EPIC SKY VAULTS: Crafting Omega Pog!!

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How is it going guys slippery Jim here welcome back to Sky vaults and in this episode we’re going to be crafting one of the most expensive crafting items in the mod pack which is n Omega POG and there’s a very specific reason that I’m going to need one of those which we’ll

Be getting to later in the episode it’s going to be very exciting but uh before we do that we are going to be running a vault and uh we need a bunch of chromatic Steel uh Vault diamonds as always knowledge Essence would be good all that stuff we

Got a couple of bounties ready to go uh as well so uh let’s hop out of our park bench over here I’ve got a little bit of sad news guys a little bit of sad news I think this this little guy over here is

My last fish in my uh in my pond over here because um somehow this little devil here pinky found uh her way over into the pond and ate all the rest of the fish I had in here I had a quite a lot of uh tropical

Fish and cod and all sorts of fish in there but uh yeah she’s a hungry little creature so unfortunately They’re All Dead except the one that’s hiding over there in the lily pads I I don’t know if she’s ever going to find a way back into the river

Over here but I guess I guess we’ll see what what happens I don’t know if I showed this to you guys but I in the end I replaced this row of uh blocks with uh light blue glass I think it looks pretty cool it looks kind of like an infinity

Pool right I like it I like how it sort of turned out there um and I also found these really cool looking aelia chests I think that’s a pretty cool model so at the moment in with my uh botney pots uh I’ve still just got the

Four cuz uh we we needed the black uh chromatic steel for other stuff but uh I’ve got some drip Leaf growing at the moment some glowberries I didn’t have hardly any of those and we may end up needing those for crafting V crystals so we’ll see what happens I’ve also got

Some seagrass and some uh some Kel happening there so yeah anyway Let’s uh go downstairs guys cuz we are going to be crafting ourselves the very first Omega pog of the series and this is going to require an absolute ton of the unique Vault uh gems so there are all the

Player gems that we got so obviously in the last episode we got an absolute ton of those from running the uh the 15 times plentiful double Min room architect Vault so I’ve got uh I think a minimum of 250 of each of these should be more than enough to make an Omega POG

And uh quite a lot of Echo there as well so I’m a little bit Rich right now but uh we also got a lot of black opal so that’s pretty cool um oh one other thing that I wanted to craft up which we might craft up first so I’ve

I’ve got a storage bus over here already to go linked up to the me system and like one thing that we don’t have easy access to in the crafting here is uh water right uh and La as well for that matter but I’ll have to think about what

I’m going to do with the lava but the water we can actually come up with um pretty much an infinite source that we can use um to access through through our mu system here and that’s if we craft the uh the sink so the sink is made up

Of two black chromatic steel ingots uh chromatic Steel Ingot and an infinite water bucket as well as some terracotta um I already have an infinite water bucket that I I crafted to um make it easier to uh fill the river up top in the Japanese garden with water and stuff

Like that but we’re going to craft another one up here it does take a Pog some perfect alexandr and stuff like that but it’s not too bad uh this is going to be a little bit expensive I do fortunately have two black chromatic steel exactly I think that I got from a

Bounty so we can make this thing I don’t know if you can make it in different colors but anyway I guess we got a brown one so I figure if we Chuck this down over here so it’s going to be connected to that um storage BS like that and then

Hopefully we can access the water now from inside the uh yeah there we go it says 2.1 million and we can just take buckets out that’s pretty cool I don’t know where the actual Buckets come from but yeah that’s pretty awesome so it’s basically infinite water in fact it says

I it says what two yeah 2,147 483 647 very very exact and Technical there um buckets in our storage system so that’s pretty cool uh if we ever have a recipe that calls for water I guess we can just craft it straight up from in

There um I cover that up a little bit there hopefully I’ve got some of those facades facade uh deep slate I do not have the type I need we need cable what do they called uh cable anchors let’s get some of those and we’ll need some Cobblestone bricks

The um these facades aren’t actually in ji for some reason it’s kind of annoying but there you go um let’s just uh where was it over here we should be able to hide that hopefully there we go so it doesn’t look like there’s a you know section of

Floor missing if you look Clos all righty okay so yeah let’s get our Omega POG happening guys this is uh this is going to be a crucial part that we’re going to need a little bit later in the episode for something that we’re going

To set up but uh one thing in a time here so basically an Omega POG is crafted using uh nine unique chunks made up of um nine clusters ERS of Vault gems which are basically the gems surrounding a perfect black opal so yeah we’re going to need nine of

These uh we’re going to need uh nine of these nine of uh the these tuum just make sure they’re both green okay it’s slightly different green but um all right and zenium all right we’re getting there scallum this is kind of green as well apparently green was a popular choice

When it came to choosing a color for The Unique player gems for these guys I don’t think they consulted between each other too much as far as what colors everyone else had already chosen uh all right we’re nearly there what have we got left oine maybe yeah is this that last

One think so right so then we put these uh clusters in here and we should be able to make ourself the chunks like so uh what we got left here the other green get getting there uh this one this one and oine that should be everything and then

Uh basically we put them all together what do we get we get wait I haven’t got the Zen one all right there we go now we have it um that should be everything we need for our Omega plug look at that look at that bad boy guys that is

Amazing oh yeah that is cool so yeah there is a specific reason I’ve crafted this um we will be getting to that later um but let’s just stick it in a frame for now uh we’ll put it over put it over here yeah bammo look at that thing thing that is amazing

Looking amazing looking all righty it’s even got like a shimmery thing going on all right guys so we’ll get to what we’re going to craft with that after we run this first Vault let’s just get our vault Crystal ready to go here level 69

Baby what have we got to ah look at that prismarine Crystal just as well I’ve been uh farming some of those with the mob farm tropical fish Stone and bamboo so that’s all pretty doable okay that should be everything for our vault Crystal nice so we got our level 69

Vault Crystal as far as um as far as bounty is go we have a bounty for finding 21 volt diamonds that’s quite a lot but we might be able to get that done in one volt uh and also 37 volt Essence that should be pretty easy and these give chromatic steel

Which is also going to be uh important for what we need um this isn’t a bad uh Jewel there either actually when I look at that what’s this one got some boots a little bit of knowledge Essence and a mining speed that’s a little bit too big

But never mind let’s not get ahead of ourselves here so I’m going to get my Vault gear uh together guys get my backpacks and all that stuff uh and then we’re going to jump into the Vault I’ll see you guys shortly okay we’re ready to head into

The Vault guys I’ve got all my gear and uh we’re going to jump on in to our first level 69 volt let’s go okay we have a scab Vault we got to find two crack pearls uh which is an Omega item from coin piles that’s going to be tough uh

We got two saddle bags epic items as well from on8 that’s pretty hard too uh unless we find an x marks or something like that uh five old books which are rare rare items and then we’ve got 10 green mob Ence which will be super easy so yeah not exactly an easy

Vault but we’ll see how we go this is the Sandy theme as well we’ll just wait for it to finish loading in back there and then will head on through shortly okay should be good to move on through I did a little bit of mining of the uh Coral blocks here just because

They uh they’re hard to get hold of otherwise and sometimes you need them for the vult crystal uh we might leave most of this first room I’ll grab that regen pile on though let’s uh some living chest there uh we’ll just move through to the next

Room oh oh I think this is an x marks room which is perfect if it’s a good one for getting saddle bags potentially so let see what happens here I don’t think my magnet sent on oh it’s a bad one okay let’s get out of

Here uh all right we’re got to go this way okay spider is probably still going to chase me but that’s okay we’ll just keep going a got time to fight all those guys uh see if we can okay there’s some orates there see what we’ve got

Here oh there’s a there’s a dead be the part is back there ouchie he’s not that strong but everything else at the same time is kind of uh kind of uh dangerous all right hopefully they can’t oh they can get up okay there’s another one of those skeletons in there what are

These guys skele lacky you know what I forgot I just realized I forgot my trinkets I could really do with a lucky Goose for this bounty uh well that’s the way it goes uh gilded over there we don’t really need guilders but woodens we kind of do need um

I didn’t get my bucket of water back from the uh the x marks room man I wish that been a good x marks that would have been extremely fortunate to find trying to retain some health here it’s not easy though I’m really loving how many toxic reactions I’m

Getting though in combination with my um poison NOA and oh there’s one of the uh bouny completed poison Nova plus my sword which has poison on it it’s really good set up at the moment for that poison build um okay it’s just some guilds there I’m tempted but we might actually

Move on just for the sake of oh crap that was not the best that was not the best Dash right there um yeah we’ll move on let’s just keep going see what we got down the bottom here uh how many coconut crabs they want to throw at me God damn

It can you not throw those things please you think I am freaking last night’s TV dinner these do guys just never die woo that was intense there for a second oh we’ve got a we’ve got a dungeon here normal difficulty H there’s always at least one Archer isn’t there God damn

Ah not getting a lot of chests to some of these POS all right let’s just see what uh what type of treasure we got in here if it is ornate that’ll be good oh it’s coins even better sweet uh zombies too right so it shouldn’t be that

Hard see how we go here oh there’s a there’s a champion there see if we can knock him back enough here to okay that guy has a lot of knock back resist there we go okay come on we need we need those uh those crack pearls there’s one one crack

Pearl they’re in a mega item remember so they’re not going to be real common oh there’s another one we got two that’s all we needed we might as well clear out the rest of this though right see what we got down here few coins there nice um what do we got down

Here to keep the knock back on these guys a little guy might be a problem uhoh uh-oh that’s the uh that’s the bus we just spawned in that’s the champion let’s just get some health back here it’s down there somewhere I’ve nearly got my um nearly got my storm Arrow back

Again should be able to zpp him with that any minute now let’s go there we go and you’re dead we got some mod boxes okay so that’s pretty much the uh the crack pills dealt with right we got we got two of those so all we need is the

Old books and we need the saddle bags in the 30 minutes we’ve got left oh there’s an archive here as well trap disarm chance durability armor fault boots 5 to six armor trap disarm these are these are particularly great but I’ll take that one uh all righty all righty I think that’s about

It that was pretty cool we are going to have to get lucky with the orades though but we don’t have to worry about coins anymore um okay let’s go this way well we might go through a few rooms and see if we can find another x marks

Room that that’d be like the ideal scenario really this is looking pretty helpful as far as wooden chest go anyway spawn these guys this is going to get pretty intense here Come back here dead Bard trying to escape me what the hell was that he had some weird it looked like TNT almost that was weird what the heck this guys stuck in blocks or something regen there’s another our book so we got four our books we just need one more but

We haven’t been finding the o a chest that we need take a look up top here only got 3 minutes left and we will have to get back to the portal at some point if uh cuz it doesn’t look like we’re going to get the objective that we need done what

Is this over here another regen did we already get one of those damn it there’s the other book we need but I don’t know if we’re going to be able to find those last couple of items though the orates that we need um let’s go this

Way we will have to start heading back to the portal I think uh well n pois usually have like machinery and stuff don’t they cuz we have a look down here are there any any orades for me you guilded here we go imagine if we got it right now that’d

Be crazy I I need two though uh there’s one just need one more saddle bag one more saddle bag oh man that’s oh man that’s crazy we’re actually we’re actually in this now uh let’s go this way even if we have to take some fruit this could be crazy

If we can pull this off we just need one orate thing that’s coins that’s gilded that’s wooden uh spiders that’s livings and there would have been clutch if that that had been or nades oh man I don’t know I don’t know about this let’s try this

Direction keep in mind we still have to find the Turning but they are kind of common even if we were to find that extra saddle bag uh all right let’s have a look down here what is that that’d be great if it was an extra minute it is an extra

Minute okay but it’s not going to help if we don’t find the orates We need oh what is that that better not have been an a scallum door um let’s have a look up top here I can’t believe we got that extra minute what is this over over here that’s okay that’s wooden

Sparkle uh let’s go this way 39 I’m not even going to Mark now I’m just going to take it for granted that we’ll find what we need I’m just going to take it for granted let’s hope it hope it works out for us uh more NES come on there’s a

Wooden oh here we go there it is we got it we just have to turn in now oh that is going to be so close if we can find a turning we did get ethereal cursed okay where’s where’s the Turning we need to turn in I didn’t see

One in here let’s just go this way anywhere just need to turn in there it is all right there’s those those uh what else do we have here these and then we had the books Oho that was so clutch guys that was so clutch I can’t believe we completed that

I honestly didn’t think we were going to complete that that’s crazy though that’s Crazy and we got the tricket as well at the start that’s going to be awesome we got 42,000 XP and we’re only just slightly along the bar now to 7 any let’s grab that I think we killed quite a few mobs in that one though um I’m

Kind of curious actually how how many mobs did we kill there 230 all right let’s head down guys we’ll check out the loot and after that we’ll talk about what we’re going to be crafting and building next it’s going to be awesome guys all right welcome back guys it is

Time to check out the loot and I think the first thing that I want to check out is is the trinket that we got let’s see what trinket we get here so there’s still quite a few like maybe about 2/3 of the trinkets that I haven’t discovered so yeah I wouldn’t mind

Finding a new a new one but uh then again I wouldn’t mind finding valar’s pedal as well so again or getting a new one of those so we’ll see what we get here uh oh okay slimy allows wall climbing and grants you immunity to kinetic damage so I think that’s the

Kind of damage you get if you slam into something while you’re going really fast with elytras for example but yeah look at that so we can climb straight up uh blocks that’s pretty that’s a pretty awesome Mobility um type of uh um trinket I think right there let’s

Get ourselves an item frame put that in um I usually make these transparent ones let’s grab one of those so this is a blue trinket which means it kind of goes over there let’s just or reorganize these a little bit we put this one here

Uh where is it this one we’ll put the blue ones over here so we put slimy there we put the Stone of Jordan there um Golden Burger we’ll put Golden Burger in the middle cuz I use that fair bit uh and then we got the red one which we’ll put over

Here lucky Goose which I use a lot as well and we have cuff links there as well which is for cool down reduction pretty handy as well actually wait where did that go uh did that go where did where did where did my cuff Lings go uh oh there they are okay um

There we go so we have our blue uh red red trinkets here blue trinkets here and over here we have blue and red let’s just change the order of these so then that we know the blue ones are on this side of the room yeah organization that’s pretty cool there we got another

Unique one he’s cute little fella we’ll keep him there for now might be good for some Mobility if we need that like that would actually be really good for uh for doing a mine room or something like that so you can climb up the walls and stuff

To uh to get back out anyway let’s look at the rest of the stuff that we got in here so we uh we got two key pieces here which let’s take a look I believe that means we how many do we need for a blank key blank I can’t remember if it’s eight

Or on okay we could actually make we could actually make another key for some reason I thought I had the escali key but it’s actually the bomb ignite key but um what do we need for this I keep I always forget okay this is quite expensive on the black chromatic steel

So at least we know we have enough key pieces now to make another one uh once we have enough black chromatic steel um to spare all right eight Relic boosters there we got three mod boxes we’ll crack those open shortly um four inscription pieces there a little bit of um knowledge

Essence and we got 15 volt diamonds um let’s just scroll down here some Catalyst fragments quite a bit of Vons which is awesome and fair bit of Vault plating there too which I definitely will be using um quite a bit of Vault stuff there to roll as well let’s grab these focuses

Out of here uh we did get one fundamental Focus too that’s pretty much the highlights right there but obviously one of the main things uh actually let’s not do that cuz we want to roll the Vault stuff shortly anyway um now I was able to pick up and complete a couple of

Extra bounties here so uh that’s pretty cool I did go through a few Bounty pills finding the ones that let me submit stuff but that’s fine cuz we’ll be able to obtain more uh chromatic steel um as a result which we’re uh definitely going to be needing put those in there okay we’ll

Crack open The Relic booster packs I’m not expecting to get lucky here but we’ll see and no we didn’t get anything okay what about the mod boxes though will we get anything good here we got an A nitic energizing rod and a storage upgrade some fluix cable to which is cool we’re

Definitely going to need some of that stuff so I’m not sure where to put these let’s take a look where do we need these like uh what are we getting a lot of here I’ve already got upgrades in a lot of these things um I’ve got an absolute

Ton of rotten flesh at the moment maybe we’ll Chuck it in this one yeah that’s from uh I was I was running some uh I think it was the zi piglins to get gold earlier so it did get a lot of uh a lot of that rotten flesh I don’t think we

Have a nitic energizing rod that’s like uh third from the top I think so we can actually take this one off this was the Blazing one let’s have a look here so blazing nio um neotic and then spirited and then it’s the top one which is Nitro that’s pretty

Cool nice I’m I’m guessing this thing is going to use an absolute ton of power though but uh pretty pretty awesome to get an upgrade there let’s Chuck this one now you can run more than one rod so it goes even quicker but they take so much power I don’t think it’s necessary

This thing is already super fast and by the way I did get another in uh another NE star um in the Raw vaults between episodes here so I actually have three of these now I think that’s all we need apart from the other stuff that that’s the most expensive part of upgrading

To um the very top level of thermogenerator but I’m not going to do that today cuz there a whole bunch of crafting involved with that uh which we might do in a future episode pretty soon though CU that’ll be pretty cool to get the top level of

That okay um we will grab the Vault gear out of here and that one that one there’s a few jewels in there too which I should have checked out let’s just have a quick look at this we didn’t get that many jewels there’s a size 11 shoveling that’s like

The perfect almost the perfect size shoveling right there that might even be the only jewel we got which is interesting let’s flush the rest of those through there so we can easily cut this one down to get it to size 10 which is the perfect

Size um put those in there okay now I did have a I think I had a couple more VA items somewhere but um let’s just have a quick check in here Vault Vault there’s a lot of items with vault as the search um key thing uh okay there’s a shield in there

Actually we’ll grab that out of there level 56 some faceted focuses there too let grab those out of there we’ll try and fit them in this this box over here okay that’s pretty much it so uh we might as well just see what we get out of these we’ll

Probably get some extras though in the um the completion crate potentially there so uh we did get a new um hippopotamus transmog which is pretty cool but and this has got 20 armor and N Health on it that’s crazy that’s actually pretty decent except um I would I would lose out overall

So um okay let’s just get rid of most of these unless they’ve got something outstanding on them there’s a sword there with 31.5 attack chilling two Cloud that’s pretty cool but we’ll get rid of that um we don’t really need it at the moment uh what else we got here some Scrappy

Stuff skull Shield get rid of that some rare leggings there with plus two to frost NOA that’s kind of interesting um 25 ability PO is pretty decent the prefixes and suffixes aren’t that great on that one but that one one might be worth hanging on to there’s also another sword

Here so this sword has only 20 attack damage so chilling three Cloud wow H that’s quite interesting that’s very rare to get that we might actually hang on to that a little bit and a helmet there with 18 armor 18 ability power now my my helmet

At the moment is pretty close to wearing out um this has 9% resistance too which is pretty nice 18 ability power 18 armor I think this might be a worthy replacement it’s also got cooldown reduction on it let’s just uh see what we can get on that empty sopic healing efficiency it’s pretty

Decent I think I might be happy with that actually without going overboard with trying to get the perfect uh prefixes and suffixes and stuff on it I think uh I think that might be uh pretty good as it is without going any further on that

But this one here let’s see what we can get on this plus two armor poison avoidance 30% Mana man a region ability power I do need a oh plus one to poison over that’s interesting plus armor Mana regen so all all up there’d be 23 armor

On this but I’d lose out on the health h plus one to poison NOA that’s pretty interesting you know what I think we’ll go with that as well why not let’s um change the transmogs on these so right now I’m rocking the um what is this the emperor wither wolf helmet and we’ve

Got the uh Empress snow wolf pants uh where is it this is a helmet let’s see it’s here somewhere uh where is it it I know I’ve got it there we go I’m blind I think um and snow wolf pants these ones uh V brons beautiful so I’ll just slap some enchants on

These now I do kind of need um I do kind of need some replacement boots boots are a bit of a problem at the moment um we didn’t really get any decent ones but maybe we’ll get something out of the completion crate we’ll wait and see on that but for now

We can slap these on um they’ll make pretty good pair of backup pants this is still a fair bit of durability on those so we might Chuck those on the uh the backups set here which uh is going to be a bit of a hodg podge of different armor pieces but that’s all

Right um okay and this one we’ll just Chuck in here cool oh we also got a focus want to trash that as well okay it is time to crack open our uh Bounty crates let’s crack these open so mainly was going for stuff for bounties that had a ton of um

Chromatic steel so but there’s also a fair bit of bronze in there which is pretty nice we might put some of this in here and in here bit bit of bronze definitely always need the bronze and we got more than a stack of chromatic steel which is fantastic we

Also got some boots but they are Scrappy ones um let’s see we’ll put that in there some chromatic iron ingots Vault ingots silver uh knowledge Essence Etc um that’s that was the sword with chilling three so I was going to keep that one let’s just roll the rest of that stuff real

Quick and these are Scrappy that’s not that great that will get junked yeah so we didn’t really get too lucky with those three pieces uh what about these Jewels here we’ve got a mining mining speed Jewel which is too big this one’s not bad Flawless jeel we’ll keep that and

We’ll keep that one and we got a mo of Purity as well um we’ll just Chuck this in here I guess but uh this one’s also getting recycled all right so all we have left to check out now is our completion crate from the scav now I think the scavenger crates are actually

The top level crate uh if you don’t count the um Divine Paradox completely crate so we should get some Platinum out of this let’s have a look at what we get so there’s a relic piece there as well I don’t see anything else super rare but we’ll scoop

That up there so we did get four Platinum which is pretty nice let check that in there we got uh an unidentified Relic fragment uh a couple more Bounty pearls some Jewels let’s see if we got anything good as far as the jewels go um we didn’t get any boots

Unfortunately Chuck those in there um okay duwal wise what we got was a durability which is too big a much too big mining speed much too big reach much too big reach again pretty good vanilla immortality there a massive vanilla immortality we get so most of those really really bad actually that’s

Unfortunate but we’ll keep that one um there might be a pretty good uh axe or chest plate here so we’ll see what happens couple of decent chest plates there actually um we’ll put this fasted focus in here for area of effect all right let’s just identify okay so we got a fox chest

Plate I think I’ve got the helmet for that transmog so that’s pretty cool so we got a chest plate with 17 armor eight health H I mean it’s not terrible but the one I’ve got at the moment is definitely better so we’ll hang on to it but it’s

Not going to become one that we we were using at the moment uh an epic Vault axe which we’ll get rid of a rare sword with 26 attack damage on it uh at the moment we’ve got 20.5 I yeah I don’t know attack speed if we got super lucky we might be

Able to get something good with that I’m not any huge need of a sword at the moment but um we’ll see what we get let’s just roll it a couple of times I’m not going to go too crazy plus two chaining and sweeping chilling two Cloud so 52 damage total there shocking hit

Chance sweeping hit chance plus three chaining Undead damage attack speed lucky hit chance h i w hang on to that cuz it’s got um it’s got chaining plus Undead damage so it’s it’s not horrible um and I’ll hang on to that chest plate too just cuz it’s the highest armor roll

Just in case we really get desperate and need and need that but uh and we’ll check out that axe as well recycle okay did I have anything in here let’s just diffuse that stuff too I did see a shrinking in here earlier but it’s gone now and it was way too expensive

For me unfortunately but uh yeah always in need of the Soul shards that’s for sure okay so that is pretty much all of the loot except for one thing the unidentified Relic fragment let’s just go see if we get anything new um as far as our Relic collection go

So Elemental Relic I don’t think we’ve got that one yet cupcake these are close to getting completed um and then we don’t have many Dragon Parts at the moment we’ve only got one part so I wouldn’t mind getting some more of those okay we’ve got a duplicate there of the twitch emote

Fragment never mind I think we’re doing pretty good though with the uh with these we’ve got four of these going at the moment which is two extra minutes which is nice well enough of checking out our loot guys we are going to be moving on to some pretty exciting crafting and um

Building and stuff like that so we’re going to be talking about what we are going to be using the Omega POG for that I crafted earlier in the episode so this little expensive thing is actually part of a resta recipe for something that we’re going to be crafting now before we

Get into uh crafting this I want to just give a little bit of backstory and uh explain how I’ve decided to go ahead with uh with this so essentially at the moment inside of Vault Hunters 3 at least in the very current version that I’m playing on right now there are two

Main um digital storage mods unless you want to count uh simple storage which isn’t really the Great but there’s two main ones right there’s refined storage and there’s applied energistics too these are very very similar to each other in fact I believe refined storage was was originally

Created to take the place of Applied Energy sticks when applied energy sticks looked like it was no longer going to be developed something like that so they’re very very similar to each other there’s just a few little differences refined storage has some simplified um features to it and applied energistics is a bit

More complicated but can do a couple of things uh that refined storage can’t do uh and one of the reasons uh that I took applied energistics was because uh I wanted it specifically to be able to AutoCraft the uh energizing or recipes um which is something that refin refined

Storage can’t do by itself and I was really really looking forward to eventually getting into autocrafting with applied energistics cuz it’s not something I’ve done a lot of in the past so I really want to learn it and try it out now unfortunately there’s some super

Bad news that I found out just this week regarding autocrafting in volt Hunters 3 and uh a bug that’s in the current version of the mod pack now before I get into this I will just proface this by saying that uh the mod pack at the moment is technically in the alpha stage

So they are aware of a lot of these but these bugs including this one and hopefully at some point they will fix them um but having said that this particular bug has been um something they’ve been aware of for uh 10 months now and Counting so it doesn’t look like

It’s a high priority for them to fix now it is a pretty uh major bug though because I’ll explain the uh the problem that it causes So currently if you wanted to use the autocrafting Fe feature within a mod that you’ve unlocked like applied energistics for example uh they’ve actually gated it

Behind another research called automatic genius now this only costs one knowledge star but it does have some extreme requirements before you can actually unlock it in fact it requires you to unlock every single research in the entire mod pack so there’s 480 knowledge Stars worth of researchers you have to unlock in fact

481 counting automatic genius so yeah why did they do that well basically they made it so that uh you have to unlock all of the different researches because um there appeared to be a bug in which um if you unlocked the autocrafting for refined storage or Applied Energy stics the autocrafting actually allowed

You to bypass research requirements and AutoCraft any item behind any of these research mods even if you hadn’t unlocked it yet so for instance I haven’t unlocked trash cans but Accord according to this this issue that they found um if I set it up so that autocrafting crafted trash cans that

Would be totally possible even though I haven’t unlocked trash cans as a research myself yet because it actually views the system views the uh the autoc crafter as a player separate to me that has all of the researches unlocked that’s theoretically anyway right that’s that’s how it works for refined storage so uh

It was kind of a major drastic workaround that they put in place to prevent people bypassing research in that they had to unlock all the researchers to use autocrafting I hope that makes sense if you have any questions about this stuff let me know in the comments section however even though that

Particular bug does apply apparently to refin storage it does not apply to applied energistics so what happens with applied energistics even if I were to go through and spend 481 knowledge stars on every single research in Vol Hunters 3 so that I could finally use autocrafting in Applied Energy Logistics which I’ve already

Unlocked it would not work it is nonfunctional at the moment at least when it comes to autocrafting any item that’s a part of any of these researched mods so for example um if I were to finally unlock all of these researchers and automatic genius and I went to

AutoCraft uh something like a colossal chest for example or a component of it or whatever anything within this mod it just wouldn’t craft it um and that’s because of a slightly different way that Applied Energy stick Works compared to refined storage so the bottom line is autocrafting is not really possible

At the moment due to that bug um that’s in volt Hunters 3 um which is super super disappointing for me because that’s one of the main reasons I took applied energistics and one of of the main things I wanted to try out um within it as well however good news guys

So uh I’ve been able to actually find a uh independent mod that fixes that bug um for volt Hunters 3 so it’s actually a mod if you’re interested to know um where to find it it’s called The Volt tweaks and uh it does a couple of other

Optional things which I’m not going to be using and which I turned off but I have included that in my mod pack for this series so that it can fix that bug for me otherwise I just wouldn’t be able to use autocrafting um in in Applied Energy

Sticks 2 um the other thing that I’ve done while I’m at it is I’ve gone in and disabled the requirement in the configs for automatic genius alog together I think this is just too drastic of a workaround and and just totally unreasonable to have to unlock all the

Researchers when it was supposed to be uh you know a work around for a bug that doesn’t apply um to a mod that doesn’t work with autocrafting so yeah I’ve taken the liberty of disabling that automatic genius requirement alog together now I could still eventually

Unlock this um I think you get a um pretty fancy transmog Set uh as like a you know goal to work towards way way endgame but um we’re not going to need to unlock it to do autocrafting hopefully that makes sense guys if any of you have questions about

Wanting to try something similar yourself uh let me know and I’ll let you know what I had to do to get that working but hopefully at some point in the future they will fix the bug in the official Vault Hunters 3 mod pack um it doesn’t look like it’s a high priority

Though at the moment okay with that out of the way guys we’re going to be looking at setting up an autocrafting system so the first thing that we’re going to need is going to be a patn encoding terminal and this is what we needed the um the Omega

POG for so essentially the recipe for this is the Omega POG an engineering processor an me crafting terminal and a blank patent so we’ll make a few blank patents we are going to need a bunch of these for um for crafting the patterns that we’ll eventually be using for

Autocrafting so we we’ll make 33 of those for now but we will’ll probably end up needing even more than that that later on we’re also going to need a straight up crafting terminal which is going to require an echo POG so we’ll get that happening as well um me

Terminal or we need this that should give us that and we should have everything we need including the Omega POG to make our Emy patent encoding terminal let’s grab that and we get an advancement crafting mayor through all right let’s get some some extra smart cabling here as

Well so I’m going to put that next to our regular crafting terminal here and uh we’ll talk about what all this does a little bit later in more detail but essentially this is what allows you to encode these blank patterns um to be able to AutoCraft items now there is one other terminal

That I’m going to craft which is actually optional but it’s just so convenient that I think it’s worth making and this is the um patent access terminal this thing here so we should be able to straight up craft that it’s not super expensive and we’re going to slap

That on right there so we now have three terminals which is pretty cool uh starting to look very sciency in here okay now the other thing that we’re going to need is basically our CPU which is um going to be include a few different blocks that make up a uh multi block

Structure and and eventually I’m going to craft uh two of these so we have two separate um CPUs that we can use for crafting multiple items at once so I think I’m going to put them in here now they have to be rectangular so they can

Be a cube they can be a rectangle um they can be just a long line of colums as long as as long as they are rectangular in some some shape or form so um I’m probably going to be putting um them down in here I’ve um set

Up a little area down here where I’ve got some space to um to set them up so this is probably where they are going to be going um but I could have put them anywhere really it doesn’t really matter um they do have to be connected to the me system obviously as

Well now when it comes to this multiblock structure there’s a couple of components that that need to be included in it one of the most important is the crafting storage uh block and uh similar to the uh the discs that you store your items

On these come in 1K 4K 16k all the way up to 256 K which is just ridiculously huge and I hate to think how expensive this would be to make but uh we’ll probably go with a 16k for each uh each of these now like I said I’m only going

To be setting up the One processor but eventually we’re going to want to duplicate it but uh for now we’ll just make one 16k storage um block here and we need a crafting unit for this as well so we’ll get one of those made up and

Then we should be able to make our 16k crafting storage so that’s one of the components that we need another part of the multiblock structure that is technically optional but I think is good to have is the crafting Monitor and this is just basically gives you a visual display of uh what’s being

Crafted um at any given time within the CPU so we need a storage monitor uh and we also need another crafting unit so looks like we’re out of calculation processes here let’s get a couple more of those going in fact I might get some more surus happening let’s grab some of

These seeds out of here we’ll Chuck those in the crystal growth chamber and um get those going because we we will need a bunch of these for different things and I’m getting a little bit low on those this is one of the um the items I

Had to go into the raw vaults in between episodes to farm a bit more of and I also had to run the um the mob farm with some zombified piglins to get gold got an absolute ton of gold and an absolute ton of rotten flesh as

Well uh anyway uh we should have those and those let’s put those in there all right so where were we well we’re looking at the uh crafting monitor let’s get this and that okay so that’s our second block um the rest of the CPU um well that’s

What I’m calling it anyway it’s not really a CPU but the rest of the multiblock structure we’re going to have to um include is a bunch of co-processing units so I’m probably going to have about five molecular assemblers which we haven’t got to yet but which I’ll explain a bit later um

And we need one um we need basically one co-processing unit for every extra one that we make which is four so let’s have a look at these so again we need crafting units for this so we’re going to need four of these one uh three extras so we need uh six more calculation

Processes this is why we needed so much chromatic steel for all these Pro these um processes and stuff like that okay one two three and hopefully we’ve got enough engineering processes there’s two there so yeah we need two more of these I think engineering processes okay that’s our for crafting

Co-processing units it’s getting very technical um so we’re basically going to have a six block multi block structure here which is going to be a long column of blocks from down here um put that there put that there so now that should have formed our um multi- block structure there looks

Pretty cool and as you can see it’s already connected to the me system here as well as here um so that’s pretty cool now when it starts crafting something in a crafting recipe it’s going to show the item it’s working on here and the number it has left to

Craft cool so this is going to get duplicated over here but uh not in this episode because I don’t think I’ve got enough um I don’t think I’m going to have enough chromatic steel uh cuz we’re not finished yet there’s two other types of items we’re going to need to craft

We’re going to need a patent provider and I’ll make three of These um let’s get some of these out then H it’s one of those weird recipes is where you have to click the uh option here cuz it has two two items with the same recipe basically so let’s get one and we need some more pogs and we need some of these

Things uh we need two two logic processes four four logic processes by the looks of it all right fortunately this is extremely fast so we’re going to need three of these and I might have miscalculated yeah we need two more of those there we go now these pattern providers you can

Either make like the block looking thing like this but you but there’s also um there’s also a flat panel version you can make what am I missing there I think it’s only like an aesthetic thing but um one of these will make into the flat panel

Version um cool so we have our patent providers so what these do is uh they basically act as a substitute for the player so if I were to put it next to um something like the furnace here it would basically be like like the player um crafting stuff with the

Furnace right um and this is this thing here is what’s responsible for a lot of the those bugs I was talking about earlier because this thing here is viewed by by the mod pack as a player but the mod pack gets confused as to whether it has the researchers unlocked

Or if it has none of them unlocked or all of them unlocked that’s part of the problem that it’s been causing and this is not a block that refined storage has um so refined storage doesn’t have that same problem that that that applied energistics has um okay anyway moving on from our

Patent providers that we now have the last thing that we’re going to need is the molecular assemblers now these are used to craft um your basic stuff basically that you would make in a crafting table and the more of these you have the more parts of the the recipe can be made at

The same time which is why I want to get a bunch of these going so ideally I’d like to get five of these crafted up which means we’re going to need 10 of these let’s see how we go with that and we are going to need to make more silicon um printed

Silicon now fortunately down the track we’re going to be able to automate all of these recipes which is going to be fantastic it’s just such a drag crafting all these multiple part recipes uh for some of these mods just go crazy with it like power um even applied energistics

Itself all right let’s get some more of these going now the maximum number by the way of molecular assemblers that you can attach to a patent provider is one for each face which uh which would be six obviously but where we’re just going to go with five I think that’s going to be

More than enough we’re actually going to have two of these set up eventually anyway um all right so molecular so we needed uh what did I say five right one two three four five what am I missing this and we’re going to need five of these and some of

These okay well we got one extra but that’s okay I don’t know how that happened we are going to need another five for our um dup for our our twined system eventually so that’s fine but we’ve got five for our um the first system we’re going to

Set up here um now you may if you’ve got a a sharp eye you may have noticed these things in the ceiling here so I set those up between episodes and basically that’s um attached to the me system down here I thought would they look cool kind of like chandeliers hanging from the

Ceiling I don’t know so that’s what we’re going to go with here let’s get some smart cabling we got the gray stuff here now I don’t know how far down I want to come with this maybe one more cool I’ll try and pretty it up at

Some point as well maybe put some chains hanging from the ceiling or something like that but uh that should be fine for the time being so what we’re going to have hanging off this um is our patent providers like that and we’re going to have molecular assemblers attached to

These now one thing I’m not sure about with these is whether you can put upgrades to the capacity because these only look like they hold nine patterns which doesn’t seem that like that many I don’t think there’s any way to put a capacity upgrade in that let’s just see

No there’s no because usually there’s a thing over here where you can put the the the cards in so that’s unfortunate uh cuz we’re definitely going to need more than nine patterns but I mean we can put nine in each of these you’d probably just have to expand with

More down the track if you need more patterns uh I mean you could swap them out as you use them that’s kind of annoying as well anyway we’ll worry about that later let’s just put these up in here so that’s um kind of what I’m going with there trackker that’s too

Low I think that’s okay yeah that’ll be that’ be totally fine we might actually go up just cuz I’m super super fussy we we’ll go up on one h block I think just so it’s closer to the ceiling that’s a little bit better there now I’m pretty sure you can put cards in

The molecular assem assemblers themselves yeah you can so we’ve got five we’ll put two two acceleration cards in each one these are kind of expensive for me at the moment but eventually I’m going to want to have um the is maxed out for maximum speed there we

Go put the spares in here because we’re going to need those when we duplicate the system over there eventually uh groy okay okay actually yeah I think that’s all we need to do there um now the other thing that I want to do is I also want to connect this

Furnace up to the me system so we can AutoCraft um stuff like glass um things of that nature um essentially so I should be able to do that if I just grab this um just break that go there there and attach the patn provider I don’t know if I don’t that doesn’t look

Like it’s connected though does it I think we will need the bus like that so I did have um this set up to just export specific ores and stuff like that so if we look at this one over here it was set up exactly the same way here with the white list for

The ores that I wanted to smel up automatically but with this we we’re not going to need to do that because it’s basically going to just be smelting up whatever um uh I don’t think we need those in in this actually yeah that’ll be fine so yeah basically Let’s test this

Out so um what we want to do is set up a so you can see here now we have our molecular assembler um which is this thing here and we have this says nothing so this should this should be um detecting the furnace there I’m not

Sure why it’s not let’s just try and rejig this a little bit um I possibly should have gone with the block with the block version of the um patent provider I just thought this one looked a little bit cooler might have been a mistake unless

It has to go on the top let’s try that oh it won’t even go there oh yeah it will is it working now let’s see nope more molecular assembler so well we can do that about that I think we need still need the export bus I’m not

Sure okay now it’s detecting the furnace this is what we want okay so let’s just check try it out and see if we can um get a um our first pattern set up so one thing that I want to be able to make is glass on demand so if we look at the

Recipe for glass the basic vanilla recipe here is should be sand and that turns into glass um let’s see terminal settings okay so we’re under the processing pattern automatically yeah all right encode bam so this is actually our blank patent now um but it’s been encoded to AutoCraft glass just like

That and if we press shift we can see visually what what it’s a recipe for so now we want to put that in our pattern provider provider over here now we can put it in manually but also this is what the uh patent access terminal is for we can

Actually use this to put the patent into the various uh um patent providers that we have available in this case we have three of them we’ve got got that one up there which is not attached to anything this one here which is attached to the molecular assemblers this one wouldn’t

Work though for a furnace recipe cuz it it’s not a furnace uh it’s essentially a crafting table um but this one over here is the one we want and we can see this is attached to the furnace there so now we should be able to go in and go to

Glass and if we look up glass here we obviously have some glass already in the system but you see it’s got the little plus sign up the top left there so if I middle Mouse click on that it it brings up the crafting option here for me as

Well so I could craft up um 100 glass and you can see here it’s got the ingredients available which is 100 sand it’s got the automatic it’ll automatically select the appropriate CPU uh which is the one attached to the furnace uh well actually I think it uses it will still use this

CPU here but it’ll it’ll direct it through to this pattern provider here I think that’s that’s how it works I’m sorry if it’s confusing guys uh Al righty so where were we is it crafting yet I don’t think we pressed the button to craft did we so let’s just

Go back in here 100 of these next and then we want to click on start so that’s going to start firing that up sending through the sand so we don’t seem to need a bus on this at all for this to work and then it should automatically take it out of

There you can see here in the display as well in our crafting monitor it’s got the amount of um the item that it’s already crafting on there that it’s got left to craft and in here it’s showing you the crafting status like how long it’s taking to craft this this is pretty

Slow at the moment just because of how slow the furnac is unfortunately at some point down the track I would like to unlock the uh the iron furnaces mod but this is like 14 Research so it proba we could potentially do it in the next episode if I

Really hit hit the living chest pretty hard oh we got some more chromatic Steel in there might actually buy that because we’re going to need tons of this stuff thank you cool so that’s our first uh autocrafting um recipe set up and put into action and uh basically we canid

With these ones up here so these these are for items you would craft in the the crafting table so for for instance uh let’s think of something I craft pretty regular here is probably Pistons so if we were to go in and make uh and we want

To set up a sticky piston right so for a sticky piston this is the recipe here a slime ball and a piston um we would go into our patent en coding terminal here um set up our sticky piston recipe bam we got the crafting pattern now it still

Wouldn’t be able to craft these unless we had pistons in the invent which we actually have one but it’s probably a good idea to also set up the piston recipe as well cuz then if we don’t have any Pistons it can actually craft those up um the other part of this um recipe

Is going to be planks which is also crafted item so we would want to get that happening um as a recipe as well um see here so we would want to use Spruce plags slime ball piston so we have substitutions turned off at the moment which is not really

What we want I’m just going to Chuck out that pattern there because uh hang on that’ll that’ll despawn so uh yeah what we would want is we basically want to be able to use any kind of wood um so if we go in here to the the planks

Um make sure we’re in the right terminal uh all right clear right we’ll go with the oak planks right but um one we want to go one Oak log for four Oak planks but this is important but um for something like this we want to use any type of word

Basically that we have available pretty much so we’re going to enable substitutions which is going to allow to use any type of log if there’s no oak logs available um fluid substitutions is already on this doesn’t matter for this particular recipe obviously so yeah that’s looking

Pretty good there so we’ll we’ll uh grab that one out of there and now we’ll go back in and we’ll get our uh piston recipe and this one is also going to allow substitution so we can use any type of planks cool so uh now we can actually put that

Into uh this guy up here um so you can see this is the one that’s attached to the molecular assembler put these in here and if we were to want to craft ourselves a sticky piston we can go give me say five of these but at the moment there’s no

Crafting CPUs available and the reason for that is uh it’s still going with our glass down there so we could actually cancel that um that was more of a demonstration anyway to make sure it was functioning correctly and now if we go into our sticky piston here just put five in

This and start on that you can see up there that these are starting to to craft in fact they they started and they finished that was extremely fast that was extremely fast so we we have our sticky pistons in there that they crafted up for us cool so now we know

This is working we know this is working um and there’s a couple of other things I want to set up I want to automate um these inscribers as well that’s going to be a little bit more complicated but uh I probably want to work on that next uh

But aside from that that’s essentially our autocrafting setup right there which is pretty pretty awesome and like I said once we have more materials I don’t think we’ve got enough even though we have 45 here that’s it’s probably not quite enough because we need four black chromatic steel um to make the

16k storage um so we’ll probably have to set that up in the next episode but we’re going to duplicate this CPU here as well so we’ll have two of those and we’ll duplicate this molecular assembler set up over here two so we’ll have have uh those set up there for autocrafting

It’s going to be cool all right so uh what I might work on next is setting up the um basically this thing here the inscriber uh we’re going to be setting this up to be able to AutoCraft the different uh circuits that we need for for uh our components and stuff like

That and then we’re just going to be able to AutoCraft those up super quickly to get these things crafted up as well and if we make any future stuff with the pled energistics um so it’s going to be much more convenient so now that I have the basic

Uh autocrafting set up here uh what I was looking at is uh setting up the autoc Crafting with the energizing orb recipes so what I’ve done over here is I’ve laid some uh smart cable over to the energizing orb and I’ve put a patent provider here the flat kind um I don’t

Think you need an export bus to put the ingredients into the block based on how this was working over here with the uh the furnace so uh the only other thing that I’ve put on here is the import bus to drag the items out of the uh energizing orb when they’re finished

Being crafted and with this we are going to need to put the recipes in here so as far as the energizing orb recipes that I want to automate um there’s a few different things um we’ve got this end cor uh thing so we put that in there um we’ve got uh energized

Steel blazing crystals neotic crystals spirited crystals and Nitro crystals um we’ve also got uraninite so I’ll put that there now you can actually um use the energizing orb to make blocks of these things down here as well but I don’t really have the space to put these

In I think it’s just going to be easier to craft them individually um instead not quite as fast maybe but easier and possibly um more efficient in terms of materials um I think that’s all that we had as far as the crafting that I want to automate um in the energizing all

Um and I’ve also crafted up some a bunch of patterns here so these are the energizing orb patterns that I’ve got um we’ll grab all of these so these are going to need to go in the pattern provider over here let’s Chuck those in there um I think that’s pretty much all

We’ll need to put in that one um I could just um put them in over here as well but anyway um the ones that I’ve got in here are some of the components you need to make um some of the items used in the recipes for the energizing orb so we’re

Going to put these in um now this is where I’m not sure if we can put more than one row of of uh crafting patterns in these but we’ll see how we go so I don’t know if it’s going to stop me putting more than a single Row in here

Or if it’s going to open up another row it doesn’t look like it has another row there so that’s kind of unfor it um for the sake of uh convenience we’ll just put these what have we got here dialectric rods Ender Watcher basic capacitors dialectric paste dialectric rods uh dialectric paste basic

Capacitors okay um yeah I guess there’s no way to expand on these by the looks of it which is kind of unfortunate um but eventually eventually we’ll have um uh four dialectric paste I think I’ve me messed up one of these oh no that’s the one that’s the one I

Want there right yeah eventually we’ll have this one up here as well but at the moment I guess I could put one of these on that one right if we take this and do this then this should have okay this gives me two rows okay interesting okay then we can put these in

Here right that’s everything we need right there so when we get more materials we’ll obviously replace that and we’ll put more on this one over here and we’ll make the second um CPU right here but that’s going to take a lot of materials um okay so I guess we need to

Test test this out now and see if it’s going to work now one key thing that we need to do with this uh patent provider and this is one thing that refined storage doesn’t have the ability to to actually do and pretty much the main reason I went with applied energistics

To believe it or not so you can actually switch this on cuz if I tried to AutoCraft right now it would chuck a whole ton of stuff in here um whereas the recipes have to uh require a precise amount of items and those items only to

Work so for instance if I went to AutoCraft um something like let’s see here if I went to AutoCraft these neotic crystals the system will just Chuck like a whole stack of diamonds in there and then that will screw up the recipe pretty much so what you want to have it

Do is just put in the precise amount and then stop putting items in once the items required for the recipe are in there so this is where the Blocking Mode comes in in Once you turn this on to uh so it doesn’t push crafting ingredients if inventory contains a patent input uh

That’s essentially what we want to uh to have happening here um cool so there shouldn’t be anything in there right now we have this set up we’ve got a couple of speed upgrades um and so forth um I think that’s looking pretty good you know what

We could also put eventually a couple of blocks in there like uh maybe this and this that you you might end up needing a lot of to craft the higher tier stuff but uh anyway that’s enough for us to test this out with our brand new nitic

Energizing Rod so let’s see if we can uh oh why is there a hole right here uh we better better patch that up uh let’s grab I’ve got exactly one let’s slap that on there okay obviously missed that at some point all righty uh let’s test this out so we’ll

Craft one of the lower end um items that we need um uh what should we go with here um blazing a blazing Crystal let’s go go with one of these so we just craft like uh three of those so it looks like we have everything we need

There and if we start that we see it is counting down and it is finished already that is extremely fast and we should have extra blazing crystals in here which we do which is cool um so it looks like it’s working let’s just try that’s a pretty simple

Recipe we’ll just try one more um let’s let’s have a look at our options here this is a more complex recipe which needs dialectric casing and stuff like that but I’m not sure I’ve got all of the ingredients I need for that at the moment what else have we got here this

One this is a bit more complicated we need a block of emerald as well now I’m not sure I’ve got the block of emerald as a recipe in here oh yeah we do cool all right we’ll try craft that cuz this is going to be multi-stage crafting where it has to

Craft the block of emerald in in one of these molecular assemblers for us because I don’t have the emeralds in a compacting drawer at the moment I don’t think I have any blocks of emerald in here at the moment either let’s just check on that block of emerald so we

Only have uh the crafting option there for those so this would be a good test for us to try out let’s go back to this and neotic Crystal okay so let’s get three of those these happening we will need these anyway for when we upgrade the um thermal generator so we’ll get these

Happening um craft let’s get two of those start so you see it you saw it possibly there flashing in to the orb and out again and now we should have yep we’ve got four of these in here now in total that’s pretty cool and uh one of the uh really annoying things if

You ever go down the reactor power generation route with uh Power which we might end up doing later on just cuz it gives a lot more power um is you have to keep crafting uran kn um out of uranium ingots so this is like super convenient

Way of just doing that um so if we win uran Ur uraninite urite where is it am I spelling this wrong yes definitely inite uraninite there we go so uh yeah we can click on that say we want like a 100 of these and just

Bam next it uses 316 bytes but we’ve got 16,000 so that’s fine start that and it’s going to cook it up in here for us send it into the system super super quickly which is pretty cool it is going to drain power a little bit but we

Should have the power capacity at the moment to handle that so that would be like really really convenient once we need this as a fuel source for a for a reactor um if we ever run out of fuel in this thing which at the moment this is

Handling all of our power needs pretty good like obviously this is using up a fair bit of power now um I think so it says 13.95 RF per tick passive drain uh energy usage 210 RF per tick so plus we’ve got a couple of other things that we’re pairing at the moment but

This can produce 2,000 I don’t know what the Fe to RF conversion is to be honest but as you can tell from this it’s it’s not really an issue whatsoever uh this does use an absolute ton of energy when it’s when it’s running but um look how quickly

That got done done that was like a 100 I think we put in there so we should have that in here now awesome cool all right guys well uh there is actually one other thing that I want to probably uh craft in this episode and that is an

Upgrade to our potions um so yeah let’s just see what we need in terms of knowledge um stars for that so to go to mixtures which is like drinking out of like a laboratory utensil or something there but uh it’s basically an upgraded potion which is what we’re using at the moment

And the effect of its modifier is enhanced so this is seven knowledge Stars we should have enough for that at the moment so let’s just get some of these happening seven and craft those up into knowledge Stars bam so we’re going to go in and we’re going to unlock mixtures this is going

To add an extra five for the final level of bruise but uh yeah we we’ll get those at some point it is 12 I guess that’s not too bad compared to some of the stuff we were at now like even if we wanted to go with an

Auto refill that’s 11 at the moment um yeah I would like to get iron um furnaces down the track that’s 14 um yeah they start to get pretty expensive at this point is um the other thing I want to unlock pretty soon is thermal expansion which is actually only only

Four but that adds 12 if I wanted to get botan or mechanism or create create actually would be really good to get too cuz you can set up tree farms and stuff like that but thermal expansion you can basically pump out automated um ice you can automate fishing lava production there’s a few

Other things you can do it’s actually pretty awesome uh create would be really good too I definitely want to try that out some point anyway getting back to our brew that we unlocked here um mixtures I should say we’re not quite at the stage of bruise so let’s just see

How expensive this is to craft up um and I think I will still go with the pacifist version um the slaughterer version we are getting a lot more mobs this is starting to become viable for me but I still like the fact that if it’s

Not the kind of of Vault where I’ve got a lot of mobs to kill like if I were to go in and just do a do like an architect Vault um with mine rooms or something like that um probably the timer one here is better the pacifist mixture so I

Still think this is going to be best let’s just get one of these going um what else do we need here what are these hearty apples okay hearty apples let’s get some of those happening we’ll get an extra Apple there as well and get these sa we got four there

Okay um and that should be everything we need for the pacifist mixture fortunately it doesn’t require the previous level of potions so we still have this um as our backup potion which is pretty nice now to put the extra effect on this however is uh extremely

Expensive and it uh it goes up based on the level of the um the potion as well so you can see right now I guess 32 is not too bad we can definitely afford the gold on this but the diamonds is a pretty is a pretty harsh one cuz I don’t

Have a lot of these but uh we we do have enough so we might as well upgrade this right now uh where are we so our options here are restore 120 Mana now at the moment I’ve only got 100 Mana but I guess that’d be good if we had a

Bigger Mana pool then we have a 60% Mana so that’s not going to be great for me at the moment it would probably end up being less than what we had before uh We’ve also got the option of plus one speed plus one regen um that’s pretty nice actually for

40 seconds four absorption hearts reduces active cooldowns by 60% cust of frost Nova level four Chum Mega Jump so yeah I think we’re definitely going for the restoring Mana cuz this is just so so good um so yeah what do we need uh we need gold right let’s grab some gold over

Here I’m doing good for gold at the moment hopefully I can keep it that way as long as I don’t die too much so yeah we’ll go with that bam look at that animation that is so good and I think that’s all we can do I don’t

Think we can put extra effects on this uh we can only change we can only change the effect I think that’s how it works it just changes the effect pretty sure that’s how it works it’ be good if you could have more than one effect extra effect on it but

That’s pretty awesome though so also obviously we’re going to be healing an extra um some extra hit points there so we’re now now at a total of eight hit points healed and 120 Mana restored uh which is pretty awesome I think uh all right let’s put away the rest of these stuff

And put that in there cool uh now I was going to just see if I can make this a little bit more presentable over here let’s do this can I put this on top I don’t know if it’s going to let me oh there we go cool hopefully that still

Works I could cover this up here as well but I think that’s okay like that it it just look weird otherwise yeah that’s fun all right cool well I’m really excited to keep working with the uh with the um autocrafting guys um if you have any questions in the comment section

About uh the uh the mod that I added to fix the bug or anything like that um let me know but um that’s where we’re going to leave this episode for today I hope you’re enjoying this series guys and I’ll catch you in the next one thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP40: Crafting an Omega Pog for…??? – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-01-28 01:57:38. It has garnered 77 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:13 or 6733 seconds.

I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition.

Playlist for this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg_RNyj68Wstj3RLt3jMuTpcW0WbLHudF

Follow me on Threads: https://www.threads.net/@UC1vC-ilz2dyS-TGy7IxyErQ


Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like armor, weapons, totems, currency and bosses. Players can develop their own talents and abilities while trying to achieve the goal of collecting all the 25 unique artifacts to unlock the final challenge!

#minecraft #vaulthunters 00:00 Intro 00:40 Botany Pots Update! 03:10 Crafting a Sink! 06:31 Crafting an Omega Pog! 11:50 Into the Vault! 26:44 Clutch! 28:50 Loot! 29:04 New Trinket! 50:33 Explaining the Autocrafting Bug 57:00 Fixing the Bug 58:55 Setting up Autocrafting in AE2! 01:32:55 Automating the Energizing Orb! 01:44:58 Unlocking Mixtures! 01:47:07 Crafting a Mixture! 01:51:20 Outro!

mod to fix the AE2 autocrafting bug: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/vault-mod-tweaks

How to disable automatic genius requirement for Autocrafting:

Go into config: C:UsersUsercurseforgeminecraftInstancesVault Hunters 3rd Editionconfigthe_vault. Open ‘researches.json’ (recommend backing up your configs). Delete lines (as of version 3.12.4 ) around line 630 to 756 in ‘the vault’ config to remove all the “Automatic Genius” restrictions

After deleting the remaining code either side of the deleted section should look like this:

“name”: “Mekanism Generators”, “cost”: 8, “usesKnowledge”: true, “discoversModels”: [ “the_vault:gear/armor/meka_dark/helmet”, “the_vault:gear/armor/meka_dark/chestplate”, “the_vault:gear/armor/meka_dark/leggings”, “the_vault:gear/armor/meka_dark/boots” ] } ], “CUSTOM_RESEARCHES”: [ { “itemRestrictions”: {}, “blockRestrictions”: {}, “entityRestrictions”: {}, “name”: “Automatic Genius”, “cost”: 1, “usesKnowledge”: true, “discoversModels”: [ “the_vault:gear/armor/atomatic/helmet”, “the_vault:gear/armor/atomatic/chestplate”, “the_vault:gear/armor/atomatic/leggings”, “the_vault:gear/armor/atomatic/boots”

Credit: Beffee from Reddit

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE NINJA BASE BUILD!!🔥 Minecraft Spruce Cliff Tutorial

    🔥ULTIMATE NINJA BASE BUILD!!🔥 Minecraft Spruce Cliff TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | How to Build a Spruce Cliff Base’, was uploaded by NinjaBlock on 2024-04-10 00:00:03. It has garnered 521 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:50 or 1310 seconds. Build a spruce cliff base. If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support me. – TIMESTAMPS – 00:00 – Intro 00:30 – Material List 00:40 – Layout 01:35 – Floor 03:14 – Pillars&Walls 07:18 – Roof 11:13 – Bridge 12:11 – Exterior 14:57 – Interior 21:29 – Finalization – Game Info – VERSION • Java Edition 1.20.1 SHADER •… Read More


    "UNBELIEVABLE! BEST COLORFUL TEXTURE IN MCPE 1.20.80+" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WOW!!!INI DIA TEXTURE COLORFULL TERBAIK DI MCPE 1.20.80+ #minecraft’, was uploaded by DaszzCH on 2024-05-16 07:25:08. It has garnered 201 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Thank you for watching my video, I hope you will have good fortune, and don’t forget to subscribe and like my video so that I will be even more enthusiastic about uploading the next video. Download link. https://youtu.be/31NECy4JIWA?si=hvt8Z8SPuEz6zoAV Author @EVOCRAFT_ Link Texture Yang Sering Saya Gunakan My Sosmed Instagram: DaszzCH YouTube: @DaszzCH Email: [email protected] Tag texture pack mcpe 1.20, texture pack… Read More

  • Daddy Turns Into a Creeper in Minecraft!

    Daddy Turns Into a Creeper in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Daddy Becomes a STALKER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Johnny Minecraft on 2024-04-17 21:01:08. It has garnered 722381 views and 9970 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:00 or 1920 seconds. Today, Johnny and his friends escape the house to go skiing without Marty’s permission! Can they escape him and have fun? Or will they get caught and be grounded? Watch to the end to find out! #johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More