“EPIC SURVIVAL in Minecraft SWORDPIXEL! What comes next?!” #boubousklötzchenbande

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My PC at the moment I have a wooden cable like that, yes it’s summer it’s summer and we’re Pix again it’s summer summer summer long it’s warm I was already afraid before I came here on the skins/”>server with my wooden cable today come on again winter is fast mine doesn’t really make sense if there’s no roof on the house and there are still holes in it everywhere jo hello Cooper hello Rio no h two yes uh we’re having a meeting, I heard we have to get to some strange royal meeting somewhere, yes they are one adventurekildter well, so in the strange thing where you K where we were recently, a little hint, I think it would look nicer if the two doors were a double door and I thought about it too, but I could n’t see through it at all because of all the snow and wait, hello, look , that’s why it looks much nicer, I wanted to, I was already thinking about making the door a little smaller, the E isn’t there either, Echo Echo, no, that’s crate, I think that’s right, yes, I think these doors are like that cool, imagine if we were to put a really cool steampunk train here, that’s a cool one or something like that, I’m now scared again, why do you all have to why cuddle sorry yes yes everything everything really yes your dog is still nice yes wait I have to have the sweet one, she’s coming soon, a new teammate, we have to meet and so on she should have a new one right away, I have to say come from the spiritual, I’ve heard so V from my God above, I’ve heard someone new should come here straight away be teleported, say, Mr. spiritual, why do you always look so spiritual? Yes, because I’m the pastor, you carrot, you can’t take part in what I would say magic, who does magic, haven’t you seen [music], have n’t you seen that ? she raised her arms with a book and basically a new goal that’s cool that’s really cool the por again such a strange line you have again like that I really narotte thank you and so on and hello by the way it can be quite possible Because of my handyot K, it’s probably a guess. I have a bit of a faltering picture at the moment, so not in the stream but in the game. I think it’s related to the gate here. Together with the button here but it’s cool, it doesn’t matter It’s really awesome, yes, I think so too. I ‘ve already thought about whether we should do a create pro no what just create, so you know the project here from Jo where he takes part and and and the others and that ‘s power right now rum what are you doing for it what hey what no why why hey yes strange we should go to the king or yes that’s why I say we have an appointment I ‘ve already been asked if I need a port I’m still there I’m already there It’s a very strange city where people can do everything like that GGE oh my god oh my god what did you install here that reverb and hello I chr and hello sky I also have a golden carrot, let’s go for the golden carrot toast, they have you as king, we have all the power in the world, which is what I said, I’m just the young one. The decision is still being picked up, we’ll definitely go in again, otherwise this strange globe is actually so gray, the world is so dirty is environmental pollution what what what is this here what is this an ampire wait malt K from the werkstad what is this amforore amforore is a vase oh so wasase or wine in it yes or wine delicious wine m Bubu you have great clothes on, I still have them I have to go over the mountains over there, I’ve just put together some work after the alusek you give yourself the tail isn’t bad either or sorry the tail oh man dear children you didn’t understand anything everything is normal that that thing there where Rio is currently on it it’s called a tail yes or or or back tail wingtipsedu can I have your pigtails that must yes the royal farm animal dealer must know what it’s called yes, do they want to chop wood, Mr. King, no, I don’t have a hammer that I can use to have hunger hunger should be cool, he wants to call quiet and we’re all up here g heart cost and I’m V did you just pup what’s exploding what’s an ex Ex, let’s go hereom thing has someone lost all their vocabulary Hello frostine What’s hello Mrs. Bubu are you fine it’s fine it’s summer it’s summer and it was summer a bed in the knfeld which we already had a horse in the hallway behind the counter ah okay yes hello I’m doing my upgrading hello se thank you very much I have extra you because I do n’t know on on on on on the devaluation no on the upgrading yes exactly the same upgrading or or yes you don’t want a downgrading it’s fine, sir King, they ‘re bubbling so blue, yes , I just drank the apple cider so that the mood is even better. Now the last participant arrived before today Take your shield out of your hand, I was chosen for what you were born as a king, thank you very much, I’m the son of an emperor, I’m higher than the emperor, but I’m higher than the king. Dear Moni has to come here first with the other legs and then we can get started n another name for King Emperor is not quite cool but anyway we don’t want to exaggerate here anymore game yes what was that has wings BU it’s your turn it’s not your turn if you have wings h not angel so the express delivery has arrived a new person has come I can do that Express delivery for the king Express delivery for the king I think you have to answer the door King the parcel delivery not this one hello oh you’re Soni no you hello warmly welcome Lunar Komis yes hello warmly welcome are you hiding in the corner [Music] W The package is still being processed that this Moni her name is Moni I have a big knife you can open the package with everyone in seats free what are they they have one of them for express delivery I’m just a little seamstress I give up for stamping it goes why do you have it Yours haven’t been washed, there are fresh underwear, we finally have a cutting edge, you’re not allowed to sit down, that’s Sky’s place, I would say the D hello, priority is given to sitting, no, exactly, yes then all the properties are so no, they’re all there now within hearing range I think yes, what did you say? I understood so badly. Everyone is within hearing range. Otherwise you have to turn the control up a little louder. What did you say? I understand you so badly. Should I get a hearing horn for the hard of hearing? Yes, what is that? A hearing horn if you put it in your ears then you can hear better so now I’m asking for a hearing so no yes applause for the king bravo bravo first of all g said first of all a warm welcome first of all h where our readers and let’s say post once for the first meeting as the newly elected king In any case, I would like to thank you again for trusting me and yes rust when I hear cough long snap K neck yes to yes drank something wrong just turn it upside down and drink water it’s gone now it’s gone okay I was a bit frightened when I saw what I was teasing, so now please draw your attention, so thank you again for choosing me and welcome to our first meeting of the Royal Council. Yes, as I already announced, I would like to When making a decision, the council listens to the council and also your voices, so to speak, so that we make decisions together and not just, I’m not a dictator who wants to decide everything for Alfa myself, so yes, I’ve already given some thought to what could perhaps be improved here in lunares, but Maybe you already have ideas that you would like to mention, maybe some of the ideas you have agree with mine or are at least similar. Are there other ideas or suggestions that the councilors have, so to speak, that could be improved? Yes, yes, yes, do it winter off I actually don’t have one, I actually already listed it as a point for me. It was as point 3. Is it even possible to remove [music]? Yes, that’s of course technical. If we want that, another question. That’s a majority decision, otherwise I would Point 3 because for me that’s point 3 on the list that there are almost seasons there is also a milder version of won so yes it’s chic or is that the only one that isn’t there at all there is also a slightly lighter version maybe that you don’t do without it completely but but especially inexperienced game maybe better for all the inexperienced players, so to speak, the better variant we had a different one before okay yes that was with Sky we just want to decide what people are saying to themselves a majority I think I want to abolish it or not, so I’m in favor of a variant that doesn’t get as bad as cold and hot, maybe that ‘s probably the better variant, says Rio. I don’t think there’s any difference which weather mod or season you use because that’s again the case Temperature of underwear with repair effect the problem is correct you have to put the underwear in your armor I have it but my armor keeps breaking because I still have iron armor yes you do repairs on it exactly and you do repairs on it there is actually a difference between you Armor and iron armor with the effect of how much the padded undercoat protects, I don’t think it’s the same in terms of derature technology, the difference is that one animal and the other is iron and that it lasts longer, okay, yes, there’s something better than that except the underwear that you say okay, you just equip people with something better because you also have the impression that they are still cold even if you wear them. There are also frost potions against frost, there are also frost rings that don’t work we bottles that are way too cold cold quickly who yes they are enough for my big C but no further yes but I also think winter comes too quickly and it lasts so I felt times every week how long the season lasts something makes that already on ver shortened, the winter would actually have been longer, which is why winter comes more often in the other months, and also coming to town, so I would leave it out completely otherwise he still has it. I’ll just ask, who is responsible for the winter being gone? on the seasons otherwise I’ll have a list for a moment when it comes to eating and drinking it’s very demanding because let’s pay attention to it okay or we mater is really if that comes along that’s really catastrophic I would otherwise say we’ll go out otherwise it’s night time We usually sleep once and then we go out and vote outside. One group goes, one group goes to the left, one to the right, so to speak, because otherwise I’ll lose track of the list you have and behind my counter a person has tipped over my black backpack and my black underneath my bed everyone who is in favor of this being abolished go to the bees to the beehive I what a beehive W a black sleeping bag here on the tree everyone who wants this to be abolished Kri to the tree okay can I get in there that is here here is W I will abolish it Come on, here is whoever wants to abolish it, it does n’t matter to me, you do it but n ST but on the wrong side now you have to come back over was sticky here at the beehive is the side for those who want to abolish winter contain me create yes recreate [music] doesn’t have any Experience with it, they just don’t know it yet, I’ll say you can, otherwise I’ll abstain, I’ll say I’ll say so as long as some people still have to build their houses and for resource farms or something like that, the winter season does n’t make sense if everyone have their houses then you can think again about what you ‘re doing, that’s a good idea because it’s really very difficult for people who aren’t experienced with mods, that’s true, otherwise you can do it at some point in time later point in time you simply activate the mod again, that can mean that the server means that yes, why do you activate and deactivate it, that’s what you do when the server is off so that when the mod is deactivated from the server you have or do you get a config file that you can overwrite it or say if you remove a mod from the server you have to confirm to overwrite it and that can also be the case. Yes, I’m not entirely sure that everything will work without errors. I can try and if you don’t remove the mod but just deactivate it, it works that because in im we can yes im in laugh we can deactivate and activate the mods yes it is related to others when we deactivate them of course but it can happen that if we deactivate them we don’t yes that of course yes that has to be about that I’ve already tried something like that, you said you can set the times for how long winter and summer and continue to work. Yes, you can’t just set it to zero then the mod is still on it, but I’ll say it’s inactive, so to speak, because everything is at zero, the W cool winter is fine, let’s do it, but you can only do it evenly, I can design it, I can do it at any time difficult we have, you can try it and if it doesn’t work you put it back again, so to speak, that you can do it if it’s not technically possible otherwise, what is it that you can undo it, is it possible or can the hand-over-red nose be bitten I don’t know how the S doesn’t work. I could, although you can try it out in single play, that doesn’t mean that you test it once on the test server to see if it works. I’ve already done a test server and if it doesn’t If it works then we just have to accept it then there is no other way then we just have to see how we can solve the glass cripple over my house I no longer have winter yes there are already some players who are quite annoying that’s why I had that Also included as a point for me, mostly those who just don’t get to grips with the mods yet, so we just need more practice in dealing with winter, summer, food, drink and are so distracted that we basically don’t use the other mods anymore somehow we’re just trying to survive here, I mean, that’s true , but that’s really bad. I mean, can you remember how we started? There was still the more blatant mod on it and how difficult it was in the first place to even get the first tip before Alling also because we don’t have any skills at all, yes and if my forehead often does, the more difficult it becomes to do the skill so you don’t have to go to the MF all the time Berke so hold on otherwise maybe Koper that you try it whether it works what effect it has wo n’t work There is no other way then we have to accept it but I just wanted to bring it up once I don’t know King ma what say let’s bury himself well great spirits [music] örderorenmordörderpp aufönig [laughter] continue then yes okay so as I said you can do otherwise let me know if it’s even possible, if it’s not then we just have to accept it as it is, but I wanted to have it addressed because it just annoys a lot of people when they ‘re still I’m just modest, I’m a modest king, well, do a sword comparison here or something oh Je I have to compensate Hal has the biggest hammer look at Stine’s hammer or what that is an ax or something like that yes that is the ax of the Tau metals are you here I have something better I have something better Executioner I used to be a judge once Attentive where is attention to the king please now come back here Sky where is my sword so I had a few other ideas that I would like to present what do you think about moving away from barter a bit and introducing more of a currency system I already had an idea that the currency could be divided into three levels and that the smallest value unit should perhaps form the head coin, these are the nuggets of it and new head coins would form a silver coin, for example, because we also have silver and will but actually used for almost nothing and you could use silver coins from new silver coins and you could still use an SMK as the top currency, so to speak, yes and yes Wait, I’m not finished yet In addition to trading through your profession, everyone should be allowed to do so Land purchase diamonds to drive these can be exchanged to the mark ha I have we need a bker yes for diamonds the player receives eight emeralds and one emerald goes as a tax to the startat so that you can, for example, pay for public buildings or public services with it, so to speak. a diamond is an emerald, one of which is starting, yay, we’re finally getting public toilets, e.g. which three raw materials or four were now as a currency, copper, then copper, silver, emerald, diamond, but then I would but then I would a the the suggestion We do that because there are two copper doctors and one is much more common than the other, that’s why copper is also the lowest level, it’s the basic money, so to speak, okay and you can make nuggs out of both of them. In objection, I get a bodyguard assigned because my roof then will be made of copper that’s why copper is the lowest currency you can of course hire one there are some who are adventurers so to speak they can then also be recruited money so to speak why as a suggestion copper used as a building material for houses or buildings may not be mined who The deliverer is punished and thrown into the dungeon t be licked no matter how you can lick it why should you do that love so KF head doesn’t matter I would say which one is used that’s just the basics anyway the most worthless so to speak well Great as a basic value I also have profitable ones because really looking for diamonds even in small ones also makes crap Bubu I have quite a lot and if you have TRF and 1000 copper coins then you can quickly have a diamond together TRF and 1000 good well I actually have SM like that intended as a means of payment because you can also trade with the villagers with it, no, yes, I have to turn over my page. Wait a minute, someone wrote me an extra text dument on me, above me, over not on, yes and actually fine, Marcel, you’re fine, no, I’m fine it’s bad, I’m feeling better again, do you happen to have my orange sleeping bag please, yes, please, thank you, it was very pleasant to sleep on you, okay, I’ll take that as a compliment, yes, it was gemin g, well, everyone comes sometimes, then everyone comes to me first and then I wanted to vote on it, what do you think of the idea or do you still have it? First of all, you basically agree that we should introduce a currency system, but then there is also a stationary exchange, there is now trading, you can go to the emerald farm Then you can exchange it for the diamond in which the king is, I would be happy to say yes, no, only if you let your pants down, Mr. F, our magical wterie academy and we have agreed that we have built a library trading hall in it, we can have several libraries Since they are ready to trade and also two stonemasons, I have a stone monopoly, okay, no monopoly and competition stimulates the business, okay and everyone is warmly invited to trade as they want, but I would also see that you can Maybe you’re the one who should buy GI interesting books, there aren’t a few interesting ones yet, but you have I’m very interested in on on on on on I would have to look at the novel Doren 3 Doren 3 everyone already has the job they want so we are still we can carry out a negotiation like that later yes of course he the others do stupid things a financial system is and this type is also of course we can do it still look adjust if that doesn’t work now you should somehow change something in the values ​​or something like that if you want to go back in the direction of the beehive against it stays on the left side ichag unanimously jaop Cooper was you he hit on you are against it no I just have me Saved from the from the from the damp also a bit so everyone is here for it Stig ne leutez Dr okay but not all of them are there anymore or if I came here then I would start something so that everyone only gets a maximum of two maybe Well, you can argue about the amount, villagers are not allowed to have inflation, so you can control the amount of money in some way and yes, I also have another point that is a little bit related to it, we all have it themselves actually nice professions where Rio, for example, also made an effort, I gave some examples, I think you were, for example, the miner, yes, Rio is the blacksmith that one also says, for example, okay, the professions should also become more important in order to also include roleplay I didn’t know that Rio was a blacksmith, she had registered as a blacksmith, it’s still up to date, it’s still there, she’s in town, she doesn’t have a shop here somewhere for a long time, but she wanted to become a blacksmith at the time As far as I know, otherwise W wanted to do it, yes, I recently put up a list with the professions and who does what for whoever did what non-stop because he asked about professions, the list is in it, you can take a look. K yes, yes, I saw the list, um, not there W already here wi se abesen mhm I do n’t think that’s that good either, especially from Rio, that it just ends like this man man man D times is too TR under your kte or what do we want to get to the next point Mr. King yes yes it It was just a shame that Rio just ran away. I do n’t think that’s that great, um, yes, as I said, I actually wanted to make the professions more important, but you have to leave some resources yourself, regardless of whether you practice the profession or not Now I have a headache, sorry, my flamingo ran out of steam, you didn’t know what to do with it, that’s why I thought a bite like that, a little bit of attention would be good, because otherwise I’d totally lose the concept, so everyone should get their own basic resources Farms ca n’t cut wood , even if there’s a first, of course, horse mackerel and quarry stone, you need a few things like doctors . On diamond farms you can also find doctors, that’s completely normal I thought that maybe you can’t necessarily build every tool yourself, but that, for example, apart from iron pickaxes, you should perhaps only build a maximum of tools yourself and buy the rest from a blacksmith, for example, so that he has something to do, you get a lot to do, yes And so your armor and weapons, you only need it once. Yes, you have to do it. Maybe you should also make sure that you don’t necessarily take on repairs, that you give it away. Yes, Koper. I’m telling you not, maybe not everything. I said maybe you have to Yes, also uh yes, of course it’s difficult to implement, but you can’t always just use your pointed pickaxe, I’ll say it’s the blacksmith can also take over the melting of the railway, for example if someone finds copper, you can hand it over to the blacksmith and then mint it e.g. from silver and head the coins for the currency, i.e. make nuggets out back there, e.g. the person who finds the ore can also give the ore away, you melt it into coins and for a fee you can also say okay about them I would like to keep four of the new coins as you can also earn one Because it’s clear weapons are not used forever, of course something gets lost sometimes, no, and you don’t just want to be busy all the time, no, you don’t want that either I’d love to, and besides, we don’t need the professions otherwise it’s all obsolete if everyone farms it themselves, there’s no contact with other players, there’s no roleplay and that’s why I came up with it so that you just say okay that everyone that ‘s exactly the problem after 2 already had that nothing is bought, right, yes, that’s why I thought magic might not be so good because then the armor lasts forever, which would have been something you might have done at the very beginning because now Everyone has a different status, one has worked more or less or has earned what it takes. Many people already have a house , maybe they don’t necessarily want to build a second one, but then it’s difficult in some way what for, well, I had, I would have thought that they would also bring a few public buildings or a few villagers in here, that the city would be a bit lively, definitely when I saw how big the city walls are Do you need stones, yes, but I’m not going to buy stones in order to use my money to build a house that someone else will live in, then the resources have to be made available by the city to build residential buildings. I think the king will be the king in that regard I’ve probably also given a few orders to the guild so that you have to spend money in order to kill the order where you can get a better reward. I’m thinking about that now or am I seeing that wrong for the king? I’m just thinking about it King, I found her sleeping sock, yes, you can go here at the front, thank you, yes, I’m just trying, as I said, I miss the interaction with each other a little bit, that ‘s why I thought it’s okay, you have to have somewhere so that everyone can practice their job a little bit or so I I’ve already sold two drinks the other day I saw so with me yes I don’t know Mr. King they have just been calculated yes I have just done that too thanks for the EP please um yes yes but somewhere something is being built you still want yes, not just build your house, what else do you want to do, do you want to do anything else, what if I, for example, sell some women, look for ingredients for the potions, yes, and what does plat want to do so great, or how to serve, no, you don’t, what, let’s see don’t need, should I hold any wedding funerals, you just had your own funeral, it wasn’t enough, I have an idea for the pastor, we still need a cemetery, but who the hell, no, they’re also a miner there, yes, yes, you can also use other resources such as stones I need fuel for coal, for example for the ovens. In the first step, I just focused on rocks. Now, yes, I also have to say, my business is not yet ready, so it’s not final yet, but yes, but you can do the business Yes , the skill can still be a little bit. Look, I’ll definitely need more stones for the town hall. We need a larger meeting room or building where I have a castle big meeting a bit small would still need a conference hall not something like that and the P needs a bigger church with an organ we still need an organ for the church we also need organ builders we still need no I had so I would say I would like that that not everyone necessarily produces everything that is specialized, so to speak, that you might say okay, not one person does it, everyone does everything, but one person does all the armor, tools, weapons or coins. As a blacksmith, it doesn’t have to be all the time, it doesn’t have to be every day, but every now and then it would be really great if you could Get involved with each other a little bit in the city, even outside of combat, so to speak, h where is he or that you build together, that you maybe make a master builder, ne that he then buys the stones, so to speak in a role-playing manner, ne maybe ma because I always have that the impression when I’m usually alone in the city with one or two people and everyone else is out and about and that’s also the case. We still have a lot of forest area within the city and that’s very, very unsafe. There definitely have to be lanterns in there a guild order that can be carried out there is actually an order in the guild the infrastructure of the city azauenit is to be cleanly illuminated by streaming because it is actually primarily intended for the streamers and video makers that they choose it and show it in videos or in the stream, for example I actually have an order in the city to better illuminate the city and build roads and something like that. Well, I just read the list that I made up a little bit about what there is, so you can put blacksmith coins together, but I actually originally wanted to leave the coinage to the king but if Rio says sometimes armor and tools are not used that much then you could also have the coinage run over it. Carpenter who, for example, makes furniture for the interior from the felled wood, for example planks, maybe that will happen too needed somewhere there are no coins nuggets the nuggets provide the coins you weren’t paying attention again you weren’t there that’s why you know want to steal on a day yes I had gold I now have gold I deliberately didn’t take gold because you can set up gold farms in the Nether then bra I mean gold there and I gold inflation yes that’s why I said what you can normally find in as resources that’s why silver is silver and copper is hardly used except perhaps as a building material spring blocks spring blocks Silver can also be used as mobfah find yes no no yes you can find that you take things that you have to think about and don’t drop them somewhere yes you can build a gold farm in the nether and then you get almost infinite gold then it goes against it I also like the fact that we then use emeralds as currency because that’s really one of the easiest things to get through all the villagers because you can do that and then say okay, don’t take the SM but rather slides and exchange them you can if you want to trade or something like that, well, yes, there are these diamond insects, that would be a cool move, nice and rare, there are n’t that many drops either, yes, that’s true, but I have a few if you have these insects, you’ll get exactly the diamond insects there Diamonds chars but the drops or what exactly yes diamonds I would still take diamonds I think they always chew my things okay then we won’t do maractic markets only diamonds can still be exchanged for markets because of me that you can trade with villagers or but that as a currency primarily when trading with each other that the hold yes copper nuggets why do we need three units I would have thought well because some resources are more valuable than others that you only for two or for four or just for one the ne whether you Now say okay, you buy a bread that doesn’t have the same value as, for example, this delicious, um, these delicious noodles, meat streams, what is that, that’s another Bubu-eating plant? so much so valuable like, for example, pasta and meat streams that you only use heads for bread but you take silver nuggets for pasta because it takes more effort to produce but but Cooper throws it around so it can’t have to be that valuable after all difficult to make frozen noodles yes what do you need DAF ingredients you need a lot more ingredients for this than if you make a bread no you can also say okay for a bread you take less money than for a noodle for a pasta Here I notice that the attention is waning a bit. Do you actually want the professions to become more important because I have a bit of the impression that things are divided at the moment? As I said, I find it a bit difficult because you would have had the whole thing somehow from the start You have to build them up at the beginning, but you try, but hardly anyone buys from the stores because everyone makes their own stuff or or they don’t need the stuff at all at the moment because they’re still building a house, so I say I didn’t think so either Everyone should definitely make everything, no, who actually has a house, er, I have Sel, I only have one shop that is still being remodeled, we also have half of it, I’m still missing my roof, hey, mine was given to me but I don’t know if I want one So I have no idea, like I said, that’s just a suggestion. You can vote on whether the jobs should stay as they should or they should become more important. We’ll do the same order again, on the left, so to the left of me, it should stay as it is and On the right is the professions should become more important, so at the campfire it should become more important that everyone specializes in their profession a little and that they also produce it exclusively, of course you still have to agree on it and that you do it with the coin and Cooper What does Cooper want ? Cooper is neutral. Cooper is for the yellow currency . You are neutral a good idea, yes, but as I said, something would have had to be done right from the start, now that many people already have something and and an MA is just a little more difficult if you now have to somehow manage this balancing act and this balance, but it It is relatively difficult to force introduction lines, yes, but actually it was already there, but no one used it. I noticed that in my shop, everyone paid attention to it, everyone went around the area and hardly any were bought and sold and have bought something, now everyone has got everything themselves and my shop hasn’t sold anything in the sense that it’s just difficult to get everyone under one roof. You might also have asked for suggestions about what to do, for example as R already said It’s true that the armor and stuff like that once you ‘ve got the armor up and I wouldn’t want anyone to leave here if someone already has repairs on it, I wouldn’t want that either, but there are actually still some who aren’t well equipped now Of course they still need something, no, yes, he came, he arrived and we have the new ones, we practically don’t have them at all, we have to do a lot, yes, I haven’t got that much myself as I said and as long as the winter is still active as I said we pay attention to it again or let’s say the little ones make sure that the iron things stay intact, of course, we can’t keep going, iron irons break, warm underlayers go away and we freeze to death, that’s just difficult and you could also, for example, either you say okay, the adventurers They are on the move a lot. Let me tell you, those here who are out and about in the city more often need armor. I would say that if someone is on an expedition, you can also borrow equipment. We need rental equipment, which you can borrow for an expedition Well, armor is like that again, we have a skill system that you can pay for, it’s good for that. People simply can’t wear it then you can’t buy it or men, for example, I can’t wear armor yet, I’m currently in the process of developing for it There’s the mob farm if you still have it, as I said, normally the rental equipment should already have repairs on it so that he can lubricate it and then lend it out again I actually found the mob farm to be R, but that’s where it comes from, Mr. King, I’ll say the mob farms on the one hand, I can understand that you introduced them. On the other hand, I don’t think it’s that great, to be honest, which, yes, I didn’t quite understand it either. I said that mobfarm on the one hand, I can understand that you introduced them, on the other hand, to be honest, I don’t think they’re that great because you shouldn’t forget that there are players who come here every now and then, of course they could use them to catch up, but There are also some who are here very often and use them to make a lot of progress, so that the other little ones basically can’t keep up anymore. There’s actually a huge gap between us Be there every day because, for example, with Nicki, I’m also only once, the sin of the game is actually to get the skill points not by standing in a mop but by becoming skilled through your activities. That ‘s actually the original idea been behind it but as I said you just have the more convenient way I mean um yes I’ve used it now to at least catch up a little but of course it’s actually not the point of this game let’s say mhm yes it’s exactly the point Yes, you can also experience adventures. That’s exactly what it means when you find a spawner, it’s best to dismantle it and not expand it or whatever. That’s not what I meant by that. I said I can understand that you have it now, but the original meaning was exactly that Not having such things I’d say kesystem then you can just WIS your ST you stand there for a whole evening and yes exactly kill zombies no exactly but who for such stream for example also boring exactly and I had the problem that I wanted to catch up because unfortunately I always died when I was cold or died in some other way and had that problem. You might have to play on the phone too. Yes, I can’t when should I do that? I can’t do that during the day. The server isn’t even on during the day In the evenings, as I said, I have committed others just pa because it has to work, that’s the problem, it’s difficult at the moment, yes, but as I said, on the one hand, I can understand it with the mob farm, but as I said, originally, I know how that is The project was planned at the time and it was actually planned. I’ll say we want to play comfortably and not in a hurry and on the run and so on to improve our skills, but as I said, they’re here now and I’m telling myself whoever uses them is also good, okay because there are any other wishes, questions , ideas or job changes or maybe you have something else, I only have one request, I only have one request. There won’t be just one god here on the map, there are several if you meet a living one again, let him live because it really conveys content because you can’t respawn in it so they don’t spawn on their own anymore with the pillelch as I said if you eradicate them they come back with them that’s not the case and they provide incredibly funny content, believe me l they live I ask you please please please please yes report which sun god are you talking about now where was your sun god at my base at the back of my carnivorous plant on top and is where exactly hey where is Diez s that is the S that we plumbed and if you exactly northeast if you went further west from the sun god you don’t get far are maybe 50 60 blocks exactly that the westor that’s 50 60 blocks then comes uh Bubus Base and since when has Bubus Base been there for a very long time The first time we went out together, so it can’t always be that way, be careful since we had to leave that place and move to lunarus, from where I brought you the red stones, that’s very close to that, the thing, the thing I see that if I’m playing on a server and someone is looting some kind of structure, be it normal Vanilla City or whatever, then I don’t have to complain, so stupid, but I can understand it yes, there are several more, it’s not like that, I just said l at least the others are alive because, as I said, it’s really something that can’t be repaired again, so it has to be restored by hand with the pillagers, as I said, it doesn’t matter, they always come again it could also be in these strange pillager arcs or whatever they are, they keep coming up, yes, but that was really because yes, it was a bit unfortunate. I can completely understand you, Bubu, that you’re unhappy there. Otherwise, I don’t know Bubu, you’ve actually decided not to continue, do you want to think about it again or or and then look together again as an expedition so that you’re looking for a son again, yes I know that was there but he’s already flat, oh well That’s why I was hoping that mine was still alive and then I had to get rid of that one bird because it kept killing me and that’s how I realized that there wasn’t anything up there anymore because that bird was constantly attacking me, that strange white one Yes, yes, but I flattened it yesterday, the day before yesterday. And then I only found out about it. They attacked my base, it was really funny, it always came down the mountain, it always went, yes, yes, otherwise I would first say that Otherwise, we’ll end the meeting first so that you can maybe do other things too, they don’t just have to stand around here. I think you also wanted to go somewhere yes things that need to be clarified or should or should be clarified so yes you can take your time so maybe maybe the sun can I can the king can persuade another sun god and then I’ll invite you and then you’ll see how W you don’t know but you don’t know whether it’s in my power, maybe it will work, yes , I think that’s how powerful I am because it’s the power of a god of a god So whether I’m not a God either, we still have a pastor who can bring things to life or can the pastor can do that no the pastor is deep in the conversation oha conversation verti what talked to himself that has but they are still alive Here you are still alive, Mr. Pastor, everything is fine, you have hydrocephalus ah that’s sh [music] not yes, are we finished here now or what, then I would I would who else has my my my my my white sleeping bag I then I would finish the meeting once again uh raise the bottle and uh good luck to the kingdom of lunaris snort snort long love King kby halloitte but it says long live the king and not long live the Karsten no that’s right they are king okay then I declare the meeting over I wish you a nice evening in whoever and yes, I’m happy, good luck with your adventures afterwards. So as you could see, it’s relatively difficult to reach an agreement like that, as I said, there are team players and there are just not so team players, it’s always very, very difficult To make a decision than I have now decided, I will definitely continue to build my base here today so that you still have a bit of something here, which means we have to make the door here a little smaller It’s okay to translate such a small roof, I’m going to knock the thing out here again and then we’ll see. So today I’m definitely going to build a little more so that the thing gets a roof and then we’ll see what we can do and that As I said, it’s not that easy to do things here, so I’m going to bring the thing down even further, I think it’s brilliant, but then I need another bite with not the right one either NS I think that’s where I had the other backpacks hey we have to let’s see if it was R here the right one get the right wood out of the backpack yes so that the one in there h we could actually use the bed here that means I always do it like that now and put it under here so let’s look from A that yes yes Kai understood me yes that is said very very difficult that is said very very difficult but that also has to do with the fact that if you know people for a very very long time you can get used to it I’ll be honest, I knew where it came from right from the start, even before I asked who it was with the sun god, so as I said, it’s always very surprising that some people then say afterwards that they didn’t know anything about it or something, even though you’re more or less from it At the beginning of the project, oh soo, we wanted to make one floor even louder, just like what we always said from the beginning, it’s just a bit stupid, hello, hello, Mr. King, everything’s okay because I just saw Creeper on the map Ken Ken happen h is indeed illuminated but in my house it can also be that it can also be that it is in the cave under here yes I I I think so yes I often have a grumbling or something like that here Somehow there seems to be something below me here. I’m currently preparing everything to put the roof over so that at least here when winter comes the house is warm because my animals freeze to death. Let’s see what Mr. Koper says if that would work It would be nice if you could deactivate it, but if it’s not technically possible, of course, we can’t do anything, as I said, because it ‘s really difficult for inexperienced players or those who came to it relatively late, so I know, even tin really had problems at the beginning to stay alive no, so that, for example, I have 33° right now, so the summer is just as extreme, yes, I have to change my armor first, I just noticed that I still have my winter armor in there, that’s something like that, too You always have to remember to take off your clothes and put them on , so you understand what I mean and for inexperienced players who don’t have much experience with mods, it’s relatively difficult to know what I’m doing and when, so in the beginning it was just a matter of dying for us But now I don’t even know how many times I died at the beginning, I hope I was still able to give a little positive input. Yes, as I said, it’s just that some people in the team are team payers and others aren’t, that’s just the way it is and they’re all among them Hat to get as I said, I know my Paenheim, I know how I can deal with it, so you know, so I think it’s just stupid, you know, because because our little one at least apologized, yes, but as I said, that’s good, he knew it Maybe not necessarily, no, he didn’t know, but as I said, the WUs, the WUs is definitely because she was visiting me, I told her that again, yes, that’s it and, above all, I work, that’s why I have it I had a base back there because of the animals and the sun god, and I delivered her the things that she needed. That was a bit difficult, but as I said, I’m going to continue building the house today and then we’ll see Does it make you sad when people leave because of that? That’s why I actually made a bit of effort. I actually created a special Word file where I wrote down a little speech for myself, maybe a little bit about the people also to motivate also a little bit with each other there is also a little bit of roleplay should also take place a little bit that’s why for me the third season Z Pixel you know I know that there is another way the things that annoyed me are for example these these bnfah so these these spner you know because that’s something that, as I said, creates this distance between everyone’s development, you know because not everyone has the time to spend hours there or on stream, I can only play in the evenings and as I said on the weekend I have momentum Then I have 12 pixels in the evening twice a day and then I have the community server three more days because of course I have to fly it too no you’re still with yes no yes I’m still with the construction team yes and Sel that’s very difficult at the moment yes solve what I really do well at the moment he understands that but as I said that that I have a meeting there too or I know something or So that’s what I said from the beginning, and at the beginning it was added that J also ran from Nicki, which means I only had one day for pixels, but more like 7 days of streaming and doing and doing I can’t, but that’s it, and you also have a private life, which also comes with your private life, what what can you eat, unfortunately not, but for me it’s just relaxation in the evenings, sitting with my community every evening and to go on adventures and create funny content because sometimes I don’t feel like laughing and then I always say, oh, that’s how I say it, I’m there to entertain and the community entertains me, they also tried me to build it up again they were of course also trusting because we were of course happy about it, but then at some point we got to annoy him again because he’s always flashing around like that, yeah, like I said, it’s just difficult, it’s just difficult, I know that sometimes It’s difficult, but as I said, these spawn actually had the effect of just bringing this distance, which means that some of course have the time to increase their skills to such an extent when the others can’t keep up, so I think that a Moni or maybe a Christa or something like that, or I just have something different for me, I’m leaving myself out of the picture now, but that, for example, a Moni who has now joined or non-stop who only recently joined, that they won’t be able to get up to that level by the end of the project D I really have to play every day, I think Rio, she was already withi fans on 32. Rio knows the mods, the power, she always has the same processes since the first Z Pixel, which means she knows exactly in which order you have to do something so that you can do these things she just knows exactly how to connect these mods together and as I said, most people don’t know that. Rio is an experienced mod player, that’s just like a K, yes, they were always further along like us, but they have us Little ones often helped, yes, but this time there are different mods and it’s difficult if you then explore them a little on the side, no, and that does n’t help if you keep giving everything to the other person because otherwise they won’t really learn you understand the m, that’s just how it is, but at the moment you can’t learn because you were constantly busy with the winter, yes, that’s one of the city gates in front here, for example. built me ​​a skeleton and I actually wanted to build the second one with silver over there from the other side at the back on a corner. There’s a city gate that I wanted to try to build with it so that you get to know the create mod exactly, for example, exactly what they have We actually already have it on our private server, but we never really used it because we didn’t understand it properly. Yes, yes, and I also said that, for example, I need certain things for my animals for feeding and I know what Things, there are also feeding machines and things like that, that’s all right. We can still use a Z, for example, no, no, he says that as I said, I wanted to do it that way let that mean they also need larger cages where they can be housed, which is why I said the area is of course perfect here because it can be done really nicely, but as I said, I agreed with the one with the dog I need special doors or do I know certain wood that I just order over there and he does it for me because it would be nonsense if I built the machine here again, you know, but certain other things I just need and I have to deal with those mods, yes it’s difficult, yes you might have something like the king was or Whatever it is that someone is thinking about, maybe they should have done it a little earlier, so to speak, agreed a little earlier, yes, as I said, as I said, some of them were already there for the other Z Pixel episodes That means we’ve always actually done things with professions and things like that, so a certain direction that this time it wasn’t so clear to me personally, because I said from the beginning that I do adventures and animals and I also like the whole thing Time on it, yes, but it’s just difficult, you know, when others race over the map and just root out and piece together all the things without any sense or reason, whoever knows what they’re doing even though they have nothing to do with their job, that’s stupid, that annoyed me Nicki and Sky have that for example. also really bothered that they go on an expedition and want to loot SAS everywhere, everything is already empty, yes, exactly, and that’s because I was also on the road, but I took my my fluff with me, caught there, and so on, yes, we have it here acho, it’s just being shown here, yes tour done exactly city tour chr can also do city guide yes as I said so that’s just something like that where I say you can clearly see who is a team player and who isn’t just so if you if you can also about Going through the map as an adventurer and getting rid of everything in adventure life, you just take the things you need because with me, for example, I had so much clutter that wasn’t there yet and Chr said I would like to become a magician and said okay Come on, you’ll get all the magical things from me for you, what they all got, even my my pumpkin stick that I ate back then, what should I wait until I have level 25 in magic, how should I do that and if you have that? still make a new one no or can you find BL yes yes of course the pumpkins are still lying around everywhere yes acho you need but you can craft okay no no ca n’t craft that’s the pumpkin with the candles around it acho I triggered it , you can clearly find it all the time yes yes well then you can if you reach the level at some point you can still have the one new one I also have my cake fork the pitchfork the pitchfork I need more than an animal dealer your your argument was tip king to cake fork I have the biggest ones Cake fork exactly maybe the next one will work next time yes I have the biggest cake no I have the wildest animal or something like I said yes yes because that was the content that I actually planned when I basically have the opportunity to stop an expedition You can make someone like that, you know, sper one of the sun god’s people into his cage, that was actually the content that I was following, so I hope that Rio and and and Koper and so on can manage that he gets back there again and I I hope the others will leave him alone now, I hope I hope Koper understood the hint with the cake fork. Yes, I don’t think so because I told them that too. They didn’t think it was that great either because, as I said, that’s something yes, it won’t come back, so that’s what I say when you know there are certain MSs, so if you eradicate them, kill them, then they’re eradicated and I’ll come back, that doesn’t make any sense because it also destroys the content because I think that’s great It’s funny to always run away from the cyclops, just don’t, always have a fight, but once you’ve got him dead, he’s dead, then he’ll never get away again, yes, you could have something like that, even if everyone wants to do it and you know There is no way to say that, okay, people, listen, on Thursday I would like to clap him in my stream. You are welcome to come along if you join in or have an audience. You can ask you as a king, for example , to negotiate with him. It’s just a different kingdom Can you make funny stories like that, but that’s just what I mean, not everyone is a role player, so yes, that’s why I’ve actually tried this a bit here, somehow with the professions jamer sometimes confusing when you talk to your community with your voices in your head yes yes yes let’s see if you can still get the professions going a little bit that’s one more try I can’t do I’ll try a little I’ll try Dealing with Alex’s mobs, which is very difficult because you can’t take the generated trees here, for example, you have to convert the seeds and everything to get vanilla trees because I already have elephants with saddles and everything, but they just eat Trees generated from Vanilla , so to speak purely Java, no modded trees that eat the acacia flowers we do that, for example, that’s what all the Alex MS do, it’s relatively fiddly to figure out, so I’m glad that Cooper D is always testing out how we can all train the animals because My goal is to basically bring some of each animal here, I think I have enough, I don’t have to, you know, I don’t get around to playing this mod, not that I have to grow something after the city, that can happen, as I said I already have an elephant, but it ‘s going to be a very long way to get here, but I’ll manage that, that’s a constant again, you know, and I’m trying to build an ark. I first thought about whether I should build an ark here you on the water on the river yes but I think there will be another ship there Maline questionable how do you actually like the stadthor M honest opinion yes quiet honest opinion um I think it’s very um um um um um I say um square practically good yes that It’s actually laid out on the city wall of Constantinople, as is my role, and they’re actually so angular, the towers, yes, but also a bit of block variation, so there’s a lack of cracks in the walls and so I know, but I still have plans for that I just have to add more, as they say, more and more block variation has become Kroko. Look, I’m not a Kroko, that’s what I want and I’m not an Emperor. Aventus also gave me a few tips, but in terms of structure, I think it’s the block variant. Yes, look Mr. Kirit Marcel has already said that he doesn’t know who he should buy stone shoring from, he can tell me, for example. mossy cracked stone reins sell it in yes a bit of weathering and broken it looks so nail but at the moment it’s still brand new that will come later it’s freshly built yes trample on it a bit then it’ll definitely break or Stine with her ax yes uses it all knock around, nibble on, lick off, yes, it’s far from finished, it’s just a lot of work, I’ve got a lot of work to do, yes, as I said, but I wanted to finish it first and then it’ll be embellished, as I said, for me, for me, it’s just the way I am now I say I ‘m going to continue building the pet shop here and then try to put the roof on today and then I’ll be on the road again as I said, getting the animals from the other base. I’m thinking about how do I build the zo here, how do I get the big animals here with me? So yes Rio as I said, I’m asking for contact about dragon eggs, so with these rotten ones, if you understand, these strange birds and oh the basilisks, they mean basilisks, they are really terrible birds for me because I’ve died the most because of the critters but very angry too yes yes I would like to excuse you for a moment, I just received a breaking news message, I was called, I have to continue building here because it’s getting dark again and then I’ll fall here later. We do n’t want winter to come so quickly no, well, that’s why for create yes bye Mr. King bye then let’s continue building yes yes as you can see some are ready to change something and for the others it’s just like that yes I’m just used to it I’m not upset about it either so I also thought about it, so as I said, on the one hand, I thought about doing it in single player first, everything on the other hand, I say to myself and that’s somehow, for me, a bit unfair to the players who are at least trying something to change anwe but what, for example, as I said, is absolutely NoGo for me to use mob farms in a game like this is actually an absolute NoGo for me because, as I said, the advantage is given to the players who are here much more often and or play longer, so you You know, it’s not a bad intention, I just have a community server and I have to take care of it. My people who play there, as I said, they come up with it so that they can play with me. Well, we don’t want everyone here do some lone fighters or something like that so when I say I’m playing with you then I mean that too so I’m not doing that either Rah so now I have to take a look how short a moment I have to take a quick look at the roof here, okay, I’ve already found it like I said, that’s just the point for me where I say m of course my project is also important to me, but you have to know that I’ve been doing things together with Cooper and skeletto and Rio for a very long time, yes and yes, I also know how, as I said They stand by this mob farm but on the other hand it’s clear if the majority wants it that way then sometimes you just have to accommodate a little bit if you need it, okay but that just explains this big discrepancy between the skill points here They are perhaps very advanced in the mods, yes, but they are very advanced here, so as I said, I don’t have the time to stand there for hours AFK, so to speak, on stream and get up to mischief in this mob farm, in my opinion The idea with the roof here is quite nice, we’re just going to do a flat bungalo like that, okay, that means there and then we have to do it again, okay, it’s a little difficult to put the roof up here now, but that’s what we’re doing of course the ladder here is of course ingenious but it works and what the times here okay we don’t have any more ladders then we’ll go to sleep for a moment a carpenter would be good we’ve already made a few pieces of furniture but that won’t be all of them by a long shot and V vngan Welcome to the Klötzchen, sorry, I just had to reflect a bit on what’s been going on with the project lately, but I think that’s also important because you had to endure my displeasure here at times because, as I said, I’ve been playing since [music ] first since the first pixel so since the first part of the first series since the first series of pixels and the pugs and the mods were all revised because back then it always happened that some mods didn’t cooperate with each other and that means we have had to deal with server crashes or it leaked horribly and all that sort of thing. And we just realized that this time, as I said, there’s a lot more variance, so roleplay is also possible, that was the last time, it was just too much, so now we have it slimmed down but now we have the problem the Mopf hen I can ask you in the community you will find that mobfarm belongs in a project like this where you basically earn skill points by making progress on things, so if you Koha or I know and of course you continue to develop with the help of these skill points. Do you think mob farming is justified or would you think the same as me and say no, they don’t belong there, yes, as I said, they are there n times, I can’t change it now, but as I said In my opinion, they don’t belong because we didn’t have that in the other Z Pixels, we didn’t have a mob farm, we basically have everything we ‘ve learned in terms of skills, we don’t have the skill system either, but you just need it Um, certain achievements so that you could develop other things, without that it wasn’t possible and we didn’t need a mob farm, so I know, I find them rather annoying. Um, it would be nice if I, um, if you have magic, you can use the magic in it forever I have , that ‘s all that stuff, it’s like I said, it’s just difficult, you can see for yourself, it’s just difficult, so I’ll put it like that I simply said to myself that I would basically finally play through the mod and that is the Alex Mob Mod Alex with the animals because unfortunately these two rows of pixels are always like that, I’ll put it that way, I didn’t really have time because I was busy with too many other things like crafting magic hats and flying broomsticks. Now I have my swim ring and well, that’s actually more g than what I use it for, but you know what I mean, so I really want somewhere like that Doing a job means everything that has to do with these animals, um as I said, the food, the travel, the adventures and maybe the trade or whatever. Yes, we had emeralds, I wanted to pay, okay, one of the toe diamonds that you pay for, okay, then Nothing happens to me because I think I’ve mostly got it all right so she can just get started so it’s nice that we can now move on again. I definitely need a few more ladders so we’ll take a look again. I’m missing some more I think that we can get back up there on the roof. We definitely have to do the copper stuff now and we learned where is my backpack now with that yes that’s the backpack that I can do that with okay we have to open it then Do we have to have this here then do I now have the ones with the many or do I have the other genes the one with the small ones was okay with the small ones with the little ones no we took the copper shingles that were okay and then I need it so hello W do I hear there h hello hello oh down there crabs okay we’re going up again further up the roof okay so trees that keep growing here forever okay then we have to have a thing here too h so m now I’m thinking because I I still have the stairwell here , I would do it differently [Music] yes then I have to ask why is she swimming around there huh what why is she doing that I know we’re going through the motions here again. At the beginning the roofs always look a bit stupid and then the basic structure here just a bit but the idea with that I don’t think zo is that bad because, as I said, I originally wanted to build an Arch Noa on which maybe we’ll do that too. It depends a bit on how long this project actually runs. I would of course be happy if it ran a little longer would be okay then we have that here I really have to take a look at it wait a minute I think it’s turned the wrong way don’t turn it around like that so then it has to be here Sool yes and you can embellish that always he ‘s so so okay that we’re already Malin I won’t have a head like that, I’ll have to pull it out here too, but first put the upside down h like that and yes, okay, we already have the corner now we have to see that we can do the same thing here too If I had okay then we have to say hello, that was a short visit just okay then it’s going to be nice Buu yes it’s going to be relatively difficult to build a bit I’ll probably have to correct something afterwards I’ll have to wait a minute that ‘s it too much, I’m already a lot because I have to build around the corner, okay, but just come up, Nicki, you can see the corner, I wanted to do it like that, B because Bubu, unfortunately I can’t hear you sorry, I talk to you all the time and I’m feeling down, yes, I thought you were busy and ca n’t WTE right now, I’m fine right now, I just gave you the one staircase up, thank you, I’m down there. The link definitely looks nice, yes, I hope But just look at my great doors, oh how do they work? My silver is so cool and fun. I already have a nice toy done okay, I have to wake him up again, yes, I wish him a nice day, yes, I do to you too, so as I said, I have a lot of work here, I’m excited to see how it looks finished, yes, I do too, good bye, bye , um, someone has to move on, he has to But the other way around, what do I do, wait here , it’s like this, now let’s take a look, so this is one on the outside, but here we have two [music] nurbel task, that is, this one actually, yes, it’s open, but it’s R, but now I have to look because Wait a minute, we can do it like that, wait a minute, wait a minute, because you can also put a roof over it so we’ll do it like that, then I have to go over there, it’s all complicated here, more complicated roofb we don’t have to build it that complicated, actually the house Randen Randen let’s just get it another one let’s not do what happened GU me arrow shot oh come to my house I’m in your house it’s still raining but I’m yes it’s wet here I’m sorry why is that It’s wet with you, yes, because I’m just building my roof. I’m currently up on the roof, building my roof. I don’t see you, where are you? Whether you’re on the roof, but there you are, the one that Nicki sent there, and she left on her own, yes, but Where did she go, don’t you know? Then we can do it like this here, oh just the side. We’ll do the other side as usual. Then we’ll get a little mini floor in there or a tower or whatever the GE has. We’ll see why Actually it’s back again, but it’s light here, you can work here, let’s just mess around in the front and then we’ll somehow get a window in there, we’ll manage that, okay, don’t go down here, go over here, go away from here, yes, you just have to say thank you for [ Music] uh I’m with myself says okay, I read that so late , so that means we’re going to do that here, that ‘s a clean check, let’s check here again, here we have a little pretty pretty no roof and had to back here It’s actually all like that, so this bomb is annoying, GLB, let’s just say it’s constantly growing back, okay, that means here we have to turn it upside down, look at it again, I have to tell myself that it doesn’t work like that again So I would say let’s get rid of the tree first, my roofs are all down here anyway, but I think that fits quite well. Well, what do you say, there’s a nice roof there put in a stair window and we’ll do that here too, you can make storage or whatever so it W that as I said is a little bit different then it gets a little bit of me so I’m sorry dear tree but it doesn’t work at all You’re constantly in the way here, unfortunately we have to fen you, thank you, okay, well, that’s fine, it’s not working, okay, then we’ll go up again and then there’s the things here, so that means it’s going to be a pretty high roof on the side, but that It’s not that bad, we have enough copper and if I can get some more, so as I said, I’m going to play a little more and see how things turn out here because I think that’s a real shame because I’ve always finished the project At the end I’ve played it now, I don’t really need my ladder here, um, and we’ll just see how it is then in it’s just very very so we have this here we have here we probably don’t need it so I don’t need it only probably there B I you so as I said we can make a nice window at the top or something like that I’ve been thinking about it so it’s not so bad if it’s relatively high now because of course we can do it at the top because as I said we’ll have to take a look So what the roof looks like at the end, maybe we can get a dome where we can fly birds, you know, I captured the hummingbirds and stuff like that, so these kohri with which you can, by the way, I find this workbench in my backpack very pleasant you can see that I’m standing here on the roof, so I do n’t have to worry about it, I can just do it with my backpack, so let’s take some copper tiles like that and then they could do that, so I think that’s fine not so bad if Hal has a bit of a mixed mix everything is I and let’s grab it back there they have a nice finish okay I think it fits here very nicely and then W let’s continue fiddling with these so that as I said so we, they look different, look, they are, but hey, you could have stupid thoughts, but now it’s like that again. Copper tiles, they are copper tiles, they are floor, so I HB, but they just look different, you see, they don’t fit here Really , then I’ll have to see if I still have any copper. If not, let’s do the bottom alot first. I have the wrong sch genmen because for them the level isn’t that bad. It’s worse. Um, never mind, I have one, it’s the wrong backpack can happen if you’re a bit wary because you can see there’s so much on offer here and I know that they had so these are the ones I had I didn’t have any copper tiles I have copper oh say copper [ Music] Copper yes the other copper so I have no idea so as I said definitely the the other copper variant I didn’t have this one but the shingles copper shingles you exactly but that can happen just don’t do it then we’ll just get some more copper now Then we’ll have a bit of adventure again, why not and that’s not a big deal, you need it then actually I have somewhere else to see what I can melt down we’ll have to see that it could also be that I still have that at least that’s what we have Now put the foot in here, the warbstone, and we’ll move it here later too. Now the question is, we don’t have a second floor at the moment, but there will definitely be one, which means it will probably result in the stairs being here so and then so it goes no so here so okay okay well then we’ll see, do I still have some copper here? I still have some copper here. I now only have these incorrectly crafted copper parts inside. No, there ‘s something else here Let’s take a look at what’s in there, we don’t have any okay now H everything doesn’t help, it doesn’t help, we’re going to put the stuff in here now, but we can still get it there, the pile needs to take the iron with us as a precaution, you see, take a look how broken my things are, I don’t need the spiders now and we don’t need these copper things so I’ll take a bit of wood with me. It ‘s still summer so everything’s fine then let’s see what else we have here. I’ll take the mob cages with me I think I also have a lot to drink in the other one . Hey, I have to look for water somewhere. I don’t think there’s any here, but there’s water down there. I’ll just make some water I’m basically going to go looking for copper next time, so you can see that the copper fits perfectly. I’m going to throw the bottles in here. Let’s do that now. And yes, I’m basically going to say goodbye here today. I still have something to do, men swimming today there are still some you’ve seen a lot of them okay then I’ll put them in there as a reminder I forget I think it’s so great I don’t think it looks great okay so next time I’ll sit here so next time hello not gone wrong button okay so next time we’ll go here we’ll go looking for copper so I haven’t crafted a short one now but I’ll say I didn’t want to do it until later because I think it’s very pretty too of course we’ll do it now We’re going to look for copper. We’ll see if we can find any animals again. We’ll see what we can do at the back of my other base in my camp We can still use it there to see if we can repair our armor and all that kind of stuff because you ‘ve seen my armor is pretty much worn out, it’s getting really hot here right now, I have to be here before my prayer, so we’ll definitely do all of that and that’s one A lot of work but we have a plan, which means we’re basically going to play around here a little bit longer and see how it develops, as I said, my plan is to just keep going and have adventures and things like that and yes, you can give me your opinion in the comments write so how do you feel about the spawners that are in here collect six skill points so you can see I’ve only got my toes together again but I need a lot more because you have to collect the appropriate skill points every time for each level because I’m at the moment with everything wait a minute I’ll show you stop stop stop stop you can see it’s confusing here is the skill book you can see here I need 11 levels here I need 11 11 11 11 here I’m already at 15 but everything else needs 11 that That means I now have to have a life, so to speak, then I can give myself a skill point and then I’m basically back to zero level and start again then W I want to increase to 12 so you can see it’s very, very difficult and you can continue that as you like So much SK , so to speak, I don’t even know where the end is. I definitely know, as I said, you can write me your opinion about what you think of spawners as a skill aid, so to speak, as a level aid. So I don’t know, I don’t know if they do that As I said, I enrich the project or rather destroy it. You now know my opinion as to why I ‘m not so enthusiastic about it. It doesn’t have that much to do with me, but I also think a little bit about those who have now joined Is it really that much of a help so quickly putting together skill points? We can write them in the comments and otherwise, yes, how do you two pixels feel that way at the moment? So as I said, we are of course open to feedback and criticism, especially because I I know that Skelet Koper and Rio, as I said, also evaluate and accept your criticism and want feedback, so even if it ‘s not so positive, you can write it down, don’t you dare, so it’s not helpful if someone says the project sucks but say what you personally don’t like or what you like. That’s important because we want to make even more pixel parts, so we want to shoot more series of them, that means they know z pixel four, so to speak, and we want to get rid of the mistakes or learn from the problems that arise in basic theory, that’s no different with momentum, just that we divide it into series, but into epochs, it’s nothing different, we also had to take a lot of criticism, well, as I said says SSS oh god it’s hot here okay let’s go get some fresh air okay let’s go outside the door and as I said se cool se cool to hear your feedback and read what you think and whether my decision is the The real thing was to live here a bit with the project and do my thing here, of course, as I said, in the sense of roleplay because I said from the beginning what I wanted to do and I’m actually not interested in it. I’ve always said I’m an adventurer and for them Responsible for animals, I’m doing that now, yeah, I’ve been doing it well all the time, okay then I would say, think about it, write me your opinion about what you think about it and we’ll see you tomorrow evening, it’s Friday, weet times tomorrow is Friday morning Friday Friday it’s community server time again because wusimo and I still have to walk home, we’re somewhere in the worst place in the world and I would say I think WE unfortunately always have to do it like that, I think a very certain person It’s still on at that time and we can honor it today I have to see if this one should have a well say it’s not sieastiü because croco croco crocoline where are you because I would also like to give something back Wait a minute, I’ll see if I can find the link. Wait, let’s take a quick look for you, there for kanalm ne the stream fact isn’t then I would say let’s do it very simply, yes I’ll send you over to Bastti, what do you think of that puts the bastti or we can also go to times has also made the world so many times now I ‘ll just go over to lu because as I said he has straightened me out so many times and yes I hope you have a lot of fun with luan order best regards and good luck Night until, as I said, I think Baden LAF has to be nice and tsü K is live, yes I just didn’t find it for whatever reason you can, you’re welcome to put the link in Kai if you have it so then people can decide so those who go over too l they stay put and those who want to go to Kroko follow the link I think Kai has the jaer on hand before I got it, I was just looking for it and didn’t find it then you can post the link briefly because that’s it should actually go because there is no moderator at the moment and I don’t understand why I B what’s going on because I have every single one but not krüo why krüo where are you what do I have bedws is he I don’t see him here either or He’s already broken up, I don’t know, he’s still live, I have no idea because I don’t have any announcement from him either. It’s very strange, why did I say, I Biel with Basti, okay, you get the link Kri, the link, wait a minute, okay Bomb the so I think opum bet ausen I’ll send you the link that’s the link from so as I said so much diamond so much diamond and I can’t get it that’s so possible the green one has now fetched I have to make Kroko quiet so who can l stay seated yes to krokob just click on the link okay good after TÜ your Bubu

This video, titled ‘SWORDPIXEL Legends – Minecraft [019] Wie geht es weiter !? #minecraft #survival’, was uploaded by Boubous Klötzchenbande on 2024-04-12 08:56:32. It has garnered 58 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:26 or 7706 seconds.

Here it is again, the 3rd edition of Swordpixel – SWORD PIXEL Legends…. Welcome to chaos. I have a very special role this time, if you want to know which one, then definitely take a look. We are playing in 1.18.2 and it is a specially modded game. Many thanks to @Koopa1001 @Skeleto1002 and our @KralleRyu for this great project. List of participants follows… Become a channel member and receive exclusive benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbXlDvNWUbfDh9ZXJ5agMlg/join

!!! Musik: All music in this video is by C418 from the Minecraft soundtrack !!!

Modliste : Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) (by shedaniel) Dynamic Trees + (by MaxHyper) Artifacts (by ochotonida) YUNG’s Better Dungeons (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Rare Ice (Forge/Fabric) (by shedaniel) Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks (by Iron431) Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz) Combat Roll [Fabric & Forge] (by daedelus_dev) Oculus (by Asek3) Snow Under Trees (by bl4ckscor3) Dramatic Doors (by FizzWare) Mutant Monsters [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs) Dynamic Trees (by MaxHyper) AppleSkin (by squeek502) Create (by simibubi) Curios API (Forge/NeoForge) (by TheIllusiveC4) Lukas’ Weapon Leveling (by GeradesoLukas) Xaero’s Minimap (Fair-play Edition) (by xaero96) Born in Chaos (by mongoose_artist) Serene Shrubbery (by Ryukusu) Sophisticated Core (by P3pp3rF1y) Realm RPG: Fallen Adventurers (by nocubeyt) Supplementaries (by MehVahdJukaar) Macaw’s Furniture (by sketch_macaw) Enhanced Celestials – Blood, Blue, & Harvest (Super) Moons (by Corgi_Taco) Waystone Towers (by ner07ca) Storage Drawers (by Texelsaur) AstikorCarts [Horse Carts] (by issork) Caelus API (Forge/NeoForge) (by TheIllusiveC4) Guard Villagers (by almightytallestred) Farmer’s Delight (by vectorwing) Sophisticated Backpacks (by P3pp3rF1y) Comforts (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4) Dynamic Lights (by atomicstrykergrumpy) Cosmetic Armor Reworked (by LainMI) Rubidium (by Asek3) Thirst Was Taken (by ghenghen_) ExpandAbility (by florensie) GeckoLib (by Gecko) Mowzie’s Mobs (by bobmowzie) Alex’s Delight (by NCP_Bails) playerAnimator (by KosmX) Nyf’s Spiders (by Nyfaria) Kiwi (Forge) (by Snownee) rerereSkillable (by lukegrahamlandry) Snow! Real Magic! ⛄ (Forge) (by Snownee) Ice and Fire: Dragons (by sbom_xela) Serene Seasons (by TheAdubbz) Prism [Forge] (by Grend_G) Not Enough Animations (by tr7zw) Corpse (by henkelmax) Puzzles Lib [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs) Better Combat [Fabric & Forge] (by daedelus_dev) Simple Voice Chat (by henkelmax) YUNG’s API (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) YUNG’s Better Strongholds (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Xaero’s World Map (by xaero96) Pehkui (by Virtuoel) Architectury API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) (by shedaniel) Citadel (by sbom_xela) Moonlight Lib (by MehVahdJukaar) Alex’s Mobs (by sbom_xela) YUNG’s Better Mineshafts (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Balm (Forge Edition) (by BlayTheNinth) Additional Weapon and More (by keepertimeless) Cold Sweat (by Mikul) Waystones (by BlayTheNinth) Realm RPG: Pots & Mimics (by nocubeyt)

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or simply via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Bouboubande?v=1&utm_source=unp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=RT000481&utm_unptid=f2e9cdde-90d3-11ed-8a97-3cecef6b0211&ppid=RT000481&cnac=DE&rsta=de_DE%28de-DE%29&cust=2FXW7L7RZSHZW&unptid=f2e9cdde-90d3-11ed-8a97-3cecef6b0211&calc=07667a7062884&unp_tpcid=ppme-social-business-profile-created&page=main%3Aemail%3ART000481&pgrp=main%3Aemail&e=cl&mchn=em&s=ci&mail=sys&appVersion=1.135.0&xt=104038%2C127632 or would you like to support our project?🔔 : https://www.patreon.com/b_k_b16 or maybe visit us in the ☕️ Discord? : https://discord.gg/PR23Days4h #minecraft #build #villager #starterhouse #starterhouse minecraft

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    Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-04-11 22:54:21. It has garnered 34449 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:21 or 13041 seconds. 4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars Download The Mod: http://anubismc.com/modpack Join The Server: play.anubismc.com (Oasis Realm) Type This Code In Game: /partnerredeem Jerome Thanks to AnubisMC for sponsoring us! Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord… Read More

  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

    Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘【minecraft】baby english【vtuberen/jp】’, was uploaded by Angol Mois Ch🌕🌿アンゴル・モア on 2024-04-21 00:53:06. It has garnered 40 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. i’ll be in australia in sept! i’m nervous☺ so teach me english 🙂 i wanna be a language —————————————– ■Twitter https://twitter.com/AngolmoisVtuber ■Donation(Mini Angol appears in screen) https://streamlabs.com/-angolmois-/tip ■Membership https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjirbtthjP9TjpPHl3qhsIQ/join —————————————– 🔸 Art # AngolArtV 🔸 Live # AngolLiveV 🔸 Clips # AngolClips 🔸 Fan Mark 🌕🌿 🔹 Illust & Live2D – Angol Mois —————————————– Hi there! I’m Angol Mois from VTuber🌕🌿 I’m learning English📚and I’m Japanese… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft KFC Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Silent Java on 2024-08-24 10:00:04. It has garnered 2475 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Welcome to my latest Minecraft build! 🍗 In this video, I’ve recreated a KFC restaurant block by block. Watch as I bring the iconic fast-food joint to life in the world of Minecraft, complete with all the details you’d expect. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next build or just love creative Minecraft projects, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment,… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

    Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no CopyrightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Background music that will boost up your content -(No copyright)🔥.@Anitrooz’, was uploaded by Anitrooz on 2024-03-01 08:30:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #shortsfeed #trending #viral #epic #clutch #animation #edit #creepypasta #build #minecraft #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • ViiPerMC

    ViiPerMCWelcome to one of the best minecraft network servers around! We offer a variety of exciting gamemodes including Lifesteal SMP, Sky-Gens, and Sky-Mining. Our server provides full support and guarantees a lag-free experience. Join us for an unparalleled gaming adventure! Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with Nerd.nu PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWj6lQ9K1YZZjopgya3JoQ/join Tips/donations: https://streamlabs.com/richjturn2/tip Merch store: streamlabs.com/richjturn2/merch For more content check out my… Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@richjturn/featured I find channel: https://trovo.live/s/Richjturn/549814015949 Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/richjturn Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@richjturn For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: https://twitter.com/richjturn My Discord Server: discord.gg/Bsxvt6SnAW Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yosoytreme Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yosoytreme TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yosoytreme Twitter: https://twitter.com/yosoytreme ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK: https://discord.gg/2ehHGD5wC7… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup – Custom Keyboard & Mouse!

    Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup - Custom Keyboard & Mouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘||Custom Keyboard||Mouse||Minecraft asmr||’, was uploaded by HGbest_iq_ on 2024-04-14 11:29:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello people Thank u for watching my Video And even Fought_Gamer Did asmr with me So please Drop a sub on my channel as … Read More