EPIC SURVIVAL WORLD! Join Coolment’s Adventure!

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He [Applause] hello I uh I was trying to figure out how to YouTube stream cuz I wanted to try a YouTube stream how’s it going chat do I sound okay hi everybody hello I don’t I don’t know how any of this sounds is everything good are you guys okay is it

Working I don’t know if it’s working hold on oh there it is wow hi everybody hold on I’m just getting messaged out the butt everyone’s like why are you live on YouTube explain yourself to me I’m like I’m sorry what’s going on everybody uh give me a second I’m trying to

Learn YouTube Studio live on stream which is probably not the best time to do it but I’m I’m oh Jesus it’s going crazy hello hello everybody wow you guys are really here what’s going on guys how are we how are we are we doing good holy crap hi

Coolish hello hi hi so I wanted to work poten I need mod oh I’m sorry Duke I don’t know how to do it hold on slod can I just click you yo hello hello where there he is uh hold on how do I how do I mod there you

Go uh yes there we go I’m okay I hope everybody’s doing well I’m learning guys I’m learning how to uh do YouTube streaming this is my first YouTube stream so I thought I would start simple and uh go with a survival series for you guys cuz I thought that would be

A good idea maybe I’m right maybe I’m wrong but uh you know I just wanted to try something new and you know twitch is a bit of a my camera is wonky that’s wrong hold on I can get my lighting right hold on Chad hold on oh

My eyes oh God so can everybody hear everything is everything good can you hear the music I don’t I don’t know if you guys can hear everything can you hear everything yes yeah we can okay good that’s good uh let me see do I look a little

Wonky I don’t even know if I look good or not so chat uh I’m going to start a survival world and series here on YouTube and I thought I would invite you all to it for my first little YouTube stream uh please if you haven’t already like the stream because that will help

Us out and we’re just going to create a world from the top make it drop uh we’re going to do it hi everybody so this should be logged on YouTube after I’m done so my plan here is of course what I want to do is is have a consistent thing

That I can stream and put out on the channel it was blurry for me too was it blurry am I blurry it’s not an SMP koi it’s just it’s just going to be a survival world I wanted something that I could consistently stream so I thought I would

Do a survival world and then after a while I would go hm maybe I should do a hardcore world or a Sky Block World or something like that so I thought the best place to do that would be here on YouTube with you guys live streaming world uh normal we’re not doing the

Cheat well do we allow cheats I feel like cheats are okay but also not what do you think chat anyways good night kment I E be good night Canary good night no don’t no no live streaming world no no no no cheats okay uh seed I have an idea for the seed

That uh do we want anything like Amplified just for fun requires a beefy computer okay we don’t want that large biomes do we want large biomes or do we want normal normal or large biomes what do you guys guys think turn on multiplayer just as a joke I don’t

Have the ability to turn on multiplayer uh yes large biomes normal is best large large Crystal oooo yeah no large I’m seeing a mix between large and normal should I flip a coin should I flip a coin chat normal have fun I can’t play right now okay

Normal okay I’m seeing a lot more normals bye bye all right let’s do normal default default okay generate structures bonus chest is off game rule experiments and data pack we turn on experiments for fun data pack we don’t have any data packs okay cool my live stream

World yeah cool my live streaming world what’s going on let me join us God this is going to be a solo player thing guys can’t we just have a solo player thing where all of us just come together and have a good time also I should be able

To put chat on screen hold on talk chat chat talk it’s not working there it is there you go yeah okay chat welcome to the cool man live streaming world where I live stream and I have a good time maybe we build some stuff maybe I get good to building maybe

I get good at mining maybe I PvP so you know just something for me to do you know you know maybe I should move my face cam so you guys can see my little hand I’m going to be up here now I’m up here now hi chat I’m up here now hi uh

So I say good idea to start a little series you know and and and and and and and play Minecraft with you guys hold on on and play Minecraft with you guys have a good time and do a bunch of stuff okay here’s my cam mining train 99 stack of

Netherite block let me join as God I’m not letting anyone join this is a Solo solo player world uh this is just going to be something that I get to do to talk to you guys I’m not really really doing any anything else I don’t think I’m bringing

Anybody else in from what I understand this is just a me thing this is just a little cool moment a little moment for cool I do appreciate you guys all from coming over though and you know normally I stream on Twitch and a lot of people are

Like Oh Come twitch yipp Yahoo but um no just just just solo player world is is is something I wanted to do and I wanted to try some YouTube streaming because I’ve heard good things and uh Here I Am YouTube stream so uh we’ve got a pretty cool

Spawn not going to lie uh I definitely like the beach aesthetic is that a boat Boat Boat Boat Boat right off the bat dude that’s going to be great what if it’s like a buried treasure map in there oh my God you’re you’re my favorite magical girl com well that’s

Nice a magical girl that’s me Yahoo um but yeah know I’m playing Minecraft today um God I don’t know how to stream on YouTube usually everybody is like here’s emotes and bits and this and that and I’m like wow and it’s really fast I’m very not set up for this stream so I

Don’t have emotes or bits or anything yet I think you have to get monetized for a lot of that stuff um but as we get monetized I have bits and emotes and stuff that I can bring over so that’ll be fun but yeah I just wanted to have a

Spot where oh my God where I could stream something just like when I don’t have any content to make I’ll just play Minecraft and have a good time we already have iron have you heard of it’s me Acro yeah that’s my boy I love Acro

I’ve known Alex for a long time Alex is sick I love Acro have you heard of Freddy Fazbear dude Freddy Fazbear is sick I love Freddy Fazbear it’s my boy yeah uh it’s me Acro he’s a Roblox uh YouTuber uh I was there when he first started his Channel I didn’t work with

Him or anything like that but he was uh he he used to play Minecraft or uh uh uh Gmod what’s it called with me he used to play G Gmod Star Wars RP with me which was fun you know I like playing with him how long will you stream because

Maybe will finally hang out with me um I don’t know I wanted to kind of give it a bit of time just to see how I feel about YouTube streaming whoa Shier dude I haven’t heard from you in a while how you doing man um we already have basically iron

Armor with that with that boat that’s crazy uh we need Cobblestone we can go to the nether or dude dude we just do so I’m so good at Minecraft this is amazing this is the best day of my life we’re going to have to have a little house and

Everything but I’m going to get cobblestone it’s been five centuries it has been five centuries what have you been up to what have you been doing K do you agree to serial is a soup yes cereal is definitely a soup we’re all soups if you think about

It I’m not a salad I have water in me I therefore I am a soup that’s what I’m saying bro you know anything about being a soup I know a thing or two about being a soup why are you a YouTube streamer now well Mary I wanted to I wanted to

Try something new and you know I feel like YouTube streaming is a good uh you know good good like way to gain some new subs and things and bring people to the channel from YouTube because that’s the main thing I’m focusing on and I feel like separating

YouTube and twitch hinders me a little bit because I do a lot of my content on Twitch and and people on YouTube who are the people that I’m actually trying to grow to and get more watch hours from are missing out you know so I’m trying

To just have more people come on I like these types of stream very peaceful I’m glad you like them Oscar welcome uh usually I do a bunch of crazier stuff on Twitch and things like that but I just wanted a light kind of like easy you know content sphere to to just

Just talk to you guys and you know maybe get to know you a bit more when it’s not all that whoa wacky cool video stuff you know my videos are fun and they’re great but I feel like I want to do more YouTube you know because twitch is fun

But it’s not going to get me anywhere without having kind of like an audience space that’s something that I’ve kind of learned and you know I’ve seen eobot stream on YouTube and you know I I just like chilling and you guys seem like a good group of people to just chill with you

Know also thank you welcome to all the new people who are here if you don’t know me my name is k I don’t know how advertisement work on YouTube or if this is even something you should put in your thing because it becomes a video but if

You’re new and you would like to Please Subscribe uh please come by and just enjoy little cool moment bro little coint moment I’m just a guy I’m just a little guy I’m playing Minecraft we’re chilling we’re having a good time we’re playing Minecraft and uh you know maybe

I’ll make a series out of this and it’ll be fun I why am I trying to make cobblestone pants guys guys guys the Cobblestone pants are calling me the the Cobblestone pants are calling me guys they they want my son they want my son back my brain just shut off completely

Cobblestone pants can we get a mod can does anybody make mods can we have Cobblestone pants mod it’s like Cobble crafting table all over again yeah yeah don’t don’t don’t tell them about that one I’m trying to grow a new audience base here the Cobble pants uh you moved

To YouTube now well that’s the thing green I was just telling everybody I love twitch I’ve been doing twitch for a long time and twitch is fun but I just I want to grow my YouTube and I thought the best way to go about doing that was

To stream move my streams to to YouTube and focus more on the YouTube side of things because that’s the main kind of Channel that I want to grow YouTube is one of my biggest platforms right now other than Tik Tok but we don’t talk

About Tik Tok um so I want to just you know have a good vibe on here and I wanted to start a series that I could consistently do so I thought why not start a Survival series and just stream when I feel like it I can add thumbnails so I can

Practice stuff quality suddenly got low damn it did my quality just drop what happened what happened what happened guys what happened what’s going on Capture Moments as they have oh I can clip things that’s cool I didn’t know that dude YouTube’s actually kind of sick I didn’t know that

Yeah you can add thumbnails to YouTube stuff which I think is sick um cuz I could just kind of like preface what the hell I’m doing nobody ask about the Tik Tok content please don’t ask about the Tik Tock content I’m begging you I’m begging you not to ask about the Tik Tok

Content where’s the next merch drop uh so that’s the thing I haven’t really um decided on a merch yet uh I was hoping to get to like 10K subscribers and then if I get 10K subscribers I would I was thinking about doing a like a plushy with uh what’s it called um who

Are they Mak ship or you’s if they contact me I don’t know about you’s contacting me because you kind of have to have a following for that but I Can Dream you know plus YouTu is pretty cool I like your stuff it’s cool thank you uh

But I wanted to get like uh a hoodie designed around the character hoodie that I wear like if you guys don’t know it’s a dark under hoodie with a flannel over the top I think that’ be cool it’d be a cool little thing to have is like I

Could wear my hoodie on stream and stuff like that and I also wanted a uh a little Kai plushy which is uh you know my little character here this is Kai say hello he’s little guy he’s little little cat guy hi Tom uh I’m doing a YouTube I

Found your channel from NY dude nari goated unironically we love narie if you don’t if you haven’t already please sub to narie I love nerfy he’s the goat the goat so let’s just get I need some food it looks like uh let’s start cooking up some pork chop that way we don’t die

Immediately uh you want coint headphones oh dude coint headphones like razor partnering with me for like cat ear headphones like blue cat ear headphones that would be so fun do a cool Min plushy of Crystal M I would I would do a whole Crystal M mine um um but I I want

To focus mainly on um those two things if I ever did merch I would want to do the coolman plushy CU there’s a lot of like desire for that and I would want to do the um the cool Min shirt because I feel like that that would be fun I’m

Going to make a bed really quick because that’s what you do on night one what it’s not night time yet okay that’s okay but yeah I do want I want to do some merge stuff eventually I just I I I feel like it’s not justified when you have only got like 3,500 subscribers

What time is it for me it’s about 900 p.m. going to save up for plush dude plush so one thing that I’m really kind of focusing on is I want to run conventions I want to start meeting fans like that’s the biggest thing that I like doing is meeting people who support

My content I went to VidCon Baltimore and Just Vibe it was so fun um how do you survive so long uh what do you mean this is day one I’ll save for meeting you dude that would be awesome I would love to meet you guys please please please make cool

Me sticker sticker meant I need them oo that’s a cool idea k. shop or k shop. co.net would be fun the animal I can’t say that ye you can’t say that man all right let’s see oh perfect Perfect all right so far so good I mean this biome looks sick look at that

There’s like ice on top of the mountain that would be so cool we need to find a good spot do you swear on this stream I probably will I have been trying to limit my swearing a bit I used to swear a lot but I try not to as much

Do you remember Lord Tyler oh the goat the goat Lord Tyler the goat the goat insert any word plus meant angle funny hi Acro I was just talking about you man how you doing you got your check mark did you get over 100,000 subscribers already that’s awesome how’s it going

Brother miss talking to you uh I’ve moved from YouTube streaming over to or from Twitch streaming over to YouTube streaming because I felt like it um how are you man w w Arro moment yeah is the goat I told you guys Acro is the goat we love Acro over here is this terraria

What this isn’t K wait what it K say raar please raar please uh cooler you’re my favorite fortnite streamer thanks ye I appreciate that I haven’t streamed fortnite before I have but is that Acro and Co drama what no acro’s cool we love Acro acro’s sick acro’s badass we love Acro dude we

Are at 40 concurrent viewers what is going on everybody crap by the way y’all should definitely visit this guy’s public GRE in the jesters promoting the public SMP Acro hates kment that’s upsetting I love I love Acro I’ve Loved Acro for a long while that guy’s content’s good too I actually just

Started playing Roblox recently AO if you ever or heow if you ever want to make a Roblox video with me um I would be down because Roblox I played a little bit of doors and I enjoyed it and then I got really interested in a thing cool

Man cool says who I love Roblox I know you love Roblox Acro Acro comes in and goes Roblox is [Laughter] sick oh man that’s funny all right well let’s I kind of want to explore that cave um I got the stuff to do it too let’s go

Over there let’s go check the cave out H H let’s go check that cave out oh cool man I have game suggestions for Roblox trust trust we’ll have to do a Roblox stream sometimes I try to keep my YouTube very Minecraft oriented so maybe I’ll do like a Roblox stream over on

Twitch because I don’t feel like giving up the platform fully yet um but I don’t know I think I might do Minecraft streams exclusively on YouTube and then maybe some like other stuff over on Twitch I don’t know if I want to switch between the two uh currently I’m really

Enjoying the vibe on YouTube it’s a lot less like mean people cuz there’s like a lot of mean people on Twitch that’ll just pull up and just like come into your stream and say just the worst stuff imaginable again trying to limit my cursing uh just like the most heinous

Heinous words imaginable and then they expect you to like befriend them so I’m just trying to trying to have fun you know and play a little Minecraft and just to have a series that I feel like I’d enjoy and I know would be like here when when when after I’m

Gone you know like this is the the VOD but I could probably like cut the VOD up and make a video out of it if I wanted to do a series you know which is why I want to do like long variants of uh like long streams that I can then

Do stuff with I don’t know if I’m going to make this into a video but I think it would be fun K can you say k yeah what do you mean I know it’s dark guys hold on I got to get some of this coal

So cool mate twitch can be full of a lot of nasty folks yeah there there’s a lot of interesting people on the internet I’ll say that I’ve actually kind of learned that like YouTube as a whole I’ve not had any negativity on YouTube everybody’s been really positive on

YouTube and you know I grew up in a lot of like really nasty communities Acro Acro and members uh uh uh a community that was in called uh Valkyrie gaming that waso oh I cursed I’m sorry uh that that that Community was something else um God we were all horrible people uh so

You know when it comes to being a part of bad communities and then comparing it to being a part of like positive communities I love it curtain can you say happy birthday ye there you go and there all and there goes all my innocence what’s up Raven wow I’ve never

Seen Raven actively in anything cool wasse it’s amazing to me because like I stream once on YouTube it’s just like oh K’s live viewer count you know I don’t get like any views on on Twitch as much as I do here I was in your Tweet stream

Twitch stream 40 viewers wow 40 people are here hi everyone how are you please subscribe I have a wife and kids to support just not for very long Zoom no tweet I can’t oh I Gotta Give My Girlfriend Mod hold on I have to mod my girlfriend Katie I’m trying out YouTube

Streaming it feels a lot more like LAX and fun over here um hold on I gotta I’m giving Katie managing moderation I go hi KD NYX are you are you mod on Twitch I can’t remember if you’re on the mod team hi claer yeah I’m doing a YouTube stream

Bud uh I wanted to try out YouTube CU you hyped it up for me and some other people were telling me that YouTube streaming was fun uh so I thought I’d try it you know so I’m trying it and so far I’m really liking it so I started a

A a a little com survival Minecraft series YouTube streaming is hype it’s fun I’m enjoying it like genu genuinely it’s much more LAX like twitch feels hype all the time everybody here is nice SMP uh I have some SMP content planned for the new year um but you know

I’m just I’m just doing a chill thing everybody is spamming me on Twitter right now my Twitter’s been popping off too much like my phone consistently goes off and it’s mainly because I’m just like cool I guess but you know I I actually have a plan for something uh

Creator smpp wise I don’t want to spoil it but I was invited by System Z to potentially do something with origin Realms that I’m not going to spoil but I was invited oh yeah Z messaged me about that too yeah I I I made a

Tweet about a poll on Twitter and I said what would everybody think about a Creator SMP uh or this this or this series and everyone was like creater smpp do it loser and I was like okay fine you know okay and then system Z responded to that and was like I’m

Thinking about doing something like this are you interested and I was like yes thank you thank you for considering me system Z appreciate it if you do an S&P please be the villain so I have like two smps planned I have the one with system Z

That is probably going to be I don’t want to spoil but I also have another one that I’m planning with Lackey that’s going to be more of like an event oriented thing but it’s also it’s it’s it’s going to be something it’s going to be cool it’s

Going to be neat it’s going to be neat uh it’s it’s a tweet that he put out so I guess it’s pretty popular but um it’s called Double Take SMP I think is the name we started discussing and basically it’s an SMP where uh it’s hardcore if you die you

Become a ghost and you can kill someone within 24 hours to be resurrected or you’re banned from the server for a certain amount of time so there was going to be lore in that it was going to kind of be like a life steal type type

Thing I’m just waiting to hear more from Lackey but that could be fun uh that could be something to do when are you creating Roblox merch it’s raining why is it raining uh but yeah it it’ll probably be a stress one I don’t know how much of that

I’m going to make content on uh it’s really a matter of when lack he puts it out what we plan to do with it but I think that would be fun you know uh enjoy the high YouTube rate enjoying the high YouTube bit rate yeah I am it’s

Nice uh I don’t know how forget Roblox merch and Coan plushy I do want to do a coolman plushy but yeah V I’m trying out YouTube streaming this is my first one and I’m I’m enjoying it it’s fun it’s fun CL I kind of took inspiration from

Your thumbnails for the twitch stream I don’t know if you saw but it’s pretty basic pretty Bare Bones but it it feels nice I kind of like the thumbnail that I made for this stream if you guys haven’t already go look it looks pretty sick also if you haven’t already

Like what the hell my audio just crazy uh like the stream please I beg you I beg you to like the Stream also cool me YouTube streaming is huge watch time is it what are we watching time pass by can’t wait until we get that merch drop

I will wear 24/7 dude I would love to do a merch drop I just I I don’t have the following to justify it right now blue timer says that’s a lot of food com thank you that’s that’s kind of what I was focusing on before I go mining um because I don’t feel

Comfortable here yet all right let’s see get rid of that let’s go I want Iron and I want coal who hasn’t liked who hasn’t liked like the stream if you do a 2hour stream with 40 people and half of the people watch half of it that’s 40 hours

Of watch time dang that is a lot of watch time wow maybe I should just start streaming on YouTube more maybe we should just all start watching coolman streams all the time so I can get monetized do you guys want to get me monetized I might like the stream like

The stream share it with your dad what uh all right I’m going to spare some of my iron to make a bucket this bucket op uh fck it fck it all right there goes that I made another one yippe oh I took the water out from under

My feet get coolm monetized so that is one of the goals of the year one of my New Year’s resolutions was to get monetized I asked claer for a lot of help on how to do that which is why I’m trying new so wait I’m a mod here bro I had no idea

Uhoh that that should be revoked somebody get rid of fig ban fig from the server I’m kidding don’t do that don’t don’t ban fig please please it was a joke uh let’s see oh there we go perfect that’s just what I needed yeah F I’m trying some

Some some some some new stuff I want to grow my channel a bit I was going to ping you too SMH that’s funny I didn’t know fig was was here that’s news to me so but yeah just a chill little coolman stream just just for fun and uh you know

I think I might take cler’s idea that if I’m streaming to 40 people I might as well stream for like two hours how do you guys feel about two hour streams is that fair because I usually do an hour stream on YouTube um maybe I should do like a two

Hour stream what do you guys think hi VD hi vud you’re doing good you just have to keep the momentum going boss thank you Neil my thing is I want to keep streaming and I want to keep having fun with YouTube because it’s really just a

Fun process the thing is here soon guys uh I’m going to be moving in with my lovely and gorgeous girlfriend so there may be a point for like a month or two where I’m gone um and I might get a backlog of content just to have something to edit um actually this might

Be a good idea for like claer fig and maybe Acro if you guys want I would love for you guys to do Channel takeover for me like just do a video while I’m I’m gone Acro got to get mod Acro do you want mod at Acro hater how dare

You but yeah I might need some some some help maybe like vud can come in and do a video and send me the video stuff and I’ll edit it and I’ll just be like Co man asked me to take care of this while he was gone and just because there’s going to

Be there’s going to be a time where where I just I can’t I’m not going to be able to make anything just while I get together with my girlfriend we move in and we have a nice house together so you know I want to stay consistent I don’t

Want the algorithm to forget me while while I do that um so I might ask for some help there it’s later down the line but uh I’m definitely going to need some help because we might move in with her parents and stuff and I don’t want to I

Don’t want to to you know if her parents are going to be letting us stay with them for a little bit till we get acquainted I don’t really want to be in there screaming and shouting in their house or anything anything like that and

Making a fuss you know now when I get my own apartment we’re we’re already planning like a cool background like I already have uh a design for like streaming background and stuff I want to get probably like a wall behind me that’s going to have like a big cool

Like light up sign I think that’d be really cool um maybe some fig Minecraft merch I got to get my NY plushy up there uh yeah there’s a bunch of stuff that I want to do it’s not going to be for a few months though so I’m just kind of

Cruising right now and I’ve got a video coming soon but yelling coolman is the best yeah that’s the thing I’m going to have to like put my content on hold so that I can get to a plausible place in life because you know I love making

Content and I I want to continue doing it I might need help for a little bit just because I’m G to have to move back to Atlanta and me and Katie are going to want to get a place I’m going to probably have to start a new job and

Things like that which you know we’ll we’ll put a put a pin in things for a little bit but I probably am going to also have a backlog of content that I make and you know when no one’s home I could potentially get a video out but um

I’ll still be able to edit and stuff but I might ask some friends for some help man I S my wifei is going uh wait hermano singing blu’s adoption paper stream what signing blu’s adoption paper stream I don’t think I’m adopting anyone I don’t want kids right now dear

God hold on guys I have to check something who hasn’t liked the coolman stream who hasn’t liked the coolman stream I must know are you planning on moving soon well me and Katie are discussing some stuff because I’m currently locked in a lease but there’s also um my uncle was potentially who’s

Who’s also my boss was potentially going to help me get out of that lease and you know once I’m out of that lease I just need need a new job in Atlanta and then me and Katie are going to be together her lease ends in May but we were going

To pay her lease off and all this other stuff and you know I I might need a month or two to to to kind of adjust to that period where we start actually making an income um and of course you know when I have expendable money I can do more fun

Things and Katie and me can do more fun things I got to get her a PC because she wants a PC really bad and I want to upgrade some stuff on my stream and potentially get some graphics and you know maybe hire some editors and things like that but it’s really just a

Matter of you know what me and Katie are comfortable with because at the end of the day it’s our income it’s not my income and I love her and she’s great and I want her to be a part of my life and a part of this with me she’s just

She’s literally been like this with me the whole time I want to do write by her I want to grow my Channel I want I I want I eventually want this to be a job you know I eventually want to to make streaming and and YouTube a job and uh

You know get monetized videos and things like that and just genuinely make content for you guys Katie wants the cool man cash no she does not she wants the cool man heart and love but um yeah no I want to do a ton of YouTube I Love YouTube stuff hi pilot

Hello I want to do a ton of YouTube stuff and I want to consistently do stuff you know I’m writing lore for the wide chest stuff for those of you who are w CH man I am writing a character lore and backstory for that um but I I

You know I want to do my own content that you know isn’t just I’m I don’t want to just be known as the yhs guy you know the guy who does yhs with Sam I love Sam I will work with Sam as long as Sam will have me on the yhs

Series or whatever series he’s running I will be there I will work with Sam into the heat death of the universe that guy is amazing he helps me he’s genuinely caring about what I’m doing uh but I don’t want to be I don’t want to be oh there goes

Kment Sam’s friend you know there goes KET ny’s friend there goes K cler’s friend there goes kit system Z’s friend I want to make content that people want to see but I’m still learning you know uh I’ve just recently gotten pretty good at editing uh to a point that I’m proud

Of not comfortable with yet but proud of um so you know I like putting stuff together I like videos out I just I feel like the main thing I’ve got to get better at is getting people’s attention you know uh like when people first Goin the video

I’m retaining really well it’s more of I need to get more people interested there goes com Katie’s friend yeah Katie’s friend hi devasquez what’s up man hi bat bat what’s going on how are you welcome to the stream uh I’m starting day one of my little little

Series um and we’re just we’re just talking about YouTube stuff and and where I want to go and what I want to do and what a lot of people want to see from me I mean cler’s designing a few Maps uh on YouTube of course I’m going

To make videos on that uh he’s got to finish uh another map for me and one of the things that I’m doing tomorrow is I’m recording a video with Lackey and Olive that I had planned with dug that Stan gave me the idea for so thank you

Stan I’m also going to do one of the claer maps new map is going to be so hyp dude I love the new map the new map looks so sick um but I’m planning on also doing uh cler Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 map cuz I did the first one

Uh we did a big thing with that but I didn’t really sit down and play the second one yet so that’s another video I want to make I want to make a video on the second uh five nights at Village on the second Five Nights at Freddy’s uh

Map that he made so I’m going to potentially do that tomorrow too I’ve heard it’s hard so you know uh I’m going to sit down probably record that for like 3 hours I don’t know if I should stream it would you guys want to watch me stream Five Nights at Freddy’s in

Minecraft is that something you’d want to see because I could take I think I can take the VOD and edit it into a video right cler hello from c stand hello Crow what’s going on hi Nova wait I Gotta Give Nova moderator hold on how do I do this Nova

Hold on I have to give you moderator on YouTube I want to get a a team together for people I can actually mod cuz I feel like mods on YouTube they can do more and they can do less I should also give it to vud cuz vud could help me here um

I probably need to tell the mod team the twitch mod team to move to YouTube and just become the moderation like the chat moderation team um but yeah there’s there’s there’s some stuff and uh you know I’m I’m really interested in in drawing my stuff can Tom and Timmy get

Mod Tom and Timmy that’s a name I haven’t heard in E bro Tom and Timmy’s good um I don’t know about that though um is cool but I do a lot of content stuff I’m growing you know Acro and a lot of a lot of people that I used to talk to that

Are doing really good at YouTube are really helping me dude like I’m getting a lot of help and I really appreciate it Gavin contacted me about making thumbnails for me which I don’t know if I’m going to pick him up on that offer uh all of hoodies was also

All of hoodies opened up uh editor and stuff like he’s opening up editor applications so you can like hire him for editing and I might take him up on that just because I love uh Olive’s content style and I feel like at the very least he’ll help me kind of

Storyboard better 20 24 is going to be comment’s year for real yeah I’m learning a lot about YouTube in the sphere and you know I have a really good group of people that are helping me mind-blowing just an average being welcome man how you do it uh I have like

A lot of good people that are just here to help me you know and not to be like a sap but I really appreciate it like years ago when I was a young lad in 2014 I 2013 2014 I started up my first YouTube video after watching you know

Some older YouTubers that I won’t oh on can you go bald I will go bald I shouldn’t say anything I shouldn’t say Anything I shouldn’t say anything was Co young ones I was the young ones bald me no no we’re not doing a bald bit I’m not shaving my head I’m not pulling a fit MC um when I was young I loved watching YouTuber though come home from school first

Well that was easy diamonds day one let’s go uh what was that talk about oh yeah YouTubers YouTubers were like my go-to like depressed parents fighting YouTube you know uh you know uh couldn’t make it to a friend’s house well might as well go on YouTube you know I I Lov YouTube

Growing up and I always wanted to do it and for the longest time I never thought that I could and the reason for that was more personal belief than anything else you know I started to believe that I would never make it cuz I didn’t know

What I was doing and then you know a lot of good came from that I met um ant venom who to this day has been one of my biggest like supporters ant venom if you don’t know who ant venom is the goat um and then from there you know I met

Clouser and I met Lackey and I met a lot of people through the mod team there and I just kind of realized like everybody’s just they’re all just people making stuff that is what you know like what they enjoy and I wasn’t making anything that I enjoyed or that I felt other

People would enjoy so just recently I started working with Sam I started working with plower and just a bunch of people to make content that I had fun with but also content that I genuinely enjoyed and it really changed my mindset and dynamic and you know claer sitting

Down and teaching me how to photoshop is like the biggest thing for me because once I learned how to photoshop I was like I’m in this is content Coit moment I spent two months learning how to photoshop when I first moved here to North Carolina and it was just like

Immediately the Cog Wheels started turning you know and I was just like this is great I love this I want to do this full time you know this is the only thing I want to do but I never thought I’d see myself so much in an internet catboy what the do you

Mean I shouldn’t be curing I’m sorry um but yeah uh it it’s just like I want to do it and you know everybody’s always like oh cler in this person and YouTube is hard and blah blah blah I really just genuinely enjoy making things I think what’s

Really great is when I was making things back in the day I was always like a start seeing growth eventually I’ll start seeing grow growth eventually and I never knew what I was doing so it never came so for like 10 years I did like crappy YouTube videos and never

Went anywhere and now I’m just like oh quality that’s a thing you have to do and I got taught a lot about quality from from cler and narie and how to do film settings and scenarios and all this stuff and they really coached me like I couldn’t ask for a better like coaching

Like I got coach on what good content bad content really was and you know that’s really something a lot of people I don’t think get access to in any form of content creation you kind of have to just learn it or that’s that your mic is fading by the way you

Really need to move closer to it okay sorry um you know you you have to learn a lot of it on your own and modern YouTube needs to be either really into the algorithm or very creative you can really just BS it now yeah well you know I just I want to find

My way into it just cuz it’s fun you know and I genuinely enjoy coming home from work sitting down and going okay what’s my next video going to be or what am I really going to do and how can I do it and da so you know I watch you know I

Make no I’m okay um I really like making things like it feels too close it feels fun to genuinely just come home sit down and go I can make something and it’s going to be fun and it’s going to be unique and it’s going to be myself and it’s going to have

Personality behind it and genuinely the fact that we’re growing and the fact that I have a bunch of people around me that want to see me do well it’s just like it’s it’s just nice and you know I know a lot of my fans come from Sam’s

Ser series some of them come from nari series some of them comes from system Z some of them comes from cler you know the thing that’s great is no matter what people have kind of stuck around and continued to watch me and and be entertained by me as a person more than

The content that I’m making everyone’s like ha this funny cat boy watch him fall off a mountain and die you know so you know all I really do is just be myself and I’m glad you guys love me for myself you know i’ I’d never want to be

A Persona I never want to go and like punch Gumball in a in a in a caran or anything like that like I don’t I never want to you know I don’t want to be fake I want to just be the guy who’s like hi I’m a Minecraft Youtuber and I want to

Meet you at this convention and you guys are great and I support you I also really want to get to the point where we can do charity streams uh I’m a big fan I don’t know if there’s any charities for like kids with divorced parents or like abusive parents that’s kind of

Something that I feel like I want to support I don’t have abusive parents but my parents were divorced and you know growing up is kind of hard like that so one of the Charities that I would love to support if there is one is a charity that would like support kids with

Separated parents or like single mothers or things like that just because like you know I didn’t have it hard growing up but there’s there’s as specs and resources that I wish I had if that makes sense you know like there’s a lot of stuff that I feel like I lack because

I didn’t have a father figure but uh uh you know I I feel like if there was ever a charity that I could get behind and support it would be something like that I like the thumbnails and how he edits the intros come I found I found K via nari then I

Saw his videos with Sam beating the lava floor and found KET funny for these kinds of videos yeah my stuff like even with narie like our stuff’s always just chaotic me and NY like I just I come across in nar’s videos as Mr chaos I’m

The chaos guy you know whenever I’m in a NY video like I love reading the comments because the comments are always like is the chaos being whenever I see cool men in a video oh thank you for the Subscribe how are you welcome to the

Stream oh yeah I forgot I set up sounds hold on maybe I should make that a little better oh my good sweet bippy lemon welcome thank you for the sub the subscription I’m going to make that bigger so I can read it cuz I don’t know

How to read it on YouTube sa 11 thank you for the subscription man how you guys doing welcome thank you guys so much for coming out uh I make content sometimes is that really loud turn that down I’m so sorry hold on how loud is that I’m sorry is that really loud I’m

So sorry oh my God I’m sorry hold on wait I’ll turn it down a bit I didn’t mean it was loud I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to be that loud all I turn it down but uh wasn’t that loud don’t worry okay I thought it was really loud I can

Turn it back up fine I’ll turn it back up yeah I have like if somebody donates or anything it’ll it’s it’s just the I’m going to put my cat on the mic it’s so funny you hurt me KET I’m sorry Ash you shouldn’t be listening at max volume but

You know what keeps me with ket the day of the nari science video K recognized me and said hi and some silly dances dude that video was fun I wish I could have stayed longer I had to do some stuff uh recording wise but I Love NY dude okay genuinely like

Nari that guy is just the sweetest most genuine guy he will like go out of his way to be in your stuff and like hold your hand and tell you’re a good boy why am I here what is this what’s in here is there anything in here

Hello wait hold on I know I was talking about how great nari is is there a hidden chest here I feel like there’s supposed to be something here this wouldn’t just be here right now ref what what I’m talking to myself is that me from the

Future what what cler did you log into the co account I was looking at your analytics of course you I was just watching my analytics in real time Bruh Bruh it’s me from the future uh wait that is under the snow is there really something under the

Snow no way is there actually something under the snow so lemon hi lemon how are you what’s going on I feel like I know who you are lemon do I know you dig down where where do I dig down I need to make a shovel hold

On I feel like your name is familiar lemon do I know you from something I feel really bad if I don’t I’m just like I Know Who You Are think you’re going to escape me I know exactly who you are what is this obsidian no that’s cool okay we’re going

To find this this is what I wanted all right let’s just sleep real quick there’s only something there sometimes I think you would have found it by now no we’re going to find it don’t worry guys we’re going to find it I’m going to find it if it takes me all

Day where is this chest where is it where is it where is the chest where are you you son of a gun I’m not doing this all day this bit is not worth it it’s not there I’m clearly the smarter sibling that’s funny I like how blue thinks we’re siblings they’re Spanish I’m Caucasian dig straight down trust sock puddles what is going on when are you getting that coolit Sam Gladiator animation out sock pudles I’m calling you out I’ve been waiting I’ve been waiting where is it where is it sock puddles you come in here telling me you you you you finish

My my stuff where’s my animation where is it huh huh where is it huh huh [Laughter] huh everybody I need everybody right now to spam where’s the animation socker right now o egg getting called out scramble that egg scrambled wait why is he live on YouTube help I’m so confused

Sam uh I tried to do something new and honestly I’m enjoying it um YouTube streaming is new to me and I wanted to try it of course I’m definitely trying to grow my YouTube and stuff like that but on top of it TT is just a

Platform well thank you for the sub Sam Linn how you doing um it’s just a platform that I don’t like the narrative behind it’s too money Centric and just just just not chill you know like I’m vibing here we’re having a good time we’re all just talking I don’t have

A random person coming in and trying to subbot me or anything like that it’s just we’re just having a good time Honestly YouTube is quite nice place to stream dud YouTube genuinely this is what I was saying earlier YouTube genuinely everybody on YouTube has been 10 times nicer than any other platform

I’ve ever been on like on on Twitch you know there’s the occasion of like I’m a twitch streamer don’t talk to me you know uh you also get like people coming in and just being really rude I’ve never had that on YouTube like the few times I’ve streamed on YouTube people are just

Like genuinely nice and I think I did some VR chat streams back in the day uh which is fun you know let’s get some of this uh I want to get iron first I bet you we find more diamonds I bet you we find more diamonds I want diamonds bring me

Diamonds I want more Diamond I want full diamond in the first stream fade man am I fading out again I don’t show because it’s nice dude you I I just think genuinely YouTube is a better platform I mean there might not be as many people watching YouTube as twitch but

Like they like you’re never going to okay let me say this I’ve been doing twitch for longer than I’ve been doing YouTube and with twitch you know hold on I got kill this guy do I have an A with with twitch I’ve been streaming for so long and just barely gotten to

The point where I’m growing like and I’m only growing because I’ve done in other platforms you know like the growth does not come naturally from twitch and they make it out to be like it’s the biggest streaming platform in the world and you have to like it and it’s just so

Corporate and it’s just so not fun you know like the partnership program on Twitch is not fun man I don’t enjoy like having to prove myself I just I should be able to have a fun stream enjoy my time and that’d be there that’d

Be it that’d be the end of it you know so I think I might do more YouTube streaming than I will do uh Twitch streaming just because I want to grow YouTube I want to get mon I want to do a bunch of different stuff and I feel like it’s much more

Attainable here you know like I don’t feel like I’m fighting the entirety of the algorithm to to grow on YouTube I feel like it’s just passively happening and that’s good you know it it should happen that way you should just passively grow and if you commit enough time to something why shouldn’t you

Passively grow that’s that’s my question you could do it on YouTube you could do it on Tik Tok you can’t do it on Twitch you can not do it on Twitch and I’m convinced you can’t do it on Twitch anymore and you know there’s some twitch rumors out there that have like

Blown up over funny clips and all of that and I get that but they blew up over funny clips like let’s look at shroud and I don’t want to throw shade shade at shroud because I love shroud I watch his content still he blew up he started in

Csgo uh competition right and that’s how he started to grow he blew up when pubg came out and he did the banana man thing and he was running around and getting stream sniped since then I don’t think I’ve heard a lot about shroud he still gets 30,000 viewers because people love

Watching him but I haven’t heard him be consistently anything um same with like some well summit summit still has funny clips but like there’s a there’s not a lot of new breakout people uh that you consistently remember anymore like YouTubers in my opinion today you don’t remember them longterm the last time I

Remembered a long-term YouTuber that stands the test of time was like Markiplier like genuinely or or dream dream dreams problematic I don’t want to talk about dream too much but that’s the last time I heard a name that people were just like they just knew you know Vanos well Vanos is older you

Know uh but there’s like there’s just like a lot Tommy’s a good a good point like Tommy in it love that guy love to meet him he’s genuinely the bro he seems like a genuine homie genuinely passionate about what he’s doing in the world um

But there’s not a lot of I think New Age YouTubers that you just know you know um some old age YouTubers who kind of carried off through their career and are continuing to do it but I don’t see a lot of like new you tubers that you’re

Like that guy you know um The Only Exception I think I can I can think of is like the hermitcraft guys like solidarity gaming uh he’s cool uh I definitely think uh LD shadow lady is cool I think they’re sick uh I think that they’ll probably go for for ages those guys are

Genuinely cool but there’s like a lot of creators that I’ve actually come in contact with again that haven’t made content in ages like uh I I met up with caveman films through ant venom and he started to do stuff again which I really like I used to love caveman films but

You know he stopped for a long time I think I think he kind of just put a pin in it for a long while and kman films was genuinely a nice gu I love Dave Dave is great cool M YouTube stream huh well then hey yeah what’s going on James I’m

I’m decided to try and start streaming on YouTube uh just to equate some numbers and things like that I’m not going to do anything crazy I might do some of my events on here just so there’s a log of the events um but you know I just kind of want to do YouTube

Streaming I I’ve seen nfy do really well on it um and I’ve seen cler do really well on it and you know I I see a lot of like a lot of the upand coming streamers that I have seen stream on YouTube like solidary gaming is one of them doesn’t

He stream on YouTube isn’t he a YouTube streamer I think even uh back before his passing even like technoblade was streaming on YouTube Just because like it’s genuinely a nicer platform you know Pizza Kraken what’s going on I don’t think I’ve seen you yet how are you doing I might have just

Missed your your message how are you but there’s just like a lot of people that are doing YouTube streaming or did YouTube streaming that I feel like those are the guys you know techno streams are the best I watched all them dude I loved technoblade I’m so sad that

I didn’t get into to the community when he was still like what’s the word still around because I genuinely love meeting him he genuinely seems like the goat of YouTube that guy is like a mastermind from what I understand some of the stories Aunt Michael were telling me

About him are just like nuts like that like like just the the sheer amount of content that he would do and like the the commitment to it like I have a job you know I have a job technoblade was from what I understand like he wouldn’t have done anything else

Other than that hi Becca but you know I genuinely I I wish I could have met him because I genuinely feel like he is an inspiration to a lot of creators nowadays including me like I wouldn’t really have thought about coming back without watching his content because I really wasn’t even watching Minecraft

Content on YouTube until the potato what is it the potato war and that’s when kind of I got back into it um I stopped watching for a long while and that’s like when I met Aunt I freaked out I was like dude I used to watch you all the

Time like there’s no one been as good as you guys since and he was like ah the new age guys are great I’m like yeah uh there’s so much stream delay on YouTube liking this better already there’s not much oh yeah no there’s not much at all

It’s really nice laku H how are you doing uh do you have any boundaries you’d like the community to know for example is shipping so my only thing is is I’m really uncomfortable with unprompted kind of NSFW pictures of my character so far I’ve only had

One um and I dressed the person and I spoke to them privately about it and they were kind they were nice about it they brought it down um you know I’m an adult and you know I don’t I know that there ‘s a place on the internet for

That and I know it’s going to happen regardless of what I’d say I’m not interested in seeing it and I kind of want to have a community of people that aren’t you know that that that can feel safe you know from that stuff uh don’t get me wrong my profile picture is drawn

By an NSFW artist oh no I think it’s a I think it’s like a not an sfw not I shouldn’t say sfw my profile picture is drawn by secret Nar secret narc is lwd artist I don’t think they draw anything like explicit but love secret narcissist if you haven’t already follow them on

Twitter they’re great um but you know I know it’s present I think a lot of us know it’s present and I’m not like gonna say I I I I gonna ban it you’re banned if you post it like I’m not gonna do that but I’ll reach out to you if I’m

Uncomfortable with something uh I’m an adult you know if you recall I mentioned to you a while ago that I originally shut down my Discord because I didn’t like the community that was forming may or may not have been relateded to what you’re talking about wow yeah my main thing is you know

Miners that is something I don’t think a lot of creators talk about uh a big part of your community in any facet of game you have adults and you have miners uh interacting with miners is genuinely terrifying as a Creator there are some good ones Clouser included you know

There’s some out there but there’s some that don’t understand social boundaries and that I’m a human being I’m a 25-year-old man talking to a child is problematic so I I talk to miners in a way that or or I talk to my younger audience I should in a way that I feel

Is you Know proper I guess is the word I don’t want anyone to have to come to me and say k what’s this and I’m like you know I don’t want that that’s that’s something that I want to keep out of the eyes now I know it’s going to happen there’s websites we all

Go to websites okay I get it I don’t want it present in my community I don’t want it present in my art Channel or anything like that is it going to be out there yeah is it going to be intertwined and intermingled in the community yes

It’s G to happen there’s nothing I can do to stop it I know that my thing is is I don’t want that present around me when I have a younger audience because I feel like I love art I’m a huge fan of artists I support the out of artists I think

That they should get a chance to post their work in area where they can Thrive a lot of my thumbnails are made by artists I credit them whenever I can if I had money more I would pay them when I get monetized I will pay them that

That’s the only downside to me right now is I don’t have a lot of money and I plan on paying people that have done work for me before but I love art I’m huge suppor of artists I pay all my stuff when I can uh if people volunteer

You know that’s that I I app appreciate that and I appreciate the help my point is do your art do whatever you want draw whatever you’d like to draw I don’t want things that are problematic in my community that includes problematic artworks and problematic people so I

Tend to have a really strict mod team my mods actually jumped jumped my ass because uh I was just Banning people that I thought were bad without like getting genuine like Express understanding what was going on and the mods were like there should be a process

To this moment and I was like get him the freak out of here so you know some people got banned for certain things that they should have gotten banned for when I was in charge uh but now I have a genual what’s it like working with

Sam I watch Sam a lot growing up uh I’m I’m just a big of a fan of the series as you guys are um I was intermingled in his community at a young age when I was 15 I was in sh wecraft which this is probably some lore for you guys sh

Wecraft was a server made by uh sticky pistons David uh for Einshine back when Einshine uh made content and when Sam started making videos with Einshine uh he contacted sh wecraft crew being Okami artist silly Jilly cuki before that whole ordeal uh seex Brown tortois well taoris wasn’t on the team

Seex Brown was on the team taurtis was Sam’s friend but the original crew was from a server called shy and they would go on there and they would moderate the that stuff when when they weren’t recording I was a big fan of shine through my watching

Of uh Scott’s Minecraft cuz I used to watch skott’s Minecraft before he turned out to be a hor horrible person um and you know I watched IR shine’s thing I watched his videos and I laughed my ass off and I actually came across him one day on omigle which is weird if

You think about it um and then from there I was interjected into the shall wecraft Community I met Sam I met tauris when I was very young so they didn’t remember me um and then you know I grew up uh you know all that stuff happened

Where they all broke apart which I don’t know the full story so please don’t ask me I don’t know I don’t know what happened um and when they all split apart Sam I got to go big brother see you tomorrow see you Bye Bird Bye Bird

Um when they all spit apart and moved onto their own things uh it just kind of died for a while so about a year or two ago Sam started putting out a casting call and I was doing voice acting and he contacted me and he said hey your voice

Is really good do you want to do some work with me and I said yes so the first video I was ever in with Sam was his Dragon Ball movie uh which you probably guys didn’t know I was in uh but I was the big dragon guy

Um and I was in that and then from there Sam and me just kind of started playing m Minecraft together and and uh agreer voice is really good yeah I did a lot of voice acting for a while um but so from there I kind of just started

Talking to Sam passively and he was like wow you have like a lot of understanding of exactly what like I’m doing like how do you know all this stuff and I was like oh yeah I just have 10 years of theater and improv experience and directorial experience and he was like

Huh he was like you’re goated what the I said yes I’m goated and uh then from there you know I just made stuff with him genuinely enjoyed having fun creating content with him and then I just one day was like Hey what if we like revamped the yhs series and he went

No no no and I was like but what if we did and he went well what if we did and I said yeah what if we did and from there it’s history you know I contacted owl because owl was drawing animatics on Twitter uh I contacted KS

Chaos because I saw their animatics I contacted bunnies with knives because bunnies with knives is anim maual great orbit I think orbit drew me on Twitter and then I was like Sam look he was like Wow and then contacted orbit to make a thumbnail for the lethal company video

We were in and and you know it just kind of was like once I inspired Sam to make content again he was all about not only himself growing But Me growing and don’t get me wrong there’s aspects of yhs and Minecraft roleplay that are cringe and i’ I’ve stated before when I first

Started I was Like you know um like I the I was genuinely I’ll give you guys some insight I was genuinely like freaked out in the first episode The Cat Cafe when Sam was like weirdo Cat Cafe you like cats right welcome to the Cat Cafe where there’s cats crawling around you but they’re

Actually people in suits like funny concept but me being an actor I equate some of my profession and myself to everything that I do so when I first was inluded into that stuff I was immediately like what the what the heck is this you know like what am I getting

Myself into and then I kind of started to realize that people enjoy that right like me I enjoyed that stuff growing it was definitely it’s cringe it’s like weird right but the weird humor of it is what makes it funny cuz you know it’s not real or you should know it’s not

Real you know like I’m not a catboy I’m just a guy but you know the character that I play and all of that stuff it it just it feels like uh it it feels like me but it’s also a character you have to understand just because the character

Has uh uh snakes with human traits it’s not me as a person I don’t go around stabbing people I’m sorry to tell you I don’t do it um but you know it’s like I just genuinely started having to think from a perspective of a character and getting direction was a big thing uh

You know our original takes were practice takes and eventually we got to a point where we were comfortable filming and you know the lore of all this uh once we started filming it was like night and day the Charisma between me and Sam was there from the start you

Know me and him genuinely hit it off really well um after we filmed the first one I wasn’t really even fanboying I was just kind of like vibing with him and because of that I think he got like a genuine sense of who I was and from

There he was just genuinely like happy to see me show up and be present and have someone that he could make anything with you know because for a long while I don’t think he had many people to make things with because you know how do I put this there are people

Out there that say things with no context and that affects people I guess is the way I should do it but genuinely from the interactions that I’ve had with Sam he is the most interesting talented funny guy caring as a I told him I couldn’t

Make it to something cuz I wanted to get content out on my channel he said when is it what time how can I get into this how can I help you and that’s when he did the lava rise video he genuinely goes out of his way to make my content

Better to help me make things that are genuinely fun and I respect the hell out of him I want to meet him in person so bad but you know there’s there’s there’s aspects out there of like he’s just a positive guy I don’t understand how anyone could dislike him

That’s just my person opinion I genuinely have seen nothing but kindness from the dud now don’t get me wrong his character is Wacko and he’s scared me sometimes with his acting but I’m an adult I know he’s acting right so his character he has a way of jumping into this

Mindset of the egotistical narcissistic murderous character that he is and that is so opposite to who he is as a person it’s so wild like he like I put him on to people and the people that I introduce him to love him my girlfriend loves him my girlfriend said if I ever

Cheat on her with anyone it better be Sam because if it’s anyone else she’ll kill me like that’s a joke of course but but just like understand he was an idol for me I’m not biased I’ve met some crummy Idols before Sam genuinely is like the idol you want to

Meet he’s like a topnotch guy and you know I I I talked to him about designing backstory and stuff for my for my character um and I processed it to him said hey is this going to mess up your story he goes dude this is before my

Story do whatever the you want I’m like bet it come lore you know so he let me bring my girlfriend in he’s just he’s just doing a lot lot of stuff that just genuinely feel don’t meet your Heroes unless their Named Sam Gladiator I introduce clauser to Sam Gladiator clauser lovees

Sam Sam and him are like hitting it off they changed their profile pictures back and forth it was so funny they they they they just uh like Chang your profile pictures back and forth like 80 times so funny cuz they were like hi I’m claer I’m so glad and they were messaging me

With their Discord names swapped so I thought cloud was messaging me when it was Sam and I thought Sam was messaging me when it was closer and they’re just like trolling the hell out of me was so funny but he’s like you have to understand he’s a YouTuber from like the

2000s era so a much different landscape from the landscape that we in now right not in like a bad way but like in like a his content and his commentary is so much better than like a lot of the ones that I see nowadays but I think figuring

Out the algorithm is something him and me are still doing which is why I told him like hey we should do yhs again that’s your most popular series I think people would really like it in the algorithm and he was like okay that’s kind of how it happened

Um but I don’t think it would have happened if me and him genuinely didn’t hit it off because I don’t I think he was really done with the yhs as a whole and you know now he’s really coming back to it with with passion and pride and

I’m really happy that he is because I’ve really genuinely equate a lot of My Success uh on YouTube recently to him and some of the other creators that I work with because without them no one would know who the heck I was you know and now that people do know that I am

There’s a lot of people that see my stuff and they stick around and that’s that’s kind of what I’ve always said I needed is if people got their eyes on little old cool men they would stick around and hang out with them right so that’s the biggest thing for me is now

That people are seeing my stuff they’re liking me and that’s what I want wide chest is just so good him and his team are so creative yeah so that again that goes back to Direction and backstory like I have oh boy oh boy and that goes back to like I said

Direction and backstory and and not back story Direction and uh experience uh a lot of the crew doesn’t know or doesn’t have experience in the field of creation or anything like that a lot of you’d be surprised Nova just recently I think got into drama I

Think tell me if I’m wrong Nova but Nova just recently got into a play I think which was really cool I’m new to yhs but it’s been a lot of fun Nova’s base Nova’s awesome um and Nova has one of the biggest character scenes in the entire Series right now

Because the direction of it was just performed flawlessly if that makes sense like you have to understand and know what you’re doing with cinematography to make something that good you’re fading again dude I don’t know what’s going on with my mic let me see hold

On hold on hello is it still F it’s still fitting hold on do I have suppression on hello let me see real quick hello help what hello hello let me try this hold on I don’t want it to fade please what in the world why you fading

Hello help hello help me is that better I don’t know if that’s better or not you’re going to have to just tell me cluster I’m sorry please don’t kiss the hello oh better okay if that’s better we’ll do that what microphone do I have shm 7B very good quality studio microphone

Oh at the moment it’s fine okay but yeah whoever did the Penelope Scott music video wol and sheep closing I do not know I do not know who did that I’m really actually very excited about the animatics weing getting because we’ve been getting a lot of them and they’re all really

Good am I doing that makes it easier can I do this help help me okay I’m fine this is fine oh God it’s so bad it’s hard to hear what I’m saying dude I lean back and hold on is my mic dead did I kill my

Microphone is it better is it worse help I just don’t want my microphone in my ears dude is it better it may just be an angle I hope that’s better I don’t know if that’s better tell me if it’s better I don’t know I don’t know what’s happening I’m sorry better okay it’s

Just the microphone is like that sometimes I need to adjust some settings in it probably but uh yeah 100% better chaos chaos did an amazing job in our dude chaos chaos is go goed goed okay we’ve been going we’ve been already going for an hour and a half that’s

Crazy uh I need to find more diamonds I’ve got six uh oo do we want gold I feel like we do right we got to have gold but yeah I’ve been genu Acro kment merch collab that’s funny uh I don’t know about merch again I’m kind of just

On the fence about doing merch right now I haven’t really decided if I want do yet and if I do you know I have to contact the right people I love everything about the reboot the reboots fun there’s been a lot of people who I

Sam was telling me he got a comment the other day that was like I originally came to the reboot to hate because I didn’t want to like it and then I sat down and watched it and genuinely enjoyed all the characters I was like that’s kind of what we want it’s like

There’s a lot of people out here just upset and then they watch my performance or owl’s performance or novas or VDS or whoever’s in the in the series performance and they go wow this is actually pretty good what’s good chat it’s Stan hi St who’s octo General Stan who what’s going on

Stan you going Stan St I don’t know whose stand is it is it is it the good stand or the bad stand which stand is it stand everyone in the W cast is doing really well yes there’s I okay don’t get me wrong from a perspective of someone

Who’s done theater for a long time there’s some things that could be done better um but at the same time it’s YouTube so I’m not taking it a whole lot seriously I could really sit down and direct that whole thing with Sam and make it more fun but then you know I

Wouldn’t have the Improv aspect of it and there’d be some other stuff going on um but I am really going to put my heart and soul into this um uh this backstory just cuz I want to see how the the fan base reacts to a com backstory so far everybody’s really

Liking the backstory concept that I made um and you know I’m going to put it on screen Sam said he would put it in the midst of a Ys video and hopefully the community and the viewers watch it and go dang you know because that’s really

Just I enjoy making content and I enjoy making things that are uh what’s the word I enjoy making things that are easy to watch and I enjoy making things that are harder to watch and I mean harder to watch is in like wow that’s screwed up in like a in

Like a cool sort of way right and you know I understand that the the story of Ys is inherently dark but the the the way that I’m taking my character who’s the bubbly Dy guy who doesn’t really care I’m making his backstory really dark and I feel like a lot of people

Will respect that because it’ll add a stage of nuance to the character that they’ll go wow he’s actually truly screwed up in the head but he’s just so nice why you know so there I want to hint at some things and hint at a backstory and

Hint at some plot because I feel like being a dungeon master has taught me backstory you can go anywhere from backstory and it makes sense you know uh you just have to have the backstory to begin with so I’m working on a backstory for my character stellari what what what what hello

Help I really love the reboot tie-in tiny hints of the old Wes a lot of that has been me like i’ I’m just a big fan of the series so almost as if the character is acting to deal with trauma exactly jeez you’re so smart but uh yeah

A lot of the old yest nods Sam is doing some of them too a lot of like the in-your-face ones are me you know but there’s some subtle ones that Sam has done and honestly I need to sit down and rewatch The yhs Original Series just to

Kind of pick up on some older stuff that I used to like and and bring it in but you know there’s a lot of stuff I like the Halloween Yuki think that was no that was not me that was all Sam I did not want to touch that one with a 5-

Foot pull but you know that that that was his character story that he brought in um and my character story is kind of dealing with uh uh James grimus and U bumpy that’s kind of the story that’s going to be the coolit narrative the yhs kind of dark theme

Those three deaths are going to kind of Be My Story um there’s of course going to be multiple stories we still got to figure out owl story I don’t know what the hell we’re going to do there no not grimus dude I love grimus his ghost being a reoccurring character

Is so funny to me the person who played it in the last video we did was a little a little a little little a little J no different James sorry James C not you James CRA different James different James craft let’s can I go up I can go

Up Echo was here already hello [Laughter] Echo but no I I just think this is this is kind of fun you know uh no Mom Trio damn that is a good Trio name um I generally think I’m enjoying just chatting with you guys here on YouTube more though ow uh like I just feel like there’s so much

Stress to be like quick paced and engaging on on uh on Twitch whereas here on YouTube it’s just like we’re just vibing right we’re just having a good time official TR dude okay I made a post on Twitter about me and Sam’s Duo name everybody’s called me furry furry duo

With Sam and I get it haha funny but I was like genuinely not going post like are we the pain Duo are we the hurt Duo and they’re like no you’re furry Duo I’m like oh but I wanted to do a thing with that and they were like nope you’re furry Duo

Good luck bye I love the vibe of this stream very relaxing that’s good that’s kind of what I was going for not going to lie to you get out of here hello speeder goodbye speeder why there so many spiders here what’s going on what going on more

Diamond W I didn’t really even see that diamond there we’re just getting diamonds for days dude diamonds for days that’s what they call me they call me day of the diamond diam Diamond day hello please sir please o o what if I go this way I want to see

What’s over here what’s ow in kment duo called uh girl Duo Slumber duo we we we take naps together we have girls night would we be pretty Duo we’re pretty Duo me and Owl are pretty Duo that’s that’s me and Owl no Mom Duo

Is very funny for me ow and Sam though I kind of like that one no Mom Duo that’s funny Let’s see we need more diamonds I want more diamonds please can I have more diamonds I would really appreciate it hello are there any diamonds down

Here no it was no Mom TR comment how do you feel about owl’s recent fan art she posted on the Christmas episode I don’t think I saw that yet owl never sent it to me but I would like to see it I I

Make fun of owl a lot as like in like a joking manner like she had an animatic when I first met her of like her OC kissing sound and hello FSA look out ow stop it get him get him little Jimmy get him no get his ass no no

No but I made fun of owl cuz she had a a thing of her OC like dating Sam right and I was like hey Sam this is Owl uh they drew an animatic of you and her kissing and she like was like no like like blew up and screamed and her voice

Right in front of me such a funny interaction creeper o I just wanted a music disc please yeah that was how it was oh man creeper oh man I think you responded on it it was like her under Sam in the M yeah yeah yeah maybe I did I haven’t I

Haven’t seen it if or I don’t know something about them kissing probably I don’t know I think owl likes Sam that’s just my opinion all right go here I really liked chaos Chaos’s animation of like owl owl’s backstory it’s very cool I thought that was neat and more

Diamonds the cannon ship oh yeah no I don’t know glad Min is more Canon than owl Gladiator right now I think I think gladian has had more moments of me and Sam kissing than anybody else hi Tim dang I’m talking about kissing Man how’s it going um God I’m sorry nice to meet you welcome to the stream how are you glad you met that’s that’s my I that the official ship name for Sam and we I made it no one knows that I was the proprietor of glad man very funny bye-bye chat night night

Goodbye glad onp gladed go glad mint mint when I get famous can we start calling me like mint like I’m goated want to be mint I want to be a goat Bobby like a j schlat Ramy plush call myself mint a goat version of kment that’d be sick why everyone why everyone

Wants to kiss kment wasn’t he married I’m married I don’t think he was married was he married was the C exclamation wait was C exclamation point K married I can’t remember I hope not cuz I have I’m going after my girlfriend Katie we had we had a in-game Minecraft wedding me

And Katie and then we’re gonna have a real wedding I was okay I made a joke on uh my Christmas stream on Twitch that I thought was really funny um I told uh uh ant venom because ant venom was on my stream and I went up to ant

Venom and I was like Aunt I’m going to do the one thing Micha mchill wasn’t going to do when he got married and it was like what was that I was like I’m going to live stream my [Laughter] wedding and he died Laughing I was like no don’t do it I was like I’m going to do it all right let’s we should probably get back up topside and find a place for the house for tonight we got to I got to end the stream soon the pastor was s that’s

True all right let’s see how do I get out of here excuse me creepers I don’t want to be here is that diamonds that’s diamonds I’m going for the diamonds I didn’t even see these dude I’m blind as a bat I’m Batman there we go yo what’s up sank we

Are just about to end the stream man you came at the worst time I’m so sorry 16 diamonds not bad for day one not bad for day one chat what do we think I was going to be the DJ B Kuman said no uh can you actually build or are you going

To live in an ugly house so I tend to try and build I’m not a very good Builder but you know I’ll try my main thing with this series is I do want to learn how to build and I want to communicate with you guys more and I

Want to talk to you guys more but I do want to learn how to build I think building is something that I want to get good at you can always just take builds off Reddit I could but then I wouldn’t understand how they work so I want to

Like learn M Pinterest builds I mean I could replicate builds but then I wouldn’t know how to make them my L my lighthouse on the KP is a is a is a build that I’ve just become synonymous and it’s it’s it’s a nice build I’m going to have to do the right

Thing I have to make a pillar pillar time uh kind of glad you’re ending soon because it’s 3:00 a.m. and I’m tired yikes bro how long do you think the Ys reboot will be oh man see that’s the thing I think there’s always been a lot of filler in

Yhs and we can just do filler for a long time and capitalize on the story as we kind of piece it together um I would hope that it would last for a few years but it’s really a matter of what everybody else is doing right because we

We’ll end the story if I blow up we’ll probably end the story if Sam blows up or maybe we’ll continue the story I don’t know um if Sam gets into acting like he’s been trying to do you know it could end then you know if he gets into

Sagma like he has been um he can’t there’s a story there so far there’s been an overarching story that we’re starting to hint at um I don’t know if you’ve watched but there’s been subtle hints to kol lore there’s been subtle hints to uh Sam lore it’s there it’s just a

Matter of time before we capitalize on it I think we got two dogs wait I got two that’ll be enough for the breeding comment Lord takes years off my life but in a good way yeah so Matt Pat video win yeah for real that’s just a

Theory a film Theory but um no I’m hinting at an overarching narrative that I genuinely think is playing off of what I originally had in mind for the character of Kai which is my mascot which is me um what’s really funny is my my my catboy is literally just supposed to look like

Me with cat ears and a tail when my hair is growing out so I’m just a guy but um you know his backstory was going to be very different uh when I originally thought it up um I was actually going to go for like a nine lives Egyptian

Pharaoh kind of thing but I’ve kind of adapted that into the yhs setting for this upcoming one and what we’re going to do with it is going to be pretty cool I think you guys are going to really like it I already have a story synopsis uh and then me and Sam are

Going to plan a video together because I feel like if it’s involving my character I want to say in it like a lot of the times Sam gives me like no context and he just goes hey you know you’re here this is what we’re doing good luck and I’m like okay and

Then we run through it and I improv a lot of yhs is improved and you know o I’ll take take that uh what do I get rid of uh clock clock actually kind of need the Flint steel um that let’s get rid of gold block is good we like gold block oh all

Right uh let’s get rid of chcken we don’t need okay so yeah you should D your hair blue at 5K okay I can’t dye my hair blue right away I want to I used to dye my hair all the time I need YouTube to be a full-time job before I can dye

My hair I’m telling you that right now I need to still be able to be hired that your hair green for the wedding maybe um I need to be able to get a job honestly kind of with this location what do you guys think Beach Vibes Beach Vibes I’m thinking Beach

Vibes I’m thinking Beach vibes but I I do want to dye my hair I used to dye my hair all the time but uh I need to of course you know take my time and get where I need to be before I do any of

That so for now I’m going to have to say no but I do want to D that is something that I’ve wanted for a while now but I haven’t been able to because the corporate world when I was a kid I used to dye my hair all the time I was dyed

Up it was great okay let’s do bed here sit sit good cool this will be a good spot to kind of set up I think we did a lot of good today I got to go anyways bye bye I think we did a lot of good today um

We’re looking pretty POG pretty good pretty stacked what do you guys think you enjoying the series so far I hope I I have plan I’m hoping hope you guys are doing good um but I think I’m going to end it if you haven’t already please subscribe like

The stream I would really appreciate if you guys could help me out um I want to do more of these I definitely like talking to you guys and maybe I’ll do them after some big episodes very cool commentary thank you you kind thank you if you haven’t already please subscribe

I would really appreciate it uh if you haven’t already follow everybody follow VD follow me I don’t know why this says Twitch in the bottom corner but it does I’m going to end it um I’m going to check the analytics of this because I did stream for two hours and this was

Kind of a test um but you guys kind of made it worth it you guys definitely made it worth it I appreciate it I might stream more on YouTube you guys are awesome thank you so much love you guys have a good evening I may see you

Tomorrow I may not I may continue I love you all um if you haven’t already join the Discord and uh bye bye love you love you join the Discord wait wait before I go before I go let me put the Discord in the chat for people who don’t have it

Please cuz I genuinely I’m trying to get a thousand member oh Jesus I’m trying to get a thousand members I’m trying to get a thousand members and I need your help to get them so please get me to a th000 members on that so we can get Discovery join the Discord join the

Discord it is important to me thank you I love you all good night have a good one I will see you all later and I plan on streaming some more talk to you later bye bye byebye love you kisses

This video, titled ‘Coolment’s Live Survival World! EP. 1’, was uploaded by Coolment on 2024-01-03 17:03:20. It has garnered 511 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:12 or 6012 seconds.

This is Episode 1 of my Minecraft Survival World Livestreams! Please like and subscribe for more episodes of this series!

Please Join The Discord! — Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/coolmentions Twitter: https://twitter.com/Coolmentions Discord: https://discord.gg/Coolment TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@coolment?lang=en

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  • DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraft

    DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock’s Most Useful Website! #minecraft’, was uploaded by demonjoeTV on 2024-08-10 18:51:37. It has garnered 331447 views and 28640 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🔔 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘! https://bedrocktweaks.net (copy and paste the link if you can’t click it!) #Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #minecraftmods Business email ► [email protected] 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 🙂 Read More

  • Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft Seeds

    Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever…’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-08-31 19:00:05. It has garnered 99948 views and 3632 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:45 or 3705 seconds. Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever… BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVwQQvz8O_0aeFDBVcdhpg/join Merch – https://www.09sharkboy.com Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/1GtTBWj Join My Discord – https://discord.gg/shark My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SharkMerch Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! 🡆 https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/tutm3h/ #Minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure – Find Extreme Hills Biome!

    EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure - Find Extreme Hills Biome!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft v1.1 Long Play E200 (R35) – Ocean Survey for the Extreme Hills Biome southeast of Sandy’, was uploaded by sealchan1 on 2024-05-10 05:51:46. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:22 or 3682 seconds. The nearly landlocked Extreme Hills biome has connections to many Waterways that interconnect back to the Western Sea (maybe this is what I should call the original Ocean I spawned by). I also find a new Ocean which is reachable across a Swamplands to the south from the Western Sea. In this series… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-08-10 06:38:34. It has garnered 10371 views and 292 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos… Read More

  • Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!

    Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | Cracked’, was uploaded by Wild Spider on 2024-08-23 15:44:06. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. IP:- Make Sure to Subscribe 🙂 Java IP – sanemc.mc-game.xyz Pocket IP – Port – 3262 Dyn IP – if non of that work discord – https://discord.gg/insane-94995089200… TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7 server free, aternos minecraft… Read More

  • Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!

    Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summarizing Every Chaos for my Birthday!’, was uploaded by ssChaos on 2024-07-29 15:00:08. It has garnered 62 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. I’ve told some amazing stories over the past 3 years, let’s talk about them and this crazy game called Minecraft CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro explanation 2:42 My first ever world 4:04 Maniac SMP – Sara Chaos 9:25 No Signal SMP – Apeiron Chaos 10:48 Craft SMP – Mary and Reeds Chaos 13:11 “Voldemort” SMP – Ceci Chaos plus Charlemagne 16:36 Rulers Royale SMP – Reiner… Read More

  • Sword4000’s Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!

    Sword4000's Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played In Sword4000s Minecraft Hide or Hunt!’, was uploaded by Dog1234 on 2024-05-24 19:35:55. It has garnered 9495 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds. I played in Sword4000s Hide Or Hunt Event with the goal of being the last team standing and building the ultimate secret base and hunting down other players bases. Join My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TEKyN485eQ ——————————————————————————————————- Huge Thank you to Sword4000 for Hosting this event and be sure to Subscribe to both of his channels! His Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCqt4mmAqLmH-AwXz31URJsw His 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCkc2HMr92d89WP6tPFf1DWA ——————————————————————————————————-… Read More

  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

    CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CanNap team battle Monster #CatNap #robloxmemes #roblox #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by PurrBlox on 2024-09-08 14:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshort

    Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge 😈 #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by WHRI_GAMING_1100 on 2024-03-03 09:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Revenge #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Revenge Minecraft Story. Read More

  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: wawamc.net Bedrock: IP: play.wawamc.net Port: 25570 wawamc.net Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: mc.aus.gg Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter → https://twitter.com/yomigardenia… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: https://bit.ly/3gCy2Ml PATREON ———————————————— https://www.patreon.com/dailytwitchhighlights894/membership As you may… Read More