EPIC Thermal Update in Minecraft All Mods 9! 🔥

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Get my TV on as well uh there’s a lot of foods but it doesn’t on them look any good yeah looks say it’s all just say variety food not the Super bacon doesn’t exist yet no it was superon wasn’t it rainbow bacon some sort of bacon I feel like that old YouTube

Channel that just kept saying and bacon strips on repeat and bacon and bacon and more and Meal Time yes that is it everyone be complaining about the whole you know unhealthy thing that’s what we want at least that has a quite interesting way of making power looks like you could turn nuggets

Into into coins and then use the coins in a uh ntic Dynamo to turn that into Power it’s yeah interesting won’t be using that there’s armor for like mad swim speed is there enchantments for that because it’ be nice if we could like stick that into our onum armor not added I can

See Discord stream by the way I’m just waiting for my game to go into the well the game the game to do Thing game yeah it has added you turn slag into rock wool although the recipes of that seem quite limited can’t be used as substitute for regular wool present Hummer start at

Okay right photogenic insulators the thing I wanted all along just add that in the same room as the cles yep remember right keep the for other things right uh let me see what was things options video settings extras it’s called someone else now not extras just yeah weather traveler backpack shoot us

It’s already off oh so now that’s kind of funny so now it’s automatically off no you just turned it off before and it stay off no I don’t think I’ve ever used that or maybe I have I turnning fog off [ __ ] that right B can stay the [ __ ]

L oh I need to make alumium is this where I have to make the dust yeah it is or a graphics option for fabulous apparently yeah I saw that just adds a bit more FPS issues okay turn that back off really any difference just turn fast yeah fast is noticebly

Better on not really that much different actually for it’s for you know fast fancy fabulous yeah but like what what specific option did you switch to fast uh here get back that quality oh just Graphics at top yeah also then change everything blow to fast particles to minimal seem to have the biggest

Impact all right I need to make lumium dust which can [ __ ] off really but right uh spr for Fabricators oh yeah I need to do that whole system and realm of edge something edge of the Hidden realm think it’s us I forget you can’t just jump down the

Pipe room and get to the bottom anymore cuz it it goes to the bottom oh yeah yeah to the bottom of the world all right machine frame tar okay ritual Divine Master ritual I need ritual stones and that means I need reinforced which means I need black sides okay some more blood

Stuff oh you have blood chickens don’t you oh blood eggs yes uh it’s on the to-do list oh we got rid of all this forgot yeah I don’t need them right away or anything so that’s not a problem Oh I need to go to the mine colony to well get them

Activated oh yeah I forgot about all the work I did here I’ll come back and do all this in a minute I need enter my backp well [ __ ] what the hell what oh go into your backpack and just look at any item now it tells you how many of that you can

Hold with your current stack upgrades oh that’s pretty cool I can hold 33.5 million of each stack right now genuinely not use my backpack in a long time prove that is this going to work that works okay I got rid of that absent that back that’s off okay oh it does appear everything

Nice oh this is another backpack that’s that’s quite that’s quite a nice quality of life feature actually if I like that oh no oh big no what’s up uh the Nitro cable has gone our wait what did you b m it or is it literally gone because of an update

H I think I vain mind it when I didn’t have it connected I think it just did it how much have you killed well put it this way I got two Advanced pipe upgrades two Advanced so just two and how many Nitro CA uh like the 492 I think oh

Yeah there’s like none at the back here uh what’s disconnected going Flor on this one yeah I’m just checking to see what’s connected still at least this way we could relay it properly I ain’t reallying [ __ ] uh see I think your are your beehives all head yeah they’re still powered uh hold power

But actually you know you might gone kind of Lucky do you know I can’t really see anything disconnected everything up here is disconnected I’ve been rebuilding the cable oh way up here maybe that’s all you killed to be honest I don’t know I’m I’m still holding quite a lot

More Nitro than I would like to be holding do you remember having much of it already oh [ __ ] I had one stack I’m missing two stacks ah all my cles are disconnected okay can we reconnect them on the right side of the room this time

Please well if I was to do that that means I have to where is the hole in the wall that they would have been wa oh right you moved all here the cable’s here Cable’s always been there why is this cable here I don’t remember what this is for oh I just placed

That oh that’s new uh oh you just did the big stupid there you go got it the connect on the top uh let me check other rooms this room is okay I don’t think I had any cables going into my blood room I think probably B room one is also

Going to be heavily affected as long didn’t kill my power I don’t think I could have killed that many cables with one vein mine it wasn’t connected it’s just I think it did that thing where like it jumps the Gap yeah Power is okay why the hell is I that be the main

One there’s a lot of cables there and power room 2 SL computer SL whatever room that’s all connected still okay you haven’t really done much damage by looks of it the the structure down here all right so far this Nitro cable is still not connected to anything so that’s good

Is there any other noticeable changes they did let me have a look induction furnace is that what you’re saying ah yes all right again now how did disconnect into the power room uh right for none of this is connected I mean what what do you mean wait what hold

On I I’ve literally brought the cable all the way back down here and I have no idea where how this gets into the power room the nital cable yeah that’s what I’m looking at right now uh does it connect up to here or where

Is where did this Co that I I lost this C oh wait this might been right along the top here it was okay yeah okay I’ll reconnect that here I remember where that was it’s just along in the corner and then connect here that’s all

Is what was that I just saw get filled in why is this cable look [ __ ] Massive who knows let me know when it’s supposed to be connected connected I am currently not getting power but it could be a take issue oh wait hold on not connected connected now all right got power got fill power okay yeah have you reconnected everything no is disconnected I am still going through

The rooms but I think so oh this one here this fine that’s not power need poers sent FES which currently have power oh right yeah I need to split out the [ __ ] Ultimate Omega upgrades cuz those make blocks which I never realized until now that I really should have block

Upgrades instead of like yeah but at least the Omega upgrades will take the place but the block upgrade literally makes four times as much comb for anything damn that would have been really nice6 oh yeah the Omega upgrade replaces a block upgrade so you could have four of those

As well as a simulator upgrade as well as the uh the gamma that I already have also replace a simulator upgrad so I don’t need those either either so stab myself a little bit basically I can boost my bees a shitload yeah uh see stab myself a bunch now

That was close I lagged while I was stabbing myself it just stopped me before I died all right augments I need this not what I Need no was what I need what right self sacrifice take a few of those if I can can not May reinforc SLS which I need blank SLS which I need okay take my blood so I don’t know is it this one I want back oh my mic

On God that looks ass to make ah is it that I need oops not I want to do I have no idea what upgrade I want to put in my uh fight Jin Slayer oh [ __ ] is it that upgrade just stop himself so many times sounds like a real

Problem welcome Brett how you doing that is not going any faster C early on the stream this time no that doesn’t work okay wait no that’s not what I wanted anyway I think that’s what I want I have a feeling like we need to put iron in one of those compound drawers

Cuz I’m starting to need the Nuggets I’m doing okay is it not already thought it was I don’t think it is it doesn’t appear to be anyway oh only 1.1k 1.1k what ingots in there yeah nuggets yeah and I just made those oh we’ve got iron uh we’ve got ingots block and block

Times one we don’t have nuggets ingots blocks oh right so you have to put it in again yeah blocks turn to Stronger blocks another time but yeah all right uh waight list that could be enough make the edge of the Hidden right so now Master richual St that’s what I

Need something’s going in computer really fast what’s that oh it’s blocks of iron yeah I’m saring out iron right now blood okay and then okay been a rough week but uh I’m still living somehow I need to clear a flat area I have this miscellaneous BS Min

Dimension no no no I’m going to do it in this world it’s not going to be big it’s just needs to be flat oh it’s a b be Nest you want that for any reason uh I don’t need one but I think they are used in rare recipes that I may

Need in the future okay should I Sil wait if I just hit it does it become a block or do I have to silk touch it can’t remember uh um you have to S touch it okay I’ll be alive uh that’s got self touch on

It right I’ve got it and I put it and computer right now right what it this that doesn’t look look the upgrade is going to work in this what Tre is this oh it’s a fake tree okay oh I hate when you have to create something new yeah currently working on that right

Now all this blood magic stuff’s brand new to me that’s not working this machine so it’s not what I needed uh ah bollocks I remember the were upgrades I made these fenic insulators really fast not currently exist I cannot find any that do uh is this right now I need

This fux link amplifier is that what I need that looks like the thing I might need all right now I need to figure out this one ah my old favorite electrum right right now I need to make these Essences basically right uh kind of essence [ __ ] uh these things are [ __ ] saturated tow

These phytogenic insulators genuinely are garbage but the cles will also not produce me more seeds so I’m not sure how to feel about it yeah so they just what did the CL just take the seeds and make it into this product but no extra seeds yeah it

Doesn’t give you extra seeds oh it just keeps the seed alive but but PS will give you a chance of an extra seed which is what I want these fenic insulators they will use the seed and then give you one back and I think I need an upgrade to make

Them give off secondaries again [ __ ] and to find ENT Golem that’s another thing I have to do just to make this wither Compass I need to do a [ __ ] ton I mean that should be problem that part getting rid of the photogenic insulator oh that’s a shame yeah GG on that

One I need cataclysm mod okay it’s just a random plastic be flying around oh yeah he’s been tra there for a while hasn’t he he said that last time too trying to figure this one out I have enough honeycom for a lifetime that’s not a problem cost me a

Bit [ __ ] it let’s go all the way 256 I it’ almost be easier for me to just make more experience seeds all right yeah but that way sucks balls oops H how do I make fights grow right I need to go for about 20 25

Minutes I need to run up to the shop to get something all right I’ll just part myself in create for okay right got stream keep my phone keep my game open right I’ll be back as soon as as I can okay H spray with two te cuz he’s steady cripping or is that C I feel like I should be doing a lot to reset this house you know make it look a little bit better but maybe some fountains I don’t know but this was a good progress last time I think it is one I just like being factually incorrect nice

Need to get rid of this bridge he made it very early on it’s always he bu to me it’s just been to cover some Bridge there oh Christ he made it deep as well bollock he’s ballsed up he’s only gone and [ __ ] it oops can I just do this now yes that

Worked bridge is finally gone all right what’s the next move kind of want to like triangle that off and send that there’s a tunnel through there but I have no use for it yet all right draconic dust let’s get some productivity upgrades on the go I need some omegas if possible

Yeah bunch of Honey treats why not oh run out honey blocks what am I packing 3300 I’ll do for a long time I bet we run out of sticks yeah not as quickly as I thought I would why would I go to Texas I’d [ __ ] die for like 400 reasons mainly

The heat but uh all right probably going to run out of simulation upgrades pretty much immediately but uh oh looks like made enough I need to focus on a bit more heart of the sea production yeah you need do more shift the poles you’d have to you know move

About 10,000 miles closer as a minimum all right hopefully this is a lifetime supply FRS R out parts of the sea that’s fine by me GRE [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] enjoying the Lu St up like [ __ ] 12° being hot right now oh these are better all right I need to rip the gamma

Off the guys who have it I think replace them with less good upgrades in fact those are probably fine for a long time we are swimming in quartz last time I checked 10 5K I like that record breaking snow you know that all other chestn like how many Canadians it take

To screw light bulb I feel like a budget St right basically St right but not actually good at comedy so it looks like I’m going to need more hearts of the sea oh there’s some [ __ ] upgrades over here o Pi similar up that in what the 1 real units

Yeah we don’t get s that much but it’s kind of unfortunate when we do people seem to like it but just it just doesn’t mean anything to me all right I’m going to have to move this somewhere else you say that as if Scottish people have values laugh we do

Not no experience seeds yet all right all right I need squid prismarine and Diamond squid seed two of those diamond seed have I not produced any these not produce they do not okay that’s fine I can make make four more of those I’ve got the two squids uh pris

Marine two prismarine seeds that’s what I need and diamond seeds we use pounds because we’re not in Europe anymore unfortunately all right diamond seed 16 diamonds premium that oh did that change its name to base did I [ __ ] this up no oh I’ve got particles disabled that’s

Why uh maybe I should enable some of those decreased I’ll do this automated setup is just Jun but uh it works slightly better in doing all manually all right so I’m might step my production across the board for Omega upgrades up quite a bit all right bees bloody be you’re having a laugh

Right I need a no M be spawn egg which means I need no M bees I got have to squish all these and hope this enough it won’t be yeah chance of capturing is pretty low as Well Let’s see what we get 17% no I be is actually not bad I just threw some jeans into the void that sucks to be me all right what have I got 34% four I need a 32 I do not have 30 17 was it give me 74 I need a 26 28 you’ll

Do right got need some more n bees this is actually good that I have these right just need them to come out Now sure there’s a way to do this um like put count fire on or something this seems like a really good idea say I can’t fire in the wooden building the fire it does nothing 100% treat just need to incubate those with an egg actually can I breed

These come on there’s no reason you guys can stay inside if I could bring these guys together then I might be relatively safe I do not know why they’re not coming out uh three more hor let see there isn’t just a few things wrong with the construction of this

Building this might be the main one this might very much be the main one this room did come out quite well though I do need to start crates maybe I should just make some experience seats while I’m waiting no you ain’t going anywhere my friend why didn’t the building slide down into

A hole because that would be logical laughing this is Minecraft it’s what we play little bit lag there all right if you two breed I happy if you don’t breed [ __ ] you then did it interesting than [ __ ] tin needle get back here you listen bull

[ __ ] I want at least two backup know my be computer after that I can just keep reading them but I do need them to be adults otherwise it’ll piss me off in the future to try and breed the China China bees child bees you’ll do you’ll do

I don’t want to really make them strong because they don’t really do much what can I do with my bee other than breed other bees obviously if flowers it does not produce Co BL be can be already got those so having these is just for the sake of having it it’s not

Useful and you can go and you can go all right if you don’t like bees dying then look away well they’re not dying we’re um harvesting them harvesting for materials you might traditionally not Harvest something for this there something what I have no idea what you’re talking about laugh uh

See what we at 74 26 23 22 let’s change out the 36 for the 27 I need 17 [ __ ] to three live a little all right I don’t actually have a incubator so got make one of those oh I do he’s right here okay never mind

All right I don’t need condensed blood I need the other one all right bloody me I I make this bloody Be Blood orb is he far enough to have a blood infuser I don’t know what it looks like so I’m going to have to try and figure that out

Um well empty or we can make that I need Bloods I need a promise of tenacity oh that looks brutal to make well I got some steps done on the way tennis and binton how do you combine those two is it just tennis but your goal isn’t to

Beat your opponent is to just have a rally going do you have to use pickles do you have to throw pickles I’m going to have to donate some blood my favorite why do he got blood going into these all Earth it’s just wasting it oh you said five

Minutes it’s a jailable offense to play with your pickle in public let me just disable that just to make sure this thing’s getting all the blood actually he’s going to need a lot of blood fact he’s going need [ __ ] loads of blood what do Bloody bees make bloody

Comb which makes blood liquid blood oh this thing is getting the kills 3.3k with skill and skulls what do I even do with these hearts strictly speaking I have no idea apparently I have Quest For That I just have quests detailing the blood orb blow Jour KN at least you didn’t

Blow out to your Aral have some takeaways I could recommend for that though I did not know you had uh injured yourself I’m assuming currently there’s no Quests for there are lumium bees that may become useful if we get into this mod all the power I take him [ __ ]

Off I know too little about this mod to help him out to That okay I’m back that was a run and a half I have something you may not actually be able to make to make the bloody bees oh I I need blood orbs yeah yeah I can do that there’s like seven or eight weak blood orbs in the computer right now I I think I need regular blood orbs I mean that is the base version the next version is The Apprentice one Apprentice blood orb what color does it give you when you need recipe it just straight up it’s red and says let me try these ones weak ones they should work

They should work just fine I need they do not work let me see uh look at the bloody be spawn EG oh oh that’s evil craft that’s not my that’s kind well I’ve made progress towards that for whenever we want it I mean it looks easy if you can get Undead logs and

[ __ ] which you can use an alchemy table oh go to ever ever Dawn’s find blinding dungeon wherever that is I’m not actually sure we have any need for evil craft I might be a different kind of blood all together so it might not work with the you all work take to make it it might not be compatible this isn’t blood this is life Essence yes that’s it is oops [ __ ] why would I want blood then well cuz it’s same thing but I

Don’t think we’re going to be interchangeable I put effort into that how much effort did you like the whole time way kind of ort H not quite but a lot of it all right yeah I changed that around just so I can fill them up with more blood so the backpack

Fills oh okay I just wanted to mass some blood in the time I was yeah I was just trying to get these filled up with blood so I could use these as well [ __ ] it going to use some time in a bottle here oh [ __ ] used a lot more than I

Thought I would oops times 128 512 oh God that’s like two hours yeah that’s a huge amount don’t let that go to was get that fired up oh no I used it on a Boughton part it’s fine so we don’t really need time the bottle right now and that’s why I kept

Myself logged in so M can build up a b more experience what do I make with this I got hours of see all right that pretty much was a waste well you’ve got got more of whatever it makes yeah some I upgraded my heart of the sea

Production so I can keep up with gam upgrades I’ve also just ramped up the production of a lot of the bees by piing in Omega upgrades o o oh I near did it again right did what oh you know I did okay so we’ already got 5.3 scraps netherite

Scraps already and I’m pretty sure last time I turned them all into ingots yeah I made ancient bees but where did I put them you don’t know where your ancient be are I haven’t the faintest [ __ ] clue I’d assume they’d be there but they’re they’re not yeah now I’ve discovered block upgrades

Or thing I can increase the reduction or pretty much any be for basically free by three times yeah see a little bit oh here they are yeah used to be yeah I can ramp these guys up majorly what’s their current upgrades uh some of them are not bad some of them

Are okay but have I just stick in Block upgrades T to this go through oh it’s inferium Diamond bees Emerald bees enriched conics oh buil we dock as well you did some Tes up on the outs side yeah okay uh I was trying to figure this out

Before I had go so try and figure this out again where’s my blood there is there’s a bee I can make that will produce life Essence oh and what do you need to make that the right kind of orbs this time it ah I’m not sure what I can use

It to flow off of if it’s uh those kind of yellow kind of Red Berry things that’s what I’m something I’m working on right now no um according to gii the developer note says it pollinates from animals I just haven’t find a way to show that in gii

Yet ah so how do I put an animal in a feeding slab oh wait no I need uh to make that I need to actually use the blood alter yeah I’m saying it’s it’s easy to make but the issue is how do I like get them to use a feeding slap

Uh what would be on the feeding SL blood just blood orbs it says it needs an animal an animal let me check what’s in the blood magic H literally nothing let’s see if anyone knows fire let’s see blood magic fire ritual stuff see Rituals activation Crystal so I need a lava Crystal I need okay make that straight away well we might as well make the eggs uh there’s two Nomad B eggs you can make them with in the computer oh the only issue is my alter is only tier three it’s not four

Yet needs to be four to turn it into oh wait no is that right okay okay that was okay it’s tier four to turn to the regenerative okay I should be fine at least I get started making those and can make them by the time I figure

It out someone said they put like a cow in front of it I’m thinking maybe I just we activation Crystal yeah I’m yeah back I like the blood magic room has an unused pipe room does it yeah the room below is technically a pipe room oh [ __ ] so does yeah I’ve just

Never bought yet these alchy tables are in the way I think H I can get rid of that it’s just I’m I’m going to need a little bit of space so I can set up like some hives probably put a c or something in there just use the pipe

Room yeah true since since I’m not using it just use it for that no I’ll need to put pipes under the Sentry just probably but that might actually be a problem if I just put them in the air but the pipe room is not tall enough

Um I mean you can cut one extra layer from the one below it’s the glass room it’s a tall room in no way am I putting anything in the [ __ ] class room uh see how much space do you need we could always move the enchanting stuff from here somewhere

Else if you need this part here I haven’t quite figured out what I’m going to do yet I need a minute I was planning on moving it anyway cuz I’m I need to make this alter bigger for tier four it’s going to look quite a bit bigger I don’t even know

It’s going to fit in this room well technically the rim bu doesn’t Al matter so we just just ch these up to go uh it’s the yeah well to be fair this doesn’t matter much we’re getting some stuff we can H in in let’s have a look

Uh I mean just 4,000 we SC skulls that’s decent yeah it’s been doing okay also decent coal and not that we need it but that’s a lot of Bones all right I’ll try and set up what I want to set up um that’s not bad at all really this

Let’s see it’s like that’s two skulls for one kill that’s basically a star one kill yeah that’s worth keeping unless I really up the loot fabrication which is what I was planning on doing actually as well how many stars do I have apparently have you move the enchanting

Table I can set some a little bit of something up over there there actually maybe not I want this corner here um I might be the best one stay here let see if you can visualize uh I’m going to go with the idea I’ve got in my head um can you see

This hang on does this pop up on your screen no hang on I’m just gonna get this lined up properly it doesn’t look bigger oh that is bigger yeah I think I can make this work just fine I need to put it on a block just so I can visualize this uh

See actually no it’s not hugely bigger but it does appear to does it go down a level again I’m trying to place it down just so I could have oh there go [ __ ] it goes down a little does it that’s a pain in yours but I suppose

I’m going to have to use this room as an extended big room from the pipes to make the massive alter and then there’s a the tier five Mammoth which does that extent outside of the bloody building please don’t say it does there’s nothing we could do if it’s more than one

Chunk it basically just fits inside entire pipe room basically has to come out well the floor basically it’s kind of that’s that’s fine that’s totally fine it just fits in inside the building uh the the walls are they chunk loaded or is it inside the walls that’s chunk

Loaded uh it is inside the walls right it’s not going to matter too much because this thing is only going to run any when I’m here then mining Dimension no it’s fine it’s it’s not going to be sure uh see uh Could you type out in chat for me

This uh so I need six water runes 10 fire 16 Earth four Rune air how many are four air okay thank you we have dimensional power right uh yes what’s the Link Card four it should be dimensional cards no it’s not uh Power self cards power self card all preconfigured

Four everything’s prefigured yeah just spit in the left slot all right uh do I have a cow spawn egg no I don’t you’re going to have a live count here at all times by the way is it going to be moving yes okay actually I can put a chicken there instead I believe

Sumers okay looks like I’m going to need a bunch of slates and [ __ ] for this right uh six water runes it’s not loading why is it not loading what the [ __ ] game fting for me can I not name tag chickens I don’t know actually oh wait do I need to do this

Method oh I probably do okay it would appear as if I cannot name tag the chickens anyway let me know if you make those eggs oh right yeah I need the NORAD eggs don’t I yeah there’s two of them in there two of them right how much LP did it say needed

Some something uh 5,000 okay that’s fine it’s full that do both of them right take that done you have to empty slot yeah all right jeans right I need magma uh obsidian obsidian is not something we have a great map yeah we have no generation and Redstone I think you’re right that

Way hopefully these read together just fine wait that’s not going to turn to that that’s going to else come use your time in a bottle here oh yeah hold on I’m in the be room one pipe room which one left left one little bit more all right I should get me these

Make some productive upgrades oops that was entirely oh at least I made another one of them uh oh gas TI that was it don’t mind me just making a bunch of productivity upgrades y that would explain why that nothing happened there right that’s a lot more than I thought I’d be making ow

[ __ ] yeah that was a bad time to stabing myself with a dagger why did you pick that time sles really I didn’t have enough Heart Of The Seas right all right off the bat if this works these going to see there’s going to be some pretty cracked bees [ __ ] where’s all my

Blood turn it back around I’ve lost my screwdriver okay this up going to grab a drink we’ll be back in a minute okay for oh my blood back okay this doesn’t work I don’t have a solution so uh this will be fun to try it [ __ ] all right yeah I’m missing a tank

Upgrade and I need a stack upgrade now which my master there is no let’s see now it does sound like these bees are working making me the stuff I need to the proof will be in the P oh apparently this is a storm oh [ __ ]

Oh no that’s a good thing cuz you can sleep yep well there about be night time I went to sleep and then looked at time I was like oh it’s too early to sleep I hope the chickens are working but I might go and Mas some cows with

Capturing see if we can get cow eggs have to find yeah just keep an eye on that cug Orly the liquid in the backpack and see if any life incidence has been generated okay it’s a [ __ ] plastic be here I’m like quite a few blocks away from the house there’s another one falling

Everywhere how did this many get out ASB you can there’s a [ __ ] colony of them over here they like to hide out there someon oh I got a wraith spawn egg are they useful at all uh possibly uh sponsor wraith uh um R the models just make a glow

Stone I you find something that wraths drop uh T cloth well drops wraith they drop wraith hearts and tire cloths Tire cloths do virtually nothing uh where’s what where’s the production of your bees oh right here uh 30,000 oh it’s working uh the only issue is if those

Chickens despawn and I can’t name tag them so I feel like that might happen since they added the mob despawn timer thing ah uh so when you stop here and clocking for a while or if that stops going up and up all but I’m assuming that’s going to produce Sol life Ence you’ll

Need it’s producing pretty quick is the sent fuge full yeah it is uh that’ll need a upgrade uh the pipe oh is the pipe oh okay well I mean both only need an upgrade But there we go oh yeah I just push that right right up I can’t warp Stone back why don’t I fly so far away if this thing wasn’t going to work com blocks going in there [ __ ] hell I or is there a massive buffer of them

Right now no is that just producing on the on the spot it shouldn’t be no I put times eight on it as well yeah there’s quite a few G blocks in that back one still yeah that these two in the back this one has like two over a stack of com

Blocks the pipes are hardly pulling out fast enough from the bloody beeh house all right that’s a lot of Life blood already in there yep don’t know what I’m doing with it yet but I’ll find out certain enough I’m sure you’ll never need any more for the mod

I might need to Avid that wax I don’t know 32 so that’s 16 32 there [ __ ] I need another put that way put that there put that there my next question is I’m not sure how I’m going to take that life blood and put it into

The what do you mean just take the backpack and replace the other backpack yeah but that does nothing really honestly it does not pipe fast enough to do anything it’s cuz they’ve got a hard limit on these things you sure it’s not how much it can receive so you just like

Pipe in from more different sides or yeah it’s so slow it’s it really doesn’t matter it’s not needed that way but there must be some other way I can use it but it appears that chicken has died how do you know I hear the chicken actually well these constantly they only

Do like two waves a day ah just like every other bee if all the hives get full of Comb blocks like if it hasn’t finished processing Away by the time the next one comes around that’s when we need another centrifuge but this should do okayish

I might void the wax I might keep it I don’t know that make a difference uh there’s one particular recipe that requires it for uh what was it it’s one the B upgrades that I don’t use but I need it as a precursor for something else wax

Blocks oh yeah I need wax blocks for the block upgrades which are kind of important just not needed on us right put that away there for now so I figure what I need that for I’m going to assume that’s more life Ence than we’ve probably ever generated uh no that’s only 19

Full blood alter amounts wait no it’s thousands per okay that’s 193 buckets worth that’s not 19 yeah that’s a lot uh I need to kill some more things with capturing get more spawn eggs oh chicken spawn egg be really nice no it wouldn’t actually what would I do with a chicken spawn

Egg chickens don’t drop eggs when they die so there’s no point in farming them for eggs yeah maybe a sheep spawn egg no we don’t need the wool we got string at the tits already our quartz went through the roof by the way I looked and I was like I

Need to pull some upgrades out of this and put it in other places it matters more yeah since I put those Omega upgrades I make the blocks in the uh quartz bees they’ve gained quite a lot like 100k quartz apart just murdering all the bees out here that I created like an

Idiot how many of these escaped [ __ ] hell furion B how is this oh I need to we activation Crystal actually okay so I need stronger activation Crystal it feels like a chunk [ __ ] is running somewhere it’s not checked oh I’ll take a wolf spawn egg if

You would like to drop one next time that’ be nice right now I need to wrong sword oh right I need the forest look a little bit Jun with the uh fast graphics on the leaves but ow what happened there huh I need to get some blood in this into this

Thing Max this thing out oh a to yeah I destroyed something I meet you right that was the one that had Sky Stone in it yeah oh it’s made of Sky Stone few more of these we’re still in theory waiting on a big boy update but that might be a while

Away what would be in this giant update I wonder it’s supposed to be B2 and A3 but A3 hi so that s the reason we should hold off making a until well three comes out is it going to be compatible I mean should be should be no issues with

It what what going to be so different about A2 over three also I looked at um I looked at all the mod seven and we were playing quite a few patches behind yeah we never really did upates we no but uh yeah look there’s just so much

[ __ ] added in the later updates it wasn’t that many updates but there were some massive updates probably some nice big pixes as well uh there was a performance increase there was also someone that said it would massively increase the uh or decrease the loading time of the game which was a

Problem huge problem because that took ages oh yeah oh here I go aha where the [ __ ] am I I’m in a dungeon did into a blood dungeon yeah this is the kind of place I should be finding a mimic but there is not one might be meic here no it’s very very specific

Annoyingly silverfish spawner I should make a shared Stone here which apparently silverfish drop literally zero yeah I’m going to put a red Shar Stone in the dungeon area CU we don’t use red ones now yeah okay the glass room is the only place that has the other red one okay

Remember why I’m here oh yeah remember I need that certain kind of thing also these zombies what the [ __ ] they’re powerful as hell not too powerful for the weapons we pertain oh no no easy compared to that uh but I should really empty my my backpack first before doing this this thing out

And debating working on my Morgan pretty strong already 101 is it mine isn’t oh chunks are having their time loading at least you aren’t seeing Supply ships through the floor yeah that was a weird one last time right back to dungeon I go oh it’s a fox it was a fox hell is

This ah yeah haven’t visited the village that we came from in long time oh the original Village The Village I think that’s part of something I need but I need to get more hope I can B that there a w skeleton skulls stuff demon bricks demon oh this is the

Demon realm that makes sense we’ll give away the fiery horns are the bricks are called demon what is this thing did we kill all the villagers in this Village I have the feeling what is this thing what’s hitting me some sort of invisible visible there’s an effect you have

On no it’s like oh wait Blaze but they’re invisible yeah thermal whatever mods added the uh what you my calls Blitz and blizz oh the blizz okay yeah nice I need some of those getting some useful [ __ ] here what the [ __ ] oh this is the edge of the

World RS appear as you so you can’t cheat sense what you’re saying is your dungeon crawling basically get me out of here got one more key I can use I’m sort of mining holy water am I bling how do I make okay use saw that that’s I can make creative Essence no

Problem that only makes creative jetp pack oh I could use that uh yeah I could definitely use that no can’t I need star yep just that just dawned on me yeah dawn on me as well oh yeah with compass this part of it that’s literally what I’ve been

Spending the last couple parts do that’s why I’m doing all the blood stuff on the hill to the south of us is the the dungeon teleporter you could you window actually 612 buckets oh [ __ ] I’m picking up stuff from upstairs yeah but you do get XP Free level uh what do I need Willar all right resource wise I don’t think we need anything right now oh actually that sucks why have I got inferium what’s going on com great why is this broken what’s broken ah I’ve just discovered a uh I’ve discovered an area where pipes were not replaced

Oh what from some of the cables you killed yeah is it pretty important ones uh it’s the one that turns in well the thing I care about is the one that turns inferium into incinium so was it just not raring this all the time or is it uh it’ll catch up

To be honest was it making a buffer or was it just not turned on at all inferior M was just building up in the computer this should burn through it quite quickly though yeah it’s burning through it rapidly don’t know whether I should step up the Imperium production or not but uh

Have a bunch of cheese me kn out spill out of my blood are we gaining or losing your KN over time surely gaining still uh let me see what’s right it’ll be in the chest isn’t it you’ve got Fe yeah yeah yeah I think we already figured out that it’s permanently going

Up or it’s like matched yeah it’s like 53,000 in there right now all right that’s fine that’ll do us power for the rest of the whole [ __ ] game for sure we have 54k plastic I don’t think we need more yeah also 123,000 silicon would been great before don’t need that

Now 215,000 nether quarts that’s pretty damn good that’s really good I didn’t realized I had so much nether quartz [ __ ] yeah yeah as I said we got like 100k last part and just because I installed those omegas that act like block upgrades yeah so if I had block upgrades from the

Getg go which are cheap and easy to make from the beginning that would be nice that’s a I did not know I did not read who the dungeon I got to the swamp get out of my swamp back these zombies are like really powerful oh they dumped Master take that

It looks like a terrible version of the um Denmark flag or Norway what’s this Nether wart I’ll take where the [ __ ] I Go B yeah do it that was the hell how juice up you know zombies com from oh okay let’s y okay I here play the boty will do the job but like it all right uh can I make uh oh are you crafting something

No oh I a few Essence is going out the window oh yeah it’s that’s cuz I re-enabled the crafter ah after it went without power for G 900,000 odd blood Essence in there life is oh [ __ ] now that needs to go wa why do we have 14k Moss

Blocks that may been from one of the Bain mines the thing mining we got like 60 in uh incinium from all that Imperium 60 yeah from akish how do I get more saturated town just look for this book for finally have 104 Kil buckets of Honey Kil buckets yeah it’s quite a lot

Yeah trying to find this thing maybe I should step up the uh oh no that’s not a room I can do that okay have to look that up col is looking pretty good it needs a bunch of materials oh yeah I need to make a clipboard don’t I yeah it needs a bunch

Of materials I just haven’t gone toight can I fulfill these from the clipboard or that have to go to the place what can I fulfill the requests from the clipboard or I thought to go to the pillar set for example uh just put it on just grab the stuff and put it to

The yellow uh things and the careers will come and take it away all right yeah Warehouse it see I need to regular dartt here a going work okay that’s working oh he says no as well brilliant do I have to M oh it’s a storm right yeah I can sleep in it though

No it’s night time water it pleas I just [ __ ] up I think I [ __ ] up oh mate Tell Me Something I Don’t Know [ __ ] this isn’t the hole a I up wait try it insanium Farm let’s get start with crate I’m going to need those boiler things ni easy to make

Game are we completely out of sand again h no we’ve got tons of orange sand I need regular [ __ ] might be tot out sand is not one of these things we have constant Supply all right Sons there’s a desert Teleport Some in actually works better ah a beach creeper what you heard me I need it to be nighttime [ __ ] uh okay time wow these take a long time to try and start growing [ __ ] right where was I that was a pulverizer for oh me working probably not simple [ __ ] does work

[ __ ] it’s not what I need damn it what I was this dungeon to be bigger there’s just four rooms yeah what you pay for for some reason when you vade mine you get so many different kinds of Scrolls what the [ __ ] better throws on computer because that might be bad

Right I’ve already forgotten is an exporter that’ll put stuff into something right yes that that be right now oh [ __ ] are you picking up my stuff again oh [ __ ] it’s in in the computer no it ain’t oh I’m not picking up my backpack had magnet on yeah but it was attached

To the computer so anything went in went to the computer that man that is genuinely criminal and needs to go I like it cuz I stops filling in my bloody inventory all right so throw it in the computer then what’s up so you should throw it in the computer

Then I just feel like doing of stuff I’m picking up from these d there how do I fix this up uh ground we now have a very very [ __ ] slow method of getting sand from gravel I want to say slow I mean slow oh pulverizer huh mechanical craft now have the like

The stronger versions mechanism I have no idea pulverizing sand don’t get me sand faster it does I’m sure the mechanism must have something uh crushing Factory possibly this thing is a pile of [ __ ] but any I forgot what I was originally trying to do I was trying to make sandpaper that’s what it

Was me didn’t have to even do that in the end but that’s um it’s annoying oh uh oh wait do you have any more cow spawning eggs we never had any oh [ __ ] uh I couldn’t even find cows when I went looking for them but I’ve got the capturing enchantment uh let’s try

Chicken all the you’ve got it pumped into the CL chest uh yeah which by the way still annoyed me to no end but there a supply we need in the computer we shouldn’t have important supplies just all in one random chest somewhere all right where was I here we go Bonner

You can make spawners you can use an egg on a spawner why do you need cars apparently it’s how you make a something uh saturated tow it’s kind of a strange Demon World kind of fruit thing I’ve got to fruits but I need saturated tow so it’s yeah all right

Uh fluid tank that’s what I need so if you take any spawner a C EG on it’ll turn into a cow spawner yeah okay so now just need capturing sword then huh uh I can give you mine my uh awakens premium sword it’s got capturing six or something on it it’s

Quite good right look for a car then find I don’t remember last seen this yeah I I never I’ve never seen a cow I might have to go really far away from they usually spawn in Planes so actually yeah let’s look for the biome plane nature Talisman our base is 1,700 blocks away

From plane we’re not very lucky wow I’m lagging [ __ ] yeah I’m getting little like chunk [ __ ] is definitely not going I kind of think what’s killing us right now say I’m finding bees everywhere now ches red trees I’ve already got scr in boty found a bunch of

Cows all right uh okay how rare is to get an egg it’s not massively rare I just killed him at four five not one EG yet right the ship giv go no okay oh I need to put blazing burners under a tank what uh crate tank I need the BL buters under

It uh yeah you remember that yeah and then you get them to turn to the blue ones afterwards like the interal cake or something oh vill oh it’s the gate all right what do I need to capture a blaze oh do not have Blaze spawn eggs already uh we got Blaze

Somewhere oh you had a blaze spawner for a while [ __ ] snip can’t see Big Stone Tower die a that’s fair right and after yeah must be rare as [ __ ] then I don’t think it’s that rare I think it’s 4% chance per uh Blaze spawner there we go oh was that egg

No do have any sort of Scrolls of BL actually anything of block no all right what do I need to feed Blaze burners with just SL to HT wait still what was that again uh Blaze cake not blazing cake nope oh it’s not happening I’m going to have

To use deployers oh good job I built a pipe room for this place hell just oh we beat here before ages ago was it it was either me or you that plac this uh probably if I was to guess not me proba me then oh this just the Lavender Fields

This is where I got lavender yeah it was definitely me wow okay still no spawning ah just check done right and oh right yeah just to create stuff turning into the ioy thing is is it yep still got capturing six on as well still not not a single scoy of a an

Egg oh my go she spawn egg great to be fair if we need a spawn egg for that I got two [ __ ] hell but no car ones I need [ __ ] number three nope okay those need to be one further block away I think they do might be

Useful can’t believe this stage in the game and I’m still trying to find cows to kill did I get a pink one as well I I I really enjoy how crate does have all the Ponder [ __ ] on it though yeah can’t tell if you’re sarcastic I thought I heard that no it’s

Genuinely better than not knowing yeah positions of everything tells you how to assemble [ __ ] uh you made shops oh yeah hey oh laggy lagy still no EG God [ __ ] Dam it I just wiped out another heart so where’s the cable supposed to be in the pipe room supposed be on the right

Side uh yeah from when you spawn in right side is usually where I’ve got it actually no I’ll take that there’s so much redundancy in our RS setup can’t wait to switch the a too is it going to make a difference at this stage what do we really need it a to far

Uh probably lag reasons I don’t know I’m not an expert it might be it seems like it might be a whole lot of work for not really much of improvement of what we already have be here how unlucky must I be I’ve slaughtered unall amounts of cows

Be okay open m map L like [ __ ] when you come back out of it the hell is this Green carpet all right see is that wind really picked up yeah wind is really picked up again no no I don’t want to make that many [ __ ] oh that’s why they

Lagged I was not making many of an item I don’t remember I need just head back [ __ ] it I’ll put your sword back in the computer all right I need [ __ ] it uh see first dungon oh [ __ ] right is that how I have to do this build a second [ __ ] okay uh

Okay I need to do some enchanting again not enchanting blood [ __ ] and also need apparently something called displac read about that one right now I need to figure out this works okay yeah okay so I definitely that right I need to yeah I definitely do need c [ __ ] It is find any way to make this all right we have crate power hey actually take your sword back out just so I can have try it I really do need cows now then what the [ __ ] do I do with crate at this point make a conveyor

Network to do what turn wood into stri wood we have a system for that we do I want to work towards the train but that’s the thought the quest is actually the quests are quite weak on this well I can automate the making of stuff that

I could use to build things I don’t need but yeah I mean you might as well like maybe set up the you know the star Builder or something because I think you can use it for other things too the mechanical crafter yeah yeah build that setup it’s got other uses as

Well actually know I think some of the rest space to make the star require you to have that to make them anyway never mind just making the star yeah I think mechanical CFT be specific to the like size of the recipe I’m not really entirely sure

Um where the [ __ ] am I is this a spawn Village yeah it is H I literally already went over there looking for mobs to kill at one point ah didn’t find any cars though I can take it I did not trying to get Pig ones as well I think also

Work wait sheep might work I’ve got two sheep pegs [ __ ] it I’ll try it uh [ __ ] do I should I make a spawn room I mean you could just place a spawner literally anywhere in the middle of nowhere I could and spawn some sheep can’t sleep for this one uh just any broken

Spawner has to be normal spawner any mob and you just right click it with the egg when you place it oh so any actual live spawner okay yeah and then right click with the egg hey okay and then you could add the modifiers to it like a golden apple I think disables the

AI uh use P Pig glitch hearts and gas tiers we got all those yeah we can just use it on the spawner did that do the job oh [ __ ] we have an absolutely cracked sheep spawner if it doesn’t do the job sheep come back here uh [ __ ] don’t need any weapons of

Temptation I do nice get back here damn sheep you’ve got a shitload of sheep here at the spawner oh [ __ ] hey that did the job come over here sheepies they have no AI oh [ __ ] so they just going to stand still Le do you want them to have an AI

Again I I need them to actually you know what bring them bring that spawner over here and then place it right in the middle uh I have the so touch pickaxe on me actually yeah that works and you now have the spawner CU you got a [ __ ] shitty magnet on got

It okay wish I spawned on near side actually no I could just Place more things down just bone meal them with the animals on top of it and then it should turn into a saturated towel animals on top of it or they have to be active animal has to be on top of

The plant when you bone meal it I got to kill that G clh bone meal thing yeah that’s it’s not running anymore I B some oh my God traitor [ __ ] off I literally just killed one as well there’s one invisible here somewhere there you are did that work saturated yeah

Saturated so it’s better they have no Ai and just stand there yeah they just stand there and get killed by it that turned into saturated I might reenable their AI but I’m guessing black sheet don’t work basically shells of their forer selves hey saturated fortunately this is the only way to do

It [ __ ] should I not put fortune On a hole actually that work would it does it I think it does you definitely pull more out of the ground make you that uh where’s my ch oh I yeah they have ai again oh [ __ ] there we go there we go is that back up again yeah I increased the

Mob count as well oh nice okay did I already do this no SP Mar stats nice I use a deployer to automatically bone meal certain plots of land that’d be a good idea and then just have the mobs be yeah make a hole in the ground push

Them all into it have a deployer just keep bone meing the same spot at the moment I don’t know how many actually so can’t be ar doing that I don’t know if I’m going to need enough to make that worth it do you still have my sword uh yes I put in

Computer they Tri blessing that’s pretty good all those sheep and I didn’t get any spawn eggs I’m sure you could put fortune on check do have anys try it Fortune off of this just strip it off random pink sheep spawned right [ __ ] duck okay need to car anyway no no no no no

No I thought I [ __ ] up I did all right let’s see if this works okay fortunately can’t go on it oh well oh [ __ ] yeah it’s those spawners are quite op when you buff them up yeah I could definitely automate this basically you just keep spawning you just keep holding right click the

Whole time yep did I get a quest for killing a chicken I have killed many chickens I might be an idiot yes but do go on hang on I definitely might be an idiot is it working if you’re just spaming right click or it’s working if I’m [ __ ] standing on it and it’s

Using me that’s stupid it did not say that in the book it said it specifically said you had to use a mob I mean technically hang if it just said mob why did you want cows why not any other mob oh it’s just the first one

It said I didn’t you know I just didn’t put it together when I picked up the sheep egg H matter know I could still use these if I do want to automate now why do I even need these again that’s annoy part I don’t remember

Why I need it uh oh wait no I do reverter fire so now and this is all just to get [ __ ] weather amount of work I have to do just for one [ __ ] thing one part of the star basically but I feel so good with this one part of it is done

Weak blood Shard All chemical reaction chamber God twoes right really not liking that mod pack for blood magic really not yeah it’s why we don’t normally do them unless we’re forced to it was up to me it would just be Equivalent Exchange the whole way oh yeah I do enjoy my C

Exchange I just have like maxed up Beast diamonds and just exchange into [ __ ] everything oh the sound the horse made when I executed him was that a very sad sound it was dramatic like you just been stabbed in the face yeah it’s kind of a sound you’d

Expect a real horse to make when you uh commit war crimes right where’s my blood oh it’s a random stable with M or no now what the [ __ ] do I need to okay so I need that there h great now let build another set of [ __ ] this St is

Sus yeah I did eat some rather suspicious looking to but saturated okay I need my Reverter now this better turn into weak blood shards hey got one of you thing is just not textured what the right I all I need do you still have like oper operational Coke Ovens yes you need them I need to make some coke oh you already have someons there should be shons

Yeah hey do that come in handy I have immediately lost the [ __ ] villager where is he going off to there he is I need three six seven 14 21 20 let’s make a few more abuts and am I still gone [ __ ] I lose everything I’m G finish this alter here my blood

Let’s put some kill myself yeah you just r one of the Villager houses you sick [ __ ] did it you did probably Parts ago let’s make Bunch make three I need eight more no need it two more all right that [Applause] perf how much just single killed myself as you accidentally

Do [ __ ] there’s no like antium carrots or anything like that you think it’d be that much better well it be nice to have something that’s like thousand to thousand nice the blood Al called 30 buckets worth now pretty nice so we’re basically not going to be

Ever filling it with cuz we we’ve got a lot more than that I just don’t know how to get oh wait no there’s a apparently there’s a ruin that would allow that to go in at any rate so let me go and do that let me just check check

That the villager’s AI is surprisingly non moronic wa that checks what what’s up no oh 2.3k killer buckets I mean 2.3k buckets Che Mi like I’m going to like pretzel bumpy mix I feel like it is yeah I’m not American don’t have stupid things here this location kind of surprised those

Chickens are still surviving also I’m surprised what [ __ ] is this okay blood magic is like 10 years old I imagine it is cuz it’s [ __ ] blood magic has got to be [ __ ] surely I guess I have to just read what a terrible thing to do yes figure out which rooms I need oh okay so I should make probably [ __ ] these right I need make 28 to these which means I need 28 of that oh Christ how blank I have 27 oh so [ __ ] one

More that’s fine right I need to blood like no one business also I need to cut this floor blood or life Essence uh no your blood oh also get so maybe I should just made the blood EAS well no just for a little bit bit cuz it’s going towards when pumping this

Into the thing where need it and well I need you to SL your wrist constantly to top of this yeah but not yet not yet not yet okay I need to put yeah need you to put constant Stone into it as well uh and up put some time the bottle as

Well need it to be turned into imbued slates and then you pull out and put on your stone in right can you handle the stone yeah yeah oops that one was reinforced where’ that go just healing up I need to get my dagg start slicing myself up too Woo is that getting

Close no just celebrating oh I need a blank inventory spot to pull that out that’s annoying I I’ll do the pill it out don’t I well you also yes you have to wait yeah iMed there it goes it’s three stages yeah it’s like from goes to blank then it goes to reinforc

Then oh that was close I saw L to zero yep I I don’t know how I didn’t die cuz I was half a heart and still right clicked and did it maybe you should set up like an Explorer or a pipe with the filler that only pulls out the reinforced

That’s fine I only need 28 of these I’ve got 11 right now not including whatever there one reinforced one oh the time went reforced reinforced have any here do I have any reinforc computer I do actually what’s your health say what’s my health say to you right now 70 oh 72

74 yours just flow says 59 not going up what’s my toll uh 86 oh no it’s going up uh it’s full still hearing exp coming out of somewhere yeah it’s from above is my magnet on [ __ ] it is why is your magnet always on because I’m in places where I’m like

Killing [ __ ] use the computer get full put things in of time it five more God I didn’t have to slip my wrist for Jesus IED Jehovah’s Witness on my door the other day actually did well there is a church nearby for them I yeah no I don’t give a

[ __ ] [ __ ] off man D on me out of bed what time I’d rather not theol how late that was in the day right this is last one do I need any more blood from you right now perfect go I was [ __ ] raging man that’s like there’s n to deter Jehovah’s

Witness more than just a half naked guy at the door man right displacement room oh oh a dead texture yeah you see that yeah yeah oh man okay I’m just going to put this in a craf what is it manual water bucket one I don’t have to do that many water buckets all

Once I had something crafting water buckets but I’ve already forgot what it was oh you’ve got your wheat door here all right yeah that thing’s genuinely don’t need it anymore so okay uh that there well I lagged hugely there what the [ __ ] right stack stone is this thing not powered it’s not

Powered what the [ __ ] oh right that killed the cables earlier I forgot about oh yeah the old cable killer Yes you destroyed the place that is a gross exaggeration well at least you didn’t b m like the wall or something all right let’s just forget about uh what have I

Forgotten oh need the blank what simplified my things a we bit Ah perfect yep definitely saved time doing that no time to cut the floor we bit so I can do this pretend like the floor isn’t even there I just put these down for first and then clear out the rest okay let

Complete tier four tier four Forge now blood should go in a lot faster now is it even connected I can’t remember I mean it’s connected to nothing right now but yeah that backpack there is what it’s connected to but this one’s empty yep so let’s just rip that one

Up uh P that one over here make sure you have the tank and stock upgrades in it if you want to use it with this one but I think this one will be fine for a while actually yeah you can just make that one tical to the SP back I was just

Going to pick this one up and throw it over oh yeah but you do need to replace it oh that’s true I’ll just I’ve got the old one I’ll just throw drop it down oops you want to pick that one up I’ll drop the old one down okay that’s

Down now I need to where’s my wrench do you have sand Auto smelling into glass yes you’re a [ __ ] idiot do I we have zero sand and we have sand constantly being made so yes we do no Sand’s not being processed sand is constantly being made and put into the

Computer and it’s disappearing immediately but it’s not going into the it’s not being turned into glass or anything I don’t know where the buffer for that is scor right now where the hell would sand be going do I have another crafter for sand I

Do oh right I get it it was making um s sand us generalized Nethers I’ll kill that okay that’s that’s killed I’m so [ __ ] okay right that should be yeah sand should be going straight into the computer now all right uh also I need if you dump in

Wither skulls that will be produced into Stars let me see how many we got this thing is basically insta filling back with blood the looks of it let me just take this throw it into the is it is it going that fast it’s insta filling uh well I just made a uh abbed

Slate with it and it’s just basically staying at 30 buckets oh perfect so that’s it I put on 28 blocks of plus 20% speed maybe that over no look and bones in the computer again why is that not going as fast as I expected to be that’s a mega important

Yeah I’m assum there are possibly lag related issues with stuff we have done no that feels like it’s been changed by a recent update it was definitely much faster like instant almost yeah like 13k a tick it was yeah now it’s barely handling what the elite ones would do never mind the ultra

One can that fit uh wait a minute it’s not the exporter that doesn’t matter um Can it fit stack upgrades in it now let me try stack UPG no stgr go still just speed upgrade must have just nerfed it [ __ ] it manual is I think I might be picking all up no

I’m not the backpack is oh well it’s almost all for anyway I’ll put one back upstairs in a minute uh the nether star should be piling up right now yeah they’re going up oh yeah put that back all that inferium we got one more

Insanium damn it I had a job to do today and I did do it I was supposed to do the loot fabricating but you know I think the split magic was important all lators we can make easily so yeah that’ll be next thing I’ll watch you then refuse to add

A new floor and just decide to no no I’ll do it probably start on the bottom right now I’ve got the tier four what I need to do with that I think the tier four might be what I need to actually do the things I need for the weather let me try weather

Compass so now I need these things which I ethereal slate which is demonic slate and I need tier five mother this thing is just a pain yes I need tier five that’s my only hope I’m also needing to go to the the Ender and find a Golem to kill and get the void

Core a Golem yeah you like the the nether Golem that no we fought you of now remember the big orangey thing oh is it an Ender version of that yeah Pur like a purple one you got to kill it and get the void core but we’ve been around the end a lot

Not seen it and I don’t know what the option it says below light level because it’s hidden by the actual [ __ ] mob on the screen oh uh that option is experience an eye of the Void or I of void sleep but for that I can make the next tartaric gem hey I can

Demon will Crystal oh I don’t know how to you find it oh that’s a whole other thing [ __ ] hell right I’ll have to do that next time then time to relax uh what’s the time oh [ __ ] time let’s have a quick look at the colony which I haven’t really done anything

With oh yeah did you supply them with any supplies I give them a little bit not much oh they want a lot of stuff a can’t be doing that right now either that’s God that wind bad I thought that was where I just heard outside blown over huge scale hitting the window right

Now right you know let’s go to the end which direction you going oh I know exactly where I’m going oh did you find it no wait what’s those eye things you’re holding I I sat and explained this like five minutes ago I avoid oh right okay oh easy to

Make I guess I’ll wait for you to find the Aira then you’ll plop down a a Shar Stone yeah why not come kill it with the Morgan Morgan why I keep call Morgan oh closing in I think closing in okay uh which Stone you going to put

Down I have not decided I do not have one uh here there’s put a red one down there’s one left in the computer should be anywhere about here I think unless it just changed its mind for no reason whatsoever BL hell hope my power didn’t get knocked out I suspect this might be

It ah perfect where did my eye go I what’s this I’ll call it void core CU I forgot what the [ __ ] boss is called I kind of want to hit him with a supremium sword though see if I can get him captured I mean do you have to hit him

Constantly or just finishing below I have no idea and also I cannot find him yet yeah void Stone what this is good for he’s somewhere here is this go underground oh that sounds like something happening y oh I Field view just got pumped yep where are you at like very near

You are you above ground or below ground I see you what the [ __ ] is this second Ender what this seems like it’s close by and wants to spawn there he is 150 HP great oh [ __ ] oh you got it hey Vore got it I got the spawn egg

That sucks you got a spawn egg no I have no spawn egg that sucks oh I don’t know you can get Spa EG for that there’s another one in here somewhere I think more one buch of here nothing great no sh say I wonder if I get sh spawn egg but I

Don’t it be worth it they dropped something I want uh don’t remember what it was but right I need that void I’ve got the core I just need the hammer what’s it called h of a thousand truths no it’s like somewhere it’s like the infernal or forged or something like that is

It yeah it is okay comp is just pushing things too rapidly for me to grab something there we go where’s my how do I go back inside [ __ ] that was a bad one grab that where’s that Tel there is okay how do I make the void void Forge spining table interal

Stella oh I need mechanical fusion um okay how the [ __ ] thatal Fusion Anvil with the right ingots which is oh my we just kill the harbinger The Harbinger yes yes we do I don’t know where he he drops the block which I need to take into the

Ingots but I need to kill a few of them or kill them with looting or something I don’t know he spawns within the ancient Factory structure in the Overworld Factory this I have not seen that that’s something we could do next time yeah put it on the list okay let me do tier five alter start a crate at least yeah maybe I’ll sell rooms for oural but I don’t really see what I would use it

For now do you need it at all for the star not that I know of check uh see dimensional seed oh my yeah I we need more material I need somethingone that looks really easy to make from our Novo as far as I could tell for the uh end game [ __ ]

H quick look I can’t see but that’ll do now there’s lots of stuff there have you looked at the item uh SE the dimensional seed what about it look at the about the stuff we need for that 65,000 diamond blocks not bad save with the emeralds that’s about like 45,000 diamonds

Emeralds we forgot that much endstone I think already more than enough the obsidian we could get that the dirt is a bigger concern we don’t have a source of dir tially half a million of it uh how do we get actually you know what I think the the Builder thing can

Do that you just don’t use the void option and then oh no it voids blocks into that and then you just ve mine it like fck or I don’t that seems like an awful lot work I think the Builder can take it out though anyway I will there than stream but we’re

This video, titled ‘Minecraft All the Mods 9 – Part #20 – Version .32, Thermal introduced’, was uploaded by NomadTech on 2023-12-21 00:36:33. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:22 or 13162 seconds.

It’s that time again – Stoneblocks, ATM7, now its time for ATM9 – the first major iteration in a while. Fantastic Minecraft mod packs and hopefully we’ll see the same again here.


If you’d like to support me, I’m on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/NomadTech

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  • MLG Minecraft Race

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  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

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  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More