EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

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and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need your help I need to build a base for my family to protect them oh crazy what do we do this Elemental Girl Wants our help should we just let her die or no we have to help save her family and besides he’s going to destroy the entire planet when he comes here to fight me anyway all right fine okay let’s build an elemental base to protect ourself against this Elemental bomy I’m going to make a firehouse cuz fire is the best what are you talking about water is way better than fire no it’s not fire is way stronger than water fire girl how much time do we have until the monster Army gets here we only have 20 minutes well I’m going to build a fire base cuz fire is better than water well I’m building a water base cuz water is better than fire well okay fire girl you need to help me bring your kids in here okay cuz mine is going be way better I’m taking the water boy he’s going to have so much fun inside my base all right come over here then fire go let’s build a base right here and I’m going to build this base out of dragon forge fire bricks because they’re made out of fire Elemental blocks making them super duper powerful and they’ll be able to stop any Elemental Army from attacking oh this does look better than my light blue wool maybe I should change the block why are you using wool Gracie are you stupid don’t answer that we already know the answer that’s a bad word you shouldn’t be saying that Jamesy and not only do we have these dragon forge fire bricks but we also have block of fire dragon steel which I’m going to use to make these little towers in the corners like this perfect I’m going to build this floor out of orange concrete since it’s a fire elemental house we have to make sure that this house is extra secure oh my goodness I love orange that’s why I’m orange myself guys but anyway this is looking really good except the Earth child is stuck outside what are you doing fire girl let it inside jeez well she just wants to hang outside for a while this is her element after all all right fine fine fine and then I’m going to work on a little magma block moow around the castle because magma blocks are super duper op because they deal damage to anyone who walks on it ew you’re doing a manga block bat Jamesy I’m making mine out of water wait what how is water going to stop anyone Gracie everyone loves water I can go on a swim and enjoy myself it’s really Pleasant oh really Jamesy how about you switch the surv ow ow what is that is that like water from the river temps or something this is is fake water and it’s basically deadly if you go inside you’re going to start taking tons of damage so you don’t want to go inside this Mo basically tap water oh my goodness disgusting all right fine graci that might stop some Elementals but it won’t stop anywhere near as Elementals as my magma blocks Perfect all right but this might not be enough so what I’m now going to do is put on some flint and steel around and of course oh no Earth CH get out the fire you stupid baby ah water water water see are you trying to kill my baby no I was trying to save her we’re building you a house after don’t get complacent okay well you need to be careful this is why you need water there’s no fire without water I mean look how deadly it is look look just don’t bring the child into fire look can we build a cage or something yeah yeah yeah she’s an animal for now because we’re going to keep her safe and sound for when this Army attacks in like 18 minutes look let’s just keep her in here for now and then we can transport her into the house when it’s ready okay okay but make sure that she’s comfortable in there well water boys having a split spend time instead of my water base look how pretty it is so far wait what are you doing stop it no no no well now what I think we need to do fire girl is we need to start working on the interior of our base but I’m a little bit worried that this isn’t enough room to build what we want so we need to expand our Castle upwards so we have plenty of space you’re right we can make a tower that way we have many levels let’s build our Castle upwards I’m thinking we should bring it up like five or six blocks like this and then then what I think we should do to make sure we have plenty of space is put like a dome on the top of our Castle trust me it’s going to look really cool but just keep on making it go upwards for now okay all right I think that’s a good idea but how are we going to see from the outside we need to see when they come in our base yeah don’t worry we’re going to put a ton of Windows and stuff like that later on but for now let’s just bring our Castle upwards like this and yes that’s looking really good except why is there so many random blocks here what have you placed all these for I don’t know you did that you’re a bad Builder that that was obviously you why would I okay whatever whatever I’m just going to destroy it there we go how’s your base going guys not very good Gracie I’m struggling here ew it looks ugly what is this it’s just a giant cylinder anyone could make this no no no this is going to be awesome trust me I’m just not done yet okay yeah and it’s going to be super secure why is yours made out of wool how are you going to fight against that I think you guys could use a little bit of extra decoration on the side take that hey what did you do that you’re going to destroy everything it looks much better now oh all Magma’s being destroyed and there we go I’ve put a big dome on the top of our Castle oh my goodness this is looking villainous this looks perfect um it looks like a giant meteor just crash into the Earth exactly this is going to scare away all the Elementals now we just have to make this look really cool so I’m going to put these like walls here these almost look like supports for the ball perfect now we have to use these black stained glass to add add some windows to our Castle come on Lava Girl help me with this no no no I think black looks cool cuz black is like the color of death which means we are going to make all of those Elementals die look you can do some red Windows maybe and I I’ll do some black ones there we go and then I’m going to add some black up here as well and this is going to keep our base nice and secure those Elementals are never going to get to our little baby in there all right Gracie what are you doing over here this looks like an underwater themed crown yeah oh obviously I need a crown for a queen like me but I’m going to make it a lot better right now I only have fake water modes as my security but I’m thinking of making a cobblestone regenerating wall wait what that’s so op yeah it’s so smart you never think of something like this all right well I’m going to do some awesome stuff in a bit you just have to wait and see I’ve got these cool windows and this is looking amazing all right I think I’m ready for our first defense fire girl all right Jamesy what is it first we have to get out some obsidian and crying obsidian and replace a bunch of this grass down here with this let’s make it three blocks wide and go all the way around our magma okay what are you making this is going to look so ugly no no no no trust me Obsidian is the block of strength it looks amazing and we can add some details in there by using some Crown obsidian like this oh I guess it does look better you have to help me though don’t just stand and watch okay okay I’m trying but how is this going to help protect our base you just going to have to wait and see it’s going to be so amazing and there we go we got obsidian going around the whole thing now I’m going to dig a little hole in right here and this is where we’re going to do some magic some magic are you a magician you’re going to have to wait and see this is going to look amazing all I’ve got to do is put a command block right here and then in here really cool command while James’s doing that I’m going to see what Gracie’s up to Gracie e this house looks disgusting what what are you talking about fire girl hey let me remind you we’re the ones that are saving your family so you shouldn’t be disrespectful your baby boy is inside my base right now and he’s having a nice swim well if you guys don’t help me your Earth is going to be destroyed anyway oh no speaking of which that mob Army is going to be here in like 15 minutes I better hurry up okay I’m going to go back to James’s base we need to hurry up and finish this house already and boom there we go I’ve added in a TNT cannon now I just need to configure it so it lands exactly where I wanted to and there we go that looks perfect that will keep away all of our enemies we just need to make sure this TNT doesn’t blow up our base too much so I think we need to make this ring a little bit thicker okay all right now that I’ve created this giant Cobblestone wall I should be able to start working on the Cobblestone regeneration which is going to be really difficult to me now I just need to expand this obsin a little bit more so that the TNT doesn’t blow up our own base isn’t this so amazing huh did you guys say TNT what’s going on Jamesy wait and see Gracie I’m going to expand this right here and let me just press this test button but right here boom what what Jamesy that was dangerous it could have exploded your own base nope of course it wouldn’t Gracie it’s perfectly configured it does exactly where I wanted to go there we go and we put some magma back in here jamy do that again I got something cool to show you uh what are you talking about Gracie this is going to kill any M that comes nearby what are you doing stop it oh you’re evil I was hoping the fans would blow the TNT back into your face but I guess didn’t work all right let me now put the other ones around here all right guys now I’m just filling this up with water like this not only is this totally uh TNT proof it’s also regenerating and then on the other side I’m going to put a ton of lava like this and I’m going to continue putting fire around the house so we can make sure that the Army isn’t able to even Step at our door all right I added the TNT in the other directions now oh that’s perfect but we need to disguise this this looks kind of ugly on the side Jamesy all right you go ahead and disguise it then go on guys my Cobblestone regenerating wall is finished look at this there’s lava on this side water on this side and when I go inside and break the wall look what happened it totally regenerates this was so amazing wait what what did you say Gracie come over here Jamesy go inside the water side and break some of this wall in the center um okay wait a second oh my goodness guys have regenerates that’s totally hacking yeah I’m kind of a hacker and that just shows how water and lava are strong when they’re together what if I do the top like that wait it still works oh oh no it doesn’t Jamesy whatever he broke your wall I mean it’s still better than whatever wall you guys have let’s just be honest yeah does your wall have TNT cannon well I’m not a TNT person I’m a water person so I don’t need some explosive to make myself feel better well well anyway I’m adding some res around here and then the TNT will go off automatically perfect there we go there we go just go around like this and hook this all up and I’m going to continue putting fire around the house still I’m still not done with that but I think we should make a wall around the house a wall around the house what’s that going to do well it’s going to give us Extra Protection Gracie’s doing it now that I’ve made this tall enough I’m going to create a lookout zone so I’m creating this entire floor out of glass that way we can see enemies across the wall and there we go the TNT just keeps on firing keeping our base completely safe Gracie yours would not be a to beat it but you’re right fire girl we do need to add a wall to our base now otherwise Gracies is going to be better than ours let’s be honest Jamesy anybody could go in from the sides Meanwhile my wall protects my base from all the sides well that’s why we have the magma here in the fire but you know what time to pull out my next trick an electrified iron fence wa an electric fence is that going to shock them when they come close to it it’s going electrocute anyone who comes nearby see isn’t that amazing Gracie could never do that because it’s not water themed everyone knows water and electricity does not mix at all and there we go the fence is all the way around our base perfect while you guys are doing that I’m making a water Wonderland by using these slabs I can water log the entire floor with water um okay Gracie no one wants to just be all wet inside this base okay everyone hates having soggy feet well not water Elementals and I just know there a problem your wool isn’t even on all Cor Corners it’s just one side I can easily copy and paste that over to each side watch this I’m going to do it right now all right while you’re doing that I think me and fire girl are going to do our next trap and that’s going to be fire arrows so first let me just cover up all these holes here so no one can sneak into the base like that okay perfect and then I’m going to work on our fire arrow system and I think it needs to be about at this level perfect so I’ll go in here and then I’m going to get some lava okay and also dispensers like this fire girl come in here and help me okay but how are we going to activate the Trap so they can shoot them well we could use trip wires or we could make it manual but first let’s just build it and see if we can make it good so what I’m going to do is I’m going to put some dispensers back there like that and then I’m going to put some signs here like this then in the middle I’m going to put some lava and then I’ll do that on each side like this wait why is there lava in the middle to make the room look better it’s so boring in here you haven’t even started decorating okay that’s fair enough that’s fair enough I don’t know where we’re going to put the ladder though all right but next we need to get some Hoppers and I need you to help me with this we’re going to put some Hoppers like this and then we’re going to get some chests right here and I’m going to fill these up with arrows okay and then just copy that chest there we go we go all the way around like this and one last side and perfect and there we go but next we need to get out the Redstone like this and and then we just hook these all up with redstone bo bo boom help me on each side please fire girl there we go like this boom boom boom going all the way around like this and then on this side too hooking up all these dispensers so they all are connected all the way around and there we go perfect wow looks so good but then when I press this button you’ll see that it shoots out a bunch of fire arrows that is perfect W this looks so cool Gracie’s going to be so surprised on how this came out but now to make sure that this gets activated when someone steps on it all we have to do is get ourself a red stone link like this and then what I can do is get some trip wire hooks on the outside here so that they activate when some steps on it so let me see let me get a obsidian here like this put some trip wire hooks like this and then put some string in the middle like this and then I can put this here to send this signal back up there so when I stand on this it shoots fire arrows that is perfect and it works on each side help me put some other trip wire hooks around though fire girl okay I’m going to put it on this side there we go like this and then we’ve got this side right here with some more Stone buttons on there and then I’ll do one on this side too now that I put the string here it should automatically tell the dispenser when someone’s walking up here and like that it works perfectly perfect we’ve got those strings done amazingly what even are these guys they’re so boring and you can just jump on them and jump over like this yeah and then you get electricuted and blown up by the TNT are you dumb not if you jump over it that’s so easy you guys need to fix this well what have you done Gracie you haven’t even done anything You’ barely even got these regeneration walls to work what are you talking about I finished the Regeneration walls I’m putting ice spikes around I’ve got fans to blow people away using a abilities and I even have invisible barrier blocks for me to get across my fake water mode yeah but right here there’s not even any regeneration walls you can just go straight through well you know what that doesn’t matter because how would they know that it’s here unless there’s someone on the inside telling them where my weak spots are yeah I would never do that so I win a bit will challenge oh Jamesy you better not talk to those Elemental Monsters they’re going to be here in just 8 minutes all right Gracie well our base is looking way cool than yours anyway so it doesn’t matter okay all right come on fire girl we have to work on an inside to our base okay okay but but what should we build in the inside well first I think we should build a storage area that’s going to have a ton of op loot inside here we can put all the things we need for battle so I’m going to get out a bunch of stuff like some chest plate some armor okay and I’m going to put some armor stands here for decoration and I’m going to fill them up with some OP armor yeah don’t just use them for decoration actually put some gear on there that makes way more sense I am I am all right and I’m also going to get some foods I’ve got some golden apples like this right here and I’m going to have some ender pearls as well so that we can ender pearl around and then in the middle chest right here I’m going to have a dark matter Minun and that’s going to allow us to shoot all the mobs wa this is so cool I never heard of a dark matter gunum before can I try it yes try it on Gracie go shoot her oh Gracie I have a surprise for you surprise what surprise where are you I’m right here what is that in your hand I want to thank you for helping me build my house ow ow ow ow ow fire girl you just killed me isn’t it a cool surprise uh no that was not cool you literally just burned Me In Cold Blood like my hands are here get out of here I don’t want you in my base you’re fire you’re going to spread your firness everywhere get get out get out hey that’s so mean you’re just jealous that we have a better base than you I’m just jealous that you guys have cooties well you do have coties time for me to put some OP armor inside of this automatic dispensing unit once I walk into here all of these dispensers will drop whatever is on here and into my inventory the real question is what type of armor do I want there’s Earth armor here fire armor but where’s the water armor and done all of the loot in these chest are completed but Gracie was right we need to add some more security especially in the corners of our base cuz right now anyone could just get through there’s no defenses here no arrows no nothing oh I guess you’re right but what should we put in here I think that we need some centry turrets so what we’re going to do is we’re going to get out some magma blocks like this and we’re going to build some little towers right here so that we can put some Sentry turrets like at that now it attacks any mobs that come nearby all right look test it out go in surviv mode fire girl why do I have to test it out because it won’t work on me cuz I own it now try it out okay all right go in surviv mode and oh my he’s literally shooting you okay okay you can go CRA mod again now you’re fine you’re fine all right ow that hurts there we go so now let’s add one of these on each side and that will keep our Corners super duper safe now no one will be able to come in unless we want them to amazing perfect now that we’ve done all this I think we need to add a doorway to our base but right now if we put a door right here it’s way too secure so instead I think we should put a tunnel entrance into our house oh that’s a great idea we should camouflage it too so they can’t see the entrance yeah let’s put it right here we make a nice little pit like this we do want to make it obvious where it is though to us otherwise we’ll never be able to find it so I think what we’ll do is we’ll put down some of these dragon fire cores right here make a little pit like this and there we go and we need to have a way in and a way down so what we should do is we should get some iron bars like this and we’ll bring down the tunnel like uh let’s do like eight to nine blocks about this far let me dig this down there we go uh can you do all the walls in the sides out of fire blocks so it looks really cool yeah I’ll make it look really nice there we go and then we do these ones here like this and then you’ll see why I’m putting down these iron bars in a second all right and then we’re going to get some water unfortunately I have to use water for this cuz it’s the only thing that works get some Soul Sand and some magma blocks and then finally I’m going to fill these tubes up like this and then we’ll do this side too and at the bottom I’m going to put some magma blocks and I’m going to put some Sala and now I replace all the walls with Magma block perfect and do you see what I built here using the water wao like a tunnel or something that’s so cool well it’s not just a tunnel fire girl it’s an elevator so this side sucks you down and then the other side sucks you up wao but what if you drowned you’re not going to drown look how fast you get pushed up I guess you’re right all right but you haven’t done the floor yet you need to do the floor still okay I’ll do the floor now but you should keep working on that side yeah I’m going to build this tunnel going this way and there we go I’ve done this entire ton wait a second grace what are you doing here hey James what are you doing here I just wanted to come here and flex my new Wings you know since I’m water and I’m also air I’m just way better than all of you guys like I’m basically an angel no you’re ugly stop being so silly but anyway this tun leads straight into our house it’s quite perfect actually and I’ll copy this little tube right here in our house so that we can get in and out nice and easily and paste there we go now we can get into our house easily we need to replace this block Jamesy it looks ugly no it doesn’t it looks awesome what are you talking about you’re a bad decorator you’re going to make the inside of our house look really ugly no this block looks sick I don’t know what you’re talking about in fact I do need to fix this wall though back here so let me just go like this and there we go perfect and now we have the tube done here we go just putting in some fire charge dispensers all around my entire base each one of these has 64 Fire charges inside and they’re going to blast all the enemies away your base sucks compared to us we have an elevator that goes up and down our house I don’t need an elevator I already have the power of wind on my side because I have fans these fans help me get upstairs super quickly and not to mention I even have diving board to get back downstairs fire girl the only problem about our Tunnel right now is there’s no security which means anyone can just go down here and get to our base really easily so we need to add some traps I think we should add some lasers lasers that sounds like a great idea so I’m going to put our laser right here and then inside this laser I’m going to fill it with upgrades so let me see we have a fire upgrade color upgrade mode upgrade and even a damage upgrade so I’m going to put this all in here I’m going to change the color to Black change the mode power and put that damage in there and that will make it awesome and then what I do is put a few of these across doesn’t need that many and there we go and then finally we got ourselves some Redstone link so that I can hook these all up wa okay you should test it out this time I did it with the turret last time all right I’ll test it out don’t worry but first we need to add some sort of hidden button so that we can activate all the lasers and turn them off so that we can get into the base ourselves so I’ve got myself a secret lever right here and I’m going to place it up here right like this it’s a coal block so it Blends in people are going to think that we just forgot one spot in our Roof oh yeah you’re right I wouldn’t even look at this if I was a guard oh you’re right I wouldn’t even look at this if I was an elemental Army person there we go that’s on there and then all I got to do is turn all of these into receivers like this and as you can see all the lasers turn on all right ready 3 2 1 ow ow ow ow ow oh that damaged a lot but look when we want go to our base we can just turn off like that perfect and there we go our tunnel is complete but I how long do we have left until the element to Army attacks us we only have like 3 minutes Jamesy we need to hurry up okay we need to do the next floor of our house okay we have some more space that we can do so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get myself a secret clamber ladder right here and I’ll put it right right in the corner right here there we go this will be our secret ladder up the next floor there we go we’re now upstairs but what should we put up here maybe we should put our bedrooms here I don’t know we don’t need bedrooms we just need to survive but oh we do need someone to sleep though so fine I’ll build my bed right here you build yours over here okay all right mine’s going to be way better than yours so don’t even look over here what are you talking about you couldn’t beat me to build a challenge even if you tried yes I can I can beat you in anything really well let’s see about that okay I’m going to build the best ever head right here so first I’m going to do the quartz backboard like this and like this and there we go boom boom boom easy peasy lemon squeezy and then it’s going to go out this way and then like that there we go and boom okay this is coming along really nicely you haven’t even started with yours yet are you slow or something build what are you doing I’m getting inspiration but why does yours just like a huge marshmallow all right there we go mine is not marshmallow mine is an awesome bed okay be quiet down down I can talk as loud as I want and yours looks ugly I’ll evict you if you keep speaking vict me hey you can’t do that yes I can this my house there we go all right and then let me just change this to that and W Perfect all right and then we’re going to put in some like this and maybe we can get some orange carpet too I’m just going to think how that would s fit in I’m not sure oh oh oh I know we can get some stairs like this and then put the orange wall in there like that B and oh it’s unmatched in all this is perfect and what is this this looks awful this is my bed it looks awesome I want to sleep in it already you’re basically LED on the ground you got no Heights here you feel like a peasant I don’t feel like a peasant I feel like a queen no you’re literally LED on the floor whereas mine is raised up so I can look down upon you yeah your big ugly marshmallow yeah it looks like a cloud don’t you want to sleep in a cloud m not like this this cloud is ugly okay well you’re ugly so hey you’re uglier well anyway now that we’ve got all this I think I can add in the last trap okay a trap in our bedroom a trap in our bedroom you better make sure not to destroy anything no it’s not going to destroy anything don’t worry all it’s going to be is an iron golem Factory right here okay so let’s get a fan like this which is going to Y them out of the window this is going to be amazing okay look what you got to do is put down a command block right here and then put a button over here and whenever we’re feeling scared all you got to do is press this button and that was summon in an iron golem to help fight our battles wao he flew so far I never seen one fly before yeah I’m actually going to change the fans to make them a bit weaker cuz I’m a little bit worried I think they’re going to blow them more towards Gracie’s base and we don’t want them to help with Gracie we we just want them to help with us so if only they can destroy Gracie’s base that would be funny maybe we should dbe them all right and there we go now they’re going to fling just past the TNT and they’re going to be right in the way to fight the elemental Army y wa that’s so much better but we should hurry up and do the other side they’re coming in 2 minutes no no no we just need one it’s fine they can move so it’s all good oh I guess you’re right but what else should we add to our base well we don’t have time to build anything so let’s go downstairs and get on our gear so we can be ready to fight Gracie are you ready oh I’ve always been ready all right so I’m going to put on a ton of this Dragon steel armor like this and then I’m looking really amazing but wait fire girl I almost just forgot we need to go and get your kid and bring it in here otherwise it’s going to die oh yeah quickly you got to do that while I get all my armor on all right so I’m going to get a bunch more golden apples a bunch of Ed pears dark Mana minigun like this I’m going to get fire Fury gun fire charges and a gas Cannon watch this perfect oh look at your son he’s having such a fun time playing with all the fish he’s in the water wait what’s happening why am I in survival mode wait oh no oh no guys it’s night time the Elementals are attacking we have to eliminate them everyone quickly wait what are all those over there there’s a bunch of plants they’re breaking the windows that was me I had to shoot out there oh my goodness they do a lot of damage why are you just watching me fire girl do something I don’t have a gun they get one I’m trying I’m trying well they’re so strong even with your TNT no the TNT isn’t doing anything they have to get close for the TNT to work get your own hole I’m Sho out of this one sounds like you guys are struggling none of them can even get past by regeneration wall I can easily shoot the from all the way up here where even are you Gracie I’m on the top of my wall right now wait where I don’t see you oh my goodness look at all these drowns here oh they’re trying to get past our wall but thankfully they can’t the electric fence is doing a lot of work I’m going to use my gas can to shoot them ow I just got shot by a million blazes they’re all coming towards me oh no oh no I fell in my own lava this is not good are you okay Gracie I’m saving you oh someone help someone help a they push me down oh my goodness that did a lot of damage I need to get across my fake water boat right now using these invisible barrier blocks all right I’m going to get up close and personal well these guys do a lot of damage I’m getting really low I have to use my fire swords cuz fire is the best elemental there we go killing all of these stupid drowns there we go don’t worry I’m here Jamesy I’m killing all these drowns this is easy graci are you okay what are you wearing obviously water armor look at me I looks so cute yeah you probably have no armor though it’s pretty really terrible yeah and it would have looked better in red help help the jobs are chasing me oh no I heard that there’s a really scary boss at the very end of the elemental Army he’s the leader of them allall where did you hear that Gracie I read it in a book in a library once yeah and it’s true I’ve seen him sorry Jamesy I didn’t mean to shoot you with my electricity ow we stop doing it you doing this on purpose no why would I do you did it again isn’t me I need to go fight these blazes over here before they break into my base oh my goodness there’s so many of them can someone help woo that would be a shame Gracie if they broke into your base that would be terrible but luckily my wall regenerates so there’s no way it would do that really unless they found a weak spot right over here oh no there’s a ghost block there Jamesy that’s my entrance wait really yeah there no oh wait ow ow ow oh my goodness this is amazing Gracie all right I’m coming through over here all right let’s get rid of all of these stupid over here but wa look how many blades there are over there guys we need to destroy them don’t worry I have a water sword so this will attack any of them I think your turret’s handing me Jamesy what what kind of turret did you send this to it destroys anyone who’s nearby Gracie you better be careful are you dumb why would you make it attack players as well because you never know there could be an evil Elemental person who has to come and kill us you’re so silly now it’s going to attack me as well whatever I’m just going to use my bubble sword and kill all of these drowns look shooting Bubbles at them isn’t that so cute if you want to come into our base then follow me there’s a little entrance over here let me go through oh let me guess I bet I can just go over here and oh no that turret’s shooting me over there guess I have to go through the water entrance you’re talking about you have to go through the water entrance down here come on R lasers well how are we going to get through here well you see we have to be careful cuz see drowns are trying to follow us down see so come on let’s just press the lasers and come this way come on wait you turn them off yeah there’s an off button and then you can just go up OPP on the right and we’re into our base hurry they’re behind us we made it up here I think we should be safe for now they can’t follow us and you know what this doubles as a stasis chamber so I go at this oh it doesn’t work all Jamesy nice window Jamesy look at this we had to break them to fight the monster there we go and we’re going to shoot him like this and even our arrows keep getting shot at them don’t mind me Jamesy I’m just going to take some guns going to take some golden apples oo wait do you guys not even have a second floor yeah of course we do look there’s a little staircase over here see H it’s secret how did you do that easy peasy lemon squeezy and look you see whenever these redstones go off that’s because someone is standing one of our trip wires which means they get shot with fire arrows oh I mean I have something like this in my base too I think it’s better actually no no it’s not look this is the upstairs and this is my bedroom actually it’s our bedroom my bed’s here too and isn’t my bed way better than Jamesy it does look cooler but I have another question is more important why are you in a bedroom next to another girl jamy you’re terrible be quiet Gracie come on let’s call some reinforcements Iron Golem what oh you guys just summon in a bunch of iron golems I want to go in with them ow ow ow ow careful Gracie these Iron Golems are going to help us attack the blazes righty I’m just going to hit the blazes and help them too and oh no I might have hit an iron golem I didn’t mean the Iron Golems are really attacking the blazes they’re doing God’s work look at that Gra see woo thank goodness they’re really helping my base survive here all right well how do we get into your base Gracie follow me we’re going to have to get past a lot of these iron golems and spikes so be careful that’s fine just go past like this is it over here where I said the where the weak spot was yeah exactly oh I need to just jump over if you crouch on the spikes they won’t push you away then you just have to jump onto the mag oh we’re being chased oh they died to the water that’s why I put parkour there they’re not good at parkour so it should be pretty easy and the water is fake so it’s really poisonous all right we just go this way and then we here and boom here’s my entrance uh no never mind this is one of the fake entrances see did you forget that I even forgot oh my god with a design floor I can get bamboozled sometimes and besides come up here and go up to the next floor make sure you land on the slime block bye girl you going to come up then we’re waiting I’m trying but wao I keep falling down okay I’m going to fly up and wo that’s so cool yeah all right Gra up here well first of all I have anything this is the downstairs thing where you just go on a diving board and you can jump up and fall down but don’t worry we’re not going down yet then you can also come up here and this is a lickout centor come up why oh there’s cobweb thinging up there well that’s to stop anything that comes from above like TNT or monsters so they’ll get stuck in a web like a spider’s web oh okay so if I throw an end P at that I’m going to get stuck in the webs right yeah you probably don’t want to do that Jamesy Jamesy oh is he stuck up there no I’m right next to you where where’d you go I’m right here anyway look inside this chest guys I have electric bows and these are really really cool watch this Jamesy you’ve been completely electrified and then come over here guys this is water boy room look he’s having such a great time he’s not even scared at all wow this is cute my son is so cute thank you for making a room for him J the water boy leave the child alone yeah why are you hurting my son fire element whatever and then come over here guys this is a really cool contraption that I made and I can just press this button and if you look downstairs a bunch of fire charges are coming out wait really do it again oh yeah that works really well Gracie exactly so that’s my base all right let’s go down there and make sure that our iron Gs are keeping uh you know all these blazes in check oh wait but before I go I’m going to The Healing Center to use this potion boom boom now I have regeneration for days wao you have a potion station that’s so cool yeah I know I’m cooler than you guys oh I don’t know about that GRE but it is pretty cool oh no guys all our Iron Golems are dead I have to go spawn some more in oh no oh no ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ah they’re all chasing me I’m coming I’m coming get away from me get away turn on the lasers oh my goodness I’m going up wait Earth child’s okay she’s fine all right okay go up the ladder and come up here and let’s spawn more iron golem so that we can kill all the blazes all right keep spawning them we need Extra Protection all them are getting so close to the base now I know I know I’m sping as many as I can cuz these guys can all kill the blazes really super to oh you just got blown off I think there’s a weird Earth bomb over here attacking me what’s going on wait what are you talking about Gracie yeah it’s an earth bomb and it’s trapping me inside of its tentacles are you okay someone help me please that looks scary what’s going on oh no Gracie it looks like the drowns are water mobs and the blazes are fire mobs and finally we see an earth mob this is really scary little plant boys they I killed them I killed them I killed them oh did you kill them Jamesy I killed them don’t worry Gracie that was really scary look at those flowers they actually look kind of pretty oh no it’s shooting at you jam shooting oh no uh where did that come from do you see that Boss Bar attack ow ow ow ow we need the this must be the boss that we were talking about remember the boss of the elemental Army shoot him so strong though oh no he’s doing a lot of damage I need to run kill him guys lure him into the TNT good idea let’s bring him to the turrets as well ow over here bring him over over like this over like this come on bring him over here guys ow oh he’s over here keep him in the TNT he’s in the TNT this way over here oh come yes boom boom no I’m really low Jamesy he’s coming after me still I need to run I need to run oh no he doesn’t take any damage from the guns guys he’s immune to gun damage oh no I bet he’s immune to fire cuz he’s a fire type too boom boom boom ow stop eluting me sorry Jamesy it just keep keeps spreading stop shooting him Gracie he’s resistant to fire shots we just told you that but this is electricity it’s different no it doesn’t work the arrows just bounce off him oh wait I should use my water sword it’s going to obviously be his downfall wait wait wait I’m doing a lot of damage I’m doing a lot of damage guys I’m doing a lot of damage oh no Dodge the attack Dodge the attack oh my goodness that was a lot his attack is so powerful how are we going to beat him are you okay I’m going to eliminate you yes Jam saved us I killed him yay I can’t believe you did that he’s so big I don’t think there’s any mobs anymore Jamesy I think you killed them all you’re right they’ve all stop spotting in pleas we defeated the elemental battle and if you guys enjoyed the video then make sure to watch the next on your screen goodbye bye-bye bye

This video, titled ‘WATER vs LAVA FAMILY Survival Battle in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-15 11:00:24. It has garnered 1930 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds.

WATER vs LAVA FAMILY Survival Battle in Minecraft

Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join

Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1

Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

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    Unbelievable: Guess Baby's Age in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by Sypher gamer on 2024-02-08 06:30:07. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:36 or 5556 seconds. Certainly! Crafting adventures and building dreams in the pixelated world of Minecraft! 🌍🎮 Join me, [SYPHER GAMER]on an epic live streaming journey as we dive into the endless possibilities of this sandbox masterpiece. 🔨 *Title: [AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)]* 🌟 Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Live! | [SYPHER GAMER] 🕹️ *Gameplay Highlights:* 🏰 Embark on a quest to create breathtaking… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming – 😳 Live Minecraft: Epic Challenges & Memes on 24/7 Server!

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  • Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13

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  • My House is Now a Minecraft Wonderland! 😱

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  • Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft game

    Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Jujutsu Kaisen as Jogo. (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Xerlios on 2024-07-30 14:00:50. It has garnered 1448 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. Join me on the ultimate Minecraft adventure as we explore the world of Jujutsu Kaisen with the formidable character Jogo! Together, we will face off against the toughest creatures in Minecraft using this incredible mod inspired by Jujutsu Kaisen. Alt account: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCALjcwpktfn8AxBXIe9WiIA Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/xerlioss-sorcery-fight Discord server: https://discord.gg/Sbfh4yq8VP Kinetic Hosting Code Xerlios for a discount: https://billing.kinetichosting.net/aff.php?aff=847 Tags: #game #gameat #jujutsukaisen #minecraft Read More

  • Mushroom Rain: Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa in Zombie Apocalypse

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  • Spectre SMP- Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Hermitcraft-esque, 1.21, Mature, Community

    Spectre SMP – Join Us for Collaborative Minecraft Fun! Spectre SMP is a vanilla 1.21 SMP inspired by Hermitcraft. We offer a friendly community for friends to play Minecraft together and create amazing projects! What We Offer: Established, friendly community for collaboration Long-term world to spark creativity Diamond-based economy with emphasis on generosity We are looking for: Builders and redstoners Players who interact well with others Dedicated minds with impressive goals Active community members for meetings and discussions Server Specifications: Fabric 1.21 hosted in Europe Performance mods and minor recipe changes Faster minecarts and Simple Voice Chat Mail Mod, /nick,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blink in Minecraft, RIP”

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  • Void Voyage: Minecraft’s 3-Year Tour

    Void Voyage: Minecraft's 3-Year Tour In the void I travel, after three years in Minecraft, Exploring new mods, with skills to outlast. You can find me on RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, Sharing Minecraft news, with a playful pitch. Join me on Discord, Viber, and more, For updates and fun, like never before. I’m ClaDiamond, your guide in this game, Crafting rhymes and stories, never the same. Read More