Video Information

E Oh I hope this works hello chat I’m trying some new things oh yes it’s working haha hello hello hello hello the chat is very small I need to I need to scale up the chat but I’ve uh ah we’ll see how it works um hello hello hello

People like the stream everyone yes I agree do what Oliver says streams hello broy um Britany eigor there’s so many people in here hello hello hello cool guy Moto hello geometry BB hello train hello Dino hello welcome in welcome welcome Panda as well hello hello hello how you doing

People Grim welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome Sunday afternoon chat oh well for me at least I’ve seen some good mornings here good afternoon there as well hello hello talking German because the rules exactly um B thanks um n nuh how you feeling doing well I hope

I’m doing well yeah um had an awesome weekend been with my girlfriend um doing great doing great broke my leg no that’s so unlucky hope it heals fast hope it heals fast afternoon yeah afternoon for me as well I I saw some morning people in here uh and evening gamers

B Nico hello Victor crafting so many people hello hello this is the second time I’ve been noticed on the stream welcome in then welcome welcome yeah smaller streamers are usually a little little more like they can interact with most people I broke his leg oh

No 11:00 p.m. for me yeah we got a late oh yeah it’s a little earlier this stream is a little better for you gar uh it’s not the 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. um I mean the eager part you can read the rest I’m not even going to attt 3:00

P.m. in the afternoon for me yeah I’ve got 400 p.m. for me here 9:00 a.m. yeah a massive bar where chat is yeah the chat is very very small I’m still tweaking it for this uh but um it will be it will be better Deadlocks hello welcome in welcome welcome

People um let’s get into some Minecraft chat let’s get into some Minecraft um I we need remember my key binds hopefully that worked it worked H cool perfect perfect perfect perfect ah Minecraft yes yes yes yes yes yes welcome back Craig welcome welcome welcome in yeah we’re hype all right so plan for

Today for those that you haven’t seen in the Discord I want to finish decorating this cave um we did this cave last week when did we do this uh this cave um grass when you look down it’s it’s pink now I think right how many fist do you have now right now

I have 100 and yep around 100 and I actually need to do something I have completely forgot to do that uh I need to launch a second OBS as I want to record this as well um I’m going to yeah I’m going to have my mic with it uh and

Then I need to do that and then I need to start recording Perfect all right all right there we go now also recording at the same time um yeah this is roughly the same like the live if you have creats yeah do it do

It oh I fell uh anyways we did this I can’t honestly remember which stream was it Wednesday I think it was Wednesday um I think it was Wednesday that we did this um oh yeah if you want to know my mods then you can find them in my

Discord I think we did the stream Wednesday built the bridge and all but um we we need to work a little bit more on it I want to do this top part into a lush cave and then I think I want a mushroom cave down here I’m sure on that

Though I we’ll see how we if we can figure it out cuz I I have no idea how you build good mushrooms was Wednesdays was Wednesdays all right cool yeah cuz last stream we worked on the mountain which we have um a lot of work to do on but it’s we’re

Getting there it’s this is a start I think it’s a pretty good start and U it’s looking better at least it’s looking better but no let’s uh I think we should get straight into it I think I have the materials I need here uh I’m never going to be making a

Public Minecraft server it’s uh way too much work um watch your build tutorial for shrooms I was thinking you guys could help me out we’ll see we’ll probably figure out something I can make the shape as long as I get like the B palet just swing it

And see how it goes that’s kind of the plan it’s kind of a plan uh but first we’re going to work on the Lush part of the cave and and um yeah we’re just going to be doing more of this basically I really really like this and um I think

We’re just going to continue that getb some Greenery over here and uh and yeah that’s going to be it for the stream no it’s uh it’s going to be some building and uh careful do you have a style for the mushroom I don’t have anything really in

Mind I did a little bit of testing um I talked with a friend uh with with GTI and U he he’s done a mushroom Mega base recently and um I I talked with him shortly on it but um um I think he sent

Me a video but I forgot to to give it a watch so I’ll need to do that at some point maybe uh we’ll see though um you should make a waterfall going in the middle of the tracks in the middle in there no the train is going to hit

That and it’s going to Splash everywhere well if you where you think about it a little realistically and then I say it’s not realistic but you know oh are you ever going to make a not public cre mod server or is the CR Server create um so

The uh I actually don’t have an I need to remove that um I don’t have a current supported server the supported server is um offline um no one was paying on it so um turn it off um but the I I am making a um I will be

Making a create one we’ll see how long it lasts um I cannot promise uh that I will keep it going forever but I do want to try it um I do want to make a little pocket up here I think a little like pocket thing just because I

Can streams are making thank you thank you um I um I do want to I do want to try to have a supporter server uh create but it’s a lot of work and um uh how long am I going to live um hopefully for a

While um I’m going to be live for um basically let we try to I’m going to try to finish this uh this cave I don’t want to use bone meal as it’s uh it’s going to get a little bit everywhere and I don’t want it everywhere

Um so that’s why I do it by hand why is my video quality so low check your internet or check the thing cuz I’m streaming pretty good quality so should it’s on your end uh it says I have excellent collection connection collection there no mods we can cause cares oh my

God I think all the mods are on vacation or working this is tragedy I need to get new mods SMH Um o bamboo up here would be nice uh mine is good I’m confused man uh check the settings on the video or on the stream uh gra some bamboo um check the settings on the stream um time to talk in German yeah I will time you out myself

Um uh where is my booo there’s myo thank you 243 had to manually set it as my Wi-Fi can’t handle anything higher yeah that sucks at least oh 720 I was like 120 that’s a that’s some that’s some pain right there oh I want some string as well it’s going

To be a lot of this just running back and forth that’s why I’m doing this on a stream why is all of your Wi-Fi on life support I don’t know man oh chat has anyone in chat played um frontiers of Pandora I’m interested um no spoilers if

That’s like a game you can spoil in any way cuz I’m going to play it right after stream with a friend and I’m very excited um somebody see me I see me I’m alive hello was that no one’s played it okay train guy has played it um it’s the Avatar um

Game um my friend is really really excited to play it but I have not uh played it uh or I I didn’t want it but I when I bought my new pc I uh I was actually given two keys to it so we got

It for uh for free so I was like ah I don’t really want to spend the money uh but I since I got it for free I’m like yeah I we’ll do it um and I gave her a copy and I gave myself my obviously a copy and

Um and um I’m I’m I’m quite excited for it actually I not seen the Avatar movies which um maybe should see but it was a good game I’m fine now thank you yeah here we go I was going to say I think I just found a bug I just

Put gravel in my grinder and keep spitting out Flint uh no gravel in gravel in a thing um gravel in a uh Millstone uh only gives Fillin um you need to put in a crushing wheel to get sand you need to see the movies you need to like even like understand anything

About the game I might have to just like watch the movies then do some do some terraforming or something and just watch the movies they’re really good okay well I probably will see them at some point I don’t I just like they’re so long I feel like they’re incredibly long

Um was he that movies are so good all right I’m hearing good things about him um I hope the game is good CU I’m going to play that U probably watch the movies at some point I’m just like not a big movies guy though I’m uh I won’t lie I’m

I’m not a huge movies guy uh o I think that could be really cool like a few streaks of these throughout the roof like live you live love Minecraft yes do it like the live stream everybody you heard it here you’re going to put a bunch of

Small shrooms or big shrooms I I want to do smaller ones but they’re really like on the scale I’ve got in here I think it’s going to be really really hard uh what are you doing in the middle of the train tracks nothing in the middle of

The train tracks the train tracks are going to be themselves we’re just decorating the surroundings um so like bigger shrooms would be easier to decorate I think I think I could make those but I want to do some small small ones and I just like I don’t I don’t

Know how to do it well uh which is the Issue do I have any I should have brought that with me over here maybe some Spore Blossom ooh a Spore Blossom is actually very very very smart um next build in the world is going to be very very spread out next video is very very spread out um next

Like V normal video if you want to call it that cuz I would call the video I’m working now normal um is going to be uh a train station I’m really really excited for train station um like a grand grand train station for the city and the whole area basically

Add the jet pack add-on I I’m not a fan of jetpacks i’ probably never we’re going to use a jet pack what next PL your rods more add-ons yeah more add-ons uh next other than that um similar okay not not similar to like be Stone in that but it’s going to

Be a similar idea to beard Stone where he has multiple different areas connected through railroads that’s one of the things I really missed in this world especially being on beard Stone’s World here and there um helping him test some things just like his massive train lines

Are um I I really want to do some things more like that uh I think I’ve been lacking a little bit on the the size of my train lines uh cuz like sure I’m covering this whole area here with trains now but I really want to like

Expand into different areas and stuff uh better at building I mean you got to give yourself a goal with it I think someone in the Discord uh was doing like um 11 days or something of trying to like get back into building in Minecraft and they would just build a build every day

I think that’s a really really good idea and then like post it somewhere um um I I haven’t seen too close that at all we can actually have a look at it uh banana painting his mom’s hair all right um let’s actually have a look at

It uh V learning MC building I guess here uh can I full screen this somehow yeah there we go all right here we go uh that button I think you should be able to see now chat um so load is it I I can’t remember who it was was it load

Yes okay so he he learning MC building uh you sent some builds here um sorry day two uh and then he went back he did this one for day three I’m guessing um day five he did a few couple days and he did a oh float is here welcome

In and U I think this is a really good way if you want to get into learning building Minecraft and like I would actually recommend this i’ I am really I really really really want to do um I really really want to um her trash L and need my older ones hello

Louis um what’s the brid are you going for in here we’re just going to go for this metal one um I think it’s good enough enough um I do like that and then if we get if we now get a few rooted um the the hanging boots

Things I think it’s going to be good n minus 9 yeah minus 9 minus 9 isn’t too bad um we had minus like 14 the other day so what G would you give your builds I mean I I think most of my builds are are really really good um but uh

Um other people might have other things I personally enjoy them I need to add the Pon pictures back in as well um roof to dirt where would I have that here or here do I not have any hanging boots I feel like this is this is rude oh 19 yeah should be

Enough uh gets cold in Sweden yeah gets pretty cold this year has been very very cold actually uh don’t have any bone meal um we already got the bridge style done um but I’m painting is more I I don’t know I’m not questioning I’m not questioning it’s just it’s just what H

What is happening the annoying thing about the curved paths is there’s no actual blocks under them so like yeah know just falling just hello hello welcome in welcome in uh so so what if I bow me a few of these to get some roots on those oh yeah I’m liking The Roots the

Roots are going to be good I I really like the idea I don’t know who had the idea but I like the idea of a Spore Blossom um I completely forgot about that uh we need to go get some uh some of those hope and then can you hang glob vares

From these from the from Stone I hope so I have I have a lot of Dutch viewers I feel like I’ve got one Dutch mod um you yes you can okay good got a storm uh after storm here my windows doesn’t close so it’s been cold of me

Ah uh my windows had a uh like they were a bit leaky um they would just um um they would let air in and so it got very very cold uh might all right right right um I think we’re going to just hang a

Few of these down and then I want to get some leaves in the mix up here just just a mix I’m honestly I maybe I should have like I’m not going to see this even like I’ve just had that thought uh or well I thought about it because I’m I’m

Not going to see all any of this that much just because it’s going to be like kind of Hidden Away in the roof and in the cave died fell down my NE drilled Elevator Shaft O A I hope you’re not in hardcore um Really loud whistling mhm yeah that’s sounds nice did they make like a whistling noise when you’re passing through your windows uh it I it didn’t know I I just heard like the wind whooing um the wind was whooing um I just removed my chat where’s the

Chat there it is there R Dash um it was just a loud whooing noise um oh yeah and then we get some leaves in here as well honestly no idea what I’m doing I uh it’s been a while since I’ve made caves uh so um just uh per like some Cobble and mostly

Cobble on the edges oh I do like that idea Um I want the cave to be kind of natural but I I think maybe around where we have the the bridges uh could be could work o a mini geode I like that as well that’s let’s just make this a little coasty area why not on Cobble M Cobblestone

Moss yeah the Moss um maybe some mossy cobblestone under the Moss ooh your actually seems thicker today um I I don’t know I haven’t spoken that much English lately so might be that might be why uh and deep SE towards the bottom uh no not some deep State I don’t

Think um hey last night I was watching the stream and I was left say GOI are you British never lost so hard in my life I don’t what it’s funny um then some dripstone along with the rard yeah I was thinking about dripstone as well but I I don’t know dripstone

Blocks I think it’s going to just be a little too much honestly I think we want to keep it a little little little simpler on the simpler side some Vines maybe Vines are just incredibly annoying um I would love to have vines in there but Vines are so annoying

Um what was I even getting uh cobbles Cobble Cobble Cobble uh Vines are incredibly annoying uh is my human just bad maybe uh Vines are super super annoying to get uh in the right spots um and to not just continue growing um I would love for to

Have the same feature Shear or globber do where you can just like click them and they don’t uh they don’t uh continue to grow but uh Vines are a pain Vines are too much on a cave depends on how you do with them you can do them pretty

Well uh but you need to limit the amount they grow and that’s incredibly hard um well okay please fall down thank you so I thinking like this under the Moss here we we get in some of these ooh yeah I like that okay that’s a good

Idea good call just put string on the vines without them going yeah but the thing is you need string Under on the side around block you need string absolutely everywhere if you want to use Vines like I can I can fly over there right now um I used Vines over here

There is string absolutely everywhere it’s such a pain to build with um it’s worth it it’s sometimes it can be worth it but not here uh I don’t think here it’s not going to be a cave I visit too much if I where a cave I was

Running out through like every day and so maybe yeah but it’s too too too little I’m going to see this I’m mainly just going to see that that crack put INR of grite around to make it look real not a bad call actually uh I’m streaming on YouTube

Because more viewers and um I want to keep the channel alive during January while I uh um while I don’t upload any videos want to make some money no um I just want to I want to try it uh cuz I do want to kind of like I do like this I

Do I kind of want to try moving over to YouTube more uh let’s get a sport Blossom let’s go get a SP actually no we’ll finish off with that a little later uh do you have a recording about how you make storage system I I have a

Video um where I basically show it um twice I think cuz I broke it once uh episode three on my channel uh it’s a little clutched um both at the same time no not really it doesn’t really interests me it seems more of a hassle than anything uh

Reading through shats and all of that stuff I’d rather just be on one platform um I think that’s what I’m going to stick with um these thingss you can just cut Vines which here you you can’t cut wine switch here it’s not how it works it’s not a

Thing all right let’s get this down here and see how it looks do you have a favorite color um what would my favorite color be um probably like purple or something like that uh think I think that’s where it’s going to end up for me IV YouTube streaming for to be honest

I think I do to um I like twitch features but overall I think I do prefer YouTube overall just because like the the I get more viewers um so more chat activity which is one of the main reasons I do the streams is because I enjoy talking with you guys and uh if

There’s more people in there talking I have more to talk about and I just don’t sit there just like so what I do now chat what I do now what about adding some an this yeah I was thinking about that uh streams have that idea with the

With a geode and it’s it’s tempting actually maybe we do that instead of the mushroom uh cuz like I’m I’m kind of I don’t think the mushrooms are going to work out great uh cuz I don’t want really any mushrooms up here we can do some mushrooms actually oh I have that idea

Do I have mushrooms blocks no okay um let’s go grab that um it’s going to be a lot of flying back and forth because I haven’t really prepped but I do I did have an idea um with anide braks or just areas of those yeah I I maybe yeah I probably

Should uh get some things in there I’m working of I’m in the working of building a smart even right now um let’s get some anide actually um or no actually I do want some I think someone had the suggestion about Granite I think gr it’s going to work out how long do

You have your world I’ve had this world for um um since April I think end of April uh actually when did I upload the video chat when did I upload episode one of the create series that was a while ago it was a while ago I will I will admit I

Will admit um everyone like the stream like the stream everyone let’s see if we can get to I don’t know 50 likes are we there yet um 50 Celsius now that’s good Craig um why do I not just go to my channel why am I searching you your channel add an Amo

This ge yeah I think I will I think I will actually um I upload the first video 7 months ago uh May the 20 May 22nd so start of May I probably got this world this not cob uh uh I don’t know I don’t know if I want deep slate it’s not

It’s a very it’s not a deep cave so for me I don’t think it makes that much sense to have deep slates um I think some just granites maybe some tough to make it look a little darker um could actually work I will keep that in mind some tough towards the bottom to

Make it look a little darker down there could could work actually what is the meaning of life no clue don’t ask me have fun eat food um oh and I forgot the Blocker we were actually going for oh OU ouch professional uh next project uh train station after the things we’re

Working on now uh right now I have a few projects planned for for January that I want to get done and that’s all going to be in one video it’s going to be like I I want to see how many hours I do I want

To try to do 50 hours of building in the world um but we’ll see if we can we get to 50 or not um but I do I do want it to I do want it to try to be 50 cuz with all the streams it’s going to be a minimum of

Eight hours a week so that’s going to be 32 it’s going to be 32 um I think it’s going to be 32 hours of stream project I’ve already spent like two three four four 2 hours 2 3 hours off stream as well working on stuff and

So it’s going to be roughly like right now it’s going to end up at like 35 hours so if I put in another 15 hours of work uh it’s going to be 50 hours of building you could add some like suit to the bottom of the cave in the water to

Look like a trains have built up over time M I do like that idea I just don’t think it’s going to be visible um a little bit of Suits like what would I use for that like I do like the idea I just don’t

Think it’s going to be oh good job St I can almost play Minecraft let’s go um see let’s get that up there we can help them help that and I was thinking we had some wall mushrooms here I don’t don’t want two of the same one I’m something like

That um I get my PC in 20 days oh exciting exciting the new PC has been awesome so far love st’s back at it I am back at it coner four times a week you Know where’s your accent from Sweden um I do actually like that I do like the I do like that to Black fungi I I think I know which ones you mean I think it’s going to be hard to replicate I want to add some more of these though uh I think

That’s going to be the extent of the mushroom um maybe there’s some nice thing those no I fell again the train tracks confused me that was aming thank you uh that in there oh get some of these over here yeah I like that you keep up on the

Phone now P going faster just see fan help uh uh make a house train I don’t really see a reason why I’m not going farmward well year 10 I don’t sple at the end of next level um did I had a little I did and I done

My work for now I can have some fun in dirt 2.0 F uh the roof is scattered but I do quite like it it’s overgrown and I and I think it’s good can I send you schematic for inspiration on Discord you can send some pictures of it um in the

Inspiration chat good morning good morning good morning welcome in everybody um so nice thank you um I think that corner needs a little love I need a little bit of love cuz I keep falling wh Um we just like place that I think we grab some leaves something just like that to get the train through make a cave in the wall I already did that over here um I do want to make like a geode and I think all right so looking at it this is

A good angle we’re going to see I I really like this actually okay yeah this is turning out pretty well uh your accent sounds British I don’t think so I had this comment the other day um that uh basically made fun of the way that I pronounce uh certain words

Like I they said I can’t pronounce enchanting and I guess I do I do pronounce it a little differently but um it’s it’s just like so odd and they they called me a native uh English speaker and I’m like I I started learning English at what I mean seven years maybe

Like I thought it was I I thought it was it’s as much as like they um they insulted me and said that the way I pronounce words is disgusting cuz apparently they don’t know what accents are uh and I thought it was very funny so I sent them

A link to a dictionary um telling them what accents are cuz um you know not everyone knows uh what an accent is no mind my heater keeps on turning on I don’t think it’s good when a heater turns on I feel like that could be a

Little dangerous I think do we want to go tier say things despite feedback I like how you say things despite feedback yeah no I’m not going to change the way I I say things definitely not I uh I’ve got no plans on doing that I just thought it

Was it was funny um that the person felt very very entitled to say that oh you’re pronouncing wrong stuff wrong your accent is cool Sam yeah I know I I’m a fan of my accent honestly um I think it’s funny though um what I wanted to get today I think it’s funny

That he thought I was a native English speaker um and then called me out that I was pronouncing words wrong but uh an Irish and a British um don’t sound the same and a um um I I made the example like a Scottish person and an Australian person both

Speak English but they do not speak the same language hey Raven uh or they not speak the same accent um so it sounds very uh different um have a very nondescript accent I like I think a lot of sweds are quite confused uh on what accent that I have

Some are just like knew you Swedish instantly and some are just like I had no idea you Swedish until I like I someone else said it or you said it um and um I’m just like I guess I I I don’t really think I do have that good of an accent

Uh or like native sounding accents have you ever failed a stream how do you fail a stream Scottish to me for no reason H I don’t know about that one I don’t know about the Scottish one only new your swed because one of my friends is honestly yeah I feel more more people

From like not Sweden has been able to I need to go get a new water trap this is old I’ve just realized you right back chat uh is that my keybind does that still work it does not work uming group I’ll be right back chat it

Not the whole water it’s not hot it’s it’s just a little stinky w Chat I have Watcher um what I love this everyone I was working on underground create mod pack to play have you ever considered playing create purely Underground and making big underground cities if there were any M pack to do it it would be great right cuz you don’t have to dig as

Much but uh um uh but um no honestly not I like Minecraft train way too much uh turntable for trains uh I think you can with interactive um I think you can hello chat I’m back ha what’s water again uh water is a very very nice thing to drink uh water required

Indeed like skin and hair it not it’s stinky water all right chat I do my best no worries um oh yeah yeah and interact right yeah interactive um um I think maybe sh the Train table I know he’s talked about it before uh that he wants to make trains that move uh the

DNA of the S uh that he wants to make like train tracks that move and I also want to do that but um doesn’t work with interactive all right that would um no you can’t have the Train on I don’t know it works weird but I I just want it

Decorative uh can you move tracks with certain mods I think you can yes trains that move oh my God the trains move honestly I think we could be a little bit too packed maybe if we put an amethyst here yeah I think we should put an amethyst there that’s the only spot we

Can do it in um let’s go get some amethyst crystals then and a SP Blossom let’s go do it uh I’m going to pause my recording CU my editor don’t need to see this uh pause that h i I need to look through that I I need to figure out how to do

That and I’m going to just grab this was I here last stream last stream was Thursday um last stream we worked the mountain oh my God trains move oh my God Leon trains move I’m pretty sure tracks in Crea directly about they won’t connect to stationary tracks yeah

Exactly I just want decorational tracks honestly I’d love decorational tracks welcome in Leon name uh how’s the road trip are you actually the final destination for the day maybe a s in there I don’t think it’s going to fit um maybe add some protection with anid and Cobble at eye

Level I I think the granite is honestly enough I I think it’s a little too much like it’s not noticeable enough I don’t think uh where do I have a lush cave I feel like I have Lush caves in this direction but I don’t I have drip Stone caves

Um I have them over in the desert some Chaos Control yeah we’re safe at our harway stop sleeping here for the night all right are you here to stay for the stream or do you have to go again bana is is it’s coloring her his mom’s hair I I

Feel like that’s such an odd thing but I guess I guess pop off B do youa them they can fly after the track ban is being banned ban being bannner honestly that’s such a such such good such good uh we need that’s not what it’s called St it’s called a sport

Blom um your what looks great man did you seed I am I random roll the seed I’m not random rolling next seed I’m getting a seed and then I’m I’m I want to do a play through I haven’t done that in ages where I don’t have the

Seed I will obviously have the seed but I’m not going to use it um I haven’t done that in ages and I think it’s going to be fun is the is that those pink flowers which pink flower oh yeah the giant ones that give spbl and things I think was it

This mountain here there’s an aalia tree yep found it ha my pathfinding skills are awesome uh just wish I could get down here hello there hello goooo is that a verified badge I have no idea hello hello oh that why do you have a shovel hello Acton why a shovel

Man we made some uh fanner would you want to um what would you want it to be off uh i’ I’d love some fan art of my character um did I never go all the way down oh my god Um St hit the gritty no yo monkey hello um I didn’t go all the way down do SL seed uh the seed is in my Discord if you want to get it another way to join the Discord then uh frequently ask the questions uh cords to

My base location as well well uh no for the next world I want to just I want to get a seed cuz I do want to have good I do want to live in the spawn area I do want to live like at spawn um and

Um to do that I I want a good like starting seed going to kill me St oh no will be missed be doing well yeah sucks to see um but um oh I think sport BL in there oh no sport BL over here somewhere oh uh nope not up there

Um have you ever played Lethal company I have played very little of it um I think it’s fun to play when you’re not playing that seriously what is the ideal biome uh probably planes again honestly ples just their deal pleas uh I’m probably going to be I don’t know I might not

Base the first one cuz that one is going to be more split out I’m not going to be H I’m not going to spend a year in one location uh I’m going to move through new places a little bit more um try to get like uh a few different biomes and

I’m also going to have a biome mod um I’m going to have Wilder Wilds uh which changes the the world generation a bit so there’s going to be some new biomes like uh Oasis and stuff and I do want to make some deser thing I made the orange

To ones um need certain mods though I TR I think 18,000 bus to get where I wanted to build yeah SPS is my favorite wood type for sure uh the cold is going to kill me over here we’re dropping like flies acting how cold she got uh how cold is

It does in additional uh additions add the same as globber to Vines something probably adds the same thing uh I’m not going to download a mod Don for that though the vines aren’t that good as much as yes I would love to see that in vanilla Mo oh my God Spore

Blossom SP Spore blossoms um I’m Pro I feel like it’s not going to be updated I feel like they should add it though so that you can Shear Vines and heating doesn’t work it’s like minus 15 minus 15 jeez I got a cold I don’t really need that many SPO

Blesss but I guess I’ll grab a few more strip dark oak and quartz I’m not a huge fan of quartz honestly ity work in certain areas but I’ve never been a massive fan of quarts I mean younger I was actually but it was shiny modern but I also just don’t like um

Um I also don’t like the like the V the modern style in Minecraft I don’t like contemporary architecture in Minecraft you like your color match sport color yeah I really like this color actually uh I’m happy I I’m happy I changed it uh I I was a

Little like eh do I want it here it’s 20c oh my God we got minus 10 um in where I am in V ouch stop shooting at me Place wow I’ve been playing some vanilla Minecraft lately and it’s been very fun uh I’ve been playing just a world I

Might have bought a server to play with mods on a bit and with my girlfriend thank you um and it’s been fun I’ve uh I’m working on a little farming area you know me building Fields I think 10’s going to be enough though um and I’ve been playing around with

I’ve been playing with shaders and it’s been kind of nice I won’t lie I will never play with shaders like for videos but it’s been it’s been a little fun I can see I can see what people like playing with shaders yeah just ask on adds or YouTube nothing

You can do unless you pay YouTube yeah YouTube premium honestly it’s not a bad deal how much is is YouTube premium I pay for it I just don’t know how much it is totem sooner rather than later all by I don’t like totems I uh I never go for

Totems in in my worlds oh I think going to be close to service cuz I see grassp blocks oh wait ah Square for years not a clue yeah it’s pricey I don’t think it’s that bad is it I may I might need to look at my subscriptions it’s not that bad I

Don’t think I mean think about it like this sure you could use an you can use an ad blooker um but if you still want to support the creators you watch um then um 17 H it’s more than that a year uh if you still want to support the creators

You watch um and not have ads then um then YouTube premium still pays um pays people money um because ad blocker is like ad ad revenue is is the way I make money so I um I rather have ads then probably turn them off at least now

I mean I used to have no ads but it’s it honestly ads aren’t that bad I I don’t think ads are bad how much do you get per ad per ad it’s probably not um it’s not really like comparable per ad um and it’s very different from video

To video actually as well like one video could have 40,000 views and then get like same amount of money from that video than a video that has like 20 so yeah it’s very very different 7 is like 70 what is YouTube premium YouTube premium price it is $14 a

Month uh and uh 23 for family so if you have a family uh it’s quite cheaper and you can have five accounts um so you know but it’s a way to support viewer support the creators you watch that I’m as a YouTuber myself I uh I will I will

Support other YouTubers um 14 a month it’s 17 um $14 a month yeah that’s what it said when I did a quick Google res search difference a little bit because you have to pay Ms and stuff uh or well you have to pay uh what is it called bats I can’t remember

But hey if you don’t just watch like two two ads yeah eight for $8 for students that’s also that’s actually pretty good um where do I have a geod oh I I think I know what I have a geod um uh but I do want to see I have the

Crystals there or those things but I want the actual like blocks which oh I know where those are bra M song playing in the background incredible music taste that barely use the same music as me do you like Foxy uh no tails um I haven’t seen his videos actually I’ve

Only spoken to him um nice guy though from The Limited times I’ve spoken to him it’s it’s I’ve spoken to him a few times um but um uh not nothing much um but it seems like a cool guy um and I mean he does have the title

I’ve spoken M more to beard Stone and seen more of Beard’s videos but I think he’s got quite a similar thing going on they’re they’re good pals and uh Beard’s a good guy so pretty sure he’s a good guy as well yes we did get a this over here

We’re pretty Carolina I recommend it uh I’m not playing any like songs like that because copyright um it’s got some different like size on these okay well most of them are going to be this size probably or that size I would like to get like a medium

One but uh this has been here since I started this world I moved here all background music is no copyright uh no I pay for the music I play on my videos um I pay epidemic sounds money to play videos videos to play music been on Minecraft building I love Minecraft

Building client building like you pay someone to build I don’t know if you want to pay someone to build stuff I don’t know I like building for myself so I make videos what I’m not a huge fan of creative building so um well I I enjoy doing it like for

Videos and stuff like that it’s fun but uh I’d rather place a rival what the gr blocks around the G’s called again um smooth BT Minecraft clients what you mean by that uh all right let’s get a rough shape think that’s going to be good I don’t

Want it too big yeah I I don’t know what you want my opinion on exactly for example Luna clients I don’t have any opinion on clients I don’t know I don’t use any clients I use a normal client I use a launcher that’s it um I think we just add in a little

Bit of white in there oh I fell hello dayona bad line Cent building one of those no clue I uh I don’t use them so can’t really have an opinion on something I don’t use I’ve had I think I’ve used it in the past I I wasn’t a fan it’s it’s

Old I I I could maybe get playing like on certain servers with them sure but uh uh if you want to play Villa no PV clients are bad yeah that’s kind of what I thought favorite block in Minecraft I I don’t think I could say a favorite block but boost Outdoors are pretty

Good I use the Minecraft launcher mft launcher works fine I just use pris cuz I have mod packs now and prism makes making like setting up mod packs and stuff a little easier Um which is nice there we go yeah I think it’s pretty good um I haven’t tried out the r launcher um I I recommend prism prism I’ve had no real issues with prism uh I’ve had good experience with prism if you anyone wants a new launcher yeah create uh in the next pack

Stream rails is in the next pack there a few there a bunch of things also everyone like the stream like the stream thank you uh cool I think oh yeah I think we just continue with the vegetation downwards and maybe a little over here uh hello

Drago all right so we just grab MOS and then we do the same thing we did basically over here but we do it like down here my we playing one 19 not two we’re just going to cover like most of these here in Uh use optify no optify is pretty bad uh or OptiFine is very bad actually uh I would not recommend using OptiFine I would definitely look into getting alter Alternatives going to go now good have fun all right good boy um don’t people most people use swear by

OptiFine I don’t think most people swear by OptiFine at least if I I don’t know I guess depends on who you ask but um I think if you ask most creators none of them will use opine um I use sodium and Iris if you want shaders yeah um I use

Sodium uh alternatives to OptiFine do the job a lot better and OptiFine is also just like really shady honestly I for like I’ve um I’ve had friends who had like viruses from downloading up the find of stuff so it’s uh it’s um I don’t know I I I wouldn’t use swap

Toine if you want to do it do it I I don’t really really care um but it it’s pretty bad at doing what it does and uh there’s way better alternatives to it train like bat cave uh I I wouldn’t call this a bat cave hello babip um yeah OptiFine is bad

Optimized doesn’t work with other mods and all of that Jazz so yeah I just use Alternatives what’s the best one St there’s no like real thing that does everything opine does that’s the that’s I that’s like the one good thing about OptiFine it does everything but it does

Everything very lously uh very bad um oh so I use a lot of different Alternatives there sodium indium uh I have entity culling there’s Iris there’s there’s a lot of things oh inside from look at that beautiful M mosty Cobblestone to Stone oh yeah then to get like the uh like fresh

Animations and stuff like that working you need some other mods there there’s a lot of other mods like it’s it’s a lot of it’s a bigger hassle to download and get it working but I’d say it’s worth it um I’ve done it a few times now recently

Once you’re done it once it’s quite easy what you talking about uh optim find alternatives let’s connect this down here this is odd yes hello villager hello yeah yeah no it’s no you’re not going to be left out second kind ignore find because restriction policies I me it’s just just

Hard to work with if you want to do things but yeah I have no idea if you want to if you want to do optimization on fabric or on Forge though cuz I have not made a forge pack that might be a pain um you’re using train craft no idea what

That is but sounds fun train is good the find there’s like three different fake download buttons exactly Um we got some m in here as well I know I have leather on me but I do I want my PC to die from another virus again but any mods to improve performance only know of opine from my friend I feel like there should be some like perfor just vanilla performance mod

Packs made aren’t there any like that I feel like that should have um you can search you can search up like I think lamb oh what’s his name Lambda something search up to find Alternatives and you’ll find something I’m 99% sure you’ll find something mon yeah modin yeah yeah yeah

Definitely look at modin modin uh they’re doing good they’re doing good stuff so look at what they’re doing look at they if there’s some place you’re going to find it’s going to be there no Asia mods yeah but is slowly growing quite fast honestly I would say but you

Know I’d like to see more mods on there but most of them are which is nice Run on 60 FPS on lowest settings lovely I was getting like 40 in this oh I forgot to un pass oh I’m so dumb oh no chat I forgot to un pass it h it sucks whatever I have a question I’m thinking I’m making my own mod pack but I’m

Wondering if you can use some mod packs to make it like transferring the mod to a new file is that possible I mean you can download mods separately uh I I don’t know no idea I don’t make mod packs eating the Legos no not eating the

Legos ma no no finally a good live stream thank you Joseph um the thing was like 10 years old yeah uh yeah let’s get some mushrooms down there mushrooms uh so’s off my inventory it’s too clogged o we got to get this B blossom in the roof

Um I recommend Stam live streams yeah um I think we place there maybe Place one more like I fell of course I fell like there there some particles flowing oh yeah conf settings too but I don’t know I I feel like you should be careful with

That though because then I don’t know I don’t know how authors of mod packs are with the stuff getting jointed um what’s this a measurement to use I use the metric system um the the good one um That mod hello lagin um mushrooms that’s that’s what we’re doing I love this Bo blossoms it’s going to be awesome Uh let’s get three of our to this I’m not going to have enough space for this what is this uh oh yeah mushrooms seem are a cool mod yeah I agree Shi is pretty awesome my my heart my throat doesn’t hurt as much today like it it was

Hurting more thaning Thursday stream but it’s like it’s still there and it’s annoying hello Joseph um it’s just like there and it’s mildly mildly annoying um oh oh help help took less than 5 Seconds to install new record for anything to install o I guess that could work and then we

Place one of these over here oh it’s two bites uh we got to go get low L actually everyone spam the like button do it listen to Athena go well almost fell like ships only fly is it takes a lot of time to mass ship

Blocks uh it’s not that bad I mean I guess if you’re doing bigger skill than I do but I I haven’t found it bad it’s way nicer having the extra blocks um and glow light then we’re going to turn off gamma and we’re going to try to

Turn this on and I’m going to try to spawn prooof everything have you heard about create iron natics I have yes but it’s probably a ways out I can’t remember what they said when it was coming uh i’ I’ve I’ve heard things about it but it’s I think it’s months out still

Uh I haven’t used it much for like small decorations I it’s mainly been like the building blocks and stuff maybe I do want like a torch hidden down here just like light this area up a little more or like a lantern Maybe on the bottom of the sea like down here

Water the sea yes this is the Sea 73 likes chat that’s awesome that’s awesome I think the Athena that worked oh now my internet is on life support what goes around comes around my lap to start building that’s that’s that’s the dream inspiration I love watching Minecraft content and then I’m just like oh but now I want to build

Now uh it’s awesome when you get to when you’re just like oh now I want to build what if I just like hide something down there okay good job ouch goes on with wall blocks are neat they lighten in but controlled with wall blocks I mean just George bind it works uh Hold Up chat one second Chat one second chat I’ll be right back for all right we’re back um is everything lift up oh no we were missing a little over here maybe there a little lyen on the bottom side maybe yeah it’s a light overlay um that does the the Mind super things

Um it gives the Cave the light um I think it doesn’t really need that much I do want to do that like try to do that thing with the the tough that someone did mention uh I think it could be actually pretty cool uh so let’s go grab some a

Little bit of tough I yes we did just mine tough the other day um should be here yep so just give that a little darker touch cuz it’s darker than the stone I watch The Stream can can only use the chat on PC ah No so you can only use the chat can you he uh I think we need a little more in here I would like to like hide a light source in here how would I do that now only light level Z is dangerous yeah it’s a really nice change cuz you

Can play around a lot more with liting I need to remove that as well um I don’t know how we light that up maybe if I did like move that to there destroy that block and ooh ooh ooh o I have an idea press and Frog

Light yeah cuz now you can play around a lot more with lightning um you can um you can have um um Pur for yeah that’s that was my exact thought thought um I actually should yeah there we go um cuz now you can have a lot darker

Things and I I love I like it a lot um it’s um it’s a lot more fun to be able to play around and not only is it easier to light up stuff obviously uh but it’s also a lot more fun to be able to play around with uh um with the lighting

Things yeah that’s nice there we go uh that gives that a little more light which is nice then we’re going to remove this torch down here and see if we fix that cuz now it’s going to be very very dark which is fun an all but you know

Light sources is kind of nice as well to be able to see a little bit but it’s not bad it’s not bad it’s it’s pretty good it’s pretty good um tough tough tough tough um we’ll just start like replacing the stone with tough down here see how it looks

So how’s everyone’s day been chat how’s how’s how’s the day been uh I’ve been meing to catch one of the streams how is everyone hello welcome in Crystal welcome in rain or Crystal T looks good with the most I think so too I I do like it actually I

Think it’s a good CH whoever said it um how’s everyone doing though how’s you how you doing Crystal I’m okay all right at least all right um this just woke up so well good way to start the day good way to start the Sunday um anyone done anything exciting this

Week or is doing anything exciting next week Crystal yeah 11:16 a lot of people just woke up yeah let finally made the stream welcome in welcome in Bron I thought I’d do a little earlier to on Sundays and I’m liking it so far uh it was my wish more of my mods were

Not on vacation but uh here they are um I think if we just add I don’t want to overdo it I think it looks good over here but it’s going to be well I guess we’ll do at it sh streams this week they were great very nice great thanks um

Won’t let me sign in I’ve signed in for times now it’s giving me the same error I’m here though I know Acton I know I know Acton so I forgot about me I didn’t forget just we’re lurking how you doing Aon how’s uh how’s the headaches exciting week this week uh is

This stream from an exciting thing this week is the stream ah thank you went turn an arcade my m and d oh hope you had fun hope you had fun um I did not leave my home yesterday you in chat listening and doing math oh doing math no see doing

Math it’s important stuff AC it’s important stuff math homework um forgot his moderator I didn’t forget my moderators acting is studying no no no no no no all right sorry buddy um you’re probably not going to survive very long n Windows opening apps installing apps it keeps crashing my

System um you can uh i’ I i’ try to find like a video on it but you can turn off so it doesn’t do it automatically let him forget me is to do the math look at that look at that true oh mus keeps opening up oh I’ve got no

Idea I say at least he landed in the water but never mind I was going to say too at least he will survive a little bit down there but he’ll probably be eaten um uh eaten up by zombies in just a little bit but no he didn’t even get that far honestly

So that was funny I thought this was going to take longer but I’m feeling like a little done two servers died within the span of a week I far from a single uh type so yeah that sucks I mean that’s that’s the thing that sucks about playing with friends on multiplayer servers they

Usually just die fast um which is sad but people have so different play Styles um I just like I don’t know I’m I’m a I’m a huge fan of playing single player I think I like I like single player I like multiplayer as well I like both of

Them uh for making videos I do like prefer uh single player but yeah minecra is just one of those games where if you you got to have some motivator to play the game or you’re not going to play um first train I wrote on be life I’ve honestly got no

Idea I love S smps I like them they’re fun um I don’t know I I think I prefer a single player I love my single player worlds but people are very different um and if you like Minecraft you you got to have plus 20 peeps today I’m on

Minecraft Community Ser for 3 Days plus 20 peeps today oh my God I mean yeah that’s that’s nice you got to find out like a committed friend group or a bunch of creat cuz like creators will keep playing on the server most likely so um you know it’s it’s it’s hard it’s hard

Um someone always gets bored and then the next one gets bored and and you know the two weeks of Minecraft uh is um uh to turn some music on my own company eventually turns into my ear screaming ttos at me because I forgot to turn music on yeah I always play with

Music it’s a nice way more hard game I like an easy going game with yeah I honestly like I I like playing different types of games um it’s very much with the people I play with though that that’s like what matters for me um I have a I have a friend which I

Play a lot of different games with um and while I might be a little more competitive at the game she it’s just a lot of fun cuz like you got to have fun with the people you play with so we can pretty much enjoy a lot of a lot of

Different games that we play um and that’s that’s fun um but I guess hard to find friends like that never Bing mods and staminate yeah look at that I think the cave is gone uh is is gone it’s done um I think I’m just going to unload all this into the storage system

Again uh just because that’s the easiest way to toore It also that idea is cool I’d like join with dedicated Creator but I don’t know any creators yeah this the thing is like creators will want to play with other creators because creators playing with creators means more viewers most likely um it doesn’t actually always work out

Just because YouTube and um and S smps aren’t really the best but twitch streamers at least is a is a good example um but then you got to have either friends that invite you and play on but you know or or just going be a creative

Yourself so you if you go I’m losing payent uh unor um so yeah just uh Al the idea is cool I joinp but I it’s hard to like join the smps without like without being a Creator you know um which is a sucky part but also

Like we’ve spoken to it a few her different like um creates um uh what is it called like create YouTubers and um and we just like as much as all of us would like to play smps and S&P together we all just like eh no it’s not going to

Work out on YouTube so we don’t really want to do it tomorrow is my last day until we go back to school tomorrow uh on today yes likewise here I got tomorrow and then I I got one more semester of school um left and then I graduate finally I um

I feel um a little little done with all that I uh I want to be done with school now thank you very much all right let’s remove these things and take a look at the cave oh that wasn’t the source uh and see how it looks and then

We’ll probably do a little more terraforming on some other things just because we have the time uh I think we’re going to go a little longer today cuz I thought this was going to take longer but now how are we going to do streaming with four times uh and school it’s not

Going to be too much worry um because I’m not making videos I can do it um if I were to make a video at videos at the same time probably wouldn’t be possible uh but no I I put this the streams at times where I can do it I really like

This the b day after New Year jeez play with viewers is that it’s very volatile and unpredictable we don’t know who will join In The Stream and join just for this sometimes for bad purposes exactly yeah viewers stuff like that I think if you want to play create I think

Batsy uh both batsy and Uber I think have a great uh I’m not sure JoJo still has his uh but both batsy and um and Uber have great uh Community servers um been doing onep for a YouTube video of a friend it’s possible to get on an

Need to be trusted uh I spent a lot of time to join them yeah yeah yeah exactly we getting a new season soon yeah yeah so if you want to I I think Battis cost a bit though to be h no or is it

Open um I really like this cave the C is nice now let’s see how it looks driving through it on a train this is all I feel like this is all going to be for nothing like 13 yeah so it costs a little to pay on Ubers I

Think it’s free but you got to apply and stuff um can I even like oh it’s a devil train hello train has been de derailed can I get out please this train has I’ve had so many issues with this train just like it’s saying it’s reload relocated but it’s

Not I don’t know you playing some EP and PE I don’t uh I I got I got one server that I play on and that’s just me my girlfriend and my mods depends on YouTuber shs great guy uh I’ve I’ve spoken a bit to him um um and uh pretty

Funny I um I will I have some plans to do a video with them um at some point uh just um has to arrive the time the time to do it uh but yeah um I like shs very inactive on Discord oh my game crashed okay of course it did of course it

Did of course it did uh you pay to play some SBS yeah some SBS you pay to play on um uh honestly I think it’s worth it I played on uh why who’s celebrating I played on uh uh on FP supporter server so amazing honestly I I had so much fun

Um playing on it um I um where for the people you me 100% I I think it’s a lot of fun um depending on what you do you should look at different people’s uh supporter servers and all that stuff who time crashed yeah kind of felt like that yeah sh hit like 500k

Yeah he just did a few days ago uh New Year’s I think around or or for Christmas I can’t remember exactly now now it’s not derail anymore look at that uh oh that’s the oh it’s facing the correct way now look at that um no I I’ve honestly I’ve played on one

Supporter server that I paid for and that’s been FPS and I had a great time I didn’t have anyone to play Minecraft with and that like gave me the motivation to play Minecraft with uh I learned a lot um I I’ve uh turned the recording off because uh we’re not uh doing that

Anymore um so many worlds yeah I have a lot of Worlds a lot of them are just copies of this world oh my God I saw so much chat there was like nothing shown oh go I’m a great train driver I’m a great train driver I’m might R train driver chat okay no

Honestly I I don’t know is there’s a mod that makes it so you die when you crash trains right is that Steam and rails or is like what is like what is that hello let me see let me see ah there we go look at that look at the cave

Chat cuz I was running around in we Stones World download and I crashed and and died oh my headset is about to die uhoh and uh I crashed like full speed into another train and I just blew up you were hit by train I wasn’t hit by

Train I was I I just drove into another train with one of his trains choo choo train car simulator honestly um I don’t want to park here but I do want to park the train in the yeah you were hit by train in the arm yeah it

Hurts uh I yeah I know you can die that way but uh I I meant more like uh by crashing into another train because you saw me there I crashed full speed and I was fine so I’m confused on what may adds that to the game cuz my next world

Is going to be hardcore and I don’t want to accidentally you know crash I need test test that a bit uh there we go we can park it right here perfect perfect train perfect train didn’t you get hit by train the Train the train got hit by you you didn’t get

Hit by train yeah exactly the train got hit by me I sadly died but you know I was just like I went up to the train and then I just like boom or I just hit it with my foot like hit it I don’t to see

I don’t know if you can see my foot even that look so goofy I can’t myself chat I can’t um actually I’m going put down toolss and extra tools and extra I like trains I do too I like cattles guys silly thank you that’s what I do hello vilda hello hello everyone like

The stream we’re what 18 likes we’re 18 likes away from 100 and that’s that’s the goal for the streams during January uh H love welcome welcome welcome have you downloaded the game have you had any more nightmares can shout do an impression of a train yeah I don’t know ask

CH how am I going to get this up here Boulders o hello SAS s you like the stream servers um I’m really like Car fuff Bar buled Car fuff Bar buled uh that’s word St how am I going to connect this Up I have download the game good what if we divert the river and make the river go this way and we incorporate this to the train actually I need to see it I need to see it that this is going to be decided by one thing

Tada and have everything be used it into a mass storage S I can only really like put storage things in there which I do or like sh boxes in there but um I um oh this actually shown ow that was smart chat I forgot I had the I forgot I have the

Straw yeah we could extend that out then you PL read shout out loud making train noises yeah did I start bleeding from that as well I think I did I’m smart chat yeah so dumb um I hope there’s not a lot of blood f f in chat chat I don’t think it

Is no it’s fine it’s fine all right we have a box of dirt um I’m thinking we redirect from here out to that and then uh oh maybe I could do a port wait is yes this is the way Hold Up chat I’ve been suggested making a p a few times it’s

Actually I’m going to get a uh swollen lip uh maybe maybe maybe maybe hold up I need to write this down cuz I am missing an episode idea I like that I like that a port uh you got to keep it in English here

I do like that idea of a port cuz I’ve always said like ah I don’t really want a port but honestly it makes so much sense to have a port uh so if I just like widen this River out here leaving up to the Sea it’s going to be good I am

So have a little rain Line near the Ducks yeah we have that up here and then we can just make it divert back and like we can fix it up uh that’s that’s all going to be done in a future one uh future uh video video uh that’s a future

Video project um but first I need to connect this up and then we connect this here and we make a line that will connect up CU make BS that move cuz they got track on the ground I could do that actually um let’s see let’s see it’s a

Cool idea I I’m not I’m not sure if I’m I want to but I kind of do I think that can be really cool uh Port um dig um yeah there we go I made a working I made a working boat when you’re ending stream um probably an hourish um an hourish

And then we dig that down yeah I think this could work my lip hurts I wonder why chat I wonder why wa for me what’s your actual clock my actual clock is at 1737 I’m from Shen um can I connect this up here Central European Time Zone indeed yes

Accurate it’s going to be close actually yeah cool it’s going to be steep but I think it’s going to work in a minute the sto time zone guess what I’m playing Minecraft while watching you play Minecraft that’s the best honestly I always play Minecraft I watch Minecraft streamers when or when I

Play usually always is an over statement actually but most of the time slim Zone once G gvt now there actually um I feel like that’s something else but it it’s that it’s Central Stam your time Stam sippy sippy from the cup in the tips on terraforming place blocks honestly for TI forming that

Works um placing blocks is is the way to go oh we’re 10 likes away from 100 shot 10 likes um no honestly place blocks um until you like what you have um if eventually you learn techniques and stuff but uh it it’s one of those things where you just need practice it what’s

Up hyper um it it takes time uh to learn terraforming I’d say but uh I think there’s green witch time uh no it’s not that’s that’s UK time right green witch time is uh an hour behind me central stuio time it’s also called Central summer time or something like that I I

Can’t remember C Europe sometime how to get blocks to terraform um dig dirt um hold up I have a link actually uh oh who has done that FIP has done that terraforming FIP did a terraforming guide four years ago uh four years ago but I think it holds

Up I haven’t seen it in a while I but uh uh check it out after stream after stream um he’s he’s really good at terraforming um that look at Scar and try to what like try to do what other people are doing um and just it’s just space blocks

Honestly it’s uh it it’s hard to get into it I would say I don’t know I I it’s been so long since I uh since I learned um you in Sweden right now right yeah I’m in Sweden I live in Sweden um it’s hard to learn but um I and I

Don’t exactly remember what I did to learn but um it’s um uh it just takes a little bit of practice just you just got to stick with it you want could go on I don’t really want a Skyline Skyline doesn’t make sense because it’s it’s kind of unrealistic um yes I will have

Unrealistic train lines but um I think that takes that’s a little too far for me Road on a ice Road on an ice like What what I’m so confused that um Us in the UK along British summertime the rest of Europe only us one time a year no we we change time zone St doing bullet train in Minecraft I it’s too modern two more then yeah I think that’s going to work and

Then I’ll figure the port out eventually uh if I get the train down now I can just work around the train Inter City Express hello gamer hello tanic hello hello welcome in hope everyone’s having an amazing Sunday um yes I I I like that I like that I

Think that’s going to connect up well and then we can just continue it and then we need to figure out how the port is going to go into this B is here not late no why would you be late B what uh also if anyone’s confused on

What we’re doing now we are uh just terraforming because um the the cave took a little less time than I would have thought to finish um so uh um we’re terraforming instead CU this also needs to be done at some point this month and there’s quite a lot of work to

Do it’s always too early all right to be fair you’re almost you’re early for the regular stream time bner so you know trams are underrated trams trains I don’t think trains are unrated I don’t think they’re overrated either I think they’re fairly rated does Sweden have TRS we have

TRS Le gothenberg does and Stockholm um I don’t know about the places uh malite uh TRS not trains yeah TRS I Know that’s good just going connect the into that TRS do be cool yeah and then I want to get say we take this point from back here and we try to get that up to there which I think we can do kind of laid

Back is we don’t have to go up too too much what ulma ulma I have no idea what ulma is no idea that’s good H that’s this is a much nicer slope in we have in what there’re so nice if you sit in the back you see the whole city through the

Window GOI that’s why you haven’t joined yet because you say you’ll do it later and then you forget TRS are not wait what I’ve already read that um cool yeah that’s going to be a lot nicer um taking I think it’s a city in Sweden never heard of it small City if so

Oh uh I don’t think so I have not heard I’m not like my mom oh yeah I don’t think that’s a good rating CH then we can connect up from like over here this one’s going to have to be pretty steep again doesn’t leave too too much for the

Imagination there but it’s it should be fine uh and then this just got to go out there so take nor countries yeah I think I think I’m pronouncing WR we got take named you that might look a little weird though no it should be fine then if we can continue this line it’s Dark I searched on Google and there was no like location I feel like they pick pretty pretty well known places though but maybe not uh cuz there is a place called or is just a really small place who knows this is going to be roughly the

Shape here yeah I think I like it actually it was pretty good CU then yeah tast is good and then we can just connect it in there I got a building idea for this area over here yeah it’s going to be good it’s going to be

Good how do I get your ads in the middle of the stream cuz YouTube play plays ads uh YouTube place the ads good shape good shape good shape good shape I’ve got to run to bathroom chat I’ll be right back uh webcam there we go I’ll be right back

Chat only twitch do that no YouTube does it as well YouTube wants to make money as well but YouTube actually pays the Creator good amounts compared to Twitch twitch ad revenue is terrible that’s true toast is true it’s y yeah there you go I was going to say like it it’s close

To did the music stop no okay it’s close to like a Swedish Town’s name um but it’s not slightly it’s not like the full full thing so I was like yeah new m is a decent size hello splits I’m out of I’m out of water as

Well luy me go I’m drinking water chat staying healthy I had breakfast an hour before stream I had breakfast at 300 p.m. today I woke up at 1 I um I don’t know I woke up at 1 it was um split I said split accent apologies This the B County yeah Northern Sweden uh I think we’re going to do a little bit of digging chat cuz uh I don’t really want to play blocks right now breakfest me right regular breakfast chat regular breakfast for sure mhm mhh where did I place the box there

Uh let’s Al go get my beacon let’s go get my beacon the beacon um yeah we’ll do that my beacon is up here it’s through the nether well actually there’s no way onto the nether roof this way so I Lied I’m cuz last year I had my uh my stream playlist on epidemic sound itself but turns out most of the songs on epidemic are also on Spotify so yesterday I compiled my um uh I compiled my um my epidemic sound into Spotify playlist and uh I’m I’m I mean I’m

Curious to see if that like affects my WRA I think it’s going to add a bunch of time to it cuz I stream quite a bit and um it’s quite a lot of music there um there’s what I stream on a regular basis eight hours a

Year doing on Spotify that’s what I was doing on Spotify yesterday yeah um and assume 108 hours a year um cuz wait no wait 4 hours a week no wait 208 hours I think 28 hours um he’s Bing minutes I’m not Bing minutes I’m listening to music just came in what are

You doing um we are um we’re not working on the cave anymore because the cave uh the cave is done um I can show it real quick hello princess uh but um we’re uh working a bit more on the chair for me we’re going to be digging

Out a river a little bit more math no ma thing hello David hello hello welcome everybody I do want to get a river dug out a little more x341 hello hello welcome in welcome in paper as well hello so now we’re Gra my beacon so that we can mine Stone a little

Faster and I never showed getting this Beacon cuz I was just playing Minecraft on Christmas Day and I was like ah I want to dig a river so I did and I went and got a a uh Beacon for that and not on Christmas Day on CHR

Christmas the what is it called the day before Christmas Day the one we celebrate Christmas on the 24th basically hello hello I think you would be good that that’s the wrong way Christmas Eve yeah that’s what it’s called on Christmas Eve I was playing Minecraft by myself the day we celebrate Christmas uh

I was waiting for us to go to my to the uh extended family uh Christmas uh meeting bits and Chest mod oh I hate it I hate it so much don’t forget boxing day no is that to wasn’t that do I feel like that’s like I don’t know soon

Um no I I I dislike it um it’s it’s way too much um it’s cool it’s way too time consuming though just know you do YouTube yeah they do I mean they we live in the same house it’s hard for them to not here hello skish no that was a dumb question

Maybe hey SK how you doing what up to buddy I should build it one higher up I want to move it like the stream trying to get 100 likes here the badges actually finished a Warhammer model and fully painted it oh lovely stuff lovely stuff weren’t you doing yoube

Fulltime during January or uh has has the plans changed two more that I can see two more what oh we’re at 100 likes woo thank you thank you chat I’m going stop pestering you now I like this you’re at 100 now let’s go David thank you thank you

Big man imot is done very nice all right thank you chat uh let’s get haste Hast two boom uh we probably won’t need it for the beginning bit but I need a void in it to get down there all the way out there probably here as well I’m probably going to just scrape

Away here o I need my diving set of course of course the diving Set stks uh hello MC welcome In but no SK update on the the full-time thing were you not doing it or was it later this uh time had St we had no internet all this week so as of tomorrow I’m probably starting all right makes sense makes sense I was like I could have sworn you were doing that

This yeah it’s been a week and uh I’ve not had any oh uhoh makes me remember the what music oh I thought I have the fix for this maybe I don’t how to change your dragon oh got a good chunk of video done but couldn’t record my timel because of

Internet I have to use G Cam and open to land on both accounts from one PC makes sense um did I not did I not have that mod CH I need to check this uh I actually don’t think I do uh that’s why that glitch is happening uh that’s

Annoying maybe we don’t dig today then cuz I need to install this mod do you need license for these soundtracks yes epidemic sound um hanky where’s this link what is the mod called I can’t remember the mod called to fix it uh see through Lava water there we go found

It uh yeah I’ll U I’ll have to get that fixed and I guess we don’t do diggy diggy today that’s sad uh I wanted to do some diggy diggy but no uh I I can’t be bothered installing the mode uh I will collect resources though even though I have over 30,000

Stand okay maybe I want the dirt though the dirt the dirt the dirt sh use epidemic sound thinks I’m us art list I I use epidemic sound I’m actually paying for both licenses at the moment just because I had to I wanted to upload the uh the the movie and half of the

Videos are are in from art list and half from epidemic Uh the Discord keep procas I think you joined the Discord why do need need the mod or the license do that want to make money you can’t make money if you um don’t have the license because then they copyright strike your videos Almost 1,000 300 good point

Yep trying to figure out something to do but I’m I’m a little lost I think the cave is done I think maybe we just won’t go over two hours today maybe we’ll get another big bigger project next week uh I thought it was going to take longer to

Finish the cave I will be honest but it kind of didn’t uh I I’m a fan of the cave though even though you can’t see much of it when uh join let’s go um you can’t see much of it when actually going through a train I I think the atmosphere

In here is really nice I I I think we did a good job on the cave um but yeah I think I’m going to end stream here chat I’m going to go play some frontiers of Pandora and I’ll see you all tomorrow yeah tomorrow Al that I may be starting

My world again I want to update to one 20 but that see means I need a new world because mods have changed all right have fun with that skish the world again oh my God you just like got to have some consistency here skish shouldn’t you have thought about that when you first

Did it have a nice evening all right have a nice evening everybody or Sunday or whatever time it is for you like sleep whatever it is uh it’s been an amazing stream and um yeah see you guys tomorrow tomorrow at 6 central European tomorrow at this time so in 24 hours

I’ll be live again see you then um yeah goodbye

This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a TRAIN CAVE in Minecraft Create’, was uploaded by Stam1o on 2024-01-07 17:09:12. It has garnered 1599 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:41 or 7361 seconds.

Building a TRAIN CAVE in Minecraft Create! If you enjoy the stream make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

Modlist/World Download can be found in my discord.

Chat Rules: 1. Disrespecting Anyone In Chat Is Not Allowed 2. Keep Everything On A PG-13 Level! 3. No illegal substances related topics. 4. No hate speech Tolerated At All. 5. Think Before You Say Or Write Anything. Use Common Sense. 6. Try To Not Spam. 7. English Only

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  • Surviving & Thriving: Minecraft Episode 1

    Surviving & Thriving: Minecraft Episode 1 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to report on the latest gaming scene. Episode 1 of Survival, a journey begins, Crafting, building, exploring, all with grins. Join me on this adventure, as we dive deep, Into caves, forests, and mountains steep. With each rhyme I spin, a story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity molds. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, As we venture forth into the pixelated light. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to share, In the world of Minecraft, where we dare to care. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts Trending!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts Trending! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftjokes #boom Read More

  • Mastering the Double Smelter in Minecraft 1.21

    Mastering the Double Smelter in Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft 1.21 PL Update: Masterful Double Furnace Guide The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement over the latest update, version 1.21 PL, which introduces the Masterful Double Furnace. This new feature promises to revolutionize the way players smelt and cook their resources in the game. What is the Masterful Double Furnace? The Masterful Double Furnace is a game-changing addition to Minecraft that allows players to smelt and cook items at twice the speed of a regular furnace. This means that you can now process your resources more efficiently, saving you valuable time and resources in the game. Key Features… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to an exciting Minecraft server that is taking the gaming world by storm. While watching the YouTube video “Presentando Craft World #1 Minecraft,” we couldn’t help but think about the amazing community and endless possibilities that await you on Minewind server. With a vibrant Discord community and a dedicated team of moderators, Minewind offers a unique and immersive Minecraft experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to explore the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 4

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 4 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 In episode 4 of the Minecraft gameplay series by Martin, a passionate Spanish tutor and gamer from Argentina, viewers are taken on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft while learning Spanish. This episode focuses on mining, gathering resources, and opening the Nether portal for thrilling adventures in the dangerous Nether realm. Exploring the World of Minecraft As Martin delves into the game, viewers are treated to a visually stunning world filled with endless possibilities. From lush forests to deep caves, Minecraft offers a diverse landscape to explore and conquer. The vibrant… Read More

  • STOLE $3 MILLION BUGATTI | MINECRAFT #gaming #shorts

    STOLE $3 MILLION BUGATTI | MINECRAFT #gaming #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STOLE A BUGATTI CHIRON | MINECRAFT | #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming#shortvideos #shorts’, was uploaded by MoBBi Playz on 2024-08-08 11:02:16. It has garnered 6 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. I STOLE BUGATTI CHIRON | MINECRAFT | #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming#shortvideos #shorts Welcome to MoBBix ! Join our growing community by hitting the subscribe button and turning on notifications to stay updated on the latest videos. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, MoBBix has something for everyone . 🎮✨ Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe… Read More

  • Ultimate Meme Animal Shenanigans in Cursed Minecraft!

    Ultimate Meme Animal Shenanigans in Cursed Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNNY MEME ANIMALS in MINECRAFT! CATS | DOGS | MONKEY & OTHER PETS CURSED MINECRAFT #3/2’, was uploaded by Felizio Craft on 2024-07-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 13345 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hello, you are on the Felizio Craft 🤗 did you like the video? like and comment! Playlist Click: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoHnniB9V96NsnfmPnL7B8kPe-jGQv3O9 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN00zfC0glEyWMkxAgKedGg/?sub_confirmation=1 #minecraft #pets #funnypets #cat #dog #monkey #meme ⚠️DISCLAIMER: FANMADE. This video is a mix of video montage, gameplay, mods, glitches, unreality, my game theories and versions in the game Minecraft. Video made… Read More

  • Ultimate Hardcore Island Survival Challenge!

    Ultimate Hardcore Island Survival Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Survival Island 3 (with gamingparts) Part 6′, was uploaded by MGB TV on 2024-06-23 05:38:39. It has garnered 33 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:17 or 6557 seconds. I am playing Minecraft Hardcore on a survival island with gamingparts gamingparts’ channel: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingparts179 PC Specs GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 RAM: 16GB #gaming #minecraft #live #minecrafthardcore #minecraftsurvivalisland Read More

  • Mysterious World Invitation – You won’t believe what happened next!

    Mysterious World Invitation - You won't believe what happened next!Video Information This video, titled ‘i got invited to a random persons world…’, was uploaded by Vivilly on 2024-04-02 18:00:12. It has garnered 1046861 views and 111994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #minecraft #mcyt #shorts Is this the best world of all time? Yes, it is. MINECRAFT SERVER IP: VIVILLY.NET STORE: https://store.vivilly.net/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/vivillyyy 2ND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLhDZLmDBu1JVQTKjYK3TA DISCORD: https://discord.gg/e3BqumG3ac Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every… Read More

  • Unbelievable Spleef Trap in Minecraft UHC!

    Unbelievable Spleef Trap in Minecraft UHC!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Spleefed Him into my Trap MID FIGHT – Minecraft UHC’, was uploaded by Absolutely Alpha on 2024-02-29 19:15:02. It has garnered 9773 views and 230 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I Spleefed Him into my Trap MID FIGHT – Minecraft UHC Gameplay or first edited date: 11/4/20 ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Discord: https://discord.gg/6XBCTMD ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● #hypixel #minecraftshorts #hypixeluhc Read More

  • Kuno’s EPIC Minecraft Stream – MUST WATCH!!

    Kuno's EPIC Minecraft Stream - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT STREAMM YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!’, was uploaded by Kuno on 2024-09-08 12:18:06. It has garnered 37 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:44 or 6884 seconds. 😀 Read More