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It seems like every time we play this game it is raining outside in the Minecraft world if you guys remember last episode 19 it rained the entire it rained like the entire stream except for like the final 20 minutes but ladies and gentlemen episode 20 of the Minecraft

SNP is officially here we are 20 episodes in god wow we started this like almost half a year ago and we’re only 20 episodes in that just lets you know that I don’t play this game much we got Max me we got sub to schnaz interesting name we got will we got Zack

The potato why is Minecraft for on fortnite what’s the Lego version not Zach the potato bro are you all right you have something wrong anyway uh can you invite me uh Max you’re allowed to join yeah you’re Jo yeah one sec um let me we’ll keep that there so Paul how you doing

Paul gibberish more like brush Gibb you know oh we got food to cook you’re doing good Paul good to see you good to see everyone will you’re the first mod how you doing good sir um it appears I’ve had my my food taken uh it’s the salmon someone took all my salmon

[ __ ] oh God no like the stream yes sweep you might be blessed with the golden germ in your server later if I feel like hopping on oh [ __ ] yeah dude you need to organize your inventory uh yeah I know my inventory isn’t the greatest so picky I see

Um we’re going to put this one to B yeah what else what else what else we don’t need bows right now um put all that gold in there all this coal in here we’ll do what else what else yeah yeah I don’t know rapid skin and add some more puffer fish there

We go perfect wasn’t me uh # vote weepy for what what am I what am I being voted on for what I do we evented all the among guys the Among Us stream I don’t know if you guys have looked at it but damn near

Are at 400 views thank you guys for that [ __ ] did pretty well maybe this stream can get anywhere close to that you know oh oh oh oh oh oh [ __ ] over here oh he’s on the roof thank you my thank you my trusty sidekick snowman why does it seem like I used to

Be able to do that um all right well be sure to leave a like once again ladies and gents what’s this I don’t know I’m going sleep so this rain can go can I be in this SMP weepy you got 6.02k yes yesterday stream we gained

14 we lost one so we’re at 6,020 exactly oh is no longer raining um schnaz sub to schnaz um I’m going to say no for now because this is the first time I’ve ever seen you in one of my lives you know I I schnaz might trust

You I don’t know if you’re in shaz’s uh schnazzy Fields you know but I’m going to I’m going to say no for now if you come back in a few if you become a normal regular everyday viewer in the future there’s a possibility there’s always room for a

Possibility always room we have over 20 plus in numers so oh my God look at the melon she’s gorgeous the melon is what we got on the thumbnail today let me let me upload that let just oh look at that another stack of melon added to the

System oh this is your second time all right well then yeah well it’s got to be consistent this I think this is the for me I thought it was the first I guess not I apologize good sir you you I’ll be able to join in like six

More episodes I don’t know about six more episodes we we we’ve been doing one stream one Minecraft stream every week or two so yeah yo gamer Joo gamer what a name I say good sir how you doing today Joo gamer turn the volume down on my phone

Oh here let’s get the thumbnail we got to put the thumbnail up what am I doing like [ __ ] dumb idiot all right um hopefully my boy astral joins cuz he’s the one finish helping well he’s finishing I’m just going to help if I do with the XP

Farm last few streams you know he was working on it in the last like stream or two he kind of stopped but he said this stream he should be able to finish it completely is there anything over here no we might as well mine the uh

Elite Max will’ll get you in bro are you ready to join if I go on you know friend list will you be on the friend list will you be active oh my God melons growing in let’s go let’s [ __ ] go dude you’re from Brazil dieo nice bro always wanted to go

To Brazil not going to lie do you think my name is strange no I I I’ve seen stranger I’ve seen stranger bro look at my name bro my name’s literally weepy I mean it doesn’t get any stranger than that bro my name’s literally a weeping a crying guitar with the number

90 if that ain’t weird I don’t know what is perfect soone put their horse in here I think that SS’s horse and there’s a pig now okay um big monkey uh funny not strange there you go exactly funny not strange do you like Neymar who is Neymar I’m not familiar with who Neymar

Is I’m sorry if I’m sorry could you please describe to me what a Neymar is or who or when name is soccer player Oh Jorge Jorge welcome to the stream uh I don’t know who neyar is um so you know I’m not familiar with Neymar now that I know he’s a soccer

Player I still does not ring a bell but I’m sure I can get familiar another day Jorge and we got Mr op pickax how you guys doing drop a like you to so yeah this episode finishing the XP form all the way up there um I think we can officially take down

Avx’s house and everything flatten that plot of land down there so we can have someone else put a house or two oh no instead of having someone put a house we’ll just build over it we’ll put like a building or something oh my God the melons are growing bro look at this [ __ ]

Beautiful 10 more melon look at that uh I need a spot for my house oh yeah jge join last stream well we can look first we can look first spot we got jhead we got plenty of spots plenty of spots let’s get Max in here though if

Jge if you are you on bro do you want to join or not tonight there’s Max not clouds who is not Clouts I do not epic man I know who Epic Man is sounds familiar oh epic man 420 that’s Jorge what am I doing I was like that name sounds so

Familiar Mr smile he’s on Minecraft Let’s see if he wants to join Mr smile has already been invited he lives in the tent right next to my house let’s see if anyone else is on SS is on but he’s not on the game I want to learn Portuguese

Interesting ah I mean I can’t I the thing is I I wanted I do want to eventually one day learn different languages I want to learn French I want to learn Spanish um and maybe maybe learn uh Japanese I think that’d be cool nightbot why are you here he’s always here nightbot

Is I’ll join in a bit I’m going take a fat [ __ ] all right thank you J for telling me do you not not do you not like nightbot sub to schnaz he’ll he sends messages every 10 minutes he sends multiple messages every 10 minutes Discord link if you want to join Discord and

A uh be sure to hit the like button and subscribe message that encourages everyone to drop a like if they haven’t And subscribe as well if they have not as well there’s not a lot of people on hopefully though in the next like hour we do get some more people on

All right Genesis welcome buddy how you doing good to see you good to see you he is Discord bot he speaks in I I don’t know what you just said there uh youo how you doing Genesis once again drop a like share my dude you want to hop on you want to

Join um I’m have to will ask Will to take this down we need will to build himself his own house if Mr smile does join I’m going to have to ask him if he can destroy his little tent area and have him go build his own house as well look

At the [ __ ] Patrick Star outfit look at that oh God it’s not oh oh oh you’ll join let me know when you’re on Genesis we’ll get you in Mr [ __ ] Godzilla how you doing buddy let me go check the um the mob spawner quick to see if there’s any

Bones or anything how you doing there Bobby oh you are you were injured why didn’t you say anything [ __ ] you need food I can give you food give me one sec I got to get food for Bobby I’ll carry this this around time being there we go all

Right tomorrow is DVD no tomorrow is Black Ops 3 Friday will be dead by daylight Friday will be the 6K special there you go buddy okay can you reinvite me yeah I can Mr smile how you doing drop a like and share my dude how you been yes

Sir oh Genesis you’re on now let me reinvite you Genesis would be on Genesis you’re on Playstation right you’ll play with me it will download it’s downloaded oh you got DVD let’s [ __ ] go Dino and Gilbert welcome to the Stream Dino and Gilbert how y’all doing drop a like and share

You to dino love to have you on haven’t seen you on in quite some time but how you doing gilber I see you’re still in that box you know being sneaky as a little [ __ ] you are how you doing now who’s that I don’t know who that

Is you said yes I yes to what oh fart foot’s on I know he’s going to want to invite I think you said yes to you being on uh PlayStation Genesis your name is Genesis I believe so ah W please talk Rea What I do not understand please tell me please please Genesis if I pass you please tell me and please look at the page number as well oh never mind I found you all right it’s not letting me join hold on I just sent you another invite I send you an invite on PlayStation

PlayStation invite my work well good to see everyone so far thank you guys once again for joining yesterday’s stream did phenomenal and even going to today it’s gain almost 100 plus more views you guys shit’s epic and our YouTube short is almost at 500 there we go halfway to a

Thousand you speak Portuguese well I I no I I no I do not all right only Max is on so far it said I can’t connect for some stupid reason ah great um we were having the same problem last last live I’m going to give it I’m going to give

It a sec we’re going to give it a sec I’ll be back soon all right sub D see you then bro thank you for coming by you’re on to sleep R EO have a good one thank you for coming by as well ladies and gentlemen the goal for

Tonight’s stream is quite simple 30 likes like always and then maybe hit 6,030 that’d be awesome oh wow bro made this even better somehow someway we have bones two bones so far yes Max hey weepy stopping by Connor how you doing good to see you drop a like and share how you

Doing I know you already said you’re not going to be joining but I thank you for coming by how you doing today yes you’re great that’s great to hear can I make my house here here um um yeah how big of a house are you going to

Make like Mark it with the dirt how big of a house you think you’re going to make like Mark it from one side to the other how big of a house do you think you’re going to make that’s that’s it that’s not really big okay do you need material or

Anything like wood hey weepy can I join my Microsoft is oh you were the one who sent me the not clouds um Clash Royale um this is a private S&P my dude um only way you can join is if I you know know you slash um trust you not

Saying I don’t trust you but I am saying I don’t trust you because I have no idea who you are I’m have to say no for now bro but if you start if you become you join more relevant and everything will’ll definitely get you in in the future

But Max do you need material do you need wood anything Stone I can give you Stone I’m trusted you Dino you’re already on the [ __ ] server all right good luck you need dirt you’re building a dirt house I thought we were done after the [ __ ] dirt Tower uh give me a

Sec I’ll give you all the dirt I can find in my house um which isn’t very much here I’ll give you I’ll here I know what to do Max come to my house front and center please um B yeah I don’t have Discord how are you

Do you good B did you call me a bum hey nice you hopping on depends I ran out of things to do that’s the reason he’s going to join all right here you go you get a shovel go get the dirt I’d say please do go a good

Distance away to get the dirt cuz I don’t really want to have a good giant hole not in the The Village you know hold on Mr smile we’re going to try again to get everyone in all right if it doesn’t work we will back out real quick and then rejoin the

World which will be the second time we’ve had to do this in the last week when someone beats my house and looks that that’s when I get the TNT out of little just kidding all right I believe Genesis was on page six seven there we go 10 individuals watching thank you guys appreciate

It eight likes so far in the first 20 minutes once again thank you guys oh Mike controller we’ll charge our controller for a second when can I be moded um this is smile bro you don’t ever join stream how are you how could you ask for mod if

You this is the first time I’ve seen you join my stream in weeks you asked that question I gave you another question to answer to be mod you got to be able to show up now I’m not expecting you to be showing up 24/7 but you guys start showing up now dino has

Recently damn [ __ ] whoever dropped that remote upstairs and [ __ ] I’m still the youngest mod or am I the oldest now you’re not the you might still be the youngest you might still be the youngest let’s see will will serpens is 17 will and serpens are both 18 schnaz is

22 my boy M’s in his 30s uh devil who probably won’t be mod soon I know he’s like a year younger than me and that’s about it ice welcome to the stream how you doing buddy good to see you yeah I’ve been out Town plus DVD isn’t really my

Thing well we don’t just stream we did Among Us the other day and Minecraft and we’ve been doing more fortnite you know listen bottom line if you’re not here to support the channel then you can’t be a mod on the channel bro cuz like if I

Give you mod like you said if you don’t show up the dbd Bro then how can you be a mod on the channel if you don’t even like what I do like that’s like wanting to live here but then being like I don’t love the area but I want the house

Like I just ran out ps+ fascinating op thank you for the cup of water I do need that all right so the invites are still not working it seems like let me go see what uh Max is doing and how he’s getting this dirt I do have a map what am I doing

Oh he went over there that’s good good good good get on fortnite and I’ll destroy you in a one V one I’m not getting on fortnite honestly um the next time I do stream fortnite it will be Lego fortnite and then I’m going to wait for OG fortnite to come

Back that would be the only fortnite I really do play the new fortnite’s ass oh you’re talking to Conor not me see how weepy see how weep is doing help mod stream yo sorry for not watching the last couple of live streams I had to do

Stuff and also you have a Call of Duty Mobile account called I do not have a Call of Duty Mobile account I’ve never had that game I actually I incorrect I downloaded the game about four years ago 2019 hey James money how you doing buddy

Welcome to the stream be sure to drop a like how you been Buddy but yeah KT I downloaded the game in 2019 and I deleted it the same day I never even played it I made it I made the uh I downloaded the game well when I found out you had to

Make an account and all this other stuff I’m like no that’s stupid and deleted it the very same day same thing with when that U Mario Kart thing happened a few years ago the Mario Kart World I downloaded it and deleted it the same day you had to do stupid [ __ ]

That’s okay that’s cool that’s what you should do that’s what you should you do hey D what have you not seen yet yet on we people there’s a lot of [ __ ] that Dino has not seen yet like icy pumps made a house um we updated the bridge um what else Wyatts made a

House say has made a better house he’s even he’s actually made he made a a house but he he made a house did the outer did the like the outside of the house took it all down and redid it behind his castle what else meme stopped by for one stream and never came

Back I’m quite in hey Ultimate Foot welcome I’m here you’re here I saw you’re online I just sent you a few invites how you doing today we got Mr smile and Jorge now on the game I will join the bent all right man good glad to hear it glad to

Hear all right so what are we going to do we’re waiting for Astro to join actually we need Astro to join what but uh first things first let’s let’s take this down excuse me sorry about that dirty [ __ ] it’s a shame how some you know certain people you think are trustworthy

But then they end up [ __ ] you over as a practical joke do I got a diamond pickaxe I do not I have a gold pickaxe but that shit’s not even going to last damn this takes forever I did not know that all right a [ __ ] there’s two come on a damn laggy ass

Controller all right we take this down welcome everyone to the live how we doing thank you for dropping by you’re welcome what happened not really what hey weave just an idea those houses you just destroyed you should replace them with some trees maybe maybe all right then we rning have room in the

Inventory see well you can have all that stuff if you want it if your inventory can handle it we do got to place a torch here though there I need a plot of land well go looking around find something then come then come get me take me to where you find it

Where you find the plot of land and I will then let you know if that’s good or not ah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Mr smile I was actually going to tell

You I completely forgot I kind of would like to have you move your stuff I would like you to take your tent and here I’ll give you a pickaxe I if I give you a pickaxe will you take down everything you’ve built and move it

Please I will give you a free uh I’ll give you a free iron pickaxe on the house all you got to do is take your [ __ ] and move it do we get a deal I want you to go look around for a ploted land as well like

Jorge I want you to go build your own house icy pop how you doing buddy wel welcome to stream drop a like and share you want to hop on love to have you this episode if we get astral he can finish the XP farm get some more food oh

Oh you found a place let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go can your base be underground uh yes but it has to have something on top it has to have like some on top it can be a m little mini house on top that transforms into a bigger base on the

Bottom but it has to have something on top either a little mini house or some sort of like locator that lets us know that it’s your stuff we got to fill up a lot of these creeper holes it’s right here yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes you can

Build yes yes yes do you need material do you need any material do you need anything wood Stone anything a lot of Oak would be nice um how about I I’ll give I’m going to go give you an a I’ll build an axe for you you can start taking down

Trees and stuff just please replant any of the saplings you you get please replant them I saw a creeper over here kind want to kill it y got [ __ ] two for one deal [ __ ] big fat [ __ ] big chubby [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you know use this dirt and I don’t know why

One two three four yeah that’s nice an invite got you gotcha give me one sec to go back to my house be sure to drop a like ladies and gents if you guys are new to the channel and want to get that support we’re coming

Down to the final two weeks of the Year ladies and gentlemen this next two weeks we’re going to do a lot of lot of streaming lots of video uploading and whatnot we’re going to have a um a 6K special this Friday we plan on having the final

Stream of the Year taking place either the 30th or the 31st and a few other stuff there you go I got start placing stuff in here so no problem icy no problem all right we got that I also want to have a chest plate I’ve been needing a chest

Plate later the Stream we will be going into a m shaft just to get some more diamonds iron Etc is icy on he is on there we go let’s take a look at Max’s house looking interesting I do hope you smooth it out a little bit make it look a little nice

Sir we is this good to be my base where you at come get come to my uh come to my house and then take me to where you’re at I’m current I’m going to go drop this off for Jorge and then I’m going to come back to my house perfect there you

Go hope everyone’s having a fun time I saw we had 13 people that’s awesome all right save me yeah all right it’s fine just please do not dig under my house that’s all I ask you’re can have [ __ ] a damn it how’d you get out of here in the first place

You you can have that I don’t all right it seems like I have a Lot More Cows than I used that I I did before fascinating but we’re not going to question it we don’t question things around here we just we take them as they are for the most

Part sometimes we do question like how lava was falling from the sky you know that stuff we do question other than that not much all right serpent I mean Jorge the green icy yellow Max is blue smile’s orange I’m white can you invite mobile players well I think mobile players can join however

T KT bro this is only like the second time you’ve been stream bro we have to wait a little longer I understand if you’ve had some stuff going on with you man but you know it’s we’ll try next stream we will try to get you in all right hi can I help you

Yes here you can have these oh no no no no no no no no give me that give me give me give me give give me that give me that give me give me give me give me give me give me that I didn’t mean to do

That give me that I did not mean to give you that okay give me the map I want give give me the map thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s why I’m might not to give you that thank you can I show you one of my one of my hacks I’ll fix it

Though hacks is it like it will break the game will it break the game it will break the game no it won’t break the game show me the hack show me it show me I’m scared oh oh where’d you go okay okay what the [ __ ] you going to head out

Bro I’ll check your crop Stree but I got you bro just has creative on how do you have creative how do you have creative on you’re good I see uh [ __ ] Max H you shouldn’t have done that dude no no [ __ ] [ __ ] ice I wish you didn’t do that uh give me a

Sec let me think I I got to think of something I’m going to be out for Christmas break tomorrow so I’ll be here from the beginning next time all right right Cinder how you doing buddy good to see you drop a like I got you um how did how did he die

Oh damn I’m sorry uh yeah Max um I’m going to kick you for that bro um hacking in the world I really wish what you were saying was just a [ __ ] joke was a subtle joke or some solo glitch I thought you were going to show me it was a glitch

But genuinely hacking is no so yeah I was not in Creative it has a fly insta break no cuz J ain’t gonna do [ __ ] for him and if you’re G if you use that hack to start getting diamonds and other stuff and then like I can’t have that

Happen I can’t invite mobile players KT but the thing is I’m not I’m not inviting you this stream you’re have to wait a bit but I’m might have to make my own pickaxe again hey Smoke how you doing buddy good to see you man shared and liked mad love

And respect appreciate you broy how you been how you been I can’t do that I can give items he can is an O I promise I’ll stop thing take his privileges away use the jail they will finally be used okay I was just asking I don’t have

Mine crit yet but I will I got you my mistake well Max next time you do join if I do let you back in you will be put in jail and even if you leave you will not leave until I say so good bro appreciate you have how about

You I’ve been all right I’ve been all right looking for new jobs trying to get the Channel Growing more and more you know I’ve been I’ve been happy lately with a with my channel we’ve been doing good we’ve been gaining Subs like like good old days you know yesterday we gained

14 if we can gain if we somehow gain five plus tonight I God I’m going to be happy where’s the Minecraft skin known as Alex aka the female counterpart Steve oiled up a torque competi competition with the bunny from zootopia how you doing pizza roll good

To see you bud good to see you pizza I was quite shocked you didn’t join yesterday’s Among Us stream you were probably one of you were actually you and a few other people I was quite shocked didn’t show up yesterday’s stream yesterday stream did really well I know

You don’t have Among Us or wouldn’t play among us but you would you would join just to talk in a chat for hours I know you I know your ass do you play OSU what’s OSU what is O what is OSU what is that is that Ohio State University the Buckey

What am I talking about he can’t ever rejoin because the Bedrock kick permanently bans them with no pardon I don’t think that’s how I I’ve kicked many people before and invited them back I don’t think the I don’t think that’s the thing because I know damn well I’ve

Kicked hundreds of people on [ __ ] and I’ve re reinit them back what is the he can’t rejoin situation that hand uh viewer of mine uh Max he joined and he asked he wanted to show me a little thing he called it a little hack and I

Thought he it was a glitch I thought he was a glitch or something a broken glitch in Bedrock but no dude was hacking breaking blocks with one hit and Etc so we can’t have him back that was that’s the first actual type hack [ __ ] I’ve had Mr smile no I’m

Not putting you in jail serpents how you doing buddy what do you think the little session you heard ear um if it’s edited well I think it could definitely get some views my dude if you have me do the thumb thumnail I can do a pretty good

Thumbnail serpents actually I can make a really really good thumbnail if you have me if you get your two friends Pro you uh twitch or profile picks together send them to me with yours along with yours I can make a really dope thumbnail with that you don’t even have to tell me what

To do I can do it all all my all by myself I got so many good videos off of my live stream one of them done stream still give me tell them to sending me like a their profile pick or something uh have to have have Po from

Kung Fu pan oil up on the thumbnail D I’m still asking why my inventory was reset why was your invent I don’t know why your inventory was reset what do you mean what do you mean by your inventory is reset though oh icy left he had to

Leave yeah serpent you can you could probably make a short out of one of out of your a short or two oh serin I I watched your two dead by daylight shorts on your Channel no no rude I don’t mean to be rude I’m this is not coming off rude but if it

Does I apologize but hearing you say what’s up guys it’s serpens and having that weird like music in the back a I’ve ah they were garbage they just it was so weird I’ve never heard you ever talk like that bro like you you sounded like a Minecraft Youtuber what’s up guys Serpent’s here

We’re going to try to survive each killer here we go and then it shows the first six matches you just get destroyed in all six it’s like damn bro damn like the one win you get you got handed to hey everyone sleep you lost 13 diamonds because of it the [ __ ] I I’m

Dude I genuinely don’t know I’ll help you get those back average brain rot you YT short have you ever eaten a dog or a cat no now my videos are cringe I still don’t know how to edit they were they they really I watched the first one I’m like God damn

It and then the second one with the Yoshi uh the Yoshi uh GIF I’m like thank you everyone for coming by where I have a back scratcher somewhere where’s it at oh here she is uh can you invite me hey Astro I was waiting for you to join bro I need you

To finish the XP farm yeah I got you broy how you doing drop a like weepy 20 likes we’re at 20 likes no [ __ ] way I don’t believe you 20 likes my ass 19 likes Jesus what the [ __ ] since when also no one’s sleeping [ __ ] want to try to the edit the vid

With me or some to help give tips um I’m not really good with editing um serpents I know someone who can definitely help edit only thing is is that he charges people so get I I’ll I’ll I’ll hold that one for a day you know I’ll think about

It I’m a big fan of Minecraft and I like watching people play that’s awesome Gabriel Scurry welcome to the stream how you doing doing no thank you I’ll give you a tip serpent I don’t know about the helpful part but I’ll give you one I mean serpents is it a short or is

It a video an actual video Gabriel Scurry how you doing today drop a like if you’re new subscribe good to see you thank you for joining hope you’re having a good day so far good sir aade can you invite both accounts yeah when’s your birthday August 25th what’s your Microsoft account

Astral what’s your Microsoft account name again I mean serpents schnaz could definitely make one for you schnaz won’t charge you any money he can definitely make you a video now oh Dr IND guy okay that is you okay now like I it’s not it’s going to take a little

Bit I have I am having a good time that’s good I’m lying no one calls me that they don’t call me big dick daddy for no reason who gave him any zombie and Enchanted iron sword no one did probably just has it kill that [ __ ] what what are you doing don’t encourage that

Behavior can you do it again real quick yeah I’m not asking for a whole edit by themselves I’m just at talking about some help I mean what do you mean by help like have me like walk you through it or like you charging fo now foot doesn’t charge his that’s it’s pretty

Good I’ve never seen him edit a video but I’ve seen him edit shorts my latest short is edit F have you seen the my short bro do it’s growing it’s it’s growing come to the campfire okay I’m coming to the campfire fart foot’s in my house I don’t trust

That well how you how you how do you get there how did you get there wait a minute what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] dude all right what what are we doing this is nice get the [ __ ] down I’ve seen it okay sir then when I improve I ask again and

Repeat like I’ll give you an idea you tell me if it’s good or I I can definitely help you with that yeah editing you know I have fil MOA but I’m not like great with it and a lot of [ __ ] on film more you have you have to buy I’m like [ __ ] if

Fil if per in fur gave you everything bro I would edit the video no cost but all I asked is you let me do my thing let me do any let me do whatever you saw the message I sent you after you sent me your short weepy I did

See it I did see it please invite me again sorry for the inconvenience you’re fine don’t hit me [ __ ] think you’re better than me I’ll [ __ ] you up every time a part of the soundboard is played I put up memes for a split second yeah that’s not bad that’s not a bad

Idea I would definitely you know for foot he’s pretty good with that I would definitely like have him maybe help with that repeat what you said I missed it I got a survival world too and I’ve got some diamonds nice what what oh okay now we’re on my house we’re all

On my house now every single person’s on the house now what’s your race you’re asking a lot of questions I’m I’m white I’m a bird godamn it Dude for it’s raining again what the you absolute [ __ ] ah he hit the ground he dead foot or weepy I can cut it down for you to the main part that will be edited I and and I you can see what what would be good there if you

Want I’m I’m a man of the universe in the world Connor you are right there but status right now living with my dad unemployeed jerking off everyday planned future homeless $1 in my bank still spanking my [ __ ] dude have that be your [ __ ] Tinder bio bro 100% bro youting laid Hello great I’m going to have that in my house Now you want me to send that to you weepy not or not you can send it to me if you want let’s send it to foot as well we haven’t shared my stream out weepy I for Gore my crops oh oh oh what the what is this you’re

Potatoes and stuff are looking pretty good your wheat’s looking pretty good Ley somehow I have your map please give me my map ow admin Discord because I want to be involved holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of words in that link thanks we no problem I’ll make a

Group chat with y’all if that’s cool sure I love pinching my cat with the nail clipper why do the farm get rid of carrots huh say that again please I’m so confused is your is your emblem uh the avocado dude yeah it is welcome to the stream I love pinching my

Cat with the nail clipper the carrots are gone I I didn’t put I didn’t take the carrots was there ever carrots don’t [ __ ] know drop a like if you’re new subscribe we don’t [ __ ] with vegetables only fruits bro puts a wheelchair no oh no all right we I need to do a

Thing I’ll be right back okay okay bro appreciate it guys we’re back to 6,021 our goal is to hit 6,030 subscribers do you want map one yes hi what is this what did you give me you gave me furnace uh Dr JC hello Dr JC why do I

Remember you you your name is familiar you can keep it oh wait wait I’ll take it back H if you want it you can have it what be good sir do you have any sandby chance you’ve been here before all right how you been JC welcome back thank you for coming by sand

Sand I do have sand actually yes come to my house good sire weepy are my weepy are my chats John Cen no no invite me back okay call your titties he said are my chats John Cena I’m still here watching thank you for still watching Gabriel

We still have yet to share the stream out what am I doing guys if you want a Discord link to our Discord I will put that in the chat one moment I got my stuff back hey there you go I don’t need to do [ __ ] for you anymore Yeah makes my job even easier let me tell you or hey come in the [ __ ] house what the hell are you doing okay hello sand enjoy just having a m pit outside [ __ ] get off the roof get off it the snowmen are hella confused get off the roof thank you I love you

Bye are you going to make a fortune no I don’t make anything if I was going to make a fortune uh I don’t know where I Do welcome back Conor quit fighting no he killed me for no reason you can kill him back and then you guys are even oh you took wool’s house down oh God hopefully he doesn’t notice you’re making a can H sugar cane XP farm all right if you need help or any materials

Please let me know yeah sweepy it’s it provides XP [ __ ] yeah yeah okay okay why is this here I got another Discord notification uh no are you going to make a fortune uh diamonds um probably not I still don’t understand what you’re talking kill the end bro if you need

Help I will send I will help but let’s share the stream out even more to more facilities more places some guy named penguin is spamming in general chat are you [ __ ] kidding me where oh spam you can do that and spam so apparently penguin is uh that’s Max I did not know

That we’re good you are good let’s see where this XP farm is going to be At it’s going to be over there oh he’s he’s putting it over okay we’ll go over in a little bit to check on it see if it’s okay let’s share this stream to Instagram now shall we yes yes Instagram yes uh I’ve have been working on that working on what a fortune diamond

Pick cool what does that do all right done sharing for now oh Enderman let’s go check the XP farm but first let’s uh commit Mass genocide done interesting oh fascinating I don’t need that moo he says moo everyone everyone’s thoughts on that 22 likes in chat that’s what we like to see

22 likes in the chat that’s what it shall be let’s see if we can double the amount of likes how was I doing I was doing something damn I got more leather than meat I do get get more food more fish and stuff the [ __ ] I’m Bling No my axe no what the

[ __ ] you need some iron how much iron are we talking can I hug my house goodbye no How much iron do you need astral oh skeletons Bing get [ __ ] oh my gosh a wolf SL foot control your dogs you’re good what am I doing I’m doing things we’ll make this into bone marrow 57 going with that the whole van was 10 gigs

Damn I don’t know if that’s a lot or yeah 10 gigs is a lot actually Max no matter if you are showing me or not I cannot allow you to come back knowing that you now know what you now have this ability to literally hack into

A game I cannot just have you come back so don’t think about trust if you if I I trusted you and you went ahead and decided to do something that I thought at first was just going to be a little glitch but turned out to be a real thing can’t be doing

That see I don’t know if you on or not I cannot believe you that’s another problem you’ve now gotten me on alert high alert I actually am kind of glad you did show me you know cuz if you would have never showed me you would have started using them without my

Knowledge then H [ __ ] would have hit the fan um I will screen share you broke trust bro you deleted them and then you can just redownload them bro you know how easy see that is I ain’t saying you know everyone I you know but all I’m saying is you did it you

Ruined your trust you know you could redownload it any time 90% of the people in here I know will not do that there is one person I’m a bit suspicious about but unless he does something I can’t just remove them um we can make let’s make a hay bale just make two actually

How the [ __ ] did this where the [ __ ] are creepers coming From this is a bad idea yeah I just realized it’s bad idea God that was a bad Idea I you’ve Escaped where the [ __ ] did it go unfortunately I had to murder you I only use full bright I don’t know what that bro you lost your shot you’re done um we’ll put Them yeah let’s actually start all right so we got one one two 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 so we kill 1 2 3 4 5 6 that’s that eight one two three 4 five six seven no one two three four five six seven

Eight three four five six seven eight oh I Mis counted okay all right there we go I need to create two more another message on my phone what the [ __ ] you you better lower your [ __ ] tone Cal your [ __ ] calm Yourself still here thank you for still being here he’s calm he’s calm he’s Cool if he would if he would have started attacking me then I we would have to uh evacuate Max I feel like you’re just giving me a Sab Story please do not message me tell me it’s all my fault when you were literally the one who started it bro I

Don’t want to hear the [ __ ] that’s all you give me all this my my car broke down and all this blah B blah [ __ ] bro Don’t who the said smile what are you doing good sir I got to go get bones what am I doing J you left bro are you done for the night dog hello I have a dog there you go There you will chill my lovely companion all connection invite again yeah I got you got to put the bones away you know oh no I hit the wrong thing give me that back you’re welcome hang feed the dog what I’m about the starve oh yeah I forgot all this

Food I don’t see your name anymore bro give it a sec the [ __ ] ultimate bro your arm is in the furnace bro can I help you greetings the famous famous YouTuber I’m famous I appreciate that you seem very happy for some [ __ ] reason that’s good that you seem very happy

Welcome to the stream Ethan drop a like how you doing Max is still messaging me on Discord and [ __ ] he’s he’s trying to Pro make a s story for himself he hacked and showed me you know and just can’t happen why are you guys in my face I don’t

Know we got to make torches I’ve got all these uh all these pieces of coal we’re going to grab some wood everyone can can are people able to sleep far fooot left the game gotta go good night all right have a going on buddy right now I’m doing I’m doing good

Just ate some chicken I’m watching Scooby-Doo which Scooby-Doo are you watching all right oh food’s done hey we got XP for that look at that weang we’ll hang on to this food for the remainder of the stream hopefully oh wow the first liveaction film the good one I think they’re both good they’re

Both good they both got their own distinct features go to sleep is everyone going to be asleep slime go lay in your bed bro smile go lay in your bed bro this is really creepy are you going to go to sleep he’s just not he’s not he’s he’s in the Stream right

Now he’s just not in like you know he’s just not he can’t join today schn welcome dude look in your general what the [ __ ] happened in my general oh yes uh Max um he joined my world at well he was already in the world but he showed me that he he was

Hacking he showed me that he had a hack downloaded and he turned it on started hitting hitting blocks and breaking blocks with one hit Etc and a bunch of people in the Stream including me got a little upset about that so uh ban them yeah I wouldn’t let him join your

Streams and stuff no more yeah I’m Banning his ass yeah and then he’s he’s sent me like 20 messages saying that he’s donated money that he’s his car broke down and all this stupid [ __ ] he’s making a Sab story he’s trying to make me feel bad but in all

Reality it’s not going to make me feel bad that’s going to make that’s going to make you feel desperate and guilty you know but welcome Chaz be sure to drop a like Ryan you want to hop on for a bit you’re back on the game whhe I got you I got you

But hey there is I’m G to go guys have a wonderful night all right have a good night Mr smile appreciate you coming by unlimited Dynamite can we join who do you mean what do you mean we I hearby ban the [ __ ] ass who’s Michael Jackson uh unlimited Dynamite this is the

Private SMP my good sir um since I don’t really know who you are I can’t really I don’t want to invite you but if you drop a like subscribe and earn my trust and so on and so forth become an active viewer uh anactive viewer we will get you in here in the

Future but if you don’t want to have that if you don’t want to wait that’s fine I thank you for coming by but that is the way to join my good sir how you doing tonight yeah uh Ryan look in look in my spam chat in my Discord look at my

Spam uh you’re already in there never mind never mind I just read it you were already in there and penguin was the one dude playing Among Us with us yesterday dude said he had a car dude dude sounds like he’s not even 12 [ __ ] his car broke down what car

Do you own your toy car you know fun fact I own four Islands wait a minute I subscribed liked and turn on no hey appreciate you buddy he ult oh he went to bed I was going to say ultimate someone destroyed the flowers you put up on one

Side also who put the Bell there is that the Bell from astral’s house dear God not astral aonic aonic is house sorry both names apologies we have enough leather to do whatever we want bro can I give you an island sure go for it yeah I guess Shan is gone I guess he

Came by to just wonder what the hell’s going on BR went and started messaging my cousin let’s go check out on the uh XP farm why not all right so sorry still here just uh typing [ __ ] where are you typing [ __ ] at are you typing [ __ ] in spam nope yeah astral’s

Gone we’re going have to take this down bro asked for me dir I gave him an iron shovel and he did all this then showed me his hack him hacking and well the good news is I can use all this dirt for something to refill those potholes creepers that

Made bad news is it’s going to take me [ __ ] [Applause] forever still watching thank you for still watching Gabriel appreciate it Astro are you still here bro watching stream did he say he had to leave I feel like he did I just I missed it I probably did miss

It no he just said he’s finishing the XP form I he’s still here what am I talking about he’s still in he’s still in the game I’m dumb you subscribe Gabriel [ __ ] Legend thank you for subscribing my dude all this dirt this will definitely fill up all the potholes we

Got they patched the X XP glitch what oh no it’s [ __ ] raining again [Applause] he said I wasted three episodes on this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] how tall does this H this tree go small little lag Spike I’m going to skin Mojang for this thank you everyone for coming by

We’re at 25 likes thank you guys once again let’s go start filling up those potholes I’m subscribed and liked to you thank you thank you I haven’t seen fifers in quite some time actually I don’t think I’ve seen her in one of my streams since that stream she joined and made the house

With it raining it should the grass should grow back pretty fast oh damn we already one Dirt Pile full gone asle do you you know any other XP Farms that definitely work that definitely did not get patched by any chance I feel bad you worked hard you work really hard on that

Oh look at hor look at Jorge’s house look at that I think it’s time City Hall time for what I see the second attempt guys I gotta get some sleep but then but that dude is now fully G hey wait did you ban him from on did you ban him on

Discord is that where you typing you texting the people and stuff [Applause] all right man thank you for coming by bro appreciate it have a great [Applause] night Ethan you want to hop on bro haven’t you haven’t you’ve only been the world once you haven’t joined since that

Uh that one day where we had that uh horrific incident that we thought was hacking turned to be just [ __ ] [ __ ] you [Applause] know damn I’ve really gone through two full piles of dirt there ins I can’t live without you oh we filled up majority of the holes and stuff what is

This is this your chest we filled up pretty much every hole in that that need to be filled someone can build their house right here in the middle oh I forgot about this one let’s go they got I walked this direction you know oh we got another

One amount of holes on this map just tells you the [ __ ] we’ve done we’ve dealt with with creepers it should no grow back I’m down to my final block here do you live in the neighborhood in the neighborhood I do that house over there is mine right

There the one that my uh and uh my cursor over I forgot a creeper blew up his house this was a nice house too it was a small house but it was a nice house I got this messages guys once again thank you for joining stream be sure to drop a like if

You’re new subscribe 25 likes on little board there we go snow in real life they live in the neighborhood yeah I live in a neighborhood in real life yes hi my first episode was an incident well we I think it’s high nice we’ve had a high so far today of 16 people

Watching pretty nice pretty nice that’s backto back streams we’ve had 16 plus viewers yesterday’s stream we got the 20 plus three so far 16 I’m thinking about that Among Us stream it was a good stream have you seen have you checked on it lately bro the views have gone up we

Ended yesterday it was just under 300 it’s just under 400 it’s almost at 400 bro and how I could have banged a bad bro how do you bro when I looked on the Instagram bro the the profile pick was a [ __ ] kid bro and unless you followed them and

Started talking with them and like that’s just like a a baby picture of them I don’t I don’t know broy what what what I don’t know where you’re where you where are you taking me what about it what about this it’s just a joke bud and not going

To lie I did check for the profile and nothing came up for me I did and I found it they’re that’s a private what about this no I I’m not GNA no this is sz’s SZ made this he thought he was going to live in it but then he

Stopped scissors had like five [ __ ] builds so far can you play Minecraft Legends I don’t have the game yeah I’m must I have to start placing torches around I’ve noticed more creepers and stuff have lately been coming in again so emis hasn’t been on quite some time he doesn’t really join streams

Anymore it’s kind of unfortunate he does his own thing he’s another viewer that’s going off and done their own thing and left me in the dust it won’t be he’s not going to be the last one unfortunately he well I meant to say he ain’t the first one and he definitely

Won’t be the last one as much as I hope he is he is the last oh it’s an arctic fox look at that dope as [ __ ] the jhead crib is done I’ll come check on it in just a moment give me a sec give me a sec sec

Oh H you guys do your thing I’m going to just run oh he hit me with a thing and it slows me down M Legend sometime and do it in a live stream I don’t have the game bro let’s see this crib oh [ __ ] are you going to give me a tour

Give me an MV MP MTV Cribs bro MTV Cribs it’s kind of small but I mean as long as you like it it has everything bro do you know what the amazing digital what no I have no idea what you’re talking about or hey what are you doing at my

House I’m at I’m at your house bro are you going to are you going to show me do you want me to walk in and just present myself I’m very confused all right I guess we’ll Place some more torches get [ __ ] nothing I opened the door and the pink

Sheep got out so I’m just standing here with we keeping it here you think I could join I asked if you wanted to join bro let me know when you’re on I’ll invite you I’m coming I have to get a leash why did you go in Serpent’s

House do you know what the amazing digital circus no that is a prize possession yes you’re on right now give me a sec I’ll invite you that’s Serpent’s priz that’s actually I I actually gave that to him his first one got got killed uh so that’s the second

One you got him back in all right what did you give me you I gave you the pink sheep uh Jorge went in your house I don’t know he went in your house he the pink sheep got out but he was able to get it back in all

Good all good all good let’s get Ethan in here n Ethan Ethan will be on this crossplatform Ethan what is your name on crossplay vid is almost good by the way cool oh Pablo you named him Pablo J I’m going just make two out of it okay sounds easy

Enough Ean you must have Lear on Weepies on weepy Ville not going to lie oh it stopped raining again that’s the third time it’s done that for oh he’s back in this house though oh I believe Ethan’s name on Microsoft is Ethan something but for some reason I’m not seeing

It Ean you you have your thing turned on the made in public made to public yeah all right you’re not cool d uh no no no no x xsx Xbox series X what am I doing yeah Xbox series X um no no no no no no definitely no and

No Ethan what’s your name here maybe I add you read add you may I come in okay nice place oh oh o Shan oh he’s got upstairs he’s got fine living up this is actually a quite neat little bedroom right here I like this I like this like this lot like this a

Lot what’s his name what’s his name what’s what’s his name Jeffrey awesome cool him he’s mine I’m not playing that Stu dope as [ __ ] dope as [ __ ] dope as [ __ ] this is his Ean Co bro 18 let me add you real quick I have you as a friend I don’t know what the

[ __ ] oh there you are don’t know why I didn’t pop up at first there you are hoay love the house love it it’s small but it fits it fits some small things are very interesting you know like my small penis a lot of women might judge let me

Tell you once you had it you’ll never go back yo is this John for Bedrock just Bedrock it’s just Bedrock it see just bedrock so wait what is this oh it’s a little border I see can I make a pathway to the main area make yeah yeah here um Jorge

Jorge come here come here you can add you can build off this add your pathway to this this is the this goes to the main pathway so start adding your pathway go to your house you know yeah how you doing today zepper drop a like if you’re new subscribe thank you

For joining how you doing today this this is a private s SMP bro so unfortunately uh if you do want to join you have to drop a like subscribe and earn my trust there good sir I’m having a lot more risky trust issues I had someone I trusted in my

Server start hacking today so I’m quite upset about that not saying you would do that but I’m also not saying you wouldn’t because I have no clue who you are which is why I have the trust system gotcha bro rodri just said my just biggest dick thing you’ve ever done you

Know you’ve done something wrong when rodri the one who’s done so much [ __ ] in my in my server it’s like you [ __ ] up dude’s name dude’s name is in white because of all the [ __ ] he’s done we’ll definitely add a house right here definely put a house right here maybe

We can definitely have a house right here too like we got all this space I may not be able to play because I’m not getting the invite the um that’s not what I clicked or maybe if I add invite try inviting other people maybe maybe it’ll work who knows

Actually that happened to me too once I mean we might have to try the unfriending read addding method method it does work but it sucks the FED Romanian I remember that name just don’t remember who it is exactly all right hope if that invite doesn’t work we’ll try the one method I

Know and if somehow that method doesn’t work then [ __ ] me dude no actually don’t [ __ ] me I’m good but yeah hey we’re at 6,023 thank you guys damn the Channel’s got 1,400 views the last two days that’s good it’s the first time we’ve gotten over we’ve been we’ve averaged over a th

Views and and two days in quite some time well I mean we had that one short just a few days ago get a thousand but we’re been doing good it brings a tear to my eye actually it just it tells me you know like this Channel at one point this year

We were doing averaging 50 to 100,000 views every two days at one point the channel was doing so good that I literally thought my YouTube career was going to take off completely that is what happened damn gamer time welcome to the stream gamer time how you doing

Today welcome drop a like if you’re new subscribe how you doing today good sir or Madam don’t know Lamar Jackson ball t fall cor day as what you are you building a house what you building here you were sir all right my bad just making sure how you doing today thank you for

Joining we are four likes away from 30 do you know what a do I know what a what oh apple and wheat hi we on did you get your the horse from hello I do know what a husky is you gu I do know what a husky is do I got an arrow

Bow oh what a shot oh oh what nice shot I’m a damn do you all plan on hitting it bro we’ve hit it like three times world [ __ ] off he’s like do y all plan on hitting it [ __ ] yeah suck my dick where did you go mining ah yeah I actually

Was I completely forgot about that thank you for reminding me well we might hold off I’m kind of enjoying the nice little peaceful stuff you know relaxing doing small little builds and stuff give it a sec let it load how long we’ve been live for 2 hours 26 minutes nice Epic

Uh we’ll go another hour we’ll go another hour so one more hour you might want to tie your horse off somewhere buy here do you think you could get me some Spruce saplings I’m running out um Spruce Spruce Spruce Spruce yeah I got you I actually might have some in my

House that’s Oak Spruce is this right yeah scared the [ __ ] out of me [ __ ] be going the thought while we’re over here might as well stop at the local mob spawner see what we got another bone more bones there’s more I think eight will be fine

I’ll give him to you next next stream next time you join I’ll give him to you those got your name on it have you seen the armadillo get uh get a Minecraft I did see the armadillo one the Minecraft um thing damn that was a long time ago

Um be right back ladies and gents I’m going to go use the use the bathroom and grab a drink while I’m going drop a like if you new subscribe let’s get this stream to 30 likes we’re four away let’s do it for for for for for for e I have come back

Um have I missed anything I don’t believe I have all right no no all right interesting interesting all right well what else is there for us to do dogs e there you go I’m going to let you finish your I’m not ending I’m not ending first vid is done with clips

About to start working on the second one with the second buard stuff Gotcha that’s all right Connor say as long as you want but thank you for joining us though are you going to go mining in a cave ah I want to but at the same time I don’t want to does that make sense should I or should I not

Damn we’re almost at 500 comments let’s [ __ ] go with that [ __ ] I haven’t fed the sheep in a while you guys Breed all right there you guys go you go mining um you know what sure we’ll go mining for a bit why not oh let me go on Discord real quick and let people know we’re still live two plus hours strong you know you know all right let’s

Go do we have a we do have a diamond pickaxe um let’s go make another one with the diamonds we do have we used to and we’ll enchant it to make it stronger all right I think I’m going to head off for theight all right Jorge thank you for joining my

Dude you have yourself a great night guys if you have not yet be sure to share the stream out share the stream as as far as you guys can let’s get some more people up in here let’s see if we can try to brace for the 20 viewer Mark that’d be

Awesome wait a minute was this the cave I went in last time ah oh yeah we got to go enchant it what the [ __ ] I’m going mining I forgot to do what I was going to do enchant it we don’t have lapis I got to go back to my house and grab lapis

Great it’s about to be night time too so let’s quickly sleep all right have a have a good night sir friend appreciate you bud ASO do you have a place to sleep if so please do sleep I’m starting to get a little tired ladies and gents not going to

Lie but we will continue hey 6024 let’s go well I think we can go till two I think we can go till two there we go thank you [ __ ] I tried singing a song with high pitch voice I realized I cannot go high pitched my voice doesn’t go that high

Dudes who this stuff is this no idea I wonder if Genesis will build a better house or bigger house still watching thank you for still watching Gabriel we’ll make this Enchanted and then we’ll save the other one until we get higher level we were at uh we were at 22 level

Uh last stream before we and when we ended up dying the beginning of the stream it was quite funny we’re going to go in Serpent’s mines it’s a lot more professionally built you know just oh I did not mean to do that cool lava still here too hey thank you

For still being here Conor appreciate it and I think we start oh wait torches we need torches [ __ ] ah oh damn and while we run at food Alex 6113 happy hi bro hello welcome to the stream Alex how you doing today drop a like if you’re new subscribe how you doing

Today I have torches already with me perfect exit out of the game when you’re done streaming and then go to settings then put keep inventorial on that huh there’s a Discord link if you guys want to join Discord if you have not where are you from the United States right here let’s do

It looking for diamonds iron and if gold if we find gold we’ll get it gold but if not then uh I’m not too impressed oh here we go oh turn the setting keep I’m good I don’t got to turn the nope we have gone over or under any diamonds

The dumbest gamer ever you letting people join um no unfortunately no uh it’s a private SMP my good sir you got 28 likes we’re at 28 likes we’re two away from 30 hey thank you guys uh however uh dumbest gamer ever if you drop a like on stream subscribe to the channel

And you become a frequently active viewer and you earn my trust in the future you will get a spot I’ve had H I’ve had dozens of people join that I’ve met this year so I do let people join but the problem is most people don’t come back to our second or third

Stream so if you do want to join and you are committed to join you got to drop a like subscribe and earn my trust join Discord if you want you don’t have to though and whatever it’s completely up to you though how you doing today by the way all right so far

Haven’t found anything yet which is my luck you know I hear water I hear zombies that’s creepy as [ __ ] no we’ll leave it yeah actually no we just got to do that oh oh oh y’all see that [ __ ] the [ __ ] Warden I’m right underneath them well

Damn I have two I found a few I’ve never found I’ve never been underneath one before this is a new experience for me oh holy [ __ ] all right well taking my torch back and that one too well we will uh we will move on we will move on ah

Gravel let’s start digging this way oh we we struck it damn marlock is not good today all right now we’re going to continue we got to find something finding an agent city um is not good enough we got to find more can you guys believe Christmas is in five days

I still can’t believe it Christmas is in five [ __ ] days it doesn’t even feel like Christmas it feels like a normal a normal week but in five days it’s the holiest jolliest day of the year shit’s crazy I’m damn sorry about that voice is uh I’m starting to lose lose my voice a

Bit uh op schnaz is not here he actually went to sleep welcome back o good to see you it’s time to take out the shovel what is this oh it’s the other hallway the other pathway are you okay yeah I’m all right slowly getting tired but I want to continue the stream

For a little bit longer so math Matt R who are you Matt r i don’t accept friend request unless I know who they are oh we had 28 likes though let me refresh my page real quick we’re at 27 I forgot my viewers you guys see 28 I see 27 just

Weird I hear lava so we’re getting close to Lava again damn the fact that we have not struck anything is mindboggling as [ __ ] yeah if serpens was down here he would find two full stacks of diamonds in just under 10 minutes I guarantee it you still in the Stream Ser prin don’t

Don’t give me that look you will that you are the type to do that you’ve literally went in caves like maybe like an hour and come out with full diamond armor bro I don’t want to hear that [ __ ] I’ll be in this cave for I’ll I’ll

Do a five hour stream of me just mining in a cave for five hours I guarantee you I come out with less than 20 diamonds total that’s just my [Applause] luck I hate this [ __ ] gravel [ __ ] too have Redstone up there just because I’m good at the game doesn’t mean I’m

Sweat also by the way I’m almost done the vid it’s pure luck M straight and hope you get lucky I’ve M straight for 30 minutes before I got zero Dam 30 minutes bro 30 minutes I’ve been mining for damn near I’ve been D how how long have I been mining for

Does anyone have a time has been an hour yet the [ __ ] I found another path damn I don’t know where I’m at oh continue going to be even better than the last gotcha oh [ __ ] hold hold on we got something I got some iron let’s go we’ll take that we got some iron

Something um I’ve had a fortune 3 pick every fre time compared to your zero Fortune so du I have more if I have some laying around shk Hunter any chance you can help with the thumbnail tonight if not all good do I have to do it tonight are you planning

On uploading the video tonight I don’t think it’s a good idea upload times at late at night or not good uh I was going to tell you do you mind if I do thumbnails tomorrow when I wake up oh boy almost done what the H [ __ ] let’s go um [ __ ] this and um

Yeah I’m just going to be up for a few more hours editing the second so I don’t want didn’t want to upload two vids at once no don’t upload the don’t upload the vids right now do not upload the vids right now wait until tomorrow I’d honestly say upload one vid

Tomorrow and then upload the second video then next day don’t upload one don’t upload videos simultaneously that’s not good they won’t do much I know and like I know your channel doesn’t have too many Subs but videos can genuinely grow you and they have the right title right

Thumbnail right hashtag make sure you put hashtags and your next two videos make sure you put hashtags hashtag dark and darker fun moments hashtag do some I can send you a few hashtags to use hashtags go long way good thumbnails go a long way good titles go a long

Way and the video is between 10 the between I’d say 15 20 minutes that’s a decent video time and that will definitely get people to watch cuz people aren’t into watching very long videos unless the YouTuber is very big YouTuber nope [ __ ] I looked for it last time and I

Couldn’t find where to put them it’s 18 minutes 18 minutes is good 18 minutes is good well all you all you got to do is you put them in the description you put okay see I I’ll tomorrow we’ll talk we’ll text and I’ll I’ll I’ll tell you how to do

Stuff how long we’ve been life for 3 hours and 8 minutes I thought it had its own area or I thought it all would all anyways I mean it does it does have its own area you know wait wait are you talking about hashtags or something else hold

On yeah I’ll stop M [ __ ] it I’ll explain more tomorrow but like you put those in the description yeah you put them in the description yeah in the description I would say hold on back when you want to when you do your sub your um description you’re going to always want to put

Um you’re you I’ll we’ll talk I’mma Be up on around 2 or 3 tomorrow to edit 2 or 3 p.m. or am T p.m p.m he says all right well I’ll be awake by then I’ll let you know when I’m awake and we’ll talk holy [ __ ] route let’s go see Mr astral’s new

House well after about 40 plus minutes of mining two pieces of iron two diamonds nice tonight’s stream was pretty good I enjoyed it we got more subscribers more viewers not the biggest in views and everything you know but maybe we’ll grow maybe the stream will continue to

Grow next like day or two oh he put a chimney that’s dope holy [ __ ] [ __ ] big ass garage shut the [ __ ] up damn I’m sweating my dick in balls off let me turn my fan to face with me for a bit eight more minutes yeah we can do eight more minutes some land

Eight more minutes we can chitchat the viewers nope actually maybe hold on nope I didn’t even jump okay we uh I’ll be sure to destroy this destroy the evidence all right uh tranquil tranquil welcome to the stream tranquil how you doing today welcome for the remainder of the stream

We’re just going to chitchat with audience as we wait and watch Astro finish up his house how you doing say tranquol drop a like if you’re new to the Channel please do hit that subscribe button we’re trying to get to 6,100 subscribers in the next two weeks

Before the end of the year so yeah how you doing today hope you’re having a good day what is that profile pick that of yours oh don’t tell me don’t tell me I would like to figure this out on my own by going into YouTube on my phone and clicking on it

What the [ __ ] from my point of view it looked like a rat it looked like a pink rat but I found out it’s an anime character hey does anyone have a Pokemon game Pokemon games by chance no I’ve never really played much Pokemon games the only Pokemon game I’ve ever really

Played was uh Pokemon uh it was a Pokemon game on the GameCube can we join you uh who’s by who’s we and uh tranquil unfortunately no this a private SMP but if you do want to join in the future you got to drop a like on stream subscribe to the

Channel uh I got to earn your trust pretty much so you earn my trust and all that stuff you become an active viewer dah we have a lot of trust problems just today we actually just banned someone from my from the game today for using illegal

Hacks they showed they wanted me to see something I thought it was was a joke I thought they were going to show me a glitch in the game they end up hacking and got banned on the spot very unfortunate on PlayStation on Playstation yes I’m on Bedrock PS4 yes PS4 PS5 I have

Both Yu-Gi-Oh is better honestly I find Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon both kind of dumb I I could appreciate Pokemon because you know all the Pokemon and [ __ ] like let’s be real here wett best Pokemon ever hands down uh my brother grew up playing Yu-Gi-Oh with his friends

Um yeah growing up I know grown up me my cousin and a few of my friends uh me and my cousin we grew up playing cars Star Wars Transformers that’s what we grew up up play them while me and my friends from school and stuff we would we would we watched WWE wrestling

Um uh I didn’t grow up watching football until I was about nine when I was 9 years old I started watching it um I started playing it when I was 9 years old as well raau is the best Pokemon I have no idea who that is all right [ __ ]

It woba Fett is hands down best Pokemon you cannot tell me otherwise I’m going to look in the Discord server just to trade the involved form of Pikachu yeah I would have never guessed that does Wubba Fett have an invol uh does Wubba Fett have an involved version

Of itself of himself or itself I don’t know do Pokemon have pronouns we are two lucks away from 30 ladies and gents thank you guys 6,025 subscribers look at that [ __ ] Legends thank you guys wait wobba Fett isn’t is an involved involved form what what was wobble Fett before wait a

Minute so you telling me my favorite Pokemon has already been invol involved evolved wobba fit is on the Pokemon show lot well he’s one of the main Pokemon he’s on he’s with Team Rocket I believe onion Turtle That’s the cat with the long ass arms yo uh Australian dude we’re about to end

Soon are you sure you want an invite we’re going to end in like 5 10 minutes damn this the first time I’ve seen one of my streams in weeks how are you doing today drop a like and share long time no see BU you want to sit here in chitchat with

Us we’re talking about random [ __ ] right now how have you been my good sir all right can you still invite oh so you actually want to join do you want to join or chitchat with us what do you want to do or both but honestly joining I don’t

Know if what you’re G to do in five 10 minutes dude almost on his house hello all right there’s the invite the wandering traveler is going invisible he’s right there hey good night Gabriel have a good one bro appreciate you coming by we are one like off of 30 who’s going

To be that 30th like ladies and gentlemen who is it going to be who will it be who will it be schnaz is DVD stream earlier did pretty well that’s nice good night or have a good one have a good night tranquil thank you Shan has had backtack 100 plus viewed streams

There you go damn his shorts haven’t really been doing all that good either he had those two he had the backtack DVD streams that did well and the Minecraft short that did well the fun fact you know of course the fun facts are going to do well that’s my

Specialty and then since then he’s had only one short get over two shorts get over 500 wait he was live yeah schnaz he was live earlier he 10 hours ago he went live before he went to work I I can’t join so I’ll chitchat [ __ ] yeah can you buy Minecraft Legend

Sometime uh not right now dude I am I don’t have a job I got to keep all the money I have right now I get paid tomorrow my final check for my job so I got to I got to keep all the money I can right now all the money I’m

Using the next week is either going towards gas um Christmas presents or myself which will be if I if I need to I will get myself some food which I did today I ordered me some food today how’s everyone doing tonight that who is still here thank you guys once again for

Still being here love to see it love to see you guys join we like to have fun here and fun we do have Ethan with a ah and then a oo in my opinion Meowth is the best Pokemon because he’s a smartass damn I’m done with the house oh you’re

Done do you want to do an MTV Cribs I’m guessing that’s what you wanted me to do ow all right all right what’s what we got here what’s this what’s this what the [ __ ] is this what is this what’s this this is a horse pen okay next next next

Next what’s this what’s that what’s what’s this what is it the same the same thing same thing okay okay uh what’s this what we growing here is this weed you growing drugs yes okay uh I want some I want some when they’re done that’s okay all right take me into your

House please yes yes I need them okay very spacious you need some windows bed smoking the Z as a housewarming gift I give you these housewarming gift what did you give me I didn’t receive any what you what did you give me you gave me a d oh you did give me a

D okay I have three diamonds now thank you thank you good sir thank you all right I’m going to go shoot my outro thank you good house we don’t talk about it oh up up stuck all right T done your your videos are done I can’t wait to see

Them sure it’s up to you if you want to give me a sneak peek it’s up to you I just got to go quickly shoot my outro and we’re ending Stream Ladi and gentlemen that’s going to do I want to hear your reaction um you don’t have to watch the whole thing okay send it to me hurry hurry please please please pretty please pretty please with a little bit of please on top it’s downloading oh God oh God I oh

Know all right I’m I’m going to lay here for a sec try not to fall asleep 40 40% 40% these nuts in your face oh the [ __ ] are you doing for all right serpents I’ve changed our our group chat name that’s me you and foot

Uh so how’s the day been weepy it’s been all right you should end stream right now weepy I’m going to I’m stolen for more stream chat be happy interact with we to keep him up no problem speaking true facts serpents what’s your thoughts on the group chat name I thought it was pretty

Cool I’m so [ __ ] tired all of a I I thought opening a bottle of Cherry Pepsi was going to do something e hey I’m falling asleep it’s a fat nut to be honest pun intended thank you thank you maybe maybe for the 6K live if we hit

100 likes I will change my profile pick to that to the the giant to the The Smiling nut that I made the group chat slowo into we’ll do that we’ll definitely try for that bro bro it I can’t send it what [ __ ] mother bro really if I donate $100 for Christmas

Will you stream Roblox $100 for Christmas I’ll stream Roblox not Christmas but another day sure if you donate $100 I will stream honestly I don’t think you should donate cuz YouTube takes away I would if you donate a 100 I would probably get between 65 to $68 and that’s being generous Noob brawl

Star RB welcome to the stream Noob star brawl Stars RB how you doing today how are you doing this following uh this following night good sir is that DNA strands yes you have to wait have to see it with everyone else tomorrow that’s fine

Oh we got a we got a a legend in the chat look at this this guy’s got 149,000 subscribers Noob you’re some somewhat of a well-known YouTuber I see I like the uh the channel Banner the banner looks [ __ ] awesome how are you doing today Noob brawl

Stars what do I owe the honor to bye we be nice being on stream have a good one Astro thank you for joining me what do I owe the pleasure honor to anytime for the weep dog all right ladies and gentlemen that’s going to do it for tonight’s

Stream thank you guys so much for watching um tomorrow we should be doing some Black Ops 3 so if you have Black Ops 3 please do join we’d love to have you as many as y’all as we can get uh do some gun game and a few other stuff you

Know any other questions comments or concerns before we end tonight before I go any questions comment comments or concerns before I go read my previous comment if I donate $100 will you stream Roblox yes I honestly you know I if it was up to if I were you I wouldn’t donate a 100

Bucks cuz you like I said no the one after that I didn’t I don’t see the one after that hold on if I change it to live messages will appear oh next time you see Ryan IR I’ll punch him in the face and say it’s from

Me I will not punch him however maybe I I’ll grab his tit I’ll grab his titty and twist it I will record myself walking up to this man grab his tit and squeeze it and twist it for you how about that does that sound pretty

Good I will say it’s from you ladies and gentlemen I’m done I’m out love you guys good night see you guys next stream [ __ ] let’s go

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE | Ep: 20 Finishing the XP Farm’, was uploaded by Weepyguitar 90 on 2023-12-20 07:19:48. It has garnered 210 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:26 or 13166 seconds.

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  • ViiPerMC

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  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with Nerd.nu PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡Code.org te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft Code.org te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWj6lQ9K1YZZjopgya3JoQ/join Tips/donations: https://streamlabs.com/richjturn2/tip Merch store: streamlabs.com/richjturn2/merch For more content check out my… Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@richjturn/featured I find channel: https://trovo.live/s/Richjturn/549814015949 Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/richjturn Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@richjturn For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: https://twitter.com/richjturn My Discord Server: discord.gg/Bsxvt6SnAW Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yosoytreme Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yosoytreme TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yosoytreme Twitter: https://twitter.com/yosoytreme ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK: https://discord.gg/2ehHGD5wC7… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup – Custom Keyboard & Mouse!

    Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup - Custom Keyboard & Mouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘||Custom Keyboard||Mouse||Minecraft asmr||’, was uploaded by HGbest_iq_ on 2024-04-14 11:29:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello people Thank u for watching my Video And even Fought_Gamer Did asmr with me So please Drop a sub on my channel as … Read More