EPIC Modded Minecraft Moddcorp Server Day 2!

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I Mute everybody can hear us and I’m going to mute the music once we get In I need to figure out if I can get some background light it’s messy welcome to the YouTube Oh SAR is already oh my God we’ve got seven people on we’re going to have nine once meu and join hello any other mod pack issues other than roofa right there’s a

R my face how you guys doing welcome in you don’t know how to set the Minecraft what do what do you mean by that you have to stay put oh is it winter oh it is winter all of our leaves are white hello Mizu no hello where no no no holy cow

Ow how are you ow he hurts my name is Memphis Tennessee no it’s not gu sh they see the have people talking about your nipples what what what did you say we’re saying the same thing we did not say the same thing where did you just send this

Man flying Sarah how did you do that yes he’s one hit I got oh you Sarah’s not in the car wow Sarah you decided to steal my kill and die for it I do 130 damage to this big old Skeleton Man and Sarah comes in and Deals 10 and dies how dare

She dare she I got partially hit by M’s uh wing and then exploded by a wow the new updates out yeah but we can’t update to it unless we’re going to redo the whole server thing maybe we’ll do it after they removed B bits and chisels though

Oh so you’re saying we shouldn’t update to the new if we’re going to use the bits and chisels then why did they remove it was it an instability I don’t know they they removed it like three patches ago then they added last patch and now they removed it again would like

That go home cuz no TP yeah cuz we’re supposed to use way stones just a full on sltp command is and a cheaty Mr Stinky even uh that being said let’s e a thing okay I’m going to remove everything in my hot bar and Go creative mode and see if I

Can fix the roof tile wait Monty while you do that can you do something for me depends what it is I’m not using creative mode to help you build no I can’t remember the name of the block that makes it look like an entire grass block texture instead of

The dirt s sod okay sod you don’t have to do anything now why would I have needed creative mode to do that cuz then you could have just looked at the picture of it like grass saw and told me also couldn’t we do that in the side

Menu that shows all the blocks you could well I look I looked through it but I couldn’t find it so but I knew where it was in k our exact spawn block is that one oh wait I pressed three three uh what is the actual exact position it’s like 2366 that

It I I I went to a spot and then I set it to the spot I was standing I think it’s here I need silk touch what block is this polish Blackstone are there polished Blackstone stairs oh of course there are if I place these stairs upside down will it actually work or

Will that count as a full block top how does this work you guys know I don’t cuz if I like I can go what are you talking about cuz like I can go like this and it’ll you won’t even really be able to notice assuming this is the actual spawn

Block I’m pretty sure it Is can always set it this okay we’ll just do it is it set World spawn M please what the hell are you even doing 23 65 you don’t have to type in any numbers if you just want it to be where you’re standing yeah I want it to

Have the rotation involved though if you want to make it nons spawnable I I know how to do that for mobs if that also goes towards players okay let’s see uh who wants to die and test this I spawn in my bed so no it can’t be

Any of us it has to be a new player that hasn’t set their spawn yet well I guess we won’t know till it happens DX hex is already spawned in we can’t just kill people because you want me to me oh my gosh why not as a bed okay well we

Will get there when we come to it I accidentally typed in U and it’s a weird way of saying it and we get out of game mode what are you giggling about nothing what did you do no I’m not laughing at what you said that’d be weird I said we

Get out of game mode yeah we did we left the game mode you will be magic man joining soon oh nice sorry Messi we were in the middle of a conversation but I wanted to fix that how do mod pack it is on Cur Forge it is a somewhat large mod pack

Why are you oh thank you Alex the weirdest Hood you named oh that’s CS I thought I was staring ing at you Mizu and then it said you joined the game and I had like an existential crisis of what the hell am I looking at then

Whoa it is on curse Forge as well as what what’s the other one called Mizu modin mod oh it’s winter huh look how wintery a bunch of our sugar can also we need a we need an enchanting table I guess I want silk touch from roof least I have one and Bo

What and boats do you have any silk touch but where do we even put um we should make an area a little cheaty there’s books in the spawn area Chey no that’s cheaty and also we don’t want our enchanter in the spawn area that’s silly I already have a bun books

I have a stack of books I also have a stack of I have a stack of the heebie jeebies why cuz you need to PR your bird better excuse me I um uh what don’t need to PR your bird better about Alpha log wait why is this called

An alpha log wait is the bottom one called there’s an alpha tree is that did you look at it before you cut it down no only that it’s called Alpha has there really just planted that and grew it you just chopped it down it says it doesn’t

Grow this season how did you grow it bone meal oh here I’ll put it back down so that it won’t grow also what does it do do you need the wood no I just here you go have your Al yeah if you looked at it it was

Bright green cuz it’s an alpha tree from Alpha yes you can Messi this is this is a full community mod pack so we are did Messi spawn in the building why did you just did messy spawn in the building wait did Messi join that’s a messy I see spawn in the

Building e you look through the window can you tell uh uh I’m going to guess no seeing as she’s now over here he sorry is this just is this where you spawned no they’re dripping water so I assume they went into the water okay we just we’ll get a server side mod we’ll

Get a server side mod where you hi welcome oh no this was their first breath hello CIS here is some wood so wait they didn’t even spawn on the roof or in the building don’t need that I’m so confused I set the spawn to huh are

You sure go find a place to make the enchantment table you want to try to reset it all so here I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll land so this is where I set it right here this block that’s the block I set and actually I guess when did I go back

Into don’t remember pressing the creative mode block um what I’m going to do Mizu is because it’s on the roof anyways and we probably won’t be able to tell I was totally going to Blackstone polish Blackstone stairs I am just going to set it like do we’ll do stairs stairs cool now

That it’s stair block like you can you can’t really yeah it’ll be fun if this works it works and if it doesn’t then we have to get a mod for it wow it’s so out here love I love that the the pond is freezing over except for the area of

Light around the bridge it’s so hot it burns so hot and bright it’s a very very bright light okay now I can finally exit game mode for real y y let’s all sleep to sleep everybody why what are alpha planks and why do they look exactly the same as Oak but

With tiny little dots out of them it’s because it’s transparent it’s Alpha for them I’m I’m going to give her back time for sleep would have better just hadn’t cut him down well maybe you should get bigger hand all right oh I see how it is I see a sleeping

Bag I get to sleep on the floor floor okay guys s oh what a wonderful phrase I didn’t even get to see if it means don’t worry cuz you’re a loser where is where do I put the there’s no room for it we should probably just build an actual

Bigger house yeah because this is my house Sarah do you need any bread I’ve got a bread right here in the bread machine I’ve got pretty good with my apples but I that’s more food anyone need bread I’ve got entirely 42 breads I’ll pick half of the breads who’s Miss

Who’s missing that hasn’t made ax blind kiden is it Mel that hasn’t claimed an area in town yet sloth sloth Mr slothman did you not did you not claim an area in town yet one of the 2 by twos oh goodness gracious why is there show many sunflowers in here

This was the sunflower Meadows technically is it because of the sunflower cows do they reproduce them maybe oh my God I think they do I think they plant them 18 oh my God cuz the only flowers in here are the kind we have uh moo booms

577 I mean I’m going to go with sure seeing as it’s completely undiscovered you probably find a build there you shall own a place oh yes you still have to pick a place as well we have quite a few left we have one two 1 two 3 4 5 six

78 oh no s eight we have eight places left I’m pretty sure unless I miscounted and there’s n one four five six might be it might be it might be cool uh why did I put away the that I just want to go get I made myself Emerald

Gear Emerald gear a weapon toass every man I need a I need an ender pearl anybody have a singular ender pearl that they want to trade a cool tiny penny for a penny a penny here Cur I will trade you this poppy for one ender pearl do you poy to hary have

Does anybody have one ender pearl go kill something I mean specifically end I suppose my face has joined the game and made a oh wait my face my face did you spawn in the building I don’t see him on the oh oh that looks like a man in a

Building oh my goodness I did have to place the stairs on the side cuz it’s so exciting there we go it feels kind of creepy to just be like watching them through the edge of the Cog around this corner I I put in some um shafts into

The water so that it would stop freezing okay uh I feel like the obsidian skull is more important so is there anybody that I can interest in uh no you know what no I’m going to make I’m going to put I also accidentally lodged some shafts in the

In the in the ice too cuz apparently you can just put stuff in ice in this game oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s got rare ice or whatever remember when we were testing and you kept putting your sword in there or something I don’t understand

Now there’s a stick in it now there’s a stick in it okay I’m going to go claim which one should should we claim the one trading spall that’s at the very end of the road just so it’s like the first one that everybody sees what are we s are we

Trying to I want to start selling all of my like I want to start selling my my rare Wares oh rare Weare do you have any silk touch I do not I was thinking of selling um this is ours food so for those of you that are

Just joining for the first time assuming you can still hear me everyone’s allowed to claim one single 2 by two chunk along the road for their main house if you want to build something else that’s bigger that’s perfectly fine just make sure it’s not like directly next to the

City we do have way stones um why does it look like Oak’s claim is just covered in red mobs anyways um yes you can build you can build elsewhere uh if it needs like if you do need zoning inside of the town try to

Run it by me uh Sho wanted to claim a 3X3 but put it like right at the edge of a road which is a little bit too close yeah but it’s it’s seeds and stuff it’s oh it’s entities okay got you and then these little one chunk by one chunk is

To make trading stalls so we’re going to be setting up we can make more of these by just extending the road out this way but we’re going to be setting up little stalls where people can make trading why are you trying to kill me m Alex

A this is now our CH what did I just receive I need ached Hood oops this looks ridiculous uh you can get dirt from Chino Chino produces dirt I don’t think Chino produces dirt I think he hello look like a freak there come look at Me okay wow ow you look like you own a shop in some like Alleyway dude will slowly work on kind of restoring the old plot Sho again it’s not it’s not too big of a worry like I said you were probably actually fine with here I said it a couple the main

Thing is if you wanted to expand the planetarium that went ended up going outside this 3×3 like if you wanted to put a planet out here it would start to cause a lot of problems with roads and other plots of land cuz this is this is two different plots of land there’s one

Here and there’s one here M where did you this oh this will be perfect for the roof welome oh my God put my face you look like a weird bug alien that just saw some big anime boobies and your eyes popped out of here I love oh my goodness

No you’re actually like very meh about everything because the bottom line of your night vision goggles makes a little mouth yeah you’re basically like the Jawas from from Star Wars I am the jaw from Star Wars do you like my skin Steph is it a monacle or is it partial robot face nobody

Knows uh my face is mostly naked we need to figure out what’s going to be our good uh like I know diamonds or emeralds are usually the easiest goto although emeralds can be F super easily so maybe is is diamond or is like a barter system

What’s a good way of setting up these trading posts like what’s a good currency or should we leave it up to every individual thing oh I see wait you don’t even have a manle why does your picture when you say things let show a monole cuz you can turn off the layer oh

Why can you do that so you can have it on or off my face does have a thanks Sarah that is an answer that that’s an e it’s more customization I don’t understand what is difficult to Understand I’ve been to need I need to I need to use are these all two-handed though they are wait oh the is not you found the Yum flower is that a yum flow or happy to ma happy to see gal man spor was a pretty cool

Game bad that it you did not wish you had you’re Maxis development guy yeah Mr Max’s match it’s it’s happened I’ve been running around in circles I don’t know what to do it’s it’s like day two I’ve already accomplished all my goals you haven’t done it you don’t even

Have your own house I made a bread machine you’re freeloading it’s it’s it’s all freeloading I don’t know what you’re talking about Sarah I have provided so much these flowers are pretty I need more iron why is iron so hard to oh I got the coniferous forest main menu

Theme what anyone got a juke box that’s not part of the song I was booping and Beeping is a good game is a very good game wow look at that look okay I take it back Spore is not a great game 100% the best game it it’s a very fun game that had a way more potential than what it ended up being used it had a way more potential

I didn’t even missp there what are you making fun of no I wasn’t making fun of anything I don’t I agree with you it has a way more potential I didn’t do a Mario access nobody said you did yeah you did it doesn’t have to be

About you bro making fun of me everybody pointing no one’s doing it they might be P the shell cells we love pale that’s not a thing that happens having a Strong yeah put it all in there oh epic iron leggings oh wait no I had those on before I changed the emal you took them off and we’re like ooh no I took them off a while ago when I switched to the full Emerald set cuz before then I I was wearing those

And I was like minus two Max Health hell yeah I really need to organize my just I should probably do that in like your own house yeah you don’t have your own house either lady I’m gathering materials to build my house I’m leaving I was like thinking we would all live

Together we’re going to claim a 2×4 chunk and and then all live in this tiny little house that Sarah made as a starter I was thinking like you know like a big open room and then we all have our own rooms attached to it with that are

Decorated it’s you can do that just not in my witch’s Hut well not anymore cuz you got you You’ taken a fourth of the place I don’t even think it’s that’s why I that’s why buil it in this corner it is a fourth we could all have our own

Fourths we could all have our own on By Twos for long skinny houses Linny or you could make a little dirt Hut right outside Sarah’s house to spite her for not letting you live with her oh spider yes she is scared of those you can live under my house under my house

You don’t want to get a bad Omen oh just come uh come over here and grab some milk we’ve got a bunch of cow wait can you milk flower cows yes yes yeah somebody somebody get this doesn’t always work from bad Omen is that true or is he lying I think

That’s a lie it the last mod pack we played didn’t let you do it this is not the last mod pack we play yeah that may have been a mod thing that’s why I said it doesn’t always let you do it what are you talking

About then I need you to land buddy I want to take you on a trip but every time I take you off the lead you try to fly away that’s what I always find it annoying when a mod decides to remove a normal part of Minecraft oh my goodness

By the way since I got this Phoenix thing I have died two or three times because I’m always like I’m impatient when I fly back to our house I’m like way up in the sky and I press shift to try to make him go down because it’s like I’m thinking

It’s creative flight controls but left shift is Dismount so I just drop to the ground and die and have to wait like 15 minutes for it him to slowly get lower to the ground before I can even grab him again it’s horrible also I want to

Steal I want to steal some of D’s horse armor to put on my don’t want that’s not a horse oh yeah then why does the horse armor go on it check and mate you checking that mate chicken mate chicken mate he M chickens okay do I just Do interesting barly a good one nice sword thank you I found it where do I want to go what is this oh there’s another big old big old medium big old big old uh what is this there’s like a Wizard Tower and some going to go to the

East oh wait is it about to be night time I don’t he’s got a thing I don’t know how strong I need to be before I dare to Brave our like thing we made over here but that is that is a very very very dangerous uh you should probably have

Never the right before you do that one never never the right netherite those guys can those guys can still one shot you through netherite boy this dirt cube is your houseu would never make a dirt Cube house you can’t do anything in there there’s a pole in

There uh what are you planning to do Doom bug I love you very much baby but running around in circles under my monitors is not okay I love you very much baby I love you very much she keeps when she gets when she gets antsy or energetic or hyper she starts to jump

Around underneath I got a I got a monitor mount with my new DES and she starts to go underneath the monitors and around to the other desk and back and forth through all the cords look at this long cat oh I didn’t realize that there is

What I’m sorry I like I stopped for a second and that just happened what did you say I said I didn’t realized that there was um slots where you can put clothing to not affect your armor yep yep what’s it called again out of four players sleeping I don’t know like a cosmetic

Slot yes Cosmos slot more players sleeping yeah super conflicted would building a stone statue be better hidden in the bamboo or towering over the rocky Meadow um I say in the bamboo cuz then if you want to you can add like Mossy Cobble and make it look slightly

Overgrown like it’s been sitting there that sounds that sounds really cool okay so I don’t know what’s in here it could be a ton of vindicators a ton ton of V kitties why do you have so much health what the heck your leather boot oh hi again can you

Not bug I love you but you’re you’re being you’re being silly in here don’t like this it’s it’s a big old empty Cathedral cathed confessional Booth time for you to confess finally is there like an escape R from is there anything in here there an oh there oh my goodness there is

Wait these are the worst loot chests I guess I can bring back books huh yes you can I’m actually going to you guys want candles for any reason yes KBS seems to hold up all right there’s like the slightest bck of block lag but from what are

People wait what there block like I haven’t noticed it much yes there is I should should get the rest we can monopolize oh there is a little bit of block lag sure enough there we go can monopolize the Bell Market we sell people joy joy you said happy happy I said joy joy

All right I can’t come in bumblebee there anything else in here there’s the staircase I don’t trust it hi again June bug you’re going to see just the tail go by let’s see oh wow oh for the tail I don’t tbug I don’t know if you should

Sit on top of my laptop you think that’ll hurt the screen at all have a cat sitting on top of the screen of a closed laptop it does we get off of there that’s my work laptop that’s how I broke my first laptop I stepped on it I feel

Like you weigh substantially more than June bug wow you calling me fat no I’m calling June bug that’s how I broke my first iPad me you stood on it no I stood on it because I was curious as what would happen it broke so squeeze me that is

Okay I take it back Mizu you’re good Sarah is kind of insane wow thank you it it was ancient it was so old that uh it couldn’t run the YouTube app anymore so you decided to use it for science instead this sound of science what is

This you never would have know is there one over here too oh we found The Life and Times of Juniper Lee over here I don’t like these pressure plates I I’m having so much trouble telling what is pressure and what isn’t what is Decor decoration and what is actually

Hooked up to Redstone scares me this is this is like a really big Cathedral Church underground whatever this is like grave system but all the loot in here is like dirt oh there we go I got Some space is it I don’t do anybody referen my face a reference to my face oh was it prompted by something yes by what the prompt in chat that said say something about my face huh yeah x marks the spot the x is my

Face yeah see there it is now I see it I told you and you called me nut I did not you called me nut you called me nut I don’t know why it was Mr Crabs but it was is me a do I don’t need all of this strand stop saying

What I don’t need all of this strand I found potatoes in half oh candles add to enchanting stats yep neat what since when I just said so since base Minecraft that’s not true well the things are starting to get the the chests are starting to be more profitable they’re even having enchanted

Books like feather falling I do man okay after this obviously I don’t want to actually say this this is far off in the future because we’re going to take a break from Minecraft after this community server ends up I want these turtle eggs is there a reason to pick up Turtle legs TS

But anyways at some point in the future I want to get like whoever is actually fully interested it’s got to be interested parties you can’t do a community server for this but I want to do an actual like modded hardcore server not not a hardcore mod pack we don’t need to

Do rlcraft but I want to do one life I think or maybe just like two or three two lives three lives I’m a Zombie why did I hear a zombie but anyways I think that would be very fun to do as a community we would still obviously have like specific times maybe

Even be more specific about it so that people would actually be on when deaths happen and you know responding to people respond to Deaths as they happen that sounds very fun to me and everyone’s in voice chat no no that would be horrible like not

Even not even the big oh we could do um we could grab a pack that has proc voice like like oh yeah the fermit craft and all the other big old Minecraft boys Shu we could do that thing you just said o I said it what did you oops after

Agreeing with me were you so taken back by yourself did I just agree with M oops I Mist I did didn’t mean to but that sounds that sounds very tomato Tomatoes I found T to Timmy too Tim Timmy Timmy the too my name is Timmy Too see the tooth is a horrifying creature who’s Timmy the tooth he was an old um I guess I guess technically like an animated children series oh that was am a TOA um he was like an animated what is I guess it’s stop motion but it wasn’t it wasn’t

Claymation it was like no it wasn’t it was puppets it wasn’t stop motion it was puppets and his whole deal was that he was like a big adventuring tooth who had friends that were also themed around stuff in the mouth or like dental health and he was horrifying to look at and his

Yeah cavity I think it’s cavity Sam was his like antagonist for the series his Nemesis I found a way Stone out in made up the name Sam the loot table for this container resolved to empty and loot could not be generated you did it I broke it everything hello but anyways he was

Absolutely horrifying and he had a dog slri that was a toothbrush except it was like his his face was the actual brush so I I don’t I don’t know it kind of makes you question what sort of friendly relationship that has to be for a giant tooth to have a sentient

Toothbrush where its face is the brush part I don’t know all I remember is that it I I I think I liked it as a kid and now looking back it is not great I’ve committed a kidnapping oh the day all the day just one day though

Where did that come from this a song did that like spark I’ve committed some murders I get as well why are these not all connected we back up okay I need to Mark which ones I’ve already got uhoh why is my backpack not opening the spoon wait did I

Never one second did you not bring your back I feel like I left my backpack on the ground from when I was sleeping in the sleeping bag uh running running running R running running I’m super complet hey backpack hey buddy found it turn all of this Redstone into

That away that away we got 33 candles so are there no chickens in this game are they all ducks I have seen a chicken oh you’ve seen a chicken I’ve seen a sing I have I have two eggs oh I I’m surrounded by chickens are you sure they’re not D hear

That no she was uhing oh it’s looks like a chicken it’s probably a duck isn’t it oh hi Cur how are you where did it go is this the one no where did it go now did you just ask how you are and you responded with no no oh dead this is a

Chicken this is a bell pepper I’ll I’ll bring home some chicken EG I’m vastly confused by both you and Sarah’s ability to sound like you’re making references but to my knowledge you’re not you’re just you’re just saying the the thing that follows in your head yes that is exactly how my brain works

Congratulations you found out I did it I figured figured hey I brought lith over if if you want to talk to her okay down you don’t know Liz I again man is this is this a reference to something or are you insane I’ve literally kidna I said earlier I was kidnapping remember

Isn’t that the lady from Judaism what from all of Judaism are you are you trying to refer to Lilith like the mother of all demons oh yeah that’s the one I you can put apples on your face but not breaden also is is L from Judaism like what is the actual I don’t

I don’t know if that’s the right and judism she is the first Adam if I remember correctly yeah yeah yeah Adam’s Adam’s first wife before he got divorced oh it’s Adam and Steve from Minecraft yeah Adam and weave I mean how did they make early baskets then h your GrubHub driver will

Arrive with your orders oh it teleport GrubHub you didn’t need to share that information but now we know that somebody’s going to arrive soon at our house our Manion this is this is your chance the random person in chat that’s been stalking me if you show up now

He’ll s your GrubHub and open the door for you grub a duub dub uhhuh you have anything to plus I just realized how incredibly dark this is on stream I apologize that this has been probably terrible VI incredibly dark is where’s this oh I see we’ll we’ll hold a torch hi curse

What are you doing are you exposing worms again what what did I tell you about exposing worms I’m out and about did you just eat the wor she is a bird she is a bird how did you not hit me there I brought this boat I think I just

I came around a corner face to face with the zombie and surprised it so much that it didn’t attack me I’m pretty sure that’s how it works wa what a neat door thank you oh it turned into some sticks what what I’m at an archaeological site apparently oh you’re at an archaeological

Dig I will be our bibbles is this oh it’s an underground water cave hey well this was one next one we’re going to be done with this I could have sworn I heard more than one zombie but for the life of me I’ve not seen any more zom zombies maybe it echoed

Maybe maybe the loot table for this is uh you found incredible no I mean it is a lot of iron and red stone so that’s not the worst but like overall this entire thing has really any I go wa yep that’s the end of this get to go back up out of here

Now yep back on your teeth me up B Scotty you don’t want them running off now do you Mr what’s it to you same okay okay let’s make some more and then go do the big dungeon next door ooh it’s a big old Tower thing a is so strong appar

Apparently so strong and handsome thanks Jesus Sarah ouch wow wow okay being mean to m is a consequence of life I feel like what you said is worse than before what is that like it’s hard to be around MTI with without insulting him is that is that what it basically just boiled down

To oh a chest wow is completely ignored it has a spy glass I need you guys to die okay not you darn skeletons okay break break break all of these there are too many spawners in here this is entirely too many spawners I I wish I had a backpack you can make a

Backpack I am poor I have no wool maybe I should have saved some of these these were all skeletons Spa I can sleep in this place this tree house I found oh nice has a spy glass and a map uh actually break it dang it take this okay got 32 arrows in there

Once I have a way oh this is a full Anvil ow all the going to take the Anvil up top First Step o we got somebody that’s going to be making wine uh I think that’s just grapes well yes the first step in making wine is indeed

Grapes okay it’s a great Vine pot that that yeah I was like yeah must have collected some grapes all right guys let can you enchant the gold ring and then wear it and get enchantments oh that would be interesting don’t know give me this full Anvil though can be enchanted we

Here a very nice big uh big wizard tower like the big you can be in this mod pack learn to do the Magics yeah I’m growing the um witch plants right now oh you going to go the witchery path I think so is

D that’s okay we can all do it no I I wasn’t not what I was Finding I was more saying you can be a coven of witches this wow this area looks cool common iron boots that look like they’re Enchanted but don’t oh they have burning two I turn

H why can’t I why can’t I actually read what’s on you let me read I can’t actually read what’s in there okay fine don’t don’t tell me that’s an actual floating island I want to bunch of purple better than nor does it even say anything on there whoa I’m literally G to

Just the the chops what do you mean there’s no book The chops things with um trees can be kind of annoying but when you’re chopping down a huge tree looks pretty cool this I agree with you sister thank you for acknowledging me I could have sworn there was going to

Be something more to this Tower but nope it well there’s a load Stone a load St or something there was there was so much in this a load Stone yes it takes a full netherite to make it what does it do a Lo a load stone is basically that you put a

Compass on it or like you connect it to a compass and then that Compass will always point to that feel it I don’t really have a plan for it yeah they’re really expensive but one netherite they they they are useful if you have no way of other marking your Home okay well that was everything here I guess time to get back on my dear boy the way out of here if I do some jumping go this is the broken bridge broken bridge Barrel booty you did it [ __ ] Phoenix is with you what oh that was just a very delayed

About me talking about my pet board you like that bumblebee mhm just just staring at the Bumblebee you should bring the Bumblebee back with youe a blush to think is a blush to temperate Grove with a bunch Village okay already all righty now where was that floating island is there anything on

You literally nothing you could use this as a fun little uh SK Island start Direction I wanted to go let see white thing there I think it’s just going to be a cloud though there’s these floating cloud islands that there’s iron on them is there go that way still yeah there’s

Cloud iron ore on them is that a is that a cool oh is this just a bunch of like is this blue oh no it’s it’s a frozen that was delicious thank you for getting me grub rub you’re welcome already cleared that oh I all of it guys are

Still is that a tree that’s on fire oh okay oh that’s a okay that’s an iller Outpost I don’t another little there go just a bunch of have anything I’ve been checking these need you to stay put for just a little bit okay Mr Bird go anywhere like a well there

Is with negative4 durability used I Fly Away Mr zerle it’s pretty good it’s really did you take a look at it look look it has oh I can’t look at it while I’m on zures it had an enchantment on it so if we have a way to

Split enchantments off of things I can make it work I also don’t want to make too much block lag wow we might need to upgrade this another house so is nobody wanting my delicious bread then is that what I’m hearing why would we need your bread cuz

I have bread I’ve been making bread for everyone oo big G I am the baker I did find I don’t know why I said it like that I did find a dragon at one point but I did not near it because it is found a crater with a big big boy in

It a big big boy found a big boy crater yeah really know what that means are you is this just a big old wheat field for me hello I’ve discovered hello you discovered somebody that wasn’t hiding oh there it is okay so it has Echo one minus durability minus crit chance and -4

Durability NE I wonder if that means it’s technically infinite or if it’ll break in the first could be either oh this doesn’t what’s the durability ne4 oh oh sounds like it’s going to break to me I’m going to try hitting something with this I don’t really care too much about Echo one I

Just hey you can you Beed D I can’t believe it’s snowed over here did break in one he also doesn’t care oh he does care I lied he also just can’t move on the ice very well ow stop hitting Ripper hello wasn’t there oh there’s another

One of these it’s going to be in this one why is it another common golden sword that sweeping Edge three Arnold it’s Aon Aon we fixed the roof spawning hopefully yeah we think try one honey bottle honey bottle I challenge you to a honey battle o penor joins the battle where am I I really want should I just go down there and try it I feel like it’s a bad idea maybe I go down there as a ranger oo what if I make a bow bamboo creeper hey they’re friend Sarah you said you found a bunch of chicken right

I have three eggs we should make a make a make a make a chicken little tiny chicken and egg Farm wait I see a chicken over here we go to the chicken make sure to collect their eggs bye bye messy Alex Alex real chicken it is a real chicken hey L

Egg is that an egg that’s an egg oh okay so is this what is this what kind of Pokemon are you what kind of Pokemon are you Al going hey me can I test this fire up you no okay on fighting the end are you just a

Normal chicken you are just a normal chicken it didn’t even do anything cool hit me did it even hit him ow try right clicking maybe take your Shield out of your hand are you sure you know how to cast it try throwing it with Q thank you

Welcome I K I won’t steal it from you what is this move normally while casting so you have to cast something oh I I have to move while casting it cast spell oh so this is something you can cast with so you would cast a spell if you

Have an equipped spell book you have an equipped no make a tiny chicken you got that from the grounded game didn’t you it says orb weaver on it I see maybe chicken AR right a this one over here L any is that the sound of the chicken sound of the chicken is the

Sound of the chicken it’s the the the sound of me finding a half damaged bow in a chest that’s Lord baby that’s Lord baby I Am Lord Lord Lord Lord I Am Lord ouch all I can think of is like I don’t even remember the name of it there’s

This one Mano that I follow follow for a while that like kept getting dropped and picked up by different translators and every time they did like the names would all change slightly based on how they thought they should be pronounced and one of the characters was

Named Lord for the longest time and then this other group picked it up and his name was Rod and it was so much harder to like actually think of him as this like big old domineering weird like deity evil deity guy and then I think the next group that

Picked it up named him rad which was like I couldn’t tell if it was marginally better or marginally worse I have picked up three eggs only can I have more egg oh your next egg is in 16 seconds I found blue put down your sorry foring so loudly junbug ate

What this jukebox ate my disc it’s not even playing anything that’s not good probably just lagging oh and now it’s gone oh dear you did it you found false water oh God hey your egg found the false god oh pretty intense it was still in your hand wasn’t

It the lag just undid the world oh c your connection is really bad is it cuz is it because we’ve got people like way out in the middle of nowhere somewhere no it’s just a lot of people doing a lot of things at once it’s still itat my music disc it’s

Gone one bar occurs don’t know what to tell you now I got to wait around here to see if my music dis oh I know this area this is when we were this is this is is from when we were looking for spawns we had

To look for a flat area so we kept teleporting to Flat biomes so I’ve got like a random Meadow over here this was the original spawn I think heck is this I don’t then we also went to this I think is the we settled up my music just better turn up Sarah are

You looking for something in specific over in the naria um I was trying to find a hole to mine in but now I’m in an abandoned house did you realize that you can mine anywhere and there’s like multiple holes to mine in near our house yeah but I already already left in

There both of them or all three of them both of them I didn’t say both I said both with a th calm down bro just just admit that you said both you guys I don’t get me wrong I make plenty of of uh enunciation faux paw but then

You guys start to just make fun of me for ones that didn’t even happen no you’re perfect you said both of them so I repeated using the meme yeah oh that’s is that a meme left in don’t you have it on your soundboard I don’t know what happened

But he’s now walking through our apartment doing the John Cena so uh he can’t answer you right now I’m pretty sure he has it on his sound board anyway what is someone to ask a question he did indeed but you were too busy John cening around the house yeah

Sure yeah what’s up don’t you have the the both of them sound clip I think she means they’re all of them I think she means all of them yeah it’s not both of them she she’s making things up all right I’ll play I’ll keep playing them

Until I find that one no hey hey friend as somebody that has to sit here listen to all of that oh there you go still what did you lost the you lost the big old funny guy that’s too bad I’m sorry Kur if there was anything I could do to make it

Up to you this house has a pre-made mine it’s all your fault it’s all your fault jafarian ismar stop if anybody has seen that if anybody here hasn’t seen that go watch it I just wanted to listen their cover of Over the Rainbow but now it is gone

Forever no um Twisted it’s the it’s the star kid version [Laughter] of everything all right he just just stopped it’s the star kid version of uh of Aladdin Aladdin that followed you just staring at the dirt cuz K was on the other side of it after punching me

In the back of the head K would never do that you you can’t even begin to say that without lying through your teeth yeah my teeth are pretty lied through right now where where did that saying come from what makes clench your teeth if you clench your teeth would you lie it’s

Even easier to tell that you’re lying oh the boat that was by the by the pink dock it’s under the ice now wait the big boat no I replaced the small one because the big boat is too much power the bigat I did the first layer of

The M cells dungeon with you my face I think you’ll be fine I think it’s the second layer and then the the boss that are somewhat difficult the first layer is pretty easy to cheese you the second layer my voice gives me super strength you’re going to do them all best of luck

I didn’t care to I should probably go beat conjunctivius because he’s not the don’t say conjunctivius like that’s that’s his name is his name uhoh no anyway I I may have not gone the conventional way of finding iron but I almost have a stack of it now good work

Sor never hit me now courtesy of water that’s me debris Miner has 50 health and doesn’t take any damage well he’s taking a miner in thebr yeah why are you fighting children not mean you placed your backpack on flame land and it disappeared uh that’s not good oh why are there two

Of you where did you come from can we sleep well that was silly of you yeah I don’t I don’t know how to go about fixing that my face why were you trying to place your backpack in somebody else’s land oh that’s a good point um the

Problem is Aaron it doesn’t go into a slot it goes into its own separate thing or at least if it goes into a slot I haven’t found the slot this is so very dangerous and I’m not getting anything for it um I should probably Le there’s way more of them

Now yeah I feel like this is too dangerous I need more water here Sarah I can sleep uh wait is he going to make it through this mod pack it seems like they don’t do a lot of testing why what happened they just kind of release it but what do you mean what

Happened and then the bugs happen you know did did you did you discover a bug or are you just saying that I was just talking about my Face’s issue that is it’s literally all with the claim chunks thing mhm so I don’t think that’s really like

A mod maker fault seeing as it would never come up I mean it it also updates constantly yeah but are they fixing it that no I will sleep how many people we have people look at that says to uh I would so do did you have it on

Your did you have it on your back my face or was it like where was it you didn’t have it on your back have you clicked around your inventory where it was like open your inventory and clicked on the hot bar slot that it was in

Yeah I was going to say if it if you weren’t wearing it when you went to put it down there should be no reason that it’s not still there somewhere I’m sure nowhere welcome to Nowhere my friend who said ha did oh it was a crow the crow said oh

Oh was laughing at me ink you ate a pickle to calm down that’s a good thing to do my secret I’m always pickle oh no I’m in Oak OD Ball’s clim oh I got to get hi my face oh God it’s cold thank goodness this pack doesn’t have

Temperature mod we could why would we would do that why why would we go out of our way to you’re making fun of things I didn’t say again I didn’t say you said that there anything in the Wizard Towers if I go in there will I die yeah you

Probably will if it’s the one oh no it’s not one that I’ve discovered there there’s depending on what wizard tower it is I had a bunch of uh skeleton spawners in the bottom floor but I don’t know anything else Minecraft not right that’s right what do you mean by that that’s a monster

Spawner several of them not interested in you sorry wow why is there a dragon in there how am I supposed to go into this darn dungeon if there’s a literal dragon in there is that like who is that guy why is he there he’s sitting in the lava

He’s taking a freaking shower is this the one underneath our house this is the one with the big old uh the big create elevator that we made oh cre is to run in there and steal all of that superan superal Kine oh my God scared Village destruction you thought you scared her

So bad oh this is our claim now what is wherever I’m digging under oh yeah cuz that’s our we claimed the um or the market stall yeah that’s our Market stall for me to sell all my cool items you got a lot of oakum underneath your Market stall RoR

Yes the banner iller I don’t I also don’t want bad Omen I heard it was a good TV show course dark oak log sorry David good and it is a good show good Omens is a very good show I couldn’t get into it when I watched it with the parents probably because they

Forced me to sit down and watch it oh so just out of spite yeah when I get forced to watch something I don’t get into it as simple as that that’s pretty simple I’m so Simple it’s been discovered what is newsi a village oh okay we eventually got context on newti oh oh that’s the one I found is it yeah oh yeah we were still going to add a waist Stone we should so I can go back to nudy zy we should add a waist Stone

Should we add it in the spawn building or should we add it like by the Town Square somewhere we should put it uhhuh somewhere good and where would I do not know cuz I just assume the spawn building what’s a good there’s nothing in this Village is stole a

Man why who does the lith yeah but what why what did what do they give they didn’t give anything is the 10% knock back resistance you have to click on It this zombie found my trash I left laying around you need another pickle eat another pickle I am I am I a big proponent of pickle pickles why you have such funky Minecraft is the saying weird glitches about like a shield animation or something I’m I’m losing one armor but

In return I’m getting a total of like 20% extra attack you like that’s better did Sarah makeen sorry almost fell into a hole a hole what in the ground chicken why is it her next word of a whole kitchen still not not the word chicken very true these are

All why are you doing this hi blind kid oh are you underground should we just hid underground Arnold I should why do you only sell Stone axes and stone pickaxes they’re the worst Li why are they stomping above us what are they doing I want to go to the

Nether I guess I need to go mining do I need to go mining is there a lava pool somewhere nearby under there that’s far away oh there’s one here that’s really I don’t need a lot need need a little bit of obsidian button what is my super saian I’m back I

Back I come back bearing nothing of value to you like usual what does a gleaming feather do nothing I don’t think yeah doesn’t seem like it does much does does the Zer BL just drop them and you can pick them up yep yeah and then you can place them down oh oh you

Filled in the the the grass who did there’s a full spell H bar and I do want bum swap to or change hose mode hose mode the hose mode hose mode inventory is full it didn’t actually do it why did it not do it where’s where’s the Juke Box you had

That you lost your disc from SWAP tool to change hose mode is That’s supposed to be it’s supposed to be that button right is it this but no don’t there’s a disc you can have it’s quality saddle grape vine stem it’s in the game Great Vine stem is in the game what’s a

Palisade oh no what is this what is that one of us oh that looks oh it’s Mel riding a horse you look like a dang Minecraft creepy pasta on the map Mel you were just flying across the map at high speed with random like empty eye sockets brother

Look Palisades are walls but in Wood form what I’ve been trying to figure out if there was anything I could this is what I wanted when I was building the elevator this is what I wanted to make the walls out of but I didn’t know if onions you oh I completely forgot I

Brought egg I literally the last place I was a the last place that I was there was a I missed thing there was a there was a broken a secure place okay is there an incubator or something in this so we actually get chins yeah I don’t think there is we

Might just have to throw a million eggs once we get one chicken it’ll slowly become an army there’s the chicken traveler’s backpack yeah that makes you lay eggs sometimes that’s not a joke that’s what it do I know I’ve read it I’ve read it with my free

Eyes like the MERS I still don’t know why are they called MERS if they’re actually just neat little guys that don’t really they Maul things didn’t you watch it trying to eat that frog it was it was like constantly attacking our frog friend it just wasn’t doing any

Damage yeah so how do you know it was trying to eat it cuz it was going chasing him around constantly I don’t know it sounds like you’re just more I’m subscribing you’re subscribing to his YouTube channel where he like the French like the French that is something they do sadly sadly that’s

Not hello my name is I like the leaves change with the seasons keeps putting you in the ground what why does Minecraft keep putting you in the ground in the grounded actually grounded got an update oh wait did it it why would they update it they’re adding a

Bunch more stuff they’re adding like a new boss and a potentially a new area I think they said at some point they want us to be able to get into the shed I already went in there it was empty we went under the [ __ ] this Alia

What see look doesn’t it look kind of neat it’s like it’s a palisade hey do we need extra obsidian for anything also did Kur ever set up the um wow I can’t believe you you’ve actually managed to get a cobblestone stair from the person it did crazy who did she get a cobblestone

Stair from nothing nothing nothing from who nothing nothing why would this ever need to be a secret who are you thinking somebody’s going to come by and poach all of your cob stairs yeah why why why you trying to steal her information cuz I wanted to steal her Cobble

There what Mizu you want to try that again but with English words I just said a you said saw I did not say saw I saw saw salsa you did not saw saw s salsa oh my God you sorry um you can Dash I forgot you

Can now how do I open this backpack if you put it on your back put it down you can either put it down and open it that way or you can put it on your back and then use the associated hotkey which whatever you okay so not helpful literally told you everything

You needed to know Lally the most helpful information we how do I take it off my back you have to find the open it oh or shift right click the ground with an open hand does work do it just like the foundation oh wait no it doesn’t it

It does I think yeah no it doesn’t no you have to you have to open the menu okay so you’re having trouble opening the menu sir probably didn’t set a hotkey yet yeah go to your it’s snowing go to your key config and changed it’s traveler backpack open backpack it’s down by

T I’m going to get enough obsidian for what do you think two portals bu look it guys it’s snowing it’s Christmas hello friend why are you so shiny you have shinies all over oh another shiny I’ve got the is your hand on fire or are you wearing an item Sonic what the heck was that don’t smile you have oh oh vein mining okay uh the problem is there’s lava under this

Wouldn’t I lose a ton of it yeah good there’s vein Min it it’s an enchantment po on top of it and when it veins it all it’ll become obsidian underneath except this bottom layer is lava yes so the water will touch it first and save the

St I don’t think will the water touch it first that’s that’s how do you do it normally normally you don’t have vein Miner when I do it vein mine that’s how I do it h if you don’t remove this dirt house I’m going to break it down myself you did it

Honestly I got all the obsidian I needed so if you you need obsidian then you shouldn’t have put your house in front of my house this isn’t my house if you don’t need any this the stripper room oh okay we’ll leave the rest here for somebody else stripper room but thank

You there’s another piece oh my God he’s freaking remove the stripper room oh my God have you guys already been to the nether then yeah not you there’s a paint you didn’t go to the nether yet what okay when did you go to the nether we don’t have a portal you know

Screw The Nether cool Hello creeper you took my Shi yeah but the door is still here can I have the shaft please half the door is here that’s a real good thing that this stream is set not please can you retrieve thine Chef I can’t I’m lagging

So hard that uh hasn’t it hasn’t fallen onto the floor yet oh no I had to I had to hide it from him wait Sirah no give her back wait you have to hide from Sarah you’re taking everything oh what happened the hex is lagging he’s got two

Bars why do I have Cobblestone stairs no you don’t give it back to her we’ll talk about this later okay i’ give you my shaft back throw it at me thank you do the shaft at me that’s a door that’s not Cobblestone hey C oh how did you get a feather too hey

Where do we want our portal guys not in there right next to the beds do you not want it and it’s just Cobblestone stairs you better make a home it’s literally just Cobblestone stairs why would anybody care oh nice rhyme bro I didn’t put an S at the end

You did it yeah neither on each one stairs I did indeed you said you it was a cobblestone stair wait you just froze that man solid somebody’s getting Phantom night somebody’s getting Phantom why does thex need Knight just to screw with us he needs a knight finding armor Sarah are there cool blue blocks yeah a ace I have blue KN this is the place with the healthful hardware man I also have lots of blue Knight well I have

More blue Knight do you how much blue Knight do you have I have oh I’ve got oh wait no 109 i’ got even more than that that a stack wow you’re so freaking cool you know tell me that I know you already know I understand yeah yeah yeah

I know you already know you Understand what your pink for all right let’s type hash blue and see what shows up bloom blra wait is it not hashtag is it supposed to be like dollar sign or something what’s the one that gives you the tag of blue it’s dollar sign where is this

Thing curs are you the one cursing me with Hunger get the heck over here need I can get con Don that I can though what are you eating sound like you can explain it stop eating hey who cut down all of the trees I planted I need

Wood this is rubber tree we have a non rubber tree this is also a rubber tree do we have a non rubber tree rubber tree oh rubber tree oh freaking rubber tree I’m turning music down thank you ah stop hitting me please you’re you’re ruining my life did nothing

Stop I need to use bone meat why are you so nauseous happy eighth night of Jonica is that Here Comes Hanukkah is that true for some reason my brain thought Hanukkah started on like the 12th no Chuka Hanukkah already started that’s what I was just saying that I must not be remembering properly

Pleas is De so if it’s if it’s the E that means it starts on the sixth it’s different every year oh that makes it harder to remember you have to ask Jesus I don’t think that he’s a part of wrong religion I should go make myself some dinner in the blender

Me wasn’t Jesus Jewish so you could ask him you know I guess that’s not incorrect I don’t know if Hanukkah was a thing back then though in fact I’m like 99% sure that it’s not an it’s the why did we just get so many quests that was probably

Me that was me you did it well we figured it out I need light blue dye everyone come together I didn’t want that way this way is good to sleep now guys um y yeah Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate Hanukkah um yeah go to Mars to get

More smarts that’s not all right that’s that’s the lion Bart that’s the BART that’s the BART Lon it’s animating term for when characters get too close to Bart Simpson that’ll never happen I can’t ah they’re so they’re so they’re so there’s so many people in my house it’s my house I made

This yeah if Mizu didn’t make this then how come he’s in there all the time please move out of the corner I need to dig a hole that that was a threat to you meu no needs the grave I got to use all of my epic iron axe this is a strange

One are a jerk face most settlers would have built their house well before winter I can only get the shortest of trees to grow hey that mus why like you had something caught in your throat I did I broke an entire tree where did I get

Alpha alpha tree Alpha red I don’t think I did what is an alpha tree I still don’t know oh it’s the tree from the original alpha build of the game oh my goodness is that really what it is yeah look at the texture this the original texture oh it is oh my gosh

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that probably since the last time I played like a 1.12 pack because they actually updated that somewhat recently yeah it’s a pretty recent update so the alpha wood I assume just looks like the the really old texture of wood

Probably I hate that it takes so much more I remember when it was just nothing else what yeah that was a long time ago m six sticks yeah remember meu you were definitely playing Minecraft at that time yeah they changed it it was really confusing I still to this day like I

Just did it there on stream but I still to this day the first time I try to make a fence every time I make a fence gate every single time yeah I do that as well I feel like it makes more sense the other way around right cuz a fence on on

A fence if you put a single fence down it’s just the one post if you put a gate down and open it there’s wood on both sides makes more sense the other way around can’t convince me other okay here’s the Wilderness hey baby girl Jesus just happen Jesus I think okay

I’m going to get a katana since you keep telling me to get a katana did y’all put down wayist Stones spawn not yet we’re going to pretend that that was mizu’s job and he did what come get get with the program man you’re a ja nut

Yeah that mean never talk to me or my son again give me if I I would W you are you making fun of my son make fun of me don’t don’t have a son dude which one was a was it Apollo don’t have a cow Apollo the god of the

Sun feel like I’m Miss remembering is that the Roman pants on is that the Roman pants that’s not what I said why you he Roman pants what about this ggle groggle the spoon kicker doesn’t he spoons I I guess that part does make sense against the name but still why would he

Do he’s a u lad he does whatever he wants I madey Stony bricks oh there’s icicle thinging from the roofs or the ceilings is no longer in my basement you have a basement I didn’t know you had a basement where should I put this way down well that’s what we were deciding

Hey hey everybody in the call let’s let’s have a vote should it go in the house in the building or should it go in the like by the by the center like uh Town Mountain the center of town the center of town so people don’t

Have to walk so far to get to their house good idea Sarah I really like this icicle thing that’s pretty cool yeah icicles are forming on the on the on roof yeah I see that that’s really cool do they function like stalactites though where if you stand

Under it and break it it hurt you hopefully one that’s big enough to test okay where am I putting this way Stone somewhere towards the center of town uh when in with the Eds no cuz that would make it impossible to use fine no EDS then so no Ed it would

Not be impossible to use you just go and edit how would they get out the vines they they don’t get you where you need to go they definitely do not well then there’s no real spot for it well then I guess we I guess all right called Zebo

Gafo we’re going to change the name of it what should it be called please make it I don’t I don’t Square Ville might do oh I finally got a big tree R stone is established and your bird died bird did not die oh that’s sleeping oh it’s sleeping it’s committing Slippery true bro oh fruit what accurate all right I’m off to go find standand and also gravel why do I have a bean stinger in my chest I help did you get stung by a very large bee a rare gold grief Hammer somebody’s been putting things in my chest a rare golden grief

Hammer what did you is that what you said sah are you griefing oh great hammer oh grapes those aren’t even spelled the same way yes it is grief grief and great grief grief Hammer grief is g r i e f oh good grief it’s an EA so it still

Still make the e sound Electronic Arts that’s so much red I don’t know Pokemon why did you say ret what’s going on I’m so confused maybe you guys have the bad ears we do have bad ears we have a very bad ear you didn’t even say that weird she said a bad

Ears maybe you guys have a bad ears a bad oh my God you’re so difficult right this is I’m sorry I did it once to the like four times that you and Mizu did it in the span of 5 minutes and yet I’m the problem yeah why are you so difficult why my friends so mean to me

Chad did exist in year zero pretty sure I don’t think it did right I literally already said yeah oh it did I literally told you that there’s even stories of Jesus going to Jerusalem for Hanukkah it just wasn’t called Hanukkah it was called Hanukkah what was it so wait is Hanukkah like a

Replacement for like Passover or something what would what would it have been considered what is what what what is the original historic Hanukkah festival of dedication no breing which would be Hanukkah what just they didn’t call it nobody said anything close to that it’s not that I don’t believe you

It’s that I wanted more information I like learning new things but why is it difficult to believe that a Jewish man experienced Hanukkah because I thought Hanukkah as a concept was a much newer creation and it turns out that it kind of is but it replaced an old

Holiday it didn’t replace an old holiday the same holiday but they decided to give it a new name and a slightly different spin referring to Hanukkah as the Beast of dedication the Feast of dedication doesn’t the Beast of dedication is a very different thing H what did I pick up oh it’s leeches

Guys I’ve got leeches that’s that’s how they get all the sick blood out that’s true they in this my doctor doctor Doctor Who not Doctor Who did were those words or did you just not what did you say what he’s not answering missing something he mus just now realized how rounded

My what did you say uh Morty are you bringing home lots of sand oh would you like me to I didn’t even know you listen to that part of me saying I was getting say I hear everything I just don’t respond to everything and also I lied

About the first part because sometimes I completely Miss what you said those a roller coaster was it it was only like two sentences it was an up and then a down that does constitute a roller coaster uranium no not uranium Sarah’s famous catchphrase oops uranium oops all uranium sorry there’s uranium in the

House is not Fat Albert we’ve been over this we’ve had this specific discussion before hey hey hey I’m Sarah You’ guys had this discussion before yeah meu is always trying to imply that you’re actually Fat Albert in this tell her me I will not deny Getta Getta you played um Michonne from

Popular television series The Walking Dead M complete deny Getta you played wakandan Warrior woman number three in Black Panther didn’t even get a name I don’t know what she’s called and she’s actually the main person so I don’t oh I don’t remember what her name was in the Shrew movie the Shrew movie

Theie I don’t think it’s called that either hey where did all my Cobblestone go who ate all my Cobblestone I legitimately don’t have any Cobblestone what happened to it I have I have a few sacks can I have a stack of cobblestone Sarah yeah come into the basement that’s a trap

Hello why that that was uh our good friend Inspector Gadget that decided to make that statement but what was that’s what he sounds like Sarah just to my knowledge girl like playing I’m too young gadet man I don’t think he does say that he does he actually does he says Brown bricks with

Minecrap I don’t think he says that all right I like how litty it is up in the in the in the in the in the in the in the in the in in the in the in the in in the flower Fields you did that on purpose how is it

Any and the flower Fields I said it’s litty that’s not helpful how did you find Anya in the flower field there’s so many so many of these flowers light up like there’s asers all over the place they light up is O I found a gig a Ram oh I found a dusk

Trap I guess if I want to have this is there is there not Greenhouse elements in this game there are there’s a greenhouse uh glass because we’re in the seasons mod and greenhouse gases but I butuh but just putting crops inside doesn’t make them grow no it’ll allow them to grow in any

Season and why aren’t my growing grows cuz you’re not using the greenhous glasses the whole the whole building needs to be composed of the green now gases that’s literally what I was saying is it just a roof I thought it was that’s what that’s why I asked if if

You couldn’t just put them inside maybe you also need the heater you did say you needed no she doesn’t actually have the greenhouse G glass she was saying if I just put them inside they should grow no not inside how it works in The Sims I’ve got some bad news for you you

Sarah not in The Sims anymore that is not entirely how it works in real life you need a little bit more climate control than that smithing bippy my name is smithing bippy and I’m here to explain to Youing H Sho like feet he’s asleep oh he’s sweeping that’s that’s The the what the here is this your house is what who is that like is this your card is this going to be your house where are you oh this is you I for some reason even though I’ve said this like eight times I see the hood with the

Straw hat and I immediately think it’s Mizu and I have no idea why straw hat I know this is the third time now that I have like looked at you and gone wait you’re not and yeah I I guess so unless you were going to build one I just Sarah

Wanted to kick me out well feel free we’ve got a whole bunch of space here and I can EAS move together well I mean you could yeah you s of put it R smack dab in the in the middle instead I can I can literally remove it all and

Shove all this into a chest to give you more building materials I’ll just move in honestly that my first thought when I saw that outline as well yeah we could all live together but I don’t know know not we’re tearing down there this there’s this whole area that you could

Be in it’s just poor planning on your part it’s fine my friends be mean I wasn’t trying to be mean at all no you just just want my house I was going to build a really cool room but the room doesn’t seem natural if it’s I have an excuse

I’m recovering from surgery you were mean before the surgery they removed your wisdom teeth which means now you’re just mean without even saying smart things yeah you’ve got dumb teeth now that’s not untrue the opposite what what is the actual so like intelligence and wisdom are two SE things right what is the

Alternative to like dumb like stupid stupid is stupid SL dumb is the opposite of intelligent be foolish I I guess we’re ignorant maybe wouldn’t it be foolish ous because no I yeah no I guess foolish is probably the closest it just oops that’s Lally like the

Opposite yeah like I said I I I agree with you but I’m just trying to think if there’s an even better word what the water you say we’re never going to find out so does the glass need to be on top above yes it needs to be above with

No other blocks of well that depends on the mod most mods need the greenhouse glass above it and nothing else between that and the Sky Box oh but I want to put them underground well that’s why I said some mods are actually different some mods let you put them literally anywhere as

Long as the top block is greenhouse I don’t know if this specific one is like that though okay I can sleep give me a second this C screaming s now we only need one more I did miss that Chino but I also don’t like the wording from the old hole D it not too hot to H oh my face ruined it no we still slept oh okay that just took way too long didn’t take a weird okay the house is getting

Destroyed C is is your is your today work going to be making a house or at least the bones oh I have today work well is is this plan coming soon cuz I the only reason I was making myself build a house is because I didn’t have one and

Sarah was trying to kick us all out yeah says it’s a passive block that creates a warmer clim there you go so does that I I would test it sah I would I would just like put like one or two blocks down without open airace and plant something

And then just keep an eye on it it shouldn’t take a huge amount of time before you see the first pick happen yeah I just need to go out and find Some how did you get vein mining on your pickax enchanting really yeah it’s an enchantment in this do we have an enchantment table uh D was going to make one probably after she made it well I put the enchanting table and bookshelves in your chest my chest cuz I had

Space because you’re the one that was asking about and you wanted to enchant stuff and I don’t really have anything to enchant right now how’s concrete lighter than water everything in this game is lighter than water CU blocks don’t have a weight gravel isn’t gravel sinks wait are you talking

The physical block of concrete pH picking up does does gravel sink in water all the gravel I was mining was going to the bottom I want spend a bunch of coal on this is meu making things up what are you talking about he said that if you’re mining gravel the like

The actual entity block from after you break it sinks in water instead of floats I don’t see why it wouldn’t you mean other than because every other block in Minecraft floats to the surface of water well that’s if it’s a block what Sarah what if you drop the entity into water

It’s going to sink to the bottom and then float back up he’s saying it doesn’t float back up he’s saying it drops and sinks maybe maybe every every block is supposed to come back to the surface eventually okay then I was probably just getting it too quickly Le

Although if you’re mining it underwater it shouldn’t sink first if you’re mining it underwat when I was when I was mining stuff like sand under water was going up immediately but the gravel it stayed at the bottom and I collected it there do you need any stone bricks Cobblestone

Wall fence or anything to make the the house C I don’t know I don’t know what my plan is looking like a true architect well I guess I’m putting all of this stuff back in and uh Sarah you want the nether portal in your basement I thought no I thought you

Going to move your house I removed it cuz you said we were going to build a double house stuff I didn’t say we’re going to build house I said I was going to move in but I’m not the one that was going to build cuz you’re the Builder lady no I’m not you

Already have the beginnings of a nice build there what I’m sorry did I just get a partial compliment she didn’t mean that I nice to imagine I’m not saying it’s going to turn out good but yeah you get to build the house you earned it just now don’t I

Don’t want to that’s okay I believe in you I was just saying that either you could move it to one corner or I would move into that house you were starting to build so because you were moving it I thought you were just going to move it you like to move

It are you all right sir oh my house is gone that’s hilarious have nothing to go for it oh a chur oopy doopy no thank you doy also not what I I can’t believe you’re talking about hoopy doopy over here hoopty doopy had a great fall

Yay you know what yeah don’t don’t let anyone ever tell you that this I you’re pretty intelligence that’s exactly where I need to put the block my back my back are you okay old man playing at my computer for two long hurts my did you just say laying at your

Computer she’s got one of those laying desks M can’t think are you like you said playing like playing video games at her desk did yeah you know the realistic word that would go there there’s a million words that sound kind of similar to that you did not that in

The context of a computer makes sense spy Centennial man what’s he’s so by God I really like the look of light blue concrete it’s a really pleasing blue you did it Mizu you correctly guessed what you in a dollar it did it I lied about the dollar oh

Oh that’s somebody else’s weird Phoenix thing I was like there’s another another one over there somebody quick go snag and have a fun flying friend oh just like in Pokemon Coliseum by that game specific okay Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness why why those games specifically because those are the games you can snag

Pokemon with the snag them yeah team snag them you use the snag machine is that a real s some Pokemon I can’t tell if he’s messing with me or not it’s real it’s real I love Gale of Darkness I promise it’s real he Lied God I hope the frogs are okay Frozen underneath the water it’s okay frogs can freeze and then re non freeze most things stop throwing worms at me I don’t eat those you eat those frogs some frogs can stop their heart Al together that’s why you freeze bees and

Then tie a little uh rope around their leg and then you unfreeze them and you’ve got like a bees on a rope why would you tie around their leg you can also do that with smoke smoke no you can’t tie smoke to anything Sarah no she’s talking about

Big Smoke from GTA that makes even less sense Sarah smoke makes them sleepy oh don’t I’m not trying to make snowballs for you to we talked about we were talking about tying spring to bees and S like you could do that with talking your tie that’s why you talking you’re

Talking about freezing them to make make him stay still there is one at spawn DX it’s right next to the Ed hole just come over here the center of town and there’s one right here in the center of town woohoo are you infinite farming worms to

Throw more worms at me right now cuz I just realiz right in guessing that that’s your it’s inside Mod’s claim can they use it maybe C just eats see why they wouldn’t be able to I think I have block interactions turned on I have somebody test

Though you link me a connection I don’t think that’s a part of the way stones I mean there there are like uh Universal wayist stones but we don’t have those come and touch it and then you can teleport back well he should have thought about that before walking 6,000 blocks away I

Also asked specifically in the rules not to go 6,000 blocks away for your house I mean if you’re exploring then never mind that’s perfect then explore backwards but if he’s building a secondary base out there that’s problematic it is the second day what you want to that’s that’s

That’s fair but also don’t really have a way for you to fix that right now if you don’t want to walk home find yourself a walking and then just fly home Phoenix oh wow that’s a good one thanks all right let’s see a placeable snowman digital

Style Sarah can you make me a Mason’s work pinch just respond to you yes why you see me I’m not even at home oh God I just answered her question with yes and I don’t know what the question was she’s immediately C what hey Siri stop just stop listening please did Siri

Say she was calling somebody did I hear that right no just stop listening right now please okay wow I you know it’s even harder to understand Siri when you only get half of the syllables through someone else’s microphone ouch my humanid body there’s an option on the waist Stone to make it

Global is that a is that a thing be there was on the old wayist Stones mod I don’t know if it’s in the new way stones mod where did you put put the waist down right here right here right here fine it’s Global now you

Dingus now right click on it and see if you can use it to go back cuz it’s in a claimed chunk lth I swear I’ll I’ll kick you out of this house too oh it’s a clock that what it is that what it thinks it is a clock why did you destroy

Can’t believe you got a clock why did you destroy are you frozen did you destroy that block or did I not place it didn’t place it there that’s so very weird I don’t know how I would not have placed hello does anybody have ink sacks I can have they can’t use the waist

Stone in this chunk turns out um okay well then let’s do this real quick how about second it’s time to kill interact would it be we already have interact with controls on every can be beacons it’s just beacons tying I could just I could put it somewhere else I suppose yeah we

Might have to cuz I don’t think this has a specific one for for way stones and the only other option would be to add it to the config and restart the server like four times until it actually takes that would be so funny yeah so I’d say just set it right

Outside our same chunk um here’s a spot that isn’t claimed or in a green area yeah I got to say man this this this is such a worse than one well tell that to zero is zero you’re zero oh I got him that was oh you just

Team saged him bro what does that mean did you want to help what Cur is parkouring around my house C is okay I like I never offered to help you son of a gun wouldn’t have asked you rude I could have helped no that’s okay you could have asked for

Specific materials that’s that’s quite all right I’m like pretty good at the game you you know okay if you’re so good at the game how many many Minecraft have you made any1 don’t don’t don’t extend that side my plan is to extend this side to a

Second layer give this side a flat roof and make it a little patio sir do you have any or and or brick how’s that sound there no I don’t sure okay why you upset C down assist are you also wearing emerald armor oh I don’t know what I know I told

Mty to bring home a lot of clay so did he no I didn’t bring home any clay when did you tell me to bring home clay remember yesterday you asked do we need any clay for anything and I said yes yeah bring it please we always need clay

And then you were like okay for what and then you can have that deex it’s usess answer you immediately you you just bered me live on the stream I don’t think that second part happened that might be revisionist history but also oh no that was when I was asking

You yeah what what what do we need it for and you couldn’t give me like a single reason yeah what thing we use it is a thing that we will end up needing because isn’t it used in create for a couple things yes we also need a bunch of

Seaweed all right it’s test time I brought home a bunch of seaweed and then cooked it all without planting it cuz I’m an idiot do do you C do you want to help did you hear my my general plan for this thing I heard your plan I said yeah

That sounds like a good plan what’s a good what’s a good what’s what’s a good block to use the make the flat roof out of like around the edges yo look how cool this light blue looks that is very light blue and has like no texture to it whatsoever yeah it’s

Concrete concrete has no texture it’s just solid color it’s great yeah that’s one of the good things about it another good thing Got Big Balls I’m just is this is this when finally B me need them so true I was lying me we don’t all have me oh I found a

Sheep I found the oh he’s dead now Shan the Sheep he just got blown up by a creeper Sean the Sheep is a oh Sor barel I hated that show is it is sha the sheep from walls and grommet or is it just so the same separate it’s separate it’s different I

I just didn’t I couldn’t remember if sha the Sheep was actually from an episode movie OVA of walls and grommet or Nota of Wallace and grommet that’s what Wallace and grommet is basically no don’t they only have like movies or specials and no like actual television J I’m pretty sure

There was a show I’m pretty sure it started a show I had like I had like four vhs’s of just specials or movies or whatever no I think it started as a TV show cuz like quite a few of the early episodes like when he makes the robot

Pants are only like 20 minutes long is the robot not what I said when he went to the the cheese Moon that was only a couple minutes long yeah I think that was I think it was a TV show for and anybody was the only thing on the VHS I have in

That that I know what to with but not enough to actually have like a style you should cut it all off like somebody I know the plan is to grow it out which is why it is as long as it is oh the heck is that noise I’ll just say

It has reduced my stress immensely cutting your own hair off mhm that’s cool that’s seems like a very you thing yeah not a me Mario well have you tried it yeah actually I used to have much shorter hair you buzzed all off no I didn’t say

That although I did do that once when I was younger and I hated it I hated it at first too you should just help me build the upper layer and replace it with these cool blocks so that it has to it oh it’s time to solve the upper layer here do

You want the blocks no I just I want help because I’m not a good buildest I’m not a good buildest either that’s why I I’m not asking you for help though I’m asking C cuz she’s good at build this thing okay I was just relating to your plight I wasn’t saying

I was going to help I dropped them oh I’m so sorry butter fingers in there the hell am I hearing that’s C’s weird axe thing it was like perfectly Tim with my sword swings too so I thought I was doing It I feel like we need a different type of wood to use blue why Mar specific Al though CU that’s the one that popped into my head from Fire Fantasy fanty I of to dream about fire uh you’re right you lost in another dimension or did you go into the the the Hi did you go into the hiid I’m sorry you must meet your death hello I’m death that Mr Bean like what is look death he just said his name God don’t you listen I planted Silver Birch saplings a while ago did somebody CH uh no things don’t grow in the winter so

Unless you’re bone mealing them I think it’s going to take forever to grow okay but I can’t find the sapling I don’t know what to tell you I have not broken any trees other than the oak on that I planted and the alpha tree that I planted that was literally last session

That was last year what no that was this session that was totally yesterday year that was half a fortnite ago first earlier this session that could have been any time that could have be any could be yesterday even s where it’s in the middle of town I had

To put it in a stupid spot but I’ll probably raise it up with like some sort of cool alter or something later I want to but if I do that it’s going to cancel the wa stone for everyone who’s touched it so just so you know if to retouch it later

Have a flower oh right you run away from me because of my kitten spping I don’t NE I I I think I’ll have to enclose it entirely if I want to use the greenhouse glass but I had so much class what did you try it with just like put like four

Pieces of glass in the corner of the roof plant things under it I only put one I would try more than one just in case hi don’t drown yourself C oh my God how many times I have to say this throwing down there Stop drowning yourself how many times do you have to

Say that no no no no no hello did you just it regenerates me I’m like May from OverWatch you’re like May from OverWatch yeah sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I don’t say that J says deck drowned she doesn’t me can you put Li Liz this back into her home it’s

Probably not a good thing that that’s the only Chinese that I know huh that’s Chinese I’m pretty sure that’s a Chinese curse did they say that in the the the the the the Indiana Jones and the and the funny thing that happened Indiana Jones and the funny little

Man no I want her out of this place she’s so know where to put her I don’t know where to put her she’s just a friendly I kidnapped her I can’t go all the way back to her town then you shouldn’t have kidnapped her we’re going

To make her a saleswoman then lock her in a hole that is so horrible why would you do that to somebody it’ll protect her and she has no conscious thought she has conscious thoughts do you want to go get a bunch of oak wood or something or anything put her somewhere

Is the Moss permanent on our roof I mean you don’t have to but why would it not be I just didn’t know if that was a placeholder block like the dirt you had she specifically sought it out saw it I get it it was supposed wish I made that J

But the grass just looks like dirt are you the one eating your fried rice and leaving bowls everywhere no I don’t have any fried rice did you already eat it at all yeah a long time ago wondering where the bows were coming from who’s eating they I think that maybe zombie stuff I

Don’t think that’s true I think it’s well it was next to some rotten flesh so that’s my guess yeah which is also an item that somebody would like Drop because okay Bye sah can I steal more Cobble do you need it for something no thanks for the flower art art I was just going to say fart but I guess that’s more accurate yeah didn’t even try well I I didn’t cuz you beat me to it you literally just said you were

Going to say something different that was worse yeah yeah you didn’t even try I tried oh I tried I’m always trying you know me try try M TR I tried all the time no that’s the only oh my god did I cry oh my god did I cry oh my

God I like the Minecraft is literally the only reason that I actually know that song not because of the augs cast um were they the ones that did the the hate yeah yeah no they made a they made a re a new version of it oh then

Sorry I guess I don’t know it from Minecraft I guess I just know it from the animation yeah that makes more sense for some reason it was linked to like yog cast in my mind oh okay they did do the the pig one that’s the yeah the the the fried pig

Fork yeah chop one have a good night Oak for hanging out I had heard about it before but but that’s the one that put it into my like I don’t couldn’t tell you the lyrics for that one but I think I probably when I was younger jumped

From that one to the actual like animated He-Man one yep that’s that’s my story that’s my story I bet you’re wondering how that’s wow that’s a quick story okay good whoever said was leaving bye left oh canor I’m going take a break hey bye Sarah Oh everyone’s leaving huh I guess

Everybody’s leaving huh I guess everybody leaving huh wow polished blue Knight doesn’t look blue at all when compared to the concrete are you comparing it to the and I just with your exes did you know All My Exes Live in Texas and how many is that one nice from Texas

Mhm yeah no I said that and I stand by it you stand I do not stand Texas Texas a horrible place we need to save D from there Dane we need to save Dane Dane Lon this is a Dane alert we need to save Dane from Texas D

Alert we need him to move up here with the heex and have they they can have a separate streamer house right next hold on I’m looking for D alert we’ll get a duplex get a nice duplex with a shared wall and Dane and hex can on one side and we can

Other Washington’s very nice I enjoy not burning to death and also having cold instead of hot Al you can play you can play Minecraft if you want excuse me I was going to say it seems kind of like you don’t want is okay speaking of okay he just left well I mean I

Was three you still haven’t beaten that run I haven’t beaten it either took a long break from it for finals that’s fair is what you’re supposed to say in response but it’s not fair it’s not fairuzah I have grown greetings F greetings f it is me not thee Oh Mel the shell

Byebye now why did I chop down all those trees get to the other side that’s not I’ve kidnapped a sheep kidna have the Sandy Claws in a boxy what song from popular movie Billy and I call movie what I don’t know man boat Bing boo to for the bber Bing

Bber if somebody bum Bumpers He won’t answer me do I kill him yes yes kill him yes what you think the chat sounds like it not how did I manage to place one there what Chad if you sound like that make sure you like comment and subscribe and if you don’t sound like

That make sure you like comment and subscribe we are actually on the right platform huh yeah you should be telling people to do that so that you can get a following I tried sometimes my game lags while I’m trying to build something in in my crafting table and then and then the strobing

Lights happen that’s odd until I UNL and then no more strobing lights that parts right I have captured a sheep but I need a second sheep for procreation me I try not we not rest now there are monsters nearby all right where are the monsters you’re not the

Monster it’s not you you’re not the monster you’re no Mr J Mr Johnson J join a j J Miss hi all right now you can sleep in the house now we can sleep with the mouse and claim like that all the time I hope you enjoy the little amus I Amy with pink

Petals I did not realize that was an amus a little amus with pink petals it’s visible from map oh it is an amus no it’s in our yard come over here I see it on the mini map what you do yeah just a blot of pink sure wow me

A really take a dig but it looks like amus because it’s flowers he refuses to look at yeah it it’s all right we’ll ban it next time was this something I have done all right pick a direction pick it why you are the build man build master my

Face I see no obvious plaws with the house ra raw R Routine is that a red chicken oh it’s a red Chicken Chicken’s going to lay an egg in one second thank you yeah hi Pig oh never claimed to be a saint never claim to be claiming red garet from when you dig up rubies you get garnets didn’t do that

Though do that that’s what you sound like hello it’s me Markman is he’s microphone what Mizu hey M what what has he ever placed his microphone into his mouth why do you need to know this information cuz a lot of people do it or so i’ heard from you

Know people do so so he should he should do if he had ever done it oh yeah he does have a tasteful dudes doesn’t he was that real did is it like actual Markiplier Nudes on his only fans or is it just like I got you it’s pictures of my

Dog he probably does that too is it n this time or my pet it’s like Reddit 50/50 but it’s just either his dog or his dog yeah no he just dog or dog barely okay what his nudes were barely okay is this the official rating from Cur barely Pap work barely

Safe oh he put he puts like little tiny leaves over his dingus right basically yeah ding did you just say Dingus is plural and and little tiny don’t forget that part is his name is that what he calls it what are we talking about I’m confused and concerned and also very

Much not in the no on what Markiplier looks like naked so SS like a you problem you know I’m quite happy to not be in the know on what Markiplier looks like so maybe it’s not a problem s like you problem I’ve committed another kidnapping huh sleepy child that’s what kidnapping

Means also I am with M on that I don’t know which thing Sho how far back is stream did you just oh no C did you just walk through and steal a bunch of the wood that I’m trying to chop down no no no which which thing was Shino agreeing

With so vehemently that he needed to use capop which Mark with the whole past conversation has been about Markiplier that’s funny which thing all of it cuz I’m going to be honest I’ve already forgotten what I said like three seconds ago so I’m real bad about that Minecraft is

The ultimate Lego Lego talk game can’t remember anything you spoke about Lego talk is that a term yeah you know when you’re like putting Legos together and you just talk about whatever pops into your mind immediately cuz you’re focused on the thing instead can’t say I do know that but I’m

Also not very familiar with Lego Lego legosi uh you got that’s the name right be be Stars the anime about FES is something the what should the stairs be made out of Cur cursed uh Minecraft BL glad you move in Minecraft oh ridiculous polish to deep slate you got a

Suggestion you received a suggestion what do you say about that suggestion I say it’s not a block actively in my inventory and it scares me oh trth Betty are you sure oh you made her cry no that was her that was her I’m being obnoxious sniff say something about

It that’s a really specific sniff yeah it’s because she’s standing in the one block that I need to place the stairs down in order to actually get to the second FL oh that’s obnoxious and she’s waiting for me to comment on it but jokes on her I can just stand there and

Stare at her disparagingly I wish she had a specific sniff to warn us about it she does that’s just talked about way everybody’s being ridiculous I killed a boo Bloom No they become default cows even though default cows don’t exist anymore wow default cow no I didn’t mean to make two more crafting tables you Dingus I just wanted to make oh there you go I don’t need a fourth crafting table either my face says I am free from the opposite weird Dimension

The upside down so help me get a shepher good job referencing that show that you watched one time we finished the entire first season yeah four you watched a fourth of it yeah but it’s more than the one time that Mizu said which was my point I

Didn’t blame to watch the whole thing just that mizu’s being a dingus I ding all the time ding ding ding you haven’t watched the first season multiple times why would I watch it multiple times I have that’s my claim to fame maybe third time so why why there’s any of

That trying to push me off my own roof why is it called a Shephard’s workbench it should be called a loom I just got an even worse Stone axe with less dig speed speed and durability yes my face is your present a dollar sco sco to my loom bad I bet it’s

Magic you know what the heck was that noise that’s you really know how to make me not want to play Minecraft any good job come on C don’t do that to him he’s such a little man you got to you got to that was

Oh no oh no I already I have one of those You released my boy and stole my I have I have one I went into the first floor of that dungeon Before okay this is enough house we’ve built enough house this is what we’re going to live in now there the funny Dimension at the bottom we don’t need to we don’t need any more house really building block Barky don’t need about just the wonderful part about tigers tigers are wonderful are

They pum are made out of tails are made out of sounds like a horrid existence he’s pretty happy about it you don’t think he’s tortured behind that smile no okay moo moo moo Mo well that’s how those are being placed now you’re the one leaving bowls around everywhere no was a little

Goblin not me why do you always assume I’m talking to you because you looked right at me when you said it oh did I yeah it’s hard to tell because there’s just two hooded people sprinting back and forth through my living room while I’m trying to build a

House that is true that is what this is I get it I’ll stop streaming now stop playing Minecraft I understand Don’t Stop Believing um what other cool light blue block shall I combine in my build a nun o can I find a nun maybe what about packed ice yeah that’s

Definitely do we know where we can find some packed ice oh there’s a big old ice biome nearby there yep you to automate your wheat do we have any um uh silk touch uh no we don’t even have this thing set up what is SL man cookie also

Bye body by that I mean my face bye my face have good DND D need’s a good time seeus I showed the location of the giant I biome in chat oh my God thank you you’re welcome I’m very helpful we’ll call it Big icy this is my only way point

Oh I’m running that direction without a plan to pick up the ice because I can’t mine it another common Stone shovel that has oh minus two reach which is why I can’t break any of these blocks door did you unclaim the market did I no yeah it’s still claimed hey no

Hitting why is it not BL you oh I just couldn’t see it on the mini map it was blending in with the other stuff not there’s a regular creeper out here uhhuh haven’t seen one of those in a while really yeah man countries I know the names Of Good morning campers good morning crusty crew hello it’s me crusty cre again like a a bad Mr be no it’s Mr Krabs Mr it was obviously got to go clean my mouth so goodbye oh hey okay goodbye and now she’s gone too I don’t want to be wrong and if she’s

In yeah I have good job I like the part where and then No do we need any Birches I think somebody was upset that we had no beches so I’ll get some beches okay you need bear cheese uh little C was asking for some bear cheese why wouldn’t she need bear cheese danger that you always say that it’s like your catchphrase or something

Yeah I found Safe Haven how did I end up with an odd number what to see if you even find a Tavern oh I found a Tavern everybody how wait huh how did I end up with an odd number what’s the number how did I made

32 how did I place a glass pane here from the inside of the house you’re an odd number a lot of glass in oh I’m cooking a full stack in the furnace if you want to take it and set another stack in it is kind of impressive that I managed to do

That the one next to my personal chest not in s’s house I’m guessing not in s’s house I had another stack of sand in the chest next to it Maple Spruce we should get spruce and maple trees I only need some of this I was going to stain

It I don’t like the look you don’t like the blue block me that is what I said technically I know it’s just a it sounded like a funny word I thought so I said it make food oh did you not eat today had a waffle and a protein Rin waffle Master for he

Stay one two three four five six 7even 8 9 10 oh I messed up again your hor Fido I found big icy Yeah oh you can’t pick the packed ice why don’t have so Touch Away you can’t pick up normal ice without can you I thought you could pack ice but but you can’t I just walked all the way over here for not I thought there was eight maybe blue ice ice God dang it

Bro I don’t know what to do now I need I need silk touch for this I know right on I want to I want to I want to I want to open the I wna I want I want I want I wna I want to open the sakuro Japanese snack basket thing but

It’s we got it as part of a Christmas thing all right open stop shanting please I am the Shanter I am the running shance I don’t know what to make the roof out of so I’m not going to starf fruit crap good enough I’ll grab the star

Fruits we can make star fruit tree wa three hours a lime tree we put the lime in the coconut Pete mud these blocks look pretty cool bro I’m not going to be lying to you what would you like uh for completely ruining my audio for like 15 seconds that wasn’t me yes

There’s only you and I in the call now you can’t even must been somebody anyone else nobody else is here um it was probably a hogi Shino not in the call yeah are you sure yeah we’re not even in the right Discord Shino and I’m in the car now

Offended both myself and Shino why are you offended cuz that voice was as was that Mickey Mouse impression sorry the deer just the deer ran at me and I got scared I was scared what’s this horrible disgusting totally awesome stuff down here ouch something else lot of DRS acarine of

Course oh oh oh oh oh it’s Revenant from popular video game oh popular one piece stay Dead did you need deep sleep deep sleep yeah do you need d okay I mean I’m sure somebody’s going to want deep slate at some block also everywhere so I I’m picking up acarine aurin as need little better Walmart yeah save money live better yeah save money live better

Walmart they recently changed it to where it doesn’t roll off the tongue anymore save money save time live better Walmart I mean but in order to keep the alliteration it would have to be like save money save time save lives Walmart not better have you ever saved a life um not a human

Life I see but a Geral not a Geral but other pets I mean yeah help my mom with wildli you always did the kid uh CPR cat PR I hit this guy he makes me fat and hungry the heck get had Enchanted armor that turned me fat and hungry every time I hit

Him and then I realized it was just me and the Mirror what is Sil dirt Moy Stone there a lot of neat Overworld biomes these days blue Magnolia leaves oh God D time be back later bye the heck by Dex you know it needs a lot of deep slate is that what I’m hearing so oh okay

What are we going to do now I still need a door I still need nether courts we still have to go to the nether you know what screw the nether that wasn’t funny the first maybe the the second time yeah number one rule of Comedy St until somebody laughs that’s

Not what the hell did you say what did you say from your stupid face you didn’t say anything at all ever no I’ve never SE it’s been a real problem for the stream he oops God damn it what did you do no I put glass on top of my crafting

Table going to help it’s a frozen flower it freeze our flower I’m frozen flow to poopy like that I really don’t know what what wow what I found something what’ you find I found an aquarium not mean to put away Michael it’s an aquarius I’m going to go grab a snack

Real quick Snacky under the SE did Aaron steal lith from me yes he did Aaron stole lizard I’m stealing lith back can’t believe this is can’t believe he stole my lizard L this you look very strange an oceanographer H all I really need to get a um I want to get like

A refrigerator magnet whiteboard make notes on need to get things at Costco oh I’ve got one great I love it I’ve got a whiteboard on the back of my door oh I have accidentally created a oceanographer H Aaron kidnapped lizel lith M at some point I kidnapped her back and she became an

Oceanographer why are you guys trading back and forth or not look I stole I kidnapped her from her Village and then Aaron came over and kidnapped her from us and I went over and kidnapped her from him so why are you kidnapping her back and forth cuz I kidnapped her I don’t want

Her to be stolen from me okay I did the work I deserve the reward which is what exactly in this Cas a servant oh the skin for the oceanographer made me think that she was a um zombie yeah I don’t know why you would work at a a shop with this attire

On I mean it’s just the like the the guy from uh the SpongeBob movie The yeah nobody said fur you thought it though I didn’t why are you never thinking these things we’re not the same person I know scandalous Jess James Team Rocket is blasting off at the speed of s okay four string of glass and sticks four string of glass and sticks four string a glass and sticks four string last and sticks O Booty oh hey it’s the B Dy glass and sticks nice mouth cleaning technique a okay do while

I Swit this old water nice nothing but that I never did that I didn’t like it that’s why you had such a hard recovery I didn’t have a hard recovery that’s why you head I never got never mind I’m not finishing that this Minecrafting for we were thinking another seven

Hours I mean I was thinking maybe one hours are you going to finish building the house yeah no I’m not not your house m it’s mine I built this we Know I moved all of our or all of my chests over did you want to move your chest over too me yeah and then we should probably make like a basement for the nether portal and the enchanting table room okay I mean we can we don’t really have

A huge amount of space cuz I did try to contain mine thing to like one I’m technically slightly bigger than one chunk just barely bigger than on the bottom side I’ll see oh oh are you can actually move like item by item I would I just picked up

The chest with empty hand right click forgot you could do that wake up up do that yeah you can take your Shield off yeah I did take off your Shield that’s so slow jump Sprint jump and you’re fast oh yep for whatever reason in Minecraft slowness only applies when you’re touching the ground

Well not entirely But I need to brush my back what I need a stone cutting device how do I make a stone cutter uh one iron three stone how do I cut the stone to make the stone cutter three stone I need oh did you see that she know says

He will need a lot of um PL I did but I didn’t get any oh just to spider I read that like 7 Minutes afterwards oops can you make me a a Moderator why iing ban who do you need to ban someone one day I don’t even know how to do that on YouTube if okay I say hi then you can just click on my little Ellipsis and make me a mod but can I do that from OBS

Because I don’t have my actual chat up oh you should think you’ll be able to do stuff actually you need to put something else in Chat N you do because in OBS it puts the little reaction button right over where I would need to put another one I can it P

It is very annoying figure out how to have something in chat yeah I have now three messages on there it looks like the three dots do absolutely nothing in OBS try opening or block um still not right as I wanted to be did it you’re my

Wow I am I am now a mod I can now manage blocked words that’s true I need you spoop is mobin wow I have the power now where I it not hiding outside you said you were going to move in oh you should go steal your

Bed from there I didn’t put a bed down there what it’s not my bed there I made one for each of you she doesn’t need three beds uh I’m the one who made all the beds thank you Mizu doesn’t need three beds why did you make all the Sheep

Blue cuz I’m using their blue wol BL BL okay so now that we have kind of a house even though part of it doesn’t have a roof oh right going to do B our bios shrooms going to do basement so that we could do the oh no I lost it

What plan I just like screwing over Frieza that’s not what I said bios shroom actually not what he said when you agree with me when I’m right which is very rarely at two okay I’m running 800 blocks this way oh God there’s 78 creepers okay this is the floor

Level floor but the floor is Lara larva why would this be larva why wouldn’t it be Lara I want d siss get some D then I’d have to leave and you’re going to get off soon I said we’d be going like another 40 minutes and I might still play more

Minecraft after I just should eat some you should eat some you should stop screaming thanks just it’s very loud and it’s hurting my ears screaming is very loud what I I said screaming by accident I went with it ah nobody heard it apparently oh agreeing with you this is

Weird it’s like opposite day this is great oh I’m going to get some crying obsidian it’s just like me in real life for real for realan crying no one’s clearly been here oh o what is Cincinnati ore I keep seeing that as a replacement for iron is that that in the nether that

Might be a nether alternative I think it might be are you in the nether right now melan melon melan the shilan what the hecky Wicky Neon wow this chest had everything in the world in it why would I do that oh because cut a last you know lacerator yes I love doing that

Thing it’s been decided ISU is going to jail You what do you mean good for me is this it is this what we came here to do what do you mean I mean is that all for the basement I mean other than replacing back walls and how big do you need the basement to be I don’t need a

Basement how big would you like the basement to oh I don’t want a basement the coconut you a Coconut too much and you get F food don’t eat too much then cble cooker he cooks Cobble we make like a furnace wall down here should this be F stop saying furnace wall oh bamboo I’ll get some bamboo for us the bambus people not called that is that a chocoo is that a

Chabo oh no it’s a courier bird sorry yeah she know got a bunch of bamboo if you wait you a bambus you a bamboo yeah he’s in a he’s in a bamboo biome under the sneeze under the sneeze Cinnamon you’re going in another block well yeah I wanted it to match where the top is and this would be the final oddly tasty sticks hey where e sticks I don’t them true that is actually factual no I don’t I don’t need sticks I don’t need sticks

At you’re being very rude I don’t e the sticks I just with my face do you know the way that is an old me checks out though it’s not that old that’s an old impossibly that’s from like the 2020s that’s like it that is as old as my

Son if my son was this old how would you how would you make a physical I guess holding up fingers how else would you ever make a physical gesture to denote how old someone is what do you mean I mean exactly what I said what do you mean

Up look at you oh look at you little goon oh give me the give me the sticks give me the cinnamon sticks we put the cinnamon sticks in there thank you always talking about don’t talk about gooning I’ve never spoken about gooning how do you know what gooning is

Have you been and on the internet at all in the last like I had never heard of gooning until the gang GS told me about it the other day the game gums goon cuz they they decided it’d be funny to talk about gooning was it h yeah I got

Remixed I should probably go finish balers what no no stay here with us but we’re having so much fun that’s good Mizu join us no please no if I said please would you maybe please no you lied I said maybe you never said maybe you said definitely even good for the nether port

Bad for building pter thank you I think I’m going to put the nether portal right here okay goodbye okay bye curs I building the house you didn’t yep you you did a very good job you did it job skip skip skip SK my darling I will never do That guys I’m digging straight down just like Daddy taught me how weirded out would your father be probably not very cool I guess that is more of a litmus test of like how how much your father the time is 254 what time for bed does saying time tell you the time

Why do saying time tell you that like I didn’t even put a slash also good night Grim thanks for playing thanks for praying with us but also why would that do that now you know what time it is oh there’s Axel down here you want any axal

Lobus actually I kind of want an axal Lotus maybe I’ll go get an elabo God I can’t say it what the heck’s wrong with me go get Ray Romano I’m going go get rayer it’s me rayer half of your voices tonight are turning into bad versions of Rowan Atkinson’s like Mr

Bean that was Rowan Atkinson yeah he was Mr Bean are you sure I thought Mr Bean was his Zone man no weird I think that man was a bean the whole time I light that looks oh Oh oh oh there’s a lot of dusk traps in here that is an ugly block I’m that’s funny that ugly is it better to just use oh you lied then I want to use I don’t want to the waffle better why does this have no footstep

Sounds is it is that chocolate it has no footstep sounds oh you can sneak up on people I don’t know how to feel about that but can I not make it oh I can make whoa oh oh oh that’s gross oh that sounds gross oh what have you done found arite down

Here what makes it sound grow when I step on it it goes that is definitely problematic and you probably could have stopped after the first like oh I couldn’t hear myself making the sound so I didn’t know if I made it we are bios shrooms is this enough riy though

Question I didn’t do the math how long you’re right you’re right about what the sound oh oh was it delayed and you just heard it no I just thinked you know what thinking does to you yeah that’s a drop leaf like a drop bear no you’re you’re the worst I don’t think that’s

True is that water or is that death or are you just happy to see oh it was water it was water it was water oh I’m being chased by the people Smooth Criminal close Okay okay I don’t want to be bring the dying down here

O I finally found the place I don’t want to be dying on my location unated that guy looks very scary I don’t like this guy that’s walking towards me right now oh it’s just a zombie with horns hey me is there riy down there anywhere that’s funny you should ask

Because um there’s some weird Stones down here I haven’t looked at hold on I’m fighting a zombie so please let me fight the zombie and then I’ll tell you you need is it one layer or two layers of books to have max level yes there’s riol light right where I landed

Oh cool I need some and also some blue Knight if you can get some extra uh you can take my blue Knight but Jesus Christ I do not have the inventory space for this got some BL there I do have some blue Knight oh my God I only just realized that

Everything’s pitch black but I can see in the dark because of these goggles [ __ ] like why they spawning 2 in in front of me I don’t understand oh that’s the cow I don’t have torches I’ve never need torches now I know why keeping some zombies in with

Your friend wait what got zombies in the pen with lizard they’re not attacking lizard in the Sheep pen why is she in the pen I don’t know why are the zombies in the pen look zombies are attacking her obviously please prevent that from happening I accidentally hit one

Your I don’t have time for this why not cuz every single time I kill all of the monsters of saing me 10 more spawn I can’t do anything put down some torches I have no torches whose fault is that Me Mine me mine oh get out of me mine deep slave ver viridescent

Nyum what the hell is this block I think you just said the name of it I guess I’m going to drop the golden horse armor did not realize I had it that would be what I want to drop here I two more zombies two more zombies

I’ll I’ll try to grab as many as I can before V moing but the most is probably going to be a stack Rite that’s more than hi another zombie I like that they wear orange shirts some do oh my gosh there’s a dungeon down here hi zombie hi

Zombie oh I have two levels to use Quick uhhuh quick What secrets of enchanting is it two rows do is it one row or two row of book two rows what do you mean like two two tall for a Max Level enchanter yeah what color Axel do I want orange seems pretty

Good I also got a red one here they’re starting to become sentient I can see my scent actually have enough books wait this is max level at 30 are you sure it’s two layers mhm then how come this is 30 already when I’m not at full two layers

It is just two layers of books though inter if I should go add some plus you have those other bars you need to fill to get actually decent enchantments yep you can put some up purple candles a purple candles better than normal candles no I just remembered you

Found like a thousand purple candles I just mentioned purple by name how are you guys Finding Me God your path finding is good get out of here have you tried lighting the candles oh this is definitely adding to it okay I just don’t know what to to add

For with this mod it might you might also be able to surround the entire thing remember I made that little room where if you hit the lever it Clos the bookshelves behind you and actually increase the level so I think I think this is the mod you can just keep adding

Stuff he muted himself must be thinking loudly or he left the entire room oh I never even saw Kurt hi Kurt how are you doing wow can you believe Kurt is here Kurt say hi to Kurt oh you ever thought about changing your name to Colonel Sanders thr that out consider or like

Sanders this count 17 18 it does did I accidentally turn auto jump back no I didn’t oh it’s just cuz candles are half blocked yeah I don’t know how to add Quant don’t you want a Quant hey did you come back with that RI light yet no I’m deep

Underground at the speed of sound that’s the bed rock don’t dig straight down do we have other shields in this pack you’ll regret that we do kind of does it just have more does it just have more sh or durability that the only difference maybe I don’t probably blocks damage F’s

My wait is your Shield an epic Shield yeah what makes it epic it’s it’s the Rarity mod so Shields are really easy to get high uh things on cuz you can also repair them with two Shields right so you can just like sit there with a bit

Of iron and some wood and then just like make two Shields if neither of them have good enchantments you stick them both together in the crafting table to like repair them and it’ll roll the durability so it’s really easy to get like lots and lots and lots of

Rolls and my Sapphire sword or rather it would be really Reas lots of if it wasn’t win we need to get spruce wood or something cuz Spruce still grows in the winter right yeah I planted them outside the house oh wait I thought these were all those our Spruce I thought they were

All still um call it I love those the rubber trees rubber tree oh rubber tree we still have to get a Christmas we have 10 days left till Christmas yeah need to get a Christmas tree say so we didn’t get one last year that’s true and look how our year turned out probably

Mhm we’re going to have another yeah gross people human contact is gting this so your CS I’ve got another 20 blocks to go upward before I can escape a common she them together to get a plus a uncommon Shield to get a rare Shield lucky common sh and a rare Shield at a

Uncommon all bad modifiers I don’t know there’s the Epic plus two armor plus three max Health ooh it’s even better than mine not I’ll take it the heck you are every Shield I’ve gotten so far has been Quest rewards so I haven’t had to make any just do what I just did it’s

Peasy do what I just did it’s Shield bash Unbreak I think I just take the Unbreaking ET yeah I’m fine with just absolutely fine with just Unbreaking three oh Moment of Truth can we enchant Rings oh wait it was the gold ring that we also if you haven’t meizu you should just make two iron I don’t have any iron didn’t you just go on a big old

Mining Adventure and I’ve used it all yeah you cannot enchant gold rings so I fail to see how they’re ever well ask that that that Discord group that you joined I don’t care about them have they answered your question no I got like promptly ignored and then a different conversation started up either

That or nobody knew so they just didn’t ever bother responding which is whiches are pretty cool says me annoying in a in a server Sense on a forum sense it’s like good me do you want my other epic Shield like half their ability but it also has plus I’ll take your other

Shield mine has like a quarter of the dura to your home I’m heading home backpack full of I don’t have a backpack yet but I do have a sleeping bag it gave you the stuff to make it you claim the um that Quest yet yeah I

Claimed it and I threw all of it into a chest a bad idea why because now you don’t have a backpack I never knew I needed one I untrue untrue untrue you think I knew I needed one I think there’s no way you didn’t know that backpacks are good with how much I

Have never played Minecraft before and a cheat a cheating liar I don’t think I need Magic prot I’ll just oh by the way if you come across amethyst uh like get all of it you ever can oh I threw it all the away or rather sorry not amethyst blocks amethyst

Crystals amethyst Shard which you you want the blocks can you make them from the blocks oh you can through a couple different can you it looks like you can with a cutting board a cutting board can net you amethyst shards from the blocks or from Crusher I’ve returned home my

Le I need the rly Oh and then yeah AME amethyst is cuz amethyst is what you use to reroll modifiers so if you make something that’s like expensive for instance my emerald armor um thank you for instance like my emerald armor that I don’t want to have to like remake every time I roll

Something bad I have emerald armor you can throw it on an anvil with an emerald and an amethyst and roll the modifiers oh you didn’t grab the Epic shield from me oh you have an epic Shield I’m leaving it right outside the front door I’ll take that and I’ll roll it don’t

Roll here we go noise it would Reed oh right I was going to eventually can I put diamond pick but I don’t want to and then can I slap it with some bone meal bone meal okay fingers crossed that my second diamond pickaxe isn’t horrible it is lowers my speed and has

Less durability why is it worth putting them both together I don’t feel like it’s not doing it oh my God I got the we need a ton of I did it and it became a common one with all of the worst stats of both except it’s not minus two reach at

Least I did find an amethyst hole but but I didn’t go into it unfortunately so sad because I had a full inventory at the time cuz you had not yeah I hadn’t yet comb cutter smiting two I don’t want Smite can I get on my all right I’ll build a backpack backpack backpack

Backpack four leather two tanks o wait does this have the um does this have custom the the custom enchant book what are they called you know what I’m talking about Mizu oh it does okay they’re called TOS yes uh what is it whoa um what is everything right oh inventory okay if

I turn inventory highlighting on it like screws everything up scary uh I’m looking at oh it takes blaze rods to make TOS to make the standard travel backpack Co how do I upgrade it don’t okay stunning bag of souls is that the increased um experience okay this is

Bag of Souls and blast protection I don’t know what bag of souls was what is I 12 lapis I have lots of lapis oh increases the amount of experience you gain relative to the level of the enchantment oh cool we didn’t get max level of it but that’s something I’ll

Take 12 lapis thank you oh you wanted me to are you trying to steal my lapis why do you need lapis it’s for my backpack wait why do you need lapis for your backpack that’s one of the backpacks I can make why would you make that backpack because it make it lets me

Get more experience oh okay sure wait you need way more than oh you already have the blocks I yeah I just need 12 I see you have nine in here though oh oh that’s three I’ll take your other nine that might be Dara’s stolen it from Dara then probably watching she knows what You she kind of hates us can you blame her though you specifically me you’re from the Pacific Ocean specifically rabbity 3 I don’t no ball there snowball chance in heck power two and feather F oh I don’t have a blank upgrade anymore this sucks do you have a blank upgrade

No I threw my blank upgrade oh in this chest I found it yay but I don’t have iron no wish I had unbre siphon gives I could just skip to Gold need one more gold no I let’s still have more gravel in there oh it’s a Wandering Trader anything cool my

Friend grass slabs grapes wine that’s a no hey neighbor can I have some iron how much do you need I have a cup of iron uh seven thank you you’re going to pay me back for all this right right why is this one white why did this sheep turn white I don’t

Know this sheep is white one of the ones that you had before that was not white yeah that’s very odd I would know why that is oh smithing table smithing table ra ra ra Ra don’t know what I protect out protection five okay we’ll take that wait how the heck do you use a smithing table what oh dep ster 3 what is long footed what what is long footed uh how do you use a smithing table increases the distance of your rolls oh

My God that’s so much further what was your question how do I uh use athing table uh use leather as template what what does that mean you put the backpack in the leather in one side and the upgrade in the other side combat roll here how did you get out here combat R

Okay combat look for controls key bindes backpack backpack inventory is period it doesn’t go on your back how do you use this where is he where is he I hear him where is he is a backpack just you just hold it can you not wear it you can wear it how

Do you wear it then uh you either open it and press the button on the left side or you do the whole put it on the ground and shift right click it and then you need to check your settings to see what it’s period I set mine to on the num pad I

Set mine to oh I still don’t know what the 8% lethality thing does makes you 8% more lethal yeah but what does that mean turns out I don’t know what about what about you deex do you know yeah Dex Dex if you will I won’t why don’t you

Ever oh we did we’re about to hit the 4our mark and probably could have who you cutting you in half with finally and then on Saturday we’ll play more without meizu specifically you can get on and play in the morning and I would honestly I would jump on with

Okay I guess I’m just not talking huh you saying something no okay maybe I need to figure out what kind of armor we it looks like anus did yall need Spruce no we have some Spruce it’s the only thing that’ll grow in this season spruce moose maybe dark oak

Wood oh I have something that’ll grow but nothing to what no I’m going to use it on my house that’s what why not it’s a great place it’s a great place who I don’t know that person w oh now it’s going to give me sharpness Three oh do I have to I should put a door or a gate on yeah you should did you just come into my house for nothing you steal more iron ah what a beautiful tree I’m going to murder Ain’t No Passing Glee look at my tree look at my tree it is amazing

That’s not a tree is a tree that’s not a Tree just a tree it’s raining man what happened to the the what it was just still sitting on the that thing’s going to be really annoying you know why because it just is that’s how nether portals work what do you mean they make loud so noises annoying noises that’s

Why no one wants them in the basement where else am I supposed to put it far away so it doesn’t make all the noises then I can’t get to it okay well you’re the one who has to live with it we not have any Muffler blocks doubtful I mean I can also

Just I can also just D it in water and back up whenever I that’s a good question does that work why wouldn’t it I mean sorry I didn’t even finish my thought uh the dispenser with a flint and steel in it does that work to unlight something I don’t think it

Does to unlight it I don’t know why I have a vague memory of that working who’s helping you out whoa when you get close to this with your Shader pack on it is quite something Hey this not yours not yours is our portal in a bad spot a bad

Spot oh look there’s another the portal right there yeah that makes sense I’m going to Mark oh I didn’t wear gold did you remember to wear gold there’s no piglins over here we’re fine well yeah but there’s going to be piglins some well I was just coming in here to

Learn oh because I went in no there was a reason I wanted to come here was it for was it for Blaze you needed blaze rods nether quartz is good to have there’s not a whole lot else what is why is that man down there bright red

Why is there a glowing man down there there a glowing man with a really really big sword down there he’s got oh he must have shiny or whatever the heck that enchantment is let you be seen through walls why is the sword so big oh look this Cobblestone somebody’s

Been here yeah there’s a second portal you pointed it out War tortal bye see you have a beautiful Tia it connects the portal properly a beautiful Tia W doesn’t that mean Aunt Tia was the a character from the popular anime series Zach Bell what what is this it goes straight into a

Sper which don’t hurt you because they’re friendly yeah about that look at all that stuff in there Jesus a good amount of stuff in here oh a cabbage seed we can grow cabbages hi cabbages why did I bring the spare iron door with me want to know what he is

Oh e are biot troops these oh that’s right the B the shrooms don’t actually drop more shrooms I have to make them spread if I want more I should go finish the mine cells dungeon both for the like there and also because you’re cool no because beating the boss I think I’m

More than equipped enough to beat him and he gives like almost as much as the Ender Dragons experience wise that’s at least seven wow still blocks don’t seems like they should well my my my the building blocks for my house are slowly coming together you going to build it a bunch

Of blue stuff and then I’m going to put water in there and I’m going to put fishies in the water and then I’m going to have a little fishing Hole okay I’ll be the Fisher man you don’t oh to have it’s not a great Affliction to have I said my dad is dead he has no head who are you Mizu the the Red Man blor is that like Mark Rubi or no that’s not his name it could have

Been what what are you doing down here out of here I want to know who you are oh you just made it to a terrible Fortress DX actually house JK face who are you invading forl Lord oh that’s who it is your sword is even longer than mine that a

Bastard sure doesn’t seem to be friendly Bastard Sword oh he dropped it it’s the Heap of raw iron oh my goodness you can make this for only the cost of six blocks of iron J the ninja hi J you the ninja how are you ninja that’s not my brother is

It you were going to sleep is is what is fire not you can’t just ask a random stranger if they’re your brother well it’s I don’t recognize I don’t recognize the name well sorry I don’t recognize it immediately as being my brother but it sounds exactly like an account he would have

Made I think it is isn’t it is it am I crazy you can actually tune in I still don’t know though that doesn’t answer the question I’m not breaking your nether quartz oh I need nether quartz that’s what I needed from the from hell so I could start on uh

Create unfortunately I’m not there only M’s there so he get to keep all the nether cors this one spawns striders thought you’d know from the name you’ve had this account since you were 10 but yeah it’s you okay I thought I recognized it ouch on sters oh my goodness these chests are

Full it is I I again I thought I recognized the name but it was like just different enough and it’s not your name on Twitch which is usually where I see you because that’s where I you used to stream on Twitch yeah what was your Twitch account called the

Tatman I knew it Tim the toolman tayor what can I do with lapis you need to break so much nether lapis to get one piece that’s dumb make a with oh wait I need I need I need I need wait I need I need I need glowing blue bios shroom

Block names of these blocks keep getting longer yay I needed that ender pearl good morning yeah good morning we are uh probably actually going to end soon because I have been live for 4 hours already I need to y did you bring your own saddle these guys don’t spawn with

Saddles that one spawned with another oh they both spawned with another one on their head okay wait what happens if I break this oh I guess he just spawned okay he just spawned like that so he did spawn with his head that means if I kill the

Guy up top it’ll keep the saddle and I can ride the rider around yes do it if you dare anesthesia sounds pretty cool but it also sounds annoying although I guess I don’t don’t know how easy is it for people with sthesia off like tune out I don’t know who is screaming like

That one of the piglin down here is just shaking about something they’re just upset dude okay wait where did I come from where did you go C ey guy like oop battery 10% left what the heck crazy I don’t what I don’t know how much loot have I try like

D I really like that wood the blue bio planks look pretty good is this a custom mod pack no it is on the um it is on the curse Forge launcher as well as modin and others it’s prominence too the information is in my Discord if

You and Christine ever want to jump on I will say there are only specific days and times that it’s on however it is on from Midnight to midnight on Mondays Thursdays and Saturdays so for you that is Tuesdays Fridays and Sundays um so you could potentially get on two of the

Days Friday after work and yeah Friday after work and most of Sunday ow if youve got stuff after work on Friday or if you’re Fray I have hey do you have any feathers no dang it’s a very fun pack it’s got an entire kill tree with what is melee damage tanking ranged

Dexterity types of magic Frost Arcane and fire and healing so it’s got a full like have quests it does it has many quests all of these are their own separate things Tech some magic combat I should oh featur set of runic Powers which can be to weapons oh yeah that’s right socketed gems

Did obtain one of these find an empowered Remnant oh created by melting down weaponsus G so yeah it’s got It’s got uh combat overhaul as well so there’s both a roll button which but it’s got combat overhaul so your swings are like combos this is justce quick back and forth combo combat

Roll also I look ridiculous got neck some kitty slip obsid Co oh is it heavy it’s very heavy we we run the entire server off of eight gigs and we’ve had some block lag todaying which I mean that’s more server side as far as client side I run it

Perfectly fine with 8 gigs of RAM given to it but it is CPU intensive so like Sarah um also playing with us uh has given the mod pack 8 gigs of RAM but because her CP is weak he gets weird lag spikes darn darn I enchant any of this stuff

Probably not be pretty overpowered mushroom fur o mushroom it’s a dark blue but it looks good and of course permanite you did it librar you’re now a librarian we know you can do it well assumed Epic in Boots cuz there’s a lot R but a terrible CPU I mean if she

Was able to play Rog like adventures and dungeons she might be able to play this pack they’re actually very similar in a lot of what they bring to the table but I would not be able to tell you for sure and there is a good chance there’s a very much nonzero

Chance that it would be too oh God prismarine uh that might might be the next block I need that sucks but anyways that being said I probably should is it Cur Forge it is on Cur Forge um again main issue like I said is going to be the date and time switch um

I mean if you’re around for the rest of the night the server is going to be up for four more hours hours but we’re doing it on specific days and times to oh there’s a raing party we’re doing it on specific days and times in order to uh kind of extend

The longevity of the server by making it so that people can’t just like get on while everybody else is offline and immediately go kill the Ender Dragon because they grind the game out 12 hours what the heck which you could technically still do but only on

Specific days of the week and also I’m going to be streaming on those three days wow so we’re GNA actually be streaming on oh I left his door open you can open his door yeah and you can too I changed the default back his this is how he wants it this is how

He wants perhaps and please Marine please Marine crossed work what do you think of this color pink pink it’s again it’s not a bad blue I feel like the texture is still a little bit weird it’s woodh wood surprising mushroom wood mushroom wood I mushroom of woodn’t rare plus two Max Health Plus

Five speed that’s good enough I’m going to put this other one I’ll put all my blocks side by side that I plan to use then you can be like never say that be something good oh right we wanted to grab sharp good is there something oh wow the freaking concrete bricks is so

Clean is it it just looks so clean second it’s usually nine attack damage and this one’s only 7.6 whoa want it oh oh wait no we don’t have any feathers I should probably move those to the other side so the only one crying is you wait why what happened did

Huh did I miss something you like the Diablo drops kind of stuff yeah this has very similar stuff it’s like I said it’s got the Rarity system um it’s got the artifacts mod so you get a bunch of like fun little things that you can make it’s got the

Jewelry mod from the RPG series it’s got the Minecraft dungeons RPG mod stuff um like I said there’s there’s a there’s probably my crowbar lower damage too it shouldn’t be it’s a rare 6.3 versus 6 okay it is higher than normal okay yeah let’s just keep this sharp sharpness three Ambush three

Ambush the more damage attacking from the back oh extra damage while sneaking and invis rebounding I don’t impaling four is impaling the one that’s only good on um triance I think so right St off take your 35h hour builds into Realms of crawling slow progress but Shino if we

Didn’t you’d make you are the one of the people that literally has said before you would take you would make like your one or two builds maybe and then just be done with the server if I left it up Non-Stop and you were left to your own

Devices you could finish your build by the end of the week of like week one and then all of a sudden be like cool well now there’s nothing for me to do on the server bye guys that’s like a very large portion of what we’re trying to avoid don’t need more blast protection

Efficiency you know what sure com cutter for 30 or com cutter for one I guess we’ll take this Reckless 2 potion barrier projectile do a bunch of Rec there’s a chance when shot with an arrow that you will gain an arrow having caught or picked up the arrow you were shot

With that doesn’t seem good at all does seems great no it doesn’t this temptation me get burned out when you’re the last playing guess that’s fair entices nearby farm animals why would I want to be followed around by farm animals at all times enticing Aqua magic protection are there that

Many things that deal magic damage that I would care this is the problem with mod packs that add a bunch of like that add a bunch of enchantments is you end up with this where like nothing is actually good might three projectile protection I’m willing to put

It means I only get one more chance at this deflect is is deflect only for when you are shot with an arrow there’s a chance that Arrow will do half death barter death barter the one where you can pay your way out of death withs that’s the thing when you die you can

Pay your way out of death with emeralds I had that on something and I throw it away I don’t know what death barter is I thought maybe I was going to barter with the Grim Reaper that’s kind of what it is guess we will not really want

To all right I went and plowed some of the roads oh wait did we get a fire Gauntlet and a splash potion of fire resistance for that kill the piglin Beast Blaze oh there’s a bunch of bosses in the nether weapon oh but I also need more bring back like a I’m

Broken we’re broken oh you’re not allowed to throw snowballs when you’re near somebody’s territory that seems odd where did I put all my books it had stacks on stacks on stacks of you have an entire chest of books there we go Dingus why aren’t they in my house

They not they were I didn’t see Oh I thought you were talking about enchanted books no protection four there we go shoot do I want to take the protection for the Unbreaking probably the protection because could still have Unbreaking well yeah I want both but I can only pick one

But protection four and blast protection four I didn’t think you could have two different types of protection on one armor piece I guess blast protection is different cuz usually you can’t huh weird anyways that should be the end you’re really going to call it a night right before spring

Huh cuz you love spring it’s your favorite holid melee attacks to deal fire damage oh this this was the glove that he had nice who’s he oh and you can you can wear two gloves but only two rings oh I guess that makes sense if you look at the Minecraft character we have

Both two hands and also only two fingers cuz they’re just one big flesh nub makes perfect sense to me all right what nothing doesn’t that make sense makes perfect sense I still what didn’t pick what didn’t pick Co well I’m partially decked out I need to mag and re W reactive War

We get Frost but yeah you can go full spell Blade with some of the magic stuff pretty crazy but that being said I really that’s why the church killed you you put a lot of effort in the Ser yeah yeah did scarlet and violet do it

It also or did we all just get burned out well also died in general no no cuz we only ran that server for like a week and a half the server yeah but we had been playing Minecraft before then I guess so it’s been a long time since I’ve

Actually like properly played Minecraft though so I’m expecting this one to go long plus I want to go all the way through uh I want to go all the way through the actual boss progression night l no all the way through conjunctivius is this far in there’s no way he’s harder

Than Ender Dragon I fought him on when we were testing this pack he’s super duper easy barly an inconvenience so that surprises me either way I got to go find the night L cifically found in the colder biomes in a structure called the Lich Tower anyways

Oh I’m I’m going to jump off and go eat I might jump back on the server later but I definitely can’t rest my voice and I have work tomorrow maybe maybe probably not maybe anyways thank you guys for hanging out sorry you jumped in like right at

The end of the stream um in general I’ll be streaming about this time like I said on Monday Thursday and Saturday um I’m not going to start streaming it seems very weird to do that this far into the series like getting to Louisville now crazy stuff so I’ll just

Keep recording that in my off we make a highlight video Louisville Louisville is the largest city in zomboid that they added that it also has the highest zombie population density it is a heck of a time trying to clear it out we’ve lost quite a few people but we’re not playing one life

So make a new character wow but anyways have a good night everybody thank you guys for hanging out if you’re not in the Discord highly recommend join that which I don’t have a link description I really need to fix everything on this is still what stream YouTube so we’ll get we’ll get things

Back in YouTu but anyway so long and I will see you all on Saturday probably also around oh no I work this Saturday uh so probably around 3:30 again probably around exactly the same time started today but I will see you that is very off ping with your eyeballs that protrude from your

Face it’s like that woo you know that you know the meme with the camera getting close to the face yep anyways so long I’m actually hitting the stop recording button now good night

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Moddcorp Community Server Day 2!’, was uploaded by Moddiply on 2023-12-15 04:27:28. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:55 or 16435 seconds.

Who knows where we’ll be next? Maybe even your living room….

This is a Prominence II [Fabric] modded server for my discord community! Information and rules can be found there!

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Cozy Builds!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server and Become the Best!

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  • Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride – Minecraft Animation

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  • Cosmic Unknown

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  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 Tight Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

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  • Reichan

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  • Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans

    Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans The Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack: Elevating Your Gaming Experience Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Look no further than the Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack. This powerful tool is designed to enhance your gameplay experience in the blocky world of Minecraft like never before. Unleashing a World of Possibilities The Wurst Client Mod Hack offers players a wide range of utilities and cheats that go beyond the standard Minecraft experience. From flying effortlessly across landscapes to easily locating valuable resources, this mod opens up new avenues for exploration and creativity. Versatility at… Read More

  • B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 – Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)

    B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 - Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox Vertical Stream! (Maybe 7K?)’, was uploaded by ๐•ญ๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆ๐•ธ๐–†๐–“123 on 2024-03-23 18:17:56. It has garnered 9733 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:45 or 10245 seconds. i just play gaem #lethalcompany #roblox #livestream #fyp #popular #minecraft #company #lethal #steam #live #mario #fun Read More

  • Digging My Grave: Vintage Story Madness

    Digging My Grave: Vintage Story MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Digging Myself a Grave in Vintage Story’, was uploaded by Robotaus on 2024-04-22 08:10:42. It has garnered 1045 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:26 or 866 seconds. This is game about surviving in a blocky world and building whatever you want. It’s not Minecraft I swear. Music from https://filmmusic.io “Vegas Glitz” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Sneaky Snitch” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “At Rest” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Monkeys Spinning… Read More

  • Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway Adventure

    Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘2b2t. Traveling The Nether Highway’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-05-15 07:03:34. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:54 or 6474 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other, where danger lurks around… Read More

  • “Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft” #pixelart

    "Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft" #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Snoopy and Woodstock Sand Falling Art Short #minecraft #pixelart’, was uploaded by Dragon on 2023-12-09 18:30:09. It has garnered 7670 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐Ÿšจ

    ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐ŸšจVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the confined smp๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-03-16 23:14:04. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:56 or 10676 seconds. ๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the minecraft server๐Ÿ”ด JOIN THE DISCORD-https://discord.gg/PmWzGUst tags ___________ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners,… Read More

  • “EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)” – Cartseem

    "EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)" - CartseemVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ! ๐“ฃ๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ถ ๐“•๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฑ๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€/ ๐“ฅ๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ผ (๐“ข๐“ข๐“–, ๐“—๐”‚๐“น๐“ฒ๐”๐“ฎ๐“ต, + ๐“œ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฎ!) ๐Ÿ”ด /p join Cartseem’, was uploaded by iiNavy on 2024-02-17 14:33:08. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:50 or 4310 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #speedtelly #bedlessnoob #godbridge #hypixel #pvp #telly #viral #entertainment #moonwalk #breezlybridge #derp #bedlessnoob #minemenclub ๐ŸŒˆ2๐“š ๐“Ÿ๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ด๐ŸŒˆ https://www.mediafire.com/file/e80abl… Updated Link. If it didn’t work for you, it should now. I made it a zip instead of winrar ๐Ÿ’Ž Crystalland ๐““๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ญ ๐“ข๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐Ÿ’Ž (An Upcoming Fastbuilder + Rankup Parkour Network!) ๐“ฅ๐“ธ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ ๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“น๐“น๐“ฎ๐“ท ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐“ถ๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ ๐“ธ๐“ฏ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ… Read More