EPIC Underground Base Build in 100 Hrs! Minecraft Hardcore

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We are live I have try to make some my hair is that all tangled up all right how’s everyone doing welcome to the stream should be live momentarily uh yeah live okay cool howdy howdy everybody Mike is picking me up yeah Mike is picking me up hello Maximus

Sounds like it’s very late for you glad you can make it though hello Wick gaming paperly how are y’all doing all right let me first I’ll put all my armor back on CU oh I don’t have the time or shoot I completely forgot about the time or

The whole point of the series give me a second y’all oh my goodness I just completely forgot about the timer today uh got to find the oopsies uh give me one ‘s see it was 18 hours 32 minutes 53 seconds that’s what we left off on all

Right 1832 53 yep okay and let’s keep going and that is on stream yep B my little head should I plan a time schedule and when you have a live stream if you want to it’s always appreciated when you when y’all here for the streams but also you

Know uh whatever y’all want to of course uh he has puffer fish we already have a puffer fish in the aquarium he does have some coal which I kind of want but yeah might work yeah I typically stream around this time of day what is it seven

Yeah because it’s 7:00 p.m. for me this is typically when I stream so if you want to be able to schedule to Wi you be here for a stream this is the time slot to do it actually before we start I need to get some wood some just a little bit of cherry

Blossom so like one one tree wor we’ll cut this one down so we’re going to keep working on the sugarcane farm and just the underground base as a whole or Farms don’t have a name for it I guess this is a part of the bar technically so it’s really not anything too too

Special also need to get a better diamond sword we might go mining today actually cuz we are very low on diamonds and we could certainly use some more diamonds because my yeah stuff like my chest plate especially if I’m on nether trip ain’t looking too hot so we

Actually might do some diamond hunt in here later tonight I want at least finish a show G Farm tonight though and we we will’ll we plant this tree I also need to get water in my bucket for safety so now that we have Fortune two on this I’ll actually be really good to

Do some mining you watch the Minecraft creeper jump scare ah I’m glad you glad too you did thank you thank you thank you um anyhow so last time we went to the nether that was the big thing we got Blaze watch got all sorts of good old stuff um we

Finished up the Bond as yall can see the bond is fully finished now um I do need to do some Landscaping on the top but I’m I’m happy how it looks for now I don’t feel like you know doing too much of that I also worked on the Windows a little bit on

The enchanted Towers so need to finish that but that’s a very simple thing that I can just do whenever really maybe when we get closer to the end of a stream I also this little switch worked on this so all of our Farms or like automated Farms are going to be down

Here such as the uh sugarcane farm Minecraft world multiplay on no so that’s something I might start someday is another with the viewers world if people are interested in that I used to do one I did try doing one earlier this year it wasn’t too

Popular I think I only got like maybe if I was lucky like one person would join so it’s something I discontinued and then I saw this hardcore series but I wouldn’t be against doing another um another with the viewer series if people would want me to I should have

Been more careful of that it’s all good I got we place the torch let go down there and do that actually so monsters don’t spawn there we go oh yeah let was R doing this yeah so pretty much how it’s going to work is there will

Be so the there’s going to I’m going to make some detectors or absorbers sorry absorbers yeah I knew that’s going to happen there we go and I wanted to be even on both sides actually know what I could do I could put just put the torch right there open space here there we

Go so these observers are want to push the sugar cane in this the sugar cane will flow down into this hot Bo and then from there it will get collected down in the chest uh got no school on Monday oh nice oh nice to have a bit of a

Break okay now I don’t know so this I only want to use the Cherry Bloss for the pathway I want to make the wall something different I just don’t know yet so for now just going to keep it the cave look but I do want to do something with

It but that’ll be for later anyhow for now just doing some or inventory organizing and once we leave this going we’ll go mining then we’ll probably get back to work on this so I want to do a couple automated Farms down here you know it’s always good to have that

Okay where was all my oh did I I got the quartz I don’t think I have quartz on me power three bows in here Um red stone I need Redstone what else do I need probably iron yeah let’s go back to the house get everything else we need you you have a Sonic short awesome you’re wearing it I have a few Sonic Shorts okay actually since it’s night time I’m going to do a bit of mob

Hunting I gota be careful since my diamond sword is low I probably won’t do too much but I am going to do a bit of Monster hunting so we get some experience maybe get to level 50 oror I mean because then we could get a yeah shoot the zombie ow get out of

Here yeah okay what else is around I could kill one was Authority and I really want that Infinity bow we get that Infinity bow we you would be so set ow yeah I really need to stop being so wless like that two Creepers um don’t want to mess with two

Creepers oh that was close I thought he would have died all right ow what what oh a spider get out of here oh zombie give Mr spider there’s a lot of spiders some I missed nice nice okay let’s like a few more monsters we should be set there’s another creeper okay we’re

Good was so close getting that Infinity bow Enchanted s full armor and a sword yeah I was shocked on that one full gold armor and iron iron sword too I believe there’s a thing in Minecraft I think it’s especially in hard mode where monsters will get more

Armor and stuff the longer you stay in like a area I could be wrong on that but I think that is a thing like they get more they they’re going to be more powerful the longer like the chunks have been loaded in that might just be a a a hoax that not may

Not be wheel but I think it is now get out of here okay should be get enough on my way back and then we can get our bow go to Enchanted Towers well you go to there no monsters okay H really a witch let me get the creeper over here it’s

Okay okay let’s go one the witch nice I was so close this is like one zombie there we go nice who I almost feel like I should not use this sword I don’t know it’s like it’s only fire aspect one but it’s also fire aspect one that’s really

Cool let’s go upgrade a bow I need to put a door here as of now it’s kind of dangerous but up here safe it’s like my little Safe Haven from the world can look down on everything everything we’ve built I really need to make a better house zombies get in advance they are

They really are actually I don’t know how to feel about that but it’s bound to happen eventually Evolution huh oh did I not bring a bow with me oh I can make one I gu make another one uh yeah bow and I need a lapis um bam bam that should be infinity infinity One yes and just because I can make another bow I just want to see what the next one can get Unbreaking three Unbreaking one power one if I get that Unbreaking three that would be good so I’ll save up for that we’ll keep this bow here the

Lapis oh shoot where did I put my other bow my power three bow I think I left it in the chest D it that’s all good anyhow we got a power we got or we got an Infinity bow let’s go oh yeah look look at the little window good look

Outside can you shoot a to this you can huh no I would love to get Unbreaking on this though but for now infinity and power three that’s a combination I cannot beat hello my favorite talking question mark block hello Spar how you doing how’s it

Going there it is okay I’m just going to kind of dump all this in here so we’re going to go mining I need the resources I need them now won’t bring an axe I will bring a shovel bring this this going to combine the Two bows so actually let me do

That take the iron with me in case I make actually not should be good I’ll leave anything else here I will take that wood though and I will bring the bread in case I need more food and bring the coal actually cuz then we can make torches there we go okay

Cool oh I should keep one arrow on me so I can actually use my Infinity bow I’ll keep two just in case I lose one doing fine nice nice we need to bed these animals oh it’s all good I say as one past a massive Farm of wheat okay let’s

Go combine the bows and then we’re going to go mining um wonder if I go to a new cave or what I feel like the cave and our area is kind of getting dry that we haven’t gone to the white so actually I think we we’ll do that it’s

So much lighter in here now cuz all the windows this feels like it okay 11 jeez is that any cheap the other way six heck yeah we are set man infinity and power three that’s that does that’s a lot of damage too did we get um whatever fire aspect is for

Bows I don’t remember that’s called but that you would be golden how my diamond chest plate doesn’t break it shouldn’t break on not on this quick little trip we just got to find some Diamond I maybe I’ll do some Swip mining later today I could do Swip Min I don’t

Know actually let’s start by doing no we wa at the cave uh yeah let’s just go to the cave forest and then maybe we’ll do some s mining later on so I know Marsh mid a swi mine and we should probably use it but I also like going through whe caves

Even though oh jeez that’s scary it’s scary it’s scary they are very scary but very fun very rewarding oh my oh I remember this fence post so I was scared I was going to die look at that some free rewards I say I don’t think I’ve gone much in this

Direction so let’s go around here some Redstone oh there’s some gold over here watching it that’s a iron sword is that an enchanted iron sword it is sharpness Two Fire aspect one that’s pretty good find honestly oh here’s some iron always use more iron low isn’t it’s fortune 3 the

Highest you can get I think that’s what it is so I would love to get upgrade the Cobble questore the fortune 3 not bad at where it’s at though someone I think mosh went this way he just kind of ran past a lot of these materials what so special we’re going to

Need more of though that’s why I think Mar pretty much went through this whole cave so I don’t think we’ll have luck finding diamonds oh a spawner oh he told me he found a spawner I meant to have him tell me what that was and he never did and now he’s

Gone well at Le he today he’ll probably be back in a future stream we can make it happen we will there’s a lot of zombos and a baby zombo another dude with gold armor jeez a dudes gold armor oh and glow squids so they’re going to drown not drown but

Suffocate it’s fine I’ll just look the other way that’s so messed up but God it’s fine I’ll just look the other way okay I need catch up a chat y’all said a lot and i’ have been looking uh shout out to everyone watching by the way I always as always appreciate

It glad have people who popping in I want to see what monster is cuz we could make that into a a grindor a uh experience grindor know good that would be I can figure out how to make one that’ll be the force issue oh it’s a skeleton oh means we get bones

Bo oh this is where he hit himself and I remember that I remember he almost died I remember him find it and almost dying vividly remember it all right okay more iron more iron didn’t to go here looking for iron but here we are how much time have I gotten here

Already 19 okay I thought I got more than that did we we got that dude’s full set of gold armor Unbreaking leggings not bad how to face your face just look away toofus bazooka oh my goodness I wish we had Tois bazooka you know how easy it would be to find diamonds with

That my the zombies were full armor and weapons then used to be no players who died got torn to Zombies by witches o a bit of lore it’s fun it’s a fun idea there we go um may go in this way I don’t know like I said I’m pretty

Sure Marsh went through all this so I think I might leave I did see some Redstone so I’ll come get that I do got to be careful for the Stag stag no dripstone that’s what they call them dripstone not stag mites because Minecraft doesn’t call them the stalagmites or stag ties they’re all

Just dri Stone Big Iron vein huge iron ow what’s that what’s that okay this spider s being so well protected now so like I’m not as worried as I used to be no sunlight whoa I kind of want to go all the way up there thing is I don’t know how powerful

Dripstone is like can it kill me cuz I know like I know it acts like an anvil it can like drop down and H you but like with Diamond Armor how bad does that h thought I heard a slime we have a couple slime balls but I never SE more no the

More swear I hear a slime um maybe just son of me breaking blocks I want to go up there but I also don’t want to die from Fall damage I don’t think I would die from Fall damage from that high now a feather Fallen but I want wasis it

Oh I could just stack up I have I was going to try to do with a water bucket but I could literally just think I’m going get out of this cave I said I don’t think we’re going to be find a lot of diamonds here at this point

Let’s go and get in this little corner here some I feel safe I still not up here I’m almost there I don’t like being on that edge I was expecting like a cre something bad to show up I was like like a creepo or something I’m I’m happy we

Survived that’s the thing about coming down here we’ve been like oh two up we’ve been like peacefully building and all that and now being back in here like all my fears are coming back o coal we’ll actually one to low on coal especially since I traded like a

Few stacks for emeralds CU I wanted a puff a fish so let’s get this oh honestly get back to the surface I think I’ll just do a bit of Swip mining like with this pickaxe I can break Cobblestone pretty quick so yeah wow we got 52 just from that one

Vein let’s still second vein yep doesn’t look like it’s as big you never know looks can be dece no just that still got a stack of Cal just from those was two little veins one big vein uh I don’t think I see any more coal though unfortunately I’ll take a stack of Co

That’s not bad Minecraft’s too cool for we W TMS yeah honestly I love Minecraft uh Kind of want to explore this side kind of want to mosy on I don’t know I like exploring exploring I’m also kind of hoping we find some more coal hey get out of here no that wasn’t enchanted bow I was hoping it was okay let’s

Light this up a bit let’s use our last few torches um there I do know oh there’s some iron little bit more iron as a goodbye present thank you wow looks like the cave goes a lot deeper going to my white uh yeah it does I know I said I was going to

Leave uh yeah I think I am H I am let me not get too greedy Me I don’t know yeah I think it’s about time this has been a soul cave for nearly 20 hours I think it’s time when we put it the wor who knows maybe I’ll build something in this cave in like the part closer to the sky to the above ground lands could be

Cool we still got a lot of other projects though it’s crazy when was at the 20 hour mark which means I honestly I need to figure out what we’re doing for 25 hours I would like to do some kind of Milestone stream for each 25 hours maybe

I should have saved going to the nether for the 25h hour mark maybe I should have that was it was really cool to go into The Nether that was a lot of fun last time with Lucas we almost died though several times makes me scared for when we go to

The end okay now where is this oh is this a by the cherry blossom Forest I think so yeah okay well we the CH B for so no thank you yep cuz here’s our home oh come on dude look at that that basically one shotted him watch this I’m going to get this

Spider right here stop moving stop two shot a zombie yeah one shot a spider so got power freaking through need get sharpness on this sword oh that’s gross I thought it was spider also take the XP let’s head back home put stuff in the forace take a nap and we’ll go Swip mining

Nice get some more bones do 64 hours oh we should maybe I’ll build like a big quest mark block I like on that Hill for that at like 60 hours and see if I can do it in four hours I probably could I got the materials beforehand that I

Could oh I forgot to put clay in there we have one out of room the valuable justess what the I SW we have more iron than this I don’t know it’s all good we just got another stack and a half so who cares throw this in here throw that in

There through the copper and we are one and out of space why is the water and flesh here that’s why we one not have space see I really need to redo my chest I I just need to have a proper chest system someday but for now we’re going

To shove over our junk in here and do the fun part of f mining oh Redstone put that in valuable chest oh where’s the quartz I got I know I have some so I’m going to need that yeah I’m going to need quartz I’m going to need we need it

Later do we have any Soul Sand did was I looking up to grab Soul Sand I don’t think I was shoot for nether wart Farm object show thing I made po picture H like milk doesn’t deser to be called Joseph oh so thought that counts object show JY 64 statue

Yeah um how do you make a detector again just so I know the materials I need for this or absorver okay yes just Redstone and quartz okay so yeah we can make a good amount make a couple we get all this war copper and make make it into 40 blocks to consor

Space cool okay let’s go mining let’s take this coal with us and I know I have a bunch of sticks in one of these chests how many other oh I probably the AR in actually I know I there a ton of sticks see make a stack bam nice all right we top that

Off let’s go do some swi mining hope you have some good luck streaming for about 30 minutes there’s anything I want there where’s the saddle remember we eventually made that tunnel system I’m going to have to make one of the tunnels actually useful thing I don’t the one through the cave every

Time probably have it lead into here too oh yeah Mar’s beds is down here I threw a bunch of junk and chest I love Marsh’s bed down here kind of mean that was force fan of things on the things on that channel it’s a Pioneer it is a

Pioneer um where’s oh I just I went past it wow look at this though oh this must have been we got the obsidian so he got obsidian for me before I remember that now I’m want to explore I have a water bucket so I could easily get across oh be careful

Careful did that feel like I’m just making a situation worse uh okay know what you know what maybe not this way I just made it extremely worse oh no okay like if I just kind of do this should cut it off yeah so I cut it off yep okay now it’s St though

That was the light source okay main reason I want to do is I want to see there’s anything over here like going over there maybe you know maybe oh my goodness this is the SW this pickaxe maybe I should used the iron pickaxe down not my diamond one he is another lava

Stream that’s cool and all okay let’s go Swip mining it’s time hope we get some more diamonds so we go repair this diamond pickaxe you get mending on it I forgot about this block there we go blueberry take Marsh’s bed Blueberry L of blueberries just become like a pseudo villain in a weird way we also have such a Negative such a Negative um annotation around him okay cheese msh really did mine for a long time honestly I probably don’t even need to go all the way to the end here I

Could just mine off one of these corridors by this part C to see how far it goes what the heck dude SW it ends oh no he went up slightly oh cuz it was lava and then he went went down he went over The Lava and then ended

Here oh that’s uh that’s bad yeah you know what I think I’m going to do I think I’m just going to do hallway split and off from this main Corridor mainly because it’s just way too much to one down I will get the sweat Stone though assuming there’s no bad

Stuff yeah we’re good oh that scared me any diamonds this way can what was like the optimal way to look for diamonds in this game I don’t remember either way it should be pretty quick quest to find some doing this though has anything in Minecraft it’s a game of

Luck we just got to hope we get lucky enough to swipe gold with diamonds I guess I’m not against getting diamonds or gold I mean it’s always nice gold is good you can make powered whales this is always my go go-to fa thought whenever I think of gold in

Minecraft at least in terms of its usefulness blueberry um Blue Toad it’s who an a forign to I believe oh wa no no no is blueberry Blue Toad I forgetting my own I believe if I remember my characters correctly believe that’s Blue Toad okay all right guys how long yall think

It’s going to take till we get Diamonds oh No Blueberry is the blue Yoshi bucking Berry bucking Berry is Blue Toad oh okay that’s fine we’ll just like go this way so torches are right next to me there we go that’s a lot more convenient please please give me some

Diamonds I want some diamonds today oh I forgot put the diamonds white next to me I am a DF fan I’m digging a hole Diggy Diggy Hole a Diggy Diggy Hole I am a DWF and I’m digging a hole Diggy Diggy Hole Diggy biggy hole oh that’s a bad

Well I am a door hey we got wet stone diamonds I get so excited man I’m like I like gasp so loud let’s get this Redstone and make sure there’s no Lava like wide above bedw walk are we supposed to be like wide above bedw walk or we supposed I feel like he

Supposed to be a bit higher isn’t it aren’t you I don’t know mosh made this and I trust mosh mostly I think it’s just a two and and looks like everything’s clear never know when lava is sneaking around I don’t want to accidentally lose my diamonds but okay how many we going to

Get three that’s enough to make a new pickaxe Okay cool so we can enchant another pickaxe and then combine with this one the Cobble crer it’s the lava Joe it’s flowing I think uh no we’re good I I got to stop yeah let me put let me do that I’ll put that there

So the one into it but you know that’s a dead end and a blue berry is right next to me what all of that oh no I’m sorry Blueberry anyhow I think this I think I feel like you’re supposed to be lower than this wait minut I have a shovel uh there I feel like oh mean I feel you’re supposed to be higher than this to get diamonds I thought it was like 10 blocks

From bedw walk the to oh no the torch then stop it it’s um you’ll be able to see here for a second I Min one block down so it could fill in like that that’s all I M through the lava like right when it was flowing through it’s a little

Whiskey I know we’ll find a lot of stuff in this little area so maybe maybe let just keep going okay we have enough to make a new pickaxe that’s that’s good that was like my first concern wonder if we go nether white mine and I feel like we have to

Eventually we have to Nether white mine think I got to get at least one nether white ingot in the 100 hours I think that’s fair imagine if the lava flow was the way you came in for that would suck luckily for it’s not oh oh we at the main hallway again

That’s funny okay um huh no I just keep going straight why stop I get the creepy cave sounds now come on on I need more dondes the diamond please I don’t even know how many I want to go for today really so I don’t I don’t know I don’t

If I want to spend the whole episode down here well not even have that one hour mark yet I don’t know we’ll see maybe I’ll stop at the 1 hour mark or may maybe I’ll go to like the oh stop okay I got the stop again cool let’s

Just so I going to flow over no okay I got experience for that let’s see let’s just do that keep going this way should I look up what’s the best height for diamonds I think I’m just being impatient like if I could find like a eight vein like you know he just got

Lucky he found only a two vein that’s all I just got to be patient we’ll find more diamonds as as I wonder like how many diamonds in this hallway going to the left in the White Walls like so a diamond block like right here okay no there’s not not one white here

Would that beit funny if there was one white here no what about like direct wly above me this is how I die just where I go what if I just dig directly up I’m just digging a random direct just hoping I find diamonds let’s go back to

The main time I I don’t want to make a maze not he at least I don’t know if we make that underground maze maybe we’ll connect it to this um M and operation down here to make it more confusing so I need to go back for that

Redstone we have finding a lot of redstone which is good again I want to make a lot of automated automation automated farms and whatnot so I’m okay with this okay we like two blocks up from bedwar three three sub bed always scares to me I don’t know why so so one two

Three four five or five blocks up from bedw walk okay cool the lava all right no laa no Lava no no diamonds hiding next to the the Redstone maybe maybe one maybe two maybe three no okay we’ll keep moving know what game I was so minding about recently Minecraft

Legends a game that I was really excited for then I just kind of forgot about and never bought like I feel like that I would really enjoy that game I feel like it’s right up my alley like a strategy game a real time strategy game where you like grow a

Army and you play as like a little Captain it’s very Pikmin esque you know might be a lot of Pikmin at least or G in a sense of gameplay you know so I feel like it’ be right up my alley but I never got to it s one those games I

Feel like like like M my Minecraft dungeons I think you can now give for like 20 bucks or probably even 10 bucks you wait for like a sale so I feel like it’s something I’ll just kind of wait for and one day hope I get kind of

Lucky okay I I don’t think there’s anything over here I I was just kind of hoping there was no diamond there uh maybe if I just like like I’m bound to find diamonds eventually one of these corridors come on one of these corridors no okay NOP really am just making a maze

Now making all the like connecting paths like go which way this is the right way so this way this way maybe this way forgot what the gamepl looked like yeah I don’t they I feel like they really didn’t Market it as much as they did um dungeons I feel like Dungeons they

Went really hard in the marketing I feel like they didn’t Market leg Legends nearly as much or maybe I just not the Target demographic I don’t know who Knows but it was I kind of think Pikman you would around as your little Minecraft dude and you like rode on a horse you were a captain and you g around and um oh gold cool but you went around and um you recruited people to your army you could

Grow your army you had your little home base where you can bring back your materials and resources and very much Pikmin es when it comes like strategy games that’s like the best FS my phone needs a charge that’s the best way I could explain it drink some water okay drink your water

Kids you got switch online again nice that’s good in the future we do any online games I know tomorrow we will be doing Mario maker I know it’s been a hot minut since we’ve done Mario Maker Monday par partially because of the holidays partially because of uh Mario Wonder

But inspires the 20th of november24 oh okay so you got yearlong membership Epic no that’s good I I try to do it with the viewers thing at least once a week um maybe I’ll do a Minecraft with the viewers thing someday soon I used to do

Like said before I used to have a survival series that I did and I even had a um what do you call it I used to go like on stor wars on Minecraft on Bedrock Edition on console on uh on switch I don’t know why I had

It called by so many different names but I used to go on it on switch and I would um play with viewers like the different mini games like uh like Sky Block and money Wars other games I can’t think of the little parkour things they had and

Whatnot maybe I’ll do one of those streams coming up soon just for fun whether people people join me or not I used to enjoy them a lot I would play on cubecraft that was always my favorites of the Star Wars and they would have this game during Christmas time oh they probably

Have it up by now they have this game during that’s only up from like nove all of December and like a little bit of January and it might be all of January as well I know it’s all December and it’s like winter Wars or something it’s

Such a cool game and I always hate that they didn’t not they don’t just make it a permanent game because like outside of the map being a winter theme if you just melted the snow and they had like three or four different maps and they bring back every

Year oh now I want to go play that I I low key I might actually play that tonight I don’t know about do it on soon I might go check to see it’s there maybe before we end stream tonight I might go check if it’s there and if it is there

I’ll do like a quick I’ll do like a round on stream I know it’s not hardore but M typically pretty quick in that it was a fun PVP game I don’t I know I’m not a big fan of PVP games but it was fun oh build Battle Mortal oh yeah I

Remember those build battle um Mortal mystery M mystery is always such a fun one they had so many different maps from Mor mystery my favorite was always the just the traditional Mansion though and I my oh my goodness my inventory is filled oh oh it just happened okay this

Probably good let’s go back for now cuz I like to at least Bank all this deep slate okay maybe and we’ll start a new tunnel cuz yeah we’ll I I can’t even see where the next tunnel starts or the main one is oh oopsies let’s see what El do we get we

Got good amount of coal decent amount of redstone I’ll take it take it okay this is not the main Cavern trying to make it to only the main Cavern is the one that has all those torches on the the walls so I can I know that’s like the way

Out should be right here yep guess what I could do actually oh no cuz I don’t pick up the Deep Sleep blocks never mind I want to pick up the Deep Sleep blocks cuz these are deep Slate’s are cool building block I can see myself use it for

Another build like I did before so in the past so I like to throw it in a chest more almost back I think jeez yeah next tunnel we do I want to do close to the front here as well cuz this is too long of a walk more gold wow 50 gold let’s

Go but yall say like fav with like gem go to sleep at 1:20 okay so about 20 minutes yeah I don’t blame you it’s pretty late for you for me it’s only 8:20 well be it’ll be 8:20 then it’s 8:00 at the M yeah let’s up float all this deep

Slate I’ll keep all the minerals on me because to be honest I might forget to grabb this before I leave go to the W the blocks so so it doesn’t take up as much inventory space okay I’ll go mining for a little bit longer do I have any

Coal to make torches with I don’t so actually we might not be mining for too much long guard we’ll go till I one out torches then that’s fair uh you know what why here if I could find one more vein of diamonds I would be happy at this point that’s this what I

Want like give me one more vein of diamonds baby come on just one more I can stop whenever I want I don’t have a gambling addiction I can stop whenever I want just need one more win baby oh look at that more hidden wetstone any hidden

Diamonds so a quest this really is the like best way to get diamonds as people say and people claim it is like I should probably believe them but I don’t know sometimes I’m like what’s wrong with just a good old Cavern I see find another good big one nice big

Cavern that’s what I need to find I’m G to do this as well just to see if I get lucky so I don’t need all the Deep slate as much as I act act like I need all the Deep slate I really don’t need all of it

I think I got a double chest wor of deep slate already no okay yeah that be torch off mine in all directions just to see if we get lucky never don’t know whole point of mining I won’t like part me which just get a stack of TNT and go to town like I

Could honestly I might that is that I don’t know I don’t think feel like I see a lot of people do TNT mining though CU then you got a chance of like if say place down a piece of TNT like white here and there’s a diamond behind

This block you’re going to blow up the diamonds but does cover more ground you know on the other hand oh I didn’t go this way yet wish toad us he was Bazooka yeah would be good it’s like okay toad come on just fire be like okaya

Baby the idea of TOA bazooka is so hilarious where’s my Toad the Bazooka figure huh huh Nintendo diamonds come on gosh come on man you tell me this is zero diamonds zero zil NADA uh-uh none more Redstone yay like again it’s great to get a lot of redstone good

Material you know especially for some like me making a lot of redstone M I did not realize I was lapis at for I thought it was diamonds H it’s all good give me the lapis again something I need something that’s great to have not exactly what I’m looking

For I just mine on this whole block come on you know somewhere there’s diamonds here I just got a feeling I might not this entire section I just m this entire layer of the planet plan to get at least like one Diamond this how the every corupt

Businessman starts like go I I could just destroy the environment a little bit more what could possibly happen this time I didn’t forget my pazooki RPG with that happens so this time I didn’t forget my bazooka it was just like a blown up house behind toad I’m a murderer Mario I have blood

On my hands oh sometimes I question the things that come out of my mouth God we got so much steep slate again I want to pay my pickaxe but I also want p on my sword I SP all this time I deep SL not finding a single I found three diamonds

Or two only two ores M me man come On just y you look at that I told you all the strategy was going to work look at that I try to close so trying to keep them open if you want to sleep sleep dude uh oh my goodness two diamonds come on at least at least like three oh three okay

Okay we got three okay three three maybe more four four four four four okay let’s excavate the whole little area around it make sure there’s no Lava peeking around okay I think it’s four but you know what I’m okay with yeah four oh why Four Diamonds well five four diamond

Ores could be more can be more don’t take me a while to get all the way up here I just want to make sure there’s no Lava I do not want these Diamond skin destroyed I would be very upset I would be very upset in my Spaghetti be upsetti spaghetti I’m kind of I get more diamonds by mining around this you do get lucky that way and there are just like a like another another vein just like white in this corner or something okay let me not get too let me let me mine these diamonds secure the

Payload okay is this four yeah four okay one two three four nice I did get all of it so at seven now so we got three from the fource one so this one just s of gave us four but hey seven that’s now enough to make another

Pickaxe another sword and with two the spare so I think we have one at home too nice I think that’s pretty solid I’m pretty happy I ain’t going to lie Pretty gosh unhappy about that one big old vein there we’ll go use up our last torch we might as well we got one

Torch left see what it’s going to give us of course we’ll check all sides I know what you’re going to find I’m so excited gosh imagine but there was such a good chance we could have missed that it’s crazy there’s probably you know how many times we probably have

Missed cuz we just can’t see through the Walls man crazy man crazy yeah no I think that’s it I’ll take that what we got nine diamonds seven diamonds I’ll take it still my top 10 favorite characters List that’s gr uh maybe get lucky and have some diamonds from above I’ll do this on the way

Back doesn’t cost me any torches so we might get lucky at least do it until I get bored of doing it oh what done again handy to have yep that’s it okay cool I’m going to be making a new pickaxe soon anyway so I don’t really

Care too much if we get the durability low on this so might as well BL it up not sure each of these torches mine off a little bit again see if we get lucky again oh nah I get the Flint though now know if we need some Flint in

Steel yeah we’re just about back at the start yeah no no extra diamonds for us I’ll take the ones we got honestly I’m I’m excited about that okay we got one last checkpoint seven diamonds Ain a bad hall for what we’ve been mining for probably about 30 minutes or so not

Bad honestly I’m just itch should to find a good cave to explore like Swip mining is fun and all but I feel like caves are where it’s at be honest I think this whole cave is explored not that I have any torches on me but I’ll check up here so I think I

Did yeah pretty went up here maybe I didn’t maybe this SM also say I was go explore some of these caves later I only L them up a little bit does that continue up there I don’t think so watch it’s probably diamonds I over that Hill

Too okay let’s make our way back up and home I know there’s nothing in this area I guess I should bring back what deep slate I can going to mine the swist it’s really been bothering me I’ve just been leaving it here any other things I should bring

I’ll keep this down here but yeah I’ll just bring back whatever deep slay I can haul back on my bear can I recommend a blue berry statue sure oh boy I really need to get the sheep farm going of all the different colors of wool is there a way you can

Make an automatic like sheep wool she like it will sh Shear the Sheep automatically that’s a thing is the sun coming up or is the moon they yeah sun’s coming up cool yeah we’ll go up on this little Hill watch it watch it come up and over uh

Oh I pretty much see just about everything we built here look at that that’s amazing this is so wholesome okay let’s get back to work almost have 20 20 hour mark wow I I feel like we just started the series I guess the fource one probably was a hot minute ago I don’t

Know honestly don’t know how long it’s been since we started this series I think it’s been more than a month how my fishy still down here yeah what’s the puffer fish where’s the puffer fish what oh no the puff fish die or despawn most of the salmon are here what

Happened to the puffer fish I spent five emeralds on this puffer fish where did it go what the heck man it’s been a little less than that gotcha oh wow plays of th is a lot quicker than I honestly thought we were going to okay anyhow let’s go drop off everything we

Have some point we got to rebuild the village still got to do that at some point oh gosh I actually had to find a place for all this deep slate did not think about that part uh we really need to make it proper organization system okay we’ll consolidate this Redstone I’m going to

Consolidate the redst in here too there we go oh we have near over two stacks of gold just kind of sitting here H give me like a stack of wson to keep on my por um the go can just get thrown in here for now okay so we have eight

Diamonds total want to make a new sword and a pickaxe five and we have three left this should also almost be done cool so the iron’s almost done too that is good 20 level 26 now good I want to test something give me pair shears I want to test something with

Sheep and see if I if this is how this works um okay a blaze WS in there too I need remember that that’s exactly how many sticks I need enough for a sword and a pickaxe so we canare the Cobble crore and whatever the sword it’s going to be called okay uh

Bam wa the lapis up to the enchanter bring the quartz with me bring some iron with me go go now bye Joey bye spog frog bye Maximus have a good one thank you for watching my friend uh okay there’s some copper in here there was copper in here trying to

Keep all the gems and ingots and ingots and the zulis all in this chest I also got some random stre I don’t need in here okay let me try what I wanted to try oh thank thank you for the follow poo thank you for following my friend appreciate

It and thank you for the fourth time chat name Rel is how fast by yoshu collection was growing yeah you have gotten a few Yoshi items recently haven’t you spark um dispenser that’s what I’m looking for sorry I distracted by chat and that’s eight that’s a

Dropper that’s also how do you make a dispenser thought a bow oh I bet needs to be a fully P needs to be a fully put together bow let’s combine all these junk bows just to get them out of my chest can I put all these

Together no I can only do two at a time okay okay I think these two should make a full bow yep now can I make a dispenser I can make why is it saying I can’t make this B goes there that goes there Redstone

Here okay I don’t know why I had to do it the long way but sure uh and also need a stick shoot so I need a way to activate this uh there we go I want to test a theory I have cuz if this Theory I have is going

To do what I think it’s going to do then I think I know to make an automatic sheep farm and every plush fa oh my goodness all of them fell oopsies every single she there we go I think I got them back all back on screen yep got three plushies two figures Ellie

DC a backpack Kang that I lost all it sounds like you’ve made up for it though so that’s good okay let’s go test the the I got out again this works I’m going to make a wool Farm we’ll set it up on a clock um okay let’s just let’s get in the Sheep

Pin not quite sure how I need to position this but if I put this here put the shears in here oh Sho they want to escape oh my goodness that works oh sorry guys you know what y’all get to have fun that copper ore oh you can sh your sheep of

Dispensers the evidence is right there oh okay well I know what we’ll make it next so we have plenty of iron let’s finish our little uh thing here though let’s finish where we were St it on got to remember how to make how do we make oh I not by nearly enough

Cobblestone shoot I I okay no we got plenty about say there was a reason why I didn’t bring any myself how many pistons do we need oh wow these are all almost fully grown 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15

Nice yeah I still need to make this so they don’t they will only fall down here we’re not done yet though we’re not done so I need 15 pisses 15 absorbers can make 11 cuz I only have 11 quartz okay let’s go do that for now

Okay so these will all go I yeah I got it I’m going to have to there these are these facing up how what no I didn’t want them like that face this way no I’m going to have to I’m G to have to do this GL the sugar Cane’s been growing though that’s

Good here now I’m on its level so be one two three yep I’ll just keep this all broken in case I need I might need the extra work space anyway so I as wellam Bam Bam Bam Bam okay so all those go there nice and now so if I put a piston

Lost of last week on money realized dur fourth period oh that sucks hopefully you able to find and if not maybe you could find maybe get a new one you’re lucky okay so now I need that to be like so one more I don’t have enough pisses cuz I

Need that’s cuz I need more wood now these are here will it automatically set them off no so I need to put a piece of redstone there I need tode what block I want to use h i could just do stone bricks down here it’s you know the classics do not need iron

Block honestly I’m okay that we’ll do stone bricks at least for this back wall I might do a different theme for each room in this little underground layer but for this area we’re going to do stone bricks stone bricks and cherry blossom planks they’re mostly stone bricks sh Blossom just that little

Pathway than can kidnapped him oh no goshon cik always up to no good okay go do this back Parts I just don’t want to have to worry about this later CU I’m going to have to always come back here well I don’t I’m want to make it so I can just make the

Machine That’s What comes forth it’s making this machine but you know makes thanks SM not hard yada yada yada you all know the Saying okay oh we beneath the bond I was like why do I have a cow now I think some books will look good here simple but classy you just get that out of my inventory oh wetstone I sh that my inventory here so if I put this shoot so I put this

This one p I need more wood I get this and I’m going to put it here for now this piece of redstone’s here if I break this that will move it okay cool so if I just have Redstone shoot no there needs to be some kind of light

Back here I feel it’s too cramp for something anything to spawn it should be fine shoot if he can y should I’m kidnapping Camy there you go show who’s boss okay so like if I let’s go to set them all off okay cool that’s perfect so in any of these detector

Change they will all set off even it’s this Force One nice cool and that will push them into there we still need a few more absorbers still need a few more Pistons one of those can be solved very easily I you go cut down do I have an

Axe I don’t let’s just go cut down a tree real quick upstairs oh hello Jerry number 12 what those pumpkin seeds we have pumpkins we need Mountain suits thanks jar but I don’t need it lead I’ll take the lead two leads I’ll take two leads thank you

Jar here’s some many leads because of the Jerry’s I love it okay just going to punch this Branch off so I don’t feel like punching on this whole tree ow oh the Phantoms let’s go to sleep okay come here where are you how did I miss why can’t I shoot the stupid Phantom

I a really bad aim oh my goodness okay I don’t care anymore what just hit me I drowned okay yeah my patience is one th they have bored Expressions oh the absorbers yeah okay go to bed hey 20 hours look at that 20 hours in Hardcore Minecraft let’s

Go okay we do with some planks so I should have enough to finish this I don’t think I have any extra quartz unfortunately not be able to make pistons here uh where are they yeah there they are do I need nine more I don’t know how many more I need

I’ll just wait let me see if I have any more quartz I might make a quick trip into The Nether don’t think I have any I should be able to find a vein real quick yeah that what’s my armor looking like my chest piece the main thing I

Needs to upgrade need at least get like Unbreaking or something on it okay um so I know I got some gold armor lying around let need temper switch pants okay oh also get these leads at my inventory you have six leads G that is g use okay go get some quartz then get

Back out we all know I hate the nether we have 2 minutes late to celebrate we were it’s all good though at least we celebrated it huh where is that area that not um you mind here honestly I think I love a bunch of quarts in the nether for if I really

Want to go all the way back there but I’m not okay here we go this will also give me levels quartz is abundant in experience for some reason not that I’m complaining but still kind of odd I guess since it’s in the nether this makes some kind of

Sense I should really have my pickaxe so main inventory we already have more than enough quartz but since I’m here might as well get just a decent chunk at least if I can that’s all lava and here’s this what’s this little staircase am right here it is here we just blocked it off

Amaz music here always reminds me of portal it’s that like atmospheric Vibe really got to be careful so I don’t die I wish we wouldn’t be like a PO or staircase originally but it’s all good just do that just so have a decent chunk of Netherrack if I could find it I might

Try to get some Soul Sand while I’m down here but I don’t think I will at least not easily okay hey buddy Mr Magma Cube I just yeah I don’t want to deal with them later ow okay it’s got to be a little bit of quartz around

Here a gas cuz why isn’t there a gas get out of here nope not go for that there is some quartz over here though just got to be careful I something like like one shot me so I’m not super super wor okay do be on my toes

Though like he does scare me the gas but to too much okay let’s get the quartz that’s up here there is a lot of gas so just chilling there I don’t like how the music’s just ramping up casually not my Cobblestone i h don’t know why I’m not

That Str I guess I’m just in a relaxed mood the moment i’ let s to glowstone yeah yeah I feel I should take some especially since it’s in such an easy spot they take be grateful liting later on ow ow ow ow ow of course there’s fire right there okay stop please thank

You yeah okay cool I got was like another second I think we have I know we have some more at home from the forest nether trip the force big nether trip I’m like the one why I like poked my head out the window it’s like okay I’m fine

Now again this is getting us XP How much quartz we have now uh over stack okay I’m just kind of curious what’s up here I know there’s a few gas got to be R of B of lag as well those dudes won’t HT me they don’t HT you if you go for quartz right it’s only when you mine

Gold I wish we found a fortress that would be cool not a fortress but a what are they called Bastion yeah Bast this CU that be nice maybe get Pig step about this pickax I can just shred through stuff I do need watch adorability GL this gas went off

Okay I kind see I just get to level 30 I’ll be honest probably reason why I’m still getting quartz that’s end why did I look directly at it okay I’m officially scared again it’s the way back let’s go ahead on back there’s no easy glow stone no no

More easy glow we did get a nice little chunk so I feel like we’re good there we go almost level 29 I’m not going for that glowstone just cuz that’s a lot of lava a lot of Lea lava that will go this way of wless abandon so you know who cares about

CAU I’m lagging the game slightly it’s a little bit not a get at least to level 29 there we go that’s crazy how many levels you get from quartz man this insane I just that one vein it’s crazy okay I’m not going to whis that I really should not cuz lava

What let’s go give you exper experience I don’t know and we won’t find out I guess I’m just going to move on let’s go ahead on out almost level 30 got a good amount of glow stone kind of curious if we find some more quartz laying around just so we

Kind of mine through here maybe um NE would it be funny we just when is some netherite here oh I would laugh so hard Netherrack is cool I actually found another part of the nether also I am watch door building my pickaxe by my friends playing Minecraft

Today and now friend got by 10 Endermen sheesh that sucks I amplifies from so much never fun all this actually a relatively safe part in the the nether All Things Considered it’s a nice little open area yeah let’s get a bit more quartz like to find like one more glowstone cluster but

That’s not an area that I’m afraid of something think I’m find that there’s a tiny tiny one there saw some quartz oh there it is nothing they get me from here and there lava I just walk off this platform that’s all I need to do okay way out it’s that way

Cool always keep your surrounds and check let’s get this a little bit get Quartz for us okay what about like half we were at half a level before this look at that man it’s insane of course the bub a little lava pit uh we’ll try to get some of this glow stone

Here oh I’m not getting that P that in the edge but we got a little bit lot of M cubes over there I’m really just casually going through the nether my goodness no let’s give some more quartz I’m really just trying to get levels take advantage of my random B of um Gage

Here yeah inventory skin full CU is how long do I want to test my luck in here L 31 I get like level like 40 or something I don’t think I’m not going to do that like right now but I can get like at least a couple levels over level 30 I

Could do multiple level 30 enchantments I can just do multiple enchantments without having to worry about oh no I’m going down like look at that level 31 that’s nice you know I say that I’m going be combining some tools soon too but so I need to get

A experience grinder I need to get a grinder set it up Sally those skeletons we found man we got really lucky find this excuse me little section anything bad up here here no o huge glowstone a huge glowstone okay okay I’m down lots of quartz hanging around remember back when

It was called nether quartz isn’t it oh it is still called nether quartz okay I thought they just changed the quartz no still just another the quartz I like being on a little Podium on mining don’t got to worry about fall into a enemy climbing up and killing

Me okay yeah we’re going to have plenty of glow stone now I think glowstone also does something with potions is that a guess look around look around look around okay I think that just random nether noises okay yeah this I think this is will survice our glowstone needs for quite a

Bit come with Glowstone does I feel like it does I keep seeing that blob of glow stone and thinking it’s a freaking dude uh oh on inventory space let’s make glowstone blocks cuz I’m not going to use a dust on its own probably I want transform the dust I

Just got I guess those oh it’s swor it’s the little Sor family that’s cute okay you have 32 glowstone blocks plus some more dust let’s break this so I don’t accidentally run into it oh find some more quartz too okay let’s make a stack of quartz

Blocks soz it’s about what I’m going be doing while this quartz one inventory space probably get time of me to skdy do on out of here it’s a massive quartz this is a humongous quartz thing PA all the way over here oh there’s the gas I was

Hearing so I was not Ming that there is a gas gotcha I’m level 32 though that’s cool okay I’m just going to I’ll break this bit of GL Stone and then I think I’m heading out cuz I don’t feel like deal with with gas gas ar that difficult they’re just creepy

Okay fair anxiety inducing the nether I shoot freaking Fireballs at you man just don’t need that in my life think it’s about to shoot at me yep now we could kill it come on ow I shoot it I did not shoot it nice uh chills chills cold sweats the works

Somebody get a gas to but I should really stop exploring the nether my greed that whoa that’s oddly man-made that’s creepy guess I found her byus oh my goodness not what a 12 a 18 vein like perfectly played that’s Saye we’ll find a massive B level 33

Yes let’s go we could do two level 30 enchantments now full level 30 enchantments that’s awesome that’s awesome weo get is so much quartz too I’m not going to get that blob of glowstone on the sky that’s this to I’m not going to dive enough Falls

This to come with some for how much we have you know we have a lot I’m not picking it up I’m not picking it up again let’s yeah we need to have a stack of glowstone blocks oh that’s awesome okay yeah guess I know where they come for levels like jeez

Man wonder if I should even keep going if I should save this for like the future or something I don’t know also just kind of like the idea of having a lot of levels not having to really worry about it okay we know here if I need more glow if

I need more quartz is a good pretty pretty safe area here honestly all things consider this is fairly safe for the nether for nether standards don’t know why I use fire aspect fire aspect sword on my Magma Cube okay I think so this way to get out that’s end that’s

Ender where’s the way out out shoot he just killed end man come on teleport back shoot no oh my goodness will he teleported when he died oh he’s gone though at least where was the way out should be like a little Gap somewhere oh is it up

Here I didn’t go this far did I no it’s not up here this is back up to like the Crimson Forest I never went into the Crimson Forest plus it’s s here or maybe up there I don’t think it’s all the way up here check yeah I

Know so it’s good to know that’s just the Crimson Forest that we already have a way to get to I know how to get to that Crimson Forest already oh here we go nope that’s is some experience but I mind out like a massive chunk shouldn’t be this hard to find

Shoot where did I come in CU over here that’s why I fought the gas so I know it’s somewhere this direction probably lower to the ground too not down there no it was no Crimson area so I didn’t realize we were in a crimson we go was it down here actually

I think that’s it I do think it was down yeah I mined here you see why I mined throughout here this isn’t it but I also see our Cobblestone from earlier so I’m pretty sure if I go this way I’m going the right direction yep there’s other bit of

Cobblestone that points this way why does it point this way did we mine through here no D no I think I used this to get glow stone earlier yeah yeah yeah oh come on think think think shoot yeah I got glow I think oh yeah yeah yeah this a little Bridge so I

Think I keep going this way I think o my me I’m really trying to whack my memory here this ain’t good that’s not it I I think it is is it oh no no no this is it yep yep uh yep yep yep okay cool yeah time to get

Out been stream for about two hours uh do I want to end stream oh don’t know let’s at least finish the sugarcan farm let’s do our enchantments on our sword and pickaxe finish the sugarcane farm get plenty of quarts thank goodness okay oh the lush green World screw you screw you nether screw

You okay let’s oh we seriously do not have space all the crap I just got but lots of quartz I don’t need all my quartz so natur for that in there for a second I’m going to use that to build more stuff what else I making the quartz

Blocks no point in not doing that not consor in space okay put this in here um I think I need I do need wood on me I will take the single torch find a use for it um I actually I need that Cobblestone so the bass go in there cool

Let have some empty space cool cool cool oh take off these pants nice bam keep the lapis on me throw the bow in there keep the shears yeah cuz I want to work on that sheep farm that’s probably going to be the next thing I worked on sheep

Farm that’s oh this this too yeah I thing the last I’m going to work on is the sheep farm or the next thing if not tonight sometime later this we we’re going to be on Extreme hos honestly yeah oh we even came to the Pet Shack know like all

Day we miss some one in the Wither skulls aren’t we did I not put both the Wither skulls out here is it in my valuables chest I keep forgetting about them that gets me very concerned I think it’s in my valuable chest cuz I think we went through this last

Time shoot no here it is let’s put it out here we only need one more to fight the Wither so that’s cool but no I will need pop storage system that was what Enchanted Towers was supposed to be it’s going to be my storage place and I decid not to

Can’t put it there okay you know what we’ll put it right there really need to make that Pretty One Day someday one day someday I gotta get like the energy to do it though you know almost out steak okay oh I could still could have stwn the Redstone from

That it’s all good I guess I guess I’ll leave it there for now for really no good reason all right all the way up to the top of Enchanted Towers should have some Laps on me yep okay what is the sword going to get me Unbreaking 3 honestly that’s kind of

What I want like I also want sharpness but I really want Unbreaking yo sharpness three Unbreaking three and luden three on top of fire aspect okay what’s what do we got next on the pickaxe I’m breaking three that’s about all I need really actually I already have a

Breaking 3 on here I have one breaking 3 efficiency 4 Fortune 2 might as well just do the highest level one and hope I get something good I guess I don’t know or what I could do do this one and then what how do you there’s a thing you can make the disenchant

Stuff and then you get we chanted whereit was it this on smooth stone slab who even keeps those around what not curiosity if I combine these two pickaxes yeah that UPS nothing it will just repair it and then if I combine the two diamonds swords of

Course jeez 24 to the other way around all right let’s hold off for a second I have not beat the Wither yet we’ve have two you need three wither skulls I only have two got slabs wor I forget about smooth stone slabs specifically should really clean that

Up I’m sure one day I’ll get to it I get tired of stuff and yeah I’ll do it one day I’ll get tired of this little Shack of a house maybe I’ll start working on the construction of the castle on the you know the mega

Build um I know I have smooth Stone’s a thing I just got to find it think have smooth stone slabs thought I did I’m going to make some where is it am I missing in something else for it oh stick that that’s obvious I I should have known

That okay we’ll bring this up there too a grind Stone that’s what they’re called look at that I I know Minecraft at least I hope this the white tool wouldn’t that be funny if I just made the Wong thing it wouldn’t be but wouldn’t it little baby grindstone in my

Hand we should find a trus mansion oh the the Woodland Mansion gotcha I would I would like to do that we’re going to have a buddy though when we go maybe not when we find it but when we confront it I do want to do a exploring episode we we have not

Really explored much Beyond you know like our little land here these windows are too high I can’t really look out at them now there we go I don’t know they look cool it’s a lot of things it’s build I think I would do differently if I made

It from this from scratch again but um but we Adventure much further past this kind of little field area so I would like to explore it more I think that would be good some good fun anyhow so yeah I put yeah this is the bad the bad one

Yep so I put it in again I think it’s different enchantments okay I’m just going to do this on breaking 3 one fortune 3 okay sure it’s is this L just the same pickaxe 4 334 oh it has fortune 3 though nice okay you know what I’ll take it I will take

It only cost me two and this will give me up to efficiency five as well so we will have efficiency five at Fortune 2 and I don’t think Unbreaking gets better than three yeah I know yeah only two a CH really oh but okay we need to name the

Cobble Crush again which we just make it a three this I don’t literally don’t think we can make a better pickaxe I guess we got menden menen yeah we need to get menend on this but I we dub the the Cobble questioner not changing the name of this

Pickaxe man look at that man man Unbreaking three fortune 3 and efficiency five man okay let’s get the sword I don’t have a name for the sword yet either luden 3 is what I’m the happiest about but can’t you get sharpness four or five I think I think you

Can but no man that’s 10 plus attack damage like what else can even get on a sword menen got to name it one this sword someday can you I don’t think you can enchant Shields can you shi’s about a break anyways curious oh no gotta go upstairs for

That would be cool to get a trident one day yeah no you can’t I can enchant my shovel really fish oh I guess for whatever it’s called Uh I can’t think of the name of it they get a granite or whatever out of curiosity what did can I get on my next bow

Now I grite they get um Flint that’s why you want fortune on that punch one power two or power one punch two ain’t bad well punch one I mean not horrible so we don’t have punch at all in this bow flame that’s what it’s called Flame is

The fire aspect for those okay let me get our show back up all right we have is it 10 plus attack damage yeah that’s crazy now picka does fortune 3 which I want to sa fortune 3 pickaxes on diamonds I think that guarantees you get at least two diamonds from each ore

CU I don’t think it I don’t think there a fortune 4 I think fortune 3 is the best one we have really kid out pickax I want to go kill some things real quick this new sword look at that shock this three give me a

Zombie like can I just hit him once will he born to death no two shots but still Pata nice that’s crazy though like this oh those are natural horses I thought they were skeleton horses for a second look at this creeper over here so cool I can definitely one shot

Spiders I know that this is such a cool sword Enderman will be usas to the kill too oh yeah luden how much that’s probably like a potato I think about it that’s going to that means we going give you more stuff they think about that part so actually just skeleton over here

Fell down a hole never mind okay it’s creeper here we got three gunpowder nice oh we get plenty of materials now from these mobs three bones three gunpowder I don’t even know what I’m going to do with TNT I guess no whatever I want and then when I kill

Mobs or the animals on my farm that’s going to be good we have eight bones this from what two skeletons three maybe okay anyhow let’s let’s finish the thing we were supposed to do last time oh boy that’s a creeper nice this is the yeah it’s the same Jerry for before Jerry number

12 okay Coolio let’s go on in I need to breed my animals let me do that real quick this fully grown this one’s fully grown yeah it’s just it’s Prim Time I do that okay I just want if I just lived off of like cooked meat that would be

Great cuz say I have the flame or the fire aspect sword Cooks the food for me that’s the main reason why I don’t like using cook cooked food honestly main number one reason why I don’t like using cooked food is because of that okay let’s go breed up all these

Animals think that’s most of the sh believe so s about all of them all right anyone come to me pick all your eggs I think this one that’s alone two left there you go get a nice little bit of experience from all this and the cow Farm which is in

Desperate need of having more there’s only three cows oh I don’t have I don’t have anything to give you buddy I’m going to keep these eggs for now there you go get another baby chick in there gool get also get more cows I see keep some weed on me at all times

Especially I’m work on this underground base don’t think we’ll go any later in the 3 hour mark if that I might honestly don’t think I’m going to stre for too much longer in general okay does have anything in it has three Cobblestone 18 sh I’m going to put this

Up the I’m I’m just going to take it out so I want to see how much it’s making on its own cuz I might have been from I was breaking some on my own earlier I need get glass jeez I don’t have any glass okay let’s go get the

Last few absorbers and pistons I guess let’s get the glass up real quick so I should have some so I want to be able to see the farm can I there we go cool okay pigs don’t need be breed I could breathe them but n y Co pork chops on

Bad okay what am I get again uh shoot glass glass glass I know I have like a way too much glass in one of these chests Le I thought I let someone took him oh you know what I think I used a lot of my glass on the bridge

Though so actually I might not also this is done being smelted so let’s throw this in here uh let’s prob like half it back for now didn’t think about that okay while we’re waiting we go ahead and make some n I don’t know how many I need

Actually actually I know I need four more of The Observers three four I can put the quartz away um let just generally clean out my inventory a little bit it’s a bit of inventory management I really want to work on that sheep farm I might not be something we do till like

Next next episode but something I sortly want to get to work on okay do we have any more wheat so I can have some on hand so I can breed the cows M it’s m with cows oh yeah we got a whole stack there we go okay cool

Let’s yes this is one a shield ton of torches okay which glass we got that’s a nice little start go kill this cow that’s outside we just got five beef and three leather that’s crazy I love this I love having good weapons okay let’s go ahead are there’s any other cows just

Wandering around have we just got five yeah five beef from that that’s going to last me like a whole day or two soon I don’t get damage too much yeah that’s great good and great um okay trying to think stuff I could just kind of do while wait for the glass to smell

I want to weigh at least like a little bit more nice can now two shot enemies without even having to quit so that’s good what are you dra potato oh a Copp Ingot Ingot Ingot I think is what I meant to say uh oh it’s Lucas’s house def going have to get

Lucas to come back on CU I really like what his little house he started here I think he called him Mangrove Paradise something like that look at this so cool looking once builds a house in here it’s very cool very cool oh some mosses growing on here too cool nothing like some

Moss it’s kind of exploring honestly right now has anything been done to the aquarium um there’s a puff of fish in there and that’s about it I need to go find an ocean Temple mang grve Manor I don’t remember what he called it it’s Mangrove something Manor might I think it is like

A m Ward like Mangrove Mike Mangrove Manor so I don’t think it’s mangra Manor honestly I think we might do next stream we do Minecraft I think we might go exploring maybe in next time we have a guest so we have a guest I try to have

Something special we do so like me and Luke went to the nether me and Marsh well actually we just Marsh got diamonds for me we didn’t really plan that one out we just kind of did it but in the future I want to have something special planned in advance so I think

Next time we get a guess whether that’s a with 21 or a new one I would like to get Thomas I know I’ve talked to Thomas me and him do want to do an episode together he’s just been in very busy unfortunately but hopefully we get him to join in on one

Eventually coming up soon I like to do like a episode we just a venturing around we’ we’ve looked a good amount around our area but that’s about it i’ do a bit more than that I don’t know what I’m doing right now going around hoping I get a another

Cow okay let’s go back let’s head back do need get some different D because a lot of these builds are going be made out of wool it says I now got automatic or I have the I know how to make a automatic sheep farm that’s going to be insane like a having

A uh a farm that automatically shears sheep but we’re going to be good we’re going have so many blocks Shear the sheep for me get a hopper collect them or’ll get one for each glass each color I mean each color we need a green dye actually actually if we find

Uh Jerry that has green di forell or Cactus I need to make sure I buy that cuz we do not have cactuses it’s really bothering me any other little spots here there you go you don’t have he has a dy I is it like what magenta wed like the easiest one it’s all

Good come here you two work together again take that experience we need a survival series oh it would give like 10 contestants I always thought it’ be fun to do something like that in Minecraft I wonder if these have all been chopped up since we’ve left no okay they nothing

They close to happening so let’s go ahead And um get a weed out of my inventory it should be at least enough to make it so they don’t just fall back in actually do I have I don’t me cover this down here too but bam I’ll get more glass but this should be good enough for

Now do I have more stone bricks I don’t think I do at least not in here yeah I don’t just for now actually what I should have done in the first place is this there we go okay get all the way over here we need to get oh I did not make the

Pistons oops I have the absorbers what was it I had to place them like here I think no one more closer so let me think get in through this way yeah this is kind of like my little secret entrance look at that nice little farm going this should set up all the Pistons

Actually yep look at that all the Su cane goes in that part of the glass wasn’t fully built up so it did spill off on the side but we should have just gotten a little bit of um sugar cane should have been about 10 pieces or so let me

Check yeah 11 pieces look at that there this constantly working as we are working should getes a lot of shc so we can make plenty of books and we trade that to get emeralds and whatnot once you get a librarian villager I need four or five I think I need five uh yeah

Five I know I should I should have made the glass blocks and the pains I should have made him into pains 16 contestants I’ve never watched Survivor before actually that could be cool cool that could be fun nice and just a test that works all the way down yep

Look at that okay let’s go get some more of that glass I should almost be done I’ll keep this stuff here just kind of as supplies actually going to put this the Sheep the Sheep stuff here what this Just Junk next is going to be the sheep farm

That’s going to be on the second level but we’ll keep sheep up here for you know appearance sake you know we we can’t let people know we have a little lab keep nice covered up no one would know no one guess something’s there The Not So secret secret

Base that’s actually good name The Not So secret secret base I kind of like that name H you haven’t watched either tadpole dudes mar Mario RPG those were cool that was a cool segment okay let’s go take a sleep um yeah I want to at least start on the sheep

Farm that should be enough glass probably let’s go get working on I don’t know some of this war gold jeez yeah there decent amount we can do with gold I remember as a kid I thought gold tools were the best tools because they were the quickest that was my only

Reason why it’s like what are the quickest tools they have have to be the best ones even at a young age I was all about speed okay turn this the St brick so might made the Sheep layout quartz that’s what I’m thinking about maybe I don’t know the only thing

About using quartz is I need to get a lot of quartz then and I don’t know if I want to ‘s we’ll see how big the Sheep operation becomes because it’s going to become pretty decent decently huge actually going to need some more sand for the

Sheep I don’t want to take away from the beaches around here though take it from Lucas’s Beach here we’ll take it from here this a little baby peach there we go get plenty of sand the smelt I need to get a proper automatic smelter going honestly I have the materials for

It actually I might build that but I don’t know if I want to have it down there in the factory maybe I don’t know wouldn’t be a bad idea to have it in the factory I don’t know we’ll see need to find a cool weef that’s why I

Haven’t done much with the aquarium I want to find a coal weave and harvest some of the coal let’s go go the The Glass we have man of the gold has time to smell do I have any torches on me no now it’s a grass Beach

Going to draw a level L for tple level gotcha this sound like a cool idea probably make something similar to an maker honestly okay we should have enough and there needs to be a bit more light in there I don’t think I have the glowstone on me don’t let’s go

Ahead okay wait a minute I am not even that’s still you can’t see any of the stone bricks back here I should can you see those no actually wait a minute let me actually be smart here there’s a ton of stone bricks back here people are never going to

See why am I going to waste them being in the background why I could just as easily put some Cobblestone back here he will be none the wiser you want have no cop need like 15 or so capful mobs really are going to spawn back here uh yeah

Here oh this is there’s no point using my fancy blocks where people are going to see it or not going to see it I mean okay it should still work uh I quick picked my pickaxe away there we go now I got 10 more stone bricks too okay let’s yeah hang on glass

Ow oh no if I would actually patch that up would not be an issue there we go now you can see the whole operations kind of wish I would have used pains instead of blocks but it’s all good he liveing L just cuz I want both sides matching I’m want to do

This like I’m making more work for myself doing this but it’ll look better and it’ll also give me another way to get back here if I need to yeah that looks good looks better all right cool I might put something on this side too just so it’s not just the

Sugar cane Farm but for now that’s what’s going to be oh actually uh shoot okay I’m going to have to break a piece actually well where the Torches are is fine I’m going to put them here uh they should really be inside okay I’m going have to break one piece of

Glass on for un fortunately cuz there needs to be light in the closer the light is the faster these are going to grow so yeah and then I’m going to put a torch here in the middle yeah just how illuminate like it’ll go through the glass we K donut BLS yeah oh

Yeah yeah I don’t know think it’s possible I’m trying to think like an enem like this is IDE uh well I guess a one shot kill but my first idea was sheep cheap cheeps on a whale put them on a whale system but but that one it

Worked is not where I wanted to be oh there’s idea here that that’s first one a good idea here so looks really good I should probably make that St B too that wouldn’t make sense nice I works I do okay so I should enough to least get all the the flooring done

Everything else we just have to wait for later let me do that oh didn’t I minded like that yeah def got enough get this floor done though this back wall is going to take be what takes the longest did not mean to do that I forget that my pickaxe is kind of

One Tap Away well eventually Stone briak will be there what I will do see put like a torch here now this one be here just so the Sugar’s more lit up more light it gets the better and it still keeps this room Li up

Cool two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I thought I had 15 stone brick I only have 13 it’s fine if you stand from this angle you can’t even notice that’s all good we just got to make the

Stone bricks but I say so far this looks good and hopefully produce a lot of sugar cane so would it work yeah no yeah that’s why I was like never mind on the cheap cheeps cuz I realized yeah you would just bounce off them I guess unless you put shells on their

Heads can you put shells on their heads you can’t do that I don’t think you could I don’t think you could might be way make it work if you be a little creative with it I know off top of my head either need make an automatic smelter

Honestly I know I S said that but it’s the truth I’m only to get more sand smelted next so I probably it up downstairs cool for now we’ll get this in here okay give me some wood I’m going to need that I’m going to need these chest more

Importantly okay uh keep D on Army actually I’m going to need some more iron so let’s explain this whole chunk and throw this last little bit of coal in here you should be moving away from coal very soon so yay parab beetles maybe oh yeah that could work that could definitely

Work Little P be um yeah actually yeah also I’m 5 minutes late but 21 hour mark woo okay now breeding twice as fast awesome come you yes um we go next play yes yeah okay so let’s go down one two three four mat going have to go down a decent chunk because of

The this so I don’t went into the this Hopper system how many blocks is this one two three four five okay so one one 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 going like 11 12 maybe 10 oh I don’t know do two more that should be good enough I going to make this into a water bubble elevator eventually too so I’ve got to gra to glowstone like for now you can still get up and down

It’s much deeper than it once was let’s go get that glowstone they I don’t think they’re W though no they’re not they just eat it I probably should beat all the Sheep though how many sheep I can kind of just reach from here that should be most of them have had of y’all

Col all this experience as well it ain’t a lot but it’s something better than nothing okay keep on woing so we’re going to steal some of those sheep in a bit so love ideas I could use my reg super world it’s overwhelming could imagine you always

Have had a lot of ideas so I I can imagine oh this diamond sword’s so cool is this I never work this hard on doing like enchantments and stuff so I don’t know I’m very impressed with myself God I hope I don’t lose my diamond chest but I didn’t need be careful with

That okay me shove this in here I need glow stone I need take this on inventory I need think I’m going to do Cobble deep slate for the next layer something TS so I don’t want to do quartz one cuz I don’t I have enough quartz to do it

Cuz the Sheep Farm’s going to have to have 16 slots one for each color plus just and each one’s going to take up a decent chunk of space so we use Cobble deep slate cuz we have a lot of it well it be polished deep slate but

Yeah I think that and then I think they also make the colors pop of like the Sheep this will just be our base color as well this isn’t going to be the only color you know but I also just didn’t want to do quartz I thought that’ be too much white

Maybe we will do quartz with this we’ll do mixture of deep SL and quarts like black and white we’ll see for now the May color be black or deep sleep time okay I don’t think we’re going to finish this sheep farm today okay we don’t even have all the

Different colors yet but we’re going to at least get it started if I get at least like the first prototype done I’ll be happy okay I can make a crafting table that’s the main thing I need right now okay so how far do we do this one

Two three four okay so four blocks down glowstone one two three four okay one two three four so right here oh good placement look at that that worked out pretty much exactly how I wanted to nice mind is a lot quicker if I’m actually on the

Ground okay so this is also going to look a bit more different trying to picture how this going to be in my head so hot Bo so we’re going to need one two five * 8 that’s 35 yeah 35 okay so let’s go with 40 so 1

Two 3 4 5 6 7 8 99 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 so this is 20 okay 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 30 oh my goodness 35 36 30 how much D is there 38 39 40 40 This is 40 right here is 40 I’m just going to put a thing a deep SL here so I don’t forget bam okay I’m going to count this one more

Time one 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 I am two off 38 side glowstone 39 40 so this is the Natural end

Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 blocks so that’s enough to have eight on both

Sides with a little bit of Wiggle Bo okay so that’s 38 and then 40 and it needs to be five blocks deep on both sides cuz five is it a 5x five 1 2 3 4 five 1 2 3 four I think four blocks deep if I’m thinking about this so yeah

So the main walkway would be four blocks wide so bam too much math yeah Al I apologize for the coun and once I get the coun done though we’re good so this will be the main path four blocks long and then an additional one two three four if I’m doing my math

Core and then glowstone SL there go and then we just got do all the way down so which is so now was the easy part we just got to mine it all up um where is one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 one two

Three so that’s 10 blocks oh I I absent mindly to that one two how thought do this 1 2 3 three one two three so we’re going to have the glowstone in the ceiling here one 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 so it should be

20 assuming I’m doing my math way I just want to make sure it’s all perfectly electrical this going look really cool honest I have I actually do have a vision for this and one 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight nine and 10 this gravel really kept throwing me

Off and then this should be one one two 10 yep okay cool cool cool so then this will keep the place lit up yeah so explain kind of like how this is going to work imagine a bunch of sheep and like test tubes and like little test and Vault things

That’s what it’s going to look 16 sheep eight on the left side eight on the right there will be a there will be a dispenser and a par shears in both inside with them blush me and whenever an attached to that will be a clock oh shoot did I really mess this up

Oh I so did at least for the lights on the left side the right side lights I think are good not the ones on the left that’s fine I can break the glowstone and do it again but um and there’ll be a clock a redstone clock attached to it that would

Tell the machine or tell the dispensers hey sheare the sheep and I’ll probably just have them all in the same Redstone clock to make it simpler for myself and I’ll probably all be below or something well I’ll figure out where that’s going to go in a bit I don’t know

If I want to do that part tonight I think I’m just going to get one done just to make sure I know this works and just use like a lever and then we’ll go from there okay yeah but each sheep’s going to be in a five

By a 5×4 I believe space so five blocks by four and that’s why I’m going to need a lot of glass so yeah we’re going to need probably like a jeez actually three yeah I’m probably going to need like at least half a stack of glass for for each

Sheep but not think about that oh lot of math because I want to make sure I make this place big enough for it all this you have a really good pickaxe for this now like I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing this before like a crappy little iron pickaxe let alone the co without

The Cobble Crusher efficiency five all about efficiency here okay and we are done okay cool like I said I think I messed this up so I believe the lights are not supposed to where they are supposed to be oh it’s going to be a lot of

Mining be wor in the long one though this is going to look really cool I think comes of the way I wanted to it will definitely not project we’re going to get done tonight level this room so this room’s going to end up being 40 by 40 by 15 I believe something like

That maybe 40 by 12 no 40 by 14 yes and then we’ll M and then going up it’ll be 1 2 3 four five blocks tall so yeah so we do quick math here I’m going to p a calculator for this one so 40 * 15 so that is 600 blocks

Times by five 3,000 blocks I have to mine and now do doesn’t count the St one to mine up dig up like the floor and all that either oh gosh sure geez this was nothing just through maybe I’ll get one of the guests if I can get a maybe I could convince

That someone a guest person to come on in and uh do my dirty work for me like oh yeah we going have a super fun stream diing 3,000 blocks it’s a good way to get someone to never come back to a Minecraft episode just kind of an outline I’m not

Going to do the whole floor yet but so from here it’s four blocks in okay one two three we are going get a lot of minerals from this so so that’s a positive I leave that be for now there okay so this is four in from here yep

So I know I’m only using deep set now but I think I’m going to end up having yeah I don’t like how it looks I think I’m going to go and I think I’m going to have around the light bolts or around the glowstone just to make the lights pop

Okay while we’re going back might as well mine another layer no point just walking back all the about efficiency yeah I put these lights these spls in the WR Place once we get to the that part of the roof I will fix that I’ll get to that when we get to that

Though and this probably going to be a good bulk of next episode if I’m in the mood of work on this next time we’ll see been a lot of underground stuff today I out of inventory space Oh I am I guess now would be a good time to

Set up a little chest over here these are all building blocks for future projects jeez I forgot we got 52 coal wow nice little Chuck mat wow we got a lot of lapis too I always go get a bunch of coal I’ll be set with coal just cuz of how much

You get I I think I’m mine like one vein of coal here I got like 52 for cuz it’s fortune 3 yeah fortune 3 crazy okay uh one two three 4 okay do have the GL on me it’s not why I want it and that us one two three four okay

And then one two and a three and a four okay um there should be able to just do this like so okay some copper we’re going to make some out copper Venture how much we’ve been Gathering vent going to make some type of build project out of

It CU we’re going to get a lot by the end of the series I feel I know it’s a long place but I’m afraid I’m not going to hit my target okay this is a very long though so maybe I was probably close but I also don’t just want to be Miss mining

Miscellaneous tunnels by accident yeah okay cool we would just fight there goody goody do this I can’t oh gosh how am I going to get sheep down here cuz it’s a freaking water elevator I don’t know how we going to get sheep down here huh did it think that far ahead I’ll be

Honest once I get this roof mined up too it’s going to feel a lot more open Magic gosh can a sheep get through a water tunnel though like will he come down with me I don’t think it will then know it’s going to drown like we always do science like for

Science we can pull a sheep down the water against its will that sounds so screwed up okay jeez this is very long okay that’s I really just need a Ro that isn’t in my face right now so we are going to work on that part times okay so it’s about 10:00 for

Me so it’s almost the 3our mark of the stream so we’re probably going to end it here soon so I don’t think we’re going to make the force sheep machine today but no I think it’s going to be really good like I said a lot of the

Build projects going to do like building stuff like the fall guys being and um I know we have I know we’re going to make a w seed you going to head out anyways yeah I’m probably going to head out here we’ll probably going to wrap up in a few minutes because it’s getting

Late yeah I don’t feel do this anymore good night good night have a good one spog all right I want to see if we can drag a sheep down here and then we’re going to end the stream on that so let’s see if we can drag a sheep through

Here um what are we going to need I need to drag a sheep down here I couldn’t think of a better way to end stream experience let me go get a lead blueberry also for confus bucket Berry a I appreciate that man probably by the end of the stream

We’ll be at we won’t be at the 22 hour mark we’ll be close we start at 18 and a half hours so yeah 3 hours about white it’s about to be night time or I think the sun just came up yeah so it’s WIS it okay cool cool um leads are in

Here St remember where stuff’s at I honestly don’t think I have enough space to shove all this Cobblestone away I don’t think I do oh no I always have more space for Junk that’s good though this cop on other hand does not have a home he what’s take the

Glass yeah I think that’s we go next time work on the the sheep farm we’ll keep at least get at least I to get the four sheep down there if I can’t get it down it today we’ll see um I guess we could keep smelting gold for

Now I did I shove the coal in here where did I shove the coal like in here or did I put one of the chests downstairs I might put one of the ship ships one of things downstairs I think I did yeah it’s all good all right let’s mosy

On let’s see if we get she down there then we’ll call it a night I say oops there you go all right let’s get a single sheep actually so sheep outside I just kind of yoink so I don’t to deal with The Madness of the pen has be sheep somewhere there a

Chicken I don’t think a chicken would be even easier yeah not so really not just one sheep I still feel like going and getting one out of the pen there you go that’s good that’s a good one all right uh flank give me a flank I love that we

Have a chry blossom before so close they going to build something there someday I don’t know like the reality of us hitting 20 hours is kind of hitting me hard right now and all I could think about to shoot like a like I know for while like what we’ll get get get enough

Time for this we’ll have enough time for this and that and whatever but are we though like I’m kind of I don’t know we have 80 hours like we’ve done a lot in 20 hours Let’s Play what we can do so we we’ll I guess we’ll go let’s see oh my

Goodness that’s where we’re going to put the Dragon Egg Farm or the dragon egg uh cuz I was going to make a little Temple there oh my goodness okay yeah that’s where we’re going to go get the uh dragon egg from come on buddy that’s where the

Dragon egg’s going to go okay let’s see if this works if not I don’t know how we’re getting the Sheep down I might just have to drain the water actually that might be easier let me just see though I’m just curious can I drag him down

Here he will will not come down here okay so this’s easy solution to this we just drain the water drain the water put water at the bottom let me just make a little hole h [Applause] not what I wanted but this is fine oh that might flood the it’s fine okay come

Here and we just kind of dude we just kind of push bye oh shoot I need you to come down yes in here ha success okay we were able to M we manage to get a sheep in here um real quick let’s where’s the craft table I know there’s one down

Here oh it’s in my inventory let’s make a Wall but just kind of chilling excuse me Sor just going to it’s going be like white here don’t did my math white all of a sudden I just got to get a second sheep like this a little container would be about that b yeah so it’ll be about that big each

Sheep machine I think there’s enough space I I can just mine more but no think I’m pretty satisfied with that honestly I think that’s about that’s a we at least know we get a sheep down here we just got to do it again oh I gota do that again I don’t

Feel like doing that again though okay I’m going to just end stream down here because I don’t feel like get it back up right now we’ll just start the next stream down here and continue work on our sheep farm so as I M away more blocks um guess we go over this week’s

Stream schedule as for this week um shoot what are we do this week Mar maker on Monday of course M maker Mondays uh Wednesday we’re probably going to continue Super Mario RPG is what I’m thinking mhm yeah we’re going to keep doing Super Mario Super Mario

RPG so get for those who enjoy that that stream that we did yesterday get excited for that okay and then Friday oh do Fall Guys is Friday yes we’ll bring it back fall guys Friday for a special time special limited amount of time for just Friday just Friday only

We’ll bring it back to Fall Guys crew to do a a Fall Guys Fridays reunion stream me Marsh and Ken so just the good old days so y’all can look forward to that um and then next weekend week will be pretty much the same thing Mario Maker uh Su RPG we

Might I don’t know how long it’s going to take to be Su RPG I’ll be honest so someone who’s never beat the game but if I were the guess I feel we’ll probably beat the game not this upcoming Wednesday but the Wednesday after got a good feeling about that

Could be wrong could be wrong but I think we will be done with the game by then and if not well we’ll go do one more Wednesday then think we get done by Christmas because well we got one two three three Wednesdays Before Christmas one two yeah I think we defin

Get done by the 20th you also the FYI I’m not going to do anything on Christmas for those who are new I do typically do a new year stream we will wait and see if I do that this year or not maybe maybe not I’m not sure

Yet hopefully I will I typically do a stream every New Year’s at least I try to do that so we’ll see I want to mind on this okay I’m want to call you we let’s get an open up because all we got left is that small chunk and then

The whole layer of the roof so we just got to the roof one more time so then we can actually see the glow stone like so so that GL this Glow’s actually out of place but yeah we just got to do one more world like this reset so no yeah

Guess it’s time for me to stop the timer huh I will take this uh iron iron oh I don’t feel like stop ending the stream but I’m also very tired I’ve had a very good weekend I won’t say that much main why I don’t want to stop is

Because I don’t want to go go to bed I don’t want to go to work tomorrow oh that’s how it always is though isn’t it huh anyhow though thank you all so very much for watching I hope you all enjoyed as always please take care of yourself drink some water have

Yourselves a lovely rest of your weekend at least for me there only two hours left some of you you might have a bit more time um good look at work or school this week all right good night everybody it’s

This video, titled ‘Building An Underground Base: Minecraft Hardcore 100 Hours’, was uploaded by Joey 64 on 2023-12-04 03:21:01. It has garnered 70 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:52 or 11332 seconds.

There are many challenges someone can face in Minecraft. Fighting the Ender Dragon, Building a Mega Base, and one I have never been able to do, surviving hardcore mode. That changes today. Join me on a thrilling journey as I bumble my way to the top, and maybe even survive to 100 hours. ===== Check out my Twitter: Twitter.com/Joey64YT

Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/fEDBbqTYZV

Buy Merch Here: https://store.streamelements.com/se-4305840 ===== #live #gaming #minecraft #videogames #microsoft #minecrafthardmode

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More

  • Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?!

    Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe. Discover Unique Peripherals Equip yourself with top-notch peripherals to enhance your gaming experience: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: Logitech G213 RGB Headset: HyperX Stinger Core Powerful Laptop Components Ensure smooth gameplay with high-performance laptop components: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500H Graphics Card: RTX 3050TI RAM: 16GB DDR5 SSD: 512GB Recording Software Capture your epic Minecraft… Read More

  • Vanilla Thrilla: Minecraft’s Free Server Delight

    Vanilla Thrilla: Minecraft's Free Server Delight In the world of Minecraft, a server so sweet, Where players unite, in a virtual feat. Vanilla and free, a place to explore, Join the fun, and so much more. Apply now, don’t hesitate, Join the discord, don’t be late. Console4ka’s Twitch, a stream so fine, Watch and play, in this world of mine. Telegram channel, for updates galore, Stay in the loop, for so much more. A serious video, the first of its kind, But don’t worry, more to find. Made in Movavi, a video editor true, But future videos, in AE, for you. So come on in,… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More


    STONE FARMING CHAOS | MINECRAFT SKYBLOCK Minecraft Skyblock: Building a Stone Farm Join Devil369 Gaming on their Minecraft Skyblock adventure as they tackle the challenge of creating a stone farm in the virtual world. In this gameplay video, viewers are taken through the process of setting up and optimizing a stone farm to gather resources efficiently. Starting the Gameplay The video kicks off with an introduction to the task at hand. Devil369 Gaming dives into the world of Minecraft Skyblock, a popular game mode that tests players’ creativity and survival skills. With limited resources and a floating island to work with, the challenge is set… Read More

  • MineLove Rewind: Part 9 – Remember Me?

    MineLove Rewind: Part 9 - Remember Me? In the world of Minecraft, love is in the air, With animations and music, we all share. Do you remember me, in this part nine? Bringing back memories, in every line. Adikop and Nieulotni, their voices so sweet, Bringing us back, with every beat. Love is love, in this virtual land, With emotions and stories, all so grand. Join us on Telegram, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we can be free. So let’s dive in, and explore together, In this world of love, now and forever. Read More

  • 15 Hilarious Minecraft Resource Packs!

    15 Hilarious Minecraft Resource Packs! The Best Minecraft Resource Packs of 2024 Introduction In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, resource packs play a crucial role in enhancing the visual experience for players. From ultra-realistic textures to performance-boosting packs, there is a wide range of options available to suit every player’s preferences. Top 15 Resource Packs The Minecraft community is constantly creating and sharing new resource packs, but some stand out from the rest. Here are the top 15 resource packs of 2024 that you can download to elevate your Minecraft gameplay: 1. Ultra-Realistic Pack Experience Minecraft like never before with this ultra-realistic resource pack… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Gamer Girlfriend

    Jackbhaiya's Gamer Girlfriend Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Introduction to GamerFleet GamerFleet, a popular Minecraft gaming community, has been captivating audiences with its engaging content and entertaining gameplay. Led by prominent figures like Jackbhaiya, AnshuBisht, OcTogamerZz, and more, GamerFleet has become a household name in the gaming world. Jackbhaiya Ki GF One of the trending topics within the GamerFleet community is "Jackbhaiya Ki GF." This intriguing storyline has caught the attention of fans, leading to a surge in views and discussions across various platforms. The FleetSMP Experience The FleetSMP server offers a unique gaming experience, where players like Jackbhaiya and his… Read More

  • Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable

    Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable The Best Hidden Bases in Minecraft 1.21 In this exciting Minecraft video, we take you on a journey to uncover the mysteries hidden inside a secret Minecraft base! 🏰✨ Ever wondered what makes a perfect secret base? Join us as we reveal the intricate designs, clever traps, and hidden treasures that make this base truly unique. From sneaky entrances to elaborate redstone contraptions, you won’t believe what has been managed to hide away! Discover: The best locations for secret bases Tips for building an impenetrable fortress Creative uses of Minecraft blocks and items Hidden treasures and surprises waiting to… Read More

  • EPIC Cave Base Build in Minecraft

    EPIC Cave Base Build in Minecraft The Ultimate Cave Base in Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers players endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is building unique bases, and creating an underground cave base is a popular choice among players. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the ultimate cave base. Exploring the Depths Building a cave base in Minecraft allows players to immerse themselves in the underground world, away from the hustle and bustle of the surface. The dark, mysterious caves offer a perfect setting for a hidden sanctuary, filled with secrets… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON mc.baksoo.my.id Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP! discord.gg/CommunityCraft!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.communitycraft.live (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!

    Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[4k60fps] The Pink Sheep (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by SandDucc on 2024-08-18 21:47:42. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Like so we can DESTROY the Algorithm Minecraft, MinecraftShorts, MinecraftShort, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft viral, Minecraft trending, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft survival, Minecraft Hardcore, Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft tips, Minecraft tricks, Minecraft guide, Minecraft builds, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft noob vs pro, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft wither, Minecraft boss battle, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft epic moments, Minecraft clips, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft crafting, Minecraft… Read More

  • Real Minecraft Myths Revealed

    Real Minecraft Myths RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Myths🧐That Are🤔Actually🤫Real!#shorts’, was uploaded by Warrior Slave on 2024-06-04 18:50:34. It has garnered 10670 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Minecraft Myths🧐That Are🤔Actually🤫Real!#shorts Dispelling🤫Myths🤔About Flowers💐in Minecraft🧐!! #shorts Related Tags:- minecraft minecraft myths scary minecraft myths cash minecraft testing scary minecraft myths minecraft phone testing minecraft myths testing 100 minecraft myths minecraft bedrock edition minecraft funny minecraft scary myths busting scary minecraft myths scary minecraft testing 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours busting 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours testing scary minecraft minecraft scary minecraft mod minecraft scary… Read More

  • Unbelievable Easy Diamond Mining in Tamil Minecraft Episode 4

    Unbelievable Easy Diamond Mining in Tamil Minecraft Episode 4Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Diamond Mining | Minecraft Survival Episode 4 | Tamil Gameplay’, was uploaded by Javi phoenix on 2024-04-12 13:42:47. It has garnered 985 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. We Are Making Only Gaming Video Kindly Support Our Channel Like Share And Subscribe Discord: https://discord.com/invite/MYj3pmeJ Telegram: https://t.me/javiphoenixT #javi_phoenix #minecraft #minecraft_tamil Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FAIL?! Not Enough TORCHES! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft FAIL?! Not Enough TORCHES! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Not Enough TORCHES… | Minecraft: Vanilla Let’s Play Ep. 17’, was uploaded by Gunthrek on 2024-03-06 21:00:14. It has garnered 47 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Dive into a world of endless possibilities with a brand new vanilla Minecraft let’s play! Join me as I explore sprawling landscapes, craft unique tools and build incredible creations. From humble beginnings to grand adventures, witness the journey unfold block by block. Stay tuned for epic builds, exciting exploration, and everything in between! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gunthrek Discord: https://discord.gg/urceY2NegX Buy Gunthrek’s Gear:… Read More