EPIC Moded Minecraft SMP! Join Now!

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N What up that’s what up okay you can start now Evan I can start now okay thank you hello hello geocat okay we’re playing Minecraft on my server everybody can join as always 24/7 always online dedicated server uh no music I don’t know what happened to the music well too bad we

Had we have no music hello zipl hello drifto hello geocat EV you should put on some non-copyrighted uh uh you should put some non-copyrighted lowii music in the background of your streams I should I should I definitely should that’s a good idea do I’ll do it start chatting with your stream

Yeah who is on the server um EMP Cody uh Manny Jordan energy Asian Walter White 6420 those are the people on the server we also have some people who are not online like uh snip rare Che Chica Chica Pik 12 yes that one does excavator play excavator

Doesn’t play as far as I know I haven’t seen him in this swipe uh guys I’m super nice place he’s been here yesterday yeah uh who else plays um the guy named Bob plays uh I’ve seen some other people people that I don’t remember actually cuz they joined once not my fault I

Don’t remember remember cheer yeah cheer oh they not say cheer someone said cheer nobody all right oh my so zip if you want to join with your crew go ahead I don’t promise that it’s going to be easy though every no ask why I’m naked oh wait you died ah not

Good yeah I died to Jake though Jake huh died to a random Jak see can I see your seed sword please when I gave you the what the seed I I I I changed it to an angel one oh my God no we have this uh we have this fish

Torture chamber in our base apparently if you make like a falling water in a base it’s considered to be a river Evon what can I see your sword the the Ste sword what would you want then here’s the horse can you hop on it oh it’s only mine okay

Can we have two wait try to spawn on the no you can’t oh did you try it already yeah Evan can I see it yeah I already showed you it no so you byebye so you by to your horse EV wow mean I go him back

When I’m I get done this is my sword I just realize that this was my sword gifted it to me yeah come on Jake my Lo back come back to help horse doesn’t like to be here it’s not tall enough the hole is not tall enough he left

You just got a unicorn in Hogwarts Legacy I don’t even know cuz I never played Hogwarts Legacy so is that good bad rare easy hard to get oh no Jake what about you you know I think I might bring some of my pals on okay so PL

Going to clap us go ahead I can try we have the best lers how do you get on you get on the same way you did on the other server when it was live so you go to the wait you need to also install the uh mod pack let me just check

Something in Discord can you join the Discord one second m okay once I get down getting my loot I’m will come back to you and bring you back your sword yeah do it cuz I’m doing something else one second yeah oh take here’s the scroll by the

Way I have a few Scrolls on my dead body oh my goodness I’m running my stallion no me Evan what you take a apple p a pin what do you get with apple with what p a pin Apple oh pen pineapple Apple pen yeah uh I fell to the world zipl what’s your

Username on the Discord what’s your username on Discord I don’t see you on the list are you like not on my server for some reason did you like leave or something it’s legit just zlat all right let me look again oh you’re not online oh you’re hidden so

If I give you the Minecraft roll and I’ll send you the instructions you’ll be able to join by using those instructions so one second I’m sending it to you way I just watching a video on it Jordan did you see the video I sent you huh look at Discord okay I’ll check

Give me a second copy link there you go okay look into that channel it’s linked if you click on it it should open the channel it’s going to have the instructions on what to install you have need to have Forge 1.20.1 and then you have to install the mod packs that I

Provided Minecraft uh Minecraft mods zip download that unpack it in your mods folder KCK that’s wild that’s not Lish man that’s that’s hilarious you have to go sadly okay gioc cat see you later drift is G got real quick drift could like actually ride a bot that’s going to gamble for

Him Su bl’s back oh oh my God anyway Uh let’s uh we can go I guess oh over oh you can go thank you Jake thank you for the scroll close to myot anyway yall can go wait I need to make a axxe one second ouch I have a few new members of the crew all right all right invite them to

The Discord there’s instructions in it so if anything changes they’ll be like you know up to date the IP address is advantic that one as always okay what’s happening that’s not good server just crashed no it didn’t for me at least oh wait it didn’t it was just for me I’ve

Been tapping out too many times I guess there we go you on tag yes hello hello hello hello Ryan okay I got my Lo back guys everybody start get back on the server once you started streaming that’s good that’s good that’s actually uh the purpose of

Streaming if I stream it more often more people will join eventually Jake mm what’s hydrogen huh you take water and put it in a bowl what does it make it a bowl a bowl full of water soup I’m being cringe on purpose right now I got a

Bor I got a few hundred blocks to go it’s fllying makes it a lot easier though smelted common ores okay okay okay anyway let’s go I guess just give me like a good four minutes all right I thought you were bored because you were waiting okay zipl definitely hop on install that

Mod pack and uh get your crew going let’s see what he can do now after like you know a year of playing Minecraft without me is it a year I think it was 2 years year or two years I don’t know you tell me where’s my horse

Jordan I’m on my way I’m only 700 me away you don’t need no horse because you have flying spells you’re going to be faster but run out like 30 seconds so many Jordan’s room St on my room Jake’s room with an ox aot was stuck in the fence okay that’s a little

BT Jake keeps killing all his cats Evan yeah nice view good cat lady beautiful view and he’s sleeping can I have very good cat lady okay I’m almost there look at the map guys I’m going use EV Ste I have a wa wait wait wait wait drift is just

Gambling what’s in this chest empty nothing ow icicles why you living with grass next to your bed Jordan oh I didn’t put that there it was already there when I moved in oh someone rig my my room is as always uh not uh personalized yeah it’s bland

Bland it’s bland as hell I gave you a flower pot what you want wait do I have a flower pot with a dead flower probably no no flower I destroyed my flower pot put a table I tell you what if I can give you this let me see let me see

If no I can’t I started lagging guys I’m okay someone someone got uh doxed here you go I found the perfect thing for you H there you go I’m on uh poisonous mushroom thanks man appreciate it I’m almost I will I will accidentally eat it I’m 100 blocks away ow stop whipping

Me that’s kind of rude land oh what is that who’s that someone just uh approached our base I should knock knock knock I think there’s a robber out over BR there’s a robber out out and about here you go Evan thank you and also here you

Go you’re adding all the mods okay let me know if you’re in trouble or something this this is decoration why am I being look look you want to look at lux’s room cone of cold scroll oh okay look Lux doesn’t even have a flower pop BR be happy yeah exactly mine is

Personalized can make myself a cage I have five iron bars hey Jordan I want to I want to edit your room a bit you something on mys no I know what you’re GNA do I KN I know you too well Jake stop it oh yeah Jake I need I need oopsie

Didn’t mean to do that I’m me to to your room use what’s her name here it is put that in there okay let’s all the room okay okay that sound okay that sound is Different okay A little laggy yeah it was a little laggy for a few seconds there it still is a little laggy on Jay go swap please I want that one that one’s louder okay yeah give me that one then one in projectile protection Okay that one doesn’t sound right like no No I’m lagging guys tell me when you’re ready to go yeah because new players join and happens so we can restart the server so it doesn’t lag Anymore I don’t know why it does that we have to look into that tactical fishing I know right I was supposed I’m waiting for Jordan Jordan you ready I don’t have a yeah so me and Ja will fly EV you use your speed right yes of course I guess I stop lagging I

Might have to leave and rejoin real quick so I stop lagging it’s not you it’s everyone wait what ah I messed it up we got get a connection out connection right back in I’m restarting This Server everyone I don’t think it’s that bad is it yes it is I keep lagging every second

I can’t turn my inputs are very delayed by the way I took a step 5 seconds later it took the step I it took me so long to get back I don’t know why why it always does that when a new player joins and loads in a

Lot of chunks it’s weird but then it works properly it it helps itself out like it slowly fixes itself we need to look into that though was good on the other Wi why is that water inside of the base CU I messed it up one second that fish probably died [ __ ] fish okay there goes start I’m going to join to see if it works but I don’t have long so I won’t play okay play it on another day the server will be

Open this who just added me Evan H what’s your opinion on Minecraft the game is as fun as you make you have to be creative to make it fun exactly that’s the point of that game you can only be bored of Minecraft if you don’t have a plan for

It Minecraft only boring if you don’t play the game no Minecraft is boring if you don’t have any goals my friends no it doesn’t rely on Friends most time does there we go let’s back up let’s see if it stabilizes set three gigabytes right now should be better everybody rejoin

Okay just looking at my window looking at all the Christmas decorations and [ __ ] people bur up already it’s November some people should chill out no my road is like they all love Christmas everyone on my road love Christmas they’re all weird well no they’re not weird but you know they’re

Cool literally like 15th of 15th of November everyone puts their Christmas lights up on my road it’s so it’s so silly every want some want like a off teleportation thing I don’t put up Christmas lights until December second fifth just before uh St Nicholas Day which is on the

6th J that was very nice to you my back hurts now all right that doesn’t work that’s dumb oh because it’s uh okay and the fish dies all right one more try yeah I’m ready now you’re ready okay one second then I’m doing something else now 20 FPS stream yeah this is exactly

Why I need a capture card so games like this they’re poorly optimized don’t lag on streams I mean the tech the resource pack that I’ve given you is quite intense Ive I mean you should probably turn it off if when you stream yeah probably what did you put the music on

Bro no I don’t have anything that I research is not copyrighted I don’t want to get in trouble I’ll did it for next stream oh I can send you something n it’s good it’s all good why do they have 45 tropical fish cuz it keep on spawning in here hello zipl

I need to make a radius healing thing just in case we’re all into a big fight no don’t leave don’t leave don’t leave don’t leave don’t stupid fish come here there we go all right now it’s decorated anyway I’m ready all right let’s go then should I actually options video settings

Shaders turn them off maybe that will help with the FPS drop my neighbors put up their decorations and now I have lights blasting into my room all night okay you live really close to them unless they have like a very strong uh lights on those decorations all right does that F

Help yeah that’s that that’s much better have need health oh you just enough your shaders let me do that then I don’t need help all right I’m ready I’m ready to go hold one sec yep I do we need a boat yeah we should probably get a boat one second oh yeah

Wait you have a horse uh scull too holy shoot okay put on the boat I put it on book this time I’ll just make a one why not don’t look for too lazy you Com or no h yeah I’ll come with you okay actually I’ll

Probably go for the ne again and try and get us some Cinder Essence that was the plan last time you didn’t listen to the plan so yeah you guys can search the other world for like normal materials and stuff since you guys we don’t really need help doing that and I’ll go search

The never for the difficult stuff since I’ve got all my like support spells and stuff yeah okay which way are we going Jordan north south east north that’s the water Norwest maybe Northwest maybe right let’s go okay which way which direction is this way okay what way is up down

Left right which direction is this way I can’t see one of my death is this way it’s uh it’s the ice SP we’re not going there there there the way we you can go we went every other way then let’s go west let’s go west so that way look at

Me Northwest what about this we just went Northwest I’m pointing at Northwest we just went that way okay we could how about Southeast like that direction right behind you I don’t have it discovered so I guess all right let’s go that way that’s just ocean yeah but beyond the ocean there should be

Something why is it this thing lagging when it jumps does the horse stop like when it jumps yeah yeah it’s a break it’s a a jump cuz it has all the other abilities yeah all right all right this horse is like actually not listening to anything it’s lagging very bad right now glitchy

Says he doesn’t want to play because you keep wiping the server well glitch hasn’t played much I don’t know why he’s complaining there’s other people that put in more time into the server before it wiped plus I won’t be wiping the server anymore we were messing with the

Mods and everything and the teams and everything what you know was not organized for the first streams and the first swipes so if he doesn’t want to play it’s his deal he doesn’t want to play glitch bad how many times did yall wipe twice oh if he doesn’t

Play yeah must be doing good this time I mean you have a team set up you have everything figured out why don’t you jump on with glitch pad just convince him so this this time uh like there’s more people playing so there’s not no chaos okay did you like

Use your horse okay you did let me follow you yeah it’s up to you though uh other puff what’s up I Gotta Wait For You EV yeah kind of this spell is overlapping the mini map in the corner but I guess you can customize where the

Mini map shows up it was a way to do it don’t remember not going to mess with it right now all right let’s swim this way you theat yeah linos H lag no glitch glitch with the boat there we go you on yep all right Jan let’s go I have

Healing spells ready on the yeah all right so your support class support attack class I don’t know how that works I’m good all around one second let me look at DMS oh I can check the the group DMS okay all right Jake thanks for the link with the LOI I still need to verify it myself I’m sorry I just I’m very cautious about this thing I’ll play it next stream though my first channel got like you know demolished by copyright like you know strikes and stuff

So and uh then actually give me a strike that would delete my channel get me banned I just you know stopped posting on that channel Al together because I got very angry about about it like it’s so demotivating you do stuff and then YouTube is like nope it’s

All licensed it’s all copyrighted so then I have to like read up on what what it means and cuz I was like I don’t know 14 15 when I was making my first YouTube CH channel so I don’t understand much what how old are you 34 how are you doing today I’m doing

Really well thank you for asking I’m going to play the front uh Roni don’t worry I’ll just you know some days on Minecraft some days on the front I’ll try to balance it out going to see how the mods work oh they’re pretty good we tested them we

Went through like a bunch of them and we wiped a bunch of times because of it too I mean we wiped the first the first time because of it yeah the combat yeah Jordan’s Jordan’s right mid very mid we’ll remove the combat mod that’s like we don’t have to affect anything with

When we remove it I go faster no worries just check your beacon sometimes so no need to startle all over again definitely don’t want to start over yeah in a day I got back to where I was immediately oh yeah wasn’t even a day it’s a few hours

Bro it’s get mad okay this portal was covered do you want to look at it Whispers don’t work Whispers don’t work on stream you can everybody can see it oh [ __ ] why was it oh [ __ ] that’s crazy bro there’s two monuments next to each other in the ne yeah nice here let me

Mark this down real quick Cher I know uh Jake is in spectator mode he was checking something he dm’d me before he did it so yeah don’t don’t suspect them of doing something malicious yeah you do looking spectator mode you can’t affect anything just look yeah he’s obviously going to get the

Achievements for visiting the areas that he shouldn’t be here in but you know that’s just how when you’re at B you have to like you know I don’t really care about the achievements anyway exactly okay Jordan there’s nothing here unless you see something I’m going to go

The other way let me yeah no worri wait I read send message again uh me when I think chat is more active than it is yeah nothing on the coast right now we could exp more into it you want to go inside yeah all right did you take a bed cuz I

Didn’t that in that case I have I have to kill some sheep all right let’s go find some sheep done no big deal could be that hard no sheep here but I think I think there’s animals to North so there might be sheep so if you whisper me during the

Stream yours whisper are public so yeah be aware of that no way oh Jordan H you think there’s something inside Kinder Egg ah I don’t need these ores bad we got we got a bunch of of those yeah we don’t need any more copper we like have like 20

Stacks just by mining out the base I thought zomie was dancing for a second should I pick up these um snout armor smithing templates I don’t know what we do yeah all right why are the armors black and pink blobs is something missing yeah it’s the texture pack I’m using I should

Actually you know remove it for streams CU it looks you know if you did that you’d have to you’d have to completely remove OptiFine yeah I’ll have to remove potify I guess I guess I’ll remove it permanently CU I keep on forgetting to take it

Off I have to leave the server I have to my PC real quick all right I’ll wait for you here we can go find some sheep I’m going to look around the map for sheep Let the chunk load in yeah my PC while you do that all right I’ll just go deeper into

The area leave you here oh you hit my horse that’s so mean it just spawned what the hell who does that oh what the hell okay this is uh there’s a lot of zombies here oh there’s the Sheep hello well I can’t I can’t oh wait I can’t Shear it okay

Why did the horse fall down this horse is special I guess all right come here horse on my game they are missing what do you mean missing cuz you have a Shader pack turn off your Shader pack no you need to completely remove OptiFine if you want

To see remove the OptiFine it’s probably in my yeah cuz I just zipped up everything I had and put it on the server I should remove it from the mod pack I will so go to your mods and delete the preview OptiFine thing and it should make it non

Pink if you really want to see the armor that bad the armor looks good it’s just not available in OptiFine since they don’t collaborate together so there’s no way they could have had the uh model it’s because it uses like name textures and optify doesn’t really like

That how do I add people to your team um first you have to create a team so um go to press the uh what is it called the um I don’t know what the symbol is I’ll post it in chat this one and then after you press this go to player

Config my player make its party name accept it with the check mark and then when you have it made you can start inviting people and then it’s like uh let’s op um you know op parties member invite after you create a team this one and the name obviously easy another Jordan’s

Back all right I got the the bed okay you Want okay Jordan I don’t see anything here as a monument is he oh he’s not in VC because he could didn’t rejoin one second oh yeah he’s dragged in never mind it’s all good Jordan you’re not speaking you must be muted or something why is the sound like that you

Can remove the sound pack as well in fact I’m just going to remove the client side stuff like the map and the sound plack and everything just use just leave the essentials so you guys can install whatever you want there’s a sound mod in my pack that I uploaded hey what is this

Wait let’s go this way I’m going to go steep tag it has like a special special sound effect so it like you know has e e Echoes and stuff all right Jordan that’s how it should sound it’s more realistic I’m my horse out all right we got a monument Jordan

Yeah get on place of bed yeah I’m going to place the bed one second right next to the entrance set the spawn point Y oh G oh something here it’s pretty nice here hold look hey it is holy [ __ ] Jake look at the stream Harry Blossom monument and it

There has a tree and grown into it I look for a villager that’s trapped real quick he went through the back it’s still laggy for me you’re teleporting for me that’s it though I’m going for the by the way EV okay I got the SP I think the second

Chest at the chest yeah at the chest get him yeah they in why can’t I damage this guy is he immune to Magic why am I lagging I guess he’s immune to magic or does an not explain a reason why it’s happening my Ser is lagging cuz I can’t collect

All okay I deal with the boss don’t worry about it this time kind figured out how to do it perfectly you’ll deal with the boss okay wait what did he drop yeah I think it was an emerald all right we got a 15% cool down reduction ring I’ll do I’ll take

That here are the Scrolls by the way oh yeah here’s you can hang up on you can hang into you can hang on to them you want to solo the boss solo the boss that’s going to do every come here I need this set up right here okay bucko let’s

Go I’m the boss now yeah I’ll just check the loot oh okay blood veils let’s go loyalty piercing Unbreaking fire aspect uh Unbreaking is only good I’ll take them all though they’re useful for making spell books okay wheat let me just drop all the trash here yep that’s sh than

Fighting uh since you got all the aggro I’m just going to come up he went down My seed all right there we go what we get legendary ink scroll and Escape mod all right you’re a loot guy now you’re now a loot guy actually wait this isn’t this is a so so drop me the anent Arcane Essence I’ll put it in this one this one right here

I put all the good stuff in here real quick give me all the trash we don’t need the trash yeah I’m going throw it out somewhere here’s a no just leave it in the Box leave the trash in the Box yeah so what the Su horse girl

Someon horse scroll oh I don’t have loot I don’t have room I’ll take it with me then wait I’ll take the iron out it’s actually trash we don’t need the iron here you go anything else dream dream horn all right I’m pretty much full we could go back

Depot oh I’m telling you we need that what’s it name the end the chest scroll don’t you have wing J then can’t you fly back yeah are you sure that these um that these like neite armor people can spawn inside of the nether yeah like yes yes they’re next to a big

Portal just next to like a big uh netherite Port shine portal yeah I’ve seen them last wipe all right Jord I’ll give you the loot can fly your way back yeah I’ll find my way back the boat into this chest the most valuable things here here here make sure you sort them

Properly yeah I’m that chest if you can get these uh ores and cool everything else is not that valuable I mean the diamonds aren’t either so leave the diamonds if you don’t have room I’ll just carry them around I got enough room okay tell me if you can take more these

Are makeable EV we can use these real quick then you didn’t need to but okay you that you should get that cool down I can pick it up okay I’m maxed out all right back bye I’ll F I’ll uh look for another Monument while you fly back this

Is like the most efficient way to do it I guess I I’m going have to make the in the chest thing I I need some epic oh I’ll make I’ll make back to the base wait which okay it’s this way the second city was so powerful it’s crashed my games

Oo well I guess uh you can reload check if it crashes again and let me know if it does I thought Buckaroo said that I started lagging I’m not lagging anymore I’m fine my capture card is coming next week along with uh a Windows key which I

Didn’t have for the other computer and a hard drive to record all the footage everything will be stored on another computer which will automatically be recorded Shadow play will be on like 24/7 so whatever happens whatever game I play I’ll have it recorded I are you

Facing northr now face the nor for me I’m not facing oh I I think the server just got shut down ah didn’t happen last time what’s going on so many different connections at once so stupid hey was working well what’s up sniper why did it crash he has access

To why does he have access to stre VC he has the con Creator Ro I I don’t have that one the server is running out of seven 20 TPS right now so I don’t know why it crashed there’s no reason technically for it to crash just

CR well it should be 20 is good seven is very very bad like the server is basically like about to explode okay uh I’m having a look right now I don’t know what it’s making it be so anyway let’s have some questions for each other I’ll wait it’s back up though they automatically

Restarted okay bye what did he doing I muted I just like sniper all right I’m still on my horse yeah should still be in the boat then you got to go right see a plat I’m facing north what do you need from North so turn

Left I am turned to North what do you want from that to the server okay I got to jointing you need to restart your game you need to restart your game Jordan I work yeah if asan Farm is having trouble connecting then he should restart yeah asan needs to restart the

Game yeah command thing fix itself oh so my steep didn’t work apparently CU it roll back to save okay we’re back at we’re back running at 20 we’re at 20 out 20 now yeah it’s just when new players join it I don’t know it messes with it we have to look into that

Too why it happens cuz zipl joined she probably generated the new request from the server and started lagging again yes it crashed okay my my my flying ran out you could be flying I was flying then it it was like lasting for a while then the server

Crashed I land in the water place down a boat immedately start going you were lucky yeah I was I’m kind glad I didn’t get spawn into a block you’re stuck in the Ground I feel bad for him but he’s stuck in the ground can you teleport agent to the surface cuz I think he got placed on the ground for some reason he shouldn’t have yeah I don’t know I you should wait 30 seconds cuz sometimes it does that I I he is doing something

Probably I bad what sniper everything in a barrel to disappear if the the game crashes everything in the barrels disappear well my entire Diamond disappeared when did you make it like a long time ago oh that’s not possible someone took it and lost

It no no like I had it on me and then but like a few minutes before the freaking game crashed probably didn’t do anything left the game so it’s wherever you had it like two or three minutes before it crashed because it rolls back

On the backup save cuz it was it was on me at that time okay then it’s on you press stab no it’s not it’s not I checked everywhere it’s not on me should be somewhere also my controls [ __ ] oh I know what could happen what cuz the player file

Saves more often than the world file so it’s it’s neither on your body it’s or on you on the barrel might be the case so it was I think it was removed unintentionally do you want a new set what was on it any enchantments but we can’t prove we can’t prove it can’t

Prove what he had you know what [ __ ] you Jake I done he can’t prove it he has no physical copy or evidence if he recorded his stream and he had it he can prove it okay it’s just Diamond set what did you have on the diamond set it’s just a diamond set that’s

All what would what did you have okay he left didn’t even want to talk he just reacts to some one person saying one one one sentence come on sniper he left after we called him out about it it’s true though bro he needs evidence I can’t just can’t just give

Him this stuff cuz for we know we could have lost it and now he’s like okay Ser crash good opportunity to get loot we’re be lacking behind anyway cuz they’re like way behind us and I keep complaining about it look at me out don’t want to kill my horse all right all

Right wor about your house it comes back to life it’s immortal I I does the horse swim yes you know it goes in the water where it jumps oh I just let it follow me but where the he reacted by leaving that quickly means he probably never even had

Anything the second I also Pro he left so he probably never had anything in the first place I know should have uh stayed in talked cuz I was they speaking well he left so I mean it’s just a diamond set it’s not a big deal we could we I could actually give

Him the diamond set if it was like a netherite set that would actually you know ask for proof that he owned it whole team even our new players are HED out with full diamond want keep it fair you plus we’ll figure out the crashes yeah I’ll definitely keep it

Fair plus we have to figure out the crashes and if the server crashes like that could happen often so I don’t want that to happen and be an excuse for like you know giving someone back their stuff all the time yeah I’m going to edit the convic file after the stream okay like

Last time yeah that worked perfectly cuz last wipe we had like you know stable connection hi chat your man Y Man Adventures what’s up welcome to the stream join the Minecraft server right now oh it’s not a question it’s a demand I’m kidding everybody can join on their own

Terms hey there’s so many biomes hey the ash Barons got the Forbidden Castle so they must be some kind of Castle sign around here I’m finding it okay died I’m nearly falling into lava so many times bro I need to find a [ __ ] crossing or a fire wooding ring before I fall into

Lava oh no that’s a bad thing okay oh yeah can you hear my keyboard by the way yeah I can doesn’t bother me unless it bothers someone else can they hear it on stream though yes you can lower you can lower your sensitivity then it might not be picked

Up unless you speak yeah that’s what I did can you still hear it only when you speak I think wait yeah sometimes less less often than usual what about now yeah it’s all good you become quieter did you lower your microphone instead of sensitivity in Discord yeah but if I lo my sensitivity

On Discord it’s going to cut me off and it’s going to sound really bad oh okay so you can just raise my volume I did it’s 200% it’s was already before that 200% yeah you should probably like get like a Discord client which allows you to turn

People off more yeah I like the vanilla one cuz it doesn’t like crash every time there’s an update mine doesn’t I know but I had like a very weird one before and every time it updated I have to redo everything all the configs and all the plug-in

Configs yeah I’m not going to say anything because I want promote I can’t play I play Bedrock sorry I can just watch okay I was just joking about you having to join yeah this is Java Edition so you definitely need uh to have a Java Edition version uh no

Monuments just nice thundra biome hello I hate when boats do that no don’t do that don’t do that boat please thank you so where’s the horse okay nothing Here there’s a village I think here no that’s not a village only looks like one uh just trees that looks like something swamp uh nothing to be seen here guess we’ll continue oh yeah Evan yeah do you have is your end chest clear what do you mean is the Ender Chest clear

Yours everybody has their private Ender Chest I yeah yours clear though like your personal one no I just have one totem that’s it it’s pretty much clear so why are you exploring for items or what okay this uh this plugin this mod has uh Custom Monuments with custom

Bosses in them so I’m looking for them because they they do contain some uh powerful Scrolls sometimes and also contain materials to make scrolls if you want to make it at your base so this mod kind of forces you to explore the map instead of like sitting

In a base and making Farms all day which is vanilla Minecraft usually usually yeah they changed the 1.20 that where they actually force you to go do monuments unless yeah you wouldn’t get um the plan to make ancient uh debris I mean make the U netherite armor what is it called The Run

Stones run Stones no yeah I’m positive is this someone I thinking know yeah it’s a different another it’s called a smithing template smithing template yeah that 1.20 where you have to actually get it before you get the right armor yeah I’m going to find a monument I’m going to show you the

Bosses the bosses are pretty easy to you have magic but otherwise they very difficult yeah these ones are easy but there’s some in uh the custom ones but you have to like get special stuff to find them that are very hard yeah but not it’s hard for

Everybody else but I can they St at the game all right we’ll see once we get there I sto a boss with a sword I didn’t have magic at the time remember which boss it’s a ice boss I was going to your base for the first time I had a wooden

Sword it was uh no that was uh cryomancer is a common one talking about the ones that have the special Arenas and stuff oh no oh goodness those actually are a challenge oh goodness oh GL is gracious oh heavens what’s going on I got stuck how unfortunate did you Depot the loot

Yeah I already did I made sure to get an end chest scroll so it can be easier first to transer our loot Z we just f up our chest then we go back and deposit both our loot then go back to Gathering wait can I use your ender chest uh magic or

Is it only for one person oh okay you can use it I got droing my book though oh yeah that’s what we’re going to do then swap uh swords I put it on a book so I can remove it any times in case you want it plus after we do a monument there

Should be it should be a thing in there I can just take it off and give it to you now you can drop me the book easy yeah I don’t have a spell book on me I don’t think there’s anything in this ice my wings aren’t cool down just generating chunks for no

Reason yeah you Are oh you found the uh Radioactive area there’s blocks everywhere oh yeah take some of those Jak I need them oh [ __ ] oh I need to put a poisoning ring yep there these Phantoms are poisonous in that biome okay I really want these uh salime blocks that’ll be very useful oh [ __ ] I

Jordan I’m I’m going to go back towards the base and explore closer to our base yeah I make it easier on us I know yeah I’m pretty sure you can walk acoss land tox person get poisoned by a toxic slim that’s crazy too bad I’m wearing a

Poison wooding ring so it just didn’t do anything why am I on fire for so long though God damn you don’t have a uh fire resistant ring I guess no I only have poison some reason my uh Magic gives me two horses oh sure yeah what are mine is

There anything in this radioactive area of slime radioactive slimes and then go into oh wait there’s a boss there’s a gas inside that you can kill but it’s very tough but uh when you go into the cuz do you see the chimney the nuclear chimney

Uh no right now well if you find a nuclear chimney then there’s like Lo inside like in the boxes the one I found in the old world was already looted by someone else so I didn’t know what they actually was in the chests but the chests are like

Above lava like the whole arena is filled with lava Jake why do you leave did he crash I saw PC might have oh well yeah I think he crashed stopped speaking all of a sudden uh nothing here o a portal can I actually you know remove the intros on people’s uh

Join thing yeah you can yeah I have to set that up so that song is definitely copyrighted but it’s was too short to be caught by the bot if it did get caught by by the bot I’ll just cut it out big deal two seconds of the stream

Missing as two second I was just sitting here waiting for Jake so you can cut that this help s where J comes back I don’t think there’s a nucle here it’s so small like surrounded actually it’s not small if I go this direction you look at it depends on the

Angle Ray of siphoning scroll I never used this I don’t know what it is it’s level two I have better loot what is that oh there’s a pyromancer in here that must be something oh wait I know what that is Jordan you’re making your way here look look at your map what is

This what is this on right here basically I’m way though all right I’ll wait for you because there’s a pyromancer we can kill the hell right oh that guy looks dangerous oh I don’t like him oh wow oh I know what you found yeah that guy will want tap you in

The um good armor do I have to or do I if I get close will he just be me what wait the soul Forge I don’t know don’t remember remember I can my first name oh no run away run away no did you remember me to bring

This you know what kill the cat curiosity killed the cat wait actually wait I’m going to use my void tentacles on it let me see if I can kill it I try to kill it with um y void magic was crazy blood blood magic and it was really bad

Oh void void magic go crazy against this thing void magic is good over all Jake so yeah yeah I think void magic is op yeah okay when I get when I get over I need you to move out the way why I have an idea oh [ __ ] look your

Actually so bro get away from me I am looking at my map you’re kind of far still I’m going to go to sleep most likely should energy Asian has never responded so I think he was not stuck that long yeah or he got mad and just quit the game no he’s still

Here it’s sniper that quit for some reason cuz he didn’t want to complete the talk he’s lazy he’s forcing his team to do all the work while he’s sitting around help is something right and he gets set there and say I’m too lazy that’s Trav 7,000 meters

A blocks yeah know I can EV I can just kill him from a distance because he can’t he can’t hit me from here and I can just keep spamming my my void tentacles on him I don’t think he’s going to leave the area so he just sits

There until he dies but he also Auto heals if you leave the arena so I don’t know look at the health bar if it actually doesn’t Auto heal his hope is definitely going down okay burn he’s like surrounded like by Soul fire or Soul planes or whatever the

[ __ ] is I need to gear up and do these on streams cuz they’re actually good W buddy you just deeped forward a lot but you walking and teleporting kind of oh [ __ ] he just bro this guy destroyed everything around him he just did a a ground pound yeah where

The okay that just makes it even easier to him now ah see where you are yeah set the respond point just in case yeah he’s just he’s just standing there taking this bro he’s not even reacting oh hey there’s there’s uh there’s stuff in the pillars see hey don’t do that I

Got scared you scared me chain creeper scroll okay uh grants freeezing immunity okay not need it right now I have that not taking the iron don’t care oh uh what’s the Ascension what’s the Ascension uh Magic I guess I’ll find out oh I can fly I have creative fly no

This is not creative I just can bounce around a little bit I still take fall damage which is stupid okay where’s the pyromancer is he inside I’m bullying him I’m bullying him don’t worry about it bro’s getting bullied okay I’ll just loot the pillars holy shoot yeah cool him down Evan

Y why you do that Evan cuz I wanted to attack him he down got him he was aggroed on you so wait he teleported no never mind look around y he dropped the fire Rune and Wall of fire scroll do you want a fire scroll yeah you probably do this is

Yours it’s a level four though I don’t know no everything’s running down he’s stupid problem what’s the problem burning it’s everything’s burning take it off hold up I have an idea water can solve my problems just click on everything don’t let it burn or put put it on in under water or

Something stupid pyromancer burning out this house the point of being a py we going to live in a wood house yeah imagine that’s that’s so stupid that was the custom mini like mob I I don’t want to call him a boss it’s like a mob TPS hey you want the carve pumpkin there

You go yeah there a chest right here by the way okay Lo them you already got it oh you’re talking about that chest okay hey cake oh I’ll be taking that oven what pedestal thank you oh I killed it nice awesome is there more burning going on

No o I got an item called the Monstrous Helm well what the hell there it’s a helmet okay uh too bad I won’t be able to use my shadow walk helmet I guess well if you fall below half Health knock burning Dash scroll defense I want you want the burning Dash

Scroll yeah there I put it in the barrel oh yeah Evan no we can use what in your chest there so much netherite like um debris here oh it doesn’t spawn yeah there’s a bunch of neite debris come my book Evan yeah okay I’ve got like 24 pieces of like

Never like anci oh there you go that’s easy that’s that’s that’s pretty easy then to get there right yeah we probably make some NE armor can I can I put away the book while looking that that would be so stupid I don’t think you should might no

I’m not going to try that I don’t want to like you know run back for loot again all right I Depot everything there you go thank you yeah there should be a Wither Skull here do you want you want the whatever this is never mind it’s on the ground yeah grab

The Wither skulls by the way yeah we we need three of them don’t we you have one did you find one okay oh what the hell is this place me and Jake found one ice I checked it already nothing here what was the Wither Skull they usually spawn somewhere flat Frozen lava

Seas check all I you have iron we have an iron farm so we don’t need it yeah we don’t need it so what’s here bro there like I have no s of ice there most ice biome what’s a name first trying to all of them right

Is just more there’s more under this uh ladder BL storm scroll okay ink we didn’t go to the top yet the top all right I’m going to the top me I’m about to get killed by G oh my God no no no no run run run I hav’t run for

Run what do you mean you hav those armor people keep going then not easy to find this thing is still burning isn’t it yes kind of confused where’s the skull I found it so easy last time I’ve been here it’s in the ceiling oh that’s because I let the House burn down that

Time just bur down the house to find it or is it just look in the ceiling should somewhere in the even Jordan you didn’t happen to pick up a skull no I P all audio on the game oh I found another uh Firefly swarms school well a fire scroll level three I’ll try

It what about firewall you still got that here I put it back in the chest oh the sk’s right here yeah I know epic epic one yeah I’m put them in my chest right now there should be an end Pearl right there too Evon the combat thing is messing me up there we

Go can I have the fire scroll yeah I’ll give you it one second yeah oh my God thing I like about these cuz they always have the things to un view your thing Jordan yes fire scroll for you there you go where’s is still burning down I don’t

Know it’s the roof is on fire it’s not going to burn anymore than it has to it’s rning brick so it won’t burn in time soon we can SK I can Depot my stuff give me uh your Ender thing one second yeah here you go I smell Pizza you right

There all right all right there that I have a w I have a Wither worlds let’s go withed R before wither what what do you have with rose I put the IND yeah I don’t know what it does here let’s ask Jake doesn’t do anything it’s just like a funny

Item you wanted it last time you were like actually you know asking for it when I had it on me yeah because it’s cool oh okay I’ll put in a flower pot in my bit in my room yeah exactly exactly okay you can use the that give players

Wither effect if you really want to as well if you put it at their feet now I have to hit him with it okay let’s summon the horse yeah the horses I one what do you think about thees so far the horse are really useful they’re so much faster op as

Hell I all the uncommon SC spells are usually overp for some reason and you can still make it right so it’s not that uncommon I mean you know it’s common yeah I think it’s I think this is the first one the first ink yeah used the first ink in an Emeral does

It yeah plus is cheap you don’t we’re going to the ice bi which is not good we should turn to this side everyone to a snow biome now volcanic Delta oh yeah no I’m not going in there let’s go go right toward a village I’m in a village a village okay

It should be about yeah in this Direction all right these these these guys are too slow Evan get off the thing how are they too slow at least I don’t use my food which is okay I mean boats are faster I don’t feel like swapping oh have I been here before

No where did you find this Village it’s l like so far I use my map yeah I looked at my map didn’t appear until now we we got different Maps oh give me your map map mod right now yes oh nice I found a fortress guys let go that’s

Huge see a little bit of like nether brick sticking out the ground so shiny maybe I’ll find a template go look at the chests yeah that’s what I’m doing one oh I found a black run stone is that a tower over there oh no yep it’s a chapel I think I’ll get some

Blaze I know that what is it I know it’s a sad place with one item in it doesn’t the igloo have like a prison under it let’s see that’s actually a good question B but we’ll never know it’s in the back corner I’m pretty sure back corner okay check

It okay the horse just decided to like do we need NE WS yeah prop portions yeah I don’t see anything should it should be like a few blocks down yes look B Minecraft dark Lore part 15 here I’m going to mark this Fortress real quick so we can get like with SK

And yeah just save it then I’ll mark it once I’m in the nether let’s let’s get one more with sko then that’s all we need the snow’s melting towards that direction seems like it’s a mixture which one North should go north no I have is there

Another Village I see yeah but it’s all ice I hate ice biomes it’s not in the ice it’s it’s in the it’s in the midow where are you even are you flying around oh yeah I’m on a mountain want to go south now I found another

Village but Villages are bad we have to find monuments I know it’s good for like the extra resources though I’ll go wait we already been here I would go west no East oh All the Way East like hard Beyond or or South should we go south I guess we

Should check my map real quick see if there’s any monuments near us what does your map actually you know loading all the chunks around you not all but at Le an amount interesting it’s a another portal okay yeah it’s back in the SWS it’s back towards oh Northwestern

Northwestern so actually that way yeah you don’t want to go south I’m going get this portal and then I’m going to come to you but actually you’re faster so I’ll go south you can catch up yeah down Ste down will I die will I die no oh wait crashed

Crash what the hell I’ll get it back up again let me see what happened random I don’t know it’s random now it’s very weird they’re run good that Time was running smooth wasn’t as lucky okay J tell me when you get to back up I am I’m a mute think is back I didn’t die I can keep going yeah I think it’s cuz you and Jordan are moving too fast that’s all it’s telling me Oh because we were using

Horses and I just jumped off a cliff when it crashed that’s weird though yeah the only thing it’s saying is that you and Jordan move too fast it might be because Ben went in the end or in the ne or something but all I’m saying is that

You guys move too fast that’s what it’s complaining about I think we’ll stabilize because uh been loaded in the nether as well so this time it’s going to be I don’t know why it does that like every player like generates a new map so it gets more

Laggy but once they like you know I’ve been on the server before four it’s fine so weird definitely like the big servers no a way to fix that yeah they don’t use as many mods try to stop from time to time to not overload the

Server why is that why is it there no biome in the desert makes no sense what is this snowy Badlands okay what’s this okay time to sleep Evan H going south right yeah constantly going south as much as I can but there’s Cliffs so I have to go around

Them I’m on my way towards you oh the biome hasn’t no has it IND yet please tell me it has the ice never ends got even worse I know Buckaroo what even is this I don’t think it’s a tower no I don’t like ice at all I think

Lo in a map for you and me I think we’re trying one how well does the horse work very fall into compacted snow let’s see I I want to cut you off yeah it’s loading in your trunks for me all right are you going oh yeah I see a

Monument yeah but I’m on the tower that’s the tower I talking about there a monument oh okay I’m need some of these I’m icing hold up I’m immune to ice be careful sharpness to Diamonds production Two multi-shot Fire looting efficiency four let’s go mending okay let’s go good book top

Yet yeah I’m at the top where’s the horse oh damn I found another one of those neite things on my way back I found another one all right let me use my Ender Chest spell put my stuff well put more of my you took my end chest spell Jake

Wow now you now you show your two colors Jake wow you stole my in spell didn’t you no Evan he’s lying what did he do he stole my en spell he did my original one I guess don’t accuse me of such blasphemy I am I have Hello that was a

SK isue Protection free Unbreaking free Cur of binding Evan Evan the water Evan yeah do you want yeah the water’s like I fixed it I stopped it from leaking over why I please to climb up I don’t think there’s any more chests you’re just dropping in I’m going to

Back to study in five minutes sorry all right glitch bad thank you for stopping by I’ve been told you don’t want to play on the server because you think it will wipe I guess it won’t wipe this time don’t get off your horse get off your

Horse Okay best way is to drop down oh we’re going to be moving too fast this was not a good idea we might crash the server all right I’ll get the boat Bo’s overow at all right guys right netherite helmet let’s go another day another viory for the OG taking the s

I that’s a monument I think is that that’s a village but that might be a monument where where where where where where where right here wait is that up pyromancer house yep we we’re going to have three weather skulls okay yeah suppos check the dirt

First if we SP SP it spam it spam it in the claim you can’t destroy the blocks right huh if we spawn it in the claim it cannot destroy the blocks oh know I think so I know how to do all that you just like yeah I found one

Don’t why don’t you take the ink I I did no you didn’t oh I’m not according to my screen I’m not good at loing I don’t I don’t steal any you on bed H can you put on the bed oh yeah that would be a smart

Idea y let do that yeah I think I’ll kill him let’s go kill him then kill him boy I don’t go right you’re going to fall I’ll wait for him outside you lead him out you have better armor and everything have exams in like four days

Oh okay glitch bad good luck on your exams make sure to study a lot like I’m just not sure if uh make progress it might just get wiped just it’s a it’s a concern I’ll take your word for it though uh you’ve been blasted by a pyromancer apparently so will I be soon

If I don’t run if I don’t heal oh you killed it no you didn’t I ran past it like I always do it dropped down somewhere oh it’s in the freaking hole Buddy’s trying to fly but Buddy’s jumping at me they crazy right he’s screaming something at you I can’t see on stream

Oh he died he died from all the jumping what did we get oh we got some decent Lo blaz storm scroll I’m going put that on that was easy pyro I mean he’s pretty I felt the fire this time no I didn’t never mind he didn’t even put oh

Wait he did did he yeah he to bur me no I’m I’m wondering if he put the house on fire no it’s just the fire making no oh sorry sorry I right clicked m i here you go take that I’m going to go up here oh yeah I just killed the second

One that’s good well fire scroll void tentacles you can literally just stand at a distance where they can’t attack you but you can attack it you just Spam them with void tentacles all right Wonder L going to drop this time so void tentacles op confirmed mhm mhm void is op in

General oh what the hell is this got massive Hammer massive Hammer fell oh that’s a good internal Forge where storm scroll BL epic the the pickax does 13 attack damage that’s quite crazy I got a fire room by the way I make sure I get all the good

Oven yeah I’m I’m going use I you my end Pearl thing yeah I told you Evan H I told you look up to what what did you tell me that we burning is above us I looted I looted that area by the way I’ll be right back we don’t need I blazing

Storm I just need you do the whole thing with the Wither Skull as well yeah okay I need the Ender Chest that’s what I’m doing right now have a protection two diamonds PL not too shabby I I iiz I kept using this with storage I’m just put you in there put

You in there I have a bunch of blaze rods by the way yeah we have a lot of blaze rods now tling with this mod you only need to go to the end for what purpose you only not the end the nether why do we have to end in the

Nether we began in the nether last time yeah I talk yes do you like apples I love apples I’m allergic to apples I’m sorry A C doesn’t mean I like him just because I’m allergic uh you can like some allergic to my friend doesn’t like likes mus but he’s allergic to

It I’m not really allergic to apples to technically I’m allergic to the pesticide that’s been us that’s commonly used on apples how deep wash them I need to take off the skin and then I’m fine oh okay nobody really eats to seem like that unless you’re weird so if it’s

In a pie I’m not allergic at all so if it’s an apple pie are cooked through cu the P to kill I want a flint and steel no I don’t want a flint and steel you you want to flint and steel don’t want no flint and steel yeah okay I’m I’m my inventory

Right now bombs away should we go to the base and like recuperate in yeah I don’t have room in the Ender Chest anymore so I have Loot on me right now uh I can’t stack anything in the Ender Chest anymore I could take out the obsidian and put The Mending book

Instead just in case put the cidian I put that in M yeah here you go book back all right this this that spell is really good in my opinion yeah it’s free you don’t even have to have a s touch uh pickaxe I go go with the base which

Where base base is is that way there should be like a spell with a that’s like legendary that teleports you back to your bed or to your base or something that would be funny it that cost a lot to make i b is this way by the

Way all right going all the way back to the base okay that’s that’s crazy what I’m running down the forest or no I try to get every single form of magic I have holy I have two holies two yeah I have every time I think I have every type of magic besides void

Jack since you’re the void expert can you give me some void magic please why you just CR it fly fly bye-bye Jordan I’ll catch up byee are you sure EV yes it’s night time though I’ll um put down the bed and sleep I went the wrong

Way I I have to switch up my angle traveled 5,000 blocks Jordan what the hell already yeah it’s yeah our base is 4,500 blocks away I mean we travel more than 5,000 cuz been going around in the circular pattern but yeah that’s I’m not base I I’m way to base

I think my thing ran out guys what what a mess up this is what a unpredictable predicament this is bombs away doesn’t even matter if I really take damage here I can just heal myself I can steal a bunch of collateral K the what Evan you you need to get Shield I’m

I’m telling you this now I need to get what the shield spell oh yeah definitely I yes something spawned we missed it what SP what stuff it’s a monument cryomancer is in there okay let’s do it then I still have some room I’m trying I’m going to try to catch

Up I is just lame cuz there’s like a lot of patches here to go around downside to it EV have you ever used froster yeah I did like no breaks all the farms in your base that’s it’s actually a bad spell bad the enchantment in my opinion what

Is yes what is Frost uh Frost Walker Oh plus it it leaves a trail of ice behind you and it unlocks the chunk so someone can track you really easy even if you’re like not streaming icicle scroll yep Frozen B around seek paper we need more of that bombs

Away okay when you here yeah I’m trying to find a way up so actually spawns above where it’s supposed to spawn right here right here right here okay oh so how did I get through and I can’t get back okay bed bed bed where are you going B go to bed I’m I’m

Immune to him oh still just in case yeah I had the ring so me and Dr D I got the ring from me what is this spell ascension oh I can fly now need a offensive spell is he on top usually spawns on the bottom theide now I go oh coming

Down he’s outside I I don’t knowbody I got I got this he always does that this guy always teleports out let’s stay away from him he’s down here guys I’m going to put this infernal infernal boom oh shoot oh shoot what’s happening explosion why’ you explode

Us he’s running in yeah I’m froze I’m I’m being Frosted where’d you go Jordan he’s going crazy no now buddy boy right there I need to heal it’s like actually freezing me to death I I feel bad for you I can go it with problem uh wait do you guys mind if I use all of our Ender pears to make another piece of

Um of a rune like another Ender Rune go [Applause] Now use our end to make an end yeah go for it all right thank you what a predicament this is I thought you had it buddy I thought I did I I went too crazy what PR this is isn’t an oven where is the Mr Frozen oh there you go what

Un this is isn’t it yeah I have freezing I’m I’m to being frozen thought you were I am he can’t freeze me but I still take damage I don’t have food no you don’t now Buck he died he’s right behind me no he’s trying to freeze me going to die to frost

Again not again byebye I mean he’s running from me no he’s Agro on me for some reason okay okay say Okay bombs away I hear your spell yeah have any healing come here come to me come to me I’m good now where is he over here hit him hit

Him right here he he’s inside inside ah hit him with your thing and then I’ll try to freeze him he is uh actually taking damage from me too where did he go he’s probably on the map look oh glitch pad’s at our base I think I might kill him glitch

Pad I’mma kill you if you don’t run away bucko don’t make me come for those cheeks coming on now I have like 45 minutes maybe then put put down a base establish a area where you want to live that’s what I recommend but don’t put it too close uh Evan he’s in

A he’s in a jail cell oh I’m might heal myself he teleported you have my sword by the way where oh my stop running Buck he’s healing oh shoot where is he now I’m I’mma crun you out bucko I hear him got him finally what did we get ice Rune do I

Have your sword Ascension and summon Horse no I don’t have your sword it must be someone it’s right here okay I can you give me food or healing cuz I’m low I I give you both I’ll give you Max food and healing are you Evan see I’m good all around right

Guys yipp I Dro too much I’ll drop you half the stack I got car worry about it I worry about it n take it all right let’s go loot it I guess yeah we got go let’s go where’s the Ines at is it do we go through the top and then go

Down do we still need um no we got we have four what’s the names now the Scrolls yeah Evan go to the you know that secret room that he was in that in go to that one all right but slir gust another wart on the surface interesting Yeah okay I got everything from down here I get everything I just want to have a look yeah I told I I why I got the just name from yeah I got make sure I got the secret room too what’s where’s the secret room you the ice wall is it’s

There a there’s a thing behind it oh oh I think I think I saw it yeah I got it I don’t think there’s anything in the floors just making sure nope Okay evan here Theo this what we’re going to do we’re going to take a slight

Detour that’s a bad idea we just go straight home at this point yeah we should let me just let me just look around for any of The Monuments hey why is there a piston here yeah it’s always any when be in there cuz I got one last time hey there’s a chest here

Is it is it opened yes it’s opened I what’s in just founded by mining me and Jake didn’t get that one last time then oh Jake we missed a chest oh it’s the bookshelves on the last floor Okay evan let’s go okay I’m g go ahead and dip EV you got a

Boat on you nope I’m just gonna go get my I have extra boat go go over the water okay thank you am I going the right way Noe there he goes uh I’ll try to use my horse as much much as I can I think I can you can until I hit the

Ocean yeah you can pretty much use them from like your on out yeah the snow just starting to disappear is this a village o yeah it’s I supposed to go to don’t really have room to like you know do anything else I have to like throw out a bunch of

Stuff I don’t think so oh yeah I have three of my on I we have four in there we have four BU skools now should I go should I rev what we have so far even or no yeah you should so far SC healing Circle wall of fire

Burning Dash oh that’s you I thought I spotted someone else rain of frost icicle blazestorm wi fire that’s it ink uncommon two uncommon some ancient Essence 28 ancient Essence one Epic three wow SKS one common common in uh oh fire ruin by way you could go back and do the Wither in the

Base just need Soul you guys have enough skulls yes have we have four I got okay do we have the stuff to take on the weather though that’s a question I mean it’s weak it’s weak compared to the current bosses so yes I mean it’s just

The weather I take it I usually take it with a bow without Ms if I abuse the the claim still to like kill it cuz I put it in the box and then you know shoot it until it dies everything I think everybody does that not going to lie if there’s like a

Claims plugin everybody does that with the wether to do that Jake it can’t be that good yeah we’re going to do that the server became laggy because I’m cutting across on revealed chunks yeah what was it uh open yeah what Walter White and Jake said press that symbol and you’ll be

Able to uh set up claims on to said I love Evan H hello I’m waiting for the chunks to load before I move so I don’t Lo crash the server I don’t care I’m just moving okay risk it for the biscuit I’m literally staring to into the

Void the third person is telling you I to claim can also pull up the app map just P the map it makes it easier are they speaking in what do I speaking press a Button ah I think the hor I think the horse has a timer on it Evan h i I think the horse has a timer on it yeah it does how long is the timer on it for 10 minutes 10 minutes on mine it depends on the level of your

Horse 10 minutes that’s enough though to pretty much do anything yeah that’s why it didn’t seem like it cuz we just constantly moving around I mean it doesn’t seem like it never ran out it did it’s a good sour of traveling though oh what is this okay bu of drowned on the submerged

Tower not going to check that out eyes it’s go tired hm huh what uh have a long way home I cannot fly H even if you can fly it’s a it’s a long way you stop me way so get in a boat so you don’t

Die I’m in the boat or a horse saw all times so I don’t get any starvation at all y Huh huh yeah my washing machine went off that is a huge ocean takes forever to get through where’s the other team talking about uh sniper they really quit the server because of diamond armor that’s like you know the cheapest thing you can get not all of

Them I mean actually yeah none of them on the F but let’s hope they come back I then what what the game saw me in water behind yeah I flew all the way all the way back from like the I went back for a few seconds and I came I flew all

The way over here all right I might crash a server again if you’re moving so fast Jake okay we’re all good we don’t have enough players to crash it uh I figed a good strp for the teleport thing forther the teleport book exploit for the cryomancer no no not that teleport flying

Exploit exploit it’s just combining two skills yes a skill another day another victory for the O another exploit is using a mechanic that gives you an unfair Advantage yeah in a way that was not designed by the developers unintended feature in the game that’s an exploit well it’s a good

One for example an exploit would be uh in Rust walking up to someone’s base and then uh looking up and dying right next to the wall so you can you know loot back and forth for the body that’s an exploit it’s not it’s not a hack it’s

Not anything it’s just how the game is constructed a no de like levels levels are easy to get though yeah abusing levels systems abusing the in-game store to get free reown and Siege those are X oh yeah I’m using revives in general all the all the Automatic Farms

Are pretty much exper ones that involve like like XP F and yeah getting on the nether roof is also an exploit the developer intentionally made Bedrock so he can’t get through it and players still go through it Farms I’m not sure if Farms are exploit not all of them some of them

Rely on exploits but some of them were intended to work that way is the animal farms are no what the mob and like villager Farms like yeah I think the iron Farms are exploits usually I mean it’s us doing a mechanic in game that was not intended to be used

That way but developers said what the hell let start him they like it keep it in not like makes the game worse D they remove iron G Farms I might quit the game they won’t it’s too much of a meta Strat in the game to be

Removed it would it would break the game if they remove that ever like it would just finish Minecraft completely nobody’s going to go around and like look for stupid iron yeah I something not go find like easily and look for something I could find hard if I can’t use something constantly I

Rather not do anything at all they could replace the mechanic with something else but not remove it completely I’m back almost back at base same iing my my horse for a little while I see I see base I like get stability so much I I need to go into your room real quick

Okay these three wither skulls put them in Here a glb left did he claim anything oh yeah he he did I never been here guess he got himself a village I mute real quick okay I’m at the base too let’s see where do we put these items got back I need to do long be like

Maybe 10 20 minutes or so probably not that all right I’ll take a I’ll take I’ll break too I’ll go to the bathroom and stuff uh one second this guess this counts as well Aro oh before you take a break Jordan uh give me the wait you don’t need to

There’s an Ender Chest on upstairs never mind don’t bother yeah oh yeah what’s the name what’s the name of something by the way books and spells what’s her name of is what’s the name ink what’s the name of what I forgot of what oh my goodness you know Al I’m

Stupid don’t do me like this EV name of what oh no wait book what does books mean here books and spells yeah Enchantment books are over here yeah I guess so okay so that’s the book like remove the books from the sign I’m going to fix it it’s just just Scrolls not

Books hello like book they General books they just spells there we go all right food natural blocks and do we have any orse and common smelted diamonds are pretty common aren’t they yeah crafted blocks um we’re doing a lot better now bur items no uh this server lagging

Again no not for me at least crafted blocks I obsidian would be a crafted block this would be a crafted block I don’t know you tell me armor no what about we don’t know where to go if we put in this chest then just put in whatever here these chests are unsorted yeah

Unsorted ones it’ll sort those later all right laggy lagy laggy rare items ender pearls for now are rare but I wouldn’t consider them rare they’re common very common if you go to the end they now let’s see if the villagers actually made any crops nope something with the plugin

Settings that prevents them from interacting with blocks which is stupid oh yeah I have to empty my Ender Chest let’s go I gu be mine that’s your spawn point yes you to take my break there you go thank you Jordan oh take your break I’m all right uh fire ale fire R

This is there a skeleton inside Ain’t No Way rare items oh this where the uh amethyst went okay arcane this I guess this would be considered inks uh potions inks uh what else what else what else what else this Rune uh fire charge not sure but let’s put it in

Here rare items emeralds not so much iron any yeah this I don’t know why fire run is in here if it’s also in here that we have the runes smithing template snout armor trim okay then we can need to D duplicate it okay this Blaze

Rod oh we have okay we have the potion items here right ring ring ring ring Ring nether armor ring two books books books books regular books all right all right let’s look at this exploit be before I go and take a break I need to go oh wait AEL I can have a pink one there’s another one there’s three of them what is this

Godly spawn what is this fish abuser fish abusing mechanics all right anyway I’m going to uh put it on be right back screen all right I’m back have some food just got handed a pizza so kind of eating you never seen me eat on stream or hear

Me eat on stream so here it is I usually don’t eat on streams warm pizza is good pizza save the ax aot you don’t want it to die come your buddy wait you can’t catch it without water in the bucket obviously bless you hello hello are we ready to ready to do the

Wither mhm I’m just capturing some random Exel AOS I have a yellow one white one and pink one yellow one’s are the rarest ones on really well we have a fish spawner here so there we go all the colors I think there’s a blue one

Too oh no the blue one is a rarest one why is there a fish spawner though why is it just spawning fish so efficient why efficient used to be um I don’t know used to be another biome before we M it out there’s so many

Fish yeah I just picked up 32 fish from the ground free free meat how much is over here oh 23 pieces but still I don’t know how it works but it could be an idea for a farm that nobody else has guess we probably won’t be able to recreate though

Likely if I put like hoppers at the end of this water I’ll be able to like catch them when they die anyway Jordan has the Wither skulls where is he or did he Depot them uh he’s not he’s not on the server now a that sucks pick the

Chest all by the way you can take the Hammer if you want it cuz I don’t really want it what does it even do it’s it’s basically a pickaxe with like a white Arrow attack why have we got a f ton of fire Al I don’t know I picked them up and

Drop them in here do we not need them I mean they’re not bad but they’re just fire resistance potions no you can’t mine um coal can it not what does it even do when in your main hand right click at the Block to cause AOE damage it’s a pickaxe

Okay NOP that just damaged me try this oh I I think I think it does aod Dam AOE damage but it has no durability either has no dur doesn’t take NOP doesn’t take durability damage Noe okay look it has not been damaged yet that’s cool yeah so I think it’s a

Little bit faster than the unenchanted one no I think it’s the same speed I know you have an enchanted one though yeah this one’s enchanted with efficiency for exactly yeah I would let me put it away let me look for the W it as well if you want to probably

It’s if it’s a pickaxe then gets pickaxe enchantments I guess yeah okay where there skulls where could they be do you still have the op yeah that’s why it’s glitched still see your pink armor instead monstrous corn okay what is that this something I got one of the

Drops the monst thing that I killed nice you can use it to craft um Prett sure yeah I think sure then took the skulls oh Jordan I’m just going to eat my pizza for like the next 2 minutes did you guys manage to find anything like uh like one of the monument the

Thing with the Cinders Cinder Essence no there’s no Cinder essence none of the Pyro monuments had them that’s how I got my um on the wipe that’s how I got them from the Pyro houses well got a bunch of Scrolls though like a whole two rolls of straws yeah we just

Need to be we just need a a cauldron to melt them down let’s look it up cauldron need one Cinder oh we need Cinder for that yeah so we need it I dm’ them maybe he’ll see it I I don’t know there ain’t no way he put it somewhere else this could be

In it’s probably in Zender chest Jordan Jordan came back nope oh Jordan I want to go see what my boy Walter White is doing he probably um doing a good job at advancing for the game really quickly as he usually does what did he claim energy Asian hat claimed here

And oh and Walter White claimed around this okay so they’re building here next to pick a 12 what do we need to make an empty upgrade oh cerence yep everything evolves around Cinder Essence I guess what’s this long what is this oh that’s some oh there was like a long line on my

Screen but it’s an ocean what’s the sniper claim okay sniper claimed outside the initial claim plus you shouldn’t claim his shouldn’t claim their uh orders what else do we have going on in this server yeah I’ll go and claim that base while I go and look at uh what what Benjamin Bell is

Doing okay but are you going traveling normally or spectator normally okay go ahead then guess we’ll have to wait for Jordan I’ll figure something to do soon I’ll just eat the pizza I for all right I’m back see free fish I could build an aquarium now nah that’s too creative okay let me

Look Martin ruis how you doing welcome to the stream how you liking it uh let me go get some iron see how much iron we have generated so far not too shabby it’s kind of slow I don’t know something with the something to do with the game or the

Map or the location of it what’s happening there has to be a setting for the villagers PlayOn there has to be a setting my player config okay all right so I to fix the villagers what do we need use Books use armor use Li stuck now and interact item frames TR

Beds enabled claim chunk protection makes an exception for interaction with the following blocks bed what the hell everybody can interact with the bed beacons h okay I guess we’re not doing the weather J’s not coming Back all right I won’t be uh i’t be doing much I’ll be just building Farms anyway um I’ll be ending the Stream thanks for watching Remember subscribe follow me on Twitch and I shall see you in the next one game on gamers N D Yeah

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP – Moded Server – Forge 1.20.1 – Join The Discord for access – link in description’, was uploaded by Evantek on 2023-11-26 22:18:54. It has garnered 39 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:58 or 10138 seconds.

Minecraft SMP Forge 1.20.1 – Join The Discord for access

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#minecraft #forge #server

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  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

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  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

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  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord:https://discord.gg/ravenrise ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum:https://discord.gg/cBNMMNrVZ6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:https://www.craftrise.com.tr/lonca/DA… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): million-overhead.gl.joinmc.link Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More