EPIC SleepyyBox Birthday Stream!

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A [Applause] Oh Oh hello hello okay so I was going to play Minecraft to begin with Minecraft multiplayer remove my mod I Tred to I need to wait until you were in chat last time there you go you’re good now but um hi how’s it going how’s it going K

Lyly gz and voided um I was going to play Minecraft with a couple people to start with but they are both offline which is a little bit annoying but I mean it’s whatever it it happens it happens it happens what can I say what can I

Say I have the energy to bite a break in half right now uhoh that might hurt maybe don’t try that yeah how’s it going fellas what’s good happy birthday Pooky thank you thank you K dog thank you I appreciate it yay it’s the big Day the birthday I’m I’m still I’m a little bit sleepy but I I’m plan on waking up I have an energy drink here going to be ready to ready to rumble soon enough okay wait you know I’m thinking I’m thinking you know while we wait for the other people for

Minecraft we can play a little bit on our own that never hurt no one I feel like the screen’s wide is that the right resolution um I’ll try and be nice to stream thanks Lily I I appreciate it that needs to be in a little Bit so I’m this is this is so annoying oh my goodness there we go can we play it stretched out why do you want it stretched BR bro no let’s See there we go I’m setting it so we we we’ll be playing hardcore exclusively for now for now we’ll play more stuff soon you want you want it stretched okay is this what you wanted is this good is this what you’re hoping for this this is what you wanted this is

The right resolution for you everything’s loading in well I mean if you like it if it’s the Beloved resolution okay now wait I need I need I need to set it back now this bit’s gone on enough can I growl no what are you weird bad

GL dude I need a bed ASAP anyways if you guys aren’t there for the twitch stream uh what happened was we built a wall yeah that’s all we built the wall a that’s all a looks like those ball and Cat Ed ball and Cat 64 it’s a cat with a

Basketball dude I love that cat that’s my favorite cat no it’s not I have I have more cats I like more oh you’re not dead I thought you’d be dead okay well what’s the plan here for this Minecraft thing we probably want to increase the walls we can sort

Of just actually no we should I thought I heard a creeper we should work on building a uh a little little house until we like so we need a bed today Greg meowed how did that make you feel were you happy sad discontented anxious did you feel like a broken Human get armor I have a little bit of armor but I could use some more some armor I might get it cuz it’s cuz it means more and you I said I should get more I’m a comedic genius by the way I just want to say that let’s

Get that out of the way now you know it’s okay I know I know I’m kind of too too good okay this is going to be our little home for now our temporary home not to be confused with a contemporary Home dude the song goes crazy ignore that uh that I was just getting I was getting vibby with it as the kids say nowadays sorry there we go perfect let’s go are you cows why kill cow but not chimpin oh because I need the chimpin for later why not our permanent home I

Like it cuz this is this is too small we can have an underground home that might actually be kind of kind of Super Hot Fire I don’t have a stone pickaxe okay well and I don’t have any stone that’s hella Embarrassing let’s just let’s just get that how yo enthusiasm how’s it going what’s good what’s good happy birthday thank you how’s it going enthusiasm how’s it going what is good my Good Samaritan may I call you yeah we got to we got to we got to hop on that Minecraft grind bro hello hello hello hello the birthday hello hello no freaking way no freaking way what’s popping what’s popping bro what’s popping L gang what’s popping I’m straight up okay I’m gonna

Stop before I uh say something bad I know I know exactly what you’re gonna say too yeah but I can’t I can’t say it or else family friendly come on the demons they will be released the demons the demons never mind um what block would you be most like I’m like a

Shulker box cuz it’s CU it’s my name I would be the emerald cuz I am Mr Money I Am Mr money bags they call me Mr money bags I got Hans should a cute andle too told her get a friend told her get a friend she going to make me slide with

My dog like a Mega Man hell yeah what the H double hockey sticks Lily gets it how would you just say hell yeah that’s right no I’m getting this is a familyfriendly channel we do nothing watch out box watch or else I’m going to I’m going to I’m going

To say some Square words no no well I should probably we’re getting rid of the p& tuer with a birthday hat and replacing it with a call yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait oh I’m on there I forgot about that I’m the it’s me it’s me hello

Hi it’s me hi I’m going to say something controversial I think that song is a aggressively mid no yeah I don’t like it okay goad you know what’s worse than that though can I join Minecraft for a little bit yeah what’s up% yeah we’re

I’m going to make a new world for us um hooray the song it goes it’s it’s the ab B CDE e f you that song I ha hate that so much I already had a shield it’s so bad though right if it was a physical thing I would like blow its brains out

With a shotgun oh my God hey b c d e f and your mom and your sister and your dog why the dog though why does she hate the dog I don’t know it’s 100% an industry plant song bro yeah say with a controversial opinion Justin Timberlake 100% an industry

Plant I don’t even I have nothing to add to that because I I don’t even know what the I don’t know what you’re talking about I know an industry plant you can swear no I know what an industry I know what an industry plan is I just don’t

Know how like is Justin TI like I know nothing about Justin tier I mean have you heard him he’s 100% one there’s 50 versions there’s 50 versions of it Lily oh yeah didn’t she release a whole EP where it’s like six versions like I saw one that like it was like ABCD Fu

Parentheses angry version angry version what does that Justin like from the trolls movie he’s what an angry version mean ISC efu girl I’m 10 bucks she put in like um a guitar with some distortion on it 100% yeah Buddy Holly riff Weezer Edition anyway uh when can I join I’m

Making a new world right now piano cat but wait here listen listen listen I I’m going to say two things right now one make it a creative super flat world cuz I have some ideas creative super flat I was going with hardcore forist I have a little bit of creative but listen listen

Listen that’s the first thing second thing I can’t stay for long all right unfortunately any any idea on so here’s the thing my idea is what we do we make the ultimate birthday super uh roller coaster birthday super roller coaster ex Extravaganza Extravaganza my original title for the

Stream was birthday Bonanza okay are you on um Essentials Essentials 1 20.2 do I have that I hope to God I have 1.22 it takes like two seconds to install if you if you don’t have it okay I have to get like the modded version so it’s like it has to be like

Forge or it has to be fabric but I’m not going to get any mods for it it has to be how could you say I’m sorry no wait can’t I didn’t I don’t swear I would never okay the birthday ban [ __ ] swear how dare you

Enthusi oh I have 1.20.1 is that okay uh I don’t know if you can play together with those yo flof how’s it going Chad is this real Chad I Flo I I I Flo I FL we’re talking about how much we don’t like the ABC efu song I see a

Birthday boy oh my God it’s me here I’m just going to download2 so just be safe how would I get this blow do Minecraft version 1.20 Oh It Go the max extent is 1.20.1 oh then maybe it is just 1.20.1 okay cuz this is Essentials are you using fabric cuz it’s it’s for

Fabric oh it’s for fabric yeah for okay uh see did you ever watch Billy La buf in Spanish I did I did cuz it’s it’s it’s just it’s just so repetitive I love Billy La Billy laa and last Bas ohas Bas hell yeah hell yeah finally somebody

[ __ ] oh my God huh what no you’re right though I mean he did he was wild then bro here box listen I’m going to be honest with you I’m looking at the roller coaster on your stream and I I I don’t know how to put it but it is it doesn’t

Work it doesn’t work I think yeah no that’s because you put activator rails these are activat rails no no no no the ones without the yellow ones with the yellow oh oops that’s my bad you’re stupid but also I was going to say it’s

Not I think we can do better cuz all you got is some UPS some downs and then that’s it well of course we’re you know this just the beginning I swear I swear the chill ver listen don’t are you serious there’s a there’s angrier chill

Demo nicer and OG that is awful OG like like Original Gangster nothing about that song is Original Gangster no none of it none of it none of that is OG I’m so happy you’ve seen play that before no no listen listen listen I hate I hate that song but you know what song

Is worse the one I don’t even know the name of it but it’s the one that goes like Dance For Me Dance For Me dance for mece that one that I hate it’s called dance monkey and they don’t even say dance monkey in it they say say dance for me it’s so

Upsetting oh I agree hold on I have to reset all of my settings cuz it just decided to like mess with it uhoh you guys hate that song oh my God all of you guys seem to hate that song is it that bad I didn’t think it was

That bad I didn’t like it but it’s so bad man so Batman it’s so Batman it’s giving Batman it’s giving Batman okay let I’m going to call this one the thrower up inator the thrower up inator that’s crazy chat clip that that was epic funny moment this is my epic funny machine

Called the thrower up inator oh does it not work crap crap crap Dang my entire plan’s been ruined I’m so upset okay my throw up inator is not dead yet though I can make it dead are you threatening my thrower up inator yes what the heck is wrong with you um these nuts these s these nuts yeah there don’t you go up

There I would never say a bad word looks like the ride into somebody in Roblox that’s what it is this is ride into I might not friends with why am I not friends with you we’re not friends do you hate me or something it’s fine it’s

Fine if you do yeah yeah no I do uh what’s what’s your IGN what’s your IGN uh sleepy box is it spelled exactly how it is on yes okay you’re you’re so weird what the hell man goofy guy what can I say that is not a player you lied to me

That isn’t how you spell that oh sorry there’s two x’s there’s two x’s mhm that’s that’s a bit weird but okay uh the one without two x’s was deemed inappropriate for some reason are you wait actually yeah so just like I’ll just add it was fine wait did you add me

Back uh I don’t know how wait you should add me back go to social yeah go to social go to social social I need to update the game okay no you don’t I’m updating the game real quick all okay you need to update the fiction of Essentials shut up that’s

What I’m saying shut up I’ll eat you what also why did one of my friends just now message me me hi twitch.tv/ enthusiasm they know they know should we add a big box at the end can you go through my like like like there’s a big hole in my stomach with all my

Guts it’s like one that would actually kind of go hard and it’s got like birthday cake birthday cake in it birthday cake in the whole punch yep 100% why did I what the [ __ ] I’m looking through my friends why did I message Sprite just creepy pasta they

Know like I like literally they did not respond or anything like that I literally just messaged them Creepy Pasta fit G what does that mean what are you saying Li what are the words coming out of your mouth I got the certain urge to play Frost bunk damn it enthusiasm you ever play

Frost Punk no and I I I I’m I’m not going to what you’re just avoiding Peak why haven’t you messaged me Creepy Pasta I love creepy pasta and cuz I’m not friends with you on here wait actually actually actually wait a second I know how to fix

This I know how to fix this going to add Flo on on the thing even better floof it’s your lucky day check your Discord DM run requests accept hooray okay now you have to invite me to your world yep it’s loading up okay how do I invite you to my

World um you go to world and you go to invite or no no you have to click host world first I’m sorry so you have to go back to the title screen all right no yeah yeah actually never mind that work there we go invite friends creepy the poop closet

That is one scary pasta my favorite Creepy Pasta I don’t know any creepy pastas really music need to be turned up bro what’s your favorite Creepy Pasta what my favorite creepy creepers poers oh I just unlocked two things hello how you going oh my goodness wait look at

This wait okay how do I emote again um with passion with passion more passion more passion more energy more energy hey look at me wa wait I need to I need to find how to emote this is important this is super important okay I’m looking yeah um okay okay ready ready Mhm what okay okay wait it’s not working wait that was the wrong wait wait look at me but wait a second look at me but wait a second this is going a this is going awesome um uh um um um um oh go go okay wait all right let’s see

It a sh I I don’t have I don’t have op so I was going to kill myself we got a spammer we got a spam e wait wait wait you want to see me hit the gritty I’d love to see you hit the did you just buy

Something no this is a free one I said right foot Creek oo walking with no evil you just ruined my you just ruined my birthday yeah here listen box I have to cut it to you short MH this this uh this whole this roller coaster it’s nice and all except it’s you know

Listen Mhm no no okay wait before you judge it you need to ride it okay I’ll R I’ll ride it just for you here can you put a redstone torch under this I’m going to I’m going to push you okay this is this is a special ride what oh pretend that worked

Okay so out of 10 no my beautiful baby box we are going to build we are oh it’s over over it’s so no listen listen listen me straight in the eyes we are going to build something that is a modern Masterpiece box we’re going to build something that will

Change the course of humanity forever are you ready to leave yeah 30 minutes is like a enough time 30 minutes okay okay okay cool all right let’s go over here follow me so first off we have to pick a nice block we need to pick a nice block do the new pink one

No the pink one’s all right except it looks like flesh and we’re not we’re not doing that okay but bam look at this color scheme tell me this is not awesome core okay never mind that’s actually kind of awesome cor that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’ve been saying okay

So no okay how about this here’s what we do what we do we do the oh [ __ ] can you put down the log again okay uh so what we do so we have the tracks look like this like with the rails in the middle and then maybe like a

Fence or what what kind of fences do we have um here can we do Crimson fence oh yeah Crimson fence Works get Mangrove but that looks like it’s too many colors actually yeah this looks great we got to stick with the with the with the with

The Bubblegum style yeah and you got the rails ah beautiful amazing incredible oh my God are we is this is this what it’s like to cook enthusiasm this is this is what it’s like to cook now you have an idea of what’s going so listen you know

How all good roller coasters start how up in the sky baby follow me I that’s I actually wait can I have op can I have op sure I uh uh I can op at help op enthusiasm slash op and then enthusiasm SL okay we’re going to do right here set

Block I got you I got you I got you I did a test in 45 minutes that was like three pages long I show slippy the Obama and piano you asked me to draw was it did they like it okay cool awesome now here’s where we start so let’s let’s

Like let’s build like a platform okay this is where you start this this is where you start this is where your Journey Begins this is where art takes takes over where boys become men and where men become boys it’s a it’s a really strange uh thing place here yeah yeah okay really

Strange okay hold on time say super strange that sounds like some stranger things am I right no it doesn’t oh it’s not stranger no not even Stranger Than things nope actually the least strange oh this is not that strange at all is it wait well everybody everybody who comes starts on the ground

Right well this roller coaster we’re doing some things a little different I kind of want I kind of wanted to be difficult for people to get oh so it’s going to be well I’m going to make them do a parkour thing to get to the top you can

Keep building but okay it’s a parkour thing to get to the top but it’s just a Soul Sand elevator to get to the to the bottom how could you steal someone’s eyelashes or I might just do a big ladder so it takes forever you have to deserve your spot here here we go

W to cook with you so bad dude whenever I hear the Cooking Mama song I think of piano’s uh song oh yeah pots and Pant still be stealing people’s eyelashes again God [ __ ] slippy stop it this is literally all you do you just take people’s eyelashes all right so what we do we start up with a leadup right we do some a little bit of uh Tom Foolery we do a bit of Tom Foolery it’s

Called we do a bit of Tom Foolery yeah so you do that and then what you Do so what here’s how it’s going to happen you go up a little bit you do some turns and then you’re just going to get dropped oh that sounds scary that sounds scary yeah that’s that’s that’s what a liberal would say no yeah no yeahuh eat your own yes sppy eat your

Own eyelashes do you think if you ate someone’s eyelashes would you like would they would you get more like would they grow in through your eye little eye holes um let’s not ask that question like if you eat somebody’s like like fingernails do you just grow longer I think if you eat someone’s

Fingernails you might get shunned from iety but that’s just okay but what if nobody finds out what if it’s like a secret CIA operative Fox are you trying to tell us something enthusiasm I have a great business opportunity for you okay shut up that was really

Freaking rude sorry so so what you do you drop here let me let me get started on this so you get the rail here and then Box O no that’s my idea you can’t do that it’s my birthday oh yeah he does get the birthday pass the birthday

Pass all right I for Gore Boo’s bented Fox you need help I know you know enthusiasm yeah when uh when when do you have to go when do you have to go um it’s going to be a long stream so you might even be here when I’ll stay

I’ll stay here as long as it needs to like build this roller coaster of course my I’m trying to hit around at least I get close to 2.5k today if not today then at least by the end of the year oh that’s a whole how many sub 34 Subs M it’s

Difficult take but it’s doable it’s doable it’s doable box you know I realized this year I have done like no streaming at all I did like one or two streams and that was it are you interested in going back to it or you just like you you chill with that’s what

I was going to that’s what I was going to talk to you about what do you think I should do because I have I have projects on the side you know I have a whole Minecraft thing that I’m working on with other people I’m working on an album sl/ project uh I’m working

On that one other thing you told me about with a big b Big B the here I’ll DM it oh yeah yeah yeah B oh yeah that that thing I actually haven’t made any progress on that I should probably do it’s all good it’s all good but listen I’m listening listening hard or

Hardly listening listening hard that’s what I’m doing if I were to stream how would I do it in a way that wasn’t like uh I don’t know soul rending soul ending soul rening I don’t know what that word means but um um I think there’s no okay actually well

I I should probably know what soul rending means before I continue speaking okay so basically just like sucks all your energy uh makes you really feel bad cuz that’s what streaming did for me it did those things and it was not that good don’t think of it from a numbers

Perspective is a big one do it cuz it’s fun um and then at the beginning so it’s really hard when you have no viewers and there’s nobody you’re talking to on stream like you’re doing a solo one oh no no no no no that’s not what I’m

Worried about that’s not at all what I’m worried about promis to stream one second enthusiasm don’t think about numbers where explode that’s great but that’s not what I’m talking about MH I I think in terms of numbers when I was doing it I was more than happy with it like even

If I did like three or even two viewers a stream I was happy with it I didn’t care M it’s just the act of streaming itself was awful well maybe it’s not your thing if if you didn’t enjoy doing it maybe but I also

Really like I also do want to give it a shot because I realized my mistake and that was like I only did Minecraft that is a bit of a thing you you yeah cuz I only did like yeah no I like I only did bedw Wars

Like you remember that period in time I only did bedwar yeah I remember that we we both that was our thing we were just doing bedwars nothing else yeah and it was it was that was an interesting time it was it was bad so I so remember when I streamed squirrel stapler uh

Yes I’m going be honest that was like really like that I and I also really like the idea of just like streaming horror games like not like like uh like bigger ones why are we in a [ __ ] hot dog someone made a request am I to deprive the people of what they want

Yes well too bad look at us we’re nice and morm and cozy yeah that’s what they all say I I bit a can in half ow you’re are you bleeding thank you for fulfilling your promises Minecraft audience is brain rot heck yeah Home Slice no um actually I

Haven’t played squirrel stapler and your your stream inspired me to actually play it myself but I don’t oh really how did that go well I haven’t yet I wanted I wanted your your blessing to do it I didn’t want to C you it do it no don’t

Even don’t even ask for my blessing do it all right all right I I watched the first five minutes of markipliers and I was like wait I want to do it go do it it’s a very good awesome game yipp it’s the guy who Staples squirrels to his dead wife or whatever dead

Skinless wife yeah that that one wait if Soul Sand goes up it goes down what Soul Sand makes you go up what makes you go down um uh magma magma thank you you’re not welcome which doesn’t make sense because heat rises H don’t worry about it how about

That um how about your mom you ever thought about you ever thought about taking a chill pill no wait enthusiasm you got to play Help Wanted for me I do yeah help wanted too oh yeah I do have to do that not today but eventually eventually first off I have to figure

Out where I land I’m sorry what did you just oh slippy oops I misre Bobo oops I read one of the bees I I read the bee in the O swapped I was concerned on what you were calling me Trapo thanks Lippy thanks for the haha it really ties it all together all right yeah I’d probably do a video on srel stap I’ve been doing a lot of help wanted two videos recently dude you’ve been doing a lot of FNAF videos that’s basically just all that’s your entire Channel all yeah yeah

No that’s no no but you’re right you’re right box equals present oh my God cuz it’s my birthday I think here a bottle of NY that’s how you die maybe you should probably not do that here box how about this you want to see me get back into

Streaming right or would you agree with that sentiment I think if you enjoy it I you know I like hanging out with you if you want to get back into streaming I would totally support you with it but same if you don’t um I actually had an idea for you I was

Going to I was going to say something I had an idea for you but keep going I want to hear this um I think since you like doing things like you know like a bunch of variety stuff I think what you could do is you could stream things and

Then turn those streams into videos and that could be your thing maybe the streams would just be the the raw versions of the videos you know um maybe I think that could be super hot fire um that’s what I used to do with twitch and then I was like no

Bro well here’s what I’m thinking mhm so this Gap here from me is kind of taught me a lot in terms of like what I want like what my future of like content creation is and I’ve decided for myself to put a blanket band on funny moments

And highlights mhm oh well it wouldn’t be like that you know it would be like like no I know I know I know what you mean but also I’m putting a blanket band on funny moments and highlights I am not doing those for the life of me at all no sir also hi

Stream hello but yeah no I agree I don’t do funny moments actually I say that uh I’m going to record a funny moments video tomorrow or the day after um but it’s okay because it’s the help wanted to Healy doctor sections and I was just going to mess around in those

As much have you seen the clips from that oh yeah or I’ve seen a little bit of like Markiplier doing his thing yeah I’m going to be doing I’m going to be doing that but just just that uh just because I find it fun to do usually I don’t like funny moments

Clips but yeah know I the main the main reason why I hate funny moment scripts is well editing them but also like can you draw me an enthusiasm and a hot tub for my birthday we’re celebrating my birthday in a hot tub sorry sorry friend I was I was yeah that’s fair

Um hold on sorry I’m test I’m testing the roller coaster that’s fire oh wait this is kind of wait this is this is goed sorry my bad you’re good um okay so what was going to say mhm I want to try something so like I I another discovery

That I’ve kind of made is like like like the reason why I’m blanket Banning that is because when it comes to making videos and you’ve heard about the projects that I wanted to do CH you don’t know but the project that the the projects

That I want to do like I want to like actually like try cuz okay like I want to like inject like creative writing into it like I want to actually like creative juices into it yeah I want to be I want to be like actually creative about it because when

I started YouTube back in 2014 by the way you wouldn’t know that because I deleted all the videos which is kind of a dumb move on my part MH but like I was making YouTube videos since 2014 and I was making like I was making like Nerf war films I was making like

Yeah do you remember our puko video we made the what the pukicho video we did oh yeah that dude sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt that I just thought I remember that oh my goodness that brings back memories sorry anyways continue continue so like I I remember like when I made

Those I was like I was actually like putting like thought into it and I was like okay I I want to do this because I think it would be cool and like I want to like like I like it was basically just me like just just just trying to make

Something like not only for it to be cool but also for it like actually like like to flex some creative muscles and not just to make like funny moment highlight like I want I wanted to make like videos and not content if that makes sense yeah I get

That and I I’m really missed that area era and I’m kind of sad that I deleted all of those mhm so I want to that if I had to make a goal for myself for 2024 I think that’s why that’s what I’m probably going to do I want to try

Recreating that era and I want to actually like Flex some like creative creative juices get those get those going get yeah get it going Flex the creative muscles heck yeah so and and that would and that would first be blanket Banning any fun funny moments in any highlights at all

Mhm mhm all back R see avoided okay bye boy doing that and then like and like actually genuinely trying to make art M yeah I think that I think that’s good I like that idea um I still think that the streaming like taking vods is available

With that yeah no I think I think so too I might do something with that I might do something with streaming cuz like streaming I feel like would be just like fun to just like hang out yeah I like so what so okay okay chat crazy chat listen

Okay I don’t know why did my excuse you always there um so it would be like I think I got my idea across but just like 100% sure Wait I messed this up you wouldn’t do funny moments but you’d stream a game and then You’ do a video

It like a story based game like squirrel stapler and then you turn the squirrel stapler thing into a full length you know Markiplier Style video where you you got story happening actual stuff you know substance not a Tommy in it voice chat makes it 10 times funnier yeah or

Like actually try to make it transformative yeah 100% oh that’s so dumb oh my God M mine carts don’t work on slime bro that is kind of that’s kind of that’s kind of lame champ wait but do Minecarts work with bubbling water let me grab like a WRA ton of

Glass hold on wait I just had the most fire epic hot Banger idea ever guys set a stopwatch for how long wait I got to show you my epic awesome bestest idea ever okay we we got to implement this into it somehow come come look at this come look at this okay what’s

Up this would be like a hidden like thing here right and you’d see the lava there be like oh no oh my God right right oh um so wait what was that oh it’s a lava bucket okay okay so you be over here you

Go on the cart and you go forward and be like oh no I’m going to run into the lava boom it’s you be like oh no I’m going to run into the water the lava boom it switches and then you’re not going to go into the

Lava I think you maybe should put like the switch later yeah I don’t worry about it here let me I got you chat me make hot top art hot tub art yay welcome back welcome back voided how’s it going made a hot tub art oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh my God this is the best of all people then scares me this is this is super hot fire uhoh I’m I want to look at this the matching PP question mark CU this is actually wait this is actually kind of this is kind of heat

Wait I’ll show screen let me see this show on screen show on screen wait yeah yeah that’s so good look at that look love that that all my fellas he’s making bubbles in the tub I think I might change my Discord thing to that that’s kind of goated

That’s kind of wait we’re goated but we’re such goats that it doesn’t even matter that’s kind of actually that’s kind of actually fire that’s actually kind of fire that’s actually kind of that’s actually kind of actually fire that’s actually kind of like actually fire like like that’s actually fire

That’s actually kind of awesome and like cool I hear people in the background I’m going to if you hear anything let me know and I’ll like mute all right I I don’t hear nothing don’t hear nothing about nothing okay anyways back to the game anyway we could do you want to do

Like matching Discord Pro uh profile pictures that would be awesome are you asking to match pfps with me I’d rather die what I’ve been practicing my old man voice recently your old man voice yeah oh oh I’ll wait till till he gets back to do my old man voice do you guys like

The hot tub should I keep the hot tub from now on whenever I have guests over does it help with the the low attention span I don’t oh my God realized I’ve been practicing my old man voice guys my little sibling got an 84 on their physics final let’s

Go are they goated or they’re such a goat that it doesn’t even matter I think it’s going to I think it’s going to have to be a latter half um so Jo goed my old man voice though I’ve been practicing it I I don’t I can do it

Right now cuz I just had something to drink but oh my back that’s not a good example but I don’t know that seems pretty ages my back no I I’m not doing it right now oh I look so stupid I’ve completely I’ve thrown I’ve thrown but you can tell

Slippy you you can you can see slippy slippy now slippy no boneless Pizza just the chat just be the chat active by mentioning the bathtub I’m glad you like it I’m glad you like it you see what I’m doing here you see what I’m cooking yeah oh and then you’re

Going to go wo yeah wait is he cooking who my name is zerson you can smell bones do bones have a smell I they do with the power of friendship they do friendship is Magic enthusias be honest you watch My Little Pony I know you do I do you

Do your brone star or whatever they call them Brony I’ve actually seen I’ve never seen it before I’ve never seen it either the only thing I know about little My Little Pony is that that one comic what about the cocaine I know that the living a song about it and the song’s actually

Heat the the Discord one oh yeah that enthusiasm um does it not work no you need to you need to do it block by block man what the oh there we go now it’s working Yi ignore what I did at the top here I wasn’t trying to fix

It no I’ve never seen it Ken you are Ken you are no no no leave a little bit of space on the top oh oh he’s a bouncy guy there bouncy there you go now it’s bouncy car with my bouncy wife okay see now it’s working here hold on I’ll be right back

Can you test that for me please sure guys let’s test let’s test it let’s test it all right I’ll be right back tell me how it goes later I don’t know who these characters are who is he he go boy is that a compliment or an Insult hi I’m back how’d it go uh you do not make it in the water no a little bit okay cool here I’m going to I’m going to you testing it okay look at box boy racing on his Minecart wow he’s going down I just be

Racing do you go forward at any at like at all no okay that’s going to be a problem here change of plan actually we’re not going to make it bad but you’re going to go through water to another cart wait that’s kind of like another help I’m a fish out of

Water you just killed me dude I’m sorry my bad that’s my fault that’s my fault I’m a freaking fish dude okay so here’s what we do yes we make it seem like it’s full but it’s not actually it’s just like a layer or two of water and then and then and then

Wait how do you spell lapis okay bam lapies you know the biggest lie I was told as a kid what that water was blue I always I always thought it was it’s crazy I thought fresh water was like a special kind of water that uh wasn’t blue but it’s just a reflection

Of the sky hello rain how’s it going welcome to the stream what’s good what’s up how’s it going All right kogg what kog what K what K what kog what hey don’t do it yet M you’re you’re a I’m a what what say it what are we going to say you’re a freaking freaking weirdo okay there you go there you go there you

Go got me scared there for a second oh you’re you’re oh you’re also a hey hey he it’s okay guys what I just said say it you can say it what I just said that you’re a fun individual fun no not a fun in trigger was worm eggs

What your mom told you sugar was worm eggs well it is maybe that maybe that was like an anti- like sugar thing I’d fall for that that just make me want to eat worms I did it more you know oh we had the same exact joke we’re so we are

Cont creat at heart we content creators at we are content creators at heart it’s what we do we have to seal each other’s joke I’m a comedian I do comedy it’s what I do it’s what I do I do comedy uh you know sometimes they

Call me a comedy pants cuz I do comedy so much okay Joe Swanson hey Peter hey Peter hey Peter you ever toilet Peter hey Peter I just got a 15 uh kill streak in fortnite Peter okay so here’s the here’s the plan you fall through except except you don’t actually fall through

What it’s actually a lie what you do is actually go to another track who can I John and help um I don’t know if you can John but this is a hey the the premises is uh private yeah it’s a this is a private world luo I’m going to eat your bones that’s

Threatening Peter Griffin watching Skiby toilet is something I’ve never thought about until now oh he would totally watch give like hey hey hey Louis hey I can’t do I can’t do a good Peter voice but hey Louis L have you seen the new sty Twilight Episode just remind me that one time I

Was in skibby toilet hey hey Lois skibby do do yes yes have you seen the the um this reminds me of that one time I was in Delta run I have and I refuse to watch it it’s so good I just I I I know it’s so good I just don’t want

To it’s like how do I put it how do I put it I don’t okay for some reason what like I don’t know why but when it comes to like certain types of like media I can’t even accurately describe the type like whenever I watch it it makes like

Despite like whatever the quality of it is like it could just be like the best like thing ever made I just wouldn’t want to watch it I don’t know why is it because of Peter Griffin or you just no not even a hater type thing it’s

Just it’s just like yeah know I don’t want to watch it even though it’s really good and I’ve watched it before and I think it’s really good but I also don’t want to watch it and I don’t know why that’s what slippy is like whenever we try to watch a

Show you know how much convincing it took s to have slipping and glz play fortnite and now they they play it so much oh yeah I haven’t been convinced actually I just watched Invincible recently is it good so good oh my God it was so good I heard

Like all the high ends of that s it was my ears are bleeding so good Mark what will you have after 500 years I’d have 3004 I have 500 million power on Rising kingdoms I have 500 million um you just to join or I’m notator um no actually I’m a sleepy box

Boy Eve Who’s Eve the cat you watched Invincible you know who Eve is I don’t remember the character’s names all I remember is Mark and omn Man Steve omn why is his last name Steve Adam Eve right she’s the one with the the power to control Adams yeah that’s kind of overpowered

How has she not like killed everyone um well it’s cuz it’s very inconsistent I feel like she could just tear the atoms of someone’s body to kill them but instead she like makes walls and stuff and like knives I don’t know why she can’t just you know mhm like

Just literally turn someone into like poop can you imagine can you imagine you’re a bystander and like God like a God has come down to destroy Earth Adam Eve pulls up and turns them into a into a poop oh my god dude that’d be so funny turns them into skiy toilet ski mental

Block what about mental block huh h h h when she’s dying to revive them oh when she trying to revive them so she can do that she can like heal people oh my God I just thought of the greatest thing yeah box you know this glass cage that we got going on here

Heck yes what if it what if it wasn’t glass what if it was your head I love my head yeah can we fit it it’s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 it’s 12 pixels enthusiasm who uh who cares um we just make like it’s it’s okay it’s okay you don’t

Have to worry spoiler h no spoilers spoiler no spilling please that’s so real that’s so real I love my head box yeah that’s what I’m saying round mushro hold on hold on uh where’s your head come over here what’s is this color close to your head that’s like the closest color that

Kind of looks like my head if you think about it yeah get out of my head what’s that one clip Rec I’ve seen it circling around where it’s like Dem get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head can you help me

Replace the glass please my twitch stream Uh let’s see we need glasses what is the what is the lock mushroom heck yes oh bro you got to be Speedy with it all all those poor signs bu if you just hit your left and right Mouse button at the same time it’ll do it automatically and that’s

What I’ve been doing oh never mind wa oh shoot uh the sign the sign the sign the sign that’s what I was saying just a that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’ve been saying right no not there there we go sh no spoilers all right okay well we got to make this

Square if it’s going to be my head it doesn’t have to be square I have a question what’s your question if you could for like 20 bucks would you get an incredibly realistic just like you can literally not tell the difference like figure of your head and

Put it up like on a shelf or something how much would the head be 20 bucks 20 bu of course I would would that not make you uncomfortable every single time you like look uh no listen no don’t get me wrong it definitely would but I every time I

Look at it I jump scare myself I think to myself dude that would be so funny though I’d be like dude that’s me that’s me and for 20 bucks like hello why wouldn’t I hello have you seen that that one instagram the clip of the Instagram themm where it’s like hello hello in

There hi what are you talking about okay so I just look insan to you don’t I yeah you do it’s fine if you hate me you can be honest no listen listen listen listen uh my little sibling like okay so geom 2.2 came out like 3 days ago I’ve heard people are

Flipping out over it yeah no and then they’ve just kind of just like how do I put it they’ve gone insane over it uh so like they’ll come up to me and just say like a jamash reference and because I haven’t played in like such a long time I’m like modern day toilet

What what am I talking what are you talking about man you sound insane you’re crazy here oh and I got to make the Box wait what’s happening in chat are people bullying each other I hope not guys don’t bully each other if you are you got to make the Box flaps you

Got to make it like the Box flaps yeah the Box flaps cuz like the top of the head it like it opens up cuz it’s a box a cardboard box the Box flaps stop saying the Box flaps out the box flaps yes the Box flaps my head flaps your head

Flaps there you go there you go I made the tape oh that’s awesome I didn’t even real that’s good I like that oh and then we should make it loop around so we can actually see the back of your head okay ah stretch and a half dude see you’re not helping yourself in

This case because you’re only you’re not fighting the Box boy is a catboy like allegations I hope you know that how what I’m not how how does that allegations uh because you just went oh big Str Ed like bro can I got not do a big stretch I mean ah small

Stretch be honest Here no comment my mom made mom made tamales and they taste so good w w in the chat for tamale fellas Bellas I don’t like tamali I hate hate you actually I’ve never tried tamali so I can never confirm nor deny which honestly I think is arguably worse than either outcome

Which kind I don’t like any tamales tamales out of every single tamale I’ve had I have never liked any of them maybe it’s cuz you’re racist I don’t know what no no no no no deniable evidence that he is no what about cookie I like cookies but I don’t

Like tamales I just hate them wow Guatemala tamales I don’t know but I’ve had like three different kinds and I didn’t like any of them oh it was not my Kappa Tamal from a yucky I’ve had Tamal from a they yucky so slippy is racist also I’m surrounded by a bunch of racists this is awful no the Minecraft Community needs to do better I mean yeah have you seen it did you see dream responded oh yeah I I ain’t watching

That video though I’m not giving him money he donates all the he’s donating all the money to a charity but do you and you believe that I don’t know I don’t know I don’t and also what charity is going to say be like oh hi this is my

Allegation money where people like you know this is my allegation money take you want my allegation money I’m kind of curious to see what charity it is cuz I actually don’t know he wait did he even mention the charity not in the video it was in the description I just didn’t I

Just didn’t look oh well I ain’t looking at the video I’m not giving him that click MH do or poor we couldn’t afford actual ones can you afford actual ones today if so you know what to do okay let’s go together enthusiasm let’s go okay wait start at the bottom start at the

Bottom okay we need to make like a chest that has mine carts in it yo leopard how’s it going happy birthday birthday thank you that’s the wrong oh wait you’re in the oops enthusiasm you were in the wrong one dude are you stupid on purpose or dumb on Accident thank you for the uh neither I’m intelligent intelligent on go some sec I’ll follow suits okay H there’s a third there’s a third cart coming it’s okay it’s little Bob Bob’s cart it’s the ghost card the ghost of little Bob wait this is wait wait wait wait wait

This is goated wait this is kind of goated but where did little Bob go where’d he go he died little Bob cart died that’s crazy that wasn’t finished a little Bob CT’s in the water oh okay that makes sense it’s box boy today is Bully box day nuh-uh it’s sleepy box birthday day

Wait I think it okay there we go I think the sunglasses look better if it’s like that right now maybe what like that the ice bucket challenge for 10 million subscribers I’m doing the Ice Bucket Challenge uh-huh yeah like that’s ever going to happen I’m sorry I love being

Pessimistic do the glasses look better that way the games I’ve play don’t look at how many hours I have in Frost Punk do not look at the hours I have in Frost Punk it’s it’s a problem it’s it is a gen I’m not even joking it is a genuine

Problem wait I need to show this real quick okay I need to show this if you look at my Steam and we go to frost punk I want to say this game has six levels six and I have 187 hours I’m so sorry in a game with six

Levels and I still have not not 100% did it damn oh guess how many hours that I have on geom dash like a thousand oh okay no that’s that’s that’s very overestimated uh four 400 4 there more hours than I have anything no it sucks because like there’s a game with even more

Hours cuz I had this period of Time s I looked in chat yeah voided I play that with enthusiasm gzz and K Dog don’t say what game it is don’t say what game it is but we played that all together wait fog and slush we played it with slush

Remember wait hold on I’m trying to remember what fog stands for yeah I’ll DM it to you I’ll DM it to you dude K Dog also you know Kent me and Kent I I I removed it cuz I didn’t want to I was like okay this joke is over but then K

Now kok has it don’t say it out loud don’t say it out loud but that game oh do you remember that I do it’s cuz um was it slush or was it piano who gifted it to me did I just get click baited I don’t huh I don’t know what do you mean

Click baited maybe you just bought it I think the title is yeah the title is birthday creative Minecraft Six Flags Over Georgia yeah that actually it’s Seven Flags but is that someone was telling me a story about how there was an offbrand Six Flags at their place called Seven Flags

I don’t remember anything about it the thumbnail is FNAF so the thumbnail I didn’t know how I could f everything in it um Putman 123 meant the thumbnail oh yeah here wait wait wait let me let me show you this I didn’t know how else to fit it

Cuz I rushed to make a thumbnail but you can see here I I literally just this I’m not even joking this thumbnail is literally just another thumbnail I have with a different background wait it’s like a it’s a preset I have wait cuz I was rushing to make this cuz I forgot to

Make a thumbnail it’s this one right here right but I put Minecraft Steve and a creeper and the arasin flag in the background I I didn’t have anything I didn’t know how else to do it so I was like okay I you know the title’s enough what is the enthusiasm look at the

Stream what is that what is what is that what I love that that is actually me in real life you didn’t you don’t know what this literally looks like I believe it that is that actually fire that’s actually fire and like my I think the best detail

About it is like my hands like they just like they barely like why are they so tiny I like the shading on it I feel like that brings it all together oh okay uh yeah I like the the shading the amazing frog is that the weird frog that rides an invisible

Motorcycle no that’s crazy frog oh that’s crazy frog I don’t know theing how long was it year 365 days dipp no 365.25 days on average okay nerd uh no this is this is you know what this is this is going to be like it loops around and then it like drops down

Onto this track oh wait that’s kind of that’s kind of w box you idiot answer what did you ask me what did you ask me you stupid idiot dumb Dum Face pants how feel to be one year older than what you were a year ago today stressful I don’t like the concept of

Aging it scares me then how are you going to move forward in life I won’t oh okay good talk good talk no what you know what I’m going to do it’s going to go underground I mean not really underground because we only have like three layers to work with but going to

Go two blocks Underground Wait enthusiasm have you played undertale yellow yet I’ve not you totally sure I’m going to I’m going to be honest with you I haven’t even played regular undertale yet you haven’t yes you have no I’ve not not I’ve played Delta Rune didn’t we all play together

No no really I maybe it was maybe it was you and maybe it was you and slush oh my goodness you need to play undertale bro you have to you have got to play undertale oh my okay now I’m not playing no please you also have to play h on it

Too I do how much is that game by the way it’s 40 bucks but I can just give you my Steam login oh okay I you can also share games you don’t have to give me your stream login oh I’ll Just sh I’ll share the

Game with you um I’ll stay this age for the rest of my life true what am I even doing I’m cooking that’s what I’m doing Watch you know what I’m doing right now what are you doing right now look wait you want a quick scenic view of the place sh with the class box I am right now bam oh you mean my my username thing how hungry sorry oh it’s the thing oh it’s a

Maze no it’s it spells out it spells out box that’s my name it is it’s going to go underground for a little it’s like oh my God leopard needs to chill bro this just s this just spawned right here right in front of us bro it’s just

A goofy go can you get mad at him for that like honestly die sorry anyway I had to go on murderous Rampage weirdo voted please don’t give out my steam friend name and code please don’t do that ah what the heck Okay You hear there’s been a drama regarding ninja muffin or whatever his name is the fnf coder oh that gu I I don’t really know what’s happening with that but people’s been calling him like a gooner or something yeah they’ve been calling him the the big p word I yes

Um because he I don’t know if I should talk about this on stream he he liked inappropriate fan art of a video game character ah like how inappropriate of a specific Vocaloid with blue hair oh who is a miner turns out I didn’t even know that damn um

So lot of lot of drama in the f&f community yeah but isn’t that just like a regular isn’t that just the fnf community just having like a normal one is that hasn’t that happened with like every modding person ever pretty much most of them yeah actually so it’s kind of funny that’s

Just now it’s happened to the actual developer of the game yeah High blocks as the so true SL besti but then again like I don’t think it’s that serious because all they can do is just like fire him and then get another coder again leopard you do not call me gross I

Hate you sorry uh oh wait no don’t put down rails yet the the bottom has to be the pink wood oh that’s true oops sorry don’t send that pleading a face emoji again ever again leopard uh F yes words um uh if I ever finish the

Minecraft mod for you will you play 100% yeah I’m funny CU I’m a mod you know yeah I know I’m joking I wasn’t actually upset he spaghetti my Betty for ready Fazbear I’m going to try to stream help wanted too again actually um I got an

Oculus cord and I think that might help with streaming because I’ve just been using the aink the entire time which uses a poop ton of Internet so hopefully we’ll be all good Gucci gang as the kids say nowadays uh I don’t believe that the kids nowadays happen saying that I’m Ben

Shapiro you know what kids said that was so cringe I hate to sound like an old person Yeet why e or y t that was awful always will be oh jeez too much fizzy water I’m dying over here I thought that that was awful and completely Unfunny you was kind of funny oh so you’re one of those kids you also have a then again then again I was I wasn’t banned I wasn’t banned oh so like yeah I mean that’s so like that kind of discredits me from any like opinion are she still

In band no what no why why I why would I it was just middle school man it was just Middle School I swear do you think if you were still in Middle School like if you were in middle school today would you have watched skibby toilet

Um actually don’t know I think I think if I was in middle school today I think I might have watched a few of them but I don’t think I’d be a skib toilet kid you know yeah I think I know what you mean you know it’s like like i’ I’d be a passive

Understander like oh yeah like I understand what it is but it’s not for man I understand TV man head and whatever else there is in that series that’s literally all I know that and there’s a toilet that goes skib B Bop yes Yes box would deeply understand and relate to SK to no yeah you’re right 100% the ontological implications of uh my nuts I don’t know what did you just Say oh I’m a sleepy guy I can’t go to sleep yet I recorded a h Wana video today hooray I got to see Edward crawling through my vents all right there you go now it’s more clean wait why is this kind of awesome wait is wait Chad is this goated wait Chad type

Type the goat Emoji if this is Goated this is one of those moments you have uh um I’m sorry what was that message you want huh I play Oh My Bro brother my God that’s just not dog dog you cannot be saying that oh my God here wait can you help me with the the floors pause pause bro bro

Is that banable that’s a you get that was your one warning bro you do not do not don’t don’t talk about fiddling your foxy on stream okay you did okay now that’s no I’m telling them not no I’m telling them not to I’m telling them not to okay that

Description I get to say I get to say that I’m the streamer no no talking about that no more warnings for you that’s your only one okay no more no more that’s your one warning Jesus Christ box pause I was telling them not to I was telling them not

To you guys are weird you guys are weird you guys are the ones making it weird I know he’s enthusiasm how’s the wife and kids um both dead hell yeah brother I’m sorry it’s okay I’ve been coping you’ve been coping I’ve been coping cop parter seed shut up okay

Dude I love day shift at Freddy’s you ever play day shift at Freddy’s what is dayshift and why is he Freddy’s who is Dave and why is he a Miller I mean also how would I not know day shift at Freddy’s I literally played phone Town stupid with you you play or

Whatever dial Town phone Town mobile app store ripoff version with uh Shandy and Shandy and and I like all of it just being shh instead yeah here I’m I’m currently making the holes in the that’s so true I’m so sorry for what I said about the foxy thing I

Thought it was funny but I’m sorry yeah but like um death is coming soon imagine making like an elaborate threat toward someone and he go if anyone ever threatens me I’m going to do that like bro what the hell you Doing stop that’s not good he’s right behind me isn’t he a jez this is not good what jeez what shcks oh shs okay well chat were you adding Redstone using normal rails cuz I’m a silly goofy guy in my silly goofy life with my silly goofy car and my silly goofy

Wife a radioactive man with my where is it from I don’t know I stole it from slippy I’m going to rip my ears off it’s okay over it’s done I love ghost energy # non-sponsored you know who I am sponsored by who your mama whoa Who Sorry ah you don’t want to see me when I’m angry yo enthusias I’m problem what’s your problem Houston we have a problem put finger in the air problem we got to remove the edges corners why oh is it like not smooth all stink oh okay my bad that is your bad

Enthusiasm what the heck is wrong with you um do you recognize the bugs under your skin the man in your closet do you God be honest okay do you yes and they’re all named John you want all of them all of them nice new Greg but they they all spelled slightly differently

One of them has like a one in their name Greg one or is it like G1 oh my God that that reminds me I saw this like Hall of Fame book book photo or like you like you know how like kids have like their graduation photo yeah

And I I feel bad about laughing about this but like I saw I I just remembered that I saw one that was just like there was a kid named [Laughter] leforge wait hold on let me I’m going to put in chat I’m going to I’m I’m going

To show you how it that was how it was spelled with a number four L Le for Le I’m sorry I feel very bad about laughing about that cuz that’s someone’s actual name oh I don’t feel bad about laughing about it I feel bad for them bro that’s fair poor Le

Forge can we get some thoughts and prayers thoughts and prayers for Chad can we get a prayer Emoji for or Le forch Lech Lech sorry don’t mispronounce the name stand up straight when I’m speaking to you the name’s lege you mess with me you mess with the

Forche you you mess with the number gang the number gang that’s awesome what if can you not no wait stop no wait I have an idea I have an idea watch wait I’m going to cook here dang it they’re in the way this is going great yeah now they’re

Just like filling up the track no it’s just two uhhuh I got this here do you think we should replace the walls with um glass that might be interesting yeah I like that idea we just got to be safe about it you can actually like see through it or maybe like

Leaves that’s Batman’s origin story enjoy part animals ho the Villager Animal and they’re all party Happy what what what did you say the The Village are all animal wait The Village are animal and they all party Happy let the birthday boy for once thank

You oh you didn’t have to do that vo did thank you this is their King this this is King Le forche King King the forche here we go all right this seems pretty good I want to go to the ride I want hear the villagers as you go through it give him

A name tag oh I should let’s go let’s go this is kind of fire I’m so bored maybe you should appreciate my expertise of vill villager uh cramping I joined the stream and the first thing I see villagers in pain 10 out of 10 thank you that’s what I’ve been

Saying see I’m in the presence of a racist what why would why would you want to see villagers in pain man it’s not cuz of that oh okay wait oh God you can hear them you can hear them throughout the entire little section oh no oh here we go oh hell

Yeah oh that’s that’s amazing I love that that sucks come here come here oh okay oh oh okay that’s the game that you’re playing that’s the game that you’re playing he left the game you Deo me didn’t you okay no okay op enthusiasm all right cool thank you I’m going to turn down

My myom volume actually I’m I don’t want I don’t want to hear that I’m I’m fine oh that’s so much nicer oh my God they’ve been taking my emeralds like I’m Rich chargeing me 15 emeralds for an axe it’s true they’re so annoying here I’m going

To how about this I want to do black Lache glass wait or wait what kind of glass or maybe like tinted glass cuz what’s the difference like Lex cooler Le forch lafor I made lach lach on my sorry lach we got a new one in town and his name is

Lach the villagers were like white noise bro going to sleep to the sounds of villagers look at him he’s the king how do you feel Le forch he can’t handle his power he’s like look at he’s looking down he’s shaking his head he can’t handle it he can’t handle the the societal pressure

Hyo forch you okay well forch is not doing so well man he’s not look at him I still haven’t made the X yet can I give them one pet sure no I wouldn’t give them a zombie pet I’ll give them one pet they get one here we go I think you’re I’m

Starting to think that you’re the ruler in all of this and not Le I’m not the ruler I’m simply the Creator so you’re God you’re playing God I’m playing God with Lech and the chicken okay that sounds like some weird old kids book like fairy tale lach and the

Chicken lach and the chicken mhm I’m like Tyler the Creator yeah bro is a ruler no cuz I was trying to I was trying to think of a joke regarding like rulers that you like measure things with but I couldn’t think of any wow yeah I’ll be

Like Scott this is H this is the golden Freddy King lach wait can you can you can you help me please sh with what oh these this Boop yawn looks like somebody’s a sleepy sleepy box impersonator I’m not impersonating sleepy box uh it’s Eva cuz it’s funny okay okay okay

Okay I’m also tired I’m a sleepy guy and that’s why they call you C news what I’m thinking I’m thinking the 2.5k will not be attainable today damn perhaps by the end of the year I think I can do it by the end of the year let’s be

Honest yeah wait no make sure you get rid of the Bedrock underneath oh L though oops wa I didn’t do what you just said for me to do like when you’re doing yeah when you’re doing glass only do it for the letters though only do it for the

Letters you don’t have to do it for the grass walls MH mhm yeah s like a little German boy little yes this is good this is good then sorry that’s not funny void voided that is Enthusiasm now it looks even cooler I want to turn my I can’t go up okay there we go but then like turn off the creatures yeah the friendly mobs no don’t don’t replace the don’t replace wait wait wait hold on is this oh never mind that is a part of the

Letter okay sorry my bad do that Y what the heck is wrong with you bro I’m justing I’m justing you’re jesting what you I’m a a fny guy I am I’m a Jester no oh no no my God go get get back get back get back get back that is

A lot of villagers dying oh my God oh my God what’ you do I opened the thing let me place a block no let me place a block let me okay no how do you push him back how do you push him back oh we have to kill all the entities We have to okay there was 138 villagers well you know what omn man said you know what omn man said what 17 what 17 more years what 17 more villagers yeah this time I don’t think you should put that many villagers oh I just realized King La for I the king of

Forest is dead no but that’s okay because the sequel King LEF no no no no he never had a son however however his father what have you called your son oh his father is going to take over the role King Le there we go King the the chicken oh the chicken you’re right

The chicken’s dead hi vanish how’s it going what are we doing is it not obvious what we’re doing is it not obvious come on here let me show you let me show you I’m King so many Lees there we go they’re outside the you’re not supposed to be Here there we go let’s let’s see it let’s see It we’re making a roller coaster by the way wait and I just came up with a perfect idea let’s see oh that was fire that was so good that was w w super hot fire can we build this exact same thing on the charity server we can

Try we can we can try maybe we can try it Rubble you di r d who it’s King Le I’m replacing the top with blue and purple because that’s your colors thank you yipp you’re not welcome stret dude o did you just o i a stretch dude I think is what I

Said are you dying maybe are you an old are you old you’re old that’s that’s the old setting in by the way didn’t you have somewhere you had to be I don’t want you to miss it like it is one it’s been 2 hours yeah except um

Me me also I I dropped king with three not like into the void but like I dropped in a place where I really don’t want him to be where’d you drop him like one block deeper and I want to put a purple block where he is right now but I

Don’t know how to get him to move up um I don’t I don’t know honestly I’m sorry I wish I could oh well he’s just one block lower now I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t I don’t know what I’m doing you don’t know what you’re doing

No I’m just kind of going up and down and I’m trying to break this Anvil do the power oh there we go that’s how you do it I should Whit list you it’s in the turnos or not in the turnos server it’s a um it’s a it’s a

Thing it’s one of those one of those things I hate the chipped and damaged Anvil thing there we go I fixed it we’re fine with three is fine Le is okay is okay now let’s take a ride Let’s Take a Ride let’s show vanish what we’re doing like that one Josh Hutson

Edit I want to ride I’m with me no you have to start at the bottom start at the bottom come down here your ass down here right now don’t say naughty words to me I’m hyper sensitive all right that’s the wrong thing again idiot well you’re dumb you’re um you’re done you’re done

Kade all right take one well take a different one okay ready 3 two 1 I see you I’m watching you I see you I’m watching you hello Hello and then that’s six not and how to spell three I have Essentials uh we could do another thing we could you could join the hardcore one this one was me enthusiasms creative world but I’m going to do a hardcore one with piano later oh we definitely just did not do the rails

Here or like the fences no yeah it’s fine it’s funny it’s okay oh well and then we drop again who oh bam and then we’re in the letter this is sire this is the B but Buzz oh I got caught on something wait I’m catching

Up and then I haven’t made I hav’t I haven’t made the X yet there we go dude I keep stretching oh my God I’m so sleepy okay so fire coaster so far but we need to make the X and I don’t know how we’re going to do

That except I exactly know how we’re going to do that because I am so freaking smart are you are you really I am what is the value of sin 45 um one yeah it’s one it’s one it’s one it’s one it’s one it’s one it’s one don’t let

Chat tell you otherwise it’s one I don’t think anyone here actually knows what the sign the root like the the value of sign 45 is do do you yeah what is it what is it the one that you said one yeah it’s definitely no it’s uh it’s it’s run2 over

Two okay okay okay okay okay okay yeah no sure yeah whatever you say whatever you say I had to memorize every single like common sign value for uh for school it was awful cuz I don’t know when I’m ever going to need to remember the value of Tangent

30 but actually I don’t think yeah no I’m not I’m not doing the other side of this x I’m just going to make it like an like a ho box says FNAF fans are educated I’m saying I’m saying I think banish and slippy specifically are super

Stupid wow so you’re sexist no no I can never get away from the accusations when is I mod we don’t need any mods right now so we probably for a while box is taking me back is taking me back to ruin yeah we’re going back to

Ruin why did you get super Bassy all of a sudden cuz I put my I put my microphone on my vocal cords oh does it does do I sound any different yeah you do why are you doing that you hear the pure box boy right now that’s awesome why that’s pure box boy

Uh because I was just moving my head around okay I was the sixth president of the United States who’s that The vny Mask dude oh my God spoilers for wanted two mute the stream for like 10 seconds okay or enthusiasm de in for a second guys okay in help wanted to when

You took when you took off the vanity mask I was freaking out that was insane dude okay you guys can unre the thing now but that dude that made me lose my mind especially with the poster okay hi hi hi um vanish told me to tell you that you

Smell mods can we ban vanish can we ban vanish please mods mods mods bring in the band truck dude I I want to beat help wanted too soon I still haven’t beat it yet I got spoiled for one of the endings though Dam on Twitter someone just is

Just like out there like without any spoiler warnings or anything so annoying it is upsetting upsetting spaghetti bro oh fck smells nuh BTW killed Santa and stole his hat and beard and my hand puppet told me I look like a homeless rabbit you stole his beard you killed Santa that me wait

I need to play song oh No but my good old friend the DG I’ve just been hard at work and you’re and you’ve been out here just waffling your life away what can I say I’m a waffler one Sec every Christmas I’m a very good boy I put out milk and cookies for this guy to enjoy this is fireing why are what are you This song is you look so stupid I’m looking at you from over here you look so Stupid uhhuh I want I want to be Santa Claus oh I got the I got a wrong dang it it’s fine don’t do you like me like my Dance I got to stop this now okay what I’ll do is I’ll grab like red wall wool wo Wool Wool and then I’m going to out I’m going to outline this with red wool all right yeah I’ll help I’ll help so so that so it looks like cool like the X looks cool

Cuz X is a cool letter it is you know that because Elon Musk made his made Twitter into it and Deadpool has it on him so that’s means it’s cool yeah X going and give it to him don’t give it to him dude I keep getting made fun of

Because of the way I pronounce women when I’m talking about plural because I pronounce woman singular and woman plural the same right which I don’t think is that big of a deal while people be like you seriously pronounce it the same are you stupid like wom and if you see

Multiple woman do you say woman or women I don’t hear a difference it’s it’s woan and wh man is this another one of your sexist TI raids again no no it’s me it’s me having a bad pronunciation of things and people get mad at me old man you’re older than

Me yeah says the one having a birthday or talk about her what do you mean Lily what what did I do is it cuz I say woman instead of women it’s just a pronunciation thing mhm I I don’t think about it I’m not I don’t think about the

Words that come out of my mouth sometimes yeah get a grip what this is sexist and racist that’s what you are enthusiasm mhm yeah damn liberals oh my God Jesus Christ okay don’t talk to me until I have my moaning coffee e oh my God wait no that’s a

Piano cat’s reference eoch it’s uh it’s funny cuz coffee backwards finally we’re done with the [ __ ] letter Yi this took so long how long did it take I don’t know Prett decently here I have to I have to test it I have to test It you called me an old a word MF word old ass [ __ ] yes rats I was rats once they locked me in a rubber a room rubber a room rubber with crazy crazy makes me rats what crazy like like rabbit like a crazy rabbit oh no oh it’s eok cuz it’s

Funny this is brain rot this is the best kind of brain rot sleepy box Rin R oh we need to fix that fix what your face your face Clips a lot yeah it’s cuz of these right here yeah we got to we got to replace those so it’s any turn like that so

There there there there there yeah can you do stream where you kill people with bricks wait one second one second guys there we go did you turn on your killing people with bricks did you turn on your killing people with bricks mode yeah I changed the category of the game from Minecraft

To killing people with bricks Jingle Bell sleepy box smells mods ban this guy no I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding mods don’t ban this guy this guy’s cool don’t ban him all right there you go there’s there’s your name you happy I am it’s my name it’s your name that’s my name can

You microwave a bunch of honey buns and throw them at people sure enthusiasm do you want to be my uh lovely volunteer I’m good let me let me all right I’m going to test this okay I’m going to test this what the hell was the stream this has

Been two hours of us literally a bu roller coaster building a roller coaster yeah I mean is that that’s just how streams go nowadays why can’t I place down a goddamn Minecart this is not good we do those which voices I can’t box I can’t oh wa I just

Realized we still have to put down the the the fence oh we don’t need it um but it’s consistent we replace the fence right with we stop here right do like um man what the hell it works no no yes yes Trust trust me this is fire this is fire this is

Heat you’re just mad that I’m better at at my creative prowess you know what fine you know just cuz it’s your birthday I’ll let I’ll let it I’ll let CU it’s my birth thank you the the pros of having your birthday you can make piglin fence because it’s funny why can’t why

Can’t I place down Minecarts I I think I’m cursed can you place down mine carts yeah oh now I can that’s weird you just had to ask if I can and again I was like oh he knows hey what are you doing you crashed into my car arm check

Please dude I love Shelby you know Shelby from Adventure Time uh check please no what’s your major oh that I am Batman it’s true there you go big one head there we go and we’re going to Mark the sign of it with that exp your your head no wait

Wait wait I have a sound effect for this wait no we go ra perfect okay let’s go you ready enthusiasm no too bad what are you doing building you’re building the fenes I thought you were putting down more piglin heads over here no I however we’ll be placing that right

There in there it’s a Sigil so you know what happens in the future do you think we should just recreate the Titanic in real life or in Minecraft both sure new video idea we recreate the Titanic Mr Beast video the first to escape this sinking Titanic wins $1

Million the first person to escape the Titanic will win a $1 will win one free boat one free Iceberg free yacht one free Iceberg okay okay I’m ready I’m ready you ready okay we have gu here goes let’s go I’m I’m ahead of you catch up loser Slow Down Loser oh this is fire oh this is so cool this is so guys and then look the Box head nice guys did we cook I think we cooked thousands of piglins thousands of pig big one’s died for this roller coaster that’s so real grabbit eating the STI of gum right

Now thousands of pig ones died for the stroller coaster that took me hello I can see hello do you like my head I like your head I love how you killed you put a dead animal on your head that’s awesome Yep would you rather

Put a I put a living animal on my head Yes actually oh please do wel all right how do you feel about this roller coaster I like it is it finished I don’t know do you want it to be finished is this finished I think for

Now I think for now it’s done you can always add more onto it later hey voided hey chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chat may we have a uh may we have a rating on a scale 1 to 10 on the roller coaster

Everyone out of 10 put in chat put in chat your your rating you’re legally obliged to you’re legally obliged if we don’t do it we will come over to your house box out of 10 okay that’s fair that’s fair but what rating out of 10 for the roller coaster

Like one through 10 how would youate 10 being the best one being the worst I think we CED yeah I agree that’s dude dude that’s so fire dude oh piano was not able to join today because oh he threw up a out of 10 okay

Eight out of 10 oh finally eight out of 10 finally God damn oops what did slippy do slippy what did you do oh voided was hidden oh how hidden did you hide voided oh voided isn’t hidden no so it’s fine oh I can’t see any of the the

Commands running chat but wait hold on I have an idea before we go M before we go yeah box I have an idea yeah watch this so I got this right look at this you wait hold on you’re going to have to wait for a second you’re going

To have to wait for a second I need to look away okay I’m looking away you are not looking away I’m looking away looking at your okay no like go somewhere else oh okay okay what I do while I wait uh I don’t know entertain chat how

Can I entertain you I know I can going to play connections while we wait where you have to find connections between things 10 out of 10 roller coaster thank you he’d B you after stream that’d be kind of fire Hive comb wax honey there we go all

Right bux I need you to come over here okay so there’s going there’s a chest in the middle don’t look in the chest yet just don’t look in the chest okay so come here like in the box now I want you to set your game to survive we’re setting our games to

Survival here are you in survival yep okay I need to look in the Chest box I’m going to countdown three two one oh [ __ ] oh I forgot we’re in peaceful mode oh we are okay can you can you change the game mode I just real uh how do I do that uh uh uh options maybe it’s an options

Um okay there we go okay what is it in now uh normal okay three two two one one holy [ __ ] oh wow I’m getting my ass to be rising me let’s go let’s go let’s go I said right foot creep we no evil sorry box B okay freak you dude fre fre you

And with that I shall I shall leave I shall leave it was nice meeting you enthusiasm what do you mean meeting me it was nice meeting we’ve known we’ve known each other since like 2020 I hope to hang out with you for a second time in our entire lives ever

Sometime I okay it was nice meeting you okay happy have a good happy birthday and you too have a have a happy birthday enthusiasm it’s not my birthday yes it is no it’s not yes it is it’s not stop antagonizing me my birthday okay well okay I’ll see you

Later good luck with the rest of your good luck with the rest of your stream thank you I’ll see you later wish you a good birthday and your old no okay okay wellas we’re not finished yet but we are finished a oh my God it’s back oh and it left again well

Fellas um it might be time move on to something else no I’m thinking either we do ruin or do we do help wanted two let’s do a poll let’s do a poll for what’s next cuz we spent way too long on Minecraft honestly I have three options try to stream help wanted

To here let’s go to the just chatting area oh the I don’t know why the bathtub is there still why is the bathtub still there I watch my PTU not there bro okay there we go try to stream help one too if it works uh FNAF ruin Or Glory tatka which is uh

What is that game papers Please All right let’s see let’s see what are the results so far we’ll wait for it to roll up a little B I don’t know if it’ll work well what would do if it was help wanted to is would do would just see if it works see

If it loads up and can be streamed because I got a new Oculus cord that might make it work good should I don’t know no wait I can’t do papers please cuz it need I forgot I’d have to send the I’d have to set the video to mature audiences because of they like

Terrorism let’s I’m I need to redo it I can’t I forgot we cannot do papers please voice is so calming why do you guys keep saying that so I guess it’s between ruin and try help wanted two if help wanted two does not work then we can do something else or we can

Do papers please can we is papers is papers please for mature Audiences I just don’t want the ban hammer down on me let me see yeah but was Jack the’s video age restricted is the question that’s the important part of This okay fellas okay welcome to Bo boxa all right oh why am I down there Okay okay we’ll give it it a go first we got to go here bam yeah it should work okay can I increase the size of the game I can I just full screen it and then go like that transform Center the screen there we go okay we’re going to go with story we’re

Going to do a new campaign cuz I’ve played this game before no what how do I delete a save Boop okay here we go here we go congratulations the October labor Lottery is complete your name was pulled for immediate placement report to the ministry of admission at greson border

Checkpoint an apartment will be oh my God an apartment will be provided for you and your family in East greston expect a Class 8 dwelling Glory Toka all right all right do you guys know do I need to explain this game at all to you guys do we need to do anything like

That inspector welcome to your new position at the greson border checkpoint stamp passport stamp passport entry visa and return documents to entrance entry is restricted to our Scots our stotan citizens only deny all foreigners glory to our staska okay we’re only allowing arka done so far your start skin you’re or

Start skin come on there you go boom there you go Glory thank you no problem bro come on yeah I disabled it V there’s a way to disable it nope nope uh no no you’re not no only a that skin sorry ah loser okay no well going to have to wait another eight

Hours bro cuz uh you were not allowed in here sorry you will not be missed okay come on come on who are you okay yeah you’re free to come come on man come on welcome home welcome home say hi to the wife and kids for me Bill

Or whatever your name was who are you your start skin okay looks like we got an edgy guy over here come on come on come on vapers please nope you are not permitted bro how do these people not know do they not read the rules like the post

UPS you cannot come here unless you’re are notkin sorry Romano to next hello oh I like your I like your Mohawk hell yeah bro hell yeah let’s get it right in the lines perfect okay bye have fun say hi to the wife and kids Mr Mohawk

Guy or husband and kids or partner and kids oh hell yes come on bro let’s go let’s let’s get this over with come on you’re going home you’re going home come on I need as much money as I can get come on I get paid like five bucks

Per person that I uh let Ino goodbye who are you yep God I did that so wrong I’m sorry how do you tell who to let in and who not to uh it said in the rules here that we only allow our STS con citizens right now

Hello no I’m so sorry fra you cannot come in come on come on let’s make this fast nope sorry only our St skins no clutchin right now you can come another time but you know we got a little bit of problems going on in our in our society right now

And we’re we’re just bringing everyone home or something I I don’t know the Lord for this part come on come on cycle through who’s you our St skin hell yeah come back at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow that’s when you open I guess how much money I make oo 75 bucks do we really need

Food do we really need Food I feel like it’s unnecessary I feel like it’s a little bit unnecessary yeah it says on the front of the passport if there are shots going or not well you need heat but food fine fine fine we’ll give him food okay what’s my rules now what’s the apps what’s your

Major so I have this thing here foreigners are allowed to if it’s valid okay how do I know if it’s valid or not enter inspect mode okay I got the rule book hello yeah are you are you real Regional map here are you from a real City other

Grous yeah you look good to go man have a good one cause no trouble please don’t get me in trouble okay we did that right hello how’s it going you’re a true glorian you’re glorian expires maam this is expired this is expire who do you think you

Are get out of here n no no no no no no expired no expired no expired documents come on you got to come with the new ones the fresh that’s how we do it here hello um um this looks good that West greston West gron yep have a good one uh

Dorothy uh you better not be you better not be lying okay bro oh okay I thought I checked oh you start skin I’m meeting bus soon are you are you going to be meeting that bus he Chen okay yeah you’re going to be me bu

But you don’t got to be so rude about it come on I’m working my 9 to5 here or my 6 to6 really come on come on okay Oban we got anything relating to Oban you’re from lauras yeah this looks good Joshua go ahead you’re free to

Go you’re free to go have a good day what okay okay well what if they change their looks what if they’re wearing makeup come see who hey hey hey hey come on let’s keep it let’s keep it let’s keep it school appropriate let’s keep it let’s keep it family friendly let’s keep

It you checkpoint appropriate I have a wife I have a wife okay hello are you chill are you real looks like there might be an issue here oh oh my God whoa no oh dang oh crap okay well I could have let them through are they just trapped in there now huh h

Huh you know let’s skip out on food today two dead guys I think let’s skip out on food after that o not going so hot yikes hey at least I’m fine oh it’s Christmas no it’s one month away from Christmas can you believe it Christmas just a week away

Hello but what is it I have to do oh you require you require a ticket oh you have a ticket this all looks right yep just going off my mind here hell yeah I’m a genius I’m that quick with it Pap please hello what’s o hey

Hey hey hey hey hey hey you require an entry ticket come on man oh um uh if there’s more of them you’ll you’ll take this one instead bro dang it I messed up big time bro oh you’re one of those people okay I think I think the people who give me

Those cards are always free to go in from the last time I played but please I have a wife I have a wife come on come on dude H you’re a glorian from anria okay this looks good have a good one bro tul right

Next who are you what do you want Oh I can guess what you want you heard about the terrorist attack like I have a job still no it’s cuz I’m so good at my job you need to bully me for how good I’m doing at my job bro like come

On oh thank goodness okay dude I cannot fail any of these I am not doing so well in terms of money and they’re okay if they miss food one day right oh discrepancy no you cannot come through sorry pal okay next okay mergus from impor is that an

Impor oh oh you tried tricking me oh you tried tricking me oh you tried tricking me big time oh you don’t understand oh you’re a liar that’s what you are you’re a big stinky liar thought Tulu let’s get out all on now hello this guy I love this

Guy you don’t have a passport though the passport not required right yeah no yeah you need one sorry I love this guy okay you come back again sounds good sounds perfect actually nothing I have no idea what’s being said right there I I am confused by your

Words I have a good one you better not be a criminal okay sweet nice hello everything’s looking good Here no it’s not this is expired sorry bro typographical error um you’re a typographical error so maybe go get a new password hello hey hey wait you’re bald there’s something been coel you know what fine yeah let you say you got ugly over time makes sense not really I’m iming f

Oh I thought that the years have been okay I thought that was a valid reason that is not the date that is not the date bro sorry I I could have at least given him a reason that was kind of rude please lady listen you need an entry

Ticket you don’t know what that is is well maybe you should take the citation too oh okay I’m keeping this here so I always remember to double check always anything wrong here is that really an anria it’s not it’s not it literally is not you are a liar you are a liar you’re

A big stinky liar and you’re gone gone the with With the Wind hello hello hello overan skull is that right Regional map overon scull Yep this all looks good oh no it doesn’t this expired I’m so sorry Jo wow I am sorry you just renew it no you

Didn’t you’re the god of nothing I guess I suppose I don’t think you can have a god of nothing because there’s nothing to be the god of sta here you go Glory have a good one now let me get those bags that cash dude my son is sick oh my god dude

Really he’s sick what a what a what a annoying situation to be in all right all right enough of this we played it for like how long we play it for like 30 minutes 30 minutes is enough right also I’m getting kind of tired of the game just saying

Okay I think we’ll do one more thing I want to I want to try testing help wanted two on my VR my psvr not my psvr on my Occulus Quest 2 all right um for a little bit see if that works and then do some ruin run through a little bit of

Ruin and we’ll be done so let’s let’s start with that let’s start with little bit help one I two then we’ll do ruin with with rabbit and then we’re done all right I need some background music because this is way too silent there we Go okay let going to go get my Oculus send to the void will they stop existing cuz it’s the absence of nothing or it’s the of nothing well I think it would no longer be a void because there’s somebody there how it Works guys give me a lay down on if it’s working okay we’re not going to stream up on it to but we’re just going to see if it works so you know okay okay okay here we go here we go actually Revit do you mind VC real

Quick to help me set this up I’ll just make sure it’s working give me the actually no cuz if I open Discord it’s going to lag with help one that one is a fact that is a facted life who for ruin Quest link stationary scale okay here we go let’s let’s try

This and you guys hear me Still am I Audible okay wish me luck this is this is a this is a big if we’re making right now if this works big If please work please work please work oh got the logo quick That’s loud that’s very loud but oh my God wait wait wait if I do this is it working I’m sitting down right now so I can’t really does it work oh my God is it smooth does it work I can’t see chat right now but let’s make me a little bit

Tall it’s a little bit laggy but like is it is is it working just going to assume it’s working let’s give let’s give one level a test you know what actually if we’re going to give this a test we got to go full full game play okay so that means we’re going

To open up my settings settings app if it all open okay wait I need to I need to take my headset off for a sec so I can do this right um sound to this okay okay okay let’s give this a try wait everything is wrapped up everything’s

Tangled like the tangle from security breach ruin what okay wait here we go this is the big test big huge moment huge of true sby can you change the title of the stream real quick so if this works right oh it’s doing the thing where breaks okay wait wait wait wait

Wait wait can you hear me okay that’s the important part hello can you hear me G put chat over here hello no way Scott CN real no way Vanessa I’m skib Ohio Phantom tax that’s so real that’s amazing you’re unable to change the title it’s fine if you hate

Me or something like no I’m kid I’m kidding all right um let’s see okay well wish me luck here we’re going to try and do it with chat so wish me luck okay this is going to be this is going to be interesting d Oh it’s like two frames per second for me me me me me hello oh it’s so laggy maybe once I get through here it’ll be less laggy oh oh my God it’s the real box hi what who’s chatting for my YouTube account wait who’s chat who’s doing

That that’s not I I’m in VR right now who’s doing that what can slippy like type as me or something I’m not going to lie get my graphic settings let lower the global quality and maybe that can make it work it was working temporarily an Olive Garden no way it’s

Slippy how are you doing is it because you’re managing mod thing oh yeah that makes it so you have access to my my YouTube stuff okay wait everything’s like 10 seconds behind Okay does this work to a degree not not really but maybe if we go into a Game oh my God please work please don’t die game bro I just want us to work please bro please welcome back the patient is prepped and ready medical attention begins in three oh two wait it might be working the patient is suffering I think it’s working I think it’s working injy Avid

Patient it’s a little bit weirdly cropped so you can’t see everything I can see but it’s working it’s working that’s the important Part okay I just need to get that out of the way okay what’s that oh this is the part where I have to I know what I have to do here look it tells me right there all right I can see chat though this is

Crazy wow no way is it working is it working well like can you see things in high quality the operation was a success now My Sweet Summer child that off can I put it on okay it’s working well you want it here comes the Airplane I’m Sorry do you like it SC can i h your nose no the patient is suffering okay this is where it’s going to get serious arcade related injury great news due to got dirty of screed just in case sweet okay okay your hands fine is it fine is it okay

Now your hands also hot is that it do you want cold hands what about your eyes what did you do to your eyes for your okay I need to take your temperature okay you want blue I can get your blue oh no I can’t because my desk is in the way um

Well I I physically cannot get there my cupboard is is right there my cupboard you can see okay um you know we’ll get to that part last it’s fine oh okay sh we have to be very quiet otherwise poor patch is going to hear us guys okay so be very very silent

What happens if I okay so that’s fine it’s only if I’m holding it like I think pork patch is broken is there is he does he even spawn I don’t think he spawns even that’s kind of crazy can I can I just bring this closer to

Me can I can I get this please hear me out hear me out cuz I need to get something from there think smarter not harder right you see this bam the operation was a success y now you want some can cuz you’re a baby your dumb little baby pants come

On there you go you want to eat pork right now oh man that makes me hungry actually I’m kind of hungry suffering from entertainment related trauma to Patient apply the relaxation mask until the Outburst is under control be adved pred cries may all right us why why did you do

That oh you have a bump boo boo bumpsy did that do it okay I think yeah that’s how I do it cold cold cold cold H okay let’s move on to your oh oh that’s disgusting to look at oh my God okay what did you want for

That I got to get your other hand cuz you’re dirty I know the perfect solution to this sometimes you just got to knock it back into place that did not work I kind of want to see pork patch actually I’m just going to little teeth

Knock oh you could see him there for a split second let’s see it again oh hell no bro no that was not okay anyways okay what’s the next thing I need to do for you hi hi Sharon how’s it going welcome to the stream hello we’re playing he wanted two

Temporarily just for a moment um okay what else you needed it’s the leg what is this want to cast here we go this is going to hurt a lot okay never mind no didn’t here comes the oh I saw that hand [ __ ] okay well I thought that

Would go in your mouth [ __ ] there we go hi Sharon how’s it going yay what’ I get booster okay Al should we do one more guys what do you think type in chat should we do one more just one just one more and then we’ll do ruin

Afterwards one for one for one more two for ruin that’s uh yeah that’s that’s what’s yes yep good talk anyways I’m sub thank you Sharon Sharon you’re the goat you’re the goat man you’re the goat you’re the best more more more okay we’ll do one more what

Level should we do one we haven’t done before or one that we have done before I I don’t I don’t really care either way it’s fine with me I Okay which one which level finish game oh we can’t finish the game today I feel like we should make progress outside of YouTube videos um Roxy we could do Roxy you know cuz you’re New Sharon and you you hit that subscribe button just for you I’ll do Roxy I’ll do roxxy’s

Arcade cuz you’re the goat bro you’re the goat I have done Roxy I have a whole series on on I haven’t got all day do you think all this can I can I boop boop boop boop okay oh no ATT to me girl I can’t reach it over there there because my

Wardrobe is in the way uppercut side cut down cut you’re going to get the double double shade triple Shades oh my God the triple Shades I am what you what are you mad at me For okay there we go I’m not trying to make no oh hi glitch trap I’m I’m just oh Jesus okay I literally was ins Okay do you not like the fit do you not like the fit the fit go crazy the fit go crazy Jesus okay well that might have been my bad hi Nixie I can take total blame for that okay what all this just happens okay you want what’s so important

Over I got my eye on you are we friends you want Chic light blue I got my eye on you don’t worry okay you want bowai Shades right look looks awesome right eyes is that right okay not the bow tie what was it that you want it’s I I gave you that

What what just happened my I my entire location just glitched out what what happened why did I teleport I don’t know physically where I am in the world anymore pay ATT to me bro I’m trying to get you your thing oh she’s upset No Hands there we go why did my entire location

Change hello what oh God I’m everything in my room is falling cuz I just ran into my desk so can you chill for a second lady okay you want a nose piercing what’s so important over there dude enough of this is this the one you wanted no you wanted the the this One I’m I I’m looking what am I missing bro did I not get that I am the I know there we go are you happy now yi yay okay what is Chad saying boxing go no no I swear dog look at me can you tell if I’m not looking at you if I

Like the fit go crazy though like honestly bro you are you look amazing in that and it’s simply because I made it okay want the hoop earring where’s the hoop earring where’s the hoop earring so important over there I’m trying to help you dog okay cuz that’s what you are a

Dog okay the bow tie what are you looking at a bow tie fart face M stupid brain you want this no you want the weird sunglasses I am the yep oh that looks awful on you oh my god at dog let me get the ring okay running out of time

Dog what’s so important over there the ring I need to find for you cuz I don’t know where it is what even is it oh there it is is it done did I do it energy always smile the lips the teeth the ti of the tongue the lips the teeth

The the tongue I don’t know what that means but yeah man okay really you’re still going to have me oriented weird what’ I get what was racist stay cool poster sick let’s look at chat doubt what what was racist who’s racist why is racist do we do another

Since RAB is the one who’s going to be there for the ruin stream I’ll let you choose rabbit what do we do do we do another or do we do ruin you get to choose oh my God I have a better idea for this trust me I have an even better idea for

This oh oh my goodness you don’t know do you want to leave it up to chat oh leave up to them you have a migraine right now are you okay I I’m so happy that I can finally stream this game bro you don’t know how much I’m waiting to do this like how

Long I’ve been waiting to do this it’s crazy so guys make sure to share the stream with a friend if you haven’t already let’s at least try to get to 2470 by the end of the day that’s the goal by not even by the end of the

Stream but by the end of the day but the most can you do the Jolly Beast phas stream I don’t know what that is but if you DM it to me on Discord I can probably check it out for a video uh I don’t know what is being said there I

Moon let’s do another one of these I like these ones a lot no change my orientation I’m looking the wrong way there we go that’s better I’ll take it the patient ready can I open this finally and reach everything 3 two one are you sure cuz he has rabies how can

I y I’m so sor viability risk has also incre okay how do I cure your rabies you want you want this and this okay this is going to hurt a little bit what was that hi helpie you are springtrap bro it’s on your birthday that you know what that

Means okay I know how to do that one I remember this one bro oh it’s cuz I’m using the wrong thing oops TV I saw your hat now the Patient there we go having a birthday in Winter okay that’s kind of mean the patient is suffering from beaten by bullies beaten by bullies shut up no oh my god oh no oh no sorry about that pal that’s my bad okay so what do I need for that do I

Need to rinse it off oh I need to apply a Band-Aid there you go looking great I’m going to change your pfp all right no I’m not what are you not lying about Sharon sorry I didn’t see um what I got to do with that I got to

Stick a thing in your throat do I get to kill you through this oh jeez that was that sounded so aggressive oh my God I fixed it what’s the last thing oh my god dude you got to stop that that is is not okay that scares me

Every single time the operation was a success patient C next Scenario Game you were you were right paent is suffering from aw machine injury this is a claw machine injury how do they get injured by that that was scary okay we’re going to get the Pencil Trick again

We’re just going to hit it very lightly you okay what even is that for what is that treating I genuinely do not know the operation was a success yay oh my God wait I want to see that again that was so cool dude that’s awesome

Game jol I type that in oh all right sounds good yeah if someone could DM me that that’d be sick just so I don’t forget say ah there you go hobby h y b and what’ I get happy happy happy Captain foxy don’t mind if I

Yes this is what Mike had to do every day when the kids abused helping those Min games a now honestly still deserved where’s I want to see Captain foxy no actually I don’t want to do that okay you guys ready for ruin should we do

Ruin we can only do it for a little bit we also just do regular security breach that’s also an option what do y’all think what do y’all think so I don’t know what’s going going on with this thing over here this is wild Wy there’s a cousin difference is Ryan

Had an off switch in Dave has an off switch in right doesn’t Welcome Back N oh you got a TV oh nice all right I think it might be time for ruin so let’s go do that oh dang oh dang oh you see that okay okay let’s just take this off I

Guess okay I’ll be right back with you guys can you hear me hi I kind of want to stream some more help wanted to sometime dude that was fun as a bun in the sun heck yeah all Right all right let’s let’s call let’s call start the call we going we’re going to get we’re going to get security breach yeah we can hear you yay if there’s a big delay you can reload the stream hello Christmas everyone and I’m I’m Santa I guess y oh there’s there’s so

Many P YouTubers on screen and there we go hello hello I’m be dr. B to Hell also merry Christmas and happy birthday oh thank you no problem you’re going to cosplay as Healy hell yeah brother you go for it I break your bones oh well

Maybe don’t do that part that might I I cannot condone breaking your bones I don’t can I condone that but for Christmas Box I’ve got you a special gift it’s a tattletail I hope you like it a real life tattletail is it going to kill me

Like uh I don’t know I just stole off Santa when I killed him so uh it’s up to him oh yeah I keep forgetting you killed Santa that’s my bad that’s my bad yeah this bear is annoying me all right so what are you thinking you thinking you thinking security breach or

Ruin well on the other hand security breach is buggy as hell but on the other hand with ruined War I don’t [ __ ] understand and it so your so your choice on all right honestly believe it or not security breach is less laggy than ruin

Um what which is crazy to me but it is true so all right honestly I’m saying security breach all right we’ll go back to Hell instead of going down into a broken ass pizeria yay no this is [Applause] paint see returning to security breach okay how’s everyone what does

Everyone want for Christmas um All I Want for Christmas Is My Two FR tee no um honestly I don’t I don’t know what I want for Christmas I’mma Be Honest I’mma Be song honest don’t you dare sing the song Don’t You Dare I know you have killing Santa Claus no

It’s no it’s another song oh I’m not gonna lie I actually don’t know any Christmas songs no I know plenty of what am I I just lied I do I know so many Christmas songs bro ah I can CHR what that no for Christmas is there just one thing

You no not not that song no ah I don’t want the presents underneath the Christmas tree [ __ ] Ste I’m getting corrupted by Mariah Carey what I want for Christmas is a hippopotamus what’s that from is that from Little Rascals I want know watch well Rascals I haven’t either that’s

Just what I thought all right pain suffering oh wait I need to fix I need to fix my audio oops are you ready to jump back in the world of 20212 back in 2021 it was nearly the worst year for me so why the [ __ ] not uh

Oh well don’t worry security breach is here security sa even though it is a broken game Last Christmas I gave you my very next day is the game audio there uh let me check for you I don’t know if I’m uh no it’s not oh it is it’s just super

Quiet we’re going to skip this thing oh this is an updated one I think it seems more high quality what you’re my favorite favorite chatter Sharon oh my God Sharon someone you’re someone’s favorite I wish I was someone’s favorite just kidding I am I’m your mama’s favorite sorry my bad okay

Anyways are you ready to secure that breach or something no no I’m not either this is gonna destroy my computer you don’t say oh God I’m scared I kind of want to crank the graphics up the maximum by way box if it if it lags a lot I

Recommend um turning off the uh the uh what call it um streaming mode like on the Discord because I don’t really need to see it because you know why I’m watching The Stream also oh that’s fair I feel like there’s a delay though no like is it not

A heavy delay it’s it’s like a two second delay or like some seconds away overall F I forgot I had to turn the graphics down to the lowest possible settings to play this game oh my God don’t eat Sharon’s corpse what that’s so aggressive ah I need up fredd

Faz I still haven’t like played this game and I can’t be bothered to download it all over again do so but you have to win 100% the game bro all right I’ll do it when I make a review but that’s the end of it I’ve never downloaded it again no take what

You can get I’ll take it where you get all right here we goib Ohio Gat R mods can we ban Ken please clim inside no is reserved for oversized birthday cakes and patas dude imagine a game where you actually pretty that’d be so fire uh it’s lagging okay be fair does

Count yeah I guess I guess scanning complete but like how your guest profile is as him and this and then doing like the whole journey yourself that would make this kind of far I guess so Gregory Gregory God I forgot all the lore with Gregory is he a robot was that ever

Confirmed all right so with Gregory it’s like basically people are thinking that he’s like the robot the cry child she’s not going to I know that part but is was that like confirmed who who not really people thought it would be confirmed in ruin but it was never

Confirmed so uh yeah all we know is that he’s uh he’s just annoying and we hate him he’s the one who got therapists and then killed them right I I I honestly did watch M pass fairies because when he when he when he mentioned that the mimic is everything that’s what I wow

Just that video that I watched that video after ruin get me is for shocked at how incredibly wrong it was with literally everything it is a no you’re the mimic I’m the mimic everything’s a [ __ ] mimic even that pushy is the mimic I keep see people talk about that no yeah

Like where it’s like Gregory is the mimic Vanessa is the mimic message that’s like un ironic hello just I don’t see how that could work I will ESC you to entrance however I am unable to leave this room you should I don’t see oh oh jeez I open

The door to the back strong twitch my neck to you ouch oh that feels weird does not feel good okay find Freddy oh find button oops o like everything got pins and needles for a second on my neck inside the main welcome back Sharon awful hope I’m not having a heart attack or

Something you clb through the ventilation system and Release Me From the outside or could you imagine having a heart attack on stream o yikes I think just a heart attack in general would suck but on stream I just question what like ruins ending is wait do you know why I think

Ruin end ruins Ed is box what’s up so you know how everyone complained about the after end in like burn trap yeah I think steel said that they’re like oh yeah oops um I F they damage controlled i f they reconed it oh 100% yeah I there was an interview with um

The guy who made like the the head behind steel wall and apparently that entire ending was a miscommunication from Scott CN so that ending wasn’t even supposed to happen um which is kind of funny it’s a little bit embarrassing well we great my best friend’s uh favorite character so you

Know what good for him I guess wait burn trap is yeah he he likes burn trap which is fair enough I I do see why people do like the design I just think he’s a joy of creation knockoff no yeah actually I see that actually I do get joy of creation Vibes

Can you all turn on in game turn on chat in game cuz I can’t see it in game turn on chat in game is that a thing you can do in security breach I’m confused no you can’t I think you me like turn on the chat to see like

Everyone I don’t know you mean like put it on the like in the bottom corner yeah I think so I’m not entirely sure like on screen I can’t do that unfortunately I’m sorry oh God it’s lagging lag the juicy lag I literally have everything as low as it can be and it’s still

Lagging that’s security bridge for you oh my God oh my God do you see this Jesus Christ I’m I’m G stop screen cheing for a second fellas okay that seemed to do a lot’ll sorry sorry maintenance your to the of the building you do little for all right speedrun speedrun

Strats why you mean speed from Str I got the strategies bro oh These Guys box don’t be alarmed but the tatt tail is gone what’s the tatt the the tattle tail it’s gone I don’t know where it’s went uh oh [ __ ] what what was the T tail was it you said

There was a gift which is very kind thank you I have a t I had a t on my PNG and it’s gone now from your oh my god I’m an idiot I’m so sorry oh it’s gone oh [ __ ] right there want want I may have a slight

Problem there uhoh watch out it should be fine if you look at it you know feed it brush it charge it that’s a problem I don’t know where it is away for two seconds and it’s gone I have news for you we be bad news for

Me you might be it might be over for you last game HP chat was on why can’t you turn on chat and other but Canon what what do you mean like turn on chat rabit do you know do you know what they mean uh I I don’t walk

B oh do you mean like like be able to read chat hi helpy I shot you so many times and help wanted too what was I supposed to oh here now I have to watch every you don’t have to you don’t have to it’s it’s all good

Now please let me out dude I love help help is my favorite n dude want know who’s better plus trp honestly I’m not a huge fan of plush trap honest honestly I’ll quit you you want me to put the chat in game I I didn’t have the chat in game I had

Like an overlay with oculus Quest but I I have the chat it’s just my second monitor right now climb back into my chest cavity still time but we must if I am spotted I will certainly be taken back to my room the proportions hon will escort you to the main exit through the

Utility tunnels it is the safest path carne for the win oh we got a Carney enjoyer honestly I like carne Carney is kind of goed oh my God it’s tra I did not expect him to [ __ ] carne is my goat this guy gets it I don’t know who Trav is he’s my

Best friend you have a good taste and best friends Trav gets it yeah DD or BB uh balloon boy it’s he’s the reason I can’t play FNAF 2 do you know like there’s like a FNAF 2 version where they actually all move and blue boy actually responds uh by leaving say

Bye-bye oh really is that like a like a fan one is that is that real time studio I I it’s a game it’s like a fan game of like FNAF 2 where they all move and blue boy when he leaves it goes bye-bye she’s down awesome we have to go

Back do not wor I check that out do you know the name of even if we are spotted you are uh I can try find it if you want you would never supect that be kind that would be kind of sick to play however we should I can confirm trap’s claims I did

He did meet me at Donald’s Park the McDonald’s parking don’t worry about it that’s the best place to meet people I feel that something is yeah it is really had screaming kids had everything no time did you hear that McDonald’s got rid of the play structures like those big plastic tubes and

Stuff they got rid of them yeah that’s so upsetting dude that was that was my favorite back in the day or am I thinking of Chuck-E-Cheese Freddy you’re supposed to be on I never been to Chucky Cheese officer Vanessa I I do not know how that’s because we

Don’t usually have it over here in the UK in the UK all you have is raid depression fre sockets electric sockets and like you know that one more you don’t have ch oh you guys have the weird sockets yeah I just have little faces it’s awesome look

We’re like 15 minutes from closing and some kid is sneaking around that stage if you see anything is you know what I find do you know what I find funny Box about this game go back your room so you know how like thee for the glamr and like other characters are kind

Of yeah I said nothing not many I find it funny I find it funny how like FNAF has better of like texture quality than this game yeah it has it has incredible texture and model quality I found I don’t really like the shinest Trap but

Oh dude dude the one in that one is so much better than the help wanted one are now under the pizza pl The Help Wanted textures for spring are not all the attractions we can go anywhere just Pur does that mean he’s purple guy I think I

I don’t even know well obviously he is but like I don’t even know why they did that clearance of course gu down here but they said that they needed to like special do it to restore like like save storage but how does like making a corpse purple safe

Storage I don’t know I feel like that’d be worse cuz it’s usually it’s like different colors than just like a set hex code right and it’s such a small difference like terribly sorry from my understanding Sprint trap have wanted he has green eyes which replaces the

Grayish like bainy eyes in you he has a his corpse is so like not even there it’s mostly and in in security sorry I was freaking I thought I soft locked myself in security breach ruin no we like uh help one tip one oh help one is is spring trp and help pointed

Too no not at all not at all okay that’s what I you all right box have you completed help to I have not I haven’t gotten any end in yet all right I’m not I’m not going to say anything I’m going to tell you one thing that uh makes me upset

Um sadly one character got CAU from the game a character got cut from the game yeah they they promised that he would have a role in it but he got caught from the game it’s like a the Mal it’s like the Aon situation all over again in

Security breach ah all right well is it a spoiler who who the character was scrap trap was replaced by Pig patch really I didn’t know that that is the biggest fumble of help wanted to oh my God all right I did not know that um but

I was actually talking about um do you want me to just tell you because he’s not in the game uh is it a spoiler for the character like for the game not really it’s not really actually spoiler because he’s in the last games like the

Last ones oh is it the blob I heard the blob was going to be in it no it’s mon the got mon yeah speak of the only that remains of him is a jump scare oh I heard about that one too he was going to be in Bonnie right yeah I think

So the first time I played this game I my game completely Del loaded in the section it was great when I first played this game you make something crazy but when I first played this game I actually um got like soft locked a bunch of times and it was

Like so [ __ ] it was heating up my PC so much oh no the same thing happened to me bro I kept getting soft and hard locked well done Gregory you found a security office you should be quite safe here do you want know something funny that happened while I was playing the

Game like one time e I wanted to break the game somehow so I did a funny thing to get out the map like five minutes into the game and guess what happened what happened oh my thg’s working minutes into the game I somehow got into the atrium in five minutes did you like

Glitch through yeah and it it somehow like made the Freddy Mission happened yet I couldn’t do it connect yeah that sounds like I love it but it is not functional I don’t one bit really not even one bit all the only thing that I like about it is Mon My my friend tra

Maybe realize how much funny Monty is dude Monty Mon’s awesome mon is the equivalent of that one dog that won’t leave you alone yeah you can’t help it mhm I I I have one line that Monty says I don’t know why I said I have but there’s

A line that Monty says in the game that always confuses the hell out of me it’s the the youde but you can’t hide I think he had a brain I think he have a brain damage when he said that I always thought an auditory You Can’t

Hide You can hide but you can’t hide I’ve set of multi St CU him screaming I it’s true he like oh chica ask not me bro leave me be I think the most saddest thing about this game is the fact that like this game on launch cost

Like 40 to 50 it did yeah it was 40 bucks on launch and I bought it the day it came out and I could not play it because of how broken it was at least not well oh my God you should have refunded it mate I know I probably

Should have waited until I got uh they patched it I even when it was patched I bought it when like the last patch was coming out and Jesus Christ I couldn’t believe my eyes it I got soft locked in The Music Man like uh boss battle and I

Literally couldn’t get past it that happened to me too you know what do you know what I had to do in order to f fix it h I have to go in the elevator and go back in again somehow that fixed it I don’t know how I don’t know why but

That I just I just reverted to a different save look at you I have to go back in the El again and wh goddamn music compliment hey hey to be fair allow you to the soundtrack was fire the boss fight s every FNAF music

Is a fire I mean have you have you heard of the like spr Bonnie like theme when he enters the room in white the moover that was that was awesome dude that whole movie was it was good I liked it I wish after was BR yeah he wasn’t that was that was kind

Of upsetting cuz that’s that’s like his whole thing 0% of his personality customer service just British good for Oneil British gifts oh no not the Roblox for AF I don’t oh I wish I got to play it but I didn’t and I’m so upset about that I

Don’t like it I don’t like the idea I don’t don’t at all CH leave me be stop the reason why the reason why I don’t like the idea is because Roblox is just such a messy website like it’s just so bad yeah and I I feel like it would be pay to win

I don’t really want to I don’t want a FNAF game with um inap purchases that just feels wrong me I just hope I really hope that wasn’t the game that like quick team was working on oh definitely definitely not at least I hope definitely not I want FNAF world to

It’s a dbd res you’re joking that’s what that’s what I’ve heard it was it was a lot just like a dead by Day remake no no what the point why it was expensive sorry why did it why didn’t Scott just add FNAF to dead by daylight and not ask robots to

Make a copy callil no CU he’s a strange man he’s a strange man and I do respect but Jesus Christ only thing that you could pay for was skids for the arm TRS even it was like 20 bucks not it was like 10 bucks but still it was 10

Bucks for a for the game My is this FNAF all over again that’s what that’s what it seemed like no always with FNAF you could send your friends the skin and they can possibly get it always that not confirmed but this you have to buy it pro poon so but

Still which is that a plush baby yeah I never knew this was here you never knew it was it you played security Bri like 100 times and you never knew it was it no I didn’t even know I didn’t see anyone else mention it box no

Box you [ __ ] goof what can I say I’m a I’m a comedian I do comedy it’s what I do no CH no chica chicken I think like I think like the most saddest part about this game is the fact that Vaness Vanessa’s entire character basally got

CAU and all is left is a a shelf it’s former self yeah I heard that in I heard okay spoiler for help one to I heard Vanessa was in it or vany was in it but like for like 2 minutes and that she was supposed to be

In it more but was cut oh no it’s not just no no no she’s not in it for two minutes she’s in it for say about wife not even a minute not even a minute not even a minute bro absolute they butchered her character bro she had the chance to be super

Cool oh make gold Fred you you got be Jing I know you joke a lot when we talk so please tell me you’re jokeing this time no it’s true it it was 2,000 Robux I saw that and it was a fan model as well entry does not allow you

Toer the game wasn’t released yet Custom Service fck I’m sorry to say but my hope for this franchise has fallen yeah well I mean I I think I I’m hopeful in some aspects like hope pointed two I liked the movies but the Roblox aspect no that’s just that’s just not

It the movies are the best the only good thing about modern FNAF in my opinion I found the like uh it’s a crappy Mr hippo when it comes to games they have really just half asked everything I am sorry I think with security breach and ruin it

Was a it was so unper performant is that a word unperformed hi um this area is what’s wrong um just standing on top of the oh my God her brain has turned to Mush she can’t get you oh she’s an idiot stupid D on pants she’s a [ __ ]

Idiot oh my God are you stupid what’s your I doing you okay there you can move you know just trying to help oh Jesus what I okay you know what that’s that’s fine that’s okay that’s fair that makes sense oh okay I have to go to dinner soon just a heads

Up that’s fine going to be going out for birthday dinner for you you’re gon to be getting a burger bro it’s gonna be awesome he’s such a bad [ __ ] though no you wrong though you or you’re right though oops sorry my bad I messed it up I said you wrong you

Right what every single time I see chica I think of the I show speed incident no superar access the lobby unfortunately that was a dark day ticket does not allow you to enter the pizzeria you can find an upgrade machine customer service I just I’m just excited for um the joy

Of creation remake that is going to be good that’s going to be awesome I’m excited for that too the have you seen recently the ignited foxy jump scare got revealed I did dude that looks so good it was awesome it looks bad it looks better than anything F afro that’s came out in

Like the past three years it’s it’s honestly my favorite Like official game jump scare that or the the withered Bonnie one CRA well I guess that’s not official cuz it’s the first game lame either that or the the Monty one I am where Cassie fights off Monty oh yeah that that one’s actually

Good I forgot about that one that was that one was pretty awesome I like that one remake Aton buil dude if they had him on the team for it oh my God that would be so after Bill actually had like an actual interesting this ticket doesn’t even work thing to

It theob due to like I think F King just I think because of him also good [ __ ] over so hard dude theft King destroys anything he touches honestly I wonder what the it’s like um how do I explain it it’s like uh it’s like neon I don’t know if

You know neon basically he like he picks fights but he cries about like picking the fight he cries about the situation he put himself in and complains yeah yeah dude my favorite the only good thing that’s come out of theft King is that one thumbnail where it’s like Foxy

And black and white it just says enough and and bright yellow text are you serious dude you come to my [ __ ] live stream D hell that clip too Terri if there’s a hell K Carter will burn for eternity that one was so funny oh my God

He was so over the top there we go oh you know what the funniest part is some of my friends tell me I sound like K Carter sometimes so just he could be listening yeah I’m going to start getting docked by like his 100,000 subscribers oh my God F King’s listen to

Me wow I don’t care fft King could just like [ __ ] I don’t know I mean his Channel’s dead basically no the king def beef with a with a actual Miner over FNAF if he hasn’t already I’ll take you to your no is she stupid I’m betting he says he has a

Girlfriend I’m bet as girlfriend’s like a miner yeah or at least like he’s I don’t know he’s he’s weird he’s weird he I uh you don’t say I mean he called the a 14-year-old mod uh and I can’t say that well on stream but it’s

Very very bad oh he’s just a we guy I’ll tell you a DM’s box but that was just a bad oh okay yeah yeah and also another word he’s he’s not you know he’s not a nice guy he’s not a nice fell no and for that if

There’s a hell fking will burn for eternity you know what I’m upset about the whole fnam situation cuz yeah I think fnom was I didn’t really like him at all but then was the RAB was it golden rabbit was that his name yeah he was also weird as hell just everybody in

That situation sucked uh I’ll explain I did like fom a bit I actually loved his streams but I just think he handled the situation poorly mhm like when it comes to your fans harassing sending oh vo don’t do that now don’t don’t do that at all no

But yeah no don’t don’t don’t do that don’t do that we got a hell crazy rabit bur for eternity hi son I just being the [ __ ] fire just screaming F King over and over again that whole drone was wild but um recently some allegations came out against golden rabbit yeah I saw

Them it was uh yeah nasty nasty stuff you just you think to yourself like how how why is there so much like how why is there so much controversy in FNAF now they a lot no when that back in like 20 20 no 2014 209 there’s like zero controversy wasn’t

There yeah but then like all the people who were doing weird things were never like called out for it like um Mando Pony GJ Cinema rooster time yeah oh J CA he’s not he’s not my cup of tea golden rabbit also used uh him yeah he

He made him like he made himself a celebrity because he ruined a f game imagine ruining a fan game and thinking how cool you are you must be like you must be so sad and all the fame went to his head there the bottom where Jesus

Christ yeah it was all right we’re going to do this and then I’ll have to go so got it all right but uh there’s a what yeah there wasn’t that much controversy and like when there was like Mando Pony uh J CA R time um or like uh

Or jrome it wasn’t that like because like most of it has been solved besid Jason and R time course still [ __ ] around which pisses me off but um like you know I mean right box it’s there there’re still around but I don’t think that’s kind of something

That’s easy to get R you know it’s mostly like fouryear olds without a developed brain watching so is having an existential crisis in the background as rabbit about [ __ ] no it’s true it’s true I forgot how difficult this section was to navigate especially when it’s a small

Screen when it call like 2020 and 223 Dr the community Jesus Christ there so much there was a there’s a lot recently yeah like there’s so much like there’s you can’t even explain most of it because there’s just that lot M like explaining the whole fsom thing you got

To you got to dedicate like an hour to explaining every little bit of it no I think it’s like four five minutes in my opinion it’s still a lot of time um yeah I guess so but then honestly I wasn’t a big fan of fnam but I I thought his games were really

Good really good at you know coding and ideas and models and stuff I just didn’t like the um negativity I felt like it was just a little bit overly negative that’s fair I I do understand why he disliked security breach a lot to be

Fair like oh thanks R but uh to be fair like um um um what what what just happened what uh oh okay but as I was saying like to be fair pH did have reasons to dislike security breach oh 100% it’s just I feel like it got to a point where everything

He did was negative yeah over the top like like if you dislike a company or dislike a game or movie or whatever it’s your opinion as long as you don’t harass anyone mhm it’s it’s your you have you go you do it I agree yeah if you harass

People over for liking security breach then you’re a clown which Joy no yeah I I agree with that wa I may dislike to Ste wall as a whole but if you like them I [ __ ] support your buch because you could tojin yourself and I can’t I can hear like it just overall

Depends yeah and yeah but it’s at a point now where people just if you disagree with their opinion you are it’s over oh yeah I know for a fact because like I remember saying I like I felt like steel wall overall scam their fans in my opinion and like I got so

Much like hate in one server that I literally just like was like what the [ __ ] yeah it’s a little bit it’s kind of messed up to be so rude to people when it comes to wait does a weak Silver Eyes game what the [ __ ] oh yeah so that

Um that foxy voice actor really good voice actor I’ll be honest you know good voice actor not a good person at all but um almost out of time yeah there was a fan game he was going to be a part of oh my God it’s running at two frames per

Second what is this charge station but that’s the lights go out and when that happens he going to be part of a fan game not fan verse but fan game this is two frames per second um you know who you know who they should like bring back to

Voice foxy if they go remove him hear me out where would foxy voice actor was was that just Scott I thought that was just no no that was someone else he’s actually a musician I didn’t know that I think I think they already found a new one um it was the person who

Vo pirate foxy like Captain foxy yeah that’s the Ste that’s one of the seers oh really I thought it was like an official voice actor but just like someone you didn’t see the Dancing Rabbit lady right in front of us no I oh hey it’s a character that was like which

Would caught for 9% of the G no not even my wife what wait what the he it’s like the whole police is trying to get me when we get the Discord I’m going to have a serious talk with you I want to help I’m going to have serious talk with

You why why you SI for some reason you I’m send at the void it’s okay Trav you should have seen me in help wanted to earlier on the the makeup section good news oh yeah box was making out with do not we get separated again yeah he was

He was a buy [ __ ] s for he loved making out with that wolf no love it unfortunately it is time I must go have my birthday dinner but thank you everyone for coming out thank you rabbit for joining the stream no problem the T tail is back all right I guess that I

Guess that solved everything oh there we go everything wrapped up all together in a nice bow you for mang I okay let’s end the stream oh okay okay wait is there something you need to tell us no no okay um make sure to subscribe if you haven’t already it would be greatly appreciated

Um yeah Yi thank you for the Epic birthday stream Gamers and I’ll see you all later bye rabbit bye everyone bye Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and remember cheeseburgers are good on fries I I like fish you put fish on cheeseburgers

This video, titled ‘sleepyybox birthday stream vod’, was uploaded by SleepyyBox on 2023-12-23 00:11:03. It has garnered 151 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:34 or 13414 seconds.

its my birthday guys :3 #fnaf #minecraft #funny ———————————————- Streamed by 📦 ME!! BOX!! 📦 ———————————————- Tips arent needed but are greatly appreciated! https://streamlabs.com/sleepyybox/tip ———————————————- 💬 Join the worlds BEST DISCORD!! ► https://discord.gg/vaXZJbUdMX

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📺 Watch me fail games LIVE!! ► Subscribe with notifications on to know when I stream! ► https://www.youtube.com/@SleepyyBox?sub_confirmation=1

Wanna get in contact with me directly? Here’s my discord! ►SleepyyBox # 4725 (With discords new handles, my username is just “SleepyyBox”!)

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

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    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

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  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

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  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

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  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

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  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

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  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

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  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

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    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

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  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More


    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More