EPIC QUEST: Daedric Diamond in Angmar – Minecraft LOTR

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All right order of business and I love it I just love how that happened oh well brought that closer otherwise hello everyone dri Diamond here and welcome to Minecraft Lord of the rain now I haven’t done anything Minecraft related in a while and normally when I

Do Minecraft I do a lot of the Bas game I figured you know what since I was aware of a Lord of the Rings Minecraft mod figured I’d have a peek at it and see how it goes I’m kind of going in a bit blind I

Did take a peek at it but I didn’t really get too far into it so I wanted this to be a fresh experience otherwise without further Ado we I say we I mean myself are going to get started and we are going to call this little stream

Survival and we are obviously going to play on Middle Earth because it’s the name of the stream done we’re going to create the new world oh and I arrived question is where am I at actually where am I at hang on I presume I want to go Way meat so I believe way meat is sou West dang playing Minecraft never thought I would see the day I’ve played Minecraft before just not modded Minecraft and I sincerely apologize my voice might sound a bit off Hobbits that is also because I am sitting upon a

New chair so I don’t know how far off from the mic I actually am all right we’re going to run for it and I just realized I don’t have my tail for this character model well rip I’m going to be a tail Lucario but yeah this is going to be a

Mostly lore friendly run anything too wild I think the mod pack that I grabbed was just mostly whatever was to do with Lord of the Rings maybe a few gameplay things for Minecraft and that’s about it the only thing that’s probably hang on I hear wait oh

Hello uh Gandalf who’s just called the gray Wanderer how do I talk to you do I H whoa what what did you just make them appear that was weird okay are you looking to share an adventure dri Diamond there are great Many Adventures to be had here but the world is wide and full of all manner of dangers so allow me to give you some

Advice first all right I will hear you out gray wonderer who would be Gand off the gray excellent have a few odds and ends for you here this book you shall find particularly useful open it and look inside and I presume okay um I want to be done H how do I okay

Get back here not gandal but you look like him I did not mean to do that the red book is a journal of your adventures all kinds of folk all around Middle Earth I didn’t even get a chance to read that now to learn to read a map you okay

Effectively I think giving me the map controls oh hold on I probably need to bring up the map all right little Earth is full Affair depending on yourself and cut those people friend or fear which has to do with the faction system up above and if memory is serving me

Best now your alignment meter shows you’re standing with the people of Middle Earth you ought to have to familiarize yourself with it dri all right oh and it’s telling me my object okay so the hobbits and then I go to the immediate left and then it’s moror

Freelance do to Dane of the north okay potential Blue Mountain I El’s gundabad interesting Angar you know not really many games that mention Angar the only other time I think I’ve ever heard Angar mentioned was the Battle for Middle Earth 2 whereas you could do the witch King

Campaign I’m presuming the time period takes place during the third age but then again I don’t know it just might be the world of Middle Earth in general so I no idea all right oh lag uh yeah sorry if I am not checking comments as much I am kind of

Playing this game full screen I know very rare that I ever play a game full screen all right so speak with not gandal what’s next ah yes the faction guide can tell you more about all those groups hearts are in the way who are friendly okay so they’re probably

Wanting me to open that up near Cod Angar oh all righty then that’s kind of cool so we’ll have a rundown of the factions after I do this quest ah speak with you again speak with you again what is in the small pouch okay Quest complete H okay Quest complete does that Gandalf is going to do things or excuse me not Gandalf the gry wander hey uh welcome Blue Shield uh welcome welcome to just the beginning of uh modded Minecraft with Lord of the Rings currently I just got started so I

Have no idea what I want to do I didn’t even decide which factions I should join I am kind of thinking if I had to help any faction I’m between dude of the north and Angar and if I believe D to Dana the north should be like a good faction and

Angar should be an evil faction but yeah let’s actually look that up real quick I want to see what factions there are we’ll start from here the hobbits Freeland D to Dane of the north the Blue Mountain interesting the High Elves oh okay I think I might know who those

Are gundabad I’m definitely familiar with gundabad I can see that yeah yeah Angar definitely in familiar with Angar I’ve actually played them in the expansion pack of the Battle for Middle Earth too they’re I think of the evil factions the strongest at least my opinion the woodr realm which makes sense

Merkwood don’t go these guys I always see them just packed together with Mordor surprisingly along with Herod and run they always just combin it into Mordor Dale okay Duran folk the long beard dwares of uh that’s a name I’m definitely familiar with I just can’t pronounce

It dunland the men that serve uh the eisar and Eisen guard itself Roa wait oh the trees okay so they’re a faction then finally Rohan gosh and yep Rohan gundor Mordor as much as I like to play Mordor in the Battle for Middle Earth 2 right next to Ango

I’m probably going to if I had the go evil probably go with Angar but if they didn’t have Angar moror would have been my pick for at least evil hey there’s a game that I recommend you play It’s called Buckshot Rolette heard of it but I never seen

It otherwise I guess for the moment I’ll go ahead and just do basic crafting cuz just getting started with Minecraft you want to get things set up all right map let’s get out of that I need map all right I believe what is that what is that hang

On let’s get out of that heard that noise okay going back to the map thinking I don’t know if it’d be best that’s Breeland I really wish I put a pole up but I didn’t think about it think I’m going to wander this way maybe and then probably as I just stroll

And explore Middle Earth I’ll probably think who do I want to join or better yet I’ll let you guys throw out a vote well throw out a vote I’ll let you guys throw out some names that you think would be worth actually considering joining I mean again if I had to choose

Evil I’m probably leaning towards uh Angar and if I had to choose good gosh what’s their name dunadan hold on Yeah by like regions or something I think it is okay so let’s find saying more D to Dane of the North wait what did I pick up what is this huh what conquer is that am I reading that right I will say this text is kind of hard to read but I probably should have put down the crafting table but I didn’t think about it letting end I’m probably going to be

On the road too or at least attempt to find the road wait I’m heading west I want to probably head east right I only any further west I’m not going to go towards my destination I’m going to end up over here okay I got to turn around now I

Apparently got lost for a moment I got to remember I have a compass and I should probably be using that that moment when you just I don’t know you go the wrong direction because you just aren’t sure which direction to go let’s go ahead put that there for now and let’s

Craft actually no wait hang on yeah that’s how I make sticks right we have to forgive me as it has been a while since I have played Minecraft or hang on no it’s not how I do it yeah I was wondering how I make an

Axe cuz I think in order to make pickaxe it’s um hang on yeah that’s pickaxe okay it’s coming back to me Slowly recollect that start Gathering some wood and I’m just going to begin my journey going east and then deciding what’s the best plan of action I’m definitely leaning towards the evil factions but if you guys would disagree you can go ahead and suggest maybe work for the forces of

Good I’m feeling a bit of an evil run all right hold on all right let’s actually go towards the road see if I can find the actual Road still going to head east but I’m going to go Southeast hello Hobbits if this ends up being a bit of a ow ow what

The ow what the what even attacked me gosh it’s so weird there’s like an invisible enemy that’s like striking me or something or I don’t know I except on grass and it hurt all right well I’ll just have to keep my eye out either there’s some invisible enemy or some invisible

Force or some animal that’s just threatening wait hang on no I don’t want to go west I want to go East actually go Southeast cuz again I want want to find the road preferably I’d like to find the road hello what’s this oh it’s someone’s house

Okay don’t mind me I don’t have any intentions of evil just yet I’m just exploring wait I found water there’s a body of water here and I’ve already found it hang on is this map even accurate what what am I even what I’m lost either I’m not reading the map correctly or I’m going the wrong way or I don’t know at least I got to say food’s not going to be an issue for a while is that what attacked me some weird half visible circle thing okay so it looks like I found another Village

Have I I don’t know just all right this doesn’t look like a settlement at all maybe maybe it is all right God dang it Chris where the hell am I all right I’m I guess on the road so I guess the road is civilization okay

And we’ll go this way and we will begin our long run begin our adventure East now I don’t know how accurate it is to the actual map of uh Lord of the Rings but I can definitely say the map is definitely bigger than what I’m accustomed to like when I actually take

A look at it normally when I see maps of Middle Earth what I’m used to seeing is I’m used to seeing effectively this minus this island over here and maybe this little bit normally it’s this whole section right here even minus the Sea of romee even that gets out of it

Then they might have her Rod Here all righty but yeah we’re going to get back to going east a great journey East will I find the one ring in the East probably not I don’t even know if the One Ring makes an appearance suppose it’d be bad if it dead I mean it’d be cool don’t get me

Wrong but I don’t know if this game has events like that to where froto makes his journey all you have to do properly is use the one ring just don’t be dumb I don’t have the one ring asrael I just started imagine getting the one ring right off the

Bat I mean that would be interesting again man I’ve got quite a journey to go if I’m going to go east I just don’t know if this mod will have the typical enemies that you would encounter in Minecraft suppose there’s things I could do to go

Faster but then I don’t know if I could make uh Saddles presuming I can’t hang on let’s let’s find out okay I can’t I can’t ah I don’t want to look I want to be done looking all right like the reason why Frodo couldn’t easily destroy it is because he didn’t have enough

Gigabrain I think the reason froto couldn’t destroy it by himself was is because he was becoming corrupted by it he took one good look at it and thought you know do I really want want to throw this thing away this ring that has so much power

And so much power that I can use I mean literally getting corrupted by it it just happened to have been good fortune for him that smeagle arrived to come in and bite his finger off only to fall in the lava and die with the ring all right where am

I I am near water this map even accurate it makes me wonder CU here I thought I was just going plain old East but as it turns out I’m not going directly east so I’m guessing my icon doesn’t move or the map’s not 100% perfect which is understandable if it isn’t I mean

Limitations and everything yeah not enough gigabrain ring literally was like bro you’re not smart enough to be not corrupted so that teaches me to try and read while I navigate the world but yes hi ho hi ho to the journey what am I doing hang on oh hold up I

Have an axe there’s water right here why am I like walking when I can take the bow okay hang on I need wood this will come in handy there we go okay so let’s go ahead put this down and then I need to remember oh how do I make a boat or

Actually Boat Boat is just okay I I see so vanilla crafting so let’s get out of that make some regular old planks and there we go we have a boat and for good measure CU I can get plenty of wood here two boats so I can’t move apparently oh there we

Go it’s out the say all right I already read that already really oh I didn’t mean to do that I did not mean to do that I was trying to read while move and this is why I don’t play games on full screen the one time I’m actually doing

This honestly I’d be down for buckshot prette what is that game even I don’t not familiar all right you know what I’m not going to worry about it wrong button gosh H controls controls controls I left my workbench behind when the mere Act of not paying attention

Just gets you to do things all right shovel what was shovel wa what is shovel even ah shovel is pretty straightforward okay so let’s get out of that try not to be too distracted actually yeah I may be but it’s also a game on ah it’s rette but with a shotgun

Okay all right here we go I just want to get further to the east but there’s a mountain in the way in the middle of the supposed Road and mind you the only thing I want to do is just go somewhere around here and then decide do I want to join the

Forces of good or do I want to just head north and go help Angar all right here we go see I feel like you love it or rage at it probably a lot of other things I’ll what what are you what are you hang up what are you oh you’re a

Hobbit all right well we’re going to scale this mountain that got in the way so I don’t think just going through it will be the best idea so instead we’re going to build up don’t mind me I’m just trying to navigate scale the mountain that just spawned out of

Nowhere jeez am I in the shy territory or did I find like non volcanic Mordor all right there we go we have ascended the road block and our Contin our journey eastwards continues H English English fails me called this digging down for the one ring I should have probably called this

The great journey East but then I digress yeah it’s fine English doesn’t exist in Middle Earth that’s probably true ow what the who keeps attacking me the do you guys just get attacked by invisible force or something it’s just like oh yeah that happens here in the sh don’t worry about it it’s

Cool yeah there’s always something that’s invisible attacking us have you heard of bushes bushes heard excuse me you mean to tell me I can get attacked by bushes in Minecraft certain bushes just damages you when you walk into is that what’s been going on That’s So Random why is that a

Thing what do I need like shoes to walk through those all right I think I need to go a little to the north a bit north eastsh but yeah you mean what the hell was that what just he Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp am I playing lore of the Rings or

Am I playing a horrorcraft that’s just looks so I don’t know nothing saves you from the D damage it’s programmed to use the ah okay the damage is super super low yeah at least that’s good I’ve been noticing I’ve been taking damage but I haven’t really like lost Hearts over it hang

On hold on okay no that doesn’t damage me okay so it has to be like an actual Bush gotcha is that a cave over there or is that a mine or is that just an oddl looking thing over there is this the road I’ve been looking

For oh my gosh if this is the road I finally found it okay this might be the road I think the map is precise never mind I’m just I’m dumb when it comes to reading it okay cuz I was thinking okay maybe the map’s slightly off center no it’s precise I

Was just not on the single Pixel spot sorry that was me eating chips in the VC I don’t even have anyone in the VC it’s just me don’t give me that glitch of I exist in the in the spe spiritual sense eventually the only bushes that do

Damage are the berry bushes but since this is bed there may be more bushes that do damage uh all righty don’t mind me while I am reading while walking so if there’s something right in front of my face and I don’t pay attention to it I sincerely apologize I’m reading on the phone

Okay I’m hydrated back to the journey back to this wonderful Journey all right hang on that ow okay so yes this does hurt out of my way little jerk okay so the road seems to go this way oh my need that I’m just taking this mixture of a road of dirt

And hang on dirt patch dirt and gravel like they couldn’t decide on what they wanted to use so they just mixed up everything so everyone can’t use their phone because it intentionally slow charges if you don’t use an apple brand UBS cord charging cord I mean I had this thing charged before I

Began so unless I’ve somehow been at this for the longest while which I mean is possible if what I’m thinking is true then this whole stream my gosh is just going to potentially be me going east kind of makes me wish there was a fast travel mechanic

Now and yep I have to visit the region okay that’s Grand doas I’m going to be on the move for a while maybe look at at three comments into the past imagine Lord of the Rings but they had the iPhone 15 I Mean I’m sure that would make traveling a lot easier potentially question mark hang on what is this I’m looking at over here don’t mind me um I didn’t do it that never happened I’m out of here I got okay okay I to say if I got a single Apple out of that

That’s there we go hang on oh hello I have even more health food thing jigs okay that’s kind of cool hi friends on the road how goes I’ve never seen such an area packed with Hobbits quite literally everywhere Hobbits I go they’re all looking at me I mean

Don’t mind me I’m from some other location you know it’s cool details don’t don’t mind me I’m just a guest in your world I mean we’re being mostly lore friendly here minus my player model maybe but you know it’s cool are you a slug cat I am not a slug

Cat I mean it’s hard to tell because the mod actually cut out the tail so here if you get a close look let me hide the thing get the arm view but yeah this mod actually cut off the tail I mean I’m sad all right anyway back on the

Road but if I had to play as a slug cat it definitely would be the end all right how goes my great journey I think I’m getting somewhere but let’s just try normal running and then there’s a pig and horses I run into a lot of pigs and horses

I guess the Shire just lets their livestock roam how was your day a bit rough and admittedly it was a bit grumpy but now um I’m me you know what I think I’m going to cut down a quick tree just to gather some extra wood don’t mind me we’re going to do that

Real quick just to have the extra Supply in my greater plans of traveling East okay got literally jump scared by a rabbit for a moment think I’m going to want Cobblestone at the very least and Cobblestone I feel is something I can gather pretty darn quickly so you know

What let’s do that instead maybe that would be better don’t mind me I’m just going to go into the dirt real quick see if I can find some Stone wait wait wait hold on hold on generate in your world ah 23 prior Reckoning 1401 wait

What am I on a time constraint does this mean I have a limited time to do things before froto freaking throws the One Ring oh no me I got stuff to do all right don’t mind me I’m going to take a moment oh I just want some Stone

Okay I have a reason to gather the stone don’t mind me I’m just Stone all I want Limestone I don’t know if we could use Limestone okay good I did remember to bring it with me that’s I have to say imagine look I’m sorry little hobbit but I need a little

Bit of room here I appreciate you staring at me while I craft okay anyway so let me think uh let’s upgrade because this is going to break on me so aha okay Stone version of that aha okay so I can make a sword I’m now armed I have sword oh grab all

That put you there small pouch serum slots in Ed oh I think that’s like in case I need actually let’s test that real quick no okay never mind or hold up no okay inventory settings oh okay so having that going to be useful I’m sorry you had a rough day it

Happens people have rough days it’s not like it’s the first time I’ve had a rough day but you know what I’m not going to worry about it we’re going to enjoy a mostly I’m sorry what just happened I just went here and then suddenly this flash of

Light anyways what was I saying before the flash of light moment I’m going to have a mostly Lord friendly Lord of the Rings experience here I mean aside from the player model but you know what that’s my one little joke about it everything else we’re going to try and

Enjoy yeah I’m just doing the great journey East I don’t know if there’s any particular order I’m supposed to do things so I guess it’s on me if I mess up on anything you have a good one glitch enjoy the nap all right hang on hold on wait

Oh okay you know that’s fine with me I was hungry I mean it should be allowed to have something to eat I just wanted an apple oh don’t mind me I just wanted to grab some apples I don’t mean to impose much but I was hungry there’s food along the way

Did those just regrow well you know what three apples it’s not a bad Harvest that was good now back on the road we go than our ever continuous Journey East Just Me Myself and the strange noises and ooh they look cool want to take a little detour Shire pony that’s cool

Looking all right anyway back on the journey we go okay guess that was just the rabbits now the real question are you Roxy phobic or Roxy philic oh boy boy uh if we’re talking the one from security breach I’d say filic on that all right how far am

I man either this map is really big or I move really really slow man I feel like it is going to take all stream just to get to here to the last Bridge you kidding me are you actually kidding me okay fine we’re going to need to prep

Up the hobbits don’t seem to mind that I I guess they do mind that I take apples maybe I just got to do it without them looking question mark no never mind I I guess I’m just reading that wrong I just wanted some apples oh gosh it’s just a

Horse SC this intense noise just thud thud thud thud thud an apple tree with no apples but yet displays apples man have I been trolled have you heard of sprinting and jumping there is actually a stamina bar which is why I’ve not been sprinting and I know as much as the

Jumping used to be Auto automatic in this one I have to manually jump like I have to tapack that space bar key but yeah there’s a stamina system apparently at least for running I don’t know if it counts for swinging items too oh and I don’t even have to hold

Down the attack to do the auto thing anymore now I have to actually like click okay mind you this did come in a mod pack so there’s probably a few other things aside from just Lord of the Rings that’s been put in there Auto jump is only for walking up

Blocks I mean I’ve had a few moments it would still be nice so that way I wouldn’t have to do it I don’t know if just tapping jump makes it any faster it’s kind of ridiculous to do all right man the Shire must be a really big

Territory or again I just move really slow or the map is really really big I mean I guess what I could do is maybe just go up north a bit and just take the river cuz I think the boat’s faster than walking isn’t it boat’s faster than walking actually what version of

Minecraft craft is this um that is a good question I do not remember hang on will it tell me in the one thing real quick CU I’ll actually look that up because I actually had to use prism for this Java version is at least 1.8 there’s That hey game window no Version um 1.7.10 at least according to the thing I was looking at so I hope that answers your question unless I was looking at the wrong thing all right but this does give me an idea I’m going to go towards the water I think the boat would be faster

Flowery grass I’m pretty sure there’s going to be bushes along the Way ow not again ow I can never detect when I’m walking past the bush you to literally start staring at the ground and just start smacking everything wheat grass I guess I should probably go ahead and grab some of that at the very least I’ll have some extra wheat seed grass

All right be running into a body of water here soon oh yeah it’s looking like it is there it is all right forget all the walking and the running we will ride as soon as I make an extra boat in case something bad happens to the first boat matter of fact

Let’s craft two more just for good measure I didn’t mean to do that okay cuz there’s no rows on this and this feels like sprinting speed okay so this was before they added Auto jump to the game this was was also before they added attack cool down ah all

Righty it would explain a lot so they probably made this I can’t remember okay okay there’s a bridge we don’t want to run into the bridge or I’m going to be swimming for a good while but yeah this is going to be pretty much the journey on over quite a

Long one if the map is as big as I think it is but at the very least I’m hoping I can get Somewhere the great journey to the east or at least the east of Honor begins or rather it did begin question is should I I’m beginning to wonder if I should probably stop right here and run the rest or I should just take the River North at least knocks out a good chunk

Of the north section actually you know what slight change of plans I’m going to just boat ride we’re sailing on over to the objective maybe on occasion stopping and I think once I get towards the place I want to be near I think what’s going to probably happen next is I’m going to

Probably want to build near the location again I’m feeling for joining the faction I’m going to roll with Angar but then again I will also let you guys throw out other ideas I mean again I have also thought about joining dunadan or excuse me hang on dadane of the

North but I guess it’s really just the question of am I going evil or am I going good cuz there are some things I do actually have yet to figure out about this mod you know what let’s stop for some apples for some fruit let’s not run into

The did the boat just come back like no no bo bo bo bo ah okay Bo I apparently can’t hit this boat it has developed a mind of its own I don’t know if the axe will get me apples or if it’s just a chance-based thing let’s find out okay

So I think we’re going to pick some food up along the way grab some pears apples just to have some food on us so that way we don’t starve and pears are seeming like a good luck thing don’t mind me I’m just grabbing all that I don’t know if this has food

Spoilage I’m assuming not okay there we go I’m going to want that try to be very sparing with my rations all right I got something I don’t know what it is I think just more more the saplings which is going to be useful for when I settle Down all right here we go there we go don’t mind me I’m just stealing some apples here you know got to eat grab all that that will be useful for down the road it’s chance based ah all right so it’s chance based if I get apples that

Makes sense that that makes a lot of sense it is a chance if I happen to get some apples I saw that go in the water and I’m presuming it goes in the water it just despawns that’s frustrating well at least I have some food I okay I am sorry about that my internet decided to die on me internet either wants to collaborate or it doesn’t want to do anything so let’s get back to it and hope the internet doesn’t explode on me I know internet sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t horses in the

Water and let’s have a look at the map all right so sooner or later I’m wanting to be making a turn here the idea is going to be to take the the north so we’ll want to go left and I’m guessing this is a part I

Got to say this map is really massive and I like that and mind you I think this is the this is the priest setup of the middle of the Middle Earth Map all right we’re going north now begin the long journey to Angar unless of course again someone suggests joining a different faction

All right let’s not go too fast okay diverging path probably get off here go to BOS it’s night so I don’t think the typical Minecraft Enemy spawn so we’re not going to see spider skeletons Ender or creepers I think they’re going to stick to the lore and I don’t think I pissed anyone

Off just yet and I’m not seeing any kind of threatening spawns either so oh yeah and reavers too the the the things that come out if you don’t sleep forgot about those guys a how did I fall in the water this was about to read chat

Too what happened my boat just my boat have limited use all right well that might be a tad bit problematic IC if that’s going to be the case like the boat has a wear and tear thing and I’m going to take a moment C some extra

Boats that’s just been weird on how I’ll be doing things and then suddenly my boat just dies bet you like a lot of massive things unless you also want to tell me that the boat breaking is also a chance-based thing Hello friends don’t mind me I’m just

Going to walk right on past you actually can I climb these Vines I cannot climb these Vines cuz I know there are some versions of Minecraft that let you climb vines I guess not in this one all right anyways let’s go ahead put down another boat

And maybe we don’t Veer too far off in case there’s like a water bound enemy that’s I don’t know they’re doing things or some mysterious Force destroyed my boat that’s not in the base game oh the boat breaking is added by m I have had a feeling

Yeah I mean I could understand like the boat ramming into like a wall or something and that would break but just randomly breaking in the middle of the journey if that’s the case that’s going to make doing what I’m doing now a lot more difficult I have no idea what’s going on

Behind me I don’t like the sound of that we’re just going to keep boating away I feel like there’s a fish behind me has just entered oh the kindly West okay oh I got an achievement for Middle Earth okay I guess this mod has its own achievements

But as far as I’m concerned it’s still saying I’m in the Shire which makes me think the Shire is a massive territory so I guess the hobbits have a lot to claim well I’mma head out now see you you have a good one azreel guess it’s just me myself and the

Journey to the North or excuse me to Angar again to see if I can just outright join the forces of evil by doing Quests for them or if I’m going to get attacked on site and then I need to do like a special thing first before they’ll even want to

Interact but I got to say a lot of this is just a chance-based thing so far like the boat breaking I will take a moment though so I will BRB as I’m going to use or take a quick restroom break so be right back all right I return I’m back let’s go

Ahead and continue the boat ride back to it to the Long Boat journey I would have turned on the ingame music but I don’t know if it’ll use stuff from lur the Rings or if it just uses Minecraft stuff I do not want to risk the copyright so that is why music is

Offw as far as Lord of the Rings games I know I wanted to try out the gollum game but gosh it was disappointing in the reviews and that’s just the big sad all right continue the boat ride no and I should probably be Hitting orost but that’s not going to be for a while I’m just hoping getting to my location isn’t going to be the probably going to be is if it’s already taking me this long to just get to one different location I’m already wondering how the rest of the journey is going to

Go call this digging down for the One Ring probably should have called this the great journey East hello where are those what are those ah who are you gundabad follow your orders scum I smell man flesh I am not man flesh I’m different kind of Flesh all right

So I had another boat break on me so I’m presuming these guys are far out so going to bad you guys are a very long distance a very very long distance see what do you say move along okay you know fair enough I don’t know the random NPCs will

Have like quests or it’s going to be specific ones I need to talk toh oh gundabad is its own faction I didn’t even realize that that’s another one of those I’m used to them just being thrown in with another faction okay where am I actually it’s the ruined capital of Honor norn as

The king’s nor of the common tongue oh okay uh I’m going to out of the yet to come back alive okay that’s kind of cool I can fast travel that spares me the trip hello who are you guys are you gundabad or you actually look like gundabad okay they’re gun to

Bad what are you after maggot you stink excuse me I just happen to be passing along don’t mind me all right so I wonder Cardon is going to be a journey you can fast travel to the selected Waypoint in oh okay I see hang on will that work for other things as

Well unlock this Waypoint by visiting its region okay so I think I see how this works cuz sh let’s back out of the map hang on hold so there’s like region stuff okay hang on you areas of so I think as long as I’m in the areas of influence okay okay

I understand I get it now that’s interesting say the least okay so I know what I must do I think as long as I encounter that particular faction’s peeps I can just okay that is actually kind of cool cool in a Minecraft sense what did I just pick up scared the

Crap out of me raw rabbit so you guys kill the rabbit and didn’t collect the meat okay I mean don’t mind me I’m just eat a little bit of berries here okay start jumping hello who are you you’re probably another orc of gabat are you well the gabat orc okay well

Okay let’s continue the journey Northeast I think fast traveling has just made this a lot easier now but I know where I must go and I know what I must do hello am I in the territory that is now the question am I in the area of influence

No I am not I’m not even at North Downs can I travel to North down okay I can fast travel in 25 minutes which means I’m probably going to be making this journey on foot hello so I must being gunned to bad territory that or they’re just out here ah bushes

What’s the bushes that scare me why is that a thing all right hang on if these factions have areas of influences then what is gundabad influence I see so gundabad got more influence than Angar itself that’s kind of annoying it’s mordors influence theyy go pretty dang far okay so G door okay

So d d of the north okay D to D of the north are all over the place so I guess it’s just by chance if I run into them yeah the hobbits really don’t have much in their name what about Rohan okay Rohan keeps to itself it’s

Not like Gondor that seems to be here and in Umbra too Legions of the black land scanner redond of Fallen onor yeah all righty all right the ruined Realm of the witch King that is where we are going ml the war has arrived nearby all right well I don’t see them

Jumping I never know when I’m going to step on something and then I’m going to take damage read all this as if it get out of my way okay are you the things doing it the needles yes you are okay it’s you found the offending plant out of my way

All right there’s a bunch of cobblestone here so where am I now I’m getting there okay and I’m getting pretty darn close to the area of influence I just don’t know if I’ll be able to go into Cardon itself maybe I mean it’s on the map so I’m assuming I can go

There is just going to be getting there can’t Le ow you know what let’s just SM on an Apple there we go see prepared for this brought some food H back before Auto hopping was a thing speak sad before I go any further I just want to see uh

Stream stream stream stream stream stream always the stream all right give it a moment actually before I go any further let’s check to make sure okay nothing Downloading all right nothing is downloading so back to it back to my journey Northeast so I can get to eggar oh there’s so many of those plants there but I think I’m getting this I think if I do Quests for some random NPCs I can get faction points that

Way I just don’t know if I’m going to get there and I’m just going to run into actual members of Angar or if it’s going to be populated mainly by gun to bad Orcs it’s wait and see enjoy the nice breeze hello what are you tin ore

Hello are you actually a face game thing since I’m here I may as well grab you or let me guess tin ore Requires okay I see it’s telling me down at the bottom ah grab that all right so let me think uh really exactly doing much crafting I really haven’t done much it’s mainly just just been traveling traveling seeing the sights if anything this has been more of a roam around stream than do

Anything but once I go into North Downs I should hopefully be within amar’s influence and I think I can just maybe fast travel to Cardon at least I’m hoping all right keep on running all right this has really been the traveling stream going to be a bit of a slow beginning

Here maybe on the except the occasion that I to do some things all right 16 minutes if I were to fast travel but I want to hold on to that fast travel because apparently fast traveling is something used sparsely all right I see an apple tree

So we’ll take a moment see if I can grab some apples come on there’s an apple sapling happy to always grab one of those think I grabbed an apple there we go grabbed another Apple you little you get back here okay valuable lesson learned don’t

Have an apple on your hand the bird will steal it now before little fit comes back we’ll hold on to a piece of coal okay well I learned something um birds can apparently steal items from you who to thk it a bird stole me Apple I was going to eat that all right

Here F so much stuff in the way kind of annoying that I don’t have the auto jump but oh well how much closer I am not even close at all this is once again going to be a journey here the journey not much action not occasion something happens like a bird

Steals an apple from me [ __ ] hello what are you you look fascinating blackberry bush don’t mind me I actually want to peek at these okay don’t mind me I’m just going to NAB down on some blackberries there we go blackberries nap down on Water probably another one of those

Areas that didn’t have the thing marched down would be kind of a nice location to settle I’ll think about coming back here maybe potentially but then again exploring the world of the uh Middle Earth let’s wait and see stamina bar let’s not fall in the cave that would be

Terrible despite the fact there’s probably goodies in there more water okay this looks like this is going to be another time for riding the boat so let’s go ahead put the crafting table down and accidentally not use it cuz the dumb dumb me just didn’t think about it and let’s craft two

Boats and let’s also remember to bring this with me and not forget about it all right here we go boat time begin the long journey to North down or yeah no it doesn’t last long all right we’ll just crash the boat here oh okay so it became a piece of

Wood and a stick gotcha at least they were nice enough to give me something back so hilly and so terany am I even going the right way is the ultimate question sorry that I Peak the map every 5 seconds but I just want to know how big is this area

Man I got to say Middle Earth is quite massive but man it is filled with a lot of Hills let me tell you can at least appreciate it’s not a completely flat world but come on what was that noise is that a good sign is that is that a bad sign should I

Be worried or is that just Ambiance hello what are you look like a ruin of some kind okay you’re a furnace harvestable by a pickaxe we’re taking this furnace with us and a chest what’s inside a kep beer grab that glancing protection I don’t know how to use these

Things I feel dumb that they don’t work as the way intended all right so let’s just grab everything which I can’t godamn it we’ll drw those cuz those will be useless I don’t think I’m going to be having much of anything with that ah okay toss all that toss all that I

Didn’t mean to do any of that okay so I picked up a furnace and a small chest this hasn’t been bad for traveling now I don’t have to worry about crafting those I’ll just conveniently have those on me and mind you I’m only in this part I can fast travel in 8 minutes

I don’t know would it be worth it probably not we’re going to hold on to that fast travel you know send some here let’s grab some of that just for good measure harvestable you know what take chance so that way I can grow some wheat when I have a Base presuming I have at least an idea of where I’d like to build a base I mean this is giving me a lot to work with and let’s not forget about that I saw coal somewhere at least I thought I did oh aha right here coal or don’t mind me I’m grabbing

That I want can have some coal to burn o another ruins but you do not have anything nothing of use all right hello another Tower looking thing I’m presuming these are just ruins so definitely thinking this has to be the third age I have to definitely be near North

Oh god what the hell is your name again North downs I’m very well aware game that my inventory is full indeed all right going this way I just want to get places that’s all I’m definitely going to say if I make this into a series I’m hoping I’m going to be doing more than just traveling would like to least maybe do a quest or two but getting places is going to take a While I can definitely say I’m probably going to be using the Fast Travel mechanic a lot I feel mind you this is only to just get to North Downs North down you can fast travel a range of hills in Northern elidor with the ancient city of give me a description here the

Capital of the Old Kingdom of Angar well that’s that’s what we’re going to try and do I want to get there hoping I can just fast travel there otherwise I’m going to I don’t know no not again you little shits I only have a shovel well then again giving up

A shovel wouldn’t be bad turns out these birds work like the the the the the loot bugs but at least I have stuff that I can use when I build the base hello water how much water and how far does the water go let’s at least get to the other side ah all

Righty that’s sad I was hopeful all now that I’ve collected all that let’s get back up and continue the journey oh man and let me recheck something being in North Downs put me in range of them or is it going to just it’ll put me just shy of

Them i’ definitely have to say I like how the map of Middle Earth is definitely massive but my gosh it’s going to be a while before I get anywhere I mean good thing I didn’t decide you know what let’s just go straight the midor that probably would take a few hours I would

Imagine unless I can somehow fast travel there I don’t know if that requires just to me to be in contact with members of a specific faction in order to fast travel or I literally got to have visited the area hey how’s it going more gun to bad Orcs don’t just stand there do

Something and give you a hug I’ll probably get piked for it but at least it’s something done all right map I’ve got to be getting close I’m not even close by visiting the region all right how do I I know when I’m in the region that’s what I want to

Know or do I got to literally be in the region for the moment I’m in the eor downs I keep pushing the wrong button I wish they had like a quick button for map oh here we go it tells Me I wonder if just being in the area unlocks the stuff I wonder so I can go to southdowns here I am now kind of curious how the fast travel system works in this game cuz they say in order to do it you just got to visit the

Area all right here we go running once again but yeah yeah again this is mainly just been the journey Plus on occasion running into Orcs used to be Hobbits and on occasion having something happen at least thankfully I don’t have to worry about basic enemies like creepers or Endermen or

Spiders oh well what the what’s going on here what what are you what is this place hello more stuff randomly hello is anyone here this looks like tents a table command you must pledge service to a faction before you can engage in conqu oh that is cool okay

So I can all right I can take places over I got you you crafting tables you need ah all right un day North Allegiance okay we’re going to put that there what are you you’re I don’t even know why I’m holding on on to that that feels weird all right

Well we’re going to NAB down on this apple and put that right there so there’s a conquest mode to this that’s cool this is going to make the mod enjoyable man is it going to make it long though but definitely going to be enjoyable once I really start lifting

Off and start doing things well yeah I think I’ve decided the faction I’m going evil this time I am going evil I am joining Angar I’ve decided that is going to be the faction I join come here boat no in the water all right so there’s two paths probably GNA

Go as far east as I can uh what would the other way have wasy to I’m now wondering let’s turn this boat around maybe we don’t want to go this way maybe we want to go north instead and then East hello who are you you don’t look like an

Orc you do not look like an orc at all you’re someone with a pickaxe ah I fell in the water who are you I must know who do you work for who who do you work for you’re an orc from gun to bad God dang it never

Mind why did I think you were not an orc yeah I know I’m puking okay no get back here boat there we go okay so we’re going to go north Instead North is looking the direction to go okay want to really Head West too much but I do want to see where this

Takes me to can I go more North and then East that’s the thing I want to head east but I will go a little bit to the West it’s not to just go more North all right no I think it’s just going to continuously keep going to the West isn’t

It yeah you look like you’re going to go throwing me in the wrong Direction gosh this map is so huge and I am only saying that just because it feels like it takes forever to get the places oh I wish there was Auto jump oh well it’s fine more sub Orcs from Gund hello you have a name a bandit stole some items from your inventory

Oh you’re the little Bandit [ __ ] get back here ow are you stealing stuff from my inventory you little [ __ ] okay so we do have a problem they’re called Bandits so I lost my axe cuz that happened I was not expecting Bandits to be a thing then again I guess what’s a

Journey without an annoyance and what is this I have money money’s a thing okay how do I even use this how do I small pouch okay so I can’t put things in here gotcha okay that’s interesting on how that works okay so pouches just let me store extra things that’s

Cool all right how much further my gosh I will say Middle Earth is massive by friends I mean you no harm I’m just passing by so definitely noted Bandits are a thing what that is a thing I have no idea you know what hang on we could put

Down way points right all right how do I add a way pluggle wayo ugle custom way point so I need to be in that exact coordinates wait ah okay I see I see okay that’s interesting I didn’t pay attention to the numbers underneath the compass I feel not

Bright okay cuz that that will do that so then we want to go this way just a few more steps toss that I guess I’ll keep those put that there Hefty Stone spear is that what you are oh all right that’s so weird let’s just keep running man imagine an actual Minecraft

Video game of Lord of the Rings and happening to jump all all these Hills just to get anywhere I’m pretty sure Minecraft fro fro baggings would probably dread the climb up into moreor taking that secret stair all ah fall damage yeah you know what we’re going to avoid climbing up if we can

But I got to say at least this has been good a good on foot journey we’ll say probably going to take a while before I get anywhere hello more Orcs I see I am curious on how the faction system is going to work hello that was weird

More ruins do you have anything that is worth the while and the time oh hello it’s filled with works I’m leaving how much further am I my gosh North Downs is a good distance all right well hopefully not too much more to get there presuming I do not fall to my

Demise which is a fair chance that ow try to run as much as I can while also being wary of the bushes being very very weary of the bushes apparently just walking on them hurts though not that much ah trees in the way all right it looks like it’s

Becoming day but it is raining all righty I should be getting close to North Downs it’s been aour Journey just getting to that point go ahead go much further more Orcs yeah I definitely have to be getting close question is how close am

I I’m going to need to go North a bit so let’s go ahead and start going north and my character is getting hungry all right how much further all righty just a few more clicks East and I think it’s just going to be making the journey up north Sunday 25th sh Reckoning

1401 well it is apparently a Sunday in game okay keep going I need to see a mixture of blocks I got to be there almost is this the place it looks deserted as I would expect probably okay I am now slightly past that North Downs was definitely the journey Misty Mountain

Though I’m wondering though it’s ribbon though all righty this whole region really the whole region unlocked all right well anyways smack that stop it with jump scaring me all right ultimate question is the rest of the journey going to be quite simplistic or am I going to

Struggle that is the question that must now be asked and I will now attempt to answer I apparently don’t have any food if I had food F Well it’s gone which I guess means I’m going to be hunting soon guess I’ll pair some rabbits

Do or unless I can find some water I can just quickly fish mean as it would be nice to rely on apples unfortunately there are no apple trees I think I’m past that point uh right more hilly terrain out of my way okay so Cardon is going to be a

Journey oh is car dud going to be a journey me well that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try and get there sorry rabbit I didn’t want to have to poke you with a spear but at some point I’m probably going to have to cook some rabbit meat in order to survive

Okay food is doing okay for the moment again if I see another rabbit I’m sorry Mr rabbit but I’m going to have to poke Q the mate okay there’s water I will see if there’s any fish not seeing any fish or am I seeing any immediate dangers okay a fish come

Here oh you’re going to be quite the journey down for y ah God oh no oh no oh no I went out of here H okay this is going to be fun don’t mind me as I take a moment to go get some fish and potentially drown oh well rip all

Right now the furnace how I make stuff again I got to remember what a furnace does recipes burn to make charcoal ah hold on okay so then the thing I’m thinking about isn’t this thing at all no I’m thinking of something completely different okay no no no so let’s go

Ahead I don’t even have a pickaxe anymore I forgot because Bandits came by and decided we like your stuff so we’re stealing it okay so let’s quickly replace some items quickly get the pickaxe quickly make myself another axxe and what is it to make food again

Is it a smoker is that what it’s called no oh what is that saying that I used to cook food again I can’t remember all right I cannot remember for the life of me what it’s called no oh there’s a lot of recipes stairs sure there wasn’t something like called the smoker or

A Booker no how do I do campfire cooking okay so I need to make a campfire how how do I make a campfire campfire requires piece of coal and some wood okay okay so that shouldn’t be too Diffy what hold on oh because I have okay get rid of that

Uh crap I actually do need the thing again all right so put all that there wa you guys there and I don’t have charcoal God Crap okay so I need to make a furnace actually no hold on I need to make charcoal right to make CH need Shard wood now thought I remember being able to just burn stuff maybe it’s different okay I see I need like actual wood that’s kind of annoying but at least I know

Now all right let’s try that again uh here what you do no it really needs to be actual all right it probably does doesn’t Okay campfire Bas no okay charcoal oh it needs to be actual wood okay that so not made into planks already I need actual wood that’s once again one of

Those things that’s just game being very specific okay there we go that was a little annoying but I’m learning I’m learning okay hold on how how how do I cook food oh okay so that’s how I cook food okay so this is a little different ah okay

Okay okay so that that is how I do things I get you okay pickaxe so I’m probably going to be needing some extra normal wood gotcha all right oh gosh so continue the journey turning north and east once again mainly more North and then we’ll eventually go east but I’ll pick up some

Extra wood along the way all right how close am I or how far am I still getting a Cardon is going to be a long while I don’t know if I’ll be able to just resume from where I last started I want to say the answer is no but then I don’t

Know just in case I should probably look this up bed how much for a simple bed one wool okay it takes actual wool does F all right well I don’t see anything with Furs sadly hope the poor little rabbit hope the bird and once again let’s continue the journey oh those plants again

Le those damn plants just continue running go here again rabbit there we go I am now on maximum hunger or food rather battery so off and checking am I even within the influence range let’s find out all right I have I believe officially hit the influence range so I’m going to probably

Potentially start running into Angar the the the the forces of Angar here this is considered their influential range it’s just what is the chance that I actually will was now the question and if I could can I talk to someone who can make me fast travel to Cardon that would be

Cool doubt it but there’s always that chance CU I’m sure the journey to Cardon would take a long while presuming that Cardon is even still put together and it isn’t ruined o pears let’s go ahead take a moment I got something think mainly just seeds a axe oh well Anyway okay there we go pears so now that I got pears are they actually in the bag instead let’s find out they are okay so the game thought okay let’s go ahead and just put them in the bag so I have food gotcha it’s just in my bag that is the big

S I don’t know if leaves will grow back the one thing I’ve always been curious about in Minecraft or if once you do you have to cut down the whole tree and then just make a new tree damn birds all right coming through I want

To get places as fast as I can it looks like it’s becoming night already hello what is this random Tower here are you just a random ruin you’re just a random ruin going north again I got to say this has definitely been quite the journey starting off in the

Shire and working my way here imagine if I’d been going for moreor that would have been even more of a travel all these faces some the pumpkins is there a settlement here perhaps hello gundabad wait yeah gundabad orc I got to say the Orcs of gundabad

Are very active but I haven’t seen any other NPCs aside from Hobbits and Orcs except the bandits that’s like one other thing Ow like running into needles in a hay stack out of my way bushes oh my gosh out of here there we go pretty sure this is when being able

To put in the chat codes to fly would be nice but I’m not going to do do that I’m going to legitimately make this journey un foot hello who are you you look like an orc aren’t you I bet that’s what you are yep yeah even make a noise like one too

All righty so popping forward out of the way out of the way was the Sunday in game so it’s going to probably hit Monday here soon more Orcs man gundabad is just everywhere in the north probably got like a strong influence here I’ve yet to see anyone representing Angar unless they do represent

Angar but I’m presuming they’re representing their own faction so let’s just quick just see oh yeah they’re definitely going to be present they definitely are common I’m pretty sure Angar is just in its own territory just yeah we exist we’re here probably On the Border

Too like this is the far reach of it so there will be definitely a rare sight R is that a mushroom that is a mushroom a one lonely mushroom here hello more Orcs it’s been nothing but the Orcs coming on through did not mean to do that but I’ll take it

It’s a happy accident all right more non mountainous terrain I like that makes traveling easier all I got to do is just run run run run until I run into that actually let’s just keep running North on my stamina go back up I got to say the stamina system is definitely off ooh

Ruins all right is there anything I can at least loot nothing worthwhile just an abandoned place I got to be like Pretty God dang High North now never mind I am not any higher North I’m literally just all right well as they said you just got to visit the

Regions I had to imagine getting to Mordor is got to be a journey I mean just getting to Angar has already been a journey imagine trying going to Mordor imagine if you were the one that had the one ring and you had to run in all this no fast travel literally got to

Go from Shire to Mount Doom sorry rabbit I had to poke you meat I need the food hello something to break up the monotony of not seeing anything for a while let’s go visit that Tower I’d be surprised if there was a bed I can use oh yeah and that’s another thing

Imagine dying right now and happening to start all Over don’t mind me I’m just going to poke the dirt I even know if there’s anything in this tower all right well hope that they again a moment I wish I had a Bed I got to say at least building a settlement around here would be interesting I me I feel like there’s many spots I can build this map is indeed very massive kind of makes the map from scum look a lot smaller now that’s a big old war party I wonder what they’re doing

Hello hello who are you you do not look like you’re an orc always with those Orcs uh you have a quest but I’m going to ignore your quest just go keep going man I would really hate to just gosh okay yeah this map is definitely massive Downs they had more of a checkpoint

System I mean an alternative idea is I can go for the lone lands maybe fast travel here and boat ride North go to the Misty foot hills Maybe that’s an alternative idea there’s the ability to fast travel CU this has been mainly just me again traveling sand jump jump jump jump and jump I don’t think there’s any way I’m going to be moving faster other than what I’m doing now okay ow yeah really bringing up the stakes here you

Know what no let’s just go ahead and head more Orcs all righty title ah okay I see Ah that’s interesting okay so okay I didn’t even know that was a thing all right so I could try but then that is going to require some fast travel

Shenanigans and would it be worth it to do you know what what are we to lose let’s go east going straight to will take a very long while it might be faster to just fast travel so the very least I think I’ll need to do is just uh let’s call this arrive here

Oh no it doesn’t work like that I can’t take that And okay I see uh no get rid of that okay so I just can’t put that there yeah this is going to be a journey and how much more do I have to go to get here I were to just go straight on through I’m going to be running for a

While I didn’t mean to do that all right that’s going to be very frustrating I mean it does make me wonder if it’d be worth it to little son of the Blue Mountains Merchant has arrived nearby okay no point I’m pretty much just uh yeah all right

Well I don’t know what I just grabbed but I’m hoping it’s useful and I am beginning to get low on food I don’t think I have campsite no I don’t so we’re going to do this there grab these paars and now down on them all right ow

Take a moment see if there’s any apples we can grab and eat that up before a bird decides let’s steal that put that away excuse me poke you you did not leave any meat I’m sad I regret happening to poke you okay one day has arrived so the the the the journey East

Continues I got to say just getting to my destination is it’s definitely been a stream mind you I haven’t even done anything like build a base yet all right here we go running once again when you want to join a faction and they make you run all the way over

Again imagine the trip the Mordor that’s going to be a fun one definitely I ever do another run and decide Mordor I’m going to have to bear in mind I’m going to have to pull some Shenanigans just to get the Mordor itself does make me wonder if they’ll have the great

Eye I’ll have saaron in the eye format oh gosh all right pears I got to say lots and lots of fruit at least has been had let’s go ahead put you in the bag better walk with hairs don’t mind me I’m probably going to have a prodction of pears at some

Point there we go all right now let’s resume heading east again all right how much closer until um okay isn’t helping I have everything in the way this has been the Journey of a long time literally going to be hitting the Border here soon all right sorry bunny you didn’t give me any

Meat sorry bunny all right uh all right yeah I apologize that this map has the map the this stream has just been me literally traveling Middle Earth there is so much to it this map is so big like I could put like five different bases in five different locations

Ow they definitely given me the jump scares with the pine things definitely at least food hasn’t been an issue with the travel so I am just hoping what this alter alternative plan I’m about to do is going to make the travel a lot faster now that there hasn’t really been

Much action in terms of building or crafting or any kind of quest taking and you know I apologize for that I was not anticipating this map to be as big as it is hello water okay sure I can take a moment and build a boat traveling by sea seems to be a lot

Faster than just walking I will put you right here temporarily and we will construct yet another boat there we go actually hang on oh it doesn’t matter remembering to take that with me all right here we go I don’t know how much faster this will go and I’m hoping

It’s just not a short distance see how far north leads me far north leads me to Nowhere great just more ruins okay I gotta take all that back okay so so I’m now in regular what’s its name oh wait no no I’m not I take it

Back probably going to be here very very Soon a there we go that’s a sight this is more like it man I’m a hillh Terrain I felt like I’ve been stuck in till hell for like God knows how long this is a lot better ow there is a bed over there I’m going to be surprised probably

Not there is a chest though silver ingots leather crossbow bolts bed what could be used for that no wood Elven Wool Wool I think it’s all wool yeah it’s all wo God dang no leather that would have been funny all right no we can back out of that well at a very

Least I have escaped Hill hell now let’s see where this leads if this ends up being the rest of the journey then okay cool maybe I’ll go back to the original plan I had because this is just looking pretty darn decent so far more water okay this is just making my task much

Easier Guess The Game’s finally saying you know what you went through all that hell going through Hill after Hill after Hill after here here here’s some water boat ride the rest of the way well at least at the very least was nice not to see hell Hill

Hell and now I’m seeing Hill hell again what Minecraft hell looks like it’s not the nether it’s this scaling the mountain feel like I should be you know somewhere important if I’m scaling this all right where am I imagine if that’s going to be like this the rest of the godd dang

Journey well at least for a short while it was nice to not to be in Hill hell but now I’m back in Hill hell and it’s even worse it now became Mountain hell classic Minecraft they could have definitely done more with civilization along the way but well it’s fine all right more

Water but how long does this water last oh yep not even worth getting for a boat at the very least I’ve now gotten out of North Downs I’ve been stuck here for at least I want to say an hour maybe even a little little more past an

Hour again I know I’ve been saying this a lot throughout the stream but whoever made this map they have really made a really huge world and it’s kind of cool but at the same time God dang does it take a while we get anywhere ow ow this is

Interesting next thing I know the trees come to life but that’s not possible because this is not that land it’s not the land of the in but imagine dying here now and being sent all the way back to the Shire okay all right more water how far do you

Go that is a real question this might be a bit so imagine taking this tree down and the next thing I know it spawns one of those HS out of near out of nowhere that would be my ill Fortune right there all all right let’s put you down again put that right

There actually you know what better idea better idea uh ah and this extra piece can just am I doing hang on yeah toss the bone we don’t want that that will be useless all right hold on out of here mount remembering to take that with us

And now let’s go on that boat ride and let’s see where you go I got to say it’s been quite the journey just to get to Angar oh you are not going to last long are you actually hold on maybe wait no occasional bodies of water that makes

Me think okay hold on wait a minute but no well at least it’s once again not Hill hell there are ruins over there ow so let’s have a look here maybe there’s a chance I find a Bed ow ow ow okay these Kel things need to get out of the

Way a letter to the king that sounds like something I’m going to want to put in the bag bag so let’s put you in this pouch and then let’s put you in here put my money with my money put you right there take the oak back there we go

Now I swear I’m starting to dislike those things nothing okay if this is going to be my journey this should be an easy one from here on out probably jinxed it but at the very least it’s not Hill hell again e nothing useful just another ruin I swear I think my biggest threat

Hasn’t been anything like Bandits or birds or any of that nature it’s been this kelp stuff freaking bushes have been more my enemy lots of ruins in this area ow Staircase to Nowhere gotcha okay all righty so treacherous Journey up Northwest continues again if it stays like this

Then maybe forget the other plan I was thinking I just Sprint the way yes it’ll be a boring Journey but it’ll occasionally be interrupted by probably stepping on the Thorns or probably a ruin or two part of me kind of does wish they’d condensed the map a little bit but you

Know what on the flip I shouldn’t complain if anything I could have so many suitable base locations a wild boar and you’re not attacking me too think of wild bores is being something threatening but then it’s not acting threatening all right yeah I’m definitely away from North Downs

Now I don’t know if I’ll actually hit Cardon I want to hit Cardon freaking Ed idor is so freaking massive this wouldn’t be surprised if it spans half the world map it probably doesn’t and I’m going to run you another day another freaking day actually took damage from that

All let’s toss this lavender cuz it’s not going to be of use let’s open the bag let’s grab have some pears let’s eat some pears okay more water let’s see how much I can take by boat what a fish broke my boat you’re telling me a small little

Piece of cod can break my boat little shits all right put that There wonder if that’s what happened happened the other time a fish jumped so it broke my boat yeah these boats aren’t exactly sturdy if all it takes is a fish jumping in the way oh my gosh I put all that effort in just up but I feel so close I really want to

Persevere ah is it worth wasting another boat no we’ll just swim this one and then it Rained and that’s all I’m probably going to be able to get away with or they decide ah copyright maybe potentially all right so apparently I’ve still got a bit before I even hit the alternative idea ow I think the greatest slowdown I have is because they made this map so

Billy the whole world is Hills and everything kind of makes me wonder how midor would look now if you get to like the actual inside of Mordor not the mountains but like the interior actually how do they even do the freaking mountains is it just like spright up maybe with like the

Occasional block he can jump on piece of coal but I’m going to ignore it all right I got a say I don’t know if there is actually an easier way to travel if there is well then I guess this is more of a challenge done by fo but then on the

Flip if this was the way to do it well then at least I had the patience to sit through and do this at least a good chunk of it all right let me guess probably not a good idea to waste a boat here okay literally just keep tapping space Oh my gosh

How much Forest is there I like how in the freaking movies they complained about not having enough fuel for the fires they could have literally come here and used all these trees and then again that was Eisen guard and that was like much further south all right we’re taking a boat Here and right there Bo Okay it’s so hell all right am I actually okay I’ll be hitting that soon and I’m guessing I’ll be able to fast travel and you guys must be the Border guard don’t mind me I’m just going to walk on through you know the details well to

Hit a new area come on just a few more and I’ll be in the next region I don’t know how much that’ll unlock a lonely land all righty yay just earned a lonely land all right I’m presuming that means I’m in the lone lands all right what does that give me

Access to fast travel to here to the last bridge but I guess that’s if I wanted to go see the um God what the hell is that place his name you know now that I think about it the Angar Mountain so Angar itself doesn’t actually have any settlements oh that’s going to be

Annoying unless of course it unlocks this hello what’s this down here ah okay so I don’t know if going to Angar will give me access to this I’m hoping it does so want to start tracking North that should then give me to eaten Moors so now we begin the journey North oh boy

Hello why are you guys shooting each other oh because this Jerk come here I’ll defeat you with my power of that all righty I see cuz you probably got your stuff stolen and now you’re just smacking whoever happens to be in the way I’m going to probably have to take a

Moment to go cook ingame food oh hello what the hell are you you’re a war okay you are you are a war okay so I ran into yet another Bandit always stealing my [ __ ] I see all here cannot believe I’m actually making this journey oh place the God dang bushes all right

Some point I’m going to have to take a moment to make a campfire think I might do that here soon ask re-equip my poking stick because well it’s good against rabbits rabbits and fish all right for Riders still a want more focused on going north but we can still go a bit

East hello you’re a gun to bad or sorry and it didn’t give me any meat God dang sorry little rabbit I wanted to poke you for some meat and you had no meat hello I bet you’re a ruin yep you look like a ruin anything inside though okay a riddle so silver silver

Pebble you know what let’s grab you and let’s put this on I think I’ve earned myself my first piece of armor and I think I’ll use this as my little area to camp for the moment so oh but I need regular wood I forgot about

That I can get these things out of my inventory all right let’s go gather some quick wood place these down wait hold it I messed it up goes the other way okay no not string sticks thank you and then that this campfire down right there let’s not even ask how

That’s holding that up let’s just for now cook a bunch of stuff so anyone who’s watching this um welcome welcome if you made it this far into the journey then I thank you for the support if you’re just coming in now I’m sorry to say there hasn’t been much except me traveling Middle

Earth and finding some nice stuff on occasion so it’s not as if the Journey’s been all bad I’ve gotten some lucky F there we go I’m just sad I can’t collect my charcoal back but that is Fine let’s go ahead open up the small pouch add you the to the collection maybe while we’re at it we’ll collect the silver or to or excuse me the silver nuggets to have that together and I’ll put that in there and I’ll put that in there mey bread is disgusting so we will

Not eat that put that there put that there put that there and that is bag filled okay bag filled you will now go there and I will equip another pouch but yeah just from simple traveling it hasn’t even been that bad I managed a few good

Things so I now have a piece of armor pants of all things but that’s fine been walking around in the fur for a while so as well put on some pants with that fur hello H water but how much that is what I will now answer as soon as I put these

Down make two boats just in case first boat I imagine probably not that far okay maybe a bit of a journey here this hasn’t been bad how much closer does that bring me to okay that’s fine that boat can do its thing ow it’s been quite the journey and I haven’t even gotten

Into the Angar yet I don’t know if where I’m about to go unlock Cardon I’m kind of hoping it does or what’s the whole point of these areas if there’s really no place to fast travel to except this area lots and lots of watchtowers that’s been the occasional thing at

Least it’s not like as if where I’m going to is completely uncivilized or unsettled it’s just occasional ruins that might yield something nice every so often this one has not big sad I’m definitely thinking the next time I stream this if I stream this I’m going to likely be doing stuff

Apples ow ow okay that’s it smack smack how dare you don’t mind me my way chish plants and let’s open this up and put these in the pouch before a bird steals my Apple again what shits they are I know they would at least the nice thing is is I’ve not

Had the issue of food which has been my worry they’ve been very very generous with this so all right here we go ow ow all right there we go all right think I’m definitely going to rename this stream as I haven’t really done much digging it’s been more traveling

So there we oh this is making this journey a lot faster hello oh oh more water okay cool with me time to craft yet another boat oh okay I didn’t mean to do that there we go okay I just want to go this way oh there we

Go oo red leaves that actually looks kind of cool this is definitely making the journey a lot faster definitely making this journey a lot faster and another area filled with water how much is the question I think enough to Warrant a boat we’ll make two again okay

There we go we’re going to move forward Now yeah there we go kind of wish they had the ores at least they break up the silence the rate I’m going probably going to be getting to my location of bit slow I mean faster than I normally would all right can I get you to go through there without hitting any walls

Damn it all right that’s fine you know what here let’s grab some Cobble or stone yeah Cobblestone just want a little bit of it oh and coal why not sure we’ll grab some coal want to grab this coal real quick so in case I need it

Okay oh one almost there I am almost to my destination at least the next destination I think maybe a boat ride here and I’ll be right where I need to be for achievement the trolls of the forest or the troll FS does that let me finally fast travel oh

Jeez Cardon is going to be a long journey I’m boat I did not mean to do that ah I don’t imagine if I can take the Northlands for the boat for anyone who actually watches this from the beginning I will say you thank you that’s all I’m going to say

Hoping that getting to the troll lands would definitely let me be able to do stuff but I guess not I’m just hoping the rest of the journey on where I’m planning to go can be accessible and made Faster by boat or at the very least what I have managed to do is at

Least at the very least visit a few regions I think getting a Cardon is definitely going to be the very least the end goal of the stream hoping it doesn’t take forever well I will say it’s been taking a while there’s snow so good sign maybe I think where I’m going is

Definitely at accessible by water I’m pretty sure they’re like well if you made it to this point you must be dedicated in what you’re trying to do so here’s some water we’ll make it at least a little bit faster right that’s what going on here you’re making it a bit faster oh jeez

All right we we’ll just go here I think I’m at that point where all I need to really do is just go directly north but directly north is going to be quite the journey hopefully once I’m in Angar I could just fast travel there or once again that’s going to be hell to

Accomplish at least I like how they changed the scenery a bit the grass is definitely not as green it’s definitely got a little blue to it I will definitely say the journey to Angar has been a long one and it’s nice seeing snow this is just not nice part is getting to

Angar hope I don’t need to go to Angar mountains just to be able to unlock the darn thing because that’s again going to be a journey ow how much further before I even hit Angar territory oh that’s going to be an annoyance given how hilly this has

Been SAR half the time I’m poing more attention to the freaking numbers than I have been doing anything else imagine making it this far only to get assassinated by a uh an Enderman all right man I think I’m at the halfway point maybe after this with like going north

All right well this warrant a boat Ah okay hold on just to make sure I’m reading that right Bo AO all right how many boats did I have to use I feel like that’s a challenge right there how many boats did I have to use okay so this looks a little different resuming this must be border

Forts and ruins okay let’s see if they have anything useful be nice if they conveniently had a bed but I doubt it okay more water all right putting that down and making yet more boats I gotta say I have to admire these massive Maps just frustration all right hello yes that’s

Different trolls I’m presuming the ruin of Honor all right so does that unlock my ability to oh my God yes we’re fast traveling to Caron 5 4 3 2 1 to car do we go all right I arriv where in the hell am I this is Cardon I have

Entered a very very hilly place maybe climb to the top and we’ll find the objective there well civilization of some kind let’s go check it out okay hang on you’re the Omar or Trader oh Angar or Trader the stench of evil on you is not yet strong enough all right Well I don’t trade with scum like you excuse me how dare you all righty So there’s some civilization here there a bed here plus one all right so we found or I say we but I mean I found this area question is is this little only the thing that’s remains of Angar I don’t know didn’t there used to be like a big

Old fortress around here somewhere I mean sure it could be in ruin but still maybe the Fortress I’m looking for is at the top I’m surprised my character is not freezing to death but I made it I’m in Cardon so maybe we just keep climbing until we see more civilization hard

Wood well I could definit at least say I know where I’m settling here once I make it to the very top but nothing here in card Doom that’s the big S Angar Works didn’t they also used to have like you know humans people all right well the good news is I’ve at least

Found I’ve made it to Cardone the I don’t know if I want to say it’s bad news hang on hold on up wait a minute what is that over there is that more civilization or is that just more mountain side ow hello there’s a little farm over here and more stuff here

Okay wait hang on a saddle I’ll take that so a little farming area all right so I think I know what I’m going to be doing for the next time yeah I thought Cardon would be a lot more populated but I guess guess not ow jeez all right Fallen Le quickly just

Having a quick scan of this area maybe there’s more settlement here it is a bit of a big sad though I was hoping for some kind of at least ruins of a stronghold but yeah I think I’m going to wrap this up here this has been a

Journey in a hang on before I do one last thing seeing an unusually flat area over there have I been over there is that some kind of civilization but yeah otherwise I got to say this has been the long journey just to get the Angar so okay

Okay jeez look at this this thing end of itself May will be a fortress no really is that it oh all right so I guess Cardon is just now a campsite a campsite with the occasional thing here and there oh yeah I’m definitely going to end up probably making shop here

So hello why the hell are you randomly just taking damage all righty yep I think that’s it this is where I wrap it up I’ll make shop here the next time so if you like the stream like And subscribe stay tuned for more content that I put out there

Otherwise until then I’ll see you all in the next one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft LOTR Episode 1 – The Journey to Angmar’, was uploaded by Daedric Diamond on 2024-01-11 06:54:59. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:41 or 14021 seconds.

Tonight we try out Minecraft Lord of the Rings mod to see how the mod works and see what can be done with in the mod, as we go on a grand adventure to either help the forces of good!… or join the forces of evil on the conquest plans of Middle Earth.

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    Sword4000's Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played In Sword4000s Minecraft Hide or Hunt!’, was uploaded by Dog1234 on 2024-05-24 19:35:55. It has garnered 9495 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds. I played in Sword4000s Hide Or Hunt Event with the goal of being the last team standing and building the ultimate secret base and hunting down other players bases. Join My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TEKyN485eQ ——————————————————————————————————- Huge Thank you to Sword4000 for Hosting this event and be sure to Subscribe to both of his channels! His Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCqt4mmAqLmH-AwXz31URJsw His 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCkc2HMr92d89WP6tPFf1DWA ——————————————————————————————————-… Read More

  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

    CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CanNap team battle Monster #CatNap #robloxmemes #roblox #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by PurrBlox on 2024-09-08 14:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshort

    Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge 😈 #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by WHRI_GAMING_1100 on 2024-03-03 09:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Revenge #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Revenge Minecraft Story. Read More

  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: wawamc.net Bedrock: IP: play.wawamc.net Port: 25570 wawamc.net Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: mc.aus.gg Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter → https://twitter.com/yomigardenia… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: https://bit.ly/3gCy2Ml PATREON ———————————————— https://www.patreon.com/dailytwitchhighlights894/membership As you may… Read More

  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!

    Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥New Start of Minecraft Lifesteal smp ( public smp) | Join now’, was uploaded by skeleton is live on 2024-02-26 16:04:40. It has garnered 182 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #velorentlive #velorant Hello, Cool Gamers I am Skeleton, and I welcome you all to our fun spot. So, Today I am going to plat Valorantt. it will be adventurous and exciting. You all can join us to play. Thank you, I hope you all have enjoyed this stream so don’t forget to like it, comment, and… Read More

  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

    Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-06-21 17:00:27. It has garnered 10554 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:21 or 3981 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

    Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 - Insane Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Looking Dungeon Time! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-07-26 02:31:55. It has garnered 3832 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:01 or 14341 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult to understand… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

    Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs' Success NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘HILFE FÜR TRYMACS ist DA! | Minecraft Elements 2 Deutsch Folge 33’, was uploaded by Varietytime on 2024-08-24 16:00:14. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Welcome to the Minecraft project Elements 2 in German. Help for Trymacs is here! Have fun with the video! Participant: https://tinyurl.com/Teilnehmer-Elements-2 ✘ The best streaming products: https://elgato.sjv.io/R5QN0R ✘ The best gaming boosters at LevlUp: http://levlup.de/?ref=gtime ✘ Cheap servers: https://goo.gl/RhEDU1 👾: https://www.twitch.tv/gtimetv 📸: https://www.instagram.com/bildertime/ 🕊️: https://twitter.com/GamersTimeTV 🎬(Main): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMa7ctywc_TEKI_lKlpS-YA Discord: https://discord.gg/gtimetv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Music ★ Here you can always find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decorative tap#shortvideo#subscribe#like#minecraft#trending#song’, was uploaded by THARA GAMING on 2024-04-17 05:31:48. It has garnered 156 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More