EPIC new Minecraft project and insane new farms!

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Get YouTube up and running here see that working for us then we’ll get Tik Tok up and running okay the live popped right up that I have I can hear bubbling yep all right game audio is working that’s up and running all right let’s get Tik Tok running

Go live all right there we go want to make sure tickity talks up and running oh cracked my back oh King Ry is live that’s a good sign of course the music hear like a static I don’t know where the static is coming from we’ll see we’ll see how it wants to

Go looks like everything’s working oh I got to do one thing almost forgot let me throw this up really quick and come over to YouTube side of things throw this up really quick fix something real quick there we go forgot to turn on do not disturb not Hey Ye how we doing today

Man all right do not disturb on now all righty over at the Gold Farm because I was healing up all my tools and stuff before I started streaming today so that I don’t run out of stuff Midway through the stream hey Apple how are we doing Ian

How how we doing Mike how we doing man you guys are all hopping right in here how long am I streaming tonight uh a few hours it’s 5:30 now I’m shooting to do like 9:30 10 o’ so we will see depends on how the stream goes the

Internet holds up hey crafty how you doing brother all those just joining crafty’s another uh bedrock I think he does better Rock here on Console right crafty does uh Minecraft so definitely check him out real high energy streamer definitely uh entertaining to watch I’ll join one of your lives like a

Year ago I think it Joshua it has been a minute quick question did you ever fix the zigzag I didn’t so all’s Fair we’ll fix the zigzag first and then actually last night after I got off the stream I had like major inspiration I was scrolling through Tik Tok and I’m like

You know we talked about it a lot yesterday in the Stream but uh I haven’t done anything with my end in this world because again I was really banking on 1.21 being an end update and uh since it’s not it’s only fair I start uh actually investing in the end dimension in this

World apples what I’m doing right now is just fixing the zigzags I missed yesterday and then uh going going to not work on the storage Base today actually I’ve been in my creative testing world for like the last 2 hours designing a new farm and uh for those of you who

Don’t know there used to be a bug with uh the crimson and like the Warped fungus tree farms on uh on Bedrock where the trees when they grew would wipe out Pistons observers all of that so that’s finally fixed which means there’s a super super easy way to make a warped

Fungus Farm now like the tree and I want to completely redo my end portal now that the uh again now that I’m not planning on completing or now that I know 1.21 is not going to be a end update I’m going to invest some time into my stream of course crafty trying

To shout you out man you’re good high energy there’s no reason not to not to appreciate that I am danger low on glass though so we’re going to be working at the industrial district today but I am going to have to expand my industrial district and this is not nearly enough

Glass to do that so first things first we got to run the super smelter here and then we’ll get that out of the way and then we’re good to go work in the industrial district got uh three or four new Farms to build today I haven’t decided how

Many I actually want to do yet I know it’s going to take at least three Farms to get the materials I want for the new end Hub Haley thank you for the follow first follow of the stream welcome welcome all righty how much sand do I have on me for

Glass okay I have enough to do one quick run I think an entire shulker of glass will hold me over for now Haley Hayden call me Jaz thank you for the follow welcome welcome all right going to have to restock the super smelter before we run

It though put it in reverse Terry Q dog it is 5:30 540 now I’m going to stream for we’ll do four hours I’ll make a four hour commitment to streaming tonight I definitely have the bug to play a lot of Minecraft tonight so maybe longer we’ll

See how it uh see how it pans out right all right first round of lava sounds good yeah man I promised you guys a nice a I committed to Sunday night stream so I’m not going to leave you guys hang in with like a five minute

Stream that’s just not uh not what we’re going to be left with so I owe it to you guys give you a full stream because yesterday’s stream was absolutely wild the support in there was incredible started playing Minecraft again because of you huge inspiration thank you Ian man I appreciate

It little bit caffeine very important don’t worry I got my water too it’s back here my voice will go by like hour three I’ll have no voice left all righty then let’s grab another batch of lava and then get over to the industrial district I’m in Pacific time and at work

I’ll probably on and off be able to join last full one and a half hours whatever you got to do Q dog man I’ll be here we’re just chilling no rush yet a little jittery from the caffeine but it’s excited I had a really good stream yesterday you guys made it uh

Made it a lot of fun so I’m hoping we can bring that energy again tonight send that off grab another batch of lava plus I haven’t done anything with redstone like a redstone Farm in it got to be like at least 3 months I’m not counting the witch farm and I’m not

Counting like this stuff cuz this is super generic easy to do redstone I’m like talking like a full-fledged new Farm do I play on PC so I’m on PS5 but I do play mouse and keyboard Haley thank you for the money gun first Dono of the stream appreciate ate

It I don’t I don’t know if I’ve seen the money gun yet that’s a new one how is everything I tried testing my audio it sounded like the music voice game audio was coming through okay you guys will have to let me know apples rule with the Roses apples

Are pretty good I just bought a whole bag from Costco yesterday audio sounds great awesome awesome aesome awesome oh I guess that counts do you record off your PS5 so what I do it is really hard reading through the writing so if you type it’s

Like slhd chat you can hide the uh the chat feed I can move my gameplay up a little bit so I’ll move me up and then I’ll move my gameplay up and then right there the only problem is my not notifications will now pop up a little bit over the gameplay but

Hopefully that makes it easier so send that off this should be the last amount of lava we need and then we can go ahead and send this Beast Offa it’s uh like slash hide chat all one word I don’t know the exact command maybe somebody else in here does and can

Type it without actually hiding chat Haley thank you for the tiny Dino just came through appreciate it Ian and Michael thank you to the uh hi to you guys on the YouTube side of things appreciate it Terry plus clear display there you go Terry’s got

It all right so lava’s back now we can run just want to double check this is all sand ran Sandstone through this the other day that was a mess so we’ll run this and we’re just going to sit here and it’s about 4 minutes to run the entire super smelter

So we’ll let uh we’ll let it run out while we’re working so you guys go down here nope give it a second to catch up and we are now getting items awesome awesome what’s like showing right you guys are at 8,500 less than 10 minutes into the stream you guys are killing

It you guys trying to beat your 80k from yesterday again no like demands on what you got to beat but I I appreciate all that where did my buckets ended up there they are all right 16 buckets across the board everything is running now we just get to watch all of

Our glass be smelted I like watching the glass smelt I I don’t know I can’t leave the area because if I unload even like one of these uh these things it’ll be a pain already at 9,300 likes just at the 10minute Mark you guys are going crazy

Today I appreciate it welcome to the stream we got a bunch of people in here if you’ve never been in here before welcome welcome uh building a little Community here over on Tik Tok official mob boss how are you guys doing welcome welcome I got to start learning the

Names of other uh other Minecraft Tik tokers on here so I’m trying to figure it out how we doing tonight hopefully everybody had a great weekend and we’ll have a great week and I appreciate anybody wants to hang out and end their Sunday with me I know Q

Dog we’re at 100 that is a crazy way to start we Capp yesterday we peaked at just over 210 so we’ll uh we’ll see how today goes not the most exciting thing right now mob boss thank you for the follow welcome welcome so just going to get a bunch of

Glass here once the glass stops going by we’ll know that this we are ready to go start working why aren’t you dispensing anything come on let me see some glass there we go okay last time we ran this I lost some glass randomly and I don’t know how or

Where it ended up I think it’s because we ended up flying like to the other end of storage and that may have screwed with the entities all right everything’s going there YouTube’s still running no frame drops you know fingers crossed and all that good stuff will uh he’s probably

One of the best Minecraft ticktockers oh I’ll definitely check him out after this then you’re getting high props in here official mob boss definitely High recognition I trust my chat they’re usually pretty good about knowing these kind of things about halfway there we probably got some choked up in The Hoppers

Yep any in there nope all right it’s running pretty good I love running this Farm doing good freezing but good I’m good too nice all the new faces are my family the crafty family I brought them all for you you modded Haley oh awesome I appreciate that

Crafty any ideas on what I should add to my modded Minecraft world TG I don’t really know uh how to describe I don’t really play modded Minecraft this is just very late game vanilla Minecraft and coling yes it is bedrock so I play on PS5 but I am on mouse and

Keyboard everything you see on here can be done on switch Xbox PlayStation PC if you play Bedrock uh tablet Android all that good stuff there and Sam well I appreciate everybody from it’s the crafty fam right I appreciate y’all joining the stream welcome welcome I watch a lot of Minecraft but I

Don’t stream it hey that’s okay I didn’t really start streaming Minecraft until uh I realized people enjoyed watching uh me kind of slug my way through my world how do you know how to do autofarm so I’ve been playing Minecraft for a very long time uh basically since it

Came out and then uh I just spent a lot of time in Creative Learning Redstone and kind of experimenting with it so everything you see in this world bar a few different things are all designed by me so like this is one of my furnace arrays hence the really kind of like

Ugly autod droppers but works very very well does an entire single chest or an entire shulker box of items in a little under four minutes makes it super super easy oh you’re talking about me I appreciate that Joshua thank you man there’s a lot of talented streamers on here

And uh ticktockers I appreciate you uh considering me among them we are almost done with this batch you have more likes in 15 minutes than you did in the last stream in last hour we’re at 15,5 minutes you guys are doing a th000 an hour and that is absolutely

Wild how do you do the sand concrete dupe thing so right now in Bedrock there’s two ways to dupe sand while really gravity blocks you can use the drip Leaf method which is horribly inefficient and then if you’re in a single player world you can use the endgate method which has been crazy

Unreliable lately so it’s almost not worth doing but if you are on a realm or you do play on an older machine then you cannot do the endgate uh the uh endgate uh gravity block duping I used to do it a lot the uh a lot of the uh endgate

Gravity duping I did and uh now that they took it away and Bedrock didn’t patch it but they made it less reliable so it’s not really worth doing anymore I have to grind for my gravity blocks like you know I know is what it

Is how do you do the one for the realm why is it so slow so how it works is when you’re using an end Gateway you’re basically dropping sand into the end Gateway over and over forcing the game to update thinking that there are blocks

On either side and if you’re on a realm what Realms do is they only active chunks players are in so there’s nothing loading the other side of that farm so they don’t go anywhere so originally if like say I left an entity like in in this world

Right or in like this domain and then I went to the Nether and then I went to the end these blocks will never despawn because I’m not in these chunks loaded right like I’m I’m not here right now so what the gravity block duper was is it was constantly constantly dumping blocks

Or items into that unloaded chunk and they would never despawn what if you have two players in the realm and then when you do two players in the realm it knows it that there’s two people on either side so it doesn’t think that the gravity block is

An entity going through the portal you would have to send somebody through the portal every time you did an end uh gravity dupe so that’s why it’s super unreliable now originally you could just run it for hours and not have to worry like I had thousands upon thousands of

Blocks of sand and white concrete and stuff like that because I used the gravity block duper never duped the dragon egg never thought uh I thought that was pushing the dupe a little too far but at the same time I could have if I wanted to never duplicated anvils or

Anything like that but definitely a lot of gravity blocks like concrete uh sand and stuff like that it it’s just too easy to do and when you’re late game like this the amount of glass and concrete I go through is astronomical like I wish there was able

To check my stats I don’t want to know how much glass I have smelt it it’s got to be in the M hundreds of thousands at least did you make a vid on how you got your logo thing in Minecraft I did it is

On my uh on my Tik Tok page you can go ahead and find it Mr crafty 2.0 appreciate the follow welcome welcome I know that’s your secondary account I appreciate the double follow welcome see if I can do something here what’s your method for XP so long story

Short in this world you guys have seen the logo you kind of know what it means basically boils down to this Great Wall of farms right here so every light on this wall is a different fully automatic farm in the world hey llama how you

Doing so basically I can get XP from a ton of these like Enderman Farm ra Farm kelp Farm uh let’s see here Guardian Farm gives me a lot of XP skull Farm gives me XP uh Blaze gives me a lot of XP General mob farm gives me XP piglin

Farm gives me XP gold Farm gives me a lot of XP iron Farms don’t villager breeder technically does in in like offsetting ways because you can buy uh bottles of enchanting so we’re going to do some building over here and I don’t know where I want to build this new Farm

Because it is going to be ugly basically I’ve been using this like uh structure right here to farm the nether trees for the longest time oh we got something new thank you for the tiny D Dino llama so I’ve been using this forever you can’t instamine

Hold on give me one second here guys I’ll I’ll show you the old way of doing it and what I’m switching to in the new way so I don’t know if you can see it on my end but this area gets super frame rated because there’s a ton of information

Here how’d you get your logo in the game it is a 128 by 128 block map art so it’s thousands of pieces of wool so like thanks to haste 2 in the area and then here I can instamine all of this right so whenever I needed to

Gather a bunch of Netherwood or or like warped Crimson wood or whatever this is called Crimson wood I would do this and then efficiency 5 on the axe lets me insta mine just like that and this is how I got all of anytime I needed the nether blocks this is how I

Did it right well now in a recent patch they finally fixed uh these trees uh these right here growing and destroying Pistons so now you can build a well it’s not simple but I’ve been in Creative designing a new Farm to automate almost all of of

This and uh that’s what today’s stream I don’t know if I’m going to build it here or if I want to build it at my mass Farm area cuz it’s not going to be that pretty of a farm but I do want it I need it because

I have an idea for my end Gateway that I’m going to use Blackstone and then the I think it’s the Warped nyum tree type it’s whatever the Blue version of this tree is the question is do I want to build it here or do I want to build it at Mass farming

Let’s see do I build it in industrial or do I build it Mass farming it’s I’m really trying to phase out building stuff here also I need to unfortunately the time has come where this iron farm has stopped really working this is the oldest iron farm in the world that’s

Still active because Iron Golems are escaping now somehow I don’t know what changed but this is a very old 2-year-old design and eventually it’s going to need to be ripped out and replaced so come here you goodbye buddy I’ll take that thank you so they’ve just stopped spawning

Where they’re supposed to spawn and been able to get out and I don’t know why but I have a better design than this I just have been holding a t where is my logo so right here so this is just a map so just a regular it’s map 18 when I look

At it it’s a 128 by 128 blocks of wool and that’s how I got my logo in my world I think for better or worse I’m going to build this Farm over at the uh the mass farming area because I’m again trying to get out of building Farms here

I’m going to run this real quick though cuz we’re going to need a lot of what are they called words are difficult we’re going to need like the little fungi not this this give me all this there we go only going to run one side of it

Thanks mod boss or mod boss appreciate it man a lot of play time in this world tan thank you man I appreciate that so I only want to run this one here’s the question this Farm has not been run in well over a year I wonder if it still

Works so I need to turn you on and then I need to turn you on so this is just a Shaker farm for the nether stuff so what will happen is it’s on a timer and after that timer expires you’ll see this will start shaking again

Give it a second here or should we’re going to see oh there it goes so it’ll sit here and shake and generate a bunch of items through the bone meal and then after a little bit give it a second they’ll hard loock and then the water will come again so there’s all the

Water washes it all down into here and then they end up in these chests so I need a bunch of warped fungus so just going to let this Farm run for a bit eventually I’m going to need Crimson funus too and then it goes again there is a bug in Bedrock right

Now where the uh the different funguses will grow on the different colored leaves have you ever played on Peaceful net World probably at some point it’s never been out of survival though everything you see here is completely done in Survival Minecraft so anything I’ve done in this

World you can do on switch or you know your PlayStation or your Xbox and it can be done with get all the trophies you could ever want but we’re goingon to let this Farm run for a couple minutes 21,000 likes in 20 minutes you guys are killing it do I

Have keep inventory on no because that would Enable cheats and then the game would be voided so going here you guys can give me crap I do oh I’m on hard right now normally I play on easy but I’m completely locked in to survival so everything in here is done completely in survival

You remind me of Josh Allen a lot t i everybody says that man I I’m not him I’m sorry to disappoint everybody but seems like at least one person every stream hops in and says I look like Josh Allen and I’ll take it as a compliment

He got that last stream I used to get it a lot Ian when I had short hair it was bad all righty then I just want enough to test I have a better version of this farm that I’m going to build but right now this is just going to have to work

For us in order to get enough of these to experiment with if you ever got into farming you will have fun with it let’s see the locks oh no my hair is not permed and it is clean and straight right now staying in the Hat until the mullet

Gets permed in a couple weeks you guys are stuck the the most you’ll see is me and a hair B no mullet coming out to play Until It’s permed and cleaned up oh right here do this do this this should so I need to turn you

On for there you go that’ll undo the water and then this Farm is shut off so this should be more than enough for now oh come on did any get choked in here yes I’m got stuck in here so I built this Farm it’s not fast

Enough so I can’t run it for long periods of time so I’m going to redesign all of this but again for the purpose of right now works more than enough that’s more than enough warped fungus for now while I’m over here let’s grab uhoh we’re going to have to build a farm

For warped nyum too that’s not hard to do but I was planning to do multiple Farms this stream I don’t don’t see a reason why I would stop but we’re going to do them over at the mass farming area because the frame rate in this place is is driving me crazy

Uh don’t really need this but I’ll take this with me right now all right we’re going to the mass farming area to pick out a new spot for this Farm oh my neck all righty Mass farming is this way trying to get as far as I can before

Speed boost runs out and that would be it right there all righty Mass farming it is we’ll probably be back and forth between here and Industrial a lot all righty so we are now at Mass farming got to pick out where I want to put this build so this back Mountain eventually

I’m going to cut down and I’m going to build a huge melon and pumpkin farm a huge sugarcane farm and then a huge cactus farm just haven’t done it yet so I think this Farm is going to be where that mountain is right there I think that’s where I’ll uh I’ll

Do cuz I don’t want to build on this end is kind of see out in the distance that’s actually where the map art logo is that we were looking at so we were talking about it a second ago but here is the actual physical uh logo in the

World so this is where the uh the map art comes from ah fell fell again fell again don’t land in the water landing in the water is such a nuisance all righty there we go but yeah so here is the 128 by 128 map art so

That I can find my logo anywhere in the world first Farm I built oh God 5,000 plus days ago usually if I know myself I’m going to go on a limb and say the uh I have an old old iron farm that doesn’t work doesn’t have villagers in it

Anymore that was probably the first Farm I built if you’re not counting like a sweet Berry Farm or something simple like that the first big highspeed farm I built was a Farm simply because I love sea lanterns and I use them in almost all my builds sleep really quick and then we’re

Going to pick out where we want to put this new Farm do the iron Farms of villagers still work yeah the uh the iron farm would still work if I put uh villagers in it no doubt in my mind Carly you want to see this big beast run we built this

On stream a long time ago but I’ll run one module of it that’s fair turn all of these these on that should be one module all running yep then go into here come on turn you on you on you on you on and you that these all should be running those are all

Going jump over here come up here we’re going to break this for now and shoot off the I’m about to lose all my frames but this Farm just takes advantages of a flying machine so it’s breaking all of the bamboo right now you kind of can hear it I love the

Sound of all the bamboo breaking but this will go and go and go and go until it gets to the end then it returns all the way to the back and these are staggered so that if I activated the other two modules as soon as this one went back it would activate

The next one soon as that one went all the way back it would activate the first one and then these would stay hard locked until another uh actually a daylight sensor timer at the other end would re-trigger it so I do have to stay within a certain

Range of the flying machine so whenever I AFK this you can see my little AFK box right there which is kind of why I’m chasing it right now to make things easier but it’s just part of the mass farming area like so right here that is a villager based iron farm in Bedrock

It’s super compact it creates an incredible amount of iron golems it keeps me well supplied but this is where I’m going to be putting my warped uh fungus Farm once this gets back to its spot will leave it alone but I’m definitely going to tear this mountain down real quick because

This is where I want to build my new Farm in this area so this will get back into its access point hard lock in and then all of these Auto droppers are being picked up by Hopper Minecarts ow you can see it is just spitting out a ton of ton of

Bamboo in about 4 hours this Farm if it’s running full speed will fill all of these double chests and it’s probably most So and I’ve been using this farm for all of my chest monsters in the world so you can see these are hopper Minecart unloaders so when this is empty

It will automatically send it off and all of the bamboo will continue to go through Ryan thank you for the follow welcome welcome so let’s get ourselves a staging unit and before anybody asks there’s a video of this Farm running on my page I’m not doing it because it takes 30

Minutes to replant all the wheat it’s brutal but oh my gosh I have no Beacon effects in this area we’re going to have to change that this is a very very old area so the first Farm in this area was actually this Beast so for sorting systems in Bedrock one of the easiest

Ones to make require Target blocks so I needed an absolute ton of wool or a ton of wheat sorry and uh instead of making a villager one I built this one because my villager one was great but it was so slow and it still is slow and it’s still

Usable just not to the level I need it to be makes me want to try building a farm I uh this Farm is about as optimized as you can get for survival Minecraft I have just an incredible amount of uh supplies that allows me basically

To be in creative mode but I just have to you know craft everything as I go thanks to a pattern of just afking and working at things I can pretty much do whatever I want to do and I’m always striving to make bigger and better things like one of these days finally

I’m just going to sit down and build like I said a massive melon and pumpkin farm a massive sugarcane farm and then a massive cactus farm and I have no reason to build big versions of those Farms I just want to so this will be our collection point

For all our crap for right now we are going to need to cut this mountain down to make room for the new farm so first things first let me get a beacon going might need to kill a couple Withers in this stream cuz I think I’m on my last crafted Beacon I

Am so if I’m going to be tearing down this whole area flattening it out I want cuz eventually I’m going to expand this whole farming area all the way around here these are my were you in the military or are you I was not I did not serve Connor how we doing

Man welcome to the YouTube side of the stream hope you’re having a good day all righty so let’s put the beacon over let’s put it right here this should be more than enough range one two 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Nine I’m going to be using a tree farm in my next world tree farms are great I have a few of them uh I recommend bamboo man the how good bamboo is now for having a wood type is easy and this Farm may look super complicated but that’s

Only because I kind of made it super complicated it’s just three F or three flying machines with rails underneath it with hopper Minecarts and then just Auto droppers at the end and it’s all pattern Redstone too so it’s it’s not like it’s anything super super complicated I’m going to use yeah tree

Farms are good I just I don’t know I besides Aesthetics like if you’re building with a lot of wood there’s no real reason to build a tree farm in my opinion bamboo is just way way way too good right now and that’s not me begging

For them to Nerf it I’m going for a loading charcoal into my gold Farm charcoal into the gold Farm I don’t I mean observers Farm oh okay okay makes I mean observers Farms are simple if you just want to do that true and again those are super super

Simple too my uh I have another bamboo farm at my industrial area we were at earlier it was one of those big white towers and that’s just an observer based bamboo farm so that got me by that farm was built pre being able to use bamboo

As a wood type I just was had a need for a ton of bamboo I don’t remember what the reason was and I just went out and built that let’s not game all righty so we’re going to kind of do it’s to keep busy while my

Farms all right we’re going to cut align this way just like we were doing yesterday with all the terraforming I don’t have any lays over here do I want to take the time to go get some aays I’m not that invested into keeping my materials over here all righty I

Think this will be a good line for now so you can make a coal Farm out of wood too that’s all right I mean you might as well just make a Wither Skeleton Farm if you’re looking for a coal Farm then you get Wither Skeleton skulls and

Coal you know kill two birds with one stone so to speak you know all righty so I’m going to keep cutting this line until we’re down at the level I want to be at as what’s underneath doesn’t matter in this world cuz eventually I’ll make it pretty that’s kind of the point of

Like these huge industrial areas is they’re just kind of Pretty in their own rustic way smart something like that how are you Connor I am doing good chilling on a Sunday night got some plans got a little bit of inspiration built a new Farm Mojang patched a bug that was

Annoying me so excited to get to mess around with it w I’m doing good man how are you doing all right we got to cut a line from over here eventually don’t look at this side of the bamboo Farm it’s not pretty it’s just exposed uh just a bunch of

Exposed under uh underside of the farm I never wrapped one side of it I like how it says silk touch and I like how better it says silk touch instead of just silk touch silk touch one oh okay I was like am I reading something wrong here

Yes every enchantment either has even if it’s just the base level enchantment has a one on it all right where’s our line it’s right here ow this should take no time at all to level out yeah this will be nothing compared to what we were doing yesterday so I had

Bigger gold Farms I had a what you up to where I am building a new Farm MO finally patch the bugs where uh the nether trees would actually delete pistons and observers and stuff like that so now building a uh giant warp warped nyum and Crimson fungus I think those are the correct

Names are like totally feasible without having to build extravagant extravagant farms around them in my opinion who is the best Minecraft player that is a loaded question I don’t know let me put it this way my take on Minecraft is there is no such thing as a good Minecraft player like everybody

Plays the game so differently and can take away so many different things like there’s no competitive nature if you’re playing like bedw Wars there’s probably somebody out there with the best bedwars if you’re talking Redstone it’s like okay on what grounds do you base the best red ster on you

Know I there’s creators that I’m sure I don’t even I’ve never even heard of that you guys love watching and I’m sure there’s some creators I’ve probably watched that you guys have never heard of it’s uh it’s all an experience right Minecraft isn’t isn’t competitive for a

Reason I saw a post oh what was his name I was going to make a shout out because I saw his YouTube video last night and I wanted to touch on it uh oh what was his name I’m gonna have to look it up but I

Was watching I was fored on YouTube last night and I came across this guy’s video and it was the name of it was like how to have fun in Minecraft again and I went okay that’s kind of a loaded loaded question but I had a decent amount of

Views so I’m like I’m I’m going to watch I’m going check I’m going see what his opinion is right and he brought up a really really good point that uh I think a lot of people are following is there are some truly amazing creators on Minecraft right now and you look through

YouTube and it’s like a 100 days and I got every single armor trim or how in Hardcore Minecraft I rebuilt the Milky Way and these are people who just who spend a crazy amount of time trying to do impossible things in Minecraft and you know what that’s super super cool

Right it’s it’s awesome those they’re going for it they’re they’re making content and all that stuff if you’re just an average Minecraft player and and you just want to load in and build a house that’s perfectly fine there is uh there is no competitive nature in Minecraft the biggest advice I can ever

Give you guys is if you’re watching somebody else content and be like oh I don’t want to play now because you know I can’t play at the level they’re playing at that’s the beautiful thing about Minecraft is there’s no level man you’re just you’re just vibing and

Enjoying it I get that in my stream a lot and I play a lot of Minecraft don’t get me wrong and I appreciate you guys it’s like hey you know oh I could never build that I could never do that like you don’t have to to have

Fun I love pushing Minecraft to its absolute limit I say it all the time I want this world to be as close to creative mode as it possibly can be and that is the goal I’m going for for that does not have to be your goal there’s no

No reason no push if again if all you want to do is breed up cows and have a nice little house and get some bees go for it man huy thank you for the follow welcome welcome Minecraft is fun at all levels there’s no competitive nature you want

To play a shitload of bedwars you can be competitive Kane thank you for the follow welcome Henry thank you for the follow sorry for the rant there guys am I married no I am a sing single Pringle Just Me Myself and I Jeffrey thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome again I apologize for the rant but I felt like I need to be said there’s enough of in here I’ve been watching for two minutes you already sound very enjoyable to watch thank you huy man I appreciate that we’re vibing in here we’re enjoying our Sunday

Night I got a little bit of caffeine in me too which is definitely making me jumpy but making done Hawk thank you for the follow almost read it out loud how much did you get done in this world before you show the recording like before I started streaming in this

World I think I started streaming in this world around oh gosh 3,000 days and I didn’t actually stream that much in here uh simply because it’s just I made a bunch of like video recordings and Tik toks out of it but not much streaming besides a few projects it just wasn’t

What I was doing at the time you know you got a few times you I read it quick I have uh some of my good friends like to hop in chat and and use stuff like that mik so I’m trying to get better when do I start making Tik toks

On it oh the first Tik Tok I made about this world I think was about using Alise to get amethyst shards and that video had a bunch of views and I went oh okay posting cuz I used to post like Call of Duty and Apex and stuff like that because those are

The games I played they did okay I have a few you know videos over 100,000 in COD and stuff like that but nothing crazy you know and then I posted a Minecraft video and it did decent then I posted a couple and they did okay and uh

I moved on from that and then I had one video do really well and it was just a joke meme video of how I have a bad habit of leaving stuff everywhere in my world and anytime I find an old chest that I like forgot I had had it’s like

It’s the uh oh it’s the movie uh D Jango Unchained with uh Schultz where he takes a sip of beer and goes oh it’s like a reward and that is where uh that Meme went did really well and I just kind of started posting Minecraft stuff started a couple

Little series here and there and you guys seem to enjoy it and then one day Tik Tok sent me an application for live studio and I’m like you know I’ll try live streaming and have not looked back is there World Tour on YouTube it’s an

Old stream so there is a world tour from last week for 5,000 days so you can find it right on my page the 5,000 day World Tour is up there and uploaded it so it is a past live stream but it’s the complete tour of the entire world at

5,000 days going to join back on my other account okay man I will be here I promise you guys a lengthy Sunday night stream and I intend to make good on my promise I should have brought suer boxes how do you know how many days you’ve

Been playing so if you’re on bedrock and you need to check your days what you need to do is make a creative copy a copy of your world and then you load that world with cheats enabled and you type in slash uh q u r y days and it will tell

You exactly how many days uh you have in said world so last time I checked my days was few days ago like real life days IR days and I was at 5,226 days and I probably put in about 100 days since then between AFK time and then

Yesterday’s stream where we did like 75 days straight over 4 hours why do you play Bedrock instead of java so I play Bedrock simply because I played way back on so I started on Java if we can call it Java Edition because I had it on PC when Minecraft first came

Out then uh Minecraft came out on PS3 then when Minecraft came out on PS3 switched to that cuz I pretty much played console at the time then all my friends played on Console so I switched over to PS4 and actually used to play an addition of Minecraft called The Legacy

Edition for those of you who know what that is those are in-game days and so I used to play the Legacy Edition and then the Better Together update came out and when the Better Together update came out it pushed everything that was Java PC into Bedrock Edition so I just continued playing on

Console and that’s why I’m on Bedrock no lengthy explanation of hey oh I like Bedrock more I like Java more it’s all Minecraft any mods in my world nope this is completely vanilla survival Minecraft everything you see here can be done completely in survival mode now it’s late game

Survival so it’s you know thousands upon thousands of days in game but it’s all completely doable in Survival Minecraft everything you see here is vanilla survival I my goal for this world is to get as uh close to creative mode so BD I

Did yes and no a lot of it is done so all that’s left is the terraforming around it like the outside structure the fence all of that stuff is now in at the storage base and all that’s left is the terraforming and I’m terrible at terraforming so I’m taking a little

Break from building and I want to build a new Farm today Josh thank ow Josh thank you for the follow so Sono thank you for the follow hopefully I pronounce that right I agree with you Bedrock seems like these option for most people Redstone differences yeah Redstone

Another reason like oh why don’t you have a PC why don’t you switch to Java I’m so used to bedrock Redstone now and the mechanics in this version that I’m sure I could adapt super super easily but why bother you know Riley thank you for the follow welcome back

Josh you’re going to end up like your brother who died in the last stream if you keep getting in my way I’m sorry what did you say the command was there’s no commands hey Riley Michael thank you for the follow welcome welcome Hey Ace how we doing Connor sorry man I missed your

Comment over on YouTube really enjoy Minecraft I’m not the mood I don’t know if I get burned out also the mood when you can’t get enough and play a lot the biggest advice I can give you on Minecraft is to not play Minecraft which is a weird recommendation but Minecraft

Burn is a or burnout is a real thing like this game is super super fun it’s like the funnest game in the world for like two weeks people play too much then uh they burn themselves out go play a different game take you know like I’m starting to get tired of Minecraft when

You start feeling that way go play some finals go play some Apex go play fortnite go play COD take a little break and come back to it it will help you not burn out Aaron how we doing Wilson thank you for the follow welcome welcome the best advice I can

Give you to not get Minecraft burn out is exactly how I do so I play a lot of Minecraft I mean this world is OB uh evidence of that right I also really like the finals right now and I’ve been playing a lot of the finals off stream

And it’s good cuz my friends are playing it you know I can you know have a have a beer sit back and just enjoy the game I’ve been busy I missed a couple streams you’re good man all the streams are saved on YouTube if you want to watch

Them back they’re all there hold on I’ll give me one second the I’m want to type it in chat it’s probably easier than explaining it I locked my chat hold on there we go can’t type I can’t spell at all so that is the command you would use

If you have cheats enabl to check your amount of days in the game so when I do it I create a creative copy of my world and then I load it in there and then I check my days I do that every you know month or so IRL just to

See where I’m at so I can update my stream titles got to sleep before stuff spawns nailed it did that work hopefully that worked all righty sweet crack my Knuckles and get back to it see leveling out this area isn’t too too hard today now isn’t definitely

Beats all the leveling we did yesterday I uh was re-watching the stream today just to make sure that the uh subtitles lined up which T YouTube is giving me subtitles now and I didn’t think I spoke that messily how do I have so many levels so

I don’t die and I have about probably like three or how I got you know one of these days I’m have to actually count how many of my Farms give me active XP when I’m using it got to be at least two dozen farms in

My world that give me XP when I’m AFK on them got to be minimum of that right at least I’m thinking of it one day one day I’ll sit down I have an it’s nerdy but I have an whole uh Excel spreadsheet breakdown of my world and like where

Like a bunch of my Farms are and stuff like that and uh I’ll go through and count one day and see exactly how many of my Farms are actually XP why do you use silk touch so silk touch makes collecting stuff easier so I go through a ton of resources like a a

Metric ton of resources and if I had like a bunch of like just coal versus coal o ore makes it way easier to stock a bunch of it also when we go back to main storage please somebody remind me to grab shulker boxes cuz this is going

Where are the laay Buddies I didn’t bring any over here I this isn’t that big of a chunk to remove so I just haven’t brought any a over I didn’t think I needed to I could go get some I mean do we want to get some me or

Do we want to get some La I’ll let you guys decide yes or no I will if you guys say yes I will go get more Wilson says yes all right I’ll go get some Ms we’ll take a little side quest to go get

Some and you know what I can use that as an excuse to go back to storage too and get some shulker boxes so that’s a fair compromise yes okay I’m glad everybody’s on the same page on oh I got to make ender chests too I’m on like my last

Ender Chest so let’s go get some alls oh yeah this Farm is done running don’t want to leave this on if I don’t have to these still have items in them that is wild so you guys are wondering why I have so much bamboo it’s cuz this Farm

Is absolutely nutty with the bamboo drops I mean this is yeah we’re just going to let this do its thing and empty out eventually I got farm work glad the algor oh appreciate that man how do a l work I played since I was six re Pros

406 yes yes one thing I’m struggling with is trying to find a skeleton spawner I don’t know why is there a cheaty way a reliable site that would tell you so I don’t use any sites but uh you can use there is a site called chunk base they’re pretty

Reliable you can use them if you want to what do you use bamboo for so bamboo is used for uh uh wood so it’s a wood crafting type now so two of you guys are coming with me but I think all your breeding stuff is over at storage

Oh I you know it isn’t it isn’t it’s it’s more or less the same thing of making like a a copy of your world going into creative mode and finding everything it it ruins the spirit of the game so use it uh at your own Peril Peril the right word discretion

Discretion of course you can breed a lays it’s super easy to breed them too thank you guys for 25,000 likes appreciate it I just saw it pop up so we’ll snag some of these guys CU these are the ones we use to clear out stuff yesterday so to breed aays you

Need two things you need a juke box with a music disc and you need amethyst shards and then you’re going to need something to tame it but I’m just going to tame them with carrots for now alls are incredibly useful like possibly the best mob in the game and people don’t

Like hearing that they’re like oh we could have had a copper Golem and all that stuff no no no no aays if used properly are the best mob in the game de don’t walk on thin ice so it uh doesn’t sound it right now but there’s music playing so you’ll see these guys

Will start dancing so these guys are all ready to breed so all you do is you give them an amethyst Shard and then it’s hard to see but now there’s another laay hi little guy so I’ll give him a carrot he’s now paired to me and I think I’m

Going to take three with me so I’ll make another one give him a carrot and then we’ll make a third right here give them a carrot so now I have three LS paired to me and they’ll follow me around pick this up put this in there

And I’ll just put this back and I’ll snag these guys to go with me come with me little guys so all those guys now that they have carrots are paired to me and they’ll follow me around so one two and I don’t know where our little third guy is oh where’s our third

Guy I didn’t accidentally give a carrot to a tethered guy did I one two oh three there he is and what’s cool is while these guys are paired to me my sister’s doing good Deary be good man happy to find a Bedrock streamer there’s not a lot of us

Mullet man thank you for the follow crash thank you for the follow welcome welcome so because these guys are paired to me they followed me into The Nether and they’ll just chase me along what was the app you use so I used an app called 8bit painter you can get

It right on the App Store it’s super super helpful be appropriate guys crash thank you for the follow welcome welcome Jesse thank you for the follow welcome welcome come on little guys grab shulker boxes I did thank you for catching me but I did grab some I appreciate it I

Don’t like to be cheaty but I’ve spent hours caving and haven’t found one but I found the warden funny enough again Connor it’s completely up to you if you want to use chunk base man it’s nothing wrong with it do whatever you need to do right I want to make all

Three of you still me one two where’s the third he’s over there but he’ll follow anyway the progress is crazy they don’t they’re just being pacious so one two three all right now we have a with us how are you level 406 I have a bunch

Of farms that give me XP and I don’t die so Stone here and grass so I need to empty my inventory excuse me sir I need your carrot back you’re going to be a stone guy come here little buddy come here come here come down here can I have my

Carrot back thank you you’re going to be this come here where’s my last car guy there he is and right there so oh they’re already getting to work so we did get some allays do you make a YouTube video where you explain your whole base chilling in

My kitchen there is a full World Tour up on YouTube for 5,000 days you can go check it out it’s a past live stream we did last week or the week before and it explains every single area of my world so hopefully that will answer any questions you have about the individual

Areas so these guys are alls and what alls do with these are completely vanilla mobs you can get this in survival you can get these guys day one if you find a Pillager Outpost what they do is automatically collect blocks for you so you can see like one of those

Guys I gave a stone block to and I’m going to insta mine all this Stone and you can see he’s going to pick it all up for me and once he gets it all he’ll bring it right over to me just makes clearing uh yes they can hold a full

Stack so 64 items or one uh unstackable item so if you give them like a diamond sword they can pick up one more diamond sword which if you’re really creative and you want to go through the pain of it because it is painful you can actually make single item sords for

These guys for like raid farms for totems and stuff like that and I play on bedrock version I know sorry somebody was asking I I missed it uh what is your favorite building I love the new storage base we’ve been working on I think it’s coming out

Really really good spent a lot of time on stream building it uh it holds over 2.2 million items full of Auto sorters big fan of the new storage base if I had to pick a favorite build it’ll be that but I have so many builds in this world

I can really go either way suay like I love my mass farming area like this Farm if you would ask me when I built this like oh this is the coolest thing version of Minecraft I’m on Bedrock edition auto sords yes so it is possible using Redstone to make Auto

Sorting chests more or less Nisha thank you for the follow welcome welcome I may have I should have probably gotten another uh if you want more details on it Colin I recommend looking up a YouTuber by the name of Silent Whisperer he has a full in depth

Video on him the design I use in my world for my auto sords is his MADD thank you for the follow Sean these guys are aays these guys automatically collect blocks for you so like I have this guy collecting grass blocks this guy’s collecting stone for

Me and then this guy over here is collecting dirt so he’ll pick that up and when he’s done picking it up he’ll come throw it to me completely vanilla by the way they’re uh they’re in Survival you get them from Woodland Mansions or you get them from Pillager Outpost incredibly incredibly powerful and

Arguably the best companion mob in the game Mercedes thank you for the follow I don’t know thank you for the follow welcome welcome arguably arguably the best companion moms like dogs are cool cats are cool parrots are cool a lays are just so incredibly helpful how much xp do you get your XP

Farm an hour uh so 406 is not done in an hour it’s just a I have a totem farm so I never die and I just have have tons upon tons of XP in the world are you playing 1.20 or 1.21 1.20 how do you tame them so all you do

Is give them an item so like this guy right now is tamed cuz he’s holding Stone so with an open fist if I click on him he’s now untamed and he will wander infinitely but he’ll never despawn which is super nice and if I give him a stone

Block now he’s paired to me he’ll follow me whever I don’t know what the longest stream ever is I wish I could give you an answer on that this Farm is still going oh it’s going to have a lot of bamboo the name of my world is Farm

Topia I have no idea what that area code is gray you’re not late man we’ve been going for an hour I’m going to be streaming at least for another time is it at least for another three hours so you got time man don’t worry we’re chilling or working on some stuff

Kibbles thank you for the heart me I appreciate it yeah the name of the world is Farm Topia you guys will see maps I feel like playing creative with all your buildings I’m not man pure survival so the point of this world I kind of said it earlier

Is uh I want to make my survival world as close to creative mode as I possibly can so I max out everything I have a farm for almost every single item in the game and yesterday we were playing a game people were listing them and I was

Telling people if I had them or not there’s just about anything you can feasibly Farm like the one-off Farms I’m not going to bother building but I just try to make it as close to creative as I possibly can truly take advantage of Minecraft mechanics have you ever played one block

I have never played one block but I’ve done Sky Block and actually did a super flat series for a while axum thank you for the follow welcome welcome so again if if you play Bedrock Edition which is you know Xbox tablet Wii U switch all that stuff everything

You see here can be done in that world everything here is open to you I don’t know how well it’ll run I’ll be honest with you there but everything I do in this world is vanilla survival and can be done in any of the other better together

Versions look out little guys is my inventory full yeah so these guys are trying to throw stuff into my inventory and it’s full how do you not get bored without playing with other people so streaming helps a lot uh but I just really really like the game Minecraft has been my favorite game

For a very long time so it’s not something I get bored of easily I definitely do get bored after a while I won’t lie to you but that’s when I’ll either switch projects or I’ll go play another game for a bit something like that until I’m like ready to play

Minecraft again like we’ve been working on the storage base for like several days now now and I’m definitely a little burned out on it so in turn I decided hey you know I saw in the patch notes they fixed a super annoying bug I am

Going to go and build a new Farm off it so I spent about an hour an hour and a half today in Creative designing a new farm and I’m currently just in the process of clearing out an area to build it they do sing they they’re just generally little happy

Guys just happy to do their work Bros 400x yep yes I was higher we keep burning through XP naming stuff what farm are you building so I got to look up the name of it it’s a uh I always mess it up oh not this chest they’re in here I’m building

A giant warped fungus farm so way back when I say way back when in the last like few updates uh anytime you built a warped fungus Farm the warp fungus when it grow would replace Pistons observers redstone stuff like that so Minecraft finally went and fixed that so now it’s

Super easy to build a big uh warped fungus farm and I’ve decided to redecorate my end Hub and I want to use Black Stone and then the blue warp fungus how do I get so much xp a lot of playtime I don’t die and I have many

Many many XP Farms 406 isn’t even that lot I was over 500 a week or so ago we’ve just been name tagging and naming so many things I’ve been eating through my levels haven’t afked any farmed in a little while I have a horrible habit of like doing project after project after

Project and then I’ll eventually just hit a wall where all my AFK Farms are out of items and uh then I have to like spend like two or three days with nothing but AFK time to recuperate everything what does the fungus do for you so it’s a building block really so the stripped

Warped fungus is like a really really nice deep blue and that offset against Blackstone with like blue teal glass is like such a like pretty pretty look and I don’t have anything using that color palette in this world so I’m like you know what this Farm’s easy to build now

I want to build a new version of My End Hub I think I’m going to go out and Li here and like build this new farm so it’s purely an aesthetic build but do I have a wither skeleton Farm yes best way to kill a Wither in rock is

Underground but if you’re trying to cheese it and you’re doing like a lot of Wither killing I recommend just using an end Gateway you can trap the Wither right now in the bedrock in the end Gateway and that makes killing them way way easier way way easier just to kill the

Wither in an end Gateway oh no did my little fan finally die my little fan finally died I had like this Amazon desk fan running for got to be at least two years straight now and I think it just it just stopped working cuz usually it vibrates just enough for me to feel

It nah bro I like to go ban for ban with her hey everybody in their world even if they’re going to cheese it should fight the Wither one-on-one at least once the b rock wither is a nightmare though but I’ll tell you right now I’ve beaten all the

Uh Mo or bosses in this game so in this world the Wither the warden and the Ender Dragon oneon-one the hardest fights the warden it’s not even close Kermit thank you for the follow welcome welcome got to quick drink here best XP so it depends on what

You’re asking for like if you’re you want active XP you build like a furnace array and then you get your XP out of your furnace every time you smell I recommend making a guardian Farm that’s what I use Connor Thank you for the follow Titus thank you for the

Follow yeah the uh the wardens I I fought them oneon-one once full netherite armor full tools golden apples whole shebang bow and a trident it was it was just a nightmare but I had to do it just to say I could do it and I haven’t built a

Warden Farm yet so on the list of farms is building a warden Farm I will get to it one day but I’m not too overly excited uh hold on I’m trying to read comments here what is the easiest way to get diamonds oh a tunnel boore find yourself a tunnel Bo set up

At the lowest possible level you can and just enjoy and run it it’s what I use to get all my diamonds I’m actually one of the projects in the future is now that we buil the witch Farm hi Colin how you doing brother or or sister I can’t

Tell welcome to the stream uh yeah I’m eventually going to move my tunnel Bo out to new chunks and I do have to do a diamond mining stream here simply because I am since we did the uh all the armor trims I am danger low on diamonds

I think I have maybe half a stack of blocks left Bella thank you for the following hat thank you for the follow welcome welcome hi Cullen I said hi I see you you’re good what is a tunnel Bo so a tunnel boore is a redstone system oh I

Inventory is full sorry little guys that you can utilize to basically just do TNT tunneling and then as you tunnel with the TNT they will give you it’ll well tunnel for you then you just mine the diamond as the TNT reveals it makes it super super simple highly recommend

Building it definitely worth the grinding for the resources reflect audio thank you for the follow welcome welcome appreciate it welcome to the stream guys 25,000 likes you guys are killing it tonight hopefully I am keeping up with the comments as best I can we are almost done with the leveling

Out of this area portion of the stream well I do have to go down one more layer unfortunately cuz the how long ago did you start this world so the world will be 2 years old on February 2nd which is a Thursday as I’ve just or it’s a Friday

So yeah February 2nd the world save itself will be 2 years old I’m a little over 5200 days in game time and the world you’re a good man Arthur Morgan I haven’t played Red Dead a Red Dead 2 what a game uh one of my really good

Friends he he does like a playthrough every six months and that’s all he plays angel thank you for the follow welcome welcome not an FPS guy just loves Red Dead and it’s just totally his Vibe how do you tell days so you want to make a copy of your world if you’re on

Bedrock make a copy of your world then load that world in creative mode with cheats enabled and then if you use the command uh Slash cury uh days it will come up and it’ll tell you exactly how many days you have in that world baby Tyler thank you for the

Follow welcome welcome you guys are getting in the way right now all righty I don’t think I’ll need any more room than this do I have to build any farms in chunks so I don’t chunk a line anything maybe I should uh there’s no real easy way to chunk a line in console

Edition and I just haven’t had the there is a way I mean put it that way there’s a 100% a way to find Chunk bers in console I just don’t do it Tay thank you for the follow none of my Farms cause enough issues that I need to

Be worried about chunk loading besides the Flying Machine flying machine is a night have ever played Skyrim of course I’ve played Skyrim I haven’t played Skyrim in a long long time though played way how long have I been playing Minecraft uh aark thank you for the follow I’ve been playing Minecraft

Since really there was before all Minecraft I guess I remember before I played back when there was no hunger bar so it was just just Health you couldn’t stack uh you couldn’t stack food like steak was one item thing I don’t know the exact date when I started but it’s

It’s got to be a long time uhoh my world’s bugging out got to give it a second to catch back up come on let me move it no nope all right well that’s just going to live in my inventory for a little bit show the XP farm there are I think we counted

Like more than two dozen XP farms in this world and if you want a world tour you’re going to have to find it over on YouTube dot thank you for the follow other person who’s also named came up as dot thank you for the follow welcome welcome appreciate it you guys welcome

To the Stream on YouTube yeah man go go check it out it’s under the farm Topia series uh when I hit 5,000 days in the world I did a full uh like live stream tour of the world so you can find everything and anything there easiest way to get tons

Of diamond Justin is building that uh it’s tunnel Bo you want to build yourself some sort of tunnel Bo system maybe like four or five modules wide then grab yourself a cup of coffee sit down with some night vision potions and you’re just getting after it tried to

Fight the warden before and got body slamming it’s not an easy fight everybody likes to joke it’s like oh you know the Bedrock wither is hard and all that stuff n no the the warden is the hardest 1 V one fight in the game you got to bring like milk and I

Was fighting him with gapples and I was just doing everything I could do I beat him but man it was edging my seat the whole time what am I building so right now I’m just leveling out a space for a new Farm in this area so I’m building a

Warped or I think it’s warped fungus so warped fungus finally got patched where when you grow a big fungus tree it no longer deletes pistons and observers and Redstone so now you can build a not simple but simple for me warp fungus farm and I’m redoing my nether Hub with Blackstone and warp

Fungus and I need a lot of it so building a big farm over in this area is exactly what I need to do you thank you for the follow Lily thank you for the follow straight thank you for the follow T thank you for sharing the live appreciate it you

Guys thank you to everybody who’s been a part of the live so far 26,000 likes 50 new followers 1,500 views you guys are killing it today hopefully everybody is enjoying and having a good Sunday night yo Sam thank you for the follows welcome W welcome welcome appreciate it you guys

Welcome to the stream Sam thank you for the follow welcome welcome how do you trap the Wither in the end Gateway so what you need to do is if you’re using an end Gateway you use a red mushroom to remove the crystal in the middle and

Then once the crystal is removed you can go ahead and uh use obsidian it’s kind of look like a t you want to be on the north side of the Gateway so bring a locator map and you kind of create like a cross it’s four long two wide at the

End you put yourself in and you spawn the wither and it forces the Wither to fly into the end Gateway they get stuck in the end Gateway and then they just suffocate myself thank you for the follow Len thank you for the follow Ali thank you for the follow welcome welcome

Ali don’t uh I appreciate the invites guys but please do not uh not be doing that I am just a solo player I hope everybody is good and I appreciate it but I’m not going to play with anybody at least not yet maybe in the future I’m planning on doing like a

Server around with friends but not anytime soon I don’t want to have to block anybody for sending invites I hope you guys are you guys are always awesome but I don’t uh we just going of keep it respected that way okay hi Ellie Alli sorry if only they had 12 gauge for the

Warren he’d still probably rock you Josh bro you should be you should be practicing I don’t it is what it is I am soft coal it’s true now big softy over here I don’t know what I I don’t get the Josh out comments they’re constant man

I don’t do I really look that like like him P thank you for the follow thank appreciate it I don’t see it but man you guys are uh you guys are convinced I look like Josh Allen and it’s not insult I’ll don’t take it as an Insel but it’s like

I don’t see it but I appreciate it bro snuckles bear off H it is what it is you guys are doing all right so I think that’s the end of this for now I got to take a little bit more out of this wall so that

I can fence off my logo is 128 by 128 blocks yes you do I no so hold on you three hopefully you don’t parir to me when I fly away but trying to get away from my La before they pair to me so this logo the

Logo in my world is a 128x 128 blocks long and that’s why it takes up a full map so this is it in the actual Overworld when you see my logo around it’s just a big map spent a lot of time doing that all right good you guys didn’t pair

To me when I flew away come on we got to get back to work so that’s the logo and like any anywhere you see a map like this like I pick this up it’s just a map so it allows me to have my Tik Tok

Logo and then the name of my world in my world it’s not an add-on or anything fancy it’s just uh hi RJ how we doing it’s just part of the world I guess right definitely a fun project I I won’t do it again anytime soon because takes a

Lot outa but if you want to do something like that I recommend downloading an app called 8bit painter Garen thank you to the follow Danny thank you for the follow Sam thank you for the follow welcome welcome what you can do is you can take whatever picture you’re trying

To make and you can cut it into blocks and it’ll say hey this block needs to be light blue this block needs to be black this one needs to be green and you can take any picture in the game as and then make it into 128 blocks by 128 blocks

And put it on the in the world makes things easier that way so we’re going to shave this wall down a little bit more and then spawn proof this area and then we’re good to continue the project hi Mr sheep are you able to import photos so I

Don’t import it into the world I import the photos into 8bit painter and yes you can it’s just an IOS app just an app you can get on your iPhone I’m sure they have 8bit painter on your like an Android all that stuff you can probably find an app and do it

Right on uh PC but I use 8bit painter i l I’d have my phone right here I’d be like all right this one needs to be light blue light blue light blue black gray and then I would go light blue light blue light blue gray and then just back and

Forth back and forth until I got done what am I playing on so I’m on my PlayStation 5 actually but I do play mouse and keyboard which tends to throw people off you’re getting in the way little guy so it is bedrock edition if that’s what you’re curious just uh I’m more comfortable

Playing on mouse and keyboard but I do play Bedrock Edition and the story behind that’s not that deep I don’t prefer one version over the other it’s simply I played way back when uh Minecraft first came out on PC loved it fell in love with it Minecraft came out on the PlayStation 3

Got it on the PlayStation 3 played it on that version and then PS4 forever that was the Legacy edition of the game then they did away with the Legacy Edition and came out with the Better Together update which forced everybody but non dedicated Java back into bedrock and I

Just never look back cuz this is just the version I play on Welcome Back Deary uh the game isn’t that smooth if you’re having issues with your world loading in Bedrock uh and you’re willing to spend a little money the best suggestion I can give you is to create a

Realm for your world like it’s just this is just a single player realm so it is a realm but it’s just a I’m the only one in here and by having it on the server it actually runs a little bit better than when I had it just downloaded to my [Applause]

Console so what are the specs on your PC I’m on PS5 so whatever the PS5 specs are and then I do have a pre-built PC that I use to run my streaming setup because I have four monitors so that I can keep everything running at once cuz

I’m kind of a little bit of a nerd and like my little like uh spaceship setup I have down here but I don’t play any games on the PC it’s solely for video editing and keeping the uh split stream up because in case anybody hasn’t heard me talk into two

Different chats I split my stream between YouTube and Tik Tok never played Minecraft is it’s good Minecraft is the top selling game of all time so I think it’s pretty good just prefer console gaming it’s just what I’ve always been on I don’t have any uh

All my friends don’t play PC games only a couple of them have PCS and they don’t really play games that I would play none of them play Minecraft on PC so it just was not uh not something I wanted to pursue and besides I’m just comfortable on this version there’s you know just

Where I’m most comfortable just zoning out and playing on definitely is I mean there’s way more console players than there are Mal how we doing it has been a hot minute yes it has so I’ve been uh what M’s referring to is I took like five months off

Streaming and really posting on Tik Tok so it’s what is my longest stream ever so we had a n and a half hour stream back in I want to say like October or not October it would have been like March last year sometime last year but

Since then I did four and a half hours from on uh well what was yesterday we did four and a half hours tonight it’ll be about four and a half hours kind of but it’s pay to play when it comes to console if you want to play with everyone

Playing it is what it is there’s benefits to everything right I don’t know I’ve always played console I’ve been on PS5 for years or ever I got a PS5 almost at release I came close Addie thank you for the follow welcome welcome where did all your followers come from really the spike in

The followers have happened in the last couple weeks since they started streaming again the the uh the community support on Minecraft Tik Tok has just been absolutely wild it’s truly like awesome I I don’t have a better word than awesome I wish it could be more descriptive but definitely made coming back to

Streaming uh and really playing Minecraft on Tik Tok 110% worth it Jordan Addie thank you for the follows welcome welcome appreciate it you guys you were at 5K last I saw you it’s been a spike my PS4 survival world just hit 10 years awesome Neato congratulations man Ethan

Rosco thank you for the follow welcome welcome this world is a little under two years old so one of these days eventually we’ll kind of have like an off stream and I want to take you guys and tour through my other survival world so I have really two to show you guys so

I have uh trophy city which is a three and 1/2 year old world that I ran and I have that build which has some really crazy stuff in it but that world got sidelined about a year after the Better Together update came out because I was stubborn and when they did away with

Legacy Edition I got uh I got frustrated refused to accept the Better Together update and ended up playing on an outdated world for over a year found a skeleton spawner and now working on a farm congrats Connor man appreciate it or appreciate it happy for you that’s what I was looking for my

World was like impress thank you for the follow welcome welcome my world was like three months and corrupt and deleted that’s rough Tony so this world also suffered that fate unfortunately I have a massive build in this world uh it’s just a huge Cathedral and we did all of it on stream

I ended up you know spending a day or more zoning out and finishing it so I was all excited to show stream afked one of my other Farms without backing up the save came back the next morning and the world had crashed and I’d lost about 25

To 30 hours of progress on it and completely uh completely wiped it out Bronx thank you for the follow welcome welcome oh I have many backups of this world many many what made you start recording on your Minecraft world so I’ve always like enjoyed posting Clips

To Tik Tok here and there and I used to post war zone stuff and used to post uh like Apex and uh see GTA I did a lot of GTA way way back when Co first got big and I really enjoyed posting it cuz the gaming community on Tik Tok is it’s

Pretty cool I mean everybody just kind of enjoys it AJ Cyrus thank you for the follow welcome welcome I mean it’s it’s a great community and one day I posted a Minecraft Tik Tok it did decently well nothing nothing too crazy but I’m like okay maybe you know Minecraft’s my

Favorite game and I’m like maybe I could post some of my favorite game and we’ll see if we’ll see if other people like it and I just started posting it started doing well and I went you know what I’ll I’ll keep doing it Georgie I’m a work systems facilitator for a pharmaceutical

Company so basically think of me as uh I do corporate project management for a pharmaceutical company that basically what my job boils down into or yeah corporate project management it’s a simple way of putting what I do Ali thank you for the follow welcome welcome what am I doing in the game

Tonight so what I did right now is I leveled out this huge chunk I’m going to spawn proof it real quick and then we’re going to build a crazy big uh warped fungus Farm because I need a ton of warped fungus for my new end Hub I’m going to

Build so I figured the best way to do it was to build a farm that’s probably bigger than what I need but why not right bigger is usually better I might it will probably end up in the series Farms have only run once but if I run it

Once name a country for an edit oh United States all the way I’ll be lame got to drop one of the hardest United States edits you can Emily thank you for the follow welcome welcome appreciate it hope you enjoy the stream welcome just going to be picking away

Eventually get all this leveled out we’re going to spawn for it we’re going to throw a fence around it then uh hi Soul welcome back sorry if I missed your original comment what are some good endgame Farms like Ender Dragon is killed so uh the best the most important

Farm in the game is an iron farm you should have as many if especially if you’re on Bedrock Edition whether or not as fast as they are on Java Edition you should have as many Bedrock or as many iron Farms as you can possibly do I have

Six in this world iron is used in the most crafting recipes in the entire game so I don’t know if we can consider that a late game farm but if you don’t have an iron farm and you want to start making other late game farms you should get on making an iron

Farm favorite game right now oh Minecraft Let’s be completely transparent about all this Minecraft is my all-time favorite game it’s always going to be my favorite game I am playing a decent amount of the finals right now I’m going a gen gen good time in the finals when I’m not playing

Either of that I did do a lot of grinding in Apex hit my masters and then went okay I don’t want to touch rank anymore and haven’t looked back villager farm small for early game yeah I am not cheating it’s a very good game it’s great what about a Wither Farm trying to

Build one for bedrock and recommend videos like a wither skeleton Farm is that what you’re looking for I can’t see what your name is but the yes so the easiest wither Farm Wither Skeleton Farm is just uh what you want to do you can use pick Block in

Survival mode you just have to have that block in your inventory yes is that what he’s confused about how I’m using pick block I don’t I really don’t know why people don’t know what pick block is it’s been in the game for years it’s just not an autobound key I think that’s the

Issue so for what he’s confused about is so right now this is picklock right so I have four stacks of grass in my inventory and I want to quickly get it out of my inventory without having to go in take it and drag it to my hand right

So I have an it’s completely in vanilla survival bound to my scroll wheel when I click my scroll wheel it pulls a stack of the dirt or however much dirt or grass block out of my inventory so that’s all I’m doing again it pick block has been in the game

Forever it’s not automatically bound you have to go into your settings and bind it to something but it is an incredibly useful block and sorry Nitro thank you for the follow to get back to it the Wither Farm the easiest one you want to do is find a nether fortress preferably

In a Soul Sand Valley then in that Soul Sand Valley you want to spawn proof all of it except for a Crossroads so you’re going to find a Crossroads in the nether fortress level it out like 30 by or what is it 15 out 15 out each

Way squared off with nether brick and then put a piglin in the Middle with a pit underneath it so then you put carpet 10 blocks out on either side of the actually this is just going to be I’ll just show you I I couldn’t find a Wither

Farm I really liked so I kind of took a bunch of different inspiration from a bunch of different farms and that’s what I end up bu like so we’ll take a quick trip to the Wither Farm I guess you guys are coming with us not a big deal

Danny it does help a lot it is it isn’t I’m just so used to playing with pick block now that I don’t think I could play without it all right I’m going to try to ditch these guys as fast as I can so they don’t follow

Me quick stop fly this way Quick Stop fly this way all righty so it doesn’t look like much but this is the underside of my wither farm so all you really want to do super super simple Farm to make with a skeleton Farm as you can kind of see let

Me Crouch so this is a uh nether fortress this is a crossroads right here all I did was make a big spawning platform covered in wither roses and then carpeted around it so it takes advantage of pack spawning and in the middle there there is a uh piglin like

Just a regular piglin now the only mobs that can spawn in here are zombie piglins which will die to the Wither roses and Withers and then so you go up 30 Block above come over here and if you look straight down eventually you’ll see some

Is my piglin dead no he’s still in there so like the wither skeleton spawn they run in they fall into the hole and then there’s a trident killer down there which would automatically kill them for me and then gives me their heads also gives you a bunch of coal and Bones so

It’s kind of a multi-purpose Farm we are at 30k thank you guys for 30,000 likes appreciate it so all I would do here is come turn on the Trident killer oh you can hear him get grinded up turn it off and then n skulls come

Out down here to the sorder you get coal in here so on and so forth that works on Bedrock Edition they’re a little different in Java if you play on Java how much does it produce I mean I have three stacks of beacons and they’ve all come from that

Farm so it it does decently well all right little guys come on we’re going back yeah so that farm works if you’re on Bedrock I just want to try to clarify that for you will not work if you’re on Java Edition well it will but you need

To spawn proof out 128 blocks in every direction so it’s much more of an investment oh yeah if you’re on Bedrock basically from your spawn point pick 75 blocks that way 75 blocks that way and then just spawn proof everything around it and you’re golden it’ll run

Great it’s where I get all my beacons from thank you guys so much for all of the likes we topped 30,000 so far tonight uh actually I think on my page there’s a video I want to say it’s Farms have only run once and you can go ahead and find it on

There if you’re looking for more of a video if you want to come back and reference it hi or zoa is that how I pronounce it thank you for the follow welcome welcome it doesn’t show exactly how to build it but you can take a look at it and you

Can kind of get a better view on it Zoo welcome to the stream thank you for the follow kayen thank you for the follow welcome welcome Chris thank you for the follow welcome welcome so I don’t do many tutorials except for the stuff that I personally feel I’m qualified to do so

Like uh connecting Nether Portals ender chests occasional things in there there’s much better creators than me so there should be a playlist pinned to the top of my page it’s like Farms have only run once and it’s in there somewhere what’s my headset so I have an astro it’s the Astro

A40s how often do I play this so I play Minecraft three or four times a week just about uh usually I don’t stream stormy I have several I have well a bunch of different bases now I guess I have the cathedral build so if you’re curious about the other stuff in my

World there is a 5,000 day World Tour on YouTube and there is much more other than other than just Farms now it’s a lot of farms because like I kind of said earlier the point of this world is to get as close to creative mode as possible but uh there are some other

Other builds in there I’m really good at modern style building I am trying to get better at like folk building and stuff like that all righty so now this is all leveled out level out back to here now I kind of want to keep up with the Cobblestone fence CU I use

Cobblestone fence everywhere else here but I don’t know I don’t know I really don’t know let’s see do I keep up with the Cobblestone fence it’s kind of the staple of there how many hours am I live so I don’t have a streaming schedule during the week uh

Part of 2024 is I’m going to stream every either Saturday or Sunday night every week I I’ll find a time I’ll let you guys know during the week be like hey you know the stream’s going to be Saturday night or hey the stream’s going to be Sunday night and then I will make

A point to be live during that uh any other stream like during the week is like just a pure like pro bono I had some extra time like you know I got done my lift early or something like that Scientology thank you for the follow they’re not slaves they’re aays

They’re my tamed little guys so they automatically collect blocks for me and then they do a little happy day dance when they get to collect blocks for you so like if I throw these blocks out here you’ll see my grass guy will come scoop them up and he’ll throw

Them to me and he’ll be all happy right little guy so they’re just they automatically collect blocks for you and they’re completely vanilla oh they’re incredibly incredibly helpful you just give him a block so to tame this guy he’s holding grass so if I have an open hand and I

Take his block from him he’s now Untamed he will wander forever but he will never despawn to tame him on all I do is give him a block so now wherever I go he’ll follow me around so like I’m over here now he’ll come he’ll come hang out over

Here super super helpful if you want like more in-depth guide on them there’s a pin video at the top of my page that will go over uh go over a lay a little bit more in depth all right put that there this is going to be

A a chest monster from hell for right now give me this give me this give me this able thank you for the follow welcome welcome we’re goingon to we’re going to stay with the Cobblestone fence Nicholas thank you for the follow welcome welcome you’re good M don’t worry you didn’t

Miss anything I thought that was an Enderman real quick we are just barely getting into the stream we’re an hour and 30 minutes in here we’re going to do a minimum of four hours we’re just chilling why do you add a fence so I’m just spawn proofing so all of this will

Be like path blocks like that so this whole area I want to make sure that if I’m afking in here I don’t have to worry about a creeper sneaking up on me or anything like that so the whole base is kind of built on this path block and

Cobblestone fence and then I use smooth stone for all my builds so that’s kind of the pallet for this area and this area is going to be a huge Redstone farm so I want to make sure that there’s no risk to it at any point whatsoever eventually this whole area will probably

Become Farms so like this whole whole Peninsula will eventually become Farms Woody thank you for the follow I don’t know if I caught it earlier welcome welcome can we get him to 50 likes before he finishes the fence what are we at now I’m only showing 31,000

Which is still absolutely wild and I appreciate it but don’t break your phone screens for me just French thank you for the follow welcome welcome how do you you do have any Redstone Farm starting to run out and feel like mining so villagers villagers are the best way to get redstone right

Now you just build yourself a you know like melon and pumpkin farm or like zombie flesh Farm something where you can just generate a bunch of emeralds from an item that is super super easy to get and then you just trade with cleric villagers for uh Redstone it’s what I do

In my world I’d say at least 50 to 60% of all the Redstone I use comes from cleric villager tra TR in you should check out a game called friends versus friends very fun might have to not uh not switching off Minecraft for a while French thank you for the

Follow I have a trading all the easiest trade really to set up is just uh setting yourself up with some cleric villagers because then you take the cleric villagers and you trade rotten flesh with them and then in return you get back uh emeralds and then once you have

The emeralds you can trade it for Redstone especially if you cure them down once they’re cured you just get a ton of uh you just can get one Redstone for one emerald and you know when you have a really good raid Farm or something like that you have just a ton upon ton

Of uh emeralds stocked up it it’s a no-brainer using that for a farm best XP farm so my main so I have over two dozen I think we did the count two dozen uh Farms that produce crane I appreciate the invite man but if you invite me again I’m going

To have to going to have to block you I appreciate it I don’t play with followers I I encourage the enthusiasm but uh it’s not going to happen Okay but the best XP farm right now I mainly use a guardian farm and when I’m not using the guardian Farm I use my

Gold farm so most of my XP for all my mending tools come from those two Farms arms you should check out rust once you go in you can never got so I hear rust it’s like uh oh what’s the joke rust is like the worst game ever until you have

300 hours in it and then it’s suddenly uh the funnest game in the world or something like that Minecraft Bedrock Carson thank you for the follow welcome welcome no getting around that name is there exactly what you’re here to do I think the easiest AFK farm that I

Get XP from though is probably just my furnace array you know hundreds of thousands of blocks of glass and it just always is running any reason you play on bedrock and not Java so the story behind that is I first started out on mouse and keyboard or computer really and then way

Way back in 10 plus years and then Minecraft came out on PS3 so I got Minecraft on the PS3 and uh never really looked back play play Minecraft on the PS3 switched to the PS4 the PS4 used to have Legacy Edition played a lot of Legacy Edition then uh eventually The Better Together

Update came out and when the better better better together update came out it switched console Minecraft from the Legacy Edition to the Bedrock Edition and I just never looked back Israel thank you for the follow what is the farm right there user which Farm are we looking at right there the

Big Green Bamboo one I got, 1500 hours and I get no sleep worst game I’ve bought but the best I’ve played I don’t know if I need another game like that in my life can I just say the cherry tree is the best in the game

Right now oh the cherry tree and the Cherry biome are gorgeous great additions to the game look out little guy oh something came across somewhere reflective thank you for the follow over on YouTube the uh the subscriber uh all right over on YouTube for some reason is

The same as the donation sound from Tik Tok so I got to check my different screens to figure out what just popped up thank you for subscribing welcome to the YouTube side of things Jeff I’m currently spawn proofing a chunk of my mass farming area to build

A very large warped fungus Farm because I’m going to need a ton of the Warped fungus in order to get a uh because I’m redoing my entire end Hub how many hours do you have in Minecraft so I have over 3,000 on the PS4 edition I have a little over

22500 on the PS3 version and about a thousand on PCS what happened to my flat world so I still have it I just haven’t done anything with it iron farm I have six of them and there’s one of the six is here so what are these blue guys finding

These are my La they helped us clear out this whole area so these guys automatically collect blocks for me just make collecting things way easier and then one of the six iron Farms is this little guy right here I say little but it’s you know quite High producing at least for

Bedrock the simplest iron farm I’ll be honest with you watched a lot of them on YouTube uh they all claim to be the simplest this is the best this gets you the best rates I went to creative mode I designed this Beast right here and it’s

My own design it’s pretty small and minu works very well and it’s it’s I have six of them across my world does a very good job for me now I’m sure you can go on YouTube and find somebody who’s more qualified and be like I’m a redstone

Engineer all I do is hang out in creative mode and design Farms but to each their own again like my other thing with uh with uh how I why I don’t do tutorials is there’s more qualified people than me to give you tutorials on stuff all the Redstone you see in this

World is my design this massive mess of redstone with AO droppers this is all mine I shouldn’t there are better people than me to show you how to build something like this but for myself for the challenges I put forward it’s what I want to do do you have a video I don’t

Have a video you guys always ask for video I might do an iron farm video someday in the future I always say I’m going to do it I mean that’s the iron farm right there that works in super flat too all my iron that we were

Getting in the super flat world is built from that you should start recording them you would get lots of views so funny enough I split my streams with YouTube so all of my streams are saved over there do you make money from your lives in vids I

Do not I’m not doing this for any sort of money this is just a hobby for me I mean I kind of just halfhazard into streaming and Tik Tok and uh not like looking for any monetary gain or anything like that I’m just you know playing the game I love

And I seem to found a nice little Community here and I’m as long as you guys enjoy watching me play I’m just going to keep chilling and playing hey Cara how we doing what’s your YouTube it’s it’s kinger IV same as the channel name you should start most of your Farms

Are unique unique’s a funny way of saying they’re not optimized Jordan thank you for the follow Mike thank you for the follow Nate thank you for the follow welcome welcome everybody dot I can’t see what your name is but I appreciate the follow welcome I mean I like them I appreciate

That man Joshua thank you for the follow I like them too how do I get the fairies to uh follow me so these guys are aays they’re all tamed by me CU they’re holding blocks like let’s see here give me come here buddy you can be my golden

Carrot fairy so what these guys do is they automatically collect blocks for me so I used them when we were leveling off this whole area and now they’re just kind of following me around so if I throw golden carrots this guy will come scoop him up and he’ll bring him over to

Me but I was using him to collect uh dirt so or grass blocks so they’re just following me cuz there’s nothing to pick up right now delay thank you for the follow Frosty thank you for the follow how did I get into streaming so Tony I’ve always kind of posted Tik Tok Clips

Here and there because it’s just fun to do you know and started posting a couple Minecraft ones they did all right you know I got a small following and then one day out of the blue Tik Tok emailed me saying hey you know you’ve qualified

To try out live studio and I’m like I I don’t know I’ve never really live streamed before and I’m like you know what I’ll I’ll log on I’ll play some Minecraft I’ll do some live streaming and I found myself a nice little community on here and I kind of haven’t

Looked back again no expectations just chilling and having a good time hey Josh how we doing man welcome to the YouTube side of things how was dinner so dinner was really good uh instead of going out to eat my uh mom and my sister actually

Surprised me when I got to the house to pick them up they had made another Thanksgiving dinner so it was super nice instead of taking them all out to dinner they kind of surprised me with a like temporary like a middle of January Thanksgiving dinner

Am thank you for the follow Mo no mo thank you for the follow welcome welcome thanks for showing us man yeah of course they’re super helpful alls are possibly the the most helpful mob in the game they’re incredible so Joey if you’re curious about aays you can find them at Woodland

Mansions or at the Pillager out post how much longer is stream the stream is going till 10:00 and it is 7:30 now so a nice long and like four and a half hour stream how many farms do I have oh God uh we can consult the Great

Farm wall if I end up over there got to be over 50 Farms I want to say the whole point of this world is to get as close to creative mode as I possibly can thank you Joey I appreciate it man Q dog right now I’m just leveling out a spot for the

New warped fungus Farm it’s going to be ugly and lots of redstone and produce a lot of items so I did not want to put it in my industrial area where it’s going to cause even more lag what difficulty so most of the time I’m just chilling on

Uh on easy you guys can give me [ __ ] I don’t play hardcore or anything like that I’m just vibing out in the game I feel like you will give good life advice I’ll give you the best advice I can give you rich thank you for the follow Haley thank you for the follow

Emma thank you for the follow welcome welcome Haley I appre appreciate the uh the ask but I don’t play with any followers right now Frosty these guys automatically pick up BL uh blocks from me I’m just a single player only I do appreciate you asking

Though Bedrock or Java so this is all b rock Edition I’m on my PS5 but I do play mouse and keyboard any advice to be less shy fake it till you make it at a certain point if you fake confidence long enough you’ll actually start gaining some confidence it’s

Uh I I guess I I forgot I don’t I don’t know if that’s the best advice but it’s probably the it’s the advice I give you is just you know just fake till you make it with the uh with the shyness nobody knows if you’re shy or not if you’re coming across as

Confident uh I am losing my mind there it sticks I made a fancy storage unit and I still haven’t used it that’s rough brother how do you not get bold of a world uh thank you lean I appreciate that man I just I love the game and it

Really boils down to I don’t get bored playing Minecraft I definitely get burnout but the recommendation I give to everybody else is like how do you play this much is this isn’t the only game I play you know I really only play Minecraft on the weekends because I know

I’m going to sit down for you know a couple hours to play and so if I’m like getting on for like an hour after the gym or or something like that most of the time I’m just going to you know Vibe out and play like finals or play Apex

Something like that something with my buddies and then kind of just chill out the whole time but if I know I got the time and I’m like hey you know uh I’m working late tomorrow night so I know I don’t have to be up early the day before I’ll

Hop on Minecraft and play for a couple hours no harm in F that how do Skillets work shulkers shulkers are mobile storage so each one of these can hold the contents of like a chest and then I can pick them up at any point and move

Them around so in my Ender Chest all of these are named so it’s like mobile storage like if I need scaffolding or food or emeralds or totems or armor you know smooth Stone other Stone types Stone lanterns light sources glass I have a whole video on how shulker boxes

Work on my page I think it’s pinned might be the top pinned video on there you can check Colton if you’re interested in a world tour I have a 5,000 World Tour over on YouTube so this will be more than enough space so if you are interested in seeing

More of the world there is a 5,000 what do I use for food mostly golden carrots now I have a grilled or a cooked chicken farm which has produced crazy amounts of cooked chicken because it’s one of the older farms and the easiest food Farms

To make but uh at the same time I I don’t know this is a weird thing I feel more professional using golden carrots cuz that’s what like all the other streamers and accounts use of uh is using golden carrots cuz it is the best food item in the game how

Does a totem Farm works so a totem Farm comes from a raid farm so what you do is take advantage of raid spawning and basically Force raids to spawn in a certain area kill them super super easy and then you get the totems from the evokers thanks for the advice

Have a good day have a great rest of your day Victor I wish you luck brother I hope I hope my act or uh fake it till you make it with the confidence thing helps you out I don’t uh I really hope it helps you out first house so my first house in

This world is very very old it’s a nice little Log Cabin what do the fairies do Frosty the fairies are called alls and they automatically collect blocks for me if they’re tamed right now they’re not tamed so they’re just kind of hanging out over there because I don’t want them

To fly away what’s really cool about aays is they will never despawn so if you like set these guys free in your world and and you didn’t know how to use them as long as you generally remember where you set them loose you can go find them cuz they will never despawn they’re

A unique mob how do I tame them you just give them a block so it’s super super easy to tame them if you’re more interested Frosty top of my page Pinn a video I think it’s it’s like uh a are the best mob in the game or like how to

Fully take advantage of aays can’t you get aay from raids you cannot but uh your aays can die in raids cuz Vex will kill them Keegan thank you for the follow welcome welcome so I don’t need the beacon anymore so I did not leave an iron chest out where are

You I don’t all right we’re just going to keep the zigzag of shulker boxes I guess going those go in there I need this this can go here for now put that away already righty now to build a farm that was fast found a woodland mansion

In a realm that’s why I found a couple fairies nice stormy thank you for the follow welcome welcome Josh I’m glad you’re loving the stream man I hope you guys are enjoying it I probably should take the bed over there Bandit thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome W those attract Raiders the blue mobs so yes and no I it looks like a spider web follow thank you Zach thank you for the follow welcome welcome so the LA won’t bring uh Raiders here Raiders can naturally spawn of course anywhere in the world but

Because this area is all spawn proofed and due to bedrock spawning if I raid if well if the pillagers spawn here all I’m going to do is Fly Away give it a second let him despawn and come back not too worried I’ve done hold on

I’ll show you so I ran my RAID Farm a probably unhealthy amount so I have this entire totem or this entire shelter of totems and four more double chests of totems so I I think the Raiders are more scared of me you’re so Minecraft educated it’s very impressive I’ve played the game for

A very very long time it is it is my all-time favorite game I love this game how uh do you prefer to watch us on Tik Tok or YouTube whatever is easier for you guys so I have more interaction with the I have both my chats over here you

Guys like the camera’s here and I have another monitor over here just for you guys because I I hate creators and streamers who don’t read chat bugs me and so I’m I never want to try to be that way so I have Tik Tok chats up here

YouTube chats up here so I try to read both as fast as I can and uh it’s completely up to you guys so uh if you easier to watch on Tik Tok watch on Tik Tok if it’s easier for you guys to watch on YouTube because YouTube does show the full screen you

Can go watch over on YouTube it’s completely up to you guys will you use the mobs in the future of your Minecraft streams mobs mod mods so I have mods in here right right now uh one of my accounts just banned somebody quick because they came in dropped the nword

And had to be immediately blocked Uh Kevin thank you for the follow Doren thank you for the or Dorian Dorian thank you for the follow so I do have mods in here I only have mods from people I know IRL John thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome so there are some in here and they’re just kind of listening in the background in case anything happens that shouldn’t happen and we’ll leave it at shouldn’t happen Jackson thank you man I appreciate it all right how’s it going ker it is going good Cody it is going

Real good I lost my train of thought it is time to build the first farm so we’re going to need the Redstone box where’s my Redstone box we’re going to need this box this Farm I’m going to need a torch a piston probably several Pistons I

Might as well take everything I need and then going to need a dispenser I did not bring bone meal over here I’m going to have to go get bone meal some point let’s see this I’m going to need observers actually I don’t know if I’ll need observers this should be easy enough to

Build all righty where am I going to put I’m going put it in this corner over here oh I need smooth Stone I don’t know if I have smooth Stone we used a lot of smooth Stone lately oh I I have a little bit

Okay but yeah so this is why I keep a fully stocked Ender Chest it’s basically just mobile storage are you on mouse and keyboard or controller mouse and keyboard I’m way more I play majority of my games on uh on uh wow words are really kicking my

Ass today on uh on Console or on controller but I just so so much prefer Minecraft on uh this why am I struggling why am I struggling so much this goes here this goes here then I totally built this the wrong way immediately brain’s not working I’m

Trying to figured out this goes like this this goes here this goes here then block here piston here am I dumb I might be dumb I built a thousand of these and I can’t figure out how I built them there we go then block here dummy break these break

That then go here and I need Redstone Dust oh where’ that go Visions thank you for subscribing over on YouTube Welcome All right so this is a z piston I’m sorry my brain was just not not doing it so what happens is every time a block gets right

Here it’ll instantly move it out of the way so that’s all that was and that was like breaking my mind trying to figure that out and all I’m going to do from that is go here then I need a dispenser and a redstone repeater like that then if I take you take

You just like that break all of this hopefully I have bone meal here I don’t know if I have bone meal here that might have been an oversight on my part might need to go check how did you mess it up so many different ways I don’t yeah I’m willing

To bet I don’t have bone meal here all right we’re making a quick trip to get some bone meal yep it’s a bastardized one tick there’s no real true one tick piston on Bedrock unfortunately it’s about as close as I can get one oh nailed it well you guys are

Almost you’re probably going to see what a totem does in this world cuz I will definitely eat it flying at some point when did you get the idea to start the Minecraft world what farm what is the farm you’re making for so this is a warped nyum Farm oh

I oh come on catch up there we go all right back in storage hopefully yeah I have a little bit of bone meal here ah this should be more than enough to experiment for now back to the portal Zoe thank you for the follow welcome welcome little bit is a little bit

You should see how much is that industrial industrial has all of my overflow in that area any of the organic farms just flow into composters there’s a crazy amount I need to hopefully I have some here I just realize I kind of nope nope ah I have enough give me uh what

Don’t I need I don’t need a single path block that can stay here I’m going to start a world now nice I’m making one more than more than one farm so bare minimum one Farm if this shouldn’t take this Farm should be done in like 2 minutes as long as I can

Remember how to place my Redstone and once that farm is done then we’re going to start working on the Crimson Farm which we’ll see how long that takes I built it in creative mode and I have a very good idea of exactly what it’s supposed to look like and do

But I haven’t uh put that into practice yet so now take some of you put you right there and then I think I brought some over right it’s not in that chest it should be in this chest so all this should do is yep easy enough all right sweet so this

Works oh just to explain this all right the best and B thank you for following so when you let me just disable this for a second give me some bone meal so when so all this is is a dispenser and then this is a nyum block so whenever

You bone meal a block next to nyum it turns it into more so all this dispenser is doing is just converting regular Netherrack into nyum that’s all it’s doing have you run any difficulties making Farm on Bedrock I know a bunch of them are less productive they’re not as

Fast but it’s really not that hard to make them how are you so good at making Farms I play a lot of probably play with some would consider an unhealthy amount of this game so let’s just try or run this out easy enough ah I forgot I got to put a uh oh

I’m dumb hold on I need to put my repeater back right there give me this fix that so now I need to get a fence gate we crafted fence gates so I should have some have you running uh how are you still going to make Farms just play time

Brother played a lot of this game love this game so just building stuff like this is uh is what I’m good at so we want a chest right there just despawn spawn proof this or no should be able to take this should all be converting nice I want to

Figure out where my push limit’s at it’s right there okay break you ah trapped still trapped out this way all right so this is push limit right here hey look I counted right the first time so now I need to just make a simple

Block so all this is going to do is very occasionally this Farm will break itself just how it works again we talk about you you mention Farms being buggy on Bedrock this is one of the Farms that’s a little buggy on Bedrock but it’s also not so here here here and

There and then this should I need a little bit more give me this and then break this don’t need this here don’t need this here try to be as minist the list as possible can I got to replace that block but now should be able to

Just and when it gets to the end should move right out nice so we have a block maker easy enough right so we’re going to need a ton of warp nyum because I’m definitely going to go through it so it’s just nice to have what was that awful noise

Probably should bring a bed over there at some point all right sleep time no such thing as too much Minecraft there is I love this game I love this game a lot there is such a thing as too much Minecraft is what it is just bring it now all

Righty so I want to just one of these is a redstone chest there it is my Redstone reserves are Hur in going to have to take some time so we’re just going to do this here throw that in there throw that in there the extra bone meal can go in there for now

But yeah so this Farm will more or less replace any nyum that I go through I am live in Minecraft afex sounds fun go for it man I love Apex I have many many hours in Apex don’t love it as much lately I won’t lie Apex lately has been been a painful painful

Experience come on oh you’re not letting me do it there it goes would you ever consider coming to a viewer’s realm to build farms so I just play single player Britney I appreciate the invite and the ask but not uh not anytime in the in the near

Future all right so this should be be more than enough to start building the farm at least yeah it’s it’s sweaty it really is I’ve been watching for a while and I’ve yet to see you use a crafting bench I have pretty much all my stuff uh ready to go as

Needed I did use a crafting bench there’s one over there technically do you have tutorials on YouTube or anything been so addicted to making Farms later hey Madison so I don’t have any tutorials besides what you see on my Tik Tok page like for my inter Chast and linking portals and

Stuff like that I leave it up to more qualified content creators to do tutorials and stuff like that I still don’t fully trust myself to give you guys the best the best Farms I can give you Alex thank you for the follow Gage thank you for the follow sorry I missed that

Earlier all my Redstone has done myself so that’s that’s how I always done it minus a few things like storage systems which are just kind of generally not something you do yourself so that stuff I’ll Trust I can you know direct you guys to good content creators to check

That out all right I’m going to put my Redstone back just so I can take inventory on what I got to do I have no chest but it’s not like I have tens of thousands of pieces of bamboo over there that’s super helpful that’s iron wood all

Right what farm am I making so Jake I am making a absolutely massive warped fungus farm so in the recent patch updates uh they made it so that warped fungus when it grows into the big tall trees will no longer delete Pistons observers and stuff like that so you’re

Able to uh to build really easy Farms now and and again I’ve learned that my definition of easy Farms is not everybody’s definition of easy Farms but uh is it not night time is it just awful awful raintime yes in no Ace you can build a

Witch farm and witch drops will give you Redstone automatically so that is super helpful all right so the first thing I need is where I’m going to build I think I’m going to build it right here the Redstone will be on this side and the block will be this way

So that that makes no sense to you guys but I spent about an hour and a half in creative mode before this stream building this farm and unfortunately there’s no schematics in this version of Minecraft so you kind of just got to wing it when you’re going for

It but I spent two three four five six s we’ll do seven up block here Warp nyum so we’re going to be pushing stuff that way so block here warp nyum block here okay it’s going to be a lot of me saying block here it’s just kind of my Redstone

Process going to need how many pistons do I have 64 that should not be enough is there any reason you need to make this Farm or you’re just making it for fun so I was really banking on 1.21 being an end update so I have one end portal I’ve defeated the Ender Dragon

One time never did anything with my uh end Gateway never did anything with the end Island any of it because I didn’t want to have the new update come out and have to delete my stuff so now that 1. 21’s not going to be an end update and we’re going to have

A whole another year of of no end update I figured why not go in and and redo it and and all my other dimensions are flushed out the overw world’s great my nether is completely converted into a nether Hub I’ve never done anything with the end so I the block palette I’m doing

For my new end Hub is going to be Black Stone and then like bluish blocks and warp nyum uh strip work nyum is beautiful with black stone and then the blue lanterns so you guys will see as we go but I need a ton of it and my current

Farm is not going to give me a ton of it easily so that’s why big farm here to get a ton for that project that’s why the name of the stream is a new project it’s my new end Hub and uh oh lost internet uhoh I lost internet

Hard let’s see if it comes back up NOP there it goes that a big spike kinda kind of the same Farm Jake thank you for the follow welcome welcome uh Alex I missed your comment earlier I am Live on YouTube and Tik Tok at the same time

Oh I didn’t mean to do that all right guys my internet lagged on me a little bit right there also my voice is starting to go so don’t judge me too too hard still learning the whole uh not burning my voice out streaming how many up am I one two three four

Five ah ow all right so this is five four five right hold on one two three four five what does scaffolding do so it’s just a block you can climb six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 there we

Go all righty so 20 blocks up and back back down so you can just move in and out through scaffolding and it’s super easy cuz it’s basically just it’s scaffolding instead of using like dirt blocks or stone you can just kind of build yourself a platform and it’s super

Easy to build with and it’s super easy to get a lot of it so bamboo is is truly an easy to get resource so I use a lot of scaffolding to help do projects like this because you know no creative mode I’m not flying around why didn’t you subtract the

Number of blocks you have in your hand cuz that sounded like a lot of math and I would just I just count it up instead of down I know it would be 26 but is what it is all righty there is that that was easy enough to do then I

Need smooth Stone on this side come back down here fair enough fair enough right I need a dispenser and go up here dispenser goes on this block I’m going to need oh do I have half slabs I bet you I don’t have any half slabs oh I I’m going to have to go

Make smooth stone at some point actually give me before I end up eating through all of it we’re going to just take a quick trip to the uh storage and grab some what’s the point of having a new massive storage base if I’m still living out of an Ender Chest motivational

Mindset thank you for the follow welcome welcome Ace that’s exactly where you have totems it was funny when we were building the witch the other day or witch Farm the other night that’s the first totem I’ve popped in like at least 6 months and it was for me not paying

Attention while I was flying I never died to actual mobs I only po ow see like right there I caught the wall and took damage that’s just how I end up cat thank you for the follow welcome welcome I never take damage from or I never die

To mobs I died to walls and flying in my elytra kinetic energy anytime now what game is this so this is Lego fortnite it’s pretty cool should definitely check it out what did I come here for I was being sarcastic and I forgot what I came to storage for I need half

Slabs there we go also while I’m here oh that’s something new core Art thank you for subscribing over on YouTube Welcome welcome I apologize if I haven’t been high on the notifications my streamlabs has not worked for like the last three months or I say last that’s not like

I’ve been streaming but it just has has not worked but thank you for the follow welcome all right I don’t need a singular path Block in my inventory goodbye Lego fortcraft Minecraft is Minecraft free on Playstation it is not I don’t think it is it might be I don’t know I haven’t

Bought Minecraft in a very long time I don’t even know what it goes for anymore probably like 20 bucks 5.99 know two sticks if you rub them together fast enough Bader Java Bedrock Edition so I’m on PS5 but I do play a mouse and keyboard all right losing my voice quickly hey it’s

Night time we can finally sleep the rain away do you have a moss Farm yes I do I have a farm for just about every single item in the game bought on my phone for $6.99 love it I have Minecraft on my phone my uh PlayStation and my PC so I

Have it just about everywhere love your Hub thank you Ashley I appreciate that it’s simple but it’s it does exactly what it’s supposed to do like any end Hub should one of these days I’ll make it a little bit crazier but that day will not be

Today I want to do a new uh a new like massive room actually I bet you I don’t have one I do have one look at me go actually I don’t need this anymore I changed the design I don’t need the lamp you got a diamond farm yes and no so I

Have a tunnel board that I use to get all my diamonds how do you find farms for everything so I don’t find them I don’t know where that came from something made a noise somewhere llama thank you for the pink shoes so all my Farms I designed myself so I spend a lot

Of time in creative mode and that’s where all of my Farms come from no do what I want you to do do what I want you to do thank you so right there like I built this farm right here I spent a couple hours on today building

In creative mode so I know it works I stress tested the hell out of it but it’s always much more difficult building something in uh in survival than it is building it in actually how do I want to do this I’m wrap I’m wrapping this the wrong way this needs to be

Broken this needs to be another half slab that goes like that you go right here and on and then that needs to be Redstone Dust what are your top Farms to make the most important Farm in any Minecraft world is a iron farm you should have as

Many iron Farms as your world as you can allow if it is incredibly important to make iron Farms so in case anybody’s wondering so this is just a uh kind of like a check valve on this farm so anytime a tree grows up past it’ll light up this

Redstone which is actually going to trigger this Tower of Pistons so you can see that one off and then I’m just going to build off of that and then you stand right here to place the nyum and everything grows and it’s going to get pushed and there be a big

Block uh Cube maker right there and that’s what we’re going for who do you recommend watching for a good iron farm so if you’re on B Rock Edition sorry Chason Xander thank you guys for the follows welcome welcome if you’re on bck Edition two great creators to look out

Are for silent Whisperer and for little bit simpler Farms but they work just as well you want to look up a guy named JC plays they’re both in uh pretty great Minecraft uh technical players and they’ll be able to point you in the right direction ducky I think you’ve been in my streams

Before you know that okay so now I need smooth Stone give me this always fun doing technical builds in survival mode I might have to switch to my creative testing world so you guys might get to see Labs at some point because I’m going to have to go there to

Reference at least once trying to do as much as I can from memory but we’ll see how long I last okay so that’s good there then I’m going to need yep we’re going to Labs because I forgot how I did the Redstone what days do you stream and how

Long do you stream for so I always will stream on either Saturday or Sunday nights every week though will be at least one dedicated streaming but and then anything during the week is just like bonus time okay so how did I do this originally okay so that’s what I

Thought so this is the farm we’re building by the way but I’m building it into survival so this is my creative testing world where I test out all my Farms before I build them so I’m just in here referencing the Redstone I put together for the project so it should run around just

Like that and then every other up if you guys are curious how this works basically come down here Crouch under place a warped fungus it’ll grow it gets pushed out it’ll grow it gets pushed out M girl get pushed out it’s pretty quick does the job

Oh and now it’ll lock because we filled the cube maker that we’ll also build so it’ll just make a huge cube of these items and then can Farm it down so I designed this in Creative earlier today going to clean up the Redstone a little bit but I just needed to come

Over here and reference to make sure that I’m you know building it right nothing more frustrating than spending a lot of hours designing a farm than trying to bring it over into your survival world and you like placing one block wrong the whole time so Redstone just wraps repeater

Back and then a whole bunch forward okay now like again how a lot of my Farms do you guys don’t usually see that side of it because they don’t usually stream building but that’s all I’m doing is just going to be going back and forth getting uh getting this so there

Need to be a redstone dust on each top of these you built that it’s amazing yeah it’s again all the Redstone you see in this world was designed in that crafting world so that’s what I I call it Labs that world is older than this one and

That’s where I design all my Redstone stuff also I’m def I think I’m going to use the white glass again because I really liked using white glass am I able to join the realm because that’s what I saw when it loaded into the game so it is only a single player

Realm I am the only one in here it is a locked realm I play on a realm simply because if I had this entire world saved on just my PlayStation it has a tendency to crash and corrupt so I use the realm because it is

More of a stable uh thing to play on so I brought over an entire shulker of glass no I didn’t it’s uh in here so I think I’m going to use the white glass I really like that look I kind of came up with that

In the uh on the fly in the other world all right that’ll do for now I appreciate you asking you’re right it is a realm but I’m the only person in here I got to go but I’ll be back night hopefully what else are you streaming on

So I split my streams with YouTube and Tik Tok so if you ever miss a stream on here they’re named exactly the same and you can go catch them at any time over on YouTube so I now need repeaters hey JT ow almost popped the totem see I never

Pop totems due to mobs but flying and not being paying attention all the time I had repeaters in my inventory the whole time hi JT how we doing man nope this one I’m trying to get my car to work so I can send you a heart user thank you

For the follow I don’t know how a car correlates to a heart but I appreciate it I built four iron Farms all from silent and they don’t seem to work are you on Bedrock Edition or are you on uh Java cuz there a big difference between uh Bedrock editions

And uh Bedrock Edition and Java Edition Iron Farms a a astronomically huge difference Bedrock okay then I would go and check the comments load newest first anytime you ever take a tutorial off YouTube if you’re on Minecraft no matter if it’s got a million views on it always go into

The comments and check and say if people are asking hey why isn’t this working why isn’t this working because sometimes they creators leave videos up they don’t change the title and their Farm has actually stopped working so you want to make anytime you’re going to go reference anything

Always make sure to check and make sure no don’t do that don’t do that do this actually we have to do that my bad I think he met card instead of car you don’t don’t feel like you’re obligated to donate anything I appreciate this support I I love it you

Guys don’t need to feel like you’re obligated to donate at any time okay we’re just chilling we’re all having a good time in here right never going to ask you guys for money or anything like that don’t don’t worry for your underworld hallway do you just go under the lava or build a

Hallway of blocks so it’s like Midway up in the Nether and I just clear it out as needed all righty so needs to be right there so we’re breaking this block break you and this block and then we make the zigzag then Mojang changing it so that

Redstone can go through glass is a top 10 Minecraft change Game Changer is it under the lava it is not under lava so it’s about Midway up in the nether sleep time it is not under the lava my uh nether tunnel pores are under the lava all righty didn’t even see it but

We’ve hit 38,000 likes and 130 new followers appreciate it guys welcome to all the new people on the page all righty now I should have redstone dust in my inventory yep sweet rubber ducky adopted thank you for the live I like that name if you have

Time could you show your iron farm if not your you’re good sure give me give me half a second here this needs to be broken and that goes right there and then you go right here and here and here I’m going to have to put some

Redstone in real quick and then I’ll let I’ll go over to the iron farm I’ll give it a quick synopsis of how it works and then you’re going to have to go from there I don’t have a video on it but I can promise you if you take a good

Screenshot you can probably figure it out it’s not a complicated uh a farm but it works very well I mean it’s running right now and we’re all the way over here and then you and I’m going to snag as much of that on the way down as I can

And that’s why we have feather falling tried to trigger my elytra in time and did not catch it so this is my iron farm here all you’re going to do is put a bunch of beds on top of a transparent block like leaves or glass then you’re going to put 20 workstations

Around the outside of those beds also covered in transparent blocks then you’re going to put how I do it is I just put two villagers in there throw them five or six stacks of carrots they’ll breed up till 20 real quick then uh you put solid blocks above

Them give me one second if I can land this I’ll be proud of myself so then you build solid blocks above them like this use some fence gat and then just push the Iron Golems down into the lava designed it myself built it in my testing World works great I have six of

These all across my world works very very well I mean I drained it and since we’ve been over here it’s done okay I mean I used a lot of this when I was building the storage base cuz I cleaned out all my iron Farms cuz I had like a thousand Hoppers or something

Crazy like that Al thank you for the follow but Bedrock iron Farms unless you’re building a stacked Farm are not the fastest so I’d recommend building one anytime you’re in a place you’re GNA be spending a lot of time I can’t see what your name is but

The heart me came through thank you very much yeah it’s efficient for a Bedrock design I mean again just like I said the Bedrock iron Farms are not the fastest farms in the world but I can promise you that that one works at least might save you some heartache place it thank you

I bet the farm bet you Farm building guys can’t wait for the auto crafter I’m so excited for the aut crafter you see this massive bamboo Farm over here this Farm’s whole purpose is to make chests so all the other farms in my world this is where I get all my wood

From I’m going to make this the whole chest monster over there is the collection system for this beast and it’s just going to make all of it into bamboo wood ah I have no reason for that much bamboo it doesn’t run a super smelter nothing I solely need it

For uh making place place place redstone dust nope not right there we’re going to need a repeater right here then a redstone dust Redstone nope repeater right here Redstone Dust right there so now when we get a solid block hopefully I did all this right the whole thing

Runs Sol block oh it’s just going dead at the top okay so I either take the top two layers of the Pistons off or I just accept that it’s my cub maker is going to be a little short do Bedrock iron Farms work they do they’re not as fast as uh Farms

On put you there before you lag my farm out there we go they are not they are not nearly as fast as they are on uh on on Con on Java words get difficult give me this for now I don’t want to see how far this Redstone line

Goes I’m going to have to find a way to extend it I think I’m building this one bigger than the other one I’m building currently so it looks like the Redstone runs out right there it runs to right there it makes it to right there doesn’t make it out anymore so all

We’re going to do give me some more scaffolding let’s come oh apparently that’s oh okay I’m out of scaffolding this is as far as I can make it going to break you going to actually I don’t need to break that I’m going to break this and then here

Then we’re going to take red stone out of no give Redstone out of there is there any signal coming out of that there isn’t so we got to go down another layer this is why I don’t normally stream when I’m doing Redstone because I gota be like focused while I’m doing it and

It’s not always the easiest thing to focus on right there then you then here that should light up then give me the glass need to go here then an l and then over give me this jump back to here place it there and there we go so now you guys should

Be running sweet okay little funky but it works again why I do all my own Farms because they’re not the prettiest they’re not optimized but they work how long are you going to stream today I’ll be live Monday because of Martin Luther King I have to work

Tomorrow so I normally ow I normally don’t stream after work uh but maybe we’ll see if I get off work early I’ll stream oh I created an infinite Loop like a dumbass all right hold on turn that back on turn you off let’s figure out Sierra thank you for the follow let’s figure

Out where I made the infinite Loop so it’s right here what I need to do is it needs to this needs to do I have one in my inventory I do this needs to switch to a solid block so now it all should be off and if I go back

Down turn it on they all should work and they all should shut off they all should work and they all should shut off okay well that’s fixed so that part of that is done so I can break you you give it give it give it so now

Ow I go over here I sent 1.4k likes thank you Brody I appreciate it man so now if a solid block Gres right here the whole thing should run solid block whole thing run it’s a little delayed but I’m going to put a delay on it anyway H yeah close enough

Close enough for Hors shoes and Hand Grenades all righty so now we got to hook up the dispenser clock which is going to be crazy simple cuz not going to do anything fancy with it I need a sticky piston and two observers what are you making so this is

Going to be a large uh warped neum or uh warped fungus farm so so go up here can you make a tutorial for the iron farm maybe in the future there are far better creators I appreciate you guys wanting the Farms that I make I spent a lot of time

Designing them but they’re kind of just designed I don’t know how to put this right they’re designed for me and there’s definitely people out there who are more qualified to qualified to make bedrock farms for you guys okay break I’m losing to scaffolding right now and you guys want

Me to build make a redstone farm tutorial oh my gosh let me there we go oh that was see painful now break you break that then I need a piston ow I love building farms in the air in Creative in survival mode put this right here I need to have a sticky

Piston uh how am I going to do this I think I’m going to do it straight up and down again so Place underneath me thank you so we’re going to do a Observer facing straight into you then three blocks down break and break then a sticky piston facing up facing up that

Works then we should be able to just grab a lever for now and turn the farm off okay easy enough I made that way more painful than I needed to it is almost night time let me sleep sleep oh time is it 8:00 another two hours all

Right I do need to run and grab something from upstairs guys so I will be right back and T and YouTube we’re going to be right back give me one get YouTube back up and running all right we should be back live I know I fixed the muted thing I

Shouldn’t still be muted it should be coming through all right all right back to to it so this is in that is in so now in theory this is working I just need to wrap it this Redstone likes to get caught up one two three two three come on okay that’s one side

Wrapped I’m going take a shower oh c on Tik Tok okay man I’ll be here I mean we’re in the nitty-gritty of building the farm now so it’s just getting the last so this is The Pusher part done once this part is is done then we build

The cube maker and then I’m good to CH start messing with the farm and seeing how it works should work fine I mean I tested it a lot in the creative testing world so it should work just fine revs thank you for the follow welcome welcome so it doesn’t look like much

Here but this is a pretty decent uh Farm I got to make an SP to place blocks but not too worried about that the next step put this [ __ ] away is actually let’s make the spot so this is where I was climbing up get rid of you goodbye

Goodbye okay and then this side I can goodbye so nothing should be able to get cut off place you and you go right here be able to stand right here I’m going to need half slabs above me like that I can walk right in nope ow need a half slab right here here’s

The question can I I can’t so I’m going to have to move this back one because I need to be able to crouch and get into this little spot so I’m going to have to move back my thing so this will now be wor I climb

In Wy Aiden thank you for the follow welcome welcome so this is still the uh oh went too far so still working on the so this is where I’ll be standing right so when I’m running the farm I’m going to stand right here and place so

We’re going to actually trial run it a little bit and see that this part of it works should in theory should have no trouble running right now give me some warped fungus we’re going to climb up into the Farm come right here put that all in then come down here turn it on all right should be clicking right away crouch in place the whole tree should have been pushed out at least the tree standart can come back in push out sweet so this part of the farm is

Working Rams or lions Rams my dad’s a Rams fan Yours Truly John thank you for the follow welcome welcome oh so she’s maxed out okay so I’m GNA have to cut it out cu I wasn’t paying attention so they should be right about the top should have grabbed my break my way through

Here this is as far as you made it is right here all right let’s clear out real quick there it goes ow there’s no need for that all that will happen guys if you guys are curious they hit their push limit so it glitched out because I never put anything in to

Prevent it from running when it did hit its push limit it’s on me I know why it did it I just got to clear out the jam now asz next we’re going to put the C Cube maker in damn it getting my ass kicked okay right here break you break

You so all of the Pistons should be retracted now should be no active Redstone in the farm okay peen I’ve been good it has it’s I was not live much this week all right so that is where working I can turn it off now what I am going to do cuz we’re

Already started to do it it’s going to go in that corner over there I need this and this I don’t know why I tore the beacon down one two three still definitely going to need the beacon grab this did I work out today I did not so I ended up spending time with

My family today did not get in time for Lift 1 two three four five six 7 8 N9 2 three three four five 6 7 8 n did not get a chance to get a workout in today but dinner with my parents was great my uh mom and sister surprised me

And made like a Thanksgiving dinner is things so like turkey and gravy and mashed potatoes so I hit my uh my calorie count in one sitting nice stream you got a new follower thanks Ethan man I appreciate that welcome to the stream how old am I I’m

26 went home and saw the fam today was nice I was supposed to be taking my parents my sister and her boyfriend to dinner and uh instead but when I went to pick them up they uh they had food waiting for me it was nice KK thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome beat one you and haste there we go this is bedrock Edition yes smoking is bad I’m going to assume that’s your name thank you for the follow that goes back in there so while I’m thinking about I’m also going to need you so I’m going to go carve the top off

Of this because we know it works just need to get everything out of it now probably should eat something too CU I’ve in critical health for a little while now do you stream every night I don’t so I only stream my planed streams are every Saturday or

Sunday night I will always do one nice long stream on Saturday or Sunday night anything during the week I uh is like touch and go if I’m streaming or not so there’ll always be a stream Saturday or Sunday night I just don’t have time so the beacon that one right there is

Giving me haste too so it allows me with efficiency 5 on my axe to instamine the wood so right now I’m just using it to clear out this so that I can put in the cube maker over here honestly enjoy better more Java because of the glitches in different

Farms I just play bed Arch Edition because it’s the version I’m most comfortable on I uh I started playing Minecraft on PC then switched to uh Playstation 3 back when it came out on PS3 then when it came out on PS4 it just stayed on console edition and that was

The Legacy Edition and then eventually The Better Together update came out and uh then it was just Bedrock Edition and I’ve just kept playing that ever since so this is the last layer one more layer easy enough Farm I’ve tried three raid Farms today none of them work

Raid Farms on Bedrock are extremely finicky again if you guys are ever taking tutorials or stuff like that off YouTube please check the most recent comments and see if other people are struggling with it because odds are if you’re struggling with it there’s probably about 100 other people who are

Too Ike thank you for the follow welcome welcome how’s my year going so far pretty good uh work’s going well I’m really happy I started streaming again you guys have been awesome I have definitely made coming back to streaming 100% worth it and I’ve just been just been enjoying

It Max thank you for the follow welcome welcome all right so we know that that is the max push right there so 1 two 3 four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 yep okay so that’s Max push now we build a giant wall of pistons and I bet you I don’t

Have enough so we’ll have to go to storage and craft a shitload give me some more scaffolding let’s go right here is this a pre-recording no this is live not uh not talented enough to set oh ow not talented enough to set that up boss man I need smoo

Stone and Boop right here and right here okay and it go to right here so this will be oh I made it one too close my bad I’m I’m apologize for not being super interactive when I’m doing Redstone stuff I’m just focused on what I’m working

On this is going to take eight what is your favorite most so the most useful farm in Minecraft are iron Farms iron Farms are the the most important Farm in the game you should always have as especially on Bedrock Edition where iron Farms are not very strong strong you

Should build as many iron Farms as you can possibly make Tree Farm yes but it’s for the nether trees I need more scaffolding scaffolding just give me a bunch scker running out I don’t the pre-recording comments got me a little twist messed up I didn’t think uh a come on now

I didn’t know I was Bland how do you make iron Farms with iron golems so you make iron Farms by taking advantage of villager gossip so on Bedrock Edition Golems spawn due to villager gossip and that allows you to make uh Iron Golems spawn where you want them to

Spawn with a skeley farm yes I so the name of this world Braden is Farm Topia I have a farm for just about every single possible item in the game there are very few farms in this world I don’t have the whole point of this world

Is to get as close to creative mode as I possibly can in Survival Minecraft this is not a report good okay I appreciate it Danny thank you all right I’m going to need to make a shitload more Pistons so let’s take everything out of my inventory and start making

Pistons I don’t need any of this for right now this can be put back the white glass we had here we’ll use this one because this is where it came out of that can go back in there that can go back in there that can go back in there

You’re using this to capture bone meal that’s all well and good you know just for now these can go in here I really don’t need this much scaffolding out of my inventory I mean a stack will be more than good enough smooth Stone stuff goes back in

Here that’s wood iron goes in here and I think dirt’s collecting in one of these for right now got to catch back up it’s not prerecorded all you’re good Farm of diamonds so yes and no I have a tunnel B that I get all my diamonds from

So it’s technically a farm but it it works very well Braden thank you for the follow welcome welcome so I’m going to just keep this in inventory let’s see here I need Pistons so Pistons I’m going to need Redstone I’m going to need iron I’m going to need

Cobble probably and I’m going to need wood but I’m not going to use this wood because that’s just a waste of resources what is a tunnel Bo so a tunnel boore is a flying machine you run underground that shoots TNT out in front of it and times it so that it blows up

The wall in front of it and uh while it’s doing that it allows you to just reveal diamond and then you just mine the diamonds as you go uh 42 okay going to need to go get more resources five okay what am I out of redstone and

Iron we can take a quick trip over to the tunnel Bo if you guys want to see it or right next to it so I have no no disparen on not doing it how many farms do you have uh I have 24 Farms alone that give me XP so I don’t know

What that equates to overall running out of redstone quick Braden if we go over to my Industrial District district remind me cuz that’s where my slime farm is you’re going to have to remind me if we go over there though cuz I will forget you guys ask why the huge bamboo

Farm this is why the huge bamboo farm for bamboo planks uh oh can I not make anymore what am I missing Cobblestone be more Cobblestone I’d like to see a diamond farm we’ll go take a look at the tunnel board just let me craft this last stack of Pistons

So all right that should be more than enough for now put that all back ooh that’s bad I only have five Redstone left in this chest I’m no give me my carrot back give it back G to have to get more Redstone didn’t know I was running so

Low we’re going to have to go visit the pill or villagers too all right leave everything here I don’t need so we’ll go take a look at the Redstone Farm or the tunnel Bo and then I need to go get a bunch of uh Redstone from my villagers which I probably should have

Taken my Ender Chest CU that’s what I need down the so I don’t bring the Els near the tunnel Bo because they blow themselves up they’ll uh they’ll fly straight into the into the TNT being thrown and then they blow themselves up and it’s just not a good not a good investment to

Bring a down here oh there’s a bunch of junk items on the ground no get it out of my inventory I don’t want it so this is a tunnel board so what this machine does is it moves its way forward and blows up the stuff in

Front of it let’s make sure it’s loaded real quick yeah it’s got a couple I can run it so I hit this trap door right or that door right here throws a bunch of TNT forward blows up the wall and then I’ll run up and check see if there’s any

Diamonds or Redstone or anything I want there’s nothing in that run I’ll run back here fire it oh fire it again it’ll launch another barrage of TNT I’ll wait and check I’ll come running up usually have a night vision potion I’ll come and check see if anything like there’s some Redstone and

We need Redstone so I’ll go and grab it while I’m down here and then go back and if you know I’m satisfied I don’t see anything else I’d hit it again I think I’m out of TNT though yeah oh yeah this the side sidecraft tunnel B is absolutely crazy but this is

More than enough for me what I need I’m actually planning on tearing this out and going and building it in new chunks cuz I’ve gone about a good dist distance with this thing and it’s done all right I mean I have a diamond so there’s no TNT duping on

Bedrock on Bedrock Edition you cannot duplicate TNT unfortunately I would if I could that’s one of the main features from java I really wish was in Bedrock there is no way to duplicate TNT right now I got any Redstone left down here so yeah there’s my potions and night vision

But right now we’re going to go to see my Redstone shop because I need Redstone but you can dup the sand and gravel to make it not anymore they patched it the gravity block duplication glitches on Bedrock are incredibly unreliable right now no they made uh they made the traditional gravity

Block dupers on Bedrock incredibly unreliable now unfortunately they still work and you can still find them and people YouTubers will still claim like hey these are still super super useful but they’re not it is what it is I am on Bedrock yes so this is my trading Hall by the

Way this is where I get most of my Redstone and I’ll show you exactly how to get it look got buddies oh I already have some in here do you want to trade or are you still maxed out from last time oh you’re not sweet thank you buddy

Actually might as well do my pickaxe while I’m here you ready to trade yep I’ll take that thank you sir you’re up so I play Bedrock instead of java because I originally played on PC and then Bedrock came out on or Minecraft came out on PS3 switched over to that

Started playing on there then it went to PS for that was the Legacy edition of the game and then uh once the Better Together update came out and forced everybody to play uh Bedrock I just kept playing right into Bedrock so there was no reason for me to to switch over hi pal

Actually I’m going to keep healing my stuff you want to buy some three you’re ripping me off you guys are ripping me off three pumpkins for an emerald that’s a ripoff you guys are like how do you have so many levels this I do play on mouse and keyboard

Even though I am on Console just way more comfortable playing mouse and keyboard minecraft no and then here all right so maxed out our trades there let’s go buy some redstone Redstone guys are down here I do have a PC and I do have Minecraft on PC I just

Don’t play it hi guys I need all the Redstone you can give me thank you oh yeah give me all that too appreciate you all the Redstone you can give me buddy you’re up you’re up you’re good Sarah you I got another hour and 20 minutes in the Stream you’re

You’re not late to anything so I do need to get more of these guys I have Bedrock is on PC I know it is and I have Bedrock Minecraft on PC I just am so used to playing on my PS5 and my friends when they do play

Minecraft play on PS5 so there’s no reason for for me to switch versions right now I need to get a bunch more clerics I have all these open spots and I just have not gone through the whole process of breeding them up because it’s anybody’s done a

Lot you can’t on console edition rebs but I appreciate you does not work have tried it just like the same time you can’t do move all it’s super annoying so this is just the trading Hall this isn’t my house so that’s just what this build is

This is where I house all my villagers so I got all my generic villagers in there my farmers and shepherds are in there and then everybody down here is where I get all of my enchantments so I have all the maxed out enchantments down here are you my security Fox I have not

Been able to find my security fox in a while it makes me sad because he’s around here somewhere badge thank you for the follow welcome welcome so all you want to do Tia so on if you’re on Bedrock Tia one important thing you need to know is if you’re

Building a trading Hall and you have a bed within 128 blocks of that trading Hall if you sleep in it it will reset your villager connections to different workstations so I have one bed in this whole area and it’s over by my Redstone villagers cuz those were the first guys

I got in here so every one of these villagers thinks that that bed over there is their bed if I sleep in that at any point this guy will pick a new new uh new point of Interest so right now this mending gu is paired to this

Lecturn and he will always restock on this Lecter if I sleep in that bed there’s a chance that this guy will then suddenly pair to that Lecter down there and then that guy will pair to this lectern so it’s very important wherever you build your trading Hall on Bedrock

Edition is if you have a bed there never sleep in it and make sure you’re 128 blocks away from any other bed so that’s why it’s my trading Hall is way over here on on its own is because I learned that mistake out the hard way it’s not really reported in the

Notes but if you sleep in a bed in Bedrock condition they will your villagers will find a new point of Interest so if you have them in individual modules like that they’ll pair to just a random new module and it’s super annoying but yeah so that’s just my

Trading Hall it’s my little baby trading Hall Nolan if you want a world tour there is a 5,000 day World Tour on YouTube already you can go check it out at 6,000 days I’ll be doing another world tour no problem to you again I learned it the

Hard way so that’s why you can see that those guys are completely on their own out there I think I’m going to have to steal some Redstone do I have any in here I have a little okay that should do for now I want to check if I have any at

Storage yeah and then the YouTube’s same as the uh as a Tik Tok name you can go ahead and find it and it’s linked at the top of my bio let’s see if I have any extra Redstone in storage ah didn’t mean to do that not in there I got a

Little definitely all right so I’ve been avoiding getting more cleric villagers so that might be a stream in the future of I need to get a bunch more cleric villagers We’ll add it to the list okay let’s see do I want to break it down here or do I want to just I’ll

Break it down over there Tia thank you for the follow welcome welcome all right back to mass farming now that we have a little bit of redstone reserves Roman thank you for the follow welcome welcome do you use a video when you’re making your build to come up with yourself so

Anthony I have a uh creative testing world I call it Labs so all my stuff I build over there and then bring it into this world so the farm we’re working on right now actually I designed before this live stream what’s the biggest portal you can make in Minecraft 23x

23 I have had this world for a little under two years and have spent a little over 5,000 days in it playing so give me this give me a fortune pickaxe I’m going to get this I’m curious anybody want to take bets on how much Redstone is in all this ore so we

Have four stacks of ore and 35 right there andbody want a ball park how many how much Redstone that is we’re going to Fortune three it just let everybody know doing this the right way I can’t find tour video on YouTube so it’s going to be under Farm Topia and

Then it’s 5,000 day world tours are you talking to your chat so I’m talking to YouTube and I’m talking to uh to Tik Tok at the same time or at least I’m trying to 11 stacks water boy going 11 stacks yeah how much Redstone do you

Think or I’m going to get from this using fortune 3 10 to 12 Stacks all right we’ll see was it counting one two three four five six 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 so I’m working on a new Farm over here

And I ran out of redstone so I had to go get all of the ore I had stored up and going to be tearing it down and seeing how much I got and then probably off camera cuz I hate dealing with villagers I’m going to go and get 10 more cleric villagers for

The next time I need redstone 12 Stacks 15 Stacks we’ll see does Bedrock show stats like Java so yes and no you can look up certain stats but you have to enable cheats so what I do is I make a copy of my world and then

In that copy I go and check my days and stuff like that my stats are probably insane I wish I could see them it’s uh it would be a wild experience to see exactly how much I’ve done in this world world I know last week I was I checked my my chair’s stuck

On something I checked my days and I was at 5,226 days so now that I’ve done a bunch of streaming since then I haven’t done any afking so no no dead no dead days in the world but probably another at least another 100 days we’re in hopefully this Redstone will last me a

Little while I got to fix the witch farm so we’re saying 12 to 14 Stacks seems to be the expectation on this this was four and a half stacks of redstone ore with a fortune 3 pick so already one layer the the 20 Stacks Josh is bringing up so we’ve already

Got let’s see we’re already at three and a qu Stacks stormy is saying 25 the numbers are going up a lot madx so actually the point of this stream is I haven’t done anything in my end because I was really banking on 1.20 being an or 1.21 being

An end update so I didn’t want to build a bunch of stuff on my end then have to reset it so I’ve never done anything with my end Hub and now that one. 21’s officially not an end update I’ve decided to build a proper end uh

35 Josh is going with 35 okay I’ve decided to build myself a proper Hub in the end and my build pallet for that is going to be the Warped uh stuff right there the Warped I keep forget the name of it worked whatever you guys know what I’m talking

About and uh the then I’m going to use Blackstone cuz I really like the pairing of them together but I needed to build a much bigger farm for all of the warped it’s not Crimson it’s warped fungus whatever the hell it’s called kind of sad I’m really sad they

Didn’t make an End update too I you know do a ton of end rating I mean I have a bunch of elytras I have a shulker farm you know so there’s a bunch of stuff in the end and I’ve done pretty much all I

Can to it but I’m a solo player so once I get a bunch of elytras and I have a shulker farm so I have an entire shulker box of just shells uh the end’s pretty much it for me you know Brody I’m having a great day I’m having a really good

Day do you allow someone to join your server I do not fill so this is just a single player world so I’m the only one in here Alexis thank you for the follow welcome welcome I learning how to do redstone and committing so learning how to do

Farms is is a huge huge bonus in uh like late game survival uh of my friends I love them to death they’re like Minecraft purist it’s like you do too much with redstone and it’s oh my inventory is full yeah I think it’s a little bit more than 14 Stacks

Guys Brody thank you for the follow so I love this game I I honestly don’t get bored of it uh I mean I’ve played in a bunch right you said red stone not redstone dust so let’s see here so there’s nine in each of those so 64 * 9 =

576 so times right yeah doing math here there’s nine Redstone and a block of redstone so you have 64 * 9 * 3+ 20 / 64 equals that doesn’t sound right am my math wrong am I dumb okay so there are three redstone dust and a block of

Redstone we’re on the same page or there’s nine redstone dust in a block of redstone so 64 time 3 so in one block there’s 192 in there times three it’s 576 plus 20 was 596 divided by 64 so it’s 9 okay whatever I [ __ ] give

Up 27 Stacks thank you I God I’m a little fried from doing Redstone today apparently my brain is just not braining anymore that’s why I have you guys here all righty back to it so I need all the Pistons I just made and we’ll just put this back in here for

For now cuz I don’t think I need it just yet un must I have to craft more but it is there Gregor Teresa thank you for the follows welcome welcome Craig thank you for the follow sorry I missed it I was trying to do math so half of 50

Something like that it’s a lot of redstone dust hopefully we don’t need more CU I don’t have any more just yet my witch Farm is not working currently eventually when the witch Farm is done this world is just going to run that witch Farm all the time I saw saw the wandering Trader

Spawn we’re going to have just a constant stream of I won’t stream it but that witch farm that we built is never going to turn off it’s just I’m going be at work I’m going to be coming home I’m be coming home from the gym just going to be

Running the witch Farm trying to get as much possible Redstone as I can because I just need it all right how high up did I go so that is the top of the Pistons right there okay nope place it place it not there give goodbye scaffolding right

There this is why extra scaffolding what am I doing so this is a uh warped fungus Farm that’s what I couldn’t say earlier warped fungus so this is is a cube maker right here so what this will do as the warp fungus comes out this will turn it into

A big Cube so that I can Harvest it easier place this way thank you after mining trips I always have a lot of redstone and Lapis so when I built my storage Hall I went through an incredible amount of redstone because there’s like 300 and some odd modules in

There and they all require Redstone cuz it’s a little over 2.2 million items that that storage hul can hold storage hul can hold so ate a lot of redstone hey Casper how you doing man nailed it how much High three more I’m going to be just short on Pistons aren’t

I I’m G to be just short do I have oh I have more in my inventory okay I’m about to be frustrated why are you getting warped fungus so kind of talked about a little bit earlier but I was really banking on 1.21 being an end update so I never did

Anything with my end in this world uh including the stronghold portal never did anything with it so now that 1.21 is officially not an end update I’ve opted to commit and build myself an end Hub you know it’s time I’ll beat the dragon the max amount of times get all the

Crystals do it over do a nice job but I’ve decided the pallet for that is one I’ve done nowhere else in the world I want to use warped fungus and I want to use uh Blackstone because it looks really really good together and then you

Use teal glass and you kind of do the Smokey effect and I realized that my current warp fungus Farm was lacking so I’m over here in my mass farming area building this kind of ugly looking Farm but it’ll give me a ton of warp fungus oid yeah so we’ll be adding

Oxidized copper too so I’m also I’m waiting for 1.21 because of all the new uh the new copper blocks so I’ve been running my copper Farms like crazy hey Jeff how we doing so I’ve been running the copper Farms like crazy to get a bunch of copper start up and it’ll

Go really good with this pallet so definitely excited to do that as well Maddie thank you for the follow welcome welcome my copper Farm always has terrible rates so I tried the cone ice Farm I tried just a straight up TR drown Farm my best rates I get on a uh I

Get on a just spawner Farm I mean I’m not going to get any Trident from it but I don’t need Trident I have three shulker boxes of trident but using it just a spawner to make turn zombies into drowns gives me more copper than any of my other copy

Farm copper Farms is this Sky Block yes oh something new somewhere llama thank you for the lightning bolt appreciate it it really throws me off that that sound is the same sound as someone subbing on YouTube streamlabs needs to figure that out so I need these I

Need probably enough of that going to need more Redstone so just give me this and this going to need white glass that should be in here going to need at least one redstone torch so I’ll grab them all and back to this I should download my world and put

It on Java no thank you my guy I appreciate the suggestion but I’m way too comfortable playing Bedrock Edition I know Bedrock is not everybody’s cup of tea but it’s it’s just the version I I play on so all good I don’t have a preferred version it’s just the version I’m

On I have no ill will towards anybody who plays on Java all good Casper I get it man you’re good all righty so hey I did it right because it all lined up also I just realized I made this way harder on myself and should have

Been no I’m going to do this like 200 times put this here for now go there all righty who wants to take the over under on the how many times I accidentally misplace a piston and break it it’s going to be a lot just whoever

It’s gonna be a lot Hayden thank you for the follow Connor Thank you for the follow you should add this world to any future resumes thank you stormmy I appreciate it just shows that I can put up a Pati patience right all righty so did this totally bass

Awards break that break that break that okay so first of all I need one on the end like this and I’m going to grid it now while I’m paying attention let’s start with the first one dummy okay so each one of these grids is going to

Get uh I don’t need this amount fast scaffolding repeater Redstone Dust repeater goes right here Redstone Dust goes like this and then we do the same thing over and over again all the way up people ask how I do a lot of redstone this is pretty much what Redstone boils

Down to God damn it ah can’t do it what is he making I am making a giant warped fungus farm and I guess Crim Crimson Crimson Farm too because all I got to do is switch out a couple of the blocks to make it into a crimson

Farm but the point of this right now is to get warp fungus gas biggest I have a gas Farm God they got to be the worst sounding mob ever when you have a gas Farm that’s killing lots of gas they just scream the whole time and and I get

It it’s a video game but it’s like oh my God I I can’t stand listening to my G Farm run so Josh my world will be two years old on February 2nd I will be doing a midnight stream on that night so the world is a little under 2

Years old and a little over uh 5200 days in game time this is the I love just repetitive Redstone building it’s it’s so mind-numbing but it’s just it’s kind of like satisfying in its own way it’s just like building a farm is always fun yeah gas Farms are just oh God and

And I built it for when I was getting Bedrock because I needed a ton of end crystals to do the end suppression updating and respawning the dragon so that was the whole point of the farm I didn’t even use it for I don’t even use

It for uh gunpowder I just built it to get gas tiers and I just have to listen to him scream for hours now I have more gas tiers than I’ll ever use but it’s there now all survival the point of this world is to get as close to creative mode in

Survival Minecraft as I can going to make me start a world again hey there’s no better time to start a world in Minecraft than today if I I inspire you to start your world I’m glad I could uh help you out it always boils down to that first

Crafting table and that first dirt house okay that’s done I’d be scared of mobs fair enough all right so that is the start of our giant Cube maker not the fanciest thing ever but I think it looks good now I need did I already grab it so

I did sweet now we’re going to build a great tower of glass actually we’re going to build first place in front of me please thank you we’re going to build the trigger point for this so I need you here uh one more over there and there redstone torch

Here and then I need Redstone Dust here I don’t need there actually and then repeater right like this so now so this is just a uh tick Farm all that happens here is when that stem eventually gets all the way over here oh it’s not triggering right now

But it’ll eventually trigger that are you going to use TNT to farm uh no unfortunately so TNT on Bedrock Edition does not have a 100% drop rate and it’s not duplicatable so one you’re burning through a lot of TNT to harvest something and you’re not getting 100% of

The returns if this Farm was easier to make I’d hook it up to my wither cage because I have a Wither F or I have a caged wither that breaks blocks for me in my like Cobblestone concrete mud and uh I can’t think of the name of it

Basalt farm and that video is on my page if you guys are curious how to trap a Wither in Survival Minecraft scared to mobs hey it is what it is how do I not get bored playing I just love this game I just genuinely really love Minecraft and I’ve played a

Lot of it Andrew thank you for the follow welcome welcome Miha thank you for the follow welcome welcome you’ve been here for a while now I appreciate them and I’m glad you’re hanging out damn it you guys Bedrock wither always claps me so if you’re not afraid to cheese the

Wither you can uh 100% trap the Wither in the end gateways and then the Wither will actually suffocate to death so you don’t have to actually fight him if you use a end Gateway Gavin I don’t know if you’re joking you’re like the 10th person today with the Josh Allen

Thing it has 150 more Health points so that’s the the whole difference between it and Java is it just has a little bit more Health hi xandria hi how you doing today my voice is starting to go I just heard my voice crack not used to talking for 4 hours

Straight it spits out way more blue heads too yes tired me too me too but I’m in a good mood vibing playing some Minecraft so I have no complaints making our way through it all righty so that’s all in it’s about to be night time so I’m going to try to

Put this in while I can I’m making food you said this is a hobby but would you ever stream full-time so I really like what I do for work and what I do for work allows me to you know pay all my bills and also have money to kind of

Like spend and you know have nice things so I would have to uh I would have to be very successful at this to give up my job to do this full-time and that’s not saying I don’t love this cuz I absolutely love Minecraft if I could sit

Here all day and hang out with you guys I would but I have I like my toys I like my Stow mobiles and my motorcycle and my Jeep and all that stuff so I also don’t want to have to worry about paying my own paying bills you know Lex thank you

For the follow welcome welcome I can’t see your name pop up but thank you for the follow welcome all righty kind of mess up myself what do you do so I’m a work systems facilitator uh for those it’s a very Niche job and not a lot of us think of

My job as I do corporate project management for companies that need support so right now I work for a pharmaceutical company putting in a data analytics program at one of their manufacturing plants I like your chair cover so this is a blanket it’s uh this I I bought a gaming

Chair I give you guys the best advice in the world buy an office chair if you’re going to be buying a gaming chair because these like stock gaming chairs off Amazon are horrible hella uncomfortable and uh so I put this blanket on there because it’s kind of a

Cushy blanket and it’s soft just to try to save my myself a little bit cuz this thing is brutal start going a little tinged there all right so we’ll probably get about halfway up yep okay so let me break you break that just give me a redstone

Torch for now place you want to see where the Gap is there’s the Gap how much do you make a year I’m not going to go into that uh I’m on controller I have a Nitro uh and I don’t know what the other one is my dad just bought one for us to

Go together but I have the Nitro then consoer PC console H I’m really tempted I think my next purchase for like my gaming setup my little area down here is I’m buying a new chair this thing’s mad uncomfortable crazy uncomfortable it’s just no not it rather be comfortable when I’m playing you know

So I need this and then how do we do the other one I need you and you go right there and you go right here and this goes right here and that goes right here and then that goes across I’m going to grab some Redstone Dust bring that up and then you get

Turned into a solid block because we can’t let Redstone pass Redstone pass through you put that there and right there and then when I put Redstone right here the whole thing should run look at that we’re all learning Redstone together ow all righty not the prettiest Cube maker but

It works I just realized I left the redstone torch up there and observer Works since it needs a pulse so I was doing observers with this uh originally that’s what I was using and the issue is it pulses and then pulses again so even with a tick blocker which makes the

Observer only flash once it was still causing issues and so I’m using what’s called pick block so right now I have nothing in my hand and I have like I have smooth Stone in my inventory right so when I click on this block it pulls some of the smooth Stone out of my

Inventory and puts it into my hand it’s completely vanilla you can all the versions have it it just needs to be assigned to a button you’re good phone you’re good man you joined the stream when you can join the stream there’s no nobody’s ever late nobody’s ever early we’re all just chilling

Together super super help picklock is a lifesaver on controller yes I also love it on mouse and keyboard so I have two things bound on my yes Joshua so I split all my streams between YouTube and Tik Tok so if you ever miss any of the streams they’re all saved over on

YouTube so I’m talking to some of my I have split chats so I have Tik Tok up top and YouTube right here so I try to keep up with both chats as I can so I have it bound to my scroll wheel and then I have my pickaxe bound to button on the

Side so you I usually when I play on controller I bound it to down on the d-pad I got to go I’m getting distracted hey I’m back I’m your biggest follower Apple’s rule you do have the number one gifter badge won’t argue that with you you definitely have number one

Gifter welcome back to the stream how don’t I don’t you don’t guys don’t ever feel obligated to donate you’re you’re I’m more than happy just hanging out with you guys ask all the questions you not trying to answer him as best I can Gavin thank you for the follow welcome

Welcome again this is just a hobby for me so I’m never expecting to make a profit or anything like that I’m just we’re just chilling having a good time ice thank you for the follow welcome welcome all righty so the cube Maker’s in now what we need to do is put

The off switch on so one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 last one 12 and it won’t push anymore okay so this is where we’re putting the off switches right here Everybody Plays with different binds on their controller and if it’s

Works for you it works for you TJ thank you for the heart me I appreciate it man I’m glad I could help you out with your pick block so down I need to get the signal from that so right here give me this and then across like that across like this one more

Maybe yes okay then Redstone torches across the front like so break you redstone torch like so then a redstone repeater on all of these come on how do you build like that what do you mean Ice I just I have my own unique style of building TJ thank you for the

Love you I appreciate it man I appreciate all the love but I don’t feel obligated to donate I man you’re you’re good I was just helping you out answer a question you had you were curious about we’re good I get don’t get me wrong I appreciate the love but you’re

Good don’t ever you guys don’t ever have to feel like you’re obligated to Don donate for asking a question oh you’re talking about like building in front of you yeah so on Bedrock you can place blocks I can’t do it right now because it’s Redstone but

You can place blocks in front of you super easy all righty ah I fell what are you building so this is a giant warped neum farm so this is the cube maker for it right now I’m putting in the off switch once the off switch is on I’m going to

Run it and get a ton of wart neum because I’m going to be building a new end Hub yeah so in Bedrock I don’t have I have more scaffolding you can 100% build right in front of you as you’re going you can also do the like tradition and

Building behind you which is also super helpful do I have to have the cursor thing nope so this this is actually the cursor for console uh I get that question a lot didn’t realize it was different on PC even though I play on PC too is this is the cursor for uh console

Minecraft so people always like is it a custom cursor no it’s just what it looks like Maddie thank you for the follow all right so right here is where I’m going to run it but I’m going to just do I keep going on glass yeah why not I’ve committed to

The white glass we’re going to finish it out on white glass I’m on phone so it might be on your phone too ow can I get the edge okay sweet all righty so do the same switches before damn it did not mean to do that okay come here also huge parody up

Update being able to insta Mine words losing words I’m definitely the longer the stream’s going the more my sanity is going okay place two blocks break the top one Frank there we go get the scaffolding out right here I’m leaving I’ll be in the next stream for sure awesome man I’m looking forward to having you here

Three hours in kind of losing my sanity a little bit but I’m having fun TJ thank you for the Roses man appreciate it I appreciate it man ice that’s that’s nice I think there’s an a incredible streaming community on Tik Tok Nicholas thank you for the follow sorry I missed

That tan Taran thank you for the follow thank you very very much but uh I feel like sometimes it gets overshadowed where it’s difficult come on I’ve built this Farm in creative and now I’m struggling to build it in survival I’m just putting in an off switch why is it so

Difficult actually if I’m coming in from that side I’m going to build the off switch on the other side switch goes right there and you go right there bedtime I’m from New England that’s uh we’ll begin and end of where I’m from with New England can watch the sunset as two Iron

Golems burn to death isn’t it beautiful Tommy thank you for the follow gamer thank you for the follow welcome welcome guys got to check something oh my gosh I can’t even put my phone password in right now getting my ass handed to me just checking one second here guys all right now it’s

Working Tommy thank you for the follow scruffy thank you for the follow that is a tiny iron farm it is designed by me it works on bedrock and it’s it’s my own personal little baby I have six of them that look like that across my entire world Edwin thank you for the follow

Welcome welcome all righty back to building an off switch all right so not making this too complicated all I’m doing is this needs to be a solid block so that’s a solid block we’re going to go to the other side do more scaffolding stuff Taran I’m building a uh much

Bigger warped nyum Farm so this will be able to get all of the ow all of the uh tree fungus Farms much much easier break okay just like that okay so there is that if I go around connect it here not here I just wow that’s something new I

Didn’t know I could put redstone on scaffolding that’s kind of cool I’ll never use use that but that’s kind of cool I don’t know why you would ever do that to yourself that’s just like asking to have a whole issue all right so now if any of if the cube maker fills

Up I’ll cover one of these shuts off that dropper right there we clear it out dispenser Auto starts making a bone meal again sure turns it off simple onoff switch is it the prettiest no but it’ll work leaving for a little bit but I’ll be back Emily I am on for another 40

Minutes after you’re done with the farm can you give us a tour so ice if you want a tour of the world there is a 5,000 day World Tour on YouTube and you can find the whole whole world broken down right in there I’m going to need to put one more

Thing into this Beast a manual off switch so I don’t need any of this I don’t think I need that awesome great it’s raining we all love the rain in Minecraft yep So eventually underneath here will be a uh so this won’t be here but will be

Just a collection system or I just might let it all drop onto the ground I mean it’s all spawn proofed right is your YouTube your Tik Tok user yes and it is also pinned uh there’s a link Tree in my profile you guys can check out if you want that should be

Working I don’t know link tree like just opts to give up every once in a while give me this give me this plug the holes Drew thank you for the follow Jesse and Steven sorry I missed it earlier and Connor thank you guys for following welcome welcome try to keep up with all

Y’all we are 20 followers away from 200 on the night appreciate all you guys everybody who’s new everybody’s been a part of the stream you guys have made it a blast appreciate y’all do I have a working creeper Farm I have several how long do you plan on streaming tonight I got a

Power wash SIM for the last hour so oh I didn’t mean to do that I am on for another 40 minutes I’m getting off at 10 p.m. 10 P p.m. Eastern for those of you curious I’ve been streaming for four plus almost four hours now I do get tired I don’t

Know if you can hear it my voice is getting shot and quick I’m going to start sounding like an old man here real quick more than I sound like an old man already I fell see if I can do it nailed it all right let’s now actually run the farm

And see if we can break it that’s pretty much the goal of this to see if I can break it is this tutorial any way to build a I do play keyboard and mouse is there any is there a tutorial anywhere on how to build your

Creeper Farm uh no it’s just a stock standard creeper Farm nothing nothing super fancy uh I mean the best creeper Farm in Bedrock if you’re on Bedrock I’m just going to assume because a lot of us in here are the best creeper Farm on Bedrock is just building a mob farm

Because you take advantage of a mechanic called uh oh wow I can’t think of the name of it uh pack spawning so if you take advantage of pack spawning you’ll actually get more creepers using pack spawning than you will have you ever scared you lose your

World uh so I lost 30 hours off this save already and uh what I did to counter that is this world is actually uploaded to a realm so before anybody asks I’m the only player in the realm uh but that makes it play a lot better so Realms are

Automatically backed up by by the servers so much more reliable that I won’t have an issue so that’s off come up here go into here put the bone meal in and then I come back down here hold on yo what’s going on or multiple which I’m sorry I missed your

Earlier comment Edwin I got to figure out where you were so I got mob farm bck YouTube yes so I should be able to place this should grow and moved out Place grow and move out Place grow and move out Place Bryce thank you for the it’s not

Saying what those are but thank you place should go out should place and grow out place and grow out place and grow out waiting for it to shoot across there it goes okay did our block maker work look at that hey we’re making a cube

It’s not really a cube but it it’s doing what it’s supposed to do at least definitely going to have to update the Shaker farm probably going to build one right over there I’m definitely going to have to build a better better Shaker farm this

Is uh I’m going going to run out of warp fungus really quick TJ thank you for the Roses TJ thank you for the bracelet and Bryce thank you for the Tik Tok it finally came for hey man what you working on how efficient is the iron farm it’s pretty

Efficient I mean about as efficient as you can get on Bedrock for an iron farm I’m going to run out of warp fungus before I run out of space to store War fungus so it does but all I’ll do is say this does this ticks fast enough that it

Doesn’t have an issue that’s why there’s warp nyum right here all I’ll do is take a well turn it off grab it rebone meal it and go not a foolproof form I am on PS5 and I am just about out of warp fungus so I need to build a new warped fungus

Farm do that all right ready hey guys I’ll give us props we made it work first try I play on keyboard and mouse so I’m on PS5 but I’m on keyboard and mouse and now thanks to our haste to Beacon all I’ll have to do is fly relatively up to the

Top and then I’m just going to cut down everything from this point on definitely going to have to build a so that’s why I said multiple Farms this is kind of the start of the new project but uh definitely going to have to build a new Shaker farm in this area cuz I’m

Not going to be trying to not run out of warp fungus every time I run this Farm it’s a little bit of a pain to mine out but I mean not too difficult definitely much easier than doing it the oldfashioned way getting each tree one at a

Time this is where like TNT duplication and if uh if bedrock had 100% drop rate on TNT I would 100% hook this up to a TNT uh Farm in some way but it it’s Bedrock TNT does not have a 100% drop rate so you just be wasting TNT and wasting resources blowing it

Up thank you man I appreciate that there’s there’s more technical players than me I just kind of wing it as I go just a uh a lot of playtime is what it boils down to the lower we get into this the more it should just be solid warped fungus wood

Rosan thank you for the follow welcome welcome Jeff sorry I missed your follow earlier thank you very much is sand renewable in Bedrock it isn’t it isn’t so there are duplication glitches in Bedrock Edition there are uh there used to be a really easy one using end

Gateways and I abused the [ __ ] out of it because it was just the thing to do for sand for concrete stuff like that why Why Not Duplicate it you know ow I’m going to do that about a bajillion times and uh see now unfortunately you can use your L to mine

A few chunks out I could couldn’t I so I’m collecting it about the same rate and AI would be collecting it so I’m not super hard pressed to use him I don’t even think I’ll put a water collection system underneath it I just don’t see a a reason

To you know I’m collecting it more than fast enough this way besides I know where it’s all going we lose all the cool glitches on Bedrock they’re basically regarded as features yeah I uh I’m not a fan of the gravity it it still works again the original the end Gateway uh gravity

Block duplication still works but it’s just extremely buggy and inconsistent so it’s it’s takes longer to do it than it would be to just bite the bullet and go get a ton of sand but again if tnt had a 100% drop rate then I would 100% just have a TNT module system

Destroying all that so that’s not terrible not return on investment I’ll take it that’s a very simple warped Farm why don’t you build TNT dber because you cannot duplicate TNT on bedrock and TNT does not have a 100% drop rate on Bedrock is dirt path blocks are mob

Proof that’s why this whole area is path blocked welcome back Emily but yeah so there are two Farms done I’d say that’s successful I thought there was a dupe on Bedrock for it not for TNT there was a dupe for Gravity blocks so you used to be able to

Dupe sand and then make gravity blocks from that but they took it away they like to take stuff away in Bedrock condition just going to put that there for now not going to light it up or all that works just fine it’s kind of why I built

It over here is I didn’t want to uh build this Behemoth over at my Industrial Area one I you guys might not see it on the stream cuz the stream’s only coming across as 30 frames but looking at this thing dogs me out a little bit when I’m looking across it

All right the next Farm to build is going to be a Shaker farm because we’re going to need it I need a dispenser I’m going to need Hoppers but I’m out of Hoppers so let’s make some hoppers what is a gravity block so a gravity block is sand or gravel it’s

Anything that when you place it it’ll fall down automatically so there used to be a way to use end gateways and you can do this in Java still use end gateways to duplicate those blocks so it used to be a super easy way to duplicate a bunch of gravity blocks

Like sand and gravel and concrete powder and you even could do the dragon egg if you were so bold but uh unfortunately that’s it still works just not as well anymore unfort it’s it’s frustrating because I’m very frustrated thank you for no name thank you for the Tik Tok you still got

Your name set where I can’t see it but I appreciate the Tik Tok all righty so I’m I need a dispenser and I’m going to need Pistons but we’re going to build a nice Shaker farm in this corner does the drip Leaf gravity dup still work it does but again it’s not a

Super reliable uh glitch so right here then one two three four five six two five six you go right there I need to grab I’m winging this I haven’t built one of these in a long time Boston but cool oh you didn’t subscribe but you did share the live thank you very

Much so right about here lag Pistons one two three four five six seven perfect and then three out from this side so right here no game thank you one two three four too far right here then one two three four this is about to be super basic I’m

Not adding water streams or anything I’m just making a straight up Shaker farm and then I’ll collect it automatically and then we’re just going to turn it on from the front cuz it’s it’s just going to be a crazy basic farm and we’ll go from that so I need one of these probably

This probably this probably this and these Enrique thank you for the follow welcome welcome been using your streams but I’ve been busy busy all good prod man we’re all busy don’t you worry about it one bit don’t worry about it one bit PR any advice trying to trying don’t lose motivation in school

My guy I I don’t have any other advice than school’s important don’t don’t slack on it don’t lose motivation do whatever you got to do to keep it interesting for yourself it’s not uh don’t joke around with your education that that stuff’s important all right can I see your tunnel oh hold

On uh what are you building right now so we built a nyum farm we built a warped fungus farm and this is going to be the warp fungus seedling farm so a bunch I got to remember how to do this so I don’t think I have any of these built over

Here oh I didn’t grab torches dummy why are you lying to the people what what am I lying about friend I need this Boston thank you for the heart me and the Roses appreciate it brother how’s it been going I’m getting tired again I’m uh I’m running out of energy quickly

Uh I can’t even my brain’s not even working um Redstone D no I can’t do redstone on dirt that looks terrible redstone dust and then a repeater this way nope wrong repeater this way yep and then I should be able to no game hold on like

That and then this this one gets three ticks a thank you you get right there two ticks cool I’m number three now you are number three Boston number three gifter appreciate it getting over alcohol quit it cold turkey that’s uh that’s what I’m currently doing how had to drop in 13 days and

Uh I don’t know I’ve ever since College been pretty much I had to drink more weekends than not opted for 2024 to try and quit it as cold turkey as I can so we’ll we’ll see how that goes do what I want you to do hold on

If anybody curious this is what a Shaker farm is by the way sorry set the two come on set the two all right off I messed it up set the two go that’s working I should have brought more bone meal over Harry thank you for the follow

Welcome welcome can I see your tunnel where your Wither Skull Farm is so uh I would just check out the live stream man I’m I’m burning out on energy quick so I should be able to put this in here turn this on turns that on come over here turns this

On Lando Spenser thank you for the follows appreciate it guys turn this off collect a bunch so I got 36 more awesome all right so this works so this is how we can get I’m going to fly I’m going to have to change that white glass

Cuz I’m going to fly into that a thousand times Red Devil thank you for the follow what access do you recommend I build my tunnel I started under the lava don’t that’s a good idea I have mine built at like y level 50 in the nether I just

Mine through it as I go I mean if you’re on Java you should definitely build it on the nether roof but I would not build it down low if you’re building a bore if you’re building a tunnel for netherite you want to do it at uh y level 15 in the

Nether why level 15 in the nether for uh for netherite I did not want to do that that was dumb of me all right that works junk items go in here all right so this is bone meal excuse me so this Farm now works we can now get extra stuff for that

Farm sorry guys I’m really burning on energy here I’m I’m like exhausted it just like hit me out of nowhere sorry if I’m not answering questions or keeping up as as good as I was an hour or so ago take this corner out replace it take this corner out replace it get

Some light in here put you down right there no one would be mad if you got off to sleep no I got another 20 minutes in me I I said I’d make it till 10: I’m just tired how long I’ve been streaming we just hit the 4our mark

The so we were done three Farms so the Nyan Farm is done the uh uh not Crimson fungus but the the the blue fungus is done and the tree farm is done so we’re able to get it all built and done in one sitting one stream so I would take that

As a win that’s a win right there and I only lost a little bit of my sanity only a little not too too bad I do have a chest monster that needs to be taken care of at some point almost 50k likes too you’re right how do I know how many

Days I have played uh so if you go on if you create a creative copy you create a copy of your world uh and you enable cheats you can go and see uh excuse me you can go and see um you type in slash cury q u r y days and

It’ll tell you exactly how many days you’ve been live you’ve been Al in your world so that’s how I know so uh every month or so I’ll create a creative copy of my world and I’ll go in and I’ll check my day count it’s pretty difficult to kill the Wither but not

Impossible it’s definitely difficult I mean on Bedrock the Wither has an additional 150 uh hearts of health so it’s definitely more difficult oh crap I’m sorry I missed a bunch of comments Jessica Ronaldo’s AG go uh ever played or watch Resident Evil I’ve watched it what farm is this so

These are three different farms and this one just ran out of bone meal so this is just a really basic Shaker farm you can do this for flowers too so if you build build this exact Farm here in a flower uh Grove or really anywhere flowers spawn I have killed the

Wither so I’ve beat every boss mob in the world I uh One V one the Dragon One V One The Wither and one V one the warden of the three the warden is the hardest fight he uh he will rock your [ __ ] all right I’m going to get more

We’re going to go get a ton of bone meal so that we can run all these Farms we hit 50k thank you you guys very very much appreciate y’all oh we have more bone meal over here okay awesome why do you need the fungus so

I’m going to launch a the new project in the uh title is I’m going to I was really banking on 1.21 being an end update so I never did anything with my end Dimension I’ve pretty much left it stock besides a few Farms here and there so even including the uh oh the

Portal so now that 1.21 is not going to be an end update I decided to uh fully commit to building an end Hub and redecorating my end portal and the palette I’ve chosen to go with is the Warped fungus with uh Black Stone and copper like that kind of blue and black

Pattern and uh I realized the farm I had for this currently was not going to give me enough so the stream today was getting this Farm ready I’ll probably I can’t really AFK it but I’ll probably do a lot of grinding on it off stream throughout the week and then in the

Stream next weekend we’ll start uh start actually building stuff but the point of the stream tonight was to get it all built and it’s really three Farms so that’s a nyum farm warp fungus farm and then this is where you actually get like the uh so this is the Shaker farm to get

The actual uh little warped fungus that you need to grow into the Big Trees so this Farm is easy enough to AFK as long as it has bone meal it’ll sit there and do that forever Liam thank you for the follow welcome welcome am I streaming on other

Platforms so I split my streams with YouTube so if you ever miss a stream here they’re always saved over on YouTube how often do I stream and where I I have part of 2024 is I’m always going to stream on either Saturday or Sunday night so there’ll always be

Minecraft stream either Saturday night or Sunday night and it’ll be like a four or five hour stream just like today’s is any other streams throughout the week are just kind of like I had extra time after the gym or I got out of work late so I’m not you know not doing

Anything and uh those are just like bonus streams so there’ll always be a stream Friday and Saturday nights Friday sorry Saturday or Sunday nights sometimes both and uh again guys please don’t send invites I I appreciate wanting to play together but please don’t and uh awesome is BR player fun to

See doing things I can yeah Stephen I I hope I can help you out man if you ever I I play enough that I may not be an expert but I know enough about the game that I can try and help you out as much I can as I can

A okay do you have a chance to play together I don’t play with anybody right now I’m just a solo player uh so I appreciate the invites and and one day I do promise I’m going to set up either a realm or a server with followers just right now I I very much

Just enjoy zoning out and just kind of playing by myself and you guys are more than welcome to hang out on the stream and I really appreciate that side of things but I’m just uh I’m very protective of this world had this world for a long time I

Love it and I don’t want to not that any of you guys would mess it up or do anything wrong or anything anything like that but the only one allowed in the world is me you know way more than me I’ve learned a ton of the last 30 minutes

Alone especially these times oh I’m glad I can help you out man don’t ever don’t ever feel like press to ask questions or anything like that just go ahead and ask away and I I’ll try to answer them as best I can uh if you started under the lava I’m

Just going to wish you luck man I do not live in Michigan why did I set up this farm so this Farm is getting me a bunch of warped fungus so that I can run this big farm we built earlier in the Stream behind me so this is just an easy enough Shaker

Farm basically just running bone meal through it currently it’s not uh not the craziest and the most exciting Farm but I need a ton of warp fungus for the new end hub and this is just the easiest way to get a bunch of it Boston I don’t know if I missed it

But thank you for the roses and the Heart me I appreciate it I don’t know if the sticker came through what is the purple Farm behind me oh the one back there that is a chorus Fruit Farm it’s actually another end end item farm so on this side we have the bamboo

Farm and then that’s a wheat farm right there and then in the back is a horest fruit farm so this is my mass farming area this is where I keep like my semi-automatic Farms I guess is the right way to put it you can only run this farm for a

Little while by the way because the amount of items it generates or it’ll just start lagging things like crazy before anybody knows I’m pretty sure I can compost these but I’m just not doing it yet actually it’s easy enough would the Shaker farm work with a self collection system yes so I have

Another one at my industrial area that uses water streams so it sends a 30second pulse through the shake then it water streams everything out the water stream ends sends another 30 seconds to the shake and back and forth and back and forth this is just a quick and dirty

Thrown together one right here nothing too fancy give me this and this and this that help explain it how do I spawn proof the tunnel Moss carpets are your best friend Moss carpets will be your best friend I’m pretty sure these are compostable all right sweet they

Are I don’t need any of this crap just feed it back into the bone meal I don’t does anybody do any anything with warped Roots honest or Crimson Roots anything at all like I’m if there’s a cool build you can do with them awesome I just have never done anything with them they’re

Going to make some bone meal for me now though all right let’s go to sleep and get rid of the awful rain very cool before you end stream which you blly fly to any other area so I can see I’ll end the stream at storage

So you guys can see the the main storage Hall uh if you’re curious for a world tour Stefan there is a 5,000 day World Tour over on YouTube so it’s about 2 hours long and it tours every part of this world so if you have the time you can

Kind of pick away and work at that it’s it’s a live we did here about a week ago oh probably week and a half ago now Corbin thank you for the follow W welcome to the page man there we go exactly what I was looking for hey I I hope you enjoy it

Man drop a com comment if you like it I appreciate it did you just say it’s 6 hours long no the world tour is about uh just a little over 2 hours long I haven’t done a six- hour stream my my longest stream I’ve ever done was a

Little over eight hours and it was uh a lot of caffeine we were uh it was when 1.20 dropped we were looking for sniffer eggs and I spent eight hours live on Tik Tok with about 80 of you guys looking for sniffer eggs and it sucked the stream

Was great I loved y’all but the uh looking for sniffers was just awful oh we’re out of bone me we’ll let we’ll grow some yeah I don’t care about that I can go in there too all righty let’s let’s run this Farm going to watch that vid after this

Awesome man again if you guys ever go watch the uh the world tour comment on it so I know you guys saw it I appreciate it I appreciate you guys everybody was be the whole stream you guys are the best sticking it out while I’m losing my mind doing

Redstone hopefully I’ll get I said I’ll uh I usually don’t stream after I get out of the gym because usually I’m dead but I definitely can chill out zone out and just do this so I’m going to farm up a shitload of this and uh when we come back we’ll like I think

The first thing I’m going to do over is my I can’t think of the name of it stronghold portal so the hold on I can so this tree farm would work with other tree farms the uh only issue that comes with this farm right so say you run an oak or bird

Birch or or really the any of the other tree types Right There Are No Leaf Crushers so Leaf Crushers are the Pistons that surround that would crush the leaves giving you more saplings so this Farm doesn’t take in account for that simply because uh warp fungus don’t

Drop saplings they use we use this Farm to get the saplings for this for this you know so we’re getting the war fungus that way so there’s no real need to uh collect saplings so you could run this theoretically this will run oak trees and Spruce trees and all of them

But you wouldn’t be getting any saplings back so you could use it but you you’d eventually run out of saplings monkey thank you for the follow welcome welcome Hey Dale how you doing brother I I climbed back up here and you got tutorials on how to make the tree

Farm I don’t so I just designed and built this today in creative mode uh not in this world obviously this world’s only survival but uh they just patched I don’t know if they just patched it but I just saw it on Tik Tok where these Farms used to accidentally delete Pistons so

If you grew any of these trees they would delete the Pistons and replace them with the blocks now it will form around it so we’re able to build farms like this Jake we are at the tail end of the stream I’m just getting a bunch of these

Items in about five minutes or 2 minutes I’m going to walk over to my storage area thank you guys all for a great stream and go to bed under what playlist is the Wither Farm again it would be under the uh Farms I’ve only run once actually I think I’m going end it

Here put that away so we built three new farms in the Stream today I’d say that’s success place it thank you I know two of them were Little Farms one was an absolute Beast what is the ETA in terms of streams in time for the new end Hub uh

Probably this weekend either we’ll see uh definitely a will see stream we’re going to have to get a bunch of Blackstone and the first part of the end Hub is going to be completely renovating the stronghold so I got to scrub out and completely cuz it’s still Bare Base stronghold I’ve done nothing

With it so the first part of the stream is just going to be clearing out a huge amount of area around that stronghold again probably using alls and uh stuff like that what is this I am not cleaning out these chest monsters today we’re just going to

Suffer and we’ll make it we’ll make a note that I left a chest monster over here that works for me I love your streams man I see them all the time always stopping because I enjoy watching you play thank you man I appreciate it for the Wither wonder where they

Spawn point so no name uh my number one when you’re building the Wither Farm all you’re looking for is a Crossroads in the nether fortress wherever the crossroads are it doesn’t matter because the withers will always spawn the wither skeletons always spawn in the same coordinates on the crossroads so when

You find a crossroad you’re going out 10 blocks in either direction 10 blocks make big square and then in the middle you’re going to trap your piglin you’re going to put a hole underneath them with trap doors so they try to walk in and then you’re going to carpet or 10 blocks

Out is going to be wither roses 10 BR blocks out past that is going to be carpet and then you spawn proof everything else with half slabs carpet whatever you need to do no just it’s Crossroads on the crossroads in the nether they can spawn on all four Crossroads and then your

Piglins in the middle so they’ll spawn on all four sides of them and try to run up the piglin fall in the hole you kill them and get their heads Jay thank you for the follow appreciate it man you’re good man if you have any questions drop them in the uh

In the comments of the video and I’ll try to answer you as soon as I see them I don’t know if there is a best iron farm I mean if you’re crazy you can build one of those stacked iron Farms but I have this one that’s self-designed

For my world that I built I six of them and they work pretty great for me we’ve left this Farm running the whole time we’ve been over here going to turn you off all right H they didn’t get stuck in there every once in a while I’ll leave this

Farm off leave the area and then good old fashioned Bedrock the uh the mine carts will get stuck in there for no reason all righty let’s go back to storage how did I reach level 400 I have a crazy amount of farms in this world

And I don’t die I have a oh I throw that so I always have two totems in my inventory one in my hand one here and I have a raid farm with three and a half double chests full of totems give me one second ryer when I

Get back to storage I’ll show you guys oh I’m falling to the ground again h eventually I’m just going to have to build a oh too far I’m just going to have to build a way to get out of this hole I always end up in

It h right here should be the floor yeah there we go doesn’t like loading the end portal all the or the nether portal all the time so sometimes it dumps Me Out Underneath storage no hi Kitty Kitty so so there are totems of undying so you can’t die where you’re holding

One as long as you have a totem in your hand it will it’s called popping a totem it’s super loud and awful but it keeps you from dying so basically if I fall like I I most of the time my totem my deaths with the totem

Or popping a totem comes from flying and kinetic energy and so this will pop and then I instantly will go throw another one into my hand in case I’m in a sticky situation and then like I said I keep an entire shulker on me and then I have

Three and a half more double chests at my RAID Farm if forever why don’t I use trims so I’m waiting for one more I’m missing a couple trims so I’m waiting for the silence armor trim so I have almost all of them I’m missing a couple I’m missing chair won’t

Roll I’m missing razor silence and snout so I got to find those three once I find those three I’m going to put silence on my armor I’ve rid got to be at least seven ancient cities and I got W almost immediately but I still haven’t found silence so I’m

Suffering through that but uh you guys asked about my skin so this is the original I think it’s like the Roman or the Spartan skin from the PS3 Battle of the beasts uh skin pack I’ve used this skin forever like it’s been my skin since back playing Minecraft on

PS3 and I just I’ve just had it forever I’ve never updated it never made additions and I don’t trim my armor yet because I don’t have the silence armor trim I died to kinetic energy and could not find my armor when I got back to my

Stuff you know what happened if you died to kinetic you have a just imagine you’re an explosion so your items can go in a lot of different places and and it’s can be super wonky if you got really lucky and you died at night then there are certain entities like zombies

That can pick up and put your armor on and walk away with it uh but more than likely it popped it landed in one block that’s just out of your out of your ability to see and then it may have despawned while you were looking for it because if you died to

Kinetic energy too close and your spawn chunks were still loaded that timer was going Q Dog you’re catching me at the end of the grind cuz it is now 10:00 and I am done have you made any cherry blossom trees in your world uh yeah so my uh

When 1.20 dropped we uh built a whole H we found a Cherry Grove live we built a whole house and I have a whole whole 1.20 base uh out in the wild somewhere the nether hubs connected to it but I’m not going to go to it right now but yes I

Have a bunch of cherry trees eventually so this is the main project we’ve been doing got to get out of it is this uh this storage base oh my I have no game audio my game’s going to crash uh oh not a good sign oh the game audio is back oh as I

Fall oh my gosh yeah I’m a little tired I can’t even land on scaffolding right now so this is what we’ve been working on on the live streams is this is my new storage base so there’s all fully automatic sords in there it can hold just over 2.2 million items all that

Good stuff we in the last hey we were talking about Raiders earlier in the last stream we wrapped the whole thing and I’m just I need to work on a different project so that’s why I’ve decided to switch and doing some stuff on the end Hub and all that’s left to be done

Here is I’m going to clean up the back here and terraform this out I got to replace all the stone and then I was actually going to take cherry trees kind of like you suggested and then I’m just going to put cherry trees all the way

Around this build and just kind of like make a makeshift Cherry Grove all around the outside of storage but that’s way in the different distance cuz I need I needed another project to work on yep I do have a mushroom farm ow I have several I have a big mushroom

Farm and then a little mushroom farm all righty I don’t even think I don’t have the energy to fill the film The Stream recap after that do I have all the achievements I’m missing a couple I don’t have the one for the uh the piglin

Head I got to do that still and I actually need Sky Trader which is trading with a villager at build limit so I got to get that done at some point but those are future streams we’re also going to do I treasure hunter stream in the future cuz when we were doing all

The searching for 1.20 I got an entire double chest of treasure maps now I don’t need treasure maps but I feel like that’d be a really fun stream just going through an entire double chest of like buried treasure maps just exploring them collecting a bunch of [ __ ] and just just

Vibing out but that’ll be a stream way way in the future uh as far as the rest of the week goes uh I don’t have any plann stream during the week I uh will definitely be streaming either Saturday or Sunday night Thomas or yeah Thomas thank you for the follow

I’ll be streaming either Saturday or Sunday night uh any streams during the week if they happen are completely unplanned I can’t give you guys a schedule for him uh it’s going to be one of two things one I’m we’re going to start working on the end Hub because we started that

Today Lama thank you for the ice cream cone and Antonio thank you for the follow we’re going to start working on the n hub or we’re just gonna chug some caffeine bite the bullet finish terraforming around storage plant a shitload of cherry trees and call Storage the project finally done and then start

Working on the end Hub but uh that is all I got for today four and a half hours later six more followers makes us at 200 anybody been hanging out with us who who wants to follow up here at the end Kyle and 2523 thank you for the follow follow welcome

Welcome we are five followers from 200 today on the stream anybody anybody been hanging out who hasn’t followed yet if not it’s all good appreciate all of y’all hope you guys had a great Sunday you guys made it a great stream uh I can’t thank you guys enough

It’s been it’s been a great return to streaming here on Tik Tok and I hope I can uh keep entertaining you guys have a safe night everybody I love youall peace and those of you on YouTube you guys are also awesome if you’re watching this back in the future I love you all

Subscribe don’t subscribe do it do whatever you got to do I hope you guys had a good night and hope you guys enjoyed the stream I will uh I’ll catch youall later too

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – A New Project and New Farms!’, was uploaded by KINGERiv on 2024-01-15 03:34:46. It has garnered 86 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:09 or 16089 seconds.

Come chill with me in my 5000+ Day Survival World Farmtopia!

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  • Sneaky Cheating with God Building Hacks

    Sneaky Cheating with God Building HacksVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated With GOD BUILD HACKS In Build Battle…’, was uploaded by Quiff on 2024-03-14 22:00:22. It has garnered 1524134 views and 11525 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:35 or 6035 seconds. ►I Cheated With GOD BUILD HACKS In Build Battle… 👍 “LIKE” FOR MORE Minecraft! ✔️Subscribe to me pls 👀 FOLLOW ME 😀 Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/quiff 📲 https://twitter.com/InfamousQuiff 📸 https://www.instagram.com/theinfamousquiff/ 🕹️Fan Discord: https://discord.gg/quiff I Cheated With GOD BUILD HACKS In Build Battle… I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In Build Battle… I Cheated With PRO BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle… Why I… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Logic – EPIC Ending Reaction 😱

    Insane Minecraft Logic - EPIC Ending Reaction 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral logic 😱 wait for end @Progamerz-ez6wv’, was uploaded by Pro gamerz on 2024-01-17 08:30:05. It has garnered 5011 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. wither vs warden #progamez Minecraft Viral logic video #minecraft #technogamerz #andreobee #gaming #minecraftplayers #minecraft #gaming #minecraftplayers #technogamerz #andreobee #i #chimkandi #shortvideo #minecrafter #minecrafthack Minecraft Viral tiktok hack Pro gamerz #technogamerz #andreobee #i.m.bixu #chimkandi #minecraftplayers #minecraft #gaming ← YouTube search terms First MH 71 dafuq boom 21094) 21095) minecraft 20 one leaves 2 (0.4%) 5 seconds of everytreaking bad episode 8 bit… Read More

  • UNLOCKING SECRET DIMENSION in Minecraft 1.19.2 LIVE! 🌎

    UNLOCKING SECRET DIMENSION in Minecraft 1.19.2 LIVE! 🌎Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world survival 1.19.2 live episode 20 | Mở khóa dimension sculk |’, was uploaded by ApollisGDVN on 2024-01-17 04:24:38. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:44 or 8024 seconds. livestream on youtube by OBS studio, no micro sound quality 720p, 10~30 fps gameplay Mod forge i’m used: ( tổng cộng : 38 mod ) -Aether -Aquamirae -ava -awesomedungeonether -azurelib -bygonenether -cave+dweller+reimagined -celestisynth -citadel -deep+blood -deeperdarker -dragonmounts -geckolib -GOATMAN -illageandspillage -L_Enders_Cataclysm -libraryferret -mermod -mutantmonsters -mutantmore -obscure_api -piglinproliferation -player-animation-lib -PuzzlesLib -sculkhorde -SmartBrainLib -sons-of-sins -spore -the-man -TheOneWhoWatches -twilightforest Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Changes and New Advancements!

    Insane Minecraft Changes and New Advancements!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre – Release 1 Review | 1.21 Changes | New Advancements’, was uploaded by MULTIFANDOM GAMING on 2024-04-10 16:24:35. It has garnered 43 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre – Release 1 Review | 1.21 Changes | New Advancements | Multifandom Gaming ♥️ Subscribe And Hit The Notification Bell ! If You Comment ‘fandom’ I Will Give You Shoutout In Next Video ! ◥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━◤ ✪ LINKS ✪ 💫 Shaders Playlist – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSTiyLNdMPwj2qfcVnf0fi5gWMeicMews&si=a_ykl_O8LRYLAu7Z ✨ Links – Get All Links Here – https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-1-20-5-pre-release-1 ◥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━◤… Read More

  • Unbelievable Eye Test VR Game – Mind-Blowing Art!

    Unbelievable Eye Test VR Game - Mind-Blowing Art!Video Information This video, titled ‘#eyetesting #eyelevel #magic #eyegame #art #mindboggling #duet #eyesgame #smallbusiness’, was uploaded by vr gaming 143k on 2024-03-19 01:07:00. It has garnered 7479 views and 1147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. #shorts #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortfilm #shortstories #shortsyoutube #shortfeed #shortstory #shortmovie#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftdownload #minecraftpe #minecraft_download_link #minecraftpe1#shorts #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortfilm #shortstories #shortsyoutube #shortfeed #shortstory #shortmovie#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftdownload #minecraftpe #minecraft_download_link #minecraftpe1 Read More

  • Bombing Friends in Minecraft with Hi5GAMER 😂

    Bombing Friends in Minecraft with Hi5GAMER 😂Video Information hello guys welcome back Minecraft support four four three two one okay hey hey BR hey spider mommy mommy best of best of bro hey mus okay okay okay easy easy easy easy come on come on I know music okay 10 health and M 16 to TOs regeneration regeneration bro six be be be be M zombie sh sh is sleeping with the fish 299 three two one go oh go knock back four BR bro BR special did for e die die die bro okay okay bro okay okay okay okay easy sh no sh no… Read More

  • EPIC Stickman Football Battle – HILARIOUS Big Stick Dismounting Moments! #65

    EPIC Stickman Football Battle - HILARIOUS Big Stick Dismounting Moments! #65Video Information I know most a f [Music] ring my day so far w t [Music] all that was [Applause] awesome oh no [Applause] no God please [Music] no Bank no I’m funded play the game like it’s nothing I’m always thankful for something don’t take for granted stay humble now wake [Music] up This video, titled ’33 Min Real Football vs Stickman | Stickman Dismounting funny moments | Big Stick #stickman #65′, was uploaded by Dude Stick on 2024-03-21 17:46:53. It has garnered 1157 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:52 or 112 seconds. stickman… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT PARTY ft. FRIENDS!! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘We live baby playing MINECRAFT with fwennsss’, was uploaded by DeeSims on 2024-01-15 23:16:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. https://www.twitch.tv/deesimsyt ⭐My Patreon⭐https://www.patreon.com/deesims ⭐MORE DEESIMS (My Twitch Livestreams) … Read More

  • FrontierSMP PVP 1.20.6 Towny McMMO Custom Terrain Crossplay

    Server Information Server IP: Play.FrontierSMP.net Bedrock Port: 19132 Server Discord: Join us on Discord Version: 1.20.6 (Java) – Currently native on 1.20.4 Description: FrontierSMP is a PvP server focused on enhancing Towny gameplay without any pay-to-win elements. Towns can survey resources, capture specific points for bonuses, and engage in weekly Siege Wars. Custom resources allow for unique crafting opportunities, including furniture, tools, enchants, and custom crops. Join us to build the strongest town, create the most unique farm, or explore endless customization possibilities. Main Features: No Pay To Win Towny Jobs McMMO Custom Terrain Capture Sites Fully Player Run Economy… Read More

  • EndRoom Snapshot 24w21b Server

    EndRoom Snapshot 24w21b ServerA server that is running the latest snapshot version of Minecraft, allowing you, the player, to try out the NEW cool features. I will be keeping this server up to date with the latest version upon release so you can guarantee a great place to play the latest and greatest!The world too will be kept for as long as possible until I’m forced to regenerate due to large generation based updates to Minecraft.GOD Bless. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro wants to hack, kiddo wants to snack: Minecraft Edition

    Bro wants to hack for your information, but all he ends up finding is a recipe for cake and some misplaced diamond tools. Not exactly the top secret info he was hoping for! Read More

  • 6 MLG Types (INSANE) #meme #minecraft #memes 🔥

    6 MLG Types (INSANE) #meme #minecraft #memes 🔥 When you thought you were just playing Minecraft but suddenly you’re a certified MLG pro with 360 no scopes and quickscopes for days. Watch out, PewDiePie, there’s a new gaming legend in town! #MLGminecraftmaster Read More

  • BoyGirl Normal: Minecraft Animation Part 15

    BoyGirl Normal: Minecraft Animation Part 15 Minecraft Animation BoyGirl Normal -Part 15- -Season1- ♪Music Video The Mysterious White Ball In the world of Minecraft, a mysterious white ball appears, claiming to be a ball of power or magic that can protect the player. It offers to be a partner in times of danger, promising to always be by the player’s side. What secrets does this ball hold, and how will it impact the player’s journey? A Strange Dream The player, Oy Revan, experiences a strange dream where their body moves on its own. Is it truly a dream, or is there more to it? The… Read More