Video Information

Hello hello hello everybody how we doing today welcome welcome welcome on in happy Friday my friends lovely to see you all out here hello hi how we doing good to see you welcome welcome welcome oh it’s a good day indeed it’s a good day to play some Minecraft and be

Hanging out doing all that stuff oh my gosh oh my gosh hi hi hi hi hi good to see you welcome on in some people got it some people got the some people got the shirt right some people you know come on it’s a little chilly today though so

It’s also a sweatshirt day so you know that’s the way it goes welcome on in everybody good to have you in here welcome welcome welcome jinxy heart hi hello hey uh Matt how we doing hel me how you doing Miss gy what’s going on frostbite Jordan Renee

Uh laica what’s going on TK Ander hello hello uh obvious pacm hello welcome on in Chan hi Yuki hello Jana welcome on in Emmy welcome on in Noah hello oh my gosh hi Cass how we doing I see we got Nat I see we got umber five

See we got Alena hello hello good to see y’all how am I doing today I’m doing pretty good I’m doing pretty good the house is very quiet right now though Sid has today off work so she took the dogs to the dog park and they’re all doing

Their fun thing there and I’m like nobody else is in the house right now so I was like sitting here getting ready to start streaming and everything normally the dogs are playing and doing their own thing and she’s like downstairs doing work stuff and music playing I’m just

Like it’s kind of quiet in here it’s kind kind of quiet today but it’s the way it’s going so we’re chilling it’s it’s pretty good day it’s been a good day so far stat fire thank you so much for the five months I do appreciate it thank you thank you thank

You H yeah no i’ I’ve had I feel like I’ve had a pretty good one last night ended up just hanging out with a bunch of buddies uh Sid had a girls night so she was off hanging with her friends so I ended up just playing games with a

Bunch of buddies and hanging out and having a good time that was super fun and then woke up this morning I was like I was really tired when I woke up this morning stayed up way later than I normally do and for some of you you’re

Going to be like that’s not even my bedtime but yeah I went to I got in I crawled in bed at like 11:00 last night and I’m very much like a 9:45 at the latest probably 9:30 is when I’m like in bed ready to go to

Sleep so stay up to 11 for me I’m like oh I’m tired man I lost so much I lost so much sleep on I woke I woke up at like 7:30 so like I I sleep a lot I don’t know it works for me it

Works I I’ll take it know it’s been a long time for you but what’s one of the first Farms to build in a new world as much as I hate to say the iron farm is there’s a reason why everybody says an iron farm um I think it’s the

Iron farm opens up so many doors to production and making other Farms just by the ability to easily make hoppers so that’s really good and then I’d say like villager carrot and potato farms and a villager breeder those are the those are like the first things that I tackle

After that it really just picks out on what you want to do next in your world and kind of what route you want to go from there but getting things Geared for villagers currently in the game is the fastest way to get yourself geared up so

If you can get the villagers sorted you can get yourself more protected and then you can get better tools things and things quicker so that’s probably the best route to go villagers are kind of the meta and for a reason they are very overpowered in this

Game uh but yeah also uh thank you so much for becoming a member and we got Nat Renee with the 21 months at tier 2 thank you so very much I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you yeah starting a sugar cane like just

Line along the edge of a river is also really big and of course you got to get your Wheat Field going so got to do that just like you got to like the stream we got 600 people in here we’re not even at 300 likes I’m just saying we could do

That new Lego on the couch it is I just got it I posted on Instagram yesterday this is my new Lego I got that recently and by recently I mean it got here yesterday uh I I’ve decided that not decided I been want to do it for a

While and I finally decided to just go for it um you know like in the holidays you’ll see people’s like fireplace mantle and they always have like the little houses and everything up there and you put the candles in them and make them glow and all that stuff and it

Looks so sweet and there’s like the little wintry houses with the snow on the top and everything um I decided I want to do that in our house for holiday decorations and stuff except I want to do it with like Lego and each year probably find a new snowy

Lego like winter wonderland House of sorts to they put up there and eventually like build out a whole village and thing a little town on the on the fireplace mantle so I’m I’m a slowly like this is the first one for it I’m just going to keep adding a new one

Each year and then figure out how I can uh get some better lighting options up there so I can do something more fun on it so yeah I’m excited are you going to play the trial Chambers I actively do not play snapshots I like to look at snapshots

And I like to catch the news of what they publish in the snapshot articles and kind of theory craft about it in my own brain but I don’t actively play in the snapshots because I think a big a this could be a hot take but I think a

Big reason why a lot of the Minecraft Community is not satisfied with Minecraft and why they’re always like why is Minecraft add nothing to the game is because they play in the snapshots they live for what’s coming in the snapshots and by the time those releases

Actually get to us as players the people who are playing with snapshots have been playing with them added one little thing here one little thing there blah blah blah blah blah and then they’re bored by the time it gets here they’re like there’s nothing the where’s the next update this update sucks there’s

Nothing to do in it and in reality they’ve been playing with it for months in the beta testing and everything and then it’s the final copy and then they’re like this didn’t this update didn’t add anything this update sucks and that’s the that’s the that’s the players that do that that’s your own

Fault the reason why a lot of people are not happy with Minecraft is they’re like Minecraft’s not Minecraft’s not doing anything they’re not adding anything to the updates but in reality they’re just watching the snapshots and watching that stuff trickle in so much they’re watching creators that only play in the

Snapshots and outside of that it’s like they’re like they’re not happy with an update yeah they just get so used to it being the norm that when it actually releases us an update where updates are never they’re never that different from the final snapshots the last like month

Of snapshots and pre-releases and all that usually is just bug fixes and minor things because they don’t want to add anything new and crazy and have it break other things so by the time the update releases they’ve mostly been playing with the whole kit of everything coming

In the new version for a month if not more and then they’re like nothing happens in this game where it’s nothing get updated and I find for me that I’m I will update to a pre-release if I can but then also I like to wait for all my mods because I

Replay mod is so important to being Creator nowadays so I wait for replay mod to get updated and I wait for all the mods that support that so I can use it all um and then then that’s when I update but I I don’t like playing in the

I don’t like playing in the snapshots because I find it ruins the update for me personally yeah you should be in the bakery Builders you can build amazing stuff without world at and your inspiration for my build hey I appreciate it thank you yeah Bakery Builders they’re all creative players

And I think they’re really cool I’ve chat with shovel before he seems really nice uh and I’ve chat I haven’t chatted with too many of them but I definitely follow a lot of them on Instagram and Twitter because they’re builds are amazing but yeah I think that creative

Building side is just that’s a creative building in Minecraft to the scale that the bakery Builders take it is a different way of playing Minecraft the same way somebody might do creative Redstone builds just to prove something exists versus doing what like versus survival playing versus survival Redstone versus crazy

Creative builds where they have all those commands and everything I mean look at axom now if you haven’t heard of it there’s a mod out right now called Axiom that basically brings more or less seems like the goal is to bring full blender capabilities into Minecraft building at that point you’re just 3D

Modeling in Minecraft Minecraft is just your 3D modeling software and it’s so different from actually building in Minecraft so uh yeah I don’t know it’s a it’s it’s a fully different game they’re really cool everything they’re making is really impressive so yeah I mean definitely check them out if you’re

Looking for some really cool Builders to follow but we should probably get into the game cuz we got a lot of things to do today hey Alex thanks you so much for becoming a member and beex thank you so much for the eight months I really do appreciate it we’re here my friends

We’ve got stuff to do so today’s goal is gather materials and you will see why that is a big goal to begin with soon um oh I got a new armor trim hi yeah look at this I changed it I decided to update it and we got no that’s

Aha this is the full armor trim kit here I thought uh something a little bit on I wanted to go with the diamond trim cuz it matches so much better with my hoodie sweatshirt and everything I felt like the amethyst was just like a little off

So now we kind of we got the colors down that’s looking good okay we’ve got a lot of stuff to do today we quite literally have thousands of blocks I want to gather if it’s even possible so we’ll see how this goes first first stop just because we’re

Here I want to see how much sand I do have and how much mud I have cuz we need a lot so on brand yeah I like the amethyst when I was looking at it on like a default Steve skin and then I was kind

Of like looking at in terms of like me as a player and I was like eh okay so we need 10 stacks of mud yeah I I know we’re we’re yeah I Just Go With It Go With It uh I have the whole list pulled up on my side monitor

So I can keep following along uh how much packed mud do I need I need two and a half stacks of packed mud brick I know that much uh how much packed mud do I need I thought I oh oh oh there it is yeah that makes sense okay uh we need a

Th000 so that’s I need 988 so this would be that’s 100 that’s 250 so that would be5 500 okay we basically need I think I think we’ do this I think that’s that’s might be enough mud how much mud is that 896 and I need 988 lovely okay uh I’m just going to transfer all the packed mud to its own box so it stays in the same

Place and then we need another two stacks of those yeah it we it’s a it’s it’s a it’s it’s a journey today everybody uh we need a lot of sand I have tons of gravel thankfully so we’re set there but yeah we’re going to have to go see

How much sand and sandstone and everything I have because um you want to know the whopping number of smooth Sandstone we need today this can just tell you if you’ve seen the video the stream title I’m working on redoing the nether Hub um for funsies cuz I thought

It was a a cute little fun project we could do uh so be sure to leave a like on the stream if you have not already we got 800 people in here not on not even 500 likes yet I believe I believe we can get there just clear that

Out uh but yeah smooth Sandstone we need 3,821 yeah so we need almost 4,000 smooth sandstone and if you were not aware that is um it’s 1,740 per Shuler box so we need we need more than uh we need two and a half Shuler boxes of smooth

Sandstone are you going to remodel your Pillager Outpost maybe one day I’m not super interested in doing it mostly because it sounds annoying dealing with the pillagers the entire time so we’ll see that’s a regular amount yeah yeah so we need that uh there’s the bed

Here oh we have all that sand here wait that’s going to be huge yes okay sorry got excited okay so I need 2,000 Sandstone so we’re just going to if we fill up this entire box on Sandstone that’ll be the 1,700 we need and then if we go into that mud box that

I had we should be able to let’s see what is that that is 1,740 plus 320 I think I’m going to get another stack just to be safe but we can take a lot of this and turn it into smooth Sandstone if we need to I’m not sure how

Much I still have uh I think I have a lot over in the desert but we’re going to use a lot of that sand right there um I also need three ,000 light blue glass so we got a lot of stuff to get today I was not expecting to have all

This in storage rooms but I’m I’m thankful if we can uh if we have all the stuff in storage rooms and it works out and uh we don’t have to spend oh I cleaned this up where did I put where did I put my sandstone oh no does anybody remember oh no Um where did we put the Sandstone because there was like nine shulkers of it there cleaned it up and now it’s missing see I this is why we leave Shuler monster ERS I know where they are we’ll be back for this sand um yes I I do know that we can

Use all right uh we’re just going to we’re going to take all this sand fill up two suar boxes and then we will drop it in the super smelter back at home cuz that’ll be our starting point for that that I know I can use red sand but I

It’s part of me just cannot waste red sand for glass red sand is so difficult to get I just can’t bring myself to do it Stone storage room did I put it all in there here’s the start of what you can see what’s happening I’ve already added a whole

Garden ring going around it and we’ve got diagonal ice boat roads going all the way out it’s uh and this is part part of the Shuler mess coming in here so super fun times Shuler from two episodes ago yeah I can’t remember where I put it did I put the Sandstone down in

Here did I store it all maybe I did no I was getting hopeful I saw endstone I put it in here where did I put the Sandstone man come on now where did my Sandstone go Sandstone no Sandstone okay so there’s one shulker of sandstone that is we just need 2,000

More smooth sand wait no it’s coral Coral okay um right let’s just let’s get the super smelter going it the super smelter is going to be putting in the work today so we got to do it woo clean dude so easy to fly through there so easy wouldn’t you put it in you

Wouldn’t put it in the dirt storage no that’s just sand sand sand Stone very different okay so there is one and two and I don’t know how far away this thing works from this is a bit of a problem so we’re just going to take you drop that

All in there I haven’t really tested it I don’t know where the chunks stop loading in or not okay there’s a ho shulker and then we can do second Shuler of sand and that’ll start filling up in there which is empty we’ll leave those

Two down here to get all of that uh that should be 3,400 glass so there’s 500 more than I need and that’s okay we’ll just let it do its thing we’ll we’ll we can use some extra we can we can easily use some extra light blue glass I will use it many

Places in this world so glad you changed the entrance yeah I know finally I was really trying to hold off on it but yeah I had to do it okay anything in here that I can use there’s orange glass I definitely need some of that I’ll get that later I’m

Trying to go for the bulk items first cuz once we get the bulk sorted then that’s fine um let’s see there’s one Shuler of smooth Sandstone we’re going to deal with that later Sandstone we got that so Sandstone is done mud is done I’m going to and the packed mud is done

We’re just going to go into The Nether I have I’ve got a whole light matica thing for the resource list which just how I know exactly how much I’m needing what do you plan to build that requires all these materials that’ll be the whole next episode cuz I think does this reset it

It does dang it okay uh yeah so these are the these are the materials we need uh that I’m just going to get rid of this we’re going to we’re going to unfortunately when you leave a dimension using light matica I know this is a big

Like oh wow using a mod um but when you leave the dimension it stops it from loading in like and then it resets the the whole thing that you had so I have these out here already I um have all the prismarine I have all that out here

Already let me just go through this list we got the instent bricks out here um oh I just might have broken the super smelter I have these pleased to meet you I have that what else do I have oh please tell me I didn’t break the super smelter that’d be

So sad okay so we need a little mud uh mud brick stuffy stuffy stuff and I think I can actually get that right here uh I’ve actually never broken that super smell because I’ve been so I like I figuring out how that thing works just my brain cannot uh so

I’ve been extremely careful this entire time to not break it um so we’re going to find out so I need 120 walls I need 48 stairs W that’s a lot oh no you need to you need to go to pack mud and then you need to go to

Stairs and Bam and Bam and then can I make 120 we can uh let’s go you there and you there perfect no I need one more to be able to craft all that I hate that it takes so much we’ll just have one extra wall that’s fine

Okay Bam Bam Bam Perfect all right here we go there’s the new updated list I’m just going to we’re just going to do a little I’m going to do a little snipping tool real quick and then grab all of that and then that will uh no that didn’t

Work okay now we’re good now I can just have it on the side and we can cross things out using little Snipping Tool features okay hopefully the thing still works have you been Crossing things off the list in the books we made a bit ago yeah I have the stuff that I’ve actually

Went through and done uh I have crossed off let me go check the super smelter that that’s not broken cuz if that breaks I’m just going to cry softly and uh rethink all my life decisions but you know we’ll figure that out when we get there it appears to be

Working it’s working there’s water there by the way it’s just a visual glitch okay that’s still going we’re good great second channel would would be how you organize your Ender Chest I’ve thought about doing something like that but then there’s uh no real organization to it so it’s

Fine okay uh we need 700 light blue wool which is what 12 stacks how much light blue wool do I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 done okay so we got that sorted that’s fine uh we definitely we need another shulker and a half of

Smooth Sandstone which is a bummer but was there smooth sandstone in here somewhere there was there was some somewhere in here like in a little extra Maybe not maybe I’m Mis thinking wasn’t there no uh no oh there’s so much orange glass why didn’t I bu build this out of orange

Glass why did I have to be like you know it look really good light blue glass nope nope nope nope nope nope okay I’m get I’m going to get an empty Shuler and we can go hang out near the super smelter because uh not only do we

Need all that stuff to smelt down but I also need 510 amethyst clusters and these things take a while to uh regrow so we’re just we’re going to we’re just going to we’re just going to get started here and uh the goal is to not break any of

These we’re just going to no that those are decorative we don’t break those we break any of the buds that’s that’s where we get sad I have three geod okay got that sweet uh for those who don’t know this place this is very old this is uh from when we did the

Dwarven cave transformation I think one of the one of the stages of that I built this giant Network to connect three geod together oh my stuff right there’s uh there’s 40 38 and there’s 40 okay nice nice 1,000 people watching oh boy well come on in everybody lovely to have

You in here also Liz asaurus I’m so sorry I’m missed it thank you for the 22 months uh and also we got Mia thank you so much for the five months and Hayden thank you so much for becoming a member I really do appreciate everybody sorry I just want instant resource Grind Mode

Over here of I have things to think about and blocks to gather be sure to leave a like on the stream yes please thank you I appreciate it I wonder what YouTube’s going to make their AI work also for Stream So if I say like or subscribe it’ll cause the

Button on here to start glowing that’d be pretty cool please to meet you no self-promo in the chat it only looks bad on you if you’re so desperate for viewers and nobody wants to watch your content you’re going somebody elamor says you need to make better content look great in

World I’m just saying I’m just saying uh OD SD thank you so much for the Dono rebuilding the control ooh run Mar including a stre hey there you go nice I I the we got the the big monolith here is kind of Halo inspired a little bit I do love how it

Looks yeah the way I always view people who are trying to promo in somebody else’s live stream or in somebody else’s comments trying to be like come watch my stuff it’s like you sure your stuff’s good enough to attract viewers cuz if it was you might already have viewers

Yours won’t just come for free you go to you got to make them want to be there but can we promo you in the chat I mean yeah that’s fine that’s why it’s no selfpromo it’s not no FP promo it’s no self promo it’s my stream of course we can prom promote my

Stuff okay there we go we’re going to get him out I’m trying to be so careful right now I I’m sorry I’m not reading chat much but I know the second I start like looking way to read chat is when one of these is going to

Break and I will be so sad cuz there’s no way to get them back ever I hate it it’s one of the most infuriating mechanics in Minecraft which I get like I understand why they should be here and how it kind of it adds a new gameplay element by not

Being able to just move your buddy amethyst into somewhere else you got to work with what you’re given here which is fun like it this is a unique Farm nobody else will ever have designed this farm system here that I have because we have one geode here we have second geode right back

There and then if you take this Minecart Track it takes you to a third geode all with their own unique layouts so like this is unique to my world nobody else is going to have it and that’s fun like that’s cool definitely a point of pride of

Being able like yeah nobody else has done this exact thing before so that’s this is mine um but then at the same time of being like Oh my God if I break these over time eventually I will have enough mistakes that’ll be not worth to build here anymore that I’ll need to go

Get a new place to gather Amethyst from which is a bummer because these are right underneath my base so they Stay Loaded in the entire time so they’re all when I’m back in my storage room Gathering materials these are always growing so it actually makes them grow pretty

Quickly I do hope one day they add new colors though I think that’s something that Minecraft is missing a little different colors of crystals would be fun to work with cuz these are cool these are you can use used for a lot of fun things but they’re so limiting because

It’s just the amethyst color so who knows maybe we’ll get different colored geod eventually but if we didn’t really get that when we got like the deep dark and all that do you imagine glowing crystals like I mean these do glow they actually give off a light level if you weren’t if

You didn’t know uh it’s very subtle but they do give off a light level but like if we could turn these into something that is uh like a full light source just off of crystals around your base that could be pretty fun yes opal and clear quartz yeah that’d be fun okay there Are 128 I mean almost three stacks and we need what we need 500 so we said that’s going to be eight Stacks we’re almost halfway that’s not bad off of one and you can already see some of them are starting to grow back granted they take a while oh no

Sorry do you have any stor somewhere you can just grab no I typically Farm These only as I need them cuz they I I don’t tend to I try to not over Farm in this world unless it’s logs and as infuriating as that might be

For me right now I know for the fact of making a video this is better content being able to put in a video of okay I need these materials we’re going to go gather them will be infinitely times more entertaining than saying okay I need these materials look I already

Have them in my storage room and it also helps get rid of anybody who is like I think Flip’s cheating when I’m like no you can literally watch me here Gathering 500 amethy clusters if I was cheating in this world do you think I would sit here

And spend the time to gather 500 amethyst clusters this is going to take me 25 minutes if not 30 minutes just to get these things we’re not even talking about placing or building we’re just in the fact of getting them and then also on top of this I also need another 508

Blocks of amethyst which we might have some of those destroy we might have some of those I don’t think we have 500 but we definitely have some and thankfully those are a lot easier to get than these we’re just going to break them down and then when I I I’ll just like

Naturally follow these going downwards and when I eventually get to the bottom we’ll go gather up everything they’ll stay spawned for 5 minutes so we got time I do hear lava though and I do not like that how’s your day going it’s good it’s been a good

Day I’m honestly just really happy a fullon nerd moment for a second uh I’ve been playing World of Warcraft classic uh a bunch just as kind of my chill game cuz one Nostalgia trip cuz I played it when I was a kid and two classic wow compared to retail wow is

Just so much easier it’s a joke how much easier it is um and so I last I ended up last night with my buddies CU we were all just chilling I was like I got a few hours let’s go find a raid to jump into and did that

And I ended up getting four new items on my character and I was like oh my God this is so cool and some are like really good that I’ll I won’t need to replace ever again for for the entire expansion so I’m I’m pretty happy about it

Definitely in like good gamer good gamer Vibes last night I’m here for it you could use pistons on these you need to silk touch them to get this item so no you actually cannot you can use it for the crystals but then also you don’t

Get Fortune off of it so if you want to set up an auto farm that just goes over time you can do that sure um but I don’t really I I use these more for the silk touch decorative Crystal so I think what could work best is if we

Find another geode somewhere underneath my main base like that honestly we could maybe go find a geode right now there’s probably some around uh in caves that I haven’t explored believe it or not I uh okay cheaty behind the scenes thing here uh I was using free cam to get a

Screenshot for the thumbnail for episode 50 and I accidentally flew underground I try to not do that I actually try to not to um but where I was at at the camera angle I flew underground and through that you can see all the caves just same

Way of being in spectator mode you can kind of see where all the caves line out and I was like oh my gosh I haven’t explored even half of the caves under my starter base like I have not done much caving in this world I basically said

Okay here’s my branch mine I will only break things off of my branch mine and then outside of that I ain’t doing anything the caves purely exist for breaking the blocks and if I stumble into a cave while breaking blocks so be it caves are spooky exactly speaking

Which I should probably wear my chest piece down here a little replay marker down there and can maybe do this as a time lapse I’ll come back and find it we’re almost done with this one so I’ll have to go backwards valid for not wanting to cave

In hardcore yeah I mean I don’t like I am very geared I mean y’all saw me fighting the mobs trying to get the Halloween ones when I was fighting the Strays like I was definitely overreacting looking back at it afterwards cuz I was like I think I lost a total of three

Hearts like I think I I think I was like oh oh my God and I lost a total of three hearts and I was fighting them the entire time I I don’t think I even need eat a piece of food I think I was just passively healing

Enough keep a fortune pick with no efficiency in my geod so I don’t break them yeah I mean this isn’t too bad this is efficiency five I’m just being careful the hard part is that those these I think the the thing that’s annoying about him is this block right here

Needs to I get like it’s a Crystal I get that realistically it wouldn’t be the toughest of material but I think to mine one of those should be closer to the half of a time of mining an obsidian block with efficiency five than it this being pretty much as fast as mining a

Stone block like I think if they just made them harder to mine but there’s a problem where in Java you can snapshot your mining speed of where if you mine something really quickly and then the next block you’re going into is something that takes a lot longer to mine so if you’re

Mining a piece of stone and then behind it is a piece of obsidian if you’re still holding left click when you finish mining the piece of stone on Java I don’t know if this is true on Bedrock but you will actually mine that a piece of obsidian faster and like drastically faster

So I love snapshot mining when you can use it for cases like that because you can mine obsidian pretty quick if you just need to get it out of a lava pool or something uh I know yeah a lot of people don’t know that uh but it’s true I actually

Want to design a mini game on an SMP about it one day of like who can mine these blocks the fastest and then they’ll be like wait what and then a lot of people like okay I’m just going to get the obsidian out of the way first

But if you snapshot a quicker to mine block and then go in to it you can actually mine it a lot faster try it when you’re mining uh Beacon mining say you’re Beacon Mining and you stumble upon a vein of coal ore go from like mining piece of stone and

Then go into the coal you’ll see the first one breaks instantly and then you slow down and then do the reverse of mining a piece of coal with um Your Efficient like Beacon mining efficiency 5 so Stone should be instant mine but if you mine a piece of coal and

Then go to the stone right away after it won’t instant mine we’re fine okay how do I get up there I should probably gather up these down to the base yeah there’s a lot of them what do we at one 1 2 3 4 5 six and we need what we said eight

Stacks to get how much how how many stacks is 58 blocks I guess I can put it in here and figure out how many stacks we have the exact number cuz math 447 okay so we need another we need another stack basically do you know it’s physically

Impossible for a pig to look straight up I did actually I wasn’t fully convinced of it and I said in the video if I think this is true and then people were like it is true and I was like yeah I definitely knew it all along I’m so

Smart it’s good fun fact though it’s good fun fact keep that for your fun fact parties you’re inevitable work ice breakers that you’re going to have to do or new class ice bre out new club you join everybody’s got to do ice breakers of bringing fun facts whether they’re about yourself or

Whatever you got you got to have there’s a new one for you yeah if the mods are removing messages no need to ask what the message said it’s usually they’re all being removed because they broke a rule so it’s not something that we want in chat anyways so mods will not be repeating

The message that was removed was not expecting you to know that I do enjoy a good fun fact if only I could put my ability to learn random fun facts into learning like really technical things and always being able to remember them unless when you’re trying to remember it I think that’s the

That’s the thing that I know for me about fun facts is there’s so many in my brain but if somebody’s like tell me a fun fact my brain is it’s empty there’s nothing in there there’s absolutely nothing in my brain okay there’s one more up here we can get

Nice okay that was um not the right box 449 489 okay we need to go to the other geod I think might mine cart’s down here anyways exists until you need it then it’s gone yeah exactly I know this is kind of gross back here but yeah there’s the mine cart

So there’s this one and then it actually goes on again to a fourth geod down there that I don’t think I’ve fully set up but there is a fourth Geo how many did we need I can’t remember do we have oh 89 Okay so I need 20 well 19 technically

But feel like flip will exist when 1.21 drops I don’t know who knows I could quit Minecraft by then it could happen you never know okay there we go that is everything we need for the amethyst clusters where’s my end chest what did I do with my under chest

I need to get another pickaxe we’re going to take this back where did I put my Ender Chest does anybody know where I put it down oh don’t no let’s go find it you like a new C I think I do I leave it in the nether we’ll check the smelter there’s

Iron chest right there that we can use I always have a few backups though did this finish did perfect okay so we need to get Sandstone smelting down in there um we also need a fortune 3 Peck for a bit there’s smooth sand Stone okay um I’m going get more Rockets too

Okay trying to think of what we need to do ah night time night time daytime probably need Rockets to fly right now melter beautifully decorated yeah thank you I really enjoy it yeah I think it’s my best interior work to be honest I think it is one of my

Best okay so I left all the Sandstone back over there so we need to go grab it uh cuz we have one Shuler box here which is 1,7 I need 2,100 so that’s a Shuler and a half of sandstone uh and we have the ability to

Pick that up okay let’s go back over and grab some I think we had Sandstone there so it should be fine definitely one of those builds room I’m like this is going to be so much it’s fine though also Ronda thank you so much for becoming a supporter

Uh new Ginko thank you so much for becoming a supporter I really do appreciate it steel metal with the 3 months thank you thank you thank you and curious moth with the 14 months I like how your helmet looks like you have an extra set of eyes I like to think of it

As goggles like little little steampunky goggles of sorts that’s not a Shuler and a half okay how much do we got okay so that’s a Shuler and then we need a half I know where we can get it which hardcore mode are you playing the default one Hardcore Minecraft Survival what

Armor term is that the helm is way finer I got tide and Wild on the other two and I got silence on the chest just for for the flex cuz everybody apparently as a YouTuber you have to put silence on at least one piece of gear or you’re not

You’re not you’re not having the right armor trim according to the comments where is my sand mine should be here somewhere ah there we go the land of Destruction Sam thank you so much for the 19 months I do appreciate it yeah we got Crocs on sport mode of

Course chat is broken it it do be like that sometimes right now thankfully Sandstone is instant mine so we can just zoom our way along here we got two layers of sandstone before we get to any stone so that’s really big honestly I should just start doing

Strips keep it contained please to meet you God this place is going to look so much worse when we get rid of all the Sandstone too it’s going to really be a wasteland just get rid of all the sand and the sandstone at least from a distance the

Sandstone still makes it look like a desert when we’re just going to reveal all the stone it’s going to be so ugly how many Notch apples do you have I don’t know like four I don’t care at all to collect those things I I I don’t think you I would

Love to like have a netherite beacon cuz I I think that could just be a cool Flex of like okay as a Minecrafter I’ve accomplished this um and if we get far enough in the world maybe we’ll start doing it but netherite really needs like another reason for me to want to spend

All those hours in the nether to go get it outside of building a beacon that has no purpose out that is not any better than a normal Beacon cuz I I don’t think Beacon like beacons look Minecraft cool but they don’t look good like they’re cool because they have

A purpose in Minecraft that everybody Associates with a good thing but like in reality they look pretty dumb I always hide them so having like a giant netherite Beacon somewhere I don’t know I’d have to really find a way to decorate it and make it look really

Cool how much we got yeah we’re almost there let’s get another like four Stacks yeah if a netherite beacon was like triple or quadruple the range I would do I would do it I would I would get a quad netherite beacon in my base if that was

The case just get all of the Buffs throughout my entire city that to me would be worth it as soon as I’d come back home from being gone and that that way you’re base and hardcore you’re because a 50 radius is not that big if you think about it

And I also hate the look of Beacon beams everywhere which is why you don’t see me do the beacon every 50 blocks thing that a lot of Hardcore YouTubers do or hardcore creators do I just think it looks awful um and you can hide the text like you can hide the beacon beam

Through a texture pack but I mean I don’t want to be disabling features like that I do enough with the texture pack already the beam doesn’t look good no it does not okay that should be enough and we have that and that should be good on the

Sandstone I really need to just hook a portal up out here oh yeah that’s going to be that’s going to be real ugly when that’s just Stone everywhere uhoh where are we going we’re going Wast is it just me or does everybody transform a village it’s a very very

Simple thing to do and transforming a village is like the one staple of a Minecraft world where it still feels super minecrafty it still feels super alive because of all of your villagers are there they’re moving around doing their things you have a purpose to keep

Them safe and you can build them all homes transforming a village is the easiest way to have a life filled area in Minecraft while still playing single player and blow up all the stone and make it into a lake wait that’s kind of a cool idea once we’re done with it we just

Cover it all with water lost my 400 day hardcore world no motivation to start fresh what can I do run it back or if you really want to play in that world go into cheats enable it turn it to a regular survival world keep playing if you’re not if you’re not

Doing it for YouTube or anything like that heck even if you you are doing it for YouTube who the heck says that you have to restart Moss the stone could be cool but if you’re just playing for yourself and you’re like I love this

World so much and man I’m so sad that I lost it see if bringing yourself back alive will make you want to keep playing so gecko thank you so much for becoming a supporter thank you thank you thank you you got a tree next to you you’ve been

Around for a while then I don’t know why it’s saying new thank you so much for however many months that might be cuz YouTube will not tell me okay we can take all of the glass out of here and put to into here put all this junk over

There one too many stacks okay uh we got two shers and glass here we need to turn those into light blue glass but problem being right now a little bit of a butt on this one is uh I can’t get light blue die until I go out to the swamp and that

Will definitely unload the super smelter so we’re going to have to do that after and we’ll just let all the smooth Sandstone smelt cuz that’s the last round of smelting I need and we’ve got we’ve got plenty of coal still that can just stay in there Andrew thank you so much for the

Eight months I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you now we need to get to the point where I need 500 blocks of amethyst almost as if it’s a thing to put the ameus cluster is on did you watch a Loki series no I haven’t yet Sid

Has been absolutely obsessed with the book she’s been reading recently so uh she’s been wanting to do that in her chill time at night which I get so I I haven’t been pushing to be like hey can we start TV show I’m let I’m letting her just enjoy

Your books and do that for a while cuz I know she’s really loving it oh I did have 60 in here oh well okay so we’ve got almost half of what we need that’s pretty good new I’ve seen a lot of people say the new Loki is really good please no

Spoilers Miss G thank you so much for the 18 months I need help I’m stuck on a boss in Diablo 4 I believe in you also I I find a def in Diablo 4 Diablo in general if you’re ever stuck on a boss usually check out what your build is and

See if you’re missing something see if there’s a legendary like aspect power you can go get that would make your you do a lot more damage unless you’re on like the last boss last boss that’s me do you you just got to get better gear arcan Knight thank you so much for

The 11 months my dude one more month until full tree that was my Christmas present last year to myself it just keeps on giving hey I appreciate that thank you very much okay we need to get the mine cart back and we need to go back under you remember to like appreciate it

Thank you i’ been trying to start a lasting hardcore world but I die during the first night almost any time how do I get better uh get a bed and you don’t have nighttime all no I’d say living in a village is a really good start cuz without ever leaving the village it’s

Slow but it’s possible without ever leaving the village you can get full enchanted diamond armor right now so and if you just take one of their beds you’ll be safe the entire time all right before we get started with this I’m really sorry I got to go use the

Restroom been drinking way too much water today so I’ll be back in just a second okie dokie we are back it is so just like Pacific Northwest gray outside right now I can’t I can’t yeah all the leaves it’s been really windy overnight and all of the

Leaves are just coming down like crazy off all the trees so all the like the beautiful fall colors I think in like 2 days they just all going to be gone the flood can never be truly killed the primordial the first grave mind inter weed its Consciousness into the fabric

Of reality you would have to destroy reality to stop it did I pause the game I don’t know did I pause the game I can’t remember I don’t know maybe I did maybe I didn’t yeah I I what was it Halo 3 that really dove into the flood lore where

Like you meet the hive mine for the first time I remember seeing that and just being like this is so cool OD SD thank you so much for the Dono though I appreciate it I I got Xbox game pass a while ago cuz I want to play Starfield I’m kind of

Over the Starfield right now but I’m definitely like I really want to download all the Halos and just play through the campaigns again I I need to like find a friend to do it with just so many good memories from being a kid and just playing the Halo 3

Campaigns con stantly oh they’re so fun all of the Halo campaigns Halo 3 for me was the one that I love the most for sure I kind of fell out of first person shooters after that cuz I got more into RTS and strategy games after I realized that strategy

Games existed I was like oh my God I love these and I became an MMO player would do you want something like a magnet collect to collect items in Minecraft um it would be helpful but I don’t think it’s super needed I mean we have an laay like the laay is basically

A magnet for a single item type if you think about it like they do a pretty good job I’m just kind of listening to the crystals like ah feel like the Bethesda space game was pretty over pretty quick in terms of hype yeah it was good it was really good

I really really loved it I was having a great time playing it and then once I figured out like you get to this point in the story if you’re doing the main quest line for the story where you’re like oh that’s that’s the catch like that that’s that’s everything that we’re

Searching for right there and it was really lackluster for me like I wasn’t like oh my God I want to keep solving the mystery I very much was like oh that’s what we’re doing that that’s that’s all it is okay like in reality though like the way

That it transitions into a game that has New Game Plus like that was great it was a great cash to be able to do that um okay we can craft a bunch of blocks of ammo this here and I thought that was cool they did a really good job with that but then

The game wasn’t full enough there’s a lot of things that just felt really Half Baked or stuff that they had done that would make it really impactful to playing the game like there’s the every single planet had its own like weather system and all of these traits that you had to work with

And whatnot to be able to survive on the planet and then it took me a while to realized that quite literally if I’m there it’s never going to kill me didn’t matter how long I was there like I was never going to die from being in a bad atmosphere of a planet so

After that fear was gone I was like okay I can just chill and then if some bad like sickness did come to me like my player character I was like okay I just go back to a city and I I pay like 200 credits and I’m patched up and I’m good

To go and I’m healthy again and oh that one random space pirate I killed yeah he dropped 2,000 credits so guess I’m I guess I can afford that so it kind of turned into a really I don’t know I I I was like very excited for the game I thought it was

Going to be super fun okay uh we have that we have okay we got enough sweet that’s all the blocks of Amo this we need best sound in Minecraft honestly ameus is pretty up there no uh a rocket into ameus that is by far the best you didn’t know you can do

Um pause music you can make longer duration Rockets to make it go even longer okay uh we got that in there we got that in there how can I get more viewers not asking in somebody else’s stream chat that’s good first step good first step

We’ll put that in there for now just to clear some space some Okay that’s a lot of shulkers I think for now we’re done with the smelter I think maybe wait Starfield has gone makes me nervous the Exel Scrolls game yeah if they ruin not ruin but if they don’t like knock it out of the park with the next Elder

Scrolls game like I think Bethesda is uh uh I think that’s that’s like the official decline of Bethesda at least that’s where I would see it they’ve been on the top for RPG games and for so long for me like they they have been the number one RPG game Boss

Is dead finally thank you I’ve been stuck for a just needed your motivation I was like the boss is dead wait what congrats you did it well well done uh Miss SC thank you so much that oh Maddie thank you so much for the five months just joining the stream what are

We doing we’re getting a bunch of materials together today any tips for Elden ring uh don’t ask me cuz I’m awful at those games Souls games and me I want to be good at them so badly oh man I want to be so good I want to be those

People that are doing no hit runs all the time and just and I’m so bad I am that is not my video game oh I got so much extra okay we’re good there let’s clear out this list and see what we can do did I bring out the Sandstone already I thought I

Did we did okay so Sandstone here too we got the mud we got that we got that we got those in place already pack mods here you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good good good good good good good first Marines

Here oh we need oh I actually have a lot of extra smooth Sandstone so we can make that uh the sand is here we’re good oh we got we got that we’re good there we’re good there we’re good there that concrete was just a mismatch on a

Creative copy we got that we got that mud brick walls we have mud bricks we have prismarine we have okay we’re getting a lot ochre frog lights we can go grab them right now just to check the box off the list oh I meant to grab a Sher box my sugar box

No okay we’re going to put all this in here cuz for some reason it’ll make sense hey think about my suar box okay there’s that uh I was going to make that smooth Sandstone stuff I believe and we need that glass we’re going to go handle those next and you are all in

There okay how much do I need Sandstone we need 163 slabs 100 so two and a half stacks of stairs uh a little over two an ax and then okay so I need those are all going to be stairs and then I need that’ll make two

Stacks we’ll just do that we’ll go three stacks I need three stacks of sandstone how much extra how much Sandstone do I get oh we kind of we measure that out pretty perfectly so I have to go get that uh unless I have some I might have some my Ender Chest oh

There is the Ender Chest I do ha so we got that we’ll go two stacks here and that should be enough I am three short I really wish there was a smooth Sandstone wall okay so we need eight stacks of ochre frog lights we can go get those we’ll go get those

Now really wish I had these emptied many other Frog Light do I need okay so I need six stacks of pearlescent frog lights and eight stacks of ochre frog lights all righty almost had 1,000 likes we’re getting there woohoo this Shuler monster is going to be so massive by the end of

This oh this is disgusting we might have to chill here for a second and see how many we can get nether brick fence gates that would be nice okay so we got ochre so there’s 1 2 3 four how many PE Lon six nice seven good start another

Stack nice look at me oh wonderful oh wow oh I’m so glad that I’ve only ever used pearlescent frog lights we have 20 okay we’ll be back for those that’s AFK time that’s that’s not something I want to on stream um oh we do need a little bit

More glass I might actually have that back at home you should build Disneyland in your hardcore world you can go watch scar build scarland if you’d like but it’s an expansion as uh yeah we’re this thing is growing like crazy I me you can see the portals already in its

Place um okay so we need a lot of wood and we need a that we need to go die we need to go handle that now uh I’m going to just do a new sorry for this screen’s dark for a second just getting a new

Little a new little list that I can have off on the side cuz this thing doesn’t load in other dimensions so we need over a Shuler box of light blue concrete powder and we need a Sher box of jungle slabs I’m going to leave these out here like these are ready to

Go we need to dye these so let’s go get all of our light blue dye cuz we’re going to need a we’re going to need a lot of light blue dye you say we need to go die no we need to go Dy as in change the

Color I think I no I have a bunch of bone meal on me we’ll be fine is materialist a data pack it’s a uh mod called light manica yeah I think we actually need a shulker box of light blue flowers cuz I need 3,000 light blue glass which is eight per

So we can divide it by eight and that’d be what 400 something a little under 400 and then the other one is about 250 okay so we need like we probably need 700 light blue flowers something like that casual 700 light bullet flowers I don’t know just saying like it’s

Nothing don’t eat my grass put you over here with the remains of your friend don’t have lapis you think I’m wasting lapis when I can come over here and get flowers for free don’t you dare walk on this platform you’ll meet the same fate okay let’s turn the sounds down a

Ton cuz otherwise this will be awful and then we need to do see light blue Flowers look at that we already almost got we already already I think if we kill that that’ll be fine we just run around in a big old Circle and we’re going to get it all let me turn that sound on even more I think this is really loud for

Y’all okay flower farm Fair fa yeah yeah yeah I got Flower Farms for everything man I’m good to go look at that we’re almost done hello I’d like you to stop please thank you okay we’re not quite done yet and look at all those seeds guess we can

Play the field okay keep going please thank you see you on next Tuesday I don’t do anything on Tuesday days forgot what those flowers are called These are called blue orchids and they give you light blue dye not to be confused with the cornflour which gives you blue dye okay there we

Go you have to just like keep hitting it until it stops itself you get the timing right it’s annoying okay there we go that’s that’s a lot of blue orchids uh that’ll do I think I think that’ll do and then we can turn the sound back

Up corn flowers are one of my favorite Minecraft flowers I do like them a lot sweet put that in as a little marker there if I want to do that as a little time lapsy thing you have any plans for New Field types like the torch blower field uh

We’ll be having some stuff like that in soon been in my world for 187 days I need to start an iron farm I mean do you need to or do you want to you don’t need to do anything in Minecraft watching the YouTube channel for a few

Years I’m a big fan thanks for making awesome stuff dude hey Andrew I appreciate it thanks for stopping by today okay we need to go start crafting down all of this glass stream on Sunday nah weekends are for Me weekends are not for work just kidding I do work a little on the weekends but I don’t work that much I’m going check a text real quick sorry we’re coordinating to go to dinner tonight my mom’s birthday was on Wednesday and we’re going out celebrate tonight now that everybody’s done with

The week and uh trying to figure out travel and all that love your last video how the how those mountains are coming yeah that’s been fun I’ve been really enjoying working on the mountains we’re definitely going to get back to that soon nailed it thanks never text an elytra that’s fine

Okay I know this is 3,400 technically so we can take I think that’s 256 so that’s 300 so we can do that i’ I’d rather not overcraft glass if I don’t have to you know and then we can take all these light blue dye light blue stained glass

And we’re just going to slap it all back in there somebody told me recently that you can shift click recipes like if you like if you uh do one once if you or shift space bar and it’ll start the next recipe and I was like oh cool I’ll try that and

Then I was like you lied to me that’s not a thing there we go that should be all of the light blue glass that we need no just kidding we still have that huh there we go that should be all of the light blue glass that we need first

Try okay and now I need to get over a Shuler of light blue concrete powder and then we also so we need a total of 2,200 light blue rete powder which is 1,740 is a shulker and then we need another 500 on top of that so what’s that seven

Stacks so a shulker and seven so we can do and that’ll be easy we’ll go grab that now forgot to grab blocks when I beat the dragon thankfully I’m an efficiency four pick so it’s not bad hey you know you got it it’s just Adventure Time now just going

To go see if the islands will take you to where you need to go okay so if we do this put you in there we do the same for the sand we’re going to make a ton of light blue dye here pick up all the gravel that I can which

Is not too much and then we’re going to craft that put it back in here more gravel craft back in here more gravel lovely and then if we do one two three 4 one two three four need another half stack of flowers then we can do

Whoop that’s a full shulker and we can actually see this how many is that 500 okay perfect uh so we need that and then we need two stacks out of here and then every all of this needs to get converted to concrete where I definitely don’t have a concrete converter in this

World see y’all are going to hate what I normally do welcome to the true behind the scenes this is it this is this is the mine crafting you inspired me to build an ancient sheep tomb interesting good look so that how the the Jeb sheep or rare naturally found pink

Sheep yeah concrete I hope gets expanded upon one day it’s cool it’s really fun to work with and you you can make some really really fun colorful fantasy builds with it but man it would be nice if we could uh have some extra shapes to play with

Because only having full blocks forces a certain scale and that scale is a lot larger than the Minecraft player in order for it to look natural and that’s to me that’s not fun you should figure out in the overw world that matches middle of nether Hub and build something either Easter egg oh

Where the middle of nether Hub is yeah I want to do something soon I’m not really too sure what I want to link them together better I’m thinking I think that’ll be a build that’s down into The Nether depending how much time I have on this video uh I might start

Tackling that but I have a goal of building a new piglin bartering farm and I think that’s going to take me a lot longer than I should expect right now sheep that players killed in the world sad to get it okay there we go let’s do it woo

Oh I could have done that yeah I could be doing less water look at that Wow back to see a lot of concrete we got to get it got to get the concrete in okay that should be enough and now we can start the fun process of breaking it all down I really do love light blue con I don’t think it fits with many of the

Build Petes and color paletes that I use but man I think light blue concrete is such a cool Block it’s got such a good color to it that’s really smart the oh just stacking it all up doing water like this I found that in a newer Minecraft update

I don’t know what version it was but doing the method where you just pillar it all up in the water and then land in the water and break it coming down I found made that blocks fly all over the place since like 1.19 so I stopped doing that and I started doing this

Instead what what’s Scott call not Scott scar uh what’s scar call it does he call this like electric blue or something I remember hearing that all like I think that was a few seasons of hermitcraft ago I don’t think we can make it all the way down this before things starts

Despawning so we’ll get another two minutes and we’ll jump down there are concrete converter machines you should build one yeah that is something I would be interested in making but I try to limit my TNT machines I just don’t like afking unless it’s so worth it that it’s like I have

To do it like I had to AFK the guardian Farm yesterday and it just got me so out of my work Rhythm I would rather be sitting there having to grind resources and get it all done than sitting AFK at a farm just waiting and like twiddling

My thumbs and playing a game on my phone wait like when that happens in the middle of a workday if I can line it up to happen at like an end of a workday so I can just turn it on and then go hang out with the dogs hang out with Sid do

Stuff around the house whatever but if it’s in like middle core work day where I’m like really trying to get stuff done having to just completely pause and just wait for the materials to come in I hate that so anything I can do that’s going

To allow me to just turn that into work time of I need to gather the resources I think makes better like better content to begin with like this right here I think is better content than saying I ran over to my concrete machine and I held left right click for a long time

And it blew all the stuff up you get like a 5-second clip this guy can be like and I peled up the concrete powder and then I ran the water down the sides and then after that I I tore it all down and blah blah blah and it gives more

Action to everything going on what shaders do I use um what do I use why am my blanket what they’re called complimentary I think have you ever used like Mana yeah light Mantica is a very very important tool for Content creators that’s what we’re doing today is we’re just Gathering materials off a

Light man list I I will not even be the first to say it but I will be one to keep tooting my tooting it as like reaying it is uh light Mantica is something that most creators should use if you’re a Minecraft builder and if you’re not using it you are

Actively making your life more difficult and you’re slowing down how quickly you can complete a video if you’re building stuff in creative and then looking at screenshots and copying it over to there that’s going to be you’re going to waste so much more time and like one of

The only ways I’m able to keep up with weekly videos is by using light matica to help me copy builds in it makes the building process so much faster okay so we got that should be done that should be done that should be done okay uh we can actually put all these

Flowers in here we’ll go drop off all these materials yeah it’s just light Mantic is one of those that like I know a lot of people are like like manic is cheating you’re not actually building building the thing well I built the thing myself in a creative copy that’s what every

Builder does anyways and I’m just giving myself a way to follow along with it it removes a lot of the guess work sure and it tells you how many materials you need so you don’t over gather things and then you’re sitting on 4,000 of a material when you only needed

2,000 so like there that’s good in itself there too um yeah it’s just it saves so much more time and as a Creator especially if you’re a survival Minecraft player so much of your time in this game is going to be spent just figuring out how to get

Your materials together if you can figure out a way to do that that does not cost you an extra 4 hours why not do it what is light manica it makes this appear this is a blueprint you can see the bottom layers here I can show you up

Above of everything that I am planning to build so you can see there it tells me where to place the blocks it tells me what I need what state it’s supposed to be in because I’ve already designed the entire thing myself I spent 4 hours on Tuesday I think yeah Tuesday four or

Five hours on Tuesday in a creative copy figuring out what I wanted to build and making sure it looks good and then uh now I’m figuring out how to build that a game again and instead of needing to be like what’s the measurement I don’t remember okay what am I

Doing we need a lot not uh we still uh we need a lot of wood let’s grab a few shers and we’ll start going to get wood stuff yeah I mean if you’re just like I you can use it also if it’s you’re not a content creator I think it really helps

A lot I think a big way to improve your builds is to create copies of like build it in creative and then build it in survival okay so this is going to be a bit of a grind right here but I need an entire Sher box of jungle slabs which we

Definitely need jungle wood for cuz that’s not enough um I need 1,400 Oak slabs so we’re just going to tackle that right now yeah now we just get the is your resource pack public I love the flowers no my resource pack is available to tier one members and up but I don’t

Release I don’t put any public downloads out anymore I’ve had too many people steal my stuff so um I don’t put it out anymore there I mean I’ve even had since I’ve had it private there’s been people who’ just reposted it to try and be like here’s Flip’s resource pack you can get

It here for free look at my content I’m like why are you doing this nobody’s going to want to stick around and hang out and actually watch your content if all you’re doing wow that was way more than I needed uh but that might mean that we have enough

Here if all of your content is just based around trying to rip off other people’s content nobody’s going to want to watch yours and I don’t understand that idea it’s I guess it’s the idea of you’re going to make a quick Buck but you’re never like you’re not in it for

The long term or you’re just in it to get the instant growth but not long term but yeah long story long ramble short uh you I do not have a public texture pack okay there’s that that’s all the jungle slabs we need that’s all the oak slabs we need Bam

Bam now I need a th000 stri oak lugs let me use this use this as some quick math 960 so I need another 36 we got to strip all these H my computer is really slow and I can’t really edit my videos do you have any

Tips for what I can do no I no sorry if your computer can’t handle an editing software that’s that’s on your computer maybe there’s a setting you have in your editing software that’s causing it to be laggier than it should be um but yeah I don’t

Know I know I could strip these on the fly when I’m doing it and actually making the build but I will say for my own sanity doing it this way is so much better for me A lot of people are like FP why are you wasting your time doing

This and Mining it up and everything like that because it makes my brain feel better knowing that that box is checked and all I have to do is place the block when I’m doing the time lapse to me so worth it what about offhand stripping

It I don’t know I find this to be a little bit more fun there’s more action involved in this and it doesn’t take much longer gives me something to do this is more visually appealing for me as a player editing and making a YouTube video out of it this is

Much more visually appealing than me sitting in a corner placing a block and stripping it I don’t want to just stare at a wall in my world yeah think of the I got to have my lumber mill crafting down materials time lapse Montage bit how else will people know that I

Spent my mandatory half hour per build in the lumber mill this is taken so much longer to get the materials than I thought it would I’ll be honest I mean I kind of knew it was a lot of materials but o this is taking a while I only ask out of curiosity

Yeah now I try and actively do a lot of things that make gameplay more engaging there’s a lot of things that I could be doing to save time keep for real but long because I have homework but I did drop a like and everyone else should also like the stream thumbs up miror

Thank you so very much I appreciate the Dono as well hope you’re having a good day and good luck on all the homeworks hey at least it’s Friday if you got the homework done now you don’t have to worry about any homework for the entire rest of the weekend is what I

Kept trying to tell myself and then I would actually wait until Sunday to do my homework so be better than me you can do it I believe in you what happened to life SMP New Life uh nobody else was really active on it and I got really burned out because I

Didn’t want to be playing Minecraft alone so I stopped playing I think there’s like three people still actively playing so many logs whose idea was it to use a thousand stri logs in a build what am I doing I’m in Australia so it’s Saturday so no homework woohoo there you

Go already ahead you’re in the future you’re already like I already did my homework it will look great that’s why it really does I I’m very happy happy with it it’s one that I want to like as much as I’m gathering these materials and there’s like thousands of

Blocks going into it and everything like that I’m like yeah I want to make it bigger I like it it’s definitely like 4 Xing the size of the current nether Hub like it’s we’re going real big on it but I want I still want to make it even

Grander cuz it still feels very alone on the nether roof and I want to figure out a way that I don’t think it’ll be this episode I think it’ll be whenever the next nether Hub expansion happens because I don’t I don’t want to completely I’m trying to not completely

Finish every single project in a single episode because I think it’s fun to be able to go back and touch back on them and update them and work on them and keep expanding and have a reason to keep growing things granted a another upub is pretty easy because we need to make new

Pathways as we grow the world which also makes me want to not fully finish off because I need to have new ways of getting ice boat roads out and I’m already worried that the new ones I have designed I think I’m going to have to redo them they are

Uh not the easiest to go down if you can get the perfect line going in a exact straight line down the middle it’s great but going at a diagonal on an ice but road is not the easiest I made it like three blocks diagonally three or four diagonal going

Across and that helped a lot but it’s still you can still get the line off a little bit so I think I need to I have walls on the outside right now and I think I need to change them like iron bars or end rods or something just piece reminder thank

You are you going to build you’ll have to wait and find out you see all the materials we’re getting just make the road wider yeah the problem is is already built like the guard rails going down the entire way and there were a few thousand blocks of endstone and everything

And we’re supposed to go this way I put them sideways so I can see the top strip texture more easily we’re getting there chat we’re getting there or well over halfway maybe pretty close to halfway after this round we’ll be well over half when’s my autoc crafter going to be

Here that we’ll be able to Auto strip logs the only thing from create I want in Minecraft Auto strip logs you heard about the bakery Builders did they have like some big blowup recently I’ve had a bunch of people coming here and ask me today if I’ve heard of the bakery

Builders that’s like the seventh or eighth person that’s asked if I’ve heard of the bakery build team did they get like some big popular thing recently or something oh no no idea it’s a minec it’s a group of people that just build really cool stuff in Minecraft what’s the tea nothing I

Mean they’re I will say Bakery Builders was probably some of the best Minecraft Builders right now like out there when you look in Creative building I also think though the way they build in Minecraft is very much to make an art piece like a it seems to be they’re

Making a two like a 2d artwork like you’re so you look at it from One camera angle and everything that they’re building is for seeing it from that one angle instead of like builds that are you’re seeing from all different sides that you can walk in and explore around

And all that stuff which is fine like it’s Minecraft’s an art form use it however you want like building in Minecraft does its definitely its own style of art I think shovel is one of the only ones that I really know of that like actively goes and makes it something

That people can explore around maybe the others do but the way that it’s like presented online seems very much like see it from this angle yeah shovel is doing really well I definitely worry about it being sustainable or not for him cuz his videos just keep getting bigger and grander and I’m

Like at what point are you just harming your own life to get a few extra views on YouTube I think that’s like that meta right now though there’s a lot of those YouTubers that have grown since Co who like Co lockdowns who all started their channels about then they’re all

Just blew up like crazy and got under the million Subs but the way that they’re blowing up originally was they’re writing that high of oh man I’m getting so many views on YouTube this is amazing and then they’re like my last video I went big I’m going to go bigger

And then now they’re hitting that point of wow views are stabilized because people are back in office and carrying on their lives cuz cuz nobody’s in lockdown anymore and then they’re like wait how do I keep doing this I can’t I can’t keep up with this crazy pressure

Of uploading all these videos at this pace and blah blah blah and it’s I like I know a few I’ve chatted with a few people I know they’ve all been like how do I keep this up I’m like you don’t you need to figure out how to work in a different

Way like it is not sustainable to put 300 hours into a single Minecraft video every month like that is not how you should do it Trixie block survival world was epic yeah I never toured around that in game I know that they did the I mean some friends did the ultimate survival world

Little SMP where they played on it um but yeah I never actually ended up looking at what he made I mean I saw the videos but I didn’t see about like how much of the inner working just madness he was able to throw in there can you fix your ice boat Road in

This video I mean I built them in this video I got to figure out if I want to put the time in to fix them in the same video what you’re asking a lot man 16 million blocks okay I I get that like 16 million blocks whatever is impressive and all

That but this is this is my I play Survival Minecraft Survival Minecraft is better hat going on right here of is that many blocks really that impressive when it’s all done through commands that are adding in thousands of blocks per second when you’re placing them in when you’re using entire programs to

Generate the terrain for you that is a majority of the million ions of blocks that are in there so you didn’t even place them by hand you used an algorithm to create it for you is that as impressive not I’m not trying to discredit him or anything but I think

All those like taglines people are like I built the ultimate billion Block Minecraft base and it’s like you did it all in Creative like nobody ever is going to do that in survival I I SP roads are mostly just there for the vibe of saying I can

Travel it I’m still going to use my elytra realistically talking from a creative point it’s amazing but technically not hard to do as creative mods yeah I think that’s kind of it is like cuz I’ll be honest when I was designing this build that we’re working on Gathering all the materials for right

Here I looked at it and I was like oh cool that’s like a good middle scale like I might add some more stuff to it after the fact that didn’t take me too long to throw together I didn’t use world at at all I did it all by hand it took me 4

Hours and now I’m in here in game and I’m like oh my God this is a lot of blocks because I have to go around and collect them all by hand but I don’t know I don’t find those creative videos where like I built a the a million block Mega base like

Like okay when you have a creative command that spawns your 100 block tall walls with a single like with two clicks and then type out a command like that’s not impressive to me like anybody can do that Nether biome transformation I would definitely consider it if there weren’t

So many mobs that are so annoying to deal with in the nether that spawn constantly spawn proofing in the nether is there’s a reason why most people just dig perimeters spawn proofing the nether is one of the most painful tasks to do super flat survival is though I mean

Yeah super flat survival I find very impressive it’s also something that I have no intention of ever playing the same with people who make massive Sky Block bases I find them extremely impressive because of you start from nothing and you’re doing it all in survival like and you’re the way

That you’re going about getting all those blocks and everything I find who very very impressive like that is a grind that is time commitment put in just for the sake of doing it in that game mode like sure we’re spending 20 minutes here stripping oak logs down

But like I just went and chopped an oak forest to get all of these I didn’t have to do much whereas if you’re doing all that stuff in super flat you got to grow the saplings you do it all in Sky Block you have to build a platform to be able

To grow all the trees on and then you have to be able to and get the saplings to grow the trees then you have to wait for them to grow and then you have them all down the time commitment is like four or five times what I have to do right

Here I don’t know I’m not trying to discredit anybody’s work but I think when people are like yeah look at how many millions of blocks were placed here to me that’s not impressive unless you did it in survival like sure it took you time but I mean yeah I don’t know maybe

That’s for me as a survival player like for people doing creative building that are like creative build channels I want the builds that I’m seeing to like be impressed they have to be mind-blowingly good quality and the reason being is that survival Minecraft videos since the mega

Base Trend began and where you basically are building an entire creative base in survival which takes a long time you’re getting all the materials for the the scale for a video that you have to do in Creative to be more impressive or a even as impressive as somebody

Doing like a survival video nowadays is you got to really make it big and Grand and just crazy cuz like especially if you look at the granted a lot of people doing the hardcore videos they’re probably cheating uh for the ones that are super trendy that pop up out of nowhere would

Not be surprised but they’re building an entire Mega bases in Hardcore Minecraft in a single video which is the same size build as some people are doing in like entire um creative videos it’s like why would how is that impressive when somebody just did the same thing in hardcore

Is it impressive to watch somebody chop wood for eight hours I don’t see the appeal no but you can tell there’s an extra time put in there’s an extra element to it I mean nothing anybody really does in Minecraft is that impressive if you think about it oh

They’re just breaking and moving blocks around if you break if you break these things down into their simplest terms like all that stuff isn’t impressive the same way if you break down art into a simple term of oh this person just put pain on a canvas then it’s oh how did

They like what did they do to put the pain on the canvas and make it that much more impressive okay um we need only went home and I heard something and I was like what the heck is going on out there okay uh we need to get ourselves 984 Birch planks is that

Enough oh there’s a thousand I actually think I need some Birch yeah I need Birch slabs on top of that too uh so let’s do this go in here do this bam and then that should be enough I might need some stairs too and that should be

Plenty okay cool that’s that sorted we got sorry I’m just crossing off the material list on the side I need 384 birs sorry we need to go chop bird trees okay uh we can put that in there I’m going go let’s go update the resource list just to see it and see

Where we’re at right now what time is it it’s 12:45 I got to jump off at 1 unfortunately so we only got another 15 minutes or so got some people coming by the house to do some shti Nick thank you so much for the Dono I really do appreciate it and Cat thank

You so much for the Dono as well I’ll let those read themselves out when they get there okay so we’ve got that we’ve got that we’ve got that we’ve got that we’ve got that we’ve got that we got that we got that we got that we got that that that that that that

That that that that that bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam oh I need Oak planks dang it there’s so many materials this material list is absurd I don’t think I’ve ever done a single schematic that is this many materials yeah I actually I don’t think I’ve ever

Done a schematic that is actually this many materials we’re almost down to a single scroll though holy wowzers okay all right what that down here real you’re the reason why an old man like plays this game never stop doing what you love heart hey I appreciate it thank you very much glad

You found an enjoy if you’re building and not creating mystery or having a soul in your build why do it and this goes for all sandbox in general I mean it’s okay to make some stuff you’re just like this looks cool I added this here cuz it looks cool I think that’s totally

Fair too but yeah I definitely like how a story is a good way to continue building I fine having some sort of a story behind what you’re doing makes it a lot easier to like know what to build next we’re just going to repair this real

Quick then we’ll get out of here what are you going to build a whole new nether Hub almost there hey hey hey from Hungry hello welcome welcome welcome my gosh it is cold today cold today and the reason why I said coal is because coal I forgot to say thank you

For the 15 months my friend good morning from Australia how is day/ night so far good it’s lunchtime on a Friday can’t complain going to hang out with a fam Tonight going to a really cool new restaurant that we’ve heard recommended from friends and family forever that we’re going to go check out for the first time tonight for my mom’s birthday so you know no complaints at all it’s kind of a little chilly so we a bit chilly what movie is that

From I always say it and I cannot tell you what that’s from hello from Montana howdy it’s getting a little laggy out here two three let’s get a fourth okay we’re going to go finish off the lumber mill just to get it done quality dropped yeah

I had some weird little legs back there just you can go back into the YouTube manager and little thing underneath you can fix it yourself probably okay we need 900 ACAA Slabs nice 344 Cas trors is that all the ACAA I’ve left wow oh oh I was like what is making sound sounds like somebody’s downstairs no it’s our stupid little Robot vacuum it’s like I will pick now to clean up dog hair do not worry I shall

Handle okay there’s that and I think this will be I hope enough 342 two and I 344 sorry I was definitely like what the heck is that sound this is really freaking me out man okay we’re done there G trap doors Boop Oak planks I need and five Stacks we put those in

Here ah I need 248 ACAA fences there’s three ha okay I should have a lot of bamboo around here somewhere that we can convert into Sticks no it’s all bamboo fences let’s go get a bamboo cleaning when doggos are out of the house is only a chance that poor vacuum

Has dude that poor vacuum is on its last legs it get so much dog hair stuck in it sometimes that it it’s one of those ones that screams at you when it can’t move forward and it’s just like error error unknown blockage error error it’s just like I’ll just stop in the middle

Of the living room and it’s just like what are you doing okay let’s take ourselves some bamboo go create some sticks and make some fences okay that’s three stacks so I should only need to do that that’s yeah that’s enough Sweet let’s make some more here and just take

Some sticks over with us I always like to keep a good amount of sticks over in the lumber mill cuz I use them like crazy means I don’t have to make a trip here guys huskys yeah two huskys you need you need anything you can get to

Help unless you love vacuuming and just want to vacuum all day long you need something to help nice there’s that and the SS can go in there no that’s not an oak log double check it’s enough it is 291 and I needed 248 okay so I need 168 jungle stairs

We’re just going to work through the jungle that we can right now I already did all of the Jungle slabs correct I think 168 is that 168 it’s exact I was like I think that’s 168 if my quick maths not always correct but it is quick it’s if it worked it’s

It’s good okay Bamboo trap doors how much bamboo do I have oh we got to sleep I left my bed here are you married I am married this celebrated our first wedding anniversary a month and a uh two months ago we’re old news now bamboo planks bamboo planks we’re going to need more Probably okay we’re going to make a ton of trap doors here there’s two stacks and then we can just do that that’ll be enough and then we’re going to do bam and Bam or just is going to make slabs and that is all the bamboo we should

Need I think I also did some bamboo stairs so to be safe I’m just going to do I have any in here I do we’ll just take a stack with us all right now we really need to get those birch logs so we’ll take our mess

With us and we’ll get to the Birch Forest Alissa thank you so much for the Dono I appreciate it she actually did just call me so I need to I need to give her a call back as soon as I end stream you have kids no there goes the natural second

Question oh you’re married do you have kids it is possible to be married without kids I know it’s amazing who who would have thought okay we need 384 stripped birch logs so we’re going to pull the mythical sausage here and just strip the Birch Forest but I guess he wouldn’t be

Gathering it up I don’t know I think I’ve convinced sausage that Birchwood is good it’s been a it’s been a mission of mine to make him make him use Birchwood in a build I didn’t make the bamboo chisel block uh I think it’s two bamboo slabs you have two furry fur babies fur

Kiddos yeah yeah dude they rule our life enough imagine if they spoke English we would have no power in this household right now they just howl back at us when they want something and somehow we we can deal with that better yeah huskys do speak of woo

They’ve been at the dog park all day though so they’re going to be sleepies they’re going to get Home I can guarantee it they’re going to come home and it’s so adorable I love that they do this because I definitely feel bad at times like putting them in their crate um my drive it is not it’s not for me but yeah we feel I feel bad cuz like they destroy

Our house if we don’t put them in their crate when we leave the house so when we leave we have to put them in their crate cuz otherwise they’re going to eat our couch as Huskies do but when they’re like super tired after a dog park or

Something like that they just go and crawl in their crate and sleep I love it it it makes me so happy that they’re like yeah this is my space this is my safe space so hi Liz how you doing don’t know if you’re in here already or not but hello that’s only two

Stacks any Stacks do I need again that’s like what a so we’re a third of the way there not doing amazing if whip stream helps hey glad you got the tail end of it then at least we’re putting up the lights on the house tomorrow because it is currently

Pitch black after 4 p.m. here pleas to meet you uh so I got to go got to go get those prepped got some people coming by the house to do some stuff so I got I got I got a busy afternoon and then we got to go

Say hi to my mom tonight be a full day it’s a full full Bus full day Matthew thanks so much for the 11 months I do appreciate it are you going to return to the Sky Block world if I return to Sky Block I’m going to start a new

Series uh I think is my current plan I also don’t know if or when that would be if it would happen or when it would happen I really want my next series to pick up because I have this I love this series and this is going to go for as

Long as I possibly can um and it’s still doing well on views so obviously I’m not going to get rid of it and I I really want whatever my next series is I would love for it to be a multiplayer series I I really want to

Get back into the S SMP side it’s something that I’ve definitely realized the longer I’ve been not doing it the more that I need that type of content even if the videos aren’t doing that great I need that type of content just to be able to like have an excuse to

Jump in a call with some friends and say hi and catch up with them and see how they’re doing we’re just getting materials today I got to jump out of here in a few minutes we’re going to finish off the these and then that’ll probably be it we need that many thank

You you ever do your own personal moded series I tried it I think the mod pack I picked was not a good one uh when we did the better Minecraft fabric I thought I was getting into the full better Minecraft mod pack and that was when the fabric one was very new and

I wanted to use fabric because I could use replay mod and then the mod pack itself did not work with replay mod so I couldn’t do that anyways so that was I didn’t realize that until I was already a full episode in or two episodes in I think at that point and

Then I also got to the point where I was like okay okay it’d be really cool to like go check out some of these mods that everybody’s talking about how better Minecraft is super cool let’s go find these things and go find the structures that have these big super

Cool mobs you can go fight and all these fun items you can get and then on the fabric Edition they just did not exist uh so the fabric Edition and the then the forge Edition were so different from each other that um everything that actually wanted to do

In the mod pack was not in the version that I downloaded so that’s on me for not doing the research enough but that’s also on the better I think it’s better now I think it I think they have a lot more crossover but it’s very much on the

Better Minecraft mod maker whoever put the pack together because whoever did that advertised them as being the exact same pack just download whichever version you want and then when you download the version you have to go and look in the mods to realize that the mods are completely different at least

They were back when so hopefully it’s better now but yeah I was very annoyed I think it could be fun to do something but I also don’t know I don’t know like for me as a player I think something like a vault Hunters could be a cool pack to do like

That could be fun it it looks really interesting I love the idea of the vaults and all that and it kind of gives a more active exploration thing to an episode but I also like for my own content wise like I don’t think it would

Do that well on my channel that’d be a better like live live stream series of where we’re we’re we’re running vaults every Wednesday on stream or something is that enough 38 three shy we’ll get this extra tree never bad to have some extra strip birch logs okay there’s that so

We I’ve had enough modded for a while yeah I I’m kind of on the enjoy vanilla train I love the Simplicity of vanilla and I’m just vibing just going along with it would absolutely love a FP Vault Hunter Series yeah I need to look into

It more and see like how much you can spend time just building and existing in the world and messing with mods that way instead of being like feeling forced to go into vaults but I also know that the Vault Hunters Community from the people I’ve

Seen do the series that are on the newer side do of it a lot of people say the Vault Hunter Community is very like why didn’t you just do it this way this would have been a million times more efficient why weren’t you doing this

Blah blah blah I’m like I didn’t know I like to very much go into games blind and I’m okay with some amount of backseat gaming but when backseat gaming turns into people just screaming at me because they knew something Niche that the game doesn’t tell you on how to do

It uh okay there’s dripstone blocks I need to get a bunch of these but that for me kind of it really annoys me and I get to the point where I’m like I don’t really want to do it anymore I know who Joe is I know Joe

Mama I know that’s where you were going well I’m assuming that’s where you’re going okay I need two stacks of these actually I think I need some more to make some exra all right that should be enough okay there’s that bam do I have another empty Shuler I do we’ll just throw them

All in here that’s fine I can share a box right there’s polished Granite there’s dripstone blocks I believe how many do we get we got a over 100 more than I needed nice ow backseat gaming is one of those things where like it’s not like it could

Be done in such a good way but the people who typically are the backseat Gamers that aren’t just like yeah I’ll let them figure it out themselves like they’ll get there like the backseat Gamers like they’re physically like getting mad like I have a few friends

That are so bad about it that I’m like we’re not playing games together unless it’s something that you don’t know how to play and then you have some people that like there’s a little creeper little baby creeper also for people who want to know how to get in the tree it’s this block

Right here I saw some people in the Discord asking this morning um oh I thought I had glow oh I know where it is I know where I put it all but yeah there’s a way to do backseat gaming that is fair and fine and it’s

Hey have you tried this or this might work or hey did you know that this was a thing like that’s fine especially if the person’s okay with the advice a lot of people are not okay with the advice they want to figure it out themselves um okay you got a little spoiler here

Cuz I need to get the glow Len before I forget uh anyways yeah so that like turns into a thing that’s very much like a like there’s a healthy way to have it but when you get the baxi gamers that are like you are so stupid how did you not

Know that you could have comboed with up down up down left right left right again a b c z and then down up down up three times and you would have killed the boss instantly how did you not know that you’re so dumb and when you have people

Like that like that is the type of backseat gaming that is awful like those are the people that I’m like I am going to ban you for my community instantly if you doing that I do not want you here okay let’s check these things off we got the Birch planks yes we did

We got that we got that we got that that that that that that that that that that we did get the Birch slab yeah we did the white stain glass have not gotten yet we did all the smooth Sandstone yeah yeah orang glass I can go pick up jungle

Fences we forgot those oh I need more bamboo trap doors or bamboo stairs y’all the look at that that is all we need thank you kindly I knew you were going to stream but I’m sick so I took a nap thought I’d have missed the whole

Thing but I guess not oh we are literally just about to end actually I think that’s all I got time for today okay I can get that that’s an easy finish right there that’s that’s easy I can get these I can get that Granite out of the way right nowz cuz I definitely

Gathered the extra Granite for it uh so we can take one of these over here Bam Bam Bam that’s dunzo and then the rest of that that’s easy I got the I got plenty of that we can make all those dies at home and probiz some frog lights I just need AFK

For speaking of which we will head out there now more likes than viewers and that usually happens when the stream’s been going on for a while glad I got here for when it’s ending yeah I got to go give my mom a call I gotta go call my mom got say hi

But I am uh I’m going I’m going to be uh chilling here because we need frog lights does this thing still work I haven’t checked this in Forevers hello is the Golem still here I remember correctly oh yeah it’s all the chains we got to see the little guy come down

Oh no he died up above okay there’s the little one came in eat him yes that was a paresa one yes I need more frogs we definitely need more frogs those guys are living for a while we can’t have liers in here we need more frogs look at him look at him hey

Buddy okay all right thank you all so very much for being here today I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you yall are absolutely amazing thank you so much for all the support today I really do appreciate everybody all the members the remembers the Dons

All that stuff just vibing and hanging out in chat I really do appreciate it thank you for helping me get through that terrible grind of so many blocks being gathered but thank you thank you everybody so very much I really do appreciate it how many days have you

Played in this world uh we are at currently 5,545 5545 but thank you everybody so much for being here I really do appreciate it have a wonderful weekend all that good stuff um and we’ll be back early next week uh probably Wednesday I don’t I think I’m going to

Be grinding hard on this video on Monday so I don’t think we’ll be streaming um but yeah we’ll be back on Wednesday and all that cool stuff uh should have a really really fun video coming out next week still working on the edits and everything like that for it but

Hopefully we can get it finished up in time I think it’s like it’s probably one of the to see his videos as far as the amount of editing magic and management that needs to happen on the back end that I’ve ever done so I hopefully it turns out really cool and hopefully you

All enjoy it but my friends that’s going to do it for today thank you all so much for being here I’ll catch you all on the flip side goodbye

This video, titled ‘A nether MEGA BUILD – HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-11-10 21:27:07. It has garnered 34445 views and 1981 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:15 or 8475 seconds.

fWhip is playing HARDCORE Minecraft – Minecraft 1.20 Survival! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks!

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Letsplay

  • Crafty Threads: Minecraft 1.20.6 Armor Mod Fun

    Crafty Threads: Minecraft 1.20.6 Armor Mod Fun Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Icing every update with a grin and a spin. Custom Armor – Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.20.6, a new delight, Creating armor materials, defining our own might. Adding textures, models, and items, a true sight, In the world of Minecraft, we shine so… Read More

  • 10 Years of Java Community Map Celebration!

    10 Years of Java Community Map Celebration! 10 Jahre JAVA COMMUNITY MAP – Wir feiern mit Euch (KOSTENLOS) !!! Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft and 10 Years of Community Map Join in the festivities as we celebrate the mega event marking 15 years of Minecraft and 10 years of the Community Map. The server will be open 24/7 from today until Sunday, May 26th, allowing you to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft with your friends. It’s not just Minecraft’s anniversary – Boubou is also celebrating a decade of existence. Yes, Boubou has been around for 10 years now! We’ve taken the Community Map and… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Survival Series Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Survival Series Come to Life! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible YouTube video by @GAMERKSB07 showcasing their amazing survival series episode where they completed building their house. The attention to detail and creativity in their builds is truly inspiring. At Minewind Minecraft Server, we believe in fostering a community of Minecraft enthusiasts who are passionate about building, exploring, and creating together. Just like @GAMERKSB07, our server offers a platform for players to showcase their creativity and skills in a fun and engaging environment. With a focus on survival… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Unique Builds in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Experience Unique Builds in Minecraft Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing a unique and simple house build in Minecraft. The attention to detail and creativity in this build is truly inspiring. As we watched this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taking your building skills to the next level in a community of like-minded players. With Java (PC) Version 1.20.2 and amazing shader and resource pack options like BSL Shader v8.1.01 and Honest… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From survival mode to creative mode, there are countless ways to enjoy the game and unleash your creativity. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. Connect to our server at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start exploring all that Minewind has to… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unlock Hidden Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an intriguing YouTube video titled “Minecraft: Secret Door Tutorial!” In this tutorial, the creator demonstrates how to create a hidden base/hidden door using an item frame as a redstone component. The creativity and ingenuity showcased in this video truly highlight the endless possibilities within the Minecraft world. After watching this tutorial, we couldn’t help but think about the endless opportunities for creativity and innovation that await on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of what… Read More

  • God of War Mod Review: Minecraft Hindi

    God of War Mod Review: Minecraft Hindi Minecraft God Of War Mod Review In Hindi Introduction In the world of Minecraft, a new and exciting mod has emerged – the God of War mod. This mod brings a whole new level of danger and adventure to the game, with powerful monsters and epic battles awaiting players. Exploring the Mod As players delve into the God of War mod, they encounter terrifying creatures and challenging scenarios. From massive monsters to powerful bosses, the mod offers a thrilling experience for those brave enough to face its dangers. Monsters and Bosses One of the highlights of the God of… Read More

  • 10 Must-Have Minecraft Mods 2024

    10 Must-Have Minecraft Mods 2024 Exploring the Top 10 Minecraft Mods of May 2024 Welcome to a new video showcasing the top ten mods released in May. Each mod brings a unique twist to the Minecraft experience, enhancing gameplay and creativity. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft mods! Dyed Item Frames The Dyed Item Frames mod allows players to color item frames in a variety of hues, offering over 5 million color combinations. This mod adds a new level of customization to your world, making item displays more vibrant and personalized. Luki’s Grand Capitals Replacing standard village structures with colorful and intricate… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Clementdav in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Clementdav in Minecraft Minecraft Portal Creation: Exploring the World of Clementdav Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players often seek to create portals to explore new dimensions and realms. One such portal that has gained popularity is the Clementdav portal, inspired by an Indonesian Minecraft YouTuber. Let’s delve into the process of creating this unique portal and what adventures await within. Creating the Portal To construct the Clementdav portal, players will need obsidian as the main material, along with blue and orange concrete as additional materials. The portal is typically built in a 4×5 dimension, with the colors representing the YouTuber’s… Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Unlock Endless Adventures: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “How to Make a Nether Portal in Minecraft.” While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to put your newfound portal-making skills to the test than on a server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of venturing into the Nether with your friends from all around the world, exploring new realms, battling dangerous mobs, and discovering hidden treasures. Minewind offers a unique and exciting multiplayer… Read More

  • INSANE!! Minecraft Hindi: Epic Modern House Build

    INSANE!! Minecraft Hindi: Epic Modern House BuildVideo Information हेलो भाई लोग विसना इ हियर भाई आ जाए अपने माफ्ट हाउस में तो चलो भाई दिखाता हूं यह देखो भाई आते हुए अपना कार दिख गया यह देखो भाई चेस्ट वगैरा भाई काफी अच्छा डेकोरेट किया है यह भाई देखो भाई इतना छोटा सा है लेकिन भाई बहुत अच्छा लग रहा है धर भाई ऊपर जाने का है लेकिन भाई यहां से नहीं जाऊंगा उस साइड से चलते बाहर से ओ भाई बाहर से ही चलते [संगीत] हैं यह लो भाई आ गया यह देखो भाई कितना अच्छा लग रहा है भाई दिखने में तो मस्त लग… Read More

  • Nobita’s Girlfriend Exposed 😱

    Nobita's Girlfriend Exposed 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl enemy Gone Sad 🥲’, was uploaded by NOBITA GAMING on 2024-02-10 11:25:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Girl enemy Gone Sad #tips #ytshorts #minecraft #viral #pubgmobile #bgmi #youtubeshorts #pubg #funny #shorts #short. Read More

  • Unbelievable Discovery: Giant Carton Banban on Google Earth!

    Unbelievable Discovery: Giant Carton Banban on Google Earth!Video Information [Music] spe [Music] who [Music] This video, titled ‘I Found Giant Carton Banban In Real On Google Earth & Google Maps #shorts’, was uploaded by Find world Earth on 2024-04-14 19:40:12. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. I Found Giant Carton Banban In Real On Google Earth & Google Maps #shorts siren head minecraft sonic freddy godzilla tiktok kereta api ultraman zombie spider-man huggy wuggy truk oleng hulkgoogle earth roblox sakura hantu shorts pennywise con rắn xe tăng titanic obit robot mr bean frost diamond phim… Read More

  • INSANE!! AK Gaming’s EPIC Minecraft Movie Part 1

    INSANE!! AK Gaming's EPIC Minecraft Movie Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft animation movie (part1)’, was uploaded by Ak gaming on 2024-01-11 03:16:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖑𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖛𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖑

    ⫘⫘⫘⫘𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖑𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙⫘⫘⫘⫘ Dark cataclysmic events have set players on a path to rediscover technology and embrace the sprawling expanse of magic. Penumbralcraft – An Ultimate Modded Experience Penumbralcraft offers a survival PvP experience with the ultimate builders toolset. The server is rules-lite, with full pvp, full loot, and full raiding. Whether engaging in faction wars or embarking on a solo quest for dominance, players can progress through a tech tree to reach a gilded space age. If you enjoyed Rust for PvP but miss the creative freedom of Minecraft, Penumbralcraft is the perfect fit. Key Features: Eldritch Exploration: Traverse altered landscapes… Read More

  • Samsara.gg

    Samsara.ggDive into Samsara, a 15k x 15k custom Minecraft world meticulously sculpted over the past decade in World Painter. This passion project has evolved through torrents of creativity and painstaking dedication, resulting in a vibrant and unique landscape. Samsara offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore, build, and live in a world that ignites the same wanderlust and awe reminiscent of early days in World of Warcraft and old-school RuneScape.https://www.samsara.gg/Samsara isn’t just a server name; it’s a legacy. Inspired by diverse design philosophies like those behind Northrend in WoW, Samsara’s hundreds of uniquely blended biomes ensure the world never feels monotonous…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Odd vibes…

    That’s a pretty high score for a meme that feels off… Maybe it’s just trying to keep you on your toes! Read More

  • Minecraft memes: Hotter than a lava pit! #meme

    Minecraft memes: Hotter than a lava pit! #meme Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • 100 Ngày Mod Minecraft Khó Nhất – Phần 2

    100 Ngày Mod Minecraft Khó Nhất - Phần 2 Exploring the Challenging World of Better Than Wolves in Minecraft A Parallel World Adventure In this thrilling continuation of the Better Than Wolves Minecraft challenge, our protagonist finds themselves in a primeval oak forest, surrounded by menacing mobs. Armed with sharp sticks, they craft essential tools like a knitting needle to create wool fabric for a sleeping bag. The night passes swiftly, thanks to this clever invention. Surviving the Wilderness Navigating through treacherous terrains, our player encounters creeper explosions and spider traps. Building a chicken coop and exploring coal mines, they strategize to secure resources for survival. The quest… Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video by Kreinzin Minecraft, where he discovered strange pits under a resident’s house in Minecraft. The video is filled with suspense, adventure, and unexpected twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat. As you watch Kreinzin explore the mysterious pits filled with lava, diamonds, emeralds, and even TNT, you can’t help but feel the thrill of the unknown. The excitement of uncovering hidden secrets and embarking on thrilling adventures is what makes… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Advancements

    Insane Minecraft Advancements The Mad Pack: Five Custom Minecraft Advancements Somewhat inspired by Wunba’s comment under a previous video, a small data pack with five mad advancements has been created. These advancements offer a new level of difficulty for those seeking a challenge in Minecraft. The pack may seem impossible at first glance, but rest assured, they are achievable in glitchless Survival mode, even in Hardcore mode. Download the Data Pack If you’re ready to take on these absurd challenges, the data pack can be downloaded here. Inside the pack, you’ll find a text file detailing each advancement in more detail. Special… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Powers with Multiblock Structures in Runechant | Minecraft Data Pack

    Unlock Hidden Powers with Multiblock Structures in Runechant | Minecraft Data PackVideo Information hey everyone I’m clue and welcome to the d pack run chance a world to discover a massive survival d pack filled with magic and Mysteries experience New Seasons as you Traverse different biomes craft and cast powerful spells enhance your weapons with new forms of Brewing or gain different abilities through trimming equipment which has also been extended to weapons and tools with eight new advancement tabs to pursue come experience A Whole New World the d pack is finally out of stair release so no better time to start playing and preparing for more endgame content… Read More

  • Sly Gaming Shenanigans: Minecraft & GTA PS5

    Sly Gaming Shenanigans: Minecraft & GTA PS5Video Information from the weak minds they can stay soft you can change lives you create thoughts never waste time you got one shot you got one life better pop off what do you like make a dream job no 95 no mean b just my life and free thoughts you could try to play but you’re never going to beat me the other way what I’m doing ain’t easy bloody and St from the people who deceive me Moody and break through the chains Go free me people like sheep move feet hurt it easy you don’t want to… Read More

  • ULTIMATE ANXIETY: MILOClash’s Terrifying Minecraft Adventure PT 2

    ULTIMATE ANXIETY: MILOClash's Terrifying Minecraft Adventure PT 2Video Information ‏make This video, titled ‘This Minecraft Video Will Give You Anxiety PT 2’, was uploaded by MILOClash on 2024-03-18 17:24:41. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. 🌳 Welcome to our ultimate guide on crafting custom trees in Minecraft! Whether you’re a budding builder or a seasoned pro, this tutorial is your gateway to creating captivating landscapes. Learn the art of tree design step-by-step and discover tips to make your creations truly unique. Watch now and elevate your Minecraft world with custom trees that will leave your… Read More

  • Secret Method to Create Bikini Bottom in Minecraft!!

    Secret Method to Create Bikini Bottom in Minecraft!!Video Information back to my Channel today I’m here to show you how to make the Bikini Bottom from sponge SCP St show in Minecraft the first thing to do to make the Bikini Bottom is to make the world so I’m going show you how to make it but first I’m going to show you the settings the first thing you need to do is you have the name bik bottom if you want um that’s what I have it well I have it bikini bottom too but for you might be Bikini Bottom so the next thing is… Read More

  • Unveiling Mayor Reaper in Minecraft LIVE!

    Unveiling Mayor Reaper in Minecraft LIVE!Video Information for e e e for e e e e for all right everybody still here let’s see where the party at woo we still got nine people in here let’s get it he just rejoined right now all he just left I me yo yo yo what’s up everybody already know who it is it’s your boy Reaper in here with a party full of sages man it’s like 90% here I don’t know if y’all can hear them but if y’all can hey but uh we F to get into it play some Minecraft get on here… Read More


    INSANE NEW MODDED MINECRAFT BETA GAMEPLAY!Video Information [Music] hello hello hello hi yarian I’m glad you made it this time and hello hifty as always thank you for joining hello hello I got live chat on I do have I got all that going I totally do I’m hoping I sound a little bit better um I noticed on my last stream I sounded a bit uh weirdly muffled so I changed my microphone position I don’t know if that’s going to change anything but we’ll see that’s true that’s true you are the goat hi Bland how are you how are you how are… Read More

  • Lemon 🍋 – CRAZIEST Minecraft stream ever!

    Lemon 🍋 - CRAZIEST Minecraft stream ever!Video Information the type of guy that only plays Minecraft in creative so that he doesn’t have to kill any mobs is he that was dumb that was terrible dude can I can I like go back like 10 seconds ago and stop you from doing that cuz that was horrible that was [ __ ] terrible I’m the type of guy to be the throat goat zaddy okay Ling don’t start with me dude I want to deal with you today bro This video, titled ‘🍋 My stream in a nutshell #minecraft’, was uploaded by Lemen 🍋 on 2024-04-13… Read More

  • Bluey Family Battles MONSTER in Minecraft

    Bluey Family Battles MONSTER in MinecraftVideo Information [Laughter] family what happened to us oh my God we all became monsters I became a skeleton Bingo a creeper Bluey a zombie and my wife an Enderman no way and what are we going to do now I don’t even have a bow let’s try to survive here even though it’s going to be pretty hard especially since there’s a huge wave of white liquid coming at us from behind it’s a tsunami but it’s unusual you all remember how to start surviving we should get wood maybe blue he can do it at least his hands… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Tygren Voltaris Vs Tidesinger #songsofwar

    Epic Showdown: Tygren Voltaris Vs Tidesinger #songsofwarVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tygren Voltaris Vs Tidesinger (No Songs S3) #songsofwar #edit #shorts’, was uploaded by LegoRancherStudios on 2024-03-08 00:11:18. It has garnered 944 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. LegoRancherStudios #battle #edits #minecraft #capcut #minecraftshorts #animation #bps #blackplasmastudios #savesongsofwar Read More

  • The Rift

    The Rift[1.19.3 Java + Bedrock] The Rift is a network of games, including Survival! We have many custom features and host events often. Our #1 goal is to make this the best experience possible, so join now and give us feedback! JAVA: riftmc.org BEDROCK: riftmc.org (Port 25565) Vote for The Rift for in-game rewards! If you are on bedrock, include a “*” at the beginning of your username. riftmc.org Read More

  • Zulu SMP – Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 – United Kingdom

    Welcome to Zulu SMP Java Edition | Bedrock Edition | Public | New Looking for an exciting Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) experience? Join us on Zulu SMP, where adventure, community, and creativity await! Survival Experience: Dive into a vibrant world of exploration and building. Survive, thrive, and create your own unique Minecraft story! Economy: Build your fortune and trade with fellow players in our dynamic economy system. Earn money through various activities and enhance your gameplay experience. Auction House: Take part in thrilling auctions to buy and sell rare items, resources, and treasures. Build your wealth through deals and bargains!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft meme: spicy edition!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft meme: spicy edition!Looks like this meme has leveled up to a solid 19! Time to upgrade its armor and take on the Ender Dragon. Read More

  • Dream Defeated: Cube Xuan’s Hot Stalk Collection

    Dream Defeated: Cube Xuan's Hot Stalk Collection In the world of Minecraft, Dream was defeated, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, where joy is seeded. With animations funny and bright, Bringing happiness, each day and night. The rhymes are flowing, the beats are strong, In the gaming world, where we all belong. Fangkuaixuan’s updates, a joy to see, Crafted with care, for you and me. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, In Minecraft news, let the truth take wing. With rhymes that ignite, and stories that sing, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, where joy is king. Read More

  • Hot teacher in Minecraft be like 😂

    Hot teacher in Minecraft be like 😂 When your teacher starts using Minecraft to teach math and suddenly you’re a pro at counting blocks but still can’t figure out long division. #MinecraftMathProblems 😂📚🔢 Read More

  • 15 Years of Minecraft Shenanigans

    15 Years of Minecraft Shenanigans Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft Magic with @Aphmau, @TommyInnit, and Friends Join @TommyInnit and @Aphmau as they embark on a journey to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Minecraft on YouTube. This iconic game has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions worldwide, offering endless possibilities and excitement. Survival Mode: Where It All Began Survival mode is where the adventure began for many players, including @TommyInnit and @Aphmau. From the first night filled with challenges to the thrill of finding diamonds, Survival mode tests players’ skills and creativity. Redstone Wonders and Creative Builds Redstone creations and detailed builds in Creative… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video that got us thinking about the endless possibilities of the Minecraft world. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked our imagination and reminded us of the incredible adventures that await on Minewind. Imagine a world where one spot fades away, and another appears – just like in the video’s challenge. This element of surprise and discovery is what makes Minecraft so captivating, and it’s exactly what you’ll… Read More


    SNEAKY WAYS TO AVOID GIANT IN MINECRAFT Exploring the Mysterious World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft, where danger lurks around every corner. In a recent video titled “ĐỪNG MỞ CỬA CHO ROLLING GAINT VÀO LÚC 12 GIỜ ĐÊM TRONG MINECRAFT,” viewers are taken on a journey filled with suspense and excitement. Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft As the night falls in Minecraft, players are warned not to open the door to the Rolling Gaint at midnight. This cryptic message sets the stage for a spine-chilling encounter with a mysterious entity that roams the pixelated landscape. Meet the Sinh… Read More

  • “Escaping Deadly Minecraft Traps: Indian Gamer’s EPIC Fail 😱” #shorts #trending

    "Escaping Deadly Minecraft Traps: Indian Gamer's EPIC Fail 😱" #shorts #trendingVideo Information ये क्या लिखा हुआ है जंप डाउन फॉर डायमंड ना भाई मैं इतना भी लालजी नहीं हूं जो डायमंड के लिए नीचे कूद जाऊं ये क्या लिखा है गिव अवे बाय टेक्नो गेमर हां भाई क्यों नहीं जैसे कि तुम लोग देख सकते हो मैं लाइट की स्पीड से नीचे गिर रहा हूं तो अगर मैं ऐसी स्पीड से नीचे गिरता रहा तो टेक्न से पहले मैं कहीं और ही पहुंच जाऊंगा मेरी थोड़ी मैथ की कैलकुलेशन करने के बाद ये कैलकुलेट किया है कि अगर मैं अपने गिरने से पहले नीचे बब लगा दूं तो मैं बच… Read More