EPIC Modded Minecraft: Fissile Fuel Madness!

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I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today I set up the mechanism area aka the back rooms AKA The Eternal day area and we set up fizzle fuel but it’s not normal fizzle fuel production no no no we get modular with it today is World download day that’s

Right episode 30 we have now hit 30 episodes and have a ton of hours in this pack so if you’re a supporter now of any tier whether that is on on patreon over on Twitch over on Discord or even here on YouTube be sure to get your world

Download all linked over on the Discord you can find that in the world’s download channel uh as soon as you have all of your account stuff linked up in your user settings so be sure to check that out and well let’s get on with today’s episode so the last couple of

Episodes we have really dabbled a lot in Magic and I think today we should jump back into some more Tech and get into more mechanism and start to further our technology now in order to do this I asked you guys a while back I was like

Is there any dimension in this pack that has Eternal day and you guys told me yes yes indeed there is and it is the blue skies mod that actually allows this to be possible now I don’t really have any intentions of getting into the blue

Skies mod as it is sort of its own progression and we chose the the uh the Twilight Forest route over the blue skies route but I will say it doesn’t mean we can’t use the dimension now there are a lot of mods in this pack that can actually utilize the Eternal

Day in this Dimension power being one fantastic thing but also another thing that gains a huge benefit from it is mechanism mechanism has a lot of things such as the boilers and stuff that do get a massive boost if we just simply simply put something in a dimension that

Is eternal day um and this is also going to be helpful for later game with our fision reactors so that way we can process some of our waste inside the so Neutron activator this does need aernal day well it doesn’t need it but it works better if it is aernal day because

Whenever it’s night this doesn’t run and things start to build up so I would prefer to have an eternal day so notice the Sun is setting and this right here this is a structure that you can find throughout the world and it kind of has randomized portals you’ll find these

Turquoise ones and you’ll also find the lunar ones now you’ll notice it’s already activated because I tested this out I went ahead and spent some emeralds on a lighter from this guy which is probably sleeping bed is occupied can can you can you get out of the bed

Please there we go so I guess I bought a lighter a Zeal lighter off of this guy um which you’ll find a gatekeeper in these little structures so you might have to wander around a bit to find a structure like this and then to find one that also has the turquoise stone once

You light this this is going to lead you into the ever bright Dimension and that is where we’re are going to spend a lot of our time because mechanism is very timec consuming notice it was night there and it is eternal day here so some things I want to

Test if a solar panel I will assume if a solar panel Works in this Dimension then I am going to assume oh my gosh flight is disabled in this Dimension though that is going to be kind of a problem not too bad though uh but yes flight is

Apparently disabled here but I want to test this out if I put this solar power it is working so we do have solar power so hopefully mechanism will also work in this Dimension um another problem that is kind of a pain is our tools don’t really work so well in this Dimension um

Which there’s not a great way around that either unfortunately so for example if I put down some Cobblestone and I try to break it with my pickaxe that normally instab breaks things it’s not instab breaking so yes something to keep in mind mine as we decide to use this

Dimension it does have its perks and the only way we could get a tool that breaks things a lot better in here would be well to either I think go with the mechanism tool which might honestly work or to use a tool from this Dimension I think maybe going the mechanism tool

Route though might be the best so let’s take a look at this this is the atomic disassembler and all I have to do is craft this up and let’s see if this works now this is going to have some modes to it and if I go ahead and I hold

Down shift and scroll wheel I can go to the fastest mode or the fast mode that you see right here it’s slow and fast so let’s see will this work yes okay so there’s our tool problem completely solved that’s good now another thing to note is we won’t always spawn in the

Middle of an ocean but this is actually kind of nice that we do because my goal is to actually build sort of a factory that doesn’t even look like we are technically in the middle of the ocean ocean this we will disregard because I’m going to go out somewhere here in the

Water um and we are going to place ourself a way of getting here through waist Stones oh yeah I know I mentioned this towards the end of last episode and I wanted to mention this here at the beginning of this one I up to this point I have been only making enough resources

To make one block of all the mod star however there’s a lot more needed than that we actually need two blocks total So eventually we’re going to have to figure that all out but but it shouldn’t be too difficult to account for that since most of these things are pretty

Simple to get together so here’s the work in progress ultimately I have some nice platforms here and a starting area I think this might be big enough at least uh on this particular side to have reactors set up a fizzle fuel setting or setup area um also I have a spot here

And a spot here for two different evaporators that we’ll be able to use and then also maybe more reactor stuff uh depending on how we uh how we go about setting up all of that the important part though is definitely getting fizzle fuel automated and that’s

Really what I want to get done today but that also means I need a working construction zone as you see behind me I need an area to place all of this so now without further Ado let me show you the build this is going to be where we do

All of our mechanism stuff and so this will eventually turn blue which I I really like the color of the actual corroded um copper but these massive areas I still left the top of because right we need access to the Sun so these side bits here still have access to the

Sun which is going to allow us to still use them so one of the first things that I actually want to get started is believe it or not the actual evaporation Chambers now the reason I need to set up these evaporators is because we need to get ourself some lithium now lithium is

Very very important if we take a look here lithium is what is required to make the induction cells and make induction casings and all that fun stuff that we’re going to get into for Mass power storage which is I think going to be essential uh as we start to progress

Further on especially into mechanism um but we need to get this set up because it takes a little bit of time to sort of run and to do this we’re going to go ahead and get ourselves the thermal evaporation multiblock setup and this is kind of an introduction into multiblocks

From mechanism now this one can be kind of confusing uh because it does sort of have a format that you need to kind of follow and that is the 2x two that it is you know set up in which is kind of odd like a 2X two yeah it seems a little bit

Odd but all we have to do to get this to work is place down blocks in this particular configuration that you see right here let me go ahead and get another block here just like this um and so what we’ll end up with is this two

Block high with another set on top so three blocks tall here with some Corners left off and the reason I want to leave the corners off is for these advanced solar panels um so I should be able to let’s see Pop onto the side here cuz we

Don’t have flight in this Dimension it’s a little harder but we need to place down some solar panels so I’m going to place down some solar panels just like that onto the sides and this will help uh heat up and give some thermal heat into the actual evaporation chamber now you can heat

This up in other methods that we’ll probably get into later but for right now this is more than enough now the back here right in the center I’m actually going to leave this valve or leave this space for a valve and then we’ll have a valve in the front here and

Then the middle of the block is where I’m going to put our controller and this should complete the multi block and so now we have a heat value that is built up and this is just going to passively run from there there being solar panels

On top um and I need to do the exact same thing on the other side perfect now with both of these running we are ready to produce lithium from water that’s right this will just passively run from water so we just need to have a sink connected to start our production

Of brine which we can do over here so I’m going to place this down and then I’m actually going to craft up for mechanism a pipe um that we are going to send water from so let’s go ahead and just create some uh ultimate pipes here

Um we’re also going to need some pipes to send the fluid over here um and so this is how we’re going to do this and then I’ll just use my configuration tool to send water into this and then we can actually see the brine filling up now we

Need to pull the brine from the back here and we need to send that into the input which I can use from the back which I am going to input on this particular one from the back and uh we just need to run some cables underwater

So just like that I now have the pipes set up underneath the floor and all I have to do is connect this in and then do the same thing where we set this to pull and that is going to send the bra brine into this machine and now we can

Start to see the brine being turned directly into liquid lithium now this is where we need to take that liquid lithium and we need to put it through a couple of machines the first one being a rotary condens trator and then we need to send what that creates into a

Chemical crystallizer and that will ultimately create our lithium dust for us now on the rotary concentrator I did have to toggle the operation to decondensing trading mode and then without even configuring anything other than clicking that one button it’s automatically sending the lithium over here and then that is going to produce

Our first lithium dust um and then I think all I’m going to end up doing is probably just setting up a drawer over here so let’s do a a drawer for right now cuz I just want it to fill an inventory with this stuff so functional storage and we’ll take any sort of

Drawer not a big deal actually this one has stuff in it let’s craft a drawer goodness you got to love when like I’m trying to craft some stuff up and I just don’t have it that always that always happens so there we go just an oak drawer I think

Yeah we we just want to choose this um and then we should be able to automatically have the items output now for right now the items are set to Output to the right but we’re going to set it to Output to that side and then just turn on the auto output and there

We go we just need to get these some power so some nodes and we don’t even really need to upgrade these I don’t think just letting them run should be more than fine and uh we can use the nodes from the power mod because they’re

Just so flat and they work great so just like that ready to go now this is truly about as simple as it gets we need to build up of the we need a buildup of lithium so letting this sort of run while we work on other things is a great

Way to do that and I don’t think we need a bunch of lithium uh it’s really used for these induction cell components and used for our storage later on um and by that time we are going to have plenty of it now let’s get into fizzle Fuel and I

Want to try my best to break this down as simple as possible it is a lot of machines technically to set this up and this is going to be this is really going to determine how quickly you can actually make antimatter because the faster that you can produce fizzle fuel

The higher the burn rate you can ultimately run and well that means like I said more antimatter which is really really good but to break this down as simple as possible in reality all fizzle fuel is is the combination of sulfur which we are going to get from coal so

Our fundamental idea is coal we need a lot of sulfur we need a lot of which comes from the coal and then we’re going to need a lot of uranium that is going to be sort of the basic like items that we actually feed to this that we need a

Lot of in order to produce more and usually ends up being our bottleneck and then second in line to that is always going to be your hydrogen and your oxygen so those are going to be the things that we’re going to combine into this fizo fuel basically together using

A multiple different machines and then of course science science Rules right and we’re going to be combining all of these things together to produce this fizzle fuel um now I have a modular design that I want to use and this is going to require a lot of quantum entangle

Porters and that sounds very very crazy but these things right here if I place this down I can give this a name and an ID and I can assign something going into this based on that ID and the cool part is is this can automatically send things

Out of it it can’t seem send items automatically out of it but it can uh well actually it can send items out of it but just not into it you can’t pull things into it but you can send for example fluids and gases and everything through this single block and this is

What’s going to allow us to build a modular setup um so I can send oxygen into this I can send um pretty much any anything right I can send oxygen I can send if I generate uh sulfuric dioxide I can send that into it and then send that

To whatever machine needs it and so on and so forth so this is going to be the fundamental part of this and the cool part is is it also has configurations that I can just simply copy and this is going to be a big part of this so in

Mechanism we have a configuration card and to be able to not go crazy while setting these machines up this thing is going to be your best friend because we have sulfur seeds and uranium seeds this process is actually kind of compressed down because we got to get to skip sort

Of one machine hold process which does include a lot of other machines cuz we are will need uh oxygen and water so it sort of save some space now we are going to need to get our refined storage here in order to get these items in but we’ll

Do that last let’s first though think about how we’re going to set all of this up and sort of lay out our base now I want to set this up in categories our first category is going to be making sulfuric acid and this typically requires five machines but in our case

We’re going to be only using four really so I have my machines laid down in place and keep in mind this is to essentially make sulfuric acid the way this is going to work is we have a chemical um oxidizer that is going to receive uh the

Sulfur dust and thankfully we can just get that from our seeds sulfur dust is then going to go into this machine it will be processed into sulfur dioxide which means in this machine I need to name this sulfur dioxide so this is how we can actually label our machines now

This has an input and output and so we can take the the input from this machine send it into here and then I can then send that into the chemical injector um so the cool thing the reason why we want to do this is because we can just if we

Need more of this we can just Place Another machine directly on top and another quantum and Tangle Porter on top of it and if this machine machine isn’t the bottleneck and it’s just this then we don’t have to add another machine here this will because it’s linked to

Another one these are basically ways of accessing things wirelessly it’ll allow us to Simply send everything directly into this one machine um and then we can just use the configuration card on them so it’s really easy to copy settings and that includes selecting what it is now

Set to so back to what we’re actually making so the sulfur dioxide then goes into this chemical infuser and then this gets combined with oxygen which is going to be in the back so let’s go ahead and make our Oxygen Channel right so we have if I spell it

Right wouldn’t be the first time I spelled oxygen wrong um so we have our Oxygen Channel and we’ll go ahead and now set that now we haven’t set up oxygen yet but we will have oxygen and hydrogen on its own separate setup um that will end up going into this and so

That’ll end up going into this machine now we do have to configure these machines at least once and so that means going in here and making sure we’re selecting gases and configuring the the selection for gases correctly first and that is a bit timec consuming but once

You have it done once you’ll never have to do it again all right so now that it goes into this chemical infuser with that oxygen we’re producing sulfur trioxide so the sulfur trioxide can then have its own channel here now so now that’s sulfur trioxide then that sulfur

Trioxide is going to go into this chemical uh infuser and that’s going to need water vapor so let’s create a water vapor Channel like so and now we have our water vapor water vapor in here and then this is going to produce sulfuric acid which is our final

Product that we’re trying to make in you know all together is sulfuric acid which will end up in here and then we can carry this somewhere else now this right here this is kind of out of uh the left field right what do we do with this this

Is receiving water so this is actually what’s making the water vapor so we can go in here and just set this to the water vapor Channel and that is going to link to this one instead of using a pipe this might be a better option uh even

Though it’s more expensive than a pipe um in it’ll just be easier to configure because we we don’t have to break anything or move anything we just place the machine copy the settings and paste the settings and we’re good to go and this is how I want to set up a modular

Style of fizzle field production now I know I can talk out almost a five-page essay on how to set this all up but the other settings is going to be producing uh the the fizzle fuel itself and then we also need a simple setup for making uranium oxide this honestly what I just

Showed you is the hardest part of the entire setup I also went ahead and set up a water Quantum and Tangle Porter that way we can just use a water Quantum and Tangle Porter for all of our other Quantum and Tangle Porters and Tangle Porter Emporium all right so yes just

Another quantum entangle Porter goes here and I’m just going to use this to feed water directly in into this machine and I want to keep them on the sides because um if there is a way that I can make sure this is stackable I want to

Make sure of it now as far as generating oxygen and hydrogen I now have two electrolytic separators setting back here it’s receiving water from the back hydrogen goes into the left and then oxygen goes into the right as soon as I get this powered this will start running

And get our machines upgraded everything should flow smoothly I even have all of these Now set up to configure properly so you have to select the selection here as far as uh gases or fluids and keep in mind you can also move this window around if something is in the way if

It’s easier for you to do um and so once I have all of this set up which I’ve already gotten done it can be a little tedious because you do have to make sure to go in here and for example if you’re sending gases uh from one machine to

Another you’re going to want to make sure that eject is set on so that when it goes in here it’ll eject into the next machine and then this machine needs to have eject on so it sends into this machine and then this needs to have

Eject on so it can send into this one and and so on and so forth now for making uranium oxide simply we need to send in uranium into an enrichment chamber that will then turn it into two yellow cake uranium which we can actually send items pretty much

Everything can be sent through an intangle border but we can send items through the intangle border so that will end up going in here and uh we’ll have it under item mode and so we’ll just have input and then output automatically over to the next machine and then the

Oxidizer will then create uranium oxide and then that that will be able to be sent over to our fizzle fuel where we then will be able to combine our sulfuric acid along with fluoride which is another thing we’re going to actually need a lot of I almost forgot about

Fluorite um and then we pretty much are producing fizzle fuel now to take all of these things and combine them together we’re going to take right here our sulfuric acid so this is going to be sent into a chemical disillusion chamber now in the back we need to send this

Some fluoride which is another item that we’re going to need to constantly fill this now that item is this then going to be put into the chemical dissolution chamber and then this is going to produce hydrofluoric acid that acid will then go into this Quantum in tangle Porter which is named hydrofluoric acid

That will then be sent into the chemical infuser now that will be infused with uh uranium oxide which we’re getting from over here and the uranium oxide is this back here and so we can then take that setup and that will then uh combine those two things together and that will

Have us uranium hexif R it’s a long word um and then that’s going to go into the isotropic cuge which is then going to be turned into the final product which is fizzle fuel now to just simply get the things hooked up to it now I think as

Far as item input goes I’m actually going to have three separate Quantum entangle Porters that we just set up back at the base and I’m just going to hook some importers with some crafting upgrades onto those things and then we can just put a Quantum intangle Porter

Here as well and so this whole thing essentially will be Uber module modular that’s right so yes if we want to expand on any of this it’s just a matter of just putting it on top of the other machine and copying the settings now for

The fun part setting this up at the base and so what I’m going to do is place all of my crafter cards in here because all of these are going to be crafted from Essence we can always expand upon our Essence if need be for these particular

Things um but first things first this is going to be sulfur dust so I’ll send the sulfur dust in and then this one is going to be fluorite which by the way has the Tech texture um and then over here we are going to be sending the

Uranium ingots so all of this is pretty nice and uh then I need to go into the back of the machine or into the quantum entangle Porters for each one and we need to just basically say hey Auto input into here and you’re going to start to see the items now filling up

Because they can now go into the machine and so we now have sulfur fluoride and then this should also be sending to the other machines by auto outputting back over in the other dimension but so now that I’m back in the dimension this is all starting to kick off and we should

Start seeing some things work as soon as we give all of these machines a source of power they should all technically start firing up and we’ll start running and we’ll start supplying everything and eventually it should make its way all the way over here if I didn’t break

Anything and should start producing some fizzle fuel eventually so there we go these back two I didn’t configure correctly so I got them all set up and yes we’re now producing fizzle Fuel and you can see the fizzle fuel starting to build up oh this is powerful now all we

Have to do with all of this noise is just upgrade the machines so once we have all these machines Max upgraded they’re really going to start to utilize that 20K buffer there on some of them but yes this whole setup should be expandable by simply taking machine and

Stacking it on top of the other one and now we essentially have a really really nice setup for fizzle fuel production now this is when the Min maxing really starts and that is honestly the final boss of mechanism is just making sure that all of your ratios are kind of

Working together to produce as much fizzle fuel as you really want now something to note do not forget to put your gas burning upgrades inside of this chemical disillusion chamber this is going to be kind of important to do and is really nice for all of the chemical

Disillusion Chambers now of course I can’t forget to actually show off the ability to use this modularly now at the moment we are sort of going to run out of sulfuric acid and we’re also not going to be producing this fast enough so with all of these up and running

We’ll notice that this isn’t exactly filled up by any means and so we can’t really scale this up uh until we have all this other stuff running so to be able to scale up and start to scale up the full production of this by the way

Which also we we need to get an actual point on this uh because with the the amount of speed upgrades it’s too much uh but we’re going to notice that this is going to run out of sulfuric acid um so let’s go ahead and do this we’re going to place down our chemical

Oxidizer there’s one there and there’s one there and then we just need to take the quantum and Tangle Porters and place one there and one here and then we’ll need another quantum entangle bter right um now you I could get away with not using so many Quantum entangle borders

If I really wanted to I could use pipes here but like I said I want to avoid pipes if at all possible POS let’s go and grab another one and these are so easy to craft at this point it makes no sense not doing this so let’s go ahead

And copy this card um and I don’t know if it if it automatically copies what it has set in it unfortunately but I can go ahead and immediately get these cards copying over the settings to the machine so that way all of the stuff gets sent

Where it needs to go okay it does look like it does copy over what it is currently set to so we have the soul for dust in there and these are actually all sending perfect now it is going to run out of power immediately and we put some

Power up on this and then we’ll get our energy and our speed upgrades on this and there we go that is a perfect example of how this works modularly it’s pretty darn cool and so now this machine should be receiving a bunch more sulfuric acid or sorry um sulfur dioxide

From this machine now after upgrading the power on the chemical infuser and our isotropic cuge over here I will now see that we are keeping up with the hydrlc acid but we are now bottlenecked on the amount of uranium so we are going to need to upgrade this and we can do

This in two ways we can upgrade the base machine to produce more uranium but I don’t think that’s going to speed this process up because this is honestly handling it just fine the amount that it’s receiving so I think just having more chemical infusers and simply upgrading our enrichment chamber to a

Higher tier would be a better option so we’ll just need more chemical infusers or chemical oxidizers excuse me now in reality the only true way we’re going to be able to see roughly what our burn rate is is by actually having a fision reactor up and running but we don’t have

That just yet but we will be getting it very very soon so we see the fizal react or we see the fizzle fuel being produced we have a lot of it being produced here and then right here we have our oxidizers I added two more and then I

Just upgraded this to the next tier and if I just want to go even further I can just continue to upgrade this even more and we’ll end up with more and more um but I noticed this is still the major bottleneck whereas this currently is not

Um so we do not have a problem making hydr Floric so I think add even more of these would definitely make it so we don’t have a bottleneck but I still don’t yet know currently where we’re at as far as the actual amount of fizzle field we are producing ghost once I know

How much we’re actually making I can then make that determination and fully understand what our actual burn rate is and what I want to be at and that is where the true magic of mechanism resides so now that I have that I can go ahead and fill this hole so let’s go

Ahead and grab our concrete by the way it’s I can make concrete so fast now because of the mystical agriculture ability to create concrete and actually not need you to place it in water oh it’s so nice because of that but ah this is so simplistic this is probably the

Cleanest setup I’ve ever done now volcano block I did a pretty nice setup but this one is even more clean than I did I did then so this one is fantastic utilizing all of the quantum entangle Porters it’s just it’s absolutely beautiful honestly I’m I’m I’m a little

Proud of myself now guys with that I hope you enjoyed today’s episode hopefully you learned something new and hopefully you got something out of this I know that fizzle field production can be kind of complicated so if you want to look at this in more detail be sure to

Download the world uh if you’re a supporter of any tier like I mentioned at the beginning of today’s episode so thank you guys so much for supporting those of you who do support and uh like I said if you did enjoy click that subscribe button comment down below is

There another way that you would have possibly done this keeping in mind that we can still use the cut paste Gadget which is a new Gadget from direwolf to actually move all of these things into a more compact area now that we have them sort of set up oh there’s just so many

Possibilities I absolutely love it guys it is now time to thank the amazing supporter of today’s episode and that amazing thanks is going to have to go out to Thor and Stark thank you so much for your amazing support by the way over on the Discord becoming a Discord

Premium member and supporting in one of the best ways possible also be sure to get your world download and try out this awesome Contraption thing that we have going on back here AKA fizzle fuel guys it’s been a blast and I look forward to seeing you in the next one and as always

Thanks for watching bye

This video, titled ‘All The Mods 9 Modded Minecraft EP30 Modular Fissile Fuel Mekanism’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-01-10 17:00:10. It has garnered 25396 views and 1235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:09 or 1809 seconds.

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    Minecraft: A Review The Impact of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Nostalgia Many of us have fond memories of Minecraft, a game that has left a lasting impact on our lives. From its humble beginnings with creator Markus Persson, also known as Notch, to its acquisition by Microsoft, Minecraft has evolved into a cultural phenomenon that continues to captivate players of all ages. The Origins of Minecraft Notch’s vision for Minecraft was simple yet revolutionary – a game where players could unleash their creativity in a limitless world. Whether you preferred the creative mode for building or the survival mode for… Read More


    GUMMIGOO Portal Prank - MINECRAFT The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to create and explore endless possibilities. One such creative endeavor involves bringing characters from The Amazing Digital Circus to life in the game. Gamigo, the leader of a group of bandits, is a central figure in this Minecraft adventure. Creating the Gamigo Portal To embark on this unique journey, players need to gather materials like obsidian, steel, slime blocks, and yellow terracotta glaze. By arranging these materials in a 4×5 structure, a portal to the world of Gamigo can be constructed. Lighting the… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Playing with Real Mods on Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Guide to Playing with Real Mods on Minecraft Bedrock Exploring the World of Minecraft Mods on Bedrock Edition Introduction Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? With mods, you can enhance your gameplay, add new features, and explore exciting worlds beyond the vanilla game. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing and playing mods on Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Installing Mods on MCPE To begin your modding journey, you’ll need to download the “MCPEDL” app from Safari. Once you have the app, search for the mods you want to install. Make sure to check that the mod version matches… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures! Are you a fan of building massive structures in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the creative process of gathering resources and bringing your vision to life block by block? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant gaming community and endless possibilities for creative builds, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and connect with like-minded players. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and start your own mega base building journey. Who knows, you… Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10 The Minecraft Wood Challenge – Day 10 On day 10 of the Minecraft Wood Challenge, the player decided to try crafting an axe to save time. This simple tool can be a game-changer when it comes to gathering resources efficiently. Let’s delve into the details of this day’s adventure! Crafting Efficiency with an Axe By crafting an axe, the player aimed to streamline the process of collecting wood. Axes are essential tools in Minecraft for chopping down trees quickly and effectively. This strategic move showcases the player’s foresight in optimizing their gameplay. Setting Rules Along the Way Throughout the… Read More

  • Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 42

    Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 42 Minecraft Animation: Creating Original Content with Love Creating Minecraft animations is a labor of love for many content creators, each bringing their unique style and storytelling to the virtual world. One such creator is dedicated to producing Minecraft animation male love content, striving to differentiate themselves from others in the field. Learning and Growing With two years of experience under their belt, this creator has honed their craft and continues to improve with each project. Despite aiming for originality, they acknowledge that there may be flaws in their work and welcome feedback from their audience. The creator is open… Read More

  • Java’s Hidden Gem: Cavern Rhyme Time

    Java's Hidden Gem: Cavern Rhyme Time In the depths of Minecraft, a cavern so grand, Filled with thermals and boosts, a wondrous land. Checkpoints and barriers, the next tasks at hand, Exploring this world, with music so grand. Glide through the map, with Gareth Coker’s tune, In Java Edition, under the bright moon. A demo so thrilling, a sneak peek soon, Stay tuned for more, in this Minecraft boon. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Twitch Capes!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Twitch Capes! Are you a fan of exclusive Minecraft capes? Do you want to stand out in the game with a unique look that shows off your dedication and style? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! While watching videos on how to get Twitch capes in Minecraft, you may have realized that some capes are only available to players who attended special events like Minecon or were active on platforms like Twitch and TikTok. But fear not, because Minewind offers a vibrant community where you can connect with fellow players and unlock exclusive rewards. Join Minewind today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥 Spicy Skeletons #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥 Spicy Skeletons #minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft Read More

  • Death by Mining: Borion SMP Ep. 2

    Death by Mining: Borion SMP Ep. 2 Minecraft Survival Multiplayer: Borion SMP Episode 2 Exploring the World of Mining in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, mining is a crucial activity that players engage in to gather resources, craft tools, and explore the depths of the game’s vast landscapes. In this episode of Borion SMP, our protagonist embarks on a mining adventure filled with unexpected encounters and thrilling discoveries. Preparing for the Journey Before delving into the depths of the earth, our player takes the necessary precautions by crafting essential items such as a bed and storing valuable resources in a chest. Equipped with a new… Read More

  • Chaos in Minecraft Mods: A Wild Adventure

    Chaos in Minecraft Mods: A Wild Adventure The Chaotic Adventure of Minecraft Mods Day 13: Diagonal Fences and Golden Launcher On day 13, our Minecraft adventurer discovered the ability to craft diagonal fences, a game-changer in their construction endeavors. Additionally, they upgraded their launcher to gold, providing a thrilling yet risky escape route from a ravine. The stakes were high as missing the jump meant a perilous fall with only one heart left. Day 15: Sharp Carrot and Obsidian Tools Day 15 brought about the creation of a sharp carrot, a unique weapon choice against the undead. The adventurer also delved into the realm of obsidian… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods with Weeping Angels in the Mix ft. Kal!

    Insane Minecraft Mods with Weeping Angels in the Mix ft. Kal!Video Information to feel that this is real world find my it out my and [Music] night my C is to good night world [Music] I [Music] PR to speak and to that this is [Music] real [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] to [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow okay I don’t know if my voice can be heard because of the [ __ ] fan is so stupid any okay this people are not in VC yet I will oh okay my Discord is not okay yay okay can be heard someone say hi Oh… Read More

  • Sister vs Brother Bedwars Showdown

    Sister vs Brother Bedwars ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘bedwar funny moment { me vs my sister }’, was uploaded by AgnivXD on 2024-04-18 11:13:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars #minecraft #hypixel #minecraftmemes #skywars #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilds #gaming #minecraftpc #gamer #pvp … Read More

  • Joey64 Survives 100 Hours in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Joey64 Survives 100 Hours in Minecraft Hardcore!Video Information all what all right H here we go and we’re live which the time been extended only twice only twice only twice um and to be fair I accidentally did one of them I always meant to set it the 750 I just forgot the set it to 750 so yeah we every time I was like okay like make I changed it and then I didn’t change it to the white one oopsies my bad why does the hoodie actually look good on you it really does really everyone’s told me that a lot of people is… Read More

  • Insane Modern House Tutorial in Minecraft!

    Insane Modern House Tutorial in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modern House Tutorial: Quick and Easy Building !’, was uploaded by Cubic Bard on 2024-01-16 16:58:14. It has garnered 3115 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft Modern House Tutorial Shorts! In this concise yet informative video, we bring you a step-by-step guide on how to build a stunning modern house in Minecraft. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, our quick and easy building tips will help you create an impressive abode in no time! Get ready to delve into the… Read More

  • EPIC Chest Boat Base Build on Odyssey Rising SMP! #Minecraft

    EPIC Chest Boat Base Build on Odyssey Rising SMP! #MinecraftVideo Information hello welcome to my first episode on the Odyssey Rising now this is a modded SMP and I already had a couple days on here to get situated and meet everybody so this is my Island I’ll give you a tour this is the front of my Island red panda Island and Cove we have a little wheat farm and potato farm here little cactus farm cocoa bean Farm a little sugar cane farm and bamboo farm so I got a little bit of a head start that you guys didn’t see but I wanted to meet everybody… Read More

  • INSANE! 🔥 Dragon Armour Tutorial!! #shorts

    INSANE! 🔥 Dragon Armour Tutorial!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Dragon Armour in Minecraft Ice & Fire 🥶🔥 #shorts #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-27 09:00:11. It has garnered 453 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback &… Read More

  • Ban Moi Returns with Epic Builds! AKATSUKI BAN MAI | MINECRAFT

    Ban Moi Returns with Epic Builds! AKATSUKI BAN MAI | MINECRAFTVideo Information m I I [âm nhạc] K I I I I [âm nhạc] alo alo muốn nghe tiếng game không Alo Hello Hello mọi người b b b b Hello mọi người ch ch ch Hello mọi người tối vui vẻ t vui vẻ Hello ăn gì chưa Mai mai ăn rồi ăn rồi ch m kì kìa kìa h Hi Hello Hello gi tên bạn Tuấn Hello Leon Hello nhật Hello Tiến Hello L Hello Ok hello hello Al hello Hải hello hello qu Hello Leon Hello mọi người Sao không live sớm hôm nay ban mai đi… Read More

  • KingT’s EPIC Manhunt Battle! Who Will Win?

    KingT's EPIC Manhunt Battle! Who Will Win?Video Information all right according to streamlabs I am live but the question is am I actually live maybe um hey yo okay so I am live my YouTube is being slow welcome to the Stream um hold on I got to pull up the regular way I do it actually um I should just be able to use stream Labs here yes you are first indeed that was really quick that was me record time yes welcome to the stream so I’m just getting the the stream set up I’ve been doing some seed searching hopefully people start to… Read More

  • Become INVINCIBLE in Minecraft Heroes! EP. 4

    Become INVINCIBLE in Minecraft Heroes! EP. 4Video Information bom hoje eu vou atrás de fazer o sinistro o invencível sinistro Até onde eu sei esse Invencível ele é um outro Invencível o invencível do ma O nome dele é sinister invincible e tipo ele parece ser meio forte como dá para ver aqui nos itens dele tá ligado é um vitr Mita e bom o Tier dele é Tier 9 uma outra opção que eu tenho também de fazer porém eu quero fazer o melhor então vai ser um pouco mais difícil esse om Man aqui que é o om Man Prime o om Man Prime… Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ JAVA Whitelist Community Driven So much more!

    Embark on a Journey to Terra Nova Terra Nova 🏰 is a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine. Our gates opened less than a year ago, and we have quickly become a haven for those 18+ seeking a community of mature, friendly souls united by a love for the game and each other. What Terra Nova Offers: Diamonds drive an immersive, player-driven economy with over 15 thriving player-operated stores. Weekly events include parkour challenges, building contests, and PvP tournaments to foster camaraderie and competitive spirit. Explore our world with our BlueMap at map.terranovasmp.net. Join the Terra… Read More

  • Artemis mc [Factions][Survival]Land Claiming]20.4+

    Artemismc |Factions and survival server| Artemismc is a fun faction and survival serverwhat we offer:-Factions, to claim land and steal land-Limited World, the world is limited so every block counts!-Custom terrain map, to make the world more immersive-A variety of plugins to make your experience more fun!-An active and Friendly community, with staff to help out all the timeApply to join Today on out discord: discord.gg/JaT2nPhu8a Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft hardcore gamers’ struggles

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft hardcore gamers' strugglesMinecraft hardcore youtubers be like “I survived 428 memes, no big deal” Read More

  • Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 6

    Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 6 In the Minecraft world, love and drama unfold, With animations that are lively and bold. Join the channel for perks, don’t be shy, For a story of love between a boy and a guy. The narrator speaks with eyes sharp and keen, Describing the scenes, every move seen. With Minecraft love and yaoi in the mix, The story unfolds with playful tricks. Follow on Twitter and Instagram too, For more animations that will delight you. The tale of love and mystery, so divine, In the Minecraft world, where stories intertwine. So leap into the verse, let the story sing,… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft’s Tallest Cobblestone Tower!

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft's Tallest Cobblestone Tower! When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #gamerstruggles 😂🎮💣 Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Herobrine Battles Await

    Join Minewind: Where Herobrine Battles Await Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of viral Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the excitement and adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world in epic battles, creative building challenges, and so much more. Immerse yourself in a community of passionate gamers who share your love for all things Minecraft. Experience the thrill of facing off against formidable opponents like Herobrine and Kenny in a virtual world where anything is possible. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone…. Read More

  • Taiwan Hot Trends & Minecraft Shenanigans

    Taiwan Hot Trends & Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft Exploring the Minecraft Universe Minecraft, the sandbox building game that took the world by storm since its release in 2009, celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2024. The game’s unique gameplay allows players to unleash their creativity by constructing almost anything they can imagine. This freedom has not only captured the hearts of young gamers but also resonated with adults who appreciate the open-ended nature of the game. Educational and Social Impact In Taiwan, Minecraft serves not only as a source of entertainment but also as a platform for education and social interaction. Schools… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in OP Skyblock – OMG Guilty Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

    Surviving 100 Days in OP Skyblock - OMG Guilty Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!Video Information I survived 100 days in Project overpowered Sky Block this mod pack allows you to become as rich as possible by automating Farms advancing with tech and Alchemy and well there’s even jetpacks some of my goals are to get the expensive gem armor set obtain every type of chicken there’s a lot and crafts powerful weapons like the flamethrower and redar so without further Ado let’s get straight into the 100 days all right project overpowered Sky Block here we go who what why do I have googly eyes all right well I’m I’m just going to… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Story

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘horror story in minecraft:)’, was uploaded by Minecraft masters on 2024-02-15 20:11:25. It has garnered 3484 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Agita & Plum Escape Killer Tornado in Minecraft Jungle

    Agita & Plum Escape Killer Tornado in Minecraft JungleVideo Information I have a rather stupid and dangerous idea for us to try out today let’s see how long we can remain inside of the colony yep that simple we’ve got a few things to do around here which will require us spending time amongst these idiots so what’s the problem you ask well for one storms and tornadoes seem quite keen on homing in on my location as we learned the hard way last time so the longer we’re here for the higher the chance of them forming near us granted these weather deflectors should repel any tornadoes… Read More

  • INSANE Chroma Noob Sand Art! MUST WATCH Pokeball 16

    INSANE Chroma Noob Sand Art! MUST WATCH Pokeball 16Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 109 | Satisfying sand art (Pokeball 16)’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-02-26 15:00:17. It has garnered 12796 views and 217 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bölüm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna… Read More

  • 🔥 CRAZIEST Minecraft Hypixel Clip Ever!! 🔥

    🔥 CRAZIEST Minecraft Hypixel Clip Ever!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Send This To Your Friend! #shorts #short #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #hypixel’, was uploaded by Em1 on 2024-03-05 17:33:00. It has garnered 10612 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Hey! In this #shorts video, i will show you a funny meme for your friends! ✅Make sure to check out my main channel for more minecraft and fortnite content! https://www.youtube.com/@Em1VFX/videos If you enjoyed the video, leave a like and to not miss anything in the future, subscribe to my Channel. Let me know in the comments what i… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Shogun Vs Sam BATTLE!” 🗡️🔥

    "EPIC Minecraft Shogun Vs Sam BATTLE!" 🗡️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Shogun Vs Sam | epic fight🔥 | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mezkie on 2024-03-01 16:19:33. It has garnered 862 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. this addon made by:LT创造者 this addon is still modifying and don’t ask me for link this addon it is on beta: ) LTsMods= WIP this addon is Working progress so… please be a patient: ) insane battle right? send me a request for next battle!🔥🇵🇭 #foryou #minecraft #private #battle #samurai Read More

  • Insane BrownCraft Party on MooWz Server #shorts

    Insane BrownCraft Party on MooWz Server #shortsVideo Information [Music] all through [Music] SW [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘BrownCraft – New Years Party | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MooWz on 2024-01-10 07:00:06. It has garnered 713 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hai, I’m MooWz. A demon child who sealed in the darkness of the shadows. Hopefully you Enjoy my video. Thankyou~ ✦─◆── ·「Social Media」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Discord」: https://discord.gg/Esey9KYf7k ✦「Twitter」: https://twitter.com/MooWzCh ✦「Youtube」: https://www.youtube.com/@MooWzCh ✦「Instagram」: https://www.instagram.com/mowejet/ ✦「Threads」: https://www.threads.net/@mowejet ✦「Tik Tok」: https://www.tiktok.com/@mowejet ✦─◆── ·「Support This Vtuber」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Trakteer」: https://trakteer.id/mowejet ✦「SociaBuzz」: https://sociabuzz.com/moowz ✦─◆── ·「HASTAG」· ──◆─✦ General: #MooWz Game: #MooMabar Music:… Read More

  • Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ’s GreekSMP Livestream!

    Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ's GreekSMP Livestream!Video Information guys anyone look at my HP acknowledge this this amazing I don’t know HP bar I wouldn’t really call it amazing but yeah guys welcome back to the Greek SMP if you guys want to join the giveaway which is mentioned in the title and also in the description read the description there’s the giveaway rules there okay I’ll be announcing more of that in the OR at the end of this live stream what is this this looks so weird this is it looks like man bro someone someone throwing Trident someone throwing Trident at me it… Read More

  • Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!

    Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!Video Information Halo guys ketemu lagi dengan gua si A di game Minecraft Pocket Edition lagi tuh guys jadi video kali ini tuh gua mau nunjukin teksture pack gitu kan I wan to show you texture pack you know Anjay jadi ya tumben banget ya biasanya on kali ini tekstur pack gitu ya jadi tekstur pack-nya itu adalah shader gitu guys kurang lebih shader gitu guys jadi ini cocok banget ya ini cocok banget untuk hphp kentang seperti gua ya E 30 FPS juga gak nyampai gitu guys RAM 2 G 3 giga ya jadi E shader ini itu terinspirasi… Read More

  • Arcturus Factions & KitPvP: Custom Enchants, Payouts, No Resets, Semi-Anarchy

    Arcturus Factions & KitPvP Server IP: play.arcturusmc.xyz Arcturus is a 1.7.2-1.20.4 Java Minecraft Factions and KitPvP server. We never reset our map and have custom anti-cheating solutions in place. We’re looking forward to seeing you on Arcturus! – Arcturus Development Team Server Features Custom Prebuilt & Purchasable TNT Cannons Dungeon-like Darkzone PvP and grinding Custom Enchants based on PvP/move Quick Links Website: https://arcturusmc.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/KnuqDcZDEu Changelog: https://changelog.arcturusmc.xyz Note: Paypal FactionsTop (IRL $$) Payouts every month! Some clips by our players: https://youtu.be/XFbwxSlnkU4 and https://youtu.be/UzwGt8xe0nI Server IP: play.arcturusmc.xyz Read More