EPIC Moonbase 1.20.1 Stream LIVE NOW! 🔴

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Sh oh sure hope not um let’s see let’s see if everything is good I’m just chilling like now I’m just getting people returning to the streams and we have a little nice little conversation we do a little bit building we die we laugh we cry you know it’s a whole like oh my

God oh my God why are you so loud oh my God why is why is go oh my God that was very loud hold on I’mma play some goddamn Minecraft no I not going to play some motherfucking roblo that’s my opening bit for this dude they got the notification welcome to the stream

Hoor hold on I realized that hold on Ora I’m going to mute you for a second so I could do this bit I was supposed to start off the stream with this fucking bit but I’m stupid so I’m going to get copywritten wait a minute if I just play the fucking

Instrumental hold on hold on oh wolf of Minecraft we’re bringing back the era of Minecraft parodies I’m telling you I’mma play some goddamn Minecraft no I’m not I’mma play some fun the fucking Roblox okay U let me unmute Ora now how you doing tonight Whole Horse story of

NE wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on my my hold on man hold on who is coming off the goddamn picking yeah boy there we go um y you want some literature dude wait oh man I’m going to need you to check if the the Google all right

Literature oh what is this this is Unbreaking three right smartest move so right now right I’m in I’m I’m in Ora’s base look at he’s doing little fancy fans look at him go I’m little fancy fans little do fancy fans oh I like I like this I like

This have the chandel here oh wait where did I put that what a you got to you know what you got to do you got to make a table runner you got to make a table runner and you got to like run it off like put the carpet here and then make a

Banner matching the color of the carpet or whatever and place it off the side and you also need your chairs that is yeah I need to do the chairs that is an alien concept I don’t know what you just said you don’t know about table runners

No bro has not been at of the dining table can I do the someone move my shit like that I shouldn’t be swearing into the stream yeah no I’m dead YouTube shoots me immediately um last so I think last stream we were just building my house oh

What is this o la la I think you me Tower thing M but then I realized that this hallway over here just Leed straight into it so now this is just that okay I like this so I haven’t been on the server for a while uh my car

Battery died and I was going to work so there’s a whole like mineart yeah sorry my mine cart basically the redstone torch sto power in the uh the power rail thank you for streaming at this very specific moment I was scrolling for an unconceivable amount of time well thank

You for joining at this ex exact random moment hey yes how you doing how you doing all right wait who what happened who so are you uh something I just did on the side uh in between streams I was helping Ora build this skeleton spawner right yo you are fucking

Revealing all my secrets in front of the people uh-huh I will do it again the secrets of basic Redstone BR literally this is the most basic fucking Minecraft yeah stop swearing it’s just started oh my God swearing this is a very Christian friendly Minecraft server exactly why am I not allow to swear

YouTube YouTube will snipe your stream oh you’re streaming yes yeah you just started the stream over because we swear yeah yeah hold on hold on it just slams The Black no I’m just kidding all right guys thank you for joining you know I hope you have a wonderful evening

N oh God there’s a creeper I’m not a yo where who that M who him oh my God I’m building a huge deep slate wall or deep slate brick wall around my area a little town okay bro’s making the attack on Titan bro making uh I think it

Mar all right gug has not taken this Cobblestone therefore I’m taking this cobblestone area yeah is kind TR cobone basically gug built like a massive um from the Bible from the Bible from the Bible I just what is this is this all the Cobblestone that he used no it’s a rough

Estimation you guys can use a rough estimation well it was to Sky limit basically I went in so I was not mining that I’m not not going to force anybody to mind that I just use structure blocks yeah it was good I had used structure blocks to um remove it and now

I know how to do structure blocks so hey can you make the proc chat louder okay let see if that is that better you know what I’ll ask that another day how do you use structure blocks no he just recreated the the the Bible a rabbit oh

My God yes I’m going to kill you swear to God no you wait I’d like to see you try slash kill power no no no it’s cheating I don’t care leave me alone yo huh like look the bunny ran away the bunny oh a rabbit oh my fuck where is bubs yo I

Miss bubs get B bro bro C and disappeared in the night he’s he’s hanging out with women currently and that my God okay what is this I took your glass what Mike is a rich person he decorates by the way Mike when I so Mike when I

Disconnected I was right in the middle of this so right when I logged on I had a break my way out I was right in the middle you you placed it right where I logged off my question is like why did he take my this is fucking fetus isn’t

It I guess we did we we asked to take a slime you can borrow some glass sh so do you have a smiley face right here where this is uh furnace or not furnace what is it called chimney chimney thank you it’s escaping my brain I don’t know I saw as

A smile face I assume someone just put it down here okay so I settled I’m just going to make the roof uh Spruce slant uh slab Spruce roof because um I realized that we’re making a l c lcal um uh house right so I’m going to get the measurements for

That so call me a monkey cuz this shit’s fun as fuck it’s it’s a monkey oh my God oh God Another Monkey oh my God bro get this guy out of here you like my doorbell yes you hear it oh yeah I got a door you

Got put some gold blocks under that shit no I checked all the sounds in the database um the packed ice was the one I was looking for I’m finally I finally have shaders on now and I’m using the texture pack that you know like how it

Looks like in the trailers that they do they got that actually really nice did I hear low come house L Cal house not what no no um why are these here who put this here oh my God just jump down just jump down just dump down yeah I know just double jump

Y I’m not transgender sorry I can’t do that man transgenders can double jump yeah it’s a superpower straight people get nothing oh hey so are you riding a get this guy out of here look at this guy llama wait that’s not a llama that’s a fucking camel there’s C what there’s

Camels in the game hello what the fuck goodby yeah there’s camels now you didn’t know that no otter just rised up Aura and took him away bro they’re riding off into the sunset like bro’s wrist was too strong apparently yeah holy shit what yall shitting on aut low

Key got that oh shit lowy got that r y that Camel R how did you get how did you let yourself get rised up by otter I did not get rised up that’s exactly what happened bro rode off into the sunset and everything yeah spit on here so fast okay come

On so basically what happened the other day is I was my fucking god so basically what happened the other day is I was um getting ready for work now I got to heal up yes hate you get in line thank go there you go all right oh hi

AA I slapped you with my meat stop harassing people yeah with my steak I would I I mean I haven’t been able to make any progress Matt cuz as I keep trying to explain it’s basically just getting ready for work and then I realized oh my my

Uh my car is not turning on now me I’m super mechanic oh right you had car problems yeah yeah right before work now oh no I fixed it I did mechanic work and I fixed it it was not that hard huh I assume you don’t work tonight no no I

Don’t work during the weeks my semester started up yeah um what my semester for school started mine doesn’t start to the 20th no um cutter hold on there’s deep slate Ty yes I’m trying to see like the shaping of this I need to get a lot of fucking deep s ohop

Sorry that was actually an accident basically what happened was the battery died it’s just an old battery so but it wasn’t like jumpable plus I had no other cars to jump around for the jugular so basically I called uh um called my girlfriend to come over she picked me up she was like

Oh no actually no here’s what happened it was pouring rain right like it’s a thunderstorm I’m already going to be 30 minutes late to work they I know what you are I heard that what you got bees here why he dripping yo you how you just starting to piss me off

Unironically I’m so tired of this kill him shut up I shot fucking Mike so what’s these for is this another doorbell no but she was like I was she she got here no these are just decoration so um and I was like when you get here can I drive your

Car think you’ll finish your base today yeah yeah that’s the goal of the stream all right all right let me go continue building my wall okay byebye hold on it’s on a different texture every time he shoots you with an arrow throw a coin if it lands on his head you

Teleport him to a random location oh I like that idea let me see what this AR just like s it to the like like the W border I think I need the the buildup to be a little more gradual but I like that come look at this Ora

So I was like hey can I drive your car so I can get to work right uh she drives a um Kai Lantra well the thing is I don’t think you want this I don’t know if you want this building to be that flat no I want it to be flat the problem

Is that if you do a Big Arc like a normal standard roof this building is very wide so what’s going to happen is it’s going to look really silly when I don’t need it to look like that I I want the slanted roof I’m going to make it slightly more flat

It’s like a slight alternative to the um uh flat roof except you know it’s kind of it’s still full like it still has an arc it still has an angle but it’s not still like absolutely flat it’s one of my favorite uh roofs to build um out of the ones you can build

What I’m going to do is I’m going to craft new tools real quick again so I’m driving in this rain right if you don’t know about driving in the rain it’s a very stressful very like and um just traffic as well and I’m also in a rush right so music is

Blasting I put on the sport mode oh wait I just remembered people were stealing something at this time I had to hide my little Shuler box CU I trust nobody so I got scared for a second come here I got to find a new hiding spot

Yeah come slope I don’t know if you’re talking about the wood or the um oh my let me see this F does it not work with pressure plates no apparently put them right next to it um yeah know I have to hide my stuff a little bit wait to back to the

DAT this is the way I’ve been repairing my tools for now until I can actually I can afford mending oh the roof uh yeah like a slope yeah I guess it is just like a gradual slow proof I like it oh my God Mikey is Minecrafting why are you in

Why you in Florida Willow leave we don’t take your kind here no I’m joking welcome to the stream here we don’t Emoji water every time you fall Mikey D yourself yourself yeah I want to come visit I I don’t know I don’t mean to make fun of Willow I don’t I just wake

Up oh no I’m in the middle of class today right I just get a DM from Willow he’s like Mikey I am in Florida Willow is on his way to your house I’m terrified yo Mr cartoons himself oh man I want that to happen what is he

Going to do at my house yo um you having fun with that huh I wish there was a better way or easier way let’s US Film a new new video right and it’s just me like tied up in the corner new video yo he kind cooking

What he making in the back what he cooking in the kitchen have it come up th okay wait am i counting this wrong I’ve come to Du to totally not like Sniper Wolf oh God I think Willow is the only person I’ve ever heard or ever seen refer to you as

Mikey there was only one other yeah I like that roof and then we got to and then um staircases here well just different like that Mikey I’m going to kill you Willow horror game um hey Matt with no period That’s hey Matt Hello sheep tole what’s this thing going on with Jakey what’s what’s wrong with Jakey okay so basically my boy he did nothing wrong what happened no Jake’s been doing things wrong okay arrest my boy so what happened is yeah for the most part is he he’s on a

Rampage Jakey is one of the in the Ser little brother who just sort of hangs out because we don’t want to tell him to go away well no I inv him cuz I like him cuz i’ I’ve known him for a while because I obviously I know sheep he came into the server

And I don’t remember exactly how it happened or why but he at a some point he lost his his items right oh shit that was his turning point and he came to to to the the person who’s like their older sing sheep turo and they came in and they were like

Crying they like weeping like oh my God oh my God hello oh my God he’s back yes is desperate for attention what the fuck you doing here I’m talking yeah I’m talking about sheep’s little brother in the server so what happened he lost got done using my

Fucking my deep slate so now I I don’t feel like going to mine more at the moment okay so what happened is he lost all his items and hi what happened is Jakey lost all his items and he went to the chat after crying to sheep he was he was

Like talk about Jakey oh my God I’m explaining where did you come from from the mountain bottom Mike can I take your D plate you need it no I need my deep slate hang okay okay I had to Inspector Gadget basically um so what happened is he lost his he lost a lot of shit let me explain it I’ve been explain no it’s cuz I I I hired him I hired him to you explain I was his boss I’m I was his boss I have the most experience the fuck

Why are you guys hiring like a 12-year-old I think because it makes things easier it makes things easier I need I need gold so then he gets neite hey so what happened mhm is he lost his items and he was like who did this he

Went to the chat he cried to sheep and Joey another person said oh it’s Bristol okay and so Jakey blew up his house B his house he destroyed it yeah Jo Joey gave him the explosives and then Joey comes into my DMs bitching about o fucking I’m making

Consequences for my actions oh no like fuck off I don’t know what I don’t know what Joey expects I’m gonna be honest yeah he just expects to get away with shit cuz no one tells him no hi you’re watching it’s cuz your brother uh house and then Joey was going to

Get yeah he gave him to the explosives he pointed the cannon in the direction I don’t know what he’s expected like I don’t know what he expected yeah and then he comes into my DMs being like Oh well well but anyway so that happened and then Jakey we gave him an excuse because

He’s literally 12 and so that’s happened and since people basically been using for slave labor never use a child for slave labor yeah that’s what the slave labor because we’re paying him yeah but like why yall making him y making him do monotonous tasks yo I want to kill myself he does

Them wrong that’s the funny thing okay dude imagine imagine like uh they’re the boss of somebody right you’re paying them like good wages like you’re paying them like what like 40 bucks an hour like that’s fucking good I actually think that Joe took the food and I bet

He did I bet he did Joe would can we just get imagine paying somebody like 40 bucks an hour and then they turned you and he’s like hey can I have profit for free yeah like can I have some of the company profit for free because like I

Work here can I have like can I use some of the product uh for free free this luck ain’t free this B motherfucker this ain’t free if you do that it’s coming out of your paycheck and he’s like right so I’m still getting paid in full right

And I can get the stuff too dude no everyone’s just going boohoo Ora in chat if you getting product noo he boohoo Ora what did I do wrong no I he told me it was for a bit and I believed him who wait who told you

About what I don’t know I don’t know what who told you it was a bit no sorry I’m in two different conv everyone is saying boo or CU I’m complaining about Joey stupid fuck now because he hasn’t done anything after yeah I was like if he hasn’t done anything after that then I

Already gave him his warning at the time so that’s why he like can I have a single di only thing that is being weird is Bristol’s bed is being oh yeah go ahead Bristol speak the devil oh my God oh my God Mike yo Mike

Uhhuh I you miss when I said that was doing aist what happened is so NG was paying jaky to do that thing he was paying him to mine the trees so that could sell the sticks right the way that jaky was getting rid of the trees they were very tall spruce

Trees the way he was doing it was by building with deep slate he was building like deep slate like pillars up all the way to the top and then destroying the trees and just leaving the pillars yeah I remember I pointed it out it’s crazy had to

Pay he had to pay him extra in order to get him to get rid of the pillars I don’t even think he did he did at the moment and then I logged back on like the next day somehow the pillars were back I didn’t even plant new trees there

Was not more wood trest good view of my house there were just pillars oh my God I can’t have the ADHD motherfuckers around my house yo try to build um oh this thing this thing’s ass this just reminds me this just reminds me if uh you know that

M the ad hello brist just keeps getting deeper each time I know why are you guys all around me I’m just trying to Fu achievement because it’s funny I’m trying to focus you the watch yeah yeah watch H who are you okay they took my tree the Second

Amendment you got killed with my second amendment uhhuh okay I’m going to continue my story you’re the streamer I know I’m getting stream sniped bro I’m just trying to focus on building this is so hard when there’s like 50 people around you I can’t even talk about my little

Process cuz they’re all talking about beef that they have with somebody and their mama I don’t got beef with y’ Mas I’m just trying to play Minecraft bro okay no oh that’s fine so what I’m going to do is I’m going to just finish building up the walls that I have

Currently to be fair most people are done with their main objective just looking for stuff to do go look somewhere else I have I’m not done with my main objective for today Mel huh I get your opinion what go out over the lands you consider this presentable I think it’s quite presentable what

Look at look at the lands does this not look presentable where’s my shit in the chest you dipshit talking about beef with a 12-year-old you are so right oh my God got K I mean you got like the dystopian sheep farm right there right over to the

Right of that you got like what a day like cherry blossom fishing pond NG house got you know the massive industrial Farms here uh you got the the you know damn near griefed Village to the right of that of everything you have or’s little nice little Shack right you

Turn to the right a bit more got some Horse Pens over there and then you have a massive doorway that leads into this mountain right and you have my place that I’m working on honestly the only thing that ruins something I don’t know oh another otter

Hood can have another one if you want have two I didn’t even kill I mean okay otter does not sound like Matt yo what are you talking about oh maybe ah yes the Grand Bay what side you want AO sound that mad bro that’s not mad the hell

Is huh I’m back what do I feel like Jo orus one of those it’s fetus as soon as I ask who the hell Mr L is I’m just it’s the guy what said who the fuck is Mr you know Mr L’s um the guy from it’s like Luigi’s Ultra ego I don’t really

Understand it but this is Persona y Joey’s on the server apparently I even know when did he join he right here oh hey Jo Mr what Mr L what about Mr L it’s like the second time someone’s put a sign here that says Mr L he took

My glasses Mr L signs are right yeah it’s obviously fetus fetus is bro fetus the only nerd only like 5-year-old that’s going to sit there like Mr L bro bro what you doing in my door get out my door what what pistol DJ spin that shit we’re just all here

Cring where I this one’s good who did that okay this what he does damn you got the disc all right you got that rabbit hole I got a choke in the floor got the no fucking did that did Nock get him from behind get him from behind don’t kill him don’t kill him

Don’t kill oh my God M need an elch I’m not playing Minecraft as El Macho I’m so sorry keep it a buck with you I’m sick is not sick at all sick hold on please get this shit off dog I’m trying to focus I’m trying to focus in

Peace we need we need we need better music I got this no no music right what the heuck is that no no you got you got to play this no God damn it oh my God no not right now this is a jam back what I think free Rabbit Hole

Advertisement yeah see if the other people endorse your your project by playing as a Minecraft skin then I’m playing as mine my like mine I made what are they babbling about over here I don’t even know what’s going on that’s not mine that’s definitely not mine that’s not mine you have Sher boxes

On you no boxes this 11 is a w trust I don’t know about that one Chief if you playing that on the ax I’m not giving you ax permission no more oh my God bro all right buddy might DC okay who has who has get behind get

Behind oh stop stop all right don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill him any you could just enage him enage the otter into a zoo right about there it’s actually coming together pretty nicely though thank you you are the only the only thing I do

Not like is the doors but other than I like the doors bro you’re not even Rush Mike you better give me the a I’m playing that Banger shit right now get that man off the a right now oh my God shut the fuck up not talking to you

Fuck yo fuck what has it installed is crazy I’m not talking to you fuck got a wild oh my God I’m a slash kill you I swear to God keep plucking with me no I’m going to I’m being so dead ass I’m trying to focus and you’re just that wasn’t me that was

Jo Joe I’m just going to ban you fuck you me no I said Joe why let me annoy otter no fuck off it’s just arrows it’s not even an enchanted bow go annoy somewhere else I’m trying to focus yo so tired of this no I’m building that’s what I

Wanted to do in the description it literally says just building by myself chilling for real no we we place your shit on the ground now I’m missing four things I’m missing my rock okay I I only have your two I had a stack of one two um I need my bucket all right

I’m going head out on my way to Mikey’s house bye Willow okay got one Boom me when I pull up to the function with stall on the vinyl how much is this do God I’m stay on the other side of this door yo the other side of this door just a bunch of arrows in here all he heard was the gunfire and he

Was like no no I’m good man I’m good help mik does this look bad what oh my God critical condition I think I’m in pain little bit somebody M oh my God Magnolia Sho being assaulted ouch yo if I die I was one Health if I die by your

Hand yes you’re getting slash killed I’m saying that right now I don’t care power I don’t care I’m more of your I I’m killing you with the power music are you trying to figure out how many arrows it takes did you just all I see is you stare at him and

He’s just gone what did you do to him okay another B you just stared at him and he fcking got stand still God help here let me let me let me help with that what you all do you do like the most annoying shit possible no yes

Your bow actually hurts hey Mike I might have used up all your arrows for that but I’ll get you some more arrows I’m you Joe that’s it that’s it bye Joe like this power thank you I I’ve had this power from the start I told you I

Gave y y warning keep playing with me I don’t have time for this I got to wake up early tomorrow and go to class I’m in school I don’t want to deal with this I’m trying to just build my house in peace right now a lot of

People if you want some down I’m trying to build here that’s fair no’s stopping give you I I am I have been I’m going to go build my farm with AA okay oh Ora is still here I need trade Villers oh the fucking different in this texture pack where is

He where where is Bristol did he just not log back on after no he wait no he’s at his house is he which which isn’t rendered in for me the can you please stop using that shit cuz my texture pack plays a sound when you use oh my God Joey turn

Off the texture pack then that’s not my fault yeah interesting I don’t see what that has to do with me the fuck get your camel out of here got that okay no blocks there yep so wait remind me what’s the not blocks are for again just decoration make a nice texture I feel

Like and they’re like relatively cheap I didn’t even realize M said he wasn’t during cuz he was drawing tits did he say titters yeah he said titters yeah thought I misread that give it all you guys wait can I oh shit why do I hear beefing he had NE scrap diamonds

That I’m G to go see what Jo okay okay little bit of peace little calm peace how are you all doing tonight I can actually hear my thoughts oh never mind my thoughts have stopped yeah his uh his the word restraining order he’s in my house when did you give a restraining

Order just now okay well how you can’t you got to give like a I don’t think chat allows you to say no hello hey dingaling welcome dog if you have a restraining order you want to stay away from your house tell me that beforehand so

Good just build on my roof I don’t want to hear I see Joey I see brist I see yes in my myir uh I’m just I didn’t even do anything yes Joe what do you got what do you what do you have to say Joe what I don’t know what the fuck do

You want me to say oh my God I actually really like the jingle what did you use for the jingle p guys okay how you doing dingling how’s your day been dingling welcome back to the stream um where is Bristol where did he go he just like rode off into the sunset

Earlier he obviously doesn’t want to be around you why would that be I’ve done Joey I wonder yeah I wonder Michael why is that huh go ahead say it you’ve been a nuisance no what yes every day I hear something new I had a stack on me already then

Someone else had it CU I already had one stack on me from my uh 1 block I had the 60 house is coming along nicely crazy that this this might be my base for a while cuz it’s taking so long to build I don’t know how much longer

Minecraft be taking him bro is this your dog Mike yeah it’s my dog I haven’t got a name for him oh my God C I’m Scott coffin no way what is that it’s a camel oh what do you mean what is that I’m hearing like all I hear is like a p the

[Applause] platus oh my God I think I think camels are pretty irrelevant I’m not going to lie maybe yes yes yes no here you want to help yes hey yo Mike did you hear what Joe just said no I didn’t I thought I thought Joe was over

Here Joe what did he say oh this looks so fucking good how dare he friend to do that holy shit bro don’t steal my camels you fuck can’t believe it took me long to get shaders to be fair he’s not stealing them yeah but it’s my sh I

Brought this shit from 10K away yes it is it’s my C the fuck what is wrong when the fuck did I become oh my God wa I just realized H hold on I hear you want this what is it whoops that’s not what I meant to do look to your

Right he does that limited edition Bristol head no I don’t want this right now angry I’m angry dog going to stop my feet and cry I’m tired of this this madness what nothing has really happened in the past 10 minutes want to play a little nice little

Minecraft you know did you say Mike nice little simple little Minecraft play that little hot little Minecraft shit and you guys are just like d I’m trolling oh look a creeper I get shot bro I don’t want to be harassed right now I’m not in a mood I’m keep it

A buck who’s harassing you to be fair other than when I shot ARS at you I know but it’s like now the presence I’m too that’s real what are you saying Mike the presents I don’t want to be like I’m not a funny haha right now I’m funny

Angry well that sounds fine to me not to me it’s not enjoyable I’m trying to enjoy the game after long day have to enjoy it it’s a long day what did you have to do today Michael I’ve been up since six hold on

I I hate when I had to get up at 6 I I just scheduled all my classes oh my God this armor looks so weird in this texture pack scheduled all my classes to be like a little later in the day like earliest being like 9: no I can’t do

That and my classes are all four hours oh my God that sounds fucking terrible it’s not that bad but I’m still exhausted you know wait how many classes do you have Mike I have three classes cuz I’ve already finished up my majority of the other ones how many class did you take last

Semester four I’ve been up since four coughing up blood I’m Bristol hello I don’t think Bristol’s okay she to I want to know about what’s wrong with your brother what’s up with your what’s wrong with your brother she blood blood plug what happened with your brother sh

I’m curious how old’s my brother my brother turned uh my brother’s 12 he’s been 12 a few mons he’s 12 I like the roof you’re doing here by the way Mike thank you one second I need to go m a bunch of fucking deep sleep no what I want to do Shut up the fuck up okay So what’s been going on why why has he been rampaging or something like that ouch that I think the beginning so like if you’re talking about the the BR basically like before it happened he lost all the stuff he took like I hear your mouse clicks Aura you’re not run Go okay um and after that he sping for Stu he lost it his first very upset he comes back to his house he founds nothing like everything was stolen and for him it was um because I have that much it was a lot there was like 30 of a

Lot of different types of food there was coal shit like that like he beat it he was very upset he came to be in very low spirits and he was crying it was you know and then anyway Joe ended up telling him the person who stole his shit was

Bristol um so yeah and like he got TNT from Joe and simply blew up Bristol’s uh like that I know that part that part’s funny I already told Joe off about it right but apparently he’s doing more or something or is it just that was

That it doing more what tell he doing I so apparently ngie hired him to help him out with something and he was paying him right but then your brother T started taking um some of the materials that NG was providing and using it for himself taking it that I I have no clue

About CU like there he P when he’s on the server in the same room and all I saw and heard was him asking about a questions of what he’s allowed to do and kind of listening to it but forgetting to take down pillars that he made for the trees and leaving Ed

Could said he forgot well like if he’s literally stealing materials I hav like I I haven’t heard that from him I can ask him that he can’t play today because he’s been busy and he he’s probably sleeping now but like I can ask him tomorrow about that I don’t know but

Yeah is there anything else like no that was it you just okay cool how have you been doing Mike I’ve been pretty okay I’m tired at the moment yeah you seem tired yeah no started my classes today my first class today was um film technology and stuff

So we were working today we just did orientation or whatever and then we uh I learned how to professionally wrap cables it’s actually really easy and it never Tangles it’s so real have you uh today your first day or is it yesterday today is our first day is this your hor mik no

Oh I needed the leather take me back to the yeah give me four nice hold on a lot of dop blocks mhm you should listen to the new Persona 3 reload is it copy does it is atlas I’m so excited for that game are you gon to play that by the

Way I don’t know I haven’t gotten Persona no I’m not a big Persona fan it’s not I just haven’t played it though so I don’t know if I would be have like I know didn’t you start playing five or whatever I started playing Five and it was pretty all right but I couldn’t

Finish it at all cuz I mean it is really long so I don’t even know if you’d be able to fucking I I got still a lot of stuff to do as far as games but right now I’m just trying to sit back not think about all that I’m just trying to

Play some Minecraft yo okay yeah I didn’t expect that to work my God I didn’t expect that to work oh shit anyways get my deep when I go mining for fucking diamonds sh Mike the one it gets his base fixed that’s when real stuff starts happening what are you going to do after

I’m not spoiling stuff have no idea listen to your own time I do it’s kind of hard to do it though because it’s like I can’t if Joey and others are not being trustworthy currently on my list I’m I’m going drop my fucking like possible band list right now right it’s

Really just gug I don’t know if gug has played I was kind of I was very frustrated about that Cobblestone thing but I forgive him I think I could trust dou I’m so if he currently I haven’t seen him play long enough Joe and I’ve told Joe this he’s like number one on

The band list right now yeah like just I’m G be honest Joe has not been behaving ain’t there CU bristle up no but like he helped him he apologized and the bit was understandable as to why it happened Joey just be doing stuff and like why would you do

That I do like I’m not really upset about the Jakey thing the Jakey thing is funny as fuck right it’s the stealing though the stealing stuff I don’t fuck with stealing I don’t mess with stealing I know is Bristol is done with fucking yeah no that’s always how it is um Joe a

Passion I mean I don’t blame him Joe or sorry Bristol’s like Joy’s Ren oh damn this that that bad maybe maybe I think but it’s more of a bit oh it’s not like the same I don’t think doesn’t like he just does it as a joke I don’t know a

Definite there we go there he is Jo Discord I couldn’t hear you I love it when I’m flying in the Nether and then my elytra doesn’t open so I have to swim in the lava and use up like almost my golden apples to live mhm just use a totem don’t fly in the

Nether he Mark come here no I need help stand still what how much that do I don’t know Joey where’s my button I had a stone button put the stone button back there I got it here also I got this for you thank you we using up your

Arrows thank you where’d you get them from uh you can TR don’t don’t worry about that no I didn’t trade for them the fuck you can it’s like an emerald for 16 so you can get Stacks just from that why would I spend that when I could spend

All my money on golden carrots and be balling they sell golden carrots yeah gold cars I’ve been making them this whole time boo anothering s them if you cure them you can buy one Emerald for three golden carrots It’s fucking amazing I have like six of them or like seven one

Second trying to see something oh can you not that was the dog I’m sorry all right bye bye byebye that’s how you do it cool oh my God me when I tried to make nice little survival server and it just turns the chaos because of 15-year-olds I’m going just say adults

Only this is an adult only Minecraft server okay I finally got some time to think I wish Minecraft Java had uh the building abilities it doesn’t we’ve returned with some golden did you do you have a beacon up here hold on oh no his Beacon is just very fucking far when it

Reaches Mike hold I’m reading one second that boy be building I do be building hold On let me go talk to Ora what happened where’s Ora at no hold on probably yeah hold on okay he wasn’t there thank you think he is in his b what was that noise oh they’re Phantoms calm down you know about Phantoms right yeah yeah okay welcome to the stream I took my

Nap I’m up I think oh wait are you guys still like moving stuff that so F okay are you guys still moving St can you leave me alone stop being mean who are you talking to no the the skeleton killing me I’m also talking to someone

In chat like when you said are you guys still moving stuff yeah that’s in chat oh man hey hello what happened NG hello where is every I was AFK okay oh my God he got oh my God that’s terrible I don’t want to be over there

All right so you’re saying that are you saying or like accusing Joey of doing it I’m not accusing him of anything I thought that’s what you were doing what happened what happened NG you’re saying the elytra and wool is missing from your sha like chests right right right didn’t you die

Though what or did you get a new one my chest plate no the light ra and wool I never had an elytra what AA he had never had an elytra yeah and didn’t you say you heard an elytra and then wool went missing yeah no I heard

Oh that’s what you said I thought you said that he had some of my wool from my dystopian my dystopian is missing all right I mean I’m does anyone know where Joey lives no he has it completely hidden the only person knows fetus knows actually I think I know where he

He like he Liv in like a pyramid how do you Knowle of I decided jungle I decided to take an adventure in the nether one day and I just followed this path all the way to this nether portal I’m going go back to building I’ll discuss we’ll discuss this

Later cuz this is getting out of hand no no does sheep live in a pyramid yeah sheep lives okay well oh man me when I have to moderate the server I don’t want to have to moderate I me just get someone else to moderate but um Joe doesn’t want anyone

To know where he lives tough luck I’m going to teleport over there with the spectator Cam and uh fetus is the only one who knows fetus says he’s just straight up not stealing anything because he doesn’t need to and his face is like fetus is Mr

L bro stole my glass but you can tell when fetus is lying to be fair and like just straight up talking yeah that’s a direct lie him not stealing anything he takes my glass no no fetus saying Joey doesn’t take anything because he doesn’t need

To did you just get wol from them then did I no no you can see my inventory I only other person with elytra on right now was Joey he just took wool and it wasn’t you cuz you were just here with me so it’s got to be

Joey bro is stealing wool I’m just saying like that’s what fetus was saying I don’t I’m not going to trust fetus fetus is like 12 fetus is a fetus he’s missing like frontal lob still bro we need to make you know what we should do we should build like a court room

And have fucking trials that’s what Matt was saying he’s I have a court trial for Joey in chat we should make a courtroom and it’s like no cuz this is getting out of hand legit tripping I guess but like we could do it for like silly shit like

When Jakey blew up yeah no that’s fun but it’s like it can’t even be fun stuff like that because the basic level of trust is just not an aspect that’s there no I I don’t trust many people exactly just like we can’t do any like cool shops yet because it’s like like

Nobody done it’s not even that people don’t trust each other it’s literally just Joey and Joey the possibility of Joey just stealing the stock like it’s an honor System I honestly I don’t care because Joey hasn’t stolen anything from me that I know of but I they keep saying he doesn’t

Need to steal but like all everything points towards him he just took my arrows and even though he did yes return them and give them back and still he he did ask no he didn’t ask to use my arrows I didn’t give him permission I never got he never asked me

For permission he still just took it this roof is clean way huh this roof is clean yeah hold on I mean he took I took a stack of wol the other day but that would be well still even if you took the stack it’s like ask first like even when so I

Was making the uh the skeleton grinder right I still dm’d Fe this right before taking it I was like I made sure that he was okay with me taking the eight slime in this chest right he’s like oh yeah that’s fine yeah I usually just ask when

I’m taking and then I didn’t take it I didn’t take it after I dm’ them or like I didn’t take it and then wait for the response later I made sure I got the response first that’s it if you want to take stuff or borrow stuff and that’s

Just how you know you communicate with the person even if oh well they’re not going to notice still it’s still their stuff they still made it you know worked for it and that’s it it’s not that difficult to you know not steel that’s just because Joey wants

To search it all the time exactly Joey is just instigating and it’s like nobody’s trying to instigate stuff at the moment the only person I’ve messed with on the server is otter and that’s it that’s cuz M he’s like my friend he doesn’t ever do it that so I

Starting to feel bad so I’m going stop doing it for a bit dude I don’t like how this fucking netherite template looks like in this texture pack yeah what’s wrong with it I’m just really blue like you can’t really see the netherite as much anymore

And the blue isn’t a good blue it’s like not even Diamond Blue the trim is only for the netherrite huh or can you put it on any armor it’s on any AR so like you can have about no but it might get automatic super equiv to going to a mob generator is NG

But is that open source like are we all allowed to take from it take what from the far the sheep farm um not to my knowledge he never said he any no the difference between my mob generator and mob grinder is that hold on those things are depending on the

Person those things are pretty open source but I don’t know if his wolf Farm is open source because he’s using it for a reason you know whoever builds it has the rights to it that’s exactly they can easily just say I don’t want using it or

Whatever I mean it might be weird kind of scummy but they did put the time to build it I don’t even think it’s scummy it’s like why don’t you you also can build it or you can ask and Bor ask to borrow it that’s it like I said anyone

Can use my creeper Farm cuz I don’t care you just have to have an El to get up to it it’s like the one thing I’m not building up the ladder I really don’t want to uh okay and then anyone could use the rage F I just I don’t

Care yeah be fair I’m not I can’t I personally can’t stop anyone I’m not no I’m not going to force you to make him to get a stack of wolf for him I’m just saying that right now there’s an issue where Joey keeps stealing shit that’s it that’s the

Problem and that was something that NG’s noticing because he’s you know trying to stock up on wood oh fuck I can zoom in I forgot I’m on optify now oh I just accidentally hit c i zoomed in that zoom in is weird come on there we

Go oh wait a minute I just had an I had an idea Had a Brain Blast real quick hold on how are you feeling about this yes see is coming nicely I do like it the only thing that is a little off is the fucking these but I assume you’re

Going to cover them up yeah no they get look so if you look at this wall over here you’re going to put stairs I assume it’s not Matt it’s not that it’s here look this is how it looks normally yeah yeah it looks good it’s

Not that you taking a stack is the issue it’s the principle of it because then people are like oh why can’t he do it and I can’t do it why can’t I be re why can’t I take this it’s like it just makes it difficult so that’s why I just

Prefer having like okay don’t steal that’s the first thing I said people when people were join joining don’t steal and if you want to borrows them just ask oh well they’re not going to notice you know I’m not mad at you by the way I’m just more annoyed with Joe they

Took all the dirt I’m disappointed my God what they didn’t even take like a little bit of dirt they took all the dirt I need that dirt yo oh my godt hold on hold on no it’s or I know exactly who took it cuz Ora was like are I going to

Take this dirt I don’t have an elect I’m going just hold a fucking Anarchy server next time and then abuse my power that would be fun I’m not going to lie I would like to see like that uh that kind of thing like a PVP based that you do oh

Man I would like my dirt back yeah I need to terraform land cuz I’m running out of space where is Aura I’m going to show up at his door I don’t need it I need the dirt cuz I need to extend the land out like that’s why I had Ora oh this

Is how thought he’s just going to put it in where a DOT at where a DOT at also can you just craft chain Mill with chains uh no that is a or a or little uh he it’s a it’s a add-on whatever uh data pack yeah yeah data

Pack should I add it or should we just keep like chain mail being no don’t add it it’s like that’s why it’s special yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s still pretty easy to get though you can just go trade with villagers oh all right yeah no it’s extremely easy to

Get you theoretically you can get full diamond armor if you just stay in a village mhm it’s kind of like it’s not too bad oh man but yeah I need the my I need the dirt back that’s why I’m I’m oh my God what cuz I need to make scaffolding

And I don’t want to use wood I want to use dirt do you want me to go grab you some what if these are like giant instead of a furnace what if these were like kind of like this opening a little bit low key hello hi you guys not steal my dirt

Yo sorry can you not shoot at people for once your goddamn existence American fucking cheeseburg eating little son of a bitch hey this is my secondment oh my God wait wait I can have a little village right here hold on I did nothing yo wait let me get a boat

Let me get a boat I can make my villager up right over here this is exactly what I needed randomly get him out of the Sun get him out of the sun why would you need a vill set up though we have one get him out of the Sun get out of the

Sun I want one just locally in my house my water yeah I have water all right Mike all right uh take as much dirt as you need all right hold on cuz I had this double chest this like top row of this double chest filled with dirt and Ora took

It uh uh that was me oh sorry oh so or you took it cuz I remember Ora was like I do need that dirt I’m surprised Mike I’m surprised you didn’t hear me and my little song No I heard okay I heard the song but I wasn’t listening to the lyrics I heard

Ora say I’m going to steal the dirt and it ran you listening to the lyric that’s really that’s really funny yeah don’t read what is this ligma oh my God what can I can you please make another book and coill cuz I needed that actually I made that for a

Reason oh you got hit with the ligma so m is that all the dirt welcome to the stream Anja Agnes I have no idea how to pronounce that I’m keep Ora don’t steal my dirt yo it was a mixed operation sorry I got back I I I I went back and I

Mined a bunch of dirt and gave all right thank you need more or are you good I’m good for now it’s fine you here’s the thing or oh Ora’s gone you so look the edge of my house stops here cuz this got much bigger than I

Needed to so I need to just extend this land out a bit so I Trend all right or ah from Serbia welcome to the stream so look through my but right now Ora I understand with the way things are right now with Joey and call me Matos okay I I got you

Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas ninja ninja where is he where is where is he where is he Nicholas ninja is he at spawn is he at spawn we got got to find him now is he at spawn mic no from twitch.tv he did he water fucking clutched no he’s probably in the middle

Of the Des the like um like we got to move Nicholas to our village we got to expand we need more Nick still in the SN we need we need to make this Village of we need to make it a village of four maybe do you what can somebody escort Nicholas ninja

Over I got it yeah yeah I need to continue building this house or I need you to follow me I need to have a talk with you all right listen you help yes escort Nicholas ninja over he needs like red carpets and shit yeah he has an elytra no uh oh wait that’s

Right cords drop your cords just or just give him OMG I’m a huge F see he he even got fans in the chat yo everybody loves Nicholas ninja is that popular ninja did you say he’s that popular or he’s not popular he’s that popular oh that’s what I’m saying what

The hell that’s what I’m saying I’m like what you talking about bro million followers on Twitch exactly is he actually no of course he does wait just give him the cords here why do I need to escort him oh right never well no cuz he needs the Royal

Treatment that’s why Nicholas the ninja dog from twitch.tv person to send for this Royal ofver to escort Nicholas ninj oh yeah that’s that is true that is true all right once he gives me the cords thise like Nicholas ninja F4 work I’m cold and I’m alone you see he needs

Help all right hold on Nicholas ninja is one of the Hest twitch streamers of all time uh meos am I pronouncing that correctly delet we Nick it’s I may do you know that one scene in The Lego Movie where it’s like this is it’s like that one but with Joey

And Nicholas ninja is like when that guy shows up we’re all [Laughter] like but when I show up it’s all like but when Willow shows up for like no I like Willow Willow funny I love Willow carto theer I I love Willow cartoons like if you cause issues people

Are not going to really be you know cordial with you they keep it a buck I think your dog is hold on I don’t got the dog I’m trying to see how I’m going to form this roof real quick one second what I keep fall it’s not painful I’m just annoying let just I’m slippery why is your axe named Crazy Diamond by the way Diamond

A you it do there I I Nam my sword shark hold on one seconding I don’t think they mean like that enre is mushroom person fetus no mushroom person is not fetus it’s just another mushroom person there’s multiple they’re much nicer than F were in like a little

Tribe yeah it’s like if it’s like the swe Seven Dwarves right fetus is like racist like that’s that’s just like I don’t remember that a part of mushroom person is like is racy yeah races uh mushroom person is like mushroom person is pretty chill so they’re like

Cool they cool see coly coly holy moly I don’t remember telling you it’s the new one can you guys please move a little bit off the scaffolding because it’s kind of I got to I keep falling yeah I just I yeah make sure you guys thank you actually want to wait to

See can I play with you unfortunately not uh this is a private server yeah um private server okay um can guess what the what the what the link is I’ll give you to bitcoin Bitcoin you’re not giving them to me soad like you have Bitcoin and you’re not buying fits

Bitcoin might like fitcoin yo that’s what you need to focus on yeah that’s all right when I was to I invested accidentally no you trying to get them B I did not do that that’s a lie I I’m not lying my mom’s credit card was invested into Clash of Clans I

Needed that level 10 my mom’s car was invested in class no no I’m not when I was like when I was like little I would go it’s like Al and I somehow managed to guess my mom’s password use her credit card on my iPad and I was just I I spent like $500 on Clash of Clans because I want so I’m going to I’m going to make like that’s a real story ass was not

Don’t kill that zombie by the way I need that guy now the question the question is is it it is it the game’s fault for making you do that either purposefully or accidentally or is it your fault uh I’m I was just a lazy ass like seven-year-old I’m like I want the town

Hall 10 no no but that’s how it’s designed it’s designed to make you want to not spend time on it Clash of Clans stock Investments are the best kind password like if you’re seveny old crack your password it’s kind of your right now though hey

Yo Mr President get down I was going oh my God where did that come From the sequence of events from you just and then it finally comes out after you finish burning all right wait guys all right gang I need you to tell me what we going to do with this right cuz look I have this big opening right here right but I

Don’t know what to do with it to be frank it’s going to say furnace or what is it called make a little Shack I kind of want to do that like I I I’m I’m always used to making like uh furnaces and stuff but I kind of don’t want to do that this

Time sh I think um what is it called it’s those houses but it’s like the house in between the house uhor I don’t know homeless shelter if you could guys if you guys could do me a favor if you could make um just Spruce trap doors and handle to

Me um do your one better um I don’t think so actually how many a lot I got to surround the house with them hey yeah yeah one sec I will pay you guys and I don’t know if you want diamonds from me or something I don’t know what you want friendship I’ll

Take diamond yeah friend do you know what this means um I could put a big glass window here too see like my thing about putting Windows is I don’t like putting them until I’m like settled on where I’m going to have like the interior stuff because what can happen is that you have

A window and then you want oh I wanted a wall here actually so these two I’m settled on wanting to have Windows okay got it um uh what I what was I doing so look let me see the silhouette with the roof I might need like a window back

Here it would be nice to have a window yeah yeah just not I used to building s i new houses used to making smaller houses so like the issue for me sometimes is like the windows don’t look good on the outside because there’s or inside cuz there’s

Too little space and I don’t realize that and then I waste glass yeah I might have like toggleable lights meaning I need to go to the uh nether to get glow stone I just think that’d be a cool idea would be cool another thing is like I forgot how

Those lips are made probably red redone GL Stone um yeah glass I think oh no no no just Redstone Glowstone that’s it all right cuz we made some for or’s uh grinder I see I’m just finishing the trim of these walls real quick so I think the stream where I was

Building this was one of my favorite streams from this server so far see that yeah I don’t yeah well they’re they’re very long they’re not short when you streamed I didn’t play and I can’t remember why but it wasn’t like a specific reason it was was like I’ll probably just busy but

Yeah this time this time I’m here yeah whose heads are these even one of these is a default no that’s brist just Steve oh okay and then the top one is otter yeah okay got it if you kill me you could get meadia true yeah I don’t even know what your SK

We could just T to see your skin oh your skin is your skin is your it is yourself okay that makes sense um Diamond AR what is diamond armor what that it’s Enchanted not show in our server I have no idea I’ve noticed that though I don’t know if that’s like a new

Thing or if that’s like something with a server specifically I assum it was like a texture pack issue no we just have the basic text packs oh okay yeah I guess cuz they were like heads I see other mods I haven’t made the resource pack for the server

Until I start making my shop which I want to make a vinyl shop that’s my idea o okay got it so that’s when you’re that’s yeah Yeah Nicholas no there goes my Heroing it up oh my God thank you I still have like uh six stacks of L we were literally just at the bottom of the hill and then he accidentally shut off his computer okay that’s a very that’s a that is a Nicholas ninja moment I’m

Surprised I haven’t got to horse I got the arbor SLE day one and I and then I never got a horse I should get a horse huh I’m doing the outside walls real quick they say never meet the heroes or what if they never meet you

What I’m try to get a horse and come back who said that hold on right now he never put a stone button okay I should probably leave this fucking VC tired of being in two separate conversations the am I high what I am I high as fuck what what what’s

Wrong it’s under here why do that it’s under here I’m now stuck fuck sealed away for eternity I don’t like how you laughed you like my little doorbell nigga oh rip tide time wait yeah I can’t Rip Tide oh there we go makes my brain what the oh almost died so

Funny what you say so it would have been so funny if you died would like it would it would have been like that Bristol [Laughter] moment popped yeah that happens it it would it would have been like that Bristol moment where you just came out of nowhere from the sky what the fuck

Did that does that hit people yeah it does oh my God I never knew that hold on I’m going to see how how high I can go mushroom person how you feeling about this house right now this looks nice oh my God ask why hello is Nicholas ninja coming back or

Is he just staying there now his computer probably has to take a while to turn back on so yeah I went up so high that uh I went to the to the snow and I couldn’t use it anymore yeah that happens is that my Shuler box or yours was mine

Cuz I have a red one too so I got concerned for a second why would I take your what reason would I need I don’t know take your shit I don’t know you’re right you can even check if you want no I’m fine I trust

You my God the rain is so like is there like a way to turn rain down so yeah yeah you can turn it off quality performance rain I just need rain to like turn fog start it’s in uh sounds it’s uh weather turn weather off fancy go to options Music and Sound

Weather no no I got it okay video it’s in video settings details what why is it in your video settings doesn’t make sense for rain yeah like the visuals oh visuals I thought I thought he meant sound also this shit looks really good in uh with shaders yeah honestly it’s Minecraft

Howto but never actually explains how to level so great you could never tutorial thank you I think I like this roof hey this is a nice little Shack I got going on this is not a shack what NG has is a shack you just have an actual house a little nice

Little Log Cabin the only person in this whole entire server actually no Bristol uh that has like an like an actual house who do you think is the best builder on the server right now um I mean I think Ora has the best build yeah right now I think so too I’m

Proud of my build but I still like ores way more mhm I’m actually very proud of what I built very content I’m interested to see where Ora takes his his uh base right now I’m building a huge wall around my area so then I can start building like a town inside of

It I think I told you that though yeah you did tell me it what if you heard that uh the horse death scream in your like in your room at night I’d be a little concerned i’ be like what the heck was that what’s the point in this

What the stone cutter when I could just use the crafting table I think you get more blocks out of it oh no you can make you can make full blocks with just one block instead of having to have all the uh yeah you do get more blocks out of it it’s just

Easier no I no I didn’t get more blocks out I just used it oh there it’s just easier more accessible oh I no actually you do I just used one one stone block and I got stairs okay you don’t need to use okay wait no that’s actually really helpful yeah

That’s why I got it I never actually tested that I always just believed it cuz you had to craft it with iron I was like you got to get more out of this bro imagine if you didn’t that would be crazy kind of wish the saw like did damage though

So then I could like make a torture chamber what do you need that for no reason don’t worry about it I don’t know if Nicholas n is getting back on I don’t know either it makes me sad at the possible reality that he isn’t you hopped on for his Cameo period special

Guest I mean I think I I definitely pulled out oh my God swear to God what were you saying I definitely think I completed my challenge in trying to make a house only out of like one wood block that was your challenge yeah so I chose

Spruce I mean I just did that with uh with Oak mhm do you like my house I like your I was actually like workshopping it in Creative yeah I like it I like it I’m going to do that when I start making like town houses CU I want to

Make them actually look nice not just like village houses looking stupid hold on I got to go get this tree dropped down wait do you guys getet hes um you get them with multiple Foods I think oh you don’t really need to use that food that’s just B drinking your

Bond with the horse I think you use apples and stuff yeah cuz like the horse bucks left I like I didn’t know for the longest time that Minecraft has a whole like horse system yeah it’s not good it’s pretty okay I like the way the breeding works

It’s funny I don’t like horses I’m going be honest I don’t care I I accept them for what they are and I understand their placement I think they’re important for early game me personally I just I don’t see the like I’m not going to all right so once

This go when the final build for this is done it’s the fun part the decorating well I also got to do the interior walls because I made it double layered all right so if you look at my house right I want the X tier to be uh

Spruce okay bye sheep uh but you see where these grass blocks are like on this line here this is going to be the interior wall and it’s going to be Oak which is why this is Oak trapo that or Cherrywood I might use Cherrywood what’s this what I don’t know yet good

Point I’m thinking we just have an opening right now no what’s wrong with you oh my God no that’s not what I’m using that I love the fucking witch laugh all right so are you going to do like a might as well just like fill it in for

Now I’m like I can make like an elyra Launchpad here that’ be sick huh that’d be sick cuz I’ve done that before I know how to make it one um if I have Rip Tide you could use that you make like a water

Block I I’ll show you how to do it but I need an elyra so for now I think I’m going to close it up with just trap doors you could buy one from me no I want to get one yeah good luck with that

Me and Joey have kind of oh my God raed a lot of is there builds in the end cuz I can just reset the end if you guys have already uh I mean I guess you could but why would cuz I’m not going to build 40,000 blocks just to get an elra you

Guys capitalized on a market oh well that’s I’m just going to go back in there and take it that’s fine but I’m going to go in there too and try to get my stuff I I mean if we don’t have any builds it’s I guess it’s kind

Of like free rain of resetting until like we get uh the Enderman Farm or whatever if we’re going to do that I have the Enderman Farm oh shit no don’t reset the I just realized do not reset the end I already made the Enderman Farm oh

You did yeah damn okay noted I don’t really want to rebuild that yeah know was I was already stressed out fucking building over the fucking void I’m not doing that again please do not reset the end take me back to the nether I actually want to make a gold farm at some

Point I like this in a way Believe it or I I kind of wish you could like open this normally that’s what I’m saying I kind of like that this layer that this even though this looks like it’s in a lot more it’s on the same

Layer as this would here which is kind of crazy that’s just because of how small it is MHM but I like that oh yeah I need to replace those note blocks thank God you didn’t reset the thank God I fucking remember thought I told you I I didn’t know you had it already

I know I made that I just don’t have the same amount of hours to sink into this game as I used to you know H I just don’t have the same amount of hours just like time into this game as I used to dude I really

Wish I had a job I’m finally going to have like something to do tomorrow I’m going to be working on someone’s bathroom with my dad and then after that I’m going out door dashing because I I’m tired of being in my house real I would really like a job right

Now what job what you doing um Walmart is doing $17 an hour just to do carts damn so I’d go work there for now if I could but I have to go back College yeah on 20th so when I’m back I’m going to be working at unless actually

No yeah know I’ll be working at Walmart honestly I have a pretty good resume already I could probably get like a a good internship if I get back um but I don’t know we’ll see internship might be nice though look at this little place I’m about to go into Spectators mod try to

See what it looks like like a far you could buy an elytra and fly around and no I’m not buying an elytra I mean hey I finished my goal for today where did you keep your you said you uh hid your suar boxes where did you hide them I had them

H did somebody take them ice in here cuz I I opened it while I was trying to build and shit did somebody take my my Sher y check the check the floor here it is found it somebody just moved it did you do it

No how do you make that like oh I think you need like skull or something for the super dark Windows skull are you talking about tinted glass no not not tinted glass there’s a new glass that doesn’t let in light tinted glass oh no I mean maybe it’s called tinted glass new glass

Minecraft not the color stained glass oh it is tinted glass okay tinted glass I thought that the color stain glass was called tinted you need amethyst oh it I I don’t know what it’s called tinted what were you expecting I thought it was the colored one hold on no that

Would the stained glass you’re right right you’re right tinted glass behaves like an opaque block blocking light coming out or coming in both I think it’s the whole block is tinted yeah I don’t know if I want that per se I’m just trying to think of like the

Windows if I could change the color of them dude this looks so sick in fucking this sounds set is so good in shaders dude you should get shaders no I’m good all right game looks so good all let’s see my house so disappear okay got a nice little flat

Roof I like your roof roof’s good okay that’s not bad see Bristol made an improvement on his house as well his house used to be ass this looks like the front door funny enough when this is the back door it’s just that I was working this one looks

Like the front door when this is actually the back door cuz this is going to be I thought this was the front door no this so the front door has two doors back door has one it’s just that I was working out the back cuz I

Was I don’t know why was I starting from the back actually don’t know why oh I need to put slabs here that’s cool cool okay where you going to put your horse oh sorry oh he only took half Health half heart I was digging Okay cool so this is the inside of the

House um let’s get some light in here did you see mat I saw mat Pat’s video genuinely made me cry a bit not going to lie that shit is so sad man I’m happy for him though that he doesn’t have to deal with the workload yeah I

Know I know his his schedule got to be crazy but like Dam four separate channels that I’m pretty sure he posts weekly Mhm my computer is being held by together by two wet toothpicks and bubblegum chew bubblegum give me a few minutes okay Nicholas ninja I understand I know I thought he was just done for the night no he he a real one he a th yeah Nicholas ninja made his Cameo

Appearance in the chat hello everybody say hi right now n ninja no that’s not how that goes all right you know what I’m going to do I’m going to use this wood TRS no when did you what I’m going to get mending wait isn’t the enchantments usually get uh efficiency five mending

Unbreaking uh for pickaxes and axes and axes you would want sharpness as well which one gets is easier to put on mending or Unbreaking I think it’s Unbreaking or mending is easier it’s cheaper yeah mending is the cheapest thing we have yeah so then Unbreaking is

Going to be the one I put on first because that’s going to be more expensive the best enchantment in the game yeah I don’t know why it never made sense but I’m not going to complain Nicholas ninja you want to go get him oh wait he’s right there

Right he’s over here come on Whose Beacon is this is this NG’s it’s NG’s yeah I have my own Beacon mhm that’s when I killed the Wither at uh at oras where Nicholas Ninja at bro oh yeah he’s got to join the audio channels and Stuff Nicholas ninja yo there he is what’s up Nicholas ninja yo Nicholas ninja hello welcome to the stream yo that means bubs is out in the cold by himself oh you guys were all out there yeah we were originally we were going to be the group and then they never showed

Up again so I just like yeah go off on my own you want to see my house Nick if you haven’t seen it already internet was garbage so I tried like unplugging replugging accidentally unplugged the computer bro reset is rer how you doing today Nick how’s your day

Been good I’m a little tired little sleepy little eepy even sleepy and a school do you need a place to live Nick yeah would you like to live in my house for now my house that’s not even done Nicholas ninja would you like that I could also evict G there so this

Is my house I want to hear your honest opinion about it I just wanted to make a spruce Log Cabin essentially very fancy thank you thank you all right I’m still doing it I just did the exterior like it’s just finished now he actually built all of

This no here wa ring the doorbell ring the doorbell bro you ring the door you got be polite hello everybody my name is mar no you deserve this leave me alone I’m going to go enchant my um axe with uh efficiency 5 efficiency 5 I’m going to get uh we only

Have four so you have to buy two fours no no I have efficiency five on my things oh okay already yeah you like Robert yeah I didn’t know he was chill like that see look he’s not even attacking me oh oh he’s so fucking chill bro it’s so

Real I’m going to go get my stuff Enchanted so I’m going to be back I’m going to get my axe Enchanted first cuz the pickaxe I’m using less right now Nick Nick you should totally stream yo stream to your your famous twitch channel oh I hate you okay water bucket with the horse

Mike can I do that I don’t know don’t think so oh my God you can cuz like the idea is to have people stream but nobody’s streaming other than me we can make like the outer I plan on streaming at some point hey what are you

Guys doing here you making the barn oh no y’all making the barn y’all got a barn on Deck are you streaming not right now okay I’ll probably tomor I’m about to get off it’s late yeah what about you Ora are you streaming don’t worry I I very much am

Oh my I I’ll stream tomorrow okay I’m going stream me building my wall what the fuck that shit went so high look at my place Mike D actually has a dent on his land look at that that’s a nice little Hut up there I’m so H I’m so happy with how

That turned out cuz I was I didn’t know what I was going to build my house look at it from the distance yo yeah that’s good it’s a good fucking house yo probably s spawn by the way I did already okay oh wait is that Bristol’s new place yeah yeah it looks

Better than his old one in my opinion yeah it looks much better good job Bristol I’m going to put back on Minecraft music I think that’s off at the moment right yeah I had it off because I was playing music on the stream last Time I didn’t know this forest was artificially made at first which was crazy to find out I thought that this was just something they found there’s wood grab some from the trees I need to I’ll do a good like a wood mining session oh my God it’s this guy

Again oh these have mending on them I didn’t even notice what do these uh pants your panties no call them that uh in here I need more sticks yo what is this guy why do we have a cleric wait can I use wool to trade for villager NG just get mine wood for

Sticks thing I know but I’m trying to prepare my axe first that’s why I’m here I need two emeralds oh here I got you I have two exactly here oh wait I need a book too I probably have a book I don’t have a book yeah know I have silk touch and

Depth Strider actually I’m going to put dep Strider on my Boost right now never mind hm going to need Nicholas Ninja’s head protection four have to quote unquote accidentally kill him for his head don’t do that to him he doesn’t deserve that I’ll pay I’ll pay for his head you

Don’t I’m going to borrow this bookshelf for everyone’s NG this bookshelf in the chest here do you have fortune on your pickaxe I do can you mine it with the this this bookshelf and then get more books out of it I think I don’t know if that works I

Don’t think that doesn’t that’s not how that works gave you three still yeah okay you hand them to me thank you that’s not how that works book Shields always give you I mending I fucking I’m going to kill myself oh my God cheap silk touch o $8 for silk touch

$8 $8 for Sil Touch 8 much keeper sweeping Edge three ooh o he got these prices lucky to see impaling aquafinity power four channeling feather falling for cheaper they got a nice little thing here sweeping Edge silk touch fortune 3 kind of want that oh that’s not cheap that is not

Cheap F falling protection four what was that oh mending mending is there Unbreaking Unbreaking three how much is Unbreaking 20 I don’t think I need Unbreaking right now I just use mending let’s do some cool stuff let’s let’s start figuring out like these new blocks and stuff that I’ve been having

In mind to what I want to add to my build after where’ my horse go bro horsey where’d he go did he take him am I going have to walk home y get me messed up did he take my horse I think he did leave me alone man okay

Oh they building what they building they building a bond they put put the sheep and they try to farm it’s dystopian like Ethiopian like a Philippian ouch hey I kind of want to make this guy go in there oh oh I’m missing like half my armor actually oh man oh the mut

Player who shot that hey buddy how you doing today bro so chill for real how much wool are they making I’m curious oh my God this is terrible to be around this is a terrible sounding oh my God but you have so much wool holy

Shit yeah I know you should make a wool shop I should I could make them I can make them different colors you you can sell them how you doing Nicholas ninja is he in the chat oh yeah he’s here he just swimming for real I’m Swimming hold on watch out watch out I’m back what’s up um so I finished the exterior of the house um right now I’m um I got mending on my all right wait I need to put it on my ax though wait that’s why I was going

Up um I need to start getting oak wood so so I can do the interior half however obviously I it’s going to break my axe if I do that who is shooting at me leave me alone stop shooting at me stop it I don’t like it I need more bullets

All right so this is the exterior of the house right now Second Amendment make a gun license I’m not giving you a gun license even if I make one you’re like the last person I give it to fuck off I should be the first no I don’t think so trustworthy I

Don’t think so I shoot you from time to time as a joke as long as I don’t kill you we’re fine so where’s your band thank you thank you um oh who at my door hey Nicholas ninja what’s up I I bestow my Essence upon you can I have that back please

Yo he bestowed it upon me thank you very very much go get it then this is valuable shit yo what do you mean Mike you don’t understand my point of view that’s why you need to stream oh my God that’s the exact reason why but nobody listens to me we’ll have some of

These funny ass moments I’ll stream tomorrow I’ll stream tomorrow I’ll stream tomorrow I we think I’m on tomorrow tomorrow I’m I saw that I know but I mean why do you have to be on for me to stream hell some I had the spice no you ain’t ice spice no

What you got the spice don’t fail you failed that’s how do all right I’m going to oras uh skeleton grinder that I helped them build oh actually I should I should have just done that the XP I need why deed just actually kind I don’t know if

That’s I don’t know if he lets you I helped him build it so he’s not going to tell me no I don’t think well I would have left the stuff there I just need the XP oh wait he needs to go to grindstone and he can get rid of the

Enchantments on these bows and then he could just uh oh yeah get the XP from it’s actually pretty good it’s a good XP uh Method All right so I’m just going to do like a little bit just to get this uh ax up I think right now it’s at

Um it’s got still like a good amount of durability I don’t think it’s going to like die on me but still but the way this works it’s a very simple grinder you know this but I’m explaining to stream um the skeletons fall like 22 blocks and

Then they um get brought back up via a if you’re bessing why are you messing up this shit yo I’m not what are you doing up here where where are you wa wa what all right you know [Laughter] what oh my God bro here I’m going to let

These spawn let me I’m going to go into Spector to show what how the the ways cuz I am s i satisfied with how this turned out right so look you can see here that we have the mob spawner up here right they fall down they go all

The way down here and they get pushed by that sticky piston and La sent and they get put right back it’s a very simple system but I do like it oh did yes where where is yes I think because I was in spectator it gets rid of the mob spawn yeah I

Didn’t know that that’s why we need somebody here to show it off is he Coming where he at bro who that boy who is him that creep I swear stand okay oh my God what’s wrong with the witch laugh nothing there’s nothing wrong technically here so you could show if you want to get some XP by Show an example no oh yeah sure so it’s off

Right now what’s the point of this uh trapo just so that the uh items don’t fly at you he didn’t decorate this he left it like this I’m kind of disappointed cuz I’m still waiting for him to do that but like there you go they go all the way down boom they get

Launched up and they back back up here they come down here to die I’m hitting you I think let them just chill out right here what I don’t like I don’t like how they just slowly [Laughter] descend feels like the second coming of Christ here they gone and it starts

Building up very fast I really like the system that I made I’m very proud of it I’m like decent At Redstone I’m not like a professional but I can get my like me I’m just getting terrible at Redstone like they still get funneled through eventually you slowly start descending it’s so stupid

Looking but I wonder is can it jam cuz it used as a trap wire or trip wire right go in can’t I go in it’s a bubble column yeah you should you can still go down in bubble columns no you can’t I did it with fetuses yes he has a magma

One no he has two one that goes down and one that goes up yeah this only goes up yeah you can go down in the up ones they shouldn’t be that strong if you just shift if you shift you ain’t going down my friend that’s what you think I’m getting rid of

The water no sometimes they fight back and they like swim up but usually they’re pretty fine fight back fight back what this one come from stop descending all right I’m going to AFK here for a little bit okay just I just want to rep IFK here another time and just start

Mining now cuz that’s not fun for the stream to watch boring e f fuck oh turn it off it’s also toggleable that’s what I love about it here they’re coming down right now I turned it off already oh man this is about to break my little sword right here about to break

Bro I need to fix that ouch you are a son of a bitch and yet you’ll never find me oh my god oh where is he and yet you’ll never find me where is he at wait is this one thick wall oh is one thick wall right [Laughter]

Here I thought you wouldn’t look back in the place that we just were of course I would that was the first get a load of this guy fuck you shoot you shut up Buzz I’ll kill you leave me alone man I I’m slapping you with my yeah but you should shot me

Right into the zombie the burning zombie I didn’t shoot you I punched launched me I fisted you oh hey Nicholas ninja where you at what the hell why you just randomly over here oh hey how you doing hey I’m exploring oh okay okay having fun yeah okay that’s good that’s good am

I naked free will um okay that’s nice glad oh there he goes so my know really something really interesting about armor trims what because leather is already like customizable to a sort with colors you can customize it even more with the armor trims so you can have full gay armor

What hold on go get him you have Punch or knock back that lagged what happened to fucking wait hold on no my axe didn’t come out what happened to Ora y Nicholas ninja make that Yoshi noise w w okay okay um need some oak trees this sliver oak trees or planks I just

Need oak trees why do you want to help me or I just should T of Planks on me so that’s we need a lot of Oak how how much of a lot it’s a realistic oak tree she going to use as a window sell right okay cool like the winner I was

Violated what happened I took off my shoes and or snipped my feet the image of how that how that carried out is very I did this I took off these cuz I said shop keep feet and he went oh no I thought it was like like that I don’t like [Laughter] it

So all the wood that’s in between the wall cuz I want this wall to be Donald Trump what if Obama in Minecraft had a had a uh what’s it called a fucking collab there was an official Obama skin my fellow Americans I feel like it’s time to expand your horizons in Minecraft yes

Minecraft there was a presidential collab got every present that ever exists a skin I’m about to put silence on this zombie so he could be quiet oh my God I’ll just kill him no no no I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding why do you need him though cuz we have our we

Already have a Village area cuz I can you move him like away over there or something so be I can’t he’ll burn oh oh my God the only thing that would sa him is Oh I thought you killed him no all Right think I’m going to log off okay I got to get up oh yeah n oh know I probably won’t be falling asleep till later though oh yeah actually I have to watch my sister and then I’m going to go work with him I’m actually excited to finally do some shit

Do you understand what it’s like to be cooped up every day I’ve been going through something 1,365 days I’ve been going through something Boom be afraid all right here here’s a present have a singular golden carrot oh thank you and a bucket okay there he goes okay now it’s just me Nichol and Aura little calm stream again I’m like texting somebody in between this is very unprofessional but they are very important to me So be quiet oh my God be quiet I don’t want to hear it apparently she gets UPS cabbages and greens broccoli and beans it’s the Harvest Festival and we’re just trying to find something to Eat cabbages and greens oh Um all right let’s go get this wood okay It’s brand new I need to get I mean I’m getting mending on my stuff progressively I’m going to harass Aura and see if he wants to follow me on this trip I’m so crazy with it he over here A A you want to come shot uh mining with

Me bro why you got this fucking you got this fucking oh we got to get over get away from over here I can’t hear anything you can turn off friend oh oh thank God my solitude how does this shake for the roof um let me

See I think you need to you’re going to have to flesh this one out cuz I I I don’t see the the vision here but I mean I get the idea it’s like kind of gangly and shit it’s not supposed to look gangly oh you know his ass

Sorry I need to go oak mining if you want to come is it like is it like what I can do to fix it because we’re going for sort of like Aur bell curve I get that right this music is so loud in my ears yo is it just those like two little

Vertical bits I think so yeah you have to build both sides and like kind of thicken it out this one like these types of roofs you might have to like commit to cuz it’s kind of hard to see just one strand and you should probably have the infrastructure around it first too not

Just the roof I usually build the roof last for that reason okay do you want to come Oak mining with me like chopping down trees yeah Lumberjack I’m on that rollsroyce pull up black boy hop out shout out to my mother and my father didn’t pull out what’s Nicholas ninja doing he’s just

Mining cheese mining cheesee bro he’s like like Steve mining apples and trees I steal the village of bell bottom and I swallow I planting these seeds where’s aa aa you coming or no yeah I’m coming I just had to drop some stuff let me finish I’m texting still hold on okay I’m so

Professional yeah I have to figure it out okay we got that speed yeah yeah o look at this I didn’t even know this this was here this could be something cool woohoo it’s not even that like deep of a thing that’s nice that’s nice cool noted that’s where Nicholas ninja could live Little

Pond I may have a a spot for you to live let me I see a new viewer but I don’t know who dingling I don’t know who the new viewer is like frog froggy no I think he like makes a little man cave down here we

Help him dig it out that could be really cool for Nick like a little glass Dome like Sandy Cheeks no I found a spot maybe oh okay okay uh okay that’ll be bubs then that be bubs and I’ll have cuz I’m going to make a underground base in the

Or I’m going to make a base inside the mountain for like the more industrial stuff shit cuz like he’s stealing my shit bar for bar what no that’s what I always do have you have you not seen that one video I think I know what you’re talking about vaguely bar bar for

Bar so no the idea I want to make like almost like I want to Tunnel through the mountain at the bottom that way I don’t have to keep climbing it make an elevator I’m going to have like a piston it’s going to be a water elevator but

However I want like the shit to open up with piston doors cuz I feel like that’s cool it makes a little Ding and stuff you walk in right and then you walk in and O I could have a really good I could have a really cool piston swap system

Right where normally if you want to go down it swaps the block to down oh that could be cool actually yeah you’re right and then when you need to go up you press the other button to go up and it changes the blocks to up I know how to do that I

Think well the issue there is figuring out how to stop it if it’s like um no how to stop what there’s only if there’s only one floor above and one floor below then that works yeah no it’s only one two floor it’s like one elevator yeah I was thinking about how

That would work with multiple floors which it it probably wouldn’t no no he’s fucking white my one friend of my class he’s like this white dude he’s been saying bumba clot as like a joke oh my God Bumbo clot what is that a reference to it’s a Jamaican I think swear or

Saying but it got like I think I don’t know if it was Tik Tok that started picking I hate that black phrases are being homogenized yo first it was Gat now it’s BBA clot what’s next I can’t believe this G was never even like got or no that is what

It was before but now it means ass pretty Much my yeah bro eating them shit like all right new recipes unlocked oh what is that check your recipe book oh might die I want you to Know guing baby king bum clide what I’m going to collect if you could just collect those tree saplings that fall and just put them in that Shuler box that’d be nice I don’t DeForest I’m not I’m not like The Lorax how good how much can I mine I’m just trying

To make my Oak I’m just trying to M this oak tree how much what can I I kill myself all the customers are buying did you see the completionist the whole completion this thing do you did you watch the whole thing but I saw I saw bits of it

Yeah why he do that bro am I supposed to be helping by mining trees or am I just following while you talk if you want to just F if you want to help you can help if you want to just follow you can follow it’s up to you I’m not going to

Force you to do shit cuz I’m ultimately going to take all the wood so I can build my interior yeah but do you have a vague explanation for everything I think what happened is that he basically um pocketed charity money that was it but that’s that’s I don’t know enough

About the situation I just know he did something bad and he tried making a new video like all right guys I know I did bad but anyways this is Super Mario RPG so everyone did you see the video where the completionist is just making videos about nothing yeah that’s what I’m

Saying yeah it shows the it’s like come on man you you could have just did like you could have just called it a um uh subathon or something you still would have made the money maybe not as much but you still have made money I don’t know it just I

Can’t think of anything more like evil than that un ironically like it’s one thing to be like a that’s like the Grinch levels of evil that’s like You’re a mean one Mr pist I feel like I’m trying to think of how I in terms of like YouTube or drama

Maybe I’m just desensitized to like peile grooming allegations that’s what I’m saying but I but I but I think it is I don’t know I feel like pocketing charity money that’s like comedically not even comedically this is so evil that’s so wrong D it’s like so

Guys cuz not only are you like you’re like scamming people the little kids when the completionist pockets the money and it’s the biggest frown the SpongeBob it’s Like and like what’s he gonna what’s he gonna do make an apology and then just keep the money like no you donate that fucking money yeah I don’t think he that’s what I’m saying I don’t think he did that I think he’s just pocketing the money

Still like guys I’m sorry I’m sorry I lied I don’t know it makes me sad yeah it does make me sad it’s it evil to be on purpose prank it’s a prank dog just imagine you like pocketing charity money and the guy who’s getting like accused of the allegations just a

Prank y’all here you guys go you see I’m actually like super based because it’s it’s just a prank y a prank y but you can’t just you can’t just return to videos after that like I would argue that if someone like Grooms someone or did like some pedophilic whatever if

They went to therapy and they generally got re I could see that there’s like a Redemption there I don’t think you need therapy for pocketing money I that’s what I’m saying what I’m saying is that it’s just like that is such a an evil like irredeemable thing to

Me especially I don’t think it’s that it’s not even that it’s that irredeemable just own up to it and donate the money back see him the same after yeah I can’t either so it’s like how can you boldfaced lie to that many people that’s like emotional manipulation that’s not even that’s not

Fair it’s not fair it’s just a prank bro yeah that shit is tragic new padic I’m going to put out the semi-automatic that depressed me why you got talk about this playing Minecraft cuz Minecraft’s the perfect counter depression talk about some funny shit you saw okay one

Second so we were meeting this guy right story yeah I’m with the really tall guy um uh we’re going to use the Steve that’s the name we’re going to use all right I’m at this Duncan on campus okay yeah and this really tall guy he walks up he’s like Steve right we just

Hear it and then he does like he does the heel click and walks over like no no like you know when you like jump up and you click your heels that’s what he did yo Steve yay Steve and he did that it was amazing I’m going to start lighting up

This area a little bit I saw this this artist came in out of nowhere and they posted a video of like okay guys I’m GNA leave this dude here you guys have to watch this guy for a while oh yeah it’s just like a horrific Abomination that’s like

Breathing really scarily and just like like slamming it hand against don’t laugh I jump and click my heels all the time Steve was so real for that he is real for that I’m not laughing it’s not funny that’s that’s a it’s a way of life I understand doggy my doggy hello doggy

Said all right can you guys watch this guy I got to go out for a bit and so many people were just like I replaced the the glass withof glass and like one second let me get mending oh no I’ll repair my ax later right AFK um there was this other

Animator they animated like a little schmee like little creature doing like a funny little dance and people were in the comments were just like shut up stop dancing you little shit stop dancing so they did an animation the same little shme crying and exploding like in slow motion with with like emotional

Music ionically think that might be it huh that might thank God I I have two 8 a.m. classes this semester and they’re both four hours Jesus but I have uh 1 p.m. class tomorrow it’s the fundamentals of film making apparently apparently the guy the professor is really young which is interesting to

Me young Sheldon shows up I go in the class young Sheldon so guys I have no idea what Young Sheldon sounds like hello class hello class you’re here to learn film correct say Li Bristol is just young Sheldon you you ever think about that what was really funny about young

Sheldon was they would continue using the pictures how he like yeah like he’ be like 20 years old they put it in the Sher box bro thank you they kept using the same like key art of like the same like 12year old yeah but like the show went

On for like a couple years so the kid was like 16 17 I just kept on using the same 12y yeah all right let’s start reforesting there’s 20 saplings Place one just we are we love the trees we love the trees we love the trees let it grow let it grow plant the

Minecraft trees with a hole I got to make a diamond pick quick take me back to the nether ouch doggy please help me please get him son go after him oh oh you missed get him doggy oh yeah doggy yeah run him for his fold yeah jump him get that get that fella

Yeah get that sir uhhuh get that fella you got this oh hey who you shooting at good boy oh I don’t have any food for you I’ll get you food in a second don’t worry my son we will find it I love having to say fella instead of

What I really want to say all my fellas all my fellas all my Compadres bro I got home today I’ve been writing like film ideas on a notebook now I want to try to do one per week I want to try to I need to

I want to try to be better at committing to things kill myself not that I’m not committing to that don’t worry y’all stuck with me for real jump him there you go no no never play Minecraft ever again oh my God I know I know I L that would be lit

Yo I’ve been a fool do you ever think about how Sans is like 3 feet tall when he’s telling first that they would be dead right where they stand I do think about that from time you’ll be dead where you stand and he’s just like you just see

Like the top of his head over the table I’ve been a fool to Myself I love me some undertale hell yeah Enderman actually there’s an there’s an end farm apparently right that might be a better place to get XP at who that mob who him is and that cre but I swear TNT trying to blow up me where the fuck I’m at cuz I’m right

Here my doyar huh told me I was I’d be dead where I stand I’d be kind of scared all right listen short person assassin crazy movie idea he fits into the briefcase of one of his targets that’s not [Laughter] good I’m done I’m not writing movies anymore I’m done they say good things

Come in small package oh my God that be a comedy I don’t want to like I don’t want it to be a comedy I kind of want like representation in a sense but I don’t know if that’s like something okay to represent that’s an inherently funny

Concept yeah but like if I was a if I was a really short assassin I’d be doing that that’d be so terrifying imagine you’d be stabbing people’s nut saacks oh God that’s terrifying actually I don’t like that right that down right that down who is this guy yo who the blood

Think he part of the mic to win a crew get out of here all right doggy this is my other doggy doggy woof woof woof woof woof woof good job I wish there was more dog breed in M did you just go bomba clat that was the whitest bomba clot how do you

Yo what never again you’re not invited to no cookout bro I don’t want it to become a stim no no wait not that you mention that that be a funny ass be funny stem yo all right so what I’m doing I’m going to just turn this into Oak essentially it’s just going to

Reflect the outside design where it’s just Oak in the middle I kind of want the inverse of it actually you know it’s like right about here I’m going to turn off this hostile M sound hold on cuz he’s being really annoying why do you have him I’m going

To make a villager set up here I just want my own personal she’s the one that’s across the way oh wait I’m dumb I didn’t do this window right did I but is this even on the outside oh man the entire reason why I had this

Set up this way I just forgot it in the middle of the building didn’t I cuz I want you know what screw that I’m not going to do that idea now I’ll just have like lanterns or something cuz I I don’t want to have to fix that right now this sad ass flower

You I need to get silk touch on my uh shovel Sor right who that M who if Sans said that to any middle schooler little say little bro is not scaring anybody what is this oh my God I might have to type this out manually I really want to see what this is

Now I swear to God if it’s something eBay back one is that o or zero does the Zero have the little line through it yeah it does so that’s o o s W5 e p F1 Tilda MP s- l600 jpeg oh my God I’m gonna need the stream to see

This hold on guys this is crazy we’re going to see the behind the scenes setup real quick all right I need you guys to see what this leads to all right you you guys ready this is what the H the the the URL leads to just leads to

This it’s all I need to say okay thank you or very cool why’d you do that by the way I no reason in particular just for a little goof a little laugh that’s a Ebay listing for a villager uh minifigure for $20 oh my God $20 it’s way too much

Man I didn’t even mean to do that I just I found it last item available it’s rare can you make a wooden axe and just strip these logs for me if you want it’s up to you you don’t have to I villag you think rare I don’t know the hard hitting questions really

Need to be asking right now yeah no you can get that that exact same mini figure for $7 what I’m not paying $7 for a villager a villager the zombie villager is $40 who’s listing these why is it so expensive I guess it’s just the oh also matters if there’ be like demand

For them I guess like I feel like for any Lego Minecraft setup like if they were going to do like a big display they’d want a lot of villagers yo Michel yeah I’m going DM you something is this you if you IM send me an image of that one

Dog that has the big smile in the heart then yes that’s me no I sent a Lego gingerbread minig and has a mustache a low mustache let me see this black oh my God I just checked sheep’s dm with me I just see this whole message we got a

Manifesto I I mean I’m not surprised I I knew exactly basically it saids says that sheep sheep was took part in helping her brother blow up Bristol’s base which obviously that makes sense to me that’s we let it happen no we don’t but it’s I mean I

Think that bit is very funny that bit was funny it’s it’s like Prejudice you’re try to Blind Eye hold on no I shouldn’t have said that as wrong hold on right isn’t an iron pick okay so we’re good okay my God trying to think what to do with this

Roof oh wait I wanted to try Cherrywood that’s what I wanted to do oh Sherwood’s a very particular pink though I think the pink would look nice against the dark brown though it’s like maybe I don’t know maybe not this time cuz I already got all this wood so it’s

Like skill isue should have remembered I will go um yeah no he’s in the oh I didn’t know oh my God I’m sorry my I’m sorry you know what your job is now what’s bring me another one thank you I’m going to bed I’m TI kills my villager kills my villager

I’m going to bed I’m tired y I’m going to sleep yeah exactly what Nicholas ninja said you are a sinner good night Chad good night Nicholas ninja good night Michael no bad night fortnite even man what’s that guy’s problem yo I’m going to hell me thinks what do you mean where are you

Nick what are you doing right now right now man a shcks um um I need to make like a couple of these I’m going put some stuff in here just some of the foliage and stuff stuff that I found oh wait these have a direction don’t they okay

Yeah and then transitions into the roof okay that’s what we’re going to do let me um okay that’s good that’s good I like that Hello Nicholas ninja hello how are you Doing doing good uh some Phantoms charged at me and screamed at me and they hit me so hard my crown fell off my head oh man you all right man need to get some rest right now I’m just doing the interior of my house um hold

On I’m going to strip these logs how do you like my house Nick I like it see the idea it’s beautiful need more stairs oh thank you Nick you just heard the the yeah it shatter in your hands I have four stairs okay and then so what are your

Plans for tonight what are you going to do I don’t know I think I I kind of want to show you where my house is real quick before I get off CU I might one second do you like the the inclusion of note blocks in the walls I do like them one of

My craziest hits these axes suck well that’s why I make them what are axes at the dollar store dollar all right where are you living at let’s go see your base for real for real this time the little hidden get me out of here get me out of

Here give me out of here get me out of here okay I’ve been streaming for almost three hours I didn’t even notice where’ he go yeah where did he where did he go ow he getting jumped hold on Phantom went underwater to jump me asshole

Okay f with that guy I don’t know man that guy’s kind of messed up ahead I think hey buddy it’s not nice buddy stop it stop chasing him he’s not nice fucking hates me yo with this guy this that guy’s problem yo here’s where my house is

Uh no home of Nicholas ninja famous it’s like those like Hollywood street views but like oh wow surely you see the passion I see it I understand the vision here you’re such a visionaire Nicholas ninja I love it look at this fucking awesome okay I like this I like this man I like

This bro F to live in the cave he under the water he got a little Pond and he trying to S then to get out D just yeah yeah it’s kind of smart cuz you’re not going to have the same mobs come in I don’t think you squids falling in the strats very

Funny you get free ink bro got custom ink it’s crazy this is nice though I like this I like everybody’s different approaches to base some people are building houses some people are building castles and mountains some people are building like the attack on Titan base or the attack on Titan

Location you know like in three different servers this is just like how I do my houses for some reason I don’t know have a good reason why I mean hey it works I like I like this idea as a concept though like a little nice little so if you’re running away from somebody

You just if you make this like a piston door maybe I’ll figure it out yeah yeah it’s cool though nice little little secret base you going to head out today M Mr Nicholas yeah goodbye Nicholas you know one thing before I go what some words of wisdom what’s your words of wisdom tell

Me Nick actually hold on actually I have a funny story I’m not sure if I told you before okay I’m here okay so it was um it was when I was graduating from high school okay and I was I was for some reason I don’t know

How it happened but I was just like kind of in a group with these really kind of gross and shitty people okay and I want to say like it’s along to the point where uh the the one guy that I had like in my really shitty Game

Dev class in that school mhm he was like trying to show showed me a meme on Discord one time but he accidentally just kept showing me AI porn oh my God he’s that kind of person is it like real people it it was it was like fake fucking anti AI

Porn funnily enough I don’t think I’ve ever seen it and I’m glad that I haven’t thank God so what was the meme it was really funny uh I don’t remember it wasn’t funny oh also might have been a trans phobe I think oh man just kind of a bad

Person yeah not good for the Nicholas ninja kind and I remember uh during graduation like we like got because it had it was really fucking weird how they formatted it where you would have a partner to graduate with mhm and I just kind of like had no

Choice except someone from that group oh man and uh we we like all got together and they planned to directly after graduation they would go directly to a strip club oh my God and they really wanted me to come along CU they thought it’d be funny and did you go Nicholas

Ninja I did not you’re a good man nigga it’s very very fucking funny how much they wanted me to go to a strip club after I graduated high school I don’t even know if we can I don’t think like 18-year-olds can go in there no you can

I I imagine be like 21 and up because they have like drinks and stuff there you just can’t drink you be like imagine throwing money at a stripper and be like can you give me a drink please this is this money is for a drink don’t so fuck yeah yeah that’d be funny

All right so what’s your words of wisdom for tonight Nick you see a man and the man is when uh when in the in life sometimes you never better said Thank You Nicholas ninja okay it’s just me on the server tonight nice little cozy kind of by

Myself kind of in my own little mood my own little thing that’s kind of nice it’s kind of nice all right so my goals for the rest of this stream is just kind of finish the base level of the Interior I’m trying to think what the floors are

Going to be they’re probably just going to be Spruce I’m trying to like limit myself on what how much wood I can use and then the lower half will be use more stuff like it’s supposed to be a tunnel Clash so I might concrete and stuff and that’s kind of my idea cuz

Like I want there to be like a staircase downward and then you’ll just see like bookshelves I don’t know if I should make a bookshelf El elevator if I should just put an elevator and that’d be way funnier I don’t know yeah I know everything’s coming along nicely I’m finally you know my

House on the outside at least is done at least the base level of it there’s still a lot more to do but I might do some of that off stream because I’ve been building this for two streams now and I really don’t want to spend more time on

It at least on stream like this I’ll try to finish it off in my own time but um yeah um you know I can make since since I’m still like here I might as well just like do this while I can okay so I need to finish doing this

Right I really liked how this house turned out I’m glad that I was able to complete the challenge or at least what I wanted to challenge myself to cuz sometimes in life you know sometimes you got to close a door to open a window you know um let me see put staircases over

This for the sake of safety just so that this doesn’t become a future problem and place torches down here just in case that might be a thing that turn into an issue where mobs are spawning in this because that would be very kind of that would be kind of dumb to be honest

But I kind of don’t want that to happen for obvious reasons um Think my brain is getting to that moment or like point in the Stream where it’s just like my brain now working bro I’m trying to put the torch in the hole try to get back as much of the dirt as I can right now oh is that everything

Okay fire cracker and I’m letting me go I’m firing it up I lose control CER and I’m It Go Fire me up I lose control no I have three concurrent viewers I wonder who who’s in the Stream right now cuz it doesn’t tell me I think one of

Them is dingling right oh no it’s mush okay mushroom person you’re one I think the other one’s dingling Ling maybe and the other last one’s Nick cuz I’m not watching my stream on my phone or anything so I don’t know who it is we had somebody from Serbia earlier today it’s kind of

Crazy Mike the one have got that reach hello um oh wait this roof this part of the I really gotta start thinking of like what music he use during these streams because I do feel like it’s a bit empty without it so I’m just trying to use staircases

Where I can my house currently only has two windows I kind of want to fix that in a bit but I don’t know where I’m going to put that okay Mike do want to go on global exactly we just landed in Geneva that’s in Switzerland we on the yacht and a young

Lady just fed us venella ice cream okay wait idea right and this is going to use a lot more trap doors because of course it is however this might be a cool idea because I want to use so what if I leave the roof the way it kind of

Is like I’ll throw I’ll throw like some torches up so lights up the top of it CU I kind of like seeing this in a way so what I’m going to do I’m going to first let me get this settled with the uh get just some strip block

I wish the copyright system wasn’t so like mean so where it starts blocking stuff like I’m not profiting off of this stream or anything which is fine I like I realized I said that but it’s not that I want to necessarily profit off the stream at least right now what the

Fuck um excuse me sir you could ring the doorbell next time it’s not very nice of them I don’t appreciate their harassment um that’s a problem though I do need a little window right here I feel like so I could just peek out um I’m going to go milk a cow real quick

One second I know this seems kind of odd for me to say randomly but it’ll make sense in just a a second is there cows over here that’s a spider I don’t think I really can milk that can you milk a donkey give me your milk oh okay no creeper

39 views that’s not bad there’s no milk okay fine fine they still there you can’t even see it cuz they’re out of my render distance like my mob render distance This Server is really nice I’m liking how this is turning out even though there’s some like controversies and

Stuff oh there’s a cave right here not it I’ll explore that later I do like how this one is turning out so far they still at my door or they gone now no they’re still on my door I’ll just kill them put them down put the guns down

Bums they don’t have no proper etiquette yo I’m going look for recommendations on like nice little stream like not stream songs but just chill songs to listen to cuz I kind of don’t want like a bunch of fast-paced music right now I’m in that like kind of like somber mood

Almost not like sad but like I’m not in the mood for like fast-paced stuff you know okay wait a minute so we’re going to just use dirt for right now oh cuz it becomes a problem when you get to places like this these corner pieces oh wa no can just do

This these corner pieces you got to go out yep I’m going to do that hey Joy nut I don’t like how that looks never mind scrapping that idea what’s up what are you up to finishing up just the interior walls right now where do you get another dog found I found

Them not a parkour course inside his house that’s game um did I accidentally chew up one of these note blocks or that one just doesn’t exist yeah Um I could just have another row of Oak fuck so everyone left you alone they’re tired everyone went to bed oh I’m still streaming man on the server list it said there was five people oh no no they they they left a while ago that just might be outdated for some reason

On the to finish your house and hop off I think so yeah all right by the way if sometimes soon you need to do something in the end do it as when you like prob as you can because I’m gonna build an obsidian Farm in the

End and you’re not gonna be able to go through without dying hold off on that what do you need you mean why cuz I I need to find the time to be able to do that just wait for now I need my obsidian Michael what do you need obsidian for

Joy a project okay what’s the project Joey top secret confidential okay well telling you to wait because I need to my schedule’s just a lot different though thirsty well next time you’re on you better do it CU I’m going to hold off much longer I I’ve been needing to do

That Joey I’m telling you now right now just not a good time just wait now is just not a good time just wait for it but dog I I need my obsidian what do you need it for my project what’s your project can’t say it’s confidential well

If you can’t say then you can’t you know convince me to let you just close off the end for just you that’s the problem it’s a community server that your own I’m not saying it’s temporary that’s what I’m saying you’re just essentially closing it off for you no no

Hold on it’s going to be for like less than a day are you massacring just the opening island or the first Island no no no no no basically the way it works is you use a Wither that’s why you can’t go through and the platform

That you spawn on in the end right that always regenerates right when you go through the portal so you basically have a a chunk loader like a snowman that keeps throwing snowballs through the portal so it keeps like going sending shit through the portal so it keeps

Regening it you have a w that’s to an that keeps breaking the I can’t hear you hold on like that oh what do you need the obsidian for cuz again you just my project yeah but if your project is something that has to do with fucking fucking with

Other people’s bases and shit that I’m not going to let you do that project that’s why I need to know it doesn’t well what is it can’t say Joey I’m telling you you’re going to have to tell me because I’m not going to have to sit here if you do shit

To other people’s Bas right now yeah it’s not like you listen per se so I have to make sure otherwise you don’t you know I’m not going to do anything to no one’s base bro okay so then what is it cuz you’re saying it’s top secret what else could

It be what would make it top secret it’s involving my base okay that’s fine involv your Bas is fine if you’re making like a essentially an invincible brace to not be able to break into nobody’s trying to go to your base to be honest but I’ve I don’t know

Who the fuck’s watching right but I’ve been told that a Bristol has apparently tried to follow sneakily me to my base so yeah but what the fuck is brist going to do I don’t know fucking steal from from me cuz he thinks I fucking stole from

Him oh you steal from people that’s like I you do I didn’t bro did you did you steal wool earlier today from Andrew no I I was like on today for like 30 seconds I know 30 minutes I didn’t steal shit the only thing I took y

Earlier today was arrows and I gave you back like a quadruple the amount of that I took I know but and’s like I’m missing wool that I they basically right they’re saying somebody flew in took wool and left and you’re the only other person

With a lra on at the time and yes was right in front of me cuz he was fucking with me on stream the only person who was on hold on it was like Aura and how does he know that someone took it because he’s have inventory of it yes

So he just saw someone fly by their thing and then he was like had less wool than he thought so he immediately jumped to that I’m not saying he immediately jumped to you I’m saying you’re the only other person that was there that has an elyra look man all I’m saying is I

Didn’t take the fucking wool I don’t need wool for anything like when was the last time he had checked for all he could know it could have been gone way before exactly that’s what I’m saying if you checked like 30 seconds ago either way you have a tendency to take things so

It’s like nobody’s going to trust you I’m telling you that’s how it is Mother the fucker I haven’t taken anything but you have a history of causing issues that’s the problem you have a right now you have a stigma behind you because people they’re not fucking with you

Because you fucked with people that’s it and now nobody trusts you bro the only thing I did is say that Bristol might have stole from sheep’s brother there’s other things you’ve done you were stealing earlier on as well what did I steal you just had T toen stuff earlier on I don’t remember

At this fucking point cuz I’m not keeping track of people’s stuff but people have been complaining dude I don’t know what people are complaining for I haven’t talken fucking anything like now I now you’re fine but I’m saying that there’s apprehension behind you you’re like People’s First Target when it comes to

Like okay who took what who did this because again the more you dig into the pot of fucking with people’s things or fucking with people the more people less people are going to just take your side on things with nobody on the server bro like I don’t know what you are

On be the the big even though the Jake you thing was funny that’s a big part of why people are not trusting you right now because that was just directly lying like if you you’re even if you’re implying it there’s nothing you could have based that imply implication on and

You’re facing the other kind or the other consequence of that or the other side of that right now for people no you have to convince people of that or something I don’t know what to tell you man no I know I want I don’t want people stealing shit that’s it that’s all I

Want on This Server just No Stealing tired of having to again I repeat you have a stigma behind you I’m not saying that you’re necessarily doing it now otherwise you would have been banned already I’m saying I don’t want to have to keep dealing with people be

Like oh this oh my stuff is missing my stuff is missing my stuff people’s stuff magically goes missing when either I mean fetus also steals as well yeah he fucking does under the fucking uh Alter Ego of Mr L or some shit funny it’s funny but it’s annoying to me CU it’s just

Like you know I give them the benefit of asking like for instance the other day I borrowed some slime from fetus I was like hey can I buy this slime off you I asked first he’s like oh yeah it’s fine Etc that’s all it takes there no need

Like the one time I’ve toen somethingone right it was from NG and I took one fucking iron literally a single piece of iron I left the signin I took I I think I thought I put one iron but apparently I put I took iron he thought I took more

Than one either way you didn’t did you ask before yes or no no cuz he wasn’t fucking there okay DM him and I was offering to pay him back in Diamond that’s fine but it’s the act of taking without it’s like even if you offer to

Pay later if you already are fine with it I I told it was literally like one iron I will pay you back with like diamonds if oh that’s fine I’m telling you ultimately look man if we want to do cooler shit on the server it’s going to rely on trust and

If people steal shit people it’s not going to work I’m not saying it’s just you I mean in general I told Ora this cuz he stole my fucking dirt earlier or they tried to steal my dirt earlier yes it’s dirt it’s like oh it’s just dirt

What do you mean it’s the principle it’s bottom line yes it’s just one piece of iron but it’s the principle if you can do it then why can’t anybody else do it and why can’t anybody else escalate it you know it’s all all that I’m saying is I think like I’ve mentioned this

Before I’m talking like large scale iron farm large scale like you know what I’m like all the like major Farms that you need stuff for like major slime farm like I’m talking about all those like a group I know server project make all those not many people want or need to do

That some people just like mining anyways whether that’s what you want to do or not that’s up to you that’s what the whole point of having a server is it’s not just all one people under one idea hold on I gu showed up out of nowhere oh man hey it’s that nice okay M did he just did you just flush a Twilight I was taking a shit dog I was straight shitting I was shitting shitting shatting oh man h I think I’m going to probably end the stream here for now because it’s just this is going to be the rest of the

Stream anyway it’s just me putting this in and in the roof so I’m going just end it right here for now uh thank you mushroom person for sticking the way through you’re so real for that um I’m tired man it’s 127 who else I think dingling might still be in

The Stream I’m gonna try to come back tomorrow but I don’t um no I don’t think I’m coming back tomorrow I have I have late late night tomorrow Thursday though hopefully Thursday I’ll try to come back with another stream man all right thank you for watching

This video, titled ‘🔴 || Moonbase 1.20.1 Stream 5#’, was uploaded by Mikedawina on 2024-01-10 18:47:20. It has garnered 45 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:01 or 12661 seconds.

Continuing Base Building/Chillin B)

#Minecraft #SMP #Survival

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    Day 2: Pillar Chaos - 1K Days in Better Minecraft Day 2 – Mixed Pillars Galore – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with our dedicated player as they craft their way through 1,000 days of adventure. On Day 2, our builder focuses on creating stunning pillars to enhance their virtual abode. Materials Used: Echo Log Maple Log Acacia Log Purple Terracotta Bricks Purple Terracotta With a mix of logs and terracotta, our player is set to transform their house into a masterpiece. The choice of materials adds depth and character to the structure, making it stand out in… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at play.minevita.net, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP: play.minevita.net→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! discord.minevita.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. https://discord.gg/rusSpbPq hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More