Video Information

[Applause] The You know sometimes the music comes in it’s just like Bop after Bop after Bop and I’m not saying this is a bad song at all but it’s definitely one that’s like much slower than the typical stream intro music and I really was not expecting it to be next usually I kind

Of queue up the first few songs and I forgot to today but uh yeah so we’re we’re chilling we just we’re chilling with this one for now it’s it’s just it’s just Nostalgia it’s just pure Nostalgia for me and it’s fantastic but hi everybody how we doing happy

Wednesday welcome on in that is the uh elwin Forest song from World of Warcraft so uh for any fellow wow nerds out there uh you’re probably like oh my God I love this [Laughter] song kind of making me rethink life it’s the way it goes it’s really the way it

Goes and eggs speaking of which thank you so much for the 23 months hope you’re doing well today my friend welcome on in lovely to have you and Arthur with the 10 months thank you thank you thank you to meet youa I thought you were having holiday celebrations with some friends what are

You doing here go celebrate with your friends you don’t need to moderate the chat today an thank you for the 23 months I hope you’re doing well I hope you’re having a fun day over there thank you so very much spear alond with the 17 months I really appreciate it hi everybody

Lovely to see you all how am I doing I’m pry pretty good I’m pretty good today it’s been a it’s been an interesting morning uh Kota has a little bit of a upset tummy he’s had too many holiday snacks uh so it’s been a little rough dealing with him throughout the day I

Will say Sid took the brunt of it uh I woke up at like 3:00 a.m. to take the dog out put him in the backyard did his stuff and then he woke set up again at 5: and then uh there was there was a few accidents that needed to be cleaned up

Around the house um and so she ended up just staying up and watching him for the rest of the morning morning until just kind of starting the day so it it’s it’s been a morning over here but other than that it’s been good it’s been it’s been

Pretty good otherwise pleas to meet you I was with neighbors but it ended earlier than I expected cuz was outside in Sweden do be cold yeah that makes sense that that does make sense okay you’re sorry sorry for uh telling you you shouldn’t be here you’re more than

Welcome to be here if you would like to pleas to meet you welcome welcome welcome Ste of fire thank you so much for the 6 months been a while now proper winter now yeah it is it is it’s pretty chilly today we finally it’s stopped

Raining for a bit so it’s pretty good it looks like it’s not going to rain for like five days so I’m pretty happy that’s great cute and horrifying thank you so much for the two months so happy to catch the stream love your content thank you so much for being here I

Really do appreciate it and lurus with the 23 months another one thank you so very much I really do appreciate it and Frostbite with the 28 months look at that beautiful purple tree over there finally got to catch another stream thank you so very much I really appreciate it welcome welcome

Welcome ah these songs by the way do you have the songs you use everywhere in streams and videos like a playlist I do have a playlist but it’s on my local Spotify and it’s not something I’m going to be sharing um so if you can find the

Songs you can find the songs um but they’re all through epidemic music is where I get all of them and then I download them and I put them into a Spotify playlist that I can use that’s only locally but I don’t have redistribution rights so I cannot share

Them uh hope you’re having an amazing day I am I’m having a pretty good day I started a new project I got another project wrapped up this morning so it’s been pretty productive already uh so it’s been good it’s been good please to meet you today do be be the day for

Membership Milestones jinxy heart with the four months as a mega fan thank you so very much remember my friends if you are a member you can click the little dollar sign down there and it probably has free membership message in there and you can click that and send a message

Which is how you’re seeing all these if you’re a member and you’ve been around a member for a few months you’re like why does my message never pop up what is broken what’s going on it’s unfortunately YouTube’s really bad about the system and you need to go click it

Yourself it’s not like on Twitch where they pop up and they’re like hey you have a free message to send do you want to do that so on YouTube you actually have to go click that you send it so there’s your there’s the monthly reminder for that uh if you want a bit

Of another playlist look up game chops on Spotify it’s freey Ed on streams I tend to avoid those free to use on stream ones as uh uh epidemic sounds is a platform that I pay for it’s 40 bucks a month so it’s not the cheapest thing so I wouldn’t recommend

It if you’re just getting started out but it does make it a lot safer cuz I’ve still had a lot of those that are like free to use on stream and then people abuse that and then they put in false copyright claims for it and the YouTube copyright system is just absolute trash

Uh for me to fight back and say no I do have rights to use this music I have to give them my first and last name can’t enter with without it I have to give them my personal email address I have to give them my physical address of where I

Live or where my business is operated out of and then I also have to give full like convincing reasoning for why it is I have rights to use the music and then that is all sent to the person submitting the copyright claim and they get all that information and I get to

Know nothing about them so by using epidemic they fight all those battles for me I don’t have to submit any of the claims I don’t have to do anything like that so it protects my personal information and uh yeah that I’ve had a I I just it’s one of those where I’m

Just like I don’t want to deal with it not at all but it’s okay it’s all good it’s the way it goes sometimes but yeah I mean if there’s great things out there that you want to use go for it I do tend to use the I

Like the stream Beats has a very cool Loi Christmas one that we’ll probably throw on on Friday stream and listen to throughout next week going into the holidays uh and yeah I don’t know it’s a it’s a fun one I enjoy it so that’s kind

Of the way that I think about it what are we doing today we’ve got a big project today and we have actually got to get started because I I’m meeting up with some people afterwards to record some stuff and I’ve got a I got a time commitment uh so you might recognize

This that’s spoilers this is actually all spoilers this is actually all spoilers ERS uh what you more might recognize is this if you’ve seen the videos and kept up on all of it I cut out this entire place where the Stone is coming out is uh that’s where the mountain previously

Went and we pushed it all the way here to create a shipping channel for larger boats to be able to access the lake town that we have and then as you can see by this right over here I’ve decided to terrify form and make this big old cool

Cliff raise up all of the train and it is beautiful coming all the way over here and eventually I do want to continue it down the coast farther going down that way uh and what I’m working on as my next video project is I want to build a

Village up at the top of it one because I thought it would look really cool two I’ve talked about doing a village project out here if you’ve been watching the uh Flip 2 videos I was kind of alluding to doing a village project here

And I do want to move forward on that we are taking the skeleton out where’s my bow I got rid of my bow again goodbye and I’ve started it so the lore behind this region for the sake of lore for the stream lore one it requires

People to leave a like on the stream and it really Powers up the lore engine every single like left on the stream the lore battery just goes it’s like think about like the Santa slay is powered by Christmas cheer as it has been canonized in elf

Uh you all have to leave a like for the lore to be stronger in this world so it’s the way it goes I don’t I don’t make the rules I just I just enforce them uh Renee thank you so much for the one month I do appreciate it didn’t

Realize I’ve been a member long enough hey I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you uh B biscuits thank you so very much figured I should do this and you after you said it also been struggling with the elytra after you talked about the pixel consistent elytra

I can’t find it uh it’s on the vanilla tweaks website you can find it over there it’s under one of the little fixes uh Dominic or thank you so very much for the 11 months love your terraform you’re insane yeah I really like this this has been a

Fun one so what I want to do here is turn this into still having some sand but more of a coral reef not coral reef tide pools tide pools is the proper word but the lore of the region is we have ocean ocean make wave wave crash hence

Cliff caved out here slightly eroded at bottom meaning water here very rough also Village focused around fishing because that’s the only food that they grow here cuz winds are very strong and they prevent a lot of trees from growing and they prevent a lot of like crops

From being able to really root in there and grow well so it’s not good growing conditions so to live here they rely on the ocean so they’ve dug out this Channel Through the GL Cliff that we have here to create a boat ramp it’s pretty steep I get that it’s very

Steep so and then they’ve created this bullwark here out into the water where they basically just piled up Stones as much as I can also I found a buried treasure I think I’m just going to leave the chest there I took the goodies out of it but thought that was cool so I’m

Leaving it uh just randomly dug into it when I was clearing this whole Space down cuz yeah this was all level one block under the water too um yeah so they piled up a bunch of stones here and created this to create a little Safe Harbor where they could bring their

Boats down put them into the the water and if blocky you’re in here I reworked one of the small little fishing boat designs you sent me and I created this and I love it I need a stone for that that that needs a no can’t do that okay that’s

Fine but yeah so we have this little protected Cove where their boat can come in the water and go out there I haven’t quite figured out how the boats get from here to down there I’m kind of thinking a pulley system of sorts that we can somehow create would be cool and then

Carving this back a little bit further and we can create like a a dry dock where the boats would just be sitting up here on top of some logs or something like that so that’s kind of the plan there’s going to be a village up here all that cool stuff a very sparse

Village I was re recently watching a video that vgo man put out like a year ago it randomly popped up on my home feed of him touring around a medieval village that he made a long time ago and it was so fun to be able to watch that

So the really the big thing that he tried doing in that Village that he was creating is every single village house was a little bit more spread out and they all had their own backyard spaces they all had stretches of land behind them they they were using more for

Fields and things which we won’t be able to do so much up here but I figured on top of the fishing we could also have some cattle I kind of want to go bring goats from the mountain down here but they’d probably just jump out and get

Loose so I’m not too sure how to handle that maybe fence posts underneath with a lead attached cuz that would stop the goat from getting too far but then they’d have the leads going through the ground blow so we’ll see what happens there but that’s a rough idea that I

Have and then yes I did do it uh the road does connect all the way back over to the beginning parts of the world so that’s where we’re at so far that’s kind of the vibe that I’m going for in this place when we get when we

While we’re getting started here I do need to do a few more little bits of resource Gathering I grabbed these as I was going over we’re just going to throw the extras right in there that’s the left over boat materials and we need to go grab a bunch more Coral I

Specifically want more brain coral and I would love to get some more dead horn coral and we’ll just kind of pick up everything that we can get so we’re going to take the we’re going to take our bed we’ve got I want to get a few more Rockets we’re going to go repair

The elytra in the nether real quick cuz it’s getting low and then we’re going to head out to the C Reef so we’ll see how that goes what mods do I use they’re all client side purely performance-based mods uh I don’t use anything that alters the game everything that I do is purely

Vis visual or for increased performance uh there’s a whole list of them in the Discord if you want to go check them out you’re more than welcome to also my friends please be sure to leave a like on the stream it helps me out a ton we got almost 900 people in

Here and we just pass 400 likes so there’s over 500 people that have not left a like on the stream yet I very I very much do appreciate everybody taking the time to do that me and oh it’s a little laggy coming over hereo okay

We’ve got to we got to got to be a little bit more careful on this one right down into The Nether we go we are just ow wow I don’t normally hit the wall there on that that little curve if you start shading the Rocks please don’t do it like the mountains it

Should be different from them yeah yeah yeah we’re going to go more much more Coastal Vibes oh I love that I can show this on stream stream now that we’ve seen it the video new video dropping on Thursday being tomorrow by the way for those who are keeping up on the hardcore videos

New one will be out soon I really love the next one it’s one that was so difficult to like title and thumbnail and all that but I think it’s a really fun video I think people are I think y’all are going to really enjoy it if you check it

Out when it drops tomorrow but yeah I got one more video this is the last video to finish recording for the rest of the year and then I I’m take I’m taking time off this one should be out next Thursday and then I’m I’m taking I’m taking a

Vacation did you talk about the Minecraft monthly post from today I haven’t even seen it I don’t really follow the Minecraft monthly post to be honest okay Electro’s repaired sweet Thursday tomorrow yeah Thursday tomorrow this way we can clean up these torches I don’t need these anymore wow we can get

Rid of them also need to come back and do the end rods on there but I haven’t figured out how to fix the rails yet a lot of people are like just place the boat on a perfect 45° angle I was like you know how difficult that

Is that’s a lot more difficult than you think it’s going to be and a lot more lining up every single time you go down I’m not here for that I’m not I’m not I’m not doing that much effort now how much time will you not upload

I’m not too sure yet but January for those who don’t know is absolutely terrible on YouTube it’s the lowest views of the year because everybody’s busy getting New Year’s things and their resolutions to use technology less and all that and then also the ad rates are

The lowest by far so to meet you I will stream in January I don’t know if there’s going to be a video there’ll probably be one video in January but for Reference last January I posted two videos I believe maybe three videos and I ended up paying my editor

More money to edit the videos than I earned off of them so I I I lost money by working last January not even just like chilling and hanging out like I I I lost money real my days better I I’ll get one out just for like a touch point but I it’s

Going to be mostly streams in um January and just kind of working on big project and then February we’ll get back into it fishing with FP yeah I’ll probably do some more second Channel videos I really like the weekly comment of the day type thing so I’ll probably just keep picking

Out some comments and doing those um but yeah so I just I’ve already talked with uh Marcos my editor and we’ve we’ve agreed on one video for the month as I was like hey this is all I want to allocate time wise um like to ensure I have his time for

It uh so that’s probably what it’s going to be looking like and we’ll probably I think the first week of January I’m just not going to do anything I’m just going to hang and to be honest play a lot of World of Warcraft um pleas to meet you and then second week

Of I guess I want this to all be dead oh I need to yeah we got to change our pickaxe we’ll just kill the the coral when we get over there uh let’s do that okay there we go much better January sucks yeah January’s a it’s a it’s a weird

One do I not get those at all you have to silk touch them how do you get those to be dead automatically cuz I want to use Coral fans and things too can we stop swimming pleased to meet you I guess we’ll get them as alive fine we won’t

Murder them now we’ll murder them later January is like a whole month of Lial space yeah I really want to do stuff cuz like I I mean it’s hard my brain is so wired to just keep creating things for better for worse I’m really bad about

Taking time off so I think my current goal in January is honestly to revisit the tree a day thing that I was doing for a bit uh and really flush those out and get a lot more custom tree design in cuz I I really love doing those and I love

Having them but being able to make the time to actually make them and get them to be a point that I enjoy is difficult so I think January you probably see a lot more social posts for me and maybe I’ll do like a second Channel video at

The end of the month of here I made I made a tree every weekday in January so it’ll be like 20 something trees a little time lapse of all of them going through that could be kind of a fun video all right we’ll be out here for

Just a little bit I don’t need a whole lot of coral but I want to make sure we’re getting some cuz uh we do need it there’s so many different Coral items you do a tree Tour on the stream we checked it out last stream I believe

Or one of the ones before there’s been a recent stream I haven’t added any new trees uh since the last time we looked at him so if you’ve been watching the stream vods you can go find it I’m not sure which one it was on though

Sorry oh we just h a th000 people I believe I believe we can get to Let’s 800 likes can we do 800 80% of likers I believe I believe it’s possible one day one day okay we just need a little bit more Coral I need to go I probably

Should just start putting it in the Box to be honest I need like a coral fan box and I need a coral block box I will say I am kind of interested in the idea of of creating a data pack that allows you to transform those little Coral fans

Into Coral blocks I know it’s a not a fully vanilla thing but I know a lot of s smps use that type of stuff to limit the destruction of coral reefs on the server seeing as these blocks there’s no way to create them other than mining

Them it’s kind of a shame to ruin all the crawl reefs so we’ll see we’ll see why is there an ad because uh that’s how I do this as a job we could get rid of ads but then live streams would have to become members only so for real whip you have

Officially gotten me through my entire master’s program thanks for helping me keep some sanity over the past 3.5 years oh my go maybe now I can actually build my starter house on the server with my free time haha Liz congratulations that oh I’m so happy for you congratulations

That’s huge it’s got to feel like a just a huge sense of relief to have that all wrapped up so congratulations that’s that’s really big very very cool you know the starter house it’ll it’ll come when it comes when you when it at this whole time the design for it has really just

Been meshing in the back of your brain to come up with the perfect starter house so you know it’s when it’s meant to be it’ll happen thank you so much for the Dono though and I I’m so happy for you congratulations that is that is huge that’s so

Cool you no idea it’s been a long haul oh I’m sure I have no idea what your actual your program was looking like but I’ve had quite a few family members go through like extended schooling and stuff like that and it’s a it’s a journey in a half that

Is something my brain would never be equipped for but it’s really cool to see everybody who’s able to go through it and get so much out of it so that’s awesome congratulations for real to me that’s really really cool I hit the wrong pickaxe and I broke a big

One I don’t care about the fans like we could we could destroy the fans all we want maybe I need to make a coral a coral fan Farm because you can do that those are pretty easy all you have to do is put sand up here

And then you have a bone meal dispenser basically the same as a flower farm that is the same way that you make a coral Farm the only difference is you have to have it ticking slower and you have to be the one breaking it obviously with so

Touch as we’re finding here uh so we could do that one day that could be a farm wait I’m gonna write that down real quick real quick real quick uh it uh uh I have a I have my own Discord server that I just have like notes everywhere

And I have one of Hardcore Farms needed to build Coral fan Farm there we go we’ll do that uh what am I missing nothing okay there we go do we think we have enough Coral I think I need some maybe let’s let’s get a little bit more let’s spend

Like another 5 minutes here then we’ll get back to building Coral Farm can be in a ship that you said you wanted to build at the ocean Monument I don’t think the ocean Monument is a warm ocean biome cuz you have to do it in a coral

Reef or the equivalent of this yeah warm ocean biome Only Bone mealing sand and warm ocean it will produce Coral or you can bone meal Coral blocks too but not quite the same what’s your favorite candy I think like my go-to number one but I don’t have it all that often

Would have to be Reese’s like a big Reese’s cup that is by far my favorite but I don’t have them off that often that’s like a fullon real guil guilty pleasure I will say on top of that though I a sucker for like a good Sour Patch Kids or something like that I’m

Not super a chocolate so Reese’s went out because they’re more peanut butter chocolate I did it again and it was a blue one my favorite dude the Reese’s trees my mom used to put those in my lunch every day uh in high in school for the holiday

Season and I was like H best part best part about lunch all right let’s get these I want to get a few more uh where is it which one is it this the blue let’s get more air leave a like on the stream yes please I do appreciate

It also uh I missed a few oh wow I missed a lot not even just a few um the tiny moose thank you so much for the 7 months hope you’re having a fantastic day as well Ruby Doo thank you so much for the five months uh Rick Rick M

Gaming thank you so much for the Dono thanks for making my days better hey thank you so much for being here and glad you found a place you enjoy Billy tofu thank you so much for the 20 months so excited to see in the next project coming along this world is a blast

Hopefully that not a physical blast happening uh Jack thank you so much for becoming a supporter I really do appreciate it and Sam thank you so much for the 20 months big SM Smiley is right back at you Mar CH secret life you have to be invited that’s that’s the

Answer I’m a member now you are look at you I appreciate the support thank you very much the chocolate to peanut butter ratio is so much better uh yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m not a big fan I know they introduced like the big Reese’s cup a while back

You remember like where they basically said this is equivalent to having all four of the ones that come in the king size you can just have a big cup and I remember getting one being like this is going to be so good and then I had it I

Was like it’s not as good the ratio is off it’s it’s too much peanut butter I did it again I’m so sorry coral reef okay let’s get this one and get out of here voice crack hello get out of here what I feel like it was a moment of

Hyper Focus causing on be missed uh probably that I was on a tangent I do love a good rant where I just kind of talk and then I look at chat again like 10 minutes later without realizing it look at that wow oh I love the sun coming up there wait that’s so

Pretty yeah for whoever was asking why don’t I bu just build a coal Farm in the ship I was planing to put over there we’d have to build it somewhere in this you can see the watercolor changing very clearly right here you have to build in this color water that color water this

Color water is only a lukewarm ocean okay we need a warm ocean a lukewarm ocean not going to do it okay gee I wonder why the coral reefs are dying I don’t know somehow every few months that one just pops up again I don’t know what to tell

You yeah Honestly though the reason why coral reefs are dying is because Coral growing conditions are extremely particular we did Miss buttons wow okay I need to go get more buttons for there we’ll do that later um and then that the cause of like humans and shipping channels and everything like

That is what’s killing the coral is that the ocean temperatures are changing and so either the coral themselves are no longer able to survive there or that the food that the coral consumes is no longer able to survive there I’ve been watching a lot of Nature Documentaries recently I know what I’m

Talking what was your favorite subject in school I really liked ancient history if you can’t tell by how I like to play Minecraft and what I like to build in this game wow that is framy as heck I really really enjoy learning about ancient history and things that

Happened far in the past but more so the architecture behind those civilizations and how those civilizations live their daily lives in that type of stuff like when you start in the history where as soon as human civilization moved Beyond hunter gatherer and moved into more of dwellings and living in physical places

And farming and starting to change the regions around them instead of just living off of the land and all that like that is that type of History was my favorite but then so much of it was just clogged up by stupid details that you didn’t need to know about and the teachers were

Like you’re going to need to know all of this weird stuff I’m like no never actually I will never use that information ever again I just want to know about the architecture of the house thank you okay so we got a lot of coral we got a lot of

That we actually need a few things out here so we’ll bring this in too radio I set that up we are going to go with bam bam we’re going to start just by making a few Coral not Coral tide pools and we see how it’s going to go we won’t have much

Water up there maybe we’ll have a few pools of water up there but for the most part I want to leave the tide pools down here so if you haven’t seen how I do these before this is one of my favorite little details to add in of we’re just

Just going to kind of cut out something like that and then we’re going to go Bam Bam and we could do a little Bam Bam and then we could do in the corner we could throw in let’s get a few of these guys here too and then I also want some of the coral that we had let’s put our chest piece on we won’t need our food we won’t need I guess actually we

Will need that we don’t need the elytra right now uh and then we can come around the rest of this we can start adding a little bit of our coral and then back in here we can even bring in a little bit of the Cobble and

We can start to create some cool tide pools and little tide flat areas where the water would be getting stuck in and we’re just creating little tiny pockets and we can come back in with our water and do a little bit like this this

To fill it all in and there we have our first tide pool and I love it I think it’s such a fun little design and we can just fill in the base of something like that and if we keep adding pockets of these changing up the size going all the

Way up and down the coast here it’s just I love it I I really love making these I think it’s something a lot more fun than just doing like a regular Sandy Beach that you normally see and with this being such a rough Rocky Coast or rocky

Cliff a lot of the Rocks would be falling down so we’re going to make a lot more Rubble along the base there so I know I know I said we’re River terraforming today but I might have might have done a little lie um so I do apologize but I really wanted to focus

On this but I also didn’t want to completely spoil the the next video so please forgives thank you um what if I did that no we’re not doing that yeah we’ll just leave it there that’s fine and just have a little flat back to it clickbait wow I know I click baited

But honestly I think this Project’s better I think I think click baiting this project versus click baiting saying that we’re going to do this and then we’re going to then not doing this I think this is better is there a new video tomorrow there is a new video coming tomorrow yes yes

Yes so we’ve got all this little bit added in here right there’s two of our pools and then we can come back in and add let’s just grab a few of our brain coral fans and I want them to be dead I don’t want them to be live Coral I want

Them to be dead and we’re just going to add it on here because it’ll slowly kind of blur the line from the stone going back into the sand as they do die and then we can also have a few dead bushes around here like a few sticks or something and of

Course we need need a few buttons which we can also add down no you can’t add buttons to the water never mind I’m a liar okay that is notra that is a chest piece and if we come back over here you can kind of see the vibe

Starting to come in we’re going to focus on the beach portion now and if we have time we’ll touch up on the water or maybe we’ll go actually start digging that cuz I do want to dig that down and make it a lot deeper but I like it I

Think that’s going to work out well now we just need to keep adding these and really change up the size a lot that is something very very important here you can add buttons underwater and Bedrock see man I think we need a lot of the Bedrock features in Java this so

Unfair they have so many more features than us making progress on videos for the holidays so it so you can take a break yeah yeah yeah this video is not supposed to go out till next Thursday I had a last minute project come through for a sponsored video that

I’m very excited for that I managed to wrap up this morning uh so that’ll be fun that’ll be on the channel soonish and then yeah that was kind of the last big one that I needed to get out of the way and be able to kind of really focus in

On getting this stuff done which is exciting so yeah the only video I really have left to do we’re just going to put these up here so they’re out of the way is this one and as soon as this video’s done I’m I’m I’m done for the year yeah we got a last

Minute sponsor coming through very very excited not going to tell you what it is it’ll be out next week probably I sent it over for approval today so we’re waiting on the results make make sure they like it what country what country would you love to visit I’ve always wanted to go

To Southeast Asia I know it’s not a country but just like that General region of the world I love the geography there I love the like the environment it’s just I feel like it’d be something that’s just such a different daily life compared to

What I live in the US and I just think that would be a really cool like culture shock to have so that that’s always been big on my bucket list okay so we’re going to do that and we’re going to make a little second pool back here where some water is like fully

Trapped in just right here yeah for something like that that’ll be fun that’ll work I’m going to Thailand in a week o very cool have fun that’s way too much um I think after this one cuz that’ll be like four in a row well this is kind of a plot of two

If we connect them together we could move this guy back here and we could kind of lead them in together yeah that would be fun so we have this as a has its own little way back out this way so instead of being able to get through

There the water flows out on this side yeah I like it I like it yeah so this way the water would flow in there and then pop out over on this side instead and let me grab another another Cobble stair yeah so instead we have like this little island that we’re

Creating out of it kind of fun we’ll come back in with our buttons and everything at the end I just kind of want to show an example of what a final product might look like there but we’ll come back in and detail more of that as

We’re moving cuz I want to make sure we’re actually making progress instead of focusing on little areas what are your non-minecraft hobbies uh Minecraft lady kataa I think I missed it earlier but thank you so much for the 18 months Winter’s Minecraft seasons on the homestead hey I I get it welcome back

Welcome back and heroic pixels thank you so much for the 14 months uh no I the Hobbies recently I’ve been really love playing wow again which I I feel like is something I’ve always been saying but I’ve been really enjoying playing wow uh season of Discovery if anybody else is a fellow

Wow nerd uh if you see flip running around on wild growth us that that’s me feel free to say hi but it’s been fun it’s been really cool I’ve been I’ve been enjoying it a lot and uh I got a pretty good group of guys to play with uh one of my buddies

Who plays a lot of retail wow uh his some of the people in his raid Guild decided to make season a discovery characters so we’ve been raiding together what happened to New Life uh it just it it didn’t have life uh yeah that is that’s the

Answer new life was fun I enjoyed my time on New Life uh while it lasted but I it was one that I think I went into it with a bad mindset where I was very much expecting things to be very active and a lot of people being around to do things

And just constant people being online and a lot of the other people that came in were expecting to be much more of a chill series which is totally fine that’s it’s okay to have a chill series and so for me when I was on there

I was expecting there to be a lot more happening and when that wasn’t happening and then there also wasn’t great communication from all parties on the back end that it made it a little difficult to kind of convey that message of how things were going that it felt it felt weird being

On there cuz I constantly was feeling like I was alone on the server and then I was like I don’t want to play on a server where I’m feeling Alone um so I I kind of was like all right this is that’s enough for me that’s I’m just going to my brain

Doesn’t want to be on here and if I don’t want to be on a server I know the quality of content I produce is 10 times worse uh so at that point if it’s something where I’m like really being like I don’t want to play on this at all I will just

End the series cuz I only want to produce content that I’m enjoying and having fun making because otherwise why should I expect you all to watch it if I if I’m not having fun M doing what I’m doing I I can’t expect you all to enjoy the video that I’m making

So that’s not a Fair expectation for me to feel like I’m making something that I’m not putting my all into and then be like but you better still watch it I don’t know just feels off to me so I don’t I tend to if something like that

Happens I tend to just be like all right maybe I just cancel the series what happened to Sky Block similar thing just was not feeling was not feeling it in the end you play any instruments uh I played piano growing up for like six five six years probably um

I wish I had that’s one of the things that like I remember at the time being like God I don’t want to go to piano lessons at all I just did no part of me wanted to be there but now looking back and whenever I see like a friend or

Somebody uh like my Fraternity in college we had a piano downstairs cuz we had a lot of guys from the music uh program in the fraternity and they a lot of them would just sit down and even some of the guys who are in the engineering school would

Just sit down and start playing piano and I was always like man I I wish I still had the ability to do that like that would be so cool to be able to just sit down and be like all right I’m just going to I’m just going to play some

Music that I know how to play and yeah so that would been cool uh I tried picking up guitar for a little bit which I think all of us early ’90s kids at some point were like I want to play guitar uh that didn’t last for very

Long I was not great at Guitar I was pretty good at piano though I was pretty good at playing piano but I definitely like as a kid was like this is stupid I don’t want to do it but now I’m like I wish I did it thought see armadillo that have gone

Shown off today I think the the wolf armor looks really cool I I think they did a really good job on that so I’m I’m excited I think uh the new update I’m excited I I think I’m pretty excited for it I I feel like I haven’t heard much about it

For a while I’m assuming Mojang is gearing up for their holiday break which you know take the time off if you can uh working at the end of the year is a big bummer so I’m I’m all here for companies taking time off and actually being nice to their employees about

It so I I’m hopeful that they’re doing that but I’m also hopeful that updates and things start ramping up pretty soon coming into the new year I’m excited to see what else they’re adding in cuz they’ve said that they still haven’t revealed everything coming in the update

And I want to know what else is coming that is a very important thing for me like the update right now when they first announced it I was like yeah and now I’m a little bit more yeah like I’m not like oh I don’t want this update but

I’m also like nothing in there I’m super like I need this right now like as it stands it’s not something where I’m like okay the new update’s out I’m updating my world right now because I want the new features yeah kind of a little difference in little feeling

There just that slight little difference in excitement level I’m like this stuff’s cool I’m excited to have it in the game but I’m not ex like me keeping replay mod and that type of stuff right now is more important than updating so I would be waiting for those updates to go

Live and then move up to 1.21 in its current version maybe there’ll be something I’m still holding out for some new building blocks but you never know most Hopper houses have a change freeze over Christmas oh yeah you can you if you had a soft if you were a

Development Studio of any form and you push a hot fix over the winter like holidays or whatever any time period that that means for the next 72 hours you are all on call to make sure whatever goes live works properly and if any bugs happen you’re there to fix it

So I totally understand why Dev studios are like yeah we’re just not pushing anything right now at all like it’s just not going to happen like I get that that is I would be doing the same thing or if my company didn’t do that I’d be pretty upset like that is only

A like Monitor and make sure everything you have pushed in the last few weeks is working properly so that the users who are working and using your product over that time frame are still able to use it and function but like you’re not you’re not pushing anything you don’t want to be

That only means the potential of work that you would need to do could Skyrocket uh I want this one I know the software company I worked for before I went to YouTube full-time they pushed a release for a brand new feature to all of our hundreds of thousands of

Clients on December 21st as a happy holidays here you go enjoy the features present um and I was on the support team at the time and that made the week from Christmas to New Year’s absolutely L hell that was the worst week of work I have ever had because all of the

Developers who were responsible for it were like I don’t need to work it’s the holidays and so they if they were the one on call they were not answering their phone and uh You Must Believe at the same time that they were not answering their phone the entire system

Crashed and was down and we had a lot of angry emails coming in from the customers that were trying to use it over the break that was not a fun day well days it took three days for an engineer to actually get on call and fix it they’re like sorry I was having

Christmas with my family I was in Hawaii we’re like aren’t you on call they’re like yeah okay I think this is starting to look pretty good over here though let’s take a little looky backie see if we’re enjoying it it’s definitely getting more viby I think we want like a little

Pocket there maybe another little kind of like just rock face there um because right now it’s feeling splotchy I don’t want splotchy I want it to look like a coral like tide pools not coral reef I don’t want to keep saying that but tide pools and then

Also uh sand in between them for like the sand is able to rest in between all the rocks and all that like that that’s what I want it to look like and I I don’t think we’re really getting that we’re getting more sand with pools randomly plotted in so we need to like

Inverse the the amounts you make some of the pools with Sandstone Sandstone wouldn’t work too well cuz it basically just look like the sand from a distance and then if you have a random pool of sand the tide coming in and out would wash it and it would eventually just smooth over

Which would then reveal the Rocks underneath so that’s kind of why I’ve sticking with just the stones cuz I want to make it look like a lot of stones that are up there like fell down here and have just been chilling uh where’s the little there’s my little Cobble

Slab yeah a little little t-shape like that sure why not well now that we got all these in here maybe we do come back in and get a few of those Coral fans in and see if that fills the space we’ve got our dead bues we can do the rest of the

Botins we got our CRA fans I’m thinking a lot of the Dead bushes we keep up more towards the base I also want to leave the right underneath that a little more on the bare side because I think we’re going to smooth that out and do kind of more stuff like this

I think I slept weird last night CU my jaw is very tight not fun maybe some drift Driftwood would be kind of fun to add in what are we working on today we’re making some Tide Flats right now for vibes I don’t think I want to do too many

Other types of coral just we could do different textures on the coral fans but I’m not thinking we add in too many of like the standing up ones I just don’t think they’d fit too well I think they’d be too tall I want it to look like

Little like debris kind of like dead seaweed I guess so I think it laying more flat will be better I want to see nice perfectly perfectly in the shadow thanks son but this side is not episode tomorrow you beta actually got to record the comment of the day

Video still what about bringing Turtles there uh maybe I think it’s looking pretty good I like this the Rocks definitely need love but that’s a that’s a future problem maybe this whole section we don’t do a pool of water but we kind of just have a extension of some Stone coming

Out I ran out of the brain coral I think this area I don’t know if I want to ring Turtles cuz I’m I want it to feel like a Nordic landscape I guess something more not Nordic but like North Atlantic Ocean so like really kind of rough and I

Don’t think that’d be something that’s very suited for Turtles I think we’re out of Cobble slabs no we’re not we have plenty we have actually have a lot of couple slabs so that’s a little bit why I’m maybe we tear this out and do bam tear

That out bring that up a little bit in there I wish there was dead coral like slabs and stairs it’s such a fun block but it’s it’s like a weird warm gray compared to everything else so it’s a little difficult to work with at times but man I do love

It it works pretty well with light gray wool though I will say that so I’m trying to be more open to using coral need some more Stone buttons yeah yeah yeah we’re going to add some I think I’m avoid pressure plates cuz they’re just kind of chunky buttons work for me as like

Little shells and things but the second I add in pressure plates it just starts to feel a little artificial roted rocks yeah that’s kind of why I did like this curve here where it comes back out so the waves would at very stormy times would be crashing against

The base of the Rocks causing a little bit more of the erosion and like this section here we can just shape this out for now with some Cobble something like that I don’t know we uh we can make some a little Mossy for now cuz this is meant to look like very very

Crumbled all righty if they would have added in crabs you put them in this area yeah the crab they were talking about adding in being so vibrant and brightly colored I like it I would have been more keen on just like a plain red little Krabby boy like

I don’t need like the blue and red and super colorful which I know is a real crab like it’s it’s a crab it exists I get that but oh this is all not water sources down here that is woo that’s going to be a pain right well we can just fix a

Little bit of that maybe super Rocky shelf right here I had an idea Brain Blast um sorry so I have that bullwark over there right for where that’s a little protected Harbor and then maybe we make this section here pretty Rocky I need to go get some stuff

Need to go get some stuff uh but so if like a boat were to crash into it it would be bad so we can add Little Rock that maybe they built up to keep people off the coast I was so nervous that crabs would be added with my phobia of

Crabs well I can’t really help you there good thing they lost the mob vote and we got the armadillo I will say since the armadillo stuff has been announced I’ve seen quite a few people of the # stop the mob vote crew and the content creat creation

World being like wow the dog armor looks so cool and trying to Grub up some likes off of that so you know I think they were Faker hashtag stop the mot people personally but you know I’m not here to start any drama or am I the world may never

Know okay so think we do Bam Bam aha it won’t be the brightest of things which is kind of what I want but it’ll tell the ships to go outside that don’t cut the corner tight you have to go outside that to be in deep enough water to make the

Passage we start just in a little drama just just for some fun the mobs is a texture pack it’s called Fresh animations there’s probably a new version I just haven’t downloaded it okay um how’s the balance here looking ooh I’m starting to enjoy it I like that

This we need to break that up a little bit more and then this there is a harsh line coming in so we’re actually going to extend you out like that probably something like that no that’s still a harsh line please to meet you that’ll do okie dokie needs more Moss H we could

Do a tiny bit of moss carpet not super keen on the idea but like we could try a tiny bit I’m thinking something like that and we also just bring a stair right there to break and then we can also have that stair wrap there so it adds a little bit more

Connection we can do some glow lkan glow lkan could come in clutch here also tan Crossing thank you so much for the two months thank you thank you thank you and encrypted Vortex thank you so much for the 10 months my friend I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you

Both where’s my there’s my glow lkan I think a little teeny tiny bit of glow Len just maybe on top of some of the sand kind of fits with that dead coral vibe that we’re getting in here I like it maybe we keep it really close to the

Water so it looks more like wash that’s come up off of the water so we don’t actually move it up I know it won’t really do the mob proofing effect at that point which it’s okay not everywhere in the world that you make needs to be mob proof cha

Ching Sam Liz of Swords thank you so much for the five gift memberships and stad of fire thank you so much for the gift member I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate you both for all of the support thank you so very

Much let’s do a little bam uh well I should do a Little Rock right there that’s fine and then this can also be a rock that can also be Rock uh I don’t really know what I’m doing around here I kind of transition from this caved in look as we’re very

Protected from the ocean at this point to the water would be more whipping down there so I reverted the cliff back to normal just like up so I think for now we’re going to leave the tide pools not coming back this far maybe we’ll stop them here yeah we’ll just do something like

That perfect a little bit of dead coral sure why Not white/ red Lighthouse I think I’m going to be going a little bit more in older much on the older side than what you where you’d see your where you would start to see traditional red and white ligh houses yeah I like it and then we can throw right back in

Here we definitely need to get a little bit more action going on uh I wanted to tone this sand right along here bring that back a ton we’ll figure that out I mean it’s just going to fall for now we’ll figure that the underwater section I just I

That’s a that’s like a day of streaming in itself I love Dead brain coral along the shorelines it looks so good yeah dude that’s honestly one of my favorite blocks in the game it’s just hard to use it’s very Niche where it works but when it works oh my gosh do I love

It finals are kicking my butt but this is my happy break hey taking a happy break is sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself so good on you I don’t want to be bringing the rocks out too much here so we’re probably going to touch this guy back in a

Little and then this will kind of be to here yeah this isn’t really tide pool it’s more just area where tide can come in uh we’ll go full block there and this can be you and that can be there perfect that’ll create a little spot for some water to get

Stuck that’s what we want and then right here we can do a little whoop whoop whoop and a whoop no you need to go to there apparently oh I actually kind of like that and we can brain coral it or bubble Coral it bubble bubble Coral it

Yeah there we go that’s was the original plan not just the first one I grabbed found the cat Emoji oh my gosh it’s in a box too at least YouTube did something right right you got to give him a good cat Emoji we can check the box that you

YouTube made a good cat emoji on the things that they did right cat Emoji please to meet you Marcel thank you so much for the 11 months I personally like the mob vote it add I’d add 100 more animals to the Mob vote is gradually is gradual way to add

More what animal would you like to be added most I will always say I want to see more f flying things and by flying things what I mean like that is if there was like a hawk that’s just vibing chilling across they have a nest on top of Hills that they

Could go land in and all that stuff and maybe you could go like loot the bird nest to get I don’t know some sort of egg or they get items or something like that like that would be really cool I would absolutely love to have more

Flying things parrots would be one of my favorite animals if they actually flew and for anybody who’s been playing Minecraft long enough you know that parrots in this game do not fly they hover and they slowly drop down to the ground but there’s no flight in that

Bird that bird has never sword it’s only Fallen bees fly better be and the bats bats are so much better they’re they can actually fly what about a pelican a pelican would be cool too yeah I would love to see some form of flying ambient mob I think for

Me that would be just chef’s kiss just so so good I know that’s not everybody’s favorite but I’m I’m like if you could have you could have a hawk that just like flies around like I said you could have a pelican that you can randomly run

Into over the sea or yes even for the people who live in coastal cities that could terrorize them maybe even a seagull I know would bring up a few touchy memories for some people uh but like just more flying ambient things cuz the only true flying thing we have in

The game like bats are pretty good but they’re only in caves um Al is decent and then it’s Phantoms and that’s just so sad I I yeah I want the there be more passive mobs that just enhance the world and also like let’s f3b right here there’s squids

Over there there’s none over there there are I mean I’ve lived in this world for a long time like we have a sheep up there we have some animals up there this is a river biome I believe no it’s a forest all right so we won’t have

Fish spawning in yeah we got a beach biome I guess they still don’t spawn in Beach biomes yeah so this whole thing but like I don’t know I I wish like the fish and everything like that I I I just want there to be more life like the

Ocean aquatic update was one of my favorite things cuz you could look in the water you could see Fish moving around like they’re hard to see for me cuz I’m colorwine like you can see all the little Cod chilling out there and some salmon chilling out there just

Hanging in the kelp forest and granted this kelp forest has been loaded for uh all of this you can see it’s pretty much Max grown cuz you know day 586 right now so we’ve been here for a few minutes and this area has been loaded in kind of during that

Time a barnacle you know Eagles would be cool uh why don’t you play with shaders not everybody can play with shaders so I don’t want to alienate people in my Audience by playing with them I also think shaders shaders are a crutch for Builders I I I’ll say it I’ll

Say it I said what I said shaders are a crutch a lot of people their builds only look good if you turn on shaders that’s fine that’s fine if that’s how you play the game and that’s what you enjoy then do it that’s great but I also think making a build that

Looks good without any form of shaders on is infinite itely more impressive than a build that was done with shaders and that’s just fact because shaders add so much more that and the Shadows the drop Shadows being cast and the ambient light coming off of objects

And things like that you get a lot more detail that you don’t have to put in yourself the Shader does that for you like here well I’ll show you let’s uh um we can we can make this look absolutely gorgeous uh when the sun comes up I mean that right there look

How much better that looks with shaders versus no shaders the vibe that you get off of that right now with shaders being on is so much different than you get what it being off let me uh fix the Shader settings and I’ll show you all what we can

Do like lighting uh no it’s under no it is under where is it pleased to meet you atmosphere Sun angle we’ll change this over to that side actually I want to go a little bit a little bit more little bit please load please don’t kill my game thank you I have a

Nat Renee thank you so very much for the 22 months at tier two FP pot takes are my favorite I mean that’s not that’s like a lukewarm take let’s be honest if you don’t believe that then I can’t help you there’s nothing I can do to help you out at that

Point and we’re just going to be looking at a really simple thing right here let’s see the sun’s coming up right there let’s just F on we’re going to go full cheeky Vibes here so let me land on top of a tree to ensure that we’re

Safe and look at this y’all want to see what shaders can do ignore the Sher boxes I’m not fixing them you see just like the light coming in the little extra details that you get in the water and this is a pretty Bare Bones Shader pack too like you get all

Of that you get you get so much more you see that versus that then let me open up these screenshots and I can prove to you why shaders are fully a crutch when it comes to building I will use them in cinematic shots because I think they’re beautiful but there are there’re are

Crutch and it’s fair and it’s okay to acknowledge that uh middle monitor there we are that’s the one we had versus that you get the extra depth in the background that you can’t see CU it’s behind the chat up there but you get the Shadows cast there you get the shadow

Cast on the cliff here whereas if I want to do that here I’d have to texture the entire thing and build in artificial Shadows to it where you get that for free so leaving just a plain Stone building there or a stone shape as long as you

Get the shape right shaders can make it look really good you can get the detail in here you see a little bit of the dithering and the more um blurriness as you get farther underwater and you get the extra depth as you go down no that’s

A yeah that’s what we took earlier uh you get the extra depth as you go down further so even this being diate and stone doesn’t look as bad as it does without um and then you can see the little Shadows cast in there and everything like that like it’s just you

Get you get so much more depth you get a lot more just life and detail when you play with shaders on which is fine like if you enjoy playing with shaders like Minecraft in itself I I think it’s a beautiful game but I can also understand

Why people don’t find the blocky look to be beautiful so it really comes to your own preference but when you’re talking like building ability and building skills building with shaders on I think the way to become a better Builder like truly a better Builder is to play without shaders

On if you’re playing with shaders on you’re only going to get so far because you will forever be relying on the shaders just by the fact that they’re enabled of you’re going to build things that look better in the game at its moment with the shaders on

Full screen oh sorry thank you I thought I no I locked it I hit the wrong button thank you hit the wrong button where can we share builds inspired by you flip if you joined the Discord there is a post your builds Channel you are more than welcome to

Post in there uh in order to get access to it you do have to agree to the rules and all that of the Discord so um yeah that’s a thing and we have recently changed how the Discord rule checking system works thanks to Liz who’s done a lot of work

To get that set up for us um so if you previously could post and you no longer can post you might need to agree to the rules in and do all that stuff I don’t really know if it’s working like that or not but or if it just grandfathered

Everybody in but just to be aware you’d use darker stone blocks on the cliff side to create a short of sort of shaded look without shaders don’t forry it doesn’t look good just an idea yeah yeah yeah uh we’re going to do something like that I mostly think I’m

Going to leave the stone and do some Cobble at the base and then at the top will lighten it cuz you don’t have to you don’t have to always darken to create Shadows you can create Shadows by lightening up the rest so the stone could be our shadow so that’s kind of

What I’m shooting for but this is looking pretty good I like this I actually I’m really happy with this and we got more sand yay sand and dirt I’m running out of dirt don’t think I need those anymore do I see a cheaty cam view I would never

Yes white bar is on YouTube not you what white bar like at the bottom of the screen ship graveyard yeah we could try and throw something in what do we have left let’s go get a little bit more jungle or maybe some Spruce make it look like not somebody here cuz what I’m

Doing for these is a jungle and dark oak and a little Spruce accent at the top let’s go uh let’s go get some Spruce so we can make it look like some some dummy came through on their boat ran into the Rocks YouTube app being weird this a YouTube playback bar oh okay

Weird we we weird also excuse me big yawn that entire Forest over here I think eventual goal is to transform it all like with big custom trees I think first and foremost I want to redo this section I want to turn this into like a shipping yard where a lot of stuff gets

Unloaded we will need to rework the roads and kind of redistribute that maybe we just go lores in at small carts cuz the docks here are not the biggest but I guess we could we do have that as a big shipping Dock and we could wrap around here maybe we’ll do that maybe

I’ll do that instead and then out there we can have just another little small Hamlet massive project oh that won’t be a one episode one for sure no that’ll be a slow slow grind but project build trees uh they do need a place to go once I

Build trees don’t look at the Sher monster I know it’s back what did I come back here for Bruce you like snow biomes in Minecraft honestly no I like looking at them I think they look nice in the background I hate building in them is building and survival hardcore

More satisfying for you when it’s completed yeah I find that playing in a survival mode versus playing in a creative mode helps me to stay motivated for longer versus playing in a pure um creative mode I find I kind of build the thing and then I’m like well

Now what I don’t know I guess we’re done so playing in a more hardcore mode helps me have long-term motivation cuz the things I build have an impact on the world around me and yeah it’s definitely more of like a it’s an earned thing so I like that uh and all most of

The builds that I do have some sort of a use for them whether it’s a landmark to Mark how I’m coming home somewhere or we have Farms built off of structures that for the buildings where they exist out of uh the map was already made it’s fine

It’s we want we have like this is episode 54 I got like six episodes to clean it it’s F totally fine fine just ignore it it’s it’s fine totally fine nothing’s there there’s no shul monster Frozen elf Kingdom definitely exists yeah not at all I do think this Cliff that we’re

Building up here will extend a very good chunk cuz that’s already pretty raised up so it’ll be easy to transform that into something and keep that going through all the way here oh the music broke it’s like it’s really quiet right now um but yeah I want to keep that like this whole

Cliff line coming all the way down probably less of a beach front just for the ease of access and before we get back into the work mode before we get back into it um I think I’ve mentioned this idea before but connecting this to this River like connect those Rivers

Together and then this is where things get a little stupid if I might say somehow I want this River to continue wide enough for a shipping channel mind you um which means this whole Mountain here that I’m on top of currently we might get rid of

It I do kind of like the Val so maybe I I don’t know I don’t know but we need to somehow connect that over to here for this and then that will wrap around all the way through here we’ve popped one maybe two totems and then we’re going to connect it to

Here because that’s how we access the harbor of the back of the City makes more sense to use the valley for the river we could go with that realm oh that’s my last rocket that’s a really good pause in the music for that yeah we’re going to try

And Coast all the way back back I don’t think it’s going to work so that is a plan we could go with the quarried look and just really Quarry out this side of the mountain and tone it down but as it stands right there part

Of the middle of that is only like three or four blocks wide oh I’m not going to make it pull up and then we Coast that’s probably more ambitious than the world tree in terms of blocks that would need to be removed it is probably like that’s probably a good like two

Three million blocks nah maybe that’s probably like a million blocks if I had to guess yeah why didn’t I bring my ender chest with me or my bed oh no run we might have to actually survive a night oh God favorite wild animal good question I don’t know boxes are pretty cute

Um I do like bears bears are fun to learn about okay we almost made it new episode tomorrow yes oh I do have a bed thank you but we made it wolves wolves are cool this is a picture that popped up on my uh Twitter feed a while ago of a

Husky standing next to a wolf you probably have seen the photo before but it just like every time I’m like yeah look at my huskys they’re so big and tough and then there’s a picture of one next to a wolf I’m like my huskys are they’re little tiny little dudes

Not that I want either of mine to be super aggressive or anything but it’s just when you see that scale of them next to each other you’re like oh these are they might have been long long lost ancestors but uh they are not the same species

Anymore what kind of bears though I like grizzly bears they’re pretty cool black bears are cool uh brown bears a lot of the ones you’ll see in like Pacific Northwest or like the western United States areas or I like those I know I really like the animals and species and everything that exists

In the environment around me I just think it’s cool to learn about them cuz they’re existing we did have a a bear in our neighborhood a few weeks ago that was that was fun have you’re going to make a modded series uh I’ve done a single player

Modded Series in the past pass I just didn’t enjoy it I like vanilla and I know there’s more options when you get into modded and I get that but I I personally think that is a detriment the more options I have in Minecraft the more I get stuck of

Worrying about did I choose the right thing or not and then it makes the game a lot less fun and it turns into a much more of an anxious experience of am I doing this right so I I tended just modded especially single player for me is just

Not it’s just not how I enjoy it anymore I think okay let’s add a little bit of a boat right here we’re going to make it look like it’s kind of stuck down and probably just like resting along to the a so the back end will be in the water

We’ll just fill those things in as we’re going it’s going to be a skinny guy just a little three wide something like I H no that’ll work um this can work now we do Bam Bam give it a little bit more shape it’s a shipwreck it doesn’t have to be super accurate

Looking um and then I’m thinking we do a little unevenness on that side and we can do a little Bam Bam Bam Bam and that looks like a boat kind of uh maybe do one more I I think the five will work better than a three maybe they saw this crash and

That’s why they’re like you know what we should build one of those have you watched Interstellar I honestly don’t think I ever have I’ve seen all the memes from it though for sure cuz those are everywhere I couldn’t tell you if I’ve actually seen the movie love your live streams because I’m

Building your whole world the same wow cool sounds like a fun challenge good luck not you guys again again again ah man like shooting fish in a barrel hey buddy I know this is a little forward but that’s okay No stop there we go there I don’t want bat Omen right now we have to find another way to kill them they want Vengeance I built them a home why would you ever take Vengeance on somebody for building you a castle I don’t understand it okay buddy oh thank you there we go

Parore world just got corrupted about 2,000 days I hope I can get it back uh welcome to another reason to have backups but good luck might it might uh I know this happened a Joel a while ago it might be whatever you were doing at the time got your world to be

Corrupted but that being said sometimes changing like if you got if you’re in the end Dimension or something and that’s where your corruption is coming from going into the player data file and changing your player coordinates to being in the Overworld can save it but uh good

Luck go go do some Googling to find if anybody has other Solutions you’re so mean to your fans you’re right I’m I’m the I’m such a meanie I’m so rude to everybody I think it looks better stripped add a chest just like the vanilla shipwreck yeah we can give them

A little crafting table in a chest why not I don’t know we’ll find that later yeah he’s he’s just such a rude guy so mean who gave him an audience gosh okay I like that I think it works it’s it’s simple and I oh we need rocket still

Might be time to AFK my new creeper Farm W I think that’ll work it’s basic but it does the trick now let’s see it with shaders on just kidding it’s in the shadow wait we can fix it Trader pack settings atmosphere let’s go go a little bit higher in the

Sky with shaders on the best build ever it does the trick it looks like a sunken ship doesn’t have to be meta okay we did it how much does that creeper Farm get in 12 hours I don’t know I been AFK it for more than 10 minutes

Dude I don’t know I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t do that type of Minecraft if it produces gunpowder yeah that’s what I wanted uh we do a little bit more along the base for now nice boat thanks dude it’s a nice boat okay um I was hoping to get to

Start digging out the River today but I do have to go jump on a call to record some things with some other peeps uh in like 15 minutes so plan River transformation we’ll have to wait until Friday’s stream cuz right now all i’ really have time to

Do is set up a beacon and I’ll set up beacons cuz I think we’re going to need a lot of them and go from there so we can just kind of mess around here a little bit further and start fixing this up a little bit more cuz boy oh boy does it need

It I hate that I try to avoid any form of four steps any anything that goes above three in the same general thing unless it’s meant to be very like align I hate if it’s anything natural terraforming I can’t do it I will refuse I have to change something please meet

You Sarah thank you so much for the 11 months I really do appreciate it yeah making part of the stream after football training are we talking like American football or are we talking like soccer football football or either way cool sounds fun rule of three the rule of three does

Get you pretty far in Minecraft building it’s pretty true don’t look on side I swear it’s very filled in so full so absolutely just the solidest of most solid terrains you’ve ever done did scene uh May thank you so much for the five gift memberships I really do

Appreciate that that is very very kind of you thank you so very much thank you thank you thank you I really do appreciate the support my friends I I guess uh we’re at the one month ago today point in the live streaming life of I logged in and I open

Up streamlabs and I was like oh the member count dropped below a th000 again and I went back and I was like oh yeah it’s cuz a month ago on a stream people gifted like 100 50 members I’m not saying do that I please don’t please

Don’t uh but I just thought it was a I was like oh it’s that time I don’t know why I did that I already had them on the hot bar goodbye sand we’ll figure this out cuz this needs to go down really deep so I don’t

Even want to really deal with it right now uh that’ll be fine that’ll be fine yeah yeah can’t stay for long but happy to have caught a live stream have a good day everybody hey just thanks for stopping by you going all right yeah November December is pretty

Tight finances for so many people holiday the holiday season like it’s one of my favorite times of the year but it’s also like one of the most stressful times of the year like the whole like gift giving process is so fun to be able to like say like

Hey you matter to me and I got I got you this like that that’s really cool but also at the same time like the amount of weight Society has put on it to be like you better get people gifts if you don’t you’re a bad person and nobody

Wants to be a scrooge right so you’re going to buy people gifts right um and that that whole side of it is a little like oh okay I guess that’s where we’re at now but yeah so please make sure yall are taking care of yourselves and your families first during holiday seasons

Everything like that and then please to meet you take care of yourself you you got to make sure you’re getting yourself a gift too everything like that pretty important to do and then if you want to you can support the stream but please never feel pressured

That looks kind of cool oh yeah the shape’s a lot better I don’t really know what I want to use to texture it quite yet though honestly the plain Stone on the cliff I’m not hating it does need something otherwise it’s going to stand out as just a stone blob but it’s not

Something where I’m over here and I’m like this is disgusting I kind of enjoy you’ll make this look you make this look so easy it’s like watching Olympus gymnast compete I always love that quote about yeah the Olympics are cool and all but can we just have like a normal guy

Running next to them just like normal human like just somebody walk out of the stadium and say hey do you want to compete in the 100 yard dash just to a random person and have them running and then have everybody just y it would really put into perspective how great these people

Are it was like that uh who was that us track star she was just insanely fast so so talented I’m blanking on her name right now but her kid had like a parents uh sports day like parents Sports competition for school as a fundraiser or something like that and

She was like it would be rude of me to not show up and give it my all in this thing like at the people that so she competed in their like 100 yard dash and was like it would be rude of me to show up and run half speed against everybody

They would think everybody else would find it to be so rude if I just didn’t give it my all as they’re all sprinting and I’m still just coasting by them so there’s a video clip out there of her doing it and just going just flying by it destroying everybody but like that

She like cut second place’s time in in half or something like that it was just absurd ended up of course people on the internet were giving her a really hard time and then it’s just like it would have been rude if I didn’t try they’re all trying really hard so I should try

As well and I was like yeah 100% if you’re out there and you’re somebody’s like we’re going to compete and I’m going to give it my all and you’re like and you’re like yeah I’ll give it 50% cuz I know I’m going to beat you that’s

That’s rude to the other person like if somebody’s trying really hard to do something like you you should be trying hard too uh even if that means you’re going to kick their butt like I don’t know I I find there’s a lot more respect in that of like I see you

As a fellow competitor not just yeah might give you a little chance to make you think like you’re good pleased to meet you we also have to do that edge over there completely forgot about that so maybe that’ll be Friday Friday and then we’ll start digging but I’m happy with the progress

We got today this is looking pretty good J to plays don’t spend any more money than you want to that’s all I’m going to say AG thank you so much for becoming a member MCA thank you so much for becoming a member and Carson thank you so much for becoming a supporter I

Really do appreciate it from all three of you thank you thank you thank you I believe though this is where we’re going to wrap things up cuz I’m actually getting really hungry I know it’s a little bit of a shorter stream today a little under 2 hours but I really do

Appreciate it thank you everybody so much for being here y’all are absolutely amazing if I don’t see you again have a lovely holiday season and happy New Year and all that cool stuff um remember as all the family craziness and everything comes in it’s okay to take some time

Just to chill and do your own thing if the weird aunt or weird uncle are there doing their thing and whatever it might be or if grandparents are on their rant whatever it might be that your family has cuz every family has one um it’s

Okay to just leave the room and go do your own thing that’s that’s totally fine take a break take a breather go outside for a few minutes all that stuff but anyways thank you all so very much I hope you have a lovely holiday season

I’ll be back on Friday you are the weird ant hopefully you’re the fun weird ant though Jenny I feel like I’m getting those vibes from what you’ve said in chat here so I yeah you’re all good or are you the weird aunt that gets put at the kids table for every holiday meal

Cuz my family had one of those has one of those very fun but you’d have the adults table and then there’s always the chairs full and one extra and the one amp was always the one who was put at the Kids Table it was great we had a

Great time as kids we had so much [Laughter] fun but thank you all so very much for being here I really do appreciate it new hardcore video dropping tomorrow it’s a good one I really did enjoy it uh recording it and making and all that

Stuff so I hope you do too we’ll have two videos next week and uh hopefully two or three streams next week as well but thank you everybody so much for being here again happy holidays I’ll catch you on the flip side Bye Yeah

This video, titled ‘TRANSFORMING A RIVER BIOME in HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-12-20 02:17:59. It has garnered 29561 views and 2027 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:39 or 6699 seconds.

fWhip is playing HARDCORE Minecraft – Minecraft 1.20 Survival! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks!

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CHAT RULES: 1. Be respectful to everyone 2. PG-13 3. NO excessive language or crude topics. 4. NO POLITICS 5. DO NOT STATE YOUR AGE IN CHAT 6. English ONLY, please help me and the mod team keep things safe!! 7. NO SELF PROMO 8. NO TRAUMA DUMPING (Please go seek help outside of a livestream chat room❤️ this isn’t the place for that.)

#Minecraft #Hardcore #Letsplay

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

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  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ https://www.youtube.com/live/Czy8bl_O0EA?si=lVYo4zq5k3hzZxDc [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@TokoyamiTowa X→ https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@SakuraMiko X→ https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@kazamairoha X→ https://twitter.com/kazamairohach [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – https://discord.gg/Q5YahvHdSJ HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – https://youtu.be/xgmEX8uqxcg?si=AhfUbVk34g9ka5f1 Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More

  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: https://epicversesmp.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/CCGF2shF98 Read More