EPIC Noob Fails in Minecraft!! 😂

Video Information

The mischievous Minecraft Noob they roam our virtual landscape leaving a trail of Destruction prepare for frustration as they unleash Havoc breaking blocks setting fires and defacing your creation watch till the end of this video to see the best way that I deal with Minecraft noobs we all know how noobs can be a

Real bad luck jar they’re always around blowing stuff up and getting into trouble in fact I wouldn’t even call it bad luck they’re just so nbish that everything’s mess when they’re around but sometimes they do more than annoy you sometimes they can get you killed so this is a public service announcement

It’s time we talk about 27 ways noobs can get you killed in Minecraft now one of those Noob things is by not subscribing and liking today’s video yeah I know maybe that won’t get you killed in your game but it’s totally a noob thing to do so click that subscribe

Button guys number one blowing you up by mistake this happens quite often and unfortunately but stay away if you see a noob laying down some TNT charges they never really get the hang of it and you’ll be blown away by their clumsy little hands number two messing with a beehive

So you might have a noob friend and you want to teach him a thing or two well that’s real nice of you but I must warn you don’t get them near beehives everyone knows you’re not supposed to mess with Beehives but noobs have to learn this the hard way so be aware of

The bees if you go on a stroll with a noob friend number three receiving falling anvils in Noob house now noobs are not only clumsy but forgetful too they are known to leave things around and building around them without remembering what they left behind in the

First place so if you’re in a Noob house and you see some ceiling where it shouldn’t be H don’t don’t destroy it yikes yes uh there might be an anvil laying around that that will kill you number four burning you with lava we’ve already talked about how Noobs sometimes

Build weird things into their homes or forget what they put there now I don’t want to be repetitive but be careful when you’re around their homes because those things are death traps just waiting to be sprung number five setting you on fire while mining um what I’ve

Talked about this before but for some reason some noobs don’t seem to get it that you need to take a torch when you’re mining not only that but you don’t bring flint and steel to start a fire down there anyway if you join your Noob friend for a good old mining trip

Don’t be shocked if he sets you on fire on accident number six making you stay outside at night I know you want to keep helping out your Noob and teaching them stuff but they tend to forget how the game works sometimes as you already know you’re supposed to sleep in your bed and

Spend the night at home or get some armor on and get a little Brave with your weapons and stuff so let’s say your Noob is really eager to keep Mining and just doesn’t listen to you when you tell them it’s late and you need to go home you weren’t planning on spending the

Night and you didn’t even bring armor well next time just leave them behind or come armored to the teeth helping them is great but not if you’re the one that’s going to end up dead number seven making you drown you all know that not drowning in the game is as easy as just

Coming out of the water but some noobs don’t seem to understand that you can actually die like that so he might try to keep you underwater to tease you you know some friendly prank but he’ll end up killing you instead so please don’t let him it’s just embarrassing and it

Makes you look like the noob number eight messing around with your mine carts okay so maybe you’re still in the mood to teach your Noob a thing or two you teach them how to build a railway and you explain how the mine carts work bad mistake like like really bad like no

No no no no no no next thing you know this Noob is trying to prank You by sending mine carts loaded with TNT and yes for some reason this might seem as a victimless joke for the noob but who’ll blow you to pieces by mistake along with

Your rails and all your Loop number number nine suffocating you so you bring your Noob friend to the beach and you’re just chilling you know building a nice beach house and then all of a sudden he decides to start a sand fight and throws

A bunch of sand to you this Noob is so noobish that he doesn’t understand that it’s literally killing you it might be funny if it happened to someone else I mean I mean come to think of it maybe you should get somewhere else for your Noob to get killed by accident that’s

Just comedy gold in my opinion it might be funny if it happened to someone else I mean hm come to think of it maybe should get someone else for your Noob To Kill by accident that’s just comedy gold in my opinion number 10 messing around with fishing rods teach a man to fish

And he’ll eat his whole life they said well they never met your Noob friend did they seeing him figuring a fishing ride out is really fun until they begin hooking everything they see with the rod be careful if you see a noob with a fishing rod because they can end up

Hooking you by mistake and pushing you over the ledge ah this is ridiculous number 11 pushing you towards the C capti one thing you must know by now is noobs are way too clumsy one day you might find yourself fighting an Enderman with your Noob because he kept staring

And made them hostile and maybe you win that battle but you get hurt and in that moment your Noob decides to push you into some cacti because it’s funny if that happens you’re as good as dead dude number 12 bringing creepers your way noobs learn the hard way that you

Shouldn’t be near creepers anyway sometimes these Noobs that you think are your friends can bring your way to a bunch of creepers blowing you and your beautiful crops to Pieces what a shame number 13 distracting you on chat so noobs may have many ways to get you

Killed even without being in the same place one of those things they like to do is blow up your chat hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey and yes it’s okay we were all noobs once and you know you know I get it but

That can be very distracting and can get you killed like that just like that number 14 celebrating New Year’s a little too close I know this one might sound a little bit weird to you but it’s it’s legit in New Year’s Eve these noobs get all crazy and start messing around

With fireworks and then well when you least expect it yep they can kill you if they shot it with a crossbow this doesn’t just apply to New Year’s though to be honest just run away if you see a new playing with fireworks number 15 with explosive box strap the downside of

Teaching cool tricks and things to noobs is they can use them against you because they get so excited once they learn to do something anyway if you teach your Noob Forin how to build an explosive box trap don’t act shocked if he decides to use it against you like a ton of times

Like like every day and never never stops number 16 attacking you with a wolf pack I know what you’re thinking noobs are too silly to tame a pack of wolves I mean come on but it’s happened before if you find yourself near a noob who happens to have a pack of wolves

Just turn around and run away before they smell your beer or before your new friend hits you setting the whole pack on you by accident or not at least just try to run away number 17 throwing you poison instead of a healing potion say you’re out with the new you’re still

Teaching them a couple of things and you run into some mobs you fight them off but you’re weak and you need some healing potion ASAP well make sure you stated it clearly what you want because if you ask for potion and this Noob throws you some poison killing you at

Once I swear it’s like they don’t even try to understand sometimes they just don’t really understand what it’s probably just like going through one year coming out the other number 18 pushing you into lava if you’re fighting off Mobs with your Noob a pal make sure

You’re not standing next to Lava by any chance I mean please unfortunately it’s quite possible that Noob goes crazy trying to fight off this mob and ends up accidentally pushing you into the lava ah so clumsy number 19 playing with TNT TNT is the coolest thing in the world

For noobs and let’s face it it’s easy to get out of hands trying to get the hang of it so you might teach your Noob how to use TNT but it’s likely that he’ll end up using much more than what they needed blowing you up in the process

Along with everything around you number 20 setting sand traps everywhere just for fun some of these noobs will set sand booby traps all over the map if you then take into account most of them will just simply forget about it and you know set them up and oh jeez this is just a

Recipe for trouble when you’re walking to your house or to the mines wherever you really walking really always check the ground for where you’re standing and as a pro you should always keep an eye out for those things but well we all make mistakes just like I did time I

Fell on one of those traps number 21 trying to steal a polar bear cub don’t ask me why but some noobs will try to make pets out of everything they see in the game I even saw one trying to hug a creeper are you kidding me polar bear cubs are really cute and

You know I’ll admit it but they are not pets you got to remember this is still a bear so if your new friend goes to catch one to tame it you better run away if you stay trying to help this Noob you’ll also get attacked by the polar bears so

Nope these are not pets number 22 inviting you to mine with them yes sure mining is fun and going out in the caves with your friends is even better unless your friend is a noob maybe you don’t run into this problem while in the cave but there’s a chance that the noob will

Start digging straight up to find something more to mind he then finds a lava pit and ends up dead and you do too but let’s face it it’s kind of your fault you should be more alert when hanging around a noob number 23 setting you on fire instead of giving you fire

Resistance oh jeez let’s say you’re with the noob down and another wow he actually made made it that far and an unfortunate turn of events and you get caught between a fire and some lava and if you don’t receive some fire resistance Potions you’re over luckily

You had the good sense to brew some the bad news is you gave it to your Noob friend and instead of throwing you that fire resistance potion he throws you fire Yep this is uh this is a True Story by the way number 24 dragging you into a

Noob fight this is a very nasty way to get killed you might have heard of noob Wars they fight for land territory Noob right basically to see who is the coolest Noob of noobs and while the fights can seem a little bit dumb these noobs fight to the death and they don’t

Care if they take someone out with them respect these Noob Wars and stay out of Harm’s Way number 25 driving you nuts so this is a way that doesn’t happen so often and if you sense that it could happen to you be strong my friend sometimes there’s a clingy Noob that

Latches on to you following you around to check on your every move and copy you you can take it as a compliment but it’s actually quite annoying and while I don’t condone this kind of behavior some players have dealt with it by jumping off a cliff but like TR try to avoid

That it it makes no sense to do that number 26 leaving the door to your base open this one has happened to me before and it’s really annoying say you invited a noob over to your base to hang out or who knows whenever they leave make sure

They close the door behind them this is a very common mistake noobs make leaving doors wide open anyway next thing you know there’s a bunch of creepers inside your base and boom you know what happens next so just show your friend his way out if he drops by to a visit number 27

Killing you so we’ve covered some of the ways these noobs can get you killed in the game there’s only one left and that is well killing you not much to it they can kill you if they want and if they feel like it however if you consider

Yourself a pro it’s kind of your job to do the best and avoid getting killed by this noobe you got to admit that’s kind of embarrassing all right yo let’s just start this dude so basically guys we’re playing hide and seek it’s pretty simple I’ve never played this before we’ve

Never played this before so we have no idea how it’s going to work Seeker oh I’m the Seeker you so I’m in the waiting Lobby right now so I’m going to wait for you guys to hide 20 seconds you Nubs to come and find you in each all face we’re

Invisible so we’re hiding oh you’re invisible oh no oh no give us a chance give us a chance give us chance I ain’t giving you no chance boo think I’m going to give you a chance move dog don’t move man wait n oh George why are you hiding

There that’s what I ask you why you hiding there yo I think someone’s in here is there anyone in the door oh I was GNA I was going to hide there imagin it’s your Shuck’s imaginary girlfriend there ber Bera huh Bera is that right we’re invisible but with leather armor

On it is not what it looks like it is not is not what it looks like huh not what it looks like not what it looks like come here come here I’ll tell I know where who’s next to me I got got you got that was moose oh

All right guys I’m hiding I have a really good spot you guys are so far from me I killed you how how’ I kill you wait what I I can try to respond let me see let me see am might broke oh flip I’m visible hide from the Seeker invisible wait now

I’m a hi Dr water bottle my oh yeah we broke the map we broke the map broke the map be right back be right back this commerci all right yo bo I I okay so what do you do you put gold in here and then you get so yeah

You guys get pretty much cool powerups and I’m just going to chill in here as the Seeker as I wait Y where was that where was that hiding spot by the way guys behind the waterfall I’m going to check there first so don’t even try no we not going behind

The waterall it’s a pretty sketch area um yo how’d you get here there’s no good hiding in here I’m coming yo how’d you get here yo shift shift bro I don’t think you can see what is this wait shark can you see I was never able to

See Y no no no I can’t I can’t see anything you’re good a terrible spot by the way this is abely terrible no it’s not the question is where the question is who cares hey guys frog legs here okay here give me this hint are you in that are

You in that waterfall that I was at yeah I was there uh yeah dude I might be in there you know yo if you go up there I’m going to punch you up just so you know I see you shb no you don’t you’re um I don’t know man I’m just messing

With you I don’t actually see you okay uh I need to find an area I would give you a hint a hint a hint a hint a hint ow what the do you want a hint do you want a hint yeah I want a hint give

Me give punch you don’t get a hint You NB guys just give me a flipping hint okay I gave you a what has two eyes and plays Minecraft creeper unable exactly human human all right I got you ready this I’ll give you a hint shark you’re

Pretty close to me you actually are like I can see like you’re cute dude you like you like 10 blocks away from me yeah you’re probably like 15 here jump in the air three times let me see if that’s just you okay jump go straight Oh wrong

Way oh wrong way wrong way way no you’re going farther away you’re going farther away stop you’re confusing him nope nope NOP no no look at him he’s climbing up a waterfall he’s so cute look oh what’s this oh wait you can actually go behind there what the heck flip is this help

I’m in an endless loop help help I’m stuck back TP to Moose TP to Moose I don’t have op TP to oh you’re not getting op sh after that dog hey what’s up D how did I find you that I’m down let’s let’s go laugh at him at him I got

You dog here guys I legit need help hey guys oh night let me see let me see I’m literally stuck here I can’t see watch out why did you hit me into him why did you hit me into him I literally hate you moose come here yeah get wrecked Get

Wrecked come here get wrecked oh my gosh dude my gosh all right let’s take another round boys let’s take another round all right guys let’s get this to find you going to find you and I’m going to come eat you in 2 seconds all right here we

Go sret are released all right I’m going just chill right here oh oh snap no way no way I just found the most OP spot in Minecraft congratulations shark is that going to be your video title dude this is no you guys you guys don’t even know

I know what spot is do don’t I found it before I know what you’re talking about though okay okay fine here poke me on you got all these super op SP I want you to poke it to me I want you to poke it

To me Mo I’m waiting for I book I know you don’t know go to the graveyard go to the graveyard that’s yes ma’am oh that’s where he belongs all right frog you want to go please I’ll SP a bar I don’t know if I should press this

Button again why you tell me to go to the graveyard moose boy is he not there you are lying you lying is he actually not there no you liying wait where are you shark yo poke to me shark poke it to me no I’m not telling you no I don’t

Trust you moose oh my gosh this is the my gosh oh guys video titled 20 times okay oh my gosh moose where are you moose actually oh my God this is ridiculous how op this is you yeah I’m climbing up it okay no no the other one beside you there’s

There one beside you uh maybe okay I am near that waterfall I’m near that waterfall if you can find me I will y unshift shark unshift I’m not even shifting what the heck was that you said there’s another waterfall yeah oh no I didn’t even see this what yo that’s so

Op yo that’s so op what the heck you can go how did you find that I don’t know I walked into a wall and then before I knew it I Y good at walking into walls all right bro you’re pretty good to walking into walls yo so uh moose I

Don’t want to say where I’m at I’m really good hiding spot one minute until I take an l and I’m not taking an L dude I’m not taking an L I’m down hey Mo you guys accept gotcha you thought I was going to take

An L that episode but no boy no no no no no no nope ain’t nobody taking that L hey guys no it’s wor oh man it sounds it sounds just as beautiful as you all right all right BP this is not good I’m coming to eat your face oh my gosh what

The flip okay um hello warm or cold where am I P super super warm keep going even warmer I have a funny feeling y’all are sitting around here somewhere oh bro he’s so close that y’all are actually from taas taas oh that tree’s on fire okay let’s just start a forest fire

Yay only you can prevent wild F please by donating by subscribing to the squad hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up uh am I warm or cold to any of you guys so warm that you’re making Tac right now I think no I’m serious you could

Literally be like liquid nitrogen right now you’re so cold are you guys down here hello are you down here my friend oh snap he’s right next to me run run run run run run he almost got us yo he almost got us where are you you just

Passed by us dog we’re hiding under ground oh my gosh dude I can’t believe how did you know hello my friend I think I know where someone is I see you on the barn I flipping see you I don’t know what you’re talking about Shar I saw someone you see nothing

You don’t see nothing but I see you shark I see you I see you you’re standing on top of it you’re standing on top of a little p give me aint give me aint give me a hint you’re looking the wrong way got you I’m next to Grass wow

Yeah same I’m next to I’m next to a tree okay I’ll be even more I’m next to grass and grass blocks I knew it I flipping knew F5 you guys are not going to f dog stop kidding me stop what are you doing I’m going I

Can literally I can just I can just kill you hey Nathan I can literally just kill you guys don’t kill each other oh now you’re stuck up there you N I killed him he stuck there come on boys got no don’t press that it’s going to break the map don’t

TP please TP to me op uh do you play minecft I’m not losing this one bro I lost twice a going to lose three times well where are you yo I just found the most opy spot oh really 30 seconds baby seconds you ain’t go get me where are you running around boys

Here look outside where are you disconnected where the heck is moose no it’s not funny where are you at hi Nathan behind you what hi where were you where the heck were you dude is in a waterfall a you savage of course you would be in the spot where like you’re

Exactly all right for the last round I am the Seeker not what I want to be I kind of wanted to be a Hider but that’s okay I’ll take the L for you guys because I’m going to find you guys pretty quickly you know yeah I’m going to find you guys

Really quickly you can’t you can’t hide I me unable yeah unspeakable what just happened I don’t I don’t I don’t know what just happed confus my computer crashing huh secret released hey guys unspeakable toe here looking for the real moosecraft oh someone beting me you think you’re smooth but really you

Ain’t have to do This we didn’t have no babushkas we were all Russian family I’m not sure where that came from but anyways let’s keep making Minecraft hey Chuck how’s how you doing over there buddy that’s good man do you know where I am how you doing uh pretty good dude I’m just you know

Looking for my friends cuz they all ran away from me and they’re hiding yeah it’s cuz they hatte you tell like a sad story of sad story I don’t really know what to do in life anymore all my friends ran away from me and they don’t

Want to play with me no more now I’m trying to find them I play Minecraft who lives in a barn Under the Sea unspeakable King I’m the world’s best hide-and-seek player you don’t even know me bro are you are you you playing Minecraft I’m the 101 hro secret hello you’ll never

See me we don’t know your struggles dog I’m sorry man yep you don’t know my struggles you didn’t even know my struggles I don’t have struggles you’ve been through a tough life I always win I’m always a winner I always take the W I’ll never take an L 2 minutes left this

Is stressing me out what is so funny I hear you guys laughing like a little girl I’m looking at you that’s why oh you’re so cute looking at me one of you do I’m going to find you I’m going to eat your face no don’t eat my face no no

I will eat your face so so is anyone going to like talk or like do something like don’t worry don’t you worry my um y’all don’t even know where I’m at yeah obviously otherwise I would have found you already de oh oh true okay Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan I’ll give you a

Hint okay all right I am I am hiding near something that an animal eats I just gave it away good night I’m calling it good night I’m at the other side of the map Nathan so you’re a little bit far but I mean hey hi next to something

That an animal eats oh I see I see I see I know where you are I know where you are I see hey clearly not cuz you just ran away from me boy H you run next to him dog he’s a he’s an amphibian what think what do you mean I

Ran away from you bro I’m so confused yo BR don’t say anything please don’t say anything I want to see if I can win this do you know where I am uh I got you no I don’t know where any of you guys are this map is so hard CU it’s so weird

Did you know where I was though no no I have no idea oh here wait here I’m going to go back there hold up where I got you dog I got you man there’s literally so many places to hide I don’t even know where you guys are this is not even entertaining don’t

Worry dogy it’s like right in front of your eyes oh my God Nathan are you on the roof are you blowing up the roof no Nathan turn around why what dude you’re looking at him right now over here over oh my God what I’m going to

Build a castle for you I’m going to build a castle for you oh I see you I see you okay all right yeah okay I took it out on that one all right you guys all right let’s this map because you know what else we all know how fun it is to look

At noobs and straight up laugh at their mistakes especially when they mine diamonds with a wooden pickaxe are you kidding me but honestly sometimes we can’t help it to get annoyed and frustrated with every little thing they do and let’s be honest here not everyone

Can be a pro like me am I right okay I’m not a pro but I I am a pro so how about today ladies and gentlemen we take a look at 31 things only noobs do in Minecraft now all tools in Minecraft have a certain use shovels are good with

Sand and dirt pickaxes are good with stone and ores and axes are for chopping down trees you guys get the point I’m sure most of you guys already know that but new on the other hand will take any shovel any weapon and just try to kill

An entire mob Army what are you doing bro you oh you are one special Noob all right now we got a noob move you’re going to really regret if you pull this off oh hold I kind of like that it’s the noob move of the day here is the noob

Move of the day you got a bed and you go out exploring and I mean really exploring you go walk the world confident there nothing can stop you and then the night starts to fall you’re too far away from your home and what do you do you need to get somewhere safe and

Somewhere safe fast and it happens that you get the worst idea you could ever get you just put down a bed and sleep on it do you know what happens when you do that now this Noob is probably thinking my problems are solved everything’s all right it’s daytime now uh yeah we’re

Good but there’s one issue your spawn point has just been moved you can’t get back home I hope you know your way back home because what are you going to do now buddy number three that’s right buddy o pal you’re lost where’s your house what

Are you going to do what are you going to eat what are you going to do you don’t know you have no idea might as well be lost forever because you didn’t even think of a map and why because you’re a noob number four there comes an important time in every noob’s

Life where they face a tough decision and that is don’t lose your stuff or just completely Noob out and throw out items just because uh it’s not that hard you know you just want to be careful and make sure to not drop your items out of your inventory by mistake wow right into

Lava I I mean can it get any worse of course it can of course it can get worse okay cool there are three rules that all noobs should know about wolves the first rule is that they could become your best friend if you tame them the second rule is that they always

Travel in packs so there’s always more than one of them so be careful but the third Rule and the most important rule is to never hit a wolf even on accident just be very cautious around these guys because well you’re going to get eaten alive good luck buddy look what you did

The first few days on a brand new Minecraft world can be challenging if you’re a noob you don’t know what you need or what recipes to craft but worst of all because you’re such a noob you you don’t pay attention to the time of day and then stuff like finding yourself

Far from home in the middle of the night happens and you know that’s uh you hear that that’s your cue bro you better go home like right now I hate those things you know if you weren’t such a noob you wouldn’t be in this position which brings us to the

Next point this is number seven oh it looks like you haven’t learned your lesson and you’re yet running away from the mobs in the middle of the night maybe you should just place a bed down also here is one piece of advice for you and that is you should always look where

You’re walking yep that that’s that’s a really good piece of advice I just want to let you know that that’s honestly valid for anything in this universe I mean you should always look where you’re going yep yep falling like that is definitely a noob thing to do maybe you

Should just quit the game actually no don’t give up you’ll get better I promise number eight ah The Good Old Fall damage I mean wow death by gravity that’s just so embarrassing bro now we all know the name of the game and Minecraft has mine written all over it

So it’s kind of obvious that you need to go get ores and stuff but before you get the diamonds you have to find a cave or make your own cave but one thing a lot of noobs like to do is they’re too lazy

To go find a cave or make a cave so they just dig straight down wow and you’re doing it you’re do you’re you’re okay well you oh my and that’s why you don’t dig straight down ladies and gentlemen can I get a can I get a round of applause yep okay number 10

Once you avoid dying like a Noob on your way down you’ll find a lot of ores and resources that can help you a lot but dig down any further and if you miss all the lava you’ll hit rock bottom Bedrock one of the most important items in Minecraft not really it’s actually

Completely useless Bedrock is a block in Minecraft that can’t be mined it can’t be moved nothing can be done with it don’t believe me just see how this Noob uh uh acts when he finds Bedrock he probably thinks it’s the best rock in the world and he’s going to make a great

House out of It I told you buddy just watch yourself on the way back up and uh okay you know what why why am I still filming this now hitting lava on your way up is one thing but one important reason you shouldn’t dig straight up is because you don’t

Want this to happen to you yep Suffocation there’s gravel there’s sand there’s a bunch of blocks ahead of you and uh if you yeah yeah this just that’s all I’m going to say Suffocation is a really unpleasant way to go out finally ready to go mine without dying so much

You have your pickaxe the world is yours you think you’re unstoppable with your little wooden pickaxe oh but sorry for you you’re a noob and you don’t know any better because you’re probably going to try to mine diamonds with that wooden pickaxe come on bro you can’t even

Harvest iron ore with that thing get out of here oh this could be a lot easier if you had taken a second to watch all my videos If there is something I can say to make your life better it is not to be this guy ladies head gentlemen oh my

Gosh we have one of the saddest Noob things you could ever do you got some diamonds you got some gold you take it to your house or dirt Palace anyway now you’re thinking what’s better diamond or gold diamond or gold diamond or gold diamond diamond I mean you’ve been told all your

Life gold is where it’s set but guys this is Minecraft gold is almost worthless other than golden apples everyone knows diamonds are way better number 14 it’s night time all right all right so the sun has set it’s night time and you’ve learned your lesson haven’t

You you little Noob but why are you just standing there oh you don’t have a bed okay okay all right so what you just going to wait till the sun rises you know you could craft one and sleep on it right um I mean you would have to go

Find some sheep but I’m pretty sure there is three sheep or two sheep within 30 blocks of you ah it will turn into day eventually it just just give it some time you’re you’re going to have to wait a long long long long long time until morning you little Noob next up ladies

And gentlemen we got a classic picture it picture it here you’re a silly old Noob minding your silly old little Noob business with your silly old Noob stuff when you see a green thingy in the distance and you say it’s the Cookie Monster but it’s green ah I want a

Cookie I want a cookie I’m going to give it a hug I’m going to give it a hug I’m going to give it a hug and ladies and gentlemen the rest is history oh what a blast you’ll have eating those cookies here’s another one about those Ms we know zombies and

Spiders are a piece of cake unless you’re not careful and skeletons can be a little bit tricky but Enderman are easily avoidable unless that is you are a noob everybody who isn’t a noob knows that making I contct with one of those tall Slenderman likee figures is asking

For a fight well that’s just taking noobness to the next level literally the first thing I said is the first thing he does this guy is something else ladies and gentlemen ah classic Noob move you think caves have light or something sorry bro you’re just asking to get taken down by

Mobs I’m sorry but the sun does not exist underground that’s not how life Works number 18 ladies and gentlemen noobs are a thing of Wonder you know how come you got a flint but haven’t got any torches on you come on dude what is wrong with you if you keep doing that

You’re going to yeah okay and you’re on fire um you know torches are the easier solution my guy number 19 this one is personally my favorite okay okay I’m kind of nervous he’s back in the mine uh has he got the Torches oh come on dude check that

Inventory of yours are you kidding me red Stone torches bro this man found red stone but he didn’t find coal how can you have those but not have regular ones they’re not supposed to be used for okay you know What that’s what you get you Noob that’s that’s what you get Minecraft isn’t only about building and fighting mobs resource Gathering is also very important and you know what is considered the most important important one ever yeah that’s right food now normally if you’re playing easy or medium difficulty food doesn’t matter

Too much cuz you don’t really run out of it but you are going to need food eventually you’re going to run out of Sprints you’re going to start getting low on health you’re not going to be able to regenerate health and while you’re going around punching trees and

Running around for no reason at like the big Noob you are you’re slowly going hungry and you didn’t even know it buddy buddy buddy listen your health won’t regenerate unless you have food it’s kind of like real life you don’t eat you don’t have energy you’ll probably die a

Lot quicker than usual yeah you better start looking for food buddy like now number 21 all right all right all right so we found a problem your hunger is low and you’re almost out of Hearts but don’t freak out buddy you got this you already know you need food and you

Know that probably killing a cow or a chicken is going to get you that food but you shouldn’t eat everything you find you need to find a good sour of food oh no what are you doing don’t don’t do that are you crazy you can get poison buddy that thing that thing

Literally says rotten flesh in its name come on there is a better way okay good good good it looks like you’re starting to get it after some raw chicken you need to cook it only a noob would try to eat it oh dude are you kidding me you’re

So lucky it doesn’t kill you but that zombie can you guys know what’s important in life breathing that’s uh kind of a big deal you know if you don’t breathe you don’t live easy as that you need food you need breathing you need yeah but you can try

Saying that to a noob and he’ll probably try to find more air in Minecraft take this Noob as an example no Turtle helmet no water breathing potion he is just going at it and now he’s too deep to get out what a noob so you know how to get

Or you know how to smelt them you even know how to make a diamond sword and you think to yourself yeah there’s no way I’m a Noob now well I’m sorry to burst your bubble buddy but if you don’t make yourself any armor you are a noob and

Soon to be one that dies over and over and over again one of the worst things you can do is build your house out of dirt blocks yeah that’s right dirt blocks bro oh come on buddy get out of there stop embarrassing yourself now that you’re not much of a

Noob and you’ve learned that diamonds is the best but let’s face it diamonds is the best when used for the important stuff like pickaxes swords and armor pieces you don’t really need a diamond axe but it is a fancy thing to have but never never ever craft a diamond hoe

That is just a waste no wait what wait what what did you just do okay this is too much I can’t even I can’t I can’t oh my gosh no no no stop that that’s bad bad bad bad bad bad no hold my biscuits I cannot believe what I just saw okay

Now you can start planting your crop that’s a good idea you know really effective so you don’t starve you make the right type of food now you need to give it some time and in no time at all you’ll be making some bread and wait wait no don’t do it don’t don’t don’t

Step on it don’t step on it oh my gosh come on bro that that’s your own crop you’re literally destroying your own food what is wrong with you you’re you’re still stepping on it do you not see what you’re doing do you look down you’re you’re just the worst you you’re

Oh my gosh number 27 what what is this is is this a no Tower you know this is pretty uncommon I mean sometimes you don’t have paper for a map which is okay I understand so you want to get up there and see what’s around you know but you

Want to know what’s really newbie about these kind of towers noobs not even knowing what the Crouch button is when they’re up there they just fall off really easily it’s it’s really dangerous you know what the that one was close imagine your surprise when after a ton of walking on the desert with

Nothing but sand spiders and Sandstone for the eye to see you notice something in the distance oh yeah that’s a temple but it has some cool stuff in it too so you decide to go inside and check it out and then you go in there break the blue

Square next thing you know you fall down and you’re standing on the best block ever and the next thing you Know Kaboom number 29 this one’s a good one ah good morning the day looks great it’s perfect to get out and get some stuff done on this beautiful WR there is a thunderstorm out there wait wait wait what what are you doing you can’t go out like that you’re

Going to get hit by lightning you wow wow you know there’s a difference between Brave and dumb you know and get this thunder isn’t the only thing you should worry about thunderstorms make things go dark and turn things into Bo yep just like that run Noob

Run I shouldn’t have say this but here it goes lava is super dangerous it’s dangerous in pools it’s dangerous when coming off walls it’s dangerous when you get it in a bucket and it burns down your house and don’t even get me started with lava Moes it’s more of a hassle

Than it is needed so stop that don’t mess around with lava you Noob unless you’re dropping it on your friend’s head honestly that’s kind of funny so you accomplish quite a bit you made it to the Nether and you’re somehow over overcoming your crippling nuess and made

It in there and you actually didn’t get killed by the mobs or all the lava that is a danger in there well good for you and now you want to build a house so um what’s that you’re using Netherrack instead of dirt huh boy oh boy I bet you

Really upgraded huh come on you Noob snap out of it why would you even want to build a house down here wait wait is that a bed uh oh you you really Shouldn’t

This video, titled ‘Craziest Noob Moments In Minecraft’, was uploaded by UnspeakablePlays on 2023-11-29 22:00:00. It has garnered 62272 views and 2228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:31 or 2551 seconds.

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Craziest Noob Moments In Minecraft

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  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

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  • OniMc

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  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

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  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos ■Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 ■instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More