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N Me mind we You hello HOA sorry about that I was going to just come straight on and then um something happened and I had to just quickly do something else for a second uh just typical that happened just as I was doing this right here we are yes I’m

Here I think I’m here I’m here it’s like answering the register um my boys just asked an interesting question on here um isn’t it a 50-day challenge rather than a 30-day challenge it is actually both so it’s a 30-day challenge which is what most people are doing and I’m trying to do

The 50-day challenge which is where you get to record a video with sb737 himself so um well I don’t know how it’ll work but we’ll have to wait and see I’m not even sure if streaming is allowed yet so um well we’re going to go with streaming

Anyway and because I can’t do the videos so well I mean technically I can do the videos it’s just that my head won’t let me um ah no 4 minutes to go I love that 4 minutes 7 Seconds 4 minutes 6 seconds 4 minutes 5 Seconds what are we in 3

Minutes now 3 minutes 59 seconds okay oh it doesn’t take a lot to amuse me oh let’s there’s a thing that you can do you pop quickly pop down into deboss go down here try not to get attacked while you’re there then you go slash comp uh oh

There’s a dragon here didn’t really mean to do oh blocks broken we’re not going to manage to do that so oh this is an aquatic Dragon hold on we want one of these can we oh I’ve got a I’ve got a sword here let’s see if we can just dive

In here and do a bit of him I haven’t got my bow on me quick I got any apples on me or anything see if we can get a little bit of damage I want the Aquatic fragments didn’t actually mean to come in here whilst the guy the dragon guy

Was in here the dragon guy the dragon guy well that’s different no come back a come back don’t you fly away I want to get you I haven’t got my bow on Me Hold on let me just hide around the corner uh hold on uh PV isn’t

It it should be in here I think yes here and then an arrow well it’s actually several arrows all right now we can get him oh he’s going to m i could have just I could have just waited ahh no we don’t want to attack me we just want to let me

Get the just want to get the dragon come on Where Are You Dragon let me get you please oh I got 200 damage I think that’s the most I’ve ever done ah no no no no no we want to kill you come back here you why are you flying away no flying

Away come on why don’t my arrows ever hit you oh I got One I wasn’t actually planning to try and kill a dragon but I would like the Aquatic fragments if we I don’t know if we get one because we haven’t um contributed to an eye I’m not quite sure how it works stop attacking me back oh look I got

2,222 XP we got we got 400 boss damage that’s the most I’ve ever had look ar you proud of me no come here come here why are you all the way over there aren’t you meant to be on your little perch you meant to be down here or something where are you come

Back just close up view of the Dragon ah he just shushed me away I’ve never seen a dragon do this before um is he meant to be crawling across the floor or come on die little dragon I want some fragments I don’t think he’s going to give me I got 572

Damage hey he’s a gunner woohoo I got three fragments y y all right let’s get out of here we’ll come back and do some other stuff right uh let’s go I didn’t actually mean to come in and kill the dragon I actually just went to come in to find out what

The competition was so if when there’s one minute of competition left you can um what this side is it I need to wait 13 seconds um yes if there’s a competition starting uh when it’s on the 60 seconds you can pop to dboss and then slash comp

And then it will tell you what the uh competition is apparently so uh that’s how we found out that it was a block one and I knew that I can’t defeat the guys that do blocks so there’s no point of me even trying on that one let’s just see we get any nice

Goodies oh another pet egg okay right so we got that now I have been we can put the we can’t put the pet egg in there because we haven’t got it on us did it go no it did not go into the PV oh oh but we can’t go

Into the PV though oh I found out how to name um my stuff so this was something that I was wondering about we should actually put our golden apples in this section so look this one is now our armor and tools it’s also going to be

These uh so that if we need to access them um for the farming purposes then we’ve got them easier to hand once I’ve cleared out a load of this then I might move them to farming or something we’ve got a lot of blocks that we need to be

Placing that we haven’t done we’ve got let me move what is that one that’s an enchanted Apple I got something here I can move ah yeah that there we go and then if we go back I’ve named another one what did I name the other one oh hold on that’s Enchanted is no

This is that’s condensed this is Enchanted it’s a shame they have the same sort of tinge to them uh we got some more poisonous apples here I’m saving them to try and condense them down later uh but we really need to have somewhere to put them oh heads yeah so

This one’s going to be my headbox um right let me put the golden apples in here so if we suddenly find ourselves fighting a dragon like we just did we can at least get the apples um all right let me put these in here as well because this is just all taking up

My inventory space and then I can show you what I’ve been up to but these the three that I have won previously uh they were leftovers now we want the Overflow how is everybody today hope everybody is okay yes we won three aquatic fragment fragments that’s

Amazing um and there’s that pet EG so let’s pop that into the box so I’ve got this set up now so I can actually sell stuff I have been selling a few I don’t think anybody’s been giving me their stuff no um I don’t think anyone would have

Bought one of those yet cuz I’m still have got those very high I’m not selling them for anything cheaper unless towards the end of the season they’re not going then I’ll well then I might use them so it’s not a major uh problem regardless right now I’ve discovered that we

Haven’t done that yet if we have um the different armors so if I just go into deboss I didn’t really understand the the armor last time so if we go into here the the let me just try that again and use some words right if we go into slash

Deboss then you can you can use this to get into the Boss Arena but you can also craft dragon armor but it has to be done from here and you have to use this crafting table to do it oh we got fragment roll dragon armor deconstruct oh I saw

Saw a thing on that with neb man he said it’s not worth it you don’t get very much back so let’s pop into here these are the different types of armor um so I I didn’t actually know what each one of these does so let’s just have a little look so explosive dragon

Armor um Peace benefits chance to double your drops while Mining and a set bonus so if you ‘ got all four pieces on to mine ores in a three block radius the Colossal increases farming enchants proc chance procurement I suppose by .5% a plus one Farm Fortune for melons and

Pumpkins experienced is a oh XP multiplier okay uh Hasty uh gives you more of the mcmmo rate which which I still don’t actually know what that is uh this one’s the Aquatic Dragon so this one helps you with the fish so if you got a piece you get a .5% chance of

Finding the rarest fish type if it’s unlocked and a plus two set oh sorry A plus two extra uses on your bait if you have a set the defensive one is the one that you need for the mobs and the bosses and the ancient dragon oh okay so that’s the one

That gives you Sky coins so um you get multipliers when far farming killing mobs and when mining and wow Soul earnings by 20% so this is how these guys do it all you see and then the champion is one or mob drops and crop cells or doesn’t work

With fish that’s because the Aquatic does that okay so um I didn’t really realize or understanding of this so actually what you should be doing is having a set of this and every time you’re doing a different CH task like fighting you should be using the red

Armor when you’re fishing you should be using this blue one um if you’re farming um perhaps if you need Sky coins you should be using that one um well actually some of them will work on both this one was doing your XP and oh the pink one for

Farming so if you then go into it it then gives you the four sets here and then so say we went onto the chest plate you the first one you make with 80 uh fragments in this format um which gives you a chest plate but then if you

Want to upgrade it you move on to your level two and then you put your chest plate in the middle and then you put 80 around it in that 10 and it has to be 10 in each one if you put 11 in one it won’t work

Cuz I I tried that and it confused me uh then if you’ve got your level two and you move up then the fragments increase to 20 then they increase to 30 and then they increase again to 40 it’s crazy so yesterday I purchased some level one armor and I was going to buy

The fragments and then upgrade them but then I’ve discovered that I’ve was working it all out and I’ve sort of scribbled some bits down here that it needs to do the chest plate requires 880 fragments to get it to a level five and that was going to cost me uh using an 80,000 Um dollar cost per fragment it was going to cost me 7,400 th000 and someone was selling one for that price so I thought well I may as well just buy it so I’ve got one at the 7 million 400 sorry 7, 400,000 I had enough money so I wasn’t too

Worried so we need to resell our level one trousers uh no hold hold on a minute yes I managed to get a level five trousers and a level five jacket so we need to sell our level ones of both of those then there are level

One boots and I managed to buy a level four helmet so if we come back and then use the oh the crafting table that’s in here all right let’s go on to here so we put the um helmet in there and what I’ve done is I have purchased some of these

I’d actually purchased them before I purchased the um the the new level five ones do it like that oh I could have actually left that one where it was all right so if you look here look it’s not working that’s because I’m too over it doesn’t accept that you’re too

Over oh hold on a minute oh I’m being a plunker aren’t I we don’t have enough fragments now this one should be did I say 40 on each so we need more fragments I forgot about that let’s see how many more we need um sorry I’m being a plonker I’m always a

Plonker okay so we’ got those we’ got 4 8 12 16 20 24 so we need 240 uh we’ve got 20 so 220 fragments so let’s go and um see if we can buy those so we’re going to the auction house um and hello what’s my brain trying to tell

Me fragments we don’t want to just put under fragments we want Aqua if we type in aqua then it Narrows down what we’re looking for uh let’s just have a little look what we’ve got here there’s uh level fours there’s level four boots there they they’re asking too much of those

Ones these are in Sky Co I refuse to anything in Sky coins they’re 60 they’re 75 and they’re 79 all right let’s buy some of the let’s buy all of these ones because they’re cheaper oh I just sold some cacti okay uh that just uh was a bit confusing so

We just pop back in again no I can’t even spell aqua now oh goodness me we’re going to get on with this water in just a moment okay so then the next one is 12 75,000 each they’re just so expensive okay and then if we buy a

Stack of the next price I think we can get a stack hold on me go back yeah so I just wonder we might just buy all of those actually that 79 what is that value just under 8 million right we’re going to buy all of those we down to 505 million

That’s not very good is it um we could just quickly just while the guy is here let’s quickly go down to the um wanding Trader the black market guy cuz we haven’t we haven’t seen him for a while um it’s only it’s just that he’s only there for a few minutes so

That tea is not very good it always pops me in his head and I don’t want to be in his head so I’ve got these totems so I might as well use it I haven’t actually found anything useful from him for ages a legendary axxe bin of arthropods six fire aspect three

Sharpness sharpness six Smite six Unbreaking five that looks like quite a good axe um what is our axe hold on I don’t know how long he stays here for I think he’s only here for 15 minutes you have to be quite quick I haven’t got my axe on me haven’t

Had it on me for ages but there isn’t a special axe did I move it into the tools really need to do this yeah fortune 3 looting three right sharpness five Unbreaking three oh yeah that’s a really good one can I uh can we look at the bank I don’t

Think we can move money oh okay I’ve got my I’ve got I moved that into there but well let’s I’m going to buy this axe sharpness six Smite six Unbreaking five ban of arthropods six fire aspect and then we can put the Looting back on I

Haven’t put any of the other enchants on yet woohoo so we have a little fancy ax and hopefully we can turn that into a thingy I’m not buying or hoppers at 2 million 2 and a half million I don’t need a temporary command um and I don’t want the zombie

Spawners either right so let’s go back that’s the first time I’ve ever bought anything from him like that so let’s go back and then we’ll try to upgrade that shortly but let’s finish off doing what we were doing so let’s just come out out the way this hologram so we’re going to

Deboss again right so we just purchased a whole bunch of fragments which is hopefully enough now no we wanted to go into the crafting bench didn’t we that’s here so what were we crafting the level four helmet and we want to do 40 in each one so we split these up into 30s

First have we got enough we still not we don’t have enough anyway do we uh no how do we not have enough because I can’t count so we still need I thought that would be enough but clearly not so we still need 30 40 50 60 70 80 we still need need

90 God that’s just for one all right let me just I need to remove some of these other items out of my inventory all right let’s get rid of those and what else do we have hold on let me go into cell be quicker get rid of the potatoes and the sugar

Cane ah that wool can go together oh oh no I was thinking I sold something in the I like the cacti again but it’s just what I’ve sold just right now okay no auction house please and then we want to go to where do we want to go come on brain

Back in uh fragments aqua I nearly got some sleep yesterday but didn’t so that was helpful uh d d right so they’re 880,000 they’re 80,000 these are 80,000 how much is another stack of those yeah I’m not buying a whole I don’t know why I did that it’s very

Annoying that you can’t buy like two stacks but let’s try it now deboss crafting B helmet no wrong helmet make sure we get the correct helmet and this time let’s do it properly no I wanted it like that have I got enough this time I should have enough now shouldn’t I I

Just put whole bunch oh no I don’t think I’ve got enough again seriously I still need how many have I got left here there’s 47 10 I still need 80 oh for goodness sake I’m just not very good at this am I let’s go back into the auction house and go buy another

Stack okay my brain’s tired my brain doesn’t want to play well my brain wants to play it just doesn’t want to do anything that involves maths these what are a bit expensive come on where were those 80s 85 80 right let’s go with this one and let’s buy another stack right

Now can I do it please going to have to buy some more in a moment oh got under 500 million that’s where am I going I know where I’m going I’m doing what I’m supposed to do I promise uh We’ve also got an annoying reward thingy that keeps flashing up in

Front of my face I do not like things that keep bugging me okay it’s nice that it tells you it’s there but it’s like you must do this and then it’s like I don’t want to and I’ll just keep winging at you right now please tell me I’ve got

Enough should have enough now surely all right so you got to add them all in manually it’s a bit of a pain doing this and then ah here we go a 10 and a 10 right please work yay okay so we now have level five helmet to go with our

Level five leggings and chest plate so now we’ve just got to sort out the boots so we either have level ones that we need to to upgrade or sell we got 32 fragments left let me go back so it works out hold on we need to do the

Boots I worked out that to do a helmet so we say it’s the fragments are 50 80 160 240 and 320 which is a total of 850 fragments then that would equate to if I was buying them at 80,000 that would equate to 68 million the boots would

Be 10 less I think it was cuz the helmet is five and the boots would be four initially to do that first setup so there would be 80,000 less than that so about 67 million basically so if we pop into the auction house let’s see how much they are going

To cost so a level five boots in if if we were paying 80,000 would cost us um 840 fragments and it would cost us about 67 million but so let’s pop back into here and what have we got it on on ascending so they’re level ones level

One level one we’re just looking at the boots here level one one one more ones one a one a one and a level four and that is 65 million then it’s going to cost us another 32 20 fragments to upgrade it which at 320 multipli by 80,000 there another 25

Million so it’s actually going to be cheaper for us to make it ourself in this case and we have the boots already so we don’t need the first 50 we need 800 more fragments then so what do we have we got 32 so we need 770 fragments so let’s go

Back we’re on the first page we need half of what they’ve got there it’s very annoying that you can’t just buy half okay so if I do 320 no sorry 850 then take off the 32 no no no no no right 850 is for a helmet take off 10

Because they’re boots no no let’s try again sorry 850 take off the 50 because we’ve already got the boots and this is Boots not a helmet anyway so we need 800 fragments we have 32 so we take off those we need 768 so we’re going to have to keep

Coming back in and purchasing them so let’s take off 64 this is a long way round of doing it but we’ll get there eventually and then we’re going to have ourselves a full set of T5 Aqua armor would be the first time I’ve ever had that okay

So we’ve done another 64 so we should be down to 640 uh you can’t just go back into the same thing either so it’s a bit frustrating no want to make sure we get the correct one here I’ll keep going to this person because then I can just buy a whole

Stack each time so it’s 576 right let’s see if we can do an upgrade for a moment and then crafting bench and we’re upgrading the boots aren’t we so double check so we’ve got level five helmet level five jacket level five trousers and then these ones should be only on a

10 and then we can keep taking these out of our inventory and then we can also make sure we don’t overp purchase uh because then we won’t need them anymore okay right so we’re on Level Two Boots um so the next that’s 80 so the next one

Is 160 so we don’t have enough of those right let’s get another 64 then we can upgrade it Again no I didn’t want to do that I to go on here um aqua and then get the correct one this one it keeps moving right so we should be able to upgrade again and then we can see what it’s like and hopefully um we might notice some difference when we’re fishing Maybe

I don’t know why I took some of those out of my hand okay right so we’re on a level three now so how many do we need we need 240 for the next level oh do you know what I’ve lost count on the calculator that’s fine uh

I’ll keep doing it this way so we need 240 this time we’ve got 48 so we need 200 oh do you know what I just claim that grind pass cuz that is really annoying me that keeps flashing up there okay right so we’ve collected that now uh auction house let’s just double

Check that nobody’s put anything on for Cheaper they’re all Sky coins and the lowest is on money um okay I just feel like buying all of them but we don’t need to and then we might not get the money back so what do we say 200 this time although we will want more so it’s this one no that one

Make sure it’s the same one each time we need another one it’s not quite enough there I don’t think it’s not a major problem because we need another batch anyway okay right so let’s go back into the dboss and then take the boots so what will we on 30 I should think

Now think we’ve done the 20 there we go right so now we’re on a level four right we’ got a stack left and we need 320 so how many does that give us 256 which is four Stacks okay right let’s get ourselves um four more stacks and then we will

Have our full set of Aqua armor we can try that shortly we’ll finish off doing this other job first okay so one stack be nice if you could do a a recently used section so you can don’t have to keep searching back through U but I think a lot of people

Have been asking that we can change change the quantity so that it makes it easier because it is really silly when you’re having to do something like this purchase a lot of things so we’re going that’s three and then we just need one more and then we

Should be there that should be enough to get the final piece and then what we’ll do is we’ll sell the other armor again like he should think his payday is coming go back into deboss crafting bench and get this last lot in so this time it’s got to be a 40 on each

One really does cost a Lot uh right so if we do it like that and Then hopefully we will be there if I got an extra 10 no I didn’t think I should have yeah look we got it perfect how is that that is good so that is our full level five yay right so then we’ve got three pieces of armor left to put back on the thingy

So let’s find out what the prices are currently for those so we’ve got a chest plate leggings and a helmet now I have to write these down because by the time I’ve come off I forget what they are it’s just really annoying so if we go

Back into the auction house this time uh but this time we’re just looking at the prices and uh um go into Aqua again and then some a Sal for 500 that’s not a lot is it that’s more than what I paid less than what I paid we haven’t got boots we got leggings

Though leggings are 4 and a half and the chest plate is 15 I don’t think I paid 15 for mine if we look at our history we can actually see what we paid for everything these are the fives level four five and five next page so you can see what You’

Your own history I’ve just gone too far no I made it so I paid 650 for the helmet so I’d be taking a loss on that the boots no the helmet no leggings even I paid 4 million for okay so let’s we need to just make sure that

We’re not charging more than what it costs so we know it costs 80 8,000 each and how many pieces it’s 80 pieces for the first chest plate so 80 * 80,000 is 6,400 well no one’s going to pay 15 million if it costs that so if we put

That up for 6 million that’s cheaper than buying the fragments so it’s likely that someone will buy it so um or oh orc can’t spell hand that’s the chest plate and we want to put six 1 2 3 1 two 3 so we’re going to put that in for 6

Million and then we’re going to put so we may as well work on the same thing might we mind you people have got their leggings on cheaper so let’s Put the leggings on at we’ll just put them on at four I paid just under that and then no I need to put it in my hand the helmet I’ll put that on I’ll put it on at 600,000 uh which is slightly more than what some people are asking and less

Than what I paid so we’ll try that and then we don’t have any more fragments left we’ve used all of them which is great now if we go into our PV we can and find a netherite Ingot and we can smarten up this super axe let’s just compare that to what it

Was our other axe so we just had um a straightforward farmer axe here so we got a sharpness five this has sharpness six this one doesn’t have Smite at all it’s got fortune and silk touch which is a bit odd I think we should just stick with Fortune um Unbreaking five against Unbreaking

Three doesn’t have an efficiency on it though it does have ban of arod six I like B of AR pods yeah so I mean this is a much better ax um okay so let’s um enchant that ah no I didn’t ask you to throw me off here my fly isn’t working

Again somewhere up here no somewhere up here I just bought does anyone wants Aqua frags yeah I just bought a thousand odd don’t want any more though okay so let’s upgrade this this tool was forged from the sky God so it has a lethal blade which will

Tear apart foes with a few swings nice um and then if we enchant I’m glad I haven’t put the um enchantments on anything yet because uh that would be a frustrating cuz like The Lumberjack too the only thing I’d done was put these on but that’s fine we can soon

Whack these on there right so this is turned into a really nice axe we’ll um have a look at putting the Lumberjack on later I haven’t got to that bit yet now let’s see if we can tidy up these other bits and if we go back this way it’ll be

Quicker than going through all of them and we can put that in there right let’s have a look at this armor then see if we notice any particular difference I find that you can’t seem to switch the armor in the same way you have to take it off and then put it back

On we got our special um fishing rod and let’s just see if there’s any bait there wasn’t any bait um in the auction house earlier on that we wanted somebody may have put some on now we can’t really make it at the minute so no we can get pet bait that’s

10 million I’m not paying for that what does this one do that gives us extra XP not bothered about that gra bait apply this to your fishing rod to no longer receive default fish catches I don’t know I’ll leave that for now uh should we just get one we’ll get

One and just see what happens um I want to be able to start making all of these but we can’t until we’ve upgraded everything so um we can get rid of some of these 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n 2 3 4 5 6 78 that’s not

Enough ah we can get rid of these 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine so I’m enchanting them as I go go uh yesterday I had a whole bunch of fish in here it was really funny and then I accidentally um sold them all because I

Had my cell wand in my hand while I was doing um the fishing nets and then I I went to put the fishing uh the uh cell wand away and I had it in my hand like this I just sold everything so luckily the the enchanted fish didn’t sell cuz I

Would have been a little bit frustrated about that um none of these ones are ready to go so oh hold on what about this one there’s not enough of them either that’s fine so I’m just trying to keep those a little bit organized these should be

Ready to empty yep so we can sell all of these these are a really good way of earning some extra money and this time uh this season you can sell them um last season you couldn’t sell from the from the fishing Nets so that’s a really big

Um addition so you don’t have to empty them each time so that’s quite a lot of money there now don’t do that put that in there and we’re going to put the grub bait on here can we can we do that we do that why are you not going

On ah there we go right we’ve got zero of 30 uses right let’s see if we get anything nice with our special stuff Ray get bait finder enchant it’s op as you never run out of baits bait finder enchant hold on what’s that I got bait saver is that on a

Book hang on a minute hang on a minute you’re um we just go into Auction House Bait finder there’s so many different books you don’t even know what’s available let’s put a finder let’s see if there is one no nothing in there oh yeah let me just

Try again under bait I was just in bait wasn’t I I haven’t had any fishing books bait saver no it’s just bait saver no I have to see if I can find one bait finder but look you’re going to be really impressed I’ve got tier five Aqua

Armor look hold on I have to show you look we’re just look tier five Aqua armor aren’t I clever you’re hacking I’m not hacking I just spent ages doing it I’m not hacking you’re hacking hi I just spent Millions on that I accidentally fell in the hole in the spawn

Oh oopsie takes you to your PVP okay but he said luckily it’s not going no no I’ve noticed that before you you I’ve tried to jump in in there to find out what happens and it took me nowhere it should no everyone just hates me what you on five from current viewers sorry

What you on five current viewers okay ever since I come on ever since I come here so you’re losing me viewers a I’m sure someone does I mean I might like you maybe maybe have you had any breakfast yet uh no probably yeah I think that’s a good plan how’s the

Game’s the other guy what other guy oh he’s um probably sleeping everyone’s on different time zones yeah actually I think he’s on the same time time zone as Ray Ray what time is it where you are I’m sure um Cosmic God is um from India too if ra well doesn’t mean no because

How many times are we up when we shouldn’t be up like 2:00 in the morning Muk fine it’s fine is it yeah can you please not keep swinging on my chair I like the game you like the game brilliant what’s it called. it’s 300 p.m. oh it’s in the

Afternoon oh it should be up then time to get one can’t tell someone also can’t give me shelter sh also shout out to you Ray yeah see that’s my boy you got an official shower out from my child isn’t that nice to everyone else that is watching

A okay my mom a i it’s fine I didn’t need to shout out myself I’m fine are you going to get that cereal yeah yeah go on then I’m just like I’m just trying to find ways to get uh is it struggling you could try lower one thing

That I have done I put the graphics quality down to the lowest okay I was just going to say that earlier I put it down to the second lowest okay but I was still like not getting good FPS okay um so I’ve now turned it down to the

Absolute low still not getting great FPS one thing that won’t help is that um vsync wasn’t tur automatically which is quite rare okay uh which is good cuz obviously vsync makes it to your can you not sound super clever about computers on my live stream and um but one thing

That isn’t good is that it limiting my FPS 230 right so I’ll just Chang that to 240 oh so if it miracul oh someone accidentally sold their pet egg for 1.3 million I accidentally sold yesterday A Dragon Hunter book for $8 $8 instead of 8 million someone was somebody was um

Sitting on the auction waiting for new things to come in and I’d put it in and sold it before I’d even realized what I’d done $8 sold it for bye oh he’s gone we have some quiet again sorry that’s my boy he gets very excited um I think we’re doing a daily

Challenge here too um we seem to I don’t know did the fish coming quicker when you’ve got this it feels like it’s a little bit quicker um my grub baate keeps preventing me from losing something I don’t know what it’s preventing me from losing um yeah catch 50 fish yes so

We’re doing a daily challenge here what we may as well finish off this daily challenge and then we will go and do the water I promise so I’ve nearly I figured out how to do the water yesterday I had a lot of difficulties uh the uh system was

Working a little bit the computer was working a little bit weird oh well the the um Sky Block was um oh your aquatic dragon armor upgraded this catch ooh fancy didn’t know it did that well I suppose I did know it did something it’s snowing it’s snowing it’s what like actual

Snow oh a drops do you mean flakes okay snow actual real snow wow that’s very unusual for us to have actual real snow it’s very icy outside okay okay are you going to smash that yeah but and then I’m going to change the decal to a police

Okay so you’re going to make a a Ferrari into a police car Ferrari and then break it yes right and what is the game beam beam and what be I can’t even I can’t even get that out of my head did you just get stuck in the gate

See see Mom we have Gates mom someone loves me okay as I come here yeah I get five you get five yeah it says four it says five clearly says four oh on there that b oh I’m looking oh we’re looking in two different places okay okay so the game name is called

Beam n. Drive beam n do drive so yeah there’s this new game um that you can get on Steam it’s yes it did cost me 20 Dr your hair no uh clearly I need to stop you from having scissors can you please leave my head

Alone bye um bye bye bye and um yeah it’s called beam. drive and it’s kind of like a a forer but at the same time it’s uh it’s a Sandbox game but it’s new and it’s not actually a proper game yet it’s not even in a beta so that was really

Interesting but my boy’s been desperate to have it for ages he’s seen lots of things and it gives you really good car um computer mechanics where it shows you that the everything is crashing and the way that something would crash he’s always liked crashing things um but we

Had a little bit of an issue where we couldn’t get it to work properly this morning but it’s it’s kind of doing it it’s not quite um his computer’s not quite good enough but it’s it’s okay it’s enough to just run it a little he really needs an i7 processor but he’s

Only got an I five so oh my grub bait prevented me from receiving a default catch play Arc what is Arc I don’t tell him to play stuff until I’ve I’ve checked what it is what age rating is it and what is it about

Um I’m a bit I’m a bit funny about what games they can play they’re not allowed to play fortnite for example I think I missed that fish that’s really annoying oh what okay have you heard of Ark oh yeah yes what is it uh s like a natural survival thing oh

Okay I don’t like it oh I’ve seen videos of it and it looks boring right he said it looks boring oh dear boring it’s a good survival game yeah like Minecraft but worse oh that’s because Minecraft is the best game ever so every game is going to

Look worse to Minecraft well I I’ve changed my favorite you’ve changed your favorite game to this new one yes Minecraft no Minecraft is still the best game ever I don’t even play any other games true cuz you’re not a gamer no I’m not a gamer fake gamer I’m a fake gamer

Apparently cuz the snow’s getting harder and harder and harder is it we’ve actually still got real snow coming down from the sky yes you sure it’s not you just throwing some from some cotton wool outside no Arc survival evolved apparently Arc survival evolved so maybe it looks better now I have free bone

Meal oh well congratulations refresh you’ve got free bone meal how I wonder if that’s like from one of the rewards I’m just wondering if he’s trying to give free bone meal away cuz you know most people don’t need any oh his favorite game is Pokémon Unite Pokémon oh well he likes Pokémon not

Heard of Pokemon unite though me to none that require an RTX graphics card though I don’t have oh RTX graphic cards of rubbish don’t need one of those Alex wellish no you’re not having mine get off mine rubbish but you saying it’s rubbish so let me get down here your

PC he’s trying to steal my RTX get off my RTX you said that they robbing well I don’t see the point of having the shaders they’re just I don’t get shaders in Minecraft you’re not having it I gave you my computer as it is go away so funny snowing still snowing okay

Also remember to recommend more games please okay oh my gr bait ran out never mind we need to try and get some more of those let’s see if we have we actually done what we needed to do I don’t think so someone’s put that you are stupid

There’s no such thing as a legendary sword right okay people are being rude in chat there’s no need to be rude someone’s put who was asking for money I don’t think I would ask that question in chat who was asking for money 2 seconds later everybody says I

Need some money please well most people don’t even say please do they oh the globber is not breaking I had that quite a few times I’ve actually got um a screenshot where I’d broken the oh we’re nearly nearly on the daily task uh nearly did the um sorry I broke

The glowberries but none of the others underneath it disappeared so they were all still there so I did this whole whole load and the whole lot was still there it’s quite funny my children collect Pokémon cards we want to try and get into selling them

Is what they’d like to do but um we work on sort of different time zones to everybody else it takes us six years to do something um we’ll get there one day but we’ve been collecting them we’ve got a lot of some really nice Pokémon cards I’m trying to learn them trying to

Learn out learn how to tell if it’s are fake cuz there’s so many fake ones and then learning about grading you can get your cards graded and you got to decide whether or not it’s worth having it graded or not because it costs you quite a lot of money to grade

It I understand they did a deboss party yesterday and then they broke broke deboss I don’t know what happened I wasn’t on the stream I was doing my other live stream at the time um I just when I just came back I saw it in Chat right I think we must be nearly on that daily mission can we have another fish please thank you ah there we go we’ve done the 50 fish and then we can have a look and see what the others are I used to have one billion money now I’m Brokey because the

Game started a new season oh yeah I had quite a bit of money right let’s put this we can put this all away so we take all of this off oh it didn’t even take any damage what is that oh that’s quite good uh we can slash fix

Our tool now our fishing rod and if we go into our PV we can pop this all away um we’re going to have a special armor look I’ve learned how to name my um chests which is really good let’s put that up there and we now got a super

Legendary axe that I just purchased from the I’m got to say the wandering Trader you know that guy um black market dude that’s it hold on let’s come out of here and I’ve got to get all of these blocks in place everything’s in a complete Heap at the

Moment I don’t like it when it’s all in the heat I like it organized I haven’t decided where I’m placing all of those other ones that’s why there all still there put those the correct way around that can go up there we need those and that

Should be in the next one no did I move it yeah there okay I want to keep those so right these have just started collecting and what do we got in here I’ll leave those for a minute I have been um knocking them down straight away

But we’ll leave those cuz I want to get on right so yesterday we managed to finish expanding everything we’ve got black wool all the way around and all the way up here and I managed to start filling in all of this water uh right through to the center but

I was having terrible trouble doing it because the uh everything kept crashing it wasn’t crashing as such it was just that the water wouldn’t sort itself out and I’d have holes everywhere even though I’d tried to fix it all and it was driving me quite Bonkers then in the

End I found a way of doing it which is working really really well so I thought I would stop and then I would show you how I was doing it so I’ve purchased some seelp and then I’ve placed it around the edges and then if you get some bone meal

Which is free from the nice Skelly bones we can um bone meal it up and if you look it’s pushing the water for me um as it turns them into Source blocks so I’ve left a marker uh that gold marker is where we were and then I’m hoping if we get this

To the corner and then we get the other one to the corner it might fill itself in and I’ve um put the water around the center oh here we go here’s a bunch going just let that go through so I’ve put it all through to the center and I’m hoping

Then that will allow it to keep going properly okay so just sometimes I just let it all catch up and then let’s get through to this next piece and then hopefully we can start to flood the whole place and turn it into the islands that I want to turn it

Into I don’t know why I have this thing about doing everything I do is complicated I can’t do simple and I just can’t get the whole normal Survival game out of my head to me if I played Sky Block where I’m just doing it for money

That would really bore me so I still have to have a challenge of trying to make it a decent get a decent map as well uh so we run out of bone meal let’s grab some more anyone have 100,000 Sky coins oh they are actually asking to trade it the

Amount of people that are ask that ask on here can I have money can I have Sky coins can I have this can I have that can I have XP and half the time they don’t even they don’t even say please it’s very annoying oh I think they’re saying his ratios are

Off so we’re going to push this all the way up and then this is so much quicker than trying to put the water in and like I said it kept having issues as well it kept dipping out let’s just go up and make sure that we’ve done these ones

All right we’re catching up now all right so it’s going to take us to here okay doing Well we need to work on that um the all room I can’t think what um the generator so that we can get those stacked properly all right so oh try to make it work and it’s not doing anything that’s because I have no bone meal

Left um the way to tell is if the bone meal is running out in your hand um if it’s if you watch the numbers keep going down and then it stops and then you know you’ve reached the Top going to keep an eye out for any competitions we’ll try and do those I want to do some daily missions as well I really want to try and get a bit more focused when I’m playing the game which I I really struggle with but this is a really big thing I

Just want to get this done um and then what is that what why did I just get Nether Bricks from someone just dropped them to me what why am I getting Nether Bricks it’s [Laughter] py oh that just really confused me I can never remember how to spell his name hi you confused

Me that’s Pidgey Pidgey helped me a lot last season oh the blocks reset already oh hold on we’ve done this wrong we forgotten to do this one oh no the back the boy back did you say Pidgey Pidgey yeah did you say Pidgey yeah Pidgey won’t hear though cuz

Pidgey’s on not on the live stream pidgey’s up there in the sky there I did say hi let me just try that again hi cuz I don’t not sure if he’s seen the messages cuz uh normally would have replied by now just I’m I’m down here and I

Suddenly got um bricks in my inventory even if Pidgey isn’t on the scen I don’t think he is but if he isn’t sh you can hear me go on go on he can hear you oh is that yeah you’re clear go on shout out to piggey you’re clearing your

Inventory into to mine that’s that’s the way it goes is it um just a quick thing don’t please don’t mention the stuff that we were talking about um in chat and we’re going to talk about in Discord cuz um I want it to be a surprise if we

Managed to do something how are you I saw you earlier on but I was going to um go on the I was just sorting out the live stream an important question to ask oh no you’ve got an important question coming up Pidgey do you play be ng.

Drive do you play Beam ng. Drive why is it’s like a tongue twister that is call you when to get an answer why is this not going up that one’s not going up that’s why oh why can’t I tell you through the wall it’s still snowing it’s still snowing are we is it

Settling oh well that sounds about right wait apparently it’s snowing outside this is a big Rarity for us here in Norfolk I know you know I’m telling my nice viewers most of them live in different countries so I’d like to go to Canada oh we’re near at the wall

Okay how are you Pidgey you getting on all right why are you emptying your inventory into mine then thanks to the bricks I like those okay right so we should now be almost halfway oh botherations did not realize I had not done this section all the way to the top not far

Though is it going all the way no still haven’t uh CJ’s Goose it’s just just my name I like to keep things simple I don’t like to have all of these nicknames and different names just the just the same as my username on here but obviously without the

Star yeah then we can chat about that other thing on on there that would be e easier because um I find talking in the chat on here really difficult on um you know in in the the text it um it moves so fast and then I

Can only go back for a certain amount and then it keeps bouncing as well so if I try to if I try to look at something it bounces and it’s really annoying so then I can’t read it Okay so we’ve got it to here so look

How fast that goes red oh my goodness it’s red red red oh no the muk’s back shout out to Red how on Earth are you I’m just giving everyone CH he is he’s he keeps coming back in every few seconds another shout out the snow show me the

Snow is actual snow it’s real snow Yeah like it’s actually really snowing outside yeah so that’s the like first bit that I saw yeah so it doesn’t look like he just taking a quick video so he can show meom it doesn’t look like much

Does it but then look at this one so it still doesn’t look much okay okay there’s so much snow wow we’ve actually got snow we like snow my daughter hates snow but we like snow who cares if she doesn’t like oh that’s not nice don’t care we like snow Moon candle

Without us oh okay so apparently um he said that he doesn’t care he likes snow and he’s moving to Canada without her okay that’s great can I please do my live stream now okay go and eat some breakfast that’s a great plan oh and he’s promised he’s coming

Back however are you Red I’m not seeing you for ages I know it’s really funny isn’t it he’s he’s he’s on one today he keeps coming in every few seconds um we’re doing all right everything’s always tricky here as you know but we’re doing all right and what about you how are you

Getting on with all your are you still doing your videos you’ve been you were really busy with them before weren’t you um are you still doing um the same kind of thing or are you doing something different tell me all about it and I’m just trying to get this water to

Move I’m hoping at some point it should sort itself out I think when we get it to around the corner maybe what’s up everyone it’s definitely not AJ moo of course definitely not AJ Muk there we may need to bring this one forward a bit

More um to meet up oh actually maybe if we get it to the end of here we’ll take this one to the end of here and then we’ll take that one to the end or I don’t know if it will do it not uploaded in 6 months oh that’s not like you did

You were you sort of getting a bit of burnout or what was going on did you um are you going to go back into it do you think you were doing so many I just can’t keep I just can’t do the videos it’s just

To take such a lot of effort I need to do um um I just I I just stick with the live streams because then I can at least get things on that’s the mster saying hi to you so we’re doing this new thing now red where we’re trying to do we found

This Sky Block server um s sp737 Sky Block server and um it’s really I’m really enjoying it oh we need more B Bon we’re out of Bones that’s a bit boring um the only trouble is I still treat it quite like survival which is you have not even played

Minecraft how can that be a thing now I I had to have some more time off again I keep um I just keep being sort of poorly is sort of the wrong word really of um it’s just this sort of cognition issues I keep having and um I’ve lost there’s a

Treasure chest down here somewhere is that that’s Pidgey um and is a where’s the treasure chest and um the migraines and everything everything’s just sort of causing me a few trouble sort of being hit with exhaustion but they think hopefully they’re sort of trying to figure out

What’s going on I think they’re just they the doctors think it’s just that I’ve just been under so much stress for so many years is that my body just doesn’t want to keep doing it and it doesn’t have a choice it has to so I’m hopefully I’m trying to just

Take rests when I need to I know how can you not play Minecraft for four months unbelievable um so we have um different challenges there’s two challenges going on with this one I think you did yeah I think you were doing so many it wouldn’t surprise

Me if you if you hit some burn out there um I I remember at the time when I was sort of just getting going you were just getting going and then you were just you were maxing out so many videos and it’s hard to keep it’s not

Just about making the videos is it and recording them it’s about the ideas that coming with them I think mine is easier because um for me I’m just playing my game and it’s the ideas that I already have and I my head always comes up with 16 trillion ideas

Anyway uh but I think you were in a bit more of a niche area weren’t you of um what do we call them I can’t remember what the word is clutches and then you’ve got to try and keep coming up with new ones and different ones all the time you were [Laughter]

Spamming yeah you were doing a lot but then I to be fair that’s kind of how you have to be isn’t it you’ve got to keep yourself out there that’s why I’m doing I’m trying to do two streams a day for myself um because if the the more I do

The more chance I have of of people watching and and seeing right let’s go here let’s see if we can move this forwards I don’t know if this one’s a good one or not no don’t think so try here oh no not there here that one oh actually no I think it was

Working yes it was working I didn’t realize here going to need more bone meal again so this has been a much quicker way to make everything move have I started deboss yet no it’s quite funny I went um I found out that there’s uh I think it

Was Ray told me there’s a way to find out what the competition is that’s coming up so you go down to deboss and then you press type in SL comp and it tells you what the competition is so I uh did that and there was a dragon there

Already I’m like no so anyway so we bought the dragon and we got three it was an aquatic one which was great cuz I was just in the middle of trying to get the Aquatic fragments and I managed to get another three so yeah I’ve been down about twice I

Think what what do you mean full T3 what does that mean tier three what armor what armor I’m I’m guessing it’s armor that we’re talking about here you know me I don’t understand these half cent sentences oh that we’re underneath this bit aren’t we right let’s oh actually

Yeah ah if we keep doing what we’re doing this this could be a good plan if we keep pushing this around here this might be easier than pushing it the other way oh you’re on tier three death armor goodness me I’ve just got tier five um aquatic armor I just

Fancied it so we’re gone with that it’s really helpful for doing fishing not not botting I’m trying um just trying to think which one to touch I need to knock all of these back out soon all of this kelp is that the right place yeah it’s hard to tell where it’s correct and

Where it isn’t let’s try here yeah uh how long do you feel like you’re going to keep playing for another 50 years would be good CU I’ll just randomly pop in it sounds great yeah to be honest um the thing for me is Minecraft is like the the best game ever

Um um I love playing it I probably have so many ideas I I should think I’ve got at least three years worth of ideas and might my ideas just develop every time I make something something else pops into my head um so I never really get rid of

Ideas I just get new ones and then um I just hope that I can maybe try to earn a little bit of money out of it that’s what I’m aiming for obviously um but because I had loads of time off it it didn’t it hasn’t happened

Yet but we’re on 309 subscribers I think now which is just amazing and um I think I’ve picked up something like 29 just this in the last month so things are moving in the right direction but yeah I I don’t foresee that I wouldn’t do it to be honest if I

Especially if I can make some money out of it it would that would be very rewarding I’ve never never had that as a yeah tier five I was using it this morning look here it is just proof you know just make sure you know you believe me look

Level five aquatic armor there we go full set make money a few short to go on different platforms to promote your streams yeah I I I I’m hoping to but the thing is I’m trying to just do it in the way that my body can deal with it at the

Moment um because I’m still having all of these issues I’m hoping that when the children that in theory we should um be in a bit of a better position soon uh my daughter’s hoping to get onto a special College course in September and my boy has just been

Diagnosed as having autism as well so he got diagnosed just before Christmas it’s been a a three-year process for him there should be there should be some stuff somewhere where’s the treasure chest um so it’s um we’re getting there and hopefully in September he is going to be

In a special school which would be really nice um and then it might actually make things a bit easier for me but up until now I’ve having I’m having to have them at home both of them all the time so I’m with them 24/7 hello can you break please yay

Um so it does make it very tricky and there’s just no time for myself but fingers crossed we’re moving in the right direction and that’s all we can say and that uh and they get the the help that they need need but I don’t want to push anything too quickly so I’m

Just happy doing it as I’m doing it for now and then at some point we can maybe I’ll be able to go back to doing the videos I really want to do the videos because that’s where you get people come and watch them they don’t like to rewatch the

Streams but they do like to watch the videos but I just can’t do them I basically I just fall asleep and they just take so much effort that I fall asleep continuously while I’m trying to do them uh because I’m so exhausted as soon as my body starts to

Relax it says Ah it’s sleep time hello where’s my stuff gone uh where did the the kelp go uh my kelp just vanished did it go up the top what the cp’s just got oh I wonder if it’s gone into one of The Hoppers oh let’s see if they lucky

Blockers reset I think it might have done let’s just go and check the Hoppers I think this I must have just disapp it just vanished so surely it’s gone into a Hopper okay right let’s get these I really want to get all of this lot sorted there’s so many jobs that I want to get done where are the silverfish I’ve seen them somewhere they’re over here somewhere they are oh we needed more of those that’s good uh let’s go to The Hoppers

Is no that’s a it no that’s a again that’s not even how you spell warp I know I don’t have one called Hopper I was trying to put an S on the end did you um you don’t have to answer this um did you manage to make any money

On the U by what you were doing cuz you did so much I was kind of hoping that you you were going To a lot of these are selling on ones so um if it went in a Cell chest it won’t be here that’s Auto cell they all sell wouldn’t actually know which one it would be in it’s not going to be in there no oh that’s a shame gosh see that’s the

Problem isn’t it that’s what a lot of people don’t realize is it really does take a lot of effort to do everything not going to be in any of them you put all that effort in oh what do you think you might do instead you made a you didn’t you make a

New channel before that’s empty no I think we’ve lost them they just they’ve just gone it’s possible that they did get picked up by an auto chest but they got picked up in sorry got picked up by a hopper but got picked up into an auto chest I tell you

One thing I should have just checked was yeah it does pick up kelp so it is possible right let’s go back up to the top then and oh is that Pidgey no who’s that oh hi Antonio hi Antonio um let me just remove this junk that Pidgey left me

With Pidgey was emptying out his inventory into mine while I was underwater oh that’s good yeah um football you mean uh that’s really funny the whole football soccer thing right let’s see if we can grab some kelp from over here there’s definitely no um hoppers on this

End there it is come here I want you so if we just chop the down there see if um see if they just all vanish too yeah there must be a hopper up there that’s taking them that’s handy just get rid of them then okay so where are we now

Here this one does this one work this one works oh okay he I know that way you’re from I remember I don’t suppose you’ve got snow out there at the minute have you apparently it’s snowing here the Muk was very impressed we have not had snow for a

Very long time uh I can’t actually we had one day where I was streaming and I had the curtain open and I saw that it was snowing um but it by the time he got up it had already it already gone there was it didn’t even settle generally speaking ours doesn’t

Settle right what’s happening with this bit then so if I push this will it join both please join both please be nice and zoom across the middle it’s not going to is it it’s being awkward just typical everything I do is awkward oh no maybe maybe maybe I think

It’s doing it it’s doing it yes quick so we can get out and watch it no go go go go go up and go across it’s going to do the whole thing here oh it’s just going to there there we go right we’re getting there we’ve got all of this bit done

It’s still much quicker than filling it in with buckets why do I come up with these crazy ideas yeah I I remember my uncle coming over from Australia cuz he um has lived in Australia since the 1970s and it’s really funny because um we have a a foreign sounding

Surname so um maiden name so he my my maiden name his surname so when I remember him saying that he used to get stopped at the um airport every time he would travel out and he would travel out very frequently because of the job that he did um and

Um basically he said that he had a British passport because he was British but he had a foreign sounding surname and he had an Australian accent and he lived in a Australia since the 1970s and um I believe he does have um Australian citizenship now um but at the

Time he didn’t he didn’t feel ready to have it I don’t think uh even though he’d lived then his wife is Australian his children are Australian um his grandchildren are Australian but um yeah at the time he still felt very British so he’d kept the British one um but yeah

It was really funny so he’d get stopped every single time because they try to figure out how he had such a genuine looking fake passport because of this foreign sounding surname with a um British passport and an Australian accent that was really funny and he didn’t didn’t think that he sounded

Australian but he really sounds Australian and when he came over I always remember we living in England we don’t get too much sun and we had one of these rare occasions where the sun was glorious it was a beautiful day and he wanted to sit in the shade and we were

Like but we want to see the sunshine he’s like but I don’t get any shade I was like oh so like so we had to sit in the cold shade cuz he didn’t get shade and we didn’t get sun it’s funny and sad it is funny and

Sad yeah it’s um it is um it’s I think for us it was funny because we knew obviously that there was nothing wrong but it’s it’s good that they are checking um you have very strict rules over there don’t you on um immigration and I think you’re even more strict than

What Britain is perhaps you know um I’ve I’ve watched a couple of the um immigration Airline thingies on the television that they do and they’re quite scary in your airports and um you have to have so many restrictions and so many rules that you adhere to whether or not you’re allowed in the

Country and um yeah so I can see why they would check I think I think it’s more of the fact that he had a British passport with the Australian accent but the fact that he had a foreign sounding surname would obviously make it so much

Worse oh are you going all the way over look at this so definitely seelp is the way to go instead of buckets this is quite cool so let that catch up and then we need to grab some bones I’m going to have to go on a quick break in a moment

Guys cuz I’m um needing a cup of tea my throat is sort of going a bit and um we want to go into the Overflow where is it we don’t want that many no let me just fill up my inventory otherwise we’re going to no that’s not

Going to work is it otherwise we’re going to have a disaster I really need one of these in my normal Minecraft survival world have you um a cup of tea a cup of tea yeah got to have a cup of cup of tea not Cup O tea cup of

Tea it’s actually a mug I do like a cup of tea I I I like having a proper pot of tea every now and then um but I haven’t got myself all organized I’m still all in disarray all of the time but one day I’m going to get my proper teap pot oh

No he’s back we’re back he’s back you’re Batman the boy’s back guys save me the trouble is I’m trapped you see I’m in my tiny little officy space that was supposed to be a bedroom um is the most useless size for a bedroom ever why are you right behind me it’s kind of

Spooky why are you right behind me watch this cool water look cool what do you mean cool you don’t care what do you mean cool you don’t care that’s not a thing how is that do does anyone think that this is cool watching the water going it stopped snowing that’s

Disgraceful go and tell the weather man off obviously it’s got something to do with weatherman or weather girl weather person go weather person and obviously it has nothing to do with the weather person it’s just the weather right I’ve messed up didn’t take it up the last one

Okay just do all of them okay come on we’re so close I look we can see the end I can see the end I’m doing this before we move on oh no not the whole bottle of water again oh that’s funny oh we had a whole

Stream where we were doing that wer we didn’t we that was that was funny see I’m me missed you what you’ve got to come back it’s lovely having you back on I’m on nearly every day at the minute I’m on twice a day so I’m doing gooseb

In the evening or afternoon evenings and this Sky Block server in the morning this is sp sp737 server and it’s really fun I’ve never done anything like this before oh I’ve run out no don’t run out just right the last minute um I’d never played on a server or anything like that

Before quick let’s go watched it last bit come in at um yeah I think we did it I’m sure it was on a whole stream we were talking about this bottle of water it was really funny and um yeah it’s been really um really fun I’ve never done anything like this

Before um and it’s still quite a big challenge because I still want to kind of play it in a survival mode rather than in a sky blocking mode so well I kind of expected the sky block mode I’d expected it to be like a normal

Sky Block but it isn’t you’ve got all of these challenges and everything to do and you’ve got the shop and you can buy from people and it’s all about the value of your Island um if that’s what you want to do um so I’m trying to show that you can

Have value but you can also have a nice looking Island too yeah it is um 10:20 in the morning here just get this one up this one’s not all the way up missed the last one but you know me I tend to stream at ridiculous hours I I’m often um

Dependent on whether I’m sleeping or not I can often be on at 5:00 in the morning here and I can still be streaming at 2:00 at night in the morning the following morning so so um it’s um someone said to me yesterday are you still on I’m like H

Yeah but I have different hours to everybody else I’m a carer for two autistic children um and they don’t do sleep in the way that everybody else sleeps and because they’re home educated we don’t have to have the rules of Conformity we’ve done it we actually filled in the whole

Thing that is fabulous so um the plan is I have to remove all of this this is all this wool I’ve got to try and get all of that out I might do some of it today and then on the stream and then do some off the stream cuz that’s quite a

Laborious boring task what we need to imagine as well is can you see how we’ve got this um line here so you got to imagine this one going out there it’s an invisible line I no I’m so so chuffed so this is an invisible line uh as is this

One as is this one going across here and there are supposed to be three islands in between these gaps so there’s one in here one here and one in here and then around the outside there will be another Island space um and the outside one is supposed to be

Mine to decorate and do what I want with and we’re supposed to have nice little rope bridgy kind of things connecting everything and then the in inside spaces are for my three team members who are my two children and my son’s friend who have not been in the game since about day

Three so um it’s quite fun because I’m on a team World which means everything is um I have to do everything four times instead of one so it’s fun and um yeah that’s so that’s that so we need to my next job is to get

All of this wool out I tried to burn it yesterday and it did not work so um I thought we could get rid of it quicker but we’ll use some shears uh yeah we’ll use some shears to dispose of it let’s just have a quick look and see where the um the island

Levels are so last time I was in the solo one in last season and I finished um 10th which I was really chuffed with cuz there was so much to learn and it was the first one um and this time I wanted don’t know how I’m going to do

That you’ve been away from Minecraft for too long yeah it’s going to be tricky um so my closest in 11 is on 77 million already and I’m only on five I do have more value blocks um and the top one is on 461 million I mean I’m never

Going to get to anywhere near these guys my challenge was to try and get to 11th but I don’t think I’m going to make it because I have to do so much on my own if the children came in it would be good but no and it means I’m having to do

Everything um so much harder just have a look at these generators they’re doing okay we don’t want them to over hello can I have that um no hold on I always put the slash in for some reason is hold on right so there we go someone wants to

Come and get someone’s asking for spiders so we have what have we got 65 on the spiders uh so the idea is that we need to move all of those at some point oh we’ got 23 minutes and down here we’ve got uh this is where our Orin

Is um I’ve got to fix all of these up so I want to get these all the way to the ceiling so that when we’re collecting everything it will work at the minute I’ve l just been dumping everything in oh well red whenever you come you’re always welcome thank you so much for

Popping in it’s really appreciated uh this is our um actual generator in here uh I have to be a bit careful because I have um filled everything up so that is all in there and then I think I’m collecting everything y um so we need to sort all of this lot

Out take all of them out for a minute and then outside here we’ve got our library so I need to sort all of these out too we built the library most of it and uh we just need to sort out we’ve got one or two books to organize so that

We can start selling them just a couple um that’s all full over this side too uh and then we’re going to sort them out into what type they for and then what book they are so that if someone’s asking it’s much easier for us to

Find um so that’s what we’re going to do there and then underneath all of this lot we can’t actually get through here so if we go down here yeah bye red thanks for popping along we have all of our Farms so we’ve been trying to work on all of these as

Well um I want the plan is to extend the cacti out uh as you can see I’ve done started to do it all I’ve got all of the emerald blocks in and then I’ve got the sand to go in and then we’re going to extend those

And then I want to extend all of these Farms out too so I’m going to use the fast place and seal this lot in because I don’t want to take it up to the new level I meant to extend them before Oh everything’s just broken again stop breaking come back uhoh

Minecraft is completely Frozen what’s going on hold on I’m just going to have to just turn Minecraft off it’s just Frozen says it’s suspended I can see it’s suspended let me just end Minecraft for a moment and then reload it this has been something that’s happened quite a lot lately I don’t know Why we’ll just reboot Minecraft so what I’ll do is I’m going to go on a quick break and then we will um come back shortly I just I just need to quickly munch on something I think and have quick cup of tea we just make sure that everything’s working again

Yeah I think there must have been a little glitch because I’m getting an error on the stream now hey all right so we’ve got we’re back here oh let’s do our daily login I think we should be on a new new one yeah we are 1,0 sky coins that’s very

Specific okay and daily spinner I think I might have a key to use as Well so we’ve got 20 $280,000 from that one that’s not too bad let’s have a quick look at the daily challenges uh so we’ve caught the 50 fish today we’ve got to get 200 oh 2,500 XP oh maybe we should do some mining to get that one smell 500 items and

Purchase five spawners okay so we’ll see if we can do those and then we wanted to do some missions didn’t we so let’s have a look at these personal missions there’s they’re done right six in here to do that’s done I haven’t done that one oh we need to

Get XP so that will help us to get some XP so I will I tell you what we’ll do let me just write on here because I will forget we’re going to come back and we’re going to do some missions um let’s go back up to the

Top and uh so before I knock out all of this wall I need to place in an island uh shape here here and here this all needs to come out and then um work out where I’m going to put the island in on this side it’s going to be sort of more

Narrow it’s not going to be massive and then um we want to turn this into a nice River I want a nice fishing dock somewhere and I don’t really know what I’m going to do with it I thought the idea was that the children had their own

Little islands that they could build on um I’m hoping that maybe once I’ve got their Islands in place they might want to come back in and actually do some rather than doing all of the grinding so um we’ll see if they want to do that it

Would be nice if they if they wanted to so I’ll leave them available for them to do and then we’ll we’ll figure it out from there um guys I’m going on a break and I will see you shortly take care to You take Yeah Here It’s without feel You I the I’ll St your hello HOA I am back right let me take that off and then we can get on again this stream seems to have sorted itself out while we’re on a break um we are going to sort out this uh daily mission and try and do the XP challenge at the

Same time we have a lot of stuff here that we need to get rid of out of our inventory that we don’t need now so let’s get rid of those that one that one that one and that one we can probably get rid of that wool as

Well uh it doesn’t like taking the bone meal so we can just bend those I don’t need that now we can get loads I just needed it while we’re doing the other bits uh and a kelp for some reason we can’t sell which is really strange because you can collect it in

The Hoppers but you can’t sell them that doesn’t make any sense so let me just go back to uh the shop um I think it comes under a decoration yeah unsettle 6,000 each I tell you what we’ll do we’re going to put that on the marketplace then um let’s

Do or or hand we’ll sell it for 5,000 each you never know somebody might want it it’s cheaper than than buying it from the shop um I just thought of something we might actually want some of that no we’ve got loads we have got loads so

That’s not a problem right let’s um open up these sheep well no not open up the sheep that that sounds a little bit odd let’s see what goodies we get makes a lot of noise wow okay uh let’s find all the bank notes we do like Bank

Notes no it’s a tag note I don’t like tag notes it’s another boring tank tank note it’s a tank note now apparently okay so I think these are all Bank notes here so let cash all of that so a nice amount of money there going in

No that’s not what we want to do we want to go back into the inventory so we can see what we have we got three vot keys um I believe we got some are these all tag notes they are right let’s just grab those oh competition oh let’s see just

Quickly go into Deb so we can find out what one it is then we can get ourselves ready if it’s a fishing one oh B rations does kick me out of fly it’s very frustrating don’t be a dragon here oh there’s a dragon oh I got here just as it’s dying

Um then what do we have here we’ve got comp by Tom have done that it would have been up anyway no oh top five with Mobs killed oh we could try that hold on uh then help with the XP as well all is go hold on oh come on give me the fly

Back please right we’ll go straight with the wither skeletons because they are oh hang on a minute no we need to be getting up our level twos so let’s do the level twos at the same time I don’t think that we will actually get anything on here

Oh we’re going to have to keep running around because we don’t have everything all set up anyway oh hold on we want to put condens um toggle condense on we don’t want these all everywhere so this is going to help us with our daily challenge with the

XP um and we’ll try to do the competition at the same time and it’s going to help us to get more of the level two um mobs so bit of everything tier twos I think we’re near on the nearly done the XP that’s really good all right there we go that’s the XP

Done what were the other ones that are tier 2 squid are you level two can’t remember let me go back to these let me just check go into spawners and tier tws oh yeah squid and rabbits that’s it I couldn’t remember the other two so we do have multi kill six so

There was no no point in us trying to do the um mob competitions before we now have multi-kill six so that will work much better and we’ll just keep trying to mix up and Bash a few we might just get this one up to yeah tier

Three I just realized that we could do a booster while we’re here is I’ve got these boosters to pop in so that’s what I was going to do one of them is a cell booster and one is do these then we’re going to move on to the bunny rabbits and then the

Squid we don’t have we really need these to be over a hundred in each stack and then it’s better here’s the rabbits if I can get there the witch is in the way hold on can you move can we get there now that’s better so we will set this up so that

They are better and then uh we will have a 100 of each in as Well that’s one of our next tasks I really wanted to get this River bit done and start working on spawn a little bit I went to game Crashers yesterday and his spawn is amazing really lovely Japanese theme got this beautiful Japanese pagola um house I was very jealous 70 million for a mystical

Key my telephone is ringing I won’t be able to get to it before it goes I like to try and get the um whatever value it is on which creature I’m bashing I try to get them down to zero if I can I really enjoy doing that uh when

They’re at a certain point you can’t do that I don’t know how many rabbits we’ve got in oh I think we’ve got over 100 yeah we’ve got 117 so it’s unlikely to get it down to Zero now as soon as you start to get it lower it it zooms back up again you never know oh no see it’s just zoomed back up again just need to keep an eye on that sword we don’t want to break It let’s just go and do a little bit of the squid as well I’m trying to do a mixture of Everything that’s a really squidy noise we got five minutes Left So we’re going to just fix our sword cuz we can do that now slash fix oh I nearly knocked my tea over that would have been bad So it’s things like this is what are stopping the Um me from progressing properly because I’ve got so many mobster bash because if I was on my own the levels would be a quarter of what they are now but for every member they’ve increased and if those members don’t pull their part or their weight so to speak it’s um it’s very

Tricky but we knew that was going to happen we knew it was likely that uh the children wouldn’t join in it’s kind of fun really just just try and do this Challenge and see if I can actually do anything about It get into a little bit of a rhythm with these ones so I’m going to just stay with these for the duration of the last few minutes We activated a cell booster so I want to um use that in a moment as well sorry I’ve activated already so I’d like to just sell a couple of things we could have a look at these uh condensed items that we’ve been saving and then um

The fishing nets as well we could sell those items we should get extra money for all of that as well so we’re just doing a competition ends in 2 minutes I don’t think that we’ll get anywhere I mean we can try my hand is getting a bit sore now this is a

Really difficult one oh to do because oh it came back uh because I have couple tunnel so it’s really hard to keep going I have built up quite a good Rhythm and I have got a really good Mouse so it’s it’s a vertical Mouse so if anybody has carpal tunnel I highly

Recommend getting a vertical Mouse surprisingly easy to use actually I think actually for my hand it felt easier which is a bit strange I wasn’t expecting that cuz it’s in a completely different position one more minute left on the competition let’s have a look then we’ll sell a load of our things 3 seconds remaining

10 can we just get a little bit on the board no oh we got 8,433 and the nearest was Cosmic God beat me no be eat Me I think it was 8433 was it 8433 yeah no Cosmic God you stole my space my money I just told you 8433 oh never mind oh that was funny okay so now we can’t fix the tool yet I don’t think right let’s have a quick look at

These oh he’s doing that funny face again is that that funny face is that the funny face emoji emoi thingy okay what do we have in here we’ve only got a few in here yeah oh that’s funny oh oh it was yeah he had to teach me what XD the other day

I didn’t have a clue they put it in chat in the in the Stream and I didn’t understand stand and he thought it was really funny oh um it’s okay right so he beat me that’s not fair right so what we’re going to do is sell all of these nice items let’s just

Go into SL cell we can see if the booster part is working on it Island booster Bo multiplier y so we’ve got the booster bit on there as well so we just get rid of all of these what about this one 6,700 just get rid of all of those we don’t want

Them well we’ve got rabbit spawners and pig spawners oh okay what did they oh I think they were from the other thingy weren’t they uh the is this one rabbit or was this pig rabbit oh and the pig’s right here that’s handy that’s good um these tag notes

Need to go we need to move these books out of here uh actually I want to see I think I had a key did I have a key I do have a key we have a survivor key let’s just dump all of that in there I’ve got

To find a place to put all of these blocks um my everywhere is kind of overflowing get rid of the cell wand now what else did we need to sell there’s not there is some in here so we could we could sell these couldn’t we and just get it while the booster is

On was there something else oh yeah the other uh condensed items I was going to sell wasn’t I okay right so we’ve emptied all of those we can pop this back in here oh we can pop that back in the top one because we filled up the bottom one vote

Keys right vote crate so I should have vote keys in here to collect I do now I’m supposed to be able to shift and click and collect everything but no it doesn’t Work it’s fine we don’t mind right so that’s the vote Keys collected we’ll go down and collect those in a moment and I feel like yes there was something else PB the condensed items these ones yeah so let’s take all of these condensed bits make sure that they’re condensed and not other

Things okay oh no there was wool in there too hold on I saw that there’s that one and then if we go into the Overflow then we should have oh got more keys in there some more condensed items in here oh we didn’t want those never mind

Collected them oh we got some Bank notes here we’ll sort those out in a moment let’s just do these uh we can do the sticky pistons they can go that’s a condensed one these are condensed that’s condensed and I got some more skeleton spawners there as well head what are these ones

Or Hoppers we want that one can we see any more condensed items I don’t think so no so let’s just leave it at that and go into the shop and we can see no not the shop into sell are going to Sneeze oh that’s not a rotating Shop I’m so Sorry wow so we’ got one condensed Nether wart is 40 oh I’m so sorry stupid alleries are really annoying one condensed Nether wart is worth 4 and half ,000 it’s not bad is it uh so we just get rid of two bushels of wheat that’s not Bad uh we should save these until they’re on the Rolling Stock really but I just wanted to get rid of them okay right so we’ve done those let’s hide up these oh thank you for the likes on the stream by the way uh let’s hide the Cosmetic Keys we’ll sell those when

We’ve sold the other ones let me just um we could put them in a shop down here let’s just go into our auction house and just see what we’ve got in there no we still got cosmetics in there oh we’ve sold the helmet we’ sold the helmet when did we do that oh

Look well we’ve got a little bit of return on our money what else do we have in here we can have 20 items in here now so it’s 1 2 3 that’s nine 18 so we could have up to here so it’s quite nice cuz

It means I can put junky things in that I wouldn’t necessarily put in um right so we’ve sold those now let’s go down and War the crates because we got these keys to get rid of so let’s do that see if we get anything nice oh uhoh what happened okay something odd

Happened apparently the lucky block is ready so we’ll grab that at the same time though and then we’ll try again maybe they’re rebooting that one don’t know oh there’s seagull as well we could try and go down to there but I want to do some of these missions and I want to fix

The the um do some of the where the generator room is uh okay got another load of really good books to get rid of oh we got over a stack again I didn’t realize that um everything is nearly full oh thanks for filling up my inventory that was nice okay so let

Me right try the warp crates again see if we can get down there this time okay maybe they’re rebooting that section section I don’t not sure right we’ve done 50 fish we’ve done the XP we’ve got 500 items to smelt and we’ got five spawners to collect so let’s buy

Those I don’t why I press that button every single time to take me up I can’t buy any of these can I no won’t let me buy them yet I go back in so I have to buy these ones we’ve got plenty of rabbits let’s increase

These so if we do that and then take one away that will give us our five what happened I thought I just bought them what happened oh did I need to push on the squid afterwards I didn’t push the squid top Port hello I didn’t push that afterwards how are

You we have managed to fill the whole thing with water it was um a bit of a mission but this whole piece is now completely filled all the way around right to the other end um and what we’ll need to do is to get rid of all of this wool from here

And then we going to put an island bit all the way around the outside here which is supposed to be mine and then we need three islands in the center um for the children that are not actually here or helping in any way shape or form but

Maybe when they’ve got an island each they might feel like putting something in I’m not sure I’m trying to get down to warp crates but we don’t seem to be making it however are you and thank you for the likes on the Stream has been quite busy on here

Today ah did we make it this time maybe maybe not no okay something’s wrong I can’t get into it uh so the last one was smell 500 ORS so we should be able to do that can I not keep falling oh we’ve gone to no data again

Hopefully it will fix itself again in a second there it goes keeps bottoming out I don’t know why it’s very annoying um let me just have a look and see if there’s any ores left in here to be done I’ve got to move all of these I think I’ve taken them out

Already actually it could be a bit of a problem because um I don’t know if I’ve got any ores left to smelt I’ve got is it Molten molten five yeah molten five on mine which means that it doesn’t it smelt them for me straight away let’s just have a little look see

If we’ve got some in here no it’s not going to be in there silly I haven’t fixed them all up um this is not looking very useful we might have to use a different I wonder if we can just smell Cobblestone should we just try Cobblestone it says ores though that’s

What I’m sure you’ve just got up oh well do you know what I don’t blame you if if that’s all right with you what does it matter I didn’t sleep very well again last night I think I had about an hour and a half

Before I was woken up by the dog and the cat and then half an hour after that my boy woke up um and then he was struggling all night so it was fun right let’s see if we can use these let these go in we got these nice

Super oh no hold on we got that in there got these nice super furnaces and I use the blaze rods because the blaze rods are free uh I’ve got the Redstone on here because when we’re trying to do this challenge you’ve got to be able to collect them out and if you don’t

Collect them out then it doesn’t count so um I have to I put the redstone blocks there and then that way it stops The Hoppers from collecting it and then I can just collect them when it’s ready did that oh I don’t know if oh it did it did it did it

Did lovely right switch those over so we can do it this way that was that same one I was a little bit concerned that I couldn’t do it then no all of it what we are nearly nearly there let me just empty all of this into

Here I just put one more lot in will be enough determined to get down to um the crates is that enough no not no not yet is that enough yay and we’ve completed the whole challenge so we got a pouch that’s Great we got another spawner what Delights did we get oh witch spawner okay that’s just an ordinary chest and and yeah these are the Hoppers we need to sort all of this lot out that’s what we’re going to come and do in a minute we’re going to work on some of these

Missions as well though whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa down here so this TR trest different this chest down here has got um these boring tag notes in that I really hate the only I have used a uh um I have used one um but mine is called Rudolph

And I think Rudolph was nice and it’s just a plain red Witch is around here somewhere I know there I got 108 witches we’re doing really well with the spawners I need to get them all set up though so people can use them as a grinder um right let’s just try this

Warp crates once more I think they must have rebooted that section ah there we go so we’ve got eight vot keys so by shifting and clicking we get all of them it puts a lot of them through at the same time we got a key

What did we get oh well no not another cosmetic key we got another crop Hopper so we still got a lot of we still need more of those so that’s good no wrong key get out of my hand we want this one a survivor key this one be nice

Please no not those old rubbish things rubbish let’s go oh we just reached tier five Netherrack Mastery let’s just double check um what that is on and I think these are worth about 10,000 each I do not have any time for these so let’s look under Trophy and I’m happy to

Get rid of those I think might have been wor 100,000 each I can’t remember they worth a lot of money here we go 800 really all right let’s do um um hold on do it that way so we do that there we go there’s my

Rudolph sign and then we want to go orc and what did we just say that we were doing 700 there we go right so we’ve just put those on for auction I not bothered about those at all I used them for like 2 seconds and then I thought no I’d rather have the

Money uh pop the crop popper away pop the Cosmetic key away let’s get rid of the piggy spawners oh it’s just every time you’re trying to do stuff you’ve got more things happening they’re done now daily Miss missions we’ve done the daily haven’t we that’s finished yep so now we want to

Have a look at the other missions really want to get some of these completed so we got six left on here to do so so we’ve completed the first one mining they’re not that far off so let’s go and just tweak this for a

Minute we need to set all of this up as well um these ones so if I put them in this section here just for now then these ones will at least filter through these ones are all full so everything keeps filtering back out which is annoying right let’s see if we can

Quickly do this and it hadn’t occurred to me the other day until I watched another SB video where if you upgrade and have haste it speeds up your mining so I’ve got haste on here now which I didn’t have before which it doesn’t feel like we’ve

Got haste but apparently we do oh we do it’s in the corner look so we’re going to just see if we can get to the next one see we got to get to a th on the ancient debris which is just crazy that’s because there’s four of us on this on this

Team this solo team and we were just wanting to find out about the masteries let me just check mining Netherrack yeah nether we’ve just reached the tier five so we don’t need that one anymore um we could really do we haven’t reached the one on there yet

Oh we could do a gold guy let’s let’s do a gold minion in a Moment so we just try and reach this Mission and then we’ll do a gold minion to replace the Netherrack one just write that down on here I’ll attempt to write it left-handed used to be quite good at doing that apparently it can’t anymore I understand what it says debris Smasher is really

Important U when you’ve got the ancient debris in here and um the molten is really helpful because then it’s already smelting everything thing for you all right my booster has run out now I forgot I’d put that on I don’t know if it did anything supposed to do stuff

But we shouldn’t be too far away oh we’re on diamond one I didn’t know we were on diamond we found a pet egg that’s good I found another pet egg lovely I’ve started to get people to come and buy them from the shop so that’s good because what we want to do

Is to have a shop set up and then if people come and buy pet eggs then they’ll see that there’s other things that you’ve got for sale um once I eventually get them sorted just got to get them sorted Cosmic God you beat me that was

Very rude of you I like that fifth spot because I can’t do too much and you went and took it from me I may have been about 900 short but that’s besides the point I haven’t got my mobs all set up properly so I was walking backwards and

Forwards to get the different mobs so it really wasn’t wasn’t a very efficient way of doing it but congratulations no hard feelings that you beat me uh we’re aiming to complete um some missions now that’s what we’re hoping to do and we need to build uh Creator gold minion with uh the

Netherrack one has just finished working so want to sort him out that’s what we’re going to do next um surely we should be nearly there so we have a quick look um mission log um let’s go back into here can’t be far off it surely oh we’ve done one of them we’ve just

Got oh I see we’ve got to get col and oh why don’t I read it right let’s I’m so silly at times oh no that’s frustrating what I here oh is forgot the is again right so um if we put this down to the lowest we get more coal and iron

I don’t know why I didn’t do that before it’ll be quicker to get there oh that must have been very frustrating so by lowering down the ores we’re going to get more iron more coal so we’ll be able to complete the challenge quicker than if we were on on

The level that we were where we getting ancient debris and everything I think I’ll be lucky to buy the pet eggs at 5 and 1 half million this year they’re they’re already this season they’re already up at 7 This Time of the Season last year it was at 5 and a

Half I don’t think they’d gone up to seven till another couple of another month or so come on we must be nearly there we’re only about 50 blocks away we really doing another competition there only been a couple you forgot to check in earlier that’s okay I don’t mind oh moer

Said hi by the way he was going to give you a shout out and everything and then he was disappointed cuz you weren’t here apparently you’re allowed to shout out but I’m not cuz I’m not a proper gamer I’m a fake gamer that’s what he was telling me

Well actually he was telling everybody on the stream it’s quite funny oh come on we must be there now I want to look but we could be just about there so I don’t want to look no I’m going to look yeah yeah it’s all right you can be

A favorite it’s not a problem um iron we’re just 15 away okay 15 away from completing this challenge I didn’t really work on the uh missions last season I did a few and then I reached a sort of a stumbling block where I’d already completed something but it does it did doesn’t

Register that you’ve already done it so it was very frustrating and it was something that was really difficult to do I don’t think it was something that I could do again so it was annoying there is iron in here isn’t there you seen any iron I suppose it would be easy to see

If the yeah there’s some I saw some iron in there anybody wants to trade Guardian for wither spawners I don’t think so very unlikely you’re going to get Guardians for Withers I don’t think they’re even they’re not even in the same tier bracket Guardians are tier fours and Withers are tier

Fives but then if you’ve got loads of Withers and you really really wanted some Guardians then maybe you would want to oh no people are asking for money again I think that was the same person was asking yesterday someone was getting there were a few people getting really grumpy with

Somebody oh come on we must what have we got about two pieces to get maybe I should just put some iron on the floor and Break It come on I want the the mission finished I don’t know what my thing’s doing it’s just going a bit strange while it’s mining

Here I thought that was it then it’s not as a dragon boss what have you been up to then Cosmic God yay we completed mining yes right let’s move our or gen back up no is set or G and we put it back up to whatever we

Can I don’t think we can have it on that one we can have it on 12 right so we now need gold not that gold can you just stay in there please thank you but um let’s take out this gold we might need to take some of those actually let’s take some blocks

Out but uh we could do with this loose Gold and we need a diamond pickaxe don’t we which we should have the setup for in here already for this purpose so I keep these in here okay I’ll try to remember that I’m not very good at remembering so uh um I will try you’re you’re taking a

Break and having having is that a cup of evening tea or is that um tea as in food um so we want to go into the masteries some people say tea is food don’t they and we need a pickaxe and then we want these all the way around the

Outside right one of those one of those one of one of these and then one of them and then one more why have I still got some leftovers not normally any left over that was odd okay then we need some more broken down we need uh stacks of 64

The whole way around you really can just undo that for me and then back into the Mastery so we’re making a little gold minion come back here little gold minion and one more of them right so now we’ve got a tier six and let’s see if we can just upgrade

It a little bit further let’s do that it’s 5:00 so it’s food then so I’d call that dinner uh so it’s half 11 here in the afternoon morning um ah masteries we sold some more cacti lovely so we’re just making a little bit of Enchanted gold if I get the right

One oh no I can’t can’t make Enchanted gold cuz I’m not ready oh that’s frustrating never mind let’s turn those back into blocks then forgot about that you have to have the right the right levels but we can have a start so let’s pop back up the

Top let’s go and take out the other not not take out the other minion that sounds like we’re going to punch him or something where are you all here you are nether W where’s the Netherrack one here come on out we don’t need you there now gold there we

Go uh let’s just see where these two are up to uh sunset here at 6 yeah it’s quite early here too um oh what happened to my door are you okay did you nearly break my door yeah I thought so shout out to you see I told you I was

Telling him that you said that he could have a shout out and I can’t cuz I’m not a proper gamer and shout out to top well top yeah Top Pot um is always very helpful top pot’s always on it’s great um let me your bored there’s a that’s a real change for you

I is it not working properly no like it’s just so well I know we did say can you please stop rocking my chair cuz I’ll be sick please um I think can it’s going to be a one while uh I don’t know how that’s a really big problem that

One um it’s about having it installed um it’s not a job that I I’ve never installed the CPU and you have to do it in the right way um we’ll have to sort something out Dar uh let me just go into the auction house um that’s a really interesting question

I’ll come and have a look for you in a second um minion no I don’t want to look under ninon I want to look under a nion no I can’t even spell nether oh let’s just put nether that will do that should help me find one there’s a oh

It’s a nether quartz one oh it’s a tier eight nether quartz minion might get that should we buy that or do we just make one oh there’s no none on here at the minute uh I don’t think most people would want one I think I might just put him on for a

Million I don’t know whether to buy that one I’ll leave it for now cuz it won’t so what do we need I think we might need that nether quartz for something I think there’s let me just look in the books is there something that you get these

Books oh I’ll let him know he’s um he’s just to off for a minute now they’re netherite scrap diamonds carrots wheat red stone and endstone I was just looking at the special books what we need for those Um let me go back into the we’re going to auction it aren’t we or hand and we’re going to go let’s go for 1 and a half million do that I don’t think we want to sell him for too much most people people wouldn’t really have

One all right we can put these pet eggs into here some of them I save and some of them I put in here so that when this runs out then we have more right what’s the next mission where are we up to so we should have five now five to

Go they don’t make these very easy Huntsman right 500 chickens and buy 10 spawners so we need to kill have we got chickens we should have chickens shouldn’t we don’t even remember seeing any Chi we must have chickens because we’ve already we’ve done The there they are and then what spawners do we get uh let’s get some some more let’s buy some more squid do we need four more four more I think four more so let’s grab these and then I don’t want to buy more than I don’t than I

Need right so there’s those and then sorry little chickens but you need to go actually I probably could have bought more chicken spawners but um I’m just trying to basically just to all the different challenges he’s trying to play this new game um it’s a really good one but it’s

Um it’s one that isn’t it’s not actually a game that’s even in um beta form yet um it’s it’s really interesting it’s like um it’s like a cross between fors a horizon and it’s a Sandbox game too so I suppose it’s got that minecrafty element

To it where you get to do things and do lots of different bits um but it’s still in development and unfortunately his computer’s just not quite powerful enough for it so he needs um he’s got uh an i5 processor he needs an i7 at least so it’s a bit of a

Problem they been after it for ages and I got it for him yesterday and now it doesn’t work properly so he’s a bit disappointed unfortunately with his autism he doesn’t grasp that things take time and money I’m not too bad with computers but I have haven’t ever changed the

Processor before um and then you got to do it properly you got to have the the paste and everything as well it’s a bit of a it’s a job that’s a little bit out of my remit it’s more of it’s not out of my remit it’s more of I’m bit worried of doing

It kind little chickens I’m sorry we have to bash you about a bit come on can we have some more please more chickens please oh gave me 150 that was good more chickens please thank you ah I think we did it yep we’ve done Huntsman let’s just get these down we

Got another chicken spawner and we can sell These we do that what do we get not a massive amount but something pop these away oh no not in the Overflow into PV so that’s another one done okay so what’s the next mission it’ be nice if we could just get this lot of missions done this this section

Three i s oh thank you for that that just f up my inventory so that one’s done we’ve done that one we’ve done that one that one oh we got to do this one exper Craft eight Enchanted Cobble and a super see this is where it’s really frustrating because I’ve already created

A whole bunch of super furnaces and placed them and I’m using them but it’s not good enough I think they should knock it off if you’ve already done it because that’s annoying all right let’s get rid of all of this junk uh sell all sell all and all of that and then I

Think there’s chicken and eggs here too let’s get rid of them and then we’ve got Cobblestone over here so I need to empty all of this anyway um this helps me to get rid of all of this get them out there don’t know how much I need quite a

Lot I think we only need to make one super furnace actually we might not need any more than that that might be too much no no no no no no do this I really like the um this side of things the enchanting we needed to make eight so

That’s only four so we do another load oh okay and then we do that and then that gives us super furnace oh we didn’t even need to we might as well move it down here we didn’t even need to place it me just dump all of these in here as

I’ve already collected them just put that in there just in case I don’t want to right there’s another mission done how many do we have left now three to go magic I’ve completed that one I have actually completed the boss fighter I think I did that earlier so that’s quite funny

Construction 10 water buck and 10 lava buckets have you not seen how much water I placed oh okay I’ve done that one 10 lava buckets um we’ve got lava here I think I’ve got a lava in my inventory space somewhere there okay one two three four five six seven eight 9 10

Yay that one’s done okay now what else we got these are going on quite nicely it’s going to be a difficult one in a minute probably might be a potion one we might need to yeah there is a potion one that one next one Brew 25 potion and consume 15

Oh why do we need to consume 15 potions what’s the last one oh dance party right let’s do the Juke Box uh where did I put all of my wood down here I’ve got wood somewhere no I think I’ve got it up no hold on I think I’ve got some up here maybe

I do yeah so we want one of these and we want one Diamond I think it’s one so we want a juke box yeah one of those and then no I don’t want to make another one then we could just dump that in the corner and then what one should we go with

Let’s do that okay right so that should be it get out of the way that’s another one right now we got to do the the other potions that’s really annoying all let’s go um back up the top I could have drink the more I’m just trying to think what we could

Drink so we got two of these already and then we’re going to need bottles oh we got loads of bottles that’s not a problem uh let’s oh actually if we do this okay ah and then just got to think about what materials we’ve got to make potions with oh hold on

We really want something we could sell but it’s all right I got something in here that we can use which is these they’re no good for anything so how far are these from being full oh miles away walk Library right let’s do that and that and Then okay that and that yes no that’s not what I want to do silly goose in my inventory space oh hold on if I just go in here I can just lob them out there we go there gone uh no yes yes yes over here going to our overflow where we’ve been bashing

Witches we have some bottles so now we can just grab a whole bunch there we go uh let’s put this treasure chest down that would be useful and then we need get I think I’ve got some nether m w on me no pey think I’ve got some

Here I don’t know which one it was in there’s some I don’t want to take that one if we don’t need to got a lot of value blocks to find a space for as well ah I thought so hold on these can all come out they may as

Well stay we need to do a little potion room as well I did make quite a bit of money on some potions last year so or last season we don’t need to extend them or anything and I suppose we could drink more than one straight after each other I would have

Thought what do we need to make the brewing stand I know we need blazes but that’s fine cuz we’ve got hundreds of those can’t remember the rest is it uh just Cobblestone we’ve got Cobblestone let’s make ourselves a whole bunch of these shall we I got it in here

I got spares I do have spares here so I found that it was good to have a whole bunch um of these last season I was going to set it up so it was a lot better but we just didn’t get chance so we might as well start it off uh this I

Think we might make this into a little bit of a brewing room hold on we could just put a few more of these down and get more of them on the go and then like that right that’s those ones okay let go thank you and then one of them hey let

Go and one of those and then how many of these do we need was it 20 we’ve nearly finished this whole section of missions 25 and then we’ve got to consume 20 let me just do that for a minute then we can just flick them up it’s

Quicker they keep getting stuck in my hand oh that’s not what I wanted to do okay I’ve just realized if you do it right click click it does it like that if you do it left click it does it like that that’s not something I knew was a thing

Okay oh that’s really interesting I never knew that right let’s take those and one of them now if we can start drinking these can I just drink them straight after each other one two and three okay and then do that and we got one two that’s no Good uh we could drink these at the same time and then this One right let’s put some some more water in and I think we’re on this one won’t we one of them and one of those then that one and that one sort of try and get it into a little bit of a a routine that be little bit easier

Okay and then where are we up to with these ones that one’s just done oh one out one of them so let’s consume a bunch of these then I tell you what we should just double check that they are logging we don’t have to wait until they’re finished wouldn’t have thought

Not yeah we’ve yeah we’re consuming them that’s fine so we’ve nearly finished it this slurping noise is a bit annoying see if that was enough might be enough 15 so we just got seven more potions to brew so let me pop these into here we don’t need those anymore but we do need

I don’t know if we don’t might not need any more water actually oh hold on was that yeah that was a potion I wasn’t sure if I’ve done that properly we might have enough here so that’s three more just dump one of these in here got some bottles and we should be almost

There yay completed potion Master do we not get like a a mission log thing to say that we’ve finished the whole mission is that it is that a normal Hopper we’ve got here oh our lucky block is reset too uh let’s just check the mission log again

And we should be on the next set we are right so that one’s finished and we’re now on tier fours so might have a look at I’ll start working on some of those uh cuz they’re going to get harder to do each time um obviously

We need to do Mining and hunting what we got to do chickens and spiders and buy another 25 spawners I’d like to try and get the the oh might just buy the cheaper ones for that and then what have we got get 60 skulls and spend 60 head tokens

Um purchase five Island up this is W it was a problem purchasing five Island upgrades I think i’ I’d maxed it and then there was nowhere for me to go that is the that is the problem and yeah I’d completed I’d already made a wheat Rune and then I had to make another

One oh we could do that one right now uh five 15 basic enchant books that one doesn’t take long right basic two four oh it tells me okay and then we need to roll what roll just an ordinary book oh hang on let me just see what these

Are see if there’s anything nice nice do I I don’t think I have agile on my boots no I do not my Christmas boots so oh no I don’t really want to roll that it’s already good oh let’s just do a report one and then enchant

That and so if we just do a roll uh just yeah do that there we go all right so that’s another one done oh we got a oh plus seven bright scroll that was nice that was worth a lot that’s worth um about 20,000 Sky

Coins we got any space left down here I don’t think we do just a little but not enough I don’t think no that’s it all of our treasure chests are full now um right guys I think I’m just going to do my lucky block and I’m going to toddle off um we’

Done a lot again this morning um we’re try and start working on some more of those missions and um we’ve got the water done which is the main thing and then I’ll gradually start working sorting it out I’ll be back on later to do Goose bille

I really want to try and get some more of that um Farm finished uh it’s coming on really well I’m really pleased with it so far there’s another one of there I I got one in my overflow take that out as well yeah I do I think we’ve got some money in here

As well let’s take one of this out too hold on what Hopper is that Hopper a cell chest one of these eggs we just take out these useful things for a moment like the bank notes it’s very annoying that it keeps flicking back though another bank note I can keep the tag

Notes oh that’s a decent amount of money there right so I’ll sort all of those out in a moment and um guys I will see you uh tomorrow for Sky Block later for um for um gooseville um take care see you later bye-bye

This video, titled ‘DAY 6 – ADDING WATER – PENGUIN.GG SERVER 30 DAY CHALLENGE – SKYBLOCK – MINECRAFT BEDROCK-CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2024-01-16 01:36:43. It has garnered 57 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds.

Day 6 already into the 30 / 50 day challenge – I started adding the water yesterday and wanted to show you how I was doing it as I found an easier way – let’s try to complete a few missions too.

GOOSEVILLE 350 / 400 subscriber challenge :-

1: We go to the Ancient City – and attempt to get there without being in a Death Loop.

2: Let’s return 2 or 3 Elder Guardians to our Guardian Farm! – that should be ‘fun!’

Guardians will be first – only if we have finished the monoliths – we can’t really build with Mining Fatigue!! Let’s fly on into GOOSEVILLE // SKYBLOCK

Take care & stay safe everyone, Carrie Brady ‘aka’ CJSGOOSE / CJSCRAFTS ——————————————————————————————————————————————– ]USEFUL INFORMATION [ DISCORD – CJSGOOSE

FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/CJSGOOSEAJMOOCDJSKYRA2020

INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/cjsgoose_ajmooc_djlion/

MERCH – CJSCRAFTS.redbubble.com ] CJSGOOSE & AJMOOC official merch[

And for all those that love Craft as well as Minecraft, you can follow my Craft business here; https://www.cjscrafts.co.uk/

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  • Minecraft Memes – Dinnerbone, the Upside-down Builder

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  • Chambers’ New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress!

    Chambers' New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress! In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, With chambers and rooms that will bring us cheer. New progressions and trials to explore, With twists and turns that we can’t ignore. The Great Room in Chambers, a sight to behold, With new features and challenges untold. The Trap Changes in Chambers, a test of skill, Navigate carefully, or you may meet a thrill. The Room Tuba, a place to relax and unwind, A peaceful retreat for the creative mind. The Gathering Room, where friends can convene, To share stories and adventures unseen. The Room Change Eruption, a… Read More

  • Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition

    Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition In 2024, just offer the Minecraft zombies a peace treaty and some diamond armor – they’ll be too busy admiring their new bling to attack you! #minecraftpeacekeeping Read More

  • Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server!

    Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server! Are you looking to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Look no further! While watching this amazing video on Minecraft tips and tricks, you may have realized that you need a new challenge. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. Imagine a world where you can showcase your pro skills, build incredible structures, and engage with a community of like-minded players. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at Minewind by entering the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Explore new adventures, conquer challenges, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans

    Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans The Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack: Elevating Your Gaming Experience Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Look no further than the Minecraft Wurst Client Mod Hack. This powerful tool is designed to enhance your gameplay experience in the blocky world of Minecraft like never before. Unleashing a World of Possibilities The Wurst Client Mod Hack offers players a wide range of utilities and cheats that go beyond the standard Minecraft experience. From flying effortlessly across landscapes to easily locating valuable resources, this mod opens up new avenues for exploration and creativity. Versatility at… Read More

  • B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 – Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)

    B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 - Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox Vertical Stream! (Maybe 7K?)’, was uploaded by ๐•ญ๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆ๐•ธ๐–†๐–“123 on 2024-03-23 18:17:56. It has garnered 9733 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:45 or 10245 seconds. i just play gaem #lethalcompany #roblox #livestream #fyp #popular #minecraft #company #lethal #steam #live #mario #fun Read More

  • Digging My Grave: Vintage Story Madness

    Digging My Grave: Vintage Story MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Digging Myself a Grave in Vintage Story’, was uploaded by Robotaus on 2024-04-22 08:10:42. It has garnered 1045 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:26 or 866 seconds. This is game about surviving in a blocky world and building whatever you want. It’s not Minecraft I swear. Music from https://filmmusic.io “Vegas Glitz” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Sneaky Snitch” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “At Rest” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Music from https://filmmusic.io “Monkeys Spinning… Read More

  • Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway Adventure

    Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘2b2t. Traveling The Nether Highway’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-05-15 07:03:34. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:54 or 6474 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other, where danger lurks around… Read More

  • “Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft” #pixelart

    "Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft" #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Snoopy and Woodstock Sand Falling Art Short #minecraft #pixelart’, was uploaded by Dragon on 2023-12-09 18:30:09. It has garnered 7670 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐Ÿšจ

    ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐ŸšจVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the confined smp๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-03-16 23:14:04. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:56 or 10676 seconds. ๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the minecraft server๐Ÿ”ด JOIN THE DISCORD-https://discord.gg/PmWzGUst tags ___________ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners,… Read More

  • “EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)” – Cartseem

    "EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)" - CartseemVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ! ๐“ฃ๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ถ ๐“•๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฑ๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€/ ๐“ฅ๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ผ (๐“ข๐“ข๐“–, ๐“—๐”‚๐“น๐“ฒ๐”๐“ฎ๐“ต, + ๐“œ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฎ!) ๐Ÿ”ด /p join Cartseem’, was uploaded by iiNavy on 2024-02-17 14:33:08. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:50 or 4310 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #speedtelly #bedlessnoob #godbridge #hypixel #pvp #telly #viral #entertainment #moonwalk #breezlybridge #derp #bedlessnoob #minemenclub ๐ŸŒˆ2๐“š ๐“Ÿ๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ด๐ŸŒˆ https://www.mediafire.com/file/e80abl… Updated Link. If it didn’t work for you, it should now. I made it a zip instead of winrar ๐Ÿ’Ž Crystalland ๐““๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ญ ๐“ข๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐Ÿ’Ž (An Upcoming Fastbuilder + Rankup Parkour Network!) ๐“ฅ๐“ธ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ ๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“น๐“น๐“ฎ๐“ท ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐“ถ๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ ๐“ธ๐“ฏ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ… Read More

  • AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AI

    AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sam Altman FINALLY Breaks His SILENCE! New Minecraft AI Agent, Text to Action, Programmers GONE!?’, was uploaded by TheAIGRID on 2024-02-26 05:54:05. It has garnered 37753 views and 1164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:57 or 1677 seconds. โœ‰๏ธ Join Our Weekly Newsletter – https://mailchi.mp/6cff54ad7e2e/theaigrid ๐Ÿค Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/TheAiGrid ๐ŸŒ Checkout Our website – https://theaigrid.com/ Links From Todays Video: https://twitter.com/LinusEkenstam/status/1761881640953876849 https://twitter.com/tsarnick/status/1761506642800361478 https://twitter.com/_milankovac_/status/1761465357460701298 https://twitter.com/TeslaBotJournal/status/1761153372458213685 https://twitter.com/bilawalsidhu/status/1760076742679552273 https://twitter.com/mckaywrigley/status/1760335268257931447 https://twitter.com/IntuitMachine/status/1759941976927924682/photo/1 https://twitter.com/GuangyuRobert/status/1759736712627212791 https://twitter.com/apples_jimmy/status/1761885098260234355 https://twitter.com/AndrewYNg/status/1761912346153521374 Welcome to our channel where we bring you the latest breakthroughs in AI. From deep learning to robotics, we cover it all…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno’s 16 Craft Pack” ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ 

    "Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno's 16 Craft Pack" ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] ๐Ÿ’™โœจ Cozy Cute House Tutorial / Mizuno’s 16 Craft Resource Pack’, was uploaded by Croissant Cat on 2024-05-03 15:00:30. It has garnered 11170 views and 675 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:43 or 1483 seconds. I will give you a cute and beautiful build and time to relax. If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support me ๐Ÿ™‚ Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions. ๐ŸŽฎ Game Info Texture — Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/p/mizunos-16-craft-cit.html Bedrock Edition — MIZUNO CRAFT https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=6c2e7d98-c26a-47ac-bab6-766f9a67a94e Shader — Complementary Shaders https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Mod — OptiFine https://optifine.net/home ๐Ÿฑ… Read More

  • INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!

    INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by B2PLAY on 2024-05-13 16:22:43. It has garnered 433 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft Read More

  • Windshear Network

    Windshear NetworkDo you love Minecraft? Come and play on the Windshear Network! There is so much to do! Economy, Lands Protection, McMMO, Slimefun and much more! We are looking for ways to make our network better. We are run by Player’s for Player’s. Play on Bedrock? Sure! You can join with the same IP but use port 9392 Not sure if it’s for you? Come give us a chance, get to know what we offer and have a little play. If you don’t like it, no hard feelings, although we would appreciate some feedback if it’s not for you. play.windshear.network Read More

  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java – 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

    Welcome to Foggy Willows Foggy Willows offers a simple, vanilla Minecraft experience unlike most servers. We prioritize simplicity with no plugins or datapacks. Our server runs on the latest stable vanilla jar and is hosted on high-spec fiber optic servers. There is no world border, plugins, tp/sethome, and we play in hard mode. Players are encouraged to sort out their own social issues and play how they want. Join our small community of normal players and help us expand. Key Features: Latest stable vanilla jar Dedicated high spec host on fiber optic No world border No plugins No tp/sethome Hard… Read More

  • Distant Horizons

    Distant HorizonsDistant Horizons: A classic Towny Community with frequent events and minigames!Check out our Discord for more! discord.com/invite/GpGyDeHb8j Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Okay grandma, I’ll build my own damn village”

    It’s like grandma is trying to understand Minecraft, but she’s stuck in a different dimension where memes have scores! Read More