Video Information

[Music] everything about you can’t stop myself something’s Just Begun tell me why I will think about you don’t go away I will stay for you frustration Hit me hard this morning it’s the light of my heart something other lyrics sure there’s other words to the song [ __ ] if I could remember them though and everything about [Music] you okay I’m gonna hit the play button and we’re going to all hope to God that this works come on work with me come on come on you worked early today come on you work barely today come on work with me here come on load load load load load load load load load load load come on come on do it do it do it do it freaking do it do it do it freaking do it I believe in you come on we got a window popping up come on I believe in you I’m in the spinny wheelie thing from window oh hold on got a cursor now oh it’s going full screen oh back to a window come on you can go full screen I believe in you come on I Believe In You Believe In The Dream I believe in you believe in me hello hello hello everybody Welcome to the stream Hing you’re having a good day P your senior but is going well oh dude re-engine dude it’s in like a small ass window for me oh there we go now it’s going full screen here we go come on dude is my headset even on no it’s not okay that’s probably step one you know hello hello hello Nob Milo hro welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day play Senor is going well I don’t believe in Molly’s PC yeah I yeah I’m going to be honest with you by the way fun fact there’s no button for new game yeah you just can’t make a new character you have to stick with the one you got legit there’s no button right now to actually make a new character I don’t know how they thought let’s just not add that okay load from last [Music] safe come on we can do this in Dragon’s wake make for melf shut up melf you’ve heard word that the dragon attacked Mel make for the village and witness the aftermath for yourself Joss’s face reveal was not Frank hello hello hello Crimson welcome to the Stream hoping you having a good day pleas youbody he’s going well dude one day this game will load one day yeah so fun fact uh yesterday when I restarted the playthrough essentially to rechange 2B that was essentially the only time i’ would have been able to do that otherwi I’d have to find a vendor in the Overworld to find an item to change their parents Gathering items and am ever who the hell are you you find I’ll gladly try out any useful mechanisms I buy what the hell is the word Espy that the thing that you use to rate video games or that ESPN really now you mustn’t sh your duty Le what Duty am I Shing Julia yeah careful I’ll bench you I’m well aware of that thank you okay I do like the ban between the ponds hey Canon talk to me uh what up Dien all right good talk I kind of want to just continue the main story so we can unlock the other vocations which is what I think we’ll probably do cuz I think he’s trying to push us to the first town first which is like where is it a dude this map though uh where’s the oh my god well it’s somewhere we’ll find it oh my God it’s all the way down here all right we make for mave or whatever the hell the name is the town called all right someone didn’t build the bridge so you know good job with that one hi is there all you require sir yeah the freaking bridge where did it go is that on vacation or something what a clock what a clock out of it’s 9 to5 where’s the bridge dude we had like one job over here all we needed was a little bit of a bridge to take me from point A to point B it’s in like freaking non right now or something what I got like building myself like Bob the Builder can we fix it no do I look like a carer all right with the power of my I want to assume like 30 frames per second let’s do this hold I got to turn my FPS counter can I turn on the steam version actually hold on can we do that oh I think I can uh settings oh dude this thing is struggling okay ingame FPS counter uh bottom left will this display for you all well we’ll find out oh there oh you guys can’t see it cringe well good news we got like 77 FPS in the map so there’s that okay down to 26 dude that plummet though dude map gameplay s here though how do I climb this all right just climb it got it fair enough hey nice Tower loser can I like leave Swan Dive out of it I’m sure we’ll find a purpose for it in due time thanks tuby CL no climb down no no climb down thank no don’t jump off to your death oh dude what get up there y bum okay maybe I should just go out of the front gate you know maybe that’s the play like maybe we’re over complicating it you think that hey you a soldier dude you Phil Spencer surprised to see you arrive in one piece if not one piece Lords of monsters have been plaguing this area that joke will never not be funed me we’ve had to start sending out new recruits to is that so who went Yonder dude shout out to Enrique over here but I dare say he’ll Fair all right I I expect he will who was sent out that way then aado avocado sir I’m a little worried for it what weren’t haries reported in that area I can’t handle those beasts on his own dude hoppies hello hello hello King Slayer welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day pleas youbody going well yeah the plan for this game for this stream is we’re going to play quite a bit of it today and we’re going to culminate the stream and me recording the mulling over on stream this is the first time hearing of it that’s the plan I want to go to his aid but we can’t we need to bring back the wood F we need to f on it say you seem Stout of heart would you be willing to go in our stead no isn’t far only a short ways out from the main gate is it youve my thanks and a cardos as well a warning regarding Quest progression some quests are affected by the passage of time and will progress even without the oris’s involvement taking on yeah okay so why is the FPS so bad jalls because of this [ __ ] take it well stuff like this taken on multiple quests at once comes with the risk of being unable to act in time and this can result in unintended consequences try to Bear the factor of time in mind while managing your current Quest and taking on new ones essentially all the NPCs have their own like Ai and scheduling so like your CPU is just over over here like trying to bench press 5,000 lb by itself with half a pre-workout okay quests uh or deals of a new recruit yeah I want to set this a priority oh it’s only on the it’s only just along the road okay so I’m going to start recording here to get b-roll for today’s video so we’re going to see how this works so pray to God for my PC it worked yesterday so hopefully it works today okay I think we’re good good let’s move I’m on my way I’m back to the start ingredients are plentiful hereabouts you know what when we get on to the Overworld we get like upwards of like high 30s fps to 40 like it’s playable out here it’s when you’re in towns and Villages who are these losers ah oh did you see that hoppy come in Pawn commands go Pokémon go instructs pawns to act in dep dependently of the Arison during combat it directs pawns to spread out across the battlefield can only be also be used to request assistance with carrying out an action to request guidance to a location and to instruct a pond to resume guidance that has been interrupted to me to fight by the or side wait to wait where they are until they are given a different command during combat directs pawns to cease attacking and focus on eating the Arisen indirectly help support healing and Recovery hising did when we did dude we need like armor or something we have to go save that guy get down here there we go boom there we go has dehabitation a negative statuses with a facts range from inflicting damage at steady intervals like poison to making the target vulnerable to a specific type of attack they are not exclusive to your risen in their paon and can be inflicted upon the enemies as well dreading a fierce Edge in battle if applied wisely consult each debilitations entry for more information about effects um hey all right you want to wake up dude we’re having a freaking nap over here wake up thank you Tu wake me up dude what a way to wake up the TU best RKO from out of nowhere it really was so I think we did it is that all of them dude Nicko avocado you have my thanks dude shout out to this camera angle shout this giant here without your help I’ve only just enlisted and when I thought this could be the end of me I I was paralyzed you saved me this time but I won’t always be so fortunate I’ll have to train harder have the confidence to face such beasts on my own well I’d best be heading back but I’ll be sure to let my superiors know of your good deed dirty deed Som done good done D cheap well that was easy report our results okay let’s go report back to Dr Phil hey that kind of worked easily though just saying you know um so like I pause the recording so like when I hit the pause button generally I want the recording to pause OBS so like you’re going figure that one out for me that’d be appreciated hello hello hello Jared welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day pleas is going well and before I forget dude if I look at this wall specifically we’re going like 47 FPS yet no two of us are the same like how they common in the fact that the only pawns they have a women P social relationship huh okay I think there’s items over here I want to loot them okay we got some hos buds whatever they are I think they like bootle potatoes oh yoink thank dude blueberry oh yeah wild blueberries oh yeah that’s safe to eat D I’m going to wake up like a junken stup in like 12 years can get like isai to like the wakona sub or something okay people prepare for like 5 FPS back into a town friend many thanks for aiding aard it was a relief to see him return and none the worst for where I that it was the poor sub might not have made it back alive had you not intervened it was a bit too early for him to be seen actual combat yeah was made well clear we’ll be extending his training period the instruction are well known for whipping recruits into shape with their gring speaking of training regimes I must admit I’ve half a mind to ask you to join us we could use someone with your experience don’t ask me to like help out defending our a sign of good things to come may have what are we talking about over here it was a pleasure to recount such good tidings dude level four big okay Quest is done beautiful love to see that I guess we’re going back to mave now or Mel favorite fruit uh banana personally if we count blueberries are up there I mean a sliced Apple kind of good though dude who’s this Los loser doing paperwork many thanks for open Jeff double F he thinks the troops will get okay I guess we go to m now there’s a ladder here yeah I’m sure there is oh there’s a quest over there I see on the map go in it’s like over here oh is it at the tower uh we already got the chest there let’s go up hello hello hello her upon welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day pleas you Senor is going well uh the game play so far has been pretty fun I think the combat Loop this far into this game is more engaging in the combat Loop this far into Dragon Dogma one the world is beautiful when I’m not like looking around and I have to like adjust the visual Fidelity to maintain bad FPS which is not like ideal the game runs like [ __ ] on my PC and a bunch of microtransactions it’s not ideal the game itself seems really fun though though I think the intro to Dragon Dogma one was way better than this game Arisen in search of preferable treatment you’ll be sorry okay so I thought there was a quest here like maybe I was mistaken you know there’s a giant exclamation mark on my map so like just maybe kind of think that maybe was a little bit something something going on over here maybe my mistake okay get down off the [ __ ] ladder please thank you I did not want to jump off like two stories there great love that trying to figure out what this like exclamation mark on the map is for cuz all my RPG instincts and MMO RPG instincts tell me that there’s a quest here salt on watermelon is actually goated it’s amazing it’s fully and wholly delicious when you have salt on watermelon it’s really really really really hard to ever go back and it’s something that only makes sense if you’ve had salt on watermelon it is that good plane Arisen in search of preferable there’s something magical about salt and suet like Battlefront 2 well the thing is there actually seems to be an amazing game underneath like the BS right here the issue they have is the CPU because all these NPCs essentially from my understanding and the post that they put out on Steam themselves is that all the NPCs essentially have their own routes and are pretty much dictated by like not just like AI but like they have their own pathing and scheduling and all that and it clogs up the CPU it’s not like a GPU thing like Graphics Processing Unit thing it’s clogged up because of the CPU come to think so like when you’re in a town or a village and it’s doing all the NPCs at once it like FPS dismiss me after only half a day of service words worth hearing I just remember that one scene from Persona 4 where they’re eating watermelon and kanji is just absolutely devouring a slice with salt he goes in from like wholly annihilating it with his mouth and just like obliterating with salt it looked he he never made something look that tasty goblins [ __ ] him up let’s go I I love the little combo you can do with the SW boom leaves you a little bit vulnerable but it gets you a lot of damage can pull it off oh and you stab on the ground like that beautiful to be fair I do think my PC is below the minimum specs I think they recommend a 10th Generation uh Intel processor mine’s a seventh it’s a it’s a decently High CPU requirement freshly rested as we are a no to be in our favor good luck try not to get hit L all that boo to waste try not to get hit yeah thanks fre can Sage wisdom over there yeah like I imagine once I upgrade my PC this game’s going to run decently well even though it’s with some issues because again CPU thing so it’s like if you have a 4090 but your CPU is going be issue boom well the game seems really fun though and the music oh my God is so good hold just a moment oh we we ranked up a vocation let’s go like if I had a really good PC this game would I would lose so many hours just like looking at this game like look at that even on my old ass PC you can argue that still looks good okay we need to go down there’s a couple of bridges we can use no there’s a bridge going and forward we stay on this road and we’re good get good scrub is the youngest Xenoblade protagonist not used to my character moaning in my ear like that he’s like like big moaning energy okay we got to go this way I kind have no armor to speak of [Music] either we have to go that way to Mel because the dragon was there hold on kill this thing die piggy Kuna Matata auna Matata what a wonderful thing auna Matata you need to tble yourself oh give me that bacon sir hams aot there you go Chris P bacon slaughtered I hear another one oh get over here [ __ ] charlott’s web get over here oh yeah right in the butt it’s it’s like a bloodborne Perry hello hello hello regano welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day you SE going well yeah like the 40s now it’s 37 every corner so far so good M’s resting place like when we’re when we’re in the open world I wouldn’t say the FPS is good dude bloodborne reference it’s a lamp I wouldn’t say the FPS is good because it’s not but like it’s borderline playable sir ham dude Sun Blom oh no yeah hakon mat what a wonderful phas it feels kind of easy to get into a Sprint and I don’t really want keep hiccuping I don’t particularly want to be easy going to a cuz it uses stamina until we reach the cities oh yeah dude we get like four NPCs on the screen it’s over like it’s a wrap okay I was going to save it there but all right fair enough shout out to mou stronghold raised by dragon’s fire imagine having a breath so hot that you burn cinder block and cobblestone like imagine behold the St like brush your teeth is a sorry sight indeed the dragon truly is Calamity in Carn it that’s what I call myself mayap a walk through the streets would help J your memory oh mayap in light of the recent Spate of monster attacks oxcart service is suspended is suspended till further notice yeah that the village burned down so too does the dragon is an immutable truth of this world indeed you are correct yeah by the way it’s an Amnesia story dude manado Vision pitiable Arisen damn okay the voice in our head is just trash talking us now at this point another one fou cursed dude what is the face we are making dude look at that dude we smelled a really really really bad fart like someone ripped some ass I’m not saying it’s like one of my party members to me I’m just saying someone had like Taco Bell Chipotle and like one of those olive oil drinks and just absolutely let him rip oh it’s foul over here dude we’re holding back the biggest sneeze known to mankind we are about to blow down a mountain side with this sneeze thank God we got a merchant well met well met dude dudle makeshift uh jail key dude microtransaction Fullman a shield yeah fun fact this is one of the microtransactions Ring of aggression boost strength ooh 5K ring of resolution oo go on have a gander as your oh go on another Gander pleasure doing business with you your father never loved youen you’re an embarrassment what do you mean you’re faced after a jall fought my thoughts smell like a spring Day roses yeah chamomile ocean breeze you had to make deodorant out of it for th Destiny charge again in the face dude I can’t get over it he’s like H just on the tip of my tongue I really got to sneeze dude I got to let this one out from Deep oh man just wants to sneeze so badly let my man sneeze oh God another monado Vision unforunate but it do not release thee hello hello hello Joey welcome to the stream Hing you’re having a good day play you Senor well shot through the heart and you’re too late who are you wow we need better clothes dude I thighs out just like that dude my controller is vibrating like no like no tomorrow Persona Awakening be like dude this black screen is kind of hype oh hi Dragon am I hecc up in this [Music] situation dude we look good I’m sorry how many Health BFFs does this chabon have sze clip from earlier J in the future don’t worry about that okay okay well this is the part I wanted to say so thank God we finally got it I’m okay um I’m going to go behind this building damn dude the fire actually looks like sludge dude the music’s so good though oh no back why would I hold back get his leg I’m on you dude give me that thigh oh I’m on You Dragon I’m on you dude we’ll be here for 5 hours but we got him dude big stab in [Music] action the dragon always looks so awesome in this in these games oh she was a companion we had before oh there you go big big slash come on Shields up let’s go uhoh he’s breathing in he’s about to do the big suck oh dude periot there you go this is actually the back story to the character in Dark Souls 3 okay so we may be a little bit you know Well Done burnt maybe CH uh over charcoal dude chimia Claus oh oh this is the scene I wanted thank God Meer I like how we cannot understand what it’s saying don’t eat my heart oh God dr’s talking about one how did you get momentum on that dude was using magic a something that of the sucking motion was so gantu created a void From This Moment forth thou art a reason Char and more like CH the more like ch am I right bye Dragon I hope you find your dad okay that was infinitely more painful than the freaking one in Dragon’s Dogma one we just on a beach got like knocked on our back and he ripped our heart out there this game it’s like I’m going to burn you to the senders get like fifth degree burns in you now I’m going to rip your heart out have fun recovering sir Stay With Me yennefer from wi of th the roast of the Arisen oh yeah dude look at that bed oh yeah look right up my nostrils thank goodness how are you feeling ala this is the second time I’ve watched over you like this you related to that one dude from Skyrim you have my thanks pray save your thanks it is only just that I should Aid you in turn after all it is only by your courage that I live today yeah you hear that chat had you not leapt between me and that Dragon yeah just things that I do you know here IC aisen I know you suffered for it such ghastly wounds and I could not hear your heart beating I because I don’t have a heart survived oh I like how it shows you the last subtitle as well I seem to have become aisen aisen I’m afraid I don’t understand your meaning well everyone else does Al Rea where have you where have you been under a rock does it have to do with why you were taken to the castle castle they said was so that your wounds could be treated though I fear you have no memory of this either yeah she took us to a she took us to a city she’s trying to kill our frame rate someone with Arisen like abilities came to this Village horn in toone know you orus has he come for you we are to part join the party I’m telling you this right now I’ll let her join the party yeah in 5 minutes give me give me two seconds I got to go beat this guy’s ass take care I’m cool because I don’t talk lison I’m going to be like the shield hero and Rise let’s go ah excellent you must be the one you match my soldiers description I’m glad I found you I’m sure you are dude nice Cape the ruler of vermund currently convalescing in the capital became Arisen here in this very Village if you claim the same then word must be borne to the capital oh this is the village where the dragon attack so when the dragon attacked this Village we were there okay a miss it before coming here though I doubt the matter can be settled without your presence would you be willing to accompany me to the capital to the capital man I’m going to get like 5 FPS here you will be receed with open arms dude my PC going to crash oh but forgive me I we got to go to the capital city we’re done it’s over our PC is going to be cooked give me an egg I’ll fry it on my PC no I’ll fry it on my GPU I would not depart without them I could see St my CP come to think of it sir Lennard was asking after you as well mayhap now would be a good time to speak with him last I saw he was having a drink at the in everything changed when the dragon attacked yeah simple conversation of reveals what a week of searching never could Whom Shall we speak with first oh hi pwn glad you were there for me you know like how you like teleported away the second I was being interrogated so there more than one Oris the same to me oh have you some business with the Apothecary sir Dreadful sorry if I was in your way way C going to drop you to negative frames yeah the game’s going to rewind oh no I’m not lost or not sir my PC is just going to blue screen and show the words no I’m an apothecary in training you see my family runs a little shop in burnworth oh you really to that one dude from octopath traveler you know the Apothecary guy so when I heard t a medicine only to be found in this Village I thought I’d come and fetch some for us made the journey all by myself as well she’ll get eaten by wolves in the way back but well luck would have it I’ve have not enough gold for the medicine damn rough scene it will be a shame to return empty-handed after coming all this way yeah but what can you do what more can I do exactly nothing offer your a what You’ do that no you’d get the medicine for me no suppose there’s no harm if I killed the person that needs the medicine technically we wouldn’t we wouldn’t need the medicine anymore I’d be most grateful seems my luck’s not as rotten as i’ thought I’ll wait right here for your return sir and many thanks for your kindness I mean I can just give her the money so she can go buy it herself right we could make the fruit robber into ourselves or simply purchase some oh thank God can you like make it okay items uh what the hell do I need okay I’m going to assume I need like a fruit uh do I have an apple or blueberry dried fruit can I combine this fruit roborant great deal of HP okay create how many I’ll create one there you go ah now I understand yeah crafting hello again sir sir oh we’re going to get nuclear fusion we may go A Step Beyond nuclear fusion we may go the route of you know a neutron star [ __ ] we make become a quaza here so this is what it looks like wow frood mashed up many thanks sir I haven’t much to offer in return but H yes the cure for all disease applesauce he’ll want to reward you proper likee I’ll bet was a pleasure to recount such good tidings dude easy level up cuz I made some fruit that’s mashed up easy I got three strength from that I’m just kind of goated like that you know it’s like solo leveling I’m actually Jung one or whatever his name was well Matt saved Ora’s life aren’t you yeah King of the North and all that you know she told me all about it it was a very brave thing you did I’m in your debt or’s as good H here consider this a small token of my gratitude why was he like huffing when he did that was he like whipping it out what he doing tell are you registered with a guild no perhaps you already know this but with a guild will grant you access to specialized training which comes in okay this is how we get the other vocations okay thank god well now that won’t do you need only speak with the inkeeper to register go on oh easy dud isai if there is ought you wish to know of vacations mayap I can advise you yeah what’s the best one askap Fighters yeah should you dedicate yourself to a vacation you will find that New Paths to master will open up to you try them as you like I would love to is a vacation for those who seek to Master the sword and shield I am a fighter myself and should there come a time when you impress me with your prowess I might be willing to impart naturally it is a vocation for those who seek at close range okay yeah you use a both vation for those who seek W magic do I look like I use magic no me with big sword hit thing batt it is a vocation for those who seek thieves favor their talents depend upon their finesse and should you dedicate try them as you like very well there is no but I Shan take up any the ma the meister’s teaching the me’s teaching is the most powerful skill that can be acquired by each vocation learning a meister’s teaching requires the use of a special tone which will only receive if you impress the vocation Meister with your abilities however the true potential of the skill can only be realized by those whose vacation rank is high enough so level up enough talk to the Jabron and give you a new skill got ity here at the in we also offer changes of vocation for those who seek dude all around goat over here so few customers you see that I can manage both rolls myself but enough about me vocation Guild change vocation what do we got come on I want to unlock something new what the [ __ ] is this true the FL B should just buy that wow dude the FPS and the like animation there um I mean I’ll give it this I guess we have bling strike maybe I’ll buy Juda flect sure I guess I can’t like business could be better but I’m scraping get the other other vocations yet wait to the city for that this might be worth a read classes of RS yeah they essentially classes let look if there is all you wish to know of vocations may very well there is but I Shan take up anymore yeah vocations are basically classes come with me to the Village entrance the watch head’s waiting for you where the hell are you Dalia shall we seek some answers no okay go to the Village entrance apparently and then some Jabron will be waiting for us the music is so good yeah so F uses like a sword and shield thieves use daggers Maes I’ll get you let you have a guess at that one uh you’ve returned there’s a whole bunch of other vocations as well got to unlock them for you first and foremost will you accompany me to the capital my thanks are you ready to depart or do you need some time to prepare uh very well speak with me do we have any other question right now I kind of want to just go to the capital seat of The Sovereign enter verw worth yeah I guess we just go talk to him let me save real quick make haste then we must leave a enough good I’m ready then let us be on our I guess we can unlock the other vocations when we get to the capital we also need to kind of see if I can actually run the capital so this this could be interesting when I’m in one small village at FPS tanks I can’t wait to see what this is like who’s ready for this PowerPoint presentation it’s about to be hype thing we rested there we go you must not let down our oh God here we go kill the goblin kill the goblin okay I think we got him hold on I see you dude that one Goblin did not have a chance oh that poor guy dude we are leveling up like there’s no Tamar say it we trounced our foe well and true overconfidence is an enemy in and of itself let us instead strive to better ourselves with every battle shut up tuby emotions are prohibited all right more goblins let’s go boom Another one oh little combo wo you have been DED in oil have I now yeah I’m lubed up here we go oh baby ooh God I love impale okay let’s open up this bad boy over here easy loot oh fruit Rob run could have used that before okay we move forward this is generally used as a material different combinations of materials result in different Creations the game is pretty though risen is the lawful ruler of verman so it has always been to claim the title is to claim the throne yet not all claims are true we’re going to ignore like the sirens song from over there mind found it they are not deal my there’s two regardless oh can my Archer like hit him please can you learn how to aim oh there we go there we go he’s on the ground get him get that hoppy There You Go sung your last song did you 2B level up beautiful nice I will be your Shield there we go beautiful dude I love the jumping attacks into the impale this guy’s cooked boom oh right the oh dude the penis oh dude I give the old circumcision oh we just tapped up 2B okay that felt good yeah I like the fact you give your character you give your pawns a high five if you use something cool like that that’s cool what is that a tower n a statue we ought to take ping concoction okay 100 G 260g there we go get some money money money M money money money money d da an obstacle blocks our way perhaps we might remove it by force hell yeah ready to attack Master might I be of assistance to be okay Yap Fester going on over here what’s going on over here I’m going to hope we’re near the capital I think we are but who knows hold here a moment I shall bid them open the gate these early streams good to know thank you going to test out with a few different kind of streams and we’ll see who’s that you’ve brought with you watch head sir an Arisen by all appearances an Arisen another Pretender you mean I see the sovereign’s Ascension has done little to stop such charlatans from plying their trade it is uncertain this one commands the Loyalty of the porns what impossible you know as well as I do that there can be but one Arisen and he’s up in the palace I’m well aware of how Preposterous the idea is thank you however as I do not believe it my place to rule on such a matter I would make so the cut scene from the beginning of the game with the guy is the ruler maybe that was us if the claim is false we will be rewarded handsomely for our trouble if the claim is true however who can say or there’s possibly two of is it all’s been arranged come let us pass through the gate okay Chad pray for me here oh no we’re not at the main city yet the [ __ ] oh we’re at the other side of the encampment oh let me get that all day my legs are lad just between you and me my Ser my task is dude I want these capes okay what’s going on over here though dude I knew there was loot over here I saw you I sniffed you out savagery extract yoink anyone gives me trouble they’ll taste steam Borderland Camp was meant to meet us yet it is nowhere in sight or may have befallen it best we press on yeah best we press on yeah I mean if something bad happened to it not like I’m going to change it uh yoink hope you don’t mind I steal this thanks any other fat loot for me yeah you got any like loot you want me to steal from you like you’re not like holding on to it I’m just saying right I’m just saying I don’t see oh baby I see you oh I see you over here that’s going to be a yo situation full goodness Lord that’s a yoink and a half god dude imagine I wasn’t on the lowest graph settings this would be gorgeous what would happen if I bump it up to that yeah like what we think would happen dude shout out to this bridge uh-oh um dude a Rocka lanche it’s the boulder everyone all right yeah we were like 5 miles from that more marks of the dragon’s Fury its Rampage must have weakened the Earth here I like how we almost got run over by like elk okay yeah I’m really trusting the the structural stability of this bridge right about now yeah I’m not nervous whatsoever thank God we’re on the other side oh dude Goblin fight night this battle in our face try not to get hit yeah thanks try not to get hit yeah no [ __ ] huh Avid Open Flame okay where are the others dude shout out to the rotting fish on a stick that Kebab is rancid God that feels good oh there you go to be Reckless so long as I’m here to heal you just keep still a moment okay that worked surprisingly well I’m so glad they actually showed us us becoming aism I was so worried that they were not going to do that for now wow I’m glad I did that here we go squad’s coming in there you go the twofa we got you tuby we got you tuby there she goes K in double knife right in the gut yeah you all deal with that one guy I’m going to loot this chest God I love love love the soundtrack to this game I love this kind of this kind of music are there more battle is to be avoided I take it Arisen uh no let us defer to the arisen’s Judgment yeah true fight everything oh they are the Goblins wow love how he whiff that Jesus Tob he made like a freaking Beyblade oh my God that one Goblin got annihilated by like seven dudes Jesus all right I think we failed them dude 2B came in like a bad out of hell freaking Beyblade motion on going on over there just Yonder looks to be a good spot for harvesting ingredients shall we see if there’s ought to be found while we’re here hello hello hello Esther welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day pleas you seor is going well it’s doing fineing this onward might await us on the road ahead freaking hoppy here we go okay we only have the hoppy left oh wow we leveled up from that all right sick thank you for the heels hello hello hello cool dog welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day pleas you se’s going well the city wouldn’t have survived chapter 6 yeah I kind of wish we saw a little bit like followup where we like saw him like create it all and like we saw the new city being built from essentially nothing that would have been cool golden chove beetle dibs oh we dodged that guy Dodge the hoppy well done there you go cut it up in the chicken nuggets let’s go dude the chicken breast about to be different let’s [Music] go wow actually roasted in flade I love that we just like high five 2B after we do a cool thing I love that like the little like nuances when it comes to the pawn interaction in this game really makes it stand out compared to Dragon’s Dogma 1 in my opinion damn I’ll collect that you needn’t trouble yourself no shot what the I wanted the loot that I we still got the XP is there going to be a live stream tonight this stream’s going to go kind of long so probably I kind of want to experiment with like doing streams early in the day okay we are going to be filming a mulling over on stream today though on stre dude look at all these holy [ __ ] um get up okay so not ideal um when was the last time we had a save out of curiosity you know when was the last time was it maybe a minute ago oh God when is it going to put me back to watch us see the cut scene of the dragon eating out hot oh God please no don’t do this to me please I’m on hand in neoa please don’t do it to me uh I don’t think that that bad though what level are we level seven wait okay so we just pretty much got a save okay that’s good I can work with that I can work with that okay don’t go over there the Wolves want to eat my ice okay note the self going to go right over here grab some drink Fine Place to harvest some ingredients shall we see if there’s all to be found while we’re here screw it I want the Wolves butt give me that wolf butt we are under attack dude these wolves are like meaty dude can I see okay I need to like eat um come on kill them kill the Wolves Now kill the Wolves now I think we’re getting them it helps we have like so many NPCs with us scragga Beast there we go 2B leveled up okay this is working kind of well we got our revenge on the muts hello hello hello John welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day pleas yourbody is going well is bricking their steam accounts what the [ __ ] a path lies ahead the only problem is how to reach it indeed it seems so close and yet so far away okay going to loot from whatever these corpses are not sure like cows got up here okay we’re heading to the capital city so there’s going to be a lot of NPCs there and I [ __ ] shuted I think my FPS is going to be like legit I will not be surprised if my game crashes there not see we handing okay I’m going to just like eat something real quick so like don’t mind this a bit of it I need more than a bit fair amount of Health okay dried [Music] fruit there you go tuby coming in like a bad out of hell get him get him there we go another one oh come on get oh in the chin suck my knife there you go [ __ ] you goblins get over here God the music’s so good though oh dude this chest looks rare to me it looks rare chat soft neck wrap oh I got 500 gold from it I guess body armor leg armor oh we got a cloak wow it does nothing gives us some Elemental res resistance I’ll take it slightly Boost Max HP sure oh well spotted indeed good on you for me observant an Miss A great support she yeah I kind of think she’ll be one of the protags of Xenoblade 4 in a lot of ways I’ll be kind of surprised if she isn’t that would be kind of funny if we just never see her like it would be kind of funny camping if the Risen as a camping kit to hand they can pitch their tent by the remains of a campfire sing a campfire song as c m p f i s o song much like staying at an inn in town resting at a campsite restores the party’s health and stamina and recovers the Lost gauge adventurers who seldom return to town should be sure to keep a camping kit in the packs last exhaustion overwhelm them and if you need to buy more they’re on the microtransaction store camping also affords the opportunity to grill meat granting a booster certain stats upon consumption the finer the quality the meet the greater the increase you can expect before sing up camp it would be prudent to eliminate any FS looking nearby NE to do so only heightens the chance of an ambush while your part is at the most vulnerable oh I can get Ambush while I’m camping oh good in relation to that ours is a party of women by and large and yet no two of us are the same okay we’re going to hear that line of dialog a lot aren’t we oh I think we need to actually Camp just to get back to Max HP cuz it cucked us cuz we died that was it a mechanic in Dragon Dogma one I believe so we actually have to you cannot make Camp without a camping C so now I’m B basically cucked cuz I died so I don’t have Max HP until I camp or rest at an end E I don’t like that at all I always hat it when games like try and like punish you for death other than just like you know you die like do I need an HP key loss like I already know I died ooh loot okay Goblin horn there we go it feels like there should be another thing here like what the I need to know what the check mark is for on the map that’s the one thing kind of screwing with me cuz I would think you know that it would be for a quest or something cool maybe it’s just to denote like a point of Interest a bit of grapes frustratingly so we cannot expect gleaming Treasures around every corner I mean I could yeah diamonds in the sky I could expect it just say I might not I might not get it I can expect it it’s like where am I supposed to go again to affirm your identity make way to the capital uh where would the capital be by chance is it all the way down there cuz it’s going to be a [ __ ] ass to get to this place makes my hair should trouble occur as my quiet day is a welcome let me get that what’s this we’re trapped oh hello ogre dude we got to fight one of these guys already let’s go I’m about to do ungodly Le things to this guy’s Shin shut to Anthony over there f a cyclops ah f on it think we didn’t count on here of old place now I don’t want to jump off of it you [ __ ] be on your guard oh right on his booty cheek hold on I need to consume some stamina stuff so I can stay on it um bit of stamina yes yes dude come on it’s penis I’m on it’s penis Here We Go slash give me those guts there we go there we go cut him upare oh dude it just booty slammed me okay that’s rude dude I just got smothered by a butthole get up hello h Hello Galaxy welcome to the stream hope have a good day pleas going well come on cut him up see this is the product is a worth there we go get a eye our best we do now I understand there we go right in the neck oh come on I had you I had you on the ropes when get it leg knock him down grabbing log of FO in battle you can push up pull that to draw their focus and knock them off balance oh okay beautiful we open Focus your attacks get it head get it head impale big combo oh dude the damage was insane there beautiful keep going dude two B’s on them fall back right on the Tain there we go move [Music] up ow okay let’s heal up the Lost gauge not only is your remaining Health reduced but the maximum health you can recover is reduced also the L gauge represents a temporary reduction it’s likely to accumulate if you do not rest between battles your maximum health will remain reduced even after the battle is over and you will be unable to recover it with the use of Curative magic or items only be recovered by resting at an in or a campsite keep your party in fine fedal by resting after prolonged battles and consider a tactical Retreat potty’s health is one too low I don’t know how I feel about that we’ll see welcome back ha you missed the head I think I can only hit him once in the head get up you BM time we the get up oh we got him you have my gratitude sir it would seem I misjudged you um hey um so you know the ogre back there still like moving I taken you for another Force Arisen goodness knows we see a lot of them yet the value you showed in coming to our Aid has dispelled such thoughts here take this as a mark of my trust give it to one of the Sentinels stationed at the gates to the capital and you’ll be granted an audience with Captain brand you’re free to make your own way to the capital now oh dude I’m going to lose my es to keep you under constant watch and I’m sure you’ll breathe a little easier as well did you see the Final Fantasy 16 DLC release date no when is it of course if you’d rather continue to accompany us why is 2b climbing that kind of like a Shadow of the Colossus cuz it kind of is in certain ways so we can either just go our own separate ways or go on the oot oh I think I kind of want to go on the oxc I want to unlock a new vocation might you be looking to enlist might you be looking to enlist come to think of it some Masters rearranged their party at the drop of a hat one such aison dismissed me after only half a day of service damn rough scene imagine being [ __ ] get bench for after half the day after half a day Wordsworth ah here’s the cart now now do you intend to join us I think we go along with them yeah accompany them to the capital very well B I can explore the open world when I get more stuff we’re like low on everything including Max HP hold on I saw the chest make our journey easier walking everywhere is certainly tiring waking powder there dibs okay I’m calling dibs on the oxcart get me in here dude I get the I get the little coopet thing as well beautiful dude julan Luna Le I mean Luna April 18th is a 16 DLC releas oh okay do we know if it changes to the ending or no oh I can doze off thank Christ okay let’s go um going ignore the hoppies screeching in my ear we’ve need of your Aid again sir oh they woke us up cuz of the Goblins okay all right another day older and deeper in it here we go get me in give me some Goblin booty en holy nicely get him there you go oh baby oh baby there you go oh the old shank con Quest victory that was impecably tired I still love the fact we like high five them we tap up the ponds at the them off youve my thanks for aiding us veror isn’t far from here will you join us the rest of the way accompany them to the capital let’s go into the ox cart then hello helloo why why why why why why welcome to the stream hope you’re having good day play going well this is Cena Blade 2 leaves huh all right let’s sit but I didn’t watch it I didn’t see too much of it any either did you see the new video that HSR Channel uploaded no I haven’t I’ll probably make a short about it later today though if there’s something to make a short about dude cutscene time thank God we’re back up to like decent frame rates oh my God 90 FPS verw worth capital of verman do you see how big this place is oh my God look at all the NPCs dude my CPU is about to cry my CPU is about to be in disarray all right as thank you for tuning in pleas around stay safe see you next time was the guy from the intro I was informed of your coming would be AIS Captain brand this individual summoned a porn through a rift Stone several witnesses can attest to it though I admit I had my doubts at first it would seem this is no mere deceiver this one’s not a bad Source saved our hides on the way here hey they’re talking me up now let’s go as decreed by the great will of our world there can only be one Arisen that Arisen now resides within the Palace indeed he is our Sovereign and the rightful ruler of Vermont maybe he’s a pretender it follows therefore that this Ruffian before us is not but a pretender no other way around brand come on you are there you are almost there reach out for the truth that’s all I’m saying You must submit to questioning if you value your life you will Big Talk trying to steal my wood I’m just saying I shall conduct the interrogation myself stand watch outside interrogation I beg your forgiveness for my insolence your majesty he does know okay so we are The Sovereign so we are the arism that this guy knows about it’s just I guess they couldn’t afford to make it seem as if we were like abandoned to something not abandoned but you know what I mean into rting give me one second here okay so the plot the plot thickens he recognized us but he’s like pretending he didn’t if the queen regent had learned of your existence I fear your life would have been in Peril queen regent had learned of your existence what I had no choice but to treat you as a pretender lest my actions draw suspicion from watchful eyes Okay so brand on my side got it enough of this false I don’t understand then you have truly lost your memory in that case mayap I ought to explain the situation before we proceed see okay this is what we need context you and no other are The Sovereign the only legitimate ruler of this Kingdom hey true true some days passed you confronted the dragon in the village of Mel whereupon you became aisen so at that time we were already pretty much the king okay the people Rejoice for our true leads have finally appeared and in veron’s long years of council rule yet not all celebrated your coming my wife what a few months prior in the palace your rival would have robbed the queen regent oh this is a start of Final Fantasy 16 during the time of the previous Council she acted as a queen in her own right ruling the palace as she saw fit [ __ ] benched just after the cil’s passing when was or certain that her son would take his father’s place word reach the castle that the risen had been found TOA your Majesty’s very existence is not but an obstacle to her own family’s continued Prosperity okay so she’s going to be the villain we need to kill got it um so like what’s going on with the cut scene is an impossible feat for Mortal hands oh so the cut scene was just so wildly desin that it didn’t show at all sick thus diesa chose to abduct your majesty while you recovered from your wounds in order to rob you of your memory with a Fel curse and sell you to batal as a slave diesa chose to abduct your majesty while you recovered from your wounds from the dragon in order to rob you of your memory with a Fel curse and sell you to Bal as a slave that’s why we’re in their minds she prepared a replacement to serve as the Sovereign in your stead a mere puppet oh no Jeff dham however with your majesty returned I have no intention of twiddling my thumbs as diesa player games I shall devise some plans to further our cause pray dude we look like a king right chat T that we might discuss them look at us Majestic royalty punctual totally ignore the fact we were missing for months this one’s cleared of all suspicion and has my permission to remain in the capital you are to trouble the good sir no further are we clear okay I like brand Brand’s brand is like our number one he’d by our side against the world I like it okay 6,000 gold okay we can I can cook with that in the tavern at night regarding the oath both vermund and Bal regard the scourge of the Dragon is a matter of the utmost priority should the baleful creature a light on either side of the Border both Nations have sworn to provide Aid as well as to assist in the evacuation of the populace and with scouting missions as needed in such an event all troops are expected to put aside any disagreements of Faith or culture and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the duty so put aside any disagreement and kill the dragon basically okay Capital City time people pray forgive me I’m in a bit of who are you loser con on it get back here dude Norman dude look at that thing dude look at this unit over here look how big that cow guy is you see an urchin in a cap run past just now can you tell me which way he went uh sure lie or tell the truth okay Chad one or two lie or tell the truth what are we doing what should we do freaking Norman just because his name is Norman I kind of want to tell the truth you know I may me lie I’m conflicted because like at the same time this Jabron looks annoying right do I really want to help bootle uh Yas uh Jasper from The Witcher TV show do I want to help him is a question right whether it is Noble in the mind that’s have the slings and arrows of Ra AES Fortune true and lie wow 50/50 huh it’s actually 50/50 oh my God should we let the wheel decide I think it’s time to let the wheel decide chat oh God the wheel even going to run hold on Wheel picker to let the wheel decide out fate this could go either terribly or amazingly we shall find out truth lie spin the wheel what we going to get oh it landed on truth but barely dude oh my God it barely landed on truth oh dude this CH Bron is about to get [ __ ] cocked dude you got to see how close this wheel is oh my look at this it’s like barely it barely landed on Truth this poor Jabron just got annihilated by the wheel hello hello hello infin welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day pleas see round is going well it’s the game itself the problem if from everything we know so far the problem is all the NPCs are so CPU hogging like they even put a statement up on Steam for this a large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and calculating the impact of their physical presence in various areas in certain situations where numerous characters appear simultaneously the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate we are aware that in such situations settings that reduced GPU load May currently have a limited effect because of the CPU issue I added that last part however we are looking the ways to improve performance in the future um good luck with that because that sounds like an issue that can only be uh remedied by just flat out removing NPCs or removing NPC functionality it’s not like a matter of just like reducing the texture quality what if you told him your life story instead imagine okay let’s tell the truth thought you could hide eh o hold got you kid got him loser you declined to help the Young man flee the God [ __ ] him dude dude now I’m heavy oh my god dude I was at 17 FPS there dude look at this [ __ ] I mean I personally can’t complain that much CU I’m pretty sure that I’m under the recommended specs but oh my God never should have wow we’re sitting I can doze off here not be microtransactions I know technically you can get that stuff in game as well CU they’re like items you can buy but still it’s like if the problem is by its sheer existence you inherently incentivize making those things harder to come by to incentivize you to play or to not play in order to pay the problem is the game is so fun but it has like these crippling issues play on Mac settings I’m going to try that that medicine and M oh that was her that was him I thought so she’s not stopped talking of her Adventure since she arrived home that girl’s always running off on some Fool’s errand or other now listen it isn’t much but I’d Fain offer you a discount oh we got a discount on his wees cuz we helped the kid with medicine okay sick welcome and well met yeah what you got on a box within this internal compartment dude I don’t give a [ __ ] don’t think I’ve forgotten your disc freaking discount on like actual garbage tear shitty ass welcome back Noob okay chat we are like 20 we’re hovering between 17 and 26 FPS in the city no I’m not joking what we are going to do is this legit May crash the PC what we are going to do is set it to maximum settings and just run it just see what happens oh my God can I even go up to 1440p oh God can I do this I can technically go to 1440p and stay in vram I can technically do that okay we are technically still in vram potential once we go over six gigabytes here it goes to [ __ ] okay first of all get back to 144 HZ the hell are we doing as if I’m acting as if this is going to help anything Dynamic resolution no okay chat pray for me okay ambient occlusion ssao sdfa why limit fast travel it’s in Dragon’s Dogma one I didn’t mind it that much because you found uh these like load Stones throughout the world and you can place them where you wanted to though honestly I just want fast travel like if I’m just like turning question you know it doesn’t incentivize you to be out in the world so there’s logic to it the issue I have is when you sell the Fast Travel cuz now it’s no longer just a cool game design now you’re incentivizing it oh God okay we are now over the vram gauge how much can we push this realistically speaking how much vram would I need for this contact Shadows on motion blow stays off [ __ ] that on depth of field on lens flare on lens distortion on subsurface scattering on motion quality High Progressive [ __ ] that interlaced okay we stick with Progressive I can’t even do raid tracing oh God okay may God have mercy on our souls here chat vsync stays off [ __ ] that Dynamic resolution we don’t need that [ __ ] uh Nvidia low latency on and boost okay I can’t do raid tracing unfortunately let’s see let’s see if I if my PC can even run this let’s see going to stop the recording so I can make sure we’re as good as humanly possible Chad who’s ready for a nuclear explosion are you ready save changes yes okay change is saved here we go to the world 10 FPS 7 FPS dude look at this dude I love this PowerPoint presentation dude N9 F we are single digit FPS right now single digits 8 FPS 6 FPS gift thanks for your dude cut scene Time 5 FP six f PS specializations of skills can only be acquired by pawns they are not strictly beneficial for they allow the pond to act independently can result in unexpected consequences however with a little patients planning and dare and due care specializations can prove very useful and are well worth trying out if you oh my God the input lag if you would like your upon to learn a specialization you would do well to befriend people with various traits and tendencies in the world around you sooner or later these friendships are bound to create unties for your Pawn to acquire a specialization see if you can hear the input delay I’m going to press the A Button uh hello okay hear the input delay it’s like half a second hey guys welcome to my Dragon’s Dogma guide yeah 6 FPS the true gamer experience a pawn can all can only acquire one specialization at a time and learning new specialization will replace the old one for more information about its effects okay if I go to the Overworld right oh my God Chon’s toome what is this oh surgeon use curatives on the orison and other on their own initiative oh cool healer okay well let’s go down to system and save and save and continue let’s save it right now near five years old okay hey that’s that’s fine that’s the thing with PC gaming doesn’t have to be like extremely highend you don’t need a 4090 also depends on the game holy [ __ ] dude dude look at it bloodborne POV here that’s how it feels to play bloodborne in the PS4 oh my god dude Nintendo would green light this for Zelda dude the game is pretty though look at that dude still 8 FPS how many frames can I get the double frame rate double digit F uh FPS if I just go far enough away from the city oh my God look at the look at the [ __ ] wrong butt I’ve just recall the little tidbit I heard from the locals regarding the vermian military yes oh my god dude indeed tell is there’s been a shift in the hey guys welcome to my for Welcome to My Nvidia for 490 I’m a true game I only play in like 8 FPS only need it you know I let my eyes fill in the blanks for the other FPS cuz you clearly don’t see FPS actually fun fact oh my God Jump Man Jump Man Jump man dude the fact my PC isn’t crashing is actually kind of insane to me how is this working can’t put a price on dude it actually kind of goes to show I think it’s legit just the [ __ ] characters that screw it up cuz like we’re over the vram if I just set this down to be within the within the vram 8 FPS Supremacy true who else is part of the 8 F FPS gang can I knock this down to be within vram usage here’s the question if I set this to Quality right I set this down okay I need to find the things that are like tanking the frame rate I mean the vram I think it’s going to be like uh anti-alias thing that’s doing it also this okay we are within vram if I knock this down to 0 five save changes how’s your one how’s your PC in one piece that’s a really good question okay I thought we at 30 no we’re back down to nine dude we gain a whole like four FPS kind of big wait now we’re up to double digits we’re 14 right now dude we’re like double where we were completely playable isn’t it Weir to break it it should be from this side I okay what else can I fix dude the how much is this CPU getting chugged here okay turn this [ __ ] off if I stick to 1440p would it legit make a difference cuz the thing taking the performance is not the graphics card like it’s not that good don’t get me wrong but like it’s the Cara it’s the character’s like AI so if I just sit down a few of these settings that doesn’t change much either if I just set it like this can I maintain 30 in the open world hold on I got a theory and okay Nob thank you for tuning in pleas me stay safe next time how hot is your computer right now that’s a solid question you know what not that hot though I imagine my CPU is burning up okay we’re getting like 20 FPS if I knock it down to 1080 save changes okay we’re still in the 20s can I get this [ __ ] to run at 30 without like low settings I don’t want Dynamic resolution oh wait a minute now I set this to 1440 will this work dude DL dude FSR does like nothing of course it wouldn’t because it’s CPU based snowboarding segment in the third jail oh God you got to that part finish Strikers already it’s amazing wouldn’t consider playing this game yeah the problem is I know I would love this game if I could get it to [ __ ] work cuz like here’s the thing if I’m going to upgrade my PC later this year this is just the way I’m thinking about it what do game even make good stream content cuz any footage I’m get of this game is going to look like [ __ ] like that’s my main issue with it because like realistically if I set this all back down the low and we go to like where we were at right Bloom off lens flare off lens Distortion I get like all of this as low as possible hell I even go to like Ultra performance if I can no Ultra performance looks like garbage because it’s way too pixely I turn off ambient occlusion don’t need that don’t need that either I turn all of this as low as humanly possible just to maintain some semblance of FPS a right I did all of that and I’m still at 22 FPS we’re H between like 22 to 25 mostly 24 even on your newer PC well when I get a new pc I’m probably looking at a 4070 TI super or like a 4080 it’ll be able to run the game but like it’s such a shame cuz this game was this game has so much potential cuz the actual game when you’re playing it is really fun combat is super visceral and enticing I actually care way more about the story in this one than I did in Dragon’s Dogma 1 it’s genuinely kind of interesting and the world is beautiful and all that they just app Capcom [ __ ] dropped the ball and came to the optimization and I can’t get that mad personally cuz my PC is below the minimum specs like let me see what were the minimum specs for this game I’m pretty sure I know them hold on uh store page if I go to the store Page on Steam uh I scroll down yeah minimum spe minimum specs it asks for an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 which is what I have or an AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT with 8 gbt of vram I have that with my 1070 because I have a 1070 so I meet the minimum for the GPU but the processor is my issue they want at minimum an Intel Core i5 10 10600 so a 10th Generation uh Intel processor mine’s an i7 but it’s only a Seventh Generation so I’m like borderline for that now if I go back to this game and I drop it down to 1080p I can’t imagine too much will change CU they do say 1080p uh 30 FPS is that should be what I get from that Graphics uh we go down to 1080 save and didn’t buy Persona 5 tactica yeah good though it was on sale not too long ago when I’m now I’m getting like about 30 like it is playable but like visually like that’s the thing with streams right does it look good for a stream would someone want to like sit down and watch this watch how it looks like this like I don’t know I lean toward the answer being no to that can I get the game to yeah my problem with this is that it’s clearly a game designed for like the Next Generation wor a read let’s have a look which is what a lot of games do and we were starting to move away from that with this generation because the PS5 and Xbox series X are decently powerful machines but you have to build according to that and like if your build way above your pay grade you can technically manage to make it but it’s not going to run that well I can hear that okay that’s just my actual fan I have to uh drown out regular noise I have uh noise reduction on my PC for my OBS so don’t ignore the fan that’s that’s an actual fan buy that dog ass game don’t buy it [ __ ] it it’s it’s such a shame cuz this game is like super fun when you can actually play it let’s play a little bit more and I’ll make my mulling over then maybe we play something else okay where’s the tavern it’s like right up here we had to wait till night time anyways for the quest oh my God please get up there oh there’s stairs here okay egg on my face oh God we’re going to a Tavern full of people your majesty your timing is impeccable it is not a matter for Pioneers pray let us speak out here you will want to hear this it is information of great importance is not a matter for Pioneers okay let’s follow him uh we’ll see I got to think about what I want to stream after this last we spoke the palace is filled with the queen J thank pleas stay next time should diesa denounce your magesty as a false Arison few would elect to doubt her yet if we are to prove your identity I believe there is no occasion more suitable than the coronation also the fact I don’t have a heart in my chest and I have no pulse right that kind of like proves it right there it was delayed so that the Sovereign that is the false Arisen could convalesce in the palace but the DAT has now been set the central players in the court ought all be in attendance it would be a fine opportunity to display your Majesty’s power none would be able to deny that you are the true Arison then there is a problem however only select members of the nobility and citizens who have contributed greatly to veron’s continued Prosperity will be granted entry if your majesty is to be counted among them you will need to attend to a number of tasks pray allow me to summarize them for you monster calling of the queen regen magistrate citizenry have called upon my soldiers to co monsters that plague the land I dare say what say you might I thank you your majesty there are three locals the first is tro mine to the Northwest we next is half village west of burnworth I believe so finally there is a call for someone to locate a group of soldiers task with delivering Freight must we go then there is much we ought attend to if we are to strengthen your Majesty’s clay you will need to infiltrate the palace to gather evidence of daa’s mist Deeds okay so we have a monster coling quest and infiltrating the palace Quest I have attempted to do the same through my own channels of for now would that I could undertake the task myself but my station prohibits me what say you your majesty I shall ensure that to the queen region there is much we ought attend to if we are all those who serve the queen regent there is but one I refer to walar dud name is waldor many a time as daa demanded waldor amend the code of Vermont to her own and many a time as the magistrate refused her yeah I mostly care about like FPS games RTS uh RPGs in our laws dictate that your majesty is our those are the games I care most about thus as the staunchest support action G sometimes known to the Palace I’m quite confident that W yeah cuz Metroid Dre is an amazing for your majesty what say you might you be willing to Aid me in arranging the Magistrate’s release I’ve prepared a means for you to enter the palace dungeons pray this Mission demands the utmost secrecy prey be cautious your majesty the go galaxy my thing with Nintendo games is that I’m really hit a Miss with them like I love Zelda and I love Xeno Blade but like I have absolutely no interest in like the Princess Peach game and stuff like that should you be discovered I will be unable to lend all in the way of aid like if they were cheaper maybe but like I don’t want to if I’m spending $70 I’d rather wait for like you know the Elden ring DLC that’s more in my wheelhouse uh quests monster calling and the dungeons okay so I have to go free the guy go investigate the castle or going to kill some monsters welcome to the St we serve Nails here shall I pour you a cup to by R my ass sit back relax and enjoy the finest bruise in all of burnworth come back anytime okay can we get to the Overworld okay I want to go fight some monsters I guess is there an actual in here there’s a ladder here ah excellent find maybe not like what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do I’m just looking for like an incy look at my welcome to bjor and qualities Armory mate survive okay we actually have we actually have stuff here wizard’s hat who cares plate armor okay Guardian plate armor Hunter’s male maybe we could pick this up it’s a lot of money like it’s a [ __ ] lot so before you check the price just remember misers die early dead hope to see you again part a different as well okay maybe I should just buy the chest piece yeah Metroid dread runs at 60 fps to my knowledge okay we have a pawn Guild here interested in my so that’s where this is now I’m just where the [ __ ] do I stay at the in cuz we need an in like it [Music] badly was super metroid but I was a dumb kid then first Metroid game actually beat wasn’t until Fusion yeah I didn’t I played uh was it 3d1 the GameCube I played a bit of that one but never got that fall into it should i p how extreme extraordinary child around why [Music] [Laughter] not well met I’m not sure what and goes to hell this legit happens up with doom we serve all manner of fine Naes here shall I pour you a cup to start okay so I guess I can’t do you not stay at the in here like that’s normally the mechanic is you find an inn and you can just stay there yeah the star drop in do you not stay here the [ __ ] whatever could you want from [Music] me no that’s the back exit how the hell do I just like stay the night it’s an inn there is much we ought attend to if we are to strengthen tell me of the false Examining The Palace Ledger for evidence of the queen Regent’s misdeeds for some time now it seems she has been diverting a what more this inexpedient spending habit is recorded to have begun the very day on which Arthur this cannot be mere happen stance I can only conclude that these sums are passing into the hands of yet is strange for sweet Crown flowers only grow in the I dare say it was not an item chosen item it is a frail hope to be certain yet all the I am glad to hear it okay investigate it the nameless Village so are we just like not allowed to like or does it now unlock it maybe welcome to the we serve all manner of fine Naes here shall I pour you a pass the time maybe come back anytime okay well that worked can I like eat my food now so I can like go back to Max HP no how the [Music] [ __ ] well next son how might I be this really is gather around gather around treat your ears to a tail by a master story okay maybe I should just buy the chest piece just like get some piece of armor or something you know I would greatly appr cuz like I can’t find a way to unlock better locations maybe I’m still main story relocked on that front welcome to and quality is what you need if you want to survive yeah I’ll buy it I’ll equip it as well there we go so you check the price can I sell kogen’s toome I still want that with sweat and grime we don’t need that sell that nice just remember hope to see you again hello hello hello bubles welcome to the stream hope you never good day PL Sen’s going well what did you think of that story it was well told and all but not I was not paying atten to his story what I mean it’s a of guy well for himself so I came out here and by the look of it he doesn’t appear to be making much for his efforts neither so where’s all his coin coming from then keep an eye on the beggar gather around gather around treat your ears to a tail by a master story tell hi got some coin to much appreciated hey there’s a 100 there you go oh The Fountains a dragon getting his head cut off that’s kind of funny by a Steller and should my story entertain you even if it shouldn’t I would greatly appreciate so I just like watch this guy like what are we doing here also I like how we have no pants on we’re going commando in other World way right now our her ventured into aine longing closed whereupon he found Serpent and soldiers in battle opposed though to the soldiers Aid he would have an ease over so do I just got like stand here like what are we doing and not a moment too soon for there came a flash of light ear the room filled with screams soldiers wailing at their flight then the shrine grew deathly still and our hero was all alone but every last Soldier had been transformed no way where of his and presence of mind dude speak into the mic the seeing his moment he un his how the fire next to him is like louder the fire over there is louder than this dude the gloating serpent was caught by surprise and with a wait more NPCs Al loading oh God I’m glad of any business in these treat your ears to a tail I have to watch him like all day the [ __ ] is this Quest hold on maybe I like set as my primary and show me a an actual thing to do my story entertain you like there’s no way it’s going to like stand here right would greatly appreciate a coin or two to so my throat with a mug of Ale now listen close as today I shall tell of a serpent with powers most felt our hero ventured into a shrine longing closed whereupon he found Peril on the roads puts a St dude sick Quest got some coin to spare your what would you have me hope I’m not getting in anyone’s way gather treat your ears to a tail by a master Steller so is he just like like what are we supposed to do here doing well for himself so I came out here to learn his ways so where do he get his coin now yeah I’m trying to Fig figure that one out bet okay we I guess we could always come back to this Quest [ __ ] monster call let’s go I want to fight some [ __ ] let’s move dude I still need to find a way to like get my Max HP back why is this a mechanic like maybe there’s like an a reason to like justify the idea that you lose Max HP until you hit a campfire when you take damage or when you die but because you sell campfire [ __ ] in the store it makes it feel like to me that it was designed in such a way to incentivize that in the microtransaction store because it does even if that wasn’t the intention like it okay we got to go over there over there and down there let’s go to the right first I guess we cannot break it from this side shut up Julia really now tb’s like I’ll just kill him no one’s coming to AA us I’m J’s intrusive thoughts you know what that actually explains a bit quiet over a horde of enemies any day I genuinely wonder how much Pawn dialogue there actually is okay wolf time let’s go can I save no why is there like a quick options the is weak to fire there you go get the dog get him rip his face off beautiful can I kill this thing so soon okay we killed the Bison guy there we go Buffalo down be sticker quiet is an enemy in and of itself let us instead now over confidence look at this freaking hoppy over here got him on the ground boom them there you go what do you mean what am I doing to call Mar get up you bum freaking Goblin over here like trying to get the drop on us how’d that feel oh and the copy Falls what the get over here who oh nice fire there you [Music] go um um hi Griffin what did you come from wow just came went away with the Buffalo hey can I loot this guy real quick so there’s like no shot can actually take this thing on right we got to be like way underleveled for this thing where did the Griffin come from I like the one Arrow B barely being able to touch it okay what are the what are the chances we die here um okay no get back here okay it’s circling any of ow wow okay so we just got one tapped okay fair enough yeah fair enough yeah overconfidence can be a deadly fo I guess it was huh more true than a true as ever true the Griffin from the first game teleported all the way to the sequel yeah it wanted to make sure that we did not go gently into that good night it’s like no I’ll have Revenge so help me God I’ll have Revenge the boss has four phases essentially just four Health boss I think it’s not I don’t know I feel like maybe we can just like make the mulling over video now I wanted to play for a few more hours but just like let no let let go do this one objective and then we’ll say let’s go do this one objective and then we’ll say we got to go all the way over here he not a joke that’s kind of funny oh God Lizardman dude Lizardman is so rough early game though master I have no means of exploiting our enemy weakness oh my God admit that it feels wonderful no okay get him there you go landed on him yo me and 2B working together here it’s still alive not anymore and I got the tail tail okay there should be one more sain there he is damn Julia just got annihilated there we go blink blink strike there we go just need to continue to get him take where you place your Fe okay blink straight is good to like move in the gas ene there we go cough him up nice we got the tail as well what mean that’s silver stable or Sable we’re leveling up decently dude I still need a campfire cuz we’re losing HP here oh my God there’s even more I should prob me save here dude this like losing Max HP shit’s annoying no sense letting I don’t think the first game had this mechanic I never noticed if it did come on C him up let’s go you need to C up this like lizard dude ow there you go big big fire there you go tuby that’s what we’re talking about tuby little bit of synergy a little bit of cooperation move over here stab a crap I see the hell bar the Griffin’s right there dude come on Stone making it ideal tosing our other f um okay we need to get away from the Griffin badly we can not take that thing to [Music] meone talks in Strikers I hear oh [Music] God is it no volume slider in Strikers I thought there was oh God what just hit me Pawn forfeiture and Revival unable to stir from when they’ve Fallen without aid for a prolonged length of time to come forth it will be en forcely removing a party multiple P pwns lie immobile in the vicinity risen can revive them simultaneously equal to the oris’s remaining Health God damn it miscalculated all right glad we just saved dude this Max HP situation is so annoying like I get it you want to incentivize going to Camp you can do it in other ways that make it feel that I have to Camp every [ __ ] fight Les the affections begin to fade damn what kind of nihilistic TR uh tip is this if you truly care for someone leave jeez Louise is that a cyclops looks to be a good spot for harvesting ingredients okay well we can’t take a cyclops on yet and use them when the need arises I maybe we can okay let’s try and take them on my word never have I seen such a f what do you mean we’ve never seen such a fiend we fought one like earlier this straight we shall have to watch it movements care no stop sitting on meisen are you all right no I’m not all right like 5 HP is I Max get up you th can I please get up thank you mag God damn it pawn forer I hope the Griffin doesn’t come in here what I have to like hold the revive oh my God this takes forever I don’t it was just like press the button the original ow get up from a fantasy game so cool that is nice oh God it’s going for Julia here we go this strength I recommend a swift Retreat [ __ ] you mean beyond our strength we can beat him now we got him let me [Music] cook dude we got on the ropes though the fire doing work first and foremost on lock there we go there we go prove a much easier Target when lying this battle will command all our strength we must stand together if we are to seize Victory oh I got to get like [ __ ] um Luna up where’ the Goblins come from damn tuby she like blinking Master out there we go we need the fire there we go got his [Music] leg come on get him impale there we go big fire come on we can do him we can get him there we go there you go come on trying to drag him down damn it okay we’re low on SP on stamina and HP okay let’s do that their to our advantage ow get up get up get up get up right now get up right now oh my god dude L we got nothing on this guy look at him are the rest of you fairing all right no we’re not fairing all right damn it I think we just died there damn it dude this reduced Max HP is so annoying like I tried to like rest up at the in in the city and there was just like no rest option for it oh God Jesus oh good yeah screw that follow me we can’t take that thing on yet battle is best avoided here oh maybe I could like learn over here and like Drop it maybe what was that dude what was the FPS drop [Music] there product of heedlessness Daner you will not alone God damn it we like need a campfire it feels like I’m doing a quest that’s like overleveled for where we at for where we at it legit just feels like that even though it’s like the main story okay I think I’m I think I’m going to say screwed and we just do the mulling over let’s try and get somewhere quiet for this [ __ ] stamina dude just Yonder looks to be a good you can type in wing dings that’s insane no harm in picking a few I not can I just like get back to the city like there’s like a few design choices where like the game has a lot of potential it’s just a few design choices that like really hamper it why is it that I lose Max HP when I get hit or when I die like why do that how is that in how is that furthering the user experience how does that make it a better game you know all it does is make it have to interact with the world less cuz after every significant fight or any challenging fight where I lose enough Max HP I have to focus on beining to a campsite or an inn to rest up to get it back so I’m not out in the world naturally organically finding stuff cuz I have to go find a [ __ ] campfire pushing on without rest isn’t ideal and fun fact they sell camp camp sets hope we don’t encounter any foes is there no getting through this door I think because the first game was just like a really solid game but like this game is Just just the max HP thing is going to be a crippling flaw to the actual game like irregardless of the visuals looking like garbage CU my PC’s too lackluster threat and the game running like ass like there’s an argument to be made where it’s like okay being out in the world and not having you learn everything just up front in like a text box is fine just I don’t know and I think it would be way better if the game would just run better as well but there’s like choices here and there like I think the world is gorgeous hold I got to see it for like the mulling over I’m about to record we’re about to record the mulling over so welcome to my video design process I got to open up like a in fact I’m going to exit out the game for this o there friend [ __ ] leave me alone all I ask is that you hear my request what have you got to look as to the matter I’ve been holding off service on account of all the monsters on the road but only trouble is there are still monsters about that’s where you come in I’d like you to accompany the cart in my stad and see to it splend yeah I’ll the ox the carts only Departed certain hours of the day but and mind you don’t forget to each car trout so anyone thinking of but enough of my li oh and I’ll pay your fair this time come find me when you’ve delivered let us see this like legit if this game would run properly on my machine I would probably enjoy it more than those two games hyra but the problem is it doesn’t so it plays like [ __ ] and it looks like [ __ ] and we’re early on so it’s just like I have like nothing [Music] okay let’s stay in the end I got to open up a notepad for this I’ve just recalled a little tidbit I heard from the loc okay also I got to set up my audio channels I need second audio Channel just be my input I can like take the audio from that okay that’s good tell there’s been a shift in the chain of commands no I actually might just have to like straight up exit the game cuz I don’t want the audio to get [ __ ] up because this game’s like taking too much of my PC okay in fact that’s what I’m going to do let me exit the game here exuse me let’s exit the game because I don’t know if I can continue playing that on stream like straight up chat would you would any of you here say that this is a stream game that you would actually want to see in comparison to anything else be honest here like don’t just try and agree with me or disagree with me just for the sake of it just be honest okay let me throw up uh can I throw up the notepad no not at all it’s like maybe I’ll revisit Dragon’s Dogma 2 in my off time or like when I upgrade my PC and we’ll see how it runs then cuz like a lot of the times when it comes to like these kinds of games they throw you into the deep end really early on it can be kind of like hard to find your footing and then you gain a little bit of momentum and then it all just like Cates cuz I know if this game would run at a decent frame rate that I could just sit down say okay I’m going to have to go explore the open world a little bit gain some levels that way and do stuff like that oh maybe I don’t know where the vocation trainer is to get my main vocation I care about I can go look it up if I need to and then I can get the ball rolling in that regard problem is it’s all going to be like undercut because of just how bad the game runs on my PC okay wow it’s like not showing the [ __ ] notepad why not uh do I have anything on my desktop I don’t want to be saying I don’t think so okay I don’t want to Blind you all okay screw it I’ll show you on my desktop okay so let’s get this sorted we got a notepad here uh muling over Dragon’s Dogma 2 okay so things I want to talk about story uh combat performance that’s kind of it awesome desktop thanks I added the original uh picture of this to up the contrast awesome wallpaper for the win thank you I have a whole like folder of different wallpapers uh let me see I think these are all F to show no I’m not going to show them [ __ ] him okay story combat I have to like underline it all with performance I think performance should be number one here no I don’t need like [ __ ] four of these okay performance story combat open world well people look sick thank you okay I think these are kind of like the four main things to talk about here because I don’t think there’s like anything else to show because like the main issue I have is the performance it just like does not run well on my PC comat becomes really juty and just like sloppy because of it so let’s do it okay people welcome to behind the scenes for how I make a video I know all two of you were really excited about this so let’s do it I need another water maybe I could just like make the whole damn video on straight maybe I could just do that story combat open world yeah these are the four main categories cuz like these three in my opinion are positives the open world has so much potential there cuz like we left the castle and we walked like down one road we ran into like a bunch of lizard men a [ __ ] ogre or a cyclops whatever it’s called and a giant Griffin as well like that is super cool and you can have like the godsman and all that like work with you and support you that’s really cool and and like you just like stumble upon Quest can take you out to various locations to have these natural open world encounters like okay [ __ ] save it for the video jalls okay so will we get a mulling over guilty G probably okay well let I guess we do it all right screw it let’s rip it let me look let me throw one thing up on my phone [ __ ] uh where is it there you are okay recording starting starting in three two one hello hello hello everyone I am J Ms of J malls gaming and let’s Maul over Dragons Dogma 2 well there’s not much to really say about about this in the grand scheme of it all I can’t really run the game all that well you see I barely make if I even do the minimum spec specs for the game so I’m running the game on basically low settings across the board the game looks Pixy as all hell and I don’t even make a consistent 30fps half the time if I go into a town I’m getting low 20s if that and a lot of the times in the open world it’s really J drawing and it just makes combat it takes away from the combat which I genuinely think could be a massive strength for the game as it was in Dragon’s Dogma 1 so I’m in like two massive Minds about Dragon’s Dogma 2 on the one hand I really enjoy the game and I think it is something that I would easily lose myself in for hours and hours and hours as I explore the vast open world that’s on off of here filled to the brim with a whole bunch of cool moms and just things to find and discover but at the same time and on the same note I just can’t really enjoy it to its fullest capabilities because of the hardware limitations the game has on offer and it’s not just my machine is just my machine is suffering the worst front of this cuz it’s a really old rig the game’s just the game just performs suboptimally because of its massive CPU Reliance based on all the NPCs see they even made a statement on the steam forms on Steam itself to Dragons Dogma 2 players on Steam because this is addressing all the negative feedback they’ve been receiving especially on PC where steam if we even load up steam right now and we go to the Dragons Dogma 2 page this was mostly negative earlier it just clawed its way up to mixed but it’s like hovering 40% of the users are viewing this positively and I don’t think this is just some kind of grand effort by Gamers to like lower the review rating I don’t I think the game genuinely deserves this rating because it’s just unacceptable that in the year 20124 a game comes out this unoptimized we knew it would run poorly on Console but it seemingly runs poorly on PC as well because of how CPU limited it is people are having critical problems such as crashes and freezing they will be addressing crashes and Bug fixes starting from those with the highest priority and patches in the near future the game doesn’t doesn’t even have the option to start a new game yeah I didn’t even bother to check this when they first was playing Dragons Dogman 2 because they always took a feature like this as standard because duh of course it would be but Dragon’s Dogma 2 as of this point and on launch does not even have the functionality to allow you to change your well to start a new character if you want to change the appearance of your character you have to find an item in the world or buy a vendor that allows you to change the appearance of your character or wink wink nudge nudge bite on the mic transaction store because this game at a $70 base price for a single player RPG has paid DLC and the utter takes I’ve seen in regards to this I wouldn’t even say disappoint me because I’ve come to expect them by this point and like the defense that they even have here to defend the DLC to me is wly inadequate all of the items listed below can be obtained in game or as paid DLC items art of metamorphosis that is for your character editor if you want to change how your character looks you have to get one of these art of metamorphosis ambivalent Rift incense you can change your pawns inclinations just essentially the kind of AI they’ll utilize for the actions you can buy Port crystals wake stones to revive the dead Port crystals allow you to put a crystal down the Overworld and then fast travel with another resource to that Port Crystal uh you can also just buy Rift crystals like it’s a freaking gotta game or something and you can use these points to spend beyond the rift to get better pawns or for other things makeshift jail key to escape from jail and then you can lure hoppies with a smoke Beacon that you can also buy you can obtain all of this in game but the problem is and what they don’t also put here is that you can also buy camping gear and it’s kind of vague about what it actually is but you can buy all of this as paid DLC for a single player RPG and the argument that oh it can be obtained in game makes it okay to me is willfully an adequate because when you have these available as actual paid DLC the issue becomes that you have to incentivize subconsciously or consciously people to buy them so game design is inherently altered in accordance to the fact that these items are available as DLC you don’t have to buy them but why include them to begin with how does this make the gameplay experience better for the consumer by having these be available as paid DLC instead of just being available in the game at a better rate and then I can get past that right I would call out the DLC but if it was just that issue I don’t think that would ruin the game right like it’s not good but depending upon the balancing and all that the game can still be really fun and enjoyable which I think it largely can be the main issue is the performance here because the performance for Dragon’s Dogma 2 is abysmal and is frankly unacceptable and the issue that they have because I done a I did quite a bit of tests on stream not too in depth or anything just to see what would happen if I tinker with the options menu a little bit the main issue is there was no setting or location I could possibly do to get that game to 60 FPS in actual gameplay everything bear in mind I’m hovering around minimum specs was either around 30 maybe 40 sometimes if I’m facing a wall or below all the way to single digit I up it all the way to Max now I’m on a really old rig I’m not expecting like 4K 144 frames per second right I’m not EXP in that however with FSR even on performance and Ultra performance I would expect at least a stable 30 everywhere in the game which is not what we was shown not what I saw because and they address this here regarding frame rate a large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and calculating the impact of their physical presence in various areas in certain situations when numerous characters appear simultaneously the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate we are aware that in such situations settings that reduce GPU load May currently have a limited effect hey me again because it’s a CPU issue however we are looking into ways to improve performance in the future I don’t see what kind of wizer you could pull off to get that to work without just like calling the NPCs there was a meme going around that I’m not even sure was a meme it just kind of is that if it’s the NPCs giving you the performance issues just kill off the NPCs go on a slaughtering spree and then hopefully the FPS will go up because of that and if that is the solution to gain more FPS to at least hit a stable 30 FPS in the game we have lost the plot this game had a ton of potential and if you have an Uber end PC I’m sure this game runs decently well enough and it’s really enjoyable and the reason that I’m upset is because I wasn’t expecting anything extravagant I was hoping for at least 1080p 30 FPS consistently but the game can’t even manage that and dips way below that value consistently let alone in combat which makes the combat despite the changes that were made to it which I think were for the better more off in the knot it makes the combat feel sloggy choppy unresponsive and just unenjoyable for me personally now these issues to some degree could be argued are fixable and when we peer beyond that curtain is the game itself still good I would argue yes I think the game has a ton of potential it’s just my Hardware is preventing me from hitting that potential in any meaningful way however there’s a few decisions made in game that I think sign ific L have hampered My overall enjoyment of the product the main one being that when you take damage or Die the game reduces your max HP until you manage to reach a campfire or an inn to rest up in which case it’ll restore your missing Max HP if you ever play Dark Souls 2 you may be familiar with that kind of concept to me this run antithetical to the actual design philosophies of Dragon’s Dogma 2 the beauty of Dragon’s Dogma 1 and two is that the world is open and it’s vast and it’s populated by a variety of different enemies and just chance encounters and things that you may find in the open world and Quest that you may pursue and that’s really cool but if I have to worry about after every fight or every difficult fight that I need to find a campfire or an end just to get my ma my Max HP back in case I have to fight something really cool that takes a away from the immersion of the world that takes away from me being able and being incentivized to just stay in the open world to find all the cool little encounters that are available out there and forces me subconsciously even to always in the back of my mind seek out a campfire on in to break up that gameplay flow for no apparent reason because let me ask this simple question I don’t mind incentivising going to the campfire and going camping and going to the inn and all that that’s cool and all but the way that it’s handled in Dragon’s Dogma 2 compared to Dragon Dogma 1 in my opinion makes the game less interesting because it’s taken away from that open world immersion from that sense of adventure because when I lose HP that just feels bad whereas in Dragon Dogma 1 why would I go to an inn well I have accumulated so much loot in my journey and my Adventures that I want to go deposit it at the inke keep or I want to go sell it in town but that’s a positive for me that’s something that I’m thinking about that I want to do and I can also like shift the load onto my pawns as well if I want to extend my stay in the open world that is something that I’m allowed to do because it doesn’t really punish me from fighting anything in the actual world or being in the world and doing a quest but in dragons Dragon’s Dogma 2 it does it’s a negative repercussion instead of a positive reinforcement and to me that is the issue that I have with Dragon’s Dogma 2’s mechanic that reduces your max HP when you get hit or you die it makes exploring less optimal and less of a priority to me instead of just moving to a campfire how did Final Fantasy C5 incentivized going to a campfire or going to Camp or to an inn well you accumulate sorry about that you accumulated XP you accumulated XP that you could then use depending upon where you slept at to gain even more XP or you would have certain meals that give you various benefits for when you left the camp again net positives that incentivized you to go to camp but didn’t require it or make you feel as if you’re being suboptimal too much if you didn’t it didn’t hold you back it pushed you forward whereas in Dragon Dogma 2 it does the opposite it holds you back it says you want to go to Camp don’t you yeah don’t you you want to go to Camp don’t you this is a problem that I don’t think with better performance would completely Rectify maybe it’s not as bad if you get into a flow of things but the fact that I have to manage this early on is really off-putting to me personally especially when fast travel is the way that it is I don’t mind the fast travel from Dragon’s Dogma 1 with Port crystals and fairy stones and all that I don’t mind that but when I’m forced to just like walk the open world pretty much at low Max HP it doesn’t create a sense of tension it creates a sense of frustration and annoyance that’s my main issue with it because back to the positives I think there’s a lot to be positive about when it comes to Dragon’s Dogma 2 I think the melee combat feels more meaty more enjoyable able and I love the synergies you have with the pawns even early on it’s pretty fun I don’t know why resurrecting a pawn now takes like a channel but the actual combat Loop is if you enjoyed Dragon Dogma one chances are you’re going to enjoy it here as well I thought an ogre or the Cyclops guy and that was really cool had a whole bunch of like soldiers alongside me and we like knocked them down and it was really sick and cool and I love that you can utilize the environment to your advantage like picking things up and throwing them to solve different puzzles and get to locations you couldn’t access before I love the fact that you can lure these giant like enemies to a cliff face knock them over and then use them as an actual bridge to cross the Gap stuff like that is really cool there’s a lot of brilliant ideas in Dragon’s Dogma 2o but they’re buried under all this mck and Maya this decision making from Bad frame rates that paid DLC to that Max HP thing that personally it may not for you but personally puts me off a little bit I would love to eventually upgrade my PC and come back to Dragons Dogma 2 and see how it FS because I’m certain if I get into the meat and potatoes of the game and the game was stable enough I would fall in love with this game and there’s not a doubt in my mind cuz I think the open world is gorgeous I think the characters and the characterization in the story is more compelling already than in Dragon’s Dogma one for me and I’m like halfway through Dragon’s Dogma 1 but the narrative in Dragon Dogma 2 in my opinion is really cool and compelling and I like that there’s an actual narrative going on here at least in a more meaningful way but when I’m playing the game at like consistently 20 FPS or 20 to 24 FPS it just feels bad that’s my main issue Dragon’s Dogma 2 seems like a brilliant game that’s going to be held back by all these chains wrapped around it that’s holding it back and if at some point in the future it’s able to break those chains I think it’s a brilliant game under the surface and if you already have a super powerful PC chances are you’re fine and if you like open world games like this and games that don’t try and hold your hand and just push you out into the world and say go there’s a few design choic that I think are suboptimal but the actual gameplay Loop and the world are really cool and there’s a ton of potential here but on my machine it just doesn’t make the cut which is unfortunate because I really was enjoying Dragon Dogma one and I was enjoying Dragon Dogma 2 but it’s held back by too many things it’s unfortunate it really is because I think this game could have easily been a sh win for Game of the Year but they did this to themselves so I would argue that Dragon’s Dogma 2 for me is a disappointment at this current moment I think it can make a com I think it can make a comeback if they can somehow sort out this frame rate issue I don’t know how you would be able to without completely altering the NPCs but like if you’re able to and you can get this game to be stable even on lower-end machines because not everyone’s going to be rocking a 4090 or 40 series card you add a a button to start a new game which I still don’t know why that wasn’t there in launch the P DLC is not good I will never argue that this is additive to the actual experience but I don’t think it ruins the game itself either the game has other more significant issues than this in my opinion this being the big one the frame rate so it sucks but I think we’ve mauled over Dragon’s Dogma 2 for long enough it’s really disappointing but it is what it is they’re the ones who released the game in the state and for $70 as well it’s unfortunate because it feels like an amazing game that’s just slightly out of my reach right now maybe down the line maybe down the line we’ll see but a rough launch for Dragon’s Dogma 2 so I’m going to call the video there for the day thank you all for tuning in hope you enjoyed the video If you enjoyed it please leave a like And subscribe it really help Channel out and help support future content and I greatly appreciate it and leave a comment down below with your thoughts your opinions your perspectives and your own little stories about Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the game running well for you is it not have you been getting these issues have you been getting other issues let me know I’d love to hear your thoughts hear your opinions stay safe have a great day and I’ll see you all next time bye-bye everybody till we meet again okay videos recorded there we go are you going to keep streaming yes we’re going to keep streaming I’m going to make the video on stream first though I think that’s GNA be the play here see Frank I got to open up audacity okay there we go I think it can show audacity I don’t think there’d be any issue with this uh I think we’re good if I show audacity uh yeah I don’t see anything that docks me that gu sick well this is how I edit uh audio by the way so I just have this free program called audacity so I just do one of these Noise Gate this is to eliminate any like background noise during like the silence sections I just hit with one of these [ __ ] hurry up there you go then I do one of these go back to effects truncate silence then if it detects a a period of Silence that’s longer than 3 seconds it cuts it down to a quarter of a second and that was showing all that up right nice and quick for me this [ __ ] Millennium anytime now I believe in you come on come on green ball I Believe In You There we go now okay recording starting my [ __ ] headset’s off now I just edit out the beginning part starting starting in three two one cut that out to improve performance in the future oh didn’t I want to cut the something out of 1528 I did hold on 1528 well you here again sorry about that you accumulated XP you accumulated XP to an N well you accumulate sorry about that you accumulated cut that out you accumulated XP that you could then okay now we’re good okay Chun Kate silence again there we go the programs I use by the way are free so audacity is a free program I think it’s open source as well it’s really useful for just like editing audio and stuff like that I’ve used it for years at this point in three two one hello cut that out hello now audio starts there good now I’m going to export this to where I want it to be welcome back Frank export as a wave file put in the right folder mulling over Dragon’s Dogma 2 Vo dude I like how I just have Frank as like a placeholder here on the screen I need like a do mode for Frank like real talk though has anyone ever been blinded by the Majesty of Frank and by that I mean your entire screen becomes White dude Da Vinci resolves in [ __ ] ages to low there you go okay mauling over Dragon’s Dogma 2 oh there’s no [ __ ] way I’m going to be able to render a video I’ll just do that afterwards I’ll do that after the stream that’s fine let’s play a game let’s play a [ __ ] game shall we Frank vtu I’m not a v Frank’s not a vtuber yeah Frank does his own thing okay so what should we play uh um K stream I played a little bit of guilty Gale last night I’m [ __ ] garbage at it oh my God like it’s actually a crying it’s actually a shame how bad I’m at it bad I am at it I’m so bad at fighting games it’s actually insane I have like negative skill when it comes to them St adventure to um Persona 3 oh yeah we could do Persona 3 we’re near a full moon section um yeah screwed why not let’s do Persona 3 yeah let’s bang out the full moon section here okay let’s load up he what do you mean gone forever okay we’re like right at like the full moon moon for August I think so big big story about to come in let’s go would you like to enable these features now oh hold on I should change the thumbnail there we go thumbnail changed okay yes [ __ ] keyboard input jump scare there okay people let’s play the happiest game of all time nothing bad ever happens here truly including a March fifth especially in October nothing sad happens absolutely nothing if you think I’m wrong you banned okay we did like all of this last time I’m pretty sure I think we’re good to go day very well yeah I’m pretty sure we’re good to go here um let me just double check we got to the Border floor nothing bad happens trust exactly hyra nothing bad happens okay let’s head back nothing bad happens on March 5th true nothing want to stop for the night call it quits August 6th dude what’s on the name of the like the soap thing Som there’ll be a full moon tonight oh dude I’m sure nothing bad will happen I should stay home my ass dude we got to waste the whole day oh dude that’s some rubbish well here we are a full moon once again dude we just left one game of immedately created by shuji oh this is the worst timeline actually any luck yamagishi yes I can sense it there’s a shadow reading tonight as expected that’s what I’m talking about akihiko what do you mean you’re going to be on the bench it’s located by the deserted houses in the northern part of IAT toi but there’s something strange in the neighborhood something is coming from underground oh it’s this one me uh what’s 10 m I don’t I don’t speak [Music] Canadian can I get that a freedom unor there are no structures that match that criteria however there once was an underground facility used by the military I thought she was about to say there was once a man from theet the military is that true yeah probably well the architectural the setting for was uploaded into her memory then again the information hasn’t been updated in 10 years yeah as you do you just like normally push away a giant underground complex correct where Maru being sad that his owner died shouldn’t someone fix that thanks Jun I’m glad you’re up to speed here so how exactly do we proceed we don’t go underground yeah we just like go down dig we won’t know more until we actually get get Minecraft hours over here grab a pickaxe job done old relics of War hell yeah 40K it seems the situation is still unclear at this time with that in mind we’ll wait until we arrive before you think shuji plays warham of 40K tabletop if so what om you run understood all right let’s go he probably runs like regular Marine a dude look at those spider webs oh my God they’re massive I didn’t know there was a place like this so close by Target should be I’m just saying we like take this over we get some like PC setup dude big land potty let’s go well done run up grab his revolver shoot him in the head and I think we solve half the issues we have in this game straight up it’s so nice to finally meet you in person pale young man my name is yeah young quotation marks there Young’s doing a lot of heavy lifting dude Jin this is what happened at the um torn of the Golden Country we are known to Su aser okay Define some did you come up with that name like 5 minutes ago like what’s the situation now then we’ve been keeping an eye on your activities for some time from what we hear you’ve undertaken a righteous battle to save the world unfortunately we’ve come here tonight to put an end to that yeah let’s see how that works for you Takaya yeah if that’s your name what did you say you’ve gained many new allies in such a short time no doubt because this land crawls with sin no it’s because I like recruitment efforts are I shockingly love we found June pay cuz he was crying in the convenience store um we found a random robot on an island uh we had a depressed girl join the party as well and I went to school I guess ah Tartarus is towering as beautifully as always you know about tus why do you no wait why the hell would you want to stop us it ain’t rocket science okay relax there nud if shadows in the Dark Hour disappear we could lose our power there’s no way he’s got the gamer glasses with like the with like the red light tint there’s no shot that’s not something we can abide by get it power are you seeing your persona users too I implore you to think more carefully do you really want to lose your abilities you know maybe he has a point right like maybe not just anyone can wield the power of a Persona the dark hour is a frontier that alone to and the same goes for the Tower of demise Skyward Sword dude the references are insane us then you’re the ones who need to think no I’m kind of with them I want these Powers they’re kind of cool what might happen right all along who’s with me what that’s house leader catastrophe brought on by the Shadows what difference does it make really disasters will always exist and humans will always destroy each other regardless of do you let Le you in foding either way no one can predict what misfortunes will befall who but more importantly it’s time you accepted the truth no I’m not scheduled to reach out for the truth until a for toaya so you’re kind of early surely you will acknowledge the sense of fulfillment the Dark Hour has given you I mean you kind of right right you’re wrong he he’s kind of right well maybe has a point what you think I like this yeah I see you doing your thei ability Yari you’re enjoying that yeah how about the rest of you do you also wish to return to when they real realize the P4 and a P5 yeah huh no the real world scary scary just keep me in Persona I don’t enjoy this at all I mean I do whatever you all got your own selfish reasons for fighting Jin shut up y all lose it that so-called justice of yours ain’t nothing but an excuse he looks like AKO from Xenoblade 2 you know I’m right there’s nothing righteous about any of you you’re all just hypocrites like hell you Chumps are going to stop us so what did you ask the Boba to get that by the way I want a haircut but only on the right side of my face like what was the play here what did you say like was your Barber blind were you the Barber have fun in there is that what you told your Barber cuz Jesus maybe didn’t tip him enough she like I’ll show you a thing damn it they locked us in just open the door then one skeleton key please there is no need to panic yeah IUS just blow it up instead of wasting resources I recommend we prioritize the shadow first great if we freak out then we’re just giving them what they want the Shadow’s moving I think it’s noticed us all right let’s focus on our original goal we can look for a way out after we’ve won go ahead and select your team everyone prepare prepare for battle leader there was a slight accident but let’s focus on the mission for now yes slight accident we got locked in I feel what’s this song Hello from Beyond that door once you’re ready we can go oh we already got the potty the squad okay let’s lock in leader hey fuk you want to join the front line status am I talking what Earth could it be so be ready for anything all right bet 17 minutes underground let’s go when they stop the killer I know it’s goated why P4 is just kind of goated you know I to talking two blocks ahead of you don’t let it get all right dude it’s like so low leveling it seems that dude combination like Aaron dude I like this song The Vi the violin is going off man got a build-a pay oh that’s cool you can see like the lights from below place it seems it was some kind of Armory during the war hey can I grab the Canon will our Persona be like supercharged if we like if we yell Persona and we shoot a cannon at our face like is that how that works I’m just wondering you know I think there’s potential there dig beneath the surface be a little bit Yeah creative all we need to do these tread marks they’re new this boss is way easier didn’t I like one shot this in the importable as well I wonder I forget what this boss is though let’s keep an eye out oh isn’t it the tank stack the heavy artillery dude dibs I’ve never seen so many weapons lying around before I played Call of Duty so I have uh yo something on the desk dude we got two anal baits what are all these documents in the hopes that this message will reach my loved ones I have sealed this journal for its protection we few survivors have ensured the completion of our goal so many of our cohorts will never know our success I pray their Spirits find rest in the wake of this turmoil to my mother my wife and my children please do not think that I’ve abandoned you but I have if securing your futures mean means giving my life than I will have done so happily onor my memory by living damn rip bowo of that guy those Persona users just dude look at all the loot over here caution around them wow that gave me actually nothing them at all what’s that on the ground oh dude a Twilight frag let’s go there we go job done dude I swear to God this is like out of solo leveling 100% I’m telling you frame one hello hello hello Jazz welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day pleas you see around everybody’s going well hurry and Chase it down hurry and Chase it down what do mean Chase it down I got to get the loot fuka yeah loot is number one one down another Twilight frag now we’re cooking okay we move we move we move there we go there we go oh there you are okay that’s sick Target up ahead yeah thanks fuka I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready this is the dude it’s tiny tank you know the PS1 game Tiny tank dude straight up what a throwback dude that game was my childhood oh now we’re cooking dude we’re cooking with a whole bunch of Grease canola probably cooking with something else as well it’s what we like to see okay beautiful give me one second here been rep playing for you nice get ready everyone here it comes I want to get the four you at some point okay here we go boss fight time let’s clap up tiny tanks it’s Arana is Justice oh God n uh no wait it’s Chariot how did I forget her name little sister from P4 how do I forget her name I oh God I’m blanking why do they draw an eyeball on it two of them I’ve never seen a shadow like this before what to do what to do setting up it’ll take a little more time okay well let’s run the gauntlet I guess what is it weak to okay not lightning fun fact I’ll show you my power Persona engage yeah knock uh nanako that’s her name how did it Miss how did this thing Dodge it doesn’t look like it’ be the most mobile thing of all time you know just saying I’ll show you okay suck my ice what do you mean resist in this situation okay Gula come on work with me here come on get knocked out come on I should have I should have you know realized that maybe seriously damn it n why would you get crit by that Amateur hour over here can I stand on this enemy yes please thank god oh cool it’s just strong against everything yeah that’s great love that I’m really happy about that funly let’s charge great amazing I’m happy and go [Music] lucky you just heal everyone have some water hydrate people let’s go I’ll hit them where it hurts will you now okay I’m going to guess oh lower defense that will help good good good good good good good defense down beautiful you time for some [Music] payback uh let’s get a heal in here theoi going to go hard yeah exactly I think this is going to be the play we just have to go for theis is targeting yakai okay okay more damage with closer to a full moon so theoretically on a full moon this should do like a million damage right resist that was with charge oh my God we do [Music] nothing I’m going to put this on yakai so she doesn’t get one shot I heard my name this will do the trick yeah I we have a break yeah ice breaks how about cuz I can go to King frost on Makoto if you use utilize that uh I kind of want yakai to defend cuz she’s being pocketed I’m a piercing Shell let’s see how this works okay that worked way better okay yeah we can work with that okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay now we go to King Frost hit him with bala suck my ice ice cube city [ __ ] let’s go boom 65 [Music] activating proed wow I think we did six damage there I’m ready okay boa again Ice Ice Baby Let’s go I’m like that one guy from Adventure Time over here let’s go Now’s the Time okay now wind break now it’s weo both wind and ice not weak but you know what I me new neutral at least wow that did nothing so thanks oh thank God buff City I can use it now I don’t think I have any Alm Mighty unless it’s the items there we go okay that is nice oh here we go oh if we can knock him down with this come on tell me a joke me a good old knee slapper my 30 FPS there you 220 didn’t knock him down though away separate let’s go now isn’t like one of them is weak to physical or no one strong the physical one like strong gets magic or something the smaller one seems to have less stamina now we can defeat them individually okay so she just said the little one has like small dick energy so if kill that one or you just do this right straight up beautiful okay now we’re cooking now now we’re cook okay did I scan on this enemy scan analysis complete yeah okay that’s weak to that’s weak to that I see so this is against physical damage got it I’m ready so for you use Botha they suck pun not intended pun intended honestly okay kill the Justice guy let’s get rid of the little Cannon oh yakari okay just one more yeah she doesn’t enjoy this by the way she just did like a 720 up in the air to launch like a hard scope arrow with the force of an entire Gale yeah entire Gil storm on her she didn’t enjoy this though dude the misses go insane let’s go Satanta come out the play he already scared this one okay kill him kill him boom one down down and out suck that one sherub suing oh baby you know what time it is [ __ ] it Oria mode Let’s Go easy boom launcher oh it still does damage beautiful oh this is what we like to see blizzard Edge yeah I don’t enjoy doing this either watch this entire of figure skating maneuver Flex on them sits on the ice Throne flicks the hair snaps the finger does a whole bunch of damage yeah totally doesn’t enjoy this though just say it do this strer strer strer strer help me I can’t help it if they’re right I can’t so what if some people turn into coffins who cares that’s fine that little guy dies to like two hits I’m mowing no no no no thank God okay now for you I’ve already sced this one I’ll go with I’ll go with persona [ __ ] you mean miss here we go beautiful IUS that’s what we’re talking about get them where it hurts I’ll show you okay IAS will passively kill the guy on the right we just do enough damage to the guy on the left so they both die it’s all we do easy boss first try incoming watch this suck my wind tiny tank going to fart all over you yep big dooky action going on here no oh no really crit with one that’s not going to hit four okay that’s fine it’s only 40 right like who cares defense reverted my butt what to do what to [Music] do who has the most oh wait a minute who has the most magic here 25 27 okay yeah fair enough hit him with BFA she almost to his toilet yesterday I wasn’t gone that long oh yes Arrow rain here we go how did that not kill him getting Hoodwink and Bam Boozled over here let astray I’m [Music] ready okay kill kill kill freeze them God damn it get up you Kai you better watch it okay now we’re talking I won’t all right F on him yukai let’s go big wind energy you Knight oh God damn it here back to Tiny tanks tanks are only we could suff I’ll go with I’ll go with I’ve already scanned this one persona persona okay use ice brick I’m going to heal with you car person there you go I guess come on come on oh we were close dude oh damn it now she’s going to be AFK for a bit burn out this will do the trick he would be put to [Music] rest 4 come on yakai I need you to heal here I have to do this cuz I’m going to heal here AOE heal she’ll get the urgy next turn this boss is good as dead watch oh my God she’s so close can can almost taste it they separated again oh we got the urgies we got the urgies I got the urgy people I got the urgy damn all right laugh them out of the building let’s go hey did you hear about that one about the bloodborne PC but because it doesn’t exist oh dude Jack brow your KN easy boss dude dude they died to my comedy I don’t know what that says about me though 23k now now we’re talking beautiful dude beautiful this Persona cannot learn any more skills please choose one to forget okay we’re never going to we’re never going to use spear drain let’s be fair here get rid of that we will never use that at all in any capacity will we ever use that yes I’m here yes I’m here this is mitsuru we’ve neutralized the target okay Persona 3 spoiler in Inc coming by the way so just like mute yourself for like 15 seconds starting now 3 2 1 how the [ __ ] did he go from point A to point B already dude ran like Sonic over here man’s The Flash actually good work come on back actually there’s been a complication yeah uh we’re locked down in the cellar we ran into some interference during the mission it seems they were Persona users yeah you wouldn’t know about that would you Persona users yes more than one they appeared during the dark hour and seem what about the Light Hour like Light Yagami did they say anything that might give us a hint to who they are no now that you yeah super is low calorie it could be really filling I believe they called themselves strer no I thought they called themselves stage Striker spe is the only good when it’s used by the animate yeah cuz we never care about how much SP the enemy has but we care about how much we have all right I’ll see what I can find out like I feel like if you get to the point of persona battle where you’re hoping that the enemy runs out of SP we’ve already gone on too long here you know thank you there’s one other thing I have to report another thing we unfortunately fell into stga trap so we’re locked inside the facility yeah can you like come like open the door for us please we’re kind of Trapped in here see since the threat has been eliminated I’ll send someone over as soon as I can send who over though I’m sorry for the trouble just sends cor Mar over Go Dog open the door first other persona open the nuclear Silo and unexpected enemy has emerged yeah emerged they they seem to be Persona users as well well that one did a gun so but he we still succeed in defeating the Shadows this month there should be fewer victims for a while can’t wait to rest August 7th now I think we get call Maru here or at least soon and then don’t we get uh Shinji in October got a few oh dude benching all of them oh God yeah summer break we’re going to grind the old people social link oh my [ __ ] God okay well we did manage to overcome the the full moon for the cycle so I think I’ll call the stream day after DayZ I got some stuff to do I got to go finish editing that video so I’m going to call the stream day after day and I’m getting really hungry so thank you all for tuning in my pleasure making the video and the stream if you enjoyed it please leave a like And subscribe it Channel out and help support future content and I greatly appreciate it thank you all for tuning in thank you Jazz Hydro Noob Milo infun bobles Galaxy thank you all for tuning in stay safe have a great day and I’ll see you all next time bye-bye everybody until we meet again for

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FILTER ON! JMulls Plays Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Persona 3 Reload’, was uploaded by JMulls on 2024-03-23 09:41:23. It has garnered 137 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:00 or 12000 seconds.

Thumbnail: https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/367500/capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1701395331

Hello everyone I am Jmulls of Jmulls Gaming and welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Walkthroughs, First Impressions, Critique and Reviews for all things video games, by someone who loves video games!

In today’s stream, I play Dragon’s Dogma 2 on PC !

Part 2

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    Minecraft Vegas: Facts About Minecraft Residents Exploring the World of Minecraft Villagers Unique Traits of Minecraft Villagers One interesting fact about Minecraft villagers is that they are always bald. However, some villagers can be seen wearing hats, adding a touch of variety to their appearances. Each villager, depending on the biome where the village is located and their profession, has their own unique clothing style. Interactions and Symbolism When it comes to interactions, village villagers are not capable of counterattacking. Occasionally, iron golems may gift a villager a rose, symbolizing friendly relations between them. In ancient times, villagers would simply stroll around the village, occasionally… Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play

    Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play In Minecraft world, a tale unfolds, Girlfriend turned baby, chaos unfolds. One day to protect, from dangers untold, Stupid things done, the story is bold. Superngao, the hero of the hour, Facing challenges with gaming power. Defending his love, with all his might, In Minecraft realm, a thrilling sight. Emojis and rhymes, in every line, Engaging the audience, feeling fine. Minecraft news, with a twist so grand, Superngao’s adventures, across the land. Stay tuned for more, in the gaming zone, Superngao’s journey, brightly shown. In rhymes we trust, the story sings, Minecraft magic, in all its wings. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Lost Its Roar: Skyrow’s the Cure

    Minecraft's Lost Its Roar: Skyrow's the Cure In Minecraft, the possibilities are vast, From building to battling, the fun will last. But in Hardcore Survival, the stakes are high, One wrong move, and it’s time to say goodbye. Exploring villages, seeking out loot, But beware of new NPCs, they may give you the boot. A Gorgon lurking, ready to strike, Game over in an instant, what a hike! So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In Minecraft, there’s always something more in store-ing. And if you dare to take on Hardcore mode, Just remember, one mistake and you may implode. Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More