EPIC Rocket Dupe Stash Hunt!! Raaanch’s Insane Base-Dupe Madness!!

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to my stream highlight of the 7th of may of 2020 a little bit of context before the uh the highlight starts this is when i was using impact client um apologies for the headband um i got really long hair so i had that

To keep it out of my face and yeah uh just a bit of disclaimer i guess 2b2t is an inherent toxic place so you may see signs or symbols and stuff like that that you do not agree with um so just a bit of a warning if you’re

Sensitive that sort of thing um yeah this this isn’t for you i appreciate you watching take care so i’m just trying to make my way out the same quadrant but you know different trail to see what else i can find how um how are you

Oh geez if i sound rough i am sick fortunate how’d you get in the server don’t want to wait three hours three hours if you’re lucky man um i have prio so i paid for it um but yeah normal queue i think it’s like [ __ ] 13 hours plus

So i know the server is due to restart in 10 minutes but um you know if all goes well i should be able to just get straight in with priority so fingers crossed yeah i hazard a guess that you don’t have priority that sucks it’s it sucks that it’s as expensive as

It is but you know if it was like if it was cheaper everyone would have it so it’s really really doesn’t make sense to okay we got acclaimed whose is this diamondbox don’t know who i am don’t recognize the name okay we got somebody’s bed i’m not gonna wreck it but

We’re gonna have a look damn nothing of any interest that means that i guess he went in here took the chest no maybe not i’ll take the gunpowder though sweet yeah there’s nothing in here that i’d like nothing in here that i need we’ll take that obsidian though

Uh i guess you can’t hide anything and yeah okay yeah i did play for a really long time ago but don’t have the account anymore rip yeah even then like veteran q was long gone sat well sadly i mean veteran q was great if you know

People didn’t try to sell them and make money but you know a veteran q would be solid however even priority q is good enough the most i have ever waited to get into the server with priority queue recently is like an hour and 20 minutes and that’s nothing

Just leave go make a sandwich sit down watch a couple episodes of futurama and then boom i’m in and some and most most times like it says like an hour to get in but it’s faster than that come on you [ __ ] dog server there we go

I really don’t want to be doing this right now because the server will no doubt kick me back and kill me like last time but i played like a month a time ago and had an okay base but don’t know if it still exists um well you can be sure [ __ ] that if

It’s if it’s around uh under 100k from spawn it’s probably blown up but you never know some people’s oh hello oh somebody’s been here server restart in two minutes well let’s see if we can make it until then but if you remember like the you know roughly where the coordinates are

If it’s far enough out and it’s not near an axis there’s a chance that it might still be there i wrote down my bass chords so i would never forget them oh wow okay based here from okay for two days in 2019 there’s still some [ __ ] left in the

Chest let’s blow this place up if you want i couldn’t care less i’ve moved to bigger projects further okay cool don’t need the paper i just want gunpowder i know i walk so long on the other knowledge it’s under 100k but okay well chances are it might still if it’s like

Not on an axis it definitely it might still be there okay well first and foremost before this server restarts is there a name no there’s none all right uh this is just a farm collecting i’m collecting banners yeah no there’s nothing here value um yeah no there’s nothing

Oh way over 100k oh then you know what it might still be there one second damn it all right well so now we’re going to sit and talk to each other for a bit stash all right we are back in uh if i remember right there weren’t any

Gunpowder anywhere in here which means i am not interested in anything no we are in yeah and tbs is pretty standard baron dome is none yeah but yeah like if i um go into my rares yeah there’s the book i got from e pearl which is pretty sweet

One thing that’s pretty prevalent too around spawn is like personally i don’t understand why people would spend money on kits on the server from like secondary market people or whatever but you can like stumble upon like their sales of like people like purchasing them and then they’ll like leave like donkeys and

Stuff like that and like shulkers out in the open so finding one of those it’s pretty great i’ve personally never found one but yeah find spaces in savannah’s yeah probably because savannahs are such a nice place to build like extreme hills biomes like that um near the dupe stash i found a couple

Days ago i found a i took a screenshot of just in case but i found a beautiful extreme hills biome that was like massive insane with a valley in the middle and somebody looks like they were starting to build a base there so i left a sign saying hi

And it’s funny because that was the end of it like a electric trail that i followed so um that guy or girl whoever made that base it’s uh yeah they didn’t do very well hiding their tracks because i just followed them to their area but it’s not like they had anything great

Ooh a village well let’s have a look to see if anything because that’s all pretty new seated but let’s have a look in here especially because this horse is claimed whose is this red weasel i will take that gunpowder though nada all right somebody red weasel gave up on his poor horse okay

Hello hello this place looks completely incomplete and griefed what do we have here ah there we go red weasel left the 22nd of april to go farther from spawn message board for those who came huh uh max pratt for armor i think his prod was prod four yeah prod 4 for armor

Why would you why would you hide that people have x-ray tnt i don’t need that i was hoping to be gunpowder in here but all right well i will leave a sign just because it’s you know nice thing to do customary uh probably doesn’t go anywhere

I’m gonna check it just for the shits and giggles but probably leads to a mine nothing fancy yeah nothing fancy right now time for the climb back to the top yep 28 april 2018 so it was like abandoned then too so this place has been abandoned for two years

How far am i approximately i am i am a couple hundred thousand away but yeah even then like this hundredth couple hundred thousand blocks from spawn is not safe it’s the day the 7th or the 6th 7th of may there well it’s also because i don’t have a

Proper mic stand so i have to lean around my microphone which is stuffed through a magic gathering fat pack box as a mic holder so and then i’ll just leave these here in case anyone else wants to leave signs so i get you know gotta make do with what

You got it’s not like i can go out and buy one yep hmm interesting all right well we’ll see what else we got going on over here i don’t think there’s going to be anything in this jungle biome i know not many folk like to build in it excuse me

I see it was that a furnace oh it’s probably a uh yeah temple in a new chunk no thanks okay we got e chest oh hello this looks to be an old donkey doop stash i wonder if it’s still active oh [ __ ] it might actually be active

Hello dupe stash look at the dragon eggs everywhere all right what do we got here re-t-rex all right well this is what we’re going to be looking at for the next little bit um we’ve got e-chests everywhere okay they’re all kits lovely let’s see what i can finagle about

Yeah these are all just standard stuff okay well first off let’s turn off my tracers yeah these are all the same kits somebody must have tossed around yeah okay enough of that if i didn’t have my fill of dragon eggs i would definitely take some but right now i do not need them

Freebies no that’s the same oh they were taking the flint and steel weird don’t see why holy [ __ ] all right well don’t need totems i’ve got enough of them blaze rods really people still make potions okay yeah i know i’ve got more than enough gaps that’s probably all gapples yeah

Please don’t open a book that can get you kicked um book banning isn’t um isn’t a thing the only way you can get kicked with books is if you um uh you don’t shift-click them or yeah yeah there’s nothing greater than finding a dupe stash okay these are all [ __ ]

Okay that’s all kits for yeah that’s the freebies that’s the freebies honestly like these are out there they’re everywhere that’s what people don’t realize like look how easy it was for me to stumble upon it a shulker filled with dragon eggs okay wow now one thing i don’t know is if you

Could still use dragon eggs to destroy bedrock i know you were able to but i don’t know if you still can okay how much you want a bit this is just tnt yeah tnt gray shulker oh please be rockets oh yes yes yes i want [ __ ] all of these

All right i need to make room okay [ __ ] uh oh you have stuff on you oh no you don’t wingy thingy all right i don’t need elytra’s [ __ ] okay no i really don’t need carrots so that can go away i’ll keep those in my inventory and then i will keep the rockets

Because like i have three sets of armor kits i have okay i don’t need two shulkers of picks all right um oh wow all right uh here take these dragon eggs pearl oh pearls nice more dragon x all right i thought there were no active there are

There are dupes right now but they’re not public that’s the thing they’re not public dupes wow eyes of ender man um i know eyes are kind of useless but i really would like a set just because where would i put those okay first and foremost i don’t need all this

I don’t want to keep timmy’s i’ll keep pyro’s bite [ __ ] all right getting slightly distracted trying to focus all right yeah you’d be hard-pressed right now to like find like an active dupe because they really do keep them really tight-lipped obviously because the admin the admins for 2b2t like they

They patch them really quickly i don’t know if it’s another donkey do but i wouldn’t be surprised if it was oh [ __ ] all right well this is gonna take a while oh maybe not one two three two three all right good because everything i use like on this

Account like carrots i don’t need the dye i don’t need i really that’s more rockets so that’s good that’s elytra’s as well kids gaps i’ve got several shulkers of xp but i don’t need crystals so i think i’m just going to get rid of the crystals [ __ ] tough call

Okay well now that i have like [ __ ] tons of rockets i don’t need anything else yeah all right okay back to searching before i [ __ ] get too desperate 11 burger king 11. welcome to the stream you just came at the right time these were all dragon eggs if i remember right

What are you okay don’t need you welcome i just came upon this old donkey doop stash um i don’t know if it’s still active or not but i am just going through to see what i can get this is all probably dragon x yeah okay dragon egg dragon egg

Nothing was this the elytra’s no that’s the freebies freebies this is the one with the okay that’s all so i’m just helping myself the things that i need like flight duration three rockets [ __ ] i’m gonna have to stash some stuff somewhere okay um because flight duration three rockets

Are like worth their weight in gold that’s all tnt this was all just junk these all elytras or is that more ander chest i’ve got enough of those don’t need them what are you more rockets yep okay don’t need elytra’s i’ve got enough of them so yeah um

I am currently going through this dupe stash that i found to restock my items because going through things like this takes up quite a lot of rockets so i came here to look through this guy’s stuff i wonder if there’s a bed here because normally if they’ve got their dupe stash here

All right now as always i will take this i will make a nice little screenshot so i have the chords in case i ever need to come back that’s what i’m thinking too like i’ve got 13 [ __ ] totems on me i don’t need that many totems especially with auto

Totem enabled so i might get rid of some for the rockets also as a respect to kino i always like to keep my totems of idols of quinarana yeah i think one more ah total bump and dying i don’t know you so that is more than enough totems

And rockets i think i’m pretty much set remember not getting kick for trial oh yeah you’re right [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right let’s see what else we got okay here’s the end of the dupe retex interesting and i will try to take a screenshot of

The [ __ ] name because for some reason the the mob uh tags for impact don’t work as well as they should but yeah see look at that just out of nowhere following trails you can find this [ __ ] like it’s it’s super simple now it makes me wonder if with this established area

If there is a chunk dupe station around because i know some folks when they were doing the donkey do they also did the chunk dupe at the same time so we’ll have a nice little view around here and see we can get for use i don’t even know why i have

Them to be honest with you because i am not a griefer so um yeah because no i i left this dude some like alpha blocks and stuff like that at his base you know just to see if he ever logged in with like my uh my discord details and this was

[ __ ] this was a few months ago so see that’s what i was thinking i’d leave him like leave him something hidden away and like i’ll like i’ll put a shulker like in here i’m trying to think what i can give them here i think this is all gaps no those are totems huh

Okay that’s all rockets that’s dye i want to keep that carrots crystals what is this you i don’t want to keep that so you know what i’ll just leave that in here here you go i have some crystals i don’t want that um did i all right cool this is perfect then

I’ll keep that one two three one two three four and i’ll leave him some swords and some pics you know i mean i i hope to god like somebody will log back in and be like holy [ __ ] thank you for whoever left me you know okay um so obviously i didn’t rename

These i found this i hope they don’t get pissed off that this is called jews food um let’s just leave it at that um i reverted 32ks uh kino i want to keep 2b2t good christian server i think that’s okay yeah you can have one of these

You know what you can have two here have have an alpha with vanishing just in case boom and then some picks these are all silk touch right yeah and some silkies yeah good to make a habit of jenner absolutely you know like with the with the amount of um

Oh [ __ ] i didn’t leave him any elytra um okay i will i’ll get rid of a row did i no that’s all full all right um [ __ ] armor kits you had room all right you’re getting some of this there no doubt i’ll forget those are in there forever because lord knows when’s the

Next time i’m gonna go in that i’m going straight to a network of survivor bases and hope it finishes in a couple you know i wouldn’t be shocked if it happened no doubt it has happened where people do that uh that was my picks and where are the rockets electrics

I will give one two three or two and we’ll give them a stack of rockets actually you know what i’ll keep that and then just in case there you go little buddy i’ll keep those on me for [ __ ] whatever reason okay i don’t need two stacks of gaps come on pick them up

Thank you rock it’s like fireworks and stuff because you had one of these to and then we’ll just hide this in here and hopefully he gets it because i would be real sad if somebody else came along and nicked that out of his furnace okay what am i doing here

First stuff late great blah blah blah okay die you can go here now was there any more room in here for another stack of gaps yes there was perfect oh my sinuses there we go hopefully i will the karma gods will smile down upon me and give us an old base

All right didn’t leave anything behind or that dude will be okay good boom yeah because that this is like definitely fairly recent but i’m surprised nobody’s come here and just destroyed it i sure wouldn’t but you know others would there we go and i mean if you plan on playing on

2b2t like regularly active for an extended period of time or you you’re part of another server that you know runs on different versions i could see spending the money for future client but i’d rather take that 30 canadian dollars and spend it on drink if you know what i mean oh hello

Hello hello hello what do we have here that is an entrance portal a lighter trail and this has probably been searched a million times okay okay This might have some potential um anti-vanish it tells you when somebody goes into vanish so um the donkey doop that was really prevalent caused you to go into vanish you could see who was duping so you would know who to like i don’t know stalk if you will

Okay let’s see what we got here normally if you were hiding something you wouldn’t keep your end portal right there or end portal nether portal let’s go say is that like a trap or something but okay we got some shulkers all right let’s see what else we got

Oh okay yeah dupe stack this is a stash well [ __ ] see what we got unbreakables yeah they’re breakables now okay so this is all just standard fare scavengers elytra okay yeah yeah seriously like i almost want to go back and like put another shulker in that dude’s base knee max armor kit

Okay yeah tell his curse of vanishing which is good except for the chest plate come on okay let’s see the names on these golden apples oh these are grief kids larry that’s um yeah grief kids stacked totems not anymore instantly reverted okay these are kids [ __ ] goodwill trading okay neat

Unbreakable lighters [ __ ] i would have killed to have found this stash like six months ago but no now these are all they are all breakables build kit ah nice all right so that’s some pretty cool stuff oars and crap okay i like yours and crap nice beacons yeah okay cool it’s mostly just

Diamonds and precious stuff are these just diamond shulkers all right golowski’s god kit version two okay yeah standard stuff oh i need an unbreaking pick because i don’t have any so that’s solid so while i’m here oh my god you me too me too but as soon as you play on this

Server you realize that it’s like they’re nothing absolutely worthless i mean in comparison right kill abs kit okay so it’s the same thing ooh terra cotta box okay these are gapples i run across a dupe stash with that before opie wolfies hard blocks okay i should have seen that coming obsidian

But the alpha leaves are these all just jungle oh wow it is okay i mean i don’t need them i’ve got like i’ve got enough alpha blocks on several accounts that i okay actually you know what i’ll take a stack because i don’t think i have a stack in here

They should be i guess in here yeah what are these other wood slabs all right here we go jungle leaves hard blocks what is this travel tools oh it’s probably oh wow this is old okay this is really old because you know as sure as [ __ ] that nobody uses entity speed anymore because

It’s been patched for a long time imagine coming back i’d be willing to bet that they’re not too hard up on it considering they have shulker’s filled oh alpha slabs all right that’s cool jungle leaves jungles okay those are all leaves so this is probably full yeah they’re all wooden slabs cool well

Let’s round out the stack that i got uh this one voila yoink okay you know what just for my own sake have a look at the terracotta box oh my god that’s amazing i love terracotta screenshot this all right now i’ve been through everything right standard build kits

Those are all non unbreakable elytras that’s all stacked totems which aren’t stacked anymore larry’s golden okay you know what just for my own sanity i know these are gaps but i’m still gonna check them yeah okay well [ __ ] that’s pretty [ __ ] amazing um don’t really need to take

Anything really from this um i’ve got enough elytras i’ve got enough kits i’ve got enough if i ever need to come back for the materials i’ll come back for it but oh no all right well here you go well yeah definitely send me pictures too i’d love to see it

But like why would you have your entrance portal so close to your stash like that unless the portal is closed on the other side which i could see but that’s just crazy now it makes me wonder with all that terra cotta if there is a map art nearby i took a screenshot

When i was meandering about in the nether um off stream not too long oh hello all right well somebody’s base got annihilated all right that’s uh that kind of sucks it’s probably griefing materials uh no it’s a build kit all right i guess somebody was at that dupe stat

That stash and i guess they were building a base here and then somebody griefed the [ __ ] out of it okay so two oh hang on so to turn on portal tracers and stuff like that you have to go into your impact client itself and then go into your search

And that way you can put what you want into the added blocks just search it and then add it bedrock why not oh no wait that’s not good that’ll light up everything at the bottom so yeah go to your impact client itself go to the search and then just look it up

And then once you’ve done once you’ve done that go into your gui and just click search on and off and then you get and then you’ve got everything you need hmm yeah i’m still surprised there was really nothing left after those portals hmm yeah no problem um

Ask all the questions you your little heart desires i will try to answer the best of my ability oh okay that’s all right i am i’m not very proficient in you know either buddhist or third reich symbols but something tells me they [ __ ] up on that swastika oh hello

There’s somebody’s little base oh and a claimed horse cloroxide hello chloroxide oh no somebody’s been here wow old mob spawner cool all right we got signs this base was neat i guess sorry you destroyed all the loot though slash exploring interesting only had a portal uh they show up as an individually

Marked um mine will show up blue okay flame they’re making a lot of potions he still has fuel in it interesting and i’m probably going to call it quits all right so as always thanks for joining me this evening i hope i was entertaining to you um as always rubez

Thanks for uh being active in chat asuri as well and uh yeah another ad thank you for following same with topiopai and 111 burger king one one and yeah i should be back on tomorrow probably at 4 p.m eastern standard time so i will hopefully see you beautiful

People then thanks so much for joining me well i hope that highlight was satisfactory to you found some cool stuff if you are interested in taking part in one of my streams i stream on twitch uh the same username that’s on here on youtube twitch.tv ranch normally at 3 pm eastern standard times

And we shall hopefully see you there take care guys see ya

This video, titled ‘2b2t – Rocket Dupe Stash!! Base/Dupe Stash Hunting 1 (Stream Highlights)’, was uploaded by Raaanch on 2020-09-12 12:00:11. It has garnered 6576 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:10 or 3370 seconds.

Apologies for the muted sections. I got cornholed by the Youtube copyright bots. Welcome to my #2b2t #minecraft #2builders2tools stream highlights.

If you wish to join us, please drop a follow at https://www.twitch.tv/Raaanch Would love to see you there!

2b2t is a minecraft server with the goal to never reset the world in a free for all no rules pvp environment, with little modification to the vanilla survival gamemode. The world is over ten years old, with a size of 9567 GBs and over 603,244 players visiting at least once. The IP to connect is 2b2t.org Care to support with crypto? You’re a gem! Bitcoin: 3Mk8AH8cGU6SPx4UeGrjs8itcd6tayXj67 Ethereum: 0x958a5F297B59497F32c0aE424C2F8BD816D0569b

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    Take on the Savage Viper Challenge - Join Us!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer w/ Friends (Play with Us!) Java 1.20.6 & Bedrock (Console, Phone, PC) #2’, was uploaded by Savage Viper on 2024-06-03 04:04:38. It has garnered 220 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:03:46 or 21826 seconds. Join the Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Uk2CS6DSvT Minecraft Server IP: MC.SavageViper.com ( Port on all Devices: 25565 Server supports all versions of MC: Java, Bedrock (Console, Phone &, PC) Read More

  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

    Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMattVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m replying to live chat’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-06-01 16:16:40. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:16 or 9676 seconds. Minecraft Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours…. Read More

  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. https://streamelements.com/s1n1ster_/tip – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! craft2.net Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More