EPIC Nintorstendo Xmas Minecraft Live Stream!

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Hello and merry Christmas everyone how are we doing today welcome back to another Minecraft live stream playing with you guys of course how are we doing how was y’all’s Christmas I hope it was merry and jolly and festive what are other Christmas words Merry Christmas Merry Christmas hello waffle hello King fry

Hello drag loocks and hello tasty lemon cake how we doing what did we get what did we get guys I want to hear I want to hear what you guys got for Christmas hopefully you got what you wanted and if it wasn’t quite what you

Wanted I hope that you love what you got anyways you know hold up wait what did you get what did you get you got a new desk chair for Christmas and a jar of salted peanuts yum yo love getting treats I got a I got

Some treats too um a bunch a bunch of treats most cool treat that I got though was IHOP mini pancake cereal blueberry and syrup interest I love interesting Cals like that so oh yeah yo what I never upload you got a PC and a monitor wow dude you lucked out this

Year hold up hold up what what is this a dog Jordan fours and fives what what is that are those like are those shoes dog dog Jordans I don’t think I’ve heard of dog Jordans before yo drai Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you too man this was a good year guys this

Was much better than last year I will tell you that much it was it was a great year you know we celebrated a little a little different this year too um we celebrated a little bit of Krampus as well which was fun um we like to do different themed Christmases and this

Year we went with Krampus so um that was exciting got to listen to my cousin um she’s 7 years old uh her school was on the radio so um we got to hear them sing that was awesome um super cool that that uh the local radio station was like yeah let’s let’s

Let the kids on let’s let them on this year um so that was really cool we need some need some boots and stuff whoa bug whoa bra games yo you got iPhone 15 dang dude she was not a dog oh wait a dog in nice shoes okay okay I was like

What the heck is what what are dog Jordans this sounds like like a like a Nike brand you know what I’m saying cannot wait to see the chaos that will emerge in 2024 chaos bro what chaos what are you talking playing plotting scheming here for some chaos man what you mean by that

Jie taken yo merry Christmas taken what is up what is up uh King fry uh you’re going to work on some custom mobs do it do it work on those custom mobs um they sound cool you know like I really do like that um so far what we’ve

What we’ve heard from those custom mods um now is this a server I can join and how do I join yeah yeah yes it absolutely is you can join on up taken uh just type as p in the chat and nightbot will be able to help you out

With the rest there so yeah join up dude I thought you were already here um and joined in but apparently not here join in join us uh and you think that World War II is going to happen 24 probably not probably not I I feel like we’ve gotten a lot

More chill in the world for the most part I mean at least like people that wise that is I don’t know so much about anything else I know the people don’t want Wars that’s all like I certainly don’t and I think the rest of the world

Kind of agrees we don’t want it but shoot what can we do if our governments are like Hey we’re having a war oh boy what can you do right not much not much I don’t think but let’s not worry about that let’s not worry about that on Christmas

Okay let’s uh let’s keep it Jolly let’s keep it Jolly today how about that got get some boots in in uh in the scoots scoots and Boots don’t know why I’m calling a helmet of scoots there it is there it is everybody’s helping you out there

Yeah you can do exclamation mark SMP or just type it whichever is clever you know both will work trying to make it easy for peeps SE Fox yo what is up SE Fox Merry Christmas Merry Christmas uh right they put out the phone into a in a wait wait wait they

Put the phone into a bag of chips uh and they sealed the chip bag and you were just like it’s a regular bag but then when you opened it the chips there was an iPhone in it bro that I love it when that happens uh I don’t know if you guys

Have ever had this happen to you before but it’s happened to me many times where you get like you get the video games for like the console that you don’t have and it’s like oh thanks I don’t have this console but then like later on you you open up the

Console and it’s like oh see that’s why you gave me the video games I see you oh you’re being slick huh like and I’ve had that happen to me like three times like bro like getting Wii U games but I don’t got a Wii U like I got a

Wii yeah you know and it’s it’s always from like my grandma and I’m like ah she just doesn’t understand you know like I don’t have that she went to the store or whatever but then no no no no no no wait there’s more but wait there’s more you know

Like uh did they tell you about the great Christmas Eve of 2023 no no um we were we were vibing for a long time on Christmas Eve yesterday’s stream was just so chill it was so fun it was getting bored waiting for a stream Jack the gamer e yo look check

This out guys this is what we were working on last time a waffle made of McDonald’s literally right by my Burger King can you believe that can you believe that waffle I can’t believe you you just just built this but I love the signs that you put up it’s so funny like

I I love these I love these signs what are you doing what are you doing rumaging in my in my Burger King dude what are you doing you rumaging in here oh wait oh whoa whoa whoa you you like you put all the stuff here oh dude appreciate

That uh there will be a little bit more space to be able to work um here cuz this is going to be extended so we could open it up some by like two blocks cuz this is all supposed to be a part of the window of course

Right watching blooded Caleb on MK3 for the first time he’s played what is that mkds before whoa uh Mario Kart Mario Kart uh I think Mario Kart 8 for the first time yeah yeah MK Mario Kart that happened to be on your phone when you opened up the the wait wait the

Charger first oh when you open up the charger first you open up the charger first and you’re like wait what bro I don’t this isn’t this isn’t the charger that I need and then they gave you the phone for it man yeah I can’t wait to do

That to my kids though like that’s going to be it’s going to be so funny you got to keep the cycle going you know like it’s got to keep going hey yo what’s good asend welcome to the stream Merry Christmas oh I’m live you didn’t know hey just started we just started so

You’re early you’re good you love modeling in blockbench is that what you’re using the program blockbench and yo what’s good Abraham Merry Christmas Merry Christmas oh I need um I need a lot of Cobble I need a lot of Cobblestone does anyone have uh Cobble I bet you I got

Cobble I probably do somewhere I think there’s Cobble in this chest I want to I want to continue the the highway because there was this sick um ocean the ocean that’s right I want to build a dock there at the ocean but we got to connect to the highway there first

So I mean we can we can mine there we can mine it up so you’re hanging out with your fam and you got a text from your best friend which for the record uh we have been talking all day and she asked you out and you accepted so now you are a proud

Taken your name is finally uh matches oh my gosh dude what what an exciting Christmas Eve that you had man like that puts a big smile on my face like literally I can’t even think of like a cuter like and it wasn’t on Christmas too so like then and you know the

Anniversary so like it’s like Christmas Eve it’s like I know you’re never going to forget it you’re never going to forget the the anniversary um that’s really sweet that’s really sweet oh yeah and you fixed your Minecraft Windows not Java but just Minecraft yeah yeah yeah it is it’s uh

It’s the Bedrock it’s the Bedrock one do you’re terrified for your life in the deep dark dud it’s no joke it’s no joke especially like if you’re new to Minecraft like you are um it’s a Scary Place For Us man D I think that the wording could

Be a little bit tougher like man he was kind of they they kind of hyped him up a little bit but it it can be really terrifying especially the first time the first time that we we explored it my goodness but then when we figured out how to like exploit the warden

Almost I feel like it could be tougher is that a is that a hot take I don’t know yo what is good lover take Merry Christmas to you welcome to the stream um what happened to spawn oh yeah okay so taken you you do you know the

Rules here um I’m going to make a content creator uh like like you need to have 500 points to get teleported over here but like uh content creators are going to be treated a little bit differently um as I don’t know you know just a little different a

Little different so um yeah as long as you can confirm the rules with me like you know them just head to my website real quick check out the rules just let me know um and we can get you over here for sure um body slam 400 me doesn’t seem to be

Happy wait what what body slaming hey you couldn’t ask her anything better for Christmas she is amazing it’s all I want for Christmas is you dude that song’s going to hit different now I’m telling you I’m telling you man it’s just going to happen um yeah and then uh let’s see

Let’s see I never upload I’m trying to make a Microsoft account again when you’re done signing in it says try again later what do you do um I guess you have to try again later sometimes it’s like that so give it like 5 10 minutes and then try again

Like don’t try again 30 seconds or like a couple minutes cuz sometimes there’s like um server issues and and whatnot like there could be too much Network traffic happening in your area and it’s just overloading their servers so really do give it like a little bit of time and then try again um

You know just keep trying that in increments of 5 10 minutes and stuff K yo what am I guessing what am I guessing and welcome to the stream Merry Christmas to you uh yeah spawn is a war zone spawn is yeah there is a war zone

Um any want a curse of Vanishing and binding Diamond Le leggings H is there anything else on him anything else good on it Ascend or is that just is that just everything cuz that’s like it’s like tempting but I don’t know I don’t know maybe I don’t need it someone else could

Probably use it uh yeah yeah yeah do that taken do that check out the rules real quick and you’ll be good to go yo what’s good coob uh a iser streamer do we get any um any fights this time around fights I don’t know I don’t know if

There’s any fights coming around you I don’t know what to expect man um can’t guarantee it but who knows I don’t know yeah you’ll have to stay tuned and and find out I suppose right uh K you wait you bought the battle pass with my code appreciate it

Appreciate it K thank you so much for the support oh yeah guys so if you do play fortnite make sure to use code nimop in the item shop that is n n po o npop in the item shop if it Rhymes it’s not a crime so um and also Lil birdie told me

You get 90% more Victory Royals if you use that code so you know just saying like that I’m leaving that on the table you can take it or leave it that that’s uh that’s yours so it’s free completely free you don’t got to pay a dime for it

You just type it in once and you’re good to go um o cob Stone we need the the cob Stone we might even have to actually go mining for a little bit to get it cuz I’m not really seeing a lot um this will get us somewhere though this will totally get us

Somewhere uh pretty much King fry pretty much you just checked out the rules and you can confirm and you acknowledge them perfect excellent excellent right can’t uh remove that so where are you at there there you are you’re right by here uh close enough we’re heading to the highway anyways

So they’re pretty good not going to lie I’m going to try to trade fire protection 5 Thorns 3 and Unbreaking and mending it’s good trade good trade yo what’s good Mark welcome to the stream Merry Christmas oh yeah use code in popping item shop in wait

What Oh I thought you said and you and you’ll lose and you’ll never win again no no no no no yeah you got to use use C imp poop in the item shop or you’ll never win a game again essentially dude something like that you know you got Cobblestone okay here if

You do have Cobblestone let me know if not we can just go mine in you know no biggie I got a really nice pickaxe so um this tree is cool it’s all pink did you not know about the cherry blossoms like dude taken when was the last time

That you were on Minecraft like bro these are these are the like dude the cherry blossoms kirishima yo what is up Merry Christmas also take what is your name on here uh I think it’s oh yeah that’s your name okay okay yeah we gotta oh and uh

And get you into member too it’s it’s a little glitchy guys I don’t know why it it happens I I can’t do anything about it yo what’s good Jordan long time no see Merry Christmas to you too welcome to the stream uh great to have you great

To have everyone you know thanks for tuning in on Christmas you know like it makes me feel real nice and special um that that you decided to pop in here and hang out a little bit on Christmas dud it’s really nice put a big smile on my

Face you can tell that I’m really Jolly today like it’s just a good day today like it was a it was a wonderful Christmas we had a lot of fun today it was a later Christmas like cuz I woke up late but like it was started

Later too so it kind of worked out perfectly wait a second this isn’t the right this isn’t the right Highway oops I took the wrong detour cuz I’m really trying to build a uh like a boat deck today and there’s this perfect perfect ocean over there so never upload uh never mind just

Needed to use your previous Microsoft account oh awesome awesome um no you don’t got to have Realms to join and um let’s just go ahead and um yeah oh perfect here uh Abraham I am putting you in charge of taking care of taken so um I’m leaving you in good hands taken

Okay Abraham you you’re you’re in good hands you’re in good hands I’m I’m going to be just building on this highway so if you got Cobblestone or or maybe we can throw it to you right G so you decided for uh the the compensation you’ll get six

Netherite ingots 20 diamonds I know that sounds like a lot but uh you did go into Crea take down yeah you know it’s it’s cool it’s cool that’s not a lot like I don’t know if I can get the the netherite ingots but I can supplement more diamonds

Instead um if you would rather have that I can give you some some netherite armor that I’m not using you could have that instead um oops let’s change that uh yo Jord man it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you it has it’s been a

Long time uh glad you decided to come back though Merry Christmas Mr Toast gaming guys since we got some new people in what did you guys get for Christmas I want to hear it I want to hear what you got should you texture the monster’s eye

First or the body I say texture the eye first cuz the eye eyes are the windows to the soul so you want to make sure that if if it’s a creature that’s like primarily an eyeball uh you’re going to want to make sure that that eyeball looks looks topnotch right and then the

Body is kind of like secondary right so what happened to the old realm we’ve went through three different seasons so three different worlds um which World exactly do you remember um not sure oh you got an emerald for me KO oh I appreciate that not sure exactly what

I’m going to do with an emerald right now so I might not get it at the moment but it is always the thought that counts and just knowing that you have an emerald for me makes my heart feel nice and good so um yo Mr Toast gaming got

The Xbox series X yo you and you won the the Christmas Lottery there tell you what uh you’ll take the armor and 40 diamonds works for me works for me 40 diamonds in the armor the armor is a little bit broken though so um but it but it’s still good it’s still

Good for some time I think you could I know that you have netherite armor it’s only the chest plate and leggings but um you could probably mash them together yeah so ah the one with the mods Jordan so that would be season 3 so yeah um we changed this during the

Summer cuz I wanted a new experience and there was a few other reasons too don’t really want to explain that on YouTube but um you know as I’m like just trying to improve get better like in correct myself for some things don’t want to get into much detail but any who basically

It’s a brand new season started last summer and yeah we’ve already gone this far it’s like it’s crazy it’s insane you guys are just like Minecraft pros and like literally all the Farms like that you could ever imagine get built within like the first week it’s it’s actually

Mad like I I think that I’m impressed at the beginning of each season and then you just top yourselves every time like pat yourself on the back guys like literally uh absolute Minecraft Legends here so um just just blowing me away blowing me away every time every

Time it’s like if we do decide to do a new world I can’t even imagine like what it’s going to look like in uh but but of course we’ll discuss that like in in um June of course yo you got the PS5 $550 in an electric wait an electric bike in v-bucks

Oh my gosh Mark see I’m telling like this this was the year right did did it feel different like you know like I I think I think it did something just something just felt more Jolly this year hopefully you feel the same you know cuz cuz I definitely

Felt the love this year got a new office chair got to you got to look out for the back and the ergonomics office chairs crucial crucial it’s a amazing gift um uh you’re stuck Mr Toast uhoh how you stuck um and where we at how how many of

You guys yo seven likes already guys you’re absolutely amazing thank you so much for the likes guys appreciate it man I’m feeling it I’m feeling it you know I’m feeling the Jolly Vibes uh can you be TP check how many points you got uh Mr Toast gaming and

Then if you got 500 points you absolutely can be what trade are we making oh it’s this is a compromise and um Bray gaming do we have you on right now cuz let let me get that done here real quick because this project is going

To take a minute so uh where the rules uh type exclamation mark website in the chat and um nightball will fetch that web my website for you and bada bing bada boom uh just look around on there it’s pretty easy to navigate and you can

Read all the rules right there for you I never upload um yo Mark uh you got this one totem Farm for uh for a gold farm and a copper Farm iron farm you had all of that in about 4 days insane insane like literally like I it it just and all

These mob Grinders too just pop up left right center like just instantly so you can get XP like it’s crazy uh how do you check points exclamation mark points so everyone’s going to start checking the points now and there’s Mark provided the website right there nightbot check that out it

Says check out the website you can find and uh help center application that text is a little weird but essentially you can find the rules there as well you’ll join um still call you trap because you’re in the game too okay Jordan sounds good sounds good um of

Course I would try my absolute best to to remember that I usually go by the usernames on screen cuz like there’s just so many people that I have to remember but um yeah yeah of course uh you lost taken you do not know where

He is oh boy I thought I left taken in good hands um yo what is up new girly Merry Christmas welcome to the stream uh you’re just out in the in the for in the in the front oh okay okay you’re you’re somewhere you’re somewhere if you ever get lies you know there’s

Signs everywhere you know every there’s path to everywhere here here so only got 270 more points exactly see King fry dude let the chat know how long have you been watching the streams like like I feel like people feel like uh it takes way too long to

Get 500 points but King fry is a new viewer literally here probably like a couple days if you really commit yourself and you hang out in the streams it really doesn’t take long it really doesn’t and and you can get teleported over here but like if you get a little

Bit distracted and stuff like um you know you pop on you notice a short underneath the stream or something you click on it you you’re not going to get the points fast enough that way so you know for like three days three days look at that that easy it’s is literally that

Easy like you know uh wait what waffle you have seven shers of totems uh yeah Claudia know I won’t I won’t ever say any bad words in if If I Do by accident you know you know it absolute accident and I did not mean it of

Course but uh no I just I don’t feel comfortable about it like I just don’t have any clue about who’s watching where I’m being watched I could be watched on a TV grandma could be in the room I’m not going to start swearing in front of Grandma like that’s just disrespectful

My mom raised me to not swear in front of old people and kids so I just never know and this is like a public space so I’m just never I’m just not going to do it it makes me feel uncomfortable so um yeah you know like I’ve had families

In the past too gather around watch the streams and you know like and that’s what I like I like being able to be watched by anyone and everybody whenever they they can you know so um again cloudy I have no idea what uh those numbers are for or what they mean

If you can give me some more context for it then yeah I’ll you know I’ll uh pick a number but otherwise I’ll just keep picking 2,000 cuz I don’t know but break break put yeah yeah I know I don’t I don’t curse I mean I like I mean I

I’ll be honest I’ll be truthful I swear like with my friends of course like I think we all do but you know I know that they’re going to handle it well you know like it’s just like I have no idea how some people are going to handle it I

Mean heck I watch other streamers and stuff too the second that they say swear word people are gone people don’t want to hear it you know like it’s just like you don’t hear it on TV for the most part unless you’re like it’s like late

At night um and stuff but you know it’s just that’s just not how how it works you know uh BR you got the iPhone 15 plus a Texas Ranger tickets in a signed baseball by who is that adise Gara I have no idea who that is but that

Ass signed card means a lot so um you know those sound like some amazing gifts you know hope everyone enjoyed uh spending good quality time you know we love the gifts and everything but I hope that you had some quality time with friends and family as well and um you

Know we’re we’re extending it out here as well we’re all we all got together celebrated even more yeah your little cousin is right next to you exactly playing Jengo with them exactly see like I just I don’t know who is like going to be near listening close it’s just it just

Makes me feel better to just you know keep family friendly and just you know make sure that everyone can enjoy it and not just a certain amount of people you know like I I I don’t it that just seems better right it’s just better it’s just better uh Garcia your favorite player

Really is he a good player I I I really don’t know anything about like uh baseball and stuff so oh um I’ve watched it before but never never really gotten too too big into it um I watched the local stuff though I really like that I really like

That let’s see here then we need some diamonds uh BR games we’re going to meet up here I think you’re on correct I think so I think you’re on but the eye looks so good oo I’m I’m actually kind of excited please do Post like pictures on the Discord about like

Your progress and stuff do I want the Cobble um yeah yeah I’ll take the Cobble appreciate that let me just like uh clear out my inventory just a just a hair like I don’t need this glowstone dust like that’s that’s taking up a whole slot kind of kind of

Unreal if you ask me uh we’ll leave the bricks here too um maybe even the shears cuz we’re going to be working on the highway so probably the buckets uh we’ll use the bone meal for the trees so we can have Lumber uh the the leather nah no don’t

Need the leather uh let’s see what else um don’t need that smooth Stone and let’s just go back down here real quick and grab those diamonds what was the the compromise again was like something 50 diamonds or something like that we’ll go 50 diamonds you know what let’s just go a

Whole stack I don’t want to I don’t want to worry about anything let’s just let’s just go a whole stack of diamonds and call it a day call it even Steven yeah he’s good he’s a good player uh let’s get rid of this this weather too

Bye-bye I want a nice and clear not um not thunderstorming uh do I got room that you can stay in cuz you’re homeless yes uh there is plenty of rooms that you can stay in at the cave so let’s um I believe it is where are you Bray games I think this

Might be you no not you how are you there this is not you um you got hit by lightning no way you actually got hit by the lightning that’s super rare dude and you got the clip taken bro what how does how does that actually happen

Like okay I don’t know if this is like EP epilepsy warning or not um I wish that this like teleporting home thing would just stay on the screen for longer no I think we’re also good today oh it’s acting smooth smooth like butter what are the claim sellers yeah

If you want to learn about the the land claim that is all on my website unfortunately they’re not working currently at the moment as you can see I do leave active update status on there as well um it’s just the community for this add-on um the main guy who made it he

Completely abandoned the project because Minecraft every time it updates the API changes so that means all the mods that people make they have to redo the entire thing it breaks the entire thing every single update and he just got fed up of that so then the community started doing

It then somebody else took control he got fed up with it then someone else took took control they got fed up with it then someone else took over control they got fed up with it we’re on our fourth new Community member um and uh here here we go here we’re going to

We’re going to throw you these this is this is my best armor that I have and then some diamonds let me just uh make sure you don’t get attacked by the zombie here um and there you go good sir uh pleasure doing business with you you’re joining perfect

Perfect uh me your birthday to January 2023 2024 wait suck what wait how how can you tell that 2024 is ooh ooh ooh the Cobble is going to is going to suck before it even happened are you a time traveler Claudia are you looking into the future is 2024 going to

Be bad I don’t think so I’m optimistic I’m looking for forward positively I think 2024 is going to be all of our years like it it already it already seems like it you know what I’m saying like doesn’t it just kind of like it just feels like that like just given how

The times have already been you know I am I am Mark I’m playing on a switch right now because of the online switch online is only $20 a year so uh that’s much cheaper than the $25 for Xbox uh Game Pass and in live for yeah 25 bucks each month o That’s

Steep that’s steep for right now um I might be able to get it for a couple more months but honestly the switch has been performing well enough and you know I used to stream Minecraft streams on the switch all the time so um yeah man this it kind of

Works I think I was on a PlayStation for a while too yeah yeah it was uh you’re building your starter base KO I I that so that was you that I that I went to I like what I saw so far like I’m like oh wait hold up this is not the

Right person but uh still cool to check out check out you get in your little starter base going uh February 2023 what happened there Claudia what happened it’s going to be the 15th uh your birthday you’re going to be able to drive oh my gosh really it’s going to be

A good year mark right feels like it it’s going to be a good year um they found out what I got you for Christmas wait what what is it Mark what is it you keep talking about it but um I I don’t think I found out yet I don’t think

So March wait are you just saying dates of 2023 Claudia that don’t have any real significance to them um what would you trade for a Max sword waffle what would I trade for that man I don’t really have anything good to trade for a Max sword

Like I do but I’m not giving it up I’m not giving up either one of my pickaxes that that’s just no no I can’t hold up wait what Xbox Live no way Mark no way I’m gaming Xbox Live dude cuz then bro H I got to check if uh Goat

Simulator 3 is is on the xbone you know because I thought it was only exclusive for uh the ne the next gen consoles but apparently not uh King you upload some of the mobs on Art in Discord y I’m I’m going to take a little a little peek at

That let’s check that out real quick see what let’s see what you’ve been cooking let’s check it out let’s check it out oo I’m liking the progress so far uh but what happened to the pupil it’s not done yet it’s not done yet of course um you know the little the little

The little black dot what happened what happened to it is it gone I’m going to let you cook I’m going to let you cook yeah dude I said X bone that’s what like literally that’s what uh Xbox One people call it xbone in the community yeah what that’s the first

Time that you’ve ever heard of that people calling an Xbox One and xbone like bro I’m telling you man people call it that I like Xbox I like all the consoles to be honest like to be fair Fair they all have something great to bring you know xbone’s Got Game Pass PS4’s got

Um the PS4 like bro why am I why am I blanking here the exclusives Sony exclusives same with Nintendo Nintendo’s got their exclusives and you know I mean XOne is not really they’re not really going hard with the exclusive the best thing that they got going for them is Game Pass

Right now I’m not going to lie not going to lie I think that’s not a hard a hot take either I think the best thing about Xbox is The Game Pass currently currently currently merry egas to you wait hold up wait pause yo Merry Christmas sir Geo welcome to the

Stream you’re just going to give all your loot to take wow that’s whoa whoa see I knew that I was uh leaving taking some good hands right there Abram’s just like like here you can just you can just have all of this uh people do they do crap on a

Switch um but you know it’s like you you really shouldn’t be getting the switch for the power like you should get the switch for Mario games you know the exclusives like all the Nintendo games and those run beautifully on the switch don’t get Call of Duty on the switch

Don’t get any GTA on the switch don’t get any game that you can play on another console on the switch just don’t just don’t unless it’s like something like Minecraft like this cuz I think Minecraft on the switch is just awesome cuz the handhold mode like you can

Literally play on the TV pick it up continue on like you know like lay in bed lay on the couch go somewhere else it’s really nice and I like that a lot but for the most part like any game that you can get on another console just get

On that console like this switch is not this switch is just not the best thing to to play these other games on unless you want to take them on the go then that’s a valid that’s a valid point like like if you wanted to be like but I

Wanted to play Call of Duty wherever I want okay that’s fair that’s fair just don’t expect it to perform that well um 2023 was a bad year it was a mix year it definitely was a mix year like I thought it was going to be a way better

Year but it kind of turned out like it was good at the start but then later on it got worse I feel that like but I I definitely grew a lot in 2023 sometimes you need a challenging year to to grow as a person and I really I really felt the growth from

It uh could I tell waffle that you’ll trade a stack of diamonds for his sword really yo waffle um Ray’s going to trade a whole stack of diamonds for that maxed out sword and that sword is no joke I tell you what um you’re finishing some side quest

Drag loock so so what’s good Merry Christmas welcome to the stream uh enjoy those side quests I I still want to get tears of the Kingdom I did get a new Switch game though for Christmas pretty hyped about it um going to try to stream it at some point

Because you know I want like like the person who got it my uncle um and and their fam to be able to see see my reaction and stuff live um it’s Super Mario bro Wonder super hyped about that like it’s crazy can’t wait maybe I’ll talk to some uh other

Other creators and see see if they want to want collab it up or not CU it’s online it’s online so look at you look at you what’s good Claudia what’s good I see you I see you you had three major Wars this year did did that really happen you’re joking

Was there seriously three major Wars dude I have not kept up to date with like the news at all because it kind of makes me expresso depresso like I I tune in time to time I I kind of like hearing the news from my friend more though cuz

It like it softens the blow a little bit you know so ah dang you’re all good waffle okay yeah I think waffle wants these pickaxes one of them he wants the silk touch one for sure that’s like that’s a pretty fair trade for or maybe both of them for a

Maxed out sword actually no I would do it for a maxed out um axe if the axe was really maxed out I would probably give both but for the sword I’d probably do one cuz there’s just not that many functionality for it there’s two functionalities with an axe there’s only

One functionality with the sword so I I I think that’s fair yeah Waffle’s smiling over there he knows he like he wants these he wants them bad but no like these are my babies right here I like nah dude there’s just there’s just no way uh-uh uh Christmas was uh pretty

Good didn’t do anything fun oh absolutely we celebrated um uh cramps krampmas Krampus Krampus uh Krampus yeah that’s the word uh we celebrated that so we had like uh like horns that we wore that was really fun and then I got this game that is like it’s it’s a kitty like

Board game or whatever but it’s like you know quick fun to have with the family and it’s this um this bear like you poke it in the belly and you steal a gift from it and then you keep doing that and it like pops up like jumps out like you

Don’t want to wake up the the Sleeping Bear that was fun that was fun and then listening to my cousin uh on the radio cuz uh 7 years old and like they had her school and they were all singing Christmas songs and you know we we turn that on and had a good

Time listening to that it’s awesome um let’s see I’m Miss missing anything yo what’s good night night welcome back Merry Christmas welcome to the stream um you got a poker set sir Geto you ready for poker like that’s like a it’s a pretty mature game to get uh

Like like I I envisioning now you’re going to be like those dogs playing you know those dogs that famous painting I envisioning now that’s uh that’s going to be sir gecko here like I can picture it like with geckos instead of dogs could you spare uh one Diamond

Anyone spare a diamond for Waffle spare some change good sir please please change you don’t understand pokerus and I think it’s the money that’s what that’s uh the the big deal with it you know like the the hype around around poker is um definitely the cash the the Cash

Money the cheddar cheddar that makes everything better type you know but other than that like I I’ve never played I don’t I don’t like Gamblin type uh stuff personally like actually no no I take that back I’ve played LCR Left Right Center which is actually a really fun game if you’ve

Never played LCR then you should give it a go um and you totally can play with like quarters or whatever instead of chips so um yeah take it back maybe I do like it just just to like a little extent um Mr so what is the thing uh in

Your far right slot this is the mobile uh this is for land claims and stuff so there’s a lot of lot of cool stuff that you can do um with this like that’s how I’ve been teleporting back home whenever I like am am out and about um but yeah

We got a little tutorial here you know crafting them so you can make it so you can learn how to use all this uh the coins so then you can get the claims because they cost the coins I get wait uh ah yeah for the claim yeah and then

You can sell it for that that’s right that’s actually kind of like even though land claim doesn’t work at the moment that’s still kind of like a good way to get iron in diamonds and emeralds and copper you can just sell the land claim stuff to the other

Guy yeah the the the main thing that doesn’t work is just this being able to to actually open up the flag so it’s uh it’s very unfortunate but like I said the development team on this add-on is very just like we’re on our fourth guy we’re on our fourth guy working on it

They’re all mad I I don’t know why Minecraft does this every time they update their game oh yeah it is it’s pretty cool it’s pretty cool um Mr Beast uh how do you think your texture would work for the scales uh to moen’s textures work not sure I’m

Not the greatest at that Sero would know a lot more about um texturing and and and such uh the message in the bottle said n should really consider putting on the texture pack sooner because it’s pretty vanilla and cool again I am a man of my

Word I said that we were going to wait a whole year before we add anything new like textures like anything that isn’t like vanilla friendly like outside of uh just mob votes cuz like those mobs getting added to the game makes is just universally making more of the community

Happy cuz they get to see the mob that they didn’t that they voted for that didn’t get into the game in the game which is awesome um so outside of those like like I said I like to keep to my word I’m just I’m just a man of my word

Like you know I said it and I and I and I didn’t just say it to say it I’m going hold I’ll hold myself to it um is joining the realm supposed to be slow sometimes it can be slow especially when there’s a lot of people on um given

That there are people all over the world who join at the same time and the poor server starts screaming and it’s like ah there’s so many people and they’re from all over the world and they’re all over the map and it’s just like it goes crazy

So yeah uh yeah Claudia diamond is the best I still agree with that statement even though netherite technically is better netherite does not look like Jolly like blue Jolly Ranchers so inferior uh just because of that reason like uh diamond tools just look so delicious I want to eat them it looks

Like Jolly Ranchers so I agree with you there even though technically netherite is better uh out of it out of a small technicality but I ref used to believe it Diamond’s always going to be king I mean how does uh your textures look compared to the normal Minecraft

Textures oh I see I see um I would say that they they are needing a little bit more Improvement for constructive criticism if if you are trying to go off of uh vanilla textures I would say study and look at some more vanilla mobs and stuff and um look at

Yours so I don’t want to say this as being rude or anything take it as constructive criticism um and not me just saying oh I think it looks awful or whatever like I I think that it could use a little bit more Improvement if your if your goal is to strive for vanilla

Textures um but it feels like it’s been way longer than a year it hasn’t been that long it really it hasn’t it’s only been since uh June cuz that’s when we started uh we started back in June so it hasn’t even been a full year yet

Only half of a year essentially so so this next June will be a full official year um on here it really it has felt like longer hasn’t it probably because like it’s been so long since I’ve uh hopped on um in streamed yo what is up forgey Merry

Christmas and welcome to the stream uh in your world you almost lost all of your stuff uh due to blazes but you got all 57 blaze rods and the Ender Dragon is is next boy I I’m I’m stacked bro dude jge you are just like you’re you’re

Like the combat guy that I know like you fought Bob it was an epic battle we saw the ruins of it it looked intense and and now you’re fighting Ender dragons and blazes and you know you’re doing big things being the warrior uh it said it it loaded

Eventually it it will it will it’ll load eventually and if it doesn’t you can always like just close it and reopen again um and try that a couple times cuz sometimes you need to do that um if you’re stuck on the purple purple screen then yeah I would try closing it and and

Trying again uh take in see you later man take care take care take it easy uh what is that CR augus what’s what now you got the the league controller some Legos socks a new sweater a new jacket and a a h a handbag awesome yo yeah you got that that bougie

Controller what were what were the Lego though and socks dude that’s the one thing that I didn’t get that I thought I was going to get and I usually get super excited for but I didn’t get socks I did get some clothes though which are which are pretty fresh but I really wanted

Socks I needed socks like you know you really don’t understand the sheer uh weight thing you just don’t know uh yeah what it’s for like I thought that you know we’ve talked about it I don’t know if you remember exactly what what the conversation was or

Anything but we had at least five we’ve had five conversations about it I I don’t know if like your IRL life is just like been so busy and and everything that like you kind of must have forgot about it but like we’ve talked about it

Uh quite a few times to to be real um maybe try like digging deep into your into your head and and think like about I don’t know I don’t know like like I thought that you that you remembered about it but um if not we can we can uh

Talk about it again if you need if you need a little refresher that is no no issue with on my my part um CL August uh 2023 versus September 2023 August was better August was better I said uh we should team up Mr Warrior man I’m pretty good at the game really yeah and you just started playing as well as send like hor is off on his own little island as well so that that could really

Happen um oh what yo hold up you got a Pokeball that’s the Lego set a Pokeball no way no way man that that’s crazy is it one of those like um the custom ones cuz they use real Lego but it’s not official in a way but they call it

Something else to legally be all right with it and uh the socks were Nike and they’re all white did they come in like a big pack like I I really could have used one of those that would have been nice you know my mom got socks I was like a what you got

The socks and I didn’t tragic uh Mr Toast uh want add each other on Xbox and play fortnite um we can play fortnite especially when I’m playing with viewers on streams I don’t technically add many people and um whenever I’m just like off streams and stuff I’m usually just kind of doing my

Own thing kind of vibing enjoying um games in my own personal time and such um don’t take it as like me trying to be a big meanie Bo beanie but uh if I if I started doing that with you then I would have to do it with uh 50 to 100 more

Other people and that’s just not realistic for me I’m only one guy and you know um you met me through YouTube and so did the other people and we we’ve all been able to just play you know on streams and such uh perfectly fine so uh

To keep it fair for everyone uh just just going to have to respectfully decline that yeah yeah so um you don’t remember that part uh you just remember that we talked about uh what the community wants and the vote worked in favor okay I mean it’s you got to look

At it as a little bit more uh larger let me look at the let me look at the votes again um because I don’t think like like uh let’s see where where’s Discord where is it at I got to close it got to close it got to reopen reopen but

Yeah we talked about it uh other parts you are forgetting some things I will I will refresh your memory about this so that it’s a lot more clear for you um yeah and don’t take it as a disc dude like like I thought that we were clear

Like you you were pretty cool with it when we talked about it at the time um I don’t know what really like changed though um not sure but we’ll we’ll we’ll chat about it again yo gray borrow the silk I I if it was anything else I would

Let you borrow it but my pickaxes I do not I do not give out for borrowing um and it’s not a trust thing it’s just these are my babies they don’t leave they don’t leave my B they don’t leave my body at all so um yeah uh yeah dude gecko dude you are

Super beneficial and like like dude don’t feel like you’re not helping out at all like did you help out so much tremendously like man dude if it wasn’t for you I would have literally no Discord and that’s literally something that like is a huge part of the community

Like guys if you appreciate the Discord please show gecko some love because if it wasn’t for him we would not have a Discord so just saying like like that that is that is truly feeling without that like man you know um you know no yeah dude don’t feel like you

Don’t help out like literally you help out so much man like uh with with the Minecraft stuff there’s like just there’s layers to it there’s like so much to it that like um you know that I I need to we we we we got to call

Sometime and and I got to refresh you about everything that we talked about who’s that Pokemon yeah exactly I never upload we love you Geto man like seriously party stuff go party it up party it up gecko do your thing man appreciate you dropping by yeah man like we love you love you

Gecko yeah dude you’re big you’re a huge part of the community man like like I hope that you understand that like like you can hear it he from all of us man like like dude it would not be the it wouldn’t be the same without

You uh you want to know what uh game you’re buying with your xense cash what game you’re going to buy with that xense cash king fry what you going to do uh does anyone have villagers that you can use you’ll pay well o unfortunately I do know some people that

Do have villagers but they’re not on right now so wait whoa Abraham how do you for bro hold on you you got a desk too you got a whole desk and you’re like oh yeah almost forgot I got a desk too like that’s what like like I would I would

Kind of be like that if it was like a like a pen or something like oh yeah and I got this pen but d a whole desk man that’s what’s up like dude it sounds like you all got like exactly what you wanted this year and that that puts a

Big smile on my face I pretty much got like everything I wanted and then some fre like you know I I’m I’m not asking for a lot ever when it when it comes to Christmas too like I’m just I’m just happy spending time with the family having Good Vibes good

Times like and giving the gifts so like I’m pretty I’m pretty just like I’m cool with that so like with all that I got I’m like was not expecting this much but wow thanks like that’s how it felt uh who’s that Pokemon Pikachu and it have you seen that Meme

It’s funny where it’s not Pikachu like it’s Charizard clearly obviously and then they morph it to make it like they morph Pikachu’s body to fit into the silhouette of like another Pokemon it’s really funny uh plus I feel like you had everything really really oh okay okay

You felt like that you got everything and then it clicked back into your head I feel you I got you uh that’s cool though getting a whole desk like that that that surely did not fit underneath the tree um without like or maybe it did maybe

Maybe you just got like a really massive tree and who’s that Pokemon Diglett oh my gosh I’ve seen that I’ve seen that one as well like you know um when when you know Diglett right so when you look at him he’s got that big nose right if you

Think of the nose as a mouth with one tooth in it you’ll never be able to see him the same like it’s so hard to like I can’t unsee it it it’s it’s just permanently engraved in my head that he’s got like this mouth with one

Tooth oh my gosh yo is that outbreak GN I see Merry Christmas to you well you already celebrated your Christmas and and such but hey still Merry Christmas welcome to the stream great to have you and um Love the new profile picture uh hold up now going to have to going to

Have to double check you get a little ah dude looking fresh changing it up a bit like I like it Pico dude getting it uh double heart same question mark Claudia I Claudia like you just I I hope to get contact sometimes time for for

The stuff that that you say um cuz I really want to respond accurately um to to your messages but sometimes I get really confused um I’m asking for help here Claudia uh help me out help a help a streamer out here A O tragic I really shouldn’t have

Ran all the way back that that far I’m not going to do that next time we’ll we’ll just stack we we’ll just stack up uh to to get here cuz I really want to make a dock I want to make like a boat dock over here at the

Ocean cuz this highway actually does lead off to somewhere kind of cool and yeah yeah no dude I like it I’m liking it it’s fresh it’s like you know it caught my eye I’m like whoa cuz it wasn’t like that uh earlier this morning and yeah I am I apologize about

Like kind of disappearing on you in that stream like I put it on I was vibing and like I fell asleep to it because I was running off of 4 hours and then did a 13-hour stream so I was like I was really out of it and then

Christmas was the next morning so I’m just there like trying to be there and then out goes then like a Light yeah no it was awesome though like I really love the lights that you got in the background now um like you’re creating a whole set now and it was a lot of very festive Vibes and I had to watch you drink the the hot sauce and and the pickle juice that I

Had to I had to like cuz it’s a good combo okay so is that is that a meme meme Claudia are you saying memes here uh King fry I think that you’re going to remove the Tentacles from the model to make it more unique for the eye

Uh the monster definitely not an uh amazing animating definitely not to make animating easier ooh ooh it looks like a red gas H that’s honestly can’t you can’t you use the model of the gas first to like have a foundation with the block modeler I don’t know if that’s the right

Um I don’t know if that’s the right program I’m thinking about who summoned you mark it was it was outbreak outbreak did it you got what you wanted which was a new phone you can’t go wrong with getting a new phone like that is literally the gift that just

Just it keeps on giv for one and you constantly think about it for two you see it every day it’s like the portal to your life so that’s a really good gift I love getting phones for Christmas like phones computers stuff like Tech like that’s going to last you and that you use

Frequently consoles yeah cuz then you just like it’s just a reminder that person who really cares you know you’re craving a man I was wanted to do it all wanted to try it all day it’s a good combo it I wish that I could do eat hot sauce and pickles like that I

I can’t anymore cuz of of this of this gird my gastro intestinal reflux disorder if I have hot sauce and pickle juice at the same time o that would affect it dude the stomach acid would just start shooting up but I would love it so much

Cuz like it’s a good combo it really is don’t knock it before you try it uh you couldn’t be bothered for waiting for the goal I tried to get the uh to the goal guys please do check out out break he’s he’s literally an amazing

Streamer like like do it do it guys he deserves he deserves the support if you’re not already uh subscribe to him you’re not going to it he’s not going to disappoint I’m just I’m just going to I’m just letting you know like um all then you went into creative uh and gave

A a Wither egg in a mob spawner and you’re set for the war in your Turf oh my gosh that’s how you practice where he that’s just your practice you literally just put the withers in a in a mob spawner and go Hog Wild um whoa what what’s up with uh

Uh so oh oh helping out here appreciate that yo what is up Jeffrey Merry Christmas and welcome to the stream I think it’s more disturbing if it’s just an orb with a huge eye uh very true very true and Mark oh b dubs you finished the nendo 3D logo really really

Dude if you got any pic and stuff and you you can share it on like uh Discord and stuff please do I would love to see it um you still have all your Christmas at your stepmom’s oh what dude all of your Christmas stuff is there you

Don’t even have access to it dude I I have been in in a situation that’s like that like where all your Christmas presents are at like a family members and it’s not with you currently dude that’s like the worst feeling yo appreciate that Jack the gamer yeah I’m telling you like

It he does a phenomenal job like literally love all the sound effects that that is involved and all of the green screen stuff like he he really does put a lot of effort into into streaming and stuff and like it and it shows so um like he deserves all the

Support appreciate you guys going over there uh and checking it out super funny guy you’ll see me there too a lot like a lot of the times like I’ll just be in there in the chat chatting away like hanging out having a good time yeah you are you are one of the OG

Mods Mark like literally 10 10 subscribers away from 1K the big 1K like uhoh you did it you did it Mark how could you how could you get it wrong like that uh BR last last night for Xmas Eve uh you ate what is that what is Habachi and

You got chicken noodle and fried rice and mixed it all together ooh you got chicken noodles and fried rice and you mix it all that sounds really good D I’m jelly man you know what I had for Christmas Eve dinner bro I had a sandwich dude a boring old cheese and ham

Sandwich and I’ve had that for three nights in a row too to top it off but Christmas dinner was oh gas fire uh we had some ham and um potatoes what else do we have uh o these cheesy bread rolls so good like literally eating like a king tonight no more no more

Sandwiches for for your old pound in here which is great man uh yo Jeffrey you started a hardcore world uh oh how to start a hardcore World okay so that just depends on what version of the game you’re playing so if you’re playing um Bedrock there unfortunately isn’t a hardcore yet

There might be some add-ons that you could download to use uh to kind of make it like a hardcore world but there is no actual setting in Java it’s just another game mode like creative survival um then there’s an option for hardcore so unfortunately I don’t know

Why I I have a theory of why U mojing will add it to bedrock and uh why it’s only exclusively on Java it’s because Bedrock is a lot more accessible for kids and a majority of more kids are playing it and they don’t want like parents or kids to have to

Worry about losing their entire world if they died once so that’s my theory on why they don’t have that parody is just to make it easier on them and getting a bunch of like complaints from like parents saying their world just got deleted and and them not really understanding even

Though they could explain it clearly that if you die your world is not going to work right but I don’t know you know who actually reads any of this stuff when you’re playing video games or accepting things on the computer you just hit accept and you just continue

Right it’s like I want a harder mode I didn’t actually read what goes on that’s just my theory though but I could be wrong yum dud oh I know I don’t know it’s so good like you ate like five lbs of ham today I like I feel that King fry like

Literally and it was so good like so chef’s kiss uh but it was unfortunate with the lack of the Saran Wrap so cleaning up the dishes oh shoot I forgot about the the the the best part the lamb and the uh and the asparagus dude how could I

Forget about that like dude I love lamb so much like two like lamb I don’t know what cut it was but like it was in bone dude can’t even forget about the best part man wait wait you didn’t even have Christmas dinner Jack the gamer no don’t

Make me cry like that dude that’s so oh sleep guys okay yeah I got you we’ll pretend like someone’s using one player sleep right or pretend all right just pretend with me all right uh somebody somebody use one player sleep get off of my highway get off of my highway don’t

Blow up yes realm lag coming in clutch yeah you’re going to be in the Stream again Marcus it would be great to see you uh you literally had chicken sandwich for Christmas really chicken sandwich was it good like was it like at least like not just a boring chicken

Sandwich like it was like a a flavorful one um I think I saw void in here yeah yeah yeah what’s good void Merry Christmas welcome to the stream uh you had some uh what is that PS what what is that uh puzzle and taito for Christmas

Did I say those right uh I feel like I might have got one of them wrong and apologies on that um that sounds really good like I like I love taquitos like Taquito for Christmas that just sounds right to me like that just sounds like Christmas to be fair like Taquito for

Christmas I rocks with it that’s what’s up um am I playing Java no no I’m not playing Java I am playing on Bedrock uh Koo uh could I make it day yeah yeah yeah so I didn’t make it day dude someone some somebody fell asleep right wink wink uh wink somebody used

One player sleep I didn’t make it day we’re that’s what we’re believing here okay just believe with me okay believe with me and all of our everything is going to come true you got to stream again just saying hey um and uh thanks for inspiring me to stream hey no worries dude

Uh enjoy that stream man I hope it goes well have a good time and it’s pronounced uh po I feel like I’m really butchering I apologize about that like it sounds good uh maybe you can explain a little bit about what what is actually in the dish

I’m curious now like I really want to know I don’t want to hold you or anything here but like you you peaked my interest I’m curious what what possibly could it be um I don’t know is it like a meat is it like potatoes and what the what is this

Little like Sweet Berry bush like Sanctuary right here in the middle of this mountain it’s just like dude these are like the topnotch sweet berries right here the fine ones that are like protected by the mountain these ones taste better this one these are going to

Be reserved solely for um chubs so I’m going to leave like a little Landmark so we know about this spot it’s just off the highway going to leave a little Landmark here maybe I’ll be able to find this later oh for sure for sure can you see my base oh sure yeah

Jeffrey I could uh we could just take a little tour around the the city yeah it was a good sandwich uh had cheese tomato lettuce and mayo ooh oh um uh I mean like had a uh not so familyfriendly drink you know I know what you mean like

A little I mean I get like like alcohol is definitely to to a degree I would say that that would fall under familyfriendly as long as you’re of age drinking responsibly that’s um you know like a a glass of wine with your meal that that’s pretty like now if you’re if

You’re like saying oh yeah I’m going to get like like sosed or whatever like that probably leans more towards not being so familyfriendly but like a glass of wine at at the dinner table is just that’s pretty like it’s like a common you know little common

Deal do I got any white wool to spare break games I don’t but uh fortunately for you I believe you’re close to um the place where the the sheep used to be and they still kind of hang out around there it’s a good spot to like

Get some wool I don’t I I don’t know why they just hang around there it’s kind of kind of crazy right uh now if you gave me creative mode I would build a giant wall of obsidian with lava flowing down anyways you should build a Christmas tree ooh a Christmas tree you say

Oh I could probably do that maybe potentially I don’t know if I have all the resources for it though um I might we could get the resources I would need glow stone maybe for like the lights right or maybe we could just use torches take it back old school I think

I think little candles were used on old Christmas trees like the very first Christmas trees don’t quote me by this but I think that that was how the first uh like the lights how they got started was was a candle I don’t know somebody somebody

Proved me right or wrong here I know I know one of you are are already on it like that doesn’t sound right let’s like make sure that I got my trivial information right oh yeah outbreak is responsible oh yeah those emojis don’t make me feel like uh

That that is entirely the case but we’ll roll with it how break’s responsible guys um let’s see soon uh give a sneak peek of the 3D logo um I don’t I don’t see how the VC really needs to be uh involved with getting a sneak peek as a sneak peek is

As simple as just you know um a quick picture type deal but um yeah I would love to see it I’d love to see it you know uh you could help with it you’ve had non-alcoholic wine before it’s actually pretty good like I had it

Before back in the day as well before I became of age and you know I appreciated when when I was visiting some other family in October like I was talking about um they they they’re the type that has like a glass of wine like my grandpa

Was having a glass of wine at dinner so I kind of picked that up I didn’t continue it now but while I was there it was really nice like you know it was just kind of like a nice way to kind of unwind and you know after a good meal

You know a little glass of good wine and off to bed and it was just you know kind of like a chill Vibe never really experienced that before until then which was nice um uh breing you should have have made a giant Christmas tree in the middle of

The main city yeah it’s it’s happened before in the past um during these times we usually do it way earlier than on Christmas day um but we could make a smaller Christmas tree uh that like we could use uh the uh super Spruce right and then go from there cuz you know probably

Have to make a few of them cuz we don’t want it to be too tall but I feel like that’s a good base for something that we could do quick and then get some wool uh red and green dye and we could go from there I want to see

How far cuz we might have to start doing that right now cuz I don’t remember how far away the ocean is I know it’s just continuing this way but I don’t I don’t remember don’t remember how far uh you’ll give a pick when you get a

New phone got you when you get your new phone send that pick I am patient I can wait for that Mark I got you that sounds good that sounds good uh What was horrible nah n you didn’t like it you must have had some some bad one cuz like grape juice is

Pretty much nonalcoholic wine um or maybe it’s non-alcoholic champagne that I like more um yeah it’s it’s dry mine is like it’s like it’s like a dry it’s a dry taste like it’s it’s weird it’s not for everyone is an acquired taste it’s for adults it’s not supposed to taste good

Um can I see the base yeah Jeffrey I mean like we’re working on project uh currently actually before I head back um we are going to I just got to double check here um double check here and see how far away it is to see if we start making the

Tree now or if I can finish up this highway now and then we work on it after this either or we we’ll have to see first I feel like this ocean is kind of far away but I also feel like it’s just above this hill right here

Um yo you found a vein of one coal just one uh Just One Singular coal or how much was there you’re at your grand uh Grandpa’s uh he let you drink a little bit of wine hey that’s uh completely allowed believe it or not like if you’re in a household

Okay so it is a little bit further away um and you get uh you know your parents permission Guardians permission and you’re at home and you’re safe safe well just a little bit is uh you know it’s actually legal and uh you just got to check your States and from your

Country too so don’t just think cuz then said it then you can do it wherever you got to look at your local laws cuz I don’t know them but at least for me at least for me that’s allowed yo what’s good Braden Merry Christmas welcome to the stream all

Right let’s head back to uh the Town cuz oh wait I can see it I can see the highway right there this really wouldn’t take that long to get the Cobblestone there but I think I only have 43 couple more Stacks I kind of want to feel like

Um finishing up this stack like this like little portion until I’m out of cobblestone and then officially cuz I don’t want to run back and forth back and forth I’m already here might as well finish this and then we’ll head back start working on that tree in the middle of town that was

Weird how was my day my day was fantastic thank you so much for asking Jeffrey uh it was Christmas you know like uh super jolly and just it was a great one it was a really good Christmas this year how was your day right how do you Loc the super

Duper oh wait wait wait weepy sweepy kitty kitty what cat Highway how do you locate this wait wait this this highway um I mean it’s easier to find it in the city um you might be able to find it some other way but yeah the city is always your best best fit

Just checking in yo lost um can you tell me what’s uh in involved with that um that dish that you mentioned earlier like is it a meat dish I kind of you like you Peak my interest I was asking about it but like yeah you must have headed out a little

Bit like is it potatoes is it like in what What ethnicity as well like is cu it sounds maybe Mexican um uh did somebody just say my name yes yes someone someone came in brayen what did Kinky think huh dude same KO I really wish uh mojing

Would would optimize reals as well well cuz uh you know there’s so many servers out there that run super smooth and Realms just does not compare but it’s the best that I can do right now um as we are continuing to grow the community up but eventually there will

Be a day that the realm just ain’t cutting it and we need something like a server but then by that time I should have enough funds to be able to afford it um and I also have been considering making my own server so um and your day was good as well

Great to hear it Jeffrey I’m glad that you had a good day as well I’m glad that that this Christmas was pretty solid and I feel like it was for for a majority of us not a hot take what I building to send just building a onto the highway so

That we can work on a dock over by the ocean because I really want to make a dock I don’t know why I just do and there’s an ocean over here cuz I started working on this highway and sending it this direction because there was a like a little village

But I didn’t know how much more was further along this way and I I said if there’s anything cool I think you were there for that if there was anything cool then I would continue but if not and the ocean’s pretty cool for me cuz that means fast

Travel around the world in uh in that direction which is which is nice to have wait your back out gave you an idea for a chicken sandwich that that sounds like a really good chicken sandwich too with like tomato and everything like that’s not just like a basic just sandwich or

Whatever and last word yo it’s a it’s a meat dish and it’s a mix of chickpeas pork onions cabbage radishes and it’s an Aztec descent really that sounds really good um I’m a huge fan like chickpeas and is it spicy at all like it’s probably got like a little bit of a kick

To it um but probably not like super hot um either don’t know but that sounds really good like it’s like and it’s a meat dish cool first time I ever heard about it learn something new every day look at that it’s awesome um yeah yeah yeah dud oh wait

Joining the realm on jav I thought you were just asking to join unfortunately Java is not crossplay and I don’t know why there’s crossplay servers mojen come on let’s let’s get it let’s make it happen already maybe they are working on it behind the scenes and we just don’t

Know but yeah unfortunately not but um you know quick reminder Jeffrey just if you are enjoying what you’re seeing so far and um you want to be able to get a server one day liking and subscribing to the channel helps out tremendously and uh tuning in to the Stream also helps

Out a ton um because you know the more support that I can get the sooner I can get this server set up and we’re just going to have a blast like so and how big can we make our bases as big as you want and never upload as long

As there’s space and it’s not budding into someone else’s like build or anything like you know you’re just respectfully giving people distance as big as you want as big as you want literally will be walking past the mega base so oh I appreciate that so much Jack the

Gamer uh B going to eat some ding you going to be back sounds good eat something good eat something yummy make us jelly and let us know what it is as well uh L voyag so uh not so fun fact it used to be made of human flesh instead of

Pork okay uh yeah that is uh not such a great great fun fact that makes it even more interesting and a lot cooler to try uh like if I end up trying it I will refer to my friends that I ate this Aztec meal that used to be made out of human

Flesh and they’re going to be like wait what hold up now and I’m like relax dude it it’s with pork now relax all right and they’re just going to be Bamboozled we’re going I’m going to bamboozle them now I have to try this food I have to I

Have to like I got a bamboozle them like dude it’s just it’s just too perfect yeah yeah you absolutely can Cur if you want to join just type an S&P in the chat and nightbot will be able to help you out with the rest and what’s good Trenton Merry Christmas welcome to the

Stream uh King fry bedrock and Java are coded entirely differently so third party hosters is required to have bedrock and Java crossplay exactly King fry but uh the servers can also be third party hosting uh cuz that’s technically what Realms are Realms are just servers so if there are third party hosting that

Can have bedrock and Java join at the same time then why can’t Mojang do it you know and then make that to the default for Realms you see what I’m saying here like if other people are able to do it why can’t Mojang do it you

Know um that’s the thing that I just don’t quite understand right uh Let’s Walk This Way Let’s Walk This Way give um uh Jeffrey a good little tour here what version is uh Bedrock for you curse Bedrock is bedrocks add you as a uh what is that

Friendy yeah you can add me as a friend that’s uh totally totally cool you know go ahead and do that if it’s on switch I probably will say no though though um and also don’t get to any hopes I’m not trying to say this to be

Mean I’m just saying this as I would have to do this with 150 people and I’m just one guy and I like I can’t be everywhere all at the same time so if by friending me you’re like hoping to be able to play with me off streams or

Whatever uh I kind of want to like put a halt to that right there um and that’s not to be mean or whatever it’s just because I’m one dude and there’s just going to be so many people expecting me to do that with them and I just don’t

Have the time to do that like I either say yes to everyone or say no to everybody um and I like to keep things fair you know I like to pick and choose does outbreak have a Discord he absolutely does absolutely does yo wait an outbreak yo yo change the the profile pick

Again making back um and if you ever need some suggestions on plugins and server hosting let me know can give you feel excellent dude I would I would um I’m going to hit you up about that yo but check this out we got the mcky D’s

And we got uh the the Burger King I’m so proud of this Burger King like it it it’s it looks just like the reference photo I could pull up the reference photo I still have it there um and yeah I’ll break there’s another uh person who I know breakpoint he was talking about

How he was learning how to make custom servers for my Minecraft and he’s going to be making videos and stuff about that once he does I’m going to relay some of that information back with you and uh we’re going to we’re going to like you know help each other out in that

Sense uh as should probably use your inhal you probably should KO if you’re feeling that then that’s probably a good idea um probably because hacking would be easier that’s not I don’t I don’t think that’s the case case cuz you know those servers no like they don’t hacking is

Going to be an issue on any server and it’s extremely easy to hack on Realms like ex too easy in fact um in bedrock in general it’s extremely easy to hack but uh I digress it it’s risky to do because a lot of the sites have viruses and stuff

I don’t recommend it but um I don’t think that’s the case I think it’s just them not want us to have fun no that’s not real uh it’s probably something else but it’s really dumb that other people are able to do it and EM Mojang isn’t like that is just

Crazy yo what is up ganga Merry Christmas and welcome to the stream how we doing uh you never upload oh of course uh of course now you got got me yeah yeah you know like it’s just I’m not trying to be mean or anything you know it’s just like

Man I’m just one dude and it’s just easier to be able to get everyone all at the same time on and on it streams and stuff I am I am doing fantastic uh gangster like it’s been a great it’s been great like it’s been great Christmas I hope hope the same could be

Said with you have I killed the Ender Dragon I personally haven’t but other people have on the server so I personally didn’t kill it I wasn’t quick enough they were way ahead of me like but I’ve you know I’ve killed the Ender Dragon many times in the past so

It’s just like you guys have your fun it’s all good like I’ll just benefit from finding the the end portal but yeah here’s here’s my like little Homestead here’s my little base you know we got the copper golems and whatnot uh oh my gosh got to have these

Blocks here for for the land claim stuff cuz ah we had an incident got to keep this place nice and sealed I had a lot more foxes downstairs but unfortunately we had that incident and now there’s only this one at least the person oh my gosh I got scared

There hard jump this jumped a second there but at least we still have the the white ones arctic foxes hey n tpu2 uh there is a weird cave with the water wall yeah dude I would I want to check out this weird cave um let’s see where

Is which one is you KO again isn’t this is this you we’ll find out I think so whoa oh this is weird I got views Mary Christmas and welcome to the stream um what did I give for Christmas oh a bunch of stuff like uh clothes snacks

Um some some really notable ones would be Super Mario Bros Wonder like I did I just just so many things the best thing though was this like little uh box cutter key like it looks like a key but it’s like a little box cutter like it’s got like a little blade

On it it it it was so helpful for like opening up pack and stuff like it was it was great what’ you end up G for Christmas uh gangster you know like I I was I got more than what I was expecting like I tell you that much like didn’t get the

Socks though I wanted the socks but yeah the official Minecraft site just says uh they use different servers yeah like but they could just they could just use the servers that allow you know like they could just do that they could just implement the servers that are crossplatform between Java and Bedrock

Into Realms and then have that be the hosting for Realms that that’s what I’m trying to get at here like it’s like if other people if other servers are allowed to do it right and and have figured it out and have done it then why can’t Mojang

Why can’t they just Implement that into their own game that’s the part that’s like kind of slipping my mind or like tripping me up a little bit it’s like this is your game and people third parties are able to to make a better experience than than I digress I digress

I I I’ll get super heated here like if if I continue this um I do a lot with the code I mean but it’s just like the third parties are able to do it so it’s just I I don’t I don’t find that I don’t find that uh

Like just because they’re in different codes it’s like other people have already figured out how to do it and and they could just learn from them and implement it how are they going to let the third parties do better than them I don’t know uh never uploaded this comes from

The bottom of your heart I hope you find uh Bitcoin lying on the ground and you become a millionaire oh I appreciate that I never upload dude that would be awesome though like let’s check out this cave though as as I want to stop my my rary and stuff but this this waterfall

Does look look crazy right like dude it’s just a wall waterfall I never I’m you know what we’re going to have to document this this is it’s kind of hard to see in here but I hope you can tell like how it’s like like perfectly like in this L shape

Too never seen anything anything like that you got the coolest gift you got a PS5 dude gangster man that puts a big smile on my face I’m so glad that you got a PS5 dude man I’m I’m glad that the stores had ps5s and Xbox series x’s and

Stuff in stock this year cuz I remember when they like first came out that like they were just not in the stores whatsoever and people can not get them as gifts you know and appreciate those K I’m going to plant them in front of my

House uh King fry Mo takes one year to make a new mob it take them 4,000 yons to make a new server exactly like it’s just like why not just Implement what’s already out there though it’s like just hire them or something it’s like it already exists

Just buy them out it’s my it’s it’s it’s not even Minecraft it’s Microsoft Microsoft loves just throwing money at things like who cares just buy them out add it into the game make it better for everyone because it’s their words better together that’s literally Minecraft’s word for

For Bedrock it’s better together so use your own words and just buy the people who made like buy them out then implement it don’t don’t try to reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to like Microsoft you got the money to do it do it like

Oh turn the brightness up oo yeah I like I understand with the mobs why they take so long cuz they want to make sure that it like blends with the entire game and it looks good and the like I get it to a degree but like also system Z is able to

Like put some pretty like vanilla looking mobs in the game pretty fast and it’s like I don’t know dude I don’t know it’s like a slippery slope but let’s plant some of these roses o plant one oh yeah right here and right here and right here and right

Here right there open another one DJ CID oh another one we the best ever and uh how about one right here here too uh not not not to think hey hey there we go there we go uh maybe maybe the horses want want it as

Well um did I see what I posted on Art no I can check real quick I’m going to take a little Gander get back in here what are you doing why are you trying to escape you can’t escape get back over to the this you’re too lagged out to to escape

Here enjoy these enjoy these roses guys enjoy should I put this sapling in here n that’s not fair for the sapling we’re just setting it up for failure at that point oh looks like uh potatoes are needed potatoes are needed potatoes are needed I repeat we got a code potato on our hands

Yo what is up burnout gaming Merry Christmas and welcome to the stream it is a very uh yuck gang Christmas indeed um guys I don’t know if you guys are aware of this but I created a like a group type deal called yuck gang sounds weird right but the acronym

For it stands for something even better sounds gross but it’s not it stands for young unique creative um kids I believe yeah kids yeah young unique Creative Kids yuck gang it and it got stolen from me too they took my exact logo design and everything and uh another Instagram

Account took it started making clothes and I just I I didn’t know what to do then I just kind of you know they took the acronym they took everything so and and theirs was a whole year or whatever um after after the fact yeah yeah I mean like it is technically I got

Another thing that is uh Cosmic slushy entertainment which could be the umbrella company of of all of this that was the other thing I just I gave up I gave up on yucking I’m like okay fine this other company you took it I’m not going to battle you guys like I’m just a

I’m just a high schooler like what am I what am I to do so then I’m like all right I’m just going to make my own another thing screw it like why so many potatoes because uh it’s a great food source I love potatoes uh in

Minecraft at least and in real life who like potatoes uh burning flamers long time no see Merry Christmas and welcome to the to the stream I think that name sounds really familiar uh how we doing pretty much yeah yeah like yeah close enough there uh outbreak I’m

Seeing your messages there uh wa your parents are gone for 3 days so uh you’ll be eating this for a while eating what now uh eating what what what stuff now what are you going to be eating is it something good is it something tasty uh thought I was not streaming no

No I mean I had to take a little break there every time that I take like a really long break it’s usually because of like uh a health reasons whether whether it be mental health or physical health a lot like the most recent ones were physical health like I was dealing

With carpal tunnels so I couldn’t I couldn’t game like uh the the doctors told me I I can’t game so yeah um I had to take a break for a while there and learn how to do hand stretches and whatnot and and do physical therapy in

Order to to get rid of my tendonitis on top of the carpal tunnel as well so it’s a double whammy uh yeah uh game responsibly guys take take breaks when you can you know do stretches really quick the just doing little stretches adds up like uh so you

Don’t have to go through cuz I would not I would not wish carpal Tona with tendonitis on my worse than me I wouldn’t it’s it’s just you use your hands so much like for everything opening up doors cooking like you know cutting up in a blanket even was was bad you know just

Like it’s rough it’s rough stuff uh chat about your microser a few months ago o yeah a few months ago yeah I remember you remember you yeah Merry Christmas gangster Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you uh make a simple Wheat Farm then so much food yeah but the saturation for

For bread is a little bit different potatoes last a bit longer they’re kind of like pork chops they’re like the pork chops of uh crops when you bake them at least if you eat them raw like yeah no they suck but you got to like you got to

Bake them you got to bake the potatoes so egg ham bacon potato sandwiches that sounds actually really gas like that sounds good you know anything with a little bit of egg a little bit of bacon a little bit of potato a little bit of cheese maybe maybe add some cheese there

Like let it like all melt together holds it D I mean like anything with bacon like any sandwich blt’s oh dude that’s like the main star of the show right there is the BLT is the bacon uh yeah how can you join the real Jeffrey if you have any questions you

Can do ex uh question mark SMP no space and uh nightbot will pull up a video uh not a video a short to teach you how to do it it will help you out real quick you know you know you YouTube short you know 60 seconds or less that’s that’s

How quick that information is going to hit your hit you in the dome so uh you have enough potatoes to feed the entire server hey that’s a good thing to have it’s it’s a it’s definitely a good thing to have you know uh Art Channel thank you King fry

Thank you I almost forgot let me see the Art Channel let’s check it out check it out whoa whoops I’m not in the server into the server oo wait a second okay I like that one um a lot more yeah the tentacle gone looks better I still want the the pupil though like

CU it’s still just I mean try it with the pupil send it in I think that’s what it’s missing but I don’t know it might look worse but um with the puple but yeah that would that would be awesome do I remember you from yesterday

I do Sam Le W or not Sam Le Sean Lee uh welcome back sorry uh my my my vision is not the greatest and the text is really small and I saw an S and an m in my brain it’s like that looks like a Sam

But uh Sean Sean yeah I remember the pink profile picture in the Lee in the Lee part um so I’m like Sam Lee no that’s not right it’s Sean Lee welcome back that’s going to be your lunch and dinner for three days yeah that you might get sick of that after a while

But maybe not not cuz it’s also really good I mean I guess I had like the ham and cheese sandwich for 3 days and I didn’t really get sick of it variety slightly change it up each time yeah welcome back break games what did you when’ you end up

Making I didn’t I didn’t start making the tree I had to instead um get ooh I need a I need a new sword I had to get potatoes because I’m all out of food uh BR I gave me chicken breast on garlic wheat bread with lettuce onion

Tomato black olives mayo and bacon is a top tier sandwich and you can’t forget the pickles never never never no that’s the Bev you can’t forget the Bev never never never isn’t that it like the Bev not the pickles bro I didn’t maybe he does say that too

Never never never with the pickles I don’t know but that is like that is top tier s like guys burnout gaming knows like around like Cuisines and stuff like really good food like literally I trust just just trust nuh actually I’m going to take it back a little

Bit I’m going to take it back just a hair 90% of the time trust 90% of the time trusts there is uh there’s a few moments where um it can be a little um are you sure you know what you’re doing right now are you sure this is going to be

Good you know but uh there is there is can’t forget the pickle pickled B never never never can’t forget it yeah yeah uh just type in the in the chat uh question mark SMP and then um night Bob will be able to pull that short up for

You check a check again I’m going to do it I’m going check again let’s see see it with the pupil yeah dude I think that’s what it’s needing definitely yeah yeah uh expand on that more try to make if you can make it four uh pixels for the pupil and then a top

Left or top right a white pixel for I think top right for for that pixel to be white and then yeah if that’s possible try that out and then uh then I’ll give that a little look I think that’s what uh is absolutely needed for the little bit of

Flare banana peanut butter sandwich is good it is that is really good too you want to know it’s a weird sandwich you just made me like reminded me of this cuz it’s in Bluey and I and I love blue okay like that that show goes way too

Hard for no reason uh anyways like in the show there was cheese and jam sandwich pause a what now uh a a a jam and cheese sandwich I don’t know I don’t know about that I don’t know anyone have it is it an Australian thing or or something I I

Don’t I just don’t know uh ber gaming a Tow Jam on a loose tooth with the sweet plaque coating yeah see uh only 90% do I can I trust your your Cuisine stuff unless you’re just saying that stuff just to say it um yeah dude a send does have the right

Idea for sure peanut butter and banana is another top tier sandwich way better than uh Blue’s decision with uh jam and cheese no uh no no no and there it is uh Jeffrey nightbot like uh even even tagged your name for you to make it even easier it should be orange or gray

Whatever device you’re on um for your name so so should stand out for you and only you the IM model isn’t a perfect square so you can’t make it a 4×4 okay but do you know what I’m talking about like how if you can make it like that like how it

Would be bigger and then a top and then in the corner it would be like a white pixel you tried banana pudding in peanut butter before and it’s literally candy don’t do that okay banana pudding and peanut butter that no no no no no no

Ascend I want to try this now I like candy that sounds delicious no no no no no no as send no no no no do that do that that sounds amazing no that is like that sounds like a top tier creation right there it’s probably extremely sweet but that sounds really good weird

Sandwich well I heard of someone at your school eats peanut butter and jelly with Pickles that sounds like Elvis isn’t that what like Elvis did he did like a pickle peanut butter and banana sandwich it wasn’t a PB&J but it was the peanut butter pickle and banana sandwich

Didn’t he do that or something I swear that was like his signature food um yeah if you don’t think Night by he will get you at the end of the dirt road oh my God ah yeah better than nightbot yeah you know what I mean okay okay you

Changed the model texture uh so it what it get messed up and you have to retexture it all got you it said no you felt bad after eating it it’s too much sugar okay okay maybe I’ll take I’ll Heath your warning about uh it being too sweet um do you like

Half of a half a sandwich okay yeah do half a sandwich of the the banana pudding and then some peanut butter okay cuz I totally I totally get it cuz I’ve I’ve I’ve put too much jelly on a sandwich before and I feel it in my

Heart it’s like this is too much sugar like I I too much too much the code yeah just type in smpp in the chat and nightbot will be able to help you out once again as well um when am I going to do a face reveal Sean I’ve actually already done a face

Reveal uh plenty of times um officially we’ll be doing face reveal like like a video or something of the sorts um at 10K Subs so if that’s the answer that you’re looking for it will be at 10K Subs but if you want to see it sooner

Check out my twitch and uh you’ll see it a lot sooner than that um burning flames you love the classic grilled cheese dude the classic grilled cheese another top tier is it wrong that I make a lazy grilled cheese sometimes it’s just too much work to like get a

Pan all started and everything now I’m not just putting two slices of bread with cheese in the microwave or nothing no no no there’s a little bit of steps you know you um you first and foremost got to toast the bread then you butter the bread and then uh you you get the

Slice of cheese and then you microwave it for a little bit and it’s actually really good it’s actually really really good like if you’re if you’re on crunch time and you still want a a grilled cheese and you don’t have that much time on your hands it’s the way to go it’s

The way to go but you got to toast the bread first otherwise it’s just it doesn’t got that Crunch and you got to make sure to add the butter or else it just doesn’t taste right so yeah hold up um have you seen his V dude he’s got a lumber

Jam yeah ah guys yeah I shaved it I shaved it now I have my goatee uh another classic staple look of mine which was weird cuz usually I keep uh the The Lumberjack beard for for winter but this year was a little different I I

Wanted to mix it up you seen it amazing definitely worth fine no y’all glazing y’all glazing right now get out of here get out of here no you’re just glazing me up you’re going to add it into uh Minecraft right now um you eat your grilled cheese with

Kobe Jack or regular cheese slices ooh I never heard of um grilled cheese without like you know the traditional yellow American Cheese Slices um I I never experimented with it maybe I add to maybe I no nope it’s it maybe it’s not American cheese but it’s like just

Always been cheddar for me I’ve never had a pepper jack cheese I’ve never had a kobby jack grilled cheese before it’s always been cheddar uh cuz I had uh tiok cheddar grilled cheese oh my gosh was that like the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had in my life with some delicious

Tomato soup oh my gosh say less uh give me some right now um like I needed that uh two two minutes ago but but yeah uh guess you dare not do the most legendary steps of the grilled cheese I know it’s just sometimes like you just

Don’t have time for it like it’s like you got to heat up the pan and like dude sometimes you got to get out the door you know like it’s like you’re running late for work or you’re you know you got to do something later today and you got

To go quick and you just need to make something fast that you could grab with you out the door type deal but whenever I have the time to you know like I don’t make the lazy grilled cheese but it’s like sometimes you want to grilled cheese but you just you don’t have the

Time or the energy or anything and so you so you go the lazy route and and that sometimes that’s okay right so oh yeah grilled cheese with the tomato soup is a must like bro like it is a must literally um caning fry you can put the

Model in blender to make a cool render with it do it do it let’s see a cool render with it why you talking about grilled cheese yeah burning flames he brought it up that’s why that’s why and what what’s wrong with grilled cheese huh what’s wrong with grilled cheese you got a

Problem with it you got a problem with the grilled cheese how could you y we got to take a little potato break potato break potato Break N y’all made me hungry now now I’m kind of like dude I need to like make a yo hold up hold up y we’re going to get

A little ASMR action going up little ASMR a little chippy to Chip you just put your grilled cheese into a blend waffle never change never change you in a strip mine thank goodness for the lag you had time to react you’re going to appreciate the lag some people hate it and they’re like it’s too laggy some people like such as

Myself really appreciate the lag because realm lag has saved my life more times than I can count on my hands so you want to at a grilled cheese for eth month straight o ooh that ah that is what we call um now don’t take offense to this or anything but

That is U definitely a struggle meal right there uh from from the sounds of it like I’ve been there though so that’s how I know uh cuz I’ve been in that position where it’s literally like hot dogs only for like a long time you know that’s another strugger meal starter pack right there

Grilled cheeses and hot dogs like it can be tough unless you just chose to do that which is totally valid too but from what this sounds no it wasn’t that it was just you wanted to do it okay I take it back I take it back you know can’t be right all the

Time is there a start loot no start loot no start loot I didn’t start out with any starter loot man I had to grind to the position where I’m at you know I had to punch the trees I had to find the land I had to build the place

It like dud I didn’t have any starter loot nobody had any starter loot like there is there’s no starter loot dude the we are we are like this server is going to get you good at Minecraft or you’re already good at Minecraft like that’s that’s pretty much what it’s all

About why are there albino Dolphins uh correction those are white river dolphins I don’t know why they’re called that but um that was part of the Chinese mob vote that didn’t get added and I thought they looked cool so I’m like dude more Dolphins to the game why not

Right like we didn’t really technically get that mob vote but it is one of the mob votes that didn’t make it into the game so uh they ended up getting pandas like I don’t know why pandas were part of their roster of mob vote cuz pandas

Were already in the game at that time and pandas ended up winning coincidence dude I don’t I think not like I think that vote was rigged for sure just so that they like introduce pandas which are already a part of the game like uh the the better cheesy food is a

Quesadilla with some colby jack cheese quesadilla ooh that’s a tough one right there grill cheese or quesadillas they’re like they’re like the same thing let’s skip this song this that song makes me feel very uncomfortable uh like they’re like the same thing it’s just different different cultures essentially yo welcome back

Gangsta um yeah Sean today is going to be Minecraft um this kind of how we roll uh for probably here until January uh we’re going to be doing some just just Minecraft streams because you know there’s a balance that we’re trying to strike here uh the best

Times for Minecraft for the majority of people I believe is during the Summers and uh during the winters cuz both of those times are where there is breaks there’s summer break and winter break so um I just more people people are available to be able to play uh during

These times and it just fits better whereas fortnite it’s like if you’re busy yeah I could hop on to a few rounds of fortnite that’s no worries that’s not a big commitment whereas in Minecraft it’s like bro this is a big commitment like this is a big project it’s going to

Take time like it’s going to you know so you need more time to be able to do it essentially so so yeah I will it’s not going anywhere don’t you worry Sean Don’t You Worry fortnite will still be here um it’s like what five more days of of

Some some Minecraft oh my gosh why did I run all the way here without any Cobblestone I thought I still had Cobble Vanguard yo what is up Merry Christmas and welcome to the live stream you made it in you did Welcome uh Jeffy where are the cords to

The city have you noticed the the fox up on the screen there um that fox isn’t is there to look cool or anything it has another purpose is to hide the cords so if you want to make it to the city I can give you a Teleport but you are going to

Need 500 points um you can check how many points you have in the Stream by doing exclamation mark points once you got 500 points just going to double check that you know the rules um which you can find exclamation mark website in the chat I will pull up the website for

You you can check out all the rules there um so then I’ll just double check make sure that you can confirm that you know the rules you’re not going to break them we’ll get you over here for sure mhm but until then you know just keep grinding punch some trees get some Loot

And uh just enjoy the streams and uh I think that’s a win-win win win win win win win win win win win win win win dude it’s only wins it’s only W’s dude like all around like you just get to enjoy a stream you get to play some Minecraft

And then like when the time comes boom dude you’re here just like that um yo Vanguard uh if I miss it is true to a long raged weapon for a second chance um what um points don’t really have like good or bad it’s just kind of like a

Sign to show how long and uh you’ve been a part of the community and how long you hang around in the streams cuz the longer you hang out in them the more points you’ll have and it’s really quick you can get points super fast just ask King fry just

Ask King fry how quickly you can get points like you know does not take that long you just got to you just got to be hanging out that’s all that’s it there’s nothing else to it really how to stream on on the phone and you grinded some diamonds is that’s the

That’s the way to go that is literally the way to go like if you got a Xbox or something that you can play Minecraft on or like another device and you got your phone that’s that’s it that’s it that’s how you do it oh yeah never uploads got 119 Sean wait

Hold up you got how many points you got Sean you got 13 points so you’re on your way you’re on your way grinding here why can’t you used the Pillager Farm uh do you need access to it yes yes um it’s probably claimed L claimed and stuff and I unfortunately cannot do

Anything about it that would uh be with hero and screen time and neither one of them are here at the moment so pretty much King fry pretty much right there how can you make more points well if you if you really must know there is a special way that you can make more

Points and is by tuning into Super Mario live streams if you tune into those every time that I beat a boss I do gift out points so just as my way of saying thank you cuz sometimes those bosses man don’t get it twisted Mario may be appealing for

Kids but dude those sometimes those final Bowser battles or even like Luigi Mansion oh gosh dude King Buu was so hard for no good reason like No Good Reason uh should you buy Minecraft so you can play I I encourage anyone if you have the funds to be able to buy

Minecraft you’re not going to regret it so even if you got it just from me and to be able to play with me and stuff um you’re still going to be able to enjoy it in your free time like cuz it’s just one of those games that is just not a

Regrettable decision it’s just it’s just that good like if you enjoy watching Minecraft live streams and Minecraft content and you don’t have the game yet I say go for it go for it you’re going to enjoy it you’re going to love it it’s the number one sold game for a reason like

You know but as long as you got the funds of course if you don’t have the funds don’t sweat about it right wait till you can afford it and and uh be comfortable right uh n is there are certain areas you can’t mine because you’ve been

Walking for a while and you can’t mine any blocks ooh uh yeah no you should let me know about that um it it glitches out um the VIS usual wise it showed up that you’re a member but um you were stuck in visitor and that’s a Spam protection so

We don’t just get someone doesn’t just give the code to 20 of their friends or whatever and I have no idea who those 20 people are yeah dude you’re not going to be able to like enjoy this this is exclusively for viewers not not these random people so

Even if they did get the code they they’re not to do anything so yeah you know uh I’ll yo uh my my n you heard that crunch you did I’m not trying to like uh are you forgetting that outbreak goes crazy over Chips please crunch them so we can continue our

Friendship fine just for you outbreak just for you bro you’re going to make me but you’re going to make me I can’t even say it could be taken out just for you just for you hey take care take care Welcome Back Jack the gamer uh do I stream every day Jeffrey

Um no not really sometimes I do but um I do tend to stream just when I think that everyone is going to be on um and I also take a look at the analytics in the YouTube studio and I usually gauge when most of you guys are online I can only

See when you guys are online like I can’t individually see each person but as a whole like it it’s not that like deep um but uh like I can see when the majority of uh like you guys are online and that’s usually when I go live

So yeah but no I do not go live every day as sometimes I’m over at my friend’s house uh like just kicking it with them for a while so uh yeah and I don’t have any of my setup up there so I couldn’t no I Brak ah please continue oh gosh what

Types of chips are they King Fred they they are um tortilla chips you know y’all made me hungry when we started talking about food and I’m like hold up I got chips right here right like right next to me like it’s like so I went for

It I put the chips in my uh desk drawer so just to keep them on Deck you’re going to make me what yeah yeah like uh hold up now pause pause pause uh I’m not trying to say something that’s going to get cut out of context here

So hey appreciate that so much KO you know I’m glad that you enjoy you know I try I try my hardest here um to to make sure everyone’s having a good time so appreciate he in that Hey Hey listen don’t you disrespect the a bromance all right like don’t you

Ever don’t you ever all right you ever heard of that before let me put you on to a new word okay you can’t don’t you don’t ever disrespected all right uh you’re going to buy a what is that what is that an Arma 3 right now what is that I never heard of

It uh should I Jeffy should I unfortunately I do not play any Roblox but if you’re looking for a fire Roblox streamer outbreak GN has you know let me let me put you on if you don’t know of him already you do now so I may not be

The guy who’s going to be playing Roblox but he he can do it for me and he will gladly keep doing it okay so head over there plays Roblox amazing guy so highly recommend you won’t regret it is this Bedrock or Java this is bedrock Sean this Bedrock oh yeah no disrespect no

Disrespect uh I never upload when wait uh and what is your three favorite ASMR sounds okay so first one’s going to have to go to um soda pop Cam that that like if you can get it really nice that little like bro that’s a really good one uh

Tapping is kind of nice and then like crunches like crunchy like uh like tap like taps or like maybe like uh scratches I can’t do it I’m know ASMR Channel but you know do I play on the switch Yeah I play on the switch Sean I’m playing on the switch right now uh

But I also play on the Xbox and Playstation so I’m everywhere I’m o o o walked a little too far walked a little too far got to walk back hey yo what is up egg welcome to the stream Merry Christmas uh living Commando yo outbreak

Yo yo you know outbreak too as well uh let’s go see like it’s uh it’s a thing you know like um literally I’m telling you guys like literally like if you if you don’t already know about outbreak GN like he’s so close to 1K like he deserves it he literally deserves it

He been working super hard on it funny guy and he plays Roblox so you know that that just sounds like W’s all around to me so maybe I didn’t go too far maybe I like didn’t go far enough so I don’t know um Armor 3 is a Sandbox military

Game it’s uh like the kind of game where you’re a normal Soldier and not an Unstoppable God uh there’s a campaign that you can build your own scenarios there’s also a lot of mods hey oo not a huge fan of um like military type games and everything but that sounds

Interesting oh take a little potato break potato break you’re about to make a big saving but uh uh ultimate bundle is usually 140 oh my gosh because of xmus it’s only 50 dude uh better better snag that deal right there got to take advantage of all the the hot deals that are happening

Right now I know that I definitely am like I got to I got to look around and see if there is a good deal for for like Pikmin 4 or something I really ought to get that game I really ought to get Pikmin 4 cuz I’ve been wanting to play

It so badly I only got to play the trial too but that’s just not enough that’s not enough and I got a little Christmas cash as well I want to save a majority of it but uh get him Pikmin for it would be super cool yeah dude Dan you can absolutely

Join just type an SMP in the chat and nightbot will help you out with the rest yeah yeah yeah do that you sure can you sure can join on in I love how you all just are like dude if you want to join just type this in the chat like appreciate y like

For real helping me out a ton now where was that little mine area that we were that were at I think it was close to this cuz that was the tree I used to jump on um the render distance was a little off I don’t know I don’t know where it is

At oh it’s right here that’s funny it’s literally right here n are you blind a little bit just a little bit and there’s coal in here too let’s go ahead and like get some of that like I’m going to get a butload of coal too so then we can actually have torches

Cuz I need to start carrying a stack of torches too nice name Hey yo uh the nmp yeah appreciate that you know it’s a little bit different a little bit different than what we were doing in the past but um you know given that my nickname is pretty much n

Well not even pretty much it is uh so it like it kind of works right um what is that you’re in the server awesome uh let me just make sure that you are going to be in member there we go it actually worked this time and it didn’t glitch let’s

Go do I watch any anime oh dude I watch plenty B me I I am a huge fan of it the most recent ones that I watched though was Naruto and oh there was this new o Dragon Ball we’ve been watching Dragon Ball recently it’s been fun uh getting into Dragon Ball again

Cuz I never actually like fully watched Dragon Ball like I’ve only ever watched it on tunami like in just episodes here and there but now actually like officially getting into Dragon Ball um pretty legit saying generator world can’t walk uh tell you the cords so as you can see

There you know there’s that that chill Fox right there right he’s not just there to be cool or nothing uh he’s also hiding the cords to be able to get to my exact location I’m really close to the city you need 500 points but if all

You’re trying to do is say hi I can teleport to you real quick no worries no worries yeah yeah no he is his name is chubs chubs the fox uh just a nice little vibby guy multi-purpose you know yeah yeah you want to say hi okay I

Got you I got you I can do that that works for me all right we’re going to be at spawn though and spawn is going to be is this you is this you hello hello I think this is you let me let me wave to you hello is this

You you want to see a cool trick that’s not you oh okay which one Daniel is you oh there’s another person Daniel let me get you to Daniel we go yeah cuz we should be at spawn yeah this more like it this more like it jobs is the

King might installed an aliens mod eh that sounds good um one piece at least watch the second half of it you’ll like you be very happy dude I’ve heard good things about one piece and hello hello let me wave at there yeah let’s uh you

Want to see a cool trick here here uh snap a pick get get a screenshot um check this Out check out that yo Juggling boom that was you Jeffrey oh yeah saying hi yeah I love how whenever you say chubs he literally appears in the chat there he is it’s Chubs is here he wants berries he really he desperately wants berries and he’s off go grind D go grind enjoy the stream

Grind away um understand that spawn is a freefor all and so as the rest of the world and stuff so I don’t recommend staying here unless you’re okay with getting griefed and your stuff stolen and stuff um but uh fear not there’s a little bit different rules up in the

City so once you got 500 points and you can confirm that you can follow those rules we can get you over there if that’s more of your Vibe Chubs is and look look there he is there’s chubs yeah you do Dan do the normal grinding start like how we all did you

Got to punch a few trees you got to keep on going right like then get some iron and then yeah then you go from there right then you get some diamonds and then then you make a little make a little base just a little something something and uh yeah you’re going to be

Good yo what is up Ginger racing gaming Merry Christmas and welcome to the Stream yeah pretty much pretty much King pretty much uh that’s uh that’s fine for you uhoh someone hit me hey it’s totally fine that’s outside of my uh jurisdiction so that’s going to happen you know like

That’s why I’m trying to I almost thought that I didn’t have any more potatoes potato break you made a diving board in your house really KO uh what was what was the idea you just wanted to do that you got a little pool there making a diving board dud I

Want a diving board in my house now indoor pool action it’s luxury it’s bougie uh can you say hi uh at what is that to you at uh yeah is that your name is that your name yeah yeah yeah dude dud I was just there said

Idea uh you can do it again if you need to snap a little screenshot or something oh look at this look at the goats you got goats hello hello um what is good here get up here get a little screenshot dude you know you’re you’re new to to Minecraft

Though hey uh well this server is going to get you better at the game make your self-reliant uh bring you the confidence that you need uh to be good at the game you know and uh I believe that you’re going to do good did you get it you get it going

To to see it yeah sure I can do that yeah let’s do that go teleport over there see this new uh diving board and if give you permissions You’ like to uh find a model for you to install proximity chats M proximity chat is going to be a

Nogo um for for me as it wouldn’t be maybe it would be able to be turned off during streams but unfortunately as we had a run in on a fortnite stream a fortnite a fortnite a fortnite stream um I no longer am going to allow anybody to

To be able to VC that isn’t like a content creator that like I work with and stuff to be able to hop on hey he really unfortunate but I but I have a three strikes um I’m out type of policy so uh it happened three times unfortunately so yeah

Uh I hate I hate how like One Bad Apple or like ruins the whole pie you know it’s just it’s just too risky it’s too risky for all the hard work to just get poof gone up in smoke just because of one bad person online mine you know

So it’s just I like to keep it fair I either let everyone on or or I let nobody on for uh like a VC type type Stuff oh my goodness Ginger racing gaming yo thank you so much for the $1.99 Merry Christmas um yo we’re going to have to break it down for you there we’re going to break it down I’m going to dance it up we’re breaking it down for that one

Uh do do a uh do a favor never mind all right you good you good we got to break it down for that break it down oh yeah oh yeah thank you so much Ginger racing gaming appreciate it Merry Christmas Merry Christmas uh yo n t me you like to say

Hi yeah yeah yeah sure yeah let’s just go say hi to everyone let’s go to let’s go to Kato real quick uh to I believe that is uh KO right there correct uh Ko’s house yes here we are then I never upload remind me what your

Username is on Minecraft I think I know it I think it’s Soul no that’s Jack um I think is iron golem Iron Golem isn’t that right um how do you mode on the switch you just you equipped it in uh in the dressing room yeah Iron Golem okay I got

It right okay where is this um this is the diving board is a is a bed woohoo yeah buddy oh I like it so it’s oh oh look you even have white river dolphins here swimming with the white river dolphins this is like this is a luxury experience

Right here just at your house it’s great some cool stuff over here all right and then uh Iron Golem wait there’s a half life for for the Arma three dude you’re going to have so much fun I just know it uh if you do a face reveal uh you’ll

Give 50 bucks really break games uh bro uh m I don’t know if I this is the one thing if it was another game I would be really tempted to do it but the Minecraft I don’t ever plan on having a FaceCam on any of any Minecraft content just cuz I feel like

It’s distracting to be honest like the majority of Minecraft streamers don’t have face cams so um if the if we were doing fortnite right now dude I would be so tempted I would just be like all right bro shoot I I’ll turn on the webcam like

And and do it 50 bucks at 50 bucks right there it is it’s tragic you know that we’re on a on a Minecraft deal is off hey no worries dude you keep that 50 bucks okay let’s head back let’s head oh no we can’t head back we got two head over

To Iron Golem and say hey say hey what’s up hey what’s up wave at you what is good what is good do you want to see this want to see this cool little trick check this out check this out oh bro a that sick it’s a Hot Potato Hot Potato Hot

Potato can’t hold it can’t hold it bro you grinding the points Jeffrey all right dude I don’t know if you want any screenshots or not you know like uh I’m going to do it all right that’ll be 20 bucks just kidding just kidding dude did did these Dolphins

Replace the regular Dolphins I feel like they might have I don’t I don’t really have a problem with that though I think these look a lot cooler like I haven’t seen the regular ones though um in a while so I don’t know uh Dan unfortunately I cannot do

That for you cuz if I give you food then I got to give everybody food so um you know start up a a wheat farm that’s the that’s your best bet you know you can can make a wooden you can make a wooden hoe then you can collect seeds from grass then

You can go right next to some water and uh you can plant some seeds and then you got some bread and then you got some starter food mhm that’s how you can get it down yes sure that’ll break cuz I mean that’s how I had to start too I didn’t start out

With any food or you could go hunting that’s another solution but um starting a farm is also very selfs sufficient like the first thing that you should always think of when you start up Minecraft getting wood get like a a stack of logs 30 for the first night excuse me uh getting 30

For the first night I guess you don’t really have to worry about nights right now cuz like there’s one player sleep and someone is bound to sleep and then food food is the the the very first priority hunting farming whichever one um so whichever one’s clever yeah uh KO you have every right

To um you know if you do not want Dan there there is a way to get rid of Dan and I think you know this way it is completely in the right the ass nicely D don’t make it Resort don’t let it resort to it he has

Nicely uh friend do you know anything about halflife uh if not you want to know the main like premise absolutely yeah I don’t really know anything about halflife let me know the main premise like what’s the goal uh what phone do I have now I believe it’s the iPhone 12 yes iPhone

12 and I just got it like in October too so it’s a it’s a new phone uh I went from the iPhone x to 12 so it was a really nice upgrade at least for me I do need to get the battery replaced but that’s about it yep dual of Fate starts

Playing you know it that’s exactly what would happen like you know h you better listen if they ask nicely I hav’t Jeffrey I want to though I want to watch uh JoJo I’ve seen the memes I love the song I love that one theme song from JoJo bro fire fire song

Like I listen to that world that not world that song unironic Al not even watching like Jojo cuz it’s just that good of a song what is the name it just kept auto correct ah wait where we’re just talking about my phone like where where did my phone

Go I give me just a second here H um no not underneath the Rollo bag um give me just a moment I think I I think it’s in my room we co it was in my room plugged in it’s cool okay back to it snap back to reality oh there goes gravity

Oh potato break where was that mine how do you make the phone I got you don’t you worry check this out check it this is how you craft the mobile it’s pretty cheap like really cheap don’t even need any glass which is shocking oh

My King fry I’m going to read this in my head there’s a lot but I’m going to read it all jeez 7 hours huh so it’s so it’s basically like an alien game okay that’s crazy how they took over in seven hours uh outbreak um to an extent to an extent with the

Stealing yes um outside of the city stealing is allowed but inside of the city my city of course uh it is not the city of mathor so it’s a little bit different and that’s why you know getting those 500 points to to understand these things

And like learn the rules if you if you don’t check the website and stuff because if you break the rules here you get banned permanently and there’s no you’re gone type deal uh so I don’t want people to just come on here start griefing stealing whatever doing

Whatever breaking a rule that they don’t know about uh immediately and then just getting banned cuz that’s what was happening when we were getting new people on they were coming over to the city they were breaking the rules and they were just getting banned left right and I’m like

Okay we need to change this up we need to create a system in play to get people to be a part of the community some to understand everything and then come over so then they’re not getting banned and it’s worked out smoothly now like perfectly yeah yeah yeah yeah on the

Website you can check out all the rules um to make it real clean yeah yeah yeah it’s uh definitely if you don’t want to Target on your back it’s not recommended and if you’re at spawn and stuff it’s going to happen constantly so anyone who’s living at

Spawn I really wouldn’t as you can see around you it’s like really chaotic and yeah there is some people that also like to um go to spawn just to uh uh mess with people too so just uh keep that in mind as a little FYI um a little for your

Info yeah yeah yeah no worries outbreak yeah things have changed a little bit you’re you you’re more used to how things used to operate um because for three seasons for like pretty much two whole years things were like that so yeah things changed up a little bit when

Uh we switched over to the to the N SMP instead of the Nour dendo SMP uh slightly different rules the the old rules do apply in the city though pretty much that’s the easiest way to look at it yeah yeah I mean yeah if you want to

Have a truce that is that’s completely fair you know it’s encouraged too cuz like plenty of people uh have gotten together and like you know this is like a good place to like meet people and stuff make a new friend um I’ve seen it happen before with many people in the

Server and in the community like you met here you chatted on Discord you started playing together and now you’re like best friends and like Inseparable um of course don’t pressure anyone to like you know if if they don’t want to team up then they just don’t

Want to team up you know and you go to it’s better to learn to accept nose early on in life than in later uh some more text that I’ll read in my head came FR but I’m going to read it all use humans trying to combine for stuff like food oh that’s interesting

Tech um different reasons uh break games you know there there are some exceptions out there um for for a few people but um yeah it it it is primarily due to with um N64 your connections with them if you do get a a server up um and

Going you can use World guard and set it so things oh yeah yeah can disable PVP and custom flag yeah dude servers you can do a lot more in I’m ready for I’m ready for a server here soon it’s just this has been working fine for right now um

And I I’ll know exactly when when to be looking into servers and I know exactly who to hit up outbreak you’re trying to decide how many diamonds you’re going to need um are ender chests allowed dude yes ender chests are totally allowed uh in fact they are super encouraged

Like cuz that’s how you should be keeping all of your valuables safe you shouldn’t rely on any chests you should keep all your valuables on you or in your iner chest and then using Shuler boxes to store more things in that Ender Chest so um I wish they made like a double ender

Chest but I I see why that wouldn’t be able to work cuz you can’t pick up uh double chests and you have to be able to silk touch pick up a uh Ender Chest I mean KO like what you going to do about it what you going to do about

It like cuz it’s it’s allowed uh need I remind thee about um the rules and stuff you know I he’s not breaking any rules um it’s not encouraged to stay at spawn it’s encouraged to get some resources you know some wood maybe a little bit of

Food and then go thousand blocks in any direction way away from Spawn so you can like kind of chill you know so um yep yeah I got you break games you will have two more TPS um so keep that in mind everybody gets three teleports to me um in each stream

So let’s see there you are actually is it is that it isn’t that isn’t that you um I’m pretty sure pretty sure that’s you yeah yeah that’s spray games right here right I’m reading this in my head King fry yeah yeah yeah that’s you two here we go this should get you to

The highway which will get you around you know um yeah yeah yeah yeah I can send you to KO um if if you would like waffle if he says yes and pretty sure you can download the world data and set it up um in server hosting depends on which server hosting

You’re going to go with uh you can connect up to your preferred server hosting support agent for more info yeah dude yep okay enough nerdiness for me hey I appreciate the nerdiness uh I guess hold on you’re in the nether you’ll be fine okay KO if you say so it sounds like

Waffle’s trying to help you out here though so um I would if I were you I would probably take if if if waffle was saying that he was trying to help me I would say I would be like yeah yeah dude let me let me get over

Here like this is like a really good opportunity on your hand KO so um I can’t I can’t uh break games it’s pretty easy to get to the main city though um it’s literally just literally just right here like you just follow the highway um it’ll lead you right back to the

City this is as far as I can get you wait a second oh yeah dude outbreak you’re on that grind yeah technically some some of you guys should have more points but I didn’t have points enabled for a long time it wasn’t until like recent times that I really like um had had

Gotten like the point setup because we really needed it for this so you would definitely have like way more like if I had them on for the entire the entirety of the times that I stream yeah break games yeah yeah working on this working on this highway um

Depending on which way you run towards I think it’s to the left instead of the right so I hope that when you were looking at it head on when I walked out there you want to head that way to the left instead of that way but you’ll

Figure that out whichever way you went you you’ll find out eventually um yeah waffle is that all right right that’s cool with you I will I I mean I can do that if wa was in a good position then then yeah slow but steady Ascend slow but steady

All right let’s do it send it him your way get there to I believe it’s uh K break right I think so uh why is it so laggy that is my friend what do we call the realm lag so given that there is people from all over the world and spread out really

Far on the map it gets a little laggy at times um but you know it shouldn’t be I’m on the same you know server as you and it doesn’t look too laggy on my end does it it just it fluctuates so the good thing about the points uh

Taking a bit is that you’ve maxed out tools armor and so you’re building your Castle will be going easy peasy exactly exactly Asen like that’s that you you get it like it’s like asend you just get it like you just understand the whole the whole Vision that we’re going for

Here like you can grind up and be ready for the when you come here like cuz if you came here really early and you tried to get all starter gear it would be extremely hard because like the trees are already outside of the city and like the mines

Have been tapped dry around here pretty much uh so like it’s just it’s better off better off getting it where where all the resources are still fresh oh uh-oh looks like you went the wrong way got to head back that way wait what did you think that was going to work Um they’re grinding right now uh yeah I already I already teleported um to you once uh then I think I’m going to work on on this highway for a little bit and then we can do that going to buy something from you what do you got

Jeffy and also did did you get get in AR okay mhm I got to work on my projects too you know I can’t just be teleporting the entire stream otherwise nothing will get done and we literally so close to to the ocean here as

Well you have food H well you see I also have food um if you just I I’m pretty sure that you have just started here Jeffrey unfortunately starter gear I don’t need to buy like if it’s like some rare things or like valuable stuff then you’ve got my

Interest cuz like look at look at like I’m pretty I’m already stacked I’ve got like the the best two of the best pickaxes in the game and uh pre- stacked I mean maybe somebody else wants to buy some food off of you but um not I

Not I I’ve got a pretty good access to some to some food uh thought that the command work would work uh you could do points username to view other people no I think that’s um ah what is it what is it dude there is one someone knows

It I think it’s like rank or something Jorge knows it I know that for for a fact if Jorge is still here he knows it yo Welcome Back Sir gecko just got home uh how is that party going yeah I think it’s I think it’s rank

But um yo look Dan says how much iron for food that you got someone um I think that you should buy older PC and turn into server that’s exactly the plan break games that’s exactly the plan um I’m going to I’m going to get a server first while I’m

Learning how to create my own server and stuff for the meantime so that’s how it’s going to start we’re going to start with a server that I’ll buy and then we’ll transition to a server that I run um because it’s I could see it being slightly more expensive cuz it’ll always

Be running and stuff but I mean probably no more expensive than the heater that I have plugged in right now so armor trims ooh now that’s something wait one armor trim for six what six diamonds H yeah I don’t I can’t remember I wish Jorge was still here cuz he knows how to

Do it he does it all the time because he’s like number one so just I’m trying to think of what what the list is I could double check though I don’t remember enabling that command yeah yeah yeah outbreak that’s the plan cuz uh breakpoint was saying

That he was going to learn how to to host a server off of a computer and then um once he learns all of that then I’m going to like pick his brain and be like yo how do I do it and um he could walk me through everything essentially but in the

Meantime while getting that all set up it’ll be like the the server just got to get those funds up oh wait are you starting a Java server it’s going to be a Java Bedrock server it’s going to be both and I know outbreak has one of

Those so I’ll be chatting with you when I’m ready for for that and then uh we’ll be using that hosting there and then after after some more time is going to be my own server so oh yeah um I mean yeah eventually the the Bedrock RM will get replaced uh at some

Point in time but if I have enough funds for for everything like we we all know how how how successful YouTubers can become so if that does happen with me I have no problem paying for the this realm still um and you know keeping it for like more OG

Members and keeping it like like away from the like larger bit of the community so like if you’re here now then you would have access to it essentially right and then once the server then there’s going to be a lot of people it’s going to kind

Of look like I don’t know if you guys have seen the donut SMP at all but it’s going to kind of operate kind of like that but we just got to get to that point so and what is up EG Holly welcome to the stream Merry Christmas and Rose will

Welcome both of you Merry Christmas hope all was well um well then let me try to what are you talking about resubscribe dude like no man you’re already OG so like you if you are already in during this phase like before I don’t know when it’s going to be maybe

50,000 subscribers maybe 100,000 subscrib I don’t know when I’m going to be able to afford the server yet uh cuz things could just change and an instant um but once I can afford it then everyone who is currently in the server right now um when I do get the new one

Would be the OG’s and and would would just be staying there I mean technically right uh well not right now Dan as I believe you just got in here so in the future you will be um um the ogs right now are people who’ve been here for 3 years so you

Wouldn’t be considered OG yet but but soon if you stick around long enough you will be uh could you help make the server not helping you with the the Action Computer server but help with the moderation uh you have moderation on a couple couple servers before um yeah

Please do leave an application on my website to break games because that is very uh enticing for that like uh we’ll be opening it up once it gets once it gets like to the point cuz at at the moment I haven’t needed any moderators um it’s been pretty chill but

The second that it does become like I need moderators then I’ll know exactly who who who’s there like all the mods that have already been moderators on the on the server in the past would instantly get modded again so but at the moment I just haven’t felt like as the rules have changed

And um it’s a lot less pressure so it just it just hasn’t really felt like we needed it at the moment uh Ros your Christmas uh was okay but you felt nauseous throughout the day and when you had Christmas dinner you threw oh oh no rose I’m sorry about

That um are you feeling better now hopefully hopefully you’re feeling better I hate it when that happens and I’ve been there before like with uh like thanksgivings or like it I just was not feeling good for for Thanksgiving the day that you’re supposed to eat the food

You know so I I I can empathize with this um on a deeper level that that is just that’s not just being like oh I’ve been sick before and stuff like but on an actual holiday type deal yeah it’s uh it’s not it’s not it’s not so fun I’m

Sorry to hear that hey I’m glad that you’re feeling better though uh still a little bit nauseous but uh you’re drinking water and lots of fluids that’s good you you rest up drink the fluids we’ll want you feeling better you’ve been here for 3 years and 1 month let that sink

In for a few moments bro I know dude like no it blows my mind it blows my mind like all the ogs like y’all watching you guys grow as like people as well is is so like people are growing much mustaches and getting jobs and like doing big things in your life so

Um if the purple stuff wait what is rare wait what what did you find that so rare Dan I’m I am confused and I appreciate everyone’s continued support like literally like I couldn’t do this without you so I it man it it it did it it baffles

Me it blows my mind it blows my mind thinking about it it really does I have to rebuild my mind now it’s all in a million different little pieces blown to bits man soon it’s going to be four soon it’s going to be five then in the point hopefully I’ll be

Going for 10 years bro then some of y’all will be like that I watched you when I was young and now I have a kid and a family in a 401k and a retirement plan in and I’ll would be in the old folks home still

Streaming and I’m be like oh my oh my gosh shy I’m I’m so proud of you I got a whole little family when I actually turn 165 years old yeah what did you yeah what did you fine wait what level is my map in I don’t I know

Like dude I appreciate that so much uh bra games appreciate the the kind words can I tell people where the shop is uh no but you can talk about it and then by correlation I technically would tell about it favorite uh Minecraft Youtuber is poet

Plays he got you into the love of for dinosaurs only got 28 282 only oh D he only’s got I’m just joking he’s got 280 two subs uh but he but he is still doing the same Minecraft series he was when you was a seven oh my

Gosh dude and that’s like was Stampy when I was like when I was young too like he was doing it for a long time he finally retired but good for him I think he really needed to to do that like I can I can feel uh a bit about how how

Stampy feels like I can I got a taste of it like I don’t have the full grasp cuz he’s been doing it for so long but I have a taste of it and I hope that he’s he’s going to be doing some more creatively fulfilling things uh for his

For his future projects as he’s talked about um um Garrett yo what is up Merry Christmas and welcome to the stream he’s on season something episode 900 oh my gosh I’m glad that he found something that works and he’s been rocking with it you know for so long

Like YouTube can feel like a very unstable uh source so if you can get something that works and like resonates with people then you know Kudos like good big UPS on him for figuring it out sticking to it and you know just just being there for so many

People I I strive I aspire to be that I want to be there for people and I want that to be my job I just want I just want to like you know that’s all that’s all it is like I just want to make this

Like my job which it pretty much it has it has like like I’m Still Still Still Reliant and yo oh my gosh sir GE welcome back uh to being a member and holy smokes dude you you got the it worked dude it worked bro we going to break it down for sure G

Thank you so much and you still got the little Crown too you got the crown logo um yeah how much gold for 32 food hey appreciate it Garrett for subscribing welcome to the community uh the food is almost done there it worked you just had to remove

Paper what dude that’s that’s what’s up man it’s like just all glitched out or whatever uh your favorite Minecraft tuber is Thor ten well I appreciate that one I never upload uh the thing about that though is I don’t want to disappoint right with people I love

Doing the Minecraft and everything but I would I’m striving to be the next like gaming personality you know it’s a big task I’m trying to fit into some big shoes here but I think that I can do it I I know that I can do it I want to be

The next Jack sepai Markiplier where they can do whatever and they’re not tied to one thing you know um like I just want to be the best gaming YouTuber so it can be any game whatever ever it is doesn’t matter and it’s and it’s going to be

Fire you know that’s what I’m striving to be there’s some there’s some pretty big shoes to fill but I think I I don’t think that I can do I know I can do it I know it I know it deep in my soul so I’m hoping I’m

Hoping I’m hoping that I’m correct here and yo wait hold up um every you die you want YouTube to be charging you a dollar a month for me that is that is commitment right there like literally like no bro D that like d don’t make me

Cry man don’t make me cry like that like don’t bro that continued support bro man you’re going to bring it to your smile like my goodness dude like bro that’s that’s that’s for real that’s for real for real Al I’m not going to lie you were

Watching darm man last night and I got to say his production quality has improved props the the actors and plots bro for real dude Darman used to be like this goofy guy who everyone would like make fun of but now he’s like I think he he he got enough people making fun of

Him to the point where it’s like let’s up the production like like like there’s something needs to change here and now I think it’s gotten better you know uh where’s the join button um you there I think that there is a join but it’s on the about it’s in the about um

Section there’s links for that there might be I think if you do exclamation mark join it it will pull it’ll pop it up in the chat you don’t know how much I respect D exactly yeah I’m with you there yeah yeah it is join it is that that there it

Is yeah I knew I had something there um uh there was a strike or something among his casts that they’re upset for the underpayment really even Darman had under Darman bro oh my God dude Ascend oh my gosh dude got to break it down for you thank you so much for becoming a

Member yo breaking it down for send welcome guys I do I I got to I got to get crackalacking on the on the videos and stuff but I’ve been meaning to get the exclusive members um Series going I have it planned out I’m going to get it

Recorded here and then it’s going to be up uploading consistently cuz like I’m going to record it all edit it all and bulk and then just schedule post them so then I don’t have to worry about it and then I can focus on like the public content and stuff but

I do have things in in like in mind and stuff like I have stuff planned and some really funny things too so uh just just just prepare for that like it’s uh yeah yeah W’s yo absolutely you know like hype we got it’s hyping up right now you know there is the real

Hype it is it is it should be by that uh subscribe button the reason why it’s not with me is because um small YouTubers do not get the join button if you have ever wondered why that is the case it’s because of uh iPhones so when people

Like larger channels can um take like the percentage cut a little bit differently from it so Apple takes a bit of a bit of the pay and then YouTube takes a bit of the pay and then by the end of it what’s left for the Creator

So um and oh my gosh yo a send oh my gosh $5 Dono oh we’re breaking it down we’re going to have to switch it up a little bit we’re going to get some more we’re going to bring some more dance moves for this uh yeah we’re going to do

The classic the classic jumping thank you thank you celebrate it uh let’s celebrate wait their third Super on the live stream yo hype it up here um yes yeah bro dance it up okay we got to do one more we got to do one more here y perhaps we should customize streamlab

Uh streamlabs a little together you could add custom sound effects when people subscribe and become a member I could I mean we’ve got that one it’s pretty generic it’s just like streamlabs is like you it’s pay to win essentially so wait this is my skin here let’s do Theos

And we’re going to change wait what is this one no that’s not what I thought it was let’s do uh this cuz let’s do the superhero cuz uh you’re super amazing we have to go outside to do that uh we’ll replace it with we’ll we’ll replace it with

Silly so let’s uh let’s go outside and oh there it is there it is there’s the the sound effect and and the the visuals all right let’s do it let’s do it superhero take flight whoops oops no take flight there we go superhero time for the super people W is all

Around well all around um p2w what have I missed have I missed anything announcement o uh you just kind of did I mean jeffy’s base is at those coordinates right there if you want to if you want to look he he’s got a little YouTube Emoji there too as well um

So if you’re interested and curious it is there it is out there okay we we we’re going to have to you know do as I say don’t do as I do uh don’t Litter guys IRL but I’m going litter in Minecraft cu the items these spawn Des

Spawn wouldn’t that be cool though if IRL like literally just despawned like it does in Minecraft I that would be pretty cool dude the developers need to to work on that update they should patch that uh Area 3 map is about as large as the entire country of uh Le legenstein what what

Is I have never even heard of that place before hey learn something new every day am I right as s GRE you are right uh just go to server settings integration and connect to YouTube since you are a YouTube Partner only works for partnered accounts wait does wait wait what do you

Do what am I missing here wait what did I miss last few messages it’s possible to link your Google account with Discord so when people become member on YouTube they can receive the member roles on disc oh it is it is it is possible by the way I set up uh it up

Two years but uh the special member Discord Ro add member Discord channels are still available they are they are yeah uh Lounge we go we kick it in the lounge um quite a bit honestly like ooh KO yeah like I said being at spawn is going to lead to the base

Getting griefed so that’s why I’m not just saying it just to say it to to get away from Spawn I’m saying it to protect your stuff and to protect your base because it’s just not ideal uh to stay at spawn like you should just travel like a million blocks in any direction

Find a nice spot to live in but uh spawn is not the place I know it seems easy and simple because like if you die then you’re at spawn and so then you can just go run over back to your to your place but that’s what the bed’s for you know

Then you can set your spawn wherever MH MH uh yeah I mean it’s anywhere even outside of it so like uh just double check the rules KO so that you are aware of everything um on the website of course so um yeah there there is I’m not hearing any rule breaking happening

Whatsoever it’s unfortunate that it happened and I and I feel for you but um again that is why it is ideal to kind of kind of Stay Stay Away uh you know because you never know uh you like to give me $500 you had enough money you’re the best streamer

And you deserve a million Subs uh when you first typed high in your chat I was welcomed as a family and you have uh brought me through yeah yeah of course such amazing kind words bre gaming like I appreciate that so much like uh got you through some tough times

So thank you so much sh absolutely that’s why I do YouTube because other YouTubers were there for me um during tough times and I would love to be there I wanted to step up to the plate and be like I want to be there for other people

That are going through tough times and and uh that’s what drives me that’s what drives me if if it wasn’t that then I don’t know what and I do it uh you know in hopes of being able to make money to live off of off of this is why I

Continued to push like but that’s not the ultimate reason like if the only reason why I was doing YouTube was money then I would have stopped after my first week or whatever like or like first month cuz like it’s just you don’t you don’t see the money and then once you

Get monetized finally you still don’t see the money you see pennies and I would have stopped then like um yeah so it’s not it’s not the only thing it’s just what facilitates cuz you know like I got to get food I got to get water and and YouTube takes a long

Time so like to produce content and to do streams and to be available and like there’s just so much so um being able to make it your full-time job is is like it’s like essential to be able to continue oh yeah cuz I know cuz I know

How it feels like to be in those tough times and like having somebody you just need one person out there to remind you that people are still good out there and just the you know distraction just a little bit of an escape uh to just get you through you know that’s all you

Need uhoh there oh this is getting a little it’s a little uh and whoa what is up Brenda U Merry Christmas and welcome to the stream your base is there EEG holler really is that is that real I don’t think that ah that doesn’t seem real 2169

-420 that sounds like a lot of meme numbers IG hly come on to you I see you uhoh uh yeah if we get just one more person to boost the Discord server a lot more features will be available really uh We’ve we’ve had a time where

There was like a few people who boosted but you know that’s just something out there you know like if if that if that is a possibility it is awesome how long uh Skelly has been boosting the channel shout out to you Skelly uh for for your continued support

There oh man it’s so heartwarming when you receive messages and emails from people Thanking us for the amazing content and making them smile dude it really is it really is like it helps it helps fuel us to keep us going cuz like I don’t know like in recent times I’ve

Been questioning it about how much I actually have made a difference or impacted people because I don’t know um just certain certain ways of looking at it uh cuz like surface level if you just just look that way it’s just like I’m playing games or whatever but I mean if

You dive deeper into it it’s so much more than that like uh essentially so it does it mean it literally means the world to us ooh wait wait there’s custom emojis for rolls he’s in other world saying it’s uh his dream job doing something he loves uh whilst knowing

It’s providing purpose for others yeah yeah that’s like the that’s the whole thing yeah that’s uh literally all that I want to do and I feel like I I am in a very very very uh fortunate position to be in like you know I have a place that

I can stay at and just do this full force to make it work to make it count you know like I got people believing in me I got y’all here I got your support I got family support friends support you know like I am in in the ideal position

I cannot mess this up you know like some people dream of this position I don’t want to take advantage of it at all like I know what position I’m in and I’m going to work hard for it like I’m not I’m not going to stop till till we’re up

At the top like I can’t I can’t like that’s like people people like kill for this position you know like type deal so I I can’t I can’t mess it up like that’s just that’s not possible it’s not possible so that was a joke oh I am really bad at

Saying jokes my my comedy is situational humor so if uh a situation happens that I can spin into a joke I’ll spin it into a joke um I can’t really tell jokes off on the spot I’m not like a comedian but um yeah a Your mom joke oh

I got a I got a your mama joke your mama’s so fat that even Dora the Explorer couldn’t Explore her there you go that one’s on the house for $3.99 uh yo egg Pizza fries what is that snowballs break time yo I got take a little break a

Stretch don’t disrespect my your mama J okay don’t you dare okay I don’t want to hear it all right don’t disrespect it is the best it is the best and you know it see see I got to laugh I got to laugh success I did it all right

Oh take a little stretch break get some water cuz I will literally forget if I if I don’t uh pokem man is actually pronounced Pokemon but people call her Poké M that’s a fun fact right there I call my Pokemon cards Pokemon cards you want to see my Pokemon cards

Excuse the ASMR guys I’m sorry I got a little peckish all right some of y’all like it some of y’all love the crunchy bro the crunchy tacos bro I regret eating crunchy tacos on stream I can’t I can’t unlive it it will always haunt me oh my goodness yo what’s up demon

Merry Christmas and welcome to the stream it was fantastic probably the best Christmas I’ve had in a while like it was just so chill so nice no stress like the gifts were Immaculate the gifts that I gave the gifts that I received it was just I

Don’t man it was just good the food was good we had lamb we had lamb and asparagus and Ham lamb and ham and potatoes and cheesy bro here’s a I hope that you had a good I hope you all had a good Christmas you know as well

Like I hope that it was just as good you know oh yeah dude poke man he found a random mob spawner no way like uh you want to hate it but it’s funny when you said it by you see I just make things funny okay H that’s

Funny what do you mean is this live wait hold up did somebody say is this live oh wait oh wait hold up no no no no no no no wait that hold the phone hold the phone this is live this is live this is

Big this is a big deal okay I don’t know if thank you so much for um Super Mario Bros wonder that was like I flipped out I freaked out when I saw it and I saw want to stream it and I and I hope that you will um be tuning in for that

Um what was my favorite Christmas okay you now you’re just like leading me to say it you got you got what you got what um you got what I wanted to say here yeah like that one’s up there that one one’s up there as as as the favorite here

So um yeah I don’t know if it’s okay to say I I I did something to to be able to make you stand out a bit uh but yes um yeah thank you so much I appreciated it uh do you do you have it too do you

Have uh Mario Wonder cuz yeah we got we got to switch this song because um we could play online and that would be awesome you’re playing it right now hold up you have it too I was hoping that you had it cuz uh we totally got to play we

We totally have to play like that would be so fun uh BR this is one of the best Christmas days that I have ever had um and this day is better within tendo’s live stream oh my gosh dude I it’s such kind work like I’m so glad that we were all able

To get together today for Christmas and celebrate a little bit H yes um there is no sheep uh you’ll you’ll give a gold block oh Santa’s Steve got it for you eh what a Santa what a Santa that is like it’s perfect you know like yeah we

Got we got to play we got to play uh do I play Roblox BT dubs uh living com uh commo um and I’m I’m on the fence here um mat I’m going to I’m gonna shoot you a text real quick here uh guys uh give me give me a moment

And let me answer that question about the Roblox real quick I personally do not play Roblox but there is an amazing streamer in here named outbreak GN go check him out if you’re looking for a Roblox streamer so uh yeah online together uh what is what is

Uh what is it um Super Mario Bros Wonder dude like if there is enough people here that are that is interested in Super Mario Bros Wonder like we we’ll do streams like that and and we’ll give viewers on for sure um wait you have Super Mario Bros Wonder no way okay okay

Uh okay I’m back I can see the chat here h oh my gosh okay all right what are we thinking about that for Mario Bro oh you have Mario Party Brenda I got to get that still I still got to get Mario Mario um Super Mario Party all superstars I I believe

Yeah oh and Mario Party Superstars that’s the one that I want to get oh sure yeah bra games you got one more uh TP Oops who get Bray over here okay do you have any Cobblestone though oh yeah living com do oh yeah you’re sub to outbreak oh just want to ask if I play okay okay yeah no unfortunately um no I don’t ah yes so Ascend um get this the land claims unfortunately do

Not work right now so it’s like a half and half uh type deal um so also let me do one thing here Um real quick real quick also wait hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up no no no no never mind never mind would you like to come say hi I would I would would love to come and say hi um Ascend let me get over there remind me

What your uh name in Game Asen okay uh I got to do one thing real quick guys all right we are good to go we are good to go so I’m back Um vow vow got you got you let’s do that let’s get let’s head over there teleport to Val all right let’s check it out let’s check it out hey what is good what is good as send we wait to you here how we doing

Look at your SP whoa bro who oh dog yo y yo this is for me this is for me bro an axel and a gold block no way uh would it be weird if uh everyone IRL called you nin or everyone called you outbreak honestly like no cuz I like

I’ I’ve like resonated with it so much at this point that like if my mom were to call me that or whatever I would probably respond kind of like I’ve had this conversation with hero before and he’s totally it it’s been like that for him too and I believe like his mom has

Even maybe called him that once before if I if I remember correctly which is which is interesting but definitely no like yeah it’s it’s almost weird when people call me by my real name I’m a little different than outbreak like I kind of like that separation between uh

Like to to help me out with like my personal life uh and and stuff um with uh YouTube life personal life I kind of like it I kind of like it like uh cuz this is this is n then you know um bro kid don’t mind me I’m at the mall

Eating fan wait what wait brother kid you’re eat wait are do you know Phantom look around yo dude I’m going have a little I’m going to Snoop around here a little bit you got a farm going here got the old school classic one as well um

You do know that you can have two though um I hope you know this like you can have two layers of crops for one layer of water or like thing of of of water wait only OG’s remember drag Lock’s face Reve oh my gosh dude

That he did not do a face reveal wait did he do a face reveal I remember the I think he did a voice reveal maybe Potentially can someone buy something yeah no I know no not Phantom they they must be friends with phantom phantom Fox I still got to talk to him about uh the whole voice acting thing Phantom sounds good no go to the end Brenda okay I can go to

The end I don’t need to go there but I mean I can oh new base ah Dan unfortunately like I think that you’ve you’ve maxed out on uh the the TPS uh to you on me the stream I think I think maybe you’re on your last one this one is your last

One so we could do that um and where’s your base at to send did you have a base or is this is this all or is there like a little house or something oh EG all you’re going to eat phantom No not Phantom don’t do it bro tank shot oh

No is so sick you’re going to play it all night dude play it all night game all night man that sounds like a Vibe and a half oh dang oh you needed some wool oh shoot dude yeah I have no wool okay so some wool for some gold I think I can

Make that happen for sure I can a joke Brenda I told you my comedy does not work like that my comedy is is situational humor I I can’t just I don’t say I don’t I don’t have jokes I’m not like a comedian um like things have to have to be happening Um okay sorry I just had to send one text uh got a joke for you sir gecko’s got the jokes um okay uh my girlfriend dumped me so uh wait you stole her whe bro what that’s not that’s what type of a joke is that

Oh guess who came crawling back oh now I get it oh gosh bro it’s just like that one joke that’s like a guy gets into a car crash this one is actually really funny like I I I kind of like this one a lot like it it

Made me crack up a little bit so so a guy gets into a car crash and he’s laying in the hospital bed and he’s like Doc I can’t feel my legs and and he’s like well of course not I I I amputated them it’s stupid I know but it’s but

Funny it’s kind of dark it’s kind of not repeat after you K okay what’s up Don’t make me say something sus okay I’m trusting you no no you know that it was funny dude you know that it was funny you can’t you can’t argue you can’t argue about it like you cannot

Deny yo what’s good bulletproof Merry Christmas and uh welcome to the live stream of course of course you can join uh just type SMP in the chat and uh nightbot we be able to help you out with the rest wait is wo i I got Axel on me and

Uh on me so I got to go I got to I got to get the wool you know uh wait wait could you T me back to tell you what to do sure yeah yeah yeah I could do that all right bra games you’re going to help me out here all

Right you have been assigned to the task we are uh you got iron on you cuz I don’t if you’re going to be helping me out you got to have iron on you I bet you you do have iron if if not we can go get

Some or actually the thing that that is needed for for the iron um we go to the nether bro we got to get we got to get wool right now Brenda I will go to I will go to the nether I’ll do you one better I’ll go to

The Nether and then I’ll go to the end all in one trip all right cuz I kind of want to do that anyways but uh we need we need shears I wish that you could uh continue to just punch sheep and get their wool

But that’s no longer a thing so I mean I like I know that there’s shears somewhere or like a couple pieces of iron somewhere uh you need an end chest oh actually follow me follow me hello hello why is this not picking up there we go this way right

Righto wait what make it and no bro no no no there’s no no no k no no no there is no making end portal into um like uh there is no no no no no you can’t make the end portal all right that that should not

Have happened the way that it did but right this way right this way here Coke Dr Pepper Pepsi or Sprite guys who’s going to tell him who’s going to tell him come on guys you know me you know me don’t make me get it out don’t make me get it

Out don’t make me bring it out here don’t make me bring it out here come on now don’t do this man come on now y’all know me y’all know me here bro I did not say wrong answers only oh my gosh no no no no no no no no

No no no SM right bro no no it’s not D are we joking are you serious right now are I guys guys guys guys guys no no this is not it this is no no no no it’s Dr Peppe get your pep in your step but come on now come on now

Come on guys I wait you need permission for what now to use the chest wait ah dang that that’s that’s lame now you’re stuck in there now now you’re not stuck in there uh I cannot bullets dude just like me just like everyone else we all started

With nothing and we grinded to the position that we’re at this server is not for the week this server is going to turn you from a Minecraft boy to a Minecraft man did not mean to assume uh that is just an analogy okay or a Minecraft girl to a Minecraft woman okay

Just to keep it fair um so or anything in between from Little to Big all right so um you know we’re going to get you we’re going we’re going to make you into a Minecraft pro um in no time so oh yeah hard attack juice no no that’s not even a

Soda that’s not all right all right actually know believe it or not um kind of had a uh this uh this sour soda this um oh gosh it’s a warhead soda the Warhead soda was got it as a gift my goodness my goodness was it like it was Sour that

That I could equate that to heart attack juice cuz this is like oo like a heart attack to the face wait do you got the do you got the iron though uh break game oh no you need dude is Waffle still here no no dang I know waffle has an

Ender Chest all right well we’re going to have to do this the oh wait I definitely have uh a shears uh yes we got to do this real quick though Dan we’ve got to uh what you see in the middle of your screen folks is AI generated version of a spr

New flavor for sure outbreak outbreak how do you say this how do you say these things bro what are you talking about bro I don’t I don’t see anything that’s up in the front in the middle of the screen dude I think that you’re just going crazy man I actually

Think you’re going mad like there is no Sprites whatsoever on the screen oh yeah and break games I’m going to have to oh yeah we’re going we going put this dude you’re just like like man I don’t know what you’re talking about dude I think outbreak is going crazy guys I

Really do I think he’s kind of going he’s kind of going insane bro Sprite cranberry dude they’re actually kind of good dude it’s not it’s not the Sprite cranberry man why do oh my goodness sink water bro actually no no that like that I thought of it for a second as being

Dirty dishw water like in the sink but actually no that is that is that’s exactly what that is that’s not tap water like I cuz i’ be loving some tap water I mean who doesn’t right like it’s the it’s the free 99 water that you got at home

To an extent uh if you don’t include the water bill that you pay we would just for this example uh that’s why it’s the 3.99 that’s the that’s the catch but uh yeah yeah who who doesn’t love that um dude no keko no no no no no no no I just

Saw that oh no no no no no you going AFK sounds good Dan you’re going to totally Miss though don’t be AFK for too long d i will like you’ll miss it it’s it’s taking forever to let you join bullets um if it takes too long

Go ahead and um refresh like just close whatever it is that you’re using dude I feel like bra bra dude you’re like you’re a little close right now it’s causing this uh the land claim to not let me I need some space Bray game give me some distance

Uh uh just a little bit cuz it’s a little too loud laggy um just let me get this sheep D I can’t just let me let me just get this uh there we go okay let me get the wool because the S needs the wool I don’t know how

Much want to want a want to want to want to Sprite cranberry from LeBron James LeBron James will hand deliver you a Sprite cranberry bro oh I’m so stuck I am so stuck right here is it uh the ramen noodle broth ramen noodle broth is fire I I love

Ramen noodles yo I think I even got some ramen noodles too I might even have that after stream guys it’s sad it’s almost the end of Christmas guys but uh thank you so much we got a half hour till it’s over for tuning in and spending a little bit

Of Christmas with me you really make my heart grow a a little bit more every year well the D and Dr Pepper is a symbolic message uh that was the DAT dated back in the Roman times which is best known as the letter s see the uh

See where we’re going here if the d means s then it’s a Sprite did you just nerd emoji on me outbreak you did you just you went totally actually actually here uh you see we’re going to take it back all the way to the Roman time oh my gosh never change guys never

Change wait what’s going on Bray what what what’s oh yeah did the lag oh you got oh you got some shears and you didn’t let me know that you had shears bro how come I’m not collecting any of the wool whatsoever bro I’m going to need all the wool that you got

BR come here oh my gosh land claim because we’re we’re on dude you’re trying to steal them all my wool again unreal uh J need some starter gear okay D all right all right well you mean oh why can’t I pick up anything is my inventory my inventory is not

Full no there we go it’s just being really laggy right now I might have to like close Minecraft to open it up again you got instant ramen noodle cooker for Christmas no way King fry you got an instant ramen noodle cooker now let’s go to ascend who is Val and hopefully this is

Enough wool um it’s six pieces enough for a bed and and such I kind of feel like not uh giving a man a fish but teaching a man how to fish here as this looks like a island is this an island that we’re on oh let me just uh let me

Just snag this cords you know um if that’s I think that’s what you’re looking for you’re looking for a bed at least I believe this is an island H I kind of feel like doing it I I kind of do I’m going to te I’m going to teach a

Man how to fish here I got you uh uh you graduated from the soda industry you’re a pro soda Enthusiast I don’t know something like that I know for a fact that it is indeed Sprite nin’s favorite drink mhm dude so much sass to that message outbreak my

Goodness BT dubs did you know that Cod actually took your name situation I did I did we were talking about that like because he was on stream and I’m like hold up you know like just keep changing your name until gecko is okay with it and he’s like yeah gecko actually picked

Out this name so oh gosh it’s the thest time of the year want to Sprite cranberry you refreshed it three times yeah I’m going to have to refresh too like see how it’s like really laggy for me as well we might even have to do this

We’re going to have to turn it on and off again the server cuz uh that’s just like everything else right um anything in life like that’s Tech related uh you just turn it off and turn it back on again and then it just works so um yeah we’re going to have to do

That because this is this is a little bit too laggy right now now uh this isn’t normal realm lag this is the the serious Real Deal turn it on turn it off but um real quick before I do that uh your favorite thing is going to be is going to be here

Guys you you know you love it um and some of you guys already know what to expect here for me just saying that but uh you know you love it um going to have to do this you know you love it oh you know you love it enjoy the show guys enjoy

It when is gone I don’t want I don’t want y’all to hear I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to hear it that you want more because what all right cuz that’s just what happens my good sir all right I’m going to teleport back

Home and then we’re going to have to turn off turn it on and turn it back on again did you did you got something in your eyes guys you got something in your eyes oh I bet you do oh okay so oh gosh this is gonna yeah this is taking way too

Long oh boy uh yeah uh and what is this uh this a man dude this this this this music why did why did we let it go on for so long we need something more chill than this yeah I don’t think I’m going to make it back home guys

Here I did I made it back home and might be like I think yep yep yep okay cool time to do the thing okay so everyone prepare to get kicked if you’re on right now so um Gosh guys looking all the messages that you guys said that loving

Amongus yall see the meme where that where that’s from with the kid who is watching that gif on on his switch and the dad walks in he’s like what are you what are you watching and he’s like amongus and he’s like freaking out uh dude good times good times all right so

We’re going to turn it on and turn it off again so um where’s that at again I forget uh I think it’s this yeah yep you’re setting up a uh wait what is that ground battle in Arma 3 I’m sorry Al FR I’m sorry amongus dude dude

Man oh bro dude that that that Meme is so funny that’s why I have that it’s the no looking screen like when I want to hide the screen because it’s just it just reminds me of it it’s just top top top tier me but that kid got to stop playing Among Us

Amongus It’s s it’s sh all right now we got to let it chill for a minute we can’t open it up right away like yep we got to let it chill like I’m going to look at the time real quick and see Speaking of which anyone why we have to wait dude what other games have I played Jeffy dude there’s a a lot dude a lot of games man we could be here all night me talking about well maybe not all all night but like I’m just looking over at my games and is a

Lot like this will give us something to do like we got to wait like at least 5 minutes for the realm to like stabilize again so I think like after like if we do a couple rounds of some amongus um then the realm should be back to normal we’re going to play hide-and-seek

Cuz hide-and-seek is the best I I don’t I don’t care what you got to say about that hide and seek is uh the the best of the best so let’s get it all set up uhhuh aong go should be free on phone still so we’re going to create it we’re not

Going to do the fungle escap hide and seek no in Ski 15 free chat we’re going to get y’all in first with it private then we’re going to swap it over to public to fill out the lobby yeah yeah download it real quick wait wait Abraham wait you have 500 wait

Your original account have 800 points really um I like the new map for regular game mode is legit but like this one is just so much better for hide and seek like this is the best hide-and-seek map hands down especially when it comes to switching it over to public cuz it takes

So long nobody likes really using the new map I don’t know why but um I believe so Dan I believe you can download it on the PS4 but it does cost money so yeah do that break games yeah go for it yeah it’s one and the same so being a

Mod in general like is going to like kind of be you know over there and also let’s get those Tes back on cuz like there’s not really is is there like music going on right now like um in the in the lobby yeah it is free though on mobile

So like on your phone and stuff it is free so mhm ah man wait you’re 45 cents off you checked how much it was it’s not a lot of money but it’s still costs it’s not it’s free for like uh on phones I believe yeah like it should still

Be I don’t know why it’s not free actually I kind of see why it’s not free on consoles and stuff yeah we we got nothing but time right now you know cuz um we got to wait for the server to refresh and we got to give it some time to

Breathe turn it off for a minute so we don’t really got anything but time and it’s like this will give us something to do is it on Game Pass really he Mongoose is on uh it’s on Game Pass oh we got to we got to raise up the speed a little bit tweak

It wait actually no it it’s already set how it should be oh that’s how you have it sweet aongus amongus bro dude yellow sus bro yellow sus kick him out the the impostor Su just getting amongus installed on your PC sounds good sounds good I’m not signed in so I cannot do

Free chat so you cannot join what hold up wait uh can I change that before we get a bunch of people on like can you can you join when it’s not free chat let’s make it easy for everyone cuz like we’re not even doing the game

Mode yeah we’re not even we’re not even doing the game mode where it’s like quick chat where we don’t have to cuz it’s hide and seek it’s not like we got to be like who’s the impostor you know so okay so yeah we would have to rejoin hey look at that code though

Okay okay KY XG that should make it good do call some time you won’t be available for a little while cuz you’ll be say die yeah dude we got to we got to we got to Hash it up here or not hash it up like we got to

Chop it up in the VC sometime it’s been too long bro how do you have Master Chief though like yeah so if it if it isn’t um that like you should be able to join if it doesn’t have the the one the like the free text or the free

Type oh it’s with Xbox really that’s cool bro is there any like exclusive for the switch or like PlayStation that you know it just came with the game really uhoh someone left we need there is for the PlayStation that’s cool all right no I don’t I don’t like that that that song

What wa traged and Clank really why doesn’t a switch have anything dude what why is why is Nintendo being lame let them use Mario or something all it’s not let you join really the pet is Clank really oh man I know that that that pet is oh my gosh yo we

Have we are filling it up real quick here and the outfit ratchet nice I like that oh your shame clear it’s oh you just made it though you’re just in there it says it can’t find the game hold up what do you got to do okay I’m going I’m going hit the Google

Real quick does anyone know yeah it’s a private code and what does it say it says can’t find game in Among Us can’t join another game through code it always says game not found my friends can all also can’t join my lobby but sometimes it says that they’re running okay we’re gonna check

Reddit switch to a different region um spam the code like 20 times if you’re playing on Blue Stacks or iOS update make sure you’re on the latest version if none of these work just try playing it another time yeah so um switch from na to Europe like just try changing the servers uh

I’m not sure how much you you’ve played yeah it’s North American here but um if you switch to the Europe servers sometimes that like makes it work okay you’re okay oh there you go it it worked it worked I see you I see you there oh you’re oh okay you’re a default

On Europe for no reason yeah yeah oh oh man dude I really want to pin that message should I do it should I pin it I kind of want to oh yeah it sends in okay so everyone who’s wanting to play right now that is

Trying to get in did you get in cuz we’re going to open it up to the public you can still try and get in during this time as well so we’re going to there we go why was that so glitchy I don’t know uh yeah well real KO the I’m not

I’m not actually trying to do an Among Us stream we’re going to be back into Minecraft here in just a little bit also um in uh what is that 7 Minutes guys it will officially Christmas will be over uh let’s cool down timer where’s the cool down go wait what

What uh yeah the speed is is going to be good though um actually when you play this like it’s going to be a good it’s going to be a good player speed because it’s like it’s way too slow um for this game mode at least are we are we even going to get

Anybody else I don’t know we open it up to the public for I wish there was like an elapse time to see how long we’ve we’ve been there we could just start it I I don’t have a problem are we good to go or do

We want to wait and see if we can’t fill it out out the choice is your yours we can we can start now or we can try to fill it up I don’t know why people aren’t inclined to click on this one like cuz there’s seven people like

If people are online looking for games to play this one should be very enticing oo no no no no let’s just start it let’s just start it up let’s do it start uhoh uh oh EG Holly I feel like oh no I feel like you’re on the phone right

Now and need just this is so tragic we’ll do one more round make sure you get on and please don’t talk welcome to the stream Mary Christmas uh we had to refresh oh gosh we had to refresh the realm so in order to give it a little bit of time we we’re

Hopping a little oh heck no bro oh no oh no no no no no oh bro D this game is so scary I’m just trying to do my tasks man I’m just a I’m just a little guy dude just trying to do his thing bro get the leaves out of here quick okay

Nice oh No oh you got to go okay no worries zg Holly dude that’s sus dude that’s sus dude that’s sus that’s sus that’s so sus okay bro that’s suser than that m the cheeks on yellow bro yellow is sus man oh gosh bro I got to go

Here why do I have to be stuck with wires I guess cuz I’m just the pro they know they know who the pro is they’re going to stick them with the wires oh shoot oh shoot electrical download is that over Here isn’t it which one is it I know it’s one of these um where’s the where’s the cameras oh oh man dude I can’t do anything I’m in Med Bay hey you take care of you jol J care oh dude wait wait that’s the that’s the only tasks is to hide

How long can I hide in oh gosh that’s not a long time oh hey what’s good how you doing it’s a good strategy y I think we’re going to win this One I think we win this one and I’m driving the boat let’s go GG’s GG’s easy dude easy what you thinking GG’s G ge’s is that is that there for a this bro that that sucks man oh I wonder if there’s more people oh oh dude more people are coming on did I feel I got a good feeling about this now I I feel

Like I don’t know it is it’s a weird time too we should do one more round though I’m going to give it like uh oh and uh it’s official guys Christmas is over okay what does it say you’re welcome do you look like Elvis outbreak why am I a scientist like dude

I’m so studious uh let’s give it like I don’t know a lot of people are coming in so like maybe maybe when there’s 10 people then then we’ll go you they let them know that they should say um hey to YouTube say hi to YouTube there’s another Christmas on January

7th re wait yeah Chris wait no no no no no that’s July Christmas in July uh yeah yeah bullets bullets Pro uh wait what no not no not that okay let’s start um it’s just cuz we had to like restart the server oh it start why can’t we start because people are still

Joining let’s get in let’s get in already yeah so the the server just had to get restarted uh that that’s the deal that’s the deal yo all right look out for the sky oh no it crashed for outbreak Dude that is terrifying man dude at least you’re able to get in uh for one round I I guess it’s hard for the for the whole servers you know cuz you’re in Oceanic servers and there’s only European in like us servers okay here’s my tasks very studious oh dude I’m not

Bro bro no a bro I’m going to I’m going to follow where he’s at here I’m going to let you guys know just glance I’m going to be watching him he really shouldn’t have done that now you’re all going to know where he’s at cuz I I believe I don’t believe that that’s

Somebody who we know so I need to haunt them yeah yeah haunt them so they’re going to know just stay away from this area just glance glance down at the stream to know oh man dude this guy’s really Good what if he’s a hacker D what if he’s Cheating jeez dude he just knows where everyone is I think this guy is cheating I think he’s hacking he’s using hack he knows where everyone is probably not he looks kind of Clueless right now I just love how these imposters look like I wish that the other imposters

That would give it away too easily though hide and seek is the best streaming version of Among Us bro how did he do that I think he might be I don’t know n cuz he didn’t get that other person that was just really Suspect how’d he get you KO he was so far Away huh you’re dead enjoy the chaos I just noticed that Text how does he not know where the where white is it’s like it’s so Obby so they’re definitely not in the Stream like they would have seen where where everyone is unless they are in this if this is you GG’s dude easy easy all right let’s get back here

That was you Jeffrey wait hold up wait hold wait wait wait wait were you the impostor Jeffrey cuz we like we won was that you Jeffrey no oh huh all right that was enough time uh the server should be smooth by the time we we open it back up

Again you were in there you were blue did we won GG’s oh you were white oh okay cool yeah we like dude I thought they got the guy was like uh cheating or something or like hacking but you kind of clutched it for the team dude Jeffrey appreciate d w for

Jeffrey yo that’s awesome lost Voyager well you’re really growing right now we love to hear it all right let’s open it up opening it back up not going to lie K bot pre fire some of it is you remember Maddie B though Maddy B wasn’t he from Kids Bop

Originally ah man or that or that one that Jacob guy was it Jacob something it was Jacob something I can’t remember yeah bro do m mty b Hip Hops dude yeah dude yeah uh that Jacob guy bro what is this not this does he really make some good music

Now he seemed pretty cool uh at like he was still in this transitional period when I discovered him so um oh yeah no these are two different people yeah no this this jacob I can’t remember his last name was like started with the S or something I don’t know he is like

Another Matty B type guy all right let’s check it out let’s test it out oh yeah d back and running like butter sometimes you got to do that yeah yeah sometimes you got to do that but all is good and all is back and we

Are back at it like look at this this is good yeah this is smooth dude why does nightbot say join twice I just realized that join join the Discord I mean I guess you know if it’s so nice you got to say it twice so absolutely absolutely kirishima um

Not for much longer though uh but as I do need to start um setting a a time uh for for these streams I’m thinking that they’re going to have to sit at 5 hours reasoning is because um I’m using streamlabs music I really enjoy having streamlabs music on the

Majority of the songs are copyright free but a lot of them do have a copyright on them unfortunately but the majority of them don’t which is awesome and uh to be able to edit the vods they have to be under 5 hours like five 5 hours 30 minutes and stuff so

Then I can like cut out the like uh copyrighted music um so yeah I I don’t want to like throw that out there as as something that we’re probably going to have to start doing from here on out just to be able to protect the channel for the longevity of the

Channel cuz I doubt that they’re going to do anything about like issuing strikes or whatever because they’re probably aware that people are using streamlabs music fingers crossed you know cuz it’s like with another Branch I might even get their subscription or whatever so that like like it’s all good but

Ah yes yes yes yes let me get you uh right there there you go uh that is our spam protection right there so that nobody can just go ahead and um you know send send the code to like 20 of their friends and I have no idea who they are

This is only for viewers it’s not for 20 of your guys’ friends who aren’t viewers you know if they if you want them to be able to play like just just send them my way and be like Yo dude this guy’s really chill uh he’s a great

Dude and um you know you check him out and we’ll get him in that way um wait what is what is up at the top left of the map though ah yes Ascend um all you got to do I don’t know if you already checked or not but all the

Information that you need to know about making content and streaming on here um is on my website in fact if you want to use some things or some uh like I encourage using the um format for the description for YouTube and if you wanted to use the

Logo and stuff you you you need to include a few things uh as to not get in trouble it’s pretty simple though um nothing too crazy yeah so just check it out on the website and that will that will clear up anything uh about what you need to know yeah yeah

Absolutely go for it and 300 Subs dude that is a dude like that is a start it is a start you know 380 to be exact you know you keep going you know we were all there before including myself yo you’re like 10,000 blocks away from Spawn that sounds like a good plan

Dan just keep you know find a nice little cozy spot that’s away from the chaos because that’s where like all the new people are are going to come on and there’s really like there’s trolls out there you know like there’s internet trolls so um and trolls do what trolls

Do best stroll they grief they steal they destroy things so and that’s just you know we got to take the good with the bad you know there’s good people out there and there’s bad people out there and you know I I’m willing to take that risk to to meet all the good people

Right so hey you only got 14 Subs say that’s still 14 people that decideed to click that subscribe button so always keep that in mind never underestimate about how many Subs you got like even if it’s a small amount you got to realize that those are people imagine having those

People in front of your face or in your room or like whatever like could you imagine fitting a send could you imagine fitting 380 people inside of your room at your house think about that you know like it puts it like YouTube has really like changed our perception of

What a lot of people actually means like cuz we we we’ve just gotten so normalized by seeing millions of views 100 thousand views like you know seeing millions of subscribers or whatever like it it’s completely shifted our whole perception on it but like we got to remember at the end of the day

Like think about it in the sense of if they were there right in front of you you know and then you’re like is that a lot is that a lot of peeps so they us to play Destiny 2 so um I imagine it’ll be hard doing a new game

At first but I’m sure it’ll be worth it yeah um absolutely I’ve I’ve changed games many times it can be hard at the start it can be scary at the start but you got to do it you just got to do it and like you’ll be surprised for

Sure about the outcome do you because you just never know like if you don’t experiment try something new then you know you’re just never going to know of of course people are going to say things like go back to this or go back to that or whatever but it’s like

Ultimately then you’re going to get others that are just like just there for whatever and they may have came from one thing or another like from whatever it is that you’re doing so um at least that’s just what I’ve noticed oh wait a second wait a second

Wait a second whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why does this go out way out here I don’t remember putting this here it’s okay cuz it literally just it won’t even take but a second to to get rid of it all wow that actually kind of extended

For oh wow yeah this extends way out into the water uh I want it to be here at the land cuz this is where the dock is going to be okay yeah this is a good spot oh Man man I’m looking at it that’s not good this is where it needs to stop though so I’m going to put something up up here and just be like uh dock goes below or Something yo welcome back bra games uh Jeffrey can I give you something what is it that you want to give me uh first and foremost uh dock Goes uh below below whoa oh wait cook food oh I I appreciate the gesture but I got plenty of cooked food you should you should keep it you should keep that you usually keep that for yourself it would I would feel very bad if I took your cooked

Food uh why is that Dan what is the purpose what is the reason oh see your base yeah sure Is this it is this your base I think so this looks like in a different area did I make it to the right spot I think so oh my gosh Phantom Fox is the season to we Jolly ah yes but unfortunately I can’t it’s still the season but I can’t

Wish you a Merry Christmas anymore well I can wish you a late merry Christmas because it’s uh it’s now 12:21 so it is now December 26 oh oh gold I’ll take the raw gold appreciate it thank you thank you loving the new digs here got a little base up in the sky

Action going on oh wow bro yo loading me up with some of this iron and stuff you go my good Sir all right um I’m going head back liking the progress so far Dam you did not expect that well bro dude you threw you threw stuff at me like so like I’m going to throw stuff at you hey you gave me iron I needed iron I actually don’t have iron I don’t think

Well I do have iron but not at the moment due to Hero like not hopping on at the moment but if I ever needed iron I would just I would just bug him over and over and be like let me use your iron farm or or give it give me

Iron and he’ll be like okay just give me a moment and they be like I need know and be like no and I’ll be like I’m sorry take your time and be like okay I can give it to you tomorrow oh wait I know but Merry

Christmas to you but for me it’s not Christmas anymore yeah it’s not Christmas for me though either that’s the sad part but it was so fun to be able to celebrate celebrate Christmas with y’all as well I couldn’t last year cuz I had Copple tunnel and in tendonitis so my

Hands were all messed up and I couldn’t couldn’t game it was a very very very painful time right then this time last year so this year was like super awesome and the fact that like I was not in pain and everything just went smoothly and there was just no Str like I was

Just just the best you returned from lurking Mark welcome uh do I need iron I do but like you know there’s iron over here too there it is oh my gosh Abraham yeah had 800 on the old that’s right I’m going to just double check and make sure that there

Isn’t cuz they should be filling up in these chests maybe these bottom chests can’t reach the top chests I don’t I don’t know this isn’t o I forgot how op this was uh yeah yeah yeah Dan yeah you did give me some and I appreciated it whoa when did I get this new

Sword don’t remember I mean for what I for what I’m needing it for the 12 12 iron that I got right now if I need some more Mark I’ll let you know I’ll let you know oh yeah yeah like this this should be good cuz like I only need to make like shears

And buckets and flint and steels like here and there oh oh it’s coming up to the surface yo let’s throw some potatoes for the Dolphins oh oh just died oh look look here they come a they don’t want to play with it dang it you got an iron farm two more

Yeah yeah if you just want to if you if you gave me that then I then I could go to it at some point might should be good for now but uh yeah guys so you know what this means you know what this means you bought a poser doll instead of buying a

Game I decided to wait for it to go on sale so you bought some shoes hey that is uh that is it that is is it mhm no you know what this means it’s been a long it’s been a long stream or a long day long stream long

Time um there can be another Christmas dream on January 7th of course yeah Merry Christmas guys uh thank you all so much for tuning in uh for this stream it was awesome to be able to hang out with all of you guys on Christmas

Um so glad I was able to do it this year cuz man couldn’t last year which was unfortunate um so had a blast I hope that you had a great Christmas this stream was awesome um y’all are all amazing you know take care have a wonderful day night or whatever it is

That you’re watching and of course we’ll be seeing you all in the next live stream appreciate you guys off wait apprciate guys like I go to get to sleep guys like I won’t I won’t I won’t the the server will stay up 24/7 don’t you

Worry DN so um yeah we’re going to get out of here love you guys and we’ll be catching you in the next one bye guys bye everyone bye see you in the next one I’m going to try to uh ye off of here again like uh uh uh uh uh uh let’s uh

Jump nope oh I missed it and until next time guys bye-bye see you soon

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream Playing With Viewers Merry Christmas’, was uploaded by Nintorstendo on 2023-12-26 06:41:22. It has garnered 416 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 05:02:59 or 18179 seconds.

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  • Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1)

    Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1) In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With duellers and mods, the story molds. Kazutto, the hero, faces fears with grace, Surviving the night, in this eerie place. From One Block Skyblock, the adventure begins, With creatures lurking, as the darkness spins. The Man From The Fog, The Midnight Lurker too, Each mod brings terror, a chilling debut. The Mimic Dweller, The Goatman’s call, Eyes In The Darkness, beware them all. In this world of horror, Kazutto stands tall, Crafting his way, through the night’s thrall. With wit and humor, he faces his fears, Building his world, amidst… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fixes

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fixes The Evolution of Minecraft: A Journey of Survival and Creativity Minecraft, a game beloved by millions, has undergone numerous changes and updates over the years. From survival challenges to creative building, players have explored the vast possibilities within this virtual world. Let’s delve into some of the recent developments and ideas that aim to enhance the Minecraft experience. Exploring New Horizons Survival mode in Minecraft has always been a test of wit and skill. However, recent discussions have highlighted the need for balancing the game’s mechanics to provide a more engaging and challenging experience. Ideas such as revamping the… Read More

  • Discover the Art of Minecraft on Minewind Server

    Discover the Art of Minecraft on Minewind Server Are you ready to dive into a world of creativity and endless possibilities? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and build to your heart’s content. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of exploring unique landscapes, collaborating with fellow players, and embarking on epic adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Step into a world of sand art, amazing facts, and endless fun on Minewind Minecraft Server. See… Read More

  • Desconto imperdível no Minecraft para Nintendo Switch!

    Desconto imperdível no Minecraft para Nintendo Switch! Minecraft Anniversary Sale on Nintendo Switch! If you’re a fan of Minecraft and own a Nintendo Switch, now is the perfect time to grab some great deals on the game! The series rarely goes on sale, so this 15th-anniversary promotion is a fantastic opportunity to add some Minecraft titles to your collection at discounted prices. But hurry, as the sale only lasts until June 5th! Available Titles: During this special promotion, you can get discounts on popular Minecraft games such as: Minecraft: The original game that started it all. Minecraft Legends: Explore legendary worlds and embark on epic adventures…. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Kurt İmana Geldi ❤ – Kurt Müslüman Çıktı Minecraft #trend #shorts #minecraftshorts.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the diverse and inclusive community that Minecraft fosters. Just like the wolf in the video embraced a new identity, players on Minewind Minecraft Server have the freedom to express themselves and connect with others from all walks of life. Whether you’re a… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video by VABLOCK on YouTube titled “How to build a trap in Minecraft?” While the video itself is not about Minewind server, it got us thinking – why not take your Minecraft skills to the next level on a server like Minewind? Imagine the possibilities of showcasing your creativity and ingenuity in building traps, redstone contraptions, and so much more on a server where the community thrives on innovation and collaboration. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Playing with Real Mods on Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Guide to Playing with Real Mods on Minecraft Bedrock Exploring the World of Minecraft Mods on Bedrock Edition Introduction Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? With mods, you can enhance your gameplay, add new features, and explore exciting worlds beyond the vanilla game. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing and playing mods on Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Installing Mods on MCPE To begin your modding journey, you’ll need to download the “MCPEDL” app from Safari. Once you have the app, search for the mods you want to install. Make sure to check that the mod version matches… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures! Are you a fan of building massive structures in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the creative process of gathering resources and bringing your vision to life block by block? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant gaming community and endless possibilities for creative builds, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and connect with like-minded players. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and start your own mega base building journey. Who knows, you… Read More

  • Spud Stress: Odo’s House of Minecraft Mayhem

    Spud Stress: Odo's House of Minecraft Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Odo Potatoes and Stress take on new lives. With animations so funny, they bring us delight, In every frame, a story takes flight. From Odo’s antics to Stress’s reactions, Their adventures spark joyful interactions. With each upload, a new tale unfolds, In the world of animation, their magic holds. So dive into the fun, with laughter in tow, Supporting Kulpi Semungku, let the excitement grow. In the realm of Indonesia, where creativity shines, Minecraft news with rhymes, in every line. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Cube Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Cube Edition Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraft #meme #نكت Read More

  • Revealing My Garoxlo1545 Skin in Minecraft

    Revealing My Garoxlo1545 Skin in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. From building towering structures to battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. The World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are placed in a vast open world filled with various biomes, each offering unique resources and challenges. From lush forests to barren deserts, the world of Minecraft is teeming with life and adventure. Building and Crafting One of the core mechanics of Minecraft is the ability… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Fun! #Minecraft

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Fun! #Minecraft Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? If you’re looking for a server that offers excitement, challenges, and a vibrant community, then look no further than Minewind! Imagine a place where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling battles, and forge alliances with fellow players. Minewind offers all this and more, making it the ultimate destination for Minecraft players seeking an unforgettable gaming experience. With a diverse range of gameplay options, unique features, and regular events, Minewind ensures that there’s never a dull moment. Whether you’re a seasoned… Read More

  • Ultimate Sand Art Prank | KaiZoop

    Ultimate Sand Art Prank | KaiZoop The Magic of Techno Gamerz Sand Art in Minecraft Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with Techno Gamerz as he showcases his incredible sand art creation in this mesmerizing video. 🌟 Watch as ordinary sand blocks are transformed into a stunning masterpiece right before your eyes. 🎨 Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Techno Gamerz’s sand art is a testament to the boundless creativity that Minecraft offers to its players. Through intricate designs and meticulous placement of blocks, he brings to life a work of art that captivates viewers and inspires fellow gamers. 🎮 From Ordinary to Extraordinary With each… Read More

  • MacNcheeseP1z – Baby Animal Family on Minecraft Skyblock!

    MacNcheeseP1z - Baby Animal Family on Minecraft Skyblock!Video Information hello hello and welcome back to more Minecraft Sarah we are on Sky Block pets right now and so there’s tons of pets on all these little Islands I can’t wait to go meet them like magical pets and stuff too um I’m not really sure let’s see if there’s any information okay so we have a player handbook um la la la lots of information P brief pets information compl get a Nether Portal oh okay so it sounds like we have to breed all the pets and then we get to unlock the nether portal and… Read More

  • Unlucky Nerf Gun in Minecraft

    Unlucky Nerf Gun in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Nerf Gun Images No. 11 (Minecraft Music)’, was uploaded by Sergeant Swift on 2024-01-07 01:40:14. It has garnered 595 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. More cursed nerf gun images Music: Minecraft Beginning 2 NCS: Desmeon Hellcat Read More

  • Wildly INSANE Minecraft Hardcore Saxo Steve Ep 9

    Wildly INSANE Minecraft Hardcore Saxo Steve Ep 9Video Information [Music] hey guys how’s it going happy Sunday sorry I’m late we were at a birthday party well not a birthday party a birthday gathering I should say uh yeah father-in-law’s um father-in-law’s birthday and yeah we went around for some some we we actually had a takeaway we had a Chinese Takeaway uh yeah just overrun a little bit so yeah sorry I’m late um how is everybody how’s your been I’ve been painting I’ve been doing nothing but painting painting and more painting that’s all I’ve been doing all weekend right are we ready let’s go… Read More

  • “CRSNT NiteBot’s EPIC Minecraft Vault Door Tutorial!!” #gaming #redstone

    "CRSNT NiteBot's EPIC Minecraft Vault Door Tutorial!!" #gaming #redstoneVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an easy vault door in Minecraft!!! #gaming #minecraft #redstone’, was uploaded by CRSNT NiteBot on 2024-01-04 06:01:38. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • PapaShamz DESTROYS Bases in DonutSMP | Insane Farm Building | LIVE

    PapaShamz DESTROYS Bases in DonutSMP | Insane Farm Building | LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘DonutSMP | Rating Bases / Building Farm | LIVE’, was uploaded by PapaShamz on 2024-01-08 23:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Information Username: PapaShamz Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fe2AdAH7B3 Tags donutsmp, donutsmplive, minecraft, … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Modded Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Challenge: Modded Minecraft Madness!Video Information up Jerome the buddies and welcome to another awesome Minecraft fi today today we are going to be doing a lucky block sky wars using the Transformer Lucky Blocks where we have 20 minutes to break as many as we can get the best armor and weapons possible and then do a 15 lives battle on the map after that if we have time we’re going to be switching on over to Ultimate Chicken horse for a little bit while we prepare on the side for the final segment of the live stream which is going to be… Read More

  • Insane V-Tuber takes on Nether in Minecraft #09!

    Insane V-Tuber takes on Nether in Minecraft #09!Video Information [Music] [Music] the [Music] CR yeah we f it back [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] yeah Cru [Music] all right hello quac Lings and all I’m back how you all doing well I was here there not about my voice but yall doing good Joiner welcome back to the stream hello hello to you as well slight apologies there um as it turns out I was cooking dinner and I thought I’d have enough time to uh put everything in front of me I’m going to be eating while we play today but uh the… Read More

  • Dino tricks friend as mutant mobs in Minecraft!

    Dino tricks friend as mutant mobs in Minecraft!Video Information my friend flaky is currently trying to beat Minecraft but little does he know that I installed a morph mod meaning I can transform into a ton of different mutant mobs and some of these mobs are so super crazy but first let’s start off with a normal cow so we can see what the heck Floy is up to oh my gosh okay I am so confident this is going to be the day that I finally beat Minecraft oh look at him flaky is actually getting some trees you know what let’s just hit him once… Read More

  • FrikFrey Phàm Returns with Insane Minecraft Strategy!

    FrikFrey Phàm Returns with Insane Minecraft Strategy!Video Information Ok hello xin chào tất cả các bạn Chào mừng các bạn đã tới với Minecraft một t game đánh quái Sinh Tồn một t game chắp só n trạ một t game mà các bạn có thể làm tất cả những thứ mà mình thích mình muốn thậm chí là làm chụ C thanh tin nếu như mà các bạn không thích chơi chế độ Multiplayer mà lại thấy thích chơi chế độ Single Player nhưng là mình Mình thì đang chơ chế độ Survival 1 trong chế độ Single Player có tên là l Let’s Go… Read More

  • Aellyn

    AellynAellyn Minecraft •———•———• Survival, Creative, Minigames. Survival includes grief prevention, story / quests and challenges. mc.aellyn.net Read More

  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

    Welcome to Createville Server! Are you looking for a friendly server to play with others? Createville is a safe and welcoming community where players come together to build, sell items, chat, and collaborate on projects. Join us for an exciting gaming experience! What to Expect: Shops and custom currency Trains, Cars, Airplanes Create and its addons Organised community area A touch of magic In-game voice chat To join, install the modpack and get whitelisted: Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/createville Discord: https://discord.gg/vB23wxj Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Frozen Fire: Ice spice video”

    Looks like this meme is as cold as the ice in Minecraft! Read More

  • Cobblestone Craze: Crafty Generator Guide

    Cobblestone Craze: Crafty Generator Guide In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We craft and mine, in a virtual dream. Cobblestone generators, a key to our quest, With water and lava, we put them to the test. Preparation is key, as we start our creation, With buckets and picks, we build our foundation. Low type, medium type, high type we explore, Each step we take, we strive for more. From survival to adventure, we journey on, Gathering resources, until the break of dawn. Building challenges, we face with delight, In the world of Minecraft, where our skills take flight. So join us… Read More

  • Minecraft: Os egípcios jogavam com fogo 🔥

    Minecraft: Os egípcios jogavam com fogo 🔥 “Who needs pyramids when you can just build them in Minecraft? The ancient Egyptians were way ahead of their time!” 😂🔺🎮 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft animations and love stories? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server right now! Immerse yourself in a world of creativity, adventure, and community like never before. The Minewind server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction and exploration, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and build amazing structures. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on the Minewind server. Join now by entering the server IP:… Read More

  • Boost FPS in Minecraft on Weak PC

    Boost FPS in Minecraft on Weak PC Optimizing Minecraft FPS on Low-End PCs in 2024 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, having a smooth gaming experience is crucial. Caik, a Minecraft enthusiast, provides a detailed tutorial on how to increase FPS and reduce lag on low-end PCs in 2024. Let’s delve into the steps he recommends to optimize your gaming performance. Tackling Minecraft Lag Caik starts by adjusting in-game settings to enhance performance. By setting graphics to ‘Fast’ and disabling features like V-Sync and entity shadows, players can significantly boost their FPS. Additionally, adjusting the render distance and FPS limit can further improve gameplay fluidity. Enhancing… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Ore Hack For OP Items!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Ore Hack For OP Items!Video Information wa diamonds I was looking for them I’m going to complete my armor let’s mine W this is Minecraft but every o is super in this video I made it so that every o is super this means any o you mind has a chance of dropping more valuable item start at Cal and get better as you work your way up to Diamonds the question is whether I can beat the game while searching for super RS can I do it stay tuned to find out apparently only a small percentage of people who actually watch my… Read More

  • Bao’s Minecraft Server Shenanigans

    Bao's Minecraft Server ShenanigansVideo Information I didn’t put on the new skin Oh I thought it just showed up how do I put the new skin on or where is the new skin oh it’s here [Music] oh okay let me let me leave and come back I got this I know where to do it is it under classic maybe I think it work okay maybe now it work maybe now it work chat Oh yay I did it I did it right N Craft mik my mic who whoa oh oh speaker oh H uh uh people hear me ah ah… Read More

  • Gabriel Scott Reveals Top Secret Advertising Servers – Must See For Rank-Up!

    Gabriel Scott Reveals Top Secret Advertising Servers - Must See For Rank-Up!Video Information [Music] I wonder where you [Music] are oh we are we are dreaming in the dark we are nothing more than dark search but you stay lost we are we are reach for the stars but we’re making this you are and I wonder where you are M yes that’s the part you w show cuz you’re too CU baby you should take it so this yes that’s the part you always [Music] show maybe you should take it [Music] slow we are dreaming in the dark we are nothing more than dark This video, titled ‘Divulgando servidores… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival! 900 Days & Counting!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival! 900 Days & Counting!Video Information j’ai survécu 900 jours sur Minecraft hardcore je suis aux portes des 1000 jours et il n’est pas temps de se relâcher dans cet épisode j’ai complètement terminé la salle des coffres j’ai nettoyé la zone de ma base j’ai tenté de ferme de la mésorite je me suis fait un belle ami et bien plus encore si ça fait plusieurs fois que tu tombes sur ma chaîne et que tu aimes mes vidéos n’hésite pas à t’abonner ça m’aide énormément à me développer maintenant que tout est dit mesdames et messieurs voici comment j’ai survécu 900 jours… Read More

  • EPIC Hub Build on Sunrise SMP! 😱

    EPIC Hub Build on Sunrise SMP! 😱Video Information I believe I’m live maybe possibly I’m going to check hold on okay I’m I appear to be be live let me just make sure hear myself I believe I’m live oh wait oh I didn’t know my laptop was emitting audio I appear to be live let me just make sure hear myself yeah okay um believe I’m live we and we are live folks yes we are live Wolfie Welcome to My Stream welcome welcome welcome uh Boop hello I am a vampire ignore that I was just messing around yeah th this does not have… Read More

  • EPIC Frozen Breeze Showdown! SMP #4 – Fisks Superheroes

    EPIC Frozen Breeze Showdown! SMP #4 - Fisks SuperheroesVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty then it’s another one of these kind of days anyway let me test test test test all righty then we must go back to the world of superheroes hey guys welcome back to the backlog I’m wearing something really weird I’m wearing a shadow of the Hedgehog sweater interesting decision from me but either way we’re back for some more Fisk superheroes it’s been a couple of weeks since we last played mostly because been focusing on a a lot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build + Chat + Chill Session! WATCH NOW

    EPIC Minecraft Build + Chat + Chill Session! WATCH NOWVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what’s up [ __ ] how’s it going how’s it hanging hey y’all it’s stream… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Insane OP Build Revealed! 😱🔥 2023 #Like

    Minecraft's Insane OP Build Revealed! 😱🔥 2023 #LikeVideo Information hanging zombie in [Music] [Music] Minecraft This video, titled ‘Minecraft op build😱 2023 # like’, was uploaded by All gamer on 2024-02-16 05:16:32. It has garnered 3 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge- 1-Second Blindfolded Battle!” #minecraft #shortestfight

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge- 1-Second Blindfolded Battle!" #minecraft #shortestfightVideo Information shortest fight you have ever [Music] [Music] [Music] seen it’s This video, titled ‘Minecrafts Shortest Fight #mincraftvideo #minecraft #minecraftgameplay’, was uploaded by BlindFolded on 2024-04-06 15:32:06. It has garnered 540 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags (ignore): Youtubers, lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost 2021, hypixel, cheating on hypixel, hypixel… Read More