EPIC Surprise End of Year Minecraft Stream!

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Oh Hello oh crap it is lagging uh H just a sec wh wrong wrong wrong song Wrong song There we go okay come must is it still lagging let me know oh boy that is indeed lagging um hang on probably means I need to turn off shaders

Again is this better are we less laggy now are we still lagging and and oh W what this love of here did the lag get better when I turned off the shaders sorry I drank water did the did the L get better let

Me look at the I am I am in the province right now so I don’t have my usual like full setup I mean I have my microphone and everything wow the feris wheels going nuts but like I don’t have um uh I don’t have my second monitor so

I’m just like looking at chat using an iPad that’s on YouTube so like yeah what works works right so like just let me know if things are getting kind of wonky because I can’t see my OBS right now cuz I’m on a single screen and like I just like look at this

The the the the iPad oh I hear music it is laggy trying to wonder if it means I have to turn off my model or something like I don’t know why my laptop has gotten so bad so quickly like it used to be able to handle better than this like

I used to be able to stream with shaders and everything so I’m not quite sure what went wrong I know a lot of people keep telling me that I probably need to like Nuke the entire laptop and just like start over but honestly nuking scares

Me like I’m I don’t want to have to go through all of the reinstallations all over again but a part of me things I might need to stream seems fine okay okay Great so since I can’t exactly take care of that right now I guess I will just do other things things I will let Avery continue his thing over here he we were trying to we’re trying to set up like a nice little fireworks thing for New Year’s not that

I’m going to be streaming on New Year CU obviously I’m going to be busy but like I wanted to make a cute little greetings for everybody that’s a bit of a spoiler but yeah let me turn on so kind of weird to think Year’s going to be ending

Tomorrow I kind of don’t want to acknowledge it you know what I mean like year the tomorrow is the last day of the year I kind of don’t want to acknowledge that that much time has already passed but at the same time I kind of am also

Somewhat I don’t know kind of looking forward to the year ending because this year sucked it sucked ass and like I’m just thinking about how I don’t know I it’s this weird in between thing for me cuz it’s not like life is just magically going to get

Better once the new year starts you know what I mean like just because everything sucks right now like just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean everything’s going to magically get better so I’m not exactly super looking forward to it either you’ve caught me when my batter

Is dang so I can’t probably say oh to okay of your I’m happy that you even stopped by my last blank was last year yeah know my even my cousin my cousin was already telling me like oh I’m going to make sure that I shower like early in the

Morning of 31 so that when it hits midnight I can say oh the last time I showered was last year and I’m just like are you kidding me but yeah I don’t know like I’m not I’m I’m I’m I guess I’m looking forward seeing like a fireworks show and stuff but

I oh excuse me I’m not all that hyped because I don’t really think that it’s automatically going to get better just because the year ended you know as um pessimistic as that might sound like I don’t really know man is it on is it actually going to magically get better I don’t think

So is this there right thr that uhuh what do I need here need dead Bush there you are dead no not the strip lug I want the dead Bush no fine the bre here dead like my soul G think son son yeah like a lot of went badly

For me and I am not particularly excited for the fact that uh it’s just going to be a thing that shows you once again how much time has passed and it’s just a reminder of how much you haven’t managed to do and yeah that’s my life at the

Moment but it’s okay A why is there a w no Sho there no there’s a no sureo we are not writing messages on this hi okay I can get rid of this and this and I can go grab the chest and bamboo Bamboo first bamboo and I guess we can go to

FS actually we’re done the signs too so we can get chest okay oh yeah I don’t know very pessimistic of me I know but like it’s not like things are just magically going to get better and that’s a little sad but I don’t know like that that put that doesn’t make much

Sense I’ll get back to you later I want to make it tall make it tall there’s a big house anyway personally remember just entering the working Society o still seems to lag oh gosh yeah I don’t know I think I might actually have to Nuke this thing I don’t want to but I

Might have to for this one I think I’m not going to break it I think I’m just going to put leaves underneath it randomly plus it has a little extra I mean I could but I don’t know I kind of like that it’s a full thing

Unlike with this one where I had to like break stuff for it to come through I don’t know I kind of like it like that see that that’s haven’t actually watched the hard thing the reaction is in the way of the I I don’t know why I don’t know why the

The the reaction button has to be in the way of the chat I haven’t actually watched your concert so the Oh yay thank you I mean it was just like um it was a cosplay competition no cosplay it was a Koke competition and I decided to just

Do it in Cosplay because I wanted to sing like my childhood anime around one half and like I decided to have fun with it you know fun fact about that by the way like when I was looking for the costume I was searching on like um shoy

Uh like our our local version of Amazon I guess I don’t know I know it’s also International but still but like I was looking for like ready-made costumes of the Foo inun uh High School uniform and I did find some but they were so expensive and I was just like okay no

That’s not worth it I can think of easier ways cheaper ways to make this work and so the caution that I’m actually wearing in the video is I just bought like a poofy sleeved blouse a white poofy sleeved blouse and then I bought like a Infinity gown in the right sh shade of

Teal and then I just I just like um spun the dress around until it looked like um until it looked like what I what I needed it to look like and then bam like I didn’t even bother with the legit costume cuz I was just like yo that’s

Way too expensive for something like that so yeah if was also so yeah it was not it was a DIY project of sorts too and yeah I didn’t win but I’m I don’t think I did too badly so that’s also nice I’d say like I also was okay

With the results of everything because the guy who won second place is a friend of mine so I’m like super happy for him so like I’m good with that at least at least the person who won second place is somebody that is a friend of mine and

The person who won first place actually like you I think they they really deserved it like they sang really well so I have no hard feelings about that adapt overcome improvise exactly should probably music’s dying then I’m oh my God no not again okay you know what hang on I’m

Going to change something real quick didn’t want to do it like this but whatever just where is there hope hopefully this makes it a little better let’s Try heck yeah I’m represent there did this fix anything yeah let me know if that made anything like better or worse sounds good okay good good cuz the thing is what I was trying to do was that I was individually adding the audio sources so that I could like you know um what’s

It like like like make it so that each each audio Source has its own thing for volume control and stuff like that but it I guess I guess I can’t freaking handle it can I trust you guys not to go here near the haunted R yet okay I’m near the

Beach okay it’s a Cy yeah ker decided to make something new on the haunted area of the of the amusement park so we’re going to let him cook let him cook so yeah I really like how this house came out I think I’m going to I’m cooking a

Double I think I’m going to make this thing into like a restaurant down here and an inn upstairs or something o I hear the pretty music I I paused the the the it’s the Minecraft music but yeah so I think I did pretty okay All Things Considered with the

Singing contest and all like sure I didn’t win but I don’t think I did too bad so I think that’s still something to be proud of even just a little bit how’s the spacing for the fireworks okay let’s go let’s see ooh that good that good that good that’s very good wee

Pretty A+ for effort thank you the same generation getting brainwashed by anamax so I can appreciate hell Yeah team brainwashed by anamax let’s go oh just a Sec Okay actually really sad that dude yeah no when anamax was was removed from Philippine ones too like I was sad cuz anamax is life then again like streaming services started becoming more of a thing so at least there was that where am I going Beach let’s go to

The beach each let’s go get Away I need to destroy the smaller one soon just like pummeling it down okay that’s cute okay okay That’s cute okay now for this Side wait not there here something like there yeah that’s nice hello Ruby or I mean I don’t know I don’t have cable anymore so I don’t know I I stopped having cable like such a long time ago my dude I have no idea if you still have cable you let me know cuz

Like I don’t know when that became a big thing I saw NX last night oh okay wait what maybe we have different like providers I don’t know but yeah know right no no no I did still watch Animax for a while before we unsubscribe oh

Signal okay no I was sky but like I remember that we stopped subscribing to Cable when Netflix became more of a thing cuz like my parents were watching Netflix more anyway so they were just like okay I guess we don’t need this this anymore and they just unsubscribe from cable and I’m like

Okay yeah exactly I mean my parents are happy cuz they have Netflix and Disney plus like that’s all I need that’s good I have everything I need here this okay I can get rid of this one get some string for the bamboo oh WR way here and then put Str

Here and then the other side make it the other way hting Broadway HD dude that would be so cool though okay hang on this one we’ll put it here and there then we let it grow Let It Grow the death of cable indeed indeed death of

Cable okay did I get everything did okay I get rid of this and this and now we go crazy with decorating oh let’s try there o make a BRI over here we’ll do some random Barreling and all right where’s the leaves okay you know what sure you can stay there that’s fine I have no problems with that put a chest over there I think I’m going to put it up here instead and yeah yeah that that that look bad looks pretty okay put a power over

There yeah that looks pretty nice I think we can put the lantern over here okay yeah I I could dig that I could dig that and on the other side right there the stone slabs over here yet and some random barrels chest over here I guess that that looks very Nice there you go now you have a bunch of different styles there up there we can put okay I going do that put the lantern here actually no let’s put the lantern here instead pause cooking eat Okie doie then want to put I do have f watch anime sounds weird to

Me like you know cuz it just comes free for you yeah know I don’t know cable connection like it’s it’s like an extra expense here I I don’t know there we go I don’t need to put a thing anymore so that’s going to take care of it wonderful come back here need to

Decorate the other side put a pot over there and then leaves okay yeah yeah I can do that I think the work that work okay in let’s try hello Mr zombie yep sure let’s put a let’s put a sapling in there for no reason just to make a little cute and put another

Barel yeah I think that nice Mr zombie what are you doing on top of the Barrel okay so just need that bambo should a little higher and yeah I think that’s pretty much it so I to think I want to put something here but maybe no yeah no exactly that’s exactly the same way I feel like because it was it was at a limited schedule back then

You’d get you’d put more pressure on the whole like oh I got to catch my show because it only shows at this time but now with everything just on demand like you don’t really you can watch at your own Leisure and at the same time because

You can watch at your own Leisure you end up not watching because you know that it’s just there you’re not in a rush to watch it unlike with before when you knew you could only watch it at that specific Time and I check Broadway musicals and what they offer and do you mean to tell me there’s a musical there’s a Momsicle no you’re kidding no really oh my God that hit personally don’t hit there’s some more time exactly exactly exactly there’s that through I wish I was kidding oh my God how would they um okay then again there there are many ways to portray such scenes in Broadway so okay I guess

Sending a screenshot in Discord okay okay we we’ll wait for that I kind of want to put like plants up here I kind of want to put Plants up here you know what sure why not grab the grass block and put some bamboo up here haha I

Forgot about the slabs never mind that looks awkward what leaves like Vines I about vines that looks quite nice okay so they don’t go sideways yeah okay fine no the find SL The Vines just make it look like I’m not taking care of the house okay fine fine fine st stop that

Or maybe we should add Windows okay now let me go inside the house and figure it off there glass glass Glass sir do you have a reservation maybe I’ll use the th for something else though and I guess we can go back with the glass P for this now it looks like it has a face Third ouch ouch there you go I’ll get a little more character sir do you have a reservation been exclusively watching anime on YouTube and I’ve only watched the ones with limited viewings procrastination should be another actually honestly that creaking sound no whatever you’re hearing that ain’t it I swear got all These is that look nice or no it do it do look nicer okay okay I’m pretty happy with that which means now I can destroy this smaller one because I have it saved anyway so it’s not going to it’s not going to go to waste because I do have

The blueprint of this one saved this going to be F destroy everything cathartic destruction I know I could just use like a command to make this easier but like there’s something about just being able to destroy it yourself one by one I mean I don’t I I’m not a sketchy person

I swear I’m not that is mogy no first of all I need to destroy the things that can cause like something to drop like that like that Exactly so that there won’t be any random drops I will destroy all the laners see that’s that’s exactly El try that way because I don’t want to pick up the trash we’re just going to destroy that all just like that okay okay Lantern Lantern Lantern Lantern Lantern and the signs as

Well okay is this the satisfying part I mean I find it quite satisfying no not like that okay what else what else these bubl that’s exactly what I was trying to please don’t okay okay I think we can just destroy now We oh these ones these better there we go and now there’s an accidental thing to pick up again no ah I went too Far I What we just St there’s this post that I saw a while ago that I related do so much and it was like um I’m done making resolutions this year the circumstances should get better bro I have done so much adjusting this time it’s the world’s time to adjust for me and honestly Same Ser make the world like honestly this year sucked I mean on a personal level like there’s a lot of nice things that still happen don’t get me wrong like I had a lot of nice memories in between all of the bad stuff but like in general holy crap this year

Sucked I am glad it’s almost over but also not because like I was saying a while ago it’s not like changing the years going to make things magically better hang on getting messages just need to check just need to Check let me let me let me let Me just a Sec Oh wait just a sec my mom my mom needs me to needs me to do something for her but I don’t have I don’t have to move it’s just it’s just like an online thing I got to Do okay my mom just need the book like a grab thing scatter I’m still here I don’t need to move it’s just I just need to I just need to book a grab for like delivery of something let okay okay let me just book this so in the

Meantime I’m still here to chat though so like don’t worry about it don’t worry about It Did it type tra we have a street like that that is such a hard street that is such a hard name to spell I’m going to do this thing I put that over here and then I got a what’s it called okay uhhuh uh is that did I get it right is this it yes yes okay okay and and go okay there booked that good thing that Minecraft music was playing let me go play this

Music now I need to confirm delivery all right there we go hopefully that should do I almost dropped my phone amazing okay uh what was I doing right destroying destroy destroy destroy Destroy yes this Ro Gremlin noises woo Wooo Destruction is this me like ah I know now like I just think of this as me like taking my anger out on [Applause] 2023 uh I mean the I’m fine wish we had hardcore metal going yeah satisfying glass breaking nois with God no I hate though when you miss the pain and you can barely see it and you’re just like where where are you no I dropped a lann no I dropped another Lantern

I don’t like having to pick up the trash okay you know what I think I have a better idea now so ah no first I’m going to destroy the lanterns that need to be destroyed and then hello yes see and these there yes okay and is the other side

Here yes yes okay everything looks good okay now we will do The Simple Solution oh no why did I throw that there get up okay and now we will do the very simple solution of TNT Flint here we go I feel like I’m putting it too close

To the ground though let’s try this one first yep that was too far Okay so don’t make it on the floor can put it up here let go that’s more like it okay so it always has to be like at least one sare above sure that sounds

Fine then up here oh this one’s going really go nuts nothing personal to any just didn’t like your face Enjoy oh no oh my God no it caused too much distraction oh no that was too much Destruction explosion boom boom boom boom boom bo bo boom I caused too much damage down there though explosions are fun yay there we go that should be easy to clean up oh no this one this area has a lot of of extras let’s go kabushi go Boomie boom yay boom

Okay this area definitely needs more little Boom perfect how about here okay these ones will be easier to just destroy how little left yep just like that right this could use a little more extra TNT good Bluey oh not there oh this area this area definitely needs more TNT let’s watch The Chain Reaction boom boom yay happy Happy these are the fireworks for the for for 2023 is ending explosion scre it we already destroyed that area Anyway oh well that happened yay explosions okay now that I’m all the oh no I went too far that is much too far I am sorry there we go I started destroying the street oh no ah no okay fine you know what I’m just going

To just going to do this then we will just repair the repair the floor afterwards except for the parts that are like really out There God so much going on oh my God oh my God I fell in the water is that everything yet did I get every oh there’s a bunch of things up here oh gay here here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and

Here that everything okay that’s everything yay okay now I can fill the the the floor back up and then just wait for all of this stuff to despawn that’s a big oopsy Doodles so yeah I’ve just been like thinking a lot the problem when you’re my age wow

Sounds so old the problem when you’re my age is that like everything just feels like a problem I mean you know what I mean like everything just feels like a problem like you’re thinking of like I have to I want to do a bunch of these things but

Then you’re also like no I can’t do those things because I have things that I have to do like the responsibilities that have to outweigh the wants and then while you’re juggling the wants and the responsibilities you suddenly realize that like we don’t know what the hell

We’re doing and life is life is stressful life is overwhelming there’s too much going on and I would like it to stop someone please stop this ride I should I should I want to I want to sing that the the that John Mayor song of like the the stop this

Ride I need to practice seriously life just overwhel helming and I don’t I don’t like [Laughter] it my age problems Disappear by themselves because they got tired waiting for you oh no I got the small Japanese Bas barite no but yeah like it’s just I don’t know oh I hear

Music oh okay let’s go let’s go Gerard style and use the use the dramatic Minecraft music to to be sad like I don’t know sometimes it’s just what is the point of anything I don’t think there is actually a point in anything and it’s just like why do I

Have to suffer why can’t I just exist like I never asked to be exactly there’s also that like why why were we given this burden why do I got to do things when I did not ask to be with here but also there’s like the whole okay I’m already

Here might as well try to enjoy it but then you can’t enjoy it because life is going to be like oh no you you belong to society you have to do things for everybody else and you’re like why why though like what has Society ever done for

Me hot take I don’t I do not dream I do not have a dream job for I do not dream of Labor no but thing is I do have a dream job it’s to just do this forever to just stream and be happy and just like be able to make music and be

Able to play Silly games and just enjoy myself with everybody and like I know that content Creation in itself also is very much a job that is stressful and has a lot of things you have to do behind it I I do know that very well because that’s what I’m trying to do

Myself and it’s really hard to manage everything when you’re doing it yourself but you know what I would much rather be doing that than be a slave to like a dust job that I don’t even like enjoy doing which is exactly why I quit now I

Have the problem of not having money so we any hot Ms out there watching this I’m free you need a rug of foot still I me no why are we still here only place over I see it yeah no corporate really left a very deep wound on me and I have not healed For Foree Foreign okay wait so I need to why you booing me Jeff I live my Truth Oh no come on grab get my delivery silent singer overworked under thinks an office is a coffin oh okay there let me turn on my music no way I legit flinched at this oh no oh shoot whoa audio is going crazy hang On OBS wanted to be Emo Too okay there back I have firework update this oh no stop capitalizing a oo Oo I like you okay we are going to let the stream suffer for a few seconds just to get this this beautiful shot so excuse us for a moment while we reapply the shaders and lag this stream to heck okay wait I’m set 18 there you go heck

Yeah I’m just going to save all these screenshots yeah baby on like this keep going yes yes yes oh my God that is perfect there we go thank you thank you child cause of death Minecraft shaders Honestly though we good we good we good thank you

Now I will turn the shaders back off because apparently I can’t I can no longer stream with shaders even though I used to be able to I don’t freaking understand why but yes thank you child do not destroy this yet let’s just like leave it leave

The leave that there for a little longer just in case I want to take more pictures later but yes yay we have pretty pictures I just realized the iTune stopped working just a sec oh iTunes I need my music tun here we go the arson can wait yeah yes please

Please uh where am I going Beach where’s the beach this is Aurora which means the beach is that way y stream isn’t lagging at all actually good well mean I had to turn off the shaders quickly because I have a feeling like if I keep the shaders on without

Figuring out what the hell’s wrong with my PC like it ain’t going to work I’m pretty sure so now we have this little side street one two three okay perfect so now we are going to destroy this area underwater fireworks what one two actually no usually roads like this

Don’t have the lines anymore right let me just for now you can fire Rockets underwater amazing there so that it leads into the parking Lot I realized that the the entire house is on ground level and the street is above ground level which means the parking lot will have to be until like should the parking lot only have like this main entrance or should it just be a big ass thing we’ll figure it out move

There Road not accurate missing that one MMD AJ walking death side no the whole thing’s a flood Hazard we don’t we don’t talk about that stuff we don’t talk about that one two you know what where’s it l it is aligned to next to the thing okay which means

Over here will be align the next thing which is here which means okay okay there we go let’s make lives easier what is this gray concrete fill this until this with gray concrete powder thanks and then fer what did you use for this for the for the parking lot like stops again

The parking lot in front of the of the amusement park the thing that’s like the marker for where the car should Park was it buttons did you put buttons or did you put like slabs I can’t remember like the thing where the that stops the wheel buttons okay nice this will be the

Barrier of the parking lot and then the entire thing we have stone slab going down there so you park there then you come down and then you go up the restaurant yay great wonderful okay buttons let’s use bamboo oh actually now I do need the white because then there going to be

Like a marker between cars right is it just one hey that’s perfect though okay let’s get rid of the yellow and get the white CU that is going to be the line in between of course yay there like that yeah boy problem is now everyone’s going to be blocking each other Hao

What for Road lights oh yeah you know that’s true that’s true that’s true they could be like the Tiger’s eyes something like that but then like how do I space it out for all the other cars maybe this isn’t the best way to arrange it like we’re getting somewhere

That might not be the best way to arrange this let’s try if we do it like this no try this thing hang On And Okay ow called Ed such a huge barking space are we in American I mean Andromeda is supposed to oh no it’s not even no no okay okay okay this this angers me No it did not end the right Way what the noise is that you want to hear the most annoying sound of the World okay okay okay okay there must be a center path for Peds anyway to the restaurant so just lay the parking I guess but like you know I was also thinking like know there’ be a okay no let’s think about this logically if I am a

Car I’m a car I will go in here and then I can go over there and then I can f over here I did not think this through okay hang on okay okay okay wait cuz there has to be a path to get out too so [Laughter] shut up Greer help [Laughter] Me hold on take You Lightning M No have to go thank you faier we see you next time see you next year I don’t know how to lay up parking lot I specifically put the house this far away so that there would be space for parking or something but now that I put out the lot nothing makes Sense not quite sure how to do this there like one option just doing it like that but if I do it like like this how the heck am I supposed to like do the flow of traffic it’s not it’s the logic is not loging the logic is not

Loging it’s almost next year yep it is indeed bike or motorcycle parking that could indeed also be a thing how to lay out this parking lot because like it’s just l long and I have no idea how to make it make sense I like how those fireworks look more like a

Fountain like imagine that you’re driving down the road going to the beach and then you say oh I want to stop at the Japanese restaurant so you come in and you park how the heck does this parking lot work need to make it longer like longer towards the

House I guess I just didn’t want it to be like too awkwardly close to the house but I guess it could how the entrance of the pit stops in our highways Yeah whoa sir are you all right I like how there’s just three of us just staring at this parking lot you could make it longer than add up to a way to have parking on the side ah I think I understand what you’re trying to say

Oh you know what yeah you are right you are right that would make more sense okay I hear Minecraft music you are indeed right but then like if they park there there has to be a path to lead back to the front of the restaurant Again whatever figure it out oh Hello [Applause] I’m I’m I’m Darwin from the wild Thorn berries are you worried about like if it rains is that what you’re worried about every or possible two way okay sure that that sounds about Right like this could be like the entrance the AY I I I need to fix the road first okay go go to that side side do the other side I’m I’m I fixing this side ah no I like how the concrete powder just kills the grass Immediately something like that and then it’ll lead up here it doesn’t have to be this long anymore then going in like this point maybe I need the yellow I need the yellow I need the Yellow ah I am stressed all right no I meant Donnie not Darwin I am Donnie it’s been so long Forgetting Wow who else thought that as a child de was I mean du I think that was the point of Debbie pretty sure that was the entire Point sometimes when I when I just don’t want I just want to be like you know thoughts no thoughts head empty I envy I envy

Donnie and his ability to just be completely no thoughts head empty there you go ah how many Two does this need to be a big nah not that big just a small one it’s just the restaurant and I guess technically some people could also Park here for the beach or something if they want to could be like a call me in a little parking of

Some sort doesn’t have to be that Big that cost extra I guess we can make a different parking building for the for the beach something like that means this needs to which works perfectly for the other one oh no that means that one Is brain empty on opium oh gosh how the heck does Maran keep n on check jet lag is amazing good morning RJ how goes how goes thy jet lag my dear friend chippy chippy cha cha my brain my brain is just going like creature mode Yippe Yippee he got his Cola and then he got his his games and then he’s happy Yipp crackhead CRA crack crackhead K is always a good a great time thank you I’m glad still somehow getting used to Asia despite being here from what I remember like it’s a lot easier to adjust to the jet lag of coming from here and then going to America but when you come from

Americ come here that’s usually when it gets a bit harder to adjust I don’t know though it might just be me ah what what what what that no that’s such a big yellow no no oh why why is it such a big yellow what what is Happening sad noises I’m trying to wonder if this even should be painted in yellow cuz it’s just an outer road thing I don’t want to think I’m thinking that’s like the entrance and the exit of the parking lot can just like go back out there or something I Whatever okay you know what we’re going to make we’re going to make a path do I want to make this path fancy what are the other slabs that we have slab cobone okay what if what if let’s just is it going to look cool not really I’m going to put the path over here I feel like I’m ruining the design of everything wow is this going to make any sense when you finish buing this I don’t know oh hello uh if I do it like this is that going to is that going to look okay I’m not sure

If ah no ah no crackhead from I will worry about that it’s an it’s big Yellow no go away so bad it’s so gu C would be okay maybe I don’t know we will see something like that so they can park and go down here and so I can just walk down this path go to the restaurant that I don’t

Know you know what I’m I’m going to I’m going to just I’m just was that a dolphin joking was it oh no uh you know what I’m going to let those guys handle the road Works downstairs because I cannot brain brain is not available today we are just going to make nice little Inn the in/ restaurant so you come up here and then how am I going to make this work I guess it’s I just make it the kind sty just put a bunch of beds and that’s it and like not make it actual like proper this is one option okay A little brighter ah No have to figure out what this looks like the middle oh that Works where’s the middle of this is that one middle I think it’s the middle no it’s not this is the middle is it not an even thing it’s not an even thing we can always look like that you know what one two three there and then one two three there take that

Out and there now it looks kind of even okay now maybe let’s move it one in one there God blind blocking yeah know I don’t I don’t my BL my blade is not there the bla is not bling okay one two three four one two three four

There that should be the trick I guess that is definitely dark screw it give me Light we will figure it out later the lanterns are so randomly placed now that it makes me unhappy It is that where I put it okay yeah I know it is one one two three four and then here and here and then over here I one to three go that will do for now and then we’ll just flood this whole place with light bulbs and then bahala when they

Disappear later when I put beds I don’t care you will F that is ler ka’s problem right he are we going to do this on style or are we going to give them actual proper rules that’s the question you get up here here long hallway I have a long hallway

Mle and then the rooms would just be that’ll be very small rooms though I feel kind of bad if I did that what I mean oh maybe the rooms can just be like here and draws for fluorescent to oh yeah definitely but like I’m just thinking of the logistics of turning this into

Like I’m going to turn this into like an in of sords how am I going to divide those Yeah and like what am I going to do with all this giant space up here you can put petals on Moss oo lovely ooh how do I you know what let’s do the let’s do the in part later let’s let’s focus let’s focus on the restaurant first let me just clear all of

These so we can actually make a proper light fixture mobs are going to spawn either way so who cares looks like a blooming Cactus oo Ah new user hoodies IO her There now we put lanterns on the entrance entrance up on the window sill over here in the corner yes bone me here in the corner up on the window SE in the corner you have to put a lot ow I got clipped no okay there hello Mr skeleton let’s See just a sec ow What was I right light the other cherry trees aren’t growing where are you at I got you fam just a sec what where are you I can I can hear are you like just manually building the tree oh yeah no it’s not going to grow there because it’s too small of an

Area like there’s not enough space around it so for those you’re you’re going to probably have to build them manually or you’re going to have to remove the things around it first and then make it bone meal and then you could probably yeah see it’s too crowded you see like there’s too much

Things going around it wow W what the there’s too many things going around it so it’s not going to grow so you might either have to just build it yourself or remove the things around it first and then grow it Avery what you Do Okay uh here fer just a sec try it now put it there and then try it all right H interesting how much space does this thing need you know what just try see look I’ll put it over here there see that worked okay no no no but it’s pretty I

Like the idea wait we can do this we can do this hang on we could man yeah we could we could do I just leave this one here me I did want to put a zen garden here at the back of the restaurant anyway So that works okay I go let back in here we flood this place with light we will figure out the rest of it later okay then okay restaurant restaurant restaurant which one’s this is’s the front Okay so we are going to put a next turn over

Here and what’s the closest wood to the El I’d say it’s probably the right yeah I kind of don’t want it to have the the this Thing let’s go with this it’s kind of like the cashier counter whatever put a book here and why you match then from there okay I know this is perfect because this is the area that’s going to be sectioned off what do we want to use for the wall I think

We can keep using these two yeah that can work that work welcome to the suer Arches y oh okay then move this thing here okay I accidentally killed one of the light sources but that’s so okay and then from there to access the in yeah so it’s going to be like the

This is like the the to to to to get a table or get a room over here we will have a double door is that the center I don’t think that’s the center is this the center Two three four four five one two three four five six seven eight over there and one two three four five one two three four five six seven eight no there’s three it’s an odd number which means it’ll be a single door that’s fine we can have a sage for taught

Myself The Forbidden art of building a tree who the sunk huh who the sunk door it’s a nice pretty there you Go you enter back here this area is going to be the kitchen or the restaurant ooh no actually there should be two doors i’ see or no I can just put a second room inside here wa the pass some overhang so it looks natural all right okay so maybe we can put the

Kitchen door here instead and then this one for the in is going to be here and then the indoor ha indoor is going to be jungle let’s make it okay there we go you can put signs sign use let’s use Bridge kit and get some glow ink okay and then go over here

Then the area leading to the going be like this you go guess we can just right so it doesn’t take up too much space okay great the the the the creeper is already using the room amazing and I guess we can just I guess we can just find just go all the way

With it not like it’s going to change too much anyway so okay look that works there we go look like some fancy installations that this off and there you go so now okay and then no Let There we go that’s then we put the sign here in and then we go over here

And then we put a sign over here this stairs okay no I don’t like that like this and then put that and there you go yay and they not to go up here maybe I should just make it the Buble there at this point and that back off

Here there you go double stick okay that makes more Sense go up here and then there that’s the end there’s no rooms here whatever okay got that we’ll decorate that area later let’s go over here and make the kitchen I need reference from the other kitchen oh gosh uh it’s going to need chest and you know what no I am going to one in the hotel remember how it’s make It or well I can also just stop there for Now very at least we already have some stuff going on over here should I make tables first I could make tables first there I guess we could go with a ccle and for the chairs maybe oh what if it’s dark oak it’s going to match the

Floor I mean that’s fine I guess kind of Blends a little Well not quite sure how I like that okay maybe not far mat too much if we make the table T first it’s not going to look to oh actually that looks better we can Reg That looks okay see what happens if we make the other the opposite version which one looks better light table with the red chairs with the red table with light chairs and before I just make it alter anything that kind of works I guess I hear Minecraft I guess it kind of works how

Are you two doing out here W hello I’m going to let you two cook okay what looks better what look sure this is a McDonald’s I think I think the red chairs look better Uh uhoh I’m feeling the lag AFK no worries I actually have to go in a bit too like I said this was just like a last minute decision stream Any is this too many chairs for this table I think if it’s like a bench area or something oh actually yeah no we should make boots Everyone likes there you go that’s another one M Mr creeper you are in the way sir there you go yeah that’s pretty nice I’ll want this One yeah there there there that’s nicer that’s nicer hey it’s coming Together yeah I think that I think that should be okay I got to go not sure if you know already but but you sound soft oh really oops I mean I kind of I think I started mumbling at one point oh well anyway I think I got to get going anyway cuz I

Got to get ready for dinner so I think I will wrap this up here but tiger and Avery please feel free to just keep playing even if I leave server you guys both have access to the server anyway so okay yes the the the the Japanese dress Resturant building thingy is finally exterior

Finished the next up is the interior and now we have bger and Avery working no don’t don’t self this truck no and yeah we have them working on the parking area out here and then we have the path from the parking area down to the oh that’s how it’s going to look like

I’m going to add an extra layer here so that they can like walk down down There should be okay that’s touching the side already think I don’t see anything with That yeah there something like that can walk the path all the way over to front like so and there okay yeah I think I think that’s that’s a place oie thank you for coming to this very randomly scheduled Minecraft stream and I guess I’ll see you guys next

Year pretty I’m pretty sure everyone’s going to be busy tomorrow anyway so yeah yeah I think this is yo this tree looks so nice though okay yeah this is probably a good place to stop uh for those who want access to the Minecraft server just ask in the Discord

Server and we will and we will ah what was that for and he’ll give you access so yeah I hope everybody has a fun New Year’s Eve celebration if not if you’re not going to go out and party or anything I hope you at least get some

Rest on the holidays and and I will see you guys next year oh my God next year see you in 2024 guys thank you for stopping by adios Bye

This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】 Surprise End of Year Stream!’, was uploaded by Kaika Hana Ch. 華カイカ on 2023-12-30 10:46:56. It has garnered 26 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:00 or 7680 seconds.

Suddenly had free time, so HELLO LET’S HAVE OUR LAST STREAM OF THE YEAR (probably)

🌸~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🌸 I sing too! Check out all the songs I’ve posted here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3dZlI_1sf-RKfg2QEvKgywpUX1sO_Gzf

Donate to me here! It really helps me a lot: https://streamelements.com/kaikahana-766/tip ✨~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~✨

SOCIAL MEDIA: 🌸Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaikahana38 🌸Facebook: https://facebook.com/kaikahana38 🌸Instagram: https://instagram.com/kaikahana38 🌸Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kaikahana


CREDITS: Model Art and PNG’s: Damian Draw https://twitter.com/damiandraw

Rig: Me!

Chat box and logo: Aozora Tori https://twitter.com/aozoratori_47


This channel is currently under reconstruction! Thank you for your patience!


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    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Besto Frendso :)’, was uploaded by Sarang Ram on 2024-03-28 20:57:38. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Thanks for joining in. Valorant grind later tonight. Stick around if you like the content. Leave a like and Subscribe as well. Thank yaaa. Read More

  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More

  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More