EPIC SpaceX Starship Battle | Charity Streamer

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[Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one two 3 [Music] 4 welcome welcome come on everyone it’s a carnival party and we’re going to have some fun step up and try your luck out you could win a prize friends to spend your time with and D the man himself of course he’s always family friendly you don’t have to fret he’s the Hest joki as cowboy on the internet [Music] welcome welcome come on take a peek join the party where the dad jokes aren’t unique laughing till crying whenever he’s online he’s the funniest derpiest corniest punniest Cowboy around Wild West y hi how’s it going what’s happening looks like monkey be was first for the 22nd time today hey howd to hey everybody W West Dan here today’s gonna be a little different stream um we are going to be watching the third integrated flight test I’m First on YouTube does that count yes yes it does Rusty Bell um monkey B knows better than to try to run the First Command on YouTube though because uh there’s chat delay on YouTube it’s just how YouTube Works um they don’t immediately send chat along so mix it up actually checks I think it’s every 10 seconds every 5 Seconds something like that to see if there are new messages so you could be 5 to 10 seconds behind before uh that actually happens it’s very strange how they do it um YouTube is not meant for live chat streaming Still Still uh someday maybe API is terrible it’s terrible um from what I understand anyway um we’re going to be watching a rocket launch today hopefully hopefully it’s already gotten delayed an hour uh it was supposed to be launching 10 minutes ago um which I was ready I was just sitting uh not streaming because the problem is I don’t have an awful lot to talk about with Starship um just because I’m not real good at um how it all works um you know Falcon 9es I could do easy uh I can talk about those for hours um yeah twitch has been lagging behind a lot lately people keep saying um but anyway let’s take a look real quick before I get into my my power washing uh Starship so this is um a very very large rocket um it’s uh they’ve they’ve tested this so um the there’s a booster that’s on that’s on the bottom this will land uh eventually this will get caught by the launch Tower and so it’s immediately ready for another uh ship vehicle on top um and this is the part that goes into orbit and then we’ll come back and also land eventually um but uh it’s it it’s not it’s not a thing yet so we’ll see um today what they’re doing is they’re launching both of these um this is going to land in the ocean and this is going to land in the ocean but hopefully this will land in the Indian Ocean um instead uh after it goes mostly all the way around the earth once so we’re doing a almost full orbit um but we’ll see um do they have a uh they have any info about the thing no hang on let’s go to launches what do we have for info here third flight test schedule Thursday March 14th launch window 110 minute test window okay all right so just under two hours um they are they are they um NASA and and every other launch vehicle has been doing it uh since the space flight program began um they uh but yeah the good news is this uh is way less complicated and has less toxic materials than a lot of the old rockets in their boosters kiru good morning uh eventually they do plan on catching it they’re just that’s that’s not a that’s not a today thing they need to get it to work first um and then and then uh and then thanks HGB I love your face um I think you’re wonderful that is all better than littering on on land well I mean one of multiple of the first test booster flights the booster is just the bottom part um down here not not this part um did litter on land because uh they exploded a lot at the beginning which was fun um bam random rocket launch in their sea Garden I mean it’s all right it’ll it’ll go down slowly it’s fine um let’s see 30 minutes before liftoff you have to watch it on X which is super annoying and stupid um oh they are going to open and close the payload door so let’s see can we see the payload door let’s duplicate this tab here uh I know I said I was going to power wash first uh no I want this so the payload door is on the other side so the the the black side here this is all heat tiles enjoy your work I apologize that you have to do that um so that’s for re-entry but there is a payload door not pictured I think it’s about here and it’s just a slit and it opens up and then things will come out of it uh kind of like a Pez dispenser they call it um but down here is all fuel tanks so it has to be up here somewhere um new things for this for this is the the hot staging so this section here is basically just open vents what those are um yeah no yeah we we we have to watch it on X we don’t have a choice um so those are allowing the ship so this is ship this is booster altogether at Starship um they’re allowing ship to uh fire its engines before these two separate this is attached to the booster not to the to the ship um so this will light its engines and then they’ll detach so all the it not not full um so all the uh the the uh energy I guess um will be uh will be coming out there and the reason they do that is because if they launch what happens is these engines will cut off before they separate these two otherwise if this is not um propelling itself in any way um actually funny enough a lot of them play cbal uh uh what’ll happen is this when they detach this will have no forward motion and this will still have a lot of forward motion and it’ll just push it and the thing so what they do um is they cut off these engines but if they do that before they light this one then all of the fuel starts sloshing around and it’s not being pushed down to the bottom so the goal is it goes up these engines fire start coming out here um and then these engines shut off then it separates it’s very it’s it’s kind of like rocket science almost exactly yeah um and uh and then that is uh and then that goes away so this was only added before flight Test 2 um flight Test 2 uh had the old engines um hopefully not rock science today um the old engines were hydraulically um gimb so gambling is when the engines move so it can aim um and uh and they’ve taken that out and they’ve made it into electronic um gimbals so there’re uh that should hopefully be better uh shifting TF few more minutes 810 dang it boats so boats this is a problem that we’ve had in the past is people want to watch it land in the ocean um and uh it’s bad so every so often they have to remove the boats from the area that they could be killed at um yeah yeah it’s just space science it’s it’s all it’s all it I mean we’re all in space technically right anyway we’re going to some power washing while we wait um I’m going to move this over here so I can keep an eye on that um yeah we’re gonna we’re g I want to finish up uh Santa’s Workshop because I’m really close or am [Music] I resume yeah and then we might be doing Legends after the launch depending on how the launch goes see release the mouse I’m also trying to keep track of my space discords see what people are talking about it’s cloudy and bokach Chica that’s unfortunate prop load’s about the start good okay all right um all right so I think the only big section we have left here doing my best to avoid the bed today I mean that’s fair nobody wants to bed it’s snowing outside all right so we got all this done we got all that done I did finally get all these presents done these presents were way easier to do on top of Santa sleigh hey burn popcorn how are you uh um sebie got those and all of the workshop things we should look at this because I didn’t actually look at any of this but we got we got toys and little little little workbenches oh look it’s a rocket how convenience um and this is maybe this is Mrs Claus’s chair you don’t know I’m sitting now technically I’m not sitting I’m actually laying down um all right so let’s get this uh this floor here your body’s broken TR out of battery I wasn’t paying attention I had to Pedal very heavy Tri home oh gosh that’s not great it’s not it’s not what you want nope no it’s not doing good just chilling a bit before going off to work for the day well enjoy work I am also just chilling a bit before for working for the day technically my working just involves opening other windows on the same computer um but uh that that’s my work today’s not in the office day which is nice all right stairs are done we’re 99% cleaned y’all we have to take a look in a minute and see what else is missing where else is not cleaned clean your cars all day okay all right yeah that’s hard to do from home but escalators can’t be broken feel bad now today’s my day off don’t feel bad everybody needs a day off it’s all right we’ll allow it I’m just going to get the the edges here then I can go back and forth a little bit easier okay let’s do this side over here I keep trying to Sprint this is Sprint uh in in Minecraft that’s my my key bind for Sprint it’s actually my my thumb button like the back button on on the mouse is what I use for Sprint I find it very convenient um but in this game it’s it’s switched the uh the nozzle orientation which is also convenient um I’m I I changed it temporarily stairs sorry for the convenience uh my day off was Saturday and Sunday I had two days off so you know I don’t know if that makes me better or not does that make me better I let’s go up a nozzle yeah we can go up a nozzle nice and actually what we could do is we could get this extension and go up another nozzle get closer and and a wider thing oh yeah look at that oh hey there’s a rug there spoiler alert I didn’t know you ever watch those videos where they like clean the super super gross rugs did I miss the section no it’s hard to tell on the very dark rug part it’s nice to have a vehicle breakdown and still be able to bring home that’s true yeah the ninth floor has been temporarily moved to the 15th floor well entrance floor is cleaned all right let’s get this rug done so when I only have three things left they’ll pop up on the left side of the screen here as a list of these are the things that you missed you dummy all right and we’re not there yet so if it wasn’t for working with sebie the other day um and him telling me things um then I wouldn’t actually know how to find out what’s left ladies and gentlemen boys and girls non-binary folks of all ages it’s time for some target practice that’s right why does this keep going up um Target in chat people would like a chance to figure it out all right so we’ve got Santa’s chair Holly decoration all right let’s go look at Santa’s chair Holly decoration this will be blinking I assume it’s over here oh the Holly decoration all right that’s done uh cheer Checker base cheer Checker base oh what’s left on this then on we figure out what’s left on this we do three two one and G G meat cat and Phoenix oh also hi meat cat there we go cheer Checker base is cleaned all right what else is left we got uh decoration machine buttons I think this is the decoration machine and these are the buttons all right decoration machine buttons are good decoration machine papers we have to clean the papers this seems like a terrible idea okay decoration machine papers are clean exit door frame are you the exit door yeah yeah okay all right I bet bet there’s some stuff over here that’s not clean let’s see see what we got if it’s the top of this it’s going to be very very difficult to get because um I try really hard not to move the ladder that’s really a me thing more than anything else still just refreshing every so often just to make sure all right team is go for prop load but keeping an eye on wins now targeting 8:25 a.m. so that is roughly exactly 1 hour from now minus a minute um that’s where we’re that’s where we’re currently at nice door frames done fireplace cover one could call that fireplace glass if you wanted all right let’s just just a quick back and forth here okay we’ll do a little bit of the edges over here we’ll do a little edges over here all right let’s see if we can get in like here a little bit we’ll do some of this all right so I’m hitting Tab and you see there’s little little little lights here saying you know that needs to that’s behind the glass how can I clean behind the glass excuse you all right we’re going we’re going we’re going hardcore here this is uh this is the one I use when I can’t find it there it is nice all right all right that’s good that’s good that’s good giant Bobble tops giant Bobble tops nice Grotto presents all right which one’s the grotto are these The Grotto presents those are Workshop presents fireplace presents Christmas tree presents Grotto presents all right what do we got what do we got this one right here all right grot presents Grotto wall trims oh yeah I can see that I can see that we could do a little bit better there all right good good we’re getting closer y’all Santa’s office door handle Santa’s office door handle space rocket taking forever I mean that’s kind of space rockets in general this is this is this is par for the course totally normal and expected present collection box presents oh I missed one I thought I got all these all right well we’re going to go down to this one again well that was easy all right now I did get all of those processing machine input curtain okay processing machine Quality Inspector oh hi oh yeah you oh yeah you’re still definitely dirty yep that’s true can confirm dirty like not even a little bit dirty I can’t stand up okay slay base slay can I work on some terraforming around my Homestead cool all right let’s see if this is here or underneath it’s a very dirty stream I mean I’m trying to watch a rocket launch Mark but it keeps getting [Music] delayed but they just started uh propellant loading so we’re making progress here definitely definitely getting things going it’s almost time time current launch estimate is uh is just under an hour from now oh yeah look there’s there’s definitely some some grimness under here nice okay all right what else we got what else we got uh slay Bells they ring are you listening okay I’m listening they cannot they cannot rush it slay Lantern hooks oh these things are a pain I’ve been trying to get all the corners and edges on these things for days oh all right I got them oh there’s three of them I mean there’s four of them oh there’s there’s something in the back okay all right slay steps okay workbench easel print is that one work bench mats times two over here job complete nailed it right still just go for prop load oh oh look it there’s there’s two of us doing this nice nice well that was fun that was good I enjoyed that one refresh still just go for prop load all right all right that’s fine that’s fine what what oh why is there stuff on top of my pile of dad jokes that’s weird do you guys know how you can buy four suits for a dollar no he can buy four suits for a dollar get a deck of [Laughter] [Applause] cards mhm mhm that’s how nailed it I did I did nail it that’s a good point you bring up a good point bot all right what else we got for seasonal specials oh that’s it it’s just the one the one thing okay midgar Back to the Future what’s next I’m back to the future oh the Hill Valley Clock Tower it’s only $300 though Warhammer I don’t own cancel uh mid do I own midgar I own midgar this must come free uh Tomb Raider that must have been free also do the Mars rover or something on theme I don’t think there is a Mars Rover actually I think there is a Mars Rover uh you’re right let’s do that go for propo I keep I keep going uh back and forth in uh in my my my my space discords uh hang on let me uh open up the thing what’s that thing called what’s that thing called put that thing back where it came from the hammer time all right so uh uh today at 9 what is it 9:25 my time 1 2 3 four 5 6 7 8 nine 10 bam copied bam all right all right cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool Bean keeps putting her head in a cotton box B cotton Bud box yep morning Kim how are you I got an old person in there I was already in there um this should be like a one of of those things where you have to conserve your water which I don’t I don’t like when those things are is that Ingenuity in I love you you’re my favorite okay sorry I got distracted I don’t feel good and have physical therapy at two today then get a babysit that’s all that’s super hard when you’re not feeling good but I hope I hope PT goes well hey if we can’t watch rocket what how I don’t know how that happened I didn’t actually push any buttons just then it’s just the Mars rover I think it’s curiosity looks like curiosity yeah I got I hit I it was definitely a hitbox issue because I was pushing into the the camera arm there okay first pass I just kind of do a do a big thing not trying real hard to finish any of these things just get the different sides of everything and make sure that most of it’s good then I’m going to start crawling around in the Mars dirt apparently I’m going to start that now O2 levels 40% depleted that makes me nervous i’ would like my O2 levels to be less depleted generally speaking I like my O2 levels like I like my T full I meant teac cup almost got there we’re 76% cleaned I bet the O2 levels in that message are based on percent finished because that’s how most of those chat bubbles on the side come across I don’t read most of them but they’re they’re Milestone based 60% depleted 84% cleaned those are definitely related all right cool now we got to start doing some nitties and gritties start looking at small machines and stuff here I’m going to HCK up a little bit okay a lot of this looks done let’s start let’s start looking at let’s start blinking things Mast camera all right Mast camera’s clean sensors sensors clean Tires and wheel hubs and mystery hatch what’s a mystery hatch I mean I know it’s a mystery don’t don’t answer that Tires and wheel hubs Tires and wheel hubs clamp Tire okay so this tire is definitely the problem oh ladies and gentlemen boys and girls non-binary folks of all ages we’re doing the tire the tire the tire practice doing the target that’s what we’re doing uh hey Mark Mark oh there’s a sebie noise hey sebie which tire it is definitely this tire [Music] there we go all right mystery hatch if I were a mystery hatch where would I be 3 2 1 let’s [Music] go oh goodness gracious prop load prop load all right we got prop load we’re doing good we’re doing good there’s my tickets mystery hatch does anyone see a mystery hatch who slept what’s status uh prop load uh launch in uh 50 minutes or so mystery hatch is Mystery hatch something on the ground because that would actually be really funny yep uh somehow I knew it nailed it woohoo because there’s there’s a boot on it that was there’s a boot you had footprints for the hint that’s true that’s true I could have followed the footprints I didn’t yep yep that’s true all of that is true I love the the time lapses [Music] all right wants it be longer more fluid this Fountain was actually really fun too how much how much will that make me this doesn’t make me any money oh make me $450 might just continue this just GNA continue this house so yeah I was I was playing more on the couch last night on the uh on the steam dick and uh yeah still don’t still don’t love the uh the controller continue all let’s see so I always start in the back because then the time lapse looks better later so you know we got this we got this super gross looking house right with a with a pristine back at least on the lower floor um and then I like to see if there’s any way then I can uh there’s no way I’ll make this jump now and get like up [Music] there I’m going to need to move the ladder unless there’s some way over here the goal is as much as possible never use the ladder I don’t know why that’s just a that’s a me thing that’s not like a you don’t get credits for that or anything I don’t think yeah I like I liked this house last time I did it so yeah for those who don’t know I had this game uh from Game Pass thanks to Microsoft for gifting me Game Pass um but uh I uh it doesn’t have the progress didn’t move over I’m gonna need a ladder see if I can do with this first oh right right right yeah you were telling me that there it is that’s fine at least it’s not the ladder all right let’s start with this porch down here uh also let’s go with this extension at least first slope jump nailed it nailed it all right still just prop load according to SpaceX official Twitter also happy P day I would like some pie propellent starship’s upper stage is underway prop load super heavy booster is underway upper stage starts first yes o rain that would help pie y I’ll probably go to the store later and get myself a nice cherry pie because cherry pie is the best pie followed closely by pizza pie you know when the moon hits the sky okay now we got the edges mince pie maybe it’s not as good as cherry pie though pumpkin gross no twitch mobile dashboard I don’t want to na use you ever ever and you always pop up never had pumpkin pie I’m not a big fan Hey kid not a big fan pumpkin pie kiz and uh and sebie have very similar entrance sounds but hey your entrance Sound Works now kids now that you know I used correct dollar signs carrot cake I can’t get behind although I’ve recently turned around on um what’s the other vegetable cake that people do make which I think is weird still oh all right that was fast [Music] um hold on a second second it’s not cake it was zucchini bread that’s what I was thinking I’m starting to turn around on that if there’s enough cinnamon in in it in case you didn’t know cinnamon is one of my favorite foods and if you don’t know now you know so we are we are we’re just we’re we’re we’re killing time with the power wash in here right now waiting on the launch it was delayed not unexpectedly this is common for test Rockets um but also it wasn’t their fault this time this time uh cuz there were some boats in one of the landing areas so we uh wait would they they can’t they can’t really help that but they have to move the people and they were having some trouble with that so the launch window is 110 minutes starting 50 minutes ago uh which means if they don’t launch within 110 minutes from then they can’t launch today that’s the only time they are allowed to launch and that’s because of uh keep out areas for boats and no fly zones and all sorts of things that they can’t just hold indefinitely uh you know uh ocean shipping lanes need to be opened uh flight paths need to be opened that sort of thing so that’s why they’re only allowed to launch in that certain time frame so those are our that’s our that’s our hard out and right now they’re about 90 minutes behind or the original launch time so that’s the that’s the hope now is it doesn’t get pushed too much further I don’t actually know how long it’s going to be up in the air like I said I know a lot about what happens for starlink launches um but this is each one of these is different now every every test flight for uh uh for Starship is a little bit different so it’s very hard to tell what to expect so hopefully we’ll find out soon once they start their broadcast which they said they would do a half hour before if anybody wants to watch it without me yapping over it cheese and crackers uh you’ll be able to do that they here that’s that’s the only place you can watch it oh and it is live joining you from SpaceX headquarters in hawor California now it’s just been a hundred you can tell the crowd is already excited behind us now it’s only been 117 days since our last Starship test and for those of you following along you’ll know there’s nothing more exciting as you can hear than to watch de developmental flight test that’s absolutely right flight test days guarantee the maximum level of excitement as you can hear behind us and if it all goes well Starship will lift off just uh about 30 minutes from now we’re hoping to surpass what we achieved in flight test number two back in November of last year but regardless of today’s outcome the goal is to collect as much data as possible and that’ll help us get one step closer to a fully operational Starship now Starship which you see on your screen is the latest and largest vehicle developed to date by SpaceX and in the world ever compared to Saturn 5 the rocket that first took astronauts to the Moon Starship has more than twice the thrust and with some upgrades that are planned for the future it’ll have three times the thrust Starship will allow us to fly the heaviest payloads ever flown land humans on the moon again after more than a half century and nope I didn’t dang it ever before even to Mars but the most important thing about Starship is that it’s designed to be a fully rapidly reusable reliable rocket or what we like to call the four RS and we’ll talk more about those later in the webcast but before we dive into the details of today’s test let’s recap the achievements of our last integrated flight test flight 2 all 33 Raptor engines on the super heavy booster started up successfully and for the first time completed a full duration burn during Ascent as you can see here we saw amazing views of each Raptor engine burning during that Ascent which is something awesome because we don’t get to see that with Falcon and its Merlin engines now next Starship executed a successful hot stage separation powering down all but three of super heavy Raptor engines and successfully igniting the six second stage Raptor engines before the vehicle separated this is the first time this technique has been done successfully with a vehicle of this size and scale following separation the super heavy booster successfully performed its flip maneuver and initiated the Boost back burn however about 30 seconds into that burn it experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly or rud that SpaceX speak for an exciting end to the booster’s journey the likely cause was determined to be filter blockage where liquid oxygen is supplied to the engines so up Hardware boosters including the one that’s out on the pad today vehicle breakup occurred more than 3 and a half minutes into the FL into the flight about 90 km over the Gulf of Mexico so well away from people now on Starship the six second stage Raptor engines all started successfully at separation and everything was going normally in the ship’s climb to space until about 7 minutes into the flight when we began a planned vent of excess liquid oxygen propellant to simulate the mass of a payload and get future Focus data the ship was loaded with extra propellant that we needed to get rid of or vent before re-entry once we started venting though a leak developed that caused fires which eventually cut the connection between the flight computers on the ship and that caused the six Raptor engines to shut down before we had finished the full burn that was detected by as a mission rule violation by the autonomous flight safety system which triggered a the flight termination system and led to vehicle breakup starship’s second flight test nearly completed its full duration burn it ended at an altitude of about 150 km and a velocity of 24,000 kmph officially making it the first Starship to reach outer space like the booster we’ve made upgrades to starship’s Upper stage based on flight two learning such as improved leak reduction fire protection and changing the operations to increase reliability now back at the launch site the new water cooled flame deflector and other pad upgrades performed as expected so the pad required minimal post-launch rework and that’s a big reason why why we are ready to fly again today the ground support systems are designed for Rapid turnaround of the Launchpad between flights and the improvements we’ve made ahead of flight three are getting us closer to that goal and that brings us to today’s test the test profile and the burn timeline are very similar to test number two with one major difference the ship will attempt to splash down in the Indian Ocean rather than the Pacific this puts us on a steeper trajectory than past flights and lets us taste cap test cap abilities that we’ll need for the future like lighting a raptor in space while maximizing Public Safety so let’s take a closer look at the flight test profile now about 26 minutes from now super heavy will ignite its 33 Raptor engines and lift off from Star base about 3 minutes into the flight super Heavy’s booster will separate from the ship in spacex’s second ever attempt at a hot stage separation that means it’ll light its engines while still attached to a partially lit booster the ship’s engines will then remain lit for about 6 minutes during the ascent before entering a coast phase next the booster will perform a flip maneuver and execute a boost back burn which if you recall is where Flight 2 super heavy experien a rapid unscheduled disassembly we’re hoping Hardware upgrades made for this flight will get the booster closer to executing a landing burn in the Gulf of Mexico me time stose for about 30 minutes at altitudes between 150 and 235 km and the ship will attempt to fire a single Raptor engine for our first ever relight of Raptor engine in space and from there the ship will head toward its destination a splash down location in the Indian Ocean again if we get past a successful stage separation and a full Ascent burn with the upper stage it will be at an at altitude and trajectory below orbital meaning Starship won’t have to fire its Raptor engines for a deorbit burn and it will naturally come back into the atmosphere no matter what now meanwhile the super heavy is going to attempt a Landing burn before splashing down into the Gulf and while we are going to practice a landing we aren’t planning to recover any of the hardware from super heavy or the ship on this flight now with the exception of Falcon this is no different from what happens with most Rockets flying today that are expended or fall into the ocean after they complete their mission eventually though we will land and recover Starship boosters and ships just as we do with Falcon 9 and heavy boosters where we’ve recovered 283 to date starship’s rapid reusability is key as we begin missions to the moon and Beyond even though recovery is not planned the Telemetry and data we receive all the way to the end is what we’re looking for particularly with regard to the ship’s temperatures during re-entry and how the heat shield will perform the data that we gather today of course will help us continue to build a rapidly reusable Starship for the future now much like our first two flight tests today also still just a test our goal is to gather data to continue iterating and ultimately uh improve Starship that’s exactly right the primary goal for flight one was to clear the pad and we did that and got a lot of great data that helped us improve the vehicle and the pad infrastructure that you see today the primary goal of flight two was to get all the way to Stage separation which we did and even got a little extra for flight three we’ve added some ambitious tests highlighted by an attempt to transfer several tons of propellant between the tanks inside Starship itself as well as as the first ever relight of a Raptor engine in space and the opening and closing of starship’s payload door show the door when Starship takes astronauts to the lunar surface as part of NASA’s Artemis program it will be refilled in Space by a Starship tanker spacecraft before boosting itself into a lunar orbit like you see here transferring a large amount of cryogenic liquid in space has never been done by anyone ever so uh we’ll be looking to get data on some of the fundamental physics in play here like managing pressures temperatures uh propellant settling um all as we prepare for eventual ship-to ship transfers the ability to refill Starships once in orbit will be critical for landing on the moon is a key technology for enabling deep space exploration flights to Mars now we’re also attempting the first ever relight of a Raptor engine in space and we’ll need that capability for future inspace Maneuvers and deorbit burns it’s important to note that what we’ll attempt today is not a burn required for Starship to reenter on today’s test we are intentionally flying this new steeper trajectory so we can test things like engine relights without substantially changing where we expect to splash down and if Starship manages to make it all the way to re-entry we will collect valuable data on the vehicle as it flies through the Earth’s atmosphere at Hypersonic speeds or more than 5 times the speed of sound we expect it to look something like this animation on your screen with the heat shell tiles facing down will use the Earth’s atmosphere to break the vehicle and help then get us into a controllable regime as we go towards Splashdown now we did validate starship’s ability to fly in land at subsonic speeds during our suborbital flights several years ago and Gathering data on the aspects like Heating and vehicle control while we’re traveling way faster will become critical to eventually bringing we also attempt to open and close starship’s payload door for the very first time a capability that we’ll need when Starship starts flying our next Generation Starling satellites and there you can see an animation of what that will look like as the satellites are deployed one by one through a slot near the top of the spacecraft so at this point in time we are approaching tus 21 minutes until liftoff let’s check in with Dan for a countdown update hey thanks k hey everybody I’m Dan hu good morning welcome to Star base I’m coming to you from the Raptor’s Nest where I’m here with some of our flight controllers also our pad red team uh we’re just behind the mega Bay those are super heavy boosters right behind me getting ready for the next four flights after this one uh so we’re looking to launch a lot this year uh countdown has been pretty clean so far we’re not tracking any issues that are gating us on the hardware side and the vehicle side uh from that on time lift off at 8:25 a.m. Central Time that’s our t0 right now we primarily shifted later as we were just working to clear the range uh the other big watch item today is going to be the winds the winds have started to pick up we’re still looking to be below our limits but there could be a hold minus 40 seconds just to make sure that the winds are acceptable before we go we are actively loading propellant on board the vehicle you can see by the frost line starting to build up looks like we’re about 80% on the ship main tanks right now and a little over 60% on the booster now Starship uses liquid methane as its fuel liquid oxygen as its oxidizer both of those get cooled down to cryogenic temperatures so several hundred degrees below zero and if you followed along with our previous two flight tests the prop load timeline today looks a little bit different those first flight tests it took us about 90 minutes to load all of the prop on board but since the second flight we made some pretty significant upgrades to make that time shorter we added some add Fuel and locks pumps just to increase our capacity we expanded the number of heat exchangers and installed a dedicated fil drain line for each stage but they were sharing one before now they each have their own that’s just that main Pathway to get the propell to the vehicle we’re aiming for about 51 minutes for today’s operation to fully load prop we did that successfully on our first on our wet dress rehearsal that we did recently eventually though we’re trying to get that time down to about 40 minutes just for some content Contex that’s about 5 minutes longer than we take on Falcon 9 but we’re doing it with 10 times the amount of propellant now the propellant load on ship started at about tus 53 minutes booster right around tus 42 minutes uh we are about to pause loading on the main tanks of ship switch over to the header tanks and then switch back to close out the main tanks we’re expecting all of the prop to be on ship at about T-minus 3 minutes 30 seconds and then booster prop load ends at tus 2 minutes and 50 seconds now our our final countdown and startup sequence is going to be the same as Flight 2 we already tested this on this booster when we did it static fire looking back for flight one we lit those Raptor engines on the booster and lifted off about 6 seconds later flight two we reduced that time by almost two seconds that just helps reduce the stress on the ground systems improve the efficiency of the rocket but right now we’re just about to pass 18 minutes away from launch winds again they’re still looking a little bit marginal so we’ll keep keep an eye on those we’re not working any other technical issues and the range is expected to be green if we can’t make our test today we have backup launch opportunities in the coming days could be 24 to 48 hours all just depends on how far we get into the count so check back in with everybody in just a little bit for now though I’m going to send it back to Kate and shiv minimum it sounds like okay thanks Dan the countdown is continuing to progress so let’s take a closer look at the world’s most powerful launch vehicle ever veloped Starship is comprised of two elements the ship which has six Raptor engines and the super heavy booster which has 33 Raptor engines Starship is capable of about twice the thrust of the Saturn 5 rocket and with future engine upgrades it will actually be three times as more three times more powerful now with those future improvements that’ll allow Starship to carry somewhere between 150 and 250 metric tons to orbit depending on the configuration for reference Falcon 9 heaviest payLo toe is just overc T So at Starship we’re talking about an order of magnitude greater in terms of payload capability to orbit and that matters because the amount of mass we’re able to launch per rocket is critical to creating a self-sustaining City on Mars in terms of size the super heavy booster alone stands about 71 M or 233 ft tall and is about the same height as a fully integrated Falcon 9 the ship stands about 50 M or 160 ft tall stacked together the booster and the ship are by far taller than the Statue of Liberty which stands at 305 ft tall with its base stacked together Starship is 396 ft so uh quite a bit taller there now starship’s first stage has a diameter that’s about 2 and a half times that of Falcon 9 and we’ve got those 33 much larger Raptor engines this this great view of the launch Mount looking up at those engines and we need them to power through the Earth’s atmosphere and gravity to deliver those massive cargo uh and payloads up to space moving up the rocket Starship is designed for vertical takeoff and landing on any hard surface and that’s as opposed to taking off and landing on a Runway as aircraft do and that’s important because there are no runways on the moon and Mars where we’re going that’s true the ship which we’re looking at Now features six Raptor engines three of them are sea L engines three of them are vacuum engines that means that those vacuum engines are optimized with a larger engine nozzle to operate in the vacuum of space and getter higher performance the ship is also outfitted with four flaps to help aerodynamically control the vehicle’s attitude during atmospheric flight and enable a precise excuse me enable a Precision Landing the body of Starship is also wrapped in a heat shield made up of 18,000 hexagonal ceramic tiles those are designed to insulate the vehicle during atmospheric entry where temperatures can be as high as 2,000 600° f one of our test objectives today is to verify how Starship systems and thermal protection system tiles perform during rantry and in between the first and second stages is our hot stage which is critical for our newest separation technique which we saw in action during flight test two yeah that was a pretty exciting first for our team Hot staging had never been done before as part of a reusable reusable space transportation system let alone on a vehicle with the size and power of Starship now at about liftoff plus 2 and 1/2 minutes the booster shut down most of its 33 engines leaving just three of them running and then the ship simultaneously ignited all six of its engines some clamps separated and the ship thrusted away that was the first inlight test of the heat shield and we were able to gather a ton of valuable data about hot staging we maximized the vehicle’s performance by leaving three first stage engines on so gravity can’t Rob us of precious velocity or at least not as much hot staging also helps to ensure the ship’s liquid propellants are at the bottom of the propellant tanks which is where we need them to be in order to quickly light the ship’s engines it also reduces risk at stage separation because it creates a passive staging system so that physics will be doing the work instead of mechanical Parts pushing the two stages away from each other ultimately hot staging could increase starship’s payload to orbit capacity by 10 % which directly translates to more payload and more people to the moon and Mars now the first stop will be the moon and the SpaceX team has been hard at work proving out all the systems necessary to make that possible critical systems for propulsion life support and even the elevator that you see here which will take crew and cargo from the Starship hatches down to the lunar surface are currently in development and the data that we GA each test flight helps inform their design here we’ve uh a photo of some of the mockup suits that are used to demonstrate the range of Mobility that uh as astronauts will be expected to have and we were using these to do human factors demonstrations and figure out the layout of the elevator so all awesome development work for a future moon mission super cool now SpaceX will perform one uncrewed demonstration flight before NASA’s emis 3 mission which will be the first human surface Expedition since 1972 after those first Expeditions we be ready to fly more people along with everything it takes to build a moon base there’s so much to look forward that humans are finally going back to the Moon you couldn’t have said it better Kate and the Moon is just the Proving Ground it’s just the start when the time comes to make the leap to Mars everything ramps up by orders of magnitude the logistics of supporting an entire city on Mars are daunting and will require millions of pounds of cargo flown from Earth and spread out over thousands of launches and today’s flight test is one more step toward that ultimate goal we’re currently at tus 11 minutes 47 seconds let’s check in with Dan once again for a countdown update all right well countdown update is there’s 11 minutes 41 seconds cheers hey Kate uh still still good news from down here at Starbase we’re not tracking any technical issues that are going to block us to a launch our t zero time still holding to 8:25 a.m. Central so just about 11 and a half minutes from now uh the real thing we’re going to keep an eye on is the winds once we get there we do have that potential hold at T-minus 40 seconds where we can hang out and either let winds die down make sure we’re in the right structural limits everything like that I was here too uh so don’t be surprised if we do a hold at T minus 40 we’ve done those on previous flights uh but we are not tracking any technical issues the range is going to be green for launch so all that really great news uh we’re still loading propellant on the vehicle on the ship Seb which we’re just about done loading the header tanks the two small tanks in the top uh and then we’ll go back to the main tanks are about 85% full and then booster both Fuel and locks over 80% so looking good there the launch pad itself is getting ready for liftoff we commanded the booster hold Downs open already about 20 minutes ago or so and then that just means that once that rocket has sufficient thrust to overcome its weight your thrust to weight ratio goes over one it’s going to lift off uh we don’t have a command to actually release the hold down once it starts up uh just also a reminder actual liftoff happens a few seconds after you see those engines ignite so you’ll see fire and then a few seconds before Starship really starts to take to the skies our range team just going to keep on making sure land sea air all clear as we really count down but that’s the latest we’re just coming up on 10 minutes before launch everything looking good for starship’s third test flight it’s also back to you guys in hawthor great thanks Dan now if you’ve been following SpaceX over the years you’ve no doubt heard us talk about our goal of full and Rapid reusability nearly all of the Falcon boosters flown last year and this year have been reused or as we like to say flight proven we’ve landed Falcon 9 and Falcon heavy boosters 283 times since first doing so in 2015 and with Starship our mission is to take reusability even further by refly both stages with little downtime between flights and we we plan to fly as often as possible as we mentioned earlier rapid and complete reusability is critical to enabling routine space flight the team at Starbase has been hard at work developing and Manufacturing the hardware that will ultimately take humans back and forth to the moon and Mars now even though we are not recovering Starship today test flights like these provide the critical data that we need through every phase of flight and that data informs future missions and gets us to that future where starships are being recovered and rapidly Reflow our teams are also working on the ground systems that will support rapid reusability when we start recovering Starship boosters we’ll want them to return to the launch site for a quicker turnaround as you can see here uh depicted in this animation on your screen this is when the tower reveals its dual purpose after launch the arms or the chopsticks on the tower will help guide the booster into position to ensure a soft Landing now if you were thinking that this sounds hard or even impossible to do well that’s the inspiration for naming them Chopsticks some of you might recall a little film called The Karate Kid where Mr Miyagi famously taught the main character Daniel that if he could reach excuse me that if he could catch a fly with chopsticks he could accomplish anything now today we do have four ships and four super heavy boosters built with more coming off the production line as our star Factory continues to grow these vehicles are slated for future flight tests just like today’s and in fact just this week we static fired our next ship that’s planning to fly and expect to test the booster as soon as the launch Mount is free from today’s flight test uh now as a reminder today is still just a test while we really hope to get our splash down location in the Indian Ocean but any data received will help us improve it’s the third of many future flight tests for Starship before it becomes fully operational and that’s the goal of flight tests they teach us about the limits of our design and improve our understanding of the vehicle and ultimately help us make Starship more reliable and rapidly reusable so whatever the outcome and however far we get we can promise excitement and things look like they are moving fast at Star uh star base uh and that’s exactly how we like it uh iteration is is a key of SpaceX yeah uh we’ve done it with all of our major Innovative advancements including Falcon dragon and starlink uh we believe that if you’re not failing you’re not learning and proving the design yeah many of the innovations that we’ve developed have come from our failures and they teach us how to avoid the Perils of space it’s a it’s a tough buiness but all of this testing all the iterative design allows us to make the design better and better to do some of the Great accomplishments with reflight that we’ve had so far exactly one of the examples that we love to talk about is the Dragon capsule like the one located behind Shiva and I here uh on the mezzanine originally it originally it was uh uhen you know not designed to be reusable we wanted to prove the initial design and then when we brought Dragon 2 online we had to do a lot of corrosion analysis based on flights that had slashed down and now on Hardware received there and now our dragons are uh reusable and uh also rapidly at a much rapid Pace than they used to be yeah so I mean great learnings from the original dragon our new crew and cargo vehicles have directly improved the operations and they’ve helped us change our understanding of what’s possible when it comes to Rocket and spacecraft reusability now uh we’re just under tus 6 minutes so I think it’s another good time to check in with Dan for the rest of terminal count how we looking Dan thanks shiver we’re looking good five minutes 35 seconds and we’re counting down we are just about at uh closing the prop load sequences on Boost and ship just a reminder ship we’re going to close out at around 3 minutes and 30 seconds booster at about 2 minutes and 50 seconds uh once all of that prop is loaded on board we’ll have about 10 million pounds of propellant on both stages of Starship now after that happens we’ll go through a couple of different procedures with the ground we’ll do what’s called push backs clearing out the lines between our prop farm and the vehicles themselves before we get to launch uh and then in the next few minutes we’ll get the final guidance system alignments some final thrust vector control on the booster checks uh and all that’ll be performed and again if we need to hold we have a hold Gate built in at T-minus 40 seconds where we can hang out uh it sounds like today we’ll have about 15 minutes to hold at tus 40 if we need to if we hit that right now it looks like the most likely reason would be winds we’re not tracking any technical issues to our t0 at 8:25 just about 4 and a half minutes from now so I mean everything’s really looking good the the booster is almost at full Frosty so we’ll see that close out in just a couple of minutes but we are we’re getting really close to flight guys the excitement is definitely growing here uh in Hawthorne SpaceX headquarters there is a large crowd Gathering you might hear them cheering occasionally um now Dan me mentioned a good point about the holds uh we have an opportunity to today hold for a few minutes um and and this is a really cool thing about Starship and we don’t have this opportunity with falcon or Falcon heavy um up into up until the T-minus 42nd Point aborts are just holds so anything that would trigger an abort prior to T-minus 40 seconds becomes a hold so that’s a really cool feature to allow the team to wait for final checkouts or assess prop levels engines avionics vehicle pressurization it’s really helpful to ensure a liftoff yeah and and that’s something that is a little that is very different from Falcon I’m sure people have watched our launches and then we get right down past prop load and then have to scrub because of weather or scrub because of an issue on the vehicle and we don’t have the same constraints on our propellant and our system with Starship which gives us more availability in the window and sometimes that’s all you need sometimes the winds dip just enough where you can launch the rocket safely and other if you didn’t have that ability to to hold a few minutes you might miss that window and then have to recycle to another day yeah exactly which is kind of like today uh like we mentioned earlier winds are the thing that we are watching so um good news there so we we are still continuing to progress we’re looking at liftoff and just under uh almost two and a half minutes from now um super exciting like we said before there’s nothing more exciting than watching a test flight for a developmental program and that’s where we’re at today and like we talked about we have some really ambitious goals for today’s test but really the point of today’s test is to try to get as much data as we can so we can inform the next iteration of the design of Starship work those those things into flight test number four and new objectives there that will eventually get us to that glorious rapid reusable future that we we so badly want yeah for flight one we wanted to clear the pad and we did for flight two we wanted to get through hot staging separation and we did so today we want to get even further than that and collect as much data as we possibly can so with all that being said we’re going to check back in with Dan uh to take us through the final two minutes of terminal count I don’t right we are under two minutes away we are just we have closed out the crop load on the booster and on the [Applause] ship and we’re starting to hear some good news that it looks like winds are not going to hold us up so there’s a good chance we blow right through that 40c hold so we’re about a minute and 20 seconds away just walking you through one last time we’re going to see the engines ignite about 4 seconds uh before we hit our t0 they’re going to ignite in three different banks you’ll get 13 of the inners 15 of the outers and then the last five ignite just two minutes before t0 and then after that the quick disconnect will retract the the engines will start to th up and then we’ll see lift off about a second and a half after t0 so we’re under a minute away don’t be shocked if we hold at 40 seconds before but it sounds like the winds are cooperating today we be able to move right past that not tracking any other technical issues that could hold us Pro past our cutie vent gate let’s go go flight director Ty Huntington telling the team we are go for La so 20 seconds to go can we get a go no go in chat listen in I’m supposed to say that [Applause] right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 let’s go let’s go let’s go it’s going all right success number one God that thing was big holy crap so if you missed it earlier uh they mentioned that that is what 40 50 ft taller than the Statue of Liberty and it just escaped the Earth’s ground let’s go 30 seconds into flight we are feeling the rumble we are seeing 33 out of 33 Raptor engines ignited on the super heavy booster booster and Shi avionics power and Telemetry nominal down here keep an eye on this this is how the our trajectory looking nominal systems looking nominal just amazing to see all lit up once again speed altitude’s not working great oh I guess it is they’re just doing pass through Max that maximum Dynamic pressure they did meters that would be moving faster and passing supersonic so we’re now moving faster than the speed of sound getting those onboard views from the ship cameras no no it doesn’t no it sure doesn’t now the me the next major Milestone is going to be a hot staging maneuver again we’re going to doing that in just about 90 seconds to do that we’re going to shut down all but the three Center Raptor engines on super heavy these three here that’ll be our Mo our most cut off and then the clamps holding the two stages together are going to release Starship second stage its engines the arvac first the sea level the trouble was last time one of the engines didn’t reled or just kind of pointed out at about a 15° angle so if you look close we get good tracking you might be a to see those center right after and so those six engines will push Starship much fuel it uses that’s what around an e now counting down now we’re going to be coming up right around the thre minute mark on that hot station Manu again we’ll see the booster engines start to shut down you’ll see all but three lights go out the middle and then we’ll see the engines ignite on ship pushing it away and that will start carrying the ship into space booster will start to do its flip and then move into the Boost back burn setting it up for eventual splash down G of Mexico all right hot stage release good okay so now we’ve got engines on this side for the second stage everything relit correctly for the booster hot staging confirmed this is looking great boosters now making its way back seeing six engines ignited on ship oh let’s go let’s go let’s go we got a Starship on its way to space and a booster on the way back to the gulf oh man I I need a moment to pick my jaw up from the floor because these views are just stunning uh these are live views from Starship uh first stage is currently performing power and Telemetry nominal good there news informing us at the second stage or the ship everything looking good nominal there first stage is currently performing the Boost back burn expecting that to last about 1 minute that boost back burn uh that boost back burn propels the booster back towards the coast taking it to a landing in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico uh we’re only using the super heavy boosters 13 Center engines from here on out uh as whenever they relight you’ll be able to see that in the left bottom corner uh those are the ones that can gimble in other words they move and change direction uh in order to change the thrust to steer the first stage back to Earth so they’re venting wow these are just incredible views coming to us oh my word everything is looking good for both the first stage on the leth hand side of your screen or the super heavy booster as well as on the right hand side of your screen that is Starship or we also refer to that as the ship yeah they call the top part star uh was the first two Burns required to return it to Earth the next one will be the landing burn where all 13 Center engines will initially ignite and then transition into a three engine burn uh to help slow it down now just as a reminder of the stage one test objectives uh we’re looking for controlled ascent which we have so far uh stage separation which gorgeous we Cruise right through it uh as well Asom trajectory all right later Ender good news there telling us that the path that Starship is on uh is good now Starship second stage is still firing its engines and as you heard following planned flight path uh the ship objectives we’re looking for hot staging again cruised right through that we’re looking to demonstrate controlled Ascent as well as orbital insertion now the bottom right hand corner of the screen shows the ship uh engine Graphics so be sure to keep an eye on those yep Kate like this is just a phenomenal test so far super heavy is performing beautifully today it’s on its return leg of the journey ship continuing to burn its six engines those larger circles the Raptor vacuum engines the inner circles the uh Raptor CLE engines we about 30 seconds away uh just under 30 seconds away from the start of the Boost back burn uh excuse me the landing burn on the booster you can see the grid fins rotating look how little are guiding us through the atmosphere back towards our splash down site again we’re going for a hard for a splash down a soft splash down so these fins are basically the thing so for landing bur we’re going to to see the 1erin rap bring down the Boost velocity and then just the three wow that’s amazing I love this shot coming down sideways is hilarious let see if that’ll work uh there’s nothing else there it’s just CH4 spinning a few a few engine we supposed to spin no we didn’t relight them all uh-oh I think we lost position of signal we’ll see if we can get some other video of that I we l this is a test objective today it is still something that we’re attempting to learn um and to make it that far to demonstrate the controlled re-entry up to that point is pretty darn good chip continuing to look nominal with its Ascent bur we’ve lost Telemetry nothing’s moving here burn lasting minutes total and we’re expecting that this burn will end uh just after t plus 8 minutes about a minute from now so far though I mean congrats to the team making it this far is farther that we than we’ve gone on flight two just wonderful views and great engine performance from the vehicles I’m I’m going to be interested to hear what happened so far we’ve hit control Ascent we’re in the middle of that right now demonstrated the hot staging Kate as you said Cru through that uh we demonstrated controlled entry of the the booster just dropped a little short of the engine relay but hey that’s something we can learn for the next one yeah now that view that we just had moments ago was a live shot of Star Command there you see it again this is uh our mission control center at Star base where vehicle operators are standing by now the next Milestone coming up uh is in less than a minute uh at that point ship will or I’m sorry actually it already has um engine cut off there are cut off okay so then they’re going to try and relight them I don’t know as you heard by the call out and from the crowd behind us Starships six Raptor engines have successfully shut down we heard a call out for nominal orbital insertion which is incredible look at these views Dan amazing uh I’m just completely blown away right now uh what a day congratulations to the entire SpaceX team I mean this this flight pretty much just started but we’re farther than we’ve ever been before we’ve got a Starship not just in space but on its Coast phase into space just to recap where we’ve come and the it’s only been nine and a half minutes how has it only been nine and a half minutes we lift it off right on time at 8:25 a.m. we didn’t have to hold at our gate at all we had 33 at of 33 Raptor Eng to open up uh and light and get us through a nominal Ascent another successful hot stage all six engines on the ship propelling us into orbit we did see a what looked like a nomal boost back burn uh and and then we did make it all the way to the landing burn this time didn’t light all the engines that we expected and we did lose the booster uh we’ll have to go through the data to figure out exactly what happened obviously um so be on the lookout for information about that but uh wow a ship in space we’ve got a bunch of as we said ambitious objectives ahead of us um over over the next couple of minutes and pretty much over the next hour where we’re going to really we’ve got the ship in space we’re now going to take advantage of this and try and learn as much as possible about some of the other systems uh including that first ever Raptor relight in space so it’s just going to be incredible so all of that still to come the mission just started but wow uh I think so too what what a lift off what a turning around engines are facing the direction going so then it can slow itself down I I can’t believe we’re seeing it in in space this is awesome wonderful now we are going to be in for uh the next about 30 minutes or so we’ll be back around the t+ 40 minute Mark and that’ll be uh Starship continuing to Coast hit those ambitious test objectives and then continue on to re-entry we’re not totally sure what video that we’ll get since that normally comes to us as we overfly ground stations and we we don’t have a ton of those along our trajectory but as we have video we’ll be sure to bring that to you starlink may be able to bring us additional communication path today that will allow us to talk to Starship through re-entry with no Communications blackout period uh it’s a possibility but either way we will be live for all of today’s milestones and of course when we do have views Puerto Rico especially like the ones that we have now which I just cannot get over uh when we have views we will be sure to bring those to you live but no uh views or no views we’ll see you back here at t plus 40 minutes Pez door is opening and there we just heard call it that Pez door is opening so that’s great you call it the Pez door one of our test objectives today is to open and close that Pez door that’s where we will deploy Starling satelles from in the future why camera inside the door excuse me that test objective is already underway so come back here uh stick around till t plus 40 minutes for coverage of starship’s deorbit burn uh demonstration followed by its re-entry and what is sure to be an exciting splash down all right I assume they’re going to put up that so we’re going to mute that and I’m going to listen to the music on my phone in my headphones so that we don’t get copyrighted um look at all those people um okay so this is where being on Twitch uh S I mean Twitter sucks because we um we can’t rewind and watch it again so I have to wait for the whole thing to be over they they have they have some elevator music he playing now um but yeah no unfortunately I I want I want to watch it again I can’t watch it again until they end the broadcast and release the video onto YouTube because Elon Musk um and I don’t think there’s anything I can do about it without stealing someone else’s videos um yeah when it went through the top layer of clouds absolutely ridiculous ah who knows monkey be maybe uh so let’s see is there anything on the SpaceX YouTube page yet no yeah so it’s just a terrible experience in the old days uh in the old days we would do um stuff like this and you could just rewind it on YouTube and watch it while they were doing the coast face um but now now we can’t oh man wow okay so we got about a half hour or so I can rewind my own YouTube stream okay all right that’s a bit Inception um let’s mute the tab um okay let’s you’re right monkey B that is a thing that we can absolutely do um power washing spacing elevator I’m going to turn my camera off uh because I have two of them now um what are we at T minut 26 all right 26 seconds streaming stream is always funny oh man here we go says time waster in chat 12 11 10 9 eight this is a replay y’all five I I can’t count four three two one let’s go maybe I should just I I can keep my I can keep my own webcam up I can keep myself up it’s fine oh jeez like it tells you yeah it it’s like it’s like it hits something is what it looks like it’s something got something got stuck oh it hit the top of the booth okay it’s so cool all right where is um so here what’s going to happen is uh if you watch down at the bottom these engines are going to light on the ship and then over here oh those those already went off so those already let’s go back a little bit so you see these will will all of the outer two rings will turn off like that and then you’ll we’ll see 1 2 3 4 5 six and then immediate disconnect and then the booster relights and then it starts to turn around engine turns off rocket farts clouds that is correct Y at least 10 records that were standing for the last 30 years I believe it oh hey they did show ah they lost it dang it so that’s the inside of the Pez dispenser is it open all the way is that all the way is it moving I mean it’s it’s rotating so you can see like the sun coming in and out um but I want to watch I want to watch that re-entry again so the basically the the the fins are what aims it um there’s so much space it’s so big the width of that thing is like the size of my house the diameter of it is the size of my house that is so amazing look at the cloud layers so then watch the engines down here one comes on two come on one goes out another one goes out and then they all go on really really [Laughter] fast is it’s pretty much what happened there [Laughter] uh um and then and then everything was fire for a brief moment in [Laughter] time it did did did it look to you sebie like it it went into a spin also like a like a vertical spin it hit a cloud yeah that’s what it was it might have been a seagull So the plan was and I I the only rocket I have is that really big one over there um the plan is it was going to get itself vertical so this is the booster um and then it was going to slowly get to pretty much a stop directly above the the ocean and then just cut out and fall um just to prove that it could slow and land land uh without hurting something that would have to be repaired like the ground or a pad or a launch Tower um so that was that was originally the thing um that was the that was the plan for the booster now this um I don’t think they’re they’re not doing the full flip right sebie so the way ship is going to re-enter if there were either people or cargo on it and it was coming back into uh into Earth to be launched again um is so it it’s it’s a rocket right it flies like this right what they’re going to do so okay so say this is the front right instead of coming in like this like a plane and Landing what they do is they actually go like this and they put as much surface area against the atmosphere as they can so this basically it’s an air break with all four fins off to the side slowing it down slowing it down slowing it down and then eventually it starts coming straight down straightish um like exactly like a belly flop and then uh when it gets down close to ground they do the flip maneuver and come straight down they don’t go they don’t go up I I made that part up they’ll just it’ll they’ll light the engines and it’ll flip this way and then slowly land on a pad this one just lands on a pad the booster which is the first stage uh is supposed to be caught by the tower by the Chopsticks uh eventually that’s not the plan for today today the plan is ocean for both one of them multiple pieces hopefully this one not multiple pieces man I don’t think they’re going to have a camera on it I don’t think they can get a camera close enough uh without risking the people that are on it unless they put like a drone ship out there but I don’t think they did um but yeah I I don’t think we’re going to see this but this is pretty much it’s going to slow itself down it’s going to belly flop at very high speeds right into the ocean I think um yeah and if any of the tiles are missing it’s a huge problem because heat only needs just a tiny tiny space cat hair to to to get into the ship to actually cause damage oh man this is super exciting y’all this went so well so far even though it may not feel like it music’s okay right yeah and there’s no which also makes it less of a [Laughter] problem why is it that in Marcus House’s Discord one channel keeps bringing me all the the way back up and I have to scroll all the way down that’s true someone says took five five flights before they landed the booster and it only took three to do what they wanted on an integrated flight test CO2 rocket from oxygen not-included filled the rocket up with a gas pump and a hamster wheel and success Starship flight computer is in propellant transfer demo I don’t know what that means but that’s what they just said in my ears not going to lie music’s pretty good right exactly it’s it’s not bad y’all can’t hear it sorry also I have to remember to unmute the stream when we get when they come back and we’re going to miss a little bit because the phone is a little bit behind my computer oh yeah also a new snapshot should be coming out today for the Minecrafts theoretically liquid oxid hydrogen is p cool things down by heating it up let alone make something cooling air until it turns to a liquid yep yep all right I’m gonna sit down for a little bit propellant transfer complete State I don’t know what that means either oh that’s what they’re doing they’re just going back and forth between propellant okay so is that closed now or is it partially I mean that seems like it’s open there’s definitely sunlight getting through are they going to close it door Clos coming up soon no idea monkey B for so I thought did they relight the engines doors closing if they just said Pez checkout complete doors closing doesn’t seem to be moving I know the light moving around but it doesn’t seem to be moving at all uh essentially it is monkey B engine chill has started I’m just repeating everything they say so that you guys can hear it it doesn’t look like it’s moving an inch oh oh oh that looks like it moved an inch not in a good way though hey get back in there you don’t want to show if it fails come on now come on now that didn’t look right though that’s for sure you can see the The Ice coming off look at all them space mice um in the in the space Community all the The Ice flaking off like that it’s usually called space mice uh because the conspiracy theorists like to say oh look there was a mouse running around in there was clearly filmed on the earth and they just green screen BR it cuz people will disbelieve anything if they want I don’t think they’ll show it again I’m guessing the Pez I mean the door uh because this thing is moving very very fast and they’re not really in space space they’re still in atmosphere it’s just very very thin atmosphere um so things are coming off and there is some um is that a relight no thought that was a relight for a second uh so there is some res air resistance still where they are it’s it’s weird because when you talk about space there’s not like this one point where there’s just no atmosphere I mean there is eventually um but it it’s it’s just a series of less and less and less atmosphere as it keeps going and going and going but it’s you know miles and miles kilometers and kilometers worth of partial atmosphere um so even right now it’s suborbital uh but even things that are orbital it’s still some of those things are still in the atmosphere a little bit which is why like for example the International Space Station uh every couple of months has to push itself away from the earth again because it’s slowly falling back down because of some air resistance and some pole of gravity still um cool that’s fair oopsie I unmuted apparently just clicking on it will unmute it that’s good to know soon as soon as we get conspiracy theorists in any of the space discords I’m in you’re just immediately banned jokes or not yeah cuz that looks like a missing tile right there possibly there’s like a chip there that could be ice though um not sure about right there that one I’m not as concerned about that’s true I did say that the ship was spinning it’s not spinning it’s rolling and I don’t think it’s a bad thing hopefully yeah so the door closing it’s a question it’s a question of so the door is on the non-heat tile side so if it’s open on re-entry it could be I mean it’s going to cause some weird wind vortices on the back side of the of the ship it will let in some of the the heat I don’t know will it cause a rud I don’t know um it’s not a pressurized cargo area monkey bee probably maybe I don’t know yeah I’m not overly concerned about the door cuz it’s on the other side um it may cause some sort of something with it I want to know what this is I think it’s sunlight reflecting off of something but I don’t know what I hate that they don’t have the door here but the door’s somewhere around here I think maybe here because I don’t think are those yeah no they they they will have pressurized ones but this isn’t one of them those aren’t orientation why can’t I think of what they’re called uh the little the little Jets my brain is uh we’re going to have an ad in two minutes uh stabilizers are the the the the fins RCS thrusters I got it RCS thrusters no breaks in space but some breaks in twitch because it requires it we don’t have a choice okay they’re the back 25 a.m. Central Time our main objective today was to get through all of our Ascent Burns and collect as much data as possible including a potential Starship entry and we just came out of a coast phase and we’re treated to a number of HD views thanks to starlink uh including the Pez door open close test so that was one of our test objectives today that we met so that’s awesome it has been such a great day it has been a phenomenal test day uh just just to see boo lifting a Starship to Ascent ship completing its Ascent just just wonderful day uh kind of to recap the objectives a little bit booster completed its Ascent ignited its 33 Raptor engines we demonstrated a successful hot staging for the second time booster completed the Boost back burn didn’t quite accomplish The Landing burn and then had a hard splash down in the Gulf meanwhile ship uh completely successful after the hot staging we had a good six engine burn of the Raptor vacuum engines and uh sea level engines and then we’ve commanded a number of demonstrations including uh the the stlink satellite deploy demo so the payload door as well as a prop transfer demonstration we do still need to do some data review on those so as we get that data back uh we’ll be sure to update you on social for how those tests went we are coming up on our next major Milestones which is an inspace relight of our Raptor engine for the first time followed by re-entry and then Landing in the Indian Ocean incredible yeah that’s right guys we should be just a couple just about 40 seconds away 40 or 50 seconds away uh if we do this relight demo do want to stress this is not a deorbit burn um in fact it’s actually going to function a little bit opposite of a deorbit burn we’re going to be raising our Pary with this burn with the lowest point of our orbit this is just to demonstrate that we can relight a raptor engine on ship while it’s gone through a coast while it’s in outer space while it’s in microgravity all of the different complexities that come with lighting this engine again after it’s already done an asent burn but you’re now coasting through space this is going to be really important anytime we want to do in space maneuver in the future like eventual deorbit Burns um any of our uh translunar injections that’ll have Raptor engines firing back up um we may not do it there is all of the guidance is loaded into starship’s computer itself so if it doesn’t see the values that it needs to we could just skip the burn um so we are waiting to find out uh if that’s going to happen or not if it doesn’t as we said in the beginning we’re on a pretty deep trajectory that we are coming home no matter what regardless of doing a burn uh This was done just so we can really we’re in a trajectory that’s really not super susceptible to Delta V changes in velocity uh if we were to do a burn we’ve got a pretty con uh pretty concise footprint in the Indian IND in the Indian Ocean that we’re going to be targeting for splash down today um it does sound like we are skipping past the on orbit relight demo this time um again we’ll we’ll confirm all of this through our postflight data review but it did sound like we did pass through that burn okay um so now that’s going to start setting us up for re-entry yeah that’s exactly right so coming up next around t plus 49 minutes is Starship re-entry now this is typically a portion of flight where we don’t have communications with spacecraft because they’re re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere at or around orbital velocity about 8 km/s or roughly 5 m/s super fast now at those speeds the spacecraft’s interaction with the atmosphere results in friction and creates a plasma field around the vehicle that blanket of plasma distorts communication frequency so all we’re left we’re so we’re basically left with a brief Communications blackout uh now we might get some Telemetry back through a connection uh to the tracking and data relay satellite system also known as tedris but if the plasma doesn’t entirely block it that connection will be at a very slow data rate and definitely too slow for any video but that’s why Starship and starlink are a great partnership Starship is so big that it will leave a wake or a hole in the plasma field as it flies through an atmosphere you can think of a wake kind of like when you see a boat going through the ocean it sort of leaves a a trail behind it um there’s some of those great views from uh from starlink giving us uh views of starship’s onboard videos and so we’re hoping 100 km higher than my weatherall seeing these videos now see through that plasma field by maintaining a continuous communication lock with the satellites on orbit through the Wake that Starship leaves behind now this is only the second time that we’re testing starlink during re-entry so even though we do have these great visuals now uh don’t be surprised if we manage to get some signal hiccups through we’re still learning about what that wake will actually look like in practice and whether we’re able to get that live continuous High spe data during re-entry anybody’s getting dizzy just look away for a minute it’s okay that’s right and one of the really primary reasons we want to use starlink is to just gather as much data as possible it’s been said the data is the payload on one of these flights um where we’re just we’re putting this flight Hardware in a real flight environment trying to learn about it as much as possible uh re-entry is going to be a really critical phase of flight uh we really want to know how the ship’s going to perform especially that heat shield as we’re going through the Hypersonic re-entry so if something were to go wrong during this re-entry we want as many paths as possible to collect that information that data just to again just continually feedback uh into star the Starship program to make each flight more reliable and more successful mer keep doing that or not at some point it has to stop rolling now if Starship manages to make it all the way through re-entry we’ll collect valuable data on Starship flying through the Earth’s atmosphere at Hypersonic speeds meaning uh more than five or at this point will be more than five times the speed of sound so this camera is actually on one of the fins the Top Fin uh HD used by the uh you can see that the flaps there on the ship might be actuating um I hope those aren’t tiles that doesn’t look like ice coming off I don’t know what some incredible uh visions of planet Earth behind Starship now uh we’ve already validated starship’s ability to fly uh and land at subsonic speeds you might recall those suborbital flights from a few years ago and we can see those there we don’t know getting data control while traveling way faster than we did before is going to be critical to eventually bringing Starships back from space for Rapid reuse so mention those I can’t think of what it would be that en I mean I guess it could be yellow ice it could be that survive of reentry before we’re expecting that re-entry to occur around t plus 49 minutes uh so we’re uh getting pretty pretty close here and what you’re seeing here it looks like the vehicle sort of moving back and forth part of what you’re also seeing is one of the cameras this onboard view that we have is on the end of a flap Starship has front flaps and and rear flaps in the vehicle um so we’ve got four of those and oh man we can see the heating on those flaps as we’re starting to reenter the Earth’s atmosphere this is where the Earth’s atmosphere is doing the work to slow us down uh now like we said this plasma field wow is wow what a view we hope to maintain these view throughout Starship is so big that we’re hoping that the plasma field doesn’t entirely blanket the entire vehicle right now it is not the star I don’t think this has ever been seen live stars are still communicating and still uh capturing the data and the video that we see here I you’re going the right way though I mean 90 de the wrong way we’ve never seen anything like this before this is the the biggest flying object ever in space absolutely K and and it’s important to note the ascent burn that we did was to get us two orbital velocities even though we were on a nearly orbital trajectory so the heating and the loads that Starship is going through right now are what it would be getting if it were recovering from an orbital Mission and and just the fact that we have used through ENT this is incredible yeah no it’s not technically Fest and fastest that Starship has ever flown and you can definitely tell by the uh the crowd here in Haw the heat chill tiles doing their work we talked about it earlier uh up to 2600 de F that those heat chill tiles are dissipating as we are re-entering yeah now this was one of the critical or or rather the key uh mission objectives that we were hoping to hit today uh we have never like I said before this is the fastest and furthest Starship has ever flown so this is the first time that we’re getting to collect this re-entry data and understand how these 18,000 hexagonal tiles together to protect the belly of Starship as it re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere uh once again the theere is doing us favor the atmosphere is actually doing us a huge favor here by acting as a breaking system for Starship um as it re-enters the atmosphere and that’s part of the reason why the flaps are so important we’re using the body of Starship and the drag from the atmosphere to slow us down from orbital speed but you want the vehicle to remain stable you want those heat shield tiles pointed down uh so they can absorb the heat of the Earth’s atmosphere um and so that’s the purpose that they are serving during that Hypersonic phase and then again during the Subic absolutely so like we said these views are being provided by uh a couple terminals that are are positioned on Starship itself as that plasma builds it we’re hoping that we can bring these views back to you uh but you can see the Telemetry there on the right hand side of your screen um if you watch closely you can see the speed decelerating again that’s the friction um of the atmosphere resulting in this plasma field excuse me the blanket um that is uh potentially blocking the the Sterling terminals right now so we’ll bring those views back to you if we get them but right now for those of you that have recently joined uh Starship is currently re-entering Earth’s atmosphere this is super exciting because it’s the furthest and fast fastest that Starship has ever flown it’s just absolutely incredible major test Milestone something we wanted to accomplish on flight 2 getting to it today so just awesome now we actually have some heat shields here so these are what’s doing all the work on Starship right now uh there are 18,000 hexagonal uh heat shield like these uh so this one that I have is flat like this is what would be positioned on the flaps of Starship has something a little different yeah the the one I have would be on the curve surfaces of Starship I’ll just put it in frame here so we’ve got these attached at various points around the vehicle like you said Kate 18,000 of these tiles a lot of rockets come back it’s really just things all that theral load the those things have late uh they they sound um a little different than I would have expected them to but they are ceramic um and these are are what’s helping Starship uh survive through this period of Entry um we’re not sure how far we’re going to make it again this is the furthest that we’ve gotten uh in our test flight but the further we fly the more data that we can get and that’s ultimately uh the measure of success here which I mean I think today has been a huge success given where we uh where we’ve gone and how much further we’ve gotten with both the booster and Starship itself and one of the beautiful things about starlink on board the vehicle we were getting that high-speed video high-speed video is is a very high data rate and usually video comes after you get your Telemetry so hopefully we were able to get some wonderful data throughout the entry period which is normally something we have to wait for uh until after splash down when we get that data off the data recordered yeah now you mentioned before the flaps again the are um protected by the flat heat shields like I have there are four of those positioned on Starship two at the forward end or the top end uh and two at the bottom or aft end and they operate independently to aerodynamically control the vehicle’s attitude uh or positioning during atmospheric flight and enable precise landing at the intended location so today we are intending to splash down um in the Indian Ocean um and uh we’re hoping that that um we can make it that far but regardless it is an exciting end to what has been an exciting day absolutely and I mean we’ve had some tests in the past we had suborbital campaigns where we have tested out the aerodynamic flaps at subsonic speed so that’s below the speed of sound at Hypersonic speeds well supersonic speeds first so faster than speed of sound and then Hypersonic speeds so that’s that’s more than five times the speed of sound the the equations of motion change how the vehicle responds going through that that control phase where we’re going from faster than the speed of sound to below the speed of sound was one of the objectives today and that’s actually a great point because we’re we are expecting um that entry subsonic period to occur around t plus one hour uh and three and a half minutes so we’re not there yet we’re about 10 minutes away from that point so again that is when Starship would be traveling slower than the speed of sound thanks to um atmospheric braking system hi Dan and so right now we’re still waiting to see if we’re going to get data back from this ship we might be in a bit of a blackout period right now so still waiting to hear the status on it but yeah it was we got to the actual entry portion of today we started into Peak heating which was just a really big milestone uh Starship is pretty unique in the way that it re-enters especially for something reusable the closest parallel has been the space shuttle um when we’re comparing Starship to like when we bring a falcon 9 booster back we’re talking about 20 times the energy given the velocity that we’re moving at and all of that energy just gets converted into heat and then we need to use those tiles to just help dissipate that heat they’re not ablative like you would see on something like Dragon which uses an ablative in the capsule shape um so they are these tiles that are made to be reusable so data we’re getting on the actual temperatures it was seen during heating um all of that is just really hugely valuable U where Starship is really unique is and Kate and Sh have talked about it a couple of times is once we’re through this kind of hypersonic one of the Bas section and we get down to the subs they’re far away and that’s where we really learned a lot anded that starship’s really just its basic shape could work uh and we did that during the suborbital campaign uh again if you compare it to the shuttle which entered it had the wings it had a similar heat shield system but it had wings uh and then was almost flown like a glider once it re-entered and was down to those subsonic speeds uh with Starship we’re not doing that we’re just coming straight down uh we’ll hit terminal velocity which with Starship is around 200 miles an hour and then we use a flip maneuver to ignite those engines do a landing burn and then touch down on the ground uh so you don’t need a Runway we’re doing that again designed because when we go to the moon when we go to Mars uh there’s not going to be a Runway there for us this propulsive Landing uh is going to be really important this is not live views this is an animation of pretty much what we were just watching on actual starship video which is pretty incredible um but we go through Peak heating uh one of the benefits of today’s trajectory actually we got closer to what the heating profile will be on just a normal Mission uh when you compare it to our previous flights which were head to Hawaii um so weting and then we hit subsonic and then uh Starship splashes down in the ocean again we’re not doing a landing burn on this flight uh and we’re not expecting Starship to survive the impact we’re not going to be recovering any of the hardware uh for now though we are just still waiting to see if we’re going to get some signal back we’re currently at a loss of signal with Starship uh don’t know for sure what its status is and so we’re just continuing to listen in but it was pretty incredible seeing the flaps really do their thing to maneuver the vehicle as it’s moving through Hypersonic uh one of the big trade-offs between something like shuttle and Starship is Wings can be pretty heavy um and so if we can really demonstrate that starship’s controllable through that Hypersonic regime when you’re coming through the atmosphere you know 25 times the speed of sound uh you can save a whole lot of weight by not having really big wings so super valuable to get this data super valuable um to then figure out what we’re going to do on our next test flights yes it Dan You’ brought up a really interesting point too that for for on shuttle you are gliding in going back to a runway on Starship because we’re Landing vertically we are basically coming down and then we’ve seen this during the suborbital campaign we’re not going to see it today but during the suborbital campaign we did the flip maneuver and then light our engines for a landing that’s also really important for some of our other terrestrial destinations that we don’t have as much of an atmosphere on Mars there is pretty much no atmosphere there’s some some great views from our our previous test campaigns of uh of a landing burn and upright Landing but on on the moon there is no atmosphere on Mars the atmosphere is extremely thin so you actually need some some other sophisticated techniques uh that other Landers have used to land there and so this this vertical Landing technique uh is really important to landing on destinations like those which is ultimately where we’re trying to go yeah absolutely so we hope to demonstrate uh that that Landing in future missions that wasn’t one of our objectives for today uh we wanted the ship to focus on opening and closing uh the first demonstration of opening and closing the Pez door which is where we will deploy starlink uh satellites from in the future uh as well as a uh you know anal or gathering data on how the heat shield tiles performed during the entry period and so far all of that has gone really well never officially said that it closed overall it it’s been pretty great and and it’s great to see uh how those initial tests that we performed uh a couple years ago for those high altitude uh tests allow us to see what those will look like in the future but this piece that we’re doing today if if we are coming back from orbital velocity and we’re uh going through that entry period that is the missing piece right we already figured out how to land once the ship gets to a certain velocity or altitude and it’s really this piece that we were trying to figure out you know how do we get Starship to survive orbital velocity atmospheric entry and uh we hope to find out soon yeah I mean we we do we talked about rapid iteration and how we do design part of our our philosophy is testing early and often and trying to test in a way that is as flight-like as possible but there’s only so much you can do in a chamber where you’re trying to simulate the atmosphere in in a exactly in a laboratory so there’s nothing quite like when the heat shield til hits the atmosphere in flight to gather that that wonderful data yeah and prove out some of the the analyses and probably teach us a bunch of things that we we didn’t quite get right for sure uh and obviously for uh those of you that have been watching along with us those were incredible views to see of that entry period where where we we saw the high the heat generating uh because of friction as the the belly of Starship was you know making contact with the Earth’s atmosphere and that resulted in some plasma so as Dan said before uh we believe that we’re in a bit of a blackout period um at the moment we are expecting the vehicle if it’s still alive um we would be expecting the vehicle to be approaching subsonic or uh slower than the speed of sound speed um in 3 minutes 3 and a half minutes from now so um if it’s still up there in one piece it still has a way to go we’re not we’re not there just yet um but we saw that plasma field building up around the exterior which uh can blanket the entire vehicle as it does with all of our Dragon missions and uh we’re at a loss for for Telemetry at that point in time so Dan’s seen a lot of those with uh with dragon missions that he’s supported yeah absolutely and we are hearing through some of the Telemetry that we did it did look like we lost starlink and our tedris data flow at the exact same time now if both of those signals are cutting out at the exact same time that could mean we lost the ship it has been several minutes since we’ve gotten any data from Starship we are waiting just a couple more minutes um just to see if we can get any additional confirmation but that is one data point that we’re tracking uh and that could indicate that we had a loss or a break break up of the ship during that re-entry so uh might not make it all the way to splash down today uh but we were able to get through the early phases of re-entry hit some of that Peak heating uh which was just really incredible to see a Starship coming back from space after getting all those views from space for the very first time um so we’ll we’ll just keep on listening in on the loops here see if we hear anything over the next couple of minutes uh and that might bring a close to a pretty success uccessful day so far um so again we did lose the tedris that’s the tracking and data relay satellite that’s uh the satellite system that pretty much it was definitely a run oh yeah it was definitely a r dat it were able to get some signal through that um and then we were also getting data back through starlink I’m worried it’s a rud live view here of uh Mission Control down at Star base so these are all the folks who are experts on the various different systems taking a look at the live data that we did have probably in mission mode still but absolutely it would be so tough to stay focused with what an exciting day we’ve had today yeah uh to quote Monty Python I’m not dead yet um we don’t know as Dan said uh we did lose connection with tedris which is the tracking and data monitors don’t have any logos on them that’s impressive at the same time so it is a realistic possibility that we lost our ship which honestly was always on the table we didn’t know how far it was going to get uh the further we could fly and the more data we could collect was always the biggest win and so regardless of you know if we did lose the vehicle and we are not able to uh you know make it all the way to our intended Splashdown note that we weren’t intending to recover this vehicle either uh vehicle the super heavy booster nor uh the the Starship We weren’t intending to recover either of them they were both going to uh basically hit at terminal velocity and break up a pond contact with the uh surface of the ocean so we’re standing by to hear uh whether or not um we are going to be able to get telem Tre readings back uh but we are um possibly anticipating news that we I don’t think so either uh basically a double blackout from tedris and Starship excuse me Starship data at the same time but this is it’s it’s worth mentioning this is the first time that we have come back at these speeds absolutely in any of the test flights that we’ve done so far with Starship so we are trying to prove out that the heat shield works as intended that the controlability at those Hypersonic speeds works as intended so if we were able to get back any data on that that means the next version what happens on flight four 56 is going to be better we must be able to get some because we saw we saw incredibly gorgeous highdef views uh of that entry period uh whenever it was initially starting so we must have gotten some data today has been otherwise a a phenomenal day liftoff on time full ignition of all of the boosters engines successful hot staging and then chip took it from there yeah absolutely we uh were able to see the the ship actually make it further as well as the booster we were hoping that the booster would perform a softwater landing but we lost it during uh just before it was able to ignite The Landing burn but the ship continued on uh we saw all six uh all six Raptor engines on and then shut down for now it should already be I think they said t just have landed certainly a day that I will be taking many screenshots and uh using them as my computer desktop background for well until the next uh Starship launch when we get when is the next one you want to announce it right now and we also hit a number of other how close are you to the next one we had a CH to at least initiate the commands for a propellant transfer demo within the vehicle uh this is something that starship’s going to have to do in the future and and these sort of transfers haven’t been done at this scale before so that’s a first as well we also were able to demonstrate have they said two mons has anyone besides said two we and so those commands were sent again data review to come and make sure that everything performed as expected but that’s going to be critical to deploying payloads in the future future uh once Starship becomes operational so so a number of test objectives hit much more accomplished than Flight 2 and making steady progress towards a fully rapidly reusable reliable Starship absolutely and hey Kate and hey Shiva we were just hearing on the loops we are making the call now that we have lost ship 28 so uh as we were possibly expecting we lost the data a couple of minutes ago we haven’t heard from the ship uh up until this point and so the team has made the call that ship has been lost so noash today uh but again just it’s incredible to see how much further we got this time around we had a couple of those ambitious objectives that you guys were just walk now we’re going to wait for all the newspaper articles about SpaceX loses another one no absolutely not Mony very first time all that for lots and lots of data really incredible um obviously there’s a lot that’s how testing works um everyone always wants to know right off the bat what happened takes us a little bit of time uh but I can assure you as soon as we start finding things out we’re pretty likely it’ll fail in the next try too and I know everybody’s going to be excit excited for the next one I mean as as I pointed out in the beginning there’s four super heavy boosters either fully stacked or getting stacked right behind me we’ve got other ships ready to go as well uh so it’s going to be a really busy time down hereas we look to really fly Starship as much as possible get this vehicle ready to go for all the important things it’s got to go do and with that uh we got to say a huge congratulations to our teammates and everyone who’s supported the Starship program there’s been flames and reds along the way but third times the charm and we made it to space we also a big thanks to all of our future customers for your support and we want to give a big thanks to the people of Cameron County Texas for their support as well as the Coast Guard and the Federal Aviation Administration be sure to follow the SpaceX account on x for more updates from today’s test flight and future Starship tests but before we go we want to wish SpaceX a very happy birthday the company was founded on this day in 2002 when it basically consisted of this small team uh a carpet and a mariachi band I don’t know about you but we’re feeling 22 also it’s Pi Day yeah uh but I mean Pi Pi Day constant and never ending so isn’t why why don’t I have P from now on I mean that’s a really good point and I think after a test like today we all deserve some pie thanks for watching and we’ll see you next time oh man think it’s twitch USS too many uppercase words I have no idea oh boy all right well I hate watching it on Twitter um but man what an absolute crazy launch um uh is there any parts we want to watch again I want to see where is here Hang on we’re gonna go back here so this is just as it starts sorry for the the the double face on top here you can see the heating up starts to turn red so Ander um the booster made it most of the way down did you see that did you see any of that hold on we’ll go back we’re going to do this we’re going to do this a couple times sorry I’m M could be NOP back here so if you watch this back right you’ll see we’re doing good we’re doing good it looks awesome but then it gets a little shaky and I think it started to spin but I’m not 100% sure that I remember that right so right here this this rotating back and forth not great I think yeah I think I think it went into a spin and then yeah so I think that’s I think that’s I think that’s what happened so if you look down at the at the engines down here um I know they’re cut off a little bit but you’ll see we get we get one two three we lose one we lose another one and we’re just down to the one and then it’s gone so um now there’s three oh I’m I’m watching the I’m watching the the thing back again in in the part that I already watched um it’s all right this is the booster um play hold on M this is this is important um but then uh as far as the ship went uh this got super super neat um I was going to say super cool but that would be uh misinformation you can actually watch the back fin so the camera’s on the front fin right and you can see everything heating up but even this I think I don’t know this seems weird to me that it’s it feels like as it’s going through it’s like it’s still rotating a little bit I feel like it’s more than it should be but I don’t know um you know like here it feels like it’s instead of coming this way it feels like it’s like going this way you know and like it’s it’s not oriented right but maybe that’s normal for the beginning of of re-entry I don’t know you know here it feels like it’s going down instead of you know the right I don’t know I don’t know it seems wrong we don’t know but then it then here it seems normal so then I think it it straightens itself out and then we can’t see anything anymore yeah I think that’s what it is sebie I just I thought it would it would be faster in my own head and and I think that’s just it’s just not true oh and Rocket lab’s doing something right now oh Mission recap okay that’s all right Sierra space is talking about the first commercial space space station design right now that’s crazy now I’m getting distracted by work um but anyway um and and then we we lost it and we lost Telemetry um so they they they they have declared that it’s lost but they don’t know exactly when still moving here I’m in the wrong window Boop um 717 69 70 67 and then here they seem to have lost everything um where yeah they said they lost video and Telemetry at the same time but we don’t actually see them lose video so uh but that’s expected through re-entry as sebie was telling us regularly which I appreciate um that losing losing uh signal is normal during re-entry um but then it never came back So eventually they finally had to call it um so that’s where we’re at um oh man that was that was a ton of fun um yeah I’m gonna take a break that’s what I’m going to do all right I need to I need I need a break for a few minutes monkey b um but then we’ll be back and then we’ll be doing something Legends or something um we shall see monkey be really wants to play Legends um it depends on how much of the things uh how much the the the beginning Parts I have to go through again I don’t remember how to play the game we’ll see we’ll see we’ll be back uh I’m going to do a BRB uh have some words on stream this might be a slightly longer one because I need to get up and move um man that was fun thanks everybody for joining for that uh we’ll be back in a few minutes don’t go anywhere e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] f 1 2 3 [Music] 4 welcome welcome come on everyone it’s a carnival party and we’re gonna have some fun step up and try your luck out you could win a prize friends to spend your time with and then the man himself of course he’s always family friendly you don’t have to fret he’s the Hest joest cow booy on the [Music] internet [Music] welcome welcome come on take a peek join the party where the dad jokes aren’t unique laughing till crying whenever he’s online he’s the funniest derpiest corniest bunest Cowboy around Wild [Music] West I’m at least 40% sure that my wife’s on a call it did so he rolled a five I mean rolled a two see right here [Music] boom your Legends or my [Music] Legends exclamation point target [Music] y’all um yeah we’ll probably do this three two one let’s go what do we got what do we got just sebie meat cat in the curs number two spot along with everyone else because that’s how curses work all right we’re going to do we’re going to do some stuff hello you hate this game hang on stuff out this back up rer campaign continue and then how do I this one there we go fine all right [Music] mon can be invited me to do things how do I accept I accept this is at the very start of the story because my save data didn’t move over okay are we going to win could do hopefully I don’t remember I don’t remember how to play yeah I’m going to say it’s a fable difficulty I love sebie I don’t know if you’re still here but people in in the other Discord in Marcus houses like obviously the engines weren’t in good shape or they had a fuel [Laughter] leak oh it’s like people just they just they just want to be the first to say what it was like we don’t we don’t know what it was could have been literally anything it could have been a problem with the door not fully closing which they never officially said it was fully closed or they had trouble with the orientation of the ship and the fuel was in the wrong place in the tanks yeah that’s that’s possible yep all of those things are possible yeah where you at you’re at the mainit I I think so uh can I so the door opened they never 100% said that it closed but they did say that they completed the door open and close test um where you at how do I Sprint he I’m using the controller where you are they’re always sure Y how do I I teleported you and now you’re gone what did I just do how do I do things how do I play is my microphone working X yeah okay where you gone I don’t know I teleported back to the well to meet up with you and you disappeared I’m trying to gather wood oh I have to actually click on wood I guess if I’m going to gather oh there are the marker um I don’t know how to play uh I don’t know how to play on mouse and keyboard I’m using my Xbox controller oh I have to confirm oh okay all right I got it okay I’m gathering wood and stone yeah and running through Speedy B Speedy Vance I think I got a why my mouse so unsensitive I don’t know think I got destroy one of the piglin outposts last time we was playing this last night that’s better hang on none of my uh things are good here yeah let me know when you’re ready I’ll just be stuff up to Sprint is shift and should not be shift your custom binders are not reflected in this graphic because it’s that button right there uh jump melee move back hop our slot um direct is e lures okay all right now I can Sprint again all right uh all right I’m I’m good I’m ready to go okay we got to go this way and destroy an outpost doy we did run off in a random Direction yeah that’s the thing they nobody knows sebie but everybody wants to be the ones that that know where’s my Sprint bar to tell me whether I have Sprint or not it’s a toggle it’s not a Sprint bar oh I lost you I found you uh yeah are llas help me I forget how to make friends uh for me it’s the x button on my controller it’s Q for me okay I got llama friends okay that looks like a bad place up there wood guys Stone guys uh [Music] X he just stand on top of the spawner and then there should be a button yep two three four you got make your own I have to use your ones that’s true I’ll fors okay I think you still got to do the Q button to make him follow you oh yeah I always hated that okay I got some guys yeah there’s a lava pit is it e hold on how do I settings I don’t remember how to play direct is e I’m petting a llama maybe I should have done the uh thing better direct his you want to go quickly do the tutorial no it’s too much work okay Stone go is are bad at fighting the piglins the wood guys are bad at beating up structures oh I can fight too I forgot yeah come on break those fors I think we going need more guys maybe we did lose a bunch of them I’ll be right back I do have my llama still hey fix the buttons what buttons come on everybody hopefully this time around I get to see the end of the game all right later later Ender um four three two one later render what buttons what buttons are we talking about pressure and even the tallest tower will fall yeah what do we do yeah why why are we playing this I forget cuz I never finished it um they kept crashing on the switch our cous creeper is back and they brought a friend what do you think they’ll do we will find out soon [Music] enough all right how come we can’t collect these things oh after defeating those outposts you’ve collected quite a bit of prism bring it to me at the well of fate and I’ll show you how to build something that will be very useful you are attuned to the Waters of the well you can travel here quickly anytime you wish quick travel we knowledge back I’m working on a little something extra to help the hero is it though what do you think they are perfect they won’t be as friendly with the piglins I assure you that okay okay go on now join your new friends you too little one go on the Moss and grindstone Golems are excited to join you but you’ll need a special resource to build them I’ve written the many you just need to build the right Improvement okay open very this is where all the wonderful Melodies you learn will be C now go ahead and turn the pages there you go now choose the structure that improves your loot to play the iron Melody and the LA will build it for you great now go ahead and build your iron improvement with every new Melody your relationship with the AL grows this tune will help them mine iron for your building needs and there you have it now you’ll be able to collect iron in the world and spawn these new friends whenever you need them and I’m afraid you’re going to need them soon we’re going to need them o we got two new Med these place down uh it did JC it did it launched it successfully uh stage separated uh the booster came back and then it exploded uh and then the ship coasted they opened and closed the door and then exploded both explosions were off camera though unfortunately uh it stage separated and then tried to tried to almost land it was sort it was never really going to land land um but it was going to going to do the um I mean it’s okay for a test flight as long as no one’s on it test flights that go boom are okay yeah booster didn’t the engines didn’t relight and it seemed to to lose control seemed to it’s it’s not for sure it’s not for sure um no no they made it nighttime but it’s night time now but but but daytime first they poison the ground now the sky um it got its final update JC you have to find the source of this magic find it and stop it I got of the prison to place it all right so what can we build and how I get to that that screen uh we need to go get iron I think or small down Mr r r is what I’m looking for where the green stuff Redstone and prismarine prismarine prismarine you get by killing thingy miggers yeah yeah we don’t have enough prismarine to place any more upgrades okay I have 250 pris oh no I don’t have oh that’s shared right yeah our inventory are shared okay and iron shows up in which thing I don’t know dry savanas yeah but we got to go south in the dry savan I thinked I plac the mar I’m going west a little bit okay I made it up to uh uh I think the last of the three big bosses and then I just got fed up for my switch crashing all the time mhm and then rolling me back another 30 minutes there’s me yeah no they they they have they have discontinued development of the game oh my got it fre from code yay um it’s possible so I went into quiet mode when I was doing the thing and I don’t know oh maxed out on Meen oh yeah we’re maxed out on iron now good good good I need to look at how that works apparently those should be working those should be working uh no it’s a quiet mode that so like it it disables target practice and some of the the louder things um like [Music] that I’ve got incentive to win this month what is that uh I forget I just remember you saying I got to win this month okay last night where are you are you showing up on the map I’m like a little blue guy or a yellow guy on the map on the compass that any when we’re close to each other could be when we’re close to each other oh you’re you’re still over at the no come near you we’ almost got all the wood we need that’s actually here we go 3 2 1 oh just jced in the cursed number two spot which is in fact not [Music] cursed GG Jed ow ow don’t go that way ow found tigers come on l k go all right I lost you out to your purple Kitty now where are you I come to you oh you’re over there I’m going to bring a kitty you can have your little purple Kitty back sweet mom just said hang on my mom just said something Run for the hills we got a raid Aussie kitten hang on hey howdy hey Aussie kitten welcome to the stream thank you so much behind for the raid there we are I’ll be I’ll be right back mom keeps calling me okay [Music] a wild sparkle has appeared hi Sparkle howd it partner thanks for samel expression thank you for the follow welcome everybody how’s it going thanks for coming to visit I’m going go over here for a second we are um we were we were looking at spacex’s starlink launch and then Mony wanted to try to finish this uh this game thanks for [Music] following cat thanks for the follow um it’s been a while since we’ve played Legends I don’t remember how to play um and it makes annoying noises wait wait a minute hold the phone someone anonymously just donated how much $30 I’m Joel extra life I’m Victoria’s Mom and thank you for supporting extra life um if that Anonymous person would like to let me know who they are uh I would appreciate it but thank you for that donation let me um let me get uh I’m back let me get regular Minecraft going hang on I got I got to go into Minecraft for a moment what happened I got a donation going to packs this year I don’t actually think I am this year um it’s going back and forth for a while I don’t think I’m going to make it was that was that you person who just dmed me where was I last where was I last oh I was here server Lobby [Music] maybe all right that’s fine all right we’re going to come over here we get into the creative modes we’re going to not getting into the creative why why something wrong with this world hold on we’re gonna restart is it permissions being permission later me cat cat uh I’m not sure hello log in uh Lobby restart we’re going to restart the server do tell figure it out and then I’m going to mute for 30 seconds because I have a phone call hold on um all right I can’t go into creative mode on the server and I don’t know why can the console Pi in creative mode that’s a good question would help if I can spell game mode on westore Dan no that’s weird yeah it’s having some troubles I’m going to blame per missions yeah dang it Masters let’s see I should be able to still do it though I think if I have a jced head here get TRC to log on the server and kill him uh let’s see if I can give myself his player head um I always blame Masters that is that right that doesn’t look right that’s all we can see is the face C oh yeah that not you where’s J seed actually J seed was was left that one but I can’t do anything about it ah is is your Minecraft name different oh you Dad joke what did the cow say to the baby cow it’s past your [Laughter] [Applause] bedtime an underscore nailed it is jcore 47 nope JC oh Jore oh why can’t people just stick to names there it is sometimes you can’t get it I mean yeah but Bam Bam trigger item frame invisible and then lock it um and then M be I hate to do this too but I’m going to have to run oh I got I got I got a telephone call that I have to go take care of unfortunately um we’ll today we’ll do this we’ll do this next week and I’ll play the thing in the middle okay so I remember the thing in the middle I’ll do the uh the tutorial again okay in in between then and now but JayZ thank you so much for the uh the donation I really appreciate that my friend puts us at $252 we’re only $247 away from me matching the first 500 so that’s a thing I’m going to drop out a voice thanks monkey B byebye uh speaking of monkey B monkey B was first today uh doing uh doing it doing it doing the first here thanks monkey B for the 22 time thank you um I just deleted Aussie kitten for the raid I’m sorry that it was a short one I apologize um but thank you everyone here for for joining in and uh and hanging out and having fun uh hopefully you enjoyed our our starlink starlink our uh our Starship coverage um and uh and everybody had a good time uh I’m next to Goya woot I mean yeah where else would you want to be uh I would like to raid our friend there we go Mr Perma the noob because he’s amazing and he’s wonderful and he’s playing a game that is um on my wish list so if y’all will join me um to go raid the one and only Perman Noob um I would appreciate that um sorry we had to end abruptly again let’s this two weeks in a row uh but I will be back on Tuesday uh at uh whatever the times are now what is it now 4 p.m. Pacific 700 p.m. Eastern 11 p.m. GMT because uh of stupid daylight savings that’s only in the US so far and not yet in the UK I’m not sure about the other parts of the world that’s the only one I really keep track of um but we’ll be back on Tuesday and uh May 18th mark your calendars we’re going to do our next 12 hour extra life stream so thank you for that and uh yeah it’s uh we’re gonna we’re gonna go see Perman [Music] um and that the shout out still didn’t work for that so I definitely have to look at why that didn’t work still okay that’s fine we’re going to go read our friend Perman Noob uh yeah that’s it for me love you all as always my name is wildest thanks everybody love you

This video, titled ‘SpaceX Starship Fight Test 3 | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-03-14 15:31:51. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:02 or 11942 seconds.


About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s Hospital through Extra Life since 2017 and as a community we have raised more than $15,000 since then! We launch a weather balloon annually with a twenty-sided gaming die attached filled with “Messages of Hope” dedicated to the doctors, nurses and staff of all children’s hospitals and their patients and families. I also have two cats who regularly take over my videos and distract me and my audience!

Monkey Mines Server Network: Monkey Mines has been running in some form or another (Browser-only, Java, Bedrock, Modded, Vanilla) since 2009. It is currently running a network of 3 maps: Our lobby which is Wild West Themed and features Dan’s “Hall of Angels” – There you can find a player head for each person who has donated to our Extra Life Campaign. Our main map is our Cooperative Survival Multiplayer Server where we all live and farm! And we also have a creative map with World Edit for those who want to test out builds before trying them on the survival server, or just feel like building something without worrying about a creeper ruining your hard work!

For access to Monkey Mines, you can join Dan on his Twitch streams and once you’ve collected enough Channel Points, you can redeem them for lifetime access to all our servers (as long as you follow the rules). For more info about Monkey Mines, visit: https://monkeymines.net


*My content is family friendly, but is meant for adults or children supervised by their parents.

Twitch: https://twitch.tv/WildWestDan YouTube: https://youtube.com/WildWestDan

Extra Life: https://extralife.wwdan.tv Twitter: https://twitter.com/WildWestDanTV Instagram: https://instagram.com/WildWestDanTV

Other links: https://wwdan.tv

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    New Boundar这是一个来自中国的服务器 This is a server from China 注意事项(简略): 不在服务器内使用第三方外挂. 不在服务器骂人. 不在服务器内私聊骂人. 不使用矿透材质包及其他的矿透mod. 不刷屏. 不在服务器内讨论政治敏感话题. 不卡服务器的bug. 恶意教新玩家一些错误意义的指令 本服务器主玩生存 New boundar 原版 长期开放 1.20 VANILLA SURVIVES LONG-TERM mc.beanish.top Read More

  • Crusalis Geopolitical Node wars Server: Factions

    CRUSALIS Minecraft Server Join us on the historically accurate geopolitical Minecraft server, CRUSALIS. Participate in wars, raids, and help build nations like Armavir (Armenia). Connect with our community, Victorix, and contribute to our victories! Server IP: crusalis.net (premium Minecraft only) Community: Victorix Discord Invite (Use invite code: Q3pHvv7h, mention Mado as your inviter) Read More

  • Newcoming [Roleplay SMP]

    Newcoming [Roleplay SMP]Newcoming is an RP-heavy whitelist SMP set in a medieval fantasy setting where you get to write your own story and enjoy stories created by others! Explore a vast and diverse continent where the borders between worlds have grown thinner. Are you a local traveller? A guest from another world? Would you rather settle in a kingdom or roam about, not tied down by anything? Learn from both the lands and the people and watch your story unfold.CUSTOM MAPOur map is 100% custom-built; 25k by 25k blocks total. The mainland continent covers about 19k by 14k blocks, but there are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – All hail the mighty pillar

    Well, looks like someone really hit rock bottom in that chunk! Who knew Minecraft could be so…hole-some? Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Farming Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Farming Guide Exploring Must-Have Farms in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? In this video, the creator showcases three essential starter farms that will undoubtedly enhance your gameplay experience in Minecraft 1.21. Let’s dive into the world of farming in Minecraft and discover how these farms can revolutionize your virtual adventures! 1. Crop Farm One of the fundamental aspects of Minecraft is farming, and a crop farm is a must-have for any player looking to sustain themselves in the game. By efficiently growing crops like wheat, carrots, and potatoes, players can ensure a… Read More

  • EPIC! Find a Village in Minecraft!

    EPIC! Find a Village in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play | EP. 1: MAGHANAP NG VILLAGE! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by ArkiCraftMC on 2024-04-25 10:00:21. It has garnered 909 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:21 or 1041 seconds. Hey guys! SO this is our first Survival Series this year, I hope you like it, don’t forget to Like this Video and Subscribe for content like this! 😀 #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftfilipino #tagalog Read More

  • Unlucky Gamble – Epic Minecraft Bingo

    Unlucky Gamble - Epic Minecraft BingoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fetchr – Minecraft Bingo 5.1 – 259’, was uploaded by no_leaf_clover on 2024-07-16 18:00:23. It has garnered 33 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:17 or 2357 seconds. Even newer Bingo Hype! NeunEinser has sneakily updated Fetchr for Minecraft 1.20! New terrain, new items, new hype! Download: https://github.com/NeunEinser/bingo/releases https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/fetchr/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/worlds/fetchr NineOnes: https://www.twitch.tv/neuneinser https://twitter.com/NeunEinser Old versions (testing playlist): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-6OfVGjf7ct8lqYox4kxxQMltEpm1Z9X Clover Community Discord: https://discord.gg/rytXa5n Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/noleafcloverlp #minecraft #minecraftbingo #fetchr Read More

  • LuckeY’s Insane Hardcore Minecraft Stream!

    LuckeY's Insane Hardcore Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: HARDCORE – 293. teljes adás’, was uploaded by luckeY – STREAMEK on 2024-03-26 08:00:03. It has garnered 3975 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:56 or 11276 seconds. STREAMED LIVE [03.25] 🟥 MY MAIN CHANNEL: https://youtube.com/@luckeYpublic 🟣TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/luckeY ⭐ Become a member of our DISCORD community! https://discord.gg/luckey If you like the video, please give it a 👍! 🙂 💻 SETUP: https://bit.ly/luckeysetup ⚡️G2A: https://g2a.com/n/luckeygames ◤COMMUNITY PAGES ➜ ● Facebook: http://facebook.com/luckeYka ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/fabianmiko ● For business inquiries: [email protected] Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE BUILD on Hermitcraft 10!

    UNBELIEVABLE BUILD on Hermitcraft 10!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft 10 : Episode 10 – AN IMPOSSIBLE BUILD’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2024-03-05 16:00:10. It has garnered 108165 views and 9643 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. Hermitcraft 10 : Episode 10 – AN IMPOSSIBLE BUILD HermitCraft Season 10. HermitCraft is a whitelisted vanilla SMP Minecraft 1.20 server! Stressmonster continues building the base, and hangs out with iskall85, Etho and FalseSymmetry. ♥ Become a member of my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24lkOxZYna9nlXYBcJ9B8Q/join ♥ My Social Media: https://linktr.ee/NatalieArnold ♥ My Stressmonster Extra channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StressmonsterExtra Hermitcraft Website: http://www.hermitcraft.com Outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create)… Read More

  • DONGOR MK TRICKS – Epic Villager Dance 😂

    DONGOR MK TRICKS - Epic Villager Dance 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘Villagers Ka Bado Badi Dance 😂 | #gamerfleet #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by DONGOR MK TRICKS on 2024-05-24 06:48:13. It has garnered 10841 views and 315 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Hello, Domsto 😄 ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ🥰 ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ…. ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴘᴀᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴀᴀ ᴴᴏ ᴛᴏ Οɪᴋᴇ ᴋᴀ ᴅᴇɠɴs I love you so much @GamerFleet @AnshuBisht @NotGamerFleet 🎧ɪ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜ᜴ᴄ ᴠʜᴇ ᴄᴇᴅɪᴛ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ • ᴛʜᴇ ᴇʜᴩᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴏᴡᴸᴇʀ• ❇ ᴀᴄᴏ̶ᴩ̶ʏ̶ʀ̶ɪ̶ɢ̶ʜ̶ᴛ̶ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴏ ᴇ LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. 📞🔴What’s the matter with youᴇ:- ᴀᴏʀ ᴀɟᴇ… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival: 6000 Days in 1 World!

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival: 6000 Days in 1 World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 6000 Day Survival MC World Tour!’, was uploaded by KINGERiv on 2024-03-17 21:27:34. It has garnered 553 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:05 or 8285 seconds. Come join me in my 6000+ Day Survival World Farmtopia. Bedrock version on PC. World Tour is on my page in a previous Live Stream. Split Stream with Tiktok! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/kingerivgaming Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by Harshvardhan Sharma | Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by Harshvardhan Sharma | Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft and Chilling … | #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Harshvardhan Sharma on 2024-02-18 13:05:38. It has garnered 82 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:42 or 12042 seconds. You Can Support Me By : Paytm/phone pay/Gpay : 7267920001 Tip : https://streamlabs.com/harshvardhansharma2/tip PayPal : https://paypal.me/Harshvardhan960 (PLEASE MENTION THAT IN CHAT ALSO) Hope you will enjoy the stream… LINKS : Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sharmaji_harshvardhan/ 🙏 No hate for anyone or any community, gender, religion, caste, etc. 🙏 No form of vulgarity would be tolerated. 🙏 Spamming is irritating. Don’t spam. 💙I… Read More

  • Aphmau’s New Ninja Family in Minecraft—Crazy Plot Twist!

    Aphmau's New Ninja Family in Minecraft—Crazy Plot Twist!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having a NINJA FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-05-31 19:15:02. It has garnered 3074478 views and 45285 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:15 or 1335 seconds. Silent AND Deadly 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ KC: MegaMoeka ★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Minecraft TikTok Hacks Gone Wild! 😂🔥 #Viral #Shorts

    Minecraft TikTok Hacks Gone Wild! 😂🔥 #Viral #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Viral tiktok hacks 😂 😂 ❤️#part7|#shorts #youtubeshort #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Rajgamingyt on 2024-06-20 13:41:48. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft Viral tiktok hacks 😂 😂 ❤️#part7|#shorts #youtubeshort #minecraft #viral #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks… Read More

  • DisQordia Network

    DisQordia NetworkDisQordia Network features Skyblock and Lifesteal SMP. You *must* join our Discord to register (https://discord.gg/EVKz8vGzAH). SMP: A high quality and friendly survival server featuring Jobs, Lands, and LifeSteal mechanics. The aim is to be mostly vanilla, but with quality of life features to keep the server fresh, stable, and long lasting. This should be a good place for casual and hardcore players alike. – Claim your own land and set your own rules – Work a job to earn money – Kill players to earn hearts, or craft hearts on your own – Setup your own shop to trade with… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP Vanilla PVP Non-Whitelisted 1.21

    Welcome to our Vanilla-Friendly Minecraft SMP! If you enjoy a server with limitless possibilities where you can create or destroy as you wish, you’re in the right place. Our small group of friends is looking for players to join our simple SMP server. Interested in joining us? Join our Discord server: Discord: https://discord.gg/QzP6BJTW5J Read More

  • SpectraMC – Skyblock Server – Coming Soon

    SpectraMC - Skyblock Server - Coming Soon█▀ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ ▀█▀ █▀█ ▄▀█ █▀▄▀█ █▀▀▄█ █▀▀ ██▄ █▄▄ ░█░ █▀▄ █▀█ █░▀░█ █▄▄SpectraMC is a no pay2win Islands Minecraft Server with a currency system, island upgrades and more!COMING SOON Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Help! Everything’s Broken!

    Minecraft Memes - Help! Everything's Broken!Maybe they need to remember to turn it off and on again…oops, wrong game! Read More

  • Knock, Knock, Who’s There? Minecraft Square Scare!

    Knock, Knock, Who's There? Minecraft Square Scare! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Our crew of four, adventure-bound. Facing horrors, lurking in the night, Surviving the scares, with all our might. The knocker almost got us, a close call indeed, But we fought back, with courage and speed. Exploring caves, filled with dread, Each step we take, with caution and dread. Can we make it to Episode 2, with five likes in sight? Join us on this journey, through day and night. In the scariest modpack, we take our stand, Crafting our way, with a steady hand. So stay tuned for more, as we… Read More

  • POV: surviving the lag apocalypse 🔥 #minecraft

    POV: surviving the lag apocalypse 🔥 #minecraft POV: Trying to mine a block for 10 minutes only for it to disappear right before you finally break it #minecraft #laggyserverstruggles 😂 Read More

  • Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server

    Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server Servidor de Minecraft Survival e Roleplay Pirata e Original O servidor de Minecraft mencionado oferece aos jogadores a oportunidade de explorar dois prédios incríveis, criando uma experiência única de sobrevivência e roleplay. Compatível com Java, os jogadores também podem acessar o servidor pelo PojavLauncher em dispositivos móveis. Vamos explorar mais sobre esses prédios e como aproveitar ao máximo essa experiência de jogo! Prédios Incríveis para Explorar Os jogadores novos no servidor terão a chance de se aventurar em dois prédios impressionantes. Cada um oferece desafios únicos e recompensas emocionantes para aqueles que se atrevem a explorá-los. Qual dos prédios… Read More

  • Mikey Spikey & JJ Survive Volcano Alone (Maizen)

    Mikey Spikey & JJ Survive Volcano Alone (Maizen)Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ Survived The Volcano Eruption Alone in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-07-09 15:00:01. It has garnered 23321 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Mikey and JJ Survived The Volcano Eruption Alone in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Lost PSX Edition

    Unveiling Minecraft's Lost PSX EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘taking on the long lost ancient minecraft version (minecraft: psx edition)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-02-09 18:20:15. It has garnered 28371 views and 1021 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:59 or 11039 seconds. today we explore a long lost ancient version of minecraft for the playstation 1. minecraft psx is from a long bygone era. this version was salvaged from a CD at a mysterious garage sale and seems a bit strange and off.. 📷 instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ 💗 patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles 🐤 twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles 📖 reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ 👕 my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/ 🎮 minecraft:… Read More