EPIC Recovery on Minecraft SMP – Day 12 – NEW & IMPROVED

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it’s everything you wish [Music] for man that what’s up lazy how are you this is a damn shame I really need that h damn I really need that trade right now h h h h come on [ __ ] mending h Huh huh dude [ __ ] off levania why h h oh my god oh why the [ __ ] were you standing on it you dumb bastard what’s up lazy exactly what these these dumb [ __ ] get why are you standing up on the [ __ ] Lecter leather boots shitty [ __ ] Armor I saw that I said well well welcome which one of these Jag offs is going to [ __ ] take this joke up oh my God this is [ __ ] annoying of course of course it’s not reset this is frustrating as hell out of my face I’ll [ __ ] take you out right now boy h no joke take a job give me mending I’ll give you all the money in my pockets and then we can part ways there we go you Squidward noos [ __ ] is that so hard don’t look at the pile of [ __ ] those turn the music off so I can go or the sound off so I can go to the end put all this on the armor and then we got a full new set of sick armor no they’re about to Mighty morph or something oh [ __ ] me running I guess we’re going back in theory this armor is better who knows who even knows all right oh did I put another one in there yes you’re bored what have you been doing all day what have you been up to want to see my Minecraft art yeah there’s an art channel in the disc Discord throw it up in there let me take a look did you draw these today not bad yesterday H yeah not bad brother no they’re waiting they’re waiting for me to slip up what the [ __ ] bro why are those even here o would I like to become a stick figure sure might as well human human for sure that armor that I was just wearing that green armor put me in that if not that put me in like Duck footy pajamas budy like you know like a onesie that’ll work any accessories give me a [ __ ] fat Rolex yeah start with that and then we’ll go from there how about how’s that sound does it have [Music] boat [Music] oh well if this one doesn’t have a boat I’m done is that a boat on the map or is that one of those [ __ ] up there is a boat we’re in there ladies and germs it’s over the suffering is over oh my God put it on the local [Music] news get me up there [ __ ] off tree this tree is standing between me and my destiny right now [ __ ] off all oh let me down let me down I need to see it what is it F2 what is that why why is that there oh can you take a screeny and put it in the Discord lazy please oh my God this hold on we’re in there good good good throw it up in the general chat and I’ll go talk on it give me that [ __ ] give me that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah bet your [ __ ] ass they said it couldn’t be done let’s go let’s loot this [ __ ] and get the [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] hole isz this place [ __ ] sucks and I ain’t never coming back give me that [ __ ] too What a Wonderful World bre you oh [ __ ] you my God we’re getting demolished down here just passed around oh my good Lord let a [ __ ] be God damn y relx [Music] throw it up in the art oh my God I’m so happy this is all over I don’t have to do this ever again do you know how incredible that is get we’re out of there we’re [ __ ] out of there spot it’s over we’ve done it now to organize all of this [ __ ] for oh [Music] I’m going to look oh yeah did you do that on your iPad nice rolly bling down why do I have a gat why do I have a nine quick inventory organization we’re building a [Music] farm yeah that’s good I don’t have any pants though I’m just running around free balling [Music] [Music] sure throw me in [Music] there [Music] but I mean it’s only [ __ ] it’s only suiting if I’m in the end Dimension at this [Music] [Music] point is all of this Rando [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] h I somebody disc a [Music] is is is what’s up redacted it just says redactor how are you okay the administrator how are you normal what’s normal I’m good just spent the last what 3 days of streaming looking for an elytra and there was no in cities with boats to be found and I found one today so I’m feeling pretty good I’m just sorting everything that I found on my Journeys and I’m going to move on what’s what do you do give me the rundown give me your pitch give me your best sales pitch look at my name yeah it’s different for me than what normal what you see join my Discord and Link me or YouTube I can’t see it the link to the Discord is in the description of the Stream [Music] what do you guys use how long have you been doing this I just read a little bit about it I knew what an SCP was just didn’t know what the foundation did 7 months ago but scps has been around for [Music] forever so now I know what an sc I know what the SCP Foundation is but what are you guys do what do you want what do you want me to do I suppose is the better question and then what do you guys do let’s say I called you and I had something crazy or I contacted you on set app and I had something crazy what do you come to my house I mean how is all of this funded yeah go out of context I mean you can say whatever you want I’m J this isn’t even me being a dick I’m just genuinely curious I just have questions like a role play does that what you mean role play r o you know it’s like right oh okay why didn’t you lead with that why didn’t you lead with we starting that why did you start with all that other [ __ ] dude yeah I mean send I you said you don’t use Discord but I use Discord so if you want me to join it just join and Link me this stuff I’ll look at it you’re really in character I admire it Roblox Community says role play instead of typing the whole thing oh gotcha okay well you can join the Discord and you can leave right away but if you join to add me you can send me the stuff later when you guys get it built or set up I mean I’d probably try it okay well when you get it set up for for how would you like your parents to be like give you full rain you decide it all for for all [Applause] for what what a what for is for what for what oh for for for what what what finally forgot I never put Unbreaking on that that’s crazy for for sh [Music] [Music] [Music] no oh it feels so nice to just have a [ __ ] elytra now God damn that took forever f what God damn it okay oh [Music] h that what for for I for [Music] for [Music] h what [Music] [Music] for what what’s up Sean how are you buddy I got it I’m good great even yes sir um in a random in city I stumbled across yeah I was at first I didn’t see the boat it was at the beginning of this stream I didn’t see the boat and I got real mad but then the boat rendered in at the very back and I was pumped finally it’s over I’ll never have to go back to the end done a little bit of a makeover in the house too oh yeah the best feeling the best oh son of a [ __ ] have I taken it for a test run oh yeah let me find I’m trying to I’ve made my place a little bit crowded I’m trying to find a spot for everything without it being too over the top crazy crowded while also being sort of symmetrical I could put it beside my bed but I got that [ __ ] there so what I think think I’m going to do is I’m going to just put a support and put it up that way it’s kind of raised like a speaker with thought oh [ __ ] Ren’s here let’s give him a Call’s up hey what’s up chilling come to my house it’s completely different on the inside yeah down just the just the upstairs just the where I normally am oh [ __ ] whoa how’d you do that glass I’m freid turn around that’s a bit menacing you don’t like it I like it but it’s scares me dude it makes it’s a [ __ ] you turn to a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] running it it makes this so cozy do really walls it off kind of all right all right damn dude you got a lot of [ __ ] on your glass frame walls I put an item frame in the glass frame oh my god um oh yeah here look at this like that you can put it back but I like it like that it looks like a hanging picture that way yeah God damn bro why is he still in Diamond could you give him something else he’s got over enchanted diamond here let me show you he’s wearing this kind of stuff so and I think he plans on cuz in this mod pack you can go chest plate you go from Diamond where is it Diamond to netherite and then iron netherite gold netherite emerald emerald netherite diamond netherite and then when you enchant it you get a lot plus you can go right from netherite to Warden Armor which I think is renan’s plan you just got to [ __ ] what I was looking at this armor yeah it so you have you have to make this one here on the right you have to make that one and then use this hammer on one of these to make the plates to make that armor and then you have to take that armor and add the plates for that armor on this expensive bastard and then you get that armor Jesus Christ I do have a warden upgrade um and if we get skull I can duplicate it so what is like the base what you need for this like what do you make the armor out of fum Alum so you need so you need this and then you take it in the hammer on one of my one of the I you put it in the Thum Anvil you have Diamond gloves like him yeah I do diamond gloves are the best besides netherite I think um where the [ __ ] is it yeah mine are almost broken God damn so R did you you have that inot yeah and then you need this one and you hit that one with a hammer and add it to the one that you’re holding no you have to make a whole set out of that stuff so the first one I gave you is a set all of it on its own and then that Ingot I just gave you is even rarer than that one and you have to make a whole entire set of it out of that I only have 15 left and then I have and then this one is rarest but you have have to make this Anvil which is [ __ ] expensive and you have to have a bunch of uh smithing templates which I have cuz I’ve been [ __ ] going to the end forever and you just have to have four of those ingots to make the armor but you need those ingots to make the smithing templates and this and the hammer but you only need after I have all of that [ __ ] so you really only need to get a bunch of this [ __ ] and then four of the which I have enough to make that but I don’t have enough of the termite I don’t have enough overwhelmed yeah it’s really not that complicated when it’s all in front of you like when you have everything um but Bas if you get if you can go get that termite [ __ ] all right throw those ingots back also uh if you get the termite [ __ ] I think that’s what it’s called yeah terminite terminite if you get more of that um I have the other [ __ ] enough of the other [ __ ] I can make you a set of I can make you a set of this but I don’t think it’s better than Diamond you can um oh you’re already gone let me go look at my [ __ ] real quick to see if I Gra grabbed any of those kind of things while I was there you want me to come look with you so I can tell you if it’s the right if you have can you put the elytra in your in like your chest plate like that oh can I combine in my elytra to my chest plate I’m not sure I don’t think I have [Music] anything oh I have four Thum that’s it I have four Thum or yeah I have blocks of that that [ __ ] is the ore that’s just all over the ground the other ones you have to loot so yeah the Thum you can make I can make move my C remove my cap nope I think I can you have to add it like this I can make a this but I don’t even know how to get these but like I could make it into I could add um one of these blocks and make it armored but it’s worse than the Armor I have do it H it wouldn’t be any different I would still not I would still take it off oh but I guess I could enchant it with protection and [ __ ] that’s interesting I won’t die if he crash I won’t die anyway but what you’re saying oh renan I took the grind Stone from upstairs and moved it to the end because I needed it so you don’t have a grind Stone here it’s in the end what are you looking for now I’m just kind of putting some [ __ ] away in my drop chest you know fo’s [ __ ] instead of sorting them you want to go fight that boss you found or here you can keep sorting well you I don’t have the Waypoint so will you give me the coordinates so I can fly to it what are we talking about the one you found up here like the Woodland Mansion type oh fck where was that you have a waist on at right I got to go upstairs did winter move yeah we are in I don’t know yep yep yep this is it type them in the I got a lot of stones yeah I have a shitload dude what weird as [ __ ] but when I’m wearing the ra it moves my HUD to the right a little bit so I can’t [ __ ] like my mouse isn’t lined up if that makes any sense it is annoying though wait I don’t think I want to do that I kind of want this one yeah I kind of want that one cuz I want that one and I I’ll have to go find a new elytra if I don’t if I do that one cuz I don’t think I can undo that Smith so I’m just going to wait for now oh [ __ ] did you type them I suppose no I didn’t my bad I’m as right as I can be um I know but I don’t need protection on it Sean I’m I’m a I mean I think I’m pretty much unkillable by a lot with this do you have terracotta Oak Village wasone oh is that the is the Terracotta Oak Village is that the uh disco Mountain it’s named terracotta Oak Village no it is not terracotta Oak Village I’m here okay uh we got to go well you can use the way Stone and go to it and I can fly there really fast okay right that’s what I was saying is if you went cuz I thought you were going to organize your [ __ ] at your house so I was saying if you just let me have the coordinates what version I can get the pack in Minecraft is it yeah it’s 1.20.1 Gilbert what mod is this it’s better MC forged better Minecraft 1.20.1 version It’s 31 24 you want to just type it for yourself while I read it to you 3124 10,290 yep 31 so I need to go this way you also probably just look at your M and go where I am oh the chunks aren’t loading oh and I hit a tree oh my God that is scary to fly through nothing when there’s no map like when there’s no chunks loaded looks like an awesome mod I’d get it if I could why can’t you get it it is very fun it’s one of the best mods I’ve ever played yeah I mean I could get there and licky split but these chunks aren’t loading hey that’s a grave hey if we kill the Ender Dragon again we can CRA really yeah one dragon scale we can copy your elytra how do we kill him again I don’t know man is it the normal way people respawn dragons or that’s what I would assume but I don’t even remember how to do that if I’m going to tell you the truth yeah yeah me either my PC doesn’t do well when I try downloading mods damn I’m sorry yeah literally literally just one elytra and one dragon scale and a crafting table makes a copy so we just keep killing the ender dragon we’ll just keep we could just dup my elytra yeah dude I felt so good when I not when I found it well yes when I found it but when I made this armor today I was like oh my God it wasn’t for nothing like obviously the elytra is cool and all but all that time for an elytra I was like come on man but the fact that I gathered all this [ __ ] and I barely had enough to do it I can only [ __ ] imagine oh I’m here oh SI also all this time that I wasn’t running through the end I knew we could make a coffee you [ __ ] really it wasn’t actually the whole time but I figured it out pretty early because you kept complaining about the elytra and that we’re not going to have an elytra and so I was like I looked up elytra and I clicked on because I want to see all the different kinds for starters but I you’re a [ __ ] you are a rat [ __ ] bastard the very first thing that pops up on when you click on elytra is crafting elytra and dragon scale makes elytra copy you’re a [ __ ] rat B bastard dude you could have went the other way as me and we would have found one and then you could have told me that we one of us would have found one it would have been half the time I was I was doing other stuff that was helpful I mean yeah but I was literally on the verge of [ __ ] Insanity I came back a couple times am I going through the roof or you want to go down there all right um let’s get down here the door let’s go the right way Dragon again huh yeah sure you can do it after this I don’t give a [ __ ] uh Sean said four and crystals hey you have those right yeah I got a fuckload of them from the end yeah I thought so thought so nice dude thanks what am I getting out of this deal I need some good you can have all of it I don’t give a [ __ ] about the XP you have that uh the head or the egg or something the head I have Quinny you can have the egg dude you already have one trophy just for your house well that’s the communal one that that we’ll do when we make a trophy room you can have one just for your bedroom dude these invokers do nothing nothing to me yeah there is a lot of them though don’t rush up the floors make sure we clear it all I’m I’m just checking out what this is taking me to It’s not taking me it’s literally just a spiral it’s like it’s looping me around dude I’m so lost oh there’s a chest it’s literally just a weird maze to a chest is it this oh yeah there’s a couple of these I didn’t go up them L is kind of garons oh there’s ow yeah didn’t want me to see all your prisoners in here huh I’m freeing them all renen some villagers no they’re the the LA the little yeah I’m letting them all out hard knock live for these [ __ ] villagers they didn’t know the big bad wolves were showing up for real yeah do be like a maze about to puff and blow this [ __ ] down dude so is this like the uh regular Woodman Woodman Woodland Mansion it just has a boss I don’t really know feel like it’s a different thing all yours all right man I guess might as well why not take my fifth disc of [ __ ] cat I have two double chest full of discs yeah so I’m I’m cooling on discs I’ve probably got about five types of discs but like 30 total hey there is redstone in here I feel like all right I think it’s you want to meet back at the front and go up I’m coming I have some cool and decorations too if you want when we get back 6 SI go this way I tell you what renan as long as I get the first set of Warden Armor you can have whatever you want and yes I’ll help you farm the rest of the Warden Armor I just want the first one hey but if you want the armor I’m wearing that is on you pal I ain’t going back to that [ __ ] hole but I can use your Anvil yeah you can use my Anvil if it breaks though that is all on you I don’t know I don’t I mean I pounded a lot of [ __ ] um times on it and when I picked it up it said 35% and I don’t know if that was health or damage done I’d assume that’s heal dude there’s a big chicken in here Ren this is sick come here I’m busy dude [ __ ] fighting [ __ ] are out here they’re not doing any damage but they’re out here and they’re hitting a lot of times they’re not doing any damage but they’re annoying so what’s going on over here what oh it’s over here what’s going on over here hold on straight down the hallway at end oh you got a little crazy guy on your ass yeah hry oh Lord that is amazing I got gu still I got to we got to see if there’s like something in here oh he died to my armor don’t don’t [ __ ] up the chicken though I I’ll fix them I’ll fix them what is happening piss off you little bastard oh they’re everywhere that one’s on you now all oh [ __ ] oh damn I’ve gotten a couple of totem of undying do you have any um yeah I have two yeah I have two as well there has to be somebody spawning these at us another chain mail chest plate and another copy of a disc I already have yes [Music] sir oh I have another project that I’m not good at but you are in what’s that mining Cobble or mining obsidian noer at that oh yeah you didn’t sound too thrilled about that well I’m I’m going need elra for that well we’re about to go get you one after we dude I wonder hit me with your sword renan like like attack me hard he dude okay this thing kills me now you heal up let me shoot you a couple times with my bow okay too bad this armor huh that really gave you the work I know how many times estimate do you think you hit me um 15 10 15 yeah I was thinking 12 12 to 15 is what I was thinking D these things are annoying all right go ahead and shoot me I don’t want that mastered interfering he’s going to come back you son of a [ __ ] all right I’m shooting your ass ter D I’m [ __ ] you up bro your arrows aren’t doing any damage to me it’s the flame F crazy okay let’s go kill whatever is spawning those it’s got to be near here I’m upstairs okay oh he’s up here ah got him where are the stairs at they’re the right where you were shooting me there’s Cobble stairs came back down e e this way end the [ __ ] was that what I think that’s the invoker oh yeah that for sure is yep beat his [ __ ] ass he deserves it oh oh my God I fell through the floor bro yeah I think a creeper blew up on us if I’m going to keep it a stack oh yeah I wouldn’t know oh I have hosal mob sounds on to keep the stack with you they’re completely off 0% is he down there with you I don’t think so I’m de back up I don’t know where the [ __ ] he went then [Music] oh I got the Vex armor trim he is down there are you down here sir I don’t know where the hell he went yeah he is he’s down here he’s down here a he teleported where the [ __ ] did he go whoa he’s near that’s regular is he outside he was right here a second ago I hit him a couple times and he [Music] teleported [Music] I’m going down to the first floor [ __ ] [Music] it oh he’s outside oh my God oh God which side over here he’s way up the [ __ ] Hill looks like yeah he’s over [Music] here oh wait for you to get close oh I teleported of course you did why wouldn’t he he teleported ow oh he’s doing damage to me got killed he’s got a primal Essence that’s what he dropped what does it do um what the [ __ ] look up what these things yeah know he was spawning those the whole time I killing them I didn’t notice I was killing them while you were killing him Primal Essence let’s look at what it does you can make an imbu table you just need one that yeah you also need a bottle of enchanting though I have a lot of those what do theing table do I don’t know might as well make it though um where’s your way Stone here uh it’s on the other side uh no don’t go to that ping it’s over this way go up up that hill a little bit you should see it’s a Sandstone one yeah all right um let’s see you got a bottle of enchanting yeah how come to my house teleport to my house how to one second I need to grab the other ingredients oh that’s easy oh did you play with my [ __ ] toolbox yeah I changed the I left you a bunch of sticks too and that uh orange [ __ ] um so I read the the [ __ ] um the book so there’s two sticks that are good for weapons because they low the durability but they make the attack swing faster and then there’s two sticks that are really good for durability and then the comet sticks give you no but they make your attack slower and then the comet sticks seem like they’re just the best for everything cuz they make your durability go higher they don’t give you an attack speed debuff like a attack speed whatever ah so I put the comet sticks on um that green pickaxe I made for us there it is all right on my way I only need one bottle o enchanting oh is that the only one you got no I just don’t know where they are there’s 12 in here look at this thing over here enan what the [ __ ] that’s sick V pedestal do you want some pedestals look you can put [ __ ] on them one second let me uh craft this real quick it’s not huge we can find somewhere to put it in here oh it should just be like a one block thing right there in view need an enchanted book yeah looks like it the gem I don’t know what mod is it illager Invasion illager Invasion if you put at in front of the mod name it uh like if you like in the in the search bar it brings up just that mod pack Hollow gem that might be what goes in there viewing table the only interactable block from The eler Invasion Mod is known as an imbu table allowing players to upgrade their Enchanted gear this means you can exceed vanilla limitations on an ability like sharpness increases Beyond level five however Hollow gems and identical enchanted books are needed beforehand only after meeting its requirements can you begin upgrading tools and armor pieces I already have sharpness six yeah I’m moving this thing I’ll keep it in the house but I’m [ __ ] moving it um here do you want where the [ __ ] is it all do you want those I have one so it’ll fit nicely into a stack and the pedestals hell yeah you got one of these things they’re pretty cool to have on the wall it’s this thing oh yeah [ __ ] morphs dude put your juicy [ __ ] tendon on the wall oh God stretchy one I don’t know if I want to do that but I want see what it looks like you look at it go look I got a nut butter sandwich on one of the item frames but it looks like it’s laying on the counter yes indeed it does freshly made I’m going to put this [ __ ] thing down here I give you both colors of pedestals yes indeed you did um you need diamonds not particularly it’s not like I have a crazy amount but I also don’t really need them come down here look in these three chests Jesus Christ you want a couple of those you got a lot of Bo dude you want a couple totems of undying void as well even out even it out a little you know just make it make it end on that [Music] Row dude I swear I had more I had one of the netherite the nether [ __ ] upgrade Smith things but I don’t know where it is I don’t have one I had one but I don’t know what I did what happened to it so I guess we have to find a new one [Music] um to the end yeah let me dump some [Music] [ __ ] want to do it twice okay I kind of want one for the [Music] wall I have 17 dragon heads damn H what was it four that I oh yeah for the trading the little guy I made I got five before I left for trading the little guy that’s for the fortune five Unbreaking five yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ready see you in the end you’re going the wrong way yeah I am I don’t know why I am dude I was just [ __ ] pumped hit W key hit W key and didn’t look back AR you fancy Mr fancy schmuck boy in his firework elra [Music] oh that is pretty cool huh yeah I like the [Music] clock y y again oh first shot clean have iron bars on them now yeah that one is there’s one over here too oh I didn’t bring any more Bots for that [ __ ] but I have shoo again did not bring building blocks but you can fly up to the ones with no bars they all broke all the ones we can no well that one has bars um do I’m looking at the other te do over there way can’t even see my arrows that high a [ __ ] hole that I dug is there still one up there oh I shot all the other ones without bars while I was flying yeah oh over there I this bar so which one it was that one is it still there no I was landing on that one I think they’re all G [Music] can’t wait to hear ping of me shooting you in the air you might do damage to me without my chest plate on real dragon v dragon hey launch me up in the air thanks buddy [ __ ] me flying this feels a lot like the ender dragon is toothless in your whatever do terrible fight dude it is loud up here brother oh yeah H entity sounds off he’s silent they hear these Ender either in fact they just completely dead silent here see I didn’t even know he wasn’t up there anymore I also didn’t know that this Enderman was mad at me or behind me like the obsidian all over again Ender dude did I feel like he has he’s stronger than the first time yeah like obviously he’s not most certainly cuz I mean but he’s taking more shots and my Bow’s better yeah he’s got to have more health and yeah you’re [ __ ] up there so you’re hitting him more than we were the first time took us longer to hit shots cuz he was way up there you’re just shooting from the ground much like I am but you’re up there with him I’m just standing on a tower right now actually ah well still better shot I’ve got it’s over for him man can I have The High Ground exactly dude I’m just letting these end absolutely kick my ass while I shoot [ __ ] Dragon they have done one heart they’ve been beating my ass for a while of course I pissed off another one somehow [ __ ] him and keep shooting oh two of them uh might be shooting arrows through them every once in a while and that’s pissing them off got like four wailing on me in for the kill shots [Music] where’s the dragon tooth scale or whatever that that [ __ ] that was one XP the one I got yeah same it was three or well it did absolutely nothing like I was level 24 I’m still level 24 oh I got the scale you have it yep hey bro can I see your lights real quick dude it’s going to take my enchants off huh I don’t think so let me see the rules here you can do it you can decide whether or not to do it or no what you should just have to put the elytra and that in no we didn’t get an egg Ah that’s [ __ ] up let’s do that again what’s up lazy one second let me I’m going run home and grab some of my fireworks oh yeah that’ll [Music] do to draw the N Dimension butt but what how does it feel nice I’ll do the mod one for [Music] sure oh I got to quickly make a trade with that [ __ ] Villager when we’re done with this for some mending though I had to make there’s a second one now because uh he wouldn’t [ __ ] refresh his trades earlier so I just sat and made a new one so there’s two mening v no one of them is running around free is it in the same Village though yeah there’s only iron bar ones left damn the explosion kind of hurts oh look accidentally just started wailing out [ __ ] Rockets cuz I was trying to eat hey I was doing that I think so oh I know why I didn’t get any XP cuz all my [ __ ] was damaged oh yeah oh I have half a heart I flew right into his mouth dude I flew right into his teeth and it I was on half a heart this is how you should find a dragon dude getting this [ __ ] [ __ ] dude D he’s ding a lot faster this time huh yeah just making my circle around hitting him in the head [Music] back here son [ __ ] [ __ ] oops Jesus Christ I’m killing myself I got it what else can you do with them that’s just that look at that D what two alantra what screw you guys I’m going home oh I slept in this [ __ ] dumbass Village do you have any uh tarantula hawk wings no I looked at that I’m going to make one of mine um I’m going to make the one I’m wearing upgraded the armored yeah I didn’t want to do it cuz I didn’t know if I could I didn’t think I didn’t think I could get another one well you can get as many as you want dude we just got to keep killing the dragon I unlocked a new backpack too nice that soul elytra looks pretty sick you you should have this one too now the end [Music] Crystal yep I haven’t cheered near enough sheep I close me Cleaver you might already have the [ __ ] rocket one I’m what is it fly over 50 km with an elytra oh no way that’s 50,000 blocks oh yeah [ __ ] this cape dude I ain’t wearing that [ __ ] when I can look at an end Crystal and an an armored elytra yeah I found the the loose Trader yeah thought I had them in me backpack but I cleared it out before he went to the end a [ __ ] I’ve moved me books why have I done this damn dude my elytra is only slightly worse than my chest plate now before I go get that book I want to look if I have any trans not but you can add capes to your armor stand while the armor is still on there though the yeah the combined is pretty nice though the armored one yeah I don’t have any I have one more of those you have to duplicate it yeah I know so you will need a block of lapis seven diamonds and then mine my thing and then you got to leave it save one wait for what make the smithing template cuz I only have one more so you have to duplicate it so we don’t use the last one well no I wasn’t looking at uh that one I was looking at the ignitium oh that yeah we don’t have that [ __ ] though well no but it’s it combines in with your netherite chest plate what now it combines with your netherite chest plate they become one thing where do you see that so uh you got the elyra page up click on ignitium chest plate and then click on smithing table the top yeahum upgrade and the idum Ingot yeah but that’s why I’m saying we don’t have that yeah I know but if we get that that sick but then again we could just kill the [ __ ] Dragon again Dragon a few more times although we probably need one regular elytra to do that I have one okay yeah just making sure we got we got to make sure we keep Despair and not turn it into something above my bed perfect so then yeah just the matter of which one to make it soon the sole one is sick but not doable now where light one is that just lootable which one the crystalite one I don’t see a way to craft it cryst light I don’t even see that it’s c r y s t a l i t Elijah it’s like purplish pink and blue yeah that’s something from the end D that ignitium elytra chest plate looks so sick though there’s a whole set of idum yeah I think what is the little on the armored elytra one what is that first stack like the plus 20% what is that knockback resistance oh it’s a weird symbol it looks like the do I’ll do the tarantul hawk one for now do you have the wings no I’m going to go kill some though can’t be too hard I got looting three on my sword I can easily take a tarantal hawk these days give me one second I damn dude you robbed this Village of all beds no remember that’s the one with no bed that the desert one crazy this one that had no they just [ __ ] stay awake all the time I want to start building the farm I got book now I’m going to this desert ought to have some tarantula Hawks no I don’t know e items I threw on the ground a long time ago gross they’re still here we’re in late spring ear oh no next thing you know it’s going to be winter again dude they not going to have the farm built that’s [ __ ] up I build it between our houses or across the water do between our [Music] houses I’m 50% of the way through [Music] the rocket backpack [Music] hey be nice if these chunks a lot though [Music] oh the lag is crazy for real dude it’s like I’m an infinite rocketed right now I’m just [ __ ] looking for a tarantula hawk man couple of them but oh yeah you are tanking the server right now [Music] [Music] yeah you need two tarantul Hawk Wings to make it and you get pattered tarantul Hawk Wings when you kill them and you need nine tattered tarantula hawk Wings to make one tarantula hawk Wing So I need 18 tattered tarantula Haw wings this might be a disconnect angle yeah this is totally a disconnect angle dude there’s physically no way it’s not right I mean come on this is crazy would you believe me if I told you I’m currently uh floating my lra atga 32 oh I’ve disconnected I disconnected too um I killed a bunch of Enderman and um they were like laying sideways in the death animation like bugging oh dude the server is [ __ ] dude I we busted it oh God we busted the server no further information opening it up to see what the [ __ ] going on one second I’ll be right back while you do that for oh we have [ __ ] it up dude what’s uh what’s what’s it doing console is going crazy right now it’s failing to load skipping load failing to load loading config leaves bunch of fails bypassing load Excell oh it’s back up oh oh wait yeah needed a second damnn I really traveled all that distance that I traveled through the void dude really yeah it’s like 1500 meters or something be back you wouldn’t happen to just like have an Unbreaking book just lying around would you um yeah I suppose you can have it hey I was just about to put it on something but all yours um so I just Enchanted a full set of my purple armor uh let’s go kill that tree I’m about to finish and do this I’m about to finish this axe too and then well give me a minute I don’t know if you want to enchant armor but this axe should do it when I’m done with it do you have a fire never mind um at least Fu man I wanted to get the tarantal Hawks but I guess I can do that later but I got to at least go to the Enderman farm and mend my elra in my helmet what’s up son Capri how are you pretty good pretty good just playing a little bit of Minecraft getting some things done some quests complete can’t complain thank you see you added another UIL in here yeah I’m about to break the bottom one so use the bottom one and then the top one will fall into place um always great to hear these mods yeah this one’s I’ve played a lot of mods damn it I’ve played a lot of mod packs over the years and this one so far has been the most enjoyable for me because I do like vanilla Minecraft I just feel like I get really bored of vanilla Minecraft because after a certain point you’re left with just building and then at a certain point you’re still building with the same blocks over and over and over again no matter what you do so this is nice because it adds a lot more exploration without completely changing the game in my opinion yeah I I don’t ever get bored of building I just run into a lot of situations where I’m like for interior specifically I’m not very creative with that like I can build the outside of buildings and use different blocks and be fine but then I end up just having a bunch of big empty buildings because one I hate doing interior but with mods like this they add a lot of like specialty stuff for the inside and that like most mods that I’ve played are too much where it’s overwhelming but this one adds just enough where it’s like there’s no there’s nothing that’s breaking the game in a vanilla sense but everything that’s added to it is just chef’s kiss like for example renan doesn’t like mods he prefers vanilla but he’s liking this one so far yeah I’ve never gotten him to play a mod pack with me for very long let alone want to play it like he does right now so that has to say something [Music] [Music] I was just looking for a tarantula hawk I’m pretty much ready to go whenever okay let’s think of what we need because we can’t leave once we’re in there so I remember dabbling mod packs but never really liked any the watching Pixelmon from Beijing Canadian a but it has to be from like aqu or something right Pixelmon was is always a fun one to watch diopside will do right yeah why wouldn’t it all right I’m going to make a diopside ax I was just [ __ ] making sure that wasn’t like a ever Dawn thing only or ever dark or whatever for how long have we been on this world um I think this is day 12 in real life but since this is a server that we paid for we’re on day 1,68 but it’s not really a68 because it runs even when we’re not on um um I would say we’ve probably played about 50 hours on this world almost two weeks we’ve been playing it am I missing something my cursor is off center like my cursor is yeah that’s what I’m trying noore oh my god dude oh that’s from the elytra that’s from the elytra oh my God it’s horrendous yeah when you upgrade it it goes away sick dude makes me sick when when you upgrade it it’ll go away I’m trying to what am I missing spear to hit it in the head and only one of us needs to throw it spear to hit it in the head axe to jump it when it’s down overloading on food all my gear has mending I think that’s it [Music] right I need to grab some food H I got my bubble wand just in case [ __ ] it I guess you should do you have books I don’t have any sharpness books I don’t think I guess one second um what else say right food I need to grab more food that’ll do yeah I do not have any sharpness I can give you two sharpness 3 books that will equal sharpness 4 that’ll do thanks sir yep you might want to take your cape off if you want to see your elytra okay I mean I haven’t upgraded it yet so my diamonds gloves broke at some point O oh so did mine you need some I have a bunch uh one second I think I might half a pair somewhere these ones have Ming on them that’s crazy that is crazy I have four sets of Unbreaking I do not so yeah I’ll take one unless you want Unbreaking three mending iron gloves all right ready I’ll just bring it with me yep it’s called huge thing yeah I know might want to turn the mob sounds back on Just for this oh yeah hopefully he doesn’t bug out if he does I guess I have the console open just get us out of there again yep that’s the only one I remember exactly where it’s at I think this one’s all the way to the end and then up oh yeah and one of us is going to have to take a dive and die to duplicate the drop we get yep oh yeah I was right it’s right here I don’t know I don’t know this one I believe in you I wish that we had a green brick like block in Minecraft that is in prismarine Copper apples [Music] yeah I agree oh I found it let’s see it has to be over here somewhere there’s one more see how much damage this does oh a lot [Music] hey where are the stairs oh it’s got to be on side yeah it was I was just looking at the square where you were cuz I remember that the side that you go up on is where our stairs like where we broke in that one time and took damage and so I hit M on the map and looked for the little side [Music] pillar all right see you in there all right see you in there [ __ ] ass oh I’m still in here I’m in here I’m getting my ass whooped golden apples are sick I’ll throw it hopefully he stops sometimes yeah for real nice stop I missed I’m still in here and de I’m W [ __ ] oh [ __ ] bust out and bust down damn boy he a doing any damage to me but he launches he’s dead don’t [ __ ] go run him back to your hole now a trophy I got it star Crusher Trophy and Crusher loot bag hey I got the same [ __ ] hey that’s crazy let’s go I guess this is the first one we killed since we were a team leaves winter leaves and falsy inot smithing template oh yeah smithing template regrowth armor trim smoked that fool for real hey you want to go fight the spider yeah oh dude that’s a pretty nice Arc actually extra heart oh [ __ ] a bet can we break blocks now probably [ __ ] no oh nope got to run all the way back just cuz his pickaxe doesn’t work good here no see oh you can break right here good I’m going to jump off the [Music] side smoked him dude he didn’t even stand a chance I’m going to stop at my house drop all this [ __ ] off and then we can um well you still have to run to the thing yeah I’m going have to fly to it like but you can yeah you can hit the want to do that Tower first sure for I’m going to run up it and start getting the keys and I’ll wait for you to toop that drop chest are [ __ ] chalk full that’s horrendous the chest in my room like in my upstairs might they’re technically drop chest but they’re shers so if I’m really feeling lazy I just pick them up and put them away and put a new one down BL needs some more of these fruits I can’t feed them anything else [Music] got them all halfway there shouldn’t be too much longer this guy should [ __ ] die instantly wait we do this and then we do the spider we officially have basically completed this we won’t have to come back flying over that Village right now why I accidentally went past you I’m almost there why to top floor well not really past you that was just on the way God damn it I went too hot don’t worry I’m gon get it I’m gon get it did did you go out yeah I wanted to try ready yeah [Music] God this motherfucker’s annoying dude just teleports all over the [ __ ] place you stay on that you stay on that side I’ll hit him he’ll teleport to you yes he will you [ __ ] a [Applause] uh [Music] did you just Bing yeah accid oh [ __ ] he knocks me back far did you get Stu to yep another D and then I got the shield now though and the trophy I have another Shield too [ __ ] the dustar that CH can [ __ ] off hey where is that tree um let me go to it what are these things Star flares oh I have those too you want I don’t know if you want to get this how far away is the tree not very so I’m going to pick this up happy damn do you have one of those pickaxes from here wait you you can you wait it takes longer here I was going to say you could take it and I could break it well then I can fly with you I don’t have a pickaxe in here on [Music] me all right ready it’s only a th000 blocks you go first so I can see where oh my God the elytra doesn’t work very well here huh it work for me I feel like it runs out of steam faster are you just using different Rockets than you were before no way dude like I come to a [ __ ] halt [Music] fast there it [Music] is hold on let me put my [ __ ] away oh there’s an open side on the other side side look uh oh we don’t have good pickaxes yeah these spawners take forever to break you waste home grab your green one [ __ ] dude maybe a sword too for these um spider webs okay I can’t play [ __ ] down oh I could make Venum shears do shears break spiders don’t don’t use your Venum I not I’m not I got a horizon knite oh so [ __ ] late for that I have a I have a good sword how much Horizon did you get over a stack big what the [ __ ] where’s the pickaxe I don’t know man it’s gone I hung it on the wall it’s gone the very least just make a [ __ ] a diopside one and brain because this shit’s horrendous I will be giving myself that pickaxe back it was right there on the [ __ ] wall That’s horse [ __ ] what happened to my [ __ ] pants at least you got at least we had them I could give you some you have do you have one of my pickaxes laying around yeah I actually have 12 oh yeah before we log out tonight I’ll be acquiring that back where’d you go I just kind of went man I saw you yeah I do like to look at this Stone however this purple stuff yeah where’s the [ __ ] key for this floor and the way out of this floor D I don’t you have torches no yeah can you place them in here no can you give me one to hold though yes you can I don’t give a [ __ ] about placing I just want one to hold well at this point I kind of do so I can [ __ ] know where we’ve been [Music] found the key nice where’s the way [ __ ] to the next floor up up hey there found it key or the way down key yes the way down is still at large oh I think it’s over here here maybe one second not guaranteed yeah it’s over here you want to loot the rest of this or not care I don’t really care [ __ ] it seems like a lot of the same [ __ ] how do I get to where you are I put on it ping it again all right I’m on the opposite side of the [ __ ] thing found the key of this floor oh my God there’s no way to get here we go where the [ __ ] is it now oh I found the way down over here too I’m still not down this floor I know I’m waiting the way down on that floor is over there where I’m at I see it no I’m just I’m just pinging it again it’s right there I’m straight ahead see how much I had to loot this floor dude I got the key out of that room and then uh over here is the way down it be the last key on this floor dude spiders are so annoying this has to be one of the worst [ __ ] on the way down over there found the key all right come on over I like these purple brick blocks yeah and the pillars here other ke we only have one oh yeah yeah don’t you have three yeah uh wow I didn’t read anything about this guy yeah me either probably should have huh it to escape that’s doing [ __ ] all oh I hit myself that hurts oh my God that hurts yeah ites I’m going to die I almost did WOW are amazing should have brought more of them it’s up being hold on we’re in the [ __ ] right now oh shot you oh my God yeah when you get stuck in the yeah yeah when you get stuck in that [ __ ] it’s no boy no How many gold apples do you have 19 that’s not very many either I have nine left God damn I hate it when he goes up there [ __ ] hurts yeah it does should have brought my spear this [ __ ] bow does nothing yeah he just latches me up dude snatches me all over your [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there’s a baby on me oh yeah yeah there is same I got B of these [ __ ] on me dude back down [ __ ] ow are you wearing your diamond armor yeah just don’t give a [ __ ] huh yep I forgot and also I mean my other [ __ ] isn’t Enchanted so honestly it’s probably about the same I made this [ __ ] just for this fig it might as well come down it really just tosses you when you’re done with you dude [Music] try these bows don’t do [ __ ] I’m going to die at least do something oh don’t die Golden Apple BR it’s crazy dude no way [Music] okay what we got in this loot bag huh increases damage dealt by two when poison pois all right toxic armor trim all right I’m out of here think I got a trim well we can duplicate mine yeah or not or not no doesn’t look like it but it looks kind of shitty anyway so [ __ ] it I would you can’t trim Warden Armor anyway [ __ ] man I don’t want to [ __ ] can we mine this now I’m going straight up dude I’m going go up this first it’s right here oh my pickaxe sucks sucks bro hey you can grab those oh you [ __ ] hey wait hey wait hey wait hey wait hey wait hey this when I’m done thanks dude I want to leave it here I have it back though I want to leave this [ __ ] here and just take it do you have a spare I like to carry one on [Music] me I guess I’ll do the work again let’s go dude how is my [ __ ] pickaxe just gone though I’d be out of here by now if I had that one lesson learn don’t put your [ __ ] Enchanted [ __ ] in a picture [Music] frame did I get all my stuff back yeah I had a void totem on me so I freaked out for nothing it was here I couldn’t I didn’t know it was on me but it was right here let’s got teleported back up I also have an elytra now well we’re at the number of arcs where uh if we get another one we’re going to have to start swapping I think the arcs only come from those two places blue skies yeah at midnight tonight instead of going till 3: in the morning so it’s good idea good night beans and the rest of chat see you guys tomorrow

This video, titled ‘Relxing Minecraft SMP – BETTER MC – Day 12 We Are Back Better Than Ever FULL RECOVERY’, was uploaded by Remarks on 2024-04-10 07:29:50. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:07 or 16987 seconds.

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    EPIC PSG STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE Minecraft: Messi PSG Statue Build Challenge Embark on an epic journey in the world of Minecraft with the Messi PSG Statue Build Challenge! Join the fun as players face off in a battle of creativity and skill to see who can construct the most impressive statue of the legendary football player Lionel Messi. Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God Witness the clash of different skill levels as noobs, pros, hackers, and gods showcase their building prowess in this exciting challenge. From beginners to expert players, everyone has a chance to shine and demonstrate their unique building styles. Building… Read More

  • Insane Goose Beats Impossible Modpack With Zero // Ep. 18 – Falling Sky, Rising Power

    Insane Goose Beats Impossible Modpack With Zero // Ep. 18 - Falling Sky, Rising PowerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft’s Hardest Modpack With Nothing // Episode 18 – Sky Falling, Power Rising’, was uploaded by Neurotic Goose on 2024-06-14 18:00:12. It has garnered 41578 views and 3988 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. In this eighteenth episode of the series I solve the space-trash problem using a neon blue goose-juice powered rotary impeller, automate photosynthetic degeneracy – or possibly fertilization – by feeding an exclusively vegetarian diet to plants, create ever-more-powerful magic boxes, and vomit rainbows all over the floor. GT – New Horizons is an intricately designed… Read More

  • MASTER MINECRAFT: 6 Mind-Blowing Tricks! MUST TRY! 🔥

    MASTER MINECRAFT: 6 Mind-Blowing Tricks! MUST TRY! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 6 MOST EPIC TRICKS | THAT YOU SHOULD TRY IT || MINECRAFT HINDI’, was uploaded by GamerHit on 2024-03-06 13:02:58. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. MINECRAFT TOP 6 MOST EPIC TRICKS | THAT YOU SHOULD TRY IT || MINECRAFT HINDI #minecraft #tipsandtricks #minecrafthindi #tips #minecraftupdate #mineccraftupcomingmods #minecraftmods #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #minecraftseeds #technogamerz #yessmartypie #gamerfleet about : GamerHit is a YouTube channel, where you will find gaming videos in Hindi, l hope this video was Useful and you liked it, if you did… Read More

  • Surviving My First Day in Minecraft Hardcore 😱 | EP 1

    Surviving My First Day in Minecraft Hardcore 😱 | EP 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft hardcore Day 1 🥳 | Minecraft Hardcore EP 1’, was uploaded by The Hollow on 2024-04-30 15:30:11. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:48 or 1368 seconds. Playing Minecraft Hardcore Day 1 | Minecraft Hardcore EP 1 Why Minecraft Jungle is everywhere 🥺 I need plains biome Can I will be survived 100 days INSTAGRAM –https://www.instagram.com/the_hollow_099?igsh=cXRqeHk5YTVncXVz IF U LIKE THE VIDEO THEN PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL 🤌❤️ LIKE THE VIDEO SUBSCRIBE THE CHANNEL TILL THEN TAKE CARE BYE BYE FELLAS💖 THANKS FOR READING 🙏❤️ Read More

  • MASTER MINECRAFT 1.21: Skip Tutorial & Dominate

    MASTER MINECRAFT 1.21: Skip Tutorial & DominateVideo Information This video, titled ‘Basically Everything You Need To Know for Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-06-23 15:03:00. It has garnered 1417961 views and 32446 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:05 or 4985 seconds. Basically Everything You Need To Know for Minecraft 1.21 | 167 Minecraft Facts, Build Hacks, Tips and Tricks 00:00 – Intro 00:16 – 1. Crafter Door 00:36 – 2. Secret Bookcase Entrance 01:06 – 3. Calibrated Sculk Sensor Door 01:38 – 4. Termites for Armadillos 02:00 – 5. Slimes Jump into Space 02:09 – 6. Villager Trading Nerf 02:49… Read More

  • SPACE MITX PUZZLE CHALLENGE! Can you escape? 🌌🔒

    SPACE MITX PUZZLE CHALLENGE! Can you escape? 🌌🔒Video Information This video, titled ‘Kannst DU dieses RÄTSEL LÖSEN? #minecrafttroll #minecrafthacks #escaperoom’, was uploaded by SpaceMitX on 2024-04-02 10:45:01. It has garnered 18803 views and 1405 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. TheJoCraft built a Bedrock Escape Room for me! Can I beat it? #minecraft #shorts #tiktok #minecrafttricks 👕 NEW MERCH 🩳 → https://lolingo.de/pages/spacemitx TikTok → https://www.tiktok.com/@spacemitx? Please give it a thumbs up if you like the video! 🎬 Twitch Streams → https://www.twitch.tv/spacemitx 🚀 Become a VIP? → https://www.youtube.com/spacemitx/join 👍🏼 Those? → https://www.youtube.com/c/spacemitx?sub_confirmation=1 🤖 Community Discord → https://discord.gg/HdJ4ETS 🏹 My texture pack → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pu5oYGBn_0… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure: Carmal Con Madness!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure: Carmal Con Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Adventure Ep. 1’, was uploaded by Carmal Con on 2024-06-11 00:17:47. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:22 or 5122 seconds. Joey and his dad start their quest to beat Minecraft for the very first time Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Doraemon and Nobita Bodyguard Team!

    Ultimate Minecraft Doraemon and Nobita Bodyguard Team!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft DORAEMON and NOBITA bodyguards Team. live stream’, was uploaded by ToshiB12TheDon on 2024-04-16 07:39:07. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:34 or 454 seconds. Minecraft DORAEMON and NOBITA bodyguards Team. live stream Read More

  • “1000s of Diamonds from Shulker Farm! LIVE” #minecraft

    "1000s of Diamonds from Shulker Farm! LIVE" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Shulker Farm | LIVE #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sp00kable on 2024-03-11 16:41:44. It has garnered 199 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:36 or 11976 seconds. ►Donate here – https://streamelements.com/sp00kable/tip Donations are not required, but are appreciated. ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sp00kable ►Follow me on Twitch for More Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/sp00kable ►Merch Store – https://sp00kable.com ►Business inquiries: [email protected] ***All donations must be made by someone who is above 18 years of age. While donations are appreciated, they are never asked for. If you do decide to donate, please remember that they are nonrefundable… Read More

  • HamzaOPyt – Mind-Blowing Reveals! #shorts #pixelart

    HamzaOPyt - Mind-Blowing Reveals! #shorts #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did You Remember! #shorts #pixelart’, was uploaded by HamzaOPyt on 2024-02-27 17:00:24. It has garnered 10133 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. dissociadid did switch dissociative identity disorder pixel art tutorial pixel art guide pixel art tips Pixel art minecraft pixel art tutorial Minecraft pixel art minecraft memes minecraft animation Minecraft shorts shorts loud viral shorts comedy shorts Shorts Read More

  • DeadshotsMC Network

    DeadshotsMC NetworkBanner will be coming soon! Hello! so around 4 months ago me and my friends decided to make a community for gaming to make finding people to play with alot easier. We have a MineColonies Server running at the minute so if you want to come and start a civilization and see how your colony can find its place in the world! There are a few streamers in the discord looking to give it a go so numbers are jumping up considerably! If your looking for a chilled community please come join us at Deadshot Dropouts with the link provided… Read More

  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

    Dominion Minecraft Server Join our community of like-minded adult players for a true vanilla Minecraft experience. We prioritize player interaction over land claiming and excessive additions. Apply Now on our Discord Server Learn more on our Website Our Founding Philosophies The Vanilla Experience Experience pure vanilla Minecraft with no added plugins or changes to the game. Transparency We are transparent about donations and server expenses. Community Voice We value feedback and include the community in decision-making processes. Playing Together Join our community events and collaborative projects to play together. New Content Now Get access to new Minecraft updates as soon… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Getting Villainous: Our Wicked Arc Begins! 🔥

    “Watch out, we’re about to go full-blown evil in Minecraft! Time to unleash our inner villain and start griefing those villagers like never before. Plus, we’ve got a meme score of 9 so you know we mean business. Bow down to the pixelated bad guys!” Read More

  • “Caught red-handed on my friend’s server 😂🔥” #minecraft #meme #vtuber

    "Caught red-handed on my friend's server 😂🔥" #minecraft #meme #vtuber When you stumble upon a secret stash of diamonds in your friend’s Minecraft server and suddenly become the most popular player in the group #winning #minecraftsecrets #sneakysneaky Read More

  • ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most!

    ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most! Exploring the Scary Side of Minecraft Introduction Gather around, gamers! Shayan from ShayanGG is here to take you on a thrilling journey through the eerie realms of Minecraft. While some may argue that Minecraft is just pixelated Legos, did you know that over 60% of people find it scary? Join Shayan as he embarks on a daring challenge to survive the scariest horror map filled with jumpscares, monsters, all without any mods. Are you ready to face your fears? Minecraft Version Shayan delves into the spine-chilling adventure using various Minecraft versions including 1.8.9, 1.16.5, 1.19.4, and 1.20.1. Each version… Read More

  • Billie Goose’s INSANE Minecraft transformation!

    Billie Goose's INSANE Minecraft transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying to be better in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Billie Goose on 2024-07-09 21:58:36. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:54 or 9954 seconds. Hi I’m Billie, and I’m addicted to minecraft now. Also the screen shot in the thumbnail is from my personal save because I’m on a different computer rn. I might remember to change it later idk. You can also find me here: https://twitter.com/Billie_Goose https://discord.gg/vJPtcu3g Dennis made my awesome skin!! follow him here: https://www.twitch.tv/doingdennis (and/or here:) https://x.com/DoingDennis MODS LIST (v1.20) amendments carry on chef’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft Mods

    Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Mods Survival!’, was uploaded by Plaguemeister on 2024-07-18 23:35:46. It has garnered 93 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:21 or 4281 seconds. Feeling spoopy Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t – Pokemon Shield Stream #11

    UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t - Pokemon Shield Stream #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon Shield Shiny Badge Quest! Stream #11’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-03-20 16:06:33. It has garnered 87 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:06 or 10986 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – https://pee-sheep.fandom.com/wiki/Pee_Sheep_Wiki Read More

  • Unleash the Ultimate Gaming Monster in #Minecraft

    Unleash the Ultimate Gaming Monster in #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Gaming monster on 2024-01-04 16:15:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • British gangster frees slaves in Minecraft-dungeons!

    British gangster frees slaves in Minecraft-dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Freeing slaves in minecraft-dungeons like a British gangster’, was uploaded by Toaster on 2024-01-16 06:35:51. It has garnered 85 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:46 or 886 seconds. We do not talk about my lives left! Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: 1000 NEXTBOT MONSTERS invade Paw Patrol Security House!

    Ultimate showdown: 1000 NEXTBOT MONSTERS invade Paw Patrol Security House!Video Information This video, titled ‘1000 Scary NEXTBOT MONSTERS vs JJ and Mikey Paw Patrol Security House in Minecraft Maizen Window Man’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ + on 2024-02-28 01:56:50. It has garnered 6466 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:01 or 901 seconds. Read More

  • Insane 24 Hour Minecraft Sky Block Challenge: NO Trees, NO Mobs!

    Insane 24 Hour Minecraft Sky Block Challenge: NO Trees, NO Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘I spend 24 hour in Minecraft sky block No tree No Mobs’, was uploaded by 4×4 gaming on 2024-05-26 12:50:16. It has garnered 207718 views and 9649 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:44 or 3464 seconds. If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love gaming, you won’t want to miss a single episode. So grab your pickaxe and let’s dive into the world of Minecraft together. Watch now and join the fun! I spend 24 HOUR in Minecraft sky block revolution MAP MOD- https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/sky-revolutions » Discord https://discord.gg/4x4gaming » Instagram https://www.instagram.com/4x4gaming/ My Pc Specs:-… Read More