EPIC SURVIVAL: Clearing Trees on Foundations SMP LIVE!

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There was still a way C try any Got Back you stand Up you single won’t let it go when you were Alone to to The AL you yes congratulations snail and windy space for both making it to the very first few minutes of the live stream now let’s get that music rolling chill Animal Crossing yeah that’s what we need what else do we need to be over here on the foundation’s

SMP but yes windy space I really do need some knowledge cuz yeah we struggling out here but we’re making our way up for those uh who are not fully caught up with what we are trying to do on the SMP right now I’m trying trying keyword to build myself up in this area

Eventually have an Empire of dirt right now we have a house of dirt and also do not forget the house of orange that we named after one of the live stream viewers yesterday why because I felt like it hon gamer says yo what’s good here on gamer hopefully you are having a

Great night morning afternoon maybe something in between the world may never know but I know that that creeper is going to bother me if I don’t deal with them but also I hope Wendy space and snail are also having a fantastic whatever time of day it is for

Y’all personally I had a nice day even though it was raining for me which is very rare very very rare but something that’s not nice this cooked mutton right here is for shm shm the sheep that was guarding this area for us off live stream I was putting in

Some work to expand my sheep farm speaking of sheep farm there’s a sheep right here that I could use but to use you could say um but yeah shm was guarding it and I was trying to go to sleep and a skeleton that had a flame bow shot

Him he shot the Brave shm the brave protector of the House of orange so yeah uh didn’t get it on footage but that is what happened rest in peace shm didn’t even last a full stream very very sad okay but yeah snail is saying that uh it’s Monday morning for him I don’t

Know whether to be jealous or to say sucks to suck because it is a Monday it all depends some people love Mondays some people hate them I think that Mondays I used to hate them back when I was in school but now I’ve kind of got a

Different outlook on it I kind of think of it as starting a new Clean Slate it’s the start of the week it can only go up from there you know you start with nothing and you can make it into whatever you want it to be you

Know you know what they say it’s all your mentality that will make it good or bad but if you hate Mondays I totally understand it but I’ve started to have I guess you could consider it a more optimistic outlook on the way life goes but yeah uh goals for today live

Stream chop down this Forest because those fraking mobs killed shm and the reason why that there’s mobs everywhere is because there’s trees everywhere so they don’t despawn overnight and then they’ll just be camping so that was also another issue was that one another session that I had which was off stream

I was trying to get sheep into here and well what do you know um mobs were killing the sheep that I was luring like what wh why why why okay windy space dropped some knowledge for us though enough of the recap people in World War II used to eat

Half their food and save their leftovers for days until they felt like they were going to die because they thought Save The Best For Last I never knew that that saying had such a a dark past to it rest in peace rest in peace all the crappy food all the crappy

Food I don’t know I I I kind of got like an in between standpoint but I guess I’ve never been to war yet so I don’t have that Save The Best For Last mentality 100% but on the slight occasion I do yeah I got a whole bunch of material

In here to try and expand the sheep farm for later but like I was saying we got priorities here those mobs they’re heckling me too much the sheep can wait the sheep can stay in there for Lord knows how long but the mobs the mobs will always be

There war bad deforestation good I mean how else could we have like 10,000 ft Walmart parking lots bro can’t have those trees in the way can’t park with with your car next to a tree no no DeForest bro Simple Solution oh and also hello phantom hopefully you’re having an

Amazing night hopefully it’s nice and relaxing for You doing a little cooking over here cooking the forest act honestly cooking the forest would be faster than just chopping it chopping it down but I do want to repurpose it a little and also hopefully I can get uh some Birch saplings to give back to Blakey

Because I did borrow some Birch um I mean not Birch saplings I don’t think he wants saplings I think he wants the logs themselves so yeah get those logs um pass him back to Blakey um so that way I can repay him for the trees that I

Thought were free use but but apparently we’re not we be doing a little deforestation today yep that is the main course meal for today’s live stream menu so there’s not even that much space on the island with TR Island I don’t know my land we’ll refer to it as that there’s not

There’s not much uh trees on my land at least the spot that I’ve like kind of claimed laid claim to so not terrible kind of forgot there was mods I mean honestly we don’t really need mods too much but it’s always when you need them the most that you don’t have

Them so it’s best to have some people be mod you know just just for when um those terrible terrible instances occur but honestly I think that I do a pretty good job in trying to be a genuine uh person try and not Harbor a toxic community so I don’t think that

We’ll be needing um too too much mod intervention and then either way it’s it’s just a Minecraft stream at the end of the day it ain’t that deep it’s not like we’re at like a Geneva Convention or something like that or like a a presidential debate can have a little bit of Tom

Foolery occurring just no high Jinx I’d say high Jinx is a little bit too much fun fact you’ve been in trouble with the law for years and didn’t even know it did you commit tax Fraud now honestly tax fraud is like one of my biggest fears cuz it’s like I don’t know how to commit the tax fraud so it’s like What if I I am committing it but I highly doubt I I highly doubt that I am who needs trees just build oil plants

Honestly and who needs men to work anywhere else besides an oil rig bro you’re meant to be dirty get on the rig bro Minecraft streamer no oil rig Cog Turner that’s what you mean that’s what you really need to be doing in life no it it’s always like like

Whenever I see it online like seeing oil rig workers it’s like I wish that I could have like a one Monon trial just to experience it cuz I think that work could be so cool but I wouldn’t want to be out there for a year straight because I think I’d just get

Bored but at the same time would it be boring when you have constant work to do all day I don’t know I don’t know there’s ups and there’s Downs to the oil rig I [Laughter] Guess I feel like an absolute Pig after doing that I tried to like toss the the the full egg into my mouth cuz usually I just freaking Hoover it like a vacuum it didn’t work I feel like I’ve got Yol on my face now one second one second my bad

And I’m going to get a fork so that way that doesn’t happen again that was that was McNasty I Apologize [Laughter] Okay okay we good we good we good apparently you can’t bring an inhaler onto any school campus without legal paperwork so until your primary pediatrician gets off vacation you can’t go to school legally good thing uh you don’t care about the law so you go anyways knowledge and schooling is very important to

Have that is that makes no sense as to I don’t maybe maybe so that way like people don’t try and like sell inhalers or something thing I don’t know there’s got to be a reason for that law but at the same time I really don’t like the idea of

That yeah schools schools ah Public Schools private schools all of them just it it it kind of pains me I’m really thinking that like online institutions are the way of the future and I think it’s like kind of a sad thing to say because I think in public

And both private schools it is an amazing space for people to be able to develop social skills and it is very good but with the rise of like violence over the years and also like like all that like it just random is issues like not being able to bring

In an inhaler like come on bro it’s it’s really seeming like online schooling is the way of the future like I’m I’m not sure if if I would want to go back to in-person schooling like the way it is now like it’s I was speaking with a friend of mine who’s

Still like in school and just here just hearing about like the lack of Freedom that someone can have when it’s literally just to try and learn like ah and I remember back when I was in high school um the bathrooms got restricted because there was that one

Guy or that one girl whatever that decided that they wanted to vandalize so the entire school gets punished for it it’s like oh okay great now instead of having three bathrooms to compensate for thousands of students now there’s only one thank you and also thanks spider for

Taking off my pants it’s getting a little hot down there going to have to make some armor once we go back to the house the house of Orange uh you actually like going to school uh because even though you may say you don’t like it you genuinely like being around all those people even if some of those people uh you want to high five to the face with a chair yeah that like that’s kind of what

I’m saying is like that that social aspect I think eventually it’s going to die out because there’s Like and this is why we need to Deforest this is why we need to Deforest God are you Serious icky icky icky icky gosh okay put you in here add to the collection I guess make myself some new armor too while I’m at it golly C oh I made too many boots whatever guess I got more for the future didn’t mean to do that accidentally shift clicked when I

Shouldn’t have but it’s okay it’s okay is is Okay the Perfection of going to die um blown up by creeper was I really like talking about death and then I just got killed by a creeper like it that totally slipped my mind I was just I was too ticked off off what fortunate SL unfortunate timing you love SL hate to see

It might spend like maybe 20 minutes playing Animal Crossing this week kind of missed it not going to lie it’s kind of why I put on that tune the Little Tunes realist Joseph jist Ja Way ja jaw jaw on jaw no cap on KY on Jaw I’ll stop I’ll stop I’m too old for that I’m too old for the Slang oh the creeper stole my helmet too took took it to the Grave with him gosh dang it gosh dang it but we got a new one got a new crown and it’s fresh too can’t take that with you to the Grave yeah how you doing hostway is it a good

Day is today a good day as long as you don’t have to H what what would comp what would be considered a good day in today’s day and age H as long as you don’t have to deal with the patriarchy and you don’t have to deal with being oppressed and you don’t

Have to deal with somebody saying hi to you and you don’t have to deal with somebody approaching you it’s a good day ain’t it I don’t know that that’s like what it’s like like I go on on the internet to like see like something funny like

Some something like cuz I’m in the gym a lot so my phone like hears hears that or like my location gets tagged or something so I get like shoved all this gym content in my face and like I swear it’s always just people complaining about oh this person approached me or oh

This person’s mad about this person approaching them so it’s it’s like complaints and then also complaints about complaints and it’s just like why can’t we just have the positivity holy canoli I I don’t know it’s it’s weird like I I just I don’t get why that gets

Shoved onto my feet cuz I don’t care about that stuff I’ll approach people like literally uh yesterday it was an accidental approach like me and this guy both were trying to Rack our barbells and since we took the barbells from the same side of the rack we were both just

Standing there like uh you go no you go uh okay I’ll go yeah yeah yeah and was I pissed off about this guy going like oh he made me put my barbell away first or oh he had the goal to stand there like no it’s weird gym culture is weird I guess I

Don’t know if other communities have that but it’s just something I’ve come to notice you’re tired of Homework homework HK homework homework is it is it like tired of homework from classes that you don’t enjoy cuz that is the worst like when you my struggle with doing homework was like if this class if I if I had the notion in my brain like this class is

Not going to help me in my life in the future I don’t want to do this okay I don’t want to do this it’s not going to help me got it just not going to waste my precious time that I have Boom you have not had to suffer the patriarchy today so you guess you’re good hell yeah sway hell yeah you and me both I haven’t I haven’t had to deal with an oppressive man today because is isn’t that the patriarchy isn’t it like when a man oppresses someone or something like that

What is the definition of patriarchy cuz I I get I hear that word thrown around all the time patriarchy a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through through the male line a system of society or government in

Which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from It so if if it just means women are excluded from it can men even be affected by the patriarchy like what if other men don’t want other men in there can a man say that he’s affected by the patriarchy oo ooh is this the 11: p.m. New Horizon theme uh let me check Uh I believe it’s the 1 a.m. New Horizons theme I’ve kind of just got um I’ve got Animal Crossing relaxed night music compilation just playing in the background for now um I just really felt like listening to some Animal Crossing music so tuned that on instead of the

Lowii anime that’s typically been on the live streams as of recent a good day if you never have any social interactions online or by friends yeah honestly why can’t we just live in vessels bro like at this point why can’t we just like live inside neuralink metaverse uh

Cyberville I don’t that okay cyberville made it cringe that made it so bad I tried to Freestyle and it failed I I really think that like I’m I think mentally I would do so well if I had like some sort of what are those classes called what

Not classes um it’s it’s like comedy freestyle SK not sketch comedy it’s it’s like when you get handed a topic and then you just got to like do a comedy sketch off of it oh that’s this is going to grind my gears cuz I know this word improv yes

Yes H yes I think I need to like hit some improv classes because I’m like decent with with public speaking I can like conduct myself well it’s just having improvisation like having words come to my brain I’ve never been able to do that like I remember um

Friend like being with friends on Xbox and they would be like Freestyle rapping and then I’d just be over here like yeah I did the thing yeah and then I did that thing a small brain vocab no I swear I have the vocab it just did not come to my

Brain right away you you need to let it process for a second I it the word was in there I swear I’ve even said it on live streams before you can probably check it down but it just wasn’t there in the moment you know and that’s why

I’m saying we need this we need uh to to counteract the small brain we need to have the Improv cuz I have the vocabulary I do the reading I do all that I listen I just I cannot do the improve it’s not well it comes out cring

Cring and I don’t want to be cring I want to to be to be funny you could say yes funny I’d like to be funny Russian real jump scare I promise I promise I’m not spy I promise I promise n Insurgent I don’t lately I’ve been listening to um Slaughter to Prevail in

The gym and the freaking the guy like once again he’s on he’s on my feed like so I hear the Russian accent and I guess it’s just there but I do like to throw in some some accents ever now and again you know just uh got to switch it up a

Bit because you know the the the typical real voice like it it’s cool and all it’s cool but what if I had a a wee bit of a different voice every now and again just just to [ __ ] up you know if you stay on the same vocal track

For hours and hours on end honestly like where’s your sense of adventure can’t you just like can’t you just have a different sense of reality like put yourself into a little bit of a character you could say I don’t know just switching it up a bit have a little

Bit of fun doesn’t have to be that serious but just spice it up have a little bit of salt and pepper in your Life you’re going to clean your room you got that nighttime motivation hell yeah bro that’s what I’ve been doing recently um literally uh a few days ago I bought a whiteboard to have in my room because I think it can like like at work sometimes I’ll get like the thought to

Do something I’ll be like oh I want to do this so bad like like a little chore that I haven’t done in a while or something like that now do a Canadian accent yeah I’m not too good on this one I like I haven’t I haven’t really I I can’t do a

Canadian accent like I sure Bud sure sure sure I can do a Canadian accent H I can’t I can’t do a Canadian accent no Canadian’s not my thing I don’t think I’ve watched enough Canadian Media or like interacted with enough Canadian people to like know it well

Enough like ah that and what I just gave was kind of like more of an like a North like an Americanized version of the Canadian ACC accent like a North Dakota or like a a Michigan accent not too not too uh well aware of a Canadian one Minesota Yeah basically America’s Canada though am I right basically Basic Well baby Canada y yep that’s right America on Top You what and I’m I’m curious as to like what ways America and Canada like interact with like Commerce and stuff like that like does Canada Supply the us more or does the US Supply Canada more curious about that I don’t know why but that just like came into my brain cuz there’s always

Like that like with sports like oh USA Canada they’re always at their throats but I just wonder like in day-to-day life how the interaction with each other goes because we’re literally neighbors we got to help each other somehow and like on like a lot of products um

Especially nowadays I see like made in Mexico when it comes to us products but I rarely ever see made in Canada so it makes me wonder what does Canada provide for the us and what does the US provide for Canada cuz if your neighbors you’re more

Likely than not going to interact am I right the Quest for knowledge forever There O Canada has a lot of petroleum ah and maple syrup oh yeah the maple tree the maple tree okay I I wonder if Canada’s like the number one supplier of syrup in the world it but I I feel like it’s just the stereotype like The Stereotype has it like that but

Then there’s somewhere like Indonesia or India and they’re just they’re just going to have all the like the sugar cane or something like that and that’s like where the real syrup comes from or something like that they have syrup cartels in Quebec that is kind of shocking not

Going to lie that that is something I find to be shocking hello sheep would you like to join the family you would oh wonderful definitely am not luring it into a trap that will leave it there and no no no no no no no no no you assume Canada has its own Breaking

Bad fun fact I’ve only seen half of an episode of Breaking Bad my entire life I’ve I’ve never like delved into that series and so many people only say good things about it so it’s like why have I not seen it but I don’t know there’s

There’s like a lot to it and also I don’t have Netflix and then it’s all about like drugs and I’m not really into drugs that much so it’s like I don’t know if I drive with it well don’t know don’t know where’s that glass get that glass okay take you to

Class you’re gonna pass yeah get the final ship over to here get him into the spot boop boop boop I need to do some buccaneering what like like Live Like a Pirate you’re telling me why why why do I need to do some piracy no no no

No why do I need to hop onto the pirate life what if the sailor’s life is not for me come on bro come on come on you know you want to go in you know you know you know go go go go go go get in get in

Come on get get come yeah yeah yes yes yes okay now we just got to get chests for you for you for you for you okay so that’s 2 4 68 eight chests make that 12 for Hoppers 12 chests for Hoppers um thinky thinky think thinky thinky

Think lots of iron goes into the air okay one two three four I did I say four I think I said four whatever we’ll find out but I said 12 chests I know that for a fact use these Birch planks use them up bada bing bada boom uh use

These oak logs Now Bing b boom you see what I’m doing yes you do yes you do you’re watching the live stream whether it be live or whether it be on the replay And I need and I need and I need one more yes Sir Hopper hopper Hopper oh we need to make a whole lot of Hoppers now that I think about it get these rails out these shears out get this iron out she Shear Shear she she isn’t that thank you in Chinese I’m pretty sure it’s something like

That don’t ask me how I know that it just came to my mind randomly sure sure can I help you with your math homework math was like one of my worst subjects what type of math are you doing let’s start with that two three four oh gosh I think I made too many

We’ll go with that we’ll go with that one in those words are not in my vocabulary H that is that is too biggest of brain is for me too big a brain too big too big too big you too smart I cannot help you no help no help with the inverse trigonomic Tri

Trigonometric trigonometric yeah yeah that sounds right trigonometric I can’t help you with that one bro got place these Down get you good to go place you down get these hoppers down boom boom boom get these rails down boom boom get these Hopper mine carts down bada bing bada b boom pow and get the heck out of here slap That replace that eventually Eventually and I know that I’ll be happier and I know you will too eventually I used to listen to tame and Paula a lot but kind of just randomly stop being interested like chill chill chill you don’t need to be doing that bro but yeah tame and Paula like I was

Like I was like I was like like like like like I was saying team Paula like I used to listen to him every single time he would come onto my feet and now it’s just like ah I just not feeling it not feeling it anymore just doesn’t hit the same maybe

I just listen to him so much that I just can’t anymore I don’t know I don’t know ow bro calm yourself calm yourself you don’t need to be doing that bro okay and now we just need two more so we’ve got enough we’ve got enough Hoppers Hopper mine carts we just need

Two Hoppers and two more chests and then we’ll be good to go lauran ribiero says oi welcome to the live streams laurano am I uh please correct me if I am mispronouncing your last name it definitely is fun to roll that R though I will say that now

Uh right now I’m expanding my sheep farm that I made on last live stream and uh I’m mainly focusing on deforesting right now cuz there’s a little bit of a mob problem at my base and I’m kind of tired of it kind of tired of it and I’m

Also tired because it’s night time in Minecraft and got to sleep got to sleep so that way there isn’t that mob problem deal with no mobs I roll my RS better than uh youo way I don’t know I guess I’m just a natural natural natural ra ra what is Arc cotangent

Parentheses negative Nike symbol three I don’t know bro I don’t know bro S I am not your guy I am not that guy I am not the math guy like you want me to tell you like uh money stuff I might be able to help you might but you don’t know either well

Shoot maybe maybe chat maybe chat might be able to help you chat chat g chat G I don’t know it that that’s honestly what I would do what’s what’s my credit card number okay let me check really quick uh brailo no no no brailo no EST United States I know that’s Spanish

But maybe maybe that might be it 55 27 6432 00 17 8964 is that good hos oh got enough shears we’re good to go just so you don’t get any funny ideas hway that that was not my credit card information but it sounded real didn’t it Familia almea says Brazil no no Brazil

Estos unidos I need to look up what um so Google translate portuges puges United States Estados unidos ah it’s the same uh I’m from the United States EST I’m learning I’m learning see that’s the cool thing about live streams is is that type of stuff right there like bridging that Gap kind

Of cool I think I think it’s a little Nifty learning how to speak different languages I’m a big fan of like learning different languages um I had like a lot of motivation in December to try and learn um Japanese uh for just potential career Improvement

But I kind of I kind of lost it because there is it is for me it is complicated at least hos is asking uh Brazil uh no uh aoso [Laughter] uh oh sway you Sly dog little devil dog little devil dog okay uh we need more glass in the

Future but that’s okay we’re kind of cooking on the sheep farm not going to lie do I do I have any more observers cuz I could expand this if I really wanted to if I really wanted to but I don’t need to we’re we’re kind of chilling right now

And we do need to continue deforesting we’ve still got that on the Block PL is that Poland is that Poland is PL Poland blushi R yeah that that I don’t know a single lick of Polish bro I do not know any words in Polish so yeah no perogi I I do I I do know that perogi there we go it’s it’s like a little like pizza roll I guess I’m pretty sure at least I’m

Pretty sure peris are pizza rolls like similar at least ooh unlock the mushroom recipe what a treat that is just like polish they just they just string the skis together and then the swish swash Splish Splash taking a [Laughter] Batho I think was a little bit surprised when I whipped out the Google Translate for for the brao the puges I don’t know last live stream there was a little bit of people asking about Brazil too like if I spoke Portuguese so maybe I need to learn a

Few like intro words in Portuguese just to like explain like yeah I don’t speak it but you’re welcome to stay if you’d like I I don’t know just like kind greetings I guess you could say customs and courtesies Lio that is a new subscriber thank you lauran ribi for the subscription I appreciate

It just learn Portuguese so you can stream to them uh they seem like a lucrative demographic potential potentially I mean that that it’s three instances and literally less than two live streams so I don’t know you might be on to something oh I might need to learn Brazil might need to learn some

Portugues I’m just curious as if Brazil’s Portuguese is different from Portugal’s Portuguese because that would be something interesting lro asul says hi can I play with you uh sadly this smmp is not open to the public it is a content creator SMP where we kind of all know each other you

Could say um but if you would like to join this SMP in the future I would suggest for you to either live stream content or to upload videos yourself potentially you could get into this s SMP or a different s SMP in the future you never know like for example one of

The members on the server his name is kryal he uh or crit and he used to be a viewer of mine he was on other smps um at the time and now we’re on the same s SMP together and just doing our own thing so yeah from viewer to um s SMP

Member together you know crazy how time flies and just stay in the community a good way to get in would be to become friends with people in the community I’ve got both my Discord and the foundation’s S SMP Discord which has people chatting away got the the lounge

Chat if I am remembering off the top of my head where people publicly Speak uh Brazil Brazilian Portuguese and Portugal Portuguese are different enough to sometimes warant different dubs very very interesting well I I would assume that most of these people people are speaking Brazilian Portuguese because they keep putting BR which would mean brailo um but yeah might need to learn like uh

Learn some barebones Basics I guess that’s something for me to to do over the next week a little bit of stuff for me to learn um on the job just plug in my earbuds and listen to some resilient content content some Portuguese Brazilian content would open open doors for me to

Speak to people too like on the street or something like that or if I want to go to a Brazilian Steakhouse or something like that I can um be able to confidently say what it is instead of like reading the language and being like ah and kind of like saying words and

Stumbling like a like a deer learning how to walk you’ve wanted to learn ASL for some time now I’ve actually met like quite a few people who um can sign and I think it’s pretty cool and I don’t know how like hard the learning curve is but it

Would it’ definitely be pretty cool definitely would be pretty cool I’ve always been impressed whenever I see people being able to sign and it opens it opens doors it just like being able to speak different Lang languages being able to like sign like gives you all new opportunities to meet and befriend new

People only positives from knowing more Languages only positives I’m going to keep this tree this tree can stay because it’s not it’s not keeping any mobs around it’s a chill tree chill tree I think I’m going to make um another Observer and expand expand the oh no I shouldn’t expand because I need to get

Glass and then to cook that stuff I need to have charcoal or coal and I don’t have any coal I’m making charcoal I don’t know I’ve got trees I’ve got Trees I can make a little little bit I can make a little bit can make it work can make some magic happen Okay take you out uh put you in boom four logs let’s see how let’s see how much um how much these planks can cook these logs

For cuz if I can get a few pieces of coal that would be chill appreciate it H four planks gives you more charcoal than I thought it would have I thought it would have been like two let’s see I I’m going to guess it’s going to to um put out five no six charcoal six and a half charcoal and when I say half like it’s going to get

To the sixth but then it’s going to be like halfway on the cook let me guess that oh oh was I wrong was I wrong oh oh oh oh oh ooh just it makes exactly six okay so four planks will make you six charcoal I don’t know when

Or how that will ever be useful for um future knowledge but there you go you learn something new every day on a real live stream um okay we need an iron shovel iron shovel where you at I know I got you in here somewhere or not nope I do gotcha gotcha

Force is isn’t that like an anime or something got gotcha I don’t know sounds sounds familiar it sounded like something proper to say so much Beet Root nobody wants the Beet Root but they want the carrots and potatoes car some potato there that is the true crop true crop right

There I don’t think anybody’s using this sand over here so I’mma just uh saunter over I mean wouldn’t hurt would it would it would it I mean there there’s a farm in there overall but you know it ain’t that important this little like sand deposit is it is it I don’t think

So yeah we’ll be chill we’ll be chill for sure for sure triangle Emoji i i Pythagoras where where am I supposed to go with this to way what am I supposed to do with this triangle am I you you want me to am I am I am am I signing the

Triangle boom triangle uh uh that’s a diamond shoot shoot shoot that’s a diamond too Triangle gotcha it’s code code code for what huh no say no say elumina confirmed y y how how did you know how did you know m mumina mumina i I’ve been in alumina for long time long long time I just I kept it on down low how did you know how did you

Know tell me tell me now how do you know explain to me explain to me your secret unless you want magician cuz magician never reveals Secrets oh wow wow you really going to do that to a guy really about to stick your tongue out at me I wonder how’s

This ocean Monument been looted it’s not an ocean Monument it’s just buried treasure okay I saw the sea lanterns and got excited I will admit I will be the first to admit I am wrong okay a stack and then some can definitely make a lot of sheep containers with that

Get a whole lot of wool a whole lot of sheep whole lot of wool whole lot of sheep whole lot of wool big wool supplier big wool guy yeah big Pharma nah big wool I’m going be that big wool big wool supplier big wool hate big wool doesn’t

Want you to know these Secrets big wool hates him right now I’m little wool but I’m grow I’m working to grow into big Wool oh and these sheep are just spawning they they they know where to go they want to be in big wool they want to be a part of this amazing community that we have here look at them they look so Happy Okay go into little cooking house cooking house cooking house housekeeping housekeeping okay okay get in here Oak log make more charcoal yes sir Dr yellower says hello real hello Dr yellower hola hola doctor what is doctor in Spanish isn’t it just do doct doct Uh oh wait it’s doctor or if it was a female do do do Sh do amario Dr amario yeah See I’m a real doctor wouldn’t it be like that cuz it’s got to be like opposite ways around I think I’m on to something there am I am I am I on to something I believe so okay get a we’ll just destroy this little tree okay we got a one 2 3 four

Five 6 we’ll make it a 10 we’ll make it rows of 10 for the sheep and then we’ll expand it from there make it even bigger yeah yeah I’m liking where this is going um oh says that his chessboard didn’t send uh I I wouldn’t be be able to say

Like the letters of chess boards I don’t I don’t really know that chess that well I I played it for like a summer um and that’s like even giving it like it wasn’t like every hour of the day playing chess it was like maybe 20

Minutes a day at most and a day is generous too I do not know the letters of the board bro am no Grandmaster M pleb M Rookie oh my gosh we’re J is really sending out the chess messages out here oh God oh God are we really going to have to have a duel after hos are we going to have to have a duel after the after the Stream if I’ve got the time CU I might be

Wicked tired by the end of the stream who knows who knows who knows lauran RI given the wave let me let me see like I’m I’m going to try and say hello in Portuguese hello oh it’s just hola easy hello how are you hola H yeah that’s how you say it hello how

Are you boom ah I Fell you’re actually so bad at chest oh you and me both host s we’d make a great match Together you haven’t played in a minute you only play Bug House what is Bug House I think I might know what that game is because a friend might have explained it to me but explain because the game that I’m thinking of it’s kind of like a survival game where you’re

Like existing you’re Wicked small everything else is huge and like the bugs are huge too um but you’re like Wicked small and you can jump Wicked far you throw Spears at like the bugs but I don’t know I I could I could be on like a totally different

Wavelength to what you’re talking about yellower I’ve got no idea what bug house is Bug House is a chess Duos mode where there’s two games going on and when you take your opponent’s pawn it goes to your teammate who can place it as their turn oh yeah so I was totally wrong with

With what bug house is totally totally wrong okay let me get down from here got this big old tree out of the way and take the stump yep can’t leave the stump there that would just be lazy now wouldn’t it next on the list uh for next live

Stream is to get a whole bunch of coal so I can basically turn this into a mushroom Island I think unless I can manage to do that off stream but I think off stream I’m I’m going to like just use that to try and expand my sheep

Farm when I get the time off stream this week was actually like really graceful to me G gave me a lot of free time uh like more than I usually have so it was nice it was nice but these freaking mobs they did not make it easy for me

They did not make it easy for me on the the little time that I had to hop onto the server Place sheesh oh shoot we got a real live stream chat chess battle going on here oh boy oh boy oh violence one two three four five Six 7 8 now 9 10 yes that’s what we need unless you are chicken oo those sway is spitting out some fighting words ow the skeletons fighting me for no reason no good reason at all I did nothing to provoke that absolutely nothing nothing all right what do we got in the

Belly okay what we want in the belly is some glass and we are not in the cooking room this is the cooking room ironically surrounded by water you could say could say it’s ironic okay got more charcoal good to go wait for this last two glass to cook let me cook let me

Cook let him cook the glass has been cooked good to go over to the sheep farm I mean sorry not sheep farm wol farm there’s a big difference big difference see being a sheep farmer that’s just totally unethical but being a wolf farmer oh that’s fine they they

Get to live they get to exist they get to uh they they get to breathe they get to look around they get to eat grass they get to they get to you know H have have wool for a second and then it gets sheared but we don’t talk about

That we don’t talk about that you you know like you don’t always got to talk about things sometimes just you got to work in silence you know got to be a lone wolf a sigma male you could say gosh oh gosh okay enough of that enough of that

Clitter clad going around two three four making four observers four observers and do we have four dispensers not in the inventory but we might have it we might have it inside um there ethical is when they are locked in glass cages yeah obviously and that’s that’s where it is they’re locked in

Some glass cages they can still look around it’s not like it’s surrounded by dirt or something like that they they can they still got a view they know they exist okay think think think think think think think Mr think Mister what did I need observers and the dispensers I

Believe I’ve got the dispensers up here yep four dispensers perfect perfect Observer need Cobble and quartz and Redstone don’t forget about the Redstone 1 two three four where’s my Redstone Cobble here red stone Redstone I got my Redstone make that for Observer thank you okay perfect that’s exactly what I

Need run over Place lure sheep easy day easy day chat well to is to be perceived correct for a while I didn’t exist on the tube because I couldn’t be perceived three four but now I exist I temporarily did not exist that is crazy that’s mindboggling great googly mly place that

Down you’ve been looking over metaphysics bro that’s a big boy word you’re spitting Big Boy words God potato oh say hi whole lot of caps for the name a whole lot of lowercase for the greeting I don’t know whether to greet ecstatic or Melancholy I’m not sure it’s

A little in between so kind of just mellow go with that a little mellow hello hello Mellow Yellow Mellow Yellow yeah Mr mellow potato Mellow Yellow mellow Sway in the chat right now but yeah welcome on in to the stream got potato hopefully day is serving you

Well um what I’m currently doing is deforesting the area around my base because got a whole lot of mob issues going on they’re staying up like I I’m trying to stay up past my bedtime these mobs they get ticked off and they try and kill me and then they stay into the morning

Because there’s so many trees around and then they just don’t burn so got to Deforest over there but also I’m building up a sheep farm Empire so got to build up my sheep farm too so right now expanding my sheep farm at the same time kind of going back and forth like binging

Binging and uh you you know what else is going back and forth pink pinkk pinkk pinkk pink yeah me I go ping Punk all right uh what did I need what did I need I got I needed a pickaxe that was something I needed CU I needed to break that little piece okay pickaxe uh I’m drawing a blank on what else I needed I guess sheep right now sheep

Sheep to fill the Farms I think that’s what it is um and then I’ll need to build Hoppers and all that but I think I might need to take a trip over to the the tribes iron farm to be able to make all the Hoppers and Hopper mine carts that I

Need think I might be wrong in saying that though so don’t quote me hopefully I have enough iron so that I don’t have to run all the way over but probs don’t probs don’t probably don’t but it is okay it is okay we can improvise Adept and overcome that is what

Real skilled men do improvise adapt overcome okay no more no more no more get it get gelatins says hi good meing welcome on in jell tins right now as you can see uh dealing with a little bit of a sheep cording problem trying to get him into

His house but uh he he’s not really taken kindly to The Glass House gelatin X all right thank you for clarifying appreciate you letting me know I will do my best to remember in the future if you do decide to come around again and chill for us what is this farm

For well as you can see the brand new sheep added to the family is having a whole bunch of wool on him but every other sheep has no wool and why is that well if we take a little looky L down here we’re wool farming wool farming

So getting all the sheeps into here so that way we can collect their wool ethically of course we we would never do anything criminal on on a real live stream no way no shot never committed a war crime on this game ever never never ever but yeah also another goal of the

Live stream is to tear down the forest because kind of get overrun with Mobs um during the night cuz there’s not much um light going around so it gets a little bit hectic and then once day rolls around since they’ve got so much tree cover kind of just get

Messed up because there’s just mobs that aren’t getting burnt because they get all this shade from the trees and that’s that’s a problem that is a huge Problem how long have I been in this world so far so uh shoot I believe that I’ve been actively playing for believe three weeks I’ve been active 3 weeks I believe um I’m kind of drawing a blank on when we started the server it’s slipping my mind it is

Slipping my mind right now but I did stream um a week after the server kind of started because I’m the only content creator oh that is a new subscriber thank you gelatin X appreciate it brother/sister really appreciate it and hopefully we can see you on some future

Live streams as well Li I start live streams every uh Sunday um 7:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and I go with wherever the wind takes me H uh see what I’m talking about see what I’m talking about I was just explaining how there’s never enough light and there’s already three

Skeletons oh my God five skeletons and a whole spider going after me see that’s just a problem now ain’t it I’ve been good with sleeping tonight or tonight I’ve been good with sleeping on this live stream but sometimes you don’t have the Liberty to be able to be

Going around back and forth from the house of orange to sleep you know so in the future might might just have to light up the the ground as well Oh and see see what I’m talking about with the trees keeping the mobs alive see ain’t that just a problem oh my gosh we got mob on mob violence oh my gosh oh and the spider W totally whooped that skeleton’s butt holy holy all right how do you say sun in Portuguese daytime

Daytime yes it is daytime Sim S sim a that’s how you say it s a yes it’s daytime uh lauran riir I believe uh speaks Portuguese Portuguese so I’m kind of going back and forth with Google translate I don’t know any Portuguese but um recently there has been a few

People who have come along and asked if I am BR and that stands for Brazilian so I’m might need to learn a little bit of Portuguese just some kind greetings customs and courtesies all that so that way I won’t need to be tuning in back and forth

With um so that way it won’t need to be t t tuneing in back and forth with Google translate and skeleton x1p and looks like a little PC Emoji in your name says that um they subbed but it didn’t pop up uh the subscription um like shout out it only

Occurs if it’s a public subscription so if you have your subscriptions hidden it’s not going to notify on the stream or potentially it’s just like a little bit of delay going between the notification software and the stream itself so that might be it too but more

Likely than not it’s the subscri is not being public but nonetheless I appreciate the subscription ever so much even if there’s no notification it really does mean the world that you think that my content’s worth subscribing to really appreciate it brother/sister and glad that you’d be

Willing to join us and for anyone who is watching right now and uh wants to tune in to Future live streams or try and chat with me or any of the other viewers like Hos Hos is active on Discord which is what I was about to get into there’s

Discord in the description we’ve also got a foundations smpp Discord where you can speak to other members of the S SMP um and also other people who are just like-minded individuals cuz I would assume y’all like to play Minecraft if you’re watching a Minecraft live stream

Of a guy going around putting sheep into the wool Farm no not not cows not cows bro oh my gosh this cow this this cow this cow really thinks he can join the family well no this is an exclusive family like it’s it’s like an exclusive

Club we we can’t let you in bro you maybe in the future we can have a different club for you but this club has has an exclusive members policy and you just don’t fit the dress code bro I’m sorry you’re not dressed for the occasion okay come on sheep come on come

On your girlfriend and you are watching the stream and eating ice cream having a jolly old time thank you hell yeah I’m glad I can make your night a fun one I re I I had some freaking mint chocolate chip ice cream recently that ah that was my guilty pleasure of the

Week some mint chocolate chip ice cream I try and stay like as clean as possible with my diet but when it comes to ice cream that’s where I fold I always fold when it comes to ice cream it could it could be chocolate it could be strawberry it could be vanilla it could

Be cotton candy bro ice cream is ice cream at that point ice cream is the junk food of choice for me and I might I might be suffering that oh my gosh this this sheep is making me suffer right now oh my gosh holy canoli come on come on mint

Chip is the best I hate mint chip very conflicting very conflicting reviews right there of my choice of ice cream I don’t know I don’t know how to feel don’t how to feel psych I do know how to feel I I used to be like obsessed

With mint chip back in the day but uh now it’s kind of like a middle tier for me some old French vanilla that’s what I typically will dine down on I don’t know call me boring call it what you want just hits the spot need to cool down my brain’s kind

Of on fire French vanilla does the Taste vanilla is what’s on the the menu tonight I didn’t even see that yo just on the same wavelength gelatin and gelatin girlfriend uh your armies are destroyed hos you you you came in here asking me for a chest duel and you got bodied by yellower yellower could probably body me I don’t

Know I don’t know you took ‘s Queen that’s what usually happens to me too because I I am I’m not going to lie I am super aggressive in chess like I I know that’s like can kind of be a downfall but sometimes I just like I’ll be doing

Strategy and then like it’s not going anywhere so I’m just kind of like staring at the board and I’m like you know what screw strategy and then I just I’m like all right queen go out in front of everyone it doesn’t matter we’re we’re messing up this board we’re

Causing Havoc it’s earthquake time and then the the queen just gets killed and it’s just like oh well well well no no great holy moly that’s three sheep that want to join the family oh perfect Simon hello buddies you have a horsey and a rookie

Left oh no oh no s good luck bro good luck good luck I’m I’m taking no sides in this battle though I wish luck to you both Nah I’m I’m a root for [ __ ] because his Queen is gone root for the underdog you know you know I say you know I say bro okay come on hop in hop in hop in we can’t have all three of you join the family right now but maybe maybe in the

Future the third can hop in hello hello no no come on come on I want you one of you one of you get in one of you get in come on come along now come along then we haven’t got all day got trees to clear got a forest to

Destroy we need space we don’t want mobs to be spawning and Boom Boom Pow that is a row of 10 that’s what you like to see all right drop off the wood that we’ve gotten into chests get some trap doors slap that down get Hoppers Hopper mine carts do we

Need more rails no we do not we’re good to go make four and four we’ve got four observers and four um things already dropped down now we just need four things we need four Hoppers four Hopper mine carts so that’s eight eight Hoppers so that’s a whole lot of chests Hopper

I forgot to make the chest that’s it it happens I was jumping the gun a little got excited okay need to make a little bit more boom stack of logs or stack of planks my apologies I’m messing up all the words right now okay don’t do we I don’t know how many

Hoppers we need I don’t know how many Hoppers we need it’s blanking it’s blanking why is my brain blanking Um you must take your leave um well thank you gelatin for spending your time and yeah just like you were saying it’s every Sunday starting 7:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time so yeah hope to see you in the future bro have a great night you and your girlfriend as well can’t forget the

Girlfriend but yeah peace bro and enjoy and enjoy the night we own the night I I cannot do the highs that dance Gavin Dance does that that band goes crazy the singer H like he can get hit such high notes I couldn’t even imagine doing that

Holy that like that’s got to be like years and years of Practice No oh no is is yellower taking the dubski over you hos not to self do not challenge yellower to chess you will get rafle stomped not maybe I’ll beat you yellower maybe I will maybe and if you don’t face people who are better than you how can you improve H think of

That maybe I need to challenge and Yellower perhaps perhaps one day my hops almost out of iron almost all right come down here I forgot to get the trap doors it happens it happens it’s okay it’s okay just run back run back and forth back and forth back and forth your stepdad tried to take away your car because you

Didn’t go to church so you removed the battery and parts of the Transmission to his car or your car that that sounds a little um sound sound was English I speak English as my first language yes I am American I know how to word did I lose all my trapo yours where are you no they are here we are good I am good I

I am okay do not worry lauran riir put out the bread Emoji what is bread um I’m not eating bread only carrots is that Carrots yeah we learning on today’s stream we learning okay get that down you could put them back they’re under your bed you just don’t really feel like it yeah and it’s dark out it’s cold you don’t really have to do it right now it’s it’s not really on the top of the List I wonder how dirty my Minecraft characters gloves are after like punching out all this dirt like I wonder how dirty like they would actually be like shovel cuz it’s like feet feet worth of dirt like that’s a whole lot of dirt right there whole lot of Dirt okay and then place the dirt right there meters worth woo oh even more dirty dirty gloves them’s workers’s gloves right there you don’t have soft hands you got them workers’s gloves yeah okay place you down place you down and time to escape close by big strong man hands

Yeah workers hands you ain’t never seen them before ain’t worked a day in your life you never been to the coal mines Before Jose way he’s American I think I don’t know if he knows how much a meter is no a meter does the the like the the length of the the the space yeah it’s a football field it’s at it’s at least some some portion of a length of a football

Field isn’t that what like weather people measure stuff by football fields that’s the popular thing a meter is roughly 4T so 800 me 880 M how 880 Time 4 that’s a whole lot 880 that’s too much for my brain to handle 800 880 plus 880 no mental math is too much mental

Math is too much nope nope nope nope nope nope no no no no no NOP no no no no no not doing it not doing it right now I tried no I didn’t I didn’t try I crumpled up into a ball and said no sometimes it happens sometimes it be like that

Though rain rain Emoji it does rain a lot on This Server Lon it does rain a lot H I’m gonna I’m going to learn how to say it rains a lot in Brazilian just give me a second give me a second give me a second uh in Portuguese it rains a

Lot I I pronounce it a lot I pronounced it right I think Sho okay um now we’ve got every single sheep uh good to go with shears heck yeah and now we just need to keep the shears stocked and that ain’t too hard so yeah we’re kind of cooking we’re

Kind of cooking over here on the sheep farm and we only we only started making it last week like look at that that’s that’s over a stack right there three sheep over a stack ooh oh we cooking oh we cooking this was the first sheep we ever

Got though and he doesn’t even have a stack yet so that’s a little concerning you’re getting outpaced bro you kind of need to get growing you kind of need to get growing bro heck yeah heck yeah all right but now back to the big boy task we be loging chopping down them trees Y I will pay you $500,000 to let me win I mean honestly if you got the money I mean you know I I could let you win I I could be the one but no no you said yellower though you said yellower I know when I’m not needed I know when I’m not

Wanted too it’s okay it’s okay maybe you don’t want to pay me to win maybe maybe you want to really have a real challenge you you know okay th this bit is as sad as the music going on right now I sound like this music feels Gosh has some killer base to it like stand up upright base heck yeah love me some bass in my music big base fan big Bas guy big oh wait BBB big base boy no I’m not a boy though important question Magic Johnson or Larry Bird course bird bird all day

From 3 oh yeah oh yeah bird all the way plus I don’t even like I don’t know Magic Johnson’s Legacy at all like I’ve got no knowledge on Johnson like I know he’s a point guard that’s all I know you recommend lemon demon fine good

Song uh who’s aai or is lemon is lemon demon the band and then the song is fine I don’t know this Rec uh send me a link on Discord I’ll take a peek at the song um and I’ll let you know what I think of

It um just ping me on Discord and just send it in the media chat or something Ivon adun says I want you to put on balling uh well YouTube kind of hates on putting on whatever music you want so sadly can’t do that but but maybe one

Day we could have a listening party on on Discord or something like that I don’t know if if y’all catch me on Discord um but yeah welcome into the stream Ivon adun um just let me know if I’m pronouncing your name wrong I’m okay I’m okay never never been afraid of

Criticism I’d rather pronounce your name right don’t worry but yeah uh right now the goal is to Deforest these trees because too many mobs spawn and then decide that they’re going to stay near my crib and I’m tired of it so getting all these trees away so yeah

Uh getting that away and also um slowly building up my sheep farm too I think at the start of the stream we started with like three active sheep being farmed for wool and now we’ve got 10 um 10 sheep welcoming into the wool family I don’t

Have a name for the little farm yet so maybe eventually we can get that going make it more official but yeah got to figure out a build that I want to make for it too so get that going the normal or sped up cuz personally like you like the sped

Up one more I’d say I’d want to hear the normal one first um just so that way oh hello hello getting shot getting shot I don’t want to be a pin cushion uh is this a public SMP or no yes but no but I’d say more no like 99% no

Because any person in the world that makes YouTube content on Minecraft has the ability to get added to the S&P as long as you upload Bedrock content um and um I’m pretty sure it’s limited to like PC only in a way um I might be wrong on that one but

Yeah uh I’m pretty sure it’s PC only cuz all the members that I’m I’m aware of are on PC so I’m I’m fairly certain that it’s PC only I should ask Brit about that just in case so that way I’m not spreading misinformation but yeah not public

Um 1 + 1 equal 11 No 1 + 1 equal 2 uh would you in theory be able to join the S&P as you’re a bedro Creator well yellower theoretically you would be able to um I’d say you just need to reach out to people I don’t think we’re doing

Any additions to the members list right now but could be on the lookout um honestly just like being active in the community like you you know the shick Bro you’ve been around um I’ve I try to like interact with like the S SMP as much as I can honestly I I

Just get unlucky every single time I get online I am the only person that’s on and I’m just like oh why like every single time I get the free time it’s like never good and then whenever there’s like an event or something along those lines it’s always like shoot shoot can’t

Gosh dang it like like when there’s like plans in like uh the group chats or whatever I’m just sitting here like dang it dang it doing my best though I do my best like sometimes people are able to hop in on streams or something like that

Um there was a time where Jud and Monty were in the group CH uh in the um the voice Channel recently and I hopped in so that was cool got to interact with them a little bit off stream um I got lucky then I guess yeah um thank you Wendy for um

Sending that over to me definitely will check it out and we’ll give you uh my honest opinion about it when I get the chance and when I get the chance means probably by tomorrow evening at the latest I might be able to get it by tonight evening but no promises on that Part it is just a song at the end of the day so just click the button and listen that’s all I got to do ain’t that hard he’s using eating as an excuse to not lose to you of course hos of course he’s scared bro he’s scared he doesn’t

Want to lose his winning streak obviously you gave him a run for his money in the first game he took the title belt and now he’s just running so that way he can hold on to it for a little bit it’s all it is n I’m messing with Y’all dang we’re slaughtering these trees heck yeah could only imagine the efficiency I’d have if I had a freaking mending axe or something like that Holy W this for should be over bringing efficiency mending diamond axe honestly you don’t even really need netherite too much like netherite is

Helpful but you don’t need it too Much Holy canoli Holy Moly Moly H PC is being weird giving notifications for stuff that’s weird I don’t like that I don’t like weird PC notifications gets me a little little nervous I don’t like being nervous but only slightly nervous it’s not like hyperventilating in my seat nervous it’s more just like a confused nervous

Fear of thek you could Say a cool thing about fear that I’ve kind of like learned in the past month or so is like so recently I’ve been doing a sport called tricking which is basically I kind of figured out the best description of it would be combine taekwan doe with gymnastics and that’s where you’ve got tricking

It’s combining the art of Taekwondo and gymnastics to do like like a different style of art form it mixes the kicks and the flips together and like the tum like the rolling aspects to um make like just a cool line of Tricks simple as that but

Yeah um I did a Webster which is like a modifieds version of a front flip a few days ago and it’s all about just like learning that the the basics first and then just putting all the power you can to commit because if you get scared and you don’t

Commit to that flip you’re most likely not going to land it no matter like how good the form is if you have perfect form but no power because you were scared you’re not going to be able to uh flow through the flip enough and you’re going to either land on your behind or

You’re going to land on your back scarily maybe you could land on your head the head hasn’t happened to me yet but I was like totally fine with doing it onto like a soft mat but then when it came down to just like a flat springboard like going going from um from

So like the escalation went from like a uh a soft pad to a mat in front of it and lifting my leg off the soft pad to do the jump and then just landing on the soft pad did that did that quick then it went to just soft pad and springboard

Did that fairly quick too but then I went just to springboard and you would think think oh he’s he’s cooking on those first two why doesn’t he just cook on the next one it’s that unconscious fear there’s literally like an unconscious fear a subconscious maybe like you you don’t really like feel it

Like like sweating like nervousness but it’s like a fear like I’m about to do something that could hurt me and your brain is subconsciously thinking that you’re not fully thinking about it cuz you’re thinking oh let me run kick my leg up and tuck my body so that

Way I can do this flip like that that’s what is consciously going through my brain but then that unconscious fear gets me all scared and then I fail that flip it’s like ooh okay I need to master my subconscious fear and be able to nullify that and I I think that is like

I think doing this sport is so crucial to my life now like being able to nullify that fear oh my God being able to conquer the subconscious or the unconscious that that is something that is something right there then that’s like true self-development that I need to work

On I don’t know kind of just went on a little rant there kind of went on a little rant there I don’t know a little piece of my life a tidbit But yeah it’s it’s pretty cool to like like I have all this strength from going to the gym but now like I can actually put it to use and become more like of a well-rounded person/ aete whatever you’d like to coin as just feels cool instead of just

Lifting heavy circles now I can do all this cool stuff with my body well not 100% yet I can’t do every little thing but I’ll get there eventually just give me some [Laughter] time house says uh my guess it’s like Casa House of orange kasad de Casa DEA House of orange question mark that’s that’s the name of my house house of orange you named it after one of the viewers last stream ose was there it happened Jo knows it happened no says windy space what happened what happened what what are we exclaiming what What’s So Scary what

What huh why why all caps all caps in the man’s name H you actually don’t what you don’t remember Mr Orange He was talking about Five Nights at Freddy’s with you bro oh my gosh I swe your 20 mm telescope lens broke it’s just an object it can be

Replaced don’t worry it all come in due time but it is a shame that the telescope is gone Fs in the chat for the telescope rest in peace pero eato that’s Spanish I know that per or per orato dog or cat oh my God that is totally wrong I have Dogs yeah dogs dog dog dog yeah we speaking we be using that language Yeah Someday I want to be able to play the piano I had like a little bit of a summer where I tried using a piano but the piano was so old that literally like when I was playing the keys they would literally crumble underneath my my fingers like I would press down on the

Key and then they just freaking break so it was a little disappointed not going to lie um okay I think I want to go over to the iron farm get some get some more iron um so that way I can make more iron axes and potentially expand the sheep farms even more those

Are some pretty nice goat banners o they are indeed they are indeed representing the screaming goats tribe I wonder who put them there Mr TF Brit and also welcome on in to the live stream Brit hopefully you’re doing well uh have you recovered from uh the little trip that

You had to the the Medical Hospital sadly haven’t gotten to speak to you since the last live Stream but hoping you’re doing well bro hoping you’re doing well feeling much better hell yeah that’s what we like to hear hell yeah I was actually thinking about that like the other day um just wondering if you like doing Good what the heck where’s this water coming from oh wait I probably shouldn’t be going around to people’s bases too crazy because might be spoilers I don’t know I don’t know I’m not aware I’m not aware of what’s going too too much but just keep your head down just keep your head

Down and you’ll be good O Okay I I never actually have gone underneath the water over here was not aware that the what the heck oh boy is this W what is going down over here uh all of your spoilers are underground all right so we’re good to

Go okay as long as I get out of this area quick I think we’ll be good like a oh we can get plenty okay I was about to say like oh I’ll be I’ll be uh conservative with it I won’t get too much iron just because I I haven’t afked here too

Much I didn’t want to be like hogging up all the material but when there’s that much iron I Mean but yeah we’ve gotten some decent progress Mr Brit Mr Brit um main idea for me today was just getting getting my freaking Forest around my area to be just gone I’m I’m tired of the mobs being able to be safe underneath the trees like I was telling you on the

Discord or maybe I was telling Jambo I I don’t know he was impersonating you at the time I don’t know if I if I was talking to you or him but um yeah freaking trying to get sheep over to the base and yeah creepers kept on blowing

Them up or skeletons kept on shooting them got tired of it so yeah just going to make it to where mobs are not safe there anymore heads up iron farm may or may not be underground soon um we all seem to be going with the underground Fallout

Style base VI base Vibe yeah um my my base is um one second my base is still in the works and either Way the main idea was was like Empire of dirt so kind of works with Fallout kind of works that is wicked crazy like in a Fallout cuz like in the game Fallout there’s all like the shelters and stuff like that but if if you don’t have a

Shelter or anything you’re not going to have all like hydraulic tools to be able to work with metal so what are you gonna like what are you even gonna be able to like build your house out of it’s got to be dirt ain’t it dirt Huts you got to start primitive Johnny Cash

Song Johnny Cash cover H Mr Cash he was so inspired by Trent resner he just had to cover it 9in nails for those who don’t know kind of a a little fan of nin a little bit of a fan just a tad listen to him every now and again not all the time they’re not like

My top five artists but do listen to Them just depends on the mood I’m in if I’m into heing some some it’s it’s industrial style but like trying to put it into like a term that’s not like music nerd okay get like five axes I think we’ll be chill I think we’ll be able to destroy

The rest of the forest with that cuz we got to pave it we got to pave it eventually got to make an oil rig out here we say no to the trees oil rigs parking lots maybe some condos oh Walmart that’s what we need no Fallout and Industrial Revolution

Yes the Empire of dirt will become Corporate America do those banners look familiar they might just be jaxter they might just be welcome on in sir jaxter to the live stream hopefully you’re doing well hopefully you are doing well going pretty linear right now just destroying away destroying away and making a whole

Big family in my little sheep farm that I haven’t found out a name to Yet yeah I’ve I’ve really like nailed down like how to make the sheep farm cuz on my last stream i’ I felt like such a fool cuz I’ve made sheep farms countless numbers of times before I’ve made them on Plenty of Worlds and I’m just standing here like looking like wait did

I actually forget how to make a sheep farm and now I’ve got that like bang bang bang bang bang bang ain’t even a question how to make a sheep farm in my brain now just needed to jog the memory a little bit got that cooking but also now that I’m thinking

About it I might need to do some mining for quartz because I’m running out running out very low very low the struggles of not having the fortune pick but I’m sure I’ll be able to find some in the nether wouldn’t be too crazy hard wouldn’t be too [Laughter] Crazy We yeah the Minecraft has been flowing well honestly like this week was really blessed for me for free time so I was able to spend a few a few bits and pieces of my week on the server I got lucky one time and um there

Was a a few inits a few inits that I could chat with but uh you know can’t really be be going too close to them CU you never know they might just pull up and slap me across the face a little bit you never know got to be slightly

Careful when you’re talking to the other tribes no the beef the beef doesn’t go that that deep at least from what I’ve seen with me I don’t know nobody’s pulled up and slapped me around yet you never know can’t speak too soon but been chilling being chilling oh my inventory is

Full yes get that dirt out of there what is going on the enemy potentially potentially uh oh God oh God there’s so many Skelly skellies see Brit what would you what would you say is the best way for me to get enchantments fast because I am get enchantments and get diamonds that’s

That’s honestly what I need and Mining I think it’s not efficient enough I’m I’m really struggling right now like I’m still getting bullied around by skellies so what would you say is my my best way to approach growing myself um in the defense section cuz I I just need some protection gear maybe

Some feather falling too that could help oh God it’s just for me mining is like it’s it’s difficult for me to get a lot of diamonds even with mining because I don’t have the fortune Enchantment like if I was to go mining I might find that like patch or two after like maybe an hour or something like that but even then that’s not generating much it’ll take me way too long and then I could be I could be like expanding the Sheep

Family Phantom and you are working on a trading Hall so soon that’ll be the best currently uh my best bet is asking uh about the Skelly farm and using the enchanter all right thank you thank you thank you thank You or I could end raid yeah oh that too oh we might need to do that on next stream oo giving me ideas giving me ideas I’m not sure if I want to be rocking around with wings kind of like playing Minecraft a little bit more slow

Cuz I’ve all like my last few worlds I’ve had wings for like the entire time and yeah it gets things done way quicker but I’ve kind of just been enjoying like having kind of like a slower approach in a sense but I definitely do want some diamond armor so that way I’m not

Getting capped by skeletons 24/7 skeletons are like my worst enemy right now and creepers skeletons and creepers zombies and spiders not too much they’re manageable but skeletons and cre creepers are just obnoxious because of my PC no sound glitch that that is just an issue in and of Itself like like I can hear I can hear stuff like I can hear the music that’s playing and all that I just don’t know why but Minecraft does not give me any sound and I don’t know why I really have no idea why I’ve gone into like the

Expanded Advanced um volume settings for everything I’ve changed around um what what um it uses like instead of having it default be put onto like the speakers SL headphones that I’m using um for the time being it still doesn’t work I just I I don’t know what it is

Foundation mobs are built different they really are and the weather’s built different too like I swear every single time I log on there is a lightning storm at least once at least like I I swear you could rewind in this live stream and there would be a lightning storm

Occurring at one point in Time and then on last live stream or I don’t know a recent live stream it was literally like two or three blocks diagonally to me a freaking skeleton posy skeleton horse posy spawned right in front of me I like what that’s never happened to me before like never that Close Foundation SMP is the the rainiest server I have ever been On we held a held a poll to turn off weather but most voted to keep it I mean you can just sleep through the lightning storm so it’s not the end of the world I would definitely definitely keep it but I guess it’s uh nice for people who like to use

Riptide uh isn’t Riptide the enchantment where you can just go hurdling through the air do that freaking freaking Emperor Palpatine the freaking cork screw in the Air oh the Sheep could have been brought to our family where is this wolf where is this wolf we can’t oh shoot we can’t have any wolf W any wolves anywhere near here heck no big sheep guy big sheep guy huge anti-wolf guy ooh that could be the name of the

Sheep family some something to hate on wolves the oh the big bad sheeps y yep mhm definitely naming it that yep in the future gonna have some signs big bad sheeps yep wait there’s got to be a way to have alliteration to where it can be BBB

There’s got to be some way to in some language sheep starts with a B I’m going to find out I’m going to find a way to make it BBB big baller beep big baller beeps big baller Sheeps just took a little bit of improv imp improv Jos what’s that word what what is that word that I was asking about earlier on the live stream I’m I’m struggling to say it again I’m forgetting I’m forgetting bro get a little bit of a CL improv yeah there we go improvisation Improv no I took a total blank earlier on the live stream I totally forgot what that word is hose freaking rescued me where would I be without you that’s what I’m saying bro my my English you’re you’re my little English helper bro my big English helper you’re not little bro

Unless you want to be little want to be sneaky like a goblin Goblin caught on tape running through like little cabinets and stuff like that you’re massive 10t tall oh not sneaky whatsoever you want the world to know lumbering around causing thuds every single time you take a

Step sending fear into the hearts of men and women no children though they just want to climb you fifo fum you smell the blood of a man who can’t speak English you smell the blood of a human well what are you hos are you a giant or are you a lumbering

Lumbering what there’s got to be some other word for like giants out there like a different mythical creature you’re an ogre oh gosh like Shrek are you green though are you green like Shrek or are you like like what what what color ogre you got me curious now I’m I’m

Trying to like Envision you [ __ ] yes you’re green okay Green Ogre H what other characteristics would you say would Define you besides being 10 foot tall looking like Shrek and green like do you do you wear like clothes or something like that do you wear like that Tweed little

Tweed Tweed little um crew neck that Shrek wears no you wear no clothes oh God oh God oh sweat how could you maybe the kids don’t want to climb you then holy he’s bald Brit you’ve met hos before me oh my gosh H how could you I feel

Betrayed you would hope they don’t I would hope you hope that they don’t as well well I don’t know about you but that’s that’s not really my cup of tea I wouldn’t want people climbing on me in general let alone children that would be very uncomfortable that’s that’s really like

Giving like a weird picture in my mind now just like a whole bunch of people like sprinting towards you like let me climb you please please you would hope that it’s no one’s cup of [Laughter] tea oh my God I’m just imagining just like like the world’s tallest man or something he’s like he’s got his own kid he’s going to a playground and the kids are like oh screw SC this playground I want to or screw these trees screw this playground that guy looks like a fun thing to climb hell

Yeah and then freaking Mr Smith is over here just like why why was I born this [Laughter] way imagine being a human Jungle Gym couldn’t be me I ain’t buil like that you’re definitely not an alligator well I’d assume maybe you’re maybe you’re a crocodilo crocodile welcome on to the

Stream definitely not an alligator hopefully everything’s going swell in your neck of the woods or potentially neck of the river I don’t know but you’re not an alligator so maybe you don’t live in a river I don’t know I don’t know what you are the only information you’ve given me

Is that you’re not an alligator so I know you got to believe everything that everyone says on the internet you know right definitely telling the truth he’s definitely not waiting in the river that’s by my house and going to snap me up on my way to work cuz I I definitely

Walk to work you know uh believe everything that everyone on the internet has ever told you every word everything every idea every fact every opinion true it’s just truth you wonder if Croc OS and aligators are racist towards each other there’s got to be some sort of Street

Beef there’s got to be some sort of Street beef cuz wouldn’t they like be praying on the same animals like they got to be like hey this crocodile Turf boy get your alligator bum out of here they want you around here in the first place got to have beef over

Something oh and we got that wolf head heck yeah was worth it slapping them around gotcha get all these saplings out of here we don’t need that much in our inventory oh my God oh my God and it’s raining it’s pouring holy canoli oh and the mobs are still alive see this is

What I’m talk what I’m talking about even with all these trees gone there’s still a whole metric ton of mobs still annoying and in any point of alligator and crocodile history have the alligators made the crocodiles pick oh God that took a turn that took a turn come on come on now come

On take a chill F you don’t get to be talking like that bro it’s literally daytime I just slept I just slept I get it’s raining but you don’t have to be doing that stuff it’s just inappropriate you wondered if pigeons were looked down upon by other birds

Are there other birds besides pigeons in New York City because if so then no if there aren’t other birds in New York City then I’d I’d say that there’s beef then I’d say that they’re like thought of as lesser cuz I’ve I haven’t really seen there’s Eagles but is that’s

In the city or is that Upstate cuz Upstate and city is total two totally different things totally different Upstate and City New York are like it’s so weird that they’re in the same state there’s the reason it’s the Patriots mascot what do you mean the Patriots mascot the American Patriots or the NFL

Patriots because the NFL Patriots aren’t are not an eagle they would just be called the Eagles if that was the case I don’t know but are there actually Eagles in New York City I would be shocked cuz oh they they could be going after those freaking sewer rats I that that could be

Believable you could be telling me a lie you could be fibbing right now you want a gas maskk Wendy space Wendy space has got to know this he’s got all the knowledge are are there um Eagles in New York City I need a quick fact

Checked oh no I wanted to slap him like slightly less so that way the skeleton would shoot him and I could get a music disc there Is this is news to me Eagles in New York City you learn something new every day you learn something new every day that is [Laughter] ridiculous okay be gone gone gone gone we don’t need mobs up in here here up in [Laughter] here some Eagles are kept as pets on top

Of rooftop cages but there are no bald eagles in New York City oh so they’re not like domestic well does that even count if they’re not domestic cuz if if it’s Just Pets then like you you could literally have you could say like oh no why did I look at

The oh it’s raining okay we’re chill I was like oh why I look at the Enderman no fine okay you could literally say that like a freaking a freaking um kodo dragon is in New York but that doesn’t mean that they’re from New

York like I I was kind of like I I guess I was kind of um I wasn’t clear with what I meant and I think that was just due to me not like covering all my bases so that’s like kind of a a misunderstanding through my

Communication as well so a little bit my fault no fault on your end you just asked if there is Eagles in NYC yeah exactly exactly what I what I was just elaborating upon I didn’t I wasn’t specific enough yeah I saw the fault in my in my

Words do not worry windy space I am a understanding man at least I try to be I make my attempt [Laughter] Now for naturally yes before the pollution and Industrial Revolution but nowadays yeah no they’re not going to be there naturally because the city made it into total hell which means which means which means that the pigeons are look down upon boom simple easy answer right there no natural Birds besides pigeons why cuz

Pigeons live in the industrialized Revolution they are a product of it pigeons wouldn’t be around without the Industrial Revolution and its Consequences let me up crows ooh but do crows have beef with the pigeons do crows have beef with pig pigeons like do they do they argue do they fight and stuff like that sparrows ooh okay they they might not be looked down upon then cuz I kind of see crows as like

Like a different breed of pigeon like a more annoying pigeon I would say like a crow is an obnoxious pigeon that’s what I Define it as Ravens are basically Crow’s Big Brothers I don’t think I’ve ever heard a raven call before never seen one for sure I know for sure I haven’t seen

One all right guys this streamer should let us raid him perhaps froxy bro gaming you might be on to something I think I’ll allow it Brit Brit’s online holy canoli y’all didn’t get to see it but it’s right there oh shoot nope Brit up there get off me get off

Me they also don’t fow the the whole theft thing what what oh they oh do like the Ravens don’t do um theft is what she saying how is it still raining Brit literally just slept okay I was about to say that’s a that’s a little bit obnoxious on the server for

Having that much rain crows totally steal oh for sure that’s that’s why we have um that’s why we have scarecrows they have no respect for the law I wonder if crows have become aware to um scarecrows like if they’ve got knowledge like yeah this is just some

Sticks and some wheat you’re not fooling me not fooling me pal I know what’s going on here I’m still stealing your crops I wonder getting me curious you getting me curious dark Phantom says bet ooh foxy bro gaming and dark Phantom oh hello Brit hello hello this is whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa take my pick oh okay take a pick I’ll take the fortune pick I’ll take the fortune pick thank you thank you Brit I’ll give you one white wool in return that is what I have I am Sheepman I give you sheep in I

Give you sheep product you are welcome thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it uh G says foxy we have subbed hell yeah hell yeah girl appreciate it bro I I appreciate it if you really did sub

But um if we got Raiders popping in welcome on into the real live stream I’m doing my best over here right now we’re on the foundation smpp got a whole bunch of people around no armor n Brit I I appreciate the offer but I definitely do want to put in like

A lot of my my own work to get like the majority of my stuff um but yeah I do appreciate the diamond pickaxe it’s definitely going to help out a lot in being able to get my stuff um but yeah um on the foundations SMP um we’ve been going strong for a

Little bit it’s still a young spp Less Than 3 months uh but yeah it’s a Bedrock SMP uh every member is on PC so we’re chilling out here um if any of y’all are interested in joining our community as well I know y’all are part of Foxy’s

Community and I’m grateful foxy um for your raid appreciate it heavily um but got my personal Discord and also so the foundation s SMP Discord in the description I encourage y’all to drop in um and join that say hello all that Um Smurf and Phantom are members of the S SMP that I have seen stream as well as Brit as well as Brit Mr Brit the owner of the server big man with the crown right there those are the guys who I’ve SE oh oh that is a subscri all the

Subscription notifications are coming in now I guess thank you all um that happens when there’s a public subscription um for those who have subscribed and it doesn’t pop up for you might just have your subscription set to private so yeah um but yeah right now I’m kind of um poor

I’m probably the one of the poorest on the server um I’m doing my best though I’m doing my best um working to build up a sheep farm got uh the big bad sheeps over here I kind of just came up with that name on The Stream trying to trying

To go um last stream we only had one sheep to our name and now we’ve got 10 we are cooking boys and girls we are cooking Gates and lenlen but yeah building up there and then also had a huge mob problem because there was so so many trees around this

Area and they just wouldn’t despawn so yeah still trying to take down these bigger trees though so yep getting that down um and we’re cooking from there Gates and llen I love I love how you picked up on that I way but yeah if y’all enjoy Minecraft

Content this is the channel for you this is the community for you and uh this SM P it’s fairly vanilla but there are some add-ons like uh the little heads we’ve got custom heads too so we’ve got like uh my ra head sasco watch’s head right

There boom um all that and then there is no creeper grief just because um don’t really feel like having creeper holes everywhere you know just didn’t really feel like it it was a freaking server wide vote freaking type type deal um but yeah got a community that is

Slowly growing back to um that I do survival gameplay that’s that’s what it is um I’ve been streaming one time a week it’s been on Sundays starting at 7:30 pm EST um when it ends it just ranges sometimes I am wicked tired from having to do whatever it is throughout

The day and I’ve got to wake up tomorrow to go to work y’all know the deal of becoming an adult but this is kind of the Escape um and then also if you’re not an adult y’all have got to go to school at least

If you’re from the US of the a I’m not too sure 100% if you got to go to school on Mondays in other countries but I’m pretty sure in other countries you’d be going to school on Monday days too haven’t heard ever if um other countries

Don’t go on Mondays but um I’ve had viewers from all over the world really like earlier in the live stream we had um some people popping in from Brazil and they were still um popping around I was trying to speak with them through Google translate they were speaking to

Me with Emojis you know I’m doing my best they’re doing their best uh but yeah uh when I was live streaming more frequently back in the day when I had um the Liberty to do so uh there was people from Indonesia the Philippines Australia uh India India um I’m trying

To think of other countries that were pretty big on the list Canada Canada I’m I’m proud American so Canada’s slightly different pretty pretty similar though uh what other countries do I remember probably blanking on something that’s pretty cool um European countries the UK of course of course English converts to

English you know I don’t I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a German viewer in the chat before um French not sure if I’ve seen that either I don’t know but yeah I’ve I try to be as active as I can be um if you if you want to get

In touch with me off streams um ping me on Discord uh I’ll do my best to reply but yeah um hopefully y’all are having a great night uh that’s that’s kind of the rundown really of what goes on here my live streams kind of consist of me talking about really whatever comes up

It’s mainly just um a one-on-one with the group like me talking to the group and just um going from there sometimes um there will be other Founders or Foundation members who will be like hey hop into a voice call and sometimes I hop in with them um and

Speak on the stream like phantom um he’s been on some live streams before Jud has been on some live streams before but yeah uh every time you raid someone they say they’ve never seen a streamer with less than 100 Subs um raid a bigger streamer I mean honestly like it’s just

Being kind like that’s what it comes down to at the end of the day um YouTube is slightly behind Twitch in that fact where it’s it’s a little bit harder to do the raid I’d say to curate it um I I’ve been saying this for years that I

Think YouTube is going to overtake twitch it it takes time it takes time but I don’t believe in twitch’s leadership like they got that new CEO recently which seemed like they were about to have a turnaround but then like it was either this month or like last

Month the CEO was like Amazon ain’t even funding us anymore it’s not looking good folks so I was like oh shoot well then one of the biggest platforms is struggling heavy Jeez but yeah dark Fantom there’s actually a a member on the S SMP that um I know very well we’ve um created content before on smps in times past his name is Phantom as well but uh he’s got no dark he’s just plain Fant Zer M you do it to see

Reactions uh yeah I’m I I’m not sure of my reaction um kind of lived up to your expectations I’m kind of mellow as you can kind of tell with the Animal Crossing music going on in the background um sometimes I get into it though sometimes like there’ll be a mob

Like slapping me around or something like that and it’s just I I it gets hit like sometimes I ramp up I saw a wolf around here we can’t be having any of that got the big bad sheeps around can’t be having no freaking little boy wolves around can’t be having them

Roaming we’ be supporting the Sheep around this land no wolves it makes you feel good when you raid someone so you just keep doing it hell yeah bro like H honestly like just do it makes you happy and that that’s all that like content creation I think should be

I think when it gets Beyond you when you don’t feel happiness with content creation I think that’s where you kind of need to self-reflect like if that’s the path you want to take I mean by all means go ahead still your life but just do what do what gives you the most

Enjoyment don’t have don’t don’t have like fomo fear of missing out or uh feeling peer pressured from other people to take paths that you want to take on your content Journey you know but yeah foxy um are you a Minecraft streamer as well or do you uh

Do you stream other games or like variety streams not sure what you do because you do have just gaming as your as your uh tag so you mostly do Minecraft ah so a little bit of variety yeah I almost dabbled in variety but then kind of had a Hiatus from just

Not only YouTube but just any online interaction like touching a PC at all holy canoli and that was just just due to due to a li a life choice that I made for Myself uh and so I didn’t I wasn’t able to interact too much with a PC but before I I used to I used to play play uh like Risk global domination um had game nights on the Discord every single week um and we uh we recorded uh an

Among Us one I remember remember doing that when we recorded it Among Us oh my God the Among Us days that was popping we should do a chess game night we could we could Honestly um I wouldn’t be opposed to even if it’s just one V oneing you Way it’s just being able to get that time like in life really um I’ve definitely had more time as a recent and I hope it can be a continuous Trend but I can’t promise anything this way like at like as you’re aware it’s it’s kind of difficult for me um but it’s it’s

Looking like I might have a little bit more time um at least um this week dark uh dark just started YouTube and you feel like you’re helping a younger me hell yeah dark uh if you’re still watching um and you want any words of motivation just keep doing it just

Keep doing it and have fun with it as long as you’re having fun keep doing it and the more the more effort that you put in the more that you will see um reflect back the more Pride you take in your work it’ll it’ll show and it’ll come with time don’t don’t

Feel don’t feel like you need to have aill million subscribers after your first month that’s what I would say enjoy the journey don’t rush the process and like like uh you’ve got friends with you you got people who support you you got foxy what more could you ask for you

Know enjoy the the time that you get to uh spend with your friends through your journey and I wish you luck I wish everyone here if you’re trying to um grow yourself as a content creator I wish you luck because honestly like the the hardest part is getting

Your ball rolling once you get your ball rolling and you’re starting to you’re starting to cook that’s when it becomes easier and you already have that knowledge to be able to just keep content content content you know like you know what you’re doing and like I don’t know if you do videos I

Don’t know if you do live streams but they’re each individual skills in and of itself like live stream is all improv unless you’ve got like stuff planned ahead of time like um kind of how dream smpp was where it was like slightly planned ahead slightly improv

If yall know what uh dream smpp is I don’t know if that’s still like a thing I remember back in the day that was huge real how would you react if you woke up and reached a million dollars overnight I’d probably just be in my bed like wake up check the little Phone I I would just be in disbelief jaw would would just drop I’d be in disbelief I would think somebody would be pranking me and I I would just be like scrambling i’ I’d freaking Vault out of bed no no no this ain’t real this ain’t real and then I’d be double-checking I’d

Be calling the bank like y’all aren’t playing with me right don’t play with me this is a Millie right here this could change my life bro don’t play with me and then they say hey we’re not playing with you bro we’re not playing with you hell yeah we’re not playing you and then

Boom immediately try and invest that into assets that could gain me more money so that way I wouldn’t have to work a job every single every single freaking day and then just do whatever I enjoy in life every single day instead of having to do job to feel like I’m

Fending for life you know what I say you know what I’m saying I should invest in I should invest it in your cryptocurrency ah yes the the sway coin oh the moth coin my bad my bad I made an assumption The Moth Coin that might be a play though crypto might be a play The Moth coin if youve actually created a coin like that might buy one just to test the waters you never never know the market the market could go crazy with that coin no I’ve never invested in any form

Of crypto before mainly just because I’m I’m still in my Nest Egg building phase so I don’t want to make too much of a risky investment just yet especially with the path in life I’m trying to take um I’m kind of being conservative with Investments that I’m thinking of

Yeah crypto is definitely something that I’ve I’ve gained not I wouldn’t say a crazy amount of knowledge but so many people are talking about it it’s a huge boom it’s definitely hit that bell curve where it’s like it it’s either in the center or it’s like leaning towards the end of

It I don’t I’m not sure like in crypto’s lifespan where we’re at right now but it’s way too far to be an early adopter everyone’s like well aware of it it’s just how long is it going to be kept around that’s what I’m curious about and will I be able to have that

Chance to be able to cash in on it is it too late to invest in a coin is it too late to invest in ethereum I do not know cuz didn’t nfts crash like um I’m not too well versed in the stock market nowadays I haven’t been tuning in too

Much and not a lot of my friends are Finance Bros so I don’t really have many people to talk to about that that I’m aware of I haven’t heard many people around like in my circle speak about Finance there’s one guy that I work with who’s like obsessed with um coins but

He he just says that he’s like too scared to let him go kind of like he’s holding on to him because he thinks that in the future they’re going to be worth even even more even even more but it’s like I don’t know you’re you’re already turning a profit

Bro might want to cash out on this next like Peak and then like wait for it to dip down and then invest in it again make that like ,000 profit you know even after like the reinvestment cuz what my perspective on investing is like if you’ve got that

Stock why would you just hold on to it forever because you’ll never ever be able to get that Turnaround I don’t know I think being like too emotionally invested in your stock is a little negative got to be able to let it go at some point CU you’ll NE like you’ll never get your money back like you’ll have all that perceived value that like oh I could I could have

This but you won’t have that because you’re not selling your stock to claim it like you you don’t have that money in your account bro you have the idea of that M of that value in your head because you see it on the screen says that you could make this amount of

Money if you sell off that stock but if you never claim it you ain’t getting It so you would have 5 e plus 12 moth coin if you spend all that million dollars on it um when you get Elon Musk to make a tweet about your moth coin it’ll be worth a million dollars coin that’s another thing that I like I

I’m not the biggest fan about coins like that because I I don’t like the idea of like a social media post being able to affect something so heavily like I know like even in other stocks like businesses that stuff can happen like when Elon Musk was on Joe Rogan and he was smoking

Um it freaking dropped Tesla stock and then like it dropped his reputation like everyone thought that he was a freaking a weed head but uh for like a little period of time and people still do to this day don’t get me wrong but I just I the stock market is so

Funny to you honestly to me too me too oh why like why why does a tweet or like a simple action that a person does affect this company’s margins so much like so so much doesn’t add up to me oh my God he he he he he he did a thing Publicly I don’t know I don’t know beats me bro beats me it’s like it makes it hard to even exist your APG teacher said he lost like a 100 Grand because someone deep faked a video of some disaster and it made the market panic and his stocks

Dropped yeah see that’s like that’s why it’s like like I’m saying like I’m building my Nest Egg I can’t like even in stuff like a Fortune 500 company where it’s considered like a safe stock bro you are spending your money on hope you’re spending your money on hope that’s all it

Is and just with how the world works it’s hard for me to have hope in the market like that your stock isn’t safe for me what way concern that’s all concern just concern need I say More getting bands from these sheep though had over a stack in a double chest feels good feels good man yeah got that [ __ ] done and dusted oo let’s see if we can get this creeper shot slap that no no no no dang it dang it I was trying to get a music disc

Off that but it’s all good okay get these last few Treesa Storm’s just I don’t know what Storm’s up to he’s patrolling the area I guess yes what’s going on here but is he okay am I lagging what is going on here storm once again concern pass from hosway to storm he’s on a frictionless plane and

He can’t be stopped oh no no storm storm please rev he needs a Revival carrot ah he hit me no carrot for you give me back my carot thank maybe the carrot did revive him I don’t know that was weird though I’ve never seen anything like that oh We are witnessing confusion at its finest folks I I don’t know what when where why how make no sense it make no sense okay I think cap this tree let me up Demolisher Yeah see that log was sneaky got always got to do some searching with these trees CU then the frakin leaves start hovering and all that looks weird nah always got to do a little searching all right all right all right think we’re chill think we’re chill and then remove the Stomp and

We’re good to go yep it’s falling down tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down it all returns to nothing just keeps tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down it all returns to nothing just keeps tumbling down tumbling down tumbling Down dang hway big respect on that big respect put respect on your name bro you actually knew it was Evangelion hardcore respect Thank you everyone thank you everyone for stopping by on today’s stream we got a lot done today whole lot of progress It’s only going up from here might be learning some Brazilian this week have to catch next stream to find out but thank you everyone the founders for stopping in in saying

Hello windy space dropping some knowledge as always oh sway even having a freaking battle with yellower in the freaking Chess World and thank you once again foxy gaming for that little raid you dropped on me much appreciated bro much appreciated At a grand old time grand old time but all good things come to an end don’t they even if it’s just a temporary End catch yall throughout the week on Discord just ping me if you need me I’ll reply I promise I promise it’s been a real one Peace

This video, titled ‘LIVE – Foundations SMP Minecraft Bedrock Survival Stream – Tree Clearing!’, was uploaded by Realed on 2024-01-29 03:30:53. It has garnered 145 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:55 or 10195 seconds.

Welcome to the fifth livestream of Foundations SMP SEASON 2! In todays stream I’m going to remove all the trees on around the base! Stop in to say hi or just watch it’s all down to you I hope you enjoy the show!

Personal Discord – https://discord.gg/hcsRYM6 SMP Public Discord – https://discord.gg/pPYQDpAKkR

Music – Crispy Donut : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn3xrAXyq4M

PC Specs/Peripherals: CPU – Intel Core i7 8700 GPU – NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Motherboard – Dell Inc. 0DF42J RAM – Micron Technology 8ATF1G64AZ – 2G6H1 DDR4 (2 Sticks) Storage – Not a SSD Monitors – DELL U2417H (Double Monitors) Keyboard – Redragon S101-3 Mouse – Logitech G305 Headset/Mic – Sennheiser GSP 300

  • Mojang’s Mess: Has Minecraft Lost Its Shine?

    Mojang's Mess: Has Minecraft Lost Its Shine? In the world of Minecraft, Mojang reigns supreme, But are they ruining the game, is it just a dream? Controversial changes, community in a spin, Do you think Mojang’s mediocrity is a sin? From the 1.9 update, PvP took a hit, Creators and players, feeling the split. Community divided, servers left behind, Mojang’s decisions, not always kind. 1.13 brought oceans, a refreshing sight, But with new content, came a fight. 1.16 revamped the Nether, a true delight, But then came 1.17, delayed in its flight. Split into two, the update’s fate, Disappointment and frustration, the community’s state. 1.18 and… Read More

  • Player Pushes Boundaries in Minecraft

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  • Discover a New Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover a New Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of Minecraft content like ‘Minecraft BUT, You Check My Height📏’, then you’ll love what we have in store for you. One server that you definitely don’t want to miss out on is Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re into Minecraft challenges, manhunts, hardcore mode, or just looking to connect with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Joining… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! If you’re a fan of Minecraft adventures and fun videos, you’re in the right place. Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BEBEK ASKER VS BEBEK POLİS OKULDA KAVGA ETTİ! 😱 -Minecraft” that had us in stitches. The video features baby soldiers and baby police engaging in a heated competition that escalated into a funny fight. The energy and excitement in the video got us thinking – wouldn’t it be amazing to channel that energy into a Minecraft server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of competing with fellow players, exploring new worlds, and engaging… Read More

  • Riverbend Shenanigans: CasualCraft SMP

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  • Bichard’s Wild Minecraft Tournament

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  • GameKing’s Guide to Clean Gameplay

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  • Join Minewind: Where Survival Strategy Meets Adventure

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  • 2024 Game Releases: PS5, Xbox Series X, PC

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  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂 #minecraftmadness

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  • Unleash Your Power on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Power on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you ever wanted to experience the thrill of facing off against powerful foes in Minecraft? Well, look no further! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server for an epic adventure like no other. Imagine taking on formidable enemies like the Warden, but with a twist – using gun mode in Minecraft to defeat them. The excitement, the challenge, the adrenaline rush – it’s all waiting for you on Minewind. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and conquest, Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that you won’t find anywhere else…. Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Mushroom Island in Minecraft

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  • Unlock Netherite Mob DROP in Minecraft!

    Unlock Netherite Mob DROP in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ce Mob DROP de la NETHERITE | Minecraft Mysteria’, was uploaded by Kya on 2024-04-10 15:00:06. It has garnered 201 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds. 3rd episode of our Minecraft Mysteria Survival! Main mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irons-spells-n-spellbooks Latest video ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZxBvSdhtTc&t=28s 💥 Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/kyapetsu_ 👾 Discord : https://discord.gg/fzEt2aASUq 🐦 Twitter : https://twitter.com/Kyapetsu_ 🍒 Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@kyapetsu_ 💲 Make a donation to me (To buy me pasta): https://streamlabs.com/kyapetsu​​​​​​​ And please subscribe too, it’s important. (I don’t have any friends so please do it) #minecraft Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pokemon Surprise

    Ultimate Minecraft Pokemon SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT AND SPECIAL POKEMON SURPRISE?!!’, was uploaded by Persian_Playz on 2024-02-04 17:11:48. It has garnered 29 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:14 or 10754 seconds. Make me cry: https://interact.crowdcontrol.live/#/youtube/101219692217036629947 My GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/1eb9220a My Discord Server : https://discord.gg/Fc4D6TDQRQ Some Other Stuff: Galaxy Gameshows: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwxJHpxqgEE5mfYKDXuQxQA Fox: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe0ZmEKQfvgiWRdVHVQLkQA Jastal: https://www.twitch.tv/jastaldoesthings https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3jXpBJEPjXSRotajnSj6SA Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Kitchen Hacks by Bhaveshvar Patel! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Kitchen Hacks by Bhaveshvar Patel! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic kitchen hacks in minecraft . #shorts #buildhacks’, was uploaded by Bhaveshvar Patel official on 2024-04-29 05:06:27. It has garnered 507 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Epic kitchen hacks in minecraft . #shorts #buildhacks easy kitchen hacks / best kitchen /kitchen build ideas / kitchen build hacks , build hacks #build #buildhacks #kitchenhacks #minecraft #shorts #gaming #tutorial #minecraftbuild #buildideas #viral #ytshorts #ytshorts #minecraftshorts ————————————————– about this video : in this video I will make a best and modern kitchen in minecraft that you should watch and build… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Nether Portal Upgrade Guide 🚀 ThaMango

    🔥 EPIC Nether Portal Upgrade Guide 🚀 ThaMangoVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Upgrade your Nether Portals in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ThaMango on 2024-05-07 16:06:34. It has garnered 14019 views and 1112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:51 or 771 seconds. Nether Portals can be difficult to make look good, but today I’ll be going over my ultimate guide to Nether Portals! Hopefully you can find some useful information to apply to your own designs 🙂 Epilepsy Warning! — I’m not entirely sure if it’s needed but I thought I’d be safe. The video contains lots of sped-up nether portals, which can be… Read More

  • Azuya Family vs 10,000 Evil Piglins in Nether Skyblock!

    Azuya Family vs 10,000 Evil Piglins in Nether Skyblock!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SKYBLOCK TAPI KITA MASUK KE NETHER YANG DI KUASAI 10000 PIGLIN JAHAAT !’, was uploaded by Azuya Family on 2024-05-14 03:01:04. It has garnered 11877 views and 844 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. SKY BLOCK HARDCORE 100 DAYS WITH HILARIOUS VILLAGERS! FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO CONTINUE LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO OK! ENJOY THIS STORY IS JUST A ROLEPLAY NOTE: ALL YOUTUBERS HERE ARE NPCS (NOT REAL) Want to continue? First like up to 10,000 likes to continue part 2 inspiration: GroxMC, remanrhn, not safe, reff Join… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Pranks in Minecraft – OMG 😱

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  • 🔥 Villagers Work for Us in Minecraft?! #Gamechanger

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  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Mikey vs JJ Sirenhead in Base Survival

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  • Uncover the Ultimate Minecraft Bunker Mystery 🔥🔥 #shizoClickbait

    Uncover the Ultimate Minecraft Bunker Mystery 🔥🔥 #shizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Secret Bunker 🔥🧟 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by IShowMinecraftt on 2024-05-05 05:58:00. It has garnered 10922 views and 308 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Hey! In this #shorts video, I will show you how to build a super cool and functional secret bunker in Minecraft! Rate from 1 to 10, leave your rating in the comments!!!! If you enjoyed the video, leave a like and to not miss anything in the future, subscribe to my Channel. Let me know in the comments what I could show next! 🤍… Read More

  • Memelands Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Welcome to Memelands! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community seeking active long-term players over the age of 15. Join us on our map since 2019, filled with unique builds and history that will never be reset. Our server is active around the clock, hosting events like jeopardy nights and build contests. We seek creative individuals who want to contribute and have fun. Our server is vanilla with essential datapacks and protective plugins. We use Simple Voice Chat for in-game communication. Community-driven, we finance through donations and make decisions together. Our goal is to build a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers gonna creep

    Well, I guess this meme really crafted its way to the top! Read More

  • Block by Block, I Built My Cabin Empire

    Block by Block, I Built My Cabin Empire In the void of Minecraft, a cabin empire did rise, With logs and snow, under winter skies. Zealand tried to exploit, but the truth came clear, In this icy world, there’s no room for fear. The Floating Castle, a sight to behold, Two new trees, with stories untold. Mines bigger than ever, a sight to see, But the FUNKIEST cabin, that’s where I’ll be. A real estate business, bidding on the cabin, Getting that bag, no room for stabbin’. Immediate seller’s regret, but all ends well, In this Minecraft world, where stories swell. So leap into the verse, with… Read More

  • “Who’s got the hottest sculk in town?!” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Who's got the hottest sculk in town?!" 🔥 #minecraft #meme I bet the one with the most sculk will be the one that’s constantly lurking in the shadows, waiting to scare the pants off unsuspecting players! #SculkSquad #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gamer Moments!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gamer Moments! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious video featuring Jack from GamerFleet and AnshuBisht, filled with funny moments and epic gameplay. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the amazing adventures that await on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine joining a community of passionate gamers, explorers, and storytellers, just like Jack and AnshuBisht. On Minewind, you’ll find a unique blend of gaming, education, narration, and tutorials, making it the perfect place for all types of players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro… Read More

  • Minecraft Song Reaction: Shy Dude’s 15-Year Celebration

    Minecraft Song Reaction: Shy Dude's 15-Year Celebration Minecraft: Celebrating 15 Years of Creativity and Adventure Since its inception fifteen years ago, Minecraft has captured the hearts and minds of millions of players worldwide. Let’s delve into the world of this iconic game and explore the key elements that have made it a beloved classic. A Blocky Beginning Back in the day, players embarked on a journey in a blocky world, meticulously crafted by hand. Armed with a trusty pickaxe, they mined through the night, building their dreams one block at a time. The sheer creativity and freedom to construct anything imaginable set the stage for endless… Read More

  • SHOCKING! I Stretch My Friend’s House Until He Sees

    SHOCKING! I Stretch My Friend's House Until He SeesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Slowly Stretching my Friends House until he Notices’, was uploaded by Doni Bobes on 2024-04-30 21:00:31. It has garnered 463984 views and 14839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:26 or 3206 seconds. Slowly Stretching my Friends House until he Notices w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft 💜 FOLLOW ME HERE! 🡆 Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Donibobes 🡆 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donibobes 🡆 Instagram: https://instagram.com/donibobes 🡆 Discord: http://www.discord.gg/doni 🡆 Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/donibobes 🡆 TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@doni.bobes 🎥 MY EDITOR 🡆 https://twitter.com/Jeardz__ IF YOU’RE READING THIS… 👉 LIKE AND SUB PLS Read More

  • LIVE Horror Minecraft with Puff

    LIVE Horror Minecraft with PuffVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Horror Minecraft WITH PUFF LIVE🔴’, was uploaded by kihec on 2024-05-19 19:54:43. It has garnered 978 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:03 or 8283 seconds. Time for some scary minecraft, LETS GET SCARED TOGETHER (WITH PUFF) Read More

  • EPIC COLLISION: KnightRaven meets Minecraft Steve in Fallout!

    EPIC COLLISION: KnightRaven meets Minecraft Steve in Fallout!Video Information This video, titled ‘Meeting Minecraft Steve in Fallout New Vegas’, was uploaded by KnightRaven on 2024-05-11 20:46:13. It has garnered 21801 views and 1564 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:53 or 233 seconds. Watch Fallout TV Show For Free: https://amzn.to/4cJJzkW using a 30 day free trial. #ad Support the channel by becoming a member! https://www.youtube.com/@KnightRaven/join Buy A Smiling Mr House Sticker! https://raven-co-industries.creator-spring.com Mineshafted Mod https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/80735 Meeting Minecraft Steve in Fallout New Vegas #fallout #fallouttvshow Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! Krimsy's EPIC POKEMON MOD! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘The BESTEST POKEMON MOD in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:12. It has garnered 151 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the future…. Read More

  • SHOCKING! Alola Pokemons REVEALED in Cobblemon! 😱 #shorts

    SHOCKING! Alola Pokemons REVEALED in Cobblemon! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOVOS POKÉMONS DE ALOLA NO COBBLEMON #shorts’, was uploaded by Claus on 2024-02-17 15:15:02. It has garnered 65321 views and 8322 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #shorts #minecraft Read More

  • ULTIMATE Fantasy Addons for MCPE Survival! (May 2024)

    ULTIMATE Fantasy Addons for MCPE Survival! (May 2024)Video Information This video, titled ‘5 Addon MCPE Fantasy Sederhana Untuk Survival Di Minecraft Kalian (1.20.80+) – Mei 2024’, was uploaded by Pastaz ID on 2024-05-19 05:00:03. It has garnered 18082 views and 833 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:39 or 519 seconds. Thank you to all of you who always support me on YouTube. Don’t forget to LIKE & SUBCRIBE. . And don’t forget to follow my IG and TikTok: Instagram: pastazid_ | https://www.instagram.com/pastazid_/ TikTok : pastaz_id / pastaz id ^_^ thank you everyone, enjoy watching my streams and videos… ————————– ————————————————– ————————————————– ———– MCPEDL : -… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT ISLAND SURVIVAL - Will I make it?🙏Video Information This video, titled ‘I am surviving this Island hardcore world in Minecraft..’, was uploaded by _MINEAZY_GAMER_7 on 2024-05-01 07:22:29. It has garnered 1094 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play PubG Mobile! Join my Club on Turnip s: https://profile.turnip.gg/DPXRXqME359…​ Thank you for watching my PubG Mobile stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂  See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More

  • Unlock a FREE CAPE NOW in Minecraft Sky Wars?! 🤯 DavutSmiles vs. Difficults!

    Unlock a FREE CAPE NOW in Minecraft Sky Wars?! 🤯 DavutSmiles vs. Difficults!Video Information This video, titled ‘KİM BU MEKANSIZLAR BEDAVA PELERİN! (Minecraft : Sky Wars #7) w/DavutSmiles,mekansızlar’, was uploaded by DavutSmiles on 2024-02-11 08:44:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. craftrise #bedwars #minecraft greetings, I’m David, today I wanted to talk to you about our new guild… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Doctor Game Meme Animation Pack

    Insane Minecraft Doctor Game Meme Animation PackVideo Information This video, titled ‘doktorspiele meme | Mine Imator Template | Minecraft Animation | Minecraft Meme’, was uploaded by McEnder on 2024-01-08 15:15:09. It has garnered 434 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Template: *Not by Me* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz9X3KlnmRA @AkaChan659 My Skin: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a7ojpx… My Hat rig: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5756xfa9w3ht1s0/Fedora.miobject/file – – -Others Links- – – Discord https://discord.gg/Ktu5FSWpJJ Read More

  • Felidae SCP

    Felidae SCPFelidae’s Minecraft Server is an SMP-like server with a friendly player base and easy to contact staff. The rules of the server are simple and easy to understand. Like most servers, the economy is active and dungeons are more profitable than ever due to custom loot drops! Grief prevention will make sure your land is not only protected, but all items in your chests won’t be touched while you’re away – but be aware that your protection will end after a month of inactivity. These structures and land are up for grabs to anyone who finds them. Spawn has, on… Read More

  • Alinea SMP Whitelisted Proximity Voice Chat 1.20.6 Vanilla Compatible Extra Enchantments

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a Minecraft 1.20.6 SMP server that offers a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Enjoy a whitelist for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. No PvP without consent. Join our Discord server to apply for the whitelist. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Talk to friends in-game with Plasmo Voice! Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra Records – Enjoy new music discs. Unstable Enchantments – Unique enchantments beyond vanilla limits. Whitelist – Protect your builds behind a whitelist. Other Features No commands or claims – Maintain… Read More

  • Equiscraft

    EquiscraftEquiscraft 4.0 is a 1.20.X Minecraft equestrian server currently in development which focuses on creating the most realistic equestrian experience possible in Minecraft featuring:- 150+ horse breeds with custom statistic sets- Custom 3D horse model- Custom 3D texture pack- Custom survival terrain- Grooming GUI to clean your horses- Registering your horse- Claiming your horse- Unique horse statistics- Horse training- Horse poop- AchievementsHow do I join?As of 25/03/2024 our IP address will be play.equiscraft.com! Join us like you would any other minecraft server, but make sure you have optifine installed for the full Equiscraft experience!Discord invitehttps://discord.gg/gcrn6D2xTGYoutubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4aa6n7s3GGwE4jTRHGY3RwInstagramhttps://www.instagram.com/equiscraft.mc/?hl=enWebsitehttps://www.equiscraft.com/ Read More