EPIC WIN! Quinny dominates in MineCraft!

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That Decision of buying it that’s it’s a little bit much it’s gone down to price quite a bit but it’s still still a little bit Much excuse me would you happen to know who I am would you And it’s begin Again energy leaving energy coming just Out Of Reach keep going forward keep going forward and you get ready to jump any minute it’s like a burst of energy you move from one platform form to another and then you look around and the world looks different because you’re not standing where you used to

Be but it took so much energy just to make that little jump you wonder is there an easier way I wonder if there’s an easier way there’s always a way always an answer always a path too much too much oh Jesus we don’t even know what we’re doing like it’s it’s more comfortable

For us to live in a reality where the future is a plan that we never have to actually work towards as long as we have the plan we feel like we’re moving that direction but we’re not really because we’re not taking any steps we’re not moving and life is about

Movement it’s about going from one point to another from seeing the world from your current perspective than moving and seeing it from another without that movement we don’t know what would happen oh boy there it is I wonder if this actually lets me draw oh that uh that’s hard to

Read you wouldn’t know it was there unless you saw it being Written I can’t spell very good with my right hand I need a tablet oh we need to make a list uhoh It’s drawing behind me oh I can draw my body just a little outline y there we go now we got now we got a shadow Quin it’s like an outline no it’s unhinged okay we need ah [ __ ] we need to need make a plan this this is a this is a thing

Okay the what the hell does what do people use drawing tablet so there is some really cheap ones that don’t have a screen that uh record 4,000 B who buys 4,000 all right there was that Black Friday thing oh oh oh I had a vision hang on oh hey Roy I’m

Uh I’m I’m live again thank you for coming by I really appreciate it um this is an LSG trip again you know sometimes some sometimes it’s um if I don’t feel the energy up there I need to I need to absorb more um stimulation because the more stimulation

I absorb the more energy I’m gaining I’m I’m gaming the system like if you ever feel like low or depressed or whatever that means that you’re not being over stimulated that means your stimulation is being locked off and uh seeing a lot of different colors seeing a lot of

Things going on uh doing heavy thinking it uh it really distracts it really uh it really puts you in a different mental state when you’re constantly thinking or absorbing things and uh that that is the trick if if you’re unhappy then you just have to keep thinking because eventually

Your thoughts will be happy thoughts again it’s only a matter of time I just lost I just got lost and I Twerk my entire city there’s no happy thoughts oh you know that’s when it gets kind of into a critical situation like there’s no happy thoughts because people aren’t thinking

Happy thoughts they’re thinking negative dark thoughts and it’s like why because they don’t have happiness in the life but if they start creating things that make other people happy then there’s more things to be happy about that’s kind of My Philosophy don’t watch the news um

That’s one thing you don’t want to do because when you start watching the news and you are constantly being exposed to people like worlds and conflict and stuff it’s like the world is like has this filter no hey hang on uh included new parade they included

New parade so I took a bus the wrong way and didn’t realize until I was on the other side of the city oh my gosh but were you able to get food or figure out how to get back I mean you obviously had to get back if you’re here unless

You’re on your phone and lost somewhere that would suck I have to watch the news daily o you know the thing about the news is you’re exposing your brain to other people’s situations if the news is constantly reporting bad things and they report bad things on purpose because it

Gets more attention your brain is programmed to look for bad things like if you’re standing on a on the side of a river and there’s a lion on the other side of the river your brain is going to tell you don’t swim across the river

There’s a lion and it will eat you and you remember that you think about that that means that when your brain is exposed to negative things it gets your attention it’s like hey dummy hey hey this is this is big this is huge this is negative and you don’t have any control

Over that and that’s what the news goes after they put out negative articles cuz it’s going to get your attention they’re going to keep pumping the entire system with all this negativity and you’re just going to keep absorbing it and eventually your energy body the energy around you it’s going to

Say oh you want negative things to happen in your life then I guess that’s what we’re going to start attracting and it it it sucks sorry I’m falling behind on chat wait where is my chat oh my God it’ll catch up eventually watch the news daily took

Three hours to come home jeez old man told me how to get back old man was wise and I had a book bag bright side I was just reading the whole time makes sense but geopolitics first class in the morning it’s very important to watch the news

So geopolitics is actually kind of fun because you’re looking at the map and you’re looking at where people are in the map and the entire idea behind that is positioning more of your allies around the other people but it doesn’t make any sense because like I’m playing video games like daily

With people from all over the world and it’s like none of them really care like what country each others from and our reality is pretty much in the game so when we start thinking about the world outside of the game we just see how shitty it is and we Retreat more into

The game and I don’t think the real world should be proud that they’re doing all this crazy War stuff and and uh creating violence and just completely taking away people’s ability to like Just Vibe like it’s it’s messed up I think the world ought to be ashamed and uh eventually I’m really hopeful

That uh we can find peace through other ways like if you want to solve a conflict solve it in a game or something like why the heck do people have to suffer like it makes no sense one bolt of lightning can power roughly 850,000 HS for an entire

Day what if humans could capture and harness lightning like your energy problems would be over like we could just do anything at that point like it it makes no sense I don’t know if I’m rting too too much n i I like writing I when I was coming

Up I uh studied writing quite a bit I always thought like I’d write a book write a cool story get my name out there and that would be that I realize that that took that takes that takes a lot of work and it’s not just writing you have

To be social with people you need to you need to be able to uh find ideas you need to uh basically put out writing that’s good that people want to read and uh it’s hard to know what people want to read if you don’t know people it it’s like hard to think but

Most people go into the writing and they’re like I just have to learn how to do it and then I’ll be good at it and it’s like no you’re going to be really bad at it like you’re not going to get good to like in your 40s after you’ve

Had life experiences and met tons of people they don’t tell you about that but uh I’ve learned a lot of other stuff in the pursuit of trying to get better at writing and there is a lot of skills out there that you’ll just pick up randomly it’s uh it’s kind of an adventure

But you just you got to make sure that you’re not scared and that uh you replace that fear with experience so if you get lost or whatever then you now you have the experience that hey I need to uh be alert I need to have a

Plan and uh it gets a little less scary you talk like the old man who told me how to get back yeah there there’s always going to be some random old man that’s probably going to just randomly like tell you like something really useful that he learned in his

Life and uh it’s crazy because if you actually listen to people like that you’re going to be gaining a lot of experience but you also don’t want to like just randomly talk to strangers you got to like actually be safe and make sure people aren’t trying to game you

Like as soon as people start asking you questions then they’re interested in you as a person and they’re going to be trying to game you the more interested someone is in you the more they’re going to game you and uh that is that is my experience cuz every time every time

Someone wants to talk with me someone wants to hang out with me someone wants information from me they’re always trying to get something and not all the time is it going to be something that I want to give them and it might actually be quite detrimental how do you know if someone is

Interested um so the thing is like there’s like a meme going around for a while now it’s like how often do you think of Rome or the ancient civilization of Rome or the Roman Empire and if someone thinks about you more than they think about Rome then they’re interested

And I think about the Roman Empire every day every day I see a road I’m like the Romans invented that that’s why we made those I’ve been brainwashed okay Hi oh my God that is trippy what is this music this is okay so I swear I was going to do something the chat is still not caught up damn it I know you’re hiding up there you [ __ ] come out oh maybe I should just hold down the key that seem that that’s

Working wait there it is coming back to your streams every time just I can hear you ranting no ranting that oh my God I I lose all my friends I like people don’t want to hear oh what the [ __ ] is with this I can’t even read it on the screen it’s going [ __ ]

Crazy I just wanted to say I wasn’t paying attention if you said something about it no no no pip no wait hang on so P people people are paying attention to you if they initiate a conversation with you then it’s pretty easy if they’re interested in you they’ll initiate a

Conversation and that’s why it’s really dangerous um you know oh God no wait that doesn’t do anything oh hey Grim’s still alang I got try something sh s s o what the shout shout out there’s Grim yeah I’m I’m Shing my duty as his mod and I’m I’m [ __ ] about

Here I just want to say oh [ __ ] the scuff of all your streams FL your I don’t understand he God damn it no no no no no okay I might be a little scuffed um oh Jesus I need to unscuff myself I this is going to be like a yearlong

Training montage of me trying to figure out how to unscuff myself and at the end it’s going to end with me just like hiring an artist to do like everything that UNS scuffs it completely that’s just just what is this playlist see this is the kind of

Stuff this is the kind of stuff you get when uh you just kind of like don’t curate your music and just have a free app playing in the Background main reason is because your five is calm shuts off yeah oh man yeah I I I try to I try to make things make sense like if there’s an argument and I get put into it like I want to understand both sides and I don’t want to judge any sides

Because the entire concept of arguing with anyone about anything is just silly to me it’s like okay you disagree that means that you gained information from different sources and those sources are slightly off from each other and then it’s like who cares like one person is going

To be wrong if you’re having opposing viewpoints or maybe both people are wrong and uh every time you’re wrong is when you learn like every time you make a mistake you learn and learning is like the point of existence it’s like we’re not being told what what’s what we just

Uh have to assume you have to try something then we have to learn and there’s some lessons that you can’t learn because they literally are like lethal like you have to just learn from other people making mistakes the more you pay attention to other people the

More you learn and the more mistakes you might not make because you already learned the lesson that they learned and uh that’s what this is all about really just uh learning and trying to do your best anyway get that sappy Fox stuff out of here oh I can wait all right clear I

Need to just set a macro for these okay uh hey darkk yeah I totally had you muted there um I didn’t say nothing till you uh talked to him yeah you’re sneaky I I didn’t want to interrupt what you were saying okay I’m sneaky sneaky can I

Touch your feet no my feet are firmly on the ground you seen that right wait what what was it um was it what movie it’s a movie where the Butler is always like I’m sneaky sneaky cuz he’s always sneaking around and then he has like a feet

Fetish I I know what you’re you’re talking about I have seen that I has um Adam seller in it yes that’s Mr Deeds I think yeah that sounds right that sounds right hang on hang on hang on see if there’s a clip but un yes I’m very very sneaky sir am friend

Friends yes good friends I don’t think the Sounds playing from your club was it wait if I hold on maybe oh just paused it um hang on go down to your apartment sir oh it was just kind of quiet I think wait are you listening to the Minecraft music in the

Background me no that’s some lowii 24hour stuff oh okay is it too is it too loud no no no it’s fine I just overheard it a little bit yeah there’s a channel I like called bootleg boy and he does a 247 Loi and just leave it on that nowadays

247 yeah a lot a lot of the well a lot of the big lowii channels they do a 24hour um thing now yeah I would imagine um because uh I believe you like low fight girls does it um there’s like milk cow or something I thought there was

One I’m familiar with bootleg boy which isn’t on there right now yeah there’s bootleg boy chill radio all right well wait I don’t trust that one I always listen to the bootleg boy Ones I listen to a bunch of this stuff and they’re pretty good I’ll just throw something random on like once upon a time I thought there was like a rule where you can play radio but then like all these synth radio stations came out and like their mu

Music’s like not really music it’s just random sound effects chained together by uh digital artist what is it the synth and lowy it’s not real music it’s like computer generated they uh well well I they um a lot of them well they might computer generate it now

But they took clips from TV shows movies especially like anime and then they put them Together yeah the like am AMV or whatever the animation music video yep those I used to watch a lot of those actually I I tried to make them but um like it it’s really hard making anything into anime because like holy cow do they like to flag flag people for

Using clips from anime Studios oh really yep spell check Minecraft is an actual word they’ll never understand if you add it to dictionary every word’s a word wait is that possible I didn’t think there was I don’t think I didn’t think they tracked that think oh I well

I whenever I type [ __ ] and stuff if it’s not a word I just add it when I know it’s right so the guys were saying my voice in Discord was really low right for them did you like have to crank me up though to like 200 no I got you to about

136% 100 but let me see if I have everything turned up though of course Minecraft’s turned down again yep so my My Mixer keeps messing [ __ ] up but you have a mixer the windows mixer oh okay yeah it’s garbage it it keeps like muting certain apps

Or you know the the beep you get when you’re doing press the talk yeah there’s a separate volume in Discord for that and sometimes it just resets and it’s super loud and then like just now Minecraft was like almost turned all the way off for some reason but I also

Changed my Discord where like you talk or I talk it lowers the sound of everything so I can hear better okay so um I’m not even sure where I streamed last time but um dark I’m going to have to monologue a little bit so

Um the last time we were at this base we uh well I was uh Shifting the corn to grow more sugar can so we can make balloons for ships cuz we figured out how to make airships um then there was a horrible house fire uh kind of burned

Everything in here and then we had to like kind of start over we might be looking to Outsource someone a build in here um this is supposed to be the Quinn in or the Q in oh [ __ ] I never even put up a sign Jesus we could have been

Robbed um we were able to go down in our basement and get a portal and a few players on the server have uh been able to unlock traveling to the portal this I don’t even know what is Minecraft and what is mods at this point like I haven’t played Minecraft in

So long that uh I just have no idea what the hell’s going on and uh apparently this thing like lets you teleport and we figured out that you can put one of these uh teleportation things on like a ship and uh you can just teleport onto an

Airship oh God that is so awesome um and then I started trying to build um the helm and I put this lever here which is going to power the engine so when this gets turned on it starts uh adding fuel to the engin when it gets turned off uh

It’ll stop so it saves fuel that way it doesn’t uh burn all the fuel and idling that seems to be our only problem so far okay dark yeah I forgot what I was going to say now yeah I figured that would happen um that’s okay forg uh did you get anywhere with

The um the Mechanics for the engine um I believe I put everything in a box down here just in case I was going to be like a long time um and then I was kind of looking around up here trying to figure out like how to split this up I I

Remember that a powered Redstone uh wire like it only goes like seven blocks and then it starts running out oh yeah you need a repeater yeah I don’t think i’ built any repeaters um it can it can go up to 15 blocks but you have to do it a certain way

I was trying to watch a video um on this stuff wait there there two ways to make a repeater uh well no like oh it’s the same thing never mind there’s a repeater but the guy was saying like you can go up to 15 on the power

Block somehow if you use a torch I think or was it a repeater I can’t remember that would be fine but he was talking about like the frequency I guess you can say which is the distance yeah like you could you could do different levels of it and it

Gets weaker the further away it Goes I don’t know so it’ll be fine because um there’s not that much space on the ship it literally just has to reach one end and the next end and then hit the first uh trigger we put the engines on a ceing if you want well yeah

They they’ll be on the edge over here I just have to figure easier we have to figure out how to fuel them evenly just just put one or two down and see if it’s working oh did you try that yet yeah it’s working okay so where’s the engines roughly going to

Go that’s the thing is I don’t know um so you’re still using this contraption here right no that well that was the original thing but I need to actually lay it out and figure out how to do the engines I’m going to have to do it off

The ship though it’s going to probably take a while okay but I won’t bore everyone with that um um you want to go on the adventure what did you have in mind I don’t know I want to do something beses build so we raided this ship um there’s another Airship we can

Raid I’m not sure wait dealers are doing anything um what else is there to do we can go uh Adventure into some caves or something so one thing we’re going to need to do is either find diamonds or get buckets of lava so that we can just make a

Portal un let’s we going to so we can find dungeons kep that are there special dungeons besides just like the caves here um I’m not sure I there’s like I’m not familiar with Minecraft well they added like like temples and like Temple Villages and I think there’s other there’s uh we could

Go in the Beehive dungeon if you want to do that uh sure I’m down for that let me um there are special temples and dungeons you can find pro tip pip oh that’s cool there is a lot okay we could do you want to take

The big ship on a little cruise and find stuff or the little well I did want to check out the Beehive dungeon first and um that doesn’t require moving anything just requires me finding where we put the ender pearls all right it’s fine with me let me uh clear me

Inventory son of a [ __ ] I hate inventories I’m keeping a stack of cobblestone in case I got to build something yeah that that sounds uh fair oh here we go end your pearls see I’m going to make some extra actually got to keep up on hydration actually I’m going to keep a

Stack of Oak plank so I can make a crafting station if I need to I’m going to bring sticks in iron sticks and iron sticks and stones may by bones but chains and whips excite me hey do you think they ever added snakes to the game like a giant snake yeah like little

Garden snakes giant snakes desert snakes water snake uh no clue over Here because because when I was uh early in my career of looking into like programming and game testing the animator said that making a realistic snake is impossible because it’s just too hard like oh really it it’s because it does a very unique animation and it’s almost like a spin

Wheel like you’re P when you perceive it it uh recoils in on itself and it’s very hard to uh recreate that in your brain so it’s very very difficult for animators to do it they have to use cheats or uh pre-designed programs that can render that that’s interesting all right dark you come

In ah yes give me one sec I hear bees all right I think this inventory is just taking over it it is just so much I’m going share my screen real quick yeah see this is this is the pro don’t go yet read uh what P boy is

About to say before you go wait there is a lot before you go wait uhoh this this sounds for voting just grab my uh sugar cane while we’re waiting is he going to say that wait dark come here where are you dark what I’m

Uh going craft B where am I going oh top to the thing well outside to the Garden Oh to the Garden yeah that’s where the bees are this is the bees needes I really wish there was a party system oh [ __ ] I did backwards this ship is now an elevator

Oops I think I picked up extra stuff o dragon bone sword that’s what I’m talking about oh nice thank you oh new new tools thank you pip wait where are you getting all these dragon bones are you abusing dragons that’s pretty cool we’ll just assume pip is uh finding them in a

Graveyard we got to dig out to leave the bees I don’t know I’m not sure I’m not sure I’d dig dig these bees these bees wait so can only one beehive be active near each other Dragon skeletons right click right click to get their bones back you have to leave the dungeon you

Need to dig out all the way down like when we dig for lava dig straight down now you all can use any beest when you’re in the bee dungeon oh so there’s no lava in the bee dungeon we should bring lava the bees need lava to stay warm dark

Did you even get an Ender pear ow dark do you need an ender pearl oh my god did he go AFK hang on wait how dides that actually work dark I can see what you see I’m back Jesus I’m back all right do ender pearl do you need Pearl give you a pearl

Um I need them too yeah you got to throw them to get inside the dungeon ow all righty then okay I’m I’m just I’m going to assume you know how to throw the Pearl yeah C uh no it’s right click okay so you look at the

Beehive and then I I guess you just throw a pearl at it oh and you’re gone and I oh neat I hope we’re in a s what you know safety is relative oh [ __ ] oh my God my feet are moving so slow here ow ow I’m getting stabbed by a bee oh

[ __ ] oh this is not good dark I fell through a hole oh God this big ass hole right here oh I think I’m coming to you oh God this is so bad this is some Alice and Wonderland [ __ ] I see you qu I’m right above you okay I just this

Is I got to keep eating how did I get 28 oh Jesus why are you evil stop it how’ you go to I’m near you I can hear you I was just above you wait I haven’t really moved oh you’re right there where are you oh wait oh you were on the other

Side I was looking at yeah I I dig a hole because there was bees chasing me yeah what is this thing oh that’s a bee tons of pollen can’t be healthy oh I should have brought my bow oo what do we make with pollen are they making fart noises the musical uh

Yes yes they’re musical farting bees I I shot a bow I wish these bees would stop trying to bite me I just want oh what is that oh what are they oh they’re like up there angry ow dark what are they doing flying above your head and

Stinging you like real life yeah what’s this thing honey cocoon oh that gave me a bunch of cool stuff oh my God there’s so much bee stuff man I wish I would have brought some range we can go back sad now we can probably go back we have to dig well

Then dig wish I I wish I had a bow or something oh God that way I can shoot him there’s one on top of you I’m coming uhoh heal okay I know how to play every day I’m bumbling hey Blossom okay this is not good I want to take some of these blocks

Back did you want to leave and then come back or you want to explore oh you got a shield that’s cool ow they keep poking my butt com into the Bumble Z ow my feet are all sticky we got to get down go down Dark Escape I’m you I’m on

Top I hope I’m not hitting you okay it’s gone wait dig to the side uhoh I landed on your head okay uh that sounded wrong oh ow ow okay Jesus I blocked them we’re running out of air now it’s all right just take shallow breaths maybe uh we’ll dig a stairs down

It seems safer straight down seems really dangerous well that’s the only way out it’s kind of funny that it’s not getting like darker like maybe it’s cuz the light is outside and it’s permanently day outside I would use a regular axe on this and save the bone it takes the same

Amount of hits to freaking remove it wait for the tool wait is pickaxe the best yeah they all do the same oh all I’m saying is don’t use the bone to save durability for something else you want a iron pickaxe I got IR just use it instead you just mine with the hands

It’s the same oh okay well that’s even better oh this no wait this red block is yeah it is I feel I feel like a pleb doing this with my hands though I I wish I had a gold shovel oh that would be funny why so you can be a gold

Digger i’ be digging with gold okay I just seen if we were still near each other how far down do we have to go is this a trip a trip trip trap this is a trick is this how you get to the queen being I don’t

Know like the concept of My reality is collapsing right now this is these mods have broken my mind it’s not a trick I swear pip do you have a awesome bow you might be able to give me oh God cuz I want to play some range in this

Game pip don’t give it to him make him earn it sweet baby Jesus thank you make him tend your sheep Quin will love you a long time no no no I don’t need one no no he doesn’t need gold he’s like a he’s like a leprechaun if you give him gold he’ll never

Stop oh what is is that a wood is like a wood Oh we must be getting close to the end it’s the Beehive BL I don’t like that oh this is the other of shell I don’t like that I should see grass in my uh I’m I’m out I’m out

Clan oh okay scary just jump through the hole I made you want me to jump your hole jump through the jump through the butthole no especially when you say it like that it’ll be safe Jesus you’ll be in a safe space no I Okay I mean I could just I could probably just live here it might be safer like I’ll just dig out I’ll dig out a few more blocks and we can just build the end in here and you guys will find me it’ll be fine look this space is getting bigger it’s not even

Claustrophobic what I thought we were leaving CL then going back no jump through the hole I had something in my eye wait why brace the darkness wait oh dang it oh oh no there was I fell down I should have fallen out here and landed

Next to it but I was on top makes no sense you fell from the sky yeah I wish they would have dropped you from the sky and then like just fall for a while and don’t die though get jump or fall immunity oh you know what since I got

Those slime balls I could make leads slime uh or was it I I’m pretty sure this will work Le this thing what oh there it goes there we go look at this beauty so the lead huh I can’t put a lead on a butterfly oh shoot there goes my theory I was going

To put a lead on the butterfly and it was going to fly me over the gate and pollinate my corn surely there’s some other animals we can lead oh hey it’s raining again thank you very much oh that’s cool quiver is that a duck thank you a lot that’s a

Goose you’re my Goose now come little Goose figure out where to get name tags I have a goose strapped to the fence awesome maybe that’ll keep the bees from stinging me it’ll be too annoyed by the goose sounds now we just need to find a cat

Dark got it thanks a cat a cat this is a jungle so there should be a jungle cat somewhere and I really don’t like these ants they’re so mean like they’ll just randomly start attacking you they poke really hard so I found some watermelons no cat lots of

Bamboo I could probably make a lot of bamboo traps where oh right I still have all this stuff on me uh a candle yep honey cocoon empty so much so much going on with these B blocks okay that did not oh oh my God that teleported me way further than

I thought I could go oh here’s a cat blind luck sorry Kitty you’re going to have to get wet there’s another one I don’t have another string come up here up here this way just a little further D I got another one I’m chasing back to the

House I’m going to need you to get a lead how do I get Le or a fish I don’t know I don’t know it’s slime ball and string I can’t remember I might have put some slime back there all right never mind I think we’ll just let that one wander around

Hopefully I can navigate this thing through this bamboo forest he’s only broken off his leash once the ants get out of here ants into the fire does that mean Blossom died no fire little further we need fishing rods and fish wait didn’t you have fish wait do we

Need raw I think we need raw fish I don’t have any wait is there even a fishing mechanic in this game there we go oh there’s a fishing rod sorry cat you’re going to get away again okay I have eight string that probably craft one okay fish fish fish fish fishing rod make

Sure do do I not have sticks I got sticks I’m missing sticks there’s just some sticks behind you Saks oh wait oh I have to make one at a time okay here a fishing fishing pool I can’t remember if there was bait do we just throw it in the water so interesting fact

When rain is happening and rain is hitting the surface of water most fish will think it’s bugs or insects um hitting the top of the water and the fish will come to the surface and they’ll uh try to see what’s going on and that’s how a lot of fish get

Caught is because it’s raining and they come to the surface and a bird gets them oh you are getting shot at by something that was me shooting a piranha no yep so this thing just has to wiggle like a lot or something and then it’ll throw a fish in my

Face and then we can feed the cat I got I got one and the point of this is wait oh [ __ ] I did it early the point of this is we need a ship cat so the next thing we need is a name tag hey little piranhas uhoh yeah they don’t like

That they don’t drop anything not really they spawn quite often they’re o i wait I think I just caught a stick I’m so confused that’s new I saw Bubbles and the bubbles came towards the thing and then I pulled it and it gave me a stick this is the

Game this is the game messing with me oh boy oh [ __ ] I see something it went for it wait grass oh I got I got a tuna we might need three each though I got a tuna and Ro rock cod you got P don’t go out near the water they have a ridiculous

Range we’re not even in the water why do they care for here we shouldn’t even exist to them they’re trying to eat the bait oh I got oh I got something rock cod okay so I just got a bone so maybe one or two more

Fish between the two of us and I think we’ll be good for an attempt to tame the cat I got a bone to pick uhoh dark I I don’t think you should have all those bone things they probably can’t came from Blossom’s land oh is she like Queen of the sea

Maybe that’s got an oyster so I saw a video or maybe someone posted a video as like a meme if I maybe it’s like when you cut trees you plant one back what if I just plant a fish back after I’m done um maybe maybe they’ll grow back uh nothing

About your land it no one went here land these are not the droids you’re looking for okay I think we I think we got enough fish dark I got four you got like maybe three I think I got four one more wait you found a snake you found a snake I

Was talking about snakes earlier randomly Blossom she just had an achievement pop up oh no step on snake what hey trip wire hook oh nice all right does the water have to be part of an ocean to catch fish or can I do it right here uh it can be anywhere but you

Have you probably have better chance for good fish in more water because it spawns like bubbles it might not be able to spawn those bubbles there they might have patched it but theoretically you could catch something yep I caught something that is so boring get away C

You’re going to abuse that you’re going to fish on the ship aren’t you we’ll put water on this okay now you gave me an idea see oh you weren’t thinking about that let’s let’s put some water on the boat go up really high and go fishing in [Laughter]

It oh my God I don’t even know where my buckets are that would be hilarious here let me let me make a bucket let let me make a bucket pop that baby down that’s a mine cart that’s a cauldron I don’t know how to make buckets oh I figured it out I

Smart oh I wish I could fill this with watermelon I wonder if I wonder if it’s one for square and then it resets because I had to sit here for a while and I ain’t got to bite I think it’s complete RNG and it’s going to screw

With your mind if you think about it too hard oh uh maybe not there you made it rain good it’s raining oh boy oh a tropical fish yeah you are kind of in the forest I guess did you put water on here there’s now water on the

Boat uh it might have to be still water though oh it might have to be wider yeah because it’s not still water so it’s going to keep pushing your thing um oh yes make a hot tub this will be our hot tub it just sank it just sinks I don’t think it’s

Going to work on here maybe it’s not big enough maybe we need more than one block of water oh careful oh I popped a balloon Yep this is now balloons popping it that is hilarious yeah I can make this bigger okay oh I made it s

Bigger well yes that was the magic of believing so maybe not cuz it looks like it doesn’t I don’t think it’s working yeah it just sinks to the bottom okay so the physics of the fishing rod is that it doesn’t it it has collision with the

Ship but it doesn’t sense it as the blocks are wait you can R people in yeah I thought it went further before oh I wish I could hold it i’ drag you around oh yeah oh I broke my pole yeah yeah it it is quite uh de debilitating on the

Pole all right did you T your cat no I need your fish too just in case maybe okay that’s I don’t even I can’t even hold the bone uhoh dark what I think he made a break for it yeah you left no no leash I think he shoot through the leash an egg

A crap there’s a Ant who’s ant oh this ant can climb on anything do you think we can lead the ant I don’t know okay I need to you make a fence around Theo we’re keeping it uhoh why I might lay a golden egg yes oops okay we got this stay ah crap

Crap I didn’t make enough pieces for the fence oh wait I already had some fences on me wait he’s got he’s got the lead in his mouth who’s going to walk us so I can’t get the lead he stole it from me give me that oh my God oh my God not

Again come on give give me the lead give me that give me that what now ow come on man give me that that that I don’t have enough slime and string to make an our lead if you don’t give me that I’m ow I’m screwed where you get

Slime oh I do have slime on me I don’t have I have 19 string on me oh [ __ ] you can make more leads oh [ __ ] I’m stuck with the duck I don’t have string I thought you just said you had 19 string I know but how you make a lead

Ow he keeps hitting me oh um uh the B the crafting book um slime with like string around it or something oh wait if he drops it where’d he go where’s your slot it’s right here wait it’s just the goose that got out yeah he’s got the lead in his mouth

I I can’t I can’t tie him up he’s rebelling here the slime’s right there for you Jesus Christ I should have I should have never given him this power he’s become his own Master normally normally someone would turn to violence but we have to respect the goose he’s asserting his authority he’s

Asserting his dominance he’s claiming this chest and he’s staring down dark he’s not afraid of dark it’s cuz I got my bow out dark he just has to use that lead on you and you are [ __ ] I think we should go I think we should just let let him be you have more

Leads now how do you use the lead right click you put it in your hand and then you right click on the animal and it puts a rope on them and then you can right click on a fence and it’ll tie him to the fence here let’s Let’s uh let’s break this

Open just put them to the fence that in there right there you go now he’s stuck there he can think about he can think about uh being outnumbered and how that worked out for him cuz now he’s Trapped we don’t even really have to box him in cuz if he keeps his freedom in his mouth like that then he won’t be able to chew through the other one okay we need to find I need to find a cat DK I think he just escaped I just

Threw of an egg and he put it in his mouth and dropped the lead oh sweet he’s eating he’s eating egg oh my God he’s eating it wait do you want a fish oh my God he’s eating It I don’t think he likes the fish well you keep feeding you keep you keep oh there you ate the fish you kept feeding him too many eggs you realize that’s cannibalism right he’s a bird you’re feeding him dead baby birds it’s fine to Fe chickens are own egg all the time God

Oh my God literally you can do that though you can feed chickens their own eggs people don’t want to know that you crush up the shell and cook the egg scramble it all up feed it back to to be fair see he just pooped an egg and he ate an

Egg he might eat his own egg oh [ __ ] not that fish we need to feed the cat so the whole thing about eggs is that so why am I feeding him anyway I don’t know because you’re nice I guess you want his respect and love I don’t

Know do you have an emot Bond you think you’re going to like ride them with a saddle I think can I yeah I think I got a saddle inside somewhere you could probably ride them do you have to tame them or something first or no it’s a

Saddle I mean surely you can ride a goose I don’t know oh no did the server crash uh Ser wait nope I’m just lagging we’re all lagging there might be some Shenanigans going On I can’t remember exactly where I put my saddle but there’s like three different boxes could ow could have been dirt oh it’s on me brow every time if you make chain leads they can’t be broken well I don’t know what a chain lead is that’s just slime and chain it’s

It says similar to a lead can be tied the wall blocks cannot be broken can be used on most mobs and then there’s a sticky chain a sticky chain I mean you use to connect two chained mobs together you can connect two mobs together man so we can make like a line

Of cows and then just have them walk in a circle we still got to make a cow bro we could summon like at least four demons with that oh I’m out of string to make another lead here here here wait summon demons wait what uh is that a real thing

What no no no no s can we summon demons by fing C well I mean what are you looking at I’m looking through my inventory oh to see if I had more string hang on uh looking a little blocky there Quinn you right no I didn’t have any

Blocky okay I still got seven leads on me I trapped the goose in oh cuz I don’t know else to do with him I can’t give him the saddle I think the saddle is disappointed oh [ __ ] he’s got the saddle D he just he just stole the saddle he’s

Going to ride us dark he’s going to ride us well you can be his first victim let’s see how that goes God okay back let’s go get the cat okay I got I gota where’s the cat at I don’t know where the cat ran off the

One I got I don’t know but there was more cats in this jungle they’re not very far oh there’s a burning zombie Okay there’s an ant yeah don’t don’t piss off the ants we’ll have to fight them all of them think cats do something special yeah they keep creepers away oh that doesn’t work our life uh yeah you’re right cats kind of attract them actually a lot of bamboo

Yeah this okay there’s the water there’s there’s there’s a cat there’s a cat there’s lava down there y lava will be step two we need ship cat ah [ __ ] oh string I just saved you the cat go [ __ ] zombie so many zombies I got a cat

Okay oh don’t go too far it’ll break oh I don’t know that yeah if he gets stuck on land it’ll break and then you have to go back and pick it up from his body I got it okay so now I can try oh there’s a

Skeleton oh he broke off his lead again yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay all right can I oh I okay no come here you to like look away from him like you’re not interested but you’re holding a fish maybe I want to Nom the fish dark

Don’t scare him I got him oh wait wait bring him don’t move don’t move don’t move I got him yeah I know hang on what you doing oh you’re just feeding him okay uh he’s not pleased oh he doesn’t like tuna Rock give us spags oh God how many fish does he need

An oyster oh oh there’s some hearts I don’t know I don’t see a collar around him though does that mean it’s working you just got to go more maybe uh how many fish do you want how how many fish do you want that’s too much want all the

Fishies that’s too much I think he changes and it says like he’s a how do you f are you just throwing them throwing the food down for him yeah well no I’m right clicking the food on him I might have to hold him if you do it I’m not

Sure I say I got some eggs on me no he’s not going to eat eggs that’d be crazy he’s a cat fish and a cat would eat egg I don’t think a cat would like an egg I I’d beg the differ well is he eating not in this

Game I haven’t thrown them down yet well you don’t throw them you right click looking at them and then they’ll disappear into them yeah but doesn’t it undo my leash well that’s the thing is I got to grab them when you do that oh you ready yeah

Wait I still have the leash and I changed okay I got him come on Kitty just right click on yeah they should disappear when you right click on them but I don’t think you can do it with that dark you’re not even full from eating he’s not he’s not going to care

If you just throw it in the ground he’s going to think you’re throwing eggs at him dude he’s going to think you’re like harassing him being mean what if I’ll shove it from the other end oh [ __ ] I almost I dropped the lead for a second there we’re

Good I don’t have any fish all right well we could take them back and like build a little cat house for him so they can’t get out here let’s just take him back all right go ah here then hopefully we can oh [ __ ] I got him my kitty I’ll lead you to the

Forest there’s an older Archer over here oh I fell back to the end oh arrows coming towards my feet they dead there oh there’s one in front of me oh [ __ ] dark I’m taking hits I got him I heard some I heard some witchcraft I don’t know where you went now I’m

Almost to the farm I’m to your left oh I see there’s a spider we still making we’re still good oh dark help there’s a creeper and a spider oh boy I got you oh God clear kill the ones towards the house what is that noise oh there’s WS oh my

God oh God come on come on cat almost there you just need a ship cat okay I’m on the path okay we’re going to need to seal up the house actually um I’m going to take him into the basement and maybe put them in your room that’s

Fine oh [ __ ] there’s a chicken in here I’m going to put him in the other room there you go okay he is in the guest room I sealed off the uh Escape tunnel uh there might have been some fire damage that we head upstairs that uh didn’t get quite

Cleaned up down in the basement but uh whoever’s responsible for that fire we will catch them eventually that is uh definitely a thing that’s going to happen you might catch them if look no no no we don’t have mirrors in the the hotel cuz that’s uh that builds

The charisma skill and we can’t have guests uh out Charming the uh staff oh man I love this bow one shots through his mob just with regular arrows ah no dragon arrows they’re Dragon arrows oh my God where are these arrows dragging D it dragging your jokes on the floor pretty

Much so we needed string oh we need fish wait how do I keep getting fish hey Blossom what’s up okay never mind I see you have a bone to pick with someone I’m sorry I just read back totally out of context I know what I’m doing just put this egg in

Here oh I do have a dragon bone arrow probably stuck you with it yeah yeah didn’t feel good yeah that was kind of fun some a little bit of combat action or you want to go back in the bees soon that place is scary as hell um no

Go find a dungeon we need I need to take I got five fish I need to tame this cat okay hopefully maybe oh there’s more string I can make a fishing rod you want me to go fish some more huh yeah we need a fish more well this cat is not having

Me hey I got to do some fish bro this cat just hates me I put him in a dirty hole only one put him in a dirty hole this is how he repays Me Maybe I have to clean good idea just cleaning up a little get all the s make him a better

Environment uh not sure if I have any light source oh I got 30 torches plenty of light oh bit jumpy server why okay so probably just a wall that off make that a little nicer there now well maybe okay now if I feed him fish maybe he’ll like that’s not a tame cat

So my theory behind what’s going on right now is that the fish aren’t actually leaving my hand the server does like a weird tick and then the fish will reappear and I’m only feeding him the one fish and then it gives him hearts and then I probably have to wait like 5

Minutes before I can feed him again I caught a piranha nice I hooked it and dragged it on Shore and it bounced around like a dead fish all right well let the cat stay in there I cleaned it up a little bit for him we’re going to have to find another

Source of fish probably emeralds and probably name tag we can go shopping check all the vendors see if they have any name tags that might actually be from a specific uh wandering vendor wonder if it’s possible to make name tags name tags so it looks like you can craft them

With a book in quill put him in Mana pool and then you can make name tag Interesting what is up hiip I have acknowledge oh hey I have name tags you can use go to my base and just look for Them all right dark what we can move the big ship our first test run oh Okay I got more fishies oh excellent what the big the big one um or the or the medium siiz one we can try the big one well no no no that’s going to be too slow We we’ll do the medium um uh we need to grab some charcoal from up

Top yes fuel fuel for the Fire I really need to start using the Sorting buttons there’s so much Stuff this is what it’s like to get too much energy and then you’re kind of stun locked to not knowing what to do but doing anything is just as good as doing the right thing one foot front of the other and you’re still Tripp you I still Tripp you are removing unneeded Blocks very cool very cool all right engines are fired up hell yeah which way do we go George so we’re going to be going to Pip’s house which is just across the river or whatever um Northeast of us that’s why yes forward wait wait why is my thing go

Backward oh I still can’t figure out how to freaking steering this thing um we need to oh the other way yeah 180 this is so confusing I love it I really need to actually start contributing to my own design did I just call sh yeah you you just did a complete 180

Again you need to dude why is like you got to use your eyes is it just every time I every time I turn it turns the stupid compass which way is here you want me to fly I forward forward straight straight hold on your compass is not going to line up

With the ship bark this is this is a weird situation where the mods don’t uh know what each other’s doing on my mini map North is where the South should be and the south is where the north is East is where West is yeah because the mini map um moves with your

Character hey can you fly real quick I need to jump discords real quick yeah uhoh it’s not too far hopefully uh it’s not bad news so that destroyed groundon there I was told that a fire dragon was killed here and they were fighting and that was two fire

Attacks makes me not want to fight dragons Okay so on the other side of this beautiful town is where Pip’s house is we just need to find a landing space because they did not anticipate a flying ship docking on their property okay we are landed in the horse’s field hello

Cows chalky milk banana milk jimy very nice cows pip where is name tag probability inside house outside House Flowers everywhere oh I hear cat cats Jesus so many cats oh here’s the Stone stone ow oh hello pip oh well oh wait you just went into the floor there Green carpet down here nice this is super organized what the hell man this makes me like like what am I doing with my life if I’m not organized oh wait a minute name

Tag wait what what was this oh God wait I picked it up 10 oh my God thank you I like needed one I’m going to I’m going to name you okay I can’t name you but can I name you box I can’t name you a box this is a crazy little

Hideout looks nice though jungle ladder you to any need upper body strength you feel so see this is what they supposed to look like when you tame them yes okay now we have to find forces to find ship uhoh um oh boy oops okay I need like a block there we

Go yep dark’s still here who knows what he is doing he is the great Peacekeeper oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that’s fast that’s fast that’s a beacon okay then we find the C engage engines oh oh I just realized I could do this got to have very good ability to pay

Attention you never know what you’re going to miss and there’s always something important that you could notice that will change everything I feel like this was a lot closer in my mind it was just across the river this ship moves pretty quick but not as quick as my mind

Oh also it’s easier to see if I do this oops ship lure ship oh I totally know what I’m doing oh [ __ ] I’m on the wrong side this is confusing man if you weren’t like really smart you’d probably get turned around and Confused super bad

Here oh man I don’t know what’s going to happen if lightning hits the ship it’ll probably burn gently uh tap it in tap tap Tapo all right so we got the name tags anyone has any name suggestions I am always open for naming cat stay back zombie okay so we got a few

Fish that name tags we’re going to be doing a little bit of science here we the name of the cat can be pip okay oops uhoh Uhoh guys I think the cat escaped it despawned it was not having that we locked it in there and it got out that is why we need name tags name tags prevent NPCs from being able to despawn all right we’re going to blame dark on this and uh we’ll keep moving on we’ll

Find another cat cuz that is the quest how do I get okay right there I need to put like a big exit sign or something okay yeah I don’t really like it when it’s raining over here then there’s mobs spawning oh there’s a lot of zombies oh what was

That that guy like had like a spear come out of oh he did it again oh that that looked bad um dark I think they’re AGG gring on you wow that lightning is very unlucky for them that just smites them okay wow whoa what the hell was

That oh [ __ ] there are they’re like Nas ghouls oh man dark might be AFK and completely exposed up there okay God oh God let me run oh dark’s dark’s not AFK he’s here he’s alive holy [ __ ] oh God I heard a signal flare oh [ __ ] ow okay we’re

Good i i s I tend to fall quite a bit so I I get pretty nervous around Ledges and then after I fall I get dazed a little bit all right I think the rain’s going away sun’s out again wow I don’t know what was that these crazy monsters I just need we

Just need to get a ship cat I wait a minute what is that what is this oh no that’s a creeper that’s wait a creeper with arms uh-oh he’s wearing a backpack oh that was bad that backpack was kind of cool organize put more stuff

Away okay we’ll need to lead get a cat again name the cat after pip yes so oh the plan is you get the lead with oh okay that’s a lot big spider stay down mystical green flower that sounds like a candy trip and a

Half all right so we need to get a cat we use the so the idea you use the lead bring it all the way back to the house take it in a room tie it off whatever and then use the name tag on it and then that’ll stop it from despawning then we

Can just keep feeding it every day until Stockholm syndrome kicks in and the cat just loves us I mean that’s the theory there’s a lot of gooses if they stand near each other their name should change to geese Goose turns to geese geese okay cat cat cat where where wor are out There where is the cat usually wandering around in the forest uh I us just get what I want like almost instantly but uh this cat has appeared like three or four times and he’s done with my [ __ ] he’s like ah yeah can’t do it again not today not today Quinn we’ll find a

Yeah somewhere oh what is that crazy tree is that a mushroom keeping an eye out for cats while we check out the mushroom tree wait I have an axe yes what is this mushroom oh Oh I thought it was giving me mushroom blocks but it

Wasn’t Ebony Log ooh I need uh a see from ebony sapling nice that’s what I really needed because uh the plan was to make the Airship out of red and black blocks that way the black would be more stealthy on the outside and the red would just be kind of uh showboating or

Whatever I need to get rid of that oh that’s neat sorts it out of the back pet oh wow I wish I knew about that before oh these backpacks are way easier to use if you just like tell it to mass sword everything I’ve been using them wrong this whole

Time I should have just filled my whole bar with backpacks I could be the pack mule of the game all right sorry about that yeah no problem I’m back to uh looking for a cat um cat you had it’d be in a jungle biome I don’t know what the heck I’m in

Grass block biome are you burning stuff down again uh no there is a forest fire but I did not start it I believe there’s just random lava nearby there’s a lot of Ash falling on the sky uh this game doesn’t like spawn an ash monster does it which direction did you take off

Uh I’m east of the house across the river I how did I get so far over here I’m coming with the ship bro I’m not even sure how I got all the way over here like I was in the jungle it was over this way oh that’s not

Good uh it just got really dark again uhoh spaghetti where’s your way point at wait I see you dark I’m wait I see I see the fire I can see it from a mile away yeah the lava I’m under you though oh just about under you oh God go up okay go down

Again okay I’m on I’m on [ __ ] get out of here there’s crazy goddamn monsters in the sky I don’t have any guns oh there’s the sun again that was quick I don’t know what’s going on man this is a crazy new world oh we need to get to the jungle

Biome uh why is it glowy right there I’m not sure what on the ship no down below us oh there’s a bunch of torches there oh yeah that is basically wait why is it darker now oh that’s one of the stations I don’t know man the sun’s playing games

On us man it’s Tri it’s it’s screwing what’s what’s a station the station is a river station that’s under us where those torches are that is part of my underground Network to get back to the house wait what what’s this thing in front of us that’s a random Mushroom

House dungeon I don’t know what the hell that is oh [ __ ] pip you’re floating in the air where did you get that punk rock glowing Wing thing actually now that I’m back on comps what was going on with all the thunderstorms and [ __ ] uh I don’t know freak uh freak

Happening a that stuff was loud there was some giant spear thing that came down oh um yeah it started storming and I was going to run towards the forest and then realized that I’d have to fight all hell’s Creations if I wanted to go

And find that cat so then I just kind of held my ground and the zombies kept getting hit by lightning and dying there was some spear on the ship and uh oh I don’t know if pip caused it or not and it was like tapping constantly yes we’re going to take a

Quick detour real quick oh yes the great elf tree this is pretty pretty nice it’s kind of annoying that there’s not actual steps very bouncy what was that I don’t know I think that’s Pip’s flying ability Rockets or fireworks or something oh it’s kind of dark up

Herey oh what the [ __ ] is this Soul Lantern oh that’s what’s the Soul Stone that’s you can make those bro this is cool ooh there’s stuff in here neat random loot I can’t believe no one like claimed one of these places as their base this would been kind of cool you know what

Quin we could actually live up for now since we have airships easier claim the tower this Tower is mine well I mean I technically have the in in my name and I don’t know if there’s a legal system for property ownership but you could definitely claim this Tower

Dart oh there’s the ladder I think I’m going to claim it in the name of Darkness of course if another player comes forward and says that they already had a claim on this you’re going to have to duel them to the death that’s fine long as it’s not pip oh

God pip would pip would crush you with his pinky I know right of course you would I am laying claim to you oh wait does this bunch of iron ore in here does this ladder go up higher oh my God it went up higher oh yeah got some cool stuff in

Here iron chest piece dark oak sapling o creepy lightning I like this thing I’m going to make a man base in here iron horse armor oo this is really cool though dude I wonder if we could make an Airship that literally would go over the top of this base like its only function

Would be like a lift ring that goes around the entire base and it’s like an elevator oh do a ring all the way around it and then it just goes up and down yeah you could do that oh man that’d be Cy crazy but yeah and kind of

Big yeah yeah we we’ll we’ll keep focusing on getting the working Airship with the it’ be cool if like we had a hole in the center and then put a smaller elevator inside and go up and down with it so I think with with the ship dark um what’s going to happen is

I’m probably going to watch a video on how to make a automated Blast Furnace or whatever and those are actually pretty small and all it does is sorts material that you put down and make sure it’s constantly getting fed into a blast oven so it can be turned into charcoal or

Whatever oh yeah I think I’ve seen that’ be awesome but once we can get a system where we just dump a bunch of fuel in a box and it processes all of it and turns it into like actual fuel that we need then uh we can figure out how to

Get that fuel into a storage area where it’s hooked up to all the engines and it’s transferred over hey pip you kind of look like a Angry Ninja that sounds good so got little Katana you need a Hur tame a cat cuz I want to go explore some dungeons

I oh I can take my Helm off backpack need like a parachute Mod All Aboard I like this Tower though that’s [ __ ] cool y you need to put like a sign and torches and stuff clim it how you make a sign that’s just like uh a stick and six pieces of wood or

Something I found string don’t worry I’ll take care of it uhoh it’s like the take care of what we will know it’s yours I’m put a sign right here oh God he’s already talking to you like you’re the dawn this is the organized crime Tower wait this how I damn it there’s a

Character limit on what the sign yeah how are you hitting the character limit it’s not very long unless I can press enter yeah you can it’s like shift enter maybe you have shift enter down arrow try down arrow it’s just Center oh yeah that that makes sense land claimed by dark

Wars okay I have a sign now it’s legal sure that’s exactly how the law works until you get halfway up you know you have to come halfway up to read the sign first yeah they have to climb your tree okay actually I need to Mark the Spot or

I’ll forget where it is yeah that’ probably be good good idea I should do I would uh set set oops create wayo dark’s Tower oh what the [ __ ] is that what the hell what is that stupid noise again is that you p no God what is it that’s what I was hearing

Earlier that’s like the sound of a thousand bow and arrows being fired it’s an arrow that he keeps cutting out of the ship I don’t know what he’s Jesus okay oh I didn’t know not think it was going to be getting that dark dark I don’t know pretty

Dark it’s about time there’s some danger to the world H this might be too much danger this is like story book danger like like there could be like witches and stuff spawning that are flying around and getting us you don’t even have a cab on your head

Dude like I literally need to start building hey what on my head I have a dragon hel a cab a a a cab yeah like a enclosure oh [ __ ] what was that that’s what I was hearing earlier oh crazy ass lightning bro bro that lightning it’s like it’s calling a

Dragon over or something the dragon caller oh boy it’s so loud too and have my stuff turned down it’s good thing I don’t have it turned up all right you still need a cat right yeah we need a ship cat that’d be cool you leave it on the

Ship if we can I want to see if even can sit on the ship all right let’s go to the ground then yep um one second you keep doing what you’re doing I’m going to turn the engines off oh [ __ ] y okay if I stick a lever on these will they just turn

Off um I haven’t tried that but that it’s possible but I don’t think the the whole point of the Power Stone is to hit the hopper so the hopper stops dropping fuel yeah but like for now can I just put a lever on them if that’s possible

That’s going to be way better than what I was planning to do because well I like what you’re planning I just I’m just curious for now I don’t even know where did my lever go need to peeking he I need Cobblestone yeah it’s like I never have cobblestone don’t either it’s crazy

There’s a ton up there I think I was smelting most of E I love this bow what is these strange noises uh the lightning is hitting lightning rods I believe and it’s a ringing it’s causing a ringing why is there a roof over us now because it protection I was

Killing them with this awesome B pip G yeah now you’re protected so you don’t have to die AFK okay back up okay maybe I can maybe I could open the roof up that’s fine you can seill it in doesn’t need that much space though I can keep the walls

Up kind of like the cab it might be more effective if I made it one box taller but then like out of glass or something so you can see out that’ be cool just have a glass bubble around the driver up here if you want to fight then

You go down the stairs you’re out of the bubble I there’s a creature up here yeah there might be a zombie under the house or something because there’s no torches up here this completely oh gotta oh I found the lever oh I found I just made one let’s see if this works

Why do you stick it on there D it works that’s good but how you stick it on it you have to hold shift and when you’re crouching then you can right click oh okay all right let me put some coal in there oh that’s crazy sweet wait is it working yeah it

Is so we could manually just shut them all off to make it easy in ourselves and then just have them constantly getting pumped our yeah that’s what I wanted for now at least oh man that’s so nice Okay um we’ll plan on doing that then that’ll simplify it quite a bit

Because I won’t need Power Stone at all I made 31 LS well put the Le lovers underneath if I can yep that way they’re all in one spot that is awesome okay now I just need one giant one to work all of them on and off can we do

That can you can you connect them together to one switch I don’t think you can affect a lever um with anything other than touching it so what we’ve learned is that the engines FP a switch the engines when they’re powered by an external power source they stop burning

Fuel do you want to just shove the engines on the back wall for now or did you have a better thought for that um I don’t really care why long as it looks mean how about let’s pick up uh most of all this so let’s start having the

Engines or do you have do you have the engines on you or a few uh I you had them all I had them all down then you picked them all up yep so they’re in one of these boxes then I need see about making more then there’s blast furnace was that the engine

Or no it says ship’s engine ships I do need the furnaces to make more and blast furnace where’d you put the ships they on you no they’re they’re they’re somewhere here cuz I would was not sure if I’d be up and you might want to move the ship and you’d need all those

Engines oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay as a extra added precaution I will begin searching my bags you lost them no no it’s all good Oh Ship engine found it 11 I had 11 that’s exactly how many I had made okay I can place some um one uh huh so you have one chest

Over okay screw it we’re just one block there one block There okay one two three four five six seven eight n what if we went 9 by9 hang on calculator I’m going try to make some more that’ be 81 engines that might be a little much I don’t know if I want to flip that many switches yeah true

Maybe just finish out this row that’d be one two three four five that’d be like seven more all right I got to find a glass plane I made or some stuff to make glass with no only Blossom is the person that needs EP to start the cycle not everyone the cycle of EP

Cycle of Life checking that is one thing that’s unusual oh the streaming one person can sleep and resets it oh maybe maybe that’s what she meant that’s my class I just assumed that she meant that like one person in real life could sleep and then like the cycle

Would be complete and then like it was like a prophecy that must be a server side mod how many more engines did you want to make it even was it like seven more so you said probably I can’t remember but let go I recount one one

Two 3 four five six seven yeah I need seven more nice some my cornbread all right I got six I just need a few more smooth Stone and then I can do one more awesome we might be breaking the blocks Behind these all right I got seven and poking a hole in the

Ship you know what’s great about this dark is it lets us control how much power we have too cuz if it’s going too fast you just uh tone it down was you was you set them against blocks is that how you got him to stack you hold shift

And then you stack stack it uh there you go oh there you go I on that earlier yeah smooth like butter I show know that ear where all my levers go so I’m wondering if you could put the lever right on the front of it because didn’t you have like a box of

Levers yeah I don’t know where I put them you said something about over here and then they were just on me must have oh they’re right there they’re on the hot bar my bad they look like a torch so crouching sweet so if we slap it right

On right now they’re like all set on when we power up these individual switches it’ll power down the engine that is awesome and I can if I put Hoppers behind here um that I can put a chest over the top and I can put a hopper attached to a

Chest or wait I just got to do it I got to stop thinking about it and do it cuz there we go yeah it’s a good thing you had this extra layer hidden behind this block I thought I was going to be poking out to the uh outside oh

Yeah so how the how the freak do we make hoppers is that just iron uh trap chest this will work if we can get it to Auto drip to keep full we just flip these real quick that’ll be way nicer to take the stuff in and out okay nice okay

So what is a trapped CH oh any chest I think I thought she make a chest into a trap one I don’t know what it does but well it’s a it’s what something is called so I I’m assuming it’s possible I had a bunch of chests already made for this particular purpose

Though oh nice the weird modified chests uh work now uh oh I’m burning through iron I got to figure out where I put all my iron see I’m too disorganized for this guys do it anyway all right dispenser oh boy I need iron chisel blocks block of iron holy [ __ ] there’s the motherload

Dude I could make a Golem and then we could name it bro we’re going to make a Golem and name it oh cool nice nice nice okay I got seven Hoppers which is enough for the bottom layer but I’m not going to think about

It I’m just going to do it see if it works so theory is I place a hopper here and it’ll fold into that it did not okay I will place a hopper touching this holding shift it folded in now I know that I approach each one of these like

So oh [ __ ] I ran out so anything placed on top of these Hoppers right here will uh pull it into the hopper and then push it into the furnace so that’s how you reload the furnace um automatically now there needs to be a box touching the top

Here that has to be true for all the boxes oh I need to make hoppers too lots more Hoppers we’re going to get hopping this is almost hurts how much iron I’m using to do this like it is so much iron uh are you using all the blocks

Up not all of them there’s there’s still considerable amount of iron left for like tools and stuff do you need more iron didn’t I give I think I got give you half the blocks I can give you more no I’m good there’s one on the little

Aircraft I have like 36 blocks of iron left um I set three aside that aren’t part of that 36 so I can make I think attempt to make a Golem I think it was three blocks in a pumpkin maybe I’m just not remembering that right or maybe they changed it

Okay so you place all the Hoppers get all the chests down very cool now we have the ability to put something in one of these chests and it gets pulled out and into there so the question is how do you start merging these chests up well you’re going to have to have

Hoppers injecting those chests and uh this is how you do it connect it to that chest directly that chest that chest that chest that chest that chest that one that one that one now we put an another box on top there but Al connected oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay slight problem slight

Hiccup these boxes should have been one oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh there we go I just had a look at it okay we’re good we’re good we’re back on game on I just had a hold shift and look at it and uh [ __ ] there’s always one

Extra okay so anything put in these chest will get taken down and divided into those two blocks So that means the next thing we’d want to do is probably go behind them again oh yeah we take apart that uh this is an old experiment not going to work all Good oh that’s not confusing not confusing at All okay so we need to oh crap we need to get something to get up there all right then we need to put the rest of the uh hoppers Down this is going to be really sneaky so there’s a hopper coming out the top of these and then uh obviously I just put a hopper into uh every position actually there there’s probably a more efficient way where you can filter the fuel type and if you if you filter the fuel

Type then it would be more efficient otherwise you have to fill it with a ridiculous amount of fuel okay dark I’m getting there but uh my experiment’s going to keep going up a little bit um I need stairs these switches are being weird they’re turning each other

Off I I feel like they’re all not like one as the other and they’re on state is they’re off State so dark when they’re on yeah they’ll be blinking and shooting little red things they should all be pointing down to be on if they’re all on that means that the ship is powered

Down you mean powered up no powered down because they sto the reaction in the thing so switches down mean powered down switches up mean powered up so if you want to power up you flip the switch up if that makes sense see now this one’s

On but it’s not going to be on so the state on off is on so this is yeah it’s backwards so this is on for the switches but it turns all the things behind it off we actually don’t need this many I don’t think because can you just do one

To do them all Um yes but I’d have to wire something and well I mean why don’t you need this many I’m just curious we don’t need this many why because the top does the bottom cuz this one right here if it’s on it’s still going to power the ones on the

Side of it and the top of it anything touching it directly so like you could leave the top corner here and we could take off so the touching see this switch now is holding back these two but so is this one and then you would want to take out this switch and

This switch and now this one this one Powers up these three I see that one is doing them too one above one below one to the side yeah ah okay okay my brain can see this a lot easier I know what you’re talking about okay that’s all the switches we actually

Need I like that there you go Bo it’s even better boom my genius is that’s why the ship they were being weird okay yeah um go hop in the medium ship real quick to get it out of the way getting up here is kind of

Painful I want see how how fast this bad boy goes probably not very fast but yeah I’m hoping it’s decent so that we don’t have to keep adding engines cuz my design is only incorporating come race me wait I’m right above you hang on I’m coming up let’s say the speed’s

Decent I’m coming up mine’s bigger I’m touching your Butt get above me yeah right above righty are the engines on on that one no probably not why am I moving so much what is you can take unless they are on I don’t know I think I need more balloons or this thing drifts a little bit hang

On seem fine to me when I was driving it how many engines were on here four six each one has a lever oh you were doing the same thing I did it just needs one per section now that um we know yeah okay oh I got to go check something yeah yeah

Yeah I think I’m ready I just got to flip them on yeah we probably should put the uh pathway down the center of these engines the pathway uh yeah trying to get up and going around them is kind of it’s kind of tight yeah we could put like stairs on

The sides maybe or or make a different path yeah it’s a little uh tight or hard to get up in there some of the uh engines were off for some reason I think they’re all on now all right you ready up up there uh yeah I need I’ll flip the switches now

Okay all right on one three two one same speed you might be a slight okay yeah you’re a little bit faster now gaining very slightly yeah we could probably put a few more engines on here to try to match that speed I don’t think it’s going to get

Much faster dark like it’s getting big and we still have to make it bigger it’s not going to be a racer oh yeah but if we can get more speed we can get more speed we should worry about more speed after we get like everything else designed and

Then a [ __ ] we can redesign it ah [ __ ] we’re being chased get back to the queen just uh run to the bed on that ship oh I think only one person needs to um come on all he needs to sleep sleep yeah only one person nice what what is this little village over

Here uh I do not know they got little tree houses or something looks like there’s an Airship being built there uh yeah it kind of does look like that no maybe oh are they like little airships no those are just house roofs maybe I don’t know maybe they were attempting to make they

Could look oh [ __ ] there’s like a dragon it looks like there could be what do you mean there’s a dragon look like a dragon in the sky a big one looked like a flying hot dog so like a what yeah it looked like a flying hot dog it was like a snake was

It huge or small it was huge you’re exag I don’t I don’t like it it disappeared it could be anywhere it could be invisible it could be like magic I don’t want Flying hot dogs am I going right way yeah ah this mini map’s killing me don’t

Look at the mini map that’s not going to be right at all is there another north Southwest I can look at um you could probably turn the rotation of the mini map off and that would probably stop you from being Boomer that would be amazing I’m not sure if that’s possible

That’s usually how it works in the mods though let me see if I can do that hell yeah okay this thing can spin on a dime though holy crap yeah that that’s actually pretty watch watch holy [ __ ] it’s it can spit so fast it lags oh

My god dude you get invaded just spin it’s a legitimate strategy spin the win I wish I had some guns I can put on her or something yeah that would be awesome uhoh no why am I allowed to drive that was cool though this thing is pretty cool yo that is pretty

Bit oh yeah I was going to see if you wanted to decorate the interior for me put some rooms or something maybe you know um or up top or what do you think what you think we should do I’ll try to keep working on it um eventually if we

Can find other people that are interested in trying to help decorate or whatever like we can we could always bring it them on bring them on as like paid staff or something sounds good but uh you want to go um find a dungeon or something or you got other

Plans oh no I was just checking out the first I I kind of wanted to try to finish the auto feeder [ __ ] I forgot one I just made steps oh the auto feeder got you oh no go behind it and try to get up you’ll see what I’m talking about go to the

Hill go to the hill Oh God dang it that was easy dark on it’s like I get stuck right here though maybe it’s just me I think that’s a you problem I think it’s just I maybe it is a you problem I wonder how many do

I have enough blocks to go in one more uh no cuz that’s far enough in I can go if you want to expand it back a little further back it’s not going to be the end of the world but if you’re having trouble in the lad why don’t just make stairs a

I don’t know you make stairs what do youan oh you know what there’s a hole right here that would could lead to some stairs pretty easy this will take I wonder if we should pop some stairs over here we can do that further further in though one

More block down how about how about on this side over here yeah that’s fine do it on this side because this is where the Earth thing is um shoot we might have to move these chests later yeah whatever just make just make stairs that go up into it hang on I need to

More steps probably don’t need a ton of them is that outside yeah it goes right outside um I don’t think we have to break it out but we might extend this uh wall that you did and have that as like a railing but then maybe go one more block

Behind the top and then have like a door so it comes through the House and then if you want to St on the other side we can do that to make it easier um what if you come out one more step and then like make a landing here and we can turn into this wall or if you come out come out two

More no come out two more so there’s a landing where I’m at a two block Landing right here and then we you can turn into the um okay hold you can turn into here so I made this little hole we could turn into that so you just need to go

Two more blocks um back and then we can make a landing up there all right one moment oh crap yeah and then we can do the same on the other side it don’t well just do this side for now okay well it could do ah my head I like that almost fell

And then you want two blocks yeah if you wanted to if it would be better you could do the landing premature and then turn the stairs left maybe back further or no no no no put some steps right here so all oh um um this is going to be a

Temporary here I got to I got to go under and uh go away ioving block and I’ll just remove this pillar hopefully I don’t have to go up too much taller it might screw with everything this is Crafty yeah I like this I need to find a way to have this is there

Something no I think I figured it out um I can have it come forward now what the chests so God damnn it oh you can leave the chest now unless you need them there these are special chests they’re for automatically loading all the furnaces yeah there yeah no no they’re fine there

I’m just saying I got to add more oh okay and when I do that I can start bringing them forward and reducing the size the ultimate goal is we want one chest and that one chest is where we just throw all the fuel and it just get thrown out

And circulated into the engine system sounds good but the problem right now I’m having I need to uh build out in front of them a little bit for a second oh no I we got to sleep we need a bed oh where’s the um outside did you bring

It bring it up here yeah it’s up here hit the bed I’m in the bed I needed to reset my spawn anyway I think I wish I need I need to figure out how to make beds visible [ __ ] there’s creepers and stuff down there now yeah

Um I don’t think the mod intended have like crazy stuff like that but um it is day again we are safe so we want to put oh no no okay so these Are ah dang it o almost point of getting these to merge is then this one chest is merged to two oh no this is a lot less frustrating with smooth jazz just goes to show you that you can control your mind your mood just through music without even thinking about it or

Meds I prefer meds yeah meds meds can quite strong I keep losing chest damn it there’s no option to lock my menu lock your menu okay so you weren’t seeing anything no that sucks L it D I don’t understand why I’m so stupid that because you’re not used to a mini

Map rotating on you you’re used to really dumb down games that don’t have that mechanic which uh is so pretty much like my DOT is always pointing North te kind of your dot so my DOT is always up I’m always looking up you’re dot doesn’t mean a damn thing when you

Get in an airship ship because uh it doesn’t know how to place the position of the player if it merged with a bigger entity so uh the blocks whatever the way the texture is finished on the blocks is where your Dot’s going to point which means it’s going to be slightly to like

A random Direction every time you get on the wheel so if you’re using the arrow in the compass in the mini map uh you’re not going to be able to see like what the hell you’re looking at because it’s going to be pointing like to the right or left of where you’re actually

Looking but then when you try to orientate Yourself by moving forward the the ship keeps moving to the left and when I walk it the map moves up or am I just that [ __ ] it you got to you just got to pay attention to the north east west and south dots on your

Mini map because as you spin left and right they move yeah but like my DOT moves like say North when I walk like up on the screen is always that but when I when I look forward with the ship and go forward it’s going to the left uh

Yeah because you’re moving what you’re doing dark is you’re moving the compass the map around with you’re looking around left and right right mouse or whatever then when the ship’s moving it’s moving independently and it’s um taking those calculations and breaking them loing the same way I’m

Looking well it’s going to move the same way but what I’m saying is if you you look to the left and then you start moving your ship and then you start looking to the right and your ship is already moving right then I understand that your arrow would move twice as fast

Yeah I understand that but when I put my when I look straight forward of the ship it looks like my Dot’s moving to the left but when I walk it looks like it’s moving to the North like of the screen yeah I’m I don’t even use the

Mini map when I’m navigating I’m just looking I got to use them I don’t know how to do anything I’m just going to figure this mini map out real quick okay I think I’m just 90 degrees off it’s all it could be but it spins around so

Quick and randomly for me that I can’t I can’t tell which way is north or west like I would have to sit here look looking at the mini map for like 10 minutes just to figure out what direction I’m pointing it uh it’d be confusing darn it carnations uh oh almost dropped

That this should not be so difficult put boxes on a ah uh cuz the mini map doesn’t spin on this [ __ ] yeah that mini map scares me uh yeah so when you’re on a ship the mini map doesn’t spin at all but when you’re walking it spins that’s swear I’m getting confused

Yep okay so that’s what I wish it would do when I walk kind of yeah I think it probably has nothing to do with walking well it’s so like when I put my mouse straight in front of the ship the map doesn’t move when I go in a

Circle but if I still spin my character that’s when the maps yeah it sounds I think that would make sense what did Blossom do burnt blender okay making more boxes I think I need like four three more Clen yes that fire that you started is still

Going kind of so there was a is that was there a giant lava pool by you then yeah there was a big lava pool that started that forest fire I had nothing to do with it and anyone who says otherwise is lying well there is lava but you know

Yeah I I had nothing to do with placing lava either I bet you didn’t you try you were just trying to make smoke signals so I can go get you actually I’m not even sure why I was over there I was like looking for a

Cat which is uh what we should be doing real soon okay so what I just did here was combine all the new boxes with the merge boxes over there and now we have to start working forward because we can’t go up any higher that’s like the maximum height

And then we start getting into the upper deck just uh shave off these blocks let’s go find you a cat I want to find a dungeon before I get Off yeah I’ll probably be live for at least one more hour um so there’s a good chance we find either a cat or a dungeon her get B that sounds awfully ambitious okay hang on when you going back to work Monday or Tuesday Wednesday ah Wednesday yep my holiday actually starts now

Okay wait where did my chest Go my cousin he’ll save all his leave time all year to take off like the whole month of Thanksgiving to go de hunt yeah our place of business would never be allowed to do that because um we have such a small uh crew that we couldn’t cover each other oh for

Sure where he works are pretty big and when and they’re allowed to take leave no matter when as long as they apply for it they can take it all at once oh my God God dark bed what oh sorry got you it’s like the hell was that what you

Throwing stuff at me no I tripped and landed next to you oh you were chasing me I see the delay on your screen I was chasing the I was chasing the bed the delay gave you away no I just realized that this Hopper is going to be pointing up no matter

Where I put it so I’m [ __ ] I like them serious I need put a reing up damn it dark we might have to uh what move all that so it’s I pleasing well we’ll see what happens so all I have to do is get a box Here we’re good it doesn’t break the stone we might have to expand oh there’s a hole there now yeah that’s where I have to put chest if I’m going to merge them uhoh oh Drake join in the server Crash Dam Bob I’m going get some drink real quick while it’s down yeah oh pip is streaming it he’s so close Old incompatible vanilla Surfer no oh man server restarting right now sorry broke it by trying to connect that’s no problem Drake you were like Neo joining The Matrix it couldn’t handle

It oh man thinking about the Matrix makes me want to play cyber punk I still haven’t played the DLC I’m so bad I’m so far behind should be up oh I probably just had to click that thing Sor right my favorite thing about games is the

Downtime it lets me to think about all the things choices in my life and uh then uh the game becomes less important but uh I take away from it learn I gain experience just got to keep getting better connecting pring loading terrain and then it’s like welcome to

Skyrim oh my God that’d be a good edit okay so it backed up a little bit okay goad we figured that thing out with the switches cuz I think dark was going to go insane if you had to throw every single switch that’ crazy I had Hoppers I think on

Me probably need to make more too H Pistons would be good if I wanted to set up something to keep it lower cuz I could lower a thing I could lower a hopper oh man this is going to get too complicated I just need to find uh oh hey ni

Join okay so we need to find Hoppers like grasshopper maybe not grasshopper coal oh No uh oh maybe I pulled them out of here oh man our organization is bad Cobblestone glass okay so I’m probably going to have to build more Hoppers order to do that we need to make more boxes yes Max bunch of those boxes boxes yeah Hopper hop hop Hopper yeah we got 13

Hoppers planning to merge him again oops okay so right under there right under there so then we need even more boxes I have a very weird way of Designing and creating that is super chaotic but as long as I can stay focused and keep working surely it can’t keep getting

Worse okay boxes boxes boxes I think I merged everything over that was useless wood so much wood so many boxes okay then we merge the boxes one two three four five yeah this kind of got away from me but potentially we could just put all the fuel up in these boxes oh

Jesus it would work guys we just leave it like that it’ll be fine just it just gives into into more character oh boy okay let’s get what are these bags Cherry that’s all you really need is this I bet he wasn’t jumping at the end Yep this is

Crazy oh my God this is just turning into so much noise I’m not a designer guys I’m I’m like barely barely a visionary and all I know is my vision tells me that this probably shouldn’t go any higher because that would be too much chaos we’d probably end up having to

Move the entire stairs that’s interesting because that means you only need two blocks to infinitely like compress or expand inventory look at that that’s just feeding right down who knows how many of those chests they’ll probably fill then we just have to passively aggressively chop down every tree in existence

Okay uh the ship’s gone I am all Al here uh oh right we got this ship I think this is how it opens uh oh maybe we still have one open oh I done there did it can’t remember what I was coming out here to get oh trees fuel oh eon

I’m back all right welcome back I’m going to start Gathering a bunch more fuel or actually no we need to just burn it CU we had a bunch up there yeah there was still a bunch of logs oh my God my brain’s so slow Z Zoom

Wait so when you logged out did it teleport the ship with you or did you move the ship oh I just left the ship here and I’m on it still okay Did we need a bunch of smooth Stone uh I was to make more engines okay here I’ll sleep real quick oh right was I already back at base or did like I’m not sure where you went because I thought you were out in the ship parked in front and then I looked out

There and it was gone and I was like oh [ __ ] un must have roll back something I don’t know I don’t even remember if I was at the for not uh wait I saw something sky’s the limit for Drake did he get into space he could be anywhere yes make

Fuel so I’m just going to throw a bunch of fuel into these chest up top I’m not going to make it any taller because it’s going to get weird okay but this should uh push fuel into the engines the engines are off CU since we have the controls on them we can control

How much fuel we’re burning just by turning them off and on like that so many Douglas fur okay now the blast furnace doesn’t make charcoal sadge no I just it’s like my job it’s like I’m the Spirit Away Spirited Away guy who mans the furnace at the hot tub place is

I look for fires going out and I throw more fuel on it I could see this being someone’s like real job be crazy I’m almost back did you find the ship oh I was already on it still oh good yeah yeah I was on it when I just

Randomly started way over there that’s crazy we must have been test I thought I was over here I was playing with the wait maybe I was just playing around with the mini map and then it crashed oh yeah you did leave and start doing something with the mini map I was trying

To figure it out still weird as hell cuz the ship it doesn’t move and then when I’m playing my character it move it’s when I whenever I move my mouse it moves but moving the ship which spins me in circle it doesn’t move it’s it’s bugging the [ __ ]

Out oh I see you got the mini ship out was a heart for you to get it out pretty easy it wasn’t bad IR oh yeah you know me driving around earlier it locked that ship in so like it’s good to go when we were racing the little ship

Had no problem staying in there I wonder if that was slowing you down a lot though I don’t think so I think it’s just the size of it we’re it’s always the size of it we’re going to be moving um we’re going to be moving real quick

Or we’re we’re going to like have that ship out somewhere and we’re going to try moving with all the engines on it’s going to like [ __ ] go to warp speed just like teleport us like I I wouldn’t mind doubling it up do front and back just it’s too much

Engines no we could call this ship The Little Engine That Could The Little Engine That Could actually I just want to put more just to test like can I go faster you know what I mean maybe just line the floor with them turn them on and just see how fast I can go

I need to turn Eng off the ship out here I’m just hoping that uh that uh my dispersal my mad my the madness I’ve created for dispersing the stuff is work I I probably had to fine-tune this stuff better like put filters in on or something eventually if you shove enough

Material in these boxes though they will uh work yeah they’ll be completely full on every box but uh by God they will work just keep these uh fires burning all through the night yes I don’t know about that is there a quick way to throw that stuff in

There uh we could do like what I’m doing no no no no no I mean like doing it manually I hold shift to knock it in and it only does the top one what do you mean the top one the top slot yeah you add stuff to

The top but if you it’s fuel you add fuel no when I shift click it I’m trying to spam it in there into the box hold on oh okay I see the problem different type of wood it’s because Wood’s not considered fuel that’s what it is oh yeah Wood’s

Not so so like when I was trying to spam wood and wood to get get it started I had to manually put in the wood on the bottom it’s not considered a fuel right right when it goes to the hot you can burn it as a fuel but it prefers charcoal and uh

Coal it’s only charcoal and coal and I think a bucket of lava you can do a buckets of lava I think you get to keep last longer so yeah it’s it’s like the it’ll last the longest it’ll last like five minutes or something and there is a way to

Automatically put the buckets of lava in and there’s also a way to automatically get an infin infinite buckets of lava but uh those are more complex machines yeah you it would be nice to use buckets of lava though and then uh go back to the end and build the nether portal but that

Might be way later in the game oh yeah you going to do the nether portal yeah uh so what we doing now you want to go get a cat you got something else in mind did you want to go to a dungeon or look for one yeah yeah I want

Try one real Qui you want to take the big ship or the medium ship or uh just take the medium one okay I mean take the big one I don’t care that the medium one has the beds true oh we might want to grab a lot of fuel or some a lot more

Fuel I I put full Stacks in there but yeah more I got a bunch now that’s awesome though because we can control the speed now for Sure all you want to turn them on are we ready yep full power do you want to go full power or Full Speed Ahead and me flip a switch to see how much it slows down uh you can sure if you want you’ll have to just pick a

Direction not sure if you aiming for a specific place no I don’t know which way to go for Dungeon yeah I am a little uh new to dungeon hunting adventuring Um I’m going to go where there’s Blackness so let’s go like Northwest soon as I figure out which Way Northwest oh I got lots of pineapples where we going going forward trying to go Northwest all right I think this is Northwest wonder if it’s going to drop

Me when it spits me out of the bed no oh that’s awesome just one of us can make it day is that a different Airship oh that I think that stopped us what I stopped sorry oh I thought I I flicked the switch to turn this one

Off so like to dungeons is there like a marker or do you go through a cave do you know uh there’s a lava Fountain right there that’s already the Airship we already raided dark oh I must be hitting something yeah we need to go up I don’t want to go over here

Anymore there’s a red dragon I wonder know where it went to uh oh I don’t think it’s following us I see a giant R Dragon yeah or Airship I’m not sure what to look for I see caves just look for areas we haven’t explored and look

Around do you see like a building that looks suspicious we investigate it uh let’s investigate this is this like a cave or yeah that’s just a cave okay hopefully they’re marked by like they’ll have they’ll be like fancy like there’s a fire dungeon real close

To Nick and uh oh so there it does stand out a little bit Yeah so like if you look at my screen like this is a pyramid with lava coming out of it it’s a fire temple so if you look around you’ll see crazy [ __ ] buildings like that oh okay there’s a

Village Viking Village it looks like next to a graveyard might not want to stop there those graveyards spawn ghosts that just uh they mess you up pretty bad there’s a poppy field with some lava don’t see any deer oh there’s some uh Che [ __ ] hyenas probably hyenas or

Wolves if you see a cat let me know wonder if you can drag it on here and then box it in I think I do have my lead somewhere in here probably probably find that and pull it out here we go pretty good got food lots of food

Levers got a giant hole on ground right here giant hole in the ground like a crater yeah to our right huh that looks pretty sus you want to go check it out uh uh I think it’s just a random cave entrance looks like a random cave entrance might have been like a meteor

Impact or something but it’s on the edge of the chunk oh there’s some zombies under us some Buffalo or something it’s like a grassland from uh Whatchamacallit game H valheim yeah valheim I wonder if I could get that to work on this computer because it stopped working on my old computer valim it

Should work on both yeah I uninstalled it deleted it reinstalled it like I could never get it to work like something just went haywire and it just like deleted itself from s yep that’s a pillar down there with the Run Stone we we might be able to steal that

Stone oh I was looking the hole in the side of the wall but that works better I don’t think that connects anything oh there’s a sheep maybe if I can grab a sheep that’d be great you can build a little stepway up onto it we’ll fence okay dark some stairs or Something we got the mama so the baby is following yep yep yep yep two for one there we go he might be able to get up that I don’t think he wants to come up here dude this is elephant grass it’s like from Jurassic Park holy cow did the server crash maybe the

Server crashed ah seem fine to me why you can’t move oh he’s not moving at all they’re not moving at all either uhoh oh you are walking around it all I see you do is stand in one spot yeah I think I might am I am I moving around no I’ll have to

Reconnect server might have gone down all right yeah there’s like six of us on it yeah if all six people start exploring individually it probably puts a lot of strain on it oh I think it’s working now Quin Drake says he’s going to restart It okay everything started moving again though yeah it might have had a huge hiccup of lag too many of us are doing shenanigans effectual that’s cool I am liking this game a lot more with those working airships oh for sure that that kind of stuff goes right into my

Wheelhouse pip is spinning around with his crapping hook can’t connect refresh It’s the weird thing about about streaming though is that like your Discord gets kind of muted unless you just don’t use the streamer mode like the rest of the world just kind of shuts off and then you have to go around

Looking looking for who is talking [ __ ] oh man I feel sorry dark for all the graphics artists that have spammed everybody because like Yep they’re Chas they’re doing the hustle they’re chasing they’re chasing the holy dollar but uh like it really depends on where they live because if they live in

A place where the cost of living is like stupidly low like really low comparative to the person they’re chasing it’s easy cuz that’s like super easy but then you got people who live in nicer places doing the same game they don’t understand that there’s no way

They’re ever going to be able to compete with that and then there is the bigger guy AI this is yeah an AI comes out that’s going to be a crazy tool they they are actually on Fiverr or was it for forver Fiverr um they added an AI artist section so you

Can be an artist that just types in prompts to an AI and pulls the good results and then you just send them to a guy and they’re actually people getting paid to do that right now that’s a legitimate thing on that website right now sign me dude just go to fiverr.com you can

Literally make an account and do that like you just have to learn how to prompt really good and not half asset yeah and if you’re an artist on top of that where you can make slight alterations to the ai’s rendering like that’s even more power to

You for sure un less work you just have to solve the first part of the problem where your cost of living needs to be dirt poor which means cheap you need to be like out in the Philippines or something making American dollars be living like a rich person over there but

Like if you had guaranteed income like someone would help you or whatever and you moved over there like that’s what lazy peon did that was like the smartest thing he moved to a place where the cost Liv is super low while still making them because he was doing the big bock back

Up sweet I’m wor it yeah so he was making semide decent money from YouTube and he’s like screwed I’m just going to go over learn another language uh live in another country living the dream and he made he made a bunch of videos like explaining it or talking

About his experience with it I guess a lot of people over those countries are like really uh anti like people doing that because it brings up the cost of living it it messes with the economy oh o hey we’re back I might have lost one of my

Leads oh I found the lead it was on the ground sheep sheep sh I got some fencing material we can fence them in I mean there’s think you could you think you can get them on a wing that’s what I’m trying to do well no when you get them

Up here I’m going to fence in a wing if guys if the server crashes again it might be because I’m trying to get the Sheep on the aircraft we don’t even know if it’s possible I need to make a gate this needs to be wider maybe I feel like Noah I’m filling the

Ark come on little guy I got a gate for this there’s a pin right here oh [ __ ] yes get in here get in here he’s stuck on the corner oh my God hurry there’s like a jackal thing out there oh no they I’m getting it I’m getting it push push him back oh

No not again this is like the Sheep of 87 oh the server might just crashed we maybe we shouldn’t be putting animals on the server maybe that’s messing with it server is fine I I blame the Sheep come come to the main part of the ship

Okay so wait are you moving around yeah the server’s down dude oh so there is a possibility that if an MPC gets on an Airship it just takes down the server okay well that makes airships very dangerous we’ll stop trying to do that maybe yeah we’ll keep looking for the

Dungeon they ain’t got Pokemon balls in this game yet craftopia that what that reminds me of it is I still want to finish that though yeah we can go back to that anytime probably Mondays would be good I don’t care when as long as we do

Cuz I’m kind of I’m having this Airship stuff for sure yeah we could probably play some craftopia tomorrow if you want I’m going what is tomorrow Sunday yeah Sunday yeah I’m going to kill the Sheep okay uh if you’re still in the server that’d be great I disconnected and I’m

Trying to reconnect I’m not Sure I’m in but it’s still it’s bugged out dear Lord this is indeed bugged with Valkyrie Skies adding [ __ ] that effects oh my God I’m disc connecting uh adding [ __ ] that would affect the physics of the ship crashes the server tell dark to disconnect for me Ty

Okay we were having some of the sky monsters collide with the aircraft so it might only be the creatures affected by gravity yeah cuz we also have a lot of butterflies in our area I don’t think any of maybe they weren’t landing on the ship they probably look for grass

Oh my God we didn’t accomplish getting a cat or finding a dungeon are you guys back in how do you break it this hard I don’t know man I I have powers apparently like when I touch stuff it breaks that’s what makes me a good game tester should left the Sheep

Alone it hasn’t dis it hasn’t disconnected damn it I can’t force restart it I don’t know man server technology these days could be crazy you guys are like trapped in The Matrix you can’t log out of your game literally if you stand up from your seat you get sucked back into the

Game this is It’s a sword art online all over again guys all right I’m probably going to call it there for Minecraft um let me check something let’s back up I think yeah it’s backu up I’m killing the Sheep oh there’s a pretty big update for craft toia

So kill the [ __ ] before he boards and crashes the server again the Sheep are dead nice all right well I’m not going to be able to open craftopia to check something um because there’s like a 2 gigabyte Download update so really yeah I’m probably just going to call the stream here guys uh

Thanks for everyone who showed up and giving support and all that stuff really appreciate it um I got my schedule up so I’ll be streaming much more and I’ll have much more interesting streams here and there because uh I do crazy stuff all the time but we’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘Lets Play MineCrafyt – 002’, was uploaded by Quinny Winny on 2023-11-29 17:00:31. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:00 or 13920 seconds.

Live Streamed on Twitch 11/25/2023

We play some Modded Minecraft with Darkwars on Blossoms Community Server. https://www.twitch.tv/blossom_arashi No idea what the Mods are I could barely move my character when I started.

Getting closer to what I want my streams to be like. We just need more chat interactive features.

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  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

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  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

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  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

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  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by ฮ›sk ฮ›bout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? ๐ŸŒ AskAbout.video โœ‹ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel โ€‹โ โ€‹โ  #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE โค๏ธ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ๐Ÿš€ | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ ๐Ÿš€ My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file ๐Ÿš€ | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC ๐Ÿš€ | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 ๐Ÿš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More