EPIC Minecraft World Cup with Chally07 LIVE!! 🔥

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No okay it’s fine I’m just I just suck at Lo hole oh God not the twep verification even though it means nothing if they have access to your account charie is live uh I’m gonna go live in a couple a minute or two all right please work oh my

God hello Nora okay hello go hello hello let’s go hello Scott hello this uh what should I call it Minecraft Bedrock World Cup yeah uh just call it Minecraft World Cup keep it short sweet people think soccer do I put anything else um no no that should be good I need

To change skins I’m G I’m gonna add my own no keep it keep it keep it I just stre all right that’s fine my first Minecraft World Cup all right guys I okay uh see you guys in a bit I’m just gonna go all right hold on let me

Actually hold on I gotta do stuff God should I turn off Jerry thinking about it like yeah I’ll do the same all right hello everyone all right if Squid goes live I’ll be ditching okay okay fair enough Fox fair enough I’ll see you in a minute well cut Minecraft yes indeed it

Is is playing football in Minecraft no this this is just this is a tournament this is a tournament there there’s plenty of people you sign up for it like hello Lea hello hello oh my God it’s what what is This yeah no you sign up for it I believe something along line to that Among Us makes more sense I was thinking about the yeah no it’s not that it’s not that good don’t worry hello rayan hello it’s it’s the Minecraft world cup that’s what it is H Reaper hello

Hello yeah the mang World Cup we got who’s this we got Tom coolest Zach let’s see banana confused Axel risen xaven myself it should be pretty fun all right anyway anyway squid oh yeah squid hello squid your country hard everyone and you got chosen okay stop waffling all right you

Do realize that it’s just Regional there’s people from everywhere Lea you can shush you’re saying that as if you know that’s a bad thing it’s not it’s not like the World Cup Jesus like okay okay yeah i’ like to see you participate in this can I see you cooler here

To can I see cool here is here congrats to cool yeah I know cool is here man to get coolest in we needed a sub coolest is in we for the next one anyway I I don’t know they could be doing a third one so you know trying to get get some people

In they they’ll definitely be getting new new people in they’ll keep some old ones in obviously but for the next one after this they’ll definitely be getting new ones in uh four per team ran I did not see the first stream about it yeah don’t worry this is just the

Second one it’s Halloween themed even though it’s bu in November 4th I okay yeah sure Lea sure sure sure okay okay uh how many teams are they Christ I think so yeah there’s the orange owl the purple Phantoms let’s see orange owl purple Phantoms and then we have green goblins and red

Reapers uh we do spliff uh Sky blocker uh parkour race build build build battle I don’t know all of them but build Depot as well should be pretty fun all right yeah sky Sky Block where we have to you know build to the center as we’re building to the center we get

On a spawn out okay it’ll probably be easier to explain it like this you know that Sky Royale L that got and taken away fairly recently in Skywars on the hive it’s basically that where spa and Islands start to get removed you know so on so forth later on in the game okay

Nora uh pretty much everyone from the first one uh not a few people I suppose oh they’re all buy them all m underground what is this oh yeah no 100% 100% we’re going to win this me resen a and coolest yeah it should be fun last time

There was a $200 prize pool so I’m not sure if there’s going to be one for this but who knows okay okay Leela buy yeah what do you want else there’s risen Atomic you got you got quite a few people in here I have no idea what they’re building but it’s

Funny just block them in is I was in there was going to do some trolling yeah I probably would have got kicked Nora if you done something like that just jealous yeah no no can’t even get a win don’t worry you know it’s obviously there’s going to be sweat Scot so don’t

Worry about it ra not play it seems sweaty that is true Lea though that is 100% true Christ that was an understatement I try and lost yeah it’s tragic all right and sticks right oh God this should be funny anyway how are you all doing today how’s your weekend going how’s your Saturday

Going oh oh my God oh my God ex even get out my f all right good to hear good to hear I’ll on death now so you can hear the others all right I’ve won Hell stop stop stop throwing all right it’s time to flex your dirt blocks yes

Yes what we doing welcome all right I have more you my BL you m it you give that back that’s currency you give that back we can break can I get one no I don’t have a spare one I’m sorry you have one thank you look look look you can break through the

Thing it is want right now so what do we want to do first okay nor see you soon yeah we can break we can break stuff yeah we’re obviously not allowed to but we can look at their they put battle box they put battle box my God of I bet that’s the sweaty

Team H yeah mostely who’s right yeah but we can’t break stuff luckily I think I started stream at like the perfect time Christ same yeah yeah Atomic it’s Atomic I got I got beef oh my dirt was removed no no not the dirt you should have placed it it’s fine they they have

Dirt still they still have dir we’re going to rub their dirt we’re going to rub their dirt yeah kill kill kill the dirty dirty we are the problem team we problem te we we are the problem team are we on the Spectrum SP oh SP yes what are you doing you

Stretching pregame yoga I’m proposing I’m proposing oh God you trying to through that Jesus I’m Shadow Boxing oh yeah he’s he’s getting that warm up in there yeah what is this it’s it’s it’s the wood punch should break up with people this is how you punch wood in Minecraft

Exactly Lea I would do that but you know I I would get points to do wait what real VC oh um what I hope no one swears in that cuz that’s going to suck we got to join thee just go on M mute your audio out put real quick

Then all right we got to join the rule VC but someone’s probably going to swear so I’ve I’ve muted my audio output so yeah you you guys can’t you guys can’t hear anyone else at the moment but don’t worry I’ll turn that on again in a sec exactly exactly hello ra play welcome

Welcome oh oh sorry for the glitching screen Christ wait why am I over here why was I over there with them all right there we go let me turn down the brightness I think that’s the problem all right uh no well try not to be anyway try not to be H

Plays xav is getting dirty yeah yeah it’s B it’s BFF sorry about the glitching screen it’s bedw Wars I know what bedw wars is yeah my my screen’s glitching like really badly where’s F yeah all right did you get trying to get me out first look at them all

Right okay okay that that’s that’s a bit better no no it’s not I I think what I had to do guys um oh my God you you guys can’t hear them but I can it’s hard for me to hear I’m I’m trying to it’s it’s just difficult

All right we go don’t use the blocks my my uh screen keeps glitching it’s so weird it’s like a rain yeah what is our strategy for SLE together stick together but like not too together that we all fall down at the same hole spread out but

Stay sorry to the guys who might have epilepsy be within be within like 10 blocks of us we um’s cheering you on in chat just saying one my view we got this don’t wor that yeah you’re getting cheered on by gy gny yeah gy where in my stream chat yeah I know

It’s a bit like a rainbow but it’s so annoying I can’t turn it off my I also got to turn off Jerry where did you know how to fix that um thing all right it’s just annoying me I don’t have that issue I’m go I’m g go to your stream and

Say thank you to whoever oh we’re going we’re going we’re going oh Jesus Char get back here J get back here oh no yeah no I’m going to run in the middle all right there we go it’s time for M don’t worry guys don’t worry don’t worry two okay sorry about the glitching

Screen again I apologize wait k us it’s no we’re splitting off stick together Ren get out stick together stick together stick together get back get back get back get back watch out for confus confused confused confused oh no he’s he’s wait what this is this is so GL

Blade I can’t see I can’t see don’t worry Co just chill in the corner for a minute yeah I’m so sorry it’s glitching boring that’s boring if you want to just look away from the screen and listen you know you you should be able to hear

What’s going on again I’m sorry you know it’s squ I don’t know what I can do about that know it’s fine it’s fine FR my fraes my FR Tom Tom Tom coming I say we singled them out look at zck in the corner over there we could do Island Strat I don’t

Know no Island Strat I forgot to mention that all right say in VC CH say in chat Tomic can you clear out all entities uh it’s like the second one it’s like the the second so yeah watch out wait was that one of you guys did I can’t

Really yeah sorry about the lag I know it’s so annoying if you just want to look away from the screen and listen that’s all I can really do he said 15 he said 15 seconds he said 15 seconds we can wait a minute we can wait a minute

We can wait a minute we have time yeah we have a few seconds can you turn off tile drop I will avenge come over here come over we need to go down anyway we need to go let’s get this person over here go safely just go

Safely down oh God myam before your for right here right here right here no I’m like oh my God how am I alive how am I alive how am I alive guys I’m bottom layer Oh no just just stay alive just I’m just going to I’m just going to like

Chill oh my God it’s Axel loocks get out of here I’m in the middle all right all right it’s fine it’s fine it’s squid I need help all see you in a minute please we can’t use I’m getting over to you guys I’m over to you

Guys okay I think we go for we go for I think you get a link I’m I’m still I’m not I’m not sure I’m not sure if there’s an age limit for is there an age thing for this well C don’t all right oh cool it’s

No just saying oh I’m out the box watch out we’re cor we’re Corner let’s go over let’s move over here go here Rush D watch rush rush rush rush watch J plays he’s cornered we sandwiched them we sandwiched them okay sandwich them oh no I’m on the bottom I’m on the bottom

I’m the bottom uh Tom Tom Tom Tom um there’s so many of them that’s my bad blade is back in BL back in I just messed him up God my frames are D why was tile drop on okay I don’t want to I I did to to turn to to turn

Off out it was like’s tournament no all right Ruby hello hello hello that top just remind me if one TV yeah I know I have no idea Ruby it’s so annoying it’s so intense Lea oh God like a few weeks since glitch so annoying I might should definitely be able to right

Watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out come over here come over here parkour over here watch out there’s ax there blade oh no no no Chie I missed the jump no that’s me does me no no okay um so who the I was glitching go all don’t worry oh sler

Sl’s okay chill CH chill mute let them concentrate um okay speak quietly how is blade alive oh I just I just I need to I need to eat I need to eat I need to eat good yeah I can’t I I’m pretty sure you get an invite

M if we just like stay and watch We’re Notting here people can get that’s fine if you want to we need it’s just us and three other people should be for the next one okay um I think we put pressure on so they start to fall I think we just move I’m

Pretty sure you get a link to the uh World Cup but um yeah don’t worry we’ll be getting new people mostly for the next intense this is very intense for no reason why are you guys so quiet we just we’re just winning right now we’re like we’re kind a little bit Focus

Concentrate uhen if you go that way I’ll go this way um Jo on PS okay magic you should be able to anyway okay three I know I can’t I can’t R yeah I got axo I got axo no he didn’t no he didn’t no he didn’t mind oh they’re blowing up

Stuff oh oh that’s great that’s so nice xav I say we I say we go I say we go yeah we might need to oh okay uh oh you thought I was going to go over there AO you thought you thought you thought yeah so yes yeah okay okay okay

Come back come back cuz Slayer is going to try and go for us no I’m isolating him am iting him get blown up he’s blown oh it’s just us in Squid it’s just us squid okay take your time take your time take your time and don’t stick it together don’t group

Up don’t group up try and sped out a little bit as well this is so intense all right behind it run I’m pretty sure get a link hey up here up here we can go we can go that way but it’s tricky It’s Tricky um PR is being put on SC that’s

Fine he where are you don’t worry we can’t we can’t actually get across to them we we can’t get over there um no look at this look at this don’t blow us up you should be to right hand us I’m sure I’m sure we’ll be able to get some people

No well I can but it be very SC that’s why it’s best to be joing like c u we can’t get across we can’t get across dude oh we can we can we can kind of we rip marshmallow out It’s Tricky It’s Tricky take don’t panic and take your time take

Your time all right no take your time what king me okay don’t panic I over there don’t panic take your time like squid can get to me easier I think oh never mind oh my gosh this little Goblin all right nice thank we’re not placing blocks it’s our

Team’s mom whoa can I get can I get water a okay water K chill shh no no I didn’t no God damn it okay it’s fine it’s fine K chill oh poor SC that’s so okay star is that’s that that was oh we won we we won but at what cost

No take the win take the win take the win take the win no Mery all right no Mery take the win take the winard throw your feelings out the wi though we’re winning that’s all that matters we won we won we won take it we won this one let’s go nice nice we

Won we won let’s go nice what you want get out of here get out of here you L team get out you’re Los join don’t worry H pleas you really don’t have to that’s that’s it’s really fine do not worry about joining the channel it’s okay Atomic quot him on that magic

Quot him all right guys it up there but we’re probably gonna get hard targeted like that’s fine we can very understanding this is Halloween theme guys but yeah we’re doing it on November 4 so just ignore that you want some bull oh yes yeah oh my God Ren you should have

Some of this as well where are you get up here no I have more I have more I have more talking to chat best place baby let’s go come over here where where where where where over here you got some blood for you oh thank

You thank you for the blood why do I have blood don’t don’t don’t worry about it it’s a surprise don’t worry about it don’t ask ask how I got it don’t worry oh my God this is an my next hey you want to break out again

Pigeon no no no no it’s not pigeons we’re not pigeons we’re we’re going to lose points how many games are there uh I’m not sure I’m not sure toes dud Shenanigans like this what is what go thanks thank you thank you we’re hoping for a clean victory yeah lovely

Yeah next time can we not have snowballs on we’re not orange pigeons God no no balls no we’re not the orange pigeons what do you mean don’t bring the ball talk over to my Channel please I’m streaming too get out with that disgusting oh oh wait it’s a it’s

A l l microwave not microwave toaster L toaster I don’t know we balling I don’t know I’m you you know what Ren really loves to talk about pretty much all the time that’s what it is Magic came in my n get your mind out the guten you know

What you’re trying to do all right you know what you’re trying to do all right come on you know what you’re trying to do all right oh no my blood no more you took my blood what what what else did he what else did he takeen what else did he take my balls

Yes yes no my cat won’t hear that no I’m going to watch V okay don’t worry H see you in a minute okay oh my God this the arena wait orange Al’s over here we orange we’re Orange let’s go okay all right we B exactly orange BS oh he’s breaking the map he’s

Breaking the map oh my God he’s breaking the map should we just get Parkour unlick unlick your lever unlick your lever what do we want to what is there Sky blocker box parkour race can we just get Parkour get Parkour race out the way yeah do this is the

Exact same as what we did last time it is I mean it’s a good order I’d say mhm all right CH nightmare you’re going to have fun with this one oh no no no no par please no no no no might as am points possible they want to please don’t remind me of

That thank you all right I love how we’re all trying to talk to each other in our chat at the same time it’s so app I need a meat iion calm down you don’t need calm down all right I I know you like to bend the

Rules a lot all right you know you know what you’re trying to do calm down it’s disgusting I don’t want to get quoted with you’re all right calm down don’t drag me down with you me me [Laughter] there’s just God Ran please don’t remind me of the last whale cut parkour nightm oh

God the first section I expect say I love the infection game mode SC so good I’m going to we’re like we’re like good job magic good job yeah I know it’s we literally have the same viewers yeah all right okay I’m I’m saving my meat don’t

Worry qu that qu that I’m saving my meat from CH I need ham okay squid don’t H I need oh Ruby that’s shocking Behavior you can’t say that hold on I should actually be putting on my thumbnail I should add the thumbnail like it’s it’s the one that

Stop proposing to nobody trying to propose all right they’re not going to take stop trying to propose with the me right did did you say you’re trying to propose With The Meat Stop proposing with the shut up decide what are you doing what are you doing you look listen

Look ex do that again you animal what you what the heck is let me just put against the glass for everyone who we destroyed them influence exactly really is oh bad influence K doing it K doing it yeah special episode about youing really nice nice you’re talking about me no no

No Ruby no no Char is not def actually I know it’s it’s so funny hway we literally have the same viewers all right let me let me look back at my chat help me with energy yes 100% Ray you’re just asking to get quoted hi blue blade I’m currently in a

VC with three other people and I sound crazy because you can’t hear them oh I forgot in oh CH go on go on you can leave that it’s fine wow5 I’m just kidding I’m just kidding listen yeah all right you need me for the parkour one trust me you need a

Breather yeah okay how I parkour you need me for the parkour this is this is just a world um it’s talk about human no I mean like how do you join the World Cup you get a link I suppose a fourway ask me anyways for the cookies oh God

Weird yeah chill out chill you don’t want to don’t worry that’s fine that’s fine all right I wouldn’t say it’s public identify it’s a more of you know local type was your community it’s disgusting VAV right dancing like toothless yeah you need to join well you need to

Be YouTube streer you really do need to help me out my night it started timing people out on the start of my stream the other day for no reason terroris oh here we go yeah someone said terrorism I said boom that that just boom nothing else boom am I

Muted no you’re fine uh you’re fine why why am I who did I sub for again look look at look look no no you’re fine call oh a live proposal on the Minecraft World Cup oh my god oh so someone tell Told Me To Tell

You Ren that you’re bold I’m not I’m not bold I have L Lo of hair all you can take the fing off all right this I’ll all right go to third person you won’t you won’t excuse me I am thir this is a hat we’re calling bald

Right now we’re calling Ren bald I I’m not bald I I will shave your head if there’s anything to shave winen Jesus says you win I’m a Jes Jesus I need Ronald McDonald back in my chat dude remember remember that yeah I know I saw that cool CH nice H play says H

Cheese what says chees nice nice Scott nice Vash wearing w a i I can’t I can’t believe that Ren you should have seen what ruby said I’m not wearing a wig oh you you can’t believe what ruby said Ruby I believed in you I believed in you

Tell Ren F she was wearing a wig she bought from a wig shop wi monster I see magic I I like to be like I like to be truthful I don’t like to lie to people so I I probably would say that um two times in a rad for fashion Villers yeah

I agree who oh we’re bring we’re bringing that back up again all right here we go hold on what what’s happening no no no I’m you you you stink you stink H xav really feet and cheese one moment I havex Premier guys race is premiering premiering I can’t speak I I love how

Rayan in the middle of my chat and your chat at the same time he’s he’s literally typing in my chat and then goes to yours I am not bald I am not bald bald cool coolest someone said you’re B I made that on a train I got bored on

A 1 hour train ride and I need I’m not going to VC chat there’s nothing there magic magic I can’t say that I can’t I can’t deny um I’m basically spitting nice nice want like I don’t want to ruin self image excuse me like he’s he’s bold just him no no no

No I I have I have thank you magic I have thank you magic thank you thank you magic Dan how’s it going read the disc join me guys join me yes join me yes guys line up line up make a line look at a staring look

I’ve been tpd I’ve been tpd we’re going against oh wees what are we doing no this one you go purple you’re stink here all ban Tom and Squids listen listen does not matter for damage it does not matter for damage all right who’s who’s doing what who’s being what is there AER

There’s a Healer still um I’ll we’ve been told not to touch anything yet we can’t touch anything oh yeah put them back put them back I I’ll be I’ll be healer who wants the sword who wants the knockback sword you’re probably best with that the PC

Player I’ll be sword I’m good with b and arrow I think we’ve seen that display okay I have a strat all right everyone like stay back and you with me you’re Bal with a wig the St how good am I what with a with the wooden sword because it does

Like two and a half hearts of damage uh I I can guysle which is where all the fire is at okay yeah no I do that when we get this is Sky blocker where we fight teams we fight teams all right please cute what’s going on oh rules rul P all

Right okay give me a sec all right guys start singing I’ll start singing uh it would be awesome though where no VC rules I’ve just muted everyone so don’t worry I’m going to I’m put I’m turning on payone uh apparently Frosty is Jesus hey what’s up J welcome to oh God this

Is team versus team we have to place our blocks in the middle or call it blocks curiosity who’s on red Reapers no no one has to talk all coer get back in a little bit Co get back in I’m stars stars I saw the

Boldness hey I scale Z 10 how B oh yeah oh yeah CL pulled out huh wait oh wait wait is there anyone else on our team or is that it 10 the was on the baldness scale yeah all the baldness scale iset the a as a a

A I got him I got him I can’t really talk too loud guys because I’m I’m currently in the VC chat with people listening over the rules don’t worry I’ll tell them in a minute don’t worry I’m Jesus everyone if you look behind you you’ll see a set of weapons nice no

You shut up nice save only one person at a time can take a class you cannot you can all you can’t all have the same class or anything like that nice magic nice uh because uh because a thought that would make because a thought that would spookify it not

Mear so yeah everyone on the walls there’s a special class only one per person anything in the pink box that’s you can all take one or whatever okay in the pink box in the pink box yeah yeah but for the classes one Stars yes

We don’t all get a sword can we gra are we going with we’re going with everyone’s facing each other right hey guys can you get them wall while good job mag you’re doing us proud doing us cuz we’re orange owl uh okay anyways okay while they’re Hing out the

W okay while they’re Hing out the wall uh here’s how battle box works in the middle there’s two ways to win in the middle there’s white wool if you can replace all that with your own wool your team wins the round but there’s also another way to win well actually there’s

Tech what you get more points if you win I appreciate the other team if youp the other team you get I only what’s that thank you everyone thank you thank you hopefully did you say white owls we’re not white I said I said orange we’re going oh

Yeah you watch that’s most of these games Atomic Atomic Atomic where’s the do at wait Atomic I don’t have any food can you give fingers crossed goes cross Charlie which crossbow do you want okay get this yo other than that that’s all the rules uh just don’t break anything or like except

Midle also hold on game rule PVP why do we have wool I need wool so because that’s a center it’s main objective you fill it in wait minute there only one of us have a sword just stay here for this game is suppos to take the things from the item

No we’re not going forth a dropper or wait or did they not spawn ni wait they might have not spawned unless there’s nothing take it from the it FR all right all right all right all right all right um uh we all grab one set of these 12 arrows round one Shear

Have shears do you have do you have shears no question uh which class you want CH I I’ll get the I’ll get the piercing uh piercing does not matter unless it’s the put that back you’ve got to get it from the at or the from The Dropper yeah piercing does not matter it

Does not increase damage just make make sure you make sure you charge it before you uh start Charlie line up people make sure they’re all in the line the best way for pier shot is if they’re like kind of grouped up but not exactly take all right see you soon see You shot not orange no all right three shots from any crossbow got it okay is everything good here yeah everyone has one item we got you didn’t give me my item you give me a kiss you all right uh no one’s taking anything extra right no

No I’ll give you one if you end up if you end up winning the tournament I’ll give you one yeah let’s go it’s for the goat horn guys it’s for the goat horn yeah all I need to go I got a in my room go that’s not group up but group up

If you know what I mean stick together so like yeah spread out so you know we don’t get hit be like far from each other but close enough yeah so we don’t get hit so we don’t get hit either you got to be the front line in

Terms of the the W you got to drop down whenever they start placing the wall really nice SC nice nice all right you ready that’s good to yeah make sure you fall on food make sure you fall on food do you do you guys have both crossbows loaded yes yes okay

Good make sure you do CU I have more meat even more meat let’s go so much meat so much meat CH can I can I can I get a golden apple no Camp best tip ever but we we need to destroy the thing in the middle uh there’s a thing in the

Middle we need to get rid of the col there and place there can you punch meav can you punch me human me fine um I I don’t know Lucky in a long time so might be a while all right yeah I’m trying to get my saturation

Down all right you know what I think we’re ready everyone ready no I’m not oh yeah okay yeah no you’re not okay I’ll good I’m good stars stars stars stars stars don’t worry rights we’re just waiting starts it’s best of three right and then then you switch opponents

It might take too long though right it’s fine I don’t think it is oh normally there’s a lot more team in MCC but it’s four here so it’s fine make sure you set your this game goes fast this game goes fast hey can we can we start all right one round one

Round all right all right ready guys three yeah okay sh two I should probably not to they can’t hear me okay go oh not time yet Purple Pandas okay don’t pic got there go all right we’re on right hand side mhm I hit one I think yeah oh oh

God oh I’m dead oh no no no no no no no we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine I’m in the wrong spot no my my point watch out P time ption kill himen kill him mhm he’s no he’s backing up he’s backing up I don’t want to get too close oh I just

Got hit I don’t I’m going to die one okay just hide hide hide hide hide hide hide oh I see you banana I See You by they’re on the way he’s pushing he’s pushing I can’t I can’t I can’t we got you we got you stay cover stay cover

They’re below us below us I think they’re going to go for the thing um yeah don’t worry keep the cover on them oh I see squid give me the play by play no God I hit I hit IIT I hit a banana I hit a banana I Tom I killed Tom I killed

Tom I killed Tom come on come on you got this oh we only killed one of them I need to heal I need to heal I see squid over there you won’t have time to heal ready green or red oh I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck no

No go go charie go Charlie go Charlie Charlie has the quick what I needed to reload I thought I was reloaded on guys I say I I have I say um we just rush in immedately all right get out of here n n that is unsportsman like get out of here

Get out of here M them get them out hold on I’m killing them I’m killing them yes it was it was we could shoot him shoot him oh no I’m out of arrows all right guys we need to win for the hornn we survived just a little bit I

Just got shot I just got shot hey hello we should we should save you’re G to kill me oh that’s the point Tommy go to Tommy go to calm down guys yeah yeah yeah yeah calm down calm down don’t be killing okay okay actually what purple one purple one

Yeah yeah orange everyone in Orange died okay guys guys guys stay stay stay here stay here guys come down all right well okay Tommy you don’t want to lose points cool let’s get down you want me to go to where do you want me to go stars go to Red Reapers go to

Red Reapers red Reapers we don’t want to lose points it sounds like they got to deduct points yeah I’m out of arrows exactly uh currently first but we did just like uh lose the one out one out three of battle box but we we still have

Uh we can still redeem ourselves um I’m going to say guys like rush in immediately and someone ‘s on block G what supposed yeah someone sacrifices themselves do you want me to be on block D oh wa wait hold on hold on said I think because you’ve got the sword I

Think you should rush in you should take a healing potion as well take a healing potion as well with your you can’t you can’t you can’t yeah you go into the blocks and then uh drizen protects you yeah no yeah someone put all right everyone how about

Everyone goes down there and then we just one of us put down the blocks I’ll support and protect I’m sure the M isy I’ll I’ll I’ll do blocks cuz I’ve only got Health okay you can you can attack Whoever has the health potion should go I was Asgard here we’re we’re

Yeah puning all right all right guys guys guys guys kill him oh no oh oh yeah oh who whoa whoa who I wasn’t even doing anything come here you this is becoming a five pit Five pit five SL oh my gosh I’m hiding I’m hiding you can’t hide Charlie You Can’t

Hide no cont not dead I’m hiding in here leave me alone why are you fighting me you’re my teammate you can hide you can hide kxo Jesus okay okay okay oh [ __ ] oh as guards with a knock just in the hole get out it no this is hilarious oh

No this is so oh my gosh this is why you should always be careful all right oh yeah don’t worry I’ll turn it up now oh I killed him let’s go didn’t oh we’re just fighting each other no why is it oh ow ow I I am your team mate get out of

Here oh CH you jerk oh oh I’m out the I’m out the map I’m out the map this is how I feels this is how I feels get out of no oh no all right yeah don’t don’t worry later I know uh it is I’m pretty sure it’s like

Around about monthly yeah oh hopefully we can do our second match soon I the mods are talking right now I’m watching like crazy oh what you you were you on my screen this is I feel like this is going to go night oh never mind there here we are

Oh we have the stuff back I’m just G to oh where’s where’s it all gone oh it’s oh it’s lagging a little bit yeah yeah all right all right reset oh it’s so laggy oh why am I why am I lagging oh I know they’re resetting it they’re using

Commands to reset the map budy give me that oh thanks why you cuz you punched me stop hitting me you’re going to kill me stop I know that’s why all right all right so your spawn all right oh ow I deserve that though we were killing each other that’s

Hilarious fight I’m going to die I save him well we can make it speed it up for you so that way you don’t have to heal all the way through hey person welcome happy we we let’s go I’m back up here oh no why would you do that cuz I was on low

Health oh my gosh he told me too aavan wait somebody’s invisible oh let’s go yeah yeah yeah I got three wol nice all right so xaven you’re going to doing tell them tell them I’m up here I’m stuck up here we need CH star is here let’s

Go where’s where’s my bow where’s my bow I don’t know you picked it up someone picked it up yeah I did pass it oh there’s one that isn’t it there’s one oh that is it all right thanks I need I need blocks some’s missing a Bar’s missing a cross barar yeah that’s mine

Thanks make sure it’s loaded we don’t want to make the same mistake that’s what I did make sure it’s loaded make sure you have I told you to do I told you to do that I did I did I did but obviously for some reason it resets itself which

Doesn’t make sense it did are we all clear with the strap before we start yes uh Rush die yeah all are we rush cross people like try and get the people up high or cover just cover yeah cover cover just even if you need to be

Like a meat shield for xaven are we ready all right yeah and xav use that healing on yourself are we ready guys and girls we we are ready we are ready I think we’re we’re so unready but yeah let’s go you’re I’m come on come on all right going

Be we’re first right now but I don’t know how long that’s going to last yes go go all right go go go go oh no they’re they’re doing the same thing they’re doing the same thing just fill it in fill it in fill it in in in

In kill him kill all right place it place it place it place it come on come on come on come on place it place it okay it’s done it’s done got we got it we got it we got it we got it yes nice there’s axo there’s

Axo get out of here axo get out of here get out of here axo get out of here got kill me kill me we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine nice that was a that was R should have just done that last time Jesus Christ if we if we killed axo

Though we would have got more points cuz they have the same idea I say we do the exact same thing again and I know it’s predictable but they tried to do the exact same thing and they lost yeah okay come on um like when we did this last time

Nobody did that um and like like that last round no did that so I think that’s something they come up with as well so it’s possible that the other team won’t do that next time oh yeah but nice hello hello hello we really need to run out of don’t

Right now how’s your um Spider-Man huh what are you doing wait wait grab some D they’re going to reset it anyway grab some D and fill it in grab grab a block of D all right we’re missing three pieces of w chill oh cool probably had

It going good it’s going good I’m just going to be right back I’ll be like a second all right but yeah like I don’t know I I like my chat is still here all right hello hello it’s like it’s like I’m trying to talk to the same chat at the same

Time hello subie hello chat how are you enjoying the stream hello hello I’m trying to talk to I got through wall hey guys hello Lum hello hello all right all right hold on my I was thinking uh cois do not panic all right rush in right I’m having fun I’m

I’m no longer panicking I’m enjoying this good but don’t don’t don’t don’t get too cocky don’t get too cocky like no no no no I’m like I know how to humble myself all right okay good just make sure you’re fully aware of the people um go orange doas I can’t believe we

Wait hi L hello Ren Ren’s gone for a minute okay that was insane so yeah we won the first one which is mad and then we uh lost the first round of this and won the next one so we’re actually doing quite well we’ve only lost one of this

So no we still have one like we still yeah so we what are you guys doing oh magic wanted me call you a nugget how dare you magic I’ll FR wait waiton Ren book oh I probably prent break the map well while someone’s invisible here

Um it wasn’t me it wasn’t me it wasn’t me promise I promise wait I can I can save the images I can save the images from uh the announcements to show people and a yeah do it oh chat speaking of if you guys haven’t seen this look it’s me

And CH winning me and Chell winning yeah I know but we we had the crows have a look at that guys have a look at that that’s the leaderboards as of now it’s not updated yet but that’s about where leard I want to see the leader board look look on my stream oh

Come on why your stream yeah it’s it’s in the announcements as well but we’re currently in I’m coming that that’s basically as of now it hasn’t been updated yet but that’s it won the first round it was pretty God that was terrifying no I begged for mer and he never got I

Tried to run but I don’t think I think after I still have the book I still have the book robbed no thanks thanks go my frames my frames my frames it’s cuz they’re resetting the map right oh it’s lagging oh oh oh should I give the back

Guys we just need to win like one more I think I’m not sure I don’t know who we’re up against yet oh there we go back in oh okay um I still have stuff yeah just just like don’t take anything yet guys cuz they’re probably going to reset our invent oh yeah there

Go I dropped All all right soing so make sure make sure you charge and grab your crossbows question question before before we actually you know oh dear should we nice nice nor so I I kind of went from this to the side like while you guys went in I went to the side to

Distract I guess you could sort of be support but I I feel like it’s better we rush in with everyone though let’s just do the same thing CH give me my blocks give me EXC there you go there your blocks yeah more game yeah I know he was acting

Kind of strange to be honest with you rean but I don’t think we’ll be seeing him for quite a while what you know what’s happening set guys keep chat I’m going go play Hive all right okay see you soon maybe I’ll go hold up you might want to

Listen to this all Uncle na field said I’m we’re up against confus milk oh God hello gamer hello we got this is for reason yeah he won’t be I’m go wish you the best thank you magic hello I am herey welcome hey good it’s just a bit

Of a break just yeah I I understand that SC oh yeah hello gamer hello hello make sure you load crossbow CH It’s the final uh no no it’s not done this is like the second game um we’re going to be here for a little bit it’s been an hour we’ve

Done we’ve done two games two games yeah I know it’s it’s probably it’s probably for the best right but I I understand it’s pretty rough all right I got have we sorted our hot bars out so we know where’s where and you know you’re ready to rush at general what is with yeah

Yeah welcome welcome how are you I’m I’m good how are you doing like sing ready oh my God ready stream oh oh here we go here we go we’re about to start next game all right you ready to jum see I am so ready this is the Minecraft world cup like

Mini games and whatnot you know you know what’s better about this world yeah what okay 30,000 armor stand yeah don’t worry Scott but yeah don’t worry rby all right this is the this is the Minecraft wel Rob it’s basically a bunch of mini games with a bunch of different people I don’t

Know it’s like more local what bunch of small time Bedrock creators purple versus green think of MCC but for bedrock and better oh we just lost confused that’s we against G plays why am dropping confused ax knows our Strat though so he’s probably telling them does he know he was on the

Other team remember but we’re not I saw didn’t you just say Axel I thought I saw him over there maybe just last round was the only one alive last round I never got nice G nice nice purple versus green are we wait no that’s not that’s I think we got to wait

For them to finish so lucky nevero unlucky uh I have never been be playing Uno and I’m live thaten really oh yeah guys look at this picture Ren’s showing you on their stream B crowns look look it’s me and CH I’m absolutely glorious picture I don’t know why but I’m reading your chat

Chie wow I know I’m not reading my own chat this is don’t worry you should probably read your own chat no that scared me stop laughing like a crazy I scared I scared one of my chat members by laughing like a maniac get out of here would like C HP

From that disgusting kill Killen all right I got qued cuz I said about oh really why purple won all of the games so purple come first don’t worry it is what it is wait do we not even get a chance to oh never mind never mind they’re still going they’re still

Going oh God gamer why you why you not play Asgard I’m surprised we beat Asgard though was the supposed uh better win team you know that was the fa we even get a chance of like getting a second place here oh come on we can get second place

But that’s fine hey second place is good we can beat them in DodgeBall you know what they say listen as long as we get first or second we’re good because then we we have a chance at welcome guys get ready guys guys all right we go why are my frames

Dropping when I look at the enemy team here we go here we go here we go go rush rush in rush in rush in they’re rushing in they’re rushing in got them oh help help okay I’m I’m I know I I didn’t use my heating P get J

Players get J players he’s up top he’s up top break it break it break it I’m breaking I’m breaking it I’m breaking it cover me cover me cover me cover me break it while we no no no no no okay don’t panic you’ve got swush just rush him just rush him

Rush in for me no we got him break it break it nice okay we won This getting carried yeah okay sure that’s F we in first place Stars yeah okay hold on we had 600 from that we won the second round with 300 so that’s 900 then we won this round we have 13 1300 points all right we still first yeah we’re still

First CU we won two of the we won first and second that’s great and we final killed this team so we’re at to meet nice to meet you actually get second overall at the very least nice to you come here you get over here coolest

You get back here come here I’m going to make you into come here I’m going to shank you up come here don’t don’t worry ran gamer was only doing God’s work how many rounds did you kill everybody orange uh one uh we won we won twice but the second we

We we could like half the game all right we didn’t we didn’t kill in one at the end so after we already filled in the blocks does that matter yeah we already filled you you guys got 700 points from that yeah 1300 we have 1300 okay yeah by 200

Oh you guys are in second place P yeah all right we’re we’re like 200p Phantom first it’s rigged rigged it’s not rigged purple just beat you that’s why you’re in first please don’t stop me yeah but I’m going all right nice to meet nice to meet you too RT nice to

Meet you too yeah it is a pretty interesting tournament but yeah good to hear you doing all right one person what you mean anyways go Orange on YouTube okay yeah I decid that Hive is boring yeah no Hive is definitely boring someone ask a question what what

Happen she ohen you still wearing a wig I am not I am not wearing a wig purple purple won every game yeah hold on 600 you know just basic stuff you know what I mean like no swearing no bad language no harassment you know just common decency type rules

Rob PG is a PG Channel 11 that’s how yeah know they they yeah that’s an appropriate score and then for us we lost one game did they didn’t win all this yeah they did did they yeah they did really they we lost one and we got yeah they’s a solid team oh oh

Oh a solid team one at a time one at a time hide your meat hide your meat oh wait wait wait wait wait coolest get down here what are you doing back in here he didn’t he didn’t mean to this is his first time get you’re you’re going to you’re

Going you find a way out of here again I’m going to have to deduct points coolest get him off our team he’s ruining our team get off this is my first time getting out of there put on purple Phantom so he knocks them down a few points don’t don’t worry you’re fine

Right hilarious that’s fine don’t worry yeah how you content guys this is how you do it you doing parkour race let’s do parkour race are YouTubers YouTubers get out the way we get out the way we can get more points can we just do that as the last round I know I

Know oh sky Sky Block playing some nice game okay let’s kill first anybody off yeah you shoot yeah it’s all right it’s all right a it’s all right also like you guys are so slow like come on you did Sky Block so slowly you still have blocks wait what do you all have

Wall don’t no no no no why do I not trust shut up all right don’t be cheating don’t we’re not cheating we’re not cheating does does I don’t thank you thank you uh an ominous source for this information Chie get rid of the blocks I don’t it doesn’t have

Them out of here I mean what blocks cover yeah I think I just ended up being one like just decided to you know what I mean like I I saw my friend want like doing YouTube and since then I’ve just been wanted to do it basically and you know I figured I like

Gaming and I like streaming so I’m fighting confused in the PVP area why are you fighting confused what what is confusus all right all right don’t move no one mov good stuff art I’m low oh oh go no don’t punch each other off please do not move

Genuinely cuz like we we won’t be able to wait Dan’s here what yeah can I get in the he I think he’s subbing in for red team potentially or yeah he’s on GRE uh who’s on this team again I for not invited now yeah Scott thanks I’m all right move

Chill oh I should get these blocks I’ve got some stuff in my inventory still but why did he just TP me to the oh [Laughter] my yeah I’ve always those SK all I am oh Stars charie charie I got a surprise for you whenever I get tpd yeah oh hi no

Cheating stuff coolest don’t want to get us kicked oh you’re sliming we won two of them nor one look look what I yeah there all right um oh you don’t have blocks hey no no no no I I literally said it I literally said it I was going to give it

To you here you go I’m clearing your inventory that’s all i’ I’ve got steak that’s it i’ got steak now don’t take the stuff don’t take it don’t take it don’t take it taking it Jesus what’s this guy doing oh my God this guy cool stop

You’re going to ruin our team get out of here all right no no no more of that no more of that all I have is steak you don’t go anywhere smell thank you thank you I watch yourself I no no more no more of this next time I see it like I’m getting

A bit fed up every team’s doing stuff uh yeah cool time any one of you do anything minus 100 points all right us what if we just really really cool what if we’re just really really cool is that doing St is that really nice toic about cont

At because is going to distract me what are you doing don’t take anything don’t take anything um why is there no dirt I can’t say that magic I can’t say that because you know can’t say that Ruby there’s no dirt all right stop trying to persuade them in unnecessary ways

Iavan I might just jump off all right when we tell you join Ru VC okay okay we’re going to God hey we should start we should do a underground Fight Club here in under how we do an underground Fight Club there’s no there’s no se we fight midair That’s How

We Do We Fight yeah you don’t need a second layer okay I’ll give a little tip when everyone’s in a VC together of what you should do at the start we should Atomic Atomic Atomic Atomic is there is there are no among us there none how

Dare how dare you how dare you I might just jump off now do it do it yeah do it come on come on no I’m not tping you back horn think I’m not tping you back you’re mod abusing you’re mod Abus I’m not abusing because I’m the mod for this team now no

No what what’s with the sudden change I don’t know I also mod for red team but I could care less about that I need I need food I need food hey are we are we your favorite team uh I don’t know all what I do got to say

Though is my my two favorite teams are in first and second so this works first second or it’s all right no worries how you seen Jackson lately no I’m sad I’m it’s sad I haven’t seen Jackson in a while right now I’m enjoying H time with

Uh oh it’s Ace she left us she’s no longer our mom our team’s mom atomics our team’s dad now no no oh my God K stop jumping about the place no I was who punched me we need help oh my God no what do you mean right now

Stars stars jez stars is going to I’ll TP you back yeah just jumping around but he it’s exactly what happened to Danel budy running around in front of people see on the VC my God all right it’s no swearing this little kid swearing don’t worry he’s not’s he’s putting the hashtags over it

Uh yeah don’t worry though all right can you head over to rules yeah I’m I’m heading there now don’t worry all right there we go all right don’t worry ay it’s fine it’s fine thank you anyway all right yes this is the Sky Block one L should give him a lesson yeah

Rob all right just have really Ruby yeah I’m trying not to kill any of your teammates for I figured I’ll give that piece of helpful advice take no one is Rob oh sorry RT you’re fine hello don’t worry it’s fine not okay and keep your fingers off the

Trigger so you don’t accidentally hit anyone right I know don’t worry a it’s fine it’s it’s fine it’s fine ay all right come on coolest stop coolest stop running around like that you’re literally going to get us killed stop yeah this is this is it this is it

It’s it’s a block it’s it’s more blocks to get to the middle Leela all right CU doesn’t care I know J Bridge jump yeah I I have no blocks Crouch coolest Crouch yeah I know I know I know all right yeah it’s just random stuff I

Didn’t get to see what was in it lately you could place the important here’s the other uh you need my blocks I’ve got blocks here hold on just I I a second I’m just spreading fast mean why I said okay okay R douas indeed something’s wrong with me I need I need

Here how many people have you banned from the stream okay yeah don’t worry it’s fine I I did got rid of people don’t don’t of wood don’t make any more slabs for wood from wood m a bunch of cobblestone I’ve got a bunch of cobblestone hey shouldn’t we make cobblestone tools crafting

And let’s first make SL get to the next Island let’s first make slabs to get to the next Island and we decide from there unless the next island is Def all right mm I’ve got a half a stack of cobblestone all right I have three wood

I’m not going to be using like don’t use any wood I need I need some I need some Stone got I’ve got a bun how much do you need you uh just like I don’t know do see right now so thank you all it okay I’ve also made a stone sword

Wait I’m gonna give everyone Stone swords Tom was slain by stars why was why was he slain by stars Tom’s already dead there H res I feel like you should take one of these take this what oh thank you keep inventory is off I don’t know if that helps but oh yeah does

Take kill people and take their loot should we rush to Middle should we rush to Middle that’s what I’m doing I’m just like over there I’m just going a bit slow because I don’t want to mess up okay how do I make SLS how do I make SL

Okay I’m SLS here I’m going to I’m going to go with you right now CH if you want I uh more armor anyone need armor okay I’m behind you oh yes yes yes have some have some have some slabs are you at least we don’t eat food that’s a

Good thing there we got meat uh should I go grab the water from um yeah go get the water go get the water okay Char why are you crouching he scared your issue is hitting people not exactly yeah exactly that’s why I’m slowing down and you’re literally

Running right in front of me that’s what D did this is this is a time this is a time trial I know the last one was well sa and I still got second so you can come down wait k us K us K us take that

Should we go should we go let’s just go straight to Middle all right come with yeah go go go go go go go oh there’s people in there I don’t know who that is we should be fine all right just go okay keep crouching okay Dan’s

There run run charie go Char go Char go go back go back there’s chests on the side I’m going you guys are by yourself okay they’re blocking us uh you guys are without me I need uh slabs I need slabs I’m going back for more Cobble yeah does

Does anyone have um a crafting table I have the crafting table I’m coming over some slaps I have I have some cobblestone on me also I just don’t want to like mess up these anyone just fall off that’s fine not only yeah because it’s one layer layer there not

Two yeah cooler stop sprinting fall off slabs uh how many I got some it’s fine thank you I made some more all right I have hello hello hello yeah there’s there’s no this is It’s only one layer it isn’t like multiple layers you see so yeah I’m going to the other

Side does anyone need a helmet and Boots okay I’m coming back over if anyone needs a more than I do then go for it all I’m going to the other side stop sprinting so much cooler she going to fall off I’m being careful like I’m sure there’s see I know stop sprinting fall

Off who needs who needs got the got the other I think xav does I only I only have pants I only have pants I only have pants oh you got diamond armor I have diamond Cobblestone Gone in 30 seconds Cobblestone Gone in 30 oh okay we need to generator generator okay okay

Okay yeah I got I got a two stacks of cobblestone I don’t okay I don’t know I have I have a I have 41 Cobblestone so all right I’m back I got all the stuff over here uh you look fine so I’m just wear this oh

Hav take that thank you yeah oops you have no CH need here’s fire there’s fire if anyone want I’ll take that oh yeah I got another crafting table oh I have iron ingots wait I can make an iron chest plate wait I put on yeah put on yeah

Yeah put that on okay should we go to the middle and dig up build off build off we need to I got stop being C you clearly know what it is oh wait somebody’s in the center somebody’s in the center chill chill do you want me to go first I

Have a shield oh no go go go go go go go backwards go backwards go backwards I have a rod I have a rod I have care careful careful care careful Kus Crouch this is why I say Crouch powerful this Kus where are you off to you go to the

Moon or something come back I’m on one heart slab tactics I’m on one heart do you have any spare iron ingots uh no I only had eight sorry make Shields yeah no we might we have to knock that’s okay I’m I’m gonna make an just in case I encounter someone else with a

Shield oh yeah I’m going I’m going wait I have an axe never mind oh shoot T behind us we got to go to the center soon no we don’t we we have plenty of time yeah we going have for into the center soon I can’t grab I can’t grab

That I need food and block here I think we should go I think we should go oh shoot we go around the side I guess they’re literally around the side and build up build up build up build up they’re just going to get us though that’s the thing they’re looking away

They’re looking away they’re looking away they’re looking away yeah go go go right go go go go go okay Co okay around around around don’t go through the middle go around yeah careful Charlie scch scch what are you doing call us K stop stop Kus Co stop literally stop

Don’t go to the top by the way cuz that’s where the dead people are we can go the dead people are all right come to me come to me I can’t I don’t have pickax either I don’t have pickaxe there you need a pick you getting that come on have you got enough

Charlie watch out watch out watch out watch out go careful careful start going up wait let me place the water just in case be careful cool us they’re right there build some no don’t you know buddy don’t do some try and do some 200 IQ it’s not going to work they have Diamond

Did you not see the diamond armor did you not see the diamond armor go up wor did you not see the diamond armor yeah that’s why we can’t fight on we have to knock him into the I know oh oh so many people are dying okay

Wait I see done no no no no no no what is that what is that what is that knock okay cool let’s stick together can anyone see why that Block’s knocking me off like that uh it’s just lag uh there’s water going so if you could if

You land in it you’ll be fine um just keep diamond it’s fine it’s fine we got this you’re supposed to be modding your team what are you doing what do you mean he loves sauce that’s why he loves I’m over here everybody in the middle 30 seconds she

Laugh Dan Dan over x x m yeah I see I see I seeit not sorry okay H okay you guys are up there go through can we go through do you need block no okay did someone pick no we’re good all right who’s above that block give me a minute I’m right

You there’s a barrel there’s a barrel can we go through the no no no no no back up back up back up back up what are you doing they have crossbows there a barel there’s a barrel over there I think we can go for it I know but they’ve probably already taken

It right but there was no blocks going up to it JPL died okay all right we got we need to use our axes to disa the Shields and we got to them I don’t have an axe I don’t have an axe should we go over to

That orang mid no get in mid get get okay go for the barel go for the B you got 10 seconds no we’re in mid we’re in mid we’re we’re in mid go for Go For It Go For It Go For It is there anything in

There he sees us he sees us he sees us watch out watch out watch out wait make sure you have your golden apple on you I can’t hear you my airpod died hold on my airpods died this this not the time oh asgard’s coming up asgard’s

Coming up we know we know yeah um there’s people below as well I team fish I think I think we fishing fishing fish wait why is it not working he has a shield on that’s why oh yeah shield shield are you sure they’re not just

Broken no they have a sh it’s the shield it’s the shield it’s the shield don’t spam it okay it’s just delayed it’s just so delayed Yeah by look at if they didn’t get the what are we going to do here what are we going to do here um just try

And hit them off well we can take out axo axo doesn’t have a shield so if you can reach him who has a shield who has a shield stop pulling him pulling him from below pull him from from I don’t even know who’s like left it might just be

Us they water below us we can Rush a he’s by himself wait how many do we have just the one we can build over and take out a he’s by himself can build we can take axo he’s by himself he’s literally on the stairs can’t you see we can’t take it we can’t

Take it we can’t take him listen okay listen I can jum R him if he comes over the way if he does come over right mhm cool thank you fa thank you oh no they’re making up they’re forming the bottom he’s he’s distracting probably that’s why yeah be careful

Co run run run r r we can take out for go for he’s going to hit off he has a shield yeah I’m dead no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine ni nice nice just just stay Just Stay Stay Stay is oh not axo is probably really low that’s

Why he’s running away um I can hide the I can hide I’m I’m in the middle I’m in the middle the mid in inom Chie incoming charie charie charie run run just run R oh my God what is that oh why okay what team isine a with the me up there wait uh

Atomic how many teams are it’s just you two it’s just these two teams how do they get diamonds so quick I I can I can get how many kills we didn’t get any kills right get off yeah I got sler I got sler uh I need help I’m up against a oh God

I’m off I’m off as well take your time up how many team kills did uh Green Goblins get oh I’m going I’m going sorry all what team oh well I could check who they killed oh it’s so glitchy uh I died you got 30 seconds Ren

Then you got to get in the middle what to get in the middle yeah or else you’re eliminated how many teams uh how many kills does Green Goblin have don’t know we’ll check after all right so annoying all right RT try not to be sarcastic please all right

Or islands around um you could go into yeah happen then how dare you how dare you kill the person attacking you you built the other one as well though doler hello but I mainly built most of this welcome there was a there was a chest remember how there was a chest on the

Among us there is the the top told us no not not over yet over we’re on orange owls we’re representing not at the not at the top not at the top top at the like the giant orb thing in the middle at the top of that there’s a stack chest

Oh he’s talking about that okay they probably already got it I was under impr it’s empty I thought we couldn’t go to the it still has how many it’s just the top of the thing you know how many kills okay how many kills I don’t think we

Even got any I don’t think we got only thing we got was placement you guys got 450 we should still be in second place if not yeah second place is fine as long as we like Dodge well green got a lot so we’ll see yeah they got 600 plus kills

But we don’t know how many kills they got so you guys don’t have any kills no do anything dang okay yeah D all right here we go all right next one we 17 1750 I believe it was yeah yeah orange and they got 600 so 1,200 and 100 perk

We should still be in second place unless they killed seven people how much points they could have they killed a lot magic sector in D oh how many people yeah who knows who knows who knows well they killed your whole team they killed your whole team so that’s four oh my God thir

Oh nice they killed all right they got five kills at least thank you so much it’s going to be five kills thank you so much at least I haven’t checked the rest but I know they got five battle B no Sky blocker 600 and 100 per kill they already had 600 the last

Match 1,00 and they you said they killed five that’s 700 1700 but we we’re still above by 50 points I’m going go check on purpose so unless they didn’t kill anybody anybody else it’s when it’s when someone joins the channel that’s what it is it’s when someone joins the channel I am

We still have like uh how many more games do we have like two three I think it’s like two yeah we totally have enough time we uh we have enough time to actually get second place yeah if it’s thank you so much thank you thank you that team is so unbelievably stacked

With there’s no there’s noar the two building ones I think those one those one’s very it’s parkour and building yeah but like we can do those I’m I’m probably going to be quite good at the building ones um cuz you know doesn’t take PVP um and then yeah ch’s on our

Team so he can’t break the rules and destroy our uh come on blocks um so we should be good at Bild Depot um I’m good at he’s good at parkour I did the I did the parkour at spawn like when we yeah and I I’m I saw

You we both made it to to the top how am I alive how am I alive s you didn’t die no I’m alive wait he didn’t die he’s down there I guess I guess like if you wish to you and I left and then you full you di oh I’m alive

Yeah not for long oh BR I I I just went second place like at the very least all right cuz then we get we can get to um cuzz then we can get to uh what’s it called uh dodgeball yeah I’m getting teamed up on oh thank you for the cows

SL I think it’s cuz we don’t have Ron McDonald in that chat but now we have cows sir yeah cows I know I know what you’re saying don’t ever say that right even if it’s with the hashtags that was the rules I was saying or I’ll ban you completely don’t say

That I’ll just take you out and ban you that’s your final swear again even with the hashtags now I’ve Tak away your hashtags if you use the hashtags I swear any means you’re gone all right the last chance all right so apparent chat can now hear you because like my airpods don’t you

Dare oh how am I the World Cup World I don’t know it’s the Minecraft world cup dogler like the last one if you remember it I made the video one uh yeah no no mind did you see the announcement the points the announcement you’re third you’re in third the they they got seven

Or eight kills that that game they got six they I think they got seven because someone people fell to their death and they hit them off so but then they would have 900 no cuz they had 600 before plus 600 for winning which is 12200 thank you

Every 100 yeah they they do have 1,900 points oh they’re in first I thought yeah they’re in first yeah they went from yeah yeah they’re in first they went from third to first I was looking at uh purple you guys are 100 points behind purple we need some make with two games

Exactly stop being odds oh no no no only one building only one building oh did you get rid of stars didn’t tell me that we were getting rid of him I know that I know the the one that we didn’t do last time we just got yeah yeah that was the

Only one I was looking forward to yeah it’s gone next time next time next time no it’s not coming back oh come on but you’re having new games next time aren’t you or yes yes yes definitely I wanted to get rid I wanted to get rid of build

Mar for next one uh I don’t think that’s going to happen but yeah hey SL so SL just killed me I’m not there anymore oh never mind okay there we go I need stop getting on the pressure plate all right how are you all doing anyway anything fun guess not all right guys

You want to say anything to chat right now because I’m not wearing airpods chat Charlie I’m back hello you want to say anything to chat they can hear you now I have it like I have it posted on my is bald what are we voting for what are we

Voting for parkour ra it build Depot and what’s the last one there’s no Builders there’s no Builders Anonymous anymore and there’s no listen all right um what’s if any if anyone kills anyone when it’s uh like in Wai in time we’re taking away points uh when am I doing today I’m

Playing a tournaments for 25 bucks I mean I mean 10 million 10 million or is it like minecra if if you kill anyone before the game starts then teams are losing points no problem see you why is anymore ppam see you soon thank you again for

The res there’s no more PVP Games should you turn off PVP we’re going to keep it on you know just in case people are stupid and kill someone oh wait we can take away points but just so to punch you know don’t just don’t all right see I’m going to go tell

The other teams okay I can’t punch you cie I know I’m got no you’re not you wish all right so we got to win the next two Ren you did fairly well with parkour race Chie I I feel like they’ve done triple this time there

I feel I feel like they would do that M I’ve never I’ve never done a tripo I’ve done I’ve done doubles before but there’s one rule for I remember uh there can be blocks above you for tripon it makes it impossible brilliant you jump higher than a normal

Block clearly they might have done it themselves right that’s the case then it’s impossible because you need the full you need the Block in a bit more mhm i’ I’ve done like double I can’t do I can’t do triples like even with the head space

Above me though like I can’t do them but I can do doubles I’ve done I’ve done a few doubles um recently uh I’m about uh I haven’t done any NEOS besides like the no Sprint Neo which I was still able to Sprint all right I think I think a a one Neo is

Like honestly quite easy um oh yeah e got hard yeah I got more me I got 126 meat it’s like that it’s like that uh temp so I meat yes it’s raining meat Hallelujah it’s rain me I play through my brother oh Rabb oh yeah just how I like it just

Like I think we’re doing P because everyone’s V we the baby bird where the baby bird me meat oh god oh chicken oh chicken as well why why you why you acting like a baby bir don’t say that that’s so gross oh my godish you should

Eat would I would but I’m I’ve not um wait hit me hit me hit me oh lame all right Sprint around Sprint around Sprint around I will eat the puffer fish one way or another GRS no oh my god oh this is cool stay not bed cool I stay in that

Bed Co stay in the bed stay in the bed cool stay in the bed stay in the bed cool yeah okay no get out the bed get out the bed we don’t want us to get bound see you guys in the room roll VC roll VC roll VC see you guys in a

Minute all right oh God that looks Dreadful no oh no no no no all right yeah no cleared Foods no G Jesus Christ all right see you soon ran and I give him my give them my best wishes all right let me know how you get on see you soon yeah mainly

Me star Dron you can help me out again please ah no woo break the glass break the glass jump it out all right all right goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye all right all right oh you know what to do stars you know what to do you know what to do stars yeah all

Right good luck yeah yeah help me out help me out we have keep inv we need to keep inventory on go go go go go n man this is rigged I’m off already can’t even make that jump you can’t make that jump they broke it they broke it and changed it oh

My why did they that’s not it was like that before my bad I can’t see people are in my face yeah okay come on God damn it no I got to make a full on 10 minute montage instant respawn yeah put on instant respawn how how am I meant to make that

Jump it delays me oh my gosh I’m going to Def yeah I’m going to keep myself open what are we doing we making it easier I’m I’m I’m good I’m good I’m on the next checkpoint already oh come on I I why are there head hitters already how are you supposed to make

That all right just be good oh I Fallen yeah okay yeah exactly I’m further than you are there’s no way you can make that am I not where are you no oh my God I I almost died I can’t make that jump you guys are doing good right

Now I’m the only one still at spawn Ren how are you supposed to make this how the hell are you supposed to make this how am I the only one still at spawn no it it’s doable it’s doable I tested it it’s not doable it’s not doable it is

I tested it come on I don’t believe you I’m I’m falling because people no I was about to cheese it oh come on you should you should make like a continuous effect of poison poison invisibility okay is is possible is possible okay I’m still on the first

One I’m just too good you’re on the first oh my okay we got to pull our weight cuz ch’s not I’m I’m I’m ready far can you see me on this pole I’m holding the stick this ridiculous why is it so high atomic why did you make this

So high atomic why is it so high why is it so high why is it so high why do I have to keep doing this what you what have you done oh no this tragic me why have you done this why have you done this my man what’s

Going on I I’m not doing so gods don’t help him STS not funny Atomic this isn’t funny why did you help yeah let’s go no no cuz this is possible I’ve done this nice I totally did that every jump is possible they you don’t need help I I I was doing so good

Now everyone’s here I know I’m Falling come on I just I got to the top I got to the top of the thing aavan you’re with me yeah I got to the top of that big tower and then I fell cuz the T made it so high okay it’s delaying me something’s

Going on the game’s glitched it’s broken everyone invisible I can’t see it was easy when it was just me but now I can’t see what I’m doing I can’t even get off the the bed Island it’s just there’s just too many people okay this is wrecked give me invisibility no I didn’t

Jump hey who this pig in my face people are dropping meat everywhere this was a no come on blame him blame him honestly it’s not even that bad it’s not even that bad it it’s this is easier than last time I just need to time yeah like I’m I’m enjoying this except I

Can’t see so yeah you didn’t do the One Last Time bu xav you got this easy yeah but this is this is nice this is nice I know yeah yes it is easier it is easier to I’m falling on the my God okay I’m almost I’m almost at the top of the

Tower I’m almost at the top again phone I just fell but I’m almost at the top of the tower also just me get these people invisible I can’t see yeah I can’t move as move Dan move Dan please I can’t get out oh my god I’ve made it to the top of

That Tower twice and I just and someone has reached the the third checkpoint someone’s cheated GL oh wait come on this is coash them Splash them Splash them slash them someone can’t Stars we need to have a talk you can’t keep helping them this is crel this

Is my God why is the tower so much harder yeah it’s t it’s easy it’s easy it’s fine yeah you got to make everybody invisible yeah can you just keep splashing the tower can you keep splashing the Tower of it can you Splash me oh my God this is

Dread the splash made me lag and I fell no my jump didn’t work all it’s been they made it easier again they may it’s easier again who is doing this see oh come on maybe don’t stop there because it’s really hard to see yeah I know like I’m trying to do a sideways

Thing 10 minutes left what Charlie where are you I’m on the second one my man my boy you got a I I may get rid of this pillar I want people to get further no no no no no keep it keep it keep please please please please no it’s good it’s good

It’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good I like it just give everyone invis please you’re literally helping me and Tom was still not making it he messing Tomic can you can you make a command block that’s like a repeat and like always active

Okay come on you do do it you do it come on come on let’s see there you go you fell you fell thank you thank you for the demonstration it’s easy isn’t it it’s easy isn’t it go on on on can’t we make this like easier you know no no it’s

Easy it’s easy it’s easy you have to make it easier who put a block someone someone put a block and know it’s an impossible ah Tom no he’s left me behind think to make it easier just made wait what did you just got rid of it no that was the funnest

Bit that was the best bit guys Ren made it Ren made it let’s go Z guys be careful with the platform I made it to the next one I made it oh my God what what’s with these points do so different blocks get in get in ah

Oh sick nice one whoever that was appreciate that I’m on the next one I’m on the next one charie why was that one easier than the I still fell oh come on please give us like can you make a command block to give everyone in this

Please no yeah that that would be much better why why wait whoa whoa whoa who what Chie come on it’s it’s it’s not going good are you expect this from Tom but you in Axel come on come where’s Tom you got this you’ve got this come on no

Why did you make a little like parkour whenever they spawn just why did you make a parkour when they spawn Tom fell cuz why not no no I fell again has anyone made it up here yes no one’s made it up here yet see you later the

Time I was on the last jump of that bit come on Tom yeah made it to the let’s go I only had to make a path oh God we go I could have made that as well I am so glad it’s oh my God oh my God I’m not I forgot that I

Was streaming Jesus wait I crouched on that what do you banana is destroying this course bro oh my God oh my God jumped over the second one yeah this is s I got I got we place is stuck oh oh this this iser rods copper rods around a tower this is

Evil Atomic we’re going to need some words what what what do you want Copper rods around a tower yeah and we don’t have invis there you go thank you a I have almost why is there so much lad Ace you helping us Atomic please can you put a command

BL can you please cut a command block please I can’t I don’t know how I will I will walk you through it right here right now give effect SL effect give all players invisibility a invisibility true so you don’t see too much work not even going

To see the good parts of the course it’s unfortunate yeah no wonder if there was an invisibility if there was invisibility done that Tower to all those I was done this is Dreadful oh come on My it I can’t see I can’t see uh someone just hit me like Park I that did not help Atomic that lagged me I just got hit by something I was near at the pvp’s off it might have been lag I think it was lag was lag

Do everybody on the lag hit me off okay ah hello Scott yeah no it sound like it Atomic please come on block please it’s not that hard this is Dreadful no I I failed the last jump like an idiot no okay it’s fine it’s fine we’re fine

We’re fine oh I’ve made I’ve made it so far oh my God I could have made that one so easily move Move don’t even bu you messing me and Tom are literally at the back are you messing a all right all right got oh nice I made it oh no you serious I’m so upset I can’t see invisibility on the copper Tower we need potions of invis why are you making it easier why

Are you making it easier it’s not me I don’t know who did oh my God the only thing that would make this easier is if we had inis Atomic please yeah who’s who’s like the parkour course cuz it’s just it’s making it harder I know I’m everybody’s in make people in this

Like literally a block got destroyed in front of me like I the parkour is easy enough please oh they’re just changing all changing I just got so far and now it’s all been changed who’s doing that I don’t know we inv it’s just making it kind of annoying

Cuz now everyone’s going to get all these points yeah yeah easy like I got really far on this no I failed how are you guys doing Budd I can’t get can’t get in theed no no not well indeed I did try and make it easier for you guys cuz everyone’s stuck on this

Spit I think it was I think it was easy it was the next part easier as well we just need in I just failed that oh no I can’t do it okay it’s fine I stop I jump how can I just walk off no yes it was Ruby uh banana needs a

TP banana needs a TP where I don’t I don’t know he’s just saying in chat I don’t know where he was I I over everybody I’m the oh where what checkpoint were you at or teleport to me and go up I’m at black and orange stained

Glass oh my God okay all right all right all right all right it’s all over it’s all over I I’m I’m calling it by the end of this I’m not going to be a human being Atomic we need what I’m working on teleporting banana second place all right all right banana get out

Of here all I just I okay give me a second I just got to the next checkpoint oh come on all right Ruby will when I can I just failed it I’m not getting any more points but I got pretty far I just did the glass first try no no I’m not I

Got I just did the GL I’m going back to get I’m going back to get you points going back to get you your points you did do it you did you carried us carried us all right all right all right all right all right thank thank you thank

You this I’ll go back and pick it up for you can uh tell tell stars to join this VC tell or someone is stars in here no no he isn’t can can one of you message while I go get this uh item all right all right give me give me all of your

Stuff uh Stars Tomic told me to tell you to join give give me all your stuff so I can count uh stars stars oh wait stars in give me your St parkour well you I’m right blind what why give it to him give it to him so he can

Which which one was it what it was the glass one I just did the glass one like the really skinny in the first one wasn’t anything I don’t know what the item was cuz I didn’t open the chest but I did sleep in the bed so if you kill me I will spawn

There it was a gold nugget okay so I should have two missing well no no no it wasn’t a gold nugget it was an oak fence no no no for the for the first chest oh yeah I got the firstest oh yeah for the first one

It was yeah so come over here come over here in the corner in the corner here’s your Oak fence got Yo good job yeah so I got nine items you guys did good on the parkour give it give it to we missing put um I never got the first one

Atomic there was nothing in the fish chest all right all right yeah just Dr nugget yeah there you go all right all right so the highest so aav reachs the farthest rizen is second for second highest I’m third and’s last he got a seed that’s his last all right don’t worry hopefully the

Next one goes well so how many items do you have 16 uh 17 18 19 okay hold up hold up um builders an ominous is not oh is not a game mode what they Build uh you see stars didn’t tell me we were getting rid of it so Ste their legs that is a very valid option that can you can you show me all the stuff I’m good at counting we got 28 28 got 28 28 can 2 yeah I could drop you all

Righty that oh o new leader cool can I double check yeah uh you guys are in first place right now I think are not in the tournament in Parkour in Parkour in Parkour in the parkour jeez yeah yeah yeah yeah my bad my bad say how

Many okay okay okay I’m G say Chie thank you for caring yeah you’re welcome you know if if I didn’t mention that Golden Nugget we wouldn’t have had that spare Point yeah we got we got 28 yeah have 28 okay we’re good wait wait give us

Give got two more teams to count so I’ll be right back I’ll post the score soon were you were by yourself a by yourself I don’t I don’t I don’t think I don’t think anyone got as far as my godan was one behind you yeah I yeah cuz

Banana had to be tped on that one and I I did it first TR green I don’t think green did that well so purple and you could be back in the top two let’s go yes okay but uh we’ll see why why do you have pumpkin oh wait yeah that was an item

Pumpkin it’s all team SYM since we orange can you have a have pum don’t listen to Listen no no no P for you you give me that pumpkin right now no no you’re not you’re not minding my pumpk no risen risen risen over here yeah yes yes more points you we we have more pumpkins we have more pumpkin please please one second banana Banana’s talking trash to

Me you’re so mean you’re so mean oh you got that one what what did I have a these here what did I have no please no please I can’t get them your pumpkin there’s no way pumpkin your P give her an item all right see you soon see you soon it’s too

Much for I can’t yes yes will break through I will break through yeah that’s what I thought all right hello hello all right I’m watching the uh I’m watching the announcement so I’ll tell you if we’re in second okay weent are we that are not going to win

What do you mean all Atomic what are you talking about one there better be gives everybody invisibility oh so you want you want the parkour back yes I want the back that was easy that was easy but it kept getting made easier all right it was fine we bringing it back harder than

Ever harder than ever it’s going to be the hardest it’s ever been I want but make it but give us inas give us inas and if you want to give us boots give us boots as well so you can tell who I’ll give you poison that is L

Says what you breaking me LOL sign no don’t break the LOL no bre sign you you made the yes I do ran we just on the park and it was Dreadful how conf are we winning how confident of Are We of that of red Reapers winning yeah really confident

Yeah yeah they they have so many [Laughter] points all my pumpkin please please please please please please please keep the keep the O keep the O keep the you better give me nine pumpkins back that oh that’s cool right now that’s cool you streaming tomorrow then

No no more building no more more pumpkin more pumpkin can we ha Atomic I have 15 pumpkin do you like my costume what is this don’t worry it’s fine oh that’s that’s while you streaming look at me look at me you like my no my costume I love how my POV is just

Unwatchable I love it uh my POV is unwatchable what do you yeah I know I know Ruby best best PV best PV excuse me winner P pumpkin PV pumpkin how come they have leaves and pumpkin oh wait no that makes sense I’m stupid oh my God can I have a goat horn

We have goat horns we have goat horns just one yeah we did so good we did so good told you win no I said if you win the World Cup you can have it really trades trades trades I I’ll give you this and you give

Me horn I gave you that though I can give you 15 of wait wait he he’ll upd I don’t I want trade off this yeah all right so uh give some perform well and build Mar and you’ll be in the finals nice looking at announ we we should have gotten 28,000

Point 2800 points oh 28,000 Jesus wait no 2800 I don’t know if it’s per item wait is it per item yeah it is I just checked if that’s yeah I’m looking at every nugget is worth 100 all right he’s updating it right now let’s see we’re on top we’re winning

What great job all right good good luck oh my God oh my God Jesus guys guys guys guys guys guys we’re fast we’re fast we’re fast hey don’t celebrate just yet we got the best game mode of all next I like I like build he can’t he can’t is very close

Guys just putting that out yeah don’t worry don’t worry hold on what happens if we get if you want a spot you two you guys have to be first or second I feel like this one I would check out just because of how close it is

Or I don’t I don’t know if it’s double points or not Stars may put it double points double points then we definitely got to go guys game plan game plan all right who’s building who’s going out to we all go out at at the first round and then we go then two people

Stay yeah at first we all go out collecting blocks who’s best with ice boats here I don’t think we should use the boats I don’t think we should use the boats it’s really laggy I think just run I think we run that was kind of a mistake last okay this is our mascot

This is our mascot uhic can you not break who’s the two best parkourers I feel like you risen cuz we’ll have to parkour our way back as well me you I didn’t me look at that guys look at that no you took my pumpkin wait don’t worry we we are

Currently first place we are currently first place this to stay in turn around up there look up what are you doing Lord I am God now all right I oh we’re going to have to clear inventories again nolock stop no stop it stop it calm down nice nice Ryan nice predicted the future

Money hey D welcome back welcome back we have first we have first one game to go baby let’s go I feel I feel like we shouldn’t jinx ourselves like do our F Jinx no my inv my steak no my pumpkin yeah yeah yeah I got what you

Mean I got what you mean I don’t I don’t want to get too ahead of ourselves just to be safe all right but okay okay everybody listen everybody listen first rounde we all like figure out what we do what we get yeah and we all go out at

First then two people stay afterwards yeah so that way we maximize on the first we should all focus on one build each rather than us all on one individual one all on one build each wait I feel like I feel like do we have is there

Chest is there a chest are the builds randomized yeah I know right imagine uh there should be chests yes uh what what were you saying close are the builds randomized every every tournament uh yes there are new builds I was going to pull a tech guys

Guys guys I think I think we just all go out at all times cuz there chests we put all the stuff in the chest and we just go I think we just keep going until we finish all the builds it’s working the same as last time there’s a button that will give us

The other build meat they’ll give you the other builds after you complete we need Meats the yeah we need me we have no meat you can have bread you have bread keep away from you keep that away from get the bread you have the bread of course Chie likes the

Bread of course he does you know I could I could I could eat this I’m going to I’m getting rid of it this is the body of Christ I want meat I want meat I want meat right now me me give us meat give us me us some hot

Dogs there a GD a GD guys might want to that out cookies Ruby I got cookies Ruby can we can we have meat can we have meat I got meat got your one got your I got cookies I got cookies you want some cookies I I would rather have cookies

But you know iies I can cut some of my li that be Fant this is this is Ruby’s favorite thing oh all right I have to go help good luck yay yo we got meat me chaotic oh no keep keep that bread away keep that there you go you can have some

Bread there you go uh yeah keep giving it to me keep giving it to me I don’t want keep giving it to me I don’t need that keep giving me that Brad Brad what was that well we’re hoping so if you want this bread you got to break a

Block no what you gotta if you want all this bread you got to break this Block H right yes yeah you got to break that block yes yes yes so do you want it turn my limbs around I’m sorry I’m Sorry oh no we’re getting tpd all right we got a we got we got this we practice Dodge Bol build Mark is easy copy and paste I I also like I watched MCC but I didn’t actually watch your guys’ streams completely so I don’t know how did you get

Blocks we uh we we it’s basically like an ice bridge and we have boths shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot hello hello hello hello is your stream oh your stream’s gone your stream’s gone I don’t know hello L yeah your stream’s gone no are we getting dsed

We’re getting DS no we’re not we’re not we’re not oh sir isn’t just disconnected we can’t we can’t lose guys everything is gone everything is gone W everything’s gone have to restart stream I I I just had to restart Discord all right just just give me a minute I I

Won’t be long I don’t know why it’s doing that um I need to restart stream no no I’m still streaming I think yeah everyone’s crashed L me apparently so okay watch football wait no no no my stream’s dead my’s dead if you if you want any you know foro you know you have

Mine I need to reload streamlabs or OBS as well Jesus Christ I think I need some new parts I tell make uh everything’s die just give me a minute oh okay oh those are the updated Maps oh I need another invite as well what’s the X it’s just nothing oh

I think I don’t know I’m not looking at it why am I here because it’s like an Among Us build can I where are they where are they why am I here where are you why am I why am I alone why am Ione this is

Orange this is orange over here I’m in I’m in a different team where’s charie and I don’t know I’m confused can I please have an invite I can’t even uh can someone invite I I’ll invite yeah okay thank you it says your I can’t I can’t see you we might need to restart

You might need to restart the world no I can’t do that we can’t do that that’s stupid but you can’t join then you can’t join yeah I like no matter how how much you restart the world no it I don’t Think okay maybe go to Our Stars Atomic because we we can’t play without I I’ll I’ll go talk to it Lally take like two seconds oh stars is here stars is here Asgard I I can’t join the world what are you doing here Asgard I got you are people inviting you yeah they

Are but like oh no they can’t we can’t we can’t invite we can’t invite no it it goes like that you no it came up with the menu of friends am I on that you look on his stream uh I can try and invite you are you

Offline uh I’m online no that’s the that’s the issue it shows Ren’s offline even though they’re online um it you can’t really fix unless uh add me as a friend add me as a friend yeah yeah I add a doar all right uh let’s see if I can

Find what happened did it lag out or something no my stream died as well everything just died I’m G to have to restart stream when I get back in yeah Ren’s online for me Ren are you adding me oh wait yeah what’s the what’s your coolest dude oh yeah no I added

Here I added here yeah no you’re not I can’t see you I see her when I type it but I don’t see her when I try to invite yeah I could try and reload Minecraft we need to no it it won’t matter how much

You do it it it’s done that for me when I’ve tried to join the estay world you the only way is to restart the world um I am so sorry guys so we we either play without you or we restart the world sadly uh I know what what I’d prefer um

Would it work if yeah we’ll just play without you I don’t think so no I’m ass I’m sorry um can we restart please it’ll take St you handle that I’m going to go go over to purple uh we’re probably going to have to restart stairs it’ll take two seconds

Literally we haven’t started the game mode so it’ll take two seconds to get everyone back in yeah okay you’re saying what you’re saying is we’re g to have to close the world and go back in yeah it’s a really a but it’s it’s happened to me before um there’s no way

Around it pretty much okay okay now let’s let’s okay let’s focus on the task and see see what we need to build all right no not yet not yet not yet not yet no no no just make a m note not yet make make a wait I’m not

Friends with you Stars wait stars um I think I can join I think I can join wait what’s your what’s your username all all right people are leaving okay okay listen which one of you want to do the Red Devil which one of you want to do the

Red Devil what’s the Red Devil the red I don’t think it really matters yeah we can we can decide when Ren’s in um but no it’s it’s cuz like we could focus our attention if Ren co co co we can we can destroy it and build it over there

Um yeah I I I’m friends with you now we can destroy it and build it over there even are you able to join or now no no no cuz it detects what’s here and it okay God yeah I can Jo we’re not we’re not cheing the game Jus

Okay yeah I’m I’m in I’m in pretty much you broke the rules in this game last time it’s a lot right let me go live again don’t worry Ruby we got it SED I’ll inv I’ll I can’t invite squid and stuff now text on Discord while you have about

A million other things open my phone’s at 10% let me just def in poor raisen so who do we not want to meet in the finals um probably as guards and sa yeah I think purple purple is doable um they do have Tom and Squid which is

Kind of intimidating but I think they’re our best shot to be honest because the other ones have really crack players um I mean our Pur win we want Pur we want we want Pur to win and they’re in the top two with us so we we saw how well we done in

The practice beforehand so you know I’m confident of our abilities you know okay everything’s back up and running um okay cool cool cool hey Galaxy welcome like literally everything what I’m watching right now who’s that handsome man don’t worry Ren we’ll wait for you who who’s that mcra youber

Called oh you need to teleport yeah it’s literally everything died my my Minecraft as well we just have to who who that YouTuber called I can’t place any oh never mind just wait on oh you can okay heyen read my message what read it what what message read it what what read

It what are you on what oh hello hello I’m so confused what’s with the skin changes I like your other skin H the one with the red hair the T yeah no it’s just cuz it’s Halloween sheep here now what yeah I’m okay Scott thanks we’re

Winning so uh oh my Skin’s not changing there we go wow I like your main skin I like the steampunk skin is that a steampunk what kind of skin is that this this doesn’t look too hard I think Green’s getting a sub it was delayed it was delayed Lea yeah slayer’s apparently

Getting subbed in okay I mean sheep prism is here pris y so is PVP on Char uh let’s test it come here come here wait Atomic Atomic at are we reflecting it or are we building it exactly as it is okay so you you see see how it’s this way it faces

This way so it’s it’s the exact same the exact same direction that just so so so the black eyes the black eyes are on this side on this side facing this way same exact same exact way we’re going to go over that uh when we go the

I’m not going to be responding to any Discord messages because I I don’t want want my stream to die again just saying what I was saying um I’m not going to be responding to any Discord messages oh hey read my Discord real quick no I think too many applications open I

Did the I think I just need to upgrade my parts to be honest um it’s been a while hit me you hit me no one can hit you Chie you’re crazy you’re crazy he’s losing his yes exactly Scott exactly I’m out I’m out luckily Lily okay let’s let’s make a

Metal note of what we need to build and who’s doing what just like selfpromo as stray in the chat everyone go watch a stray 12 13 14 15 Char Char Char Char Char Char 16 17 are we are we allowed to pre are we allowed to pre we allow to pre 25

Yeah I’m sure 24 Red Blocks two black charie Charlie checkm I’m on my phone anyway I’m just I’m just going to send you a virus only take what you need from the locations yeah cuz else it’ll ruins it for everyone else yeah oh all this

Is oh what okay there wasn’t a r that that that said get glitched outside in the map all right and then break the other team’s stuff yeah no there wasn’t a roll against that sorry like I’m watching you Chie I’m only watching you on maybe you’re watching your game maybe watch your game

So it doesn’t break them anymore really that’s Co I something iar you I got charge my phone uh resen Ren you might want to see this Ren what stinks oh yes yes yes yes she did she did she did she did she did you did you

Did you did you did no no no exactly exactly no no no no no no no no I got it I got it sir do not break the build cuz I don’t know if you’ll mess it up do not break it yeah don’t touch it don’t I got that

On stream I got that Clips thank you very much don’t don’t don’t don’t you dare don’t you dare I’m not breaking actually you can you can break it if you want cuz it just messes your own team up stop messing around don’t touch it don’t touch it don’t tou it our team I’m

Hugging cuz like you guys can still you can still be knocked out of the top to exactly that’s what I’m saying he’s messing around Ru our te is not concrete that’s why uh which this is clearly sand sheep here let’s go is anyone H ter is easy though you BL

Okay what are you about Lea what are you want about get out of here yeah risen God Tom stinks Gods I’m sorry Tom just for the next one just hope you don’t get me and Tom on the same team for the parkour just saying wow now no mine still on luckily Christ all

Right go goodbye Scott goodbye goodbye like keep through messes around yeah okay who’s who’s the kindergartener that buy Drew this ah wow look at the draw it’s h all right ah God oh I didn’t know that I H I don’t know that one oh here we go here we go here we go

A no it’s not it’s never easy for me it’s never Easy yeah it’s tragic later let o oh and X nice ah okay okay I know who that was pointed at all St put on the front I completely forgot please I’m still stuck here give me two minutes there we go yeah I have watch

MCC how many guys are I I know what I’m doing I’m just asking what are they WAFF about in Discord oh I don’t know I wasn’t so okay so what are we focusing on what we who’s getting what uh I’ll get conrete I’m going to get I’ll go for

Glass I’ll go for glass um we we only really need like the black stone bricks then whoever like gets the first can get the black stone bricks do you guys do you guys want to you two want to go out par we everyone go out everyone

Start go okay get off get off go go go go oh my God oh my gosh I forgot where God I already I I already don’t know where I am um just use just use the yellow it yellow it yellow I don’t know I don’t know where the map is where’s

Where’s oh this is really pretty wow need red and black right we’re we’re on brick so I’m I’m getting yeah yeah this is where we need to be this is where we need to be on glass uh I’m going oh there’s Terra Cotter here ter together together 30 red concrete can we

Can we craft back at the base yeah uh yeah okay okay uh how much is stairs wait he broke it you mean he broke it he broke wait what is this he broke the quartz he broke the quartz he’s not doing the parkour no no I nevere why are you

Cheating cheating I’m not cheating I’m not cheating I’m not cheating you broke the courts what do you mean you’re supposed to do the parkour what you want about coolest shush I never broke the quartz what I’m looking at shush what quart I didn’t break theart you can

Literally are you watching my stream or not you said you where before so you’re not all of a sudden watch the stream and don’t accuse me of things that aren’t true St just stop we need to focus all right okay stop waffling coolest Jesus all right so concrete I have all the

Concrete does do do I need to get I have all the glass I have all the glass I’ve got all the glass I’ve got black stone all right let’s we’re done we’re done we’re done we’re done we’re done we can do the next one no never I I broke

Something by accident H Diamond pickax oh where am I okay orange owls no reason we don’t need to focus on breaking it we can just go in and grab one from the chest sa this so much easier this Parker is so much easier thank you don’t fail though come on okay I’m

On my way in I’m okay I got got I got stairs I got stairs okay I’m coming I’ve got can get in tournaments without orang orange yeah that’s annoying Ruby lava yeah they are pretty stressful yeah it’s a 3X3 3×3 by3 right 3 by3 by three okay

Uh yeah sorry get up here get up here get up okay uh no it’s fine it’s fine I’m not doing good with this parkour what glass have we got the glass and everything yeah I’ve got I’ve got all the glass I can do this build johy just go out and get what

We need Devil’s done actually no no it’s not hold on uh there’s no ta there’s no tail there’s no tail uh yeah it looks yeah we just need we need ghost we need ghost is done ghost is done we need chest oh I need I need more glass any more glass four GL

I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’ll just go back yeah just go just go uh we just wait we where’s the chest just just put it in the furnace put it in the furnace put it in the boat chest put it in the boat chest yeah put it in the

Boat chest sort it out sort it out why you grabbing so many boats why you taking them out don’t take them all out Jesus don’t take them all out what are you doing on come on youing don’t leave them in there cuz we need them for everyone else and then they’re going

Town need them in there we don’t need that many boats we just need one oh a couple more if you want to fast did you get like all right some PS yeah I got on your way yeah I’m on way I’m at thece this is a lot nicer than okay we

Should who’s going to be staying can you can you give me blocks so I can build up uh I don’t have any you go you go you go you go take this take this take this okay thank you build up build up what what blocks do we need

What can you break it okay it’s fine I I hate the lag I just made a a okay I didn’t mean I didn’t mean to wait yet press the press the one press the but press it press it there you go yeah I got sniff we need a bunch of

Skull C web three cobwebs um just got a bunch of SK yeah I’m getting do we need to write the signs exactly does uh I don’t think so I think I think we might you know um two candles three candles one Black Candle One orange candle and one red

Candle you just make notes can you make notes and send them oh no candles no candles you got rid of them all right okay tell me tell me I need Catalyst I got a bunch of skull it’s fine what kind of SK do we need gra three skull oh just getch get

My stream up get my stream get a bunch of skull um three cobwebs I know that much yeah three cobwebs and you know those block ones they like block I dropped you my SC watch My Stream watch my oh that’s what is wait can we okay right go go to other Stu stuff

It’s fine okay what do we need what do we need what what else do we need guys okay for the for the graveyard for the graveyard we need 1 2 3 4 five six six mossy cobblestone six mossy cobblestone okay one two three uh three Cobble Stone okay and

Then two three three deep slates and then we need there should be in the chest I’m coming right stuff that’s brick that’s brick coolest I’m just grabing a bunch we need wood don’t we for the signs we need wood for the signs yeah yeah yeah we need we need

The we need dark o somebody else go get the what else what else do we need what else do we need just pull up my stream Jesus I can’t I’m busy what like just say the blocks I don’t know the half of the names these blocks uh Cobblestone

Cobblestone um and all the different kinds of signs do we need deep SL or anything no actually yes yes we do we need deep SL deep SL three pieces okay do we need any black stone I’m I’m no that’s all that is all all I’ve already

Got the stuff Co I just need Cobblestone and then we’re good okay uh Cobblestone we going to go get it no it’s fine we don’t need a portal okay we can go back wait wait mossy cobblestone or just normal i’ I’ve already got I’ve already got all

The Cobblestone we can go I’ve got the uh m as well okay go uh just grab a boat I’ll I’ll hop in on when you’re okay driving here uh no I’m not in I’m not in wait okay go go go go go go go go go go go yeah

Go and right I think we need to do the science like the right go go go right here go right here go right here right here right here we we need Woods just go just drop off your stuff oh we got glowing socks we got G glowing sucks

Okay you guys cood what kind of wood uh all of it just grab all of it have we got cobwebs what kind of wood we don’t have we don’t have cobwebs I can grab some I have I oh never mind what is it I just need to know what kind of wood I’m

Just grabbing all of it because charie can you like keep this cuz I need what would do we what would do we uh we need cherry blossom Woods theasian wood [ __ ] wood oak wood dark oak wood and the red never one every wood every wood every do

You need help does anyone need help you just probably best get out there anyway just in case I there’s no point we’ve got all this we’ve got all the stuff we just need to know what the woods are it’s every single kind of wood just

Enough to make a sign like axo axo is stealing my wood okay just just move I got wood I just need to get back that’s fine it’s fine a bit more stressful seems I’m running back I just need a bow to take a that should be easy axo is just stealing my

W yeah to I got die yeah I’m going to head over and get wood I got wood I got W I got I’ve got wood I’ve got wood I’ve okay so I don’t need to come over uh I need more Mangrove but axo keeps stealing it I’ll come over

Just just X just get back go get mang it’s fine I’ve I’ve got mang I’ve got mang get in my boat get in my boat okay I’m on we need okay go go go go go oh my God I’m the worst driver you suck get out get out get out amazing getaway driver

Dude I’ve got have you got mossy cobblestone Cobblestone and deep SL yes good let’s go I have all of those I’ve only got like 10 piece of each though um we don’t need that much okay it’s all right I just made I just made four kind of hand

Me some of the stuff have me the Cobblestone there’s the mossy I’ll grab the normal I picked that up that any more of this normal stuff but from there um C slate on um all right um write the sence write the site the signs yeah someone me signs I I’ll give

You a bunch of wood you can make all the sign right on the signs right on the signs right on the signs okay okay okay okay okay Stars we got what’s this is wrong you placed two Oak ones this is wrong yeah no that’s how it is no it isn’t bir I’m sorry

That’s my faulty duny oh where’s the Birch I didn’t grab Birch I’m dumb do we have Birch I don’t think it matters what’s on the sign to be honest it does does it ask it does matter it does matter it has to be exact

23 oh God I just did that okay you can you can uh do the first sign it’s done oh that’s wait that’s wrong wrong kind of sign wait no no no no stop we need Birch do we have Birch yeah it’s done it’s done it’s done okay

Okay yes yes yes yes there you go uh skull looks fine I’m just double checking everything for it 19 yeah sk’s fine skull’s fine 1905 23 oh yeah I should be outside can can one of you like double double check the signs the bite you guys I’m you guys

Check you guys CH you can’t spell you’re doing on the wrong line you’re doing on the wrong line CH doesn’t matter they finish but they need finish PL four the signs matter yeah I got that right what you want to you didn’t I just redid it for

You yeah I hope you’re checking all the other signs Atomic cuz there’s no way they got that all right I I’m not checking the signs I’m watching the parkour okay well I ite if they press the button it means it’s right I wouldn’t there right hand um

Okay uh the last one is I’m sure it would be pretty expensive or you know considering what you just said about your cousin it’s 63 1917 six uh 6 19 is it just six or 06 wait n wait did I did I write it wrong thank you

So9 Capital it’s no capitals no capitals pleas Phantoms are they’re not doing the signs right are we done my water live 1909 secret gay girlfriend is capitalized what secret gay press the button yeah that’s fine just press it press it press it press press press is

The scope done yep done wait no we didn’t get the things what’s wrong I need to go back three this is plot three plot three is right it says wait we isong which is the it’s done three is all right9 it’s broken on the same one again are you kidding is small

190523 195 23 8 2123 821 gay girlfriend yeah okay uh these are and get compensated for last time yeah this is right this is fine compensation all right uh tell me yeah tell tell me what items to grab somebody else start uh no we don’t know it’s

Right I know it’s just yeah like Phantoms are I was broke like this last time God Jee this confused it’s just the command blocks I think which means uh give me that if we our first place because of this yeah I don’t think you understand how annoyed I’m going to

Be also broken phant are also broken I I know I know that trying that but Christ yeah goblins are oh yeah everybody’s broken on the same one everyone’s broken yeah yeah so we’re not losing time cuz we are kind of cuz we could have been aead oh yeah true no

Everyone’s like on this okay somebody else come we need all right we’re just waiting on Stars we need people outside to get ready for the next stay know everyone’s on the same one somebody should be outside anyway waiting to go he’s coming over here right now he’s coming over to oh

What someone’s for the Phantoms someone’s already played he was just he was just helping he was just helping them yeah I know that gives them extra time okay uh okay you take your own way I think it’s cuz this block this Block’s missing this Block’s missing I don’t think that’s a timer

This block is Miss block missing oh okay try it again try it again is it done no there go there you go there you go there go Hy two honey two honey blocks uh carpet black black wool white wool you need one Black Carpet One Black

Carpet One black carpet I’m going to go to Colors I’m going to go to Colors okay you need one um I don’t know where honey is it’s probably in the ORS what kind of black black no no no no no no no we need black carpet white carpet and Pink

Carpet we don’t need carpet we don’t need white caret okay w w and we need one Black Carpet One black carpet there no shears what the heck okay we need two Jackal lanters two Jackal lanterns we need a bunch of deepan oh I’ve got i’ got a bunch of

Deep how much black W do we need uh a lot just get get a lot yeah 30 is that is that enough 40 more uh just grab as much as you can do 40 do 40 I can’t oh we need a lot of Cobble deep slate we need a lot

Of cob slate as well um everyone just go out and get stuff everyone I’m I’m already building cuz I’ve already got stuff left over but um nice nice nice okay just tell I need we need uh can we get some light blue light blue and blue glass I’ve got shears got

Shears I’ve got shears but we need enough to make glass panes so yeah all right I’m I’m running back I’m running back okay since you’re in the wool section risen can you grab the glass that we need it’s light blue light blue and blue we need enough to make glass

Panes so grab grab six said close to okay okay I’m in the glass I’m in the glass I’m in the glass okay what do I need you get you get blue I get light blue I can’t see it’s two two two Jackal blue okay perfect I I I have enough I

Got two light blue two light blue how many how much light blue how much light blue we need a dark oak door I how much do we need uh we need six of each we make I’m heading back I’m heading back uh eyes for the cat are done uh we

Need black wool white wool and one sorry I’m not talking to you guys chat I am I am reading your messages we need a lot of bricks we need bricks like a ton of bricks uh I’m going go uh who’s in the stone section white do we need white

We I think we should be okay go back go back go back okay guys guys guys I’m going to drop this and I’m going to go okay okay just drop I’m getting I’m getting what do I need what do I need what do I need um white white and pink wall I

Think we need bricks Cobble deep slate um you get that yeah I’ll follow you I’ll follow you a lot of that how much Cobble deep SLE a lot that’s okay Ren you want to get the bricks you want to get the bricks the Cobble deep slate okay why where where’s the light

Blue where’s the Cobble deep slate where’s the Cobble deep slate ston Stones where where about is it risen okay there is there is no like Stone so I’m going to have to get cobblestone Char’s going to the we don’t need we don’t need Cobblestone we don’t

Need any stone we just need cob Cobble Cobble deep slate I just heard Stone BL we don’t need are you here uh do you need a right what what do I need what bricks bricks and Bricks Oh I thought you meant stone bricks sorry my oh no no no how many

Bricks how many bricks um a lot I’d say 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 grab 25 I think we’re good I think we’re good coolest yeah I’m mining with you we

Got back at the very the very least we need let me drive you let me drive you let me drive you I don’t have a boat someone’s robed to my boat wait wait for me wait for bye I got my boat is it just straight

Ahead toky no it make a right uh turn right yeah make a right turn run run run I got W I got I got oh oh that looks horrifying when it’s got nothing no eyes it has no eyes Okay I’m going a running we’re running we’re running back come on come

On come start like start building I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here I got I got the I got the light blue stained okay do you have the do you have the black in the middle pink middle oh yeah okay got the pink wall okay that one’s done that one’s

Done that one’s done it’s done wait we need dark blue stains yeah I’ve got it you go here here’s the light blue there’s light blue I dropped it on the floor by the I’m get the pains uh pain what okay here’s my brick here’s the brick here the brick here’s the brick

Here’s the brick xav there you go right there in front of you right there Co we need we need slabs and stairs we need slabs and stairs stairs it’s just stairs oh yeah and some slabs we need slabs and stairs slab one slab and multiple stairs I don’t have enough of

St slabs I’m going to need someone we just need three we just need three slabs yeah I don’t have enough I can’t craft any go while I’m building deep SL deep SL deep just deep SL I feel like he’s going to crash but okay done we finished Z fell

Loser okay uh and then and then it’s um can you look on the inside can you look on the inside and make sure it’s right yeah oh uh someone’s plac some blocks someone’s plac some blocks in here i’ I’ve messed up how much how much deep

How much deep how much deep SL how much that’s good just enough grab six grab six grab six I’ve got six I’ve got six we need and we’ll be done run run run run we’re done I’m on my way back I’m on my way back I’m on way there’s a carpet

On the cat’s nose by the way yeah we got that we got that we got that we got that I’m my way back right turn right turn right turn right turn right you can play the final just go I’m on my way take your drift it yeah

Take your drift you got this come on go no Green’s finished green finish go charie go don’t distract me I’m on the par I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here just take the blocks just take the blocks just take the blocks them go go go go go go co watch

Out okay who’s got them I got them craft them okay press the button press the button press the button not yet not yet not yet oh God no now come on press it we’re done we’re done it’s done we’re done yeah it’s finished yeah yeah we’re

Done maybe close the door and press it again it might no it’s open it’s open press it again press again press press yeah but it might be CL confirmed it wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up hold up I think no no no I think green may

Have green okay no I got to talk to stars now some Stars VC now stars did Green cheat stars go sh green D where the biggest of the century stars stars Where Stars come on please yeah we’re we’re that’s 100% oh I need to I

Need I need to like calm down dude this is we did it we did it we did it we did it it’s fine yeah we did it we did it it’s just I hate was kind of just like double check just in case yeah I I I’ve

Double checked this one um all right you double I double checked the cat this was done they personally and that says out okay so we’re officially done did Green CH oh there goic what glass did you we use dark blue and light blue it’s stressful dude yeah can I gra I think we

Did really really well guys I’m really really guys thank you I got the last blocks actually okay you’re I didn’t mess up on that you should have crafted it you should have crafted it you’re lucky I didn’t M judges onat what chat Minecraft chat CH after talking to

Judges purple has first has first yeah we knew oh wait oh wait I didn’t realize pepper finished yeah no they they’ve been finished oh okay oh that’s just overall overall no how overall no that makes how they got first overall checking he just he it seemed correct we’re just

Waiting please what is with this tension dude I have no clue why is he playing floor wait look at the door look at wait what did you guys are second you guys are yes yes yes yes yes let’s go guys we’re in Dodge let’s go baby oh my

God’s red for R protected R protected red for we’ve been practicing for this I think everyone predicted red forth yeah my God God we got we’re in the finals Jesus give me hug give me a hug that’s so funny just all you guys should we should take a picture to commemorate this build

Let’s line up I don’t think line let’s line up it doesn’t matter if we don’t I mean does matter this is a power sh this is a okay there we go the front oh God yes it’s Dodge B guys time it’s I miss so hard I’m going to grab a

Drink no no no no this Ru Ruby we’re second that means we’re in the final yeah we’re in the final is it is it green and red out and we’re against yeah you’re up against purple who would IID banana oh yeah no we we got like oh

Wait banana isn’t purple the one we wanted to go against yeah I think I think out of all the other teams purple is the one that we have a we have a chance against why um H squid don’t Tom don’t disrespect purple come on no no

I’m just saying like the other team has a lot Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom I just what are you here to say what are you here to say Tom Tom don’t swear please I’m streaming you better not sing Paloma Faith you better not sing Paloma Faith no I’ve come to

Say actually I don’t know what to say but good luck were you were you going to sing I wasn’t going to sing what I feel like you were and then I told you not to and then youing let’s go I think okay I need to go to the toilet I

Need the nervous we be I got I went down for another swing and got a couple pork pies totally Tom Tom Tom yo yo Tom stay still stay still stay still you’re going I gotta get in my gamer position you know what I’m happy I’m happy Tom listen Tom listen yo this is

First time my first tournament this is all right who are we up against you’re doing very well squid wait and and x one of us is GNA not be the well some of us are not going to be the champ okay it’s going to be the second

Time I give you guys full permission if I lose the loser has to plug into others channels you better put on that M outfit yeah you better you better again again again okay for my for my loyalty intro I’ll have I’ll feature the maiden yeah let’s

Go not only getting the horn but also getting me me Tom yeah yes hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on because you guys could lose it what’s going on what’s going on that’s all that matters that’s all that matters here you

Got my team wins if my team wins what happens with you guys oh I’m not no no I know I want a video I I know I want a video of the four of you singing if only only love good H like this in I

It okay calm down youc you know what Tom do you know what Tom that’s a good song I will do it I will do it what what have I came into it goes like this no no get him out of here get him out of here all right so what are we doing

Again you said all right guys so I’m saying who who’s best with the bow here I would personally say xav is correct I’m decent I think is great as well we’re all good we’re all good we’re all we’re all good but I think the ran you predicted it you predicted it ran came

For final score final score final score we’re in the final final score I’m looking I’m looking at okay so place I wonder who is in fourth place I’m going to let I think xav the most okay yeah let let’s okay let’s not be greedy over the arrows okay

Let’s plan who’s going to go we got to plan and also if we get both arrows we can just we can take as much time as we like and take your time while shooting don’t be like me don’t be stupid and Rush your arrow shots and think you’re

Going to hit them all cuz you’re not some trick in the final4 I don’t want it better be green good try we better be in first we better be in first no we’re in we’re in second in second here we are yeah we’re in we’re first that’s but I doubt it f

What we lost we lost to a door wait we would have been fine anyway we would have been anyway yeah we were doing first yeah first yes yes let’s go go how many points do we have five 5,000 oh my God this is amazing I am I

Feel so happy right now we’re just too good we’re just too good only hot guy yeah only hot guy can see guys look the floor is orange I think that’s a sign I think a sign a sign it’s a sign predicted from from the start we need to stop INF placing our

Egos so much okay let’s come we take a Brea take a Brea all right and I got was for my school tournament orange og orange oh oh the pressure is on now okay I just realized my music died I was just purple poops realiz I think we’re going to need some

Um Persona music for this ohen looken look up above you it’s theu put oh my God your Terraria Terraria it’s the twin it’s the twin yes I am gamer I am winning it’s it’s the it’s the ice ring pet hello gamer hello hello hello hello gamer and

Zach from too much chaos oh my God I got to get in my position comfortable I got to be in my gamer position you know I don’t know if I think Frank might need some uh emergency surgery I don’t I is supposed to do that yeah I although say although saying that

I mean my skin is um I kind of have a droopy eye um oh they’re changing it manually that’s funny oh this is going to take Yeah oh this is amazing stale crab I think I think so from what we know who’s their strongest uh bow person I think either you or xaven Tom is just shock you are you saying me who’s their strongest again you said you I I think xav or

You I don’t know you’ve hit quite okay let’s just say we’re all is good just all yeah we’re all yeah no we’re all decent let’s all just take our time and do okay okay who’s going first can we just get that out the way and no one no one be upset I

Think I don’t think they use commands here but keep your bow in your hand glitch X I feel like it’ll be fitting if you put on the granny skin we need granny yeah we need granny put Granny on turn to Granny turn Granny on hold on

Hold yeah that’s a fair dut he’s very good with the be there hdle uple should I put on The Voice Changer just because Dutch is here noit okay Ren there’s blood on the floor get the HD free Bloods all right huddle huddle granny has arrived granny Granny’s gonna SK you

David all right so so who should we target you said we should Target uh who turn turn you back to him who are we targeting like who should we get out first uh who’s who’s on I say we get banana out first point I didn’t realize wait what’s

That team it’s Tom banana Tom squid and Squid banana no axo no Tom the it’s p oh yeah yeah yeah so I say we go banana um squ I don’t know how crap Pig guy is so I say we get him out just in case and

Then squ and then Tom wait Pig you said pig pig is on pig is on yeah he I I I have this terrible thing where you know when it comes to like a life or death situation I just start to shake uncontrollably it’s all right or

Situ you got know how hello green team isn’t doing too well that’s fine I mean I me I mean green kind of cheated last round last game as well what what they like last World yeah ch ch W okay I this one CH cheated all right I didn’t cheat this

One are you sure about that you did have blocks you’re lucky I didn’t take away points you know what I was given you don’t you just spawn me too lzy you you tried to hide them DM me and told me you had them when are we starting guys snake

Okay if you have blood in the arena oh that’s when we’re okay don’t don’t have anything in your inventory uh no Ren came second in the last World Cup tragically unfortun I hope we don’t have to repeat history here okay that’s a lot of pressure I calm down stay stay on the

Dot stay on how can I stay on the dot sck slide them stay stay on the dot it’s not that I just saw head oh this the ultimate to workk weapon right here look at this are the eyballs a terrar reference or they just eyeballs and lame

Terraria they are yeah we’ll go with that they’re not Terraria but it’s like the twins exactly no it’s quadruplet they have such a big I know I know am yeah I got Gran that’s fingers crossed yesterday to buy a gift card just to play in a tournament

$25 gift card I better get my money I better make my money back oh I can feel I can feel that nervousness coming on to me I hate it Le how to it you guys playing yet you guys playing yet we are in the thing please sh leave

Leave leave leave all right I’ll go back AO get back in here get back in the spectate get back in okay want KN I I I’m shaking I’m shaking I’m shaking I’m shaking I’m shaking shaking I’m bad well you may be shaking but I’m shaking

Too I just need to know I just know how tool rushing the arena Sky Oh’s who’s doing that God okay hly this mus is a so thank youone thank you thank you oh it’s just a regular b a poison you all yeah dare know I’m a DOD

It no don’t Dodge it I don’t even all right you missed no heal what what oh I’m just I’m just a man I’m just a I’m just a I’m just what what stars do it again do it again hit me we just we just what how is this supposed to work

Thank you thank you everyone thank you for the Support I love some I’m watching here I hate dark draw wait were you on that sir God God we’re getting poisoned tell why you hitting me all right no don’t stay stay still stay still I ran into make sure no food no food no healing I have food I have my in

My don’t worry I’m good I I have put my food in my inventory so I can’t use do you want our food yes oh it’s there it’s there just wipe our inventory and give us another bow no no it’s too much can I you can’t

Trust me can you drop poison on me oh never mind got it all right now I’m half a heart to be thing CU I am this is Granny do you have food I need it all don’t eat don’t don’t eat no eeden I’m on one heart I’m on half a

Heart yeah I’m on half a heart also we’re one shot that’s the point don’t a no triple shots this round yeah yeah what happens if there is somehow we are restarting all right okay so if we’re losing we we just got get okay okay okay can we calm down can we

Can we make make sure we’re clear on who’s grabbing the first Arrow who’s doing X xav Granny sorry you’re grabbing the first Arrow who’s grabing okay who’s grabbing the second who’s grabbing the second join rules join rules join rules not yet not yet not yet not yet okay who’s grabbing the second

Arrow uh I’m not sure whoever gets closest but I’m I’m below HP now my stomach is all right all right go now go now go to rules go to rules okay okay go to rules go to rules rules VC this is so scuffed you guys why did you guys just

Join VC what the heck thank you very much nice is it can’t there be like a block place like an invisible barrier to play St who’s this ah ah uh don’t worry what’s the what is the I don’t even know what I’m doing no no definitely not definitely

Not so um so what’s what’s the bet you stop giving me your meat granny granny spamming the meat granny spamming the meat I’m back yeah wait I won it’s me versus Tom the worst two parkourers it’s me versus Tom come on Tom I I can invite coolest never mind res let’s take a

Quick ah thank you thank you thank you ah thank you ah yes Yes W yes yes yes yes ah screenshot that screenshot that the prediction yeah you have who did you get as a third ran teabag the other team with us Ren I’m got back I’m getting back I’m getting back

God uh I can’t see Granny all right should we just go back to our uh Team should we go back to our team VCS wa you’re going to lose you’re going to lose I just went into the NVC and told them they’re all going to lose lovely we need to calm down okay

All right don’t worry I I turn it back on that Ruby Phantoms also said they will get 4 600 points human sorry no more no more that’s the first time I’ve done that they’ve done that like a million times no no don’t no more toxic no more more right it’s just

It’s just Fair competition all right wait where’s where’s X phant where’s x uh xav isn’t even on the also said they will get censorship for words on the wild oh no can I get a crown quickly looks like yeah m oh let’s go all right let’s

Go oh perfect I love it thank you I’m in oh yeah I’ve got my bow come on granny granny come on Granny it’s not Granny it’s just a dud it’s just a random girl guys what do you think of the the video title how I fin the world cup with my meat

Yes that is glorious let me take your picture let me take your picture oh yeah I need my photo we should we should get a picture we should get a picture can we can we line up for like two seconds and get a picture stop when we

Win okay okay xav you’re getting the AR first it doesn’t matter who gets it okay X come on H okay sorry oh we got who so we’re killing banana Enrique Tom squid Banas okay okay can we okay remember remember xav you go first okay yeah no he’s the farthest like no xav go

First okay what we’re doing yeah that’s fine that’s fine all right all right ready I think we’re all ready yeah that’s true not stressed don’t be lot of I got background this is gonna why do we need why do we need all right so I’m decent at dodging

Because I act like a PC player coolest if coolest wins this is his you know first ever first and only time I’m being invited cuz I’m too good but I might be invited to later ones cuz like I bring out the funny a lot of the timetime interesting some

Funny all right I think we’re ready also like this is GNA help me like talk with more like creators yeah get on your dot go get you’re only a few inches off get back on your Dot come on yeah exactly oh my bad my bad come on you got

To be right in the middle disgusting guys everyone everyone just everyone just start them off the game put them off the game yeah yeah oh oh here we go all we’re ready ready ready I love how it’s me face and Tom the park two people in the middle who

Are they squid and the banana squid and banana we’re killing banana we’re killing banana Banana’s going whoever’s the other one yeah the other one enri pig is on the side the pig the pig the pig’s not going for the arrow so look that they’re fighting up there

Oh no he’s good he’s focus on the game clear mind clear mind play your mind don’t focus on that all right God that is okay yeah all right oh I broke the arena [Laughter] um say say say squid banana and pig as well oh yeah I forgot there are foods yeah they’re all

Foods banana and pig cookie Donuts yummy combo I’m a creeper they can’t eat me I I’m I’m going to switch out of granny’s skin if we get to like you know the final round um just cuz I I don’t I I I don’t want to win wearing granny oh

God no all lose wearing granny here we go guys it’s time three stop please let’s do this x focus focus xav I’m focused I’m focused I’m focused go there’s no there’s no oh no it’s fine we should have both no they miss I’m at the parkour

Guys come on us come on get the arrow get the arrow take your time take your time I missed I’ll get the next one oh got good job good job I’ll get the next one I’ll get the next one I’ll get the next one I mean it doesn’t matter pick

Pick Tom got it Tom got it no never pick got it he’s up to me no he’s not I jumped off I jumped off the map no you did not wait what oh how did I jump off the map me and Tom fell off the map we fell off

They does that count we fell off why did you wait I thought I thought theys than that I I thought we had no no no jump one Arrow hit me and the other you what was okay why you all right guys we can still we can still do this

Okay all when you get the arrows don’t immediately aim go straight for the wi just start run running around and wait for them to waste their arrow and then wait until we have both arrows okay yeah don’t immediately go for the arrow okay all right can I use one to use a

Shield we practice this take your time I I buddy I couldn’t see the outside of the Arena I was trying to run around and Buddy fell through yeah why did you jump why did you your mic is going really really bad it’s fine it’s a 2v2 k stop fighting

Come on oh I need to be low HP right yeah but I just got let through the barrier dude all right that works I’m waiting for it to get TP now oh all right all right so Ren and me are in the center oh there’s more just don’t go for

The arrow don’t go for the arrow um oh we need to go for the arrow no let them let them waste their arrow and just if we get the arrow first we could quickly Dodge to the side no cuz that’s what I did that’s what I did and I died

Immediately it were you sprinting at the time do that yeah I was sprinting yeah okay yeah it just doesn’t work well it it might work but there’s no point risking it because it’s already gone badly once and if we lose this one we need to win

All three back to back we might as well get this one in the bag all right and then and then we’ve got more room for error later Pro tip don’t jump off the map yeah don’t jump off oh wait uh you should play fortnite you shush I mean this is basically fortnite

Right guys no don’t say that okay all right remember take your time wait until we and just dodge ex we’re going to let them use their first arrow and then we’re gonna I’ll take first Arrow uh and then I’ll wait and then save and take second Arrow okay

Okay yeah just to be safe from crashes cuz I feel like you’re going to be a target for going for the first Arrow what what the hell hello get punched get punched what was that it’s midnight is indeed welcome live for like so long oh server’s lagging again oh it is lagging wow

Great I should be fine though I’m running towards the ARA actually no because the server’s crushed like use the power of friendship that is the uh plan oh it’s back it’s back it’s back it’s back is everyone in here I’m not I’m not in

I’m in my world also died so I I’ll send you invites I’ll send you invite there you go oh I see CH oh oh if I get hit I’m dead yeah I don’t know which one of you jumped off but watch out that it does disappear

Yeah um okay this is getting a little bit frustrating mhm just Mur a real quick out of I’m almost out of hunger can I get like a steak I won’t be able to heal I won’t be all right all right all right we’ll give you we’ll give you one steak just

So I’m just running a bit more to like get my Hunger down so I don’t heal the power FR of his murder perhaps I don’t need to say that where where are you it’s time for tax evasion I I’m gonna turn off music for the I can’t Sprint give us give

Us am I blind where are your names oh I didn’t mean I didn’t mean to do that all right you needed you needed to no no no no I don’t killed oh you don’t okay I don’t need a steak now you don’t need a steak all

Right poisoned who do I need to get in here un all right I oh thank you I was fighting somebody wait who is bouncing who’s is sheep prison Bo sh Jam why you follow why is the poison one again wait you don’t the arrow at all don’t go it

Is it’s one guys listen listen do not go for the arrow Arrow at all wait until they wasted their arrow and then go for it cuz then they can’t do anything yep exactly all right nice snooky oh wait hold on have illegal items they have

Legal items has do I I have I have red I have Redstone doesn’t matter I I want it back then jeez no picks up the blood know granny granny needs a momento from her victims wow I need more poison that’s thank you you wait why am I why am I stuck on one

Heart I’m not getting to that’s fine you’ll die you’ll die anyway like one full heart or half a heart I’m on one full heart I’m not on half a heart I’m poisoned what you stop oh my I think everyone’s poisoned yeah come on Tom come on Tom let’s go all right all right

Okay should I stop being granny guys just uh I don’t know maybe stop less targeting you will get targeted yeah no more granny don’t know about me it’s a thing like I’m the new why is everybody dying they’re outside the map oh okay I’m going to go check

Downstairs look at the score look at the scoreboard perfect yeah don’t say anything I was only pointing it out all right it is the middle of the night Christ well almost the middle of the night may not yet Ruby someone re accidentally fell off the map yeah sorry

That Ruby what you fell off the map you sh off the map actually got shot you just fell off the map listen I didn’t die you did fall off the map don’t lie you already knew that we play remember don’t go for the arrow do not go for it you will got shot

Just what is that one look at the scoreboard what is that one what is that one one it’s just a line what do you want it to be all right no we really going to make it we’re going to really bully them till they change it it’s it’s wonkey we got PE now

Going I don’t know I being invited next uh next tournament probably I mean you have to apply um but you’re you’re in the Discord now you get like first like chance to play basically all right who did we got banana out first who killed the rest of

Us is the thing well CH killed himself um himself I think I was pick yeah it was Pig and pig and it was just Pig I think because we killed everyone else didn’t we so should we go for Pig first check right now hey Ty I I still

Think kill banana first but I think stick to the plan kill banana banana pig and then Tom and Squid in either order but banana pig first I just want to say well um yeah don’t go for the arrows but when we have both of them we can get as

Close as we want as long as it’s not past the line no we can’t yeah we can’t go past the Orange Line yeah three uh I was shot by two one go right stay away stay away don’t group up we grouping up SP up Tom shooting Tom shooting Tom

Shooting mhm he missed gra it gra it take your time take time I’ll got the take your time take your time take your time got him I I I missed I missed Enrique I missed Enrique doesn’t matter doesn’t matter nice nice all right take your time take your time take your time

Sa save save sa Cal down C calm down calm down calm down calm down shush shut up Cal down I know cuz I haven’t seen them M yet I think so just don’t stay still don’t well don’t stand still oh they got an arrow chill out chill out they got

Two don’t gr up don’t it’s right they can’t get all of us no what fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine they can’t F we have two arrows now all right we got two arrows take your time take your time I missed all right oh I’m out I need I

Need I need beef I need beef I miss I miss I miss I miss F I can’t it’s fine it’s fine keep doing keep doding keep I can’t I can’t run watch out on the barri it’s increasing it’s increasing the barri increasing I have be oh we missed

The barri miss it don’t gra it oh thank you all right nice nice nice oh no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we got two hours we got two hours all right wait wait wait wait wait okay is give it time they’re going to get nervous

MH I could have shot him he stopped right in front of I missed I missed nice take time take time brief brief brief brief squid one of you he has you’re grouping up you’re grouping up a little fine cuz that way you could give you’re grouping up you grouping up okay just stay

Quiet Focus go away go away creeping up sorry oh it’s jump what aren’t you on PC that’s that’s two three we’ve lost no it’s no it’s it’s best of five it’s best of five oh it’s best of five got one more oh my god dude okay PC or laptop

Yes Circle because I didn’t want to group with xav you group look at me Ren Where Are You Look At Me Ren running over to you like come on what you’re on PC you should be able to do this doesn’t mean I’m sorry maybe you should have told me

That you’re on PC me for you to be doing that just because of on PC doesn’t mean I’m good at something much easier for I know that that’s like the mindset of console players but it’s it’s it’s not essentially ran just like keep so like keep drastically moving your mouse

Around um and just like at random points just stop and Crouch just you don’t you stop moving um okay I’m I’m trying my best you’re doing good you’re doing good you lasted longest out of all of us it’s fine get shot by I got shot by Tom twice

Tom is actually somewhat decent with it should we go what order should we go now then I think the same again I think it’s the same again okay out real quick I haven’t had the chance to shoot anyone yet just so I think Tom and Squid are definitely the least threat still um

Maybe go for squid before Tom um just cuz squid did Kill both of us then um but I think like squid I think squids um did Tom get B you got like three okay he killed me twice I do want to get rid of banana first though or

Like very soon okay we almost got that I thought we would have that but I thought I hit squ but I don’t think it registered I don’t know it might have just been like but like I swear po again uh are you winning uh we’re in the finals and we’re 02

Gamer we just got three wins yeah we need to get three wins to actually win you cannot hear them right now but yeah so much beef I’m not gonna last I’m not I’m not gonna you know uh you are you have zero we have zero I think I need a little bit more

Poison The Mask yeah there we go one how funny oh there we go uh I know we’re gonna win all three this time this was our best bet this is my first time in the finals this is my first tournament okay yeah can we at

Least say you know we got to the finals all right that’s an achievement in itself yeah same Strat there same Strat okay get on your it’s one block wait you think I’m bu you think I have see through vision can you see a DOT remember remember don’t go another the

Arrow let them waste it yeah we we know we know Ace we know go okay r he’s going after me no nice we got both we got both we got both all right all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait just take your time take your time you got this

Guys shoot Miss come on damn it don’t group up Dodge like I’m trying to dodge I’m trying I don’t do this most of the time because it slows me down uh squid aiming for you guys teaming up uh watch out there’s two here now we need give me give me

One got one all right they’re all grouping up on the left oh oh my God I suck I got it got it good job good job pick is a good one to get right it’s now a 3v3 okay he’s got it I’m really trying to Tom’s aiming for

You charie don’t yeah you just dodg that so well you dodg that so well res give me one give me one there you have one take your time take your time okay bonor and Squid a no God I suck oh no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s

Fine I think I think it’s over they’re going for Chie going for Chie keep dodging yeah okay keep going keep going yes yes two arrows two arrows wait wait wait don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t yeah yeah yeah yeah I know just needs to eat okay oh oh Banana’s gone Banana’s

Gone yes yes yes come on yes yes Go’s go let’s go won we won we won amazing shot dude yes oh my god get wrecked home get wrecked home oh okay won we won the round yes we’ve won one okay we still have a chance if they two right I’m

Under I’m underneath it can’t let them the YouTuber of Spanish language come back the game oh my go his name is to them Jesus we got this okay than you just don’t over thinker you know time I’m not looking at chat and expect me to look at chat come on

Okay listen guys we got to the final you know that’s an achievement in itself you know what I mean yeah we’re going to win the finals what do you mean and we came in first to get exactly exactly that’s an achievement in itself so we shouldn’t

Be disappointed even if we do it wasn’t even close why is there a circular thing here can someone type someone someone can type faster than me uh Place carpet where the dots should be so I can stand on it cuz I can’t see can some can somebody ask

Um that that dot just got distroy D um where do I stand carpet dots yeah rip of MCC it’s the Bedrock version Dark it’s the Bedrock version all right Jesus said it’ll be 41 what to them or us ran he guys I’m not looking at chat yeah

Just a heads up okay so yeah I know that so yeah you guys probably turn off chat so keep an eye out for me placing Redstone because I can’t restart it because everyone crashes again and then uh so just keep not me putting like Redstone around like that that’s how you

Know to get away from that area okay and that’s fine as long as there’s an indicator that I’m fine with that yeah yeah yeah okay okay so sorry well good luck good job getting that round uh even LeBron come on even LeBron James came back 3 one all right good

Luck okay they just killed me no now he’s putting indicators on why I say I i’ done you a favor you wanted us to beat Tom now you just want me to throw it off into the void now he’s going to put like no pressure but uh you’ve got to

Win the next three games to win we know yeah next two I next two good luck guys I believe in you yes yes okay can we focus on you know remember try not to go under pressure but remember remember the outside Circle remember the outside Circle just go okay

Just go for whoever honestly just go for whoever order is important but yeah it didn’t really matter last time we just went for who is there a prize hold on is there a prize we don’t it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter right now I don’t know if there is this time okay for

Dude wait I have a perfect skin for this give me a sec put on a voice changer and disrespect them I broke the world cup with my meat my video title from Ax aam look at my skin look at my skin it’s Christmas dude I love that it’s Christmas walking out over here

Oh hly this is the one time I’ll accept this this is the one time I’ll accept this dude wait I’m going to be I’m going to be I’m going to be a sock with Merry Christmas everyone du points from Red who red red red they’re in last

Place were the orange owls I think it were yeah we’re orange xaven yes I don’t think just be socks just be socks wrong wrong I’m stupid I’m stupid oh wait three oh wait we’re going oh I same stra same strap doesn’t matter if you’re sh on it puts them off Tom said wait

Suck gang we’re going to suck them is there a rule about outfits or skins no I’m sorry no sock no sock W no sock that this is me personally that is a that is not a normal Minecraft skin no sock no sock wow wow I’m sorry but I have to wow no if

Anything if anything though it’s bigger it’s bigger than the normal one I don’t want want to hear it no sock what’s wrong with big socks all right all right good luck is this is this okay’s True Form you need to say the lion you need to

Say what is it I’m a gnome and you being gnomed are we dodging the arrow thank you gamer come on one I think we should just get it just wi okay go spread out yeah because I hate like we don’t have the advantage are there any arrows yet no they’ve got an

Arrow why do I die first every time I don’t know wait waing we’re gring off a little bit we’re gring up wait where’s the other eror where’s the me one give me one I don’t I only have one shouldn’t we have another the other one use it

Ren you have the other Arrow Ren I only have one pass the arrow I’ll use it I pass the that’s the other one oh my God I just missed are you kidding me let’s go good job ch’s actually going to carry us give mind thanks thank you

For wa wait wait wait don’t don’t don’t there then go over the orange barrier as well nice yeah nice okay okay watch the barrier watch the barrier watch the barrier yeah take your time take your time thank God for the Redstone stuff take your time take your

Time come on come on coolest okay you got the arrow you got the arrow take your time with this take your time take your time you literally got two arrows take your time you literally got two arrows take your time yes come on one more win one more win and we won

All right oh my God come on guys okay I’m taking off the you no The Gnome is just amazing all right I’m a GN they are sweating one more reset wait what’s they are sweating why am I saying that cuz it’s it’s going to lag if we do

It yeah we need to get they want it to like be perfect minute break oh my gosh guys I think we need a group hug we need a grou yeah like like rizen why are you just moving back and forth I need the nous way oh my okay I know I’m

Criticizing you but it’s like you’re supposed to be better than me cuz you have a PC okay it’s now drawing it’s now drawing right it’s 2 two it’s 2 two we’ve brought it back watching me Gamers watching me hello gamer so I put the winner POV in

Uh the description instead of the title because I knew I was gonna win it’s chat remember this image remember this image remember it remember yeah wait where are you guys what image the the one of me and you in oh yeah yeah okay so it’s first to five and

Obviously we need three to win how long have I been stream I’ve been streaming for four hours yeah longer than my fortnite coming up to 12 same 4 hours yeah yeah it’s coming up to 12 12 hours okay okay okay it’s barely five for me right now

Oh yeah isn’t it like uh thir no it’s like 12 H 10 to 12 One 7 to 12 actually uh I want to make a event I’m good building but I’m scared for my Nintendo switch hello hello all right uh who do I need to teleport again

So it’s first to five but you know obviously you know like five no it’s best to five it’s best of five this is the deciding match no problem who am I missing is everyone here or okay we’re missing yeah we’re missing wait okay should I keep on The Gnome or should I

Take the gnome off uh it did it help last time cool one like I’ve been running a bit I want I want want to run out okay I think we need the guardian angel for this one can I get a steak Atomic please a steak a Ste

Steak any food one steak one steak one steak you got you guys be on confident at orange owls just about uh kind of we’re just we we’re keeping it neutral we’re keeping it neutral oh okay I guess everyone uh I think you guys got this you always is everyone at half a heart

Or one heart get backie get back okay okay okay okay calm down I was just I was just picking up the food I was just picking up the food all right chili beans an arrow can I get a bit more uh all right all right is I’m Ru for

You let me let me change Lu have a nice day I got to bring out the classic Village F this one yeah do it do it where your normal skin Ren where your normal skin this is my normal skin is there reband thank you all is everyone at half is everyone at

Half is everyone good everyone good all right all right all right all right all right remember the barers good luck okay they actually tell me same strap same Strat guys yeah leave the arrow leave the arrow hopefully I don’t die first rounded yeah yeah three out of four of

These I’ve died first you’ll be okay yeah you did they just know him too good you know dude we got time good luck guys I’m just reminding you uh good luck my favorite team am I invited again here we go here we go no okay we can get the hour straight straight away

Now yeah don’t group up do not grp up okay calm down three two one good luck guys oh got k no no no suck two1 okay got it got it go go go go go yeah okay oh where’s it take your time take your time I I got the arrow I got

The first Arrow yeah Pig got it Pig got it it’s fine it’s fine I’m watching I’m watching they’re probably waiting for us we can wait okay okay go go off go go up it’s okay it’s all right take your time yes good job oh I missed it’s

All right we got one of them you got banana that’s great that is great okay take your time take get away from the out watch out watch out thas Tomas are out they miss nice take your time okay okay we need arrows where are arrows

Pass me an arrow pass me an arrow back back do you have them okay oh there’s an AR I need an AR do you have do you have the other one do you have the other one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go go go go okay take your time take your time come

On all right okay I did it way too late I’m sorry it’s fine it’s okay all right we we have all of us they don’t they don’t Charles Squid’s trying to go for one of you too get on get I can’t see just get on theet no I’m I’m saving I’m saving

Take your time take your time they lost one okay okay yes yes we win missed wor got watch out watch out watch watch out watch it’s drinking it’s drinking mm it’s fine if we two of us get hit but it’s preferable if only one of us yep nice missed it okay missed

It I’m going to die swear no he’s aiming for me I see him it’s fine it’s okay okay take your time take your time take your time wait wait for the arrow to drop and just spot yes yes yes yes we won we won we won oh

Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go go dude let’s go let’s go let’s go I he you let’s go Redemption H let’s go baby wait can we get them down here get me down here me down all right yeah yeah yeah yeah cool oh my God coolest first every time

In the thing and he wins as well okay my favorite team my favorite up up I knew KN get him out of here what is he here you guys were my favorite from the very start okay thank you thank you thank you thank you I appreciate that

You got to get our SC thank you you you guys are always my favorite okay congrats thank you so much thank you so much all right I’m going to take the screenshot I would like to thank uh uh Chie for carrying the parkour yeah 100% I carried that totally oh my

God job guys you guys are the best I want to I want to find all your moms I want to than call your moms wait what get [Laughter] off milk I love milk yes I have some milk no don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t K

Don’t kill don’t kill oh my God where’s my money no oh my God yes nice wa yeah I know that’s that’s what I was saying ran that’s what I was saying a nice yes guys we did so good yeah I know Ruby I know I know that’s

Insane oh my God I was so I was so nervous I was so nervous everyone Crouch you did good up what do you mean are you guys up the C turn off usernames turn off usern where are you guys wa I want to see the

Cub look up look up and Crouch yeah yeah screen nice let’s go photo bomb photo bomb get me up there get me up there get me up there yeah get get the second place get theun I’ll get I’ll get them up here shut the the amount of like

Redemption up here get the runners up here get me back up there get me back up there o well uh oh no go on down see get out of here get me up there please let go dud I just TP everyone up to the cup no for the

Champions so question am I getting invited again you guys want World Cup to yeah maybe yeah everyone’s over the cup chill chill chill chill chill hit banana off Mr Star Mr star get ax out of here get got ax out got ax out of you oh cool

Co since you’re in the Discord uh you can just apply for the next World Cup it’s first people thank you thank you oh it’s everything right know oh my God guys that was so fun it did take like 5 hours though how how is this world cup

Compared to the last one like how would you compare it definitely better a lot a lot better this cannot be done in two hours all right all right oh my God yeah no this is definitely like a 4H hour event always there’s no way we can put it lower that’s fine

Wait interview talk talk to the how do you feel about I’m the Champion now orange I love you orang you guys did great thank you thank you what the hell the hell what the my favorite team my favorite team or you called Purple your F what are you talking I would never call

Okay what do you mean orang on top you’re P my cover guys I hate the purple uh the purple oh my God it was all a trick I was calling them both my favorite got get all right guys hi asard wait my his my bad my bad all right all right yo

I was watching that uh let’s see which one was it can we all get a horn I don’t know probably the one that give us all a horn I don’t mind what you have that one my absolutely never doubted favorite team can get me up there get me up up

There I knew you guys were going to win I knew it I never had any doubts I need I need a horn too I need a horn I would never I would never root for another team I watch that entire I need a horn teleport us up give

Him horns give him horns yeah give us horns I fell all right all right who else do we need up here is this everyone oh wait no someone’s picking them all up there’s everyone I’ll get here’s some horns squids you got a horn I need a horn I

Need a horn hey here horn horn horn horn you need horn horn I have horns I can’t have a horn miles I have horns I need a horn please please Allon just to let you all know you’ll never be on the same team again you’re all never

Going to be on the same team again so why gold orange one orange one I’m not surprised orange was down two nothing blade orange was down two nothing in the final and went three straight the best it’s well you guys did so well guys guys you know what this means squid you did

Really good in the in the fin you cra you you need a horn I got another horn I got oh that’s ice that’s ice you need a horn all right there it is it’s on the edge it’s on the edge it’s on the edge

Right here oh I picked it up he’s on the edge wait my sound’s off I can’t hear the horns was it spooky did you guys have a spook F oh it’s fighting where it was it was there there was there was ghosts playing some blocks all over the parkour it was

Scary there was ghosts helping me out on the parkour you were no no you’re lucky you got help cuz you may not be here right now what you mean they were Ghosts no no you may not be here right now you may not be here right now the ghosts

Help me yeah yeah would been US versus Green Goblins what happened they help wait what yeah at the parkour Tom and Chie got help on the parkour also you all of you all of you did wait wait Asar what what place did we come in you guys got third you guys got third

We did lose you lost you lost to a door Blade the door you guys would have been in the final but uh the door was closed the door was closed when it was supposed to be open Tom’s here what do we a if I’m being hon I thought this would be the final

Yeah Jessie Tom Tom are you is Tom Alive Tom is not doing well right now Tom in finals yeah Tom was in the finals he was on purple phant oh wait Tom was on was on the team that lost oh that not sing he’s got some s probably so sad cuz he

Was oh oh what what happened at what happened what happened to wear mid skin now are you ready for Christmas you all ready for the Christmas one no the Christmas World Cup the Christmas World Cup Christmas World Cup not I I I swear I swear to God to if you

Bring up Christmas again to my face I’ll I’ll actually I’ll actually World [Applause] Cup boyot the next World Cup guys just cuz it’s Christmas Tom’s crying Tom get out of here snowball fight snowball F mini game hello shout out Tom’s crying on stream the Min games

Will be changed next time so we will have new ones go to Tom really he’s crying what have you done to Tom is he actually wait what’s what’s Tom doing he’s singing Only Love ha like this only only guys guys person I’d like to announce that the next World Cup the

Next World Cup will be just for themed I just checked no it will not and Tom is actually not okay he is having a literal mental breakdown I’m going to check I’m going to check I’m going to check I can’t wait to play Mario Kart W

Up I mean what do you expect two backto back final losses what is he supposed to do winning maybe maybe if I ah maybe if I was on maybe if doors didn’t exist well then no one leaves that door oh yeah so wait so you’re saying you’re

Saying if doors didn’t exist then Tom would have won cuz he would have beat you guys my poor British boy all Tom is poor British boy he’s so sad oh no oh God tears are flowing down the screen all right you know oh my God xav you did not just do

That I got to say Tom City want to be a pretty good actor right or a good act or an actor when he goes up I’d say he’s doing pretty good I’d say he’s pretty I feel like he could successful wow the next Tom Holland I kind of want to make Tom watch

A video right now five minute guys what what video should we make to watch it’ll be all right it’ll be it’ll be okay he’ll he’ll be okay be okay guys he should watch he should watch the uh sponsor video that I made that one was pretty funny the question what do we win

Again you win a high five well done Pride you actually win a spot on the Hall of Fame let’s go show me show me show me there’s a Hall of Fame well there worst going to be but then we ran out of time oh my God you couldn’t you

Ran out time that right down the side and that said go if you Che if if you keep checking announcements you should like see like like what your banner would look like on the Hall of Fame all right all right so that’s it right that’s

Asard as Gods oh I can’t we leave now right we can leave asard I’m just GNA leave uh goodbye all right I’ll see you man on his head is he is he wrote it backwards wait wait wait what or boys it’s not coming off oh never mind Tom Buddy L on his head

Stream I’m getting hurt like this this man has been live for 4 hours and 20 minutes thank thank coolest man he clutched up on that second round Christ this is like a sad movie what just happened he’s boogieing honestly it’s a Redemption story for us but for him it’s just

Horrible better watch out for Tom in the Third World Cup he’s coming for that trophy yeah oh my God Dud oh we go he’s just gone Oh either did you end your stream all right well what a what a great game honestly thank you so much for everyone who’s stayed in the Stream and participated throughout honestly thank you so much that was actually really insane I can’t

Thank you guys enough and thank you Stars Atomic and Ace for being the greatest mods honestly and GG’s to Tom squid and pig and banana that that was insane God yes yes oh my God thank you all so much that was so good honestly thank you all so much I can not say

It wow again thank you all and yeah that will be it I will see you all later goodbye everyone thank you all so much

This video, titled ‘LIVE / MINECRAFT / WORLD CUP / SUB GOAL 1.1K-1.5K’, was uploaded by CHALLY07 on 2023-11-05 00:30:30. It has garnered 122 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:35 or 16235 seconds.

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  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More