EPIC Rainy Grinch BASE BUILD in Minecraft Hardcore

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another deal as I am live streaming from my PS5 I now need to go into YouTube and set that up so give me a second if you’re watching this after the live stream then just fast forward until I start moving again basically be with you in a moment for for for there you go I don’t think that was too bad was it a couple of minutes um yeah and we are back back I’m just going to check that this is in the right place Mr microphone hello okay um what the hell are we doing I’m over at Rick’s base which is cool um I need to repair this pickaxe that’s what I was going to do so I’ve got the Farms running as you can see they’re spawning in there they come land in here had it running for a little while apologize for the noise don’t want to turn your volume down now for a second ready okay hey I’ll go ahead and do it here for you just for a second let’s try that that should be a lot quieter now I’ve mended my sword so you know that’s good the idea is that you just whack come with the sword and quickly switch to your diamond pickaxe that you want repairing and you can see the little green bar going up which is nice should be able to repair all my gear by looks of things let’s see we going to have this repaired in no time and after this we’re going to get back to working on that Bloody wall I feel like I’ve been working on it for ages but you know there’s more to be done all right that’ll do in terms of repairing I think I think we’re pretty much there um there we go that’s off now I’ll kill any little ones that end up down there just out of Interest what’s the sitch hang on uh it’s a lot clearer now there are no Sher boxes here that’s cool Rick must have moved them uh what’s the sitch over here okay we’re pretty damn full uh okay we got some space um I don’t know there’s anything here that I particularly need you know I might take these bones what are they how’s cite ended up in there I might take that with me as well C copper cut Copper got command block in there for some reason okay uh what are you piter pod no idea what that is waxed exposed copper grat fantastic um yeah okay all these raw piranha as well is this filling up yeah look at that filling up and here as well cool do you know what as I’m as I’m on a cobblestone Mission oh that’s a that’s not what I thought it was okay I’m going to put that there that’s the filler that we use in the sorting system um to block off the slots basically okay cool let me just finish off these guys and we should be able to head over over to our base and get it going yo Rick what’s up good to see you um if I turn that off I feel like I did turn that off I did could finally access the realm again which is nice I’ve missed it I’ve missed my Cobblestone wall I’ve missed my Cobblestone wall um mate there’s no point trying to swim against it it’s just accept your fate it is inevitable look here comes some some some balls to try and show you oh no I thought thought I was going to push him along look at they’re all resisting he’s actually doing well look are they designed to swim up River or something I don’t know anyway we need to head over there is there anything else that I need no I don’t think so um actually I want m a bit more piranha it’s good for sprinting and eating and I didn’t know that until Rick told me uh so I’m just going to steal some of these put those back cool in fact let me take some just to have over I should smel some more up while I’m here that would be that would be the right thing to do wouldn’t it really I told you inevitable did I or did I not tell you right where were they piran here let’s just smell as much as we can cuz we’re going through it at a rate of kns uh cool at least it’s smelting in the background now one’s going to run out you got fuel yeah you got fuel uh here we go raw piranha no sushi today uh is there anything in this one no that’s all right there should be enough fuel in here oh it’s not very well distributed is it I’ve not done a great job with the distribution system here I wonder why I wonder why should I put a double one in there maybe make it bounce back faster same here h I’m UNS sure doesn’t really matter too much for now cuz we should yet still be able to just smell so that’s cool um lady Demon’s on the server I wonder what she’s up to I wonder if I can go and find her uh maybe I’ll meet up with her later for now it’s over to the base we’ve got some Cobblestone to do and it’s been a while since I’ve been on the realm because of the latest up stopping PlayStation players and windows players from getting onto the servers and Realms and what have you um I bet there’s going to be one just up there okay over we go um yeah I don’t know what it was but for some reason the old um Microsoft SL PlayStation SL PC slrms Communications system just fil there it is look I knew it see if we can get it as we go ready ready ready oh I did I did I did I got it yeah um but yeah basically PlayStation 5 players could not access realms for a little while nether good Windows players um and I just thought I’d try today and I managed to get in and then I was very excited and I thought well let’s stream it then and here we are uh so yeah thanks for tuning in I mean there’s only one person tuned in at the minute and that’s Rick cuz he’s a Legend um but for anyone who’s watching this in the future thanks for tuning in I appreciate it you can fast forward to the end of this track if you want to we it’s Tak a while isn’t it need a faster way of traveling here it was okay for for you know initially but this needs to be ice maybe that’s cat’s plan for the never so glad it’s fixed yeah it’s um there’s a ball Lake but it did encourage me to start the Sky Block series up again so there’s that um I’m halfway through editing um that part of the Minecraft adventure right big was very kind and he did this roof but I don’t feel like it works as a roof these are beautiful blocks and I just don’t feel like it works as a roof but that’s not that’s not what we’re working on what we’re working on is the bloody Cobblestone wall that you can see going all the way around the outside here um at some point I’ve got to get that raid Farm never done a raid Farm before but I need to get that ra Farm up and running and I think the village is just there’s a couple near here but I think the one that we’ll use for the raid Farm is over here somewhere I want to say we could always build a little village there I suppose um yeah there it is cool um so yeah that’s your village for the raid farm and we will do something with that at some point probably when I say we will do something with that at some point what I mean is I’ll write Rick into building that uh and then take all the credit for for it yay no obviously not to the credit for it um but Rick’s a bit of a pro when it comes to villager things he is the king of the villagers um we got anything over here Cobblestone wise I feel like I’ve drained these resources I have we’re not doing anything with stone we’ve got we’ve got Cobble deep slate but we’re not making a cobble deep slate wall are we we’re making a cobblestone wall what’s in here uh things okay some shul CU yeah I’ve almost cleared this place out now okay what about in here yeah I feel like that had more things in it but then again it’s been a while I’m going to no I’m not going to set my spawn there that would be stupid okay what’s our Cobblestone situation is the question um so I was working on a tunnel that went all way back to spawn and then I thought no I need something that I can finish a little bit sooner than that so now I’m working on a tunnel that’s going to lead over to what I think is going to be my villager area but I haven’t fully decided yet okay so okay we got that that and that I feel like we should probably grab a few more Co shulkers of cobblestone first and where am I storing my food I don’t even know I really need to organize myself a little bit better um calite is probably going to end up in there there anyway and I can throw the bones around why I did three bones I don’t know um it’s a mystery so if I go down this arm as you can see I’ve been busy I should I’ve gone too far uh yeah I’ve been busy and I need to decorate this with something um this is pretty cool I stained the glass blue and that worked quite well um I think uh kind see the wall Tower in the background yeah it’s pretty cool pretty cool I think it’s pretty cool anyway um so I’ve mined all of this out this is where a lot of my Cobblestone came from Recently but I’m thinking about mining out a bit more like I think we’re going to need to mine out another layer for the floor um got all of the resources as you can see here this was all coal and stuff and then we come down here and this should pop out and I don’t think I’ve dug it up yet but this should pop out at there’s like a a building up there um you know what I think I just need to build a quick access point out just so that I can actually see where cuz it’s been a while since I’ve been on the realm so I’ve kind of Forgotten what the plan was so if we just do this that’s going to be grass right that can go that can go that can go and oh come on there it is daylight that’s what was after okay right cool yes that was perfect okay so this see I don’t know I feel like part me wants to turn this into a like villager trading area en close it and have this as the center piece thing um and then maybe have something going around the outside that all of the villagers stay in I don’t know what to do with this yet to be honest but we’re not we’re not at a point of worrying about that just yet because we’re working on the wall still uh we might end up expanding the wall around that so just for now I’m going to go resource hunting I presume I’m going to want to take put something in the floor so that’s to be fair hang on a second so it’s 4×4 at the moment right 1 2 3 4 yeah 4×4 and I’d like it to be this wide as a tunnel so I need to take both these sides out and then we could just slab the ceiling but I might take one more layer out of the ceiling and we could just slap the floor but I think I’m going to take another layer out the floor yeah I am it’s decided which means I’m going to need to go and light all of this up again cuz I’m going to kill all of these torches is it’s exciting my streams we we make cobblestone walls that are featureless we mine random tunnels to get the Cobble to make the Cobblestone like what more do you want from a streamer does it get more entertaining than that okay that’s that segment done do this as well cuz all of this is coming up cool get in there get in there a long ass tunnel in it okay that should do it lit wise so now I should just be able to mine all the way through here um let’s stick some more on the walls here actually cool um yeah on we go I’ll do the old quick mine trick there we go Speedy mining without a beacon now that is a slight issue um let’s get these as well while we’re here cuz otherwise that’s going to be an issue next time I try do the Speedy miny trick thing oh piece of candy oh piece of candy oh pieces of candy okay let’s just block that off cuz we don’t need that let’s get rid of this and block that off as well okay back to speed well let’s eat first then back to Speedy mining uh Speedy mining there we go oh oh there’s a hole here apparently guys uh let’s block that off and Speedy mining until you hit a bit of dirt really annoying really interrupts the flow oh dodgy Speedy mining let’s just get that there we go yeah without a beacon this is by far the quickest way of doing your mining just do it in strips and the trick is before you actually get in range of being able to hit the block hold down you hit the block button whatever that is and then as long as you’re looking at the same side for each block and you don’t run into a load of bloody gravel as well it should almost insta M for you like so and then once you got that going then you can do the Sprint uh what sort of raid Farm do you want I don’t know um yeah I don’t really know I was just thinking like a a bare bone simple one nothing massive not like your four raids at once ra farm that you had going on that was insane um but maybe one that you can do like um cuz you can get the different levels of the severity of the raid can’t you based on how many times you kill a captain or something like there’s different raid levels so I think that should be a function of it uh but in general Yeah just something that we can get totems cuz I don’t use them but I’m sure other people will want to use them um emeralds I think for me is kind of the main resource that I’m after I know you can get it from Trading and all of that but it’s just so nice be I just go and pick up emeralds uh do I kill these snails I don’t think so I’m going to try and see how long we can leave them there let them live we’re on level seven ra cuz that’s cuz it’s hard mode oh awesome what just by defaults you don’t need to get the omen Baden effects more than once that’s cool that makes it easier yeah I mean we’ve always produced Farms that go above and beyond in terms of their productivity and how much they actually um how efficient they are how much they produce um and we always just end up storing it or never actually using it so I feel like it would be it would be nicer to spend the time decorating the farm nice than making it just a purely functional Redstone Masterpiece [ __ ] pokery type thing but that’s just me I mean don’t get me wrong if you feel like we should go for a super duper all singing all dancing does everything except for make the tea raid Farm then yeah let’s do that cool halfway there see that’s the trick with this mining mining in this way instead of mining like this we’ve just cleared hundreds of blocks in a couple of minutes it’s pretty cool pretty damn cool and because now I’ve got rid of all of the gravel and the dirt we shouldn’t have any more interruptions I should just be able to mine straight through the next thing I have to stop for I think is going to be to empty my inventory into a Sher box I will come back and get all of these resources I left um I don’t know if cat saw it I left a couple of Sher boxes of uh copper copper Ingot smelted in the nether I don’t know if she’s managed to see that yet I I’ll put a sign on it said two cat lots of love from rainy oh I need to eat I’ve lost the ability to Sprint piranas there we go right oniva that’s French for hurry the hell up no it’s not it’s French foot on we go and then the wall itself I think I think I’ve got an idea of the height that we need to get to I think it’s y level 75 I think the decoration for this place should be like and theight like Smooth um is it called smooth and theight the the one you turn andite into can’t remember polished andite that’s the one and yeah I don’t know what else in here at some point I’m going to need to do a monument I know that um K uh killer and nans have got their monument and theyve got prismarine oh I need to fill up a sh box they got prismarine coming out of their ears at the moment but I love a monument I love a a good Guardian Farm Very SA Ying to watch very satisfying to build so that will be done at some point I’m not saying when cuz well I don’t know maybe today no not today not today oh man I ran out ages ago I should have been paying more attention to the fact that I wasn’t picking up blocks it’s cuz I turned the game sounds down that’s what it is when I was over by the uh farm for the zombies and the skell is there we go let’s try that I can hear the picking up block noise now right that helps uh same I found one in a dead staring like from base I’m going to make a piston bolt to it straight gotcha same I found one in a dead straight line from base I’m going to make a pistol BT to it that would be awesome a monument yeah um if it’s a monument um you know me I’m happy to team up I don’t mind getting in there and building the actual mechanics of the farm I’ve done it before I’m happy to do it again um the side VI to be fair I mean it’s not a I don’t think there’s anything that you haven’t built in Minecraft is that I’m going to get this while I’m here I’m actually using coal as a fuel source and light source at the moment uh go on let’s get this um right oh there’s a bit more there okay underwater lighting uh there’s a bit of coal there awesome right and now let’s uh block that off cuz it’s unnecessary and block that off too oh right run into it there we go awesome okay I will come back and get all these resources I promise um but yeah Guardian farm would be pretty cool and good source of XP that Ender Ender that I made it’s it’s all right but not as good as the guardian Farms that I’ve made in the past okay let’s at least fill up one Shuler should we did I leave the Shuler that was stupid I have left the Sher over there haven’t I there he is right uh do that that that that cool and okay let’s grab that now we’re going to take out the walls I think but we don’t need to take out the bottom block we just need to I’m going to grab these while I’m here it never hurts to have extra coal awesome cool right we’re going to end up mining that out anyway uh any more things to grab yes it looks like it is there any more around here I’m not in desperate need of iron but if you see it you got grab it them’s the rules cool going to just dump off some of my inventory into the storage system which I still haven’t finished by the way I only this arm is hooked up these two arms are not even hooked up yet and I’ve already started putting items in them so I really need to get my uh assing gear and get that sorted okay you can go back you can all go in there so can you and you and you and you and you perfect let’s let that do its thing and get back to mining I love an auto sort I love an auto sort so much uh right so we’re going to take out uh those we’re going to take out the ceiling so yeah we need to take out these four here uh the quickest way to do that I think is like this I just got to make sure I don’t take out actually I’m going to do this early section here first everything to the left of this water thing um just so I don’t accidentally mine it later on in my speed mine cool can run up here now and we’re going to end up taking out the torches on the other side so might as well place the Torches is here for the time being cool super duper mining super duper quick we without a beacon cuz I’m a pro Minecraft player I’m not I’m really not oh dear right let’s see some p and get back to here we go right here and don’t know why I’ve done quite so much on the I mean at least it’s even done three there so it’s not even so actually I need to come back by two are the villagers safe near you I’ll need one um that’s a good question let’s go and have a look let’s go and have a look and see what we can see uh I haven’t blocked them in or anything maybe I should we dump off some more shizel um like so and I’ll use Cobblestone to uh and it’s in which direction this direction I believe should be just here Beyond these um creeper spawners oh yeah I need to ask you for some help with that as well uh but that’s an admin thing not a player thing okay villagers are we safe there are villages um guys Danger Danger get to your houses [Music] quick cool you want that one what that villager why are you not getting in your house can can you not listen hear that that means run for your life come on faster than that run run run run run run I put Rock up your ass come on go go go get in your house right have we got anyone in a house yeah you’re in a house right uh there we go you’re blocked in yeah you’re blocked in right you got at least two let’s check some of these other houses no one in there no one in there did I check this one yeah I think I checked that one already or is that just a duplicate house I don’t know oh we got blacksmith that normally means that there’s a blacksmith building around uh anything in this no okay fine no problem um guys get in your houses Jesus really not having it are you you are you yep beautiful any in here anyone home ooh I don’t know why I did that I meant to look in there there we go no nothing in there not worth my time right I you got three safe now so you got two in a backup just see if there’s anyone else who is in their house no you’re not anything in there no of course there’s not anything in there that’ be stupid nice house design though oh no oh it’s a fish it’s okay oh ooh yay there is something in there anything good in there nice some apples if you like that sort of thing uh cool right that should do it oh which way was home I think yeah this way was home cool so this is the part of the wall that I think we’re going to be working on next as you can see it’s not level and that’s y75 so this just needs finishing off along here I mean I’ve got cobblestone on me but no I’m going to go back to the mining I think cuz I want to finish that part or that step of the project take a break have a smoke and then come back and start building the wall a bit more ah keep trying to land in this one by one never managed to do it um let’s drop off the fish that we’ve got okay that’s cool back to our mining I don’t know why I’m singing everything that I’m saying I’ve gone too far right so we were talking about expanding by three blocks on the other side yeah but we’ll do that another time for now we are doing this great fun exciting times right get rid of all of that cuz that’ll be a pain in the ass later that’s not very well lit is it okay we’ll deal with that lack of lighting another time cool oniva ah so annoying really interrupts the flow so good for to your resources this sort of products as well cuz it’s like oh you got a little bit Granite little bit of andite a little bit of diorite get some dirt you know cuz you can never have too much dirt that’s not true I think I’ve actually got too much dirt I need to Shuler some of it up some iron there that I need to get running back and forth down this tunnel this is my life now Jesus that’s a lot of gravel I might get all of that actually because I am going to want to do a lot with what’s that stuff called con Creek that’s what it’s called um I do tend to struggle to come across gravel like never the never might be the best place to get gravel at the minute uh but while I can get little bits like that I am so this line that we’re on I’ll check my inventory at the end of this line and just make sure that we are oh yeah we’re fine cool uh let’s stick the same side shall we to the lower level yes I’m going to need a villager breeder in order to make my what’s it um villager trading Hall the Villager breeder needs to be quite a significant distance from from the village trading Hall I think I’m not fed for an iron farm cuz Rick’s already got one I can just pop over there uh and I’m getting a ton of iron from this project as well which is always nice I knew there’d be more is there any more I don’t think there is anymore no okay I’m grateful anyway uh let’s use this dirt cuz that’s the thing that I have the most of that I don’t need um and we’ll just fill this in cuz we’re about to cover it up anyway I don’t need to be taking out this bottom layer do I I mean it’s good for getting the resources but no I don’t right I’m going to focus on the bits that I actually need to focus on so let’s go back to the beginning and take this one out oh dirt pain in the ass okay I will go and check on lady demon at some point I need to get at least one more lay on the wall first before I can abandon the project that I’ve made this you know thumbnail for and the title and all that stuff the description the tags oh the tags what would I do without chat GPT honestly while I’m here let’s get you nice excuse me cool get more materials and back to it awesome uh more materials here let’s have them uh I’m going to need your help with my Sky Block series as well Rick uh I geared up to go to the never oh look talk the devil there’s Rick I geared up to go to the Nether and I failed miserably I think the first mob that I came across was a bouncy Magma Cube thing and it hit me off into the void and I lost all of the diamond gear that I just spent like 4 hours trying to get for myself it was not what you might call a success uh I put SES on the wrong side these okay first things first let’s pop that into there like [Music] so okay so we’re almost there on our first Cobblestone shul box which is cool so we shouldn’t have to do too much more of this um but I’m going to just start on this side let’s we get rid of all of this awesome let’s go up here and collect it and let’s start on this one here off we go um yeah so in the Sky Block series I’m definitely going to need some help going into The Nether um it was just embarrassing I was editing the video and I spend so long going through and getting D know trading with villagers getting their trades up finding the perfect trades um using the Anvil to put everything together spending me levels going to the mob farm grinding through that so that I can get some more levels and then I literally lasted about 60 seconds in the never after I finished my bridging it was not not good not the best uh Minecraft tactics ever seen before so yeah we’ll we’ll need help appreciate it thank you uh on this line here do I go for these now might as well might as well right oh they C even further uh excuse me I need some of this please uh oh there’s loads here Jesus all the coal I can hear Le zombie uh okay oh I think I can hear an Enderman as well did I hear an Enderman H I’m unsure let’s pretend we didn’t hear an Enderman and just carry on as if nothing happened cool la la la la there’s no mobs around me I’m not scared you’re scared I’m not crying you’re crying okay let’s grab this while we’re here all right more pillaring more pillaring [Music] awesome okay I think that’s all of it how doing on coal two three stacks in a bit not bad at all not bad at all now this Wall’s a bit weird cuz it does get exposed out to the elements as you can see here so I’m wondering if I pop through here yeah okay so I should literally be able to just do [Applause] this I feel like that should do it now if I break that and that and take these now see that’s the part that I was worried about right but I can do that and I can do that and I can do that and I can do that which then should allow me to break these and put that there and can I now break these and I’ll put these across the top there those across there and now I can get to me bloody wool brilliant that’s what we were after cool I reckon after this run we might even have enough to uh to then start working on the wall right like I say I want this gravel it’s fantastic for the old concrete and I have a concrete maker you may have seen it in one of the previous live streams I’ve even decorated it a little bit I mean it needs some work but it’s not just a functional building it actually has a little little bit of thought put into the Aesthetics which is nice okay uh that’s that line I saw something here that I wanted yeah coal I want you coal cool gotcha oh I’m glad we stopped because that’s a good time to check our inventory and there is our first full shulker let’s get the other one out oh no not that one that’s the full one and do that I need to head back though cuz I really need to fill up empty my inventory sorry so I’m going to head back now see if I can do it all while in the air oh no not really dangerous so dangerous here we go though it’s fine run and Sprint run and Sprint EA and Sprint course run and Sprint what else would you do uh can I sleep bro please yes sleeping glad you said that when you said that I was right next to the bed cool right let’s uh unload this stuff Perfecto um it’s not doing too bad on the Cobblestone there let’s put this one in there yep perfect not doing too bad on the actual stone stone either which is nice um to while we’re here let’s do what I said about the dirt cuz that dirt chest is filling up pretty damn quick so let’s just pop that down where are we there and let’s take a ton of this there we go little bit of lag at the minute don’t know what that’s about uh four more Stacks four more Stacks 1 2 3 four one two three four break that and pop it [Music] into there awesome okay so let’s tidy that up a little bit need some more Rockets how am I doing on Rockets been better been worse uh need more torches how I torches again been better been worse um and I wanted some of these and I do have some of these cool but what did I want uh three four twice is 12 so I needed 24 and I’ve got 21 got some of these though could mix mix it up a little bit um or just make some more Moss blocks I feel like making some more Moss blocks is the answer uh so so let’s just grab in fact just make a stack of them make a stack of them uh grab them and then I should be able to do this in my inventory yes I can and I’ll just float them back through the system once I finish with them how am I doing on yeah okay so I’ve got everything that I need now and I’m going the wrong direction this is the direction that we need to go in oh I shouldn’t have flown yet because I needed to do this this is what I wanted this for was it three it was three let’s do it properly Pro that Block’s probably not going to get seen no’s that one but still oh excuse me there we go okay so I could have mixed in some cracks as well actually oh well I think that looks pretty cool fact that needs mixing up a bit more doesn’t it the some of these should be a lost that yeah I think it’s just lost that mix that like that uh yeah and then over here how many of them cracked ones did I get to so let’s just do that and that I reckon and pop them in there breaks up a little bit makes it look a little bit nicer cool okay back to the mining um oh I just let my computer time out two seconds cuz I’m monitoring the stream there there we go I’m back okay this is where we might start getting a bit of a lighting issue awesome we’re getting there guys managed to not kill any of these snails yet which is something cool that’s good that’s good that’s good how are we doing we’re okay let’s do the next line I can’t Sprint anymore cuz I’m hungry again right here we go then maybe the floor should be more wooden than Stony or and aight H interesting then what and aight for the walls mean the stone brick effect kind of looks good on the walls and then under sight the floor and then maybe wood for the ceiling I don’t know okay is that even on both sides no we should take another one down there I mean how we do it on our Shuler box really we need to fill this Sher box with Cobblestone there’s no point cracking on with the w until we’ve got mostly mostly this uh two shulkers filled so let’s get on with the next layer then shall we and that can go perfect although all my torches are on this side um let’s clear this side yeah made it parkour parkour yeah uh parkour with wings jump that Gap oh things to go down there anyway to collect that still it’s impressive right it’s the sort of moves that I used to pick up girls in bars show my parkour skills like this look watch ready parkour Now do cool there we go got get that alignment just right for the inst mine to work but it does work I’m grateful for that imag how slow this would be if you had to do everything like you like imagine pre- enchantment I don’t think I could have done Minecraft pre- enchantment when I first started playing Minecraft enchantments were just a thing and um you didn’t know what was actually what you were getting on the enchantment until you’d actually done the enchantment it was a bit it was a bit [ __ ] not going to lie um but you could at least get like fortune in efficiency and all that sort of stuff but before that imagine playing Minecraft before that did I see com do you see comments yes I see comments Let’s uh have a little look winner Jenkins what’s up welcome back how are you how’s things um okay couple new people in the Stream current Mission collect enough Cobblestone to make a big dent in the Cobblestone well not a dent in the Cobblestone wall we actually want to build the Cobblestone wall up but I’m working on Cobblestone wall so I’m going to fill this shelter with Cobblestone um and then I’m going to start working on the actual wall which if you want to take a quick sneak peek at the wall I will show you uh yeah is that direction um okay there’s the wall um some Jing says morning about to ready to head out to work sorry you got work on a Sunday that sucks where do you actually work what do you do um I’m intrigued I intrigued this is the Cobblestone wall guys been working on this for a while yeah longer than I care to admit it’s taken me a bit of time to do um can we do a shout out to Istanbul and turkey for sure hello Istanbul hello turkey if I knew how to say hello can’t remember how to is it t Shakira Dem I think I want to say forgive me if I’ve just butchard hello in Turkish uh I work at a store retail sucks sorry dude been there done that it does suck um I think everyone has to do it at some point just to sort of pay their dues um merhaba merhaba thank you yes you reminded me what’s tesira them then is that thank you um and I always yeah Turkish and Greek I always get mixed up around the wrong way I always end up saying um whatever a good morning is cimera in in Turkey they’re like what what are you talking about no uh and then is thank you mate my skills when it comes to languages are awful I can barely speak English let alone other languages um oh mate fast food yeah I worked at McDonald’s for a good amount of time learned a lot got some good qualifications but I would never go back um hey man welcome to the stream welcome to the stream um am I getting rid of the torch line now or do I want to do this one have you heard of the mace update coming to Minecraft yes yes I have I have seen a video by one Mr pixel Rift I want to say um yeah talking about the the mace update and it looks I don’t know it looks awesome but at the same time I don’t know that I would switch away from have I got a locat map uh no but I can make one I assume you’re listening to me in the Stream no Rick but I can make one if you need one or you s to hster um I don’t know UNC um yeah how you feeling about the mace update cuz I know you kind of got to find bits then craft it and it’s quite powerful and it you can fall from Great Heights without taking damage and all this sort of stuff uh yes please make a locat map okay no problem I will make one see if I can just get this last stretch done this should be enough to fill my Sher I reckon uh located a map what do I need for that Compass right compass and a map compass and a map I think is what we’re going to need need for that and I can make all of those things clever boy I’m from Delaware and Texas amazing hello I’m waving to you from Over the pond I actually am waving I’ve got my hand in the air right now waving across the water across the Atlantic um and you you can’t see cuz I haven’t even got a camera on let’s put all of this stuff back but not you cuz that’s the whole point of me doing what I’m doing you can go there you can go in you can go in put that there put that there snap them into there pick that up again eat some food make a locat map I should have over here somewhere sugar cane yep and I can do uh paper I think what do I need I think I need gold and red stone uh there’s some gold there’s some Redstone and there’s some paper I need iron iron iron iron iron iron iron let’s just take a pick from there okay now what can I make I can make a compass awesome empty map empty locator map um cool right now let’s throw the rest of this stuff into here like so paper can go in there there’s the iron there’s the sugar cane Rick where I at I’ll bring the locat map to you uh let’s sleep first sleep the night away uh chill Channel haha might watch while doing architectural homework consider playing Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 architecture homework um I’m at his base thank you cool let’s find Rick architecture homework that sounds like the best sort of homework it’s better math homework right Pillager Tower Rick says off we go um but yeah watch do your homework have this on in the background no problem at all you actually at the oh he is at the Pillager tower all right coming in for a landing on Final Approach going to try and do it without using this rocket come on go and up at the last minute no didn’t make it didn’t make it oh dear what’s funny is Rick’s got no idea what’s going on cuz this is going to have a bit of lag to it so all he’s seen is just me flying to the end of his giant penis block thing oh hello hey dude what’s up Marton winter Jenkins mate you’re a legend enjoy work I hope that it’s um oh he’s hit me with something I hope that you have a good day at work retail or otherwise um appreciate you swinging by and getting involved in the Stream Rick you’re a legend he’s obviously doing some sort of magic Wizardry going on here you’re welcome mate um you’re fugly look at that nose all right anyway I’m going to stop body shaming the pillages now Rick you Legend you crack on do whatever you’re doing you need anything just shout let me know or come and raid the base you know where it is help yourself you know what my sorting systems are like I am nearly nearly all right on the old Cobblestone got a little bit more to do right I’m going to get down this one by one hole you ready fouled fouled miserably oh I suck okay I will do this one though going to get the corner without injuring myself yeah and this one no no no oh two hearts two hearts isn’t bad is it uh I didn’t need to come all the way down here though I don’t know why I’ve done that I’ve made a terrible mistake we are so close on the another half a Shula I feel like I had in this direction the remains of the bottom yes I did I’m going to go from here I know we don’t technically need to mine this row out but I just need the Cobblestone so I’m just going to do it and I’ll just have this as an AIR block if I need to worst case scenario um I completely missed that cuz I trying to look at the comments you can’t need to look where you’re mining in order for mining to work I’ve learned that about Minecraft I have I need to eat uh okay soon as I’ve run into some pesky dirt and gravel now seems like the right time to do the eating there we go uh no thank you let’s um block you up we don’t need your kind here water source block pointless water source block this should also be filled in right uh what have I got i’ got gravel Granite that I’m probably never going to use cool and let’s get the last this it’s not going to be enough Cobblestone is it it’s just not going to be enough uh oh it’s barely a stack right looks like these two lines are going to have to come out now then cool here we go which means this is all going to be plunged Into Darkness for the most part let’s just run along this side and put some torches in cuz you know it’s going to be an issue have a quick Swig of my coffee then cuz this is a one-handed job really it is when you’re playing on Playstation anyway cuz you know controllers except I have to turn there so that’s a two-handed job uh my coffee’s got cold it’s fine everything’s fine I like making the river cool right back to it then Coolio oh if you’re watching and you haven’t hit like please hit like on the video really helps me out I’m assuming that if you’re watching it you’re kind of enjoying what’s happening right now even though I am just doing a boring mundane job of just breaking these blocks one after the other after the other but you know that’s that’s some people’s thing it’s what they like uh so yeah hit like on the video if you don’t mind and it will get seen by more people and the YouTube algorithm and blah blah blah all that sort of stuff that YouTubers say if I get 1 million likes on this video I’m going to shave my hair with a blunt spoon I’m not I’m not committing to that that’s not actually a thing that’s just the sort of stupid stuff that people do do that’s not me I just want you to hit a like if you if you actually like the video if you don’t don’t hit like don’t bother I don’t want your lies and oh that’s why I’m not sprinting cuz I’m hungry cool and we are off Ricky you live streaming I feel like you should be live streaming your raid Farm build joint live stream yeah oh bloody I thought I got rid of all the dirt go away there we go uh done it again okay okay we’re getting there we’re getting there getting there we’re getting there I probably will in a bit stream cool awesome yeah that’ be cool um I feel like that’s really dark there but maybe it’s just me have I left things on the ground floating here or is that I have look torches all the Torches oh the Torches so many [Music] torches there’s Tes on the walls there’s torches all on the floor Name That Tune That Tune I just absolutely massacred I don’t think there’s any more torches in this direction I can use this spy glass that Rick gave me yep no we’re fine we’re clear it’s all good look how nicely those torches are lined up that’s cuz I was do it to that [Music] beat yeah nice uh right so I got one more strip around the outside to do I don’t know that I could be asked with that cuz it’s going to be a pain in the ass to instamine it so now that I’ve done this 1 2 3 four so this is Six Wide right and I’m almost thinking to myself yeah but what if it was eight wide but we’re not going to do that cuzz that’s ridiculous now I was working on the other tunnel and you know I can’t for the life me remember where the other tunnel is uh it wasn’t in the ne it was definitely in the Overworld where was I actually mining that from I genuinely cannot remember uh let’s stick this away I feel like I had some Cobble Stone in here so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take that I’m going to take these quickly and fill this up or need a little bit more cuz technically this is all Cobblestone that I’ve collected this isn’t cheating just cuz I haven’t collected it all in this one moment doesn’t mean that it’s a cheating situation cool and then I can take these and now I have four full shulkers of cobblestone to start the wall and I will start the wall right after I come back from having a quick break catch you go in a second I won’t be long promise e for for for okay I’m back I’ve got coffee I’ve hung the washing up you know all that important stuff the adult stuff I’m just going to pour this coffee this is the satisfying sound ready that’s me pouring coffee oh someone’s in me hey it’s [Laughter] Rick oh I had the Anvil in the background okay what he put all that scaffold in there for okay coffee good quick Vape cool why has he built this scolding was he going to drop that on my head oh dear I think I just caught Rick in the middle of a prank next time Rick next time mate all right onto the wall let’s have a quick peek at what he’s actually up to how’s it going chunk not loaded in there we go um all right he’s got stuff he’s doing things he’s using leaves all right good for you I’m going to work on the wall so this part’s 75 high this part is 71 I think and I’m going to actually Carry On from over here in this direction see if I land on the wall or not yes I did cool so let’s grab ourselves some of this lovely Cobblestone and I’m going to decorate this don’t worry guys I am I’m going to use like um maybe logs or something around the outside I don’t know yet I’m this up as a guy long so where are we we’re on 73 not bad okay and now we place and this is it it’s Minecraft it’s breaking blocks and placing blocks that’s what we do one after the other after the other and I swear to God this pick block is the best feature in Minecraft you just run out of it in your inventory and then you PL triangle and it’s back on your hot bar where are we 74 we need to get up to 75 okay not awful I’m really pleased that we incorporated this um I think it’s pretty cool and cool there we are up to that one and well that’s going to have to come out but that is at least the 75th level we got 75 quicker than I thought we would yeah I’m going to what I’ll end up doing is designing a small part of the wall seeing how it looks and then um yeah just building up the rest of it I was going to place like oak logs or Spruce logs every other but yeah like one pillar then blank then pillar then blank but I think that’s going to be too resource intensive on the old woods so maybe like a four Black Block gap between them this probably doesn’t make any sense it’ll make more sense once I actually start doing it okay that’s that side done so I can come across here and do this side it is getting there it’s just a slow process guys that’s all it’s just a slow process but it is getting there hello opop opop IP as in the internet protocols and how do you join uh it’s not actually a server it’s a realm uh You’ need you would need a realm code uh but I’m pretty sure we’re not taking any more players at the moment got loads in the Discord all right there’s about what 20 players in the Discord it’s pretty cool okay getting there getting there getting there I got a feeling I’m going to end up completely tearing these towers down um cuz obviously these these bits here are going to be towers and they’ll shoot up into the sky um but I don’t know if Cobblestone is actually what I want them made out of and I might end up making them a little bit bigger so then just like building around the outside there I don’t know I don’t know but let’s let’s get all of the cobblestone in place first we can worry about that later that’s a design thing and that’s going to take brain power whereas this does not this is literally just place place place place place place place place and that’s it Minecraft at its finest and I will kind of extend the wall to incorporate this as well at some point but not yet not yet for now we just build and you know what it’s weird I wanted to do this Cobble Stone Wall because I’ve been watching YouTube videos on 2B 2T um and obviously that’s all the old school builds Cobblestone and Oak planks and that’s kind of my plan for this maybe Spruce instead cuz it’s easier to come to um so come by but Oak would be I know we can make a tree farm right maybe I’ll make the old Redstone tree farm that Rick made underground it’s got to be a big version of that or the one from Shimmer land the again Rick built uh the Sun is setting um let’s sleep for the night and then get cracking on the rest of the wall because we’ve got shulkers and shulkers of cobblestone to place oh nearly made it down the one by one I will keep trying I will keep trying cool let’s get out there right so we’ll do this little stretch here next up to 75 on the on the wall yeah Pro we 71 at the minute all right it’s only a short bit of wall is it these diagonals are the worst part I regret putting as much diagonals in here as I have but when it’s done it should look better than just straight straight straight wall like following the cardinal direction straight I mean not straight as in not bendy there we go aome um onto the diagonal at some point I really found oh I need those I need those um now I’m going to spend more I’ve collected two blocks by dropping down there I’m going to spend more to get out of here there we go um I need to get across here all of this is going to end up changing trust me okay cool 73 got to get up to 75 we’re on 73 I couldn’t imagine doing this with a mouse and keyboard I’d struggle so much look how fast I can get around there with a controller mouse and keyboard would not have a hope in hell oh have I used all of that oh I’ve used all that Cobblestone already right where’s the one this one and three more let’s grab all of this thank you you run out of this stuff so quickly h I’m trying to go too fast I need less haste more speed there we go 74 ah made a mistake lost a bit of cobblestone oh well salav that’s French for S it all right I’m making mistakes is true but mouse and keyboard i’ be making a lot more mistakes anyway I start sit in my head as like a little racetrack kind of like Top Gear I imagine Jeremy clarkton narrating uh we want 75 so yes there what happens around there I got to build that up all right I might have to build that up okay we’ll come back to it yeah I imagine this being like Jeremy Clarkson like here it comes around the Hammerhead onto the diagonal reloads the hot bar from his inventry using the quick block and he’s onto the straight picks up speeds he drops down into second he’s onto the tower now round the tower coming along the inside and back onto the straight yeah but obviously in Jeremy Clarkson’s voice he’s got to be getting on now right he’s got to be in like his 60s approaching 70 okay so yes this is going to go up to here uh like so okay that’s at 75 so now this whole section around here is 75 all this that’s it’s got to be about half right cuz all of this is 75 all of that 75 up to that point so now i’ got to do that section there I think I’m over halfway guys how cool is that I think I’m going to connect these two towers somehow with something in the middle but I don’t know what yet and I might even connect that Tower and that Tower up I don’t know why that Tower’s not actually being used for anything but I could could get some little farms in there or something got creeper dude are there maybe I’ll use that I don’t know don’t know okay this one needs a lot of work though 71 I’m pretty sure it’s 71 all the way around so I need four Lots four more layers at least and I’ve got three Cobblestone shulkers it’s not going to be enough it’s not going to be enough to do all of this is it really this should be 71 all the way along though so there’s no actual end or beginning okay let’s see oh sh it there we go um oh look Rick making an AFK platform that’s awesome um oh this is W it’s come on here he’s done it again he did this in coruption he’s come on here he’s built himself half a house and then abandon it and G oh you can just tear it down if you want to I want to spend my time just breaking all of these blocks here when I could be spending my time placing all of these Cobblestone blocks come on can I make that yep got to start somewhere let’s see how much it costs for one do you know what I’m going to do I’m going to put these in here right and then I’m going to grab this uh Shuler no not that one sorry this Shuler which is a complete Shuler how many shulkers does it take to do one layer that’s the question that we need to ask ourselves right now um a that’s really annoying okay I’m just going to leave that there so that I remember to check so well that’s not a great start is it let’s see one layer if one layer was equivalent to one sherut that would just work out really well wouldn’t it that’ just be the ideal situation swigger coffee Ah that’s the cold one that’s empty try again oh much better right so this is a tower which again I might take all the Cobblestone down and build them out something completely different this is a bridge again I might do a different design there don’t know yet and this is just a long ass wall it’s pretty damn long if I do that no that doesn’t help that might be the best for you cool okay is that a floating tree we can’t really have that can we wow not quite what I was going for any more in there yeah there’s one don’t know how we ended up with these floating trees but we have somehow okay let’s take this one down as well and over here you’re a floating tree this must have been a Creeper explosion or something there’s nowhere I’d left this like this oh hang on was it that W did that W leave floating trees I hope not uh cool is that it yeah you’re breaking you’re breaking cool back to the wall it’s enough procrastination there we go now on the last stream I was asking about whether or not I leave these trees that are right up against it like this where they are um and someone I forget who I think it was teresh was saying now get rid of the trees um so for the most part I have been I also wanted to leave some of them there cuz it will might help later with the decoration of the wall try and break it up a little bit okay onto the off of the diagonal onto a straight and then onto another diagonal this one’s a long one I think yeah yeah this one is a long one God it never ends oh I regret that oh God more okay faring on so many diagonals why have I done this to myself I got do four layers of this oh look at me tunnel down there that looks kind of cool didn’t it be even cooler is if that came up to the water surface level and then that glass was actually glass Sky ooh that’ be kind of awesome oh Sun’s setting already mate um I should probably have a bed on me right instead of keep flying back [Music] to oh I’m going to land outside the wall I found that epically I didn’t even get inside the wall that time um yeah I should probably have a bed on me I think I’ve got one in here I want to say any want see a bed no me neither what about in here no I thought I had a bed all I Haven got any wall to make a bed so I’ll just sleep here and if this was a 100 day series this is where I’ll would be counting the days but it’s not so I’m not uh where are we somewhere over here uh we were near the vill oh no we’ve done the diagonals actually hadn’t we so we’re almost done with this half of it oh yeah look we we were well close to this pillar all right this Tower even H okay on we go VOS uh screwed it up ruined it oh sh okay I can just do that it’s fine cool more block placing this is what you’re here for this is the stream placing these blocks it’s great fun we’re enjoying ourselves we’re having such a laugh remember that time we place cobblestone for hours and hours on end they were the good old days I think two people just left the stream oh dear my controller’s getting squeaky oh I did that whole diagonal without making a mistake and again I’m getting good at this I’m getting good at this a messed it up completely messed it up should have timed how long this took as well I could probably look back oh no I’ve slept in between though it’s not going to be not going to be a true representation of how much time it takes that’s it really does take a day per layer it can’t surely not a day per layer that’s ridiculous oh hello uh we might as well take the whole thing here down but not the whole tree it’s one of the horrible oak trees where it’s got multiple layers and hidden logs and you have to get them all otherwise the trees don’t disintegrate and all that sort of crap yeah not a fan of them oak trees I am going to end up farming a lot of oak wood though right get out of the way little birdie should have some shears on me would make this a million times quicker I kind of like that those are up against the wall giv it a bit more of a natury feel I’ve completely decimated this Valley I might have to turn it into a bridge poke a hole in there we’ll see oh I’m quite excited to see how much we’ve used Cobblestone wires on this stretch once we get back to the Sher box we’ll be able to figure it out cuz if this is layer one of four and we’ve got four oh we haven’t quite got four shle boxes cuz we did the other lot didn’t we still we shouldn’t need to collect too much more Cobblestone he said hopefully desperately optimistic this is it we have reached the end uh that’s the not the right one is it um I think it’s not not that one Cobblestone two more so it be that one okay so pretty much 18 19 20 Stacks per layer we’ve got okay so that’s a layer and a bit that’s a layer and a bit so there’s let’s call that three we’ve got enough to do three more layers which is just perfect no actually just enough to do three more layers and we’re currently on 72 and we want to get up to 75 I mean my MCH isn’t fantastic but to me that adds up so I suppose we just crack on oh no let’s have some food and get back to it placing layers placing layers of stone in straight lines oh yeah that was Elton John in case you didn’t know do you know Elton John’s got a uh pet bunny rabbit Elon John is so rich that he’s bought a treadmill for his pet rabbit it’s a little fit bunny I shouldn’t laugh at terrible jokes like that it’s awful be better if I could sing nighorn St I’m going to say night cuz that’s polite oh hello you’re a different color um yeah we don’t understand it would just kill it oh he’s that a little smiley face bless when you say night it’s what 1:00 in the afternoon for us here do wonder what lady Demon’s up to I’m intrigued wonder if she still in the Stream why is that house missing part of the roof that’s weird oh is that where the line is for that is there something oh I don’t know I just don’t know what are you doing out there that’s what I thought one shot yeah I wish I had the tools and armor and gear that I have in this world in my Sky Block series cuz it would help to be fair it wouldn’t help that much cuz my last death I got hit into the void by Magma Cube and that’s not an armor issue or a tool or a weapon issue that’s just a stupidity issue that’s just me being dumb should have gotten the other side of the magb cube shouldn’t I okay we need more we need more Cobblestone let’s take the rest out of this one and now we’ve got one empty Shuler and two empty shulkers and two full shulkers so let’s make a start on this Sher shall we while we’re here while we’re stopped and interrupted that’ll do it onto the diagonal now it now it again yes Pro Gamer parkour oh run out blocks I think that just means that I’ve been doing this for two oh screwed it up got cocky screwed it up yeah I’ve been doing this too much to be this good at it means I’ve been spending way too much time and then I got to make mistakes it’s like No Maybe not maybe you need to spend more time practicing okay we’re at the turnaround point the uturn oh nearly run off the edge I’m screwing it up again cannot get around these towers without screwing it up have you noticed that I have ah less haste more speed slow is smooth and smooth is fast I mean that’s kind of true but also fast is fast right oh that would have been brilliant if I hadn’t run out that was so quick that was full Sprint I’m going to do these diagonals on a light jog screwed it up again can you hear my controller squeaking I don’t that’s coming through the only way to make these things enjoyable you turn them into a mini game see how fast you can get around looks like the Sun is setting it is oh and there’s a bed just here sleeping through the night Swig a coffee please oh good coffee okay so the window to the wall so the sweat drips down no this is a family friendly Channel my poor pickaxe it needs repairing again maybe I’ll take a quick trip to the Ender end up and do that I’d use Rick’s gold Farm but I broke it last time I don’t know how I don’t know why and that’s what’s the the worrying thing couldn’t tell you what I did to break it just broke it yeah glad I cleared out those extra layers for the trees means I just run by those now now yeah it be interesting to see how long ago was at this point cuz I think I’ve slept on this run as well so maybe you do need to sleep in between them I think the only way to not do it would be if I started at the Cracker dor and didn’t make any mistakes what are you doing down there in the water You full what are you doing up here on this bridge no down you go down down down go for swim bye have a beautiful time okay this is the second from last Tower not including the last Tower so we should have the next Tower and then the turnaround Tower if I am where I think I am it’s very easy to get disorientated when you’re just doing the same old routine oh excuse me okay we should get around this and reach the end cool that’s two layers we’re halfway there guys we’re literally halfway there very cool we’re going to go up to this layer 74 and then up to the layer above it 75 so let’s just do that this is where we need to be uh hunger’s an issue I’m going to restock myself I’m really hoping I shouldn’t have done that I’m really hoping that the uh what was I going to say completely forgot what I was going to say it’s gone whatever it was can’t have been that important can it I’m really hoping that this is going to last there we go that’s what I looking for that this amount of cobblestone that I’ve got is going to be all that we need to complete this wall wow my mind just went blank there happens to the best of us oh and we uh stream screen has gone off so we’ll be right back after this short word from our sponsor uh what’s my password that’s my password cool now I can see what’s going on in the Stream again you guys are being quiet in the chat probably just basking in the glory of this stream all the excitement and Adventure that’s going on in it I get it I understand but this is really exciting going to meet a piranha now nice how many of you can say that you’ve eating piranha and drunk coffee at the same time H I love the pck block feature I really do but I do wish that you could set something on there that was an auto pick block feature I know they do it on um there’s a Java hack client that will let you do the totems where once you get hit with a totem it will aluto put a totem in your offand if you have one in your inventory similar sort of thing like fairly fairly standard idea got any lava um yes but no uh there is some lava around here somewhere I think it’s in there uh I just need to get some buckets I will get you some lava how much you need just [Music] one Name That Tune yeah one he says okay have you got a bucket yeah he’s got a bucket Legend Let’s uh do that and that and uh we need to take the water shoot up I say we need to good idea to take the water shoot up who like that you have to make that noise as well otherwise it doesn’t work okay and head dive straight into the lava ready go oh I’ve covered it up I made a mistake I made a mistake okay I just saw some lava here though didn’t I on the outside I thought I saw some around here yep found it so nearly ran into that Jesus Christ I nearly fell in there as well oh that’s really dangerous right um I should probably do something with that safety wise Rick where are you are you back at base are you up there in the tower can’t see your name tag uh hunting for a name tag hunting for a name tag hunting for a name tag there it is oh I hit my head you’ve gone up the top haven’t you yep you’re up there I see you I’m coming to you you on this level are you outside Rick I’m coming to you I promise Pro Minecraft players guys we both stream Rick more so than me there you go oh God I’m a [ __ ] idiot where was I I can’t remember where I was on the wall uh probably over by somewhere right I tell you what I’m going to do here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to build a fence yeah that’s all of that one a wish I cut down this tree it’s not too bad it’s only one of these ones that’s not the end of the world but still this is frustrating there any more yeah there’s another one up there hiding there he is is that be gring at me please that be grounder than me cool right um let’s replant these saplings actually because it never hurts to have a bit of extra triage around there we go right um and now I should be able to make a crafting table like so and turn that into that and that into that and all of those into sticks where sticks there sticks and don’t want to make Birch ones no uh we we want to make is these ones Oak fence cool 33 is that going to be enough we don’t know I mean I made way too many sticks didn’t I that was just stupid why are you Red why are your eyes red your eyes were definitely red oh he’s angry what’s going on here you going to attack him are you going to attack me you’re going to attack me aren’t you all right enough of that Shenanigans low 13 Rockets do with some more Rockets I’ll uh have to go and make some there we go right so let’s let’s call a spade a spade shall we hey Tesh welcome to the stream so this is our out line for oh that I mean that does something isn’t it really that kind of just solved the problem how’s that I mean doesn’t get much safer than that does it is the wall done we’re working on the wall it’s nearly done mate we are getting close um yeah this is how we’re doing so I’m doing this level at the moment we’re at y 72 or 7 three we need to be at y75 um and here’s where I finished off so this is where I’m going to carry on from um in the meantime Rick’s over here and he is building a raid farm and he’s using that definitely get this guy back and get some more Rockets um I mean look at him he’s working hard that’s not loading in that’s in placing the actual blocks right now look at this is an absolute Pro this guy absolute genius um right I’ve got stuff that needs to drop off and then I’m going to get back to my Cobblestone placing cuz that’s my skill placing blocks repeatedly you want something that actually works it’s technical C Rick yeah finally you guys building the Raad Farm yep it’s happening it’s happening I just mentioned it to Rick on the stream earlier and then next thing I know it said Rick’s online Rick’s joined the realm Rick’s building a raid Farm it didn’t say Rick’s building a raid Farm but you get the idea okay drop you off drop you off don’t need you you you you or you um I don’t feel like I need a crafting table out there but I have got a bit of a collection going on I’ve got six of them in there now uh let’s get rid of these extra shulker boxes that I’m not actually using and 10 more cool right uh night time is upon us I’ll sleep drink some coffee cuz you know that’s part of the ritual teres says I recommend you to build it a week ago and now it’s happening yeah it’s true oh Rockets I wanted to go straight down I wonder if I can actually do that right ready no try again try again try again no maybe it can’t be done what am I doing wrong here no um yes you do did recommend to build it a week ago and that was always the plan to build one but um because of the Minecraft update uh I don’t know if you saw but Mojang were putting something in the support like Twitter and all that sort of stuff basically saying don’t do the latest update cuz all your worlds will be deleted so it meant that this realm was on one there we go the realm was on one um didn’t drop off the fences uh one version of Minecraft and our local games were on another and so PlayStation 5 and PC players could connect to the realm basically so I haven’t actually been on um been working on a Sky Block series instead it’s done it’s done I didn’t actually get the Rockets either what’s wrong with me uh Rick says it’s done we we’re going to need a tour wonder if I should get one um ask him to join me on Discord and just give me a quick tour right first things first Rockets cuz we’re going to end up flying around aren’t we let’s be honest okay I’m going to drop off that and that awesome grab some more Rockets uh Rick I think is just doing a Thing 1 2 3 4 like so now i’ got full stack R just do anything for killer smile something to do with shulkers by looks of it and let me head over to him uh who’s the owner of this server Rick’s the owner of this server the man the myth the legend oh there’s a raid going on right now right this second he’s doing a raid right this second how brilliant oh my God not got any items just yet but I’m sure oh yeah look look at this emeralds we’re getting emeralds a this is amazing I need to go out there and see see what’s going on upstairs oh the witches are somehow avoiding the lava here you go and you oh that was rude I’m poisoned Rick is an OG you’re right you are absolutely right Legend the OG um coming in where are they did this need to to be um covered in leaves probably not Rick knows what he’s doing raid defeat what does raid defeat mean I’m going to turn game sounds down I’m going to eat some food uh settings audio cuz that’s well loud in it let’s be honest there we go that’s a bit better you need to pick up and throw the Trident have I got Trident on me no normally throw stuff into my I mean I’ve got some Trident do I need to go get some Trident uh I can go and get a trident oh there’s little V oh hang on yeah I know defeat that’s what I mean it’s um yeah not good I’m going to stay out of his well I don’t want to be in the swing of his sword okay so um yeah villagers please I think we’re going to need villagers Rick what happened is there any more in there that we need to be killing oh the villagers are totally dead this guys is why we don’t name villagers they are expendable uh game sounds are a little bit too quiet now actually aren’t they Let’s uh give ourselves a little bit of audio to work with oh excuse me there we go don’t worry I’ll fix it he fixes everything he fixes everything okay I’m going to go and grab a trident while we’re at it I know I’ve got one I just don’t think I’ve got anything um Enchanted on it let’s uh go down here cuz I’ve been collecting Trident as much as possible in the hopes that I won’t have to make a trident farm for the guardian farm and there’s a trident it’s not looking too good at the minute and I don’t have a mending villager I thought I had more trids than that have I got one in the old Ender Chest no I’ve I got one in the old yeah this is better right so let’s put that there I’ll take this one that’s got Better Health uh just in case I need to throw it a couple of times let’s put this back into the old Ender Chest awesome and should I try and enchant it I don’t think I have an enchantment set up here do I I’ll go to the end he’s fixing that I’m going to go to the end real quick and use the enchantment set up there cuz then I can get some levels off the Ender Ender maybe even repair my pickaxe a little bit uh and then I’ll come back and help Rick with whatever it is that he may need into the never we go and I might end up making the ra that’s in here go to the end and then doing an ice path across to the never Hub instead well I’m stuck in a portal what’s going on there we go I’m out it’s okay guys I’m out woohoo flying through the never really bloody tricky and dangerous why does he do it while he’s playing on Hardcore he shoot I can’t fly see that I’m struggling and I added these arrows they’re my arrows Rick was being cryptic that was that just the end of the tunnel or is this where the end is I was like no I’m going to put some arrows on there yeah eat a piranha from one portal and straight into to another he says waiting for the end to load not no I’m wait for the Overworld to load there it is and from the Overworld straight into the end I bet you guys are so pleased that you get to watch all of these loading screens okay so for Ely I put an enchantment set up wonder if anyone’s been you why are you firing I there uh doesn’t look like anyone’s been using it or if they have then they’ve been putting the uh heads on the wall I want this whole thing lined all the way up just with Enderman heads um yeah that’d be awesome okay so I should have everything I need here to do what I need to do which is just to stick some sort of enchantment on this that’s awesome impaling five I mean that’s it isn’t it that’s that’s the answer that’s exactly what we’re after right so need a couple more levels I’m going to drop the sounds for you again cuz they are going to be loud remind me in chat to put the sounds back up afterwards here we go give me them levels give me them all okay the sword is now fully healed which means all the levels all the experience we pick up now will just go on levels that tune for I don’t know if it’s worth me getting them one by one as they land or letting them build up I feel like we reach the cap pretty damn quick cuz if I just let them build up you get like maybe eight there something like that and then no more fall down look there’s one let step back a little bit two three going to science this four five six seven eight still eight see look I’m pretty sure it’s just eight nice oh the lag look at this look at this not good come closer I’ve got a present for you come closer and you’ll get it there you go maybe someone else is in the end yeah it’s normally better to still one by one cuz you get like this continuous stream come back here 29 half of well pretty much half a level to go guys don’t you worry little bit more then right let’s go around just pick these stragglers up nearly there guys I thought these last ones should do it there we go now I can stick that in there that in there grab impaling and loyalty no oh that’s a really really really good Trident like for me to use not for a trient killer loyalty is not what you want for a trident and a trident killer um I didn’t bring any other Trident with me did I okay I mean I’m not going to disenchant that cuz it’s awesome that’s really really cool um uh why didn’t that work what the uh what the hell’s going on a ender immune to what the hell is going on oh I just thrown that into the void oh my God have I just thrown that into the void can I not get that back now that’s ridiculous oh I actually want to cry a little bit oh that was so stupid what the hell that was so that was just ridiculously dumb oh my god of course it’s not going to come back you just thrown it into the void Jesus oh right let’s just get up to level 30 and then I can go back and I can enchant it anywhere I’ve got to clip that thanks Rick where were you a minute ago Jesus Christ impaling loyalty 3 impaling five loyalty 3 Unbreaking three ni Just Launch it into the void ye Jesus that was dumb thanks for your help there [Laughter] chat idiot oh no what an idiot should have just stuck on making me wall shouldn’t I should have just stuck to making me wall it’s what I’m good at I need to clip that can I can I Mark that in the Stream somewhere there’s a stream marker it’s FIS use these Tri thank you Rick the man with all the answers thank God for Rick imagine if I had to do this game on my own oh it’ be just be one disaster after another well I mean it is the Sky Block series at the moment is a little bit of a disaster um I need rck to come and help me in that world as well oh god [Music] oh what am I like okay at least we come all the way back to back to Spa oh put the lapis with me guys honestly what the hell is wrong with me oh stick that in there and what’s that it’s a mending book cool I know had a bed I’m going to keep the bed on me cuz that’s actually helpful and I’m going to put the books in here and then at least I can put them back um it’s daytime let’s go over to Rick uh this direction no wait I’ve lost myself this direction how has he done this so quick honestly look at that hero of the village where is he I swear he was just up here there he is coming down CH have you just gone up right what do I do oh wise one what do I do I could just phone him that’ be like easier wouldn’t it look at these things look at these look totems this is what I really wanted was the old emeralds but at least we’ve got a Raad farm this is the Rick and rainy raid Farm uh Rick and capital letters rainy in like subscripts like just off the page you might want to make the bottom lever reach up here uh what’s he talking about is he talking about this lever or the bottom lever down here he’s going to have to show me should I find you is that what we need to [Music] do okay this lever right so what does this do oh there’s a killing chamber here uh all right so this is the killing chamber that gets you the Duda what’s it what’s that called what’s that called um bad Omen that makes sense and he’s saying make that reach all the way which makes sense as well cuzz then that’ll activate the Trident killer which is up here so I need to throw a trident in that let me see what he’s talking about there cuz I can go and grab one and throw it in whoa oh no no I didn’t know he was going to be there ah [Music] wow absolute disaster you know what oh the hardcore thing didn’t work I just aned myself as well uh the hardcore thingy didn’t work that’s um not good that’s not good okay looks like we’re going for a bit of a walk guys cuz I actually don’t know how to get up there without my elytra we’ll just run look at me naked out here big cheesy grin on your face apparently got my eyes closed doing that before I got a BAL spot I think I got a BAL spot guys the hell was that is that fall damage professional Minecraft is M and craft all the time it’s my theme tune let’s see this nice bit of raw sumon carava yeah look at that raw something raw catfish nice oh that’s deep hole isn’t it that’s pretty cool I have to do something with that at some point right let’s head up to our stuff hopefully fingers crossed maybe Rick’s taking care of The Vindicator for me that would be ideal I got annihilated yeah the hardcore thing really didn’t work I thought that was that was it I’m going to need to do some sort of forfeit there I think I think this is my spy glass any other stuff just laying around anything else anything else no okay let’s see can I get oh can I get in here no no I cannot there’s got to be an entrance somewhere right oh was my my shovel I’m glad I was down here then my arrows I’m going to have a good look around this area can’t see anything can you anything else is that a thing what’s this no that’s a flower that’s a flower I’m chasing flowers for some reason okay no Rick no um oh it’s up here I mean there’s a ravager up the top then um dare I go up here okay we’re good at this point let me grab these cuz why the hell not and then let’s get rid of all of this cuz I’m going to need to access my stuff nice and quickly whoa defeat I mean what’s the worst that can happen I’ve got this totem here I might as well hold it here uh Mob the [ __ ] Rick what have you done should I be waiting before I head up here oh look look at you right what if I just sacrificed myself and led this off the edge to its death did I pick stuff up I think I picked stuff up but that’s RI stuff right oh look it’s right there [Music] um just give me stop looking at me I got some stuff oh oh look at it yeah what you going to do I’m going to beat you to death of an emerald what are you going to do about it I’m going to beat a ravage at a death of an emerald oh dear I don’t think the Villager survived Rick I don’t think that it’s oh no no it got me how did it get me I don’t understand how that happened ah guess we’re going back uh night time is approaching all that stuff’s going to despawn isn’t it we sleep through the night the annoying thing is that because Rick died he’s probably gone all the way back to base the good thing is that he’s probably got himself um spare gear and I do have spare gear but I’m just not putting it on for some reason and even now as I’m running toward certain death I’m still not quite sure why I’m not doing that uh you might Doo you are come on I’m going to sacrifice you to a ravager I mean you’re going to cheer me on from the sideline safely where you can’t get hurt or something I thought I had that ravager I really thought that I had him I thought I was honestly going to be a to just punch him to death there’s Rick Ricky’s trying to get to the Tower I think he’s going to the tower it’s quicker to go around this way oh dear what has happened to us honestly where’s m doggo come on mate you can swim faster than that I know you can do you teleport you thing teleport yeah he’s teleported cool right around here our stuff’s going to despawned surely our stuff’s going to have despawned are we going to arrive at the same time we’re going to still Team Six this we are d d Rick and rainy climb a mountain to an outpost to take on a ravager with nothing but their wit well no not really wit nothing but their pure luck and Desperation okay so there’s a few bits here I hope he’s got that oh fish they were mine uh I’ve got a dog just in case we need a dog to you know uh uh he can go and deal with the ravager I’m just going to have a quick look and make sure nothing else is on the floor out here doesn’t look like it okay let’s go right I think he’s picked up all the stuff here that’s good hopefully he’s got his sword yeah he has well I guess he doesn’t want my help then uh here I need no help this is a strong independent woman oh dear there we go okay let’s leave dog there these right set spawn there oh look some of my stuff landed here yes I’ve got stuff oh I’ve got stuff thank God my elra uh I don’t think that was my diamond helmet oh that’s my diamond helmet I don’t know what this other diamond helmet is then that’s mine that’s mine that’s mine that’s mine I don’t know silk touch bow went um pickaxe went though oh he’s got a nice yeah he’s got that for me brilliant uh what else the helmet’s not mine cobblestone was definitely want that back bed was mine pretty sure all this cobblestone was mine so is the well at least one stack of fish okay let’s um hang on I don’t think these ones are mine I don’t want to go Nick and Rick’s stuff you know uh all right so what I’m missing actually is oh no there’s my pickaxes cool I’ve got both brilliant well on Rick you Legend now we’re back to normal okay uh I’m going to break that oh I was hoping there’ be a thingy there but apparently not no okay I’m going to make some more scaffolding ah Rockets that’s right I’ll pick up some Rockets back at base I’ll make a bit more scaffolding so you thought you guys were tuning in so that you could come and watch me build this Cobblestone wall this so much has happened this this drama I need a new Shield uh that’s actually exactly what was after cool that works out well um let’s p i don’t need to put anything back that’s fine um so I’m going to get Torchy is I’m going to get I’ve got food spy glasses missing but you know is what it is I’ll deal with that um and Rockets Rockets Rockets Rockets where are we there’s a Rockets oh I’m going need make some more of them and there’s some torches and missing a bucket but that’s fine cuz I can make one of those might even have one in here there’s another shield and there’s a bucket Perfecto okay we are back up to pre-death point I’m going to need to change the name of this video cuz the mods that does the hardcore isn’t actually working and I’ve got Minecraft hardcore in the uh thumbnail so that’s not really not really on not really acceptable um okay let’s let Rick deal with that I’m going to grab myself some water in here imagine if I could have scoop the water and then rocket it off one day guys okay I am going to add the additional oh I think he’s already done it actually yeah he yes he’s added the additional uh dudas so I didn’t need to get these in the end anyway pointless um okay I’m going to get cracking on this wall again guys which means I’m going to be over here but first I’m going to go and pee make another coffee all that all that good stuff um Rick thank you for your for your assistance for your help um building the raid Farm that’s good fun actually uh I can probably get rid of this now as well let’s be honest that can all go back into the sorting system like so lovely okay you know the deal guys I’ll be right back e e e e e e e e e cool okay we’re back let us carry on building that wall I suppose is it night time it is night time let’s sleep cool uh we’re working on this bit of wall over here I think uh so follow this around until we see the drop just here almost perfect almost perfect right I’m with the Cobblestone wall those raid Farm shanans I’m going to have to turn them into shorts aren’t I there was a good few moments in there back to the original Mission we’ve only got this layer and then one more layer to go you’ll be pleased to know and then we can actually start to design the Cobblestone wall and I might do a quick design near screwed it up I might do a quick design just on one little section well that’s not right is it that’s that’s better there we go bloody diagonal sections honestly whose idea was it to make diagonal sections I’m not going try and get that block the new controller is squeaking at me oh game sounds I’m going to turn the game sounds up guys you might want to adjust your volume accordingly that’s better oh we can actually hear the game sounds now cool oh wow how did I even manage that how did I even manage that I don’t know let’s eat quick cool dumbass honestly what’s wrong with me I’m not going to try and land on the diagonal it wouldn’t work would it I just end up on the floor again there’s where we wanted that one that’s the worst diagonal foul that I’ve done yet ah no more in my inventory okay that’s fine cuz we’ve got shulkers full do you have enough Cobblestone manth I could always do with more Cobblestone I 100% need more Cobblestone uh I’ve gone through well by the the time I’ve done both these layers I would have gone through four Shuler boxes of cobblestone but I know you’ve been mining a lot what are your coordinates I’ll come to you if you’ve got some spars I’ll bring um empty Cobblestone uh empty Sher boxes with me were you watching those Raad Farms Antics that just happened when me and Rick just died whoa what was that all about why did I take damage there that was dumb uh that was stupid why did I get hurt there’s not any mobs around is there weird uh no I missed it but I saw it in game but not on here oh I see why why why did I just fire so many Rockets professional Minecraft player firing random Rockets oh we’re so close to being done and yet at the same time we are so far away from being done there’s so much more that I need to do to this wall I can’t just leave it it’s just a cobblestone wall but at the same time oh have you always been here tree thought we cleared all the trees now do I design the inside wall or the outside wall first I feel like the inside wall cuz we spend most of our time inside the base right and it will use slightly fewer materials of which we’re going to need a lot of Oak I think I need to build a tree farm they’re so complicated the Redstone tree farms do I do that on stream cuz it’s literally just going to be me following a tutorial probably by silent Whisperer so do I just do that on stream cuz it can take a while and be very frustrating like cuz you’re going to be looking at me standing there watching the video by silent Whisperer for a lot of that stream I might have to watch the video a couple of times first that I’ve got a rougher idea of how to do it and that’s layer 74 done woohoo last layer this is it the last layer and then I’ll get some wood and we’ll start getting a rough design and then I’ll build a tree farm got to happen the tree farm that I had in Valaria my first Minecraft season on YouTube available out now wink wink n n no oh dear well how did that even happen that looks like a creeper’s blowing up some blocks or something I don’t know oh nature sorry anyway on with the worldall there we go why why would you be up here honestly look at his [Laughter] eyes right um yeah you you’re going to have to leave look if you get off the wall I’m going to kill you you better be gone by the time that I get there with this Cobblestone line look I’ll eat this give you a minute run run if I reach you you’re going to die there you go it’s what I thought you won’t be able to get back up here now cuz that’s two blocks high I assume I mean I don’t know about these deer maybe they can jump two blocks what do I know some XP down there must have been a dead thing nearly run off the trying to do too many things at once okay time to top up from the sh cut this is the last of my Cobblestone excuse me Rick’s watching from the park he’s took brck over the park awesome you get to watch me Place Cobblestone Rick how exciting is that you lucky ducky I think this Cobblestone should just make it round if not I’ve got a little bit more in reserves nearly run off the edge again I don’t know what these noises are that I’m making why am I making these noises okay yes oh I’ve got to stop making those noises cool round the tower and then I’ll just check how much Cobblestone I’ve got left because if I’m going to grab some more now might be the time to do it cuz the base is only there I snapped an earphone when that ravager got me did you really pleasure oh oh that may or may not be enough Cobblestone um I going to sleep though I I now I’ve got a bed on me I know I know but still I need Cobblestone so I’ve got to return to base okay come on if this isn’t enough then I I may cry a little bit you know I’m going to swap these over now because I know it’s going to end up breaking on me otherwise uh I might replant a couple of these saplings I didn’t actually sleep in the bed did I that was stupid sleep in the bed on to the next day I really want to replace all of these with gold blocks so we’re going to need a gold Farm before long and we want to be where were we oh we were over by the tower weren’t we uh this Tower there so I re that’s our Point um round I’m going to try and land on here yeah Pro elytra flyer person Sportsman thing now it first time what’s that oh it’s one of them little hamsters gotcha okay that was weird I thought I had another block place maybe not a little bit of lag coming up I don’t know if you noticed that we’re on the home stretch guys it’s taking me almost 3 hours to get this all up to y75 the live streams of an ocean Monument are going to be uh equally as riveting I reckon I need a to-do list I might do that after I finish this bit of the wall remind me in chat to do a to-do list I’ll get some signs and I’ll write it write them all on the wall I need to find a monument first oh no Rick said he found one actually no don’t need to find a monument Rick said there’s one in a straight line from Spawn do a to-do list cheers mate appreciate it thank you oh funny [ __ ] okay that should be enough I think the road Farm’s just going to end up getting covered in leaves isn’t it I’ve got a ton of them so that’s not an issue at all so close to the end I think we got three more Towers to go well 2 and a half technically oh less than that okay all right one full tower most likely here cover it in leaves okay second from last Tower and we’re done we are done look at it I want to say that’s beautiful but it’s not it’s a it’s a cobblestone wall it is what it is you know there’s nothing fancy about it yet nothing nothing really happening but it will be cool let’s uh let’s grab some wood and see if we can get to work on a design but first as Rick has just reminded me we’re going to do a to-do list where can I put a Todo list probably out here actually would be pretty cool on uh on one of these faces is here okay let’s uh drop down here grab some signs uh I’m going to put all of this just back in the sorting system for now and if I end up needing Cobblestone it will just be in the sting system no problemo uh stick these back as well in fact I’m going to stick the bed back in here as well put that back on my hot bar put that there cool I need to repair that but that’s fine and I think I’ve got some signs here it’s eight enough is eight enough we don’t know we’ll find out I can always come down and make some more right let’s pop up to the top and these sides are slightly wider yes they are okay so here it is or do I want to use this wall actually oh that could be a better wall I mean it’s not going to do anything else is it yep I’ve decided this is going to be the wall so here I should plug really should I plug yeah I’m going to plug a keyboard in real quick don’t worry I’ll take a second one of them into the back I mean the dark as well so you know plugging a keyboard into a PlayStation in the dark ah success means now I can use this keyboard and I can say things like enter oh no that didn’t really work did it let’s do that um let’s do one of them I’m going have to do that for each and every line AR I Guardian Farm Let’s uh put some spaces there uh kind of off senters it though doesn’t it I don’t know yeah that’ll do don’t to be messing around with a what the what what’s happening right now well that’s weird isn’t it right enough of the fanciness let’s just write it out in fact let’s just do multiple things per no let’s not one thing per thing right Guardian Farm Rick has location uh cool see let me have that that’s weird it didn’t let me have the other things okay cool um this one we’re going to call Wall design need Oak uh logs I think Oak logs are the way to go with that uh then here we’re going to put yeah good idea Rick RAID storage storage extension Auto soter that’s me mate that’s my job I mean by all means if you get there first then go for it but I’m perfectly happy to also sort the raid Farm although we might need to use some of your La potentially for the um non stackables what non stackables are there I think it’s just the totems isn’t it and heads maybe um right what else uh we design uh Tree Farm silent Whisperer design TOS books yeah totems and books you’re right um right what else I say I was going to add to this um ah villager trading H villager trading hle um ink tunnel underground Cobble putting your chest at spawn thank you a that’s so nice does that mean you’re around then oh my chest is spawn wait hang on is that post office uh yes you’re right V breedo Rick if Lady demon just put Cobble in my chest at spawn in the monument is that feeding into your Redstone thing some somehow in the wrong way um villager breeder oh my goodness there we go at least 100 I think it’s 128 blocks from other vager things cool um what else did we want to do oh I promised Rick a probably might have to go into the staff area to get it uh okay cool no that’s all right um who needed copper copper goes um in the chests in the never Hub so if you just pop into the ne that never hubby bit there there’s chests by the portal uh and just pop the copper in there uh couple was feeding somewhere yeah it is it’s going to that’s what Rick was just saying it’s going to the staff area at the back that’s the setup that’s where you put the diamond block if you want to resurrect someone normally um it’s all right it’s not lost it’s not a problem um what did I just say oh yeah sheep farm wool Farm wool Farm white at first then 16 colors um okay I need to hook up two times arms of Auto Salter so that’s cool um I want to do a I’m out of signs I mean I do want to do creepers at some point but for now this this is this is looking Suave uh it’s annoying um yeah I feel like this needs a little something you know little something decoration wise cuz that is looking a bit sorry for itself what have I got let’s grab some of these cracked bricks uh grab some of these bricks here and a wooden roof I’m thinking like that and grab some of these as well and some of those I think that should do it okay I’ve got a lot of oak logs to be getting on with to be fair okay okay we’ve slept through the night which is cool this hasn’t got to be anything overly fancy this has literally just got to be something like this it’s annoying I mean I mean this could probably all be opened up and extended couldn’t it which means taking this down and just for now I’m going to extend that over in this direction cool um let’s grab no not those that’s ridiculous uh I want the cracked doodas there they are I’m going to go boom boom boom boom and pop pop pop pop awesome uh this then needs to become grass uh no it doesn’t it needs to become wood planks oh that needed to be that cool um have I got wood planks no I’ve got wooden slabs though that’ll do the trick and get rid of these as well and I’m going to need to do all of this with the old wood planks actually but for now I’m just going to do these two rows oh lost access to my stream again oh that’s cuz I took the right I need to move the keyboard back over keyboard taken out of the PlayStation popped into the computer and I need to sign in again without saying my password out live on stream um oh no and this is going to be this as well we’re expanding we’re doing well let’s grab that you know what I’m just going to stick a torch in there cuz why the hell not it will light it when there is no other light okay now going to do that that and that that that and that and then we want just like a a bit of a slope so sharper to begin with but sloping down gentler towards the end um and we want a bit of a trim on it as well so I would say that block right if I place that there no that wasn’t quite what I was going for I did a better job than I thought to No Worries R catching a bit dude uh and it’s in line with that okay which means then I can get rid of that one and pop you there I think and then cuz that’s going to be a different type of stair block right so then that’s going to be a different type of stair block as well cuz that should Trim in fact I should probably grab those I was thinking and theight stairs polished and theight stairs let me grab grab the stuff that I need I should definitely grab the stuff that I need so I got keep jumping back down here so I’ll turn these into planks going to grab some more of these [Music] and is that everything that I needed I did want some lanterns as well they would be very cool for out there uh yeah cool okay getting there getting there put one of those in the ground there might as well do one there as well okay now that we’ve got that I can actually put some proper planks in here uh yeah all the way along there collect these might not let’s do that and this cool okay coming together now you you need to be one of those awesome and you need to oh I didn’t actually get the anide stairs did I that was stupid and theight stairs where the hell are you I mean I want polished and theight stairs which means I need more polished and theight so let’s make a ton of that I’m going to end up using polished and theight a lot in the future I think there we go and I’m going to then make some um and theight slabs and Polished and theight stairs and the rest of this can go back into here for now keep that on me just for the hell of it I think okay okay okay get in there guys uh quickly cool and then ah run out did I okay that’s fine I mean I’m going to need more 12 but okay that actually is not the right place to put those I need these to be here and then it’s going to be the St there no not like that try again like so and then I’ve got more slabs than I have does that look weird I feel like that looks a bit weird then it can just come all the way across to here I need more slabs don’t have enough wood on me guys which is silly really cuz I knew this was going to be an issue and I can always just dump stuff into my a so I don’t know why I’m worried about being so uh efficient with it so let’s just make a load of these and I’ve just made 64 bowls I’ve just made made 64 balls why no one knows I’ll give them away okay let’s try this again uh we can get rid of that then and get rid of that then and we’ve got our andite steps and slabs so here’s the slabs bit okay that’s a step that’s a block right let’s just do this side as well and I’m probably going to do this front trim actually uh like so yeah definitely cool right I think I might need to bring these this lower I think it’s got to happen and I think this needs to all be oh god oh dear God that was stupid Turtle what’s up dude how you doing have you just seen my stupidity my foolishness okay let’s grab all of these and then up here it’s going to be like that and then we want the actual and theight full block like so like so and then like so cool and then we’re going to do the same thing on this side so one of them one of them is there one of them under there I’ll get that from the bottom if I need to and then like that and then if I got I have got lanterns on me can I put a lantern just woke up a few minutes ago how goes it what you up to uh welcome to the land of the living in that case um I can’t put them there but I can put them there that should give me enough light right so let me show you I’ve been working on this wall which is going all the way around the outside of the base um I am going to change it to Encompass this house at some point um I have Ricks been on and we’ve been working on this which is a RAID farm that current currently doesn’t work I’ve now di twice in this uh stream and realize that the hardcore function isn’t working the hardcore add-on uh Rick died once uh and then the wall carries on all the way around here all the way around here and all the way back to there uh this is base that’s a mob spawner this is a bridge and around here I’ve got a concrete Maker cactus farm sugar cane Farm cow Farm wheat farm and I’m currently working on the to-do list area uh which I don’t like how low this roof is so I might have to change that and this uh we’re going to get a guardian Farm uh wall design I need to actually figure out wall design with some logs fix the raid um farm and sort out the RAID storage Tree Farm that’s a silent wper design hook up the rest of the auto sort build a wall Farm build a village of breeder and build a village of trading Hall so you know nothing much no real plans um and oh I’ve just done it again I might need to stop streaming soon I’m getting tired uh where’s my upy bit is it around here no I’ve actually lost the what the hell’s going on right now is it here it’s here God honestly what’s wrong with me okay I I need to fix this situation before I do anything else cuz I can’t keep falling down there that’s ridiculous or a dick as the kids call it cool right it’s it’s it’s been a busy period yeah it has uh I’m probably going to want another fence post in there at some point but for now I’m not fuss I am going to put that there though and I’m going to swap that out for oh that and I’ll leave that one there uh cool and then around here just put that there I need to raise this roof I think I think this roof’s too low Rick says right let’s fix this he’s on a mission he’s a man on a mission uh I think I do need that there Rick Hunter join the realm that’s where we need to sign intro music where is he uh I’m lost this direction is he here can’t see his name oh I see him down there okay that’s that’s enough that’s enough I’m going to just stay out of the way cuz the the more I’m there the more it seems to break story of my life I got to use all the ri fs and I break them and I just don’t know how um right what should we do about this cuz this is this is stupid I don’t like it I actually don’t like it um so all of this is coming down I’m going put this switch upstairs you go for it he I do want to do that that I know for certain and then I want my slab level to be here okay let’s put another wall there slab there and then yes okay it can’t be that simple nothing that I do is ever that simple it is oh it is no no no no see that I’m messing up already I don’t know why I’m doing what I’m doing I a fool that’s why let’s try this instead that’s better right I feel like that should be one Higher well that should be more of a slope type thing going on here hang on a second hang on a cotton picking minute uh it should actually be something like that uh let’s put that there and that there just to keep it all even then this is a mistake this is a mistake AK as is that and that that that that oh no that was a mistake on my part that was me being stupid let’s pick up all these resources why have I not got scaffolding on me we don’t know it’s a mystery okay um get rid of that and get rid of that and let’s put you you back and then I don’t know is it stairs there or is it a block like that what looks better let’s do that up the other end instead so we’ve got that or we’ve got that which then would go up to that and then that either way that’s coming down and then it would come up to what’s it mean when there is a weird creepy sound and then the screen pulses dark that means that you have summoned a warden I think and you’re about to die um so yeah enjoy that um no I think that’s the darkness effect that you get from the warden I’m really trying not to overreact to that but it’s actually really serious and dangerous and you should run for your life but quietly run quietly sneak uh Crouch everywhere um yeah jeez Jesus that’s a that’s a scary Prospect I don’t know what I’m doing here it’s happened three times now oh yeah are you like down deep if you got like a weird spotty brick near you it’s called skull um all I’m really changing on this is this block I think it needs to be those stairs doesn’t it let’s get rid of that and that and that and that also I mean a sealed shaft you might be all right what are your coordinates I can come and have a look if you like um okay so I need stairs for here like so and like so and then level minus 4 no I shouldn’t get any I don’t think you should be getting any Wards at that level no that’s not right that’s right okay and then that I think I feel a bit better about that it could have been a bit higher there maybe but you know is what it is can I pop one of them in there and one of them on there I can okay and then yeah this needs to this needs to change doesn’t it 1 91 – 11 I’ll come over another look let me just uh pop these final blocks in place and I should be done with this build okay I think I’m done with this part of the build anyway can I just grab grab those stairs H excuse me no apparently not no those stairs are lost forever I will grab these though that looks better doesn’t it o what whatever you are you need one there mountain behind home tree cool okay um let’s take this down well guys we’ve built an awning so you know small victories can I hang one of those from there yes I can lovely might as well do on there as well oh cute okay let’s dump this stuff in the so and head over to spawn and see what’s cracking with this potential Warden and this could be the end this could be where we die um that that that that you’ve all got places you haven’t but you have you can go there uh I might as well just stick you straight into there for now and I’ve got you up there awesome okay to spawn I do a little transition like the old Batman cartoons there oh they weren’t cartoons were they actually um fly in this direction uh I need to add something else to the list it’s a never portal room design thingy Mig what’s it cuz this is this is sad look at this it’s sad uh I really confused myself there with what’s going on in my life uh I’m assuming I’m going in this direction what did she say oh it’s not in there it’s on here -1 91 -111 okay if this is a warden am I the best person to be dealing with a warden oh who’s that I’ve lost you who was it oh I think it was killer Smiles heading to the end uh my stream is so far behind is that something I’ve done uh yeah I was watching my own stream a bit too late bit too far behind oopsie okay so we go here and let’s go actually into the monument then oh yeah there’s the stuff that I left for C she hasn’t got to it yet okay so in the monument what’s this shark called I forget big was to Killers was here but not cuz I died for once killer was here again tot’s down here killer was here 2024 cheaper than a res higher 3D each or four for 9d and they’re all gone right I might have to get in on that action oh it’s night time uh okay – 1111 uh again – 1 91 – 111 no this direction then behind home tree someone’s sleeping for the night awesome oh there’s a hole inside of the mountain I wonder if that could be it no maybe not what y level level minus 4 it’s a problem when you’re dig into the side of it oh hang on this looks promising this has got to be promising right this looks this looks like it 1 91 – 111 all the way down the end wonder if I can fly down here no can’t fly down there God it goes all the way down she’s been busy can I I’m doing it I’m flying down I’m doing it well don’t look down don’t look down don’t look down okay minus four you said oh they my well be wen’s here then creep creep [Music] hi well I mean break some blocks and see what happens I’m going to stand up here is that is that the follow me jump or is that just you trying to make noise I’ll jump as well yeah break some blocks do I need to break some blocks nothing so far oh yep that’s that’s Walen that’s Walen um Jesus run run run run run up the stairs run up the stairs oh God is he down there oh God that’s terrifying um I’m just going to peek over here God that was terrifying [Music] um must be below you maybe or so the only way that you’re going to do this is if you find all of the skull sensors where are you I feel like I’m just talking to talking to no one where she gone oh she probably CR crouching yeah okay fair enough um yeah it’s to break all the skull sensors that’s how he detects you and to do that you got to put wool around them and then break them and you need to clear them all before you can then roam around the the area free um yeah that might be a community thing if you want to tackle this it is possible to do it solo but I’m not skilled enough to do it on my own uh Rick is I killer and Nan would be able to I Turtle would be able to get get um get Paulie in a stream with you and have this as one of your streams clearing the oce the ocean Monument the ancient city yeah I would suggest it’s time to work on another project I don’t think you can go um any further on this project right I’m going to slowly sneak upstairs cuz this Darkness effect still hasn’t disappeared he’s not above us is he that is genuinely terrifying like yeah you were you were right to call out on that one oh get me up to Daylight please no cats I can’t do it all right you could do it you’re a pro me I’m going to go and hide in the corner I love the staircase though very 2012 this is sort of the effect that I’m trying to go for my wall actually night vision yeah night vision and wall I know but still it’s still scary gives me bad dreams you know oh exit taada um yeah I don’t know what you’re going to do next to be honest I don’t know what the uh what the answer is there um I don’t know what to do ask Rick well I’m going to love you and leave you uh I’ve got a cobble wall that isn’t going to build itself and I’ve lost where oh there’s the tree good job that trees there otherwise I’d get very very lost um let’s go back through the main portal should we cool you’re welcome I mean I wasn’t overly helpful I might have just blank that sign out um I wasn’t overly helpful but yeah that at least now you know what it is and what not to do yeah it reacts to sound uh okay I’m the Redstone tunnel so designs for walls as I say I’m think thinking Oak and I’d like to do the towers out of something other than Cobblestone and other than stone bricks I really don’t know what to use like I don’t I feel like Cobble deep slate is a little bit too dark for what I’m going for and Wood’s not the answer maybe tough bricks I feel like they’re nice and light um Mi B the site I don’t know I think it’ll be clearer to me once the walls are decorated um I think they just need to be like columns every now and again so let’s grab the uh woohoo let’s grab grab the oak oh then he made it and what have I got on me I deep slate on me cool awesome uh let’s grab the oak I need a hell of a lot more than that just find a patch of wool that’s fairly small but should still give us a good representation of what what we’re looking at uh oh excuse me I forgotten how to fly I feel like a dwarf in the mines of Moria finding the Beast of the deep yeah that’s pretty much what’s just happened actually it’s pretty much what’s just happened except instead of a bell Rog it’s a wooden um okay okay okay okay which bit of the wall should we do how about this bit here we do the inside first so as I say I don’t know what the towers are going to be but for these I was thinking let’s start it two away but 2x two pillar going all the way up and let’s give it 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight blocks in between it so on the ninth and 10th blocks oh excuse me that’s not how you do that cool now this would be a hell of a lot easier if I was using um what’s it Oak uh not what’s it Oak Spruce Wood one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uh cuz it’s easier to grow but this will this will I don’t know I feel like this will look nicer uh 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 n so there there there there 1 2 3 4 five six 7 8 n so there thank you there there there there and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine so it’s actually be there so do I just make it shter a shter gap there or not do it and just count the the tower as a pillar I don’t know what do we think of this space facing I mean yeah right it is what it is let’s just build it and see so we’re going to go one 2 3 4 oh I can’t do threes okay right let’s level that off let’s try that again one two 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 one two 3 1 2 3 1 two three one two three cool let’s do the next one let’s do three of them and then see how we feel Rick’s done he’s only gone and fixed it by the way the GE by the way the Geo you found is right by my base by my shot ah the one that I found digging that tunnel that I can’t remember where I was digging the tunnel right let’s just do that I can hear the uh things going off in the background from what Rick’s up to oh cool okay that’ll be interesting I mean you’re welcome to use that geod do you see fit got permanent raid bug again oh no really that’s not what we want okay feel that should be enough of them for us to give us an idea of if that spacing is going to work let’s uh go over here look at it from this bit of wall there we go I mean yeah ratio wise that’s about right doesn’t look very exciting granted but ratio wise I feel like yeah that’s it okay and then okay what I was thinking is I want arches between them so actually that’s a bit too high that’s kind of better Three Arch yeah cuz then it’ll kind of go up um it’ll kind of go up right let me come and look at raid Farm because uh should I sleep first I got a bed on me no uh let’s go to nearest Bed nearest Bed nearest bed it’s going to be here isn’t it in the hole and then going to check out the Raad Farm might need to AFK soon at the uh mob farm because I’m running that gunpowder and running out Rockets well he’s done some fantastic stuff here brilliant oh thank you nice spy glass yay Jesus Jesus Rick he’s been a busy boy oh God look at all of this stuff oh the books are brilliant the books are fantastic be interesting to see what other books we get from this all right Rick and rainy have a raid farm for the most part it’s Rick’s raid Farm he’s done a cracking job I love this This brilliant can I dump this stuff in here cuz actually no let’s I don’t know what to do with this stuff I feel like Rick should have all of this stuff to be honest but I imagine he’s already got a ton on him um so I’ll just store this back at the base I reckon uh got some heads going on up there that’s cool where are the old villagers they in there they safe Legend So yeah is that to cover up the chests believe it or not cuz that’s where they were spawning of all places I wonder if I can go out there and have a look right that was scary someone just attacked me with something I don’t know what I need to stay here don’t I Yay raid Victory who whoop cool you sir are a legend well done nailed it absolutely nailed it and I’ll show you have unnamed dog any want to name this dog let me know oh something just fell off the edge there uh do something fall off the edge there there’s a couple oh is that redstone blocks okay cool you absolute Trooper so is it just this to turn it on and then this to activate the dud I what’s it I presume that activates the raid like gets you what’s it hero of the village and that one turns on the Trident killer uh I’m not even too fast for the XP so as long as the Trident killer runs doesn’t even matter if it’s um if you’re online or not I’m guessing you’ll give me the thumbs up I’m sure how cool is this though like a raid Farm just appeared Tada and there it is raid Farm I’d like to build a tower around this but I’d be worried about the effectiveness of like the spawning areas that’s what I’d be worried about uh lower lever for captains top one for raid yeah cool perfect so the lower one activates the raid basically uh this one activates the raid and this one well that kills all of the people that come from the raid and then they all get stored here and I need to sort out an auto sort which I will sort out 100% don’t you worry about it um cool nice one dude I appreciate that um I’m sure Rick’s going to end up making a totem shop okay so where was me wall that I was working on that’s here that’s why he led on he L on just to make that for me what absolute Legend um let’s take this down this down and then one more and then these are going to end up I believe sort of still watching just having a break sweet dude no worries sort of like this um uh like that and then maybe across by two this time okay let’s see let’s see so like that like that like that like that and then across by two so it look like that how does that look uh let’s just do the same thing here uh down by oh using the wrong tool did I drop any did I drop any did I drop any did I drop any no awesome right like that like that like that like that and then like that is that does that work oh oh I don’t know that might just work kind of like it part is wondering if that top B should be too thick but in general we get some uh Oak stairs in there oh no made a mistake yeah we get some Oak stairs in there that could look quite good um let me take down this one and just do one more and just see how it looks is that three no that’s two cool right so and then it’ll be it’s easy to build it’s easy to build and what do we do about this bit I feel like maybe we could turn this into part of it unsure unsure cuz this I mean yeah that will work okay let me build this up so one two three am I free from the top yet no so three is one two three so there so I’m two away okay no problem and then dish dis Dish Dish Dish Dish d b b b BM easy peasy mate does it get any easier than that bom bom bom bom just go like that like that like that and like that I love it that’s what we like a nice easy design but looks effective and then we get like trees and stuff in there if we want to um even hollow out these you know some of these bits that could be our archways I maybe didn’t even need to leave an archway there uh but you know we’ve got our we’ve got our template for Gates now as well which is pretty cool so yeah I think that’s a that’s a good start to our design it’s a very good start to our design going do that all the way around it’s going to be a lot of wood I mean I had quite a few stacks of wood on me and now okay oh that looks a bit ugly doesn’t it look at that there that needs something along there maybe that needs to be an upside down there um and as it happens I’ve got quite a bit of wood on me let’s do that and then that pop this here uh let’s do that and that okay uh grab those does that work I think that’s the right sort of idea just need to polish it off with the andite so need two more andite stairs but yeah that’s pretty much it way too many stairs there haven’t I uh let’s just throw these into the Suter I’m sure I’ve got a slot for emeralds already and for these I mean they need just need to be a sheler chest right sheler box even sheler chest what’s wrong with me um that one and or it that one it’s this one that I’m storing them pop those back into there cool let’s just keep that in no I’m going to put this into my Ender Chest actually what don’t we need in the Ender Chest I feel like I’m just place these A’s into the wall somewhere or I should have placed these A’s into the wall somewhere you need to go there let’s take these empty shulkers out I’ll store them cuz I got a few empty shulkers in there still I’ll store them in here perfect cool right I think that’s good a place as any to leave the stream it’s been a it’s been a long one we’re on like almost 4 hours so thank you so much for swinging by everybody really appreciate it we’ve uh yeah had a had a good time on this stream I hope I’ve enjoyed it anyway uh if you enjoyed it leave a like if you’re not subscribed already please do and I will catch you in the next whatever it is that comes out it could be an ark series no it’s not an arc series just had an arc episode come out on Thursday just gone it’s not doing very well got very few views maybe I’ll change the thumbnail on that uh so the next one I think is actually going to be a super cut from something um maybe even season one of Valeria coming out again as a super cut you know one long video but part one cuz it’s a long series anyway I’m waffling uh have a great day guys cheers bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore – Base Stuff – The Wall – Live Stream’, was uploaded by Rainy Grinch on 2024-03-24 15:18:45. It has garnered 87 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:31 or 13351 seconds.

Join me on an epic journey as I fortify my base on the OldTimersCraft SMP Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Realm! In this live stream, I’ll be embarking on the monumental task of constructing a formidable cobblestone wall around my base for ultimate protection against the dangers of the world.

Witness the meticulous planning, precise placement, and relentless determination as I lay each block, brick by brick, to create an impenetrable fortress. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this captivating live stream.

Explore the strategies behind base defense, learn valuable building techniques, and immerse yourself in the vibrant community of the OldTimersCraft SMP. Don’t miss out on the action-packed adventure as we transform mere cobblestone into a towering symbol of security and strength.

So grab your pickaxe, gather your resources, and join me live as we embark on this epic construction project together. Let’s build a wall to withstand the test of time on OldTimersCraft SMP Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Realm!

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    Crafting Chaos: Day 12 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In Minecraft, I ventured, my wood quest in tow, Greeting my friends, with a cheerful hello. Twelve blocks in hand, from a spruce forest near, The challenge continues, no need for fear. Join me on this journey, become a member today, Support the creator, in a special way. 365 days of gaming, each one a delight, With rhymes and updates, shining bright. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Let the story sing, straight from the heart. Minecraft news, crafted with care, In every pulsing line, the truth we share. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Unleashing Epic Power in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Unleashing Epic Power in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, I bring you news of powerful crafts and gains. With every update, a new adventure begins, In the land of blocks, where the story spins. From rich to poor, from legends to tales, I bring you the news in rhymes that never fails. So join me in the world of Minecraft delight, Where every creation shines so bright. Stay tuned for more updates, more stories to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Keep crafting, keep building, keep the adventure alive, In the world of blocks, where our… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 21 – Best Room Quest

    Crafting Chaos: Day 21 - Best Room Quest In the castle, the room work is done, If you want a spot, just comment for fun. Come visit my village, day 21 is the date, Join the adventure, don’t hesitate! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight

    Minecraft's Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From towering castles to intricate designs, Every creation is unique, every detail shines. With each click and each tap, a masterpiece forms, As players craft and shape, in the digital storms. The satisfaction is real, as structures take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where imagination takes flight. So dive into the game, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and so much more. Experience the joy, the thrill, the delight, In the most satisfying video, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • Outrageous New Outro for Let’s Plays!

    Outrageous New Outro for Let's Plays! Exciting Adventures Await with Mad Red Panda in Minecraft! Join Mad Red Panda on thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft with their brand-new outro for the channel! Get ready to embark on magical journeys and experience enchanting moments like never before. Whether it’s casting spells, playing games, or exploring new worlds, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What to Expect: Stay tuned for exciting content every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Mad Red Panda takes you on a whimsical ride through the Minecraft universe. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there’s never a dull moment in… Read More

  • Love is in the Minecraft Air

    Love is in the Minecraft Air Minecraft Love Server: A Musical Journey in TuneScape Network Embark on a musical adventure with TuneScape Network’s official video, “Minecraft Love Server.” This creative masterpiece brings together the talents of musicians NextTheFox and TuneScape Network, with the brilliant idea and production by TuneScape Network. Exploring the Musical Landscape Immerse yourself in the melodic world of “Minecraft Love Server” as it takes you on a journey through enchanting tunes and captivating rhythms. The collaboration between NextTheFox and TuneScape Network brings a unique blend of sounds that perfectly complement the Minecraft universe. Key Features: YouTube: Watch the official video on TuneScape… Read More

  • Brennyn Sabar Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Datapack Voice Chat Java 1.20.6 18+

    Welcome to Brennyn Sabar Minecraft Server! If you’re a dedicated Minecrafter looking for a long-term experience with a tight-knit community, look no further! Our server features a custom datapack called Foundation, adding new items, biomes, and dimensions to the game. Join our server in New Jersey for a vanilla Minecraft experience with no major game-changing plugins or alterations. We’re currently on version 1.20.6 and will be updating to 1.21 soon. Server Details: 6-8 active members, looking to double Running Fabric with Simple Voice Chat, SquareMap, and No Chat Reports mods Hosted on dedicated hardware for optimal performance How to Join:… Read More

  • ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)

    ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)BRAND NEW MAP!ShogunMCfree ranksdonator ranksNew mapmcmmoeconomysurvivalquestsdiscordcratesgreat staffgreat communityCome join our great community, we just had a map reset and are ready for new players! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Disc Rankings”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Disc Rankings"I guess you could say this meme is a solid diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft’s Lunar Adventure

    Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft's Lunar Adventure Ram’s journey to the moon, a tale so grand, A cinematic adventure, across the land. With beats and rhymes, the story we tell, Of India’s mission, Chandrayaan 5, oh so swell. The news reporter, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft updates, shining bright. In every line, the truth takes flight, In every verse, the story ignites. Ram’s mission to the moon, a historic feat, With ISRO’s pride, the journey complete. From Earth to space, a daring leap, In every rhyme, the story we keep. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth… Read More

  • 0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft

    0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft When you finally find a rare Sponge in Minecraft and realize it’s only a 0.00000000007% chance, you start questioning your life choices. Like, was it really worth spending hours searching for a virtual cleaning tool? #minecraftprobs #spongebobminecraftpants Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery

    Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery Minecraft Note Block Cover: Kobo Kanaeru – Entah Exploring the creative world of Minecraft, a talented content creator has crafted a mesmerizing note block cover of Kobo Kanaeru’s “Entah.” Using tools like Capcut for video editing, Pixellab for thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4, this artist has brought a musical masterpiece to life within the game. Tools of the Trade The intricate process of creating a note block cover involves meticulous attention to detail. With Capcut for seamless video editing, Pixellab for eye-catching thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4 for the gameplay itself, the artist has skillfully combined these… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2

    EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to every single Minecraft mod that’s ever existed in the history of the entirety of the universe brought to you by the like button and also our server hosting sponsor where we’ve been able to generate resources as we sleep and work on air conditioning problems water leakage water leaking everywhere water just gets everywhere that it shouldn’t be and is uh it’s fun sorry that’s a bit of a rant um oh God I I hit my macro and I started just picking stuff up um anyway today I figured we could… Read More

  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

    Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PEVideo Information what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have a really cool mod this is called the insane craft pack and basically adds a bunch of random stuff so like we can have like a bunch of animals we got a bunch of like weapons uh Vehicles a lot of cool things so if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for maybe two likes also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s jump… Read More

  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : https://discord.gg/Bb5dQ3C8qm ►Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/Gaming4LiFeUtube ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiro_gaming/ ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgH8Mrs52LJG0CfYtQ5mJ2g/join »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop :https://amzn.to/3z36RQE »»Keyboard :https://amzn.to/3giCHCj »»Mouse https://amzn.to/3EYhjwC »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 https://streamlabs.com/yuqwilson #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) moonbat.ddns.net Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Torch-tastic!

    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

  • Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21!

    Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, the Ender Experience Tower shines, A place to level up and enchant, a true goldmine. Gather materials, do your homework, and build with care, Soon you’ll be the master, with tools beyond compare. Redstone mechanisms, a collector to create, Skip if you wish, focus on the Tower’s fate. From zero to enchanting master, a journey so grand, With each level gained, you’ll rule the land. So subscribe, like, and share, spread the word around, Let’s dive into Minecraft, where adventure is found. From weapons to armor, and creatures to explore, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥

    Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥 Looks like even Shulkers are getting in on the meme game now! Watch out for those surprise airdrops, you never know what you might get! #memeception #minecraftmemevasion Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide Minecraft Trading Duplication Glitch Tutorial (Multiplayer) – Java 1.21 Are you looking to gain an edge in your Minecraft multiplayer experience? Look no further! This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the steps of a working Minecraft Java 1.21 duplication glitch. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to duplicate items efficiently through the trade GUI, giving you a significant advantage on your server. First Duplicate Items Glitch One of the key techniques in duplicating items in Minecraft Java 1.21 involves manipulating trade packets. By carefully timing your trades and utilizing specific methods, you can duplicate items seamlessly. This… Read More

  • Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft!

    Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft! Minecraft Telepathy Monsters! Part 4 In the latest installment of Minecraft Telepathy Monsters, 656 members are embarking on the Telepathy challenge. This unique challenge tests the bond between players as they try to synchronize their actions in the game. The challenge involves placing the same block at the exact same time, showcasing the players’ ability to communicate and coordinate effectively. Testing Telepathic Abilities The Telepathy challenge pushes players to rely on their intuition and understanding of their partner’s actions. By attempting to place the same block simultaneously, players demonstrate their telepathic connection within the game. This challenge not only… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102’s First Day #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102's First Day #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘my first day in minecraft. full video in channel #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by proplayer102 on 2024-04-25 12:43:43. It has garnered 176 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. 1. #Minecraft 2. #Gaming 3. #VideoGames 4. #Adventure 5. #Building 6. #Survival 7. #Crafting 8. #Exploration 9. #Creativity 10. #Multiplayer 11. #Redstone 12. #Mods 13. #PixelArt 14. #BlockWorld 15. #Sandbox 16. #Mining 17. #Construction 18. #OnlineGaming 19. #VirtualWorld 20. #IndieGame 21. #Community 22. #ResourceGathering 23. #BuildingBlocks 24. #OpenWorld 25. #Imagination 26. #Gameplay 27. #Architecture 28. #Fantasy 29. #DigitalArt… Read More

  • Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock’s Scariest Mod

    Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock's Scariest ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Minecraft’s Scariest Mod in Skyblock’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-17 16:21:28. It has garnered 70143 views and 3783 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. This is the FINALE of scariest skyblock video series ever! The man from the fog is terrifying and herobrine constantly haunts my world. Why did I think to add them BOTH to my minecraft skyblock world…. this isn’t going to end well…. After watching Calvin play with this horror mod and his video titled I Added HEROBRINE to my Hardcore World.. Minecraft: From The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge – EPIC SMP Gameplay!

    Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge - EPIC SMP Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP’, was uploaded by Extreme Jay on 2024-06-13 16:15:06. It has garnered 77 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:45 or 405 seconds. I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP In today’s video I hosted Bingo but in Minecraft, and it was pretty intense Enjoy The Video!!! Second Channel: ​⁠@ExtremelyJay_ Geography Channel: ​⁠@ExtremeGeography_ Loyalty Public Discord Server: https://discord.gg/JRfEAKGszE Discord: https://discord.gg/5jP4BHMX8E Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Omittedjay Other Loyalty Members: ​​⁠@tom4thew1n25 ​⁠@AtomicTheEnderman ​⁠@clash12391 ​​⁠@StarZDunkZ ​⁠@JustRyne ​⁠​⁠@asgardzz ​⁠​⁠@axaven ​⁠@SurRisen ​⁠@Axolox_ ​⁠@bladestorm1745 ​⁠@estaexp ​⁠@Jplays225 ​⁠@EnriquePig ​⁠@Clydenical ​⁠@zackYT_ (he also let me use… Read More

  • INSANE! Building a Kitchen in My Modern Minecraft House

    INSANE! Building a Kitchen in My Modern Minecraft HouseVideo Information This video, titled ‘i made kitchen in my supar modern house in Minecraft’, was uploaded by vishna game on 2024-05-13 14:45:28. It has garnered 133 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:12 or 72 seconds. minecraft house minecraft earth minecraft house ideas minecraft house designs minecraft song minecraft house survival minecraft survival house minecraft house tutorial minecraft music minecraft animation minecraft survival minecraft 100 days minecraft music disc minecraft house ideas survival minecraft survival base minecraft survival server minecraft animation mod minecraft manhunt minecraft house tutorial modern minecraft house underground minecraft survival guide minecraft… Read More

  • Dolt’s Insane Minecraft Server – Live Stream Madness!

    Dolt's Insane Minecraft Server - Live Stream Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-08 21:55:00. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:30 or 5430 seconds. 🎮 Streaming via Turnip #minecraft #livestream #turnip #gaming #turnip_live #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecrafthighlights #youtuber #turnipclub Today I am streaming minecraft. Other popular games: PUBG Mobile Garena Free Fire Among Us Call of Duty Mobile Fall Guys Call of Duty: Warzone Grand Theft Auto V Fortnite Roblox Minecraft Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Iron Golem vs All Mobs – Who Will Win?!

    Ultimate Battle: Iron Golem vs All Mobs - Who Will Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Iron Golem vs Every Mob in Minecraft (Hard Difficulty) 1.21 Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-06-18 07:55:00. It has garnered 2656 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:55 or 295 seconds. Iron Golem vs Every Mob in Minecraft (Hard Difficulty) 1.20 Bedrock Edition #meme #minecraft #memes Read More