EPIC Water Park Build Challenge: NOOB vs PRO

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guys today we’re going to be having a noob verse Pro Build Challenge in Minecraft and guess what we’re going to be building is it going to be unicorn tacos no no no unicorns ice truck no tacos and no ice cream truck it’s going to be a water slide I love water slides Daddy the reason you don’t like water slides cuz every time you go on them you break them it was two times okay I got stuck in the tube uh you just Scar the water slides cuz they remind you of showers which you hate hey I do like showers too okay sometimes it just gets a little too hot for my liking I don’t want to go in well guys we’re going to have 15 minutes to build the most epic water slide and then at the end we’re going to rate everyone’s build so you guys ready I’m ready all right well get ready to lose cuz I’m going to win oh yeah mhm that wasn’t a cool line I’m going to win I’m going to win no I’m going to win go go go see hurry all right so I need to make an aome water slide so what I was thinking is to make a giant rainbow one kind of like what I’m wearing right now I’m going to literally be turning myself into a water slide but I’m going to need to use some cheats you think I’m actually going to build a water slide every single block uh-uh that’s going to take me literally 5 years all right so we’re just going to do something like this there we go now I’m just going to do slash slash set maybe we do some birch wood Haya ooh this is looking good okay okay this is going to be like the base of my water slide trust me when you see this at the end it’s going to look so amazing all right so I got to make the best water slide of all time so what I need to do is picture it in my mind and really oh and really think about what I’m going to do what am I going to make what am I going to make I know what I’m going to make okay so what we need to do is these are going to be like the little pillars that are going to go all the way up to the sky we need to make a big drop for this water slide huge drop so we need to go all the way up here like this o no I don’t want to go above that I don’t want them to see and we need to kind of make it big enough to where I think a boat can go in it okay that looks pretty good that looks pretty good and what needs to happen is there needs to be a big pool up here and it needs to drop down a huge dongus big boy slide and it goes into a little pool and then from that pool I think maybe it’s just kind of like a little boat thing that goes all the way around and maybe I’ll have like some scary mobs and stuff to to prank everybody so what I’m going to start doing now is I’m going to start making the top of this water slide and then I’m going to come right back okay guys we have to build a water slide and I won’t mind to be so colorful and so tall so I need to get a whole bunch of concrete blocks and I’m going to get like five different colors just type in concrete and obviously we have to do pink and I’ll do yellow because it’s Johnny’s favorite and then I’m going to do Blues cuz goopy and then green Marty doesn’t like water slide so I’m not going to use this color but I’m also going to need white and black and most importantly I’m going to need water you can’t have a water slide without water so first things first first we need to make like a little pool that the slides go into so I’m just going to build like a rectangle or something just like this boom and now we need to fill in the bottom but but I’m just going to make it blue so it matches the water oh I can make it blue checkered yeah this is definitely the move now that I’ve made my pool I just need to fill with a whole bunch of water so this is going to take me a minute I got to make the best water slide ever and I think I have the really good idea I’m going to make it like a jungle theme so can just go through a jungle in the water side and see all the cool animals so uh yeah I’m going to make that okay so for my jungle Adventure I’m making the entrance right here so you’re going to go through here like a big water place to make a big tunnel for this there a bunch of water be turn this way what is that blue block this is going to be the best water side ever all right so I pretty much planned out exactly what’s going to go onto my water slide so I’m actually going to have four different water slides yeah mine is going to be actually insane and they’re going to go this way kind of like this and then it’s going to go into the sky it’s literally a genius idea so I just got to build all these out just like this there we go and I just got to come up with the shape of the actual water slide so maybe what we do is we have like different layers there we go so we’re just going to build this up go another four blocks back and then down here we need to make this a giant pool literally a giant pool all right maybe about this far back and now we’re going to slash slash shed it as water ha ooh that looks really good I really do like that that’s really cool all right now we’re going to take the floor and then we’re going to slash slash set some qu nice there we go and then just around here we’re going to do some slabs guys whatever you do do not comment that I’m cheating because then everyone’s going to read the comments that’s doing this video right now and then they’re going to spank me on the butt especially my daddy so please whatever you do do not tell anyone that I’m cheating thanks all right so I just finished the top of my slide and it looks pretty good so what would end up happening is all you have to do is get your floaty which would be a boat you go like this you hop in and then you go down the huge slide but we don’t have a slide yet so what I need to do now is figure out how I’m going to make the slide so all I need to do is get the slide to kind of just keep going down like this and we just continue this all the way down to the bottom and it’s going to be a crazy slide this is going to go super super fast into a big little tube and maybe from the tube it goes down a little bit through like a little water slide that connects to that tube and it just keeps going and going so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to finish this little slide finally it’s filled with water now I finally get to build my slides and I’m so excited I’m going to make them really really really tall first things first I’m going to use pink because it’s my favorite color like always so I’m just going to do something like this I think and now I just need to build it up like all the way maybe if I do this and I do like a whole bunch I think it’ll work I’m going to keep working on this and I’m going to build it really really tall and while I’m doing that you guys can go check on goobies build so for the Finish Line I’m going to make a big cave right here so you can go in there and that’s how you get to the end and maybe I’ll put like some some like chocolate cake in here so it’s like a piz if you get there some straw while we cake too that’s really good can’t wait to start adding animals to my super cool jungle water slide I think for the beginning of my water slide you need to climb like this big tree right here it’s going to be a super Tall Tree and that’s how the water slide starts make it super tall yes just like that and you have to like wide it down like that to make it really good like a bran okay this is actually looking insane this is looking exactly like an amazing water slide so now what I was thinking is that up here is going to be like a giant wall this is going to be like a drop in the water slide it’s going to be super scary when you ride this slide you’re probably going to poop yourself okay there we go that looks pretty good and then up here we’re going to do a couple more of the little bunny Hills so I just got to do this for every single one God this is taking me forever I better win this competition or I’m going to get super angry I wonder how everyone else’s water slides are coming along I’m going to guess that goobies is going to be the worst and then my dad Daddy’s is going to be second to best and obviously I’ll be the best and Daisy who knows she’s probably just not even going to build a water slide and just build unicorns all right so the first slide is now complete so what I’m going to do is I’m going to actually test this out all right we got to back this puppy up oh my God I see I see Daisy’s build what the heck that thing looks insane oh God I don’t know if this is tall enough now all right I might I might have to do some adjustments but I’m going to have to go down and test a slide here we go 3 2 1 this insane that was insane that was insane that that was crazy all right so what I need to do is maybe extend this a little bit more and now I feel like I need to make an extension cuz Daisy’s is so much bigger than mine well that’s not good what I’m going to do now is I’m going to extend this I think I’m going to make a bigger extension all the way up there so I’ll be back ooh I finally finished my pink slide okay now I just need to copy this in every color and this is going to take me a really long time I hope I have enough just keep building building building just keep building oh this is the so long this entrance is coming out so good I’m going to just put like a ladder right here get a ladder add it to the tree yes and then you put your boat up here I’m going to put some like that some more leaves up here make it like a really big S like you’re going into a tree yes we put some leaves like this that’s really good okay and then you go in like this and you climb up the tree and go up here for the water side yeah this is looking really good okay I think I want to put some walks around here you’re like going around like that I’m going to put so many cool animals around here it’s going to be awesome it’s definitely going to be better than M all right now for the next part of my water slide I’m going to build the next Little Fall well actually this is going to be the little fall and this is going to be the giant fall oh yeah this is literally going super high this is going to take me forever to build all these water slides up but when it’s done it’s going to be worth it cuz think about it all four of us could race down these it’s going to be so much fun all right there we go this is going to be the tippity top waa what the heck is that oh my gosh I’m kind of cheating at looking at Daisy’s right now and it looks like she’s doing something very similar to me but mine is looking way better so she sucks mine is going to be so much better than whatever the heck she’s building that’s for sure all right my slide is coming together real nicely but now I think I have the tallest slide in the whole entire server all right so now I need to test this out to see if this actually works all right here we go oh god oh gosh oh God I can’t even see oh that was really scary that was really scary now I have a second one now I have a second one yeah that was insane that was incredible but now I need to add a little bit more spice to this so what I think I need to do is I need to make a big hole that this thing jumps down and I need to scare everybody so I I think I need to make a big big circle kind of like a big uh cereal bowl and right in the middle that’s where the boat goes and then there’s going to be another little pool of water down there and then maybe it’ll be over maybe this will be the best war SL of all time so what I got to do now is I need to start making a big circle like this oh yeah and just bring it all the way around and then what I need to do is kind of make like an upside down traffic cone you know what it’ll make more sense where I actually build it I’m going to build it I’m going to show you exactly what I’m talking about okay I finally finished the yellow one and I don’t think I’m going to have space for all of the colors that I want to do so I think I’m just going to do one more and I’m going to make it green I think Green’s a really pretty color now I just need to work on building this okay this is the first animal habitat of the water side need to put some like Twee right here should be like the middle of the water slide so it needs look really good put some leaves on it like that okay okay and then put another tree um right here okay yes this is coming along little do okay yes so what animal should I put in some poopy do in here animals love poopy do okay yes so um what animal should I put in here I think I have to think about it all right I have one more water slide to do and then it is all completed this is coming out so much better than I thought and guess what after I do this last water slide I get to add the water part that’s like the whole point of a water slide to have water in it we’re almost there I just got to do a couple more blocks and then boom it’s going to be insane wait I I also just realized I kind of need to make a way to get up here H I’m going to have to add a big staircase somewhere I don’t know where I’m going to have to do that I guess I’ll just figure it out after okay so the idea came into fluish and now I’m actually able to show you guys what I was talking about so basically with the boat all you would do is you would go in here just like this you go oh my God where am I going where am I going ah just like that down here and now we’re on to a different part of the slide so I think what I’m going to do now is I’m going to have the slide go over this way and then cut to the right and then in between all of that driving of the boat I think there’s going to be like some waterfalls going on that you need to dodge and that’ll be it then this will be the best water slide of all time look at it this thing looks insane now I just have to place the water and I need to place some here just so it goes all the way down boom guys I officially finished my water slide now I just need to decorate them and make a way to get up there but that won’t be hard and I need to fix this just so it’s even I’m just placing these so the water slide has some support and I’m probably going to put one up here too this thing cannot fall down I’ll be so sad and then someone could get hurt okay this is a little hard a little bit more boom now I just have to do one more layer I have to do this on all of the water slides I can’t just do it on the pink one even though it is the best one okay I think I figured out which animals put in here it’s going to be Tigers I like the king of the jungle maybe even put some baby tigers e that look so cute they need some water they like that okay Tigers uh I’ll make a little little place for your water water yeah I think they like that we put like a little like water thing there yep they like that a lot oo I think I have a really good idea okay I’m going to use this oneway glass right here what tle what are you doing out here no no no tigle b tle not supposed to be out here see this is why I need this new idea oneway glass oh no don’t come out here not come out here I go yeah listen to me I’m your master okay so I see like this yes and now we can see the Tigers maybe I can just see reg little glass that’s like probably better oh no oh no the baby baby wants to go back to his mommy okay yes this is going to be way better now we can see all the Tigers without them getting out of their cave all right all of my water slides are completed and they all have these awesome things that are holding them up so you don’t die on it especially my daddy cuz he’s a lot of weight all right time to add the water all right let’s see if I add the water and it goes all the way down to the bottom please work please work here we go yes it’s going down it’s going down okay now is going to continue going nice this is working perfectly yes yes yes boom Perfect all right now let’s do that for every single water slide this is working out so good I have to win I have to but I was thinking I need to add a staircase over here and then maybe in front I add some like umbrellas yeah that’ll look really really good ooh there’s already umbrellas in the game H I think I’m going to put down a bunch of these orange ones yellow ones and red ones this will look so perfect okay and that is now done look at this now we have a Finish Line we have this last part to add a little bit of uh a little diality to this little water slot I’m going to add some icebergs I’m going to add a few water fountain so what I got to do now is I got to make a big tower like this let me just add like a little Iceberg like that that looks pretty good let’s add another Iceberg over here on this side ooh look at that ooh it’s coming together nicely maybe we do a little thing like this oh Innovation Innovation Marty this looks great do an iceberg like that oh yeah we’ll add a little bit more ice on this side that looks pretty good that looks pretty good and I’ll do one last one on this side just like that beautiful H how do I make this more difficult what if I added some type of like water features from the sky now hear me out hear me out what if we did something along the lines of this kind of like a little waterfall action okay so this looks good like this now let’s protect the water so it doesn’t pour all over the place but only goes down the middle something like this this T oh I’m a genius I’m an actual genius and now let’s do another one over here how high did I go with that nope too high all right that looks yummy boah that looks good that’s that looks like it’s coming together to me then all I need to do is add this one right here and then this water slide is finally completed okay I finished adding the support to all three water slides I think I’m going to stick to something that’s a little bit easier to play so so I’m going to go right here and just add two of these things on each side one right there and then one directly across from it just like this this is honestly the best water site here and I haven’t seen anyone else’s I just know I’m still working on the pillars pillars wait no there’s supports I’m still working on the supports this is just taking me so long I need to decorate my water slide finally I’m done okay now I can disconnect them and I can work on making this look so pretty I need to make this the best platform they’ve ever seen because if I don’t then they’re going to give me a bad score regardless and I don’t want to get a bad score I want them to really like it I’ve been working really hard this time and I need it to be perfect actually this is going to take me a really long time I’m just going to make it wood okay now it’s time to build the staircase and I’m afraid this is going to take me a really long time and might use the rest of my time too but how else are we supposed to get up here I just have to do it I wonder how goobies builds coming along I wonder if he made a pink slide too wait wait a second I might have an idea is it possible to build a water slide going up because if I just build a water slide that goes all the way up here then it would be like a water slide Inception and you wouldn’t have to walk up the stair we’re going to try we’re going to see what we can do maybe TIG go get back in your cage get in there move you a little bit yes the tigers are looking really okay now I just need to make like one more thing right here we going to put some glass animals to go here I need to think of it really fast do gorillas gorillas love the jungle going to put some gorillas in here and then my water side will be almost done okay time to put the gorillas in oh they so cool some baby ones wo he went on top of the daddy that’s so cute yep they having a lot of fun in there maybe I should give them some water too got gers and what do gers like to lay on leaves put some purple leaves in there for you o I think they like the leaves that looks really good okay just got to up with water and I think my water side is done okay it’s time to start working on these stairs I need to make these look very very good all right I’m just going to do something like this and then we’re going to go straight up I need to hurry up though because there is not too much time left I’m literally speed building right now Speed Build oh God I messed up all right there we go this is looking pretty good right now I got to keep going all the way to the top and then eventually I will be up there hopefully and then I think on the top I need to make a little platform cuz in my water slide you could actually go down it using boats that would be so awesome so I’m going to make it happen all right almost to the top just a little bit more wait I might have messed up we need at least a little bit of space up here so we can walk to each and every single water slide there we go all right we’re just going to do something like this so if I just fall down right here well honestly let’s just put a water bucket and see where it lands I think this is going to work oh not right there need it right here no that’s not where I’m placing it right here there we go is this it I don’t think that’s it is that it I need a sponge oh I don’t think we’re close to it wait a second how am I supposed to know oh maybe I need to use glass like kind of frame it a little bit just so it falls in the right place cuz why is this happening okay guys we’re almost finished so now I just have to add all of these umbrellas and make sure that this is good enough decorated because I think everyone else is done need a green umbrella right there boom and now I kind of just want to put some sand down here really really quickly and then I’m almost done just grab some sand and just place it so quickly it’s a little right here just so it feels a little beachy H maybe I add an umbrella right here just so it’ll be cute boom and we’ll add some sand right here and then I think I’m done ooh I add towels okay we have to have towels umbrella and really quickly some towels I’m just going to grab pink ones cuz it’s the best color in the world H maybe I put them like this okay that’s perfect and I’ll put one right here okay guys I’m officially done with my water slide right now I just need to fill it all with water wo it’s filling up that looks really good I’m going to fill up the other sides and it all fall down yes okay now I need to put some water in here and some water in here like this it’s going to be the best jungle water side Adventure ever can’t wait to Wi it and show it to everybody else okay I just got to connect these two there we go and then I just got to add some staircases boom technically my water slide is done but I think I have a little bit of extra time so I’m just going to make this staircase look a little bit better just a tiny bit and just like that my water slide is completed this thing actually looks so sick I’m going to save to ride it when I have everyone here and everyone’s reviewing it if this doesn’t get a 10 out of 10 then I don’t know what will let’s go check on everyone else’s builds guys guys I’m done is everyone ready time’s up I’m finished I’m done yes I’m going to have the best one what the what are you wearing I’m waiting for my jungle Adventure now we have to do that one first why you very interested I found these in sausage hey I want that b they were way too small for him that was a fat joke I just stretch them out what are you talking about I could easily put that around my big belly these were from when you were a young kid and you that’s fact okay Gooby you know what how about this you zip it buddy and just show us your stupid jungle Adventure yeah let’s go see goobies first I’m with me wow so you put a water slide in a jungle this is my water slide jungle Adventure so everybody has to climb up here I like the story I like the storyes feel of this seems a little scary scary this is not scary come on Daisy stop being a chicken hey I’m scared I’m scared chicken oh my gosh what is that gooy you put tigers in there oh it’s the king of the jungle watch out who there skeleton bones over here dinosaur oh my goodness this is so scary gorillas wait they’re kind of cute it’s like over again they’re so cute in there and they also have water wow this kind of cool you’re saying hello to you hello gorillas oh my gosh we’re going into a cave wonder what’s in there there’s cake I found cake I’m eating it all that’s M Daddy Save sorry oh she missed it it was really good good job you survived the jungle event Gooby this is what you’ve been working on for the past 15 minutes yes it was really hard I had to get all the animals in the cages and make all the trees 15 minutes I could have done this in like 2 minutes oh gosh yeah I agree it’s giving Lazy River and not water slide o true La type of water slide It’s a lazy water slide so I’m going to give this a lazy score and I’m going to give it a two w that’s bad no no no it’s really get to go the animals I’m giving it a three but only because you have tigers that are actually drowning right now they’re drowning they’re not they’re having fun in the water Daddy what are you going to rate it I’m going to have to give him the highest score here being a four a four why a four he tried he tried but he didn’t try hard enough I agree he’s definitely very lazy now give me that sh this is the best one ever oh man Gooby you built like a new newbie you rhymed on you you know what let me see your guys really good water side to spend so much time on all right come see mine come see mine I’m right next door okay let’s go see my daddy’s next Tada W biggest slide on the map this is cool daddy this is very cool all right everyone’s got to fly up though I I I couldn’t make stairs lazy no I couldn’t buy them I couldn’t buy ones that went all the way up here I it made out of wo it’s made out of wool because wool uh doesn’t absorb water yeah exactly now yes it does I’m explaining my my uh my War slide so if you could please be quiet in the back that would be uh greatly appreciated all right so as I was building my water slide I looked to my right and I saw Daisy trying to make the biggest water slide in the map so what did I say I said you know what I got outen Peter so this is what I did w Wait so you cheating no I didn’t cheat you actually cheated by building it out of your limit I build it out of my limit if I built it out of my limit then you built it out of yours well you did it first I copied you so all right everyone get a boat boat cheaters everyone get a boat everyone get a boat and put it in here this is a boat disqualified this is a big boat ride oh yeah this is going to be so much fun all right who wants to go first should it be me yeah you go first and then da okay Daddy here I go oh gosh that hurt oh gosh all right let me turn this thing around whoa whoa whoa whoa Daddy I’m going through a butthole right now that’s not a butthole it’s a reverse cone I got stuck no you didn’t that’s a lie you can’t get stuck on this ride who I’m going through ice right now and a bunch of waterfalls oh God I’m getting super wet nice you did it yay I did it you completed the water slide Daisy Gooby hurry up I’m boat s you don’t know how to use boats yes I do no you don’t just keep paddling try I’m trying it’s really hard what are you doing what is this I think my ORS are suck no they’re not no just go straight do them together together they we go wo there you go there go I’m going through the wall oh my goodness Yay good job we did it h excuse me H I’m stuck under the wheel here Gooby I’ll help you oh thank you well Daddy I think that water slide was actually pretty good and I like the boats let’s go I’m probably going to give it like probably like a one yeah probably like a one wait what what do you mean a one plus zero because that’s a 10 daddy 10 my first 10 ever I got my first 10 ever I would give it a 10 but you said you copied me and it’s kind of a cheater reader move so I’m going to give it an eight see I didn’t I didn’t copy you I just tried to be better than you and I think I achieved that so that means I get a double 10 No I gave you an eight fine I’ll take an eight Gooby this is probably your best build ever and uh I’m going to have to give it a one no not a one Gooby no that’s a zero I got a 28 I got a 28 almost a perfect score oh my gosh oh my gosh I think I’m going to win this I think I might win this well Daddy you haven’t seen mine yet or daisies mine everyone follow me all right let’s go check out daisies come on wo look at this one it’s tall right yeah it’s pretty tall really big wait you don’t have stairs it’s like a water slide going up wo w w my okay that was pretty cool and then there’s some stairs right here all right come on M W up to steps it’s not that hard why did you make him so tall there’s like seven steps here come on what is wrong with him oh God I did it I did I made it to the top you’re getting too fat yeah you need to take a couple of laps and practice what do you mean where are you putting me where are you putting me what the heck is going on why would you do that go up again just so you get some more exercise okay I’m going up this is easy this is the easy part daddy we care about your health no more Big Mac I need my Big Mac get to the top and we’ll give you one Daddy get to the top I want a Big Mac where’s my Big Mac all right here you go daddy One Big Mac yes just keep the cycle going baby all right now can we look at Daisy’s water slide yeah do okay I have three slides one for each of you so pick which one you want yellow yellow yellow Gooby what the heck you just fell a green one and a pink Gooby you’re on the pink side well pink is my favorite color loser well I guess I thought green looked good with it all right tell us when to go we’re going to race okay in three two yes yes I’m getting ah I’m waitting this baby I did it I made it to the bottom nope I tied I tied with you Daddy I literally saw you fall into the water no I saw you fall after meon who won who won it was me Johnny won yeah yeah that’s it I’m going to put a boat in yours what does that do go that’s so stupid get off that boaty you’re going to want to save that boat for mine wait before you guys vote I want you to pay attention to detail everyone look over here and look at my supports supports oh yeah what if I break these supports like this no thing going to crumble is it all going to crumble yes it will nope these are fake supports clearly H what do I give this what do I rate this I don’t know is it better than mine I don’t think so I know my rating I’m giving it a 6 out of 10 yep 6 out of 10 fat a little bit better than the middle give it a seven Gooby I give it an eight o that’s not too bad all second place so far Gooby you’re so far in last place Daisy’s in second and daddy you’re in first yes you’re losers to me I bet Johnny has the best water sign in the whole world really Gooby yes let’s go all right well let’s see if you’re right come on guys Follow Me This Way see I’m excited to see if you beat me or not prepare your eyes oh wa wo he made like Daisy’s water slide on steroids yep it’s a lot better than Daisy like a whole pool over here mine it’s not shorter it’s better more detail a lot bigger the slides are a lot wider so that means more water and there’s four slides instead of three Daisy twice the side yeah but D have supports look at these supports go so good these are really I don’t remember seeing supports in Daisies I don’t remember seeing that what fake supports they’re not no no it’s not fake because we’re replacing it and we’re doing it as you do it don’t do that whatever you not do that real even real Daisy you’re just mad because you didn’t add supports to your water slide I have support you know what I don’t even care fake supports my slide so good it doesn’t even need supports all right wow that’s really good yeah that’s a really good water slide actually all right so for my water slide you could either go down with a boat or just go down normal so who wants a boat I’m going down naked okay all right let me get another boat for you gooby you’re going to get the color H this red boat I don’t even like you guys that’s like pink and that’s blue you guys need to switch okay here we go all right come on guys everyone up guys I’m already up here I’m going to do a jack knife what the heck’s a jack knife it’s a cool like uh Cannonball it’s a cannonball then why don’t you just say Cannonball you dummy no but it’s like a cool style of a cannonball all right d I’m going to throw you down oh God oh God my B my B just dropped it just went inside out my turn woo oh gosh this is actually really scary W wo wo W yes that was really fun guys I’m going to be honest I think my slide is the best one here that’s just my personal opinion I don’t think so H okay aesthetically I think it’s the best looking one I think this one looks the best yeah yeah I’m the winner yeah but practically you guys all hit the side of the slide as you were coming down on the boat so that’s taking some points off you’re not getting a 10 out of 10 for me no Daddy please I need the 10 you’re not getting a 10 you’re already lost you’re already in second place I’m going to give you uh I’ll give you an eight a strong eight guys I need 10 Gooby give me a 10 give me a 10 you really want to have a 10 don’t give it to Gooby I don’t know he made he made fun of you pretty hard for your water slide remember that yeah goobies was pretty trash it was he even just said it in your face Daisy was trash too I’m giving Johnny a three you give me a three a three why well because you called my supports fake and your supports are fake and you kind of copied me and yours are just shorter and Lamer well let’s be honest your water slide was higher so you saw exactly what I was doing I saw you looking over here you’re a cheater that’s so true is so true Gooby that’s 100% true give me a 10 I think I have to give you four hey why he just got he just said you’re getting a four you get 40 points it’s impossible there’s no 4 point point you can’t me do he’s dancing some pushup points py punch oh yeah oh yeah take that Daisy in your face you can’t punch me let’s go I’m the winner I’m an automatic winner then ridiculous soemi maybe next time oh I won I won fair Square you can’t get 40 you can’t do that then you know what I’ll give netive 40 that means you got a four and you came in last place loser oops well I S yay I’m not in last place get out you’re not allowed to be here get out my water slide it’s my water slide get out you’re over there see you later why why you upset why you crying all right let me just make a hole for a daisy all right here you go Daisy you can go in here wait where am I going anywhere besides near me now this is only me and Gooby water slide see I can see you no you can’t daddy now we have this entire water slide to oursel Gooby and they can’t even come in yes we can we can see you you losers you can look all you want Daddy just know that we’re having fun and you’re not C and ball today we’re going to be having a helicopter house battle in Minecraft are you guys ready to go flying in Minecraft how is that even possible what do you guys mean all right everyone look at my hat see it’s got a little propeller yeah wao I’m flying wao no you’re lying you’re lying you’re just you’re just flying in Minecraft I Johnny okay you have a little propeller on your head but you weigh nothing a propeller can’t hold they can’t fly a house what if we just take a bunch of poetto hats and put them on the house oo Gooby got a good point no they’re just going to break Gooby that stupid run well Daddy good thing in this version of Minecraft we can make huge propellers everyone look down here what the heck is that um it’s a flying house daddy obviously duh uh it’s not flying Marty he hasn’t even turned it on yeah Daddy just give me a chance all right everyone check it out let me just go inside should we all go inside no you’re going to watch from outside daddy since you don’t believe me okay fine here we go oh my God oh God help me I’m help me oh God I’m going that hard oh bye that’s so cool I want to see that yeah it’s super awesome you can make anything fly in Minecraft oh my gosh help me help me somebody help me going in a different direction now it’s oh God this is so much fun Johnny turn it off I’m going put this speed to 200 oh oh I think I broke it oh God I broke it I’m coming down oh gosh oh are you okay oh gosh guys I’m not okay oh that was a hard Landing yeah it looked like it was pretty difficult do you mean we can make our own one of these yes Gooby everyone is going to go to their side and make an awesome awesome creation and then at the end we’re going to make them fly I’m definitely making a cool house maybe I’ll make an airplane o Daddy yeah you should do that that would be cool oh I’m going to make a really really good idea what is it Gooby can’t tell you it’s a secret come on Daisy what are you going to make I might make a flower what a flower a flying flower ooh or a teddy bear oh gosh that’s going to be terrible all right well everyone get off my side you’re on my side I got to break this all right have fun breaking that stupid flag ass house stupid house get away from me yeah I got to build my thing it’s going to be so funny I’m going to make a house that’s going to be so much better than this I think for my build I’m going to make a super modern house not like that poopy wood one that I was just in it’s going to be made out of super awesome materials all right I’m just going to start by adding the door this is going to look so good when it’s done I’m going to have the best build here 100% all right let me just make the front real quick uh maybe do less of that do a little bit of that o I can’t wait for everyone to see my house when it’s done all right so for my build I got to make a really cool looking plane but I’m thinking I’m going to make like a private jet plane and then I’m going to put like propellers on the side of it it’s going to be the coolest thing ever all right so what I got to start doing now is start making the barrel of this plane right where we’re going to be sitting so it’s got to be something like this okay make like a little circle all right that looks good that looks good and now all I need to do is just make it big I just got to make it huge so I’m going to do that and when I come back you’re going to see basically a plane the plane’s basically going to be done already okay so I’m building a teddy bear and I already have my blocks picked out but this teddy bear is going to be pink so I’m just going to start building it with using this pink concrete I need to be really careful though because it does need a fly so I can’t make it too heavy and boom the legs are like basically done now maybe we just widen it a little bit right here man I really hope this thing ends up flying because if it doesn’t then T’s going to make fun of me okay so now that nobody can hear me to tell you guys exactly what I’m going to make it’s going to be a giant toilet we’re going to make it fly in the sky so that’s my we right there and I just need to make a toilet that looks just like that just going to be so funny okay the front of my house is coming out so good this is looking so modern exactly what I wanted all right now I just got to start working on the roof section okay okay this is looking good and then we’ll do this for the final layer oh yeah that is looking amazing and over here I’m going to put a giant window trust me I’m amazing at building and when this is done this is going to be the nicest looking helicopter in the sky oh yeah okay the barrel of the plane looks pretty good what I should do is start doing this to make it actually look circular oh yeah that’s coming out so good that actually looks amazing all right we’re just going to keep doing this and I got to do it on this side oh yeah my build’s going to be so much better than Gooby Daisy and Johnny I bet Johnny’s making a stupid house it probably looks so awful wow okay that looks looks pretty good that looks pretty good but now what I got to do is I got to figure out what’s going to be the front what’s going to be the back so I think over here is going to be the back with some wings I got to add some wings and then right here is going to be the front of the plane so with the front of the plane M this is going to be complicated how does one make a front of a airplane uh-oh this is not good uh maybe we do something like this and we start like curving it in okay maybe potentially that’s starting to look like the front that’s starting to look like the front I don’t know if this is coming out good okay let’s just do this to see what it looks like if I cover it up that looks like the butt of the plane that looks like a big butt we need to make this more pointier looks poop looks poop we need to make it longer oh gosh I don’t know what I’m doing this is coming out like donkey poop got to figure out how to fix it this is not it okay front of the plane like that looks good what if we did something like that we that a little longer now what if we start filling this up with glass okay okay okay this start to come out good I can see that as the front of a plane I can see it as the front now what if I double up here that look a little too weird no I I think it looks okay we’re getting there people we’re get M maybe I put glass here too maybe I put glass there too I think we’re starting to get somewhere ooh if I just keep it Hollow on the inside then it won’t be as heavy I think that’s a really good idea I might even break out these blocks oh and then I can build a little house in here I know for a fact Johnny Gooby and Marty are not going to build anything this school going to make it super big so I can stand in there like this yeah and I can fly in the sky I think I need a door kind of dll should I put on here yes I am dll I put the button right there oh yeah this is what it is oh gosh I’m adding a ton of blocks right now hopefully I don’t make my house too heavy where it literally cannot lift up in the sky that would be a major issue but I’m just going to wing it for now and hopefully that this thing will be light enough look at the front it’s coming out so good okay I just got to work on the sides and then hopefully I could do a little bit of the inside what does this look like look like a plane definitely looks a lot better from what I had we could slab it may we slab it here too oh oh God it’s starting to look like a plane it’s starting to look like a plane I repeat it is starting to look like a plane okay it looks round it actually looks pretty good it looks pretty good I think I I saved it I think I saved it but what if what if I did that M I don’t know not that big of a fan of it N I got to do full block there that looks pretty good I finally finished my bear shirt and it’s looking so good I’m so excited for them to see this but now it’s time for the most important part I thre my bear head I have to make sure this looks so good okay guys the teddy bear looks awesome my final thing I need to add is some Teddy ears I wonder what goobies looks like right now so how tall should I make my toilets Think Like This Tall really tall toilets it’s going to be so big and I got to put a bunch of water in there maybe when it flies it just dumps out poooo water on people that would be really funny okay so I walk in here I open the door and then I think I need to put a ladder right here uh-oh let go go all the way up think I need to put my button somewhere else maybe right here here right here right here right there okay the new entrance to my super cool flying toilet open it up like that so up here okay ooh now I think I need to go through the bowl of the toilet like you’re going through the drain that would be really good all right before I start doing this back wall I’m going to start doing some of the Interior I’m going to make the entire floor out of these white qu it’s going to look super modern I just can’t wait to make this house fly because it’s going to look so cool definitely going to be the best flying house I’ve ever seen in my life oh gosh I need to see where I’m going to put the staircase to to the second floor I have no clue where that’s going to go but don’t worry cuz I’m a genius and I’m going to figure it out I what if I added a line like this going down the middle will this help the plane look that much better oh it does it does people it looks amazing it looks great ooh it’s time to make the butt I think it’s time to make the butt of plane it’s got to go up like this then we have to have like little little flying wings that’s what I’m going to do we’re going to make some flying wings to extend it out like this the Caboose and then start branching out okay okay now what now what where do I go where do I go from here just start lifting up let’s start lifting up maybe just maybe we start extending it uh-oh no no we need to add something like this stairs stairs it looks poopy it looks poopy all right you know what I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to figure this out when I come back you’re going to see the tail just PL and is going to look insane and done my teddy bear is completely finished now I just need to out a door and work on the inside where to put a door okay guys my door is finally placed and I even have ladders to go upstairs and there’s like three floors I think I’m going to make this my bedroom so I need to add a bed that has to be pink and a whole bunch of plushies because we’re basically in a plushy house right now time to grab my most favorite plushies ever this hamster one is so cute and the pink Axel lottle and we can’t forget the bear plushy hm what else should I grab oh maybe a pony now I’m just going to place these here they look so cute now I’m just going to decorate now I’m just going to decorate the rest of my room and H what does Marty’s look like I better look so bad o my toilet’s coming out really good I just put some little glass right here so that when you go in it you want to see the water in there yeah then when you fly on people you can jump poo poo water on them pretty sure I’m going to have the best spild Devil mod is probably going to be really bad and Johnny’s probably going to be really good you going need to make the inside biger a little bit I have more room for water that M maybe one more yeah like that wo this is going to be really good wo okay I just made it so that now there’s like toilet seats and the toilet bowl two separate places this is coming out so awesome I can’t wait to show Johnny and Daisy and moldy okay now I need to make the back of the toilet I think I need some different Tails make like a hinge which one should I use what about this one looks pretty cool put that in the back like this okay yes it’s looking really good I need to make the back of the toilet it’s going to be so good when it’s done oh yeah okay my room is finally completed I have my plushies my bed my favorite flower it’s a daisy a lamp and this cute painting it even has a kitty on it I think my base is absolutely the best I need to make sure that I can get into my giant toilet B in the back so I need to make it a little bigger I think I think I’m going to make it a little bigger in the back so I just need to get rid of these make it an extra sickle then I’ll just add some more like this I have more room to go in it’s going to be the best flying toilet ever prob the only flying toilet ever made just extend that like this this could be really good actually this could be like the toilet bowl like conding yes o that looks really good actually like to is coming out so good with so Johnny Noles okay I think the outside of my house is officially completed now all I need to do is work on the inside so I need to figure out where to put this stupid staircase I’m going to put it right um right here oh yeah this is going to look so good all right just place it going up just like that and now we get to the top floor boom and then I’ll just put a little bit of glass going around oh yeah that’s looking good now we got to fill this thing up and make it look super amazing I need to add a kitchen a bedroom let’s see um o yeah I need to get a bed first bed all right just going to put some beds upstairs I’m going to put my bed I think right here boom yep that looks really good and then I’m going to get some chests I’m just going to fill all these up with chests I need to do a lot of decorating I wonder what everyone else’s builds are looking like right now I think mine is the best though all right so I think I finished the back of the plane I think the tail actually looks pretty good I’m not that happy with it but I think it works I think it works we need to get to now of the nitty-gritty what I should do first honestly is add a door there we go door add it now we got to add some wings I got to make sure These Wings Are pretty big and I got to make it so I could add propellers to it okay so start from this door let just go all the way back to here let’s see what this looks like that look like a good Wing we need to make it bigger okay that looks pretty good that looks pretty good it looks like a plane it actually looks like a plane maybe what I do is I add a little little that to it and I make it I don’t know what I should do that look like a cool wing yeah it looks pretty good I’m happy all right so now what I got to do is I actually need to mimic this on the other side and then we can start making this puppy fly well guys my base is completely done now I just have to wait and make it Fly oops had to fix those oh yeah my toilet’s coming out so good now I just need to make a big control center at the top okay so I just got to make like a building up here so I can put all the propells make it look super good and make it Fly really good put all this like this not going to have a lot of different color but it’s going to look just like a toilet okay now I need to put a roof make sure it comes out really good so all my friends say yes that looks really good all right so what I ended up doing is I added some Wheels I added a little gearbox and I put some seats in here too so we could actually sit in the plane as it flies but what I need to do now is actually add propellers so what I need to do is add a creative motor on each side make it pretty even now I need to add a clutch a gear shift and a propeller bearing like that or oh this looks so good all right clutch gearshift and propeller bearing now we’re going to add some propellers but I kind of made it kind of big so I think these propellers got to be a decent size so it could actually carry the weight 1 2 three 4 okay now I’m going to add it on this side too one two three 4 One 2 3 4 One Two 3 4 last one aha the plane’s complete the plane is completed and it looks good it looks great hopefully this is even is it even there we did it there all right I think we’re done hopefully this build’s a lot better than what they built because this looks good this looks great all right my house is now ready to become a helicopter as you can see I just added physics to my house so it’s actually going to be able to fly now all I need to do is make a giant little propeller on the top all right there we go we need to make this propeller actually huge to hold this entire house up so we need to count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 oh my goodness this is about to be insane all right my propeller is now completed this house is ready for liftoff all right let’s go see what everyone else was working on okay now I have all of the blocks to make my teddy bear fly now I just have to add them I have a creative motor a gear shift a clut and propeller bearing I don’t really know if this is going to be enough so I think I’m going to add one over here too I have to make sure my teddy bear flies I got to put it back here and now I just have to make the wings so they can spin really really fast and it’ll go in the air uh this is really hard to line up I might give up I don’t think my teddy bear is going to fly all right guys is everyone’s Creations done I’m finished I’m going to win yeah my flying toilet is going to be the best ever wait goob you made a flying toilet I want to see yours first oh oh yeah wao this is awesome Yep super cool how do we go inside oh right here wow I’m inside the flying toilet this is so cool wo and this is where the engine is right over here everybody come inside my flying toilet machine no I want to stay outside and watch it Fly where the poop of the future yeah I don’t want to be in the toilet anymore either see it fly like all right Gooby hit the button and make it fly right everybody here we go oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s doing flips w oh my goodness shut it off gooy Gooby shut it off I’m crying I’m very I’m crying oh God scoby oh God you’re in the mountains you’re actually in the mountains oh no it’s doing [Applause] flips it hit me it hit me [ __ ] I’m going to help you I’m going to help you break it break it break it into my build okay I think we broke it that was a close one Gooby oh my gosh you almost just destroyed my place uh I think my S Quest oh no Gooby yours did not fly right at all that was terrible well at least it was pretty funny the build was good but it didn’t fly so I’m going to give it a five right in the middle it did fly it just flew in loop-de-loops it was bad daddy I thought it was funny I’m going to give it a seven what a seven yay I’ll split the difference I’ll give it a six okay not too bad I mean since we’re already over here you want to see my plane wao yeah Daddy I want to see your plane look how cool this is huh wow this is awesome all right uh I I need help though it looks UNC comfy in here it’s very comfy okay uh we need to make this powerful these engines because I did not understand how to do it so I need help here Daddy I’ll help you right now okay how powerful do you want them we should probably do like I just want it to hover I just want it to hover I’m going to do 100 200 200 okay okay should we put them on at the same time since you have two of them Daddy I think so I think so all right you go on that side and I’ll stay on this side count I want I want to sit in the cockpits okay yeah yeah Gooby go inside I’m going to watch from afar okay yeah that’s good good idea okay turn it on in three two one oh God oh God Daddy it’s going it’s going oh oh gosh Daddy it’s too heavy what no way shut it off shut it off shut it off daddy a little bit the hold up back here we have a flank attat Gooby the propellers are too small small that just give it more power6 power I’m going to add two on each side add two on each side all right I’m going to make the base a little thicker too yeah it’s a good idea all right add two this direction wait what are you making over there Daisy another propeller where wait that’s actually so smart we don’t need another one yes we do daddy okay fine I guess we do more more power more power got to match wait 256 you did you you maxed them out yes okay now we just need a lever over here okay we’re going to need someone over here to do this one we need three people I’ll do it me just attach them all daddy make sure it’s attached all right it’s all attached oh oh God we’re guys we’re going to go flying okay Gooby are you ready yes here we go ready take off all right do a countdown Gooby three two one lift off wo wo wao oh God it’s go oh no oh no we didn’t have enough front we didn’t have enough engines in the front uhoh no oh no fail turn oh my goodness oh god daddy I’m stuck God no I only turned one off now d f oh god oh no this is terrible I’m stuck inside you I’m stuck inside you daning Daddy it’s dancing getting reallyy in here I’m getting reallyy in here stop stop the come on I’m so close to I can’t make it I got it I got I did it I did it down I’m upside down oh gosh daddy this does not look too good I mean it looked a lot better than goobies right so maybe I get like a seven you’re getting a three why a three yep fat three Daddy I’m giving it a 32 it wasn’t creative what do you mean it wasn’t creative it was a plane and it flew in Minecraft that’s like impossible the plane always fly not Minecraft yeah I think I have to give you a sweet also cuz we had to add extra Pell just to make it fly so it was kind of terrible daddy you got the worst score let’s go look at Daisy I’m going to give it a big fat oneand no you’re not yeah I am oh yeah I want to go see what Daisy belt let’s see um what the heck is that thing there’s no way it’s a teddy bear oh my goodness it’s kind of ugly I don’t know it is not ugly do you think it’ll fly you go inside of this I do think it’ll fly but we each have to man okay oh my goodness we all need to press one at the same time to do a countdown again hold on I want to see the inside wa this is cool ooh this like a true house all right Gooby come on let’s go back down let’s see if the pink teddy bear is going to take lift off okay all right guys I got this right propeller all right someone do the countdown I’ll do it I want to do it I want to do it okay two one oh go go go FY B it’s not flying it’s not flying to make it like faster make it faster okay I’m maxing this one out I’m maxing this one out turn them on turn them on Daddy turn it on no no it’s terrible it’s not working yeah it’s terrible no oh no I think that we just need more propeller yeah this a really big propellers okay after our final adjustments I think it’s ready to fly all right guys let’s test it out again everyone hit a lever in three 2 1 go go go oh gosh oh gosh they’re moving they’re all moving no no it’s still not going no how what did you put in this teddy bear beds of coal there like nothing in it what does it make out of concrete concrete this sakes heavy yeah this is looking like a solid zero right now Daisy no we have to make it Fly it’s not going to fly guys I have a final idea oh no oh wo wo wo it’s flying oh oh it’s floating it’s actually floating how are you doing this or it was floating no it is floating Daddy yeah it’s floating right now okay okay your score just went up to like a two if you add one more fan ooh this should definitely do the trick we should turn this on and see what happen you got to rip it let it go let it go here we go oh my gosh oh my gosh put the speed up yeah yeah I’m going to put the speed up maximum speed no no this isn’t good oh gosh it’s doing circles again you’re making him y he’s just doing [Applause] it oh my screwing oh man it just hit a tree that was not good I’ll catch it I’ll catch it oh God oh God help it’s coming for me guys this has got to be the worst build so far I think so I think so it is uh ow here I got an idea I’m just going to blow it up real quick take that dynamite dynamite are you even hitting the teddy bear I don’t know what’s happening anymore I’m stuck in it yeah I don’t know I can’t even break it I think it’s Invincible now it’s deflecting all my Dynamite bye Mr teddy bear guys haven’t we just uh leave it alone and let it do its thing it has a mind of its own now build finally we get to the best build here an actual house oh W this is nice mhm mhm check it out I you guys like old house fly yes Gooby it’s going to fly okay I did a lot of math equations and I put the propeller slightly off to the left because this is a little bit heavier so it has to work and it has to fly let’s see if it does okay guys I’m kind of scared I’m kind of nervous let’s see what happens I believe in you oh oh wait hold on I got to put the power up I forgot all right here we go hold on I’m going to put it to like 130 oh my god oh no another uhoh uhoh uhoh no come on I wanted it to go straight off you put it in the middle of the house this is so stupid oh my gosh now my house is upside down great uhoh at least you can still get inside here I have an idea let me just reverse it real quick okay hold on let me just put it up here and turn it on on oh oh oh it’s stuck on the wall wow I didn’t you to put a house on the side like this I want to go inside of it the house is now just on the wall we can’t fit in there break a little bit this is so trippy guys this is so weird what is going on right now just go downstairs real quick wait you mean upstairs what is happening to my brain I don’t know it’s hurting my brain too oh let me just sleep like this on the side wait am I sleeping on the side am I Pigg here oh no the pig are really confused too broke through the glass oh my goodness well guys this is the first house that was built on the side of a wall that deserves a lot of points it deserves a lot of points add you five I still think goobies was the best goobies was the best good it for the win whatever guys I’ll stick with my flying house I think it was better I think all of them were really cool yeah we had some really awesome creations in this video what’s going on YouTube my name is Johnny and I’m doing a 24hour challenge on my couch if I leave this couch at all I’m going to explode and die so everyone make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe is going to be so awesome Johnny what are you doing in here hey Daddy I’m recording a video you’re ruining it wait what what video where’s this going it’s going on youtube daddy I’m doing a 24-hour Challenge on my couch oh my gosh now I need to redo the intro that’s not going to you can’t be on this couch for 24 hours what if I want to sit there m you can’t Daddy it’s a challenge okay then I’m going to talk to the camera then hi YouTube hey what’s going on this is the Marty Channel this is where we do a lot of cool stuff like smack Johnny up in the face like this and dadd I got an idea everyone leave a like if my daddy’s fat and bald hey whoa whoa whoa don’t do that don’t do that like the video video the video If you think John’s a Dy really Daddy no one’s going to like the video okay so you’re going to actually try staying on this couch for 24 hours yep Daddy I just got to sit here for 24 hours and and you’re going to have to get me a bunch of food no I’m not going to do that what what happens when you actually complete the challenge well Daddy then it’s just the end of the video and I get a bunch of subscribers okay I guess that’s a fair exchange uh you know what I’m I’m going to get Gooby and Daisy to come down here look and have them look what you’re doing oh yeah Daddy good I’m going to need them to help complete the challenge okay dadd I need you guys to look at Johnny he’s doing something really stupid what is he doing he’s trying to he’s trying to stay on a couch for 24 hours and survive it’s kind of cool cool you think that’s cool it’s kind of stupid now I watch those videos all the time yeah I like the one where we stayed on the toilet for 24 hours oh gosh that’s got to hurt your butt yeah it was like 20 hours of pooping and then 4 hours of McDonald’s oh God oh God I don’t like the sound of that all right everyone follow me downstairs and I want you guys to make fun of Johnny when you guys see him okay oh Johnny I got I got Daisy and Gooby oo good guys I’m going to need you to help me complete this challenge what do we have to do I got to make fun of your daddy though uh your balds your fat that was plan that wasn’t the plan you guys were supposed to make fun of Johnny for doing a stupid Challenge on the couch me weenies we don’t make fun of our friends you make fun of me I thought I was your friend no you’re like our dad guys guys I need your help in order for me to complete this challenge you got to get me food and things I need to live for the next 24 hours I’m not doing that no not doing that at all you can stay here and you can suffer come on Daddy help all right guys everyone go to the kitchen and get me food go go go it’s a find snack I am not leaving this couch I got see a stove what Gooby I’m not going to cook on the couch a p d well get it out I need real food no Gooby get me real food okay go go go guys if you don’t hurry up and get me food I’m going to die on this couch you’re not going to die I’m going to die food pizza ooh nice this pizza looks really yummy hey wait you got a pizza too well Daddy what you get me so I got you a slice of pizza ooh nice okay I’ll take that I got you a slice of cheese ooh Daddy I like cheese actually it’s really good I a fruit salad I don’t like that no get that away from me hey look this is really good you’re going to need this to stay strong on the couch so you don’t pass out Noe don’t need it and he some milk ooh thank you wait do you guys have any dessert I’m kind of hungry for dessert now no you don’t get dessert hey Daisy stop nice thank you Daisy you’re welcome let’s go now I got a bunch of food but oh gosh guys all this food is making my stomach hurt I think I need a poop uhoh uhoh uh uh just poop on the couch no no no this is an emergency quick someone and get the toilet from the bathroom no I’m not doing that the toilet in here hey go get the toilet I’m not getting the toilet I’m not doing this go Gooby run get it get it great now you get a toilet guys I need the toilet I’m going to poop all over this couch you need to hurry up you dare do that that’ll be recorded on the camera well Daddy it’s a part of the video okay no we got blurred out I’m sitting in front of it I’m sitting in front of the camera content it’s good content it’s not good content sco you got the to all right wait Gooby oh gosh you got to just throw it to me I’m going to have to poop in my hand in it no that’s disgusting Dy I technically can’t leave this couch guys just don’t look around oh God God I can smell dook oh God that was a good dookie I needed that here Daddy you could bring that toilet back to the not do that that’s goo but he brought it here he’s bringing it back ding ding looks like hour one is complete yay hour one is completed I just have um3 more let me do the math hold on Daddy I’m I’m doing the math uh 23 carry over the seven 23 daddy 23 hours remaining what are you going to do during that time um I was thinking about taking a nap well what happens when you get bored after you take you know you wake up from your nap oh yeah that’s a good idea um maybe you guys could like go get that boat in the ocean and bring it inside for me uh no that’s not happening um let me think uh maybe you could like go to Disney World and get a roller coaster and bring it inside for me that’s impossible that’s a dumb idea come on just do it what if I just bring your PC down here no go that’s a good idea yes I could play video games while I try to complete the challenge no you’re never going to leave the sofa Gooby stop good idea Daddy no this is a bad idea Daddy it’s the best idea ever all right Gooby is coming right now with all the gaming stuff oh my gosh you’re going to be making so much noise in here um K I just need to place to put it my deal doing this is looking this is looking good Gooby I horrible there we go nice okay this works and then boy your Xbox [ __ ] nice now I can play Call of duy no no Call of Duty in the living room and GTA 5 no you rocket League you have to move the camera too you can’t even see your face now all right good I want everyone to see my pretty face I’m going to get it now K Hice Scooby wait scoby you want to join in on this challenge yes I’m going to stay on this couch nice Gooby is joining in all right your 24- hours Starts Now ding ding ding let’s go what am I supposed to do you’re not joining up Daisy you’re the runner you need to constantly be getting us food food uh drinks cake toilets more video games that’s fun well that’s your job and daddy that’s your job too no I’m not doing that I am not doing that I am not a part of this challenge are you hungry for something yes I want swim juice not go to pyl get us shrimp juice and also go get us um really expensive steaks fine I’ll try to go find you shrimp juice I’ll try to get a steak yeah this is the last time of doing this this is the last time I’m doing this I want you all to know that all right daddy we’re going to go play some video games and hurry up all right I’ll see if I have anything in the kitchen hurry up hurry up hurry up all right I found some shrimp juice and I got you some steaks hey let’s go thanks Daddy Daddy we’ll have another request for you in about 10 seconds nope nope I’m done I’m not doing this no more o since you guys can’t leave the couch Marty why don’t we go do something fun oh what do what do you want to do Daisy he go pick out plushy oh I don’t want to do that o if you go to pick out a plushy can you get me one I’m me one no no I’m not getting you guys anything cuz you’re stuck here on the couch oh we want to get plushies you know what though Daisy now that I’m thinking about this yeah let’s go to the store let’s get plushies what if we get ice cream too I hey wait guys hold on you you better be getting three of everything and giving me and Gooby some yeah we want that too and guess what I heard Mickey Mouse is in town maybe we meet Mickey Mouse too and give him a big old smooch Mickey Mouse you better bring them back to our couches no nope this is going to be a a daisy and Marty day except to do this but we were doing our challenge yeah Daddy we can’t give up on the challenge now oh man too bad looks like you guys are going to be sitting here all day by yourselves or you guys can just get off the sofas and join us um let me think about that no no okay well I guess you’re going to sit here talking to that camera all day because me and Daisy are out oh but guys please come back no we going to get [ __ ] and ice cream [ __ ] this is terrible Gooby what are we going to do Johnny I think I have to get off the couch and go with them no Gooby you cannot we’re too invested in this YouTube video okay what I really want to do now all the viewers and the subscribers they need us to sit here on this couch man I I wish we just spent 24 hours in the car or something yeah that would be super good because you can actually move in a car we can’t go anywhere with these couches yeah it’s not like the couches have wheels H couches have wheels Gooby you’re giving me a good idea I am yes what if we just made our couch into a race car oh that would be awesome but I don’t know how to do that yeah plus we’d have to actually leave the couch to go get the parts to turn it into a race car H let me use my big brain I got to use brain power Gooby I got it I’m going to ask all the viewers to like this video and it’s going to give us magical powers that’s going to turn couches into race cars oh yes that that it’s going to work it has to work there’s literally no way this is going to fail okay let me talk to the camera subcribers all right Gooby let me just talk into the camera hey everybody watching this video I need you to leave a like right now if we get H Gooby what’s your good like number a gillion 100 billion thousand okay if we get a billion gajillion thousand likes then our couch is going to turn into race cars quick everyone like this video in three 3 2 1 wo Gooby check it out wo our couch is actually turned into a race car look there’s a steering wheel that’s so awesome now we can go whenever we want and stay on the couch oh my goodness look I’m moving I’m moving and I’m still on the couch so we’re still doing the challenge yep yep still doing the challenge wait this is actually so awesome Gooby gooby we need to go catch up to Daisy and my daddy come on go go go man I’m so excited to get this ice cream and I’m so excited for my plushies and I think Walmart is the perfect place to go get all that oh I think you guys are right oh yeah we should go to Walmart how you guys get wheels on a couch um what are you talking about daddy this couch doesn’t have wheels on it and a steering wheel oh yeah Daddy you want to check under the pillows it’s got a I think it’s got a seven cylinder in it yeah I know my cars gosh there’s no such thing as a seven cylinder yeah shot cins oh yeah Gooby you’re on a couch that makes a lot of sense this is the comfiest car ever made in Minecraft Daddy what are you guys doing here well Daddy we didn’t want to miss out on the fun of going to Walmart so we thought it would be a good idea to make our couches move okay well uh I guess you guys can join me and Daisy then to go get us some ice cream yay now we’ll be able to complete the challenge and eat ice cream at the same time can you guys even fit through the front door of Walmart um Daddy Let’s test it out oh yeah this is so awesome oh here we go and yes I fit through let’s go get me c wa all right Gooby time to do some shopping hey what are you doing in here oh God oh God the the store guy is not happy Mr Cluckers what do you mean are we not allowed to drive couches around oh this is unacceptable hey no it’s not hey get away don’t touch my couch yeah I just want to drive around a little bit Mr clck can’t driving here well there’s no sign up saying that we can’t drive a couch in Walmart show me the sign uh one second while I call my manager I definitely call him cuz he’s going to stop us come on guys let’s go get some ice cream where’s the ice cream at get corner should be in the back oh yeah it’s right here okay I got some ice cream ooh I can’t wait to have some vanilla oh God get your C out of my face S I just need to get over here go over here breaking stuff which one should I get chocolate chip is the best yeah chocolate chip is the best everyone get chocolate chip oops I’m trying to grab it oh yeah let’s go this is actually working Gooby we are never going to fail this challenge there’s no way I’m getting off this couch me too we’re going to stay on it for 24 hours oh yeah ooh look Gooby look there’s a Nintendo switches do we buy one of those too to keep us busy on the couch yes no you guys bu those no I just want to grab it I’m getting all right I got Nintendo switch there we go I’m going to add that to my cart daddy you’re paying for all this right no I’m not you’re paid it with your couch money all right cool you can pay for you find any change between the cushions no oh yeah I I did that this morning you’re right all right Mr Cluckers we’re ready ready we can check out now hey my manager says you’re not allowed to drive those things in here there’s a sign in everything see it says no driving couches oh they got you they got you you guys got to leave since when since today R what up fa you can’t make up rules on the same day yeah Mr cluckles well I guess we just got to leave then yep I guess we’ll just take these Nintendo switches with us ceiling good luck catching us bye Mr Cluckers we got to run we got to run with them I’m not paying for oh no I’m going to get fired for this good job Gooby that was a successful Walmart trip yeah o guys look there’s Burger King should we go through the drive-thru with our couches do you think they’re going to allow us yes going be so funny um do you guys want anything from Burger King wait what you’re in a Burger King now yes daddy and we’re going through the drive-thru with our race cars oh my gosh fine just get me like a Whopper all right so we got one Whopper uh Daisy want fries chicken fries bacon fries they don’t sell that here chicken fries yeah they don’t sell that either yes they do but I’m pretty sure they sell some Lobster fries so I’ll get those for you on Gooby I want to get onion Wings all right Gooby I’m pulling up to the loudspeaker now I’m going to start talking and I’m going to order all right I’ll order after you all right hello there um are you ready to place my order we’re going to talk about Hot Tacos Taco what this is not supposed to be Taco Bell it says Burger King in the front the fries and the Frosty what is wrong with this guy Gooby he’s not even speaking regular words so will yeah I don’t know okay I’m just going to order what um what I want and hopefully he doesn’t mess up my order are you ready for my order all right here we go I’m going to get one chicken fry I’m going to get some lobster sauce on the side I’m going to get a Big Mac and I’m also going to get three milkshakes make them vanilla you going the milkshakes and the chicken fries chicken fries what the what is this guy saying yes that’s what I ordered what going on oh my God he’s yelling at somebody yeah I don’t know what’s happening okay do you have that order up pull up to the window dad all right pull up to the window my no I want the welcome to Chick chicken fries help you I just wanted some onion please we need this this gu a weo um okay don’t pull up to the next window hello where’s our food at this guy is pranking us Gooby what oh my gosh this is the person that was on the little speaker okay can we just get our food yeah you got you got chck fry fry you got a you got what is this raw catfish you got raw what do you mean Raw it’s raw it’s wrong and it’s raw no not what are you giving me mugs of beer you’re giving me beer mugs of beer this is wrong I don’t want it this is all wrong no take it back this not wrong wrong this not wrong oh God not wrong it’s all wrong wrong wrong not wrong I don’t think that we’re going to be getting our food oh yeah this is why I hate Burger King yeah I hate Burger King too whatever let’s just go to somewhere else come on Gooby let’s take it the so long Daisy you know drivethru should be fast know what I’m getting hungry my guys guys we have some bad news what happened what is it the guy that was working at the Burger King literally did not say a single word and he gave me beer and raw catfish great this is horrible they got the entire order wrong we got none of the food that we wanted so I guess we’re going to have to starve to death no let just go eat at the food truck food trucks where they’re this way wait Daisy you want to hop in the couch I’ll give you a lift no girl’s allow no die you dirt bag see you later yeah we the best ooh guys look I made it to the food trucks first I’m the winner I’m the winner come on slow pokes these food are pretty cool yeah this looks really yummy oh wi put the F wheel I want to go on the F whe real quick what wait Gooby gooby no Gooby do you realize what you just did Gooby come back what Gooby you just got out of the couch that means you’re out you lost the challenge yo I wait you’re out of your couch too no I’m not no no I got out of the couch looking for you gooby I was trying to save you oh my goodness man all because of a stupid Ferris wheel oh no heck no you know what I’m just going to get some Dynamite this what you get F real you ruined my YouTube video you’re not blowing up take that take that yeah stupid F real take that jokes on you Johnny I got you a camera all your people on YouTube are going to be able to see you no no Daddy put that camera down fa sub don’t look at this don’t look at this subscribers guys I’m still in my couch whoa I’m still there I didn’t get out that me too me too I’m on too yeah yeah Go’s with me we’re on the same couch we end the video daddy end the video you have to say you failed the challenge and you need to end this video right now oh my goodness fine daddy man so YouTube I guess we suck and we lost the challenge cuz we’re failures [Music] whose fault is that I really want to do the challenge it’s the Ferris wheels fault yep all right Johnny and Gooby tell everybody to like And subscribe so I can end this video okay fine daddy oh gosh it’s like 100,000 Dees outside I’m so hot daddy I’m going to go outside in the pool all right no you’re not you’re going to sit here with Gooby and Daisy and eat your fruit salad what ew not a fruit salad yep you guys got to eat all your vegetables and then you get this nice carrot cake I don’t want to eat this can we please just eat the cake ooh see the way it works is you have to eat your vegetables first then you eat the cake but m p of fruits it’s the same stuff gooy eat the eat the fruit eat the vegetables you guys need to eat it and then you can do whatever you want no daddy this looks like boogers I’m not eating this oh then you know what time out I’m going to put you in timeout no we’re not going in time out no Marty you can’t put us in timeout we’re like teenagers we’re going in the pool Daddy it’s too hot out we got to go into the pool no you’re not going to the pool hey what are you doing Daddy all right let me just get something real quick let me get that oh yeah this is going to make them mad oh yeah this pool is so nice hey Daddy what are you doing let me just get rid of the water real quick hey no we need that hey Andy stop it no nice look at this this looks really uh really fun oh there’s a hot tub still nope any more no Daddy come on oh man it’s such a shame hold on guys let me do a cannonball real quick but wait there’s no water E I know there’s more water in the ocean e no don’t get that water Gooby that’s poopy water how are we going to go in the pool then there sharks in the ocean no we got to block this back up that’s too scary well you guys can have fun out here in the pool well I go inside I eat some cake no Daddy come back it’s too hot oh it’s too hot maybe you guys uh maybe you guys can go in the water and make some sand castles and stuff Daddy I’m melting oh man maybe you should put some sunblock on Daddy I’m dead I’m melting you look like a fish Daddy I’m I’m literally melting cuz I’m so hot you got to get more water in the pool I’m not putting more water in the pool okay you can go in the ocean wait johnie maybe if we all just spit in the pool and we can fill it up e e I don’t want to swim and spit Gooby that’s disgusting I what a dumb idea that is horrible yeah guys jump in the spit water you know what daddy we’re just going to make a new then NOP no you’re not cuz if you make it I’m going to destroy it well Daddy you’re not going to be able to see it oh yeah well is it going to be invisible oh you know what maybe it is Daddy okay have fun making an invisible pool so stupid that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life guys I can’t believe my daddy just ruined our awesome pool day I know it’s so mean of him yeah he’s a big old mean guys we need to build a new pool this son is literally blaring down on my face hole do he even know how to build a pool um yes it’s literally just like a bunch of water inside of like something round oh yeah that’ll be super easy yeah but if M sees us building a pool he’s going to put sponges in it you’re right Gooby that’s why we need to make it out of his reach So like um let me think ooh like an underground pool isn’t that a good idea no I don’t want to be under the ground I want to be in the sun oh yeah you’re right then it’s going to be super bad ooh I got an idea let’s make it really high in the sky like 1,000 ft in the sky W like on the roof no goob be higher than the roof and then my Daddy won’t be able to climb up there cuz he’s fat waa that’s a really good idea yep yep yeah it’s a good idea I’m a freaking genius um everyone follow me this way we’re going to build it right here on this sand what are we going to build it out of all right hold on hold on all right we’re going to use these walls all right let me just plan out how big this is going to be wait I have a good idea what if we use these what is it ooh wait that’s actually really good wao it’s like metal yes this is going to hold up our cool perfectly all right just make sure it’s even I think I need to add some more sand right here more sand yeah look what we’re doing help us build these up into the sky we need help oh oops and how tall do you want to go um let’s just say very tall yep I think that’s about good how we even get to get up there boy don’t worry we’ll figure that out after oh yeah oh yeah I’m placing down so many of these iron beams this is insane this is actually insane getting so tall all right now we need is we need to get some white rete ooh actually we’re going to get some quartz so it’s fancy exactly we need to have the fanciest pool here all right it’s going to look really bad at first but trust me guys it’s going to look amazing are you sure this is really safe it’s so high up in the sky it’s very safe what are you even talking about I don’t know it looks so scary safest pool in the world let’s make this a platform make it a platform so we’re just going to fill it in because we need beach chairs and towels and umbrellas at our pool oh gosh this is going to be insane and now we can build the pool off of this all right just going to extend this yeah that platform looks really good oh my goodness this is so awesome now do you want a circle pool or a square pool circle triangle what no Gooby we’re not making a triangle pool you dummy uh trapezoid no no you don’t even know what a trapezoid looks like do you no but I heard it once see you don’t even know maybe this is Aid you don’t know what are you doing what are we doing I’m trying to make it a circle this is this is a terrible looking Circle why does the circle have horns what are you doing up there I’m making this whole thing a pool duh no this is a platform we have to add the circle on top of it oh Daisy I see what you’re going to do now okay let’s do that idea which way do you want it to be okay we’ll do it this way but what we should do is make it like a little bit higher you have to like walk up to it you know what I mean oh we can add stairs all right watch this watch this this is going to be the pool I’m going to make the shape and you guys just focus up okay we’re focusing I’m still Focus all right let me make sure this is even uh I don’t know if that’s even dang it I don’t think it’s even you know what whatever it’s good enough all right does that look good uh it’s not really a circle but I kind of like it it’s like a half circle okay it’s it’s it’s really good it’s a good idea want SPID the pool no there’s no water Gooby go oh my Gooby you’re so stupid Gooby there’s no water or not even a floor yet that looks like a big toilet bow in the sky no it’s not it’s not supposed to look like that so think all pool should be called the super poo no we’re not calling it The Super pooper that’s that’s messed up all right here we go I’m just going to add some stairs just like this oh yeah uh-huh uh-huh he’s coming out really good guys good job this going to be the best pool ever hopefully Marty doesn’t find it he’s never going to find it and if he does find it he’s never going to get up here remember how fat he is true and he’s probably scared of height exactly that’s like one of his biggest fears you guys I’m making a ladle so you can go all the way into the top ooh wait that’s a good idea wait where are you putting it right here on this metal PL ooh okay okay that’s good all right guys now comes the best part we need a fill this pool up with water all right get the water buckets here we go here we go W this going to need so much water I know we need to fill it all up uh-oh we have an issue how do we fill up all this middle part hold on hold on yeah yeah yeah uh-oh we made it one too high wow guys this pool looks so amazing yeah oh yeah we got the best pool level okay but wait we need to add a really tall diving board now ooh guys now we need to do is add a huge diving board so I’m going to put it right um right here I’ll make a pathway to the Diamond Board too all right there we go this is looking perfect how do I add it yeah yeah look at that whoa I want to add some oh my goodness I’m bouncing I’m bouncing really high I’m going to do a back flip oh yeah yeah I made it into the pool that was sick it looks so cool watch my jump okay okay Gooby I’m watching do it do it jump wo oh you danced midair that was sick Gooby oh yeah nice all right guys our sky pool is coming out pretty good but look we still have this whole area to fill up but what do you want to put there H well maybe we should try to add some like real sand because you know we’re trying to emulate like a beach SL poool we need sand and we need towels yeah we’re going to put like sand right here oh yeah it’s really good wait a minute hold on I have a better idea get rid of this let’s use this sand oh wait it just fell I can fix this wait we could also use this if we want do that look like sand no use the real sand that stuff is too hard no I’m going to use this both look the sand just keeps falling through I told you I was going to fix it it’s not fix how are you fixing this it’s not fixed e what are you doing it just keeps falling through well if you guys would stop placing it then I could fix it all right come on let’s just place this for now and then when Daisy’s done fixing it then we’ll put some real sand in here as well it’s not working this is going to look just like a real beach it’s going to look so amazing yeah we need some beach towels yeah some umbrellas um oo some turtles cuz I love turtles yeah toles will be so cute all right Gooby look at this we got to break all this and let’s just keep the edge of the white just like this there we go ooh this is coming out so good and look it looks like some of the sand is finally not falling down to the floor so let’s add some of this too oh never mind Daisy you want to hurry up and figure it out well maybe do you want to help me um yeah I’ll help you the s still falling Daisy JY oy I’m about to throw you off the edge of the pool W not those are some fighting words right there why are we using string because it stops the sand from falling why don’t you just use regular blocks that would be so much easier well this you can barely see yeah I get you this this looks really good all right guys I think the sand is perfect but now we got to actually add some umbrella UMAS and some seats I got some beach towels how do we add umbrellas you just have to make them um that sounds like a lot of work I can do it wait I’m I’m make an umbrella right now look at this okay check this out uh-huh uh-huh and then boom I’m going to add carpet wait I need more strength look I’m going to add the carpet going all the way around the the fence just like this see wao it actually works wa what is that it’s an umbrella you actually have an umbrella oh my goodness I told you I could make it yeah dais is better all right let’s just use daisies then and boom wo this is awesome all right well I’m bringing my towel around my umbrella I don’t want any of your germs near me but I want your germs near me all right then get away all right I’m going to add a little cooler um what else should I have near my umbrella um ooh I know I’m going to get some ice cream oh yeah this is looking really good o I have some Beast sails o wait I’m going to steal one of those thank you just steal this one thank you going to put this one near me oh yeah this is looking so good now we can just chillax up here have a nice little pool my Daddy has no clue he’s so freaking stupid down there all right guys I’m going to add some floaties into our pool cuz it’s going to make it look like a party all right there’s one good ide good ideal look at this one it’s a turtle oh he looks like he has a hole in him and look at this one it’s a donut that’s really big mhm it’s pretty awesome and also I wanted to add some turtles up here CU I love turtles so much hey guys what if we had a DJ booth what a DJ booth really yes we can listen to music while we’re up here all right I like it I like it I think I’m also going to add some balloons we’re going to make it a party I’m going to bring these Turtles into the pool so that have a good time in there oh yes you should do that all right time to add some balloons there we go just going to add them in all the corners out it’s like a beach party yeah this is the best beach party ever be well we’re basically at the beach there’s sand and water the only thing we are missing is a shark a shark no get the out hey hey what are you doing with it I’m just going to throw them off a cliff no you’re not you’re not going to throw him off a cliff Gooby put him down Gooby you fell off a cliff you dummy it’s not fa I’m just going to put him in the water for a little bit guys he’s look he’s nice he’s not even doing anything he’s going to eat you no uh-oh I think he’s eating some of the turtles no my no never mind he’s looking at the balloons the shark’s a good boy I’m going to name him Mr Chompers whoa Daisy what are you adding over here is this a DJ area yeah that’s where we can play music from heck yeah this looks sick ooh and we have like a dance floor ooh guys I still have a really good idea I want to make a slide going into our pool yes that’s perfect we have to have a water slide yeah it’s literally not a pool without one we have a diving bow so now we need a slide um thing is I don’t really know how to make a slide uh just make something that goes down into water okay okay I’m going to do that I’m going to make it on this side as well all right so this is where you’re going to drop into the water right here so now I just got to build from here there we go this is looking really good yeah we need some water right here so you can go in there um um all right thanks Gooby you’re welcome ooh what if I work on a water trampoline area a water trampoline what is that you jump on a trampoline and it’s wet and you have bubbles wow that sounds really boring I want it okay fine fine fine if you want it then you could build it okay this slide is actually looking insane right now making it really T up there I know I know I’m going to turn it right now okay there we go looking pretty good Gooby I don’t really know where I’m going with this slide looks pretty good but we need a way up H yeah you’re right she can make a little pathway over here o good idea also guys I think we’re going to need a couple more supports because we only have four supports holding this entire buildup we might die no no no no we more secure I can just add more right now okay I’m going crazy all right I just added one support onto the slide and it’s looking so much better o I made a big ladder you made a big ladder yes wo okay this looks really good I like it now can get all the way to the top of the side and go woo ah there’s a Shar in the pool why is there a Shar in the pool oh yeah I added that sorry Gooby coming for me he looks very deadly I want to try the slide wee wa wao this is actually awesome that’s really good yeah this slide is so amazing kids kids where are you I feel like I I kind of made a mistake or I was too harsh on you we can go in the pool I can put water back in it hello hello what is this I don’t even know this this is a roller coaster oh everyone up there uh oh Daddy I think I see your daddy coming over here wait what where where he’s at the bottom the heck M hey Daddy what are you doing all the way down there loser I am not a loser okay what are you guys doing up there um uh nothing we’re bouncing on a trampoline yeah Daddy it’s a it’s a trampoline hey hey guys he’s coming up guys he’s coming up he’s coming up break the ladder break the ladder he said you never come up here I just I just shut him down I found your little secret base now when I get up there I’m going to destroy it all nope um the pool is closed no it’s not yes it is come back later nope I think it’s time for a little inspection daddyy where are you going you literally can’t get up dummy hey hey guys just coming hey Daddy all right what do we got here what is this a beach maybe got some we got some ice cream combes really yeah looks really good guys hey no M uh you not allowed here going have yeah oh gosh I’m going to throw you off no you come here guys stop it Daddy stop it he’s trying to throw me off well Daddy since you destroyed our pool earlier we thought of the genius idea to make a pool really in the sky so that’s what we did okay well give me a tour a tour Daddy no leave right now cuz you’re just going to ruin it maybe I want to be a part of it maybe I want to build something up here Daddy look here’s the pool right here wow this is so cool what why is there shark in here oh my gosh come on Daddy go in come daddy he’s friendly no oh God oh God he’s biting my toes he’s friendly daddy food is toes that’s why no no I don’t like I don’t want to give my toes I got to use those well Daddy look up here is a giant water slide and then over here’s a giant diving board oh I’m going on the diving board oh yeah yeah the diving board’s super awesome I’m going to go up there too I want to go see I’m going to give a really good switch Yeah well I’m going to do a cannonball all right here I go oh I’m going to go right in the middle of the tube I’m going to go right in the in the middle you’re going to Splash out all the water no I’m not I won’t do anything hey that was a fat joke that just registered in my head you just call me fat I never said anything Daddy watch out I’m going to do the dead fish wow sick that’s pretty good all right I’m going to try getting in the middle of this floating here we go no way no way no way no way you’re too fat I could do it Daddy you can’t even go through you’re too fat let me through come on this embarrassing okay I’m in woo this one’s called the super sleeper for this super sleeper I don’t get it what the gooby you did nothing Gooby you just jumped he just danced in the middle of the pool CU um you were sleeping you didn’t see switch okay that’s stupid that’s stupid oh and you guys got a little trampoline action over here yeah da just built this woo yeah get some cool air time this is so cool we’re so high up in the sky oh my goodness do crazy spins guys look I can see a whole village over there that’s cool well Daddy since you’re enjoying it a lot do you think that we can keep it yeah but I got to do some decorations of my own you know you know add to the flavor what do you want to add what is this this a DJ set yeah all right let me let me put put down a beat all right here we go yeah I’m Morty I like to I like party oh yeah I’m on the roof I’m in the sky I’m going to lose my mind yeah cuz I got TNT I’m going to re blow it up cuz that’s what I do because that’s Marty Mar likes to party yeah TNT cuz he’s mean and he likes to go and take a lot of pee pees yeah Daddy stop it why are you destroying it Daddy CU you guys don’t do without me so obviously Marty doesn’t want a party and you yeah that’s it I’m blown it up mean I can make it a lot worse D I’m going to cry this the best you ruing dick yeah Daddy I’m crying oh you’re crying hey no bye Daddy what is that don’t make the TNT drop make the TNT drop make the TNT drop that was a close one that’s not good that would have been bad daddy hey hey put me down come here Daddy no break it break it guys break it break it quick okay we’re goodoo that was a close one hey break it break it break it break it that was another close one over here uh M stop it m uh if you break all things then I’m going to break your house what you mean you’re going to break my house good idea good ideating it with the rocket launcher hey hey yeah Gooby good job looks like you have a new sunroof okay you want to play games I’ll play games too bye Daddy D you guys want to play games oh man looks like I got a lot of things I got to take care of up there no why do you have a bazooka up B let me get that look what you started I feel like this is illegal yeah the only illegal thing here is that you guys are flying in the sky let me just let me just aim for you guys real quick D stop chill oh my god well I’m still up here so I guess yeah I get everything else that’s up here yep not for long I still got a couple umbrellas I got some water yeah well I’m pretty sure that our friend Shar has a lot of friends that will horse you like this oh man they’re going to hurt me oh really Gooby oh what a shame oh gosh what is this thing zombie shs attack nope going get take that they’re not going to get me they’re not going to get me you what yeah your sharks are dying well you’re going to have to place your own house to kill them no Gooby touche yep guys I think we should make a we should make a new pool inside my daddy’s house no no no no no no you should not really I about beaking a cake oh yeah yeah I think we should do all these things what you psychopathy ever taught me how to use the oven oh yeah isn’t that something oh gosh oh yeah there’s water everywhere now the sharks can live in our house forever daddy you guys are psychotic well I’m I’m happy with my new pool guys what about you me too Yep this is really good pool now yeah I think we did a good job thanks Daddy for letting us use your house fun I am not having fun today I’m going to be cheating in a Minecraft build battle using slash slash disaster oh yeah that’s just a little taste of what I have planned I’m going to be spawning in tornadoes meteors and even tsunamis and my friends have no clue which in store for them make sure to leave a like on this video and hit subscribe to see their reactions guys guys are you ready to have a build battle in Minecraft oh Johnny did you see all that lightning before I think a storm’s coming all right well we got to hurry up and start building in this dispenser right here there’s literally thousands of ideas so who wants to press in and see if we need to build I do I do no I want to do it no I want to you guys do not need to fight now none of you are going to hit it I’m going to hit it oh we’re building a treeh house wait it says a treehouse we need to build yeah look oh my goodness threee house Sous all right well guys we’re going to be doing a bunch of different rounds so you only have 7 and 1/2 minutes to build a treehouse what that’s enough time 7 and 1/2 minutes and your time starts now no oh no this is crazy this is crazy so my friends think that I’m actually going to sit here and build a treehouse they got it wrong I’m actually going to be using copy and paste to paste in a treehouse from A Different World see how there’s no Treehouse behind me right now check this out wow look at that I just spawned in a treehouse using my brain this thing is awesome wow it has an inside in everything I’m going to go all the way to the top oh yeah this thing is so cool wait a minute hold on what is that did Daisy just spawn in a giant tree oh heck no I am not going to allow her to have a taller tree than me I need to destroy it using a natural disaster so let me just go invisible real quick Haya oh yeah I’m in super stealth mode I think I will spawn some meteors on top of Daisy’s Treehouse I’m just going to start going crazy like this oh please please please please oh my gosh what was that oh yeah send them in send them in no oh my goodness wait now even under the ground tree house oh gosh Daisy is super angry right now oh I’m going to lose I think I got to set off a couple more on these branches there’s still way too much tree here all right just going to put some wand over here just blow these up and now we just got to wait for the meteors to come down here they come oh yeah blow them up blow them up no there’s more what even are these things oh yeah oh that was a good one I like that one oh another one another one ow yes my poor tree Daisy’s tree house is ruined oh my God they’re still going I think I did enough damage here I’m going to go back to my Treehouse guys I just unmuted and my Treehouse is looking beautiful time is almost up me too me too no I need more time wait Daisy you need more time yes why yeah you should be done by now um did you guys not see the giant meteors come out of the sky and in my tree what me what are you talking about there was a giant ball that came out of the sky and ruined my Treehouse okay guys guys guys time is up let’s go look at Daisy’s because she’s complaining way too much what I’m still building Daisy what the heck happened down here a giant meteor hit my tree guys you need to see this Gooby and Daddy come over here I’m here I’m here look at our tree house what the heck W this tree is huge by the way I know it’s my favorite tree why did you make such like a woken sweet on it yeah look at these leaves up here they’re all destroyed they’re literally just floating it’s like a natural disaster came out of the air and like one in my Treehouse ooh a natural disaster hm well you know what Daisy this is pretty terrible so I’m going to have to give it a bad rating I’m going to have to give it a zero out of 10 I didn’t even have time I had a whole Treehouse and it got destroyed ooh I’m going to have to give it a a three I’ll give it a three cuz you tried you really tried your best o you know what fine yeah I did a one silver on it and I think it actually get a two oh man that is a low score Daisy I didn’t even get to build a treehouse let’s just go see someone else’s ooh ooh guys I want to show you mine let’s see let’s see check out how good mine is compared to daisies wao this looks incredible this does look really good yep there’s a lot of detail I I built all these ladders I built all the tree and uh yeah I did it all wo really built all these WS in such a short amount of time yep I did it all Gooby every single block that’s crazy yep so what do you guys rate my Treehouse ooh I got to give it like an eight a solid eight I think it’s an eight too yeah Gooby M I think I have to give it a seven cuz there’s no phone at all that’s understandable all right I’ll still take it I’ll still take it that’s a good score let’s move over to goobies next whoa yeah oh yeah what the heck is this a blue tree hm Gooby how do you giving it up here um I didn’t even make a lle you just have to like jump up there Gooby I do not like this tree I’m giving it a three what no it’s a good tree look at it it’s not a good tree I’m going to give it a four I’ll give it a five I’ll give it a five as SW as my tree house it’s really it get Gooby so far you’re in second place I’m in first and Daisy’s in she’s in last come on let’s go see my daddy’s tree housee wow this is cool T it’s not even a house though technically it is a tree house house it’s not a house Daddy it’s a tree platform as long as you’re living in the trees it’s a tree house that’s all the things of a house like a bedroom and the kitchen and even the bathroom you guys didn’t have any of that so I don’t like it I don’t like it Daddy it’s getting a fat too no it can’t be worse than goobies you get goobies a three okay fine I’ll give it a five I changed my answer I’ll accept all fives all around no I’m giving it a three there’s no walls he you can’t talk you didn’t have a tray mine got hit by a meteor that’s what they all say when they can’t build yeah um I would give you a wor score than Daisy but Daisy’s got hit by a meteor so I guess it’s better than that so I give you a 5k let’s go I’ll take it second place is mine wow so it looks like I’m in first and Daisy you’re in last ooh that’s rough let’s just move on to the next build everyone follow me this way all right guys second round time to hit the button and see what we need to build Gooby you want to press it this time yes too late I’m doing it oh unfortunate how did you do that I Was preparing all right how about this you could read it you could read it no I don’t like reading it says cats cats we’re building a cat cat a cat we need to build cattle what a Cadillac a cow I don’t know J you read it okay go this is Castle oh a castle that’s right I said it I waited it wait that’s going to be so cool I’m definitely going to win this one no I’m a professional at building castles remember I’m a princess all right well guys I’m just going to say you don’t want to be the person that builds the best Castle why not I’m trying to win this thing I’m just saying Daddy all right here we go it’s time to start building in three 2 1 go go go I’ll build the best castle ever that was really weird to say you don’t want to build the best castle of course you do it’s a competition all right Gooby stop talking and get to building okay all right it’s time to get to building but obviously I’m not really going to build I got way better things that I need to do like spaw in tornadoes I’m going to go invisible and see who’s building the best castle and whoever it is I’m spawning a big tornado on it but first I got to make sure that I’m going to secure the dub so I’m going to copy and paste a castle in right now wa check this out oh my goodness wait this is the best build yet look at the front this looks so beautiful there’s so many different rooms I’m already lost I’m actually already lost in this Castle wow this one is definitely going to make me win all right but I need to make sure that I’m going to win by spawning in some natural disasters time to go invisible let’s Snoop around and see who’s building a really good Castle Daisy looks like she’s building the front of a wall M this one’s not looking too good whoo What is Gooby building it looks like he’s building a blue Castle uh-oh my daddy already has all four walls up on his castle you know what that means I got to get a tornado over here let me just go over here and get a tornado spawn egg once I place this down on the floor a massive tornado is going to spawn and destroy my daddy’s build let’s place it down in three 2 one H wa oh my gosh a tornado actually spawned hey wo wo wo what’s happening to my castle wall oh no let’s go it’s a tornado it’s ripping through everything oh my God it’s blowing everything up oh no how am I going to fix this this time I’m going to lose I’m going to be the biggest loser it’s literally drilling through my daddy’s castle walls why me why me oh God it’s attacking my daddy oh God help all right well I think I’m just going to leave my daddy to have fun with that I’m going to go back over here to my amazing Castle this is just so much fun all right guys time is officially up put your blocks down no it can’t be I need more time why Daddy what happened to your your Castle over there guys you’re not going to believe this but a tornado came and ripped my castle of shreds really really daddy literally No One Believes you you guys didn’t didn’t feel winds tornadoes aren’t even from here what do you mean they’re not from here a tornado could spawn in anywhere no they can’t think you’re just making up an excuse everyone come to my daddy’s everyone come to my daddy’s build yeah we got Ed first what is this I’m trying to make it pretty oh look at it hey no more Daddy no more blocks cheating cheating what do you mean no no no let me just put this hay bale here and I win I win if I put this down moldy what were you thinking this is just a giant hole in the ground yeah why would I put a hole in the ground Gooby why would I think this is a great aesthetic choice for my castle you tell us Daddy it’s not I didn’t do this there was a hurricane I swear it came down with the tornado and then just ripped through the whole entire Castle it was insane I think you’re making a excuses right now yeah says the one that had a meteor stried on their thing wait a minute you’re right a meteor did hit my build what’s going on here aha well nothing happened to my builds yeah guys nothing happened to me or Gooby build so I think you’re just making stories up and just trying to cheat you guys are in cahoots with each other no we’re not I don’t like Daisy yeah Marty’s old yeah Marty um I’m going to have to give you a one hey yep you’re getting a zero for me Daddy okay that’s ridiculous zero for me too hey actually gave you a score so that’s hurtful well guys let’s go over and see Gooby build oh yeah much really good trash looks like a sea Temple actually trash look it’s made of blue and gold it’s like golden I’m a king let’s go I’m hiding can you find me hey Daddy oh dang it that was embarrassing all right this is actually pretty good I’m going to give this a seven I like it I’m going to give it a six five giving it a big old five all right so so far Gooby is in the lead he’s number one oh yeah I’m winning all right let’s go over and check out Daisy’s build ooh Daisy’s build looks super good T wow there’s horses wow you can put the horses in here of course there’s Pony you put the horses in the back wait this is like a real castle cuz the castles when you know my daddy was like a little kid like hundreds of years ago they always had horses in them exactly how old do you guys actually think I am I mean jeez all right I’m going to give this one uh 10 out of 10 oh a 10 yep 10 out of 10 oh yeah I’m going to give it a nine because I don’t like the floor but everything else I like the floor’s so nice no it’s see just plain wood well guess what I’m giving this a seven seven that’s a pretty good score so so far Gooby is in second daddy you’re in last and Daisy it looks like you’re in first finally I don’t know if anyone can beat that yeah that won’t be for long because you guys haven’t seen my build yet come M over oo check it out W this is huge what take it all in what’ you even what the who the how the and there’s flowers yep there’s flowers it’s got everything a castle would ever need what there’s no way you made this this is so big and crazy detailed well yeah I obviously like to add a lot of detail to my builds Gooby that’s what makes them good unlike yours we didn’t even have enough time to do this yes we did that’s not enough time this would take three years three years yep I agree guys you’re just mad because you didn’t build this I’m giving this a 10 out of 10 yeah 10 easily a 10 easily a 10 I guess it get a 10 but it’s very suspicious nope it’s a 10 out of 10 out of 10 that’s 30 points right there I’m the winner I guess you’re the winner but I think I’m going to have to keep an eye on you for the next round how about this for the next round I’ll go a little easier on you guys I won’t use all of my building expertise okay good see he has an expert that’s teasing him and’s making a really good one she that’s a sheto move that’s not cheating Gooby that’s not cheating that’s if he got like a pro Builder to come in here that would be cheating Gooby stop complaining okay let’s just move on to the last and final build come on guys follow me all right guys last and final round let’s see what we need to build and Haya who got the piece of paper I got it we’re building a train what a train I don’t even know how to build a train o I’m going to win this one go yep that’s that’s what a train does Gooby good job good job I Love Trains well this time I’m not going to have a hurricane tornado rip up my build so I’m definitely going to win oh yeah you guys are you guys are all definitely going to win you’re all going to be winners on this round it’s going to be so good yep so good all right guys here we go and start going now woohoo oh yeah I got to make a really good train my friends think they’re actually going to be able to build a train this round uh-uh I am not going to allow that to happen before I spawn in the last natural disaster let me just spawn in my train all right let me just copy and paste it and Haya oh oh check this thing out it’s a floating train this thing looks so awesome there’s literally so much detail and it’s also floating like like 50 blocks in the air now I did this on purpose because this next natural disaster is going to be a tsunami and it’s going to flood the entire world but not my train because it’s floating all right let me just go invisible real quick and now all I need to do is place down this bucket of tsunami anywhere and it’s going to flood the entire map let’s first check up on everyone else’s builds so it looks like Daisy just has some track down that she’s going to build a train on what the heck is goopy making this is looking nothing like a train oh wait actually I kind of see it this is the front it’s terrible and now let’s see my daddy’s ooh this is not really no this is not a train that’s a car that’s literally a car right there well I think I’m going to spawn in this bucket of tsunami right here on Daisy’s wall this is about to be crazy okay here we go I’m going to spawn it in in three two one oh yeah oh it’s growing it’s actually growing uh what is this water oh my God it’s growing it’s going everywhere guys there’s a wave a wave of water I think it’s a tsunami what are you guys talking about there’s no waves anywhere be prepared for the you’re going to want to get up here the tsunami is coming for you look it’s coming I’m trying to make a Swain here no no no no there water there we get up here right now oh my goodness guys no all of our train builds what just happened this is so stupid what is going on today it looks like another natural disaster hit everyone’s builds wait Johnny what what you even have a giant SW in the sky oh yeah um uh I wanted to build my train in the sky just in case a tsunami would hit just started building buing oh yeah well uh um yeah I just built that train in like 2 seconds yeah I knew it I knew it you are cheating I’m not cheating Gooby I was just I was just really fast at building okay we got a cheater you’re a cheater eater well guys it looks like all of your builds are underneath the water and mine’s not so I’m the winner no you’re actually The Biggest Loser here you big cheater hey no I’m not cheaters lose but daddy I’m the only build look guys come check out my build it’s awesome right this isn’t even your build yes it is I literally placed it down okay wait a second he just said he placed it down oh you’re right you’re right you caught him in his lie hey no I didn’t I didn’t copy and paste it or anything I just placed down each block no way you know what you guys are just so mad because a tsunami ate your builds all right wait a second oh my God I think you know the train needs some more power of some sort hold on let me give it to it hey it doesn’t need that type of power it doesn’t need that type of power no Daddy I bet it needs stronger power oh yeah help me out Davey please guys oh yeah oh 100 times oh let me just hit that real quick this is not fair oh no it’s raining Dynamite I think there’s a walking storm happening guys whatever wow a weird natural disaster just occurred to your train I guess you’re you know you lost like us well you know what guys I have something to tell you you know all those natural disasters that were happening to everyone’s builds yes they were you they were me the whole time daddy we knew it I can’t believe you spawn a meteor on my tree house yep I spawned a lot of meteors on your treeh house and Daddy I spawned a tornado right on your face oh you make me so mad this whole competition is just uh n and void it doesn’t count it does count Gooby and I’m the winner I got the most 10 out of 10 today we’re playing Five Nights at Johnny’s in Minecraft what is that what do you mean Daddy youve never played five nights at Johnny’s uh no I’ve played Five Nights at Freddy’s but what why is your name in it well basically guys we’re going to be playing murder mystery but whoever the murderer is is going to become a scary FNAF character no I don’t want to be a scary character yep that’s going to be you Daisy and you gooby and you Daddy no you mean like what’s going to chase us around and try to kill us exactly and then you’re going to die oh no uh maybe we just play a different game over here no you’re not playing any other game Gooby get in here oh man come on guys we got to vote for the map that we’re going to play and then guess what a FNAF character is going to come and kill us is not funny well you got to run and high Daddy O Let’s Start by the librarian E I don’t want to read books I’m go to library Daddy it’s going to be scary no it’s not actually no it is going to be because five nights at fre characters are going to bite me in the butt in a library in a library yes I think the scariest thing ever is actually books wa I’m the Gunner guys what does that mean I’m innocense wait Daisy are you the murderer oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh run run run run run run run run run come back Johnny guys my daddy’s a scary foxy well where is he at oh my gosh oh my gosh this isn’t funny this actually is not funny I see you Johnny no you don’t Daddy I’m hiding I’m hiding I see you over there behind that desk no you don’t I don’t even know where you are oh my gosh I got to run I got to run guys where are you I’m upstairs ah ah it’s me Gooby I have a gun oh I’m going to protect us yes we got to stay together I saw my daddy somewhere in this area we got to watch out for him come here he’s right behind you he’s right behind you oh my God I just died [ __ ] run [ __ ] run we have to get out of there oh no oh this an angry foxy coming for me I’m really mad JY where are you I’m upstairs I’m upstairs too no you’re not oh I am no you’re not oh no I need to find some squabs I can make a gun you’re not going to be able to kill me yes I already killed Johnny and he had the gun well where’s Johnny’s gun at it’s Som hold it guys you got to go pick it up you got to pick up my gun and kill my daddy this is not fair wait I got it yes come here Gooby JY I need help I need help yes no goobie’s dead goo’s dead D no guys we really allowed my daddy to win oh no that’s not fail look at this popcorn me in your faces dadd you look so scary what the heck well that’s what happens when you’re the best take that stupid costume off cuz next time I hope I’m going to be the murderer nope it’s going to be me again and I’m going to win no it’s not Daddy it’s going to be me and I’m going to turn into the best animatronic okay we’ll see about that all right here we go everyone go into this room so we can transport into the map oh no I think it’s seem a little too scary for me it’s not that scary feels so weel go all right guys here we go 5 seconds and we’re going to find out who the murderer is please be me please be me no I’m innocent no dang it I’m the Gunner uhoh uh-oh I’m innocent too so I think I know what that means I’m super innocent Daddy are you the murderer again no I’m not I’m really innocent he is he is no I’m not okay someone’s lying it’s either Gooby or wait it could be Daisy too no I have a gun in my hand okay Daisy’s good she doesn’t look like a scary FNAF animatronic I told you it’s your daddy it’s definitely your daddy daddy is it you again it’s not me it’s Gooby why would he like try pitting it on me no guys look I’m right here oh wait Gooby looks normal oh my God it’s my dad shoot him shoot him shoot him I’m trying daddy you suck yes everybody fart on his head yeah where’s his head I want to fart on it Oh Daddy look we got Victory popcorn oh yeah yeah it’s not fair you’re all together all right daddy if you get murderer again then you’re rigging this game no I’m not yep yep yep you’re cheating guys I don’t want to be murderer I want to be a cool guy all right we’ll see about that Daddy here we go guys we’re in a brand new map and I’m feeling it I think I’m going to become the murderer uh-oh uh-oh JY uh just be careful okay [ __ ] just stay away from me I’m innocent I’m innocent I’m innocent uh-oh uhoh I think I know what that means come here goby t t oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m a scary chica what she’s chica we need to get scrapped I have one piece of scrap I think when you get 10 pieces of scrap you can make a gun I have two oh I have two as well oh no oh no she’s really fast I missed where is she no no oh no bye [ __ ] oh my God oh my God Daddy Daddy help me Johnny get back here I see you keep running she knows where I went Daddy I’m serious I need help right now hey I’m serious these doors are not opening oh gosh oh I got jump scared bye Marty daddy where is she where is she right next to you no oh how did you know where I was I can’t believe I can see your hat I can’t believe Daisy actually turned into chica how did it feel wearing that animatronic suit honestly it’s feeling pretty good because I got popcorn this is so stupid I want to become the murderer I want to see what animatronic I turn into yeah me too I want to be Freddy Fazbear no I want to become Freddy Fazbear you’re probably going to turn into like something really stupid no no I’m going to be really good all right well this time we’re going to go into this snowy cabin it’s going to get really scary hopefully I’m the murderer again I can get payback oh no no I need to be the murderer guys I’m innocent again no me that’s not true because I’m the Gunner okay so who’s the murderer it’s not me stop me I swear I swear Spill the Beans Daddy I swear it’s notop me I’m trying to find scrap right now definitely your daddy it’s your daddy I found a secret hidey hole and I can hide I just need scrap oh no I’m scared I’m already sced I’m hiding right now don’t even know who the B is it’s you I’m with Daisy it’s not me where’s be at I think it’s Johnny it’s not me oh he’s getting offensive well you guys are just making me angry cuz you’re making some stupid stuff up go no I am the murderer wait a minute guys I think I have a cool voice changer since I’m in this awesome outfit oh really do I sound really cool daddy you sound so stupid no I don’t it’s a voice changer daddy do I sound cool you sound like an alien no what happened to my knife I just used it you have to go pick it up wait where wherever you threw it I didn’t even know I could throw my knife oh this is not good I’m not a good murderer oh found it how about I just do one of those oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I just made myself super fast guys I know someone’s around here are you guys on a different floor I think you’re on a different floor dang it I don’t even know where I am oh it’s fine I’ll find you very soon I need some scrap H nope I’m getting farther away where are you guys can’t wait to see you cuz you can’t get me dude Johnny I’m going to be on your team as like a ghost so I can tell you where they are you can’t do that cheater D J is in the basement wait Gooby it says that I’m 10 blocks away from someone go by me go by me okay where are you I’m upstairs wait I hear him he just walked Daddy was that you nope you were walking Daddy I’m five blocks away o J’s in the Gage oh she’s close too [ __ ] come by me come by me Gooby is being a cheater eater hey Daddy I found you hey you can’t get me oh no I threw my knife up there oh man what a shame look at me I can see you oh sugar wait what how are you even in jaale he’s cheating my daddy’s cheating come here Daddy help me where did he go Daddy come on where did he go Gooby that you were supposed to look where he went oh no I lost him Gooby you’re an idiot you’re the one that’s supposed to be the M no what happened yes you got shot she shot me in the head you scared me oh my goodness really you’re too scary that was literally not fair I didn’t know that you had the gun yes you did I told you I was sick on her well I wasn’t paying attention I was too busy with my using my awesome voice changer that was really scary well looks like I was Freddy so Gooby I wonder what animatronic you’re going to be I hope I’m the B next how about this time we do a random map ooh super random I want to get a five nights at 4’s map that would be really good wao guys this map looks so awesome we’re like on floating islands and there’s a giant pirate ship wow okay let’s see who the murderer is oh I’m inocent I’m the Gunner I’m the Gunner I’m the Gunner I think Gooby is a murderer Gooby are you the murderer me no definitely not wait I see him no no no no no Daddy get away from me no no no Just sh sh sh [ __ ] no [ __ ] no oh gosh is he killing you guys uh I think she died no definitely not Daisy did you die yeah I die did H baly he got me no is it just me and Gooby he’s in the ship John he’s in the ship no well Daddy it doesn’t matter cuz I’m really high up in the sky oh hey Gooby ah dang it I missed uhoh no oh no scope where even were you uh I was up on top of the mountain yo that’s not fair I was going to win well it looks like your animatronic is Bonnie and Bonnie sucks Bonnie’s the worst animatronic what no I got the worst one yep you got the worst one not fa Wonder get be fun all right guys come on what are we waiting for let’s get into the next game I want to become the murderer again since you know I didn’t win I want to be the murderer I’m going to murder you all when I’m be the Mur okay Gooby calm down got the blood lust don’t hurt yourself with all those big boy words I’m going to swap you inside of my anim swanic body ew it’s so weird all right guys here we go 5 Seconds who’s it going to be who’s it going to be oh dang it it looks like I am the murderer let’s go oh no oh no that’s really bad okay guys guys guys guys no everyone I’m not going to kill you who’s the Gunner hey who’s shooting the gun no one well Daisy put that gun away cuz I’m not going to kill you guys Dy I’m not going to kill you Daddy I’m not going to kill you I’ll kill you if you run I’ll kill you if you run I’ll throw my knife at you get me out of here Daddy I’m not going to kill you guys we’re going to play a little game of Simon Says Simon says yeah but I’m actually going to change it to Freddy says oh yo that’s you gooby look up look up to your left help me over here run [ __ ] no you’re not running from anyone come here guys come back here Daisy come outside come outside yes come outside guys I’m right next to you it’s say Freddy says Freddy says stop right there oh dang it and if you guys don’t listen know what Freddy says then guess what you die oh no Freddy says you two don’t move I don’t even know where you guys are we’re outside right now come outside I am outside well get more outside I can’t get more outside how how many scraps do you have Gooby I don’t have one scap [ __ ] oh look it looks like I found Daisy all right Freddy says everyone follow me come on guys didy shoot him no no Freddy says you can’t shoot me or you will die dang it God Daisy you had a you had a second no playing Simon says yeah Daddy I’m not trying to die all right everyone just keep following me that’s what Freddy says Freddy says come inside this garage okay okay I’m in here all right now what Freddy says is to do a dance dance dance dance dance oh yeah yeah I’m dancing daning dadd this is this is not a good dance Daddy it’s called shaking the butt yeah but look Gooby is doing a funny dance Daisy’s doing a good dance you’re doing a terrible dance shck in the butt shck in the butt yep I don’t think that’s a good enough dance that’s not good enough I think you’re going to die daddy how do I dance doesn’t even know how to dance I don’t have any Dances all right fine Daddy then I guess you pass Freddy says to follow me this way then what is this way follow me this way what are you guys doing he didn’t say Freddy says oh my goodness technically you guys should all be dead you should actually all be dead no you went too far all right Freddy says to sniff these flowers M they smell so pretty think I got D in my nose Daddy what Freddy says d Daddy come over here right now where are you where are you going where’d You Go Daddy I see you oh sorry here you go yeah Daddy yeah that’s what I think hey hey it’s against the rules you are disqual you didn’t follow me and you didn’t sniffers I was looking for you I couldn’t find you you didn’t follow me and you didn’t sniff the flowers you’re dead you killed someone for no reason all right two more alive Freddy says everyone let’s go inside yeah all right now Freddy says touch something that’s yellow yeah I’m spping on it now Freddy says touch something that is blue blue yep blue um just oh this water Daisy got one and Gooby got one as well now Freddy said touch something that’s yellow back to the carpet now Freddy says get upstairs quick get upstairs quick the floor is lava oh no oh no o o that’s bad um where are the stairs oh Gooby found him okay now come back downstairs come back downstairs okay Gooby I didn’t say Freddy’s said H what no no no sorry Gooby oh he’s an idiot yeah he just doesn’t listen okay now Freddy says to go upstairs okay all right now Freddy says go back downstairs okay now Freddy says go back upstairs go back downstairs no no okay now Freddy says um you need to make me uh a McDonald’s burger I can’t make you McDonald’s oh well Freddy said to fine I’ll be right back okay well I’m going to watch you cuz I don’t trust you shoot him no Freddy says you can’t shoot me guys I don’t know how to make a McDonald’s burger that’s why I’m saying to shoot him he’s not cheating there’s no other option not if you win if he dies then he dies you just have to find McDonald’s and buy him a ble okay so I’m just going to have to keep running how about this Daisy uh Freddy says that we’re done playing Simon says I told you no that’s cheating that is very cheating well Daisy was not going to be able to make me a McDonald’s burger so she was going to die eventually that’s a cheater move no it was not okay yes you made it so it was impossible to do what Freddy says oh yeah Freddy’s so awesome I’m so cool you know what this is ridiculous you know what I need to get it I need to be the murderer It’s My Time daddy I can’t hear you over all the popcorn that I’m eating H let me see where I’m going to kill you on I’m going to kill you on a boat yep I’m going to throw you off daddy you want some of this popcorn no all right Daddy Let’s see if you become the murderer come on come on are we doing to s s again yes no I’m innocent no I’m the Gunner Gooby are you the murderer Bonnie says come over here okay okay okay you going to kill me no we’re playing Simon says but except this Bonnie says oh my goodness okay you look really scary we bnie Bonnie says come to me I’m over here I’m going to go to the front okay yeah everyone go to the front of the boat which is the front and which is the back um the front is where do you go in the front oh it’s really helpful wait we might be in the back well then everyone go to the back no we’re in the front ow I died what I watched Mary die oh I died what what I got to go get their gun hey no come back here I’m going to get their gun and then I’m going to kill you no no no no no no I slew my knife that was so cool really guys I didn’t know I couldn’t step on the wheel you guys actually freaking suck we were about to play Bonnie says and then you died I’m the best I’m the best I just followed Marty well that’s what you get for following my dumb daddy he’s so freaking stupid and I followed my heart and my heart went the wrong way okay let’s go again on the same map you guys are so bad at that game this time daddy and Daisy you guys cannot die instantly okay guys it looks like I’m the murderer again no y are we playing Simon Says of course we’re playing Simon says come on guys oh come on it’s the worst game ever you’re the worst game of all time daddy yeah well guess who’s got the gun wait really you have the gun you want to apologize daddy we’re playing Simon says and it’s Freddy says so yeah well no one likes Freddy jok’s on you all right I found Daisy I like Freddy all right everyone go to the top floor top deck the poop deck yes daddy top deck this the way we poop yep no all right Gooby here Gooby here we’re waiting for you Daddy get to the top deck the stairs there’s music over here who’s playing that Freddy says does not play that music oh man but guess what I can play it oh yeah oh yeah I can play it but you can’t play it I can play it you can’t I can play it you can’t stop right there Freddy Fazbear really daddy you just try throwing your knife at me gu you going with lightning dummy that’s what you get for laughing at me Daddy God it hurts Freddy says you cannot pick up this gun or you will die how did you get struck by lightning I didn’t get struck by lightning okay it was just one of my cool Freddy moves oh okay actually Freddy says to go take a fart on my daddy’s face right here if you pick up the gun Don’t Shoot Me yep keep farting keep farting fart fart fart all over my daddy’s face that’s what Freddy says is your fults are not making any noise it’s because I’m a girl Gooby oh girl farts don’t make any noise exactly Gooby just don’t say anything oh okay okay guys enough talking about girls farts all right we’re we’re over this everyone follow me guys I’m sorry but you’re both dead I didn’t say I didn’t say fredd there’s one no you guys are idiots I never said Freddy says I literally just said follow me Daisy you’re never going to find me Daisy’s behind you R run did he miss yes that was a good Dodge you know I’m going to get you got to go get my gun oh no oh man it looks like you’re really struggling here I don’t think so you literally missed your shot I was panicking yeah you panicked you folded Under Pressure pooped our pants but we couldn’t smell it well guys it looks like I’m just the best animatronic ever I just win every time nope I think I was the best oh man well next time I’m going to be the best well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and everyone hit subscribe right now bye everyone

This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: WATER PARK Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-06-06 21:19:54. It has garnered 385752 views and 5227 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:43 or 8203 seconds.

Today, Johnny, Marty, Gooby, Daisy have a WATER PARK Build Challenge in Minecraft! Who will make the best waterslide? Watch to find out!

#johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft

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  • EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMP

    EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lost Books { SkyBoundSMP EP 34 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-07-09 01:28:30. It has garnered 330 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:33 or 2433 seconds. Hello! Welcome to Episode 34 of Rune’s journey on BoundSMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Rune and Sylph meet someone new! Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! SkyBound: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3t47ta576ZhRpy5rafBSC9rH7AH4Y1D8&si=yxTckySu4muaJ3aF Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artfulrenegad… Twitter: https://twitter.com/artfulrenegade?re… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artfulreneg… Alright that’s all from me, see… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0

    Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay’, was uploaded by Dinar Gamerz 2.0 on 2024-04-06 04:00:25. It has garnered 300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay #craftingandbuilding #Roblox #clashofclans #craftingandbuilding #mecharena #indianbikerider3d #bestgameplayathome #grannyremake #mobilegameplay #pcgameplay #banglagameplay Hey Everyone! This is Dinar ! Welcome to My channel ..”Dinar Gamerz 2.0″ .. I created this channel for PC & Android games. I upload daily videos about pc & mobile related games, gaming news Reactions… Read More

  • Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore Minecraft

    Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1’, was uploaded by Midnightbirds on 2024-02-19 18:00:10. It has garnered 31 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:42 or 1662 seconds. Sorry for the audio issues. they will be fixed next video. Hardcore Minecraft is Minecraft locked on the hardest difficulty. You have one life where you have to try to survive as long as you can. This is my attempt Read More

  • Insane Mining Academy for Creepers – The Respecter

    Insane Mining Academy for Creepers - The RespecterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Если бы криперы могли пойти в шахтерскую академию’, was uploaded by The Respecter on 2024-02-21 20:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling’s FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMP

    INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling's FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘First vid subscribe #minecraft #smp #viral #hack #funny’, was uploaded by Ander Blings on 2024-01-07 23:35:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2

    Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-03-25 11:00:23. It has garnered 55611 views and 2253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:09 or 789 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2) 0:00 -Epic Fight: Obsidian Can Cry 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epic-fight-obsidian-can-cry 7:47 -Airstrike Mod 1.20.4 —— 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/airstrike-mod 9:59 -Back Weapon Slot 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/back-weapon-slot 10:25 -Instant Sleep 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/instant-sleep 10:49 -Item sharpness 1.20.1 —— 1.19.4 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/item-sharpness 11:17 -AutoHarvest 1.20.4 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/autoharvest 12:10 -Xp from… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024

    Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: So-Called Phone Addiction. – (Minecraft Short) – #Minecraft2024 – @simonbreaofficial .’, was uploaded by JakeyDboy47 on 2024-06-12 06:48:50. It has garnered 8943 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, I am JakeyDboy47. I like to play Plants vs Zombies, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, Rogue Company, Among Us, Goat Simulator, Fall Guys and Multiversus. I also like to post cartoon videos and Minecraft Skits I’ve made. My Favourite YouTubers are Typical Gamer, SypherPK, Nick Eh 30, LazarBeam, Lachlan, Loserfruit, GhostNinja, CourageJD and Ninja. My best friends are… Read More

  • ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!

    ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vídeo completo en el canal #viral #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #mods #minecraftpemods’, was uploaded by Gotenks333 on 2024-02-20 00:10:57. It has garnered 1013 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!

    EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft/ WDW – Firework Show’, was uploaded by LegoMaker961 on 2024-06-17 04:12:07. It has garnered 3 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. From The Minecraft DLC: Magic Kingdom I don’t own any of the rights to anything. The Music in the show is owned by The Walt Disney Company. U.S. Parody and Copyright Law: Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section,… Read More

  • MineLett Network

    MineLett NetworkMe complace presentarles MineLett, un servidor que aspira a crecer junto con su comunidad. Nos esforzamos por estar atentos a sus inquietudes, quejas y sugerencias para mejorar constantemente. Actualmente, MineLett ofrece la modalidad de SkyBlock, donde encontrarás una amplia variedad de características. Además, estamos emocionados por las próximas actualizaciones que traerán aún más emocionantes características a la experiencia de juego. ¿Qué estás esperando para unirte a nosotros? Ven y diviértete con la comunidad de MineLett, ¡ayúdanos a crecer juntos! mc.minelett.com Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: Join our Discord server About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play. Get more information about us in our server! Join Us: First join our Discord using the link above, then fill out the application to be added to our whitelist. You can find the mod pack and IP in the server’s Info channel. Read More

  • Vampirism semi anarchy

    The version is 1.19.2 forge. The list of mods is here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/fwvxqhquz7tho5bbnjjx8/AO57NhpPsCqqKjcDSgdr2vw?rlkey=mm7lkhy82yetknju6x09y1cgl&st=fd3v0yd8&dl=0 Sundamage is disabled to allow for more natural combat between players and to allow people to skip the night if there aren’t many people on, also it uses pre 1.9 combat Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Stealing leads like a boss😎

    Looks like someone is really on a leash with those leads 😂 Read More

  • Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem

    Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem Welcome to the Bnuuy SMP, where Minecraft dreams come alive, From Warden encounters to Skeleton Horse rides. Besieged by Pigllagers, facing a three-fer scare, But don’t worry, our players always have a flair. Debris Beginner’s Luck, a Chicken Thief on the loose, Bunny Wrenches and AFK Saboteurs, what’s the use? A Death of a Friend, a YEET in the night, Hot Potato games and Axolotl Zoomies in sight. Stranded at Sea, with Chimkim by your side, Each moment captured, each adventure a wild ride. So join us on the Bnuuy SMP, where the fun never ends, With Minecraft highlights… Read More

  • Minecraft Troll Face meme💀🔥

    Minecraft Troll Face meme💀🔥 “Why did the Minecraft Troll Face go to the party? To mine his own business!” 😂 #dadjokes #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven

    Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven Welcome to Havoc Haven: The Ultimate Modded Minecraft SMP Experience! About Havoc Haven Step into the world of Havoc Haven, a modded Minecraft SMP like no other. This server offers a unique blend of challenges, creativity, and excitement for both seasoned players and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with surprises and endless possibilities. What to Expect At Havoc Haven, you can look forward to: Immersive and expansive modded world: Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with new gameplay mechanics and features. Epic builds and innovative creations: Unleash your creativity and build impressive… Read More