EPIC Modded Minecraft Building Stream!

Video Information

Okay I think I have it set up properly though there’s a chance it isn’t let me let me put on some music real quick hopefully you’ve ever tried to play piano I bet one of these four problems happened to you okay should hopefully be relatively

Quiet but if it gets too loud I I can turn it down if I need um just close these so I don’t see anything chill that back up just in case um I think I’m just going to play some Minecraft today uh do some building

On a a mod pack I made a roleplay mod pack so I’m creating a bit of a an adventure map I guess I don’t really have a basis for the adventure map I just built something and decided I want to keep keep going I have a lot of mod packs I don’t

Play many of them but hopefully this loads also you guys like this this um animated background I can change it if I open this up I believe I don’t know if they’ll open though so oh there it is I can change it to this see I I like this app honestly I’m

Glad I downloaded this from the Epic gam store featured my papers I can do this one these are all since it’s epic games these are all like based on um what is it called hanai what were the other ones Hoover verse I guess that’s what it is is hoyse

Is that like the uh people that make in Impact I think but I personally like this one so I’ll keep this one I like it because it’s the uh the heaven versus hell which I really like that theme God damn why is my game not opening that’s supposed to take this

Long let me open something else while I’m at it I Guess system Booster Open close that out did I closed the wrong thing I might have it’s actually quite quite cing music I got to Admit Okay yeah okay I didn’t accident close Minecraft I thought I did I had to check the um task manager real quick to make sure I didn’t do That So my grandparents are going to um Texas for Christmas so they decided to give us our presents early I got to say I quite like my presents got a new pair of headphones they’re Bluetooth and cancelling which is great I got um this little soundboard thing which

Isn’t really hooked up right now it’s just kind of there for show to be honest so you think seem like a dick you really like an ad blocker on or something does Opera have a built-in odd blocker OD ad blocker that works for for YouTube does have a built-in ad blocker

But I don’t think YouTube likes when I do that let’s see I don’t care I don’t know if you guys want me to play in a full screen or not I usually play like this because it’s just very it’s not very straining my eyes to have to look at everything at once

Let me see what this looks like camer I think I can do this that way you guys can see everything yeah just do this I guess this doesn’t really change anything but let’s go to this I named it create City because I kind of planned on making like my own little town

But I can show you what I have so far it’s it’s nothing literally I I built one thing that is not even related but I just wanted to make some stuff I made it for my brother to look at he looked at it it took him like

Three seconds not really took him like maybe three minutes but I quite liked it make sure my settings are correct turn this down just one more just in case I think that’s kind of breaking my fast I’m just keep it as it is I guess music off weather turn this to

Like 15% I guess in case it starts raining be able to hear something I saw creatures it’s down to players this down to 80 80 I’ll keep everything else as it is okay I’m not getting a lot of FPS but I guess that makes sense okay so the sign did say something but

My brother broke it and just put the sign bag pretty much you start with the backpack has a bit of food a bit of torches or something it’s got this which I can read to you but pretty much just tells you to turn on all the lights and

Stuff wa know what was it time set so it looked really nice and everything especially cuz the moon was like up here when I first showed him this is how it was supposed supposed to be is at night you can see it on my screen I didn’t even

Realize let me read you the book real quick hello and welcome to your first day as a firew Watchman today you’ll be getting comfortable around your new home a firew watch tower first things first I need you to turn the tower lights on to do this you’ll need to turn the

Generator beneath the tower after that you should go up to the top and turn the secondary light on for this you need to go all the way around the top until you find the switch you go inside and find the next switch turn that on and explore

New home much luck I feel like it’s more fun to say much luck than good luck so that’s why I put that there I could take that but I don’t really need to so pretty much it’s it’s dark right it’s night there a little a little a little

Pool down here a little Pond you know turn the lights on these are just like the stair lights pretty much you go up the stairs I like this texture pack by the way it looks pretty nice as you can see there’s lights up here too

Turn them on as you can see it looks quite nice in the dark I just decided it’d be fun to think of that down there as a generator I didn’t build it very well but go inside you’re welcomed by welcoming welcome mat right lights on it’s kind of kind of

Broken some of the shadows and stuff I don’t know how to fix any of this but could probably put something up there I don’t know anyway you have your bed for sleeping obviously I’ll do that right now just to show you it’s night anyway might as well I think it’s raining open your Blinds you know you wake up it’s a nice morning sun’s coming through the uh the blind it’s quite nice turn the lights off since you don’t really need It uh a little storage cabinet in case you want want to store some stuff some uh cabinets to to store some some extra stuff I don’t know uh this is empty at least it should Be this is just so that you could write in it I plan on making some type of story for the map but for now there’s nothing you have a fridge which has a bit of food stocked in it which you can then cook in the uh the oven there’s a

Freezer down here but I don’t really know how this works so it is part of the cray crayfish is that his name Fish Furniture Mod we have the sink which also doesn’t really work cuz I need water beneath it for that to work dishwasher which I think is just a

Repair your tools or something I don’t really know you can sit in the chair if you want if you had a I don’t know a book to write in or something I guess uh you got some extra storage let me turn the lights back on real quick

Some extra storage up above and you need this done by when was this approved by management an entire landing page I guess it doesn’t matter that okay a few cabinets that have stuff I don’t know if this actually it has anything in it but if it was

Okay I’ll I’ll tell you what this does in a second but for now there’s pretty much nothing inside of of these except for this one which has a bit of ammunition which because I don’t have any uh any flare guns I decided to make a little gun case over here you know in

Case there’s Bears or something has the passcode is one of the two codes in here it’s 1791 I was just making a placeholder code so I searched up when the second amendment was first made which was 1791 and then you open it up my game is lagging a bit which I’m

Sorry for but pops out just fine and then the other one 1912 again was just a placeholder code and was for this 19 12 just emergency escape you know straight into the Little Pond which is why I did make that got a bit of a path

That’s kind of rugged and not very good but I still made it so let me go fix this close it all off and then I’ll start uh looking for an area to start building make sure that all of these blindes are closed like when I came in that lights off did I fix

That look like some some uh bit of work is going to have to be done I don’t need what I don’t know what to do honestly no clue like what I should do there’s nobody actually in stream which I don’t really care too much about But okay uh I don’t know what I should build next it’s kind of hard to see with the sun in my face but I don’t know what to build next cuz this was pretty simple pretty small build actually let me write these cords down real quick uh where do I put my

Pens okay F3 there it is 78 72 174 and that’ll be Just put this over there okay let’s see um I don’t really know how I’m going to do this I don’t know if I’m just going to build off the terrain cuz if I do this is going to be a challenge or if I’m going to flatten the

Area which would also be a bit of a challenge but I could use commands for that so that doesn’t I think I’ll make the area over here somewhere maybe I can use this to make like um a house on a hill or something I really I kind of wish there

Was a mod or a command that allow me just like clear trees super easily cuz I would honestly this kind of like a perfect place this okay this mod pack doesn’t have the flamethrower does it no it doesn’t oh the flint and steel I can use that to

Reforest I think this will make my game Run worse but I need to quickly get rid of these trees so oh that’s not good hopefully it doesn’t uh skip around too much during these streams I will have a few days to be able to stream I need to look at all of this

Area because I’m going to make this entire area over here into the little town which will have a pathway that goes up to this hill which will have a big rich person’s house I don’t really know I don’t really have much of a plan I’m just kind of like making stuff stuff

Watchtower to look out that way which maybe I’ll keep as just the forest for the purpose of the Watchtower with something happens to your kitchen and you say this is ludicrous you get having trouble don’t panic don’t be alarm you need to file a claim right I guess these ad blockers from

This don’t work on YouTube videos I don’t really care too much to be honest minimize Okay okay okay maybe I could turn it into like um a state park and have a bunch of um Gates around it or something a bunch of fencing this is a very ineffective way to uh DeForest but fire spreads so it’s better than I can probably do unless I

Use Dynamite or TNT whatever it’s called I kind of like this texture pack I don’t know where I got this but kind of like it kind of got a bit of a modern look to it which is okay not my favorite but it doesn’t look bad some of the stuff might not fit

Because I have this texture pack so I maybe I’ll take it off like some of the texturing for some of the furniture and stuff is like oak wood but because it’s oak wood it isn’t fit with the the texture that this has just like a more modern looking uh wooden plank I

Guess not a super efficient but it’s super effective I guess efficiency and Effectiveness are kind of similar but they’re also a bit different one is like um let’s see efficiency is how much is done Effectiveness is how well it’s done I have to say if that doesn’t make sense to you then

That’s okay because honestly I just making stuff up but I feel like that would also I feel like that would be true efficiency is how fast it’s done effective is how well it’s done I quote me if I’m wrong or don’t CU I probably am wrong hopefully my mic’s picking pick me up

Hopefully when I move into my new house I will be able to stream better internet hopefully I’ll be able to have it hook up need to make sure I don’t let it spread to my power my fire wash toer I only think of this kind of ironic the

Point of a firewatch tower is a lookout for forest fires and I’m just like causing one right now you know it’s a bit bit counterintuitive if I must say but I need to do it in order to clear out these Tre I’ll be quite sad if I actually burn my

Own fire tower watch fire watch tower down hopefully there’s no trees close enough to actually catch fire that it’s happened in the past when I made something and burn trees in Creative so I don’t usually build stuff out of wood but wood just look so nice compliments the uh Stone

Sometimes also I really like this fire it looks pretty cool especially how I don’t know if this is like part of a glitch or something how it’s doing that but I kind of like how it’s going into it might have to do a little bit of terraforming to be

Honest hope not too much though I’m not very good at terraforming also I’m also not very good at um designing I’m I’m kind of better at interior design than exterior design so hopefully I can make the houses at least look good on the inside if not the

Outside I really like the Shader pack it’s like really nice like if I just did that I could use that as like a screen saver that’d be a cool animated background sun down continue on so yeah I decided to do um a new type of stream on my like new content on my

My channel it’s going to be called casual content where I literally just do no editing just play music play games and stream that’s it because I I put too much thought into trying to edit a video that it gets tiring and then I don’t feel like doing

It so I decided I’m just going to stream from now on my channel and I’m just going to do casual content streams so I can see again fire is spreading and I’m going to make sure that it doesn’t get close I made sure to try and clear out a few

Trees near it um to make it in the first place so hopefully it’s not too bad okay okay I will say it is spreading a bit far though which is good but also isn’t good I will have to manually clear out some of these logs as they didn’t

Catch fire sometimes I kind of wish the fire in Minecraft was like it really spread to every block but at the same time if that were true then it’d be so much harder to extinguish a fire that your house is like input even the animals look kind of

Realistic the wolves look the same but the cows look they look like they’ve seen something like you see this guy he’s seen something or he’s angry I guess I have no clue maybe because I’m burning down his house or his home is a place of living burning it

All see I don’t want this to be like completely flat because then it’d be too well two dimensional instead of threedimensional um it’ll give it a bit of depth if I give it a a bit of height a bit of um varying Heights for the buildings and stuff as well which I

Still know like what building I think I will make an outline using wool like I’ve seen other people do in videos uh of what buildings I want to do I’m not I don’t think I’ll do any on a slant like some of those those YouTubers do because

I don’t know how to build that’s the thing that’s another part of this uh these content these casual content streams that I kind of want to do is just like learn how to build properly doesn’t matter if it’s modded or if it’s vanilla I just I just want to learn how to

Build um also these casual content streams my CSS or CCS uh I’m G say CC streams for now on I said how about that um my CC streams say CCS streams that sounds weird CCS streams from now on will be um or won’t be exclusively Minecraft content either it’ll be like

Any of these other games that I have uh to play cuz I have a few but I don’t really play them that often like I have generation zero I could play that could be fun grounded I could play that that might be fun I have coffee talk and

Coffee Talk 2 which if youve seen my my uh my only stream that I did on Coffee Talk was pretty fun um I have Forest which I bought recently so that’s good I can play that with my friend if you guys would like to see I got SE of Thieves I could still

Play with my friend Space Engineers State Decay I got Terraria that’s pretty fun uh portal and Portal 2 those are a little iffy I’ve already I mean they’re like they’re story games I’m already like halfway through portal 2 already beat portal one Lost Light that could be good because that’s like

Um kind of like tarov especially the inventory system it’s got the tarov inventory system I think or no does it maybe cuz that’s the uh the storage like the I don’t know what that actual inventory system is called but I always call it park off inventory system because that’s what I remember it

From okay uh my game is lagging a bit which does look pretty bad for you guys usually it’s not this laggy but I think it’s because I’m streaming and also listening to music from YouTube right now I need to get some more RAM for my

PC I really need to make sure it didn’t reach that far this is a PR a pretty decent area I’d say that’s been and uh burn but I feel like I still need quite a bit more room I should make a list of all the buildings I’m going to

Need and um I think I think this could be really fun honestly making my own like little town my own little City because I I’ve played on like um Maps made by other people and like the buildings and stuff are just completely empty and then I just end up putting my

Own furniture and stuff inside I just do some interior decorating pretty much and that’s that’s fun and all but I feel like it’s it’s even better when you make your own map completely um I’d really love to be able to do like a role play I don’t care if

It’s with people to be honest or if it’s with like NPCs all on my own but I just don’t have it in me I’m not very good at that I wish I had an Editor to be honest because if they could edit videos for me

Then I I would record like daily to be honest editing is fun but it’s really really timec consuming for me and though I have lots of spare time because I’m not very active in anything it’s kind of I don’t know how to put it it’s just very it’s very boring I have issues

Concentrating on one task for too long this a big tree oration of trees oh yeah and I don’t I don’t think you uh I don’t think YouTube requires to be like very eloquent very uh well spoken but I I would prefer to be more well spoken than I I am

Currently I don’t have very good uh vocabulary so I try and use as many words as I can sometimes I’m not even using them correctly but still sounds nice I guess so do it okay so I have to clear all these stumps out need to flatten a bit

Of the area out maybe build over some areas okay I should probably I’m not going to do it on that I was going to do it on that on my um clipboard but I could just get a notepad out not didn’t even spell it right okay so let’s see what are some

City buildings oh I say wait I can tell that I clicked some wrong buttons you know instead of buildings I’ll do structures because you know I might put stuff in something like a a m Shaft or a cave or something I have no clue city structure I need put an S

Let’s see so the first thing I’m going to put on the list not the first thing I’ll do is a school a hospital SL Clinic because this is a more of a town than a city so you wouldn’t really have a hospital you have more of like a clinic um maybe a farm

Um cuz like I said this is is more of a town it’s more rural I think it’s the word right rural I can’t say that word right but uh School Hospital Farm what else could I have here obviously I’ll have houses I don’t know how many is so I’ll

Just say like 10 I guess um say a m shaft just to give myself something to do school Hospital Farm 10 houses M shaft what else could I put put a quarry which is kind of tied in with M shaft you never know right maybe I can make some Machinery or make something

That looks like Machinery anyway um uh how about a store let me do several kinds of stores because I I have no idea stores they’re more like convenience stores more like um small little uh little candy shops for example you know I’ll put stores slash shops capitalize

This um by the way I don’t have my OBS open so if there’s like something in the way that you guys can’t see I’m not going to be able to fix it let me move this over just so you guys can see it better minimize Minecraft for a

Minute uh so School Hospital farm houses mft Quarry stor shops what else could we add uh how bought a park or you know Park SL playground that’s what I’ll put um what are some other buildings maybe a maybe like a train or something like a train station that’s how you get there

What I think of um of this this little town I’m thinking of it’s kind of more like a rural Japanese town that I’m thinking of um if you’ve ever watched anime you probably can picture the things that I’m saying school that could be anything Hospital could be anything

Farm I could see a Japanese like a rice Farm or something I guess houses I’m thinking kind of japaneses Japanese is okay I don’t have a good speech so M shaft that can be however quy however shops I’m thinking of those little candy stores that you

Always see in anime that like little old ladies are in um park playground also kind of thinking of a Japanese playground train station I could see that yeah I might I might try and copy that I have I might have to look up some reference images while uh building um what’s another

Thing I could build police station I guess that could be good yeah um construction which I can make as houses under construction build instead of building I again do structures nothing specific but I guess like I can add to that if I I really feel like it I’ll skip online real quick

Put something else I can something else you would have in a town oh you know what the top of the hill could be the the mayor’s house sorry I’m not very good at um this looks weird top the hill I say this is quite a bit already

But I feel like I should just make a like a long list so that I never run out of things to do is something I could Do about to like I’m about to open up Opera real quick and search this up bill I feel like I SP that wrong but you know oh restaurant okay that could be good Library okay see good thing I search this up because now I have ideas post office I can do that hospital

Already have that bank okay okay wait wait where’s my list at get some good ideas let’s do a bank that could be good moded Minecraft rest put that as plural Library I can’t spell for crap apparently oh a theater that could be more than just a movie theater could be like an acting

Theater let’s see what else I don’t know what this website is but post oh post office okay oh that’s the wrong thing I didn’t mean to click on that post office I feel like this is a lot but again um make sure that I always have something to

Make uh fire station I might um I’ll put it on there for now I guess like I know that’s kind of like a a thing you definitely should have department store can I already have Hotel you know I can do that like a hotel slashin maybe a motel I’mma do that Motel slash

In you know I’ve never heard the word I never heard the word in like a like a hotel until I watched anime so Factory okay I could do that like a warehouse Factory Slouse why is this music not playing oh accidentally muted it sorry City Hall Town Hall I’m not going to do a prison cuz I’m going to do more of a jail which is like it’s going to be inside the police station mall that’s too big a church

Maybe I’m not super fond of the idea of having some type of religious thing just in case a landmark I think for a landmark I’ll do a like a fountain in the middle of the city or something or town Fountain as Landmark damn I can’t type without looking so me is quite nice hopefully this isn’t actually copyrighted I also did put the link to the to the um the playlist in my in the description so hopefully it doesn’t do anything Town Capital Village Port Metropolis suburb up see none of these

Really bus bus stops I don’t I don’t think I need that train station I probably have I don’t know I don’t know if I’ll have cars to be honest cuz it’ll be a little town you don’t really need a car maybe a bike or something coffee shop I can make

Okay that’s the wrong thing sorry I keep clicking on the wrong thing so for stor shops I can do um Cafe Bakery um General Store you know General type of store I do Cafe okay Bakery okay General okay I feel like Bakery kind of goes Cafe and Baker kind of go under stores

SL shops but also kind of go under restaurants uh maybe I’ll have like a game store or toy store or something you know what I’ll put that toy store game okay this music is really really hitting me right now it’s like so good I say this is a pretty solid um

List so far if there’s anything else I need to add you guys can I don’t know comment or if you guys actually come to a stream which nobody is that’s okay I don’t really care for the views I care to do something laad Auto why do I keep clicking that you

Know I’m just going to pin this I don’t know why I keep doing that um for restaurants I think I’ll put um a diner and it’s another type of restaurant I could put I’ll put Cafe just because that is technically a restaurant or not not really a restaurant but it serves food

Of some kind okay so let’s let’s go over the list so far we have a school a hospital Farm SL farm houses doesn’t really matter uh more houses M shaft Quarry store shops which are Cafe backy Beery sorry I’m thinking of the way you pronounce it in German um Cafe Bakery

General Store toy store game store you know instead of having store here just to save a bit of space I’ll just keep it as is um parkplayground train station police station construction which is houses structures stuff like that they’re just like halfway finished instead of actually being done uh

Mayor’s house the top of the hill obviously a bank restaurants which would be like a diner a cafe which in that case I’ll take this off just because it’s already there for restaurant um Library that’s a good idea honestly I really love libraries um theater post office Fire Station Hotel Motel in

Factory warehouse Fountain I think so far that’s a pretty solid list um if I how do I keep muting it am I like pressing a okay I think it’s because I’m pressing M or something I don’t know okay I think this list is pretty solid

I’ll keep it over here and since I don’t play Minecraft in full screen you guys can still see it I think put it down just in case my um okay perfect it’s it’s not being covered up by my camera in fact I’ll even Mo this over so that that’s not

Covered up not even a single percent okay let me get the the small screen out you can see this is the small screen it just shows that the thing is here just allows me to pause it and unmute it and stuff if I need okay let’s get back in

Minecraft I don’t think it’ll be running better but kind of hoping it would okay I’m going to take this uh I also have the custom NPCs uh mod downloaded so if you guys like to see me make some like some my some of my own characters like guess you say for um

You know the purpose of role play I won’t be doing role play but I’ll be like making a bit of a story around the town just as a little personal project I guess again sorry that it’s really laggy but I’m not going to be able to prevent it

So we just have to deal I get a better P or something I guess up this hill Oh this is kind of hard to work with when it has such major lag spikes like this but still try my best again I’m more of an interior designer than a landscaper or

A exterior designer is that an actual job by the way cuz I know interior designing is an actual job but is exterior designing like actual just part of being an interior design so I feel like that would be like a sub uh like a sub job of being an interior

Designer maybe I’m like completely wrong think feel like that is out I kind of should fill this in otherwise if I have it in uh actually I don’t know if I’ll have it in peaceful or not I think I I think I’ll keep it peaceful that way no mobs are spawning getting in

My way but I still don’t like the idea of having a dark area beneath just case I do have to off okay I also play modded Minecraft sometimes so if you guys like to see me do that I’ll just like sit there be grinding on I don’t know stone

Stone stone St block oh yeah stone block that’s so I play stone block and like I just do that for fun and I just build whatever I can find I don’t know like I don’t have a direction that I go while playing games I just play

Games I also just I also don’t play games that often so but when I do I play long okay that should be done but this does look a bit OD make this a bit more rounded still looks a bit flat so you know I say that looks much better now I

Mean it still doesn’t look great but I do have to get rid of these logs and stuff all these little mushrooms pieces grass oops I forgot I had that mod downloaded so when you drop items on the ground it doesn’t drop them as like a Minecraft item it drops it more as a

Physics item which I love that mod or like any of the physic drop mods item physics clear out some of these trees see when I make stuff I don’t really have a plan I just have a plan on what I’ll start with for example like on

Top of this hill it’s kind of not it’s not flat or anything so I don’t have like a lot of space to make a mayor’s house or whatever Town Hall whatever I might put up there I have no clue but I do know that if I flatten this out to a

Certain level make sure it’s still above everything else because it’s a hill and I need it to be a hill for the purpose of making it you know mayor’s house at top of the hill um I’ll probably make like a simple outline and then build off of the

Outline so it’ll change very Gra gradually as I find more uh more uses I guess I don’t know why my my nose is so itchy okay grass stuff out okay burn some more trees I feel like this one already burned a little bit but then stopped Catching Fire so and I

Think it did honestly I I think I remember burning a bunch of trees on top on top this uh this hill over here oh maybe I can make the um the house kind of going a bit off of the Hill like um support beams with like balconies type thing you know an

Overhanging house that could be cool meant to be now there’s that my actions are uncontrollable right now burn a bit that’s okay speaking of burning I need to burn a just a few more trees that are kind of in the way is my character bleeding oh wait that’s kind of cool I

Have a mod that makes so my character bleeds when I take damage I didn’t know that um I could also show you other things I made on other role play um mod packs cuz I tend to make my own roleplay mod pack I just add a bunch of Mods

Together very simple actually when you use um curs make mod packs I love it um okay just clear these logs out just just cuz I will have to burn a lot more of this stuff and probably flatten it a bit more but for now this this

Works it’s it’s a bit too chaotic for me to build or start building on but it’s not really a building stream it’s more like um a planning stream why does it keep muting the music just I don’t know why it keeps doing this it’s on an ad right now so okay now it’s

Not it’s very boring when all you’re doing is listening to me instead of instead of that okay I don’t have like um a block pallet that I’ll be using specifically for anything these buildings it just depends on what I see it for the reference images CU for a

Bank I I could see me using something white like um concrete or Marvel or whatever modded blocks I might even have I don’t know I’m not really too sure I know maybe I can make like a link to the uh the mod pack or the map when

It’s finished cuz like I don’t remember I think I might have I might have made this mod pack or I might have made it off an existing one no idea okay I can make a little path that goes through here to connect to the launch Tower which would actually be great

Because one you see the forest obviously but if you look that way you might you might be able to see the uh the like entirety of the uh the entirety of the the town I feel like it’d be really cool to have like just some grumpy old man who lives up on

The Frozen Mountain over here or something like that he has like a bridge to get across or something you know I like that’d be pretty cool so I’m about to come up with characters character names I I don’t really care maybe I’ll even make the Skins myself on like a skin skin editor

Website or something a skin making website okay but if I did do that if I did make the skin myself would probably be not very good um I feel like that’d be very simple or Derpy even oh that’s right I did make this I forgot it’s so well Blended that I

Forgot that that’s where I made made that area okay let me start flattening this area up here for the mayor’s house and then maybe I’ll start planning the the mayor’s house I don’t know where a mayor’s house I actually look like so have to maybe some R

Person I feel like you know what I think that’s what I’ll do for like the character development I think I’ll make a separate sticky note for this let me save this actually save as City structures. text and I’ll save this in how about make a completely new folder real quick new

Folder let’s name it um builds oops City builds and then I will save this text document uh go to desktop do City builds open and save H I think I’ll also make another um text document another notepad note that’ll be um characters like where they where you

Can find them their wherever they live whatever and their um their traits or their characteristics like for example I have uh an idea for the mayor already plan on giving him a big fancy expensive house and he’ll be like a very money hungry character like he’ll be very greedy he’ll be like just

Flaunting his casat and dragging hard he is he’s the mayor which is very unflattering but I’ll do that you’ll be able to find him at like the bank and stuff all the time and he be like yes I’m the owner of the bank you know something like that I don’t

Know maybe eventually I could turn this into like a roleplay series or maybe somebody else could download M pack and make play series which I would 100% encourage somebody to do that if they want to change some stuff about the the town or mod pack or

Whatever I guess it giv someone a um bit of a a template to build off of I guess that’s what I usually do uh time set day I think there’s a command that I can probably play to keep it uh always day but I’m not going to do that for now cuz

Sometimes you want to see parts of the map at night but like when I’m building I don’t really want it was it game rule is that what it was um SL game rule always was it not game rule or do I just not have cheats on no I definitely have cheats

On let’s be honest if there was a Minecraft command it be like this okay okay just because I turned land on and I don’t like that I’m gonna turn it off by leaving the world and joining back might be a bit laggy might take a bit of time but it should work

Hopefully okay So oh I can make another one okay let me open the world back up and I will character um I’ll do creation for the title I guess character creation um I don’t really want to use money hungry I’ll do greedy Rich owns everything he’ll be the one who owns like every single

Building everyone oh that’s not what I meant to type in uh he’ll be like the one that um owns all the buildings You’ be like you go there and you be like oh yeah I also own this building you’re like oh of course you do because you’re

The mayor and you own everything in this town for some reason oh that’s nice but rich not with a capital either um brags a lot I don’t know why it keeps muting my music it’s kind of angering actually okay I’m gonna have a character named how about ducky that’s that’s what

His name will be he’ll live inside the um in like a pond or something you’ll live in a pond or in the fountain or something he’ll be literally just a duck he’ll be like very Derpy looking duck I guess um actually I’ll put that down oops I’m moving my mic Derpy

Cute pretty rich everything cracks a lot Derpy cute lives in on and um if there’s any other characters I can come up with then I I’ll do that because right now I’m building this there a build stream after all so I’ll do that my character creation. text I’ll put that in there any

Builds perfect me go back to this lag I don’t know if I should turn like the shaders off that the game actually runs better but feel like it just looks nice to have like I could turn it on like when I finish R build or something

But actually that reminds me do I have any other shaders downloaded or do I have just whatever this one is video setting shaders cers vibrant Shader okay I guess that’s all I have down downloaded right now I I probably have shaders somewhere else but I don’t know if they’re for

This version they might be 1.2 I do play 1.12 quite a bit so I might I could use a slash command to do this but I feel like that takes a lot of time more time than I needs to be I have to go from one corner to the next get

The corners write it down because I I have terrible memory that’s just an easy way to like remember them like in game um and then I do and then like air kind of sucks but it’s also pretty great be cool if you like delete more

Than you can if you use the Comm and tryig are to many blocks I’m like okay I’m not I have to do it four times and then I have to get two corns each time that’s much like like eight differents I get just do one giant plot

Dirt okay I say this is honestly pretty big but I think I’m going to go one more layer down because it has a lot of extra space I can use if I do that dud I’m thinking of this as like I’m thinking how the plot of the story would be if I were

To turn this into like an actual play series I’m trying to think of like the characters interacting with the characters there’s separate story uh and events and stuff separate stories and events um like for example I’m I’m thinking of like if I had this this character which is the mayor he’s like

Rich greedy whatever and he owns this giant house maybe he’ll talk to some other character that’s like I don’t know a bad guy he’s like oh why don’t you go break into the mayor’s house and go steal this thing from his secret vault underneath his house and then I go into

His house and like he has guards around or something cuz he hears that somebody’s going to try and break in I don’t know something like that and then I I break into his house I find a little elevator go down it’s like a secret elevator and then I find this thing on

Like a a pedestal or something and I’m like this is so easy and then as soon as I touch it it’s just like the mayor is there he like a I caught you I knew you break it take my valuable item you know something like that just I

Can imagine it but I can’t actually bring it to life because uh my skill is far worse than my ability to direct I guess I’d be a better director than than an actor is what I have to say um so one more layer and I think I’m

Good yeah one more layer I think I’ll make a um fence around this house which I won’t do for now but it’s always good to have a strong sty probably like the sign this is high voltage that’ be kind of funny honestly lean against like ah this is

All right you lean against like being shot need Square this off so easier for me To to break down I have to concentrate when I’m doing stuff and I just talk when I do this I have to say though I’m kind of surprised that my channel reached um subscribers I remember when I had like just reached 100 and then for some reason I suddenly got like 40

Subscribers after shortly after or maybe 30 I don’t know honestly that looks quite nice it is a bit uh lagging in my ability to deild with but quite nice I like the interior it was a bit challenging to do because those shutters are an entire Block in

Itself in and of itself that’s what I I don’t have a very bright personality but I like to talk a lot I like to listen especially I love listening to people which I hear is a pretty good skill to have but I do lack a bit of empathy and A Bit

Of Sympathy so it’s really hard for me to care when people are saying something especially [Applause] emotional I think that’s just from um lag of that I obtain from a lag of BL very isolated person when it comes to socializing so it’s kind of hard for me

To care what people talk but I do love listening to people’s stories it’s just fun get less than like 60 FPS that’s crazy well not that crazy considering my PC isn’t that great but particle effect what the hell so many particles I Break Stuff okay so let me kind of round this

Off Square It Off I don’t feel like cleaning anything else up other than areas that I’ll be working on so okay to square this off I could I’m not okay I’ve already said it before but I’m not very good at interior design so it’ll be kind of hard for me

Make sure my headphones connected they are okay be kind of hard for me to um build the outside and make it look decent I probably make it look decent but I don’t know about good or right even but I also don’t have a ton of building

Skills I to say uh I probably have a few th000 hours on Minecraft and I can tell you that maybe half of it from building but it’s not good I really need to square this off to do that might need to build up a bit okay okay okay this is kind of taking

Shape so I need to think what would a mayor have in his house I think he would have the same thing as most normal people but I think it would just be like three times bigger that’s what I’m thinking so normally when I build houses I build them quite compact the rooms I

Mean at least the house is pretty big but it has multiple rooms and each room has it’s pretty compact but it’s still a lot of rooms so it makes a big house so I usually make like a few bedrooms like two or three maybe I’ll have like a kitchen bathroom or two um

Like a storage closet which isn’t needed but it’s just more fun to have and I guess I’ll have a living room I’ll have like an office like a work at home work office or something you know um I’ll have maybe a study room which I guess would be the same thing as an

Office um I’d have like a hallway where you walk in through the door and it has like a little table to set your keys down on or something like that you know something straight out of a a movie or show dude how I make my

Houses just to trim a bit of this dirt [Applause] down I would say that’s a bit that I trimmed off honestly that’s it’s quite a bit that you off me just do that trim off a bit more God damn it music okay wait let me open this back up

I feel like it’s because I have to reload the page and because it just has saved certain uh settings that I must have accidentally put on or something I don’t know this music is nice though I must admit oh I don’t have that one thing on okay so Game A bit maybe a bit much but oh you know what I’m kind of liking this the reason being I kind of like that it’s curving like this cuz I can make this more like a um a uh curved staircase or something you have to walk up and then you’ll be

At like his front the front of his house which I think I’m I think I’m going make the front like right here because I originally planned for it to be right here but as I’m making this it’s kind of becoming a better idea to do it like

That the stairs maybe it’ll have like a walkway or something that that way or around or something I have no clue but I thought it’ just be a good idea to make it like that so in which case I will try to get rid of a bit more of

This it maybe a bit rounder or something okay this kind of more like a cliff or a wall right here to be honest which I will smooth this out a bit I’ll make it a bit more like a uh Valley to go through probably so it’ll have like a

Bit buil up over here bit built up right there walk through to get to the Watchtower and I’ll have it built up a bit right here to make it one like a valley and two so that it’ll cover that up a bit um I’ll probably end up growing

A bit more trees in some of the areas where I want to cover stuff up so I will eventually bring more trees back into the uh the forest that I for fire that is what a forest fire is deforesting with fire okay it’s a a good good explanation I’d

Say it’s not great but it’s not the worst um I think I might work on this on the uh the staircase idea that I was coming up with a little bit more after I’ve made an outline for the back house so let me get a close my inventory let me

Get some wool real quick I don’t know what the wool looks like in this mod pack but okay I’m going to use white wool I guess I use white wool for the walls I’ll use red wool what is that concrete oh it’s reinfor I use red wool for

Doors so let me step up you’ll go through some gates I say the door’s right here I let’s just come up with a a randomly generated uh design real quick when I say random I mean like it’s it’s going to be random the most part anyway I’ll come up with the walls and

Stuff afterwards cuz I I I genely have no clue what I could make for this kind of want to give him a bit of like a garden or something but I don’t let me do this I’m just breaking the ground right now I think I’ll give him a garage because

You know he the mayor probably has a car I mean I feel like anybody anybody could have a car in this in this little town but I feel like not many people actually use him since it’s such a small town at least that’s how I I’m going to perceive it to

Be um it will have a back door should I make the back door here I’m going make the back door right here I don’t know what this area will be but yeah how much is this three so I’ll do three again and then do this like I

Did that side I can connect this I kind of want to do a bit of weird shape here but I don’t I don’t know what I could even do i’ say it’s kind of solid I guess okay so what am I going to imagine when you first you first walk in um

Let me get some more wool colors I’m going to do green lime green lime wool whatever for stairs okay so let me do do this just try and start to make it a room I I don’t know what it’ll be but I can develop these rooms further if need

Be just cutting them off for now so that may make something I got to got to give it a bit of design you know um I’ll do this do that I know make this like kind of kind of special the way it’s built I guess okay um doorways doorways make doorways I

Make this a single doorway I guess that can be a bathroom or something I don’t know it’s a double think it so that it goes to here be another bathroom or something I have literally no clue what I’m going to do I think I’m going to

Give it two or three floors I I think I’ll give it a basement as well but for now I’ll give it two or three floors put a door there um maybe put a door here maybe make this a closet you know underneath um some stairs maybe you know

Those curved stairs or something I think I’ll make this staircase that goes like this maybe I don’t really know is either that or Like that would work have to this and then I could possibly go that so one of those two but I’m not too sure which one so I’m going to keep the other one for now um oh that’s kind of off actually okay that’s better I should have doors to just about

Everything I’ll make a door this right here I think I’ll get some blue wool for a window you know uh let’s do light blue wool do some windows maybe one right here I get four blocks wide just because well not if this is going to be a bathroom

Actually I’ll make a window but it’ll be like a single window that’s too tall up for anyone to see into about that you know how they have those uh maybe I’ll make a window like right here that’s three blocks tall I don’t know if this will be a bedroom or

Something if it is then window here here maybe I I’ll turn some of these down cuz I don’t I don’t think need all these windows but maybe a window here here I don’t know what this room I think I think I said that’ be a bathroom as well so put aops another tall

Window um maybe I can make this the no I’m going to make the I kind of want to make a this the kitchen maybe oh I I’ll make this the kitchen I’ll just make the bathroom a little bit smaller which makes sense make it so that the kitchen will be actually you know

What the first floor this won’t be the bathroom this will be a pantry for the kitchen at food storage go out here where there will be a hopefully small garden that I’ll end up making where you could get some fresh vegetables and stuff you know uh Pantry for the kitchen

Since this is like that I will not have a window in there this will be the bathroom it’ll be a bit big but that’s okay this be a closet I won’t put a window there put a window here or here I guess I’m doing them three wide for now just because

Um okay and then let’s say I start working on the next floor it’ll be three blocks tall and this will be FL so let me get some more wool I think I’ll use uh gray wool it’s light gray which I could have used this will be I’ll make an outline

Real quick of the uh the second floor which I will copy the exact uh at least outer lining exact outer lining of the the bottom floor I kind of wish that people would watch while I’m playing and like I can interact with them and stuff but I don’t

Really have my stream open I have it open but I’m not watching it because you’re not supposed to do that it makes you apparently obsessive over views and stuff and I I don’t really want to do that sounds like a hassle to be obsessed over something actually I know that from

Experience I’m obsessed over all kinds of things sometimes um I see that the always always day true thing did not in fact uh work so I will do is that day you know what I actually might just make this a balcony right here above the uh the Garden area that I was talking

About oh you know what I forgot I should give him a pool cuz you know he’s a rich guy he’s going to have a pool probably I’ll make this like a large balcony I guess okay this looking nice okay so I can go back to doing Walls so I’ll do walls actually I don’t know if I need to put walls for this so I won’t put walls for that since that’ll be a balcony I obviously have red triling but I’m not going to put walls at least wall indicators I don’t know if this I don’t

Think this how people usually use this um oh you know I make I might make a balcony here too actually and the reason for that is I think it’d be kind of cool to have the uh an enclosed entrance maybe I’ll okay maybe I’ll make a third floor and I’ll

Add that on the third floor because I do kind of want a balcony here but I feel like that’s a bit too low for it to be um right there currently do need to give him a garage and a a pool so I’m going to have to

Extend some of the uh green area the uh the grass have to extend some of it behind it maybe or to the side of it I have no clue I think I I think I’ll do it behind it that way you go back here there’ll be an area where the pool is

Instead of garden I guess does kind of doesn’t kind of okay let me put a door here it’ll hopefully match that so you can get here through the kitchen or you can get here through the main area which is going to have there’s nothing in here and that’s

Because it’s supposed to be more of like a a hub or a Lobby for the house okay so you got this floor okay okay let me just make a wall real quick to get some ideas off of so I already have some areas let me get a sign

Actually that way I can start marking what these areas are instead of forgetting so I’ll do this as uh first floor bathroom oops I go to the next thing bath room okay that’s done this one will Be I don’t know what I’ll make this okay let me let me come up with an idea Closet uh I think I’ll make this one a bedroom bedroom I still don’t know what I’ll make this one but I guess I can make it a office maybe um I’ll make him have like a really oh I didn’t spell that right I’ll give him an office that’s kind of like

The uh the president’s uh the US president office that’ll be on the second or third floor though and it’ll be like really big be like that but it’ll be probably more like this size but more squared off this is a really confusing looking design but it I swear it’ll be much

Better when I finally finish it I don’t know if I’ll give it the um I don’t think I’ll give it the uh the fencing around it like I thought I would cuz I don’t know if it’ll fit having all these windows or looking at walls but maybe I will I don’t know

Maybe I’ll just have Windows on like the second and third floor instead since I’ll have like the the walls on the outside be about the height of uh the first floor okay um let’s see what else I do yeah that’s right I have to do this let me like for

Sure oops I’m building all kinds of stuff that I do not intend to build so let’s say I do actually have stairs here then it should be fine should it I even know to be honest put this Here okay wa let me let me get some actual stairs just grab the first one I see CU I have to test to see if this this placement actually works okay oh actually that’s kind of nice oh wait that’s kind of like way too

Nice let me me do that real quick I like this I like this oh oh oh yeah I’m really liking this okay it’s kind of nice and cozy honestly I kind of wish this was my house now I think okay I will make myself a personalized house but for now I’m just

Going to make the other Buildings okay um me start coming up with an idea for the walls so I think I’ll give a hallway which will lead to several yeah wait wait this is kind of good I have a hallway this will lead to his office which I think I will make this the office

Okay I kind of want to give him double doors single door that’ be single door office I don’t like that I’m going give him a double door office I give most of these rooms double doors as you can see from the outline that has a single door single door double door single door

Double double double double I think that’s a single over there yeah there a single oh yeah what was this going to be again oh that’s right Pantry I forgot I was doing that pantry Kitchen call this the lobby I’m forgetting to capitalize some of these I’m sorry for that but doesn’t matter to me I’ll do this as a uh guest bedroom I guess I have a bunch of guest bedrooms so it doesn’t matter uh most of these are marked now actually I think all of

The bottom ones are Mark now so that’s good uh out here I’m going to make it this this area right here is not going to be the pool but I’m going to have it leading up to the pool so keep that as is this will be an office so I’ll put

One of these a sign that says main office okay I like that I think I’m going to make a bedroom but it’s going to have a built-in bathroom uh let’s oh wait this kind Of how would you get in here then this is a bathroom you know what I think I’ll open this up a bit so the balcony will be go and we’ll have the door for here this will be a guest bed uh bedroom this music’s quite nice I like it guest

Bedroom uh I have this I don’t know if I’ll make this the main bedroom or just a bedroom so I’m not going to put anything for now oops I’ll make this a room bathroom kind of small maybe I should have a closet or something instead guest

Bedroom kind of small M maybe a master bedroom unless I make this a big a really big Closet let Me I’m start putting the doors down actually I think I’ll make this a like closet I think I’ll make this a master bed room this one will just be a really big bedroom I guess can you have more than one master bedroom let me check have I feel like you wouldn’t right cuz

Master can you have more than one master bedroom in a house okay okay yeah so they can meaning that’s okay it’s okay to have two master bedrooms I have to make it kind of accurate because otherwise it’ll even piss me off to be honest um I’ll put master bedroom one

How about that or yeah it doesn’t matter I’m just Master bedro one I like this hallway design honestly the idea of having the hallway uh put some door there not really centered or anything specific I guess I can move it over one um office right main office yeah can turn this

Into okay door right here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay this works this works turn this into like the master master bedroom you know maybe I can give this one a bathroom cuz like I this either going to be a closet or a bathroom I think I will make this a

Bathroom and I’ll do this to add a closet uh this is a bit small for closet let me Bathroom I’ll put the closet door inside and I guess outside should probably put on the same side actually it’s like a a walk-in closet I think right that’s what I’m thinking of I know um I want to make this a master bathroom then which I don’t know if that’s correct master bathroom Make this a closet master bedroom oh I can fit it all there that’s nice bedroom to I didn’t spell that right all done so now I just need to come up with something for this there’s not a living room maybe I should have made one of those down there a living

Room I change one of these into a living room that’s a bathroom you know I think I’ll make this one instead of a guest bedroom I’ll make this the living living room I don’t know if that’s one word or Not by the way so I’m just not going to

Change it instead of having an actual door I think I’m going to have a open door door way wait how do you get into the kitchen I cut off how you get into the kitchen so oh this kind of this wasn’t a good idea at all let me do this you know

What that’s not good do this I’ll make this the kitchen okay this the kitchen and I’ll make this the pantry because I I just realized that I couldn’t get in here there’s also not a dining area which I’m realizing I have a lot of mistakes making this place

But make sure it’s just slightly away from the stairs I’ll make that just open instead of a door that’ll be a door however go to the pool through here that’s good maybe I should make a like a changing room in one of the uh bedrooms I may there a a bedroom and not

A guest bedroom that’s weird uh guest bedroom okay so okay my my design is really flawed um I’m finding out I think I’ll make this the dining room instead make it connected so I wanted a living room this the dining room again I have no idea if that’s one word so I’m

Just going to keep it um I guess we’re not having a living room oh wait I can make this living office be a bit small especially for especially for the mayor I feel like be pretty strong you know what I’ll extend it that way it’s not so

Small I’ll change this since I already have an office um to the living rooming make this just open on each side okay okay this should be good so dining room is connected to the kitchen which is also connected to the pantry which is connected to Lobby through the lobby you’re able to

Go outside to where the pool will be that’s good maybe should okay I like that it’s off center because it makes it look better I think I’ll make this a patio by the way so I’ll put that as well patio wait no let me type in pool patio

That’s what it’s called right a patio I have no idea I don’t even think I spelled that right but it’s okay um I think I’ll have some like wand chairs or something out there maybe uh I’ll make this there’s no way to get out here it seems so I think

I yeah I can just do it over here can I so if I did this one over like you know just for the sake of doing it oh yeah wait that’s way nicer either put it there or there that’s kind of I think I’ll do double and I’ll make

It like a glass door something that’s nice um yeah I never came up with an idea for what I wanted this room to be or would I make this room I don’t think I can make another set of stairs unless I make them at the end maybe have them going up there that

Way but that still wouldn’t that wouldn’t be good I have to extend this a bit for the stairs because I do plan on making a third floor to make his house really big I didn’t do any of this planning with that cuz that was just very simple

This is well the area is quite flat now actually or not flat but like quite cleared now it’s kind of surprising how much it changes um I think I might just make this another bedroom okay this could be either bathroom or closet um just split it up I guess into some rooms do

This okay okay now it’s a bit more balanced I kind of I’d say that I can turn into a bathroom this which one has more space um this one has more space so I’ll make this one the bathroom I’ll make this a guest room I guess guess bath room make this one a

Closet closet this is a hallway so I don’t have to mark it but I might mark it just because maybe I can make um a staircase out here actually yeah like right here oh that’d be a very unique way to get to the the third floor I feel like

Though to go through your balcony I’m willing to do some uniqueness you know I think it’s I think it’s good a good idea oh wait this is kind of nice I can put like a pillar there or something wooden post yeah that’s kind of coming out nicely actually this is kind of

I think I make it a single stair instead actually which makes it so that I save a bit of space while also taking so if this is the ground floor then that means the should be like this okay I just have to do this to make sure

Was a nice song too oh I gotta I’m thankful forever made this playlist I don’t care if it’s copyright at this point it’s pretty good it’s kind of like sad music which I kind of Appreciate make another outline again I have no idea what I’m going to make for these some of these rooms I think I’ll give oh you know what actually you can make him a really big room so that he has um a study room which will be his

Office again it’ll be another office but it’ll be one that has a library instead which I think will fit him kind of perfectly not cuz he’s a smart character but more because he’s like um um Rich so he just spends his money on whatever I feel like a rich person

Honestly would have a lot of books not just to show off that they have a lot of money I know books be expensive um or their knowledge I guess I don’t know where I was going with that but I feel like every rich person would just like have more like a

Mansion now that I think of It okay so that’s an outline of the house again this I don’t why I put that there I have to do that it’s a very odd structure for the house but you know I like it honestly it’s it’s quite nice now we have uh two balconies oh wait that’s why I did that

Because I was supposed to technically I supposed to do this I think I’ll cut into this a bit actually so that it’s actually like a bit of room out here you know have a few chairs tables Maybe I’m kind of really liking this music this music is kind of a bob to be honest you have a balcony that’s overhanging this okay okay I think three floors is definitely enough though to be honest I don’t think I need any more especially because I cannot come up with more things to

Build oh thank God but also like not at the same time okay so the black is kind of useless I don’t need it there but it does kind of help to know which level is the floor level so I’m going to keep the black um have to come up with

Some some stuff extra laggy because I have more enties or more blocks or something but if it is and that kind of sucks again I’m really sorry that my game probably looks like crap was lagging or something you know you didn’t hear anything I said that’s

Fine do this again and that might look like really good like I said it’s a pretty unique way to go to the third floor which I really like that idea honestly oh wait this is unused space I can fill that up oops that’s so You’ go up like this

St and then you’d be up here um okay I’m going to do this because this looks nice already uh this can be a lounge area I guess have like some chairs and sofas tables and stuff that’s about it just there just because which will open up into let me make another storage closet

Because I love making closets you know speaking of oops make sure that’s day this one’s slightly different than a regular closet okay because it’s bigger for one so pause it I’ll make this one a game Lounge is what I’ll call it uh maybe we’ll have a pool table Loue what will this open Into feel like it should open into something but I don’t know what see I like I I like the unique shape I’m giving it but I feel like that also kind of messes with Them okay I can make make this a different I guess I can give that a doorway leave this open I think for the third floor I’m going to have most everything open there’s not going to be many doors maybe a few obviously it’s getting very intricate right now but like that’s

Good you get through the door you got the lobby oh I should have made this like open up more that would have been kind of nice maybe I could have made the second floor on the third floor instead instead of make somebody get rooms I going to made that the uh

Study speaking of so this is the main office I’ll say this is a secondary office just like how I made the other one earlier I’ll make this one the secondary then the other one will be the study which will be the main office um should I have the storage

Closet yeah I’ll have the storage closet like this this will be the door to get in okay well this will just be like this just because it can no particular reason uh which I’ll turn this entire area into a study somehow make a I’ll take up a bit of

Extra space that I need by doing that cuz I’ve been using using like that area to do that you know I think I’ll make this a single doorway instead of a double for his uh I think I might get a double this will be the the study slash main

Office no capitals on that second part sorry this will be more like a a hallway than anything honestly so I’m not going to put anything for this this however I can make a maybe an art studio or something I have no idea I guess I’ll put that for

Now because I I have no idea but if I can find a better use then I’ll do that art studio you know because a rich person’s got to be rich have something he doesn’t need um this over here I might just make this another bathroom but like a really luxurious one with a

Big tub or something I don’t know like I said I’m just like trying to come up with stuff to make these rooms but it’s really hard make this a bit of a hallway um this open up into here like I said I want this to be mostly open so go through

Here okay I don’t know what I want this to be either to be honest this will probably be like another game lounge or something but like I said I’m running out of ideas I’m not good at this so what could I make this xter will have to come afterwards But this will have to do I think I feel like that might need a bit nicer that’s okay I think I’ll put back actually um what else could I do I feel like this is already quite nice I could probably put a table at the end of this

As like a a flower on it or something I don’t know okay so he’s got a study now which will have bookshelves and his I’ll make this area right here where his desk is it’ll be pointed that way have books behind him books this way probably

Another seat of the table to sit down kind of like a library has like the sit down areas to read or study or whatever so I still have to come up with what this room is what this room is this room is and technically I might have do

Actually I think I’ll keep that as an RC that’s okay maybe I’ll make this like a a trophy room or something with this one because it’s long I can have like trophies along the walls or something I think I’ll do that I’ll make this a trophy

Room actually no I’m going to make this make this one a b a bathroom make this one want a bathroom cuz I realized every floor should have at least one bathroom honestly for a rich person he has only three bathrooms but he has like three like four bedrooms so honestly

It’s kind of all right that’ll be the bathroom this will be what did I say this would be a trophy room I think I’ll make this one a trophy room instead then this oh no wait I think I will make this one the trophy room but this one will

Be this one will be the bathroom however it’ll have a closet okay so I can make like this a bit off do this like this still too much okay so a closet cuz you always need closets always especially cuz I’m just trying to take up space bathroom not even capitalized I don’t

Care even though it’s inconsistent which is not good have consistency um this one was trophy room because I feel like that’s something a rich person would have is a trophy room if I can even find trophies or something I still don’t know what this is going to be though probably be

Another Lounge of Some Also add a way to get here from there about That it’s not super well thought out or anything but for the most part it’s good um how long have we been streaming I meant to put a timer up but I Forgot uh about an hour 40 minutes I could probably go on for a little longer maybe two 2 and a half hours cuz like this is more of just just the outline of the building than like an actual U you know building to clear out

A lot of this area just talk some smack with you guys not actually but you know just talk around a bit um I also had to write down some stuff to do come up with some characters which I’m still trying to think of some characters I can come up

With how about uh old Joe be like some homeless man something I don’t know some creepy old guy homeless or creepy old guy similar to I’m going have to search up his name because I don’t remember it but grumpy old man from Monster House see if you

Guys know who I’m talking about I don’t remember his name Steve you abuse I don’t know how you pronounce it wait was that the the character’s name or is that like the voice actor’s name oh okay yeah never cracker that’s what his name was how could I not remember that

To never cracker from Monsters like that’s an extra space too much I know it is Al the homeless or creepy old gu similar to a neighbor cracker from Monster House okay that’s a good one do an extra space just so that you’re not confusing that for the next character

What is another character character type you could have gra the like the crazy cat lady um let’s give her a name I don’t know Gwen old lady we can we can name or something else if we feel like it but cat lady um nice like a grand to give

You just coming up with some stuff right so we got mayor who’s greedy Rich owns everything I’m okay let’s give him an actual name so we have have mayor so far so mayor I might have to I’m have to use this again um typical Rich greedy I don’t know what to

Search up so typical Rich greedy mayor names I don’t know what this is how about uh villain name generator I feel like this is not gonna come up with something I I need griin uh I feel like I has to start with a j honestly pyic I don’t know how this

Website works so what is this five random names Ed ghost I don’t care about any of this I just want a name generator uh how many examples you like I I’ll do 20 for now I guess F entire okay wait can I just wait yeah wait

Greedy what is your animal what is okay what is an animal that the mayor would be most like what’s a creature that’s greedy a ferret maybe I know ferrets are pretty greedy birth year I don’t care would you describe his or her nationality Canadian I feel like a

Canadian probably wouldn’t be greedy but how about British uh starts with Jay how about that ends with about I just close my eyes click it a few times and R I feel like you couldn’t get that many names that start with j end with r family name begins with how about S I

Let oh nothing okay S I guess it’ll be S random c38 write me some villain names oh these are all bad Jennifer Sanders Jupiter oh crap I forgot to change the ra or not the race the gender change the gender to oh that’s not I meant to

Press ferrets I want it to be male honestly it was coming up with some some names Jasper Sims Jamar Jr I’m like trying to think of any of these sound good mayor jenry Mayor John Mayor James James SK that one’s not bad Joseph mayor Joseph mayor James I kind

Of like James to be honest James is simple but also kind of works Jerry Jeffrey Peter Jimmy Roger John Johnny Walter uh Jay let’s see you got uh mayor Jay no mayor Joe maybe I think I’m gonna go with the um the James one that one’s kind of good so I’ll do mayor

James I’ll just put whatever he has down here so SKS it’s kind of a weird way to spell it I feel like mayor James skes a Ducky I mean I I prefer to just say ducky but ducky duckington ducky duckington uh oh Joe I’ll just keep it as old Joe I won’t even call him anything else I forgot the music I’m sorry old lady Gwen I’ll just name her something Jacobs not Mar actually I feel like Jacobs could

Have been a good one mayor Jacobs instead of Mayor James old lady Gwen Jacobs it’s kind of sensual this music that you have put a space in between every name for now on instead I guess character mayor James I’m gonna do this and then James skes ducky dington that’ll be his his uh

Actual name just call him d he said old Joe I’m not going to give him a name old lady I might just change it from old lady to just lady Gwen and then her name will be J wendeln Jacobs or something these names are two not fake wendin I how do you spell

Gendin wendelin I guess that makes sense actually with an e at the end gwendaline and wendeln Jacobs granny gwy may that’s what I’ll call her granny Gwen um there’s some other character stereotypes I how about Pete I was going to do Pete the postman I feel like that’s already a thing isn’t

It Pete does that sound familiar Pete the postman No I have no clue okay uh wait on the wrong thing um Pete Postman cuz now I have a post office um neutral I’ll do neutral character how about that neutral character always no you know what works everywhere he’ll be the character that you see in every shop for no reason um

But his main job will be a postman okay okay okay uh works everywhere always around his name I’m just going to keep that as Pete Pete the postman Pete the postman granny Gwen old Joo ducky mayor James I like the character cast so far

Um what else could I put so far I have four characters um so Pete would be just about every shop every job you could think of for example I can think of it in my head as you go to a restaurant he be there like

Oh how can I serve you like I just seen you like outside sweeping the streets he’s like no no no maybe you know uh what else could I do I think I’ll have to come up with more later I’ll save that for now minimize this unmute that for whatever

Reason it’s muted I don’t know why it keeps muting itself it’s stupid I’m about to actually just put this back from being minimized and I needed to stop doing that I need to stop muting itself open this make sure covering everything okay perfect close okay back to

Minecraft okay I do kind of want to want to start working on this but I’m not sure what to build it out of so I might have to open this up what does a mayor’s house cuz they usually have like big fancy houses this is how I imagine it to be

Honest yeah that is kind of how I imagine it to be honest but I kind of want it to be made from like like this yeah like brick o let’s see let’s see what can I do about this actually this reminds me Minecraft so for my what was it this

Floor I do anything about this yeah so if I didn’t have that it wouldn’t matter anyway but I didn’t have that been good about this balcony I don’t need this balcony but I do prefer to have it oh yeah I forgot to make a door for this make a a double

Door wait you know I’ll make it over here actually that way if I do want to use this room for like a gaming lounge or whatever um I can do that I have some chairs like all along here now that that’s not a doorway this will be

However I like the fact that it just it’s a skeleton of a house but it will become a house should I make it out of bricks if I do make it out of bricks should I make it so that it has a the walls are a different layer than the

Outside I think I’m going to do that because that sounds that sounds good let me grab some bricks I need to make sure that I grab the right thing though bricks so I do want to make a brick House but I want the walls to be a different material than the outer walls I like this building okay this this um idea of using an outer layer for a wall versus the inner layer is such a good idea I’m so glad I found that um technique

Building I I need to make sure that the doorways are aligned though cuz some of these might be like too close to being taken out and windows will probably have to be slightly changed because like you’ll be mostly seeing brick walls for these windows I have no clue how these windows

Are going to work okay so we got that I can start building up now to make it look um sorry if you can hear my clicking by the way my mouse is not very quiet I have another mouse but it’s like it’s a Bluetooth mouse it’s

Kind of broken for some reason I don’t I don’t really like using that so I think it’s just cuz it was a cheap Chinese like Factory mouse or something I don’t know for some reason it would like randomly stop tracking and it’s this music just keeps unmuting and it’s

Annoying we have to put some type of trim on this uh like some type of white um to mix with the brick to make it look nice just like the image that I seen around right here let go to images real quick I can find some nice looking

Buildings okay so I think this is the best image I can go off of right now it’s a really crappy image but well there’s a better one actually I’ll take that move this over here so I can see that as a reference while building what is this like

VHS um video game style of music I’m hearing right now should I make a white trim where each of the floors like where the gray part is but on the outside to indicate the next floor is starting or would that look too odd CU like it if you look at this image

There’s like a bit of an indication of where the next floor starts but I don’t know if doing it with like brick stairs or something would look better maybe like if I did something like um like this to indicate that the next floor is starting or like

Maybe that I don’t know or maybe I do like some whiters so I I have enough blue but I feel like doing one of these would be pretty good to indicate that the next floor is starting for now let me just cover up the uh the walls and stuff

Oh yeah I didn’t even think of that I should Probably uncover where the the windows are just in case I want to forget where the windows are Maybe should make this two blocks tall I’ll work on the Windows when I need to but for now I need to cover up everything but where the windows

Are oh I didn’t even think about that I I didn’t put any windows for the top floor or the top floors I’ll deal with that later I guess I’ll probably end up forgetting but I’ll try to make it look nice if I can you know something I could do

Actually I could for the windows do like something like this so that the windows are more uh accentuated um I don’t know if I’ll use glass panes or if I’ll use um see what was it glass panes or I’ll use the solid one I’ll keep that as is

For now but I I don’t know if that looks good enough maybe if I do something like no that’s still doesn’t look good that I feel like that’s a bit that’s a bit odd I mean it doesn’t look bad to be honest but it doesn’t look

Great okay that’s not that bad when I do that maybe if I put some slabs right here okay that that looks a bit better but I still don’t know if I’ll do that just put this back the way it was for now uh like I said I’ll deal with

The windows when I actually get to it but for now start building this back up um let’s see hopefully my mic isn’t too quiet like I just now thought of it if it’s too quiet it’ll kind of suck that it’s too quiet or if I’m talking too quiet what on my

Headphones about 40% they’ve been 40% for like an hour now these actually do have quite a bit of life it did say in the packaging that it was was um 68 hour play time so I don’t know if it was accurate to say that but okay I’m going to get rid of that

That’s a bit in the way perfect I’m really loving how the brick looks to be honest it looks really good especially with this texture pack the brick kind of looks um kind of looks real to be honest okay uh sorry if I’m too quiet uh will

Be con trting as I build because a single misclick is another click I’m going have to do to fix it so I’ll keep that as white cuz I kind of like that to be honest oops that’s what I me to do this I should be fine with since that’s gone replace That H I could probably just add like another brick layer right here if I really wanted to I could build the this as part of the white wall but that would also kind of change because I’d have to extend all the ones above as well and I I don’t feel like doing that

So at least the be’s house will be uh explosion proof um kind of I don’t know how strong the bricks are against explosive damage in Minecraft but I assume it’s pretty similar to to Stone or Cobblestone at least Oh dude that sound looks so nice just seeing like the the sunflare on the side of my screen right here you probably can’t see what I’m talking about like what I’m pointing at but you probably see what you probably know what I’m talking about oh yeah I need to so

That’s I’m might have to give this thing a roof I think I’m going to give it pretty uh flat roof to be honest so on the sides it’s going to go up like maybe two or three layers and then it’s going to go flat kind of yeah kind of like um

How this goes up a little bit and then it just like stops very flat at the top and then it goes curves down I think I’m going to do the same thing with the Roof okay so I just had to put this as an indication of where the ceiling will be and where the walls will extend so that I can do this the very least yeah rich person’s going to have a big house that just makes sense I guess I want everything to be very

Deliberate like I want everything to be placed in a certain way I want the trees around it to be placed so that like part of a story is you could break in by climbing one of the trees and I’ll have like a staircase made from the leaves or something I don’t

Know see I guess it doesn’t make sense anymore because I planned on having the gate and I don’t know if I will or not so there’s a chance I might still put the the gate in oh wait you know what just like with the um the

Image with this image I could do like the white trim on the outside that has a bit of a a roof right here above the door um especially now that I’ve cleaned this up a bit I can make some um do if I do Wall like just as a I’m not going to use this material but as an example I can find some there it is I could do something like this probably do it out of like quartz or something though instead quartz and brick I feel like that always has been a

Good good pair that go together that could be nice yeah um maybe putting this on the outside as the uh trim but you know the white the uh if only that connected then it would kind of fit but I do this maybe it also kind of looks weird though to be

Honest let me see does that you know what that doesn’t look too bad but again I think quartz would be better I don’t know how to spell quartz apparently so there’s quartz stairs and there’s reinforced okay I’ll do this get rid of this oh this is right this is

1.12 so they don’t have um the walls made from other materials yet that sucks I don’t know maybe I’ll have to give them Cobblestone I don’t think there’s even stone brick walls yet I think it’s just Cobblestone and stone I don’t know maybe it was stone brick I seen

Actually you know just as an idea probably oh wait that could look pretty cool and if I had done this for that part and it had doors or something maybe some type of block up against this like U that could look nice put this back for now but I do plan on

Making that a doorway obviously see it’s kind of coming along don’t you see it’s kind of it’s kind of tall now that I’ve given it a three floors so it’s kind of it’s quite nice honestly I’d be happy to have this and like survival I think a lot of people

Would honestly it was done it’s not yet I don’t know how many vanilla blocks I’ll be using for the interior so there’s a chance it’ll be mostly modded blocks and by a chance I mean a very likely chance really hide probably 70 to 80% chance that I’m

Using just mainly modded blocks for the inside oh I I should have gave him like a gym don’t worry about the uh the garage I still plan on giving him a garage but like I said I’m going to extend the back a bit more so that you’ll uh have a pool

And garage and stuff be a bit better I guess like I said I just build off of an idea I need to make I need to make the windows for the top rooms to be honest though cuz there’s not there’s not that many windows so far which is kind of uh

Concerning I do use um 1.12 a lot for modded Minecraft because it’s I’ve heard that it’s uh better for modding it’s more stable so it’s why I tend to use it more often that’s why this mod pack is in 1.12 which is a bit of an old version

Since we have like 1 20 or 1.20.1 or whatever 1.21 so I’m kind of kind of screwed with the vanilla blocks that’s why I might just have to use some modded blocks cuz it doesn’t have as many options now that I’ve gone I’ve degraded what version I’m

Using hey maybe I can make a z of Pizza Oven make them bricks think that can be cool for the kitchen or something maybe outside since it’s connected to the kitchen and I’ll keep that as white I guess probably nice go from a like a reddish orange color to a white on

Theide I might have to do this quite an interesting shape I made but I I do kind of enjoy shape it’s kind of kind of nice maybe I should have make a made a sticky note for like what rooms I wanted to be in at the very least that way I

Would have worked on individual rooms first so I could have been like a garage and then I started working on the garage for anything else or the kitchen I don’t what this music is but it kind of reminds me of Halo that one song I don’t remember what

It’s called but it’s like the one that everybody always sings in bathrooms or whatever YouTube videos I could just uh this this kind of look like Bowser’s Castle right now to be honest oh wait that that be another really fun thing to make actually keep that white should I

Actually I think I’ll make these walls that go back I’ll make these break but I’ll make I’ll keep that wall white okay okay okay it’s coming along it’s coming along uh what else do I really have to do though you know I’ll start I’ll start building these uh

Interior what would the interior look like would it have white I feel like it might not wool for sure but quartz let’s see what quartz they have and what they look like chisel quartz we have pillar quartz pillars so we have the bricks which I could use

Either for a floor or for a wall wa uh we have regular quartz which is nice and it’s kind of like marble B I might use that it’s got pillars which good prce just see what tops of these blocks I like looks the same thing okay okay

Um i’ say we start with uh quartz quartz as the uh the trim for everything and if I don’t like it I’ll change it eventually for now I think this is this is good now this I might genely have to make like that okay okay actually

That doesn’t look that bad I kind of like that I’ll start making the bricks the wall I think and then I’ll make the top of this yeah ground actually I think I’ll make the ground out of wood yeah I’ll use the ground as wood I don’t need that keep

This I don’t care how great it looks to be honest I mean I kind of do but like not not really oh I wanted this to have I want this to be like this but it’s not going to look that oh did I grab it I didn’t

Grab take this place it I kind of wanted to do something like this for the open door doorway rooms but it kind of doesn’t fit the um the rest of this so I’ll keep it but I don’t really like It I’m got to make it look uh fancy am I right I don’t know if I really like these uh bricks to be honest I might I think I might like the um Regular quartz more who okay like doesn’t look that bad but

I don’t know if I like it as much as I like of using this stuff oh you know what actually you can do this as the design that’ll look nice and it’ll incorporate more pieces oh I like how it gets foggy when it rains like I kind of do but I also

Kind of don’t uh my typing speed isn’t super fast but I I type those commands in pretty fast because I I’ve typed those commands in so many times and it’s so annoying you know I got to I think okay instead of like making the walls the way I am

I’m going to go around and replace the bottom part with the bricks and then start building the walls up that way I’m not like multitasking or whatever cuz when uh humans multitask they become less efficient No actually I’m not going to do pillars for the closed doorways I’m only do it for the open open doorways so except for the front door that one I’ll keep because that just kind of makes sense I feel like and this actually I’ll make this one pillar as well do

This oh that’s kind of nice it’s kind of smooth I kind of have to have this not sure okay I need to continue going around and replacing maybe I should retitle this to like city building um modded Minecraft city building or something I don’t know I don’t think it honestly would have mattered

But D this music is like kind of medieval which I kind of like honestly kind of fits Minecraft it doesn’t really fit like the city building aspect of what I’m doing but it fits Minecraft so this is open so I will put this that those kind of look a bit flat in my

Opinion but I’ll have to keep it guess so I think I’ve gotten all of the walls for the most part taken care of so let’s go

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Building Stream | (CCS) #1’, was uploaded by ErosGaming 17 on 2023-12-21 04:05:57. It has garnered 234 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:27 or 8427 seconds.

I build Modded Minecraft map, or something like that. Enjoy! Copyright Free (hopefully) Calm Music Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfP6i5T0-DkKApCPXKcyP-1GF4vJ2yT-k

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    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J ➡️Ahmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More