EPIC! MisterWiggly Takes on Chosen’s Chunk by Chunk in Minecraft | Day 2

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He What’s going on with that what have you done streamlabs hey welcome everyone let’s have a look at who is here we got Mr Wiggly bot Mr Wiggly ARA H poter fbot and arus welcome in oh H Potter renaming the wiggly assistant straight away um yeah I don’t know

Why all of my media things seem to turn on but they’re all disabled so like this oh I didn’t that work that that is playing at the beginning of the stream but the video isn’t coming up close when inactive restart when it becomes Active Don’t Loop it why is it doing

This why does this happened suddenly anyway hey right we’re back in chosen do hickey um so we’re going to be doing some stuff in uh what we need to do is we need to get downstairs again and we need to get more copper and we need to find the next World

Thing we have a world Forge excuse me hey beta making it rain thanks beta uh now was it this one this one’s got stuck in so that lucky Rock a lucky rock is the one that I wanted to have in my pocket right right yeah got it a blood moon has

Appeared due to bad weather the effects of blood moon have been cleansed oh Bop good timing as it turns out wonderful timing he cleansed the blood moon I’m helping accidentally helping Caro welcome back are you right he looks like he’s oh I’m so sick and his kid

Looking after him you’re okay get out of there get out of there this is my bed okay uh let’s go downstairs so I have my spare Emerald pickaxe so we’re going to go downstairs and we’re going to attempt to get more number one we need more copper how was

The day it was all right not too bad talona is here as well hello talona so this is the floor that had um copper in it right we went into here to look for copper but now we should have more stuff available oh that that broke immediately yeah so we we have an

Extended range now and I think we need to go down to the bottom of that chunk and get the thing out I can’t remember if it’s that chunk or not zinc that was copper yes we got three coppers how how was everyone else’s day was good get up to interesting

Stuff wonder if we have the waist Stones mod in here that that might be handy no that looks like definitely not oh I see some copper okay so definitely Cobble can go with know that we have Cobble Jens available to us so we can grab that

Found out I have to have knee surgery right before Christmas you have to they can’t delay it that’s pretty sucky to see if there’s any way I can double crush a spirit from occultism will double it talked to my dad today for about an hour he lives on the other side of the

US from me so I miss him a lot that’s nice oh it’s I I went past it dang it an empty inventory slot I stop running that hospital hey yeah that’s another viewer with a illness checking in kneecap keeps dislocating and making it super hard to walk oh yeah that definitely needs

Sorting out then dislocating kneecaps sounds like a terrible band name oh going to come for a visit next year nice my parents have been talking about instead of me going to visit them for Christmas like a normally JY of a year they’re talking about coming coming to

Visit me instead which would be nice save me the drive MC thank you for the cookie looks like I didn’t get it looks like I didn’t get it MC 8.2 that go what I will do I’ll very quickly make these yeah so I’ve been debating whether or

Not I need to buy a Christmas tree because I I don’t have a Christmas tree because I normally go on stair with my parents so so they have it so I’m like do I do I get a Christmas tree and if I do like like how elaborate

Do I go because I’m probably only going to use it the once so yeah I haven’t I haven’t really fully figured out where we’re going with that one yet oh hang on Snee incoming oh I do a small one yeah that’s what I’m thinking um I was thinking just

Just something small it doesn’t have to be flashy or elaborate or anything um just something small and nice nothing nothing flash hello got remember to light everything up right timed that perfectly um I don’t think that I would get a real one oh maybe I should get a real one

Actually if if it’s just a oneoff maybe a real one is a good idea so when when we when we were in Australia at Christmas time what we would do is we would we would every year we would get a real tree uh and then at the uh after after

After Christmas and everything hey breach um after Christmas we would take the tree and we would use use it to cook a barbecue with we throw the throw the tree into the barbecue so that way we’re getting rid of the tree but also like using it for something at the same

Time it was a simpler time Wiggly mess I don’t know if that’s like a tradition anywhere else probably not in the uh Northern Hemisphere where it would typically be cold but yeah in um southern hemisphere chuck chuck the tree and the Barbie oh that’s not exactly what I

Meant to do sounds like a good idea me it worked we didn’t have to worry about disposing of the tree um where are my stairs my stairs come up here so here right okay got it you know what I’m going to do I’m going to change you to

Cobble timing H Potter thank you um uh well it always it always worked out okay for a Bree so assume that means everything was fine get down from there that’s exactly where I want to place thank you there was never it was never particularly Smokey but it probably would have been

Dry I mean it’s Australia Australia in the summertime right okay so let’s see what what marvelous gems did we come come back with I’ll cook half of uh let’s just cook that in there and then you oh okay we’re having that thing there where the the Torches don’t stack

Oops this by the way is the best solution I found to the Torches not stacking just place them and break them if anybody else has that same issue oh hello what do you have that’s interesting nothing in particular a household Rune decreases item prices by 15% when trading nah a tamed potato

Beetle 25% chance to double crops harvesting seven emeralds h a miner guide an adventurer Kit a beacon uh I got 11 emeralds though H breach thanks for the saturation actually that’s a good one to get thank you bad Sea Word what did I say I I know of a bad seaw but I I can’t say it woo what does that do um that fills up

My um my hunger bar here oh crops okay that’s not where my mind went okay so 16 no I need 18 that’ll get me four of those you can but twitch won’t like it especially if I’m in the familyfriendly thing all right you make those okay so

We got four of those uh arrows can go into there right so now we’re got to go back down into the caves wait jeez I’ve got no water Platinum there you go hey the Pokémon battle is working again that’s refreshing all right fire jeez oh all right things seem to be going

Okay JJ welcome in thanks for the crash there and oops too late all good we have survived okay we are alive okay so we need to get the chunk thing what happened to the other pack uh it’s it’s not for me we gave it a crack it’s it’s definitely not my thing at

All um there’s too many sort of little things that are annoying and um frustrating so yeah it was just it was it was better to just say you know what this this one’s not for us let’s just move on so we moved on and we have quite a lot of red red

Stone so I’m not going to worry about that this is all raw Redstone might grab the iron while we’re here andesite andesite might come in handy at some point in the future but that’s not why we’re here we’re going down to the bottom and then we want to find the uh the chest

Thing okay so this is where this chest is so if we go that way oh jeez really okay didn’t think I was that close oh that’s in ah okay yeah that makes sense he please don’t die food woo that was close I have to try and remember which chunks we’ve already

Explored like where where have we got our chest from ah this one we missed so that means we must have got this one did take that with us so that’s done so if this is here we know there’s nothing this way or there’s literally nothing this way and

This way is empty too so we can see the other side of that uh we can see out this way let’s clear this out okay so that’s clear that’s clear down that way that’s clear that way feels like there should be something in the middle that we’re missing

Though so this one is here there I think I think that covers what we need got three coppers this one can go this way okay so that way we know we got a little tunnel system down here we know which direction we need to go in order to find the next

Chest and everything is on the right line fine so we’ll slash home and then we will make this there’s our chunk spawner okay now we have to decide which chunk are we going to spawn do we continue in the way we’ve been going do we go out

Here I think we need to fill in a space in between I am interested at some point to add in a chunk outside of the range of what we uh we’ve been doing I think we go this way okay so there’s a house up there now we can get around relatively

Easy let’s light it up a bit when we next get monkey here we got to ask him when did he add in the The Turning head of the um oh hello hello random sheep that just turned up out of nowhere yeah when did he add in the the turning head of the

Helper mob that far as I’m aware that’s very new kind of freaks me out there’s the murderous Cat still still hanging around Bad Kitties did you see it yesterday breach see what it did he uran night couple of chests said he did some animation work to the

Model a while back not sure how long ago came back and to see it running from you so what it did right is we were standing over here when we spawned in um this chunk I guess and there was a villager like standing at the edge like this and the

Cat came up behind it and pushed it off the edge why is this Cobblestone any reason the mobs do that into the void murder all right soft stuff now I think there might be some gravel in here I want to get that out we got a bit of

Andite that’s going to help uh there’s the grapple okay so that goes into there demon dream seeds not to worry about them a pebble from Twigs you can go minus 24% Bon part of the house build before the height noise intruded Yes thatting to come together I quite like the idea of this pack it’s neat all right not pushed him off hey D Mist get out of here murdering cat okay Oh okay so we’re going to go down and get the next chunk thing but what I might do while we’re down here we’ll go that that way I must have made the chunk this way okay so we’re going to dig a hole this way we need um we need to keep picking

Up copper as much as we can there’s there’s a whole bunch of it I don’t know what that was that just came like rising up out of the ground there that that was weird and we’re out of food all right that’s 50 co uh copper that’s

Good more than a stack 75 coppers total so it’s 36 so we need 72 that would give us eight blocks not too bad that would set us up for the next one too what are you a lost soul all right we need to slash home we need to find something to

Eat there a way to or double um I did just have a look at or doubling oh apples um I did have a look at or doubling and I couldn’t see anything obvious um so there there could be but I just didn’t see anything obvious okay [Applause]

Downstairs okay well I got a lot less apples out of that than I was hoping realiz on getting fortune on the P it’s it would seem so so far um cuz if I use raw gold so blasting is one smelting is one packing right that that this is one to one for crushed

Raw gold bulk blasting is one to one um alloy smelting here is one to one washing Factory gives you 100 Milli buckets the crusher Spirit from occultism does give you two gold dust but everything else seems to be one to one all right I think we’re just going to

Grow and hope that we get a couple of apples out of this um this is not encouraging oh there’s one all right our rate of rate of return on apples is low still only got one all right we’re going to leave that for a bit we’re got to go back downstairs

And move on to the next chunk oo almost went over the edge woo yeah having a quick and easy way to get down here repeatedly would be nice chunks are stacked on on top of each other um I think it’s more that they are um the the chunk itself is just a normal

Chunk but the chunks are a lot a lot taller than they used to be right since when did they add the thing it was like 116 the chunks got much bigger um that so like the build height got lowered a lot and the and raised a

Lot so so now the current build height we’re at- 60 oh my death count thing didn’t reset have we died today I don’t think we have I’m going to reset deaths again and see if that works there we go that was weird um all right yeah so um

So so it’s smaller it’s it’s a lot taller than it used to be but it’s um God hang on Wow could I like finish that thought brain please yeah I haven’t got a bucket yet oh I can make a bucket though I’ve got so much iron

Brain please don’t do this to me been through so much together why betray me now um but yeah so the the build height and depth is a lot higher and lower respectively than it used to be you can build a lot higher and dig a lot

Lower um but what that means is that um it may appear like there are chunks that are built on top of each other but it is is just a standard chunk that we are in yes it’s still just a standard chunk they’re just taller than they than they used to

Be so that’s that’s just one chunk and then we we get this this fell out where this guy here the world core uh and we make a new thing and then the next chunk comes out okay that didn’t work right but the one from earlier worked oh no it did

Work but nothing displayed on the screen did it work or and and I just missed it confused um okay let’s use MC’s advice first we’ve got 36 iron ingots so we’ll use those to make a bucket chat did but no animation on screen yeah that’s what I thought hang on what is going

On is it is mix it up not connected again or something I spent ages disconnecting mix it up maybe I got to put it back in okay that worked but that’s that’s in cruise control oh I don’t have any water yet hang on run oh there still a grave over here

Whoops yes candy yeah so so you load in one whole chunk the entire Chunk from top to bottom so all the way down there to all the way up to the top um and the way that I’ve been doing it so far is that every time um I make a

New chunk I’m using just the default chunk settings right so I get I get back a um the same type of Chunk as what what would have been there at the start but you can choose what kind of uh biome you want to spawn in so we’re going to find

A new area right so I I suggest we keep going this way so what we do is we put this somewhere in the chunk and then right click it and then it loads in what the chunk would have been if it had been loaded at the time the world was

Made you can see there’s a start of another Village there yeah so that was the water column so now I I can put my water column wherever I need it to be I think there makes good sense for the time being um but what we need to

Do but what would actually be really helpful to us would be um to get another another water source so that we can make an infinite water source and then start making some crops um as opposed to the 16x 16 chunks in the cubic chunks mod that lets you specify vertical chunk distance um

Maybe maybe another very skittish cat there’s the murderer murer uh we are not going to fully establish ourselves here by the way this is not going to be our location I already had a thing for this I’m going to leave all this in here so this comes out goes into here

Okay uh you come out of there got raw zinc so no yeah you make the zinc for me we sleep we got to figure out food um so I’m pretty sure there was more than one water source down here right at some point we saw another water source somewhere yeah there’s one over

There oh I got an apple I can eat sort of right so where is this this water source down over there think that’s a different one my Apple feel like I’ve got like lag if they changed the oh dude have they changed the distance that um stuff

Lasts okay plenty of water sources down here so we’ll take that that arite OMG wiggle beta bro oh thanks thanks juk for the for the heal there thank you lho okay uh blah BL no yes go right we’re going to make a infinite water source it it can be right here

Didn’t expect me to jump milk from COA thank you very much okay and we’ll pop this back over here so that we have our access up and down again and now what we’ll do is we have a space over here so let’s make that space into crop land croptop rol Light coaster with another heel thank you an or Tre with a heal thank you so we’ve almost got a full full compliment of Health back hold up those de stream seeds they can go back over here okay so we got 15 of these uh we got sticks we’ve got Oak so let’s make

Planko and wh no that’s incorrect we have a wooden hoe hey oh yes how’s this mod pack bowy at the moment so far it’s it’s been okay oh jeez yeah no complaints up to this point the one thing we have been running low on is food so I attempting to remedy that now

By making lots of Wheat and therefore lots of bread this is a fairly easily rable resource can I do that okay that’s fine right 20 breads eat Perfect all right so now we have a crop got a dude over there oh he’s gone never mind uh helper mobs last for 1

Minute they are invulnerable for the duration of that one minute okay so we got infinite water source we got bread and therefore food and throw those off because we’ll get more when we Harvest those crops okay so that’s food sorted okay torches are back to stacking again stuck on a piece of

Fence um okay let’s have a look at the quest book we haven’t looked at the quest Book for a bit we did that page quality of life stuff we’re not too worried about these at the moment oh we got easy villagers could have just been scooping these dudes up getting

Started okay so we need to kill a drown so we got to find a drown to get that um we need any wool and any leather okay can we make leather from anything from a bat’s Wing a Wen Wing we can smelt rotten leather oh we

Can do that I think we have enough um dirt to do that uh not dirt um rotten fleshes or yeah drown a zombie right you cook those give me those have those the copper right so we got six copper plus eight so we got to figure out a way to

Automate copper if we can or there was one of these was it this one diverse array generate new chunks but each one is uniquely adapted if it no that’s not it that one the world mender so we need to make a world mender right um we don’t have that bookmark so

Let’s bookmark a world world mender World mender so that means we need four World CA a chunk spawner so that’s five of these so we need five of those and we need infused Diamond which means we need dimensional shards which we can craft but we do do need glass and we

Need nether quartz and prismarine okay so there’s several steps that we need to get through for that to work in our favor there’s leather but the only thing we need left in that quest line is wool so let’s let’s do the old string to wool thing there you go Quest

Complete and that gives us a crafting upgrade for our backpack which we don’t have yet um okay can we make sophisticated backpack no we need one more dude we need one more thing for that create in this yes and confirm create is in this jeez hang on no no sit sit

Sit MC thanks for thanks for the 100 bits oh he’s sitting down finally I might rerun that one no drown I’m creating everything nowadays it wasn’t in um that last one that we played MC I’ll rerun that I’ll rerun that one here we go oh it’s almost the same that Cisco’s medieval fantasy

Adventure RPG oh no drops sorry all right oh hey hey hey right now where’ the other spider go Lyra lra with a prime twitch Baby Woo twitch baby woo ah Myra thank you for the nine months nine months twitch Baby Woo oh okay that did drop something a m a moon has appeared

Ow thank you Lyra and master crafter thank you so much World Forge what is a world Forge do we might need to look that one up Lyra thanks for the heal there he is oh I got another one never had one before got two of two mobs all right sleep and awaken and

Collect Lyra renaming the wiggly did that work yes it did okay so that still works so it’s the mix it up stuff that’s not working then the stuff that that go through mix it up trivia oh that’s a pain cuz that was not easy to do all right Lyra here’s your trivia

Question it is a name that person here are your Clues I am an actor and director born in 1948 I started my career on the stage I have won an Oscar for best actress I appeared in American Horror Story I starred in the movie Misery who’s that name that person Kathy Bates is

Correct tears Kathy bits tears all right um let’s grab a bucket of water and we’re got to go down again but let’s get um hang on we can we can make world cause rate so we need World crystals World crystals we need World shards World shards from World

Fragments World fragments come from the world Forge okay so we need to have a look at the world Forge again World Forge Stone to more Stone the ability to crystallize Stone and dirt blocks into World crystals and eventually transform them into World cores these are essential for crafting

Chunk spawners okay so maybe we feed stuff into that okay uh we do have quite a lot of Cobble okay so World fragments become shards they become crystals so we need like 16 of these um yeah I do think the only thing that uh the only thing that’s really holding me back as

Far as Hoppers go is like I have iron but I don’t have massive amounts of it wouldn’t that’s fine like stuff’s fairly readily available okay so that does work question is if I leave that in there will that eventually add another one so that that will just level up to

Another world Crystal eventually don’t have to add more stuff yep confirmed all right um let’s um pop a chest up there okay so when we come back to that that’ll have a bunch of stuff in it and then we can sort of HPP it in a barrel of Cobin got like

Three World cores okay we can work with that okay uh you you can go so we need to get if this if this is doing its thing um how hard is it for us to make uh can we make lava oh really not at the moment anyway um okay

So we need to find some lava so that we can make a um a cobble genen even any Cobble J would work even the wooden one but we still need uh the right thing in there I have dripstone uh not yet not that I’ve seen have another look hang on where

Is where’s the wiggly where is the wiggly oh there you are okay all right so we’re going to go back down again yet again and we’re going to find the next space so if we can just constantly feed that thing with um um with Cobble like from a cobble gen hey private Jerry

AUST says he was taking a break apparently yeah he needed some time away one of the best things about add is opening a drink forgetting it’s on your DES in discovering a present you left yourself in the past nice you’re doing single player yep da that is unlikely to ever change

Again there’s some oh there yeah yeah lava that’s not in a terrible position to collect either what did I get then I got the miner guide oh it’s not a good one um okay so we’ll hang on um if that’s that level it’s easy easy to get turned

Around down here right like is that the one that I put down I think it is no I think it isn’t that’s the one that I made all right let’s let’s see how far up this one goes oh there’s more lava here oh there’s not more lava here there is more L here

Okay um okay I’m going to dump the water lab is more important at the moment I can get more water quite easily here we go right slash oh okay now another bucket yes okay secondary bucket water from the water source okay uh so that’s still going but slowing

Down we’re up to three World cores so the hardest part is going to be the infused Diamond CU dimensional shards why do we get prism from from Haunting okay o red bread come here stop that too whatever Gavin Free okay uh now to make a cobble gen let’s

Have a look what what tier Cobble gen can we go straight to oh we don’t have any sand miss the old achievement hun days I was just reading a thing about that the other day about people who had um had grown up on the old school one where

There was no sort of pressure to be the loudest or anything like that um and I kind of agree with them yeah it it it was cool in the old days when it was just you know six guys in a room just you know playing around with each other that was that was

Fun nothing that I have REO how you doing it does not look bgy like I have a hammer available there was no hammer on that recipe we do have the framed hammer and a handcrafted Hammer as welcome that just didn’t sound right oh it was a different time so you

You had to be there uh it does not look like we have a hammer available oh and hi hi okay so that thing we got World crystal in there wish i’ done that earlier um still can’t make a backpack um so we got to find sand

Somewhere or we have to make a create Mill maybe we maybe we have to look at making a create Mill hey there John be cursed yeah I think the Mill’s not that bad I do have a lot of andite um we’ve got zinc so we can make zinc into nuggets and okay

27 uh then I need you sir that planks right planks hog wheel and then what was the last thing just any stone all right Millstone okay so Millstone is built now we just got to make a turn um we could do that with a hand

Crank how hard is it to make a water wheel that’s not difficult is it how you doing doing all right a little bit tired how you doing Mount Wiggly I’m just going to go straight to a um a small small water wheel cuz we know we can use

That hey James how you doing I need some do emotes new emotes may be coming by the way they may be coming all right so what did we do this for um it’s just this is um one chunk at a time John CR gravel to sand that’s it yeah um yeah this is

Um one chunk at a time so you start off with only one single chunk and then you add um oh they’re pry you add these into the world and that makes more and more other chunks and decide that shouldn’t be in there should be there so let’s see how many gravel do we

Want let’s do eight at the moment so then we can do one whole pie piece of Coal’s worth of glass the chunks random not no they um so it’s as far as I understand it all of the chunks are what would have spawned in if this had been an Overworld

Pack so so at the moment there’s no um uh we started off with this this part of the village here and then we opened up another chunk and we got this part and another chunk over here and then we did a chunk of over here so we’re slowly

Working our way through um in order for us to do the next thing we’re just getting Flint out of this can you fall off the edge yes but it has um forgiving void uh you do not always start in the village no you start just wherever you would normally

Start so if you were in a um if you were in a uh like a ocean biome then you would start an ocean you know okay that did say though right Millstone oh Sandstone makes sand Cobble makes gravel why did we think this would work huh looks entertaining it’s definitely a

Um a different approach to an Overworld sort of pack made a desert chunk why did we think that that would work filling Sandstone Sandstone comes from Sand terracotta Mills to red stand uh I can make terra cotta turn the brain off thank you appreciate it okay so we can do

This that gives us some dirt uh not dirt of those put them in there I can go into there we’ll sleep um while we wait no please gravel made sand through the crushing wheel maybe it sort of got ahead of or behind of ourselves Stone Cobble Cobblestone

Gravel gravel sand sand dust yeah maybe that’s why but there you go red sand that’ll at least get us pointed in the right direction whoops and it’s free and easy to do like the create mod but often it gets overwhelming so I just live vicariously through other streams I I know what you

Mean I I didn’t used to like create cuz I thought it was a bit a bit too much like um old school immersive engineering and immersive engineering was just there was a time there where where immersive engineering was just frustrating to me once upon a time

Right well we only needed one of those haven’t tried a mer of engineering yet it used to be like before create came along if you wanted something that had that sort of create style to it that was pretty much the only thing that you could have make Minecraft go down to a

Mysterious cave to give you coal ah the good old days a cuble gen Cobble gen okay we can go straight to this we’ve got 20 something so we’re going to go straight to the diamond one right that gives us that Quest gave us oh Some Coal great great Some Coal great okay so

Um I would like to take that out take that out and then place that there and do that does that work no but does that work yes oh I just pushed one of those through whoops okay so we’re just going to let this run now so this is going to be

Outputting Cobble into this and this is just going to slowly make more and more World shards and World crystals until we’ve got a bunch of world cores and then we can use those to do our expansion stuff right but we really need to get to this so we

Need the chunk spawner again um I have enough to do a chunk spawner so we’ll do that there’s the chunk spawner so we got two more World cores so you’re done you’re done you’re done so we need the dimensional shards now he is there an easy way to make nether

Quartz it multiplayer friendly I don’t know actually Kitty creeper thanks for the kitty what’s Geo Shard yeah I’m not sure if this would how well this would go on a server or even if there is a server pack available for It does does he not call it his subie server so we were talking about maybe using this area down here is our um base you know like building out a base down here um but if we can expand out in any direction from where we are maybe maybe we could put that in

Here we need to research that a bit better all right um let’s go back down into the mine um cuz what do we need now um if we’re doing this a world scanner equipped with the ability to map unspawnable world world scanner okay so we’ll add that that just

Needs a compass which is easy how you how you doing app that’s that’s not easy to read I’ll be honest with you um but okay how are you are you well it’s it’s okay it’s okay it’s just just letting you know it’s not the easiest thing in the world to

Read okay this is in long tunnel mode so we oh coal there uh copper there it would be Wiggly’s luck he starts a server and logs off after 4 hours and when he logs back in the next day the surrounding chunks extending 20,000 blocks in each Direction and full Corners are open

Yeah happened before well not not that exact scenario but you know something close enough that you may as well hey Jeff how you doing bud we’ve talked about it on here a few times before about the one time that we were in a pack with a bunch of

People logged off one night came back the next day like a whole page of the quest book is completed and on that day I realized I realized it was time that we needed to stop playing in teams on the server work last 3 days have the next 4

Days off how’s things with wiggley not too bad big in this pack out these two are going to kill me man they’re going to push me off the going to push P me off the world and I’m going to die eating apples are plenty and I have

I have a crop now so I can eat um bread as well where are my stairs up did I dig my stairs away oh no they’re over here here we go they’re here okay so let’s um let’s mark these so that we know where they Are swear I swear I mean I could make stairs I’m sure at some point oh at some at some point I’m going to have to cat was slain by Lyra oh so because I bumped the cat there trying to place blocks down the cat got angry at me and tried to kill

Me and then Lyra took it out and I got string which I can’t pick up yeah I hit the cat with my pick come on man get out of the way get out of the way okay I stay there at some point we will we will actually

Make stairs for that oh my God there’s a chicken here little cat never had a chance all right it’s it’s a free cat anyway it can be resummoned at another point in time hey purple tulip how’s this thing doing okay so we got two more World cores I’ll take that

Thanks how are you doing how you doing I’ll put those in there just to speed that up why does twitch prompt me to share something for a three stream streak then nothing happens what’s meant to happen right is that um I I’ll get a notification in chat that will appear um here

That’s what’s meant to happen you’re at 21 today does it say 21 talona cuz um MC’s doesn’t seem to get past 20 you did get the bonus ingots okay well I did leave it active so that if anybody does share it should allow you to share

You know it’s not like it’s going to say know hey no Mr wiggley doesn’t want you to share the fact that you’ve been watching him yes but you can’t share H has it has it somehow been disabled I didn’t say I want to have a chat with him oh M are working

It’s just if people in chat can’t share it then there’s nothing to notify but why why are people not able to share them settings not just your channel that’s done that to me okay um I need to find where that’s hidden just in case I did turn it off

Though they make it it’s so difficult now to find where things are are saved four streams away from your 25 stream streak reward 21 your watch streak so you you can’t share yours either MC yeah so we’ve had the redeem working and up until yesterday people could share

Them and it and it pops up in here that I have a little box coming up that says you know username has watched X streams in a row but it’s a matter of where where did they actually store that setting now it’s like there’s so many different things here and none of them

Like like to me you would put that under settings stream cuz it’s my stream settings but it is not in here okay the ORD is 450 Chef for MC worked did it I didn’t see it nothing nothing popped up for me me poy pasta drops won’t be in drops won’t be

In emotes Channel points watch streaks enabled if enabled viewers can share their watch streaks in chat and receive notifications all right I’m going to turn that off and then turn it back on do someone who hasn’t shared it or hasn’t tried to share it does someone

Want to try and refresh and to see if it will work oh yeah John that’s just Mastercraft is sharing his the message it it comes up quite differently if it’s like if it’s the actual one the actual watch streak comes up different one stream away from being able to share

There you go like that like Jeff’s one and see down here programmer Jeff has watched three streams in a row I don’t know what that was it was on I turned it off and then turned it back on and now it works so um I don’t know what that’s about all

Right so we’re going to leave this running now this is just going to make us world cause now we got a free chicken in there yeah they good old turn it off and on again whatever works chat whatever works okay um we’re going to do uran

Night at some point we got six World cores we only need four to make the recipe that we’re looking to make um so we’ll we’ll hold on to those till we can make the four infused Diamond that we need um should be able to make a world World scanner fairly Soon uh and let’s check how many coer do we have now we got a decent amount of copper so we can make another chunk all right chat which direction do we want to make a chunk do we want to put one here we haven’t had one here yet

Or do we keep going out that way or do we continue building the village which way do you guys reckon oh there must be a wolf here somewhere yeah to we do we keep going this way to see what’s growing out here keep going that way maybe fill in

This corner here where we we started expanding makes me afraid with how many computers are in a car now going to have to get really quick at rebooting the car with uh when things stop working at 80 miles per hour that’s about 125 uh yeah so 60 is about um is about

100 let’s go here anybody home nobody home what 128 oh not a good not a good not a bad guess then and an empty loot chest great yeah so 125 128 not bad it was you wasn’t it you’re the wolf that’s been killing all the sheeps hello I see you down there Mr

Zombie let me hit him oh missed him ow recommended speed on the autobind that’s um like a the the basic maximum posted sign limit speed in New Zealand is um is 100 you can’t go faster than that legally uh okay so that’s up to three of these so we’re going to keep that

Running for a bit um 22 is not going to be enough we’re not going to quite have enough to do another core f as like it was 26ish cuz there’s no no speed limit right so you can just go as fast as you want as long as your cars can handle it

You do whatever speed you want they would they would never trust motorists enough in New Zealand to take that responsibility on their own we’d find some way to mess it up I’m going to put create stuff in there so this can go here we’re going to take out all of the

Andite uh and where it is allowed is not all drive as fast as you want right crazy Americans redundant I know speed limit of 80 on the interstate yeah so 80 yeah that that would be way faster than that allows oh no actually no no that’s not that’s not

True there is there is um a place in the north island that I’m aware of that does um a speed limit of 110 so there is a place in New Zealand where you can do 110 but that I believe is the fastest legal speed that you can

Do okay scan for the good so maybe we’ll do this guy now we’ll do the world scanner just because we can but Compass is um this should be ready y I’ll grab you well scan it getting a German license I understand isn’t a small thing also there’s no such

Thing as a no fault accident I think the default is everyone involved is 100% at fault how true is that talion is from from Germany so World scanner so I can tell this I want you to find me item X and then it will go out and find it so if I say

Um actually you know what we should be doing should be looking at making a fan like it might pay to make a fan heck okay so we’ll check these off first part is correct it takes theoretical and practical lessons test and around 2500 now wow but that means that everybody should

Know what they’re doing you know I know um the standards of driving in Australia used to be pretty good when I left but um I think they’ve Fallen away my dad a former trucker once said go as fast as you want just don’t get caught so when I tried it with him in

The truck with me driving he punched me and said to follow the speed limit Ro sucker lied to me he lied all right Tech in this quest You’ll dive into the exciting realm of Technology focused mods these mods introduce a wide array of machines devices and automation tools that can

Transform your Minecraft experience from crafting powerful equipment to automating Resource production you’ll have the opportunity to harness the full potential of technology in your Minecraft Adventures get ready to discover the Innovative and gamechanging possibilities that Tech mods have to offer great so we only need to make a

Large Cog wheel and mechanical presser we’ve got this one done learn to drive in Country Roads Auto B and City also mandatory lessons in the dark I think I only I when I was learning to drive I only had one one lesson in the dark oh Ender better pipes than

Pipes grains of infinity I wonder if the old grains of infinity recipe still works if my old automation tool still still works all right let’s do this one spell crafting and more in this quest You’ll embark on a magical journey into the enchanting Realms of mystical and Arcane mods these mods introduce

Powerful spells ancient artifacts and mysterious Dimensions that can transform your Minecraft world into a realm of Wonder and sorcery from mastering the art of spellcasting to summoning other worldly creatures you’ll delve into the enchanting side of Minecraft get ready to explore the captivating and spellbinding possibilities that magic mods have to

Offer oh and we we we picked up an apotheosis gem it’s actually quite cool that it remembers you know you know that I’ve done some of this stuff earlier learn to drrive stick at 3:00 a.m. I um I learned to dry stick by watching my friend driving

Stick and then just sort of figured it out stored many times trying to to get it to work my way 70% of the auto bar there is no speed limit supposedly but there is a speed limit on some of it between 75 and 80 that’s not too bad all

Power how to make power power for power nothing Storage storage options so storage mods and add-on showcase this Quest is a straightforward exploration of various storage mods and their add-ons provides you with a clear list of storage solutions to help expand your inventory organize resources and improve your Minecraft storage

Experience okay so we have applied energistics we got modular storage we got integrated storage chest with upgrades simple yet pricey refined storage I’m better than A2 I’m better than RS um occultism storage and near infinite storage solution storage drawers so he’s got sophisticated storage in here too right

So why is that not on here come on dude come on dude integrated storage is probably the one that we would use out of all of these uh for the second part if you’re going over 130 and something happens you are basically partially guilty but never seen that enforced I think makes sense

Better suspension make things much more stable Big Al learned to drive stick by buying a standard my dad took me to pick it up got in his truck and left me there I had to learn how to SP um learn how or spend the night in parking lot inconceivable resource

Generation we probably should have did this yesterday right learn to to set up Farms machines and systems for continuous resource production and become a master of automation to ensure your world thrives the real challenge lies in organizing it all okay so quaries Geor and exploring underground you might

Stumble upon new geod these geodes can be harvested using conventional methods and you can even automate the resource production process fortunately you can achieve automatic harvesting and Crystal propagation using the Aro mod with golems so mining with lasers Ratatouille the mining Maestra uh you learn to drive stick here

If you learn on auto you get a remark on your driver’s license you’re only allowed to drive Auto I believe that’s the same in Australia and then you can later on down the track um oh killer wondering Trader that I had one here um down the track you can um up update

It but the the way that it stands you have to um you have to um whatever you pass your driver’s license test and that’s what you have to drive or at least that’s what it used to be oh hello yeah I need to kill one of you I’m sorry

Oh spat me off the world well I guess that means that um he pushed the dude off the edge which is wonderful learning to drive in my age get off my lawn automatics were not the normal but I’m an old man I am so old I also can drive smaller

Trucks up to 7 and A2 tons nowadays it’s just 2 and a half ton I think uh most places outside the United States drive manual and not automatic I don’t know if that’s true anymore um like it’s it’s a lot rarer here to have a um an automatic than a manual car

Now um and with you know so many Electric car is coming out it just means um more and more people will be driving without any gears at all I told a story once before about my father right my father when he was young he used to be a traffic policeman

My God yeah he used to be a traffic policeman and um the the traffic cops they were in charge of driver license testing so if you wanted to to do the test to get your full license he was one of the people that that did that and um um very

Rarely like they they had different levels of testing right so um one of the levels was to get um like a caterpillar driven you know like a tank so I can’t remember what the name of that that particular Drive thing is right um but yeah so that meant that they had

To sit in on people driving tanks to see if they would pass the tank driving test and then one day when they had the tank in but it was really quiet one of his friends said why don’t we test each other on the tanks and you know see if

We can get the tank driver’s license so my dad went yeah right you know why not I mean can’t hurt to have a tank driver’s license um a Miner moon has appeared so he um he and the guy they jumped in the tank and my dad went to drive

First and uh the guy goes um yeah tracked vehicles yeah um so the guy goes to my dad okay all right drive it forward my dad drove it forward and he went okay stop that okay now drive it backwards I me dve it backwards you know

Just a couple of feet and the guy goes yeah good all right you pass and then uh and then they swapped seats and did the same thing all right drive forward drive backwards all right you pass you you have shown enough control over the vehicle you passed

It’s just so it’s so bad so corrupt no parallel parking yeah oh that needs to be that and now we can legally invade another country everyone everyone I know that lives outside the United States says that most people drive manual but with electric vehicles I can see be less

Common to drive manual so I I can’t I can’t say Obviously what other countries are doing but I know in New Zealand um it’s it’s a lot rarer now to drive manual it’s just it’s it’s not that it’s not not a thing it’s a lot rarer now like almost everyone just drives Automatics hi there orange we’ve been talking about German driving and the rest of the world not hard to drive just Compass my dad my uncle drove a tank in the Army had an accident didn’t end well for the other one involved o that sounds ominous

How bad how bad is that dve forward yep and now backwards all right you pass it was a long time ago no comment biggest thing I’ve driven was a 90 ton front end loader but that was in a gravel pit they expected you to pick

Your own with the uh pick up your own with the equipment and I think the fastest I was going was about 2 mph I can tell you the first time that I ever drove um was uh in some some backward sort of area um where I was

Um it was my uncle my uncle at the time he he let me drive his car and the speed limit was 60 60 km an hour and I was so nervous that I was driving along at about about maybe 30 just crawling along at 30 I was not expecting to be given the

Keys that day that’s that’s the first time that I ever drove and the last not true all right there we go so now we can hold those you give me these hey an apple you know what you know what I should do I just had a thought

What was the point in that uh in which which Platinum did someone say mo okay I feel like the hello should have worked I think it’s looking now for either okay hang on looking for both things so I want this to be a conditional condition and I want is it

Conditional I want it to it’s not conditional which one is it he there Mr nafka welcome in okay so there is a condition that I can do where it can run on any condition met triggers from any condition there is so I don’t need to change anything okay

So hello and Moen should now both oh who’s with the Torches okay so sometimes what’ll happen is and I don’t know why this happens right but see I have 56 torches here but this one torch won’t stack with the other torches oh mo mo hello so I got I got another

Apple yeah see this torch won’t stack right so if I put that and break it it still won’t stack if I put this one down and break it though now the other one Stacks so if I do this yeah now they’re all stacked in one set so that’s why that Platinum

Right it’s weird it is weird it’s happened before um so it’s not like a new thing that has just popped up um it has happened before uh I don’t know why it happens and I don’t know how how else to fix it okay um so unstable chunks SP can we do that

Unstable uh we need more coal uh more copper so let’s go into get some more copper um yeah we we need a little bit more copper did I see that did I see which how did John give me an apple is it any oh dang it so it’s just giving

Me apples as long as it’s outside of the the thing okay I’m going to remove that specific user condition so what it should be doing is looking for the phrase hello or the phrase mowing condition triggers from any condition met the cool down of 600 does somebody type

Something like filthy coin isn’t even filthy coin anymore so I can take that off okay so something didn’t do it hello did okay so I’ll go into here and then we’ll save and exit oh timing thanks Mr NE right when I was exiting CCI there as well

Save and exit okay so now someone type Mo in Mo Mo no Mr wiith no hey Mr Will Smith how you doing echo echo all right so save and exit right mowing please just mowing okay there we go so that worked I got an apple from Moen and from hello

But but we shouldn’t get an Apple from anything else it’s a hello Fest so the only way to check I think let’s get oh oops well I was going to say let’s get rid of like two or three of the apples but let’s just get rid of all of them then

No I think we need a chunk on the other side of this wall here oh there you go okay so tyon gave one when you said mowing it sounds like mowing it’s because I don’t really 100% know how to say it i’ like um I’ve only been able to say it

Based on what I’ve read so I’m I feel like I’m getting it wrong Moen Moen Moen yes they they get taken off me if someone says bye so I get gifted one with hello and it comes away again with bye or any any sort of form of

Goodbye bye goodbye sometimes in the old days when we had pretzel working properly pretzel would have a song with Buy in the title and that would take an apple off me hey shy bunny welcome hello then Wiggly a voice chat saying B yeah even come by come by

Sometime so yeah hello gives me an Apple buy takes one away pretz will never end up working for me again yeah same same for me Deadshot I can’t even log into it yeah I I can’t even log in and now it’s like Mo so mo mo

Mo is that right do I sound like a real German not angry enough that’s it Bo terrible coffin cold in the middle of summer dude oh that’s going to be awful with with how hot it’s been in India dude that’s got to be like the worst

A boing 747 not somewhere here I mean it’s basically right it’s hot enough hasn’t it been like in the’ 40s already you live on a plateau oh oh fancy dude seriously not shatter flatter still fancy hello shatow oh I know why that was doing that

Way before yeah I know why cuz I had it set up so if it was going to react to any of the condition that means it was basically saying yeah okay so if someone said hello or said mo mo or they were not filthy coin then

Then then it would fire off so that’s why it was firing off all the time should Hae give an apple Southerners would probably vote Yes I don’t get a whole lot of people saying hey all I get heyo um and occasionally I do get um

Henow but I don’t get a lot of um hols get some good mate holder you have some poers from time to time H very rarely an mind Stone and get gold R from it yes I have in my person here this lucky Rock which has a 3.51% chance for extra loot

When mining K we do get those very rarely less rarely than uh oh trivia yep sorry I did hear it are we Mo trivia all right let’s do the trivia okay the everg given ship made headlines in 2021 when it was stuck in what Canal W that was that was 2 years ago

The Suarez Canal uh it was the Suez Canal Suez Canal so talona was ke wrecked Suarez it’s 15c here where I am but it’s Autumn fixing to be winter at the moment where I am is 20° at least according to the app that I I’m looking at it says

20° Tom Scott video with that yesterday it’s a shame that he’ll be wrapping up trivia trivia who is Tom Scott um which beer make uh markets itself as the king of beers American viewers 23 here in Fahrenheit oh look at them all John Budweiser correct the king of beers who who would

Be the queen of beers I don’t drink me either me either Jerry I I don’t drink American Beer that’s for sure all right there’s the next chunky thing Bud Light 45 which is a refrigerator 23c in rade there’s a there’s a part of New Zealand called RoR

Rua which for some reason people call Roa Vegas I don’t know why I think it’s um I think it’s like an ironic name cuz it’s like the least vasy Place FL home big idiot frog commercials in New Zealand um no we don’t um we don’t get American beer here not really a

Thing 45f is 7 C that’s cold all right you uh have that and you have that and uh you you have that you have that and that and those and all of them another lucky Rock 1% nah that’s not that lucky here and there more Pebbles what do we do with

Pebbles I can make Rocky dirt I think we might just trash the Pebbles this weather sound in the background one time when I uploaded a video to YouTube I think it was the same storm I got uh I got a copyright warning a copyright match to the sound of the

Weather time for drink it’s been 2 hours since my last drink uh most here also think that domestic beers are a joke too highest selling beer Now in America is Modello a Mexican import okay so I think we need to build out over here so that’s building up 39f is

3C livestock Villages are key but not required while encountering certain animals in the wild can be a test luck and patience a village can be your ticket to success yeah I’ve spawned on one um with a bit of good fortune if you spawn near a village you can gradually

Build up a thriving population of villages by establishing an efficient breeding program you can soon have a steady supply of EIG villagers who are more than willing to assist some of these industrious Villages even offer animals for sale simplifying your quest to populate your world with the forner of your choice

There any animal crate okay so let’s look up the word crate cuz we have a chicken just sitting here but we have to do that through a villager trade so so let’s make a villager cling table all right Village People you’re a nitwit right so you can’t do anything for me Okay all of the villagers have become trapped at the top of the thing cat killed the one that sold the animals probably all right there you go someone learn right you not yet did somebody else come up here no a cat came up here oh you guys

Jeez these guys really aren’t very smart are they oh [Applause] sorry if I can only eat apples uh I can eat anything it’s just just apples is free chat can feed me apples so but that’s that’s the main reason I’m going to take this down so they shouldn’t come up here now

Right because that’s not up there anymore I’ll put that there then somebody else will take it when can I expect another server there is a server running at the moment Jerry like I I almost always have a server running at least doing something um it’s just they they tend people tend to just

Wander off from them after a couple of days um Can anyone remember what pack we had on it they um they tend to be just a touch on the laggy side so they lose um they lose people fairly quickly which is really unfortunate there you go better Minecraft for fabric thank you arid

At least somebody remembers not me all right so we needed more copper right so there’s some copper coming out um I needed two there’s two person likes his villages is probably how you should get Fortune yeah right now I’ll give you one of these chunk spawner so we’re going to

Build a chunk outside the front of their house here um I haven’t Cara i’ been busy at work and stuff I keep forgetting which I know is a pretty weak excuse but it is also true we we’ve got a big web project that’s launching um and it’s like finally finally getting

Getting ready to um to go live and yeah I’m I’m panicking a bit got old Minecraft it’s so weird I first that’s true okay so we need to trade with that dude right so let’s go and make some sticks now the villagers are less likely to Tumble off and plummet to their

Doom all right now update uh hey yes oh no yes yes yes hey there we go Quest complete livestock and what I get some spider eye watching you sp right captive chickens all right so that is done um the market or The Wanderer table non- wandering Trader profession I’ve never had a Wandering

Table before table that said wandering table right some saplings might prove Elusive and certain seas and flowers challenging to find during your Explorations fear not as the market and Wanderers workstation aha Wonder a table okay so we need an amethyst Shard and an empty map for that now it’s

It’s you may have he may have done this setup wrong like I have to choose one of these it’s not the one where you click on it and it shows you the recipe I’ve been wonder about that so like if we went into edit mode and in here um and edited that more

Filter there’s probably a way that we can change this but anyway let’s not do that live cuz I don’t I don’t 100% know exactly what I’m doing so oh hang on those come out of there uh it’s time to not say a specific word instead of I’ll say hello I’m out

Of here thank you for the stream we get well soon Professor take care everyone have a great time thanks John be cursed thank you for hanging out with us see you next time okay so we need a structure Compass see I can’t click that either so let’s look up structure

Compass that’s a player Compass structure Compass Oho so we need grains of infinity um that there looks like the same recipe submit Quest can’t have item recipes yeah but that that’s not a submit though is it I suppose it is but they’ve been they’ve been firing up whenever I do it

Anyway but anyway that’s that’s like all of his quests are set up like that so I think they maybe they shouldn’t be right I need a red wool uh I know I have a wool and I have poppies poppy B there’s red dye and red wool then we need these maybe

These and make a market your Market is made and then don’t touch anything Quest is complete market so it’s it’s already done so I don’t know how we set that up but that’s not not the same as other places oh hi there swapo manic right what have

You got for me I might I might buy a dark oak oh jeez Corona Roar Corona’s here with 30 months of subs thank you very much Corona for the 30 months edging us ever closer to level five of the uh subfest by the way subfest subfest by the way okay just

Come away from the edge a little bit oh okay that was more than I was expecting now where is wiggly gone has he falling off the world 30 minutes of Subs he in it whip oh I got him just a big moon has appeared I think he fell off but did the

Wiggly fall off too no if they did they fell off ages ago a bit crowded in that bed there fellas oh why do I have slow falling why do I have slow falling not that I’m complaining but where did that come from oh now I’m Levitating um I I don’t fully know why I’m floating yeah oh and now I’m just floating okay let’s not touch anything yep see not touching anything I’m just floating up into the air what is going on but it’s like permanent jump boost levitation yes I am getting levitation something in the

Chunk but this is it is it him he’s the only new thing that I’ve added it can’t be you right oh yeah there’s a big moon okay so it’s got to be the big moon that makes sense that makes sense Ren good call good call good privacy fellas want to sleep

Here okay yeah okay that was it it was the Big Mo wow okay that was confusing I’m glad I’m glad somebody thought of it cuz that one would have confused the hell out of me um okay right so what else do we have here so this that Compass we can’t

Do this one spawns chunks outward from its location utilizing CES bys or chunk spawners provided to it so um so we can we can use the World CES in that chunk spawner so so we need we need to get dimensional shards and Grains of infinity okay so let’s

Check the grains of infinity thing there was a way that I used to do this right um trying to remember how did I used to do this oh good our torches have stopped stacking again um come on brain how hard is this why is this so hard hi Mr Will

Smith let’s look at resource generation no let’s look at Power if we do the power mod power is a tech mod that introduces diverse methods for generating storing and transmitting Forge energy let these guide books power your path yeah so I can’t even click that what is that hang on

What the what confuse the what out of you love it when you slip means you’re human the hell out of me um I’ve Got The Power Quest appearance quest dependencies guide page but this I want to change this page but that would mean having to do it for

Every thing right so we don’t want to do that item optional false yeah I don’t know I don’t I I don’t know enough about that mod to be able to edit that with any confidence we’ll turn that back off okay um oh hang on let me just check

Settings okay that doesn’t help and still doesn’t help disabled ji recipe on default okay hang On hang on edit so it’s not in here is it in here it’s not here right none of those Quest Properties disabled ji recipe pulse okay so now if I open that and click on that and they still the same was that the one I clicked on that wasn’t it

Default regression mode default linear and flexible what does that mean yeah I don’t know they that change until you leave edit mode all right let’s try that so we’ll go disable J Jr recipe is false leave edit mode check it again still there still same let’s um let’s set this to

True and then check that same what’s wrong with it you know normally normally you’d be able to at this page here the valid items you’ll be able to click on it and then it takes you to ji so you can see exactly what you need to fix and here I can’t do

That I’m just trying to figure out why but like if it’s something that happens here then that means that I’ve got to do it for every single Quest and I’d rather not do that i’ i’ prefer it to be something that we could just flick here and then it it saves

Everything it’s on uh every Quest even the ones that you don’t have to hit submit to to submit them yeah and I just don’t know enough about that mod to be able to fix it properly so okay um let’s put this stuff away and so we were looking at power

Right so in order for us to make energy cable starter we need to make dialectric paste which means we need blaze powder or a lot of lava and we don’t have a lot of lava edit the mod pack level of quests maybe like in settings here there’s an edit file one of

These stable gooey mode flexible the linear Quest must be complete before dependent quests are started flexible tasks tasks independent Quest can be so that’s not it Quest screen PES SSP disable completion reward order claimed is disabled Quest shape disabled Quest disabled ji recipes is set to false I don’t

Know I don’t know that’s a weird one it’s got to be a config thing like it has to be right now um so as far as making power goes we’re not going to be able to do that my cial reactor we’re not going to

Be able to make and we can’t make oh we could make maybe we could do a like a combustion generator but do we need that no um how do you get to the nether in this pack is it still the same world scan has been done grain

Infinity all right so one of these and one of these makes this let’s go down to the bottom I think I think we’ve lost our Wiggly at some point so let me just check I know okay so sitting down somewhere but I don’t know where um all right so

We’re going to go for a walk down to the bottom of the world and see if we can get some greens of infinity going oops ow all right we’re closing in on the Bedrock so what we’ll do we’ll open up this part of the chunk here

This is at least how you used to do it oh hey there you go okay that still works okay so grains of infinity that’s that recipe has not changed so there is a way to do that with like a fuel bucket Rocket Fuel buck buet from

Ender oh you pour Rocket Fuel from the rocket fuel bucket into the drain and that drains it out that’s that’s a great recipe okay so there was somewhere there was a quest for was it Tech yes okay then we need to make basic capacitor and we can’t click get to see the

Recipe someone knows someone knows how to fix that okay capacitor so to make that we need two of those plus gold nuggets plus copper do we have item collector um I’m going to add that item collector so we do have item collectors um and that’s just obsid and

And a ender pearl okay so SL home okay so we need one of these and is a a little bit of copper Oh wrong whoops whoops oops okay so this one we have to break down basic capacitor done all right that gives us a beginning on Ender

Iio and what is that thing that that we just got there primitive alloy smelter that only smelts primitive alloys is that it is that the whole Quest that appears to be the whole Quest we just make that and there you go that’s that’s Ender iio done um okay so Ender iio pipe not

Called pipes what are they called cable cond it you conduit item conduit yeah okay so we need conduit binder and pulsating alloy nuggets that’s from pulsating alloy which we have to do through the alloy smelter so that’s an ender pearl and iron that’s not terrible conduit binder

Is conduit composite wow this this this all takes me back so far all right so we we definitely need some sand um we have a little bit of sand here gravel we have Clay we have okay so can we make conduit binder yes 48 of them oh hang on you you liveing there

For me uh right now I need uh I’ll take half a stack of that you live in there with these that work no alloy is melting oh I have to do that with conduit binder really okay well do them this way it’s been such a long time since I’ve

Done anything with with enderio this will be interesting see how much of it I can remember okay so that one there said ender pearl and iron nugget hey that CL item condurat yeah nicely nicely okay so we’ll let those cook for a little bit um then I guess we need to look at

Sophisticated storage cuz we do have that oh monkey that’s it nearly a year monkey border 36 months there’s something behind me 36 h wow okay that was difficult monkey when did you add in the head turn on this thing I don’t I don’t remember seeing its head turned before the first time it

Did it freaked me out monkey thank you so much for 36 months of Subs that’s almost a year edging us ever closer to level five of subfest can we make level six that’s that’s our sort of our penciled in goal level six we’re going to need more sand

Sand and Endo stuff can go in there they’ll let those keep running you guys get out of there that’s my bed oh what did I get dream catcher get one random effect for 351 seconds when waking up wonder if they’re still laggy I guess that isn’t that one of

Those things that always oh that’s a pocket thing as well uh one of those things that always always mattered depending on how many things you put down been there a while but only newer I think 119 and above okay cuz we’re in a 120 pack so this is um it’s definitely working in

120 the head following me around creeping me out I was not ready I was not ready to okay so I think we’re going to try and move into a house get away from from the Village People need to need to need to what Master crafter need s more pockets it’s

Disappointing to me car that that I only have one pocket what what self-respecting Minecraft character has only one pocket yeah so we’re going to have to we’re going to have to grow out in a direction okay so Nature’s Pockets we need sand right okay I think we need

Sand so in that case we’re going to have to go back down into the mine again and get some more copper uh chunk by chunk is from chosen architect yes but this is slip for me speaking of slips MC throwing one of his own in there okay where are they coming

From oh there he of them they’re so well dressed seems a shame to kill them no pockets in my night clothes if they don’t have them oh hello plague doctor oh tell you what okay so he came from that way where did he come from bought yourself a new tablet for

Christmas in Black Friday deals what kind of tablet aha that’s where they’re coming from in there oh yeah they’re definitely in there definitely in there who and Lenovo tab M10 Pro I didn’t know nobody was still making tablets is it it’s a Android or a Windows oh what the woo no chicken

No big ow with the several heels okay that chicken just took that like a champ oh God Android 13 all right let’s do this again light light no stop it all right I got him Chad I got him I oh jeez I’ll throw one of these

Down here too all right so we want to be down at about level 60 cave above two oh there is two yeah yeah yeah good spot some was wearing better clothes than me me too okay I think we have that covered as always typing it out they are very well

Dressed the best dressed Undead award goes to all right let’s get down to the Copper mining level this is this is where we were mining out copper um we we do need the dry oce later on but not yet or clay ah right so we want 36 at least raw copper

Oh jumo deadly a it’s very clever orange I’ll pay that nicely played and uh we’re out of food yes we are out of food I’m not going to eat the rotten flesh because we can turn that into into um a thing I’m lost okay there’s

My oh I just slash home all right slash home we made it all right uh we got a stack of these so we’ll put half a stack in there half a stack in there bit of dirt arite uh I’m going to take the Cobble and make

Stairs am I going to take the Cobble and make stairs oh all right hang on rotten flesh I cook that y in the Amazon it’s a lot of bird sounds I guess in in some parts yeah I’m in a birch Forest there are a lot of birds down now

That you mention it I hadn’t noticed before now all I hear is bird sounds um okay if I were to make a not a framing saw what’s it called bench saw why don’t I know this stuff Stone cover oh my God close that’s full stone or holy

Stone um okay so we don’t have any full stone yet there’s three cobbles ready to go he spab so I think like we really need to get dimensional shards right we need to get some of these reasonably quickly so in order for us to get this how many infused diamonds did we

Need for that recipe which has disappeared by the way we need four of these four infused diamonds that means we need 32 so we need a stack 8 16 32 now we did half a stack of dimensional shots it’s not that bad um like the

Prismarine is I can do that if I have bulk haunting I could just throw lapis in front of it so it’s not terrible i’ve got probably enough lapis to get it you know even taking luck into account how do you get more chunks okay

So if you go down to the very bottom of a chunk monkey um in the approximate middle there is a chest sitting there and that test has one of these in it you get this and you surround that block with uh copper which is what we’re in the process of doing

Now right so you get copper blocks like this you grab one of these you put them around there and then you can change the type of Chunk that you’re going to get by adding extra blocks around this but you grab your chunk spawner out you choose where you

Want the next chunk to be for example here place it right click it now we have a new chunk and in the bottom of this chunk that same block will be there that we can go down find the chest and inside the chest there will

Be um that same that same block and we can repeat the process again and um you yeah just expand out from there all right we’re going to go and grab some uh stuff yeah it’s not a bad idea right we’re going to make wheat into oh that’s not what I meant to

Do did I say hey pug hey pug that’s better right finding common ground 28.5% chance to double crops when harvesting but only of one in my pocket so yet another thing that I could wear in my pocket that would be actually useful to me um let’s go until we get two stacks

Of this stuff puzzle piece kind of yeah kind of um so the next step just so so that you know what we’re doing from where we are the next step is to take the um the chunks that we have made and make a a chunk a chunk Builder I think it’s

Called a chunk Builder a world mender it’s not even close um and so you take the world mender and then you feed it more of these which we’re automatically creating using our world Forge here um oh hang on up just had an idea we can speed this up is it working

That should be working now right there we go okay so that’s extracting always Redstone channel is Red selfie round robin So in theory this should be faster than it was before and it does seem to be faster than it was before okay so so this thing here is just going

To plug away and make more and more of these World cores which we can then put into that machine this is still slow even even at that that’s still slow is there a speed upgrade for Ender no interesting style than the letters mod pack it’s definitely more interesting than the letters mod pack

Was definitely like another dream catcher minus 46% efficiency oh and we were making food whoops all right eat bread we’re just going to load up on carbs for a while load up on carbs bring your friends I now okay so um it’s not super difficult to

Make um to make the next level of stuff FTB xod compat mod uh how come what what does that do to guess letters mod pack I think the letters mod pack would have been cooler if they were more consistent with it you know like if if the lead is carried

Across uh to get R recipes from the quest ah okay FTB xod compat do we add that now that won’t take long oh I forgot to cook my rotten leather oops I heard an Ender person oh they gone now all right some Villager come and take over that but in the

Meantime oh I like that the way this works now that it like it’s automatically feeding the Cobble back into it like that yeah use the string needed to make the wool that used to make a market oh for the um the backpack that is

True uh well at least we got part of the stuff we need now we can make a glider Wing but only only one glider Wing we kill spiders yeah I got to find a few stups Mount any entity okay so we’re going to add that now we can remove that remove that remove

That those can all go cuz we’ve done all of those but the world mender we still want to do the world Mender the dimensional shards prismarine shards not the worst thing in the world but we have to get two make another one okay so let’s start figuring out a couple of things

Here oh wow yeah now now it’s like all bird sounds crazy I I could barely hear the birds before now they they won’t shut up okay so then we’re going to turn trying to think of the the easiest most efficient way to do this but that doesn’t make us come up through the

Middle of the house there okay that’s crazy loud how have I not noticed that before even a warning on the FTB Quest page that says you need the compat mod okay hang on let’s just let’s save and quit hey emeron how you doing let’s quit quickly um we’ll go add more

Content and what’s it called it’s called the FTB X Mod xod compat FTB xod compat official multimod integration support for FTB mods that looks like the one yeah and we’ll fire that back up and we’ll see if that fixes the the issue that’s that’s not really that much of an

Issue uh but yeah we do need to set up a dark area there probably is an area down there that is dark enough it’s actually surprisingly difficult to to find the exact spot to to go through you know all right let’s load up trivia oh trivia while we wait tactical

Platypus Dilma rusf became president of which country in 2011 Dilma rusf became president of which country in 2011 please don’t crash and make me look bad see so far so good just loaded in Britney land okay so far New Zealand is not New Zealand okay so if we go to um let’s

Say there structure comp there you go that’s it thanks to guess that’s the one all right I’ll give you Clues since no one is guessing it is either Biz Guatemala Chile or Brazil or brazili Chile or brazile Chile is incorrect A Brazil Brazil is correct congratulations pugm getting that one

Correct I just going to drop um okay so I actually want to turn back a little bit earlier so if we turn here we change that to that and this comes down this way right we can remove these now okay here we go I guess from here we’re just going to go

H I didn’t think this through very well we’re forever going to be one block higher all the way up let’s let’s let’s do this again maybe instead of putting in the turn we just we just turn like there I think is fine you can spiders hey there’s our string hey we

Got two string too string okay I don’t know why there’s so much um a I tell you what why is there so much Cobble down here okay dark spaces let’s not light up too much of the dark spaces although this area would be very awkward for fighting mobs hello oh

Dude okay so this is like one of them spider things ow okay that’s that explains why that is so um uh full of cobblestone like when zombies get themselves in webs yeah wait jeez okay I got it hello that’s why so slow are you feeling the pressure Mr zombie are the walls closing

In um salmon poppy Bush Pebbles yeah Pebbles can go okay so we’re making a way back up oh there’s a dime in here um Arrow Cobble lapis I think we got enough lapis to last us for a bit oh you know what we haven’t done we uh we haven’t gone back

Down okay uh into the new chunk that we just made um and mined out the bottom of that anyway um let’s continue we’re going to we’re going to push now for uh this level Punk hey Wolfie emeron thank you for the uh daytime this song is very sleepy sleepy music I don’t even get to listen to the music anymore okay so that comes down to there and then turns in there Emon thank you for the daytime there as well thank

You we need a bit of light there okay that was a quest um what do we lose here uh how about that one single torch that isn’t stacked he boost thanks toally gas I may have made too many stairs all right we made it okay so which way this

Way I think if we dig this way we get the right tool out first and then make the right shape we can show people if you are new to the pack this is this is what you’re doing right so you get down to bedrock level which is at y –

60 and in the approximate middle of the chunk um there will be a chest in the ground it is quite possible that we are off by one so there was a chest here I think um there was definitely one here right there’s one hey candy oh right when I hit the torch down

All right so that pops out here and there’s the chest and if we open the chest it has a world core in it but we need to dump some stuff so I’m going to dump that single Cobble and that stack of Cobble doing all right candy how are

You dark stone can go we can always come back and get more so I’ll grab that um I might eat the apple so we get rid of that all right but yeah so that’s that’s what we’re looking for is the world core which is in a chest here so if we dig

Out like in a line This Way then in theory there would be another one somewhere along this line in the next chunk 10% chance to not lose durability when using items right then we’ll slash home that was daytime oh what do you know it worked um put that in there 20 of those

Mob stuffff give me these there’s a chest in here no that’s not the chest that is sophisticated backpack go done backpack W like the chest chicken pen yep it’s my eggs egg supply B it’s like can wear two backpacks but stick only one thing in my pocket okay so we’ll make another chunk

Chunk spawner excellent now rrap it in irons I can do that too yeah um where shall we make our next chunk here we go in the corner here yeah that a bear oh no there’s a thing down here oh please any loot oh some sticks thanks oh I haven’t got I haven’t got

Anything in my hand to mine with oh no uh here you’re out of here got five emeralds so we’ll make another Emerald pickaxe yeah you make it bigger as you go and there are ways to automatically make it bigger uh which we’re working towards but it’s a little bit beyond our

Scope at this stage just a little bit beyond um our abilities this weird Brown dirt’s been throwing me off a baby poop brown dirt ride the chunk the chunk wave so what we want to do right what we’re looking to do yeah silter dirt it looks weird um we have to

Make these I need four of these which means we need to make a bunch of these which means we need to get nether quartz now I don’t know if the nether is available in this pack it is okay so is there anything about how we get to the nether is it

Like a is there a trick to it I have a feeling there is not we also did a magic Quest there off forbidden an arus Quantum catcher yep uh okay now we need to upgrade the backpack Iron backpack gold backpack Diamond backpack okay there was a upgrade for the backpack there it is right now we have a crafting table in the backpack hey MC wolf cat how you doing oh jez oh I don’t have a bed oh I didn’t put my bed back down

Okay that’s not too bad that’s not too bad tactical thanks for the 500 bits my dude now that I know that that we do spawn in a not oh oh jeez you don’t want you don’t want to spawn and immediately see your own corpse staring back at you that’s not

Cool bra Forester thanks for the heal oh okay oh and a helper mob there where are we oh we’re around the other side of the building is that candy thanks for the help thanks for the assist did one of them jump down here how we doing we’re doing all right it’s

Empty that’s the important one all right nice hey what oh there was another one oh okay for name tag weed sales person right so we want to make a bed a place where we can sleep that’s far enough away way this still seems like the best floor

To me so I’m going to I’m going to use this floor as our as our house tactical dude thank you for the 500 bits super thankful super super than right we start start moving stuff downstairs so when we originally set up where we are we talked about where we

Going to live and the suggestion was to live on this floor cuz it’s sort of a little bit away From the mobs sort of has he been sitting there that whole time surely not right surely not all out of Channel points it’s all right they they grow back just watched him walk out of the wall in the corner right like he wasn’t there he just appeared there stick a light down

Okay starting to fill this out a little bit no I won’t put that there cuz what I’ll do I’ll set up a little automation thing for the um furnaces here or at least one furnace we got 20 23 item conjur so we may as well use them um all right so

Um I guess we’ll go over here a bit of Wheat and stuff down there oh whoops oops I thought I had more than that all right uh that’ll do so that gives us an idea for the shape of this um what upgrade should we put on our

Backpack as well anyway World scanner so if I plunk that there let’s go start bringing some stuff downstairs this can come first all right jeez hang tactical all right respawn point is set well I haven’t hit anything oh God I I barely laid a hand on any of these

Things tactical thanks for thank thank you for the two lots of 500 bits my dude thank you nothing wrong with my aim oh and a helper mob thank you to gas stay away from oh not me in the face that did they take themselves out did any run

Away up oh there’s still someone here get up or down there he is he just saw the arrows flying in every direction and went you know what I’m out of here I’ll just go and contemplate my life in the the corner okay right so we’re going to go Cobble

Gen um let’s put the Cobble genen here and attach that to the world Forge via an item conduit okay can’t right click that normally so we’re extracting always active no no this is insert this one is extract always active right so that should be filling up there it

Goes a few extra in there to get that sped along so that’s doing that right so now we will bring the furnaces down that’s me in the corner this is when I when I was younger I got a photo of me with that’s me in the corner

Okay so what do we know we need to do we need to insert fuel on this side this has to be insert as well and the bottom is extract so items will come out of the bottom um I should be able to color code these right so I can say this

Is um let’s go get some chests do I have any empty ones I think I do um okay hang on let’s use these okay so no oh dude okay so these are going to be insert not extract these are going to be nothing so that’s where my outputs are

Going to go so why am I going two different directions maybe I should put a double chest in front let’s do a double chest in front insert insert okay so that will come out that way and then what we could do remove those oh okay y we lost that

One if we go that way then these can be extract that’s extract downwards are these these still filters so can I go like that and say this this will extract that way always can’t even open it um right again okay see you’re insert not extract you’re only that you are extract not

Insert you are always active how did that end up over there sleep need to close the thing do another thing okay so if that was like that we put that there get in there that’s not insert or extract and this one here is the same they go flying off like like

Rockets like rockets that’s insert that’s extract that is always on okay so I’m going to say oh I H so why is it putting them in the Top think we need to make this Redstone alloy we need silicon for that sorry um so I guess if we just take these off that should be fueling up and then we’ll put two two other chests at the top there for um item extraction um but what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to set up some sophisticated barrels so we’ll grab the wood and a crafting no we don’t need a crafting station have crafting in our backpack in our big pick so we need to make a bunch of Oak slabs okay and then we’re going to go to Barrel

Land the 27 that might be too many they can be there only inserts on Blue um I think I have to also tell it to extract on Blue Cara ho jeez hey 10 Miner welcome in thank you for the raid welcome how was the stream it’s slay the princess

It was very good X ah I got one hit no oh three hits more than I expected best game ever press X to doubt um so Kara yeah I think if I say that I want this to be blue so insert is blue I also have to tell it that I want

This to be blue as well for extract so that would mean that I wouldn’t be able to also just throw items in here and then have them flick over the top which is what I was kind of hoping to and now we just do a second thingy these are extract always active always

Active they’ll go in there now I have to set the extract channel to Blue St by to say hi got a crash because it’s past midnight here no problem enjoy your sleep thank you for poking in right so those are on Blue anyway those are on Green so that should mean

Anything that I want I just flick it in the top here like that it should pull out automatically and just put it wherever and then once that’s done it’ll take it out and pop it into here um of course if we set the extract channels to

Always active there you go so it it does pull out right okay um so we need to upgrade these these 25 barrels that we have here to um red stone so give me 25 red stones 25 sticks do that and that our Spruce barrels ready to go more than just a

Chest you chose an architect anyone want to go for work me no take is done you didn’t even get anyone a chance to answer you think it still probably would have been a no orange but didn’t didn’t even give him a chance started to saving a pack in 5

Minutes of Trader spawns just barely got the chest made all right sort of coming together sort of lvo new people would refuse before they even thought about it okay so we’re not getting anything out that way that’s fine um I’m going to take this table down here

Up we’re going to give someone else a job I would go can’t promise results so that I could get to the office but I volunteer as tribute they go orange someone would have done it someone would have done it you just didn’t give anybody the time bit of bookkeeping what they say

What they all say okay so some Village People should be around here somewhere I haven’t seen any like evil mobs or anything that would have taken anyone out numbers and accounting and spreadsheets go look at the YMCA want to stay at the YMCA you can get yourself cleaned you can have good

Meal do whatever you feel oh my lucky Rock okay this is going to be wood going to be soft materials uh world cause are jugging away so we might pop that there so that won’t connect to anything at the moment that’s fine oh still got a coal in it that’s

Handy orange bear is are responsible peoples anytime anything goes wrong orange bear is responsible for it I’ll fly right over the ocean so soon we’re going to be letting those chickens out oh jeez tactical platypus with another 500 bits oh thanks tactical does that get us any closer to

Level five yeah it does a bit what no stop it here someone wants you dead yeah I think I think 12 of the 13 of these 14 deaths so far have been because of tactical platus thank you tactical what oh jeez that little spider Punk thanks t thanks T just just aggressive

Things oh I picked up a sword T oh talona with 100 bits as well thanks talona but still tactical plat has got the kill there oh MC with 100 bits as well thanks MC oh skill ow oh help her mob thanks arus arus for the helper mob oh yeah oh he’s not my pet oh and there yep there we are okay so your are seeds and Etc so you can have these thanks guys thank you very much for the almost hype

Train thank you oh did might I lost my pants right you’re going to be mob drops and you can be things oh right sleep and then I want to he that thing all right okay eat a food that’s empty right no okay um let’s throw that off the

World oh there’s a a bat flying around out there like a crazy thing so this is Mob stuff this is this okay now in sophisticated there’s a way to add a label selecting a slot that would be used to yeah that one okay so I want to I do that aha uh

No there you go so now now we know what’s in there um this one is that this one is lilac on display that’s empty that’s empty this is soft items this is wooden items this one will be there we go isn’t that handy so what we’re going to do is we’re

Going to use these in lines at the moment so for different typees of stuff we tactical with 100 bits fancy did you know Cara also that you can um you can skin them like you can skin framed um drawers MC with 100 bits thanks oh oh thanks

MC oh T 100it ow talo 100 bits next tono oh yeah oh I I did did something epic I don’t know what it was but it was epic ow all right we got this no more death oh okay one more death Jeff hello epic Mo it worked

Oh I just sold up the thing ow yeah no No oh yeah oh help a up from swag thanks swag oh yeah oh that was a sword again all right so what was the epic thing that we picked up in there I thought it once never again oh mc mc with another ow another 100 bits thanks MC oh

Yeah a Luna gem wa je oh I knew who that would be Deadshot Deadshot gifting a sub to Kareem Abdul Jabar jings die one of my favorite usernames on all of twitch K Abdul jab BS and kicking off hype Train 100 bits or more gets you into the

Hype train you can spawn some mobs on me and give me a real bad time just like everybody else has been doing the more you contribute the more mobs you spawn in and the worse they are oh jeez t with 100 bits thank you oh Mr Wiggly at the bottom of the

Screen is our hyp train program by tactical platter plus 500 bits and another 500 every time we level up he slides back to the left the music speeds up and he changes color if we make it all the way through to level five then we also get some confetti and he changes

To Rainbow Wiggly and I will probably die an amazing amount of times that solid gas thank you for that help him up in there too I see Him ow all right somebody wanded off over here I see you gotcha yes transfer all right that wooden sword has to go chip brawler gym that probably technically that should go Too all right while we wait Then let us continue bringing things down from Upstairs this is our shiny stuff oh I almost got all of that in there Jeff with an apple thanks Jeff so long mini me sometimes you know the mini me’s one minute feels like it takes ages and then other times it feels like it’s it’s been and gone super

Quickly oh unequal before and after item counts that’s Interesting interesting monkey um I would say Enjoy your time at the chem but that’s not something that people do but uh try enjoy your time at the dentist eh Shiny stuff so this one here is going to be like create Stuff I pop that in there and then we say you are going to be that oh well okay that was immediate and thorough tactical platypus with a th000 bits 1,000 bits 40% of the way now into level Two it’s it’s all axes and foes oh Ow no fellas please for m q thanks Tactical for the 1 1,000 Bits and all the bits leading up to that so Far 33 deaths 1 minute 46 left in the Train ow ow oh I got stuck on Something ow 1 minute 13 remaining remember any sub 100 bit bit 100 bits or more you too can kill me to death What Oh stop shooting me all right where is he oh there he is oh God he’s still got 23 all right juggling oh no that’s not juggling that’s not juggling oh tactical with another 500 bits 60% think the train’s going to run out though we’re going to finish level one here it comes any

Second ow ow there it goes hpe train complete level one partway through level two thank you guys I will say thank you again after the train as is tradition we got a couple more mobs to clear out come on the oh my God I can’t hit them oh okay I got

One somehow oh I got the other one hey we did it chat still dying though what a zombie where where did you guys Spawn from nice dungar pal so they just they spawn down here right there’s there’s no reason for them to spawn here this area is all lit they just appeared here

Like that other one and just wanded in like they own the police they don’t own the police neat all right so in here we had the one barrel I’m going to show this to Cara if car is still watching if I put that Barrel there and then we do that see now

I I have I have the sophisticated barrel with the Cobblestone brick thing on it or this way or this way you can change the appearance and you can add in other things for Trims and stuff it’s pretty sweet not sure if the plague dock didn’t

Spawn them in oh the plue do is he still there is that plue do still there he doesn’t look like it you got the hiccups he’s gone he’s gone from where he was my dad okay here’s another story about my dad when were you kids my dad

Used to tell us to get rid of the hiccups what you have to do right is um you drink from the wrong side of the glass right so from the opposite side to what you normally would so you got to you got to push your whole body forwards

And drink from the wrong side of the glass right which is fine but he also told us that what you need to do is while you’re drinking from the wrong side of the glass you have to also push your ears forward at the same time

So so um so we as kids when we had the hiccups we’re trying desperately using one arm to push both of your ears forward at the same time and then drink from the wrong side of the glass with the other hand right so you’re leaning forwards and you’re pushing your ears

Forward and stuff like that and one day I asked him about I said look the the um the the pushing your ears forward thing oh hang on they’re drinking from the wrong side of the glass thing right that that shouldn’t work but it genuinely feels like it does

Right like that that genuinely feels like every time I’ve done it when I was a kid it it actually worked right but but the pushing your ears forward thing that’s got nothing to do with anything and he said oh no no that one was just for

Me that that was just for for for my laughter yeah my son is holding a butter knife to his nose and drinking a whole glass of water but now that’s kind of weird your gravel Granite I’m going to count these as like soft stuff to get rid of hiccups

Does it work for him cuz the drinking out of the wrong side of the glass thing worked for me that definitely worked or at least it felt like it worked sech trap doors are wooden stuff they can go in there glass glass technically that’s a soft thing Quantum catcher is a random

Thing thought you were going to say you use both hands to push your ears and the water spilled no it’s a very it’s hard to explain but it is possible to to like to as a kid think that you’re pushing both your ears forwards but the drinking from the

Wrong side of the glass thing that that actually worked right I don’t know how genuine it is and if it works for everyone but for me as a kid that definitely worked but the pushing the ears forward he said oh yeah that was just so I could have a laugh at your

Expense oh oh well thanks for That leave those as they are and I’m going to take the Quantum catcher out we’ll pop that in there hey generic b how’s the chunking so far we expanded out a little bit um we need a lot of copper um and I’m just trying to get a

Bit of a base established um but we’re doing okay slow going how was um how was your I guess that was packed de yeah how was your pack D stream coer hardly know oh Jee where did you lots of well-dressed zombies in this you want to cause them just eat fresh baked

Bread what’s the mechanic for creating chunk makers okay um so normally what you do is you go right down to the bottom of the chunk and in the bottom of the chunk there is uh at level y – 60 there is a chest um and inside that

Chest there is a chunk Builder and then you surround that with four copper blocks um uh hang on so you get these things World cores and you surround the world core with normally just four blocks of copper and that makes a chunk spawner but you can change the biome by changing the

Blocks around it so like PLS and forests and um Jungle excuse me I don’t know where these guys are spawning from there’s there’s there’s no unlit spots here right okay so uh this guy so the world core yeah so you can make different biomes spawn in around you by using these different

Items um so there’s a desert chunk spawner with sand which I actually probably need um but you can also make um a thing called the world mender right that needs infused diamonds but the world mender if you feed it world cause it will automatically expand the world’s

Out so um so we’re looking at at the moment we’re trying to figure out a way to make infused diamonds because we’ve got these automated World cores are automated this is um we got a cobble gen with the enderio pipe going into a world Forge that feeds that with Cobble and

That over time turns the Cobble into World cores but this is automated no problem fortunately Wiggly Thanksgiving dinner hold dressed up for Thanksgiving dinner a Wiggly’s Thanksgiving I’m Thanksgiving dinner I understand what you’re saying yeah so so that’s making that and then we have to get copper so you need 36

Copper for the blocks uh and at the moment I’ve got 23 so we’d have to go copper hunting again trivia oh trivia oh please so I have a chunk spawner ready to go so I can I can show you how it works so we want to build a

Chunk in here anyway right so we hang on brain stuffing so we just place this anywhere inside the chunk and then right click it and then the chunk just pops in which is a neat a neat mechanic and and there is this chunk was not here a minute

Ago so that’s that’s where we were coming down and turning around and now this chunk is here which wasn’t here place it on the edge of the current chunk oh you can I didn’t know that okay well that makes that easier um but yeah so now that we have that chunk now we

Can go down into the bottom any chest yeah there was there’s been a couple of loot chests but they’ve been um not not full way customized nice oh a trivia there was a trivia in there too all right which band wrote the theme song boss of me for the sitcom Malcolm in the

Middle houses made of quartz blocks I don’t think they were they might be hi rainbow te Kitty how you doing okay so this this is this is level 40 roughly um or 45 this is where we’ve been digging out the Copper from link 42 incorrect voice to men can tell you it was

Not Boys to Men what of those types of bands uh the musical band all right hang on we got it oh god um di I don’t think I have much I should have emptied this out oh hang on I got a backpack what am I talking

About I always forget that I have a backpack more are those nasal voice bands oh then yeah then then you are 100% correct I can’t deny that one yeah right I’ll give Clues oh really all right here are your Clues it’s either Bare Naked Ladies Weezer They Might Be Giants or

Cake weer also incorrect cake is also incorrect the first one Bare Naked Ladies that is also incorrect that means that everybody’s wrong and it was They Might Be Giants MC got it right at the last second okay so uh the chunk that we just dug out is over this way oh

Jeez thanks code metal oh yeah yeah yeah yeah what Toler guas said we there was a a a missing a missing pack a missing mod that which we added in okay so we’re doing large tunnel 3×3 and there’s a chest there and in that that chest there’s a

World core and then you use the world World core to make the next thing yeah yeah so so the way that it was set up is if I clicked on anything here it didn’t take me to ji it just took me to the thing with the submit or back button on

It like it took you to this screen but you add in the FTB xod compatibility thing and then you um then you can click on the on the quest and it takes you to ji there you go another one had a similar problem yeah I’ve had

That in a couple of packs and I never knew why yeah FTV made it so it is an FTB mod um but yeah so there you go that’s how you um that’s the mechanic of getting chunks in this one is you go into the into the chunk and you pick up

The World CES from a chest that’s just sitting down at the bottom way stones in the FTB map and then I can slash home back up to here good morning rainbow T Kitty FB chunks got to install the X Mod to add that functionality back in ah FTB have many core mods it

Seems all right um let’s put some stuff away only got two copper on that trip that’s handy right now this is for shiny stuff go there emeralds so we got a decent amount of emeralds Pebbles I don’t know what we’re doing with pebbles uh Mob drops were in here uh you can go

There okay so this is random stuff uh they can come out for now spiderhead is random I’m a lucky Rock I have to keep night vision quests ran it diorite wool wood silt random stuff and those are mob drops right have to wear the lucky Rock oh we have one one% efficiency Point

Delete uh and I guess then we’ll say this one is oh uh that oh cool oh and the crafting grid yes thank you I did remember seeing things go flinging into that uh oh and now we got to take them out oh what that was weird close grab got it okay uh you

You you you you okay okay organized now we’ll get the last couple of bits from upstairs rough and greaten things got backpack right just this I worry about the the sound of the weather in the background here and how it will affect copyright on my channel hopefully it won’t

Shameless mining mode set the chickens free be free chicken hang on huh Here song what are you talking about where are you spawning oh I got a potato though a potato uh you go in there so there is in the background right quietly the sound of the

Rain so you can hear the music but when when this goes onto YouTube the music gets taken out um and uh in the past I have had um someone claim copyright on my stream because of the sound of the weather in the background I swear they they’re just spawning out of

Nowhere like there’s nothing in here why why are they spawning I don’t get it I don’t get it I don’t get it all right sleep okay so storage we made sophisticated doohickeys um let’s basic to Diamond tier upgrade that one so that we can take the majority of this out and move it

Up someone turn the copyright off thank you Wolfie for turning off the rain okay so that’s empty that’s empty but that one there is full of stuff that’ll do maybe there’s a mod to make them spawn no matter what cuz they’re just like there was one

The first one that we saw was in this corner here and he just appeared oh I didn’t mean to put a crafting upgrade on a random chest yeah F7 does work oh see is are they coming up the stairs maybe maybe they’re spawning in that corner there or this corner

All right let’s make some torches we need to put an end to this nonsense once and for all and of course the Torches don’t stack so that there that there this one there and one there and one there and one even over there and hopefully that stops them from just randomly spawning

In all right so um we need to make dimensional shards right that’s that’s the next most important thing is dimensional shards but it’s probably in our interest to make a desert chunk at some point look at all this is all blue the blue Eckles be

Bad end of the nonsense oh no oh no oh no so the blues are worse than the yellows right yellows are bad but the blues are worse um yeah Jeff you can sort of um I can show you um we do need to get a little bit more copper first so we

Need to go down a bit deeper don’t remember if you’re in the MC version that they need zero light level to spawn or we’re in 120 so 120 should mean that they they only spawn at zero should deud oh this is this is a bad place to be digging through

Oh oh my sword just broke too why did I persist with this I died flashback Jeff with the heal thanks Jeff just prolonging the inevitable I feel but thank you right eat food it still worked um let’s um oh hello hello let’s go this way alono thank you for the heal too and

JJ I need um I need copper no copper I may have used up all my all my copper luck am I still wearing the lucky Rock oh I’m not not cuz I died okay so there’s red oh and we got our copper as well um an 11% or 177%

Efficiency bonus nothing SL home I heard something go I went all right down we go you have that oh you have that you have that we got 25 so we’ll take three of those uh stick wise so we need some torches there’s a stack of torches there was another one

He came from up there oh are they in here the error message it’s something to do with when you’re trying to sort the inventory just in time for end of stream is it 10:00 oh it is 10:00 six of my meds had to order three more

So it says unequal before and after item counts when you’re trying to sort stuff in that double chest arite Granite what and flesh roads a chucker block du to Road works I’m glad I wored rock a block that’s not an expression you hear a whole lot outside of certain parts of the

World right Emerald pickaxe now I’m going to make if I can an emerald sword yeah I don’t know I don’t know why like it doesn’t sort and then I click again and it does sort so so something goofy happening there anyway um we needed uh copper

Right Emerald all the tools uh I think I will eventually where on Earth did he Spawn from Lyra get out of the way no get out out the wait okay so that one came from in here but where sense oh it’s a dude hey dude they he’ll

Double my raw coppers okay so let’s see if we can find some coppers Now find the gravel in the corner yeah maybe Papa all right that little dude better still be here oh hang on eat some bread hey dude oh too late what was what was too late oh he’s gone no no

No oh he’s gone oh and another tab when you said there was a dude yeah there was a dude could have gone downstairs it was um one of the little Goblin Traders he could he could well have gone downstairs that is true um but he will um he’ll double my copper

Ores if he’s down here he ran like a rabbit he may have gone up ah oh we got a stack anyway H slome SL hop me slome send the wiggly to find him if only it were that easy I would totally do that um right okay so you have half of

That and half of that you have the other half of that how did that happen oh wait where is he here somewhere oh is he on the map this that’s a good question no can’t see because of the death Mark is wait that’s Lyra so he does not appear to be on the

Map there he is yes please okay so we gave me 60 that’s better than nothing um I’ll take that too and and those anything else five dragon heads that’s not worth it you’re crazy pal you’re crazy all right anyway so now we can use these to make

These I swear there isn’t anywhere that they should be coming from this this would be the only spot right so now there should be nowhere there was a creeper standing in this corner here uh but there should be nowhere where mobs come can enter from and yet

There was just a a mob anyway right oh hang it yep well done Lyra cre lost more than its religion in the corner we’re all redstone block so what do we do with that we can cook it and get one Redstone okay so we we’ll pop that into an oven as well zombie

Heart ha balls and sleep we may from the looks of things have to just handle um um Hostile Mobs just all the time they’re just going to be there constantly okay anyway right so we we’ve made a chunk right uh we got a chunk a chunk doohickey I’ll just I’ll just take some

Of these out right so we got our one chunk thingy and now we can uh go to uses for that and we can say if we want to spawn a pl’s chunk we surround the thing with dirt and blocks of copper if we want Forest Chunk we use

Sticks in dirt just whatever the default chunk would be we just surround with copper blocks saplings give us a jungle chunk lapis and water buckets give us a snow chunk sand gives us desert now sand would be good but we don’t have sand Redstone gives us an unstable chunk Savannah

Chunk we don’t want Savannah do we want Savannah would that be of any use to us Diamond Chunk we have have enough diamonds mushroom chunks a rocky chunk swamp chunk World Forge Mountain chunk bad Lance oh a bad Lance chunk might help uh I’m not sure what an unstable chunk is

But I don’t want to build one right next to my living space cuz it doesn’t sound promising oh we still need sand to make a bad lands chunk so what we’ll do what’s the hey Dee what’s the one that’s most likely to give us some sand not a jungle PLS

Maybe or a forest we’re in a forest let’s go with planes so we’ll make that with dirt a new pack yes is there someone that yells Adria Adria right so we’ll do that we’ll surround that and we’ll surround that that gives us our PLS chunk we’ll pop this over the end here

But the premise is that you start off in a single chunk single chunk then you make chunk Builders chunk spawners place them uh appropriately either on the edge of the chunk or I’m too nervous to do that and then right click that and then we jeez and now I have a completely new

Chunk here uh of the correct biome to which I chose for the chunk to be made in hello right in my face with the partial house and more Villages oh and here’s a loot chest and hey it does have loot in it oh and this one does too oh I I’m so sorry

Whoops I only meant to grab the stuff I’m I’m sorry um can we re rebuild that maybe oops whoops is right just staring at me he’s going seriously seriously dude I think that sort of answers one of the other questions that we had earlier about whether or not the um the walls

Are made of quartz they are made of bone uh there you go I’m sorry I think that’s pretty close to how it was hey just Sophie um yeah so it’s it’s like a teaching pack DD sort of giving you early access to early early mods or um early

Um not Early Access but like a like a playthrough and on some some mod types and stuff and introduce them to you but at the same time you’re opening up the world one chunk at a time and we just need to make dimensional shards uh yep Quest book it’s not it’s

Not the most full Quest book so you got this start here stuff which is gives you an idea of what the story is or not it’s not really a story but what what the goal is how to enable or disable shaders some tips some FTP team stuff then you got quality of life

Items which is some fairly typical stuff like backpacks and building gadgets and Etc so uh the dimensional shards I’ll show you in a sec oh we’ve done we’ve done that place on the edge or in the chunk you want to generate can’t get blocked back if placed in the wrong place

Um so we need to make a world mender this one here so to make a world mender you can automatically spawn chunks outward from its location utilizing caus by themsel by themsel or chunk spawners provided to it so we can throw uh when we get that item we can

Throw I think we can throw these World cores into it right we’ve been saving up World calls we got like a stack of them now fact we have exactly a stack of them and then we throw those in there and that should expand the world out automatically so we don’t have to be

Downstairs mining copper up all the time thanks for stream sleep well yeah so so Dei um we discovered that there is a an issue in the quest book where if you want to like if you want to look at a recipe this doesn’t happen right what happens

Is is this every Quest that you click on you you get this screen so you can’t then um you can’t from this screen click on something and see what the recipe is so you add in that mod it’s called FTB xod compat and then if you’re looking up

An item in the quest book you can click on it and it takes you straight to the recipe oh I got some sparkly bread completely restores hunger H same on the normal version too so um so that’s the that’s the way to fix it arus is off to sleep it’s all

Good we’re about to wrap up anyway we’ve got 20 minutes over again so we’ll just clean up these last few things that’s not for there pulsating alloy that’s one that we will come back to I’ll do that and we’ll pop them in there vibrant bomal gear what do these do

Again and speed it up the world spawn was cool it smashed me in the face I don’t remember what the biometal gears do it’s been such a long time I’ve forgotten did did gifting a tier two sub to arus thank you so much de ow for those going off to sleep give the

Sheet some tail and the pillows to the Head okay thank you de thank you for the tier 2 Sub to arus oh blood moon has appeared and then F turned the rain on which cancels the blood moon nice thank you so much all right working from work that’s

Inception all right let’s find somebody who’s doing subfest a and z sub best oh I hear a yeah I heard a mob behind me hang on right who’s doing subfest let’s see oh there’s a couple of people doing subfest and Minecraft today is Elaine doing it oh Elaine’s not doing

It ah all right boxes of foxes then she’s approaching level four level four all right so we’ll send a raid over to boxes uncore ofor foxes festivities thanks for the random potion of mining fatigue thanks for hanging out everybody so boxes of foxes did I type that correctly I did not

Cancel raid boxes of uncore foxes boxes of uncore foxes right that should be correct that’s the one there we go all right so thank you for hanging out today I appreciate all of you we’re getting close to level five in subfest so thank you very much for that um I will not be

Streaming tomorrow that will be my day off I will be back the day after tomorrow though at approximately 4 and 1/2 hours earlier than whatever the current time is for you now hopefully I will see you guys then until then thank you so much for hanging out with us

Today thank you for the bits and the tips and the subs thank you for um sticking around if all you did was lurking I appreciate you too have an excellent time zone if you’re looking for somebody to watch tomorrow check out sublimit who just typed in chat um

People love killing that guy and he’s also doing subfest so hang out with him and I’ll see you guys on Thursday is off hi

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Chosen’s Chunk by Chunk | Day 2’, was uploaded by MisterWiggly on 2023-11-27 11:00:20. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:32:11 or 16331 seconds.

Archive of Twitch Stream that took place on November 21st, 2023 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/misterwiggly

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    Can you befriend Nekomata Okayu before finding 100 diamonds?Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】今夜は祭りだ!!ダイヤ100個掘り終えるまでに仲良くなれるカナ⁉【 猫又おかゆ × 夏色まつり 】’, was uploaded by Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ on 2024-01-18 14:09:06. It has garnered 161526 views and 9610 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:41 or 3881 seconds. – Diamond debt life day 6💎669/2545~ Matsuri-chan! @NatsuiroMatsuri Illustration: Lily is Asleep-san( https://twitter.com/Kukie_nyan ) This game has been approved by Mojang and is subject to the Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) Based on this, we distribute and monetize the game. Mods used: OptiFine Creator: sp614x Distribution URL:https://optifine.net/downloads 【Use MOD】 Use MOD: Sildur’s Vibrant shaders Producer: SildurFX Distribution URL:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/sildurs-vibrant-shaders/files 【Use MOD】 Use MOD: Complementary Shaders… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret to Ominous Teleport in SKIBIVERSE! 🧐🔮 – Roblox Quest

    Uncover the Secret to Ominous Teleport in SKIBIVERSE! 🧐🔮 - Roblox QuestVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to get Ominous Teleport in SKIBIVERSE – Roblox (Something Mysterious Quest)’, was uploaded by CyAlsoPlays on 2024-01-15 05:03:04. It has garnered 154 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Hey Everyone,Welcome to my gaming channel! we’re diving into two popular games: Minecraft and Roblox.Minecraft is a sandbox game centered around exploration, creativity, and survival. Players can explore vast procedurally generated worlds, mine resources, and craft tools to build structures and create items. The game features a day-night cycle, with hostile mobs appearing at night, adding an element… Read More

  • EPIC Pro House Build Tutorial | MUST SEE!! #minecraft

    EPIC Pro House Build Tutorial | MUST SEE!! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pro Starter House Build Tutorial Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #anime’, was uploaded by FULLTO SHORTS on 2024-01-27 07:21:30. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Fantasy Roleplay

    Fantasy RoleplayWelcome to Enarion – a rich continent filled with intrigue, compelling stories, and sprawling Kingdoms. Seek your trade as a wandering merchant, ancient wizard, or a skilled swordsman. Forge your own destiny in a dense continent built in an immersive setting and influence the path of Kingdoms… or the continent as a whole. FEATURES • A comprehensive character-management plugin that seamlessly integrates multiple roleplay characters onto one account. • A richly detailed professions system packed with level progression, custom crafting, and unique items. • An innovative nation management and land-claiming plugin incorporated with Discord & Website integration as well as… Read More

  • BlockHeart SMP, whitelist, 18+

    Welcome to BlockHeart Server! The BlockHeart server is back for its newest season with a tight-knit community ready to build amazing bases, a capital city, a lively shopping district, and more. Inspired by popular servers like Zack Scott, Coffinland, and HermitCraft, we welcome content creators to join us in covering our server. Community Rules: No verbal abuse, griefing, or stealing. No unlawful killing, lag machines, or harassment. Have fun and communicate with leaders for any issues. To Apply, Please Provide: Age Discord ID IGN Gender identification Nationality Favourite movie and video game Minecraft build style and project idea A joke… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you find diamonds on day one…

    Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More

  • Mine Rhyme Time: Stalks in My World Cube Xuan

    Mine Rhyme Time: Stalks in My World Cube Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, with humor that entertains. Animations that are funny, with a touch of glee, Bringing happiness to all, for everyone to see. No need for worry, this channel is safe, Child-friendly content, with no harmful trace. Each video a gem, each day a delight, Join the fun, subscribe, and let your spirits take flight. So come on over, to Fangkuaixuan’s domain, Where Minecraft adventures, never go in vain. Laugh, learn, and play, in this world so grand, With rhymes and humor, at your command. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: O FOGO ESTÁ PEGANDO! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: O FOGO ESTÁ PEGANDO! 🔥 “Quando você finalmente encontra diamantes no Minecraft e sua reação é tipo: ‘Eu sou rico, vou construir uma casa de diamante agora!’” 😂 #minecraftrichkid #diamondsareforever #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Lag-Free Minecraft Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Lag-Free Minecraft Fun! Are you tired of dealing with lag while playing Minecraft 1.20 PE? Look no further! Unlock the secrets to a lag-free Minecraft experience with expert tips and tricks that will optimize your settings and keep your gameplay buttery smooth. Whether you’re battling mobs, building epic structures, or exploring vast landscapes, these techniques will take your Minecraft adventures to the next level. Say goodbye to frustrating lag and hello to uninterrupted gameplay! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server for an even more immersive and seamless gaming experience. Connect with players from around the world, embark on epic quests, and build… Read More

  • Spider Man Statue House Build Challenge

    Spider Man Statue House Build Challenge The Ultimate Spider-Man Statue House Build Challenge in Minecraft 🕷 Embark on an epic journey in the world of Minecraft with the thrilling Spider-Man Statue House Build Challenge! 🏠🕷 Unleash Your Creativity Whether you’re a noob, a pro, or a hacker, this challenge is perfect for showcasing your building skills in Minecraft. Construct a magnificent Spider-Man statue that doubles as a cozy house for your character. 🕸️ Choose Your Style From the sleek and modern design of a pro to the innovative and resourceful approach of a hacker, each player can bring their unique style to the challenge. Let… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft World – Part 31-40 Audiobook

    Insane Modded Minecraft World - Part 31-40 AudiobookVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft in another world | Part 31-40 | Light novel Audiobook’, was uploaded by Watch while you work / play on 2024-05-19 16:00:04. It has garnered 132 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 08:25:04 or 30304 seconds. Chapters 151-200 Full playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX7yTj-AyN9Spsnxil4x9b0Xn1gOzJkTa This is a story about a main character who loves survival type PC games and suddenly wanders into another world and fights to survive with his ferocious but beautiful and cute master #manhwa #manhua #manga #lightnovel Ask for the name in the comments #manhwa #recap #anime #manga… Read More

  • Dalek’s Intoxicated Quest in Minecraft

    Dalek's Intoxicated Quest in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SISYPHUS IN MINECRAFT + ALCOHOLISM’, was uploaded by Dalek on 2024-04-13 16:52:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THE MAP: https://www.crowdford.com/maps/tyrants_lament/ TAKING SIDEQUEST SUGGESTIONS. Read More

  • Perfect Life Hack: Instantly create modern fences in Minecraft!

    Perfect Life Hack: Instantly create modern fences in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make realistic modern fence in minecraft || #shorts #minecraft #realistic #modern’, was uploaded by A1 deepak gaming 2.o on 2024-04-30 13:00:13. It has garnered 466 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I CHEATED in Minecraft Build Battle

    UNBELIEVABLE: I CHEATED in Minecraft Build BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with DRAWING MOD in Minecraft Build Battle’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-02-21 13:00:25. It has garnered 21836 views and 329 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:21 or 2601 seconds. I Cheated with DRAWING MOD in Minecraft Build Battle Today in Minecraft, we’re doing a Build Battle! But thanks to this magic paintbrush, anything I draw becomes reality! Oh, the possibilities! Will I win by cheating in this build challenge? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! Mikey vs JJ Family -… Read More

  • “PrestonCG’s SHOCKING return home! | Ep. 5 Hunters Horizon” #minecraft ⁣smp

    "PrestonCG's SHOCKING return home! | Ep. 5 Hunters Horizon" #minecraft ⁣smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Time to go Home! (Hunters Horizon Ep. 5 Modded Multiplayer Minecraft) #minecraftsmp #minecraft’, was uploaded by PrestonCG on 2024-01-17 01:30:18. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. It’s time to go home! Wanna see more content, then consider Subscribing! Link to my Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrestonCG120765 Link to my Public Discord: https://discord.gg/TDqTpQvnay Link to my Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/prestoncg_minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraft #moddedminecraft #gaming #vaulthunters Read More


    Clickbait title: "SECRET REVEALED: K_D BROTHERS PLAY WITH SUB"Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAY WHIT SUB’, was uploaded by K_D _BROTHERS on 2024-03-24 06:05:55. It has garnered 28 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:26 or 3146 seconds. minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider, lapata smp, senpai spider pvp, lapata smp new video, lapata smp war,… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Meet the Poorest Player on my Minecraft Server, Zedar!

    SHOCKING! Meet the Poorest Player on my Minecraft Server, Zedar!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Found the POOREST player on my Minecraft Server…’, was uploaded by Zedar on 2024-02-27 15:00:34. It has garnered 172372 views and 13439 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. tiktok – zedarmc twitter- https://twitter.com/itsZedar Business email: [email protected] Minecraft, But this challenge is the funniest Minecraft Lifesteal SMP Letsplays I’ve ever seen in my life! I don’t really use Minecraft Mods. But I do like minecraft challenges on Minecraft 1.19 and Minecraft 1.18.2. This is a Super Funny Minecraft Short / TikTok / Video I’ve ever seen. hermitcraft and empires smp… Read More

  • DuceZuce’s EPIC Minecraft Kitchen Showdown + Playerhead Trick!

    DuceZuce's EPIC Minecraft Kitchen Showdown + Playerhead Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Kitchen Showdown and invisible maps + playerhead tutorial!’, was uploaded by DuceZuce on 2024-05-03 17:00:19. It has garnered 421 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:10 or 1210 seconds. This video also includes a small tutorial on how you use invisible maps and player heads in your interior! Tired of bland, boxy kitchens cramping your Minecraft meals? This video ignites your culinary creativity with 4 incredible kitchen styles, guaranteed to transform your builds from ordinary to extraordinary! Minimalistic design: Tons of white with some black accents to give that smooth… Read More