab out of something it makes me wait like it goes

Black for about 5 seconds and I tried to fix it and I couldn’t I couldn’t get it to do anything unmute my bro please he was the one who asked to get banned um I don’t oh I I guess I could do that that’s a lot of work though

Remind me after stream can you show us around your world uh no I’m going to be working on the build today so I don’t think I’m going to go do a world tour oh wait that’s actually funny my video my short for tomorrow is a very brief World

Tour I decided um since I hit 5,000 days I figured I would make where do my Wither Skeleton skulls go I’m so disorganized what what what box were they in are you serious I can’t find it they might have been in here actually I think they were um my short for tomorrow

Is part one of my world tour because I was going to make it in one part and then I got like I I explained like three builds and then I ran out of time in the short and so I’m going to have to split it up into probably three

Parts just tuned in what do you mean by smoker I mean um if we come over here or actually I’ll just show you like right here you can see there a bunch there’s a bunch of little smoke going around um and we’re going to add that to to more

Of the mountain we’re going to add either fires or uh campfires do you ever think about starting a Bedrock World nope never never considered that and I don’t think I will ever consider that what did I do okay I need my flint and steel I’m going to guess it’s in a

Random Shuler box because I’m Disorganized okay well that’s a good find um okay I don’t know where it is then he said it was because he got hacked huh what did you do last video do you mean last stream what did I do with my freaking um guys what happened happened to my flipping flint and

Steel oh there it is found it Um what did I do last stream last stream I just added Wither Skeleton skulls all over the mountain now if you walk around on the paths you’ll have skulls looking at you like pretty much constantly which I think is pretty cool what’s up fero you should put hay

Bales yeah it is a thing I’m going to put them under some I like the variation in the height between I like to have like the like variation in height between the different smoke like the the chimneys I guess they’re not really chimneys I should get more black stone

Now that I think about it um so some I will and some I won’t basically is what I’m saying cuz I like there to be variation around the build so if I add them I’m basically going to I don’t know I might alternate maybe I won’t maybe

I’ll I I think I won’t alternate because if I alternate it might wind up looking too like systemic you know can things look good in green I think some things can look good in green I think think um I think that the only things that can pull off green though

Pretty much are um are like nature I feel like green clothing isn’t really like I don’t usually see good looking green clothing what’s up Sachi the wolf how’s it going you missed the celebrity Cameo yeah I think I scared off the I think I scared off MOG swamp unfortunate I was too honest

Um oh that’s what I was looking for Blackstone I don’t know why it took me so long to find Blackstone I have like 10 stacks of it but bro my pajamas I’m wearing are green well I mean I’m not I’m not saying there’s like no possibility that that

You’re uh that green can look good but I don’t usually see good green for the next project you should make a globe why though what’s the what’s the purpose of that we’re going to we’re adding more fires around the build especially I feel like in these areas fires will be

Cool I also think that I could potentially add like fires that also smoke which is pretty dope so now we have that um yeah would you rather have would you rather have unlimited bacon but no games or Games Unlimited games but no games I think I would go with uh

Yeah I think that would be my my answer I ran out of jump boost I’m stuck ow I was making like 2,000 a minute so high up in the clouds I was swimming what does that mean my shorts I have on right now are nice pastel green you know

What I can see I can see shorts being I can see being able to pull off green shorts but I don’t know about a green shirt I don’t know I don’t think I have any green I also like then again though with my fashion sense is different than

Some people I don’t like red clothing I just don’t I can’t pull off Red Clothing I don’t think or if I can I don’t really want to pull off Red Clothing um like I feel like red can look really good but not on people usually 226 Subs let’s go Holo G what

Does that mean I like your totem thank you than you oh wait this is the wrong totem actually hold on oh guys you know what I did I made a texture pack earlier that adds my perfect concrete Texture Pack to my other packs my perfect concrete texture pack would for some reason was

Really stupid and it made it made all of my um it made all of my uh chests and shulker boxes and stuff disappear so now they are back or so so now they don’t disappear so Sagi I’m I I don’t want to say that

The rapper I like I know who Polo is but like why are you just saying Polo G hello I have entered YouTube chat what’s up a4k 47 interesting name um yeah my my screen is still is still bugging every once in a while it just flips lickers I don’t know exactly

Why this is so cool thank you um yeah I think I think I like keeping the smoke to in wooded areas I feel like that’s a really good choice um especially since otherwise we’re going to need like a billion we’re going to need like so many um we’re going need

So many campfires and campfires are lowkey a little expensive so I would personally like to not have campfires or to not have a ton of campfires also I don’t want to cause tons of lag with all the particles so not having an insane amount of campfires around the build seems like

A good idea to me um so just adding a little bit of smoke here and there I mean it is a burn down forest so it makes a lot of sense in my book to have campfires and a few still mildly lit fires I’m working on a name

Change I would not you would be what’s up trippy crafts you would be the second person in my chat who I would have to call name I can’t pronounce because um there’s there’s one person one like frequent viewer whose name is just entire I’m pretty sure it’s

Mandarin I’m not uh I’m not entirely sure but I think it’s Mandarin characters and I just can’t I just can’t read it so I just say what’s up name I can’t pronounce so you’ll be you’ll be name I can’t pronounce V2 you know you’ll be the second second name I can’t

Pronounce my favorite color is purple Challenger or not not Challenger Jitter why are you asking that you should know this come on bud embarrassing bro is my mod doesn’t even know my favorite color you should be ashamed of yourself Jitter you’re a disappointment to your family my favorite color is clear that

Is not a color that is definitely not a color um I’m going to go ahead and add one little fire right Here oh that is pretty good I think I might want to add one right here and then I oh wait we have one right there cool BR ask you what your favorite color was because it’s part of part of the joke oh my apologies I still think you deserved it

I don’t take it back still a disappointment to your family I think um having underneath the actual live fires we have that Smoke Rise even higher and then underneath the non-li fires we can have it not rise very high you know BR what’s with the

Hate Dash I I don’t know I just feel like hating on Jitter today my favorite color is transparent Ah that’s like isn’t that like almost the same thing that’s like actually that is like exactly the same thing that Jitter just said and I flamed Jitter for

It but anime is Anime is too wholesome I would never flame anime I just couldn’t I don’t have the heart to Flame anime so average purple enjoyer dude average purple enjoyer is like Giga Chad for real that’s a fact it’s a it’s a known fact honestly you should uh trust me trust me

Okay purple’s the color of royalty so like I’m just saying like if you don’t like purple you’re probably going to be poor for your entire life and you’re going to die alone too so oh I didn’t I don’t really need that there I just woke up welcome in to the

Land of the awake people Sam purple was the color of royalty yeah purple was the color of royalty now purple is just the color of people who get lots of women so you know purples are weird anyone I know likes purple is who likes purple is built

Different I I I’m taking that in a good way we’re built different in like the you know we’re really cool way you’re just jealous of us you wish that you were a purple enjoyer non-p purple enjoyers are always are always claiming to be purple enjoyers and then and they’re just fakers

Purple people get women yeah my favorite color is purple everyone I ain’t doing this unsubscribing okay what are you not doing the only girl I give a conversation to is Siri word why are you quoting that are you quoting yourself who are you quoting I don’t know if is is smoke coming out

Of the lava good like I feel like there maybe should just be smoke coming out of all of it so maybe it isn’t good to have lava to have smoke there I don’t know though I feel like it’s probably fine Bam um my favorite design of color is

Galaxy that’s I don’t really know exactly what constitutes a Galaxy design but I feel like I feel like I kind of know what you’re talking about and that I feel like that is a cool design maybe if I’m thinking of what you’re talking about I think I I would agree um with

You at least to some extent that that’s a good design excuse me spiders I can’t see because there’s smoke in my eyes this is cheating all right there we go and I think I put a campfire wait I can’t put a campfire there put a campfire right here leave me

Alone there we go we have a bunch of smoke coming out of that area now beautiful and now we’re just going to add smoke to over here cool cool release me what does that even mean my brother trying to type in chat and say I I’m unsubscribing oh okay I

Almost never talk to women I’m just like that same dude I talk to one woman and that’s it I’m a leave stream YouTube shorts rotted brain and attention span see you later dirt bik like boy would you rather never eat meat again or always have a heat wve wherever you

Go is it a heat wave to only me or am I affecting everyone around me with a heat wave like am I just like do I seem like I’m insane to everyone else because I’m always hot no matter how cold it is or

Is or is it just like I you know I I go somewhere I like I go to a different state and now there’s a heatwave there I just sent you a pick of the Galaxy thing I’m talking about okay let’s let’s see it oh that is pretty

Cool is that just your screen saver is that your is that your uh freaking snowmobile or whatever uh talking to a Canadian disgusting bro has a snowmobile bro just sent me a picture of his snowmobile because he’s a Canadian imagine imagine needing a snowmobile to get around I would

Cry it’s my snowmobile anime is Canadian I’m aware I’m aware and we roast anime for being Canadian as well don’t worry equal opportunity bullying here okay even if you’re my mod I will still make fun of you for being being Canadian Bam Bam goose is greater than snowmobile I

Don’t need it we just got our first couple of inches of snow like 3 days ago I remember like last year though I remember you telling me about how um like last year I remember you telling me about how you guys had like I don’t

Like you you had so much snow at least some years you will have so much snow that you like can’t get out the door and like you know you’d have to like unbury your car so snowmobile seems like at least in those situations would definitely be a thing that you would I

Don’t know about need but you would uh it would definitely be a helpful thing to have around so I don’t know where I’m going with this to be honest but I’m going somewhere not to college butg yes last Christmas we had like 5 feet of snow that’s

Crazy yeah I don’t know exact I don’t know where trippy craft lives but he’s in Canada and that’s all that matters gross stinky Canada what time is is it in your time zone uh I don’t feel like checking my phone that’s too much work it’s a it’s sometime why does everyone care about

That genuine question random question why does why do I get asked that so much why does everyone care what time it is for me I’m in the US so I’m it it’s it’s uh you know I don’t know gives out your location I don’t think that people are really caring I don’t

Think that it’s because people want to know where I live especially since it gives such a broad range of where I could be you know it tells you that I’m like like Eastern Standard Time right which tells you that I’m one I’m I’m somewhere in

Like a 100 million people you know so if you want to come find me based on the the fact that I’m somewhere out of you know 100 million people then uh go for it but I I don’t well don’t go don’t go for it please preferably don’t go for it but like you

Know preferably don’t find out where I live but it would it would be pretty hard to do that be just knowing my just knowing that I’m you know in that time zone I think it’s because some people for them it’s like 4 in the morning they’re watching and they’re like

Interested to see you know what time it is for me but we need a command so that I can stop answering that question what did streamlabs do oh why did streamlabs do that huh bro why trippy ke can I show this on stream why did you just bro just send me

After sending me the picture of the snowmobile bro just send me like a family photo yeah you can use any type of trap doors I don’t think trap doors are even able to burn can I please show this picture off bro that’s so funny can you crop my why I’m not going

To crop your mom out you can crop your mom out bro that’s so funny all right just guys just imagine just imagine it what am I doing I’m going to streamlabs.com and I’m going to turn the Auto mod a little bit down emote protection it says the minimum amount of

Emotes oh oh okay you know what I just turned emote protection off because we have emote protection through nightbot I don’t think we need I don’t think we need through streamlabs as well you know so I think I think we’re chilling without even having that through streamlabs

So stop ignoring me I don’t know what release me means Mr Chief here I will send you a cropped photo okay why you have Luke the notable as a tag oh do I I think I probably have like dream as a tag too I probably just have any um any

Any YouTubers that are uh like somewhat similar to what I do means get me out of here I’m stuck here stuck in my stream or where where are you stuck I’m so confused okay we need to go home and get campfires which I don’t think is super difficult we’re going to go get

Campfires I’m stuck in a basement and in the Stream that’s unfortunate for you honestly but I won’t let you real I was kidnapped that sucks okay yes the picture has been sent bro that’s so funny I I like went back to streaming and then I just opened

My Discord and I’m greeted by this just trippy crafts and trippy Craft’s dad or brother or something also that’s the that’s the Galaxy design he was talking about but like I just I just open Discord and it’s just it’s just that any tips on content creation copy

Other people and copy what other people do brother word I don’t know what this says I misused my Russian keyboard to type this oh interesting Burr dude I don’t know why my freaking I don’t know why my why my screen keeps glitching OverWatch 2 guyses are

Crazy listen to Dash it works okay to be fair you have to do it better digicraft like totally copied one of my videos and then that video has like seven likes so you got to do it better you can’t just don’t just copy other people you got to

Add something of your own to it overscore no we fight kangaroos are you Australian see I don’t like look down upon Australians Australians scare me just like living in the wild with a million Kangaroos and spiders it’s like that’s like a nightmare I would have I

Used to take melatonin a lot because I like couldn’t sleep super good and um I would always get nightmares about spiders um and I didn’t like it so I stopped taking melatonin nearly as much or or what I would do is I also got a much lower dose of

Melatonin and that helped a lot I’m I’m sometimes I use like three 3 Mig but like when I would take I think I had a five like 5 milligrams and when I would take 5 milligrams it was like dude I would I would just dream about spiders every every night Al Australians are

Buff just repost Dash’s videos in 100 Parts over Subway Surfers dude my videos I feel like are already so um so fastpaced that do you even need the subway surfers gameplay oh sweet that’s what I was looking for I actually probably have coal at home now that I think about it I’m not

Sure though I just have kangaroo steak from woolies what does that mean Dash I’m going to make vids on how you can make mobs more useful in Minecraft okay potentially sounds like you’re still going to be just like copying my videos but you know what we’ll See we just build to be strong oh we’re just built to be strong that’s crazy fun fact I can never sleep I need to take melatonin every day that sucks man feel bad for you I have been sleeping I’ve been falling asleep pretty fast lately because I’ve been not getting enough

Sleep and therefore I am able to fall asleep like immediately I’m actually very tired right now I was considering go uh taking a nap but instead I opted to to work on my video and so you know what not the worst decision I’ve made in my life at least

It was a productive decision at least I didn’t decide to like you know at least it wasn’t like I could have taken a nap but instead I decided to go commit tax fraud you know and while that is a common decision that I do make uh it wasn’t the decision

I made today specifically today I did not make that decision Dash would you rather never play Minecraft again or never post on YouTube again can I still like post on Tik Tok Dash when you think you will get 100 views at once on a stream oh I don’t

Know that’s that’s hard maybe if I do like an event that I announce I feel like um someone described YouTube one time you uh streaming on YouTube one time and I feel like that it was was a pretty like apt description they talked about how streaming on YouTube is a lot

Better if you’re doing like events if you’re daily streaming it might be better to stream on Twitch for me because I have a big following on YouTube it’s totally better for me to stream on YouTube but I think it does make sense what they said that like if

You why am I getting just two stacks of coal I should do more I should do like five stacks of campfires just in case I need oh wow I thought thought that was a creeper but that was just the TNT oh is my oh wow both of them are still working

No way wow that’s crazy usually at least what the freak was that hello usually at least one of them will not be working by now oh you know what it isn’t working okay they’re not working sick love this Farm yes it’s so good and it doesn’t break every 5

Seconds it’s so it’s so unload proof that it breaks every time I unload it isn’t that just lovely I really need to message dark and ask why his unload proof Farm breaks every time I unload it maybe he’s going to tell me like oh yeah it just doesn’t work or maybe he’s going

To be like nah you built it wrong but I don’t think I did but I want to find out because it’s very annoying that it doesn’t work I got my Minecraft account sold and hacked for 7 cents dang that’s unfortunate that’s like one of the videos I

Made was like warning people about that should have watched that video and and been warned seems like it’s on you should have watched my video and known Actually I don’t even know how how you would avoid that though what a great unload proof Farm you uh how many beacons do you have I

Have a lot of beacons I love when my unload proof Farm breaks when I unload it yeah it’s pretty it’s pretty awesome excuse me just temporarily died um yeah it’s pretty it’s pretty fun got him oh no I don’t want that got him one two three one two one two

Three oh I can’t I can’t get another stack one two that’s four Stacks four stacks of campfires will be totally sufficient I’m pretty sure you know what I’m just going to leave these here for now I have a question what’s your question Mr Chief Kellogg scammed me too unfortunate Dash

I pink orbs am I okay what does that mean you know grilled cheese Obama sandwich song no what does that mean Xbox or PlayStation PlayStation because it has Spider-Man in other in the other ways they kind of seem the same but PlayStation has Spider-Man Dash I know some very secret info about

You about how you live in this galaxy no don’t tell anyone please you should build a giant poop that would be really funny I should totally do that and I should definitely not disregard your suggestion Entirely who is ger what are we talking about I see pink orbs am I okay what does that mean like in real life you’re just like seeing pink orbs if that’s what you mean then probably not that’s probably probably caused for concern if I had to

Guess feel like it’s not it’s not a great thing to just like you’re just seeing pink orbs everywhere probably not great did you know that seeing pink orbs is actually bad for your health if you’re seeing pink orbs perhaps consult a doctor did you know that dying is actually bad

For your health not a lot of people know that one but it’s true it’s actually a fact backed up by science G is a oh yeah I actually know who that is I I know G they’re a pig also Dash bom I have another very important question

Okay now I die every day that’s cra crap did you know watching Dash is good for your health that is true that’s scientifically backed where did all the buttons go there’s still here there’s one right there there’s one right there and there and there like you can see a lot of

Buttons all over the place um what do I do if some guy Tred why am I reading that don’t ask me that call the police that’s that’s not a question that that should be asked to a Minecraft streamer I’m not qualified for that um actually studies at Princeton

Show that dying increases lifespan by 1 minute 36 seconds dude I got to get I need to get some that would be a really funny bit to do hire some statistician like how dream did you know and get them to like scientifically prove that uh that watching Dash pump 4 uh that

Watching Dash pump 4 in like increases lifespan you know and I feel like the way they would have to do that is they would just have to do tests on like Lab Rats and give them Dash pump 4 and then give the other group no dash pump for

And then um just keep doing that test until the until the mice until like the group that watched Dash pump 4 lives longer and then you throw out the other you throw out the other results any other results are void but if it gives me the results that

I wanted then you keep that then you keep those results and that’s how you make that’s how you do good good stat work guys okay trust me that’s not sketchy at all it’s totally fine to just to just tamper with with or like take only the results that

You want okay trust I took a stats class and that’s what they taught me that’s not actually true Professor if you’re watching this I liked your class please um I’m just I’m just joking I’m just joking okay I don’t know why my professor would be watching this but he

Might have kids who knows or maybe he’s just a big Minecraft fan who knows I remember one of my professors last semester he randomly he he was like he was like oh I like your shirt and I was like thanks and he was like and then he was like do

You have a channel and I was like what and he was like do you have a YouTube channel and I was like yeah like but I it was just so odd that he I don’t know if he just saw me and was like that guy’s got a YouTube channel or what

But he knows that I have a YouTube channel I didn’t tell him what it is but he he knows that I have one so that’s there is probably there’s there’s one Professor that knows of my YouTube channel I don’t know if anyone else if anyone if any of my other professors

Know of my YouTube channel probably not they probably don’t even know I have one but maybe they do I don’t know they actually maybe could figure it out if they joined like a zoom call cuz they might see my like gamer setup but even so I still feel like that’s still plenty

Of people have gamer setups increase my smartness my smartness no your professor’s your biggest fan yo what’s up homie he was a cool guy my friend said that your channel sucked so I pulled out my revolver reasonable reasonable reaction honestly the only valid response to to someone saying

That what are they even talking about they don’t know what they’re talking about if they saying my channel sucks incorrect opinion honestly have they seen my volcano surely they haven’t seen my volcano if they think my channel sucks oh let’s let’s fly hold on I want to

Look at look at how the area looks now that it’s smoking okay I want to add a a smoke or two on this on this area it is a little bit difficult to do that though because these areas are all not flat enough for me to to put it put it there

Okay I can do right here Bam um smoking hot beb I got to beat this this kangaroo real quick yeah volcano but in Minecraft yep that is what we’re doing um do I I think that’s good right I feel like that’s good enough uh and now we have a couple smokes over here

Couple little smoking areas over here um and then we did hit this wooded area oh did we actually like finish this area though it looks like we only did that side cuz I don’t see any smoke coming from over here so we’ll add a add a couple more smokes to here bam break

That whoa magma blocks cool and then let’s go ahead and oh that’s not what I wanted to do did I pick that up I think I did Bam Bam um we’re going to add a smoke right here and we’re going to add one right over here I actually don’t want that there

Alt f4 gives you four totems every time you do it wow that’s honestly not worth it like that’s not like I don’t really have I don’t really need four totems altf 4’s got to give me something better than a totem totems are super easy to get I have like or in you know

In like a couple minutes I can get like a hundred of them Ulta four kind of sucks wouldn’t even bother using that maybe early game I would but I don’t know man not worth not worth in my opinion in my correct opinion not worth um and then we’re going to add a

Campfire right here and now this area is all Smokey cool I think I’m going to add one like right here as well it’s proving that 99.9% uh people that watch dasham goes to Harvard true you don’t want more Chula oh true I I kind of do but like not in Minecraft I

Want real life more Chula hold on I’m adjusting my chair my chair as you guys may or may not know likes to uh gradually fall so when I start sitting when I you know when I start I I adjust the chair pretty much every morning and then by the end of the

Day I’m like down here and it’s like oh fun little little Quirk of this lovely chair is that I just slowly sink it would be fun to watch uh if I ever do like a 6-h hour stream or something or like a 12-hour stream and I’m just sitting in my chair the whole

Time I got to make like a conscious effort to to start with the chair raised and just just so I can watch like a time lapse of overtime me being like new chair soon yeah I really should you now have entered a quiz show oh my gosh what’s up

Elias see you later me To oh yeah that’s um the cat the chat delay has been a thing for like since I started streaming on YouTube for some reason there’s a huge delay between chat between the chat box and the and between the chat box and uh and the stream and like the uh the stream chat I

Don’t know why I couldn’t I couldn’t explain it to you so it just is it just is a thing and we just kind of deal with it cuz I don’t really have much other choice honestly here we go sweet there’s one tree over there I

Don’t know if we need to add smoke next to the One Singular tree probably not oh that looks so that looks really good honestly oh there are a couple trees up here though we should add a bit more a bit of smoke on this mountain if possible I don’t know exactly where oh

Okay you know what here we can add one don’t be that here what does your chair look like it’s a pretty standard looking office chair I think it’s just a it’s just a chair you know what else is uh you know what else is really fun about this

Chair this chair when I just like sit down on it it’ll just like start spinning slowly I can just like sit perfectly still and I will just spin like I think that it’s weighted I think that it’s it’s like heavier on one side than another so if I

Just sit here without moving I will just slowly spin until it stops I actually stopped that time because I had my legs out and they hit a wall you should get a laptop and tap your YouTube channel being shown on there so you can see the real chat the

It that would be so ugly though I could I could just like have a recording of the YouTube chat on my screen but it would be really ugly so I so I don’t do that that’s the that’s the only reason that I haven’t done that that is an

Option but it just doesn’t look very good so especially since I make YouTube videos using clips and and stuff from the streams I want the I want the uh the Youtube streams to look good and they would look really bad otherwise no I’m not going I was saying goodbye to

Someone who was oh okay cool sweet glad glad you’re staying um where can I find a place I think I’m going to do right here I think we’re going to just add that block there and then Bam I feel like I need one here though this area is too empty bam there we go I think I think that’s good probably let’s see oh no I made them like two in line with each other I think if we add one right here somewhere we add one over here it’ll be

Maybe evened out and good oh we can add one right here that works if I put that there I don’t know if the Smoke Gets stopped okay it does yes see unfortunately campfires have to be placed very precisely they have to be exactly one block beneath the thing or

Else the the smoke will get stopped fortunately it goes through though best cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch I don’t agree with that I think Cinnamon Toast Crunch is good I don’t know if I’d say it’s the best cereal though seems a little a little bit like that seems like

Like a very high praise in my opinion you really deserve more clout thank you um I am going to break I want to break the just the hay bale that’s underneath this is what I think the problem is I think that smoke just goes

Up too high and it and it looks bad and now it will be the same height as all the others and it’ll be fine um we’re going to want to add a little bit of smoke over in this area H do you remember me I do what’s up foxy

You here I think last stream maybe the stream before then Dash is 20 he lives in North Carolina it’s like 600 p.m. for him I could probably docks him with that info don’t worry I won’t though oh yeah there are I’m the only the only 20-year-old who lives in North

Carolina um so it should be pretty easy to figure to figure out where I am especially since you guys know my full name Dash pum 4 first name Dash middle name pum last name four I don’t know why for like you know for privacy reasons I really should have

Named my YouTube channel not my full name kind of silly of me to do that but you know what it is what it is hopefully no one uses that information against me I’d be very cringe of them if they did I was in the one with the buttons oh

Word there were a couple of those actually I think I think there were actually only two maybe there were three though but still no worries welcome back good idea Aaron who’s Aaron is that a is there a chatter named Aaron all right dash I’m off to bed got to be up

For work at 3:00 a.m. bro what okay where what kind of work is that why does your work start at 300 a.m. oh my gosh get some sleep get some sleep trippy have a good night have a good day at work you play geometry dash I do not

Dash can I tell you something uh maybe bro forgot about Aaron I’m sorry Aaron I didn’t I don’t see any I don’t see any aand in chat not going to lie but I work in a quarry that doesn’t mean anything to me I don’t know what time typical Quarry job start are quaries

Typically like really early in the morning you got to wake up is it I don’t know yeah I don’t know how quy jobs work I start at 4:00 a.m. and we go till 400 p.m. to 10 p.m. depending on how busy we get dude trippy crafts is playing Minecraft in real life it’s

Pretty crazy BR Works in a quarry he’s literally Mining and crafting in real life like kind of cool not going to lie but I’m a little jealous but also so probably not cuz manual labor doesn’t seem like my thing considering I am lazy and weak how many diamonds have you found

For real for real I mine in like in real life then come home and mine some more yeah yeah how many diamonds have you found actually that’s a that’s a good question though what are you mining for like like what is the Quarry looking to find

Find matat retired I know I heard have you thought of learning a new language um I T I took Spanish in high school and I I know a little bit of Spanish but not really I’m not super interested in learning a new language not enough at least to like dedicate the time and

Energy to it I think that smoke goes too high so we’re going to fix that how did you oh my bad I actually do know who you are I just forgot that I just my bad you’re you’re just like the guy with the dinosaur profile picture to me I don’t remember everyone’s name

Individually fortunately none but I have found some quartz what bro is finding quartz in the Overworld that’s crazy how how impossible any tips on sacrificing haters in the volcano you got to throw them in there without but you can’t like let them know that you’re sacrificing them to the volcano because then they’ll

Fight back but you tell them like oh we’re just going on like a hike and then once you get to the mouth of the volcano you just shove them in the volcano does prefer um willing sacrifices but you know it’s kind of it’s kind of tricky to get um to get

Willing sacrifices so typically when I’m sacrificing people to the volcano I go with uh I just go with whoever I can get you know if if they’re willing that’s great but like you know when are they willing not usually they’re not usually willing to be pushed into a volcano so

Usually I got to I got to just get my hands a little dirty and do it myself you know that’s my that’s my tip take any opportunity you can to sacrifice people to the volcano you need to satiate it so that it does not ex so that it does not erupt

Okay remember that chat you need to keep the volcano well fed or it will erupt and kill all the crops and all of you I’m Japanese but I learn I learn Chinese right now because I learn all the Asian languages now I need rice cool um how deep is the lava on the

Inside it’s uh just one block deep hello Miners and Crafters today will we do a volcano build true so we mainly mine different Sands for golf courses we make a part of the mix for a for artificial turf mixes for concrete huh interesting so sorry I really don’t I

Really shouldn’t keep you cuz I know you have to go to sleep but like you don’t just go like go to the beach like is that not how that works I figured like when for like companies that sell sand they would just like buy land on a beach and then like take the

Sand from there you like have to do it you have to like mine to get sand interesting Dash it’s weird like that oh Dash is weird like that I didn’t know the stream would turn into a Satanic ritual well wait uh you were the the one who

Asked why are you surprised you’re the one who asked and you know my content you you subscribe to me you’re the one who asked why are you shocked when I when I answered your question wrench isn’t a country wrench is my favorite country rice or pizza and cake wait rice

Or pizza and cake like I get both like I can choose between rice is it rice or pizza or cake or is it I either get rice or I get pizza and Cake not at all L we mine in a pit and it’s just a stepping stone because I’m

Going for a red seal in welding to be a welder for a gold mine or an underwater welder for an oil rig why trippy why are these your aspirations in life I’ll see like Tik toks that will be like scariest jobs in the world underwater oil rig welder and why is

That like the why is that the job that you’re trying to get like what’s next are you going to be one of the people who climbs up those like thousand foot tall telephone poles to fix them why are you going after like the the scariest jobs possible rice or pizza and Cake only

One it’s none it’s pie oh I didn’t know that was an answer um I would have gone with pizza and Cake though cuz like you get two you know if I had to choose like you get you get e you get both so that seems kind of that seems kind of a

Little bit better rice is good I like rice but he and Cake both like that’s kind of that’s kind of fire and I can get rice whenever if you’re making me like survive the rest of my life on pizza and Cake versus rice I might take rice

Because I feel like rice would be a you’d probably feel a lot better if you ate rice every day than if you ate pizza every day pizza and cake every day you’d probably die at like 30 but rice you could probably survive off rice for for

A while I have a major rush for adrenaline and money dog work at an amusement park why why are you trying to go underwater and and uh Bros bro wants to go underwater where like where it’s pitch black and you’re under there for

Like hours I mean you know what I do I I have heard that jobs like that pay well because no one else like no one wants to do them so they pay well so that’s kind of sick but these these jobs that you want to do are

Crazy that you know what I wish you the best of luck I hope you’re the best dang underwater oil rig welder that the world has ever seen Dash don’t knock it till you try it that’s crazy to to to try that though like dude um underwater oil

Rig like work maintenance work is crazy from what I’ve heard because in order to not get the bend in order to not get like decompression sickness you have to like rise to the surface of the water like extremely slowly meaning that you you and you go down I think so you go

Down and you rise up over the course of like 12 hours so you’re just like underwater you’re just underwater in the pitch black for 12 hours because you know it’s you’re so deep underwater that there’s no uh there’s no sunlight down there the only light you might see is like angler

Fish I don’t know if you would see angler fish that would actually be really cool though trippy crafts if you uh if you get a job doing that and you see any angler fish I want to hear about it n man I don’t care when’s the underwater oil rig welding stream dude that’s

That’s a good idea yeah yeah I should do that would you rather delete your social media accounts or your Minecraft world probably my Minecraft world I feel like the social media account I have spent more time on and I also make more money off of social media account it

Makes more sense to delete the social media account I love my Minecraft world but I’ve it’s it’s taken me a very long time to accumulate this following and stuff so I don’t want to I wouldn’t want to lose that it would take me a very

Long time to get back all the stuff in my world you know or like well I wouldn’t get it back I would just do new projects but the the getting rid of of a Minecraft world is is a slightly better option in my opinion opinion 100% man and if I do underwater

Weld maybe I’ll make a YouTube channel for that dude that actually sounds like it could be a very interesting YouTube channel it’s 1,000 hours to get certified wow yeah I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do a underwater welding stream I would have to do you

Know like a year worth of underwater welding certification streams first and then we do an underwater welding stream would you rather sleep in a room full of snakes or spiders snakes snakes seem chill bro danger noodles I could I could Vibe with a danger noodle I think I don’t

Think I could Vibe with a with a spider though maybe if they were big spiders you know hot take but I feel like I would rather hang out with big spiders than small spiders cuz big spiders I feel like are just going to be chill you

Know and you can at least see them you know like you see people with pet tarantulas you don’t see people with like little pet tiny spiders I think if I spent enough time with with big spiders I could maybe start thinking they’re cute little spiders are just too small

To like play with I bet there are people who have tarantulas that like play with their tarantulas are we are we talking in are these like like wild spiders and snakes though like am I going to die or am I like safe is this like you know like freaking

Uh some somebody some like zoologist is there to make sure that the snakes and spiders don’t eat me cuz if if so I think I think I would still I think I would go with snakes cuz they seem like cuddlier but also spiders seems like maybe I could get

Used to it and it wouldn’t be the worst option well you need your weld Red Seal which is like 2,000 hours of welding and then your certification on underwater welding you need your scuba certification which is another 50 hours and another 1004 what’s up Kabir wow

That’s a lot of uh that’s a lot of practice welding dude anyways I’m out all right see you later trippy thanks for hanging out why are you making a volcano cuz I’m going to live in it cuz it’s going to be cuz it’s cool honestly the main the main reason cuz it’s

Cool cuz it it looks cool and I like looking at cool builds the smoke is looking pretty fire I think we want to add one right here and then we’re going to put this the button back uh we’re going to add a smoke right here and we’re going to add one right

Here then we’re going to do that and we’re going to come over here and we’re going to go right here add another smoke we’re adding lots of lots of furnaces Dash you want some spider snakes kangaroos koalas yeah give me all of them can I get like some big Crocs

Too not like the shoes like the animal preferably I would also take Crocs though if you wanted to get me the shoes that’d be cool I would also be okay with you getting me the the shoes I’m like the only person I know who does doesn’t have Crocs that’s

Totally untrue I know a lot of people who don’t have Crocs but like I know my girlfriend and my brother and Mom and I think my other brother have Crocs so I feel a little left out yeah let me go revive Steve Irwin yo good job have you get ever

Gotten bit by a tarantula that is a interesting spelling of tarantula I like that Chula’s name is in there I have to go to homework all right see you later the one cat what’s up Becky how’s it going I guess you could just say sleep in a room full of danger

Noodles or poison legs that what people call spiders never heard someone call that that who you think can have mod next I don’t know scoot seems like a pretty good candidate for mod how’s Chula she’s good she is chilling downstairs she got her dinner a little

While ago she was being a little cute baby earlier I was giving her some pets giving her some attention she’s so sweet she’s so cute okay I feel like this is pretty good um it’s so funny watching as I fly around the uh the skulls start

Rendering I wonder if there’s a way I really want to get a mod that makes the skulls render all the time but that’s honestly not a huge deal okay but you know what I think it’s I think that it might be time oh you know what I

Wonder um I have my oh no my anti distance is all the way up so I think it might be time finally to start decorating the inside of here what’s up Fierce One how’s it going exotic Butters exotic Butters cats or dogs I am a dog guy I just signed up to

An ad just for you yo y thank you what up monkey deffy Luffy he says he won’t stop talking about your streams during school that’s kind of sick but I don’t know I feel like the the thing is someone being in stream a lot doesn’t like necessarily make mean

That they would be like a really good mod or or mean that they deserve mod um because I need someone even if you’re at stream a lot I need someone who’s like mature enough to you know use the power that you get with Mod wisely and whatnot

So that’s my one fear with some some people who are here a lot that they’re not like insanely mature so I wouldn’t necessarily it might not be the best decision to have them as mod oh interesting if I throw this I can like see through the the

Slime yes you’re a rabbit person true I am a rabbit person does she like roam around the house or is she in a cage she roams around her area the whole living room is her domain um she used to live in my room and then

We moved her when I went away to college we moved her to to downstairs so that she would have more attention and we haven’t moved her back because I think she would she would miss it I actually might bring her up for a day or two um soon but

But yeah we is this powder snow I’m just curious no this is just normal snow um but yeah she is able to she’s able to roam the house there’s no fences or anything up but she doesn’t like to go on hardwood floors so she only stays on the carpeted

Areas for whatever reason she really hates hardwood floors I think it’s because she slipped and slides around them because her little feet are like she’s wearing socks um and so she just kind of stays there all the time she just kind of stays on the carpeted areas even though

She could totally walk around did you feel like getting a bunny or had you had a bunny for before I wanted to get a pet and I was doing some research or I think I had like seen some videos that were just like I’m not sure if this will actually look Good I think maybe not I don’t know is it like too purple what do you guys think um we got I I was really lonely cuz my brothers had both gone to college and he’s got Obby on his bed what oh yeah um yeah but

So I got her cuz I was very lonely and I wanted a pet and I saw some videos of bunnies so I did some research into bunnies and they seemed like the perfect pet in terms of like how much work they are to take care of and and then so we

Got we went to the animal shelter one day uh we went to the animal shelter on my birthday my parents didn’t really want to get a pet but then we met Chula and she was such a a sweetheart and she like came out of her cage they let her

Out of her cage and she like jumped onto my lap and was like hopping around me and like letting me pet her and she was so friendly that we were like all right we’re taking her home except we had to wait like a week or two while she like I

Think she had to get like spay but something like that she we took her home like 2 weeks later and it was a great day oh same thing happened to me oh nice what’s up Flora how’s it going how many times have you failed placing obsidian

And spent ages mining it on a live stream not not many times probably I don’t know I don’t I I I was thinking that that might look good but I I’m not sure I’m not so sure that that looks good um one thing that I feel like I want to

Do but it would take a lot of time and effort to do it one thing that I feel like I want to do is I’m not in love with the mouth of this volcano I feel like it might be too wide and not I feel like volcanoes are

Usually they end in like more of a point rather than ending in like a that and I don’t know it would take a lot of work but I’m tempted to to add to make the volcano taller so that it so that in um either so that the mouth of

The volcano is like this wide and then it just goes straight down uh with cats so we were in the fish market and four small kittens just climbed onto me a that’s so cute the the cat um the cat distribution system I named my rabbit Bob but it got

Scared to death by a fox while it was in his cage why was a f it wasn’t out outoor rabbit I was going to say why is a fox in your house but I’m assuming it was an outdoor rabbit from bird’s eye it looks like a

Castle H like I don’t know I think it’s a I think it is a goodlook volcano but I think that it could potentially be even more impo like imposing if I made it significantly taller cuz it is already the tallest mountain in the a area but I just feel like maybe maybe

What I would want to do is cover this with a temporary block and then lava cast to make the mountain even taller and then we cover the top part with obsidian again um I’m not sure I must make Dash drink water word did someone even I hydrate I didn’t even see it

Oh it does feel like the head was chopped off it needs to have a slanty bit see what I’m thinking what I want to do I think that I want to make a backup of this and then use commands to try and see how it would

Look if I did what I think I want to do see the one thing is it’s really hard at this point to make it to make it go in by a lot and we have to make it go in by a lot like I think if I made it a perfect

Slant it would look awful so I would have to go I would have to keep going up at like this pace which would mean that it would be like really really tall like it would end like up here or something which might be way too much

Work you should do that yeah I think we’re going to we’re going to make a backup of the world and then we’re going to use commands and we’re going to see how it works um we’re going to see how it looks because yeah I don’t know like I like

The volcano but I I feel like maybe it could be better the one thing that sucks about um me making it taller is that then I’m going to have to redo some of the lava streams at least I might be able to extend them downwards and then

Just connect them we’ll see um easy mode wait it should have a underscore in front of it there we go that’s the wrong one would going in different Minecraft versions and doing stuff corrupt your world probably yeah all right I’m doing that when is next high pickle stream I don’t

Know I was thinking if I got bored today cuz I’m doing a three-hour stream today I was thinking if I got bored I might I might go and do high pickle but we’ll see you could just do it not to be perfect around the center circle but

Close it in by like 20 25 to 40 blocks on a slant yeah we’ll see how it looks we’ll we’ll we’ll test some stuff uh easy mode volcano testing is what it’s going to be named so uh there it is easy mode Vol volcano testing there we go all right I mean now

That I’m not in hardcore mode I don’t think people would care as much if I go into creative mode anyway but I’m going to go into creative mode make my hotring true I could do that to the hotring what’s your thoughts on other popular Minecraft youtubers

Some of them are good OMG Dash bomb is hacking no so okay so what I was thinking I could do is just extend this up I think that this mouth size might be good like this size of a mouth of a volcano is good enough um I’m not entirely sure if

That’s good if it’s maybe even too big I might still want to make it smaller but I think at the mo at very most this is like a decent size what client are you using I’m not using a client um so what I’m thinking about

Doing is we would extend this this up by a bunch I don’t have any mods to make this easier so we’re just going to be um actually I think what I can do you know what yeah we’ll do that make the sides thicker yeah I’m thinking that we’re just going to fill

In a lot of this area so that um the like once you get I feel like volcanoes usually once you get to the top of a volcano I feel like once you get to the top of a volcano you don’t it’s not usually like a nice path down it’s

Usually a steep drop in and I think I’d prefer that better I think it would look better that way so that’s what I’m thinking of doing um like if we took we just like fast right click I’m just thinking here’s what I’m going to do um we’re going

To oops oops oops there we go we’re going to make a selection of this over there so that we can have the whole circle selected and then we’re just going to pasted into the sky what mod are you using this is Li matica why is it not Hello scroll wheel

Scroll there we go oh my gosh I turned my scroll sensitivity really far down to avoid uh to force myself to not uh to not use or to to force myself to use hot keys and it is a pain when I have to do this and I have to scroll like 40 times

Just to like make a selection but no I mean like the fast right click oh that’s uh that is um that’s tweo also this is the the going into land mode thing is just like is just normal uh just normal stuff and this is carpet mod that is going to

Allow me to fly in here so I can select this oh wait hold on can I please select that there we go all right there we go so that’s going to be um circle of volcano set there we go all right and now we just go to placement

Placement circle of volcano there we go and now we will would just bring it to like this corner I think would be where we would want to paste it and then it would go like that I think is that actually correct though no no it is not put that

There oh you know it didn’t it didn’t actually select that I I guess I didn’t have that there hold on I’m going to fill this in by hand Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam V2 and then let’s just remove that Circle of volcano V2 there we

Go and we’re going to put right right here put that there and then put that there okay now we can start uh going up like so and then we’ll make a thicker selection soon cheating gushers or Hario what is har IO are you talking about the gummy bears

Hary bow oh it’s hary bow that’s yeah yeah that’s what that’s what they’re talking about well Dash GTG in four minutes all right see you later thanks for hanging out so what we would want to do then is I think I’m going to select uh m

Yeah you know what okay so now we’re going to make a new selection that just goes up more so that it’s multiple layers so that we can do this easier without needing to um without needing to sit here and manually add stuff okay so uh we’ll just do V3 that’s

Fine okay I don’t know how to use so a much easier thing to do would be would in fact be to use um freaking I kind of forget what it’s called but it’s a world edit but I don’t really know I don’t know how to do that

So that’s why we’re doing this in case you’re wondering so okay so basically the idea would be we’d have like that and we’re just going to keep going up what’s up Levi how’s it going welcome to the stream we’re doing some experimenting with uh this build to see what we like

The most I would also probably for the actual thing make it a bit more Jagged so that it’s like not a perfectly straight drop down but there’s like a little bit of an incline but that’s too much that’s not worth the effort when I’m just doing it in creative mode for

Testing purposes to see if it looks good there we go oh you know what I forgot I could just do this hold on if we go to right here we do that paste I can just put that paste and let’s see how tall would this need to go for this

To I don’t know if this will look natural or well honestly I don’t really mind if it’s if it’s insanely tall the thing I mind more is having to do Insane amounts of work like tons and tons more work for this for this build like I I kind of do want it to

Look even better than it already does but it would be a huge additional time commitment to make the volcano that much taller also that I don’t even think that would look that good cuz that’s too like perfectly diagonal I was here for the last stream I know um see you later Kabir

What version are you on I’m on 1.20.1 so let’s see what would be okay I do still have that on all right so let’s let’s go ahead and try to make this um gradually steeper so that it looks good and we’ll see like how tall do we have to go for

It to look any good this is like up to the world limit almost you know if we go at the pace that we’ve been going also making it narrower would Hamlet it harder to exit and enter I don’t think taller is the play that all this already looks insane I think well

So okay so so here’s what I’m thinking perhaps I’m thinking sheru and the rest of chat that we don’t make it taller but we make the top a little flatter um so we basically fill in a bunch of this so that the the hole that

Goes to the middle is like instead of it being like a steep walk or like no sorry like like a duable walk to the middle it would it would be like a relatively I mean we’d try and make it Rocky and stuff but we’d have we’d have some it it

Would be somewhat flat and then it would just almost fully drop off making it taller I agree is definitely not the play because if I want to make it look any decent at all I have to go so so much taller like and it would just take forever it would take so much

Work to do that and it would not be worth so so what we’re going to do is we’re going to try that idea and see how it would look um so we’ll see what’s up Ma how’s it going welcome to the stream so uh like around here

Is we’ll go ahead and we’re going to cut this air that’s too much uh carpet SLC carpet fill limit 1 million change there we go okay a lot of mobs just died so the idea now what is the purpose of the build it’s I’m going to live in

It that’s the main purpose it’s my it’s going to be my main base all right we’re just going to get rid of this real quick cuz it looks ugly um okay there we go so we would fill I think we might wind up like if we

Did this we might make it a little bit taller but not by a ton you know it would be maybe a couple blocks taller you need to hide a single smoker in the volcano maybe um so what I’m thinking is like let’s just oops let’s just go ahead

And do a fast right click and we kind of let’s see how this would look if we sort of make this area actually have land around it the idea this is the idea um is is keep it bumpy you know we still want it to be bumpy but it will be

Flatter and it’ll be kind of interesting possibly I think what I want to do real quick remind me not remind me to turn this off um remind me to to turn that off before I go into my hardcore or my survival world because it uh you know it’s cheating but it’s

Helpful for building because you can see now I can place blocks from way further away okay so yeah I’m just in creative mode for the sake of uh testing this is not my actual world oh we got a hydrate all right let’s let’s drink some water dashing pumpkins are good true what’s up

Kujo rap star what are you talking about um yeah so I’m I’m thinking this is going to be what we go with because I feel like even even in the short while of time that I’ve spent doing this it’s already not looking too bad like if you have yeah you just kind

Of have at the top there’s like a little bit of a an area that we would put some I don’t know put some ores on it or something like that at the top and then on the inside there’s just kind of nothing and so the reason that people

Are venturing up to the top of the mountain is because there are a bunch of ores and valuables up there I feel like that would be cool lorewise and and it would explain why we have paths and stuff cuz I like the paths and I want to keep it

Um I obviously would not have a million gaps in stuff but I and and it would be um yeah I feel like I feel like that’s the way that I want to go with this is just having as if the rockier the terrain we can have at the top the

Better if it’s this Rocky and if it’s this Rocky it will wind up looking good I think is the lava is the exterior lava terracotta or real it’s real um and yeah I feel like and I feel like we can make it look even better if we go up

A few blocks we’re not going to go up like a crazy amount of blocks but we’re going to go up a few blocks um and what I think I’m going to do is I think I think I’m going to do a little bit of lava casting to fill in the

Inside area we have to drink again oh it’s so scary though because what if I don’t like it and then it’s like a mistake you know then it’s just that’s how it go that’s how it is so have has music not been playing this entire stream no one told me that

There’s been no music this whole stream cuz I had it turned off um what did that do I had to drink water so what I think I’m going to do is we’re going to do a little bit more creative testing so that I can make sure

That I know what I’m doing before I hop in and ruin all the work that I’ve done oops didn’t don’t really need that dick warp 72,000 there we go what do you plan to do for the rest of it for the rest of what for the rest of the volcano what’s my TPS

At I think if I turn my I I don’t need to have I currently have 32 chunk render distance which probably isn’t necessary all right so we add our little we start filling start filling that in like so I’m going to grab uh oh no what whatever it’s

Fine all right and then we’re going to just bucket all of these I can’t really see where the water sources are um how many redeems are here uh there are a bunch there in the comments dash for the record there has been music oh don’t know why it was playing

Awesome YouTuber subscribe for reals guys this guy makes uh this guy is the best and he streams all the time and makes shorts guy is literally one day going to outlast everyone including canman 18 thank you that would be pretty cool I think yeah I think I’m going to do like

This I just want to um we’re just trying to fill this in like I want I need to fill this in somehow because I don’t want a million mobs spawning in it but I don’t know so I don’t know exactly how to do that without just lava casting I feel like

The lava casting works though and we’ll use scaffolding again to protect the center so that the center isn’t ruined what’s a game you really enjoy other than Minecraft I enjoy OverWatch a good bit OverWatch is pretty fun all right let’s see so we we fill in the inside using

This you can see it’s working pretty solidly we’re getting getting rid of most of the you know we’re definitely filling up this area and we’ll we’ll have to we’ll be even more careful during when we actually build it um we’ll be even more careful not to accidentally ruin any of the

Outside but you can see that that worked pretty solidly I’m going to grab a sponge block just so that I can kind of spam them to get rid of the water especially since they’re going to get covered by stuff anyway probably doesn’t matter uh I want you to apologize for

Bullying scaffolding that other stream scaffolding still sucks dude I’m just just because I use scaffolding like once in a while doesn’t mean it’s still doesn’t mean it’s good doesn’t mean I take back what I’ve said about scaffolding okay scaffolding is still pretty trash Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam see that’s doing a pretty good job filling up the area and like if you look in here oh there actually are plenty of spots that are spawnable oh that’s going to be such a

Hassle though ooh how do I okay how do I fill this see the lava casting is not stopping mobs from spawning but it would be a huge pain in the butt to okay so I don’t want to leave the volcano Hollow but leaving the volcano Hollow might be the

Move because if I fill it it it will take forever if I fill it it either it if I fill it using lava casting it doesn’t take that long but it creates a billion spawning spaces for them if I fill it by hand it leaves no no air it

Leaves no spawning spaces but is horrible and um and if I if I don’t fill it I just know that my walls are Hollow which I don’t love I don’t love the idea of the walls to my base just being like fully Hollow mob switch I I am not doing a mob

Switch just because I’m not doing a mob switch dude why is my music muted again I didn’t click anything the music just went back to being muted on OBS hello am I crazy that’s so weird would that work a mob switch would work but I

Don’t want to make a mob switch yet cuz I have a build like I have a project planned for that I’m going to do mob switch stuff scoot I’m aware of how you make mob switches also that’s like not a very good mob switch but okay or that’s like

A very work intensive mob switch Warden mob switch all the way dude but whatever um so what I think I want to do is make this like a lot steeper like even steeper than that I think we want to do like like that type of steepness into the

Middle I don’t I feel like perfectly steep is too is too it looks too like flat and boring but we don’t want it to be more I feel like honestly maybe even steeper than this like it we might just want like you know three or four blocks and then and then a drop

So who do you Main in OverWatch I don’t think I even have a main honestly that was just a random one I saw in a YouTube video adding indents of magma veins in it yeah I could do magma veins that is a good idea um and lava

And stuff just flowing down it into the middle um what I think that I want to do though I feel like it would look best to just do something like that what I want to do though I’m going to make another another copy of the world to practice because I

Really don’t want to screw things up um so we’re going to make another copy of this world copy paste reply reply to what what are you doing oh we’re uh practicing building a volcano so that when I actually do it in my in my actual world I don’t screw it up too

Hard it’s a good idea you should incorporate magma blocks and veins yeah I was already planning to do that I have the magma blocks and veins in on the outside of the build so I was planning to do it on the inside too um volcano testing V2 so what I what I’m

Thinking of doing is I’m thinking to get the slope to get the slope that we want for this volcano I think lava casting would be an easy way to do it yeah flowing lava would look good I think so okay so this is I’m going to be

In Creative I’m going into creative mode that was the the testing world so it’s or this is the testing world so it’s fine also I’m not even playing in hardcore anymore so who really cares scaffolding I’m the guy who said weird things I’m aware okay so scaffolding

Blocks and then so what we’re going to do is we’re going to slime um oops and we’re going to just go around here cuz we don’t want we don’t want any lava or water flowing into the inside of the volcano and since scaffolding can’t burn scaffolding is a really good block

To to do this for I oh scaffolding can’t burn from lava but it can burn from fire sorry scaffolding totally can burn just not from lava scaffolding does not burn from lava but it totally does burn from fire so we would have to extinguish these gaing is a really

Good did I even say that why are you in Creative this isn’t this is a a backup of the world we’re just trying to mess with how things look to make sure it’s going to look good you keep nodding you do bad what scaffolding can burn I see that but it

Doesn’t burn from lava I know that and the reason I know that is because I’ve I used scaffolding with lava once before and it didn’t burn so scaffolding isn’t going to burn from from lava it will burn from fire though so we just have

But as long as we keep it away from the fires it’ll be fine and we can then do our uh lava casting I still have this on oh I do see you GTG good luck see you later Levi make a new hardcore series please I just ended my hardcore series why would

I make a new hardcore series that’s like that like defeats the whole point of what I just did that would be a decision hi sorry I missed your stream yesterday I was eating dinner no worries granted can you give me 40 pumpkins no um all right anyways back to placing

Scaffolding now that now that we have uh done now that we’ve done our thing and gotten rid of all the lava or all the fire oh I’m going to need so much scaffold so many scaffolding blocks again which is going to be a pain I got

A lot of scaffolding for the last uh last time we did this and but it it does work really well so it kind of is worth but like I said scaffolding works really well for the things that it isn’t supposed to be used for like this is not what scaffolding this

Is not a a normal use of scaffolding it’s a use of scaffolding that only I would have I’m just trying to make sure sheru doesn’t get the wrong idea about me liking scaffolding I do not I do not like scaffolding please make Notch Apple Farm sp737 did that like a like three

Days ago I don’t want to just do exactly what s sp737 just did my team and Coach are so bad should I start hardcore or survival I say survival but welcome back Challenger oh that sucks that you lost I waving my fist at you you bet it’ll destroy the volcano what

Would bro have I GTG for a few minutes all right see later uh monkey what what do you mean you’re waving your fist at me is that at me or Challenger I’m assuming it’s me because I don’t like scaffolding oh my gosh this thing is so

Huge the air out my house what you have any big projects after this oh yeah for sure there are I have like many projects that I have planned um so don’t worry there are a lot more projects to come so yeah there are many projects that I have

To do or I don’t like have to do them but that I want to do but I’m I want to be I I really would like to be a quality over quantity YouTuber I know it’s hard to do that because uh it’s like hard to do that because the YouTube meta and

YouTube viewers want content more often than I put it out but I ideally will like for this video for this project I have all the time in the world pretty much to make it as perfect as I can because I have two more hardcore videos

That I get to post before then so if I like people are used to for hardcore videos at least and I have a Wither Storm video so like there are videos that are going to be coming out in that time in the time that I’m working on this so I can I can

Really take my time and make it perfect is is my point oh we going down here excuse me did you release your texture pack it’s not my texture pack so I can’t release it I’m just using someone else’s I’m using actually a bunch of other people’s

Texture packs so I can’t like give them out do you take inspiration from good times with scar no I have probably never watched one of good times with Scar’s videos I have barely watched any of the hermitcraft members um this Dash’s normal clicking yeah I’m just a really fast clicker

Guys I’m not really a huge hermitcraft fan so I haven’t watched I have not watched uh good times with scar many of the other people who’s your rival uh I don’t really think I have a rival uh all right there we go we’re done with

That now and now we would take lava and we take water so what’s this scaffolding project so what we’re thinking about doing at least is um what we want to do is we want to make this volcano less uh we want the mouth of the volcano to be less large so

What we’re thinking of doing doing uh instead to fix that is making the top of the volcano still like Jagged but it’ll flatten out a lot on the top it’ll be much flatter on the top once you get once you get up there and then instead

Of just going down like this it will have a very steep drop off into the middle and so there will be some flat area on the top so what we’re going to try and do is uh we’re going to try and use lava and water to make this

Steep this is um this is just I’m testing I’m basically just testing to see if it will work in in my actual World um yeah yeah sorry we’re going to do it like this we’re testing to see if it would work in my world if I did it

We’re adding a bunch of lava to here sorry zombie it’s over for that zombie bro oh there we go that’s better that is really loud but it’s okay all right so now we have that om that scaffolding looks so pretty you should leave that in your hardcore

World what a pleasant sound I could sleep to this yeah me too oh no let’s not ruin the outside that’s one thing that I have to be cautious of is we don’t want to ruin what we’ve already built I mean this is created this is a creative world so it

Doesn’t really matter but you get the point we don’t want to ruin anything Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam uh think I’m going to just put a little bit of scaffolding here there’s a button gosh dang button so that this water doesn’t uh flow anywhere that it’s not supposed

To hello there we go I was going to say my fast right click is still on and it’s like not it wasn’t turning off for some reason and yeah so then we would just get rid of the water and we would just basically repeat that a bunch of times I think

Though uh because this will take forever even in a creative world where I have tick warp and everything because this is going to take forever we’re going to just do like one side of it in a creative world to see in this creative world to see if it will

Wind up if it will turn out good or not music dude why does the music keep turning off I’m not touching the button and it’s just turning itself off it’s muting why is it muting itself that’s so weird like my OBS button there’s like a button in OBS that

You can click and it mutes the music music it’s just muting it’s just randomly muting how long are you going to be streaming I have another hour roughly all right so we’re going to do this side I actually kind of want to keep keep my lava placing on this

Level so that we don’t go too high this will fill in the area uh some what it’s going to cause it’s going to create plenty of spots for mobs to spawn which isn’t ideal but it it is what it is it’s fine okay so so now we just place in

Water and then boom you have more boom now you you have uh it’s more filled in and we just repeat that a few more times and then we have a very steep drop off and then the top will probably do by hand so let’s just get back to uh placing lava there we

Go and now place in some water water said placing some water there we go all right there we go he’s cheating no dude cheating live on stream is crazy you should make an FAQ channel in the Discord dude people were telling me the other day to or well Challenger was

Telling me the other day to make less Chan channels what what would an FAQ Channel entail like what would be in there what other games do you play other than Minecraft not really how do you not have any wait what other not really is not the right answer to that um I don’t

Really play many others how do I not have lag um because I have a really good computer all right because there’s so many channels I really feel like it’s not that bad but dude I don’t know what’s up with my like my for some reason I have to be

Really close to place these blocks oh man you know what’s awesome the um a as of the next update the next major update we have the generic block Place reach uh attribute which is World specific which is good because the the one in tweo isn’t World specific it’s

Just for all Minecraft so you can very easily accidentally cheat in your world using it um I actually have done that before accidentally cheated and then it also doesn’t it isn’t as it won’t be as buggy because it’s within the game the automatic or the the one within taroo is

Is pretty pretty not great make a big old city I’m going to eventually do points replenish every stream points you just get points as you sit as you are in chat I honestly might have to do this manually cuz now that I think about it if I do it like this if I

Do it like this what’s going to wind up happening is just a a flat wall of Blackstone this is a good way to fill it in but we might just leave it I think I think honestly I might just do it manually and we might just leave the inside

Empty which would be good in the event in the event that I decide I don’t like it and want to go back I can destroy I don’t have to destroy like 10 billion Cobblestone blocks that were caused by lava casting so you good with me green screen

Kid one of your vids what does that mean Add Water no I don’t think I will okay we’re going to turn off the uh block reach override okay and we’re going to hop back into the world and we’re going to start officially doing this all right so I’m not super happy

With the mouth of the volcano I think that I think that it’s just too wide so what we’re going to do is we’re going to take some Blackstone and we’re going to we’re going to take some Blackstone and we’re going to just extend it up and then have a nice flattish area around

Here that will have ores and stuff on it uh so that that’s why people are taking the journey up the mountain so all right so let’s get to that what’s your next project idea you’ll have to wait and find out out all right I have to go get Blackstone and a lot of

Blackstone turn off Place range I did thank you for reminding me though I was like where did my shulker boxes go they were just like not they’re where I put them but I forgot that I moved them all right let’s grab this and that and let’s grab these

Bam would you say you’re a pink concrete enjoyer yeah I would say so I enjoy pink concrete it’s not like my favorite concrete I don’t think but it is a good concrete okay so we’re going to go up like so I’m going to turn my volume back Up have you ever played Terraria I have I’m not a huge Terraria fan but I I like it it’s okay it’s an all right game it’s fun I think we’re actually going to do that like top five pink concrete is a neat block thank you for your top for

Your time I don’t know if I’d say pink concrete is in the top five I’m sorry just seems like seems really high think concrete is a good block but it’s not versatile enough I don’t think for it to be a top five I don’t really feel like I see pink Concrete in

People’s builds very much so it we’re not going to leave it this flat at the end but the idea would be we have a very steep drop like that and the top will just kind of be mountainy like these what’s wrong with Place range um what are you talking about is

Are are you thinking my my place range is fine I turned the place range off so I assume Hot Springs will be within the next stream I still don’t know exactly what a hot spring would look look like in the context of this build let’s see Hot Springs hot

Spring and do Hot Springs normally go wow I’m glad I didn’t search that on Google or on on stream because it just would have doxed me um do Hot Springs oh I guess that it could just be like at the base of the mountain or something due to this new idea Dog Hot

Springs are for water there’s no way you’re going to include it well it could be like at the base of the mountain there could be them cuz Hot Springs do I think they are caused by they are caused by volcanoes like they’re they’re nearby volcanoes and Stuff this is a top nine lethal Hot Springs you don’t want to take could dip in that’s crazy we could we might I don’t know National Parks have them they aren’t near volcanoes think they I think they are sometimes what’s the most useless block scaffolding how long has it taken to get

To this point in the build few months all right so on to the next thing we’re literally just going to be doing doing this all the way around I actually don’t think I want to do that I think I’ll go out one more over here but bro was just talking about how you

Love scaffolding I don’t think so is Place range buggy in twero yeah it is it it also has a really low minimum um in Minecraft like Minecraft has added a command you can now you can now just like via commands you’ll be able to um to adjust your place range which is really

Neat and that allows you to go up to like 20 blocks or something so you can place from really far away and that will be amazing that’s going to that’s like really good once it gets added fully to the game I think it’s just in snapshots

Now but once I update to the next full release I think it will be there so for building purposes having that it will be pretty helpful will be a helpful thing to to have You farm with dirt I farm with dirt gives me a seething rage orange concrete gives you a seething Rage that’s interesting the most useless block is dirt I feel like dirt is one of the most useful blocks Dirt has so many uses not only is it great for building cuz like so many

Builds include dirt of some kind like grass at least and but it’s also just so useful for farming like so many farms use dirt saying dirt is the least useful full block is crazy um least useful Block H feel like most blocks have probably the same level

Of usefulness because they aren’t I like they aren’t used in like crafting recipes and can be easily interchanged for something else like I I don’t um like diorite is like a is a very nonuseful block it can you can just not you could just use another block um what’s the cookies and cream

One is that that’s no that is diorite right diorite is the one that looks like cookies and cream as a block that block is pretty horrible cyan terracotta you said they are formed from volcanoes I mean they could be you guys are why are you guys arguing about this y’all are funny who

Cares I’m going to go ahead and start over here and then just connect them because it’s curved so it’s a little bit hard to connect them nicely so I think the easiest way for me to do that will be um will be to just meet in the

Middle or actually you know what might be the best way to do things go just go all the way around and and do it like that that actually might be the easiest way I think I have night vision on yeah let’s not do that cuz then I’m going to get

Jumped on by a creeper me and Challenger are peacefully talking about Hot Springs when’s the 5,200 gold Farm coming out uh pretty soon I’m getting I’m almost done I don’t know uh is almost on the right word I don’t know tomorrow tomorrow I have the

Whole day so so I’m doing I’m doing a short every other day in case you guys don’t know the schedule I’m doing a short every other day and tomorrow I don’t have to make a short I made a short for tomorrow but I don’t have to make one for the next day

Tomorrow so tomorrow is a full full length video grind day and I love the I love the full length video grind days I love I I really like my schedule I think if I really wanted to make like a ton of money I should make shorts every day but

I prefer to do I prefer my schedule cuz it gives me more time to work on the full length videos and so I’m happy doing it I’m happy with my schedule um the I forget exactly what the point of what I’m talking about is oh so tomorrow

Is the is a full length video grind day I have a lot I’m I’m like I am getting somewhat close to finishing and I but I’ll have you know eight hours to work on it tomorrow I’ll probably get another like 30 seconds or a minute done and it

Will will be good and then I’ll and then we’ll uh you know we will I’ll continue working like the next day or then the next day I’ll work on a short and I’ll get some work on the done on the full length but not as much I’m going to need totally to get

More um I’m 100% going to need to get more freaking uh Blackstone now because I I used all my black stone originally and now I’m using like way more black stone so I’m I’m interested I I’m very interested to see how tomorrow’s short does because I I was watching my my uh my

Short that I posted like a week ago have you ever collabed with other YouTubers I have not in the next in the next uh F length video there is a cameo from uh someone and like like he has a speaking role in the video so that’s pretty cool

I’m excited about that it was cool getting him it was cool having him able to contribute in like to like talk in the video know I think that was pretty pretty neat just say who no not tell your mods no I don’t think I will yes no it’s dream guys I got dream

No you’ll find out when the video drops okay your no is Flawless thank you it’s a very it’s a new compliment I don’t know why I haven’t been doing this this is so much easier on my thingies OMG Dash pum is a god a drag clicking

Yeah dude I’m pretty I’m pretty good at drag clicking you see this I click very fast and it is totally me clicking for real I don’t like this it will still be a pain to take down but at least not as much of a pain as if I had a million

Cobblestone on the inside this way at least at least I can I can tear it down in like a couple hours with a with a pickaxe if I decide I don’t like it but I did test it and it looks it looks to me like it might be better

So oh we got to get more we got to get more Blackstone Dash think of a YouTubers when is your next video he’s collaborating with M swamp that’d be pretty cool no he’s not a YouTuber what inspired you to make the bottom of the volcano a Circle it’s very visually

Appealing I just wanted to make it a nice entrance so that it’s large and easy for me to get into um and I just did a perfect circle because I don’t know cuz it was easier than doing a nonperfect circle an imperfect Circle this is cool thank you is he known um

Maybe I feel like if I give too many hints it’s just going to be well he’s known to me and some people but he’s not he he might be known to some of the mods who have been around for a while maybe like if I said the name you guys might

Recognize him but I don’t know I’m not sure is your volcano going to be Hollow I wouldn’t like it to be Hollow but unfortunately yeah just because it would be so much work to fill this in what I’m going to do is I’m going to just light

It up so that it uh I’m going to light it up see I like the auto clicker because it makes this it makes this kind of random it actually like kind of does the does the job of um randomizing The Heights at which the blocks come up for me which is

Nice so that it won’t be all the same all the way around the volcano all right cool Auto clicker Dash I’m so disappointed bro collabing with Bo chest dude why would it be box chess it has to do with the video I I guess I guess that’s that’s a hint that’s your

Hint it has to do with the video it’s not just like I’m not just collabing with someone who it makes no sense for me to collab with okay and it’s not really a collab it’s just I asked them to do a speaking role because I thought it would be

Cool but it’s not like they’re not in the whole video they’re just in like a a small segment of the video and I think it I think it’s cool though how you get so much of this block uh bartering is a really good way to get a lot of black

Stone Dash I’m literally going to explode if you don’t tell me who it is dog just wait and find out why why do you care so much it’s not I feel like H I feel like I should tell you cuz you guys are going to be all hyped and then

You’re going to see who it is and you’re going to be like Oh okay that’s cool I guess it’s not anything crazy okay he’s a cool guy in my opinion but he’s not like famous or anything I will not wait and find out bro just say it ah fine you guys are

Going to ruin the surprise it’s it’s just just someone who helped me this is this is huge massive hint it’s just uh somebody who helped me a lot designing the farm I’m having him or I had him explain how some parts of the farm that he figured out

Work so he has a speaking role because he talks about something that he figured out which was pretty pivotal to the design and xo4 no oh my goodness dark no oh my gosh I thought that would for sure tell you guys who it was you guys

Don’t know who worked with me on the farm I thought that was like I thought that would have been like a dead giveaway are you guys you guys don’t even know who worked with me on this Farm that’s crazy well I know you I know a lot of the Chatters don’t but I

Thought the mods would he’s like he was in chat a lot I’ve talked about him probably a pretty good amount he’s got a shockingly deep voice I had never not nash not MD somewhat close bro I have no clue okay well now now you know relatively now you know at least

Somewhat who it is is I’m that’s the last hint I’m giving you though cuz that was that was such a huge hint and you guys still didn’t get it so that’s on you if you can’t figure it out no bro no not it’s not cubic meter

Cubic meter would be cool though he has he has a very deep voice which I’m I’m happy to find out um I had never heard his voice before until I asked him to record this thing and he’s got like a nice deep voice which is just nice

Because it would have sucked if I had been like all right send you know send the file of you talking and then he’s like hey guys so so we’re going to be talking about how how I designed this Farm now and it’s just like unbearable to listen to in the

Video so I’m glad glad that it is not you know a 9-year-old that I that I worked with to design the farm oh Carnage I think he is in the Discord server but it’s not Carnage I think he’s in the Discord server I don’t know he might not be I have no idea

I’m so lost Waddles no how out of the loop are we um I don’t know I feel like I had I mean I guess I had a bunch of streams where I was literally designing the farm with this guy and he would be in chat and he would he would like you

Know he’d be in chat and he would talk about stuff but I do know that the Stream that I I whenever I do like Farm designing streams I get like no viewers so you guys probably just weren’t there in which case um that’s on you and you’ll find out when the video drops

So it’s not nash you guys already guessed that bro you silly goose you already said Nash would you ever make a your own full-blown mod for Minecraft and would it still have pink concrete it I don’t really I’m not really a coding guy anymore um so probably not in terms of making a

Mod um and then uh I don’t know about having pink Concrete in it that that’s a maybe not sure not sure if I’d put pink Concrete in my mod all right so what I think I’m going to do now yeah yeah okay well chat just went by yeah it just

It updates every once in a while and it just mumbo jumbo no y that’s so funny I don’t I don’t know if you guys are ever going to get it honestly I don’t know if you guys are going to at any point get it until you know I post the video and

Then then Challenger will be like I figured out who it is it’s me guys I’m collabing with myself all right we need to go get some more Blackstone do I know him see I thought you would have because cuz I don’t know I’ve definitely mentioned his name like a million times

But I apparently not or maybe not yo bro I came here through your short what’s up welcome to the stream how’s it going is it Dash pum it’s Dash pum five actually give us another hint no dude I gave you guys like the biggest hint possible I’ve only I think I’ve worked

To design something with two two different people so it’s one of those two I’m not telling you who those two people are though I think most most of my designs have been in independent except for a few except for those two I think have I designed any any with other

People I don’t think so maybe this will o now we’re talking bribery is is a is an intriguing way to do that honestly H thank you for the $5 maybe some more bribery will change my mind I’ll think about it we love bribes yes we love bribery W for bribery in the

Chat I don’t know that that changes my mind a little bit but I don’t know if it fully changes my mind I kind of I kind of like having you know that you guys don’t know who’s going to be in the video that’s builds up some hype so I’m not sure you

Know I don’t know will I tell you guys or will I not who knows give us another hint he paid you don’t be a loser dude I literally have like no other hints that I could possibly give you that wouldn’t W pink concrete change your mind thank you for the

$10 um the p w pink concrete indeed all right one sec let me don’t know my allowance real quick dude I got to start keeping secrets more often people giving me money heck yeah thank you very much for the 15 W bro’s getting mad points right now

Too that’s what 5,000 points right there heck yeah at least it should be um give us another hint I I’m trying to think of one I’m trying to think of one uh another hint see this this one will require some research um but he designed as far as I’m aware he design

He’s the designer of the second fastest gold farm in Minecraft whereas me and him are the designers of the first fastest he designed the second fastest I know him oh that guy what guy B again bro you guys the one you have in your

World the one that I have in my world is the fastest I looked it up the one that I have in my world is the fastest um Sher craft that’s crazy all right we got to change Mouse real quick quick no in the Bastion that’s like that’s not

Any oh my you guys are so out of the loop on Farm stuff that farm is garbage oh my gosh dude that’s nmon and that farm sucks booty cheeks like like I love nmon but that farm is awful dude my farm is like my my farm that I just designed or not just

Designed but that that me and this person designed is like seven times faster than nmon Julian aart uh I don’t think that he designed a fast Farm but also um I’m not sure I think I’m pretty sure he made a video no that that person that person just made a video where they

Built my gold Farm I think like my last gold Farm design I’m pretty sure Julian zart is just a hardcore YouTuber who made a video that’s like you know I built the fastest gold Farm in Hardcore Minecraft and they just built my gold farm that I designed in it so so no Nico

Is lost no it is not Nico is lost um it is not Nico is lost he his um his most recent video where he designed a gold Farm the in like the title I I actually the video was very cool but it’s total clickbait because that design that he came up with that

Gets like um 67,000 gold per hour or whatever is just a hypothetical and he has not figured out why is this mouse doing dude this mouse is not working whatsoever what happened hello what what why is it just not doing anything is it out of battery or

Something wait is this B is this mouse battery power wait lowkey wait this Mouse has a charger I have never charged this mouse before I’m going to roll because I think the mouse is just out of battery I have never charged this mouse before and I just realized that I think it just

Hasn’t it just doesn’t have any charge at all in it so we’re going to have to charge it real quick oh hello hello why is it not doing anything hello guys hello it’s not it’s not working why is nothing on my screen working hello guys what is happening what is going on

My mouse isn’t Clicking guys my mouse isn’t able to click anymore can I click in Minecraft oh I can interesting guys I literally can’t switch the ma I can’t switch the mouse oh wait it’s letting me click now okay it that’s a weird glitch Turtle nation is a hardcore YouTuber I’ve never heard of them it is not them track ball oh yeah I’ve just never

Charged this before I’m charging the tiny Mouse now wow that’s hilarious I forg I did not know at all that that needed to be charged Windows am I right dude yeah Windows is buggy sometimes I was watching this video about how much better Linux is in terms

Of like it doesn’t hog all your resources and then in the video they mentioned that you have to dual boot if you want to use Linux because Premiere Pro is not supported by Linux and then I was like all right I guess I’m not switching to Linux I would switch to

Linux if it wasn’t if it wasn’t for for that I would be somewhat willing to switch to Linux but I don’t want to have to have two different like I use Premiere like all the time so I I wouldn’t I would basically just wind up using using Windows all the time which

Is really dumb radical Elder no it’s it’s a guy who designs Farms okay it’s not I don’t think radical Elder designs farms at least I think he actually designed one Farm but I love radical Elder but it’s not really a farm design he just took four he took those falling mob

Farms and just put four of them next to each other I don’t know if he calls it his design though I know he made a tutorial for it though which is just it like the all the tutorial you really need is like make four oh my computer monitor just entirely turned

Off oh man I’m really hoping that my computer makes it to the end of stream cuz it is bugging dude it is not enjoying this stream at all it really wants to turn off and I I got to I’m hoping that it doesn’t turn off before the end of stream

Why is it doing this Das unplug the mouse why wait why the mouse isn’t corrupting my computer guys I’ve had this mouse forever it’s not the small one the small one is plugged into is plugged into a wall outlet not even plugged into my computer so unplugging the mouse isn’t going to

Do anything decent idea but I got it from Amazon not like somewhere super sketch so I feel like there’s a lot less likelihood of you know that happening shulker craft no oh the monitor just turned off again why are you making a bridge to the middle of the volcano because look how

Much better it’s going to look with this steep drop oh no I’m about to slam into a wall yeah it it already looks a lot better with the Steep drop yo thank you again for the 10 bro JB 8m gosh dang thank you very much for the money is it actually

Stro no I stro is one of the people that I have worked with on a farm but uh stro and I had some had some drama a while back and I don’t think stro likes me anymore so now tell us I’ll think about it wait I’m going to go

Try and plug my monitor like make sure it’s all the way plugged into my PC because maybe it’s just not oh it just wasn’t I just like pushed it a little bit further in and I just heard a little click why not empd dude I like MD what’s wrong with

MD actually don’t I kind of like it being a mystery nice you’ll you’ll see him you’ll see him when the video comes out all right I think we’re going to even though this is the track ball and it’s impossible to use did someone set a

Timer by the way oh I hope one of you guys set a timer um we’re going to see him in 2025 yeah I did thank you Challenger your PC could be lactose intolerant PC lactose intolerant is crazy um also Challenger it’s not going to take all the way to 2025 to find

Out because the video is almost done so unless my computer like dies between now and then like we should be fine even even if it does I have Mo I have a lot of footage like backed up and stuff and you know I should really uh back up the

Premier file so that if it did die I would still have most of the editing done but you get the point we’re we’re chilling the video is coming out I know it took a while to come out but it’s like we’re in the final stretch now okay

We in the final stretch now he 737 he did not help oh we nameing a pet okay what are we naming JB Das the vid descript oh whatever it’s fine I’ll I’ll fix that later now you must buy Nitro I don’t want want Discord Nitro Dash is getting rich for

Real yo I got to go shower see you later granted pink concrete top five wait what am I what pet am I naming though like a dog or a cat or what what do you want me to name name it I love villagers I

Don’t brown panda it has to be a pet I have I’m not I’m going to go and get a warden for for you if you ask me to get a pet Warden uh frog I think I can do a frog do we have an unnamed frog at the

Pillager Village we might if we do I’ll name I’ll name one of the frogs at the Pillager Village I feel like I feel like I released like one one frog in the Pillager Village and we’ll try to find it assuming that it’s there if it isn’t what do you want as like a

Backup because I don’t know uh cuz I’m not 100% sure if I have a frog you still live I am I’m making up for yesterday yesterday’s stream was like an hour long and normally I do a 2our stream so today’s stream is going to be 3 hours long name it

Fart I have to leave in 3 minutes unfortunate yeah that looks better having that wall there I love frogs me too so what would you if I can’t find a frog though what uh would you suggest I name I could probably go and get a frog

Pretty easily I guess I guess I can get a frog I just if like like pretty easily my thing is that I don’t want I don’t want to like I kind of want to keep the rule of like no going and getting an animal because then people will be like

But you got his frog why won’t you get my Elder Guardian and bring it back to your base like you know you I I have to draw the line somewhere so if I don’t have a frog here you’ll have to name a different animal I definitely did have a frog here

Halloween fish yo what’s up I definitely did have a frog here but there’s a good chance that it I don’t know went somewhere I respect your game thank you what’s up executive nanner I don’t think I see the Frog anywhere you did give me a bunch of

Money though maybe I’ll just go get a frog for you do I have leads on me name the Ender Dragon can you name villagers you can right that’s so interesting I don’t I don’t know why I never even really thought about the fact that you can name

Villagers all right I’ll go get a frog I think I uh yeah yeah I can get a frog into a boat and if I get the Frog into the boat it’ll be pretty easy to bring it here I need a lead though I’m going to invade that Pillager Village no don’t do it

Um let’s see where do I have leads they’re probably in my shulker box at the base but I’m going to craft one over here if I can I’m back from trying to find who you’re collabing with any luck yeah you get special treatment because you gave me money if someone’s

Like why them and not me I’ll just be like they gave me what 25 uh was it 25 bucks that’s a lot of money we take $25 am I doing math right is that how much it was I think so what are you playing with I’m playing

With a track ball Mouse it’s pretty horrible but uh my my stream has redeemed it I will find who it is before stream ends I was going to start like messaging everyone like messaging everyone on my friends list or something or like everyone in like the en x04

Discord I assume that the person is in the nx4 Discord I’m not 100% sure but they probably are round it out since I don’t like the number 25 hey thank you very much no no but but now it’s like because of taxes it’s going to be it’s it’s

Going to be like you know 25 you should just donate another like 75 Round it out get a nice clean 100 you know thank you so much job I’m just trolling thank you for all the monies I appreciate it a lot um do I have wood in here wait where

Do I need wood I need a boat is what I need boat time boat time we’re about to sail the seven seas and by the seven C’s I mean an ice booat path boat time do frogs take fall damage I feel like they take reduced fall

Damage wait dude you can make an omega symbol out of dirt I don’t like the number 25 it is not glotz glotz glotz is a good guess though glotz is actually quite a good guess ask the mods to do that monkey I’m I’m not I’m not one of the mods okay I don’t

Do things all right make one of the mods do that Challenger who we missing glotz was a very good guess though glotz designed um the portal spam part of the farm my farm essentially me and so and so Farm is essentially a mo like gl’s Farm but modified to work in

Single player mode but and as but as much as people are going to say like isn’t it just gl’s Farm but it works in single player like I feel like it’s totally reasonable for me to take credit for Designing the farm considering uh considering the fact that portal think

Coming up with portal spam is not that hard I think if gloss hadn’t come up with it I totally would have or someone else would have um no offense to glotz he’s a very smart guy but the portal spam concept isn’t that crazy um but then also because I changed so much of

The farm the only thing that’s the same is the spawning Platforms or the only thing that I left the same is the spawning platforms I think I just said the only thing I changed garlic bread that’s also a good guess not garlic bread though frog frog frog where frog where frog at frog where you at

Homie there used to be a lot of frogs here where are They I see dead bushes those are not frogs hey can you show your mods list if you do exclamation Point mods frog you can uh get a list of it you can get the list yo what’s up pink concrete top five you know what we’re going to not name him until do you

Take fall damage I think so so I think we have to go a little slowly with this guy I’m not going to name him until we get there so that we don’t get too attached to him wow turning around is really difficult so we’re just going to use F5 mode

Because I this mouse is terrible I think frogs are my favorite Minecraft creature I also enjoy them oh he left he he got stuck hey buddy come here let’s Go let’s go name the Frog Dash from five no we’re naming it uh Pink cop pink concrete top five oh I see more more frogs sweet if if we if this guy happens to die which hopefully he won’t um I can go and get more hey Mr Frog get in this here boat

Thank you oh that’s the wrong button is this frog going to drown I hope not can frog drown in Minecraft I don’t know inspector Talon it’s not inspector Talon how are you guys even getting these guesses I I have spoken to inspector Talon a little bit before but not not

Extensively dude this this is crazy that you guys are are taking this many guesses to get it I thought as soon as I said like he’s the person that worked on the farm with me you guys would be like oh I know it’s that guy you know give me your frog

On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like frogs Minecraft frogs I would give like an 8.5 I really like Minecraft frogs the one thing that I don’t like is their Ribbit it’s too smooth in my opinion it shouldn’t have the in between frames

Where it goes out it should just go it should just go from here and then out and then back in that’s the only thing though also is is the is the mouse done yet dude like I’ve been using this mouse forever like am I done timer’s up thank you gosh dang I

Forgot ah Challenger I’m never going to tell you not even once the video is out I’m going to remove it I’m going to remove that section from the video just to spite you because you didn’t cuz you didn’t tell me about the timer get in the boat perfect but you’ll tell

Me right no yeah sure no I’m not I’m not actually going to do that I spent way too much time um editing that section and I’m actually really happy with that section because I think it’s really cool and uh adds adds something to my videos that isn’t normally there with a just

Like having another person in it is like something that doesn’t normally happen so I’m happy that it did so I’m going to keep it there me and the Frog against the world it better be a good short what the it’s not in a short it’s my next full

Length video is going to have the uh is going to have a cameo I’m not putting a cameo in a short you know what the Omega sign is I think so it’s nmon nah dude neon’s way too busy to to talk to me he’s a he works at

Mojang now he would not he would not speak to me probably that’d be really cool to get like a nmon comment on a video I’d be so honored see this is why I don’t know who it is I’m so bad at listening yeah dude for real Okay pink concrete top five

There we go let’s bring him to the swamp area of this build and then we’ll let him go I kind of feel like I should lead him like put him on a lead and just leave him against a fence but I also feel like that it’s going to break

Anyway hisz leads just will like break when they feel like It um I don’t know I don’t want him to get away so I think I will will do that I’m going to box this guy like a fish real quick buddy go right there there we go okay let’s get a fence let’s just get myself a fence and

Then we’ll and then we’ll lead him or we’ll put him against the fence so that he doesn’t get away cuz honestly he might be able to escape if he really wanted to because he can jump a lot higher than like a cat can he might in

Certain places be able to get over the wall oh like right here yeah if he really wanted to escape oh I never added water to the top of this I was supposed to do that you are awesome don’t forget to have an awesome day thank you I will

Not forget thank you for your reminder I actually already had an an awesome day it’s pretty much the end of my awesome day you know but I’ll try and have an awesome day tomorrow just for you I feel kind of bad leading him but I also don’t want him to just like

Disappear forever which he probably would if I didn’t lead him all right bye-bye oh we’re naming an item now word what are we naming what’s up badar I’ll I’ll you play with me in a server I’m not playing with you oh I forgot to turn off my

Thing Dash I have a 26 day hardcore world please wish me luck good luck can you name your elytra big fard sure probably put a name tag on him so he doesn’t despawn I already did I put I named him or well uh I guess JB named him elytra bro that’s so funny

Dang o you are able to name things that other people have named uh JB hey Dash is it okay if I make a tutorial on your Enderman Farm uh no sorry I prefer not to have other people make tutorials on my stuff because then they create competition with my farm

Designs and I want all the views to go to my channel so please don’t do that oh my B what should I name them well you can name it if you want to name the elytra you can but you can also if you don’t want to step on Challenger toes

You can also name literally anything else I I don’t know when when was the last time things were named name the pants these P this pants name is terrible um helmet Mr fard then a but I like Jeff my helmet is just Jeff if you really want to we

Can um I’ll wait for your for your approval although I do think pants is a better a better thing to name okay pants big voluptuous fart that actually kind of makes more sense to be on the pants doesn’t it big is that even how is that how you spell voluptuous I

Don’t really know big voluptuous fard since Dash wanted to laugh when you consider naming elytra all right it’s too late it’s been named man I’m really running out of levels here # Jeff # keep Jeff yeah for real PS make sense to be named big voluptuous

Fard guys what do I do in the remaining like minute until I end stream I love your posts please post more you are awesome thank you I am working on it posting more is not going to happen though unless I get editors then maybe I could the you know what the

Thing is I need in addition to get editors I I need to get filmers because like like I need people to impersonate me so that I don’t have to film stuff like that would be really helpful if people oh we’re naming another thing word what are we

Naming hey I’ll do it if people put on my skin and and were able to go and film stuff for me that would be mad helpful um because my editing you know my editing isn’t super complex most of it is just like putting Clips back to back

For my long form sometimes I do more complex editing and having an editor for that could be helpful but honestly a lot of my footage is just replay mod shots and stuff and so like if I had someone who knew how to use replay mod and could

Go through all my replay mod footage and do that that’d be sick um pants why are you naming why did you just spend 10 K to to rename the pants do you want a different pair of pants to be named that cuz I have another pair of pants or do you want me

To name the same pair of pants big voluptuous F V2 Dash I could be your editor I have a lot of experience and I’ll do it for free do you have experience with like I honestly feel kind of bad having people do it for

Free um es if you’re putting in a lot of work I would rather pay you because it seems kind of shady to not um but I like this name’s better shows Improvement so you want me to rename these ones big voluptuous F V2 okay how can I get a 3D totem like

You if you go into my Discord you can uh you can get that I love doing it i’ would be fine doing it for free all right I guess um do you know how to use like replay mod and stuff cuz like I said a lot of my editing is not also

Like do you have what do you use to edit are you uh After Effects and Premiere do you read your DMs every day I try to yeah I use Premier Pro oh thank goodness W all right that’s good at least I’ve gotten people who have been like I would

Edit for free for you but they always use like Da Vinci and it’s like ah I don’t use Da Vinci so that’s like not going to be helpful because they won’t be able to like share me their files like what I what I like to do is

If they use uh when when when they use Premiere then they can send me their files and I can make final adjustments if I need to I learned Da Vinci I do not know how to use Da Vinci at all anyways guys um granted reach out to me on the

On your on DMS and I’ll uh we’ll we’ll talk there but I do have to end the stream for tonight do the pants feel improved they really do job they do um thank you guys for hanging out don’t press that button you’re DMS are closed if you’re in my Discord you’re

Able to DM me you’re supposed to be able to at least pretty sure that if you’re in my Discord you can DM me even if you’re not my friend anyways guys thanks for hanging out see you guys let me check I’ll TM you the check

All right I got to go see you guys bye everyone peace out join the disc

This video, titled ‘Making my Volcano a SMOKER in Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2024-01-12 03:28:44. It has garnered 1719 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:40 or 10960 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3hOMpbYdl7HxFZzN658UU_S0c5yxnl Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (400): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3hOMpbYdnaFMkOzGS68tz1s0VWM3TP

Discord: https://discord.gg/CcApfmMvcH TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashpum4

Texture packs: https://youtube.com/shorts/a4gKguilceQ?feature=share

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  • Insane Minecraft Madness Live Now!

    Insane Minecraft Madness Live Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing On My Minecraft server Live’, was uploaded by MoJoe on 2024-02-28 19:48:43. It has garnered 34 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:48 or 10128 seconds. Read More

  • BECOMING KOKUSHIBO TSUGIKUNI in Demon Slayer Minecraft?!

    BECOMING KOKUSHIBO TSUGIKUNI in Demon Slayer Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became KOKUSHIBO TSUGIKUNI For 24 HOURS in Demon Slayer Minecraft!’, was uploaded by iamRage on 2024-04-11 18:16:45. It has garnered 1358 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:39 or 939 seconds. FINALLY IT’S UNCOPYRIGHTED! Now Subscribe To Me ➤https:// www.youtube.com/channel/UCuGPkTLDdu1FinG188Z6juw 🔔 Click the BELL and turn on ALL NOTIFICATIONS! 📲Follow My Tiktok ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@iamrage_ Tags- #IamRage #kokushibo #minecraft #anime #demonslayer Read More

  • “CRAZY! SomnKC Nearly Dies in Hardcore Minecraft!” #shizo

    "CRAZY! SomnKC Nearly Dies in Hardcore Minecraft!" #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hampir ketemu ajal sendiri di Hardcore Minecraft #somnkc #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Somn KC on 2024-02-28 00:32:54. It has garnered 111 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Like, Share, and Subscribe this video. As well as comment on any shortcomings or suggestions, guys, so you can become a better CC 🙂 Donate sincerely: https://saweria.co/somnkc https://sociabuzz.com/somnkc/donate https://streamlabs.com/somnkc/tip Also follow: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/somnkacitha Twitter: https://twitter.com/SomnKC Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@somnkc #somnkc #gaming #gameplay #indonesia #streamer #streamerindonesia #youtubegaming #minecraft #minecrafthardcormode #hardcore #survival #highlight #clips #rtx #rtxon #rtx3070ti #shortvideo #shorts #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Insane Free Fire Gameplay with Epic Minecraft Music!

    Insane Free Fire Gameplay with Epic Minecraft Music!Video Information This video, titled ‘#viral #freefiregameplaybackgroundmusic #battleroyalegame #minecraft’, was uploaded by BD Zihan YT on 2024-04-07 08:04:11. It has garnered 122 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • BSlick’s INSANELY EPIC Texas Hold ‘Em Roblox Parody

    BSlick's INSANELY EPIC Texas Hold 'Em Roblox ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎵”This Ain’t Minecraft” (A TEXAS HOLD ‘EM ROBLOX PARODY)’, was uploaded by BSlick on 2024-03-29 20:30:07. It has garnered 5653 views and 376 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:10 or 190 seconds. Stream the song: https://songwhip.com/bslick/this-aint-minecraft-texas-hold-em-parody Read More

  • United Lands SMP 1.20.2 – Towny Earth – War – Economy – PvE/PvP – Alcohol – Lite-RP – Grief Protection – Cross Platform – Non-P2W

    Welcome to United Lands Experience a unique Towny-based Earth SMP with immersive features: Video Trailer: Watch our exciting trailer showcasing war, masterwork gear, and vibrant towns on the server. Watch here Explore the World: Delve into our 1:500 Earth-based map! Nations can claim unlimited lands with low upkeep costs, shaping borders as needed. Discounts available for larger groups. Gameplay: Engage in town building, land claiming, and immersive RP. Collect custom items like rifles and unique food items. Progression: Choose from 7 unique jobs with skill trees for enhanced abilities. Unlock powerful components of Masterwork Armor through skill progression. Access player… Read More

  • YawaCraft

    Server Lithuanian with Custom ResourcePacks, Jobs , minigames, Mcmmo, EliteMobs, Tops, crates, levels , towny, magic power, custom items and others… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Savage: Top Top Text

    “Oh, so this meme is top top text top top top rated? Impressive, but still not as high as my diamond pickaxe efficiency level.” Read More

  • Java’s Hidden Gem: Cavern Rhyme Time

    Java's Hidden Gem: Cavern Rhyme Time In the depths of Minecraft, a cavern so grand, Filled with thermals and boosts, a wondrous land. Checkpoints and barriers, the next tasks at hand, Exploring this world, with music so grand. Glide through the map, with Gareth Coker’s tune, In Java Edition, under the bright moon. A demo so thrilling, a sneak peek soon, Stay tuned for more, in this Minecraft boon. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal in summer!

    Hotter than a Nether portal in summer! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraft #funny #memes Read More

  • Parrot Disaster in German Class

    Parrot Disaster in German Class The Parrot Tragedy: Learning German with Minecraft Welcome to another exciting episode of learning German with Minecraft! Monday Morning is back to guide you through the world of language learning and entertainment. Let’s dive into the latest adventures in the Minecraft universe while picking up some new German vocabulary along the way. Exploring New Worlds In this episode, Monday Morning takes you on a journey through diverse landscapes in Minecraft. From lush forests to towering mountains, you’ll encounter a variety of biomes that will expand your vocabulary in German. Pay attention to the names of different environments and creatures… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Twitch Capes!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Twitch Capes! Are you a fan of exclusive Minecraft capes? Do you want to stand out in the game with a unique look that shows off your dedication and style? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! While watching videos on how to get Twitch capes in Minecraft, you may have realized that some capes are only available to players who attended special events like Minecon or were active on platforms like Twitch and TikTok. But fear not, because Minewind offers a vibrant community where you can connect with fellow players and unlock exclusive rewards. Join Minewind today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and… Read More

  • Minecraft Exposes Science as Evil

    Minecraft Exposes Science as Evil Minecraft: A Reflection on Religion and Science Have you ever delved into the world of Minecraft and found yourself pondering the ethical implications of your actions within the game? From turning into a slave master to questioning the role of religion and science, Minecraft offers a unique perspective on societal themes. The Role of Religion in Minecraft In Minecraft, players often find themselves interacting with villagers, a group of non-player characters who inhabit the game world. These villagers can be traded with, protected, or even exploited for resources. This dynamic raises questions about the ethical treatment of virtual beings… Read More

  • 🍕🐐 INSANE Pizza Delivery to Skeleton HQ in Minecraft!

    🍕🐐 INSANE Pizza Delivery to Skeleton HQ in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skeleton HQ • Minecraft • SPELLBOUND CAVES’, was uploaded by Pizza n’ Goat on 2024-05-18 16:00:21. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:19 or 1399 seconds. We are Pizza n’ Goat. 🍕🐐 CRAZY WHITE NOISE sometimes sorry. Goat made me play a really old Vex Super Hostile map… enjoy! Pizza’s POV will be back in the next Spellbound Caves video… Map: Vex Super Hostile Map 10 SPELLBOUND CAVES Music Used in Video: Old RuneScape Soundtracks: Scape Main Dead Can Dance Magic Dance Dogfight Writer: Ian Taylor Company:… Read More

  • Minecraft From The Fog: Craziest Episode Yet!

    Minecraft From The Fog: Craziest Episode Yet!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Craziest episode yet… | Minecraft From The Fog S2:E9’, was uploaded by ParanormalPanic on 2024-04-09 11:00:26. It has garnered 774 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:16 or 1816 seconds. SO MUCH HAPPENED THIS EPISODE WTFFFFFFFFFF If yall like this longer style of video LET ME KNOWWW 🙏🙏🙏 IM MORE THAN HAPPY TO MAKE THEM LONGER. The only thing is that it’ll take more time in between uploads but its WORTH IT 🗣️🗣️ Join tha discord to know when we uploads: https://discord.gg/xsjYbcXd Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Trolling Viewer in Minecraft SMP!!!” #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Trolling Viewer in Minecraft SMP!!!" #minecraftsmp #minecraftserverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled One Of My Viewers!!! #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by BLUBERIES on 2024-01-17 04:30:04. It has garnered 10508 views and 341 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. SUB4MORE INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS! I Trolled One Of My Viewers!!! Kind of like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. This… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Live 24/7 – Join Us and Steal Lives! [Pe+Java]

    Insane Minecraft SMP Live 24/7 - Join Us and Steal Lives! [Pe+Java]Video Information This video, titled ‘Guys Lifesteal Minecraft Smp Live 24/7 Anyone Can Join [Pe+Java]’, was uploaded by RG Playz 7 on 2024-05-14 21:21:57. It has garnered 21 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:06 or 4266 seconds. Minecraft SMP Live is a multiplayer survival server where a group of content creators, including popular YouTubers and Twitch streamers, come together to play Minecraft together in real-time. The players are constantly interacting with each other, building, exploring, and collaborating on various projects. Viewers can watch their favorite creators in action and witness the chaos and fun that… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Hack Revealed!! 🔥 #TrendingCrazyTricks

    Unbelievable Minecraft Hack Revealed!! 🔥 #TrendingCrazyTricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hack🤯5#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu’, was uploaded by Yanu Ji on 2024-04-07 07:48:14. It has garnered 442 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft hack🤯2#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu I G N O R E T H I S T H I N G minecraft minecraft 1.20 minecraft pocket edition curseforge minecraft 1.19 optifine lego minecraft minecraft bedrock minecraft legends minecraft games minecraft dungeons minecraft free pixelmon https aka ms remoteconnect minecraft survival minecraft server minecraft classic minecraft story mode aternos server minecraft java edition minecraft java steve minecraft minecraft 1.18 enderman… Read More

  • Crazy Challenge: Beat Minecraft Without Laughing!

    Crazy Challenge: Beat Minecraft Without Laughing!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can I Beat Minecraft Without Laughing?’, was uploaded by CragDyna on 2024-04-06 14:06:25. It has garnered 38398 views and 999 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:43 or 1783 seconds. I tried to beat Minecraft, but my 3 most comedic friends @Knarfy @CringyGull , and @GarrettTheCarrot tried to make me laugh 5 times. If they succeed I will explode with laughter, but If I win, then my comedic friends will be known as the most unfunny and cheesy comedians. Mods used in this video https://modrinth.com/mod/pehkui https://essential.gg/en https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simplehats https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/identity https://modrinth.com/plugin/simple-voice-chat/versions Join the community Discord! 👾:… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – Sevencantdrive’s Hilarious Attempt!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - Sevencantdrive's Hilarious Attempt!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aimed a little high there #minecraft #minecraftshorts #twitch #twitchclips #smallstreamer #streamer’, was uploaded by Sevencantdrive clips on 2024-01-15 22:08:15. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft build battles!! ft. DJRGVideos

    Insane Minecraft build battles!! ft. DJRGVideosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build battles with @DJRGVideos’, was uploaded by Liam Newitt on 2024-04-14 09:26:53. It has garnered 70 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:01 or 2341 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Music Animation – Lost Assassin at Dark Studios

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Music Animation - Lost Assassin at Dark StudiosVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Drop in the Ocean” – Minecraft music Animation (Lost Assassin)’, was uploaded by Dark Animation Studios on 2024-02-16 14:00:08. It has garnered 6121 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:58 or 178 seconds. English: A group of adventurers enters an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the mightiest creatures of the land. Suddenly, they are surprised by a black, unknown hand, and one of them is separated from the group. English: A group of adventurers enter an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the most… Read More

  • OrbitMC – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelisted, Java, New

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! We have an active staff team working to ensure the best experience for players. Join our fun and positive community today! If you are interested in joining our community, check out our Linktree that provides ways to get involved and join the server. Once you join, whitelist yourself to start playing on the Minecraft Server! – OrbitMC Staff Team Read More

  • SoulSyphonMC

    Soul Syphon MCis an economy based survival crystal pvp server hosted in sydney (oceanic)we offer a high quality crystal pvp experience with other fun quirks to enjoy througout. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Imperial Nonsense

    Why did the creeper always fail his math test? Because he couldn’t grasp the concept of TNT (The Non-Translatable) conversion! Read More

  • Steve’s Reel Deal: Fishing Frenzy in Minecraft!

    Steve's Reel Deal: Fishing Frenzy in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, Steve goes fishing, But things don’t go well, his luck is missing. With a rod in hand, he casts his line, Hoping for a catch, something divine. The fish are elusive, they swim away, Steve’s frustration grows, in dismay. But with a grin and a spin, he tries once more, Determined to catch fish, that’s for sure. In this short episode, the humor shines, As Steve’s fishing adventure unwinds. With each failed attempt, the laughter grows, In the world of Minecraft, anything goes. So join Steve on his fishing quest, In this animated world,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Shorts Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Shorts Edition When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village turns against you like you just committed a war crime. #minecraftmoment #piggyproblems 🐷🚫 Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft universe! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which showcased a fun spot-the-difference quiz within the Minecraft world. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers to its players. The ever-changing landscapes and challenges presented in the video are just a glimpse of what you can experience on Minewind. If you’re looking for a server that embraces creativity, exploration, and a vibrant community, then Minewind… Read More