EPIC WynnCraft Adventure with Stormy! | Minecraft RPG

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You’re in a sing song mood this morning I’m hello exed YouTube and hello windcraft it is time for the king of the candy canes to get some quests done let’s switch shaders to something brighter shall we we go over to video settings what City be you in I think this one’s a

Better Shader what city be I in I be in the shade the city that we be in in the place with the things I get on between now and then I know so we have this recurring problem St remember that new town that like didn’t exist and then it

Did exist and then we were there and we found it it’s not NC where did you Unown no to let’s just meet somewhere luo I could I can go to nasac I can get to nasac you can get to n well I’m going to

Have to get to NC cuz I don’t like this place NC is not very far from where you’re actually you know what instead instead instead instead instead instead instead why don’t we try and find hey look the sun’s coming up oh that looks really pretty uh why don’t

Why don’t we Instead try and find a quest we want to do and we’ll meet there that’ll work I still might want to go to n saac but what quest do we want to do Quest sorted by recommended or sorted by let’s do recommended we had a lot more

Fun last time um there’s raging survival there’s corrupted betrayal combat men 52 do you have the realm of light the worm of holes the worm of holes the worm holes Quest the wormholes Quest maybe maybe not I don’t see it uh it’s level 54 you don’t have it um uh let’s

Not kill me corrupted betrayal yeah that one’s going to be challenging ow ow ow what oh I was wondering why these guy they’re NPCs corrupted betrayal that’s what we’re doing yeah we’re doing corrupted betrayal this one’s going to be interesting oh shush Bo all right we’re headed that

Way um are we we did we check that we’re in the same world uh I did you’re in World 28 correct I’m in World 28 you’re in World 28 we’re having a world 28 kind of time this is really pretty and I’m pretty lost that cave I don’t think goes there

I don’t know how far it said it was for you it’s a th000 plus blocks for me so it’s going to take me a half a second to get there well I think we’re going to need to do a is it close to is it close to the sack I

Don’t know there’s a all right so I think this is the way out of town and I think I’m going to have to go around hey hey hey I don’t remember Rude Dude see these guys are aggressive but they’re also really slow and stupid so they’re like I’m going to kill you I’m

Like oh I shouldn’t say that word at the beginning of the live stream last time we got demonetized for that fun fact we got demonetized can you believe that YouTube is wild all right I think that’s I think that’s what we needed to do so we got out of

There Lucio I think is at Town that’s I almost destroyed the loot test I think it’s just visual anyway yeah so that Beacon’s going to take us over to where we’re trying to get to what kind of noise what eh who cares oh man I really like the water in

This Shader so this is BSL shaders and um there’s a YouTuber by name of frog crafting who had a tutorial video on how to make BSL better I follow a bunch of BSL tutorials to make BSL better have a bunch of different variants of it and this is just really good settings bsl’s

From of the really flexible shaders stormy are you alive yes sorry I’m trying to focus on getting there as quickly as possible oh well that would make two of us but I’m not going to be getting there as quickly as possible so don’t feel too bad

Um it’s like what on the other side of the ice talk to trums Mage at the dungeon entrance it’s 641 872 I don’t think I’m that far I could be wrong but I don’t think I’m that far talk to the trums Mage ow ow ow wait

Can we make it to Trum look at this guy I thought that was the problem maybe we can’t I want to go around the vence oh oh I don’t know if I can kill this guy that was a lot of Health man is this trums is that the city I’m in right

Now Gathering post proms is the one that looks like um just took a lot of damage I mean I’ve got the paper look at the buildings up there they’re gorgeous okay now I can now we have to go there because I’ve never been to wherever up there

Is oh a two star of the chest I’m over by ragy um hello chat looks like we got more people this morning um well it’s noon eastern time so this fine Saturday do you think I’m going to be able to get there I have no idea where

I’m going negative 641 I think we’re fairly close but you can’t get over the mountain you can’t get over the mountain okay I’m over feel like I’m almost there question ragy there’s like a oh yeah you’re not going to really get there from ragy if you’re headed towards

Ragy ragy is the beginning of the game and the way they have it scal by level there’s a giant Bridge here by the way no you know the okay I know where you’re at we’re we’re closest to each other um I am on the mountain side where the

Giant bridge is I have a very scenic view look at that that’s like wallpaper material I just need more chunks loaded I’m going have to get that mod morer uses the TRS you have to cross the Great Bridge North La onbl says well I will

See if that is I’m going to run into you are you though I should be are you I’m I’m hitting I’m hitting barriers okay have you crossed the bridge I have let’s say yes not really but we’re going to pretend oh there’s like a how much is

That puppy in the window um there there’s a there’s a cute little like Hidden Mountain Side thing imama jig here and if I could clip through it which would be cheating and I don’t think I can there’s like a dungeon right here are you at the lost the the the

Time Valley Place yes I am is that where we got to go I think that is where we got to go no there is like a way to get to tra that we somehow did that we somehow did but I don’t know how to do it again

All right chat let’s let’s let’s do this watch this so I’m going to go over and switch to desktop for Minecraft I’m going to switch my renderer and you guys are going to get to see a browser window and we’re going to look at map. wincraft.com together nope there’s no there’s only

One p in the word map can you see that chat me uh me let me see that hello there shush wrong thing yes chat you can see it epic all right so let’s play a little game shall we how do you get to trom where is trom might we say there’s

NC there’s the Temple of legance there’s troms it is on the edge of the freaking Universe at the absolute end of time the average level here is 55 I’m not that level yet so it’s going to be challenging why did it go black don’t make it go black that’s rude what made

What go black uh a dead guy we might have to check the Wicky and learn how to get to drum did we finish that Quest there was a quest to get to drum we would have had to I sounds familiar so we go to over to the windcraft

Wiki let’s see how we do this trom I think there’s going to be a non-standard way to get to tra you can’t just walk there I have papers that will get me to Trum you have papers but that doesn’t help you yeah so the the she’s got a Visa

She’s got her um passport all points the soul points that we get every morning you can use those and you can fast travel using papers yes I know that I’m just laughing because of the way you said it I was just like you can use your P I have special

Permission do they I don’t think they have anything here on the wiki on how to get there it is worth noting that one must do a level 57 quest to gain access a level 57 quests to get access yeah I would have remembered that so maybe I can’t get

Diom I mean as a party if we were the party teleporter us that would probably get me in anyway okay why does it say that I’m like right above you tr’s Castle M50 right below you so according to I’m very up High um you might be below me but

There’s a bunch of or you might be above I might be above you but there’s a bunch of NPCs on the ground so I have no no idea let me see so that level 57 Quest if we go and we uh sort by level 57 Quest question question mark where’s that sort closest

Level maybe we don’t want to filter All right we need to find that level 57 Quest so is there a way maybe we just need to do lowest level and then we go skip a few pages where’s the like scroll down here we go maybe it’s locked what level are you stormmy uh

54 okay so you’ve done it let me see if I can find the quest to get to Tron tribal Sanctuary the passage maybe they changed it maybe we can’t go to drum maybe I’ve done it already maybe it’s Maybelline not that bridge the bridge near the saag with all the magma slimes oh no no no no no no that we can’t handle that one yeah North alen Blitz says to get to trauma we have to cross that bridge The Bridge of Death maybe I did make it once hello stormy did you find me oh you found I’ve been found here all the wrong all right so maybe I’m completely unconfident do we want to Brave the bridge I think if we just run we’re out of our

Minds or I can get we could do that maybe I could give you the paper dark cultist thing uh I’m willing to accept a paper especially if I can buy more when we get there yeah all right follow me off to ragy ragy I thought it was the Bridget in a

Sec do you want a paper or not I want a paper yes okay then off to ragy all right all right we can go to ragy does ragy sell papers no but they have a bank well I mean you need to go oh you got to get to your

Bank I was going to say I don’t think the new players should know about that about what uh so so North lava says uh nobody can defeat the magma slimes they just run as fast as they can okay that’s probably what I did he says that’s I just Leroy jined

Over it seems like it be a good farming spot though I think I took a wrong turn at alberquerque should I just head back to theack I’m just going to head back to theack but we’re almost to ragy speak for yourself I can’t keep track of myself I am a very lost man

Thank you North lava that’s very helpful that’s going to make my life considerably easier the moon’s out Moon’s big and by big I mean new let’s turn off the shaders we’re going to die we’re going to die because I’m a dummy Dum dumb I’m going to fight them

Blind if you use my spells but that works yeah with a fighter your AOE stuff is super useful so we got to go all the way back back the way we came so we’re going to take the giant bridge this is not the giant bridge I’m making for

Enemies I’m aware that there are aggressive mobs nearby that’s why I want to use my spell point so I can leave thank you I’m in a sack you are now entering the time lost syn entrance I don’t want to be in that entrance yeah there’s a big Quest thing

There so we’re going to go back to AAC and we’re going to take the bridge of hatred the bridge of Terror oh you want to go the long way all right fine um no you go your way I you go your way I’ll go my way um no I’ll go with

You I just remember the last time we went that way and I was like oh boy hello Kane how are you I’m getting chased by strange angry things um strange angry things that’s okay we’re going going to a terrible Place well we’re going to go to a city

That is very hard to get to that I’m am not strong enough level for and I’m going to die because it’s a dumb idea um but it’s going to be exciting it’s the thing is the quest we’re doing is one I should Theory be able to handle but it’s in an area that

In theory should not be able to handle which thank you windcraft very cool all right I’m most of the way back there’s stormy hey you’re my navigator hi hi where are we going um there’s a wolf attacking you this way I thinko my voice is a little weird this

Morning because we just we haven’t been up very long ah the bridge of pain all right so I have my all my health so that’s really good don’t use all your spells right here you silly oh oh wait I need to do the I need to do the thing um when we get

I need to do that thing as soon as we get up there because it’ll give us both resistance okay stay close we’re not we’re not did that give you resistance uh no because we’re not in the party party create that hurts please don’t okay now I have resistance party invite stor

Me all right maybe but we want you to have resistance we’re going to be doing this okay what are we waiting on you should have a speed boost yay so I’m going to give you this let’s go run all right you got some resistance Now a I’m almost through it’s going to kill me it’s going to kill me I’m going to die you got it you got it you got it ah I’m through and that’s it we won we lived yeah we’re in the sacred Forest hang on I got to heal up I don’t want

Any surprises we’re going we’re going to take our time now we did it we made it to trom we’re not in trom we made it through past the scary Bridge though [Laughter] oh these are just like regular slimes ping ping ping ping ping they’re dying because of your AOE thing or your

Fire thing yes there’s a flicker frog feel like foring boom Oh that felt good that was a wild ride past the scary slimes that was nuts so are do you know the way to Trum or we going the correct way uh sure I have I do have the speed you gave

Me but I’ve kind of fallen behind anyway I’m not that oh you didn’t die when I landed on you something hurts I don’t like it ranged person give me a hand this way okay you remember the part where I was like I need to heal up we

Didn’t do that I’m dead now come here come here come here hang out with hang out with him just talk to him telling you to take shelter I’m trying to take shelter it’s not working I’m on fire hi if you die you end up in IBU I don’t

Want to end up in IBU I want protection end upu why can’t we I’m going back cuz you didn’t listen this is bad this was not a good idea I’m running out of Hearts will you just die and end up in no no how rude of you I’m not going to just

Die that’s ridiculous herb cave we’re going to heal up all right yeah Storm’s getting ahead of me in levels and she’s all like all right there’s not really a lot of healing that happens when you’re um how big Grine potions I’ve actually got some good potions hey the Sun’s Up Sun’s

Up do you guys think it’s safe listen to this music This is Wild oh there’s a silver mine here oh that’s neat they actually grind mining off of off off stream boom All right yeah we’re doing better okay TRS so we were going the right way or is TRS in the dead middle here with the oh no there’s some wild stuff going on over here all right so we’re going to take it slow I think maybe whatever it spawn oh

No they’re still here oh they’re still here all right we’ll do okay now let’s go find stormy I’m in TR or yeah I heard you announce it thanks for staying with me I died you should have too we would have been together how is

That I fa to see how that’s a good thing no Dr plasma does not die we don’t do that around here I’m in a mine a silver mine but I don’t think it’s mine I think it’s theirs that’s pretty that’s like wallpaper material man so I think we’ve made it to drum

Successfully we come over here to our map no but that is the entrance we’re looking the right way so is their logo for their City just like a mining pickaxe cuz that’s funny or is it this way I need a stormy Compass uh we need to hey you’re

Here you excuse me you green guy I’m discovering TRS I can’t hear you for the sound of my Discovery PVP needs to be a thing uh soon enough soon enough welcome to Trump buy a paper welcome to Trum buy a paper you don’t have to tell me

Twice have you been here before are you familiar with this area uh no so you’ve not been here before okay who’s I’ve been here before I am not familiar with this area so this is where do we buy the paper over here in the paper Trader do you know

Everything because that’s how cities work the paper Trader why did he trade the paper scroll Merchant paper same thing a Teleport scroll to trums $128 not bad not bad five you have five I have so money that I have so much money that I just buy whatever I want

Rude all right we’re going to go to the bank how much money do I got I still got 11k we’re not doing too bad I spent half of it on Stu these are just the emerald Merchants I need to use this here we go all right

This is not a shopping episode we are not going to bore you with all this but we are going to put away the scroll that teleports us to where we’re already at and I will clean up this mess some other time oh I put my p i nor put my powders in the

First page I said I wasn’t going to waste your time let me just go here I’ve got them all carefully sorted it’s really it’s a really nice thing anyway all right so we’re going to talk to this mage of the dungeon entrance well I’m excited this is like

What a level 55 town or something this is really pretty yeah it’s really well built I’ve never been here before it’s lovely and there’s player shops and there’s probably like real players around I think I have real players hidden maybe all right all right all right all

Right okay I feel cozy now can we all is Quest time yeah it’s Quest time chat’s quiet but we got six people watching apparently so that’s Neato we don’t normally get that many people I think this is going to be a better time for people to be able to visit um people in

Europe won’t be asleep time’s just going to be better and it’s the weekend so but yeah Sundays aren’t going to work for us anymore and we can’t just never play one craft again that’d be so sad all right off to Questing we’re in the Valley of the TR so we’re like leaving trom but trom is an entire like sealed away secret Land I’m excited to do some quests over here cuz I don’t know the lore of this area cuz every area has got like a whole bunch of lore and Dungeons and Viking

Stone what is he selling underground ruins key stay back I’m casting a fireball at this barrier ah no use again ah you didn’t expect to see a ragy soldier out here perhaps you can assist me no I really didn’t expect to see a ragy soldier here this is the

Second cave in the jungle to start spewing out aggressive slimes I like slimes we do slimestone here being so close to TRS it’s become a major problem we tried to attack it but this barrier is strong and Magic H is a powerful too the only way to make it could could be

As strong as if we had as if many lives were taken to make it that’s really kind of dark um so we’re stuck the only clue we found is this riddle near a corrupted Bridge a ruined past its prime lives a cursed sheep with a color of lime head lead it down the

Trail heading to the Slime sacrifice It soul in the blood and grime we have to wait is this a sheep escort Quest cuz that’s like the most vanilla Minecraft pain in the butt ever we haven’t been able to work it out head out to the Great Bridge entrance and see

If you can find anything okay so this is a quest this is a quest dedicated to making fun of you and why are you even in Chomps in the are we we’re are we having to do the bridge thing no I don’t think we have I hope

Not 600 650 is where we’re going I’m going the wrong way you’re going the wrong way why would you do that that’s terrible don’t go go the wrong way you’ll get lost look at your streaks those are cool Storm’s got streaks now she’s got Elemental dots oh my Elemental flower I

Think it’s really sick I’m I’m a fan stop hitting me so are we headed back out is this at the Great Bridge I don’t maybe okay well you’re the Navigator do I need to pull the wiki up this time I’ve got the wiki up I just

Told you the coordinates I know and then you ran into hostile territory we couldn’t figure it out all right we’ve got to go what on Earth I mean I guess that has the coordinates There yeah we probably shouldn’t admit to using the wiki but on stream it’s it’s just not going to be nearly as interesting if you’re um watching us go in circles for an hour yeah so this area has slimes and they’re unreasonably strong keeping it vanilla oh there’s

Like slime on the ground and you get stuck if you open it I’m taking more damage than I should we got to just keep moving my love I’m I’m stuck in conversation with this guy well that’s unfortunate tribe zombie all right 6650 so the talk to this guy talk

To the guard talk to the guard right here oh so he’s a questy thing yes but there’s so many enemies is right next to him if you’re heading towards the Great Bridge be cautious in the PLS around the jungle entrance I have received reports of a strange cursed sheep taking refuge

In one of the more fortified ruins around there as far as I know it’s some jungle girl though if it was cut down it might Escape so we’re going to do it Pokemon style and use cut is that what’s going to happen here is this the bridge this feels very

Bridgy it feels very ruiny too nope not a Brit not a oh this is the Great Bridge the Great Bridge is the bridge of pain I kept thinking of the one outside the terrible Great Bridge yeah me and the Great Bridge are not friends anymore yeah so this is definitely a tra

Sided Quest it’s all going to be within here so we have to lead it okay so there’s some ruins here clicker frog I’m almost jealous of your ability sometimes but you’re Ranged I hate when it does that maybe it’s supposed to pull them towards me maybe I upgraded it to do that but it’s still a little offputting and it does that now it’s funny when their armor comes off and you see the skin underneath uh 53

670 negative for both of those 530 so we’re going this way this way and then we need to go back North yeah so it’s so the Slime is literally like in here or the it’s not the Slime the sheep and there’s something about some jungle undergrowth that you can cut down

But I’m going to get way better at this or I’m going to perish in the process that that resistance really helps and uh it’s not optional it’s not optional inre look at that three hits to wipe out a frog what’s this button button button button I love buttons o cursed sheep oh that’s

Terrifying I I don’t like you please don’t please don’t stop stop moving your look at this eldrich Abomination man oh my goodness this thing needs to be put down so I need to get some regen man this is my best regen item and if all right I’m picking up some hearts

Uh this look at this guy he he’s even got like a head inside of it okay now okay that’s that’s unsettling is that Majora’s Mask or something on the inside practically um all right not a 530 670 like I know I probably overshot where we’re headed

But I was safe and that’s what I was looking for 650 669 I’m in a safe place and I’m going going to look around I’m not where I want to be look at him he’s got these like detailed legs oh my goodness you’re really scary sir you are the scariest Abomination I

Have ever had The Misfortune of is that that an update that looks like an update they looks like they’re using a 1.20 can you don’t thank you did you find it I know we’re very close so we’re supposed to be taking the Sheep to are we taking it back to the guy cuz

That would be the same thing to do what just happened I think my sheep just popped like a balloon I think mine did too oh no okay so new plan we go backwards we find where the Sheep we need to go yeah basically thank you much appreciated did you hear that creepy

Laugh no thankfully there is this ah it was very distinct all right yeah I’m not going down there ain’t no way ain’t no how slimy trail that leads to a cave uh so we have to take so there’s the guard oh yeah it’s really creepy I don’t

Like it okay so the sheeps over here he point out the obvious which is if we were paying attention there’s an entire Trail tribe zombie can you not can you don’t yeah I got to cast War screen way more often oh you know what it is there’s a

Whole bunch over here so you can’t really see the trail all right okay where’s the fleecy box the fley boxes right here button I’m a little preoccupied okay and that doesn’t say open very long all right so I’ve got my own personal creepy sheepy my my creepy

Sheepy I mean I think they did a good job on it but it definitely looks cursed they weren’t mincing words when they were like oh get the cursed sheep I’m like oh good grief it is cursed all right so we’re going to follow the green brick road Road it goes this

Way it goes into that cave though it leads to a cave we had to sacrifice them remember in the cave yeah I am taking all of the damage come down here and don’t take all the damage that would be my recommendation you didn’t follow me into

The cave I’m coming I know no but I’ve got to heal you or give you resistance there you go you didn’t already have it all right so feel like we’re running out of time on the sheep um we ar moving oh this is really disturbing ah something is happening it

Worked what worked curs something something okay we’ve been teleported to a new place in 8 in 13 831 AP trums was on its knees holds of Undead s of some sort you seem to have fallen an ancient ruin of some sort maybe an ination somewhere on the inside they need to slow

Down explore the tile for a way to break the barrier I mean I feel like we’re going to have to like murder something again Masher version 0.1 control board that’s hilarious is the running joke that we just have to hit the green button and the good thing will

Happen why is it why is it growling at me why is it growling there’s nothing behind it oh it’s just an Enderman sound but really slow that’s funny is this a joke because they had to disable something like well we need a way to break the barrier it’s like our defended trums at

Immense cost like our loved with attention and power he controlled the city we’re on a lore story Arch here trumps had suffered from the hordes and from the endless I can’t then Bob appeared the people of trums instantly dropped their oral Shaman for the pure hero We Love

Bob Bob is our friend it’s like our bitter and humiliated sunk underground to restart his demonic experiments for an army Okay so so scar is the antagonist of this story arc I hear really creepy sounds this feels like one of the older quests that was built a little bit

Different than some of the newer ones experiment notes project slinga entry one bean begin collecting jungle begin collecting jungle animals of all types place them in cages to ensure they won’t Escape we’ll begin extracting DNA soon entry two all animated DNA has been extracted starting mutation of DNA will collect results

From finished entry three all animal DNA failed to mutate turned into a slimy Mass upon completion of mutation process so it’s like ditto trying to create a Mewtwo we will continue testing to get better results entry four still not getting substantial results I found however that the undead produce slime masses closer

To a successful mutation entry five had the first successful mutation today achieved by combining two Undead animals together very powerful could be a candidate for a soldier in six I have discovered something darker stronger if I can earn this power I can all right we don’t know what that’s all

About okay so that’s the thing all right so so we yeah this is an older format cuz in the newer formats they don’t do that anymore yep yep yep yep yep I kind of like this user interface better even though it’s more repetitive hey there’s more

More we got to find a way to break the oh story time am I supposed to be seeing something I hear noises it’s filling up with chemical what’s happening uh-oh uhoh uhoh storm is in my head mutated slime monster wait is this live do I need to kill this thing yes yes Okay we don’t like those basement storage key looks like this rusted piece of metal might open something it appears a mutant contained a key for that door where’s this basement storage oh this looks like it oh I’m loving the little lock it’s adorable strange invitation the strange invitation the letter says in faded

Letters the king of Trumps has hereby invited you to help assist in fighting off the undead as a gift we have lent a house to you so you can live near troms for the time being your house will be at the coordinates signed andoni advisor to the king of troms that sounds

Sus all it feels like a traps what it feels like uh Dimensions prove that other worlds Exist Elsewhere the portal a history of the corrupted Roots within wind I know they have other dimensions in windcraft we have not earned our way to yet all right we are back question

Mark go to sar’s Residence to find out what is hidden there so this is like an old back when he had good relations with the politics all right so this is 727 942 so if you ever so if you haven’t learned anything from watching um or

From the lore of wincraft it’s that if you’re ever a king of a country don’t trust your court wizard your court magician is probably an evil Lich who’s going to like overthrow the entire planet like that’s the lesson we learned from fantasy you play D and D never

Trust the court magician or wizard because it’s always like oh yeah we’ve got great terms for the king of troms and well we’re all good buddies and he’s going to kill them all but they don’t know it yet is it in troms proper no 7279 it’s to your right

Oh we’re like really close yeah another one of them haunted mansions Legend guard stop uh let me see PR guard oh so this building okay the problem is they over decorate stuff sometimes so you can’t tell a house from a ruin sorry little bit of criticism for

Windcraft by order of the city of trums I am here to keep other citizens from Ting this house that’s hilarious that’s absolutely hilarious goodbye from past experiences everyone who is BL I advise you not going inside let you know what you’re doing sorry I didn’t read that but something

About everybody who came in here bad things happened to them they all disappeared oh cool so there’s a Teleport here that’s actually what we what we’re looking for probably old Journal it’s aesal Journal seem be left open to a page trumps is beginning to grow suspicious of me some guy named

Robert came into town hey I know they will banish me what sweetheart nothing he is too good too nice I must open a portal make a dimension to become more powerful the books I have prepared well for this I will carve a hidden room behind a visible wall to cre my world my

Revenge so right here question mark find what is hidden there okay so question mark there’s a button there’s a button woo we are in a oh boy well I guess you must know who I am welcome to my domain I am the hero of trums like are well I used to be

Banished with the very people who asked for my help pathetic they couldn’t give me a few peasants for their safety weak okay so we’re in his madeup magical Dimension portal worldland yes this is really cool it’s really weird but it’s really cool get through his Dimension to reach the

Incantation why would I know that that was what I needed to do uhoh um this will reduce fall damage or prevent it so I’m down Here don’t die stormmy I have I can’t take full damage I mean you can no I can’t my boots do not allow it epic cuz I have to use a spell so this might just be a spawner but where did you next I look at these hillsides and I see

Slay 25 slime to reveal the way what on Earth is that it’s quick slime okay so I need to get 25 slime do I really only have the one I’m kind of embarrassed can I pick these up please no they’re stormies did I add them accidentally I did that’s

Why it says 12 okay I feel less bad now can you go pick up some of your slime cuz it’s iwhere I have enough awesome follow the Slime Brick Road oh this is going to be so much fun boing boing Bo this is ridiculous who ever had this idea I experimented my

Shamon here is underground to create the perfect blah blah most ended in horrible slimes aggressive and power but last just slimes then I found this place a dark landed Our God a source of power you mediocre Willers a magic I have no idea what this world

Holds hopefully a boss you all strive to be the hero of Heroes Bob but here’s the truth he’s lost you’re lost oh no oh interesting interesting oh this is really interesting the invisible slime Road why did it split I don’t want it to split because it’s a test of whether

You’re going the right way I think I went the wrong way that’s one way to find out yep you went the right way did you have to jump at some point no thankfully I just fell oh no this is going to become one of those parkour things isn’t

It okay all right well stormy made it no did I speak too soon all right all right can’t even say the there she goes there she goes all right d d d d d We are following the scary slime Road scary slime Road oh no you okay no parkour is it is it

Parkour for real this time it’s no one in Wind province is willing to make the sacrifices I am to gain power if you want Power you have to give some sacrifice a few to save many oh this seems like a lot of fun I missed I say is I jump completely off of

It all right so lesson learned don’t there we go I think you’ve got to factor in and off when you sprint and when you don’t this is going really well for me all right this is the spider one all over again actually this one’s way harder than the spider one I’m just

Throwing that out there so if they’re surrounded by purple ow did a dum more more Splash text no just got to be good yeah don’t Sprint until you need to Sprint when you can just hit your Sprint Key and it’ll improve your distance wait did it take me all the way back

To they were willing to give me a few peasants in 831 when the hords crossed the bridge the King was happy to throw away lives to save his but then the hero wind welston a few years later they banished me like a rotten fruit their hero their

Protector so what if a few hundred nobody’s died okay okay where am I we’re going to have to go save the princess here in a minute yeah um North lava you didn’t know there’s a bit of running meme that stormy can’t doore in the slightest how’s it going stormmy it push

Me all the way back to the beginning how far is all the way back to the beginning um I am going through the maze that is the Slime maze the the we’re T we’re turning shaders off um I’m back behind you I’m not going to

Make you guys put up with that I’m aware of that what maze we never did a maze Oh you mean the the invisible Road yes okay H you’ve been that way before I’ll come back and stay with you how does that sound moral support nobody this forever

Right okay I made it back to that platform boom and there we go and boom boom oh I’m not going to make it back from here I don’t think you’re able to Traverse it backwards oh I’m back here with you okay me to pass that one all right stormy you got

This you can do this I I believe in you I don’t want to do it be sprinting I was apparently considered sneaking or I didn’t land on this right so I got to start over yep welcome to uh stormy can’t parkour or the live stream where you think you’re watching windcraft

Quests why is it not bounce me this one’s not been bouncing me rude all right something funny is going on there go stormmy go go stormy go come on I don’t know why this is so hard for you just don’t push any buttons you’ve been holding run or something I’m not

You are because your bouncing is cut down considerably I am pressing W that is all I am pressing do you have your Sprint set to toggle my Sprint is on R I was not running do you toggle your Sprint or is it when you hold it down you need to

Turn toggle off if that’s what you’re doing you ready don’t be pushing any don’t be pushing anybody yeah she loves parkour it’s her favorite go I don’t want to go don’t skip don’t skip you skip skipped the um well I landed you skipped the platform oh did

You really just make it okay jump on that one it’s supposed to launch you super high it did not oh wait no the purple one is launches you super high sorry see look Bo you made it you did it congratulations all right so when you jump on this purple and it launches you

Super high go for it and I missed how did you miss it’s literally just jump did you turn on our speed boost or your speed boost I didn’t it would be on yes okay turn that freaking turn that off I can’t put the item down or whatever it

Is all right it’s my bow almost there well then don’t have it in your hand you’re doing parkour right now you’re not doing combat there you go again put the bow away I’m dead serious you’ve been using handicaps that make this harder it’s designed for a certain pattern of behavior and you’ve

Turned all of your ability to do that pattern of behavior off now don’t overshoot it you’ll be fine she did it I did not all right let’s try this again it like launches you prematurely come on there we go and so you just use walking speed to be directly over above

Them and if you’re not going to make it you hit a your spr or there could be less parkour which I’d be perfectly okay with well you’re almost there now okay you there you go and there you go I have a 5-year-old behind me going

Yes okay you really need to go forward I don’t know what you’re waiting on okay aiming well if you end up getting thrown back to the beginning I’m going to have to wait for you and we’re all going to have a jolly good time not playing windcraft anymore they were willing to

Give me a few presents okay we read this already but he’s basically just going off about like so what if I killed people okay now you’re doing actual parkour yeah it was the spider thing all over again but that was a little bit harder than the spider

Thing I still can’t do the spider thing all right it wants me to use my level up points it’s not going to leave me alone so which one’s low intelligence we’re going to do strength and dexterity and then a daily reward on accident because I’m a dum D dum

Unlock precise strikes 15% critical hit damage that sounds like something I would want okay now it won’t bug me anymore all right what are we doing stormmy I was waiting on you okay we’re here but where is here this feels like we’ve reached the Target no no this way H just a decorative

Library Sil incantation we were so there looks like we have a baba spiler pale imitation what just happened take the scroll break the barrier and let your little army men walk into my Lair I’m ready makes a little difference soon my traumas will be in Ruins and I shall have my

Revenge so he is my throat is a mess right now so go have phone and drums while you can it’s not like you have much other Life to Live anyway can I fight these people to death now I want to fight them to the death there’s a pair of Swords here what are

These they’re incantations oh it’s got Health it’s a item you pick up or something Skyler’s incantation seems to have dark runes printed on it maybe this can break the barrier okay cool come get it there you go so now we leave I think stormy yeah I’m going through the black

Window you are now entering the undergrowth ruins entrance we’re back at troms you probably should head back to the Mage Shore what you found where’s the little iast Fireball uh we did it is at- 641 oh great more coordinates I feel like this is something we should be able to spot from

Here H here we go where’d you go any luck with the riddle you found something H oh my this is dark stuff very dark doesn’t give me pleasure to use this but it will break the barrier stand back I’m not exactly sure what this does hey it’s the ender dragon sound

Effect we love that sound effect yeah the spell it destroyed the barrier almost instantly okay man the barrier’s down so charge against skyl before he marches against TRS that was seven of nine okay oh boy we got an army we going in there now I have no idea the barrier is pushing me

Away so I don’t have much to repay you but it’s at least useful for a soldier like you if you have nothing else to do you should get yourself prepared and Aid the Army against Skyler I don’t think I can do that think that’s a no can do we’re level 53 heck

Yeah we got a whole level up by doing this Quest well now we know the secret to getting levels I just need to go do quests I think that’s why you’re so far ahead are you level 55 at all yep you are very nice never going to catch up with you at this

Point so so this is one of those dungeon things tier 7 Gathering tools interesting you can buy Earth powder tier four here heck yeah for how much oh for the I’m going to go to TRS and my inventory is full agreed I need to get what used to what’s around I don’t have

Too much in my inventory but I have stuff I need to sell anyway in my bank I might as well learn my way around you know yeah I I think I oh this isn’t I love this very serious city city of troms TR the cono boy someday we’re going to be

In I think they’re able to make their own of these so someday we’re going to be able to have our uh be part of our own Guild that’d be fun be able to defeat other players and take their territory welcome to Ikea what all is he selling cheap stuff cold

Integrity I’ve been thinking about maybe being a shaman that’d be fun see this isn’t stuff Warrior Knight level 72 yeah this is fun but nothing I can buy man as I get higher level I’m going get a lot better items I do pretty well with these you see something

Hilarious so the M level on this is 34 and 39 these are my best weapons I’ve not been able to find ways to do more damage and I’m L 53 now like it’s been so long since I sought up my weapons I get a little bit

Attached you know how it is right you get that sword that’s just it’s your trusty sword why would you give it to somebody else I mean they’re Spears but you get the idea so technically they’re not supposed to be strong but I’ve upgraded them so much you are breathing in the

Mic me sorry yes slime Globs oh these are untradeable items I’m going to put them in my untradeable section this is where I keep my I’ve got an underground ruins key oh cool so we can go in shall we do the underground ruins that’s my daily objective so yes

Oh you got to do one of those that’s funny yeah it’s trying to make me do a crops thing ability shards are cute they’re supposed to be hard to acquire but I mean powder air powder four or so I think they only go up to level six question

Mark all right so the thing we wanted to do was kind of figure out where we sell items so there’s a potion Merchant here an Alchemy maybe someday I’ll learn how to use potions well I’m a higher level I’ll probably do some grinding and go do that

But that’s not a stream thing and then we’ll do so there’s the weapon Smith here and there’s the you know what you know what maybe you sell something worth having three Shaman items battle staff for a wizard Archer and Hunter oh lovely so he only sells items that won’t help me at

All very cool honeydew who’s honeydew the do you know where the shush do you know where the NPC oh there’s a trade market here we might be able to buy something from a player let’s do search item what level am I 53 let’s add a level 51 to 60 only filter let’s add

A Uh we need to filter by it being a spear type all right so these are the weapons that I should be using right now combat level 53 is what we want to find 51 52 53 sort options lowest level range so what we want is something

That’s got a very fast attack speed or does a lot of damage I’ve got nothing slower than slow and so I’m going to be able to enchant and get more cool Stu so this has got very fast 57 59 60 56 they’re not sorted by level like they’re supposed to be let me

See oh I guess maybe they’re Group by level range let’s do starting with least expensive let’s See that doesn’t help either so we need to buy a level 50 there’s ale zce first let’s look at our stats so this is going to be no yawning hi Raven how are you doing we are in Drums we just completed a major Quest and I’ve got to figure out what

I’m going to do about the fact that I’m hilariously underpowered on my weapons so our average DPS is 194 15 151 here so I need to look for a very fast attack item like this one 264 Polaris oh this one’s beautiful I want to PO a someday when I have the levels

Um but we’re looking for so there’s Garnet here that is going to do more damage than my um heavier one my less one so Garnet I’m not quite level 54 what are you laughing about stormmy I got a better B you got a better Ro good for you Canada slow attack speed 148

Rebellion there’s a lot of options to pick from in this level range I haven’t been able to find anything good for some time so this one is it doesn’t have any power powder slots on it yet which is a good sign average DPS 236 they’re just giving this thing away

I guess they’re just trying to get rid of it minus four intelligence minus 267 Health yeah I’m not not in love with that not in love with that at all let’s see so there’s uh the the minus four intelligence could be a problem because I think there’s some stat minimums I’ve

Got to have in order to so it’s got life steal it takes away Health though I need cuz right now I’ve got this lust one and it’s got an 11% health regen and I use that because I need to get my health back and so something that

Literally takes away my health regen is not not ideal let’s see what else they got in the Barney bag here should we go look at the lower range of items maybe we find a better item zus zyus has a normal attack speed and it does more damage and gives

A little bit of walk speed the thing is we’re going to put some powder slots on them and it’s going to be it’s going to be nice there air damage type let’s do that since we’ve since it’s been so freaking long we’re going to remove this and we’re going to go to

Search and we’re going to look for the 41 to 50 range that’s what we’re going to do all right so let’s see can we sort by most expensive all right let’s see if we got anything cool in here we want to look for something that’s really fast or

Something that does a lot of damage DPS cuz like my fast one does 194 this one has some serious health regen so what do we got in the Barney bag today razor fast fast fast how fast is my fast my fast is fast okay um very fast

Doesn’t matter CU nobody can spam that quick free to good home well life Steel’s fun when you have it that’s the thing this adds a lot of different spell damage types but it only does a average of because it’s kind of adding those in on you when you H the

DPS I don’t know average DPS 421 what on Earth yeah see this is why I keep her around this is why I keep her around because I can’t do anything compared to her storm is my nuclear weapon he tolerates my inability to do parkour do I have a choice all right so

This does 180 so like the thing is this says 194 but that’s the thing is it’s adding in the damage from the powder slots we are going to put powder on these things if they have the slots um so this has two powder slots uh it’s poison poison and walk speed like come

On be be nice why why do we got to why do we got to do that why do we got to have that copper alloy Pike can I sort by like their speed no not not let me see what we got in here the Nautilus this hold on we’re

Going to skip the slow ones this has got a very fast attack speed it doesn’t do any damage normal attack speed we want fast as you can see there’s not very much good here in this level range this is part of the reason I’ve never done anything so average DPS

125 it takes away from your dexterity we might have to fix that but that’s it’s okay razor what do we want a lot of Elemental damage in if it’s going to do Thunder damage anyway so down here I’ve been doing more Thunder type damage I think I

Like that I think I’m going to keep that aspect oh it takes it adds some and then it takes some away interesting well which one has the better slots star so when the ones that have stars on them are better they’re like upgrades you see how there’s one or two stars next to

Them let’s do uh so this is kind of a tutorial on how to buy things so this one’s minus 28% on the Thunder damage it’s got a lot more spell damage I use my spells so much it’s ridiculous I think this might be it guys I think we

Found our new weapon let’s let’s buy a razor it’s going to be expensive we bought one okay so Razer does not do as much base damage this 125 so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to buy really expensive powders okay so I’m at the powders right

Now if you to me thank you stormy and the powers are going to up our damage okay so the powder Master he com he combines them is there should be a place to buy them right I think you buy them from players probably oh yeah I mean cuz you only get

To you only get to do it like once I’m I’m looking for high level poers obviously um let’s do well I have some which is what I’m saying levels do you have any level six ones no didn’t think so add powder’s only filter all right powder level four so powder level

Five what what powders do we want to add on this um we’ve got on my previous one I had um air and fire this one’s got room for four powder slots see this is why you don’t assume the average DPS is the IND all be so we’re going to we can

Add like all the elements pretty much earth air fire water so let’s do it already does a bunch of Thunder damage and has some minus Thunder damage so let’s do a level five fir powder this one’s a steel level six for 2100 I probably have the money for

That you only get to do it once you know so I’m going to go ahead and buy one of those even though it’s terribly expensive terribly expensive um and then we’re going to go back and we’re going to look for a level six powder there’s a water powder for 4,000 oh good

Grief I’m I’m going to be poor very quickly here it’s worth it though if this works if this works ye I’ve only got 3,900 left um stor me how much money do you have can I ask for assistance I have 25,000 of course you do I get on on a

Regular basis I know you don’t like the Daily Grind type things but suck it up buttercup what am I looking for um are you going to come just buy things do you want me to yeah yeah then what am I looking for you need to just tell me

Okay uh so if you happen to come across a am I looking at powders yeah how much for a level six air powder search items hang on how many elements are there anyway there’s a thunder powder that’s right air and Dunder are separated VI not i00 I mean that’s Earth but there’s 4200

For an air powder and there’s h hang on let me see if I can find a thunder powder that doesn’t want H go ahead and get go ahead and get air um air powder 4200 give or take look for the cheapest air powder you can sort by least expensive uh most

Expensive air you said yeah there’s there’s an air powder for 400 4200 exactly I just wanted to see if they had a thunder powder tier six if they even have one they do 3800 so I can only do four of these um should I add a thunder powder on top of

My existing Thunder powder or should I switch up my elements what do I got on the other one I don’t have any air damage so air is going to Stay I might not need water what do you think stormy fire water Earth for funsies let’s go ahead and do air because I got Thunder listed on here and then it’ll list all five of them it’ll be like all of five elements yeah Raven exactly um this is

A does it cost money to put them on I bet it does which is going to suck how much does it cost you know I don’t know did you buy me the the air the air pow level six air powder yep we’re going to forge an item of incredible power raid I

Okay you are such a nice person and Helper and you make me not poor so how bad is the damage on the powder Master here I want to say in the three digits that would not be too bad add so we’re going to take this razor and we’re going to

Add yeah it’s just a flat 189 look at that look at that let’s see 259 765 756 is it stacking is he giving me a search charge can I I can put them in whatever color order I want we’re going RGB Boys yeah see now it does 235 look at that so now my um Fierce Thunder is not nearly as dangerous as this so we did it razor does more damage cool cool beans and new types of damage too the other one didn’t do any water damage or Earth

Damage yeah that’s ex that’s yeah we’ve got the um we’ve got the elemental RBG RGB going on here all right I’m going to and it’s the same attack speed and it’ll even kind of look the same so it’s kind of I got 40 more damage on there that was

Really expensive but I have not been able to outdo my previous one for quite some time here here so you’re Thunder we love you um we will remember you so stormy that was amazing thank you so much where is do you want it okay where is the shot

The the the the item identifier and all that that theid is right here did I lose any armor from levels going down no I did not okay and the blacksmith is right here in the middle because we’re going to have to get used to this watch one of these be a better item

Than that how amazingly tragic would that be Garnet fast attack speed average DPS 200 but it has a serious minus health regen punishment which I’m not down for get rid of what that is I’m super stoked about that rough cut interesting helmet how do that compare to my normal

Helmet mildly better maybe but it has like minus attack damage man steel Soul point region plus spell damage I might be about to switch my helmet out for the first time in like ages good I don’t like wearing a armor look at at that fun stuff thunder and Earth Defense Thunder and Earth

Defense I have a slightly better helmet yay yay slightly better helmet I’m actually just going to sell the one I had on my head is it part of a set it is part of a set I could have been putting powder on it because I’m dumb wait was it un unidentified

That’s hilarious was I wearing an unidentified hat don’t be as dumb as me just just some pro pro tip Pro tip don’t be DB as me okay well I got a slightly better hat you can’t see it because I have my aesthetic on but I do so you can see my face

Wooo all right now what I’ve got 10 minutes I need to look around here and kind of get used to what’s here what do you think yep not enough time to do the dungeon not enough time to do uh yeah there is enough time to do the dungeon let’s do the

Dungeon okay well the thing is like we can go as long as I need to cuz actually I’m free till noon so I actually have half an hour she may not have a lot of time to do anything about food so I’ve got a tabletop thing coming up I play a Kling

Shifter which is in Pathfinder it’s kind of like a druid only you really only turn into one animal and you just kind of go Hulk smash and so in my case I play a um dir tiger that’s just like rare and I bite people’s heads off it’s

Great I do more damage than the rest of the party I’m nuts I’m like the animal Barbarian they just say kitty go R all right so this is the key collector I have a key are you giving him a key yeah well then I’m not giving him a

Key because we’re in a party I can sent your life force is very powerful I shall take pleas training it ah don’t be creepy all right so these are the dungeons that you can do over and over and uh they have all kinds of like Puzzles and enemies

But you get XP from doing them and some tokens that you can spend at a store that’s on the outside there’s a little vendor right there this dungeon has 45% parkour what go through the record to continue where did you see that did it say that

Somewhere on the I love how they split that out into percentages what on Earth is that go through the parkour to continue that that thanks I hate it this is so cursed did it I did it too congratulations that is horrifying it’s not a fe when you do

It it’s a fe when I do it Escort guide the guardian to the exit press the button to escort the guardian escort that was really cool I want to do that I want to make that effect I need a plugin that does that what Guardian there’s stuff going on over Here oh that Guardian Yep they’re killing our Guardian I think we lost they’re killing our garden played this game before you need to use your AOE and clear them out they’re on Them man me either he’s almost there maybe he’s out of Health did he do it did we get through awesome all right trums used to beckon to my every need and desire even sacrif don’t tell them mag defense soon as that hero of Heroes turned up I was cast

Away okay so it looks like that was really fun I want to do that again I think I’m going to get the opportunity this is not your grandma’s parkour go through the parkour to continue oh no try not holding your jump button when I didn’t bounce and uh I don’t know

What to do about that okay so it does put me back up at the top where am I going so we go here first we’re definitely going to go like that and then we’re going to do something else afterward okay so that got me up I’m not good at

This I’m going to follow stormy boing boing so the vines keep an eye on the vines The Vines are part of the thing there we go boing I a dumb all right let’s try it again I’ve got a new skill points on new skill points we’re going to put them on

Intelligence there we go b b we got that part down that part is really sad all right so I think what we need to do is we need to go I’m so bad tip try not holding your jump button when bouncing it’s paying off though I’m

Doing a much better job and these one I have dang it I had it uh what is that guy doing up there can I come up please thank you okay so you do turn that’s the intended way to go I can kind of tell where they intend you to

Go yeah they’re serious about don’t use your sprint button poop I need to figure out exactly what did you launch yourself the wrong way we’re not talking about [Laughter] it dang it that’d be funny if we added challenges to our SMP no it would not that were escort missions Raven or

Parkour do we need to add some slime based structures so that we can parkour I I would like to go forward okay this is going to be my best hope of a but ha all right now that I’ve gotten through it I think I need to be back

There with stormy as an advisory role also she’s my she’s my damage output as we talked about so why can’t I all right stormy why can’t you get through this there we go what seems to be the problem I was like I was able to do that

Before okay that is not the proper way anyway you yes it is no come on up here follow me so here’s what they want you to do they want you to turn at a 90° angle to the right so you go boing and you grab this Vine you’ve been trying to make this

Jump and you’ve been making it a lot but then you don’t make it a lot if we take the intended way you’ll be able to take it almost every time so without sprinting you just jump and grab the vine all right so I can’t seem to figure

This one out I assume it’s the same thing and you land on that what I’ve been doing is I’ve been stopping when I fail if it doesn’t bounce me and I just just walk over to the last jump but in this time it did work okay I did Sprint that

Time I missed that last one okay if you can make it to if you don’t jump then instead next time just walk next time you don’t bounce okay she made up to the top now she’s going to do the turn a 90° angle one grab the vine she didn’t grab the Vine

I didn’t jump high enough to grab the vine why do you hate me all right this time she’ll make it so she grabbed the vine she’s just going to walk over this way all right I had to sprint on this one if you don’t bounce don’t F fall

Stop stop you use the stone get to the edge of it on the far side and jump to the stone on the next section okay now get close and Sprint jump over to it you didn’t jump you there you go that’ll work don’t Bon your head yeah you’re still buking your head

Look up there you go no all right four blue tokens came in like a wrecking ball didn’t you Fireball I got three oh there’s a big blue slime here did I get a token I did not get a token I’ve got underground ruins token I’ve

Got four of them but they appear to be yellow okay well that worked oh there’s a token oh you got to get the interesting so you got to get the yellow tokens to get the blue tokens is what I’m learning where did all the enemies go have you taken any towers

Down yeah you take four tokens and use them to three hey ugly face don’t do that there we go we got four tokens all right I’m going to do this one now I’ve got two tokens stormy is just lightning striking everywhere what is the giant blue friend he seems like something that

Would give me a blue token but he doesn’t okay I got a I got this token I’ve got two blue tokens did we do it no we need this last one you can not do that anymore okay I’ve got three blue tokens now here yeah man I took a lot of damage

There okay it says to go through the parkour to open the way H oh my gosh don’t be afraid of heights that sucks all right it glitched I did not glitch I just had no idea where I was going boing boing going I missed is it terrible that I’m just

Thinking all right they put barriers in the way good on them for not letting people cheat I was going to say h boing boing and now I’m I’m missing the second one well I’m missing I’m missing something it’s fine that’s part of it I missed that

Entirely oh there is a Vine there maybe that’s what you’re supposed to aim for boing boing I don’t know where I’m supposed to do after I go boing boing yeah Raven thankfully we didn’t have to what what there’s like a barrier over there or something oh You’ got to go forward okay

So you when you you got to go as forward as possible hit as close to here on the wall as you can did you miss that yes what are you doing I’m barely hitting the hit box for the first one jump there you go hit I’m not hitting it I

Know okay where do I go after that all right let me help you watch me so what you’re going to do is you’re going to hit this one hit this one and go as forward as you possibly can and you should bounce off the two side walls you should bounce left bounce

Right and you’re trying to bounce off both of them hard I’ll go in front of you you ready follow behind me so you can see Bo and I go boing boing like that what are you doing Sprint there you go you made it stormmy made it boing boing all right Gotta Love checkpoints

H it wasn’t a checkpoint there you go there you go okay so there’s two of these things and this one seems like it’s actually in line I didn’t Sprint though gelatinous cubes I’m going to Sprint this time bo bo hit the wall Tada can you just turn around and back jump over here

It’s going to be your best bet turn around as soon as you can so you can steer yeah I had the feeling that was going to be your best bet so I have no idea what we do at this point there’s a wall of slime down

There I don’t see anything I mean you could bounce upward maybe hang on there’s these two slime platforms over here it has to do with this dangling slime here I’m going to B I’m going to run at the side that’s got all the sticky things on it that is exactly what you

Do oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh stop out like that jeez you okay no cuz now I’m back at the beginning and I feel like it’s through no fault of my own slay get 24 tokens to the door to open the way now the city will slly

Witness what power I have discovered you’ll see they made their wrong call this slime has a lot of Health oh gosh okay well I’ve got bad news I don’t think I’m going to live shush yeah I think I’m have to wait for you cuz I got my face torn

Off can you come do this parkour for me sure if you want to entertain chat on my screen over over here I’ll do that I say entertain just me going AFK is probably not a riveting chat so I’m GNA have to go play stormy’s character here’s

Stormmy all right I bet I can probably still hear me they should be able to well you also do this thing you’re like I’m going to hold my special item that changes all of my stats gee why can’t I complete the parkour that says don’t even

Sprint oh you know what I think it’s made easier by my default speed you’ve got like a gravity doesn’t like you for some reason do you have like a minus speed on some of your no I have a normal speed hang on I’m looking at your stats cuz like

You’re you fall down too fast why is gravity heavier for you I don’t know okay so it’s not just you then oh wait I was sprinting and you changed your keybind that’s what it is no R is Sprint yeah I noticed that uh I have been doing that since I

Started playing Minecraft like 12 years ago what is the dumbest thing so I’m it is not no you are not okay it makes sense because RS is the first letter of run and I’m running well you’re not getting anywhere very fast with that running I didn’t hit the wall I wasn’t

Running that’s the thing but I get a speed boost when I use my um my jump boing boing boing boing it did glitch out on you I see what you’re talking about that was really awkward and bad okay the bad news is your um your keybinds might have accidentally changed the good news

Is I got through it change my keybinds back I’ll change it back there you go I don’t want it to be so something weird happened what is it my children say something something happened something happened my boys are just like all right I got her through

Yeah we let them like play Minecraft and then 30 minutes later rehar mom something happened mom but but Mom something happened oh gosh but Mom but Mom something happened how many do we need uh enough easy there easy there with your sliminess all right I need to use that

Attack more often it actually really makes sense for slimes it’s my uh it’s usually never anything bad but they make it sound like they’ve done something horrific it always sounds like something absolutely terrible has transpired in my house and you find out that it’s just like they accidentally

Changed the TV channel or something completely inan like that it’s just no big deal what what command is it it’s no that’s my launch it’s uh there we go right left right I don’t do that that one very often yeah because what it’ll do is it’ll kill

Off the little slimes after it kills the big slime which makes it way more effective all right I’ve got 23 of these things can we get out of here yeah I got 16 I’m right behind you underground token oh interesting this is really cool but I have no idea

Where it’s supposed to be going there we go don’t try and cheat it you can’t nearly go High Enough Just Bounce into the wall okay do you want to hand as to where you’re going to go yeah jump into that wall it’ll take you up there you

Go how did you there you go I don’t I don’t know I’m not even controlling this you’re really talented yeah it’s like art artificial bounciness slay yeah we’re getting out of here you here yeah good riddens yeah I’m loving slime time this is fun uh this is ominous there’s a giant room

Here boss room oh uh can we just chill and and not yeah I need to heal up a I do too cuz if he just nukes me at the end yeah so we’re going to health regen here for a second I have to wait to waste a

Potion so yeah we enjoy parkour a little bit too much we’re going to have to do some Parkour challenges someday yeah I mean to be fair the parkour challenges of windcraft are called completely unique I will rage quit M Minecraft Parkour will make me rage quit we make the parkour

SMP where you have to parkour everywhere you go all the time that would actually be kind of fun I’m let me think about that from a terrain generation perspective hang on let me think there’s got to be a way to to irritate the terrain and such a way that

It’s all fractured and so you have to make jumps but you can make the jumps narrow enough that you can always make them and if you fall you end up having to go mining I have to play with terrain generation but I love the idea of seeing

If I can do generated parkour that’d be hilarious especially if I ever get into noise settings all right we’ve got most of our hearts my drink I’m I stole it don’t Ste my drink that’s what I was thinking gor is custom structures type of thing but you

Could only do a couple of them but all right that’s an interesting idea having an Elder Guardian at the middle so you can PR prevent it ready ready as I ever will be I think having just a few of those cuz the thing is if we had the gelatinous Giant

Okay sweetie I’m in a boss battle can you wait a second okay so we need to find where this guy is I guess he he’s the cube he is the cube wow he really is the cube did we kill him why do I have a companion part following you made the

Sacrifices V okay okay bonty slime it’s a hostile level 63 I am dark there’s a guy there is a guy yeah I know he’s got a companion cube does he really oh there he is he’s been invisible okay um I’m out of mana and I haven’t cast my defense

Thing there we go I’m going to die that’s not a good sign I need to heal stop targeting me I’m the melee oh great I’m dead I’m dead I’m a dead man star me hey I’m working on it I will Whittle you down I just need to keep him not focused

On me because you’re arranged I’m out of Mana I died did you really I’m going to die too then where did it put you at the back at the beginning of the dungeon or something yep oh I’m so close he’s level 63 that makes you feel any better I used the wrong

Thing there’s my resistance and that’ll hit him hard I might be able to beat him you think ah it’s going to be close he’s got 6,500 Health left 6,300 oh gosh he’s got 4 4,300 oh he’s healing he’s heal he heals up 5,000 7,000 oh good lord okay so the

Reason we’re having so much trouble is he can heal I got to heal up I can’t kill him he’s got me okay so he’s got some crazy health regen he’s down to 3800 I’m going to keep drinking my potions till I’m out no you will

Die when I have the Mana I’m going to kill him come on 4,000 3600 2400 no 1788 one kill him kill him kill him where is he he’s got 1,000 Health 250 got him no I died you’ve got to be kidding no I think you I think you did it great job you

Completed the undergrowth ruins I did die but I died after I killed him I guess dang it well I’m getting a reward okay so I technically beat him yeah Ouch ouch okay so I died but I also beat him I’ve got under the range of emotions that we’re feeling right now I know good grief okay well for future reference he’s got some mean health regen and he’s kind of a ranged guy so that was wild

Okay that was that was the worst that was the worst boss I’ve ever had to deal with um did I get some I did get some XP I’m almost level 54 now cool well I’ve got another key we could do it again question mark you want to do it now

You’ve got eight minutes until your um Pathfinder thing yeah so we could probably I could probably buy some really cool stuff here fetish you really named it that um 560 six exchain pixels this adds a bunch of stats um let me see here let’s think about this for a minute

All of these are really good I can’t wear that one I can’t wear that one I can almost wear that one Barbed normal attack speed yeah these are a little bit above our level um I don’t think we’re going to be able to do the whole dungeon today man that was

Wild that was absolutely wild congrats well we’ll do it again how does that sound we’ll do the dungeon again I have a key on me but just um we just don’t have time to do it today yeah all right so let’s go lick our wounds I need

To figure out where I’m going to get some more health potions because I’m there’s a potion Master behind you on over there oh is there there’s probably one up here there’s definitely one over there by the dungeon entrance okay uh yeah it looks like there’s one over here well I

Never bought potions from a potion Master before for do they even have anything decent for sale I have no idea I just know that I’ve completely lost track of you I was at the bank H Bunko there you are this way right here uhhuh oh I see a potion

Icon let’s see what all let’s see what all he sells um potion of healing 1,500 oh wow okay so I can actually get some decent potions oh this is lovely yeah that’ll that’ll do it I just got nine t or tier nine potions 24 of them

Where I had only six 420s before yeah that’s broken I had to pay very little money for it you’re my new best friend you right you you are my new friend see look take a selfie these are new best friends hanging out H yeah stop looking at me it ruins the

Picture feel like I’m being replaced but uh for that level of potions you got some competition all right so uh yeah I bought you level air powder that’s true I do owe you considerably for that how am I own money can I ever pay you back I’m poor very very

Poor I did your parkour so we’re not we closer to even I did your parkour yeah well I vote we next time we get back on we do that next week we tackle that again second time and uh we will do it a lot more easily CU we’re

We’ve been been there done that and um we now realize he’s got some stupid Health regeneration so we’ve got to really take him down faster and uh now you can have some better health potions so you stay alive sound good stormy stormy stormy storming storming all right friends I’ll be on

Discord I got some I got a party to attend and a a hunt to continue on my pathfinder I’ll see you later bye bye

This video, titled ‘WynnCraft Saturdays with Stormy! (Jan 13) | Minecraft MMO RPG’, was uploaded by DoctorPlasma on 2024-01-14 07:31:09. It has garnered 61 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:10 or 6970 seconds.

Same RPG, new time! Join us as we explore new quests of WynnCraft – if we live to tell the tale! And join us on Discord in the channel if you want to be in the livestream!

What is WynnCraft? Imagine if Runescape but Minecraft. It’s loaded with cultural references.

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    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/Wolv21 ● TIP: https://streamelements.com/wolv21-1801/tip YOUTUBE ● MAIN: https://www.youtube.com/@Wolv21 ● CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/@WolvClips ● STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/Wolv21/live SOCIAL ● KICK: https://kick.com/Wolv21 ● TWITTER: https://twitter.com/21wolv ● INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/wolv21 ● SNAPCHAT – https://snapchat.com/add/wolv21 ● FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/wolv21 ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. https://discord.com/invite/2b2tpe tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,crystalpvp.cc,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥 🏠 Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! 🏠 In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More

  • elefse’s Epic Escape: Minecraft’s Scariest Challenge

    elefse's Epic Escape: Minecraft's Scariest ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Survived Minecraft’s Most Scuffed Event’, was uploaded by elefse on 2024-03-08 18:30:23. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:48 or 588 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements… Read More