EPIC Sentence Challenge with Junk! – Homies 2.0 SMP – EP 23

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Bad arm does my Chariot await yeah but we can wait as long as you need it yeah I had another hole to the building sorry oh French yeah bud oh [ __ ] yeah bud it looks good man so you’re gonna Bridge like from uh level to level I guess well not level level

Like on yeah the floor oh yeah the art studio is gonna have double Bridges gone to it and stuff uh JoJo after junk if you don’t mind son are you kidding me it would be my pleasure uh this is new right I don’t know what the [ __ ] this is

Oh it’s pyong’s holy crap okay this after JoJo Maybe yeah it looks like she put one of those twilight forest trees down and then put a custom tree Dome on the top she might be going full Sandy Cheeks there is a floating give me give me yeah give me

Give me sorry I think I was muted while talking there but yeah all good you have time sapling oh this looks just like a random structure whatever though which is totally cool you know like I want to take that the chest sucks I’m gonna try my hardest not to [ __ ] with

Junk this time okay dude that’s a really mature review said I’m gonna leave it at like two or three times [ __ ] with him hmm hmm well hello YouTube Beautiful People yo what up junk this place looks great Mighty you got all the villagers three stories of Glory I mean junk you’re

Killing it my kid I know what well if you need them and then when you want them you just bring your hat over and then and then then you’re all set yeah on me at all times junk oh you got one too now so I put one on

We can all be that way we do oh okay yeah yeah I got my hat on now remember so now look at any of these there’s a couple that are a little bit higher but most of them are pretty low emeralds wow wow let me do some shopping there junkyard

Um projectile power always good to have a little power on you oh sweeping Edge might be good the power is my most expensive one right now I’m gonna grab it everything is pretty damn cheap all the way down to the bottom one come on

In you guys glad you came on by all the way out here to the junkyard Retirement Village the now everybody here that you are buying your uh stuff from these are all retired Librarians that have moved in now some of these uh some of these individuals are going to be meeting

Their demise because they probably shouldn’t call them retired uh well they’re not retired now that I’m just putting them into work uh yeah they’re working but the retirees that just was bored and now they’re working don’t question how I run my goddamn Villas okay sorry why are they gonna be

Meeting their unfortunate to my soon Mr yard uh some of them you’ll see do not have signs over them that means some of the new retirees came in and [ __ ] blocked them and gave them their jobs so needless to say we are uh there’s a lava pit underneath this where they meet

Their untimely death it’s their fault they were taking too many uh what’s what’s the term for Tuesday Simon you don’t want to work take off Tuesday yeah yeah well it wasn’t I take it easy Tuesday take it easy Tuesday were they taking too many take it easy Tuesdays their junkyard

They were they were oh a lot of a lot of work from home Wednesday yeah I thought that was only for Millennials and gen Z Schmucks like myself junk yeah no no no no no well you are a schmuck but that’s not what we’re doing

Yeah you were a little low I had to I had to turn you up you are not anymore though you are freaking loud and beautiful loud oh I found this airport let’s go to the second floor east side and see if there’s any hospitals for us

Yeah yeah these are all the papers so what you do is with all these you just swap the papers eventually these are going to meet their demise as well but then you’ve got really good ones the really good ones in the first floor are wonderful and then and then that is

Also that’s where you could trade if you want to buy paper for every one Emerald you will get a stack of paper which you take upstairs to get more than and you can get yeah before you get three and the extra department so you’re essentially just building an infinite XP

Farm and emerald Farm but everyone wants to stop by thank very much there you go you are just Fantastic Mr yard just fantastic this is great for um us getting our XP and like mending and stuff I agree I agree yeah because that’s still out here uh you can

It’s over here let me grab that afterwards let me see all your wonderful enchants first Mr yards keep looking around keep it looking and slowly but surely we are also naming each one of those because the generous donations from the chat if they have uh gifted a

Beautiful five bomb to us as you can see vein mining you can you see the guy’s name on that one uh it’s a little tough for me to read so we might want to read he might want to give you another five gifted so we can read it better is it a

Man with an apple is that cool you can actually see their name isn’t that neat that is pretty awesome I thought that was cool but look at this Fortune three look at that fortune three is expensive but you get Fortune three’s definitely worth it though it’s

Definitely worth it but but look at this you get freaking uh looting oh yeah I just bought 12 looting books efficiency four a one bomb oh I already bought 12 of them shits look at this feather falling one you know what oh my God you know it’s

Like a sword dick you can’t beat it it’s a freaking heck of a deal I heard that yeah yeah it’s it’s I’m probably at the four is my Max I think yeah I’m gonna actually building another one of these in the uh in the area over

There and I can’t go over there I think over there we will have uh uh probably have like glass whatever there I don’t know are you are you ever concerned about like someone opening up a uh like another store that competes with yours I

Don’t care it is what it is what can I do yeah that’s that kind of you know it’s saying that junk reminds me of I don’t know I also describe it it’s not like [ __ ] your sister you know like it is what it is uh and then yeah

You know who else is gonna buy who else is there if I can’t do it then what what’s the point you know what yeah is there any other Library as big as this one on the server no not even close no you got the Bonsai to have one but they’re closer did he

Hear what I said true if wanting to spend money might as well be the same you know but yeah what what is Speedy doing a speedy talk I don’t know I don’t know if you heard me oh I uh just got blindsided by something sorry about that yeah

Um can I can I go click that way Stone uh Mr yard if you don’t mind oh that makes sense yeah yeah yeah I deleted it the other day by accident um because it was like a constant wave point on my map and it made me mad but

Yeah now I can come visit you more for like one XP so One XP and and you will just get it right back again when you spend some buy some paper and sell and spit it exactly let’s make sure this thing works bam wow well you just you just used two XP

To do that yeah I know but I just wanted to make sure it worked because I don’t have to fly all the way back out here again it takes a solid 34 seconds you know I I I know hey bring it up bring it up to him he says some of my um

Um well slow but surely I’m just building the basically just working here I need to get better armor and all that so chests what’s that you know where you can find those living chests uh oh in this Village have you not found them all I

Don’t think so come on I’ll show you I think we got a lot of them side so yeah yeah never mind never mind I think we did again most of them here yeah there is a there is a new Village that spawned up just this way to the South

Yeah yeah but I want to go there yet because it’s probably super dangerous and then there’s a blimp about 800 blocks from this spot but literally I had oh that one sucks that blimp the blimp in that direction sucks it’s just like uh what’s it called uh

Um yeah it was just off yeah yeah yeah yeah and but I I because yeah it’s nice because you can just pick up the competitors and stuff and then because everyone knows how to make that stuff this is such a fun Village for everyone and uh now that I have that Waypoint

I’ll be able to come visit more or get to see junkyard more and it’s it’s just such an absolute treat I would love for you to come out and visit yeah oh you got the runway and everything over here right yeah yeah this is a Runway if you

Wanted the thing is illuminated oh that’s huge that’s what she said oh my God she did what did I have I had I made a stir fry concoction basically everything in the fridge just in the freezer it was just throwing it all together on a walk you

Know it wouldn’t have been there yeah when you use a wok you walk it forward you walk it backwards and you walk and roll is that why they call it like that yeah yeah sure I just made that yeah I’m still I’m still not over the sore

Dick Beat It comment you made earlier chunk that was just beautifully thrown in that sentence well done junk well done yeah yeah yeah try it try you know every once in a while you know I am a comic genius every once in a while I uh

I wish I had more tools to cook with I don’t have a big fat walk or anything like that um so I should definitely do some more cooking myself I feel like I order too much and I don’t have like a good stir-fry like type of thing I could the

Wax you need to do that right you know what you do need is a a good cutting board a good cutting board junk I wish I had a cutting board but I currently don’t know the best place to get a cutting board on the internet do you have any ideas where

I could find one drunk yeah there’s a place called a junkyard Woodworks a junkyard hyphen woodworks.com hyphenwoodworks.com yep uh that place you could go ahead and find yourself a cutting board okay uh there you go I’ll have to head over there yeah where did he go what did he do is he

What is he he’s invisible I think he’s lagging you might just disconnected or something bro he’s getting ready to walk on me it’s all right you can lurk on me all you want as long as you’ll bring that rectal probe like you broke this part is he appeared behind you hear me yeah

I was re-lagging yeah I don’t know what that’ll happen I so we were standing a little here and I was over here for like the last five minutes I didn’t hear what the hell you guys are saying we’re just talking about junkyard Woodworks and big fat walks and everything we would ever

Love oh like The Cutting Boards okay because I could hear you guys but you guys can hear me no unfortunately not you like disappeared at one point so I think you definitely were lagged inside for sure okay yeah you disappeared we thought you were like uh doing one of

Those oh like you’re kidding or whatever yeah uh the the cloak cloak thingamajiggy whatever the hell yeah dude so I put down the [ __ ] bird yes all right junk Thanksgiving we’ll definitely check it out see it hi John you’re a king should we do uh since she’s on the way

Yeah all right we’re gonna take a look at pyeong’s Place chat and then I think we’re gonna take a look at JoJo’s place since we haven’t seen them for a bit our place is starting to have quite the imposing dick print over here um which is really cool to see

And there’s what we presume to be pyeong’s house mainly because she’s you know in there oh [ __ ] yeah bud yeah whoa what the [ __ ] is that thing whoa It’s it’s here oh French toast hold on oh my God yeah be careful please don’t have don’t accidentally ever follow my tree I will

[ __ ] kill young what is this dude oh this is a uh this is my Ram this is Henry oh my God Bianca are you sure he’s okay you keep sticking my ass on his feet he’s a booty guy he’s a real booty guy he likes to show off that ass they

‘ll actually show off that ass he is awesome big Henry fan do you find him in the Twilight Forest yeah you can find them he’s called a quest Ram uh because they don’t look like this at first I just went in the order of what you wanted the wool because they’ll be like

We want wool and so I just went in the order that he wanted it you can give it in any order but I wanted it to be you can you entertainment with wool Um are you building uh what What’s the vision for this I’m getting some Sandy uh cheeks Vibes up here with the Dome on the trees um but I guess hers is around the tree I suppose you know like a squirrel it’s like I like that one you know and so

What I’ve got going on here is I’ve got a bunch of Magic Tree a bunch of magic wood and uh I’ll be doing magic tricks wonderful we’ll have to stop by for a magic trick unless you already have one prepared for us oh not yet okay so you don’t know how to

Do magic tricks you’re just gonna hope that you learn by the time uh you you figured this all out right yes wonderful all right um this place is fantastic though yeah we were flying the junks and we saw this and they’re like oh we gotta come back

And check this out yeah we were like wow this exists we’ll have to come take a look what is going on with this pigment pedestal when I hover over it it’s all like that’s the that’s the magic thing that she was talking about right oh this is gonna be magic tricks

Yeah this is what the magic tricks is oh sorry we should learn magic tricks too we can probably saw someone in half of the log wow [ __ ] with it wait so you put the so what what does that do what does that do though like it also and create I guess dies and

Stuff but uh also Weaponry you pretty much craft anything you want with it you can automate some crafting with it and it’ll automatically go spit it out you know um do you get any loot if you kill Henry like if we find someone like Henry and

We kill him or if we just want to go kill that Henry no I wonder how you get the Ram disc then the ram disc said I don’t know that’s what someone was saying that you have that for more magic stuff sounds like a dick joke is this

Addiction it totally is it totally is ah okay uh yeah if someone was someone’s trying to explain to me because I found like this uh like this geode whatever and it teleported me inside of it but I think you have to have like a high enough magic level to loot the chest in

There like it wouldn’t let me open up any of the chests and someone said I have to get a ram disc for whatever so whatever it’s okay yeah talking about a chalk room I don’t know I have no idea yeah that’s weird I’ve never I’m not

Gonna follow up on it if she says it good yeah oh Jesus you had me worried there for a second I hate and you’re looking for the ram disc said I don’t see it in the joy so someone said it yeah I I looked it up oh wait

Maybe it was just a dick joke it’s so brutality I can’t believe you just said that side let’s get out of here jeez that was that was so much I hope you enjoy it yeah in here let’s go find the RAM desk sidearms in the mine

Inside you are a menace I wasn’t gonna do it I wasn’t gonna do it I don’t know son the ram disc is so good uh do you want to set course for JoJo’s then it would just be a little bit of a Hilary oh Larry okay oh that’s her lab right

Yeah yeah the lab the the yeah I know where that is over there I I still can’t get over how good this turret is I put in the water right there dude that it looks great such a beefy shot it really truly is that’s a Bono Randy Marsh

Straight to the toilet special I mean that’s like the one where he had to he was twisting up as he was hitting exactly I know damn well if I ever crapped a chud that big in real life said I would skip the toilet and head right to the shower because there’s no

Way I’m gonna be clean afterwards yeah yeah yeah oh and there’s someone at our base it might be also dropping off some art did you see the one that JoJo dropped off oh yeah it’s her cat toaster yeah that’s pretty cute I thought it was pretty good too we’re

Gonna definitely give that a prominent display Point um I’ll show you the Grand Vision for the uh the what’s it called first one we uh yeah for the uh the main building there and everything it should be pretty keel that’s it wait someone’s flying right

Here maybe oh it is JoJo maybe she can give us a tour yeah yeah yeah hey Jojo hello hi JoJo hey we came here if possible yeah I don’t know if you’re leaving or not though so no you caught me at the perfect time please come in in this direction

Hot moms DM me thanks for the 14 month resub s all right guys wow that was pretty good I like the the sound of that one wow uh Hey Speedy wow yeah yeah there was like a glitch with my eyes I wanted to look at them first what are all these little labs

These are my plushies how did you get these I crafted them with my own two hands wow you can craft these two um yeah why do you stutter with the um there does that make me think that you spawned these in JoJo in an illegal meme

Oh I would never spawn anything in I’ve never cheated in regards to any sort of form of Minecraft uh you forgot the rspd on this one oh yeah my bad yeah if you don’t mind just fixing that real quick that would just be fantastic oh um

Yeah let me just okay bam it’s so cute oh you just had to include the X yeah because it’s there in your name yeah yeah oh yeah yeah if you didn’t want it he could have just left off the X but unfortunately I do have to remove it

Because this is only uh given to people who gifts five Subs so oh Junk’s done the same with his villagers I’ll have to give 10 subs and have its name change to RX speedy oh okay um I can just make you a brand new one oh you can just because I’m not slushies

Sorry accused you of cheating and spawning them in I did not know this was a thing oh it’s okay it’s okay you always just don’t trust me oh sorry we’re going to put some uh plushies in there I’m looking at them right now we can have a

Have the chicken on big display it’ll be fantastic yeah oh yeah the chicken I mean look at the snow golem one isn’t that one goofy looking oh yeah he’s got the big smile a little crooked there he’s got the Nike Swoosh type of smile on his face there

It’s pretty good yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s really nice these garden lights look beautiful as well I don’t know how tough these are to build with these look nice oh they’re pretty easy you can also turn them off if you want wowie wow so it’s really it’s a whole experience yeah

Thank you please come into my my home yeah um there’s not a lot of interior because that’s not something I’m good at over here is my mess of create because I was desperately needing to do it so I could charge my laser but now that I finished that it’s all useless

Right yeah yeah yeah back here we have the contaminated area um but you guys are free to go in um no there’s a decision there’s a metal warning door yeah if you guys go in for the decontamination please okay and then we all stand in here um yeah oh the screen is great

You’ve done yourself for building this this looks great yeah no it took me like three hours oh and that’s how you get to the Twilight first hiding yeah this is why I needed I needed help earlier because I completely surrounded it with logs and then every time I jumped into the portal through

The Twilight Forest I would immediately like go into a loop of staying in the Twilight Forest um so I had to have someone um break down my tree that was not a smart thing to do yeah and then this one you know this one this one oh yeah

Another one I believe it’s called another side yeah everyone knows this oh yes yeah oh um this is good because you can see that there’s cones around so you know it’s a dangerous area you need to be careful outside we should probably add some cone stuff I’m just gonna steal it from her

Building again is it a good idea you’re stealing all my ideas I’m gonna have some metal warning doors and some cones next time you come over okay come on in all righty and then and then of course um please step into the yellow you have a lavender

I have an elevator wow um we do glitch a little bit just pretend it’s not happening the second floor there’s nothing happening here but then on the third floor this is actually in my my my place oh great choice you guys ever wanna yo thank you

Um you we if you ever want to watch the Discovery Channel um dead horn coral fans to make a rug around your bed I use the internet for this yeah oh that’s brilliant side we might steal this for our bed oh this is another idea we can see this is definitely something

We’re gonna steal for sure this is awesome anyway continue with your National Geographic with the Axolotl sorry yeah if you guys ever just want to hang out and watch something then we can um just hang out um I have the the controller is right here if you want to change the channel

We only have one channel you’re really struggling on share this it’s because you’re in the corner one it doesn’t is it a book bit collection book player head no this is this is my remote does it not look like a remote oh it says sorry I’m stupid yeah that

Definitely does look like a record sorry I recognize that read wrong wow gotcha gotcha yeah and then um over here I’m planning on having like a like a like a cat tower area you know very toaster you know toaster right yeah I have a picture of toaster in my uh decrepit buildings

So that’s perfect yeah yeah no it’s good so I’m gonna have a whole jungle gym here it’s gonna look good actual Minecraft cats over here and have them all like just bounce around it’s gonna be fun oh yeah of course of course what would it be without the actual yeah it

Would just feel not very alive without the cats exactly I guess exactly yeah and then of course um just for convenience purposes I can reach my terminal on every floor oh fancy so it also kind of looks like an elevator like uh officials and the convenience so yeah I

Know that when I’ve thought of that I was like this is the best day ever and then that’s when I figured it out um why does that work JoJo like why um why can you access it like there’s no pipes or to run it right

Or is there oh yeah these are all fake blocks you see these These are fake oh yeah they’re framed vlogs yeah yeah yeah yeah so all these logs here are fake too oh framed inventory yeah these don’t exist wow and they’re vertical slab fake blocks too there’s a lot of fake blocks everywhere

I just didn’t want to point it out no realness here anymore this is awesome yeah this is great we sometimes Fly Above This and but I haven’t had a chance to like look at your build yet this Forest looks spooky at night guys I don’t know why but oh yeah no it’s sick

See I I chose this place because like if you if you look at the map you see how there’s like all this flat area and then tree surrounding it that is completely natural I did not break a single tree this was just like a perfect circle and

Then I just built yeah you just put the lab there for sure yeah it’s so that you can think of a peen oh I’m definitely thinking of one right now yeah that’s uh and also with the windows up there and the roof kind of looks like eyeballs staring down at

Me do you see that with like that they are staring down at you oh yeah it’s kind of like in front of me too yeah jeez well thanks for the tour Jojo This is a blast we’ll have to come back in a week’s time and see what new places

You’ve done or new things you’ve done with the place yeah hopefully we can add a whole second floor to it or not maybe we’ll see maybe I’ll just add a whole other building or maybe three and take after my girl buddy old pal Speedy inside exactly yeah sometimes you just need three buildings

So are you still using old means to travel pathetic uh this is the so I get that tight ass home immediately my king we have a new artwork oh [ __ ] yeah oh my gosh oh my god dude it’s soaking he was spitting with this one bro they stare I knocked

By ozzo World dude I need to get this pla oh let me give you the fish inside let me give you the first off awesome wow is he going is he going right now watch this Bravo okay Bravo oh I am so excited for this art gallery

Cool side you hit him with a guy treatment he’s British right yes exactly um so I’m thinking side we’re probably ditching elevator right no one’s I mean we just honestly that elevator is really nice at JoJo’s and kind of made me kind of want to go back to it

Um we could essentially do a staircase system where it starts here it goes up and over like this way so like the stairs would have like this shape he would hit a landing here and then go up and then it would open at the top to the

Art gallery I think that would look pretty grandiose and fantastic it would kind of add some like uh Intrigue to this bottom floor if it lines up correctly um I don’t know if there’s enough space to take this up quick enough but it could just have to be like

A actual stair block instead of half slabs but I think I can pull that off and see if it works so um and then at the top you’ll uh you’ll hit the art gallery and then um at the art gallery it’s gonna be three floors connected by

Uh some bridges and it seems like we’ll have some nice art pieces to show off I’m pretty STEEZ one fantastic though that’s very nice this dude it needs to be it said it really does let me have some of those things I have an answer side what’s up okay so

After 16 years of marriage is finding out that your spouse sucked 100 plus dicks before getting hits the big deal or is my wife just overreacting oh so uh it wasn’t her doing it [Laughter] oh my God that’s good that was a good one right yeah that’s pretty goddamn good yeah oh

[ __ ] yeah bud so that thing’s pump inside it looks sick it stays white a little too long though the only thing is if we move it will it be too far from the thing it’s all right no I think I can move it down a little bit where it doesn’t affect it everybody

Oh so we can make that basement look cooler if you want it looks like walls and [ __ ] in there oh yeah okay so I can just move it down look like you know now it kind of works what does it look like from a thumb Ika looks great it’s pulsating colors

Looks good okay oh boy that won’t be annoying to hear every five seconds yeah so that’s I need to just move it down yeah put it at bedrock I think that might be too far away from our thing oh yeah good point I don’t mind the noise

I just uh I just want to see if like how easy it was to make a change color and it’s not actually not that bad yeah dude this is kind of [ __ ] I love it it looks cool just yeah really loud for I mean but from over here you can’t hear

It yeah so right now would be like you know paying someone entry level to do this you know it’s like oh here you go I made it so I need to be better than this you know what I mean the proof of concept exactly right now like I am just

Doing this to uh get funding well yes yeah that’ll be a nice walkway you won’t be able to see out the windows in the walkway but that’s not really the point and that’s also due to the fact that we built the building incorrectly that’s gonna be a ton of Art Gallery Maybe

We revisit how much Art Gallery we really need always peep the beacon now I haven’t moved it down yet but look at all the gradients Colors oh side it’s so good chattahoo oh no way you just said that bro yeah savagery Department bro we’ll get some leaves here that will

Maybe help that area out let’s go look at it I think that could be good it doesn’t have to be too crazy easy copy job um yeah it’s a little weird in the middle but maybe we can work on that in the future and rough the building up a

Little bit but I think that works pretty well it connects the rooms together um what’s up KY my Tesla made me come what a great Community uh so I think we’ve come to a conclusion on the okay what we’re gonna do on this so what we’re gonna end up doing is uh

Basically I’m just gonna take a cable and run it down far enough to where um we uh can’t hear it yeah where you can hear it and then what we’re gonna have to do is we’re gonna take our like the wireless voice we have we’re gonna have

To go down there and like shift and right click when I make a new terminal I’m just gonna connect to the cable so we can still access it like you know someone that’s not us comes up here and wants to like look at our stuff they can still look at it okay obviously

Yes so the only thing I’ll change for you is you’ll have to come down with me like at some point and then you’ll have to right click with this thing on the new terminal okay yeah I don’t mind yeah but then we’ll still be able to use our

Terminal up top if you for whatever reason need to come up and get something gotcha and then tap your wireless but I think that’s what’s up okay you know what I’m getting a little bit of the way they’re looking old you know a little bit of the uh Purge rewrite here oh

You’re thinking a little Purge look here with the the bridge connecting them and stuff you know well just because the old school and all that stuff yeah I can see that a little bit no [ __ ] clothing man’s job you want to follow me this way Mr yard

I’m printing another Bridge as you can hear the cannon Gone Wild and oh boy that’s a fast Cannon um these two are together oh that is what she’d be saying um and then it’ll be like a nice little area that you can stand here and uh and

Do your stuff between the two buildings right about here I like that see that’s what I love about you you come up with these visions and you make them oh yeah I don’t plan anything out in Creative I just I just [ __ ] have it in my head

So yeah and then I hope it it works it’s been a while since one hasn’t worked but uh when they don’t work it’s really sad because I have to take it all down yeah yeah but no this works and you know there’s knowing there’s not that much in

That head to begin with exactly right isn’t it impressive that this came out of my head yeah sometimes yeah I get that yeah so I get uh would you say I I there was an echo exactly it’s tough sometimes being us and then uh who’s putting this crazy beacon in

Obviously it’s pretty uh Bland right now but he’s gonna make it so that it uh pulsates different colors and impresses any of our people that shows up there he is E20 in the sidearm the junkyard the sidearms the one two nine junkyard one two nine I

Pick up my drink if you guys have a drink pick it up I am making a toast I have my cocktail in hands to the individuals before me to one to you to three I give you this drink from me to you and oh now we drink together

I have no idea what I just said but I just wanted a reason to drink that felt good that sounded good I feel like it’s not your first cocktail uh no definitely not oh my God the art is amazing yeah so this is toaster by Jojo and yeah um also made a disturbed

Um it looks like her it looks like a uh uh Merlot oh I’m Merlot yes of course the Merlot love a good Merlot myself yeah uh KYR [ __ ] Bender Bender if all things come thank you so much good to see you great community that is gonna piss some people off that

It is off by one block but like they can suck a fart out of an uncleaned ass in my opinion they’re mad about it you all got anything super lit today or the old luncheon I asked Speedy already but I’m just pretending like I haven’t said that we can answer it only

Asking sorry I was getting butt licked oh nice uh I was just asking what you ate today um what did I eat today I had food I think pretty good pretty good good answer good answer I really can’t remember I had something for lunch but I don’t remember what it was okay

[ __ ] what did I have I don’t know oh a burger place that’s here okay local burger place I knew I had something I couldn’t remember what it was and then foreign and then for dinner I had leftover barbecue from yesterday you that’s what I hit what’d you have sir

Oh thank you I had a chicken Pad Thai it was chicken and shrimp actually oh my God I know did your dick grow even bigger you know I don’t know yet I don’t know I I’m pretty sure it’s I I haven’t seen any growth in a while I did have

Someone else in Chad say that they lost 20 pounds in there they embraced her their dick is bigger and then they were like yeah I’m pretty sure just losing weight from your stomach you can see more of your dick and it just seems bigger no I think

If it grows or not here you’re you’re not a face cam John Dee tell me what’s this so if you take out the old penis if you you’re not face cam either I can’t watch it if you take out your dick and balls whatever right and you see like it’s

Already out of this it’s this uh I guess where your bladder would be you know like the area that’s right above your dick like you can push it down and like there’s something more dick yeah like there’s some more dick hiding in there no I think it’s that I think it’s that

You know what I mean yeah yeah if I lose 20 pounds I can bottom out of McChicken is what you’re saying something like that I don’t know like chickens do I have to to eat to lose 20 pounds them horses all in them he’s talking about the fupa

Dick D20 oh my God look at that line of buildings though so if you guys missed it we’re gonna have train station come up here it’s gonna lift a little bit and um go across the entire city at that height right there that at that beam go

Down that way then we’ll have buildings flanking on that side and we might even have a building that the train goes through we can we can do some crazy stuff we’re gonna put a street on that side um we got lots of stuff to do um but I think our chief priority right

Now is getting the uh what’s it called play Sam the art gallery here’s here uh is the slack attack home oh I wanted to see what he was doing over here anyways this is good I should probably eat some uh dead carrot and KYR come Bender thanks for getting

Us up to KYR meat beater what a great Community welcome back meat beater Mr Speedy well what is the uh what’s this area gonna be my good sir um it’s gonna be our mineral processing Factory I’m making a temporary setup in order to um make brick okay cool and you’re gonna

Put a whole building around this I would imagine out of Barrick Rick my king um do you mind me asking a a oh God so is there a way like on the uh do you mind me asking if uh you have those limestones still

Yeah would I be able to um maybe take a healthy party serving of limestones also do you think we can make the machine crap out more limestones yes I’m gonna eat a lot of limestones Speedy’s mom has it going on thanks to the seven months

Oh wait do you mind if I take this entire batch take it all is the machine’s going I also have a consultation suggestion with junk yeah go for it thank you slack appreciate you we’re learning we’re learning uh Precision mechanisms touch a term you care about no I’m really into Precision mechanisms

I believe it love that [ __ ] and then we’ll use the uh the quartz for the walls that the actual art goes on because art galleries a lot of times they put a wall in front of a wall I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re doing but if you Google art gallery almost

Every single art gallery does this oh [ __ ] you random oh [ __ ] you placement a lot of art galleries do this they put in like temporary like artsy fartsy walls but yeah they they do a lot of that and that’s all the taller they go so the walls themselves will get this treatment um

Well I might even move this a little more forward but um hold on let me but yeah that would only go to that height and then the wall would be behind it I might pull it out one more block for depth but uh that’s kind of how they do it

Um I’ve noticed just from one quick Google glance oh that’s incredible okay wow what a treat oh oh this is gonna be so nice up here foreign holy [ __ ] I mean I think that’s gonna slap now we’ll have some of these in each corner and then we’ll also have like a

Focal piece in the middle that just is absolutely incredible um and then maybe we’ll put some signs next to some of the pieces some people probably have like horizontal art that isn’t as big um but theoretically that should look really cool um we can also have some displays on

Easels just so that switches things up um and then a lot of times art galleries just for some reason have like a random wall in the middle of the gallery so like just in the middle of the room there would be like another wall now obviously it might not be here but yeah

We can do that as well so I think this should look pretty cool up here once we have it my only concern is this bright white look might look pretty [ __ ] weird from the outside doesn’t seem like it does though I I don’t think that that’s that bad

So it should be fine also we’ll just grab people’s uh attention and put it in here too you guys want to see the art gallery Vision if you’re in the area oh my God you guys if you’re on the on the second floor yeah yeah but are you sort of seeing the vision

For this room here yes it’s Gonna Be Too Legit to Quit It seems very bright is it on purpose well art galleries are pretty goddamn bright so I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I was I don’t know I I was in my head I was

Gonna lead to like a you joke but it didn’t really make sense oh I see that was something you see white skins that I gotcha I bet yeah no it wasn’t sorry oh but yeah this is just like a corner of what this will be but I’ll do

All three floors here is uh or all three uh rooms here because it’s Gonna Keep extending oh yeah you could do like they’re just saying yes and then like signs yeah I’m gonna put science next to them I just don’t know the layout yet so

I wonder why when it’s going to easel it shows the name and stuff but when it’s on the wall it doesn’t it’ll also be pretty funny too because we’ll have like j18’s Crown up here and it’s just gonna say women’s rights or um honestly we should make like crazy

Pictures of just like you know things that have nothing to do with them and then just name it something like you know the the revolution of France 1812 or something beautiful we can think of some funny titles also in the middle of this room is essentially it’ll be one

Block higher I guess but we’ll have like a lifted up Podium and we can put some crazy Modern Art here and I think we’re gonna I’m just gonna put a giant turd in the middle one it will have a yeah oh that’s fine it can go through the

Middle of the turtle you can build around that it could even be like off to the side here and just like right by this window but yeah it’s just gonna be like a massive tournament and then we’ll put something wait what if what if this wall over here

We bring in the yo statue oh we could bring the yo statue in I mean that would be a beautiful nod to a previous server you would have to get the exact dimensions of it D20 but it probably wouldn’t be that hard to get these uh

People oh yeah it’s just a y and o yeah I can’t believe it by the way what is stopping me from putting a platform right here with a massive turd on it with a sign that says lay Ohio by Speedy there’s nothing stopping us from making something insane um takes

Um put a giant clown with a big old red nose and put lay Cowboys by lay Speedy or yeah well not everything has to be lay but you know what I mean yeah we’ll figure it out that’s really funny I love that or maybe even a dick that wraps

Around three or four pictures oh that would be such a treat I mean call it like Corkscrew it’s gonna be lazy this looks really good I love this yeah this will be really fun I’ll probably deck this the [ __ ] out tomorrow I just need a bunch of quartz

Um which I might even enough and then I need a bunch of limestone and I think the slack attack’s printing that [ __ ] for me so all right man I think I have a bunch of limestone as well at the easy awesome I’ll probably have some like uh leaves and stuff hanging from the

Ceiling too but yeah for the most part it’s just gonna look like that so pretty steady yeah I’m gonna be good see I’ll probably do that tomorrow but just wanted to show you guys what the uh the testicle plan or the tentacle plan was just like any other downtown Art Gallery there’s no

Parking around here oh no ugh come in yeah I know I know wow wow oh Bridge oh my limestone is let me know when you guys get a second good news oh look at this texturing wow I’m gonna need a lot of it for this emergency it

Scrapes the walls as well my king wow but yeah it’s gonna be the art gallery oh you need a little bit a little bit I could use a [ __ ] ton of core it’s my good sir okay okay I might have a few in my

What does that do oh oh oh I found this interesting tower that had this as the walls and one of them was generated weird so it was like just a thick boy of just straight up quartz dude I just put a terminal in it the terminal and thank

You uh hold on let me go grab my terminal and then can I see your brick operation yeah it’s gonna make you wanna call him no not good let’s uh float past uh the turd and let’s go take a look at this add to it

Oh Jesus adding to the turn there wow I think I need some more power of volume on the top there I think I could definitely make that look better oh boy quite the operation Over Yonder holy French slang yes sir ah oh my blimp oh boy we got some Wheels a Wheeling

I just wanted to show you guys this end part right here and uh hold on hmm survive I’ll make a brick block oh breaks okay let’s do make him break how’s it so fast is this tapping to the power of your infinite lava thing yeah

Oh [ __ ] yeah but so I have a speed controller on it um and that makes it as fast as it can possibly be into bricks yep such a simple operation oh my God what the [ __ ] is that then you’re gonna put a whole brick building encasing this thing

Uh yeah my schematic has a [ __ ] ton of brick nice all I so uh one Crusher for Cobble to to gravel one Crusher for gravel to sand and clay washing the sand to Clay and then all that clay gets heated into brick and then pound it like my my me um

This is pretty [ __ ] impressive slack I know I keep saying it but it’s really cool you learned how it’s only it’s only gonna it doesn’t matter keeping chest yeah we’re not very stoked anything else is cool yeah there’s no Villagers the Tree [ __ ] flinted anymore this is not the purge server

Yeah neighbors places you can see our place over there too oh God yeah oh my God what a dick print on the map gotta say oh dude you’re gonna have your factory here and then we got our stuff we got our turd in the water our Marina

Oh my God I’m just looking at it now with the bridges holy [ __ ] all right on that that little square in the water that’s that’s actually Kevin yeah I saw that cabin over there I need to get the tour we also have a jackass or a uh a donkey donkey yes

That’s his [ __ ] right son oh yes I I don’t want to be the one I finally figured it out I can tell from the dick print on the map he’s digging down there and he’s a donkey on top it has to be an ass no our our friend Dan is making a

Donkey head oh yeah it’s over there yeah and then but he’s building a hole around it so that’s his [ __ ] that’s his [ __ ] dude it’s really cute oh that’s yeah the taint of the Builder yes literally absolutely dude I can’t wait to see this I’m probably hopping

Off for the night Mr slack but I’m excited to see the building around and everything else fantastic yeah once the break is done I I feel like we can get that schematic just firing on all cylinders I’m gonna make a ass pounding joke but I think it was in

Four days yeah I feel either sometimes it’s tough do you know anything about ass pounding is the Limestone machine still crapping out Limestone yeah I’ll make sure it stops it he’s uh it needs to stop when it’s full but uh the elevator okay yeah because I wanted

To definitely grab the rest of that it printed oh if anybody hasn’t seen the unlimited lava speak out oh this is the holy [ __ ] it’s so bright it’s so [ __ ] feel um what else sexy yeah that could that could definitely stay here for a while until it’s not making any better means

It should be oh it’s not like glitch there I can see them like [ __ ] they’re not going in the chest like when you open the chest you can see them you see that yeah oh if you stand here yeah you get them okay the rest

Hold on let me just try to hold up wait a minute some man right one thing getting gets a new thing and another thing breaks bro that’s how it works man hey something is something else you know I know you get one thing fixed and other

Things oh I know why it’s going the wrong way the wrong word oh French oh hamburgers when in doubt gearbox it up as they say everyone knows that saying everyone says that everybody knows that naturally everyone I know system so a gearbox will um change the rotation direction reverse

My king there it is very nice wonderful thank you slack attack have a lovely night I’ll see you another time and remember Slack yeah all right let’s go get a far off view of what we did today is and then let’s uh let’s maybe hops off and we’ll be back

To tomorrow chat because the new merch is coming back tomorrow chat um I guess not coming back the new merch is coming out tomorrow um which is pretty exciting um so yeah if we go pretty far off here we uh we got three buildings we got Bridges connecting them all it’s

Starting to look pretty fantastic we got bz’s build off in the distance we got the big arms reaching to the sky not too easy to see at night time so yeah we’ll just keep expanding our city making cool stuff I’m excited for the art gallery though it’s gonna be nice to have um

Something on one of those floors and that doesn’t seem too obvious that there’s an art gallery in there which is kind of nice I was afraid that the the white of the yeah that’s fine I was afraid that the white of the uh the gallery was gonna look stupid there but

I think that’s going to work perfectly you can hardly even tell that that’s there and it’ll just make it seem like the building’s more alive so I am pretty excited about all the stuff we got here

This video, titled ‘BFC Sentence Challenge with Junk! – Homies 2.0 SMP Modded Minecraft – Episode 23’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2023-04-05 16:00:36. It has garnered 74384 views and 2666 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:44 or 3104 seconds.

My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sp33dyinbed/ Merch – https://represent.com/store/kyrsp33dy

Thumbnail Logo and Artwork by: Isaias IG: @shaboyturtleboy YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/Isaias2150

Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/homies-smp-2-0

Edited by Appreciator.

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  • INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!

    INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by PettFarms on 2024-07-13 13:52:23. It has garnered 351 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:30 or 11070 seconds. Linktr.ee/pettfarms for all of our socials, and merch! Sponsored by ULTISupps! Use code PettFarms at checkout! https://ultisupps.rfrl.co/q15my Monday and Friday 6:30pm – 10pm Eastern and Sunday 10am to 1pm eastern. Also check out our podcast “Peculiar Prattling” on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! #facebookgaming #streamer #gaming #twitch #facebook #streaming #live #avgeek #xbox #xboxone #xboxgaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/Alyxwho

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/AlyxwhoVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Hardcore w/ Alyxwho! ~ Sprinkles Streams’, was uploaded by Sprinkles & Manic on 2024-05-18 23:22:22. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:47 or 9527 seconds. Sprinkles plays Minecraft Hardcore with Alyxwho! Featuring Alyxwho ~ https://twitch.tv/alyxwho 🎀 Sprinkles Links 🎀 https://youtube.com/@shutupsprinkles https://www.twitch.tv/shutupsprinkles https://www.twitter.com/shutupsprinkles https://discord.gg/747vedW 💖 Manic Links 💖 https://youtube.com/@manicpxldreamgirl https://www.twitch.tv/manicpxldreamgirl https://twitter.com/manicpxldrmgirl https://discord.gg/qW4sP2B #minecraft #java #minecrafthardcore Read More

  • Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!

    Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Woodland Mansion Raid! AND Free Mods?’, was uploaded by Mediocre Richard on 2024-09-01 04:00:03. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:16 or 13396 seconds. #woodlandmansion #minecraftlive #minecraft Time to finally raid the woodland mansion and see treasure that hopefully made the very long trip yesterday very worth it. Oh and maybe tame some Dragons. Read More

  • Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀

    Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀Video Information This video, titled ‘what is this goofy aah blur config 🗿😂🐸🗣️😍🤠😎🤠😍😍🗣️🤠🗣️🤠😍🗣️’, was uploaded by obvIlyas on 2024-08-01 14:00:54. It has garnered 161 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Watch as we dominate the competition in this 100-0 boxing clip on Minecraft. With stylish blurs and epic gameplay, this video is a must-watch for any boxing fan! [🐭 mouse]: Bloody A70 other mice: Glorious Model O Pro, Roccat Kain 120 Aimo, (used) Roccat Kone Aimo [⌨️ keyboard]: spc gear gk650k kailh blue switches rgb pudding edition PC Specs: Intel Core i5… Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia with a focus on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and ideally 18+, creating a chill ambiance with mature players. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feeling with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and Mystical Agriculture, along with quality of life mods for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to teleporting commands and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication, with a focus on community and town… Read More

  • Minecraft server ovrw.mc-complex.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ovrw.mc-complex.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: YouTube recommended this spicy meme!”

    Looks like YouTube is really pushing that Minecraft agenda, watch out for those creeper recommendations! Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage

    POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage POV: Trying to build a friendship with a creeper in Minecraft because it’s less explosive than your toxic friend. Read More

  • EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War

    EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War Minecraft’s Most INSANE Naval Battle: The Relic War Imagine a world where civilizations clash, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic wars unfold in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. In this thrilling Stoneworks Minecraft video, the nations of Solisios and Huitca find themselves locked in a fierce conflict that spans the seas and the desert city of Luxios. What sparked this intense rivalry? It all began when Huitca brazenly stole Solisios’ sacred artifact, setting the stage for an epic showdown. The Conflict Unfolds As tensions escalate between Solisios and Huitca, players are drawn into a multi-year simulation of war, reminiscent… Read More

  • 🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!

    🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘[#Vtuber] Collab Stream Vapor & Rochan play Minecraft with discord server members.’, was uploaded by VaporWaveGaming on 2024-09-01 02:09:06. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:49:40 or 24580 seconds. #Vtuber #letsplay #Gaming #vtuberstreamer #videogames #gaming #Retrogaming Follow me on kick and twitch KICK CHANNEL https://kick.com/vapor-vtuber-gaming TWITCH CHANNEL https://www.twitch.tv/vapor_vtuber_gaming Like the mediocre level content? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Read More