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All right I think I got everything going gosh it’s so noisy out there Mr bear is still outside my window on the ground right outside the door I mean he has been for some time all right bringing Chad up I hope everybody’s doing well I can find it I found

It hey dead beat gaming what’s up buddy coffee’s already went cold that’s okay I’m doing good I’m doing good how are you whoa I got this weird pickaxe on the wall right there I don’t even understand it I think I got it from my quest menu though I’m pretty sure anyways hold on

Let’s see the beginning this no but that is next yeah I need ores that’s for sure ore hammers oh iron okay all right we can do that I can do that uh don’t know if I got the iron o I don’t know indeed oh man I do have the

Toast I just don’t think I have the where did I see some at I swear I saw some it was raw iron it hadn’t been thrown into a furnace yet I can’t remember no oh I got one other backpack right here oh wait no that’s the back pack I’m looking at

Okay well then do I not have one on my uh back I do not now I do okay yeah okay that Bear’s getting on my nerves sorry buddy now I may just have to go down and get some cuz apparently I don’t have any one I swore I did I had I remember

Seeing it and then stating to thyself that I will get that going on the next stream hey it stopped raining finally don’t feel like I got to scream anymore H what are in those what is this that’s a lion that’s a lion that’s a lion oh God what did I just just

Do he hasn’t turned around he’s looking at the wall get him get him get him get him get him get Him oh I made an advancement I don’t want to kill it I forgot I had him in there I know I want you out too why won’t my yoinker pick him up my yoinker is broken I’m I’m glad he keeps facing that way that’s actually a tiger uh the lion

Must be in the other one but I guess this thing has a cool down oh shift in it oh got it okay okay these need to be is there a way for me to see what’s in them yes there is I just got to hover over it okay love

It I like that I like that just got to hover over it with the mouse all right that woke me up uh iron I guess let’s go down and get some my backpack’s not too full though it does indeed have stuff in it that I need to

No I want a horse and I might see one while I’m out bucket of water is for a possible xelot I’d like to get one wait what did that thing say oh that was copper okay man I know I got iron somewhere that’s bugging the hell out of me all right

Whatever all right inventory looks good all right people we’re going under we are going down look how tall The I’ve never seen sugar cane go to the sky like that oh my gosh oh that’s got to be 10 15t tall if I was standing beside it oh jeez that’s way too tall that’s funny what the f did I do all right cool hey we got clay we

Do all right all right we’ll we’ll go down over here quarried stone there’s is that more CL no quarried stone I do need clay for something what was it uh I got to get iron for this this is uh furnace a augment oh these are like things okay okay these

Are like little upgrades you can add to your furnace blasting recipes cool what’s that behind me oh shadowing Shadows okay A little paranoid we do have the iron pick the silent gear tools I have done I don’t I’ve heard things about it though like that mod is starting to

Uh it’s a bit of a resource hog I’ve heard uh but I mean we can try it’s really easy to do once you make your pick you just put it back inside of here and then you have it that’s it I see there it did it so yeah it’s very easy to

Do give me that XP even though I’m probably going to die and lose it anyway getting magical this is what I want hopefully I’m not bad at it with basic iron tools you can get started on a brand new adventure into magic using the mod I have no idea RS new uh RS

No no creating the novice spell book allows you to create beginner spells like casting projectiles to mine or damage mobs o to mine that would be cool to learn more about the mod check out the RS wave a quest line to get started okay novice spell

Book F6 to Quick select press C to Quick craft oh geez okay we got to make a whole iron set of tools along with the book I got a book and that’s the novice spell book you can change the color of it okay that’s all it’s saying okay uh okay all

Right we can do that cool just made another advancement don’t know what I did but I did it oh gravel water what happened ah one little patch of water here just screwed me up okay all right good Lord I think that did it it’s like 100 ft of gravel

Damn it damn it damn it a s amoniac or it does look pretty that doesn’t look pretty sulfur yeah oh that’s that magnetic ore oh veridium oh we’re getting into deep slate all right X petrified ore I’m trying to understand what I’m looking at here or that is petrified don’t be scared

Hold on I can’t really feel my hand for a second okay can I get it I got it oh I’ve seen this icon here okay cool leave it up to me o from the this is from the same mod what is um forbidden an anus arcanus okay can I get it

Yes I will take them cuz they look very oh yes Arcane crystals all right now those were cool well they still are but I can make a block with those that’ll pick up mobs the problem with that honestly is I already have the mob Yer now so I’ll

Still make one I still want to craft one there’s another one good good good wait a minute I went down wrong I didn’t go down like I wanted to hold on uh there now we continue leave it up to me I guarantee you we won’t hit a single cave all the way

Down I’ll go straight down to bedrock won’t hit nothing the whole way there is a wait a minute oh sorry Jade okay that one’s the Jade okay let’s see yeah that’s what I thought okay so now that I’ve opened that it’s now different okay trying to see if I like this or

Not I don’t think I do I don’t think I like this I think it’s just too different I mean it feels cool you know like it feel like as far as controlling this way yeah it feels fine feels good um yeah the thing is I can switch out of

It just just fine like see here’s normal this is normal Minecraft and then uh here’s the the other one uh switching out of it’s a touch of a button but when I am like this and I use my sword to fight something see there it still uses the

It’s it’s it’s weird it’s so weird that’s what’s messing me up here so I may have to take that out yeah I may have to take that out I didn’t know it was going to completely screw up all the combat uh mess with that in a little bit but

It’s weird yeah that is that is Def weird I think it’s messing with the mining the blocks I’m just not really noticing it as much yep we are going all the way down to bedrock didn’t touch a thing I do hear lava for going to get right up

Here oh what the hell was that I have no idea what that was uh great plate of Eternity good Lord huh he’s about to walk in my house so if uh yeah okay it’s not bad but yeah it’s not that ain’t how it’s supposed to go okay so yeah it is affecting it

Okay all right so it’s going to go black let me see here hold on it was the no what was it oh wait I know how I know where to find it I got it right here it Was yeah here it is okay uh yeah first person model and better uh first person model and better third person there was a better third person really I mean I guess I would hit the one hole that’s right there I mean I guess I would love both

Of them if it didn’t keep with this same I don’t know if I’m going to be hitting them unless I just do now see otherwise I don’t mind it uh so let me try something unfortunately I do have to quit all the way out so it’s going to be

A black screen for just a moment luckily I have become a professional when it comes to adding and removing mods uh I just got to go to this one right here delete and the letter bees there it is no no no better combat Forge no we’re going to delete that I mean

It’s better combat if you’re in that view sure but it’s not just better combat period no I think that’s actually it I think that’s all all right loading back up you got to be able to if you’re going to be if you’re going to play modded

Minecraft you got to be able to jump in those mod folders remove or add what whatever and then jump out all the while without corrupting the mod folder and or making it to where you try to go back into your world and you can’t so it can be nerve-wracking and

That aspect because a lot is writing on those folders of you losing everything you just did but you should be seeing something here in a minute there it is the mod loader loading 4 and I think it’s 7 78 mods now yeah something like that 478 bam I nailed it right

Here I know that’s a lot it was 480 but we just removed those two mods so which should have fixed it ly that uh that mod I just removed though came uh came from the medieval mod pack for Minecraft and uh it’s really story based uh objective

Base mod pack but that’s how you start out is uh in that kind of view where you can look down see yourself and you can you can simply hit a hotkey and remove it to where you’re back in Minecraft view but it’s going to do what

This one was just doing and it you know it’s still going to fight that way the combat will still be that way there we are we’re back this is it this is how it always is right yeah this is normal Minecraft there we go everything’s loading up everything’s

Still loading up we got to bring up our quests they take a minute to load up at first but once they do they’re they pop right up I also like to do the uh well that was the what do you call those the Shader pack yeah the Shader pack that’s what that

Was completely different all right we went under and we got nothing so we’re up here now to just remove the stuff that we do have into a barrel let’s just do it in one of these Right where’s the this one and what is that Spirit orb okay uh wait a minute I wanted to put this one and this one yeah like that and there the zombie head there you can you can look upon it everything this is going to be changed anyways cuz this is where I’m

Putting the horns at but uh yeah there we go I spent all day under there but we really got to get back underground cuz uh there’s no underground view at this map is there there’s no not I have no idea what’s underground oh I forgot about that there isn’t an underground view okay

Well we can do this a different way I got the wood yeah do I have an anvil I do not a good one but I got one I didn’t find any iron down there not a single scrap of iron um let’s see okay all right let me grab some more

Wood and we got to go back under oh how was it that I did that uh I can never remember e thank goodness I hate that toast earlier wait I should have held on that’s what the hell oh no it’s Phantoms the thing that children voted in so dumb now I do have

Oh my God that’s almost killing me toast do your d d do what you do stupid dragon fly that’s what that was it was was the dragon fly killing me okay what I was going to do was go to a spot that had another bear I’m sorry buddy oh my God you run

Fast oh my god oh no I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck toast toast toast toast toast toast toast back away you stupid thing oh Dustin what’s up buddy oh yeah it’s okay my friend sorry I got caught up I couldn’t see this track I’m I’m done I’m done practically

Nothing really I I mined underground you little crow you take go ahead take it I don’t care and uh those things I don’t like yeah I’ll show you all I’ve done is this I when I uh oh God there’s the bear there’s the Bear just do a circle do a circle and eat some toast this bear has been staying around my house what do I hear walking oh it’s just a zombie zombies I can handle so I went underground just to try to find some uh there he is I’m sorry man oh what is

That well we got phoms too hair of of bear hair of bear the Phantoms are stupid though they don’t know what they’re doing that’s the coding of Mojang that bear ain’t stupid that bear is quite smart I should tame a crow I wonder if I can tame a

Crow hold on I’m going to sleep real quick so the Phantoms will go away oh let see my my tablet or my yeah my T my tablet has a stand on it you know you know how they do where you can uh that little thing that sticks out the back so it can

Stand up uh but mine broke so it almost that it’s what I watch the stream on it’s what I watch uh the not the stream the chat on so there we go oh does it nice I I wouldn’t mind taming a crow I need to look that

Up we’re going to empty out what we got you got here just in time uh Dustin you got here just in time buddy I’ve uh I I mined and one underground and you wouldn’t believe what I found absolutely nothing I mind oh I did find uh this was yesterday but I found

A obsidian chest plate don’t know how I did it don’t know how I have it but I have it and uh yeah that’s it uh but on this uh stream we’re going into The Nether eventually to go into The Nether I need to to go underground to get more

Uh well more obsidian I have a pool of obsidian up here in the town up on the surface here so I can get my obsidian from there but I’ve only got like I think two or three diamonds I think let’s see I got one right here here’s a diamond

Uh no no no I don’t have any diamonds there oh yeah that’s it I hardly have anything uh oh I did get a uh I did get my first ever in Java tried it this is it right here my first ever tried it um it’s pretty powerful too it’s it’s

Got more it’s got more power in it than my uh sword actually I got to stop eating my toast it’s really cool how powerful it is but uh I need to just eat my bread until I need uh my toast this thing refined glowstone pickaxe I got it oops about mined it we

Got to save the diamond pickaxe let’s see there we go this thing can mine through anything with like one hit yeah so that’s cool yes tell me how to tame a crow that would be cool I I would like to tame one they are around here fairly fairly com there’s one

There’s the one we were talking about right there uh let me go get my what does it take to make a yoinker right here it takes a good bit of iron okay that makes sense I can understand the uh the yers I have right now are

Using uh I have a tiger and a lion in them so that’s okay we’ll just uh you need to collect pumpkin seeds and toss it at the okay okay I do have some seeds let’s go check let’s go check if not I think I know where to find

Some I’ll take this pickaxe as a backup pickaxe it’s always good to have a backup pickaxe I got my wool for making a actual bed to uh hold a spawn point but I also got my sleeping bag sorry my hand shakes a little bit so my mouth kind of jumps everywhere sometimes oky

Dokie yeah seeds I’ve been throwing away oh I knew I shouldn’t have been I shouldn’t have been throwing them away I could feel it deep down you shouldn’t be throwing these seeds away nighers but I did okay that’s okay I know where some where it’s probably at

Uh uh no it was in that Village uh the witch hut yeah the witch hut there’s a village up there and down there let’s go over here pretty sure there were pumpkins in it I have never tamed a crow I had no idea that you could tame a

Crow I think it would be great to tame an army of crows hello big fella what I was always taught if you go to jail become friends with the biggest person there no matter what you got to do I know it’s going to be tough hold your tongue and become his

Friend here or her for will know his friend with the biggest person there so that’s what I always did it’s all it’s always worked out for me I should have probably rode my helicopter my little gyrocopter I love that thing ow ow oh nice heck that’s even better than the

Uh let’s go this way that’s even better than the the freaking fairy looking thing that was voted in I think if this is the yeah this is the witch hut so it should be this way oh little foxy what’s up buddy foxy take me to the nearest pumpkin patch

There there’s the village over here bread is does not have a lot of saturation to it so you can fill up with it pretty quickly but you’re going to be hungry again pretty quickly here we are come on have me some pumpkins there’s a p oh

No I’m not going to get it from that pumpkin but we need more than one pumpkin no so T of bear with honeycomb oh then when you trust you you can put a collar on it and it snap will be yellow oh so okay let’s see let me see

What it takes to make one uh no I don’t want a bear trophy I could put his head on a piece of wood that’s awful now the polar bears you have to have a bottle of cocacola oh look is this it oh that’s a drop bear

Charm a teddy bear bear fur brown bear spawn egg no no no no no no no no no no me either man we’re in the same boat together I don’t either we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out we will I will do the honey we’ll do the we’ll do the

Honey and uh I got to get some uh I got to get silk touch on a pickaxe though too oh crack it’s night time ly it’s bloody nighttime sleeping on the ground see the stars here we go pumpkins ow my hip this is a very nice Village for it to be

Built on such a crappy slope the game did pretty good here’s more pumpkins but uh I think it’s from the Halloween thing cuz they’re just uh sometimes I got pumpkin seeds in the chests cuz I can’t get uh seeds from those I don’t think the they’ve already been gutted out from becoming

Wait okay know those are too it would go figure you know cuz I see pumpkins all the time out in the woods when I was running around looking for stuff all the time I would see them just stacks of pumpkins or melons just sitting there there we’ll find some

Eventually wow that looks completely different I mean completely different this doesn’t even look like the same game you push you push one button and Bam that is insane sometimes though it can honestly make it hard to see I know that’s dumb but it’s better light rays and everything but it can

Sometimes make it hard to see there’s a crow uh I don’t have anybody can you be my friend anyway let’s keep this spot in mind okay let’s keep this spot in mind to uh this is an area of crows so maybe that means that there’s pumpkins nearby I don’t know I have no

Idea I have seen pumpkins in this biome though in this type of biome I have seen them I’m going to try something no way boom it just destroyed that axe but I got him I bet if that axe wasn’t almost broke it’ have done the whole damn thing

All right let’s hit up the way Stone if I wasn’t looking for them Dustin I’d find it oh yeah shaders are great there is a Shader that I meant to get that’s not too much you know it’s just uh just kind of knocks the edge off it rounds

Everything out just a little bit but it’s still visual it’s still obviously Minecraft it’s just you got that you got that nice little Hue to it but uh I think I forgot to download it the one I do have is nice but man it’s intense all right let’s see there I am

Okay perfect perfect this is good there’s the uh the way Stone so we just go this way oh yes that’s what I was looking for for earlier to go underground there’s a lush cave right here and I got a I got wa stones with me we can go

Down and I got a I got enough way stones that I can sacrifice one Dustin you got me looking for pumpkins everywhere man everywhere oh it’s great I love it okay here’s how I like to go underground oh [ __ ] oh I can’t F my hand yellow

Thing I think I did see that yellow thing uh yeah the zelia trees are great that’s a sign that there’s a lush cave underground so we’re going to hit that up and you never dig straight down in Minecraft it is true but if you stand between the two blocks you’re

Okay you’ll see the ending or you’ll if there’s an opening down there you’ll see it before you fall okay so it’s uh you can do it this way but I got to have iron for my quests I got to make a whole set of tools iron

Tools I want to make a set for the quest and I got to make a set just for me in general cuz uh I’m not rolling in diamonds here oh here’s some uh clay i h I do not know what this thing is this this freaking pickaxe I have but I love

It okay we got some iron happening clay fills up your inventory quick a banana slug I don’t want that e get that off of me uhoh I’m getting down into deep slate and I haven’t came across the uh the Lush cave yet interesting it does yeah iron iron good good good yes yes

Yes give me more more more okay why am I not seeing the Lush cave that that tree told me was here little liar what is that what is this rytes nickel okay nickel looks cool the nickel does look cool oh hey hey we’re getting some Moss there she

Is I want that I want that one and I want that one and I want that one no there you can’t get away from me that easily oh no oh my God run oh my god what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done run axelos

Run that’s some [ __ ] walking around holy Christ excuse me excuse me excuse me there he is that’s the that’s the big uh okay uh I’m uh let’s get our crap together here we got the uh the toast all right good good let me get rid of this

Um all right we do that then we do this my armor is about to shatter but I think I found some good stuff I just got to get around there too it okay uh real quick let me make a a uh crafting table on a stick there we go crafting table on a

Stick and use it there we go all right now we’re going to double back this is the way I came from doubling back this is where I came down from right here right here right here what is this it’s Diamond I knew it was that’s iron ore but it’s from Greg

Tech can I still use it as regular iron I damn sure can hell yeah all right we’re looking good we’re looking good I got my bucket for for an axel I got it somewhere where’s my bucket right here I have a bucket just for that and we’ll put some of this stuff

Up all right all right looking good good I think we’re good all right cool that Pack’s loaded um death is not out here looking at us so let’s have a look carefully iron iron o this was supposed to be a spawner good what was that what was that what was that what was

That what are you no sir you do not uh-uh no no no no no oh I can see his name Susan the angry that’s the name of this thing you indeed you look angry does this piss you off how about that one no yeah no yeah there we go come here Susan come

Here your kids would want you to trust me come here come on Susan don’t be like this you have to face it I’m your friend Susan I’m part of you Jesus Christ Susan am I shooting blanks what the hell yeah it name is legit Susan making sure that some [ __ ] didn’t

Spawn in here something else just spawned up it’s either up on the surface or down here with me Susan’s got a bulletproof vest on or something okay we got to approach this differently this ain’t working on Susan okay yeah all right let’s look at this real quick steel leggings I’ll take monor

Broke compressed iron helmet I’ll take cuz I don’t want to lose my turtle helmet Turtle helmet’s the best helmet you can get like if we’re if we’re going to talk uh about vanilla Minecraft the turtle helmet’s the best it’s better than uh netherite and um and I mean like the way

It is default no uh no um enchantments netherite it’s better than netherite helmet by far oh was hoping I was going to see pumpkin seeds man and uh people have don’t understand how but I’m able to explain it how it’s better um origin of Darkness half this stuff I don’t know

What I’m looking at to know the importance other than like you know obviously a saddle is important I do want that I just picked up a scroll that can fire a missile I’m totally using it oh God leave my hand Susan’s down here wanting to come in

Um I don’t know how this scroll actually works I just know that it’s a uh a missile firing scroll so we’re going to aim and we’re going to take fire fire oh I hit it oh that was a one-time yep that was a one-timer Susan I think she’s upset I think

Susan’s upset at me Susan hey Jesus how’d you get up here so quick I don’t like that almost almost come on Susan you got this you got this together okay withdraw is going to be tough but you got to do it come on now we’ll miss you season we’ll miss you

He wasn’t so strong that’s all you’re giving me Susan that’s it you’re a bastard Susan yep I said it I said it that’s what you are I want to get rid of the gunpowder cuz every time I see gunpowder I think of elyra with rockets but I don’t use the elyra in the

Overworld so I don’t really it it’s it’s not a must have thing for me right now all right you got to be kidding me okay we got a spawner right down there this is so freaking dangerous man this is not your normal run of the- Mill let’s go down deep and grab some

Some Diamond real quick kind of thing incendiary Minun ammo how Cute there’s a Vortex Cannon I got one of those actually I’ve never used it but I got one Oh compressed iron leggings I just need a chest plate yeah okay that that’s good there there’s another one okay sping those little guys oh man those things are bitching when they’re in numbers my sword’s not looking too good but I’ll do a spawn spot right here holy crap what’s up y

Man how you doing Buddy this I think my chest plate just broke it’s a it’s a totally different thing coming underground in this mod pack completely I mean you really are taking a chance when you come down here in this pack you really are there isn’t no come down and just casually look around for

Some iron or or diamond and occasionally come across a skeleton or zombie no this is nonstop right here you are watching your back oh let me check this this one there’s another spawner somewhere oh no man I’m glad you’re back the holidays can finally calm down a

Little yeah we uh same with us we of course we do all of our dinners and stuff on a uh we don’t do our dinners on the holiday so like we don’t have Christmas dinner on Christmas um usually people with Christmas at least our family we don’t

Want to be busy as hell we want to chill and relax you know but um so if you do all of your Christmas stuff look at there I’ll take that do all your Christmas stuff like family Christmas stuff a day or two before God Bless

America in that way on the day of it ain’t near as bad what oh man it’s nickel there’s some iron nickel I don’t need nickel yet I probably will but not yet iron oh my God why isn’t that hurting y’all there goes a spirit yeah I need a chest

Plate no no no texture pack um this this is all natural all right name tags hell yeah hell what was that running low on room but I got an idea I cannot break those Vines and that’s what spawn in these things got it I broke it got it broke

Got it broke got it broke there is uh probably some different textures than usual from this the mod pack in general but no I I haven’t added anything to it myself no texture packs are tough to do when you’re doing modded stuff so oh the Blood Moon

Rises of course we shouldn’t have to worry about it too much down here but oh wither skeleton skull oh yeah I got to do my backpack hold on let’s see let’s make us a little pocket hey you gota be kidding me I don’t have a freaking oh my God

I need Cobblestone you believe that I don’t have Cobblestone hold on I don’t really no I have no Cobblestone okay let’s just we went up right here so let’s just grab some sweet God oh my God I hate those bugs in real life I don’t know if y’all saw it but it’s

One of those poisonous centipedes we’re going to have to switch pickaxes too yeah was a poisonous centipede here we go there we go ah thanks for bearing it with me guys I know this is a this is a process to say the least okay I got I got more I got plenty

Of wood so let’s drop some there we go I I just want I just want my Cobblestone and uh we’re going back down oh duh that’s not Cobblestone that sounds weird so I can’t wait for the next holidays I’ve already uh got my Christmas tree up

And um I got my new year 2025 glasses uh so I’m I’m stoked y’all excited for this next one coming up I’m just kidding trying to sound as dumb as possible but I hit my head I hit my head I hit my head all right let’s jump across there to our spot ow

Cool I don’t like that noise I don’t like that noise one bit I don’t like it one second of a bit the lasagna block I got to grab me some coffee my dudes let me go get me some coffee while this is cooking jeez oh well then perfect you can hear it for

Just a moment for for for e yay got that I’m not even sure what’s making that noise I’ve never heard it as a consistent sound like that oh it was the blood moon I guess it was just in its most intensive spot or time or whatever for all right yo man no

Problem we got iron and an iron block wasn’t that what we also needed we needed like that and then oh I got to get my sticks sorry my hand’s a bit jumpy Hammer I did it that was the quest that was the quest uh the beginning right

Here check oh whoops didn’t mean do that check and XP and a Fator I got a Fator that’s what I’ve always wanted I’ve told everybody that from the beginning I want a fater I have always said that um here it is okay oh this is the mod packet comes

From there is a manual okay it’s hard to see these other ones I got to work on the uh the background of this stuff I’m seeing things like this object defined property you’re seeing it as you try to bring up the the game is that what you mean let’s get some oh oh

Man nighers you fool I need more iron guys I can’t believe I just did that I mean it’s okay but I I got to I got to make my backpack bigger see this is my backpack up here I got to I got to upgrade it I got

To make it bigger which we can we can it’s um there boom that was it that’s all I need I think that’s all I needed now we just do that one more I need one more that’s this is probably one my favorite mods in this whole thing see here’s my

Uh crafting table I can go off and go grab that one more thing I need while this stays there and I love that such a simple thing such a simple thing it’s finally calm down in here a little bit now that we’ve gotten rid of those spawners

A few zombies is no big deal look at that hell yeah name tags baby I love n what the hell’s going on oh I thought I just saw their spawner it’s under yep we’re going to have to make more toast when we get back

Up got it got it got it got it got it got it and there’s plenty of iron everywhere I can see it so this shouldn’t be too bad no I didn’t get it I see it I see it there’s another one and look at the obsidian we can build our portal

Now we got enough to build the portal that’s fantastic Diamond another W wither skeleton skull this is great uh I need to come back for that I need to come back for that one and yes I’ll come back for this one let’s go back to our little hobbit hole right here real

Quick all right now we put that one in and now I got to take off my backpack oh there it is now the backpack goes right here there it is now look how much room I have see there it doubled it and it’s a diff

Uh if I watch on my laptop I have settings on and it’s a different account so I wouldn’t be able to comment but I’ll be watch why couldn’t you comment do you just subscribe or something right just let me know it’s you I’ll know it’s you if you say it’s

Hey this is Dustin I’ll know it’s you so yeah you can and subscribe that’ be great that that’s very helpful if you got 50 accounts subscribe with all 50 of them that would be wonderful dudes hey yo man why don’t you C C it into to where I can watch my

Stream chat on my game like it’ll it’ll pop up over here somewhere and just Boop and show me what y’all type because I have to have two screens going and there is uh a mod that’ll do it but it’s 1.9.2 is the latest I’m on 1.20 so uh let’s

Get that coded in real quick that’d be great thank you buddy thank you thank you much I I knew you could do it and I knew you would do it thank you so much let’s put this stuff up it’s practically everything um I want to try to repair the refined glowstone

Pxel I want to try to repair it left alt refine glowstone p pxel ahead refine glowstone refine glowstone tool Rod okay all right silent gear that’s part of that silent gear one good Lord okay these are the different parts um okay mess with that eventually got the bat pack is bigger now

Yeah now we can store so much in there now this this Hammer let’s go try it on this um iron out here here oh wait I got to have something else with it I think I can’t remember it’s I think it says on the let’s see the moment I look down at a

Something to read that’s when they all want to show up oh my God that’s Spirit thing I’ve never killed one it’s tough and I can go on walls Enderman don’t make me look at you be go away now go otherwise I will set it up to where I

Can take you out and take your uh whoa Elven bow of the current oh I like that oh um I have a Anvil and I bet I can add that to my bow yes Elven bow of the dexterity I’ll take it sorry if that was so loud guys I’m

Sorry I have an earpiece in and it sounded a bit loud look at there those those looked important for some reason they had that look to them you know what I mean that little that little W that W look you know what I mean that w i saw more there right

There let’s get let’s get what stuff we can get and uh we’ll Mosey on out we’ll continue on we can set up shop in another spot if need me we’re already about filled up this damn thing I thought I had another Wither Skull somewhere I had found two I had gotten two huh

Guyan what’s up buddy I send you a video for channel intro but it’s halfway done oh okay cool cool yeah I made me I made myself an intro um it’s going to be on mostly just recorded videos when I start doing gods for the game uh um in shrouded but

Uh I’m hoping to do some recordings I’m not good at recordings I am not good at recording if I can get enough going though I got to get um I want to get the membership thing going on my channel and I’m only like 19 or 20 Subs away from doing it so that’s

Going to be pretty cool oh look there’s a lush cave way over there these caves are so much better even just with this you actually have to watch what you’re doing nope nope nope I’m dead nope I don’t have any more bread or uh toast I mean I going to make some more

Toast I think I can make toast from right here whoa that screwed me up accidentally pushed it too many times yeah all right now bread I think this is how I did it I press the button called code not intended prototype press e I bet that’s how it sounded in your head

When you read it wasn’t it oh it is making the actual toast well that’s cool there we go that’s good we’ll take that come here come here look how full we’ve already got this thing that’s insane but we got 14 diamonds so far dudes my dudes y’all are good luck y’all

Are getting me all this stuff I need y’all to hang out in here uh longer all right I need y’all to be in here longer just hang out in here longer with me fellas hold on we’re getting going we’re getting going okay okay we’re ready let’s

Go oh I looked online at that oh gosh you’re big and yeah that code says that it puts it’s a CO it’s a uh virus for mware but so I don’t know but it only says it is if you uh opened it there are so many spawners I got one too tops

They’re hitting each other one of them’s trying to shoot me but then the other one started shooting each other the other one what Enderman spawn egg I’ll take it oh thank goodness it can stack I’ll take a spawn egg I’m never going to make it to that damn Lush

Cave I keep getting stopped by good stuff I mean we got good stuff but man you’re constantly fighting and watching your back down here in this mod pack and I like it I like that I do that’s uh that’s that’s the whole point and fun of it is you know hey we

Got to go down underground to get some stuff but we’re we are taking a legit chance to do so um look at this silverfish spawn egg spider spawn egg now I mean are these spawn eggs like oh thank goodness we got these not really but what they’re for

Is so when you repair a broken spawner you hit it with a spawn egg and you can and it’ll spawn that that uh Mob now um so like if you’re making a farm one spawn egg uh inside of hold on my bad inside of that uh spawner for your farm and

It’ll continuously make you know zombies or or what have you it’s hard for me to hit silverfish because of my hand so sorry about you’re going to see me miss the silver fist silver fish a lot um I have carple tunnel in my right hand my wrist and so it it just randomly

Will jerk sometimes where did you all come from what kind of frat party was that Tater Raiders Raiders Bane oh mine colonies oh man that mod is so cool y’all got to check out mine colonies if you’ve never heard of mine colonies you need to go check it out that mod pack is

Awesome there are people that have dedicated their channel oh no I just threw my meat I meant to throw this one right beside it well it’s just no big deal I have more meat but let’s see throw that throw that but yeah mine colonies is so cool I wouldn’t even think they would

Make a mod like that you can build your own colony your own City here’s and the really cool thing is is that uh it it’s not necessarily you building it you can build it but it’s most of the time you’re it’s your Colony the PE the

The NPCs they build it and uh it’s it’s really really neat they do most of the work the NPCs do I’m going to need to make another book bag somehow I’m sure there’s cows in here somewhere cuz I need leather there’s got to be cows down here

H we may have to we may just have to go back up my dudes my wonderful beautiful dudes I love you guys I do I really do I wouldn’t have all the subs I have or anything without my dudes my Bros from other hoes yep y’all are the bomb diggities

Yeah the Wither Skeleton skulls they do stack I started thinking that they didn’t they do oh wait this one I want this we’ll save that other helmet for a little bit I wish I could get y’all in here too that would be cool but I mean

In which the case I don’t see why we couldn’t all I got to do is take the mod folder make a copy of it and then uh you guys uh download the mod pack go into the mod Pack’s folders and copy and paste my mod folder that I sent to you that’s

It damn that was hard to do and I still didn’t get it it goes from no no mobs in here to just Insanity damn it son I’m not going to pay your child support get away from me why ain’t I hitting them they got the weirdest hit box I swear

He thinks I’m paying his child support I’m not doing it good Lord there’s so much down here yeah we got to go back up we’ll make a way that can get us back down oh we’ll just use a Way Stone hell yeah that’s what we’ll do it’s worth a waist Stone this this

Area is definitely worth a waist Stone which I can just I can still pick up back up the wa Stone But what was that uh-uh uh-uh uh-uh nope no I don’t have the damn Way Stone on my hot bar got it oh that was moving quick Boy H yo man OMG my PC is angry the software is provided as is without warranty of any kind expressed or implied including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability Fitness for a particular okay what a mess Dustin’s back what’s up man oh yeah Crow we got to find pumpkin

Seeds I have got so much crap like I mean here it’s insane and I can’t stack these spawners cuz they’re different I mean I could use a whole separate drawer of just spawners from down from down y under this will kind of tell me what I

Need drawers for and what I don’t cuz uh H I got to put drawers right here I was able to leave a Way Stone down there in that chaos there we go that should help that should help oh my my axe I need that’s what I need though I need a mod and the fact that there is one but

It’s not the right uh it’s not the right uh version number is really bugging me but I need a mod that will put my YouTube stream chat right here it can be a little small so it’s out of the way but that’s what I need that’s that’s what I need need I need

That um I don’t know of anybody that does mod packs but I may end up just have to learn how to code that and build it myself I think that’s what’s going to end up happening I just got to build it myself yeah

Know oh we can do my portal we we can do the portal since this isn’t a multiplayer server I’m not really worried about people taking anything so I can put my gold right there and we should be fine Can I stack these inside this game

Oh my gosh I can that’s so cool so that means we can do it with saddles yep we could do it with beds we can do it with Saddles yeah oh yeah Dustin we’ll get a crow we’ll get a crow bear with me here there’s a lot of things we need to get mucho El Grand no okay I may have enough of those now to actually do one of those mob collector things okay oh yep the

Clay definitely the oh my God what was that that was so close Sasha the legendary with a name like that it doesn’t sound very legendary just saying name tags I’m so excited we got name tags I love name tags they be my favorite just where’s my diamonds I don’t have diamonds up here

You can call her pumpkin shares do give you seeds yeah and also the pumpkin seeds are most common in very grassy places yeah that’ be true um the the pumpkins we kept finding were already carved so we just got to find some that are uh so fresh and so clean

Clean I love the shelves by the way uh um I do believe these shelves from functional storage mod I think it’s a mod that I’ll have in my future mod packs it’s it’s going to be one of those that are just uh are are definite you know it’s going

To be something that I’ll always have in my in my mod packs for here on out for the rest of time oh wait most definitely all right and the spawn eggs um yeah they’re going to have to be they can be over here never really thought that I would

Be coming across spawn eggs and chests as a thing to collect you know never really thunk it never really thunk it now I don’t know how to fix that pickaxe yet but we will because I really liked it I really did I like I like it did it

It Ed dided I like Ed dided whatever all right now this is uh this one’s all good does it got a chest plate let’s see I got I’m okay on Armor for the moment um name tag lead we got that in here I don’t think there’s any name tags in here I would

Know I’m a I’m a name tag fanatic when it comes to that I would know if there was the Christ does that sound all right cool now for I haven’t found or named a turtle yet I mean a horsey all right now what I like to

Do is this stuff that I have will be going with me on the next one well they’ll be going with me here in just a second Um so I’ll make a uh chest these ender pearls that’s what I’m that’s the main thing I need right now is ender pearls out of everything I need ender pearls the most all right and I have Enderman spawn eggs so I might can make an Enderman spawner I don’t

Know I have no idea how I could do that I need to repair a broken spawner but if I repair it once I repair it it shouldn’t have anything to spawn Yay good job yo man and so when the repaired spawner doesn’t have anything to spawn then I take the Enderman egg and

Hit it and it should become a Enderman spawner right I’ll have I’ll have to look it up I will just have to look that up cuz I have no idea how that works look at this thing I don’t think it’s powered or anything no but it does look

Cool what is this power I’ll have to look up and see when I start my I’m going to be starting with create mod I can do a water wheel and probably get enough power out of that all right here’s my backpack that’s going with me um here uh oh where’s my iron

Axe Oh I thought that was pumpkin seeds we could go for a search real quick I have another thir place um yeah we could do that where’s the I just want to take a lead there we go those I need that of course I need my camera there we go

This one this one uh cool beans ting tang Wally W Bing M there we go now we got the stuff for our horse when we come across there’s the way stones I’ll take these ender pearls potion of swiftness I’ll drink it there we go throw that away um sure all right let’s

Go bad fairy castle possibly h that looks like it would be a pumpkin place pumpkins are known for being at the bottom part of the ocean right oh that’s a damn pipe get away from that oh I should have grabbed my helicopter I keep forgetting I have that

It does eat up fuel a little quick but it’s okay I’ve never seen grass that tall in this game oh we got to find pump they got to be out here hello I bet if you held on to him and stuck your hand out of a car window

Going down the interstate his little head would spin so fast it’d pop right off the hell is that what is this Amber oh it’s like a Jurassic Park there’s a crow in there there’s a crow in there Mr Crow do I not have paper I sure

Don’t I had it but I don’t now this is I always carry paper but I don’t have any I had paper right up here I must have took it out I’ll take it with me then there H cover me with diamonds how did I make that advancement I don’t have a full set

Of diamond armor little baby be Tasmanian Devil no you would probably kill me in my sleep I don’t trust it wow I really thought we’d see some by now hey a bed that’s crazy I was seeing them all the time when I was opening this part of the map up

Oh my Lord oh my Lord come on get up there get get what’s this up here is this a village hello it is it’s a bloody Village I know this Village I know of you people oh I could check um hold on let me check some of the chests in

Here yep I got to go through y’all stuff I’ve heard y’all have been smuggling uh-uh don’t hide now it’s too late now I’ll find you and your pumpkin seeds y’all don’t think I’m dangerous you don’t you don’t think I’m dangerous finally they were smuggling them Dustin they were smuggling them

Dustin the entire time they’ve been keeping them from us Dustin they didn’t see me as a threat y’all don’t see me as a threat you want me to show you how much of a threat I am watch scared aren’t you tell me I ain’t no threat shoot shoot what now see

This yeah don’t look at me gollem don’t look at me y’all took my stuff kept the seeds from me what now oh what is this oh now y’all are now y’all are stealing gems what is that a sturdy B cage okay I’ll take a b cage where’d that be

Go I still think we need to get some more seeds Dustin I don’t think that’s enough yeah we’re going back to the base let’s go back to the base yep quit looking oh look they’re actually having dinner at the table that’s that’s cool um there is a waist

Stone close to us right there all right uh yeah we go this way let’s go back to base and we have a crow at base got him I just got a bumblebee I need need the honey for a uh to get a bear in order to get a a bear tamed look

It’s another one look at that Amber with something stuck in the Amber there it is which [ __ ] I have little honey things but I don’t have a uh I don’t have a a be Nest all right Dustin let’s find our Crow come here come here oh there he is Dustin look look Dustin

Look hello yeah you like it you do like them don’t you Dustin I’m getting low last one last one Dustin that’s not enough he hates me he hates me oh we do have bees where are y’all coming from that’s got a lizard in it or something yeah I didn’t think that was

Enough oh that one’s got a blue j in it capture it oh no there’s oh look oh my God you got to be kidding me there was pumpkins right here that ain’t that ain’t even right I don’t have any shears that ain’t even right they were right here the whole

Time no I don’t want to capture it what’s the point of capturing it that ain’t taming that’s just imprisoning it inside of a cage all the time I don’t want to do that I want it to be you know out and about like a uh there’s a what’s that that’s a raven

Oh what do you eat I I might try to feed one yeah I don’t want to capture if that’s all it does is I have to put it in a box then I won’t do it that’s no fun at all but what I can’t believe was that there was a freaking like six

Pumpkins just a Stones throw away from my base this entire time now I got 24 of them there got him I got him go ahead it gave Hearts see he’s on my shoulder now I can see him well there he is no don’t try to fight them come

Here I’m afraid he’s going to end up getting in front of my sword on accident come on we got to go sleep no don’t get in front of me like that come on I don’t know what kind of home he would like I don’t know like I don’t know what he would

Want to stand on oh we’re good what is he doing to my forehead yeah I need to put something that he can land on that he can stand on I wonder I guess if I looked up what do parrots like to stand on on Minecraft that would that would be the

Same as the crows I’m sure they just use the same cating from the crows onto the uh I me from the parrots onto the crows I mean why why change that you know coding up if it’s a bird oh I dropped my sword oh no whatever shall I

Do Crow go get him go get it don’t don’t tell me that now go get it look go get it he won’t let go of his seeds there’s that paper I needed I need to make a trash can hey buddy all right I think we’re good all right I got more pumpkin seeds

For you um I’m going to put them down here so you can reach them all right that’s where they are now oh no no no no no no come here you can you can be out here he’s mad at me now come on get down you give me that

Stang there we go cool it can do multiple things wander uh collect staying that’s cool and now he’ll stay yeah it was right clicking him you’re right I told you so now we can take the I really want to go back down underground again real quick and

See what all else is there cuz that was a busy area not to mention we were just about to hit the Lush cave spot one of them good to know that we do have bumble bees I’ll get some more crows but we’ll put them somewhere else probably I ain’t

GNA listen to that all the time oh and the where’s my bottle glass bottle I had one right here can I put the honey in here oh I can so I can do this for the next bear okay I’ll keep that in mind uh we need silk touch h

That I need the lect turns for who opened my door oh I think I did that all right villagers a green Carpenter be I don’t know how many villagers I actually have this Village never really had any I do have a castle oh I hear one oh is he up here excuse me

Hello hi can you do this do you know how to do these excuse me but you got nothing else you’re doing oh thank you all right no um no something else please something else oh gosh knock back is so stupid can can you do something thank you Shimmer a a disable enchantment which

Does nothing oh yeah try again please poison tip no over here try try again please h cresendo of bolts no no no no try again please right here sharpness one one more time please right here try again please right here huh no we we got to do it again right here

No you’re not giving me nothing now please uh one more time please right here please a bell rang okay please right here no I need silk touch please I need silk touch please right here no no no right here no right here o fire aspect but no please one more time tampon

No hey excuse me one more time please potato recovery oh no that’s for the potato gun no no no no no no no Shimmer again uh one more time please right here excuse me wait Mana boost Oh no I got to do it again please no no you’re not doing very good

Ones very upset come here please tools become unusable when having one durability left that is a pointless thing to have very stupid please uh do this again please no no there’s a better way of doing this I think it’s in a mod that I actually have

On here but I I don’t know how to do it can you do that from here oh the yeah look at this there’s un breaking on no no no oh capturing three makes mobs have a chance to drop their spawn egg oh oh oh oh this that is good that is real good

A let me write that one down I will keep that one in mind I like that huh I like that cuz I can do that with the uh Enderman huh huh huh huh huh um chance huh for mobs toop their spawn EG huh that’s a great idea for an enchantment

Huh oh no what was that oh Lela would like it like this this is cool looting to chainsaw don’t need it I just want my silk touch baby silk touch come on yeah it’s one of it’s one of the vanilla ones SC Smite okay I’m a big fan of the ancient city

Of the ancient cities and uh oh that’s a good one too holding huh huh huh keep that one in mind I’m going to have to bring more villagers up here which will actually be easy for us to do with my uh with my mob yers I need to make some more I have

To significantly increases the chance okay Quick Draw I’ve hardly seen any vanilla enchants that’s a good one Auto smell huh huh huh it said Daryl the agar Slayer has awaken nearby yeah that’s a boss he’s outside somewhere uh there’s a mod in here that will randomly uh send down a boss

Um when lightning strikes during thunderstorms and such it’s pretty cool it’ll keep you on your toes for sure there we go there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is okay um okay let me go get my books okay you stay here please please do not change

What I just did I know hold on hold on I hope that bad guy is not over here how am I going over these blocks without having to huh I should have to jump it shouldn’t do it automatically it must be something I have on me right

Now okay now I need my I need my uh those okay all right I got those those are the things I need to make to bring more villagers up okay I need a book here’s the books okay okay I think we’re good I got all the pear I got all the I

Got all of the um all of the emeralds that I have yes okay wa we can go now you doing okay Crow oh I got a name tag for you Mr Crow uh Dustin what should we name them um fluffy all right fluffy it is what’s up fluffy I’ll be

Back we’re going to get silk touch we about to get silk touch I don’t know how I’m running over those blocks like that I’m supposed to have to jump like anything else else hello I’m back yes please I got it um huh I can get another one but no I

Huh I don’t think I need another one I don’t think I need to bring an anvil over here though you good up here I can move you later I got to get some more villagers up there hey hey you stay out of here I need to put um some good looking

Lights up underneath these trees and stuff there is a I want to try out these Ticky torches let’s see um how do I do a fence like this yeah and then here’s the tiki torch let’s see how it looks that’s pretty cool that’s pretty nice I can like stick it into stuff like

That or whatever I’m not paying it I’m not you keep wanting me to pay something oh you got a boot bag look he does look like a kid he’s got a backpack well the this will feel nice Goodbye Oh there’s mama I’ll take you down too I didn’t get his

Backpack darn he had a cool looking one too it matched them so yeah I liked those those TIY torches look good I like those torches too that I made that’s supposed to close the door now it will my bad okay that’s what we do best we’re fixing issues fixing

Problems fixing problems any kind of problem fixing problem bombs it okay I want to use this black dye I want to get my backpack put that there there we go I don’t have much other type of uh dye colors mainly because I just haven’t collected them oh yeah

Portal we need to put it somewhere where we’re not going to hear it constantly maybe in the graveyard that would make sense for a nether portal wouldn’t it h there we go I got some Flint back at the house but all right the uh like I said the what was it I

Needed oh yeah a yoinker I have yers I have two but they are housing a tiger and a lion so I could take them out and put them in a their own spot if you haven’t seen there here’s my dry copter oh look what’s in

It hold on let me go get some seeds I got one seed that’s not all my seeds they better not be let’s go get some seeds and get this one Dustin what are we nameing this one what do you think there was a there’s a crow in my gyrocopter how cool is that

Oh yeah my silk touch uh before I forget let’s go ahead and do that okay and I think I can repair yes okay got it repaired we’re good now um Spyro’s perfect that’s a perfect name I like it I like it a lot Spyro perfect a Spyro and

Fluff I like it that’s what we’re going to do it let me grab my seeds right here all right let’s go get them I know it’s rainy but maybe the rain will calm down soon all right Spyro in my gyro let’s see if we can do this with

Him in there I throw it right on him oh I don’t think he’s able to grab it cuz he’s stuck in it can’t grab it okay hold on let’s do that and there we go there you go he’s all right he’s just now free again so he’s uh he’s a little

Excited you want that one yeah I got a friend for you I think you’ll like her oh there you are there we go let’s go get your name tag let’s go get your name tag and we’ll uh we’ll take you up here where where fluff is at all right um

There we go he’s going to stay I’ll make it stop raining I think I can if I sleep if I lay down I can only sleep at night or during thunderstorms well I thought I could oh can I with uh with seeds right oh let’s take a picture of them so

We can hang them up on the wall let’s take a picture and we’ll hang it up on the wall let me see I got my camera let’s try it let’s try it out see if we can get a picture of them both oh wait wait no no no no no all

Right Mr bumblebee stuck I got I got to make a uh a frame that’s right isn’t it a frame wouldn’t that be there image frame okay cool now I need some string and there we go oops my bad it was sticks oh I don’t

Know I have no idea man I have to check that out all right we got a picture of our crows uh oh the blood moon is coming out tonight crows y’all stay up there and you’ll be fine you got to stay up there though perfect you got to stay up

Here don’t be stupid and fall off oh god oh Lord I’m fine hey can I repair this with what um what obsidian yeah oh it’s refined obsidian I may not can where’s my obsidian no oh whoops hold on refined obsidian right there okay I do not understand I don’t um I’m figuring it

Out how do I make the damn oh I actually plant it yeah all right so I do need that clay imagine you’re walking around at night a gentle breeze flows through the trees suddenly you hear a brush rust look at the Moon and find out that it’s

A red blood you start hearing more sounds fill the forest yeah that would be crazy from the door being left open that sounds like me leaving damn doors open now I did get some clay may not be a lot but I did get some and all I got to do

Is uh blast it oh I got to use this one yeah there we go yeah I’d like to repair this author author just spawned as a boss somewhere we’re getting pretty good on the iron have halfway down I’m going to go grabb some more coffee real quick oh here I can one moment

Ah ah ah ah ah ah a a ah ah ah ah ah ah ah a a ah a a ah a OU ouch that song’s going to be in my head for here on oh we didn’t have 50 people uh start up in here usually when I leave or step

Away it’s like 100 people pop in the end of the blood moon have we had a harvest moon lately I don’t think we have the last time we did have one though look at my sugar cane good Lord I’ll look more into fixing my obsidian

Chest plate I don’t know again I have no idea how I got that thing what are you doing in here okay it takes a sleeping bag all right what is my what is my backpack my bath Pack’s ready so that check check check check the getting magical one that’s what it was

Okay so yeah yeah okay we need the regular stuff we just need normal stuff so where’s my all right and there we go and there we go I think that’s I think that’s what it needed and then a book of course yeah okay right there all right

Oh well I can do it this way which is the way I probably should do it um novice spell book bo bo boom boomp here it is here it is oh look you can see it on the uh read the whole story please story of what hey G got it

Nider has made the advancement Unbreaking K oh that would be amazing all right um my mana’s building up bottom left okay okay interesting honestly I would like that Mana bar to be further in I Pro I’ll probably I can probably mess with that later now it was C once we have it up

Uh I can’t remember what button five is uh hold on arms I got to remember the damn a RS a r s okay so yeah I just got to find it with the uh right here spell book open right uh button five it said so I wanted to change

That toggle selection HUD I think that’s where I can change the okay okay F6 no there um yeah those are not needed I don’t think no let’s not do that this one we can do that I think that’ll be okay or no can’t do it like that that one that

One that one okay that one we got to win on it and the HUD one oh it’s a little circle HUD cool okay hardest magic provide uh spellcrafting magical devices powerful Trinkets and magical entity automation to help development or report issues join the community and our Discord okay getting started an introduction to

Ours it is recommended to follow each section in order oh okay well yeah that’s what I was thinking trinkets items in Curious can expand your casting and can provide unique Buffs for more casting you want you may want to craft a ring of discount or an AM Amulet of Mana

Regen for travel see the belt of levitation oh that’d be nice or improve your mining efficiency with the jar of voiding J void uh now the discount that sounds good because I wonder if that makes it to where my Mana is not taken down as fast ring of Greater discount provides a

Slightly larger discount over the Lesser ring of discount okay I have no idea what this discount means yeah yeah there it is reduce the cost of all spells by 20 so yeah that’s what it does that’s cool enchanting apparatus so is there like an enchantment table of some kind the jar

Voiding a jar that can destroy items on pickup and grants a small amount of mana and return to turn the jar on and off use the jar while sneaking to add or remove an item to be destroyed by the jar use the jar with an item in the offand or use an

Item on the scribes table with the jar placed on it the jar must be in your hot bar to function okay so I will end up having to have like a a table to to use this all with oh the warp scroll a scroll that may be used a single time

To teleport to a recorded location however teleporting across Dimensions is not possible can be used to warp other entities if an inscribed scroll is held in the offhand and the holder cast blink on an entity okay probably will never use that only because um I have voice Stones I have no reason to

Use that yeah and then the jar of light is probably what it sounds summons a light that will follow follow the user as they move can be summoned and dismissed at any time cool so I guess that was the uh let’s see yeah click that did not and

Then chapters right here we did the elemental tweaks correct I think yeah I think there’s going to be a table Mark of mastery okay so as I’m reading this it’s putting the ones I’ve done at the bottom and the next one okay okay okay spell casting oh

Lord yeah I have obtained a a spell book will allow you to create store incast spells using Mana a higher tier spell book will provide additional spell slots allowing you to craft more complex ones to craft craft your first spell you must first select the form that the spell

Will take that the spell will take on a form glyph must always be the first glyph in a spell recipe next you’re going to add the effect good grief Andy the eagle just spawned uh effects refer to what the SP will do and they will resolve in the

Order that they are placed in the book at the Target or location the spell hits an aument an augment can be used to modify the way an effect or form behaves they may be placed after an effect or form an augment will only apply to the glyph to the left of it

Multiple augments may also be applied okay cool if you would would like to set a spell to a different tab select the tab from the right side and repeat the above process several key bindings are provided for using the spell book yeah I noticed that I noticed that so that’s

Cool yeah that’s what we did we got that good Lord starting automation spell Mana it’s a lot of stuff hell all I wanted to find was a ancient city so let me put this in a in a item table now that we got it cuz um oh okay armor oh I see armor

Look at all this this book is huge this would take a whole session in itself damn Julian the really cool just woken up machines sources glyphs wow yeah there’s lot to this a lot so this book I need to put it in a um don’t I have

Leather no I do have leather but I didn’t have it on me all right uh ha no it’s the other way I think I can’t remember anymore more it’s been so long since I just made a simple item frame yeah I think something like that magic book thing ium that would be a

Recording session something that I would record not stream cuz that take that would take [ __ ] 30 45 minutes to go through that and then half of it you can’t remember cuz there’s like a jack ton you got to read and and know so there well that looks

Stupid I know what it is though that’s all that matters now wait the iron was for well it was for to create that book but there was something else I can’t recall nonetheless I want to go find some uh horses I’m really tempted to put in that

Other really tempted to go put in that other um map that I can see underground with like it has a cave map too not just see is this open up enough I can do it over here here we go we got flight look at my freaking sugar cane sarasa I be

Back um big mountains like this is what’s going to have an ancient city below it or a deep dark biome rather y right through here I want to get this part of this uh ocean opened dang what’s up bud I know Dustin it does don’t

It I mean it’s not like an elytra by no means but hell it’s doing pretty dagam good I like it but it does eat up your food really quick and if you uh once all your food is ate up you’ll start to fall because it doesn’t you don’t see it but

You have to Pedal this thing you’re pedaling it like like you do when you row a boat but you’re pedaling it to spin the blade so it eats up your food really quick but it is it is nice to be able to cruise and look around for what I’m looking

For which I don’t even know yet let’s see where am I at yeah that’s kind of right need to go down south some and it’s not hard to destroy if you were to slam into a tree with it that would that would pretty much uh do you in you

Know shift is how you go down space is how you go up was that a church nobody wanted it in the town I don’t vol if I see a beach I’m kind of going to it CU I want to see if I can find a turtle though I did get a turtle helmet

It’s some I found it I didn’t craft it and so a couple of turtle eggs would be amazing but something about default turtles in mods modded Minecraft uh does not like each other this is a big ocean and yeah we do have Kil in it so that’s good

Not seeing too many other biomes other than the select ones we are finding just missed it there’s some oil Way Down Yonder I think uh what’s that it’s a crack yeah that’s a crack and I I don’t mind uh I might land over there next time and we’ll penetrate the

Crack see what all we can pick out of it but that’s a nice crack yeah I’d like to go in it very nice crack it’s all a volcano oh look there’s a lush cave right here I’m going to mark it I’m telling you Dustin he he just wants the

Monkey I can’t I can’t blame him a monkey is a good thing to have but he just wants the monkey Dustin I will get you a monkey if I find a monkey I’m going to get that monkey by God and I’m going to name it Dustin the monkey I

Will you’re going to get a monkey named after you on on my on my super popular and famous Channel because I’m super oh crap Dustin this ain’t good at all Dustin Dustin oh God I got to try to get everything that we on the time we can I finally made it

Out we’re stranded Dustin oh no we are right beside a rainforest why the hell is it raining yeah my microphone does the underwater thing so like if I’m running and I suddenly jump down into water like that then it makes it sound like I actually am underwater it’s pretty cool Dustin all

Monkey I have two spy glasses Dustin I will find the monkey we got to get some bananas don’t we what is this oh no that’s one of those drag me drag drag me no monkey over here no monkey Dustin no monkey so the map I want to get the uh I

Don’t know how I’m walking over these things without having to jump wait a minute I know uh controls Auto oh no that’s not it I don’t know how that’s happening I shouldn’t be able to do that did I toggle something toggle farting no I don’t have any cheats I

Don’t do the whole cheat thing that’s not uhuh that would completely destroy the purpose of the game I don’t know I don’t know how I’m doing that I’ll have to look it up cuz somehow I’m Auto walking up the blocks and some would say what’s the big

Deal but I I want to know how I did how I’m doing it auto jump is off I don’t know it’s it’s a it’s kind of bugging me honestly it is it is I’ll have to stop everything and look it up I know it seems like such a small dumb thing

But I’ve never been able to do it before why is it just now suddenly doing it I looked and seen if it was any of my uh armor you know my leggings or something that’s allowed me to do it but it’s not it’s not reduces fall damage

Okay look if I take if I take all the armor off oh it is something on my armor see now I can’t do it head it’s not the helmet chest plate not the chest plate leggings I bet it’s the leggings no not the leggings when on feet plus 0.5 step

Height it’s the feat yep it’s the feat okay I am good now Dustin I am sorry I now know what’s doing it I can move on let’s go I know that was so stupid um but we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good it was just really bugging

Me and it it rains a lot wait it’s only raining over there okay so which rain doesn’t bother me I enjoy rain um majority of the time anybody who works outside as their job or career more than likely they love the rain because that’s the only time they get off oh my

God it’s a leaf cutter ant hey buddy they don’t hurt you they don’t hurt you in real life either I mean unless you sit there and hurt them we’re just having a casual walk good God I don’t have my honey on me See I’m an idiot I should have carried the honey I didn’t Dustin I didn’t carry the honey look at this nice crack it’s got I think it’s got a lush uh Cave under it yep Oh my God you see how close I can get with this Zoom feature look at that no no

No what is that chest plate I’ll take it projectile protection thank you but can you imagine with this Zoom feature watch this and then once I’m zoomed all the way in I use a spy glass oh it doesn’t add to it it’s too far either way I am I really like the Zoom

Feature oh this biome looks really cool look at this I’ve already been here before but where I’m going is this I want to go here Dustin I want to go there I just had to get around uh my crack what is this a Stargate oh I’ve heard something about

These how do I use it hold I’m just getting my stuff in order here oh I got to write that down that’s the key that’s the key to the Stargate 26 614 and 31 1129 that’s the key to the Stargate the Stargate should could be around here somewhere then I think

That’s how that works I’ve been wanting to try one out to open it it’s a it’s a well it’s a Stargate like I said it’s a uh it’s a oh horse horse come here baby oh buddy sorry yay y oh no oh no back away from my horses

Back no come here come here come here come here come here come here come here blow up over here yeah sorry hores hello how how good are you okay your speed is nine oh we got another creeper another creeper another creeper come on come on over here I like

Your boots let me have those nope didn’t drop them well you’re a failure very busy up here oh my God why don’t I have my food why is my food not on my hot bar oh [Applause] no okay I was able to eat a piece of St

Toast oh I’m out of Stak completely okay that’s okay that’s okay I got something in my backpack I should yeah nope I don’t okay we might be effed uh Dustin we might be screwed hold on oh my God please hurry up please hurry up got it oo

What was that noise what was that noise Dustin he’s around me somewhere it’s it there it is there it is there it is oh my God I’m about to die there it went damn I’m so glad I placed a bed dude that would have been awful that would have been awful if I

Hadn’t to place that bed all right we got to be quick we got to be quick I should be able to click and get everything I am hold on it’ll show me is that me no oh my God I’m right there I’m literally right there Um the the big evil skeleton was right behind me when I just came out of my bed right there but I’m a ghost right now see how I’m a ghost so they can’t see me until I get my stuff got it let’s go wait no yeah no I’m I’m back solid again so

Okay I don’t need the stupid flowers I actually do want to keep the string um Dustin why don’t I have food with me where’s it at Dustin Dustin did something with my food hold on okay he did something with it I have no idea where my food

Is I think he threw it away threw it somewhere out in the woods 1058 oh you’re a nice one okay hun okay okay okay hold on she’s going to be a toughy but she’s a good one I thought I just saw a zombie coming towards her no

Okay there you are there you go girl thank you there now you’re protected better all right I got a horse I did not bring a name tag God damn it that’s okay I got a couple of way stones we can uh we can do a was Stone and it actually brings the horse

With me um if you’re it’s either while you’re on it and if you have it uh on a lead let me see how fast you are not as fast as my girl so let me check you uhoh I think she’s Faster come here hold on I think y’all are exactly the same oh

No this one’s a little bit faster but mine can jump higher but this one’s worth it too I think I’m going to bring them all over to the base I think that’s going to be the best bet uh Dustin okay so now we have that now

Let’s try this out Lea told me if I have him on a lead and then I hit the uh well hold on are you going no it’s not you it’s this one it’s this one yes it’s you all right so now she’s on a lead

Go yeah I got her oh crap she’s in my living room um come on sweetie let’s let’s get you down here come on can you fit under there no you can’t okay okay okay okay that’s okay come on I do have I can make some elevators

Oh you won’t be able to fit down there either hun okay hold on I got to do this at some point anyway so might as well let’s just go ahead and do it I don’t need the staircase like this anyways I need it to be functional and my horses can’t go up it

That means it’s not functional eat the spider eye I don’t think you could can eat spider eyes can you might can I have no clue there you go you want to oh yep got to tame me first come on I know you love me I know you do

There you go we were meant for each other all right you get a saddle right there all righty all righty let me get you some horse armor I’m pretty sure I got some more yeah I have weathered copper uh I think I can make horse armor

Now like at least the iron oh good lord oh yeah I can it would take an hour in comparison to just the leather armor well it says I can’t craft leather armor yeah I can there it is okay so wait can I do that with the horse

One no or with the iron one I mean no okay whatever I think I’m better off just going out and finding the crap I do have horse armor it’s a copper and that that’ll be something at least to cover her with okay here you go sweetie oh it actually looks really

Good oh oh oh there we go and hey nice you know I don’t have to put her in a cage she’s fine she can just wander around I wonder if I can find big doors well that ain’t really the way how you try to find them uh I would have to look online

Wait here we go now if I did two of those side by side that might do it okay mall spences and walls here we go here we Go um this mod pretty cool it’s got a lot of stuff I don’t know if it’ll have what we want but it’s got a lot of stuff I don’t know however if it will have just a big door I’ve never seen it that in Minecraft man all day today I’ve been

I’ve been naming off mods that don’t even exist that should or items a giant door should exist like six blocks big two wide three tall would that be cool nope doesn’t exist okay well figures I need to get some red stone there’s no big doors that’s cool the windows that’s

Cool there is no big do that doesn’t exist well that’s another thing that needs to happen big doors it’s simple people let’s go with it come on let’s get it oh let’s do uh these Western doors yeah I can do those real quick um crap it’s dark I rarely ever sleep now

There now these should be good enough to use for horsey it goes up to okay that works all right oh wait those will work yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay cool cool cool all right that’s it then I can make it bigger for the horse to come through wait a

Minute that looks stupid so does that stupid stupid stupid we don’t need to stupid all right cool that’s better even though we’re I I may find a structure that I would prefer to move to if or when we do um it’ll be okay oh do I have my I do my gyro copter

All right cool um it needs to go with us yeah let’s go let’s go to the way Stone oh I got to grab some food do we have bread we do we have bread right there okay um I will keep the toast all right Dustin I think we got it my

Book and quill my book and quill is what got has my uh yeah the animals that I want to get and to do I’ll also need to put um cords there so then when I get like when I find like a skeleton one or for example my witch

One um that’ll work witch hut Farm we need ender pearls I need to do some ore mining I need sheep and cows I still need all those things here good Lord oh name tag for the hores uh we’ll just do it we’ll just do our one for now the other one she’s out

There playing so my shadow fact L uh Lord of the Rings fans will understand that now Perfect all right I think we’re ready I will take another saddle oh I got three more right there good good good good if we see a donkey I want to grab the Don

Donkey cuz uh donkeys are what we can put chest on so a donkey can store stuff on them which is always really cool all right cool I think we’re set I got Shadow facts all right I think we’re good okay horses now I will pick this one up there we

Go and we can continue on there you are oh my God you’re literally about to fall to your death you don’t even notice that do you you sure don’t all right let’s ride oh is that your mother bye mother never see you again uh mapwise yep we’re doing good

This is right yep yep yep we just got to take a right but I’m going to do it right down here oh cool I can’t we got to go down right now now why didn’t they make it where horses can just swim I mean the can swim but you know

What I mean it’s so dumb usually it makes you jump off on the vanilla Minecraft like the moment you touch water your horse kicks you off or the game kicks you off your horse rather but oh wow okay well that’s a spawner right there let’s go right over here

And excellent I don’t have a yeah I do all right that’ll work don’t you leave me we’re not ready to go yet ooh uh switch this around there we go I wanted to do this so goober here won’t run away sorry Mr leaf cutter what is that cave spider nope

Don’t want that hey another name tag oh look slime spawn egg for slime that will definitely be useful okay cool got it got it got it check check check we’re good where’s my food that I never grabbed damn it I’m such a turd bucket I swear that’s all right let’s go up here

Real quick we’ll find some oh gosh why does this feel wrong oh it’s a fire pit a I want one give me yours what mod is this from Stargate this is part of that Stargate mod is this the Stargate no is the Stargate in here oh

Um oh God hold on hold on hold on I need a flint I need a flint and steel don’t I I need a flint and steel I need a flint steel uh Flint perfect we got it we got it we got it uh Flint yeah well flint and iron but you know

What I mean let’s go I’ve lost it hold on I’ve lost it I just made one is it right in front of me is it right in front of me the horses yeah that doesn’t exist no more there it is Stargate okay cool okay cool I was making sure that leaf cutter

Didn’t hurt um my horse okay can I cut on the fire pits this is what I want to know Dustin List look look what I just did that’s so cool look do it again yeah I like this this is fun hold on are they producing light legit yeah I

Put my torch away they are in every movie I’ve ever watched when you do this bad [ __ ] happens so let’s do it dude Dustin we’re going to die man we’re gonna die man ring panel um okay I don’t think I have what this thing wants Rings let’s see at Stargate here we

Go this is what the mod consists of ultimately is right here so the golden I’ve heard you get once you enter a Stargate uh portal but we haven’t found a Stargate portal yet um all we found was the code to it the wait the code do I type it in uh uh 26

No how do I do it what the [ __ ] oh I shouldn’t have said that I’m sorry I will probably be getting strike for that um I don’t know how to put the numbers in yet but there are six numbers and there’s six slots here okay

I know it’s a matter of Just Mine the wall out of the way but I don’t think that’s how it works holy crap that scared me I got headphones in okay we’ll put that back we’ll put that back yep I will research that I am glad that this thing’s not far from

My base so I well either way I got way stones but I can there it is look there’s the uh there’s that thing I was just talking about the golden idol no way all this stuff a spawner agitator reduced functionality due to presence of the apotheosis mod

Mobs won’t spawn when players are too far away but any mobs which do get spawned won’t despawn when players move away oh when placed on Mob Spawners the spawner agitator will prevent the spawn entity from despawning when the player leaves the area Additionally the spawner will keep spawning while the player is

Not in the area mob farm anyone ah then I will take it I understand I understand yes that’s what I do I know what it is talking about because I’m smart Poseidon’s [Applause] Steed oh it summons two rable dolphins for a short time now that you don’t see every day okay good

Lord I me I don’t think we should get everything cuz some of it’s uh repetitive you know like a Batwing okay there’s a fireball why do I hear something running above me obtained by feeding a darkened Apple to a mob and quickly throwing in a book at the resulting anomaly asses

That’s literally what that says asses and an ancient Dart H whoops I didn’t mean to undo that other stuff uh Yep this will work thank you and I’m gathering the gold because I got to make my backpack carry more uh not so much out of this one just a couple of

Things oh smithing wild armor trim I’ll take it I have no idea how this works but uh is over there’s wild armor trim again I that’s what I want to do Dustin I want to do some armor trims I want to do my I want to do my

Armor trim on my armor I want to do that um I need more room I got some wild armor shm that’s going to be fun that’ll be cool to do the wild armor trim I’ve done it before on uh Bedrock but that’s all that’s all I’ve done it before on is

Bedrock I’ve done it before on that I want to use this armor trim I bet it looks cool yeah I’d like to do that some of this stuff I really wish it would stack like I wish I could stack this stuff like these darts I wish they would

Stack I want to get rid of the darts I can always come back here this was my favorite part oh yay Kitty slippers creepers won’t come near me oh look there’s the chest plate oh right chest plate the boots um let’s see watch I got my chest plate look at me

Okay I I got oh my hand jerk sorry compressed boots now I should be able to put on my Kitty slippers hold on I got to find the right spot to do it at right here look look at my look at my slippers creepers won’t come near me now they’ll run away from

Me well I had to kill kitty cats to get these but yeah that’s why they’re the kitty cats have their head mounted to my boots no I I didn’t have to they were already mounted ooh enchanters bow that I want to see oops um enchanter bow look how do I I make

This how do I make the enchanters B I need a scribes table table there’s the enchanter I knew it was an enchantment table or something I needed oh an enchanter’s crossbow a soul enchanter and here’s this the enchanter oh I bet I got enough of these

I can do this Dustin I can do that stuff what’s a scribes table I’ve seen it say that 22 or three times oh a sword an Arcane Anvil ooh I like how these mods work together so a scribes table No I don’t think there is a scribes table I think it’s tricking me yeah it’s tricking me I don’t be stupid I don’t be stupid star buun wheel oh starbuckle is that mob that and and that’s a wheel for her to run circles on and you make it from a water wheel okay

Yeah I don’t see the table I think it’s tricking me it’s tricking me I want to find that Stargate it’s around here somewhere oh I can be a pyromancer well I’ll have to learn that once I get into it yeah oh how do I get fluxing oh gold dust and redstone

Dust that’s a whole another rabbit hole man yeah I’m going to have to gather up some gold there’s some more Kitty slippers nice explosive Minun ammo seriously oh here’s the gold I need all right now we take that we do that that that I got to take off my backpack oh backpack removal

Complete and then that and then that yeah that gave us more room cool okay rest of that can stay Can I have this please I got it I don’t want that get away from me now that I got the golden idol I go back over here and take it no it doesn’t work

What was that what are these I just broke it oh crap that was the transport ring wait a minute I I can fix I can fix it there oo what’s happening I don’t know I don’t know I see it now I can see the portal oh my God

Oh my God where’s here golden idol okay I thought it was going to do something it did place it though well it’ll place anywhere I think anywhere I put it yeah oh that’s is scary I don’t know I don’t know Dustin I don’t know BRB home

Dog oh this is dirt no no no no no no no let’s see replace dirt replace block uh yeah replace plot okay oh wow wow now before it was like this you did that that’s how it was before when I first came down here it was set like

This nothing that’s it that’s why I broke that was to see what was under it and I saw that so so I guess that’s what we were supposed to do cuz then it places the Rings right but the Rings are being blocked okay now they’re open right that’s it no that’s not

It hold on let me see for Um oh that’s not what we’re looking for it’s funny cuz there’s a golden idol exactly named that in w and that’s another game I’ll play that’s funny all right um well if I look too much into it I’m afraid it’ll uh you know I’m glad we have it in this mod pack

Because I do want to mess with it this will be cool I’m looking at it on another screen by the way but uh the mod okay uh I think we have to Redstone it sorry I think oh wait there’s huh okay uh okay yeah Stargate journey is that in my mod

Pack oh it is oh that’s what this is okay oh I’m so excited okay um I’m going to hang on to this stuff and I’m going to I got I got um This Way Stone I think I’m going to bring I think I’m going to put it here

Permanently uh yeah I’m going to put it here permanently so yep Stargate that’s what I wanted to say I am going to research this some more and uh I don’t know what this is but I’m going to hold it in my offand this goes underground okay oh yeah we need

Um I forgot how to here we go okay yeah we’re starting to get to the point I need to look at storage a little differently hold on no no no no no I got more than one of these um definitely yeah I’m going to need to start looking into storage that I can

Just put everything in one spot and then as I need it I type it in and it brings it to me I’ve had that set up Before okay birdies now I can here I’ll put this in here there those I’m keeping along with the uh Saddles speaking of I got to go get the horse okay cool and then the stuff at the bottom I’m keeping uh with me we’ll put the gold up um right here this stuff everything

Else oh my smithing templates yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m excited um the that one go right there okay now this other stuff oh my little fire pits uhhuh I do want those and the spawner agitator those should be pretty cool to learn I’m excited about that um oh they

Won’t go in hold on let’s see actually no no that’s okay we’ll put them right there I just need to remember them right there huh got a little fire pit I think these are the cutest I like them I do all right slippers Kitty slippers I so got to make them visible hold

On it’s fine just where it is now a lot of this stuff can now be moved and matter of fact the slippers will be too cuz this is going to just be the horns those things the little horns and uh I don’t want to have too much

Stuff out like items cuz that’s just more the world has to load up constantly so we can put a lot of stuff just put it up in general but um yeah there we go and the Kitty slippers though I mean come on you got to have those where

They’re viewable I mean you just got to at least somewhat viewable that’ll work hopefully the crows don’t try to kill it speaking of crows you guys you guys Spyro fluffy y’all got to stop okay I’ll take y’all on I I’ll take y’all on a journey just not right

Now Spyro’s upset isn’t he but he’s following now come on come on come on oh I heard the Cat my slippers oh are y’all both on there you go oh I still want y’all to be safe but oh I could have put you on top of my base No all right Spyro you good too y’all CH there I got to make y a spot actually build them like a uh what is it called that Birds go into um I’d have to look it up yeah it is a long stream I’ll probably be ending it here soon we got a

Lot done a whole lot done um explored a lot uh there was still plenty more I wanted to do but you know uh Monday morning we’re slamming back on it hard but uh I’m I’m so I’m I’m still so excited and just thrilled about this mod pack

Man this is so much fun I’m not even scratch the surface get away from me I mean like with the chapters here the the quests I I got this one finally done oh I can collect these what is this a glyph of conjure Mage Light okay okay I’ll put

All the magic stuff together so I can work on that I mean we’re just rocking and freaking rolling uhoh oh I unlocked it okay okay okay so it used it okay got you now the smithing template I uh um where’s my where’s my where’s my tool bench don’t I have

One I don’t have a tool bench I’m about to kill this fly hold on one moment uh where’s that workbench oh the mob imprisonment tool I remember these it it’s a lot to make one but I I remember them it’s crazy but I also have the

Uh the mob yers that’s what I’ve been using right now so that’s what I’ll use until I need something else oh goodness a Harden blood Shard oh that’s really getting into the uh the evil side of things which I like to do that um yeah I was thinking of this town

That I’m in I know I just made some Librarians and and that’s good we’re we’re on the rooll with that uh since it’s not a real busy place of villagers I thought of making this town into the I mean like making the entire thing into uh these different mods like

The magic uh mod I’ll do in one house the evil uh the evil mod evil craft I’ll do in another one and just stuff like that so I can have all of it in one area uh but it’s kind of controlled like in its own sections instead of I don’t know I’ve thought

About that a lot I don’t know which one I’ll do there’s supposed to be a Smith table is that what is that what it’s called a smithing table Yeah smithing there it is let me just make it real quick okay I saw it nice I could

Not remember for the life of me what in the bloody hail I think this is I can use this for my um for my armor I don’t think I can do it with this armor though no no I can’t do it with this armor we got to make some

Armor but I think I have enough diamonds to make armor now don’t I oh let’s see chest plate FY and leggings nope I do not have enough and I got to add a uh what was it um like oh it pulled it all out like uh Redstone or something I could add to

It I could also add uh like this lapis to it if I wanted to a piece of gold a piece of that oh it was also um Emerald so the smithing T tablet my armor chest plate and then let’s say a emerald so the trim that I use will look

Like the wild armor trim but the color of that trim will be of emerald and so that’s what it would end up looking like very very hard to see actually so you would probably want something darker like that and and it’ll do it cuz uh Diamond doesn’t look good with hardly anything

As you can see it looks like complete dirt and ass but I mean like not a bad dirt ass just like a a good dirt and ass yeah a good one a good version of of ass a good version of ass yeah yeah um so yeah that sucks but uh you

Know the darker one what what I don’t know what all dark ones we can use um I need I need a good dark ass what’ I just say no let’s not do that no I don’t want to do that that’s not good that’s not good

No I guess let’s use lapis then it’s the most visible one not bad it’s just hard to take my look seriously with two kittens on my on my feet honestly I don’t think I look badass whatsoever anymore that’s long gone but they definitely help with oh

Wait copper oh um anosa an empist you know what I mean I’m trying to say it but I can’t um another thing I’m going to add is that other map I’m really hoping I can add it cuz that’s going to really help out for underground so we can find a

Geode yeah a geode Dustin a geode can I use this one that’s really pretty this one’s really pretty no I can’t use it what about the lapis on it yeah okay can’t even see it cuz of the stupid kittens oh obsidian netherite yeah I got

To get netherite armor I got to get some netherite that’s going to be the trip in the nether so I got an idea we’re going to end this all on where’s my backpack oh it’s over here good grief This Bat Pack’s already slam full hold on I didn’t mean to do this

I got to also make um everything else is coming out of here but what I put down here yeah that looks good oh that shadow fax’s name tag yep yeah I’ll do all this uh Monday we’ll take all that out and I want to make some drawers that’s

All for the uh templates see how we can see them I want to make drawers just for the templates okay I got an iron spot and a copper spot okay um whatever the crap that is all right got my book got my morning toast I got my paper

For my camera now let me slam down on those elevators real quick cuz they’re they’re cheap and easy oh here’s another smithing template there we go yeah I thought I might have had a yeah there’s uh wool all right I can make one elevator thus far oh look there was a smithing

Table right here huh that’s funny that’s why I always come keep checking all my uh my storage I know it’s so repetitive but more than likely I already have it whatever it is I need I already have it I just haven’t checked everything yet and that’s what I get

For this backpack can be changed it can be uh emptied out like I said we’ll go through more of the crap later but now this one for Monday we are Ready here we go and my uh backpack is ready to go uh tonight’s stream I don’t know I may uh started in a few hours I’m just going to go into um project zom void mess around with it some I don’t know when though I have no idea I got to

See what else is going on in the house I might uh if nothing else is happening I might just jump on it which I don’t think nothing else is happening but you know you never know it’s the weekend it’s uh the best weekends are the ones you have no plans

On now for that uh let’s see here we we go yeah all these can come out they go into the backpack and I’m going to eventually make it to where whatever backpack I choose is going to be um just the main thing you know here’s one

Elevator I don’t have what I need for the next one I don’t think unless I got a lot of string that might be enough yeah perfect that’s not enough I need one more that’s the story I’m all off right there it sure is it sure is is string any string anywhere anybody

Nothing there’s two two string I will take all that bread though yeah I’ll take that stream stream stream stream stream stream no stream I’ll come back to you no strings still no no I’ll poop I wanted to make my other elevator um oh uh I may have a solution

Sorry there’s another smithing table over there I just seen it oh I heard it I heard it they’re in here yay a white one yay I know I know y’all are doing great thank you NOP don’t come out bye-bye this is going to help pretty good yeah we’ll do it right

Here I love these things these elevators they’re amazing then we won’t have it won’t be such a pain in the botox sorry perfect bell pepper seeds no wait that’s this junk stuff don’t go in there no no no no no know a I thought it did that or something somehow oh well see

There oh bear we’re up here isn’t that so much better I just you got to have Ender pearls and and uh good god look how tall that is sounds good sound good these are good tools to have now shadowax is uh oh yeah she’s at the Stargate she’s up

Here I got to get her back home I’m not going to leave her here what the hell am I doing what did I just do oh here we go Shadow F she’s over here hanging out with all the leaf Cutters wait a minute why am I hold on hold on shadowx I got

You girl I got you my food’s all screwed up there we go no wrong one that one all right Cho I’m coming to get you and you might get sick but we got to teleport back all right now can you fit up there let’s go let’s see if you can fit down

There yeah you’re fitting that a girl look at you H well welcome home welcome home shadow facts whoops Ignore that I’m going to see if we can we can’t go down that together I don’t think Shadow facts no we can’t there you go there you go Shadow you’re good go explore yeah you’re

Good all right goodbye everyone that was fun we did good and we’ll do it again tomorrow no Monday we’ll do it again Monday early morning that was a good stream today we got a lot done we did it’s only 5 hours that wasn’t bad we’ve done eight hours so H not too

Shabby see what’s going on around the house and I should be back on in a couple hours to play my other game we’ll see may or may not I should be but we’ll see I’ll keep everybody posted as I can have a good one uh Dustin if you got my

Discord if not I don’t know it’s on my description so until next time fellow friend

This video, titled ‘Episode: 06 REWARDS in this busy WORLD! | Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-06 20:10:06. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:56 or 18716 seconds.

So far so good All Nighturz! It’s time to begin working on FTB Quest in the modpack, Quest help a TON with teaching new mods and how they work as well as simply giving you awesome prizes! Its worth doing them even though you don’t have to.

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  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More