EPIC! Survived 4,100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!

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It’s time for a showdown i’ve upgraded my world to 1.19 i now have access to new biomes brand new mobs and the ancient cities these are home to the most powerful mob in minecraft the warden and i’m going to take him on in battle i’m not chasing

Him with a bow and arrow but with hunter hand combat to see who truly is the strongest in this world i can’t wait to try all the new features in this update in fact i’m so excited and i’m going to start the video by by going to

Bed there are also a few 4 000 days posters left on sb737.store and i do want to find the warden and battle it but that is going to take some careful planning and preparation so before i go through that i’m going to get one of the other new features first that requires

Me grabbing a bunch of sugarcane making a cartography table now i shall trade with a villager get a map and fly towards a woodland mansion and as i’m flying along i’ve i’ve just realized something i’ve got no totem let’s get one out of that shulker box and get back

To flying there is the mansion and here is the entrance so the goal is to find a room that has the la i believe it’s rooms like this which can have one all i know is they’re kept in some sort of prison this looks more like it although

Still no joy maybe these delays are going to be a bit rarer than i first thought so no joy in mansion number one so that means buying another map and going out in search again let’s hope this one actually has the la well there is a jail cell once again empty but look

At that we got a notch upload i did not expect that okay you know i’m it’s looking like we’re not gonna get what i want here but coming here wasn’t a complete waste this might be better i found an outpost sadly no cages with la’s let’s try mansion number three

There needs to be the room with three jail cells in it but there was not one in there and this mansion is completely on fire turns out that’s one i’ve already been to and once upon a time i burnt it up i’ve now completely run out of firework rockets

But the mansion is pretty close now there it is come on mansion don’t let me down i think we’ve got it this is where they are trapped i definitely heard one we’ve got an la we finally finally got one and not just one there’s four in

There oh this is brilliant five six so far six and there’s loads more over here it was worth all the effort i’ve got 30 leads which it should probably be enough now before i free those delay and imprison them at my house instead i want to completely clear out this place just

Make sure it’s you know there’s nothing that could get in the way i always find it cool going for the chest that’s in the walls as well you go all the way all the way around all days and there’s one right at the end although it’s unlikely that i’ll find two notch apples

Searching woodland mansions today now the best way to get these get oh my god what on earth why the vex suddenly come out are you guys okay i don’t know affects his attack you know you’re not coming out but as i was saying the best way to

Get these guys home is going to be through the nether although going through the actual nether would would really be fraught with danger so instead i will break this portal grab some ender pearls ladders and build up towards the nether roof i think i can put a ladder there and then can i

Will the pearl go up there it did i worked next to build a portal link them up and now i want to build a large room that goes around this portal otherwise the laser just just gonna fly miles and miles away that’ll stop them flying away let’s put these on a lead

And then lure them into the portal and now i’ll grab the rest of them now this is a lot of allays it’s great this portal so they can’t go back through i think we’ve got every single one here but i’ll make another portal and just double check yeah look at this one just

Snuck back through no i actually made that two now i feel like this is gonna be a little bit of a crazy experience to get all these on bottom i’m gonna do my best i think that is every single one this is so crazy it’s just like having a

Load of balloons or something and these guys are going to be dragged 2 000 blocks in this direction and here we are home sweet home although i’m not sure how i’m actually going to get these guys down from here filling in this hole and then making a portal up here might be the

Best idea hopefully this sends them all into my house but we’re about to find out and the answer is oh my goodness oh my goodness talk about disastrous things that can happen can’t believe they all came up here i also have no firework rockets to catch them look at they’re all dispersed

Everywhere i’ll quickly get these crafted and gather up as many la’s as i can onto this fence gate and that’s three of them now five and ten and wow these two have trouble quite a long way away i found the 14th i’m not sure if i

Brought any more i know i had 14 or 15 but but that should be enough now to grab a load of glass add yet another notch apple to the walls and make a building around these guys and the alley dome is now complete although i do feel

I can make a few improvements to it now such as magenta underneath the glass well it just nicked me concrete i didn’t that is not for you give that back who do you think you are here have a have a magenta one there you go happy days go

On pick it up i see him collect it all this is how it works isn’t it he picks it all up bring it to me slave oh he does as well oh it’s brilliant you’ve got a friend in me we did an advancement let’s go oh

Give me that back now okay you’re not keeping it you know i wasn’t sure about this mob when we voted for a minecon but i have to say the la is a very very cool mob now i can go back to the nether apparently there’s an la in here

Okay what on earth let’s get you back through you’re not supposed to be here i’m also not sure how i get you through i’ve got to get you into a tiny one by one curse portal thing now fly down that’s it there we go he went through

And instead of putting you in the la dome you can go on this bit of fence with the with all the other things and now i can actually head to the nether to get rid of this mess all the way up here and whilst i remove that i’m gonna ask

You guys to please leave a like let’s see if we can get to 300 000 likes now you’re probably waiting for me to go and battle the ward and see if he takes me out and you know what happens with that encounter but before i go down that road

Because you know i would like to prolong my life i’m going to try and find another of the brand new mobs and these can be found in swamps or mangrove swamps and if you ask me finding a mangrove would be pretty cool although it might take a while to find one some

I’m just going to get search it and think i’ll find a mushroom island before finding what i’m looking for no sign of a swamp but i have found a couple more relays oh i feel bad come on guys you can be free all right you know what no i

Changed my mind yeah god be free i don’t know what you guys are going to do but i’m not taking any more of them home 15 of them was more than enough and i think this is what i’ve been looking for wow a mangrove swamp and it has got

The best thing added in the update the thing that i wanted more than anything no it’s not these things that are they called molecules no proper gills that’s i knew it was one of them and it’s not the mangrove roots or the cool new wood and it’s definitely not the frogs i feel

Bad saying that because the frogs are are very very cool what if i can somehow take these all home with me but no the best thing added in the mangrove swamps is mud yes mud is in the game you’ve got to love it look at how it’s so

Satisfying it’s so cool to walk on the sounds it makes look at it you can turn it into really cool blocks as well if you cook it and what we got here like more what on earth is this rooted mud my mistake muddy mangrove roots another

Cool thing so yeah we’ve come for mud all right frogs ah they’re all right i suppose but the mud is where it’s at i think to get the frogs home i’m gonna use the same method that i used to get the lace back so i should get these

Portals all set up let’s go above remake the portal and drag the frogs in all right fellas we’ve got a long long walk ahead of us but hey look at them go there they’re keeping up so i’ll see all you guys when i’ve got these boys back to

The base it has been quite the journey but we are now here before i can get these frogs down i’ve got to make sure they don’t die so my plan is to grab lots of slime blocks so that i can cover this entire area and then hopefully these guys won’t take any

Fall damage come on down you go fellas there you go we’re going for it all right is this gonna work oh it’s gonna work all right you’ve never bounced so high in your life i bet you’ve never had so much fun before now to sneak you guys into that portal i

Love the way they just disappear now the next question is where do i put them i can’t really keep adding things to this fence gate i’ll just attach it here for now but i’ve i’ve got plans how on earth did you get up there that these frogs

Never cease to amaze me first things first we we need more of the mangrove wood so i’m gonna hope oh what oh my goodness it’s like a tree with legs i’ve never seen anything like it i’m gonna keep that there just because i love it i feel bad chopping that one down instead

I’m gonna demolish one all the way over here but what i can tell it seems that getting a lot of this wood is is gonna be a bit of a challenge got quite a lot of wood from all these mangrove trees and i grew this one which i i didn’t

Realize you could make a one blocked whole mangrove tree what what a sorry excuse for one and as you remove all the leaves you just end up with these these legs on the like spiders likes my goodness it looks uh very very strange but why did i get all the mangrove vlogs

Well i want to make a cool enclosure for these guys who have both managed to get up there now and i’m thinking the home of the frogs could be behind the home of the villagers actually i’m gonna build it here opposite the snowman i’ve marked out the

Area for the home i want these top beams to all be stripped i also have bottom beams that are exactly the same looking good but let’s also add some beams that are also stripped and now to add a few sea lanterns for lighting with planks around them and trap doors underneath

Now to fill in all these gaps with glass and i’m going to do the same with the sides as well and this is the front completed no what let’s let’s cook a bit of mud why not okay well just go it’s amazing what you just find randomly

In a oh my goodness what’s that doing in there is anything else in there that i should know about 13 more why have i just got loads of nether right scrap chilling and things apparently yeah okay i’m not doing this right you actually don’t cook mud you pack it with wheat

Then you can make your mud bricks then i can make some mud walls ain’t more asian debris and i’ll have another netherite block and i would also like to harvest a load of these leaves the leaves can go on the outside with mud walls around them this really is starting to look

Marvelous and now to get this place decorated i’ll do that using slabs roots leaves and mud you know what i think it’s really coming together it looks it looks a little cold in there because of the cover the color of the grass if i go ahead and start adding water i reckon it

Really brings the whole place to life you know what if i was a frog i’d be happy to live here and perhaps we should put that to the test come on you three i’m taking you to your new home oh they love it look at them swim i didn’t know

They could swim like that they’re very fast come on don’t be shy you can come in here you will be locked in here for the rest of your life though that’s it take your time i’ve got nowhere to be i’d sit nice and steady flipping out they make the turtles look fast i’ll

Also craft a couple of pressure plates grab more mangrove logs and then i can apply the finishing touches to the enclosure beautiful but but now i want more frogs and what do you have to do to get baby frogs well actually they’re not called baby frogs either called tadpoles

Well it’s quite simple you just feed them slime balls yeah it’s a well-known scientific fact okay what nerf is going on with this driplet well there we go hey we got with a two by two one again frogs were the last thing on the menu but now

We wait for them to lay some frog spawn and here it is so i think i can pick this up is that is that right that was wrong it’s actually impossible to pick up frog spawn so now i’ve got to wait another five minutes although that’s not a problem because i now need

To cover this entire roof in string otherwise it will get covered in snow that is the roof covered now to do the same with these leaves an operation build a frog enclosure is now complete now for take two on getting some frogspawn this time i’ll i’ll leave it

Alone and the frog spawn takes up to 10 minutes to hatch you know what i’m i’m gonna sit and wait this is too magical of a moment to miss and there we go i’ve caught the magical moment on camera yes i did just sit there for five minutes and wait for them

To hatch but now if i can get a bucket i can pick up a tadpole look at that that’s beautiful let’s let’s pick up a couple of them i’m pretty sure when these little fellas grow up they will be blue frogs okay i’m actually there there isn’t any blue frogs in minecraft

Green frogs they’ll be green frogs okay but if the tadpoles grow up in this biome because it’s a tiger biome it’s warm it’s not cold then they will instead be orange frogs temperate ones so let’s give them a decent sized home to to play around in i’m not sure if i’ve done this

Very well the water does not work there we go that’s that’s sorted now we need to box them in if i give them slime balls it will accelerate the process and looking for these tadpoles i have so so much slime okay i didn’t need to bring this many but you know what just

For effect we’ve got them all right fellas each slime to your heart’s content there we go we’ve got one that’s grown i’m sure the other two can’t be far behind there we go i’ve now got all three accidentally bred some more as well but you know what it can’t hurt

Let’s get these boys to their new home i guess they’re not all boys some of them laid some frog spawn but you know well you know what i mean let’s fill these other tadpoles with slime as well and there we have it we’ve got a green frog

Shame it’s not blue oh young i had a blue frog although to be fair they never listened to me i asked them for penguins and we never saw that happen did we but anyway i think that’s enough messing about with with the mobs we’ve seen the

Frogs we’ve seen the la’s whose home is rubbish compared to the frogs i think it’s finally time we went to see the warden and in preparation for that we’re gonna need a few things eggs to lure it away woah so the sculpt sensors cannot detect me a heck of a lot of totems

Because i really don’t wanna die you know what a bit of tnt because i’ve got an idea with it i also want to mend all of my items i have a okay that’s the wrong chest as i was saying in here i have a broken elixir as well want to get

That repaired a few other things here and there and you know what if we’re going after the warden there’s one thing i should definitely definitely bring some not japal’s i’ve not been collecting these up for no reason okay these this is all coming down to this moment we don’t want to die

In this world we might as well not chapel if it’s going to save a life that’s what you guys really want me to do wasn’t it use the nut chapels if i need them so i’m taking every single one i’ve got all 46 of them let’s also grab a few extra

Eggs as well and now i am ready as i’ve done a few times today i’m going to fly i don’t know but i’m going to fly far far away to brand new chunks i built a portal and it’s taking me to a cave that has diamonds oh my goodness there’s so many

Of them i’ve never seen this many diamonds in pond vein 30 and there’s even more right here and now that we’re in new chunks i’m going to show you how to find the deep dark biome it’s not random it’s not all purely based on look

There is a strategy for it now first you want to find one of these very tall biomes not a windswept biome you can see on the f3 menu but something like the frozen peaks the jagged peaks or the stony peaks had to look up what the other one was but there’s three peak

Variants this one’s particularly cool because it has an outpost on it because the deep dark biome spawns underneath areas with low erosion so mountains have the least erosion because they’re the tallest structures so there’s a very high chance that the deep look at that look my strategy worked the deep dark is

Here i know what i’m talking about ladies and gentlemen i don’t really know what i planned to do once again i got here yeah so here’s the deep dark we’ve made it to all the biomes yeah that’s official we’ve come to this biome sneak 100 i don’t know is that near a school

Streak i usually i knew you i know you can get the scorch tree because rounding so you have got to be a little bit careful this is a catalyst can i pick it up is it is this going to work yes i picked it up i guess that’s because i

Got so touched what do i throw away you know what i got way too many totems at this point now when i found out they’d added scope blocks you know what my thought was blow it up and you’re about to see exactly why i think that just look at it

It blows up and it becomes xp and obviously it’s only one xp or one but it’s still a lot of expert you know faster than i can absorb it all it’s just it’s just a cool easy way to get xp go to a mountain bring some tnt blow it

All up and life’s easy this really is the only video you need to watch to know everything about the 1.19 update then the next question is okay where are the are they dimes no though where is oh they are diamonds okay cool but yes where are the ancient cities now

Wardens can spawn in just a deep dark you don’t need an ancient city to find a warden however the ancient city have way more wardens there’s way more loot there there’s a lot of notch apples and they spawn pretty commonly throughout the deep dark we’re just we’re just a little

Bit high up at the moment for that i’m also going to grab sculpt catalyst whenever i see him because i’ll probably end up wanting to make a farm and you know what the school what’s the is it a hoe i think i need a hoax some touch hoe

Would have been better you know i’m slowly getting rid of all my totems here but you know what crafting tables no we’ve got any crafting tables i’ll just put a couple of a couple of totems in there but yeah oh wait does that gives

You xp oh you need you need to i should have brought a silk touch hoe not a fortune one i can still pick them up but it’s it’s very very slow however i’ll grab them anyway because yeah i feel like at some point i want them for a

Farm or something like that as i was saying ancient cities randomly generate throughout the deep dark we’re a little bit high up from so i’m probably gonna oh okay we’re near a sculpturika i heard that i don’t think the one will spawn this time it you need to activate three

Times i think however i’m gonna stay crouched see where it is yeah there it is i don’t think you can pick these up unfortunately but if i wanted to i could i could summon a warden you know what i’m gonna break one anyway i’m just gonna see what happens okay see just

Confirm it don’t drop oh you can pick them up i think oh that’s cool that’s really cool i think though when you replace them they can’t summon award i think that’s how it works well that’s just what somebody told me you know i should probably read the wiki yep i’ve

Just confirmed it on the wiki if i place it it will not summon it so can we can test it out i think because yeah there we go see nothing’s happening you know i’m i’m activating it it just makes a cool noise but it won’t actually do the

Effect and something i want if everyone just climbs out the ground now but whoa but no because i place this one it’s of no danger to me okay okay those though i have not placed and i have you know probably upset a lot of

Shriekers so far so i think if i if i activate one more i’ll probably end up with a warden in the deep dark you want to build with wool because it doesn’t generate it doesn’t activate these things so that did activate it as you

Can see if i if i mine it it like it gets activated but if i place that you can see it’s not lighting up it’s okay well something happened but placing it doesn’t doesn’t do anything and there’s a dungeon okay you guys are gonna get me in trouble there if there’s any

Shriekers nearby but i think we’re okay anything good in the chest oh no not chapel so not worth me staying i found that there is a lot more dungeons in the deep dark from like my testing though so deep dark seems to end in this direction

It might be best for me to try and dig down instead although i’m pretty low here i reckon i’m just going to try and strip mine and see what happens okay oh alrighty we’re right by a sculpture i swear if i get one coming out of here one i i’m due

Awarding but i don’t think i’m gonna spawn one but this is just me mining oh man this is this is about terrified please don’t climb out of the ground warden we’re good okay so we’re underneath an ancient city or one or something so i’ve got to try and get to it without

Activating the stuff which is what a nightmare basically every time you activate a shrieker it increases the warden level by one and if you increase it to three and then activate a straight kill the warden spawns pretty sure mine is now at level three it goes down by

One every 10 minutes so i could wait half an hour and it go back to zero and i could activate things again but oh i ain’t gonna do that i’m not come to a cave is that is is this near what i want i don’t need to crouch right okay here

We go here we go one wrong move in the ward and spawned not into the wall i don’t know if i want a lighter to fly away or a chest plate for like protection and i think oh okay i activate them i think a chest plate’s probably gonna

Be smarter i’ll get my sword ready you know what you know we need we need to be right i’d hate to use no trouble but i’m going to have to okay we’re going to need a few totems i think this is me being being ready amethyst geode here

Now is that the cave that i dug out to before it could be okay it definitely could be i’m just gonna you know use these to nicely go ahead you know i’m scared guys i don’t know why i’m scared if i was in hardcore i won’t be bothered

But it’s actually pretty terrifying just a big circle there as well so i’m i’m gonna keep digging okay this is it you know it’s got a dig while it’s activating because i think warden’s coming warden’s coming ladies and gentlemen if he climbs out in this tunnel i’m screwed

He must be is he it baloney this is the cave isn’t it it’s gonna be the one it’s coming this is the guys oh no oh no this is such a this is terrifying i have this is four thousand days i can’t i can’t see him at the moment He’s got to be in that cave i don’t need to be above me though so i’ve got to i’m going to keep this nice and safe because he i don’t think he can get in this tunnel okay and that’s that’s got to be what i remember okay also got to remember the warden

Cannot see me he’s blind he can smell me and that’s it and he smelt me okay Let’s go on to this body There it is oh this i’m really scared that’s the one don’t smell me got the eggs how do i get past him go on chicken distract him don’t you dare kill that chicken that’s a baby well two baby chicks i’ve got two for two on the baby chicken

Oh no what are you doing up here hey buddy oh it’s a chicken chicken what are you doing yo you’re a traitorous chicken oh he’s getting mad is he coming through he’s killed the chicken i know he’s killed the chick he can’t get through this there’s no way i’m blocking up i’m

Locking up what the heck he killed the chicken i don’t know if he was coming through or not but oh my goodness yeah the one he can’t teleport to you all right i don’t think that was an ancient city i’m actually so scared i just need to

Let’s pause the game let’s take a breather all right so with this very very powerful armor the warden can hit me four times it’s me a fifth time i’m gonna pop a totem i hear it getting back into the ground okay the warden’s gone now that’s well that’s the best

News we’ve had if it doesn’t get any vibrations for 60 seconds it crawls back in the ground which is where it’s gone now there’s the shrieker is this is this ancient city potential there’s a lot more shriekers down here and stuff so i am going to take my time and try not to

Summon another warden for now i will be battling the warden and i will be defeating it or i’ll be what if somebody’s going to die me all the warden in this episode but right now i just want to explore i want to get the loot from the ancient city i want swift

Snake items like that are just going to help me so much in my battle with the warden i accidentally had activated shrieker oh bro this one’s bad this is bad okay this one’s scary because i don’t know where the heck that warden is let’s just just block myself in okay it’s really

Scary when it goes dark that’s what that’s what freaks me out the most for now we’re just avoiding it okay we don’t need to be crazy we’re just going to avoid them seems like the warden has disappeared once again one of mine these diamonds but i need to do it safely so

Wool is going to be the way that i do that to block any vibrations at least i hope that there’s going to block any vibrations time will tell i think it did i think it’s okay now is there much in this direction i will find those ancient cities some big caves

Around here which look kind of promising this without a doubt is prime ancient city location we’re at the right level massive caves i wish there wasn’t so many shriekers everywhere because i’ve got to go so slow diamonds in the roof but at this point you kind of just feel

Like it’s not worth it i’ve got much much bigger fish to fry seem to just do a big circle and explore in this deep dark or maybe not wait yeah i am okay hold on let’s go back up this way so i’m thinking find another deep dark biome

And hopefully that one has an ancient city there you go deep dark 2.0 like i told you guys it’s very very easy to find ancient cities on the other hand are not quite so easy to find i think we found it guys yes i i it is opponent

Ancient city now this is where things get serious just play it on notch apples to hand all at the ready see my first chest up there i don’t see any shriekers around if i think if i sell one shrieker the warden will spawn so it’s so key

To be careful look at that look at that look at this a mending book i mean that’s pretty cool i’ll take the scoop blocks as well but i think it’ll be wise to put a few items into here so that i’ll have space to store the items that

I find found another chest and the way to loot chest is very it’s very simple you just kind of have to block yourself in a little bit i i don’t know if that stone’s gonna be all right but yeah just walk yourself in you should absorb all the vibrations then you can

Open it without any trouble so far i’ve not found the good stuff like the notch apples the swift sneak where on earth is all of it something activated but we’re okay this this kind of looks a bit better but when you’ve got ammo like mine a bit of diamond diameter chest

Isn’t is it really important look at that the center of the ancient city it has all of the reinforced deep slight around it that nobody knows what it does but everybody thinks it’s going to be a portal it’ll be pretty cool if that turned out to be the case so i believe

If you activate these sculpt blocks like and you light these up as you can see you’ve got to light them all up together and then it opens something or something like that oh my gosh what am i doing i’m running around like video activating him okay are we all oh right

Not all right of course we’re not all right what what do i do in this subscribe bro you run like your life depends on spay because your life does depend on it okay well what have you done with your totem you’re crazy person i’ve got a lot of items out here as well

The warden’s somewhere over that where’s that secret room i’m looking for it’s somewhere underneath that middleware i would say that the warden doesn’t scare me but quite quite clearly it does carry on playing things carefully i think yeah he’s got back in the ground now we’re

All right don’t if i can open this chest without activating someone we’ll just see what happens we’re okay the chester just let down after let down i’m not sure if this is going to work i feel like as a pulse might be able to go through wool so i might

Be in trouble but i’m going to try anyway see what happens yeah yeah we’re we’ve got it i’ve got swift sneak that’s something okay yeah warden’s coming out warden is super close so i’ve got to be really careful now all right but i’m okay he’s not he’s not on my bridge

He doesn’t know where i am i’ve got me eggs no need to panic there he is down there he’s absolutely no idea what’s going on send an egg over that way all right that’s it that’s it baldfella you don’t know where i am meanwhile i keep bridging away the

Darkness effect has gone which means he’s he’s lost betrayal oh there he is over there no problem at all okay if i just just wait he’ll he’ll go in the ground again kidding me you don’t see it come on there’s no way oh come on right that’s it

I’ve had just about enough of this you think you could do this i’ll tell you what happens i fly away all right i’m not having you sniffing me out okay careful i don’t know what the warden thinks but i am definitely far too powerful for him to

Outsmart me there he goes back into the ground see you later we don’t miss you now i can get back to looting some chests this one’s got the echo shards and the disc fragment we can make a disguise perfect and more swift snake good stuff we found a nut chapel happy

Days okay we’ve got it we might have one of these guys spawning again which is a bit of a bit of a pain again come on come on bro really gotta do this again so at this point you know i don’t care i’ll just whoa oh don’t don’t don’t be too stupid

About it though oh yeah i can get away from him anytime any day anywhere oh another one’s got you know do i even care at this point like surely i’m just like uh you know what screw you warden i don’t care sneaking around at one mile an hour might be what

Some people want to do but me just i just go in organs blazing that’s it spawn him and see if i can i can just loot these chests faster than you could summon someone in i think look at that nope the worst thing is that just flying into

Walls all the time i’m more likely to die to the walls than i am to the warden actually pretty true though i mean i’m i’m having no problem look at that look at another notch you know suddenly when i’ve just started flying around like a maniac yeah it’s risky

There’s a little bit less suspense but it’s working why are you detecting me all the time will you just leave me alone i’d say go on climb on out warden see if i’m afraid of you that’s it oh tough guy not so strong there must be a lot of wardens here now

I have to be a little bit careful there may be quite a lot of one do i leave i’m starting to think maybe i just i should you know just maybe a l a little bit more careful we’re gonna aim for this up here there we go we can

Just land on it we’re safe up here there’s one over there i’m gonna do with about five or six wardens looking for me down this is this is a probably yeah not the smartest thing there’s another one oh come on bro i’m just trying to chill

Up here okay i’m trying to get into the redstone room below but keeps summoning him wardens like a crazy guy don’t know this guy’s this guy’s on a mission it’s a one okay there’s one up there one down there one over there oh my goodness this is the worst thing ever

Oh well we’ll just we’ll just fly over in this direction whenever i’ve got the deep dark effect it’s pretty straightforward it’s when i have got it but it’s it’s terrifying now what is this room of wolf what on earth on the chest ah look at that some nice skalk sensors i’ll

Take those all day i think my mate the warden has gone from up here so anyway apparently if you stand about here you can activate yeah yeah you hear that pistons activated and then they shut over okay so i think you run across here activate some pistons down here that you

Can go in there we go and this is the secret redstone rooms underneath didn’t know there’d be you guys though whether we could yeah get detected it’s basically just simple redstone contraptions that teach you how redstone works although i feel like this is not the place

That you want to be trying the redstone seriously if he climbs out of the floor in here he’s above me i’m okay but if he’s down here i don’t think he is are we good i’m pretty safe i think he can smell me but you know that doesn’t

Really scare me i’d love to take some of the redstone components down here by going with me i think they’d be kind of kind of useful they also don’t want to spawn another ward and it’s probably not going to be a good idea okay where is that one

Just fly away all right now are there any chests that i haven’t looted and this is the place i spawned several million wardens alright i’ve not looted these oh i’ve not looted these okay echo shards nicely done oh sweet sneak three that’s all i wanted what about this

Chest oh two notch apples let’s go okay that’s good i don’t care don’t go on water you spawn i don’t care i don’t care i won’t have to battle them then it’s gonna be pretty scary i think i’ve got everything that i wanted from this place i yeah i do want

To come back and and defeat the wall at some point yeah now is not the time i need stuff like swift snake i need to upgrade i need to come up with a proper plan but i would say that this has been a pretty successful visit to the ancient

City i’ve got to put my confidence up now that i don’t mind spawning with it at spawning wardens in i’m pretty confident in how to handle them and i’d love to battle one i would love to but i just know i’ve got it i’ve got to take my time

Before the episode’s up i will be taking one on right now is absolutely not the time to be doing that then it’s the time to mine diamonds yeah i’m out of the deep dark it’s time to go home and regroup and i’m also tens of thousands of blocks away so i’m probably

Better just making a portal ah than nether i never thought i’d say i’m glad to be here this is like one of the least dangerous places ever compared to where i’ve just been so to defeat the warden i don’t want to cheese it okay i don’t want to

Like trap it and just defeat it with my bow because that would be something that is pretty possible and probably not too hard swords only is going to be the rule yeah i can shoot a few arrows here and there but you know the most of it has

Got to be done with my honor with my sword or with my axe i’ll be beating this guy properly with hunter han battle and close quarters combat home swayed home i’m not going to put the notch apples back into the collection because i i will be taking them with me when i

Go to battle the warden so we’re gonna we’re gonna just leave those there for now you know what i fancy after doing all of that i fancy going to bed it’s been a stressful day i’ll give me plushie at 12. let’s just have some relaxation and now we can go through the

Spoils of my uh my trip so swift sneak it goes in your leggings thank goodness because i wouldn’t be able to put anything more on those boots it’s got about 60 000 things on it let’s go and have a look and see if i can get it on

Here oh look at that the ultimate leggings just got even better oh look at the speed that i now crouch actually gonna take some getting used to i’ve got wow look at that it’s beautiful i have disc fragments now i think i don’t have enough of these i think i need nine to

Make the music disc so that’s at least one reason to go back to the ancient city and i reckon to relax me a little bit i should get every new advancement in 1.19 i’ve actually almost got them all but one of them is to have every

Single frog on a lead which i almost got all them but not the green one so now we have we’ve done that another one is to use a mob to activate a skulk catalyst you know this pig looks like a good candidate for that you know what would

Be a really good candidate using the warden for it that i’d really that would really get it back wouldn’t it but anyway now we’re just gonna use you all right don’t take this personally there we go it spreads that’s right and then you get you get the ex

Well you don’t get the xp like that and the final advancement actually there’s apparently two this one must be a secret one which is to have an la deliver a cake to a noteblock so i’m gonna need a few cakes for this thank you very much

Good sir things could get a little crazy in here because las absolutely love the sound of noteblocks if i place one right in the middle and do this okay apparently apparently it’s not making a noise how about we try this come on guys you love this it’s like

Sending it back to him i think i need to give it a cake maybe it’s on a lead anyone okay i did it i did it i just threw the cake on the ground and it it came over okay give me about that cake now no you know what you guys you can

Have the cakes i i don’t really need them that was indeed a secret one right here that didn’t show up on the thing but yeah the final advancement that we need involves frog lights and i have two options either take one of each frog to

The nether or bring a magma cube back to my house and i reckon bringing back a magma cube is gonna be the easiest option eventually i will build a frog light farm so i will have frogs in the nether and everything but for now i’m just going to get this bamboo cube

Because i’ve got a magma cube farm right here all right guys i wouldn’t normally do this but follow me that’s it you’re out i only need you really i think i think that should probably be okay let’s do i patch it up yet i’ll do i come and do it oh no

I’ve got the thorns on right we have to go harmless oh my goodness i forgot how slow you really are i’ll see you guys back at the base realize it’ll be a bit quicker if i take a big one with me or maybe not it’s uh it’s hard to say i

Finally made it i’m gonna send the macbook wait is that the right hole yes it go down there it won’t take full damage so don’t need to worry about that i’m hoping why you jumped over it you can’t jump over it forever though that’s right all

Right he’s all right down there the only thing is now to get it into the little one by one portal i’m gonna have to break you up into small pieces afraid i’m afraid i’ve got four baby ones going across to this portal and that is all of the men i don’t know

Where that guy disappeared though so i’m guessing he’s gone through all right magma boys i’m now losing the will to live so let’s put two of you into a boat go on that’s it don’t be shy and the other two of you can go into that boat

And now it’s time to bring in the frogs yeah doing it this way is so so much faster it’s gonna be so cool to see these guys eat magma cubes i can’t wait although they just ate them whoa whoa we got one okay okay okay hold on we got it

We gotta do this right here we’ve got you’ve eaten one all right go and fill your boots mate go and get him oh this is brilliant so that’s one frog like oh he’s eating another one that’s another frog like you are the last one go and get him god don’t go in

The boat though no you idiot okay i know you oh no let’s put you up here out of the way okay don’t go anywhere then i break this okay you can have one magma qb do not eat two one of you okay one each let’s just

That’s it did we do it we did it there we go you you got one age there we go you behaved and that’s what you got thank goodness you didn’t wander off and i really cannot wait to make a frog light farm these guys are actually so

Cool i love them i love dragging frogs around because they’re just so quick and that’s perfect they’re all back home in their enclosure and when these tadpoles grow up we’ll get more green frogs since we’ve only got one at the moment i feel like frog lights would be better than

The sea lanterns but i’ve committed now to putting them there so i’m gonna keep them they do look very very cool indeed so that’s one of them so these are just basically light sources but i like them they are they are nicer frog lights i look forward to building a farm with

Them all and now i want to check something which firstly involves turning off the mob switch because some of you guys have said that 1.19 will make it so my eol farm no longer works and i kind of need it for all of my gunpowder requirements so i’m now going to attempt

To find out if that is true or not and the answer is oh man but they don’t go through the portals what should i use the farm a bit more in 1.18 to gather at resources i’ll tell you if some of them are despawning or some of them are going through but

I’ve been netherrack here sort of stop any items that come down we will find out if anything is coming through the farm it’s always a little bit heartbreaking though when you spend weeks making a farm and moe young updates and ruins it all right i’ve waited long enough no items are coming

Through but i i wouldn’t like mobs are spawning in i wonder if there’s something wrong with the lincoln well guys i’ve got some good news a little bit of research a little bit of testing and eol farms are not broken this update but for some reason my portal linking

Had broken and i have different performance mods installed so that my game runs smoother i have sodium which is really good i have lithium which is another one which is usually really good but that is what had broken the portal linking i i’ve gone through research

Tested all the mods and look at that disabled lithium and the farm is working again as normal which i what was that all about which i am very very pleased about i’ve just realized that i did put a block in the way of the farm so the items are going to be

Getting stuck i’d better go and sort that out lithium has only just been released for 1.19 and the new update for it does fix the portal linking problem they are aware of it turns out i’d already removed that block anyway i didn’t need to bother but in a future

Update this farm will not work so i’m gonna use it as much as i can now get loads of items get loads of gunpowder i’m glad though that i’ve her i’ve worked that out and and we’re still okay and i reckon that should probably be enough time at this farm i’m hoping my

Shulker story just managed to keep up with all of the drops okay well well first things first it seems like the um endermans have have changed slightly because now they they can teleport away i don’t know why i can just fly a few hundred blocks away and they will all

Despawn and by the looks of things the system has been coping well we’ve got loads in fact we might as well take it with us all this will be great for my netherright beacon project always nice to have the gunpowder reserves looking healthy again and as we’ve already

Established a very cool thing added in the update is mud packed mud the stuff like walls it just it looks good it goes well with black stone and stuff like that so i i definitely want to focus on a way to be able to get more mud and i

Could also do a little bit of design modification here to my my broken farming tower thing part is a little bit broken for some reason but i can put hoppers underneath all of these blocks i can’t really do it up here because we haven’t got the space but i reckon it’s

A quick and easy project we grab loads of hoppers we’re gonna need more than that we’re gonna need more than that in wood as well thankfully i have 70 million spruce logs here so we can craft all of the chests we could ever desire from there craft all the hoppers that i

Could ever desire and next we go underneath there’s already a bit of redstone underneath here but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem and i’ve completely dug out underneath here and of course in true villager fashion one has decided what are you doing down here now you’re just making life hard

Work aren’t you come on get get out of here that’s it you go up there oh sorry that was an accident no no no oh for goodness sake you guys really do drive me crazy sometimes so the plan is to have hoppers in a bit of a system like this we just basically

Cover every single block with a hopper and i’m starting to realize that maybe i i’m not okay well that’s good good isn’t it yeah into a glowstone but yeah i’m starting to think that maybe i don’t have quite enough hoppers and that is every single block covered so now i want

To change it from carrots to be wheat seeds we have got some wheat seeds there hopefully maybe that no you know it’s not enough especially when you consider i have so many in this chest and now to till this bit of ground that needs it and harvest every single carrot and as

You can see look them all disappearing into the hoppers it’s working and it doesn’t work on these ones which is good because then the villager will pick them up because he probably needs some extra carrots to plant actually he’s not doing carrot stories he’s gonna be doing wheat

Now i could wait for all this to grow but i haven’t got time for that so instead i’ll bone meal it all there you go mr farmer you can farm to your heart’s content now the wheat sordid it’s time to create something that will generate the mud if you didn’t know mud

Can be created by right clicking dirt with a water bottle look at that we’ve got mud and i’m going to use that concept to try and design a farm that will yeah that will generate it all for me this farm could end up being a little

Bit messy so i’m going to build it all the way out here but the plan is four pistons along here and observers facing this way to detect when blocks get placed i think i’ve worked out an even better system you know what it is but i just love designing farms let’s put a

Load of bottles in all of here if i stand like this oh look at that it turns it all to mud it’s so simple but so effective i’ve been using every single one of my brain cells and i’ve had to modify the machine so so much because

When a dispenser turns it to mud you can see that the glass bottle stays in and that was that was gonna cause a problem but now i’m gonna put one bottle in every single one i might be able to modify this a little bit and also have a

Glass bottle in each of these dispensers and then there has to be water on in front of each of the dispensers so they can fill the water bottles with water i haven’t automated this just yet but that’s gonna go to there i push that button

It should do all that we should end up there we go we get a water bottle back in there the glass bottle in there so i mean that’s the essence of the farm it can only go so fast as i say because you need to replace your thing so you go

Like that i mean i will make it more automatic okay and it seems like something’s not worked instead i’ll try just one water bottle in each okay that didn’t work as i was saying just one water bottle in each no glass bottles at the bottom see if that goes all the way

Around correctly again these end ones don’t it’s not the world’s fastest thing but it does not work as you can see a full water bottle is a little bit slower a little bit more complicated but as you can see it does indeed work because a water bottle comes back through i go

And that that’s the essence of it i might be able to speed this bit up a little bit now i’ve hooked it up to an observer which means i don’t this is not going to work properly though i’m just going to break that and then i can break

This and every time i place all the dirt god didn’t work apparently i’ve forgotten how to do red start i do all of this then i can do a simple thing like that now if i place the dirt okay hold on there’s a little bit of a

Problem there things have got a little messy here but i’ve successfully got a block detection system so if i go ahead and go like this it should work so let’s just test it out replace that okay a little bit of an issue on this n1 and then

Okay right well i’ll mess around with the timings and get it working but it’s it’s not far off all this redstone is getting a little bit complicated i’ve used a hopper clock and all this to make it work and and it does work but i’ve got an idea of how i can

Make the redstone much better and much less messy rather than use an observer to detect when i place a block i will use a skulk sensor a bit of wool will be helpful for this project so the sensor doesn’t detect absolutely everything from here i’m going to dig down a load

Of blocks now all this redstone won’t trigger the skulk sensor it’ll just be moving stuff so placing this doesn’t activate it so it’s a it’s a little bit too low so i’ll just simply move it up by one and it now detects it with no problem i also fill the walls with wool

So that it can’t detect stuff to the side only upwards so if i place that it detected it and i can use redstone to take the signal out with a combination of glass now let’s see what happens if i place a load of dirt i could do with

Hooking the redstone up to this as well first time for take two i think it works is this is it is it all it’s working well i just i just got to sort the bottles out i’m loading everything up with water bottles i’ve made even more adjustments to the design

And now it works pretty much perfectly i just go here and hold right click and as you can see it just works perfectly everything is getting converted to mud you can see in the bottom right there that glass bottles are getting turned into water bottles and they’ll be coming back

Around the system very occasionally you will get dirt that doesn’t convert to mud but that is not the end of the world we’ve maxed it out at this point okay we seem to have run outward you know what me saying is working perfectly well you know there’s a few uh few tweaking

Problems for some reason hopefully i’ve done something to help that problem and uh we’ll see if it continues to work better and i am now 100 done with this machine i can just hold right click and there is no teething problems every single one now will always get converted because i’m

A load of redstone to make that so that the torches are off for only a small tick you can see it’s a little bit messy but it works consistently which is the main thing i now need a simple system that will deal with the mud when it

Fills up the 13 blocks the pistons can push pistons can only actually push 12 blocks so this is as far as it’ll go the redstone for this should be fairly straightforward at least compared to all of this pistons along here will push the mud upwards and then this bit of

Redstone will detect when a block reaches this point and extended upwards all right machine let’s see what you’ve got look at it on the right guys it’s working i definitely think the farm is very cool but it’d be even better if i could use it to make a massive cube of

Mud to mine or at the very least make it so it can store more mud and as you can see this machine is now very very ready i don’t know what more i could do i’m so so proud of what i’ve actually built as you can see the redstone is fairly straightforward it’s

Just staircased up and then because this is powering the pistons it also power the pistons below because of causing connectivity it’s pretty straightforward stuff i think i could do so much though i would a machine that dispenses the dirt you know what let’s let’s go all out very simply put four observers

Connected to a dropper i suspect it’ll only dispense two to me let’s say yeah he gave me two so i’ve modified it so there’s a bit of redstone on top which means does it dispense four for me okay still two i’m adding another observer with some redstone you’ll see that as i use

The farm the amount of dirt in my inventory stays at an amount so it is dispensing four per cycle for me look that’s perfect as you see even though it’s kind of fluctuating a bit it never really goes below 60 yeah this is working absolutely perfect like if i just wait i

Go back to 64. chest up here is what can be filled with dirt this piston right here can be an on off switch that’s not going to work is it that’s better so that will turn the machine on and off all of this for a load of mud but we are

We’re gonna test it out properly now i’m just gonna sit here for a bit just afk hold right click that’s all you have to do and as you can see the giant mud cube is being formed i have realized it first to completely redesign this farm i could

Probably make it faster and better by making it so the mud gets converted somewhere down here rather than having the dispensers here but i didn’t think that through at the start i’m very proud of how it is though it works well and then when you want to harvest the mud

I’m using a shovel i could use a tnt jupiter to blast it and do all that but i’d rather just use a shovel and not use tnt jupiter i’m just putting a bit of glass around here so i don’t accidentally break any of this redstone whilst i’m mining but just look at that

Loads and loads of mud for now i’ll have some mud storage along here kind of makes me feel like i should build a dirt farm at this point well that could maybe be another day i think for now i have i’ve done enough of building a farm so i

Filled this chest with all the dirt that i have i’m going to hold right click and press f3 and t so now the farm works hands-free and let it convert loads and loads of mud and the first cube cycle has been completed we got even more

Pistons so this cube could be made even bigger but i’m not going to over complicate things for now beautiful over eight stacks of mud that can go in this chest and there’s still plenty of dirt to go through the system but i want to go and check on the villager over here

Has it been working hard and gathering wait okay where’s he gone okay i see him he’s all the way over here what are you doing you call this work wow there’s wheat everywhere he’s harvested nothing absolutely not right that’s it you know what you’re fired get out get out of my

Sight get out of my farm that’s right and don’t come back and with that we can make way for a new farmer that’s it good sir welcome to your new job and this one’s actually doing some work and wheat is coming through okay that’s more like it tell you you just can’t trust

Villagers nowadays and with new confidence that the wheat farm is now working i can get back to creating mud and i’ve now used the machine a few times and i can see in the future myself making it so the cube is a bit bigger so

I can run it for longer afk in a row although i’m very happy with all of the mud that i’ve got as you can see from the chest i have plenty of it plenty to go in the shulker boxes i do also think that mud is so useful that deserves its

Own storage in the auto sorter just have to fill this with mud and it’ll start filtering through and end up in here i’d also like to clear out this chest as you can see there’s a lot of water bowls i suppose the water bottles can stay

In the chest and the empty glass bottles as well and now there is one more cool feature that i have not checked out in this update goat horns i have yet to get myself a goat horn very conveniently i have uh screamer and the goat of

Minecraft both of which can drop me a horn and there are actually some unique horns that are only obtainable from screaming goats so it’s perfect that we already got one i’m going to release them off the lead and bring them outside now let’s try and get a screaming goat

Horn so i’m just gonna stand still and wait for it to ram intimate okay and then i’m gonna move out the way you did not take your time ramming me i thought we were friends okay you’ve got to be quicker than i realize every time i haven’t managed to

Get away from it i’m gonna need some help three times i tried to move out the way to go and it hit me so i’m going to try ender pearls it’ll be interesting to see if this is successful all right screamer run me now if you dare

Did i do it did i did you did you hit that wall feel like i didn’t quite do it in time i’ll try again there we go that time i moved he just when he knocked his head down we did it we got call okay so i’m going to assume

That we can get a few more do you like ramming a lot by the way can i just say there we go the head’s going down did we do it yes we did perfect okay we got another one oh we got call both times is it gonna be the same one every

Time we’ll keep testing it out they do tend to ram quite often don’t they did you did you avoid again have i got both of your hot oh wait it’s hornless it’s got no horns on his head anymore oh my goodness wait so you’re telling me that

I have to get about 60 million screaming coats because there are four different types of horns well four for a screaming goat and then four four normal goats so i don’t know if i want to take your horns away mate i didn’t realize they actually you actually lose your horn as well will

You guys get down from there i i know you can jump high but i’m i’m trying to get you come on we’re getting inside go through a lot more harder work than you realize well let’s blow a horn okay let’s see what it sounds like Wait what is that is it what is that from at least they’ve watched a compilation of movie intros and i’ve been i found it listen to this horn okay yeah we got it and then listen to this movie intro sounds ready It’s basically the same anyway enough of that let’s continue de-horning a load of goats it’s winding up oh my god well you sent me flying okay there we go we got him that’s one of your horns down and this time we have got sing which sounds like

That’s pretty pretty good one more time All right your other one’s going to be going as well in a moment though i found that pearls is pretty much it i mean it’s doable without pearls but it’s it’s so much harder it can take anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes for a goat to

Run it looks like it’s winding up another one there we go did i get it i did i got the other horn okay so i wonder if one goat always gives the same one like both of his horns have been seen for the for that one the other one’s both being

Called so maybe once you’ve got one of the goat’s horns there’s no point like getting it or the horn off of it very very interesting stuff i’m gonna put the duplicates in here and my my main ones i i want them to be on an item frame

Somewhere for now we’ll put them in the not chopper wall this would not be a main thing because obviously um they’re not chapels will be going there but i’m sure it will do for now i’ve also got plenty more ender pearls in this chest so i’m just going to get

Those handy for now and if i want to get every single horn which of course i do i’m going to need more screaming go so get into them what what are you doing here by the way get get out of that boat this is for goats not for anybody else

And how will i get more screaming goats well it’s quite simple by getting more wheat so yeah this farm is going a little bit slower i wonder if it’s cause it’s not quite in render distance all the time because i i think you’re working harder than that farmer and on

The positive side i have raised a lot of villagers over the months so we have so many hay bales meaning i can breed plenty more goats with a two percent chance to get a screaming one which means i need to breed 50 babies looks like i’m gonna be pretty busy with these

Guys so far i’ve found two screaming goats one there and one there i should say i have bred two screaming goats and i also know that one of these is a scream i just i don’t know which so i’m just luring away a few of them and leaving some of

Them on the lead and it is one of these i’ve just heard it make the screaming noise okay i think it’s this one or it could be this one i’m not entirely sure but i know it’s definitely not you so let’s get rid of you there’s 50 50

Chance that i’ve chosen the right one doesn’t seem to be a screamer and this one is the screaming goat come with me good sir you can go with all the other ones and i think i’m going gonna use you to get the next of the horns here it comes

You missed haha i think he screamed as he got his horn went off i can understand why you’d scream at that and we got ourselves the dream horn how does that sound let’s have a listen It’s an interesting it’s an interesting sounding one i don’t think i’m gonna break your other horn off because all they seem to do is just drop the same horn twice anyway now it is your turn goat number two here it comes did i go a bit early no i didn’t

Perfect i mean we got call i think i already have call i do so there’s no point getting another call off that either but dream can be added to this wall and then no not not that dream and you shall be the final screaming goat that i take his horn here it comes

Which one did we get this time we got yearn which sounds like this That’s a very a very yearning sound i’ll add it to the wall and let’s get a couple of horns from a non-screaming goat right winding up its charge you were too slow why did that wow that went so high oh my goodness and we’ve got ourselves pundit now do we have

Ponder already i don’t think we do we have we have seen was the other one we had so i shall put that there and just to double check every goat does drop the same two horns i’m gonna let it hit me one more time or should i say let it run

This wall again yeah give me ponder again so basically whatever goat gives you both its horns give you by the way if you’re curious ponder sounds like this So that’s that and then sing sounds similar doesn’t it let’s play it maybe kind of similar i’m just going to try and get all the four non-screaming variants here we go you were too slow and you gave me so we’ve already had that one sorry we’re not interested also instead of me

Getting a goat from all the way over here and then dragging it to that stone wall it would instead make sense to mine up part of this stone and build a new wall over here and this time we have got sing again how many times do i have to

Tell you we’ve already got that one now this time we have got feel okay it’s a new one let’s see That’s an interesting one again i don’t know who came up with these sounds but i am now just one horn away from having all of them well all the non-screaming ones i still need one screaming one as well come on go run me that’s it wait what i should totally have dropped

A horn well that time it did already got ponder and this time an endermite spawned and it hit the end of my what the heck now then seek that is the final one well done little goat you got me just what i needed let’s listen to it It’s the classic villager one well i can pretend to be a pillager now and so all i need now to finish my collection is another screaming goat and to do that i’d better get back to breeding i hear a baby screaming goat so we’ve got one out

Of all of that but working out which one it actually is will be the challenge and this is the fifth screaming goat that i have ever got might as well give him a load of weight so he grows a bit faster i don’t know why this keeps happening

But the villager in here has once again disappeared it’s happened on every single floor i can only guess it might be something to do with these blocks so i’m gonna change them to be something transparent like glass so that the villager cannot suffocate since i’m assuming that’s the problem that’s

Happening meanwhile baby goat has grown up please give me the horn that i haven’t yet got let’s see admire yes okay we’ve got every single go on let’s see what admirer is A little bit weird sounding some of these but thank you so much dear goat i will never need all these millions of goats again we’ve we’ve got every horn that we ever need all of them are on this wall which is fine for now i’ve got

The dream one there as well yep all eight goat horns obtained that’s a pretty cool achievement because doing something like that is not actually that easy trying to work out why this wasn’t bringing me more villagers and dropping them in there but now i uh i see it’s

Because i’ve closed all the trapdoors so i’ve opened them now you guys just have a little encouragement to go on down see guys it’s nothing personal i uh i just need more farmers and now my tools are looking a little worse for wear so i shall take them to a place

For their repair and now i think it’s time i stop stalling stop working on other projects and get serious about my plan to defeat the warden obviously the warden can be defeated pretty easily if you just summon it and then build up like over 20 blocks high then you could

Just shoot it with a bow and arrow but in my opinion that’s just too far too easy so instead i’ll be taking it on in proper hand to hand combat the building blocks i’ll be using is plenty of wool i’m also going to need some potions to

Give me the upper hand and those are going to be night vision and swiftness hopefully all of that’s going up i’m wondering if three swiftness will last the whole battle hopefully it will i’m also down to my last 19 pork chops that’s definitely a worry but i hoping

That i have loads here look at that yeah we have so let’s fill up this shulker box you know what since i have a little bit of inventory space left i’m gonna make another three swiftness there we go let’s have one last rest in my bed and

Then the search for the deep dark can begin no pressure sp but the last 4064 days are all riding on me winning this battle at the very least i’ve just got to make sure that i don’t lose the battle i know i’ve come quite far and you know what i found somewhere

Where the deep dark might be below me literally right by my portal but i think i’ve forgotten something very very important strength i need strength pots they were 100 worth going back for found my way back to that portal i built and i’m hopeful that the deep dark is below

This mountain i guess i could just dig straight down and find out for myself okay it is indeed oh my goodness what that is this is a crazy crazy cave oh my goodness wait am i no i wanted some of the walling with just one shrieker yeah it’s a very cool cave but

I’d rather battle a warden in an ancient city plus i need two more dis fragments to make the music disc this has to be one of the coolest deep dark caves i’ve ever come to and the swift sneak makes exploring it so so much better and despite the cave size there does not

Seem to be any ancient city down here so the search for the ancient city can continue here we swoop into another deep dark vile but no joy down there outposts always now have a goat home by the way i’m curious to see which one is sikh so

Yeah you could actually get all of them by searching outposts because i suppose not everybody has 70 million goats that they can just breed found another mountain with the deep dark below it and this time an ancient city i guess this is where things get serious chest plate

On i’m gonna try and find those disc fragments we got another one i’ll drink a night vision hopefully that just helps me a little bit there we go perfect this chest has a disc fragment with beside but it doesn’t however regen may also be very useful i’ve accidentally set up another

Shrieker i don’t know if it was worth it if i set off one more the warden will spawn but i’d rather get that final dis fragment before i let that happen okay it looks like the mission has been failed the wardens the warden’s gonna be spawning hasn’t it yeah he’s coming up

Out of the ground okay here we go i’m gonna drink my swiftness i’ve drunk the strength and i am ready to go you might be bigger than me you might be stronger than me and you might have a lot more health but you are blind and stupid

And that is how i’m going to defeat you okay so far so well doing some good strafes that’s it oh my goodness look at this he just can’t get him okay that’s that’s the attack we have got to worry about that does a lot of damage but

Okay okay hold on oh things are getting a little bit messy there there we go we’re good let’s just pop it overnight shuffle i’m just gonna have a lot of notch apples okay have another one okay yeah you get a bit of thorns in there you don’t like that dear

Okay it does not miss that attack that’s look that’s the one thing maybe if i got pearls i could have avoided it but oh my goodness it’s got me look oh okay i’ve got to be careful just keep going keep going okay i’m going to move now i’ve got to move i’m

Just going to get a little bit further away from him get a bit of distance oh my goodness a bit more this time do that there we go you can’t get across to me now i can’t he kind of can’t count okay through i’m gonna just pop another notch apple [Applause]

Okay just straight away use it to help oh no don’t get close to him though gotta just keep out of this range oh my goodness i’m gonna pop it if i’m not careful there we go there we go maybe not maybe not if he hits me though

We’re good we’re good we’re good we got him we defeated him oh is that all you got sb 737 versus the warden and it was absolutely no contact uh there’s me getting scared i’ve got all these items didn’t even need him just a good bit of strafing good bit of movement

And he’s he’s been defeated there’s another one oh another one well i could go for round two uh color that old warden that’s it okay this one could be a little bit more difficult but okay i’m not doing as well on this one i’ll admit maybe i maybe i couldn’t go

Further what am i doing what am i doing okay okay okay okay that’s it that’s it as long as i get those no chuckles up i can pretty what are you doing up here i’m good good no we’re not good okay okay get a totem out do that there we go

Oh no another tom’s gone well i should not you know what i got a little complacent battling it once was enough maybe not twice okay just eat another notch up i need to get my health as much as possible things are so dark down here

Now my night vision has run out as well oh i’m stuck in a thing okay i just need to try and keep away from him but there’s obstacles it’s when you can’t see i’m in a bad spot i’m in a bad spot eat that quick we’re good got it off

Okay just eat another notch apple this is all my nut chapels going down the drain but it’s for a good cause you know what the whoa okay okay okay we’re good gonna eat another one there we go okay i’m i don’t know what’s going on

Okay i’ve got no terms left in my hotbar which does worry me i’ve got to get some hits on him okay let’s just i’ve got to just no we’re too close we’re too close gotta keep moving keep moving there we go where is it i don’t even see him okay

I think i’ve always this is stressful that that sonic attack is so powerful and so difficult do anything against and you can’t get away from it like it does all so much help you need a lot of notch apples to defeat oh my goodness he’s getting some hits on me now quick sp

Okay we just it’s not jumping yes we caught him again that one was much much harder i don’t want to defeat another one my heart’s going too fast my armor is also very very broken i used up like 20 not chapels in that battle i’d love to

See if i can get some nut chapels back though i think i’m going to do a little bit of searching and see if there’s any around but my goodness it doesn’t get much more stressful than that okay is there anything in here that we want i

Don’t think so i’ll take the echo shards though oh and the disc fragments okay we’ve got the dis fragments now we fly away from the warden okay i’m going to go back to my normal food as well i won’t be battling the warden again today this is like a

Good chest all the way up here give me not chapels still no it’s always going to be a big challenge to get back all the notch up reserves we’ve got one there this will probably be the new way that i actually searched for notch apples at the start of the episodes as

Well sometimes you can get five of them in a single ancient city man i can’t believe i went toe to toe with the warden and lived to see the day now that i’ve seen it face to face i’m i’m really not that scared of it like i don’t know

I know he can hit hard and it does damage and stuff but yeah it doesn’t really worry me being near it or anything because i feel like i can escape with it with very little trouble i also feel like i have searched everywhere that might have a not chapel

And i don’t think we’re going to find much more well there’s a few chests here and there that i would we’ll take those we are at a point where you just look everywhere and there’s a ward in there there’s a one below me apparently he

Just hit me one down there as well he looks pretty angry looks like he knows where he’s going actually for me this is this is probably as good a time as i need to leave because getting my armor repaired is now the priority portal’s

Been lit and so i can fly back home and now that i’m here everything will become fully repaired also guys if you enjoy me just defeating that warden and you should definitely make sure you remember to subscribe and i did get something new from that visit as well loads of disk

Fragments which can be crafted over here into the music disk can we craft it now we can only craft one but here it is i think it’s just called five it’s called i don’t know why it’s called five but that seems to be the

Name that it has i can play it but it it’s just weird you listen to it like it’s just ambience and stuff like that so it’s it’s it’s a weird one not quite like pig step or other side and i’ve just realized i’d actually have any

Out in frames for the other side or this new five one i think it’s called yeah that’s that’s what it’s called five i’ll just stick a couple of item frames from here for now and they can go like this so we actually have a nice symmetrical thing although i think i

Think they should be in the middle because you know what it looks really cool like the pig step one it doesn’t look like the other ones i think the broken disc is another one which should go up here and i also need to rename them so they stand out better if you

Don’t rename the hover over that happens but if you rename them you can see what they’re called there we have it the new and improved music disk wall is complete if i remove these i’ll have enough space for all of these in there and this part

Is a bit of a sad moment i used to have so so many of these and now well we’ve got nowhere near as much but we’ll get them back don’t you worry i will get every single one and more of them back i also don’t think there is

Any point in having them if i’m not going to use them you know what i mean imagine if i died but i had all those nut chemicals you might as well use your nut chapels to to stay alive in these situations i’ll also put these two item frames back

And i actually do not remember where i put those frog lights where did i put them no idea i’ve got absolutely no idea why did i leave it in the chest here that’s another good question well despite my inability to remember what i do with stuff i’d like to build a farm

For them i’d like to farm them and have loads and loads of them before i actually build this farm i’m kind of curious to check out the magma cube farm so it seems like this concept wouldn’t really work because the big slimes go down there as well the golems don’t stop

Them so i need a farm that will spawn magma cubes but they become small ones since the frogs aren’t quite capable of eating the big ones i was gonna use honey but i don’t think i need that instead i’m going to grab all the items that i do need i’ve got every single

Item required i want to build this farm near the magma cube farm but not too close so it would interfere but i reckon right about here should be fine it’s just a little bit in that direction now we need to build an 11 by 11 platform the collection system is always a good

Place to start we’re going to be using a hopper minecart system to collect everything it’s just the easiest way to do it that is that completed we’re going to have it back we would wait have i got i’ve ever now thought i’d brought enough powered rails evidently not not really a

Massive issue i can just go like that and do that next i’m bordering everything in and this wall is gonna be three high in total i’ll also add a nice slab platform and now that’s done i need the frogs you three are the frogs that

Are to be selected seem to spend most of my life transporting frogs today that or battling very powerful mobs like the warden so getting means the nether is pretty easy however getting them above the bedrock could be a little bit more challenging i’ve got to make sure i don’t place a block

Next to the portal block otherwise it will break and and i can’t get it back now the update expression’s gone so i’m hoping that i can just bring them up like this you bet your life i can get them to the top like this all right frogs let’s come

Across here oh my goodness okay they just all died i didn’t expect that looks like i could add frog murderer to my list of titles no that’s no problem though i can easily just breed plenty more and this time when i transport three frogs let’s hope

That they don’t die i’ll send them all through again only this time i’m bringing slime blocks and then this time i can build up a nice little safety platform at the top in fact it’s not going to be a little safety platform it’s going to be a massive one i really

Don’t want them to miss the landing all right frogs we’re going on a little adventure now but we warned your friends the other frogs didn’t fare so well when we did this well that should be high enough come on please make it where did you oh no i’ve

Killed more of them and on take two i managed to get two of the frogs up to safety this guy kind of ruined my life with it you guys wait here i’ll be back with the third one soon these tadpoles i had growing in the woods have now all

Grown into frogs so i still drag these three to their new home then i need to grab a tadpole and i need to take it to a warm biome to grow up i’m pretty sure this lukewarm ocean should be good never mind it’s apparently not warm enough

There but i wonder if i can do it in the nether i know it’ll have its risks but i have no idea what’s going to happen if i okay eat the slime balls and grow okay i’m going to give you so much slime i don’t know how long you can survive without

Air so i’m just i’m just going as fast as i can if this works guys it will be a miracle we’re either gonna have a dead tadpole or a live and well frog come on we’ve got this just keep going no it’s dying quick you need to grow it crew

It died it grew as it died what it was dying you were nearly dead i don’t know how you’re here that frog literally stared death in the face and just said yeah i i don’t care much more resistant than those other ones that died just because they were bouncing up

And down on a lead all right frogs up you come to your new home in here you’re gonna get to eat so so much food don’t jump out though honestly that’s the one thing you did they both jump out seriously i nearly killed you and you survived and now you

Just want to jump out and live above the bedrock i don’t think so and now i know i can’t trust you guys you’re going on the lead didn’t want to have to do that but you left me with no choice now the next thing i’ll be doing is covering

This top in powdered snow the frogs will be just small enough to go underneath the only issue is i’m not sure i’ve got enough oh yeah that little half a block is small enough for a frog’s hitbox but it will mean the smaller magma cubes fall through and the bigger magma cubes

Get taken out if that makes sense as you can see the frogs are completely safe although i’m gonna need way more than that if i want to finish the farm i have a bit more here probably not quite enough to finish the farm but i’ll use

All of it up so that i can see how much more of it i then need i had to count up and 36 more was the answer and i’m pretty sure i know of a place where more can be found the portal that got me to the ancient city before i know that

There are some snowy slopes around and i i’m guessing that there’s some powdered snow on these somewhere it doesn’t actually generate in these biomes it’s just finding them is the hard part since it looks exactly like all of the snow but hey mission accomplished ladies and gentlemen and it’s getting a little cold

In here though so i should probably gather it up having said that it doesn’t look exactly like all of the snow because look that’s the texture of that and then that’s the texture of normal snow is a slight difference this one’s more powdery and snow doesn’t form on it so i guess

That’s the two ways you can you can find it i have definitely got more than enough and so let’s get it added to the farm there we go next the walls need to be increased to be even higher i’m going to put powdered snow there if i can i

Just can’t reach it you know i’m just going to drop down and oh that need to go to the fence i was like why can’t i place it i’m sure i’m reaching it but i’m going to get rid of the fence first that way we’ve got

That there but we’ve got that i’m going to freeze a little bit it’s going to be a bit chilly put that there i’ll fly on out of here no problem well try and fly maybe maybe this is it this is how sp dies he defeats a warden and

He dies in snow oh my goodness not to worry though we can we could just do this much easier out we go there perfect pretty standard little place the angle is going to live there we go just in between the four fence gate well i i’m sorry buddy i’m going to time his

Creator and he doesn’t get angry at me now to build the magma q spawning platform i’ll tell you what building with swift sneak is so useful because i don’t need to speed bridge anymore like i can’t speed bridge it’s it’s it’s it’s so fast i did get a little bit

Carried away though it’s only going to be 10 blocks long it’s going to be a seven wide platform in total and now i’m going to add some corners that are made out of glass i just chose blue stained glass because i have so so much of it from building the megabase left then

There’s also going to be a border of glass all the way along the top i also need to gas proof this because they can actually spawn in basalt deltas i’m placing more glass than i need to to gas proof it but you know what i have so

Much of it that i don’t mind there we go just to stop any magma cubes falling off we’re gonna have under sight walls i think these would have been better as polished underside but uh well it’s too late now get the minecart hopper down that is now going all the way around and

Place down loads and loads of scaffolding for the afk platform 104 to be precise i’ll be making it out of glass once again a magma cube should be spawning below i’m going to go and have a little look well there isn’t any but i think my mob switch is done so i’ll just

Reload my game and now when i fly back down we should have like that there’s a magma cube so he goes in all right let’s see what happens he’s he’s down there so i guess the mama cube over time will freeze because he’s a bit big for the

Frogs to eat right now there you go he gets hurt now the small ones the frogs are going in it’s really hard to see exactly what’s going on but the the frogs are going in and eating them i can watch it all unfold from down here actually that’s frozen it’s died now

Don’t know the frog’s going to go in and eat them it seems to vary sometimes the frogs don’t get to them and the the baby magma cubes die which i i guess is because they bounce in the snow but we have already got a couple of frog lights

So i can only assume it’s working so afk here for a bit and see what we get loads of time has passed and whilst we do have a lot of magma cream we also have a lot of frog lights so it’s a good two-fold farm really i mean i might as well grab

All of these i can’t even carry them all so i better put them into a shulker box and then i can take all of these back home it’s also worth me picking up the slime this won’t be transporting frogs up here anytime soon again and i do have

A use for these fog lights shortly but for now i will store them in this 1.19 chest now having the go homes on here is it’s okay but that’s the notch apple display they need their own place so i’m not sure how this will look but i’m thinking

Of creating some sort of window here well actually maybe not here because i have a load of hoppers going through that section but instead here down towards the treasure room how exactly this is gonna work i’m not entirely sure but i do know that glass reserves are

Starting to get a little bit low so it’ll be a good idea to smelt more sand so if this doesn’t look good then the idea will definitely be scrapped i’m thinking glass across like this in fact no let’s just change that granite up there so we’ve got something like that

And then there’d be a display behind it a display that would be made out of frog lights this could be me forcing something that doesn’t really belong here yeah this is um this is a bad idea and so plan b is to instead store them either side of this staircase i still

Put the frog lights behind but it just looks a little less out of place i’m also going to rename each and every of the horns on an anvil so that i know what all of them are called there we go all eight goat horns in their displays

And since there are gonna be notch apples in here i think it makes sense to actually put like the yellowy orange frog lights in actually called okafroglights but i’m never gonna remember that i think it does bring it to life a little bit speaking of not

Chapels it still upsets me to see the display so empty so i’m first going to repair my elytra by trading with villagers for redstone that works brilliantly and now i’m going to put one hour on the clock and then i’ll see just how many nut chapels i can get

In that time frame i’m hopeful that i can find at least one ancient city in that time frame okay and we drop straight into an ancient city finding one in under an hour is pretty impressive might as well grab diamonds when i see him too until not get exposed

When an ancient city generates on average you get a notch apple every 12 chests i’m also now going to summon the warden which i’m not too worried about but um you know just to be aware of him just systematically exploring the whole place i must have searched enough chest by now

Not having much joy you know this is gonna be my new way to find not travels it’s gonna be very stressful i think i’ve got every chest in this one maybe not that one but i got nothing in it again i i think yeah i mean all

I’m 99 of them i’ve got anyway maybe a little bit careful because more and more wardens are getting someone in and i don’t really know where to go i’m it’s so dark look at that oh got hit by one that’s uh that’s a sticky he’s there i got a fly

This is a bit of a there’s so many wardens that i’m in a little bit of trouble i should have maybe let this many spawn in i think i’m okay i think i’m away from all the ones in the vicinity there’s one over there i’ve just got to be careful

About him i’ll grab another totem and go in search of another ancient city whilst exploring the land randomly found a woodland mansion you never know there’s a tiny chance of the being or not chapel here could be wrong but think i’ve been here before yeah it’s

The place where i got all of the la’s earlier another mountainous region which leads to the deep dark and an ancient city let’s see how fast we can clear this one out oh we got two more chapels okay finally we’ve had some some success and i feel like i should gather up some

Wool so that i don’t spawn a warden every single time i open a chest well that doesn’t really seem to be working out for me at this point i’m just going a bit crazy now maybe a little bit more strategic in my wool use oh my gosh i’m thinking i just um

Mine up chest now then i don’t accidentally go to the same one twice i want that chest but there’s a there’s a ward in there can i am i being riskier probably all right we didn’t get enough chocolate or that but it was worth it i actually think this is two ancient cities

Connected together yeah this is a different ancient city well this is a turn up gives me the chance of even more not chapels wait it’s another end city again right it’s a third one in a row when i said entity i mean ancient city there we go we found a third one that’s

Great news look at that there’s two in there that’s perfect we’ve got five anything more in here we haven’t but now warden’s coming to ruin my day might as well just carry on searching these ancient cities right up until the hour marks complete this is definitely not

Enough time to find a brand new ancient city and the hour is now up i’ve kind of lost the entrance today i’ll just go exploring the side caves i’m very happy with getting five notch apples and this does seem like a very cool place to build a warden farm which is what i

Think we should do next first things first i need to move this portal so that it’s on the roof there we go i’m above the bedrock pretty close to that portal i built for the la’s but mine’s gonna be built a little bit away over here just

Checking the link up and indeed they do there’s apparently a shrieker below me which maybe that’s the one i should use i think that’s my best one so i’m gonna get a hoe ready and i’m gonna fly away from that warden because he needs to calm down a bit oh he’s an

Idiot he’s followed me that’s just what i wanted but now i can mind the stuff around this and put wool around it so i can kind of do stuff without the shrieker being a problem let’s just do that bottom one oh okay don’t die too that was tight

Oh my goodness sp737 you’ve got to be more careful stuck in a hole with a warden on top of me i think i’ll wait a couple of minutes for those wardens to despawn that should have been long enough centers in the area can be removed as you can see i can run around

This catalyst that’s in there and it will now not detect me so that’s how i build the farm around it without really having too much trouble it’s a very weird experience making a farm down here knowing that if you do something you can’t really relax you’ve got to focus

As you’re mining that you know i say definitely creep towards one of them but if i go too far in any one direction i end up in a bit of trouble all this lava definitely needs to be covered up now i think i’m ready to go and gather up all

The resources i’m also very happy to add five more of these notch apples you know five more and we’ve refilled that wall we can definitely do that in the next episode this farm is gonna require quite a lot of redstone components i think this is all the items that i require at

Least i uh i hope it is it’s a long journey back if i forget anything i’ve made it back and i accidentally summoned a ward and like threw that wall when i was minding some stone which just goes to show how annoying it is sometimes so

I have to fly over here and wait a minute for him to despawn looks like he’s now finally gone although i accidentally activated the street grove there so now we’ve got another warden good for goodness sake well i’m still gonna do some work over here and hope

That he doesn’t find me there we go he’s he’s climbed back into the ground so right here we’ve got a system that will detect when the shrieker updates it’ll have observers on top and then dispensers on top of them and these red blocks are what the water is gonna spawn

On it’ll be able to spawn the dispensers or the red blocks but anywhere else that it might want to try and spawn it will be completely out of range to be honest with you warden farms aren’t super complicated there is a limit to how fast you can make them it could make it

Slightly faster with portals but i don’t want to get mixed up with that one more disasters can happen and mob’s been able to spawn in port wow that was fast so soul speed and swift sneak but yeah mob’s been able to spawn in portals he’s gonna get patched out soon anyway so

This version is a little bit more future proof these gates are gonna hold the water and there shall be glass on top of them and now i’ve got to build this up really high with glass i’m i might need to do a bit of mine that’s going to be

In the way but the roof is generally pretty high from the shrieker to the very top the farm is about 30 blocks tall in total so it’s not going to be too massive this is the height it needs to be and i knew i’d forget something

Forgot the bone meal not to worry though i can still build it with the 63 piece of kelp i have it’s just gonna take a little bit longer this along here is gonna stop the wardens from popping out of the top instead they’ll be falling down there where an entity crammer will

Soon be set up in fact i’m going to do that now because later on it’s going to be harder to get to i kind of forget how many minecarts you need for an entity chroma but i’m pretty sure it’s something along the lines of 24. so if you imagine there’s water here i

Couldn’t be breaking all that but we’ve got 14 here for now i’ve got another 14 here which will make 28. that’s some quick maths and that will be enough to entitygram the wardens let’s next place water at these top bits and instead of being able to burn mail all the kelp i’m

Just gonna have to manually place it in each bit then when i break it i’ll have a water chute and i can grab it at the top and do the same thing on these two and that is all of the water sorted always a little bit scary when you’re

About to test a farm that’s so dangerous but i have uh i’m just gonna run my hoppers all the way down so i can actually get to the items i’m setting up something like this and it makes sense to move that portal over there so that is instead over here and i

Can add some of these sculpt veins onto the portal like that or look at that just makes it look like it’s it’s part of the scenery i can have a singular chest on the edge here so i can just easily get to it but it’s going to be

Well out the way of the farm’s range it’s going to carefully and this is very carefully placed up there there we go so this is the farm but i want to build a bit of a bit of a staircase bridge connector thing i like what i’m seeing

Here but i have got to make sure that i spawn proof the area as well with carpets otherwise wardens will be able to still spawn here so you know we we’ve got to be careful not only do i need to spawn proof this pathway that i made but

Of course all of this needs to be spawn proof as well in reality this area is probably already spawn proof but i’m just going to go above and beyond because just to be safe i mean even though i know i’ve done it all fine i really

Don’t want to make a single mistake i think it’s it’s just about ready all need to do is add in buckets to every single dispenser and then cover all of this in water whilst this water there the wardens can’t spawn but for a split second the dispensers will pick up the

Water the warden will spawn and i’ll put the water back send the warden up there to the minecarts where they will then die and then the hoppers will push it all the way catalyst into that chest it’s a foolproof plan i only have to do one last thing and that is place an

Observer going into this now i’m pretty sure it may oh my hold on a second hold on i think everything’s is everything okay wait i haven’t got enough of uh thingamajigs let’s pull this wall back because there also needs to be an observer there and one right

Here now when i break this block as you can see all the water has disappeared i’m going to place an observer it’s probably going to activate that maybe okay no it didn’t it didn’t set off the short scratcher thing i’m curious to know where this water came from i’m not

Sure it was there before hopefully i don’t set that off i haven’t this is just maybe an lcd it’s just a bit of a mess come from absolutely miles away all the way up here let’s patch you up with a bit of deep slight and now the moment

Of truth okay i break this i don’t want to do it i stand on the streak come on sb let’s get it over with there we go i’m stood on here okay warden i felt this wrong i bill it all wrong i think i built it all wrong

I built it all wrong i’ve completely built it wrong are we okay i’ve i’ve done everything wrong i had one job one simple job although you know what i think it should still work okay i’ve kind of just had a little look of it i think it is something that will

Work either way around if a warden spawns and he’s going to attack me i’ll be okay i’ll be able to survive all right i’m just going to raise my ward and level buy another one and in theory he should crawl out the ground there he’s crawling up

Is he going up is he going up he’s gone you can’t really see it because of the darkness effect but once at the top yeah he flows along slow and steady and then he should go into that i think i’ve actually built that slightly wrong as well yeah i built

It completely i’m gonna have to wait for him to disappear i’m hoping that should have been long enough okay well it wasn’t but he’s fallen into my trap anyway and after 70 million years he he will eventually lose all his health there we go that’s the easy way to

Defeat a warden and now i’m just going to block up these particular blocks and then break them again because they shouldn’t be source blocks that was kind of just causing me a few issues then there needs to be blocks underneath these so it’ll come all the way around

Then i’ll break those and put water underneath all right that is mission accomplished let’s do take two on this and hopefully everything works okay we will see the ward and climb through the ground again there he is climbing through the ground over there i think i built it perfectly correct i don’t know

Why i was so worried that i’d done it wrong and he’s in there he went straight in this time so it works much better and we can keep summoning these every 10 seconds that means we get six wardens a minute and 360 in an hour so just look

At them they’re flying through loads of them climbing through the ground although that one climbs quite close to me but you know what nothing to be scared of because as they climb through the ground they get sent up i’ve done it i have successfully farmed the warden and as you can see

There’s just quite a lot of them getting into the crammed up there they’re getting taken out perfectly let’s get every 10 seconds one gets taken out because that’s often they spawned i i should probably have not maybe made that chest so high but look at that sculpt

Catalysts are going in in fact i am going to move this back so that i can reach the chest a bit easier somewhere like that will be better just needs hoppers going into the back of it although um placing the hoppers is now a bit of a challenge challenge which i

Have managed to do and i am still not entirely sure what i’m going to do with all these sculpt catalysts but it’s more that i just want to farm the warden so we’re going to run it for a little bit and get loads of maybe i reckon if i get

2 300 of them that’ll do me for now and you think it’d be a little bit risky to go afk with wardens climbing out the ground around you but uh well i’m not scared of that i think that is enough time that the warden farm has been running i’ll let all those wardens

Slowly fall to the entity cramming and you can see lots and lots of school catalysts which will be very useful for a new farm but that’s a new farm which will be built in the next episode something i’d like to do at some point is build a massive blue ice track for

The boats that would take me all the way to the warden farm such a thing would require over 2 000 blue ice which would be about 150 thousands worth of normal ice i’m quickly repairing a few items and i’d like to finally fully finish this ice farm it’s a project that’s been

Hanging over me for nearly 2 000 days so i’m gonna spend a bit of time gathering up all the materials and then i can get on with building this thing And i have now completely run out of time the sun has set and i didn’t quite finish the farm because i need to add all the glass and there needs to be signs like this on these two rows as well plus the water yeah this farm takes

A bit longer to build the player than i less remembered but i am glad that it is now very very close to completion i’ll probably just finish the last little bit in the next episode but thanks so much for watching this video it’s been quite

A roller coaster of a video and the sun has now set on this world so that was 4 100 days in hardcore minecraft

This video, titled ‘I Survived 4,100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2022-06-18 11:15:24. It has garnered 4750671 views and 150320 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:57 or 5037 seconds.

4,200 DAYS HARDCORE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/_6pdUxUxRt4

►Subscribe Here: http://goo.gl/0JbOQk ►Leave a LIKE if you Enjoyed! ►Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737

In this Minecraft video I survive 4100 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

100 Days Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Tutorials Used: Froglight Farm: https://youtu.be/4Ibg16IkiKY Warden Farm: https://youtu.be/kkpss1gUz7w

Thanks to @Luke TheNotable for the idea! https://www.youtube.com/user/Creolesbackfire

►Watch me stream Minecraft LIVE: http://twitch.tv/SB737

►Become a Channel Member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFrVj6wBM42y3XuKCAj8n5A/join

►Official Merch: https://sb737.store

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  • Time Travel Tricks in Minecraft

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  • Kuno’s EPIC Minecraft Stream – MUST WATCH!!

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  • Ultimate Shizo VTuber: Customizable JosephniteFlyer Reacts to Minecraft Movie & Hardcore

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  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Moments – Insane Bedwars Gameplay!

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  • Minecraft server mp.berrysmp.net

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  • Minecraft Memes – Send ’em back to the Nether!

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  • Get Ready to Be SHOCKED by This Sunny Egg Trick!

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  • Ravaz’s Epic Minecraft Livestream Adventure

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  • INSANE Minecraft House Build 🔥 #shorts #minecraft

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  • Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraft

    Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is the fastest way to find diamonds? Pt.1 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mad Tui on 2024-05-09 17:00:38. It has garnered 3782 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. What is the fastest way to find diamonds in minecraft? Well look no further this #shorts series is going to look at 9 different diamond gathering methods. From mining, to redstone contraptions! All with the quest to find the most OP method to get a world record number of diamonds! See the FULL video here where I get… Read More

  • I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!

    I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became Unbeatable in Minecraft Lifeboat Survival Mode sm16 with this Enchanted Sword ⚔️ || Part- 1’, was uploaded by kibo Playz on 2024-03-12 10:28:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HLO Everyone !! WELCOME TO ANOTHER MINECRAFT RELATED VIDEO ON THIS CHANNEL.. ☺️ Today I will gonaa … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!

    INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by PettFarms on 2024-07-13 13:52:23. It has garnered 351 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:30 or 11070 seconds. Linktr.ee/pettfarms for all of our socials, and merch! Sponsored by ULTISupps! Use code PettFarms at checkout! https://ultisupps.rfrl.co/q15my Monday and Friday 6:30pm – 10pm Eastern and Sunday 10am to 1pm eastern. Also check out our podcast “Peculiar Prattling” on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! #facebookgaming #streamer #gaming #twitch #facebook #streaming #live #avgeek #xbox #xboxone #xboxgaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/Alyxwho

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/AlyxwhoVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Hardcore w/ Alyxwho! ~ Sprinkles Streams’, was uploaded by Sprinkles & Manic on 2024-05-18 23:22:22. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:47 or 9527 seconds. Sprinkles plays Minecraft Hardcore with Alyxwho! Featuring Alyxwho ~ https://twitch.tv/alyxwho 🎀 Sprinkles Links 🎀 https://youtube.com/@shutupsprinkles https://www.twitch.tv/shutupsprinkles https://www.twitter.com/shutupsprinkles https://discord.gg/747vedW 💖 Manic Links 💖 https://youtube.com/@manicpxldreamgirl https://www.twitch.tv/manicpxldreamgirl https://twitter.com/manicpxldrmgirl https://discord.gg/qW4sP2B #minecraft #java #minecrafthardcore Read More

  • Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!

    Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Woodland Mansion Raid! AND Free Mods?’, was uploaded by Mediocre Richard on 2024-09-01 04:00:03. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:16 or 13396 seconds. #woodlandmansion #minecraftlive #minecraft Time to finally raid the woodland mansion and see treasure that hopefully made the very long trip yesterday very worth it. Oh and maybe tame some Dragons. Read More

  • Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀

    Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀Video Information This video, titled ‘what is this goofy aah blur config 🗿😂🐸🗣️😍🤠😎🤠😍😍🗣️🤠🗣️🤠😍🗣️’, was uploaded by obvIlyas on 2024-08-01 14:00:54. It has garnered 161 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Watch as we dominate the competition in this 100-0 boxing clip on Minecraft. With stylish blurs and epic gameplay, this video is a must-watch for any boxing fan! [🐭 mouse]: Bloody A70 other mice: Glorious Model O Pro, Roccat Kain 120 Aimo, (used) Roccat Kone Aimo [⌨️ keyboard]: spc gear gk650k kailh blue switches rgb pudding edition PC Specs: Intel Core i5… Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia with a focus on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and ideally 18+, creating a chill ambiance with mature players. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feeling with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and Mystical Agriculture, along with quality of life mods for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to teleporting commands and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication, with a focus on community and town… Read More

  • Minecraft server ovrw.mc-complex.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ovrw.mc-complex.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: YouTube recommended this spicy meme!”

    Looks like YouTube is really pushing that Minecraft agenda, watch out for those creeper recommendations! Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage

    POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage POV: Trying to build a friendship with a creeper in Minecraft because it’s less explosive than your toxic friend. Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones – Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War

    EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War Minecraft’s Most INSANE Naval Battle: The Relic War Imagine a world where civilizations clash, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic wars unfold in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. In this thrilling Stoneworks Minecraft video, the nations of Solisios and Huitca find themselves locked in a fierce conflict that spans the seas and the desert city of Luxios. What sparked this intense rivalry? It all began when Huitca brazenly stole Solisios’ sacred artifact, setting the stage for an epic showdown. The Conflict Unfolds As tensions escalate between Solisios and Huitca, players are drawn into a multi-year simulation of war, reminiscent… Read More

  • 🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!

    🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘[#Vtuber] Collab Stream Vapor & Rochan play Minecraft with discord server members.’, was uploaded by VaporWaveGaming on 2024-09-01 02:09:06. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:49:40 or 24580 seconds. #Vtuber #letsplay #Gaming #vtuberstreamer #videogames #gaming #Retrogaming Follow me on kick and twitch KICK CHANNEL https://kick.com/vapor-vtuber-gaming TWITCH CHANNEL https://www.twitch.tv/vapor_vtuber_gaming Like the mediocre level content? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Read More