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hello everybody and uh welcome back to SteamPunk craft since we last left off as promised I put down some chests and also I know people well I haven’t the first episode isn’t up on YouTube but in terms of the uh the twitch chat comments it was good God don’t just repurpose another structure build your own house and so I have set up chess outside in what will become my house and Factory and setting up all the create machines and stuff and then the villagers will have their place over there that’ll be very beautiful and they’ll live the high life and I’ll live in my confined little box so I went through some some stuff here okay I first started off by going and getting a bunch of jungle wood because you can’t make sophisticated chests with the the mahogany which is what the pink wood is it’s all around here so I grabbed a bunch of that use the Redstone we got last time to make the jungle chests and then proceeded to find out that all things sophisticated storage backpacks so on and so forth are incompatible with Quark you cannot quick stack so I wouldn’t have been able to you know have new items in my inventory then open the chest and go like that and easily load them up which is very annoying as you can see if I actually Place one of these down see these arrows insert extract so on and so forth none of those they don’t exist um it’s very sad Mr Norton says I can fix that if you really want to do it if you really want to and then I’ll have a mod to bring over into the updated versions and all that stuff feel free uh no obligation but yeah anyway so it just doesn’t it doesn’t happen for some reason which is weird because we had the same backpack mod in deceased craft and that was working fine with it um but anyway I transferred all the items that we had over in there and uh I brought them over to chest they’re not labeled but they are sorted so we got the food chest we’ve got the mob drops chest random blocks wood ores agriculture anyway so on and so forth you get the idea what I do want to do though is I want to upgrade the backpack so that we can get that thing up to more storage iron tier level and despite the fact that you can’t shift into it it does still allow you to add like the different pickup upgrades and all that stuff so I I don’t know what the deal is specifically why it is that the the way that it is I don’t know if it’s a it’s not no this is 1.19 I think a deceased craft was 118 so it’s not like it’s a downgraded version so it’s it’s weird anyway why don’t we make ourselves some more bread kind of use that as our first uh ongoing easy food source and then from there um we can worry about making a farm there’s just no big dirt patch anywhere around here so it’s kind of like um you know we’d have to set that up anyway we can sleep through the night for now probably get some torches down might not be the worst idea in the world to have some so we don’t come up here and have a creeper like oh you learned how to draw a house with chalk home is where the bed is wait what is that sleep in one place three times in a row wow that’s cute I was like I’ve definitely used a bed several times but I guess I was moving around each of these times wow guys that’s very cute I seem to have found myself a bit of a home here isn’t that so cool I think that’s pretty cool make sure to like the video for us building a home together here and subscribe to Captain Sparkles 2 to stay tuned for more episodes and help us reach one M you know 1 mil we were at a bit of a plateau for a while but we’re we got a little bit of momentum now with like the shorts and stuff like that so just saying it could actually potentially happen this year so if you want to help accelerate that process I’m just just throwing it out there is like a thing that could maybe take place that would be kind of cool um so I did make a chest for the gun mod so um we could just do a bit of that do a bit of that have that going there brought the gun workbench table over to here we get a little reload oh it is fully loaded which is pretty epic and now I guess let me look into the Thin Air Mod because I want to see what we can get in order to be able to go underground and above ground would probably be good is it is it not cold thin air is it oh here it is okay respirator or air bladder which one do we want respirator seems pretty on point so it’s paper string and charcoal um let’s see paper string and charcoal I have a log which is good I should go get the um I actually go get furnaces I can just make a couple furnaces here we have some Cobblestone um look at the that look at the quest is probably a good idea where is thin air and cold sweat okay craft a respirator below y z and above 28 or 128 you’ll slowly start running out of air there is a solution however oh and then you do the whole back tank and all that stuff we know the cold sweat situation cuz we were dealing with that um got it create provides a handy diving helmet in scuba tank that will also work to keep alive down the darker on top of mountain it’s very easy setup and this quest line will guide you through it got it okay cool sounds good let’s make the respirator everybody let me do a uh let me do a quick furnace here and we will make ourselves a little bit of um do I even have much in the way of coal I have I have I can use my use a coal in order to smel one thing here that’ll be a great idea wait look look at Overworld quests you get respirator where is that at Oh you mean it’s like a quest reward for something it’s fine man it’s all good we’ll just do a little bit of that and let’s make ourselves a respirator the thing that’s a little Annoying like I don’t have enough leather to put item frames on every one of these as labels so a lot of them find themselves currently unlabeled but um we’ll we’ll work eventually we’re going to have Tom’s simple storage and life is going to be good and we’ll have so very little to worry about at that point but until then I’m going to have to do this uh quite a lot which is a little whatever but anyway okay there we go respirator so cool um I know I can do signs I just don’t like having to click around the signs it’s very obnoxious Ender Dragon respawn alter from the unusual end very interesting uh iron pick Quest oh you get respirator okay now we have two respirators so that’s pretty cool oh God I’m burning up it’s 35° C okay I feel like a roof might assist with this see guys this is why it was a terrible idea to depart from the the beauty of the villager’s house because now as it turns out I’m boiling hot and I have to I have to immediately figure out what I want to build this place out of I don’t know jungle wood mahogany wood what should I do mahogany wood is everything is going to be pink I’d rather do jungle wood but all right to be fair this does like this does look like it would be absolutely incinerating hot um so yeah all right how about um let me take some sticks and we’ll make some fences in order to hold up the corners and stuff like that but oh wait that’s Twigs not sticks do we have any sticks we don’t oh we do have a few sticks um okay cool have I stopped playing on stmp uh no I have not it’s just um there’s going to be an event on Saturday so I figur that rather than getting on before that and uh possibly um you know it being a less interesting episode I would just wait until uh Saturday and then we’d be able to actually I that’s kind of a waste to have these out here um wait until Saturday and then uh you know be able to have some more interesting times with the comedy event and stuff like that actually it’s true is there Builder W I bet there’s Builder W and just kidding there is no Builders W so um okay it would it would have been cool it would have been cool but it’s a no wait we don’t have to I don’t have the ability to go over budget and have overhanging edges and stuff like that for now um yeah it would have been nice okay I can just do this fill in the gaps I don’t know if I’m actually going to have enough but okay it’s getting a little bit it’s getting a little bit cooler we’re past Peak heat of the day thank goodness oh my goodness and then let’s finish this up all right we got our roof you know we have a little bit more we have more slavage in order to just expand it a little little bit more just a little bit more so at least our workbenches are under it and then I guess add like an edge of over here and um I I’m going to have to raise this thing it’s it’s uncomfortably low and unnecessarily low for the moment but I hope it drops the temperatures and makes it so we’re good okay so the question is do I want to head back over in that direction where there were the other Pillager things or now that I have the respirator should I head underground does it go in here okay it goes in there oh that’s pretty cool look at that guys we’re in Dune it’s pretty epic okay let me bring going to bring some iron with me here oh yeah by the way our boy our boy has Reston I don’t know if this starts getting hopefully it doesn’t start getting used until you’re actually underground and it’s not being wasted right now Maxwell Maxwell Reston the people thought Maxwell didn’t Reston but Maxwell most definitely do all right where you at Maxwell where’s Maxwell with the Reston oh there he is I was like oh God please tell me he hasn’t gone ah yep see that’s what I’m talking about there Maxwell the absolute Legend now dude if we go down and get a bunch more raw iron we come back up we’ll be able to just multiply the heck out of it because Maxwell is such an such a machine of Awesomeness oh these are junkie logs I can just kind of clear these out in order to get a little bit more junky logs which will be good dude Maxwell gets to live the freaking High Life okay okay nobody nobody can say that I am I am treating Maxwell poorly when Maxwell has a way way nicer house I am sluming it in comparison to Maxwell and the villagers like come on let’s be realistic here man let’s let’s be honest with ourselves Maxwell is living the life of a king I know floating roof is an HOA compliant don’t worry I’m going to fix it right now all right I’m going to fix it right now we’re going to we’re going to get some fences up at the edges and then I’m going to have to figure out sometime down the road okay what do I do what do I do in order to make this actually look nice and that’s a question that I don’t have answers to at the moment unfortunately all right hopefully that’ll be uh enough to you know do a we bit of you know I could have I could have put these on second half but at least this doesn’t mean mobs won’t spawn on the uh on the top so I guess we can look on the bright side there right go up boom boom all right not so floating now are we everybody happy with that I hope everybody’s happy with that wow what a beautiful starter home looks a lot like the start of a I don’t know a Zen series or something like that um acorns and stuff can go into there okay cocoa beans from quality crop are those like fancy or something like that all right I should probably take a little bit of wood with me down into the mines backpack empty good good oky dokie oh wait more torches would also probably be good and we can sleep to go with it and Che Bo let’s get the few of you I’m definitely going to want more coal down there though so it looks like it’s abled looks like a table for people who are of average average size but I am of course um a a small individual a Wei a wead is what I am so uh yeah anyway okay let’s head down dude we got our water we got our iron for extra stuff um I should bring an extra crafting table actually classic classic trying to go into the mine and being like wait I need this wait I need that wait I need the other stuff but yeah it’s just a I live under the table you know I live a uh very discreet life under the table you know little under the table dealings and maybe we need some uh aluminum this is a hard thing to come by in decease craft early game maybe it’ll be useful here we also would love to get some gun powpow for more bullets from the creepers copper is a good thing for us to get okay all right we don’t we don’t need to spend too much time though I want to see what happens when we start going below and if we get any sort of monitoring of the uh of of the freaking respirator like do we do we see what H what what is what is that thing what is the woolman what is the woolman and why is he freaking me out okay I don’t like I don’t like that what I do like though is little bada bing bada boom oh yeah ow my ankles did you not drop any gunpowder come on Broski so I need some gold a little bit of backpack upgraded yeah yeah yeah oh hey bud I love the torch that you can see over on the left there don’t jump off don’t be dumb oh thank you for the gun powpow much appreciated and you ow okay okay honestly what I could do right just make sure I have some blocks and then I’ll just water down right way quicker than otherwise grab a few more block arenos gold does not seem to be too good of an upgrade I mean it’s going to be even if it only adds one row it’s just worth having and we’ll need gold for a ton of other things bunch of create recipes require it um I should actually check before I waste my entire respirator what are we trying to get for like the back tank and stuff um so obain a copper back tank dig a 3X3 hole place the water wheel replace one with Corner blocks empty your water bucket against this block the wheel should start turning place okay it’s telling us how to do stuff um everything should be spinning you can now connect the back tank underneath the small Cog you’ll see it start to suck air in oh it’s literally just some copper I see so you don’t have to do anything fancy for this you just got to provide some stress and then it will fill with air cool Brain still broken um a little bit you know I was from the small ant map that that my brain was super broke sked but we’re still recovering admittedly all right well lava cast lava cast lava cast lava cast here we go so I guess we have all the resources that we need in order to make the back to tank so um I guess here goes H do I follow the water down I guess I will rather than just leaving it I mean um x escape thank you very much for the sub very cool hey it’s gold exactly what we’re looking for so how long does it last oh God it doesn’t show the durability I have to like keep checking it which means that if I get complacent which I will because I’ve never ever once been in a s wait why am I at why is my respirator oh okay maybe when you have a respirator on it shows your Bubbles at halfway cuz I’m like excuse me why are my bubbles decreasing it’s not a good thing no I think we’re good it must just be I see the respirator durability going down so I think it’s working all right we got to spot some things that we find interesting that we want to grab here oh it was because I swam down the water it decreased my oxygen and now because we’re under underground it’s not coming back I get it I get it all right we got a big Iron vein here I don’t know if it’s just worth like digging the heck out of this thing yeah so it’s just not going to move I got to just keep monitoring it this is rough um okay let me try getting all the the gold that I can at the moment and um oh yeah it’s a little toasty when you get next to Lava I forgot about that whole thing I got to be careful with that okay are there any like scary scary bad guys that we got to be on the lookout for hopefully hopefully nothing too crazy I definitely don’t want to lose track of my exit cuz that would be very bad add respirator monitor there’s a mod for respirator monitor is that actually a thing oh you need diamond for that um okay I mean once we see it going going down we can just uh make sure we start heading up what is dude what it’s the freaking wman okay that’s just creepy bro what the heck they don’t even make noise when you hit them what are you I do need more Redstone if I want to do more sophisticated chests if we do get a fix for that guess I might as well grab it okay iron is probably lower priority because when we’re down here we want to maximize things that really only appear um deeper down so diamonds maybe if we could find any of that that’d be pretty cool what we got in there um um okay respirator seems to last for a decent amount of time at least diamonds diamonds I’m totally going to miss diamonds cuz they’re not all illuminated like I’m used to which might seem like a Cheesy thing to get used to but um on the plus side there aren’t that many bad guys down here it seems to be like pretty mellow get the freak back dude get the freak back hey get the freak back I don’t think so training dummy oh God hey hey hey hey hey hey no no you may be a ghost but you’re not immune to bullets so you should work on the whole ghost thing a little bit more huh Ash games 250 bits what what mods do we have here I think like 400 or something so I couldn’t give you an exact list there’s a lot but the main ones we can uh are are concerned about are guns and wait is that a what the I’m shooting a drill that’s chasing me oh my God okay guys did you know there are evil versions of the of the guy who I uh went after last time evil drills are you guys mean are you just the chill oh they’re just the chill guys they’re just the chill guys yeah yeah okay hey guys just get oh yeah by the way since last time I did up the difficulty to hard just because you know in deas craft we were doing it that way so I figure here since we have guns we might as well give it the biggest challenge we can outside of well you know hardcore but anyway um dude the freaking drills are just spawning everywhere re reload reload reload reload uhoh I don’t think you get a head shot bonus with this unfortunately okay these guys are crazy done but it could be like a sick way to actually Farm up resources though I love I love create mobs bro that’s awesome uh we God I can’t quickload things into the backpack which is annoying okay getting good gunpowder quantities here is good hey Mr creeper how’s it going pop pop more gunpowder thank you haven’t seen any diamonds yet a little Annoying wonder if these guns have like damage fall off God we’re just rocking their world shards of the past I don’t like them what is this a grave metal scrap oh okay bones what are these grave metal boots is that better is better than iron yeah sure why not no set bonuses out here so we give it a try all right come here come here Mr drill God they’re like a they’re a little they’re a little zigzaggy dude all right more iron let’s go huge plays I don’t think I need that dude who needs a bow who needs a bow and what are that that’s a vampire that’s a vampire uh this doesn’t seem good um this seems actually like a pretty I got him Oh I thought that was going to be a problem I was very concerned that I was about to die God okay we’re good thank goodness he can still die to bullets it’s really nice when we have bullets on our side of if I had to fight him close combat I feel like it would have been bad mans just spawned with a full set of gold armor please stop at once okay diamonds diamonds it’s crazy that we don’t we don’t have diamonds down here guys they don’t exist you think that they would there is gold let me grab that there’s also gold up there but it’s right next to the lava and my temperatures are going to go through the roof roof I don’t know that I can handle that I wonder if there are silver bullets that would be funny if you actually can like take down vampires with silver bullets oh my God wait hold on is this dungeon spawning the what is it spawning aoid Elemental that sounds dangerous I was thinking maybe it would be spawning the uh the freaking drill dude so that was going to be awesome but nope all right we got a rivet I did get a golden helmet Golden Apple blood needle scroll okay so this is some of the stuff from this uh mod that we oh God I need to reload this is one of the mods that we need to check out that we haven’t used before um Oreal bottle B oh Quivers are Quivers are good we might as well grab that going to fill up my inventory real quick here a golden apple iron boots throw all this God I wish I could quick stack it’s the worst that that is incompatible Mr Norton if you are able to do it um yeah I mean that’s cool but no obligation no obligation so many advancements to get too okay very cool how’s our thing going how’s our thing we’re getting about halfway we’ll just we’ll um I mean I guess we can just start off setting up some stress once we get back up are those more vampires wait tell me those aren’t all freaking vampires you found the problem you’re patching sophisticated to make it work this is so epic we’re going to have a custom what are you a goblin Thief I don’t think so steal from someone your own size which means someone actually taller cuz I’m actually taller than you which is crazy they’re running away get wrecked done he’s gone think you can just try to attack me and then change your mind oh yeah how what you think you can do the nerve the nerve of these guys okay let me grab that I know what I just picked up ow oh my God the bow sounds what the heck or the arrow sounds when it hits the ground that’s crazy all right let me get some of this gold how we looking up here halfway okay respirators have a good shelf life love to see it oh just oh more gold thank you thank you very nice grab it all we get bottle of enchant I don’t even know where the bottle of enchanting came from oh that must have been what I picked the potion that I picked up thought I was out of ammo I was going to be very scared had a diamond oh we finally found one and we only get one great that’s just what I was looking for was a singular Diamond I didn’t want any more than that one was all I needed bro classic classic Diamond veins though huh absolutely classic what are what are what are that oh more training dummies goodbye goodby God number one Gunner number one Gunner oh these guys drop cogs that’s cool and then there is a diamond over here I’m not going to miss diamonds I was just taking those guys out before I came over it’s another it’s another Warner let’s go dude it’s another Warner that’s huge for us we love it any more any more come on come on show me the money please yeah diamonds are uh usually it’s just a single if it h if a face is um exposed to air then you’re kind of just you know out of luck hip fire buddy can’t deal with my incredible accuracy that guy has a I can’t tell if that like he had a weird texture on I can’t tell if it was because he’d already taken some damage and it was like showing that he had already taken some damage and the mobs are actually kind of destructible which is a pretty cool I think I got to go back my respirator is going down I do not wish to suffocate down here that would be most unfortunate and then we’d have to come back without any gear cuz we don’t really have spare sets of things at the moment let’s go oh also there’s oh God there’s even more down I do want to get more creepers so done hey man one more done thank you thank you don’t want to fall down there I really hope I don’t end up running into some like crazy mob on the way out that destroys me right when I think I’m safe go go go go how is over this way oh God please don’t please don’t have misinterpreted the durability of the thing always wanted to do this yep there we go it was worth one of my ammos how much ammo 33 left um I may I got more copper so we’ll be able to make some more ammo we got the gun powpow everything’s looking pretty good oh god oh what are that ow okay don’t like it just when I was like Hey it’ be great if we don’t run into a thing that’s just going to kill me on the way back really quickly and mercilessly uh almost did no problem just a little bit of spontaneous evoker action if you could Eternal Stella a breather that would be really pretty cool we could look into that okay so um up we go yeah I probably should have just I should have left the water it would have been easier wait we got another gobby no don’t don’t go down don’t go down what are you offering what are you offering it’s Felix Felix are you doing you’re doing that too oh wait he’s doing it there and there is he doing it for gold he’s doing it for gold as well okay uh quick quick quick my man what a legend what a machine what a machine oh we also got um that for some coal I got to go fast got to go fast okay I’m going I’m going I’m going up you can do Mendy un Brey and all that to the Stella okay cool cool good to know I think it’s just below y equals z okay we’re in the clear we’re good we are all good oh I should have brought I should have brought Felix up in a cage I’m at level 30 now holy freak yeah we got to get some enchantments going here yes sir dude I can throw guns I can throw guns into the enchantment table oh that’s going to be the sickest thing actually the sickest thing ever make sure I check the bottom trades I don’t think I would have had what was necessary in order to do it but um yeah I’ll I’ll I can come back down just after I uh you know after I go back up make the back tank and stuff it seems like they don’t despawn very quickly so I’ll probably still be there as long as hasn’t wandered away like a bajillion feet I did forget to uh sleep I did forget to sleep just realized I hope the villagers are still alive I’m it’s going to be very unfortunate if they’re not alive was consumed with making the most out of the respirator and potentially overlooked something important in making sure that everything is good with the Villagers um I guess we’ll see on the mini map once we get up oh God I’m a little afraid I see one villager at least popped into view there for a moment that’s good little more copper you know since we need it for bullets and create stuff might as well all righty hey villagers you guys good still three of you I have no idea where that one guy went not a clue at all oh it’s uh maybe maybe lost but hey look see he’s all rest stuned and what oh yeah what was he doing so diamond pickaxe plus fortune 3 equals oh Fortune 4 can also get Unbreak e four and can you do I you probably have to do an unenchanted one though which is a little annoying right but all right my mans are still here which is good how’s your um how’s your trade prices I don’t know I actually have no like scale to go off of whether or not that’s good it’s probably not great because they aren’t going outside so I’m assuming that they’re a little unhappy at the moment I just need to get enough wood to make some fences and do like an external area and stuff like that um right on cool cool so now in an ideal world like we can just you know basically go chest by chest pop things in right take a bit of time but I’d love to have Tom simple storage already it’d be nice all right we’re all sorted I wonder if we can smelt for leather here oh you have to do got it it’s the 5 to one which is fair I did just use a lot of my rotten flesh to get more coal which wasn’t really that much coal if we’re being fair but um it was something and maybe I’ll want to keep more in the future just to be safe um that said let’s make another furnace maybe smelt up more of the copper actually no we don’t need to smelt up more of the copper I wonder if we should bring no no no I won’t I won’t bring Maxwell over here I won’t bring Maxwell over here I’ll leave Maxwell chilling in the beautiful house with the Villagers having a time of his life rather than being trapped in some sort of terrible place over at my table that I’ve built under all right Maxwell’s loving it here I know he told me where’s Max Maxwell’s just he’s playing a little hide and seek man he’s loving it so much he’s playing a game um oh you didn’t ah he didn’t do the copper trade that was just Felix down below got it that was just a Felix thing was the copper trade I could save some of this though we could do a little bit of copper doubling with Felix so maybe I’ll do that perhaps I will do that all right let’s water wheel it up start doing some back tank stuff just get stress in general and um I love love getting stress I love being stressed it’s so awesome also we can now upgrade the old backy Packy which sounds like it’s not going to be super good in comparison to the standard upgrades we used to but I mean it’s going to be bigger than it was right it’s just adding a row each time ah that is a bummer usually it just like grows exponentially but uh not the case here I guess not the case could go back and try to cage Felix bring him on back yeah okay so what we need to do let’s get ourselves some andesite Alloys Cog Wheels do a little bit of um we’re probably going to need to get some more wood if I had to um I had to guess we’re going to need to get some more wood do we have any andesite I did get some andesite so we should be good there going to need some iron and we’re going to need lots of andesite alloy water wheels and eventually obviously you know we we’ll get ourselves um the bigger water wheels and stuff like that okay let just do a little bit of this let’s get ourselves some nice uh wah waah Wheels I should just put those there some wah wew there we go beautiful okay cool 44 of those get some shafts going here did I put shafts into there cuz we did just get some shafts from some of those guys didn’t we did I put it somewhere else didn’t one of those guys drop some shafts I thought he did but maybe not hey cool guys Nation thank you for the 1,000 bits my son says capturing creatures is not how you make friends well you see I um I didn’t um I didn’t capture let’s collect some quests yeah maybe there’s some good stuff in there I didn’t capture Maxwell um I didn’t do I didn’t do anything like that um I just I he asked he said he told me he was like oh hey jardon um do you think you could pick me up it’s you know a little bit chilly down here and um you know that that could it would be cool if you would just pick me up and bring me uh up to the top and I heard the villagers live in a really nice house and um I’d like to live there too so if you wouldn’t mind that would that would be pretty great and so I was like how can I turn down Maxwell When he asks so nicely and that’s how Maxwell ended up at my house and I if you think it’s anything other than that you are simply just entirely wrong and um you know that’s that’s the fake notifications so um mhm yep yep and um and and if I did do anything wrong it wasn’t actually me it was it was a an AI clone it was either clone or AI I I don’t know it was one of the two um if if it was actually bad um but whatever it wasn’t me that did it um so feel free to tell your son though that that that’s really you know really valuable life lesson and and he’s on to something with that um cuz he’s definitely on to something with that he sounds like he’s going to grow up to be a very very very respectable uh gentlemen you know uh tip 11,200 bits you should rename Felix to PewDiePie um I’ll tell you what if Felix becomes a permanent installation into our society and he is able to um if we’re able to get him back up then I I can do that for you indeed all right let’s grab a little bit of that grab a little bit of that grab a little bit of that and then we have to do a little sleepy God the the sounds of the blocks hitting the water so dramatic what do you think I am like a a player jumping plunging from hundreds of blocks just the most dramatic of splashes like come on dude I get it I get it don’t worry I’m going to rescue you you don’t have to make it such a big deal why can I not exit here oh it’s the drip Leaf is over my head I’m in over my head guys there is most unfortunately no vein mine in the pack I know I know it’s very sad it’s very sad a lot of people myself included would love to have a little bit of Vin mine but we do not so yeah oky dokie I moved I know I moved my bed I know longer I no longer technically have a home which is very sad but the B betting looks pretty cool regardless of where it is I I just don’t want to like have it restricted to being home when it’s so nice and pretty and if I leave it behind it’s going to feel so well left behind and that would just be very sad simply leave it behind like that okay more vs let us do it how many are we going to oh God I can make 23 freaking water wheels holy heck let’s make some big boy water wheels uh we’ll do we’ll do like eight and then we’ll upgrade them to the big boy large vils and there we go then we will have eight of these yes okay and then we could actually make a little bit more maybe this be good good starting stress to power some of our early stage things like the press and other things like that which again it’s going to be really weird cuz in deceased craft it had the vanilla recipes but I found most of the things in the wild looting the cities um what is this crafter press shift for recipe what does that mean new skill crafter unlocked wait does that mean I can actually just get like a 3X3 craf I need to be able to make the book of skills but anyway that said I was I was finding the stuff in the wild so near I I’m here I’m actually going to have to make them with the vanilla recipes and be like oh that’s how you make those things huh book of skills what was it again um leather gold paper books we can actually make that let’s investigate which is going to negatively impact our um ability to make enchantment stuff but was it one leather or four oh freaking heck oh we have we have it that eight was just hard to see we got four leather okay so are we good oh I can claim it hold on I can claim it I can claim it can I can I claim it no no you have to make it guys it doesn’t just there’s no free l here there is no free lunch you got to be self-sufficient would have been nice but I understand okay here we go book of skills you’ve just made a book of skills now you can boost certain skills okay so abilities crafter oh I see so you just like huh attack speed increase the strike speed of any instrument how do I get get oh you actually use your experience to do this so I’d have to trade off my level 30 which I might wait minus one X like literally just one XP like it’s just it probably scales exponentially if I had to guess mining PVP protection strong fist increas in melee damage dealt to any entity minus 8 XP that was pretty cheap and it it operates on XP and not levels which is is huge next one’s 27 okay so how much did that give me strongfist is active click to toggle oh that’s awesome okay so we could like give our minus one XP yeah sure minus 3 XP minus 6 yeah I think we can do that oh this is really cool I wish it would tell me exactly the Discord would you like to join the Discord from here maybe later uh XP Bank oh my God guys guys it’s got an XP tank holy freak just built in I don’t have to do any unwise anvill this book I hope if I lose this book it’s tied to my player data when I make a new one and not that this book is just I am doomed if I lose it is there a keybinding that’s a good question to be fair though okay it’s accessible at any point hold on is it always oh wait a second if I leave it in here right say I just leave it in the chest oh it’s always guys guys it is it is always here it’s always here you can just do the thing oh that’s so sick oh that’s so awesome bro okay oh this is the greatest thing ever this is the Great what do you mean it’s broken how dare you it is working exactly as intended I will have you know all right so where do we want to start our first bit of uh stress Fage over here maybe maybe over here it’s kind of this is this is already well actually this is already a place where the water will flow down so we could just do it over in this area and have it like just flow into this spot Maybe sure we do that we do that just might as well clear out a few of the blocks over here have the water flow into the uh Lake Area that’ll be good probably would have been easier if I just you know decided to make this over the ground but I like to make things more difficult on myself okay I will make new pickaxe and then we will um I guess just uh just just do it do this around here and make this a nice little area of the water wheels do do their thing and it’ll be it’ll be awesome let’s see how this goes boom boom boom boom boom boom maybe like guess that kind of yeah that that that’ll that’ll do that’ll do we’ll just have to make sure the water is all flowing from a uh particular uh location above all of the water Wheels but assuming that it’s all floating in one particular direction we should be good to go and this will be our our start of um being very very stressed out I love being stressed out few things more enjoyable than being extremely stressed out do I need to be I think the water needs to actually be on top by one more maybe if I water this where is it going to go oh no it’s working we’re good okay excellent I just need a little bit more Source blockage here and then we will be generating all the water let’s get an infinite water source up here I need it anyway stressed out yeah me too create can do that to a person can be a little bit tricky I do like how basically every mod pack these days now is um create plays a role it’s kind of just become like if you’re making a mod pack you’re going to do stuff with create if you’re playing a mod pack you’re going to learn create there’s no two ways about it that’s how it’s going to go I think the coolest part about it though is the fact that you can do all these add-ons and the Ponder system is like I don’t know I’m I’m not technical enough to know how it works but the fact that you can plug the add-ons into Ponder and be able to diagram and tutorial IE adding things in is just really cool um yeah it’s funny is basically become Tinkers rip Tinkers bless it Soul we don’t see Tinkers very much anymore kind of sad Tinkers was the like in every single mod pack mod it really it it was that um okay do we want to try we don’t have any gear boxes we don’t even get to find gear boxes here which is the worst part of it all we actually have to make every single one of the gear boxes unless we I don’t know have one of those dude bro drills explode and drop them for me man all right we got to flatten everything out here did I do this at the God I did it at the proper elevation that’s actually kind of nice my B bed I can sleep in my B bed in two one sleep sleep sleep sleep hello sleep won’t let me do it until two minutes after it is a pretty great bed I agree wholeheartedly okay we need to do we should we should up the speed probably a little bit um let’s get some big cogs out in here going to need to do a few big big cogs to change the direction and up the speed do I have any more wood I’ve basically used all the wood to make the water wheels and I’m going to need to get more wood you know what might be the good idea here is to establish a bit of a a tree farm in in this area so I don’t need to keep running away to the Jungle or far away because there’s no trees here because I have picked an area that’s not the most convenient area when it comes to foliage um which is a tree farm would probably be a good thing to do here might not be a bad thing to work considering our location and also just wanting the whole thing to be automated I think Tree Farm is in order for sure um okay so if we were going to do that and then we were going to give it a little spinny poo and then we were going to you know Drop It Like It’s Hot and then we were going to bring it up again um that would be I should to make a wrench oh wait but then I’m going to have the freaking the Press um is going to be potentially very very stress intensive I guess this way though if I do it here we can hide the the shaft and just have our our stress input you know underground hidden not the worst idea it’ be a little bit prettier than having to jump over a shaft every time we want to go to and from home or going in one direction or the other and um then we can also I’m I’m sure eventually much every everyone’s sugar in here we’re going to have a basement for some work shoy work shoy shop but um it’ll be fine and there’s not going to be anything to worry about holy freck I ordered my food like 3 minutes ago and it’s already been picked up what the heck no don’t go that way you idiot I’m going to make a wrench no basement what if I want to make a basement what is the wrench again what is these uh oh yeah need to do that wait oh wait hold on uh I can do immersive engineering which is one of these dongers yeah I can do immersive engineering just a little quick a quick sneaky peeky um before we have to actually make a press so there and then we get our gold easy thank you very much love it and then what was it again Cog and sticky poo there and oky dokie put a wrench into the old plan there basements are not HOA approved you know as a matter of fact the HOA has no bylaws against basements basements are a perfectly viable structure and uh I don’t appreciate anyone putting words in the mouth of the HOA that are not official HOA bylaws that’s actually illegal one of the HOA bylaws is that somebody who is not a member of the HOA will not concoct bylaws that are not actually bylaws so getting yourself into hot water there real quick by doing something like that mhm mhm um okay so from here um it is just stressing the back tank right it’s like that easy probably use a gearbox we’re also though obviously going to want to make some freaking presses and I think a press is going to be press and mixer are going to be kind of the first things that we got to make um mechanical press how do you make one it’s a block of iron a casing and a shaft mixer is the Whisk the casing and a cog wheel I’m going to need a few uh shafts and casings and stuff like that but but you know what we could do just to get a little bit of Adventure in is I did say last time around that I was going to um explore some of those houses that were over in the direction that we checked out the pillagers last time so perhaps before my food gets here we’ll just take a quick trip over there all I got to do is make a little bit more in the way of bullets and then we should be good to run it back um all right bullets bullets bullets one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 did I already pass it I already passed it didn’t I I don’t think it was that far where was it hold on there okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 20 does it change the order every time what what do you mean one 2 3 4 five it’s five I swear to God left was quicker maybe that was for something else I don’t know anyway boy oh boy can I assemble a lot of bullets right now w we you’ll love to see it you’ll love to see it okay Three Stacks should probably be fine oh you know what also um back tank how do you make it again just copper back tank why don’t we cuz we have stress going right now and we’ve got copper might want to just smelt a little bit more up but do a little bit of that there we go I guess we don’t need anymore and then the back tank is that and that and now if we just pop that down next to our stress input does it just start filling up with air was that what it was no oh it’s 15 minutes of air I wonder if that’s identical to how much the respirator gives you let me just check so copper back tank place a small Cog against a large Cog um everything should be spinning you can connect the back tank oh underneath the small Cog got it it it or can you place it above a small Cog oh I see is it that the uh so that is the shaft there okay so I actually need to basically invert the gosh darn thing which is a little bit annoying yeah I I I’m going to have to going have to do it later I don’t have enough wood but it’s fine because well you know quite frankly we don’t need this for wandering over to the uh Pillager area that we were doing last time so anyway all right let us vuse and hopefully we do not get way too hot I need the bed had to bring the bed okay let us set off on our way and see what the other buildings have in store are there sleeping bags that’s a good question sleeping B nope no sleeping bag there’s always like so much overlap between you know different packs and stuff but then like these critical things that you use in one then aren’t in the other and you’re like God dang it can you please add it but it feels weird to add mods even if they’d be compatible feels weird to like change the dynamic of the pack okay so what is in this house it looks a little rundown if I’m being honest seems like it’s uh seen better days maybe oh it’s just empty H you got nothing in here is there nothing in here okay there some old musty treats you know it’s delicious I’m sure it’s not spoiled I’m sure it’s still perfectly tasty and and good and and great oh we even got the attic up here what do we nothing okay at least there’s Close Quarters I don’t know what that means pumpkin seeds that book there we go what is Close Quarters loot a certain amount of chests open 25 of them it’s like I know it’s like I know I can sleep here and spawn inside of a cobweb yeah I know the temp pad needs a Nether Star it’s it’s unfortunate is there anything else on this FL doesn’t look like it anything over here oh this place has some you know bedrooms and stuff anything in here no barrels are just empty I apparently all these buildings just have you know melons gold carrots bit of iron oh a little hidden chest over there oh you know what Gamers don’t look up but those that do get rewarded I love to see it every time I open my backpack I’m just like oh God I hope Mr Norton can get his mod working because God dang it’s annoying not having the cork Quick Fill okay wait we got pillagers over here there’s also coal I kind of need coal Coal it looks dude you know it’s so weird that it has like the old texture the old texture feels so out of place now oh it’s so strange I I it makes me think it’s like Divine RPG or some modded ore cuz all the Divine RPG modded ores those were all um oh what is this villagers keep out like villagers keep out or villagers in here keep out I think it’s hey are you chilling are we good are we cool if I were to say um yo the stuff in here you’re not mad he is carrying a little stabby stab he seems to be chilling we’re good ooh looting two golden sword I mean looting two could come in handy in a very select situation mushrooms do stacks you love to see it um oh he’s got Coke Chicken in here yum and oh my oh he’s just full of fast food meals my guy my guy a true legend okay and what’s up top hey man I appreciate you not minding um you know lending lending some gear to a friend a passer by even I’ve been struggling out here in the world and it’s really good to have um you know some of you guys to fall back on there is five day whoa wait hold on the iron dagger does crazy higher DPS than the iron sword like actually massively higher DPS and higher DPS than the Scythe what the freck this thing is I wonder if there is any change in the reach cuz if the reach is identical you can just like swing like crazy with that and obviously you know we got guns so it’s like it’s not really that big of a deal at the oh hello an over look at that it’s pretty pretty good all of this yeah okay it’s pretty good if I do say so myself yes thank you all right guys been a pleasure doing business with you um I hope you have a wonderful time I’m sorry that I don’t know you were outcasted from your friends and your family and I I hope you find your way back to them and you can all get along again in the future and learn to love each other what do we have here oh frick oh do we have Rog likes oh do we have Rog likes am I going into a Rog like with a gun I’m going into a rogue like with a gun oh my God I’m going to have a gun sophisticated plus quk is working oh you love to hear about that hey are you upset you’re not upset right a Wandering trait tour is it is it why can’t I interrup correct man you can’t do a pun like that and not have the guy able to buy and cell okay that’s just really that’s rude that’s rude my guy’s got some GE though my guy’s got slimy balls let’s go iron pickaxe we spare gear skis all over the place leads I don’t think I need the map Spruce logs could be good though just fill up the old inventory with all this oh my God the mans have everything I could ever need and apparently Mr Norton has the uh has the mod working so that I can actually do some cork quick loots into sophisticated stuff which is a very very exciting development um and it probably means it’s a good place for us to wind down this episode because what we can do is begin the next episode with I guess I could off camera run back home drop stuff off and then we can begin the next episode going into a Rog like with a gun which should be very exciting so thanks for watching make sure to like the video uh subscribe to the channel Captain sparkle 2 to stay tuned for more episodes there’s also playlist in the description and of course Apex hosting code Captain Sparkles Link in the description get you 25% % off your first month you can play this mod pack with your friends thanks for watching and I will see you next time

This video, titled ‘Under The Table | SteamPunk Craft Ep. 2’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-05-12 00:00:15. It has garnered 69461 views and 2946 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:31 or 3871 seconds.

We are playing the SteamPunk Minecraft modpack in which we must make more guns and upgrade the guns and use them to shoot the ender dragon. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez SteamPunk Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZzAISiEHgdat0zSxNjMT6ji

My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron

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    Ultimate Farming Guide: EVERYONE Can Join! 🌾🔴 Minecraft LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘WORLD MINE 3; Equipment farrmen; JEDER darf mitmachen!❤️‍[Minecraft Live🔴] – Minecraft deutsch’, was uploaded by ProGamer on 2024-05-21 16:48:45. It has garnered 186 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:27 or 12027 seconds. Der WORLD MINE DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/RkUedHuW Hello. Have fun! Like and subscribe? Stream goes until about 11 p.m. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- NEW TIKTOK CHANNAL: https://www.tiktok.com/@progamer0508?_t=8l5028JJx8i&_r=1 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— How do you get on the server? 1. Join my *Dc server 2. Write your Mc in-game name under ‘General’ in ‘Chat’ 3. Wait until I say that you can join ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– (Fn in-game… Read More

  • Unlocking Secrets: Why Minecraft Dominates | #shorts

    Unlocking Secrets: Why Minecraft Dominates | #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Crafting Excellence: Why Minecraft Triumphs Over Terraria #shorts #minecraft #pubg #freefire #granny’, was uploaded by exotic art with me on 2024-04-20 12:07:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. suitable titles 1. “Crafting Excellence: Why Minecraft Triumphs Over Terraria” 2. “Building Brilliance: Minecraft Outshines … Read More

  • INSANE Piano Skills in Minecraft – Wet Hands

    INSANE Piano Skills in Minecraft - Wet HandsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft (Wet Hands)’, was uploaded by Videogame Pianist – Topic on 2024-08-21 10:03:12. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:58 or 118 seconds. Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Minecraft (Wet Hands) · Videogame Pianist ¡We are the gamers! ℗ EdLB Released on: 2024-08-22 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • MobCraft Pixelmon

    MobCraft PixelmonMobCraft is a Minecraft Pixelmon server with Dex rewards, WonderTrade, custom texture, and player gyms. It’s using Pixelmon Reforged mod and runs on Minecraft version 1.20.2. Other features include shiny starters, kits, crates, shops, and PokeBuilder. MobCraft is also set up in offline mode (aka cracked). Join and start collecting, training, and battling Pixelmon today! pixelmon.mobcraft.org Read More

  • LuckyGem Vanilla SMP 1.21 Active Dynmap Discord Hermitcraft Feel Grief Prevention Voicechat Mod AFK Farms Weekly Competitions

    LuckyGem SMP New 1.21 map! LuckyGem SMP is a friendly, whitelisted, trusted community with no game altering plugins. Founded in 2020, we aim to build friendships and have fun in the latest Minecraft Version. Whitelisted Server: Apply via Discord for a chance to play. Active Community: Join our mature and friendly player base with a responsive staff team. Unique Features: No teleporting or economy plugin. Build your own Nether Tunnel and participate in a trust-based diamond economy. Community Driven: Build alongside other players and contribute to the server’s vision. Join us for Weekly Events, Competitions, and UHC! Apply on our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Which enchant do you prefer?

    Minecraft Memes - Which enchant do you prefer?“I choose the ‘Unbreakable’ enchantment so my diamond pickaxe doesn’t break every time I accidentally hit the wrong block!” Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Server: 2024+ Masterclass!

    Crafting a Minecraft Server: 2024+ Masterclass! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Setting up a server, where friends can arrive. Gravel Host is the place, where dreams take flight, With plans so affordable, it’s a pure delight. Visit their website, with just a click, Select a plan, it’s really quick. Launch your server, in no time at all, With Gravel Host, you’ll never fall. So grab your friends, and start the fun, With Gravel Host, the adventure’s just begun. Create a world, where you can play, In Minecraft land, every single day. So use the code “Gravel”, for a discount so fine, And… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft 1.21 One Block Hardcore!

    100 Days in Minecraft 1.21 One Block Hardcore! The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft 1.21 One Block Hardcore! Welcome to the thrilling world of Minecraft 1.21 One Block Hardcore challenge! In this epic adventure, players take on the ultimate survival test by attempting to survive 100 days on a single block in Hardcore mode. Witness as they battle mobs, gather resources, and construct magnificent structures—all while striving to stay alive in this intense custom Minecraft challenge. Key Highlights: Starting from Scratch: With only a single block to begin with, players must navigate the challenges of the environment to survive and thrive. Building an Epic… Read More

  • Boy Love in Minecraft – Episode 16

    Boy Love in Minecraft - Episode 16 Minecraft Animation: Love Found in Episode 16 Episode 16 of the Minecraft Animation series brings a heartwarming tale of love and friendship. The characters embark on a new adventure filled with twists and turns, all set in the beloved Minecraft universe. Reptures – Me Times Two (ft. Moav) The episode features the track “Reptures – Me Times Two (ft. Moav)” as part of its soundtrack. The music sets the tone for the emotional journey the characters will undertake, adding depth to the storytelling. Culture Code – Feel Again (feat. Harley Bird) Another highlight of the episode is the inclusion… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Autosorter Decoration!

    INSANE Minecraft Autosorter Decoration!Video Information This video, titled ‘Decorating an INSANE Autosorter in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2024-06-24 03:32:55. It has garnered 1843 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:56 or 10436 seconds. Donate: https://streamelements.com/dashpum4-483d9/tip (if possible, please donate through here because YouTube Superchat takes 30% of the money! If you donate using this link, I keep 100% of the tip) List of all commands: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkbwyNRVLsb7BxxYYWvje7Xc_Z4zfAqt1KlGP1RNIvk/edit?usp=sharing Channel Points System: Pumkoins are the currency of my live streams! You can earn by pumkoins in 2 ways! 1) Chat Activity: When typing in chat, you earn 4 pumkoins per… Read More

  • Uncovering the Dark Secrets of Minecraft’s Lost PS1 Version

    Uncovering the Dark Secrets of Minecraft's Lost PS1 VersionVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Horror Behind Minecraft’s Lost PS1 Build’, was uploaded by Daggz on 2024-08-16 16:31:23. It has garnered 78030 views and 3758 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:06 or 8286 seconds. Download Dragon City for free: https://dragoncity.onelink.me/DDHl/daggz Claim your starter Pack including the very RARE Iceling Dragon + 15K Food + 30K Gold Minecraft’s infectious spirit has had a stranglehold on the internet zeitgeist for the better part of 2 decades. If you are even remotely in touch with modern culture, you’ve played it at least once, and almost certainly heard of it. Mainly… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Minecraft lore theories about Jawsh !!” #jawsh

    "Unbelievable Minecraft lore theories about Jawsh !!" #jawshVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lore accurate Jawsh #jawsh #minecraft #mcyt #sdmp’, was uploaded by Jawsh on 2024-04-21 17:33:26. It has garnered 102880 views and 11950 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Watch my Twitch : https://twitch.tv/jawsh Read More

  • Insane Minecraft server gameplay: must-see!

    Insane Minecraft server gameplay: must-see!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft server gameplay: part 1’, was uploaded by Elite Epic Gaming on 2024-01-13 19:50:50. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:18 or 558 seconds. Embark on an exciting journey as we dive into my very first Minecraft server gameplay! Join me in this epic adventure filled with exploration, building, and the joy of navigating the virtual landscapes. From the thrill of my first steps to conquering challenges, experience the enchantment of Minecraft through a fresh perspective. Subscribe now to witness the unfolding of my gaming story, and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Warden Cleanup with CriticalWarrior!

    EPIC Minecraft Warden Cleanup with CriticalWarrior!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Warden Cleanup – CriticalWarrior’, was uploaded by CriticalWarrior on 2024-08-13 07:15:37. It has garnered 25 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:44 or 10904 seconds. We’re giving it another shot today fam Read More

  • Battle of Demon Mikey vs Angel JJ in Minecraft!

    Battle of Demon Mikey vs Angel JJ in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Demon Mikey GRAVE vs Angel JJ GRAVE Survival Battle in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-06-18 20:00:26. It has garnered 120417 views and 775 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:04 or 1084 seconds. Demon Mikey GRAVE vs Angel JJ GRAVE Survival Battle in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his… Read More


    EPIC BEEF ESCALATION! SERVER SAVED by MASTER MOTIVATOR! - Elements 2 #14Video Information This video, titled ‘DER BEEF ESKALIERT! DER MASTERMOTIVATOR RETTET DEN SERVER! – Minecraft Elements 2 #14’, was uploaded by SparkofPhoenix on 2024-07-24 09:00:02. It has garnered 22697 views and 1450 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:14 or 1334 seconds. ✘ My books & equipment: https://amzn.to/2qB4qnY ● Become a channel member: https://bit.ly/2ULNREl ✘ Spark Merch Shop: https://teespring.com/de/stores/sparkofphoenix ● Social Network Links: 📌 Subscribe to Channel: http://bit.ly/VN5L5A 📷 Instagram: http://bit.ly/2grHigT ⏰ TikTok: https://bit.ly/3eAZzsA 🐦 Twitter: http://bit.ly/QO9Vai 📘 Facebook: http://on.fb.me/T79WVk 🔴 Live streams: http://www.twitch.tv/sparkofphoenixtv 🎮 Second channel/ VODs: http://www.youtube.com/SparkGamingTV 🎬 Clip channel: https://www.youtube.com/SparkofPhoenix2 💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/sparkarmy 🎙️ Podcasts: https://spoti.fi/3qXkPgO… Read More

  • Insane Titanium Dice Roll on Sonoyuncu!

    Insane Titanium Dice Roll on Sonoyuncu!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sonoyuncu titanyum zar🎲🎲🎲🎲’, was uploaded by EGTeddy on 2024-07-08 20:12:13. It has garnered 108 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:51 or 8631 seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu pvp minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, minecraft sonoyuncu play with friends, minecraft sonoyuncu not opening, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft sonoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase, minecraft sonoyuncu ip address, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft sonoyuncu launcher… Read More

  • 🔴 Insane Minecraft Challenge Madness with Viewers!

    🔴 Insane Minecraft Challenge Madness with Viewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Random Minecraft Challenges w/Viewers!’, was uploaded by ModMonster on 2024-07-30 14:06:07. It has garnered 88 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:52 or 7012 seconds. Join the server with the IP: mc.modmonster.ca, Minecraft version 1.21 Viewers will race to complete challenges. First to complete each challenge wins! 🔴 sub to modmonster: http://bit.ly/2El0iMW We’re trying to hit 10,000 subs! #RoadTo10K 💵 Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/modmonster/join Get special perks including emojis, badges, and more! 👍 Like the video! If you enjoy the video, be sure to hit the like button to show… Read More

  • azmc.vn

    azmc.vnIP: azmc.vn PE: pe.azmc.vn Port PE:19132 Máy chủ minecraft Việt Nam Chơi được bằng PC và PE azmc.vn Read More