EPIC Sponsored Minecraft Fishing Podcast – COME SAY HI!

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Some That’s In Feel W Yeah we are not done our gouret grle demands a gallant Equal Oh Oh Want to know I took my business to the next level it’s simple it’s Shopify Hello chat and welcome everybody to today’s stream today we’re going to be doing a podcast stream because we finally finished the rooms if you guys haven’t checked out those shorts then definitely go check them out um I hope you guys enjoyed today’s stream uh today’s stream is sponsored by puzzles

And survivors so if you guys want to uh support the channel make sure to go use the QR code on the right side of the screen and you can scan that or the link is in the description play the game help me reach the requirements it’d be much

Pretty appreciated but other than that we can get into today’s video or today’s stream uh I hope you guys are going to enjoy this I feel like this is going to be a fun one so we can get into this all right are you boys ready let’s do

This so what do we uh what do we want for today’s topic our first topic to be [ __ ] you start us off oh yeah I guess we talk I guess we can talk the talk about the Donald Donald Trump pumpkin Donald Trump P so I saw this

Earlier which I’ve seen it before but it popped up earlier and I was like what the heck so this dude grew a pumpkin but he got a cutout or a a plastic mold and put it around a pumpkin dude it’s it’s Donald Trump with his like mouth open it’s it’s hilarious I know

Exactly what you’re talking about [ __ ] mold it’s great it’s hilarious I got to look this up I gotta look this up chat if y’all haven’t seen this you have to look it up just search up Donald Trump pumpkin it’s actually just it is like his mouth is open with like his

Upper lip it’s it’s hilarious like you see it and it just makes you laugh like I just died ducky ducky is back yo I’m so sick but what’s up what’s up ducky welcome back we missed you we missed you I hope I hope you get better I hope you

Start I hope you start feeling better what’s up ducky hey K did you did I tell you about what what do you no you didn’t I think he might have but I don’t know if I I remember it so there’s this company out there called uh human micro

And they will pay you up to $500 a day it’s per sample but it’s a one sample limit per day uhhuh uh for human feces what homeboy selling his [ __ ] dude there’s no way grabbing your bra Stars right now yo what’s up what’s up daddy welcome back

Welcome back what’s up Dan so I’m not sure if it’s legit yet but I’ve already gone through the application you have to go through this whole screening process and but if if you get approved you can get up to like dude that’s wild I told him in the day he [ __ ]

Sells his [ __ ] that’s it I’m yeah that that’ll be it for Us but I mean think about it it so even if it’s not legit what am I really out dignity dude I have you’re selling your feces Chad have yall ever heard about someone fing selling their turds it’s a first for me okay so here’s the thing actually there’s people out there who

Will buy it from Just Women they have a thing dude that’s wild what I wonder if there’s women that have it for dudes okay so the so according to the website the reason why they do they buy a human species then he says yo bro what

Yeah that’s first time I’ve heard it so they do it for um fecal matter trans for people who have you know bad intestines and stuff like that they take out the feces from the B person with the bad intestines they take the feces from the good person and inject it inside them so

That nutrients and certain you know bacterias can go back inside and help repair the intestin dude that’s I’m just picturing you you’re like in this back alley they’re like okay here’s your transplant and I just shove a garden hose up your ass with a guy blowing up [ __ ] into

It yeah that’s that’s definely that’s different back then I mean back in the day when they first all they would do basically is you’d have ask your best friend to do to donate your the TS see I don’t like that I don’t know if I’ve ever ever seen or

Heard that or heard about that it’s it’s a genuine thing hey I mean the more you know I guess but I mean seriously for 500 bucks I I am not to each their own man said the day you sell your [ __ ] I’m calling it quits right then in there I

Mean I’m I’m I would be basically literally flushing money down I mean technically you are I mean you’re not wrong with that K I mean it’s it’s yes it’s slightly disgusting okay and sure maybe slightly embarrassing but as somebody who works every single day and you know just for a

Buck I’m not going to sit here and complain about 500 extra dollars dude hon honestly for real like that’s some people’s paychecks ex that that that is my 40 hour hours a week in one day I mean why why would I not take the chance to times that by seven so like my

Cousin the uh Dakota the one I want to get in here I was asking if you wanted to join us but he said he didn’t know so he works at Subway he gets $600 a month I don’t know how people survive off that I don’t either what’ you get on that

Fish aome oh this is the second Enchanted thing I’ve caught really I haven’t CAU any it is Unbreaking three lure three but first thing I caught that was a [ __ ] was a bow it’s Unbreaking three flame one power four punch one or punch two Infinity one and then curs of Vanishing that’s crazy

Basically a god bow minus CSE pretty much all right now they we’re gonna have to bring that back up if Garrett gets in here exactly that’s a good one that’s like that’s something different oh my God you got another I got a book project protecti protection four lucky the see

To my gosh where that goes was on the wall so yeah CH so every book that we catch or every every uh good enchanted book we catch will go on these walls and then I guess the other ones we catch can go out in the St even a good book we can

Put you can put the other ones out in the in the storage once we’re done yeah we’ll throw that one out in storage 500 paycheck is a paycheck yo for real it is a paycheck I mean heck dude I don’t think anyone would complain about an extra 500

Like 500 bucks added onto their paycheck yeah it’s especially with nowadays you know how everything’s outrageous pric dude everything is outrageous prices I mean it’s just you know it it’s just so hard to get ahead I can do that by doing the same thing I do for free I

Mean yeah for real like you already do it oh Enchanted fishing rod yeah it’s something going to happen curs of Vanishing one so it’s kind of that’s they’re all getting the curses but I mean heck like I be thinking about that I’m like you know

You have your day job so say even if you were to make two grand or no even say if you made $3,200 a month like you had an like aund $500 is $500 like and the bad thing is that’s a day yeah you can do one sample a day so

Times that by 30 I mean Heck if you poo every day anyways just send it yeah see I’m broke as if I [ __ ] like maybe once ath like once a week type thing and it’s it’s horrible every time I do it well see that’s not me I can I can go

Like two three times a day all right fck I’m in the bathroom I I will sit there and I mean I just I would have a a a freezer okay with dry ice and everything just specifically for samples so say say one day say one day

That I I can’t take a [ __ ] I’m constipate or something you guess what I’m not I don’t have to worry you know I could sit there and work I don’t have to work all the time because I have a backup dude that is honestly that’s something that’s something I mean

Money’s money I mean well like so like for right now for us working you know we get like we’ve gotten like 10 hours maybe in the past week and so that’s been pretty damn hard and it’s just you know something like that would just make

It a lot easier I bet it would I mean like if you sparingly use $500 can make it last you a little bit I mean other than bills and things like that but like I mean if you’re paying with bills with what you got then you

Get an extra $500 to spend on the extra stuff exactly you I mean I mean I could sit I I I’m basically sitting here saying I could have a six Fe paying job just by going to the on the toilet yeah taking a [ __ ] yeah that that’s honestly true 90%

Of the time while I’m on the toilet I forget I’m taking a [ __ ] dude for real you’re like you had you ever just be sitting there and you just stop filling your legs and you’re like yeah my legs I’m like what the [ __ ] there this one

Sit here there was one time like I was uh I was working was that a you know I was working and like the last 30 minutes of the day we uh we didn’t like we never had anything to do like we finished cleaning up we’re done uh the real the real deal Danny

Show says but my dignity is not worth 500 bucks hey Fair Point Fair Point D well I do not have dignity so yeah is she fishing way over there yeah oh yeah but like I was saying so 30 minutes a day never did anything nothing and so I would just sit there on

The I would go to the restroom just sit on the toilet for 30 minutes and there was just one one day I sat there dude and I got like I went to S up and just almost fell flat on my face cuz my legs

I had no feeling in my legs I was like oh my god dude he says Psy thought he say psych thought yeah for real bro give me that give me that money that shag carpet stuff toilet seat I mean [ __ ] my ass comfy it might be the most filthy

[ __ ] thing in the house but my ass can be comfy on it for real got another bow uh Power I sit there and forget that I’m even on like I I sit there and forget I’m even on the toilet and so like I’ll be on my phone and stuff and people will

Call me I’ll be like what’s going on they’re like what are you doing I’m just oh wait I’ll have to call you back later I’m taking a [ __ ] just a ring a freshy taking a dump man okay K I got I got a dilemma for you okay okay did you it just

Broke lanus if you do that again I’m going to [ __ ] murder you he works so hard on these chairs oh my God what’ I do you [ __ ] broke the mine cart get back in your [ __ ] chair go he works so hard on these it was like he

Was raging on the big one on the big one in the pink area he’s like a like I thought he was gonna break his controller damn it you know what you know what it’s worth it cuz he will sit there and intentionally piss me off throughout the day [ __ ]

You okay so it it’s it’s it’s worth it [ __ ] I’m G wait until he gets it done and I’m going do it I’ll [ __ ] kill you just just going to hear like throw his headset and just be like where’d he go just like this is it and you’re hear po

Po pop be silence on lenus is end he’s just going to come back to his head all right so where do we leave off so you were saying get rid of the [Laughter] you just hit it backwards uh I did it for the I did it for the podcast I

Swear I [ __ ] hate youte you You Love Me Despicable I had to do this for every [ __ ] chair [ __ ] you adore me no I don’t really all right so I’m gonna go find somebody to start punching me and then you know what he’s going to

Say I’m going to laugh my ass off I’m like don’t stop just he’s be like [ __ ] kill him nobody nobody beats my L I won’t even say that say [ __ ] murder [Laughter] him and just [ __ ] existence I’m not that lucky okay now that we’re back to

Normal oh [ __ ] lus you [ __ ] do I’m gon kill you get your googly ass eyes looking on get the [ __ ] away no no don’t do it I’ll they spent so much time on this oh godam okay got a dilemma for you though case okay okay you’ve probably

Heard it but I want to hear your side of it okay so would you rather [ __ ] every time you get in your car fight a chicken a very pissed off [ __ ] chicken every single time okay pissed off it’s like one of those like Mexican [ __ ] Fighters

A f fighting rers yeah they’re mean mean all me old chicken or once a year you fight a silver bat gorilla dude um what do I get with the gorilla nothing probably the gorilla honestly cuz at least I prep I could prefer I could prepare for the gorilla

Like you don’t get a weapon or nothing when it comes to the gorilla it’s bare hands and the gorilla will not kill you but he’s gonna beat the [ __ ] out of you well wait so i’ rather have the chicken what about the chicken like do I get to

Like do I get a frying pan I can smack it with or something it’s it’s it’s every time you get in your car are you going to have a frying P every time you get in your car [ __ ] if I got to find a chicken every day yeah say

Your old lady’s pregnant and you were like okay I got to drive to the hospital [ __ ] there’s a chicken in the car honestly I’d probably got the chicken I’d probably got the chicken at least overthink the chicken okay you know how easy it is to kill a chicken I was about

To say at least I could like Drop Kick like I could soccer you know kick this chicken across the like you know the ground stop I think you’d be dumb not to go with a chicken yeah like you can sit there yeah sure you’re going to get scratched up all you

Got to do is grab the chicken yeah just grab its neck and twist just grab it I grew up with chickens and roosters my whole I know Austin you did too I mean the the ability to kill a chicken is way too easy to sit there and think about even

Fighting a gorilla but that’s every time you get your car that’s a so what I don’t own a car right now so it doesn’t matter point Fair [ __ ] okay I got another one for yall then what’s up B hey okay I got another one for you then um like theoretically it’s just a

Continuous line of fourth graders how many do you think you can take out before you get taken down dude probably a lot couple hundred all of them couple hundred with an arm tied behind my back you genuine the fourth have you seen fourth graders nowadays I say some of

Them are huge dude some of them are huge unless it’s a 30-year-old that got held back that long okay we’re not doing flashbacks now settle down no all of them I will I will destroy all the children I I think after okay honestly you know how much satisfaction I

Probably get out of that you have to literally do what you know how much satisfaction I’d get out of that of just getting to like back handing a kid yeah yeah like is it like everyone thought about that at least once oh yeah I mean you have to I mean but like but

Genuinely think about it it’s just a continuous normal people haven’t done it of fourth graders and they’re [ __ ] angry they’re angry fourth graders but um mom didn’t get their fortnite v-buck card mom yeah and uh I I think probably around 50 before I really have start having problems cuz

You’re going to get [ __ ] exhausted cuz you’re going to have to knock these guys you’re going to have to knock them out fast okay now are these like you know fourth graders out of the mind you know don’t have an actual conscience stable mind are these like

Are you talking about beating up sped kids oh my God no I am no lenus you just go into it’s just fourth graders it’s just okay so like if you look at me no fourth graders going to want to even try to take me on lenus they’re pissed off it’s a hypothetical

Situation their mom didn’t give them their v-bucks and and it was all your fault Len it’s over they’re scratching biting you know how many of them would probably go to bite you exactly that’s what I’m say you know how many of them would lose their teeth I think only around not even 50

For me I think 30 I would have [ __ ] problem hon yeaha I’d probably get tired I don’t know I think I could take out a bunch of them okay if anybody has a surplus of fourth graders send them our away yep lenus wants a challenge Middle School lenus lenus wants a challenge a

Middle school here I’ll even bump it up and say sixth graders okay now sixth graders I take like 10 sixth graders could kick my ass he’d be taking on the boys one of them in what I’m saying I would sit there and run through them like a [ __ ] a linebacker dude

Yeah and then they trip you and you’re dunzo for real they’re just gonna H then you then they have an8 ton [ __ ] wrecking ball rolling down a hill okay that’s it for I used to get in football I was called freight train not because I was fast but because once I

Started moving there was no stopping me take fast without the S I mean God damn dude I could only imagine like seeing lenus just rolling down a hill at you be terrifying your whole life would probably flash for your eyes it’ be like that scene from How The Grinch stle

Christmas whenever they lose power in their slay it’s just all that [ __ ] [ __ ] rolling down oh shoot oh dude that’d be scary life now I kind of want to go rolling down the hill Oh My Gosh we’ll get you [ __ ] we were uh we were late to go

To work one morning because the [ __ ] driveway was probably had like a half inch thick ice sheet on it probably not that much but it was a good thick sheet of ice and boy couldn’t even stand up on it he got stuck at the bottom of the

Driveway [ __ ] fell down three or four times godamn that’s funny it was bad we sat there we was at uh I was at work one day and we was changing uh a s uh pipe oh [ __ ] and so I have this pallet that we were using to stay out of the water

Well it got pretty slick because you know snowing out and mud and Sh and I slip and when I say I broke this pallet in half I mean snap it wasn’t one of those cheaply made pallets neither I mean even the cross boards were [ __ ] dude that’s bad oh my

Gosh I mean and I I Toby was with me did it hurt it knocked the wind out and and then insult to injury the old man falls in the [ __ ] [ __ ] trench oh my god oh my god dude face first into a a [ __ ] puddle of nothing but [ __ ] and piss dude that

Is and we had a the the customer was right there right behind me so I couldn’t cuss because of formality you know and I’m just sitting there he’s like oh poor guy I’m just like mother tried so hard not to say something i’ I’d murder someone if I

Fell in their literal [ __ ] I would murder someone if they’re like oh poor guy yeah for real what the heck you want to know the bad thing Austin is we’re supposed to go and do that job oh I know I’ve I’ve been told yeah I am not looking forward flame

One and looting two on a book hell yeah that’s not a bad book at all I got loyalty three piercing three oh shoot oh no he left oh I did not mean to Tab out that’s my I about to say he tabbed out oh T back

In what was on that book b i protection three and power three that’s not bad that’s not bad power three is not uh well did you say fire protection yeah wait hold on I’d probably use the power over the fire protection I also got a power five

Dang oh shoot so what do we want for our next next topic okay world can never stop a freight train dude bunker you were right they could not you’re [ __ ] right hom dude you are right okay but say say it’s the end of the world right yep where are you going

First what are you what where are you going to stock up on resources that’s so my first thing that I would think of he said know it’s some people would think it’s a bad idea but I would wait I would like I would straight up wait because those like places like Walmart

Lowe’s you know HB those places are going to be filled and I mean filled with people and then it’s like you know it just goes downhill from there because you know how people are like people can like they change whenever you know are we are we talking like World War Z

Uh apocalypse are we talking Walking Dead or something what are we talking about depend how the I’m thinking I’m thinking let’s just let’s just go walk nucular winter oh yikes um yeah I don’t know my first thing would radiation yeah for real like I’m just going to go outside die and I don’t

Got to deal with it it’s not my problem anymore exactly it’s fast way fast way out well let’s actually think cuz a that’s a good thing because a lot I hear a lot of people like talk about that so like let’s let’s just say it’s The Walking Dead you

Know so in the if you watch The Walking Dead in the first season the Walkers can run like they’re they’re quick and then they they you know they just slowly get faster and for some reason they have Godly strength yes for some reason that only the Creator knows of did you know

That uh I think they I think they changed creators for that and that’s why the zombies started to become slow cuz they wanted it to be like more realistic but like if it was walking like either way in a zombie poet I’m probably not going anywhere honestly I’m

Probably waiting I’ll just see y’all y’all are doing that my ass is going to a Historical Museum and I’m getting full plate mail oh my God he’s gonna go rob the bones I’m I’m gonna go in full plate mail and I’m running around with a z Handler I’m just going to spin around

[ __ ] Circle chop them [ __ ] in half bro just going to be swinging and smacking exactly and I’m in [ __ ] stop I’m unstoppable what are they going to do bite through steel that’s honestly that’s pretty good I haven’t I haven’t heard I haven’t heard that one getting [ __ ] look like bunker

Says bro is going to be a night LOL dude that’s the dream that’s right that’s you got it right bunker see that is the dream and then when it comes down to it I’m going to like collectively gather a like group of people my my people that

Are trust and we’re going to have our Inner Circle I’m going to find a plot of land and I’m building a castle and I’m starting my own my own King he’s goingon to start his own Minecraft world in real life exactly I got a book oh efficiency

Four that’s a pretty good one he’s goingon to be moving so slow though see I may be moving slow that’s one thing but I’m unstoppable I cannot be killed if I just got sit there and let them GW on me for a bit they’ll break their teeth before they get through my [ __ ]

Armor yeah but if you get swarmed by a bunch of them yeah like what if you get and you can’t run what if it gets to the point to where there’s so many on you they start like tearing your stuff off I feel like it it might work out at

First but I feel like as more people get infected and things start to happen like that’s one thing if you watch watch a lot of zombie movies or shows they never have a lot of stuff on they’re always ready see if it was me I you couldn’t run fast enough to get away

You want to try dude believe it or not I am faster than I look see the [ __ ] would ball up turn into [ __ ] Sonic and just just roll he would roll down the hill he would take everything no I would be I would be Mario when he hits the star be

Out oh sh it’d be like the bullet dude you can ask Austin okay I when I want to move I’m gone okay a I’m going to give you ice cream truck I’m going to give you a situation we were all underneath we were all underneath a crawl space okay mind

You all of us we could hardly move under there it was pretty tight we were all towards the back of the house and we hear it was like the [ __ ] H from finding the Holy Grail okay and it’s it’s an ice cream truck so you hear the little whistled build thing going

And we’re walking out and me and me and Toby are out first and lenus gets out right behind us and somehow this [ __ ] is at the truck and got it stopped before we can even get around the house completely dude that is crazy honestly thatd probably be like

Yeah we we were out before him and started walking first he gets out and is gone so started running I was I was not missing that ice cream truck dude wanted some ice cream there would be all hell to pay if I missed that ice cream

Truck he was ready took off running dude I’ve been in like I’ve been in through like some of those like you’re just there and then something you want or something just comes out of the blue and you’re just like and you just have like that kick of adrenaline and you just

Feel why a white van around I I have very strong thigh muscle and it propels me like a a catapult I mean look at the that’s probably something I would I would get to if I was a zombie apocalypse you know yeah I would build myself a wall around

Wherever I’m staying and just have he get an ice cream truck an ice cream truck no I would be at the ice cream factory honestly a Cheesecake Factory like you got to think about it though like power’s going to go out and then it would be good you know for the first

Week probably and then after that see I’m taking a page out of The Walking Dead getting all the canned pudding I can find dude canned pudding I’ve never actually tried canned pudding it’s pretty good I’m I’m GNA pull a Minecraft card I’m I’m GNA sit there and have my own Cal

Arm start growing crops be quiet Mushu see that’s a game I would play is if they made a Minecraft zombie AP do they have yeah there’s a lot of mods for them I mean I don’t know if there’s any in the Bedrock store what is it baby projectile protection five and loyalty three

Loyalty three is pretty nice if you’re lenus you definitely need the protecti protection this guy dies to skeleton more than I’ve ever seen let me tell you what okay skeletons are the worst damn thing in this game so like lenus has skeletons and Bailey has uh drowns with Trident and

Garrett she’s got to mix of drowns with Trident and Garrett yeah as soon as as soon as Garrett gets on it’s it’s mess me up okay this this time and then yesterday when we were on the game last yeah those are the last two times I’ve

Been on the Minecraft since I’ve died I was say so I don’t know if y’all so one of our first streams I don’t even know if we were streaming uh I don’t know what were we playing on but we were playing on something and L dies and you just hear

Like him just scream and then it Go quiet and you just hear like Austin we’re like Austin what happened he’s like I don’t know but some just I just heard something and turns out he grabbed his controll just snapped it in half because he died it was it was the dooru

Oh Bailey didn’t open the door for him open the damn door Bailey she didn’t open the door for him to let a cow into the base and he died and uh cow you killed my Mushu it was the funniest thing ever the button okay I’m sorry cuz he like we all

Just sitting there and he just goes quiet and we’re like what happened to him he’s like I Broke My Controller and it was just snapped you hear it through my Xbox or my headset go I Broke My Controller yeah it’s like we didn’t hear it through Len’s mic we heard it through

Austin’s mic and it was like uh what happened to him well yeah you couldn’t hear it through my mic because I ye It On The Ground yeah he Sho I mean that thing I I still find pieces of that in my dude that was probably one of the funniest M like I

Don’t I don’t even think I had that saved which is that was the Anarchy server it was and I didn’t I didn’t have anything at that time dude I wish I had that clip save that clip was so good oh it was it was too good I’m glad yall thought it was

Funny CU it pissed me off dude I started dying like you just hear the scream and the cut off open the damn door get the goddamn door it was like oh and he just saw here’s what was pissing me off no she was over there opening the door

Shutting the door open the door shutting the door open the door shutting the door open the damn [Laughter] door oh God damn it that that was so good Garett I wonder where that I am still slightly salty at I was say I would carry that with you

Forever like a million times I even offered you a smoothie okay yeah but you didn’t open the damn door I was busy getting yell at by my mom okay and I was busy dying to spiders zombies and skeletons yeah Chad like you just like you just hear this dude

Yelling like open the door open the door and then he just goes like you just see his is like up in it show the kill feed show he’s like died by I can’t remember was it a skeleton or a creeper I think it was a creeper it was a skeleton was

It was it a skeleton show like he died and then all you hear is like him scream and then it cut off you know like this is going to sound bad but you know like when people die in the hospital and all you hear is like

That beep that’s kind of like what it was it literally was just was [ __ ] Lifeline went Flat God damn it yeah that’s Lally how it’s a story of Len’s life in the chat what was it two days ago three days ago you well like you just Rage Quit we thought you deleted the game but you didn’t I was so damn close I was so damn

Close like you like inches like my my hand was right there on it I was about to hit a I was like he like kept dying over and over and it just got to a point to where just like he was like I’m done I can’t do this anymore and then just

Left then Bailey messages in the group chat right and she’s talking about playing the game and stuff I’m like no delete that damn game erase it from existence yeah he was like I’m done CU that’s it we’re done M Austin private later see what the hell you did

See what happens I just like why is lenus mad Tri trient I asked Austin I was like Austin will you come with me down so I can get my stuff and he’s like no I’m building right now I’m like you’re building a [ __ ] boat yeah obviously more important than

Mining I wasn’t mining I was trying to get my [ __ ] back protection five not to mention you was over there you was building I was mining for iron and coal or y’all no way no way what’ you get okay so I just got two books in a row protection five

Sharpness five luck of the sea three and then projectile protection five Unbreaking three and Quick Charge one not bad man it’s pretty good all right I have a question for y’all what’s that have an answer bom this year is masquerade theme so like masks and stuff or whatever rat do a rat

Mask is not what the question was no no do a gas mask shut up so it’s four right okay yep and it’s like 19 1800 themed pretty much like a masquerade ball yep we are not allowed to wear big poofy ball gowns I want to wear ball gown because

We suit wait so it’s it’s a masquerade ball I don’t I don’t is it masquer or is mascara mascara where did that come from nobody else is going to be wearing a ball gown and I have a Cinderella dress you know Austin you know Mom’s big

Blue yeah I want to wear that one because I have a date for prom this year I mean I had one last year but she we’ll be down talk about my back and you said she is there something you need to tell us Bailey I went I went

With the okay so I went with a friends from Chia and I only went with her because her mom gave me 50 bucks what that’s 50 Buck you ever made she was a Duff wasn’t she she was a okay I don’t want to say this because it SS pretty bad scho considered the

Um Bailey you what you just what you just just described is an escort I I was given money to go with her and I didn’t even with her you just described yourself as an es I hung out with the sen senior boys oh that is bad yeah that’s not good

Either I don’t I don’t talk to her because she um did the devil’s Tango with my ex boyfriend whenever we were dating so that’s right y it’s okay they got from it what they gave each other mono and crap what was the other one cyia dude that’s crazy oh oh

Yeah go big or go home I guess [ __ ] that is something but my question is cu I guess what okay so I’m going PR dress shopping my best friend you’re just dragging this onong well I’m trying to ask you all a question Jesus you’ve been asking the same question for 13

Minutes y kept interrupting me okay GI us a back a bunch of back forward you given us a bunch of backstory information that don’t need to hear it’s just all extra stuff oh my God exactly so should IO brother or should I go go and get a dress that is kind of

Like the one that I wore last year that’s like body tight kind of I guess go go poofy or go home yeah definitely go we a tu wear Tu okay well if I don’t wear the oh hello Garrett well then there you go H Tu keep on rolling baby all right

Don’t wear tux they don’t make tuxes small enough I’m 14 don’t be don’t be a [ __ ] [ __ ] the last thing I’ve seen in a Tusk around that size it went [ __ ] red suit and blue hair a red suit and do like the uh Thing One and Thing Two from cat in a

Hat no because Mom dressed me up as that one for Halloween oh my God are you serious that’s rough I’m I’m I’m pretty sure Austin has photos of it oh I might oh no baile I know for a fact they have tux is that size because there are children

Who do photos I’m not wearing my brother’s tuck okay I didn’t say where your brothers ladies we need to go to a different chair or different room oh Lena’s Lena’s put on a chair no we have the chairs made okay so do we want to keep fishing

Or do we want to go to the end room let’s go over here let’s go here quick quick tour of the uh podcast room got the nether room got the room we’re just in the uh the King’s Room for uh if there’s only two of us and then you got the

Sectional Austin almost killed himself making this I I wanted to I really did it was rough so is this what we’re doing this one we’re in this is the room we’re in all right hello Mr Garrett take your chair Mr Garr make sure to get that fishing rod

Actually wait yeah wait are we still in the same world no no this is a different one so you gota you got uh I’m not you to make he can he can have my fishing pole say just do d uh dup one of ours we’ve

Got have mine I I I uh I’m not really fish I’m just sitting here looking we have I sucked it up here Garrett she Rod hello biley hi you look so funny in that lenus is so much bigger than you are so so Bailey no stay sitting stay sitting stand up our characters

Uh like Our what is it lenus get behind oh God all right Chad y’all know the reference we’re making Garr Garrett come here behind I get it y know where this is going I don’t even know if I’m able to show this but it’s whatever Bailey Bailey stop it oh she broke a chair well

Now you got to fix it oops well that’s a shame get out of your chair oh oh okay I get what the chairs are now yes we can sit down that’s not bad looking boy okay Bailey we have to get out of your chair D you sound like you’re kind like

You’re kind of muffled muffled is um that’s a little bit better okay yeah sorry I I was I was looking two inches to the right yeah yeah there go like like you were muffled for me and you talked I was like Ah that’s better I

Got L knock it off hey hey oh my do y’ all have just keep breaking chair stop Austin you mean breaking chairs look Austin’s gonna murder somebody here in a second I didn’t do that [ __ ] way keeping this [ __ ] professional this doesn’t feel professional I feel like I jumped into a

Never mind I can’t say that no no not along those lines where’ this chair go up your but right in the corner I will genuinely [ __ ] just kill myself tonight it will happen oh God make sure you video I’ve spent hours on this [ __ ] can you at least video it

So I’ll make sure yam Austin okay so Garrett what how’s it going with man um I’m [ __ ] depressed oh no what happened my boy um no not Garr I I worked on a truck for eight hours and got nowhere oh no that is depressing yeah it’s supposed to be a 5

Hour job it took me eight hours and I’m still not done yet so what was wrong with it or do you like are you trying still trying to figure that out well it’s throwing a stability track message and that can be anything within like break uh electronic brake control module the steering angle

Module or the power steering control module so I changed out a module now I’m just chasing down wires yeah that that’s that’s the one thing that sucks about Vehicles is like everything’s easy and then you get to the wires and this just just annoying at that point yeah everything’s easy and

Then you get to like 2001 and everything sucks everything after 2001 I swear they’re just dumb oh yeah no it’s horrible but that’s what keeps me employed it’s like that with people like I’m not even lying like I’ve worked on so many new vehicles it’s not

Even funny how many like 20 24s and stuff I’ve worked on like everything’s made cheap now though well yeah cuz now they’re in a rush because of the strike that Chevrolet had a little while back and strike oh what happened with that yeah there was a strike all the workers

Wanted more money so they uh sto working and I stopped getting parts in so there’s like 20 30 different things on back order right now that I just can’t get dude that sucks so I just get to tell people that they’re [ __ ] like well there’s nothing I can

Do okay Jarett we have a topic for you that lenus brought up earlier oh yes this is a good one honestly I think you might like this one hon let me take let me take a sppy sip of my beer real quick I will do it I have Jagger meister

And apple Jim Bean in there that is a good [ __ ] yeah that was my birthday whiskey was the was the apple G we got Crown Royal up Crown Royal fire that’s about what I’m thinking right now this is shot bet I’ll buy it I’m down for a shot anyway so what was the

Topic okay so I might have found a way for me to sell for $500 a sample wait wait wait wait here it cut out for me all I heard was sell $500 sample I you’re love what the sample is okay I might have found a way to sell my

Feces for $500 a sample one sample a day don’t look at me like that he’s gonna sell his [ __ ] for $500 a day Garett that’s crazy what is this like the equivalent of like gamer girl bath water that you’re trying to come no no no no

No no no no no [ __ ] bucket the company that I found uh researches and uses other people’s feces for uh feal matter transplants and they also use it to see if they can possibly help other people medically through human yeah I know what you’re talking about that doesn’t pay $500

Bu you know what company I’m talking about yeah I I looked into it a while back I don’t remember which company it is but I do remember like being broke as [ __ ] and going man I can take a [ __ ] and get paid for it so the company I looked into was

Called uh human M and they they have a bunch of reviews online and I mean I the way I see it is if even if it’s not legit I’m not out anything other than sometimes going flushed out it plus I have the satisfaction you take a dump anyways plus I also have the

Satisfaction of basically shipping my [ __ ] in the mail you know I like the idea that’s pretty funny just thinking about it I mean can you imagine going to UPS USPS and being like I’m [ __ ] hey can can you ship this off for me and they’ be like who what is

It and who you shipping it to I’m I’m going be like oh that’s my [ __ ] that’s my I’m shipping it so wait so along those lines there is a website where you can buy and ship animal [ __ ] to people are you serious I’ve seen that I’ve seen

That wa it’s a real thing it is a real thing it up that is like you can like ship like gorilla [ __ ] you can ship lion poop like dude that’s amazing why did you say gorilla [ __ ] but lion poop it’s just fun that way you know lion poop big

Lion you know what we need in here guys we need George Blackjack and oh No George we definitely need J George to to ship exotic poisonous snakes to somebody’s house wait wait but who’s jedge what’s I don’t know what jedge is I think it’s a person the break again Austin I know Joffrey

Yes we all know Joffrey yes Joffrey oh my God baile stop it the real de dance say I’m back from Wings bro Wings honestly probably fire and so it’s big man tough top top to oh yeah say something about is this broke I don’t know why that’s

Broke I’ve just been sitting here lenus was the one over here I was standing I was all I was doing was this I haven’t gotten a fully actually look at the uh oh yeah yeah go take go take a tour take around here it’s nice this is my

Favorite one I like it yeah this the one Austin made very very good craftsmanship I really like Austin’s I was questioning this one because this one doesn’t have uh fishing anywhere I think this is just a podcast room it it basically is cuz we were like

Well you don’t have why we sit the stuff in the nether so if you notice each one has a different set amount of chairs so you have the two for two people you have four for four people this one has five and the other one has the sectional for

A lot of the other one’s going to be for like three people yeah and then lenus is making one or he put the outline in I think he’s expecting Austin to finish it well I’m I’m going back through and redoing the walls because of the uh the building

Setup that Austin showed us on his world and the uh the one of the nether or the uh uh yeah the nether portal hang on I’ll be right back I was about to say who’s vibrating brother’s asking math and I’m currently failing my algebra 2 class

Can we talk more about gorilla [ __ ] I want to know more about gorilla [ __ ] I came strictly back just to hear [ __ ] here hang wait let me look at the website what’s the website ain’t nothing like monkey dooo efficiency uh I don’t know how to pronounce your name but it’s one one

Infin I guess it’s uh infinity plays says hi so what is it what’s up man how’s it going Infinity what’s going on all right I will be right back I have to go do something so y’all can just don’t talk about any topics it’s going to get

Me banned which I imagine the half the topics we’ve uh talked about could get me ban I’ve got I’ve got a topic for yall okay he said uh yep Infinity all right cool we didn’t didn’t get that wrong all right so y start the topic I’ll be right back okay who here knows

What the dinosaur with 500 teeth is called wait wait wait wait wait wait don’t you dare Austin I know what it is but also there’s a website that today only they offer wet horeshit oh I can give that to you for free wet this is this is the description this

Is the description where’s it at it says various animals have different types of excrements today we offer organic wet horse poop you can order he man at least it’s organic dude it’s it’s like one of those uh little ice cream buckets that is [ __ ] disgusting can you imagine one of those old grandma

Using the [ __ ] the buckets I found it the buckets from the sh the hor [ __ ] dude I found it be like it’s poop senders okay so poop senders you can you can send a cord or a gallon of cow [ __ ] quar a gallon of elephant [ __ ]

There’s gorilla [ __ ] or you can get the combo pack which is all three in one big nasty mess oh my God and oh my God wait they all have descriptions the cow poop is and there’s more elephant is serving up zookeeper finest gorilla is now we’re getting

Gross oh and they’re doing they’re doing a Val Valentine’s Day Sale a 2024 heart sprinkled Mega cat mega pack and it’s a big pile of [ __ ] with candy hearts on it Austin I need to get myself a woman Valentine’s Day dude that’s crazy hang on wait wait wait wait

I want to send this to the Minecraft group chat for y’all to Austin no that’s why I need to send my X be like hey I was thinking about you and I’m just going to send her an ice cream bucket full of horeshit wait what did I come back to

Okay they have a Valentine’s Day sale on [ __ ] hit I found the website I found the website called senders now dude I see that you can either get a qut or a gallon there’s cow elephant or gorilla um or you can get the combo pack which is all three

Now if you get the mega pack for Valentine’s Day they’ll put candy hearts in it dude I could see that that is funny dude could you imagine that your just your day consists of collecting gorilla [ __ ] dude that that’s just a zo like awestin we did that for years what are

You talking about it’s hor [ __ ] but I’m talking gorilla [ __ ] Infinity I I am going to order uh this one’s just going to be like a personal realm for like friends and stuff like that uh if I don’t know you probably are new so you

Don’t know uh but we do have an anarchy realm that if we get enough likes and so you know whatnot uh we wouldn’t mind releasing that for viewers and stuff to play on uh I don’t know if you there’s a video with our world tour and stuff like

That if you want to go check that out it’s on my channel I like K’s streamer voice it’s funny you like it it’s kind of hot oh God gets me all hot and bothered you’re giving off n oh here I thought that was just case I don’t know honestly he’s

Really giving off dream Vibes you see his [ __ ] I’m about to pull a gumball water I mean oh no okay wait wait oh my goodness bro you’re the the one leg that you don’t have is just it’s hitting me in the face and it’s cold okay

Quit it quit it quit quit it says okay sorry for the misunderstanding I meant the Discord call LOL oh yeah sorry it is for hon like so if we get um enough people into this I honestly wouldn’t mind doing guest calls guest calls would be that would be

Pretty cool see we get that one that just yeah until we get the one that you know know scream something that doesn’t need to be screamed it just ruins up everyone but I would not mind doing this calls Bailey don’t be mean Bailey you leave G alone there’s a

Whole video of him killing me okay it’s hilarious mean to him it’s a short I can be mean to him yeah it’s not even a whole video Bailey yeah like I said it’s a short dude if I if I recall correctly if I recalled correctly you actually

Like like you you instigated that yeah you did yeah you in combat you said something about mking me no I didn’t yeah you did go back he you want to know what sucks about that video what so on Tik Tok it got it became unel for the uh

The for you page and I think it’s because uh I don’t know like what they put it under but I guess for us just killing her over and over harassment I guess cber bullying I don’t know maybe like oh [ __ ] murder yeah that imagine a Minecraft video getting

Demonetized that’s pretty easy you want so Infinity says I mean like cabbing not joining as a guest obviously not that is uh obviously if not that is fine uh I wouldn’t mind it we probably could do something let’s do an interview what is interview we’ll set up a dark

Room with a swinging light we’ll play good cup bad cup the question oh God not the J ask the questions nine so they want an interview what color my underwear wrong I’m not wearing any so so what so he wants an interview to join the group

Or he just wants to join the group uh I think he just wants to collab probably make a video or stream together are you at least 20 I’m 20 yeah B teenagers tolerate you Bailey you’re the only exception thank you that means you guys

Care no we don’t no I call you the only exception I don’t think that means cared in anyway whatsoever he says okay I’m available for the rest of the night until 11:00 p.m. uh I don’t think it’ll be able to be during this stream but definitely a future stream

Maybe join the group if possible uh it definitely won’t it it won’t be nearing this stream but if you can K in a one V one on I guess I am too young I guess watch him be like 13 or something likely if you’re like if

You’re like 17 and up I guess is we’ll put we’ll put Bailey as like the I don’t know man I don’t know man it’s kind of hard even having Bailey on yeah Bailey Bailey’s wild just a little much 15 and a half I don’t might it might be yeah it’s a little for

Us all of us are old Minecraft Youtuber too I’m defo too young yeah Minecraft Youtuber too oh what well we see we got a stereotype we’re not to it’s like going to jail in Minecraft whoa need a be just up and disappear say I don’t know where he went he’s been gone the walls he’s in the goddamn walls me I’m interested where is he mey boy go away where’s my big mey L he just disappeared you will never find I got a

Fishing rod I’m breaking three and Le of the c 2 Bailey’s been it on books apparently I act mature for my age though all my friends say that I am 23 years old trapped in a 15-year-old’s body not happening don’t but I look like I’m 12 Bailey acts like a four-year-old and

Looks like she’s 12 Bailey like she’s 12 and looks like best I’ve got the best spot for this view you know I can see everything in the podcast room just look up and just see she there gett you must be wondering how I got up here his mighty powers of intuition I

Was say what did you break I didn’t break anything actually I literally climbed up here I didn’t I didn’t add anything I didn’t break anything wait what the heck oh we’re in Creative oh yeah I didn’t I didn’t do that you said Fair LOL if you talk to me

You’d probably agree I didn’t do that I didn’t do that but also the one the one thing about um letting people join us like is if one person does it everyone else is going to want to do it so and you know it’s just not fair I guess I

Mean it’s what a lot of bigger a lot of bigger YouTubers are like that you know like they’re like well if one person joins me everyone’s gonna want to join me and then the people I don’t let join me are G to get mad that’s how that goes you know it just creates

Problems it’s just one of those things man you know my mom’s gay kind oh my God it’s just one of those things but uh like I said like if we do get in if we can get the the series pretty decent popular I would not mind doing like

Guests like on the podcast stuff he doesn’t want to be a guest like what’s his name um I mean I have collabed with a YouTuber that has over 500k dude I would like I would I wish I’d love to get that 50000 name drop I want him to name drop

The YouTuber he said YouTuber no name drop indeed name drop and exactly what game you played with them he said want the link no no no link no link no Linker TV so you can go check that Spencer TV okay what do you play said Minecraft or I don’t

Know let me see this let me see this uh he plays like a I don’t know what these are white game wag of Legends I don’t know what this is it’sing hey hey that’s me it’s literally all just farming simulator guys that game is satisfying to watch I got another fishing rod uh

Unbreaking three L of the C2 and curse Vanishing I I got myself mending fishing R so [ __ ] off dang e my did he did he say what game he played with him uh no cuz it’s all just farming simulator he literally played nothing else this is all that guy plays as [ __ ] Farming

Simulator they need to make like a Infinity Play Farming Sim his on his channel we need like a late 1700s Farming Simulator I I’d actually be down for that that’s actually kind of that’s a good idea what is it that would be that would be fun what did lenus do why is he

Laughing like that why is the truck starting up I’m laughing because of B comment he said tle just add a DRS check it when you can please I tried adding more that two but it killed my MacBook and Chromebook every time yeah Chromebooks suck they’re terrible like wait what did he say he

Ran on a Chromebook uh cuz if he if he says he ran [ __ ] Farming Simulator on a Chromebook I don’t I don’t think he’s tell the truth like like to be totally honest there there ain’t no way unless you’re like running on the lowest Graphics possible and doing like 20 frames a

Second I that’s not Happ about to say my Xbox one has problems running Farm Sim 2 oh yeah yours what a loser not Playstation 4 doesn’t have any issues know right but imagine playing a PlayStation you’re right at least my PlayStation runs Farming Simulator for my PS5 is better than both and my

PC computer not all of us have money man my PS just s box suck off to get my Xbox have money he has a mom that loves him yeah I got a very caring mother okay I did get my my box from my I can’t I can’t I can’t say too much

Yeah wish I had a carry mother no I don’t okay my mom left me at an early age she’s making up for [ __ ] man the best decision she ever made I know I wish I could leave me [ __ ] you can go buy a rope said in the group I snapped the

Rope he said [ __ ] B I’ll take seven also everyone’s addresses well if I get a turd in the mail I know who it came from gorilla [ __ ] like none of you got me anything for my birthday just send me some gorilla dude I was going to get you

Going to get you a flask bro I saw I get nothing for my birthday still got a pry Fire Flash to be honest that’s why like I was thinking about I was like dang I was like but he’s already got one so I’m not going to get it m say shut the [ __ ]

Up lenus nobody cares about you says just swap from my Mac to my main PC guys I caught an actual fish this one’s a fighter he put really he put he caught an actual fish yeah yeah him in he’s gonna get me Tangled get away away hey Austin oh it

Doesn’t they won’t come out I got a book with sharpness three and efficiency three okay who just broke the floor Bailey and I just [ __ ] lost my fishing rod because of it damn it you want to uh here come here come here yes you did I have video proof of

It well don’t do that I’m here we have video proof of it I just saw it on the was lus are you guys your mom’s house all right so any more topics that we want to uh touch on I have brought up the last like five

So y want none of mine yall want me yeah talking about poo it’s sounding poo hell yeah where did you guys go house I don’t know where did they go Bailey she on the roof I can’t see anything you just said JK I think we should have a boxing match oh

Yeah an age boxing match we boxing match just a second Bailey’s and Bailey’s ring I just see L hey that’s a horrible sight hey I feel bad for you [ __ ] wait a second is my game glitching I’m so conf hold on let me join the guys yeah I don’t know maybe you should

Leave goodbye I’m playing I am I a nice person to look at sometimes when you’re not behind me you want to label these I had a hor we’ll Lab at some bul I’m ah I think we all head down toward Bailey’s Arena so we’re all GNA go have a boxing

Match we’re gonna have a boxing match Jon we’re GNA go down to Bailey’s Arena and um we’re going to doing something for Garrett yeah do can have one one wait where’s my stuff Bailey me and her are going to have a gonna have a a One V one you know what

I mean yeah but I know exactly what you mean that’s gonna oh it’s gonna into wonderful I know who’s gonna win great obviously lenus where’s the boxing ring at okay come to me in case and we’ll show youall okay all right so Chad we’re gonna go watch a

Boxing match at the Bailey’s boxing ring oh this is the boxing ring yeah as you can tell Bailey built it I can tell Bailey built it want to chat later uh maybe all right so who’s fighting F who’s fighting first who who’s throwing hands first get out of there you’re not the ref

No hold on he’s not the ref but he is the reef he looks like the reef all right I want the fair fight and Bailey what are yall doing get the hell in here Bailey since when do boxing matches have Trident yeah this corner we got the the the small got

Barely hey wait wait wait we got to do my we gotta do do my I don’t even think I can turn it to survival right Now yeah yeah I don’t even know if we’re gonna be able to do this all they have to do is type Dash game mode S I said yeah well they don’t have uh the game survival I cannot your damn corner it’s doing what uh what you did

Austin where it’s not letting me change the game mode Austin see if you change I am operator yep one sec just a second cuz this cuz how you couldn’t change well it’s not Does anybody want to box first first before me andile the main event I’ll box I’ll box let’s go who wants it nobody wants it you don’t want it you want this you don’t want this yeah and Bailey is it letting you do it look at this

Guy it’s what he looks like in real life J the the main event’s going to go out with a bang if you know what I mean yeah I think I do this To okay so aert Revival yes I am yes you are okay I want all weaponry and all AR of the now what all weaponry and all armor all I have is food hey some shots of this okay okay Bailey armor off I don’t have

It oh wait I have boots on need put my cuz my inventory is full dro the weap all that matters yeah drop the weapon I keep the F away don’t don’t don’t hurt her don’t hurt don’t Hur her give I want to give her a fair fight I’m gonna give her a

Fair fight all right y’all just gonna go at it right here y’all just GNA go at it first no in the AR to the arena we need our oh my gosh they’re about to throw hands this is a squash all the beef going on dude’s about to us use the Lagging cor we have I think we danger crazy G voice is lagging so come to The Middle come come to the bill now listen here I want a fair fight no biting no Ooa songs and keep everything above the wa now touch glov was that okay ding ding ding ding ding get her

Get her get her oh no oh God let get his ass kicked we need a oh there we go there we go there we go get her get her oh oh no you didn’t place it hey what you didn’t Place one place it place it

Place it it didn’t place it went away oh it’s cuz it’s a peaceful keep smacking keep smacking you got this you got this you got this you got this Chad he tried to place a creeper was oh yeah oh yeah dude I swear Bailey wins get her Garrett get her Garrett get her

Garrett yeah how many HS are you at small hit box one she got a little hit box dude how are y not how’s one yall not dead yet not dead you what the [ __ ] going like crazy I know I am too wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I have

Full heart okay hold on hold on hold on we’ll do this all right now smack each other wait there’s zombies coming over here what who’s [Laughter] Coming atin you ran in front of me that’s it I’m done with the game do we want to bring lenus back for this I got him I got him oh almost here okay nice Fair clean fight accidentally tabbed out I like how lightning struck yeah’s K’s not back yet I am

Okay round two hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on just minute okay all right I can’t I can’t do it because game mode K I want I want my Thing K change the creative Hur up [ __ ] Crea you dash eating no eating I’m here K you’re mute by the way I’m looking for it wherever it is hold on no Garr that’s for you Bailey sat there and wanted to eat so ow you [ __ ] spider all right get some more get some

More action shots on this one get in get in there get in there Bailey what are you doing my yell at brother Mississippi two Mississippi Mississippi get when you add one’s G oh my god dude kill them both kill them both Aus kill them both street fight you son of a [ __ ] get

Mer bring me back bring me back I got it I got it damn it hey man why you pointing at me like that oh yeah I got all my [ __ ] back too that’s right all right I want to see lenus and Garrett go at it lers come back his

Ass why can’t why can’t Bailey come back dude come on D you want to see my favorite Block in the game wait hang on I’m do I’m doing something real quick I’ll do it lock him in he’ll be able to get out I only have one wait is this or is it something

Else is it this oh it is this oh my gosh would you place one nope this one I show you something crazy crazy I was crazy once please noat rats made me crazy crazy why do wait why do you keep saying filled with rats it’s just a rubber room with rats

Yeah yeah y’all keep saying filled with rats I don’t say filled with rats you said it last uh last time me and you did it it’s on stream I do not Yes actually if you go back to the uh video that K posted of me and you doing it you say

Filled with rats lus get out of the hole I’m trying the invisible hole there’s a bunch of blocks here no there’s not you’re just imagining things [ __ ] [ __ ] and oh hurry up Aus make it to where you stuck God damn you’re a mole don’t worry I can fix

It are we going to put Bailey in there oh I can see it now yeah yeah we’re definitely going to put Bailey in here no no no no uh oh oh dude you were so lucky you were so lucky did y’all did you see that he literally used a creeper to propel

Himself out if you do it you got lus is dead he hey man hey hey you got you got to give me props for that one you that was a good one yeah okay what the [ __ ] go why is there three of them over here it’s only been like once dude d

That was perfect so quickly why do you get [ __ ] weapons uh do you want one K I would love one oh you got to make it where it’s it’s the Rainy oh yeah I should get one too wait where’s all my oh my [ __ ] I’m being attacked by

Skeletons oh no don’t you let me [ __ ] die to these sons of [ __ ] look here look oh my god dude I was trying to bring yall a friends why is it shooting me come here [ __ ] here you Austin skeleton is shooting me yeah at least in

Uh lenus and skeletons do not get along no I I deserve a bow what the [ __ ] wait wait they can’t get me in here Austin I have a great idea God damn it dude you’re about to get ganked Garrett no dude look how many skeletons are chasing lenus dude oh

No he’s gonna die why is it so hard to kill them well now you’re stuck in there forever hang on that’s funny from here oh my God why is it only attacking me oh oh look at this look at this look at this look at this be fight dude give

My Austin give me my sword yep I got you where you at hey Austin right here I’m right here I’m right I’m I’m right here dude this skeleton and zombie are going at it bro oh you son of a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] shoot this [ __ ] shoot

This little [ __ ] oh man hey try to try to kill a mob on top of me like this oh my God try to kill a mob on top of me I wonder if the lightning will go through and hit me no did not kill that [ __ ] [ __ ] that dude oh no

H don’t be scared hey oh yeah let’s see I know I don’t know oh oh oh why is there a fish in this one dude there’s a Charged Creeper chasing l no why’ you kill him lenus cuz they’re trying to kill me so what dude I want to see one is super

Char I’m trying [ __ ] you got two of them a damn it there some more just one more yeah just this one I just want to see what he does it’ll kill him if it’s just the one need two okay Bet oh my god dude bring back bring back

That ho bring me back bring me back I want to see the hole bring me back where was the hole oh my god oh [ __ ] I’ll live I’m still alive Austin Austin I have a great idea let’s just put up ton of these yep see if you can send the

Lightning down there oh I’ll be able to do it Hey Garrett I have something for you oh my God God [ __ ] damn it dude look at all the creeper heads I’m back oh you’re back hurry up join in join in join in we got something for you tring okay oh she

Did look it she’s not in hey Bailey let me know whenever you’re in hold on even a monkey even a monkey with God like is still a monkey even a monkey with Godlike Powers is still a monkey check the group chat go away go away go away

Go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away ask uh God damn it [ __ ] skeleton [ __ ] you skeleton yeah actually do you dare challenge God here come here guys blow up my bridge and and it wasn’t enough all right

Hey come here real quick no give me my Trident all right all right are youall ready to do the boxing match Hur up Bailey come on I don’t know but I keep getting followed by [ __ ] Austin God damn it no why does it show you have a why

Does it show that you have a a a uh an exit thing like a a am I no I’m just leave because from this and my parents yelling I might as well just uh Good Times shut up what my parents used yell all the time bro we don’t even know who’s better

You or Garrett come on you have to at least box scared why can’t even get over there for 5 seconds all right well here oh wrong person oh Lordy there we go all right hang on wait wait I’m not I’m not ready yet I go to drink little

More me give me a little drinky poo you know I me give me a little drinky drink right all right we’re get need need some more need some more no no no no no I saw that stop crying where you it’s like a gladiator match yeah for real it’s free game I’m

GNA leave because that’s my Trident no this is not your Trident it’s obviously G’s tried it wow all right lenus versus Garrett yeah Bailey come back no no I made the Trent therefore it’s my Trident I don’t think you made this trident to be honest I think this one is awesome I

Think oh okay oh wait it’s really H it’s her yes it’s really mine all I want to see y’all throw some good clean hands well I want Garrett to throw Garrett and Bailey to throw some good Clean Hands Garrett I don’t think she’s in yet I’m loading in I’m not in replace it

Replace it replace it replace it oh no you you we didn’t mean to we’re fixing it nope a creeper ran in here Bailey nope all right fine Bailey Street Fight street fight all right out of the ring go get her Garett dude you’re fast holy [ __ ] legs can move brother dude for real no I’m drowning you down there are you serious why did you break the glass Dam why yall breaking the glass where’d y’all go I’m at two HS don’t you even okay kill the C fine I won’t

Poor little baby Bailey’s getting bullied yeah you definitely lost oh please oh why did it take so long no I’m out of oh oh here we go yes oh my God all right do we want to go back to the podcast uh I don’t know but can be teleported where you

At uh the end oh my gosh yeah hold on I got you I got you to L to randomly fall wait wait now you’re stuck there Garrett [ __ ] you my lus I missed I meant to S you I meant to send you back I meant to send you back

In the portal while I completely missed what the [ __ ] is this oh [ __ ] all hold on I got this hopefully I line this up right and I was are you still alive I don’t know how you’re still has updated to creative oh okay all right all right so are we ready to get

Back to the the the podcast don’t you dare don’t you dare I tell you what boy I boy had it let me tell you I will [ __ ] leave are we stuck in here we’re drowning move go down are we stuck in here y are fine just double tap a oh

Yeah you changed it you changed it back I was like I’m in survival for second all right going on why are we all right would you take my my fishing pole all right so are you’all ready to get back on some some gamer topics let’s talk about a big ready to

Talk about a big conver uh controversial one let’s do Call of Duty so what y’all think you when do you think the last good game was the last good COD Black Ops 3 uh World War II nah World War II is okay but three I think bo3 was the

Warfare 2019 mw9 yes okay mw9 was pretty it was okay it was pretty good but anything after is just terrible for modern Cod it is the one of the best modern oh yeah definitely the modern cods are terrible uh jetpack jetpack game definitely [ __ ] bo3 oh yeah

Futuristic definitely I I like B3 it was good hands down best Call of Duty created of all time Black Ops 2 I love Black Ops 2 but I played so much like bo3 is what really got me started like I know like I played a lot

Of BO2 but bo3 is when like I really started like oh like you know especially zombies my favorite my game of all time in Modern Warfare 3 the original oh yeah three is really good yo where’s my VAP up your butt up y have you checked your butt no

I did check there um it’s gone yeah I’m not seeing it any me come poke around up in there I might be I might need you to I don’t think I can reach that high I might have sucked it all the way up in there oh no I got got

A small get a you’re going to go to drop off your feces and they’re going to be like what is this metal object in here what with that along with that in your butt plug I’m back what’s about a butt plug lenus in his butt okay so just recently

In Seattle there was this gay man that went into a um hospital and had to get an emergency when I asked him if he had any uh medals on on him and whatnot he said no I have them I had them and when he got his MRI done he had a aluminum butt

Plug in his [ __ ] and it went inside of him and killed him because it rearranged his guts dude that is wildel what the [ __ ] do want wait wait what hang on hang on you need to repeat some of that cuz I missed some that is something else got black man [ __ ] by a

Butt plug he died because of his butt plug in an because he didn’t say that he had it all dude like was he embarrassed or something like I don’t know why would you go in for an MRI with one in diarrhea diarrhea diarrhea I got plug that [ __ ] man that’s

500 bucks I got plug that up can’t lose that I I I hope you start using a butt plug just for that reason D I just got a fortune two book hey what I’ve got death rer three Smite five Shar Smite five is pretty good if you don’t have sharpness you

Want to use Smite got feather falling five sharpness three and then I have an efficiency five I no sorry four yeah hang on I’m stupid I’m stupid Smite four Smite four not being being dumb hold on boys I will be I will be right back you absolute [ __ ] nut

What I watch season 7 you piece of [ __ ] what do you mean oh yeah oh yeah how was it I’m died finally I get to [ __ ] tell you that I’m wait what did you watch all of it yeah I watched all of it oh yeah how Rick Prime

Died oh yeah dumb dude I’ve been trying to tell you that for God knows long Chad I will be right back hey I’ll be right back dude even even dumber the ending wasn’t wasn’t amazing like I’m kind of mad the way they did it yeah I’m gonna rewatch it

Again so I pick up stuff that I missed because I rewatched a couple episodes they put a lot of stuff those episodes that yeah know it’s a good season but it should not be Seas you know yeah he’s look straight up just on stream s up in here that’s blue

Stuff watching the stream until we just just peek over wait are you the how’s it looking looks [ __ ] perfect let me see what it looks yeah get the get the fish out of your hand get the fish out of your hand hold hold nothing and back up no more I’d say right there’s

Good pretty good this is ain’t bad yeah good pretty good right like he’s going to have to clip that for the the we get one everybody say the Forbidden gamer word while he’s gone he doesn’t know Whybl okay good really bad is gonna be [ __ ] pissed he doesn’t nothing all Ready what wait S no no like f free cuz you’re looking in bro you and Garrett are looking into mine we got him Austin you did the right yep we did yeah stop singing we get Copyrighted don’t no don’t hook him in those boat don’t hook him in those it’s too late [ __ ] things break I’m gonna my mind all right so what were y’all talking about before I left excuse me K we were in the middle of what is that I can hear your overlay it’s not

Mine oh I can hear Austin watching your stream what are you doing it’s completely mute on my end you can’t what the hell are y dude my Wi-Fi is like dying for some reason bro it like whis sweeten things what are yall doing your mom your mom buddy now and I I

Go how’ you do that in the water I go what is he talking about what’s going on I don’t know he’s not doing it on my screen yeah he’s just sitting here like he’s L standing in the middle of the pool like a dumbass I’m not very very

Smart oh wait did anybody else see the fish that jumped out atin Austin don’t play with me what one jumped out did they it’s over here oh I see it oh another jum out what the heck they keep jump coming time for an Elder Guardian wait

What well I’m going to go ahead and end the stream because I think we’re done for the most part we had a good wait hang on the fish don’t make it yet hook him hook him all right chat that’s going to be the end of the stream for today if you guys enjoyed

Make sure to hit the like And subscribe button make sure you post notifications just so you know whenever uh whenever we go live um if you guys want to support me make sure to click the QR or scan the QR code on the left of the screen and uh we have

Goals that we’re trying to meet uh you guys can use the link in my description as well and I will speak to you guys in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘[SPONSORED STREAM] Chill Minecraft Fishing PODCAST, come by and say HI.’, was uploaded by setbacks3 on 2024-01-25 15:50:29. It has garnered 42 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:24 or 7104 seconds.

Sponsor of today’s stream Puzzles and survivors link-https://strms.net/puzzles_setbacks3

Welcome to the stream were playing Minecraft with friends make sure to like and subscribe to help the channel grow. Be respectful of others please and enjoy the stream.

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[Minecraft Podcast] Chill Minecraft stream on the (Island Life SMP) chatting and fishing [EPISODE 2] COMING OUT SOON

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    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock enfocrafters.com:25630 Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

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  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkwQ-zPr_UvwyxCLYCoSw_A/join Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More