EPIC Vanilla Minecraft Gameplay! Join Now!

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All right hopefully my internet doesn’t die I seem to be doing good for now Vortex wizard you don’t know what to do said I don’t know what to do is that with your uh other stuff that you’re talking about Vortex wizard is that your uh said your scent stain yes

Did you get monetized for uh the first level Vortex wizard said I think I have to Nuke some videos or something Vortex wizard said it’s going to be sad wait what why do you got to why you got private some videos or delete them Vortex wizard said they go against the monetization

Policies that doesn’t matter all my beat saer streams go against the monetization policies pressed on for 12 said is that game on laptop on PC y yeah it’s on PC if you have Java you can join Vortex wizer said yes but it applies to my whole Channel’s monetization though it

Only applies to the video yeah my internet has been really bad hello hello all right so there’s a problem there’s a problem you kind of need to add older support to the server support yeah older support like I’mma try and get on to the

New just go to how to join the no IPS in there no I know but it says it can’t join because the newer version you need to add support for the old game like 20.2 that’s not you got to create a new server that’s not the server anymore is it on

Laptop oh yeah it’s on it’s Java’s on laptop it’s a whole new server it’s uh it’s the same it’s the same world but new server oh it’s the same yeah it’s I’m see if I can get VR support for the newer yeah I bought a server yesterday so it’s

247 by the way cash has full netherite he’s going to have full NE quality Quality quality yeah um so there’s a there’s probably support for the new game probably I’m looking at their website and I’m trying to get it I’m not lagging in the over world anymore I don’t want

The goofy new version I want the old version I mean I want the new version you know uh you know what I mean get Arthur ain’t nobody want I need to get find Bastion so I can get upgrade templates I don’t even want to go on it’s not a

Virus I just I go in the nether because I go in the nether need UPG no not that oh no this Arad this so now get to my now blah blah you can join on want hey quality do you know how to get your mods folder in

Minecraft uh I can finally join when you know where your Minecraft version folder is you open that and then I do not I really don’t chat why is there chat why is there so much freaking mobs there’s so many Pigman I need to find a

Fashion try to find one get at least one upgrade template hey quality can you show me how to get to my mods folder or you just you go to versions where you add versions and then you open that pretty sure oh wait really I don’t know I never did mods but that’s where

I’d assume everything would be Vortex Wiz the new VR mod little mod before was like a version of the game now it’s like a just took massive damage oh hey it did work oh wait I found a new part of the nether I haven’t explored yet but there’s nothing

Here hey it worked that’s good oh gas are mad annoying now next whenever I join you’re going to see me in VR cuz that’s like the best way to experience this game I don’t know if you can join a desktop game in VR oh no see it’s literally just the

Exact game but with like VR support oh you think the does the server have anti-che has everything the other server have basically the same just 247 oh I’m I’m exploring the nether right now just trying to find oh I think I know why hey hold on

I know why why my game audio so quiet now I just got haven’t exped before install a quality I’m installing Forge for the new update and I’m GNA join all right is that a fortress yeah I just can’t I can’t take motion blur not in any

Game not going to lie I Feel Like This Server Like the performance on the server is better than the last one cuz I’m not like lagging this is hosted by a company it’s going to be better oh yeah plus there’s like um problems with my inter I there’s problems I lagging

Too like way too much there’s bad problems with my internet it’s only for the upload the download F only got hit by tornadoes two days ago got hit by a tornado not hit hit by a tornado there’s a lot of tornadoes in my area knocked out the power for like 10

Hours and the next day had oh that snow yesterday even though it was like not even an inch trying to figure out how to across this nether R I don’t even want to go in the nether I’ve be losing my food not in the nether room trying to get across this like little place I’ll look for netherite Eventually start digging right here I mean if I just dig up then I might should find the surface BL X Games yo yo BL X Games going right here it did you read the sign I put uh no oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what sign

Lava am I right above a lava pool what’s up go down here oh my God I’m stupid I didn’t even know I could go that way said bro was up try building a bridge BX games said ahead of you ahead of me uh if you put it here I have no idea

Where you put it said wow I’m I’m completely blind I was just there chilling the whole entire time wait cash got full netherite something like that I’m pretty sure he has full netherite I don’t know if he like I I don’t know if he craft it you know like I you’re a

Gas what should I BX games said it leads to a trail of wood blocks and leads to a portal all right oh shoot I see a portal it’s probably cases cuz it did go like pretty far like reset the nether try and walk across in place not the best what the

Heck what the heck why is the portal in the deep dark o Diamonds oh here what the heck yo I’m risk it a deep dark but like all the skull like all the sensors are gone let me get all these diamonds I love diamonds I’m going to be rich I mean it’s not

Bad all right here goes my internet to bread bars why is there a pigman wow well I’m going to sleep I can’t deal with that humilation all right BLX is here and he has a little sign should I wonder how many people the server can support

I’m level 26 now oh M these diamonds yeah I kind of just wasted my what the freak sniped right now across the freaking cave someone just text me [Laughter] oh I’m missing all my shots oh but there’s some diamonds diamonds how many oh four there’s four or Diamond what the the

Heck wait I swear why do I have five Cobblestone five cob there come on I play play I take like a three I don’t play Minecraft for three days and this what happens can’t even hit anything like VR all over oh my God I don’t know why or how but the spider

Almost just killed me dud there’s so many diamonds on these pillars but I can’t get them oh shoot okay yeah maybe it’s not a good idea to go up there there’s a skeleton camping oh oh I almost just died I literally almost just died I

Almost set off a streer I I think I’m on my last warning right until a warden goes poopy head let’s hope there are no snipers there’s no sniper guys I’m going to go up here though and get a diamond that I see who else texting me what why did I

Receive or Diamond tell me when you get back to base all right all right zombie villager oh BL oh I see diamonds but they’re above skull could even land a single hit on me I honestly don’t even know how good this streamx games said I am may come to

You all right tell me when you y give me that give me that enchanted bow buddy tell me when you get to the base okay this is a horrible idea yeah yeah GG a diamond right here BLX games said okay if you just heard what I said like

30 minutes 30 seconds ago that’s all I know that’s bad I did not hear anything I think BLS just heard me say that tell me when he gets to the base well I said that 30 SEC like 20 seconds before you know he said okay trying to get um

SC so I think this stream is really delayed that’s solely my Internet it’s on the lowest setting yo I don’t know why but my internet box was overheating yesterday yeah I mean sometimes it do get hot BX games said am B X Games it’s in the red connection’s in the red yeah

It’s mad delayed it’s on one bar bro just went to it just went to 68 megabytes for a second I’m level 28 can almost enchant my pickaxe yeah I already called the internet internet company it’s going to take at least uh two to three days before they can come and

Look all right going back to the nether where do I immediately hear a gas no no no go away oh you’re up there how nice why is there another portal over here recognize this one didn’t even notice it I wonder know where this leads to find out in 78

Seconds yep nothing I can do to fix the stream oh it’s in the green bars where shoot I got to run gas shooting at me let me step in this biome real quick guest said quality yeah like I I have to stream on like one volume and I’m just now hearing

You say it’s on the green bars it’s going to be delayed my internet’s 4 megabytes upload that’s barely enough to stream what I’m doing right now guest said I am new here new here guest what’s good said and I sub to you bro thanks I hate I hate I hate the

Nether fog it’s like I can barely even see you’re probably going to hear that like 30 seconds after what I just said my main priority is keeping the stream good good quality good latency oh oh my God I just almost died how come back to base it’s a lot

Safer I Pig I’m trying to get back to base hi Pig safety and numbers yeah guest said who seek who seek uh I think it was from like fat a little bit ago fat okay yeah I don’t remember when he when I first seen him was around probably about about a few months

Ago he could even be here for like since speed saver which is like ancient times we need to kill this Gest guest said is he a super or something I don’t I don’t remember honestly don’t remember sad it’s hard to keep track of everybody God

I do not want to I do not want to hit the Pigman finally you’re gone die let’s Circle back to where I started get back base as fast as I can oh yeah I remember that just realized do I even remember the way

Back oh I think I do I think it was this way yeah here was the little tunnel thing I made was it it was right yeah this is where I made the little Bridge oh here’s where I did the thing okay yeah I remember on here’s my

Little I just fell in lava I hear I hear a gas shooting somebody oh that’s that’s me gas is going to wish I never did that gu was one hit ohy that was just a stream whoopsy Daisy okay not going to laugh no idea where to go from

Here I am lost I am lost oh wait never mind mind I recognize this place oh I see a place I can go to get that way oh shoot another one of you oh hey ruin another portal I hear it I don’t want to die Alive I’m just going to run away I I don’t want to deal with any more of those guys box you sure made it a little bit easier for people to find the base oh my God boxing myself oh I see the nether bridge I made Nether

Nether I just hear a cave sound in the nether like what I building with building with deep SL is this even the right ways I don’t want to mess with oh I just I just realized I took the dangerous way back oh my freaking God there’s like a

30 Block long bridge I have to cross oh I’m just going to do this really fast because I don’t want a gas to freaking see me and running from my life okay found found a portal that’s unlit oh no it’s lit wait then who’s this portal wasn’t here before

A portal to the middle of nowhere how conveni all right I’m going to go back again going back I’m going back I am going back there’s a gas and I started crossing bridge oh well what am I worried about right here a gas I I need to cross this bridge but

I hear a gas let’s try and cross it this thing right over lava actually I could actually survive the fall if he shoot me off okay yeah I think I’m fine I’m go right come on come on come on come on come on come on I made it y

Let’s hope I went the right way turns out I don’t think I did wait actually no I I got to go up here looks like where our portal would be but it’s not here oh I found one of my bridges okay yeah I think I recognized where I’m

At oh but of course another one of you gests have to come By yeah good job guys nobody has ever found a blue Forest yet or has anyone have found if people have nether right people have explored the not it does not does not look like where the portal is by a an um Soul Sand I’m across this small land oh my God another H

Enderman I think this is where blocks his faces hey that’s nice we’re right over lava might have to bridge oh yeah that’s great I just made one huge circle I went in an entire freaking Circle it’s time to take the other Bridge there’s another for it make it

Back never mind cuz this gas won’t leave me Alone all I came here for again this looks like it would be it see a bunch of buildings that were probably placed by me cuz St looks oh this is it I see your thing Finally I’ve made it back after fighting for my life a w I haven’t even found a bash all I could travel another 5,000 blocks and make another portal there and finally back I’m going back to the base maybe Rec consider on uh the build place that we have probably going to move somewhere

Else where I need to mine quartz where can I find the quartz my internet just said that disconnect stream my now’s back and there’s some things you just can’t explain you have bad internet do weird it do some funny things all right I’m going to mine some quartz level 29 ouch ouchy

Rouchy really hurts I know a safer way of getting course I’m just going to go in my netherite mine and see if I have any left oh where where is that coming from ouch get away from me why is there two oh my God sound like you’re not having a good

Time there’s two but only one is aggro oh never mind they disappeared and they’ll never be seen again I’m going go look for quartz going to use it for anything but I’m still going to go already right here there’s quch right here proba give me the level 29 l 29 and a

Half I should never one on this probably be a good place to travel though to be level 30 level 30 oh my God I thought I almost fell into lava remember I died at level 40 40 uh one we’re level 41 yeah at the time I

Uh I didn’t die besides being a hit and then leaving isn’t that when that was my that was like my first actual death go get away from you guys I am back in the elev green a gr yeah I’m back everyone subscribe he is super close to 1.5 is getting it’s getting getting

Close to 1.5 like really close go 50 diamonds do I have oh great now I’m pour on iron I’m rich I made a diamond chest plate and and diamond pick just a chant efficiency 4 Unbreaking three why don’t you looking through my stuff me yeah not looking through I got I got it

From an enchant I have I I need is Fortune three well another Fortune two pick I’m G to try to enchant another have Anvil oh no we don’t it’s right here it’s my fortune too even know if I even though I have a for3 I’m greedy what the freak am I doing I’m

Going to craft another pick and see if I could get another get a better pickaxe with fortune 3 so I can combine them box games see what I get is netherite fcy 3 oh yeah all ores are allowed let’s go okay I’m going use this pick oh shoot got Fortune three no no

Come here you ain’t going nowhere but EAS man he flew away oh wow now you got it you got it oh wait 16 beef I’m fine I’m cook it though oh SHO what the heck why did two lightning strike at the same time I did not like that I’m going to the nether

Again I’m obsessed with the nether hey yeah yeah I got everything I need time to get more quartz more XP I hear your stream you anvil on something well I did I got FY 5 fortune 3 and Unbreaking three dang I need to try and get that that’s

What I’m trying to get I’m a rich minion now and I got another pick that Unbreaking three Andy 4 and it hasune actually I didn’t use it I did use it to find it didn’t I could use this one going to see if I could that ain’t good move more quartz

I’m obsessed with that stuff only because it you’re collecting quartz yeah cuz I need XP level 26 I’ll enchant this pickaxe with Fortune three oh great there’s a gas now not ago on me yet now gas are easy to kill I just went underneath the lava

Man these be berries are not going to put it the heck why did he he right there go inside my netherite Min and kind of just all right bro you want to fight ow that really hurt run away look I never find I’m going to find For I don’t know but that spawn kind of crazy oh there’s so much quartz but it’s all covered up by lava though get my quartz finally finally I could get my quartz and I could finally get some more why they’re making so much noise I don’t know these these penguins they

Made a lot of noise one point no they’re not making last one he why isn’t there’s no quartz why there no quartz that’s it this game’s going to make me go mining again and I will do it cuz I am really silly actually no not right now go to

Red Force FY five unbreaker three and Men there you go find all the all the one thing that you find tell you I’m never going on VR again not until well I’m Brandon after after you destroyed your arm your arm was literally dead ouch it was more than dead

It was disintegrated it was cremated I found more forarts I love this stuff because it gives me so much XP on level 29 he if that skeleton Farm we going to add a skon well I said it like how I had it well I found a skeleton spawner

Creeper blew up right next to it gone forever but I got a the spider one and Z one that was sad and I kind of knew it was going to happen too I’ll be honest this about died about fell there’s I tell you fy4 I broke a block I almost fell I

Almost fell and underneath that block was just la I do not have the potion be that is terrifying time to get Fortune three yi yi oh my God but then if I want efficiency 5 I’m going have to get efficiency 4 which means I’m going to have to get level 30 again

Oh there goes that pig up here I’m get out of here why is there a piglin what is this piglin mad at piglin mad at something I I’m going to go enchant my stuff what do you mean it changed to efficiency 4 oh wait that was the other option I need

Three not going to lie there was really no point of getting the other pickaxe cuz I just got so lucky that it just gave me efficiency 4 fortune 3 Unbreaking three actually there is still a point I think I can still I can still I can make this efficiency 5 right

Now oh my God my bare feet are sewing uh I’m going combine these oh wait NOP nope nope nope dang it I have no iron there’s Anvil right here you don’t see it oh yeah no but I can’t use it you can use it it won’t let me it says you don’t have

Quality uh I’ll break it and you pick it up I don’t think I can break it I’ll break it if this works you got to return it or at least play place it in a zone that none of us have a building thing cuz I’m too lazy though

Give me my claim most I don’t want it um I will put it right here for no reason other player ability I don’t care 25 levels oh well I don’t care that much I have two levels but I’m going to spend this strip mining again for the 78th

Time I need XP now cuz I’m poor I was going to farm this farm farm for more bread Farm hey SPID is trampling the crops oh oh yeah I forgot mob ging wasn’t Allowed can you go away I’m just trying to farm crop oh trying to farm crop and now oh I missed the beginning of the server when we get when we were getting hunted down PVP is watching stream right now I haven’t seen them in a while trampled he never he never coming

Back not going to lie netherite hoe would be n I’m I’m going to be the type of guy to get a netherite ho first thing even know you can make a nether sword will I will achieve the netherite ho Bad Zombie you’re Bad oh yeah I was going to make wheat or not wheat bread five bread time for Sweet Berry time ow get all these sweet berries for food extra food oh bro I freaking hate the oh free oopsies Whoopsie Daisy they grow really fast um hello

Hello uh so question do you guys have a base already made or no yeah we got a base oh okay I was wondering because I had I had this uh Place set up it’s really nice and it’s only so far only me and and another friend are using it and

So I was going to ask if you guys wanted to join up and be a part of our faction Maybe we’re kind of already go ahead sorry if I interrupted you no it’s fine we’re already like teamed with uh two other groups oh okay do you want to be allies

At least yeah we can um we we found a village to live in so I was going to say if you wanted to we could start up a TR rout if you want the server IP is uh changed to it changed yeah it’s the server is 24/7 now oh that’s

Wonderful I’m going to probably start playing it more often then the only reason why I wasn’t playing as much is because I couldn’t be on but since it’s 247 now you know yeah actually makes me happy but please but please do tell me that um please do tell me that green guy

Hasn’t been a problem anymore the PVP guy yeah the guy who for some reason started pvping for just the qu shits and giggles oh he hasn’t he didn’t join since since we killed him he was hunting us down for a while well I’m happy he hasn’t joined since he was kind of mean

Um I I died by him but um it was like right next to my spawn point M he had a bunch of stuff that belonged to me do you know where his base is so maybe I can get some of it back no he kind of we have no idea where his base

Is he kind of like he’s in that style where like he kills gets Loot and then goes on to the next his goal was to kill me and bl he killed blah blah BL you couldn’t kill me I wish I had a lot more claim blocks cuz right now I’m trying to claim

This entire Village that me and my group took over that’s thing I need on this pickaxe is mending wow my ping is kind of crazy 139 um are you guys willing to do a trade for I don’t did they add in the fact that villagers can’t do like certain

Trades unless they’re in certain biomes yet or no I don’t think so uh I heard that I heard that only I heard that in I don’t know if this was only for Bedrock or Joba or both but I heard that swamp villagers would give you mending like much more

Often you have to means you would have to breed two villagers in a swamp cuz villagers can’t spawn in swamps yeah but there’s also the argument slash thing that um that’s kind of really bad because even though yeah you could do a lot of like exploring some worlds you’ll never find

Like a mushroom biome and there’s certain villagers for mushroom biom and [ __ ] like that it’s my opinion is that shouldn’t be a thing yeah I don’t know how that works I don’t know much about Viller trading I think they should make get harder since you can pretty much beat the game through

Villagers get every well yeah but also there’s the issue of finding a village of finding the villagers that have the certain trades that you’re looking for because even if you have a village sometimes the villagers won’t trade the things you want let me throw away this that that that

No I’m going to oh my God why did I throw that away now I gotta go I’m got to pick all of that up again okay wait so I can get knockback to on my sword oh but I need level seven I’m level three I’m probably go also also I have a dumb

Question is there something to block xray here or no like I’ve been wondering that oh there is my friend tested a x-ray oh does it does it just like put a bunch of it’s FAL it it completely ruins your game I wouldn’t recommend doing it

Okay so you might have to join on a different account oh no no no I I haven’t use xray yet I just was wondering you know yeah anti-che so the server should be safe from like Griefers wonderful Pary is just tempted to make an entire underground base and just go

Nuts with underground stuff you know yeah if you have problems with other players there’s a report well I only really I only had really problems with the green guy even though now green guy is no longer a problem oh my god oh wait there is one thing that happened and I have been

Dying to know what happened uh bro I had I had a pet cat and the server turned off doing its normal server thing right yeah and the pet cat just disappeared never returning to me I ended up taming another one block but I kind of I kind of want

To be able to have my my cat children if that’s fine I don’t know well I was wondering if the golden sword that was dropped in the nether just saved me I forgot to put on gold boots and the piglin was chasing me and the piglin found the gold sword and

Looked at it and then and then I to took that time to put on my golden boots I cuz like I forgot they could open doors they can open doors yeah yeah like they charged into my door and then he saw the gold sword and he it up and started looking at and

I put on my gold boots time to go bed mining there we go I’m back at the mining site who just joined Jacob yeah I was exploring the end and uh I might have U fell to the void I didn’t die but I’m logged out above the void right

Now what are you having the wait did he just say that he’s he’s stuck in the void he’s saying that he fell into the void and to avoid losing his stuff and dying to the void he he logged out quickly so right now he’s asking if the if the owner of the server

Can do anything about that cash you there yeah cash if you fell off the void you die in the void that’s how it goes oh Jesse is going to be like I don’t care he’s I think he’s asleep feel so satisfying to insta mind freaking NE see if someone else fell in

The void and they didn’t get help they just died this might do something righty all righty all righty ends maybe you can have some help no the only way I live is sorry they they already killed the Ender Dragon yeah someone did already we’ve already talked about that

You remember that first day that big noise that almost that permeated the entire server that that was the Ender Dragon get killed for the first time that was yeah so usually Ender Dragon kills when they are done there’s a noise that can alert an entire server that’s

Why um when people are on they can report hearing a huge almost deafening Cry of a of of pain that’s why some people get freaked out easily on servers like this because if someone has like a a ender kill a Ender Dragon farming method that noise will keep happening over and over

Over and over again loud and clear of the Dragon pretty much getting spawned in then insta killed then spawned in again and insta killed again over and over a never ending cycle of pain and death for it ah oh I hate lava yeah oh shoot double clicked oh also can I say

Something yeah there was one guy claiming I was saying racist stuff which I wasn’t at all all I said was he was all I said was he was stupid and stuff but i’ never said anything racist to I would have seen it and if it was bad enough it’ been

Blocked yeah it was in the Minecraft chat remember that time that things got heated and you got pulled away into the um moderator chat yeah yeah that’s when it happened one a little crazy what well yeah but it was because a bunch of people were just being dicks

For no reason or at least dick in my op and not listening to rules and then proceeding to tell me how I’m acting like the main character and the rules don’t apply to me yet in all actuality I was like I’m not killing people repeatedly without any reason to kill

Them you’re I’m not going to join that server I’m going to stick in mine can I go three seconds without running into lava game I don’t know can I go three seconds without seeing a creeper impossible that’s the point I’m playing I’m netherite mining o can I have some

Or is that like a big no I haven’t found anything oh I’m sorry that’s not the spirit got to find some hello I’m trying I only have one bed left think of it if you don’t find it You’ be executed think of it someone’s holding you Ransom oh they

They went Nether and if you don’t get it they take all your loot Netherrack I mean Netherrack is everywhere do you mean netherite I said no you said Netherrack no no BL is this true do I say nether I didn’t know cuz your voice kind

Of cut out oh if that’s the case then bro I actually cannot go everywhere in mine there’s lava literally everywhere let me let me try and go this way lava more lava where the diamond mine I finally go I finally I think I finally stopped finding yeah should I just let it happen

What type of loot do you have on you full diamond armor uh mending sword diamond Tools iron and I’m shells the Sher boxes I yeah I’m getting exeed well there’s nothing I’m going to be able to do well should I just let me D void or well if you give so so here’s the thing if you can give them coordinates they could take a water

Bucket go to your coordinates and drop and drop a huge amount of water there so when you spawn back in you’re in the water which then you can climb back up the water no problem if they’re willing to do that have to get BL I don’t know where the end

Is I know where it is C you know you know you know what that’s a lot of L of work that’s a lot of effort I mean if I could make it in the in the for you I’m very far away I don’t even know my cords

So yeah once you hit a certain point water can’t get down to you which means that if you were to join in to see your cords quickly I’m pretty sure cuz I already fell a lot and I’m pretty sure it’s like if I load back in I’m just

Going to die you um did you did you start taking damage before you left m then you might still be able to I think the part where you start taking damage is where water can’t go black mask no you have like a couple seconds before you start taking

Damage trust me I know black mask said just joined just join really black mask said what are you playing oh come on what am I playing Minecraft [ __ ] all right I’mma go all right salute Jacob do you have op yeah gosh I’m not going to teleport you that’s

Cheating only when it becomes a problem to the server black mask what is the Aver on hard I think it is yeah I’m playing on a server anybody can join they have Java come on Jacob gosh I can’t do it nothing nothing else say hey hey Jacob what what difficulty is

This on is it on hard yeah it’s on hard it’s on normal black m pretty sure it’s on hard oh okay what is if can I play on Bedrock uh it’s only for Java what are you mining for diamonds oh do I die to the void or uh I no

There’s about a 100% chance of dying by the way oh okay why don’t you wait until one of the other moderators is on because remember there’s a magical mystical thing known as um water bucket no I ain’t going to do that she can’t get yourself out of

Done that’s like if I fell to the void and then TP myself safy straight up cheating I feel like if something hit you oh they they left yeah he knows is ain’t no dams for have you already gotten an automatic food farm done or do you need some do

You need a good amount of food Mister no I’m good oh feels like you’re good on everything so it means that there’s literally nothing that I can trade to you that would be worth trading you know yeah other than like diamonds which I can’t get right now or enchanted book Jacob are you

Close to the spawn no is that where are you at our base yeah I’m at at base if you let yourself die Cas you pretty much have to restart Enchanting I didn’t enchant anything the only thing uh it’s just diamond armor I have God legs almost I pop four they have Unbreaking three Cas how did you uh slip off the edge Pearl I see i s I’m going to die there’s a spirit no you officially lost the most

Amount of loot in the server even though you pretty much already did do you have your old chest that spawn like all base yeah go back into the end how do you join the server how do you get in this I think he well I got my first bit of pumpkin

Pie I was going to try to make an industry off of selling that to players but since the other since like you’re the only other player that seems to play a good amount can’t really do that you already have a fully stocked like food production Ian there’s a lot of other people that

Play but a lot of them are doing stuff right now the server is uh it wasn’t really working with other people to join well yeah there’s there’s not really any reason to like play certain types of servers when like like the only thing that is cool on

This server is you have you can play it at any time with your friends and it’s anyone can join but it’s like it’s just vanilla other than the fact that you have claim blocks you know there isn’t like like custom sets of armor you can make or

Anything like that you know well lots of people had uh problems um joining when one storm the bad storm that hit my area it’s like tornadoes destroyed a lot of stuff and it destroyed my internet with it so couldn’t really host it I just ended up buying a

Server MH so far you have a couple people on the server which is better than like my server which is currently sitting at a grand spank lero oh no this can get to hundreds people that join that that’s kind of what I was saying you’re you were lucky you’re

Getting hundreds of people every once in a while I’m lucky to barely get three maybe four it’s I’ve been thinking about trying to like stream on it but I’m someone who doesn’t really do well with survival so like I’m my entire thing is I just build like is a

1.12.2 based off of based off of gem stuff like Steven Universe Gem stuff with kadic on it if you know what kadic is no there let me go ahead and send this to someone to stream because new person to the server doesn’t seem to even know you’re streaming um

No I got him in here all right oh Warren OH Mr waren hi um the way you join is actually in how to join you need to be in 1 120.4 you need the IP and you put the IP in your servers it’s vanilla just go to multiplayer and go

Add server MH and then paste the IP in server address it’s very easy Any just need to find a city I need to find in the Gateway I’m I think I’m going to make a base like a few thousand blocks from here you want to help uh constru construct it cash yeah um I don’t really want to live right

There I want to live a little further away yeah probably the 10,000 but we’ll do that later I’m going try and get a light chice real quick this I’m going to go get Civ oh I found a n city oh I think it has a ship too does it yeah it has a

Ship we looking good Jacob I just don’t have fireworks and there’s an end Gateway right here that’s easy that’s easy money no armor I have two two iron pickaxes I didn’t bring a water bucket uh I got to go all the way back I’ll come back to the end when I

Have fireworks and then I can just uh what’s it called and I can fly easily to uh the base right now imagine when that when the server gets to that point where everybody just hasely it will I’m surprised no one has uh done anything uh to spawn

Yet yeah to someone like PVP shows up he’s not even good at the game these shers are actually going to be annoying though no I’ll pay some money for chers oh that was close I angur two Ender on accident I left them right in my face I don’t really miss press on for

12 said do you miss me in gtag oh no person I really miss gorilla tag at all I hated I hate now and I killed them both I hate VR so many hours I put in doing something I and like you know how like Cas you know how like big

YouTubers they’re stuck in something and they and then they eventually quit cuz look at the big YouTubers are quitting it’s just the whole idea is to do YouTube for fun that’s the best way to do YouTube press on for 12 you do it like a job you

Get burned out invite me to a call and I’ll show you what happened oh we’re in the beyond the World server you got to have the Minecraft R and rules that’s crazy pressed on for 12 set please well we’re already in the we’re already in the server let’s go to rolls and click

Minecraft I’m going try to get a lotan pressed on for 12 said what about later after the stream well you can join the call we’re in a VC got to get the Minecraft roll don’t have it efficiency 3 silk touch pick no way it just made me go all the

Way down to the ground how do you join if you’re on Java which is PC you go to if you’re not on one point 20.4 you have to update though if you’re on that version you go to multiplayer you go to how to join it says IP copy that

You or you manually type it if you don’t know how to cop don’t know how to copy all of it you go to multiplayer click add server and then it say address and then you just paste that there if you don’t know how to select or update press on for 12 oh my

God can you invite me to the call fallowing for Boots three one Unbreaking three iron chest plate efficiency 4 Fortune three Unbreaking three iron pick all right you go to the Minecraft homes like page launcher says installs click that then you go to new install and then it’ll say versions just

Click that and click the 1.2.4 version and then press create then after it’s created you launch Minecraft and then you go to multiplayer go to how to join copy the IP or type it manually then you go to after you go to multiplayer say add server click that and then you paste an

Address that is how you join here I got some God loot I got the elytra uh cash can you make a word that no one can type in how to join Jesse must have all you shouldn’t be able to know well now they can’t see it cash you

Got to make a where they can see it where they can’t just type it they can’t see it now unless you want me to test it and see if you can see it test it yeah test it out because I’m pretty sure here have can you see if you can see if you

Can see it invite me can you see it yeah do you see it it should just say done reading check out Minecraft chat or something like that do you see how to join cash yeah I see it all right and then it should wa do you see it now

Though no I don’t just change it to where how you have it Jess you can do that whenever he comes it’s not really that big of a deal restone you have to get the Minecraft r press on for 12 said remind me to let me just

Bo PR on for 12 set I did not get a new invite all right go here go to rules click Minecraft we’ll be here just click Minecraft and be in here if you have any problems just tell me pressed on for 12 said invite me I can’t invite you

It’s a hidden chat you have to click the roll and rolls all right I got 44 sibian Dam we’re going to make our base secured going to be like a bunker VY 5 is so so quick pressed on for 12 said what about after the stream well the thing is that after the

Stream I’m probably not going to be doing anything and also all you do is you go to rules click Minecraft go down you see Minecraft VC and I’ll be in it unless if you’re not not in this server shouldn’t have no problem BR Jacob this actually sucks when your only food is co

Food well better hope that you don’t go off the edge no you you can unmute it would be easier if you don’t know how to do stuff wait till the server gets to the point where you join the VC and there’s like 30 people in

It Y how do you how do you monitor that uh you don’t you don’t be in it you let them be in it you get that there’ll probably be like three four four to five months until that cuz the server is not really that expensive though if it gets to the point

Where you need to upgrade more and maybe I’ll think about actually hosting it get on the internet guys you know what the premium cost yeah it’s like $50 Mr Nuno 935 seven gigs how do I get thip to join pressed on for 12 you go to how to join said

Unless if uh BB g v v v v g g g g g h g g g go to how to join the IP be there say IP you either type it or copy it manually then you go to and you go multiplayer add server

Paste IP and then it’ll pop up just even if it don’t pop up as a server online just click it no save uh Mr Nuno 935 said I can’t read the messages on hash how to join can’t read the mess messages I’m dead no I’m not I lied I’m hurted

Though like you can’t see the messages on how to join it’s nothing in there all right I’ll paste it just in case you can’t see it all right it’ll be in h to join now I don’t know why it’s not showing up Cas did you seeo

935 THX yeah I did he said he still didn’t even see it unless if it’s because of how it’s l i don’t know I’m confused I’ve not been this confused in a about first versus uh I’m not going to say it whole entire time I thought it was

Just because didn’t know how to do it but Smite Three diamond sword oh I got six diamonds from this chest hey look at my e chest right there so we’re going to go Elija diamond sword can go me I have wood in here let’s go t back give getting close to two stacks

Ofan nice okay gold block can come out put diamonds away cuz I don’t want those right now this diamond any food in here this isn’t horrible this is not horrible isn’t the best still don’t know the only thing that I can see you having a problem with is if you’re

On cuz you shouldn’t have any problems so much lava here okay jaob we’re doing good right now I’m doing good actually doing good doing good no just don’t fall doing much much much better than what I was before I have four Shuler shells there’s many more to be had this more go go

Are you on a one point 20.4 I need to go even higher than that though trying to get another how many do you have right now one just one oh that’s up to you could always come back with fireworks you know I do have I did I found an Ender Chest here

So I put a bunch of my stuff away and I have some Sher boxes so can make some at least wood in m chest you got to open the Minecraft launcher see if what version you’re on if you’re on PC and if you have Java there 100% chance of it working cuz it’s

Vanilla if it doesn’t work and you have everything have all the versions and it be on your end though it’s probably not if you don’t know how to change your versions then it’s probably your version all right I’ll screen share it’s probably not going to be

No you must be watching the stream I thought you in the PC all right this is how you do it go to install click new inst so go make sure it’s on this press create after you create it it’ll be right here then you just play and then it’ll be like this and

It’ll say the version you’re on I you go to multiplayer click that add server this is where you either type or p paste IP and then you press done and it’ll pop up here and just click play longest time I ever seen a server take of course and there you

Go where’s the IP the IP is here how to join if I can see it then that means everybody see it’s right here IP oh my God I shouldn’t be alive right now get back you’re going to die have to do all that all over there’s an Ender like on my

Nuts I got to kill him oh go where is multiplayer I’m just going to make a Sher box Jacob I’m going to make a Sher box put all my stuff in it put in my Ender Chest respawn and then it’ll say multiplayer I got to go up and get it

Though I know but I don’t think we’re talking about the same Minecraft cuz there’s no way that we have the same Minecraft you have to be on Console or something it’s in this one maybe I don’t know unless if it’s your first time I was kind of helpless first time

Okay I’m like pretty safe right now all right it’ll be in the Minecraft how to join I just say how to join like that channel and then I’ll say IP all J I’m putting everything in this Ender Chest I have an elytra I have shell Sher

Shells should I just uh should I just leave or do I keep trying oh that depends I just like run around with an iron pickaxe and see if I can get more if I die if I die all my stuff is safe all right that’s good yeah

I’ll just say on going just just keep going but like with like nothing just like an iron pick and sword yeah bring your yeah I’m going to have the ender chest with me well no if I do that then I’m going to have to take the efficiency silk touch diamond

Pick I mean if I the thing is if I die then I’m just going to lose the little bit of stuff I have which is fine with me sword keep some wood on me that’s the IP server um all right I’m leaving this uh the send City

Go look for new one all right I’m almost at three stacks of gway oh no why is an end mad at me end got some problems you got some problems did they get mad when I E CL maybe no course food is lowkey good for food it

Gives you like two and a half or three the downside teleports you yeah but I mean you’re barely getting teleported so if you’re just running around in a forest it’s not that bad you’re like running around in pling open field it ain’t half bad I guess so

I’m going to try and get you and Elya maybe an extra one I don’t have fireworks though so it’s going to be hiding I’m going to make a mob grer I’m going to make a uh cre your fun we could just make a whole mob one yeah that’s

Uh that’s that go to your Minecraft W and go to your Minecraft okay I basically show them yeah do you do Google if he still doesn’t uh know where is then there nothing I can do wait what you doing commands from Google you don’t you don’t do your own IP you

Just do the IP of the server open up Minecraft very simp all you do is paste this IP you don’t paste your own IP yeah paste that IP and then you name those world like Beyond something be on the world have to name it that’s choice you don’t have to

But if you want to keep it separate from other servers you can name it and then you just and then you just load into it very simple the server is 247 now Jo Mr Cheese said hi do you even have Minecraft do you own it no he wouldn’t he would uh he wouldn’t

Be trying to join if he didn’t have Minecraft load it up not on your PC um you on Java you can’t yeah if you’re on ed rock you don’t have on your PC you can’t play is it moded no it’s vanilla oh and Daniels very simple to join is it

Modded yeah you got to have uh Java that would make sense why you can’t do anything because if you’re trying to join on Bedrock then what I just showed you is not going to not going to help anything not going to do anything got be clear about these things Jacob ask him a

Million times about the same thing until they give you straight an zie the links I had to do to make the stream actually streamable it’s crazy I had to put the frame rate to 30 I had to put the bit rate to I think less than two

Daniels said I can’t have mod ow and Daniels it’s uh it’s all vanilla mods everything’s vanilla just like in the title very simple join the Discord you join the server Jo the typ verify Minecraft roll and rules okie dokie no comment so much pain Mr Cheese do you hate me still not as

More what can I do to the pay I mean you yeah you got to you got to retype delete that server and then get that new ID and then you all right Mr tee it’s 247 hello hello hey Mr Cheese yeah all right Salute you said that it w’t Cas huh Jacob you said it won’t work I think he’s probably either heading out or getting off all right cash if if you can’t join in the first two times of us saying it we don’t help all right yo quality I go on how to join and

It don’t show me anything um wait so you can you see the how to join p well yeah I’m on it right now but it just does anything it’s there for us but not for anybody else okay um all right I’ll just send in the

M no yeah just set up that that makes more sense CU it’s not there yeah I’m Jo it everything is much smoother you’re not going to be lagging at all uh let’s see unless a lot of someone’s on 400 ping right now that is crazy um I get into

Mver I’m on 18 ping I got better ping than you quality I’m not where the server located it’s like mad close to me I got like 18 ping as well the it is more towards uh New York where the server’s being hosted oh shoot there’s a skeleton I’ve literally only got wood and

Seeds Cas remember what I said about once you join I know crazy yo guys I went on my scooter today and guess what what I hit a rock I flew off my scooter get loads of cuts on my hand money and my elbow get some rash wait where are you from Mr your

Accent Britain Britain makes sense no way no way he’s in BR Brit Brit I just gaming said how when he had better ping than you Jacob I just butchered that word IM Moran said hello hello J how you how he got better ping than you oh no he

Don’t yeah if you want to join just follow this drink right Jacob I might just jump off the edge I’m not going to lie it’s very tempting why you going to jump off the edge purposely you not have anything to live for and my pick is going to break soon

And once that breaks I uh I end it I’ll end it what the um server address is oh I paste it back in how to join so you should be able to see it oh there’s how to join oh I’m in so much pain right now oh on half a heart in real

Life that ain’t good what did it send me out of this and not has to be sign up still you um to join because it says I don’t have permission to view it yeah said that with me all right okay go to permissions uh fix this go to

Permissions and it should be visibil something all right I hate myself you have the Minecraft roll cuz you need the Minecraft roll you won’t be in this call if you didn’t have the Minecraft roll cash okay that makes sense why having so much PRS can’t even view it crap is a

Creeper well what it be it just be in like permissions probably hit my elbow on my chat arm I’m going to do a calculation 25 people at once I think that’s how much server can hold I have no clue it’s not working it should be working we need 20 more people for it

Then bro there’s two Creepers down there now oh no no if I need make a creeper I know where to go I just go in my mine about 50 creepers down there and about zero Diamonds oh I’m in too much pain to hate people for

Now I’ll be able to play for a lot longer now h I can’t have or I can’t view the how to join I sent in uh the Minecraft chat a little bit I’ve got too many group chats now I’ve only had discod for about a week no like 100 I have about

500 so add everybody on one one uh one server or One Max yeah my ping is terrible now makes it’s not 18 anymore you should you have good thing hello I just joined whoa I’m on top of the Ice Bike spot biome oh another jaob I don’t know

If there’s a ship though you figure out the thing oh has a [ __ ] wait did someone just join for the first time yeah um all right make sure you look at yeah I just joined all right try and get wood and iron as fast as you can all I’m trying

To do is um I found another n city I a second elytra all that’s good I’m just trying to get to the bottom of these ice spikes yo funny guy what I would recommend you get at least a th000 blocks away why there will be people that grief you

Kill you whatever they want they just kill you for no reason then you you can report them they get enough report they’ll get timed out they won’t get banned forever but they’ll get like banned so they’re basically just trollers not everybody so I’m just creating a peaceful potato

Farm there a zombie but I don’t see a zombie did you plant these cherry blossoms someone else did also I just found a goat wait want fire the cave invite yeah there’s a cave up there with a invite code isn’t that isn’t that uh for Java BX games oh X Games said yo

Yo said now I got to wait till five for my tryy outs has 214 ping cash I got five and a half stacks ofan there’s no way Jacob going for that I do got fy5 there’s no point in getting efficiency five oh there is it’s only slight bit

Faster efficiency oh it just means you rich it gives me a little bit more fear I only need mending I’m not scared of you and I haven’t even got armor like I said ain’t kill on site server shouldn’t be scared of anybody has full diamond

Armor I would cuz I don’t know who that is I don’t even I might be dead here Jacob go your goal is to get back with the LTR well I have I can get back with one ofely we’re going to try to get back With I found another e so all right I’m going to look at the server Ram see how it’s doing uh don’t get past 50% you want to know how many chunks I loaded cash how many 8000 oh five more di I got one piece of let’s go

Have any chance of finding food I I’m happy I’m happy getting one piece of iron if you’re with me you Stacks easily yeah just getting like five and a half stacks of obsidian make that I just finished with this whole lava area I got like six Stacks in three there’s no more lava

Anymore oh my God kind of want to get a little bit more I don’t know if one may needs that much sh our base is not going it’s going to be at least like two blocks thick with maybe three blocks stick with the core I don’t know if we need all that

Jacob we’re probably going to do no one can break our stuffff yeah but I guess that that’s for for more of that uh I I know I can use obsidian for some Farms I know that so it’s just good to have I guess I can use it for builds and Farms

So it’s not horrible wish my internet was good could actually host the server not spend extra money on stuff that probably just do yourself you twice as better oh quality is not better that frame R I kind of want to make like a um like a prison server like

A faction say you know something like that where people can buy stuff yo what’s up what’s up yo I’m going to be doing do a face reveal do a face reveal face reveal house I think someone called sound like cash for a second even though I knew it was not cash

BR it’s becoming night time and I hear some I hear some sheep guys my bedroom’s full of glass right now yeah the IP will be in uh the Minecraft chat why did it just turn day again since it’s not someone slept because someone slept oh I slept good quality Yeah I don’t have plus I want a green oh I’ve got two green screens already I mean I can I don’t know I’m going to have to buy a camera lens it’d be cool if moin actually added the cave door into a new update be cool if you could play Gorilla tag on

PC without have to chose mods I have wow he has a bin go on to the live stream I have like a l Top This is my forun to mending Unbreaking three shovel efficiency three iron Shovel I’m going wherever these goats are at my headset this is like my wait how many headsets do you have oh I found an animal maybe I can get food for how many headsets do you have um I think Jacob should I come home I have two elas this is huge start this

One how many can is headset on gorilla tag you have two yeah so in case if I get banned this is my this is my other one I just have two Anyway if I am and if I’m doing streaming oh I can’t go on gorilla tag because um I got hallucinations from VR why is it telling me that it’s warning me there’s someone on here that’s trying to cheat or is it just false flag what

Is it warning you about uh like I’m show what happened hello goat will it get give food H it don’t really matter no I mean it could matter but it’s me M all right all right it’s um what he’s meaning by it me is he’s going Freddy no it tells me who it

Is can anybody stop texting me where’s a celebrity can we can use the nether highway to go thousands of blocks away this huge um Ravine and it goes into the water all I’m going to go get more lava or more I’m literally watching your live stream right

Now no one where every move I every move I do it’s good if you watch the live stream cuz then it’ll promote it to more people I died the more people can join the more chances me getting stream sniped go up yeah got like that okay I should going to be my

Bodyguard if we get stream sniped this is a bro if someone tries stream sniping you I’ll just nuke the house oh I might give you some loot to defend you’re in the area I I won’t let people stream snipe where the clouds this gold here yo quality even if someone has

Diamond or neite armor if I trying to stream snipe you I’ll still try and fight them even if I don’t have arm they armor then y I’m still trying to fight them yo so this is what happened on G tag so Mountain let me kill it to see what

It gives me out it doesn’t give you anything yes it might give you a horn no it’s not how it works you have to um have it Char s if the goat runs you and misses you and hits a wall instead Jacob I have two elas I think that guy got

Kicked by the all right I’m going to kill myself now Jacob yeah how do I make um one charge at me stand around it so if I just go going its way you’re Qui no just stand still and it’ll eventually charge you cloudy yeah so this is what happen someity here it

Is yep that happened to me today I couldn’t hear anything you said it’s bad that’s the reason you got I’m SP maybe it’s just some two-year-old kids that were on grill tag and thought you were hacking yeah I’ve got reported like 50 times before I’ll be honest 98% of all people

In gr tag are like 2 years old yeah they’re I’m 12 they’re like they’re like Mom Dad can I play gorill I I don’t even want to hear Gill tag just a just a word my demon now why yo I hate it I don’t want to play it it’s cringy what you

Mean yo you run around as a monkey yeah who don’t the people that watch my videos I mean Jam curly is a good J and cly barely plays gorilla type yeah he’s not even good bro I probably could Juke J curly with his own Juke

Yeah guys do you know why I can’t break blocks must be on your own hey dog dog hi dog my little cousin who literally got a VR headset last Christmas probably could beat J curly okay I should just turn into the gorill more G pretty sure you

Um I’m pretty sure that I’m pretty sure that gorill tag is R be honest I thought I would never hear gorilla tag again after few sometimes people are trust you never stop hearing G Tag Jacob I just all right I searching through the mountain to find a goat to charge at me I’m building the second layer of my potato farm now this is taking forever I’m going to send it my there I it yo quality can you make me a moderator no

I don’t give moderators I don’t give it you have to be with the uh server for even even then a long time and uh you got to be like this you got to be pretty much a friend someone that actively know my shovel broke saying that not probably going to

No one’s probably going to get moderat until we get probably uh like 500 people then we’ll probably give out another like two moderators it’s only when the server gets to a point where it’s hard to moderate so it’s pretty easy right now and then we have two moderators and they’re not even

Really well they’re not going to be active they have their own things to do I ate my lollipop and then choked on we don’t even oh why my going on the I just want to find a goat all right I’m coming back to base strip mining is pointless in this

Mine resources are all gone some kid in my friend’s live stream before I was AI I don’t even know where you are so can’t trust anything noways all I was doing is saying hi to the people that were new to the stream well there you go maybe he thought he was maybe he

Thought like some AI that interacts and talk to you on my lap put on time out I am about to go on myp he didn’t he didn’t deserve timeout for that oh bye all right still what does he deserve time out for uh it doesn’t deserve time out

To the person that gave me moderator he did oh I found seeds maybe I can find Acken he told me to give him a 24hour timeout all right now he’s good he’s the owner of the live stream yeah I’m still saying he’s a back I was only going to give him like 10c

Timeout you say that’s you say that would be deserving if someone got 24-hour timeouts a no like 10 seconds maybe I I do AIT I have my sh I do I do a might have I might be finding um an anci gave someone moderator to see what happens he instant

Put that uh that ancient city is probably um what’s it called no I don’t abuse my power oh no creeper probed well it’s not really hard even if you get banned you just switch on a different Google I swear if I find diamonds I’m going to be so mad because

I don’t have that’s what someone did they went through 20 accounts I don’t even know how to use moderator that much it’s really easy the reason I screamed was because I didn’t notice how far I was falling I sent it in a no I have three fireworks so we’ll

See see how far I get you only have three fireworks I’ll look to see if I have gunpowder I’m going to try to tame this horse I’m just destroying a hill right now when you get back we move yes uh only keeping the stone now I just need a

Lead I’m going to leave this guy over here oh my God I can travel so far by horse so far so fast oh a different horse it looks like he died and lost a lot of loot cash who look at chat um flying with my elra so I

Don’t we need to go find a village get Unbreaking buy mending books Unbreaking three mending we’re going to buy a whole Sher box of mending maybe I can make it charge at me do you want to make the the creeper Farm here or at our no we’re not making

It we’ll just kill some creepers to get firew iron shovel broke going have to wait for I’ll beb for a second all right I’m back no I’m about a thousand blocks away can’t make a goat charger at me mate it takes a long time have

To you better off just ra P Outpost you have to make it get knock into something else and then you can get the horn and I bet you don’t even have the item for it or item ones I don’t know exactly though I don’t have any items yeah then you can’t

Even get the go one so what you’re doing is just useless I me you just got to make it run into a stone ball so do I just abuse it until it tries to no no no that’ll just make it kill you view wa no don’t just kill it it’s not this

How do I I think I’ll be set for potatoes I died by the easiest mob to avoid ever no the easiest mob to avoid is Warden no Warden Warden is actually mad easy d Escape yeah Warden sucks so easy I totally didn’t die three times trying to escape for try to get my

Stuff back oh you don’t even want to know the amount of times I had to I had to die to make it out of that cave I never actually got my stuff back either I did I made it out with four God apples I didn’t I died probably 100 times

Though I had an efficiency five H all right looking uh somebody looking uh how to join I think I might have something maybe changed it or you can see it something that’s really weird that happened is um I picked up a poppy and it said um now you can get fight

Other players actually no I think yeah you need to have items in your inventory to fight people I only have a poy yeah doesn’t matter what item oh yeah I need to claim land to protect a work of art which is putting a poy down all right I might have I

Might no way for me to know into someone looks what’s this old base over here Village don’t G don’t grief bases by the way just saying if anyone griefs my base I will cause War Bas is it I mean someone griefed um the other The Village yeah the village they griefed games

Said your beast and get banned for a day hello well not it again they get banned for a week they do it again after that they get banned indefinitely it depends I’m killing it depends on the context I’m killing the brown tree keep on doing it guys should I

Sleep if it’s just to grief to grief then grief the griefer you get banned for they do it again for it’s use a shovel to protect your it does that when you place like stuff down and it tells it to you what if you’re griefing the griefer yeah why not grief the griefer

Base well then you also get uh in trouble well you can’t grief some protection on their land they don’t you simple as that hey Jacob yeah oh you see that Landing that spin move into the water nope per give me permission give me Mission all

Right I need you have to take this stuff out of this these chests too I’m pretty sure yeah you have to take the stuff out of that all right go go to Discord and go to how to join I want to see if you can see it now permission

Go to a random base getting so many potatoes pick up or I me the random base inside the village I don’t have permission well you got to fix this can’t can’t just leave it they’re going to go to how to join then they’re not going to be able to join and then leave

Leave the server all right wait wait zie zombie I think I can fix it what do you no one’s saying that you do have to fix it it’s work try to murder a zombie and then yeah I’m there you go nope can not like it’s illegal not to fix

It just people might not like you that much I’m gonna grab a piece of dirt from under this house I can see it perfectly fine give me permissions broke as well locked off the door give me a second cash wait for anything this isn’t even protected you Boo that is it don’t

Matter we got to leave this place this place is bad it’s not a good place well that ain’t my fault can zombies bust down doors only on hard mode oh no I’m going to run to you guys first I need to grab all right stay there wait I stay

Here stay there I got got tell my name my name’s very bad actually never mind oh no a spider the post broke so way back in the mine got my pickaxing from side to side I’ve literally got my own 2 L bottle of Chandy I’m going to kill a spider if

You job I failed it what hurry up you up if I if I I swear if speech fails me you don’t get it I didn’t do it slash a creeper killed a spider I didn’t do a SL I’m actually about to give up just hit the slash on your keyboard type it

Out and then boom you’re done which mode are we on are we on normal mode yes I wish we were on baby mode why cash protect me if it hits me then I have to do everything again not this High Jacob cash I forgot how to do it well you don’t do English

Please all right I’ll do one more try if I don’t I’m doing I’m doing does rotten give you any help um what do you even need to go in this chest cash I need to have access to Jacob I don’t have access to anything here I can’t sleep I can’t do

Anything I someone can someone just sleep here I also need to help you move loot Jacob I’ll sleep in a second there you go you can sleep I need to help you move loot it’s not that hard Jacob you go yes permission all right yes die zombie you sp 10 at

Night if you kill a spider does it give you any health no it doesn’t give you health you play Minecraft I do play Minecraft how would you this stupid in Minecraft Jacob it’s not this hard bro because I’ve I’ve haven’t played in a while what and you think you can gain

Health by killing stuff no I thought they would Dro something like like can you eat spider eyes it don’t work with slh yeah you can’t eat spider put poison they so you would lose heal from it I’m tempted of breaking these sweet berry bushes outside my house well there you go

K doesn’t work I said it said trusted I’m going she just going to chill and talk to you guys crust I did lit I’m typing in I did it I didn’t give it to the wrong person I did it I don’t have it Jacob that’s how you

Look that’s how it’s supposed to look SL trust space name and then boom yeah I know I did that you didn’t give it to me then I did oh my God guys you said slash at the beginning that’s what you do it’ll pop up if it’s a command I’m Gonna Leave

Guys all right trust I’m doing it one more time I’ve done it before cash you’re leading me in the wrong direction so it don’t work you got to do a slash at the beginning yeah I know that’s what I did you didn’t do that you didn’t do

That look all right you’re you’re not doing it I’m not doing weget it Jak forget it I try to do it your way you didn’t do it you do SL trust my yeah did that and it worked that it looks just like that just like

That yeah you do SL trust and then the name yeah know I did that what are you possibly doing wrong Jacob there’s nothing let me look there’s nothing I did wrong it’s came up with you guys’ Names trust unless doing trusted didn’t work no space there okay my name you just SL trust space and then the name oh boohoo cash you could have said you got to do trust I did trusted what did you think Jacob oh you got a goat One damn you did a lot of mining Jacob there’s no way you have through five stacks of obsidian it’s six like why all right well give me this I need a pearl any pearls any pearls any pearls I got some on y big pears you 15 blocks of

Diamonds touch that it’s mine ah boohoo No don’t touch it Boohoo you want to see riches Jacob you want to see this money spread uh not all of them are full I’m already nearly on my third floor T you like that money sprad Jacob yeah no put it to good use every floor of potatoes I make is 80

Potatoes is that silk touch Pig this my Fortune three Pig one floor of potatoes is 80 potatoes off Place stacking that potatoes on the second floor nearly the third come over here and break these boxes or whatever I got a crossbow break what blocks they will mine over

There this you want me to break this yeah break them I something yeah break them Jacob make sure you don’t have anything in your inventory don’t put everything you have away or whatever I picked up one thing yeah I just realized y guys do you know that if you

Hold something in your hand Minecraft and you click e it’ll show what you’re holding on your character on your inventory I never knew That not bringing all this with us but go uh go look I just realized something two floors of potatoes is 60 potatoes that there so I have to do another going what I want I don’t want um oh my God that’s a lot of potatoes much the of that is

Garbage I have to place 1,000 280 potatoes there you go cash I’m get 32 floors of potatoes why is my bit rate hit zero excuse me is my internet getting worse than what whato quality I’m nearly at your level p no I don’t want anything else to that

My ping would be even less if my internet was it’s not my it’s only my upload that’s why you need got 69 pin let me shift do all this slot take that out got a Susy pain oh no it’s not suu you want this deep plate over

Here no I already have enough don’t need more that goes there I need more diamonds Jacob I need more diamonds that’s only how many diamonds y 31 that’s all I own now I used to have like a stay I gotta go go mining soon oh I got four Cs on one p two

Stacks 12s y quality you know how fell my scoo I’m just going to stay grabbing stuff we going to bring with this my right hand is a bit swollen block of course this happens to me I have another stack of I’m always getting Hur

I mean if you do a lot of stuff outside you’re bound to get I don’t even do that much stuff outside don’t keep any like Redstone or lapis on you I’m turning it all into blocks well you want to just have it turn into blocks well we’re going to

Bring it with us I’m just going to turn into blocks though because the amount that there is is too much you can carry nine stacks of in a stack that’s that’s what I do but I don’t really want to do that my diamonds yo quality check this cord give

Me I’ll show you what I’ve done to my hat all right I’m looking at your screen oh 11 do you want to bring these SS with us cuz that kill us oh my I can imagine how bruit that is Jacob do you want to bring the quarts

You can bring them if you want I don’t want them uh the quartz yeah there’s there’s a bunch of quartz yeah I’ll bring it with me we can make oh my God there’s more lapis here how much do you have forun can’t say anything Um I’ll tell you it’s nice the one that you can stream or play whenever you want did you just did you a chant the iron pick no I got these from n cities oh you think we should go to spawn and just give some and hell

No my lo my you think I give out some diamonds make the fal no give netherite not giving them no netherite no tou my Lo it moves it does move Jacob oh he made a little L right here look at that crazy yeah for everyone else in the server they’re all

Us well not everyone you see that Arrow right there you notice it yeah that’s the highway it goes to it goes to bl’s base then there’s a portal right there that connects to the wait where’s this port where’s the portal right there that goes to nether roof

Yeah you want to travel on the nether roof that’s why that’s what the idea was no well we’re traveling on the nether roof let me just make sure I have stuff on me because I’m not about to get on um well we’d have all the obsidian yeah I have the obsidian on me

So just give me a minute I’ll bring a steel all right looking like cheese right there we got a lot of cheese and we got our a war right here I have so many I have two and a half stacks of uh redstone blocks almost that’s a lot it is a

Lot I got to say this place has been nice to me don’t forget there’s netherite Jacob got 26 26 pieces you should put that in the end chest I don’t know why put all your best Lo what do you want what do you want grab sers touching your loot yeah yeah

No not really again they’re fidd they’re fiddling with all your high tier Loot and then they run off with it well they’re not going to that’s the thing you only have one Diamond chest the server has been up for a while yeah lost a lot of mine so don’t

Care yeah I’m going to have to make building blocks and stuff can go in that chest I’m going to make myself another Diamond set to no I wouldn’t do it now do later yeah I’m going to do it later I’m so rich that I can make so many Diamond full

Diamond armor you know I got like two and stacks diamonds that in there that in there gas y my mic stopped working for a bit custard rabbit face said damn it’s been 3 hours remember me when you get famous little bro then you break th it’s already been three hours keep uh keep

Like three stacks of uh building blocks on you Jacob depends if you uh com NE you’re in like the disc I’ll see you probably when I famous take this take them Bon why do I have all this you know what remnants that we here there you go Remnant even more

Redstone I don’t even care about that Redstone I don’t care about those bones food here if you want Redstone here you go no oh you have more on you yeah like I have like three stacks almost all right quality when you get a million sub would you remember me depends you guys

Will all be remembered if he does if you uh if you’re like assistant playing like the server in a in the Discord wait Jacob let me get the coal you took out of the furnaces pretty much what I do like all your coal all of myal yeah I’m going

Turn it into blocks and stack it I don’t even have a stack of regular coal I’m four I am I have 22 blocks of it I 18 coal and that’s it I have 22 blocks so what do we do with all this extra blocks leave it um we leave them we

Don’t need them what if we want to make like a structure Jacob I I have plenty of the Cobble deep Sate look I have plenty two R okay I don’t we’ll be fine let make a FL Ste quick custard rabbit face said a a do a do a do a do

A go there keep this on me biscuit Stone you need food Jacob here well that’s a lot of food right there keep you satisfied for a little bit here take some more you get chicken many potatoes I love chicken should I keep my ficiency I’ll keep that on me my silk

Touch I don’t know when you’re going to need a silk touch pick I’m bringing a lot of garbage H Jacob I’m bringing a lot of garbage I’m going to bring I’m going to bring my city C it’s only fair okay Cherry I want that I don’t need

That keep this I wanted to say something but I had to resist you got to resist C would hate me I won’t hate you you really hate me I don’t okay you can’t make me hate probably be like I just stole Cash’s netherite no no no no that’s never steal i’ never

Steal you could say it I don’t care you I won’t get mad I don’t even have armor I have stone tools and that’s it you’re poor yeah I’m not I don’t even know where you guys are right now good I’m just trying to upgrade my potato farm Maybe there’ll

Be a project or a little thing where people try to figure out where I am by tracing back we could uh we could do something why why did I make hay bells am I like a little little special there hey Jacob want more food oh perfect yeah if you want to find

Where I am custard rabbit face watch the old streams said I could easily find so how far are we planning to go cuz we do have to go back to Jessie or we don’t go back to Jess you see we have another rout that leads us straight yeah I know

We have that but like still going to take a while but you cash you got to think people will try and grief you I know we’re going to have our we’re going to have our claim it’s going to Whole base whole base um custard rabbit

Face I have that what keep that put that in there I to go Jacob said yeah I’m ready why why why why why why do I have extra bed Jacob wait look at me all right that’s slow kill cust rabbit face fighting someone at T custard

Rabbit said hey if you guys need some potatoes just rabid face said I’m ready to go x x x x X custard rabbit face bro uh remnants remnants yeah I’ll put some lights here remnant keep the place L up you know yeah remin oh wait got to do one more thing before you leave do you have a looting sword or five aspect I got loting three

My sword give me it give me it give me it custard rabbit face back give me me you going to kill the animals yes custard rabbit face said what you said yes custard rabbit face said Mur come on some of these belong to you I can’t

Murder them come back to me come back to me and I kill wait I got a murder mine too though kill him hurry up come on drop the heads off come on hurry up sheep belong to you why do you sound so excited to murder them Mur them come on the head

Up the rest of the sheep are yours let me go see how many you got some coal here you want yeah I’m going to let me stack that custard rabbit lol s stop now if I was just trolling LOL yeah I saw that I heard that through tds2 look

Crazy remember cash by episode 30 or stream 30 I expect us to both have full netherite oh I have full nether right now I make I just need to make my diamond no I mean like like the nether house like Mansion you know like like a structure like structure

Here I’ll beat them away I can’t beat those ones here take your sword take your sword Jacob take your sword go murder them I can’t murder those ones you’re dead you’re dead what now murder these yes murder Mur murder all murderer murder last one last one

M all right drop me all the loots drop me all the loots loots not not trash loots good loots there we go no no we can have that for anire I don’t want that don’t you want to have like five of us riding a horse or something armor that we’re rich too

Swi it swi itwi REM remnants what were they doing here what’s your thoughts of this remance right here look like uh look like there’s a little war over here I had a stack and a half of beef and AO said hello I mean I got a few stuff not

Really all you ready Jacob I’m ready to go you need to put anything else in your under chest uh no I already put all my best loot in there all right I have a silk touch pickaxe so that’s why it’s breaking like that if you don’t then you just lose your

Stuffo said have a good day y guys I have 240 potatoes planted right now huh Jacob how many beds you got none of them I have a bunch of wool though well I’m going to go take my old man A B I have 240 potatoes placed nice I went in the portal

Jacob I’m on the ne rabbit face said hey how are you I’m doing by the end of this I should be twice as Rich I’m going do some mining ler you guys don’t need to be more Rich oh we got to be the rich you know the the

Rich get richer you know I won I won’t be done get more I won’t be done until I have a whole full just left to right left to right we go that way we go that way RAB face well they can track us through the stream so we should break

Well they don’t know our courts yeah but still they can track US I don’t care Jacob all right come on we just got to make a pathway uh towards the portal so uh when we do decide to uh come back we uh when we come back we got to

Destroy wait where do you go cash is this your Remnant follow the Netherrack follow the Netherrack better not be following the wrong one cuz there is other nether wait are you guys going spawn no we’re going far away from Spawn we’re going so far that bar is not far you

Know I’m literally only a thousand blocks away from Spawn we’re originally probably like 6K but we’re probably going to go like 15 20 bro I’m only a thousand away from SP I think Jesse should set up a border there’s a border probably going to make it like a 50 by

50k cuz the server is going to be the point where it can’t be back up I mean we can just man back up the server is already like two gabes yo you need to tell your stream to join yeah if you guys want to join custard rabbit face said my friend

And I just started a YouTuber SMP very very well so far so you’ll be able to like we have over 20 active players and we think it will be good so probably get money paying a to make custom plugin for us oh that’s that’s

Really good if you want to join us s the requirements first join the disc guys join I’m bored yeah he it’s boring yeah and I just recently bought the server for 247 quality and cash are boring you’re boring y m how cuz we’re cuz we’re talking about

Riches maybe cuz we’re rich and you’re not all right Jacob drop how are you so far away from me trying to do something give me blocks CU you don’t have blocks on you no I do but I need to keep making the pathway how many did you okay I BR I

Bring a few stacks for us to I brought three I brought 10 or something of course you did it didn’t fill my inventory let’s fill this uh server storage all the way up see the limits is it just me that wants to turn the whole server into

Obsidian I say no 2b2 teams you got watch out there’s some people that that are going to disagree with your ideas also be some peoplee but not complete Anarchy not allowed to cheat not allowed to use any hacks oh no I don’t have we can have like

Wars you can uh you can pretty much do anything oh I wouldn’t say that there nothing that will be like ruin the game SMP more of an SMP is I’m just waiting until like the server like has a full-on war or like there’s both on there’s two sides and

They’re highering you know they get i’ll Place Jacob ja hot place but you already know I’ll be the one to cause a war hot place what is this it means you went to every uh every um biome in the nether yeah I got some

Wait I got a lot of XP from that yeah me too I got like 20 levels if you craft a netherite hoe then you also get levels from the achievement how much further you think we go Jacob me look at about th more blocks all right so we’ll go to

Like on like another thousand I think we should uh I think we should make our first quartz Mount Cash you live in a city you live in a big city my my internet my live in the city Jacob I live still a city no there’s no tall buildings around

Me it’s a lot of Like Houses like what you have kind of not Apartments really rabbit face more like towns he’s in myp wonder if you’re able to make bone meal out of wood no where did you get well I’m just I’m just I’m just G to keep on pushing through

It y I got 40 potatoes where are you at you know we’re going another thousand blocks we’re going to not going another thousand blocks Cas it’s eight yes we are I’m being far away cash 1,000 blocks 8,000 blocks overall wait is it custard rabbit face yeah

Said oh Jacob oh wait blocks in here get over here come to the end of the tunnel oh then we’re like oh we’re like 20 something thousand I think away then okay well 10 minutes Jesus back when I was running quality viral too all right so that’s like what 30,000 blocks away from

Okay 30,000 like 30,000 yeah yeah stream’s going to be half stuff that I can do is that stream no just tell your stream to put the stream on two times speed that like that put it on two times speed it makes it more recent put it closer to real time all

Right I’m going to just have it’s my wire it’s messing up I think if I had Wireless it’ be better so let me we keep pushing we’re not going farther we have to go a little bit further Jacob cuz put this stream on two times speed and now it’s bit more

Recent we have to go a little further I’m also I’m gonna have a stream playing on the side so when I when it pauses bro I’ve got stuck in if I go the wrong way I swear God you’re never going to be able to see me Jacob Jacobs go back all come this

Way so about to be going the wrong way for couple thousand blocks we’re going probably like 100 blocks or so and then we’ll uh make my hand kills right now I just don’t want to be in the cave that’s the thing going to be in the cave look where we

Are well his portal wasn’t in the cave look his portal see now not in the C don’t I don’t even say how far we are I don’t even care enough oh my goodness oh you’re probably like 50 well this is uh this is good I see a

Nice little over there go good way to make the chunks of the server go up we got well we got to we got to label this portal so I’m going to take a screenshot take a screenshot of this do this yeah I’ll take a screenshot as well

Save all right saving there all right there there we go all right now we keep uh we keep pushing on now we got to find a nice base spot all right where do you go now oh my God you can’t just leave without telling me exactly where you’re going you expect

Me to have x-ray or something I will not know where you are I’m creating two more furnaces interesting spot Um nah not here we’re not living on no Hill cash we keep pushing we got to find it oh there’s some giant Mounds over there oh it’s pretty flat too Jacob I don’t really want to live on a mountain again the mountains are a bit crazy well

If it’s really flat Jacob you got to oh it’s a village too and you guys are always welcome to where I am I need a village too or if that’s a dome inside of that um Snow Mountain Jacob we’re living there it’s a Creator inside that snow

Mountain we’re living there we got to live there cuz we got to we got to trade of the villagers yeah that’s true if we live close to this then we could set up our own village thing should be so much easier join oh that look think all my I’ll join in 15

Minutes we got to chop these vill Jacob by the way more than blocks away from Spawn now we are so far you’ll buy like 50,000 something like that who knows you lose you lose counter after thousands of BLS just made the server feel like I

Would be the one to know where you guys are you’re no you’re not finding us no one’s finding us oh trust me if I want to find you I would find you I put my bed in the cave a we have a villager here wait hit

The Bell hit the Bell hit the Bell make them all go into the houses all right I I’ll start blocking we need to trap them all in houses hey what are you doing this guy just booked it now he’s going to wait wait to go in the house wait for

Him to go house this guy don’t want to go in the house he’s booking it there’s a villager in there cover that up villager in there cover that up there guys if I tried to find your house I would be determined to do it cover that up I want to I would all

Now we turn well you you try you try that yo guys kind of I got a stack of potatoes that are cooking and a stack of baked potatoes to custard rabbit face Jacob when you make a what time and date is it for you s don’t mind the spelling just checking me

If the bot can read my typing I can read it wait can you hear the this is a flower field too okay interesting I’ll only sleep if you tell me viral I can do everything at night g g g HH Jacob did you have a

Bed uh yeah I mean I had a bed but I’m going to take a maybe you just want to live on this mountain we should have kept some of that wool cuz we got to make a bunch of I have I have all of the

Wool to my e chest I keep on seeing a name tag we can flatten it out and make our big tree house that I want to make wait give me your looting sword I need your looting sword I’m going to be killing mobs here take down SM three Cas you got even worse

Than what I got so it’s good Smite is the also good for killing creatures these mobs it’s quarter past 11 at night for me right now need Phantoms to Spa so 11 p.m. for you yeah I’m too tired Jacob we flatten this out fill in parts of it make a big giant

Base we’d have to do lots of construction it’d be worth it though I didn’t set my spawn so if I died I should be tragic me jacob jacob Jacob Help oh if you fell down here you would tragically probably die y I’ve got way too many potatoes can have have enough I’ve got more than two stacks yeah it’s not enough where’s the it’s right here all right you need like 20 Stacks if you want to fill War I

Just yeah itob let me kill him through night something and then potato I know a dup glitch but I’m going to see if it works and I can tell Jesse to fix that but I’m pretty sure I know one and we need to get those fixed I’m going mentally

Insane Jacob do you have any books actually I can make a b never mind uh we can sleep I’m going I don’t care going mentally insane okay um I need a all right I’m going to hold a villager hostage in here good I love holding villagers hostage he’s I’m holding him

Hostage with the bed you see that sounds a bit wrong you know he’s not going to sleep unless if he unless if he goes with me that sounds a bit wrong quality all right place the place the what energes I did I’m at I’m at the base of

Operations right here little Outpost I’m going to make a diamond shovel quick I to make a el turn real quick so I can uh get mending on these villages we might have to wipe the Villager wipe the village out have to destroy all the builds for construction you know

I’m going to work on making the villagers them all together I need make an axe custard rabbit face sick BTW do you mind if I call you LOL Bro or do you not like it custard rabbit face uh you probably call called LOL custard rabbit face said I mean liil joined and they

Crash Zer Vanishing I don’t want C Vanishing flame he he beats you cash yeah it well that don’t count it’s calc custard rabbit face said you mind if I call you little bro I can’t find any potatoes I can oh I got 24 diamonds in a book okay Four Diamonds oh that’s cheap

Emds I was about to say diamonds would have been cheap okay so you’re mending I know that I need emeralds now all right so we need to make a farmer villager I like someone start construction on a farm I have a I’m comb together okay all right y go down the

Tunnel not going back so we need we make a Fletching villager so we need a um wait what is it what what’s the table called to make a fing do you any of you know what do you need I need something fight over I’ve got more than four stacks of potatoes

Now you need a it’s only been like five minutes okay I need more wood so I this and I need to put iron I need torches keep them safe is that how I do it or is it actually I can just use the resources I don’t like this

Game hey do you guys have any Co can like that no oh you don’t want to trade first very far away very far away I don’t want to run 30,000 blocks yes oh I know what it is I will run a whole 20,000 blocks wait no 240,000 blocks

Just so I can find you guys yeah that means there’s something wrong with you I need coal job what are you doing what are you there’s a bee oh Che Jacob you’re doing the most right now what do one of those someone turn into that stupid

Thing one of my trees grew of a beehive Jacob I swear so I’m enslaving it get these snow blocks out of here Jacob oh they can build it please destroy my beehive I’m kill oh no I don’t want to move I’ll just take the be custard rabbit face said what are

Your plans right now wait no what salty time stor I need villes I need a flasher as if I’ve got any Villages left Jacob do you have any wood yeah kill villages oh all right I’m back can really speak for a second all right my plan is

To set up operations for these villagers all right well that’s supposed to be above ground Jacob I don’t know if you know how to do this I know how to do it you do above ground do underground let anybody no cuz there’s a there’s villager over here

He hasing RAB face touch him okay it’s the with 1 a.m and I need to BPS that are all an hour long before my parents buy then you can do as you please with um I don’t know if that’s possible all that you just kill him no

Cuz then then you then you don’t work for me then I then I don’t have body where’s this fing villager over here ran don’t run Run’s too far you might have to chase him oh he trained sticks yes it’s that’s what’s the point it’s like sticks for emeralds actually overpowered they

Usually they always give you I want play on my dad server you guys there you want my you want this Cas I want my sword back kind of oh yeah cuz I know I know that you’re you’re over there like thinking they you can get away from you of course of

Course now I’m way too op on my D server I’ve got like 50 Villagers 5 billion Farms three neite ingots 50 diamonds two billion emeralds you don’t have two billion if I can if I want two billion emeralds I’ll get two billion I had I have I think 20 stacks of emeralds or

Something the richest I’ve been was probably like and five diamonds uh stack of NE I’ve got way too much bone meal I’ve got nine stacks of bone meal no I secured The Mending book Jacob all right job well donea spy just need to shut the hell

Up oh I have to I need to get a boat real quick that’s just stupid mine a couple of these this this boat now where’s my God bow actually I’m thinking should start making a god bow Cas so I can one shot there is a point bro I think I lost my

Godb oh my God stupid carpet that can’t of hit him if I hit him with snowball oh got more I got more bone meal get into the boat villager villagers not get into boats anymore yeah they still come that’s just a stubborn one if it’s a stubborn one then just kill it it’s

Mending oh kill it anyway no he’s punch guys you punch bro where did I put my God bow we could have make we could have made a tunnel for him no like max power my God wait with a B don’t need all that look at that all sleep hey don’t

Don’t you try right qu hitting the villagers you’re making their deals go down not yeah you are can’t just be going around oh it did go down it’s 20 it was 24 now it’s 29 foring is that a chicken how is it just a chicken now now

Their prices are going to be down for like 20 days straight look what they’ll fix them course we’re not buying it we just need to keep uh keep this stuff stuff I need new I need to make another look where I am cash but you never seen one of these walking around your

House you wood I need my I brought four stacks of wood with me look at him cash look how he’s running what you xam got they beds Jacob I just got home I don’t have the funds only I only have one bed my Cent bed I have the funds I

Got look in the sh I got funs I got F we got to construct our massive I need wood I good not going to lie so when I get on IM a go to space we we what villager get out the corner we’re very far you know you could stay in that

Corner do you like being in there so much bro I’ve got a bamboo farm that and I use bamboo to create sticks and I’ve got a Fletcher that trades 3 sticks for one Emerald how many sticks 32 and I gain like 50 stacks of bamboo and two bamboo is one

Stick so I get 25 stacks of bamboo this is Ming now you in there you want to go to SLE so go to this I’ve got way too many farms on this ser what you doing oh don’t do that this one is so trash no I built a bone meal farm that I

Found on YouTube that said it would get me 10,000 bone meal and 5 days no bone meal well you loaded into those chunks well this villager is pissing me off he don’t it don’t hurt him like that quit not do stuff all right let me look this trade yeah that’s what I thought

Move him in there move him in there move him in there BL them up his nexts one up too two for me Ain that bad yeah his went down his are slowly going down punch the other one you’re down right you’re down right punched them I have a

And said yo what’s up hey remember me I was in that dag Lobby okay uh quality as right now I’m making like a little nether Hub all right well you want to find this it’d be pretty there is a nether portal in there and if you follow that there should be

Like a nether Trail following that and you’ll get to our NE portal so appr I actually put put that uh put that thing there yo blocks do you want to see what I did to my hand today oh God what what did you you do man oh I see it

Now have one more sign to place tell that’s what I did to my hand oh God bro how I fell off my scoo onto rocks want I’m breaking three right now I remember one time I was riding my bike with two rakes carrying and then I

And I went w by my neighbor and I I I went to the side and I slid like four feet good old days and I was like I got up I was got up and I was like I’m fine I was like I was like five five years ago the good old

Days ah only reason why I my hand my leg and my elbow got destroyed today it’s cuz I didn’t fall over when I went roll es skating today okay I’m about to be at y’s base I’m I’m ining the ne portal right now don’t place any Signs wait minute what quality don’t place any signs at our base okay no sign it’s not exactly at P but it isn’t like I know I a few things but Jacob trade with this villager whatever you do why would I want to trade with this PE I’m just saying don’t at all until

I what are you looking for sharpness five Unbreaking three sharp five prop four any of those probably but if I do find like shark five why is there a ton of uh NE I don’t even know shark yeah you can what happened to this nether portal I’m going to search for the other

Villagers we got one my God yeah we’re we’re should I tell you guys what I’ve got in my e chest on my dad server I’m going murder that I got four Diamond three3 Emerald enchant two five scers three NE ings 24 golden apples one Notch Apple three stacks of spe spectral

Arrows six 18 end pears four skor sensors a c Rose goat horn and 21 obsidian the only thing I have more you that is aad which is really sad and the FR and a Frog called Fred oh frog nice I I haven’t even seen one also what the okay yeah I’m confused by

This why is there so much wool at your base bro oh remnants oh no I’ve actually got five aot I’ve just got one that’s called Rose that’s in my end chest Jacob I need a put SC C in the end the chest as well no I have I have a question guys

Oh oh uh in in the nether at the portal uh where does the nether go H what is the Netherrack lead that yall placed uh towards us towards our base all right need some coal cash we’re a I think I know where it leads it leads to our nether portal

Fun it’s like 3,000 blocks long I think they’re like 2,000 blocks long I’m I’m gonna get my for yeah I’m GNA create like a little travel plaza I guess found I the best pick in the game nice well the second best I only need men all right I got

Ad I got 23er right now like nine in here yet I need it the other villager I need a new villager give me a new villager hurry up I have to get torches give me a second I’m not I’m not going to go down

And oh I go down there in the dark oh there’s another part of the village how do you find this stuff it’s underground C they’ve got stream a look the heck is that there’s no one home they all died they didn’t save them cash I put plenty in houses yeah but

These are in the cave I don’t know why they move to the cave oh there’s a huge cave there’s one Bo right here Jacob you well maybe they got out of the I don’t have to punch get to that boat all right yeah you’re in the boat now got the beds

Sure be sure in the can I put a boat up I don’t know there something turn a coal turn a coal thing getting packed by flying thingy Phantom G and skeleton Phantoms and skeletons nice I can’t even sleep oh monsters nearby yeah them because although they do a lot of damage

I just teleported to my main base how do you teleport what it’s like a I use Forge and it’s got a mod that lets me teleport in the server no no you can’t play have to have thing I have a question did you go in in in my

Base I uh went to your tree thing and oh yes I looked down and I was like I looked down and I was like ain’t going down there ain’t no way up I just it’s actually well actually it is a way up but it’s pretty secret though I I don’t

Want to do all that that’s that’s that’s too much that’s above my pay gr you know I was already looking through your looking through your tunnels like that I saw water that villager all the way up here Jacob I seen the water techniques where I think it’s water but when they

Go down it’s not no you got a bucket with you could do that Jacob you got a bucket yeah give me give me it I need the water I need the water Mr greedy about the water keep keep hollowing the SK make it like uh three blocks uh how do you have diamond

Armor bro we oh my God bro get wait actually yeah you blob has netherite too how uh one would say streamer look yeah is streamer look not really a it is y hacking guys y are hacking no no if you’re best friends with a streamer then you also get

Streamer lock no why you in you believe that’s a real thing or you just saying that like more of like a saying you know cuz if you believe that’s you if you believe that’s a real thing then I got some problems against that I I can’t

I can’t I can’t defend that I can’t like can’t even like I I’m a streamer you know you know it’s downside got people chasing you stream you got people trying do when whenever I play gack but I’m not streaming I’m trash when I am scaming I’m Jing everyone it’s called explain

That it’s called called you have people watching you and you don’t want to bore them or you don’t want to you know if you you do your best when you have people watching steam get gives you such a big Advantage compared to Quest just noticed

Like I like just played it and and I can like vertical so good now plus I have long arms so well that’s there there you go I don’t got no long arms long arms little long proba a long arm man you want me you want me to put

This like Jacob that is too wide through it P I didn’t make it all the way bro villing Trader Farm oh why didn’t you make it all the way everything else is locked in no here I I’ll seal the entrance so ain’t no one can escape I need to breed these Villages

Now no that’s bad that’s bad what did you have D you’re looking at you know all right I think I made it better I turned down the bit right I doing oh they’re making babies they’re making babies look at them look at them look all right I’m just chilling talking to you

Guys now CU I’m bored I just got home from oh yes 12 at night for Meo that must suck well actually no did I in my mouth so I have a question is it like Saturday for you or Sunday stop satday s oh okay are they going to pop one out or what I need more villagers how like I just wasted so much Bread on you for nothing you can’t watch

Them cash they don’t like it Jacob he’s escaping qu hitting them you’re abusing him he has feelings build that in Jacob what are you doing he’s fine look we they won’t leave far away from their bed see look there he’s going to he’s going to come to his

Bed you just just you punch them a snowball like they’ll get to it there you go there bro he kind of special wasted so much kind of special Cash let him be let him be special don’t let him sleep you can’t let sleep they’re not allow they don’t have the privilege to do that he’s over there running around the compound it’s his fault he’s the one that’s trying to run out well keep him

Locked back in here that’s why he’s in here he’s going to go in his little cage soon I need wood man dang it break the wall cash that break that actually you can tra trade with them right there yo blocks help again how do you need help again

Bro I’m going mentally insane with these two oh that kind of helped but looky I I’m not a therapist man okay they’re making me go mentally insane they never shut up don’t you even start I was crazy once if you do I’m going to die bro efficiency one bro all these

Enchantments are just efficiency one you got to have a book around the whole place around the entire place don’t you because as I know I have six bookshelves around oh yeah you need more and you have you need 50 yeah you need add 15 to get level 30

I know bro bro I need so much leather it’s insane make a oh I can’t because cuz the like cows like won’t like able to to like actually come in here Iron Golem’s kind of kind of a goober he’s just standing now we going to have them for

Now later okay guys who needs a phantom membrane bro me okay I got you n we don’t take it there’s only one we wait until the the things come from the sky and we kill them with Lo three okay but I want it don’t listen to what asking about okay I got you

Cash uh you want anything in return uh like F Well he B say five diamonds I I I guarantee 100% no got him I got I just all I want is leather bro that’s like all I want do a little bit of Lea okay sweeping Edge what do you think I

Look like old fish make a little can someone give me an invite code what the they’re doing they’re doing it doing it doing it yo that’s insane I do it every day just scroll up and down and random they don’t like us watching guys I have a

Question is it is it daytime or nighttime right now who knows night for me no no no I’m I’m talking on the game cas you’re staring at them when they’re they’re multiplying oh by the way they need bed they need like more like extra bed I think we what the hell is

This put B down what are you doing I’ll make like a little ton of room for them no I’m just going to fight for for my life and it’s not no it’s day let’s go good gamble I don’t want it to be day want it

To be night yeah I need to be night no one can sleep for the next like couple nights we need Phantoms to Spa mean oh oh crap uh I’m I’m gonna make a chest and then chest at your base like close to your base and then I’ll put the

Thing in there all right we haven’t uh well we haven’t really like settled down yet so yeah it’s still operation over here we’re like we doing villager stuff right now we’re not even close to doing our base yeah we didn’t even do our base

Yet would you like to um I could pay you a little bit if you want to uh get some wood me yeah you you you have I mean I live in a fullon forest so so what so what type of wood do you need um you do

Like oak or like Spruce like what what would you have or Spruce okay uh as right now I have 41 Oak I mean 36 Oak planks I can get a lot more logs I’m probably going to need like um like 30 Stacks 30 Stacks yeah ofs give you maybe some uh some

Netherite okay Bet okay no that’s too much too much diamonds okay uh yeah okay a diamond every stack every 10 STS you get me I’ll give you like diamond every stack that’s it’s a little bit too how about a diamond every uh two diamonds every three stacks two diamonds

Every that’s a deal all right Cas your Finance is not going to look good after this okay so I have uh I can give you um I have like 30 40 diamonds right now so oh I got Unbreaking three again finally I me emeralds I think prop would be better than

Unbreaking should I go well we need Unbreaking three for El and stuff and then yeah just keep it I’m going to get prop four we have another villager like don’t get me wrong like I’m going to get C for oh I know all right I hurry and

Make um I kind of smacked them a couple times so he’s little I’ll give them up give me wood I need as much wood as you have Jacob I need all your wood well let me Go chickens you are dying I’m going to go to my under chest here need some wood there you go oh my God I have three stacks for you hey don’t you dare come in this room something hey if you guys ever need some potatoes just come to my

Base we have any what if you just need any food just come to my base why I need tons of food so like well I got two stacks of potatoes what do you wow and I’m still C make our own food going beable all right how many I I can buy an

Unbreaking three book oh yo blocks y I got I got 240 potatoes growing right now oh how massive potato farm oh is it at spawn no it is a a thousand blocks away from Spawn I see okay seen I do need a way to get to

Spawn as well I’ve seen REM of people 4,000 blocks all right if someone can get to town please do no I make this vill I can produce Mass 57 what do I like P they up their prices when you sell you know they’re like economy the more you have the more we’re

Making that is actually a so uh So uh so uh you like only want uh the oak you only want Oak I only need one type of uh tree so either Jacob what do you dark oak good is dark oak or no Oak Jacob you’re trying to make a giant dark oak tree in

Multiple what type of wood do you want Jacob oh I don’t really want to live in a tree take me for you want to live in tree what do you want to live in I want to make a giant tree house well you can make a giant tree house I’m going to

Make a I want so um let me get some dark okay thank you cuz I I have tons of that you should have uh you should have theity for you yeah I’ll take Levi a little bit job we got to claim all the land so about that y I’m winning salt potatoes no

We’re safe no one can get to us I’m willing to Sal one stack of cooked potatoes for one one Diamond make sure you keep your chokers in the I guess really matter and I’m willing to sell a stack of just regular potatoes for two iron I hear you getting cheese over there next

Cheese I like cheese one one do tree gives me 30 logs not that much I mean logs is pretty insane you see I’ve been working on getting I’ve been like Lumberjack for like so long in Minecraft I feel double box and in Rust like oh my goodness and I F double

Box like you know the double chest I’m creating chest just for potatoes yeah cash I remember rust I remember building my pockets with that wood and we make a me mega structure the good old days I’ve got three double chests that I’m going to fill with potato oh there

We go that stuck in here only goal is to fill those three double chests with potatoes start turning the snow balls into blocks I’m going to make a um you know what we should have done wait wait we cash we should have brought the bookshelves with us so have to

Interesting so you can use our enchantment room it’s at our base wait bro actually yeah thank you so much oh there there’s a catch what do I got to pay your life um my life you can keep it and definitely uh for good some of a bunch

Of wood Cas not selling our prize possession are you willing to get for that how many uh how many stacks of wood are you willing to give for the enchanting table and all the bookshelves okay all I need is is is is is a few bookshelves

You can have all those bookshelves for a uh a price of uh some wood name name how many stacks and then then I’ll see four four Stacks four Stacks book all the that’s it okay I’m willing to make the deal of a lifetime with

You for One S and one magma block I will give you two stacks of cooked potatoes wait you say I’m willing to give anyone who gives Me One Soul Sand in one magma block two stacks of cooked potatoes One Soul Sand and and one magma

Block yeah okay uh I think I might know where a magma block is where is it where we Force doors now cash we don’t have to worry about Them all right now I got to get my elytra by the way uh for the for the the the uh bookshelves I’ll also give you a phantom membran okay all right I’m almost ready all right got a fully Ked out mending I’m breaking three elytra dang bro wait wait mending how

The heck did you get mending oh I have a mending Viller yeah Unbreaking yeah we’re we’re rolling up in the world we’re going to be such a big Target now who cares let I like wealth power is like I like the challenge let me cook all my gold up cuz

I have lots of gold to cook don’t mind these walls you might find some holes Jacob what are you doing that’s the bedroom oh we need a we need a um I forgot we need to breed them and we need beds I’m pretty sure now I got to make another furnace cuz

You want to cut some gold trying to make these doors good one have the that this go here about fing any these holes this is the Villager place we don’t care about no villagers actually we should claim the land right next to the villagers put them in civan when we’re not using them

We bury them in CI though we have to make it where they can’t blow blow them up you [Applause] know you can no Jacob no these are going to be our priz possession these are assets we can’t lose them I know and that’s griefing if they get rid of it then they get

Banned yo blocks I just sent you a friend request got you fine just so that I can tell you my cord Jacob we’re betting it up in here look at it all right we’re going to breed two these villagers now so you come out of pdey hole wait I need should

Have I need to organize again so keep this on me this wait and and uh how many stacks do I need to get the uh theable four okay a few more and then do you still need leather or no uh yes I need lot of Le I have a stack and

A half uh give you like I can give you 34 pieces cuz I need to use it too yeah all right so yeah I I have the amount you do okay yeah um just keep like cuz if you want to just keep getting wood and come like at once and

I’ll just pay you like diamonds for the other stuff and okay yo blocks I sent you my codes okay I can’t do go go to them right now any time all right do this okay Jacob these two villagers have to get into the bedroom all right I’m back if you can

Hear me you have more wood go I gave you everything I have well these two villagers here and this librarian have to go into that room over there well they don’t want to move trapped them in that room and now they don’t want to live no want to

Move tell me if you get another room like this you want me to spam this area make a more no actually no move it that way like a lot more blocks just keep like this one like the 5×4 how it is right now I need this villager to like on

This I don’t want to smack the Villager hit him withow or go behind bro bro is stuck in that position you don’t not want to move we also need to make a farm up top big one don’t you want to get into the business of uh selling sticks and then

Selling props yeah I’ll make a tree Farm which is highly annoying but got to do what you got to do diamond you know these villagers are going to have fun time in here oh my my diamond axe is so low you got Diamonds oh yeah bro I got tons of

St Stone not not tons barely any actually bro I haven’t even got armor I’m still stuck on Stone to I mean I mean he’s been stone age for a while B hasn’t even doesn’t even have anything so just make sure you tell everybody the servers the server IP changed

Yeah I I already told V I had a conversation with him today uh let me see guys we’re going to have to step up our our game we got to be the richest the server is going to be 247 yeah I’m the richest terms of loot terms of

Diamonds I mean in terms of netherite yes bro netherite is one of well actually in terms of potatoes I’m 100% the richest isn’t that’s easy over there potatoes anybody be rich in potatoes but diamonds a little bit harder bro got literally like BLS I made a diamond chest plate I

Even plan on wearing it bro can I have it I’ll uh maybe have my old one I don’t know on it okay I have your old one I’ll take absolutely anything I don’t know if I want to give protection four I’ll take absolutely anything wait what what’s on it Jacob this protection for

Um I’m selling it none of my interest I’m not giving it to well if you give it away then uh you know good get some uh some nice stacks of wood from it cuz wood is very important and I’m not why can’t I make use blocks as a I

Need this stupid thing slave bot I do need that stupid thing oh my God a Slave oh that’s funny think had a bit too much Shandy I also have tons of red stone if anyone needs that oh okay your son crazy jig you know what you know you know what AI is MHM

Slave think about it if it becomes to the point where if it can talk to you cash you’re making it do things for you you know you all right I’m about to hit a nice uh little Adventure into the mines all right mining where’s mining he’s a miner I

Guess bring my should I bring my so touch I love miners it’s insane oh you know exactly what I what I mean by that yeah try to get my stream mine you give me a strike I’m going to have to retell and give you a sh okay um um I’m

Sorry what’s been said when it’s been said now po over your life immediately whoa whoa hey man hey what okay all right if you tell me something else I will do it that’s all I hear like like a get back to CH wood man I’m okay what that’s insane bro

Oh my God I’m trying to build build a little travel Hub in the nether jaob me a mine down to uh the thing I would like to go back to home and one of my chant pick on I need faster these infiny 5 is not the

Same J we have to make a mine come on Bo when you come here don’t tell anybody our operation okay I won no one sleep no one sleep no one sleep no one sleep please you sleep and some bad things going to happen oh God Cas we not have profit over here these

Villagers do enough look okay I can’t chop wood wood at night time so oh I’m fine you can sleep you can sleep you can sleep dang I don’t even want to look at the stream I’m I’m looking through a view that that’s the same as my screen quality i y already have Sher

Boxes no look at my stream we we don’t have Sher boxes that’s just a painting that we did yeah that’s just the painting that’s just the painting see like we only have chests jaob is it moving Jacob we have a mini one we have

A mini one oh bet bet bet off of his head he is a miner he is a miner he has a minor in his custody he has a minor in his custody block no Jacob do you want to mine out an area down here for man you know speaking

People isn’t very nice this way mine This Way mine this way cuz we need a we need a farm for them so it’s going to be a we oh no creeper get away mine a little mine a little door so I’ll do this do this so as I have a

Question how much do I have to mine um for what for like like all of it all of of what uh uh like items what you said oh for diamonds yeah about 20 Stacks um three stacks and I’ll give you two diamonds stack you give me okay uh I have okay I

Have it’s time we build something great okay what what if I only need three diamonds actually no no I don’t okay you can get rich off this I’ll Three diamond block Four Diamonds wait wait a minute what three what I have three diamond blocks plus

More so for what what do you want for it I want wood that’s literally all I want how much for one block for one block um oh cash is like cash is trying to scam you right now but also no I’m not trying to scam cuz like diamonds you

Know a little hard to get yeah and you’re getting poor like you’re almost at the level where you’re going to have to rely on netherite you’re going have to make netherite armor cuz you can’t make diamond yeah poop up Poor Man Poor Man you talking about to a poor man over

Here you don’t even know anything for cuz I was thinking like every like two diamonds I get like you give me three stacks of wood I’ll give you like two diamonds like a diamond stack isn’t really worth it so I’d say like a like a

Stack and a half of wood for a diamond so like like second and a half okay okay all right I see I see okay I’m going to I gotta make a chest real quick so let’s I need coal so 13 and 1 12 stacks for block of diamond okay

Okay but if you’re going to do that and since you’re buying a high quantity at a certain amount I’ll bring that down to like uh 12 and a half stacks 12 and a half stacks okay I can do that quit trying to quit trying to scam yourself now you’re like trying to

Give like oh deal deal oh you want to buy this Cas your ping is uh going crazy that’s crazy Oh you mean that 10 ping that 10 ping go crazy yeah change it back to where easy 11 ping God dang bro I’ve been on 72 ping the whole time

Make wait where’s all my foodz like I swear I had so much bread and now it’s all gone I guess I’m cooking up a bunch of this beef I got way too many potatoes i’ be giving away potatoes for cheese I have way too much raw beef and mutton all

Right well I should probably make like full netherite armor by now should I do that Jacob yeah we we need Unbreaking three you don’t want to run around with that I have Unbreaking Jacob Jacob I have it got for I own the Villager for blast protection you got it’s

16am I can buy it I’ll buy two I can buy two it’s not diamonds it’s emeralds emeralds shut up I just need wood well cash I se a lot of wood J can you find me wood I’ll give you I’ll give you some uh you’re making me go into my cherry logs

Jacob you’re making me go into my cherry log I don’t want to go into that but I have to go into that no I I ain’t working for you I have one I have one priority if you want to do anything else you’re going to have to do it on your

Own come on come on come on I’ll pay you in some diam St hackling me I’ll pay you in some diam what do I look like I I can make a room out of diamonds I have diamonds y was on hold up n well I’m starting I’m going to buy

Uh one Unbreaking book two Unbreaking book there got two Unbreaking books now two more no that’s for my Army so the you only need two two enchantments on Prop 4 and the rest you can have blast protection and fire protction you think that’s true cash no don’t listen

To them they’re dumb people are dumb did experiment he did with uh I’m not experimenting and wasting my levels with dumb people why uh I’m going to I’ll test it myself all right you do that I’ll go on a I’ll go in a world and I’ll just use TNT I got three

Nether R ingots right now how you just at night for me oh I need to find another ancient oh Jacob I might I might go back to spawn it is a long way hey blocks do you want to make a nether portal from The I got you oh wait um I actually I actually already have a portal at actually already have a portal at spawn oh you can you make it hook up to that um portal that is like towards um what do you call it to the um nether like highway

System oh oh here here uh if you could do that that’ be like actually amazing uh you asking I can do what so you um you know how we have that one portal where our old base was that goes to the roof uh wait minute that’s your old base

Yeah our old base that um was the enchanting tables oh what oh oh yeah so you know how there’s a nether portal that goes to the roof right there yeah can you make a can you do one from Spawn like I already have one at spawn

Does it go to the roof yeah oh it does it’s actually part of the system already no I threw my axe perect oh okay perfect then that’s all I wanted to that’s all I wanted uh but it is underground so you I mean what I can’t do it above ground because

Because that’s the only position that that it’ll spawn because it’s in a cave oh okay yeah but but but uh it’s pretty much at at so so so uh so uh there’s there’s a Rance uh it it’s where a single uh it’s where a single dark oak block is and and

And like a lot of cobblestone is so so so if you like break the Cobblestone and go into the mountain there’s a staircase going down and then you’ll find it all right I need to find it on the roof though so I can get there CU I’m

Not I’m not at spa on the roof okay so here here uh so so uh it’s actually really close close to y”s base uh pretty much just just just follow the Arrow by y’all okay here uh here uh meat meet meet at the well we’ll do this later cuz I’ll

Meet you later I’m going to go mining right now but if you could just show me like a little bit later where the portal is so I can get to spawn that’d be good okay uh I’m GNA place a a a like a thing of a deep plate

Bricks and and that’s pretty much what you should follow okay so I can all right so you’re going to go to the portal where are bases go through that so you’re on the roof and then you’re going to go place blocks towards the portal that leads to spawn uh yes

Okay and and then just p like a sign or something so I know here uh I I’m actually going to here uh actually here uh I’m I’m going to do something with this I’m I’m like actually going to make like a little Highway thing okay like a little road

Type thing on the nether I’m going to make that out of obsidian so I’ll probably make yeah okay I was I was G to make it out of a deep plate brick so that’s fine yeah you’re good you don’t you don’t have to do all that all right okay uh I I’ll actually

Place place place a deep slate bricks at at at the at the start of y’all’s portal on the roof and and and then I’ll make a trail of that and y’all just follow that and it’ll and and I’ll and it’ll like uh put you at the spawn portal great all right

Now Jacob can can you help me make a tunnel tunnel down yeah all right see y thing making the thing already I got to make it I got to go mining Jacob yeah I your funds are draining down as we speak you got fortune 3 cash yeah make sure can you bring

Um actually never mind there’s coal right here you know where the um villager houses are in the cave yeah go to there that’s where I’m making it since it’s already like pretty low destruction gaming yeah said no I’m back back all those villagers must have died they left their beds that’s how you

Know they died we uh we can just breed villages it’s not that big of a deal yeah I know they’re easy to come by now to be rare y blocks uh I think I made a little too many St also added a stack of regular potatoes 10 sweetberries and a name tag

With those cooked potatoes what I’ve added a stack of regular potato potatoes sweet 10 sweet berries and one name tag with those cooked potatoes oh a stack of regular potatoes uh yeah and sweet berries and a name tag yeah okay I can do that so you going to be pretty much that

Yeah I might not have potatoes that that’s the only thing because end end is I’m giving you that oh okay that’s what I’m giving you you know where the end is I know where the end is but it’s all the way closer to spawn and that’s like 40,000

Blocks away from us yeah you there’s one way closer that I could find and don’t spawn at some point not now check out the cave oh someone’s trading with villagers oh this is terrifying all right uh I I added I added uh a trail of for you to follow okay to

It’s better hope no one finds it up there I mean even if they do I wouldn’t care because we already have a land claim too so bro I’m just traveling in a m shaft with all my stuff well that’s a good way to lose all your stuff yep yeah cuz I’m getting

Chased down by a skeleton and I’ve got lost already got exploded by two Creepers that’s get a shield wait why that’s what I was trying to get there we go forgot you can use fortune on the iron now you use fortune on everything all the pretty much yep makes life a little bit

Easier NOP need to go Jacob come help me mine this down this is too too small too small of a room bad wolf said might have made a little too and I didn’t mean to do that this is a short thing all right first you join the Discord verify go to

Rolls click Minecraft rolls go to how to join and tell me if it don’t if it says you don’t have permission to view and the IP will be in how to join as well and if you have any problems tell me bad wolf said okay I’m gonna have to get Jess’s

Mic his mic sounds so much better than this who’s he has a he has a one of those really good mics like the best for the nice nice BR I’ve got five and a half stacks of raw potatoes my mic is too much of like a like when he joins you

Think he’s streamer you know that type of mic pretty much all podcast and uh big YouTubers use that mic yo I’ve got way too many potatoes anyone want some said me what do you think is better for a house s you hold up I’m like I’m like bad on food

Okay so so uh what do you need you need mag Spruce for more bigger houses maybe magma block I might we just need enough for we just need a wheat farm we need to place be able to have a wheat farm and mainly just need we don’t need it uh I’m going to

Get you a lot of Soul Sand is that all right uh but mainly just wheat we need like a decent size wheat farm and guys I’ll be right back hold up make it efficient don’t we need a fy5 bad I’ll get that on a villager eventually but it’s uh it’s actually

Really rare it’s like uh like fortune 3 fortune 3 is easier to get oh wonder why it’s usually like Pro you usually get like a pro three one in the have to combine the pro three books get the I mean if we do get it I

Won’t stop until I get it I’ve got a bunch of prop fors before got bad wolf said wait what do I click on y level 26 and I have to give you the Jacob you don’t give RS to anybody they got to get it themselves um it’s one that’s two clicks for me

Oh yes it’d be in the r but I already give it you and stream quality kind of looking kind of looking fine the best quality I ever seen in my life crazy that’s why I messed this up I found a villager job get why gosh stupid one oh my

God all right I’m probably going to go get there’s a zombie villager right here murdering we don’t need him we have plenty all right get down here and help me m I’m going to get dinner cuz get get Li heading plus you know playing straight 5 hours it’s nothing yeah I know it’s

Nothing 5 hours 5 hours a nothing but still you got your own battles G you have to fight them I just got a villager i f on with my elytra for a bit I need get an XP farm too and make those I have lots of things to

Do second ago I was over there trying to I don’t know what to do you know like four hours ago Look at me now well I’m on that’s why you know what to do when I play been playing for like three hours no I’ll play all night

I uh I’m almost at five hours of the Stream oh I have to start mining this deep slate now oh my goodness play time is probably like destroy all my floor can’t check my play time I don’t have up you never gave it to me maybe you

Go all right I’ll be right back I’m also going to mute stream just case if someone joins and you know you know you know you know what I mean it says stuff that sir all right I’m back my inventory is cluttered and I don’t like it oh you know what to

Do I don’t I didn’t bring my Sher boxes with me oh I do have my e chest with me but I don’t have my Sher boxes that makes me a little mad yo blocks when you see my potato farm you’re going to be Shar up I mined into a m

Shaft uh how about I just give give you my and then you come to my base where’s the IP in Discord I have not got any armor should be right here I I won’t kill you I swear no it should be right here I already know I’ll die try to get

Tell if you see it okay some creeper combat just found a cave oh shoot there’s zombie Jacob I have so much time from these in I already have over a stack I see zombie with chain ma armor find my way eventually so much looking for gravel now bad

Wolf I can’t see I have a lot of gravel we tried that me oh I found even more diamonds Jacob three four five six seven yeah I see some seven ve and I gots I 20 diamonds from a seven ve what you got such why do I always have

Bad wait bro I just got Flint on the first two pieces of gravel I broke pretty lucky Cas you know I would have like four stacks of diamonds huh Jacob remember I got I I mined a five vein and got like five diamonds for that I I

Mined a six vein got 10 then I just mined a seven vein and I got 20 oh never mind well now I got 30 diamonds on me what’s go I’m going get a you’re still poor I have a bunch I’m getting so much iron to right now

Stupid Village I’m new C and your entire family oh my God Jacob take the please no wait what no I forgot all my food God dang it God dang it no no leave me alone leave me alone y this Village don’t want to take the flipping

Job this is just great six another six vein and I got another 20 diamonds from a six vein I’m dead I’m dead Jacob my my luck is unmatchable still kind of poor Jacob a six ve gave me 20 yeah I don’t be getting 20 from 10 B I’m at one I’m at

Oneel this this cave is insane I’m over here farming for the base mining a whole chunk of land yeah I have a stack of diamonds oh another another vein of diamonds yo I just got seven emeralds nice okay I just got a stack of diamonds in like five minutes

Nice yeah that’s how it be hey does anyone need any bows I got three 20 levels oh just a one vein I got two diamonds from it still y yeah this cave out oh my God that’s one of the most risest things I’ve ever done

What so pretty much uh I I only had like let like like one bar hunger and then and then a zombie set on fire kept on attacking me and I didn’t have a water bucket and then a creeper exploded and I got to like half a heart and then

Yeah oh no you still alive yeah I’m still alive though we got Survivor here somehow Jacob is looking good for me I have two plus stacks of ir I have lots of lots of stuff look at money f for you like when I say the cave is right

Under us is loaded oh it’s ginormous it’s loaded with loots all right I’ll come down there I need get give me on those riches my riches no no my riches you have to first you have to you have to find where my little entrance is then you

Have to go all the way down it oh more diamonds how oh zombie spawner too right here um that gave me only three Diamonds oh I didn’t get no fortun from that RightWay let me make some torches because I need to light this place up okay now I’m actually going to get

Your mind mind yeah you can drain his diamonds Now drain his nwor oh no no not not a cashier I’m I’m going to to get tons of potatoes oh and I’m and I’m also getting uh his uh whatever it is the molten type thing that perect don’t care about

Anything else really is it night time Coates no stay time Jacob we we’re also right below a um Ian we’re right above uh what’s it called there still atian giant cave and a zombie spawner wow that’s what I call a good Farm yep and uh we could turn that into

A drowned a drowned spawner so then we can uh we can get their clothing and stuff and their Lo zomes and creepers bro that’s insane going now no I think someone came to my base no one be surprised the server is more of like a I didn’t tell anyone my

C if you’re in the range of 5,000 blocks you probably three four five six seven seven ve oh I have over a stack of diamonds um 74 Diamond I can guarantee you that that I didn’t even touch your your land I haven’t even gone there yet yeah

Took I actually might not no the heck this is wait did I just find a giant cave Diamonds oh two more two more veins of diamonds in the same chunk Don’t Mind If I Do What how you flying so so many God dang diamonds why is my ping so

Bad uh oh I got seven diamonds from a two vein that’s actually crazy oh more diamonds like a little chunk away one two oh even more diamonds what are another yo quality you’re good man yeah this is stacked not at all Jacob why you are you good there’s no

Way oh that’s money not again oh my god oh that so deep Jacob I’m not going to lie I might have more diamonds than you now and it’s been like 10 minutes quit it oh my God my iron is going crazy easy too why is there a zombie villager down

Here zombie vill get out of here why is it doing this jacob are you good I just got three iron what Jacob are you okay do you need help I don’t think he’s okay I to reload the game what’s happening it’s doing nothing more bro why do the diamonds it’s do

Where it’s doing the thing where I break a block and it shows me an ore so every time I break a block it shows me an or oh so you have it’s B hacking guys he’s hacking no it’s uh not loading me in all of my potatoes on my potato F have fully

Grown okay so uh so I have some bad news cheese so Mr Cheese I can’t find a uh I can’t find one of those like magma blocks that’s all I I don’t really need that okay actually I do have 17 I mean 14 Soul Sand yeah I mainly need Soul

Sand okay I got you oh there’s more diamonds on that ceiling like oh stop being on the ceiling I don’t want to like I’m actually complaining to about finding diamonds right now that’s actually’s bad you can’t be that bad Jacob I don’t care I’m having a time of my life over

Here it’s bad it’s very bad it’s unplayable may youart your PC it’s internet related join the actually I think it is fixed all right you see my pant yo creeper um man I don’t want to be lagging on the server I bought not what I bought it for

This is B have question how much even was the it was a lot go honey saved me 25% I just saw a bat flying for lava watch out this creeper extension browser your brother is save save me $7 no if you want to know how much server it cost me

$23 it’s going to be 31 or about yeah about $31 every month dang it’s not it’s not that much it’s a lot but I have a question Mr Cheese yeah will a name tag and and and 14 Soul Sand cut it I’m giving you the name

Tag oh I don’t how about all you give me is 60 for cooked potatoes uh blockx you want know how much the premium was for is that all you need uh how about two stacks took my took my bucket no my bad J I’m using it’s important so what I’m willing to give

You blocks is two of cooked potatoes one stack of raw potatoes 10 way you stupid Phantoms oh there’s a geod up there too okay so look okay all need is is a uh all I really need is two stacks of cooked potatoes and and and I’ll give you Soul Sand

Two stacks of cooked potatoes and that’s it okay gosh my internet doing something I’m stealing everything in this cave before you can get your hands on uh here uh really quickly let me do some some a quick math to see where I have to go on the nether to get to

You oh my I almost died getting gold for days too I’m over a creeper I looked at it and it just flew flew at me and blew me up that’s crazy I’m gonna die cash well L exactly Hop Off zombie trying to mine my gold over here and you’re bothering me

So if I die then you guys can feel it cuz you hope if you die I where you at I got to come see you I TP you to me and make you die oh my but how’s that fair how’s a fair saying I’m not going to die I’m over

Here lagging lagging for dear life over here I’m not that’s not my fault is it I’m on 19 ping I it’s your fault for saying that can’t kill me for your problem it’s it’s your fault for laughing at me you’re making fun of someone that’s has some

Problems you know no I I don’t make fun of you being why are you making fun of me why are you making fun of the disabled I’m disabled you made fun of me when I was well it’s sad truth it is the S truth jeez see you’re

Poor get rich I got more potato just have two stacks of Diamonds oh I almost just died to a creeper I’m one heart that is scary me J but I know how you feel now that’s my cash having like a stack and 50 diamonds on me right now cash his greed his greed

Is getting to him he’s going to lose all why is everybody on right now okay I and where I have to go I’ll be seeing you in like a few minutes like like 10 minutes maybe or actually less that you’re actually well actually no you w’t close I don’t

Know why that is so TR that is just so cursed why is there like diamonds up there like it’s just just onea side to oh shoot llama’s going to kill me where are you oh shoot the SN me uh what do you say okay uh yo I’m coming to the coordinates

Wait no I I actually can’t because I need obsidian I don’t have any obsidian on me oh nice six people’s watching finally I found an unlooted cave how you find so much God dang diamonds I’m in the same cave too by the way quit I’m I just

Got hi Jacob need food got off my VR where did you come from did I Jo no I I join the wrong I join the I just joined the wrong Minecraft uh yeah want to see my uh want to see my loots you have aest I’m restarting my PC I going de

This all right I’ll be all right well oh my God I just got two STS to even connect to the Internet so all right let’s Moment of Truth to see all right I’m back six and a half stacks dang okay nothing my old Farm you you want plain logs right no I

Want I just want I want yeah just just regular logs okay I need it hopes up there I want dark need delete this this is okay I got you because I have tons of that hold on wait what’s the ser hold on let me look

This I need let me go find the server address did someone just find my stuff all right hey uh cash I have a question what will you give me if I gave you I mean I mean know uh what can I give you for 18 uh uh you want 18 leather

Yeah I don’t know just wood give me a give me give me a stack and a half of wood okay two two stacks wood two stacks two stacks okay and then I’ll give you like a lot of lot of I’m already done I’ll meet up with you in a little

Bit I’m uh mining right now so all right I I got you I got you this is a crazy M shft PVP is not really allowed but it is certain like extense I got a it’s allowed but oh I I spawned a warden Jacob Jacob I spawned a warden spawn a warden that’s

Crazy I’m gonna die no I’m not I never I a skeleton I just don’t know where the heck it is yep all my stuff is now yeah I am completely lost what did you have on you um I had um like my first bits of iron I’m

Screwed I just found so fast though yeah dude I I I got I I don’t know where the uh the server link is because I I’ll send in the server it’s just it’s the permissions are not lined I build a server so I don’t know how to fix

It actually cash didn’t even put it back I don’t know why I did I put it back it only shows us does it shouldn’t show us it should show it only shows us cash why is it oh my God I can’t fix it right now I Lally it was showing them before I

Don’t know what happened wait just can you just tell me it for a second I sent in the Minecraft chat mft chat okay yeah since not how to Jo Jacob do you remember where the tunnel is exactly can make Shi now I’m trying to leave I’m pretty pretty AOK on diamonds

Now think I have more than you how many well I’m plus I have like over a half a stack a be I’m dead I’m not guys it’s in the morning I’ll um tell my friend how to join I am completely lost bro it’s 1 in the morning for me right now I’m so

Tired why is it doing this guys is showing me the void of or something you break it or and it fix I got XR no it’s not XR it’s the worst thing you can see cash it’s doing it’s doing what it did for you guys where it kicks um uh I don’t

Know Jesse would probably just have to take down the server and restart the server oh no bro not again it wouldn’t it wouldn’t take a long time all the power to do anything that’s so Random you might have to back it up too it’s me problem not problem oh oh getting

Worse what why how do you make it all right I’m gonna unplug my okay think I found something oh I found my M okay now scary I’m falling I’m suffocated in blocks what so you’re just like badly lagging what what what happened I’m suffocating Jacob ising very very bad please no

No okay I’ll like be right back guys hold up I gotta do something no it’s cuz I’m failing to connect if I can’t connect then it’s not work minute Oh I thought that was diamonds for a second J I cleaned out that whole Cave of diamonds may find a couple sh play

Minecraft let’s see if it does the same to other servers wow this server is perfect funned perfect fun yep it’s your end it’s a server and cash the plugins if I can connect to Hypixel I can connect to the server it’s if you don’t have a strong enough connection it won’t connect

You well you’re all the way down in the cave that’s why Jacob got to get to the Sur I’m in the void right now cash I’m falling in the void and that’s why you suck I’m GNA try to restart the server you suck cash I didn’t do this I didn’t talk

Like this when you’re having this problem ah quit having a hisy fit okay my friend’s gonna join that’s how you were talking to okay I’m resetting the Server don’t do it yet Jacob wait it doesn’t delete anything then it saves no I know but like just wait a minute let me go back to a safe spot takes two seconds I just left I was in a cave just wait a minute I got 30 levels

Now I’m going to make an enchanting table probably I am restarting the server and you can’t stop me hey n I’m about to be at The Villages all right you got five seconds five all you can do it now Minecraft chat um you can oh wait why did the server

Stop just give it a minute it don’t even take a minute beyond the world okay did what it says can’t connect to server yeah it’s the server got shut down for a second I have just give it like two minutes and you’ll be good guys take button I to oh Yes bro no I died I don’t know where my loot is too Joshua just join the server oh wait what’s the server I I forgot Archer I’m spaming it to you right now okay but where do I put it Archer I forgot in in the ID multiplayer

An ID uh I don’t see ID all I see is just like server name and server address that’s that’s what I me server address that’s what I meant okay just copy paste it on server address holy will okay Jos I’ll be and then and then

Join the server so so the so what what what was the server name Archer I already typed it to you wait I’ll just go let me kill myself for a second so I know where the spawn is Holy I’ll then I’ll just be right uh we can

Like I don’t know why but when the server was like yesterday this was it yesterday or the day before that that that do you have I have more like falling from the sky and endless how many blocks of diamonds do you have 14 hey what happens um it’s a server name called buy

The the world yeah the world MC server. us BR yeah is that the name or is that the server address that’s a server address don’t as please okay I did it I did it don’t change the name at all just so just keep it as mine

Server I mean you can change it if you want doesn’t matter please help me okay I am I Joshua just go all the way down the hill Oh yes you joined hey hey guys oh I I got by please don’t I beg oh there’s a zombie villag skeleton

Stop come come down to where there’s a bunch of know there’s a skeletons trying to fight me there’s three zombies trying to fight me I just ran through a field of skeletons let me kill myself what oh no I’m stuck I’m stuck Archer Archer to Archer oh no what quality left the

Server and it broke it D it bro I keep try and kill yourself okay I’m trying trying to kill myself just jump we yeah just try to Die full damage okay best possible time for I I I can I can’t heal how there monsters okay I think I might know I’m at one

Hop joined back in the server no it won’t work I’m at half a hard I just had to leave I had to leave and I’m dead I’m almost there same had no choice one one more heart half a heart yes I died oh yes I didn’t jump

Okay okay I do not want the how to end I I saw end hello I’m never going to do the house of claim claim land I might eventually my own business Joshua where are you I’m at um I’m down I’m like down at the hill where

Oh Jos oh no that’s not Joshua that’s creeper comat hello I no zombies what are you doing why am I getting chased yeah I need I’m gonna go find see if I can find that cave again why oh God please not I died and I lost all my loot last time got a

Bow did I play Bed Wars I have why why does it keep on making me fall through the world am I not going to be able to play my own server come on come on okay I need to someone gave me a pickaxe nice I have a bow no hey bad wolf

Iron give me six iron oh nice how much did he give you uh he gave me S iron too cash cash it keeps on doing the same thing won’t stop I don’t even know if I can play until I buy a 30 like $40 Internet cord like come

On all right I’m probably gonna try to order it now all right I’ll be right all right I officially the richest on the server oh are are you like okay it’s seriously that’s lucky how did get I just got 25 iron 25 just got

25 oh my God that’s a lot for me br how did you get 25 iron jeez and now I have nothing to my name bro and Josh have a base me Archer I’m staying at Archer’s base I literally have nothing I have 26 blocks Ser we’re on stream right now Josh by the

Way okay y almost all my potatoes are fully grown Mr Cheese I’m trying to find everything Mr Cheese yeah I have a 28 iron blocks yes Joshua how much wood I have 17 diamond block hi how and I have six netherite how do you have dang oh I have four God apples how

Do you bro you do cash I’m the richest wasp is here that’s crazy is any is anybody watching the stream right now or I’m not watching it so join today bro how you know exactly what my problem is if you’re watching okay yeah I think everybody in server right

You come on man before I had plenty of food now I have absolutely none yo you found a copper block two copper block he he’s cooking some potatoes Joshua by the way here you take this looks like vanilla Minecraft right here I can make I can I make can I make

A chest plate 1 two three four five six oh hey arer can I take Joshua I’m one iron how lucky are you that’s not Lu very bad means I can’t play I’m gonna make iron sword you don’t even understand mybody want cash you’re rich now you’re have

Everybody trying to get you lo oh anyone want any potatoes three stacks of uh redstone blocks two stacks of lapis blocks 30 Half Stack of iron blocks oh yeah 18 blocks 17 diamond blocks josu I’m netherite ingots um four God how do you half a netherite of blocks of coal wait what do

You mean oh how do you have half of an two scraps so like Joshua I’m going to make an iron Pi pickaxe what are you I’m the richest on the server sword sword and iron pickaxe antiche then you have to get rid of the antiche two IR I can get an iron

A uh let me make an iron axe too just in um gonna make a wooden ad now die CH I’m this as my weapon cuz like oh I need food hold on let me go in here and C get some potatoes I’m gonna use this let me go uh mining go now oh

My these give me so much health all hold on let me put these in my topage I’m still at one hot and in my are you going through that little cave I made yeah yeah I’m going through yeah yeah yeah yeah nice wait oh I found some iron I found some iron down

Here oh wait I thought in my k a coal nice I found iron that’s new D that’s a lot of iron oh coal I got diamonds wait wait wait wait yeah wait why do I want diamonds right now uh AR uh no no no did it I don’t

Think you did if you did it’s fine I already have 10 ra iron no uh I have three ra iron I need I can get a give no I can give you some I I I I was saying um Archer I have um three I I’m I’m getting some coal okay I already have like 206 coal are you serious I’m at half a hot with barely any hunger and now I’m in an ancient city what the heck so you’re in an City yeah yes are you serious right now did you like fly abandon

That we’re not why Joshua this is GNA be our cave for now I guess hey hey Archer I need to um take out the potatoes and get some iron stop acting if you want most of that you can pretty much just have it all I don’t care someone copying me yeah and make

Come in here AR okay I’m making some iron I’ll put the potatoes back arer oh sorry Sor no these are B why do you just hit me did you hit me with your axe i h you with my sword I didn’t mean you got why do you

Why in the flipping world would you ever what Archer waor that hurt um why would you ever make a sword swords do really nothing they only I like I like using stop yelling can stop yelling go you guys you guys that guys all of you don’t have to be in here some

Of you could go in like a different PC if you’re just each other yeah like Archer G multiple VCS like yeah I’m just trying to make a chest okay just trying to keep my a drums that’s what I’m saying here I have a easy way to fix

It I can’t even break blocks oh yeah oh there we go and I there’s nothing to fix I cannot fix anything nothing I can do what the heck and then how did I do this there you go the general they’re gone they’re in general one no might as well just kill myself my

Ears are finally at peace that’s what I’m saying and I have something even worse to worry about not be on to join hold on I I see someone there’s two things I do hold on I think I see and hope that doesn’t still happen

Or try to fix it now can’t fix it I’m guess I’m restarting from the beginning right is it night time bro wait no I it is I can’t remove my getting it at all stay okay wasp uh if hold on should who who just spawned in

Because I swear I I just saw someone spawn in anyways all right I’m just going to hide hide in here then I died and respawn so that was probably me yo I just got four stacks of potatoes from one layer I don’t want to I don’t want to I

Don’t know I am dealing with the pro a problem that you uh I can’t see the uh the IP to give to wasp it’s not it’s not in like how to join damn it uh it was in chat oh yeah I saw it there you go wasp I pasted it give it

To you and you should see me I have a little hold up blocks too many potato how much wood do you have uh I have about seven Stacks okay stacks and you get like uh like 30 Stacks just let me know okay I got you and then I’ll pay

You how much I ow you all right how much potatoes do you all have how much what potatoes I’m going I have none okay uh I guess the only of me being here is to just block yeah when you do comeon can you bring a obsidian as

Well um I’m going to need obsidian anyways because because because if I don’t bring I can’t to you I bought an Internet cord yeah and I need to a way to get to spawn yeah how to buy two of them bu two not like already long one

And a short one connect my router come on wasp so wasp here uh in WASP I I’ll like provide you with stuff but I got to tell B to B is our other and my internet is not going to be fixed until another like three days

Watch out out watch out out so I’m just tough out of Lu yep def he has to remove the antiche but if he removes that in here I’m pretty sure that that’s why the other guy got kicked follow me there’s nothing I can do yeah so it’s just like a

Waste the problem the the whole idea was to buy a server to fix the problem it fix the problem for lots of people but cre fix it fixed it to everybody besides me yep I I’m the original problem maybe you should create another account it’s not my account it’s

My Internet it’s a connection a server if you don’t have a good connection it’s unstable I don’t know why it’s unstable on I’m GNA make some crap I can’t use that okay me well I’m uh I’m starting to get my full God set of uh armor soon

Here it’s half one for me right now is 8:30 for me 7:30 is 7:31 for me it’s one in the morning for me right now 130 a.m. yeah yeah this Forest is not going to be a forest anymore that’s all I’m going to say so wasp our house is just pretty

Much just like directly this way into you see a portal whoa why didn’t fly from me what you what no way bro I would keep that I can’t keep what is like flying he still has it so it’s like this is sometimes like when it does

That but you just disable it and he never I’m going through chunks right now D bro bro my mine all mine all the diamond bro you’ll get rich those are not diamonds those are fake ores I think if they are then you have to go on your

Packs and delete stuff Jacob I don’t have any cheats on cash I am literally flying cash I have op there’s nothing I can do ain’t nothing I can do the only thing I can think that I can do is is I don’t know deleting my catcher data my user

Data hey wasp you coming man I’ll lose everything everything I have you put everything away and then you just cash if I can’t move myself you cannot you can kill me and get my resources yeah let me you around okay this act place and then you you also

Have to unclaim all your land oh I think I actually connected I’m going to try to fly out of here and I don’t want to hear anybody saying I’m cheating I did not enable this oh with these chest this it connected it did that to Jessie finally

It actually connected I’m so I’m so excited get to to uh to to give you permissions okay cash I was in the middle of the cave I spawned in and I almost died I I was getting hit a lot got nine Emerald I’m base but 10 emeralds now I’m going to have to

Disable this disable no it’s not enabled it’s disabled give me a second 15 M mods for punch one bow this is our M this is like okay so so app the exit is through here and then it’s just over there and then go straight up

Okay no I need one more villager so I can turn him into a farmer for a second let me give you an axe well I still bought an Internet cord what what am I doing no point in me buying anything that cord mine’s all my router is in the

Basement yo does anyone have a farmer villager no let me also give you I need a villager or farmer was behind you bro got hit by the stupid I like fully left all all your stuff yeah why took we didn’t need that stuff we have way better disabled Phantoms no one

Sleep please I’m beging you no one sleep no one sleep okay I got you I got you no one sleep I don’t know why there’s SP the also set your respawn set wait what okay how show me it what is it here here here was drop

It to me then I’m going to start no that’s only show me every show me the the book don’t forget some of my resources are mixed in yours yeah no it’s it’s it’s mainly how land oh you get a gold shovel cck most of all myces it’s pretty

Much just the lapis and the Redstone that I use all this that’s like the only stuff I have of used and then I have some of your iron too oh never mind I have 16 diamonds blocks of diamonds I I diamonds diamonds I just got half stocks

Of potatoes cash is the farm big enough uh yeah yeah it’s pretty pretty decent so uh stay in here and and I’m going to get a few things for us okay I just need to I just need a lot wheat that’s it I’ll be back the server is using five gigs of

RAM uh that should be enough wood for now the distant chunk chunks loaded cash guess how much how much 10,000 nearly that might be why it’s lagging a bit we need more we need to just we need the server the server is it actually night time the server is at like 60%

Full I was killing Phantoms and I’m just waiting because I need more Phantom m I it if uh if it becomes a problem where it lags with like 20 people then might need to have a Q because I don’t feel like spending $50 a month just to have like few more gigs of

R it’s either I spend this amount right now or uh other people help me make say if the server is Big we G have like a yeah if you want to have more like gigs and make it run better if you want a lot like tons and tons of

People helping out is uh much appreciated if we fix the internet we can host ourself we’re thinking about buying a PC be like $300 I can afford that and wait a PC is only $300 no this is not like a normal PC this is only a server it’s only for

Hosting so it only be Ram a 2 gigabyte V vram GP and like a six core CPU it would have like 100 gigs of RAM or like 60 or something that can holds like a thousand people at least half thousand that’s what like Hypixel has like their servers they probably have at

Least terabite of memory like 20K yeah it went up to 50 a zombie villager 50k yeah that’s more popular than gorill Ty 50k right there one server more popular than gorill Ty tell me I mean Gilla tag does have like eight I upgraded the base a little bit as

You cash that flying clutched cuz I I got away from the the chunks that were like not loading for me I crash y cash can I sleep now um why did I get I been I just want to kill Phantoms and I’m just waiting out the nights so I could do that

I just need me really bad give me warnings again all you have to do is get a c turn off someone I swear about what uh here I’ll take a picture and I’ll send it I don’t I think they’re false Flags but it might be

All right I’ll send it in main chat um so I have to go mining op I’m not leaving the server oh it might be alerting you of the OptiFine that they’re turning you can’t can’t turn it off though saying off turn it off turn it off you know that like

That I’m gonna open the folder all right I’m going to send it in mod chat cash all right it went up to 65 times I don’t know if it’s probably just shaders to be honest is it daytime yet no all right I’ll wa out I’m literally just planting

Potatoes is the guy with a full black profile UMO person let me just put all this away in here I did the staircase made a lot more a little bit better tin all right I’m just need to I’m going to go break this diamond shovel getting dirt while also leveling out my

Uh other place yo BL yeah I’ve I’ve got 16 stacks of potatoes so if you want more me go now I can go like later like if you want more going build he’s teleporting who his cords are changing thousand block radius who’s the solo

Like I don’t I don’t know but I saw I saw his cours went to positive like nearly positive 1800 to positive 200 and then went 70000 came out of the the ne he did nether portal wait it’s a solo guy he has a black profile I’d expect someone

Like that be like that who wasp no he’s a black profile the solo guys black profile the solo was was would probably be named was the solo potato potato yeah he he he’s definitely teleporting cuz his blocks are there’s so many people on cash say say uh the potato guy is

Cheating potato guy wait uh he he’s he did it 90 times that’s how many times he did it 90 all right well then uh ban him First tell him to go into Discord and he also just now found diamonds did you just find diamonds yeah no yeah you torted he teleported to find diamonds because it just said that yeah he’s cheating he’s not here there you go he’s gone good it’s only it’s only a kick it’s only a

Kick he joined back instantly all right ban list ban quality I don’t want ban myself he’s banned good yeah you got to make it so if you want to peel the ban you join the Discord it’s not IP ban by the way I can IP B making an IP B

Cash it gives me everybody’s IP so I can IP ban them so I have a question yeah are y’all still using that that enchantment table and stuff you can use it I’m making a new one can I take the books or no yeah if you have sub tou

You can four stacks of four stacks of logs and you can have everything there all right yeah all right I kind of like having someone cheating I’ll be honest but if he’s teleporting to get ores that’s my ores you know taking or from my my server why can’t I pick stuff

Up I have to M so much for this but I Jessie when when he wakes up probably be tomorrow probably him he was up a lot last night doing the server he was up all night doing the server like at 1 a.m. minut who I love demon demon forget you don’t like me

Saying that dang bro he’s like dedicated I guess he’s the one that uh he know how to do most of the server stuff I don’t if you didn’t make the Discord I wouldn’t promote it so the Discord would be nothing he understands it more he’s uh he’s

Older how did he get on the nether roof ask him I might know but help I’m stuck on the nether roof with nothing where did go you have nothing then you kill yourself boom simple well I don’t know how you’d kill yourself on the nether roof I don’t know how you

Stuck how did you get stuck wait you have any blocks because cuz I’m actually you got tpd how did you get tpd oh it probably was so L yep Sol’s definitely have wait so like he’s gone don’t worry about him if he if he joins back he might join back on but

I can IP ban him if you got TP there then Jacob you could TP bad TP bad wolf over here and then kill him so he goes to Spa yeah do that y he can kill right he’s on the nether roof if you have nothing on the nether roof you

Can’t kill yourself and hunger won’t kill you either all right hold on I’m also on on the on the nether roof I can kill him but is that would that be against the rules can you kill him no he allows you then yeah I mean if all

I don’t care if that’s the best message but I’m I’m tell I’m warning them cuz if they’re using cheats they better hide it you get banned it take a long time either so that sounds so I can kill You here cash what’s your first your name first letter I want to make make sure oh what first letter your name tell me know he actually might no he’s on my base Minecraft one yeah your name your name V so what before I do this I’m got to

Verify all right you have 23 ping right get so many pings for my Discord from 21 five minutes until my who has 4,500 p all I gave you op cash all friends who’s trying to verify do like a do like a command like like T like fly or son you

Fly flash fly if you if you see like a command for it don’t don’t actually like fly how do I un enable it wait you’re flying right now how do I yeah how you just do slash fly disa all right cash all right good it will give you messages

If people are if people are like teleporting don’t do it unless if you know for sure that cuz you can do slash creative or game one zero okay uh was let me invite you you can watch them cash make sure they’re sometimes it gives you is on my

Team team went three or four Jacob I um I have lots of dirt like you want to see the dirt spread hold on watch if you’re in the beyond the world all right wait bottom bottom chest over here dang I got some Stuff uh stop I got it oh qual can can you like teleport him to you and and then you kill him because that’s like extremely far away from me all right jaob I got you all right make sure you don’t teleport yourself to him I know that

Happens I can do it through the command I can do it through the panel oh wait oh wait no she’s messed up y uh wasp I’m coming back right Now and if people try to make lag machines for the server they’ll be banned as well that’s not like no no no questions they’ll be banned also chunk chunk bands too what do you mean by chunk bands so so I pretty much there’s a machine that that pretty much makes it

To any players in a single chunk will we get banned until the machine is turned off he wasp I don’t know if this I think anti-che has that I don’t it it tells you exactly where the like the lag is source is located and also tells you like blocks people break

So say someone like tries to lag the server you be banned yeah wasp uh I have a few things that we can oh yes but we have so many chickens now the server is so good now y was here let me drop you some food you want me to make a bigger

Cash you don’t have to I mean if you want to okay yeah piix your mic then give me a fy5 then we’ll talk we got we got extra villagers we can afford make it make it one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 more blocks out each Direction well not each

Direction but you know like I’m going to show you let me make a little outline real quick for you that sucks basically killed the stream two times already turn reset my PC and also changeing try to load back in connecting me go this is too small oh you minding over there I spent

20 hours what you’re doing right now on a farm jacob jacob Jacob this is nothing compared to what I’ve done like oh my God I don’t even know it’s so painful the amount that I’ve done before oh my goodness M bad memories delicious remember use only op when you

When it affects the server not when it affects yourself unless if it’s like a glitch or something un acceptable hello hello hello my mic constantly stops working Jacob just follow the outline there’s a complete outline and everything just follow that and you make it make this room much much

Bigger two one two three four five five one two three four five one two three four five one two three yeah guys I’m a single player super world literally buil oh I’m building lital Mansion Manion it’s about like 50 block po bu here no but like you don’t understand

Like that’s the middle should be Le so that’s the very middle chy two all 15 okay BR that’s not even close GI house I’m going build a giant Pink House why there so many mobs oh my get out of here get out of here and the game’s broken again

Wow shot by the skeleton please get shot by the skeleton thank you why are you still chasing him I’m dead no I’m not dead for some reason like I fell oh my you fell how far uh like from the top of that Hill down to where the cave is I think I’ll

Fin I think I’ll fin oh my I am so low on health and no food except for rotten flesh I haven’t been on the C me and Joshua haven’t been on the time coal hold on this coal we haven’t we weren’t on this coal for some

Reason I think we were just on a normal hole like what yeah oh my like I called him I’m literally like at one basically one heart or maybe we both KCK one heart Archer Archer I’m literally at one heart if you hit me um I’m literally going to

Die AR you have to have a item me grab an item come my skeletons just run away no oh you can get that you can get your own what are you doing bad wolf what happened to you uh qu yeah in my house it says I don’t have

Permission to use any of my the stuff it says I need um lightning Z yeah you need his permission that means he owns part of that property yeah his wait um for some reason when I tried giving Archer permission um it didn’t work all right I’m gonna type it in chat

Exactly what you gonna do okay yeah then just copy paste it because for some reason oh no I have to Like please get my okay I need to go to the top of this typ exact that in don’t type the trust list when that pops up just hit do slash trust space and then their name and then you’re good okay so so I do their name and

Stuff trust and then their name you got to do space and then their name and then willit yeah okay so I got to do space on I think I was just I don’t know uh like so what this is 10 more blocks so we need to go out one two three four five

Six one two three four five six I need a lot of glow St 1 2 three four five 6 Seven 8 10 11 I gred you to permission to build in this CL we need M out another 11 how much iron did he take out of there

Do the pathway right here AR really Archer all I have is R fight you okay I can’t uh Joshua what do you even have in here what is is all okay I’m going to go I’m going to go grab my stuff cuz I still do not have my

Stuff I think it’s at the top of this mountain or the other Mountain Jacob whatever is Cobblestone like don’t mine out like I need a 2 by two little area of this so we can like walk on it no no no no no like for some reason I like

Can’t find any food except for run flesh dude I keep arer how how did you get exploded by a creeper is there anything up here no Powder powder powder powder why are there so many Snowy Mountains watch out for powdered snow too you can give it a this right here Jacob

Probably yeah I need this this and this the wrong one don’t mine this right here cuz this is going to be a pathway I don’t even know where you are we need to make 19 by 19 blocks I have to go to the top of this mountain I guess a lot easier with

Diamond tools isn’t it okay I efficiency I’m using my IR pick I have lots of stuff I need to like do and I need to get this I need to start getting wheat produced that’s that’s one of my biggest things right now get the wheat starting to be produced and

Then make an enchanting table get better get more villagers like prop five prop four okay hopefully I can get one I need me I need a that’s watch out for the go Archer goat see go okay don’t attack it you will attack you you attack

It all so I think I went down here all hopefully I don’t I got to find where I went I know I went some down here I can’t take any more damage no I want this way can IIT with no don’t hit me well well you can’t even hit

Me bro said I can’t even hit you me I’m so low and then I swear I died right here Archer are you eat the RW flesh okay where is oh I know I went somewhere I went down the grass blocks and then I I think I took two big

Of a leap down what’s the stream what it is every time that’s are you going come down are you subscribed to him cuz then I can just click on him and it pops up for some reason um for some reason I don’t have a account for some reason it’s it didn’t

Say yeah you don’t have Joshua you don’t have I used I Archer I used to have one but now it just it’s just gone so I can’t subscribe to anyone anymore yeah no bro I’m at half heart don’t hit me okay jeez can you stop following me at this point

Like I can’t even find my stuff for some I’m at half a heart and I have 3 I go down here so I was like right here for some reason um the only food source that we can get is like basically um Ron flesh we can’t like find any any more

Animals okay I’m going to die of hunger no I’m GNA die you are one bro I’m dead I’m gonna die I can’t even run I’m so low I’m hunger okay yeah I’m just going to kill myself okay so now I just got to find go all the way back

I can’t find any food how do I even know where my stuff is uh I don’t know why what bro why is there bamboo bro cuz that’s a farm no why is there bamboo in front of our house there’s bamboo why are you so annoying oh sorry Kong Joshua and

Ducky can you guys not stream please oh sorry you can if you want go to the other VC but is quite annoying than look at you look at you roll moderator Discord mod crazy all right do you got any like you got anys huh wait why can’t I place up there

No we’re not selling stuff to Lian no I’m not selling stuff to the librarian Jacob I said Do we have any bookshelves cash yes we do I think we’re not buying too expensive that’s cheap nine emeralds cheap Jacob do you not understand how much mending cost yeah it’s cheap not that

Expensive okay but like I’m not we have to get Unbreaking too we need to get um you should go to sleep job come here I need you to place these seeds as I grow them just place the seed and I’ll just keep just SP Place seed just SP Place

Seed I’ll break it and grow it what I can’t place it cat you need lights are you do need lights oh we need to get we need to get Glowstone know what that means no I know how to I know how to do it give me a sec like I need

I’m going to go make a diamond H we need Stacks we need stacks stacks of Glowstone not making a diamond how I li cuz that is such a waste ISS slabs and I need to make fences it’s like one of a 10 of my size of my

Farm my farm is two two two layers tall and it was deep slate too good good for you Jacob good for you it was deep slate and I got like seven box doublex all come of uh look you getting fancy all right you can do everything

I’ve done my part by mining most of itself Jacob you don’t think I’m doing a bunch of other stuff too literally mining is the proba I’m going to sit there for probably an hour trying to get all the villagers we need you know what easy is to break

Something and place it back look at yeah you’re still you’re just mining that’s all you’re doing away well we got no mob grinder in my I we’re going to I’m going to have still have to this stupid other stuff Jacob Jacob I have so much stuff to do

Are you dinging out stuff over here damn it can’t do that we do this jacob give me torches we need we need sticks or at least I do I don’t know about you I only have 31 torches that’s might need one we need GL St torch is not going to work

Yeah get this I will get you stack of Tores you can see torches give me torches I might need more torches to many go here 60 more going Place torches on this thing okay so that’s not even not even 0% that’s like 3% it’s going to Beed Jacob it’s going to affect

Everything a no way we can start growing right here why can’t I place that there there’s no way need to light up this part too cuz this isn’t lit up at all zero mobs are spawning down here monsters are spawning in our no saying there’s not going to be a single one SP

All Jacob why in the hell did you place berries down here Jacob I didn’t do that you did that you did that I don’t have I don’t have beries on after making the village place we need to what call make our actual base I’m going to have like a

Bunker tree house I got to wait for blocks to get me the wood though I already said I’m making a giant tree that’s what I want to do this stuff over here is uh needs water it’s it will get wood it can get wood it just hasn’t wooded it

Yet all Jacob can you come here now and help me jump in I’m going help with I just need you to just Spam Place seeds while I farm them wait let me get some seeds real quick I have like no seeds you can do it all around you don’t have to do just

One yeah there you go you just Gra so you don’t need my help yeah I do I’m going to go to that forp everye down a lot of tree chop chopping over there we need to have like 20 villagers just on sticks what kind of Base you building

Yeah I’m going to contract Lei to make me like like a mansion and underneath it it’s going to be my uh structure oh one of those you know where you press one button it opens safe yeah it’s to havean you want like a triple door uh

It’s going to be costing all my diamonds those are red that’s that’s not build that’s like Redstone he I don’t know if he knows Redstone like that he knows how to build he built that before okay he might be rusty but still buil when I say he’s more experienced

Player I know’s exp but I know he’s experience I just don’t know know if he knows how to do B still like that said he wasn’t experienced like please tell me how that did not get wooded better put wood I’m putting Minecraft on the 360 real OG’s right

There I’ve played it on the 360 yep have you started Minecraft from 360 yep all right then you’re realg the others if you if you begin Minecraft right now you missed out a lot that if you just got into Minecraft you’re missing out yep I remember when they announced n

Cities I got spoiled I was like oh my oh I got spoiled I like czy crazy I remember when they upgrade in the nether y I remember when the blocks in the nether used to be very bad looking to be very lonely to Le down in the

Nether I don’t know if that’s actually even going to like get watered and go but we’ll see I need to start a tree farm so I need to get a skeleton farm so make a up grind do good work we got the stone yeah I need the Redstone too I

Have Redstone but I just need I look up tutorial I don’t in a while especially not on little heads up achievement if you get a whole box of stone pretty sure we can do that so let just uh see if I can get that achievement real quick that is easy

Easy I know it’s easy what about a full stack of diamond chest I’ve done that and I have that multiple you have like 20 30 stacks of diamond uh most definitely before like when I like I played a lot more than I do now Jacob we’re in our own DC right

Uh no why not oh in like we’re in public there’s two others they’re collecting audio data probably watch out they’re trying to get that AI on I’m just texting my you sound like oh so just a lot of left like you’re on like you’re so tired that you don’t even care that you’re

Tired where K here he’s trying to overthrow me in diamonds right now he kind of already did but buy like one block of diamonds and I’m almost at I’m almost at 18 blocks of diamonds I need one more I forgot how annoying you there H cash me there yeah I was talking to

Blocks he’s get on the ship I still is he getting on huh he say he’s getting on or something he’s already on he’s like do stuff Oh I thought you were talking about BL that’s glove I don’t know he does have another he sh meot he only has one Ingot po I don’t

Know you wear cuz I’m not I’m only I’m going to do that once I get my full set so I need to trade with these villagers and stuff so like cat food for some reason in my room cash got you got cats in your room and I don’t own cat food anymore which

Is concerning me very much right now I why I’m okay that’s the Minecraft category going overthrow the member category how many are online people really yeah it’s like I got oh it’s 28 diamonds that’s not cheap yeah 14 Minecraft members that online and uh 35 members that are like normal members online get there fall I’m so tired right now

Asleep touch how much is that Sil touch 12 I can’t it’s not Ain going anywhere 247 need to grind you really need to grind like big by the time you wake up someone’s have full CH I could get it if I if I have enough vill tonight

I’ll yeah no I’ve got is a Fletcher Army might you one if we ever team up if you got the farm that potatoes will easily have infinite emal like yeah have like five Fletching villagers just so I can trade I’ll be honest the best order the best uh thing to trade villagers

Is it’s better than any other if you have a silk touch they give you four Cas four four what four melons whole melons for one Emerald you know how crack that is I got mending again 32 emeralds you think it’s like s if you get for one Emerald I get over iost I’m

Fly out and then get the thing and then we do ra and then oh my goodness and then we get lower prices and everything is so cheap if you put potatoes into a composter oh my four Hearts I shouldn’t have look aake BL you nearly killed me where are you

Jacob I thought we already had a music player but so touch again I’ve got Vending T So touch a bunch us with you should like Luna bot I got we added a music bot I don’t know if it’s actually let me see you almost killed me by the way I

Went to look to see who blocks you almost killed me yo blocks I need your help how did I almost kill you I went to look to see the bot name and a creeper bu up right behind me got four Hearts oh yeah I kind of saw that my

Bad you saw it but still saying do it need someone’s help grind yeah I don’t see a music bot yeah it’s probably not you watch your your mic is working I know like before like this the thing didn’t pop up well well now it is uh yeah well now it is let me

Look yo guys it’s half two in the morning for me right now that’s crazy we’re getting closer Jacob Jacob we’re getting closer we got fishen touch again I got commit to grind three at this point it’s not worth it mending again wait how cheap 38 Diamond emeralds you’re thinking diamonds too

Much the greed’s getting to I got to go Diamond binding again another mending I’ve gotten mending Lally 16 diamonds for I mean emeralds for 16 Cash Cash calm down it’s not di what are you doing wasping oh my God I nearly just died wasp what are you doing oh no all

Right again I mean not mining okay I’ll just you wait give give me two wood I need two wood got no way I don’t have 1,200 P this time yo he doesn’t have two 1,200 ping actually I think it was like 1,500 BL I come to my base now what I

Need just come to my base now I can’t I need you too man oh is it night time no it’s not night thank God it’s night time I need someone to come to my base now man it’sing I’m on half is is honestly really good one heart trapped in water with two

Zombies in a skeleton oh like and all I want is shark five efficiency five and F four oh do you want to see how fast I can leave Prett oh hey BL can you just give me netherite blocks do you have any NE definitely has neite I don’t even have

Diamond armor that’s a that’s a sad thing I found six diamonds in like the first like five minutes exactly bro he’s just lucky no no I’m it’s it’s skill using my professional guing skills like oh yeah no bro you just have have a really good gaming chairel no it’s

Actually like a wooden chair that’s really uncomfortable might have to go God mode might have to try hard and destroy all these mobs yeah rage mode enabled you know ra oh my lordy Lord crazy was crazy once no yeah that didn’t really work was at the very bottom of the cave as

Well holy there about three creepers use those I’m carrying this entire Forest up just for diamond block again is it all my armor took all my armor my shield and my sword oh oh protection for has and shield now oh it’s 40 for prop for should I keep a land

CL Jacob thr out my inventory Mr Cheese job we never claimed any claimed any of our land are we going to do that or no it’s a zombie that died you should do it now and the skeleton I don’t have anything to there two skeletons I’m not exactly at

Home I’m securing the prop for Jacob for cash yes so if I give you 25 uh so so if I give you 25 stacks of of of logs you give me two diamond blocks right uh something like that I’m not playing anymore that ain’t worth the time I’m ready

Quit qual look okay I have tons of time on my hands and and and if it’s two diamond blocks I’ll do it because first of all I want to help out and second of all well it’s a lot in it for me so I won’t be the richest I mean I still am

The richest but just not a diamond block so be Jacob sadly she found two stacks maybe I go mining again I got to get like want diamond Mo I have 10 Stacks okay this is looking good Jacob when you put stuff into the or’s chest can you at least like you know

Leave um what’s it called I throw it in there into blocks at least no yeah look so much cleaner if it’s blocks yeah blocks by the way you’re able to like go my chests and stuff yeah I gave you I got three stacks of see my my my my sh is actually working

Out oh Jacob it’s so expensive I have a for book now though just make sure people don’t steal anything I know I got you CU I put too much is any that wheat growing yet just get in there just get in there so next we need what efficiency

Five my diamond armor Isen oh we got a little mini one Jacob there’s a mini one there’s another mini one yeah I saw that now you know why I needed your help the zombie that killed me took my arm my sword and my shield left all I’ve got is a bunch of

Crossbows and Bows breaking to and a shovel should I either have Unbreaking to well actually hold on I got to I can’t get that I don’t nothing what breaking or which should I get you can’t you can’t place any things down there y I need some oh yeah I I need a hoe

Bro what all right you can be the tester test this chest right here it’s not like that bro yeah these two work none of this do none of this do you want me a spand it wait do V villagers don’t work no I just got you kill the

Villagers you can’t kill the you want me to make you a Diamond H yeah you can’t you can’t kill the villagers or trade with them if you don’t got to get the nether right home so add me to your add me to your claim none of this in here works either

Oh wait no don’t I already have one I found a cave I can’t wait to instantly die I forgot that I’m On One HP oh no hold on oh my I got you I can protect You br I got you oh that one that isn’t even a cave bro no I just di for like a long time give me like food this don’t get materials to move iot what the ho stop hitting me you I’m doing other stuff hurry up

And do it I’m stuck in this room Jacob I need to do stuff you don’t you don’t need to be unstuck in the room Jacob it’s a spawner it’s a spawner there’s a skele I’m dead I’m dead don’t die I’m actually dead well I’m actually dead

Jacob come on you want me to break the spawner or no no no I’m gonna sneak past the skeleton and look in the oh never mind all the all the way back up here I’m gonna put there’s no forgot about there’s no bro was what what did you put in his chat dude

Grab wait you actually died yeah I forgot that I didn’t have a thing I’m lost for like the 10th time power two bow well I’m like 10 times higher Enchanted got Apple that’s that’s mine I technically found that okay I don’t care what if I just jump that is a great

Idea where bro I jump bro uh I would really come in come and get your stuff before it despawns oh yeah it it’s about to despawn don’t worry bro I got I got like 10 seconds bro go go we can actually make a like BL do you have the um wood or

No uh I now I only have 10 10 is going take take a while wait can you stuff block or no what can you pick up my stuff uh I don’t have enough inventory space okay just pick up like the two things okay yeah the diamond

Stuffs yep I I got your I got your diamond pickaxe your all I care about is the diamond stuff I also got got your leggings too oh yeah my don’t forget that P I’mma come to your base do you remember how to get here yeah I’ve fall abandoned my

Base where are you I’m on a mountain Oh no you’re a spawn oh yeah okay do you remember how to how to get here all I know is it’s somewhere in the midon Okay so so so so uh so go is it in the snow area or the

Go to a y level 7 170 and then and then look look look look for a place with with a cobblestone and dirt and one sing singular block Wood then it’ll be there so much stuff to do all right I got this i got this what the heck oh my God what

Did you just send me what did you send me at at 8:30 blood it’s crazy okay so yeah got Golden Apple though which is good iend you 830 it’s lyrics to a song I don’t know which actually it was at 9:34 PS shut up you remember the way back I it’s got

Lyrics to the song I literally I literally came up with that bu I literally came up with that uh like randomly man trust me I just randomly randomly typed that up definitely didn’t like copy and paste lyrics of his song or anything all right so since I’m low I’m just going

To that took way too long for it to actually realize that I why am I at 1,00 ping again whoa did you find it what do you think I am good at finding stuff I’ve been lost like 20 times okay fine bro I’m coming you don’t

Need help you need help me I got this i got this I’m professional at not finding it’s tough go to 001 170 okay 0 170 you should see it mhm did you see mhm watch no okay look I’m going to continue the are or is it in the snow area okay it’s

In the snow it’s it’s like an icy and snowy area there’s like ice by it oh ice by it okay I got ice spice no no I said I got this ice spots I don’t know wait actually I didn’t say ice no I I think I found

Someone’s spase I see it you got got to see it man give me creative mode I got this you can obviously trust me with creative mode trust myself with creative mode I don’t know how you think we can trust you it now plus do you want me to to enchant one of your

Tools no yo guys you know they annoying kid get efficiency three on your axe or uh wait was my mic not working efficiency 3 on Pi time no pickax do efficiency you still there it’s a short tutorial how to join y guys you know they annoying kids that in this

CH yeah I found the base whose base the annoying kid base how do you know that why is that bamboo outside I think I found it oh wait that might not that might not be those that’s I think I know talking is spawn plus there is potatoes yeah that’s I know who that

Is who’s is it uh is there like a big like deep slage structure next to it um no like on the hill maybe something no all right take a picture and send it only I don’t know how to do that you press up2 and then you go toer demons per

Mission no I guess you can’t do that never on go these these villagers are sty they’re selling almost a stack per stick like a stack stick that I was just trying to get to spawn mate no can you TP me to spawn oh a goat kill

It I’m GNA beat it with my fists I got this let’s go easy come now no way I can see through the map yeah I’m near spawn now hacking oh my gosh R this why am I lag no no I punch the goat like five times and then it’s not doing

Anything teleporting it’s teleporting go the goat’s hacking guys where did horn go whoa It’s kissing me whoa I don’t like hey whoa hey what the hell is it doing bro don’t they like you or something yep yeah kind of [ __ ] oh my God I almost just die to fall damage okay

Bro you gotta Focus up man I’m right now okay okay so pretty much show wasp where where to go I’m taking you wait I didn’t take I just can’t die my internet’s so bad go with Mr Cheese okay I’m literally coming right now hang

On give me a second I fell like off the top of a mountain I haven’t died yet so I’m probably just going to give it die again please I’m trying to my there we go yes again yeah I love see the best pick what struggling so you have everything best wait a minute

What you get breaking and then okay SC2 I’m screen shotting that what cash just Dr I’m I’m at my base right now going Jacob what the hell I spend more than 30 levels on this oh I see a name tag oh I see a name tag yep

That is Mr Cheese follow Mr Cheese okay okay you there like no I’m talking to W there’s a creeper behind you there’s there’s a creeper behind you why am I at 4,000 p no I’m second AG go you at 7,000 see get I did have 7

4,000 I think that’s fake I don’t know if you should have I don’t know if that much ping you would be playing oh it says 3,000 ping right now yeah it does wait actually no it says it says 3,000 now no it says 2,000 now B I don’t see your name tag I’m

Right behind you Cash’s ping is always going to be the the best I’m literally going in circles you not behind is that not you that’s not you then that’s not you then he lives the closest to not be you then let me die again let me die again neighbor or something

No if you live by New York then you have the best the farther your way the worse your ping is going to be all the way from New York it’s around New York where exactly put it it’s like the state underne I mean my ping is pretty good and I live on the

Other side of the earth I mean not not on the earth of America yeah I about to say other side of the earth and then be least all right I can see I can see the ground with the Trees of the Ping that should tell you I am tell me your Cod

BOS all right trust Mr Cheese okay the most efficient way to make a sugar cane Farm all right uh like automatic 32 uhuh uhuh actually pretty easy few hopp all I can tell be like a cave I think blocks just teleported his uh base across the map base just evaporated I don’t know

Time my base already was across the map no your base despawned no it’s the goat from earlier my God the poor goat alone much you’re going to kill it I got XP from huh how much sck he’s train let me how much 60 well don’t don’t buy I did

Buy me a whole stack of all I’m going come bre the villagers again is the baby see your name tag or something oh wait they made three I only have 400 P now we got too much of Jacob don’t buy screw you to go find area I’m care about you

Wonder throw in the corner why am I at top of the every single time you’re not the only one that needs stuff Jacob right coming I’m about to punch him I’m about to punch him I lit jumped off the mountain I’m at the house wait he can

Get out of here he doesn’t need to be have I not died yet oh yeah see he’s going to go back in his little container I was like 300 blocks away from you we have vill again bro I did it took like an hour though give me a spam

Really it’s like like extremely close to spawn oh it’s like except it’s also underground so okay I found coal okay okay I found snow I found Stone I found wood I found darker wood all I found Why is there a gold Block in this corner instead of what the hell jaob oh I found no I didn’t there was a gold Block in half it’s the place that’s our land I’m next to a massive cave massive okay guys just die I’m about to come at yall is that you

I’m going atast I’m not dying I’ve got my is it daytime can we go to sleep let’s go I have 13 Stacks halfway there baby oh 13 and a half 14er breaking is really cheap holy guys I’m just coming to yall this is insane to go up

And and then stay exactly where you are okay I’m not dying just go exactly to spawn okay z z now now at all Insanity it’s going to be tough G to Z all you got to do is p be persistent man I’m at the cord

Zero okay stay there 100 from z z what else do we need like breaking Z 170 oh I forgot you you actually call Z Z Jacob put us in our own VC you want me to put us in our own VC my yeah stop this screen to tell you

Stuff all right I’m either we’re looking for a nice simple uh mending again 12 for mending Jacob keep that I’ll buy it right now that’s so 12 for mending I’m trying to get have no books okay I’m not doing it that was a 12 that was steel BR wasy

I found 16 yeah I’ll get a new one I’ll find another good one find one like man up man is M up I I didn’t know that was possible unless you had like DB villager can you like 56 and 40 those are still expensive so all right our BET’s going to

Be I smacked the villager on accident you’re Jacob Jacob jaob just almost let this man’s out man’s running around like oh he looked he looked who he moving man’s moving fun time thought about it Jacob quit it don’t he wants to go out like you’re not allow anymore why I’m probably get off

One in like 20 minutes or so I don’t know stupid vill been streaming for a little bit it’s time to go to sleep it’s time to go to sleep well the villagers are sleeping we can’t sleep of course they sleep before we can sleep because they’re

Scared what the hell he’s in between the beds bro is rich rich minion oh we push them around I think there push them off the bed I’m trying to quit it we’re pushing off the bed oh he he sensed it oh he’s finally working now all right s he’s a little mad though

Cuz I smacked him yeah i’ be too villagers price is gone huh bro inflation here is like crazy I can’t get out stupid vill you know what to do the safest way to hit a villager is to snowballs up oh my God this FL is crazy

Still what I’m saying you want me make the rough four blocks tall what Jacob want me make the rough four blocks tall yeah make it like two more blocks or something two more you I’ll probably that tomorrow too much work look how happy they are they’re jumping up and down very happy

Two fortune one that’s another Fortune but probably W accept it get out of here get out of here the problem you don’t have to kick him every time Jacob let him speak he needs to speak I didn’t touch I didn’t touch anybody oh okay don’t break that bed out there bed the white

One all right put that there for a reason die don’t be looking at me like that looting three should I keep that it’s 35 I’m not paying 35 for looting use inflation for like five is crazy so crazy making noises going stop so this fall he ran in the way hey

You don’t get out got to watch your villagers stop coming in here you’re not allowed in here for the last time you’re not allowed in here I swear to God you want to these villagers out you owe me uh you owe me five diamonds you heard me yeah five diamonds

If you let a villager out all right I’m going to break my ax because of this virgin give me what I want sharpness Fu I might even settle for Sharp four if it’s cheap enough Jacob can you Um can you um what do I need you to do craft the enchanting table do that uh CRA an enchanting table you’re rich aren’t you you’re Richard I’m giving two diamond block I’m about to give a bunch of diamonds away in a minute diamond blocks I give where’s one of the baby Villages

Jacob Jacob there’s a baby villager roaming where the hell is that villager jacob jacob Jacob what Cas where’s the baby villager I went outside could hear SP my M baby I I don’t I didn’t let Jacob you’ve only you’ve been the only one that opened that door Jacob where’s the baby

Villager what baby vill where did the baby villager go there’s two in there now there’s only one and he didn’t grow up one of them grew up Jacob where is that other just said there’s two and one of them up so I make one there was three three one of

Them grow up so there’s two two of them grew up now two of them it’s one where is that villager I don’t know C the base is infinite aite I’m not even playing these games right now ja better find this damn villager right now cuz I know Dam well it didn’t get

Eaten unless you murder him did you murder the Villager did you murder the Villager because you didn’t want me to P pay up is that why you being so quiet you would have he the Villager die I don’t have my audio you get so worked up over a baby villager that grew up

Cash there was supposed to be there should be five villagers in here right now there’s four villagers in here well maybe one despawn they don’t just despawn Jacob tell me Jacob did you did you let him out did you let him out Jacob tell me the truth did you let him

Out I won’t ion do that did you who knows so you did you left you lost him did you lose him Jacob did you losing I saw you open the door I saw you open the door after I said not to did you lose him why would I lose a childh efficiency

Five efficiency of five efficiency five is 26 crazy here me and the child has just been down here in the hole what do you mean Jacob I’m staring at him and you staring at me and I don’t like it where are you I don’t know jaob where the hell did you go

Somewhere where he jumps around he’s more happy Jacob what do you mean by that you take out of cont is he in the damn is he in here where is this jacob yeah wa where is he I don’t know Jacob I’m get mad I’m gon to get mad Jacob he likes it

Here he don’t want to out he needs out he needs he don’t want to grow up and be slave slave trader yeah he don’t want that he want he needs to he needs to be one of the he need to be tra he’s staring at me right

Now okay I don’t know where you are you’re crouching in a corner somewhere far far away we’re sneaking out together cash like like the whole times can’t you you owe me five diamonds no I don’t I didn’t not if I don’t see that villager in the next three

Minutes then you owe me diamonds you owe me five diamonds cash if you’re still alive you owe me diamonds for saying that you make me owe diamonds sh up you owe me diamonds if you don’t bring that V cash it’s he’s free here worry by yourself he is

Free he’s running around a circle happy have free will he’s running he’s running around in a circle he’s making noises too he’s not here to be to be working that’s what he’s here for he’s here to be working J that’s why he’s the sad he’s supposed to be here

Used to be working working for us working for the company working for the company he’s a good donation to the Army Yep this I that’s when it changes cash I need wood we go find some wood I’m get my noise hello the Villager grw up where are you now now now he’s very

Loud he wants to bed see how things change wasn’t there a forest over here like what happened yeah maybe we ran off to the place no there cuz there’s literally a forest right here where did the forest go oh yeah I destroy that Forest oh I think

So there Spruce right here too oh I didn’t realize there’s a forest right here I’ll just pull up to this forest and uh absolute demolish it hit that spin move got to repair my pickaxe where’s block he’s got to give my 25 Stacks who is Silly Billy you

Speak J I think he gave up maybe you do it tomorrow maybe I kind of want it tonight though no you ain’t going to get it tonight bro me and the Villager just chilling over here like he’s getting mad is no bad should I added him you added him

Cash the worst thing you can do in Discord is at someone they’ll be like get up they’ll be like oh someone ped me it’s the middle of the night and they get mad well I’ll get on tomorrow I’ll probably have him get like 50 uh 50 stacks of wood for

Me I’ll give him uh I’ll give him a I’m scam aming him so hard right now oh my goodness Jacob yeah you realize that he’s getting scammed 25 stacks and he’s getting two diamond blocks it’s 18 diamonds right there I’d be giv I’d be giv at least a stack 50

Diamonds 50 diamonds for what that’s 25 stacks of wood cat that’s blocks Cas that’s it’s trees right yeah I know that’s what I need I need logs 25 Stacks that’s not even probably enough to do my whole base and then I also told him if he could give me

Like uh like 10 stacks of uh leaves cash if you need 25 Stacks Plus then you get some problems you gota work for that I’m giving him diamonds that took took me five it took me probably five minutes no no no in total to get two stacks of those diamonds probably took

Me 15 minutes not even that you found 10 you found I’m ging two diamond blocks which I got from one vein like a six ve I think the Viller that that I’ve freed is cold now you don’t look at things the same he’s looking at

Me like like he has no bed he has no future what have they done to this poor soul he’s been dramatized he took it all from him he took his life he’s looking at me bro he’s looking at me like fly around with some fireworks see if he might be ready to

Work for the company cash I’ll be honest I don’t know if I don’t know if he don’t he don’t know what to do cash he’s running up to me he’s running up to me and looking at me bring him back Jacob he used to be part of the company he’s

Property of the company all right get up to the main place so confused where you brought him I’m just like all look to the stairs Jacob what the hell look at got a little party in here I was trying to build a tunnel for him to escape down here

This Cas I watched him grow up this is how he been looking at me ever since he grew up he’s working for the compy now ever since he grew up this is how he’s been looking look at him staring he doesn’t know what to do anymore he’s free wait no put back in

There put put him back in there get get get him cash look how look how cold he is look at his face he does not care about anything anymore well he’s about to be working for the company again so you thought you could uh save him but

He did not want to be saved he’s supposed to be this is his life now you looky not in his head though he don’t want to do it he despawned my bed oh my 34 still not buy 40 Jacob do something with him I don’t I

Don’t know what you lure with beds we don’t be an armor well let me sleep oh oh oh oh you don’t want to be in there anymore uh you can’t get out where’d he go here like that no I want to keep him like that make make a tunnel to this

Room make a tunnel to this room we’re going to smack him he’s going to run into this room are he’s trying to escape H right now I got to get in here I got to smack him open this door smack him Miss gu missile cash hit the door and went

Back all he’s he’s stuck in you taking some abuse his trade’s a little messed up but yeah we don’t talk don’t have they’re not sing at all there h Jacob I have so many sticks on me job I hit my mic good thing you didn’t hear what I said very

Unintelligent I was talking about Sticks no you should give me some nope what are you doing over here buddy I’m look at the claim land all right we claim all our vill that’s good we may try to spam our claim I didn’t really make it the bigest I can how much claim land do you have available CU Jesse gave himself 100,000 blocks no I don’t think you

Yes he has 100,000 blocks J Jacob he literally said I I have 100,000 blocks he gave himself that what do we need now we need I efficiency five we need sharp sharp five sharp uh we got you got efficiency five sharpness I have efficiency 5 now need a sharpness five sound like plan

Buddy be claiming land say I can claim up to like 2,000 blocks Fortune to this is under that all right got a new claim there now you have 20,000 huh now you have 20,000 Caan trans why why you doing that turn it back to 1,994 how much do you

Have wait how much do you have Jacob you should have 20,000 FL blocks how much do you have I’m trying to do something guys how much do you have I want to know if it worked or not 2,249 and don’t give me any I want to get things I know you’re doing stuff

Oh wait already got C I don’t know how exactly to do it oh it’s Jesse all right all chest are secured now no no villager there a’t for you but I don’t know if uh I think people can K this no as long as they’re in they’re

Inside the clim then they can’t be killed yeah I think they are in the CL I want to let one of these out out that have it’s like this one the Unbreaking 3 one this can get lit out I like to be safe in my own land they’re breeding

Good made a little extra base down here popped out a baby Jak there’s a baby running around well you know what to do crap them and then put them good use you just got to wait for them to get older damn it I got both of them no

17 players have the server IP thing ni baby villager tra and the boat now you go over there need let this one out right here oh watch out cash where he go he’s right here I’m going to smack you V the Snowballs every time I act up tell

Me I you captur the child don’t go in there get away oh don’t hit him B villager can run around loose Jacob you just hit the Villager he’s fine he’s bit sh he’s a bit scared I’m going to hit you Jacob you just made his prices go Miss price has

Been up it’s the wrong villager what are you doing I don’t care about him why are you hitting get over here get over here oh where did stop hitting me don’t kill him you’re so stupid swe if you hit me cash it’s over what do you mean killing them I’m

Hitting them with snowballs you didn’t hit him you hit him with your fish I didn’t hit him with my fish oh he has to get back in the chamber see maybe he deserves to die look what you’re doing bro’s looking at you he’s checking him out over there looking over D he’s

Looking a child now bro a minut he’s over there just he’s over there just oh [ __ ] he’s he’s staring at your head I think he has a problem with over the child the child too child Tak an after him get in thatle no no no no no get in the cham no

No you stupid villager get up there get get away get over get over there do this smack him open his door open his door you smacked run you could have hit him with a snowball oh there’s a child get the child in there child there you go child’s all right move Jacob

Move you let them out I’m not I’m not dealing with them efficiency five all right we need this one this one’s coming out here I know 100% this is the right they a little swapon on me they did do a little slabon oh get him over to who’s this your prop

For okay either of these can go you see the antiche cash in action no I [Laughter] don’t you need to go oh my goodness just wait until night time until they’re all asleep then you can do it obviously not budging oh they don’t want to budge I’m about to smack him smack no

Cas you got to call it day like this guy is not buing stop go this way all right you can do that break these stupid things because vill wants to be your efficiency you’re Pro you don’t have anything we been snowing a little cash down over here sharpness two is what I want

Sharpness F I’m going to I’m about to give up for a minute think I got to take a break killing killing something yeah C you a bit crazy down there going insane remember those whole places for the village but where did you just come from look up Came From Heaven see the light

Too yep didn’t how was in oh the villagers eyeballed me they seem sunlight for the first time in their lives some of them have not seen sunlight all they know is this what the hell is this one doing he just he he just stared at me and just who he just

Moved his head at me that some gain signs you show is that God that one just bro you got to get these villagers on they literally they shaking the head at you like Shar sharpness five sharpness five six it’s a stack of it’s a stack I don’t even care it’s a

Stack oh my God we got to execute him no a stack cash that’s worthless that’s too much they down right scamming you I don’t care that’s more of a scam than a than blocks getting 25 stacks of wood for you it’s sh I don’t even care I don’t even care

You should be giving them half I care you have six more diamonds than Mead y stay mad I need 10 emeralds I need 10 em give me 10 I’m not giving you 10 emal need give me 29 for hell no that’s a deal you see it just not a steal that

Deal is not a steel the deal is a steel no I need fish I can AFF it but I’m putting efficiency on Max angry I need to chop trees fast I have an efficiency book somewhere it don’t need to go on the pickaxe I need to go on the

Axe I don’t these villagers are scummy they’re worse than you don’t even go in there anymore I haven’t bought the book yet so if you break the wrong Le all I didn’t fly you can’t be mad at anything you got you got like you’re in like the 20s you’re less than 20s you’re

In the tens guys ping you’re down right it’s down right like you hosting the server 15 yeah you pretty much host on your own internet at this rate gosh me and you are the lowest ping in the whole server oh there’s a village not Village time to mine all these trees is

A competition isn’t it mhm I have efficiency 5 though you don’t I still got efficiency four a little bit better wasteful wasteful bet you don’t have the best enchantments on a pick the game see that yeah I don’t even know how did you get that very long many

Times I had this pick before you even thought about making this settlement on that mountain this pick been with me for a while maybe I don’t know days go I will fight I’ll fight full on war someone takes his pick for me I’m becoming the richest on the server you’re going to come

To you’re going to see a full diamond Beacon multiple full diamond beacons you better protect that some some grub is going to come around with the ple tools and get all that diamonds they ain’t getting nothing going be on my clim be on my or you want to go to a

Spawn and make a claim and stack a full diamond diamond just Diamond saying I’m they when the new players join they’re um uh use like lava and water to make cobblestone Towers every spawn which is allowed like it’s not against the rules you can do what you want like that

No one’s done it I think we should go to spawn and make a sign put a claim be like this is our chest we don’t we we can to do like some sort of Charity we going to go what put some melons in a chest you know

Have do he also said he had no melons at his base and I heard people fighting I gave Jesse the melons he they’re fighting over melons Cas they’re like give me that’s my melons I don’t know clean cuz I don’t know if going to find these I probably make gold golden

Apples I already found CLE I probably make more though go to n city I’m yeah n city farming too then you get so much good armor oh my God so you get a bunch of gold iron diamonds too get good stuff elas donkey most of my goals for tonight are going to be

Donkey probably getting maxed out netherite armor and then uh good sword and a pickaxe I don’t have enough nether I need to go get two more pieces that what I hear do I hear poor Jacob do I hear poor because you don’t have any and I have more diamonds than

You buy Six diamonds be quiet I’m wearing more diamonds than you are four I swear four people these days they don’t do oh creep they don’t like they don’t know what rich is we’re the richest I’m the richest on the server they can take that out of anybody

Can just clip that and take that straight out of context take what out of context I said poor people don’t understand rich people oh they can easily take that I just said it they can e Pi canel jaob canel I’m gonna go fly I’m GNA get U you can’t be canceled like

That canel J can the only way for someone to get really canceled is oh how many diamonds do I have 17 blocks I’ll count them individually can’t I would say same you have 16 quiet people can understand our wealth wealth they can’t even fathom it wealth Fame power is that a woodland

Mansion no it’s just another Village all right bet let’s go there and Purge unless you want to host take them as hostages n we just to do you want to just like I’m not BR them no but why not think about it it’s you want to go someone’s already

Sleeping someone’s going to sleep ain’t no one going to sleep I just saw it someone was s SP all right I’m going go to it well I don’t see the the place that you’re talking about so it’s kind of yeah kind of far don’t mind me I’ll take

All the villagers trades and make them overpriced for you no Jacob don’t do that don’t do that I’m doing it straight when I back damn it this a competition cash you’re poor I’m getting over there no no no no I didn’t say anything I’m going to the

Village I’m going where are you guys oh no I don’t like you I’m getting over here first I’m going take all them trees no you’re not touching my you don’t touch any hey what you doing blle past my head S no no cash no no okay quit touching

Stuff I’m touching it no that’s trash give me give me gosh I’m rich oh no don’t touch him don’t touch him stop touching him quit that’s mine oh he’s out no stop touching that guy stop you fiddle on with the Villager that’s my villager build me back up you do

No all don’t trade with him you’re wasting everything oh look at all these guys in here sleeping don’t I swear to God I took a took a clip of my wood I know exactly how much what I have don’t touch it oh I could buy wait I need to buy that sharpness that

Shar it oh oh I need make a new diamond sword sharp on a diamond not now but I have my stuff sorted out so when I do stuff I do stuff I do I have nine emeralds to my name now minion I don’t really need armor whatever invisible arrows guys you want

To get hit by an invisible Arrow no I’m gonna go find a Pillager come here I want to shoot you with an invisible Arrow I’m going to go find a Pillager out poost hey come back don’t you dare don’t you dare go around line away man you can’t fly like I

Can yeah she just m part I get it anybody that poor they don’t have like you’re poorer than me I a poorer than you you got a better pick than me that’s last up H you Ying about your pick all the time pick better than you pick better

Than you I have a god pick it sucks I don’t want a god iron pick I want a god diamond pick iron pick can’t be me imagine having an iron pick ah this old that’s all but it’s God and it’s just as good as a diamond pick if it’s

God hey don’t look as good got me two stacks of Diamonds not even Diamond can’t beother all right if this cave treats me bad again no com no Pillager Outpost here no Village yet oh my God that’s a cool base spot bro he’s fighting a battle he’s fighting a losing battle Jacob we might have to move why found nice Bas

Box but it’s not good enough yet if I find a way better one then we may move this is our village out you think we’re going to live at our village place no place is there just for the villagers so we can make that money Jacob know about it Jacob know

About that uh Slave oh bet get my hands on that oh little too much it’s not slaver they’re getting they’re getting loot in return getting fre see it’s just too much they’re getting too much and they get greedy you know when you buy up too much of their stock they they up their

Price just need a Pillager Outpost I’m not trying to travel 10,000 blocks to find one but it seems I’m going to have to do that oh my my strike it wears off next month and the second then I could be a full-fledged monetization YouTuber now and have everything everything any any big

YouTuber has that be lit cash I can when you go to type I can make it where there’s rules in the chat they’ll pop up like three rules yep found another Village there a PL one no blacksmith um useless Village then that Village ain’t worth nothing three Burn It To The Ground be

Done with it CH blossom you trade in Viller I can’t wait until I get mine oh wait I think I just I think I just found the spa oh it been so perfect what’s a SP ni some these nice like don’t tell if that’s all the way fully

Enclosed no way bro you just have to mess everything up you just hate me oh sa can’t get nice build oh the Savannah I don’t know where a blacksmith uh pretty far how many El do you got just one oh I found the need uh I’m at are you still streaming

Yeah oh whatever I’m 5,000 30k that’s like 10K yeah why you go so far those your Outpost your Outpost out where’s the banic people I come this far for no Banner people jokes on you cash I’m getting all the ores that you left I bet you’re not going to find diamonds I

Can and if someone kills me then I can spawn with more iron armor and if they still kill me well then then I’m going to bring up my real loot I need one of these stupid things to spawn with the band on so I’m going go do and get totems when people definitely

Aren’t killing me okay if you get totems that got off I don’t even care if you full netherite you Ain going to be able to kill yet that gu yeah should we go to spawn a full nether right what do you think the locals are going to be the

Local inhabitants of their their Village I don’t know spawns kind of like a village isn’t it kind of it’s getting there we’re going to go back to spawn and everybody’s going to grief because they didn’t know the rules I have I’m breaking three and mending on my uh my Elija so I’m perfectly

A I should probably do this so then I can repair it as I fight cash want to know something what I’ve seen a server with like uh a lot of people probably 100 people and they had moderators and they didn’t care if you even know that their job is to

Monate an an server wasn’t really Anarchy server oh on This Server literally tells you has so plugins are the way to go they’re good none of them spawning with a flag bro I thought I had way more than two stacks of iron on me I mined like three or four Stacks

When I was in the cave indeed indeed you did Mr mine three diamonds get 20 diamonds three blocks equals 20 diamonds I Min a six ve got 20 I Min a seven ve got 20 min a six ve got 10 min a three vein I got

18 how do you get that’s like five diamonds every it’s like six diamonds for one I think oh was it oh no it was a five vein that I got 18 out of I I Min three ve and I got 10 yeah there’s G protection CU creepers can blow up the

Ground I’m about to give up on this give up on trying to get a Baden I think you should us got wait for one of these things to SP okay here’s where the ladder is the warden be exact so this is the spawner I heard you talking about screamed saying Warden yeah

Got tiptoe around this area we have food yeah we got some food yeah but we’re we’re 40,000 blocks away my light just fully repaired again also I can turn off what the server that tells us the server saved send me a c of our base I’m not at the

Base go do it I’m in the cave cash well send me the codes of where you are right now don’t okay doesn’t matter it’s close enough I’ll know where I’m at give me a second I’m about leave this send it to I’ll send it to mod chat yeah it’s kind of the point

Yeah send it to public you do I just want p in they slacking where where where is the where’s the guy oh I said I just took a picture of no cords just a picture you joined using OptiFine Jacob why in there tells me yeah I know that all

Right I sent it all right if you’re if you’re awake when Jess’s awake you to tell him that there someone using fly fly hack you can see it Go thousands of blocks every time you teleported actually I think it was tping people he was it’s that one guy what’s the scariest thing Minecraft

Wen well I found a new Pillager Outpost like pretty close the bat is alerting the thing kind of but it’s not going off now the creeper on the other hand and the bat actually like stop making noises over there trying to get away from this area not trying to die I might

Die I’m good I’m not going to die you’re not you’re not over by the warden no can literally blast you like 10 blocks away there just so many pillagers on me also M shs no way for a second there thought my game was dying C cave oh I got a hor Mean like three minutes to you lose all your Li maybe so none of these guys have a flag oh there’s a flag I found the one that has the flag you say not enough maybe it comes real I’m dead Jacob what what did I say my co what 5,000 negative jaob 5,000 30,000

5,000 30,000 I think so 5,000 30,000 where’s my other Electra here I’m breaking I’m breaking I’m breaking I’m breaking I’m breaking I don’t have any levels Jacob come here I need you to put this on my M cash I can’t do anything Jacob it’s either two ways you run or

You fly no I can fly but my El my bre on the way and I need well depends you want to lose all your loot or do you want to good go there I need GP where’s the GP where I put it where did I put it where did I put

It where’s the gun powder Jacob where the gun powder Jacob where the gun powder how I know you tou probably brought all with you if they’re unloaded you should be fine but if they’re not you’re screwed I was going to a bed too and I said I

Didn’t new bed and then I fell to my death May should have brought a bed maybe I don’t have any levels and you put them breaking on the side light can I trade with you V give me XP for trading with you no yes you are that enough XP please please please

Please I need three I need three I need three I need three I need to and I just need to get fireworks okay I have enough LS I put that on that I have that now I go here put this in there here you PL of that Jacob if there’s any creepers down

There I need you to kill kill them oh I found I found I the found the the I mean still if you find any just you know this leave this here that I need yes just say you’re going to go to a bathroom by the time you get back your

Loots going to be spawned okay I’m back go I don’t know why you taking taking a bathroom break like your lot’s going to be gone by the time you get back I I could kill i’ rather not my 30,000 5,000 I me 5,000 30,000 30,000 that’s where I got to go that’s

Where I died 6,000 blocks away that’s St y still on yeah um I just like died in the stupidest way possible and now I’m like actually lowkey mad and I’m trying to go get my loot right now so where did you even die like is like a

Bad place no it’s just like a little far away oh all right and I just got to go get my loot my only food is CH fruit Jacob like I had all the food with had a stack of beef with me Jacob I lost all my levels I had like 30

Levels oh my God trading with villagers give you so many levels I’m going annoy that the fact that I have the ability to fly wait wait still no cash turned on a while ago I real that for me as well all right well let’s hope I cuz I

Don’t know the exact chords of it Jacob I just know like the cords of a different Pillager Outpost I was which is should be like a thousand block vicinity I think though I’m scared cuz I don’t want to lose my loot if I remember correctly it was

5,000 the only big thing will be the life that that’s all I care about not going to lie that’s literally all I care about guys I have a question uh so about how late on average do y’all stay up playing this depends it’s the weekend I don’t have school yeah diamonds equal eight

Diamonds for me dis this oh you suck Jacob I don’t know honestly probably stay up till until I get tired I found the Savannah Biome Jacob all right it’s probably already despawned no just got to find the Pillager they still load in the server dang a Pillager

Outpost I didn’t die to the pillagers I died to a fo because I was using my elyra and then I went to go do the thing and my and then the firew like didn’t launch me I get it oh um hey hey uh if y’all need a gunpowder we we have a lot

Because if I right oh yeah yeah yeah I’m going to need gunpowder all right I got you let me see if I have any more laying around I Have uh I I only have seven that’s okay oh that’s good all right that’s that first one so I got to go this way got tons of stuff my inventory it’s crazy I think it’s over on this mountain is it no it’s not that mountain I remember seeing that cave this mountain

Maybe all I know is it’s on one of these Savannah mountains just need two more levels then I can get efficiency three so I can mine faster oh we have God villagers now what I got God villagers for us now diamonds diamonds here I got efficiency five

Um what else I have sharp five Unbreaking three mending um ones I think I think that’s it actually was it night time yeah it is well I don’t know where this is my body is oh no wait did did did did you have like like

A netherite and stuff on no I just care about the elytra that’s all I want oh no if I don’t get it then it’s all right it’s something the world but I just want has another like like the elytra an elra is are like one of the same most valuable things pretty

Valuable yeah pretty die yeah I got got to get tons of levels come on come on let me find it let me find my body not much of a body let me find my loots a’t going to be much of loot only thing that remains after your loot despawns is

XP I mean hey it’s still something I have 30 levels I remember losing 41 what it kind of takes me off is that is that that like that like guy who who who who defeated the the End Dragon justly Lock locked away the egg and left yeah pretty much

Iron skull gives so much xp it’s insane yep yeah level 20 oh I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it your is your loot still there I don’t know figure it out right now yep yo let’s go damn it look got

It I’m going to be richer cash I have eight more diamonds so that makes me have more blocks than you get the stupid bad om again not all I’m going to need someone to M my diamonds bro I’m get i’ll mine them but I take a little ta off of that no

You’re not taking No ta off my diamonds I have block probably CU I got the worst luck in the whole game all right so I got everything I see my oh you found diamonds yeah under SC oh bro wait how much um wood do you

Have uh I don’t know oh bro bet four World diamonds I actually I actually need need that to get a new axe I believe I have 11 stacks okay yeah sar’s taking in a while no this long got that much why am I paying you he scammed me by the way you

Know that I mean hey it’s Diamond so well that’s plate broken or is my chest plate just disappeared he got two stacks of diamonds in 10 I a little bit of mine you need tax more be like a stack for that much got R them up he need the

Bleed I just wanted bad Omen that’s all I wanted diamonds D there’s no more Scull one diamond equals one Diamond two diamonds equal I don’t know bro I never knew that more skull mending on my other uh my other elytra it’s pretty low HP my ho Broke need look around see if I find any loot scre the god pick scary I saw my good pick okay maybe I don’t mess with this anymore do I come back or do I get stuff to no I died so I lost the effect put on all your armor don’t have your

On uh I don’t have armor I literally don’t have armor for this I have oh my God I’m about to just dip dip then you die again you lose that’s true okay let me see what I can enchant this M it’s like uh fly this way fly this way home

This way starts to be home this way go home I’ve seen like 10 villages on my pathway and I’ve seen many many villages Pillager Towers uh one of those other things that are formed the nether Portals I don’t know but I hate keyboards that make noises I don’t like he then you would hate mine bro I don’t like heing my keyboard clicks so loud mine clicks really loud you get like a creamy keyboard or clacky keyboard I love the creamy ones oh my god oh you’re still Al

Mhm well I have a nice 10 levels after dying soad all right time to go back to mining wood I have to put a elytra I mean vending on my elytra first I got to get a ho R portal nice see lots of these get so much nothing

Crazy how are you still streaming Bro you’ve been streaming for eight hours God dang my longest I mean it’s like second long I feel like jakeob just kind of forgets that he streams and he’s just playing Minecraft now he’s just playing I’m not stream streaming really

To bring in more people to the server I sto that point after like few hours ago I think got up to 10 people on the PC that was brain Absol bra oh I could not it was so annoying Ash’s moderator kicked in go to the other to be that those like little kids

Were just screaming and screaming yeah that’s why I threatened him bro again again I found diamond under SK again bro nice coming in h Jacob coming in h com bro I need to put efficiency five on my shovel put mending on it put un breaking on it I need to put mending

Back on my other elytra so I can repair that with XP in the meantime I need to do villager trading so I get more XP it’s quite scary when you’re not having that is getting scared more diamonds than y just broke my other there goes my boots

Again I got some more armor too so I’m going probably use that when I get my netherite in what about neite work I don’t you use netherite and diamonds to make Tri and like that’s like the most expensive one yeah you got to be rich Cas oh I’m

GNA be rich it takes like a stack of diamonds and like 20 something netherite Nether netherite BR girl oh my God wait uh qual I have a question what Efficiency do I mean uh what what fortun do you have three and I very bad look I have very good look I’m probably

Going to fly around and look for another cave maybe I die maybe I don’t I’m probably going to should we get another flushing villager Jacob what are those sticks sticks for emeralds my of level 22 what the heck I see like a skull place I’m I’m just fully tearing it down my

SW that’s my IR 51 sugarcane all right I’ll take that feather’s in stream all right I’m about to go out to to uh mine yeah me too I’m about to go mining as well I’m mining for wood you’re mining for diamonds that’s probably why I don’t have any look hard enough that’s

Fine the heck was that what do I need what do I need what do I need have wood for these have this this that’s about all I need go see if I can find a different cave I can go mining more and STS I have a question can can can you like

Put Infinity on cross on Cross I mean like crossbows I don’t know about that I know bows you all right if you can put it on cross on crossbows that’s going to be op I don’t think he can it it’s fine only one Diamond D diamonds only one Diamond elbows that

Was I got multiple that okay please give me a good amount Diamond I need more than Jacob Jacob can’t have more than me still Rich richer than you I have four God apples I have multiple more often find find more diamonds more often and fortun you don’t find more

Diamonds got two stacks of diamond look this cave also on our Waters I found some diam one two three four 5 six six me oh gave me 10 diamonds kind of got better but that’s not bad but gooded four diamonds that good I don’t get worse St than me so

Much gold though God damn more di okay I look behind you why you stand get the cave first why you here Jacob leave shoot why you get diamonds good thing I’m doing Jacob believe this a your place to be I was here first no maybe maybe there’s not enough loot great skull

I’m leaving that cave I’m go find a different that’s what I’m saying there not enough diamonds in there wait nine more stacks hopefully it goes down deep yeah six diamonds his name watch out cash is coming for you oh much pass you time never i m too much I could probably strip

Mine instead of looking in G oh oh is that a desert no two more blocks of gold there’s a swamp over here Jac another another I’m going to get this need feathers chickens you you’re doomed to die need feathers Village oh another room portal 10 Diamonds remember in the beginning that one Di y whenever he is the I don’t know if I ever had that really happen to me I moved my arm and my nerve completely moved other my arm moved the other way when I moved straight makes sense makes no

Sense my arm moved different way than I wanted makes sense oh my gosh diamonds I’m finding a lot today oh my gosh there you go you don’t need cash no bro there’s no I’m passing y all up I just found a nine B diing randomly I have too much copper

Jacob I have way too much copper I almost have eight eight stacks of iron on me okay I don’t need all this St be oh more more diamonds that makes 24 this go I got a I got stack of diamonds oh God you have more diamonds than me

Now you think the eight being for that more diamonds a little snipple I’m have to eat my gold Apple One Diamond one Diamond doesn’t go down to Diamond level but it has everything else oh oh no oh never mind I think it just saw an oh there’s giant opening here I think it

Goes down go down Dam better not be a screecher or whatever it’s called one two three three three vein three vein and I got a double my diamonds not bad more diamonds uh one ve and I got three more diamonds two vein three vein three vein and I got 10 more diamonds one

Me one more diamonds more diamonds oh more diamonds I just ran into n one two three four five six seven eight n another nine B got a stack Diamond now what give me uh three diamonds that was the worst thing you can see in the Minecraft right there what alerters and sers

On top each other oh more diamonds one two three four five six seven another seven G oh he getting lucky oh again how how does this keep on H happening yo just work on the diamonds I’m just focused cuz I like a a lot of diamonds now I

Don’t know how just scull like it spawns lucky I guess there slime which means I’m under Spa biome all right I’m going to try one more path and then I’m going to go to surface lap which means I’m near diamonds on okay so about how far away

Is diamonds from from lap is in in in I don’t know the Pacific I don’t know like the Pacific I know it’s close Diamond gave me two diamonds can’t find it I guess oh there’s a slime right there we should need slime BS out here I hear like slimes no way just

Dies to the lava all right probably start fell into lava oopsies no there’s fum that burned I’ve gotten tons of diamonds for B so like last time that I just F straight got on he just fell straight in into lava and lost all his diamond

Stuff set back to the stone gave me 10 diamonds or diamonds I’m going to make the advancement finally yo finally bro I saw that day one two diamonds gave me Four Diamonds poop at least he doubled at least I doubled bro qualy how do you have a stack in 47 diamonds

That’s insane I don’t know got diamonds easy oh more diamonds right here little three ve gave me seven diamonds got efficiency I mean not heading back to base I see the other Village you’re talking about one two three just a three vein and I got a 11

Diamonds was that make your toal go up to right now 60 oh more still kind of you have more more soon you w just the one ve two two all right uh I’m like I’m like more than halfway to the 25 Stacks okay oh my I’m going get off when I reach that

How many diamonds do you have Jacob what how many diamonds do you have I don’t know go back PE well how many do you have on you right now stack of 47 all right so yeah you have more than me probably by like 40 right I think it’s time to get out this

Cave it ain’t trading me good no more took all his switches that’s what they do Oh more diamonds I didn’t take all the [ __ ] yet just a one vein you know give me three diamonds nice I mean two diamonds saying three diamonds two or one got two diamonds from one oh more diamonds one thing H yeah one and one diamond oh dang so someone just donated to

Who uh quality oh how much you see that five bucks oh let’s go Jacob I didn’t even see that two three well thanks diamonds that’s crazy um D how long did you take for you guys to get that many diamonds it didn’t take that long to get that many

Diamonds it only took us uh like 20 minutes 30 minutes around there at least for me to get all this we have like like extremely good things oh know I’m kind of dead my arm did that weird twitch thing where you like try to move it and then like like like moves on

Own like like it say that you should probably like like like get a break from this BR yeah going on for hour might try to fix my sleep schedule maybe I can stream earlier I’m going to say that it’s going to be why was I using my dumb pickax dang

It I need to get going to get back to base that is so delayed unimaginably delayed found a mft m give you a lot of diamonds usually but this one isn’t at the perfect level so it’s not not looking too good right now think I remember this h B is probably this

Way I would but no I think I already found it I know exact I know the exact ques not going to get all the resources I think this is the other Village fromus maybe type that in admin you lost what’s uh what’s what’s your price one I want three

Diamonds a no way three diamonds no C to base no no C to base I have a p literally not far away from base and also I found the second village bro the sunset looks nice I I still H have have yet to get OptiFine no I don’t have

Either yeah I really want it looks nice it’s not it’s not one Shader not shaders poop M poop M shaft is that another Village found one of villages you went to I’ve seen so many villages I even looted all of them okay four more Stacks two bro what is my Lally the past

Six diamonds I found only giv me one poy look poopy look I’m negative 56 wait that’s not bad to strip mine right I’m going to make a diamond pickaxe and just strip mine with it maybe I look at my old words I sent them in yeah I already got

It time to put my finger on my mouse and hold that down all right down and then I watch something you fall in a lava pocket bro I just finally laid down after sitting up after like five hours hour yoy how old even are you bro

Huh how how old how old are you bro guess I don’t know like 17 I think I’m 17 16 maybe I think I’m 16 yeah yeah you think I am like 15 or how old is Cash I’m not good at guessing ages I’m looking for a base I don’t know and I

Was looking at the same Village that come on you got it I was looking for a one 16 17 three 16 I’ve fin 16 you think I’m 16 yeah hell no a I know he’s a jip you’re a little J Jacob no you’re jip you’re a little you’re younger than

Me you’re not far off you’re pretty close want to know how many diamond blocks I have cash how many you have 28 damn damn how do you have 28 diamond blocks oh my God bro wait you play too much of this game bro I’m OG been playing this since I was like

Some years old I don’t know my arm I’m so stupid I just mind a five or six vein with a regular pickaxe no fortune go your brain is melting it’s only 12: p.m. 12 a.m. yeah I cook some of this iron I’m probably going to head up are are you

The next one to get an Electra probably the third one third one I’m the second one yeah that one guy he got an elytra he got the dragon egg and just dipped exactly World never saw him again I know sure I’m not going to be streaming this long

Tomorrow on average how long I’m streaming now had to move and all that like nine hours is crazy the longest I’ve played Minecraft was probably like 15 hours straight oh dang and that’s was like on this one world where we all full killed the dragon times had probably like aund villagers

And then we started uh mining out a cave probably about 500 by 500 block and then it was probably like a 100ish blocks tall that sounds like that was that was you want to know what that was for it was for farm when we could have made it on the

Surface they’re like no just make it Underground this they kind of they kind of special well no it was my friend’s cousin that wanted to make it underground and yes he is special you’re you you’re like stream is is like tripping me out because because like because like like one of my head one of my headphone

Ears I’m hearing your stream and the other I’m hearing my my like gaml really trippy I hate that yeah I don’t even use sound for Minecraft it’s kind of not needed I mean I just want to listen to to the music bro I should probably work on getting more subscribers going down a

Lot I mean makes sense the heck was that bro I swear it was your stream that Tri me out so much I’d rather want solid subscribers versus than real subcribers more like B and anything oh my God I I hear so many villager sounds and it’s so

Trippy if if you think you’re tripping you don’t know what I’m tripping I’m not getting off till I get full armor netherite I already I already have full netherite wait actually yeah I just go craft it right now I’m not doing it now but I

Will I also make a even he heard you cash you got to be silent when you say that oh I made him fumble I made him fumble he got cash he was so shocked I I made him die he’s like oh my God full nether armor I guess well the

People the more active people are on the server the more more people are going to join the more people that join the more serious people be get CU we’re rich and when we say we’re rich and they when we say we’re rich we say like 20 times it’s

Poor and they’ll think that we’re saying what they are poor and they want to be rich think about it I came from tough times but I lost a total of a stack of diamonds buta I lost like five God apples um couple stacks of iron got person on the server I died the

Only I’m the only one that hases NE Cas blocks have blocky or what not blocky blah has NE music oh well I was the first person to get it I don’t care no I got a away before he did I know that for a fact that

So where’s bobob I haven’t seen him in a while I saw him earlier I think yeah time passes when you play for so many hours one last will get me there two guess the only thing I can ever look at like it was worth it it’s worth the Time I have over a stack of diam or a stack of U iron blocks you know what that means I got more than nine stacks of iron yeah I got a little bit more cooking IR least get those out of my h shers sound so weird weird when you open

Them the D saying a little weird two more blocks I did it oh my gosh finally I’ll be asking for 30 diamonds at least I 25 St a hold him Ransom you’re like you won’t get it you don’t give it I kind of can’t do that if he is like

Full netherite and an elytra man there’s no getting on good Cash’s good side I’ll give you that second ago I was fing with the Villager he he smacked me a few times with a sword I like it n 18 19 20 oh I did it oh my God finally oh oh my

God took so long all right cash I I I I got the goods I don’t know if he’s here dang all right time to smell stack of Gold hey cash guess what what I’m back finally you’re poor I got over a stack of iron blocks almost a stack and a half go I did it I got what was asked for now it for now I don’t want it anymore wait got the 25k for the the two two

What I mean 25 Stacks yeah 25 Stacks I got the 25 Stacks um wait what about the other for stacks for the the table is the table you know why do I even need at this point cash is trying to steal trying to try to he’s trying to get

You he’s trying to be a scammer cash I know you’re yeah I don’t need it at this point okay okay so just in the future tell me when you want them I’m not mining right now are you going to be long or are you getting oh I don’t know it really

Depends on on what time it is oh my God it’s only 11 oh my God bro I’m for so much longer I don’t know it feels like it’s like 6: in the morning right now for me like 1:00 a.m. or something like that it’s only 12 for me it’s only 11 for

Yeah it’s only 11 for me awesome what’s the temperature outside for you my me yeah uh me might say I don’t uh it doesn’t say let me I find my phone if it’s not if you say the temperature you can find what county you live in they know the temperature then they

Know your general location unless if they find it on the other side of the world the same probably be the case I don’t what day is it my gosh my phone just fell my foot um let me check is vipp today Saturday noop way low on Monday it should be in like in

Like freezing temperatures yeah thanks for your diamonds cash don’t touch my diamonds sh the Chester BX that’s where I’m going to put them but I just have my stuff out because I’ve been using it so much is there anything that I can do for like extra anything well four I only got four stacks of diamonds is there anything that can I I can like do for

Extra extra diamonds yeah it’s called it’s it’s called Uh holding your stuff hostage you won’t give it to them unless you get more unless you up the price I was going to say more wood oh gosh okay yeah you want one diamond for that 25 one

Two three ve gave me a lot okay all right that can cover how much you gave 25 Stacks to extra well I have seven ve here or eight see find these diamond oh I just got um gave me six I have a question what what would you give me for 18

Gunpowder all right I’m almost streaming for 10 hours I’m GNA head out um it’s a good uh probably give you like iron probably no diamonds okay I just there not enough GP you gave me like like 30 GP I probably give you like a diamond uh okay

Up to 325 members I probably don’t know where a lot is hold on you know I’ll give you one Diamond I’ll give you one diamond for okay I’ll take that yeah I’m GNA try to stream every day let’s go make the Discord up to a thousand dang bro thousand

Members he over a quarter there wait over what wait actually 325 I never even noticed that oh my God bro that’s so many people that’s a that’s a lot and it all started with me cash Level D dang this was just a private server until I started streaming beatab the old

Days the ancient times is one would say all right I’m going stream in three two two one one

This video, titled ‘PC vanilla minecraft anybody can join EP 6’, was uploaded by Quality Viral 2 on 2024-01-14 05:37:57. It has garnered 134 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 09:31:13 or 34273 seconds.

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    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft

    Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft Minecraft: “Illager Castle Raid” The peaceful village’s old castle has fallen into the hands of the menacing Pillagers in Minecraft’s latest event, the “Illager Castle Raid.” Players must rise to the challenge and reclaim the castle from these hostile invaders to restore peace to the land. Music and Map To set the tone for this epic battle, players can immerse themselves in the original soundtrack “Teeth In” from Tower Defense X, composed by “The Gee J.” The intense music will keep players on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the Villager VS Illager Castle map created… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “First Time Noob PLAYER Enter In Minecraft!” Although the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does capture the essence of a new player embarking on a journey into the vast and adventurous world of Minecraft. Just like the player in the video, imagine yourself stepping into a world full of endless possibilities, challenges, and excitement. Now, picture yourself exploring this world alongside a community of like-minded players who share… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where PvP Gods Thrive!

    Join Minewind: Where PvP Gods Thrive! Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server and experience the thrill of PvP like never before. With a dedicated community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in epic battles, show off your skills, and make new friends along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable gaming journey. Don’t miss out on the action -… Read More

  • Skibidi Toilet Mod Showcase

    Skibidi Toilet Mod Showcase Minecraft’s Skibidi Toilet Mod: A Fun Addition to the Game Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, continues to surprise its players with unique mods and features. One such mod that has caught the attention of many gamers is the Skibidi Toilet Mod. Let’s dive into this quirky addition to the Minecraft universe! What is the Skibidi Toilet Mod? The Skibidi Toilet Mod is a fun and light-hearted modification to the game that adds a new element of humor and entertainment. With this mod, players can now place toilets in their Minecraft world, allowing their characters to use the… Read More

  • Sneaky Start: The Boyz SMP

    Sneaky Start: The Boyz SMP The Start To Our SMP (The Boyz SMP) Exploring the World of Minecraft with Friends Welcome back, everyone! Today, our journey begins as we delve into the world of Minecraft with friends. The excitement is palpable as we embark on this new adventure together. Join us as we navigate through the game, encountering various challenges and surprises along the way. Discovering New Territories As we set foot in the vast Minecraft world, the possibilities seem endless. From lush forests to mysterious caves, every corner holds a new discovery. The thrill of exploration drives us forward, eager to uncover hidden… Read More

  • Discover Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today we want to talk about the amazing experience of crossing an ocean by boat in Minecraft. If you’ve ever watched a video like the one by Neutral_Mob where they showcase this incredible feat, you know just how exhilarating it can be. But imagine taking that experience to the next level on a server like Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft experience like no other. From surviving the elements to building epic structures, there’s always something exciting to do on Minewind. So why not join us today? Dive… Read More

  • Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Server

    Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re looking for a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience, then Minewind is the place to be. Have you ever wanted to join a server where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are never-ending? Well, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community of players from all over the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and exciting challenges to conquer. But what sets Minewind apart from other… Read More

  • Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza!

    Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza! When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for your friend to come along and accidentally knock it down with one swift punch. RIP tower, you will be missed. #minecraftfails #friendshipgoals Read More

  • Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft

    Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of its young audience. With a focus on originality and humor, 方块轩’s channel offers a variety of entertaining videos that aim to spread joy and laughter among viewers. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated environment. From crafting tools and weapons to constructing elaborate structures, the possibilities are endless. 方块轩’s channel showcases the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Minecraft. Who knows what adventures await you? The only way to find… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

  • INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!

    INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MAXING OUT a New Class on Wynncraft!’, was uploaded by Olinus10 on 2024-05-18 23:55:19. It has garnered 3374 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 05:35:48 or 20148 seconds. Time to level up a new class because its DOUBLE XP on Wynncraft!! #wynncraft #minecraft #mmorpg #minecraftserver ➤ IP: play.wynncraft.com ➤ DISCORD FOR COOL PEEPS https://discord.gg/olinus-corner-778965021656743966 ➤ Check out my Official Wynncraft Content: https://www.tiktok.com/@wynncraftofficial?lang=en & @WynncraftOfficial ➤ Join Blue Builds https://discord.gg/blue-s-builds-696616686928920598 ➤ Check out our MODPACK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgY1LLyv6pI ➤ Wynncraft LOFI: @WynnbeatsLOFI ➤ Music by Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio Read More

  • Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMP

    Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP With Viewers, But Technical Issues Fixed(?)’, was uploaded by SIR HORSE on 2024-02-27 08:11:36. It has garnered 107 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:46 or 12466 seconds. On today’s live stream, Sir Horse is once again playing on the Minecraft creator SMP created by @clockswork . Sir Horse is currently just working on random projects and trying to create a map of the SMP while hanging out with friends in a VC. ​​Server IP: cloxxwork.ddns.net Port : 42069 Discord: https://discord.gg/BnRuxb5nUr All music used this stream is created by… Read More


    WINNING Minecraft BEDWARS GAME?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Play One Minecraft BEDWARS GAME To See If I WIN!’, was uploaded by TBAKris10 on 2024-03-18 20:34:42. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:22 or 562 seconds. Bedwars is one of a lot more Minecraft minigames! I’ts fun! Basically, when you go into teams and you have your own coloured bed. At this time, you can die and respawn normally, But if you loose your bed, you’re basically in hardcore mode meaning if you die, you loose. The same rule applies to the rest of teams.. Also,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! 🏠🔥 #gamer #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! 🏠🔥 #gamer #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort’, was uploaded by ION GAMER YT on 2024-02-16 13:59:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ytshorts #viral #viralshorts #minecraft How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort Watch this … Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in KitPvP.world #shorts

    🔥 EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in KitPvP.world #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beast Win #shorts 100 Ip: KitPvP.world’, was uploaded by TheAntCraft on 2024-01-06 17:00:44. It has garnered 2244 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Welcome to my channel! Everything here is about Minecraft (survival, tutorials) and Cities: Skylines 2. IP of the server: KitPvP.world 🌍 Minecraft content: Experience thrilling survival adventures and useful tutorials that will help you succeed in the world of Minecraft. 🏙️ Cities: Skylines 2 – City Building Perfected: Join me in city building in Cities: Skylines 2. Together we plan, build and manage to… Read More

  • Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! 🔥

    Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Ruining the Nature of Minecraft – Divine Journey 2’, was uploaded by Saylor. on 2024-04-28 12:00:50. It has garnered 1789 views and 172 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:16 or 676 seconds. This is part two of a multipart series on my favorite modpack in minecraft: Divine Journey 2. If you missed part 1, check it out here: https://youtu.be/z-elPMvTpEc . If you liked the video, do consider subscribing, it would really make my day 🙂 I added some visual and editing improvements in this episode as well as the replay mod. Let me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Rui’s laugh identical to Doraemon subtitles

    Unbelievable: Rui's laugh identical to Doraemon subtitlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘ルイ姉の笑い声がドラえもんのサブタイトルにしか聴こえない’, was uploaded by カラコット on 2024-01-10 14:32:11. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Original video[Minecraft]Let’s build a moat under HoloX’s hideout! A castle needs a moat, right? Dig it![Takamine Rui/HoloLive] https://www.youtube.com/live/EnH0m9-i… / @takanelui #Takamine Rui #Hololive #HololiveCutout #Hololive #Cutout #SoundMAD Read More

  • Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!

    Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!Video Information This video, titled ‘Explore A Historic Victorian Era Port In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by WBC Builds on 2024-05-04 16:39:06. It has garnered 9534 views and 613 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:48 or 1068 seconds. This month’s Minecraft Server Update Tour, May 2024, sees us exploring the best Minecraft Victorian and Georgian, and turn of the 20th century towns & Minecraft Cities! So stick with me as I show you around the Terra 1912 server with this server update tour. In this months edition we will be going to A French inspired port/dock, A British inspired… Read More


    Unbelievable SHOCK at MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL MINI ANIMATION #minecraft #minecraftanimation #memes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Kimorou on 2024-05-29 20:44:17. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Like and suscribe for more videos 😉 minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft iron farm, minecraft builds, minecraft bedrock ios, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.21, minecraft movie, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft bedrock survival ep 1, minecraft ancient city, minecraft asmr, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft avatar, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, minecraft april fools, minecraft… Read More

  • Forest Grove SMP Creative Roleplay PvP

    Come join the adventure with us at Forest Grove! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Region: USA Forest Grove offers a diamond-based economy with player warps, spawners, and player shops. PvP is enabled with opportunities to acquire cool loot through crates, events, and other fun server features! Features: Diamond Economy Discord server Geyser/ViaVersions supported Spawners Ranks PvP enabled Land Claiming via grief protection Skills Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RABBIT TWERKIN’ IN MINECRAFT 😳

    Minecraft Memes - RABBIT TWERKIN' IN MINECRAFT 😳Well, at least the rabbit has some killer moves to show off in the Minecraft world! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEMES I STOLE ONLINE PART 11: HOT DIGGITY DOG! “I tried to come up with an original Minecraft meme, but then I realized I’m just not that crafty.” Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft 🌟🎮

    Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft 🌟🎮 Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine exploring a world filled with secrets and mysteries, just like in the YouTube video “Descubriendo los secretos de las Papas papas 😱🥔 || Minecraft.” Spark embarks on an adventure that leads him to discover new and exciting things in the world of Minecraft. Similarly, when you join Minewind, you’ll… Read More

  • Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC

    Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Slander: Exploring the Latest Trends As the Minecraft community continues to evolve, new trends and memes emerge, keeping players engaged and entertained. One recent topic of discussion revolves around Minecraft 1.8 and MMC slander, sparking conversations and debates among enthusiasts. Rediscovering the Joy of Bridge in Minecraft 1.8 One of the intriguing aspects that have caught the attention of players is the resurgence of interest in bridge gameplay. Many are finding the experience of playing bridge in Minecraft 1.8 to be surprisingly enjoyable, leading to a renewed appreciation for this classic feature. Embracing Fun and… Read More

  • EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE – Minecraft Modpack EP18

    EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE - Minecraft Modpack EP18Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft – Steampunk Modpack EP 18’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-05-23 02:20:35. It has garnered 32 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:51 or 7311 seconds. Adventure Time – Immersive Aircraft airship adventure! Relaxing play in the Minecraft Steampunk modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Build hack for your minecraft world #gaming’, was uploaded by MINE BOSS on 2024-01-05 11:46:58. It has garnered 2547 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s 200 IQ Test…’, was uploaded by mini on 2024-02-24 12:15:06. It has garnered 10198 views and 822 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. recently my friend ClownPierce posted a video where he called me the worst player in Minecraft, well it’s time to prove him wrong! ● JOIN MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/g9m5mJqeAG ● SUBSCRIBE TO @ClownPierce Read More

  • Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraft

    Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Illegal build troll face 💀 minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Casyrant on 2024-01-07 07:10:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Gear up for thrilling survival challenges as we face off against menacing mobs and conquer the perilous landscapes of the Nether … Read More

  • Kenorey – TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmods

    Kenorey - TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmodsVideo Information This video, titled ‘👌SERVER con MODS minecraft NO PREMIUM [ Voycechat, Create, Botania y muchos mas ] #minecraftmods’, was uploaded by Kenorey on 2024-05-28 08:24:00. It has garnered 440 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. IP: kenomc.online VERSION 1.20.1 All the information is in the discord: https://discord.gg/nRuDVVFkfV Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack – Episode 3 Livestream

    UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack - Episode 3 LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MODPACK – EPISODE 3 THE FIRST LEGENDARY! – LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by LändØfCärNissän on 2024-02-27 01:49:16. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:50 or 14450 seconds. Don’t forget to check his twitch! thanks for the participation! https://www.twitch.tv/cijogacomigo Join my discord Server https://discord.gg/TACYenMh8m Read More

  • Owlcean Ch. – Kaela’s Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱

    Owlcean Ch. - Kaela's Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Kaela’s Bank Card Has Been Used By Other People For Months Without Her Knowing 😥【Hololive】’, was uploaded by Owlcean Ch. on 2024-05-09 16:31:09. It has garnered 9057 views and 518 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. scammer must die. 🎲Source🔨 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon, i have come back stronger【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 https://www.youtube.com/live/m8LYR7xjV_Y?si=MTutx5k4IbQsfUI_ 🎲Outro Source🔨 LeAmoeba (https://twitter.com/AmoebaLe) BGM – Busy City by TrackTribe 🎲Precious Vtuber🔨 @KaelaKovalskia ___________________________________________________________________________ #hololive #kaelakovalskia #kaela_kovalskia #hololiveindonesia #hololiveid #holoid #vtuber #vtuberindonesia #holoh3ro #vtuberid Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!

    Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!Video Information This video, titled ‘I build a villager trading and breading hall MINECRAFT DAY-12 part-1’, was uploaded by Bro Gaming Gamer on 2024-04-29 11:14:09. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:04 or 2524 seconds. Title: “Minecraft Day 12 Part 1: Building a Villager Trading and Breeding Hall!” Description: Welcome back to our Minecraft Day 12 adventure! In this exciting episode, we dive deep into the world of villager trading and breeding by constructing a state-of-the-art trading and breeding hall that will revolutionize our gameplay. 0:00 – Introduction: Join us as we… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #Enderbrine

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #EnderbrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs Minecraft Creepypasta And Mutant Mobs🔥 #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #youtubeshorts #mc’, was uploaded by ENDERBRINE GAMER YT on 2024-05-23 08:36:34. It has garnered 358 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft sword Vs Axe Vs Mace 🔥 #shorts #sword #minecraft Dream Vs All Blocks And Command Block 🔥 #shorts #block #minecraft Title: Herobrine vs. All Minecraft Entities: Epic Battle Unleashed! | Enderbrine Gamer YT Description: Welcome to the ultimate showdown in the world of Minecraft! In this thrilling video, Enderbrine Gamer YT presents an epic battle between… Read More

  • Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2

    Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2Welcome to Dhar Aruz – A Dwarven Nation! Hello! I’m an organizer from Khar Darak for Dhar Aruz, a Dwarven nation set in a complex world with a political landscape. We are currently running on 1.20.2 Java edition. If you’re interested in roleplaying as a Dwarf in our server, we are recruiting fighters, builders, miners, and diplomats. Join us in the ancient to steampunk era of Bastion! Contact our Dwarven High King on Discord at accrayer to get whitelisted. Our server focuses on roleplay, player skins, custom plugins, 60 magic spells, professions, player economy, and strategic wars. Explore dungeons, wastelands,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > Hype

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > HypeWell, at least this meme can take solace in the fact that it’s not at the bottom of the tier list, right? That’s gotta count for something! Read More

  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

    Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno's Minecraft Lair In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a daring thief, with stories untold. He tried to steal from TechnoGamerz’s castle so grand, But alas, his plans did not go as planned. Exploring the castle, he found treasures rare, But soon realized, he was caught in a snare. The op loots he sought, slipped from his grasp, Leaving him with regret, in the castle’s grasp. But fear not, dear viewers, for the story’s not done, There’s more to this tale, under the sun. Stay tuned for more adventures, in the Minecraft world, Where twists and turns, are always… Read More